01 67 ldl

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: 4




(Cenre.), winner o{ lhe g'mile crosstountry run of fhe N. Y. Assn., is flanked on ihe lefl by Art Coolidge, Boston n.Ai rznat, una rom MLrllisan, of sr. Johns U. AA., (3rd), al van Cortlandr Park, New York. (l l'2ru6) Pholo _ Wall Weslerholm BOB






abtorptrng cmp€hltlof

tlhe h b1s rohg.alo€r'

q&r latbon, cofdor ca!€ A.c , todd tr'3 loim nu.h to hls 1lkins as tu lon th' >1-ni1e rutlFr BDrbank HIEh schoor rsacrmonro, c'11f.) to clor}€bDre snd roNorsnb6! 26th 1n hho rasL


A TUBLICTTIOI{ IOR RUXTi]]]NS EY RUNXIRS volm. 12, xo. 131, Jsualx 196?

$1.0o e year

lst class clas3 nafl, y.ar fo! r;! lst s1,to p.ryisr ror air m^i1 in r.s.A. ;" or $2.50 !.r +).5'o p:' c"l"d;. E,r,i.": !. Bro'ntn€ Eoss,--"ad 106 !.3t cenr.r St . uoodoury. tr. J.!dYo tln€ or t hod, 5L nrnut€s lt'tton las e c]-AsslfI-no aDv-crlsEl€Nts (S1.oo for 15. nonbor of lnslddis lords, includlns nM. & addr.ss..tt cao! Eia.t b1t rs ssNatlolal ras Jin Hou' Nltcbi' 'ATTII'TION DI5TA{CN RIJN}IINS_ s;cra;€nto H.s.. luDiru his lirst rac€ c€13.1, 121 HeEv t1411, Prrnc"toa x J' n'6r tbr6. nlr€s. 16 fllrshod ssoond' on tn6ea3 odt[o, ls !rltine his s.nior lust 163 b€hh'l ilat ion. of th6 History t'o-hod th€ clacled loE ottlor rrmors e3t"rarrv yoDI ]]61p H. e3t"ia11y ca. a & na.ds V.* n61P -.oi Da!k. Tboy rerc: Ted nichssn. M6rlcan to th' ldraotr "", r.1ar1'rs n.;ds lnfornation lnfornation 1:56jo0; Rft6! Jc. arso matcrlal conc.lninc chrcb€t xs, l:5b:lo; T6*Y Trnor' cor- bofor. I.lo, & i""i.,", dola r.!.. i:5?:oo; rnt.r.st in d13t6.co rDnhe rattond3nso. r:5u' corl6a€, n6nto stata 'r;; bi the s'crMFnto .;;;, dls ;th." uo".", ho' ths !ooul8.trr or "!.*.."d or tt6 Rno 01 Morrca Va11oe cheptor pos_ ef j rlmrne t5.co 'dr had ?t 6ntr1.s, slbla b6caE6 ru !n a xortir6ld qnr €r 20 dlt.s. S1xtj-Lbrao rrnrsnao' t a' t"r", et. 2l fint3b€rsL bad fl.S. l4cclaich.v oth€! ftnl3hers in tb€ flrsL 25 r'b: P;J ;o;"3, 2:o1r D€Dis RN3o11. 2:02! ffi#"i'"l"'8fr 2:u4r 1il.,:i'ii,f^ffHi! fi'#si Kstltan. 2: 2:01+: Ed Kstlbd Caldaron6, 2:ol+: i"*" Isias c;ra;-*, 6t31.. x,Y , nor. ir4_ !r qu1ru' cuman, z:!rr urr- alouahk jr.1v uon John D€1r, 2:01+; Jon' rotr'q' cross at !'iirl "il";;;";:li"!;. "'' "-;; th.so;bomF :om er! Eari.rn t.est.ne1 crrmpion!i]rri3, a hovro'n" uo!ihl:;.'!:3;,'i;: r'.; 3enio!. .a.tf6d th.5-dr. or0n 2:10; aierson z'toi-a.o iir-n"ar. l'Lik. Itlronak6 .";" t.ra! "t th. antual' $rcA rh'nbElr 2: rr: i;;l;, )i11, 4ik" Hlrd"k6 2'11 '"t' iir:, 2:1[. iiiJ'i"i. .q:T€ar hirtolr of the .qFnt 1trst rocsa hrn nosahl€?, ro^ raaturo av€ht3 or tb' dis ;ir.idr.r io Ths lece las intonded. -rharrrj c1!n1!.l Both arxle!!s dsv6LoP rours ar. 1o(a] lLig} echool eredDstes finislrod tnslr (ro3s cD 'trJ s3$'n' Irtlh no! taf,, 3a.onc & ItI. {ti6na ttu,l-c, thiro' cRoss-covNrRY crf Er,r rxArIoljs at soutb"*T'.:om!.cio]r1 san D1sso. ca1lr', roe' ;;:i;";'a;ii;g". j:it.::::;ir"H:";!?r::.:i:' J1 ,oixis rlnrt'd cA !s3 ,""..d ,rih 5!. i!r;::i+! BigL€J. ta, ro::qj 2 Thorn add


n*t,*r.* r'

ili\i!il;-i' *;,**i.'::si,lt*: !iH!ii; :i:ii,"#*.1::i:;:lil:i;,

::: J:' n:i:l lru:1"!':rlli":;!lt ii::i; 'ad lioat], Jonn Jrcobson.,$3n u16so ':ili"':::":"1il!il""""1'3iit9.'i.l '3;3,Xi

i: ?i'::r:;"1i,";iii;:;



.:'1:,:iil']lii"";",':;;i; 13r,i::;l;.i .' ca.lfpr 7u; slootftPr o4 risl; bei

Fr.l !rilf -...1,'o iron

Lod .i{or Thel Train iz !u







I{oy.nbcr 26, 1t66, 1:00

-;-;:::.-J 1.




r!!ER: A. ttoYD, SlsAlu

tooDL{Nt HIILS, crtl.




aD1le^., roodrad N11Is, celi fcrala.


--e.s-o.. s

1D.aC0 JlETnRs

L.rr1.u, s.c.s.........,.11:21


' oy oob

leyes, !.c.r.c,...,..,.15:lir '3' -'€go lF4. <: t6 t3 ' r ;'--, LoF ,-,.,,,....1): )J. I_Jal : : 0.ao .c....... c. -r. s,..5....,....,.r1:L] 5J. 5. El.herd to.ir., .ntc1arr,ea1.l2:14 55. rnle schuitz, s.fi.A.a.,..,,15:14 6, t.lward r,r1nrow, JJ.w York 4,4,,12:40 56" ij.1nre Hrrtrla, ar.8ne& r.c.35:46 ?. Mrt. ultt.1st..dt, rI.c,r.c,,._:2:5. 5?. cene curule, 4rers !.c.....,15r!3 3, Ddue 3rown, rjort€na u41r.,,,.11:01 5S. r1n schtr1tz, 49ers r.c.,....t5:51 r, A1 -.-ru" un.. -'...qo --,,1r, 9. D --i .€/ or, L9--6,r.c....)5:5? . -i.' a \ ...) :53 '11. Rlch t.lssdo. Aillcns n.c,,,..-11:14 61. Blil ,{ld€rson, S . ! , A C , . . . . . I 5 : J9 12. Re' Hugh.s, So. C51.St.rd.rs.l3:19 6?. Dar Prestoa, Ssn Dlego TFA..16:0O 1J. lon I,3r!s, Ner YorL, n.c,.,..31:2t 61, Perer cross, qr'AA PBsa.retu 4.n...36r05 \urD'Y 16:08 _5. - 0 vo.,Jl:-< 4. .,,....16:10 6 . ".d. Ni{ York a,c...,lr:r}5 15, csvr4 Jolcs, 65. raDes ran u3D€a, s.B.A.c.,,16:13 1?. vll.lL1?n !.r1ly, 0't1.o l'lErrn 3l:+9 6?. {era€ vea De11e!. H.3.r.c...35;17 '3, !tue-d a .Fq \.h yo"" r...,../:< 58. D,,. c ""r., 5.c,s..,,,,,,,.,)6:.r ,"...,,r'5 -, r'-* 5e. or6n t-6urnl!n. r.s.,,,,..,.16:rt ir13n 20. Ferne., q s,c.s.,.,...,,.31:5J chlrres Birke, 11sr.d6 r.c..36:21 --..11:<o ?.. Dobe.r -Dne1, c.c,a.c..,..,16: -)'---3 2 L:\0 ?1. 2 ,or Do rs 7 . 81 c or "!. -9--d LC...,,6:2? 2U. chuci c...ntu11, P.,{,4.,.,..,14:06 ?3. llch cs.z". sta. ,{* 1.r,...36:28 )!. P. t-.yno-. .a, cr'-F,...)6:J2 I n6. YorT!-i I €r( -^ sch,,.)6 1) 26. rlck R.a.ro, una. u,c,r,.,{,...34:1t ?6. Jri Perersor. u.c.1,c,.,....16114 27. nob ltsldda, r{the43 r,c...,...3r}:?2 ?7. D.ve lfemye., ledlEnds......16:40 /4, lhyr Apger, A,C..,,,, 5:L1 L Boo F €, AL _6 /o, a-dy vo 1n-r, ".s a -ns A,c..,.lq:4' la, P---r H!ld. i ,Li 30i c-ru.]J, cen D,aao _44.. b.cb r2v, !.sed.M a,4,, ,,, ,16:!a c,, L r 8.. 3 8 .-o a"t Dcs,r, l!a-4 3 hool.16:'0 l', Da-o ' D.n , D€""d-.c 4,1..,,JL:)5 L:"' 3J tir-o1 ._r's, l1_'Fr'1sch.J6:<2 49.rs !.c..,,,.14r41 34. Lerry're1rrer, I€t€dor A.c...36:53 14, Dav. x.11sdr, -,C..JL:L5 q. ..!Eo QrJ. oL-. s.3.AE a.a..)6:5b r. 16{'n .-, c-ry u.c. ,4..,,,,.)L:16 a1 e . pair s -as"1. ssl D!-so rFr1,16:qo Jt, Br1! S11'eiberA, S.C.S..,,...U4:49 Joe 3?. O'Comor, Sar D1ea. T .36:13 ?. iloylr ooddn, Alased€'r.c.,,.14:49 88. rsrry r6son. Irt6rnttn scn..l7:04 f8. _e.r '--1 a9. st"n J"r. 3r'. a a A.A...,.,37:05 19, . ' a1-t!B ^c,..rL:5 u,'.',c,.,,... c.l &8., Als.66s .,..':06 Eru oi.d....lL..r 11, . J -i u%r 9 Fnae qo4.ls4/, U.s -.c,.,.37:oe r., 8.11 S -rprs o-o da r.{... 1:1L tz. p€ rr,r !6-ty, 41. Ron {rrr1e, 49er3 T,c,,......15:03 93. Rsndr Hsaser AtheEs.{,c.,.,.3?:1? 44. John BreEeid, S B 1 - C , . . . . . , ? 5-:\0 :17 94. ren Kreu-e, San Dleao TFr...37:21 4-, K-- sn oo.1,. ar. T,-.,...,. ,c. ,,..,.r:rq 6i. B' tJo1,1,,J5. ' 96. -d P1t crun, s-"tors',c,.--.-)':?3 4?. 0r1! u3.t1tr, ssl Dleao reFl..35:21 9?. Peter M(1e, s.r{.a.4..,..,.37:30 43. Steve !ou1e., ?.Rsdena A.r\.,,35:23 98. I'111re Sr€lhens,8,c.3,,.,.,)?.)I 50. Bob tero-a dlF-, <rr?r.,....1<:ll 1oo.oa B$rcr. 8,c,s,,,,,,...,.J7:39 non







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only rn a pa:ir of 25kr !u:€. I J"1J,ts1osrn4 ss Manrr."ra!, coM., bLa"6e .' o 11- ,;.;;-' 'l ,. i "r R6coros s"a -aos ro o€ D oh. s.d rr l.ohi_J sr6soa, I folt s,-a, Ln..I s.ar-, obbaDlr Lh . Bs1r o.rr.t .116 b.Iolo 9d rlt. rl^3r I dld -ooay,' B 3c ncs anror6 .r11 aor. . o". o nitp, gur.rr: L" . i;".. "a;spa.aonnarro or;,;::;, n€- l1l:.-.f:""" "";;". rro'.;.add6d. j9ll]!9: a dort" raco," secoad tltmlh tn th!.o yoars rn cio ,orn .o r tor oC rha E v. 11.o poad Rd.o l:Il .\rorphoaril linec 19lii fd.rrns. rh. 1s-e6sr .-"-L q r:.ld ".3 rJ i,efory. 1.1 .ro I |r."tu" n.,..f.,.tr.. avscfir.{,{lrr cnAcxs RtrconD By 35.1+ sEcor,DS



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;l : I I ii;,li ",i. "i';l:: "ff :,,::"":::"5::: ,r.i""i..n:"-,lii.ii'""r lho b.s! rn ll:'i'I; i:.::: lf;i:: y-,':11: lJ;."...':t::; F,i ;'i: ar l;.:i,;;' :no 21 yoa-3 s . . .6 .;-. ",, rc".r.d l '$\4 ;i"l i:: i:'i l"ri,i;l'll"I'Jn.,'"f'.'1.? .: ::,:: ::^l:-: :-. .:qp.* ","1 ,tr:".il.n1._:::-:i9_: : : g;"! ";:6.:i.": ;? ::,;:f .,""*,l ;:.: ir,_*"i.i:i..-Jti,i;.1; t;;;"; i;" ::":":;;'"il: i:l: i::: , :, ,il!i":ff.jr,lrlr"{if''.r. ;; i;"; ffiii;"r,11,:;" ;;.;-;;,;;;;;;i::";i:"";ii',:"';:;:;1 .:: ii*! lt:" ';;;';1 B!t: .I.o,. 1.,-os, rrd i;'i tu;;,":-i;llT'lif;:t1..Il.ij:";* : . li,:i :::,i1!I*: I.r.sld!31, .q bi,-r,".,bbai,;li";,""::;*j j



lltrtr€ ro. conrrd. cor. 44, res tb. orly lunn.r',aab1. to I : aqah€r. nod tho tsay stah.r. "rsy | "i#i:;:

