01.1960 LDL

Page 1

In fhe Long Run it's the New

y'or? fiaaae /a7 JANUARY, 1960

6 h-rur.i. C,-ry M+r nrvoa -7 Benw ici,; ? f e&,r 4c irfttror<:4p lg K4AAvA 53iLl 2L RR( IQ tllt"â‚Źs .Zt+ R\c lcKrLos zG 5Fri,,cti N44At' Za l<tL(.,s

Stad of the {amed Berwick Marathon




A prrtsrrcArroN FoR !!-!',rE!s By



Iiifli,ir,lfiii.l?',i?':'ir"jf '$l:33 ii"'i!n"!1""3'i 3fflsi'1ilL1#it5" :1:;i;' H:::':s' i:.i'", iili:;lfr "gti:iiff "*"il;illiji,ii*i!":ii!ffi_ lfli*,!i':ili;l"ixlli:5""13*,11; l;I"::"h"*i;tg.#"!::":::e*



:Jh:.r::.8:;{"",.rg.;;1;;g;.0_,*Enn*;E-.-r-iiii=;tr; $;"ii;"33"";:":::i::'i"ii?tl;'x;.i''' i':i:: *il;,*:i"";i,';,9 "',"*.* r;::-e;t j -Gi,i!i;iriiE,

li?.};llti,ll:r.illltg:]ii"t;.1..;_,.. isg++j&i illiiilHr:{::;iet,ir; Hi"iitr-;".- g*i;1i;{g:-i{gf;Iiit*:" ;:: i::i;"'tr.ii:rS:'.:::::"n.*:, fiiflljH:nliilF,:#f:!ilr+q+' Yiti:.":i::l::i *""Ti!ijif:: t:i},,"" ;i;:: $:;",:,1"s :1"*llF:i;t, oD 1onse.


f.on the

Edl L"orj

lav€ ?lsre.narg

c1ub6 ahould coobine rt,_ anclel resourceB to Eend obe of Dole h&els out to tbe ltostern Eenlsrhele each yea! has leal ner1t. A s1 contfi_ outron Irom all LD Los readerr rn the bast .hould @ke thls ides 6 r.alltv. In otaer {ords, r€ tereby rolunte€r ro aonaluct e po1l nert felt ro select hoac the flmnc€ rtrlv!. itor6 on lhls rfie ttea 1al6!, bub 1n th€ r€aDtlr€ vo (111 be crfy toa s.l,ad io h6ar anv sugAestlola on tb& @tte!.. .Ihe jrd' a@@1 eatberlltg .i Lhe &sd_run;tn! cren (aEc-US{) .t1' be held ct 5 !.i. satir.d.y. rebllary .,0, 1t50 aL Lhe ra.anornt fioLel tn l;6! lrrk c1tr. AL1 ?oac!-Mirg er.bhrslasrs are tn;1r;E; re slill h3ve 3 iot to accorptlsh & a rong Ey to go to reach vorld cla66 1n drrtance rutud^t j

long Distence loe Qle.tlo@1l6 No. 10 !@si_Kenb fiItts..pars of Bl.rh: fia&h 1/. !/J/..addre83: 1149 Llnda A@ Dr..

at Florlda state Unlrerelhyt i#t-* !b lec.eattor Educatron..6: _mrollDp Z hoLla


!ii;1":; i'i;]#';""j"i""1:F:,"";"::"

dtst&cBs & trllr

!"iiil"'Hi ;H*jf H*t*ti*&:. alloted lroD shudle€ alC lob- Po.c.,i f:

-o t€6t oh Saturc6y's because ol jotr, 3o r get 1n Iro socd solkoutE on Sundav speeds' fiohibr ro.kort (lI:30 A.t1.)i usuliy J-7 $!1€e 8ey or sreaoy road aftemoon on rrack (4 r,fl.r uter "orkitroed val 440'd i 6e s. I tF to rd-k

!iil';it:;. 1l'l' ;ffig; :".*-'#, iiif i, i?l !:iii ;:F:,*,*ijf.:*if ,*' 220-24.9 &

lersoEl eatlsfscti6nl

6th ADual Chtcag.lard ope! r.ack fieet sporEor€d by Lh6 0nlyerrltv.l chlca.d rrack clu! - tut., Ja!- 9, t95o .1:!j_1e_-Bc!: 1 . chas. (Deaccn) robes. (lora cltr) E.s.Ahe. 14:21.4: un3tt,, 2. Car U1111ans. UCTC. 14:27.9: 1. Hat ltlgdo!, !ctc, t4:41.9r 4. ise RlchqrCs, UCTC, 15r16.9r 5. ph!l Lorerc, Umit. (l,Iesre.n r11Ino1s ) !5:51.8 (J€rry A6hdore cf r,l66te!h fllchi.ant rho haa ro 9:0J ln p!ac_ rrc€ ehe p!ee1ou3 h€ek toot the early fead, but th€ psce ra6 6tox at trle 6i1e-4rt0. lltth rhe rac.-a h]. ovo! Ga! 1,{1111a&s 3luteat iEto th6 lead operttrg u! a 20 yaltt ga! 1! a space o1 seconds. D@con Jone.. ,ho had_been luMlng fourth up until th.b droppear out {hen Elgdon paEEeit h1n tro lapd Iater. (coat,ne4ag6 bottoD)


BeB! 2


arethon Petao.i6ls


r23r08.0 D€r13 OtCo!@\ 70/71,/59


2:26:16,0 2r26t27,a 2t26t45.a a.26t45.0 2:2?r40.0 2 :28f 09.0

l.Ne! ula}rnsot\ 3/30/ 59 A.ihur e.tl,t ra.t 1,y 7/71/59 Jogeph telty 3i3o/59 K.l@rh K.i@th Psvtob PaEBob +/25/59 +/25/5 C. Fl6drDs-ss1ih 10/11lJ9 nicba€l Kltt{ood \ /25/ 59

iillill.3 *E',!ii "/i!(i\, i.i4ili.6 ci.aii'fuai"-6tiittg ii?giillo ei;'iii rritip' tit6tsq .tonez t/t'tTSg 2:lb:1i.0 Ia!

2:31:24.0 !ra,t ttaatst\d 3/3o/59 2t11,t5?.d ,tbrs D6ai.. 6/1t75i-'

2!i1,ii.o s.;as"atck !


sberf1.ld ?* x!1e c.c. tac. (Dec.Jth) 1. c€lry Nolth, 37.15 (Ad €asy slnser and ]ool! liko-a-iot;li161 NailoEl oha6!1on") ?. D',c. T;y1ot, J?rlrz; ). x1k6 Bu111iii*',riitrnton, 37;r1r rzi+'er 5. 9, SJ'ker, "t 3Et27i 6. lke Befrat!, ;;;1i,,'i8int. -- i8,.6'-'?.cdbflda. r.i!s B.Iays 4_3 (Nov. xu,r umblrdE. orlold rn rhe aEua_ !;Gt;-;a"hb€ar tt i;;-;";;'; ;.-fi;;;. h th. 4 r 1 e11e eseni the CanbllilEe Gi,.J [: it-s"{-fi is-"ir.i-j-"rr'-,"" io Ier. thelr rrials lteralng. Blylb.' Blrsult. F.ula & BRce T\r11oh_Fan' 17:10.6 fo! CaobrldEe. Orford rab




iiiri"i ;;;-;#;-3;";;;

I6.dor X-C Chanplolshl! (N6r. 28th) 1. Elnle Ea.1, reBules Ac, 29:40; 2. 46o!Ae Bem, 30:02i l. lirk€ xatGrd,30:09i 4. I. na}1oe,30:11. l,!1d1eil 7 Xi16a X-C Chaaplo$hlp {D6c^ 5th) at CoY.ntly

1. Pat K!11eer, B1Ehlle1d Ii., 34:45 2. ?et6r !€ake, 35:18; l. Ro! G.ov6 35.211 4. r1. Fovler, 15;24. pav€rshan 5-r,rr1e.Bosd-nac6. r Nov. 1. B'rab Hs{kF6 (c. of Roche6ue').2arh)

24:48: 2. B. cobev. 24:58: r' r. rackso!' 25:lrti 4. J. ?edbl€. 25:27. Po.!6eouth

r'"-Dec: 12th-- 1' ltartt!


?5:a2, 4' E' Dom€r, 25:07' Euro!e6! aallwavd X-C Cbdptotshlp ove! a flae Iap cor8e tota1llEs bout 3/4.ui1€5 ai coue6116' 861gru' 5Dsc' 6.-- 1' Dobroddeelka' us53t

fu"Xlfii"l8ili;"i.I5*, ?: *lti:31";l"HiY: &"8?t!;i"[B{i $;.{"1!{."$i;"ffri*L3: """n*** tsMsr l. ussB, l?: 3. Dreled. 1o9l illlBra, 22!; 4. rwkev' 235 ??;3k,.,



u'A'lt' 9!


Idlanil coultt€E 21,

Notlhglan 77 & D99. 12- E'A'r'-101-at Ba.tl H€tley llrJ 6coletl

I:"1. j:""fr::"iij,"!,:fi: l: ?:i::, "*"". o-torit on1!. Beats E.A,F. Abd Loueh- tlrklDson {l!) 31t06i 4' l'{1ke BdlrvaDiborcueh 1! x-count.t nalcb (Nov.2i.t) (-Y) 37t09\ 5' F'w'GtoYeB (t{) 11'15; jiisit i. 6.-pli,p_ 6. iraufrce Eerrloii l\) 2L.2tt ?. P.E. i.toa,aGnen;nea,n.l L,, i.3,E; .. s i,

iii i!.6

3?tozt ). 37,i?; -gl+|1!-!Btgl-1!il1-i-q1-Ba-!-ELll-?ct-t[t 4. Altstal! Uood & B.!.BeU, 0., 37r35, (chlcasolanil Op@-Contlnued ) olfolil 76, ceblldee 59 (rrelhnen's J6neB hDc or {,l1lllea BhoEliler last latai) No!. 1?!b. a€Y !h6 2-Due-tr 9!16 & lheh noved 88or 1. a" B€I1,0., 1:J7.1 fror hh €s11y h the 1a6i rt40 to lliI€: 1. Brucs tulloh, c., 4:20.5 1! 14:21.4. ) 2-!11..: 1. A.J. {ood, 0., 9:11.5 tlec.J wl. fl1le: 1. ?hll Co1@an, ltClc, 4.11.1 2. D.ll. Tulelr C.,9:15.1 (GFfreet !eco!it): 2. J6!!v Bocc!' UEtt. c4brldge Up8.tB Ollold lb l(-coatrt st.IsEtlus Hs. 4:16.J; 4.stov€ Nd(D6c. 5bh) 1. sle!€ JaB€8, 0.. 37:47 c6he;- umtt. (Nolth{e6t€m) 4:38,3l (r6c.); 2. Bnc. tulloh, c., 3g:04i Bril Koza!,u@tt. (rn.r\r.) 4t)4,9 A,J.{ood,0.,38:20;4. t. J. B.lault, 5, l. i.0006.S'chase: 1. HaI Hlsdot, UcIc, A.s. Fruh. tl. l|I$hal1 aud D.I. lume.. 6!'itrl?-TfrEiT-EEc. ): 2. Dan Ree. ucrc, c., 8. n.E.Beu,0,,39.09i 9. 9:45,4r l. Jerry BaslB,,]]Btt. {I.I.rlic} (.J, 38!J2r cl11lgd, 0,, 39:39.,Teao! 1. Ca!- 9r 51,?i 4. ?!e!ton Crant,rJCfC,10:00-3i ' btld,A6 37i 2. Orlor{ 42 !i3. i. Jer;y Bocc1, utrtt'(!rM) 10310.4


l?!U.r!Le,!q:]194rs!!ere lb.arhoni cllver



qi:,. el1!s!!e!_!c14l9erl&9a-bij. 1r. rrre

lge_{grli C!]rc! 0tiy {ihteiic Ctlb

r - 2 - 10 --- 1r 5nr l1eg. Tl.. & Ftd. rs,n^ oro€€


Coa3t Cotl€ee

___ 19

4-1-12---23 ^ .eia L@a routh v1tla,6 6-BI ---


///i i / ////// ///////i / // 1/ /// Rt{n vl}ls !t iEco!, TIi4E t3 sH iinmta9oir $sls c,1l{B!E

R@inC hls oM rac€ a1I Ton tl,4 ol rhe homt.h club p.o€d hjls€lt Lo a rFmrrr-r,realir!; tric^rb oesr

lhe {4r,

rtr. 4nEsr stadlr6 ftetq Lr the 12-y€r nistorj of i:hs Bsteh iiedsphErd /Er4!hor. At4 H<ndeFor, flasbj


b,..it-.. trs. s"e.! rrl 20 rl1€e, rhs tue ba:k r.

1 Hi€don, u .f chic:Eo TJ n.tzona itata ii


r. l,afrerra,

laYid Hacor uc at

us ljavy']lub

Los hgerea chore3 J. sho.t, cdEr iity rc ,oh Diet],, c!.lwe. cltv ac r@ cleq, rone 3each ataLe

llichaer i{ccoruct,

rEEo radart4ea, Rlftrslde Yrca 4vtd Tayco, or&sa Co$t Jtu saiti, ss Fr&clsco i. },llllq Cootli, i& Dlego T8JA s& ,ie,o T&rA lr€ldo Lpe.! sera alsa yv Tm Eorett, olMee Cozot Riou, o.ese cGst ^rdrE Jaes F. ,t€r[iq, orese Coser, lbre o. Joheson, cDtvPr clrv ac l]M1e S. Thor63@, ua:lachb.l .rolh Coanbes, uaft,ached r€ss c. AcLi.re, so. cetrfi

stEreE [!bL st. A!tloo],'3 bo'3 club rD laone, kattachcd nare rtuj., cdvel crr-, ic n63Fif J. Moora, ra,idche,l n. lsis n:vma€l, Uc sare I a.Ltua tichael 4. sr-phe.d/ qdrtarhrr vete. cld rie, jd nrsso ta_Fi Jose!tr



'i ca).tuilr ?re,j,:s bis ja*. th.e di._ .ak€, rqr d1€don of Chtcaso ateststbsctu tha 5urpr1s6 or the dar. lirsdd. Htuderson &c look a bri€r 16& nes tc!as3M 2&dil€ --€1 *ddql, boc&" a vrcrb of .b. @k. ai """a. cnGe.e io @vc in &d clajr the rop 3Dots, rds hB@ Athr€Hc FoLtatlon_sbnso.ed s qph&like mstais $ rh" @fiBr o1 ech8du.liiE, bui thls fijoL Dec€rber in the eir lheb rhs ,:@€.s too( or aL a:Jtr 4d althoutsh rhe dq ntud cros€ or d€ echoo] s336on hebed b.lnE .!r, tul3herF

5u4tras3ed aI H0nnerBon,e syift

!r br€atcEr desodBs 3one criut, but i€k€s norhing a{al trco tho edi-


41 thrbe to betl.r rbs record rth€ o!

