RR Auction: Fine Autographs and Artifacts Featuring Civil War

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Presidents and First Ladies

George Washington’s pair of Colonial-era


shoe buckles, procured from a descendant of Martha Washington’s grandson

1. George Washington’s Pair of Colonial-Era Shoe Buckles. Colonial-era pair of jeweled shoe buckles personally-owned and -worn by George Washington, both 2.75˝ x 1.75˝ x 1˝, composed of steel and sterling silver with borders lined with baguette rhinestones and diamond-shaped gems. The buckles are housed in a silk-lined box, 4.75˝ x 3.5˝ x 2 ˝, with the upper lid bearing an affixed label from a merchant from Westminster, London, England. The underside of the box bears an affixed label marked “00.160.1.”

Includes a copy of a Dewitt inventory sheet dated October 1962, which references these buckles as item “MGM-170,” and states that they derive ‘From a descendant of Martha Washington’s grandson, George Washington Parke Custis. See Annual Report of the Mount Vernon Ladies Association of the Union, 1959, pg. 34.’ In very good to fine condition, with one buckle missing three baguettes, and the other missing nineteen. A rare and unique artifact from the personal collection of General George Washington. Starting Bid $1000

General Washington discharges a veteran soldier of the 8th Massachusetts at the end of the Revolutionary War

2. George Washington

Signed Revolutionary War Discharge Certificate (1783). Revolutionary War–dated partlyprinted DS, signed “Go: Washington,” one page, 7.25 x 9.75, June 13, 1783. Continental Army military discharge headed “By His Excellency George Washington, Esq., General and Commander in Chief of the Forces of the United States of America.” In part: “These are to certify that the Bearer hereof Moses Burnam, Soldier in the Eighth Massachusetts Regiment, having faithfully served in the United States six years and four months and being inlisted for the War only, is hereby Discharged from the American Army.” Signed at the conclusion in ink by General George Washington and countersigned below by Jonathan Trumbull, Jr. Professionally inlaid into a larger sheet, matted, and framed to an overall size of 12 x 14.5. In very good condition, with scattered staining, and repairs to splitting along the intersecting folds.

According to Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolutionary War, Moses Burnham was a sailor from Ipswich, standing 5´ 7˝ with dark brown hair. He joined the Continental Army in March 1777 and, with the 8th Massachusetts, would have seen action at the Battle of Saratoga.

As commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolution, General Washington took it upon himself to organize and train his soldiers. By war’s end, this highly disciplined and hands-on approach carried over into Washington insisting on signing every discharge certificate personally. According to Charles Hamilton’s, ‘Collecting Autographs and Manuscripts,’ Washington said: ‘These soldiers have fought long and hard. I wish to sign the discharge for each man, so that he will leave the army knowing that I appreciate his work and that I have personally looked upon his name and testified to his honorable conduct.’ Provenance: Property from the Collection of Ambassador J. William Middendorf II, Christie’s, January 22, 2021. Starting Bid $1000

Outstanding full “George Washington” autograph

3. George Washington Partial Autograph Document

Signed - Full Signature. Partial self-contained ADS, signed in full, “George Washington,” 3 x 2.5, dated December 16, 1797. Beginning portion of a larger document reads, in full: “Copy, Deed of Trust, 16th December 1797. From James Welch to George Washington.” Reverse bears an additional 14 full and partial words in Washington’s hand, including “herin,” “demise,” “hereby,” “do in,” and “which.” Beautifully double-matted and framed (so both sides may be viewed) with a color portrait of Washington, a small plaque, and a facsimile signature to an overall size of 13.25 x 21. In fine condition, with just a bit of slight show-through from writing on reverse. A simply beautiful example signed only months after retiring to his Mount Vernon estate—one of the finest we have seen.

After leaving presidential office earlier in 1797, Washington leased four tracts of his land along the Great Kanhawa River to Welch, who agreed to find subtenants willing to settle and make improvements. Despite the arrangement, Welch never paid Washington anything, and later wrote that he was in debt. Most of Washington’s lands were never leased or sold. In his will, Washington listed 23,341 acres on the Great Kanhawa River, of which he said, ‘there is no richer, or more valuable land in all that Region.’ In all, at his death, Washington owned 9,744 acres on the Ohio River and another 27,000 acres of land in Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, New York, and the Northwest Territory. Starting Bid $1000

Full “George Washington” signature from 1769, along with a swatch of his cloak and lock of hair with family provenance

4. George Washington Signature, Cloak Swatch, and Lock of Hair. Fantastic display consisting of a scarce full ink signature, “George Washington,” on an off-white 3.25 x .5 slip clipped from a larger land indenture between Washington and Robert Thompson for the lease of 150 acres in Virginia, dated March 17, 1769. Also included is a .5 x .75 swatch of Washington’s cloak from the family of Colonel Tobias Lear, Washington’s personal secretary and good friend; and six strands of Washington’s hair from the Custis-Powell family. All three items are nicely cloth matted and framed, with a color portrait of Washington and a descriptive plaque, to an overall size of 14.75 x 15.25. In very good condition, with overall staining, and a repaired split fold passing through the “G” in the signature. Complete Washington signatures are seldom seen. Accompanied by a provenance packet documenting the origin of the relics. Starting Bid $1000

President John Adams signed maritime document for “the Ship called Perseverance,” bound for London in September 1798

5. John Adams Document Signed as President - Four-Language Passport for the Ship Perseverance. Partly-printed DS as president, one page, 19.5 x 15.5, September 6, 1798. Four-language ship’s papers issued to “Thomas W. Norman…master or commander of the Ship called Perseverance…lying at present in the port of Balt[imore] bound for London and laden with Coffee, Tobacco and Lumber.” Prominently signed in the center by President John Adams (signature measures 4˝ across) and countersigned by Secretary of State Timothy Pickering. Additionally signed by Robert Purviance (1733-1806) as collector of the Port of Baltimore and James H. Calhoun (1743-1816) as “Mayor of the City of Baltimore.” The left side retains the original embossed paper seal. In very good to fine condition, with partial separations along the intersecting folds, and a small area of paper loss affecting Adams’ last name. A scarce and sought-after format, particularly with such a large, bold signature.

Provenance: Presented by Dr. Frederick E. Partington of Washington, D.C., to the India House, a private club that has been a fixture of downtown Manhattan since the early twentieth century. The Club’s Renaissance-style building was constructed by builder Richard Carman after the fire of

1835 and, previously housing Hanover Bank, Maitland and Company, the New York Cotton Exchange, and W.R. Grace and Company, the edifice has remained essentially unchanged since its construction. Founded in 1914 by James A. Farrell and Willard Straight, India House was conceived as a meeting place for the interests of foreign trade and its name paid homage to the Dutch West India Company, the first colonizers of Manhattan. Farrell and Straight envisioned that ‘New York should have a place, maritime in spirit, purpose and atmosphere, where those interested in rebuilding a merchant marine worthy of American could meet.’ In this vein, many leaders in foreign trade and worldwide commerce have since gathered at India House, including Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Hopkins, Henry Morgenthau, Jr., James Byrnes, W. Averell Harriman, George C. Marshall, Henry Cabot Lodge, and Cyrus Vance. Their meetings were held alongside India House’s world-class collection of maritime art and objects. First begun by Dorothy Whitney and Willard Straight, the art collection grew to encompass marine pictures, model ships, maritime relics, and Chinese works of art, which gave the club its stately atmosphere and reminded members and guests of its purpose. Starting Bid $500

Weeks after the final ratification of the US Constitution, Jefferson transmits “’An Act to establish the Judicial Courts of the United States,’ within the State of Rhode Island”

6. Thomas Jefferson Letter Signed as Secretary of State, Transmitting an Act of Congress Organizing Rhode Island’s US District Court, Weeks After Ratification of the Constitution. LS signed “Th: Jefferson,” one page, 8 x 9.75, June 25, 1790. Letter to “His Excellency, Gov’r of Georgia,” Edward Telfair, enclosing an act effecting the expansion of the federal judiciary into the State of Rhode Island, mere weeks after it became the last of the 13 colonies to ratify the United States Constitution. In full: “I have the honor to send you herein inclosed, two copies duly authenticated of the Act intituled, ‘An Act to establish the Judicial Courts of the United States,’ within the State of Rhode Island and Providence plantations.” In very good to fine condition, with complete silking to the reverse, paper loss to the lower left corner, a tiny bit of paper loss to the last name of the signature, and bleeding to the ink not affecting readability. Accompanied by an issue of the Columbian Centinel newspaper of July 28, 1790, which carries the text of several early acts of Congress.

Rhode Island was the last of the original colonies to ratify the US Constitution on May 29, 1790, less than a month prior to this letter. Article III established only the Supreme Court while granting Congress the power to create lower courts as necessary—a modest example of the ‘checks and balances’ between the three branches of government. On June 23, Congress proceeded to “establish the Judicial Courts of the United States,’ within the State of Rhode Island,” and organize Rhode Island as one judicial district assigned to the Eastern Circuit with a single authorizing judgeship. Jefferson subsequently notified the nation’s governors by sending copies of the newly passed statute. This letter represents the very beginnings of the United States, invoking the Constitutional powers granted to the federal government upon ratification. It is an early example of Jefferson’s role in the creation of the American judicial system, an influence which would only increase during his term as president. Starting Bid $1000

Four-language sea pass signed by Jefferson and Madison for the ‘sweet’ Ship Hero— laden with cocoa and sugar

7. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison Signed Four-Language Ship’s Passport. Partly-printed DS, signed “Th: Jefferson” as president and “James Madison” as secretary of state, one page, 20.75 x 16.75, September 10, 1802. Four-language ship’s pass issued to “John H. Millken, master or commander of the Ship called the Hero…lying at present in the port of New York, bound for Bilboa and laden with Cocoa & Sugar.” Neatly signed at the center in ink by President Thomas Jefferson and countersigned below by Secretary of State James Madison. The original white paper seals remain affixed to the left side. Impressively matted and framed with engraved portraits of Jefferson and Madison to an overall size of 29.5 x 39. In fine condition, with minor splitting to folds. United States ships carried four-language sea letters in the 18th and 19th centuries to show ownership, nationality, cargo, and destination. This example remains clean and easily legible, and boasts a most desirable combination of presidents’ autographs. Starting Bid $500

Historic pairing of circulars signed by two founders—James Madison and James Monroe— pertaining to the laws of the United States and privateers in the War of 1812

8. James Madison and James Monroe (2) Letters Signed as Secretary of State - Laws of the United States and War of 1812. Two circular letters signed as secretary of state: LS signed “James Madison,” one page, 6.75 x 9, no date, in part: “Agreeably to an Act of Congress, entitled ‘An Act for the more general promulgation of the laws of the U. States,’ passed 3d March 1795, and the acts in addition thereto passed on the 2d March 1799, and on the 27 March 1804, I have transmitted to the Collector of the Customs at Philad’a 1026 copies of the laws of the United States 2d Session 9th Congress being the proportion for the state of Pennsylvania”; and a printed circular signed “Jas. Monroe,” one page, 7.25 x 9, August 28, 1812, headed “Additional Instruction to the public and private armed vessels of the United States,” in part: “The public and private armed vessels of the United States are not to interrupt any vessels belonging to citizens of the United States coming from British ports to the United States laden with British merchandize, in consequence of the alledged repeal of the British Orders in Council.” Handsomely double-matted and framed together with two FDCs to an overall size of 28.5 x 14.5. In very good to fine condition, with light wrinkling and dampstaining to the Madison letter, not affecting the signature. Read more online at www.RRAuction.com. Starting Bid $200

Madison–Monroe privateer’s commission issued during the War of 1812

9. James Madison and James Monroe Document Signed - War of 1812 Letter of Marque for a Privateer. Historic partly-printed DS, signed “James Madison” as president and “Jas. Monroe” as secretary of state, one page, 15.5 x 12.5, May 1, 1813. Letter of marque document commissioning “the private armed Brig called the Orleans…owned by Addison Plummer & Nathaniel Smith both of Gloucester, State of Massachusetts, mounting Four carriage guns, and navigated by Fifty men, hereby authorising Joseph Babson Captain…to subdue, seize and take any armed or unarmed British vessel, public or private, which shall be found within the jurisdictional limits of the United States.” Neatly signed at the conclusion in ink by President James Madison and countersigned by Secretary of State James Monroe. The white paper seal affixed at the lower left remains intact. Handsomely matted and framed with engraved portraits and nameplates to an overall size of 24.5 x 33. In very good to fine condition, with archival backing and evidence of other professional repairs; both signatures are bold and unaffected. During the War of 1812, the United States relied upon privateers to bolster its fledgling Navy against the stronger British forces. Starting Bid $200

Jackson remarks on Cherokee country and “the novelty of the Indian customs” before responding to “the Presidential question”—
“I have no ambitious views to accomplish— But should the people exercise their right of suffrage, & call me to fill that first office in their gift; I will yield to that call”

10. Andrew Jackson Autograph Letter Signed on Cherokee Culture and the 1824 Presidential Election - “Should the people exercise their right of suffrage, & call me to fill that first office in their gift; I will yield to that call”. Exceptional ALS, one page both sides, 7.75 x 9.75, January 11, 1824. Lengthy handwritten letter to Major H. M. Rutledge, in which Jackson comments on Cherokee culture, speculates on the American West, and downplays his presidential ambitions. In part: “It offered me much pleasure to learn, that you reached your friends without accident…The country of the Cherokees through which you had to pass, must have been disagreeable to Mrs. R., but I hope the novelty of the Indian customs, have in some degree compensated her for her privations…

I have noted your remarks on the change of Carolina…this must bring to your view the increasing vallue [sic] of our land in the west; and convince you of the propriety of your course in holding on to your western land; in twenty years the lands there will increase 500 prct. in vallue…

On the subject of which you speak…Should they [sic] people call me to fill the first office in their gift, I must yield to that call: should they select another, it will afford me pleasure in contemplating that they have found another on whom they can rely on with more confidence than me…To spend my few

remaining years with my wife, family and friends, in peace… would be most pleasant to me. I have no ambitious views to accomplish – But should they people exercise their right of suffrage, & call me to fill that first office in their gift; I will yield to that call, & execute the trust reposed, with an eye single to the public good. You will see from the public prints that the people in the different states are exhibiting much feeling, on the Presidential question.” In fine condition.

Keeping a promise from two years prior, Jackson ran for president in 1824, installing himself as one of the major contenders for the Democratic-Republican Party nomination. A popular war hero and ‘outsider’ who stood for all the people, Jackson won the Pennsylvania nomination and surged into the presidential election where he won a 42-percent plurality of the popular vote and a plurality of electoral votes, receiving 99 votes. Because no candidate had a majority of 131 electoral votes, the House of Representatives held a contingent election under the terms of the Twelfth Amendment. With the support of Henry Clay, the Speaker of the House who presided over the election’s resolution, John Quincy Adams won the contingent election on the first ballot. Jackson was nominated for president by the Tennessee legislature in October 1825, more than three years before the 1828 election, which he would win in decisive fashion over the incumbent Adams. Starting Bid $500

Scarce handwritten pay order by Andrew Jackson, dating to the 1828 presidential campaign

11. Andrew Jackson Autograph Document Signed - Pay Order Issued During the 1828 Presidential Campaign. ADS signed “Andrew Jackson,” one page, 6.5 x 3, September 4, 1828. Handwritten pay order, in full: “The Cashier of the United States branch Bank at Nashville will pay Jordan Ezzell the sum of thirty three dollars, Hermitage, Sept. 4th 1828.” In very good to fine condition, with a few small holes, and old tape to the upper corner tips.

Andrew Jackson’s 1828 presidential campaign was one of the most bitterly contested in U.S. history, marked by intense personal attacks between Jackson and incumbent John Quincy Adams. Jackson positioned himself as a champion of the common man, appealing to the expanding electorate by emphasizing his military heroism and outsider status. The campaign saw the rise of modern political tactics, including party organization, rallies, and negative campaigning, ultimately leading to Jackson’s decisive victory. Starting Bid $200

12. Andrew Jackson Patent Document Signed as President. Partly-printed vellum DS as president, two pages, 11 x 14, September 28, 1831. A patent issued to “Benjamin Myers, A Citizen of the United States [who] hath alleged that he has invented a new and useful improvement in the mode of constructing Mill Stones for grinding grain, hulling clover seeds, &c.” Signed at the conclusion by President Andrew Jackson and countersigned by Secretary of State Edward Livingston and Attorney General Roger B. Taney. The white paper seal affixed to the lower left remains intact. The second page, still attached by the original red ribbon, describes the form of the mill stones, consisting of a ‘bed-stone’ and ‘runner.’ In very good to fine condition, with some light staining to the second page. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA. A sought-after and attractive format signed by three notable American figures. Starting Bid $200

Ship’s pass for the Star of Philadelphia’s voyage to Calcutta, prominently signed by President Andrew Jackson

13. Andrew Jackson Document Signed as President. Partly-printed DS as president, one page, 19 x 16, May 9, 1834. Four-language ship’s pass issued to “Moses Griffing, master or commander of the Ship called Star of Philadelphia…lying at present in the port of Philad’a, bound for Calcutta and laden with Sundries.” Boldly and prominently signed at the center in ink by President Andrew Jackson—a huge 7-inch autograph—and neatly countersigned below by Secretary of State Edward Livingston. Impressively matted and framed with a portrait and plaque to an overall size of 41 x 25.5. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

14. William Henry Harrison Signed Free Frank. Desirable full free frank, measuring 9.75 x 7.75 unfolded with a 5.25 x 3.25 center panel, boldly addressed by William Henry Harrison to “The Cashier of the Bank of the U.S., Philadelphia,” and franked in the upper right, “Free, W. H. Harrison.” In fine condition, with a discreetly repaired tear passing through the word “Free” above the signature. Though undated, this free frank probably dates to Harrison’s career in Congress; he served in the House of Representatives from 1816 to 1819, and in the Senate from 1825 to 1828. Starting Bid $200

Scarce 1808 commission from Harrison as “governor and commander in chief of the Indiana Territory”

15. William Henry Harrison Document Signed as Governor of Indiana Territory. Partly-printed DS, signed “Will’m Henry Harrison,” one page, 12 x 7.25, June 13, 1808. As governor and commander in chief of the Indiana Territory, Harrison appoints Chambers Forster “to be a Justice of the Peace, in our county of Dearborn.” The lower left retains the original embossed paper seal. In very good to fine condition, with some chipping to the edges, and old repairs on the back of the three vertical fold separations.

Harrison had been serving as the Congressional Delegate from the Northwest Territory when John Adams appointed him Governor of the Indiana Territory. Adams, who believed Harrison to be politically neutral, made the nomination without informing him first. Harrison only agreed to assume the position after receiving assurances from Jeffersonians in Congress that he would not be removed from office after they came to power in the election of 1800. Much of Harrison’s tenure as governor was consumed with extinguishing Indian titles culminating in the Treaty of Fort Wayne in 1809 and Tecumseh’s War in 1810 and 1811. Harrison’s defeat of Tecumseh in 1811 earned him the title Tippecanoe (after the battle of the same name). During the election of 1840, ‘Tippecanoe & Tyler Too!’ became a popular campaign slogan. Starting Bid $200

President Tyler requests the “papers sent with the China Treaty”

16. John Tyler Autograph Letter Signed on “the China Treaty”. Boldly penned ALS signed “J. Tyler,” one page, 4.5 x 7, no date but likely circa 1844–1845. Handwritten letter to a gentleman, marked “Confidential.” In part: “The papers sent with the China Treaty are the original which we have had no time to copy—a return of them when the Senate…[is] done with them is respected.” In fine condition, with a tiny chip to the top edge. This most likely relates to the very first treaty between the United States and China, which was signed on July 3, 1844, and ratified by President Tyler on January 17, 1845. Known as the Treaty of Wang Hiya, it was negotiated by Caleb Cushing, a Massachusetts lawyer dispatched by President John Tyler under pressure from American merchants concerned about the British dominance in Chinese trade. The lengthy treaty was modeled after similar agreements between China and the United Kingdom, and included: extraterritoriality, which meant that US citizens could only be tried by US consular officers; fixed tariffs on trade in the treaty ports; the right to buy land in the five treaty ports and erect churches and hospitals there; the right to learn Chinese by abolishing a law which hitherto forbade foreigners to do so; and granting the US most-favored-nation status, allowing the nation additional privileges. The US also banned opium trade in a concession to the Chinese. Given the date that this treaty was passed, this is most likely an ALS as president. An exceptionally bold letter from this historic time between nations, setting the stage for the immense growth of international commerce that continues to this day. Starting Bid $300

President Lincoln intercedes on behalf of a “devoted Union man,” displaced by the Army’s takeover of the Frederick Female Seminary for use as a military hospital

17. Abraham Lincoln Civil War-Dated Autograph Letter Signed as President to Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton, Interceding for a “devoted Union man”. Civil War–dated ALS as president, signed “A. Lincoln,” one page, 4.75 x 7.5, Executive Mansion letterhead, October 13, 1862. Handwritten letter to Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton, in full: “I have ample evidence that the bearer of this, Mr. Benjamin F. Winchester, is a most worthy gentleman, and devoted Union man. His means of subsistence is totally broken up by the taking of the Female Seminary at Frederick, Md., for a government hospital. I shall be really obliged if you can find a place of Additional Pay-Master, Quarter-Master, or Commissary for him.” Handsomely double-matted and framed with a photo of Lincoln visiting Union troops after Antietam to an overall size of 15 x 12.75. In fine condition, with very faint toning along on of the vertical folds.

The Frederick Female Seminary, a preparatory school for girls chartered in 1840, became one of nineteen private buildings converted to hospitals to house the massive number of Union and Confederate soldiers wounded in nearby battles. This was necessitated especially by the Battle of Antietam, fought three weeks earlier on September 17, 1862—a day that remains the bloodiest in American history, with a tally of 22,727 dead, wounded, or missing on both sides.

President Abraham Lincoln visited the wounded in Frederick on October 4th, after his conferences with McClellan. Met by an enthusiastic crowd outside, Lincoln declined, as usual, to speak at length but offered a few words: ‘I might perhaps talk nonsense to you for half an hour and it wouldn’t hurt anybody,’ he joked. He proceeded to give ‘thanks to our good soldiers for the services they have rendered, the energy they have shown, the hardships they have endured, and the blood they have shed for this Union of ours’ (see: History of Frederick County, Maryland, by Williams and McKinsey, p. 381).

Published in The Collected Words of Abraham Lincoln (Supplement, 1832–1865), edited by Roy P. Basler (p. 157), which notes that Lincoln’s request was granted; Winchester was appointed commissary of subsistence on November 26, 1862. Provenance: Fine Printed Books & Manuscripts, Christie’s, October 16, 2020. Starting Bid $2500

President Lincoln ratifies the “final settlement of the claims of the Hudson’s Bay and Puget’s Sound Agricultural Companies”

19.Abraham Lincoln Document Signed as President for a Treaty Settling Claims of the Hudson Bay Company. Partly-printed DS as president, one page, 8 x 9.75, March 2, 1864. President Lincoln authorizes and directs “the Secretary of States to affix the Seal of the United States to my ratification of a Treaty with Great Britain for the final settlement of the claims of the Hudson’s Bay and Puget’s Sound Agricultural Companies, signed on the first day of July last, which ratification is dated this day.” Boldly and neatly signed at the conclusion in ink by President Abraham Lincoln. In very good to fine condition, with light stains to the top edge, and a small chip to the left edge.

The Hudson’s Bay Company was formed in 1670 and at first enjoyed ‘the sole trade and commerce of all those seas, straits, bays, rivers, lakes, and sounds… that lie within the entrance of the straits commonly called Hudson’s straits’ as well as title to vast areas of land. However, by the late 18th century the Hudson’s Bay Company could no longer hold their monopoly against other trading interests.

In the year 1838 a decision was made to break off the agriculture branch in the Northwest. The ‘Puget Sound Agriculture Company’ was the resulting spinoff company even though the stockholders were also stockholders of the Hudson Bay Company. By the Treaty of 1818, which established the northern boundary of the United States, the national control of the area was shared by the United States and Great Britain. However, by the Treaty of 1846, the United States took over sole control of the area. To settle the claims of the Puget Sound Agriculture Company caused by the transfer of sovereignty, the United States concluded a treaty with Great Britain to pay a total of $325,000.00 to the stockholders of the companies. Starting Bid $1000

President Lincoln appoints the United States Marshal for Washington Territory in 1861

21. Abraham Lincoln Document Signed as President, Appointing a US Marshal for the Washington Territory. Partly-printed DS as president, one page, 15.75 x 10, October 9, 1861. President Lincoln appoints William Huntington of Washington Territory “to be Marshal of the United States for the said Territory.” Boldly signed at the conclusion in ink by President Abraham Lincoln and countersigned by Secretary of State William H. Seward. The embossed white paper seal, affixed to the reverse, remains intact. In fine condition, with a couple spots of toning and small separations to folds.

Marshals were the only federal lawmen in unorganized territories, often the only federal representatives of any kind. During this period United States marshals were involved with all manner of law enforcement duties: from policing the border to pursuing outlaws and vigilantes, enforcing fugitive slave laws, and investigating counterfeiting and bank fraud. Starting Bid $1000

Image larger than actual size.
Unusual, lengthy legal document penned by ‘prairie lawyer’ Lincoln in a dispute over an ‘atmospheric butter churn’—boasting his early, full signature: “Abraham Lincoln, Commissioner”

20. Abraham Lincoln Autograph Document Signed - Legal Deposition in a Butter Churn Dispute, with 250+ Words in Lincoln’s Hand. ADS signed “Abraham Lincoln, Commissioner,” one page, 8 x 11.25, no date but circa 1849. Handwritten page from a deposition by Thomas Lewis, taken as part of a lawsuit involving the sales of a butter-churning invention and penned entirely in Abraham Lincoln’s hand. Lincoln writes, in full: “In answer to the Second interrogatory said witness says ‘I was a resident of Springfield in the State of Illinois in the year 1848, and have been a resident of said Springfield constantly from the first day of August 1837 till the present time. My acquaintance has been tolerably extensive during the period above mentioned. I think most of that time I have personally known very voter in Springfield’—

In answer to the third interrogatory said witness says, ‘Some five or six years ago, and not since, there was a man residing here, by the name of Osgood, whose Christian name I have forgotten. He was a printer by trade, and worked in the office of the State Register. He left here five or six years ago. I have never known any other man in Springfield by the name of Osgood’—

In answer to the fourth interrogatory said witness says, ‘I never sold or transferred any interest in our Atmospheric Churn, to any person by the name of Osgood, and I never heard, and do not believe that either of my partners ever did. When I speak of my partners, I allude to the fact that Mr. Johnson and I had taken in one John B. Moffett as a partner in interest in said churn’—

In answer to the fifth interrogatory said witness says, ‘I have never had any personal knowledge of George Gilbert, or any correspondence with him. We have had many letters from other persons, representing that a man by the name of George Gilbert, is claiming to be a purchaser, sometimes from us, and at others, though Osgood, from us, of some interest in said churn.’” Neatly signed at the conclusion in ink by Abraham Lincoln, and countersigned by Thomas Lewis. Mounted, triple-

matted, and framed with a portrait and plaque to an overall size of 32.5 x 24. In fine condition.

This case is discussed in some detail in Lincoln the Lawyer by Brian R. Dirck (p. 89): “In 1849 Lincoln was hired by John Moffett, part of a three-man partnership to market and sell an ‘atmospheric churn,’ a device that created butter more quickly than conventional churns by injecting air directly into the cream. Moffett was not the churn’s designer; that honor belonged to his partner Willis Johnson, a creative and busy Springfield inventor who also came up with new ways of processing flax and hemp, pumping water, and mixing cement. Moffett and a third party, Thomas Lewis, did the sales work, selling churns in Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Lewis racked up over $50,000 worth of sales. St. Louis had been particularly fertile ground, where he displayed the churn in front of a saloon and on the sidewalk by his hotel.

Moffett’s understanding was that the partners’ arrangement called for selling the machine without him or Lewis earning any commission. He was therefore dismayed to learn that Lewis paid himself a $4,000 commission from the proceeds of his efforts. Moffett had Lincoln ask the court for an accounting of Lewis’s earnings. For his part, Lewis argued that he acted not as a partner but rather as an agent for the partnership— a fine hair to split—and then demanded another $12,000 in compensation for his work. The court was not persuaded by the amount, but it did allow Lewis to keep $1,000, while paying Moffett $1,300. Lewis appealed the matter to the state supreme court, which ruled that he did not need to pay Moffett anything at all…

Willis Johnson did not get anything out of the lawsuit (he tried to bring his own case against Lewis, but failed). The churn itself was worthless. During the appeal, the chief justice of the Illinois Supreme Court marveled at Lewis’s ingenuity in earning so much money from peddling what was a dismal failure of a machine.” Starting Bid $1000

“Make your man send the five dollars as I am exceedingly hungry about now”—an 1850 handwritten letter from Lincoln as a Prairie lawyer, urging the payment of a late legal fee

22. Abraham Lincoln Autograph Letter Signed (1850) - “I am exceedingly hungry about now”. ALS signed “A. Lincoln,” one page, 8 x 5, February 22, 1850. Addressed from Springfield, Illinois, a handwritten letter to lawyer Robert S. Blackwell, in full: “Your letter is received, and I will attend to the matter of the depositions, if nothing, now unknown, happens to prevent — Make your man send the five dollars as I am exceedingly hungry about now.” Affixed to a slightly larger cardstock mount and in very good to fine condition, with some faint toning and slight ink brushing.

As a Prairie lawyer, ‘Lincoln made his living almost entirely from the legal fees he earned. He started each case by setting the amount he would charge, estimating the hours he would spend and the difficulty of the case. Today most lawyers charge for hours worked at a set amount per hour, but Lincoln fixed his fee in advance and drafted a fee note for the client to sign.

Collecting fee notes was a challenge. Ideally, the client would pay in gold coins, but coins were scarce. If clients could not

pay with coins, their real estate could be sold to pay the fee, but assuming they had real estate, its sale took time. When there was no other way to get paid, goods were acceptable as a last resort. Lincoln once took his fee in bricks! Occasionally he donated his services to needy clients, especially women.’

In 1840, Robert S. Blackwell (1823-1863) began studying law under the direction of Orville H. Browning in Quincy, Illinois, later beginning his own practice in Rushville. He served as the state’s attorney for the Fifth Judicial Circuit from 1848 to 1852. Blackwell also had an active practice before the Illinois Supreme Court, where he opposed Abraham Lincoln in six cases and worked with him in one case. He was co-counsel with Lincoln in at least two cases in the federal courts. In 1852, he moved to Chicago, where he had a series of partnerships with other lawyers. Blackwell authored A Practical Treatise on the Power to Sell Land for the Non-Payment of Taxes Assessed Thereon (1855) and, with Illinois Supreme Court Justices Walter B. Scates and Samuel H. Treat, compiled an edition of the revised statutes of Illinois in 1858. Starting Bid $1000

President Lincoln writes an 1864 pass

“to City Point,” General Grant’s headquarters

Image larger than actual size.

23. Abraham Lincoln Autograph Civil War Pass Signed as President. Civil War-dated autograph pass signed as president, “A. Lincoln,” one page on a 3.25 x 2 card, December 28, 1864. Lincoln writes, in full: “Allow Mr. Gray & one other to pass to City Point & return.” A collector’s notation below the signature identifies Lincoln as the president. In fine condition.

Originally from the estate of Major General Walter E. Brinker, via the estate of Amos Hart Evans. Evans served in the Ninth New Jersey Infantry for three years during the Civil War, beginning in 1861, and rising to the rank of captain in his regiment. City Point was the location of General U. S. Grant’s headquarters throughout the Civil War, and President Lincoln had telegraphed him there on the date this pass was written. A fabulous presidential Lincoln piece from an important date in the war, as Sherman had just completed his ‘march to the sea’ and captured Savannah, Georgia. Starting Bid $500

Desirable Civil War-dated commission signed by Abraham Lincoln for a “Chief Engineer in the Navy”

24. Abraham Lincoln Civil War-Dated Document Signed as President, Appointing a “Chief Engineer in the Navy”. Civil War–dated partly-printed vellum DS as president, one page, 15.5 x 19, December 21, 1864. President Lincoln appoints James W. Whittaker as “a Chief Engineer in the Navy.” Signed at the conclusion in ink by President Abraham Lincoln and countersigned by Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles. The orange seal affixed at the bottom remains intact. In very good condition, with small areas of loss along the toned folds, some sticky mounting residue on the back, and skipping and fading to parts of Welles’ and Lincoln’s signatures. Starting Bid $1000

Weeks before his assassination, President Lincoln asks Judge Advocate General Joseph Holt to review a case

25. Abraham Lincoln Autograph Endorsement Signed as President to Joseph Holt, Prosecutor of the Assassination Conspirators. Civil War–dated autograph endorsement signed as president, “Judge Advocate General please report on this case, A. Lincoln,” on an off-white 3.25 x 2.25 slip clipped from a document, dated in Lincoln’s hand, February 22, 1865. Mounted, matted, and framed to an overall size of 8 x 7. In fine condition. During this period, Joseph Holt was the Judge Advocate General of the United States Army; after Lincoln’s assassination—a mere seven weeks later—Holt played a leading role in the prosecution of the conspirators. Starting Bid $500

27. Abraham Lincoln: ‘Council of War’ Sculpture by John Rogers. Scarce plaster-cast sculpture entitled “The Council of War” by American sculptor John Waters, measuring approximately 14˝ x 24˝ x 12˝, portraying President Lincoln seated and studying a map at center, with General Ulysses S. Grant and Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton standing behind him as his top Civil War advisors. The front of the base is inscribed with the sculpture’s title, “The Council of War,” and the artist’s name, “John Rogers / New York,” is inscribed near Lincoln’s feet. The piece was refinished in gray paint in the 1970s and is in very good to fine condition, with a few surface chips and flecks.

When John Rogers first exhibited his ‘Council of War’ to the public in 1868, Stanton and Robert Todd Lincoln praised it as the finest sculptural likeness of Lincoln that they had seen. Stanton described the scene as ‘one of the most interesting and appropriate occasions’ for a sculpture, writing to Rogers: ‘I think you were especially fortunate in your execution of the figure of President Lincoln. In form and feature it surpasses any effort to embody the expression of that great man which I have seen.’

Unlike most other sculptors of the period, Rogers worked in plaster rather than bronze, developing a large middle-class market for his ‘Rogers Groups’—small genre sculptures featuring multiple figures. So popular was ‘The Council of War’ that he created it in three variants, distinguished by the placement of Stanton’s hands: at side, behind Lincoln’s head, and forward of Lincoln’s head. Includes two original stereoview photographs showing variants of ‘The Council of War,’ one creased at center. Starting Bid $200

One month prior to his assassination, Abraham Lincoln bolsters the Union’s war effort, appointing an “Additional Paymaster of Volunteers”

26. Abraham Lincoln Document Signed as President, Appointing an Additional Paymaster of VolunteersOne Month Before His Assassination. Civil War–dated partly-printed vellum DS as president, one page, 14.25 x 19.25, March 15, 1865. President Lincoln appoints George Emery as “Additional Paymaster of Volunteers in the service of the United States.” Signed at the conclusion in ink by President Abraham Lincoln, and countersigned by Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton. The blue War Department seal affixed at the upper left remains intact. Matted and framed with an engraved portrait (featuring a facsimile signature) to an overall size of 32.5 x 26.5. In very good to fine condition, with wear to the frame, and all handwritten portions of the document (including the signatures) faded but fully legible. President Lincoln would be assassinated exactly one month later, on April 15, 1865. Starting Bid $1000

29. Abraham Lincoln: ‘Penny Profile’ Photograph by Anthony Berger - Signed by Frederick H. Meserve. Attractive mattefinish 8.5 x 10.5 mounted photograph of President Abraham Lincoln in profile as taken by Anthony Berger at Brady’s studio on February 9, 1864, and subsequently used by sculptor Victor David Brenner to create the image of Lincoln that appears on the penny. Signed on the reverse of the mount by Frederick H. Meserve, “To be returned to F. H. Meserve, 240 Church St., New York,” and also stamped as from Meserve’s “Collection of Americana.” In very good to fine condition, with editorial retouching and moderately heavy silvering.

