RR Auction: Fine Autographs and Artifacts

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Presidents and First Ladies

Sought-after three-language ship’s paper for a West Indies trade voyage, boldly signed by President Washington

1. George Washington Document Signed as President - Ship’s Papers for a West Indies Trade Mission. Partly-printed DS as president, signed “Go: Washington,” one page, 12.75 x 15.5, December 23, 1795. Three-language ship’s papers issued to “Samuel Rolfe, master or commander of Brig’ne called the Edmund…lying at present in the port of Newb’yport, bound for the West Indies, and laden with Beef, Boards, Salmon, Rum, Linins, Dry fish, hoops…shoes, bread.” Boldly signed in the center by President George Washington and countersigned by Secretary of State ad interim Timothy Pickering. The white paper seal affixed to the left side remains intact. Handsomely cloth-matted and framed with a portrait and plaque to an overall size of 32 x 27.5. In fine condition, with Washington’s signature exceptionally crisp.

Providing proof of the nationality of the ship’s owner, should the vessel be stopped by a foreign power—especially important following Washington’s Neutrality Act of 1794, solidifying America’s relationship with France—ship’s papers were crucial documents, vital to the success of international trade. This ship’s paper, sending an American brigantine on a trading voyage to the West Indies, is both highly desirable and historically significant. Starting Bid $1000

Four-language sea pass signed by Jefferson and Madison, issued for the “Ship called Alex’r Hodgdon”

2. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison Signed Four-Language Ship’s Passport. Partly-printed DS as president, signed “Th: Jefferson” as president and “James Madison” as secretary of state, one page, 22.25 x 17.5, September 10, 1802. Four-language ship’s pass issued to “Nehemiah W. Skillings, master or commander of the Ship called Alex’r Hodgdon…lying at present in the port of Boston, bound for Sumatra and laden with Ballast & Sea Stores.” Neatly signed to the center margin in ink by President Thomas Jefferson and countersigned below by Secretary of State James Madison. The original white paper seal remains affixed to the left side. Attractively mounted and framed to an overall size of 30 x 25.5. In very good to fine condition, with light staining and creasing, apparent fold repairs, and areas of paper loss to the edges. United States ships carried four-language sea letters in the 18th and 19th centuries to show ownership, nationality, cargo, and destination. This example features a most desirable combination of presidents, boasting particularly bold, crisp autographs of Jefferson and Madison. Starting Bid $500

Upon Rhode Island’s ratification of the Constitution, Thomas Jefferson signs an act to create

its federal district court

3. Thomas Jefferson Document Signed as Secretary of State - Act of Congress

Organizing Rhode Island’s US District Court. Historically significant DS, signed as Secretary of State, “Th: Jefferson,” one page, 9 x 15.25, June 23, 1790. Official printing of an act passed by the Congress of the United States during its Second Session, headed, “An Act for giving Effect to an Act, intituled, ‘An Act to establish the judicial Courts of the United States,’ within the State of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations.” The act begins: “Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the act intituled, ‘An act to establish the judicial courts of the United States,’ shall have the like force and effect within the state of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations, as elsewhere within the United States… the said State shall be one district, to be called Rhode-Island district…and the same is hereby annexed to the eastern circuit.” The act further outlines the schedule for the sessions of the court, to be held alternately in Newport and Providence. Imprinted at the conclusion with the names of Speaker Frederick Muhlenberg, Vice President John Adams, and President George Washington, and prominently signed below in ink by Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson. In fine condition.

Rhode Island was the last of the original colonies to ratify the United States Constitution on May 29, 1790, less than one month earlier. Article III established only the Supreme Court while granting Congress the power to create lower courts as necessary—a modest example of the ‘checks and balances’ between the three branches of government. By this act on June 23rd, Congress organized Rhode Island as one judicial district assigned to the Eastern Circuit, authorizing one judgeship, and Jefferson subsequently notified the nation’s governors by sending copies of the newly passed statute. This signed act represents the very beginnings of the United States, with the federal government invoking the Constitutional powers granted to it upon ratification. It is an early example of Jefferson’s role in the creation of the American judicial system, an influence which would only increase during his term as president. Starting Bid $1000

Retired to Monticello in 1816, Thomas Jefferson imports wine from France

4. Thomas Jefferson

Autograph Letter Signed on Importing European Wine to Monticello. ALS signed “Th: Jefferson,” one page, 8 x 9.75, August 15, 1816. Handwritten letter from Monticello to David Gelston, continuing a correspondence concerning the disposition of various articles—specifically large shipments of wine—arriving from Europe, wherein Jefferson has provided specific destinations for the incoming goods. He reiterates the contents of earlier communications and thanks Gelston for accommodating any trouble his requests might have caused.

In full: “Your favors of July 31 and Aug. 6 are both at hand. I considered that of July 31 as answered by mine of Aug. 3, altho’ not then received: and indeed the general request I made you in that, anticipated the subject of your last letter also; by requesting all articles received for me to be consigned to Mess’rs Gibson & Jefferson of Richmond, drawing on them for whatever articles of expence may be referred to them, and notifying me of any others. If the bank paper of Richmond is receivable with you I could always myself make prompt returns to you by mail. If not receivable I should always be obliged to remit thro’ my correspondents at Richmond. I shall often be needing apologies for these trouble to you, which I hope you will excuse and be assured of my great esteem and respect.” In fine condition, with light toning from prior display. Accompanied by an engraved portrait of Jefferson featuring a facsimile signature.

Here referenced, David Gelston’s letters of July 31st and August 6th concerned ‘a case said to contain 25 bottles sautern wine’ and a separate shipment of ‘57 bottles wine,’ while Jefferson’s letter of August 3rd pertained to an incoming ‘case of Barsac wine from Bordeaux.’ Having traveled the winemaking regions of France in the 1780s, Jefferson was one of early America’s leading wine connoisseurs, preferring to drink and serve the fine lighter wines of France and Italy.

A New York merchant and politician who signed the articles of association in 1774, Gelston served as a member of the New York State Senate on two separate occasions. He was appointed by President Jefferson as Collector of the Port of New York in 1801, and held that post until his retirement in 1821. Starting Bid $1000

John Quincy Adams and James Buchanan headline an 1844 autograph album filled with over 100 Congressional figures and cabinet members

27. John Quincy Adams and James Buchanan Autograph Album with (100+) Signatures from John Tyler’s Cabinet and the 28th United States Congress (1844). Autograph album from 1844 containing over 120 signatures of notable American politicians, 6.5 x 8.5, including several notable cabinet members of President John Tyler, in addition to a large number of senators and representatives from the 28th United States Congress. The album is highlighted by the signatures of John Quincy Adams and James Buchanan, who sign as a Massachusetts representative and as a Pennsylvania senator, respectively. Cabinet members include Secretary of States John C. Calhoun and Abel P. Upshur, Secretary of War William Wilkins, Secretary of the Navy John Y. Mason, Secretary of the Treasury George M. Bibb, Postmaster General Charles A. Wickliffe, and Attorney General John Nelson. Congressional figures include David Rice Atchison, Willie P. Mangum, Jabez W. Huntington, John M. Niles, Thomas Clayton, Richard H. Bayard, John J. Crittenden, George Evans, Rufus Choate, Isaac C. Bates, Levi Woodbury, John A. McClernand, Robert C. Winthrop, Joseph Grinnell, and more. The album contains five pages individually signed by a cabinet member, 12 pages signed by 54 senators, and 19 pages signed by 53 house representatives. In very good to fine condition, with the covers detached, and several pages loose, but interior pages are generally clean and fine. Starting Bid $200

The pivotal framer declines to opine on “numerous amendments wch you think are required by the Constitution of the U.S.”

5. James Madison Autograph Letter Signed on US Constitution, Declining to Opine on “Numerous Amendments”. ALS, one page, 7.75 x 9.75, February 5, 1833. Handwritten letter to “Mr. Griffith,” in part: “I have rec’d your letter..inclosing a sketch of numerous amendments wch you think are required by the Constitution of the U.S. I am duly sensible to the respect you manifest for my opinions on such subjects. But mere opinions without a full view of the reasons for them, could be of little value, and this is a task wch in my enfeebled condition & in the midst of other demands on the scanty remnant of my time, I cannot undertake. I am now within a few weeks of my eighty third year, and have for many months been confined to my house & a great part of the time to my bed, by a chronic & latterly an acute disease…This explanation will I am sure satisfy you.” In fine condition, with some trivial edge loss, and toning from prior display. A scarce and important handwritten letter by the ‘Father of the Constitution,’ whose wisdom and political advice continued to be sought well into his old age. That Madison should mention the famous document in any context is remarkable. Starting Bid $1000

“The freedom of speech and of the press are the distinguishing characters of free government”—Harrison outlines his values during the 1840 presidential campaign, including his technical views on slavery and states’ rights

6. William Henry Harrison Handwritten Manuscript on Rights and Slavery.

Important unsigned handwritten manuscript by William Henry Harrison, totaling four pages on three sheets, 8 x 10, no date but circa 1840. During his campaign for the presidency, Harrison drafts a careful response to questions posed to him by an abolitionist society, citing the United States Constitution while asserting states’ rights. Harrison begins the manuscript, in part: “Having recently received a letter from a personal friend who is a member of an abolition society proposing to me two questions…I willingly embrace the opportunity of answering them.” The two questions follow, penned neatly in another hand: “Do you believe the people of the United States possess an unrestricted right to discuss any subject that to them may seem worthy of consideration?…Do you believe the people of the United States have the right to petition their Legislature for the redress of whatever they may deem a grievance, and for the adoption of such measures as the petitioners may think conducive to the welfare of the nation?”

Harrison replies below, writing, in part: “I do not hesitate to answer both questions in the affirmative. The Constitution of the United States & that of our own state have secured to the people the enjoyment of the rights referred to in both questions, entirely unrestricted but by their own sense of propriety & the legal rules which protect the rights of others. The freedom of speech and of the press are the distinguishing characters of free government. Without them we might call our country a Republic but it would be so only in name, like that of Rome under the Emperors, it might be a mask to cover the most horrible despotism. [struck through: The Constitution of the U.S. has reserved these rights to the people entirely without restriction…].”

Harrison continues: “The authors of our Constitution must have known that it would be subject to abuses, to be used for improper & indeed sometimes for criminal purposes, yet they declared it without restriction. More than half a century has passed away since it came into operation, and altho’ upon one memorable occasion it was resorted to for the purpose of giving effect to councils tending to paralyze the efforts of the nation in the midst of a dangerous war, and to encourage the enemy to persevere in supporting their unjust pretensions, still these declarations of rights in relation to writing, speaking & publishing, have been suffered to remain in all their pristine force. I should be the last person who could under any circumstances consent to restrict them by legal enactments.

But in which of these characters either as citizens of the Ohio or citizens of the US, could we consistently with the theory and

spirit of the Constitution discuss a subject belonging exclusively to any other State? There are many principles to be found in the Constitutions of some of the States, other than the toleration of slavery, which are very much unlike those of Ohio. The property qualification of voters for instance. This is a restriction upon the right of suffrage to which personally I am opposed, I would accord this important privilege to every citizen, I would not proceed to enquire the am’t of money he had in his pocket, or what other specie of property he might possess. With these sentiments I might offer for your adoption a resolution declaring that the restricted suffrage in some of the States was an aristocratical feature in their systems of Gov’t & should be abolished. Such a proposition could not fail to create much surprise & bring to the mind of every man in the assembly that neither in his capacity as a citizen of Ohio nor of the US, could he interfere with the people of Massachusetts, Virginia & Louisiana in the management of their domestic concerns. Should I be asked if I thought any harm could arrive from such a discussion I answer decidedly in the affirmative. Harm in more ways than one. It would tend more perhaps than anything else to destroy the idea of the perfect individuality & distinctness of the State governments which has been considered as one of the most important features in our system…which in the opinion of our wisest & best statesmen would be the immediate precursor of the downfall of liberty. It could not fail also to produce a state of unfriendly feeling between the people of the respective states which is the only effective bond of our union.”

Harrison reiterates his unequivocal belief in the right to free speech, yet again qualifying his answer: “The abuse of these rights is no argument for abolishing them. In the forcible language of the late distinguished Chief Justice of the US, ‘it is an evil inseparable from the good to which it is allied—a shoot which cannot be stripped from the stalk without vitally wounding the plant from which it is torn.’”

In overall fine condition. Harrison addresses several topics of great importance, notably alluding to the House of Representatives’ ‘gag rule’ of 1836, which tabled all discussions relating to the slavery issue. In defending free speech as a core value of the United States and its Constitution, Harrison speaks in opposition to the gag rule itself, but cedes control of slavery matter to the states. A Southern slaveholder by birth, Harrison would echo these ideals in his inaugural address: ‘The attempt of those of one state to control the domestic institutions of another can only result in feelings of distrust and jealousy, the certain harbingers of disunion, violence, and civil war, and the ultimate destruction of our free institutions.’ With these observations, Harrison thus predicted the Civil War. Starting Bid $1000

President Tyler and Secretary Webster approve

“the Barque called Cora…lying at present in the port of New Bedford...for a whaling voyage”

7. John Tyler and Daniel Webster Document Signed as President and Secretary of State for a Whaling Voyage. Partly-printed DS, signed “J. Tyler” as president and “Dan’l Webster” as secretary of state, one page, 19.25 x 15.5, September 2, 1841. Four-language ship’s paper issued to “Archelaus Baker, master or commander of the Barque called Cora…lying at present in the port of New Bedford, bound for Pacific Ocean and laden with Provisions, Stores and Utensils for a whaling voyage.” Boldly signed by President John Tyler and countersigned by Secretary of State Daniel Webster. The middle portion retains the original white paper seal. Handsomely matted and framed to an overall size of 27.5 x 23.5. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

8. James K. Polk Document Signed as President, Appointing a Soon-to-Be Hero of the Mexican-American War. Partly-printed vellum DS as president, one page, 12.5 x 16.5, March 25, 1847. President Polk appoints John M. Brannon as “First Lieutenant in the First Regiment of Artillery, in the service of the United States.” Signed at the conclusion in ink by President James K. Polk, and countersigned by Secretary of War William L. Marcy. The white paper seal affixed at the upper left remains intact. Nicely cloth-matted and framed with a portrait and plaque to an overall size of 27 x 24.75. In fine condition, with some skipping to Polk’s somewhat light signature. The appointee, John Milton Brannan (1819–1892) was a career U.S. Army officer who served with distinction in the Mexican–American War; he was promoted to the rank of brevet captain for ‘gallant and meritorious conduct’ during the battles of Contreras and Churubusco in 1847, and was severely wounded during the battle for Mexico City. Starting Bid $200

9. Franklin Pierce and Jefferson Davis Document Signed as President and Secretary of War. Partly-printed vellum DS, signed “Franklin Pierce” as president and “Jeffer. Davis” as secretary of war, one page, 12.5 x 16.5, April 30, 1856. President Pierce appoints Henry E. Maynadier as a “First Lieutenant in the Tenth Regiment of Infantry in the service of the United States.” Signed at the conclusion by President Pierce and countersigned by Secretary of War Davis. The beige paper seal remains affixed to the upper left. In very good to fine condition, with slight fading and overall wrinkling. Starting Bid $200

In August 1861, President Lincoln approves Orville E. Babcock as “Second Lieutenant in the Corps of Engineers,” an early military commission for a controversial member of U. S. Grant’s inner circle

10. Abraham Lincoln Document Signed as President (August 1861) - Early Military Appointment for Orville E. Babcock, the Future Aide-de-Camp for General U. S. Grant. Civil War-dated partly-printed vellum DS as president, one page, 14.25 x 17.25, August 10, 1861. President Lincoln appoints Orville E. Babcock as “Second Lieutenant in the Corps of Engineers in the service of the United States.” Signed at the conclusion by Abraham Lincoln, and countersigned by Secretary of War Simon Cameron. The embossed green seal remains affixed to the upper left. Cloth-matted and framed with a portrait and engraved plate to an overall size of 29.25 x 25.25. In very good to fine condition, with light staining slightly affecting Cameron’s signature, but not Lincoln’s bold signature. A notable military commission from President Lincoln that represents one of the earliest appointments in the formidable and controversial career of Orville Elias Babcock (1835–1884), an engineer and Union general who served as the aide-de-camp to General U. S. Grant during the Civil War. Starting Bid $1000

Autograph letter by Abraham Lincoln as a ‘prairie lawyer’—“I guess we will have to take the deposition of the man on the land”

11. Abraham Lincoln Autgoraph Letter Signed as an Attorney in Springfield, Illinois. ALS signed “A. Lincoln,” one page, 7.75 x 9, May 22, 1858. Handwritten letter to “W. H. Davenport,” in full: “Yours of the 14th is just received. In your case at Danville, I got just so far, and no farther, that to be ready to take testimony for the next term—I guess we will have to take the deposition of the man on the land. (I forget his name just now). We want to prove by him that he was not notified of his entry being canceled. At this sitting I write Judge Harriott about your father’s business.” In fine condition, with some scattered light soiling. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope, addressed by Abraham Lincoln to William H. Davenport in Eureka, Illinois, postmarked at Springfield.

This letter is recorded in the Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, Vol. II, edited by Roy P. Basler. The recipient, William H. Davenport, was a farmer near Eureka, Illinois, and brought a legal case against Lafayette H. Sconce and William C. Don Carlos concerning a fraudulent land registration made by Don Carlos while a clerk in the Land Office at Danville, Illinois. Davenport retained Abraham Lincoln and Shelby M. Cullom to represent him in the case, which was ultimately decided in his favor on November 24, 1860. Starting Bid $1000

President Grant grants full power to the U.S. Consul of Colombia for “an extradition Treaty”

12. U. S. Grant Document Signed as President, Concluding an Extradition Treaty with Colombia. Partly-printed DS as president, one page, 8.5 x 11, April 4, 1871. President Grant directs the Secretary of State to affix the Seal of the United States to “my full power to Stephen A. Hurlbut, Minister Resident to the United States of Colombia, to conclude and sign an extradition Treaty.” Signed at the conclusion by U. S. Grant. In fine condition, with some ink smudging, and light edgewear.

Stephen Augustus Hurlbut was an attorney, politician, and Civil War officer (1815–1882) who commanded the U.S. Army of the Gulf, was present at the Battle of Shiloh, and served under General Sherman during the Meridian Expedition. After the war, he returned to politics and served in various capacities, most prominently as the U.S. Minister to Colombia and then as a U.S. congressman from Illinois. Starting Bid $200

13. U. S. Grant Document Signed as President. Partly-printed vellum DS as president, one page, 14.25 x 17.25, March 25, 1875. President Grant appoints John H. Calef as a “Captain in the Second Regiment of Artillery in the service of the United States.” Signed neatly at the conclusion by U. S. Grant and countersigned by Secretary of War William W. Belknap. The crisp original gold foil seal remains affixed to the upper left. Handsomely matted and framed with a portrait and engraved plate to an overall size of 30 x 26. In fine condition, with a couple of small stains, and loss to the upper left corner. Starting Bid $200

14. U. S. Grant Document Signed as Commanding General of the U. S. Army. Rare partly-printed DS, one page, 15.75 x 10.25, November 1, 1866. Official ‘Army of the United States of America’ military commission issued to Robert L. McGeorge, “a recruit of the United States Army,” which appoints him as a “Hospital Steward.” Signed at the conclusion by U. S. Grant as Commanding General of the U. S. Army, and countersigned by Edward D. Townsend as Assistant Adjutant General. In fine, folded condition. A rare and attractive postwar document that dates shortly after Congress promoted Grant to the newly created rank of General of the Army of the United States on July 25, 1866. Starting Bid $200

15. U. S. Grant Signed Book - Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue (1866). Signed book: Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue on the Operations of the Internal Revenue System for the Year Ending June 30, 1866. First edition. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1866. Hardcover bound in quarter morocco with marbled boards, 6 x 9, 349 pages. Signed on a free end page in ink, “U. S. Grant, General, March 14th, 1867.” Autographic condition: very good to fine, with scattered staining to the signed page, and haloing to the ink in Grant’s handwriting; his autograph is large and bold. Book condition: VG-/None, with minor foxing to the textblock, edgewear and scuffing to spine, and rubbing to boards and corners.

In the report, the commissioner comments on the proceeds of the Internal Revenue Office for the previous year, stating that ‘their aggregate amount is considerably in excess of the estimate at the date of my last report.’ He observes that this is a direct result of the successes of the postbellum economy: ‘This excess came largely from the manufactures stimulated by the opening of southern markets, and from cotton, of which there was a greater supply than was anticipated.’ Starting Bid $200

Remarkably rare check signed by President Garfield less than a month into his incumbency

16. James A. Garfield Elusive Signed Check as President. Exceptionally rare Riggs & Co. bank check, 8 x 2.75, filled out in another hand and signed by President Garfield, “J. A. Garfield,” payable to “Chr. Ruppert” for $45, March 22, 1881. In very good to fine condition, with trivial brushing to the signature, a short split to the top of one of the vertical folds, and light wrinkling from an old mounting remnant on the back. Encapsulated in a PSA/DNA authentication holder. Accompanied by a handsome vintage matte-finish 8.5 x 12.5 profile portrait of Garfield by the Sarony Studio of New York. Given the briefness of his incumbency, Garfield remains rare across all presidentially signed formats, and especially so on checks, with this being only the second example that we have ever offered. Moreover, Garfield assumed the presidency a mere 18 days before signing this check. An elusive and sought-after presidential treasure. Starting Bid $300

Youthful 1903 signed portrait of President Theodore Roosevelt

17. Theodore Roosevelt Signed Photograph as President. Terrific sepia-tone 5.5 x 8.75 portrait photo of Theodore Roosevelt in a handsome three-quarter-length pose, signed in the upper right in fountain pen as president, “Theodore Roosevelt, Feb. 2d 1903.” Archivally double-matted and framed to an overall size of 13.75 x 16.75. In fine condition, with lightly trimmed edges. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from Beckett Authentication Services. An uncommon signed pose of Theodore Roosevelt, who signed this picture at the age of 44, some 16 months after becoming the youngest person to become U.S. president. Starting Bid $200

18. Theodore Roosevelt Signed Photograph. Uncommon matte-finish 3.25 x 5.25 postcard photograph of Theodore Roosevelt by the Pach Brothers Studio of New York, as part of the ‘Rotograph’ series, signed nicely in the lower border in fountain pen. Archivally matted and framed to an overall size of 13.75 x 15.75. In very fine condition. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from JSA. Starting Bid $200

19. Theodore Roosevelt Document Signed as President. Partly-printed vellum DS as president, one page, 14.5 x 17.5, January 18, 1906. President Roosevelt appoints Fred H. Soleel as “an Ensign in the Navy.” Signed at the conclusion in ink by President Theodore Roosevelt, and countersigned by Acting Secretary of the Navy Truman H. Newberry. Handsomely cloth-matted and framed with a portrait and plaque to an overall size of 31.5 x 27.5. In fine condition, with heavy overall rippling, light foxing to the top edge, and the seal missing. Starting Bid $200

The Roosevelts celebrate the 1941 Easter Egg Roll at the White House

20. Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Signed Photograph as President and First Lady. Uncommon vintage matte-finish 7.75 x 9.75 photo of a little boy holding an Easter basket on the South Lawn of the White House during the 1941 Easter Egg Roll event, signed in fountain pen as president and first lady by Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. The reverse is dated to April 14, 1941. In very good to fine condition, with a light unobtrusive vertical crease, a short edge tear, and the first half of Eleanor’s signature light but legible. Starting Bid $200

President Truman’s historic WWII victory proclamation, framed in White House relic roof timbers: “The Allied Armies, through sacrifice and devotion and with God’s help, have wrung from Germany a final and unconditional surrender”

21. Harry S. Truman Signed 1945 WWII Victory Proclamation Broadside, in a White House Roof Timber Relic Frame. Extraordinary printed World War II proclamation broadside presented as a Christmas gift by President Harry S. Truman in 1945, 12.75 x 19.75, signed in the lower right corner in fountain pen, “Harry S. Truman.” The broadside is stunningly displayed in a 16.25 x 23.25 frame crafted from White House roof timbers, with engraved plaque at the bottom: “This wood was part of the White House Roof, erected about 1817 and removed in 1927.”