&c rcler

striler fai|€d r,o boei, ui rh& h13 tldr Fe:r,to;.

eor, higtLe!




@zin: shorini! added color to todatri .acr' C& tou i!'ern€ trc hi€hL-t f3c"l rn r"oi broLheh r. "'e r or e nr".I roo ' And rh ro r. Ifm irc0 in€ t{o *6 tirst io cr6s the tlde. Jasi t. ctlnch ii) No€1 rdiruo'hio is a tnjrd oceesid€!.1,JaFe!onenenlJ3lLendid5il4hF1acemynoilr3v. ;hen his jsior:coll€se ENes af6o scared tne na o.tuit€ coasi coaclt had a succ€s to be ch€risi€d, nob Ve sickl€'s fiEur* for'"he last, 11ni1es plus de t'bJ'us. sdia CI-a lorthjtillase, l{lnoui nue.sers, had a 3o1ad tr''o ot perf'E€rs resied ln contaiio! a.11 ihe ua:.. ililn 4d, cdpetint foi hi5 clnb, Lng tseach siaie lnEnda.iz cho* ho plod r'iih its lolimes d lhrae pi6Ester6. rlr.fortuatelr, his te@tee for 15 oile6 bslo.e reatazina that ne',a{as rn]lJ capable of racins tne distsc€. lona Beecb Jtaie, like o.d5€ C@si, has a c@ch ntro ts goinG to contrlbate nuch to distdce r.Mlina, 'Aluxoleh the ebil; radio tces olh€d3e funished grE&teed s tell-rm €vent' The full stdt of Cuiwer cltv ac"'u1 snddct ot n."""J"n oerqtenl put-jn n&v hous on arrdsmerts €nd in ihe the cdnd. Tie lol'ice Deldto€ni adain patrollcd the couse ln Gsterb fashim' i s!;dron fron th. HID;ppers ,tee! club kept e eve ot the .mers ad srFried ihe E r scout atd staiions afoni the router it ao"it sta.r rlu;og ror io be a !..t ol ihe Luclq l3th rl"']] be "or-"Itaiatuor "." coG 1960l }lesten Hedi3phe.. Sew€.a1

3(ho)re s rra Lc rn u"

o cL"d'r a looi, n,. . a " - i3'a _ TiFii"-is:.'"b" L_ '. aL LhP ,he mi. a/a- . or. r'd c e.4:ld "c."d ." ;;.:"*.r !r :^"" i*. d". -o -_ roLlo-*. that, pojnt tnt his tire l! not avaihbre") ti.*eh "i "n*i.a shoit.,.,., 3n:f? 60:to 1!14:09 5n. 10d. 19n. Disty,..... 29:43 62:10 1:40:06 cfe.^,..,.. 33,2t+ 66:53 1:40:43 ?6:21 ,6t29 at?4:49 L52.2i) Rre,.....,, plsiem:...- 26:19 56t2'l rtz\t2a tt5)tn Iiccorojck..lll:24 66:re I:40:411 3arj6 ?9:la 2:04:3o coN,....... 2d:26 56t?4 I,2+.49 11r5.)3 r(adartasa-. \z!co....., 36:t) lt:52 ! rA.,,.,.. J0.13 59t)2 r.2er54 r1r3:n iatii...... Al.ll r. itncor... 29:01 ,6.1+3 1t21tA) \:5',1t5\ '. ;oordn,. ao:26 2e:34 5ti.53 t:3o:I7 van Der1a.. 2c:19 Sltal \.2r'\L lt55rl3 n. cootin.. lo:00 ,9:32 lt)2:o3 r.rur'dLe.,.,.. 29:or 55t43 \12):)I I:53.Jt, 'b|€Z...... 3a,3) 60'16 r:12:16 Jtus'€[.... 30:3] 62121 rr35.ra ne1ley,.,,,. r9:oI 5d:/,0 l:a9:2? 2:01:06 Riou,"..,.. lr:4, 6):44 vM Jlck1e.. J5:07 1.151 rt46:)) '3515) suckled..,. io:13 6!.ct lt34t$ 2'CA.46 ?3:# 22:'.tr W:,{' liir{"..,-.. 29:t1 59,51 L.12t26 2.49:2ii ;i:fi1;;::: Johtuson.,, 33:24 6i:2)+ 1.1$:22 dmeaduiz.. llr24 66:56 1r,0:r+6 z fhor:so!, .. ll:t6 6ri:54 1:51:la rr]len.,..... lo:33 62:27 L.36t24 coonrres. , , . 32:4? 63:! 1:tl:1a ssblo...,... :9:13 6a:1e r34:Lj nelire.... 14:49 12'?2 1tr2.r6 Fts.her.,... Jt:4? 64:56 I:rn:14 Rohftr. - .. 33!3S l7.N L:'tr:io K1en..-.... it:o? 1\.L! rt4at22 Ynrtt,,..,. )1,25 15121 IrStt:)l r,loniluccnio, 3J:16 69:03 r:4i':0? Fhone.-..., 35:1'l 1I:?) l'5bt37 Galrachsr... lt:c? 1at5'1 r:)+1 t2a :An!..., .. 3t+t2, 7..52 Ga.cia-...,. 14:oo 66:20 l:43i43 nFn.,,..., ll:06 6?:12 fifth.,,,.,.. J;:49 1i'na \:52.)6 hoore...,., l2:4? ?1:oo Hlalo!..,.,. 29:or 5r:t+: r:2):)l rtr.L ibwmaugh.. l?:oB ?6: Zn He;d-r:on.,.21:1, 54:11 1:r:ti 1: i2:io ll4:2t ??:2t Lafferir.... 23::l! 51ta9 lt26t)a 2:art4i) snephed.., :ruthii€,.,, :lt:23 3t:40 tsaco . . . . . . . . 32 : 06 A'.4 r,)4.1t 2:r2.aa 50 6! rede 'o_ Iego^rd Tlner--st€n Eelas..r4ear.-r -suuy, cool isre_s' 2 f sar'crs' 52 u:thouih h. .eeirrd r'r t'e j! f'jrir.lood 'h"?e' ilnaeruo" "t"r,roo


,iil.[a*.;_;11,T-;,r,.iii r:t:i^'i4

. ;9: ?a I;:.:j:;f:.i. i;:1:?i., : 'i' i.'';i.:!.';.i::'l:l::il; :"':i;E ?;;"";.:"?:j.'ll?i' ,,'l:" ; ;: ";:",::.: Stii f;i,;i".' ry"*rl",jil:* ;:i.;xi l;ilil, " iib#:ri:i?i::qi#::i:irii:?":ii:i:"' r:, ir:."i ii$:l::lj iitiilii, I ;: ia:;; : ';n:rl'";;',irii;;;Y; iL * ; :;j"': illi {




::l.o{,;:;: .fiI;,;'11;'1;-';";;,';.i;,j,:;l






:;'ii'r":i :,i,,", ",.1':i$'r: "' :rll1;:io":ir-, 1;i':i;i illiii"':r:" jj:: o, * tio'e ,Jjn:L c , Biil,il"j",;.,"31::l',1: "'.;;..", ;:l.l;:: .l,tr-H{-;!":-i,'t-:;t;:;" i*Itl3:*li';., .;:l-il'j.t .

c/-r :t""*"iiT.i:'i;","::x ft:".;;::%,


, ?:..r.:;":li:. ,1., :,1:;.

rhe reLa.,

ili .{i";",;:;:;.," i1:: ;; "" -:,j,1' . ..';;';. :1i; q!!, ' l: ;if'l.l: ll::"1!: ili:,"i;.'eJii,ii ,,ff;:'.S.;-" ": n a,Lr ,(rs, ;;i$,iri"":,:;11';i!ii":; rr afre. eoria over r'r' rc -.."i,:;::,1 i;1d8"

;iifti;j:i;;t;,*:;:i';.*;;:;, Iiilq,".iii::ii::t;i,i1i'i':ii,;ir over Lhe ie€d AtIa.-i. ..__-_-----:,:_--i::-_-" rEJ soardqalL 3 ita! o, racadan roads"




Uiiliffi !:i."il





1;, ;J3l"Ei";, i::r;ia;-+5;':r:

;',,fi t;i j,':. r*i;li;1ff "U;n*i;:flI,:il"ii:x" ;tr::":;: il"*:":':i el-"t,i;ll,.tir,

all Sport6 Assoclatlon. 1. Kent fl111., Flollda stete unir,! .. Dic* Packar.r. ii]oi]l,,,rr-' l. i)lck Doaoxue, !o6t.a '".*. Ac. :: 4. ?otdrt -,J1lt.}lofer.3AA. ::4116,: ?t:; sca.duE, rr1l1lose aa. 2:44j2s i.6, Aldo ,i4J:J: Don lFJ, idston cA, 7. Joli Jarreri:, :r.i,)lha.yrs lJrs .tri'at 5tti7 8. tlata Clrulnlck, Ubit,, xfc. ::J2:43 I sha@h.r ac, 2:5_T :44.8l



:::l__1:":: l:,_.__

Prlclrro N0!1!L'!5T l)tsoss COXIER1 t/aicouver, B.l. r iro", 14 1. Doug llyie, te1r,s!J rc, 21!15,5 z. raDl !{esdex. -'!4a,21,.)t.a lis.rrls,:i, ii" Slorii" 2:;4? J. cary 4, ,lim Ieertcs, rlshtr;t,1 S-.- -:ra) ;. -,1.{ 8nJ:e, 1rc4, 22j-c? ofj '.r.sP Re"ord-:1 ,-1,c, ,)tr.e




trde? the 19ic ltish schocl Adsl d:l.er: fros i.rg tlstalce loe -i1



lranclaco, Calif,! SuRCat, Dec. 5 laszlo Taborl, tiunea.ian refugee nor cofrleti.A for the Santa Clara Vatlet Iouth Vi11elle. clocted '11:20 to ta]re the lacilic Associatloh Senior Sixfiile Chanplonshi! today at k€za.. Ied Sargent and l{erle l4ccee, tetioil!s secon'1 and third in 3r|2L a[d 32|a4 .espectiveljr. It ms just a {o.kout lor Tabori. hnnl.g just fast enough t. wln. The first €1r flnLshers all letNered Ierl€ Icceers Julior reco.d set last reek. Foiner North Caro:LlE dlstance ace, Jin Beatty finishad 6ilth and coi.plai ed of belng iho.t oL lrr.llnine at the p.esent tine. Ha1f,Fril€r l,{ike leajre Iron Coloraito linl6!ed nl nth. t{iL Xlng, a leadin8 li||ht ln the lAA rus in the lidstt has lreen lorced out ol the varicrs races the !a.t leu nonths because ol a pul1ed nus.le. Colrse- ore 1a! 1.oud Colden Cate San

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Ted Corbltt! New fo.k PC, 50:rr4 Je8se Bude11e, Peu AC, 50149

ilalt Sineleton, ?ee 4c, ,0rJ1 Bnce Do1!a3, Amon Ac, 51ta? Dous leachard, Yorl,, Pa,HS 5l:Je oeolge B!om, Balt.ccc, 5Lr5? hyor Douaberty, Pee AC, 51:56 John Jarrel!, st. Anth.Bc, 51:59 Joe Stefalovlcz, laM AC, 52:0J g.S.

22, Jolu l,laltlsey€r, York 52:41 23. Be"beri Bogers, l,I6si Ve. n.52r42

#-,H+:*#"Pffi?-ii 26. RaIt.

ccc,54126 Bluce ceDbe11, 27. JIo oicoDeu, st.Arth.Bc, r+:50 28. res Sn1tn. B6lt1oore CCC, J+:J5 29. Dor dask6n, ta1t. CCC, 55.26 Psul sanilefs, Amo! Ac, lo. nllne! 55154 nnhlteyn Shelrld.d, lldllton 31. jz, 33. 34. 35, 36.



Phtla. Pa.,



Do@la ao!^g, seacopecK,ra.),/:u,, Earph Eubera,

Eall SDlth, PeE Ac, 57.7'7 No!m! Keys, Dtcklb6on Co1.57.27 Bob zolun}loffer, Una-tt., 57:34 ]]ace Chalrnan- Thonas lauflhran. J/. boo bersnfllet broofrsdrg! )6:ud !urr4"- m€drl5 to t -.d1hq ilnislrers. 38. Eoqanl !o!!1s, Bhgheton, ,8:1? 39. o.L. Norhan, o1ad3tone !c, 58!29 4. Bl11 Iorta!, 5F oiynlic C]!b. )?, 40. Jsy DuA, BalltDole CCc, J8!4.i rrl, Eay ville!. fork FS, 5. Clar1es Curtis. Unatlached. ')2 58156 6. Jia BeaNtX. UEt'qached, 42. !€on Drebe., ShaBh4n CC, 59:Ol )2 43. Stab rf,albd" B€rf,lck ItS, 59:07 7. Jos.ph 5i!r.sik, Umtt., 1 3?rr4. Joe K1.h6tuaa, Ul1llode 59:10 8. J.5se 0.lro€, f:r1n c.C. , 32 45. Iralrt llurFhy, rll11lose 6t:10 9. Mlke Pealre, UEti., 32 10. Vlnce Slangler, S|AC, 46, Dale Dasenha.db, Amor AC, 62:26 33 11.l,lalter van zantt Jr,, SaAC, 4?. Dare nook, Betulck, Pa., 63!21 33 12. 3olr Ku.lz. ilarin A.c.. 48. Robert Fal<e, York, Pa. Iis, 63:23 34 11. Bay Schnore. ganal, 49. Deruis Ke11y, Baltldore cC 54.20 )t 14. Ieal Chalpel1, SCVL,i, 50. Davld ThoEpsor, }l. chesier 65:05 )t 1J, Bi1l !ischer, Jr,, Unatt.. it 6?.53 51. DaYitt Boyei, Iork IiS, (Anourr halt tte flnishere ) BlchaliL D1etz, York gs, 64,50 52, r= Szurcsin , Sciryt.. . 01d narlr 53. Eobe!! B!om, Betulck HS, 69:12 54. DaFe Hetler, Bentck l!, 70:57 e4t57 55. Anord B6b€tt, P@ fi' 8r:00 50th B€mick ;,alatlion Aac6. ltaaes. J6. ooeld Bed1o, B€fllck, TiDeE: Thad<sglvlng Dayt \1or. 26,7959 Bet{lct tla.athoE ],'oies- lhe tle1it ot Arran _Tee. s.ha@hE4 cC, 18;?. BAA &46t 54 56 flnlshe* tulked an all-tlDe hlsh 2. Bob Caman. Amon AC, Plttsburgh, 1n lbe Tukey T!ot, a flitl.s trlbule 4a: n,S to ihe 50th €@1v€r8a!y eveni fo. lts 3, Joha Church, clatlstono AC. Tolonto. t1ne13s6 proEot€r, l'1.. $alathoD llactea., lo1loNtng the race, t'l@ers atrd offlc+er5Z 4, Bllly sslrb, tianlltoo 0c. 49:30 1a13 {e?e guest8 ot the Be!{lck !!aiFFn! Pf1aslng, Beltloore 0c, 49150 €rtul o.der of E€e1es at a bultet ,. 6. ltayb€ oatlalIb. Baltlbore ccc-4e'52 lEcheon. The arardE rele all @de ?. Sy vl11a, U.s.Amt,Ft.rftss, 4i:56 lhere 1r chara6 ol John Bedto,, Evely b. Jack Barry, Shalsha! CC. 50:00 !uane!, that lncluded the J6 ln the 9. Beny Cr6xfo.d, Shenahan cc. 50:10 @rathoD ard 20 ln the 5 ft11e hlgh 10. 8111 P!at.!, shaEhaa cc, 5A.rz school lace lor a total of 76. iocelved 11. TeFy E!gle@b, Bloobsbrle sTc,r28 sold bedals glve! by 160 CAste1lo.. 12. Dlck Dolohue, BostoE AA, 5or33 Cree! & Caman recelvetl solit watches.. Sultosres and plaquet tee also awar4eil


:",5#::if '":i:tH:"il";? ll:ff ,, A croFA of sd6 2O,OOO the Ece rnrcn stalreir at 11 a.@.6ac over a ,* ot fou 6hort o;; la.ge kp.r vltb tBo JMps and only a feB yaea 6parr whlcb upset th. 4inersl 1. CastoD Boelsnt! (Ae1a.i_1.) ?o!!r

fi:tr.*:?tui::1e';8") ;l::? i: !;"i ffi:illf'r"t*f;l^", ji !i! i: i: sHiiriifflrtrii,iri, il:!! 3:

?;.i:l,i:i],l:Y*til).^", iiih I;:'i;' j."*€iy- ":;;'i:';#l.i;ii; 9tb_Araul Sraopton ro Ca,tt.le. E!s^ Han't;rs

::"ft"f "i.i;:i:;":,HiBoriler r f;

fl*i3.""1i'*iltllk ;?:"i"x8.i1, .""