Frederick H. Meserve (1865–1962) was a world-renowned collector of Lincoln and Civil War-era photography, remembered for compiling a catalog of known Lincoln images. Much of Meserve’s collection of Lincolniana is now held by Yale University’s Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Starting Bid $200

“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds”

30. [Abraham Lincoln Inaugural Address]: New York Herald, March 5, 1865 - “With malice toward none”. Complete 8-page rare issue of the New York Herald, March 5, 1865, reporting on the second inauguration of Abraham Lincoln the day before, March 4, 1865. The full inaugural address is reported on the front page containing the immortal and iconic phrase “with malice towards none.” An extract worth quoting is as follows: “On the occasion corresponding to this four years ago, all thoughts were anxiously directed to an impending civil war. All dreaded it, all sought to avert it. While the inaugural address was being delivered from this place, devoted altogether to saving the Union without war, insurgent agents were in the city seeking to destroy it without war—seeking to dissolve the Union and divide effects by negotiation. Both parties deprecated war, but one would make war rather than let the nation survive , and the other would accept war rather than let it perish, and then the war came… With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

“Abram Lincoln” runs to be a Whig Party presidential elector in 1840— a very early Lincoln political piece

31. [Abraham Lincoln]: 1840 Illinois Presidential Elector Poll Book Page. Uncommon partly-printed double-sided poll book page headed “Poll Book for Appalonia [Illinois] Precinct, Nov. 1840,” 7.75 x 13, showing Abraham Lincoln, at the age of 31, running for elector on behalf of William Henry Harrison in the forthcoming Harrison vs. Van Buren presidential election. Interestingly, his name is misspelled at the top: “Abram Lincoln.” Lincoln’s colleague, future Union General John A. McClernand, is also listed is a potential elector. The registered voters’ names and associated tallies clearly penned in the same hand, likely that of an election official. In fine condition. Read more online at www.RRAuction.com. Starting Bid $200

Governor Carney requests federal aid from President Lincoln to combat “murderous outlaws” threatening the citizens of Kansas: “Their sufferings and sacrifices have been great, much greater than any other Loyal State”

32. [Abraham Lincoln]: Thomas Carney Civil War-Dated Autograph Letter Signed as Governor, Requesting Federal Assistance for Kansans: “They have been depleted in Blood & Treasure for the common cause”. Civil War–dated ALS signed “Tho’s Carney, Gov. of Kansas,” three pages on two sheets, 7.75 x 9.75, State of Kansas Executive Department letterhead, May 15, 1864. Handwritten letter to “the President of the United States,” Abraham Lincoln, in part: “ This care & assistance I feel the citizens of my State have a right to claim at your hands. They have been depleted in Blood & Treasure for the common cause. Their sufferings and sacrifices have been great, much greater than any other Loyal State, and this too because her Sons have gone forth to fight the battles of their country, and left their homes in the care of the Government. Yet their homes have been visited by the assassin, and are again threatened by these murderous outlaws. It was to prevent a return of those disasters that I urged the acceptance of the troops offered, and in that spirit, and for that purpose, I again respectfully but earnestly renew it.” In very good condition, with partial splitting to folds, including complete separation to a horizontal fold at the lower third of the first page. Starting Bid $200

Rare and important manuscript: President Johnson orders the closure of federal offices to honor the fallen Abraham Lincoln

63. Andrew Johnson Document Signed as President, Honoring the Late Abraham Lincoln. Rare and important manuscript DS as president, signed “Andrew Johnson,” one page, 7.75 x 10, Executive Office letterhead, May 31, 1865. President Johnson orders the closure of federal offices to honor the fallen Abraham Lincoln, in full: “Tomorrow the first of June being the day appointed for Special Humiliation and Prayer in consequence of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln late President of the United States, the Executive Office and the Various Departments will be closed during the day.” Two words—”National” (replaced with “Special”) and “Fasting”—are struck through in the body, denoting this as a draft of President Johnson’s order. In fine condition, with some light toning and

soiling. Encapsulated in a PSA/DNA authentication holder.

On April 29, 1865, in the aftermath of President Lincoln’s assassination, President Andrew Johnson issued a proclamation declaring June 1st as a national day of mourning. Churches and municipalities across the nation observed the day with religious services and public gatherings, and the late president was eulogized by scores of orators. Assorted ephemera was issued to commemorate the day, including pamphlets, mourning ribbons, cards, and badges. In anticipation of the solemn occasion, President Johnson shut down federal offices to officially mourn the nation’s loss of a great American. Provenance: The Forbes Collection. Starting Bid $2500

President Johnson pays his black White House valet during the Reconstruction era

64. Andrew Johnson Signed Check as President - Substantial Payment to His White House Steward. Rare First National Bank check, 8.25 x 3.25, filled out in another hand and signed by Johnson as president, “Andrew Johnson,” payable to William Slade for $632.77 (for May accounts), June 18, 1867; endorsed on the reverse by Slade, “Wm. Slade.” In fine condition. William Slade (died 1868) was the African-American White House messenger, valet, and steward during the Lincoln and Johnson administrations; at the time, this was one of the highest posts available to a black Washingtonian. The Vermont Transcript reported on the death of Slade on March 20, 1868: ‘He was a colored man…appointed by President Lincoln [as] Messenger at the White House, and President Johnson made him Steward, giving him the disbursement of all the moneys expended there.’ This check was evidently written to pay for the White House household bills overseen by Slade for the month of May. Starting Bid $300

65. Andrew Johnson Impeachment Trial Ticket Stub - PSA VG 3. Graded by PSA VG 3. Original 3.5 x 3 purple gallery ticket stub to the U.S. Senate Impeachment of President Andrew Johnson on April 11, 1868. The impeachment proceedings lasted from March 13 to May 26th, and President Johnson was ultimately acquitted by a single vote. Starting Bid $200

West Point register for the Class of 1843, listing “Ulysses Hiram Grant” as a cadet

66. [U. S. Grant]: 1843 West Point Enrollment Register. Two large manuscript ledger pages recording cadet information for the Class of 1843 of the United States Military Academy at West Point, 21 x 17, annotated in the upper margin: “1839.” The pages list the names of 76 West Point cadets along with pertinent background information, including name, admission date, place of residence, age, parents’ names, and place of residence for parent or guardian. The most noteworthy cadet listed is future president and Civil War hero U. S. Grant, listed as: “Grant, Ulysses Hiram, Ohio, Date of Admission: [July 1, 1839], Age: 17 [yrs.] 2 [mos.], Place of Residence: Georgetown, Brown [County], Ohio, Name of Parent or Guardian: Jesse R. Grant.” In addition to Grant, several other cadets went on to have distinguished military careers. Among these are William Buel Franklin (a corps commander in the Army of the Potomac, fighting in several major battles in the Eastern Theater of the Civil War), Isaac Quinby (a Union general in the Civil War), Joseph Potter (a veteran of the Mexican War and general in the Civil War), and Samuel Gibbs French (a captain in the Mexican-American War, wounded at Vera Cruz, and Confederate general in the Civil War). In good condition, with overall spotting, staining, and inexpert linen backing. Starting Bid $200

“By agreement all hostilities will cease”— Grant begins the Siege of Vicksburg, halting Admiral Porter’s assault on the city to bury the Union’s dead

67. U. S. Grant Civil War-Dated Autograph Letter

Signed to Admiral David Dixon Porter, Beginning the Siege of Vicksburg: “By agreement all hostilities will cease”. Historically important Civil War-dated ALS signed “U. S. Grant, Maj. Gen.,” one page, 7.25 x 4.5, May 25, 1863. Handwritten letter to “Admiral Porter,” David Dixon Porter, at the outset of the Vicksburg campaign, ordering him to halt his assault to enable the Union troops to bury their dead. In full: “By agreement all hostilities will cease from six this morning until half past eight.” Matted and framed with an artist’s proof engraving by Robert Wendell to an overall size of 24.5 x 15.75. In very good condition, with irregular light toning and staining.

On May 19, 1863, led by Major General Ulysses S. Grant, combined Union Army and Navy forces bombarded the Confederate stronghold of Vicksburg all night, using 220 artillery pieces on land plus 100 naval guns operated by Rear Admiral David D. Porter’s fleet in the river. The bombardment continued on May 22nd and ground troops attempted to advance, but

failed to break through Confederate defenses. Instead, they were violently repulsed. The dead and wounded of Grant’s army lay in the heat of Mississippi summer, the odor of the deceased men and horses fouling the air as the wounded lay crying for help.

The grisly scene is graphically described in Pulitzer Prize winner Ron Chernow’s sweeping and dramatic biography, Grant (p. 270): ‘With wounded soldiers writhing at the foot of the Mississippi ridge and dead bodies decomposing in fierce sunlight, Grant had to make an excruciating choice. Lest it signal weakness, he was reluctant to submit a request for a truce to inter the dead and care for wounded soldiers who lay helplessly exposed on the battlefield. It was Pemberton [the Confederate commander of Vicksburg’s defenses] on May 25 who suggested a two-and-a-half-hour cease-fire—his soldiers had begun to gag on the stench of corpses—and Grant agreed, doubtless with relief.’ Read more online at www.RRAuction. com. Starting Bid $200

In 1870, President Grant moves ahead with the 1846 Oregon Treaty, approves a declaration for “North West Boundary Maps, and the boundary marks as fixed on the ground”

68. U. S. Grant Document

Signed as President. Partlyprinted DS as president, one page, 8.5 x 11, February 21, 1870. President Grant directs the Secretary of State to affix the Seal of the United States to “a Power to sign a Declaration concerning North West Boundary Maps, and the boundary marks as fixed on the ground.”

Signed at the conclusion by U. S. Grant. The document is affixed by its left edge inside a presentation folder. In fine condition, with a chip to the right edge and wrinkling along the left side.

The document appears to relate to the finalization of the boundary between the U.S. and British Canada in the Pacific Northwest, specifically regarding the San Juan Islands and the 49th parallel. This was part of the Northwest Boundary Survey that was tasked with physically marking the boundary as agreed upon in the 1846 Oregon Treaty. By 1870, boundary markers and maps were being finalized as part of the commission’s work, and this document seems to represent President Grant’s official declaration recognizing these surveyed boundaries.

Accompanied by a collection of 27 photographs and engravings of U. S. Grant (one bearing a facsimile signature), which depict him at various stages of his formidable military and political career, and two period publications: Recollections of General Grant by George W. Childs (1890), and a 14-page ‘Report of Lieutenant General U. S. Grant of the Armies of the United States - 1864-65,’ the latter missing its cover. Starting Bid $200

President Garfield ratifies “a treaty relating to Chinese immigration”

69. James A. Garfield Document Signed as President for the Ratification of “a treaty relating to Chinese immigration”. Scarce partly-printed DS as president, one page, 8 x 10, May 9, 1881. President Garfield authorizes Secretary of State James G. Blaine to affix the Seal of the United States to “my ratification of a treaty relating to Chinese immigration into the U. S. signed at Peking, Nov. 17, 1880.” Boldly signed at the conclusion by President James A. Garfield. In fine condition.

With a decades-long influx of Chinese immigration, the economically strained American workforce’s antiChinese sentiment spiked throughout the 1870s. Under great pressure, President Hayes renegotiated the US’s terms with China at the close of his presidency, temporarily suspending immigration of Chinese laborers while still protecting the rights and privileges of those already present. The relationship between the two nations continued to develop as Garfield took office; the treaty referenced here promoted mutual commercial intercourse while also prohibiting the transportation and distribution of opium. Presidential documents issued by Garfield are quite rare, given his brief time in office. Starting Bid $1000

Superb Clinedinst portrait photo of President Roosevelt at his desk

72. Theodore Roosevelt Signed Photograph as President. Vintage matte-finish 8.5 x 6.5 portrait photo of President Roosevelt seated at his desk by the photography studio of Barnett M. Clinedinst, affixed to its original 12 x 10 studio mount, which is signed and inscribed in fountain pen as president, “For little Miss Eleanor G. Fleming, with the regards of, Theodore Roosevelt, Mar. 28th 1908.” In very good to fine condition, with silvering to the image, and toning, staining, and a small fleck of loss to the mount.

Barnett McFee Clinedinst (1862–1953) was the official White House photographer for Presidents William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, and William H. Taft. Starting Bid $200

President Roosevelt writes to the future governor of Massachusetts on “a gross absurdity, and an iniquitous absurdity”

73. Theodore Roosevelt Typed Letter Signed as President to the Future Governor of Massachusetts. TLS as president, one page, 7.25 x 9, White House letterhead, December 5, 1901. Letter to future governor of Massachusetts Curtis Guild, Jr., in part, “Maguire has been examined three times and has failed in each instance. It would be a gross absurdity, and an iniquitous absurdity also, to give him another trial. If they want a congressional investigation, tell them by all means to go ahead and have it. Please add that whatever the investigators may say will not weigh a sixteenth of an ounce in altering what has been done! I could not possibly appoint him at large. It would be a wrong thing to do under the circumstances. Besides, I always appoint the sons of army and navy officers.” In fine condition.

Guild’s father was an active supporter of vice presidential candidate Theodore Roosevelt, routinely traveling with him and substituting for him when he lost his voice. The younger Guild joined the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia in 1891, rising to the rank of Brigadier General in 1898 and, during the Spanish-American War, was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and Inspector General of Havana. In 1905, he was elected by popular vote as Governor of Massachusetts, remaining in said post until 1909. Two years later, President Taft appointed him as the United States Ambassador to Russia. Starting Bid $200

Letter collection from Theodore Roosevelt, as both Assistant Secretary of the Navy and American President, sent to his cousin and fellow Rough Rider Granville
Roland Fortescue, featuring the latter’s official passport and honorary medals, including his Roosevelt-issued Rough Riders “Distinguished Service” medal

71. Theodore Roosevelt (4) Signed Letters to Cousin, a Fellow Rough Rider, with Rare Medal Collection - Three Letters Signed as President. Noteworthy collection of four letters from Theodore Roosevelt sent to his cousin, fellow Rough Rider Granville Roland Fortescue, and his uncle, U.S. Congressman Robert Roosevelt, between 1898 and 1906. The lot contains a TLS as Assistant Secretary of the Navy, signed “T. Roosevelt,” an LS and two TLSs from his tenure as American president, each signed “Theodore Roosevelt,” and a selection of Fortescue’s personal medals, a group highlighted by his rare Rough Riders “Distinguished Service” medal.

Fortescue, the illegitimate son of Congressman Roosevelt, delayed his education at the University of Pennsylvania when, in 1898, he volunteered to join the 1st United States Volunteer Cavalry, a regiment more famously known as the Rough Riders. Fortescue’s decision to volunteer is reflected in Roosevelt’s earliest letter, approximately one month before the Rough Riders started on their journey to Cuba. The letter, one page, 8 x 10.5, personal Navy Department letterhead, April 28, 1898, in full: “It isn’t in my power to give you a commission, but I think I can manage to get you in as a trooper in one of my companies. I think there will be twenty Yale, Harvard and Princeton men in it. The men will elect their own officers. If you prove to deserve it, you would end with a commission, I have no question.” Roosevelt adds a couple of lines in his own hand: “What do you know of horsemanship? & of use of the rifle?”

The second letter, an LS as president, one page, 7.25 x 9, White House letterhead, April 11, 1902, sent to “Uncle Rob,” in full: “I was greatly grieved and shocked by your telegram. I have just received your letter. It is a simple physical impossibility to get on to the funeral, owing to the mass of public work that has accumulated during my absence at the Exposition. Pray believe how deeply I feel with you in your great sorrow. Believe me, with warmest sympathy, your affectionate nephew.” This letter evidently refers to the death of Roosevelt’s aunt, Marion O’Shea Roosevelt, who passed in 1902. The third, a TLS as president, one page, 7 x 9, White House letterhead, August 6, 1903, sent to his cousin: “I have written to the War Department about that and will let you know at once as soon as I hear. It was a great pleasure to see you. We had a dark ride back. Yesterday I was unwise enough to take Bleistein

out bareback for an hour and a half. As he is a big, powerful hunter with corresponding gates, and as I rode him on the trot, canter and gallop, I succeeded in skinning the insides of my legs and am uncomfortable in consequence. I found no difficulty at all in sitting him. With love to Uncle Rob.” Roosevelt adds a handwritten postscript: “Good for you! I am much pleased with what I read of your stopping that runaway.” Includes its original mailing envelope.

Fourth, a quick TLS as president, one page, 7 x 8.75, White House letterhead, sent to “Roly,” in full: “If you have to fight in regions where I may have to take an interest, be dead sure you get on the right side! Good luck to you.” Includes its original mailing envelope. The archive also includes Fortescue’s personal passport booklet from 1936, which is signed a total of three times and contains Fortescue’s passport photograph; a group of three 1898 stereoview cards with images related to early military operations for the Spanish–American War, and a small collection of 10 medals and badges presented to Fortescue during his career, which is highlighted by a Rough Riders “Distinguished Service” medal that was distributed personally by Roosevelt upon the regiment’s mustering out of service at Camp Wikoff, Long Island, on September 15, 1898. The medal bears a raised “RR” on the front and the reverse engraved: “Distinguished Service / Gallantry in continuing to fight after being wounded / T. Roosevelt.” Other medals include a “Roosevelt Reception” medal from June 18, 1980; an “1898 Society of the Army of Santiago” cross badge; a gold-tone “World War” medallion with reverse marked “For Service, 1917-1919, Presented by State of New York,” and more. In overall very good to fine condition, with scattered staining to the early letter. Starting Bid $300

Stunning pair of 1913 inauguration photos signed by William Taft and Woodrow Wilson

74. William H. Taft and Woodrow Wilson (2) Signed Inaugural Parade Photographs. Remarkable pairing of matte-finish 10 x 8 candid photographs of William Howard Taft and Woodrow Wilson in the presidential carriage at Wilson’s 1913 inaugural parade, individually signed in bold fountain pen near the bottom, “Wm. H. Taft” and “Woodrow Wilson.” In overall fine condition, with a missing corner tip to the Taft photo. These extraordinary images capture the essence of the procession as Taft turned the White House over to Wilson on March 4, 1913. Both presidents are visible in the two photos, as are American flags flying in the background. A wonderful pairing of rarely seen signed inauguration photos. Ex. Sotheby’s, December 4, 1981; sale 4748, lot 1338. Starting Bid $200

An international treaty for “avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion”

75. Franklin D. Roosevelt Document Signed as President - Forwarding a U.S.-Canada Convention for Senate Approval. World War II-dated DS as president, two pages, 8 x 12.5, August 31, 1944. Official cover sheet conveying an agreement between the United States and Canada to the Senate for approval. In part: “With a view to receiving the advice and consent of the Senate to ratification I transmit herewith a convention between the United States of America and Canada for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion in the case of estate taxes and succession duties, signed in Ottawa on June 8, 1944. The convention was negotiated and signed on behalf of the United States of America in pursuance of full powers issued by me to the American Ambassador. The convention has the approval of the Department of State and the Treasury Department.” Signed at the conclusion by Franklin D. Roosevelt. Upper left corner of the first page bears an embossed presidential seal. In fine condition. Official documents between the president and the Senate rarely come on the market. Ex. Charles Hamilton, July 24, 1975; sale 89, lot 256. Starting Bid $200


Truman’s historic WWII victory proclamation: “The Allied Armies, through sacrifice and devotion and with God’s help, have wrung from Germany a final and unconditional surrender”

76. President Harry S. Truman Signed 1945 WWII Victory Proclamation Broadside. World War II-dated proclamation broadside presented as a Christmas gift by President Harry S. Truman in 1945, 14 x 21.25, signed in the lower right corner in fountain pen, “Harry S. Truman.” The decorative broadside contains President Truman’s V-E Day proclamation of May 8, 1945, the day following the German surrender, calling for a day of prayer to be celebrated on May 13, 1945. The text reads, in part: “The Allied Armies, through sacrifice and devotion and with God’s help, have wrung from Germany a final and unconditional surrender. The Western World has been freed of the evil forces which for five years and longer have imprisoned the bodies and broken the lives of millions upon millions of freeborn men. They have violated their churches, destroyed their homes, corrupted their children, and murdered their loved ones. Our Armies of Liberation have restored freedom to these suffering people, whose spirit and will the oppressors could never enslave. Much remains to be done. The victory won in the West must now be won in the East. The whole world must be cleansed of the evil from which half the world has been freed. United the peace-loving nations have demonstrated in the West that their arms are stronger by far than the might of the dictators or the tyranny of military cliques that once called us soft and weak…

Now, therefore, I, Harry S. Truman, President of the United States of America, do hereby appoint Sunday, May 13, 1945, to be a day of prayer. I call upon the people of the United States, whatever their faith, to unite in offering joyful thanks to God for the victory we have won and to pray that he will support us to the end of our present struggle and guide us into the ways of peace. I also call upon my countrymen to dedicate this day of prayer to the memory of those who have given their lives to make possible our victory. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States of America to be affixed.” The lower left bears a red, white, and blue grosgrain ribbon. Framed to a slightly larger size and in fine condition.

The consignor notes that the original recipient of the document, Elmer W. Moore, was a Secret Service agent for nearly four decades who served for a year on Truman’s personal White House detail.

On Harry S. Truman’s 61st birthday, Tuesday, May 8, 1945, having only recently assumed the presidency, he held a press conference in the Oval Office to announce Germany’s surrender from World War II. Before an audience of his cabinet and other dignitaries, President Truman delivered this proclamation and declared May 13, 1945, a day of prayer in honor of those who served. A remarkable proclamation from a hard-won day of celebration—a day that brought one of the darkest periods of modern history to a close. Starting Bid $300

77. Harry S. Truman Document Signed as President - Citation for Legion of Merit for a Major General of the Red Army. DS as president, one page, 8 x 10.5, White House letterhead, no date [circa 1946]. A “Citation for Legion of Merit, Degree of Legionnaire” for Major General Vasili Pavlovich Sokolowsky of the Red Army, for “exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service [and who] contributed materially to the success of combined operations against the common enemy in Europe.” Signed prominently at the conclusion by Harry S. Truman. In fine condition, with a light crease to the lower left edge. Starting Bid $200

“The picture he sent was very good”— bold handwritten note from President-elect Kennedy to noted photographer Dave Iwerks two weeks after the 1960 United States presidential election

79. John F. Kennedy Handwritten Note as President-Elect. Handwritten note from President-elect John F. Kennedy, unsigned, written in black felt tip at the bottom of a letter from photographer Dave Iwerks, dated November 22, 1960, roughly two weeks after the 1960 United States presidential election. Kennedy’s note reads: “Tell him that this must be a decision for each cabinet member individually – also that the picture he sent was very good.” Iwerks’s letter, one page, 8.5 x 11, reads, in part: “I had the privilege to do some formal portraits of you at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, of which you received a copy some time ago. I have also photographed Lyndon Johnson and the Republican candidates during the campaign months. As soon as your cabinet is chosen, I would like to do some formal portrait studies on each.” In fine condition, with some old adhesive residue to the top edge. Accompanied by a modern print portrait photo of Kennedy by Iwerks, a noted photographer and son of legendary Walt Disney animator Ub Iwerks. Starting Bid $200

Content-rich letter from Senator Kennedy, answering questions from New





Tideland oil, the Eisenhower Administration, and his own efforts on economy and efficiency—
“I have done a good deal on that score”

78. John F. Kennedy Typed Letter Signed as a Massachusetts Senator, Listing His Efforts on Economy and Efficiency - “I have done a good deal on that score”. TLS as a Massachusetts senator, signed “John Kennedy,” two pages, 8 x 10.25, United States Senate letterhead, May 9, 1953. Lengthy letter to Doria Juliano, a Ninth Grade Social Studies teacher at the Onteora Central School in Boiceville, New York, in full: “Your Ninth Grade Social Studies Class certainly asks a lot of questions, and I am really not able to answer all of them. I will answer your question on Tideland oil by saying that I do not agree with the bill passed by the House and Senate because I firmly believe that these offshore oil and gas resources belong to all of the people in all of the states and not just two, three, or four states. A synopsis of my speech on the Senate floor along these lines is attached.

I think it is too early to tell if the Eisenhower Administration has been successful or not. There is, however, an interesting document which I am enclosing which comes from the Research Division of the Democratic National Committee comparing the first hundred days, which you specifically mention, of the Roosevelt Administration with the Eisenhower Administration. As for economy and efficiency, I have done a good deal on that score, and I might mention the following:

1. S. 833, which I have co-sponsored, to establish a joint Committee on the Budget which could really find out specific places where cuts could be made in federal spending. Only yesterday I voted to report this bill favorably.

2. The Byrd Resolution, S. Con. Res. 8, which I also cosponsored, to increase the control by the Congress on the rate of spending by the federal government agencies.

3. S. 1360, Air Mail Subsidy Separation Bill, introduced by myself and twenty-three other senators, both Republicans and Democrats, which would reform the present practice whereby the subsidized airlines are permitted to charge the Post Office $130,000,000 a year for only $60,000,000 of mail transportation services actually rendered. My bill alone would reduce the postal deficit by $70,000,000 a year.

I hope that while my answers do not cover all problems which you and your students have raised that they will at least be some specific indication of what I am trying to do in Washington.” Kennedy’s referenced enclosures are not included. In fine condition, with some light creasing to the bottom blank area of the second page. Starting Bid $300

“With the President’s best wishes”—attractive White House card signed by LBJ as president

80. Lyndon B. Johnson Signed White House Card as President. Beautiful official White House card, 3.75 x 2.5, signed neatly in fountain pen as president, “Lyndon B. Johnson.” In very fine condition. Accompanied by the original White House mailing envelope and its original transmittal letter from presidential secretary Juanita D. Roberts, dated November 7, 1968, in full: “President Johnson asked me to thank you for your letter. He appreciates the personal sentiments it conveys. I am happy to send you the enclosed signed White House card. With the President’s best wishes.”

Starting Bid $200

81. George Bush and Congressional Leaders Signed Stamp Sheet. Fantastic sheet of 12 three-cent postage stamps depicting the United States Capitol, affixed to an 8.5 x 11 sheet of House of Representatives Speaker’s Rooms stationery, signed in felt tip by George Bush, Tip O’Neill, Jim Wright, Alan Simpson, Thomas Foley, Robert Byrd, Bob Michel, Alan Cranston, Trent Lott, and Bob Dole. Bush and O’Neill respectively add their positions as “Vice-Pres.” and “Speaker.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $300

83. Four Presidents Signed Photograph. Color satinfinish 8 x 10 photo of Presidents Nixon through Reagan gathered at the White House prior to departing for Anwar Sadat’s funeral in 1981, signed in the lower border in black felt tip, “Ronald Reagan,” “Gerald R. Ford,” “Jimmy Carter,” and “Richard Nixon.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

82. Five Presidents Signature Display - Carter, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama. Desirable group of five ink signatures—”Jimmy Carter,” “George Bush,” “Bill Clinton,” “George W. Bush,” and “Barack Obama”—on individual slips, ranging in size from 2.5 x 1.5 to 4.5 x 3.5, handsomely double-matted and framed with a portrait of the five presidents to an overall size of 20.5 x 25.5. In overall very fine condition. A fantastic presidential autograph display. Starting Bid $200


Henry G.

Davis’s autograph book, featuring seven presidents, seven vice presidents, and scores of influential 19th-century politicians—highlighted by Grant, Garfield, McKinley, and Roosevelt

85. Seven Presidents and 19th-Century Politicians Autograph Album, with Grant, Garfield, McKinley, and Roosevelt - From the Collection of Sen. Henry G. Davis. Remarkable autograph book compiled by Henry Gassaway Davis (1823–1916), West Virginia senator and industrialist, and his daughter Grace Thomas Davis (1869–1931), rebound in full brown morocco, 5.75 x 8.75, containing 289 historic autographs, including seven presidents, seven vice presidents, and scores of members of the Senate, House of Representatives, and presidential cabinets, as well as a few other 19th-century notables. The gilt printed title page reads: “Autographs, J.B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia,” and bears the signatures of “H. G . Davis, 1872” and “Grace T. Davis, 1887” (Miss Davis was 18 in 1887). The book has approximately 300 unnumbered pages but only the first 144 (which were numbered in pencil by hand at some point) include the autographs, generally three on each side of a page, most often including the person’s home state, or, in the case of cabinet members, their office title.

The highlights of the album are the signatures of seven presidents, representing a half-century of American politics: U. S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, James A. Garfield, Grover Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison (twice), William McKinley, and Theodore Roosevelt. Also included are seven vice presidents— Hannibal Hamlin, Schuyler Colfax, Henry Wilson, William A. Wheeler, Levi P. Morton, Garrett A. Hobart, and Charles W. Fairbanks—and one first lady, Frances F. Cleveland.

With the later presidents’ autographs are several examples of partial cabinets, including: Harrison (Secretary of the Treasury

Charles Foster, Secretary of War Stephen B. Elkins, Attorney General William H. H. Miller, Postmaster General John Wanamaker, Secretary of the Navy Benjamin F. Tracy, Secretary of the Interior John W. Noble, and Secretary of Agriculture Jeremiah M. Rusk), Cleveland (Secretary of State Walter Q. Gresham, Secretary of the Treasury John G. Carlisle, Secretary of the Navy Daniel S. Lamont, Attorney General Richard Olney, Postmaster General Wilson S. Bissell, Secretary of the Navy Hilary A. Herbert , Secretary of the Interior Hoke Smith, and Secretary of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton), McKinley (Secretary of State John Sherman, Secretary of the Treasury Lyman J. Gage, Secretary of War Russel A. Alger, Attorney General Joseph McKenna, Postmaster General James A. Gary, Secretary of the Navy John D. Long, Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson, and Secretary of the Interior Cornelius N. Bliss), and Roosevelt (Secretary of State John Hay, Attorney General Philander C. Knox, Postmasters General Charles Emory Smith and Henry C. Payne, and Secretary of the Interior Ethan A. Hitchcock).

Others significant names include influential members of the House and Senate, many of whom were celebrated veterans of the Civil War. These include: Hamilton Fish, William M. Evarts, Charles Sumner, David Davis, Simon Cameron, James G. Blaine, George S. Boutwell, Augustus H. Garland, Roscoe Conkling, Ambrose Burnside, John A. Logan, John B. Gordon, Carl Schurz, Wade Hampton, John T. Morgan, Henry W. Slocum, and William Mahone. Interestingly, one page features the autographs of James Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore, and famed agnostic lecturer Robert G. Ingersoll. In fine condition. Starting Bid $300

Superlative septet of American presidents covering 40 years of administrations

84. Seven Presidents (7) Multi-Signed ‘Presidential Seal’ Photograph. Amazing color glossy 7.75 x 9.75 photo of the official seal of the president of the United States, signed by a total of seven American presidents: in black felt tip by Ronald Reagan, George Bush, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton, in red felt tip by Jimmy Carter, in black ballpoint by Gerald Ford, and in black ink by Richard Nixon. The Clinton and George W. signatures were signed as president during their respective incumbencies. Matted and framed to an overall size of 15.25 x 17; a sheet to the frame backing lists the locations and dates of each signature, which were all personally obtained by former California congressman James E. Rogan. In fine condition, with a bit of pen trouble in Nixon’s first name. A rare multi-signed display piece with signatures covering 40 consecutive years of presidential administrations.

Signature provenance:

Richard Nixon (New York, September 15, 1989); Gerald R. Ford (Los Angeles, April 12, 1989); Jimmy Carter (Plains, Georgia, July 9, 1988); Ronald Reagan (Beverly Hills, May 28, 1989); George Bush (Sacramento, October 15, 1995); Bill Clinton (The White House, March 16, 1997); George W. Bush (The White House, March 30, 2002) Starting Bid $500

Late 19th century autograph album with over 275 signatures, highlighted by President Chester A. Arthur, P. T. Barnum, and Henry W. Longfellow

86. 19th Century Theatre Actors, Actresses, and Notables Autograph Collection (275+ Signatures) with Chester A. Arthur, P. T. Barnum, Henry W. Longfellow, Lotta Crabtree, and Lillie Langtry. Large hardcover autograph album, 10 x 12.5, containing over 275 affixed signatures, primarily those of noted theatre actors and actresses of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, plus a few celebrated impresarios, writers, and one president of the United States. Most signatures are on uniform 3.5 x 2 cards, affixed six or eight to a page on each side.

Especially noteworthy autographs include: P. T. Barnum, Chester Arthur, Henry W. Longfellow, Lotta Crabtree, Lillie Langtry, William Gillette, Henry Irving, Harry Davenport, Ellen Terry, DeWolf Hopper, Maggie Mitchell, William H. Crane, Helena Modjeska, David Belasco, Richard Mansfield, and E. H. Sothern. In overall very good condition, with damage to the spine and covers, all pages detached, very brittle, and chipped on the edges; the cards themselves are generally fine, with varying degrees of light staining from mounting. Starting Bid $200


Declaration of Independence

209. Benjamin Franklin

Terracotta Portrait Medallion by Jean Baptiste Nini (1777). Desirable original circa 1777 terracotta portrait medallion of Benjamin Franklin by Jean Baptiste Nini, measuring 4.5˝ in diameter, featuring a profile portrait of Franklin raised in relief. The finely detailed image shows the great statesman in a fur hat, encircled by the legend: “B. Franklin, Americain.” The artist’s name and year are etched below his shoulder: “Nini, 1777.” In fine condition, with a few small chips to the rim.

Benjamin Franklin, widely admired at home and abroad, was especially beloved in France: during his time as ambassador to the nation (1776–1785), his charm, wit, and diplomatic skills won him celebrity status in Parisian society. Franklin capitalized on his fame to further the cause of freedom, successfully negotiating for the French financial and military support that was crucial for America’s victory against Britain.

