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Archive of 18 land grants signed by Delaware signer Thomas McKean and Declaration penman Timothy Matlack
147. Thomas McKean and Timothy Matlack Archive of (18) Signed Land Grants. Superb archive of 18 land grants signed “Tho. M:Kean” and “T. Matlack,” all partly-printed on vellum, each one page, dated from May 1806 to October 1806. The documents, all issued to Alexander Baring and his partners, grant large tracts of land throughout Pennsylvania, with names like “Lamb’s-Grove,” “Oakland,” “St. Cloud,” “Caria,” “Mountcharles,” “Rhutupium,” “Wilmington,” “Franklin,” “Camden,” “Siota,” “Edmond Hill,” “Walworth,” “Cambden,”
“Alnwick,” “Berwick,” “Eyrefield,” “Edenderry,” and “Eland.” Each document is Signed in the upper left by Governor Thomas McKean and endorsed on the reverse by Timothy Matlack, the engrosser of the Declaration of Independence. All retain their complete, original paper seals. In overall fine condition. Taken as a whole, this is a remarkable, comprehensive archive of attractive and well-preserved early American documents. Starting Bid $500
148. Robert Morris Document Signed (1795). Important financier who signed the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and Constitution (1734–1806). Partly-printed DS, signed “Rob’t Morris,” one page, 12.25 x 9.75, March 16, 1795. Stock certificate issued to “Bird, Savage and Bird London” for two shares in the entire property of the North American Land Company. Signed boldly at the conclusion by Robert Morris as president, and countersigned by the company’s secretary, James Marshall, the brother of Chief Justice and Secretary of State John Marshall. In fine condition. The office of the North American Land Company was located at 230 Market Street, Philadelphia. Morris was eventually bankrupted by land speculations and served a few years in the Prune Street prison until released by the passage of the national bankruptcy law in 1802. Starting Bid $200
149. Edward Rutledge Document Signed on Thomas Lynch. American politician from South Carolina who was the youngest signer of the Declaration of Independence (1749–1800). Partly-printed DS, one page, 12.75 x 8.25, December 12, 1786. Directive to the sheriffs of South Carolina to “Summon Robert Smith…executor of the last will & testament of Thomas Lynch the Younger, who was executor of the last will & testament of Thomas Lynch the elder, late of the said state Esqr. deceased…to answer to Francis Kinlock…in a plea of trespass.” Endorsed on the reverse by Rutledge: “I appear for the Deft., Ed. Rutledge, March 20, 1787.” Signed on the front by Henry Pendleton as justice of the Court of Common Pleas, and by Gibbs as the plaintiff’s attorney. The white paper seal affixed to the upper left remains intact. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200