I.t Inr"pst ron.h-----l

;:fl"ii:,::' :'::ri. " _"" l--Y,^* ""a ,r;-;;;:e;-;.;-;;;;n.i.r':..";"; ;"* ^ lsrt Down and Ciied.Lrnch-l -Htma" '{'J-:';"'iff;*};ffi,'i:liff'"," ",,.".1 | Ra,"e Fans Ca ed Fabutous


t9 y6ars. rll f.!t eood & I ran 1tk rho dichm but tb. klds run too 1.y r.po-t.d "fho qualtl b.!!.! do-e r.q " oc,.i-o.ro-r!1on..s.rs ber.," h. add.d. &11oyrs t1i., a ro3p.ctabL. 2L:20 h. oo5r6d I -'m"-." *"; r" """1""ii'ri;-i.i thtrd co4s..utiv6 y4a!, And hls tt:n ra! ls fa3t.- rnan In'19b' rr1 r otac.d



r.as thd

o. 'n

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i Eedoi -'";J:.,1



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": :i:9 "i i1a E rtdihr i,!dqd'o Daco rcod.l

05 ro t.ao s 'r..Lo of 1to, i.T';'.:i.":; i'. ". flrst 25 fldsn.ls r.!. sdd.d I v6 r. n. "od"d..d dr ftlt Nuinoa For6st, I :i-.8: t!dd! lrtz.s bx th. spomo!14 c.o!"i "r -"i*; :.,.;'-'€;]. _"I i:;.. ii """",.-:",: ',.. .s"., Man.nosror Mayor Ia.. {sosrlnoll! r, E* :" ". ';:;. nanol Lm rno honors. Tho


!.1 n d. "i r'.r!r

i:: ;$:5"i"'i,:i3... I *riii.j"l;rjii}di:i+l ;::::3"1i::"i3 !. flalsh.d .lahth t! 196l b6foF rln- | ,' 1ad 6" ts etr'd ltns 1n ,61+. dplorod sh;6 sh.ddrns h1d r*i ra'"xi-.ri.'. a th!.o-y6ar hi!"h-h I i*l"l;llli;1, il:'":'i: !.6.,. l96L .s a ro36alch ch.ntsr ,n L{lratd- I d-b..* ,"'#i, ioh;. B.ec-, . sc c"d !ha!-h4 " tho norL ali 13"ss., to b. a m.nba! ol noxt !.S. u.5. I olyJ! c aq.6.hon sqsd. ri.'r.'"t'. .i xii"",i"t,*tt3 sladuat., II ClasE ot 1961. lon 10 of 12 racos 3hc.l


{:,1',.: .';.y"..;"-;', it^bi6 rbrir*!*od lld -%c r" _ "y ui rt{a




;;"r,^*l*:::::li:;i*""*r::.1...ii; i trr.'*i[l.:: llii :;


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iiT:,YY.1;:, :::::::lig

|'rdel. rP.brr$. I uksnFdnr-.or I t6d."-d*,u.u,& s nd & oodhs _ , na sF@. nd I

F,';-* ri;.;i;



sMh, , ;; i-i ,:i-;:;i:;ffi

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5.5-ilM ROAD RACa: Joan 8141R STCOIJD .rncituatr, lvor, 2l+- h.ra schrm of lJ1dI I]nr"ersLty -::-::===-b6autlrul rndiu 3um6! oh 'eerh;, Thulsst!in€ or tb6 cincimrrl .1k! #5 load race.-rh1s r" ."t ;atr;; ;i;; rh6 lnrtad itate3 and foatdes a srarrrns 1lne ln ro.t tn K.ntucLT, a iour6 rlich .lossas Nh6 ohlo River, u1i a finlsh lino .in fmn! or th€ ElIs !od:€ rn cincrb,ti. "roth Blalr Jron obto of tl,e Ohi. var16t Tc ran xrth scirom inrouglbut th6 rac6 but coutd not na tir€ stron€ fl!13h of the uiMl aco. I{1Ml von rh6 t€M co4leitrlor to1}or 6d by ovTc and 0h1o Tc floh colMbus. In tlr€ lalklra r4ce, Jack Elactbd4 of 0)rlo fc Md 6as!1y as h€ has dons Uoath6r 60 d€eroes and drJ, coulsa 5.5 nt1€s, coFnh111 a ffat 1. Ardy schrm, Mtml rjn1v., 26:f,9 2. John 3131!, o!Tc, 2b:10 l. Iob !1ck€rson, }]1Mi nnlv.. zb:tro 4. rack Isliurln. ohio vstler Tc,26:[t

I-lfiLr RL'N ,r r,tbafty Bout6'1rd, cro!6lsnd, 0lrio, Dac.4, 1966 cou!.o and bfttor cold kolt an drFsct.d tarE. f1eld a!ay, and o n.r sr.ppod u! ro rh6 sra.tld :!hs rDr rn. clov318nd ffic 8-t41i6 R1n. Va3!1tr th. xFston lrs.lldrs !r5 lar !4i1m of Britaln, cr..rrrc .rua,.d,r: a1s oppDn.nr ias 41b.rr hokd. an lararo Hho hss ..n. ro ci6v5 lard tD siddy at .h6 ond of th. first 4-di16 loop, tb.y r.!s .1de_rytrp tn6 p8c. hatf 3 do!_ lasr nr1.s. but BloE huna oh, lln. f1n411y brok arav vlth !o so, sd {n .es1tv bY @d.! rh3 condrito.s. Jobn 0,l{.1], yho offr.1a16d, lro11d.d rh. rb6 i,-n11. rur ,on by Roy n6131nao!, fho d.f6ar.d h1g :]1{^o!eobnL. G.orr!.y v.usbM, 21:10 ro

;;;;;;;-;il;;;;#;;;. i:-;;;:;; vM cortlddt pdt cnoSS-cOUi"IFY nON,

! Ithl 1rl1r,, 2?:o5 3!od, N.Y,, nov.nb.r 2?, 1966 ?. flh tLc16bny, Ulmt 1J,, 2?:[0r 8.x1 Bob lltts, mrly cromcd ICAA col1.q. so!311, ovTc, ?7:l+6; 9. Ton l,oo. uha., !1v. X-coutry chmpron, took tb. rs;d at 2?:!7; 10. Don rnhorf, cvrc, ?6:1lr 1i rbo start & l.d to! all I }aps ot th. Ic_ rrank Molitor. cvTc, :d:25j 12. fon 4rl rrosh coDrs. to clock !?:22. wolt back rinl6y, 0r!, 28:l2i 11. sri,ve nrotz, s.t i. 1961r br oscar hoor. trna., 2E:)7j 14. r1n ltrierla. crc. 2 of 46:19.6. Frtts .rockod 15:25. ]b:02 & 15':55 fof th. l-m11. lapd. rn 2d placo 45; 15, T€rly couashe!, uhs,, 28:jr5l 16. non Morton, utu., 28:50r 17, K6n ,as th. lrp?oYl.€ Alt coolldso (ard ln snold€n, l4ts1, 29:1]; 1€. Don r,/ahlo, th. N,E, cLmlionshlps 1a5r x.ok) of th. ovTC, 29:10; 19- Bot Ronc116!. nspld Bosron a{ h lrB:19. fholo r.r. 8? stalr_ Rutusrs, 29:15; 20. Ldlr scLH,ir,oTc, ors tn th. raco rit, 8 conplot. i6Ms. 2q:55r 21. Fa€nar A'6nrz, ovrc, l0:JBj of rh11ad61!trh ru un22. Badr BlDr{l€y, ovrc, 10:[6; 2]. offrcl&1lj a fints..d b8th in 1.12;JO. Davo satt6rs,s1th6, orc, ?.M: 1. lt{111roso arc, Jot52; 2L. A,1 l9j ?. St. Joth,s lo:52: 24. ray Errer, Dna,r l0:59; !h1v. AA 70; l. St, Job!,s rlosh 7?: l!. 30:59:2q. 25. chrls t!, u&.. u&.r 11,0L: N.Y,lc ?d; 5. lffFc 121+; b. unrtod AA iJi. llml.srra, 11,04; 26. ray !1r oV?C. l1:11: 2?. Joiu 0'coMor. ovTc 1. 8ob ritts, M1l1ros. Ar, n1:221 2. Arr l1:11; 28. !oxsrd lusbas, ovTcr l1:]+a; co011ds., BA-4, ir€:19r l. Ton xu1iIqu. st, 2n, rrn u.11aahar, dns., J1:50i Jo. Ed rohn's Intr, ar, I+9:11j lr, rm cazto. st. l1t5!r 31. i'I1lo rr@! John's An, [9:51: 5. :d rialsh. Marirrtru Mlanlsburs T!!ck c1ub, 32ta9; 32, \ralt Frosh, 50:28 Llst ro.na€o srs!d); b, Jobh j2,.10; .ll. chuck sH.en6y, Ko!11, \YAc,50:l7r 7. l{1k Att6ne. lDtrAA ohlo rc, ll:20; 14. Daft craud€r, rrc, 50:41, B. R.to cee.ltr, NYAC, 51:obr 9. llrl9; Jobn Garlopp, xr4, 15. Bob cold!.n, orc, 13r55. 10. eary !4un!c (51 11sted ftllsbo.s) T€u: 1. Mlml V. ko, rlaa, ,1:l\; 11,5!:16j rrn lactosj NYrc, 52: 22; 2, ohlo va116y rc llj l. ohlo rc 14; 12. oaly vt6storiio1d. Broc!?olr sraro 77' 4. MlsnrsbDrs ?C 114! 5. Rapld 52:lr3; 11. n1c\ Ror16y, }{LA, 92:52j r4. lavo Fsn rty, Ioe co11os6 M, 52t53. 15, Frcsh, 52:58 ( a,d rJAtKIxc RACE-- 1 Jack 31aclbtm, !!: 2, Chuck xs!€1r, [6:16! J, HaF. Ya!. T..na:. !r1z€l; 16. rtun ind6rsoh. sJ Fr,. prrz!)j T..na66 17. rohn llc5i:17 {llo ir6: rl+; l|. D:., rohn Blackburn, [7:0€; !sre a.ro1d, Jl:22: 16. l.{1lF Dlrdcco, Artu1d. 5r:[€r 5, lere 5, 51:h€: 6. 6, Bob cotrad. conad. S,t F'I., 5l:24i 19. Pbll Tobln! sto.AA, BirI Taylor, Gr8.nylch, Ci., iJi|:;, "r'Tii, 53tz)t &. ifj!;"1; itrii"ll-a;; 5lrl2J (contlnuod or pac. 9l 10, ld !1,2. 59j04j 1r, tave !6r3ot.


15 !{ ,]j noAD lttrRn

Ix \Er'J oRL:nNs La,, D.c. 10- th6 south

nnsvAGA \,JIxs SA{Ir

trn.xlll1€, Tsm., xor. 2?- teslito a I -":. e "' "" o ,.pe :e. o r'. .; ;' "":" r\ coJ.o 66 oo: on or rh8 ..ur] '- o . " " o o;i s ol ,116 I3L o 16a s ""t...'..: ." i. . y .." Da' co c o ! "" ;1.;. -r olLa! tro 'r'r' : :ll- ""'-"". :l: - .^ , N3u 0!13ans'

;:'." :;: :,: p.j- . i " .i.r,.r i; "5i; ij""-"iii"" ""i;.a. ;;;;;;t fi!'"i""[aes,:r!oc1o.be!ihsfom€IlvtirrN'Nrr6injurcdMa1 ":':i ;;,; l: ;:;r', r=::ii;'.-i;l:: i'& nF ,.,",:':'"":":_.:i;li:i,."= da J, u3, u.orrar. !u!1._ s1t6rv:eo, "oss


ultian, IoAC, 1.t, Ioac, . or.6n1o TC,

:. {,'.;;";i::;:.;1;.:,.--' "r;:; *d;:,'1":"1 :;:'":'.'.".;:T,;":i .,






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-_ claro. n 'r!31..


JU; ' 'l:


ill:l''. ,::i:; [irT:"i-l'11:51 :]:'1r $!:l' ;l;1,;.l"i":::l' l"j l' l;4:' 1 :1"f ",;-'" j:"a+t'i tl;ri:i:!,ii;:": :;:r1,,,'i, i;,:i+i*Iu 4,i.lo;,::iir:=: * i"i';:'":iii"i' ir :-#1"'*:+il *:::,,,r:" ;:ig li: $tlil]til=:i' r;sigii;"ifu:l;. il,l;:ii, ;, :S:t;l+,i^",'friiiril,": : i,I ;1 i.i,; '0. .f,3 A"q^* l:TH iil^" i::, l.;:.::r.l'r:;"ll' ;::;i,;:

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L'__v .o.oo ts.aon, rdua,' c?:l0i '0. ua 0?i ritr s"qraA 'ra 'i "r


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s ',bs sa- ar '-att .a-)r ," ; E!r. oo1. - 2- Ep oy rar-, F.[r". :-r,-,,."r- ro,. -o .--r-o-" -oreh :l.:llT-md Dbr. llaso B 'r-,o. k,-;i:;-.-;-.;i;;;" h aoI d -l: 1ll"'^,f:". ie-:!l.-n DeqS-:4 -.q:: d'vdloo'c ,'



usrt -.'srrl

Trsrl cr.1 .

bl_L!-]:!u-. s-r' o.