In 1777, Italian sculptor Jean Baptiste Nini crafted a terracotta medallion of Benjamin Franklin, today regarded as one of the most significant collectibles created contemporary to the American Revolution. Commissioned by JacquesDonatien Le Ray de Chaumont, Franklin’s host and a supporter of the American cause, Nini based the medallion on a drawing by Thomas Walpole. This portrayal resonated with the French public, leading to widespread production of the medallion in various sizes and materials. Franklin humorously noted in a letter to his daughter that his likeness had become as familiar as that of the moon, with numerous reproductions adorning items like snuffbox lids and rings. Nini’s medallion not only commemorated Franklin’s presence in France but also symbolized the burgeoning FrancoAmerican alliance during the Revolutionary era. Starting Bid $200

215. US Treasurers and Signers of Currency: Autograph Archive of (150+). Unique archive of over 150 autographs of signers of the paper money of the United States, highlighted by a number of earlier signatures and letters plus a quantity of $1 and $2 bills signed by United States Treasurers and Secretaries of the Treasury. The archive effectively represents the whole history of the financial system of the United States from the 19th century to the present day, with autographs ranging from early Treasury Secretaries Samuel Dexter and William H. Crawford to modern-day names like Henry Paulson, Timothy Geithner, and Jack Lew. Especially notable are autographs of Fred M. Vinson, who also served on the US Supreme Court; John B. Connally, who served as Governor of Texas and was wounded in the JFK assassination; Carter Glass and Henry Steagall, namesakes of important banking legislation; famed philanthropist Andrew Mellon; trust-buster John Sherman; and Blanche Bruce, the first elected African-American senator to serve a full term. In overall fine condition. Starting Bid $200

Supreme Court American Politicians and Leaders

221. Supreme Court: White Court Oversized Signed Photograph, with Oliver Wendell Holmes and Louis Brandeis. Vintage matte-finish 13.5 x 10.5 photo of the justices of the White Court, affixed to its original 16.25 x 14 mount, signed on the mount in fountain pen by Edward Douglass White, William R. Day, Joseph McKenna, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., Willis Van Devanter, Louis D. Brandeis, Mahlon Pitney, James Clark McReynolds, and John Hessin Clarke. Handsomely suede-matted and framed to an overall size of 23 x 21. In fine condition, with silvering along the edges. This version of the White Court sat from 1916 to 1921, presiding over notable cases including Hammer v. Dagenhart, International News Service v. Associated Press, Schenck v. United States, Abrams v. United States, and Newberry v. United States. Starting Bid $200

World Leaders and Politicians

Scarce 1653 military appointment from Oliver Cromwell, “Captaine Generall & Comander in Chief of all the Armies and Forces,” signed two months before he would become Lord Protector

228. Oliver Cromwell Signed Military Document (1653) - Two Months Before Becoming Lord Protector. English soldier and statesman (1599-1658) who led Parliamentary forces in the English Civil War, waged war against Scotland and Ireland and, in 1653, following the execution of Charles I, became Lord Protector of Great Britain, a position he held until his death in 1658. After a yearlong reign by his son, Richard, the British throne was restored (to Charles II) and Cromwell’s body was exhumed and posthumously ‘executed.’ Sought-after vellum manuscript DS, signed “O. Cromwell,” one page, 11.25 x 7.25, October 15, 1653. Commission document from “Oliver Cromwell Esq’r Captaine Generall & Comander in Chief of all the Armies and Forces raised & to be raised within the Comon Wealth of England,” appointing Edward Salmon as “Colonell of that Regiment of Foote…raised under my command for the service of the Commonwealth.” Further, he must follow “directions as shall from time to time receive from myself and…officials of the Army according to the discipline of war.” Signed prominently at the conclusion by Cromwell. In very good to fine condition, with light creasing, toning, and soiling. After Charles I was executed in 1649, Parliament would not dissolve itself to make way for a permanent settlement of the political situation, so Cromwell, with military backing, expelled the ‘rump Parliament’ by force in Apr 1653, becoming Lord Protector of the Commonwealth in December of that year. As the Lord Protector he was paid £100,000 a year (equivalent to well over £20,000,000 today). Starting Bid $1000

Josephine recommends a state accountant, the brother of “one of the painters of the Emperor and of myself”

227. Josephine Bonaparte Letter Signed, Recommending the Brother of “one of the painters of the Emperor and of myself”. ALS in French, signed “Josephine,” one page, 7.25 x 9, January 10, 1812. From her famous Château de Malmaison, Josephine de Beauharnais sends a letter of recommendation to a councilor of state. In part (translated): “I am requesting your kindness for St. Augustin whose brother is one of the painters of the Emperor and of myself. He would like to get the rank of auditor in the accounting division where he has been employed for some time…I recommend him to you with greater pleasure as his morality and services render him worthy of your good will.” In fine condition. Accompanied by a carte-de-visite of a portrait of Josephine and a custom-made presentation folder. Josephine may be referring to the French miniature painter Jean-Baptiste Jacques Augustin, who worked for Napoleon and his entourage; among his famous subjects were Napoleon I and his family, King Louis XVIII, and Louis-Philippe d’Orléans. Starting Bid $200

Beautiful dual-signed portrait of Hirohito and Nagako

229. Emperor Hirohito and Empress Nagako Signed Photograph - Uninscribed Portrait of Japan’s Imperial Couple. Scarce and highly desirable circa 1970s matte-finish 6.25 x 9 silver gelatin photo of Emperor Hirohito and Empress Nagako, boldly signed in thick black ink by both. Professionally cleaned and restored to fine condition. An exquisite dual-signed portrait of the Emperor and Empress, whose marriage lasted nearly 65 years, the longest of any Japanese imperial couple. Starting Bid $500

Unique Paris hotel guest book filled with 20th century notables, including Ho Chi Minh, Walt Disney, and Charles Lindbergh

230. Notables: Ho Chi Minh, Walt Disney, Charles Lindbergh Signed Guest Book. Unique leatherbound autograph album stamped “Livre d’Or” on the front cover, evidently from the Hotel Royal Monceau, 8 x 12, signed inside by a variety of noteworthy individuals between 1926 and 1956, highlighted by Charles A. Lindbergh (June 1945); Ho Chi Minh (June 1946); Walt Disney (April 1953); and Edmund Hillary, John Hunt, and Alfred Gregory (June 23, 1953—just 25 days after their expedition became the first to summit Mount Everest).

Other signers include: French diplomat Joseph Avenol, tennis stars Helen Wills and Suzanne Lenglen, Ohio Governor James M. Cox, actress Pola Negri, theatre director Max Reinhardt, Vice Admiral Alan Goodrich Kirk, Admiral Harold Raynsford Stark, Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal, pianist Eugene List, First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich of Russia, Admiral William Fechteler, Francis Cardinal Spellman, director John Ford, Admiral Arthur W. Radford, and others. In overall fine condition, with some wear and rubbing to the leather covers. A remarkable compendium filled with an eclectic group of important 20th century figures. Starting Bid $500

The last Shah of Iran presents his portrait to the first prime minister of Pakistan— a remarkable association piece

231. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi Signed Photograph to Pakistani Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan. The last Shah of Iran (1919-1980) from 1941 until he was overthrown in the Iranian Revolution of 1979. Remarkable vintage matte-finish 7.5 x 11.25 photo of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi in decorated uniform, signed and inscribed in the lower border in fountain pen in Farsi to the prime minister of Pakistan, “To Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan and his lady, customarily gifted as a remembrance, Mohammad Pahlavi, Tehran, 9 Kordad 1328 [30 May 1949].” In fine condition, with some small stains in the right border.

On August 14, 1947, when Pakistan achieved independence, Iran was the first country to establish relations. In March 1950, Pahlavi became the first head of state to make an official visit to Pakistan. Liaquat Ali Khan was the nation’s first prime minister, serving from its inception in 1947 until his assassination in 1951. A remarkable, historic association piece. Starting Bid $300

Elusive ‘Stalin Prize of the First Degree’ from 1943, signed by Joseph Stalin and issued to a Russian engineer who aided in the “creation of a new type of naval weapon”

232. Joseph Stalin War-Dated Document Signed (1943) - Stalin Prize of the First Degree. Rare World War II-dated DS in Cyrillic, signed “J. Stalin,” two pages, 9.75 x 14, March 22, 1943. Official ‘Stalin Prize of the First Degree’ award issued to Russian engineer Aleksandr Ivanovich Simonov, who aided in the design of a new naval weapon. The award reads, in part (translated): “By the Decision of the Council of People’s Commissars of the USSR, Date March 22, 1943, The Stalin Prize of the First Degree Was Awarded to: Shamarin Nikolai Nikolaevich, Zhygary Grigory Ivanovich, Gorbunov Valentin Dmitrievich, workers of Plant No. 231; Lastochkin Rostislav Ivanovich, engineer of Plant No. 659; Bolkunov Grigory Vasilievich, research associate of Plant No. 389; Simonov Aleksandr Ivanovich, the engineer of plant No. 702; and Brykin Alexander Evstratievich, engineer-captain of the 1st rank; for the creation of a new type of naval weapon.” Signed in ink at the conclusion by Joseph Stalin as Chairman of Soviet of People’s Commissars of the Soviet Union, and countersigned by Y. Chadaev of the Council of the People’s Commissars. In very good to fine condition, with somewhat irregular light toning, and some paper loss to the top and bottom of the hinge. A rare war-dated Soviet document signed by the Russian dictator—the prestigious Stalin Prize existed from 1941 to 1954 and was one of the Soviet Union’s highest honors. Starting Bid $1000

Exceptional 1876 signed portrait of ‘Alexander the Liberator’

238. Alexander II Signed Photograph. Rare 4.25 x 6.5 cabinet photo of the Russian emperor wearing his military uniform with medals, nicely signed below the image in ink, “Aleksandr, 1876.” Published by the esteemed photography studio of Sergey Lvovich Levitsky in St. Petersburg, Russia. In fine condition. A beautifully signed portrait of Alexander II, who remains quite scarce in signed photos. This photograph was signed in a significant year of the Emperor’s life. The third of his four children with his mistress Princess Catherine Dolgorukov, Boris Alexandrovich Yurievsky, was born on February 23, 1876, but sadly died a few months later on April 11, 1876. The Emperor appears prominently in the opening two chapters of Jules Verne’s Michael Strogoff, published in 1876; Alexander II sets the book’s plot in motion and sends its eponymous protagonist on the dangerous and vital mission that would occupy the rest of the novel. Verne presents the Emperor positively as an enlightened yet firm ruler, dealing confidently and decisively with a rebellion. Starting Bid $300

“The void in our family is terrible…especially if one cannot call oneself anymore ‘the child’”—intimate letter from the last German Emperor, grieving the death of his beloved mother, Victoria, Princess Royal

239. Kaiser Wilhelm II Autograph Letter Signed on the Death of His Mother, Victoria, Princess Royal. ALS in French, signed “Guillaume,” one blackbordered page, both sides, 5.75 x 4.5, embossed royal stationery card, August 17, 1901. Handwritten letter to famed Parisian aristocrat Elisabeth de Riquet of CaramanChimay, expressing his sadness on the death of his mother, Victoria,

Princess Royal, the eldest daughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. In part (translated): “It was expected for a long time but the blow which hits us is no less painful. But one must humble the will of God, who called her to be with him. The void in our family is terrible…especially if one cannot call oneself anymore ‘the child.’” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original black-bordered mailing envelope, addressed in the hand of Kaiser Wilhelm II, the reverse flap of which contains much of the original black wax seal. Read more online at www.RRAuction.com. Starting Bid $200

240. King Francis I Letter Signed. King of France (born 1494) who reigned from 1515 until his death in 1547. Known as the ‘Father and Restorer of Letters,’ the cultured and well-read Francis, himself a poet, ushered in the Renaissance in France with generous support for a number of writers and ambitious construction projects. Scarce LS in French, signed “Francoys,” one page, 7.75 x 11.5, April 28, 1543. Untranslated letter concerning the Ninth Italian War, prominently signed at the conclusion in ink by King Francis I. In very good to fine condition, with scattered light stains, and loss to two corners affecting none of the handwriting. Accompanied by an export certificate from the French Ministry of Culture and an engraved portrait of the king. Starting Bid $500

241. Princess Diana and King Charles III Signed Christmas Card (1986). Appealing 1986 Christmas card embossed on the front with the Prince of Wales’s feathers and Order of the Garter motto and the Spencer family arms, measuring 10.25 x 7.25 open, featuring an affixed color photo of the royal couple posing with their young sons Prince William and Prince Harry, signed and inscribed in fountain pen, “To you both, from Charles and” and “Diana.” In very fine condition. Starting Bid $200

242. Princess Diana and King Charles III Signed Christmas Card (1989). Royal Christmas card from 1989, embossed on the front with the Prince of Wales’s feathers and Order of the Garter motto and the Spencer family arms, measuring 12 x 8 open, featuring an affixed color photo of the royal couple posing with their young sons William and Harry, signed and inscribed in fountain pen, “To you both, from us all, Diana and” and “Charles.” In very fine condition. An uncommon signed Christmas card, examples of which are typically inscribed by Charles. Starting Bid $200

Princess Elizabeth-signed Marcus Adams ‘sister

portrait’ from 1934, with Lilibet signing on behalf of “Margaret

243. Queen Elizabeth II Signed Photograph as a Child - Taken by Photographer Marcus Adams in 1934. Marvelous vintage matte-finish 2.5 x 2.5 portrait photo of Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret by noted British photographer Marcus Adams, which shows the young sisters smiling and posing side by side, affixed to its original mount, which is signed in bold black ink entirely in the hand of the future queen, “Elizabeth, Margaret Rose.” The mount is also signed by Adams, who dates the photo to 1934. The photo is affixed within its original presentation folder, which measures 8.5 x 6.5 open, and bears a few notations indicating the photo was received in 1935. In fine condition, with some very faint staining in the wide lower border. An exquisite early portrait of the little princesses taken by a noted royal photographer and signed by Elizabeth at the age of eight or nine.

Marcus Algernon Adams was a British portrait photographer (1875–1959) who was commissioned by the British royal family to take formal portraits, thus making him one of the most trusted photographers of his era. He took some of the most famous early photographs of Princess Elizabeth (later Queen Elizabeth II) and Princess Margaret as children, and his work helped shape the public image of the future queen, showing her in an elegant and approachable light. Adams also photographed other royal members such as King George V, Queen Mary, King George VI, and Queen Elizabeth (The Queen Mother). Starting Bid $200


244. Queen Elizabeth II Document Signed on the Recall of a Jamaican Diplomat. DS, signed “Elizabeth R.,” two pages on two adjoining sheets, 8 x 13, July 23, 1973. Official letter to Rafael Caldera, “the President of the Republic of Venezuela,” announcing the recall of Ivo Seymour DeSouza, Jamaica’s Ambassador to Venezuela, in part: “Having need elsewhere for the services of Our Trusty and Well-beloved Mr. Ivo Seymour DeSouza, Officer of Our Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, who has for some time been accredited to You in the character of Our Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary for Jamaica, We have thought fit to notify to You his Recall. We are Ourselves so satisfied with the zeal, ability, and fidelity with which Ivo Seymour DeSouza has executed Our orders on all occasions during his Mission that We trust his conduct will also have merited Your approbation, and in this pleasing confidence We avail Ourselves of the opportunity to renew to You the assurances of Our constant friendship, and of Our earnest wishes for the welfare and prosperity of the Republic of Venezuela.” Signed prominently at the conclusion in fountain pen by Queen Elizabeth II. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

Two of the last photos taken of the Romanov descendants

245. Russian Imperial Family: (2) Rare Original Photographs of the Grand Duchesses - Two of the Last Photos Taken of the Romanovs. Rare original 3.5 x 2.5 photo of the members of the Russian Imperial Family seated outdoors, showing (left to right): Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna, Alexei Nikolaevich, Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna, and Tatiana, with Anastasia holding her dog, a King Charles Spaniel named Jimmy, in her lap. Reverse bears an ink notation in an unknown hand that reads, “1917 Tobolsk.” Also includes an original 4.25 x 2.5 photo of Anastasia seated outdoors alongside Alexei and another young boy. In overall fine condition. Both seem to date to 1917 while the family was in captivity, probably during August while being held at Tobolsk in Siberia; the building in the background of the first image appears to be the Governor’s mansion in Tobolsk, where they were held in relative luxury before being moved to Yekaterinburg. Starting Bid $500

Religious Figures

251. Mother Teresa Signed Photograph. Glossy 8 x 10 photo of Mother Teresa and another nun holding a chicken, signed in black felt tip, “God bless you, M Teresa mc, 29-1081.” In very fine condition. Starting Bid $200

252. Mother Teresa Signed Photograph. Desirable glossy 8 x 10 photo of Mother Teresa with her hands clasped in prayer, nicely signed in blue felt tip, “God bless you, M Teresa mc.” In very fine condition. Starting Bid $200

“His love is faithful and stronger, full of humility and compassion, greater than my weakness”

253. Mother Teresa Autograph Letter Signed: “His love is faithful and stronger, full of humility and compassion, greater than my weakness”. Scarce ALS, signed “God bless you, M Teresa mc,” one page, 6 x 9, stamped Missionaries of Charity letterhead, August 31, 1980. Handwritten letter to an admirer, in full: “Thanks for your letter & questions—1) Jesus Christ. 2) Because His love is faithful and stronger, full of humility and compassion, greater than my weakness.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

Activists and Social Leaders

“The speech deals more with Mr. Lincoln as a type than as an individual, but I certainly try to do him all justice as a man”

259. Anna Dickinson Rare Autograph Letter

Signed on the Late President (May 8, 1865)“The speech deals more with Mr. Lincoln as a type than as an individual, but I certainly try to do him all justice as a man”. American orator and lecturer (1842-1932) who was an advocate for the abolition of slavery and for women’s rights, and who was the first woman to give a political address before the United States Congress. A gifted speaker at a very young age, she aided the Republican Party in the hard-fought 1863 elections and significantly influenced the distribution of political power in the Union just before the Civil War. Dickinson was the first white woman on record to summit Colorado’s Longs Peak, Lincoln Peak, and Elbert Peak (on a mule), and she was the second to summit Pike’s Peak. Rare ALS signed “Anna E. Dickinson,” three pages on two adjoining sheets, 4 x 5.5, May 8, 1865. Addressed from Philadelphia, a handwritten letter to Mrs. Barnes, in part: “I thank you heartily for your little note, – which, however, did not reach me till the speech had been prepared & delivered…I only wish it had been more worthy the occasion. The proceeds, somewhere near $1000, I have given to the monument fund…The speech deals more with Mr. Lincoln as a type than as an individual, but I certainly try to do him all justice as a man.” In fine condition. Read more online at www.RRAuction.com. Starting Bid $200

Extremely rare program from the funeral service of Malcolm X

261. Malcolm X Original Funeral Program - “In Memorium of Haj Malik Shabazz (the former Malcolm X)”. Original program from the funeral of Malcolm X on February 27, 1965, twelve pages, 5 x 7.5, with the front cover reading: “In Memorium of Haj Malik Shabazz (the former Malcolm X) who died martyred for the cause of Islam and the enlightenment and uplifting of his people.” In fine condition, with intersecting folds, light creasing and handling wear. Accompanied by an original printed 8.5 x 11 handbill issued by the Federation for Independent Political Action, requesting stores along 125th Street in Harlem, New York City, to “close Friday from 3 on and all day Saturday in respect for Malcolm and in observance of what he meant to our community and all oppressed people.” The upper apportion features bold text: “Malcolm Gave His Life / Sister Betty Gave Her Husband / Four Babies Gave Their Father.” Read more online at www.RRAuction.com. Starting Bid $200


Boldly signed 1885 cabinet portrait of P. T. Barnum

267. P. T. Barnum Signed Photograph. Scarce sepia 4.25 x 6.5 cabinet card bust-length profile portrait of Barnum in later age, signed in bold black ink, “P. T. Barnum, 1885.” Published by the Betts studio of Bridgeport, Connecticut. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

268. Andrew Carnegie Signed Photograph. Scottishborn industrialist and philanthropist (1835-1919) who earned his fortune in the burgeoning American steel industry. During the last 18 years of his life, he gave away around $350 million ($10.9 billion in 2023 dollars), almost 90 percent of his fortune, to charities, foundations, and universities, and his 1889 article, ‘The Gospel of Wealth,’ called on the rich to use their wealth to improve society, expressed support for progressive taxation and an estate tax, and stimulated a wave of philanthropy. Attractive vintage matte-finish 4 x 5.75 portrait photo of Andrew Carnegie by the Rockwood Studio, affixed to its original 8.25 x 10.75 studio mount, which is signed in bold ink, “To my valued friend of old, with every good wish, Andrew Carnegie.” In very good to fine condition, with some soiling and staining to the mount, much of which could easily be matted out. Starting Bid $200

Rare 1956 senior high school yearbook signed by notorious Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff

269. Bernie Madoff Signed 1956 Far Rockaway High School Yearbook. Hardcover 1956 ‘Dolphin’ yearbook from Far Rockaway High School in New York City, 8.75 x 11.25, signed and inscribed inside next to his senior portrait by Bernie Madoff, “To Foge, lots of luck in college, Bernie.” A caption next to Madoff’s portrait indicates that he planned to attend “Alabama U.,” and that he was a member of the school’s varsity swimming team, which is pictured at the back of the yearbook. In very good to fine condition, with partial splitting along the front hinge.

Madoff attended the University of Alabama for one year, where he became a brother of the Tau Chapter of the Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity, then transferred to and graduated from Hofstra University in 1960 with a Bachelor of Arts in political science.

Madoff briefly attended Brooklyn Law School but left after his first year to start Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC and work for himself. A rare glimpse into the high school career of the maligned financier. Starting Bid $200

270. Elon Musk Signed Photograph. Color satin-finish 13.5 x 10.5 photo of Elon Musk and Kanye West at SpaceX headquarters in 2021, signed in felt tip by Elon Musk. In very fine condition, with a PSA/DNA label affixed to the lower right. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA. Starting Bid $300

Spectacular remote-control Tesla Roadster signed by Elon Musk

271. Elon Musk Signed Tesla Roadster R/C Car. Scarce, spectacular 1:16 scale MaxTech remote-control model of the original Tesla Roadster, nicely signed on the trunk in black ink by Elon Musk. The tri-band remote-control car features illuminated headlights, full function (forward, reverse, left, right, and stop), and a totally enclosed undercarriage. Housed in its original box, complete with its remote control. In fine condition, with some light damage only to the original box.

The first-generation Tesla Roadster, produced from 2008 to 2012, was Tesla’s debut electric vehicle, featuring a Lotus Elise-inspired design and an approximately 240-mile range per charge. It was the first highway-legal electric car to use lithium-ion battery cells, demonstrating the potential of highperformance EVs. Starting Bid $300

Stock certificate issued to a Standard Oil vice president, signed by Rockefeller, Flager, and Bostwick

273. John D. Rockefeller, Henry Flagler, and Jabez A. Bostwick Signed Stock Certificate for Standard Oil. Partlyprinted DS, one page, 11.5 x 7.75, April 5, 1882. Stock certificate for 100 shares in Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Trust issued to W. P. Thompson, signed at the conclusion by John D. Rockefeller as president, Henry M. Flagler as secretary, and Jabez A. Bostwick as treasurer; the original receipt, signed again by Flagler on Thompson’s behalf, remains affixed at the left edge. In fine condition, with the signatures lightly canceled.

John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937) was a business magnate and philanthropist whose Standard Oil empire made him the wealthiest man in the world. Henry Flagler (1830-1913) was a real estate and railroad entrepreneur who also co-founded Standard Oil, remembered for his efforts to make Florida the ‘Newport of the South’ by providing extensive rail access and grand hotels to lure wealthy vacationers. Jabez Abel Bostwick (1830-1892) was a founding partner of Standard Oil, serving as the company’s first treasurer. The recipient of the shares, Col. William P. Thompson, was a vice president of Standard Oil. An important stock certificate that boasts a multitude of significant Standard Oil associations. Starting Bid $200

Scientists and Inventors

279. Andre-Marie Ampere Autograph Letter

Signed. Influential French physicist (1775–1836) who pioneered the discovery and understanding of electromagnetism; a unit of electric current was named in his honor. ALS in French, signed “A. Amepre,” one page both sides, 8 x 10.25, March 8, 1834. Handwritten letter to his friend Fauché, thanking him for the assistance provided to his son-in-law. In part (translated): “If you believe that this offers no benefit of any kind, I kindly ask you to let me know so that I can inform him otherwise—that the matter is resolved and that he simply needs to return before the date you specify. In any case, I implore you, as you

have promised me, to notify the military administration of this temporary absence. According to what Mr. Ride was told in the war office, he believed that the paper allowing him to collect his quarterly payment at the beginning of next month would be delivered to me. It seems this was an error. In any case, after writing to the administration, I beg you, please, to let me know, even in a brief note sent through the post, what I should write to my son-inlaw, and I will write to him immediately.” In fine condition, with ink erosion affecting one line of text and a couple of small edge tears. Starting Bid $300

Darwin works on his evolutionary theory, sending thanks for “the particulars of the very curious case of inherited malconformation”

280. Charles Darwin Autograph Letter

Signed on “the very curious case of inherited malconformation”. ALS, one page, 4.75 x 7.75, April 30, [no year, but circa 1856–68].

Handwritten letter to the physician Robert Hall Bakewell, in part: “I beg leave to return you my very sincere thanks for your kindness in taking the trouble to send me the particulars of the very curious case of inherited malconformation, which has interested me very much.” Affixed to a slightly larger scrapbook page and in very good to fine condition, with scattered light stains. Recorded in by the Darwin Correspondence Project as Letter no. 13770F, dating it based on the form of address used by Darwin, “Down Bromley Kent.”

A significant letter by Darwin relevant to his work on evolution: his theory of natural selection explains how inherited traits that provide a survival or reproductive advantage become more common in a population over generations. He observed that variations in traits, such as beak shapes in finches, could determine an organism’s ability to adapt to its environment. Interestingly, in 1846, Darwin wrote to Joseph Dalton Hooker to inquire about ‘Eléments de tératologie végétale [Elements of Plant Teratology]’ by A. Moquin-Tandon, asking: ‘Is it good book & will it treat on hereditary malconformations or varieties?’

The recipient of this letter, Dr. R. H. Blakewell, was described by the Transactions of the New Zealand Institute as ‘formerly Vaccinator-General and Medical Officer of Health for the Colony of Trinidad; author of the ‘Pathology and treatment of Smallpox’; Fellow of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London.’ Starting Bid $1000

Sought-after twice-signed Edison Phonograph Works stock certificate

281. Thomas Edison Twice-Signed Stock Certificate for Edison Phonograph Works. Partly-printed DS, signed twice, “Thos. A. Edison,” one page, 10.25 x 5.75, July 12, 1888. Stock certificate for 80 shares in Edison Phonograph Works issued to Thomas A. Edison, signed at the conclusion in ink by Edison as the company’s president; signed again on the reverse by Edison to transfer the shares. The original receipt is detached but present. In fine condition, with the signature on the front lightly canceled in ink.

In 1877, when Edison invented the phonograph, the first device for recording and playing back sound, he thought that its main use would be to record speech in business settings, which could then be played back and transcribed. Beginning to improve upon the phonograph and recording media in the 1880s, Edison pioneered the use of wax cylinders as a means of sound recording and reproduction. Edison’s phonograph would eventually be adopted primarily for entertainment purposes, bringing music into millions of American households. A holder of over 1,000 patents, Edison considered the phonograph to be his favorite invention. Starting Bid $300

Edison sends his photographer to India, soliciting help from the Maharajah: “I have thought it may be within the power of your Excellency to assist my photographer in gaining access to subjects he may find desirable. These pictures are now being used widely over the world as an educational factor”

282. Thomas Edison Typed Letter Signed to The Maharajah: “I am sending my representative, Mr. James Ricalton, to your wonderful country to obtain a series of moving pictures of interesting subjects”. TLS signed “Thomas A. Edison,” one page, 8.5 x 11, From the Laboratory of Thomas A. Edison letterhead, July 1, 1911. Letter to “His Excellency The Maharajah,” to be carried by famed traveler and photographer James Ricalton. In full: “I am sending my representative, Mr. James Ricalton, to your wonderful country to obtain a series of moving pictures of interesting subjects. I have thought it may be within the power of your Excellency to assist my photographer in gaining access to subjects he may find desirable. These pictures are now being used widely over the world as an educational factor and any assistance which your Excellency may extend to my representative will be highly valued by me personally, as well as by the public at large.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original transmittal envelope from the “Laboratory of Thomas A. Edison, Orange, N.J.” Read more online at www. RRAuction.com. Starting Bid $200

Atypically glowing letter from Thomas Edison to a noted sculptor, praising his bust of the inventor—“Personally I am very pleased with it & have great pleasure in testifying to my satisfaction”

283. Thomas Edison Letter Signed - Lauding the Work of a Noted Sculptor. LS signed “Thos. A. Edison,” one page, 5.75 x 9.25, personal letterhead, October 8, 1884. Edison sends a complimentary letter to sculptor Rupert Schmid after seeing his finished bust of the inventor. In full: “A number of my friends have seen the bust of myself which you executed and they all state that it is a very striking likeness of me. Personally I am very pleased with it & have great pleasure in testifying to my satisfaction.” Signed boldly at the conclusion by Edison. In very good condition, with overall creasing, soiling, small stains, and splitting to the ends of the intersecting folds. Read more online at www.RRAuction.com. Starting Bid $200

“I believe that the field of experimental therapy is going to become much wider”

284. Paul Ehrlich 16-Page Autograph Draft Letter on Experimental Therapy. German scientist (1854–1915) who pioneered (and coined the term) chemotherapy and, in his research on a cure for syphilis, developed the ‘magic bullet’ concept of selectively targeting a disease-causing organism. Ehrlich received the Nobel Prize for Medicine together with Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov in 1908. Unsigned handwritten letter draft in German by Paul Ehrlich, sixteen pages, 8 x 9.75, Royal Prussian Institute for Experimental Therapy letterhead, January 4, 1905. Lengthy handwritten draft of a letter to the chemist and historian of science Ludwig Darmstaedter (1846–1927), regarding experimental therapy and the need for collaboration between the medical institute and a chemical laboratory. He sees this requirement fulfilled by the founding of the GeorgSpeyer-Haus. In small part (translated): “I believe that the field of experimental therapy is going to become much wider. However, the welcome expansion will become possible only when the problems of procuring material are removed from the inventing executive, who must not be dependent on accidental instances of goodwill.” In fine condition. Accompanied by a typed transcription. Starting Bid $1000

Einstein writes out the relativistic velocity addition formula, “where c is the velocity of light”

286. Albert Einstein Typed Letter Signed with Handwritten Velocity Addition Formulas: “c is the velocity of light”. TLS signed “A. Einstein,” one page, 8.5 x 11, The Institute for Advanced Study letterhead, January 28, 1952. Letter to Sgt. Lionel H. Silva of the Granite City Engineer Depot in Illinois, responding to an inquiry about special relativity. In full: “The question is treated in every book about special relativity. In this theory the composition of relative velocities is not following the formula u = u1 + u2, but the formula u = u1 + u2 / 1 + u1u2/c2, where c is the velocity of light. If you put in this formula u1 = u2 = c it follows u = c.” In fine condition, with some faint marginal stains. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope.

In this simple but outstanding letter, Einstein offers a comparison between the non-relativistic (classical) and relativistic ‘velocity addition’ formulas. Suppose a train is traveling south with velocity u1. You’re on the train, and you walk from the back of your car to the front with velocity u2 (relative to the train.) Then, the classical velocity addition formula says that you are traveling south relative to the ground with velocity u = u1 + u2. But if either u1 or u2 is very fast—an appreciable fraction of the speed of light, c—then that formula no longer holds, and the relativistic version (Einstein’s second equation) must be used. Here u1 + u2 is divided by the term 1 + u1 u2/c2. The relativistic velocity addition formula is an important result of special relativity, making this a very desirable Einstein letter. Starting Bid $2500

Einstein works toward a Unified Field Theory:
“I am quite firmly convinced that the solution of our problem is quite close, but it will require a few more happy inspirations”

285. Albert Einstein Autograph Letter Signed, with Equations Related to His Work on Unified Field Theory. ALS in German, signed “A. Einstein,” one page both sides, 8.5 x 11, c. December 1928–January 1929. Handwritten letter to German mathematician Chaim Herman Muntz, writing from “Gatow.” In full (translated): “There was no doubt a kernel of truth in my note. But the solution cannot be quite like what I had imagined. First of all, the following identity remains fundamental: [mathematical equation, labeled (1)].

But the field equations for gravitation cannot be given simply by [more mathematical equations, labeled (2) and (3)].

While (2) indeed fulfills two vector identities in first approximation, this is not exactly the case. Those identities do, however, exist, if instead of (2), we set [mathematical equation, marked (2a)].

whereby (3) remains as it is. This follows from certain commutation relations for taking the divergence. That (2a) and (3) are still not sufficient, but that one instead requires 4 more equations for the or the , appears to be certain. In spite of all my efforts, I have not yet been able to find any sort of compelling path to their derivation. But I suspect that another identity, of scalar character, must be important for that however, I have not yet been able to find it. There is no point in your carrying out any more calculations until you have visited me again, it would be too troublesome to write everything out. I am quite firmly convinced that the solution of our problem is quite close, but it will require a few more happy inspirations.” In fine condition.

Published as part of The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 16: The Berlin Years: Writings & Correspondence, June 1927-May 1929 (English Translation Supplement), Document 352, p. 334. Einstein began his correspondence with Muntz in 1927, and in 1928 was writing to him on ‘distant parallelism,’ an extension of Riemannian geometry in which new mathematical objects, called ‘tetrads’ are introduced, which allow for the comparison of the direction of vectors at distant points of the spacetime. This letter relates to those investigations, which Einstein felt to be important as a mathematical attempt at a unified field theory—the incorporation of electromagnetism and gravitation in a single field theory. Although he published a number of papers on the subject from 1928 to 1931, the work is considered inaccurate and not recognized by physicists of today.

During this period Einstein was working closely with colleagues Herman Muntz and Cornelius Lantz on formalizing the ‘Unified Field Theory of Gravitational Force and Electromagnetism.’ Einstein’s article ‘On Unified Field Theory’ was presented on January 10, 1929, and published on January 30, 1929, by the Prussian Academy of Sciences. In the article he discloses the final stages of the development of this theory, and it reveals critical stages in the solution that he presents. The theory tried to achieve one unified formula that would unite the electromagnetic and gravitational fields and present them as different manifestations of a single universal force. At the article’s close, Einstein expresses appreciation for Muntz’s assistance: ‘It is my pleasant duty to thank Dr. H. Müntz for his laboriously precise calculation of the centrally symmetric problem on the basis of Hamilton’s principle the results of his calculation suggested to me the method used here.’ Starting Bid $1000

The aging Einstein pens an endearing letter to his grandson, sketching a light bulb contraption and commenting on his health:
“The head is still usable and alive, so I can enjoy life”

287. Albert Einstein Autograph Letter Signed to His Grandson: “The head is still usable and alive, so I can enjoy life”. ALS in German, signed “Albert,” one page, 8.5 x 11, December 1954. Endearing handwritten letter to “Hardi,” his grandson Bernhard Caesar Einstein, who had recently married Doris Aude Ascher. Einstein picks up somewhat sarcastically on his ‘beggar’s letter’ (“Bettelbrief”) and the new ‘marital yoke’ (“der Sprung ins Joch”). He hopes that Bernhard has received the money and if that is not enough he will help more if needed. With regards to his wife’s (literal) cold feet (“die Kälte-Empfindlichkeit der Füsse Deiner Frau”), there is a sort of simple electrical lamp that projects a red light and ultra red light, useful during transitional seasons. Einstein draws the lamp and concludes that it does not require very much electricity.

Einstein comments that Swiss teaching methods are likely better that American ones, observing that, in general, everything is better and more honest in Switzerland—but also a bit petty and lacking imagination (“Überhaupt ist in der Schweiz alles gesünder und ehrlicher – allerdings auch etwas kleinlich und phantasielos”). He himself is weakened by anemia and cannot walk up stairs. But the head is still operable and alive in order to be grateful for existence (“Aber der Kopf ist immer noch brauchbar und lebendig, sodass ich mich des Daseins freuen kann”). In fine condition, with two file holes to the left edge. A charming family letter that reveals Einstein as a loving grandfather, eagerly attempting to solve a number of his grandson’s problems. Starting Bid $1000

Driving with Einstein—handsome photo signed in the year he moved to America

288. Albert Einstein Signed Photograph (1933). Vintage matte-finish 5.75 x 3.75 photo of Einstein seated in the back of an automobile, signed in black ink with his full signature, “Albert Einstein, 1933.” In fine condition, with moderately heavy silvering to the dark areas of the image, and fading to the first name of the signature. Accompanied by full letters of authenticity from JSA and PSA/DNA. Encapsulated in a plastic PSA/DNA authentication holder. A delightful signed portrait of Einstein that dates to the year the brilliant theoretical physicist emigrated to the United States, taking a professorship at Princeton and leaving behind the heightening tension in Europe. Starting Bid $1000

One genius recognizes another: “I would like to thank you very much for the wonderful Vivaldi record. When I have overcome the shock of the birthday, I will leisurely devote myself to the master’s work and remember you gratefully”

289. Albert Einstein Typed Letter Signed, Sending Thanks for “the wonderful Vivaldi record”. TLS in German, signed “A. Einstein,” one page, 8.5 x 11, blindstamped personal Princeton letterhead, March 25, 1954. Letter to Dr. Eugenie Anderman in New York, in part (translated): “You can be sure that I have received all your letters and their enclosures. However, the mail has swelled so much in recent years that I would not be able to adequately meet my obligations even if I were to give up all productive work. But I am resisting this with all the strength I have left. Now I would like to thank you very much for the wonderful Vivaldi record. When I have overcome

the shock of the birthday, I will leisurely devote myself to the master’s work and remember you gratefully.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope.

