Inside Track - The Newsletter for RRCA Members

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Winter 2019

Inside Track – ROAD RUNNERS CLUB OF AMERICA Lead photo: Congratulations to the winners of the RRCA Texas State Championship on November 25, the HMSA Classical 25K, six of whom are pictured with RRCA South Texas State Rep L ee Greb (in y ellow, of course).

Overview of Fiduciary Obligations for Running Clubs By Brenda Groskinsky – RRCA Kansas State Rep & Past-­‐ President, RunLawrence

The RRCA recommends that running clubs should be the #1 beneficiary of club-­‐ earned funding from events they own, followed by giving opportunities to nonprofit partners in their communities. As such, the following tips are designed to provide guidance and talking points for club boards to review at their next board meeting. • Running club board members should have an understanding of the following fiduciary obligations which include: making sure that adequate income is available, ensuring that there are controls to not overspend, and policies and procedures are in place to safeguard club assets.

• Board members should review their Strategic Plan annually. If they don’t have one, they should consider developing one.

• Board members should ensure that their spending matches elements in their strategic plan. For example, do your charity partners align with your mission and your strategic plan.

• Board members should regularly review financial statements (recommend no less than quarterly). Continued on next page

We Run the Nation!

IN THIS ISSUE: Overview of Fiduciary Obligations for Running Clubs Understanding SafeSport and Implementing Policies for Your Organization 61st RRCA Convention Spotlight And More

Overview of Fiduciary Obligations for Running Clubs Continued • The treasurer's role includes oversight of the budget planning process, assurance that adequate income is available for club needs, safeguarding the organization’s assets, and the completion of federal, state, and local reporting, including documenting and reporting unrelated business income tax (UBIT) (i.e. t-­‐shirts sales), and payment of local sales taxes, as required.

• Clubs should prepare an annual budget and modify

it, as needed, with board oversight. Don’t over-­‐ inflate income to meet budgeted expenses. You may fall short at the end of the year.

• Small nonprofits (i.e. those that do not have

multiple events or employees) can use a simple cash-­‐in and expenses-­‐out process. But, some level of board oversight should still be required for writing checks and reporting on the checking account balance.

• Financial internal controls should be established and FOLLOWED. Clubs should have documented policies outlining: o Who will have full access to the bank account (online or in-­‐person); o Who is listed to have view access to online bank accounts or other financial accounts; o Who can write checks and who must co-­‐sign checks; o Who can reimburse people and how (will you allow for PayPal type reimbursements or will it be checks only); o What is the policy for the use of personal credit cards, and what is the dollar threshold for reimbursements before a check must be written from a club’s bank account; o When does the board review bank statements; and o When and how does the board review income and expenses. • Software used to manage club funds should be purchased by the club, and not borrowed from a personal version owned by the club treasurer. Ideally, organizations should use cloud-­‐based accounting systems with multi-­‐user access levels for oversight.

• The club’s strategic plan should identify spending

opportunities. For example: coaching and race certification training, RRCA dues and insurance, youth running programs, club member training, national running club meeting attendance by board members, the annual club meeting celebration, and race or other club events. These items may meet a strategic plan by investing in leadership training, educating volunteers, and more.

• RRCA recommends that a “giving policy” be put in

place for clubs. Club members should have a discussion on this topic to at least outline how and when to allocate funding to potential new charity partners. Look to the club’s mission to determine if charity partners are a good fit, and check charity partners to ensure your contributions are going to well-­‐run, reputable charity organizations.

Find additional financial managements tips like this at:­‐directors/manage-­‐your-­‐club


Contributions to the RRCA supports our programs. Your financial support enables the RRCA to implement and improve programs that benefit runners and the running community. The RRCA is a BBB Wise Giving Alliance Accredited Charity and a Gold Level Guidestar Exchange Member. This means you can give with confidence knowing that your donation will be used effectively.

GIVE TODAY Mail a check to: RRCA 1501 Lee Hyw, Ste 140 Arlington, VA : 22209 Give online:­to-­RRCA

We Run the Nation!