The decorative broadside contains President Truman’s V-E Day proclamation of May 8, 1945, the day following the German surrender, calling for a day of prayer to be celebrated on May 13, 1945. The text reads, in part: “The Allied Armies, through sacrifice and devotion and with God’s help, have wrung from Germany a final and unconditional surrender. The Western World has been freed of the evil forces which for five years and longer have imprisoned the bodies and broken the lives of millions upon millions of free-born men. They have violated their churches, destroyed their homes, corrupted their children, and murdered their loved ones. Our Armies of Liberation have restored freedom to these suffering people, whose spirit and will the oppressors could never enslave. Much remains to be done. The victory won in the West must now be won in the East. The whole world must be cleansed of the evil from which half the world has been freed. United the peace-loving nations have demonstrated in the West that their arms are stronger by far than the might of the dictators or the tyranny of military cliques that once called us soft and weak…

Now, therefore, I, Harry S. Truman, President of the United States of America, do hereby appoint Sunday, May 13, 1945, to be a day of prayer. I call upon the people of the United States, whatever their faith, to unite in offering joyful thanks to God for the victory we have won and to pray that he will support us to the end of our present struggle and guide us into the ways of peace. I also call upon my countrymen to dedicate this day of prayer to the memory of those who have given their lives to make possible our victory.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $300

Candid letter from Eisenhower to a West Point classmate, referencing Washington and Sherman and dismissing reports of his desire to enter public office:
“I see no reason for my getting particularly excited about it except to say what I have already said, and mean, that I want no part of any political job”

22. Dwight D. Eisenhower

Typed Letter Signed to a Former West Point Classmate - “I want no part of any political job”. TLS signed “Ike E.,” three pages, 8 x 10.5, War Department, Chief of Staff letterhead, October 31, 1947. Marked “Personal and Confidential,” an outspoken and lengthy letter to former West Point classmate Earl M. Price, to whom the general responds with no small amount of irritation. In part: “You devoted a considerable portion of your letter to discussing political affairs, more particularly as they might affect me personally. It is true that numbers of friends, acquaintances, or old associates around the country have done some talking about the possibility of my standing for political office. That has happened to every man who has

ever had his name favorably mentioned in the newspapers and I see no reason for my getting particularly excited about it except to say what I have already said, and mean, that I want no part of any political job. Since no man – at least since Washington’s day – has ever gone to high political office except with his own consent, indeed with his own connivance, I feel perfectly secure in my position and I do not consider it either approproate or in good taste that I say another word about it. If you ever find any statement anywhere that purports to quote me as saying that I want a political office, and I mean now or in the future, then you send it on to me and remind me of this statement.” Starting Bid $1000

Historic pen from President Lyndon B. Johnson’s signing of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, presented to a Michigan Democrat and civil rights crusader

23. Lyndon B. Johnson Civil Rights Act Signing Pen

Presented to an Influential Michigan Congressman. Historic dipping pen attributed to President Lyndon B. Johnson’s signing of the the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 (H.R. 7152), presented to Michigan Congressman James G. O’Hara. The official ‘bill signer’ Esterbrook pen measures 6.25˝ long and features a black plastic grip with a Lucite handle imprinted with “The President—The White House.” The pen is mounted with a mimeographed copy of the first page of the act: “To enforce the constitutional right to vote, to confer jurisdiction upon the district courts of the United States to provide injunctive relief against discrimination in public accommodations, to authorize the Attorney General to institute suits to protect constitutional rights in public facilities and public education, to extend the Commission on Civil Rights, to prevent discrimination in federally assisted programs, to establish a Commission on Equal Employment Opportunity, and for other purposes.” Framed to an overall size of 10.25 x 13.5. In fine condition, with mottled toning to the page.

Prior to his assassination, President Kennedy had called for legislation to end racial discrimination and segregation in public accommodations, public education, and federally assisted programs. Shortly after his death, President Johnson urged Congress to honor his memory by passing such an act, declaring, ‘We have talked long enough in this country about equal rights. We have talked for one hundred years or more. It is time now to write the next chapter, and to write it in the books of law.’ His appeal was successful and manifested itself in HR 7152, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, a landmark piece of legislation that banned segregation and racial discrimination while guaranteeing equal job opportunities. Its tremendous sociopolitical impact made the Civil Rights Act a crowning achievement of the 1960s Democrats and one of the most important laws passed in the 20th century.

A Democrat from Michigan, the Hon. James G. O’Hara served in the House of Representatives from 1959 to 1977. He was recognized as one of his party’s most skilled floor leaders and legislative strategists, and led efforts to secure voting rights for Black Americans. A liberal ally of the Civil Right Movement, O’Hara helped to ensure the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The pen originates directly from O’Hara’s son, who notes: “My father Hon. James G. O’Hara, former Congressman from the 7th and 12th district of Michigan, was a crusader for civil rights and a close friend of president Lyndon Baines Johnson. He received this pen used in the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as well as several other pens from LBJ. He also received a plaque from Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. for his devoted efforts in getting the Civil Rights Act passed into law. I always felt that these represented the most important achievement of his 18 years in Congress.” Starting Bid $500

Amidst escalation in the Vietnam War, LBJ appoints Gen. Earle Wheeler as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

24. Lyndon B. Johnson Document Signed as President, Appointing Gen. Earle Wheeler as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Partly-printed DS as president, one page, 15.25 x 11.5, July 2, 1966. President Johnson appoints General Earle G. Wheeler as “Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.” Nicely signed at the conclusion in fountain pen by President Lyndon B. Johnson, and countersigned by Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara. The embossed gold foil seal affixed at the lower left remains intact. In very good condition, with significant dampstaining, and associated wrinkling, to the left side of the document, affecting appearance but not the signatures.

With this appointment, President Johnson renewed Wheeler’s appointment as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a role he had taken in 1964. Wheeler’s tenure as the nation’s top military officer spanned the height of America’s involvement in the Vietnam War. He was a key military advisor to Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon, advocating for increased troop deployments and escalation strategies. Despite his efforts to strengthen U.S. military operations, the war became increasingly controversial and divisive under his leadership. Starting Bid $200

25. Barack Obama Signed Check - PSA GEM MT 10. Friends of Barack Obama check, 8.25 x 3, filled out in another hand and signed by Obama, “Barack Obama,” payable to Herron Enterprises for $1,200, January 27, 1998. In very fine condition. Encapsulated and graded by PSA/DNA as “GEM MT 10.”

Friends of Barack Obama was his official campaign committee; at the time he signed this check, Obama was less than two months away from the March 17th primary, when he won his renomination unopposed. At the November 3rd general election, Obama was re-elected to a four-year term as state senator with a landslide victory. Obama remains rare in signed checks. Starting Bid $200

26. Donald Trump Presidential Gift - Shinola Watch . Beautiful White House-exclusive Shinola Runwell 47mm presidential wristwatch presented to foreign dignitaries and other VIPs during the administration of President Donald Trump. The polished stainless steel watch features an Argonite 1069 high-accuracy movement, a doubledomed sapphire crystal, and a classic white dial with a small presidential seal to the left side. The case back, with laser-etched serial number “S0100118755,” is engraved on the side, “Donald J. Trump.” Includes a handsome Largo Tan leather strap. In very fine, never-worn condition. Accompanied by its original wooden presentation case with the upper lid laser-engraved with the presidential seal.

From the personal collection of Kevin Chmielewski, who served as Lead Advance/Staff Lead for Donald Trump during his 2016 presidential campaign and subsequent administration. Starting Bid $200


American Politicians and Leaders

Garrison sends “one of the Sonnets that I wrote during the Anti-Slavery struggle”

147. William Lloyd Garrison Autograph Letter Signed and “Sonnet to Liberty” Manuscript - “One of the Sonnets that I wrote during the Anti-Slavery struggle”. Journalist, editor, and social reformer (1805-1879) best known as one of the most influential abolitionists in the decades leading up to the Civil War. Two items: an ALS signed “Wm. Lloyd Garrison,” one page, 5 x 7, December 17, 1869, in part: “I send you my autograph; copying, for this purpose, on the third page of this sheet, one of the Sonnets that I wrote during the Anti-Slavery struggle”; and the enclosed “Sonnet to Liberty,” signed “Wm. Lloyd Garrison,” one page, 5 x 7, concluding: “Know this, O man! whate’er thy earthly fate— / God never made a tyrant nor a slave: / Woe, then, to those who dare to desecrate / His sacred image!—for to all He gave / Eternal rights, which none may violate; / And by a mighty hand th’ oppressed He yet shall save.” Attractively matted and framed together with an engraved portrait of Garrison (featuring his facsimile signature) to an overall size of 20 x 11; the frame’s backing bears an affixed Goodspeed’s Book Shop label. In overall fine condition. Starting Bid $200

Desirable free frank from Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton to a hero of the Revolution

148. Alexander Hamilton Signed Free Frank to Jedediah Huntington. Free franked mailing panel, 5.5 x 3.5, address in another hand to “Jedediah Huntington, Esqr., Collector, New London, Connecticut,” and franked in the lower left by Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, “Free, A. Hamilton.” Marked “Treasury Department” at the top, the panel is postmarked “Free” and “17 No.” Attractively mounted and cloth-matted with an engraved portrait to an overall size of 14 x 21.75. In very good to fine condition, with scattered light staining, and toning from prior display.

The recipient, Jedediah Huntington (1743–1818), served as a general in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War, helping to fortify and hold Dorchester Heights in 1776, forcing the British to evacuate from Boston. He was later appointed by President George Washington to be the customs house collector for the coastal area from the Connecticut River to Rhode Island. Starting Bid $200

World Leaders and Politicians

Madame Chiang reminisces about World War II, recalling the “comic fact of the Japanese force”

155. Madame Chiang Kai-shek Typed Letter Signed on World War II. TLS signed “Mayling Soong Chiang,” one page, 8.5 x 11, personal letterhead, February 24, 1978. Letter to William LaVarre, in full: “Thank you for your letter of February 7. Yes, I do recall the expeditionary Forces comprising the major allies at the time and also the comic fact of the Japanese force which for ever and anon wanted to have their Commanding General outrank the other commanders either in rank or in seniority.

I realize that Archangel is 4,000 miles from the Manchurian border as the crow flies but in my letter I did not make myself too clear on this point. What I meant was that those AntiBolsheviks who were given the impression that they would be evacuated by the Allies in the Archangel area were forsaken at the very last without warning and left to the tender mercies of the Reds whereas those who fled east towards Manchuli did not suffer the same cruel fate. Thank you again for Colonel Faymonville’s memoirs.” In fine condition, with a PSA/DNA label affixed to the lower corner. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from PSA/DNA. Starting Bid $200

War-dated autograph book containing Winston Churchill and various members of his war ministry, including Eden, Attlee, Anderson, and more

156. Winston Churchill and War Ministry (50+)

Autograph Book. World War II-dated leather-bound autograph book, 4.5˝ x 2.25˝, signed inside in crisp black ink, “Winston S. Churchill.” The book also contains over 50 signatures of British notables, including several members of Churchill’s war ministry, including Clement Attlee, Herbert Morrison, John Anderson, Brendan Bracken, Stafford Cripps, Frederick Lindemann, Oliver Stanley, Max Aitken, Archibald Sinclair, John Simon, Philip Cunliffe-Lister, Frederick Leathers, Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, and many others. Of note is the autograph of Sir Alfred Edward Webb-Johnson, president of the Royal College of Surgeons, who adds “VE Day” below his signature. In fine condition, with a few pages detached but present. Starting Bid $200

157. Winston Churchill Signature - PSA GEM MT 10. Beautiful ink signature, “Yours sincerely, Winston S. Churchill,” on an off-white 4.5 x 1.75 sheet clipped from the close of a letter. In fine condition. Encapsulated and graded by PSA/DNA as “GEM MT 10.” Starting Bid $200

“Things look a little better but the dangers are very great”—war-dated letter from Weizmann to physicist Max Born, relaying his belief that the British oppose a Jewish state in Palestine: “The Conservative Party are frightened of it; they suspect the Jews, they have no confidence. This does not apply to Mr. Churchill”

158. Chaim Weizmann War-Dated Autograph Letter Signed to Max Born On Establishing a Jewish Homeland in Palestine: “A strong Jewish State in P’ne is obviously of advantage to the British and we have been preaching this doctrine for almost a generation”. World War II-dated ALS signed “Ch. Weizmann,” one page both sides, 6 x 8, The Dorchester Hotel (London) letterhead, July 31, 1941. Content-rich handwritten letter to Nobel Prize-winning physicist Max Born in Edinburgh, discussing English resistance to the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine and asking Born to connect him with the influential physicist Frederick Lindemann, in part: “Your opinion about the necessity of Palestine for the Jews coincides with mine and with that of millions of Jews all over the world. A strong Jewish State in P’ne is obviously of advantage to the British and we

have been preaching this doctrine for almost a generation to them. I am however driven to the melancholy conclusion that a large number of Englishmen, particularly of the Conservative Party are frightened of it; they suspect the Jews, they have no confidence. This does not apply to Mr. Churchill and to a great many members of the present Govt, but there are powerful reactionary elements operating against it. I am seeing Lord Cherwell [Frederick Lindemann] occasionally (very rarely) on scientific problems but I have never discussed Palestine with him. He is a close friend of the P.M. and a good influence and it would be most valuable if he could be interested...I hope you are well; things look a little better but the dangers are very great.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original handaddressed mailing envelope. Starting Bid $1000

159. William Wilberforce Autograph Letter Signed. British politician, evangelist, and philanthropist (1759-1833) who played an important role in the movement to abolish slavery. ALS signed “W. Wilberforce,” four pages on two adjoining sheets, 7.75 x 9.25, October 14, 1789. Handwritten letter to an unknown recipient, in part: “Different matters have intervened to prevent my saying anything respecting my motions sufficiently certain to allow me to answer your friendly letter; I have been in much doubt about the practicability of getting to you from circumstances which it would be too long a story to tell, but the idea of our being but about 20 miles asunder still recurs & does not allow me to quit this part of the country with’t fulfilling my engagement.” Wilberforce adds a lengthy postscript that continues onto the reverse of the second integral page. In fine condition, with some light edge toning. Starting Bid $200


“There is nothing more important than the reestablishment of discipline”— letter from the arrested king following his disastrous flight to Varennes in 1791

165. King Louis XVI Letter Signed While Under House Arrest (October 1791). Revolution-dated LS in French, signed “Louis,” one page, 7.25 x 9, October 20, 1791. Addressed from Paris, a letter from King Louis XVI while under house arrest following his unsuccessful flight to Varennes in late June. Sent to an unidentified recipient, cryptically referred to as “B” on the reverse of the second integral page, in part (translated): “I called on you to command the French troops because I believed that I had found in you a distinguished soldier and an excellent citizen...There is nothing more important than the reestablishment of discipline. I am constantly concerned with this, and I have charged M. de Narbonne, who is going to visit the borders, with collecting very detailed information in this regard, so that I may be in a position to take effective measures.” In very good to fine condition, with some light soiling and foxing, and expert professional reinforcements to the intersecting folds. Starting Bid $200

Diana and Charles during their 1987 Royal Tour of Spain

166. Princess Diana and King Charles III Signed Photograph.

Color semi-glossy 9.5 x 6.5 group photo of Princess Diana and King Charles III with the staff of the British Embassy during the tour to Spain in 1987, affixed to its original 12 x 10 mount, boldly signed on the mount in fountain pen, “Charles, 1987” and “Diana.” In fine condition, with a few tiny edge dings, easily matted out. Starting Bid $200

167. Princess Diana and King Charles III Signed Christmas Card (1985). Desirable Christmas card from 1985, embossed on the front with the Prince of Wales’s feathers and Order of the Garter motto and the Spencer family arms, measuring 10.25 x 7.25 open, featuring an affixed color portrait of the royal family with Prince Harry and Prince William riding a pony, signed and inscribed inside in fountain pen, “Mr. Fryer, from Charles and” and “Diana.” In very fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope. Starting Bid $200

“Our son is growing very fast and is already trying to sit up”

168. Queen Elizabeth II Autograph Letter Signed on Baby Charles - “He is most affable and laughs a great deal”. ALS signed “Elizabeth,” one page both sides, 4.5 x 7.5, Buckingham Palace letterhead, April 22, 1949. Handwritten letter to Richard, in part: “Our son is growing very fast and is already trying to sit up. He is most affable and laughs a great deal. I hope your nephew is well—I was very envious of his luxurious hair in the photograph of his christening. I hope Ela’s baby is going on well, too—I expect you are a busy uncle, now!” In very fine condition. An appealing letter from Princess Elizabeth as a new mother. Her first child, Charles, was only five months old when this letter was written. Starting Bid $200

Marvelous matched pair of mounted royal portraits of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip in 1953

169. Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip (2) Oversized Signed Photographs. Magnificent pair of vintage mattefinish portraits of the royals: a 13.75 x 17.75 portrait of Queen Elizabeth II wearing her glimmering crown jewels, taken by Royal Court photographer Dorothy Wilding, affixed to its 14.75 x 19.75 paper mount, signed on the mount in fountain pen, “Elizabeth R, 1953,” and affixed to a 19 x 26 mount with Wilding’s studio label on the reverse; and a 15 x 18 portrait of Prince Philip in his decorated uniform, taken by Baron Studios (Sterling Henry Nahum), affixed to its 16 x 20 paper mount, signed on the mount in fountain pen, “Prince Philip, 1953,” and affixed to a 19 x 26 mount with Baron’s studio stamp on the reverse. In fine condition, with one tiny gouge to the background of the Philip photo, and trivial dampstaining to the extreme bottom edge of Philip’s mount. Starting Bid $200

Martin Luther explains a religious principle to a noble follower:
“Even if someone comes into such guilt willfully or through carelessness, or inherits it with innocence, it is still decreed by God”

170. Martin Luther Partial Autograph Letter Signed on Religion: “It is still decreed by God...Amen”. German priest and theologian (1483–1546) who became the seminal figure of the Protestant Reformation. Extremely rare partial ALS in German, signed as part of the Latin date, “Martin,” one page, 7.5 x 4.5, March 12, 1530 [“12 Martin 1530”]. Fragment of a handwritten letter on religion to his follower Joseph Levin Metzsch, Lord of the Castle of Mylau, on the question of whether debt inherited from the parents is an act of God’s will and punishment.

In part (translated, with bracketed sections sourced from the Weimar edition of Luther’s works): “[Because guilt, thirst, or poverty are no small punishment for those who do not know how to bear them, it is without doubt a noticeable particle of the Holy Cross for children of God] who can bear and use it. [However], like all other punishments from the dear Father, it should not frighten the [conscience] as a serious disgrace, but rather [comfort] and strengthen it as a fatherly rod of the fox[tail]. For even if someone comes into such guilt willfully or through carelessness, or inherits it with innocence, it is still decreed by God, and such a rod is bound by the same carelessness and willfulness. Hereby commended to God, Amen.” Addressed on the reverse by Luther to “The punctilious and steadfast Joseph Levin Metzsch zu Mylau, my favorable good Lord and friend.” Laid down to a slightly larger sheet, with openings cut to reveal the address panel and small seal. Though the bottom of the letter has been cut off, the top of the “M” from his Latin signature (“M[artinus]”) is preserved along the lower edge. In very good condition, with paper loss to the left side (affecting portions of the text), toning and soiling, and two vertical folds.

The complete text of Luther’s letter is recorded in the Weimar Edition of his works (Vol. V, No. 1537), with minor deviations from the original. The recipient, Joseph Levin Metzsch (1507–1571), was a nobleman and early follower of Luther who provided protection and political backing, allowing Luther’s ideas to spread more freely. Metzsch had participated in the disputation between Martin Luther and Johann Eck in Leipzig in 1519, and was responsible for introducing the Reformation into the Dominion Mylau-Reichenbach in 1526–27. A remarkable letter fragment by the celebrated leader of the Protestant Reformation, explaining some of his religious principles. Starting Bid $2500

Activists and Social Leaders

Rare autograph of ‘Johnny Appleseed,’ the pioneer of American apple orchards

174. John ‘Johnny Appleseed’ Chapman Autograph Document Signed. American pioneer nurseryman (1774–1845) who introduced apple trees to large parts of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Ontario, as well as the northern counties of West Virginia. ALS signed “John Chapman,” one page, 7.5 x 4, July 25, 1826. Handwritten document by Johnny Appleseed, in part: “Rec’d…a deed for a peace of Land on Section 29, Township 19 and Range 14 containing 14 acres…& Bond gave to John Chapman signed by Timothy Wells.” Attractively matted and framed with a small image of Johnny Appleseed to an overall size of 11 x 11. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

Image larger than actual size.

176. Martin Luther King, Jr. Signature.

Sought-after vintage ballpoint signature, “With Best Wishes, Martin Luther King,” on a blue 3.25 x 2 slip. In fine condition, with trimmed edges and light rippling from old mounting residue on the back. Starting Bid $500

177. Nelson Mandela Twice-Signed Book - June 16. Signed book: June 16, 1976: Never, Never Again by Peter Magubane. Later printing. South Africa, 2000. Hardcover, 10.25 x 12.5, 124 pages. Signed on the first free end page in white ink, “N. Mandela, 6.9.2002,” and also signed on a color glossy 6 x 8 photo affixed inside the front cover in black felt tip, “N. Mandela, 19.11.2002.” A “Welcome Home Mandela” sticker is also affixed inside the front cover. Additionally signed and inscribed on the title page in black felt tip, “David, Best wishes, Magubane.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

Martin Luther King, Jr. authorizes a translation of Stride Toward Freedom— resulting in his first Spanish-language book

173. Martin Luther King, Jr. Signed Contract for a Spanish Version of ‘Stride Toward Freedom,’ with His Literary Agent’s File Copy of the Book. Partly-printed DS, signed “Martin L. King, Jr.,” three pages, 8.5 x 14, August 30, 1962. Publishing contract between Martin Luther King, Jr., and Editorial Agora in which King attests that he is “the sole and exclusive Owner of the copyright in a work entitled Stride Toward Freedom…and is also the Owner of all translation rights,” and “conveys for the term of the copyright thereof the right to translate the work into the Spanish language and to publish and sell copies of such translation in volume form.”

For these rights, the publisher agrees to pay a $150 advance plus royalties at the rate of 7.5% of the retail price for the first 3,000 books sold, and 10% for all copies sold thereafter. The publisher also agrees to send ten copies of the book to King in care of his literary agency, “Marie Rodell and Joan Daves, Inc., 15 East 48th Street, New York.” Signed at the conclusion in blue ballpoint by Martin Luther King, Jr., and countersigned in fountain pen by the publisher. In fine condition. Includes the resulting Spanish-language book, Los Viajeros de la Libertad [The Freedom Riders], hardcover with dust jacket, published in Barcelona by Editorial Fontanella in 1963, stamped on the first free end page with his literary agent’s ownership stamp: “Joan Daves, File Copy, Do Not Remove.”

Published in the United States by Harper & Brothers in 1958, Martin Luther King, Jr.’s first book, Stride Toward Freedom:

The Montgomery Story, chronicles the planning, events, and aftermath of the first successful large-scale application of nonviolent resistance in the Civil Rights Movement: the year-long Montgomery bus boycott. A comprehensive and insightful account, the book traces the journey of a community and highlights King’s transformative devotion to equality and non-violence.

To assist him in dealing with publishers, contract negotiations, and publicity relating to Stride Toward Freedom, King hired New York literary agent Joan Daves. As his stature grew and the book came to the attention of people worldwide, a demand arose for foreign-language editions. Daves negotiated terms agreeable to King for a Spanish version, making the work accessible to readers throughout Spain and Latin America. King’s global impact would be recognized the following year by the Nobel Committee, who awarded him the Nobel Peace Prize. Daves would accompany King to Oslo for his acceptance of the prize—a testament to her importance in spreading King’s message across the globe.

Daves remained King’s literary agent for his next three books: Strength to Love (1963), Why We Can’t Wait (1964), and Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community? (1967), and continued to work with King’s literary property until her death in 1997. Starting Bid $1,000

Historic certificate signed by MLK Jr. and fellow leaders of the Council for United Civil Rights Leadership, recognizing
Congressman O’Hara’s “dedication to American principles in helping to secure passage of the historic Civil Rights Bill of 1964”

175. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Civil Rights Leaders Signed Certificate to Hon. James O’Hara, for “his dedication to American principles in helping to secure passage of the historic Civil Rights Bill of 1964”. Rare and significant partly-printed DS, one page, 12.75 x 9.75, no date but circa 1964. Citation presented by the Council for United Civil Rights Leadership to Hon. James G. O’Hara, “for his devoted efforts, his inspired leadership in the national interest and, above all, his dedication to American principles in helping to secure passage of the historic Civil Rights Bill of 1964, which offers a new hope of equality and opportunity for constructive citizenship to millions of Americans.” Signed at the conclusion by Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. (Southern Christian Leadership Conference), James Farmer (Congress of Racial Equality), Whitney Young, Jr. (National Urban League), Jack Greenberg (NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund), Dorothy Height (National Council of Negro Women), Roy Wilkins (NAACP), and James Forman (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee). The embossed gold foil seal and blue ribbon affixed at the bottom remain intact. Displayed in its original 14 x 11 frame, with an address label on the backing: “The Hon James O’Hara, House of Rep, Washington DC 20515.” In fine condition, with slight fading to King’s signature.

This remarkable document is signed by the heads of the diverse organizations—ranging from the the radical Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) to the conservative National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)—that formed the Council for United Civil Rights Leadership (CUCRL), an umbrella group established in June 1963 to organize and regulate the Civil Rights Movement. The Council was responsible for organizing the August 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, headlined by Martin Luther King’s enduring ‘I Have a Dream’ speech, and played a key role in promoting the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

A Democrat from Michigan, the Hon. James G. O’Hara served in the House of Representatives from 1959 to 1977. He was recognized as one of his party’s most skilled floor leaders and legislative strategists, and led efforts to secure voting rights for Black Americans. A liberal ally of the Civil Right Movement, O’Hara helped to ensure the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964—Lyndon B. Johnson’s landmark legislation prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin, and one of the most significant legislative achievements in American history. Starting Bid $1000

Remarkable archive chronicling

Malcolm X’s transformative time in prison:
“If I had completed my education I never would have been in prison today. I’m serving ten years for burglary on my first offense—my first crime.
That doesn’t hurt so because, being a Negroe, I’m used to heavier punishment than usual”

178. Malcolm X Prison Archive: (80+) Documents with an Autograph Letter Signed, Mug Shot Photograph, and Internal Records. Extraordinary, comprehensive archive of over 80 documents concerning Malcolm X’s arrest, conviction, imprisonment, and parole—highlighted by a twice-signed ALS (signed “Malcolm Little”) and an original mug shot photograph from his intake into the Massachusetts State Prison system—plus a wealth of internal files from the Massachusetts Department of Correction, court records, parole board documents, and the like, circa 1946 to 1952.