:ir"rdi""ir":i]l i;fi :::"reT; ffi :.

ig;'f dt;fl :,#':.jlti,jl?il'

i:'3;tY"135,"fl ii'E;."3linii."!;ll,? ri."il"^tffi::'!;: i,ilo"fiil;"Iil j:, mlchaelr

s, Jersey






D4Z IANS FIEST E!-EB T4!A!iION IN C''{ION rl.Iorld cla!.r 'torld otas.,r' ev.rrone fl6rd sq€dro, ce'toD Aasineels b!€st_ e4 ih€ lale on th6 unlversltY +ouds a flttte after 9 a.a. to d1!'tie rler xaFsthor (25 nl1es lB5 vafd6)fh,r orga z6d 1, ..ylon, Fe letum€d e erceflent trhe .f 2'4a,53.5_ c.!tatn7! Drng rho cratcnce fo. the flrs! rte€" rn recond pl6ce Fae Echoolbov J.n. 4bchrb6nda of Keealle Ronan Cathouc boys' school, {ho atso letqmea Blleadtd tloe of 2:j2:J4.4. t4.a.adee._ Enda of Campola had th1ld ln 2:52,40.2. raarp at 6:10 a.u. J6 !u.e!s ,ef6 aett off !y the 6tarter, Duncan lthlte, h the €v€ltra befo.e, a sLrlct Ded_

ldac crcld at tlr€

thllr. grouJlila aave Diaz a rous1ru d€tcom. a8_he leturlod a corrortabie Bluer aE rooklr€ flt elough to !@ aDothgr ,'I

ren nl1eE! dtd not etrct to ilo to olae- 60 re11. A lltt1e b1t ol tlalnle dd ;J:';"i:":"i.Y:']i"(ffi'blrsb a praye! !u1]6d De thlouEhti The o!E_ r. shetll€ston HaElers_ irLo.lr /B{- aErzerE. the ceylobese Tiack ald F1;1d_ !auo, sl-tetued @ny erittcs rho .1a1n.d lhat l,IarathoE r'ldllg E. not for

f uili'hh"i:*!iiiF:*ii:i,ii# " "' i; ff ii#ik:h;?ri F:.:ji,1' earvrne bei;"$"ffi"x';",1+::3"o€s

fiii. {:i#k*iiifr



3i{3f 15?, ;.ill"



i*Hi:f;$'#ii:ifr nr16: ,l.-John tolto€, :-"+i"#i:-' IFIlgto! Tech.

recordt fome. recoh


ueYlon. ?1 flntahed.


I'IIIES BO,1! RACE (tor. ?1) ore! 200 9startels. 1. Efrle E€rl. H6.cu1e6 Ac" 24:45 (her reco"dr old crk 24:5i^4 brstan f,idon! t9j8)r 2. Fra;ji sanio. 24:u9: '1. Alab Perklns- 2lr:<.: rr stan Erdon, 24r5?r j. Ftud.-sj1?at_ 24:54! 6, Detu1B 0r6oman. 2c:or. Hugn Food,.:5,09; a. ceoiee' ?, ' xnrght, 2J:18; J.n. ia,at!: ro. Peter ctar(,9.2j!l0r 11. liic 25:25: 5d1!reyr 2r:40!!2. J, ThorDe. 25:42. Earl both€d ltrtd the lead r; t;. last-half ml1e "Ld 51afrDed a to! class recotld tu_ IONG DISTANCE lOC FOE




AC lLrit; tARRi FttB\€!! IPLt- {01]( 4q ya!c$; SCCEIS EASy lJltr aN rueld by 1J0 ?erer r,jcAr\rl€ csFrse6 Fest B1;! i;t;e. as;:; T,EADS D;ij) snd .uJ8es {cre burre.'Lln !e€€ rrylh€ to ch€cE tbe l1!1sh6rd. -_11rer6 Lolrj :h th6 1]th amral petu alhle c club llve_dlle handi: cap. ran on I olh nd 'rBrrl-.s kept E'r"3a1F . tn bhches. Tbe otficlsl. rere callet! 3:.t"1 ,1::1{ 3or thal D6n, br.l : "nelt. ,is{ yori ACj des Ee1l tbto ths cleBr. beai:_ .'li":11'i53 i;i"::' '""''' r€n'\' Fhrlr rpe' colLral rers€v r'ack abd Frerd Tr"ily-yee!-^1,i. :-l r.rnett. a b€slecLacrei, ooalecLacrelt Amy Amy sDecla1tsh tourlh Dr., \,J , Look the reao R! tbe !h!ee_ot1€ ,sk ai.! b€l 1! o_Lhe eni. tli._ .laDsee LrEe ras 20 riautoB and 2J Eocoturs ald hI6 26:Jl. tte had 6 handlcap oi tso tr1rules ebd 50,.conda. he-aas elEo lhe _rh1hi tosr sah ar 26:3.1. 1r. att€r \ey lo-" t_ harrte!! capL;;ed cho atpst lxo rlE€ !r1z6s. fher e) d€r., d€r. Jose.h Joseoh 3esse, :esse:. r 2g:4J. 25:4J. e;,co,i a.corit be6t bert troe,aad tloe,aad rotuec tatlo@i fomer J'al IoEi A.A! M; 1, ".t.! hcAFdle, 1r [!1o [l1o che;pror" tr zrZt, 2s!21 i.;. te;t 'itqe. '--

1-S {




11. !n: Baft"s. uccc. l1:51 2:on :?:5

lii i:'ifu;#ilaiiif' ji':i {ifi ,i:i: li: {il"'iiit,:;,iii; li:i2 t:}e tgi,j: iii lir iiift,ii:i:, j::I i::;j;ii! "*51:ii' :$, l;::;'.:i; lZ.::r, 3i : i:ff ra6kFE, ,l..hi BalL. t2:lJ J:.0 29:i5 I'ji i::ii ;i: illi#r;i.rjia; li:;i ii; :l: !:1"'i:5;:;,"e:i, ;:r;g iji! j::i: 35: ffiii,"fliil;,Ii5;..?i:t: r:ll :::l: .:ll 31:





iirii lii*


IjOIIDAI T!r{CI( fiEEI Bv The Unieerelry ci chlcaAo Track alub ANI!-UAL


satulday, D6cerb€r 26, 79i9, r^!r. or uhrcaEo l.reldnouse__aud ldelen .f :1.ua Fa11E, South Dalota bwst inlo lhe Le.d at ihe 3t3rt of the twc nll€ brg reh outloor 2-n11e od crosa_ .out.J chaEp, pess-d the gOO 1! 2r19^ ror.ored c1r6e1j 5v Dearor J.nas_

Oer lJi11I3o6, aDd Hal fi1sdrn. On th6 bth 1ap of rhe fast 2?0 vd. clav lrack Bud op4n6d up a 2o_X€rd t;€d, nlfrrnE. a r:16 hlle, Nith Joh€s 4!39. rrsdon 4:4{, l{i1ltaos 4:t:. Ar 1* hires.he st111 h;d that po_yatd i.ad lo:57), r,11o!€d bt' Jones ,r11_ 1ms 7:01, ltii:doh ?:05. Bv?:,tr, rh. I r/4 mark, lhe fomer i{lnneeoti ijhlv. ;ae had !t yrapped ua {8:'18), Jones and f,1Fd.n .y thls tlne Flvine uo !e

chrs€ t8:r4, 8:2r). but ui11lamR r3:I5J 5ti11 lrorrr€ rcuah. sud .oasted in eith . 71: nltlran6t dz cut the nargtr dom Lo onlv I sec;-

ar Lne rinlshi Jones a.a Bledon loafed in,1rh 76,6. 1. !!d Ed.len, ucr!. 9!19.J 2. Car Uilttuns, UCTC, g:22.5 l. teacoh Jrjes. Ueti,9: to. a 4. na1 irlsdon. ncTc. g.a?.0 5. Dob Dooipyr r,.ilscors1b. UDtt. 9:5-triiJ:$ii.;;;13 ilchard6. UCTC. sra6 i;: ;i::? 6, Ame 7. ?h11 rolenc, kest. i11,. 1O:0.! qii, d. ]\arv stitllhan, ircb.lrosh_ ro:o) ? :?i i: : *5:i'!:#; a. stan R1p6kt6, r11" F"osh. iO:12 lil, DouA Ba1€!. Loyota. lori6 i{: 11:!,y ,,n 11. l9lry eo@d. otie DsnF, rorle sD urshearE,cJTc,11:54 /y. !3i'E,l;i'*;l,' 11:.t4 rz. !od16 uan!bel1. une ti. ou. ueo. !oeh]cke,FAc,34,a2 2:20 \t4a i2:;2 Il. Preeton CEut. UCTC. ro:45 (Voie: E4eten ls stiti 6tu.tv1nc ai t}'e Univ. of r4tmeEo.q. buh i1a6-useir j;iz T::: B ; : #ff , :iriil;:ill ;)!!tt i I! all hl8 e11tribll1tr. ) " rstllllGn lilinois staie h.r. 84. Da' st€lmatr.!€c, 3tiii ,,ijolliI?, r-co@iry ra€ chadp In 195€, !o! Xa.r{ekee. Phl1 cotenan, pe.eDtal FlDer ot i!; iii;i'HiI3i';IAl;liiii,,S the e11e 1r thlr neet, tock over riaht rroo rlre gu and only Dlck Pond nad; ii! : !i, fl ii:ii rucn of an E?fDrt to stay dith h1L iroee: J1, 62, \,j6. 2,ai. 2t1s;:;,"3ii.til:5:.":t:ii' 3:"":;rB_rd, r, bp pond rralied i,i' l:10, _l:42, lr:r2.i. only 1 sec. riru 5 1ars. 2 sec. ar3/4 abd 7/4, ard J spa. ri; rhe end. lestem l4ichiBan lreEItan Dick creetr ii:#;{ti:;?il"5; i::';iir took thild tn t!:26 *ft H3l,i; Hii 5f,ii"8i r, ?h1l Colemsn, UCTC" 1r:12.5 $1zesr Excetleat trophle! & Eedal,2. Dlck ?cnd, IicTc. 4i1? l. D1-ck 0!€€n, Utuat., rr€sb, ii.h, 4:26 ICont. next !e.l

; ii1: ii:ii :ii ia:ii ii' if$":iiii Dy. eo uh,mbers'scc, ll:0j 4:Oo lgrol 3: :t:i? ii: i:::"T:ii;:tu$i:;;:i?.;?!



ii:ii, t:ii




(?rh Au@1 orlddv rio.t t2/26/59)

4, ltayne Duff, UCTC, 4:34 5, Jerry (ohIer, l,yola Frcsh, {!41.5 6. Jlo lrelcode, Ii1., 4:45 7. Nat€ uhe.Ier! Loyora, I+.5) L PhII rorerc, tleslem III., 4:54 {r{ote: ?onil, a b.ansfe! flon IEdlaE! td @s a! Vesteb l4lch. U. and shoulrl be e1tg1b1e fo. the 2nil seBedier, ) lwo l41ie Valk. 1. Jack lfortlaid., Oht6 tEck Club r5,5?.7r 2. Chrt5 ficcalthy, UC!C, 1'?.a3.3t 3, Jln clitrton, Uctc, 18rotr 4, aich lrle'd, Cleen & cofd AC: 5. CoEad l,leis, Cleen & Golit A.C"

1. JohD te1tofit, D€trolt lC, ,l,rs 2. FEnl< Oe16t, Unatt. (ltlich. ) 51.8e l. 14. Bleltent€ch, hatt.(lDl 5r,9s 1. Efrte Bl11ups, byola Unre,, 1:55.9 2. Bob &datle!, UCTC, 1:55,8 3. Ton Su11iva, st. ceof,ge 4" Uulte nry, Urait. (ohio Statel 5. Noibert slorlkoBkl! Idtole s!tv. 114 Indlr]tlual! rErticipated Oth6! rlmers lnc1Dd.d: HJ- tlalk sDlth, Dellolt rC, 6111,.


gat Htsd.on, UCTC, 44.57.9 2. ca! vll1laoB, oclc, 48 57,8 3. BDd Edelea, WaNt., 49.12 uar.n€ Duff, ucTc, 55t 59,5 Jo6 Pluskt, Iere rech,56!46 z'. PhlL IDrenc, te6t.I1r. * 1:01139 Bluc€ deyer, u$E. M.a !102.25 8. Bob la&6a.t, Be1o1t, * 1r02i47 1to3ro2 9. Dlck Llns, UC9C, 1.


lli1l1dB, UcTc, 1!04.17 Te.!t Cspbe11, Ne* T.Ie! ES, 1:10:41 12. Jstf Sh..l!ai. New 1.1er.1r14.14 *Be! otf course Fhen ott1c1a13 la116d to stay at eiil lura loag €rc.A!. cenlral Assoorstlon llttae. Malab 12--rildr.rt ABC 15 d116 ED, chlcaeo, I1I. r!. Dally Nsar B.15tB 13 F 1il.y llgbt, l{arch 11 Enit th6 Ml]Mlkes Joutaal lE€ot ts Satuaiay Elght, Iil4roh 12 (!n oasr aEyboily wants to t!iD16.)En!r!.8 io tret glgdo., JlJ2- Come11 aro., Chlcego 15, I1i,.They 1111 btry trokets lo! aryone vho tuts io attolal €!!he! !€6t It the 1nt6lesied p€oFle ,!11 serd tb€ rcDey to [iedoi, l|a.ch ,- C6ntral Couegtate Coal€eDc€ DaYe