Alongside Mozart and Bach, Einstein was also known to enjoy Vivaldi, Schubert, Scarlatti, and Corelli; he himself was an accomplished violinist. Einstein had turned 75 years old on March 14th, and evidently received a Vivaldi record as a gift. A desirable letter by the genius, demonstrating his well-known love of classical music. Starting Bid $1000

Scarce letter from

the Institute for Nuclear Studies, signed by the first physicist to split the atom

290. Enrico Fermi Typed Letter Signed on Institute for Nuclear Studies Letterhead. Physicist (1901–1954) who became the first to split the atom and received the 1938 Nobel Prize for Physics for his developments in harnessing nuclear power. Uncommon TLS signed “E. Fermi,” one page, 8.25 x 10.75, University of Chicago, Institute for Nuclear Studies letterhead, March 26, 1948. Letter to chemist Bernard Jaffe, in part: “Concerning the sketch in which you are interested, you may probably obtain some information on it by writing to Dr. W. H. Zinn, Director of the Argonne National Laboratories, The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.” In fine condition.

Enrico Fermi, a pioneering physicist, played a key role in the development of nuclear energy and was instrumental in achieving the first controlled nuclear chain reaction at the University of Chicago in 1942. After World War II, helped to establish the Institute for Nuclear Studies (now the Enrico Fermi Institute) at the university, where he conducted groundbreaking research in particle physics and quantum theory. The institute became a major center for advanced scientific research, fostering innovations in nuclear physics and cosmology. Starting Bid $500

Rare, unpublished scientific correspondence by C. F. Gauss on “magnetic observations” made on a journey around the world

291. Carl Friedrich Gauss (2) Autograph Letters

Signed on Earth’s Magnetic Field. German mathematician and physical scientist (1777-1855) who contributed significantly to many fields, including geometry and astronomy; he is often referred to as the ‘prince of mathematicians’ or ‘the greatest mathematician since antiquity.’ Remarkable pairing of two long, unpublished letters from the year 1838, addressed to the Berlin physicist and geologist Georg Adolf Erman (1806–1877). Erman had returned in 1830 from a multiyear world expedition and was in the process of publishing his research findings in the multi-volume ‘Reise um die Welt durch Nordasien und die beiden Oceane [Journey Around the World Through North Asia and the Two Oceans].’ Gauss was able to build upon Erman’s empirical observations of the Earth’s magnetic field with his theoretical work. Includes:

ALS in German, signed “C. F. Gauss,” one page both sides, 8.25 x 10.5, November 3, 1838. In part (translated): “The magnetic observations Your Honor made on your journey around the world are of such interest to any friend of this branch of natural science that I have eagerly awaited the publication of the second part of your work but, unfortunately, in vain thus far. You fully disclosed the declinations in the first part of your work; I recently learned about the (complete) intensities from Sabine’s recently published report (Report on the Variations of the Magnetic Intensity, London, 1838). However, the inclinations are still missing. Some were mentioned in Poggendorff’s Annalen (1829, vol. 2 and 3), but I am uncertain about the reliability of these reports, especially as the declinations in these earlier accounts differ significantly from the later ones in your work. Furthermore, a part of your journey remains

unaccounted for, so, for instance, I have not been able to find your inclination for Sitka anywhere. For theoretical purposes, one cannot make use of the so-called total intensity at all; instead, one must first derive the horizontal intensity from it. I had already mentioned this in an earlier letter to you and have expressed it on several other occasions, unfortunately without seeing my wish fulfilled.”

ALS in German, signed “C. F. Gauss,” one page both sides, 8.25 x 10.5, December 22, 1838. In part (translated): “I am deeply indebted to you for your kind willingness to fulfill my request, and I express my heartfelt thanks for the communications you have already provided. While I eagerly anticipate the forthcoming completion of your reports, I hope that this will not cause you any inconvenience and that you will proceed entirely at your own convenience. If I may express my primary interest, it lies first and foremost in observations from locations where all three magnetic elements have been fully determined. The Royal Society in London has petitioned the British government to establish magnetic stations on St. Helena, the Cape, Ceylon, Van Diemen’s Land [now Tasmania], and in Canada, and to organize a dedicated expedition to carry out magnetic observations at the highest attainable southern latitudes. These are promising prospects, and in a few years, our knowledge in this field will likely be greatly enriched.”

In overall fine condition, with minor seal-related paper loss to each address leaf. These rare letters highlight the scientific exchange and the international efforts to expand the understanding of the Earth’s magnetic field during the 19th century. Starting Bid $1000

Morse aims to make “some arrangements in regard to the Telegraphic Paper”

292. Samuel F. B. Morse Autograph Letter Signed on the Telegraph. ALS signed “Sam. F. B. Morse,” one page, 7.75 x 9.75, April 1, 1847. Handwritten letter of introduction, in part: “Allow me to introduce to you my friend Edward N. Kent, Esq. Chemist of 116 John St. who is desirous of seeing you, and of making some arrangements in regard to the Telegraphic Paper.” In very good to fine condition, with intersecting folds, creasing, and slightly irregular light toning. Accompanied by an engraved portrait bearing a facsimile signature.

Morse first seriously contemplated the idea of a telegraph in 1832, filing a caveat for his invention with the U.S. Patent Office in September 1837. Seven years later, the mechanism that introduced the world to instantaneous electronic communication was in operation: Morse sent the first telegraphed message, ‘What hath God wrought,’ from the chambers of the U.S. Supreme Court to the B&O Railroad depot in Baltimore on May 24, 1844. Starting Bid $300

“In urging that the clearance question should be settled with all possible speed, I am of course using the argument that you are needed here in Livermore very badly”

293. Edward Teller Typed Letter Signed to Physicist J. M. Luttinger: “You are needed here in Livermore very badly”. TLS, one page, 8.25 x 11, University of California, Radiation Laboratory letterhead, January 6, 1953. Letter to eminent American physicist Joaquin M. Luttinger, in part: “As I wrote to Heinz Barschall, we are now going after your clearance with hammer and tongs. I think that you are quite right to want to get a definite clarification of this matter. In urging that the clearance question should be settled with all possible speed, I am of course using the argument that you are needed here in Livermore very badly. We hope that as soon as we have your clearance, we shall be able to make plans for an extended visit for you at Livermore and have your full cooperation here, at least for several months.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

294. James Watt Autograph Letter Signed. British engineer (1736-1819) who developed an efficient steam engine which was a universal source of power and provided one of the most essential technological components of the early industrial revolution. The unit of power known as a ‘watt’ was named after him. ALS, one page, 7.5 x 10, August 6, 1812. Handwritten letter to Franklin Lewis, responding to a matter concerning his properties. In part: “I should be exceedingly sorry to stand in the way of any arrangement for the publick quad, but…it appears that it would prove highly detrimental to my farms…As however it concerns my son much more than it does me…whatever he agrees to I shall acquiesce in. He is now in London…it is probably he may delay coming to any conclusion until he returns. Mrs. Watt joins me in best compliments to you.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $300


Elusive English-language autograph letter by Sigmund Freud on a recent “psychoanalytic study” of former President Woodrow Wilson:
“You have indeed opened up a new field of analytic research...I detest the man who is the object of your study”

300. Sigmund Freud Autograph Letter Signed on a “Psychoanalytic Study” of Woodrow Wilson: “I detest the man”. Rare English-language ALS signed “Freud,” one page both sides, 5.25 x 8.25, personal letterhead, January 15, 1922. Handwritten letter to American journalist William Bayard Hale, in full: “I greatly enjoyed your book, ‘The Story of a Style.’ I had felt prejudiced against it by your publisher advertising it as a ‘psychoanalytic study’ of Woodrow Wilson, which designation you yourself disclaim. But there is the true spirit of psychoanalysis in it. You have indeed opened up a new field of analytic research and your first results however incomplete may be correct as far as I can judge them. That kind of a higher and more scientific ‘graphologie’ is sure to find a broad application in literary criticism. By the article in the Rundschau I learned what kind of a man you are and what your former relations with Mr. Wilson had been. I fully sympathize with you but I think you should not describe your work as a cool scientific study of the man. There is a deep passion behind your investigation, it often betrays itself in your lines and it were a miracle if it did not so. You need not be ashamed of it, yet I cannot overcome my objection that what you have done is a bit of vivisection and that psychoanalysis should not be [used] practiced on a living individual. I therefore submit to you my wish that you should not publish my letter as a whole but should take out of it such passages as you deem convenient; you are invited to correct my grammatical errors and faulty impressions. And now let me add in a purely confidential way: I detest the man who is the object of your study. As far as a single individual can be responsible for the misery of this part of the world he surely is. With the expression of my sincere respect.” In fine condition.

Freud was deeply affected by World War I in which his sons fought for Austria and dissolved the Austro-Hungarian Empire; he came to hold a deep antipathy, as stated in our letter, to-

wards President Woodrow Wilson. ‘The harsh realities of the negotiations at Versailles had converted Freud’s limited and fleeting hopes for Wilson into furious dissatisfaction. Freud was not disposed to forgive the American messiah for letting him down…In 1921, he made some of his anger public, disparaging ‘the American president’s Fourteen Points’ as ‘fantastic promises’ that had found too much credence.’ (Freud: A Life for Our Time, Peter Gay).

Freud famously collaborated with American diplomat (and fellow Wilson hater) William Christian Bullitt on a psychoanalytical study of Wilson that was first published in Europe in the 1930s but did not appear in the U. S. until 1967. Freud and Bullitt attributed Wilson’s diplomacy to religious fanaticism –a judgment that no historian has endorsed. Their book was greeted with uniformly hostile reviews, with British scholar A. J. P. Taylor asking, ‘How did anyone ever manage to take Freud seriously?’

The recipient, William Bayard Hale, was a Boston minister turned journalist who was a writer and editor, known for his keen political analysis on the pages of such high-profile publications as Cosmopolitan Magazine, the New York Times, and the Philadelphia Public Ledger. A friend and advisor to New Jersey Governor Woodrow Wilson, he penned his 1911 biography Woodrow Wilson: The Story of His Life. After Wilson’s 1912 presidential victory, he sent Hale on a diplomatic mission to Mexico that culminated in America’s interference in the Mexican Civil War several years later. Shortly thereafter, Hale fell out with Wilson and used his book, The Story of a Style, to harshly attack Wilson’s character.

Provenance: Ex Forbes Collection; Christie’s, New York, November 15, 2005, Lot 173. Starting Bid $2500

Jung analyzes the dream of a colleague, describing it as a “telepathic attack”—
“One naturally had to ask oneself what you have in common with Schmitz that makes him appear so clearly in your unconscious field of vision”

301. Carl Jung Typed Letter Signed, Interpreting a Colleague’s Dream. TLS signed “Jung,” one page, 8.25 x 10.5, personal letterhead, June 1, 1931. Letter to his colleague, Dr. Wolfgang M. Kranefeldt, in full (translated): “Many thanks for sending the references. It’s better it should be too long than too short. Cimbal can still use the scissors as he pleases. It is strange that you should dream of Schmitz [likely the German writer Oskar A. H. Schmitz], but you sometimes have telepathic attacks, which is obviously to be expected. In addition, however, one naturally had to ask oneself what you have in common with Schmitz that makes him appear so clearly in your unconscious field of vision. I don’t even know how you feel about Schmitz. But it would not be impossible that he could be a somewhat exaggerated example in terms of writing. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad in practice if you could add about 1/10th Schmitz to your mix. I am enclosing a copy of my lecture, if you want to send it back to me when you have read it. The lecture will appear soon in the European Review. With best regards always.” In fine condition. A significant, highly desirable letter from Jung, who attempts to analyze the dream of a fellow psychotherapist. Starting Bid $300

The celebrated philosopher writes from Trinity College to Allied-occupied Austria:

“One can hardly imagine what you must be enduring in Vienna”

302. Ludwig Wittgenstein Autograph Letter Signed: “One can hardly imagine what you must be enduring in Vienna”. Highly influential Austrian-British philosopher (1889–1951) whose greatest contributions were in the fields of logic, philosophy of mathematics, and language. Scarce ALS in German, one page, 5 x 7.75, March 2, 1947. Handwritten letter to Betty Gaun, longtime housekeeper to the Wittgenstein family, sent from Trinity College, Cambridge. In part (translated): “Yes, one can hardly imagine what you must be enduring in Vienna. It’s fortunate that my sister had you during her illness!—If only this winter would soon pass. It’s also harsher here than it has been in many years. I am always

very healthy. I hope to be able to visit you not too long from now.” In fine condition, with the round stamp of the “Austrian Censorship Office” to the lower left.

In 1947, Allied-occupied Vienna was plagued by severe food shortages as the city’s infrastructure remained damaged from World War II. Austrian agriculture was further depressed by a severe winter and poor harvest. Rations were minimal, with many residents surviving on meager portions provided by occupying forces and international aid organizations. Starting Bid $1000

Rare signature of John Wilkes Booth displayed with an original .44 Deringer— the same model pistol that killed President Lincoln Notorious Figures and Lawmen

317. John Wilkes Booth Signature and Original .44 Deringer Pistol. Scarce circa 1864 ink signature, “J. Wilkes Booth,” on an off-white 3.25 x .75 slip clipped from a document, handsomely double-matted and framed in a 16 x 14.25 shadowbox display that features an original carte-de-visite portrait of Booth and an original .44-caliber pistol made by Henry Deringer of Philadelphia—the exact make and model used by Booth to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1865, at Ford’s Theatre in Washington, D.C. The well-preserved pistol boasts a walnut stock and ornately engraved lock plate, just as Booth’s did, stamped by the maker: “Deringer, Phil’a.” In fine condition, with two light vertical folds, and a thin old tape stain to the left edge not touching the signature. Starting Bid $1000

37. Civil War Union Model 1859 ‘Type 2’ Forage Cap (9th New Jersey Infantry). Union Model 1859 ‘Type 2’ Federal contract enlisted forage cap issued circa 1860-1865, with original contract label to inner liner reading: “Size No. 2, 7, U. S. Army, L. J. & I. Philips.” Lewis J. & Issac Phillips of New York manufactured approximately 840,000 forage caps during the Civil War. The cap no longer retains its side buttons and chinstrap. In very good to good condition, with the flat brim exhibiting expected crazing, solid body with evidence of mothing, especially near the missing side buttons; loose and missing stitching on the sweatband, which shows finish loss; and the polished cotton liner is detached from the band, revealing the burlap stiffener, but remains in very good condition. Provenance: From the descendants of Vernon Bond, believed to have enlisted in Company B, 9th New Jersey Infantry in 1861. Read more online at www.RRAuction. com. Starting Bid $200

Retiring from the battlefield in 1864, Bragg commends the medical director of hospitals in Atlanta:
“The operations of the Hospital department of our Army of Tenn., especially since systemized by you, I have always claimed as perfect”

36. Braxton Bragg Civil War-Dated Autograph Letter Signed on Chickamauga and Confederate Hospital System. Civil War-dated ALS, three pages on two adjoining sheets, 5.5 x 9, January 2, 1864. Handwritten letter to surgeon S. H. Stout, the medical director of hospitals in Atlanta. In part: “To have secured the good will and esteem to those who have suffered most in our cause, and of their humane and self-sacrificing…whose only return is a consciousness of duty well done, is no small reward to one whose stern discharge of duty more often offended than propitiated…The operations of the Hospital department of our Army of Tenn., especially since systemized by you, I have always claimed as perfect, so far as our means allowed. And I have every reason to believe it is considered by our government as superior to any in the country. I hope you will find it agreeable to continue your service, so grateful to the soldier and so beneficial to the army. Rest assured, Doctor, that one of the most pleasant associations of my official life has been with that of you and your corps…In this connection I enclose you a short extract from my report at Chickamauga.” In fine condition, with tiny old tape repairs along the central horizontal fold. Starting Bid $200

“Gum Swamp!!!”— historical hand-sewn 34-star Union American flag dating to the Civil War and the Lincoln administration

35. Civil War-era United States Union 34-Star ‘Gum Swamp’ Flag (1861-1863). Rare Civil War-era United States National 34-Star flag from circa 1861-1863, measuring approximately 68˝ x 140˝, made of hand-sewn wool bunting and featuring 34 upside down, single applique cotton stars with hand cut-out reverse. The stars are arranged in an extended hexagonal pattern of 3-4-5-6-5-4-3, with the remaining four stars arranged in each corner, and an applied cotton header strip bearing reinforced metal grommets. Applied to the field is a hand-sewn dark blue wool strip with the motto “Gum Swamp!!!” in reverse applique letters; the wool strip is roughly hand-sewn with a white cotton backing sewn on the obverse. In very good condition, with fading to the canton, minor staining, fraying, and some moth holes.

The 34-star flag of the United States was officially adopted on July 4, 1861, following the admission of Kansas as the 34th state on January 29, 1861. This flag is notably significant as it represents a turbulent period in American history—the Civil War. It was under this flag that President Abraham Lincoln took office and led the nation through the profound challenges of the war, which began just three months after its adoption. The flag symbolized the Union’s resolve to preserve the nation despite the secession of several Southern states.

During its time, the 34-star flag flew in many pivotal moments in American history. It was carried by Union soldiers in numerous battles and was present during the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, which began the process of freedom for millions of enslaved people. The flag continued to fly until July 4, 1863, when it was replaced by the 35-star flag following the admission of West Virginia.

This hand-sewn 34 Star flag, with its unique pattern of stars and the addition of the Gum Swamp banner, is a unique example of a Civil War period flag. The “Gum Swamp!!” motto likely refers to the 1st and 2nd Battles of Gum Swamp, though it is unknown when or why they were added to the flag.

The Battles of Gum Swamp, fought in April and May of 1863, were a significant yet often overlooked engagement during the Civil War. These skirmishes took place near Kinston,

North Carolina. The Union’s strategic objective in this area was to disrupt Confederate supply lines and gather crucial intelligence for future operations. The first engagement, on April 28th, saw Union forces under General Palmer launch a surprise attack, successfully driving the Confederate troops from their entrenched position in the swamp with minimal losses on both sides.

Just weeks later, on May 22nd, a second battle erupted at Gum Swamp in Jones County. This time, the Confederate 25th and 56th North Carolina Regiments were caught off guard and nearly encircled by five Union regiments. Forced to fight their way out or flee into the swamp, the Confederates suffered a significant defeat, with over 160 men from the 56th NC Regiment captured.

The Union attack employed a two-pronged strategy, with one column advancing along the railroad and the other flanking the Confederates through the swamp. Despite some awareness of the flanking maneuver, the 56th was overwhelmed and routed, suffering significant casualties and the capture of many soldiers. General Ransom’s belated arrival with reinforcements proved insufficient, and the remaining Confederates were forced to scatter.

Following the initial Union victory, a Confederate counterattack led by General Hill forced the Union troops to retreat, although they were harassed by artillery fire throughout the night. The next morning, further skirmishing ensued before the Union forces began their retreat to New Bern. One Union column became lost in the swamp during the retreat, enduring a difficult journey before finally reaching safety. The Confederates pursued, engaging in further skirmishes before ultimately returning to Gum Swamp.

The 56th NC Regiment suffered heavy losses in the battle. While Colonel Faison was acquitted of charges related to the defeat, his reputation suffered. The blame for the disaster largely fell on General Ransom, who was deemed responsible for the insufficient Confederate force at Gum Swamp. The men of the 56th NC Regiment placed the blame on Ransom, not Faison, for their defeat. Starting Bid $500

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Incredible working manuscript for
“Book First, Diorama of 1862,” the opening volume of ‘Camp and Field: Papers from the Portfolio of an Army Chaplain,” the firsthand Civil War account of Dr. Joseph Cross, a Methodist Chaplain of the 2nd Tennessee Infantry Regiment

38. The Confederate Memoirs of Chaplain Joseph Cross - Original Manuscript for the ‘First Book’ of His Remarkable Civil War Narrative, ‘Camp and Field: Papers from the Portfolio of an Army Chaplain’. Original handwritten working manuscript by Dr. Joseph Cross, a Methodist Chaplain of the 2nd Tennessee Infantry Regiment, for the first book of his remarkable Civil War memoir ‘Camp and Field: Papers from the Portfolio of an Army Chaplain,’ which was published as four books in 1864 by Burke, Boykin & Co. of Macon, Georgia (Books 1 and 2), and Evans & Cogswell of Columbia, South Carolina (Books 3 and 4). The string-bound manuscript, approximately 110 pages, 8.25 x 10.25, entitled “Book First, Diorama of 1862,” offers a series of detailed essays and narratives from the unique perspective of a Confederate Army chaplain during 1862, which chronicles the hardship of soldiers, military engagements, and the spiritual and moral aspects of camp life.

Cross’s cover sheet, which he has signed below as “Jos. Cross,” features annotated directions to “Mr. Compositor,” in part: “My punctuation is not to be changed anywhere. The

orthography may occasionally need correction. Please observe the paragraphing very strictly.” The title page for “Book First” features a stanza from James Montgomery’s poem A Voyage Round the World; Cross, a professor of English literature, routinely begins chapters with quotes from famous poets, which includes William Shakespeare, William Cullen Bryant, Edward Young, and more. The book’s contents page contains 10 chapters: “I. Dissolving Views, II. Mississippiana. III. In Transitu, IV. Hegira Extraordinary, V. Into Kentucky, VI. Out of Kentucky, VII. Fredericksburg, VIII. Murfreesborough, IX. Our Western Cavaliers, X. The Open Sepulcher.” In overall very good to fine condition, with scattered overall wear, with the backs of numerous pages professionally repaired with tape. A staggering, museum-quality work of immense historical interest that glows with Cross’s lyrical prose and vivid remembrances, qualities perhaps only overshadowed by the manuscript’s remarkable condition and strikingly crisp penmanship.

Interested parties are strongly encouraged to visit our website and read the lot’s full description. Starting Bid $300

39. Civil War: Pvt. John L. Seitzinger’s M1840 Saber, Cavalry Hat, and Cavalry Post G.A.R. Flag. Collection of Civil War items identified to John L. Seitzinger, private in the 5th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Company E, who enlisted on August 23, 1864, and was wounded in action at the Battle of Chaffin’s Farm and New Market Heights shortly thereafter. Seitzinger’s wounds resulted in the amputation of his leg, and he was discharged from service on July 18, 1865.

Includes: a Model 1840 cavalry saber, called the ‘wristbreaker’ due to its heavy weight, stamped on the ricasso, “Ames Mfg. Co., Cabotville, 1850” with a “US” inspection stamp on the opposite side; a black felt cavalry hat, marked inside the leather hatband, “The New York Hat, Paragon Brand,” with a crossed saber emblem and “5” on the crown; a very rare cloth printed 47-star Grand Army of the Republic flag, circa 1912, measuring 17˝ x 11.5˝, imprinted in black: “The Cavalry Post No. 35, G.A.R.”; Seitzinger’s discharge certificate, signed by Union Army Surgeon Dr. Thomas Hewson Bache, dated July 18, 1865, which makes note of his amputated leg on the reverse. Also includes a large, worn 10˝ x 19˝ portrait of Seitzinger in a seated pose, showing him with a prosthetic leg.

In overall very good condition, with some staining to the sword, wear to the hat, some trivial fraying to edges of the flag, and heavy wear to the oversized portrait of Seitzinger. A unique, named archive from a Pennsylvania cavalryman. Starting Bid $500

The Democratic Party informs Gen. McClellan of his 1864 nomination for the presidency, with assurance of the “confident belief that your election will restore to our country Union, Peace & Constitutional Liberty”

40. [George B. McClellan]: DNC Letter to McClellan, Informing of His Nomination for President in 1864. LS, four pages on two adjoining sheets, 6.5 x 8, September 8, 1864. Letter to “Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan,” in part: “The undersigned were appointed a committee by the National Democratic Convention which met at Chicago on the 29 August, to advise you of your unanimous nomination by that body as the candidate of the Democratic Party for President of the United States, and also to present you a copy of the proceedings and resolutions of the Convention. It gives us great pleasure to perform this duty and to act as the Representatives not only of that convention, but also of the vast assemblage of citizens who attended…Be advised that those for whom we speak were animated with the most earnest, devoted and prayerful desire for the salvation of the American Union and the preservation of the Constitution of the United States, and that the accomplishment of these objects was the guiding & impelling motive in every mind and we may

be.” The letter closes by expressing the “confident belief that your election will restore to our country Union, Peace & Constitutional Liberty.” Signed at the conclusion in ink by eleven members of the delegation, representing Kentucky, Indiana, New York, Michigan, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Oregon, California, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Ohio. In very good to fine condition, with splitting to folds and hinges.

In the 1864 U.S. presidential election, incumbent President Abraham Lincoln, representing the National Union Party, faced Democratic nominee and former General George B. McClellan. Despite initial doubts about his re-election prospects due to ongoing Civil War challenges, Lincoln secured a decisive victory, winning 212 electoral votes to McClellan’s 21, and obtaining 55% of the popular vote. This election was pivotal, as Lincoln’s triumph ensured the continuation of his administration’s policies, leading to the successful conclusion of the Civil War and the abolition of slavery. Starting Bid $200

Lt. Gen. Leonidas Polk presents a wartime map of Grant’s failed bayou operations to a British colonel

41. Leonidas Polk Signed Civil War-Dated Manuscript

Map of the Vicksburg Campaign. Episcopal Bishop of Louisiana (1806–1864) whose West Point classmate, Jefferson Davis, urged him to accept an appointment as a Confederate general despite a lack of combat experience. Dubbed the ‘Fighting Bishop,’ Polk was killed in action during the Atlanta Campaign. Unique Civil War-dated hand-drawn manuscript map of the of the Vicksburg Campaign, accomplished in ink and watercolor on an off-white 8.25 x 10 sheet, signed and inscribed on the reverse, “Lt. Col. Fremantle, with compliments of Lieut. Genl. Polk, May 29, 1863.” The map, executed in an unknown hand—presumably that of a mapmaker attached to Polk’s Corps in the Army of the Tennessee—details the area’s various rivers, dominated by the Mississippi River along the left side, and denotes the locations of Grant’s headquarters at Vicksburg, the Confederate-held Fort Pemberton, and Yazoo City in between. A mapmaker’s note reads: “The red lines represent the different routes taken by the Enemy’s gunboats cooperating for possession of Yazoo River. Where the red lines terminate are the points at which the expeditions have reached, and repulsed. March 30th 1863.” The red line shows the Union’s route upriver from Grant’s headquarters to Rolling Fork, where the rebel forces halted their advance. In fine condition. The recipient of the map, Arthur Lyon Fremantle, was a British Army officer and war tourist; he spent three months (April 2–July 16, 1863) in North America, traveling through parts of the Confederate States of America and the Union, and famously witnessing the Battle of Gettysburg. While touring the South, he met several prominent Confederate officers including Dabney H. Maury, William J. Hardee, Leonidas Polk, and Braxton Bragg.

In March 1863, during the Vicksburg Campaign, General Ulysses S. Grant launched the Steele’s Bayou Expedition to bypass Confederate defenses and move Union forces upstream of Gen. John C. Pemberton’s defenses. The expedition, led by Admiral David Dixon Porter and supported by Union troops, navigated through a maze of bayous, including Steele’s Bayou, Deer Creek, and Rolling Fork—narrow, twisting waterways that slowed their advance to a snail’s pace.

Confederate forces further impeded their progress by felling trees across the river at Rolling Fork, then trapped the flotilla by doing the same across Deer Creek. Porter sent an urgent appeal for help to the Army, and then issued orders to his captains to prepare to destroy their ships rather than let them fall into enemy hands. On March 22, 1863, reinforcements arrived to fend off the Confederate patrols that were blocking the retreat, allowing Porter and his vessels to return to the Mississippi through Steele’s Bayou.

The Steele’s Bayou expedition was Grant’s last attempt to attack Pemberton’s right flank. Frustrated by the challenges of waging war in the Mississippi Delta’s swampy terrain, but determined to defeat Pemberton, he turned his attention to the enemy left flank, and soon began the movement that led to the capture of Vicksburg. Starting Bid $500

Rare West Point yearbook album for the Class of 1859, fully signed by the cadets and faculty—including future Confederate officers

William J. Hardee and Fightin’ Joe Wheeler

42. West Point: 1859 Yearbook Photo Album Signed by (33), including William J. Hardee and Joseph Wheeler. Extremely rare original leatherbound yearbook for the West Point Class of 1859, 11 x 11.5, containing 33 salt print portraits of the esteemed institution’s cadets and faculty, each boldly signed on the mount in ink by the subject.

The book opens with a dozen members of the West Point faculty: Richard Delafield, superintendent of the United States Military Academy; William J. Hardee, commandant of cadets; Dennis Hart Mahan, professor of engineering; William H. C. Bartlett, professor of natural and experimental philosophy; Albert E. Church, professor of mathematics; Robert W. Weir, professor of drawing; Hyacinth R. Agnel, professor of French; John W. French, professor of ethics; H. L. Kendrick, professor of chemistry; Patrice de Janon, professor of Spanish; James G. Benton, instructor in ordnance and gunnery; and James C. Duane, instructor in practical engineering.

These are followed by 21 signed portraits of the Class of 1859, including: William Emory Merrill, Orlando G. Wagner, Martin D. Hardin, Samuel H. Lockett, Eugene M. Baker, Joseph Wheeler (who earned fame as the Confederacy’s ‘Fighting Joe’), Francis L. Guenther, Elias B. Carling, Roderic Stone,

Francis J. Crilly, John J. Upham, Edward G. Bush, Norman J. Hall, Moses H. Wright, Chauncey B. Reese, Henry A. F. Worth, Robert F. Beckham, Edwin H. Stoughton, Allen L. Anderson, Abraham K. Arnold (recipient of the Medal of Honor for gallantry at Davenport Bridge), and John R. B. Burtwell.

Pasted to two rear pages are a few clipped images of the grounds of the United States Military Academy at West Point. In overall very good to fine condition, with wear and rubbing to the covers and spine; interior pages are generally fine, with a few tissue guards missing.

This 1859 West Point class photo album captures a pivotal moment in American history, as its graduates would soon find themselves on opposing sides of the Civil War. These young men, once bound by camaraderie and military discipline, were about to be divided by the nation’s most devastating conflict. Several would not survive: Wagner and Stone died fighting to preserve the Union, while Beckham died for the Confederate cause. The album serves as a haunting artifact of unity before the fracture, preserving the faces and signatures of those who would become leaders in both Union and Confederate armies. Starting Bid $1000

Two handwritten letters from “Lafayette” dating to his illustrious return to the United States in 1824

407. Marquis de Lafayette (2) Autograph Letters Signed.

Two ALSs in English, both signed “Lafayette,” both one page, 5 x 7.75, undated but circa 1824, and addressed to a doctor by the name of Stevenson. The first handwritten letter, in full: “The Benevolent plan of our friend has been accepted with deep and lively gratitude, my dear doctor. It has been agreed between my Colleague, a friend to the Servant and myself that this Servant should be at your House tomorrow Thursday at light in the Morning with a letter from me to be by you sent to His New Master.” The second letter, in full: “How are you, dear doctor, by this Hot Weather? I beg you to let me Hear of the Health of poor Mr Jones: Give me also his address.” In overall very good to fine condition, with some light soiling, and an old tape repair to a horizontal tear on the latter letter. Lafayette was the last surviving general of the Revolutionary War when he returned to the United States for a visit in 1824 and 1825 – a landmark event during the first half of 19th century America and a trip that marked the first time in 38 years that he had stepped foot on U.S. soil.

Accompanied by an ALS from Dr. Samuel Brown, signed “Sam. Brown,” one page, both sides, dated October 3, 1824, addressed to Dr. Stevenson: “I regret that I did not see you before I left Paris to thank you for the uncommon attentions & favors I recd from you during my visit to that City…On my arrival in America I shall send you the necessary papers with a list of our friends &c. We have a very pleasant party & hope to reach home in a month – I wish you were with us.” Also included is a three-page autograph manuscript in French, penned in an unknown hand, addressed to “Madame Le Breton,” containing five stanzas for a piece entitled “Le Chanson” (“The Song”). Starting Bid $200

“Many are the battles that I have fought on the soil of Belgium”

417. Rene Fonck Autograph Manuscript Signed. French aviator who ended WWI as the top Allied fighter ace (1894–1953). AMS in French from Rene Fonck, handwritten in ink on an off-white 6.5 x 9 sheet, no date, signed at the conclusion, “Reni Fonck.” The handwritten passage reads (loosely translated): “Many are the battles that I have fought on the soil of Belgium. This land, which I consider in my heart as my second homeland, has been made so glorious in happy days by the valor of its children and its Soldier King.” In very fine condition. Accompanied by a period pearl-finish 6.75 x 4.75 photo of Fonck accepting a cigarette from fellow fighter ace and former enemy Ernst Udet, the highest-scoring German fighter pilot to survive World War I and the secondhighest scoring ace after Manfred von Richthofen, the Red Baron, his commander in the Flying Circus.

Fonck’s last line refers to Albert I (1875–1934), the king of the Belgians from December 23, 1909 until his death in 1934. He is popularly referred to as the Knight King or Soldier King in Belgium due to his role during World War I. Starting Bid $200

418. Napoleon Document Signed. Manuscript DS in French, signed “Bonaparte,” one page, 8 x 12.25, circa 1801. Untranslated financial document concerning taxes, boldly endorsed in the left margin by Napoleon Bonaparte. Impressively matted and framed with a portrait of Napoleon to an overall size of 36 x 26.5. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

420. Napoleon Letter Signed on Provisions for Troops. LS in French, signed “Nap,” one page, 7.25 x 9, March 27, 1812. Letter to Comte de Sussy, posing questions about the provisioning of the troops, written six weeks before the start of the Russian campaign. In full (translated): “The minutes of the meeting of the subsistence council on March 24 have informed me of the situation. Please ask Commander Masse to include the usual information, that is, the status of purchases, quantities of flour, quantities of wheat, and the locations where all this is stored, so that I can form an idea of our current situation. With this, I pray that God has kept you in His holy care.” In very good condition, with soiling, light staining, and moderately heavy overall creasing. Starting Bid $200

Napoleon prepares for his Russian campaign, ordering troops to Strasbourg and Germany

419. Napoleon Letter Signed, Ordering Troops to Germany. LS in French, signed “Nap,” one page, 7 x 9, September 14, 1811. Letter to ‘Monsieur le comte de Cessac,’ whom he orders to send the 4th battalion in Strasbourg to Wesel, Germany, in preparation for the Russian campaign. In full (translated): “I hereby order that the staff of the 4th battalion of the 46th proceed to Strasbourg and that the staff of the 4th battalion of the 19th delegate proceed to Wesel. These staffs will each take 900 conscripts. Instruct the administrative conflicts of these regiments to provide the battalions with clothing, small and large equipment; they can withdraw from their stores in whole or in part; we will provide them with sheets. This is the means of providing for the clothing of the refractory conscript today. With this, I pray to God that He has kept you in His holy care.” In very good to fine condition, with some light staining impinging upon, but not touching, the signature. Starting Bid $200

Exceptionally rare handwritten letter from Napoleon’s last lover, Countess Albine de Montholon, boasting marvelous biographical insights about the exiled French emperor

421. Napoleon: Countess Montholon Rare Autograph Letter Signed - Napoleon’s Last Lover, Reminiscing on the Exiled French Emperor’s Life on Saint Helena. French noblewoman (1779-1848) who was reputed to be the mistress of Napoleon during his exile on Saint Helena. Exceedingly rare ALS in French, signed “Vassal de Montholon,” three pages on two adjoining sheets, 8.25 x 9.75, October 24, 1829. Untranslated handwritten letter from Albine de Montholon, the mistress of Napoleon during his exile on Saint Helena. The letter contains her fascinating biographical insights on the legendary French emperor, touching on his health and treatment by the English, and her eventual departure from the island in 1818. In very good to fine condition, with scattered light foxing, short fold splits, and an area of seal-related paper loss to the last page affecting several lines of text. Starting Bid $1000

Nelson prepares for Napoleon:
“I believe you must not expect many Sea fencibles till the Enemy are actually on the move which we must have several days notice”

422. Horatio Nelson Autograph Letter Signed to William Robert Broughton. Left-handed ALS signed “Nelson & Bronte,” one page, 7.25 x 8.5, August 7, 1801. Addressed from aboard the HMS Medusa, harbored in Margate, a handwritten letter to noted British naval figure William Robert Broughton, in full: “I remember perfectly having had the pleasure of meeting you at Cadiz in the beginning of the War and shall be very happy in renewing our acquaintance. I hope you have a tender with you and that you want for no convenience, at least you shall not if it is in my power to prevent it. I believe you must not expect many Sea fencibles till the Enemy are actually on the move which we must have several days notice. I am Dear Sir your most obedient servant.” Archivally matted and framed with a large 1910 color etching of Nelson (Hare & Whitby Scarborough; engraved by J. Ross and Sons) to an overall size of 30 x 22. In very good condition, with light staining, overall creasing, and the end of the signature, as well as several words of text, light but legible. Accompanied by the original address panel addressed in another hand.

