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Golden Spike Trail
Dan & Debbie Mick, Leaders Big Saturday, 4/16
This connection between the Poison Spider Mesa Trail and the Gold Bar Rim Trail was fi rst developed during the 1989 Jeep Safari. Folks seem so fond of damaging their equipment we have made it available most days anymore. Much of the route is near the rim above the Moab Valley and off ers gorgeous views in all directions. Its main claim to fame, however, is that some bypasses, where they exist, still rate a 6. Approximate mileage: 7 miles off highway (see Poison Spider Mesa Trail and Gold Bar Rim Trail to fi gure total mileage).
Scenery: Most of the trail is just atop the sloping layer of Wingate Sandstone and off ers vistas to the west and north. Of note are the Colorado River Canyon in the vicinity of Amasa Back, the fi n country of the north end of Behind the Rocks, and Jeep Arch. The higher north end of the trail opens vistas in all directions. Jim Broadbent Tuesday 4/12 8:00am
Travis & Teri Clark Thursday 4/14 8:00am
Especially rewarding are the breath-taking peeks over the cliff rim toward Arches National Park.
Road Surface: The easy parts are layered broken rock and dirt, while the challenges are solid rock ledges. There is some slickrock, but it is those short, vertical sections that favor tall tires and locking diff erentials.
Tuesday April 12
Highlights: After passing the obstacles on the Poison Spider Mesa Trail, there is some pretty easy slickrock driving on fi ns. The fi rst obstacle is the steep uphill of the “Launching Pad”. After this they keep on coming: “Skyline Drive”, “Zuki Hill”, “Golden Crack”, “Golden Steps”, “The Wall”, “Double Whammy” and the “Body Snatcher”. Bring the best of equipment, the tow truck can’t make it.
Associate Leaders:
Clark Hendrickson, Jack Hooper, Jeff Lancaster, Richard Mick, Chrispy Patrick, Joel Percival, Ryan Phillips, Ken Tichy, Jeremy Rowan.
To be used:
Tuesday 4/12 (8:00am) Thursday 4/14 (8:00am) and Big Saturday (with Where Eagles Dare) 4/16 (8:00am)