Pv' Ed Boy16, tC\C, 14t5 5/A,l T&F ChsD6., Ctltcaso, I111b1.. 60 Yd,Ul- Flank Looes OC!C, :05.9M81 220- Je!!y Fltzlatrlck. u@tt. {ND)22.8 60 Yd.Hfr- Iae calhou, vett.(Cary)7.4 A11-Coas!B lleet, Occld6ntat Co11.AE, 60 Ifl. Dash- Jer.y Fitzpatllck. :05.'l callt., Dec. 5, 1959 ESJ- 8111 Nlckel. U, of Lansas clty. 3-fi11.: 1. lebe fiurd16, SC St!ld.!., 46r8*" r,rR; sbot I.rt- lta11y tl!!te!, 14.5+.6, U, of !saons1d,- $ilFaul<ee, 51r4i'; aJ- Je!!y Fltzlbtrlck, 2216r stsnJod FelI ch@p8., Doc. 4, 1959 B€r011 Lsdh, 1:53.8i 2. X116!, 9!9:1. HoI,IDAY TEN ltll,E RUIrr, ro tho alt..l!54.7.. !lI!6: 1- Bob IoEzleo. 4!20.4 noon after the Fol-iiley eet. 2:n::rd: c61-irf e, 9:18.8 Ideal keather cordltlons prevalled stsnford All-coDers, D.c- 12at lhe B6cohd asual Fofidly T€E 1411€. Ned sergent, 3:0?.6; 2. chas. !l?!_slg: CutIE, The tenperatule las 1a the dlil-l1ft1€6 3:08.7: l, flerte laccee. 3:14.7 aad the& {as lain before ard alter Dec. 19- '1000r- 40 nL6. JIo B6attr(but lot dlriis) the !ace, As a lesult 8rJ6.3! 2- xe-i:;-6sjL-oi J. Hare tldos qere la6t. Buddy lA€lea(who hail Bl6ho!, 8:1t4,0! 4. Ned SdA.nt, 8:50.3! von the t*o d11e th6 rt8ht befo!€), 5. Ilcoee,8!J3,0. Ga! '/111iai6, and Hal Bladon battt€d Ehoulder to shoulder lor 91 6l the 10 or1€s along the lakerlont ;orse. AITSBBALIAN NEI,S rleDotrn€, {oe. 14FlrBt Eitelea Bould try abit spult aray xerv Ltnoolh ron- the nIId"by a rt!€€t" and theh Hlgdon would Deke btE attempt. rlth lals ot 60.5, 62.5, 55.0 anar 60.3. F1m11y vllh a hatl mIIe to eo Eiadon lincoh, at the 1lght6sl eelght ot h1t bloke into a .prlrt and B@pped the caEer {150 1b6.) afler tr.elllDg rltnstrhe to eln by 40 yaras ove. $111out 6 break lo! over 6 dobth6, 8ay3 he 1d3 wlth Edelen thhd. g1s wlbina rl11 cobcenirat€ or ihe 1500D. lo! the tlne of 48:51.9 btuke ite coulEe dc- O1,s!lcs ("the 81tu6r {ttl hare to old of 5Jr20 Eet by ce! ',tlll1lan8 (1n ru at lea8t 3:16"1.. lack into Bctlot hot roath6r) lest srme! at the xatafter 3 yEar5 caoe DaYe St€pboG rha 1oE1 Boaal Eu@e!s. club Ten fitle chan!,

12 { AttstBALIAi Nfirs - CONTINOm) conpetitlon to dat6. at |leDtole (M.Iboure) oD Sundae. Nov. 22r he xon a 2 o1l€ heDdtc;; 51.r Chalt6nae pvca@er at !yon. Fratrc€ ftoE dc.aDch h 9rt7.?.. elv Ll;co1n Dec€nbe! 13, 195i --.. steye'Jaies. luffefed a shock d€fcat ov€! 880 yards lgIabd, 2?:18 (! 1ap cou.se of applox. by rd y4! old Nell cle'funt 1:51.8 2. S. Bedillal, F.ance, 25 d6 'rt dllc8)i back. 2J:?li I, Alan Perk1ns, Enstand, -co 1:rr.6. In sydley Albert Thooss uoD vsgg rar 6 @!-8ta!te. flth knee e!e, F!6nce, 2l:J1: 6. ceolse rslFlrt. trcuble adl Ey tE uEble to race fo. Dneland, ?4:08: ?, Blaic, Faa..6. lb loblha..To!y Blue, adr a n€rtv t4!2rri 8. J.sLs Purtado. SDati. zl,r28! qul'fIed docto!, brcke2lHerb fio-erct Spaln, 2l:It1, EltiorL-'s ,ustmlian 800 Eetles a?ld 880 eit. !eo- 9. -----------orda of 1!48.4 and i:4e-? 'Ith ttEea 1n Brllbabo o! Decdb€! 6. Blue SHOELESS HlnB EtJ,rOTi sE.ltlEs Foa r petlhe In tbe Qrl4lsland (sLeteJc;rFLACE rN 1eE E{cE rlr 8 r,{omHs ceb_ Eenary Caqlval lE bll.t.llna h6at^ kbokeit 0.2 sal:t 0-r fron Etliortrs {elb.drne. Js,.Z_ F6rb Etllorr ratr f€co!{6 (Eaire 1! arch 1957)/ and hls "trst race th elsht nont)-s tod.v lDproted on rla pr€vloua ra8rest 880 ard fl.tEh.d tht.d rn t,he looo_neLei Ids. r.tDe by 0.3..81u6 had qDllfj,ed eeeni {hite runnldq barsfooLed. aE a iloctor on Decdber I (h6 ts a Cresory Btake, E:O-year-otd {asMn_ EladEte or Lh€ tideelslry of Ou€ens- 1an,-Ha; clock;d rn 2;?6.6 Hhrle de_ randr, ard rEd planeil a hol iday on f.artns Derrs t{I1soh. of r€, sourh rh..cold coaat. rt dld!'L !hr!k I hsc Jal"5, by t0 ysrdE. E11tott, rho lt ln De.' 6srrt Blu€ 6fter hI6 re.ord ncr6. vas near thp leade. <turlne th€ tur-"It mees I M going Eo Lrah a tnvj,tqLron race al, the So-rento-Jvat, lo].ner!9F, ald !y lbllday ls ao{ our.N flnlshed 15 yard3 farth€r ba.k. r _ uNEa. rho clocked r!51.2 - ouch rast_ {I kne, I coxldErt win after onrv o!_lhan etihaF hait tu b€!o!€.. In one tap," EltlorL sald. !r aot ve-p'' rno p!6rlouE trry, A1b.rt Tho@6 rtred dL .rE not dlsappol,a6d. 1 :ra+oy brole the N.S.I. l5OO relros !.cord .an as xe1I a. I .ou1d_i1ave *Decled e.Itlr a rlltul solo effolt of l:49.5. becau66 r've o,ly had a r.ekls hard h1a i ytalori a13o lratrl A 6tnce I came dom ro percv I 64511t, t! 3:54.0.. CralEb ThorsE set C-ruLLvis cdD at porrEea.i a rB, Stal6 3O0C E€tres Srchase .ecord ('erurir said h€ {as ie)1 Dle6se!. or u:5d.2 l! the *!e Slidley !e€t.. has been v€rv had at AJDert fto@a, holder ot th. rcrld tro ry"Herb PoridFa caop "orkle 61rc€ ie c;e Lher€ and. rhre€-&Ife Fcoritsr Eu oDe of rhe a !66r, sso,i C;ruLty sslil. rge ms ras!€er ara36+ourse n11.6 r! htsrory flet loday lecau6e of h€avv xolk ro_ oa v€dlles.ley, Jqn. 6th rh.r he lab rie nlns tb rh6 EEndhlltg. 1ro'Dt€ased drEleoe In 3:Ja,a..?ho@sr tlEe Is rrth hi6 aplroa.h ,o !$iatnq e{,r .econil only Lo th€ f:J?,8 clocklE Albelt Th;;B! easllv *on Ld; b,opoEt€it by nllc .€coftt holiler Helb !-11- atle -ace. ge xas rl;6d 1, 8:t2.2. lott' 61so of AudLE1la, at t E Atrseies Helr outstde his rorid nark oi e:j?. oa !{.qy 16, 1958. It tops !h€ Au6Lr61.!an ---------ara33-cow86 oek or l:59.5 s6r by EUlott ar perth la riib..Tt nu ihe 6th Atu61 Chrcagolarut op€D t-9_60 rrrst. rl'6 a sub-r;;;i;;i;;ii.";;" lg:':-1ly:d.rT9 p":9"., *_2.) _ rn N€r south !ra16s. dsB_ ti#i#; B;.;fii,':,1"i";"i:i, -_ i;;i:, prte prevloua att€opr8 by sucb slerB sl' c6o'se Hs. 1:55.8: 3. Bob saddl'!. a6- Eulott, lorrn rai,ay, -D.;r;_ lc7c, rtt5')i 4. rorbert slosliolskl. IbboLso! ou o1^d€r tr;oks. -@vola,u" r:t6 a: 5 . r'{alt terscnke, . t' N." z*ri,ir, -ir.iiiii-3"ott r.u alme.ed hia F6Lircoetrt ror t"o rea_ ii-i,: +g,e;.+€:y+l lr Jac,, sols, rElred scbrlrss rerdo! aDd rc ".i3".:::: ii:;^;;:;i";;,;.::$l r;,::,r;j;";;j._ 1146 io tra1D,. turEy Ha1b.r!. klio ohlo -^. lr: .r: .r. nrrs l,tc_ ts ros Er.red."a ir,i il."-ii,E.ri6ir,! ].nd, ce-thy..ucl.. 16:18.6: ro. ur," t""d-ri"iz.!i!d" ;;",;;i'" '!. Jlr fi1r-on,

,s *a'!!Ds


tui mr-fraa'i6*.. i"I:iu':i:uii:o;;rj::ld:i:!.,:;:i?","




- (Jtn c!6e4 report3 lr.or lf|:etr,Et


o,ce asqia.I. hale ralte! helr ro rhe tDpo6r1bl€ ta6k ol lad€liEe , cr6ar Id Dcsl_16h aE 1tui6scrrbsb1e @mtho!;r.s 1.,r."y. 3;ii;;-i;-Eo

fi"i:J:"ffi ;t"*_:n$ffi1;;'i1"" iii:i i*g: ;ii#'i!r$;.J3ls{ I-.]l1l aa ro wh6th.r Dy perfo.cnc€ Jusrrfl€a rhr! ;horc€. a! !nr6 very DooeEt is a!. ettedotilg a tak6 off tro! th. Bu.@€ at.porr. radr rhssday r-Ea-6i;fied ro 1€ye tr! ure flisrira6 etr-elred,_s6t!Fca9,6 fltshr posrpocd

., a1re6


or ootor rrcubr€: i!.i;;,-;;-sdi";;'io_ suiii" p:-gll?.dl bee! sorba dom rh6 roraryhs the @to! tFuble-Es tio h@dled .p.craLor€ han recn nvra!;;-;n;;;;;,. layl.h dlBplay oa ch..rs atrd E .; .v rri""n f-":l:d-lf es,o-ra:o! hesrt albost !h6r6d, el, ,rratclrrrs. a' roia crrujli ea6iriilr €e-.ru-.tort!g !€opte rhole Spablard! are. tak. otf t1!. th6 b.nkl..- y.tu dolDg E gDat lru!_ tzeaE; the oddr !6aA 2 - 1 aralnsL ou F.achlDa Caled. .vaa gerrrne orf the grourit 6Dd I agalnlt ou F;achllg Ido;iork. ro€ ralrer eage! .eeDs a btt5-_ !.E6t;I.tlc,but roor h;s tr thar hrs ar! rofce _ ou prcgert rouic tois ;i:::?f":f:,':"*!,*!B lro ste€pless.tght!, ore oD the pls!6 & tb. ott.! ,- After^aloo6rEarv ftldom, rt!d6"1e;s horel! ;i 8.r.. i i*riii-i" ]1_.1"..1.!f. raur@y 6ieDlDar rfto! a !o!e iitp .voh a. tbls applox..6,000 Dr16. (er s dr;6cr rcut. f!d, Bo.iob). r lauurallv .today becaudo

baa bG€n

i:iJ ffil:'s:{ r::ii}xf"*ts,"HT"&"tiyii:;"ix"r";!, rEv€ a . shr atrraltase rD a,.arry q!Frv61 iEiole

;::::"9-*" d:l Elsta, . t l telat ly rs€a of .r1yer.. t1vs6 uD ro ,16 - _-l4al rlhrlou6 honest_coeopolttan lsopt € a;d Elqu6 Estau.et.: and oa cour3e rh€-hub of au acrrrtty, larslDs 1rs dopiiog,let -oitaoie-' race ro all t!'. populace _ the Csslno,-lthe! t ri!rr-;!i.t,6d I h; by Dy €scolrs thaL @ e.rsltor depsrts rr.oo tbsr! '!Fudly" ::11 Enor.s Nlrhout leavr4 a i@lr !a.r or hrEselr.'r! ; ;n;;d;;;i er6rr ro th6 cssrDo the6o fo,obodrlqs yeru oui.-irue-io_iv t-bet on rhe"@slcal ;ssrhor.rorno alsu!€s 26 & 2?, rir.t. ,rlld,ko!th9ygh: ai (It i6.dirfrcull ro h{t ob ? lub9rs ar;@ tn rcurciicl.--_' Arror a.preclpltous ctr6b ro 11oo pe.o. rgll) .y i",iniii-iiii6i"a Ene lattarn ol DtlllotrE leore D€. x.p., located about 150 dtles Bouih ol 8.A., _n.:!g 'h6 eu@6rlror skorrs l! polutatto, to almsr a olrroa. rt rg .tr;;Ee rrleebuous, nor a clry xlrh such !4e, l0o,ooo ucauty ea iur;'o; Jica;;i-=rie horlce of th€ rourst o&p of Lhe xortl,"rhi pJopriiarii-iiirr w106r.La!dab1e prlrte tbar th6t !e!d e the U.S., "prc!6ged;" barelt ecco@odar,e the F.€ldt-ttitlq oatotoursr!, ar\y of ouP luftels,bo hs,e B.l€ , ,rerralhrt €rcD orer_ mchl_r.rp to. a@ther ortr for s Ece reerii" a,.[lhort tiiri iii aone dra6deetag€6 to ir6v6t1rnF. It 1E "rtr a B16 .xpe!l.e. t€ tlaael Bor€ 5i000 o. 00.6 rr1€s ro a !;{ I a,i! ebtr to.tti,pt ri-.ii,jl" ii rD a rex d4ys uder @u eartng and sle€ptlg aFans.lelts. E+;!I6!i,rr€-neD-cwtoE abd toodG Is t chalt.ng; to th. t;!crle. bu! e lEpo€slbte luury for th6 al,hler€ beloie ber6!€ a race ab!otiT-16 of " "ece. ulque .o,u. ForlsMpoft enlrus ^-,Ill".p':**. r8-ats. Epelrd eby pe.os s.Dit r! ll.s$portllA !@u to thelr saores. Don,r rhint< ro. a ,tnt. nbles they har6 bFusir yor"tn;;.;.i;i;.


