01 66 ldl

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,tft.r th. la.t Loa, {. rcclreii lucri a t!.!.dnou. p11. of lan (?) 1ctt.r., xe d.c1d.d io Drlnt an addltloml co:lle

lor all you dl.tanc. rlm1nA 4ui!. A. e ratt.r of faci, I 6ay.d rbothn I.tt.". and .ha11 .h.rt.h th.D t111 oy T1A.r sloo! rot f!o! old ase, 1hl6 !o.th, re vtl1 dldcude so!€ of oB local lrtddle lt1etlc.@er6 aDd theh qrque rethods ot g€itrna out ot the houa€ lor a sorkout, .uner6, has b€€! te11r4g brd rlf€ fo! the past tto yeals that he has to "so back to th€ !r6rt to rork rate.,! IrI( brother Bob cofoborates hls 6to!y, end tbej both end u! at the I 0r oharrdan, (P146€ reloYe you! het6) hldeE hle r@lng equlpqelt r! h1. voll saqon & orkb6 aut of hls €ecold s'!o!t rlnAor. f^16 o€rYe6 to set h1! olt of the houoe, and strength€nE h16 1eg6 l!o! th€ rong c11eb. If h1. lrfe ev€r catches htn, he ha6 en tns€n@uo 6tory teadJ: iI Es flxtng th€ ?v artenE.rr laltt !et!._ g:1il^3 Il!: :":99-tli oneqe on an atal4 vlth 1l! ':-"13*.. half hour h€ .heake ln at trouble the terrlble log h1s rlle about he had rtth the Vt. At thts rritllA h€ ha6 dulfeied 4!o frat thes @d 67 engrne reptace&ents. lior& Batd had io oult the que after he lqn out of €ultabre exouEas. Delaney tell6 h16 €pouse he'e gohs '-auynort doorj then eprhts three blooko to Coole! Rlve! lkv and no ole Is the n!se!. I donrt nant to lnfe!, by the abore, lh8t ALL tosd !unerd ale cheats, llars, and i)8{t character6, lust 95 pelcent! The other flve leraeni at€ €laale. If you Fould llke an autosrapaeil coly ol oy ,et book, iEov t. Cleat 1n Road off YoE tee. the lop td? ofl Runlng,r| €1Dp1y Runlng! 61DP1Y te8. You nalEhbolhood alooer, and send Ii io th€ !os: oare o ore ci the 95!" {lth $l ada {€,1I eend you thlo {onderful booE beuad 1n old Caesa! Rodney ),lerathon T sllrt 6t!1!€. t,s. {€ {I11 arso send you tj)e ros for one t.dr, Qurie 3 bar EaLtl Reeeeber tbt6 orfer rs good onlv Eettred C.o!d Rlver and 83]@!d etodl (Al1 tho6€ 11Y!!g Eadt, fle6t, orih ot south oI tnls udrealtnv erea can also hay€ tnclddeit iTlelt1lg for Road RUMIi lif, luet Includhs anotber buol. ) IOC





Volmd 1!. Io, 121, Iduary 1966 subsdrlltiot Ratcs: $1.00 a vda!. ldd Ar.io .d! T.3! ror 13t clsss n411. rario.i n. e".,rlne R93s l06 !r' c'nt'r


lroodbulJ, x,



IX 5-MII]8 uancb6st.r, cod., xov,'IITIXG 29- nay clotn rs tnd Js orr vic zrolakrs 1961 toda:r as h. ron thd 29th an"ocord ot tho 5-n11. nDar rllfui.e Irt 23t5A,2. P.!f.ct coo1, sumr roathc! h.Ip.d attract doth.r cloxd of b.tt.r than 10,000 & a 11.1d of 1]9 stali.rs. ciot!.ft nad. h13 fourtb allcsranc. in CIOTEBS SETS BECOED

1AI,l1 T0 R!N? Slr\Y ATXOL!


th. silk ro,n rac6 hi3 Srrat.st tllmlb. lrovloN1f, tre 5-6, 22-t a!-old rcd h.ad xss 7th, 5th & 6tb 1n ihat ord.!, T.a laulo1s !.r. satncd 4 Coacn T6d otonls c.!tra1 It las cloth.rsr rscc all th. ray art.r th6 Pack ststod to sirlre out at the on6 n1!6 n3r\, At tin6s lE h.rd a 250J ].ad & at no tirc vas h. !!shcd. 11"3t h1e! scEool !!mer tr ras Bill lodE.!! of la{lnston lllah, ,l1o rm uat., as drd all sclroollors, & ltac.d a !o3!.otabl. ldth, Rodg.rs 1. Ray Crot!.rs, CCAr{, 2f:50,2j 2. JlI Xo.f6, cc.cA, a1:15 (2n'i rn thB iac. for th6 thlrd t;n.l); I, .'olu t. IGL16f,, Blx, 2l+:lr.l {slx-tln lidcr), [. Brm. McM&\on ccatr, 2L,t5a. 5. cha!1.s Drsor. Hertford Ic, 2L,t52t 6. JMbloe. Bultoot, .s1.Jm M, Ut55; 1. Tm cazzo, st. Jah.rs !-A, 25:05: 8. roff Ga1loraY. u.sr.Yan .!-a. 25: o8: 9. nl.hard cordi6r, BA1, 25:09, 10. G.o!s. st.rhs, Boston !ntv., 25i2.1; 11. Ton Durl., CC.!-C, 25:24; 1:. lon Mu11i3an, SJ{A. 25:28: 13, 8111 You@. lcoD lrosh, noottdrr ulat,, 25:ll: 2tt29t rl+. lE. r11 corfslooa. ^asr. BL{. 25:lUr 16. L5r.n c. 015on, ItlCr 25:lr-r; 17. St.!. cotroy, srM, d:U5J 18. B 1 nodccrs, Ds.,25: 46; 10, A1.i orloff, cCA-4, 25:49j 20. Malo G.1iMs, !It. Palk !.1, 25:50; 21. !au1 Dary, sJAA, 2t:51j 22. John Eoora3, B!-4, ?6:01; 21, sd st1v6rs, u.s1.yan !.t, 26:02; 24. na, 26:04; 25. Tin s$Itb

!.a., 26:07r-2b. ^;arJ_ buroo!t zD:ao; zl' {+-

an rodos.ck. 26:21: 2d. 111k. Btrc1ov. B,1,{. 26: 25; 29. -nob6it R;say, 26:28; lo. Hqq]] l.1c!1h6h

dy,26:l0j ll.rolabd com16r.26:13! 12. loq n.nda11. 26i-l?; ll. Pat6! s!ubd.!3, G.rc 3.33, 26:4rr 14.

ec 6iJ


by oNITSUTi C0,, !TI.



THt BtsT tt/ THE Woflto ,7,e5



"TG-26 SU8-t0UE"

srr ouce. fou siik€. con!€tltion aod raDilg aho€. ?€r',fueat s!1!6, 610.95 Replsceatl6 s!ike, $11.q5.



3650 s. l. clayboahe Poltldd, oleaon 972c2

TeI,. ??1-4059




seal leach, CaliJornla






Trcln {oD€i(s)




slzt riNllD


P1€a:6 add $1,0o fo. !ostaE6, iatoe vsy eld dlff.rsrco califoxrls reslttente !1ease add 4S ae.l€s tat.


b€ x6feded-


5:. r,e.rr tatu.r. ]6:26j 5J. rsiko v 3o.. ltTi. van colttandt Park, lr.Y., sunda}, tiov.21 .l6rl.J; cl+. .!.v: cod.rr sr. r.hn'3 D. rom.! c.o!g.!oNn ac., Jo6 l,ynclL, pu116d M,.16:46;55. aulT t, thd t,sr rro nil.s to uln lrlF sr. c0i 56. L,Mr x.bosbhs ri, u4a., lo:50,2 57. rom snTr MA-a, J6:55; 5e. Doqlqs Mot x-countrr tli1. roday bJ 120y orcr Tc, J7:01! 59. !.d corr,ynchrs tnr. or l0r!7.2 !!s th. tntrd rast.st tor thls cours. h..l bltt, nYra, l?:01; 60. aor raval1.. rona Co116s6 AA, l?:lJ. hlnd oscar rilDorars l0:09.€ 19a,h c.usa r6cord & P.t. Mca.dl.,s lo:34.6 n..r r.c- r.m: 1. N.{ 2-)-9-8-9--27t th?c6-nd iac. no3t of 15. :. !o.rhM Lrd', An, 56: l. Na{c rEr-88. st. ror-'s rrn1.,,1], 10o;5, rf,?c. ray untll lynch pour.d 1t on 1n th. 1at. 4. 12J; L, 1r111!o30 Arr, 121+; 7. ccrjl AA. !u. to t}[ do116c6 .ntrX, th. racc hed 14.1: B. Bru.. rrack clDb, 1:1+. --Jo. ](1.1ncm&n-trr. lars6st ft.ld {?7 starrorir ?L fldsh.rs) in 5 rdare. coursd: rNo laFs of I, ]qOR+XXIS EILIOTT I/!TT3 5O. ATI,A]iTIC RACE 1. Jo. r,'nch, n.' York.c rBr, lo:!7.2 B31tiior6, Md., s3r,. 0cr, 16_ sarlv (Mt1. 3p1tts: L,tl+5, Ltt12, 2at22) statd, ron th. souib ,'A,i, l1:o1 2. J.rrn rrcDonnoll, rlytc ,1hlantl. Arsn. nandlca! rs.o iodsJ st nxtl Tm Laris, rirh lrIAc L a corroct6.l !1n6 4. roi lrccar!ny, cs61ic-trEr.nc! l1:47 B 1 P..3ton, of ib. 6a1ti,ior6 ClhDrc aa, ,, Jii o,conn.1l, cctry 32:a5 6. John Kolil, xllC r1{r1, ctut, lintsh.d socchd \,1r! a corr.;t;d 32.8 ri,..of 2i:.ll ?. Rlcrt. Du€an, rans calr.E M,32t2? Forihd rr, ,ji, 12:2Ll Foroi,m U. Ari, )2: )L 10. John DodkstAd.!, rwac rat, 32:16 j2,\2 Eaittnorc, sar., odt. 2f- r,arrt. sr66t 11. n.to can.1tl, tiYAc ,ui,r of ihd Bcc startt4 I ntnur.s aftcr tno 12. Cloe crlfftth, lordxm U. !r!, 32j[6 v.r d tl"a n11. nandlcap 11. vt&6 chleFp.btar rYAc "B!', J2:!e racc todax at rlaulng Run Park. Ils tii. 14. Pat D.Lucar M111!o3. .d{, 3)ta6 or 27:46,:.statlisrr6d a cou.so r6cold 15. louc .3tcn.iorp, r."dhm rrr.,Jl:03 soutn Atlantlc trs.clatlon 16. r.rart.o cuccLtara, ,.nt to c€o'a3 .Io]m of 1?, Dor I,{a}, li:1J rrecr clubr .ll r27. 18. Paul Dal.x, st. John,r v. 11,1J:15 :1" Jura6! s.y.r, Dna., 32t)+2t \. ra! 19. D1dL vhltnatr, LPC, !um, cTc, l0:51; 5. Phl1 shc.ts, lna,, 24, Iffi !iazz., St. J.hnrs O. AA, ll:2o l2:00i 6, lerrt E111ott, tr.!e!r sxaro, 21. T.n r,rr11iian, sJl^, lat2tt 22. t.. t6ss.1, L1,ac "8", ll:lli 21. -;;;:ai:-" Jnhn carlopF 30r39; 7. tsorJ slroft, eli, l[:21. -ii,i+;-.ai itii, i"# 1i;i,, ;-;;lsn;at; -;;ffi-iTi; i;;;;t---. 33!\6t 25, !,rt ria1i, xYPc, ll:47j ?6. 3aifLn.r., oct. lo- r.r sFm.4 of lih. Td11 lrlair, S&4, ll:l+b; ??. Robalt trt Ch.sa!.a\. Tc ion trr6 So. ntlartic 4A1l son, rord,-L{. ll:49; 2tr. !}. nssa. cfliY. 6-n!13 lrd'l1cap ra.d r.crJ vlrh a hlno ll:51; 29, Itilt!.i ?ns.ur1. :frPc, ll:5t; fo. llt!. !id1sh, tsuc, auantiro, r/s"j j4: 2. Eltor Horst,cvtC, 11r16; l. ron Eache, !7; ll. rin.t11ls, ne., llr:15; 12, xd- quaitrco sr!3s,429jlil+.5: !. ni.k xeph3rr, c'ric. r:4<; l!:?0; :f. canl.h.r r. Ea.r: ld.'jc, l,io3.s, Elucc lc, J4:lcj 15, nlr Schuebj l4:2rr' 7. r.' "J ltrd.ss, "$r!0 trBr! llr:!1j 16. fie 9orn.s, l,rYPc, 10r TC, fSjCl.j b. lli16 llanl.. rt&ntico, 3or lIrr,'rj 17. vrn n'rn. llu, ;5:20; 18. 9. !n11 sh..ts, ur!.. :la::jr 10. lr..r.rr.r:, rnA", )i:2?: :..i. Dr.k t:1.zpp, -l0r2lj 1'l!..r, :5r:5; :ia. ;rrn stro.cD, rrrrI r:i, ]5: rurs.n s.y:rJ uro.' 40:19j 11 r.t Brou' rn.:'r*il ilir'ii:,iiii"l'i';i,il 1_1_1: h _Sli: _2 3: !9: _ _ nar,idl-rs,:i; tr\tc ,,4,', Ll:" nc!.ai GFsh.rt, trvrc L l5,i!0; lt3. 4:" Baltlnora, nrv. 13- Quantlco liarltus 22, Jm6s lidertr., sr- Francls coilcFc, li: Ealt]7ora 01ynp1. Ctub l. ri ]!rr1]€ RM Ln.2; ll4. ti11 cas'f;, Eruc6 lcj 39:Lij Pdk (L-oi1.s)- 1. !om B3c.!, a}f, 29:16. ua:. l!:Lrlr:4b. osr,. 2. Bob sch&rf, Boc, 29:l4i 3. Bob 5; !f,L{, tlaenc. Ercir.y, X,n,ck 39:L6! 47. Broui11.r, 29:5_lj l+, K.rth rome. ' ue., l,<:50; l!0. Bob Ros.l6s, xL?q, l5:5i a.';j, ia:25t afi, 5. lranli Pflraslns, Bo., lo:50; A-1. ;:' ;,.':;l?l"*i: i8i""iil'3ir"ll"9o.jfi:l ccrr l.'i xar1no3, is b" M.!*. I{an1dy, 0:q. l1:a); 7- td!!1o ]+c, i., c..p"., rrn 'q", l":oL;5r. r$r svddt, Boc, 11:10; B, Ton steelns, qM, sEitIoR t{ETio?oi,ITlt{ aA!