J!!!_Fl!. Lons

c;!3. .-un y 1.3 Dr"r.d uD.h. )ondljr! .o br

s rid. i '-o ,s!

aa-1.-.d hs^dr -b


svsrd usE

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n€ oss,



prs. 2. liD a\\rA! PHEfalr t5 Trl BlrNrD ltatfDr:aP RtI{ Nov, 20, 1066, ssd8t. Eua.no St.r!, aE6 ll5, onc ol scElols !reo! club,3 nc{.rt E.nborE llck.d u! ht. ftrdt .raF1 bt plsc1l8 l r tr rh. n.rdlcar !.t1!gs {!th ht8 22 D14ur. h! l1cr! .11o{a!o.. St6ntr ha8 Drov.! 6l rrs i8o 'bs rlt'l' !s ,.11 it!6rrrbur.d o! hI6 5'Ui r.,a.. No- tu"trla..9666d 1n oooletrtlon trlor to 1966, rot 6ver durlna 1)1€ htgb Bchool tlers tt Scotl. HA ln scotla, Nev Y.rk, St.nE h.6 Bhon aDezln4 rrdt.ntlal ln thc dhort .nd lorg .r , 6 to ? dEJ r..I1y r{rblra dch.dul. of 50 or 1.ss n11.s, rhloh fol1om ro on. corchlnA h.thod but 1B .c1.ct1c 1n 3t3t.n. ! t.rch.r by !rol.s61.! wlth 8,4., .n, dcar..s.4d a Ph.D., tt plogr.sr, st6on r.31d.3 1a ca.d.r orow6 wtth hlB L4r'. ard thfe. ohlldr.E. st.Dnr. b.st m11. t1n6 15 ! 5i19 clockhA.

9, L.{1s F€*rs, Tu5th...35;03 10. ],o!.! llcbras.n. ' ...36:06 1r. srad cr.nslD{, rusth..37: 11 f2. !1ch6lit My8rs, Tusth..39: 2] 11. ron B.rry, !ustln-.,...l9:4? 14. rl.. Icm, Tu6914,.....40:15 15. ror crrck, 16. Earrord Setlih, ?tr.l!n..42:44 58 t.ar.1d r!.4 Grrcc, serlors TE.k clubts o1d.st rctr'. co@ctltor t1.dlcat.d hlns.lf.fi.r h1s i{!on3-By-c.rr1Aen! rutr ai th6 16"? I,ohA S.ach, crllfornl!, nalf-nerathon. oot. loth, by rumlns sij.s.tl1r r. tod,rs 15 lo'a gls hrld m11.r. 1a6t p16c. r1tr13h (2hrs., 16ih." 21.43cca.,) ,.vcrthelcar, .rrrcd blE hts f1r6t con!.tltlw. svdrd I! thc 50 r.e!!-crd-a1d.r cl8sr. rr.it m.ht!!rs hc coip16t.d n.rr1t 16 n116d tn th. to.g tsoaoh r@, havlng !u I b1.oLE tool . EonA turn, 1tt.nt10n East.lr napthor rllders -n1.r io con!.te 1a r n.st.o M.6thon 5y MiG-to th.i;?T6s*-SG-G;Id !4.;.thoi, saturttar'" ranurt 21, 1967, at 12 {oor. 0fflc1al llarsthor dlBtalc....26 l{11.s, 165 trrd8. '{a6t6rs Alorsor.lt br th. lad Vesa5 SD, hc., ,nl saactldned by th. South.n Ncya?r. rtsdoclatlo! or th. lnetenr rrihletld Urrdn of th. Lrrlted sbt... r{ecl Dlr.ctor: 8111 S.1vh, coaoh, Chapnan col1og., oren8e c€l1forlla. l.! larometlor rrrt. to Jack D8verlo*, cnelrnrr:, l4.retho4 coDnltt.., l,8s v.se6 sun, 900 N. soaEcro. st, I!16 vesss! N€a.'l.. coE!.tltor3 r.31aba outsld. tn. contrr.ntal 1lnlt ol th. vdt.a stat.s rtu b6 ,oood.a f... houslns .nd lood accoleolletlorr. (Th1s lncrud.s dtnet.s ala8ka 6!a un1t.d st.t.8 po3s.s61on3. ) slnti€r ooooEBodatlon! y111 be ,ccordod t6 l.salna con!.t1tor6 ltr th. untt.d stat.s upor aDdro.i-

IBIZES: lt6r1d aetcls Tlorht.E to fllBt 10 flnlsh.is. u6r1d li.dt.rd n.dal. t. 11th-25th (1nc1uslv.). .a!ls to.11 .ntrants fhl€htns rac. Er4c! 4 !fs. !.o!hl.! t. flrBt 3 con!.t1tors ovo! 40 yls ol rs.. .481. to 4 - 10 (itrc1u.1v.) ov.I 40 yrd or aAc. ?rolhy to younacst .ntrent finlshlrs !ao.. f.qD tro!h1.. to llt thre. t.sni and n.del! to .edh n.nb.r ol th.s. t6an.. ( ThF. naE tcaEd). tnt!1.8 c1oB. .t hldnlsbt, lrldsy, Js4, 6, 1967 {ith lr..t D!!.otor !111 S.1vltr, h6 v.g.s Sur, 900 s. Co6!€rc. St. tss v.gas, N.€dr. El.wsttor .f l,rr Vcga.--2?00 f..t. A a1o36y plotue and thuabnrll slory of.6ch ontrt b' '111 'D!!colat'd rt rY u.dld

r3 C.


(ILo{ltlri C}]nitltc}i D.C, '- llau JUIIoF SHM OF'N ltUN,l0Sunday, oct. 16, 1966

I l. Joan Rogers, 12:41

4. Hu!_h iaocort, 12t 50 3:r5 2,45 5. Er11 C'Rer11y, ]l:20 at, 9:5a 2 P.fi. at OrCotue11 Il.s., Arlinsron, ra. 6. Jesr C.11rns, 1fr16 scws€: j lapsj farrlt hiltJ :f,t probab- 7. Ray Co.dor, Ijt aS a. Te..y ;oftus, 14r02 2: l0 1i:12 ry a hsll-nrle shcrt.f req:lled dr€gera:d r'€zei, 14:li ?0 d36rees ai eiart t'ut 9. 14:24 beconlng ,lndJ and c..i€. rn iaie 6teijes. 10, J.hn clay, 11. Larry llo€1,Jr.14r l2 r. tou caetaanole, !Ic, t: a):5t 2. gteve Jackson, lTcj i,0Nx iIsTnNcs rRo;nrrr spcnsored by l. lon schlrfj Ba:Irrnole 0a, trtt:21 {ashlnston s!.ris club on Surday, ijor.6 4. Jin ,leJ{ood, l/SC, (Jr. Cha.b )1: -!:a4 ai 2 P.q., cotiaEe CrtY, Jaryland :i45:14 ,. .tetf Co1l1n6, fsc, course: Pe:f€ct1J flat arornd cltr blocki 6. Dr.Carr€ Llrkln, 1r9C, tt4511) a! roa, 1/2 all€ per :ap. leatlEr: Fatr ?. Ed orcom€11, ,lsc, i:a5:lB 10- 11e- 1. rou Caslagnore. una., 49:16.5 a. tubert l'.rsan, |e. (2d J:. ) i:il:41 2. Peu1 Hoflian, T..onto 0cj 52:09.1, l. Jonn Drdhee, IrsJ, 1:54:16 9, steve id:{sonj !IC, 51.46..:j 4. Bob i0. l,estdr tage, $.,(td;r.) :i0!:17 gciarfj !m., t6:19; 5. treff corliheJ{sa 11, orylng:on Halfj ISC, 2t2atjj 56i49j 6. Dr. tabe h;dn, nsc, 58:tC; 12. Ch€t gantnd, sIc, 2r!?rr1 ?. DviEl:r !ood, GHs, 53:57; a. H6@y 1€s6 an rnterestlne rac€. Casiednola ves 6r:59j 10. i,es61:29t 9. 4any Adaos,Afis, lace, 3IC, 6l:15: fl. Dlctr rard plessed nI toth stev€ Jacksotr and tqrigion, Ers, 65:26; f2. T1n cliirnaJeff Colri.s drlng ihr l1r6t rr) Iaps. l han, 66:o:, Blg, 11. Lia.t Greehbaw, _.IC up ertE. I: nl1es, leav i 60:0e, 14. John Ftnlayson, 9gC, 60.07. lng Jaci(son rn e.1e puEult or caet€eJactoon s€t 6 fa6t lace nora, Steve put !p a r€ai battle and rt tnr€e 1ap6 betor€ ],ou Cas{es cnly Flth leee rhan is. hiles to co taGnola too! over rltn autho!1t:/. catuebl. to 6neke ir!. rob draa, Pall iioftuar, rade a g-@e try to Scrarf, erlla rnstJ elter teln6 out of st&J vltr Lou but castasnoleis lead 1& cohpetttrve !!nnr.a fo! f Donur6j *a3 erltebly q1d€ned mt11 1n th€ €nd he had 1a-.ped the entlle fle1d at leaEt onc€. to Ealrage ii]trd plac€ frcn ,t1! Hetaood/ ,. c. arau 6 lL1€ {ark che!ioAsltl4l!!9! dlstenoe. lieJTood, ano Is a teacher and 1. Br11 (aiger, Cbesapeeke TC, 46:42j 2_ coach et uci,ean H, 9., tootr Id c'Come1l, vSC, 54:lr (D.c. AxU ChEmp) the Julor chonpronship tltle {rth ds t. Joel itolrsnr cTc, 54:52j 4. !I11 Ka16e.,JI., cT,l, 61:27j 5. Alrred toa 161de, :1li-lillllYlli:-,---, {SJ, 6f:46; o. drry G11eEj Bladerbus tl.II',r P-ANDrcai tact, 3011116 ,r1r lorc€ H3, 69:45i 7. aeron Johnson, EHs, 69.Eo. Bas€, vaEhlrgton, D.c., SundaY, 0ci: 2l 2 1/2 {11e RFlj,: l. Jerry ltl1ljoun, lr: jta6;--cder 2 t.I. lv€atner: seaoo@trr varm, 64" leach, 11.40; l. J;h!_ cou6e: ?erf€ct1r llat. t.T. Act.l. ErJant, 1l:48; 4. Bob aoliz, 1j:55: 5. 1. Jobn r1n1ay€o;, $gc, ll:I-2., tT?6.7 i|1]t ereenbau, 14:20i 6. Jonn eray, 14: 2. stewe Jeckson, Etc, Jat19.a.25tt. 24; ?. Hush Jascoft, 14r32: 8. Rob€rta cabpne11,!Ai!, a4ta2.a ,:12, orlpe, 20:lO. f. c€rrygcharf, -Ed oICoM€lI-4. Bob unE., a4t|5 26t15 RrGlONAl cRoss-corr'ltftY cll{fiprol{5, chet sa*rnd, sic, t4ta6.4 a4:26.4 !:,qsTmx 6. Bob F1ue, lrSC, 14111,3 27.44.j SIIIP (L0,ooon) at St.John's !.S., ashr,st.n, D.c., sEday, Io', 13, 1966 2 ptr 7. Jchn Drnlnee, nsc, t4:55 :ot4r & back; exilono1t hl11j 8, Les !39e, $(, Jtt44,, Jrtq4,5 cou!3€: out 9. Jerf colrrns, 1vsc, 16.04,3 23:59.3 lJdstha?: 60-degre€s and .Iear. 1. Jir Jonnsonr Ponlnsuta lc, 31108 lilote6. ,. FtnlaJson, off at 1:45, had the ash.Sporto C,l1:l? lead berore ihe halrval nark & neld on l. ?au1 tofndan, ro"onio 0c, )I.t6 ol the i!"l]- Drvr610 4, Jolf colltns, ljashinAton SC, 32:56 st€r8 raclson! Penhsula fc, lJ:10 st;ve Jacn.on ran s r.reat lace ove! rht 5. 5. cary ile1n, wasbington sc, 33tl+6 alpeRr€d to n€ d accaateiy neasured 7. char16s Hderov6, 16nlmu1aTc,33:52 course to beat lob Scharf fo. tte tia€ d, M1k Vallaco, P8nlnsurd Tc, 3l+:o? 9. Joh, X€rrIck. ?edBula tc. l<:1€ 1-112 LllLe ]lsndlca! RaYl, Rs 10, tu, cabo Mt!),h. vsc, 16:11 11. Ted Burl6tr, slc, 36t17 '4tv l!{ li€:;hl3;?is 12. !d O'Cofr€11, \,rasbrrsto! se' l7:25



i;:.:;:r, $ir$.:s|;.ii,lli:l-r"1"t::lh* :' lrr:i;,:ru:i:u;*:,riftil"li.:., .i;:i";';r;;; :l :;l;,'q:1,;::;i;'":[] :i;:: ;::";;1;;";,"!u":"iii:,,fi ;l lqi,-l :i*iiiiii"il1,*;;lj .Jti: t:rui:,ll





rj.:it *:i:ru:.i!,;i",ii;i;i"L ;n;*1,._lti.l;ilr;f:,:il;i:i . :::fl,**,*tl.l"'L;"*gl;,*"t."" | *il];:]"il.:3?|"i1y:t::":'"ii"t-ll"";ii'5":; 13;;;' ;"i;";:'iilti:* L"q na bo ".o" prror io irro -c..

llriii!:+ ,fu-i',i.ftiii ;Try": I !;";.";.9:"1":#;tr.";.;.lT;;,.?:":;:'-l

lli;: ;:' -.,:!;-:y'i,:.:-:

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i*h!F;!:i${l:il:',:n,!:,:i *, I i: il*::i*:,iid::" i!.ii,izi,ii, ;:i{H"${*."i$i.:}l:*Xnll;,=l i, iit,*i:ii,t;i:$!;i: ii:i? *!,:t? piq* iltry;$i.i;'i *ic :l}- " I ii: "a5-$;3;',;;3i,, iE:H "iit# .


