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Vi!lanova Universiiy - iC4-A - Van Cart. Pk.. l{. Y. {ln iocular r"nood a{ter ieam victory in i-Jniversily Varsiiy Division) !-ater ';,rqn h.!CAA end AAU Titles Photo - Walt -Weslerholm




Suollay, IbccEber 8, 1968 Pdos Veltles, Caltf. by: Palo8 Vcr{es Kla'arts Club llltct Dlrector: 5erry WaILaco Starters: 324 F1n16bcr3: f9f leetbcr: SOur brcezy. 8:3O,4 1. Bob DcLnc6r O(y, 2:26t\4.2 2. Fretl Rlchar{Eor, una., 2127 rOL 3. Chucl grcad, u€., lr. Ir:,tlds Ardos, (trter1a) 2:31:38 2:33:5lr 5. Jo3r BarcILa, uDa., 6. RoAcr s.yDour, CSCI,I, 2 | 3l+:oo 2:34:14 ?. Rotr Ku!r1e, CSCIE, 8. Dav. tlaao, SCS, 2137 tO' 2:39:oB 9. totr[ henaaad j S3AC, 10. Don Tonn, u1a. ( ol.!gon) 2t39t4 fl, ;Ianea Van l{a![en, SBAC, 2t)+21I2 L2. J1d Bver€tt, une., 13. Mlk. RLcbcy, ECTC, 2: \2:21 14. John Paaftano, sr.Tc "A", Apoaaored

1r. tlendell S!.lth, ura., 2t\3t57 f5. Mlkc Maror, 3Tc, 2:43158; t?, Larry ?ort SaDta Barbara AC, 2:1+l+:05j 18. Itrt Xger, u!a.,

2145:O6t L9. 1111 A[alersou, SAAC, 2:\5:08, 20. Rlck Spavl!5, Oer, 2t45:39; 21. Jales !'!€[ctt, SIDC, 2t)+5:52t 22. Tc0! Sfiirsk, ACB, 2.\5.39j 23. low ScbneEk, mC, 2:Mr58, 2l+. En Letghto!, Cs cLB, 2:47:03; 25. Rtchard Rqye, c4c, 2:L7:37, 26. Ph1l carloD, sr.Tt "A", 2t\7r5oj 27. W\e Baer. SDC. 2t5ot].6i 28, Wayn6 Alt].€!s, HIr, 2t5ot56t 29. Davld. Yahey, r.'na., 2:5I:53i 30. Eadn Cooktn, SmC, 2r53:42j 31. Pbl1 CcEo, @ 32, I,1.ke Stcvart, CSCI.B, 2t55122j 33. q1dte Ketth, CSCIB, 2:55:45j 34. 11II CrucJ Sr. "t53t50t Ic "A", 2t56i2t 35, Joe tblcdo, sr.lt "r", 2r57to7t 36. Dan Elrsltt, u!a., 2:58:24j 37. Joba Cl6rka, uaa., 2158:95; 38. oordon C6q)bc1t src, 2t59t2lt 39. Isrry Oreer, u]E., 2:59:r-oj LO. ttaurlce l.{ontscme}f,f, 52, 3:0O:19j I+1. Pb1l clerke, s!.Tc "8", 3t0o:23; 42. cl]. l,{oore, una. 3:00:54; 43. ltonra! I.lldl.an, 1$, Sr.1t "8", 3:O1.1Oi rr4. ualk luDil, rCTg, 3:O1r29; l+5. PauL Reese, 5I, Ncslg, 3:OI:53; L6. f,ol.ard Prlest, BBTC, 3:02:15; 47. Darryt llotte, CSCI,B, 3r02:3O 48, C€rald And€lsoa, csclB, 3:02:38; l+9. Roa Bolton, CCAC, 3:O3r24; 50. 3ob Caraa!, SI.TC-A, 3;03:26; 51. Dlck BLaaA, una., 3:O3r29; 52. George Khonrl, una., 3:O3:!3i 53, l.{1r. Bendck, una., 3:o3:5I; 5lr. xbrld Cda6rs, una., 3rol+:13 ,5. l,ftkc st.vens, una., 3104:13; 56. Dan Joae6, 3:O4:I9j 57. toba t aclas, ure., 3rol+:27; 58. K.vlD Eggl.ton, una., 3:05:51, 59. Iarly ql8on, una., 3:O6:37t 50. Scott flsdLtor, Ea'ratl, 3rO5 39; 61. Ml}e sIfder, 8AC, 3:O5:5O; 52. Xugoae Stem, Sr.TC-A, 3tO7tO7, 63. Eldr l4e!611., uos. 3r09:I0; 64. Ke! x6tcurlo, u[a., 3:.f2:2.U 55. r.D nr.!6t, WDC, 3r13r08; 55. stev! Yhtt., OTC, 3:13:8, 57. IErda Isra€1, ulla.,3:r3r39r 68. I€e o'Collmr, Crc, 3rf,\:ioj 69. Joh! Csdaucbe, VDC, 3rl-4r54; 70. Janes Yan Arsdlale, ure., 3: r!:5f; 71. Rlchard Prlest, 3BXC, 3:15:18, 72. IElry Csrtc!, 8!.1C-1, 3:15:25j 73. Jobr l.tontoye, 55, sr.Tc-c, 3:1?:d+; 7!. Rcy cohcn, uia., 3tl7t09t 75. thcos. Castle, CTt, 3:17:31; 76. Cbarll. Sborf, 42, Sr.19-C, 3tL9t04t Tl.?3,I91