- Jln ctee[ - con!1nued see Lhei.r 1and. Thet lEve ar lbv66tnerr jt your sodt. and nad -io oerlFr ploduce a speclacl€. Indeed JusL becoro -he racF - feltrou as tr a]r eye€ rere studylng da Lhe @y lh€y do a rpd-y pu.chaBed -acjrq sreeo, u13!e!6ed amone the crohd J s sule I F6cognlzed th4 hEert, nolelul eyes of the Caslno 1eD€r6llhat hapleng If one run6 ba6tJ: does qocrtccn dtsra, ce l.lelhe .eccl,6 s@rher black ba.l rhlch deprrees of fa!u.- hvltallors te rie aAU put on lho cerldl "or sendlns Etro-he!'.eFnarched abrc;dr B:o.LL;n erd flbslly ho{ do the locat .ace ofirclats feel abour thetr;lahlt_ tean.i publ lclzed arrd very €rpensl{e €!ont. Thepe {houdhrs lFar o!€ ap;ft-before hourB of ny ljte {ere Lhos" tpecedtnc the rrc6 o. suday iL . -he_loDg€st 6.10 P.14. l{y.€H]y-hbn rllehils .houghL tha: I had iante.j to be atone ihar day. !t u3@1 8ola.e ar such a tlre a6 th13, oooks of nuslc, dere not avallatie. tlle eity itself lrcleased the teiston, ror a iteaih_tike sriu_ EEsa ae€oed to cast a shadow ove! the city ]1ke ihe s11€no€ betore an er6cutlo!. In contlaatr on Saturday Lhe crt/ s.rears lDd befl aillrd wrrh peple. rr'heF hstt they ao!e? tt as6 ac LIDes rery dlffiouj- to nal\e rys-ll u!d..s ood. N.ed f.r s,r& rove ol conversarion ar. good ro Leam ar tonAue. lreal ,ten Ey lrlend and 'nte.lrere! 0.r6tdo.iacentl"es youn€.srtab-e €Ltie of i4.!., a pa. Eot arourd T gave {hdt llD sse was a horribt- !4dlrton of sFri;i, DeaprL€ - qitend-d, -Lh1s falll!€. both on the radlo ed at d1trcr lsrLrps i42

all @nkind, th-t nr'td r: Lo boretci rv ^onriderce tbay (c1do as nudo'r ofLob said, 'clalo, claro'.^heereo Noi etil after the race dld r reallze ihai Osvalito S@rez had Eor gppealed, tL seeds lhah he ms lesL:nA for a race Uhar noutd deremlhe bl3 cher4e Lo d€feDd hla fltle In the S€n Sylveste! !a.e. Atr:- of us eDDrace

At the slartl!€'1n€ and atorE the couree I wes


saa dh-re people had dlsapp€ared to: t6t1d;Les or Lhe cropd rd!o o! the avelase pf at'oui.100,Ooo. (1ht6 is the!. s1@e!, so itrr Ukely dan' rcre

touist-.).-lhey to-!d ne tare! lhal rhts, the 1o-h am;I !.;e, had dm@ th6 best crord of all. Pa.i of the rea6o.r rtey ctaltued; ,as due to lhs lact thai tor the firsr tlne a &n-s;uth ibe.tcatr;ould be qoapetlDg" Eelore the laoe r felt lather l1ke 6n o.td nusem rellc: ehllilreb.@ beslde de and adult6 attaeked n. wlth questions and iD!!e_ {Afgehtlm) Jmped lhe Ew by 20 y€|d6 rherF xas sone - !rb.!IDI€4os douDl uy Dlrd as to sh.Lhe! rhls {as a <ta6h o! dt6tab.e eeenU. Llluh lhe r€cold crash of the pislo_ aril thund€rous rosr flrB !h. c.ord! 7o.2a1e, lervons ne! pluoged 1.to Lb€ abyss. Jt ras a ve.y .-s! EUalt; lh15 sa6 Do6t1y caused, by lbe sudde! apoea:alce of a LUlLtiude o. sota!cycreB 4!d blres ar our a1it66. utth every sLep thiE throbe Incressed uiLlI thsre nJst have beent conse.!aLiv6jt, r;:r ov.! 500;'ro dade rardo€r of rhen crcFded a.ots th€ lead ded. AL -eas- fou tlses itaing tha lace ! had to shove on6 of theEe '@dieh oh {heelen out oI !/,ay. Hore asgrae:laC to oF than rhrs cob{€b ut hwa.!.r {a. rhe deaterlng roe. of th6 ooto.s a,Ld rhe dust ad 6no^€ ral.ed bv uhe6e DachlEes. Ib a El6ady p€ar or thlnaerous ,oi6e our orce qulet Su;Ldsy qas Irobicau,y, betore ih€ race. I requested rhe man ihat rar t. b€ rv gutitc ln Lhe !4^e not to rlde JLor jt front of !e I /r. coLtd folAer nat Ttuerts otsfortlr"), Eo I co,td e6cape tne @xlous ibeb. ..1r iJlred oul, ol cour6e, 1 couldnrL.ien rce mr Fuide throush .he so.ie half o: the tld€. in addltj,on, 1 l.sLncied hra to itde ahasd ro po',Us phere turrg sefe LAcessary, uhat a Jo!e! rit)1 liudreds ot vehlcles 3ur&!!1dlnE one.

#3 - Jle cle€E - CoDrilued jnexorably adearc.rA and Lurnlns at c6!ra:n tuad6, one ras swept alorg {llIoLt .holce. T) 6rrenlt abtt"r Lum o, er6r ho stop ras to lnTlie

::riiff "ill"il "i"ff :!irll:i:;lF";ii,-rF ::i;i.${H"' jillil]il:: :;ii:;::i;t jy ;*r,i,";::,":,:';::i"i;" i'i' i!i!"'3ii3tri3tt ri"!t'ti;

slu-s i*!oE *",i:'1.'ro:"H'H"ifl""l,lii.;,,* i":"$:";i:i"H:'::J::i"5'i:; ::":'f ?.'::5,3F,ff i.iil3* ;.$rj""*"5i i. ii.l"l*.,ffi ;:'i"::""*]t"if ;"t,:i: 1*"Hiil,*i-'i*.:.*:..),1: j*i"s'i! h::""Ht"x,;,ff: *r{i';" Siiii"ii ;:?3{L 7"H"i ?!a. ifl i: :: :*"3,:T:Y";::;::il{.f :*;;i*:.rt"l;1"!i:. ": T ;,-dr r?l::

:;":_;t"::T; i#::i"-F;:? L:.ii,lt"tu:_"?T:x.":?:"tff :,":l::.;::. :1.::.,8i.i,tri e:,Hi"4":;:.1":5i ffii ;::lt?r:


ii:l Lsl r-vay Doht ;';il:rhi:i'i*t*iilii;i"ffi",l!gi'*'j-ti*f qulck'v, ;t tbo #+"[iri" ;:N #i ;lfii:;,.* p':,;i"t::#::r"*ii#l:iifi "is*:s:lr"F"!ii Fii:i:;F&Ul"'

i;':'::,.ffi:iy";";!vii ;ri" i

i :i.:ffi",'H:.:'tul:"'i,":":;", :::"i,'# ;is:]"ff ,Tt."i."",:'fi:,fl


iff.:'I:.i3i,i"it !,1,;T; t* :il,:--J:?:lLT tl";:ff"i"t":":$il* il:: fi :]'s"":i:g;1".;,;l:::l*,9.":3"iii::'a"gt.rj,rju*iijr"" -,,d.


:i::klil!:li3:si#Tt{:Ilii'iliiH"i4kg'ii:i:l:iiri ft

:::: ill"'?H"]:;"ffi: :;si:{"":fl*.:J:iLl:i i";!li":;:i m;iliin:'" :?f iliff '{, ;y,:iiff ::';".ffi .5:,iilH 8H*fi:.i;,p:igJ::,:*,H;:ri rrae grl!, m€ rne @e!r\y BusrMenre, Arj6b!18r. r.e, xerioi, ; i:*"xi":#:iit,*, i"".it*ff ,.*"'?,"::i:il iH:ili;"pa'ade; lheer ";";: ::.x"1"T"ff "lhtliriorrsd or


po6s1bi, tn"

"rroeri n"rc--

;i*",,l*"lll?3",;l"iliih,*f l-lhlllii fo! any of our lepr6d€mt1v6s -!4! Ro abfoed!r.t!","' ","i::::"i:€"::"#;".:liff.x.# s1otu :i;;l::J.iqr;:i:}i:;]i';-H:li*.iirrlii,iliHnr" i :::"*iilH ;fo 9o-oa dea.



arlh thc

Defensorea dF

sd larrrn crub. ur.

$ff #:'f ki;i'*;::"#i'Hii6:r*s"".Fii;i'i.





19 J1n Gre€l

- Continued dlale.6at Ftrst CoomuDlon larrles (one Has helil for r:s daughte!) r re.slved atr j,nde1lb1e lslFsslot of a Mn and a people thar Uw! all on€ contiruous barqu€t.{lroubl.s tDto joyB ahd nak- of llte rtseu 6t111 haye a hsn6te! feo their Boe. !8u11", whe.) I had lot 1bt6!dod, -o ,rtL€ €o ouch about nv peffo%nce ln lhe ..rsce. but aa a1l the readets linoi,as a ooblettto!,o.c sees lerv 1!tre ot lhe race. lie ts onlr able lo descrlbe acc8atelv h13 om 1ep!es.ton8. It 16 hoped the Rad6! lolb6 tlcar1ou61y in thlr etp6rlerce. #4


B€st regald 3, JlE cleea

1. 2. ?: 5.

(Ars.) 49:lo (Ars. ) t'6r09 6. Ez€oulel BuEtenent€ fr6lt*- raoos(UsAl 49124 rtn c..en. 46.21 7. Xeie1 lba!62 (U!ag.) 49:31 Cuodrl (n ) 8. Julio &iii iif,"iii-ii--iiiie. r g. zerudlo Alberbo. (Cjh11e) 49:40 4 albslro c4reblto (8o1. ) 4?t58 8r4a rb. 4ar.tos Oaletto, (Ars.) ,0:08 cob6n6a6 JlEn {A.e. ) 48r

c.offrey tlatl Report. FroD Yokohasa. Jepan {Nov. 8, 10591 pen of Creellu. frcb the s3kuft E:DleEs (3rd class). f,ot frcr the.Dl.ode rhrt u.61iill{hL b€aFd.d,amellns nele ot vouls com€s the laledt T.sIn io Yotohana.i tl,avb€ 1! 6tbuld be "Should have gone 6!ttt16d i€stertlay" b;L lt lrnt[ - rea.o! belne Lhat I staved to ruItelbouln€ 1I A63nl l,l6lAthon todav. Htrcshlma rob L^ 2.29t34. lle va6 rtrth t! 9nd is a surc ler'tr lhe sun shlnes bErAhlr xsntolek of czeoh. rar .ecotd & (.leo) (rc! sludent Nokashlda!.a vou!8, thlrd laEL fhtshed liamea vear). r"a Uie tutu!€ wss fourth. The tlnv xakao lhtshed fi'th (L fi' 10:"iit tDvr " ntE buttdles call hln - he rtoze at Bo.tot but h€ thqhed ro@v" 'BEa11 thl6 is roii"rrri"'ru"i,"u.a 6th and ltalslaku ?Lh Inearlv dled at6 BoEton,but dord or melrsn d hls bofte toE, He l. frv buddv - Lhough I'e cantt rpgak I can otr1v s!6ak tro NordB of JaDanesP. ) No other p]6ce3 - mv JapaneEe he dld nol tinlsh. olnerg las lot u; ta Lh€ enaullY. Fled NorrtE? soEe 8avch4p.t thev Bav das.rorn Dlac. h1o erh€r€ ln 2:J0.401 r4done!(Flmlah 1b 2.42 atn Dlsse (cel@Ev) dtd not rlnrsh a3 fa. ss r car gather' ner . Of couls€ I flnlsh€d - !e s11 Lh€ {5v roo- 3ra2t55 for Strh' I ta8-)vrl Horl aL Lbe t]m 4d Dicked off oulte 3 fes ot the {ay hooe.76Bov rl las raceostarters The sw leally biazed do6 ou! of a c-€3! 8kv. AE the thsruI,a5r€adJ!obetha].{ou1dfar1bytheNay3lde' Lhosa dayE. There na6 \ori6, quiei and pale 1r ' llttle rap. ledi knrre ahd b1!€. lnscllbed xilh nBreezv Blackpool." t{anoler had wam€d up 1! 3 wae rearry sweetirs. Kailtolek, thh & tlne - he 3eetu 11ke t-r"ci-!iit "ra. Lo 16. DI6Ep 16 Lall and lool!3 6 btt heavy a 46at d! ihc botE' .rook otf" aL rhe su ald I rar alona behlbd befole turnrlg on rh J/ oI the D!es6!re: Neve! d1d s.L around Lo tt a3 T hll ihe lt knorEark ihe trce rer i{o" *e rers !n Lh. countlv asd the pes.art8 holped out ;addles to chee! and *ave sEil 6houL. Bov dld thev srodt vhen ev 6an Eet i'Jat!o"uatLo.t,0btHo!A15oil,,hatco0!ady'-shaLcom!ary? co6Ddv - aldost laEL but I Haled abd 3b11ed u.LI1 8oE€ characL6' calred ;t;;t'c.D;'w- n"iir" - u"w"v Lhese eele rh6,orses thev Ead'' but or kno' oav have b€'n in"i*.. sp€ak IIg' Jaiatreso and for all ne eau t'he oth€?s conlna ".*i". i"""iii'e 1i,", t'o, i rar itr.it for blsdes' ftet bet'iti ii"_c,l*. !1tt1. NakashtEa ltr frcnl, - ms t surprls€dl You 1o ddov but "i rhee {6r. hot o! h16 h6e1s sDd I ws6 bu3v coutle. I cveo Oqa{6 A;tsuku {ell uF, as he looked at be ln srEr! 3u!Pr13e_ perbapE reI! Ne{tor F!11.' bul thls Es dolhcr €} am caulna a aotue! 4eetlne ;;-;;;"r"i; on trii q.'i. ve11 59Lh a! ttie uurn, so I frsrrrcd r rcurd do I eDloved ih€ pl€san! 5u@v a letl€r lob fo! Ausi.al'4. -ip;;d a;;.TllFleatE.!' i riiiiii,'i"a- a;" sof a lauEh at ih; brckd do'! b'aldetr sauopsr




- ceotf lratt - conrlnled

*?1,.i".:1"?f,::T"T"j*"3ilii.l"3;"ii", rhalk! ro 35!h our or ?6,

:i:ili:ri:iiliilJQ":;T-i:t.{"i;t:t' :.i.lff ;,ix" ,:'isi:":"Jr"i:, ", iiifr if {i[[14**]!4:'i;d:F;*:]::t*!;*Hiry*t lurole€n flarathoE f.oh bui of co so. E!c!.e pa'chy r"tt., rhe.e, u"a i,iiin! uiiYi"; fi.l,iT'i"i*{ :"i3i.,:::* *'aay bu, only sp€.e enoush * 'o t;nr-;;;i;.;."fi:;l,f:,":,:1,:; r.s. a4y-r6pues rroD rh6 loys .," *:tt """" "n"*iml"rxHii";rlffiT.i:r*fi"!d:




iTlE r





j:*'re#;:.$.::i:i"r#.ffi:.!fl :i:,i:.iil.?::..::" :*


"I :""1ffi I:;,:ii"..:i":""::it; ob fiolday bolnlng gojDs lla Daltg, Booe, Toh€ra!, ys.obl.