ii,x :j +;.";;" #; :; :!,':,";: !l 19: ii,riii:;:i:"ni;x:;,,,:l*tiiuTi: i: il' i'litl*l,i:ru:* lil i:"*"loi";. 1i:3?.i';,.),) o .ome.-, v1c. .8:50: -. oon x'o.n, ojd is j;";ui!:;' ;i"";. ni;. i;:-: i. ni:. Dordnlon, ,:9:01; e. Josl cims., srd,s11l ii !:+:;-,:i--4r;6i":,.4ii; :*;i!1-iiii;-l x611 Flisnds, f0:11; 10. I,ds rss6, wsc, I S: 'rliii ;i: Efi"ix"8ii**.'3ii;i*a1i!3 ;;"-;;;fi;, ";l:i:,iiiii :i'jjy8 ili??;11;.Xil.ll"i::1."5i,i];'ii.'4""




Foi.s...r6rf.o11rns ordn'. 3r!6 Myorc lul;;l;:-. ;i; ri;! ;;;:;;; ;;;; r;;;i; Me.d d.-1 - /8_1 1- cars€- 1. Nancr rsyl;r, Der: :1,: : t":1-: t'r", 6,,;:B':+;:', '.';;;;*;';;1;.;; ;:-:-"il:y-].::_.1-: l:li-"1-!"t: and roo RouEo Fare unab1.I ;l ll!i: j. , -i;i,r;!, -;;i;id;-i:', ir""y a..nu, o. 1&F..r". . 10 firj._ l. . o ra{. c y o6nrs 'n Jof_'s oJs Losd *

Iad lo conNont thonsotros wlth fishttn' ". " ":""*; I::::l:: s.lraea L rh a olna ooas bs L1.. au\ -0R. oon .c 1]-y L!s- 1. qsr c.r- o.t.'ra". Ba_ tho!.. To., rrov. I oon. 6:rr: /. a.r -b Ind. o: 7: ), Ii_":-;;_ .: ir;;;t i;;d,;;'iJ" _-;;";. John craJ, 10:09j 4. 8111 0nslllf,, 1o: q . ;l-,!:,!.'." -!'l!. Y:ll'"1?: :;"i;,::':,:t6:"'"-:_i:'d?i"h?fl r t::i:r. uo ,e6es bTer, l.:15; 2. de_6n RoAe-s, l:2Z; l. tr na allrcl"s. srl.. & u,o€- j-Hl.ordt $1.0o rroi' l,ons Dlsrsco Loa. 1. -:_sn Co-. sb,-:J5,.-1 2:42.5.

:i:i::i: ii,! itj:r:;.;";;.""i;;";"

_' lli:tll;l ;if


-' ,;r i: ili:;s,';:l

rL -frr-raltovA

s!r_r rlJ Rxcoi, r,uN aT BBlrIcx Berr;tcki !a., Nov. 24 Cherles reesen c1ub, ron ee!i of tne aalti.hore 0tJoFlc the 5?th aMul Ecivtck i l4arathonr tlth a trenendold record trbe or 45:J1.8. lreseenEer, a Villanova L'niyerslty Ju to! {ho r€centiy ron ine IC4A c.oescouttrJ chen!1on6h.19, erased th€ 01d recold of 45:57.6 eet iaEt ye* by lcc'|6 FIa.t tflaglng ro! the 9.1nrfe couse.

Helb Lore4z, of !n11ade1!]r1ar6 !eu nc,

46:12 and rffaAlng {ao tnrrd, after thre€ .tlarant vlcto!1es In thte top c1a6srd.. The fir6t 21 flnl6hers conpl€ted the coese ln l€ss than :0 nrrs., to set an e1t-tiEe lecord for f!st frelds. Last yelr 1a fld:ners clocxea uder 50 E1n6. Tir€ 4.8-n11€ hlBh echool race {a€ tot bJ cliff Robblnsj of lvllkes-Eerrc i&ers H,9. ln 24r45.0. lhe tao-nl1e race fo! toy6 12 & u.deryeg wor by laae ioush6eate, 1,2, WlIkes-Barr€, rn 10r46 The flrst glrl's race heid dulng tlt !a!at!on vas rrcn bJ Denble T_rubela, 12, ol {llkes Barle, {ho covered the tf,o_

1. ,ch,rr._e6 r,tesfnser. Boc, it'?1.e )4 \.,: 46:lb f. Franr rf1aslre, !oc, 4. tan layne, lle6t Va. unlv., 46:17 46:t 5. L.u Coopen6, Pem )c, 6. Frchald ashley, Foch. Tc, 4?.08 7. St€'e ga:rden, gtate co11., 4?rl2 a, Ro! t{locbho, r'lllkes-Barle Utele 8.9. (1st fi.s, watch & trcPry) 47rl? 9. Lou castasnola, ta.h.3c, 47r18 1r. {en teDsher, Roch.rc, 1?,49

#:+er iih#+#3*;tf+h# 13. (er Vo6s. Ealtlbore 0C, 4A:12

14, ld Dodd, so.JerBeJ IC, 48:17 15. r-rencle Cerver, Phl1a.Ac, 48:lo 16. 8111 Fa11e, laltl0or€ oC, 4a:43 17, T€d Bond, t{arrlebug rL4.A! 49:1,0 13, Jeff co11lne, ilJash.sc, 49.1!


Jase€ nceraw, HbC. A-A-4, 49irE 2c. ,{GeLo G.!o!o6a, AItood, 49:44 21. Phll te'erson, staie c01.,49:t5

22. Jrn Drxo4! state co11eEe, 5c:ci 21. ld {a}ter, AltooE I]s, 5ot21 24. Joe Rouse, Baltrnole oc, 5!:15 25. Je!ry f€al, Roch€6t€i Tc, 50:18 26, Abe A€sa, Illlr.ose AA, 5o:1) 50r4o 2?. Ulke Braeko, g.JTc' 26, Jln snlt5, Ber{lck H.3., 50:4? ilst Area & 1oca1 nllzes) 29, Tln Glubadb€r, York,Pa., to,5J us., ,, Eob Bertlbld, ,'2? 11. 811! A1d. Roch. TC, lz. con.ruy"e", BeItlno.€ Oa, 5] 2€ ,1. Dave ,ubb1e, Fog. A1A, 51:12 1, Tlman Clar!, SJTC, 51:1i

!t, rr{tn zabloc]!y, Hbg, ,L4.{, 5t:51; 16. Ber.rdlr, B0C, 52:ol; l?. Bruce


onr1cote, una., Baftiho!e, 52:14; )4. Clayton o,Connor, $I1ke8-Earre ileyers Hg, 52.22; t9. Bon ?oenskY, si?., 52:24j 40. :,ano.t srlth, ilashington Sports Club, i2r26i 41. iaul Fload6, gbg.l-AA,52:-a!, 42. John CElorn, !OC, 52.47; 41. J@n D'retrada, Phila. rc, 52:51; 44. arank za.noi€x1, P€ln ac, 52:5Ej 45. A1lan !aeLossLt, ltre.aAA,5l:02j 4b. LaniJ Conne! B€rwlc} 13, 5r:05j 4?. ku qeEs, te., state co11es€, ra., 5l:tl; 43. Ed z1nx, tlbe.!,A!, 5l:l4j 49. Ray ltres€1er, tTa, 5l:54; 50. ceorae h.ochxo, N'-B l,i€yer6 ss 54i12; !r. Bob C]@bers, u@., lh11a., t4tl'l:, a2, Joe Connelty, !h1ta. AC, 54: 21; 51. Joe colane!!r CLearvlea Hsr x.J., Zeke Bey, rem aC, t4:44, 55. 54t3ei eary m11er, cl1€sepeaire rc, 54:49; 56. '4, aharle6 rroba, f teyels !s, *:a1t 5'1. John Fee, FD6.A!q{, 55:o2, 5e. Lloyd Iyoft, ac, j5:26, 5r. John lu.naran rlesrlncton 'etuHS, !s., 55:l?; tlJ. Joln Trnco11ege, Pa., 55 4!j r1. Jdee {e1Iy, !h11s. AC, 5o:19; 62. E rerels Hs, 56.19; 6J. Dr19.t Rcee!s, Roch€eter Tc, 56:5?; 64. D€ve i,bjorj irest Va. State TC, 5?rC4j 65. lre* Ja;rie1, riorth Arleah€4r fis, 57:1!j 66. f.n Leeder, H20 lorn Road R:nne!s, 57:11; 67. iien Vander.ool, 9JTC 57:19, 66. Jae€e ItstEhorno, ua., IU:ac3, 1.,Y,. 5::2-i 6t. John Donlhee, NSc, 5r:j:j ?0. oPr€1j shlner, utu.,Ittisbue!, Pa,, 58:52; ?1. lrhtt€y Shelrdan, d1lEer, @,, a6hiey, Pa,, 59:40; 71. AIll c€:2, Hutlrsdon H.S., ?a., €!:49j

A1an Harttran, una., ilagerotonn, &d., 6O:49j 75. Dan Zela, t2o ?ovr Road Ru,ers, 61:14; 76, NIclr Rrsgl€r1, St. Od! topherrs AC, lndtcoit, I.Y., 61:25i 77.


Bob Dc!€-ne!ty,

Prtt6ton, Pa,, 61.50;


!a., 62:12; 79. Bcb {rreht, rutLDsd.a, !e. ;I9 {ns l.rsrt' f.or.oal1 d-mrierbeok!)j eO. Joe rlrby, 9t. Anth.!c, 6rr25; aI. Jon4 st. cra1r,IlL rnlla, nc, 56:2ai e2. lnton Jeq, Yorr, !a., 6a:53; 81. Iick orpan, Lil1ton, la. , 74::7. Tear gcorriA: orJD.lc Club I J-I0-IT27| 2, i.chesrer TC, ti6-1719-41, :. south Jersey ic, 9-1r-r€-20= 54,4, ieor {c, }4-26-10= 02,5. resh lrEtor sporls c:!b 72; 6. IardebDg aaA 7i, 7. r!,ilk€B-larre iiey€re 3S, a7j 3. elaydon ]Y.od, Sp!1bgt1e1d,

llilede1lhro ,[c,


sc]locl,Bcl lr"ilTnTIoIA! 4.8 ltrllrs Robbln6, ll-B il€yers, 24:45j 2,

1. Cllff

Pst CrqhleJ, erdlcoti, i,\, , :4:48: .. uuene urePrry, !1o15., a4:50,4. JIii EurEet, rlllrlaaroorrj 25:!1, :. lioyd orovep, hclees!ort, 25:10. Tem llDeJo.!.

Tox DoNxllLY vll,,rs FIv! llll!

:c/; 15.K€n vDde!I .]2:57; .] lr.4€n vMoelPoor, 1P: 9: 15. sJ1c,. l2:59; Lr_!y D31arey, Lrrry D3 rrey. qJTC, srTc, )5. '"- ton 51 -': (5d vcL) (5d vct) ll1l 1?: !c. 17r J/. rv i,"i, ;^b""-",a ,r1 ..1 (5. 17. !av6 sn1tb, umt oorre.Lv. .-,:o "" ."";." i,. J7. ro, \ii_at "^^nna l]rrla. aa ld. st"oh.n stanlar. ;or;;; .o; ..:; i, "t"::'".;:; i"iii Jl:2!; ',,.0,.8.;."p.";s.d j00; 19, "y, l4:1r; lr0, 16u c6vd, c.qd, una., ,{C, aC, detoatod .lri00: la. !o! oer;a oo P€nn Pon; AC,s ac,s }l]oole iddlo Atlantlc !. an r. -na., 3 tltzsi@ors, 7s: una.. 3[:]0: Lr, Jolt aao clmplor Is-b o Bn. rl nrrA .n6 .oa-tl tuifor, Ihi1e. AC, Ac, J5:J?r lr2. SYdnaT syd.ar Rab. Rt l5:12; U2. un,., un,., ]+-]. l+-1. Fruk Kd1Iy, FrMk KdIly, uig,, ung,, l6l ov€r ! flv. 1a! l5:<bj l5:c6i t6;18 .. qlth l+, J,ck schultz, Phr1a. t!a. !.c. )c, Donnsllj los iasd l7:0Ij l+9. tlnsd in 26: 26:1b.2 6.2 ,l_h tor lorl " )l:at: u5. Mel e.z rrnl:d G "e ono r. 7:-r, ,or .oD- +: l?:I8; 1,6. Jo d sLokog 1, 1a, FtoadBrs, )7:L0r .. tr7. ..1-f Fo.fl.I -.__Y uoch, uo'n, Ph11a. P.rla. ac, r?:ql; l+6. l?:41; A Do _sL-e. in :ft !6. r.ry )o: ': 1.9. D.. coolso I,.aoeFM, rtu., )o: a,e., ,e", s;ic.ssf.l s;,cessf.l o..ss sr€ r-.ou-T .:25. Pnrrs.. .-."is. ;i";; . lr _or " -.;;;" "p '..-,"" 1, P€tu ac L-r 2. so.L Jorsoy rc .rs-s ;,s;6co! n.c. rh. r€s- I€u: !\t1a. l|]; {' 5t; D3l6rs_€ !r& T|n 71. oI na frsloll; l.3. Phlla. Ac 55; 4. L. Dslaxs!€ R!1]{