cEoss-couxTRT criArrproxsllr!

rlt l0:!?.2

Bro,n, NYrc, J6:21j [ryPo,




_ _


l2:liB; 9. Mrko l'\'alsh, qM, 39:25i 10. roo oar8ttoD &t 5oln.?s p.! nlla av.r4.. & Rou56, Boc, tt:45; 1r. lrsnk rmdo. Qr,{. crrrzo!!s rccord si lc:9J; r2. v34 x.r43, E0c, l5:56: 1r. of 6 n1163 on up, nDy q6st'jtetdc.s 8111 fr.stonJ tso., l+0:25. iom mr. dlr.cr.d ro,ald )rtn about hIs

- ;-.;i -;;;;;_;;;fr*-"{;--ffi Baltlnore, r.jd,, IIow. lf- Julta Brand.

,on rhe xon.nrs 1:_ ntld x-ciuntrx !sc. toc4y ulrh a r:o?.1 .ltfton cln.kins 3t rark, I.cd.Ilck. 9:rl- l:] J. lrcrcy forr611, Fr.16rick, 9:2i: h. !r.d.!lck, c:lBJ 5, shdr_ i rx Kor{nan, noad rluru.rs, 9:J9r 6. Kalhr num..3, e:4aj 7. Llnda xoi..l 9:5oi 3. owm I.fi rh9:53j 9, railco tu1 10:02r 10. Diam 516ahJ, Road nunErs, 10:01+. i 6-}1II; HAX'ICAP Ior. 2?- star6 hlAh scrrool chmllon Byron Boe {on th soutil ntlantic Assn. 6-n!1. handica! !ac. bv .Just.oslle out his K.nrood b.mato G!69 Comollx b_v a torth of a s6cond. toth .f t]6 xouirssr.rs nilut. handtca!.var v.i."an c.orq. tsrolr of th. Ch.sa!aa!. lradk ctub.

MiSs lPllrt,lA1] IINmn IX 8ilri.2.

Druld !111 !arl, tu1t4oro, Xoy, 20Julia &and of rh. BaltJlnllc Road Run-

rhc l+-nila south atlanrlc .o rntlr .rrm!tonet!i! t63i t. !h6 l.m chu!totuhip rltn s 1o J 3.o.. of B rornrs. 1, Julia !!od, :road Rhturs, 8:t+1,2; 2. lrdnda lreh, IoEn York. 8:!5: l. Meur.6n Lr1lt.n, l:olth t.rk, !:51; L. Evd Yan ,rrN, North ro!k, 6:55; 9. sircrry Runncrs,9:O1;6. Xakr ncrr.t1, Frcd6rick, 9:06j 7. ronm Ro{a. xo.York, 9:16i B. ctslsty Snal1{oDd, Fr.d.rj.ck, 9:17j 9. ann roldmr yolth t.!r< (canada), 9:21; r0. lirda Kor@an. Rord num-rs. <:Jo. (j0 grlIs perticrlahl

dict, trainlrsr nd ruulng fob. fi:ls dlct ts tut sp.clar-only s.l.crrro, h1s {lth no qllmlcks. aDd trls rumlls fom--1oot runcaron {1th no appar.ht .tlo?t torald cla.slc styI.. wihh th. lack fo. tlr6 sabt.rs r.o corktup & Hdry ffcCEIa (for. nof 4:or rrLr fron stahfo.d.) rhar ras the patt.r! uril tho Last [ooy xra.! Eil6r.n €t6plcd out to lln by los, srd tn doa fuLl elnut. orf th. l.Jashlngtd Prk couls. locold of lL:16 3't by st.re titatttr.$ last u$ch. lrccsrlar 1n co.tanilon a1l th. rar, t1!Courkmp {as tnlrd. cour15hh r. t,h. jiarrrnsr Ju1.r cross-coDtr} dl$!roNhlp y.st6rday i4 cnlcaeol Qulto a dorbl. !1th rb6 trar61 Eil.lo!, Adms stat. Co!1.e., l2:4\ cn 2. Harrr Mccalr', r,ous nIB, i2:54; .1. L.s courkmpr D.m.! Irnrr. l4:291 4. ro. allazola, noc&y Mt. mc. l[:5d: 5, cary rt.r€on, colo.spliagsr 15:54;6. Hub.rt Morsah, Pu6b1o, co10.. ?. rorD Bbnk, D.Nor rc, J?:t9j l7:16, U. Bt11 Ui1to, No.th cr.m, Irf:08! 9. vLncc Xlssctbach, D.hv.r Tc, Lr2:L0: 10. t4sk classM, una,, l+2:56. t. lob Daviso'. 4-It[r,E Er6 Bould6r. CoLo,. 8:18: 2. cl.n Es.lmer6:43; l. Hi}! Lyohs, 8:t5; l+. rrahald Rircy, d:5qj 5. Jad Ddrs, 9:00: 6. Bob Rulf, 9:02; ?. !,Bli! Esttnosq, 9:Jlr! 8. 9:5o; 1o. olee osborn, 10:01|; lii pst EamlsM, 10:19. --Jolu Btarlr--


x,c., $ovonb.! 1], r9a5 - 1. 3111 Emtlt.D. le. HiEh P6int. x.c.. 2?:18 CR: 2. f.my ri.]lis, tlE,, Clrarlotb., t{.a., 2?:l+9j J. laul !raB, tu,, cna!61 UiI!. 1{.c.. 28r c!1r Balthrs, fiieb !ot!r col1.E.r 061 ri.c.,4.2b:09; 5, !',i!1! Be3v.rs, u:.. .c., 23:2!; 6. Fr.d nrd, lr.c.. 28:l!8: 7. lob !ee!.tt, |e., charlotrc,28:51+j a. criarl.s le., DErd, N.c-,28:56! 9. ;;;r ;;;;;;;;-;;il-;;*;;il-;.;. ;. - ualhan, Don r6nki!s, um..ttrrhe. :9:t8i 10. Lar!8slr1r€ton P?k, D.nvor, colo,, strndsJ, r.&o Sairdr aa., e...nsbo!., lo:18j 11. liol . 2l- L. o. ri!uddwi Ed61.n his b..n ?.d Lyon, Ii{c, fo! !h6 past thft. bo&, n.c., Jl!:]3; 12. stuart lryant, l@ nontlB {1th hts slabt s.! on t}r6 1968 \,loodland, &c., l5,clr, olfrflc MB!cthoh scrr.dul.d in r,r6xlco }Iot.!...8111 Hmrlton, a 15 y.s old, ls e!1du1t. clty. H1s !r.sdnt.bl.ctir. f1!st loac rac., r.altJ tn ALmosa. S tat. Co11od. put on the spc.d at th. start, anit x.nt tho ljorta h.rd on io *{n t}E s.cond lt)dtnR of tho SsoRo,





ruiXlri;riii,fi*ii 3 ;t, +i:+;*i;tn,;::,r],1fi;i uiil::i{ *rii;ii;l;:4::::iry' :rli:i,:;r::l+r*#;i;;;gj,1i*}'



jt,:tf il,;q.;!:i:, li*:it;l*:;:l;l: :*;,i;;i,, :i;' r4i3' rlii1i' rl*+*i*':;la:i;in .i;"iii'r*;s:: il;l$iiii:::ili:; "t;'',",t.,'-i;rui,,1*{ll,iif" tii#


*lilEft,-:ai":$::li*:ii'lri::i, ltit+iiJ:*ii*ftltlii:;ir#dHl" *ri$:;$riruiri$ {;ll:l;'*"1 ili::iii#*;'i:* tii'il5r'i5lt'--

liIil;;:l;liri:l;i",'fr, r-r-u !c^D

r? cposs-co



rn}. o -"


rr,i;lir, ; ;t;l''=;;':': nsr-rG-r'Gz,

lr a9 B"l9" r :5!r !.


;.';.:::*i"::;"i# ;ul"tgi 2:T0_:Eim d. a.az. : :.'o o; o t;:."'i;" r. as"o {io1.3,oln, tffr ). !,', tr

i: i::.ii"d:i"-.



ii:ii :,Ho ti:{! 2l:-9 r. :oo 8:, ' j)iii


c" :. ii"..