Shortly after defeating a Danish-Norwegian fleet at the Battle of Copenhagen, dissolving the French-allied League of Armed Neutrality, Nelson hoisted his flag aboard the Medusa at Deal and headed to the French coast. There he spent the summer of 1801 observing the French invasion fleet, occasionally engaging them in small battles whilst waiting to make the next major move. It was there that the admiral penned this letter to the well-known naval officer William Robert Broughton. Having returned from the Vancouver Expedition, a voyage of exploration through the Pacific Ocean, Broughton found that the navy’s focus had shifted from discovery to war. Joining the effort, he participated in several battles, most notably the Battle of the Basque Roads. An affable letter, crisply penned and signed four years before meeting his greatest victory and final demise at Trafalgar. Starting Bid $300

Sought-after Ames M1850 staff and field officer’s sword presented by Gen. Irvin McDowell

432. Civil War Ames US Model 1850 Staff & Field Officer’s Sword, Presented by Gen. Irvin McDowell. US Model 1850 staff and field officer’s sword manufactured by Ames, presented to 2nd Lt. William S. Brackett by General Irving McDowell, engraved on the polished scabbard: “Presented to 2nd Lieutenant Wm. S. Brackett by Brevet Major-General Irvin McDowell, U.S. Army, Oct. 15, 1865.” The sword measures 37.5˝ long overall, with a 32˝ slightly curved, single-edged blade featuring half-length etched panels on either side. The blade names the maker above the ricasso, “Ames Mfg. Co., Chicopee, Mass.,” with government inspection stamp below: “US / ADK.” The etched panel designs along the forte are still clear and visible with “E PLURIBUS UNUM” riband, eagle, and scrolls on the obverse; and a large “US” on the reverse. The ornate brass guard features a large “US” within the scrollwork, and the sharkskin grip with twisted brass wire remains intact. In very good to fine condition.

Union officer Irvin McDowell (1818–1885) is best remembered for his defeat in the First Battle of Bull Run, the first large-scale battle of the American Civil War. At the date of the presentation of the sword, October 15, 1865, Gen. McDowell was commanding the Department of California, stationed in San Francisco.

The recipient of this sword, 2nd Lieut. William S. Brackett, is not found in military records. William Starr Brackett (1821-1888) and his son William Starr Brackett, Jr. (1850-1902) traveled to San Francisco 1864-1865 to settle estate of General John Ely Brackett (1812-1864), who owned valuable land in Sonoma County according to genealogical records. William S. Brackett, Jr. attended the City College of San Francisco during these two years. By 1866, both father and son were back in Peoria, Illinois. Starting Bid $200

433. Civil War: Confederate Cavalry Saber, Identified to a 1st Virginia Cavalry Private. ‘Marshall’-style Confederate cavalry saber identified to Pvt. James W. Pogue of the 1st Virginia Cavalry Regiment. The sword measures 40.5˝ long overall, with a 34˝ slightly curved, single-edged blade. The leather-wrapped grip retains its twisted brass wire, and the saber lacks maker’s marks. Complete with its black-painted scabbard with brass hardware, bearing an affixed handwritten note: “Sword of Granpa James W. Pogue, fogt with it in the great War was in the 1st Verginia Cavelary.” The sword and its scabbard both exhibit substantial wear and age-appropriate patina. Starting Bid $200

434. Civil War: Manhattan .31 Caliber Revolver and British Import Pocket Watch, Identified to NY 2nd Heavy Artillery. Scarce Manhattan five-shot revolver, .31 caliber, serial no. 255, identified to Pvt. George Willis of the New York 2nd Heavy Artillery. Stamped on top of the octagonal barrel, “Manhattan Fire Arms Manufg. Co. New York,” and subtly decorated on the frame with scroll engraving. The handsome firearm also features a brass bead front sight at the top of the muzzle. Displays nicely with a handsome dark brown patina, with some pitting to the cylinder, barrel, and frame. Private George Willis enlisted on October 3, 1962, in Co. A, NY 2nd Heavy Artillery. He was wounded at Petersburg on June 16, 1864 and discharged for disability on June 1, 1865. Also included is Willis’s pocket watch, made by Robert Russell, Liverpool, in its handsome silver case engraved with a Civil War soldier scene. Starting Bid $200

“Said to have been used by one of General Forrest’s soldiers”—a desirable Colt 1851 Navy Revolver

435. Colt 1851 Navy Revolver, Attributed to the Confederate Cavalry. Colt Model 1851 Navy Revolver, serial no. 11211, caliber .36, a preferred gun of the Confederate Cavalry during the Civil War. The lever-action revolver has an octagonal barrel and exhibits a handsome, dark patina. Accompanied by a letter from Brian K. Akins of Rebel Relics, stating: “The revolver has oral history of Southern usage and falls in a serial number range that is not uncommon to have Southern History. This particular gun was said to have been used by one of General Forrest’s soldiers.” This is an antique firearm and transfers with no federal restriction. Starting Bid $200

Art, Architecture, and Design

“I will only go to the Louvre and I will hardly work there”—Delacroix writes a pair of letters to his cousin and mistress, Josephine de Forget

504. Eugene Delacroix (2) Handwritten Love Letters to His Mistress and Cousin, Josephine de Forget.

Two handwritten letters in French from Eugene Delacroix, consisting of an ALS signed “Eu. D.,” and an unsigned handwritten letter, both addressed to his cousin and mistress, Josephine de Forget, who is also represented in this lot by an included ALS signed “Josephine.”

The unsigned letter from Delacroix, one page, both sides, 5.25 x 8, (June 15, 1851), reads, in part (translated): “I was going to write to you in response to your little note of yesterday. I wisely did not dine yesterday and I will do the same or almost the same today. I will only go to the Louvre and I will hardly work there. I have such a terrible fear of being ill now when I have only a few small efforts to make to reap the fruit of all the others…So be good enough to come and go without counting on me; I will try to go and see you after dinner today…I am reading your Constitutionnels…The impression is very good and I like the newspaper…I am in a very important moment which does not prevent me from feeling and telling you how much I thank you and love you.”

The ALS, one page, 5.25 x 8, (December 1858), finds Delacroix explaining how his cold comes and goes, as do his gout and rheumatism, and that the idea of going out and mixing with people exhausts him, in part: “But one of the joys that providence has been kind enough to grant me is that in a mediocre situation as far as fortune is concerned and with zero ambition, I am absolutely not forced to take any action or make any representations. I send you a thousand and one heartfelt affections… while waiting for the pleasure of telling you without coughing or spitting.” In overall fine condition. The two Delacroiz letters are published in the Correspondance générale de Delacroix by Joubin (1938).

Interested bidders are strongly encouraged to read our more detailed online description, which contains a translation of Joséphine de Forget’s letter to Delacroix. Starting Bid $200


Duchamp seeks a “Kodachrome transparency of an oil painting by Leger”

Marcel Duchamp

Autograph Letter Signed, Seeking a “Kodachrome transparency of an oil painting by Leger”. Extremely influential French artist (1887-1968) associated with Dadaism and conceptual art, best remembered for his controversial ‘Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2’ painting and his ‘Readymade’ recontextualized found objects. ALS, one page both sides, 5.75 x 7.75, January 30, 1964. Handwritten letter to George Véron, stating that Arman had provided Véron’s address and suggested that he write to him (translated): “to ask if you can make a 35mm colour Ekta or Kodachrome transparency of an oil painting by Leger which is at Dr. Robert Jullien’s home…I asked Maurice Lefebvre-Foinet…to make the same request to you and to take charge of putting you in contact with Dr. Jullien as well as paying you the price and all travel expenses.” He concludes by adding that Lefebvre-Foinet will send the finished transparency to New York via air mail. In fine condition, with a small stain to the lower right edge. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope, addressed in Duchamp’s hand and incorporating his surname, “Duchamp,” in the return address on the flap (with a tear from opening affecting the end of his name). A significant piece of artistic correspondence, mentioning the important sculptor Arman, the celebrated abstract painter Fernand Leger, and noted collector and art supply dealer Maurice Lefebvre-Foinet. Starting Bid $200

507. Andre Masson Autograph Letter Signed on Poetry: “Each word carries something explicit”. French artist (1896–1987) associated with the movements of Cubism and Surrealism. ALS in French, one page both sides, 8.25 x 5.25, January 9, 1958. Handwritten letter to a poet, in part (translated): “I really liked your poems and I thank you for sending them. They are something to say a lot. Each word carries something explicit and you have detected this and are using it. It would be necessary that in every village every door does. But we are far from it. And we will all die enraged, in bad months, as long as the officiant of language (this should be the position) lets himself be robbed by receipts which dampen Power, therefore Abuse, therefore Ubu.” He adds a postscript along the edge: “I watch Andre Jacob’s ‘Fugitives’ with pleasure. Good support. Very good!” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

“One can try to understand non-traditional painting, but it is not necessary to understand it”— reflective handwritten essay from the great Rene Magritte, contemplating on the art-poetry connection a few months before his death

506. Rene Magritte Handwritten Essay on the Poetry and Mystery of Painting. Wonderful handwritten essay in French, signed “René Magritte,” one page, 8 x 10, May 1967. A detailed statement on Magritte’s understanding of art and his mission as an artist, evidently prepared for an article or book, in part (translated): “I conceive of painting as an art of juxtaposing colors in such a way that their appearance fades, and an image is allowed to appear in which familiar figures of the visible are united — in a poetic order — skies, people, trees, mountains, furniture, stars, solids, inscriptions, etc. The poetry of this image consists of symbolic meanings, old or new. The poetic image hides nothing: she only shows figures of the visible, since painting is an unsuitable medium for representing the invisible. The invisible, meaning that which light cannot reveal, has an inestimable value. But one

would have to ignore this value, if one desired to make such things visible, for example: pleasure and pain, knowledge and ignorance, the voice and silence. One can try to understand non-traditional painting, but it is not necessary to understand it. Either way, one does not assume grave responsibility: it’s just a case of the imaginary irrational. The poetic image was imagined in order to respond to the interest that we test naturally, she directly evokes the mystery that is the true irrational. One should take in poetic images whilst being careful not to reduce ‘the known’ that which is unknown, their reality being of the same ‘genre’ as the reality of the universe.” In fine condition, with faint show-through from old adhesive residue on the reverse. A wonderfully introspective essay from the Belgian master, who passed away at the age of 68 less than three months after writing this sage reflection. Starting Bid $500

508. Jean-Francois Millet Autograph Letter Signed to Barbizon Painter Theodore Rousseau. French painter (1814–1875) known as one of the founders of the Barbizon school. ALS in French, signed “J. F. Millet,” one page both sides, 5.25 x 8.25, no date. Addressed from the famed village of Barbizon, an untranslated handwritten letter to fellow painter Theodore Rousseau, mentioning his need to frame a painting for collector Paul Tesse, his issues with Rousseau’s commonlaw wife, Eliza Gros, and promising a private meal between the two friends. In fine condition. Eliza Gros, or, as she was known, Madame Rousseau, was an impoverished, infirm young woman from the region of Franche whom Rousseau called his ‘poor bird beaten by the winds.’ Starting Bid $200

509. Jean-Francois Millet Autograph Letter Signed to His Children (Vichy, 1867). French painter (1814–1875) known as one of the founders of the Barbizon school. ALS in French, signed “J. F. Millet,” one page both sides, 5.25 x 8.25, June 29, 1867. Addressed from Vichy, France, an untranslated handwritten letter to his children. In fine condition.

‘During the later half of the 1860s – in 1866, 1867, and 1868 – Millet made three, month-long sojourns to the mineral spas at Vichy with his ailing wife, Catherine Lemaire. While the first two trips were extraordinarily productive, the artist’s own poor health made the third notably less fruitful. Among Millet’s approximately two hundred drawings of the countryside surrounding Vichy are a number of studies in graphite or pen and ink, accented with watercolor. Many of the sketches were executed outdoors in small notebooks on the artist’s long walks and carriage rides…Millet added color notations in graphite to remind him of the tones of the landscape. Later, he would add washes to the sheet in his hotel room, or use these informal sketches as the basis for more finished watercolors both while in Vichy and once he returned home to Barbizon.’ Starting Bid $200

Monet writes to loyal Impressionist champion Gustave Geffroy,

inviting him to the “inauguration of the Flaubert monument”

510. Claude Monet Autograph Letter

Signed on the “inauguration of the Flaubert monument”. ALS in French, one page, 4.5 x 7, November 18, 1890. Handwritten letter to his friend Gustave Geffroy (1855–1926), a French journalist and art critic, replying that he cannot accompany him to London. In part (translated): “I am doing all sorts of work at home. Then I promised my brother to go to Rouen on Saturday and Sunday. Will you not be at the inauguration of the Flaubert monument.” Affixed to a larger mount and in fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope, addressed in Monet’s own hand, as well as an unsigned matte-finish portrait.

Geffroy was one of the first historians of the Impressionist art movement, with his publication of Histoire de l’impressionnisme in 1892, and a loyal champion of Claude Monet, whom he met in 1886 in Belle-Île-en-Mer. Interestingly, Monet mentions the “inauguration of the Flaubert monument,” presumably that erected by Henri Chapu in the small garden of Rouen’s Musée de Beaux-Arts. Starting Bid $300

Exceedingly rare 17th-century autograph receipt by the celebrated

Spanish Baroque painter Bartolome Esteban Murillo

511. Bartolome Esteban Murillo Exceedingly Rare Autograph Document Signed. Spanish Baroque painter (1617–1682) celebrated for his religious works and his realistic portrayals of everyday life; his widely imitated paintings proved influential in Europe through the 19th century. Exceedingly rare ADS in Spanish, signed “Ba’me Murrillo,” one page, 8.5 x 6, March 13, 1674. Handwritten receipt for 80 Reales (“ochenta Reales”), which he received from Don Juan Antonio de la Torre as a two-year rent for some houses in Pilas. In full (translated): “I received from Mr. Don Juan Antonio de la Torre eighty reales de bellón for the rent of two years of a tribute that Your Grace pays for some houses he has in the town of Pilas that belong to some chaplaincies that I administer, and it is from the rent of the years seventy-two and seventy-three, and in truth, he signed it for me.” These houses were part of the dowry of Murillo’s wife, Doña Beatriz de Cabrera y Sotomayor. Mounted by its left edge to a slightly larger card and in fine condition. Starting Bid $2500

“Man v. Toro”— a sketch by Picasso sent to Man Ray

512. Pablo Picasso Signed Sketch on Postcard to Man Ray - “Man v. Toro”. Exquisite signed ink sketch of a bull accomplished by Pablo Picasso on the reverse of a 6 x 4 postcard depicting horses in Provence et Camargue, boldly titled and signed in ink, “20.10.1957, Man v. Toro, Picasso,” playing off the name of the recipient, the important Dada/Surrealist photographer Man Ray. Also signed in ink by Jacqueline Roque (his second wife), Eduoard Pignon (French artist), Hélène Parmelin (French journalist), Roland (likely artist and art collector Roland

Penrose), and one other. Addressed to Man Ray at his studio, “2 bis Rue Ferou, Paris.” In fine condition, with a small stain touching the date. With a wonderful sketch of a bull—a frequent subject in Picasso’s works, including the iconic ‘Guernica’—this is a quintessential Picasso autograph, sent to an important visual artist. The two had a long association, with Man Ray making several portraits of Picasso during the 1920s and 1930s. A simply marvelous modern art piece. Starting Bid $5000

513. Pablo Picasso Autograph Letter Signed to His Financial Advisor. ALS in French, signed “Picasso,” one page, 8.25 x 10.5, May 2, 1950. Addressed from Vallauris, a handwritten letter to his friend and financial advisor Max Pellequer (translated): “I asked Marcel [likely Picasso’s chauffeur, Marcel Boudin] – he doesn’t have the number you asked for at the bank – he told me that you retained the papers…A thousand thanks and apologies for the disturbances I cause with every single one of my letters. Thank you again and best wishes to you.” Picasso adds a postscript below: “The weather is magnificent” and to the left, “Marcel earns 20,000 from me per month.” In fine condition.

Banker and collector Max Pellequer was introduced to Picasso in 1914 by his uncle by marriage André Level. He quickly

became one of Picasso’s most important collectors and his financial advisor for over 30 years. Pellequer’s interest in his art began as early as the 1910s when he purchased a Picasso bronze from the art dealer Ambroise Vollard. During the 1930s and 1940s, as Picasso’s personal banker, he secured and enhanced the painter’s wealth, allowing him to settle comfortably in the South of France. Picasso created a superb ex-libris on copper for him, bought him paintings including La Mer a L’Estaque by Cézanne (now in the Picasso museum), and offered him a few other works. Pellequer assembled a vast collection of paintings by the great masters of modern art: Degas, Raoul Dufy, Paul Gauguin, Fernand Leger, Henri Matisse, Joan Miro, Modigliani, and Maurice Utrillo, which are today preserved in the most important international museums. Starting Bid $300

“I still hope to place a small painting of 400F which will allow us to wait for Durand who apparently is doing very well in New York”

514. Camille Pissarro Autograph Letter Signed on the Sale of Artwork. ALS in French, signed “C. Pissarro,” five pages on adjoining sheets, 4.5 x 7, June 14, 1888. Handwritten letter to his wife, Julie Vellay, sending her a hundred francs. In part (translated): “I will receive the rest at the end of the exhibition…I still hope to place a small painting of 400F which will allow us to wait for Durand who apparently is doing very well in New York.—I know that all this will not console you for the inconvenience we feel, but my dear little wife, you will take into consideration the efforts we are making…I think of you and our children every time I consider the future.” He comments on his son, Lucien: “So far his newspaper business is holding up well.—As for the drawings which were used to make the wood, which Dumas is asking for again, I have taken information: we only owe the wood to the publisher unless there are special agreements, but the publisher, being the strongest with the capital, can send you packing, take the bread out of your mouth.” In fine condition. Celebrated art dealer Paul Durand-Ruel was the most important commercial advocate of the Impressionists, representing the likes of Degas, Monet, Manet, and Renoir along with Pissarro. A desirable, boldly penned letter with direct relation to Pissarro’s artwork. Starting Bid $200

515. Paul-Emile Pissarro Autograph Letter Signed

Twice. French impressionist and neo-impressionist painter (1884-1972) who was the youngest son of painter Camille Pissarro and the godson of Claude Monet. Twice-signed ALS signed “Paulemile-Pissarro,” one page, 8.25 x 10.5, attractive illustrated floral letterhead, December 30, 1963. Untranslated handwritten letter from Paul-Émile Pissarro, who signs at the conclusion and then again in the lower left of the printed floral image, which appears to have been embellished by Pissarro. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

20th Century Fox hires Norman Rockwell to create the advertising artwork for Stagecoach—the film that marked Rockwell’s Hollywood debut

517. Norman Rockwell (3) Documents Signed for ‘Stagecoach’ Artwork. Three DSs, each signed “Norman Rockwell,” totaling nine pages, 8.5 x 11, May 28, 1965. Rockwell signs two copies of a “Synopsis of Contract for Acquisition of Art Works” with the Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation, by which the famous illustrator agrees to deliver “Art Works for ‘Stagecoach,’” including: “(a) Logotype for Photoplay, (b) Large thematic oil painting in color of a stagecoach under attack by Indians…(c) Portraits in color in oil of each of nine stars in costume.” Rockwell is to be paid $35,000 and retain physical ownership of the works, while granting Twentieth Century-Fox sole and exclusive worldwide reproduction rights. Additionally includes a three-page letter relating their mutual understanding of the deal, signed in ballpoint by Rockwell and a Twentieth Century-Fox executive. In overall fine condition.

Rockwell created the promotional artwork for 20th Century Fox’s 1966 remake of John Ford’s 1939 classic Stagecoach. The film starred an ensemble cast of ten—Ann-Margret, Red Buttons, Mike Connors, Alex Cord, Bing Crosby, Bob Cummings, Van Heflin, Slim Pickens, Stefanie Powers, and Keenan Wynn—all of whom Rockwell painted in oils for the movie poster. In addition to his efforts in advertising the film, the great painter would also make a cameo appearance as poker player ‘Busted Flush.’ An article published in Look Magazine on March 8, 1966, describes Rockwell’s role as ‘a mangy old gambler in cowboy costume, with a bad-guy black hat and high-heeled boots that hurt his feet.’ Starting Bid $200

Renoir congratulates Monet on the marriage of

his son: “I can only send all my best wishes and congratulations to the young couple”

516. Pierre-Auguste Renoir Autograph Letter Signed to Claude Monet, Extending Congratulations on His Son’s Marriage. ALS in French, signed “Renoir,” one page, 4.5 x 7, June 8, 1897. Handwritten letter to fellow Impressionist painter Claude Monet, expressing congratulations on the marriage of Monet’s son, Jean, to Blanche Hoschedé. In part (translated): “I can only send all my best wishes and congratulations to the young couple, and I will come see you another time. I always wanted to come to find out if you had recovered from your back pain. But nothing is as difficult as leaving Paris for two hours, at one’s leisure.” In fine condition. A fantastic piece of correspondence between two of the world’s most celebrated painters. Starting Bid $200

519. Andy Warhol Signed Book with Soup Can Sketch - The Philosophy of Andy Warhol. Signed book: The Philosophy of Andy Warhol (From A to B & Back Again). NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975. Hardcover with dust jacket, 5.75 x 8.5, 241 pages. Signed and inscribed on the halftitle page in black felt tip, “To Fred…Andy Warhol,” adding a quick sketch of his classic Campbell’s soup can. Autographic condition: fine. Book condition: VG-/VG-, with some staining to boards, soiling to textblock edges, and creasing to the jacket’s flaps. Starting Bid $200

Andy Warhol autographs an exhibition poster featuring his iconic Marilyn Monroe

518. Andy Warhol Signed ‘Marilyn Monroe’ Exhibition Poster (Tate Gallery, 1971). Original color 20 x 30 promotional poster for an Andy Warhol exhibition held at London’s Tate Gallery from February 17 to March 28, 1971, featuring an iconic image of the artist’s silkscreened Marilyn Monroe, entitled ‘Shot Sage Blue Marilyn,’ signed along the bottom in black felt tip, “Andy Warhol.” Printed by the Hillingdon Press. In fine condition, with some light creasing in the borders.

The month of Monroe’s tragic death, Warhol, who had only

just begun experimenting with the silkscreen process, decided to pay tribute to the late screen legend with a series of multicolored paintings. The basis of this image, and those that represent Warhol’s iconic ‘Marilyn Diptych,’ derives from a publicity shot by Gene Korman for the 1953 film Niagara. A gorgeous vintage Warhol exhibition poster in its own right, this museum-quality display piece finds Warhol signing one of his most identifiable and desirable subjects. The original silkscreen painting of ‘Shot Sage Blue Marilyn’ recently sold at auction for a record $195,000,000. Starting Bid $500

Comic Art and Animation

“I am sorry to inform you that it is against our policy to employ women in our creative art department”

549. Roy O. Disney Typed Letter Signed - “It is against our policy to employ women in our creative art department”. TLS, two pages, 8.5 x 11, illustrated Walt Disney Productions ‘Mickey Mouse Sound Cartoons’ letterhead, March 12, 1936. Letter to Nell Turner, in full: “I was very glad to hear from you. Old associations seem to come back in bunches sometimes. Only yesterday, at a polo game at the Midwick Country Club here, I ran on to Mr. and Mrs. Jay Donaldson. They are living in Long Beach and have been for a number of years. Jay and I see each other occasionally. They are well, and Jay is the same old jolly likable fellow.

In regard to the possibility of our giving employment to Miss St. Clair, samples of whose drawings you enclosed in your letter, I am sorry to inform you that it is against our policy to employ women in our creative art department, for the reason, Nell, that it takes three to five years to properly train a person for this work. We conduct a regular school with five instructors on full time, holding day and night classes. When we succeed in developing a person to a useful point, we feel that we have quite an investment in him. To put all of this time, effort and expense on a girl is not a good business risk, we feel, for the reason that the girl is liable to get married any time and quit work entirely, or even if she desires to continue work after marrying, she is liable to be stopped by the arrival of a youngster. All of which is as it should be, but, nevertheless, it would leave us in the hole after spending a great deal of time and effort in the development of a person. That has been our position with respect to hiring women artists for a number of years back. We have never deviated from this policy. It does seem rather unfair to the women, doesn’t it? But then good business seems to make it necessary.

I hope this finds both you and Bertha well and happy. I have dropped in at the old First National on several I occasions during the past years. I was through there about two weeks ago and it was ten below zero, so I was very glad to leave the town and get back to California. I seldom go back by way of El Paso, but if I should, you know that I would be very glad to see you both. I believe that the last time I was there was about 1922.” In fine condition.

On February 10, 1941, Walt Disney announced that the studio would begin to train women as animators. Among the reasons listed for training women, Disney claimed that it would be beneficial for the women employees to gain new skills and keep the work going in the possibility of a war that would enlist young men. From then on, dozens of women took jobs in other departments, as animators, art directors, and character designers. Some of these pioneers include artists and animators like Mary Blair, Ruthie Tompson, Retta Scott, Hazel Sewell, Retta Davidson, and Sylvia Holland. Starting Bid $200

“We respect the traditions of the guides and mountain climbers, and are doing everything we can to make our film authentic”—

Walt Disney on

filming Third Man on the Mountain on location in Switzerland

551. Walt Disney Typed Letter Signed on Third Man on the Mountain. TLS, one page, 7.25 x 10.5, personal letterhead, September 15, 1958. Letter to Henry J. Taylor, the American Ambassador to Switzerland, in full: “Thank you for your letter regarding our picture, THIRD MAN ON THE MOUNTAIN, which we are filming in Switzerland. Our story is based on a novel, BANNER IN THE SKY, by James Ramsey Ullman, who is an adventurer and mountain climber as well as a noted writer. The subject of his novel is a fictionalized version of the first climbing of the Matterhorn, which is identified as ‘The Citadel’ in the story. We have been shooting the film at Zermatt with the complete cooperation of the guides, town council and the people of the community. We respect the traditions of the guides and mountain climbers, and are doing everything we can to make our film authentic. Since we have always maintained a high standard of authenticity in our films, I was at somewhat of a loss to understand your concern, but hope that this will reassure you.” In fine condition. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from JSA.

The 1954 book Banner in the Sky was written by American writer and mountaineer James Ramsey Ullman and inspired by a real-life event in 1865 when an Englishman named Edward Whymper became the first to climb the Matterhorn. The film rights were bought by Walt Disney in July 1957 and filming began June 23, 1958. The movie was mostly filmed on location in Zermatt, Switzerland, a location that Disney was familiar with from his ski trips, and the studio portions of the film were done in London. The entire cast and crew, numbering 170, did a course in mountaineering before filming began on June 23, 1958. The film inspired the creation of Disneyland Park’s Matterhorn Bobsleds attraction, which was conceived when Disney sent a souvenir on a postcard to his lead Imagineer at the time, writing only two words: ‘build this.’ Starting Bid $300


“Mr. Greeley is very busy this month & has requested me to clandestinely continue for him in The Tribune”—“Mark Twain” declines an invitation from the New York Rural Club, blames his secretive work for publisher Horace Greeley

579. Samuel L. Clemens Autograph Letter Signed as “Mark Twain”. ALS signed “Mark Twain,” three pages on two adjoining sheets, 4.25 x 5.25, personal ‘C’ crest letterhead, December 26 [1870]. Addressed from Buffalo, New York, a handwritten letter to the Farmers’ Club of the American Institute of the City of New York, declining an invitation with allusion to his recently published sketch ‘How I Edited an Agricultural Paper Once’ (Galaxy, July 1870). In full: “I thank you very much for your invitation to the Agricultural dinner, & would promptly accept it & as promptly be there but for the fact that Mr. Greeley is very busy this month & has requested me to clandestinely continue for him in The Tribune the articles headed ‘What I Know About Farming.’ Consequently, the necessity of explaining to the readers of that journal why buttermilk cannot be manufactured profitably at 8 cents a quart out of butter that costs 60 cents a pound compels my stay at home until the article is written.” Under Clemens’ signature, a notation by A. B. Crandell reads: “Explanatory: As Secretary of the New York Rural Club – Horace Greeley President – I was instructed to invite Mark Twain to one of our dinners. This is his reply.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

“Sincerely yours, S. L. Clemens, Mark Twain, Feb. 13, 1885”— five days before the first American publication of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

580. Samuel L. Clemens Double Signature - “S. L. Clemens, Mark Twain” - Five Days Before the American Debut of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Fountain pen signature, “Sincerely yours, S. L. Clemens, Mark Twain, Feb. 13, 1885,” penned on the reverse of a 4.25 x 5.5 Sarony of New York cabinet portrait photo of Clemens in a handsome bust-length pose. Double-matted and framed with an image of the front of the photo to an overall size of 15.5 x 11.75; the frame backing features a window for viewing the image side of the photo. In fine condition, with light soiling. A noteworthy signature dated to just five days before Twain’s iconic novel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, was first published in the United States. Starting Bid $200

Immense Ray

Bradbury archive honoring one of the 20th-century’s defining figures of science fiction, fantasy, and American literature—with a diverse array of over 100 signed items celebrating the writer’s vast influence and longevity

577. Ray Bradbury Archive of (170+) Items Honoring the Life and Career of the Fiction Master, with Diverse Collection of (100+) Signed Formats like Photographs, Scripts, Books, Award Plaques, and More. Diverse archive of over 170 items celebrating the life of influential author and screenwriter Ray Bradbury, covering an array of formats that include photographs, posters, scripts, flyers, DVDs, books, award plaques, and more, which includes well over 100 items signed by the award-winning fiction writer. The archive was amassed by Michael O’Kelly, an artist and filmmaker from Ventura, California, who founded the Ray Bradbury Theatre and Film Foundation in 2006 and presently serves as its executive director. O’Kelly and Bradbury became close friends throughout their many artistic pursuits and collaborations, which included speaking events, stage productions, and even the documentary Live Forever: The Ray Bradbury Odyssey, which was released in 2013, a year after Bradbury passed at the age of 91.

Among the archive’s many highlights is a section dedicated to Bradbury’s celebrated 1953 dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451 and its connection to Playboy magazine, which serialized the work and its strong censorship themes across three issues in March, April, and May 1954. This includes the box set Playboy Cover to Cover: The 50’s, which contains a souvenir copy of the 1st issue of Playboy (Marilyn Monroe on cover), signed by both Bradbury and Playboy head Hugh Hefner, as well as printed photos of the three Playboy front covers that published the book, each signed by Bradbury. Other Fahrenheit 451 items include a signed color 11 x 17 print of the first edition’s front cover, and items related to the 2009 stage production of Fahrenheit 451 at Epic Theatre in Ventura, CA, including a beautiful limited edition ceramic plaque signed on the reverse by the author.

The archive contains approximately 36 signed books (Fahrenheit 451, The Halloween Tree, The Art of Ray Harryhausen (signed by Bradbury and Harryhausen), The Martian Chronicles, S Is for Space, and more) and over 20 signed photographs, with the majority of the latter format depicting Bradbury with O’Kelly’s family at various festivals that are impressively documented herein with sundry keepsakes and collectibles. The festivals and their respective articles are as follows:

The Jules Verne Adventure Film Festival at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles on December 5, 2007, at which Bradbury received a Lifetime Achievement Award. The event was attended by celebrities like Patrick Stewart, Buzz Aldrin, William Shatner, Ted Turner, Tippi Hedren, and friend and emcee Malcolm McDowell, who deemed Bradbury as ‘the American Jules Verne.’ Items from this event include programs and a rare leather briefcase presented to Bradbury as part of his award gift package, which contains a flask, cigar holder, pen, and various ephemera issued by The Edison nightclub, which hosted the festival’s afterparty.

The 9th Ojai Film Festival, which presented Bradbury with a Lifetime Achievement Award on November 8, 2008. Includes a rare award plaque, 13˝ x 13˝ x 1.5˝, which features original artwork by famed Mad magazine cartoonist Sergio Aragones (signed on the reverse by Bradbury), two posters, a program, and numerous photos from the festival, picturing Bradbury with actor friends Edward James Olmos and Joe Mantegna.

The 1st Ray Bradbury Theatre Festival, held by the Rubicon Theatre Company from October 25-28, 2007, an event that featured the California premiere of the one-man stage adaptation of ‘The Illustrated Man.’ This section, which is highlighted by a rare limited edition ceramic plaque, 9.5˝ x 13˝ x 1.5˝, numbered 14/15, and features an original design by Bradbury, who has signed on the reverse, also includes posters, programs, bookplates, and flyers, the majority of which are signed.