RRCA President’s Letter Dear RRCA Members, Toshihiko Sato, the illustrious Japanese marathoner who had 1st place finishes in several major marathons, including Boston, Fukuoka, London, and Chicago, in the 1980s, was once asked if he planned to marry. Reflecting on his great passion for distance running, he casually replied, “Running is my lover.” This past year, I felt great empathy with Sato; I had my own love affair with running. 2018 was truly a banner year for me as a runner. I ran in 26 races, not counting my three legs in the Hood to Coast Relay, crisscrossing the country to participate in venerable road races, several of them RRCA national or regional championship races, in my capacity as a goodwill ambassador for the RRCA and our sport. Everywhere I went, I made sure to sport my RRCA running gear and promote the RRCA, and the response was overwhelming. In August, I journeyed to Kemah, Texas to represent the RRCA at the Kemah Toughest 10K, the RRCA’s 2018 10K National Championship. Texas-­‐South State Rep Lee Greb and event organizers did an outstanding job promoting the race as an RRCA National Championship Event and branding the RRCA in everything, from shirts to signs to the awards ceremony. The race turned out to be a very challenging event in the August heat and humidity of South Texas, on a very tough course, hence the race’s name! In October, I traveled to Minneapolis to represent the RRCA at the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon, the RRCA’s Central Region Marathon Championship. Minnesota State Rep Paulette Odenthal, and longtime RRCA supporter Gary Westlund, and event organizers made sure to properly brand the race as an RRCA Regional Championship. On race day, dressed head-­‐to-­‐toe in RRCA attire, I took it upon myself to stand in the middle of the street, smiling and cheerfully giving high fives to several hundred back-­‐of-­‐the-­‐pack runners working hard to finish in under 6-­‐hours. RRCA Board of Directors

Mitchell Garner President

George Rehmet Vice President & Western Region Director

Craig Minyard Treasurer

Jean Arthur Secretary, At-­‐Large Director

Blaine Moore Eastern Region Director

Sue Brown-­‐Nickerson Central Region Director

Ron Macksoud Southern Region Director

Lisa Rippe At-­‐Large Director

Goody Tyler At-­‐Large Director

One young woman saw me smiling as she approached and abruptly stopped to say, “No, I want a hug!” And so, I gave her a big hug and told her, “You can do this. Finish strong!” She smiled and went on to finish her marathon. How wonderful that we can find love with our fellow runners through a smile, encouraging words, and a hug!

As I reflect on my running-­‐related travels in 2018, my mind goes back most lovingly to the beautiful celebration of the RRCA’s 60th Anniversary in April at our National Convention in Arlington, Virginia. We are, after all, the oldest and largest running organization in the United States, and we celebrated our storied history in the presence of so many individuals who have played a part in that history. Hearing inspirational speeches from Deena Kastor, Meb Keflezighi, and Bart Yasso, it was as if I had died and gone to running heaven!

As we look to the 61st RRCA Convention, New Orleans has special meaning for me, because in 2005, pre-­‐Katrina New Orleans was the venue for my very first RRCA National Convention. When I reminisce about that convention, I remember only the joy of meeting the many devoted supporters of the RRCA, people from across our great country who love running as much as I do. They joyfully expressed their love for our sport in the camaraderie and friendship and fun that are the RRCA’s hallmarks. As the French who settled in Nouvelle Orleans might have said hundreds of years ago, “Laissez les bons temps rouler!” That is, “Let the good times roll!”

Always on the run,

Mitchell Garner, RRCA President

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Understanding Safe Sport and How to Keep Kids Safe in the Sport of Running By Jean Knaack, RRCA Executive Director

On February 14th, 2018, the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017 was enacted by Congress and became federal law. It is more commonly referred to as the SafeSport Act. In 2017, the U.S. Olympic Committee entrusted the U.S. Center for SafeSport (the Center) with the authority to respond to reports of sexual misconduct within the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movements involving sexual misconduct. The SafeSport Act codifies that the Center has exclusive authority over National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGBS) to investigate and take action for allegations of sexual abuse. What this means is that individual NGBS (USA Track & Field, USA Swimming, USA Hockey) no longer make their own investigations of abuse allegations. This will now be handled by the U.S. Center for SafeSport. This helps to potentially eliminate confusions as to where to report allegations of abuse, as a central organization is now responsible for reporting intake and investigation.