*i;:::ilii,; ;Fli:*,:i:;i'


;:y.urrr;';*.ri#i,,ii1"r"3 191""1,.1! iTT: a 2o-vasl ord


tiei" rroh

iig *:$ I*:::r{i"::;;$tsiii;;$i

rotb annual lrt Saholes llcDollal Road Itac.e, Hlsh !a!k, ToroDto, onrarro sat., oct. ,, 1965. conduci.d & sponso!cd by th. oladstonc c1ub. U94!or.n 10 r!1l.. ^th1.tlc Irga6 !.p3, To&nto Tra.b club, 57 t44t 'r. 2. Robeli Feny, G1ad6ton. AC, ,8t227 Track Club, 60:01; 5. JacI eddd.s, Ioror to str!d.rs, 60r1?; 6. .Iobn r{oratt, 1oc, 6t:22; ?. Chrls !1cka!d, lblonto st!1d.r c2:50; a. Bob Rlcha!ds, foc, 64:18; 9. Irlc rlunn, tolonro strrd..s, 6r:14; lc.

lcrc Iccontull, {y?C, 65rdi 11.


Dcvcnn.r, Iotunto St!1d.r6, 67:59; 1,2. P3t!1ck \r.bb, P.t.rtorough, 0n8., Tc,

od:25; 11.

Hush tue..on, loloato StrlitDxa JobD rb],.sn, too; Jon ?.nn.!, rryTo. .tu!1o! Boxt_q_:;4&3 r. Eayn. R.D.!d,a, Tolo.to cc, 19:15; 2. John Rcc€o!, Tolonto 3trldc!s, 19;17; ,. .tack gaYasc, ?oc, 20:21; 4. RudJ f,rlst, ta1, 20:42; 5. 11911 Srertc6€o., Tororto Strldcr6,21:l4j 6. J.rry sl.Ylk, TS, 22:z8t 7, J.r!! r!16b, ToC, 22:)ej 8. Joh! cIart, Toloqto ?c, 2l:07; 9. Blqdi elt.spl., folonlo TC, 2f:14. !!q!416 2ll2-u11.6 1. Rcb.rta !1ooo, Don i{1118 TC, 15:05.r; 2. Brcndr llah, Nolth Yolr !C, t5:40i t. Iaur..b vilton, )lrTc, 16:15i 4. Catht er1tl1th, Tolonto Bt!1dcr6, 16jl4j 5. Eva Ve! x'or, IY!C, 16:55; 6. Jo.AM Roi., NYtc, r?:51. (l,l rlnl.]1.!s) lb. io&.n'6 21l2 brree .r.bt ra6 ih! long.8t earctlolcd mc. ror thc drotarl .1d..v.r bcld in caneda. Irotb.r t1!6t acnl.y.D.nt tor th. tolonto G:Ied6ton. A folnd.d 1! 1910 & th. onlt track club tn Canada io hold a ,Cha!t.ri. --Paul B.1l1v.au-L{STEnlir cllrlDr}x sR. 20-xl!o csat{Prolt SISP fiI]-f,, !€r16co.rt Park, Toroato 8ai., Nov. 6th - f. i.11i Capp.tls, 4AC, r:)9:06.2t 2- itarl-!.l!z Aclscb.nr, Glg, 1:42:58: ,. Pat!1ck tarc-rft, cAc, 1:44: 50; 4. Cord.a folt.tt, at. Jo!!is, x4touDdratd, 1:46:f2; 5. rlts KadJ6rctlcz xo.th.D Yultl, {1llordal., ont,, 1r47:} 6. r.€11. riran, cac, 1r48:04. (12 lln,)

I Rtsvtla o!.fHE 1sl aNNU!, rt!! f0,o000 RoAD IIACI, 1016, ldoa6, !h!rl6a1v1e DeJ, Nov.25, 1965 Sancilo!6il tr: S. ra6Eoal vaucJ aB4. of tb. tAIt. L.. Co[}dp or t\. D.nY.! TC r.a erar flUr th. (rlJN fo,000! road racc rbrls lr:r2 b.fo* €.vu:l b@itred €peotators. Bt.v. &o!1.!b.rA, . tr.EhE! at.rr11.n coutrty connurrty J!. Co11.9., raa 6.cond eoD. tF nhut.6 hlta tll. hleb tulng CoEla!!. 1l1 tb.!. run4a6 (2ll 'e!. a'ard.a o.ilal6 br t!.gs flcdonlar xan6e6. lb. nldt !tac. AL1.! countr comDtty J!. col1.g. t@ qtlo r.c.lv.d a handBoe. trlhJ fo!.dsln8 th. lEsoour vall.t R@d nqocls Cturr 1, L.. Coataop, 22, !.ne!r TC, ,l:12 2. Stcv. Xohl.nb.rg,18, ,.CCJC, l5:tl ,. Ron r.rcl 1A, accJc, I a6t72 4. Jack il1.y, 13, u. ot I{o.(Roll_a).1 16:21; 5. ErD.r L.laran,18j ACCJC, 16:24i 6. st.s. $cnho1tz.!, 14, SprbFfl.l.L Mo., 16:41; 7. ialt {wl.ndal1. 16. Io1l 16:48; L RrlI tl.!llM, 19, Bartc! sorlnss, Kands, 16:52;9. trlrI.d L.lbaa, 22, ],.!oy, lan€a8, l7:28j I0. Cui !oe do!, 0ttere unlv. (E.b@E), l?:15; 11. ,tr! Bocr, 17, Ro.land Ia*, xan*s, J?l a2;12. Eob fi.nBrn, 18, LCUC, j7t58l fl. T.a &ror., 21, N.rbu8, b., la:ll; 14. Fr.d rrclE.l, 15, Iole, ti8:ti 15. Jonn Er.d.8, r.?, !!e1r1. Yl11as., f,anE. )9:04j I6. sanily 3rr1.t, 21r Io1i, l9:10 r7. Dlct Jeclgon, 21, OrLar. 0., t:tl; lb. !111 Van fl.ok., 1?, Pra1!l. Vlllec._ 4'0:25; 19. l-aF !u.r, 14, ACCJO, ,{O:t?: 20. ad !!ol.ti, ]5, 1o1., 4f:18; 2I. PauI td8on, 16, Iota, 42:11; 22. Oss. gb.!b.rtr, 15, Iola, 4€:56j 21. rid tu., 16, Ioh, 49:t4, --L.. Staf.t--

tlu JOXI@ 10,0008 CrEO55-COUIF TRI ClAliPIotSE !, Ialhllaton Pdk, Ch1cago, I11., 5at., Xoa.[l.! 20, 1965 gpon6or.d br O.1Y, ot @loa€o tC.


1. J.4r UcTc (!@i.) lo:59,r 2. !Ik U1ii.16tacdt. ^shror., ucTc 11:or ^. l. P.te Bulalr &.dhio oc, 4. lbdJ loronul, lomnto oC, lr:20 tl: rt 5. llI.n C.!IuB, I'CTo rr 6. Ru.. Ir@s, HaEltton OC, 1:5r t2to,l ?. Jobn Je.g.r, Dcleut TC, t2tl6 d. Bill !!6@q, D.e4u1 T0, 9,2\ lll,! ClolEmg ia€ naD.d rcclpl.nt ol tn. 9. l.t. Elltt.br.ld, UCIC l, t2t26 Johtr t. Ddylc6 lraltt a6 caGda,6 out€ta- 1,0. Rog.r Pratr, lorqro 0C, tztp 19t3j 1r. &.n tbr, Tolonto 0C, ldins 1905 tracr .ta! and a]6o rag a .d tbc xolior E. C!or. rlop}J aB tbe ou 12. td ht, ucTc a, J2t]8 11, John gchro.d.r,@.f,, rAcb., ,2:44 otaldilg coop.tltor 1D arv a!L' .port. lnloud.r.nts t.j. roDd. at th. AAI an- r{. llu R.J.s, UCTC r, J2t45 15. ?at eEvasc, DcPaul TC, ,2:48 Dul e..r!aq an 16. Jrb l116€on, Ucfc l, i2t9r

$lit,;*Tft xi*15:ig3;i1ll

jiilflaffi i:#,i;-T.F;:i,iilru,.

rtr,:'**e**;t*;#riTl rf ifi ;t *dit#$f rir

**ffi$*'Fi*ffi iiJ$,';i':i"i" :i.i,';i.,;' :;l t,[',lai ;:jir i,i'lr;1;:i "

..''.;;,i qT:;ijii;::';r'*'i i:;,1g':i :,



1:;:..'"i i;;' ;i:H'J# ilr,., -;r ;i:;iii$,,' *::'': ::",, g, ';iil"li;";r g', ::, :,I ;: ti:r.::,,,,,1, :, ;:*i;t,;-.,



i:g.i++; ; j,,





":,: i rt ;,::* " gl,,:;:i i;,i1; g;,, rll' ;ii";'i f

i'irif,;i;;;1:i t:,i,,"

i n-,iu'ii;";i'*lttr:?l:j i,iu'ryil'ii;'!,;i; .'ij,: ,f suday, 0crob.r 1c. rgoi


1. ,".ssoi- .-€t.; .-€r.;r 4.cri.Ir.. ,r:e l. Ra.dr :::9,,:::!*" il;,ii; i;, ;ii_yiiFi"*fl l$:.itfl r. Lrfu:i;i,":. ??i!9 ?. 11" ob.rlr'€, t., llthr rC, pz:a7;

]:fIiT #: ts8, "gyi}:%";;;t\,.- ;: Ed *'ii;; "".5:-;.i.i,.:,)31i_ :bras-1.4r3 i Ft$ljil,"lll{::i"i,i'iiji;, 1s

!his.ls cdtainly th. 5ad Nm.r,;

:';;?;:;, rfrfi:

!i,3t:'3' 24:o?; .d B",t;ii" -;;,:;" 9. i::h::i:ll:,r;;:

olywtc !.v. S!. tl{r1. Xc at td,ard Hr!.s D!.ly., !.t$1t, lnohlaan suday, Octon.! 24; 1965 1. T.rrt loman, Iast.rn !1ch.!,, 26:05 2. TonJ M1lstrd, &6t.rn I{Icb. !., 26:55 l. RondJ Pr.€6on, 3. laob. lJ., 27:14 4. X.h th@at., !"1lrt Tc, 27:28; 5, Jrq 0b.r1lns, t. lAch.U,, 27:5?; 6, ray !1htrJ., t. &rch.U., 28.14; ?. Ron B.rbY, rictor cltr srrld.r6, 28:14; €. Pct. fi411op, um., st. clarr eJ1or.6, 28:55; 9. Rlcl !ohe!ty, un1v. or D.trclt, 29ror: 10. Cra.n. Suihe!1and, um., Ah libor, 29:15, r1. J1n Lbgonas, ua., !ctrort, )0:02j 12. John !b!ah, uolv. ol D.ilo1t, 10:04; 1l- To& hlesr.l, un1v. ot !.t!oll tf:21: 14. 06car McO11f, um., 15:25. !It-i:::LI::1: i:11 l:11:::,---------I{ICHICIN IRC Ofynplc !.e. Sr. 8-{r1. IC !r1v., Det@rt, ul.!1grt sunda', octob.r 11, 1965 I. Tony ll€ud, Iast.rn U1ch. 9., 42:54 44.t4 2- K.n 8b@rt., alllt tc, 45:o? !, u1oh. u,, 1, i1! ob.r}1!a,.ln.,3i.C1e!! 4. P.tc Ha1loo, $r,,45:50 l&to! crtJ 9t!tdcr€,/t5:51 5. non 3crbr, o. !oo gd1ih, xoLoI c!tJ Strld.r3,r+6:c6 naliy eu.nthc!, cl.v.1ard ltRc, ri6:15 7. 8. o!a.E. guthcrland, aa,r }.u rrbori 116:24i 9. Iuck t hlrty, LIr1r. of D.trctt ab:52j !0. lary Elliar, nayn. stst. !., {6:52j u, Jli ueaa@s. u@., D.tro1i, 50:18; 12. $.v1n l,ergh, Jonn Calrol] !., ,2ta9: t1. atca! !ccr1r., icirolt Tc, aI:29j !4. Jotd 0,!.1i, ci.r.land iRc, 57:44. Di_F- Drct i.ab.!, Rri ttl:laJa, r.eth.rr V.f,y ilnEY, .col a srnnt rlta6ln 16 b:. forD.r JatloEl Jslo! coiies. r-courtry char!. l. 16 no' e 'h. & 2nd ean on th.l! UICHIdIN RRC

r ::::i:t_l:1:__-_.

