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What Do Fees Pay for

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In Memoriam

A good part of the registration fees go to pay land use fees to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for use of public lands and the State of Utah for use of School Trust Lands. Our “Special Use Permit” with the BLM requires a $5.00 fee for each person/day of use. After the event is over we provide the BLM with the total number of vehicles that registered, the total number of people per vehicle, and the total number of vehicles that ran a trail each day during the event. For 2021, the club paid $48,864 to the BLM, Utah State Trust Lands, National Park Service, & other government agencies.

Another part of your fees go to postage and related mailing expenses. The cost of printing and mailing registration confi rmations and answering inquiries is part of it. We also have a “hot list” of people who have attended one of our events in recent years and those who have expressed interest for future events. We mail about 11,000 of these magazines every year. Not everyone attends every year, but many like to read and plan for another year. The magazine is designed and published by Canyonlands Advertising Inc. as a for-profi t business operation.

The Club provides editorial material and photos and Canyonlands Advertising Inc. does the hard part – soliciting advertising, planning the layouts and arranging printing & mailing. The Red Rock 4-Wheelers is intended to be a not-for-profi t corporation (but we are not technically “nonprofi t” – we pay taxes). Basically, no profi ts are distributed. Any one event may show a surplus or a defi cit. Surpluses may be used for regular club expenses and charitable donations. In 2021, $14,250 was donated to the following organizations: Grand County Sheriff ’s Department, Grand County Search & Rescue, San Juan County Search & Rescue, Humane Society, Red Devil Mountain Bike Team, (Middle & High School Kids), Grand Area Mentoring, Moab Fire Department and Moab Chamber of Commerce. The Club annually supports city and county law enforcement agencies, search and rescue and the hospital in recognition of their extra burdens during our events and the multitude of events in Moab. Additional donations are made based on recommendations of Club members and voted on by the membership.

Registration fees also help fund our MUD (Multiple Use Defense fund). To list just a few things this fund is for - legal fees to defend public use of public lands, archeological survey fees, marking and repair of trails (i.e. moving a 4 ton rock) sharetrails.org and Tread Lightly also receive donations and matching funds.

550 South Main Moab, Utah 84532 435-259-6171

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