The balance of the archive boasts a diverse collection of Bradbury memorabilia related to the Live Forever documentary, the film and stage adaptations of Bradbury’s 1972 play The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit, his work on the CBS Radio drama series Suspense, and various speaking events and theatre workshops. Other notable items include an attractive ceramic ‘Ray Bradbury Live Forever 2012 Youth Award,’ a set of three The Ray Bradbury Theatre Celebration posters, three Christmas poem sheets, and two U-Matic Sony KCA 30 video cassettes featuring a recording of Bradbury’s interview for the Connie Martinson Talks Books television show. In overall fine condition. A marvelous and meticulous ode to one of the 20th-century’s most acclaimed fiction writers, whose visionary storytelling and shrewd social commentary forever shaped the landscape of literature, film, and popular culture. Starting Bid $500

581. Charles Dickens Autograph Letter Signed. ALS, two pages on two adjoining sheets, black-bordered stationery, 4.25 x 7, August 18, 1851. Addressed from Broadstairs, Kent, a handwritten letter to Llewellynn Jewitt, in full: “I am very sorry that, owing to my absence from London, I did not receive your letter until Saturday last. And I regret that my engagements will not admit of my accepting the invitation with which I am honored by the Plymouth Mechanics Institute. I esteem and appreciate that invitation, and have the warmest sympathy with all such excellent associations, but my avocations render it out of my power to attend.” In fine condition, with remnants from previous mounting on the reverse of the first page. Starting Bid $200

“I have very strongly represented its just cause of complaint, to my publishers”

582. Charles Dickens Autograph Letter Signed. ALS, one page, 4.25 x 6, Gad’s Hill Place letterhead, July 28, 1868. Handwritten letter to Reverend A. P. Moore, in full: “In reply of your obliging letter, I beg to assure you that I have very strongly represented its just cause of complaint, to my publishers. Allow me to thank you for so courteously addressing me on the subject.” Double-matted with a portrait of Dickens to an overall size of 14.25 x 10.5. In fine condition. At this time Charles Dickens was preparing a ‘farewell readings’ tour throughout England, Scotland, and Ireland. He would pass away less than two years later. Starting Bid $200

“Then came a spirit voice down near my knee, very weak & husky. Arthur. Arthur. Then Arthur Conan
Doyle”—the Sherlock Holmes writer describes the peculiar events of the “Seance with Valentine”

583. Arthur Conan Doyle Handwritten Manuscript on the “Seance with Valentine”. Handwritten manuscript by Arthur Conan Doyle, signed in the third-person within the text, one page, both sides, 5.25 x 7, February 15, 1924. Penned neatly on his Buckingham Palace Mansions letterhead, Doyle describes a seance given by the well-known medium George Valentine, listing other attendees and describing the manifestations, in part: “Then came the shrill piping voice of one control followed by the deep soar of another (an Indian). Then long silence. Then came a spirit voice down near my knee, very weak & husky. Arthur. Arthur. Then Arthur Conan Doyle. After questions he said he was Innes [Doyle’s brother and collaborator, Brigadier General Innes Doyle, who died in 1919 from post-war pneumonia]. ‘I materialized for you in New York.’ Then came allusions to Miller, description of room & house all correct. 55th Street. This was all very good indeed, unless perchance the medium had been present that night. I asked him afterwards if he knew Millar [sic]. He said he did not. Either he lied or this was quite evidential. He also said he had met Hodson (who was at school with him in Richmond) at Oxford. Hodson said this was true. Others got the messages which interested them but the voices were low and there was always a chance of error. B. said it was the worst they had had. I have however no doubt V is a true medium. Someone struck a light once & he got a terrible bruise on the groin.” In fine condition. Accompanied by a transmittal envelope, marked “Seance with Valentine,” in Doyle’s hand.

After the death of his wife Louisa in 1906, and the deaths of his son Kingsley, his brother, his two brothers-in-law, and his two nephews in World War I, Doyle sank into depression. He found solace supporting spiritualism and its alleged scientific proof of existence beyond the grave. He even wrote The History of Spiritualism (1926) in which he praises the psychic phenomena and spirit materializations produced by mediums Eusapia Palladino and Mina ‘Margery’ Crandon.

Doyle was friends for a time with the American magician Harry Houdini, who was a prominent opponent of the spiritualist movement in the 1920s. Although Houdini insisted that Spiritualist mediums employed trickery (and consistently attempted to expose them as frauds), Doyle became convinced that Houdini himself possessed supernatural powers, a view expressed in Doyle’s The Edge of the Unknown. Houdini was apparently unable to convince Doyle that his feats were simply magic tricks, leading to a bitter public falling-out between the two. At one time, Doyle was totally stunned when Houdini pulled off his thumb and then replaced it. In his book A Magician Among the Spirits, Houdini gives details on an investigation of Valentine by a committee from Scientific American and states: ‘In the estimation of the committee, Mr. Valentine was just a common, ordinary trickster.’ Starting Bid $200

Rare signed portrait of the editor of Grimm’s Fairy Tales

584. Jacob Grimm Rare Signed Photograph. German philologist, jurist, and mythologist (1785–1863) best remembered as the elder of the Brothers Grimm and the editor of Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Extremely rare 2.5 x 4 carte-devisite photo of Jacob Grimm in a full-length pose, signed on the mount in ink, “Jacob Grimm, Berlin, 18 Juli 1862.” Reverse is imprinted “Philipp Graff, Hofphotograph…Berlin.” In very good to fine condition, with a trimmed top edge, scattered small stains, and subtle embellishments to his hair. Starting Bid $300

Fishing with Hemingway— uninscribed portrait of the esteemed writer in his element

585. Ernest Hemingway Signed ‘Fishing’ Photograph - Quintessential Uninscribed Portrait. Vintage matte-finish 4.75 x 6.75 deckle-edge photo of Ernest Hemingway standing by a river and holding a fly rod and a pair of recently caught trout, signed neatly in fountain pen. Mounted and framed to an overall size of 11 x 13. In fine condition, with a neatly trimmed right edge. An excellent signed portrait of Hemingway pictured in his element with a joyous expression—from childhood on, Hemingway was a passionate fisherman. He fished the lakes and creeks near the family’s summer home at Walloon Lake, Michigan, and his first stories and pieces of journalism were often about his favorite sport. His most famed fishing story, The Old Man and the Sea, captured the imaginations of readers around the world and was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1953. Starting Bid $300

586. Ernest Hemingway Signed Photograph. Vintage semi-glossy 3 x 5 deckle-edge candid photo of Ernest Hemingway on a ship, evidently the Italian ship Francesco Morosini, signed in blue ballpoint and fountain pen, “To my friend, Best always, Ernesto Hemingway.” Annotated on the reverse in another hand: “Arrivo a Habana, 29-6-54.” In fine condition, with light silvering to the darker areas of the image, and Hemingway switching pens mid-autograph due to poor ballpoint ink flow.

In the summer of 1954, Ernest Hemingway and his wife, Mary, traveled aboard the Italian ship Francesco Morosini from Europe to Cuba. Mary made a record of the journey in her 1970 memoir How It Was, fondly recalling their stop in Madeira: ‘At Funchal where the ship had stopped forty times in its voyages and he [the captain] had never gone ashore, Ruggiero this time decided to look at the town. He took me in a car to a café where we sipped sweet Madeira wine, then to the chapel on the mountaintop where Carlos I, last Emperor of Austria, is buried, his life much less violent comic-opera than those of his granddads, his uncles, and his cousins and his aunts. What I had not noticed during earlier visits were the porcelain plaques of Saint Fátima with her sweet, young face and elegant blue and white dress. Down the mountain we skidded in the basket sled, the runners being wood, not steel as I had earlier recorded, to the fish market where we found big fresh 60 to 70 pound tuna and also bright-eyed fresh dorado. Back on the Francesco Morosini, the captain decided to send for some fish, and that evening the chef did well by them.’ Starting Bid $300

587. Ernest Hemingway Signature. Vintage ballpoint signature and inscription, “For Elly, wishing her all good fortune always from two friends of her father—Ernesto Hemingway, ‘Francesco Morosini,’ 29/6/54” and “Mary Hemingway,” on an off-white 6 x 7 album page, contained within its original autograph album; a photo of Ernest Hemingway posing on board the ship is loosely laid in. Other notable signers in the book include pianist Arthur Rubinstein and Mexican composer Miguel Bernal Jiménez. In fine condition, with some small stains.

In the summer of 1954, Ernest Hemingway and his wife, Mary, traveled aboard the Italian ship Francesco Morosini from Europe to Cuba. Mary made a record of the journey in her 1970 memoir How It Was, fondly recalling their stop in Madeira: ‘At Funchal where the ship had stopped forty times in its voyages and he [the captain] had never gone ashore, Ruggiero this time decided to look at the town. He took me in a car to a café where we sipped sweet Madeira wine, then to the chapel on the mountaintop where Carlos I, last Emperor of Austria, is buried, his life much less violent comic-opera than those of his granddads, his uncles, and his cousins and his aunts. What I had not noticed during earlier visits were the porcelain plaques of Saint Fátima with her sweet, young face and elegant blue and white dress. Down the mountain we skidded in the basket sled, the runners being wood, not steel as I had earlier recorded, to the fish market where we found big fresh 60 to 70 pound tuna and also bright-eyed fresh dorado. Back on the Francesco Morosini, the captain decided to send for some fish, and that evening the chef did well by them.’ Starting Bid $200

“Please throw that leaflet about the Book of the Dead into an envelope”

588. James Joyce Autograph Letter Signed, Requesting a “leaflet about the Book of the Dead”. ALS, one page on a 5.25 x 3.5 color postcard depicting La Bourse, Paris, October 8, 1930. Handwritten letter to his friend Frank Budgen, in full: “If you have time please throw that leaflet about the Book of the Dead into an envelope. I want it for the artist who is doing the preface to pamphlet no. 4.” In fine condition, with trivial loss to the lower right corner tip.

Frank Budgen was a close friend and confidant of James Joyce, known for his insightful discussions with the author about literature and art. Their relationship was particularly significant during Joyce’s time in Zurich, where Budgen provided intellectual companionship and encouragement while Joyce worked on Ulysses. Budgen later wrote James Joyce and the Making of Ulysses, offering valuable firsthand accounts of Joyce’s creative process.

When writing Finnegans Wake, Joyce drew heavily from the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead; here, he may be referring to a leaflet on the subject by E. A. Wallis Budge, published by the British Museum in 1922 which he was known to have used. Writes John Bishop in Joyce’s Book of the Dark: ‘It is impossible to overlook the vital presence of the Book of the Dead in Finnegans Wake, which refers to ancient Egypt in countless tags and allusions.’ Several extracts from Finnegans Wake were published in pamphlet form, then called ‘Work in Progress,’ which Joyce evidently refers to in the present letter. Starting Bid $1000

“Mussolini, no slouch when it came to Fascism, defined his creed as the moment when corporate & state power became indistinguishable”

589. John le Carre Autograph Letter

Signed: “Mussolini, no slouch when it came to Fascism, defined his creed as the moment when corporate & state power became indistinguishable”. ALS signed “David,” one page, 8 x 10, personal “David Cornwell” letterhead, September 25, 2006. Handwritten letter to Dr. W. J. Morse on contemporary politics, in part: “Willard, dear man, Well, hell, yes, it c[oul]d scarcely be worse. But as PG Wodehouse sagely wrote: they won’t live forever. Sooner or later, W [George W. Bush] and TB [Tony Blair] are going to come face to face with fate, armed with a stuffed eelskin, and Rummy [Donald Rumsfeld], and the reptilian [Dick] Cheney, and all their boys & girls, are going to take the dive they deserve. Or so I desperately need to believe, & so do you, & so do all sane men & women. Mussolini, no slouch when it came to Fascism, defined his creed as the moment when corporate & state power became indistinguishable. He forgot Church power, & Media power—or simply assumed he’d have them for his own—but W & the neocons, & their little minstrel Blair, had it all going for them: the embedded press, the fulminating Godbotherers, the pigs-in-clover megacorps—all toe-ed the line. WHY? In Europe we really don’t believe in war any more. I wish I c[oul]d say the same for Blair - & Bushie boy, because they love it.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope, addressed in Cornwall’s own hand, and photocopies of Morse’s letters to him. Starting Bid $200

“Cows indeed stir calcium dust, breathe it, and remain immune from tubercles, but this does not stir medical circles”

591. Ezra Pound Typed Letter Signed to Esquire’s Editor. TLS signed “Ez. P.,” one page on a 5.75 x 4 personal postcard from Via Marsala, Rapallo, February 2, 1938. Pound writes to Arnold Gingrich, editor and co-founder of Esquire magazine. In full: “Cows indeed stir calcium dust, breathe it, and remain immune from tubercles, but this does not stir medical circles.” On the reverse, Pound humorously addressed the postcard to “(Benedict?) Arnold Gingrich.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

“As to how the ‘Wind’ in my title is pronounced, it is pronounced to rhyme with ‘sinned’”—kind letter of explanation from Mitchell, dated five months after the publication of Gone with the Wind

590. Margaret Mitchell Typed Letter Signed on a ‘Gone with the Wind’ Pronunciation. TLS, one page, 7 x 11, personal letterhead, December 8, 1936. Letter to Mrs. Sewell, in full: “I remember your first letter with so much pleasure and your second letter was even more pleasant, when you wrote me that you knew my relatives in New York. I have not seen them in some time but they were very dear to me, and Mrs. Elliott was one of my mother’s favorite cousins. As to how the ‘Wind’ in my title is pronounced, it is pronounced to rhyme with ‘sinned.’” In fine condition, with a block of light toning from prior display. An appealing explanatory letter from Mitchell that dates to five months after the publication of her famed novel, Gone with the Wind. Starting Bid $200

592. J. K. Rowling Signed Book - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Signed book: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Later printing. NY: Arthur A. Levine Books, 1999. Hardcover with dust jacket, 6.5 x 9.25, 341 pages. Signed and inscribed on the half-title page in black felt tip, “To Thea (yet again!), J. K. Rowling.” Autographic condition: fine to very fine. Book condition: VG/VG, with a price-clipped front dust jacket flap. Starting Bid $200

“My country, ‘tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing”

593. Samuel Francis Smith Signed Handwritten Lyrics for ‘America’. Highly desirable AQS on two off-white 5 x 8 sheets, lightly lined, signed at the conclusion in ink, “S. F. Smith.” Smith pens the four original verses of ‘America’ in their entirety, in part: “My country, - ‘tis of thee, / Sweet land of liberty, / Of thee I sing; / Land where my fathers died, / Land of the pilgrims’ pride, / From every mountain side, / Let freedom ring.” Smith adds to the conclusion, “1832,” the date of its first publication, and “1883,” the date of this offered handwritten song. In fine condition. A beautifully preserved example of this time-honored patriotic anthem. Starting Bid $200

Verne makes an essential correction to Around the World in 80 Days: “This passage explains the volte-face that is made with regard to Phileas Fogg”

595. Jules Verne Autograph Letter Signed on Around the World in 80 Days: “This passage explains the volte-face that is made with regard to Phileas Fogg”. ALS in French, one page, 5.25 x 7, no date but circa late 1872. Handwritten letter to Adrien Hébrard, director of the daily newspaper Le Temps, which serialized several of Jules Verne’s novels. Verne writes concerning the publication of Around the World in 80 Days, which first appeared in serial form in Le Temps from November 6 to December 22, 1872, and was then republished in volume form the following year by Hetzel in Paris. Verne informs Hébrard that end of the fifth chapter was erroneously omitted from his manuscript and therefore not published; he asks that an urgent correction be printed, or else readers would not understand the rest of the story. In part (translated): “By a regrettable error, the end of chapter 5 was omitted in the copy that I gave to the newspaper. I am sending you this end. It is essential that it be restored as soon as possible, otherwise many readers will not understand what follows. Could you tomorrow, at the head of the serial, pass these lines, as an erratum, adding that it ends chapter 5? That done, it will be easy, but it is really essential. You will understand, because this passage explains the volte-face that is made with regard to Phileas Fogg. I am very upset by this error, which is only reproachable to the copyist of the manuscript.” In very good to fine condition, with a small holes and repaired tear to the left of the signature, a short tear to the top edge, and repaired paper loss to the upper corners. Read more online at www.RRAuction.com. Starting Bid $200

The Road Goes Ever On— a

collection of Tolkien’s


walking songs, presented to an old friend

594. J. R. R. Tolkien Signed Book - The Road Goes Ever On: A Song Cycle. Signed book: The Road Goes Ever On: A Song Cycle. First UK edition. London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd, 1968. Hardcover with dust jacket, 8.75 x 11.25, 68 pages. Signed and inscribed on the first free end page in fountain pen to his friend Margaret Wiseman, “Margaret from Ronald, J.R.R. Tolkien.” Autographic condition: fine, with scattered light foxing, a small stain, and a couple of small notations to the signed page. Book condition: VG-/VG-, with scattered foxing to textblock (heaviest to title page), an Oulton Abbey bookplate affixed to the front pastedown, a two-inch tear to the top of the dust jacket (amongst several smaller nicks and tears), a few small stains to the jacket, and shelf numbers inked on the spine.

Margaret Wiseman, the sister of Tolkien’s school friend Christopher Wiseman, was a Benedictine nun at Oulton Abbey; though little is known of their relationship, Tolkien presented her with inscribed copies of his works over a span of more than thirty years, favoring her with the scarce variant of his signature—”Ronald”—that he reserved for close friends and family

The Road Goes Ever On is a collection of walking songs and poetry from J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings and related works, featuring poems in Tolkien’s invented languages alongside English translations, paired with music by Donald Swann. The book provides deeper insight into the lore of Middle-earth, showcasing Tolkien’s linguistic creativity and the themes of adventure, journey, and the passage of time. It remains a beloved companion to Tolkien’s novels and a treasure for fans of his literary world. Starting Bid $2500

“Not well with me a bad trouble of spleen malady it seems”—Whitman sends a health update to his friend and biographer John Burroughs

596. Walt Whitman Autograph Letter Signed to John Burroughs. ALS, penned on the reverse of a 5.25 x 3 postcard, February 28, 1889. Addressed from his home in Camden, New Jersey, a handwritten letter to friend and naturalist John Burroughs, in full: “Rather better word from O. VC. to-day – the latest days bring a slight ‘let up’ on his condition – eyes better at intervals but bad enough yet – Dr. Bucks is here very busy with the water meter business & starting it practically – all going fairly considering – Dr B expects to go to W’n briefly – Not well with me a bad trouble of spleen malady it seems – The little German translation is out – shall I send you one?” Whitman has addressed the reverse in his own hand. In fine condition.

Burroughs first met Whitman in 1864 by chance on the streets of Washington, D.C., when Whitman was making his way to an army hospital to tend to wounded soldiers. The two formed an enduring relationship, with Whitman encouraging Burroughs to develop a literature of nature, to be scientifically precise and at the same time poetic in its praise. Under Whitman’s guidance, Burroughs developed as a writer and began to sell pieces to magazines while working as a clerk for the Department of Treasury and, later, as a bank examiner. Burroughs in turn influenced Whitman by sharpening Whitman’s eye for precise detail in observing nature.

Born on a farm in the Catskills, Burroughs was an ardent lover of nature whose career of writing and philosophizing on the subject began in 1860 with the publication of his essay Expression in the Atlantic Monthly. Editor James Russell Lowell initially thought it had been plagiarized from Ralph Waldo Emerson who was incorrectly credited as its author in subsequent publications.

Burroughs’ work combined observations of nature with philosophy, religion, and literature and made him a popular figure during his day. Among his fans was Theodore Roosevelt who, after meeting him in 1889, became a close friend for the next three decades. Burroughs’ essays also appeared in such collections as Locusts and Wild Honey, Squirrels and Other Fur-Bearers, Songs of Nature, Ways of Nature, and Camping and Tramping with Theodore Roosevelt. Starting Bid $300

“I have also been going through a sort of nervous crisis”

597. Tennessee Williams Typed Letter

Signed as “Tom”. TLS signed “Tom” (with “Tenn” previously written and struck through), one onionskin page, 8 x 11, Hotel Colon letterhead, July 21, 1956. Letter to James Preston Adams, in part: “I have also been going through a sort of nervous crisis, which has kept me from answering your letter earlier. I knew it was coming, as I was terribly, worn out when I left New York, I nearly always go to pieces for a while in the summer as a way of recovering from the strains of the other seasons. After you’ve been through a few of these periods you know that they come and go and you just ‘sweat it out.’ Of course you have to do certain things, mostly things of a physical nature to improve your general condition, such as spending as much time as possible in the sun and also, preferably, by the sea. I tried Rome for a few weeks but got feeling worse all the time, so I flew to Barcelona where there is a good beach only five minutes from this hotel and after a week of sun-bathing and swimming I feel much better and I think I can get thru the summer without much further disturbance. Of course New York is more difficult but there are some good pools and you can even get to the sea now and then if you don’t mind a long subway ride. I enjoyed my first few years in New York. I think you may too when you have found your bearings. Do you see or hear from Bigelow? I think he’s a genuinely warm and good person, at least he has always been in his relations with me which have lasted for 16 years now. What are you doing about studying for theatre, or have you really given that up? I thought, sincerely, that your reading showed talent, but unless you yourself are convinced that you want to be an actor, and are willing to buck the long, or fairly long, period of preparation, of waiting for ‘a break,’ well, it may not be worth the struggle. Or anguish! But, finally, we always do what we want or need to do, there isn’t much conscious choice.

We are flying back to New York about the middle of September, yes, flying this time, for the first time, that is, across the ocean. I have seen three bull-fights this week and now I am going to another which is a double-header with twelve bulls and six matadors, twice the usual number of each. It is great theatre, and pageantry.” Williams makes a handwritten correction to the text and adds the date and a postscript providing his address. In fine condition, with intersecting folds (one just barely touching the signature), scattered creasing, and a few small tears to bottom edge. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope. Starting Bid $200


“The concert was a huge success again yesterday & I am strongly advised to withdraw all performing fees!”

631. Edward Elgar Autograph Letter Signed. ALS, three pages on two adjoining sheets, 7 x 9, personal ‘Severn House’ letterhead, May 15, 1914. Handwritten letter to Henry Clayton, secretary at the Novello & Co. music publishing company, penned in his difficult-to-decipher hand, in part: “The concert was a huge success again yesterday & I am strongly advised to withdraw all performing fees!” Elgar appears to express his dissatisfaction with “the terrible attitudes of Novellos” and then remarks: “I have nothing of the kind they want & it seems a rather tinkering affair & my work could not be represented adequately.” In a lengthy postscript, Elgar makes reference to a French publication of his beloved song cycle “Sea Pictures.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

632. Sergei Rachmaninoff Signed Photograph. Outstanding vintage mattefinish 8 x 10 portrait of the celebrated Russian composer by Kubey-Rembrandt Studios of Philadelphia, signed and inscribed in fountain pen, “To Mr. William Schmidt, Serge Rachmaninoff, 1927.” Blindstamped in the lower left by the studio. In fine condition, with slight fading to the ink. The recipient, William Schmidt, was a cellist in the Philadelphia Orchestra. Starting Bid $200

634. Patsy Cline Signed Photograph. Popular and distinctive country-and-western ‘crossover’ star (1932–1963) who achieved iconic status upon her death in a plane crash at the age of 30. Vintage glossy 8 x 10 Decca Records publicity photo of Cline in a patterned blouse, signed and inscribed in black ballpoint, “To Jane: Nice to know you and best wishes always, Patsy Cline.” In very good to fine condition, with scattered creasing, and minor surface loss to the upper right corner tip. Starting Bid $200

Rare 1936 RKO agreement with both Gershwin brothers

633. George and Ira Gershwin Signed Contract with RKO Studios (1936). Rare DS, one page, 8.25 x 12.75, September 30, 1936. An agreement between “RKO Studios, Inc., and George Gershwin and Ira Gershwin… under the terms and conditions of which the compensation payable to the said George Gershwin and Ira Gershwin…will be divided and allocated between them in the ratio of sixty per cent (60%) to the said George Gershwin and forty per cent (40%) to the said Ira Gershwin.” Nicely signed at the conclusion by both George and Ira Gershwin, and countersigned by a notary. Attractively cloth-matted and framed with an image and engraved biographical plaque to an overall size of 26.5 x 24.5. In fine condition.

RKO Radio Pictures recruited George and Ira Gershwin to score the 1937 film Shall We Dance, a musical comedy starring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers that blended classical ballet with modern jazzjust as George Gershwin did throughout his body of work. Although Ira was less enthusiastic about the concept, George embraced it and composed music in a different style for each scene. The film was released only two months prior to George’s sudden and unexpected death from a brain tumor, and he posthumously received his only Academy Award nomination for Best Original Song for a now-classic tune, ‘They Can’t Take That Away from Me.’ Starting Bid $200

Prominent and well-spaced signatures of the Beatles

636. Beatles Signatures - Bold and Uninscribed. Bold black ballpoint signatures of the Beatles — “George Harrison,” “John Lennon,” “Paul McCartney,” and “Ringo Starr, 61” — penned on the reverse of an off-white 5 x 8 menu from the Victoria Hotel in Bradford, England, dated November 29, 1963. Starr’s apparent addition of the year 1961 remains unexplainable. In very good to fine condition, with some faint toning and small stains. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks. The group performed at the A.B.C. cinema in Huddersfield on the evening of November 29, 1963, which means that they would have traveled 13 miles north to stay at the Victoria Hotel in Bradford before setting off in the morning, traveling an additional 110 miles to Sunderland to perform on the evening of the 30th at the Empire Theatre in the city. Starting Bid $1000

637. Beatles: George Harrison Signed Deluxe Genesis Book - Songs by George Harrison (Ltd. Ed. #1/250). Signed book: Songs by George Harrison: Book and Record Set. Originally produced in a limited edition of 2500, with a laid-in note indicating that this is number I of 250 extra copies prepared for review. Surrey, England: Genesis Publications Limited, 1987. Leatherbound hardcover with clamshell case, 8 x 11, 175 pages. Signed on the colophon in ink, “George Harrison.” Also signed on a bookplate affixed to the first free end page by illustrator Keith West. Slipcase includes a limited edition four-song CD with the tracks ‘Sat Singing,’ ‘Lay His Head,’ ‘For You Blue,’ and ‘Flying Hour.’ In very fine condition. Accompanied by the publisher’s prospectus and order form. A gorgeous, first-in-series example of this deluxe limited edition signed book—an essential volume for any music lover’s library. Starting Bid $200



Hoffman portrait of the Beatles, signed in 1964 for an assistant director on A Hard Day’s Night

635. Beatles Signed Photograph - Signed for an Assistant Director on ‘A Hard Day’s Night’. Vintage matte-finish 9.5 x 7.25 photo of the Beatles in their famous collarless suits by Dezo Hoffman, signed and inscribed in blue and red ink, “John Lennon,” “Best wishes, Paul McCartney,” “To Geoff, best wishes from George Harrison,” and “Geoff, Best Wishes from the Beatles, Ringo Starr.” In fine condition, with some unobtrusive light creasing.

The consignor reports that these autographs were obtained by the previous vendor’s brother, Alec, who in 1964 was asked to work as 2nd Assistant Director on ‘A Hard Day’s Night,’ a musical comedy directed by Richard Lester and featuring The Beatles. In the vendor’s own words: ‘Shooting started in early March ’64 at Twickenham Studios. Originally, as no name had been given to the film, all scripts were simply titled, ‘The Beatles.’ It wasn’t until Ringo came in one day and said, ‘It’s been a hard day’s night,’ that Dick Lester decided that ‘A Hard Day’s Night’ should be the title for the film. One of the many jobs of a 2nd Assistant Director is to make sure the stars of a movie are happy and to make sure they are on the set when required. Consequently, my brother got to know John, Paul, George and Ringo better than some of the other technicians.

When not working on films, he was a professional drummer and used to try to teach some jazz drum rudiments to Ringo in the canteen during lunch breaks at Twickenham Studios, but Ringo had his own style and jazz wasn’t his thing! It was subsequently Ringo who signed his signature on the photograph first, with my brother’s red pen. He also signed: ‘To Geoff, Best wishes from the Beatles.’ Paul McCartney, being the main spokesman for the band, liaised with Alec a lot and would phone our home phone number in the evenings (much to my Mum’s annoyance) if there was any problems. I got to speak to him a couple of times. Paul then signed the photo, and then George. John, being much more aloof than the others, was the last one to sign the photo, when they were well into the seven-week shoot, which was finished towards the end of April ’64. My brother also helped make a ‘short’ which was used to promote the main feature movie called ‘Follow The Beatles.’ It was a manic, frenetic time and the unit needed as much stamina as the Beatles to get all of Dick Lester’s ideas to work. So, by the end of the shoot, this eleven year old kid was presented with a full set of The Beatles autographs, much to the envy of our neighbours and my equally Beatles-obsessed school mates.’ Starting Bid $2500

Harrison’s ‘Taxman’ comes to vivid, dystopian life

638. Beatles: George Harrison Signed Lithograph‘Taxman’ (Ltd. Ed. #164/850). Limited edition color 13 x 19 lithograph of artwork by Keith West entitled ‘Taxman,’ depicting a warthog and a military official crushing the life and money from a man via a rolling press machine as a line of citizens await the same gruesome fate, numbered 164/850, signed in the lower border in pencil by Harrison, as well as the artist, Keith West. Archivally double-matted and framed to an overall size of 22.25 x 28.5. In very fine condition. One of the first songs composed by Harrison, ‘Taxman’ opened the Beatles’ 1966 album Revolver with a lyrical assault on the unjust progressive tax levied by British Labour Party head Harold Wilson. A humorous, if not dystopian, visual representation of the classic Beatles tune. Starting Bid $300

639. Beatles: John Lennon Signature. Crisp ballpoint signature, “John Lennon,” on an off-white 2.75 x 1.5 sheet, which is double-matted with a portrait photo of the Beatles great to an overall size of 11.75 x 16.25. In fine condition, with a small stain in the upper right corner. Starting Bid $300

John Lennon sees A Chorus Line on Broadway, featuring the future star of the musical ‘Lennon’

640. Beatles: John Lennon Signed Playbill - A Chorus Line. Original Playbill for a production of A Chorus Line at the Shubert Theatre in April 1976, 5.5 x 9, signed on the front cover in red ballpoint by John Lennon. In fine condition. Accompanied by a ticket stub for the show, dated April 21, 1976.

A Chorus Line opened at the Shubert Theatre on July 25, 1975, directed by Michael Bennett and co-choreographed by Bennett and Bob Avian. An unprecedented box office and critical hit, the musical received twelve Tony Award nominations and won nine, in addition to the 1976 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. It went on to run for 6,137 performances, becoming the longest-running production in Broadway history. Interestingly, Robert LuPone starred as Zach in the original production; he would later play John Lennon in the 1982 musical Lennon. Starting Bid $200

Eye-popping Sgt. Pepper’s Hofner ‘violin’ bass guitar signed by Beatles legend Paul McCartney

641. Beatles: Paul McCartney Signed Hofner ‘Violin’ Bass Guitar with Sgt. Pepper’s Finish. Attractive lefthanded Hofner ‘violin’ or ‘Cavern’ B-Bass HI-Series bass guitar finished with a print of the front cover to the Beatles landmark album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, signed on the pearloid pickguard in black felt tip by Paul McCartney. In fine condition, with light scuffing to the signature. Originally designed by Walter Hofner in 1955, the beautifully shaped ‘Beatle bass’ remains a highly sought-after piece of musical equipment, with this instrument enhanced furthermore by its influential signer and its entirely uncommon, highly displayable Sgt. Pepper’s finish. Starting Bid $500

Ringo cosigns a 1969 letter of apology from Peter Brown to a Beatles competition winner: “We’re able to tell you that your new prize and we hope you like it is to be an advance copy of the Beatles new album”

642. Beatles: Ringo Starr Signature on 1969 Letter from Peter Brown. Ink signature, “Ringo Starr,” at the bottom of a TLS from Peter Brown, one page, 8.25 x 7.75, Beatles & Co. letterhead, June 16, 1969, sent to the winner of a Beatles fan competition, in full: “As you know, it has proved impossible for us to fulfill our original promise of sending you a ticket to a Beatles TV show as your prize for winning the fan club competition. We are really very sorry about this, and have spent a long time thinking of an alternative which would not be a mere consolation for the original prize. Anyway, at last we’re able to tell you that your new prize and we hope you like it is to be an advance copy of the Beatles new album, which at the moment we’re expecting to release towards the end of August. John, Paul, George and Ringo would all like to congratulate you on winning, and hope you will accept their apologies for the delay.” In fine condition, with some light creasing. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks. The album referred to in the letter was Abbey Road, which was released on the Apple label on September 26, 1969.

The Beatles Book magazine ran a free draw for 50 pairs of tickets for a Beatles TV special to be aired with a live audience. Although the show never happened, the band spent the first half of January 1969 rehearsing for the event at the Twickenham television studios, footage of which would later be used for the ‘Let It Be’ and ‘Get Back’ films. Entrants were promised an advance copy of the then-imminent ‘Get Back’ LP, which was also never released. Starting Bid $200

Unused concert ticket signed by Bob Dylan a month into his legendary Never Ending Tour

643. Bob Dylan Signed Concert Ticket - Portland, Oregon (August 19, 1988). Soughtafter original unused ticket for a Bob Dylan concert at the Memorial Coliseum in Portland, Oregon, on August 19, 1988, 5.25 x 1.5, signed in black felt tip by Dylan. The ticket is issued for the “Lower Level,” Section 15, Row O, and Seat 3. In fine condition. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from REAL. A desirable signed ticket that dates to early in Bob Dylan’s ongoing Never Ending Tour, which began on June 7, 1988. Starting Bid $200

“Ginger, beautiful poem, thanks, Janis Joplin”— the rock icon signs a copy of a Rolling Stonepublished poem, ‘Sing a Song of Raw Meat: Tough Talking Woman’s Blues’

648. Janis Joplin Signed Mimeographed Poem - Published in Rolling Stone Magazine (February 1969). Mimeographed Janis Joplin-inspired typed poem entitled ‘Sing a Song of Raw Meat: Tough Talking Woman’s Blues,’ signed and inscribed on the first page in blue ballpoint, “Ginger, beautiful poem, thanks, Janis Joplin.” Written by fan Ginger Wilson, the free verse poem, six pages, 8.5 x 11, which was originally published in a winter issue of Rolling Stone magazine, reads, in part: “Janis Joplin…begotten of Tennessee Williams and Southern Comfort, ‘brewed on the banks,’ balled on the banks of Life, in the tradition of Mae West and Black blues singers, Her accident ward wail, that raw meat voice forced from a raucous resonator, her threat flaunting major and minor musical scales, Sexual excitement, emotional catharsis flowing jaggedly into some electronic silver wand, a microphone… Her body, a mass of bejeweled velvet, shamelessly sways, breasts bouncing bralessly, to the irregular recurring Big Brother & The Holding Company’s beats.” In very good to fine condition, with creasing, rusty staple holes, and light soiling along the intersecting folds; Joplin’s writing remains bold and dark.

The poem, published in the February 1, 1969, issue of Rolling Stone magazine, was originally stored at the magazine’s offices in a file for unsolicited submissions called the ‘Jim Morrison File.’ After deciding to permanently close the file at the end of 1968, the magazine printed two of the most representative poems from the file. ‘Sing a Song of Raw Meat’ was one of the two published. Accompanied by an original clipping from the magazine that includes the two chosen poems. Starting Bid $200

Beautiful uninscribed signatures of Buddy Holly and the Crickets from the late 1950s

646. Buddy Holly and the Crickets Signatures - Bold and Uninscribed. Exceptional ballpoint signatures, “Buddy Holly,” “Joe Mauldin,” and “Jerry Allison,” who has signed twice, on an off-white 4.5 x 3 album page. The consignor notes that the signatures date to the late 1950s. In very fine condition. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks. A pristine, uninscribed signature set from Buddy Holly and the Crickets. Starting Bid $300

Taking a break from San Francisco, Janis Joplin sketches her new appearance as a Texas college student and comments on a discussion “about dope addiction where I so astounded everyone w/ my knowledge”

647. Janis Joplin Autograph Letter Signed with a Self-Portrait Sketch, Relating a Discussion of “Dope Addiction”. ALS signed “Love, Janis,” nine pages on five sheets, 5 x 8 and 6 x 8, [July 30–31, 1965]. Content-rich handwritten letter to her boyfriend, Peter de Blanc, covering a variety of topics topics including her history class, their relationship (asking whether or not he was really ready to be married), her new appearance (complete with a detailed, fullpage self-portrait sketch), and the subject of “dope addiction.”

The letter begins, in part: “I just made a bad grade on a test— I know it…I had completely learned all about Alexander the Great & the Roman Civil Wars & the 3 Punic Wars, because on the test (covering Greek & Roman civ.) I figured these would be what the essays were on. BUT! As I’m diligently answering the objective part of our test, the teacher writes on the board ‘Discuss the interests and beliefs of Socrates, Aristotle, Zeno, & Epicurus.’ ‘Who?!!’ I shrieked. Oh moan—I very well may have failed.”