qY"x-""""'"". g,i.''*i.i i".,!"i.'..s. /iiu 1.5-'4 I.| !uN, ac., De" ), lobb t.o' , .. fln ihod olan.o t n s. oote J6_ssr (! ion rno "al\- csden 1.t{ca opon handlcap sirast rh to_ c!lend!! dat ar in 24:36.4 2l!:36.4 o'or otor a n6r n6t cousd o! 4.5nr.. n6' Elst ratdh. JacqEs, bulla 111€ c.dy 4.5o 4.5n t!8ror, Llnqsran, ls a cm8ll 42, flnlsbod about 20y ab.ed of -arrj D-, !r, rarry ,€1endx, D€1en.', .lso o'srT . Dolarer. &d 3 -- In€ s Ls. Ja* { clarsboro stato collogd p.ys1ca !!of.ssor, o_rz. ]!s ry foahDr€d th6 3r 3iL4lna sLna Frz. 1tsr,, ! tLno rrarllo lro. cou.s3 rn a s^bu!_ las . o ed n 24:rru.!h. (o-so o-. !.rrl ra3 ban Lom and a Lareo cro^o of sosc_a_trs. -.ts nuer i,"u "o, .orp;L11ols c -ou-.uD ss all o s s.-ty srsr!€!s "s/€s ,s,t !"sr a Lr-n€d l'ft on .o rm'-sl ut so. Blvd. 1!T. !Lt.L o€ 06 d arusllq, croad oI oorrnL:na on -o r.la-r.o' PIIF. o sailze "no r€er d €c o- r's Ptrll sllr',s1l. !'o frv. c:LY blockd rsoo pom,t€: ,.€ i tr]]oSsro1s for rA a lulo1can .ro_n116 ;i .i 6 e!o-o s. plece'is.. t!.h€ Ln , i€ !a"6-!ac6_-ttr6,iss 116, e. o. er's.. o! pla laJs 1D th€ 1a!s ee!1y! 19[0,s. ' s'",. s .. J;'uson & i i.' ..,r0, '- os.. a.,.;;;;"ii;:'"4;i;. | .r€ pr.lzoe. o r_or., zi p-nn lc, 2j tt, !! 6 o"fl_ts-s oo.:o.o .o ]' , ,rc follocr, rou .opponr, fo- ,r., , . 7:?) .,c . ?.50 l.ba |l'.n €\ sLsd as tuao r.loorl Irpos3 . ,. ".c Mi;,s.ie on "s , as I o tr o coulse ,9'9q br€ o cneck ;,Jel.--:!itr. o.8-odrE-'nds. 6. arotn-IdXni3. - J-c J.. (1sr.e:1.!i-9 tIs .e-.4r:,o rllsL Lrra slnc' Lh8 rac. brsd 8:)8 .Io"l€ ?. Peul 5a;born, st,(, : ta 1. 6r_y3d-olo rod c1323! larrod 8. rrlo M.?harson. !"r". raf. .8,;0 .o run b..auss of s bao .noJna nrs q. bad 1es, .norna nls ,c 0"'. 9. ar"iJ"i*uu. R!c: Jacoue6. i.. ,a 0". Hs 2i,_? 2d:_? s"o'l' 31 4l coroocuEre' Io. 811 Ba:1o1, 28:48 !e € hal-an Lod'r. 1r. s-11 catuoiii, r€1r d , 2a:d*


csr 1 MoEz.ao[,



il';J.t";i:;"-. ,,. 1,rq. fi'.asgiffi ,*:tl* l:i ii'l:"igli::":*:"-" rTlr 09. ar:lq it: 15. ;;,;; P. ir", i]s, e:. A-. .^,qi .E:rr/ - 2. L,fre D.ranot.!r.s.rl.._4jlq #!ass , p. i;i;t;:, :_+jtre oo. +it: l6.,ro,Baoor.D"la"a.o.dr.,.il,,::';:;e*;;.:tsi:..")4,.',:,,iii '";i'.','a'zi"i il,,::';:;e;"j;;,:tsi: '.: lf: itit Fit"irjl'!;'ll ,i:[; 6. 1il,;;:ri Br11 oo1o.s, pn')a,p , rt:tt;; 25tL ' ;3tl!2 ii: !iii":ilu:fl*::"i:r., *:"8: ;;' ;:,; ;:;;;;-" i;;;o 'ol ii" n",iiJi".'sr.. ";::;":+ti,.]" ..tc." .tt-l. j6,rq ?i :2:11 ?. 6 cJud srorn. ) .,. roa D€Jrss. s ,.. ro:u: 2.. Ke, " i:;""#;::il; !tr;; ,;iE { :3;tE fir1ns, sJIc, J0:l+t; 21. ror M"Morro!, ::,


".- ir, ;o:4.; 2!, oo xu n, s lc. lo: iY ,21 '5. r*r Ma'ko, '1 8. A", 11:ol; l:!


c'so€r8' ru ' 25t5o 2 t'4 2<:5I l+

cr8'.a6. -uv ?'13ad

2)t5o 2L:21

-l::',.::"i:,i"tr.''z:rjt ?r,*l"ur"*i.rr:in*i#:ci;"ii:"",1 ;il ";i.:";:';i.l;;:r;r;Jiicii"ll:^. Iij: ii: iiE"r:iillijlfr.-' 1i'rt 2 4;7i ilii|

,ji":"li;,;j::li,:1.'::n;":::i:;l:;:;.i+:li:t"3.i13;,'#;,"i;,;b;: ffi;b E z4tt> ;l:ii,rjj:3;' 'i: iii f,;i'iliii:":ll"',i;:;ii; ,nlsr5l;"i'i,:;.'.::'1"::; z t"' lt i::i; Doro .6, P- rs, A , I :+6j ,.. Paul 1d. J o X6r1y, un..,


iiii'"1":I';"1;.iJ. :',_3;di L. v',1chsm, d: i.r/:




si, =i.i,1ii',:;;il;"1;,;;,,ii l";' li i;lq:i:i ;':; ""t';'i ":ii; :t:;' :l;;1 :Ji#f:"rr::' :i' i :j::l.,: ;::,,::;!':;\j:;;1j:'11 ;#$}H#i{*,, r,,t it ; *"i: :,1,1: :, j,lj ii,' - : d,' i ;r;."" :

ii; ffi'"'i;;,i;"i;:i{r ftT ;,;: 6i,:": :Ci:::i;.i;lli ,l.S"f;.;:H:",i..:i:",, ", ii,li. : :"j t^ ,"i::i;i :ii:.; l'; ,j,t :il*,ljftj;::iil::,;i'"cv?:'r ,;.,i : ,;i U:. iiH:'i#Iil:

i" ;i,; jii: i:, l:: i:;,"1;':rJlji;:lr; :,;ii i;;i" i:":1"i,."'-:i;";r.ifr"li'3!'^, ?;: roftsr,c. '


" '' ;';






;1;;,i; ;,,;,:i.;,11i!;:i,tii.;ir

ql +:i:i,,, ,,.,$li:1, g:j:'];":!T Pi;:::i' ;;i li.::i sHji::itlll:i-r;.5ijl. ;";[;*,: ar.a1 l,r.A. P"cc chmpLon_ _______-.__ 4i3";ii$$:-i:ilr:i:.r:i"ii.:i:.:;I; lili;*F"lliF,h j::T,r;kli:ir,*

arsel' r€ rh6as31'6s ro. r-6 Fy pos rron. if ilDa6 .ttos rore@,-o,.opmro'6.0-oturn..{,.:(;i;";.i;;i,;;i."



:l'.:,';r""1: ;:i::",:'fl;-".;:..:,:,,-

rllos 6nd ca-eof fo1- orck. 'o -r,r !JMot.nc' tps ,n Eattuou!- puk. ..- str_ rlo !-r-u_old, 5'?' uoppons rlBy sard- Iowrs rb htsb,.Lotroo ,.. ,ro. iir_ EasL Rl .. Dij!6 3 Eoaf-.ous. L1,ao oc,6:55.?. Mon6i. ehorso nln -I" 1 conre'snco moa_s- !"" -h; I 16rd !63tu3n.ro0 /11.ted. r.-r.. rno Ft.ri Jacqu€s, Brl.tng:o ronsrl!, 27:0d. tass . Lr6 ccc Inv'ro-,ors {trn r9 Dot!-s ?,L-i'lo ra o rn r1:_ll. qL 3s aed: 6 . T6npr. -. r.d L::n ?6_ 'a6 (o1d. Iv? Hoslas.: .olL.tos' .r-or Iatl nseEalot rac? o6sr's3. Lo q -on lor.nz d tdo irtl alona ir.

0d.. & . r. F*g+",1:":"':s, -.renz. pdm



Ess. :1.,:1,1:;: ;,li; ;* 06cp-c a 1do "oFe

.:,ff i.,:4,;rTj:_

.ti; ;;;r )2: 1.2 | ".e-b-d 13d rron tne l)-n11c lost & rrd;hod )2t29 I J. rdcis csv3r, Pnlt t. t-c, )2tt9 I noro thm 100y anoad of r6d eond ot rltz1. 2, _3.ro rou coppoG, PoM rc,

#-.=l:e+"i;:+*+:+;i;;; *6, s-51 "orhson. P _la. , ron.. , r:oa

I iiil



| ".ill, !a oo n-s. Py. -'s juiid;'e.-tii! 1I url.ld ni; i;;;ti,''s.:r'c-, or 16 i:D.bblo. ".r.ools. hu-lslu.s aAA, Jr:oaj 9. artM I roalr.'"

ao ar 1oB rn I toq at1 n "ae poian- | . --rrstolsll, EAAtr t'srolskr, HALr. r,: o; ro ro D;!6 Ds!6 po.anLc . . *".ma, c. *iloninlo 15:16; - a Lns moron.rD ri bi sky..Jrc''l6:0J:|1.'a.?B€.roUl|.,]oJo?€rL3i5g rl:l .J rar'1 !6:19: 12. rr- 3ob 300 IlonatuLt, k6na.sa sJac, .F:- l6iJ4; .6,,,: I tor 16:29j a n€r cou!3c ot ihr33 n1l.s.

F 1â‚Ź

(rrxx a. .t.c. c. 4+-!{ltr cFoss_colrtirl.l) 4+-llltx cFoss coutiflr.t)

ji: t|,: ::#.i:d::itiilr.;1}; sli":i"n s::r" iii5:i!ii::;iil:i .a3:3; ::?,2 )i: Ei,i'!ffi::;"i";11;s,:E;11 i;le *', il

iffit#iffi;i* ",*+;e#'--aj#::[,i"i .f .nl e




;f i;}r*,'l;* j*'.-ui:*,t li-, *,=*t+*q {1


i:s' ; 5*5#g5',:fl,* ffi;' mut*i*:i .t

ili ;i'i*r#rlf*ry'tfi',

l, r;i:ii*;r*+rriri ;li ;;rl si4g!;,;$ii*i{l*:tf t;


i:i": J!;:".i!i!: :;;l;ii'l:ri, --iji:l;f


"'i' :"J"3'Jeffi:i: !i;i;p;:^i:;;+ i , ,;:Til.,:61:t.:3;j1,,"r"3 t: ')i,", Ti"",.1.,i..;1.{i.jt"j:,,"i 5j,";l:y""'i:i


;:l+ * [+*,t*1ridil;:: $l-til:jsl:{Hl' .:*jfr:: :;;, :'.i;;:::: ::6i ij_ -y;l*;.;:ii::l'li: ii# il'*#i$;i{:., :; l:. ;;" l,:.1; '::' Iji;'l:i:::*i?::;.":;,i:i;iful#i^

-"::i-ili -i,iil :!::: iil:r*,;iiq::i'ij j?il.f ?;**h "li:i_,1*t,;t'i ,i: , "tn' {.,"'i:IX: 1;"t;, i"i;i;i t'3i:"ii'i"ri";:l::'r,ff SiI"9;Y "'l



i :r,*"U






":ff ;,,,u,,:ll.E.ti'J:ii'

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lrooklrn s E-.srus a t's L d.6l ! r' soro.d Dt6^. rlbroe.8ured r D pr6 -'ca fsro-tr6, h 0'cod !a*oor rno or rlr.s' -9: r,o. t .tu i".o.

:rL-'rl ::: :r" .9.:"i:."i i,:ij :;- . | D' .' hal "i!'



na-r .or' ,fo! .h. n.iasr i's! 1c: s J 3 '60,.ra ta-lsa s es str! and I rdsar r . os,.D-rr-," r "rce,r; a r-t.st..:0:o_ f!63,-u €a.":3 oo.n con€ rroir orsL n_t r. !1rd.,,.

c;;::::;;:""s";;'i:.:;"" i:.-l.t """ I


Ji. CNO35 ]CUNiiY crtNj Blockto., rh3s. ijovenbai 11, 1966 D.r. F1e1d colf chriry..Fl€ld:14! GtJn, trood .f the loston xI toc? re 1e6i et rh€ siqrr & aeld 1r t. flnleh 42s 6ir€ed or Seol6-e Conetrc/ rl |h€ lrcckton A, c, llioid l.vttn or i:e tlrtrd in la:25 & rr.e Jr. tiEr21_ nsEl:. c?i ,:. nrockton tc 57; 4. spa!tan AC 69; 5. Bost.n ,ra ,1, 6. r'i,ic 123. 1. G1J.n {ood, Eoston AA, 1?:4o 2. Ceorge Conetrey, Broci(ton!c,16:22 l. Arnold Devl1n, Spa.tan AC, 13:25 4. Eruce n.b!aiz, 0CAA, 18:_:5 5. Luke lulie, Eoe:.h 3tate, 13:_:6 o, cha.1€6 Llacl{ay, Boeton State,la:40 7. Eluce Bardiln, Tuii€ AA, 18:46 lj MJk€ tialone, Erocitton AC, 18:51 9. Too Io€rter, I?t. !c, 10. Rrnald caeel€y, Tufts AA, IAt59 11. ih. ih. valoeso, Valoeso, !AA, f,9:00: 12. Jorn Jo]ln lAA, f,9:00; ve!col1on€, ula,, 19:t0j 1f. Chlte t!ttadrf, tufts tadrf, tufts ful, 19:14, 19:r4j 14. Rob€rt Jaye6, sparta! AC, 19:l8j !5. ToD Ru Rugaerlo, ro6ton state, 19:2t; 16. Paul Thoftpson, Tuft6 aa, 19:26; 17, rhoftpson, 1?, i!a.h ila.rr {efl, spartan ACj 19:27j 14. !b!k A.1nA. glnha!, rna., 19:52i L9. D.n lAfpny, Boston stat€, 19:lti 20. lke cllver, \na., r9tt4j 21. Ievln tlcraushllD, lAC, 19:l5j 22. ,av1d l,lc4o$e!h, lAC, 19:16; 21. tavld rrntonr lrt, 19:19; 24, lob B€ra, Boston state, 1t:41; 25. Jan€s ]l1cho1s, NIc, 19:42; 26. lrn 1d Lir!se, BAc, r.9:48; 27. Jobn xlexaider, Blr, 19:49i 23. Rrc! B8y]ro, Nric, 19:52; 2!, Don rbnterc, BAc, 19:55; Joe Butler BAC, L9r57; 11. ired lupree, !AA, 19:59 '. Leon lradfold, Brochion acj 20:0t; 12. l), raul carlln, TufrE !rr, 20r02; 14. laul ?o{er, @., 20:01; 15. r€ter ruk lBrt, BAA, 20:04. --Frea Broan--N-Er;t -: i-1]'!uN-rRy ;i.-;HlG-roraHr; Nov. 20, 1966 !.tY. Fleld Colf CJ!rEe, Eroc!toh, [4s6. ileathe!: Coldj ]8w 106 eta!te!€. Course 1o!9. A tnre€ 1a? affal! on tne 6o1f course. Ralpb Blschmem nalntalnea nls d16lance rlnnrDg sll)iebaoy todly ty outrunnlrg a strorg fleld h th€ xtJ]-AAU Sr. x-couiry cnanllons !, !e cov€red a lons (very lone) 10,000n cowse 1! 16j02 to e€e -{ood. nay Crcthers, Art Coolldge & Glym Bu8cnDand red at the end ol tbe ftlet lap & vood {as ln the lead at the end ol tbe e€cona lap, loaever, Rel,ln ]Bd t)re srron6 rln!sh & h€ ron by 60y ov€! dat€ to Erab th1.d llace. NIl']