The NGBS have issued Safe Sport directives that outline protocols people must follow if they are associated with those organizations and are actively involved in the delivery of the sport, especially if they are working with youth. These directives are in accordance with the Safe Sport Act. For example USA Track & Field (USATF) has issued their directives ( -­‐ See SafeSport Handbook). In the January article by Phil Stewart in the Road Race Management E-­‐Newsletter, SafeSport and Running Events, Stewart does an excellent job of distilling USATF’s SafeSport Directives (which aren’t very explicit or clearly outlined on the above referenced URL). So we are sharing, via Stewart’s interpretation, what we understand to be USATF’s Directives for USATF Sanctioned Events:

USATF has divided its sanctioned events into three categories with differing SafeSport requirements (most events will likely fall into Category 3 below):

• Category 1: If the event is a USATF or Association event, or is under USATF or Association control, then the USATF 3-­‐step SafeSport “compliance” is required from everyone who is in an authoritative/official capacity at the event. o Examples: USATF championship events like Indoor/Outdoor Championships, or an Association Championship. If vendors are being used, the vendor SafeSport language available on the USATF website should be used in vendor agreements.

• Category 2: If the event is a USATF or Association event done in conjunction with an already existing non-­‐USATF owned event (USATF/the Association is piggy-­‐backing an existing independent event), then USATF 3-­‐step SafeSport “compliance" is required for all individuals who are working in any areas designated for USATF athletes as well as member-­‐only areas. o Examples: USATF Championships in conjunction with non-­‐USATF owned events such as the Peachtree Road Race, owned by the Atlanta Track Club and site of the 2018 USATF 10K championship, and the Twin Cities 10 Mile, owned by Twin Cities in Motion and site of the 2018 USATF 10 Mile Championship, etc. If vendors are being used, the vendor SafeSport language available on the USATF website should be used in those vendor agreements.

• Category 3: If the event is not a USATF or Association event or is not under USATF or Association control, but is a USATF-­‐sanctioned event, then the manner to obtain SafeSport compliance is through acknowledging USATF’s SafeSport policies in the sanction application and complying with same. The event directors of Category 3 events must have protocols in place to ensure the event volunteers and meet workers are not a danger to athletes, and that no participant is a danger to volunteers or other participants. Although [USATF] encourage[s] use of the USATF 3-­‐step SafeSport “compliance” system, an event director does not have to use this specific protocol for Category 3 events in order to comply (e.g. no USATF membership requirement or USATF background screen). However, it’s Continued on next page

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important for all event directors to know that SafeSport is federal legislation, and event directors must still have a similar vetting system and educational component in place for event workers to ensure the safety of athletes and to comply with USATF requirements and federal law. Category 3 events are not exempt from complying with SafeSport, but how the event director decides to comply with SafeSport can be different from the requirements of the USATF 3-­‐step SafeSport compliance system.

Read Stewart’s full article at RRM:

So what does all of this mean for RRCA Member Clubs and Events?

While much of the SafeSport Act speaks to the actions of NGBS, managing interactions during international and inter-­‐state competitions, and the role of the Center, it does outline that non-­‐NGBS, and adults working in youth sports (like RRCA and its members), have certain requirements they must also implement and follow to be in compliance with the Safe Sport Act. These include:

• Any adult (mandated reporter) who is authorized to interact with youth athletes are required to report suspicions of abuse to the appropriate law enforcement agencies within 24-­‐hours. • All adults working with youth are required to go through abuse prevention training of some sort that is pro-­‐ active rather than re-­‐active. • The abuse prevention training must include educational material about the process of sexual grooming, how to recognize it, and how to prevent it. • Organizations working with youth should have a criminal background check policy in place for volunteers that have direct contact with youth.

Now to unpackage the Category 3 USATF Directive, as it mostly pertains to RRCA members. In usual fashion, USATF has issued a directive without providing tools to help club leaders, program directors, or race directors easily implement SafeSport requirements into their organizations. RRCA is here to help.

Establishing a Mandatory Reporter Policy for your Club or Event

As a first step in SafeSport compliance all RRCA running clubs, events, and coaches working with youth should establish a mandated reporter policy for their organizations. Many clubs and events may work with partner organizations that already have reporting policies in place. It is wise to check with your youth running partners to determine if their policies comply with the Safe Sport Act as outlined. The RRCA recommends adopting the following policy to

Any adult interacting with amateur athletes, defined as a child or minor under the age of 18 that participates in youth running programs or any events hosted or operated by (ADD YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME), has a duty to report a reasonable suspicion of sexual misconduct such as child sex abuse, non-­‐ consensual sexual conduct, sexual harassment or intimate relationships involving an imbalance of power within a 24-­‐ hour period to local law enforcement (PROVIDE SPECIFIC CONTACT INFORMATION FOR YOUR LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY TASKED WITH ABUSE REPORTING INTAKE). EVERY adult that staffs or volunteers to organize, assist with, or manage any element a program or event is a mandatory reporter and subject to this policy.