She continues, commenting on their relationship: “What’s all this about investing $10,000 in whatshisname’s company & going to Europe? Oh Jesus Christ, Peter, why won’t you just do an ordinary, practical, money-bringing-in-so-we-can-getmarried kind of thing? I mean Jesus damn, my poor parents are really determined to like & respect you because you’re my choice. And they know that 2 weeks ago you were going in the Army & if not, looking for a job so that we can get started & whatthefuck—I talk to you on the phone & now I’m dancing around the room saying, ‘Oh yes, he’s fine! No, he hasn’t found a job yet. He may invest ( ‘But I thought he didn’t have any money, dear?’)…in this company that’s making skateboards & go to England…Or, if he doesn’t do that he may go to Niagara Falls…or he may come to Houston…Well of course he’s ready to get married! He really is very settled down & responsible! Really!’…Wow, baby, are you ready? I mean, I’m not trying to hassle you or anything—I mean, do what you think propitious, but good God, dig yourself!”

Joplin goes on to discuss her new appearance: “I’m going to get my hair trimmed tomorrow so it’ll look nice hanging loose. Now I’m wearing it up—it’s much neater for swimming & it’s so hot around here! Come to think of it—this is what I look like now: (see picture) (and titles).” Joplin draws a highly detailed full-page, full-length pencil sketch of herself, pointing out her “new hair-do,” “new thin gold hoop earrings,” “new necklace I made myself,” “shiny long light pink fingernails,” “same ole purse,” “nice green shirtwaist dress,” and “groovey old sandals.”

Continuing the next day, on slightly larger paper, she writes of her family and life in Texas: “It’s really lovely here—my parents have such a nice house! The yard is just lovely w/ a big oak tree that’s about my age in the front yard, several wisteria bushes & one lovely pecan tree in the back yard w/ limbs that touch the ground…Laura & I are going to the Country Club today to bask in the sun & get a better tan. You know, she and I are really getting along well now and it’s really nice. Wow, I mean a friend right in my own house!”

She then describes an intellectual gathering at her parents’ house: “Speaking of friends, let me tell you of our evening last night. I believe I’ve told you about my Father’s & Mother’s friends Donn & Ethel. They’re really lovely people & Donn is the only friend my Father has. He’s also the only man around here as smart as my father…He and his wife came over last night and we sat and talked—mostly about books—for about 2 hours. As we were having coffee, two friends of mine came over—Philip Carter & his wife Diane and their little girl…Philip is a very nice guy. Pipe smoking & very intelligent, just about to get his degree w/ 4 minors (no major) English, sociology, history, and philosophy. Well, for about another hour, we talked—about juvenile delinquency which Phil is studying now & even about dope addiction where I so astounded everyone w/ my knowledge. Then we decided to play bridge…I got the best hand anyone had ever seen.”

She concludes: “Guess I’ll fold this up, put it in an envelope & wait for you to tell me where to mail it.” The envelope is included, addressed on the front in Joplin’s hand to “Mr. Peter de Blanc,” and signed with her full name as part of the return address on the flap: “Miss Janis Joplin, 3130 Lombardy, Port Arthur, Texas.” In fine condition, with a block of light toning touching the salutation on the first page.

Before her rise as the lead of Big Brother & the Holding Company in the summer of 1966, Joplin had taken a break from her life in San Francisco, leaving behind a lover there: Peter De Blanc. De Blanc supported Joplin’s determination to sober up by moving to her home town of Port Arthur, Texas, where she attended school at Lamar University. Their plan to marry was broken off when she learned that De Blanc was expecting a child with another woman. Joplin returned to San Francisco in June 1966 and joined Big Brother & the Holding Company to launch her legendary career. She would die tragically of a heroin overdose in 1970, at the age of 27. Starting Bid $2500

Boldly signed example of Bob Marley’s last studio album, Uprising

649. Bob Marley Signed Album - Uprising. Uprising album by Bob Marley & The Wailers, prominently signed on the front cover in bold black felt tip, “Love, Bob Marley.” In fine condition, with some faint stains in the right margin. The record is included.

Bob Marley’s final studio album, Uprising, was released in June 1980 and is known for its deep spiritual themes and powerful messages of resilience. The album features iconic songs like ‘Redemption Song’ and ‘Could You Be Loved,’ which continue to inspire audiences worldwide. Despite Marley’s declining health at the time, Uprising showcased his unwavering commitment to spreading messages of unity and social justice. Its legacy endures as a testament to Marley’s influence, cementing his status as a global cultural and musical icon. Starting Bid $1000

650. Elvis Presley Signature on a German Receipt (ca. 19581960). Ballpoint signature and inscription, “To Gary, Elvis Presley,” penned at the bottom of an off-white 3.75 x 5.75 receipt from a toy shop named Dietsch & Kiese, which was located in Wiesbaden, Germany. The autograph would have been obtained in Germany when Presley was stationed with the American army between 1958 and 1960. In fine condition, with toning from prior display. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks.

Between March 28 and September 17, 1958, Presley completed his basic and advanced military training as a member of Company A, 2d Medium Tank Battalion, 37th Armor, while stationed at Fort Hood in Texas. As trying as his training was, the death of his mother on August 14th devastated Presley, who was afforded an extended leave of absence during his bereavement. Not long after his return to Fort Hood, Presley was sent overseas to Germany as a member of the 1st Medium Tank Battalion, 32d Armor, service which lasted from October 1, 1958, until March 2, 1960. Germany had a profound effect on his life and career— he met his future wife, Priscilla, was introduced to amphetamines, and as a result of his generous patriotic service, earned the respect of an older generation of Americans, many of whom had previously viewed him in a negative light. Starting Bid $200

651. Elvis Presley Signed Las Vegas Hilton Menu. Circa 1969 room service menu from the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel, 9 x 11, signed and inscribed in ballpoint above a printed drawing of the hotel, “To Al and Shirley, from, Elvis Presley.” In fine condition, with the front cover missing and the back cover detached but present. Starting Bid $200

652. Queen Signed AlbumQueen II. Queen II album signed on the iconic inner gatefold image in black felt tip by Freddie Mercury, Roger Taylor, and John Deacon. In very good to fine condition, with scuffing, heavy wear and partial separation to the spine, and a small area of dampstaining to the upper right corner. The record is included. Starting Bid $200

The Stones rock the BBC program Open House, stay out late to meet their hero, Chuck Berry

653. Rolling Stones Signatures (Riverside Studios, Hammersmith - May 9, 1964). Vintage ballpoint signatures of the Rolling Stones on two separate 4.5 x 4 album pages, with the beige page signed by Mick Jagger and Bill Wyman, and the off-white page signed by Keith Richards, Brian Jones, and Charlie Watts. In fine condition, with some light toning touching Richards’ signature. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks.

Collector’s notation indicates that the autographs were obtained at Riverside Studios in Hammersmith, London, on May 9, 1964, when the Stones appeared on the BBC program Open House, where they performed ‘Hi Heel Sneakers’ and paid £105. Later that evening, the group attended two Chuck Berry shows at the Finsbury Park Astoria in London. Hoping to meet their hero, the band went backstage but found Berry acting distantly towards them. This episode made them late for their gig at the Savoy Ballroom in Catford, London. They arrived to find the venue surrounded by fans, which forced the group to gain access via a neighboring property. Starting Bid $200

654. The Who Signature Display. Vintage ballpoint signatures of The Who — “Keith Moon” and “Roger Daltrey,” “Pete Townshend,” and “John Entwistle” — on three off-white sheets ranging in size from 2.75 x 2.75 to 3.5 x 5. The signatures are double-matted with eight photographs of the band and their ‘RAF roundel’ logo to an overall size of 39.25 x 27.5. In overall very good to fine condition, with creasing and folds to the Moon/Daltrey slip, and two tears to the Townshend photo. Starting Bid $200

655. The Yardbirds Signatures (Locarno Ballroom, Swindon - July 30, 1964). Vintage ballpoint signatures of The Yardbirds on two separate album pages: a light blue 4.75 x 3 page signed “Best wishes, Eric Clapton,” “Chris Dreja, xxxxx,” “Love, Jim McCarty, xx,” and “Love from Keith Relf, xxx”; and a yellow 4.5 x 3 album page signed “P. G. Samwell-Smith.” The consignor notes that the majority of the autographs were obtained at the Locarno Ballroom in Swindon, England, on July 30, 1964. The Samwell-Smith autograph was signed at a different venue. In fine condition. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks. Starting Bid $200

Classic Entertainment

Academy Award for Best Cinematography awarded to Clyde De Vinna for White Shadows in the South Seas—MGM’s

first sound film, sumptuously shot on location in Tahiti

748. Academy Award for Best Cinematography (1930) - Oscar Statuette Presented to Clyde De Vinna for for White Shadows in the South Seas. Iconic original Oscar awarded to cinematographer Clyde De Vinna for the 1928 film White Shadows in the South Seas, directed by W.S. Van Dyke and starring Monte Blue and Raquel Torres. The award trophy measures 12.5˝ tall with a base diameter of 5.5˝, and is engraved on a plaque on the base: “Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences First Award 1929.” Embedded on the underside is a golden disc, further engraved: “AMPAS, 1929 Academy First Award to Clyde De Vinna for Distinguished Achievement in Cinematography of White Shadows of the South Seas.” In very good to fine condition, with some rubbing and tarnishing to the Oscar statuette.

This award was presented as part of the second annual Academy Awards, held at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles on April 3, 1930, honoring films released between August 1, 1928, and July 31, 1929. It was the first ceremony to be broadcast on radio as a public event, and set the standard for future Academy Awards ceremonies—today an integral part of American arts and culture.

The MGM film White Shadows of the South Seas, released on November 10, 1928, was one of the first films to use a pre-recorded soundtrack: notably, it marked the first time that theatergoers heard the roar of Leo the Lion over the MGM banner at the beginning of the film. Based on Frederick O’Brien’s 1919 travel book of the same name, the movie was shot on location in Tahiti, some 4000 miles from Hollywood, a rarity for the time. The Tahitian landscape was sumptuously captured by cameramen Clyde De Vinna, Bob Roberts, and George Nogle—bringing to screen dramatic views of an exotic locale for which De Vinna earned this Oscar.

Oscars are arguably the most coveted of all Hollywood collectibles, and as the Academy lays claim to any awarded after 1950 they are very rarely available to the general public. As the most well-known and recognizable award in all of entertainment, an Oscar is the pinnacle of any pop culture collection. Starting Bid $5000

Twice-signed 1981 registration card for the Chateau Marmont hotel, less than a year before it became the site of John Belushi’s tragic death

749. John Belushi Twice Signed ‘Chateau Marmont’ Registration Card - Dated a Year Before His Death. Partly-printed DS, signed twice as “John Belushi” and “John A. Belushi,” one page, 6 x 4, March 31. Yellow registration card for the Chateau Marmont hotel on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles, California, with the upper portion filled out in black ballpoint by Belushi, who writes his name, “John Belushi,” address, “150 5th Ave., NYC, NY, 1001,” firm, “Universal,” and then adds his approval signature. A clerk’s hand notes that Belushi has rented Room 34 for a total of five nights from March 31st until April 5th, at a rate of $100 per night. The card bears a vertical date stamp of March 31, 1981, at 11:16 PM. In fine condition. Less than a year later, John Belushi, at the age of 33, was found dead of a drug overdose in Bungalow 3 at the Chateau Marmont hotel on March 5, 1982. A poignant offering connected to the life and death of the tragic comedian. Starting Bid $200

Over 80 signatures of vintage Hollywood stars like Jean Harlow, John Wayne, Harold Lloyd, Al Jolson, and more

750. Classic Hollywood (80+) Autograph Album with Jean Harlow, John Wayne, Harold Lloyd, and More. Vintage leather-bound autograph album, 6.25 x 4, signed inside in pencil and ink by over 80 classic actors and actresses, some on affixed cards or slips, most single page and all back-to-back, with some adding inscriptions to Shirley. Signers include: Jean Harlow, John Wayne, Harold Lloyd, Al Jolson, Edgar Rice Burroughs (adding an original sketch), Theda Bara, Clara Bow, Marlene Dietrich, Joan Crawford, Ginger Rogers, Jackie Cooper, Charlotte Greenwood, Edna May Oliver, Ramon Novarro, Joel McCrea, Lew Ayres, Janet Gaynor, Loretta Young, Norma Shearer, Ruby Keeler, May Robson, and more. In very good to fine condition, with rippling and wrinkling to pages with affixed signatures, and scattered toning and soiling. The consignor notes that many of the signatures were originally obtained at a Los Angeles country club in the 1920s and 1930s. Starting Bid $200

751. Audrey Hepburn Signed Photograph as Eliza Doolittle from My Fair Lady. Glossy 8 x 10 photo of Audrey Hepburn dressed as Eliza Doolittle from My Fair Lady, showing the actress wearing her iconic ascot race dress and matching hat, signed nicely in black felt tip. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

Exquisite full-length signed portrait of the shackled Houdini

753. Harry Houdini Signed Photograph. Fantastic vintage matte-finish 3.25 x 5.25 postcard photo of a shackled Houdini in a full-length pose, signed and inscribed in fountain pen, “Harry Houdini, to Delveen.” The great, full-length image is captioned with his nickname, “Harry Handcuff Houdini.” In fine condition, with a bit of light discoloration. The recipient was Delveen the Mystic, the stage name of Herbert E. Naylor, publisher and editor of the British magic publication, the Magical Record. Starting Bid $300

“Glad you saw the Show of the Chicago Assembly. I knew there would be something there that you would like”— Houdini forwards his hand-edited 1922-1923 tour itinerary, suggests that his works, ‘Miracle Mongers’ and ‘Paper Tricks,’ be sold at a Chicago bookstore

752. Harry Houdini Typed Letter Signed with a Signed 1922-1923 North American Tour Itinerary. TLS and typed concert itinerary from Harry Houdini, both signed in pencil as “Houdini,” and sent to writer Faber Birren of the Regan Publishing Corp., in Chicago. The TLS, one page, 8.25 x 10.75, The Saint Paul Hotel (St. Paul, Minnesota) letterhead, February 17, 1923, sent from the Orpheum Theatre, with a memo of “Next Wk. Orpheum, Winnipeg, Canada,” reads, in full: “Glad you saw the Show of the Chicago Assembly. I knew there would be something there that you would like. Enclosed you will find my Tour. Let me hear from you every once in a while. Why don’t you put my books on sale at your establishment. You know they are published by E. P. Dutton & Co.: ‘Miracle Mongers’ and ‘Paper Tricks.’ You cannot lose very much and I will be pleased to have you push the sale.” Houdini appears to have written “Capt.” over ‘Mr.” in the salutation.

The typed itinerary, one page, 8.25 x 10.75, is annotated in pencil by Houdini, who writes at the top, “Route Houdini.” The list contains 20 dates for Houdini’s ongoing North American tour, dated from December 31, 1922, to May 13, 1923, with Houdini striking through the top eight dates and writing “Orpheum” next to the Winnipeg show. The magician adds notes next to three more upcoming shows: “Moore Theatre,” in Seattle, Washington, on March 4th; “Orpheum Th.,” in San Francisco, California, on March 18th; and “Orph,” in Los Angeles on April 1st. In overall very good to fine condition, with a tear beneath the signature on the tour sheet, which is affixed to a backing sheet, and file holes, paperclip impressions, and old tape repairs to both of the sheets.

Faber Birren was an American writer and consultant on color and color theory (1900–1988) who began publishing articles on color in 1924; his first book, Color in Vision was published in 1928. In 1934 he established his own company and worked as an industrial color consultant, advising clients on the psychological effects of color on safety, employee morale, productivity, and sales. Before his life of color, however, Birren worked at a bookstore that sold Houdini’s books. Birren became a friend of Houdini, who even asked Birren to investigate self-proclaimed psychics and spiritualists and to send Houdini his opinion as to their veracity. Starting Bid $300

“Get the Master Mystery, heavy!”—Harry Houdini, Hollywood’s new big star, sends a quick message to his ‘Grim Game’ screenwriters

754. Harry Houdini Autograph Letter Signed - “Get the Master Mystery, heavy!”. Desirable ALS signed “Houdini,” one page, 5.5 x 6.75, The California Limited ‘en route’ passenger train letterhead, circa late 1918 or early 1919. Handwritten letter to screenwriters John W. Gray and Arthur B. Reeve, in full: “Get the Master Mystery, heavy! Hallo Reeve and Gray. Homeward bound. Will phone & see you at once. Get ready for all good news.” In fine condition.

Gray and Reeve wrote the screenplay for the 1919 silent drama film The Grim Game, which starred Harry Houdini in his second motion picture. His first, The Master Mystery, a 15-chapter mystery silent serial released the previous year, was also written by Reeve. Both plotlines served as a showcase for Houdini’s talent as an escapologist and stunt performer. Despite his wooden acting, audiences were thrilled by his stunts and he became an even bigger international star. Starting Bid $300

Houdini vacations in Egypt in 1910, the source for his short story collaboration with H. P. Lovecraft

755. Harry Houdini Autograph Letter Signed - Postcard Mailed from Egypt in 1910. ALS penned on the reverse of a 5.5 x 3.5 Egyptian postal card, January 11, 1910. Handwritten letter from Port Said, Egypt, addressed to Dr. J. E. Waitt of Boston, in full: “Just a line to let you know that all’s well—we are on our way. We stop off here 24 hours. Regard to your family from all of us.” Reverse is addressed in Houdini’s hand. In fine condition, with some light soiling.

Houdini’s brief vacation in Egypt in 1910 was later the basis for a short story collaboration between himself and the influential horror writer H. P. Lovecraft. Published in the May 1924 issue of Weird Tales, the story, entitled ‘Imprisoned with the Pharaohs’ – a softcover copy of which accompanies this letter – tells a fictionalized account of an allegedly true experience had by Houdini while in Egypt. The fantastical tale finds the escape artist being kidnapped, dropped into a deep hole, and coming face-toface with the real-life deity that inspired the building of the Sphinx. Houdini enjoyed the story and the two men collaborated on several smaller projects prior to Houdini’s death in 1926. Starting Bid $200

Houdini, Kellar, and the levitating seance of William Eglinton—a mystifying triplet of letters signed by two master magicians

756. Magic: Harry Houdini (2) Typed Letters Signed and Harry Kellar (1) Autograph Letter Signed. Splendid trio of letters from famed magicians Harry Houdini and Harry Kellar, each related to William Eglinton, a spiritualist medium known for his convincing levitation tricks. The consists of two TLSs signed in pencil by Harry Houdini, and an ALS signed by Harry Kellar. The first Houdini letter, one page, 8.5 x 10, September 15, 1915, a copy of a letter to Kellar, in part: “Have just (at this late date) obtained a copy of Mr. I. K. Funk’s ‘Widow’s Mite’ and other Phenomea’ and on the page 52 there is published a letter from your pen written to the Indian Daily News Calacutta [sic] Jan 25th 1882, in which you state that you went away from the sceance ‘utterly unable to explain by natural means the phenomena you witnessed that tuesday evening.’ Thirty four years have passed since that evening, and from my various chats with you, Memory has not dimmed her light for you so for the sake of future writers, will you please let me know if at this date you still of the same opinion? You were the guest of Mr. J. Meugens, at Eglinton’s sceance and afterthought may have caused you to think differently”; the second TLS, one page, 8.5 x 11, dated at the top in Houdini’s hand, “Sept 16/16,” a letter to an unknown recipient, in full: “Kellar told me personally that he suspected the host in 1882 as assisting the medium Eglington, and he evidently does not wish to say so in print, but before Kellar I knew that I wanted his statement for publication, he positively told me that ‘The—had fooled him, I trusted him and the only way he could have done so was to have the host let go his hand, and that is how he fooled me.”

The Kellar ALS, signed “H. Kellar,” two pages, 6 x 9, Hotel Astor Letterhead, September 16, 1916, addressed to Houdini, in part: “I beg leave to say that the article signed by me and published in the Indian Daily News Calcutta Jan. 25th 1882, relating to my experiences at a séance given by Eglington at the home of Mr. J. Meugens is a true description of my impressions at the time and as I never had an opportunity to witness another of Mr. Eglington’s performances I cannot conscientiously refute what I then wrote. If you should ask me to tell you how Eglington produced his mystifying effects I should answer: I don’t know. If he was a trickster he was clever enough to put ‘one over’ on me.” The pencil notations on the two Houdini letters are all in his own hand. In overall fine condition, with file holes and edge chipping to one Houdini letter. Houdini, who later was able to reproduce Eglinton’s famous levitation stunt, in no way diminished the abilities of his acclaimed predecessor in Kellar, but rather supported and admired his honest admission, later asserting that ‘No magician is immune from being deceived and it is no way beneath a magician’s dignity or demeaning to professional reputation to openly admit that he cannot always account for what he thinks he sees.’ Starting Bid $300

Lugosi bears his fangs as Dracula during a 1940s stage adaptation, presented to B-movie brothers Alex and Dick Gordon

757. Bela Lugosi Signed Photograph as Dracula. Vintage glossy 8 x 10 full-length photo of Bela Lugosi as Dracula during a stage production from the 1940s, depicting the vampire poised to sink his fangs into the throat of a helpless damsel, signed and inscribed in fountain pen, “To Alex and Dick, good luck, Bela Lugosi.” In fine condition.

Accompanied by a letter of provenance from a previous owner, who states that the recipients of the photo “are producer/directors, and brothers, Richard and Alex Gordon, who were good friends with Lugosi in the early 1950s up until Lugosi’s death in 1956. I purchased this photo approximately two years ago…[Afterwards] I was able to contact Alex and met with him on many occasions and purchase many other Lugosi signed and unsigned items that he had obtained in person through his friendship with Lugosi. At one of our meetings, I brought along the above-mentioned Lugosi photo and showed it to him. He stated that he had received the photo in the early 1950s after having dinner with Lugosi at the Tovar restaurant in New York City.” Starting Bid $200

“To Eli, just for you! Marilyn Monroe”— Marilyn and her acting coach visit Sam Goody Records in Manhattan in the summer of 1955

760. Marilyn Monroe Signature - Obtained at Sam Goody Records in NYC (June 1955). Vintage ballpoint signature and inscription, “To Eli, just for you! Marilyn Monroe,” on a trimmed 5 x 4 sheet with a collector’s notation dating the signature to June 1955. In fine condition, with some light edge creasing. The consignor notes that this signature was originally obtained by a Sam Goody Records staff member in New York City in 1955 when Monroe visited the store with her acting coach, Paula Strasberg. Starting Bid $300

“Marilyn Monroe – Official Hostess”— attractive signed program page from a 1947 gala organized by The Greater

Los Angeles Press Club

758. Marilyn Monroe Signed ‘Greater Los Angeles Press Club’ Program Page (1947). Desirable vintage 8.75 x 12 program page for a 1947 event organized by The Greater Los Angeles Press Club, featuring a large image of “Marilyn Monroe – Official Hostess” posing with a large No. 8 billiard ball trophy, signed and inscribed in blue fountain pen, “To Louise Evans, Best wishes from Clarice’s [sic] Evans roommate, Marilyn Monroe.” The lower caption text reads: “Because she was the little sweetheart from Hollywood who kept her date with the Greater Los Angeles Press Club on its opening night, one year ago; because she is charming and talented; and because we think she has the potentialities of stardom, our Official Hostess tonight is Marilyn Monroe.” The recipient, Louise Evans, was the sister of Clarice Evans, an aspiring soprano who roomed with Monroe at the Hollywood Studio Club in the late 1940s. In very good to fine condition, with a trimmed left edge, and creasing to the borders, heaviest to the upper right. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA. Starting Bid $1000

Check filled out by Marilyn Monroe in her breakthrough year

759. Marilyn Monroe Filled Out and Signed Check (1953). Sought-after Bank of America Laurel-Sunset Branch check, 6 x 2.5, filled out and signed by Monroe, “Marilyn Monroe,” payable to Sale’s Fulton Market for $5.18, May 7, 1953. In fine condition, with staple holes to left edge.

A coveted example of a check filled out entirely in the hand of Marilyn Monroe during her rise to stardom. During this period, Monroe was living at the Doheny Drive apartment in Beverly Hills, where she resided for the majority of 1953 before marrying baseball legend Joe DiMaggio on January 14, 1954. The actress, who was already wildly popular at the time thanks to starring roles in both Niagara and Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, lived in Unit #3 of the building, a one-bedroom, one-bathroom dwelling that measured a scant 648 square feet. Despite its size, Monroe must have enjoyed the apartment, because in April 1961, after her divorce from playwright Arthur Miller was finalized, the actress left New York and once again leased the very same unit in the very same building. She stayed there until March of 1962, at which point she moved into the Brentwood-area home she had purchased a few months prior, the same home in which she would sadly pass away on the night of August 4, 1962. Starting Bid $500

Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell celebrate their Gentlemen Prefer Blondes costar Charles Coburn at a 1953 Masquers ‘Roast and Rib Dinner’

762. Three Stooges Signatures - “3 Stooges, Moe,” “Curly,” and “Larry Fine”. Vintage fountain pen signatures, “3 Stooges, Moe,” “Curly,” and “Larry Fine,” on a light pink 6 x 4.25 album page. In fine condition. A wonderful uninscribed set of classic Stooge signatures. Starting Bid $200

761. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes: Marilyn Monroe, Jane Russell, and Charles Coburn Signed 1953 Masquers Dinner Program. Scarce vintage 5.5 x 5.5 program card for The Masquers ‘Roast and Rib Dinner’ to Charles Coburn, held at the Masquers Club in Los Angeles, California, on November 20, 1953, signed on the front in pencil by Marilyn Monroe, Jane Russell, and Charles Coburn, three of the stars from the 1953 Howard Hawks film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. The card is also signed by actress Shelley Winters. The inside features the cast and scenes for ‘The Life and Loves of Charles Coburn.’ By the late 1940s, early 1950s, the Masquers began holding regular testimonial dinners honoring stars for their contributions to the entertainment industry as well as their supporting work of charities. In very good to fine condition, with scattered light stains, and a heavy central horizontal fold. Starting Bid $500

763. John Wayne Signed Photograph. Attractive vintage matte-finish 8 x 10 publicity photo of John Wayne as Daniel F. Somers for the 1943 Western film In Old Oklahoma, signed and inscribed in fountain pen, “Good luck, Dave, John Wayne.” In very fine condition. Starting Bid $200


850. Alexander Alekhine and Efim Bogoljubow Signed Photograph. Vintage matte-finish 5.5 x 3.5 photo of the two chess players during a game at the 1934 World Championship, boldly signed in fountain pen by Alexander Alekhine and Efim Bogoljubow. In very good to fine condition, with silvering to the darker areas of the image.

Alexander Alekhine was a Russian and French chess grandmaster who became the fourth World Chess Champion and was known for his aggressive, tactical style. Efim Bogoljubow, originally from Russia and later a German citizen, was a strong grandmaster who twice challenged Alekhine for the World Chess Championship but lost both times (1929 and 1934). Their encounters were marked by Alekhine’s superior attacking play, which proved decisive in their title matches. Starting Bid $200

851. Enzo Ferrari Typed Letter Signed. TLS in Italian, signed “Ferrari,” one page, 6.25 x 4.25, Ferrari stationery, December 1984. In full (translated): “Thank you for the good wishes which I reciprocate and kind regards.” In fine condition, with light creasing to the lower right corner. Starting Bid $200

853. Nile Kinnick Rare Signed Menu. All-American halfback and 1939 Heisman Trophy winner (1918–1943) who became a United States Navy aviator during World War II and died in a training flight off the coast of Venezuela. Rare pencil signature, “Nile Kinnick,” on a 3.5 x 4.5 menu from the “1940 Lyons Club Seventh Annual Football Banquet and Ladies Night,” which featured the All-American halfback as its guest speaker. In fine condition, with a vertical fold through the image. Encapsulated in a PSA/DNA authentication holder. Read more online at www.RRAuction.com. Starting Bid $200

Bobby Fischer’s autograph score sheet for the famous 1970 ‘Fischer v. Andersson’ chess match—the game that kicked off the chess revolution of the 1970s

852. Bobby Fischer’s Autograph Score Sheet - ‘Fischer v. Andersson’ (1970). Bobby Fischer’s autograph score sheet for his famous chess match against Ulf Andersson in Siegen, West Germany, on September 26, 1970, one page, 8 x 11.5, headed in Fischer’s own hand, “Fischer Andersson,” with a notation below in another hand, “Game for Expressen.” Fischer signs at the conclusion after winning the game, “Fischer,” noting Andersson’s final move: “Resign.”

Fischer uses descriptive chess notation to record the match, which was widely used until the 1970s, when it was replaced by algebraic notation. The first move in this game was Fischer’s, who notates “P[awn to]-Q[ueen’s k]N[ight ]3”—that is, the pawn nearest the knight on the queen’s side of the board moves to the third square. In algebraic notation, the move is completely and unambiguously described as “b3.” This opening move set up what is known as a ‘Hedgehog formation,’ rarely used by white; this was one of the first games to feature this method of development. Fischer’s crushing victory in the match so impressed Andersson that he later became one of the foremost ‘Hedgehog’ exponents himself (see: Karpov–Andersson, Milan 1975).

In Garry Kasparov on Fischer: My Great Predecessors, Part IV, the Russian grandmaster observes: ‘This game made such a great impression on Ulf Andersson that in the 1970s the talented Swedish grandmaster, who is well known for his skill in defence, became one of the main ideologists of the ‘hedgehog’ set-up and the ‘compressed spring’ method when playing Black. That is how the chess revolution of the 1970s began.’

The heading, “Game for Expressen,” penned in unknown hand, refers to the sponsor of this particular match, the Swedish newspaper Expressen, which published the game a move a day over the course of several weeks. This may have been the score sheet from which the series was derived. In good to very good condition, with file holes to the left edge, and very heavy overall creasing. Starting Bid $300

1936 New York Yankees team-signed baseball, highlighted by Gehrig, Lazzeri, and the rookie DiMaggio

854. NY Yankees: 1936 Team-Signed Baseball with Lou Gehrig, Tony Lazzeri, and Joe DiMaggio. Soughtafter baseball signed in fountain pen on the sweet spot and side panels by 25 members of the 1936 World Champion New York Yankees team, including: Lou Gehrig (ss), Tony Lazzeri, Joe DiMaggio (faded), Bill Dickey, Red Ruffing, Lefty Gomez, Earle Combs, Joe McCarthy, Frank Crosetti, Red Rolfe, Don Heffner, George Selkirk, Art Jorgens, Joe Glenn, John Broaca, Walter Brown, Monte Pearson, and others. Annotated in a collector’s hand, “St. Petersburg, Florida, 1936.” In very good to fine condition, with light scuffing, soiling, and shellacking, none of which adversely affect Gehrig’s bold sweet spot signature; several other signatures are quite faded. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA.

The historic 1936 season marked the rookie debut of Joe DiMaggio, who quickly became a key player alongside all-time great Lou Gehrig. The Yankees dominated the American League with a 102-51 record and won the World Series against the New York Giants, beginning a four-year championship streak. Starting Bid $500

Superb baseball signed on the sweet spot by Babe Ruth, also featuring his ‘Murderer’s Row’ counterpart Tony Lazzeri

855. Babe Ruth and Tony Lazzeri Signed Baseball. Official Spalding National League baseball signed on the sweet spot in fountain pen, “Babe Ruth,” and on the lower panel, “Tony Lazzeri.” A third signature on the upper panel is indistinct. In very good condition, with small stains and scuffs, Ruth’s autograph somewhat faded but legible, and moderately heavy overall soiling. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA.

