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Trail Diffi culty Ratings

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The following ratings are for Moab area roads in dry conditions. The eff ects of snow or rain varies greatly depending upon the altitude of the roads and the type of soil the bed consists of. Driver Beware! CB Radios are a plus.


1: County dirt road maintained for high clearance 2WD and 4WD use in adverse conditions.

2: County dirt road with infrequent or light maintenance aft er rain or snow, high clearance light duty 4WD required.

3: Trail consisting of loose rocks, dirt, and sand with some slickrock surfaces, mud holes possible, no steps higher than 12”. 4WD is required, (33”) tires are a plus.







RATING 4: Trail consisting of loose rock, dirt, and sand with some slickrock surfaces. Erosion, washes, gulches and rock steps no higher than 18”. 4WD and 33” tires are required. (35” tires are a plus). Enhanced suspension travel and good ground clearance are helpful. Good driving skills a plus.

5: Trail surfaces are rutted, rocky and sandy with steps not exceeding 24”, with considerable slickrock surfaces. Water not exceeding 12” with some mud possible. Good ground clearance and driving skills. 4WD 33” tires traction adding devices (locker, limited slip) are required (35” tires are a plus). Above average driving skills are desirable. A winch would be a plus. Enhanced suspension travel and good ground clearance are also required.

6: Trails are diffi cult with considerable erosion damage, loose rocks, dirt, and slickrock. Water in excess of 12” is possible with mud conditions. Steps not exceeding 36”. 4WD, 35” plus with traction adding devices (lockers, limited slips) are required. A winch would be a plus. Enhanced suspension travel and good ground clearance are required. Excellent driving skills are recommended.

7: Trail consists of rock, sand and considerable slickrock with many steps exceeding 48”. Steep inclines and declines are prevalent. Enhanced o road equipment is required including locking devices (front & rear), 35” tall tires, maximum vehicle ground clearance, and tow hooks. A winch is desirable. Excellent driving skills are required. Vehicle mechanical or body damage is likely. Roll over possibilities exist.

8: Extreme trail similar to #7 except a bit more extreme. Same equipment required as #7, 37” tires a plus. A winch is desirable. Excellent driving skills are required. Vehicle mechanical or body damage is likely. Roll over possibilities exist.

9: Extreme and beyond. e average well equipped trail rig may have great di culty in completing this trail. Steps exceeding 60”. Steep inclines and declines with off camber sections are prevalent. Enhanced o road equipment is

required including locking devices (front & rear), 37” tall tires (40” tires a plus), maximum ground clearance, winch

and tow hooks and minimum wheelbase 100”. Excellent driving skills are required. Vehicle mechanical or body damage is likely. Roll over is very common. Spare parts and tools are recommended.

10 TRAILRATING 10: Let the carnage begin! Buggy territory. Street driven 4X4’s should not attempt this trail. Modi ed factory vehicles will not be able to complete this trail.

NOTE: Th e Red Rock 4 Wheelers Club attempts to keep the trail ratings current. However weather and usage constantly alters the routes. Heavy but localized rains can change Kane Creek from a moderate trail to impassable in an aft ernoon. It is always wise to obtain the most up-to-date information prior to departing for a trip, and be prepared. Remember, turning back is usually an option as well.

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