*li;X,tr;f ili:J:p#'.ffi.*"FTg:i"iilito lotuor _!e ,left

geiff 1,p!ir!,{!!l}s;i, :::*-i::"::"ril;$ li"rjm,j!";jffiiii,.. ;i:$J".:T:H":t?""F*"r:,.iH":':.tr:* iF**:l,ii"li;.H!iij_

"fi :"ff

:*i*n;ti:iil::a;fl air];'r;i{$"i;*:ji{;r#i*l:lH'#tift ;f ru"1ru",:*ri,l4,iif .{:HH":#"il:"' :ii;i.il,;*P":ri"vi.r;

,;:'"H;:.:nl:.1":'":i"|3t.;."ri:%Il"i"'ii""*"*:,E::':g i3t'1"0!".iri* ;:";"i:.'H":""i"{,:il"'"*il,"ii: ?:"'l:"c" h'ped.ee" rh; i;;. aii-;;i;g!;"1+ :i,11;i ii1!:4;:sls"riiisifitlHrli1"$Irfufi.i5l'*r.il.. ;;-;:-;Ti ;:"t"::.;1"i.?1,?j"gr"li'.?t i.!l_rut;:"":":*,t"1*-l;i:lii." Ye:y_slcA atrat tht8 EB the stsrt of ny toslbg geqit flor rhloh I nev;;--11991?'"1 : nv posrtton or 25 @, bot'b. a' i"4 ., it iiii'i. tn:sed ,n ftr6 cee;;i ;iG'riii,c Lili"Yoli:.'H:"i",i-i"--zi H":.*""H:""',." cra36 Deai. rhe rapa,ose way qrth ch;p .licks rr,.,, tl..riii6"iie,i"-;r;i

:;;f' H"llii !i!i'd",ili.d'H::'l;'3,,i"8r,3"'T* i5,iff! l'1'_'1 :""_':':'_"::"_::': ttre dav iiier fu.-xi*-iiii-it-' lffirliiiit,:ii,lifi "'.fi *:i?i *rT:ex.tyd;;rilJJtri+; illlifi ilf irlid"i,fi ::,:L:"'i:""$;sr. "if "":*!,:"ti:;;:e1.*i!r:itc Bt€'3*".;i,l€i"ifi"*3"iI:gh*i1.3:""tiif1:tt"x":l:it"yitJj*,i":i:":iir*. i"i;p";G;;-

5- IlE EOAD !4CA BY IOO ).OS'i ilCABDET'E s.t6 cowre lecoid lb BlDLra t1E€ p!1z6 hoaora. (su!dav' Dec zur r!,'' Colreg.. sLud6Dt froE l4cdtoril lakes' N'J" De BaLss, 18-y*r-o1d Fldor hts n6arest pursu.r bv about 100 vslds Lo tln th€ touthP€rk' oultugtec;d !sc' l!.iatroout ioui pau: B. (savasslli hanrllcBp cFs6_oouita a t6cold r;r the lei rrYe-dlle cou" or 24 !1Nt'5 aar i;li;"i;i".: chdtro! or r$;.i-;t;.i;; ldArdic ' roter ttuco-olre ;;'!i;il';;; loroer fit' tl611v glgn nar]a.d- ln rldlhE lhe best tln. !!1ze..Bst.t' Boaicc,'flrrarrea 1b rlont or th€ !€d Ac ;i;: ;;";;;;-ij"a'sh;ror'aa -il si.aftlls trc !jbut'! all lErrc-e'coEd' Jr i;,i0.. i,iii! 'r i't ii":i;i:"a fi@Irt Rrtar the firsi isrrrers't toru leat a€v' Bst;. Esseit &1 t'! h'rd-th' postEroE;E ril€ fro' hooe'.H6 ,ii"-ii"-iii i.l-ir.p;; EetLrns or z/:uu' read Ihe ..6t or the Ev abil flrtabod {tih aD aotEt crocx)Dar!D6r_up u c."rr",i'i.t*tt. Bo6lon iA, hMdl.apP6d at lou! ElruL€r' BE


!ac6 & rinrar". rii Yort A.c', .aD a b162hs ;;:"?l-'fi,;;;:";;;:;ia cotrr'Edo!' ri.rshe!.. rhe oarv 'clarch G;;;i'.jt- i i6ui oi tr. i)2rei out th' +9ot{ 9r ?::?9r z+tzz to i!iii"*"ii1a-;tr^t;1;b, i;50,-i.A;dt;Bc, €5.116r 'tpeEeaEob fo' tb' n6' coorle' tbl! vesper iii ry Sii;" ln hoDor of hls 3o! laul ' a BlIl'KeEtaEEIlv. ,ho Etaa.s t!'6 lacepres6lted p!126'. follorlDa runro! Hrsh' .i"i*l-ii riiiiri x".tomBo6!hou.6' !b€ prlz6r-. o'ftbaDdtr' boautlrul rliea ie@ Ac ;i;-;;;.-i- ah: (NYAC ) aD?L lelars cane! (P'E Ac) ;:;;.';;;'a;i ';; ;;Ardt;, i;.25 B.aE61 s11 !ec.r'ed trophl!'-a!'l th6 ;; ;G;-;;i*", rbc ft!;t aeainflnt.he!s p.orraea a .abdou! burr't 3it1€ 16eh€o! orci ii"iiieiiv-i;tii

for all. Elanled lroc 29r4o 1. Dan BaleB, gldElab CC :10.0J 2. Glahe ?am€11. Eo.to! AA 3. Jsck u1u!6ds, uest cbeste! Ac 30!09 l- lr'lre Eo1de6. Phl1a. ?lon.er 30:11 5- Pet6! t4cA!dl.. N€! York AC, 3O.L2 6. aobert !torc-&. Ph115. Plo!66r 30:13 30!14 ?- Johtr Klebuta. Pem ac 30:1, 8. Nolbe.t B€lze!! leDn AC o- Panl sh6me. Baltldore CCC, 30:19 3or2a io. Dlck Packsld, Boston a4 1!. Rlchartt Clapp, Fv ?lo!ee! C. 10!21 12. Bob Fu\ma!. !6e AC 3or22 1'!- coorE€ B!bm. Balcloo!€ CCC 30:29 30:30 14. Joe sleraericz, ?ee Ac 1{. Dor Uasken. €€Itlror6 ccc 30rJ1 )o.32 13. Jeck va1eh. shaEetw cc l?. r-otr Drehei. srEDnd cc 30.33 30rf+ 18, Joh! Doelah, NeE York Ac 1s. J€ff St€hli. C6Dtral J6r5€Y 30:1, 24. Percy Hrl1lsDs, !r.ch€Bt.r Ac 30:16 ,1- John Bloslsda. Shatshe Cc 30:15 22. Csr.oll Ande!.oE, Ph1la.PI6D' J0::9 2'1" ctEl1e6 CoEhekLer! Balt.CCC :10:llo 3o:4t 2!- John ltiqrshau, Pcro Ac, 3ot!2 25. Joe B€5se1, NeY Yolk Ac' 26. xlchael ,tcsr€elot! ?-hrla. Plon.30:46 iot49 2?. Irabcls Cara6r, ?eu AC, 16- E.s.r Hamon. Ph1la, !loEe!, 10:52 Jotsl i1. ch;s. ficshee, P6m Ac, 12- B'uce Ur11leB. U. Ch€€t6! AC J0:rC 3lroz 1T. Ken stFhle. P€E Ac, rarry oer"ney, shalahaE cc' 11!01 i4. (Cotrtlnu€it



21[51:20 3t30


+?+ffiLr!* 26to5 2a,49 26!47 2ttr22


1r 00


3,50 3!00 3r50



26.29 26,31



26.59 27.0o




2.50 2.00

): lo 3:10

5\ 29t))


24t35 28t 55


26r\9 30 2?








24t03 29,5a 27.32

1r 50




Alitt ltoDh6n, leu AC, Dlck Donohu6, Bosion A.A, Eat olee., lee AC, 34, iRaptd. lalph E11b6!9, ph1le., )9. StaD l1bdne!, ?e@ AC, Fr€lk tu11Jj Shanahan CC, Bob zolltrtrofrer. Bo8ton AA, 42, &t Black' Pee Ac, He!".r, te8t C!€ster AC. !:. Iar.y ge!4r l!1,!katd, Pee AC, Malzzaoco, P€E AC, !t. chas. I^* Cup1, Pe!]r AC, Mar Sisltord, Ph1la. tlonee!, 48. V1111e Ctark, lee AC, D1!k Crs6a, Iroatt., Del6mre, Eoa Ta8tel, Pe!! AC, l€.!V Jaoeson, P6m AC, llylon B1g610{, Boston AA,

Wllltd B.ailley, ?€u AC, IerDndo vood!.y, ?eE Ac, JlD l{eaney, Veape! B.C., Bobert Ea.klns" tosalle !r{, tod (emt, A31tinor6 CcC, J@68 Brorr, Peln AC, 59. Eon Renech, leE Ac, !ja!l solth, leu AC, Uert rel1er, Iasalle AA, Jd6s !1a6, lhlle. Plonee! Club, (e11t, Baltlnole CCC, 9). De@ir Boberi; K1!!, Sharahab CC. Fr€rL E1!s., reD A., JaE€B OdLLan. I6Sa11e AA. Je6s sitt&, Iasauo rra, iou caneloD! ?eD AC. 69. Dav6 ttoDp6or, Uest ch€st€r AC, 70. Aery II.'h€, ?hl1a. ?lo.eer. Dsn DeloD, Bodton 44, Ja!6d tocb, leb aC, ltati SbalEton, Peh AC, liaf, Johrson. Phi1a. lloE€er. 5t+.

3r.06 37r49 31:



Jder l{alt1n, lem




25tiA t59 28r20 29.21


l:00 ,10

29r35 10r36 30:rta


3t 5a




l!40 l:50






31.42 31.43

33 -to



31! 39





32r44 32.77 32,42 32,5a


29133 2?



27:52 30:03

2913' 27.36



3!oo 2,8'J




29,47 32.42

l0: J8


29.54 32'35





5.20 2t30 2.50


31,a4 3J.45 33:28


!1:28 r6 34.13

32.4a 32,5a


Is1!d, NMoDeer


3rr15 1r t16

}J11I1a0 cEllEueh, ?e@ Ac, 76. Peter Douaherty, ,Deu Ac, 77, Jee6 Braillet, Pen Ac, ?9, Bob ChanbelF, Shalahan CC, Joe BEk, ?6m AC, 81. Johb Boote6, Bostor AA,

2.30 4t3a 3,10






34t?5 32r44

35,o7 38:20

!es1y orrlcers ot the Middle Atlanilc ARC for 1960 !:!4-C!!L4!-ej,nclu!€rAob Ch4^b€16relected ?hjla4elphta. Pres-d.' : Lrry 1e-taney, Penn6auken, I.J.. v!ce-:.esld€b!r PloMlF 8oFi, uoo4bury, r. ., Tr.cs r;;. a.d on OBle!, Jeden, rv,J.. Secrers"t... -hr taasLoip 4.hie-ic clLb, O!ta.lo lubllshed & dlstrrbrLcd r.-rr :1rsi !ssL- ot .hpir ron'hty rEEazlrLhls oonlh. The purlose of hh. !,qa.!lne ir t6 lubl.crze 6^d Do@tirtza Track & lleld ln Acneral a.d Lhe aladslone cura-. 9l oer amu.n ^ ir D.. fron Dd.Lor &.1r.JlaLlor I.lsger! Chrrs tr.l,"rd, 89 "a:Ph.rso. nv-.,to-^,1o. Betore starttng a rece, breathe d€epty io build up your oxygen suplly.