78. Iell rvans, uns., 3:f9:36i ?9. Rob.rf 3ru1c., SI{AA, 3:19:53; 80. Kevln (tr.cn, una.J l:20:49; 81. Stcye t{clnto6b, OTC, 3:2r:?O; 82. Jobtr f,lct8, u!a., 3:22:15; 83. B1]1 ucAurtffc, ?VTC, 3:22:21; 81. lrucc DcrE, S!.1C-D, 3:2A:t 85. Elvl! Arrerc., una., 3:23:3L; 86. Ray Crf, S!.TC-C, f2, 3t2r28t 87. rark Stlnbers, u!s., 3t2r47t 8. tobr Thc6as, rBrC, 3:25:lr9; 89. lbtl ?aul.s@, P\r'IC, 3:27:41; 90. Cratg Conava,y, CACIS' 3:27:43; 9I. I 3:4:It4; 92. Chucl fl6!rts, SDC, 3:29:I3j 93. ountr.! rcrtbcr, lll1a., 3:29t59t 9\. IbD llooEcy, 33rc, 3:30:31; 95. Rl'ct Vs.qucz, 8!.!C-4, 3130:32, 95. I|ob Cosly, SXA.A, 3:3I:O5; 97. Clc! Rlco, sDC, 3:31:18; 96. Mlke .LDk1EE, uaa., 3:3I:3r+i 99. Perer Xqai, u.na., 3:32:1Ot 1OO. Jon ValrnludA, PVTC, 3:32:LIr IO1. Srlar llcPharEon, PIITC, 3:32:!2; LO2. l|lk! rl.a@, 3BTC, 3i32:50; f03. Irrry Eberhart, u!r., 3:33:05; 104. I,arry CoUlDs, SBAC 3:33:08; .105, HaJ.tcr Flctlc.lck, 61, Sr.TC-D, 3:33:35; I05. nsy chavcz, BAc, 3:33:L5; ro7. John Xb,aslcy, S!.TC-B, 3:33:52; 1O8. Jobtr we113, (yll, 3:35:37; lO9. Eugcn Perklns, ura, 3:35:41j tlo. Joc Bodue", una., 3:36:P; 1II. !aEJ" staff, CSCIB, 3:36:20; 112. Russ f,ovlett, BAC, 3:37:05, 113. Paul" Clul, ura., J;JJ:tr4; IL4. Xlk6 31!goc, una,, 3r37:52j 11r. coalfr.ey Csl)alan, SmC, 3:38:29; f,16, Roy IlfBBon, una. 3:38:48t U7. TeaL tones, u[a., 3:38:!9; U8. Jsrne6 tsoerer, uxa., 3t38:58,..131. Frcd cracc, 7o, Sr,Ic-B, 3:tr4:39. (191 flnlsbers) NAT'L. AAU JR. CtrAl.{PIonS- l. I'red. Ricbar-dson. una., L.A. (ScLcstar f,.s.); 2, Chuck Snead, una., SaDta ?au.la E.g.; 3. Jo6c Bareffa, u!a.J Barstov.