Malcolm Little was found guilty of larceny and breaking and entering in 1946, and began serving his eight-to-ten year sentence at Charlestown State Prison in February. He made efforts to reform and educate himself while there, and with his sister Ella began a letter-writing campaign in hopes of getting transferred to the Norfolk Prison Colony (today known as MCINorfolk)—it offered broader educational opportunities that did not exist in Charlestown or Concord. This exceptional archive contains one such letter (the lone Malcolm X autograph within), in which he pleads his case, expressing remorse and explaining his plight: “If I had completed my education I never would have been in prison today. I’m serving ten years for burglary on my first offense—my first crime. That doesn’t hurt so because, being a Negroe, I’m used to heavier punishment than usual. But, I have long ago realized my mistake and cannot see how an educated man would break into people’s houses.”

He ultimately found success, and was transferred to Norfolk the next year, on March 31, 1948. In The Autobiography of

Malcolm X, he described the colony as ‘comparatively, a heaven, in many respects,’ observing: ‘Norfolk Prison Colony represented the most enlightened form of prison that I have ever heard of. In place of the atmosphere of malicious gossip, perversion, grafting, hateful guards, there was more relative ‘culture,’ as ‘culture’ is interpreted in prisons. A high percentage of the Norfolk Prison Colony inmates went in for ‘intellectual’ things, group discussions, debates, and such.’ He joined the weekly debate team, where he honed his oratorical skill, and devoted much of his time to studying in the prison library. Most importantly, it was during this time that Malcolm discovered the Nation of Islam. It seems that he began to question authority after becoming involved with the Nation of Islam, and was shipped back to Charlestown State Prison for being ‘undesirable.’

Paroled on August 7, 1952, after seven years served, Malcolm Little left prison as Malcolm X, a devout member of the Nation of Islam and a committed disciple and pupil of Elijah Muhammad. He soon moved to Detroit—as authorized by the Massachusetts Parole Board and documented herein—and began an intensive recruiting campaign for the Nation of Islam. Relying on the rhetorical skill honed during his time in prison, Malcolm X attracted new members wherever he spoke. Within a year, he would triple the membership of Detroit’s Temple No. 1. Increasingly recognized as the public face of the Nation of Islam, he returned to the east coast in late 1953 and continued to grow the organization.



- ALS signed twice, “Malcolm Little,” three pages on two adjoining sheets, 6 x 9.25, July 28, 1947, to “Mr. Dwyer” of the “Norfolk Prison Colony Transportation Board.” Little makes a plea for transfer to the Norfolk Prison Colony, In full: “A year ago, while an inmate of Charlestown State Prison, I was interviewed by the Norfolk Board. I was terribly upset when the warden told me that I wasn’t to be transferred so I wrote to you for consideration. I was rewarded with another interview from the Board. After re-hearing my plea they told me that I would be transferred and in the meantime to keep a clean record. Well, I’ve kept my record clean and, instead, they’ve sent me here at Concord. My sole purpose for wanting to go to Norfolk was the educational facilities that aren’t in these other institutions. If I had completed my education I never would have been in prison today. I’m serving ten years for burglary on my first offense—my first crime. That doesn’t hurt so because, being a Negroe, I’m used to heavier punishment than usual. But, I have long ago realized my mistake and cannot see how an educated man would break into people’s houses.

Since my confinement I’ve already received a diploma in Elementary English through the State Correspondence Courses. I’, very much disatisfied, though. The[re] are many things that I would like to learn that would be of use to me when I regain my freedom. I do know that if I prepare myself now, while I have the time, I will never have to break the law to secure a living. It does hurt, tho’, to watch murders, thieves with records dating back to the cradle, and ‘what not’ going to Norfolk every day, while I (for reasons unknown to me) want to benifit by the place and can’t get there for nothing. I’ve been confined for eighteen months now and my record is clean. I’ve been here in Concord under Mr. O’Grady for six months and can only refer you to him for any reference of my character. All I’m asking you for is a chance to ammend my mistakes. Then, if I fail, I have no one to hate but myself.”

- Original vintage glossy 5.25 x 3 ‘mugshot’ photograph of Malcolm Little taken on February 28, 1946, on his intake into the Massachusetts State Prison system. The photo is affixed to a sheet annotated in type with his personal details: “Name: Malcolm Little, #MSP 22843, Height: 6-2, Weight: 172, Hair: Lt Brown, Eyes: Brown, Complexion: Negro.”

- Massachusetts Department of Correction “Initial Interview Sheet,” 31 pages, March 8, 1946, recording extensive details of his background and personal history, filled out in another hand with data on his family and upbringing, home conditions, education, employment history, criminal history (“No previous record”), and habits and interests: “Liquor, occasionally to excess. Drugs; used when in company of those who were addicts, claims to have gone long periods without using or having a longing for them…Musicians and actors among his men associates; Women, subj. says that most of his women acquaintances have been made in night clubs, of a ‘pick up’ variety.” The interview then records impressions of Malcolm’s personality: “Subject a light complexioned mulatto was re-

served, calculating and cautious throughout the interview. He has fatalistic views, is moody, cynical, and has a sardonic smile which seems to be affected because of his sensitiveness to his color. To affect this he seems to assume a nonchalant, complacent, superior attitude. He is worldly, wily and amoral and states ‘I’ve been heading here a long time.’ He further says that prior to accepting a life of crime he had weighed the penalty (of what he thought would be a three yr. sentence) against what he hoped to gain. He again says that had he anticipated the 8-10 yr. sentence that he would have gone in for armed robbery instead of burglary.”

- Ten-page “Police and Court Data” carbon document, recording details about his arrest and sentencing, family information, educational history, employment history, residences, criminal record, and descriptions of his offenses.

- Commonwealth of Massachusetts Parole Board document granting Malcolm Little’s request to leave the state, allowing him to live with his brother and work at a department store in Michigan.

- TLS signed by Deputy Superintendent Edward S. Grennan, one page, March 20, 1920, to Department of Correction Commissioner Elliott E. McDowell, requesting Malcolm’s transfer, in part: “Since he has been at this institution he has been unnecessarily race conscious and has taken up the Moselm faith. He has frequently complained about the prejudice of officers and interference in his religious beliefs.”

- Massachusetts State Prison disciplinary reports citing Malcolm Little for the offense of “shirking”: “I detailed this man to work, but he loafed and fooled.”

- Massachusetts State Prison psychiatrist’s report, May 4, 1951, in part: “This twenty-six year old colored man from the British West Indies has a most peculiar appearance, with his bald head, carefully trimmed beard, and general air of importance. He reached the eighth grade in school and has average adult intelligence…His history says he took drugs for a number of years. He claims to be a Mohammedan, but his conversation expresses a confused jumble of ideas which make little sense. He is a responsible offender, although a peculiar personality characterized by disordered, incoherent thinking.”

The remainder of the archive includes a mimeographed fingerprint card of his brother, Earl Little; carbon copies of court records; correspondence related to his appeal for parole; Mass. State Prison work reports, evaluating his subpar performance in the laundry room, yard, and auto shop; a circa 1950 carbon report documenting his academic performance and that he “studies Moselm faith”; prison transfer summary documents; Board of Probation reports; and parole officer’s field reports. Overall, it is an absolutely remarkable, comprehensive archive from Malcolm X’s time in prison, offering unparalleled insight into the most transformative period of the life of the Civil Rights icon. Starting Bid $10,000


Important archive of Bugatti materials on his giant 500 horsepower, 16 cylinder engine—licensed to Duesenberg for American production

184. Ettore Bugatti Archive: Typed Letter Signed on 500-HP, 16-Cylinder Engine, with Photographs and Supplements. Archive of material by and related to Ettore Bugatti, highlighted by a four-page TLS in French to the director of Duesenberg in Elizabeth, New Jersey: TLS signed twice by Ettore Bugatti, and also initialed by him at the foot of the first two pages, four pages, 8 x 10.5, personal stationery, April 11, 1918, in part: “As regards the changes made to my engine, I regret that these were made without prior notice. I have no intention of calling into question the ability of the engineers who carried out these transformations, and I simply limit myself to giving my opinion....The mixed lubrication under pressure and by centrifugal force of my engine has been eliminated by a lubrication under pressure. It is possible that you have a satisfactory result, but I consider my device as being more certain... The upper part of the cylinder, cast with the cylinder itself, is part of my construction of series cars, which I have been manufacturing for about ten years...The modified water circulation device: in fact, the water enters from the propeller side into the cylinders; after cooling the first group of cylinders, it passes into the 2nd group and exits at the rear, on the water pump side. When the engine is put into the up position, you will have pockets of vapor that will form and that will completely disturb the water circulation, compromising the efficiency of the cooling. To avoid this disadvantage, you could have the water enter the cylinders on the water pump side and leave it in the cylinders on the propeller side, because the front cylinders cool more than the rear cylinders in the machine…

The exhaust and intake sections are rounded. You must have seen that, for the same passage, you were obliged to raise the cylinder. As a result, an increase in weight. I am against the theory which admits that a gas passage must be round instead of being square. It is simply a matter of its opening being proportionate to the work that the engine must do, to have no difference in efficiency. I add, in parentheses, that the efficiency that I obtained with this engine is superior to anything that has been obtained, even with racing car engines, considering the number of revolutions, and the volume of the cylinders...For the crankshaft, the rounding that you have done is a completely natural thing, but it was not done in Europe, because we are not able, here, during the war, to forge the parts as you forge in your factories. This rounding would have required an additional machining operation...The carburetor piping heated by the water circulation will certainly give you trouble. The seal between the cylinder and the pipe is difficult to obtain, and it will happen, as a result, a suction of water into the intake valves. Which will cause you serious inconvenience...The transformation that you were able to make to the piston must be considered as

a very delicate thing, because the aluminum piston is unergonomic very difficult, and it was in my construction the object of long tests….

In principle, it is always possible to change, especially in its appearance, an engine, but it should not be overlooked that these engines, in 8 and 16 cylinders, have carried out their official 50-hour test, the results of which have been most satisfactory, and it is certainly imprudent to make changes, before having tried these modifications, on engines of the same type, built after the original.

The tests must be made with a propeller, and the power curve with a four-bladed reel. This reel must be made of several thicknesses of glued wood, to avoid unbalancing due to the difference in density of the wood used…A motor should never be tested with an electric brake; this would be to sacrifice this motor to a breakage, by making it support a work which is not appropriate for it, given that it must have a mass which serves as a flywheel identical to that which is mounted in an airplane, by the fact of its propeller. No test has ever been successful on an electric brake or on a hydraulic brake, unless proceeding with cooling of the crankcase and of all the artificial parts.” He goes on to define his engine’s power curve, which tops out at 527 horsepower. Additionally includes two related unsigned pages on Bugatti’s personal stationery, conveying some information about his engine with details on its cylinders, exhaust pipe, spark plugs, fuel lines, and oil circulation; the second page boasts original hand-drawn sketches of setups for the gasoline and oil filters.

Further accompaniments are a manuscript page in French on Duesenberg Motors Corp. letterhead pertaining to the “moteur 500 HP,” a letter regarding the manufacture of the King-Bugatti engine, and eight original vintage glossy photographs, all about 2.5 x 4, one showing Ettore Bugatti as part of a group, and the others showing his 500 horsepower, 16 cylinder aviation engine. In overall fine condition.

These materials pertain to Bugatti’s powerful piston aircraft engine, the Bugatti U-16, and its American-made successor. The Bugatti U-16 was a 16-cylinder water-cooled double-8 vertical in-line ‘U engine’ designed by Ettore Bugatti in 1915 to 1916 and built in France in small numbers. The Bolling Commission bought a license to build a version of the engine in the United States, with modifications made by Signal Corps aeronautical mechanical engineer Colonel Charles Brady King. Small numbers of this slightly revised version—approximately 40 engines—were built by the Duesenberg Motor Corporation as the King-Bugatti. About 40 of these King-Bugatti engines were made before the end of World War I caused building contracts to be canceled. Starting Bid $1000

183. Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger Signatures. Ballpoint signature, “Warren E. Buffett,” on an off-white 3.75 x 2 sheet printed to resemble Buffett’s personal calling card, which lists contact information for Berkshire Hathaway headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska. The card is also signed by Buffett’s right-hand man, Charlie Munger. In very fine condition. Encapsulated in a PSA/DNA authentication holder. Starting Bid $200

185. Elon Musk Signed Photograph - PSA GEM MINT 10. Color satin-finish 8 x 10 photo of Elon Musk posing triumphantly in front of one of his SpaceX Falcon Heavy launch vehicles, signed in blue felt tip. In very fine condition. Encapsulated and graded by PSA/DNA as “GEM MT 10.” Starting Bid $300

186. Elon Musk Signed Tesla Model S P100D Scale Model. Spectacular 1:18 die-cast scale model of the Tesla Model S P100D, nicely signed on the hood in silver ink by Elon Musk. In very fine condition. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA, as well as the model’s original box (which exhibits some wear). The Model S P100D with Ludicrous mode was the quickest production car in the world at the time of its 2016 introduction, with a 0-60 mph time of 2.5 seconds. Starting Bid $200

187. Elon Musk Signature - PSA NMMT 8. Felt tip signature, “Elon Musk,” on a glossy white 3.25 x 1.75 sheet printed to resemble Musk’s personal SpaceX business card, which lists Musk as “CEO, CTO” above the company’s headquarters address: “Rocket Road, Hawthorne, California.” In very fine condition. Encapsulated and graded by PSA/DNA as “NM-MT 8.” Starting Bid $300

188. Cornelius Vanderbilt Signed Ledger Page. American businessman (17941877), one of America’s first millionaires, who built his fortune in shipping and railroads. Uncommon ink signature, “C. Vanderbilt,” on an off-white 11 x 9.25 partial ledger page, with Vanderbilt’s entry dated “Oct. 15.” In very fine condition. Starting Bid $200

Scientist and Inventors

194. Niels Bohr Typed Letter Signed. Danish physicist (1885–1962) who was awarded the 1922 Nobel Prize in Physics for his theory of atomic structure. TLS in Danish, one page, 8.75 x 11.25, University Institute for Theoretical Physics letterhead, November 2, 1945. Letter replying to an invitation to lecture, in part: “Thank you for your kind letter with the invitation to give a lecture at the Officers’ Association. I am very sorry that I will not be able to give such a lecture, as all my time and energy are completely absorbed by the work that has accumulated during my long absence, and I have therefore had to decline all invitations to give more lectures than those I committed to immediately upon my return home. However, I have heard that my long-time colleague here at the Institute, Dr. Jørgen Koch, has agreed to give a lecture at the Sub-Lieutenant Association, and I believe that he would gladly also speak at the Officers’ Association if desired. In that case, you might write to him yourself, or if you prefer, I will gladly speak to him about the matter.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

Magnificent oversized portrait of Thomas Edison, presented to his right hand-man W. H. Meadowcroft

195. Thomas Edison Oversized Signed Photograph. Superlative vintage matte-finish 11 x 13 photo of a painted portrait of Thomas Edison, beautifully signed and inscribed in the lower border in bold ink by the subject, “To Mr. and Mrs. Meadowcroft, Thos. A. Edison.” In fine to very fine condition, with light silvering to the edges of the image. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from JSA. William Henry Meadowcroft (1853–1937) was the secretary of Thomas Edison, author of several books including The ABC of Electricity, and a vice president of the Edison Electric Light Company. A marvelous association piece. Starting Bid $200

Scarce ticket for the 1933 “Professor Einstein Meeting” at the Royal Albert Hall— his last public appearance in Europe

196. Albert Einstein: 1933 Royal Albert Hall Ticket Stub - His Last Public Appearance in EuropePSA NM 7. Desirable original 3.5 x 3 ticket stub for the “Professor Einstein Meeting” held at the Royal Albert Hall in London on October 3, 1933, marked “W 1928 Balcony.” Held just a few months after the Nazis’ rise to power in Germany, this was Albert Einstein’s last public appearance before leaving Europe. In the address, he spoke on the subjects of academic freedom and the dangers faced by the intelligentsia under the new regime in Germany. Other speakers at the meeting were physicist and Nobel Prize winner Lord Ernest Rutherford; leading anti-Nazi politician and Nobel Prize winner Sir Joseph Austen Chamberlain; preacher and suffragist Dr. Maude Royden; and leading economist and social reformer Sir William Beveridge. In fine condition. Encapsulated and graded by PSA as “NM 7.” Starting Bid $200

“The war was suspended. The Christmas peace had done it”—epic 24-page handwritten letter from Otto Hahn sent from the Western Front, with unique, unparalleled insight into the miraculous ‘Christmas truce’ of 1914

197. Otto Hahn War-Dated 24-Page Autograph Letter Signed from the Western Front, Sending Holiday Wishes and News of the ‘Christmas Truce’ Miracle. World War I-dated ALS in German, signed “Otto,” 24 total pages, 4.5 x 7, December 25 and 26, 1914. Addressed from the field in Warneton, France, a lengthy handwritten letter from Otto Hahn to his wife, Edith, penned on Christmas day during the Christmas truce, a series of widespread unofficial ceasefires along the Western Front. In part: “For the moment I am sitting here on Dec. 25, alone with you, my love, and thinking of all that has happened over the past few months and of the past few wonderful years that you and I have spent together…Here in Warneton the Christmas celebrations, but in Comines something unusual. I am afraid I shouldn’t even talk about it, I am convinced the senior officers are suppressing it, but it is true: even our soldiers in the trenches celebrated Christmas.

Who knows just how it began? A Bavarian rifleman started it, after the British across the way shouted Merry Christmas when they saw our men raising a Christmas tree on a pole out of the trench. The Bavarian rifleman crawled forward and stared at the English in their trench, or maybe he crawled forward just a little and they encouraged him to come closer. He came back with cigarettes and tobacco. One believed him; he went back again and returned with several Scottish Highlanders in their short kilts who went all the way to our trenches. Our men joined them. Not a shot was fired. Cigarettes were smoked, candles were placed on the edge of the trenches; they spoke with one another. They didn’t chat only yesterday, but today as well. Officers from our regiment crossed over and the troops came out in throngs. The war was suspended. The Christmas peace had done it…

But now back to the real reality. For some time now our artillery has clearly indicated that our ‘Christmas peace’ is at an end. They are shooting so close to us with heavy artillery that my window panes rattle. I believe it was ordered so that one sees that the truce is over. The other side also now seems to be starting up again, too, so we’re back to the nice order of war.” In fine condition. A full transcription of this phenomenal letter can be viewed online. Starting Bid $1000

Eli Whitney writes to his brother, instructing him to use “your own discretion relative to the Cotton belonging to me in your hands”

198. Eli Whitney Autograph Letter Signed - “You will act [at] your own discretion relative to the Cotton”. Important American inventor (1765–1825) remembered for developing the cotton gin, revolutionizing agriculture in the American South. ALS, one page, 7.5 x 9.25, July 25, 1809. Handwritten letter to his brother, “Josiah Whitney,” in part: “Mr. Jonathan Hall has obtain an answer from his son George in the State of N. York informing him that he can take no part in the settlement of his Brother Leverett’s Estate whereupon he has delivered to me the inclosed Letters to Judge Davis, to be forwarded to you; so that no obstacle now will probably remain to our immediate settlement of Leverett Hall’s affairs…You will act [at] your own discretion relative to the Cotton belonging to me in your hands—do as you would if acting for yourself—ship it or sell it as you may judge most proper.” Impressively cloth-matted and framed with a portrait and two plaques to an overall size of 24 x 20.5; the letter is hinged against the backing, with a window in the rear for viewing the address panel. In fine condition, with light staining to the address leaf. Starting Bid $300

Steve Jobs signs a page from the 1990 Seybold Seminars on ‘The Evolving Process of Communication’

199. Steve Jobs Signed Seybold Seminar Guide Page - PSA NM-MT 8. Page from the guidebook for the Seybold Computer Publishing Conference, hosted from October 2-5, 1990, at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco, 8 x 10.75, beautifully signed in black ballpoint by Jobs as founder of NeXT, “steve jobs.” In fine condition. Encapsulated and graded by PSA/DNA as “NM-MT 8,” and accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA.

This iteration of the Seybold Computer Publishing Conference focused on the theme of ‘The Evolving Process of Communication.’ The conference’s opening session, “Publishing & Computing in the ‘90s,” featured Steve Jobs and Bill Gates as speakers. The recipient of the autograph, Michael Astrachan, spoke at the conference as part of a panel on ‘Building Systems: Marketing and Advertising.’

Accompanied by a detailed letter of provenance from Michael Astrachan, in part: “I obtained Steve Jobs’ autograph, who at the time was CEO of NeXT, after the opening session…I recall that Mr. Jobs was more formally dressed in a suit and tie, as opposed to the casual black turtleneck and jeans of which he is often associated. At the conclusion of the session, I approached the lectern where Mr. Jobs was packing up his presentation materials. With my conference guide turned to his bio page, and pen in hand, I introduced myself, telling him how much I enjoyed his talk and asked if he would be willing to sign my guide. While I think he might have been a little surprised that I was asking for his autograph, he politely obliged and I thanked him before moving onto the next session. To many of us, Steve Jobs was viewed as a rock star of the computing world. He revolutionized the design and publishing world with the invention of the Macintosh computer and, in turn, created a whole new industry and class of careers.”

These Seybold Seminars came at a transitional point in the evolution of modern communication, as many traditional printing processes could now be accomplished in the digital realm. Discussions ranged from color calibration and font formats to building efficient publishing workgroup environments. A seminar on color compression excitedly anticipated the introduction of the JPEG standard, which promised to ‘make desktop color systems a widespread phenomenon.’ The primary focus was still on print media, though the sessions included two panels on ‘publishing without paper’—one year before the introduction of the World Wide Web. This piece is valuable not just as rare Steve Jobs autograph, but as a relic from a moment of tech-driven upheaval in a centuries-old industry. Starting Bid $1,000


Elusive English-language handwritten letter from Sigmund Freud on a recent “psychoanalytic study” on former President Woodrow Wilson: “I detest the man who is the object of your study. As far as a single individual can be responsible for the misery of this part of the world he surely is”

204. Sigmund Freud Autograph Letter Signed on Woodrow Wilson - “I detest the man who is the object of your study”. Rare English-language ALS signed “Freud,” one page both sides, 5.25 x 8.25, personal letterhead, January 15, 1922. Handwritten letter to American journalist William Bayard Hale, in part: “I greatly enjoyed your book, ‘The Story of a Style.’ I had felt prejudiced against it by your publisher advertising it as a ‘psychoanalytic study’ of Woodrow Wilson, which designation you yourself disclaim. But there is the true spirit of psychoanalysis in it. You have indeed opened up a new field of analytic research and your first results however incomplete may be correct as far as I can judge them. That kind of a higher and more scientific ‘graphologie’ is sure to

find a broad application in literary criticism…There is a deep passion behind your investigation, it often betrays itself in your lines…You need not be ashamed of it, yet I cannot overcome my objection that what you have done is a bit of vivisection and that psychoanalysis should not be [used] practiced on a living individual…And now let me add in a purely confidential way: I detest the man who is the object of your study. As far as a single individual can be responsible for the misery of this part of the world he surely is. With the expression of my sincere respect.” In fine condition.

Provenance: Ex Forbes Collection; Christie’s, New York, November 15, 2005, Lot 173. Starting Bid $2500

Boldly signed letter to a fellow Austrian psychoanalyst, one of Freud’s earliest supporters who later served as his official representative

205. Sigmund Freud Typed Letter Signed. TLS in German, signed “Freud,” one page, 5.75 x 8.5, personal letterhead, October 27, 1924. Brief letter to Austrian psychoanalyst Paul Federn, in full (translated): “With this letter I ask you to bring all your opinions on the attached letter during the General Committee.” Impressively matted and framed with a portrait photo of Freud to an overall size of 22 x 17.5. In fine condition, with old tape stains to the front and back of the top edge. A desirable letter closely associated with Freud’s work, highlighted by its bold, crisp signature. Starting Bid $300

“I would be interested in the mandalas” —war-dated letter from Jung to his most promising German protege

206. Carl Jung War-Dated Typed Letter Signed to His Leading German Pupil. World War II-dated TLS in German, signed “C. G. Jung,” one page, 7.25 x 5, January 4, 1941. Letter to Wolfgang Müller Kranefeldt, in full (translated): “I would be interested in the mandalas. Wilhelmus de Duobus montibus is an unknown figure to me. I would be grateful if you could also tell me the title and nature of the text in which these mandalas are contained.” Framed with a photo and the original mailing envelope to an overall size of 19 x 16.5. In fine condition. Wolfgang Müller Kranefeldt was a German psychotherapist (1892–1950) who was closely associated with Carl Jung and was regarded as Jung’s ‘leading pupil in Germany.’ Starting Bid $200

Rare handwritten 1788 document from Immanuel Kant in his final year as rector of the University of Königsberg

207. Immanuel Kant Rare Autograph Document

Signed as Rector of the University of Königsberg (1788). Exceptionally rare ADS in German, signed “I. Kant,” one page, 8.25 x 11.25, July 15, 1788. Handwritten document from Immanuel Kant as the rector of the University of Königsberg, regarding a petition from an academic secretary, with Kant resolving that a period of four weeks to settle a scholarship debt of 1272 florins cannot be granted. As such, he threatens the use of legal action and punishment. In very good to fine condition, with a small stain, and small areas of loss along the left edge.