Babe Ruth and Tony Lazzeri played together on the New York Yankees from 1926 to 1934. Ruth, known for his legendary home runs, and Lazzeri, a tough out and clutch performer, were both part of the famed ‘Murderers’ Row’ lineup that led the Yankees to multiple World Series championships. A superb baseball boasting an ever-desirable ‘sweet spot’ Babe Ruth autograph. Starting Bid $1000

70. William McKinley Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

90. Joe Biden Signed Baseball Starting Bid $200

94. James Buchanan Autograph Letter Signed as Secretary of State: "I ... Starting Bid $200

87. Chester A. Arthur Document Signed as President, Sending Condolenc... Starting Bid $200

91. James Buchanan Document Signed as President for Negotiations with... Starting Bid $200

88. Chester A. Arthur TwiceSigned Document Starting Bid $200

92. James Buchanan Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

89. Chester A. Arthur Signed Executive Mansion Card Starting Bid $200

93. James Buchanan Autograph Letter Signed: "Convinced that the prosp... Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

95. George Bush Signed Baseball Hat Starting Bid $200
96. George Bush Signed Book - Speaking of Freedom: The Collected Spee...
97. George W. Bush Signed Baseball Starting Bid $200
98. Jimmy Carter Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200
99. Jimmy Carter Signed Baseball Starting Bid $200
100. Jimmy Carter (3) Signed Books Starting Bid $200
101. Rosalynn Carter Signed Baseball Starting Bid $200

102. Bill Clinton Typed Letter Signed as President on a "Middle Income... Starting Bid $200

106. Calvin and Grace Coolidge Signed White House Cards as President a... Starting Bid $200

110. President Dwight D. Eisenhower Typed Letter Signed on the Famed P... Starting Bid $200

103. Bill Clinton (2) Signed Books - Citizen Starting Bid $200

107. Dwight D. Eisenhower (2) Signed ItemsPhotograph and Typed Lett... Starting Bid $200

111. Millard Fillmore Document Signed as President - Four-Language Shi... Starting Bid $200

104. Calvin Coolidge Signed Commemorative CoverHarding Memorial Starting Bid $200

108. President Dwight D. Eisenhower Typed Letter Signed on the Need fo... Starting Bid $200

112. Five Presidents Signature Display - Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, ... Starting Bid $200

105. Calvin Coolidge Typed Letter Signed as President on 1924 Election... Starting Bid $200

109. President Dwight D. Eisenhower Typed Letter Signed on the 1960 Pr... Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

114. Gerald Ford Signed Book - The Thirty-Eighth President (Ltd. Ed. #... Starting Bid $200

113. Gerald Ford (3) Signed Items
115. Gerald Ford and Bill Clinton Signed Baseball Starting Bid $200
116. James A. Garfield Letter Signed - One Month Before the 1880 Unite... Starting Bid $200
117. James A. Garfield and William McKinley (2) Letters Signed Starting Bid $200

118. Herbert Hoover Signed Print Starting Bid $200




Starting Bid $200


120. Andrew

Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid

Starting Bid $200

Herbert and Lou Henry Hoover (2) Signatures
121. Lyndon B. Johnson Typed Letter Signed as President
John F. Kennedy 1963 Original WirephotoAndrews Air Force Base
Bid $100
John F. Kennedy 1963 Original WirephotoAddress on Unemployment... Starting Bid $100
124. John F. Kennedy: Evelyn Lincoln (2) Typed Letters SignedOne Da...
125. Abraham Lincoln: Sheet Music for 'Lincoln Grand March' (1860) Starting Bid $200
126. Abraham Lincoln Funeral Flag Swatch Starting Bid $200
127. Abraham Lincoln Photograph Starting Bid $200
128. Abraham Lincoln: Bronze Bust by Leo Cherne Starting Bid $200
129. Abraham Lincoln 'National Day of Mourning' Ribbon Starting Bid $200
130. Abraham Lincoln 1865 Tin Bas Relief Portrait Starting Bid $200
131. Abraham Lincoln: Oversized Panoramic Funeral Procession Engraving... Starting Bid $200
132. Abraham Lincoln and Family: Engraving by William Sartain (After S... Starting Bid $200
133. Abraham Lincoln Engraving Starting Bid $200
134. Abraham Lincoln Original Oil Painting (Mid -20th Century, After Ge... Starting Bid $200
135. Abraham Lincoln: Bronzed Plaster Bust Starting Bid $200
136. Abraham Lincoln: Watercolor Miniature on Ivory Starting Bid $100
137. Abraham Lincoln and George Washington Jasperware Portraits Starting Bid $100
138. Abraham Lincoln: White Plaster Bust Starting Bid $100
139. Abraham Lincoln: Bisque Porcelain Bust Starting Bid $100
140. Abraham Lincoln: Black Plaster Bust Starting Bid $100
141. Abraham Lincoln Cast Iron Doorstop Starting Bid $100
142. Abraham Lincoln: Bronze Wall Medallion Starting Bid $100
143. Abraham Lincoln: Seated Bronze Bookends (2) Starting Bid $100
144. Abraham Lincoln: Ambrotype of Anthony Berger's 'Penny Profile' Starting Bid $200
145. Abraham Lincoln: Photograph by Mathew Brady (Printed from the Ori... Starting Bid $100
146. Abraham Lincoln: Engraving by J. C. ButtreLincoln Entering Ric... Starting Bid $100
147. Abraham Lincoln: Engraving by Frederick Halpin (After Francis Bic... Starting Bid $100
148. Abraham Lincoln: Lithograph by Currier & Ives - "Death of Preside... Starting Bid $100
149. Abraham Lincoln: Lithograph by Currier & Ives - "Death of Preside... Starting Bid $100













Abraham Lincoln: Salt Print Portrait by Samuel M. Fassett
Bid $200
Abraham Lincoln: Mezzotint by David Rosenthal (After Alexander Ga...
Bid $100
Abraham Lincoln: Lithograph by E. B. & E. C. Kellogg - Cooper Uni... Starting Bid $200
153. Abraham Lincoln: Lithograph by E. B. & E. C. Kellogg - Sixteenth ... Starting Bid $200
Abraham Lincoln: Engraving by William Edgar Marshall Starting Bid $200
Abraham Lincoln: Chromolithograph on Canvas by E. C. Middleton Starting Bid $100
Abraham Lincoln: Engraving by John Sartain Starting Bid $200
157. Abraham Lincoln and Family: Engraving by Adam B. Walter (After F.... Starting Bid $100
William McKinley Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200
James Monroe Signed Land Document as Governor of Virginia Starting Bid $200
James Monroe Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200
Richard Nixon (2) Typed Letters Signed Starting Bid $200
162. Richard Nixon (2) Signed Books Starting Bid $200
163. Richard and Pat Nixon (2) Signed Books Starting Bid $200
164. Barack Obama Signature Starting Bid $200
165. Barack Obama Signed Book - A Promised Land Starting Bid $200

166. Barack Obama Signed Book - The Audacity of Hope Starting Bid $200

170. Ronald Reagan Autograph Note Signed to Jimmy Cagney: "There are n... Starting Bid $200

174. Ronald Reagan Oversized Signed Photograph to Gov. John B. Connall... Starting Bid $200

167. Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen Signed Book - Renegades Starting Bid $200

171. Ronald Reagan Early Autograph Letter Signed as "Dutch Reagan" (ci... Starting Bid $200

175. Ronald Reagan Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

168. Ronald Reagan Signed Check Starting Bid $200

172. Ronald Reagan Autograph Letter Signed on His High School and Coll... Starting Bid $200

176. Franklin D. Roosevelt Signed Book - On Our Way, Inscribed to a Wh... Starting Bid $200

179. Franklin D.

Signed Check Starting Bid $200

180. Theodore Roosevelt Signed White House Card Starting Bid $200

169. Ronald Reagan Early Autograph Letter Signed (1937) Starting Bid $200

173. Ronald Reagan Autograph Draft Letter Signed: "I'm rapidly reachin... Starting Bid $200

177. Franklin D. Roosevelt Signed Photograph to US Ambassador Laurence... Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

178. Franklin D. Roosevelt Signed Engraving as President
181. William H. Taft Signed Engraving as PresidentOne Day Before Le... Starting Bid $200

182. Harry S. Truman Document Signed as President, Civil Aeronautics A... Starting Bid $200

183. Harry S. Truman Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

186. Harry

Signed First Day Cover Starting Bid $200

184. Harry S.

Typed Letters Signed on Morgan Dollars Starting Bid $200

185. Harry S.

Typed Letter Signed: "You had better be careful a... Starting Bid $200

Truman (2)
S. Truman
187. Donald Trump Signature Starting Bid $200
188. Donald Trump Signature Starting Bid $200
189. Donald Trump Signed Book - The Art of the Deal Starting Bid $200
190. Donald Trump Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
191. Donald Trump Signed Holy Bible - 'Signature Edition' Starting Bid $200
192. Donald Trump Typed Letter Signed: "I believe that hard work and p... Starting Bid $200
193. Donald Trump Signature Starting Bid $200
194. Donald Trump Signed $100 Dollar Bill - PSA GEM MT 10 Starting Bid $200
195. Donald Trump Signed Campaign Sign Starting Bid $200
196. Donald Trump Signed Book - Crippled America (Ltd. Ed. #184/10000) Starting Bid $200
197. Donald Trump Signed Baseball Hat - Make America Green Again Starting Bid $200

198. Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani Signed Titleist Baseball Hat Starting Bid $200

202. John Tyler Letter Signed as President on Foreign Affairs Starting Bid $200

319. John Wilkes Booth Carte-de-Visite Photograph Starting Bid $200

329. Sam Altman Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

199. Donald Trump Signed BMW Pillow Starting Bid $200

203. Martin Van Buren Document Signed as President for the Ratificatio... Starting Bid $200

326. 19th Century Notables Autograph Album with (40+) Letters and Sign... Starting Bid $200

330. P. T. Barnum Autograph Letter Signed"It will not take me long ... Starting Bid $200

200. Donald Trump Signed T-Shirt - Super Bowl LVII Starting Bid $200

260. Helen Keller and Polly Thomson Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

327. Activists: Dalai Lama, Elie Wiesel, and Simon Wiesenthal Signed F... Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

201. Donald Trump 2025 U. S. Capitol-Flown Inauguration Flag Starting Bid $200

318. John Wilkes Booth Original 1863 Broadside for 'Marble Heart! Or T... Starting Bid $200

328. Adams and Liberty: Sheet Music for the First Presidential Campaig... Starting Bid $200

332. Joseph Bonanno Signed Order

Starting Bid $200

Niels Bohr Signed Book - Wagner's Parsifal
of the Elks Card

333. Vint Cerf Original Sketch of '1977 Internet' Starting Bid $200

337. Dalai

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200



Starting Bid $200



Starting Bid $200


Tim Cook Signed Photograph
Tim Cook Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
336. Dalai Lama Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
Lama Signed Photograph
Clarence Darrow Filled Out and Signed Check
Charles de Gaulle Autograph Letter Signed
Stephen A. Douglas Third-Person Autograph Document Signed
341. Allen Dulles Typed Letter Signed
342. Henry A. Dupont (2) Documents Signed Starting Bid $200
William Fargo Signed Stock Certificate Starting Bid $200
William Lloyd Garrison Autograph Letter Signed and "Sonnet to Lib... Starting Bid $200
345. Bill Gates Signed Book - Source Code: My Beginnings Starting Bid $200
346. J. Paul Getty Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
347. Mikhail Gorbachev Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
348. Kamala Harris Signature Starting Bid $200

349. Kamala Harris Signed 2024 Campaign Sign Starting Bid $200

353. J. Edgar Hoover Signed Book - Masters of Deceit Starting Bid $200

350. Jaroslav Heyrovsky Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

354. Sam Houston Document Signed as Governor of Texas for "protection ... Starting Bid $200

358. Ted Kennedy Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200


355. Disney: Bob Iger Signed Baseball Starting Bid $200

359. Kennedy Assassination Collection of Signed Items: Connally, Curry... Starting Bid $200




Edmund Hillary Signed Book - High Adventure Starting Bid $200
352. Jimmy Hoffa 1957 Pinback Button Starting Bid $200
Independence Hall Wood Relic - Limited Edition Starting Bid $200
357. Robert F. Kennedy Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
The Kentucky Volunteer: Sheet Music for the First Musical Composi... Starting Bid $200
361. King George II Signature Starting Bid $200
362. King George III Signature Starting Bid $200
363. King George IV Signature Starting Bid $200
King George V (2) Signed Appointments for a Noted Officer in the ... Starting Bid $200

365. King George V Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

369. Bernard Germain de Lacepede Document Signed Starting Bid $100

373. RMS Lusitania Handwritten Remembrance (1917) Starting Bid $200

377. Thomas Mifflin Document Signed Starting Bid $200

366. King James VI Partial Document Signed Starting Bid $200

370. Lincoln Assassination: Ford's Theatre Railing and Wallpaper Starting Bid $200

374. Nelson Mandela Signed Ltd. Ed. Book - The Mandela Rhodes Foundati... Starting Bid $200

378. J. Pierpont Morgan Signature Starting Bid $200

367. King William III Signature Starting Bid $200

371. Lincoln Assassination: Ford's Theatre Wallpaper Cut from the Pres... Starting Bid $200

375. Angelo Mariani Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

379. Robert Morris Document Signed to His Confidential Clerk, James Re... Starting Bid $200

368. Peter Kropotkin Typed Letter Signed on Publishing The Memoirs of ... Starting Bid $200

372. Lindbergh Kidnapping: Juror Robert Cravatt Letter Collection from... Starting Bid $200

376. F. L. Maytag Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

380. Levi P. Morton (2) Signed Items as Vice President Starting Bid $100

381. Elon Musk Signature Starting Bid $200

385. Nicholas II (2) Rare Original Photographs Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200



382. Benito Mussolini Document Signed Starting Bid $200

386. Daniel O'Connell Signature Starting Bid $200




383. Benito Mussolini and Vittorio Emanuele III Document Signed Starting Bid $200

387. [Pope Paul III]: Papal Bull with Leaden Seal (c. 1530s-40s) Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid

384. Jawaharlal Nehru Signed Photograph
Princess Diana Signed Christmas Card (1990)
389. Princess Diana Invitation to Sir Jimmy Savile
Princess Diana and King Charles III Birthday Telegram for Sir Jim...
Bid $200
Princess Diana and King Charles III Telegram to Sir Jimmy Savile,...
392. Princess Grace of Monaco Signature Starting Bid $200
Prohibition: 1923 Liquor Prescription for Whiskey
Bid $200
Queen Victoria Signature Starting Bid $200
395. Nathan Mayer Rothschild Document Signed Starting Bid $200
396. Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

397. James B. Sumner Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

401. Gideon Welles Civil War-Dated Letter Signed as Secretary of the N... Starting Bid $200


Bradley Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

398. Titanic: Archibald Butt Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

441. Robert Anderson Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

445. Benjamin F. Butler Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

399. Fred M. Vinson Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

442. Battle of Waterloo: Godert van der Capellen Autograph Letter Sign... Starting Bid $200

446. Cased 19th-Century U. S. Army Officer's Epaulettes with Major's Bu... Starting Bid $200



400. Lech Walesa (2) Signed Items - Photograph and 'Solidarity' Sheet Starting Bid $200

443. Louis-Alexandre Berthier Document Signed Starting Bid $200

447. Civil War: Group

Autographs with Felix Zollicoffer, James... Starting Bid $200


of (12)
448. Civil War Percussion Cap Box Starting Bid $100
Civil War: John A. Hawes’s Massachusetts Volunteer Militia ‘Capta... Starting Bid $200
Civil War-Era Bullet Molds (3) Starting Bid $200
Civil War: Confederate Cavalry Saber, with Oral History of Use in... Starting Bid $200

452. Civil War: Union Bayonet for .69 Caliber Conversion Musket, Ident... Starting Bid $200

456. Civil War: Union M1851 NCO Sword Belt Plate Starting Bid $200

460. George A. Custer Carte-de-Visite Photograph Starting Bid $200

464. Joseph E.

Signature Starting Bid $200

453. Civil War: Union Cartridge Box Starting Bid $200

457. Civil War: Union Soldier's Letter on the Battle of Gettysburg Starting Bid $200

461. George Getty Archive of (25) Autograph Letters Signed Starting Bid $200

454. Civil War: Union Chasseur Kepi Starting Bid $200

458. Civil War: Union's Soldier's Shaving Mug and Razor Starting Bid $200


465. Hugh Judson Kilpatrick Civil War-Dated Signed Endorsement Starting Bid $200


455. Civil War: Union Infantry Waist Belt and Buckle, Identified to 11... Starting Bid $200

459. Confederate States of America $500 Bond (1864) Starting Bid $200

463. O. O. Howard

Dated Letter Signed to Major General John Schofi... Starting Bid $200


462. James Gowers: Civil War Diary and Fatal Bullet
Bid $200
Fitzhugh Lee Signature Starting Bid $100
467. Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson Oversized Engraving - "The La...
Bid $200

468. James Longstreet Signed Check Starting Bid $200

472. John T. Morgan Signature Starting Bid $100

476. Remington 1858 New Model Army Revolver Starting Bid $200

469. John B. Magruder Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

473. Napoleonic Wars: Conflagration of Moscow Starting Bid $200

470. George B. McClellan Signature Starting Bid $200

474. Fitz John Porter Civil War-Dated Autograph Letter Signed: "Anothe... Starting Bid $200

477. Winfield Scott Signed Check Starting Bid $200

478. Philip H. Sheridan Signature Starting Bid $200

471. Nelson A. Miles Signature Starting Bid $100

475. Pre-Civil War Federal Period Knapsack (c. 1820s -40s) Starting Bid $200

479. William T. Sherman War-Dated Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

480. William T. Sherman Tin Bas Relief Portrait Starting Bid $200
481. Spanish-American War: Hardtack from Camp Meade Starting Bid $200
482. George H. Thomas Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
483. USS Constitution Wooden Relic Box Starting Bid $200

484. Duke of Wellington Signed Free Frank Starting Bid $200

527. Fernando Botero Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

531. Robert Indiana TwiceSigned 'The Hartley Elegies' Book Page Starting Bid $200

535. Peter Max Signed Postcard Starting Bid $200

485. Civil War: Albert Woolson Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

528. Currier and Ives (3) Lithographs: "The Destruction of Tea at Bost... Starting Bid $200

532. Rene Lalique Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

536. Joan

Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

525. Banksy: Blur 'Think Tank' Promotional CD with 'Petrolhead' Stamp Starting Bid $200

529. Salvador Dali Signed Book - Dali's Mustache Starting Bid $200

533. Roy Lichtenstein Signed Book - Guggenheim Museum's Roy Lichtenste... Starting Bid $200

537. June Newton Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

526. Gutzon Borglum Signed Photograph of a Mount Rushmore Model"Bla Starting Bid $200

530. Kees van Dongen Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

534. Rene Magritte Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Hiram Powers Signed Photograph

539. Georges Rouault Autograph Letter Signed: "I think there will have... Starting Bid $200

543. Grant Wood Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

559. Matt Groening Signed Sketch in Book - Love Is Hell Starting Bid $200

540. Augustus SaintGaudens Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

550. Roy O. Disney Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

560. Sylvester and pig production cel from the Looney Tunes short 'Too... Starting Bid $200

563. Friz Freleng signed production cel with pan master background for... Starting Bid $200

564. Virgil Ross (3) Original Drawings: Bugs Bunny, Elmer Fudd, Daffy ... Starting Bid $200

541. Pierre Soulages Autograph Note Signed Starting Bid $200

557. James Coleman original fine art painting for Cinderella - 'Path t... Starting Bid $200

561. Peter Mars Original 'Sue Storm’ Silkscreen Painting - ‘Hot Storm' Starting Bid $200

565. Herbert Ryman Original Study Sketches for The Tontine Starting Bid $200

542. Statue of Liberty: Inauguration of the Statue of Liberty Enlighte... Starting Bid $200

558. Eyvind Earle Signed 'Sleeping Beauty Castle Tableaus' Giclee Prin... Starting Bid $200

562. Peter Mars Original 'Alice’s Adventures’ Silkscreen Painting - ‘S... Starting Bid $200

566. Charles Schulz Original Sketch of Snoopy Starting Bid $200

567. Charles Schulz Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

571. Charlie the Tuna production cel from a StarKist television commer... Starting Bid $200

605. Raymond Chandler Typed Letter Signed on The Bronze Door Starting Bid $200

609. Arthur Conan Doyle Autograph Letter Signed on 'Freak Flints' Starting Bid $200

568. Charles Schulz Signed Book - Way Beyond Therapy Starting Bid $200

578. Raymond Chandler Contract Signed - Granting TV and Radio Rights f... Starting Bid $200

606. Agatha Christie Typed Letter Signed: "A book is not like a bran p... Starting Bid $200

610. Alexandre Dumas, pere Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

569. Hanna-Barbera pan production 'Theme Park' drawing by Bob Singer Starting Bid $200

603. Simone de Beauvoir Signed Book - The Second Sex Starting Bid $200

607. Charles Dickens Signed Envelope Panel Starting Bid $200

611. Robert Frost Signature on Printed Poem of 'The Road Not Taken' Starting Bid $200

570. Spider-Woman production cel from the Spider-Woman television show Starting Bid $200

604. John Burroughs Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

608. Norman Douglas Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

612. Dashiell Hammett Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

613. Victor Hugo Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

617. John Ruskin Autograph Letter Signed to the Inventor of Shorthand Starting Bid $200

621. John Steinbeck Autograph Letter Signed: "I can't afford a new typ... Starting Bid $200

614. Rudyard Kipling Autograph Letter Signed on a Translation of "The ... Starting Bid $200

618. Robert W. Service Twice-Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

622. John Updike Signed Book - Talk From the Fifties (Ltd. Ed. #71/75) Starting Bid $200

615. Harper Lee Signed Book - To Kill a Mockingbird Starting Bid $200

619. William Shakespeare: The Poems of Shakespeare (First American Col... Starting Bid $200

623. Kurt Vonnegut Signed Book - Galapagos Starting Bid $200

625. Laura Ingalls Wilder Autograph Letter Signed Twice - "We were hap Starting Bid $200

644. The Eagles Signed CD Box Set - Selected Works, 1972–1999 Starting Bid $200

661. Tony Bennett Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

616. Arthur Miller Signed Book - Timebends: A Life Starting Bid $100

620. George Bernard Shaw Signed Check Starting Bid $200

624. Evelyn Waugh Autograph Letter Signed, Declining a Speaking Engage... Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

662. Cab Calloway Signed Photograph

663. Cab Calloway Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

667. Johnny and June Carter Cash (2) Signed Albums Starting Bid $200

671. Beatles: George Harrison Signed $1 Dollar Bill Starting Bid $200

664. Duke Ellington Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

668. Air Supply Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200


Paul McCartney Signed 45 RPM Single Record - 'Mull of Ki... Starting Bid $200



Starting Bid $200

665. Thelonius Monk Signed Album – Thelonious Alone in San Francisco Starting Bid $200

669. Badfinger Signed Album Sleeve - The Iveys Era Starting Bid $200


Klaus Voormann Signed AlbumRevolver Starting Bid $200

677. The Byrds Signatures (Corn Exchange, BristolAugust 11, 1965) Starting Bid $200

666. Edith Piaf Signature Starting Bid $200

670. The Band (2) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $200

674. Blondie Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

675. Blondie Signed 'No Exit' Promotional Poster
Bid $200
Blue Oyster Cult Signed Album - Agents of Fortune
678. Cheap Trick Signed Photograph

679. Eric Clapton Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

683. Phil Collins Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

687. Bo

and The Duchess Signatures Starting Bid $200

680. Eric Clapton Signed 45 RPM Record - 'Bad Love / Before You Accuse... Starting Bid $200

684. Elvis Costello and the Attractions Signed AlbumArmed Forces Starting Bid $200

688. Dire Straits Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

692. Free Signatures Starting Bid $200

681. Eric Clapton Signed 'Clapton Collins Phillinganes East 86' Progra Starting Bid $200

685. Def Leppard Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

689. The Doobie Brothers Multi-Signed (10) AlbumLivin' on the Fault... Starting Bid $200

693. Peter

682. Eddie Cochran and Gene Vincent SignaturesBoy Meets Girls Cast ... Starting Bid $200

686. Neil

Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

Signed Album - Fourth Album (Security) Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

690. Erasure Signed AlbumWild!
691. Four Tops Signed Album
Heart (2) Signed ItemsPickguard and 45 RPM Record



699. Led

Page Signature"Yesterday...Today... Tomorro... Starting Bid $200



Herman's Hermits and the Hollies Signatures Starting Bid $200
696. Billy Joel Signed Baseball Starting Bid $200
Elton John Typed Letter Signed as Chairman of the Watford Footbal... Starting Bid $200
698. The Kinks and the Moody Blues Signatures Starting Bid $200
Zeppelin: Jimmy
Little Richard Signature Starting Bid $200
701. Loggins and Messina Signed Album - Full Sail Starting Bid $200
The Mamas and the Papas Signatures Starting Bid $200
703. Dave Matthews Signed Baseball Starting Bid $200
704. The Motels Signed 1980 Concert Poster (Brussels, Belgium) Starting Bid $200
705. Motley Crue Signed Album - Too Fast for Love Starting Bid $200
706. Motley Crue Signed 'Shout at the Devil' Promotional Poster Starting Bid $200
707. Mr. Mister Signed 1986 Tour Program Starting Bid $200
708. Alan Parsons (3) Signed Albums Starting Bid $200
709. Pearl Jam Signed Album - Ten Starting Bid $200
710. Pearl Jam Signed Baseball Starting Bid $200

711. Lee 'Scratch' Perry Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

715. Rush Signed 1980 Permanent Waves World Tour Program Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

712. Pink Floyd: Roger Waters and Nick Mason Signed AlbumUmmagumma Starting Bid $200

716. Carlos Santana Oversized Signed Print'Mumbo Jumbo' Starting Bid $200

720. Dusty Springfield Signature Starting Bid $200

713. Billy Preston Signature - "Little Richard's organist” Starting Bid $200

717. Simon and Garfunkel Signatures Starting Bid $200


Signed Album - Born in the U.S.A. Starting Bid $200

714. Queensryche Signed 'The Warning' Tour Program Starting Bid $200


Signatures Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Small Faces
719. Phil Spector (2) Signed Checks
Bruce Springsteen
722. Bruce Springsteen Signed Album - Born to Run
723. Bruce Springsteen Signed Baseball Starting Bid $200
724. Bruce Springsteen Signed Photograph
725. Bruce Springsteen Signed 2016 Wembley Stadium Print (Ltd. Ed. #45...
726. Bruce Springsteen Signature





727. Sting Signed Photograph
Bid $200
728. U2: Bono Signed Safety Vest with Self-Portrait Sketch Starting Bid $200
729. Van Halen Signed Shirt Starting Bid $200
730. Gene Vincent Signature Starting Bid $200
731. The White Stripes Signed CD BookletElephant Starting Bid $200
Ronnie Wood Signed Photograph with 'Tongue and Lips' Sketch
Bid $200
Yes Document SignedSongwriting Shares for '90125' Starting Bid $200
734. Warren Zevon Signed Album Insert - The Envoy Starting Bid $200
735. Aaliyah Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
736. Rihanna Signed Album Flat - Loud Starting Bid $200
737. Minnie Riperton Signature Starting Bid $200
738. Snoop Dogg Signed Photograph - 'California 187' Starting Bid $200
739. Spice Girls Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
740. Taylor Swift Signed CD Insert - The Tortured Poets Department Starting Bid $200
741. Taylor Swift Signed CD Booklet - Red (Taylor's Version) Starting Bid $200
747. John Quincy Adams Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200


Oversized PhotographInscribed to Henry Fo... Starting Bid $200

George Arliss Signed
770. Fred Astaire Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
771. Fred Astaire Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100
772. Back to the Future: Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd Signed D... Starting Bid $200
773. Josephine Baker Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
774. Josephine Baker Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
775. Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz (2) Signed Checks Starting Bid $200
776. Brigitte Bardot Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
777. Brigitte Bardot Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
778. Ingrid Bergman Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
779. Ingrid Bergman Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
780. Sarah Bernhardt Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
781. John Candy Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
782. Les Enfants du Paradis: Marcel Carne and Maria Casares Signatures Starting Bid $200
783. Casablanca (35+) Signed Items with Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergma... Starting Bid $200
784. Charlie Chaplin Signature Starting Bid $200
785. Charlie Chaplin Early Signature (1923) Starting Bid $200
786. Charles Coburn Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100
787. Claudette Colbert Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200
788. Claudette Colbert Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200
789. Tex Cooper Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200
790. Bette Davis Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100
791. Doris Day Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100
792. Robert DeNiro Signed Boxing Glove Starting Bid $200
793. Marlene Dietrich Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
794. Fawlty Towers CastSigned Photograph Starting Bid $200
795. James Gandolfini Oversized Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
796. Greta Garbo Signed Photograph by Clarence Sinclair Bull Starting Bid $1,000
797. Gone With the Wind (10) Signed Items Starting Bid $200
798. Cary Grant and Dyan Cannon Signed Thank-You Card Starting Bid $200
799. Fred Gwynne Original Sketch of Herman Munster Starting Bid $200
800. Fred Gwynne Signed Book - Ick's ABC Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

801. Oliver Hardy Signed Photograph
802. Harry Potter: Daniel Radcliffe Signed Wizard Wand Starting Bid $200
803. Head of Class MultiSigned (13) Cast Photograph Starting Bid $200
804. Tippi Hedren Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
805. Jim Henson Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
806. Audrey Hepburn Signed First Day Cover Starting Bid $200
807. Bob Hope Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200
808. Henry Hull Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
809. Boris Karloff Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
810. Grace Kelly Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
811. Edgar Kennedy Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
812. Veronica Lake Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
813. Bruce Lee Original 'Type I' Photograph Starting Bid $200
814. Green Hornet: Bruce Lee and Van Williams Original 'Type I' Photog... Starting Bid $200
815. Christopher Lee Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
816. Ken Maynard Typed Letter Signed with Western 'Self-Drawn' Letterh... Starting Bid $200

817. Thomas Mitchell Signature Starting Bid $100

821. Ocean's 11 MultiSigned (14) Script Cover Sheet with Pitt, Damon,... Starting Bid $200

818. Maria Montez Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200

822. Al Pacino Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

826. Christopher Reeve Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

Bid $200

823. Nicholas Ray Autograph Letter Signed to His Lover, Gavin Lambert:... Starting Bid $200

827. Fred Rogers Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

824. Christopher

Signed Photograph as Superman Starting Bid $200

819. Jack Nicholson Signed Photograph Starting
820. Peter O'Toole Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
825. Christopher Reeve Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
828. Jane Russell Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
829. Jay Silverheels Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
830. Frank Sinatra Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
831. Red Skelton Signed Oversized Photograph as Freddie the Freeloader Starting Bid $200
832. Suzanne Somers Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

833. Star Wars: Alec Guinness Signed Photograph: "May the Force be wit... Starting Bid $200

837. Barbra Streisand Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

834. Star

Alec Guinness Signature Starting Bid $200

838. Sunset Boulevard Collection of (9) Signatures Starting Bid $200

842. John Wayne Signature Starting Bid $200


Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

839. Quentin Tarantino Signed 'Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood' Movie Fl... Starting Bid $200

843. Orson Welles Autograph Letter Signed to Ray Bolger Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

840. Robert

Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

844. Wizard of

Harburg Signed Typed Lyrics for 'Over the Rai... Starting Bid $200

Star Wars: Mark Hamill
836. Ford Sterling Signed Photograph
841. John Wayne Signed Photograph
Oz: E. Y.
861. Hank Aaron (12) Signed Baseballs Starting Bid $200
862. Hank Aaron Signed Baseball Starting Bid $200
863. Muhammad Ali Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
864. Brooklyn Dodgers: 1949 Team-Signed Baseball with Jackie Robinson,... Starting Bid $200

865. Joe DiMaggio Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

869. Mantle, Williams, and DiMaggio Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

866. Joe DiMaggio Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200

870. Stan Musial (12) Signed Baseballs Starting Bid $200

874. Mike Tyson Signed Boxing Glove Starting Bid $200

867. Whitey Ford

Signed Baseballs Starting Bid $200

871. Mariano Rivera (12) Signed Baseballs (Ltd. Ed. #1503–1514/3602) Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

872. Cristiano Ronaldo 2003 Campioni di Futuro CardPSA MINT 9 Starting Bid $200

875. Honus Wagner Signature as "J. Hans Wagner, former Pirate" Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

868. Bob Gibson (2) Signed Baseballs
873. Nolan Ryan (12) Signed Baseballs Starting Bid $200
876. Ted Williams (12) Signed Baseballs Starting Bid $200
877. Tiger Woods Signed Golf Flag Starting Bid $200
Louis Zamperini Signed Book - Devil At My Heels

Conditions of Sale


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Section 3

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Section 4


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Section 6 Payment

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Section 9


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Section 10

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Section 11

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11.12 Bidding - Internet Live


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Section 12

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Section 16

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Section 17

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Section 18


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Section 20 Governing Law and Enforcement

20.1 The Parties agree that all agreements between the Parties including but not limited to these Conditions of Sale are entered into in Boston, Massachusetts, no matter where Bidder is situated and no matter by what means or where Bidder was informed of the Auction and regardless of whether catalogs, materials, or other communications were received by Bidder in another location.

20.2 The Parties agree that these Conditions of Sale, any other related agreement(s), along with all claims between the Parties, including those arising out of or related to such are governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, without regard for its conflict of laws principles. The Parties agree that any dispute between the Parties, including but not limited to those related to or arising out of these Conditions of Sale, or related to or arising out of any other related agreement(s) shall be submitted to confidential binding arbitration (the ”Arbitration”) before a single Arbitrator of the American Arbitration Association (the “AAA”) The Parties agree that the Arbitration shall be conducted pursuant to the commercial rules of the AAA in Boston, Massachusetts, unless the Consumer Arbitration Rules apply, in which case, such rules and venue will govern. In the event that the Parties cannot agree on the selection of the Arbitrator, then the Arbitrator shall be selected by the AAA. The prevailing Party in the Arbitration shall also recover all of its related fees and costs, whether before or after the formal institution of the Arbitration, including but not limited to its reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, if RR Auction prevails, such recovery, in addition to all remedies available at agreement or law, shall include the Buyer’s Premium as defined in these Conditions of Sale. Federal arbitration law, including the Federal Arbitration Act apply to this agreement to arbitrate and its related provisions. The arbitration and all related proceedings shall be held strictly confidential and all documents and discovery shall be held confidential and not used, published or disclosed publically or to anyone outside the Parties or expert consultants or counsel who shall agree to hold such confidential.

20.3 The Parties consent to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as exclusive jurisdiction and venue for all claims between the Parties except as provided specifically herein and may seek confirmation of the decision in the Arbitration pursuant to the Federal Arbitration Act in any Court

of competent jurisdiction, including the courts of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts or the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts. To the extent such is necessary under the law, RR Auction may enforce the Arbitration award against Bidder and any related Party in any court of competent jurisdiction. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as RR Auction consenting to jurisdiction or venue in any location outside of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


20.4 Except as provided specifically in these Conditions of Sale in Bidder’s Remedies against RR Auction (along with its affiliates, directors, agents, officers, employees, and contractors) for any dispute, claim, cause of action related to or arising out of these Conditions of Sale or any other related agreement(s), brought by Bidder must be brought within the earlier of the Auction Date as it pertains to the item(s) at issue or no later than one (1) year of the acts, omissions or circumstances occurred giving rise to the alleged claim, without exception. This provision is intended as a full, complete and absolute bar to and release of any claims by Bidder initiated after one (1) year of such acts, omissions or circumstances. The Parties agree further that these waiver provisions are intended to be binding in the event of any dispute, specifically including but not limited to third party claims and cross-actions brought by Bidder. These provisions are consideration for the execution of these Conditions of Sale.

20.5 To the fullest extent under applicable law and except as specifically stated herein Bidder hereby holds harmless, releases and discharges RR Auction and its agents, officer’s directors, affiliates, successors, and assigns from any and all claims, liabilities, obligations, promises, agreements, damages, causes of action, suits, demands, losses, debts, and expenses of any nature whatsoever, known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected existing prior to these Conditions of Sale. Bidder agrees to the Conditions of Sale and upon each instance that Bidder participates in any auction, bids, or otherwise agrees to such terms and reaffirms this release as of the date of so participating or agreeing unless Bidder otherwise provides clear written notice to RR Auction prior to so bidding.

20.6 The Bidder hereby agrees that RR Auction shall be entitled to present these Conditions of Sale to a court in any jurisdiction other than set forth in this paragraph as conclusive evidence of the Parties agreement, and the Parties further agree that the court shall immediately dismiss any action filed in such jurisdiction.


Liquidated Damages for Specific Breaches

In the event that Bidder provides false information in connection with registering for bidding, fails to correct or update information or breaches the Conditions of Sale by failing to pay the purchase price when due after becoming the winning bidder, as liquidated damages associated with such breaches, R&R may obtain from Bidder the greater of (1) 150% the reserve of the item (if any); (2) the amount bidder bid; or (3), the full amount that bidder would have otherwise paid. Bidder will also be liable for an additional 20% of such amount to account for additional administrative costs, shipping, additional advertising, and other damages and liabilities fees that are difficult to calculate on an item-by-item basis.

20.8 Indemnity. Bidder agrees to defend, indemnify, hold harmless RR Auction (along with its officers, directors, agents, contractors, and affiliates) from and against any and all claims, costs, fees, damages, and liabilities arising out of or related to these Conditions of Sale, view of items, or lots, bidding, or participation in any auction by RR Auction, and/or or in any way connected to any item you viewed, bid upon or purchased through RR Auction.

Section 21: State-by-State Law Issues

This Auction is being conducted in and the sale shall take place in the State of Massachusetts. Notwithstanding, the foregoing, should these

terms and conditions violate the law of any State should that state’s law be found to govern, or any provision herein determined to be invalid, the clause itself and the remainder of the Agreement shall be valid to the fullest extent allowed. Also, to the extent other states law apply to any transaction arising out of the Agreement (without admitting such), RR Auction states:

For Residents of California:


A written express warranty is provided with each autographed collectible, as required by law. This dealer may be surety bonded or otherwise insured to ensure the authenticity of any autographed collectible sold by this dealer.

Section 22

Glossary of Condition terms

Information provided to prospective Bidders with respect of any lot, including any pre-sale estimate, whether written or oral, and information in any catalogue, condition or other report, commentary or valuation, is not a representation of fact but rather a statement of opinion held by RR Auction.

Use of the following terms constitutes an opinion as follows:

VERY FINE describes an item believed to be in virtually flawless condition, and is used sparingly for items of exceptionally attractive appearance.

FINE is the most common statement of condition, and applies to most items that we offer. It describes items that we believe to show expected handling wear, generally acceptable random flaws (such as light creases, small bends, etc.), and an overall appearance that is pleasing to the majority of collectors.

VERY GOOD describes an item that we believe exhibits more moderate flaws (such as toning, light staining, professional reinforcements or repairs, etc.). Most collectors would be comfortable with items in very good condition, and this would be the expected condition for many formats (early presidential documents, for example).

GOOD describes an item which we believe to have obvious visible flaws, including heavy wear, missing portions, or repairs that affect appearance; generally items in this condition are offered only if an item is otherwise believed to be exceedingly rare or important.

Bidder may call and request further details and information about RR Auction’s opinions concerning any item via phone or email which shall provided in RR Auction’s discretion.

Certificate of Auction, Certificate of Authenticity and Goods Acquired:

Bidder warrants that Bidder (and its agents, assigns, successors, and affiliates) shall not purposely deface, destroy, dismember, cut-up into parts the item or Lot purchased at auction from RR Auction and in the event such shall occur whether purposefully or accidently, Bidder (and its agents, assigns, successors, and affiliates) shall refrain from advertising, promoting, or marketing the item as having been purchased from RR Auction and shall in no event display, expressly claim, or imply that the item was certified or auctioned in such state by RR Auction. As liquidated damages for such breach, Bidder agrees to be liable to RR Auction for the greater of the amount of three (3) times the hammer price of the item along with all other fees and costs as otherwise provided in this Terms of Sale.

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