IEAI.{: 1. Co1lf. State Co].lcgc at LoDg l6ach (Kurrl., Llghtoa, Stcirarl) 17;2, SeDlors TC"4", Prg]latro, Carron, Crll!) 21i 3. Spartsr Dlsterc. C1ub, 25r 4. west rllst.r D.C., 34; 5. SenlolB Tg-3, 44; 5. cleid.ale tC, 4?; ?. Sack Brv Tt, 67j 8. Scrtorc TC-C, 7l+; 9. San Dlcgo TC, 8lr; 10. Bskcrsfl.ld AC, 8!i tI. pa-1o3 Veralc6 1!,84r 12, Sr.TC-D, 93j 13. Sr,lC-B, ]to. PAIG VERDES (olEI) CEAlPIonsmPs- I. santa leibara AC, 1"6; 2. CSC]J, I5j 3. OcctdlntaL CoLIcAc 26; lr. Senlors Xl-A, lO; 5. SlrrtaD D. C., 43, 6. {sBt4li6t€r D.C., 5Oj 7, Sr.TC-3,52 Not€s...0n yhat ruai bo coD3tdcrea an ld.eaf

narathon day 26 runn6rs sEasb.il 3ob DelEes' ofil course recotd of 2:13t16. I'lost super! fo! thc day eas Daloca, vho rad to aD srazlng Eev coursa rocot{ o? 2:26].\6.2 over the very rugg€d and hllly cour.se..But th. story E-Dot rc411y tho onc of lob Delnes, vho 1E nov coDBlalcleil a vltlran narathoucr at, tbc age of 21, but hts pursucrs. Fretl RlcharalEol, 18, a senlor at Scla8lan m in t.A. & Chuck Snead of SaDta Pau.la nS, recordea fantaEtla ttu B that Eu3t rank n ar tbc a]l tlic Ecbolaatlc best for thc dlistdace. Rlcharalgor haa bccD conBtantry i'rr tbe to! tiY6 1u all Southern Caufornla il18ta[cc ru!5 vhen h! cq)ctc8 add aheaily has b:Ls cyee s€t or YlUarova.,Uonty Noitg@ery, a youlg, yft.cy 62-yser-oLa turned lD a fabulous 3:oor19. St.ak barbequ. for af1.


