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Trail of the Month
Th e “Trail of the Month” is held each month on the third Saturday of the month. Th e “Trail of the Month” is open to all those who have a four wheel drive vehicle. Trails run from easy to very di cult. e ratings are shown for each monthly trail. is is a no charge event. e group meets at City Market on Saturday morning at 8am or 9am, see website for details. ey will meet in the northwest corner of the parking lot usually on the 3rd weekend. On special occasions we will have the “Trail of the Month” run away from Moab locations. In past years we have planned various locations. ey were the Rubicon Trail in California, Sand Hollow Trails in Hurricane, Utah, and the Black Bear Pass in Ouray, Colorado. Normal attendance is 15 to 20 jeeps with 30 to 40 participants.
We have had guests from many states & countries, including Canada, Mexico and Liechtenstein. CB Radio’s make the trip more interesting as you learn historical facts about the area, as well as, information about the trail. ere will always be a trail leader, mid gunner, and tail gunner to help participants along the trail. Plan on bringing your lunch, as this is a great time to meet the other guests and develop new jeeping friends. “Trail of the Month” is a great way for newcomers and families to get involved, at no cost, to see how they enjoy the four wheeling experience. Trails will vary in ratings so we off er something for everyone.

Th e “Trail of the Month” committee develops trails for the next year, with approval of the Executive Committee, then announces the years line up in the club newsletter. See the monthly newsletter, Facebook Page, or Club Web Page at rr4w. com for current details of upcoming trails. You may contact Mark Pope, “Trail of the Month” Committee Chairman, at (435) 259-6360 for further information.