oiydplc D.r. 3!. 5-ulr. at ldtsld lli:s6 Dr1v., D.tro!1, ]och. , 9u!,, xoy.7 tct.!. adl. T L st.rrL,1g sF.1rn, un,., 7E:03 ,o:18 2. r.h !1a;hr;ra. R.droldrc28:25 l0:55 I, r,r. larkrcII, tallcd !€k.29:08 le:r3 4. RLch Hollorar, R.dlordfc2S::l ll:06 r,1ch.It.,27: nan{r h.ssoir, h.sson, E. E.r,1ch.It.,27:57' llr}2 5. nanEr g.!1c]].u.,, 29rtI 6. Jlr or.rl1nr. 291 olr.!11.r, f,.!1c]].U. ,l:56 u.D.tloli, l0:05 14:20 7. Rtck DoilertJ, U.D.tloli, lo: 6. J!I o. Jlr LleEams, Gaams, ud. us.terrort,l0:52 tetrott, -.0: f4:22 e. o.n. l.ay.rloh. U. ot t.t.lo:09 l4:24 ,e., :8:ll 15:04 lt, ?.i. 1!. ?.t. Hr11o!, 8auon. ue., 11. !cC!U, bolrl, 12. oecar D.troLt )at2t D..roLa )a:zl Oscar 16127 )6:27 DNF_ llay ?tldrla, Rroh Se!h\, x.ar Braz.lton. --J.!!ttoccl_LIIoHIGIIJ nnc

Har-dlcap Croe6 Countr/ Run


9 SPRIX'S-- Th. I,llssou!1 vall.y Aoad

Runr.rs cfub tus juet b..n or€ulzod to f.. Ito. Y3t1.J Rm.rs naf, r!it. th6 !msr. gJl, d.nt lJon. Ro3a, Boi oardon clty, K3ns. 67biib), th6 socr.bnrr (alna Rlch ards, 120 I. Dalararo, Ndl4ttan. trars, 66502) or ric.-!r.s1d.nt (te. sraloy, Rout. 2, ?lttsburR, (atuas 66762) ro! lnfomatlor about tho club...lt. ar6 so!r, tirat 16 couldn't tncfud6 !11 rn. rdsurrs nonth. -{o ar6 alxays !!.sat this tlh. or Jcar. Vo courd llobabf,y fill th6 roe ltth trranl6-

sivtng Day r.sults al.rc. nou6w.r, M ar! h.llra to cetcn up &xt nonth. w. ,111 also ptrblist! a f6! rnt...stlng 1.tr.c.rt1y...oltg1na1 olJhptc 3s6o ln cr66c. balrdd ron.n as conp.tltors - ahd STECTAT0RS .votr. ]]o! tin6s - tor th. b.tt.r, Ard tn. !M.3 aro p$tti.r!..Bob Gllchrlst {D61a, T&F) has ba.! cl..tod Ple3id.nt of trr. !lldd1. ]itlanr:c nnc to! 1966..stan statAad-Grou! 16!.rds proJ.ct 1s ta4oi;.d Narrord comltro6 nanb.rs aro Arnc ntc.ard3, cna!L:3 Pu!!6s, ed Vlr!tl stDrEil..Onc.f tho !tslns slortg oa trd JouLr.rn cdifornla sco!. 13 €1.113 ihts l.a: has c..n ud3r il. Lrf,rbl- jL,ltr€nco to 30 elrl3 .on!.i.4 qi oad! or ths !! . n6r addFrs l r :1152

::9Y3:l-i::rr-:?::I113-I:11:I:-::111:,-5-r.lrr,E c?nN i rlllclt ]]lcil, si. Jonnis H.s, liasnl.ahor, t,C., Su:daj, oct, llr tr965 V6aiher: I.rf.etrt )a!ny, t.np. 1n 1ib. €o's, ,..D_.s.: 7.!t h1117, 1or{.r rlan in1, f. ifu"h clrk, ql, Ur:50 2:00 19:50 2. Ed Hart, !.at,, [2r01 7r00:]5r01 ch.t e:rci..d, {rrfc, t+2:ol ro q2:ol l. U. Bob s.,uf. BoC. 1!2t16 I'-ia 27t16+ 9. !d 0'conn61r, m, l+2!t8 u,00 11:54 6. G&b. r4rrlin, B00, l!a:2? r.o:i5 ll+:12 soud6ns, ua,,[9:28 9::]0 39:58 7, -,:!ni.. 3. (oD Yoss, 5li!. ia.. Nrr 1l:15 rrrr bof,s riih tho g.rarous h.!C ctuts fho el1 :rcld up io lroduc6 a n.ry dxcitlrA r!c. for tlr. flrst J rinc.5. I.n Vos3. & nrinc fron eudnticoj of tro idts to tL. !a.a liut L. aot 1o3t & st!or16d ir Just xrrcr a1.r_Tond irad glnon hii up lor tost, l+-M116 iur for ror !lf6 BDn: {lc fir. ) r, N.ors. Irralor, 10:J6 r:0o 9:16 2. tor!f, l.{11bouls, 11j01 2:10 d:5t l. nos€r +ransor, 11:07 2:10 8:57 ]1. rfarY nothtdrE. tl:20 9i0c 11:11 2:20 c. 11:lr 5. Dsrd n:rt, 10:r4 11:l[ 1:20 b, r.tar'r,.iss, ?, ney Ljoldoa, 11:53 J:2J d,.llr


!1J!plc !cv'

Ru at {drord e!. a-! e cio"E co6!!v !r.." nrrv. D.trc1t, :llorlAan, Bun@v' i1n.6 D!rv., D.tF1t, Nov. 14, 1965

TI{li! .[i!l.llj!!




ild:i'{,1$l'l?;i:#iii'i;{$iiii" Frlr 1/ accurei. r!a! coure'

i: *::*n::;*"1:;.lIl3'iJ;'""'-il!' :::":ilr':":i"1'3l,st';.ii:.':ii",:i i"

ii'*; #hlkli'Lir;r{irllil.,iit;,


ii*qii'i,;i,lnitrii;ii.,'i' dr-vwrc lwg,orreN'r JR +llr:,E x-c


**'lfr:r*:r't'it*iirf**; '-iiff

t.$ili:,'ti:i:'d"iffi -lrf;;:.r?l

iif ,:i+l;ii:iiil:,i=,lilflir=*n*l

j:"i':; :";'r::,:1* {':' "ri:F::iiil':li:'F " *i?i,i *iiri iil'*n$;;1iffi 2I; 6. A(otl Cdfion, una i 22i+t' (I5 strlt.r6, 14 flnrsh'!',

ftl :r.i:#{'H:i:.i':::':'i:.iri"


fi*'.";:,;"; lli*l'fi r:l':$:r;; ;$r#"i:+:*t*'n"Erul"ai":":1"*

*ri"[;r#;*#*'gtq]ri: r;li**i1r;'x;iilhli4:.'ql"


4. stullne sp'!!n ii'r-i.. ;ri, r.b.oJ: 1i:o6i "e*r.iii,iil{iii*i'*u;1"" 5 'Kr'in is"rtrri#ifi$i:,e,u:'' ii'liJ'Eit'ii'ia;;;' l!ixi"i;qi*,ii*$qiii:*;it;^.; Do-r

lxi;+Il.:"i::! *:"ll-iillli*Fl. il"ii:i1;ilri:';^;;;'1illlll!:isi";1 *:i:i::,i:i':i.xl ;:;:.::".1:;' " {6aih.!: c1.udJ f.s; 42 lesrc!3 i{lnd: 1c n1les ler !our'

+*t+rtffi juii,' H;:il:'"q8;'ili:tii:'#tr



bJ: santa 3allram Athlettc club a4d txe {ercnaat€ ot santa BarbaF - Fl.og comllLte. or lie s.!.A.a.a.u. s€ tloneJ t/: tLde r.eoarr, saiurday, ccr.ber 2, \r6a ar 1p.lt. loM 15U 2OrI 2:l?:44.4 1ee S@ie. 7- gtDd -.12t 6.1.a 90:]1 2:0?:o0 ?..112J-z ), cre I mbdIr. sEA-, 2:44:Jr.l Bubda ac 2:)r:+o.? porbr6 z:)o:r?.o 92, !asad6q r, DoE:' P063oero oa:-. ,:io:00 to:or -01:r9 !.. tu-e !.I' serf-r,13oad.$ ^4, 2:)';s.: 1d4, 12 pr6. AA, J":+_ 62:08 9-:40 2:.r.-o o. o!n B-"lmna, 98.{ . Jt. a1: 1 LA-:+ 2:I7t 19 ltA\t52.5 rl-, 1)t?4 Jo:.o b5: ip o9:5j 2:,o:r; :. ! -- ciErLc,,:L.Lv, '. , c1Lj A 6,1\r 9-:ao 2:.!2:12 1E::. ?0 .7 -O6tn6 2:?41?5 t:ttt77,o r... lrucA.!crr!t, sBA-, LJ:11 t3:19 1,21:tL.9 t,2:)e 2:)Jt)3 r36aoed, 1d:26 1?to, -r6t?) l:29rOI.5 a. !eo"rp Jen.6. sEA-, L2:11 1315: )o:27 2129:a9 ztj:14 .:{2:55 l:51:14.? .1:.. _00:26 Jr:22 l-. !FDr! (3v3rer6h.ra3.AA. q-t qsrr !e.6. z-,:0r o-:-5 sporsor€d

.,i" .--'

111""::fl"!",,3:i; e: Tob/ ll.dte,

f;?,;":'iH,fil"; i':fil.*lit..k'.' "*:'g "i"ifRay-Va1 H€rr!prs. Jei, :rFa-!an



iii-r}"ir"":::"" iu*,-;I., ;;;.;;; ;,-;;;t;; i; ;.;-"nos" "our,to"

Ui:ll,i$itlqq:;$i 4.0 rrLE orrri saNTA !-{RBAia


" . :1 . Unlvers!ty or .ELrfornre Ps$aee Ar1, /0:0t.-. ut!e rr,ball 3&rC, 20:Ori J. Dru redq