As part of your volunteer registration form for your club programs or event(s) where youth will be participating, you must include a copy of this policy as part of your volunteer sign-­‐up form. Require all volunteers and staff attest to having read the policy and agree to abide by the policy. This policy should not be buried in a waiver of liability; it should be clearly visible text where someone must affirmatively agree that they have read, understood, and agree to abide by the policy.

Continued on next page

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Establish a NO One-­‐on-­‐One Contact Policy for Anyone Working with Youth

The concept is pretty simple, but very powerful. A NO one-­‐on-­‐one contact policy or rule simply outlines that an adult staff member or volunteer shall never be alone, unsupervised with a child that is not their own child during a youth running program or at an event.

Include Text in Your Waiver about Barring People on the Sex Offender Registry

The USATF Directive 3 outlines events must have protocols in place to ensure…”that no participant is a danger to volunteers or other participants.” I know what you are thinking, this is crazy right. It is inconceivable for event directors to be expected to compare all of their participants against a sex offender registry. However, viewed in a sensible light, we believe there is a reasonable approach event directors can take to address this directive.

The RRCA has long-­‐promoted that clubs should adopt the RRCA recommended member code of conduct (­‐directors/manage-­‐your-­‐club/adopting-­‐a-­‐member-­‐code-­‐of-­‐conduct). This member code of conduct speaks to barring registered sex offenders from club membership or removing members found on the sex offender registry. This same point can be applied to event participants. The RRCA encourages events to include a notice in the event waiver that outlines that race organizers reserve the right to bar the participant from the event if it is reported to and confirmed by organizers that the participant is a registered sex offender. What this does is put registered sex offenders on notice that they are not welcome at your event, and your event has put a protocol in place to help protect volunteers and other participants.

Understanding Abuse Prevention Training

As outlined, all adults working with youth are required to go through some type of abuse prevention training. All RRCA members working with youth should adopt policies and procedures to address this SafeSport requirement.

First, it is important to understand that Safe Sport does not mandate what training must be provided. The Act does not dictate that all adults working with youth must pay the SafeSport training fee and get trained if they are not a USATF member. The Act does outline that all adults working with youth should be trained to understand sexual abuse awareness, and the training should focus on being pro-­‐active versus re-­‐active. The training must also focus on understanding the process of sexual grooming and how to prevent it.

Safe Sport does provide an online education program for NGBS and their members. Members or adults involved with non-­‐NGBS can pay a $20 fee to take the Safe Sport training. For many RRCA members, requiring all of their program or event volunteers to undergo a $20 online education program is probably not financially feasible, nor is it practical, considering some youth events may have hundreds of event volunteers. But the fact remains that “some type” of abuse prevention training must be provided to program staff/volunteers, coaches, event volunteers, etc. There are several online training options available that RRCA members may utilize that charge a fee for training that range from $10 -­‐ $30. These options are posted on the RRCA website at:­‐the-­‐safe-­‐sport-­‐ act/

The RRCA provides the following recommended options for compliance as it relates to training staff and volunteers on abuse prevention:

1. We recommend that clubs and events adopt a policy outlining that any paid staff or volunteer(s) tasked with leading or having oversight of a youth running program or directing youth races should complete the SafeSport online training program (or another program selected by the organization and outlined in its policy). This ensures that your key personnel responsible for overseeing any youth activities have completed a generally-­‐recognized, sports abuse-­‐awareness training program.

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2. All other volunteers that assist with implementation and/or have some level of interaction with children during a youth running program or during event(s) should be provided with either online information/training or be provided with an in-­‐person orientation or training session that provides training about abuse prevention and reporting as part of your overall volunteer training program. Clubs and events may develop these training materials, or they may utilize resources available online and require their volunteers to complete specified training. This option may be a bit burdensome for your volunteer coordinator to create training materials from scratch, but it is an option nonetheless.