llIE r



Subscrlptlon Raros: ll+.oo a-y6ar, Add tl.OO England's Brucs Tulloh 1s busy preparlDs fo! !h6 1on66st r Ll o' .Is, or fo. thsi aatle-r aI- p6r y6ar rst class lElr or $5.00 pen year oost ery athletsiB care6r. Stalt:86 Aprlt 19th, for.A{r MalI tn o.s.A. & Ca;da. 51ngi6 ho plans to rm th6 3OO0 nl16s fron Los A-nc€los coplos-&.back lssu€! - 50y', Edltor: -8.8. yo!! ro N6w In 66 days (an ar'erase or aboui UL l Ros., 306 VoBt C€nt€r St., I,loodbut, N.J. lrtl.os pa! dal) as adalnst Lho I'r6cordrr or 73 | days bJ Sodth Afr:can Don Sleppard 1n 1961+. CIASSII'ID AD\,IEBTISEIEmS Adv. r!1 so you! 6E_ Bruce, ltro sifl b6 accolpanled (no! on foot, o! product to Incroas€ your entrlee or, thoughlj by bts wlf6 Sue and Davo McJs-nnet, ts on! sa1€!, for 15 uords, lnctudrna nans & cu.rgntly Losalns L5o n116s a neek ln tra.lnlns.l aoorosr.(91.,00 >d €6ch addttlonal sord. ) FutL or. .,.Mtnor lnJurt€s aet bsttor tn splto of t!€ai-l r/z pago adv6rtl8lnA rat6s sont upon requolt. nont,..Ir th6 LnJurl psrslsts, look for an 6ao-l 1-onal cau6o...Tw-Ln Clt16s TC ec6, Ton ilotnon6nl ...AIIID DISTANCE RgNTItrC NEIIS DOES IT AOAIN. no{ ar t}D Naval tralnlng conter Just oui,sldo srx tssuos-flor y-iFG-gJ:Td-peI y6ar. DRx, It'enohls, Tentress€6. ge .16 al,tendhA th€ avtat- | tsox _LUoz, tlartlati,ar), Kansas 66502 1on sl6clronlc8 school untll nld-surarcr,& on a "CASE fo! a tload.nl:l for tndoor tralntn8, 16v61. In old€r to !u off base he Iowa wlntors a!6 brutal. tarRe stze and Run-for-F$ l Es 1-o obra'n & .arrt a llbo]'ty cald & a n111- | noto! preforftd. No$ ;! us.d. Dn. T.C, Llry 1.D. oaTd: (Ed. 'Don't fleht 1l Toll, ItrE l ?eaoe,dr1v6n R€df1eLd, Iova 50233 be ler tnan thAt hugo adount of snow back ln Btb At'$uAl }lAsarrmoN BTRTfiDAy MARATHoN, I'ltru1-apol{s. Dld trou t'nou that Ron DaHs bu1lt al sundaJ, F€bluarT 23, 1959, 1:00 p.H. A-a\'1y baead-I11 ln hl8 bason€ntl Anythln8 forl B61t svlll€, }larJland. Cou!s6 c6!tiflod. a Jorl,oul!'r...Ton Donlon. In th6 llartn6 Co-ps B6coI,d 2t22t\5 by Lou casraanola. nac6 n€v:he bagt years, plottlnA for t{o noH back & th€l 1.lon by rur&r outsldo of D.C. €.rea. foturn of l.ET TRACK. Eopefully an lssue wllt bo €I Malathon at s&.re th.6. Troph1os o! oul- ln rld-F€blua.l,,,Dr. M6r1e Din6n! of Dos l l'last€rs n6rc-trand13€ to lst 25 1n opon and to 1st 15 Motnes ras -\6 u1in6r of a tlophy dona!€d by ln l4aster6, plrs challlpt onsi lp trophles !o John Clarko to lhe n€mbor of rho Iol''a RRC ho qnoH€cl the "1ost llprovon€nt 1n 19b8. Ee ls al1 | l{lnn€rs-in l+o-49. 6t". gl,oo enlrt ao LarrJ No€l. 105 Norr)"ual Rd,, cleenbeh; Md.2o??b anesrh€Btolo/Lst !,ho star!6d codporLtlon on Phone I?L 9152 by L8rh F€b. Fo! o;ernlaht Jrly L, 19b8-everaelne 8:2J p6! ir.Lre rn a 5-d-l accomodatlons u-t16: Ton Slr1ckt6r. 1621 16r at Urbandal€. On Nov. 9tb h6 av€raAed 6t23 D'.lrlnston Road, BoILsvltr€, ua. zo?og, erso 6 D.lI€s ot hll"lt Iro nove! lan tni for r-countrT. 2-1411o RIYL Hoslth Rac6 nttfi troobles to all scnoot & srarlod furEhg at tho ase of 34 & | flnlsher!w6t8h.Ln6 <20 lbs. He has qult sdoklDs & ts nov +r11r **j* *+* n{.