,;':: i i:'i6,.j: ;:,":i-t:"c:i:", 9:it;.i;,t,t;,61,"ti""[,;i;I:

;a;:"r::" :':i: "ii:*.:; *i":': :;liil'&1""i"1!; "'"); lJ o,ve 'b, sDs 'i:,1 -. L ' |. .l':z: ' "llil':-i*"i;" i;J";'F:"r':i,Ti"l:,',ll',1: Ji;^l-;i .liil iiljll"l;'fl; ,.t":;,::: !l:: ::#i; -li:il::,#ii',y:r, ;:;ii"fr l"}:'"ff jiliie, ",li:{!;, ;! .i':'i"il!{"i":i' \a:3i1";Li.'"d; ;?"i: iB:.11,,::"#: ;:::i: ;



-i.";_ :;;; i;. li":'--,rli':; "1',,\:,}i:. "iti:,t';-3i;l' 5,Li'.fl, r: -: r 15 DolF serecJ, PA_A,2:)9, -o. ao.t,c,n, "!i; cs:lA.2,:ori "1. "_. 9.Lrt. t=:1,0i c. Don Dod 1!, rarr, 2J: rl; t, vrl_r. Ir..u1, tl, .. Don $vrer. srac ):r6, 5). JrE fl'tder, re€tlonr, 2J:2!, 5q. "c"r_,,! Srpre u1!. e.:nA:, UC3E. 27:,Jt )., P^._ c-3rie, cCAC, 2J:ri; 50, J'o ltercrson, irskonl l:r:, '-, 3r-r c6rLe!, ?c, rJ:4r, )8. Don 3!@@!, r.6roob!, ?J:50, 9. DealrB 2r:o). 6t, ur-r !"Lry, resttro1E, ?4:2, oI er€ ,i€66ier JCsF, -, 6 Bob 0rr\, U:s€. .1:-/: or. gion cooge, PArt,, /.:.5: -!A. stee€ loddr, t".tro oj I 5: 6), Jro . arr, 3Btc, 23:45. r, gar. Dt.5o stare colrFae 42i 2, 1ge! Ic. 09. J. csuf. 3!3t€ af L\, 'oLr-.e, 65: <. !eeoocm AA B9; 6. geok Bsoara AC, tr4.


l':':""iiSi.lj"Eifi'j,',i:"::'i:"'"'i 3t{if i;.$i:'j"J;.3}"..,"i##.J"'"*[..J-,.

r !2

*#tlit,:1;lgr$jJfri,T:' rigirtTr:r*, ;li*i:: ::'s*qi':{+,fi,ije,x; I i: i[:;+il:,


;rl,'*,i,*' j,r J, i'.i1i:;;_i,:,.

lffili i'r;tti'ri-, i,





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, : ,;l'. i;"-i;"1 *,".".;,1"' ,?-i.'!Lr' f;i"l;"_i.:.;1,: r.i;;,;- ; ;".'. " ;_r: :i.l;,,i].,"';;"i,;::.""j",:-il":l::_,", ;"',_"r:,";"": T'


v.'i :"' l,i ,"1 : ; qi:3i:i,i:- :"






f;.1;j;;l ;;i;':;l;:'''". "'"';"" " :-:t.:;.;;,,'.; :r.{ed :r rrs .hadlior- tllj 5. trbiano! ac fr5. 6ni! ri lt! eBy lrctorr. i"x.teg_..01yu!1M,.non lalrleu ran asay .




4 ,"0 .o. rrr! -or,rc l,,.cH RUN " sani.,ohea ^ntuo- b| s". t";-ii"-;: Pa"r F!Mej. l!61 3t .o A'I''


, S€


r. c.'nlon

carpo--., Ind,stu u.,

r. !.,


ji:iilih"F, i,}tfr;i:i:-i; *"r:;!i!';iu,lffl :' t {;:;:lii:;l$:;itff: fi::i; ;.'; ffl,yilii;";-';::,.1:i.1. ii;'"iiLl'i,ir,f;:j'::,"1.f;,"'1.':,,1' : 1,,,ffij,:::"'"i!1", lj,J.i,";"ilii,t ^S.,:i:;; ti:,!i;,:l;:1.i1 "jlijtx,"; eBAc ".:oa: 6: *.. i:; "iji"iEifill Silie"i?: li..;it",Bi; :'.i;;f.1,,".r:i;**#"ft]ii:* 6rii;, *ri,*: l:i:ri;s".:r.:ri ;:ir" ir, l:: a,j;"*ij,ti';iij '!i;;i,: il;t:' I :ii::fi:tiiii!1";':il-1":::'",.:-';ri' i#:i"::;.,'"i:;,::::t;: l;: l;:""i::,, ] fii.';iilliil_:, *,1::"li::i:il;f;!:

l$':::r" iiliisi.${ii:rli:iirri D.rn, ccrC, 10b.54j :1. Nollan Lmtan. ii:ii,,l:,1",;:,:ti:ii;:*ri;95"

!4., rleroorr B.;o;, ra?ib!: jr. n"ii-:" lI sa".tor. .cec. roe,ogr zr.'ia i";i,;,i;. io,, B8n r"(o. !,i,."+ sp8r'6. ac. usss,, --5,r0; p:. ir"" trsh 1)b:1.: 2b. Iobv fi.orna I qln r, , rr9:0o, /7. Dor Hcreli, ja!..

tl''." DV *I', Lrar) "c s..1nc,L.-o. ?/:-o, /. 1. 6-v l. 31.v. c! rrnsi rrr/1. r. rcna l Ho@ro, [ftrcr ;Ironi 6. ;.rry ljor. !c], l- f-n.!en..s. ) H.s.

s"tiLt':ir:. "qli:";jll,,#.,Fii.":.::: i::,!:;.:9;,li"i";";:: flii:.1r,,00; :,., !rop"'.s tn -s(h olvrd o.. roara.! r.; DNF_ !sL rr&..j b.rce-iara-., ornr !igg0r L ad $IIors, Por -o{rh, lrrEhL rN.' ea16h. oou". r"@d, o1o ,.aoro I -'i,uici




Lg., A-ron. n, y]:ca, A.!on. i,iu ;-ur!; i :driNiRr'[i'rE€

,;'-iii";;i"ilii5,i'31!';lil,fill't"i:"1 i:X,I#i";}::!:ii.t:':!ilili, :i:"::,i:: i:fi"; i,,:i":":?'"::t:3: 13' .. sr -+*. ForL n6rs sla... re.-'

i: itti,f;illi.!l'i"X,i.il;,. l3iij iiiii"ftr!i.:i:;i.,.'uir!i:ii."ilil" i, !i:";*iil, F;il"Hie !i:i:,i:ii !: i3l'il"ifill ::f,:'ii;."*",j:.1:'#.i'i;',:'"Xi""ra3;3i ur.s cusol, 1f;fl"li!".:Ju ri, r|L6blrg ;i1",:"',:":t""jj:."#Xili.;-l?.a"9"f.,r tuf rry


J.6rs ago.

9.a e,p0:18

im":;itili:"rill-y::ii;iru.i;,ln ;: f ii:rti:;i;j:;:,itl:it:i, i!:# ALtor., Ll., sE!,, N)e. .l?- fla6d!ndlon r'. t-.c. Zahrz-a, LG!,,,laj6, 20:lo

T.rry orcomor Har s, lkn.:o:ro 1o-ol1..ourd. !d. 59:15 to@r ro lf. 2at)l "h 'n ll:r qr!.r a-n. srx[. ae.st ]t, rol -m,.R€y5.len.,"€:59 IrlrtJ-th... o!s!8rc. r@.16 orereo ri. Myro- N"Lr' .tu., aaJs, 2t:0e L!.45-d.B,re '!!c6 'nr.b +9 eoh ro coop.!. ;;: fi;"'Ht::: "::;.fi;;5".i31. :::;3 fu:,:"".1"J1;:::,:,15 La!rj schos6, hay.s, !a,r.ncc, K8n.,2..I9 co,r.c._ rrnrah.d HaJd, ?r.Ia rn !h. E1!. or oo:oli;;'o Br.r e.,o cr i? harc fb.!'J, 'at !"il:: :;::',, li ;,.'J liiil::il;ii;1ff l";i : j:i,. :i ; #


:.$i1",il,1.i: :i:

fl:--":{}. F"de1l, otra,a,22roo;28. r2, Ric!4rd L.w .",,","".. ...,^, -*

tidiryil':q ;itr *jr,j:,*:f" i;lri*li:;fift6i+;:,'ili*,' y:ji $ffi

:,.;ii:;:i"iirl#qrtr; I tli*:+-*.t":,#,i.li:i"*r,i"lT

ruff'ilt*;ltru*t:rl i*',udt[##iiriji*'s,, d


*i,'iiili+,li;iffij:$;t,l*.,fr++:;;tr+i *i*:

f fiii,ffi,;i#lpfi,t-{ji:,*: u,';s*ii4;**il.+*{-l ;i;,{;;{,$**;j"a"Lii ##t :i"j;'l;I;,jilil;:."*,;;, ;:li;i;' g|,$"fftffiH.rl*,i;4t ritt;i*qeri;:*ff I i;uir

i, 9,

*;';ii#+;i*';; *:r' /ffitp-+;+r*:.;li*'**:: iirlisn:.liii;ii"!1"".:;:r.

ii,r,[ri:[i;,l5*.:;:: 9,.;

]:.'li1urfif, ;:i;ii::"fi1'


;i. ;llr"ilpr:t"r.tii:ie-



ti':i;,fli:5liUirt;llil*i"i, i li. uf.fiild,j.:Hl'i' ;T.$ rl'i# 1:ff::"':'illr*t''*"it; T

;i!fl, ir;:;i::i'"li,"*:,i:+,


r**i+ fii;

;lir, *iT**rut1" lJ;i;f !:;U+.tli, q1;;irl;:1d,"#:i i-,9,, ;;, .'o. i:5i1i; c]ooir, -.;;;-.. .:,,i;ij' ... . i-t' n-i'rl'";;t1::#;:"' "u"..u iil


:,: i;i'i;,:i:::: "3;:ji^,,. ji,;i


,i: i:::"f';:;i::"i:;ii:: ;""t; Jr. rora ..tu.J. r,,,+" erut., ;.,jr

n- r-


l.j.;. lxr;:ili:ir ii#:r;:i;r:E:r' BiX.,,lflii-J'l !;r;6;l"li.,tll;s,:']l


!q EAd CLIBi Odo ] r- Jb i E.r!or., c.dtlst sEEa;-FZs;2. r1l i Itraems, 0.t&1t, 58:22i f. Jcrfl Boccl, D.trort, t:0?; 4. ralrr c!.ntb.r, (3.r.16nd, t:r;5. I$ry scrftrtz, !Fr, u. obro, t:t5; 6. c. lt1l.r, @.. 6It12. ?. B. !e16, lft., 6l:56;8. s- Brlss€, 6,, 65:56; 9. J. Or{.!1, 69:22; lC. J. co.r,7o:59, &. 4c. na b.ld or . t.Gnl1. loop on tn. rcail .!oee sorthingrotr E_s. 6. e eod cheflc@. rltn a lorg hl1f on c.ch r.p. S.Jbor.-noy.i hro !h. l.ril at tbr st.rt e h.ld s 6ta,it p3o. to rln qu1t. .r311r. !1. i.ath.. *ood tltb th. t.e!. srlld d 'as ".ry c].u st1... ftltr gu.rd1.r, th.5oo *-ohlo u. r@.r, bad @t tu 1r thr€e r.d. uiti h. d.cld.d h. 116 g.ttlnA a 11ttt. belJ b g.Ptdb.r, J. Co.y 1, tenta plicc 13 4€ rer6 ot rg. & €tert.ar ots r1!g tor .!dcls. tlF!. tcde aao. a-rur. trl! 1. Jack uorrlEad_ onlo rc. ialI5;-:.-c.!ci N.n.1I, orc. ao::1i t.' {aya. la.cho, taJtob }C, 51112; !, F. Jc!l! !1eclbur, cta, 66:2fj 5- !.1! rrn1ld, ofa, €j02j 6. Jos.pL rlellfor !1it .n!ls rac. ra6 on !qe! sr1r.!s, tle 3u. cor€.7l:00. e. th. 10-ni1.r & st.!t. !reu1ia..ou61l .liloueh rt a dtif*.nt RIEIJLTA OF lTE 8tR AIINUT! OHIO