SlBttlts - A nex club 16 tn the held 1n Iobdon on seDienber 14th llocetc oi lomlle ln {e{ En€lan4. lhe foUo,ilg the Ol}rnl1c Ganes ln nob6.. soqtb ShoE AA !a. 15 !€fl !ao6a lb 1t,.. Cr4ece bEs lEvlted olr tEck aDd ll€td :osr Leah fox 4 Daich a€|)lasl 89.!--I!.Lte!. Cjoes-CoulrJ 'oach a! Bulfplo Stlte leachors Co11ea. d.!re-. tle Balkan .'LaLeE a A_hers on s€lr. "l r6cali,rh6D I flrst sta.L;d lhe 9 - 10 And 1is.6rdtr, !io]_erd. ln6!ort oa !!n!11ng, there ,ednrt a dtsrites th€ lts t€s for se!t. 15th, tarce club in Dulaalo, so i Jolaed a Snaller tE.k ald tlerd Eroulis ale club.about 20 eile8 a{at irob lhe city, lEalted to seye.et clties :, C€@tr}.! Ai 16-Iears ot aee, I !;n 1n a 15-h114 srlizerlard and Franee, lElaet woula!ace. so you ree 1 got eot ny .tart a! aa also like to arralge arran€e codpetltlon6 codbetltlonB & !l!e age. Today the ,49 boys @ys have r€ve so nary exhibitlon6 to. fo. our tlack atnletes oui ']eny vrllrD

olpo"tdd,ie. to lal'e aillsntage of, bul Loo @Dy {rl1 aDL. J€ hEve to bcad glee th6 6port the tosethe. Losethe. to elee Lne spalk sDalk that 1t ureds t.day."... A yos8 lad stood aa2 n€ aL !ep1d !Ar.!b cllbe!&t6 trophj csse .ecertly. afLe! a lona

follollnA Lh- Ol]mDl. MFs,..Dd leade o; qua' rj^ Crry, r.,J..-les oidlzea a south oredlzed sourh Jerset rersai,r.r,,.ir. I.r'l.u. 0fr1.ia1s ,1sro.tatIoa to sci.ool EuIlab-te edultr .o be q@ t"t€d of|c'ais "or l,A,!. ev-rrs belhg hcld ln the e11erc6 Lhe iid blulted out Lo +he SojLh Jerd"y Yea o. \;w J.rset. -!e beaElne lnoid !oss€36cr: '!,18t ilr rou Assoclailon {ilf spoasor abiL corduct do rls!!!..- At the 50th BeldlcL l{ara- saratloreti. !.r!.tt. ne6t€ and pronote lton ob 1hantrsglrlag Dey, !.T. !.!-. anaterr s!o!ts. AitEctive D€ebeiihlp lrtce-ffeaident .J.qq !:g.Eeaqea nade e cald$ hare heeh iBsred,.. fhe lleEten Bedt3phere rxaratho! d!a!t rery feH Prlrli4 pre-lace pleaentatlon cf a beauilrul lEnA @ae c6rtif:rcate {bI spectatorB afi€r gcoa heNspapo. cov6rv:lirose .!a€ A4) to loze ,ge Lhe 4ay befoF ... "he looo t!D-€ ':.F'Iu-l-nj. rr.e s4c.Fi.drt -l-! 1aqlr63, rror th. fa.oaed :n th rac- lnClca'c -he iJ?C, lllAi :n a?preclation ot klndne8sse there Ei11 be a good fiE-rtt it 160 tho'-! to iho iorq line of l4etrclolli&n for 01yE!1c teaft no!eiuls!... !!l!q ruusrs qha !Ev6 irled tneh luck ili ,.rly aploinied irack coach a'. ihls lstu6 aountaln ro.". P_e.cy Cer- @, }laryland State co11e6e 1! !1em1.a a ut!/. vn. cdlJc!-l € ottrc b; neliS - R6lat caRtva-_ t! tBy.,. hatu -ev:: for !.. Lac,'l-A, r- r953, havot .ie livu , --" -., . "ood hls bo.it publlshed 1, l1arch,"!l'1950. tie 2-ml1e in a M€i !-IU Derelolnelt - fieet hae luei: .cEtrleted 4onihs of hara wo!i! Ln NYc o! Dec. r9rn... !er.i__!99le, deleloplie !t1€€ ?oli6oa ?ori6oa casp caa! !bi:o a a slerder Las L.s A1to5, A1tos, Ca1li., Ca]li., sdii.l seDl.l, seDl. fl.st claEs lr.ilbirB r{i1bltB faclllty fac1l accobo- 6el a natto@1 hiAll 6.hoo1 ilo-Dlle dattr€ 2C 4thlete8.." lete8.." Sp6akias SD6akiu of the reconi on Dee, i2 rr'-h a 9126.5 eLo eLo.kspectacuier 10,000r. 1n the OSA vs. Inei on the Stanford siadlun trac!, OSSE Eeet !! Phlladelphla PhlladelDhia tast tast 3me., iudn Boor€'s .lre brorre rh- old .ecod oc Lr- @!., LoEElle says, nPoo! .ludseDeni 9:28.2 set by tale stof,t of orange, of IBce 1t elatlor to the DAY adl ob€rs ca11f,, last }ia.ch. Eooeve., Ecore'6 condlLron" 1E 4J oplnton. Is vhat he9- pfforr ^el .fo of h- e11-L'tr. loE to tbese rlB8ae!. outerat or these hlcb schoot nark' of 9t21.,4 let by Toa hot tlay.. Peter6 13 an ero€.tl€rt exdple l-ris, ra6!'naroe of Iek to.k.ltJ, ..solt, !rct6ct1re cap8, €tc., are,o rr an {A' :.'L r 1918. !4rrx le llle suDEtitute tor bralasli.., The IIe{ Yolk ol Bereley flhished 2nd ln 9:10.9 & AsEn, BRC hav. tlist!1luted th€lr secold !]le !ClU4! oi !a1o AIto :,rd in 9:42.1.. N€xr16tter attl tt 1! exce1tent.., V6 rye4S:-C .qe!.SC! of Phlladelphlars hafl ths opportulty to spea! at the Cardi@l Dougherty lsr Eays he rcul(r zhil Ab!@l Gold Shoe Chb Dlme! at 111<e to Eo to Notre Dee or l4ichiqen Southhaollo!, !4, on Decenbe! 29Lh, s.are...r="r Austrarta. dlsrance rurlhe puriDde of thc club 1B to plodoie nrns find 1s z5-yedt-o1.d, 120 Ib. !99 grgi6i pa*lclpatton lb Tlack and Brain rho clock€d 13:50.6 lo! three F1€1d tb the 6choo1 alil coEEhlty mons niles at 01ynp1c Park, Melbome, Dec. all ase rrouD6. 0bder P.€xv. Joe Stetad- 19. The Cerur-v coached athlele lan 94Sa ald coach Elchaid 49Ba!-the-aiG_ -he lc,ooo fo!; days par' -r in lo:08.. orgaDlzeit a"d .ucces8fuuy pro@c-d 0rah-n 'hoaas asair .rackeo the llsr oabJ oe6t3 ard Eces ln r9J9... The 5r-a6e record wtLh a aooa 8:r6.t tE61tlo61 Erltlsh tu!1re--UsA @lcb on Deceobe! 19 at sydney.

h track



1B scheduled




'.*itr*ir *i*t*'sn:-; ;,;;,

1ii"1;i';*"*'""*"#"ii8ii"i:*; lj;lq;l$Tl*:::":lll l,i"it l';; r,il::4l*uft i+eqiiii ii;i:", il+$ir.::illi";i+":3:i:, .::i;i:i;iiiiiiif;,;gii"i;fiii;*::. s:i;;;'r'di;",9"1'l,I"i Til,"l.



-*,,",',t, gl;$lf*l"il ;:r'5n:i:iriliii*:i::::, il:,," fr'ffiim,;:ir*it: ifiIq$:;;:;ffi.'j,*;;"= ./oodlan, ctuor st., Nonis:'il:;"{,||l ifri s. 1oJ4


uii{i,tii:il','l;'l:iii:isHi:' pi'iii"'fi3ll',.i'li"i".lTilj'-".:' ii=:i;i,;iii:.";."'l ";"lllll'.' iii,$ry$ilr:liifili$;ili:; ffi$' " jit,:s: i ?ii{i::" l'



l ;l*frr#:r*iT'*i::,

5f,*'ilffi ft*:t::,' Phl1a,. +, ?a, b6ri !s.) (Contlnuad

4 (Mlddle

Ailantlc llc Eosier-coE lnu€ii) 34, Malcoln nccuUoch, 224 last tlaple 35, Jolb st.C1alr,Sr., 2972 A1dobd St. 36. Steve Thoms, lsre! cl.cle E!2 3?, E.om1ns Bo.s, 306 l,l. cente! St., 38, Forrest Eoes, 518 auee! St., 39, D!. lfl11laD Buth!6uff, 211 so.rr6!h St., lhila.39, le. 40. gery A. Yos!, Box 688 ED1, B16ck41. Iarry Defaney, .:i160 Calllel.il Ave.. Pe@Bauker a. N.J. 42. Jack !yr;h, 512 shefrooil,{v6., 43. J€66e Brd611e, 5416 laftirr6od Ay. Phllaile1lhta 4J, Pa, 44. Luth€! Burde11e, 5541 C'recellor St., ?hi1e, 39, Pa. 45. Harry lert<orltz, 111 Ialk€t St., 46. John Chapnan, 858 goUorr.eu D!., suntlDAdoh v611ey, !a, 4?. v€ln Ito!Ca!, 2411 Alaa AiL., Norl648. Jln l{oDad6, J40J Toledo Te.r., Apt. l/+, FyattsYl11e, l4alylaad. 49. Jeck B€rry, Carit6n,Ave,, Pemsau.koE N.J. 50. lob C?a1b, 6047 BalilwlE Ave". TeeDle cliy, ca1lfolbla. 51. John Prestod, 2136 leF Ed., De1lark Uaror, {tldlnetor 9, D€1are!e. 52. "Bapid" Re1r,h E11berg, 109 clEndt16s, state college, 9a. DICr


rrc lo-!{ItE


lhl1a., ?a., sunday, Jen. 10 (1 Pt{) Dtck Donohue, Bosioa A'\, ron the

tif't am61 10-d11e orraE!1o!6h1p of the lildle Ailstlc Boad B!ae.s. Clu!, today rn Falmouni Palk 1b 56153. DoEohue,Plerce lusines. school 3tua6nt overiook lor 0g1er, CaBdon, N.J., at tho six-alle 6rk alit led fro! ihele,

H#,Ei*H*i9i3F-*F.#i'i3't 59:11; itait slnsleton, fomer New Jeritr 60!59, CheltennaD, Pa,,

sey b1le chadplor, fourth


la.ry Delarey,

Bleh School ?hysics teacher, rllth, 6. John lt&6bal-1, ?hi1e., 62to9 ?. I€or Dlerrer, Phl1a., 62.aL

8. Jo€ stefaDoslcz, Rlatley la.k' P6. 62,i4 9. Hery Yost, Blaclwood, NJ, 64:10 r0. Earl Snlth. Noristom,Pa.65:15 !1, FraEk Ke]ly, PbLad., 56t25 12. John xlch!la, Phlta., 66.32 13. Frsdk Btlss, rhik.' 68!+7 14. ldr Cee!o!, Phl!a., 72t31 lJ. Jery Hoch, Prlila,, ?3.5? Prlzes: 4 t!ooh166 & 4 ret. of 311te! lrtna6it Foot Cirtf-1llks. . ColA


For! $116 0!6a tlnte! noaA Bace. Feb. 14, 1960 - Sponsofed by th. lostt B@e.ar club. fiex lo.k AEsE. Sanettobed !y th6 !lei. A8soc. AAU. 11 A,!t. ficcoebr Dd Pa!k, 161st.& JeloEe aTe,, B!ou, .I. Report: 10 A.lt. aN Mcoobbs De Pa.k lock€! !!oe Yadree staallm. ?.tzes! Medels to flEi three. Ole year sub. to Bftck & Flelil Nex., & one copy of "Back T.acn" (Book. ) EDrrl€6 to: Joe Klelnendn, 2825 Clafltn Ave.. B.od 68. N.!. ABuel noherry lr€e PlaEthoE" {26 F1 385 yd. ) l,lcconbs DaE 15.k, 11 AH, !eb, 21. 1960. Prlze8, znd

EIGLEI{ - I1Ie olflclal t8lenla ured lhlouehout ihe ro!1d by iEe D€a. TLley are beins solal to neobers for $1.00, alloij.ns a eoau Drcflt for th6 EEC. UsArr @!j.oE1 i!@!u!y, contact i.B. Boss, 306 1,1. Cerlt€r st., woodburr, N.J. o. Ied Cor!]ii, 5240 Bloa{Lcy, l{Y 53' !I, lt jrcu {tsb to lur a! .Eb1ed. T11€ eibled r'ay be 4o!D oE a da?k blue blazer; or on a Eresier o! s{etshlrli or on the u!pe. !1eht 3!ile ol ihe t'rmiEg Bhlrt. Not€: Bt uFlag seta t! ls poralble io u8e a 3lrg16 €nb16n on nore tha! one gam6Dt. lttl. alre coue6 lE haldy sha! tho gafrent YOIJR BEC




svrilat, Ju, 10, 1960 (11 A.ll.)- Th. .'.Fr Club (I{Y ldstr, I lalfuhcil their 1960 FaiL lachs F.ason xlth a 4 olle oD.! sclatch ro. A lt.lil of 22 t'1lnei.i faoett starte! nl*€ Dei€atlv. l{1I1ro!e AA coaclt, f,ho ras horotaly !te!t.!. (corthueil !r.xt !asc) B6ad E

iJoe 9es5e1 - cohr tnued;

:::::iil:,i,,Ii:iiff i:'ffJiiHj

-e-,s top ,rddre dr6."re-

. ;iifl!g;-ii; ;:":ii.ii:;{:, .,ncle

iiy,g":"i, ::t"iitr 3:L::T::i"i:i..

r*'"ru;iU::tll{l*J;ii;:;ii iir'*;;rr;;;"ilpi;:'iJ:i,i}:; ili:i'ii:-itffiil.iii+


. H*;.';,:"j:j,,ii:ii:li;"X;,.1"i::;;;'

rii;lr;;: ;:i:i"i:"ip :11:H":i!:"11,1iff:" l*:itir,l;::ii':*ii ;.;t.;-i; .i; "iy; ":ii : ::,;.;i;"."*h i!l?ii;"T,,ij i:*j'r;.ff;fu."1:,,

;;i;'ri:;;ili:isiii;ff tr*;:" ."""ee: 5 reaals. iil3d.3""Fiitgi;

i: i:iff"uji.,ry.*, ,.n",


i, rti:i11,:fi::"**t;ii,'' " ;i;:; i: ;;;';.;";fi'^dit:

sffiTtrc!5l rroe caprsrh Da,e ?.,te!ns,


il:'"si# 1ii;'ti' "*" ""' nli":$:ririil'i[;'iiiii:ti"3l,ule D:e1.ed '



l,l--il;;l$i,*r::".",?i;ii,,," iri ;"*! i*l'i,qmii:!i:*l;:: {:3i;.f;ilslif;"l!"*Ht;:: ifli:iii: i;$ i:i:*:;,i:t: ^^.,.tit\.i, ii, fp";i,*,#$*,: i*+l,iiititii'!ru'idl4;ili::i:liil lii ii:,::Fi.:;;;*,::i*s::.:i;s ii:il:fii:g!i.l5"i.ii:";o;:;l'?s ",,,


4:,ril:i;.*"*$il;i::i:; " ;fi'r's*u;qlei;ii*f iiff

*li:g; i;:Hiii;'+if Ii::*"".,:irir-,jii!:tur-ir:lril,i.:r:-

sLc^B !or.r! rB.A^r Frnri



?iâ‚Ź1i';.ii"i3.l"i;if,i: ::*i:*",S iil.l. til,;"lili"i.T.i..l" i., l:i":*,_

:Fldiii':!ir!i!1,::,'.fl,rii;.::r;; iiiil::l,Hiir'l"jnili5fti:tffi;!':'


:i=- lli:#:i-i:i;i:iiii;if;i;i:!iii":





Phila.,Pa,, Saday, Dec. 2?, 1,959 lltt1e th€ voree for 1? hitohhlkl ho!!s to set he!e, F1o.lda stat. unlver61tyr3 KenE tl1l13 outdlsts[ccil bhe fl€1d to rla the ldille Atlabtrc noad Bimel8 Clubr6 flr6t adEl 10'0008. x-couiry orwpioo6hlp loday lt Fal!T\renty-two-year-o1d l'11116' lroo Pontlac (M1ch,), Bped ac.o63 the flnlsh 1tn In fsnt ol the lcu A.c. Boathow. 40 yarits ahoatL of Dtck Doaohue, club prcstdent, e!.68edt1b8 the 9o.to! A-4. Mlus Ia8 crockeil 1! 33 otDute6 aEd ,1 gecorib anil Donohu€ lD 33!59.0 ' Slno€ MlIId ,aE Efadlller tlth th. h111y, rooily cou86 o! both 61d6s of lrhe sohwLk111, Dolohu€ 6€!?eit as trre eood'SaFriieni bt g6elEe that I{111s dtd not 60 a6tray. xiU6 Etayeil behlnd Donorrue fo! Euch of th€ loule uiU c€r.taln of th6 say back anit the! st6pped out froEt about oD6 olle tton ho6e. M1113 t'sd hrtchrrik€d from Beaufold (S.C.l, arltlle he.e Sudsy at 2 a.!. TvenLy Etarters and 16 f1D13he!3 de640 deg!€6 tea rsr. lite vet, log$/, Prlz6a {e!e p!€sent€il 1! the Vespe! Boal club toUonlie the race., 10 trcphl€s ald iro ol Fr6d rlltrs, '!9! thew tlaln.i order ot Fltllsh: 1. (ent $llls, fauaha36ee, F1a. , 3l:51 2, Dlck Dotrohuo, Peusauket, N.J'3J:19 3. callolL Abdemo!' Phl1s., la. ,4!09






E.,'@r o."*o

& qP€! Sedav. 17":.1oiii::"3-*[;"'' ".". Ja. plonshlp, - u.a.A.A.U. coop€t !BIY6r cooF€t ?0 xlfo chsplonahlp, Pafkrat, cadder, I.J- (1 LX.l supdaY: Je. ?4 - 8Bc 4]-fir1e hu (Blhd Haiillc6E) A11 nenorg a!€ r.ou.Etcd to brtu a Drlze talu€il $1'to $2 aEd nap;.d la plarn lalEr' Every codleillor .ec61ees a ptlze, Eo etrtry a.e..cloloar.