(ent to Euschram, cool-ldde & ood. -l!ed l.o{n, s!.-Tedr 1. Bo6ron la, 2-a-4-!I-r,Faaj 2, gparten Ac, 1 5-b-1c-14=l3j 3. Brockton Nirc ,an, 106l A. 9t, 4. lurt6 r!\, 94j 5. b. !oston state, 1r0j ?. j-t{C iB,, :I55 1. P€Irh !.-sclinan, spartan aC, lb:c: l. artnw coolrd;€, Bostor a6:r6 4. 4]Jrn Llrod, Eosron aa. dr, t":1r 5. ren Iu-AI1e., tooion ^1, J7,6a gr.tai o. JAroe6 {jrnn, a0, 7, 5en v11son, L!T, l7::rj o. !1nr auis. Eoeton starej 17,52j 9. --.r.r ca6e.Le\. T,f!s, l?.5ri r0. xbr !Dtnr s.,.i;n Ac fd:!ri 1r. J1p LaIe.r, x c. 'J:!1. 1r+ralrm Ierne11, sp.Ac, ld:C:j tt, ,-1cha.d cordle., BAJ{, l8.tl. 1r, L;e;.re..np f.el, E,rc, le:;4i r5. rjlte rLlone, B.irLj. )bi:7, i6. Id Rran, aro. , rd:.t8: 17. rrc;Erd srnrnSron, D^a, , )3. )-, \). E90.AC, l€:l4i be., xei Ac, Ja.4tj 20, (en c';rlen "@ :J:4!i 21. Jonn v!rco11.ne, da.. re:a1: 22. T'iy Sap.!€rza, EAA, l9:1rj 21. Dave jpertan inalen, Ac, l9:17j 24. Peld AA, l9:21,; 2:, Robert Be!e, Boston 3rate, l9:loj 2b. i,!v!on B1geloh, B/1-q, J9:41; 2?. Peler qtlo. BAA, 19.46, 26, xobert Jay€s, s"a!ig;r a. 19:51. 29. f-r8ni{ lrel1, spsrier !c. 4.:oo: fo. Arnold uor6e, lroc*ron Ac. 40:cr: .L Bruc€ Eald{rrj Turts &{, 40.0.! 12. ir;k clap!, Nl,lC, 40,03; :1. Bob .vrudira. Nij. 40:12, f4. c.J. Lo"rerro, u@.,4!:.O. 15. chrle xurter8t, Tufts 40:.1: ib. lo, aus€er1o, Bo6lon siate.!!.4!:.8. r?: John oreenlsd, spdbd Ac. 40:4:j -E Foq3 von€rr ne., 10:51j 19. crais-ruoE BAr, 40:51j 40. AcC6v€rn. EAa.rl1:oa 41. Too oerdertan, Nfic,41:o8j 42. t(e! 'av€ NIrlrAU n€dals



ton st,.41:>4:

45. Ftuoi N1ro, xI.tc,41.2i,46. {o, crar ior. jp.rc,41:f6j 4?. ParI call!n. Tufa6 AA, 41:l?, 44. Rrchard axqu!61, Iitb, 41: 45, 49. L{rke lnderson TUJ!. M 4r]c?: 50, A1 Fe!ur1o, u@., !,::42; 51: phd FJan, rAt, 42.44, 52. rsvld XeI11er, so. nc, 42:5e, 53. rd secdd. Nllja rL]:.') cr! PoJce Sarx €r, N!,tc, 4l:08; 55. Ke; xE;s;n. EA.A, 4l:25; 56, Boh r.'tchol3on, BAr{. 4r: 50i 57. ulxe soal], @., 4-.5r, q6.lik. couslntn, EAc, 4lr5); 59. flobert paq6. Lrvc,44.1fi 60. raul gche1l, NIc, rr-I.it: b1, Ed Eu.C€6€s, gp.Ar, 44:1?, b2. stev; f,ebbrn, MiC, 44:23: 6-. !aut Dag€1tp lroctton,rc,-44:l?i 5,r. c€.rce B.rrd;EAc lSi !lictr E4!, 14:.2j bi. sia! Trer@n. @. j 45:20 j ?0. Ton !E:i8i"t!:.li i3? .i!i J*;, flEli"Pilrclas,


:*ltiii;tr{,+;:il j,il{Ift

**lfi '#,itFj.ltriii?i:!;$i

f 't"ii*i*#**;rur,$i*i,lliil#;ii[ri+,ili"#l:ift i;*:: "'

i1g:'ffi ",i,,T;ini g,r';l3;;iTffi #; liiii,ffiil-*l;? ilifr" i li.$;;',rj:l+iit;itir'lrqiiii: ,i;iffir"#ir #i* lffilf'fii*a+#*: tu

+# /trift#,g*Ht##i# ii, ii+*rriffi it " # -lI'i*-,**m:l*;-- ,;:;::**::;::,li;*"ml:*i'" s;l','urun""fil:

r":i"*ri#i"rlxil:{,,i:rj$ j:rilid

;,;"r.s'"ii;'i?31i"",1%f$'"*::y I I:;;I:":*.t.i:^,"::."Il, ":::



Drak rlosh, 3?:4b; ll. ron cdultncY, hake irosh, 39:25; 12. tarly Eusnan, st.xflbroE€, l9:40; ll. n10! Ioal10, I.s. 40:1lr 14. rohn Don:s, Edsr H,s,, rllr; 15. Dan !111, Iora,{cn11Las, }|T?. Noie3..,Dralrorg taklng hu8. chunls orf his dlstdq. hms todih ln 11:2b, He lon tho {lto; 1I11.) 10!-ilr.a Rlvsr Rd a !€€k aso Nlth 54:00.,Road Rum€r !ennono fror ArForla stat. {Xa!sas) & lan f1tth. !ft.! an nrsnt bN t!1! to nas otncs, Delhott clock6d J1:37.,a ftm fl.ld of l5 turs out d.3p1t5 tho cotd,. T]j. .os3€ vas a rqst, Clat rsphslt rosd noasuln8 6 Tl, 1!0y, ?rophl6s to ftrst L0 fl4tuh.ls. tu)ERAtrcN cRoss-cormnY Trrr,a r0 rn Iora cttJ, Ia., Xov. 16- lnlvalBltt of I.!a solhohore Curt tuBobd dash.d &at fron tho paok on th€ thlld n113 today & !o, tho loxa lode!3tton closs-country dn@liorshl! by 200y. laBond s!.d the h111y, fou!-n1b coesd rn 20:09,5. Du. to th6 nlil-tock Cat., th. olon tac. dr6x o.ly 22, atf but ono ol then 0011620:09,5, 2. S!.! s!.v5 i. c!!t LdBond, r,dBond, Ioxa, roxa, 20:09,5i D!al@, szabo, bo, lora, 20:5J; l. Don clan}' Dlal 11nb!ook, Bt, Bt, }\hbros., 21r09; 09: l+, lr, ilonry ilons 11nblook, P;rson3, 21:lrjj Kuri, Pslso! 2r:a9,E. t. 2r'a9.tl Ior,b xuri, t, roi'h 6. sklp sto1l., s,C.I., 21:50j 7. Stot s.c,1,, 21:5b; 8. ro. len,lsreon, !ora Achr1l.o. 22:C7; 9. Vtrr.n Bush, Io{s rrosh, 22rro, 10. l,arry sell.rs' D!a].!, 22t\6, RACE FACIS: lccurab€ly noasu!.d fotr-ntl. a!as6 cbrso trlth fou! lors f!6t..65-d. aly sd ra3t..6>-q.BMer Eradual h111s. dry sumy..lrBord {as fr.th flod M dtn plac; fhtsh (19:16) th th. Bla r.n X-c. Jtn ttorad.t.n ran 14to Mvlsational p!oblens !hII. hulttnA lor thd coas. ald dliv.d nlnutes aft6! the stlrt. so ur6 A,A.B. cross-codt"y lrtng had !o setbl. for a trshl4A lur rith a Pack of Iot.


xch16r's t!tr6 at 32t2I vas m arronatr. cofso r.cord, as he blasted aaaY fld t€mat. ]|rro Rlciards in tne 1a3t t'o 1aps. 4 verT stro.€ tlnal 1rp ol l0:ll on tho h11lf, rc11

rtth ndy


rum.rsr tln.s fo!

v!.L!!f sR. AAr cnoss-coU}uny 1. Jolu Larson, La'Bncd, 17:r1; 2. Jolh ason, Ft. days. l7:11.1; L noJ 01d far16:10j Mohlo!, vnTc, :1Oj l+. r+. Bob MoE6r, unTc, Zdrzla, !b. Ears, L8:12; g!ys, rb:llr,; 6. C3cIt Johnson,, rt. ft. s!ys, r3:f ?. Edry rslko!, uasbburn, fn, 1B:51; 1d:51! d. o.!a1d sho11J' ft. laysr 19:1oj 9. Jack c1szi.r, Ft. ;Iats, 19:20j 10, Jli lain s, Ft. BayE, 19:21; u. carf, Arthaud! Ft. !ars, 19.12i 12. rcrry Dulah, Ft, Eays, 19:51; 11. Du.n6 llarp.lr rt. leys, 19:55i 1l+. roln richardson, Washbulr, 20:05; 15. I{lk€ LaubhaE, lt. Ilays,21:olr-j 16. Jobn Ros., mc,21:57 Itllssonnr

i]t. !r!u c?oss-co1l}'lRY 1, Tyroe Brolr, 9;09i 2. llchdd Y.!gor1.h. a:10j J, ft.s cary"nt.r. e:11; 4. 5. Rlcbald com, 9:26 q. srev6 ryom,9:21; 9tz)j (allror, 7, rD crsns, 9:llj q:16. d, Bot n.nd.., I l/l.L dl. ) lllssorjRl vrlr,EY

i*5TrRn TLLMoIS ttcsl uIIs cal'lrca


caJuea, Inalda! Deconbor 10- Dilo stt!-

!ett, s f6€}ns at a:rst.!n IUlmls lntv.lsity onto!.d h1s fllst narathor 2:3,1:50. ?ho 3!d amual race .d by adver3o xoath€r and ndr.d sriahtly tJ th. aFlvat or a rrelehi tlain at tho Ylallsas clr{, 0., oct. $, 1966, opoD Tho nlaht i.tor. th. raco threo or tou! 2-1111c Run,.Slousorcd by th. llo. Va116J tnches ot sno, hdd fal1dn trroughout oanRnC at th. ltnlv. of rl13sor1, traea8 Cl tral od J11lnols, Tnls undoubtL L.. stal€y, llc gsltors, 10:1d,4; 2. €d1y IrdIM contlibut.d to a snarlar f1.ld ths Varno Studfclr, EC !adl.!s. antlcilat6d. Ralns ov€r the provtoN !.6k ],/ICXITA -{T!{r,ETtS ltrN CiOSS-COIJNIRY RtC33 at3o had dsus.d the l,Jabash Rtv.r to splll ovc! 1ts bsks. Itv€ !u@rs d?lvln€ to ltsaso! Kd6as! l{ov. 5, 1966- Mdlo!16 3aU Stat€ Un1!.lsitX h Kr.ss. & 3ob Hob1.r, both ha hg flm lourd thof rout6 bloc!.d hy a l,{lchlta, took ftrst pldc6 drd& 1n t:ro Muct. rash-out ud had to calf otttct4l. smolrs tvo-nll. sd nobls rtx-nll. x-c b!ld€. at ttr. gyn ,h.!6 rumors ,.!o d!65s1ra no rac.s sponlor.d br th. t41s3ou!1 vau.y thrt tb. .tart or th6 lace bo d.ioad RuDols C1ub. Both lacoE x.!. h6td D16ad lay.d so could r.ach cayus! by reton thd b.autlfut !o11Ita t!o-nt1. cous. hor routo.tb.y In !1!1e corso dlr6ctlonB at vlsoEo countlY club, rlaht aft.r tb 1ei.. n..t drr;cio! !€!nlc li(h tolit ib. K$ses E.s- x-c cbMFlonshlPs.