DIStINcl C/lnxIVlL, rorftrDgto!, 9.t., IoY. 2o!h - 1o-r91. Run

..!!3., tortland 4 3.r!:r. ied . dtt.r .1o.. rac. to €.e 1i e !u!- : yaue: r.: oi *r-lti pr.*11, ee tl. tln..l

r r/e-l51e ,'ross cou.-trr (I:r.nl 1, 3a. d:t 116 t--E:fi l-;a_E;--1r.o ai.cr @i !o o, e!45,:: 2. J'il_ Schr.1d.r, llsrian.l, ohlo, 9:14; I, B.cly tart.r, OTCj 9:t!?,5; 4. talr€h. IEI$ftJ, 10:o5j 5. tal.rl. vlto rlich, lO:07; 6. !.bb1. Clt6t, ]0:15. (12 f1nl€h€r.i vlss xnott, !h. tr6 ru tn-- 53C rr €.r.!€f 1nt.nat1.m1 !.:is icr iL. rj.e.r):ld 1!ttf. 6oub1. {lldrg ih!€ h.la .r -"nr H.rtht.ts-loi c.o€s "r.. c}1-1_s_!!3 1. \i't fbltlr crc, ,2:1_j 2. TaE flrdi.eJ, oTcr l2:t5; l. r.! schdtz, Eled F.o€L, lE:n9; 4. lolr !.r1r, Clpltal onta., :ir:lo; 5. f,.n Gulch.!, -25:21; 6. Io& elurr ll5: ?9; ?. Jo}! !.k'rt, t:oo, ft. !ube; r.i.. hct cb ttr. road @u€d to! th1€ Fc.. Nat nart. 1s a loE.! Ird+ hd co11.se r.|D.r @i do1.a gradEt. roli ar crhro stri.- lhla p6 ht. llr6t coop.trnr..floli ol th. 1a11. r!4 tlld l 1ey ras u .ydaA. hlgh €obeo1 nrl.r ra6q t.a!, but 1s &r shorhg dc.l1.rt !bt.n-l t1el :t thc long.r i[6tanc.eI r


1. [Eld.ltn. rkM!ng, 24.4j oTC.. lltee I|1b1nE. e c1.vsl'nit H5 e.nror, 1e th. ar.at;;r mrdrf. drsiencc !rcsp.ct 1n ihe couiry. s,he .qur1.d th.;oel!.En ri40 r.eord la.t suner less er tvo aolths sttc! s]1e tooir up c.np€tttrve ruilna. flan- 1. Jac{ slackbuln, ohto LliII. 1r.i:.,, .t. Jacr LLrrleaa, oTc, 14:56,TC. l, ahu.rr r.x.rl, o?c, 16:_ua; 4. lert l-rf., ri:c.r.n. Ac, foronto, 17:0?: 5. DAC, 17.1?..rjoEt of ih; 1l Eel{.rs ier. conrns'bacr. tmn rb. Z, ;irds hr!d.r.d Flackbur. art.r a 5:,_. o.edng i11.. r4 ftnrgh.rs) 113 - e, r1, !.-.2, su.aay, :irr.:a.r :iat- I.ath.r ras not s. pleasan:, a:: st1:I conduclv. to aoo( :.:!, r. thc ro' 4O,o & a si.ar7, :r:.: re:: :!:r!i< e1l ctt.!:t -. illlcllr. t/:m1ng. ..,t,..-i==-zj.i i 2:ra.3, I, Ju& sc1.,.31:.r 2 21.:i 4. B.ck] cerr.r, 2:lr (rrecl)!.5. 2-Mr1. ]. larral l&d€, Fai!f1.r.d-un10n, 1r:01.:j 2. Toh gn1rh, 1):C?; l. lhI1 aF8rllns, 10:oa, !. Fr.d c€g.j 10r10; 5. Toh !i3te!, l0:11. flon.nr3 a40 L. Ilad.11ni -lm1F. q5.5: E. r,rd;-tio-'. rr.!, I. r.cr/-&it.;, 62.7; 4, Vtohj SI.a1., &.!, nrs6 UinnrnE ron rne ti -iJ ,6 t\e ouistandlng 4-/[i. !u Tracki- 1 aob !.r1s. caol-il- a . t0.f6r ,. Fod lrror., 3o:1.ia., 20:5d; ). Ton ttldlay, ^;.ia;d oic, 21r 06.r; 4. x€n eorrartzr !aer1 FNeh, 2]: 24; 5. Jrr ],r.ckc1, oTC, 21:]l; 6. Jsct Bldcl-.un, OTC, 2I.42, 7. ni. B.rz, 2!l 46: a, 9s11, 22r11.. Lesls roved ax.od 6t ebalt 2I/2 br1.e & irii:a1ar tnor.r8.d rlE iead to 'n. llnl5h. 2O-Mr1. ]1!!- l. :.i:.r:.r., C3, 1:58:1', a" i611urri; o:r. it.--6! \-c, 2.ajt54t t. .tle ]Iaaams, l.::.r: 2;04:4f; 4. !ussa.d, 2:c6:2:j :. .::i1 t.r1ott,2:11:50; 2:2,r r9 i 7- Robe!t€,2: 14r49 r1a s:ar:.r1., -r.rhorr follor€d Aal:rln :: ;:. by :o to 1ooy. r:: a'al at 10 n11.6. H. :: ::. rutsiandhg !e1. at.:i.i. lor :::: ei.eiLcit do!rr1.. lr-t41. YaIL- :. 'ieck lrortl6rd, Ohao IC, :.--_it r. ._"rr i-ac,)orn, ora, 2:24tai I, farr,e !a.cr., )!a, 2r16:44; 4. B.rt Lrtc, iAa,2t)at-a;5, J.c Ca6t11o, ?!tnotr.h,s 5 lrt. ,311 1 J.ann. Bocc1. 5ito1T, -E:-a: ,. lrarj Mlsams, Dctiort 5l:42j l. coi,rnn Elactbrn, oTc, 57.43j 4. Beckt Cart.r, cTC, 60:00, I'IoE.n'6 220-


--Jec! Llortlerd-

iiHiri#i*$ii^I:f liii:F:i:}: i :?:;::; i:";:i.- j5i:;;,;.r,;.ii.;1,":"I

ii{ilTfiifi ii:i:';:*:"i ,



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i;li;' ;:l;:;x:i,'ff,:'::"" ili:, i 1;1i11 ilg;;|{;r.:*:+lig:,;i:u


i;i:#rr:fiili*r,; l,ii i:i; i:;'i"ii;,;ll"*'ij",j";. :.:.l; Il ;;la,:ti ll;:;r.i::"iiii^l;'rgi:.41

ll*tilflffi ;t,ri*e*::i'i;il;i1!,,;, ilifr*'t*i*lt*l

;, :;rf;' ;,, ir: ;,f;'",

1,'" -, -,j:i, l;




l;fl;;,:i,;'; :ri;:, ."1 ;.;,,.; i,r,,"."1,'. ;;i.: j:.rii "r;, !" j:i; -:,',,"i";, :':,i:,j;:."-1"-,,:,tr , ,. , ".



|u' + 1,;.,,,'"u.T il *t+ .;1=;:ili;;; t,


,,,'",', ;i,t,i. ;;",;;1,1;i:i,,r":l:i:;,_ ,., i-: ',; ' , ,: s;.,t,;1-f; f. i,. ,f ,,t:,,""i ;i,q:,1g..;,i, :.;1;:t'r';':,{ rr..



;.,;;;:ii;:irllltl i;l;li"r;:nll.tt'i;ipfrJ.'