- n.a.a.A.!. 30 f,l1o E!!drx!b!--ll & OpeE 8d {Ctsdplor6rtlp) 6t s-tEEnEa Cathollc Club {624 tsncaste! 4t.., ?h11s.. Pe. {1 P.I.) SuDilsY . Feb. ? - 'tr<r Auul rtarl6dsrae-tTGtT:loutrr. 7. 5-ltl I 1e!. coopor Brr.! !a!kEy, caDdeE, N.J. A selles of J iao.. tll1 bs h61il €ach Subday 8ta!tl!g F€b. 14 lbfr larch 1ltb. Pt1z.3 tlU bB araln6il at th6 srd of th€ d€F16! oE a total tine o! p1!t bssis !o tE rortsi! out by a speclal aBc oodrlite., b€ttoal by Bob Chad!€r8..1!t Eo6, 5 o11o3t ztrd d.c. 10 olIes: Jd !ace, 1, tll€li 4th race, 10 oll6.i Jth !ac6, 5 !11o3' contltualt - Culve! CltY tlar6thon (Dave I'Ia.athoD)

?ls!er@ co@ent6 on All rteels corins trco oat-of -toM xelc bei ai th€ Lod ADasles A1r!D!i o! other poht. ot a!!1t41 aDat ta*ea by Syd or ote ol hlr alrlEtabts to pi€-alranged llvlEs qErt€r. I! cu1rer clty. th€r. 6! d 6!6!-P.ose!! vi111@o3a to helD each and 6Yerv enloy ils brlet vlilt to culY.! cttv' J5.42 [h; ;oltcinE ol the cou!6e abil ald 6. DaD Bates, tlt. HoUY' N.t.' 15,35 tlED ad6q€te' 7. NeaI C-h6!!e11, H63t cltest€!,P3.35:J ltaiiotrg xeie Eore a 8. Rallh Eilberg, upp6! Da.by,Pa. l5!4 thereby BklEs the 6ctB1 nnnlBg D1€asu6. E:collert Pllze8 antl tuf!9. Bob Ch4b6re, !h1la,, I'b., 16r )9 10. l6l!y Deleer, P6d8aulre!, NJ,l6:, ;slm6rie {ere d applop.iai6 llnlsh lor the occaEloD. 11. lcorDleher. !hl1a.. Ps., 3?!24 I slncerely encoulas6 East.F run12. Rlchard cseo. Mlildleto*,De1.18!00 codpote ln 11, John Klchulat rtila., Pa., l8:12 !e!6 to @ke a! etfort to th16 afrua1 saraihon It pos31b1e' 14. 6tuc6 l,it1liens. !.Cbe8te..Pa.13t59 ?erhaps E3sten rcad-nnnibe c1ab3 15. Flank KeU.y' Phtla.,?&., 39.27 could conblne ftBnclal lesoace6 15. Flank BLlss, !h11a.i ?e., 39.52 *!he !6c€ {as helil oYer the otd io Berd one or Do.e ruD.!3 eacn Year accordlna to a outllflY eec.Dtsbts couse str€tohlng f!o! th. P6e Ac pollcy. It tould tE a Steat etperrorc. Boat Club on Ea.b 8116! Drlre to beyond BelDoEl Plat66u Ia l,reEt Fslmout for th6 r!1de!(s) erd {ouId 5dd lnterest to the callfoml5 rsc€ & lh. irark, R6csnt runE hav€ b€o! held over I €rtend Ev b6e 4er tElflc-less coulse on both sldes Bbort 6E a rhole,.Iav 1;ted S@!or. cr€et1e8 to all LDt .ub3. ot the Schutlklll Elv€t.



iq$tff 3"il"3iiil;""iilsErDIsrArcE E6lt1more, Sqt., janua:y east_ es lndoor .coson got oft 9to-eThe erctl_ rre 8ta!t tonrehr befor6 a sta.it1.e room only cro{d of ne.r1t 2o1o,3ho 6rayed untlt r1cltght to {atch all the €venrs rn the All_Ea.tern chamrton_ ahlps, 1, an anctent tsm kdom-as the )!h negrDent Amo!'. A Iiltle oan. I"! Yolk UnlvcrsriT glad ]l{e &tza. and a brs oan, viilr_ nova unle, alhnus Do, B.6cq. irrvla€d eodt of lhe th!11fs hatza. xho arrlved here by ca. tlon laahuaron, D.c,, lust rcooents b€lofe nrs ra4e, siegeit 1e dght's blaaest Ialfy to Hlx th6 txo &116. ]Ie t 11--d q€bilco's v1c t{olak by 0ore than r!! erth fou. of the t6 lsrr Lo go, Y6f46 rh.n as:Bolak suddedy tled ir!. notza bee€n io dov€. He cauahr z,a1R]{ at the iop of tae tjcl tr& dd DuU_ ed aray to a l5-ysrd ll.tory in 9:21.?. 6raga d16p1ey6,1 aurplt sl!q1, aood rorr ln the lault, re clesred 15' Ji & eatu€,rlote -outstalcrrg €thlete arald.'rhe neetre . Matze raB dtsappotEted *hen ne heard nrs rrde aEouced, The ftst. alsoljy rrack, howover, eeve alihar\at the fleera a toh oa t,.oub16. "I knox the brack {as pletry lke ra1d, nbut I was hoDha tobad." ru; about l0 secodd faste.. r feel 1lke 1.m 1r aood shaDe.i ltlJie FleDhe, ; loca1 hlEh scb6.l product nos In rhe l{drne;, at6o dls_ Prayed a Eooal klok to 11! Uhe nlle rr 4:20.5-61oe tine even for the fLat elgbt-Iap-to-e-d11e tlack. Defendiru hlte charp Pete Close. lhe er-St" ' Johnt8 star rho rs rc; badly out of 3Epe due to l,Iallne corps ttury, dectdeil l4orgaD's liick Ettl! eDoe.t a I:I2.4 600, 16ad |ns froE Lhelhrough stari. Fre&ihs, Quan-ico &erhes: Me: l. Mlkeqonen. z. larl-O1af Detarare Unrv-: r fi1k€ HaIpIn, cathollc qnrv. 4r20_ < 1. rke !,aLza, u.s.Amy; 2. rrtc +!-l:gi z{ora{r eEhrrco fie.ines; l. Rlchard nvenra, fla.ylahd -\tttv. 9t21.? 2-t{11e lelay r.Jhersr (Secai;n t) Brlt_ roor€ olFltc club, 8:29.4 (s€crIo. rl Lro63 country club. 8:01.I (9ec,rbn Bl ueorgero@ FleltM. lte111?_1: r5.2 ) d:0).l..fiite |ratk: 1. Ron laIra; NTPC. /:12.r..!!!: t. lon Btazeoor€, Duk6!

2, Dick Smlth, rlafyland; l. lee ln, l4orAan State. I:58.5 1. xlck !11!s. flor(an: 2. !!!: ',r31t6r Johnson, Noith c;roilna colleee; l. ceorqe r4athevs. catholic u. I: r2.4 1000 !C!dice!: t. Don rj€sken. Torson (fle.) le1che.!: 2. Charles !ee. llaryland! l. ticti Frtupton, BeLt!oo.e rross Country Club.2:18.?. itielt



iOAi Aljl.I JN



Sar l'LaTlho, C.ltf., Jah. f- Aererooted spencer l€hsho{, ace lDrr_ ier of Soutn Pasadera qtAh Schoot. ceptdred t.! hono.6 as s.hoolbovs if ,esL !:n Cabrtet va11ev Eath;red r.! ih€1r flrst sax Xa.1; iier year iu.. Oaa. a thr€e-lap course throuah a resldintial f,rea, Eamsnau orL_ raced a half dozen of hts ne!e.hbo.$. A Lllo ol UC rinta Earbara and ror,s tseach Stete si dents won tear a*ard; lor the coleta Valfev Road-Bume.s. Ihe !1o Iiondo Ieague All-Stels nisseil the scorlnA coI@s Rhen San $ellno 8S lr€€hraD Steye AouLac, o.ial@tor of the event, felt rlcblft Lo tls om hard ro!)< and falled bo fln1sh th. laEt lap. order ot nld6h llsi ard 2nd lap a shorre. one) :13 *?i:":"*, L Sle,cer Eornshar. BI{LAS. 6:03. 9: r€, 15: J4.8 ?, DoElil F. S€ry€r, C1IEB, 6!Oe 9.27 , L6tA2,2 l. Deers roYaEush, c!ER, 6!10

9r4), 16t 54.6 9. aole.t fi. Boa1. RILAS. 6:19 9:58 17:19.8 5. Blchald B. Rom. C!rBA. 5:,rr lat28, r? | 6. llcharat vai59.2 Praaa. 9asadeDa. ?:01 l1:51 , 18: t6. o stepher E^ Boufac, !H[nS, 6:04 9.29 ---P!1ze€! I i.oFht€s & rlbbons fo! aU othe! fill shers, . letreshnert s. Offlcials: CoI. Uoyd, !al!h lletAhbo.s and Bob Cralb.



rng colrectlcn of fact6. fisD.cq &. succese 5ror1es, nrctr of it !€ra11_ able efsewhere. hder6d. i9t? 11.50 III TsE loNc Brnv ,ruto-lJiog. ;f nar;_ rnoner Jie PeterE. 224!, I95J 82.50

Itllddl€ Atlahtlc A8soclatlon of the AAU,., (op€n, --seElor 20 (11o chuptoElhlp Bu (sponForeit by !t.A. R!c)

Surdsy, .tuEly 1?, 1960... Coop6. nlv6r ?a!kray, Caoden-colltngstooil, {,J. t€6!h€r: 3J dse!ee., co1d, rl!dy.,, 17 6tart6!s' 14 flbi8herE.. 31ap coufe, qrdE! of F1E1Bh 1st 1ap

Dlck DoEohue, Bosiion AA, lor 0.1.r. sh6nal4n cc.

7, FeFy A, Yort, !e@ ac, 8" !a!!y Belkor1tz, P€rn AC, 9. Joh|1 (lchuta, leb ,C, 10. Earr tullh, PeE aC, 11. Bobell Fuhtus, ?€n! ac, 12. F!a!k Ke1Iy, SlFrahan CC, 19. DaYld t. $en4ersoE, U@t., 14. Frerk Bltss, lee AC, t{eay (!nlald, ?eu AC, Don l{ltohe1l, P€@ ac,




26 26 26 28

5).35 .56

7 1 1



26 t1? 27



t39 57 to1 57.05 59r26









.1J3 .3 55




umtt., 28122 Pr1ze6: 5 loloried Itallan bes€, trolhles.,5 Delchanrtlae lr1zes. otticlald: Jack Pylah, Blom1ng RoaE, Joe stelaDorlc z.

Eobert ThoDp8or,

Ac cbllstoas Hanaicap, Torohto, 3-!{11es B6oe lo3.


2. 3. 4. 5, 6" ?. 8. 9. lO. 7i. !2. L3, 1lr. 75. tilzesr


TIo€ -T6:19 ActEl




4.!r!!cr Chrls Plckard


qsE! I:4 t

1!oo Dave coNalit 79t15 75.35 1100 Eans galtache! 1,9,43 1t,1+3 2tl5 cForae Noman 76159 19:4t 2.1' Alberr tlae I9,5c \7t)5 larrow 5;00 r9t57 | r9,5L :'o ohn chur.n r5:0J \9t55 1:10 Chatle6 Bot-e 2oro9 l6t)9 sc!. J@ soos (E€st vorl ^Clu:00 2o:lo 15:10 Douglas 2ar13 19:11 1:00 n-1d 2atr6 16!16 :10 orvllle Atkind 2a.19 t5t29 4roc P&u1 Bel11teau 2ar25 19.26 1:0c Turk 20,29 1,6,29 Jackson 20,41 18.41 3:00 Tso chlckens. uon !y Chrl5 ?ickald & best tlne wlnner, John church' at a sna11 pattv

th6 scrmptlous blrd! vere ;ooked by Marie cowa.d & e6ten beld at the corarits ihe follosine sunday'.,21 tinlsh€.s' CARBOLL NI?S TOI{ I4UE!I{Y IA BOSfOII IiNIGJITS OF CO'IJIIBUS TBACX MEEI lal€ flash - !osro!. J4.16- lo.o44 fes tum.d oLL o see th_ openlE oI ;fi4_i5G-Ieade' lndoor Lrack s;aaor at Boslon cardet ,onicht. .t_r,r1ler-1. L;!.Bud" E.re1e!, tutuesoLsr 2. car trittjms, U.-Ci 3. Bobbt Jlalvsrd D:vlnll.y schoo]. 1l:58 I6iF. erom: l!. aurs a.dett. (L!07.0):2. Ed ltor@, NaAC (4!07'2)i ?. v"]1e !t1ei r. Phit coleB6n. Uc{c nG;sa, r,nAcr rr. Bruca locLerbi€. IryAc.. colerar. 3loo3t-al{6vs a-e9ce-se 4f llieit u! to h16 relulation by l€adlr€ lhrough a 5? 8,21a7'1' 1.97.9 )/? .

i* i:'ff.-it*i fi* ?3 ;* l;": i:''":1.:I3,{?;:: ?l'{"*%sli,il'-.ill"!,.g..





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