.ross , co!€red b.1dn6


rr. or1og. no f rn13h rn 4noth6r dt;ect_ Hl* ""* " br1de6 etood fast sgarnst ih6 f1ooo3 than in surroundlns .11,dingt^ihe

5. x.n s!4ksd, b. sr.m t.wuk, r. Lsrry rays.. (14 strters:

salt ststa, J:ot+:lo s 1:51 hatf_di1.rl tu1] st4r6, l:05:45 .. r111nols, l:r7:[2 Batl Stcto,j:22:51 --10 f1;isrr.!s)

OIIRSET5 R:SU]-JS -.AAEM BIXILA WON t}D narsrhor rn sotrhb (or6a .n octob6r loth rn 2:r7:0h. rho JaDedso


Toru fsrasels {2:19:.151 and 1r.,_

ruinors, uhol l1 trr1h&ra r2:19:5?. d) rro F{s as., 1ed 1r !,ich & laa1ns at t.6 rhousanis of !ior, -tho_starr rith rl,(k n*,,p.n_t5th r,_- l --tus rho rrn6d bh6 cofs.. E r!.on 25 & tlylng ro a,t Trlasa,a ro nar| rn 5:50 uilh irush in1.ks Inox coacxl aut !bo r.a lart.i n.vad 1r€ at rro!rsa ve::'r,;. outcjc6 chlc@l !r Bi]{fla :pDrr.d otrt 5r41k1ng 3 Llocletld rD!o!1r'g eros. bohind. hd las !s3rr.s I rLi3.3!oat 3ult 3l i 1.sr bur psusoc to tlo Japanoso lLhars star6d sn.0 nrs pants at tla ml1.q. T.6 i6np, c103. to sikits rdbn -chn.i ror of !1cb6rn

t!. rout6 oui. rut on brr. rirol. reathor co.dltlors ,;rc Fassably sood r.r Doc6nbor. oD

ct tf. rstf-uay polnt, na.h.d r, ruer sr1c.t hqu 0?61 inicke rlhl Dltrd stir_ nudr.d Tards o! so b.hlhd & no6r!.n sird€sllrs, rsrlhp d&ady ultb itrr8. n11,3 to ro Eb1cl5 brok 103€ r&n sch.sld.r b;t cks by 15oy & tn. lstt.r concedod c,fdar s lone dri.k or iatdr-

.iI' flo 1 rh. lrlieh stlrrdtt had stoo b€causo of e long fr6ignt tr3h crossiAq nis path, It elp.ared thab hts hord:.ar.€d 16ad rould dlleppedr befolo rtr. treii cl.srsd th6 tracks--snd 1t lould havo. l Thon turn13 tlnctr to th. rsscuo! rh. out-and,rack cadse bad b..n nca3ul .d rith a {hoet !rac! b6! rn. eiB.t locarlon of th6 !!o srnc. st1116tt stooo atj nost rxac;ly on th. foher, rinch rurr.d hlm and r!! hli back ro rn latror. Dtka stlrr.ttis t116 2:lb:50. !. uoDId 'ss socoids tastor tr h. hadn,t stoppod, Ealcks aleo !-turn.d ro ftnlsh at thls tnlrovrs.d bur acceat. fLdish 11r. 1n 2:lB:?q, bur bJ rtro tlr. a..ri!od hh. r.eln hid a31 oihcrs io fintsh 1. !1r.! stirrorr, !, 111in.i3. 2:lb:50 2. SDsh Finicks, trrlood, I11,, 2:lU :9


chucL xo6rpon, :a11



o.rt loOD back at 25k!. tl.s. Th6 !1tu6r sald sfi6r tha laco that h. thouslrr ths! b ldoal r6rrh.r condltloN on a larorabl. co@s. th. narathon could t. lDn tn ahr.5nl.s. 4, Bons }at K1n, Korcs, 2t4ra7,t a. noftan ts1e€rB, lsa, ::25:ld: 6. iar{ 2:26:0?. --ialM rh.E-INisexaTlONAI MAncTHoI! rul oka. JaDu nov. 2?, 1466--r, 11116 ATan. x.u Z.;IMd_ 2:14:04.6; 2. nrroshtra. ra!m. 2:rl :.q2 l. o*3o,, JapM,2:15:09.2: [. arhala. rsp4, .:\51)6.21 L T.rasa'i- ,re.ah 2tl5:5r.2t 6, 2:i6:la. a; 7, 2:16:55: 8. !.11. .rs.!n 2:]6 55; q, !.d!J Jepan, 2:1?:11: tO. !3M1. Japan, 2:17:16.1l'on ry ba;,61y Jyt) of th. oast 16 stitl scb1v6, Bn11 zsr.p.k (4i+) ra(sntlr lon a rbt.rdsr f,oki road rs.. ih l!:17,8 roRLrrS sS! Bf Jo]]x tArnArT--Lro-nr1o ta18s, xo!. jth- 1. Jorn Tarrmt. Sa_1_ ford n.! l+:0J.28j 2. h1111;3. Xor_ Iolk c32o1L3, 4:20:15; ^ldl. rony i.m. rlploo H.r 4:lJ:JJ (rar.@trs Io ni1. sp11ts: 59:05, 1:57:18, t:oo.o?. ) IlAlIAlr MAnaTlox clauploxsm?. catula. Nor. 4th- 1. anht, 2t22:2t+.2 mcml tu?a r.turn.d to acr104 0! Iov, 1lth llhnin€ o 6r croes-couhtry laco h 1!:ol, bur br .mphas13.s t,t€L ho 1s rachg sor61j 1, sIEcnnIxD rotnRfi,{N.}r (14), Edloo.d ed romor iorl,l r.cord hol.tor for fooor r7:r+6.0) & a rsadhs d14r1. !6t1!.na!t, l. 1111 contttu. tn th. sport a3 d club coacll.

Nrrrs bY Don Jacobs

staio fi.s. chMptonships x-c sal.n, o!oeo!, Nov. 5th (n1llMotte v.) A-I - 1. Jar c{esIs, Tluston, 12i26.9 ?. Mtko Hsnn, Bensoh, 12:29r l. Bitl I66nan, X, Eugere, t2:29,5. (Th. top lou fintshers br.ko rotr BFrsr lecord of 12:11.6 for the 2.5-ri13 oours€ 1! lha clos€5t frnts! 610r sa6n ln an 016son stat€ chd!1onshI!. rlciisrL ron 1! the fast 20t. ulko HaM {on tho siar6 104j 2. llarshfteld t7U A-2- 1. 10@16 Aradshdr. Floasdt !I11. 12:57.5..rod: srusra, 70 Class 3- L. al.n D€y, Cror, 1l:10 (ioc rem: Gilorrrist 39t 2. clo 56 [ov. 5th, ]raLla ua11a, r.Jashln€to! no.th,6st conferotu€ r-c cnmpiolshlps 4-!{11es- 1. rluco Jones, r,r}:!tno, & Eem Snlth, uhihu, 21:lrj J. Rex r,r1gna1l, v{h1tmA, 21:ld; lr. D6eo Ih, l&C, 21!J9 (son of L&c coach & odr r rrosh) Tom: l. Unlths 19j 0r6aon

slrt l+-l4llE cnoss COUITRY, Botond.z xor. 12, 1966 1. Dols aro{n, l4ontana, 19:!4; 2. Rosst lldfIs1d, tSC, al:16; 3. Doyl€ Shax, Vsbe! stato, arr40; l1. rr6d F les,, Montana, 20:5d; 5. rorry nor., Isc, 2r:17, r€M: 1, Monts4a 55; 2. vr€b6r stato 59j BIG


N,IIA DISTRICT 1, spokan€r ],rash., nov.12tt6s- 1. !o!s! i41m1clr, r'hltro"tb, !19:17; 2. Jd!ry r1sh.r 'rhltrorth" 19:59j St,Marttn,s, 20:02. l. John liay6B, Tem: t. r^llltrolth l+!; 2. l,Jhltnen 46, !{AIA DISTRICT 11, !4oftodth, 016,, Xov,12

4-Mr1as- 1.-D€MiB Molndoo,

J. Jrn

Northsst -^

oci, 21:46j 4, P3t )m 3tron€, vlllmott6! 21:49; 5. Dous rohnson, soc, 22:04; 22:11.,T3M: 1, soDrb€rn orsson 5l; 2. ussrovo,

orosoa colloao 62; _1. Lorls & Clar}


$xrv. or l,,tsElxmox sT,lTl g,s. IfvIlA!IoNA!, Gr€€n ]-ako, S€att1o, Iov. 12th I (Ddo! f.100 stud€nts)- 1. Ro' lrllock & vlllmott€ 55; l+. tlnrleld 1Uj 5. 1.6...II (1,100 to 1,9oo)- 1. ?6to orceon colloclot8 Cont€!3e€ chd- lrapato Yhltto!d! C.ntrsl V!}1€y, lLoJj 2, Ton Fro$hlr, Mo;6uth, or€., xov,'-o tth Ellqulst, l*cr 11:1l..Tam: Lail3 a clslt lr-!411o5- 1 Jth MEsrav6, ologon Col1III (ov€r 1,900) 1. Bill Kos3, sholec!6st, 10t59.?i 2, ron !€!!on, R6nton, 6on, Soutl!.rn oroAor co11666, 22t09; f. ]0j59.?r l. mk6 tu6! nab, Llr02. Ron l,ltl1tMson, OcE, 22,1]. r6h: 8a16, 14, 2. sholoc!.st 91. T.s! 1. 0C! 28; 2. So.o!6gon l2; l. (A11 lacos 2,1-n11.3..?7 t€ds scor€d. ) o!6a6r locb 96i \. Goorso For 99, 5. last€!a or€son 116, fst AxNU,Al- GALIAIDET lnvITAtIOIAI, X-c oct. l0- onbsnr-stato H.s x--c Mo€t llashtn€ton' D,c., Iot. 12- 1. ten ls !atBarlInas, rorr, 124{1163/ a- r. Jon'1 co1fes6,22:lo;2. ]:crltt. !r1kat6 or Missoula, 10:34.d. Stoe. Belddin, ca11.udot, 22:50r J. SUBE Tam: Blulrras Sr. rLsj l+2, l4rht6u, losEon, 2l:I6j 4, Rlcky BurS' c, B- l. rd€ Jscobson, sims, 10:15 {R3c,) 23t)\i 5, Jti ctdk6, Mi.st,x, 2l:50. 2. C1lrf looto. I0:15.2.-loa: Busby lr4 !oe: 1. To{sor lLr 2. oallaudet 40; .1. tror. 5- Idallo stats l.s. II66t (z-UrLs; xh.st,t4aryts 5e; 4. I'ashIruto' co11.s! I21r 5. Csbholtc tr, 129; 6, l,oYola l4d. 1. lye iI111, n@pq, 1l:2o; ?. ToDt nodrlqu€E, !Ie!!, 1r:22..T€e: Xdp!, rt4Ason-Df,xoti coNFmEr{ct x-c cBo{Proxsm?s Iov. 5- Ilaana &rplF A,t!, spokam, 4.25-M11.s, ch€stortom, Id., Ior. t9tb Ua3hlrat on. . .1a!s tty 6-M11.- 1. l,a.ry (l|lesblbston colloee coals.)- 1. Potet AldberA, lns!, l1:19j 2. LoBn itu1cL, 01d DonlnloD, 22t25i 2. J.t$ PtI6 VhttHolLh, J1:2d; f, J.r!r !1sb6, ri!]it- lA@, cathdllc o., 22:lf; 3. st6ro Batdrtnr !o!ib, l1:5Jj l|, Bruco tlcBu!tur, l,rso, cauaud€t, 22:57; !. steeo ltahI.u, To{32'0Lr 5. cary l6Dso!, vsu, 32:!+; 6. son st., 2l:06j 5. D€dls ratton, rorson Ds!€ Robadsot, r{su, 32:17; 7. Dob 2]:07; 6. r€n l,doast.!' BtldsoHat3! lIsht, {su, 12:42; 8. c.o4e rolsusoE, st., 7. rob! Macaloo!, catboltc u., \,lso, l2,l+9j 9. Mik Eubbald, wsv, 12156 2J:1,5; 2l:21+! 8. Ro!6rt lectdxa, Rddolpb-lla.on, (I doubt that su nlssed l1ldsloE!) 4.30t 9. A^dr Ca!t.!, rroyola, 2l!19;10. ?oe: r'rSV 2J; 2. xhttrolth 41. IGvl, I,ulsct, Cathollc U., 21.40. Flosh J-hl1e- 1. Rlck RtlsJ, IJSU, 15: Tse: 1. cathollc !,, 45i 2. old Donh2c;!:-TE6;3po kMo cc ll+. lon 58j 3. callaudot 4!, r+. ro{Eon stat. c€nt1, !6t6 lrhltford, E.S, 2-Mt16380: l- BItdr6rato! lt xt.st.udYrs 1]lt r;ilT;TT;7- -Io:12.h..ros: t*c. 38, 7. ro}ns foinbs 20-)! u. lrncbbulE 216; oDon 2-l{iles- r, ioftn llcxnisbt, r.rbtt- 9. LoYol& 2!2; I0, Hashtn€ton coll.s. ltfiF,-lor:gl; 2. Da1. Toohoy, spo]<ano, cou.s6. 11:l2r 3, tor€n Drs, lalrchtld AIB 11.11? 25[; i],. R&ndorph-Maco!