Kant’s tenure as rector was relatively brief and primarily ceremonial, lasting from 1786 to 1788. As was customary during that time, the role of rector was more of an honorary position, with the actual administrative duties largely delegated to other officials. Kant’s contributions as a professor at the university, where he remained for the entirety of his professional career, from circa 1755 until his retirement in 1796, continue to reshape how society thinks about knowledge, ethics, science, and politics. An exquisite example of Kant’s handwriting and signature — holographic documents from the great philosopher remain exceedingly rare and, as such, are highly coveted by museums and private collectors alike. Starting Bid $1000

Titanic and American West

214. Jack Thayer Twice-Signed Limited Edition Book - The Sinking of the S.S. Titanic. Rare twice-signed book: The Sinking of the S.S. Titanic: April 14-15, 1912. Limited first edition, numbered 316/500. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Privately printed, 1940. Hardcover with green boards and gilt lettering, 6 x 9, 30 pages. Signed and inscribed on the first free end page in fountain pen, “To Mrs. Charles M. Long, with best wishes from John B. Thayer,” and then again on the colophon in the same manner. Autographic condition: very good to fine, with scattered staining to the signed page. Book condition: VG/ None, with minor edgewear and aforementioned staining to endpapers. Starting Bid $200

220. William F. ‘Buffalo Bill’ Cody Signed Personal Calling Card. ANS signed “W. F. Cody,” penned on the reverse of one of his 3.5 x 2 personal calling cards, no date. Handwritten note, in full: “Mr. Lee, Fix it so this Gentleman & friends can ride in the coach.” The front is imprinted: “Hon. W. F. Cody, Nebraska.” In very good to fine condition, with toned adhesive residue to the unsigned side. Accompanied by a metal plaque engraved on opposite sides with Cody’s name and the text of the note, ideal for display purposes. Starting Bid $200

Notorious Figures and Lawmen

Magnificent “gold coin” Chicago bank interest note from 1926, twice-signed by Al Capone, his wife, and his mother

221. Al Capone Rare 1926 Twice-Signed ‘Gold Coin’ Chicago Bank

Document - PSA/DNA NM-MT 8. Rare partly-printed DS, signed twice by legendary Chicago Outfit gangster Al Capone, “Alphonse Capone,” and also twice-signed by his mother, “Theresa Capone,” and his wife, “Mae Capone,” one page, 8.75 x 3, November 18, 1926. An interest note for “Loan No. 6223,” in part: “Due to the order of Ourselves…$45.00 in gold coin of the United States of America of the present standard of weight and fineness, on the 18th day of May A.D. 1931 without grace, at the office of Lawndale National Bank in the City of Chicago…with interest after maturity until paid, at the rate of seven percent, per annum, being for an installment of interest on our principal and note No. 5 being of even date herewith for the sum of $1500.00.” Signed at the conclusion by Al Capone, his mother Theresa Capone, and his wife Mae Capone, and also endorsed on the reverse by all three. In fine condition. Encapsulated and graded by PSA/DNA as “NM-MT 8 (Front Auto Grade Only).”

Capone rose to prominence throughout the 1920s, making a name for himself as a leader of the Chicago underworld. Increasingly implicated in the corruption of political, law enforcement, and labor officials, he was convicted of income tax evasion in 1931 and sentenced to 11 years of imprisonment, serving part of his sentence on Alcatraz. His autograph is scarce in any format, and this extraordinary example—a twice-signed “gold coin” Chicago bank document boasting two full-name autographs, plus the signatures of two members of the Capone crime family—stands out as one of the best Capone documents we have ever offered. It is one of just a handful of these Al Capone bank documents to come to market in the past twenty years, and would be the ‘kingpin’ of any collection of 20th-century Americana. Starting Bid $2500

“I am glad of an occasion to join you in congratulations for our tricolor revolution”

337. Marquis de Lafayette Autograph Letter Signed on “our tricolor revolution”. ALS in French, signed “Lafayette,” one page, 7.75 x 9.75, October 2, 1830. Handwritten letter to a colleague, written from Paris in the aftermath of the July Revolution of 1830. In part (translated): “I have also learned that you are taking a kind and appreciative interest in my son-in-law Charles Remusat...I thank you as a father for your goodwill toward him, and I encourage you in it as a citizen, at the same time that I am glad of an occasion to join you in congratulations for our tricolor revolution and to renew the alliance of lively and constant friendship that I have entered into with you.” Mounted and framed with an original portrait by Richard Gibney to an overall size of 16.5 x 28.5. In very good to fine condition, with scattered light foxing, and some damage to the old frame. Starting Bid $200

“He seems to have no bad habits and has given great satisfaction here”—
General Doubleday recommends his aide-de-camp for “the position of Asst. Adg. Genl.”

338. Abner Doubleday Autograph Letter Signed (1863). Civil Wardated ALS signed “A. Doubleday, Brig. Genl. Vol., Comg. 3d Div. 1st Corps,” one page, 5 x 8, Head Quarters 3d Division 1 Army Corps (Army of the Potomac) letterhead, February 25, 1863. A handwritten letter of recommendation addressed from “Camp near Belle Plain” in Virginia, in full: “Lieut. Jones Acting A. D. C. at these Head Qs is a young man of good education and decided ability. He is an applicant for the position of Asst. Adg. Genl. in the Army & I have no doubt would do full justice to the appointment as he is fully capable. He seems to have no bad habits and has given great satisfaction here.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

Rare handwritten letter by “Bonaparte,” transmitting a large sum of money

339. Napoleon Rare Autograph Letter Signed “Bonaparte”. Rare ALS in French, signed “Bonaparte,” one page, 4.75 x 7.25, Floreal 23rd (no year), in full (translated): “I am sending you, Madam, 10,000 ff. I thank you for having addressed me. I will always be very happy to find the opportunity to be agreeable to you.” An ink notation below indicates that the addressee is Marie-Euphémie-Désirée de Tascher de La Pagerie (1739-1803), paternal aunt of the future Empress Joséphine. A close friend of the governor of Martinique, the Marquis François de Beauharnais, she had arranged the marriage of her niece to his youngest son, Alexandre de Beauharnais. In very good to fine condition, with overall light creasing. Starting Bid $1000

Scarce letter signed by Napoleon Bonaparte during his campaign in Egypt, preceding the discovery of the Rosetta Stone by mere days

340. Napoleon Letter Signed from Cairo, Egypt - Days Before the French Discovery of the Rosetta Stone. LS in French, signed “Bonaparte,” one page, 8 x 12.5, Republique Francaise letterhead, July 4, 1799. Untranslated letter signed by Napoleon Bonaparte at his headquarters in Cairo, during his campaign in Egypt, ordering the organization of customs in Egypt for his financial administrator Jean-Baptiste-Étienne Poussielgue. Notably, Bonaparte makes two rare handwritten corrections to the letter’s text. In fine condition.

This letter dates to Napoleon’s campaign in Egypt and Syria, which he proclaimed to ‘defend French trade interests’ and to establish ‘scientific enterprise’ in the region. One of the campaign’s enduring legacies was discovery of the Rosetta Stone on July 15, 1799—mere days after the present document—inspiring a burst of Egyptomania across Europe. Starting Bid $300

341. Napoleon Partial Letter Signed. LS in French, signed “Bonaparte,” one page, 5.75 x 7.25, no date. Untranslated letter fragment signed by Napoleon Bonaparte, penned on the reverse of a page written in another hand. In fine condition. Starting Bid $300

Aviation and Space

367. Charles Lindbergh Signed Photograph. Appealing 5.25 x 8 book photo of Charles Lindbergh posing in front of his famous transatlantic airplane, the ‘Spirit of St. Louis,’ signed in the lower border in fountain pen, “Charles A. Lindbergh,” and dated in another hand, “June 10, ‘28.” In fine condition, with staining along the right edge (easily matted out). Starting Bid $200

388. Mercury Astronauts (6) Signed Photograph. Official color 10 x 8 NASA lithograph of the original Mercury astronauts posing in front of a Convair F106-B aircraft at Langley Air Force Base on January 20, 1961, signed over their respective images in blue or black felt tip, “Scott Carpenter,” “Gordon Cooper,” “John Glenn,” “Wally Schirra,” “DK Slayton,” and “Alan Shepard,” who adds the inscription above, “To Bruce.” In very fine condition. Starting Bid $200

18 astronauts representing each manned mission from the historic Apollo program

387. Apollo Astronauts Multi-Signed (18) Moon Photograph, with Seven Legendary Moonwalkers. Magnificent color semi-glossy 8 x 10 photo of the moon, signed in silver ink and black felt tip by 18 of NASA’s storied Apollo astronauts, a group that includes seven moonwalkers: “Buzz Aldrin, Apollo XI,” “Alan Bean, Apollo 12,” “Gene Cernan, Apollo XVII,” “Charlie Duke, Apollo 16,” “Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14,” “Dave Scott, Apollo 15 CDR,” and “John Young, Apollo 10 CMP, Apollo 16 CDR.” The other astronauts include: “Frank Borman, Apollo 8,” “Michael Collins, Apollo XI,” “Walt Cunningham, Apollo 7,” “Richard Gordon, Apollo XII,” “Fred Haise, Apollo 13,” “James Lovell, Apollo 8, 13,” “Ken Mattingly,” “Jim McDivitt, Apollo 9,” “Rusty Schweickart, Apollo 9 LMP,”

“Tom Stafford, Apollo 10,” and “Al Worden, Apollo 15 CMP.” The photo is also signed by X-15 pilot and Space Shuttle astronaut Joe Engle, who adds “Apollo 17,” a reference to his near assignment as the mission’s Lunar Module Pilot. In very fine condition.

Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from Zarelli Space Authentication, certificates of authenticity from Astronaut Central for Collins, Young, Borman, and McDivitt, certificates of authenticity from Novaspace for Cernan and Engle, and several photos of astronauts taken at the time of their respective signing. Starting Bid $200

Apollo 8 launch cover presented by Bill Anders to a beloved NASA secretary

389. Bill Anders Signed Apollo 8 ‘Launch Day’ Cover. Commemorative ‘launch day’ cover with a cachet honoring the Apollo crew and mission, postmarked at the Kennedy Space Center on December 21, 1968, signed in black felt tip by Bill Anders, who writes on the reverse, “Thanks.” The cover is addressed to Hazel Sekac, a NASA clerk stenographer who worked in the KSC flight crew training building from 1965 to 1971; she also famously appeared in a gag film made by the Apollo 12 backup crew that premiered at the prime crew’s postflight bash. In very fine condition. Accompanied by a handwritten certificate of authenticity from aerospace memorabilia specialist Ken Havekotte. Starting Bid $200

390. Apollo 11 Signed Photograph. Official color 10 x 8 NASA lithograph of the Apollo 11 crew posing together in their white space suits in front of a lunar backdrop, signed and inscribed in black felt tip, “To Bruce – Neil Armstrong,” “Michael Collins, Apollo XI CMP,” and “Buzz Aldrin, Apollo XI LMP.” The upper Collins signature is autopen and the rightside Aldrin signature is stamped with a secretarial dedication. In fine condition, with a faint vertical bend passing through Armstrong’s image. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from Zarelli Space Authentication. Starting Bid $200

391. Neil Armstrong Signature. Ink signature, “Neil Armstrong,” on an off-white 11 x 14 cardstock sheet bearing an affixed matte-finish photo of the Apollo 11 moonwalker. In fine condition, with a few spots of light silvering to the image. Starting Bid $200

392. Apollo 13 Crew-Signed Recovery Cover - Scarce Beck Crew Cover. Apollo 13 recovery ‘Beck Crew Cover’ with a stamped cachet honoring the U.S. Navy’s Pacific Recovery Force, postmarked on the USS Iwo Jima recovery ship on April 17, 1970, signed neatly in black ink by James Lovell and Fred Haise, and in black ballpoint by Jack Swigert. In fine condition, with light evidence of a removed mailing label in the lower right corner. Accompanied by photos of Lovell and Haise taken at the time of their respective signings, and an information sheet detailing ship enthusiast and cover designer Morris Beck, who created the offered Apollo 13 cover. Starting Bid $200

393. Apollo 13 Signed Launch Day Cover. Desirable Apollo 13 launch day cover with a cachet honoring the mission and crew, postmarked at Kennedy Space Center on April 11, 1970, signed in ink by James Lovell, Fred Haise, and Jack Swigert. In very fine condition. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from Zarelli Space Authentication. Starting Bid $200

“Thanks for your hospitality and all your help in getting me properly attired”—Swigert-signed NASA litho and a letter of thanks from the Apollo 13 CMP

394. Jack Swigert (2) Signed Items - Official NASA Lithograph and Autograph Letter. Two items: an official color 8 x 10 NASA lithograph of Jack Swigert in his white space suit with a model of the lunar module, signed and inscribed neatly in black felt tip, “To Laura Graham, All best wishes, Jack Swigert”; and an ALS signed “Jack,” one page, 5 x 8, Committee on Science and Astronautics (U.S. House of Representatives) letterhead, in full: “Thanks for your hospitality and all your help in getting me properly attired. Come see me when you’re in D.C.” In overall fine condition. Accompanied by the original NASA mailing envelope, which contained both the photo and the handwritten letter. Starting Bid $200

Tom Stafford’s flown Apollo-Soyuz Beta patch that was “carried, by me, aboard our spacecraft during the first flight of international cooperation”

395. Apollo-Soyuz Flown Beta Patch - From the Personal Collection of Tom Stafford. Tom Stafford’s flown 5.5˝ x 5.5˝ swatch of Beta cloth bearing a 3.5˝ diameter emblem of the Apollo–Soyuz Test Project, signed around the insignia in blue ink or ballpoint by Vance Brand, Valeri Kubasov, Alexei Leonov, and Thomas Stafford, who adds, “Flown on ASTP, July 1975.” Includes a signed letter of authenticity from Commander Stafford, in part: “This is to certify that the accompanying Apollo/ Soyuz Test Project Beta Cloth Patch…was carried, by me, aboard our spacecraft during the first flight of international cooperation.” In very fine condition. Accompanied by an ALS from Stafford, forwarding the Beta patch to the consignor. Starting Bid $200

Art, Architecture, and Literature

505. Federal Duck Stamps: 6-Stamp Plate Blocks (2) - Blue Geese and American Merganser (1955-56). Sought-after pairing of two six-stamp plate blocks of $2 Federal Duck Stamps of 1955 and 1956: the 1955 example featuring an illustration of blue geese by Stanley Stearns (RW22, VF centered and mint, never hinged); and the 1956 example featuring American mergansers by Edward J. Bierly (RW23, VF centered and mint, never hinged). Issued by the U.S. Department of the Interior as a “Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp,” each stamp carries a warning on the reverse: “It is unlawful to hunt waterfowl unless you sign your name in ink on the face of this stamp.” Starting Bid $200

506. Kenneth Grahame: ‘Wind in the Willows’ Watercolor Painting by Peter Barrett. Original watercolor painting by illustrator Peter Barrett inspired by Kenneth Grahame’s classic children’s tale The Wind in the Willows, 9.5 x 7.5, signed and dated in the lower left by the artist, “Peter Barrett, 2019.” The scene features Mr. Toad having a fine picnic with friends, Mole and Badger, outside a fancy stagecoach as the sun sets. Handsomely matted and framed to an overall size of 15 x 12. In fine condition.

The artist, Peter Barrett, created illustrations for a 1987 edition of The Wind in the Willows, a 65th Anniversary Edition of Three Little Pigs, and dozens of other animal-themed children’s books. Starting Bid $200

Scarce original sketch from the adored German fashion designer

507. Karl Lagerfeld Rare Original Fashion Design Sketch. Rare original fashion design sketch by Karl Lagerfeld, accomplished in mixed media on an offwhite 8.25 x 11.75 sheet, which depicts a female model wearing a multi-buttoned long-sleeved collared shirt, signed in the lower left in black ink by Lagerfeld, who annotates the upper right, “Chemise, body.” In fine condition. A decidedly rare fashion sketch from the influential designer, who was known to discard his sketches after the initial design phase. Starting Bid $200

Appealing triple-signed handwritten letter from Pablo Picasso

509. Pablo Picasso Thrice-Signed Autograph Letter to His Financial Advisor. Thricesigned ALS in French as “Picasso,” one page, 8.25 x 10.75, March 28, 1955. Addressed from Vallauris, a handwritten letter to his friend and financial advisor Max Pellequer, in part (translated): “I’d perhaps like to buy a house here. I’d like to know if I can use the money I banked. Let me know as soon as possible. I very much enjoyed seeing you the other day. I’m preoccupied by my sad departure. Sending you a kiss.” Below the artist has added two postscripts, both signed “Picasso,” with the first dated a day later on March 3rd: “Tomorrow, my friend Mr. Yve Pellous leaves for Paris. He will phone you or go to see you on my behalf to discuss all my affairs relating to the purchase. He will tell you everything in detail.” The second postscript, in part: “We should get together with the former owner, Minister Lucien Dalaviens.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $300

“I hope you got home safely last night”— rare handwritten letter from Picasso the day after the premiere of Parade, a collaborative ballet with Erik Satie

508. Pablo Picasso Autograph Letter Signed - A Day After the Premiere of the ‘Parade’ Ballet. Rare ALS in French, signed “Picasso,” one page, 5.25 x 7, May 19, 1916. Addressed from “5 bis rue Victor Schoelcher” in Paris, a handwritten letter from Pablo Picasso to his friend André Level, in full (translated): “Rue la Boétie at the Haussmann gallery at 29 exhibition—sale of paintings, drawings, sculptures, &. for the benefit of the works La Table familiale and la Cantine D of the Entraide Artistique Française (there is a drawing by me). I hope you got home safely last night.” In fine condition.

This letter was written on the day after the tumultuous and chaotic premiere of the ballet Parade, to which the painter alludes in the last sentence of his letter. A collaboration of artistic minds, Parade is a ballet choreographed by Leonide Massine, with music by Erik Satie and a one-act scenario by Jean Cocteau. Composed in 1916–17 for Sergei Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes, the ballet premiered on Friday, May 18, 1917, at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris, and featured costumes and sets designed by Picasso. Although initial reactions to Parade were mixed, the performance has since been lauded as a surreal masterpiece.

André Level, a businessman, patron, and collector, frequented modern art galleries after meeting the Bernheim brothers in 1895. In 1904, he founded the association La peau de l’Ours, which played a role in launching Picasso and modern art. The public auction he organized in 1914 was one of Picasso’s early successes. The Table familiale and Entraide artistique française were charitable associations that provided meals to artists in need. Starting Bid $1000

Original pen-and-ink illustration for the first edition of Stuart Little

510. Garth Williams: Stuart Little Original Drawings for First Edition Endpapers. American children’s book illustrator (1912–1996) celebrated for his work on such classics as Stuart Little, Charlotte’s Web, and the Little House series. Charming original unsigned artwork by illustrator Garth Williams for the endpapers of the first edition of E. B. White’s classic, Stuart Little, published by Harper & Brothers in 1945, accomplished in pen-and-ink on an off-white 15.25 x 11.25 sheet. The marvelous illustration features two scenes: one of Stuart Little in the garden, and one of a bird overlooking a pastoral woodland river landscape, both over a crosshatched ‘windowpane’ background. Annotated with some lightly penciled printer’s measurements. Beautifully matted and framed to an overall size of 22 x 18. In fine condition, with some scattered light creasing.

E. B. White’s classic children’s novel Stuart Little stands as a testament to the power of imagination and the resilience of the human spirit. Through the charming adventures of a small mouse navigating a vast world of humans, White imparts invaluable lessons on courage, kindness, and the beauty of embracing one’s uniqueness. The classic tale captivates readers of all ages not only with its whimsical narrative, but through the enchanting artwork of Garth Williams, who vividly brings Stuart’s world to life. Together, White and Williams craft a timeless masterpiece that continues to inspire imagination and wonder in generations of readers, reminding us that no matter how small we may feel, our dreams and aspirations hold immeasurable significance. Starting Bid $500

Comic Art and Animation

Wonderful 1963 Peanuts strip evoking Charlie Brown’s unrequited love— “I wish I could eat lunch with that little red-haired girl”

539. Charles Schulz Signed Original Hand-Drawn Peanuts Daily Comic Strip (c. 1963), Featuring Charlie Brown: “I wish I could eat lunch with that little red-haired girl”. Original hand-inked four panel Peanuts daily comic strip by Charles Schulz, 28 x 7, signed and inscribed across the top in blue ballpoint, “For Sue, who knows what it’s like to be a little red-haired girl—Sparky,” and also signed vertically in the last panel with his artist signature, “Schulz.” Dating to November 14, 1963, the comic strip shows Charlie Brown sitting on a park bench with his lunch, contemplating a romantic encounter: “I wish I could eat lunch with that little red-haired girl. I wonder what I’d do if she came over here and sat down… I wonder if I… good grief! She saw me looking at her! She’s standing up! She’s coming over here!! She’s coming over here!! What’ll I do? What’ll I do?” The final panel shows Charlie Brown with his paper lunch bag over his head. Matted and framed to an overall size of 31 x 10. In fine condition, with Schulz’s signature and inscription a shade light. Starting Bid $1000

540. Charles Schulz Signed Linus Sketch on a First Day Cover. FDC with a cachet honoring progress in electronics, signed in black felt tip by Charles M. Schulz, “Schulz,” who adds a lovely portrait sketch of Linus to the left of his signature. In fine condition. A desirable original sketch of one of Schulz’s beloved Peanuts characters. Starting Bid $200

541. Charles Schulz Signed ‘Astronaut Snoopy’ Animation Cel. Appealing 6.75 x 7.5 hand-painted animation cel of Snoopy as an astronaut, signed in black felt tip, “Charles M. Schulz.” The cel is placed on a color copy background of an Apollo lunar landing. Attractively double-matted and framed with two embroidered patches to an overall size of 16 x 13. In fine condition. Accompanied by a 1998 transmittal letter from Schulz’s secretary. The call signs for the Apollo 10 spacecraft were the names of Peanuts characters Charlie Brown and Snoopy, the semi-official mascots of the famed ‘dress rehearsal’ Apollo mission, and creator Charles Schulz also drew some mission-related artwork for NASA. Starting Bid $200

542. Charles Schulz Signed Book - A Charlie Brown Christmas. Signed book: A Charlie Brown Christmas. First edition. Cleveland and New York: The World Publishing Company, 1965. Hardcover with dust jacket, 9 x 8.5, 42 pages. Prominently signed on the first free end page in felt tip, “Charles M. Schulz.” Autographic condition: very fine. Book condition: VG+/VG, with a price-clipped front jacket flap, and light edgewear and creasing to the jacket. Starting Bid $200

543. Superman: Siegel, Shuster, and Alyn Signed Certificate. Desirable unissued color “Superman of Metropolis Award” certificate, 11 x 14, signed in black ballpoint by Superman creators Joe Shuster (adding an “S” for Superman) and Jerry Siegel, and by actor Kirk Alyn, who was the first actor to play the role of Superman on film. In very fine condition. Starting Bid $200


Pearl Buck on race on the United States: “America is a divided nation and the American is a divided individual because of the memory of slavery”

562. Pearl S. Buck Hand-Corrected Typed Manuscript for Our Dark People: “The effect of slavery continues upon my country with little less strength today than in the day before the civil war”. American writer and novelist (1892–1973) best known for The Good Earth, a novel that dramatizes family life in a 20th-century Chinese village, which won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1932 and contributed to her receipt of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1938. Hand-corrected unsigned typed manuscript draft by Pearl S. Buck for a piece entitled “Our Dark People,” sixteen pages, 8.5 x 11, no date but circa 1940. The draft has been extensively corrected in pencil throughout in Buck’s own hand, with numerous additions, deletions, and revisions—ranging from a simple edit of a single word to the deletion of nearly an entire page. The article offers insightful commentary on racism and America’s attitudes toward its Black citizens, beginning: “You have often asked me why we treat the descendants of former slaves as we still do, and I have delayed my answers. Perhaps I should still delay, since certainly what I say will be inadequate. The effect of slavery continues upon my country with little less strength today than in the day before the civil war. The stand of the country in this war for freedom is not to be understood without realizing this, for it is the prejudice against color, which is the aftermath of slavery, that, more than any other thing, explains the American sympathy with ruling Tory elements

everywhere. America is a divided nation and the American is a divided individual because of the memory of slavery.” In fine condition. Accompanied by an eleven-page typescript incorporating the changes that Buck made to the draft. Starting Bid $200

The Renaissance author prepares to deliver good news to Pope Clement VII

563. Baldassare Castiglione War-Dated Letter Signed (1524). Prominent author (1478–1529) most famous for The Book of the Courtier, considered the definitive account of Renaissance court life. Extremely rare war-dated LS in Italian, signed “Vostro come bon fratello, B. Castiglione,” one page, 8.5 x 11.5, April 30, 1524. Untranslated letter written on the day of the Battle of Sesia to Capino da Capo, a soldier in the imperial service. Castiglione desires to have a defeat of King Francis I reported to him immediately, so that he can be the first to bring this good news to Pope Clement VII, who, at that time, was allied with Charles V. In very good condition, with an area of paper loss to the top edge, a few small edge tears and ink erosion (slightly affecting a few words of writing but not the signature), and scattered creases and soiling. Accompanied by a full transcript in Italian. The Spanish-Imperial forces commanded by Don Carlos de Lannoy inflicted a decisive defeat over the French forces during the Battle of Sesia, a pivotal moment in the Italian War of 1521–26. Starting Bid $1000

Custom-bound early printing of Stephen Crane’s Civil War masterpiece, boasting a tipped-in letter

564. Stephen Crane Letter Signed in The Red Badge of Courage (Second Edition). Uncommon book: The Red Badge of Courage. Second edition, early printing. NY: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. Hardcover custom bound in three-quarter morocco with gilt-decorated spine and top edge gilt, 5 x 7.25, 233 pages. Signed on a bound-in LS, “Stephen Crane,” one page, Hartwood, New York, June 6, 1896, to Edward Peterson, in full: “I attended the Syracuse University during the winter of 90 and 91.” Autographic condition: fine. Book condition: VG/None, with edgewear and worn joints; the binding is tight. Effectively, the volume presents as a signed book—a sought-after example of Crane’s enduring Civil War work, praised in the Dictionary of American Biography as ‘an extraordinary study of the common man amid the turmoil, clamor and distortion typified by war…its intensity, its startling yet inevitable descriptive phrase, struck a new note in American prose.’ Starting Bid $200

Dickens gracefully declines an invitation to “the anniversary dinner of the London Orphan Asylum”

565. Charles Dickens Autograph Letter Signed, Declining to Attend “the anniversary dinner of the London Orphan Asylum”. ALS, one page, 4 x 6.75, February 28, 1851. Handwritten letter from Devonshire Terrace, in full: “Mr. Charles Dickens presents his compliments to Mr. Rogers, and in acknowledging the receipt of Mr. Rogers’ interesting communication, regrets that his engagements will not admit of his attending the anniversary dinner of the London Orphan Asylum.” Handsomely double-matted and framed with a portrait to an overall size of 15.5 x 12.5. In fine condition, with a central vertical crease. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from JSA.