!A1I,S ,\S FFTAOi]fa ,iritis u.!..1so ailald.dt Thu!:drr- dne ,q- r"""1 A pis roast ,as h.ld bn rh. Darrlck ?fla-rt,€ of th' --.1tLn;. ortri;i. ai;;' l"oce. of l,loos. rrd niaLd beror. th. ieo. 3rr4lgnt 9..1_m11. E:.uick .stablisi.l a n:r !!._ rhi. d.or3 to t!. d@_ s butict lurctr.or afr.r iJ6 Pf1s6lne ourn.. P b11:t..1tu ns.o B.rr.Lck io;r. i. iNich rd fLir aturDa1 flark of [:2! s.t c1:.31i- 1tu. llaxat])on, oilcnis. ]dro{n by vlc Zrolsk of ll11a.ova Unrvdr3tir t!csFacliat.d ln 1960 lith .r.-poppin! .fo!:1n- oi r. i11n6s3, m.i ri. rac. 'n e rJr!1ft.6 0t official3 0f Trc traln6d athtr.r. rron tii. trai r::. -::r:r1:1r:r, in.1 :i€ 3.vclar of th. '311 a2rt in th. flrst !ac6 rn. rEco on 1!s..i,€ a !€v 8raldard. n6 sald ho ,!s "llrcc & 1. r-. ::. :. :r j .' ac, !5:57.r, .:, lb:11 -.'. PllaA1ng, nor.r.r, {asn,t tho !n1; !u ). ,.. -....: !7:11 .sr io sba! .h. c.urs6 locord. tor cruct ;- -:_ -r :,..::.r, r,.utholdr )llths.:r rlons r{I' c1ur. s:st. i .,: : 111,;;.40:05 c0116sa, Pa,, LrDk. th. stirtr r; j.oii of r. 1'Itca ln s..o.,d p1a.. viih a bor 116:16 aotch tln. of 46:r-1lrs t6ij:j.r tt6n:.i:rr. Harri.rs,lF: 21 ?!olalrrs o1d n3!1. xltoons !c. L3:2h l.uth!14, ?asard.d as oi6 oa th. r.* an'r.v. rc! 1i, :..,. !l.xr.nj xrt.rions Tc. 4B:28 aood tolia fohs dtstah.d n.n ir Nt1. !3:39 6sst (1rtrr 1n r3 I.l11 x-c). :r:e:.: 12. aa todd, sout\ Jdrs.y rc, l+e:u? ?f1€li€! "tt t.. uar, altL-ouah n. nd1.l il. r:n ?!frc, !I.r.!s HS, 1{11h3-3atd.r& or.rratr1.d trr6 BalriDorlan_ rrla'irq rarrr. sr..t, Ba1rr.or. oc, L8:51 salr.d th. 1.ed a: rou!drw1116 ilti +, 4B:59 ;r.trt]]o1d rtpt b 15- Fon n..chrro, r1.r.15 lls,11-8, [9:05 a3 th..n4o st. carh3rlnds clrtran r1r-!stood stro&. cha1loeo. fc, Ontario, canads, Lr9:30 iruileitlr. ron 1?. r.b. assa, ccl:a, Nor f.rL, ol1.r of t;6 u9::12 rc,as idd1r a t.rrq!1n tods} a6 cros;,1 lb. Lou co!!.G, Ri:l:. lsj 49j40 6d t!6 L:r. tirl.d llth anotncr g.aat 19. rin rctu:r, risrrierDq ,ri{, 50:06 tln. or ir7:1.1 uhic! o. en ordin;j-r nara 20, rh:1 la,!:r,.rj.ij ]i:ii,r1.n3, 50.r1 thon day uould ?1, r.fi c.riim, r!:rr. d., Sota! but thil !r3 no ordinsrj ;er. :2, !r]] :.::! ::, sr. r.rsen fc, 50:2t 2,, :.r. ;:1-..2 , r.:a16:s !s,t-8, i0:28 .rs by 100' misr of it. {ay. Ha *:s 2t+. :11:: r::r.F4:nc, Hsrls,r!A,r. 50:35 :!. :.:1i.. !.;i1.r. r,il]iimslort sir.50il+5 at !ir. aei.! dri, tlh.s tDn.d ir by ttr€ !o! rDtu6rs,-:! 24. f.1lrj n.s., Iltrtany tioru, t0:59 outstandlns !a3 t]. i965 trcld iiat rni :1, :r.a ucremhd, 8611{.od tnrir H.s,, th3 rlrst rin. h iho anals .r rtr. it.r_ ii:1lj 2s, truln zanlo.h:, irln!, 11:51: qlc} I'iarathon Lho fr!.i 1l+ Jinr5 rr: :{iLr a!1I.a., ?s., r.rc ur 161 4e n1-n!t.s. ;!::J- 10. Lrr. E.E!. , lij, :2tArj )r, Ir:r.:raskc, srr., :2:t0i 12, ross r.dd. 'Jdetho: oon.llilors ror tio rsc. !.r. ahost !6it3ct .rD.pt ror ib. cloudin ss & nost ot th-. ruft.:s consld.r.d ti !.4, lid:..tr, t;,1., 5215)i 3;, J-.s n:1N.r, I lri:.- Lr.c lr.q, 5l: 06j lt, J.hi n.!c., i::1:T T:! 5l:08j Bot acar (narr:saulg),last y.ar's schoolbot 5-i11. itr11.t, 3a7. a q.od .lE,_]lrk._J,"ri sf, r. rL'.:, onj., oc, accouit .: irlns-.lt rs na ttnts!.d ?tn co11-ao. P., I 1;i ', D r Hrm.r,. So. xlth a fast t1h. of l+8:16- lcrr c1eb.d ti. Jotr !., Dqqqar P.s,. 5):ta M.norral !2ich ei'., tT trr. !:!ric! lar. nar rr.ssl., :+:1: hr ioc.lrirr2ro., sJlc, !e.rj. r Ei, Etr:1.i +t. Pi 1, r,:.6 to llnls!, xcri,s tin. atso c{c..d.d thgi of sr.va alnLry, fo!d.: rr,{a cno- 54:::i ]1]. !.! nn.idi4q.L. Krtur colloaoRonM5rq. sxr.; !5:o.lJlLon trdlt€r. !.r et Vlllah.wa, r,ho rAn 5l-:Jr 4. ta"e :. xitirr- l,ions !.. q, 55:2.1j tht.d tr 196[. rieoni rlngs r6nt ri. t:. -'. r.u P.laheti.r, una., vrt3htr€hon, Dc, 31rsa .Ix lt.Isn.!s, l!oph16sr plaqucs, l!6. Das6 55:l2i L7. Gco!aa urociko, tloy.!s q.s., }!ARiT1]OX n!COFD


il tl

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i::;e":';','a;*,i"rji.5;:i,l."iii;:;;; ",;j:r., i -;;;,, w;; r,-;:-:;: i:ri" j;::: ;;", ;*'l;* :i* i*'i" ji

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sirc, 27122 g''s 22..7 to}l 0s1!R carTllns M.A. RRc f,o,ooon fi. ,* t{.y.r!,D4.,27t:9 '11, Da!6"'r.', ar3o 26:5c Qo 4r3a 12. r,ltry D.1&y,sJ,z/:lo of South J.r3cr Tc, xon th. 10,00On 13, Jln sntth, @., 4.32 Stoo 22:32 cross-c.Dtrt of tho l1ldd1! rYonch,Bms, 27)) a:)o 1l+ Ton 4:a) atlantlc nnc ir ll:[6.6 today ln Fal}19, rohn R.dto!n,4 27:, a:rs 21174 r.: br a uid. nucln 16. ltt rylos, crTc, 27:31+ 3:)+5 4,)+9 f3u1 sdbo!n, 17. t lsht E,ctctt, D.lard. l&! c1ub, 1. ror 1sl.r, s: i. ra.s6x Tc, ll:46.8 27.3t+ 2t3c 25ta4 2: r1Jl js:or:, So.J.rs.) Tc, J4r46 18, Bt1l Tropla.RTS. 21t31! lt3a 26tat, .! !. :.".. :-r1:_y rs. _- l4:51 l. 19. 8111 clalk, P^c, 2? t35 5tE5 2\5A* 4. :o: :o,Ja.s.f, r:_ir-, ru, 14:J) cd1 r{.tz!!at, sJ,27.1ro 2tt25 20, 3115 unar., Pxc! 15:rl 5. s!:..1j/:::i.i:, ,:-:", ia., 21, K.vin O'CoDo!, D.1a{d6 T&l C1ub, Pa11B.,l6:21 6. .re.{ 27:l+o 3.Jo 24:10 ?. lil L. -:a:::r,:.-t. l6:2U 22. Bob nMdslT,sr, 4:\a l+:75 23126 8. r.r) cr.:;1-, :::16x TS, 36j11 ?1. Bob Dms, PAc, 4:\3 ):15 A1tztt 9. l:r.: :.::, ::.,_!:3.? rc, l6:qr Ar. B l M.!oer, PAc, 27 tl+6 5tJa 22ta6 1c. :.. 1..--.:, ::. -:rr.r !c, 17:00 2t. rd HcMoarty, lM.,27 tn 2tJa 25177 1], i:.rn:::::::, 4.. :.a!.t tC,37:20 26, cls cotuhdt,PAc,2?tLA 2tr5 25tJt 12, :i.:l 1:.::_::i: rl::. )7tir cJIc, 21.1+9 l+ti15 23:.1, 2?, A1 s'd, 11. la-! i:-,-=r-,:-::, l":-li !4. Bob att+5 21:.' rsck HcGlom,PAc,2?t52 28, ',a.'-: , r:::, .-::., :::.:; ::cisd rmo!, :.':-, ).1.:i :-:. 29. Tom calacclolo. zTtB at)+t 261)r' :.:: : :.]:. ,:::].: l-i ]-6. EurY E.rb,it: ' -i 30. Jack Si.C1alr,fll, Pb1lad.lpiria nc, ::: l,.hish, :li li, I r.d rcn Eau1.nbo.k, Eau1.nb..k. Lchigh, 2?159 G. 27 tt9 !z:jr:r--r;. !on {ropra, Rldrey rs, 46:14j 31. lou K.oMn, PAc, 28:o0 2:15 2i:i9 19lc ,iar{r .iarrr noch, noch. Phi1a. AC, AC. lt?:39, L7:39: 20. 3?. Dick c1!!!, rqAr, 2b:0I ,:lr ;:ll srlcj 49:54. zr:trd l:lt ll. x.11 v.ysddb, lb:tl rtn. Fltc !nvr!rT:Icl!1r, HrG! scnool skl! Dousb.rtr, iJ:i6 r:LE 2':.1 .(NIEni lu. qrch cross-couNrRr Ru{ +-mr! ll:16 Rrs, Frors, :8:16 15, ::oo JD3n D,Est!ena, cardlnaf Doreh.rty ns. t6- 5d Brasko. sr'lc. 2f:;! 1:0c 27:24 1. ?h11a., 11:ll4; :. .arI otzradt, tudubo. r? B.b fi.rtnirn. Fl,!c. 2s:l! 3:N0 25:lo lls, l. c.or3. !il.:!o, Trrtor 4t\6 BIE 1tr:19; J8. r.ff st6i1i,rcAr,28:)i 5:a5 24:l? Irs, 11:!r+; !, Ron ?lsr1e, woodburr r+:c0 lo, v6rn ordlray,nls,2q:12 !s. 11:46j 5. IlanL n!1ae.r, cardlnal )ro. rd lt!{.da. rac. 2u:ll 2:r+5 25:4d ,orr!.1!ny i:i:, 11:4?j .4. ?6dro say. audu_ Ii. !d:y B.rlroultz, 28:ll+ l:15 25:16 bor ls, 11:47.1, 7. Bo\ Dond, xorth 24:J5 L:. EdLy nol,r, sJrc,23:15 4:00 Hs, lf:59; d. Jr ll.lly, crdil+j. fia1 stllka, D', 28:1rl c. ,9:!1 catirol:c :2:lli 9. l,i!.ha€l T. sfllti co 2D:4d na1 loush.rty, UL^ Bob Emdskt,Jl. 23:[d i.srph!5 9r€!, 12:J2; lc. Eob.rt xa[B. rtu arcockr,um.28ti2 t:)a 27t4 St, Jos.lh's ?r3!, 12:,rl+; 11. Iasrt li6. rohn tr611r,PAc, 2q:0b 1:10 27:JU s..1, st, Caldtnal D.:::-.rtt, 12:49; r2, ri?. 8111 Eoloas.P?t. 29:19 2:J0 26:49 I DoDs11y, ]loclo.riy, Sli6elenr 4, U1f,n1ngto: L8. 106 smrth, PAc, 29tzt 5tr5 al,:o6 l41k€ 1l rorrr ?r..r6, satusraF 1::t0; 4:26 2taa 27t2b D61e., L9. Jobn Do-"11y," :'r'!1 , l;orth 1-'.oLr l1r, - .-l' a:F l:4c 25:!4 M, <0, !-od PsrEon, r jo:14 c. lo:14 caiJhollc i:, ]j:::: -:, lrr, ).1a., 3t. :1. A1 ill.h_1son,-J, i2. r.m ortonrbd.nr.l0r!2 ;o i0:4: Jos6Fa,: ar.!, :l:l:, 51. P.ddr J.rnlsan,D.l1:C2 <:0C 25i02 1c x-cowm :o l::41 5J,- Jdod !:och. ?Ac, J2:!f " :-..- ?:iir'12ll.rb r. l2:E? E4. xold Ber.!r, u@. lr:52 th. '-ori:l:l:a :; -_r:r :. ilg 4o.€ la- .r.hr o,Rlorcan. l;:h6 ro Jl:q. .!z ir.: ;:^ ::::i, firob araY o'.r !?- x6v1^ ic.opf,rac,l9:lc rr .15::' 1.1i:r: lln th. Fom l:!- :1:: b :o:o' ti. !8- Bob crlchrr3t,D, 18:05 Go j. l]f-al1: :c.1:.:: .:! in 2::]1.1+ o!.r e +2:07 69. rohn dlaz.!'$lcA,l+2:0? iivdr t!1v. 1. ...na .tr::. .. :.rt ori i 39t 2' cr7c. 40' ). r.m: 1. ?h11a. !i;{. .j:-1'rrrurat.lt Bill clark Iainri:r rs, Rldl.r ^c, ?1, sflc. 58: lr. rain 3oax.d !aa.n4tr orfr;1aG: scott x1113, racl< st.clai",.rr. iooii a rfl]1 oi:-r. araj a il,is Floba1y dosrj A1 Ros.nh.ck, td Sud6r, G.otE. chiin' th. P-r11a, ). 22:r1.L l.rb ra..nz, Rr.1oy Ts, 1 8111 clsk. 21'.5ot 2. r@ 1 Jdsrf, TC' 2?tI7.0 lon oef,o!,Jo,lLa. Os1.r, 22:O7a f. 3IU Uahon v. P,{c, 22:16 2. l- Bilr c1rk. ?I ac. 1st cmaLn f}lCA linlsh.! Ptlzo- !a!tv 2::11.0 Ir. Frac13 cari.r, r.i1a, -c, D61sy, sJac,27:f0, <- Jjr snth.. une.,Drai.1 i;i1l, 22:l+c.0 6. sr.1! $usi.rNy, uat., Puc, 2l:.1r.0 |