arc, 2It28;9. Tdrry Tlrd!{rns oRtcoN ,'o' x-courrRy Tc, 2!t29t La. ifllie Dubln, Portldd, 0F6on, NoY, A)- Jln cFu€, stat€rs Tcr 2]:29; 11. Bilr Kesnan, oTc, forhe! UnlTersltJ 2r.39t 12, Da\a iobbtns' S|atols TC, 21: r|mlns stddout and oltnpld vetolan PrC' 2rt1+7, U, [2: 1]. th MusArard, d6fdndod hIs olegon l,1! 8111 ?a1rxsl1, uP, 2lt52j 15. l.ttkc llacAbb 'uccosir"Iy chstro. cros3-Comtr chs!ronoD€n Dlvtslon Cros3-ComtrA OP. 22:cL.. Tom: 1. oro€on TC 2llj 2. k oohklcnlna rtYal' oreEon Tc ureEon tu raYal, oohklcxlns 6h1p 6hlp ";r- bt ""rLr.lrna Politsd Tc L!2; l. stat.rs rrd 72; 4. 1r, on tho last ra! .r lng Bill Dorltqsr Port tn nolth course !.1-d11e Pl€r Park Drr.- 1. Slsncor !FM, Jorva11ls, fod. Th. oloeot Tc put a1r f1!e poltt- x-S. 15r57,6:2, xrk r.ttdrs ra th; to! 10 io x!11 off tlth Lyons. csntral Cai,'io11c, 16:12; 4, ih. t.m titlo xtth a scolo of 22 Pts, rlLs roMlo Bradsha{. ll€asant HiU, 16:24j Ths neot ras darr€d bt ruds' a cons_ 5. Dous croo]{3, North luAan€. 16:f2r 6. t ant doslou! dd nuar l Taft. 16:3[: 7. Jln ;pern, rLm14 trnettachsd, ba8- Roos.eslt, ib:l+7i 8. scott Eftm6r, no. :.5r.;r Lh" hrih school crorn omrrcanabtad salem. 16:L9: 9. flark nteflo1d, M1]!3u!4. ;110 corsa and hh€ Portlsd rb:toi 10. D;ue iataon, vrhsokl€, 16:51+. toD tod xolors. .ban Dlv.- 1. Jlr tuo11d, Porlldd Tc, JoHx mocls, flon l,61.6sto!, !ns1and. hag 21:Zd:-T 2. 61r] D€l11!eer, Or8son lc. LIE uorldro 2t:l2r f, St€es Bukl€da, oTc, 21:J2:4, abrokon !5-y.aFol"d by oror tnr6._qErt.rs of Bruce Iortsn3on. orc, 21:J4i 5, ro!r] nhut. Ftt! 30:28.1!, This ls ra3i6! Dooloy, orc, 2l:52! 6. Nom Otlor, Prc. aihan.lubr rack lolc.n (1911-15) or rlf, d. 2f:52: 7. Paol firkte!d, !P, 22:o2; Fotols (191!6) .locld6d in 'lmt,e th.lr orc, 22:Jl; 9. Norm rrl!- nA,{ t1t16s at th. dlstdcol 130. orc. 22:07r 10. Dse€ nobbim' ?sc. ATJSTRAIIAIS No.1 Cloush, Raf,lh Dout.11, 22:as..TeM: 1. oreeon Tc 22i 2. ?orbland Tc bl: l. Slah€rs Tc bl; L! unl!. X.tth \ar&61.r, Ron C1alka, rt6trT 0rlFl.n md i,arrto Pockhs of lortlanir 94j 5. Po!t18nd sbat. c7; lndoo! cIlcult. tou !h. lsA 6. terls & clarl 116. NtrVl Zg4t4rD - X.Z. 10-I'E!E CEAIIFrOXSI$P B-S- Dlv.- 1. In"6rcd2M. Oci. 8tl1- 1. J.lf Jull ;Alf;:lt t 11.8; 2. cery Purpura'It.s!tc' at d. L9:1?i:. !, crar, l+a:21; l. D. llc, 16:12: l. Jsn hcxsal6, Tbr3ton r<:20! lL. urk6 !tr. Prc, 15'20i 5. vrn. K.nz1.. 49:J7...rurrI;s Rys, 2:2c:ll-1 rs€nan. north Euso,a HS, 15:Jlj 6. Blt1 11ton, och. 2ar- 1. l1lk lRtan ho!.d to clocL aromd 2:15 but aas fron thd fiilsh to 2. v,ashiuton co6tv rc 6di l. c3nton_ ro;c6d !; ialk a nllo cr@Ps. fh. bles.st nlar cros;-co6tFy club ?0: l+. Noltb fI.1d 6ror fo! a Mrathon h n.z.- 1]l_ -_Dor racobs_Eus6ls rc 76, thod u. ror thd 6tar,) r,IDIrrso. sLEEx, o(1. 'ith- 1€+-x11.s iJR. NA?'L. AAII 50-rlr0rr'Il,K. Berr€1.y, 26- 1. ron Dool.Y,5:15:15 coDtrY: 1. rlr Jotaston, ca, 1:!5:26; 2, OstbY., sloo6n, 1:50:25i J. !.d1!, s, 2. Jh l,op.s, t:29:.18; l. oart fl1n.bm 1:51:15. (1,215 rudors startod. 1,1'1c b:12,51r i!. Don racobs, 6:14:Jd

4rt" *uoo

Jlr.i o11!!.!E rACaS

lMD rll



ststo trni!.rsttv, coNal1ts, Portland or.E;", !o". 2b- Jtu orarlsst'oncar !XTa. dd CoNa1113 LS. eco CoutrY cbm!lonshtpg st Av6tr Park. cr€i16 s!s!t ths op.n ftold 1b 20:46,0 (l+-a116s), ;I!!ln€ ro4 nofo,, o!€Eon r.. sh. losi.d a 20:l!d.o. lvrnsn ,!n tre htlh sch;ol dlvislo! ib!e3-E11e !ec' ll'i5,rllii;- r. -' c!6rro, prc. 20:Lb; 016aon


:',-:";lir,r;"iil.T'*a ii$'";'*:xift il'?li'ii"3'ft illi!'a:" ffi

x-c nlcE at clehont-F.!sNdaj, xov.27- 1. n1d 22:L2: 2. Joan tajor1., Ir.' 2::9o! .1. Bob )Ialt, aB. 22:57, INlSXrTrOnAr, X-C nACE at Dou!, 3.18im, 20- t. c.rrJ [ortb, cB, 22: 10; 2. fio1 BattJ, 03, 22:10; l. Ron t{111 CD. 22,29. l\, Mlch.l- B.rra!d, l!@c. USTIT x-c cilqilFs rt l'Jlchtta. ltaNas,lf/z4 (o-!lrl.sr bl+o, 25E!h {1!d3. I. !e.rison, colorrdo Stat., 29:57i 2. Iloolo. So,I11,. J0:0]; l. r.dington, r.m-. 30ioe: ir. n1.h,.ds, !w; 5. sul1l i0:21: ?. fidpor, KMsrs st., l0:24i d. sxo.nay, Eouston Tc, lo:27; c. Lssotlc, unc., lo:10,.1.4: 1. Kd3.st.66:2. srs. rx.r-iRtr-{!IoNrL

l',lJs;,-Tlil!"_prl*-p.0.r.rALs IITXINC }UNDS AT IINISH IINA


lb€au.r.dr orr

.rtLlo J6-brr ...,- I i".. ;,"i,:,1,"" 1r. .;t rl sso4rdrl

.I)b Bot huk o- th. _oro oro-ro .o urrti Otr i -r)b c.os36r t. ". r\ and. 'rr..'o hll.s. U6 ri-.s, id ob' ols d .L€-", "LD "oloBsoo .on,---.d


rrLan.,, c.orgra. !?

i::;:!,-;; i.:; ;-;*;" :,;6;jo

:15:50. :08:-0, f-'.-.- S.nkoust, s.nkous! ,. 3-o' E-o' unjr,. Unl,,, l:10:51 1:10:rJ tJ. plJ. lL. oor. ot ns, aubfn rlosh. 1,r",i14 | %-sIo oed.n. 3j2t)s





B,a11,,iv.G""on r5o3t,

J:)r:._ 0", 5_d.6. r:trb:ll -s " runtd. .raoaol Lass, crsoMs - ts. Lc. r:E2:28 '3 n.r vaa -d t- 1 J o. b--d/:r€ -n. 1., tu r 0'n. _r, . 15..1, ,"l_oqil. v.s 6tsn (ot1.ee oo, -r''" or 6i lD$-- "6 ,"1_o!r/. -r' ," lDIr 4 )o1c eo. our lcotu. .9: ,8t22. :29:02. 2:oo;o5 .,oJ r'. o-or rles); .0 K.. l4_,, flr_.o l3r !rtM,s .c .-9:+9, -tns^o-o s .61/ r'I. :..:1.", 2:-2: lcb: Loo'.r, 4 ou' at 0 dr6si; ,.rI oro or ! . r-.va3_lG"!J .oI1.aoj r4's1'ob l!. r-.va3-lG"!J rjoot.r, a4slooss r4'31,ob ak3looss l!. .o11.Ao: b.rd.1T ori-.



r d€s AbBn s . r, da. | . om r4on.em.F: I . luna.: .nuck Jo 1- oh! I rsn s 1.: ro; B rsoo ,o lr'.cs. un-.: ,1 "na6r ey-oa, .sMc; .rom 0 c,osh; BJ Ly llLcoxr ua.j ' n 3'i !\r.\, oI ou."o, s3 tssro:. L, Vqnoolb!1Lj Ih s hs'..on. s nosd i.so n , a i! 6 Dss"n o. rn. .rsak s" .6 , \'63 tntns' 5d o !"tt na olf Jc utj. d. r/a11i.€aa i lintshod i. thrrd position.icou I hrl 13 nt16 loop tric. rlth Th. rac. ls sporeordd t' rjntt lil of lib. rtnish or rh. !!adk at tbo V6stninste 'dlro,3J. li.s.ct .o c011.5. & !t1,.La f., -oot rh. tosd r-m or" Lo ha\. c.ttennlal r.neral ar iri.lnatlonal cra! th. bogtdirc avoraglns b.ttcr thd 6:00 'J o r 3 1., Br '' rs3uoo6, .h- ae6 uar { 'o^s-!v :?s !B-c as ho^ ar.60 br 16oy or ovsr lr+ur " o-Ds o Ju o .1 11. is.. r,s o nll-s, r,. ! 33.o u T 31 1 {i1cs & rr' }-n-r of ton o1T.rplc c1ub, r)ro finishd ln 1l+:48. eallorat st 16 nilos & rh.! led to rh. d. Bob u.asl,. of Hdilron Htll lark s.c- fi.ish to clock 2:19:05, a !orr'nar b6st bx 10: f,inut.s, bur 2+ nrnutos off trr. 3acond, ,iih ir.xold '33 Seconljary schoot ld. noet r€cold..frorht.s !.16 arsd.d to II1I13 of soutnnount I1. llt11er, a.othar ilm1lton 0C .ud6r. th. first riwo !lac.B, & nedaLs io al1 Hon th6 1!-n11e mtoq.t r3 s i1 €:2!.1. finiatuls. th. 1967 ,ttlaria lidrathon Is -;;;;;'-;N1';i.i;;an-;:-- 3dheduled for t6cehb.I 21, 1967.



tolersr Park Meador 0ct. 29- 4.7-U11os--1. tavo BeiloJ, O. of torc^t.. 22:a2,2 clt; 2. Jh srtrh. :acrrasr.r, 2:joJ; f. 3r11 i1pp16, r,.x;,ane 2i 12; r+. Bot Irtts, cortlMd Siat6. 22: 17; 5. Frdk xudi€n3n, Priirslurch. 22: 25; 6. Briar f,iciardsr roronto, 22:fBr 7, Dould solon.n, asu.Eo stat., 22.551 d. vlchrl tonnell-v) osr.eo St., 2?:56; 9. Iran sh.!€, r|rt, 22ti\t 10. tln ruf|r, nob.rris !Gs16rdJ 2.1:01. T.r: 1. u. or rolonto 59i :. v. or r! ea



d,, xor. 2?, 1966 S?otuo!6d bJ Jaycoos 2r-l4lt6- f. i,atr castaraora. hashinEton St6Tiicrur. 1,5bjU9.i (01;r r.co!d z:oo: o2 by c$t3Eno1al! 2. J6ff co11iru, tisc, 2:r4:.ldj l. sro16 rrckson, l!'c, 2r06:55j lr, Ncb P1ue, r,/sc. 2:08:57r 5. Iralk zDnorskt, ldnn AC, 2:09:f6: 6, oab. lllrLl!, rs., 2:r2;lr5; 7, !d oicrin.rl, I,Isa. 2:L7: lr6r S. !5d rurk€rt, otra., 2:15:22; 9, Jolr Do!ib., \Isc, 2:2)-.25: 10. B.b cray, *.. : ;:0 : . . r3J 6..L Nt4", 1..an 11 s., : :06: I Doa "olr' k6, tr,, lt : :a-_.! o' , . , 2;10:50i Ll. !411t CrconbaM, cr.cnb.1t, 1jr3: 6. +anrcn. r66. --12:)):19t r\. r.s !4s., usc, 2:[1:]+?.




Al{D ITS WoRK0UT II'IATE "rG-22 A0A0 RUt{lltB"


lst,lst,lst rlNrST tOAn

Th€ pelfect tralnlng 6hoe. Soft


eloi.qo Dld-Eol€, ud€! xBll @d heet vlrtuafly elhlEtes roed shock. !6duc€€ leg tdtleuo' ed

elEile EealEt iliuiosl


coll{TtY sH05 In lxrslENcn, wlTB IHJS.AIIAZIIC R'CORD: 4 ol f1!st 6. 1964 Otldplc Marethob sosto! uarBtbotr i or fl'ut 6, 1965 ]-2-l-4. 1966 BostoE .!atdoD- -l?odttts fasi€st 1 ol flJEt 4, 1965 vJ€.t Hoo. r'l€$tDor

161. 19b6 Xset. R.s. U,*stnotr ch4p6 Ctutrv c!€!Ds rrt: 1966 IC4A C!o.sCoIl. I-c c!@98 1it leu. f96t NCA,{ br t€&: 1966 rCM Co!l. X-C clelpe

. of ftst 5. 1966 Aleose [ts6tho! /r of frret 6. 1966 H€dt-of A@!1cs ist. x€{ lla.iad Schoolbov x_c cbrqs Msbi. Dey, @ry r:rsloaa1' ed dietrlct tltles Fo! AVArr.dBlE


otrlt lRo[:


rEl,eB, It js edrtsabr6 to o!d6! TIGBR Eho.s 1 61!o su I,LER tie @ual t!*k Ebo€ 61!E. Ptoese add Irt fot l,o6tae6. 3oceu66


a rrcDR s1z€

auu,ir,r au","




1t3gE 30R @R !RE6 3RoCEUEE,





lrNE O! SPrlGS, !!A!ar lt{D trallarc ctorFrl{cl








=93 -n ^



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