Charles Dickens often portrayed orphans in his novels, reflecting his deep concern for social justice and the plight of the poor in Victorian England. Characters like Oliver Twist and David Copperfield, both orphans, navigate a harsh world filled with exploitation and abuse. Dickens used these characters to criticize the inadequate social systems of his time, emphasizing the vulnerability and resilience of orphaned children. His vivid depictions helped raise public awareness and contributed to reforms in child welfare. Superb content from the celebrated English author. Starting Bid $200

“The storage is not to be opened nor anything withdrawn...Explain to them that my wife has been a patient in a mental sanitarium... This is to prevent my books being given to the public library, or anything of that sort”

566. F. Scott Fitzgerald Typed Letter

Signed from Hollywood: “My wife has been a patient in a mental sanitarium”. TLS signed in pencil, “Scott Fitz,” one page, 7.25 x 10.5, The Garden of Allah Hotel and Villas letterhead, April 19, 1938. Letter to his secretary Isabel Owens, sent from his temporary home on Sunset Boulevard during his final stint in Hollywood. In part: “Sorry to have missed you, but I decided that I had better catch that airplane, and did manage to do it at a great personal sacrifice. You confuse me about the dog. That was meant to be an Easter present to you. However, any way that you chose to dispose of it is all right with me.

I wish you would write a note to the storage company telling them that the storage is not to be opened nor anything withdrawn without specific permission from me. Explain to them that my wife has been a patient in a mental sanitarium and that any requests she may make must be referred to me. This is to prevent my books being given to the public library, or anything of that sort.”

In pencil at the upper left corner of the page, Fitzgerald teases Mrs. Owens, who was a breeder of champion Chesapeake Bay Retrievers: “Good luck with your four-legged fish—that’s a good phrase—has any one thought of it before? Probably have.” He continues the joke in the lower margin, writing: “That’d be a good ad, Mrs. Allien Owens, FOUR LEGGED FISH (and then, in smaller caps), CHESAPEAKE BAY SPANIELS (ETC).” In very good to fine condition, with overall creasing, and scattered stains from old mounting residue on the back.

Following various stints of institutionalization during the early 1930s, Fitzgerald’s wife Zelda’s condition continued to decline. In 1936, Scott placed her in the Highland Hospital in Asheville, North Carolina, and wrote to friends: ‘Zelda now claims to be in direct contact with Christ, William the Conqueror, Mary Stuart, Apollo and all the stock paraphernalia of insane-asylum jokes… For what she has really suffered, there is never a sober night that I do not pay a stark tribute of an hour to in the darkness.’ She remained hospitalized when Fitzgerald made his final sojourn to Hollywood, taking a $1,000-a-week job with MGM in June 1937. His work on Three Comrades (1938) became his sole screenplay credit. Starting Bid $500

Fleming references his secretary “Mrs. Trueblood,” whose name was used for Dr. No agent Mary Trueblood

567. Ian Fleming Typed Letter Signed, Referencing Secretary Una Trueblood of Dr. No Fame. TLS signed “Ian Fleming,” one page, 4 x 5, Kemsley Newspapers: Foreign Department letterhead, December 22, 1954. Letter to Mr. J. Ashwin, in full: “This is just to congratulate you and the Feature Section on the splendid year you have had. The quantity and quality of your output is most impressive and I know that the Editors and Mr. Hamilton are very well satisfied. Thank you all very much and a Very Happy Christmas to you, Mrs. Trueblood and Miss Hulbert.” Stapled to a slightly larger sheet and in very good to fine condition, with some minor paper loss to the trimmed edges.

After the war Ian Fleming became Foreign Manager at Kemsley News, publishing their flagship Sunday Times, which included much of Fleming’s journalism. His secretary was Una Trueblood, whose name was appropriated by Fleming in Dr. No, for the agent Mary Trueblood, No. 2 at Station (C), the Caribbean Branch of the British Secret Service. Trueblood is a former Chief Officer W.R.N.S., described as having ‘dashing good looks’ and ‘elegant knees’ [chapters 1-2]. Her disappearance is the catalyst for the Crab Key investigation, leading Bond to Honey Rider and Julius No. Miss Trueblood copied for the author the manuscript of the first James Bond TV treatment, which was developed into the novel Dr. No. Provenance: Sotheby’s, The Jon Gilbert Collection. Starting Bid $200

Exiled in Guernsey, Hugo sends an illustrated version of Les Miserables to “the library of the French refugees in London”

570. Victor Hugo Autograph Letter Signed. ALS in French, one page, 5 x 6, January 4, 1866. Addressed from Hauteville House, the Guernsey mansion where he lived during his exile from France, a handwritten letter to an unidentified recipient, in full (translated): “My dear fellow citizen, my sore eyes have delayed my reply. Here you have it! Hauteville House — 4 January 1866. I request Mr. Lacroix, Paris, Librairie Internationale, to send in my name, from the volumes to which I have a right, a copy of Les Misérables (one volume, illustrated, popular edition) to Mr. J. B. Bocquet, professor, for the library of the French refugees in London.” In fine condition, with some light edge toning. Starting Bid $200

Hemingway options The Sun Also Rises to Hollywood, selling the motion picture rights to RKO in 1932

569. Ernest Hemingway Document Signed for The Sun Also Rises Motion Picture Rights. DS, four pages, 8.5 x 11, May 6, 1932. Contract between Ernest Hemingway and RKO Radio Pictures, Inc., by which he assigns an option to purchase “all motion picture rights in an to a novel or literary writing and material known as ‘The Sun Also Rises’…written by the Author and published by Charles Scribner’s Sons” for the consideration of $2,000. Hemingway pens his initials, “E. H.,” four times in the margins to approve amendments to the contract pertaining to the option period and distribution of funds (directing $1800 to his ex-wife, Hadley, who received the royalties to The Sun Also Rises as part of their divorce settlement). Neatly signed at the conclusion in fountain pen by Ernest Hemingway and countersigned by Lee Marcus as vice president of RKO. Additionally signed by Hemingway’s close friend, Charles P. Thompson, as a witness; the last page is signed by two notaries. In fine condition.

Although RKO did exercise the option to purchase the worldwide motion picture rights for $14,500, the film would not be made for 25 years. The rights were bought and sold several times in ensuing years. Howard Hawks bought the rights in 1948, but the project did not go beyond the development stage. The film ultimately landed in the hands of Darryl F. Zanuck at 20th Century Fox, who hired Peter Viertel, a friend of Hemingway’s, to write the script. The film was finally released in 1957, directed by Henry King and starring Tyrone Power, Ava Gardner, Mel Ferrer, and Errol Flynn.

Hemingway was displeased with the result, and walked out after 25 minutes: ‘I saw as much of Darryl Zanuck’s splashy Cook’s tour of Europe’s lost generation bistros, bullfights, and more bistros… It’s pretty disappointing and that’s being gracious. Most of my story was set in Pamplona so they shot the film in Mexico. You’re meant to be in Spain and all you see walking around are nothing but Mexicans… It looked pretty silly. The bulls were mighty small for a start, and it looked like they had big horns on them for the day. I guess the best thing about the film was Errol Flynn.’ Starting Bid $500

Hemingway gets to work amidst a Spanish vacation soaked in whiskey, wine, and bullfights:
“Am very busy about The Sun Also Rises script which is unspeakably horrible and awful”

568. Ernest Hemingway Autograph Letter Signed on Health, Bullfights, and Work: “Am very busy about The Sun Also Rises script”. ALS signed “Mr. Papa,” one page both sides, 8.5 x 11, San Lorenzo del Escorial letterhead, November 2, 1956. Lengthy handwritten letter to Roberto Herrera, his close friend, part-time secretary, and brother of his Cuban doctor, sent to Herrera at Hemingway’s Cuban home, Finca Vigia. Hemingway writes from Spain, commenting on his health, bullfights, and a script for The Sun Also Rises. He also adds some direction for his Cuban affairs, referring several times to Gregorio Fuentes, the first mate of Hemingway’s boat, the Pilar, and said to be the model for the character Santiago in Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea.

In part: “We have been very happy here. Juanito Madinaveitia can practice again and he is doing a wonderful job on Mary but, knowing nothing of the human body, nor of medicine, she is very impatient and 6 days of treatment seems to her a long time to cure anemia…she wants to be cured in one day. (Naturally). Juanito found my pressure much too high…he put me on a regimen of 1 glass of wine…5 oz. of whiskey and not more than 1 quart of water (liquids he says are bad—whiskey relaxes)...

The Sierra is very good for Mary…We have had lovely weather for 3 weeks. Each day more perfect than the last. For some

strange reason am very popular and have not changed in anyway nor re-canted but now sign autograph for Guardia Civiles…In Zaragoza…the boys work very hard with any bull they dedicate and really put it on the line. Of the first 5 bulls dedicated to us all matadors cut ears, and twice tails too and once both ears, tail and a foot….The last time Ordonez… said ‘Ernesto, we know this bull is worthless. But let’s see what we can do with him and if I can kill him to please you.’ He killed 4 bulls recibiendo in front of Mary and me in the six fights we saw him in…

Enclose check for $2500 for you to deposit and write checks on for Gregorio and any emergency. I cannot say yet when we will be back. But he has until March First to get the Pilar in good shape, if it is longer I will let him know, will write him. Today have to write in a hurry to get this off as am very busy about The Sun Also Rises script which is unspeakably horrible and awful. Peter Viertel is flying down and have been on telephone all day…Best to all your family and give Mary’s and my best to the girls and the people at the Finca.” He adds multiple postscripts on the front of the letter, one noting: “Here until Nov. 12—then Paris—please find out my bank balance and inform me. Thanks. Papa.” In fine condition, with scattered small stains. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope. Starting Bid $500

Rare assortment of Italian patriots and politicians from the Risorgimento, highlighted by manuscripts poems by Arnaldo Fusinato, including an early version of his ‘L’ultima ora di Venezi’

571. Unification of Italy Letter and Poem Collection from Patriots Arnaldo Fusinato, Giuseppe Mazzini, Cesare Battisti, and Others. Collection of 15 handwritten letters, notes, poems, and booklets from notable Italian figures and patriots from Unification of Italy, including Giuseppe Mazzini, Count of Cavour, Cesare Battisti, Nino Bixio, Arnaldo Fusinato, and others. Dated between 1838 and 1900, the collection is highlighted by three manuscript poems from Fusinato, which include ‘L’ultima ora di libertà,’ ‘Le due Madri Ballata,’ and an early copy of ‘Brindisi.’ Also included are letters and notes by Mazzini (one in French, dated June 17, 1852, regarding “manifeste Sicilien”), a handwritten letter from Cavour to the Chevalier De Bry, postmarked February 1, 1854, about “la supression du bagne de Villefranc[h]e,” ALSs from Bixio and Battisti, a cabinet photograph of Bixio, and two period booklets commemorating the death and life of Battisti, published by Sede Dell’Unione in 1917. In overall fine condition.

‘L’ultima ora di libertà’ would appear to be an early title for Fusinato’s celebrated poem ‘L’ultima ora di Venezia,’ (or ‘La bandiera bianca’), one of the classics of the Italian Risorgimento. This manuscript includes the famous lines “Venezia! l’ultima / Ora e venuta: Illustre Martire / Tu sei perduta / Il morbo infuria / il pan ti manca / Sul ponte sventola / Bandiera bianca,” which then reappear altered at the end of this manuscript. Starting Bid $500

Sending his “little book” in 1819, the important Italian poet hopes his cousin
“will read my poor verses”

573. Giacomo Leopardi Autograph Letter Signed on Poetry, Sending His “Poor Verses” to a Cousin. Important Italian poet, essayist, philosopher, and philologist (1798-1837). Exceedingly rare ALS in Italian, one page, 4.25 x 5.75, March 15, 1819. Letter to his cousin, Conte Francesco Cassi, sending him a book. In part (translated): “On account of not trusting the mail, I waited a long time before I was offered an opportunity to send the little book that will be present with this…If you ever have this letter together with the booklet for a sign of confidence, and will read my poor verses, and reach the end, you have more friendship than I merit.” Affixed to a slightly larger card. In very good condition, with heavy overall foxing. It was around this period that Leopardi began writing his major works, beginning with the first poems of the Canti in 1818 and the Idylls in 1819. A fascinating and very early letter demonstrating Leopardi’s humility and admiration of his older cousin. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from PSA/DNA. Starting Bid $1000

574. J. K. Rowling Signed Book - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (First American Edition). Signed book: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. First American edition. NY: Scholastic, 1998. Hardcover with dust jacket, 6.25 x 9.25, 309 pages. Signed in black ballpoint by J. K. Rowling on a gilt-bordered bookplate affixed to the first free end page, which also bears an affixed J. K. Rowling hologram label. In very fine condition.

Accompanied by an official J. K. Rowling transmittal letter with a preprinted facsimile signature from the author, who writes: “I would like to say a very large thank you for your wonderful contribution to the Harry Potter readings, which went a long way to providing some entertainment for children, families and carers, whilst confined at home during lockdown. Everyone here on the Harry Potter At Home team really appreciates you giving your time and effort, which made the recordings so special and memorable. The response has been incred-

ible. I’m delighted to say the readings have been enjoyed over 30 million times worldwide and have inspired a whole new generation of readers! Please find enclosed a token of thanks from me for your participation and for the pleasure it has given. I hope you enjoyed it too!”

An initiative launched by J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World, in collaboration with varying publishing partners, the ‘Harry Potter at Home’ project was created in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to provide a free online resource for Harry Potter fans, particularly for those who were staying at home due to lockdowns and social distancing measures. Worldwide, only three families were chosen to take part and these items were given as gifts to members of the families who participated in making the Harry Potter at Home readings in 2020. This particular book and letter were given to a member of the only U.S. family selected. Truly a rare collectible originating due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Starting Bid $200

572. Jack Kerouac Signed Book - Excerpts from Visions of Cody (Ltd. Ed. #97/750). Signed book: Excerpts from Visions of Cody. First edition, limited issue, numbered 97/750. NY: New Directions, 1959. Hardcover, 5.5 x 8.5, 128 pages. Signed on the colophon in blue ballpoint by Jack Kerouac. Autographic condition: fine. Book condition: VG+/None, with a small stain to the dedication page. Originally written during 1951-1952, partly overlapping with what became On the Road, the complete manuscript was not edited and published in its entirety until 1972, three years after Kerouac’s untimely death. Starting Bid $200

“In Naples death is everywhere, life too. There is no difference”

575. Jean-Paul Sartre Handwritten Manuscript on ‘Monte Cassino and the Marocchinate’. Autograph manuscript by JeanPaul Sartre, unsigned, in French, penned in black ink on both sides of an 8.25 x 10.5 sheet of graphing paper, no date. Entitled “The journey, Monte Cassino and the Marocchinate, Departure,” the manuscript reads, in part: (translated): “Dry and dilapidated cities, white dust everywhere; wide streets crossing each other at right angles…these terrible towns which you would say were built to be passed through at top speed…A hearse gallops by, more extravagant than a cart…The horse looks like a prostitute. Between the twisted black wood columns, the coffin is visible through four windows, under flowers…In Naples death is everywhere, life too. There is no difference.” In fine condition, with an unobtrusive tear to the right edge. Starting Bid $200

Remarkable four-volume signed set of J. R. R. Tolkien’s classics: The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy

578. J. R. R. Tolkien (4) Signed Books - The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Remarkable signed collection of J. R. R. Tolkien’s four most famous works, including The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King. All are housed in handsome custom-made quarter-leather clamshell cases, gilt-lettered on the spines. It is difficult to find even a single signed volume of one of Tolkien’s classics up for auction; to have these four iconic works available in a single lot is truly remarkable. The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy revolutionized the fantasy genre, establishing a rich, immersive world that continues to inspire writers and creators to this day. Their themes of friendship, courage, and the battle between good and evil resonate across cultures and generations, cementing Tolkien’s place as a literary icon. These works have not only shaped modern fantasy but also fostered a vast, global fanbase through adaptations in film, art, gaming, and other media.


- Signed book: The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien. Third edition, first impression (sixteenth impression overall). London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1966. Hardcover bound in the publisher’s original green cloth boards (lettered and decorated in blue), with original pictorial dust jacket, 5.25 x 7.5, 317 pages, featuring pictorial map endpapers, color frontispiece depicting Hobbiton, plus three other color plates (‘Rivendell’; ‘Bilbo comes to the Huts of the Raft-elves’; ‘Conversation with Smaug’). Beautifully signed and inscribed on the title page in fountain pen, “For Mr. I. Chambers, J. R. R. Tolkien.” The personal bookplate of noteworthy bookseller Ivan Chambers, O.B.E., is affixed opposite the half-title. Autographic condition: very fine. Book condition: VG+/VG, with mottled foxing on the top edge of the textblock, minor fading to the book’s spine, and the jacket’s spine toned.

The recipient, Ivan Chambers, began his bookselling career at W.J. Bryce’s bookshop in Holborn, London; the shop soon moved to Museum Street, in a building belonging to Tolkien’s publisher, Stanley Unwin, and Chambers stayed there until his retirement as the store’s managing director in 1971. Ac-

tive in the book trade, Chambers served as an executive on the National Book Council and as chairman of the London branch of the Booksellers Association. The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography notes: ‘The success of Tolkien’s writing, as well as his subsequent fanatical worldwide readership, was due in no small part to the author–publisher relationship that existed between Tolkien, Stanley Unwin, and later [Stanley’s son] Rayner Unwin.’ Considering Chambers’ proximity to the Unwin and his long-term activity in the book trade, he certainly played a part in the enduring success of Tolkien’s novels.

- Signed book: The Fellowship of the Ring by J. R. R. Tolkien. First edition, second impression (December 1954). London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1954. Hardcover bound in the publisher’s original red cloth, 5.75 x 8.75, 423 pages. Signed on the first free end page in fountain pen, “J. R. R. Tolkien.” Autographic condition: very good to fine, with light foxing to signed page. Book condition: VG-/None, with foxing to endpapers, sunning to spine, and rubbing to boards; the folded map plate in the rear remains intact and fine.

- Signed book: The Two Towers by J. R. R. Tolkien. First edition, second impression. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1955. Hardcover bound in the publisher’s original red cloth, 5.75 x 9, 352 pages. Signed on the first free end page in fountain pen, “J. R. R. Tolkien.” Autographic condition: very good, with overall mottled toning to the signed page. Book condition: VG-/ None, with toning and some foxing to endpapers, sunning and a bit of staining to spine, and rubbing to boards; the folded map plate in the rear remains intact and fine.

- Signed book: The Return of the King by J. R. R. Tolkien. First edition, first impression. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1955. Hardcover bound in the publisher’s original red cloth, 6 x 9, 416 pages. Signed on the first free end page in fountain pen, “J. R. R. Tolkien.” Autographic condition: very good to fine, with light overall foxing to the signed page. Book condition: VG-/None, with light foxing to endpapers, sunning and staining to spine, and some rubbing and light staining to boards; the folded map plate in the rear remains intact and fine. Starting Bid $5000

Rare oversized portrait of the Bengali polymath

576. Rabindranath Tagore Signed Photograph - Rare Oversized Portrait. Bengali poet, playwright, philosopher, and author (1861–1941) who became the first non-European to win a Nobel Prize (Literature) in 1913. Scarce vintage sepia 8.25 x 11.5 paperstock photo of Rabindranath Tagore in a noble bust-length pose, signed in the lower border in Bengali in fountain pen. A small printed caption bearing his name is affixed to the right of the autograph. In very good to fine condition, with tears to the top, and to the side borders, repaired with tape on the reverse. The largest signed portrait of Tagore that we have ever offered, and a great portrayal of one of literature’s foremost minds. Starting Bid $300

“So, long as Boston shall Boston be, / And her Bay-tides rise & fall, / Shall Freedom stand in the Old South Church / And plead for the rights of all!”

577. John Greenleaf Whittier Handwritten Poem - ‘In the Old South Church, Boston 1677’. Wonderful handwritten poem by John Greenleaf Whittier entitled “In the Old South Church, Boston 1677,” four total pages, 7.75 x 9.75, September 2, 1877. The poem reads, in part: “She came and stood in the Old South Church / A wonder and a sign, / With the look the old-time sibyls wore / Half-crazed and half-divine…So, long as Boston shall Boston be, / And her Bay-tides rise & fall, / Shall Freedom stand in the Old South Church / And plead for the rights of all!” In very good to fine condition, with two vertical folds to each page, and staining only to the first page. Starting Bid $200

Oscar Wilde pens a passage from ‘The Garden of Eros’

579. Oscar Wilde Autograph Quotation Signed - ‘The Garden of Eros’. AQS signed “Oscar Wilde,” on two off-white 6.5 x 4 album pages adjoined at the center, June 26, 1882. Wilde quotes a stanza from his poem ‘The Garden of Eros,’ in full: “Spirit of Beauty! tarry yet a-while, / They are not dead, thine ancient votaries, / Some few there are to whom thy radiant smile / Is better than a thousand victories.” In fine condition, with light show-though from old mounting residue along the back edges.

Oscar Wilde’s poem The Garden of Eros is a lush and evocative work that explores themes of beauty, art, and the fleeting nature of life. Drawing on classical references with numerous allusions to Greek mythology, it celebrates the ideal of aestheticism, where art and beauty reign supreme over moral constraints. The poem also reflects Wilde’s admiration for the hedonistic and artistic life, invoking a sense of longing for a lost paradise. Starting Bid $1000

Extremely scarce large-format portrait of Oscar Wilde, inscribed to his dedicated The Woman’s World editorial assistant

580. Oscar Wilde Rare Signed Photograph to His Assistant Editor

Arthur Fish. Exquisite matte-finish 7.5 x 9.5 mounted portrait of Oscar Wilde in a head-andshoulders pose, boldly signed and inscribed in fountain pen to his assistant editor, “Arthur Fish, from his friend, Oscar Wilde, ‘90.” In fine condition.

Fish was Wilde’s longsuffering assistant during his editorship of The Woman’s World, a Victorian women’s magazine edited by Oscar Wilde between 1887 and 1889. When Wilde could not be bothered to write his column ‘Literary and Other Notes,’ which happened with increasing frequency as his editorship progressed, he would rely upon Fish as a ghostwriter to fill the deficiency. Fish also helped Wilde to attend to his correspondence, drafting letters on his behalf—evidently dictated by Wilde or otherwise written under his instruction.