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ffiffi n}i*tl;r#i'ir*' I,q;i*,iixt*:t*: lij',lriiii"i,i,r,l;r.I:;t4::gri,":"' ll $-r*'::T1,"=ii,;ii";li[i#-


N,r,a. A.t.g, I-MILE JR. X CoUNTRI

** !l: i3i fl+l;."ij:?;y.Tjj ? ilil t:i:: 3i:-l"ii;: l:J. iffHi}lll'E;,lii3?:'1.1"' il:il l;"5:'r i;i;'jl"riifij, 'Iet Jr.) r.o ftrrcrl, B{r 'IeL !.o t7tL1 I ragt tt,Ll Or_.-]u ac: 5, No;ih .a3r ro.. Lo., .., N.; N.x or_.-rs iii;f;"iiii;,;;f;i"l;i.l;:il::i"

q_ North

I, orcg (.n1, Bostol ar, ()nd


.7:\8 '.6!.-r L.u,sra.€, __c. tL ;. J..._ 5, Rolr..t Dor.1ry, PC Jr. ) 1eiO0 6. Bo€E l,Ilcho1, 8pr1nAt1.1d Coll.g.j 8th AN\IJr, 9-I{I!A &xitORIAL X-CoVimy RL:]t lfd rr.r 13:09; 7. rl.b a-e.r-tr, Nov. .9o5 .r t.u- rh,.. rsod of rh. ral, 15:1? r.th Jr.r: a. Geolse tLLlneon, rcrt 28, v.1 corilsnot pdr rcu!6.:

3.rl1efl.1C Coric3., 18:lJ; a. l!trr..cc R..o!d: Lo.ro.o by os sr L.or., l"d,C 's 016.r, NUC, 13:2_. I0. rn c.vrn, P-o!1- -..req. R.cord: r,o ljrc,oI6 ,i:5j d.n.. Cot-.A., 18:2a. v._.r;n6 R..ora: !-. c.o.s,;e4n. t:j, -;3i;;.

t*"i:r*ffrj ;::i:-#::: iiili::Tli3i"4 ftiii,-ii=,iliili:"i;l I,: j: il;.;i;';i" "j:1.:;;:: i3: ^r ;3:;i ::'i;f'j,f ll'i:i::j;i,rJ,:"?;j:';;: a:;t.-ir!;i;i,""?;,.-ci,i.'rd6;-f ucLi" l;: ,::,:'3gl:i;.":LI:lilir,




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srLtisn tsrie io; ;": :'da n;;;.i:-; !!J rec. h.r. ln {.T o!1.rns rBh... rb, rob,n6on or r,. usl rc

vrrro, L.L strld.rs, 5_. 9j 7,".Jto u4""ldl Donegh, OAAC, 5a:rj 8. a4c. S.toar, NyU

F!11t6 us. ,?:2?j 11. :F" Hi,ii;ii:'r.r:i:ii,iilJiIl,ill!,]' !2:2:i 1r'16!d3p!rngr101d r5sB 52:20.

rth TherlsalvlrS !.y .LEdpronshl!.-L!str,",:: l

jjlil"i;_,.i.ii.1,!ri:,i if,!;rj';" u:l il#'l: S*;=ti.l;. U::r" ::i';.itu'.;+ri:Ill!'lsii,:i'lii:Ii:r ;iil""ii; $:#d'$ilii;":l\:iii:"::l ;;:],i',-i..'it; i";e!;. i6e;'!;,;6"i,. tlcr-Rot1.v., &r4, -:l:tl; 201 Glfr t:st F Thlld tlb. pltzc-r.nt to Dan ucxlthp, 6li*; "iiil "i,3,l'!,i-;i;X;ii;,-l ";i::::"9 ::,#::ii;,i.1;"",.," i ,i:i:'"?',i.'fli:;:i,tJi i#l:"!,::. i;':ii,rli'i;.1i:'..5i;":':.ffi::i"i iie':a "i i:;i:,:'.1"tf,""*":-;a ?i, l!-ii "!i!i !ilt!i'i'l;iii ff413;!' H,sh,isnr or tni. iieraa co-rnony ;i:i:::.,;i, i:ii.l::,,::,:1. t.d .t th. amual turk.J ln th. :!?:,;.'!: -1h. br.itrist ""*"" r8 J" B'- s, !os!k, N:r:,

". ir'i

)5;': ";;;;!-";i;;-)0; lou Or.gory io U!' t:16on, I@C )):16; J0 loe !-. $ti'igli;,'j* .,; 2o:4?!c 50: )' r' Eob Ros'r" IIrPc )b:ro i"":,':::i:r"lLi:"*r.:l;;9,;:-.,r.,'" i:;"'ii;;;:-;,i;" "".., ";i-'lioo "31'i3;.il;.'ibil'!i:,f, No^c 6 L'-1roor leB Lo 6i*tj-J.eFold


ii; ;i'jxtrtlilil;::iri"i, ii, lai' :2,4 i$;l:ri,ri,hi::r3ir i:i;::!';ii;d nilll ri$:lr,2:i812:i2 i';, r*f i$r:liiil::iF.rii i.ii jiiii f i{ Ifi;;:ii;j":*i'iii;i{,9;:'"s*'r: ji,'l*i.r:i*i{:"Hi:" i !! ii: ig :j, i! i:: ";:11',"1;'1;31:,' ji; rr,.i;" jn: ii: ii'ii.!;i,ll*ri:i :Ill ?,:i3 LriS if ;;ji i.:j;;,"3i^:5+ii;;SI.iiii :, F.i'driiiil,' yH, ;;:

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L*^i'i;;. c'i;";iih: il15, f i:'{:' s;;;;ii;;ii;!;' ii: l:i}ii; u l', ;' t,ti 1;iii ili4i t? H;,g?.i4i, rfl ff"il:. " "*?:} srli.r.0O ll:25 i27:25 : "e:": z:33

JeD.d Csinout,

.'rxi ^ie;



"ii. "llll"l.iill. i"riit'i,e-;;, nT )to ,i:r, lil:'.5:;ii1r. H: #:":li'i" '8,!5 j? <,zrj.>i. jT;,;:;,':'"';'i: ic r,. c.;.iijif;..'-cjt. "I?i:::jl i : H; i*"::.".+,i:l:: 9;33 ii:.l )j,ii il: il r S, ;: t;- T. i:eZ r6. 6




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r,::_:.;t,*:,;i i',:',;: :?i.::. .!t:l;,:,:i::.",, ," .::,-.-"e ffi t ,,'".,:,";. .,:ir'" ,j ,,rl :Ii":;: ;l'.: . :.;i:.1 ,,

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;..ii:r3,t;:i.Be;ti: l;",".".":-..:i ft. l-n11... 1. R, stoph.c, P.q,, r5t5r.

xov. 20- Jlm Gr.11. ol tho Portland Tc s.t & tu' 4-nr1c coEs. rocdd h tbo o!.son L{D cross .outly chmplonship3 hofi at lc{is & c1*k co116e.. o&eo' stat. son th. t.d chmtlo$hlp rith 26 pqints, follo{.d bJ Loxls a c16!k viih 4d and tbe Portl:nd Tc utt)r 5l+. cl.l1oIs tiE. u6 19:3r,1, toppl.,s th. I ofd !6cdd ot 19:52.:r sct bt chrls I{11- I 1.r or r,-c, aho fintshc'l sdcond todry ir 19:!.1. Rrin & nuddy. l. c1Jd6 Euni, osn, 20:02; I!. r6rrJ snftrr oSUr 20:1?; 5, I.lhh soul{katrB, oSU, 20: 25: 6. P.ro U.'.tr. OSU. 20:32: 7. -{ioi H6rdh, L&C, 20:16, B. St.v. tatz16r, os! 20!45! 9, los t!f]!d, !ort1a.d tC, 20: 59; f0. FoB oyf.!, ttc, 21:ol+. spllts lor l.adors: lub, lr:ir5, 9:l+6, ri: 10; cr.11o, 4:45, 9:l+6. 15:00; Millc., )+t)+6, 911+7, L5.a2 {tho thb'l nIt. 'as !11 u! h111). Ir.s. DIv. (2.56-i$1.s)- 1. Dav. Fii, rlF ,iar strldols (l,,lfson ]is, ?orilod) 1l:01, 61 2. Dar. Roblnsor. sms.t Ac, T.s:?!e ioscot DIVIFE loFs osTFT lnsT Nor" 20- Ro!.oc I!.sh & MilF Lloc ol th. certral Caiholi. club ror tlD lndivldual t1t1es i. tt! US?!F (or63onl cLeplochlls dt lhc Untvol Poltlard. s.! u! aft., tlc ilai6 of th6 or.Eon iAn d66t ;a3 .si-atlrslEd & 6nt!y toms drs3-b1tt th6lr Yasity h6t!.cn thcs. tro n..ts. r6.t "$h.rc tho b.st .ohpctittor aas'. !- ol 0!.e.8 xls on ih. {ar to th. t{cix cofl.a. t1y. (!,1 n11.s)- 1. ro3coo tlvrn , or.so. Frosh, 21:51.6j 2. Pat Blo22:04; l. roin r^Ioodrdd, !o rrosb, 22:lb; l|. Deln lrock, orc, 22: 21r i. chuck va11tn, oTc, 22:55j 6. Icr Dahlln, osu Poot6e 22:56..T.m: 1, oFso, rc, .10; 2. oraeoh lroshj 41; l, oeg.n siat. R.okr, 5l+j 4. g. oJ Portlud. club Dlvlsloh i2.9 d11.s)- 1. Mlle ryols, CCC, 15:C9,1+i 2, Toh Taylo!,3cnts, 15:1oj l. st.!. Ao&r, cook, 15:rr. crrholrc crDr ,0; 2, I::r!i:l-!9:-!ii-::-{] J,:I-l!:-941e3!!:1 NoRT}llEsI x-Co!mR: fiElT, vacodc", B.c. noe. 13th- o!.n Div.- L. 4arr fiurtso.. ES=-" t stnd6rs. str1d6rs. 28:1J.3; 28:1J.8; 2. vanco"r.r o Van.oua.I o-IE Don TF.bh.h;t, vdcodv.r oc, 28:18.2; J. !'!o3h- 1. Fst Lak.. It, ot a3h.. 2o:oo.5 E;6; 1. s.att1.

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ce!naJ's !olnrr x.J,, sar., liow. 27-

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