* 1ltt* ,t.ll! le!l! *** l€tir ooln to 1b0 & sti.I1 lostna. Es ha! a g-yoar-ordl USA TEAII TO AGAIN COMPSTE ]I[ INIMNATIONA! son {ho rulrs ove! s1x lD.l].os, and h13 irlfB also cou}tTm cEAt4ploNSEI?S g $EDED ! does sore funnlna. qul.t6 a ferld1tt...Sd No!r1s'l cBoss Intelsorvloe Sports Cowlcll- accsDt€d son of th€ fanFd Fred Nonnls, and nol| e lunLot'l Theproposal ro hav6 lno CISM Croes C;unrry sl Ken! Siate ln Ohlo, nlssod ell. b x-oountryl our (Tlacy Snlth, Bob Day, DouS W1€be, e!;.J cbarplonshlpe last FalI. The otaenosls--noionui T6dn !6pros6nt tho LtsA 1n tho IntdrnattorEl c16osls...As ol'I{arch ]s!, Ray Kr6ssl€! HI1l bel also Cross CoLDrry Ch&riplonshlps to bo h6Ld on th6 trac! and cross courttry coach at Rldet' ColJ Uarch 22nd 1n Clyd6bankr ScotlaDd. Leg€ 1n lrenlon, N6u J6!s6y, R1d6r' nevor bad thlnL you wllf afnee rhls ls certs.tnty a all-ltoarrs.k before brt th6y are butlding an l .I for Lons Dislanco R sDl.n,: slnce n€ werE rLer lracl( thls Surnl€r & i{1U havo a ftno pro- i break p]'&'rnlne to s6nd a tean foi thar lnreFcrM to offer ln !h€ !6!T near futuro. Ray 1s not natlonal conp€tlt1on. Vo connlittod tb€ ,ona a Lrr"ently rhe successful coach at vllkes-Barro Dlslancg R l'lrnlnA Corrdttee and rhe AaV to Mey6r6 fl.s. ln Pg'!)sylvanla & also s€rves as th€ orponso ol I. Travel and conp€tltLve lrlt?resldent of ttrs Penruylvanla T&F Assoctatlon. folms; 2" Trau6po!!r.!1on frod coik, rreland q_b) Brrfoot lont ro Japan tn early ...B6for6 {CISl,l X-C wt11 bs ln ]rotand €. l{sek 6er11er) D-c€abo, he ..rrots: I,"1 t€achlnA Lhl" year and to Cfydgb€nlr Scotland; J. Por d16o ExponEeE hav6 fou.Ild 1l qrllo ilB-consu,nln8. Hav6 av6!- | from-llarch 18 to March 22 (the rat6 1s-g?5 p6! tto end Neek slnce ag€o only 5-6 rorkouts per dayl. Th€ Intelselvlcs Sports Co|.ncll of su]n]ler, Eow€v6!, 1rv6 iraragod to rogaln consldollr€ th€ posslbluty of roncllnA a ts eooo condlLlon thartks nalnlJ to good dlstanco party of ten--ro 1nc1ud€ a chlef D;lsAat_ on Neodends. haee beon flon lo-Jo n11os rour ton, a coach and a tralno!, aloDcofwtth s;v€! tines ln th6 past tvro months & fe61 that I Jock s€np16. v6t€ran B;ston 4A should havo a good rac6 at Fukuoka. " (Eo. "AP- s.th16ts!. ooach, HI]1 nak6 ths rrlp as trs,in€r, Uo parsnrly 1t uas €nough l ' ). . . Brl8]r Harrinaton, ls a for.1or !6s1d6nt of Clyd€banL. U€ bope Del1"1re T&F Club rco, nor ln lh€ A!n{y :n Klfs111 aAaln coDtrlbuto ro thls roron! toen, Texas. Ito hopos to do solB rlllm.rng wltb I Jou endeavo!. Throuah ou! syston of solrcllltion iho noa]' Austln ln rhe Road Ru.rur€rs CIrb of l the lonA Dlsranc€ rurmor5 ro sebt toarng futuro,..Dutch spo$s frlonds of Scott HaralL- to Md Tutsia tn past years succ6ss_ ton bav6 lnfolrlosd b1n o! I4-{F consld€ratlon of to_Morooco ru_L_Ly & vs hop6 we calx rat3e part of th€ €x_ It .eturnl"tle r-countrt to ths o]'ymplc Prograrn. thls yoar. We took forwald to raB postDon€d urtll tb noxt n66tln8. Tb6t pt p€n6_6s-a.ga1n anJ oorp fou can off6rt, to stitfEt;; out th€ lato!'natlonal x-oountrt 0L1r.n c, Casss11, T6A AdDln_ Ohl'on...fb6 Dot nto{n Y}CA ln EotrstoD, T€xa. lstlrato! AAU ho.t a 26 nl1s 366y Maratbon or Novenbor BromlDg Ross, tla Cbairna! '111 ALdo Scandurla, Internattolal. 3"'*l?3f ;J-4SiS:l'""'f sir'sP:f .%ir#";#;A1 Sub Comd.tto6 Chal lnaD 1600 Loutslanr, Eouston' Tsxas 77002. I