3. The RRCA has posted a FREE online training resource that clubs and events can use to train their staff and volunteers. This training addresses: o Understanding sexual abuse; o Understanding grooming; o Intervening if grooming it suspected or witnessed; o Mandatory reporting within the 24-­‐hour time period; o And more. The materials used to create the training were provided, with permission, by the American Bar Association, Stop It Now, and the National Sexual Violence Resource Center. We recommend you have all of your volunteers complete the RRCA training and maintain a copy of the training confirmation certificate in their personal files. Ask them to include the name of your organization in the “Company” line of the guest book for the training program. As part of the volunteer registration form or volunteer check-­‐in procedure, have the volunteer affirmatively agree that they have completed the required training. Ask volunteers to bring a copy of the training confirmation certificate to show during the volunteer check-­‐in process. Retain a copy for your organization’s records.

The RRCA presentation is available for any member club or event to embed on their website. The embed code is posted in the “Members Only” section of the RRCA website.

The RRCA can provide a copy of the presentation, and associated notes, to present at an in-­‐person volunteer training session for your organization. While the RRCA will collect names, emails, and ideally “company” name of an organization the person is volunteering for, we are not in a position, at this time, to confirm if specific individuals have completed the training. If you request or require your volunteers to include your “company” (organization name) in the guest book, upon request, we can run a list for your organization’s name and provide you with the list of individuals that have completed the training. We strongly recommend that the burden of proof should be put on the volunteer to provide proof to your organization that they have completed the required training that is expected for your club or event(s). Find the RRCA’s Sexual Abuse Awareness and Reporting Training for Anyone Working with Youth Runners at:­‐the-­‐safe-­‐sport-­‐act

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61st RRCA National Convention New Orleans, Louisiana March 28-31, 2019

Register Today!

RRCA Convention registration is only $390 and includes the educational seminars, attendee goodie bag, event jacket, and ALL networking events.

MARCH 28 - 31, 2019

Special registration add-­‐on opportunities include the ability to sign up for the RRCA Coaching Level I Certification Cohort, the Coaching Level II In-­‐Person Session for qualifying coaches, or a special one-­‐day pass for RRCA Level II Certified Coaches for Continuing Ed sessions.

Host Hotel New Orleans Downtown Marriott at the Convention Center 859 Convention Center Boulevard New Orleans, Louisiana 70130 Experience the unbridled energy and unique charm of New Orleans' French Quarter with a stay at our hotel. Ideally located in the city's Warehouse District, within a renovated 19th century cotton mill, the New Orleans Downtown Marriott at the Convention Center successfully combines historic elegance with modern style. Intuitively designed rooms and suites offer deluxe bedding, flat-­‐screen TVs, and workspaces. Additional hotel perks include a fitness center and an outdoor pool. Savor the tastes of New Orleans at Wolfe's, our on-­‐site restaurant, which serves Creole and French favorites. Rooms are available at the rate of $199 per night. Book online:

18th Annual Run/Walk Through History 5k & 1 Mile Metairie Cemetery March 31, 2019 The course laces through the historic Metairie Cemetery. Established in 1872, and on the National Landmark of Cemeteries, the race is the largest run/walk held inside of a cemetery in the U.S.

RRCA Convention attendees will receive a 15% off discount code to register for the race. The code will be in the convention registration confirmation email.

Friday Night Social Port Orleans Brewing Teams will be formed during the Friday Regional Meetings, and the scavenger hunt/walk to Port Orleans Brewing will be begin at from the host hotel. Starting around 4:30 PM Central. More details coming soon about the rules of the road for the scavenger hunt. Port Orleans Brewing will sponsor prize packs for winners of the scavenger hunt. 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM -­‐ Port Orleans Brewing will be hosting a private party for RRCA Convention attendees, where they will treat everyone to two complementary adult beverages and the Crescent City Classic 10K will sponsor traditional New Orleans fare of Jambalaya and red beans.

Beer lovers ~ Brewery tours will be available at 7 & 8 PM, free of charge. Port Orleans Brewing 4124 Tchoupitoulas St. New Orleans, LA 70115

R R C A . O R G / C O N V E N T I O N

RRCA Executive Director’s Letter Hello RRCA Members,

Thank you RRCA Official Sponsors 2019

I hope 2019 is off to a great start for your organization. For the RRCA, January is always a busy time as we wrap up 2018 and look to the coming year. You may have noticed in 2018 that we did not produce very many print issues of Inside Track. Like last year, we will utilize a mix of print along with emails to connect with organization leaders. We will produce three issues of our printed Inside Track in 2019, because, if you are like me, it’s nice to read something on paper in the age of digital overload. We will continue to email time-­‐sensitive information, industry trends, etc. to leaders in your organization under the heading of Inside Track.