The two stayed in touch after Wilde left the magazine. In the summer of 1890, Wilde wrote to congratulate him on his engagement, and followed with a letter on August 8th: ‘My dear Arthur Fish, You said you would like a photograph of me. I have got one for you. Will you come and get it, either tomorrow (Saturday) at six o’clock or Sunday at twelve o’clock. I fear you may be engaged, but should like to see you before your marriage, and give you my best wishes in person.’ Starting Bid $1000

Scarce 1892 Bodley Head edition of the poems of Oscar Wilde, limited to 220 signed copies

581. Oscar Wilde Signed Book - Poems (Ltd. Ed. #105/220). Signed book: Poems by Oscar Wilde. Limited edition, numbered 105/220. London: Elkin Mathews and John Lane, 1892. Hardcover bound in the original gilt-blocked cloth, top edge gilt, 5.25 x 7.5, 234 pages. Neatly signed on the colophon in ink, “Oscar Wilde.” Autographic condition: fine. Book condition: VG/None, with chipping to edges of endpapers, minor wear to the bottom of the spine, and a bookplate (“F. Wyndham Goldie”) affixed inside the front cover. Accompanied by a custom-made clamshell presentation case.

This edition of Wilde’s Poems used the sheets of David Bogue’s fifth edition of 1882—which incorporated several substantive additions and amendments (cf. Mason 308)—with a cancellans bifolium designed by Ricketts and bearing the half-title, limitation statement, and title. The penultimate leaf Q6, which bore Bogue’s advertisements, was excised. A binding design (‘The Seven Trees,’ in gold on Iris cloth, Mason 309) was also commissioned from Ricketts, and the book was published on May 26, 1892, at 15 shillings. Starting Bid $1000


Chopin sells foreign publishing rights to some of his most famous piano pieces: Polonaise in A-flat major, Ballade

No. 4, and Nocturnes

628. Frederic Chopin (2) Documents Signed, Selling Copyright to Five Famous Piano Compositions - Including Polonaise in A-flat major, Ballade No. 4, and Nocturnes. Two rare partly-printed self-contained DSs in French, each signed, “Frederic Chopin,” two pages, 9.75 x 10 and 9.75 x 6.5, August 1843. An assignment of copyright for five of his significant works, plus the receipt confirming payment. In part: “I have this day sold to Messrs. Christian Rudolph Wessel & Frederic Stapleton, Importers and Publishers of Foreign Music…at the price or sum of Forty Nine Pounds, Nineteen Shillings sterling, all my Copyright and Interest, present and future…for the Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, of and in the following works for the pianoforte: Op. 52 Quatrieme Ballade, Op. 53 8eme Polonaise, Op. 54 Quatrieme Scherzo, Op. 55 Deux Nocturnes, Op. 56 Quatre Mazurkas.” Next to each title is a brief musical quote from the beginning of the piece, penned by an amanuensis. By the second document, apparently cut from the conclusion of the above, Chopin acknowledges his receipt of £49.19.0 for the sale of the publishing rights to these works. On both, Chopin

signs in ink over a still-visible pencil guideline. In very good condition, with edge staining touching the tail end of each signature, and professional archival backing to reinforce paper loss to the edges.

This document concerns some of Chopin’s most famous and best-loved works, particularly his Polonaise in A-flat major, Op. 53, which is one of Chopin’s most widely admired compositions. It has long been a favorite of the romantic piano repertoire, and is a piece that requires great virtuosity to be interpreted at a high degree of proficiency; the legendary pianist Arthur Rubinstein, one of the greatest Chopin interpreters of his time, calling it ‘the composition which is the closest to my heart.’ Chopin also sells the publishing rights to the Fourth Ballade (Op. 52) and the Nocturne (Op. 55, No. 1), both works in F minor. The Ballade is considered one of the masterpieces of 19th-century piano music, and the Nocturne remains a staple of the piano repertoire: the piece was performed by Vladimir Horowitz in his television debut concert at Carnegie Hall in 1968, which was broadcast nationwide by CBS. Starting Bid $2,500

Verdi quotes from “A Masked Ball”— his 1859 opera of political intrigue

628. Giuseppe Verdi Autograph Musical Quotation Signed - ‘A Masked Ball’. AMQS signed “G. Verdi,” one page, 15.75 x 11, Rome, February 25, 1859. Verdi pens nine bars of music and lyrics the song “È scherzo od è follia,” a piece from his opera “Ballo in maschera [A Masked Ball],” writing the music in a two-stave system. The opera had premiered at the Teatro Apollo in Rome just nine days earlier, on February 17, 1859. Affixed to a same-size sheet and in very good to fine condition, with light overall rippling, and light show-through from unrelated handwriting on the reverse. A large and impressive autograph musical quote from the hand of the Italian master.

Based on the assassination of King Gustav III of Sweden, Verdi’s opera was extensively revised and adapted to comply with the pressures of political censorship, relocating the setting from Stockholm to colonial America. The opera explores themes of political intrigue, love, jealousy, and fate, culminating in a tragic masked ball where the protagonist, Riccardo, is murdered. Verdi’s score is celebrated for its blending of the conventions of Italian serious opera with the spirit of French opera comique, and its its vivid and dramatic evocations of varying emotions. Starting Bid $1,000

629. Claude Debussy Autograph Musical Quotation Signed from ‘Pelleas et Melisande’. Desirable and scarce AMQS on an off-white 4.5 x 3.5 card, signed below in black ink, “Claude Debussy, London, 23/V/09,” who above adds two bars of music for Melisande’s theme from his 1902 opera Pelleas et Melisande. In very fine condition. The composer was in London in May 1909 for the first UK performance of Pelleas, which took place two days before this autograph was signed, on May 21, 1909, at Covent Garden. Musical quotations by Debussy are quite rare. Starting Bid $300

630. Glenn Gould Signed Program Page, Ticket Stubs, and Ephemera Scrapbook. Canadian pianist, composer, and commentator (1932-1982) revered as one of the foremost classical pianists of the 20th century, and renowned for his interpretations of the keyboard music of Johann Sebastian Bach. Page from a program for Gould’s concert at the Eastman Theatre on April 9, 1960, 6 x 9, signed in blue ballpoint, “Best wishes, Glenn Gould.” Affixed inside a disbound 12.75 x 9.5 scrapbook containing numerous newspaper clippings, programs and program pages, and ticket stubs from several of Gould’s concerts in the early 1960s. Ticket stubs include: April 9, 1960 (Eastman Theatre); March 18, 1961 (Carnegie Hall); March 19, 1961 (Carnegie Hall); April 4, 1961 (Carnegie Hall); October 22, 1961 (Detroit Symphony Hall); January 12, 1961 (University of Connecticut Auditorium); and April 8, 1962 (Carnegie Hall). In fine condition. A scarce autograph from the legendary pianist, largely enhanced by the hard-to-find accompanying scrapbook materials. Starting Bid $200

631. Franz Liszt Autograph Letter Signed. Romantic era composer and pianist (1811–1886) whose prowess at the keyboard earned him a cachet as perhaps the greatest virtuoso in the history of the instrument. ALS in French, signed “F. Liszt,” three pages on two adjoining sheets, 5.25 x 8.25, no date. Untranslated handwritten letter by the celebrated composer. In very good to fine condition, with creasing, soiling, and short edge tears. Starting Bid $200

Sibelius quotes from his most famous work, Finlandia

632. Jean Sibelius Autograph Musical Quotation Signed from ‘Finlandia’. Coveted AMQS on an off-white 4.5 x 3.5 card, signed below in black ink, “Jean Sibelius, London, 22 II 1919,” who above adds a few bars of music from his adored 1899 tone poem “Finlandia.” In very fine condition. An impressive autograph from the great Finnish composer, rare in this format. Starting Bid $300

Elusive signed portrait of the composer of The Moldau

633. Bedrich Smetana Signed Carte-de-Visite Photograph. Rare 2.5 x 4.25 carte-de-visite photo of Smetana in a full-length pose, wearing a warm winter coat, by J. Mulac of Prague, signed on the mount in ink, “Bedrich Smetana.” In fine condition, with light scuffing to the image. This is reportedly the last photograph taken of the composer, taken in December 1881 and printed in the spring of 1882, and signed at the end of his life, when he was enfeebled, deaf, and nearly blind—lending to the extreme rarity of signed photographs from this period. Smetana is extremely scarce in signed photographs, this being just the third we have offered. Starting Bid $300

634. Richard Wagner Autograph Letter Signed. Important German composer (1813–1883) who single-handedly revolutionized opera and attained status as one of the most influential geniuses in the history of music. ALS in German, signed “Richard Wagner,” one page, 5 x 8, August 17, 1862. Untranslated handwritten letter by Richard Wagner, nicely double-matted and framed with a portrait to an overall size of 16.75 x 14. In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

635. Miles


Program. Program from the

1960 UK

16 pages, 8.25 x 10.5, signed inside on his image in ballpoint by

and on the adjacent page by

In fine condition. Starting Bid $200

Davis Signed
UK Tour
Miles Davis Quintet’s
Miles Davis,
Sonny Stitt and Wynton Kelly.

Fully-signed, production-used title card from the Beatles’ 1963 TV appearance on

‘Thank Your Lucky Stars’

627. Beatles Signed 1963 ‘Thank Your Lucky Stars’ TV Broadcast Production Title Card. Original productionused title card from the Beatles’ appearance on a special ‘Summer Spin’ episode of the ‘Thank Your Lucky Stars’ British television show, recorded on June 23rd and broadcast on June 29th, 1963, measuring 12 x 10, signed and inscribed in blue ballpoint, “To Karen, Love, Paul McCartney (Beatles, xxx),” “John Lennon, xxxx,” “Lots of love from George Harrison, xxx,” and “Ringo Starr, xxx.” The title card features a matte-finish mounted photograph of a hand-painted galaxy background, with four hand-cut head shot photos of the Beatles affixed as overlays. The reverse of the mount is marked with the Roman numeral “I,” presumably to indicate its place as part of a production title sequence. In fine condition, with poorto-moderate signature contrast and a white paint touch-up (presumably from the period) to the right edge.

Accompanied by letters of authenticity from Beckett Authentication Services and from noted Beatles expert Frank Caiazzo, in part: “These signatures are found on the front of a television broadcast title card…which was used for the closing credits of the British TV program Thank your Lucky Stars, an important show that was instrumental in their early success. All four have autographed this item beautifully in blue ballpoint pen near their respective image…The autographs were obtained by a woman who worked in the wardrobe department at the TV studio, who got this item signed for her daughter. This is an

excellent representative set of Beatles autographs from this period in Beatles history, as they were fast gaining popularity in Great Britain.”

Additionally includes an original, unsigned Iris Productions Ltd. agreement between the production company and “The Beatles (Four), c/o Nems Enterprises…Attn Brian Epstein,” hiring the band to “mime and appear as required” on “’Thank Your Lucky Stars’ (anticipated transmission date 29.6.63)… Pre-recorded performance on 23rd June, 1963 at Birmingham Studios” for the sum of £12 each plus return train fares to Liverpool. Includes a certificate of authenticity from Tracks for the contract.

The Beatles would make eleven appearances on the British pop music TV show ‘Thank Your Lucky Stars’ between January 1963 and March 1965, helping the Liverpool band to attain popularity across Great Britain. On June 23, 1963, they recorded a special ‘Summer Spin’ edition of the show dedicated to the up-and-coming Merseybeat groups, which had the Beatles miming two songs—‘From Me To You’ and ‘I Saw Her Standing There’—to close the show. Although some film footage of other Beatles appearances on ‘Thank Your Lucky Stars’ is available online, no recordings of this episode are known to exist—this seems to be the lone relic from the appearance. A remarkable, one-of-a-kind autographed piece from the Beatles’ ascent to worldwide stardom. Starting Bid $1,000

Fully signed early 1963 Parlophone promo card, taken while the Fab Four recorded their first single

636. Beatles Signed 1963 Parlophone Promo Card. Scarce circa 1963 Parlophone Records promo card of the Beatles posing together behind their instruments, 3.5 x 5.75, signed on the reverse in red ballpoint by John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr. The consignor notes that the autographs were obtained in the Cheshire area of England in February or March 1963. This image was originally taken by photographer Dezo Hoffman at Abbey Road Studios on September 4, 1962, when the Beatles were recording their first single, ‘Love Me Do.’ In fine condition. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks. Starting Bid $1000

The Beatles wander

the gardens of


Russell Square a day after recording their smash hit, ‘She Loves You’

637. Beatles Signed Photograph - Pictured at London’s Russell Square. Vintage glossy 10 x 8 photo of the Beatles posing together in the gardens of London’s Russell Square, one of several images photographed by Dezo Hoffman on July 2, 1963, the day after the band recorded the ‘She Loves You / I’ll Get You,’ signed and inscribed on the reverse in black ballpoint, “To Carol, love Paul McCartney,” “John Lennon,” and “George Harrison,” and in black ink, “Ringo Starr.” In very good to fine condition, with overall light creasing, and fading to Ringo’s signature.

The Beatles recorded ‘She Loves You’ five days after it was written, during a five-hour session in Abbey Road’s studio two. Documentation for the session no longer exists, but it was taped on July 1, 1963, the same day as its b-side, ‘I’ll Get You.’ ‘She Loves You’ was released as a single on August 23, 1963, and is perhaps the main song to spark the Beatlemania craze. It remains their best-selling single in the UK. Starting Bid $1000

Beautiful McCartney and Martin signed photograph, obtained during the 1982 recording of the
‘Take It Away’ music video at EMI Studios

638. Beatles: Paul McCartney and George Martin Signed Photograph - Obtained at the ‘Take It Away’ Music Video Recording. Attractive glossy 8 x 10 close-up photo of Paul McCartney holding a microphone, signed in blue ballpoint by McCartney and in black ballpoint by George Martin. Includes a glossy 10 x 8 photo of McCartney as a young member of the Beatles and as a solo musician in the 1980s, signed in black ballpoint by his wife, Linda McCartney, and by songwriter and McCartney collaborator Eric Stewart. The consignor notes that the autographs were obtained during the filming of the Paul McCartney music video ‘Take It Away’ at EMI Studios in Elstree, Borehamwood, England, on June 23, 1982. In overall very fine condition. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks, a letter of provenance from the original recipient, and ephemera related to the music video shoot. Starting Bid $200

640. Bob Dylan Signed Album - Highway 61 Revisited. Highway 61 Revisited album signed on the front cover in black felt tip by Bob Dylan. In fine condition, with a bumped corner. The record is included. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from REAL and a letter of provenance from Jeff Rosen, the president of the Bob Dylan Music Company, which reads: “I represent Bob Dylan and have done so for many years. In 2017 he signed a number of individual albums on a rare and limited basis, including the album photographed here. I can say for certain that is Bob Dylan’s signature. The chain of custody is directly from Bob Dylan to myself.” A marvelous uninscribed example of a classic record. Starting Bid $500

Sought-after example of the Eagles second studio album Desperado, signed by all four original band members

641. The Eagles Signed Album - Desperado. Desperado album by the Eagles, signed on the front cover in blue felt tip by Don Henley, Glenn Frey, and Bernie Leadon, and in black felt tip by Randy Meisner. Mounted and framed to an overall size of 16 x 16. In fine to very fine condition. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from JSA.

After forming in 1971, the original four-man Eagles line-up would only release two albums: their eponymous debut in 1972 and Desperado, their sophomore follow-up, in 1973. Desperado remains the only Eagles album where the band members appear on the cover, with acclaimed photographer Henry Diltz capturing the memorable cowboy pose at Paramount Ranch in the Santa Monica Mountains. Desperado also contains the first two songs ever written together by Glenn Frey and Don Henley—the classic title track and Tequila Sunrise, both of which were written within the first week of their collaboration. Today, Desperado is critically acclaimed and widely considered one of the Eagles’ finest albums. Early and fully signed Eagles albums are highly sought after, with this particular example being one of the finest signed Desperado albums we have seen. Starting Bid $300

Impassioned handwritten letter from Janis Joplin to her boyfriend:

“Wow Peter, I’m crying…where are you & all my hopes”

642.Janis Joplin Emotional Autograph Letter Signed to Her Boyfriend - “It became apparent that you weren’t coming over. Too busy, I trust. ‘Amphetamine imperative’”. ALS in purple pencil, signed “Janis,” three pages, 8.5 x 11, July 12, 1965. Emotional handwritten letter to her boyfriend, Peter de Blanc, who left her during the night to be with his friends, in part: “Well so it’s happened again. I didn’t think it would. I thought I wouldn’t ever hurt & cry for you again. But I am, so...? Why? Well, just the fact that you are loaded again & identifying in that world still would be enough to make me sad…And it does. I waited for you & thought about you all morning – until it became apparent that you weren’t coming over. Too busy, I trust. ‘Amphetamine imperative’... the above alone is enough to make me sit in the bathroom &

cry, but you keep adding salt… I was just thinking when this guy came by & wanted me to cop for him. So, as a favor, I said I would, but also because I wanted to verify–disprove my feeling that you were – as I had thought – over at Maryanne’s just sort of happily & imperatively sitting around – and not even thinking or caring about me! So I went with him to see & you were, and, with bottle, I returned home – now to cry…Wow Peter, I’m crying…where are you & all my hopes.” Joplin has written “Peter....?” on the reverse of the second page. In very good to fine condition, with light dampstaining affecting some of the text, but not readability. Accompanied by a mailing envelope marked “Peter” and dated “7-12 4:30 P.M.” Starting Bid $1000

Fully signed program from Queen’s epic 1975 ‘A Night at the Opera Tour’

643. Queen Signed UK A Night at the Opera Program. Scarce original program for the UK leg of Queen’s 1975 ‘A Night at the Opera Tour,’ 16 pages, 10.5 x 8.25, signed on the front cover in black ballpoint, “Freddie Mercury,” “Brian May,” “John Deacon, xx,” and “Roger Taylor.” The consignor notes that the autographs were obtained during the group’s UK tour. In very good condition, with general handling wear, a tear to the upper right edge, and three vertical folds. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks.

To support their landmark fourth studio album, A Night at the Opera, Queen embarked on a massive 78-show world tour that began on November 14, 1975, and concluded on April 22, 1976. The tour, which marked the debut of the classic Queen rock epic ‘Bohemian Rhapsody,’ included a total of 26 shows in the United Kingdom that ran from mid-November to late December. Starting Bid $500

Fully signed Stones promo card from 1964

644. Rolling Stones Signed Promotional Card (1964). Vintage 5.5 x 4.25 UK promotional card for the Rolling Stones, signed and inscribed in blue ballpoint, “To Susan, Bill Wyman,” “Brian Jones,” “Keith Richard,” “Mick Jagger,” and “Charlie Watts.” The consignor notes that the signatures date to 1964. Attractively mounted and framed to an overall size of 8.5 x 7.5. In very good to fine condition, with an old tape stain to the top edge, and a missing upper left corner tip. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks. Starting Bid $300

645. Rolling Stones: Keith Richard Signed 1967 Invoice. Vintage 1967 invoice from Emmerton-Lambert, a fashion dealer at the Antiques Market in Chelsea, one page, 4.75 x 8.5, September 26, 1967, signed below in blue ballpoint by Keith Richards. The invoice details a dress, skirt, sequin beret, silk shirt, satin trousers, serge trousers, and a belt with a total of £19.06. In fine condition. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks.

Provenance: Julien’s Auctions: Music Icons - Property from Bill Wyman and his Rolling Stone archive, Lot 353. Starting Bid $200

Vintage photograph of The Who, signed on the first night of their 1975 The Who by Numbers Tour

646. The Who Signed Photograph - Dating to The First Concert of Their 1975 The Who by Numbers Tour . Vintage circa 1975 glossy 8 x 10 Polydor publicity photo of The Who by photographer Terry O’Neill, signed in blue ballpoint by Pete Townshend, John Entwistle, Roger Daltrey, and Keith Moon. The consignor notes that the autographs were obtained at a special Who performance that took place at New Bingley Hall in Staffordshire, England, on October 3, 1975, to promote the release of their album The Who By Numbers, which was released on the same day. In very good condition, with overall creasing (heaviest to the lower right), short edge tears, and light spotting to the emulsion.

Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Tracks and a letter of provenance from the original recipient, in full: “On the evening of 3 October 1975, I was backstage at New Bingley Hall, Staffordshire, when The Who were preparing for their concert, the first in a tour and the release date of their record ‘The Who by Numbers’. Police Chief Superintendent Ken Cooke, the Police Chief of the Stafford District, was responsible for public safety and I was his deputy. At the venue, he received from The Who a signed copy of the newly released record ‘The Who by Numbers’ and also two signed photographs of all of the Who Band. Later that evening, Mr Cooke gave me the record and the two photographs for my teenage children.” Starting Bid $500


on your day, love, Michael Jackson”

647. Michael Jackson Signed Album - Thriller. Thriller album signed and inscribed on the inner gatefold in black ballpoint, “To Carole, congratulations on your day, love, Michael Jackson.” In very good to fine condition, with gouges, stains, and surface impressions to the outside covers; the signed inner spread is fine, and presents nicely. The record is not included. Accompanied by a letter of provenance stating that the album was signed on July 16, 1988, at Wembley Stadium in London, in full: “Michael Jackson was due to perform one of his seven sell out shows that evening. The lady who obtained this had arrived at the venue early and asked a member of the backstage crew if Michael would sign this for her as it was her birthday. He told her to wait and that he would see what he could do. After approximately an hour of waiting the crew member returned and said that Michael had agreed to see her. He took her backstage into Michael’s dressing room and they sat and chatted for around half an hour. He even sung ‘Happy Birthday’ and then signed the inside of the album that she had taken with her.” A most highly sought signed album, rarely seen autographed on the inner gatefold.

Released on November 30, 1982, Thriller, in just over a year, became, and currently remains the best-selling album of all time, with sales estimated by various sources as being between 65 and 110 million copies sold worldwide. In 1984, the album won a record-breaking eight Grammy Awards, and in 2003, Thriller was ranked number 20 on Rolling Stone magazine’s list of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time, with the National Association of Recording Merchandisers placing the album at number three on its Definitive 200 Album of All Time list. Both the Thriller album, and its synonymous title track, were included in the Library of Congress’ National Recording Registry and the National Film Preservation Board’s National Film Registry for being ‘culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.’ Starting Bid $200

19th Century Actors

771. Edwin Booth (2) Signed Checks. Famed stage actor (1833–1893) who toured the United States and Europe performing the plays of Shakespeare; his legacy as the greatest American actor of the 19th century has been overshadowed by that of his brother, John Wilkes Booth, assassin of President Abraham Lincoln. Two checks: a Second National Bank check, 7.5 x 3.25, filled out and signed by Booth, “Edwin Booth,” payable to David S. Arnott for $142.60, April 28, 1886; and a Second National Bank check, 6 x 3, filled out and signed by Booth, “Edwin Booth,” payable to S. B. Laurence for $26.85, February 14, 1891. In overall fine condition, with light creases and folds, and central cancelation cuts and punches. These originate directly from the collection of the great-great granddaughter of Edwin Booth. Starting Bid $200

772. Edwin Booth Rare ‘Othello’ Acetate

Recording. Originates directly from the collection of the great-great granddaughter of Edwin Booth, who notes that the record was produced in a limited edition of about 85 copies by Booth’s grandson circa 1939, from the original 1890 recording. The 1890 recordings of Edwin Booth reciting passages from Othello and Hamlet are the only known recordings of the great actor, made at the behest of his daughter Edwina. Starting Bid $200

‘Tobacco is his stimulant to good acting’— clay pipe used by celebrated Shakespearian

773. Edwin Booth’s Clay Pipe. Originates directly from the collection of the great-great granddaughter of Edwin Booth, who inherited it from her mother Lois Grossmann White. She inherited the pipe from her father, Edwin Booth Grossmann, who inherited it from his mother, Edwina Booth Grossmann, who inherited it from her father, Edwin Booth.

actor Edwin Booth

Well known as a pipe lover, the Georgetown Courier reported on Booth’s predilection in June 1890: “Edwin Booth’s Hobby: He insists on Smoking a Clay Pipe during a Performance...Let a woman who has regarded Booth as godlike step off Broadway a hundred feet and in through the stage door of a theatre. There you see the great actor as Brutus, completely dressed in Roman armor, and a martial sight indeed—except that in his mouth was a short, blackened clay pipe, such as a day laborer might properly use…This is an interval between acts of ‘Julius Caesar’ at a matinee and Booth is enjoying the smoke which he indulges in at every opportunity during a stage representation. Tobacco is his stimulant to good acting.” Starting Bid $200

774. Edwin Booth Original Photograph. Heartwarming original vintage 8.5 x 5.25 mounted albumen photograph of Edwin Booth with his granddaughter, Mildred, sitting on a seaside porch. In fine condition. Originates directly from the collection of the great-great granddaughter of Edwin Booth. Starting Bid $200

First version dress sketch for Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday, signed by Oscar-winning costume designer Edith Head

775. Edith Head Signed Original Costume Sketch for Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday. Marvelous original costume sketch of Audrey Hepburn in her role as Princess Ann in the 1953 film Roman Holiday, accomplished in graphite, colored pencil, and watercolor on a 14 x 16.5 sheet of sketch paper. The full-length sketch shows the first version design for a dress worn by Hepburn in the movie, which was later made in a lighter tone with floral embellishments. Signed in artist pencil in the lower left corner, “Edith Head,” who adds above, “Audrey Hepburn, Roman Holiday.” In fine condition, with trivial edgewear. Head’s influential work on Roman Holiday earned her the Oscar for Best Costume Design – Black-andWhite at the 26th Academy Awards—it was the fifth of her career eight Academy Awards. Starting Bid $200

778. Audrey Hepburn Signed Photograph - Classic Vintage Pose. Iconic vintage glossy 8 x 10 close-up photo of Audrey Hepburn wearing a heart-shaped diamond earring and her gloved hand delicately touching her chin, signed and inscribed in blue ink, “To Nick, Always good luck, love Audrey.” In fine condition. Starting Bid $300

“Am working very hard and naturally have to get to bed very early as I am up at five-thirty nearly every morning”–Hepburn writes to an old friend in Holland while filming her iconic role as Holly Golightly

779. Audrey Hepburn Typed Letter Signed While Filming Breakfast at Tiffany’s. TLS signed “Audrey,” one page, 5.75 x 8.25, personal letterhead, October 31, 1960. Letter to Hepburn’s old friend Nan Boissevain-Fisk, in full: “I am a shocker for not writing you sooner especially as I was so happy with your lovely gifts for Sean. But you know what it is to arrive and settle in a complete household and start a new movie plus going on location at the same time.

Thank you, dear girl, so very very much. We are back at the same house we had once before which Papa Harry knows quite well as he visited me here regularly after I had broken my back. It is lovely coming back to familiar surroundings as it seems a little more like home. I am longing to see you and Baby Harry and naturally longing to show you Sean.

Am working very hard and naturally have to get to bed very early as I am up at five-thirty nearly every morning. Weekends are spent mostly at home and Saturday is my day with the baby which I enjoy tremendously and it is nurse’s day off. I enclose a telephone number – do give us a call if and when you have time and perhaps we can arrange a time for the boys to meet.” In very good to fine condition, with overall creasing and a few small stains.

Accompanied by two printed images of Boissevain-Fisk and Hepburn dancing for family members, two photographs of individual sketches featuring Boissevain-Fisk and Hepburn, two ALSs from Hepburn’s son, Sean Hepburn Ferrer, a copy of an introductory letter that Boissevain-Fisk wrote for an ‘Audrey & Friends’ catalog that describes their friendship, and a letter from the Audrey Hepburn Children’s Fund thanking Boissevain-Fisk for supplying the introduction. Starting Bid $200

780. Laurel and Hardy Signed Photograph. Vintage matte-finish 10 x 8 photo of Laurel and Hardy in their signature bowler hats, signed and inscribed in the lower border in fountain pen, “Hello Shirley! Stan Laurel” and “Oliver Hardy.” In fine condition, with subtle tack holes to the top and bottom borders. Starting Bid $200

“Big smile!”—Ledger as the Joker

781. Heath Ledger Signed Photograph as The Joker. Extremely rare color satin-finish 10 x 8 photo of Heath Ledger in his Oscar-winning role as the Joker in the 2008 film The Dark Knight, signed and inscribed in black felt tip, “To Helen, Big smile! Heath.” Notation on reverse dates the signature to October 2007. In fine condition. Consignor notes that the autograph was obtained by Ledger’s limo driver, who presented the signed photo to his daughter.

Ledger succumbed to accidental intoxication from prescription drugs on January 22, 2008, a few months after he had finished filming his performance as the Joker in The Dark Knight. The film was in its editing phase at the time of Ledger’s death, and was released in the United States on July 18, 2008. Photos signed by Ledger as the Joker are incredibly rare and highly sought-after by cinephiles and comic book enthusiasts alike. Starting Bid $500

Incredibly early portrait of Norma Jeane as a toddler—“gidy up horsy”

782. Marilyn Monroe

Hand-Annotated Childhood

Photograph. Original glossy 4.75 x 3.75 candid photo from circa 1928, showing Norma Jeane as a toddler at the beach, with her cousin Ida Mae pictured sitting on her back; the reverse of the photo is annotated in pencil in Monroe’s teenage hand: “‘gidy up horsy,’ at the beach, Donna & me, I’m the horse.” The child who Monroe identifies as “Donna” has been attributed in various other photos as the daughter of Olive and Marion Monroe, the latter being the brother of Gladys Pearl Baker, Marilyn’s birth mother; whether “Donna” is a nickname or middle name for Ida Mae remains unknown. In fine condition, with scattered light creasing. Encapsulated in a PSA/DNA authentication holder.

This photograph may have originally come from the collection of Grace Goddard, Norma Jeane’s legal guardian. Various other original childhood and teenage photographs with Norma Jeane’s youthful handwriting were sold at Christie’s Auctions in New York, in September 2001, with those early images deriving from the personal collection of Grace Goddard; those photographs were given to her by either Marilyn Monroe or by Monroe’s mother, Gladys Baker. The handwriting on the reverse matches that of other examples from Monroe’s teenage years, which was made before she left home at the age of 16. A remarkably early portrait of Monroe as a nearly two-year-old. From the Marc and Mary Perkins Collection. Starting Bid $500


940. Jackie Robinson Signed Photograph. Desirable vintage glossy 3.5 x 5.5 postcard photo of Robinson wearing his Brooklyn Dodgers uniform and posing in a dugout, signed and inscribed in blue ink, “To Jacob Bacal, best wishes, Jackie Robinson.” The lower border bears a preprinted facsimile signature. In fine condition. Encapsulated in a PSA/DNA authentication holder. Starting Bid $300

941. Babe Ruth Signature. Sought-after vintage pencil signature, “Sincerely, Babe Ruth,” on an off-white 3.5 x 2.5 slip affixed to a larger album page. In fine condition, with uniform toning and light wrinkling. A nice and neat, uninscribed example of Babe Ruth’s desirable autograph. Starting Bid $300

“This looks like a big year in baseball”— at the height of his fame, Ruth announces a series of newspaper articles on “baseball and big league players”

942. Babe Ruth Typed Letter Signed on His Newspaper Column: “This looks like a big year in baseball”. TLS, 5 x 7.5, personal letterhead, April 12, 1930. Letter to Vick Le Bean of Brooklyn, in full: “As one of many thousands who took part in my All America Baseball Contest last year in the New York World, I want you to know that I am now on the staff of the New York Evening Journal. The Journal, as you know, has one of the biggest circulations in the world and will reach a great many more people, giving me an opportunity to spread baseball interest that much further.

This looks like a big year in baseball and the All America Contest should reach its greatest popularity this summer in The Evening Journal. Starting immediately I will have two articles every week in The Journal, and in addition a special illustrated Baseball Lesson along the lines of those that have already appeared. So don’t fail to watch the Journal and get your friends to read it if you are interested in my articles regarding

baseball and big league players.” Attractively double-matted and framed with a portrait to an overall size of 20.5 x 16; includes the original mailing envelope, viewable on the reverse of the frame. In fine condition. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from JSA.

Babe Ruth was a larger-than-life figure in Depression-era America, and pioneering sports agent Christy Walsh helped to capitalize on his popularity. Walsh ran a built and ran a successful ghostwriting syndicate of thirty-four baseball writers who produced articles, books, and baseball tutorials under the names of famous players like Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb, Dizzy Dean, and Rogers Hornsby. Interestingly enough, Ford Frick—who would go on to serve as the president of the National League and commissioner of baseball—served as the ghostwriter for Ruth’s articles in the New York Evening Journal. A desirable letter boasting an ideal, crisp Babe Ruth autograph.Starting Bid $500

34. John Quincy Adams Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

38. James Buchanan Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200


35. Chester A. Arthur Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

39. George Bush Typed Letter Signed, Announcing His Move to Washingto... Starting Bid $200

36. Joe

Signed Photograph: "You should have heard what I told h... Starting Bid $200

40. George Bush Autograph Letter Signed as Ambassador to the United N... Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200


Joe Biden Signed BookPromise Me, Dad
George Bush Signed Christmas Card
42. George W. Bush Signed Campaign Letter by Barbara Bush
Bid $200
43. Jimmy Carter Document Signed Starting Bid $200
44. Jimmy Carter Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
45. Jimmy Carter (3) Signed Books: Nobel Peace Prize Lecture, The Hor... Starting Bid $100
46. Jimmy Carter (3) Signed Books: Always a Reckoning, Living Faith, ... Starting Bid $100
47. Jimmy Carter Signed Book - Keeping Faith Starting Bid $100
48. Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
49. Grover Cleveland Document Signed as President - Prohibiting NonI...
Bid $200

50. Grover Cleveland Signed Cabinet Photograph Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Grover Cleveland Document Signed as President
Bill Clinton Presidential Gift - Putter and Golf Ball Set
53. Bill Clinton Signed Book - My Life
Bill and Hillary Clinton Signed Photograph
Calvin Coolidge Document Signed as President
56. Calvin Coolidge Signed White House Card
57. Calvin Coolidge Signed Check Starting Bid $100
58. Calvin Coolidge Signature Starting Bid $100
59. Dwight D. Eisenhower Signed White House Card
Dwight D. Eisenhower Signed White House Card Starting Bid $200
61. Dwight D. Eisenhower (3) Signatures Starting Bid $200
62. Millard Fillmore Document Signed as President
63. Millard Fillmore Signature
64. Gerald Ford Typed Letter Signed on Lt. Calley's Conviction for th... Starting Bid $200
Gerald Ford Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

66. Gerald Ford Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

70. Kamala Harris Signature Starting Bid $200

74. Rutherford B. Hayes Document Signed as President, Appointing a Ma... Starting Bid $200

67. Gerald Ford Typed Letter Signed on the Assassination of President... Starting Bid $200

71. Kamala Harris and Doug Emhoff Signed Book Starting Bid $200

68. Gerald Ford Autograph Quotation Signed Starting Bid $200

72. Benjamin Harrison Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

75. Herbert Hoover Signed White House Card Starting Bid $200

78. Andrew Jackson Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

79. Andrew Johnson Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

76. Herbert Hoover Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

80. Andrew Johnson Document Signed as President, Writing to Queen Vic... Starting Bid $200

69. Kamala Harris Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

73. Rutherford B. Hayes Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

77. Herbert Hoover Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

81. Lyndon B. Johnson Typed Letter Signed as President Starting Bid $200

82. Lyndon B. Johnson Document Signed as President, Recognizing a Whi... Starting Bid $200

86. John F. Kennedy Original Wirephoto - 1962 News Conference on Disr... Starting Bid $100

90. William McKinley Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

83. Jacqueline Kennedy Autograph Note Signed Starting Bid $200

87. Abraham Lincoln Silhouette by Foster Brothers (1903) Starting Bid $100

91. James Monroe Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

84. John F. Kennedy Original Wirephoto - NRECA International Contract... Starting Bid $100

88. James Madison Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

92. James Monroe Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

85. John F. Kennedy Original WirephotoPrincess Beatrix and Lady Bi... Starting Bid $100

89. James Madison Partial Autograph Letter Signed to His Parents Starting Bid $200

93. James Monroe Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

94. Richard Nixon Typed Letter Signed to Billionaire Richard Mellon S... Starting Bid $200
95. Richard Nixon Signed Book - Seize the Moment Starting Bid $200
96. Richard Nixon Signed Book - The Real War Starting Bid $200
97. Richard Nixon Signed Book - Leaders Starting Bid $200

98. Richard Nixon (2) Typed Letters Signed to Psychic Jeanne Dixon Starting Bid $200

102. Barack Obama Signature on an 8-Year Old's Fan Letter Starting Bid $200

106. Franklin Pierce Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

99. Richard Nixon (2) Signed Items - Book and Typed Letter Starting Bid $200

103. Barack Obama Signed Book - A Promised Land Starting Bid $200

107. James K. Polk Signed Free Frank Starting Bid $200

100. Richard and Pat Nixon Signed Postcard from Their Historic 1972 Tr... Starting Bid $200

104. Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen Signed Book - Renegades: Born ... Starting Bid $200

108. Ronald Reagan Signature Starting Bid $200

101. Barack Obama Signed Photograph - Bin Laden Raid Starting Bid $200

105. Mike Pence Vice Presidential Gifts - Cufflinks and Lapel Pin Starting Bid $200

109. Eleanor Roosevelt Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

111. Franklin D. Roosevelt Signature as President Starting Bid $200

110. Franklin D. Roosevelt Signed Book - The Public Papers and Address... Starting Bid $200
112. Franklin D. Roosevelt Signature Starting Bid $200
113. Franklin D. Roosevelt Handwritten Note to the Secretary of War Starting Bid $200

114. William H. Taft Signed Photograph as President by Harris & Ewing Starting Bid $200

118. Harry S. Truman Document Signed as President, Awarding a Citation... Starting Bid $200

115. William H. Taft Signed Photograph as GovernorGeneral of the Phil... Starting Bid $200

119. Harry S. Truman Signed Inaugural Cover Starting Bid $200

123. Donald

Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

116. William H. Taft Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200

120. Harry S. Truman (2) Signed Books - Memoirs Starting Bid $200

124. Donald Trump Signed 2017 Presidential Inauguration Invitation Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

117. Harry and Bess Truman (2) Signed White House Cards Starting Bid $200
121. Donald Trump Signed $100 Dollar Bill
122. Donald Trump: Rare 2017 Inaugural Medal Process Set Starting Bid $200
125. Donald Trump Signed National Enquirer as President-Elect Starting Bid $200
126. Donald Trump Ceremonial White House Key Starting Bid $200
127. Donald Trump Signed Book - The Art of the Deal Starting Bid $200
128. Donald Trump Presidential Gift - Travel Bag Starting Bid $200
129. Donald Trump Presidential 'First Pitch' Baseball Starting Bid $200

130. Donald Trump Presidential Gift - Cufflinks Starting Bid $200

134. Donald Trump President Gift - Salt and Pepper Shakers Starting Bid $200

131. Donald Trump Presidential Gift - Cufflinks Starting Bid $200

132. Donald Trump Presidential Gift - Cufflinks Starting Bid $200

133. Donald

Presidential Gifts - Money Clip and Keychain Starting Bid $200

135. Donald Trump Presidential Gift - Pewter Serving Tray Starting Bid $200




Melania Trump White House Gifts - Clutch and Key Tag Starting Bid $200
Melania Trump White House Gift - Bracelet Starting Bid $200
138. John Tyler Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200
139. Martin Van Buren Signed Free Frank Starting Bid $200
140. Woodrow Wilson Signed Photograph by Harris & Ewing Starting Bid $200
Woodrow Wilson Typed Letter Signed as President on "the Postmaste... Starting Bid $200
142. Woodrow Wilson Document Signed as President Starting Bid $200
143. Woodrow Wilson Document Signed as President Starting Bid $100
227. Sam Altman Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
228. Antarctic Exploration: A Narrative of the Life, Travels and Suffe... Starting Bid $200

229. Susan B. Anthony Signature Starting Bid $200

233. Edvard Benes Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

237. Max Born Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

241. Camilla, Queen Consort Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

230. Charles Babbage Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

234. Mary McLeod Bethune Signature Starting Bid $100

238. Blanche Bruce Signature Starting Bid $100

242. George Washington Carver Autograph Letter Signed on Peanut Plants... Starting Bid $200

231. James A. Bailey Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

235. Jeff Bezos Signature"Customers rule!" Starting Bid $200

239. Ralph Bunche Typed Letter Signed on Peace and War Starting Bid $100

243. Fidel Castro Document Signed Starting Bid $200

232. Henry Ward Beecher Autograph Quotation Signed Starting Bid $100

236. Otto von Bismarck Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

240. Richard Byrd Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

244. Vint Cerf

Signed Items Starting Bid $200


245. Vint Cerf Signed Sketch - Basic Internet Concept Starting Bid $200

249. Madame Chiang Kaishek Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

246. Salmon P. Chase WarDated Letter Signed as Secretary of the Treas... Starting Bid $200

250. Madame Chiang Kaishek Signed BookSelected Speeches, 1958 -1959 Starting Bid $200

247. Chiang Kai-shek Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

251. Madame Chiang Kaishek Signed BookSelected Speeches, 1965 -1966 Starting Bid $200

252. Madame Chiang Kaishek Signature Starting Bid $200

248. Chiang Kai-shek Signature Starting Bid $200
253. Cassius Marcellus Clay Autograph Quotation Signed: "Liberty is th... Starting Bid $100
254. Tim Cook Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
255. Dakota Language Bible: Wowapi Wakan Kin (1874) Starting Bid $200
256. Dalai Lama Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
257. Dalai Lama Signed Book - Ethics for the New Millenium Starting Bid $200
258. Clarence Darrow Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
259. John DeLorean Original Car Door Concept Sketch Starting Bid $200
260. Frederick Douglass Document Signed - PSA NM 7 Starting Bid $200

261. Charles H. Dow TwiceSigned Mortgage Bond Starting Bid $200

266. Alexander Fleming Signature on St. Mary's Hospital (Inoculation D... Starting Bid $200

270. Mikhail Gorbachev Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

262. W. E. B. Du Bois Signature Starting Bid $200

267. Indira Gandhi Signature Starting Bid $200

271. Vaclav Havel Signed Book - Dear Citizen: Speeches, July 1990–July... Starting Bid $200

263. Thomas Edison Original Photograph by Underwood & Underwood Starting Bid $200

268. William Lloyd Garrison Autograph Poem Signed Starting Bid $200

272. John Hay Autograph Quotation Signed: "Forever in thine eyes O Lib... Starting Bid $100

264. Elizabeth, Queen Mother Signed Christmas Card (1973) Starting Bid $200

269. Jane Goodall (2) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $200

273. Friedrich Hayek Signature Starting Bid $200

274. Edmund Hillary Signed Book - View from the Summit Starting Bid $200
275. Edmund Hillary Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
276. Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay Signed Limited Edition Flown FD... Starting Bid $200
277. Jimmy Hoffa 1957 Pinback Button Starting Bid $200

278. J. Edgar Hoover Signed Book - Masters of Deceit Starting Bid $200

282. Independence Hall Wood Relic Starting Bid $200

287. King Charles III Signed Christmas Card (1997) Starting Bid $200

279. Johns Hopkins Signed Stock Certificate Starting Bid $200

283. Israel (60) Original Vintage Press Photos Starting Bid $200

288. King George II TwiceSigned Military Document Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

280. Alexander von Humboldt Autograph Note Signed Starting Bid $200

285. Joseph P. Kennedy Typed Letter Signed as New Ambassador to the Un... Starting Bid $200

289. King George III Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

281. Collis P. Huntington Signed Stock Certificate Starting Bid $100

286. Coretta Scott King Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

290. King George III Children (3) Autograph Letters Signed: Princess A... Starting Bid $200

291. Henry Kissinger Typed Letter Signed to Philip C. Habib Starting Bid $200
292. Monaldo Leopardi Letter Signed
293. Robert Todd Lincoln Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100
294. Liquor and Bartending Ephemera (c. 1930s-40s) Starting Bid $200

295. Nelson Mandela Signed Inaugural Cover Starting Bid $200

299. Mother Teresa Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200


300. Lucretia Mott Autograph Quotation Signed: "Truth for authority, n... Starting Bid $200

304. Rosa Parks Autograph Letter Signed on Rev. Jesse Jackson: "I appr... Starting Bid $200






Nelson Mandela Signed Book - Mandela Starting Bid $200
Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company Stock Certificate (1920) Starting Bid $200
Lise Meitner Signature Starting Bid $200
Benito Mussolini Signature Starting Bid $200
Benito Mussolini and Vittorio Emanuele III Document Signed Starting Bid $200
303. Rosa Parks Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
Rosa Parks Signature Starting Bid $200
306. Rosa Parks Signature Starting Bid $200
307. Pope Benedict XV Signed Apostolic Benediction Starting Bid $200
308. Princess Diana and King Charles III Signed Christmas Card (1986) Starting Bid $200
309. Prohibition: 1924 Liquor Prescription for Whiskey Starting Bid $200
310. Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip Signed Christmas Card (1953) Starting Bid $200

311. Queen Victoria Document Signed Starting Bid $200

315. San Francisco 1906 Earthquake Broadside Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

312. Queen Victoria Signature Starting Bid $200

316. Secretaries of State Multi-Signed (6) Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Rudolf II Letter Signed
314. Jonas Salk Signed Photograph
317. South Africa: Desmond Tutu, F. W. DeKlerk, and Piet Cronje (4) Si...
318. Joseph Stalin Original Wirephoto (1947)
Bid $200
319. Margaret Thatcher and Boris Johnson (4) Signed Items
320. Margaret Thatcher and John Major Signed Bookplate
321. Titanic: Coal Piece Recovered from Wreck Site
322. Justin Trudeau Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
323. Jonathan Trumbull, Jr. Document Signed Starting Bid $100
324. Tsiang Tingfu Signed Stamp Starting Bid $200
325. Desmond Tutu Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100
326. Two Guns White Calf Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200




Booker T. Washington Letter Signed
Booker T. Washington Signature
329. White House 1927 Wood Relic Gavel Starting Bid $200
330. Elie Wiesel (2) Signed Books Starting Bid $100
331. Ella Wheeler Wilcox Signed Poem - 'Battle Hymn of the Women' Starting Bid $100
Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. (2) Signed Prints Starting Bid $200
Benjamin O. Davis, Sr. Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
Enola Gay: Paul Tibbets Signed Souvenir Typescript Starting Bid $100
351. Iwo Jima: Rosenthal and Bradley Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
352. Douglas MacArthur Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
353. Douglas MacArthur Typed Letter Signed as Superintendent of West P... Starting Bid $200
354. Anthony McAuliffe Signed Photograph - "Nuts" Starting Bid $200
355. Nelson A. Miles Autograph Letter Signed on 1880 Presidential Elec... Starting Bid $200
356. Horatio Nelson: HMS Victory Wooden Artifact Starting Bid $200
357. Horatio Nelson: HMS Victory Wooden Artifact Starting Bid $200
358. American Revolution: Hugh Percy Third-Person Autograph Letter Sig... Starting Bid $200


USS Constitution 1927 Restoration Hull Wood Gavel Starting Bid $200
360. John Warren Document Signed Starting Bid $200
361. Yang Sen Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
373. Amelia Earhart Signature Starting Bid $200
374. Amelia Earhart Lockheed Vega 5B Wing Fabric Starting Bid $200
375. Graf Zeppelin Skin Artifact Starting Bid $100
376. Graf Zeppelin Skin Artifact and Hangar Tickets Starting Bid $100
377. Hubert Julian Signature Starting Bid $200
378. Charles Lindbergh: Flown Fragment of the Spirit of St. Louis Starting Bid $200
379. Orville Wright Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200
380. Orville Wright Signed Check Starting Bid $200
381. Zeppelin L-44 Fragment and Postcard Starting Bid $100
402. Buzz Aldrin Signed Photograph - "Every One But Mike" Starting Bid $200
403. Buzz Aldrin Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
404. Buzz Aldrin Signed 'Voices from the Moon' 7Inch Record Starting Bid $200
405. Buzz Aldrin Signed Book - Mission to Mars Starting Bid $200

406. Buzz Aldrin Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

410. Apollo 11 Kapton Foil Starting Bid $200

414. Apollo 12 Crew-Signed 'Lunar Landing Day' Cover Starting Bid $200

418. Apollo 13 Review Board Final Report Starting Bid $200

407. Apollo 1: Report of Apollo 204 Review Board with Appendix Starting Bid $200

411. Apollo 11 Tranquility Base 3D Thermoformed Relief Map by US Army ... Starting Bid $200

415. Apollo 12 Crew-Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

419. Apollo 15 Signed Insurance Cover - From the Personal Collection o... Starting Bid $200

408. Apollo 10 Crew-Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

412. Apollo 11: Paul Calle Signed Suite of (3) Lithographs - 'Suiting ... Starting Bid $200

416. Apollo 13: Lovell, Haise, Kranz, and Liebergot Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

420. Apollo 15 Signed Insurance Cover - From the Personal Collection o... Starting Bid $200

409. Apollo 10, 13, and 16 Relic Presentations [Attested to as Flown b... Starting Bid $200

413. Apollo 12 Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

417. Apollo 13 Medallion [Attested as From the Collection of Jack Swig... Starting Bid $200

421. Apollo 16 Crew-Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

422. Apollo 16 Original Vintage NASA Photograph Starting Bid $200

426. Apollo 9 Crew-Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

432. Alan Bean Signed Apollo 12 Kapton Foil Lucite (Ltd. Ed. #3/15) [A... Starting Bid $200

436. Gene Cernan Signed Print - 'America's Challenge' (Ltd. Ed. #93/50... Starting Bid $200

423. Apollo 9 Crew-Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

427. Apollo Command Module Mini Decals Lot of (20) Starting Bid $100

433. Apollo Astronauts: Bean, Stafford, and Lovell (3) Signed Prints Starting Bid $200

437. STS-107: Kalpana Chawla Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

424. Apollo 9 Crew-Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

428. Apollo Soyuz Test Project Training Documents - From the Personal ... Starting Bid $200

434. Scott Carpenter Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

425. Apollo 9 Crew-Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

429. Apollo-Soyuz Signed Print Starting Bid $200

435. Scott Carpenter Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

438. Gordon Cooper Signed Blueprint Schematic Starting Bid $200


Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

Gordon Cooper


440. Gordon Cooper Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
441. Morris Scott Dollens Original Painting - 'Lunar Surfaces' Starting Bid $200
442. Donn Eisele Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
443. Gemini 12 Crew-Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
Gemini 5 Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
445. Gemini 6 Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
446. Gemini 6 Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
447. John Glenn (2) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $200
448. John Glenn and Scott Carpenter Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
449. John Glenn, Scott Carpenter, and Max Faget Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
450. Richard Gordon Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
451. Fred Gregory Signed STS-44 Mission Chart Starting Bid $200
452. Gus Grissom Signed Cover Starting Bid $200
453. Gus Grissom Signed Check Starting Bid $200
454. Fred Haise Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
455. Fred Haise Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