Thank you to our many members that have renewed their membership with the RRCA. We appreciate your support. If your organization has not yet renewed, please do so to ensure your activities are covered in-­‐full for the year.

Thank you to our financial donors who supported our programs in 2018. You can find our donors listed at:­‐articles/news-­‐archives/2019/01/17/thank-­‐you-­‐ program-­‐donors-­‐2018 We hope your organization will consider making a donation to support RRCA programs in 2019. A great way to support the RRCA is to create and maintain an account with Constant Contact. Constant Contact makes a contribution in support of RRCA programs for each account our members maintain. This relationship has been very beneficial for RRCA over the last decade, and it is a very easy way to contribute to our efforts if you currently have an account with Constant Contact. Learn more at:­‐ programs-­‐services/services/online-­‐services One great way to support the RRCA and to help promote running in your community or state is to work with your State Rep to host an RRCA expo booth or table at your event. In 2018, RRCA members helped us host booths at 28 events, in 17 different states, that attracted over 350,000 people total. Our goal with hosting RRCA expo booths around the U.S. is to raise awareness about local running clubs and how to find them on

For many years, we’ve called this effort “Join a Club.” As your organization renews its membership with us, it is critical to review the contact, and more important your website information we have listed at:­‐a-­‐running-­‐ club Keeping your organization’s information up-­‐to-­‐date on helps ensure that people looking for a group to join will be able to easily connect with your club. I look forward to seeing you in New Orleans at the 61st RRCA Convention! Keep Running,

Jean Knaack

RRCA Executive Director

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2018-­‐2023 Runner Friendly Communityâ Designations

Congratulations to the following communities that received the Runner Friendly Community designation and to our renewing committees that have maintained their designation for another five years.

Congratulations to Dayton, OH for being selected as the 2018 Outstanding Runner Friendly Community. Leaders from their club will be recognized at the RRCA Convention in New Orleans in March.

Allentown, PA -­‐ Application submitted by Lehigh Valley Road Runners Carrollton, GA -­‐ Application submitted by West Georgia Track Club Chattanooga, TN – Renewed by Chattanooga Track Club Cleveland, TN -­‐ Application submitted by Terra Running Company Dayton, OH – Application submitted by Ohio River Road Runners Club Georgetown, TX -­‐ Application submitted by Georgetown Running Club Kalamazoo, MI – Renewed by Kalamazoo Area Runners Mesa, AZ -­‐ Application submitted by Mesa Parks and Recreation Grapevine, TX -­‐ Renewed by Lake Grapevine Runners and Walkers Peachtree City, GA -­‐ Renewed by Peachtree City Running Club Learn about this program and how to apply to be named an RRCA: Runner Friendly Community.

PRESIDIO 10 – SAN FRANCISCO, CA GET IN GEAR 10K – ST. PAUL, MN ICE AGE TRAIL 50 MILE – LAGRANGE, WI PEOPLE’S UNITED VERMONT CITY MARATHON – BURLINGTON, VT KALAMAZOO KLASSIC 5K – KALAMAZOO, MI STATE STREET MILE – ROCKFORD, IL HOUSTON HALF MARATHON – HOUSTON, TX *Check all websites for final race dates and prize money information.­‐programs-­‐services/programs/ runner-­‐friendly-­‐community

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ROAD RUNNERS CLUB OF AMERICA 1501 Lee Hwy, Ste 140 Arlington, VA 22209 703-­525-­3890

Advertise Your Race in RRCA’s ClubRunning Emails RRCA emails to over 200,000 club members every other month through the e-­‐news, ClubRunning. We provide feature articles that are exclusive to RRCA along with great articles provided by a variety of our partners.

Check out our recent content at:­‐articles

Advertising opportunities are available in the ClubRunning emails and in the body of feature articles. This is a great way for our readers to see your event. Check out page 7 for a sample ad that will run in the February issue. Advertising details can be found at:­‐articles/advertise-­‐with-­‐us


PAY FOR THE MUSIC YOU PLAY! Federal copyright law says that as the event owner/operator you are responsible for paying the music license when playing music at events where your participants have paid an entry fee. Similarly structured to the RRCA’s group liability insurance program for clubs and events, the RRCA’s BMI, ASCAP, and GMR music license service has a clearly outlined license fee schedule. You must attest to understanding the music licensing information on our website as part of the join/renew process.­‐programs-­‐services/services/group-­‐ music-­‐license-­‐service @RRCAnational



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