456. Fred Haise Signed Medal of Freedom Replica Starting Bid $200

460. Gene Kranz and Sy Liebergot Starting Bid $200

457. Jim

Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

461. Valeri Kubasov Typed Letter Signed to ASTP Astronaut Tom Stafford Starting Bid $200

458. Eugene

Starting Bid $100


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $100


Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Kranz Signed Photograph
Gene Kranz and Sy Liebergot Signed Photograph
Alexei Leonov Signed New Year's Card to Tom Stafford
Alexei Leonov Signed Print
464. Alexei Leonov and Valeri Kubasov Signed Photograph
465. Liberty Bell 7 Recovery Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
466. Bruce McCandless, Hoot Gibson, and Rhea Seddon Oversized Signed P...
Mercury Astronauts Signed Print Starting Bid $200
468. Mercury Astronauts Signed First Day Cover Starting Bid $200
469. Mercury Astronauts Signed Project Mercury Decal Starting Bid $200
470. Edgar Mitchell Oversized Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
471. NASA Booklets: Liberty Bell 7 and Friendship 7 Starting Bid $100

472. Kim Poor Signed Print'The Presence' (Ltd. Ed. #221/950) Starting Bid $200

476. Wally Schirra Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

Starting Bid $200

473. Sally Ride Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

477. Alan Shepard Signed Pamphlet Starting Bid $200

481. Space Shuttle Flight Data File Systems Data Book - All Vehicles (... Starting Bid $200

474. Roscosmos Soyuz Crew Recovery Blanket Starting Bid $200

478. Skylab 3 Crew-Signed Typed Letter Starting Bid $200

482. Space Shuttle Flight Operations Manual - Vol. 15, EVA Systems Starting Bid $200

475. Russian Space Dog Coins (Minted with Flown Metal) Starting Bid $200

479. Soviet Cosmonaut TZK -14 Cold Weather Survival Coat Starting Bid $200

483. Space Shuttle Mission and Groundtrack Charts (7) Signed by Astron... Starting Bid $200

Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

480. Soviet Zvezda Rocket Patch - From the Personal Collection of Deke...
484. Space Shuttle Simulator Instrument Panel Enunciators Starting
485. SpaceX DM-2 Crew Dragon Flown Tag Sweatshirt
486. SpaceX Employee Medallion: 2022 Space Achievements
487. SpaceX Employee Medallion: 2023 Space Achievements

488. SpaceX Challenge Coin: Nondestructive Testing Group Starting Bid $200

492. STS-34 Crew-Signed Flown Patch Display Starting Bid $200

496. STS-79 Crew-Signed Flown Patch Display Starting Bid $200

489. Tom Stafford Signed Apollo 10 Raytheon Mission Analyzer Starting Bid $200

493. STS-4 Flown Flag Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

490. STS-108 Flown Patch Display Starting Bid $200

494. STS-51-D Checklist Page [Attested as Flown and from the Collectio... Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

491. STS-29 and STS-91 Crew-Signed Flown Patch Displays, Presented to ... Starting Bid $200

495. STS-74 Flown Peanut M&Ms - From the Personal Collection of Ken Ca... Starting Bid $200

499. X-Plane

Signed Commemorative Covers with Yeager, Cros... Starting Bid $200

497. Valentina Tereshkova (2) Signed Photographs
Valentina Tereshkova and Alexei Leonov Signed Photograph
Pilots (15)
516. Jules Cheret Handwritten Note Starting Bid $200
517. Jo Davidson Document Signed Starting Bid $100
518. Francoise Gilot Signed Book with Sketch - Life with Picasso Starting Bid $200
519. Hubert de Givenchy Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

520. Rockwell Kent Typed Letter Signed on His Favorite Poems Starting Bid $200

524. Alphonse Mucha Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

528. Statue of Liberty: Francis Hopkinson Smith Signature Starting Bid $100

521. Walt Kuhn Signed Christmas Card Starting Bid $200

525. Norman Rockwell Signed Book - My Adventures as an Illustrator Starting Bid $200

529. Ralph Steadman Original Artwork Starting Bid $200

522. Hendrik Willem Mesdag Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

526. Auguste Rodin Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

530. Ralph Steadman Signature Starting Bid $200

523. Henry Moore Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

527. John Singer Sargent Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

531. Alfred Stieglitz Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200


532. George Raphael Ward Autograph Letter Signed
Bid $100
533. Andy Warhol Original Vintage Photograph Starting Bid $200
549. Walt Disney Signature Starting Bid $300
550. Matt Groening Original Sketch of Bart Simpson Starting Bid $200

551. Matt Groening Original Sketch of Homer Simpson Starting Bid $200

555. Stan Lee Signed 'Spiderman' Sericel Starting Bid $200

585. Ray Bradbury Signed Book - An Illustrated Life Starting Bid $200

552. Matt Groening Signed Book with Sketch - Akbar & Jeff's Guide to L... Starting Bid $200

556. Charles Schulz Signed Book - Snoopy and 'It Was a Dark and Stormy... Starting Bid $200

586. Max Brod Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

589. Charles Bukowski Original Sketch Starting Bid $200

590. James Branch Cabell (5) Typed Letters Signed Starting Bid $200

553. Bill Hanna and Joe Barbera Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

583. James M. Barrie Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

587. Gwendolyn Brooks Signed Souvenir Typescript Starting Bid $100

591. James M. Cain Typed Letter Signed on Author John O'Hara Starting Bid $200

554. Chuck Jones Signed Sketch of Wile E. Coyote Starting Bid $200

584. Samuel Beckett Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

588. Pearl S. Buck Signed Book - To My Daughters, With Love Starting Bid $200

592. Erskine Caldwell Signed Photograph and Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

593. Samuel L. Clemens Original Photograph by Brown Brothers Starting Bid $200

597. T. S. Eliot Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

601. Edward Everett Hale Autograph Quotation Signed and Autograph Lett... Starting Bid $200

605. Langston Hughes Signed Poem - 'A Little Song on Housing To Put in... Starting Bid $200

594. Stephen Crane: Sigmund Abeles Signed Etching Starting Bid $100

598. Anatole France Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $100

602. Edward Everett Hale (4) Signed Letters Starting Bid $200

606. Langston Hughes Signed Book - The Dream Keeper Starting Bid $200

595. Countee Cullen Signed Book - Color Starting Bid $100

599. Graham Greene Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

603. Thomas Hardy Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

607. Ted Hughes Autograph Quote Signed Starting Bid $200

596. Charles Dickens 30Volume Collection of Published Works by The At... Starting Bid $200

600. Zane Grey Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

604. Bret Harte Signed Book Set - The Complete Works Starting Bid $200

608. Milan Kundera Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

609. Harper Lee Signed Souvenir Typescript Starting Bid $200

613. John Ruskin Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

617. Harriet Beecher Stowe Autograph Quotation Signed: "Trust in the L... Starting Bid $200

621. Kurt Vonnegut Signed Book - Hocus Pocus Starting Bid $200

610. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

614. Dr. Seuss Signed Book - Oh, the Places You'll Go! Starting Bid $500

618. Alfred Lord Tennyson 12-Volume Collection of Published Works Starting Bid $200

622. William Carlos Williams Signed Poem - 'Poem (As the cat)' Starting Bid $200

611. Henry Miller Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

615. Dr. Seuss Signed Print - The Cat in the Hat Starting Bid $200

619. William Makepeace Thackeray Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

623. Richard Wright Signed Book - Black Boy Starting Bid $200

612. James Whitcomb Riley Autograph Poem Signed'John Brown' Starting Bid $200

616. George Bernard Shaw Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

620. Kurt Vonnegut Signed Book - Bluebeard Starting Bid $200

653. Leonard Bernstein Autograph Musical Quotation Signed from 'West S... Starting Bid $200

654. Leonard Bernstein Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

658. Jascha Heifetz Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

662. Jules Massenet Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

666. Albert Roussel Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

655. Benjamin Britten Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

659. Jan Kubelik Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

663. Yehudi Menuhin Typed Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

667. Camille Saint-Saens Autograph Letter Signed on Henry VIII Starting Bid $200

656. Maria Callas Signature Starting Bid $200

660. Rafael Kubelik Autograph Musical Quotation Signed Starting Bid $100

664. Giacomo Meyerbeer Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

657. Charles Gounod Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200

661. Pietro Mascagni Autograph Letter Signed on the "Boheme di Leoncav... Starting Bid $200

665. George F. Root Autograph Musical Quotation Signed from 'The Rally... Starting Bid $200

669. Ella Fitzgerald

Signed Albums Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

670. Aerosmith Signed Album - Self-Titled Debut


Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200



Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200






Asia Signed AlbumSelf-Titled Debut
The Band: Robbie Robertson Signed Album
Beastie Boys Signed CD - To the 5 Boroughs
Beatles: Paul McCartney Signed BookHigh in the Clouds
Bid $200
Beatles: Ringo Starr Signed Beatles Monthly Book
Blondie Signed Photograph
Blue Oyster Cult Signed Album - Self-Titled Debut
Bon Jovi Signed Photograph
Bid $200
679. David Bowie Signed Album - The Man Who Sold the World
Bid $200
680. The Cars Signed Album - Heartbeat City
Bid $200
682. Eric Clapton: Albert King Photograph by Watt M. Casey, Jr. Starting Bid $200
683. Eric Clapton: B. B. King Photograph by Watt M. Casey, Jr. Starting Bid $200
684. Eric Clapton: Muddy Waters Photograph by Watt M. Casey, Jr. Starting Bid $200
685. Eric Clapton: Steve Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble Photograph by ... Starting Bid $200
686. Coldplay Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
687. Alice Cooper (3) Signed Albums - Greatest Hits, Alice Cooper Goes... Starting Bid $200

688. Depeche Mode Signed 45 RPM Single Record'New Life' Starting Bid $200

692. Eagles, Graham Nash, Warren Zevon, and More Multi-Signed (19) Ben... Starting Bid $200

689. Depeche Mode Signed 45 RPM Single Record'Dreaming of Me' Starting Bid $200

693. Bryan Ferry

Signed Items - Albums and Poster Insert Starting Bid $200

690. The Doors Signed Album - Weird Scenes Inside the Gold Mine Starting Bid $200

694. Aretha

Signature Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

691. Duran Duran Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
695. Genesis Signed Album - Abacab
697. Guns n' Roses Signed Album - Appetite for Destruction Starting Bid $200
698. Billy Joel Signed Album - 52nd Street Starting Bid $200
699. Billy Joel Signed Album - Piano Man Starting Bid $200
700. Elton John Signature Starting Bid $200
701. Led Zeppelin: Robert Plant Signed Album - Led Zeppelin II Starting Bid $200
702. Led Zeppelin: Robert Plant Signed Album - Led Zeppelin IV Starting Bid $200
703. Led Zeppelin: Robert Plant Signed AlbumPictures at Eleven Starting Bid $200
704. Little Richard Signature Starting Bid $200

705. Don McLean (3) Signed Albums - Self-Titled Debut, American Pie, a... Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

707. Eddie Money

Signed Items - Photograph and Document Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Signed Photographs Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

The Monkees (2)
709. Moody Blues Signed Album - A Question of Balance
710. Motley Crue Signed Album - Too Fast for Love
Night Ranger Signed Album - Dawn Patrol
Roy Orbison Signature
713. Ozzy Osbourne and Randy Rhoades Signed Album - Blizzard of Ozz
714. Pearl Jam Signed Limited Edition 2024 Event Poster
715. Pearl Jam: Eddie Vedder Signed Album - Ten Starting Bid $200
716. Carl Perkins (2) Signed Items Starting Bid $200
717. Tom Petty Signed Album - Full Moon Fever Starting Bid $200
718. Poco Signed AlbumLegacy Starting Bid $200
719. Judas Priest Signatures Starting Bid $200
720. Ratt Signed Album Flat - Detonator Starting Bid $200
721. Red Hot Chili Peppers Signed Baseball Starting Bid $200

722. Rolling

Rare Promotional Poster for Sticky Fingers Starting Bid $200


Signed Albums - Ra, Todd, Healing, and A Wizard... Starting Bid $200


Jagger Signature Starting Bid $200


- Albums and Poster Insert Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Rolling Stones: Mick
724. Rolling Stones: Brian Jones Signature
725. Rolling Stones: Charlie Watts (2) Signed Photographs
Todd Rundgren (4)
Leon Russell (3) Signed Items
Bruce Springsteen Signed Baseball
Bruce Springsteen Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
731. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band Signed Album Front Cover ... Starting Bid $200
732. Cat Stevens Signed Album Starting Bid $200
733. Al Stewart and Alan Parsons (3) Signed Albums - Year of the Cat, ... Starting Bid $200
734. Stone Temple Pilots Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
735. Styx Signed AlbumEquinox Starting Bid $200
736. Styx Signed Poster Starting Bid $200
737. James Taylor Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
738. Tina Turner Signed Maxi-Single - 'Nutbush City Limits' Starting Bid $200

739. Turtles: Mark Volman and Howard Kaylan (2) Signed Albums - Golden... Starting Bid $200

743. The Yardbirds Signatures Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid

740. Joe Walsh (3) Signed Albums - The Confessor, There Goes the Neigh... Starting Bid $200

744. Yes Signed AlbumTormato Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

741. The

1982 Tour Program Starting Bid $200

746. The

Signed 45 RPM Single Record for 'Complete Control' with... Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Who Signed
742. The Who: Keith Moon Signature Starting Bid $200
747. Sex Pistols Signed Acoustic Guitar
748. ABBA Signed Promo Card
749. ABBA Signed 45 RPM Single Record - 'Does Your Mother Know'
753. Eminem Signed CDThe Marshall Mathers LP 2 (Deluxe Edition) Starting Bid $200
758. Madonna Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
760. George Michael Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
762. Snoop Dogg Signed Funko Pop Starting Bid $200
763. Taylor Swift Signed Print Starting Bid $200
764. Taylor Swift (2) Signed CDs - Folklore Starting Bid $200

765. Taylor Swift Signed CD Insert - The Tortured Poets Department Starting Bid $200

794. Brigitte Bardot (4) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $200

798. Marlon Brando Original Sketch of Screenwriter Stewart Stern Starting Bid $200

790. Julie Andrews Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

795. Brigitte Bardot Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

801. Tod Browning Signature Starting Bid $200

791. Back to the Future: Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd Signed L... Starting Bid $200

796. Brigitte Bardot Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

802. Richard Burton Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

793. Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz (2) Signed Checks Starting Bid $200

797. Sarah

Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

807. Art Carney Signed Sketch Starting Bid $100

808. Jim Caviezel Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100
816. Tom Cruise Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
821. James Dean Oversized Original Photograph by Roy Schatt Starting Bid $200
822. James Dean Oversized Original Photograph by Roy Schatt Starting Bid $200


Signed Oversized Photograph Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200


Original Promotional Pilot Script - Galacti... Starting Bid $200

Benicio Del Toro
825. Johnny Depp Signed Photograph
Jose Ferrer Signed Photograph
Battlestar Galactica:
837. James Gandolfini Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
839. Judy Garland Signed Check Starting Bid $200
844. Cary Grant Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
845. Alec Guinness Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
846. Corey Haim Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
853. Audrey Hepburn Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
854. Alfred Hitchcock Signature Starting Bid $200
857. Judy Holliday Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
861. Jennifer Jones Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
864. Grace Kelly Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
867. Hedy Lamarr Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
868. Stan Laurel Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

870. Christopher

Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

871. Vivien

Signed Photograph as Scarlett O'Hara Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Vivien Leigh Signature
Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier (2) Signed Photographs
875. Jenny Lind Autograph Letter Signed
876. Sophia Loren (4) Signed Photographs Starting Bid $200
879. Lee Marvin Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
Steve McQueen Rare Quadruple-Signed Document
881. Steve McQueen Original Photograph by Roy Schatt Starting Bid $200
882. Robert Mitchum Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100
883. Robert Mitchum Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100
884. Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller Original Photograph by Roy Schat... Starting Bid $200
887. Jack Nicholson Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
889. Peter O'Toole Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
892. River Phoenix Signature Starting Bid $200
893. River Phoenix and Keanu Reeves Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

894. Donald Pleasance Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

904. Harold

Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

895. William

Signed Photograph Starting Bid $100

896. Basil

Autograph Letter Signed Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $100


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200

Donna Reed Signed Photograph
905. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Edward Furlong Signed Photograph
906. Rod Serling Signed Check
Sarah Siddons Autograph Letter Signed to R. B. Sheridan
908. Jay Silverheels Signed Poem
Frank Sinatra Signature Starting Bid $200
914. Star Trek Signed Photograph
915. Star Trek: The Next Generation (3) 'Writers/Directors' Guides and...
916. Star Wars: Carrie Fisher Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
917. Star Wars: Alec Guinness Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
918. Star Wars: Dave Prowse Signed Album Starting Bid $200
919. Star Wars: Dave Prowse Signed Souvenir Program Starting Bid $200


Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200


923. Elizabeth

Photograph Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

Starting Bid $200



Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200

931. John Wayne Typed Letter Signed: "It is refreshing to find out how... Starting Bid $200

950. Roger

TwiceSigned Book - First Four Minutes Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200



Taxi Driver: Robert De Niro and Jodie Foster
Taylor Signed
Spencer Tracy
947. Hank Aaron Signed Photograph
Bid $200
Muhammad Ali (2) Signed Items
Muhammad Ali Signed Photograph
951. Larry Bird and Magic Johnson (2) Signed Photographs
Tom Brady and Randy Moss Signed New England Patriots Replica Foot...
Joe DiMaggio Signed Photograph
Juan Manuel Fangio Signed Promo Card
955. Roger Federer (4) Signed Promo Cards Starting Bid $200
Joe Frazier Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
Wayne Gretzky Signed Hockey Card - Beckett 10
Bid $200
960. Mickey Mantle Signed Baseball Starting Bid $200







Starting Bid $200


Starting Bid $200





Mickey Mantle Signed Photograph by Ray Gallo Starting Bid $200
Diego Maradona Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
Ondrej Nepela Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
Jesse Owens Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicklaus (2) Signed Photographs
Bid $200
Walter Payton Signed Poster
Walter Payton Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
Pele Signed Photograph Starting Bid $200
969. Pele Signed Soccer Jersey Starting Bid $200
Ayrton Senna Signed Photograph
Mike Tyson Signed Boxing Glove Starting Bid $200

Conditions of Sale


This Agreement contains important provisions that control rights and liabilities, and specifically has provisions governing how disputes are handled as well as LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY that can be imposed upon RR Auction, WAIVER OF JURY and ARBITRATION PROVISIONS. This acknowledgement is a material term of these Conditions of Sale and of the consideration under which RR Auction agrees to these terms. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY.

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Section 1

The Parties1.1 RR Auction and Auction

This Auction is presented by RR Auction, a d/b/a/ of R&R Auction Company of Massachusetts, LLC, as identified with the applicable licensing information on the title page of the Catalog or on the www.RRauction.com Internet site. The Auction is conducted under these Conditions of Sale. Announcements and corrections from the podium at live auctions and those made through the Conditions of Sale appearing on the Internet at RRauction.com supersede those in the printed Catalog.



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Section 3

Buyer’s Premium

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Section 4


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Section 6 Payment

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Section 8

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Section 9


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Section 10

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Section 11

Conducting the Auction

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Section 12

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Section 14


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Section 15

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Section 16

Bidder’s Remedies

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Title to Items

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16.4 Authenticity Challenge Process

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(2) So long as Bidder has complied with the Authenticity Challenge Process, any claim, suit or action, by Bidder concerning an AC or Certification of Authenticity, or related to the authenticity of the item must, without any exception, be brought within one (1) year of Auction Date and is subject to the other limitations and conditions stated in the Conditions of Sale.

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Section 17

RR Auction’s Additional Services

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Section 18


Headings are for convenience only and shall not be used to interpret the substantive sections to which they refer.

Section 19

Entire Agreement

Except to the extent Bidder is also a consignor (in which case the terms of the consignment agreement shall also govern), these Conditions of Sale constitute the entire agreement between the Parties together with the terms and conditions contained in the auction Registration Form. They may not be amended, modified or superseded except in a signed writing executed by all parties. No oral or written statement by anyone employed by RR Auction or acting as agent or representative of RR Auction may amend, modify, waive or supersede the terms herein unless such amendment, waiver or modification is contained in a writing signed by all parties.

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Section 20

Governing Law and Enforcement

20.1 The Parties agree that all agreements between the Parties including but not limited to these Conditions of Sale are entered into in Boston, Massachusetts, no matter where Bidder is situated and no matter by what means or where Bidder was informed of the Auction and regardless of whether catalogs, materials, or other communications were received by Bidder in another location.

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sachusetts, without regard for its conflict of laws principles. The Parties agree that any dispute between the Parties, including but not limited to those related to or arising out of these Conditions of Sale, or related to or arising out of any other related agreement(s) shall be submitted to confidential binding arbitration (the ”Arbitration”) before a single Arbitrator of the American Arbitration Association (the “AAA”) The Parties agree that the Arbitration shall be conducted pursuant to the commercial rules of the AAA in Boston, Massachusetts, unless the Consumer Arbitration Rules apply, in which case, such rules and venue will govern. In the event that the Parties cannot agree on the selection of the Arbitrator, then the Arbitrator shall be selected by the AAA. The prevailing Party in the Arbitration shall also recover all of its related fees and costs, whether before or after the formal institution of the Arbitration, including but not limited to its reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, if RR Auction prevails, such recovery, in addition to all remedies available at agreement or law, shall include the Buyer’s Premium as defined in these Conditions of Sale. Federal arbitration law, including the Federal Arbitration Act apply to this agreement to arbitrate and its related provisions. The arbitration and all related proceedings shall be held strictly confidential and all documents and discovery shall be held confidential and not used, published or disclosed publically or to anyone outside the Parties or expert consultants or counsel who shall agree to hold such confidential.

20.3 The Parties consent to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as exclusive jurisdiction and venue for all claims between the Parties except as provided specifically herein and may seek confirmation of the decision in the Arbitration pursuant to the Federal Arbitration Act in any Court of competent jurisdiction, including the courts of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts or the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts. To the extent such is necessary under the law, RR Auction may enforce the Arbitration award against Bidder and any related Party in any court of competent jurisdiction. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as RR Auction consenting to jurisdiction or venue in any location outside of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


20.4 Except as provided specifically in these Conditions of Sale in Bidder’s Remedies against RR Auction (along with its affiliates, directors, agents, officers, employees, and contractors) for any dispute, claim, cause of action related to or arising out of these Conditions of Sale or any other related agreement(s), brought by Bidder must be brought within the earlier of the Auction Date as it pertains to the item(s) at issue or no later than one (1) year of the acts, omissions or circumstances occurred giving rise to the alleged claim, without exception. This provision is intended as a full, complete and absolute bar to and release of any claims by Bidder initiated after one (1) year of such acts, omissions or circumstances. The Parties agree further that these waiver provisions are intended to be binding in the event of any dispute, specifically including but not limited to third party claims and cross-actions brought by Bidder. These provisions are consideration for the execution of these Conditions of Sale.

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20.7 Liquidated Damages for Specific Breaches

In the event that Bidder provides false information in connection with registering for bidding, fails to correct or update information or breaches the Conditions of Sale by failing to pay the purchase price when due after becoming the winning bidder, as liquidated damages associated with such breaches, R&R may obtain from Bidder the greater of (1) 150% the reserve of the item (if any); (2) the amount bidder bid; or (3), the full amount that bidder would have otherwise paid. Bidder will also be liable for an additional 20% of such amount to account for additional administrative costs, shipping, additional advertising, and other dam-

ages and liabilities fees that are difficult to calculate on an item-by-item basis.

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Section 21: State-by-State Law Issues

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For Residents of California:


A written express warranty is provided with each autographed collectible, as required by law. This dealer may be surety bonded or otherwise insured to ensure the authenticity of any autographed collectible sold by this dealer.

Section 22

Glossary of Condition terms

Information provided to prospective Bidders with respect of any lot, including any pre-sale estimate, whether written or oral, and information in any catalogue, condition or other report, commentary or valuation, is not a representation of fact but rather a statement of opinion held by RR Auction.

Use of the following terms constitutes an opinion as follows:

VERY FINE describes an item believed to be in virtually flawless condition, and is used sparingly for items of exceptionally attractive appearance.

FINE is the most common statement of condition, and applies to most items that we offer. It describes items that we believe to show expected handling wear, generally acceptable random flaws (such as light creases, small bends, etc.), and an overall appearance that is pleasing to the majority of collectors.

VERY GOOD describes an item that we believe exhibits more moderate flaws (such as toning, light staining, professional reinforcements or repairs, etc.). Most collectors would be comfortable with items in very good condition, and this would be the expected condition for many formats (early presidential documents, for example).

GOOD describes an item which we believe to have obvious visible flaws, including heavy wear, missing portions, or repairs that affect appearance; generally items in this condition are offered only if an item is otherwise believed to be exceedingly rare or important.

Bidder may call and request further details and information about RR Auction’s opinions concerning any item via phone or email which shall provided in RR Auction’s discretion.

Certificate of Auction, Certificate of Authenticity and Goods Acquired:

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