LONq DISTANCE LOG - A pUALICATION FOR RTI}INEiS SY.RUT\AERS voluna ]]+, No. r' Janlrary 1969

















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!) t5


+ A.C. 5-rtrLE - 4 CLASSIC FOULUP ! ?hlla., Pa., gunday, Dcc, 2?th- No, that I ad an off1ala1 I gue6E ltre 6afc to say that rutlncls ca4 €rEc up6at tho best of races €oEictlnc6 ! About 50 runner€ lurned out ln frcezLng wealher for th. arulua]- lenn A.C.'s 5-nllc h.andtcap race aLong tlte last Siver Drlve 61 In Falrnount fark. A11 wcnt well untll a couplc of th. carly startcrE turucd carly for_ th6 rcrurn blp & d.raggcd. host of the fleld. tel t& tilco d.a€pltc 1nEtructlong to ru! out to thc checkcr b forc turnlng for the honewaral Journcy. Ilie flrst half atozen tcad.cre rcrc qult aurlrlaad upon tu_rnlng to flnd tbaE6-e1v eB alonc a€ &oet of tho flcld. trerc hlsh talllng for holoe a h.elf nI1c ahcaal, gcratchnan BtI1 Cl-ark, Hcrb Lorcnz, Ocorge Dllanno, Bob Woelncr alrd e far otherE reallzcd thc flcl-d, haa turncd. too aoon but contlnued on to the corlcc tur.nlng polnt anyway, Thu6 about L2 ner6 a iloDgi!5 n11c8 & the rc6t of '.an ran a r€lDrtn 5 elles. thc f1eld. Ugually thlg coulsc coIlllcncoE et thc P].El6tod. Ilall" Boathousc but th. gpolBo 1ng Penn LC had the t'acc 6ta!t at thclr boathouse ooalnouge a tc! ntrc nIlc up tltc a quarrc! thc load !oaa. qulte posElbLy thl€ colfuscd e. fcr & they r016t€l(enly tut'ned at thc otd tulna roujldL ln6tead. of contlnulng fo! atothcr quarter elLe to turnaround. cheokcr, Nor.E Baker. Iloeevc!, off1c1als ua&c olstakc€ tool The ploper courac sae !99._19!g & the course roost of the runnEil accfaca to run Faa too short I No d.oubt Bllt Clark de€crvcd the tlDr. priz. by d.aduc Iug about J &1n6. floE his actu41 tiEc clocklr€ of 27tO5 ( jTth placc!) Lou Oo pens (6hort coursa) & ltcrb Lorcnr (loDg courec) rcrc cl-o-qe for 2nd tlDa holor6 telth Lo].cnz probabLy a 6hadG b.ttcr. PENN

D.C. RtlC 2O-XILE RACE, Or!c!b.tt, t{arylanat 5 LairJ' fo.l eiil the Clccrb€ft trycees altal tb€1r uaual splrDdlal Job r stgghA tbc AuuaL cr€eob.lt Tulkcy lrot agah on Dcc.rbc! lst. Ib. fea_ tu!6d 2o-rllc !ecc, fou.j. t1!!s out & baek ovEr th6 ltr€et, ot C!!cl}.lt, ras von by Stev! Jack_ ro! of thc rlishUAto! Sporr CIub, vho f1d€hed e lltLlc ovcr onc djlute ahced of J1! Ebberts, 6tay! ts tla ras olrc! alevln d,.nutes olf tD€ cour.€. r.Gcort of t:47:39.5 set by Bob gcbsrf 1n Rry coldonr 50, gav. hlElclf .IaDillcappcr !ft prop€r ailvanta€. to .ke out a dn ov.rJust h1!h rchool.r Jobn n5ryok and tlr othcrs 1b ty,e j r;2d.1e had.lcap race also ovar tb€ strcetB of (tre6n_ IeIt. 6ar {tlLlsls vo|t thc tl!! ptlz. r.! tbl.s rec6, aettlng & Dav coulsa rccord of 28:34. ?et€ ;IeD.scn, of Stafford (Vlrgllia) mgh ScUoor, coDtlnueal to atcollat. the 2-nlte RryL, l,lnllDa thls otre 1a lo:15, a course recorrt. 1. stcl'c Jackso!, xsc, t:58:t+r 2. Jtr eq!gl4Ebbcrh, I:59:49; 3. Jir C€e!, z:Oo:3o, l+. rar_ g&.l'|, 2:02:0rj 5. Jobn rlnsrov, wsc, A-}An".r z:uo:Jo; o. oabe xlrktn, tsc, 2:09:{€j 7, AL Ake ?:10:43; E. Rstph Bonfcs, zt].zt\gj g. Ibv€ r,ntItor, 2:f8:51, tO. O.or8e cushEac, ?:22;17; tI M11t Cr.ahbaurr 2:3O:33r 12. O€off Barles, 2:JO:


t4. Blu fiLney, f{-d.; aiLl O'R.ttIy, l5-E1. 5 l/z-frIt8, EAtrDICAp RUr E.T. Ecp. Ac!. T1!! 1. Ray cordoll, uBc, 3rjj jtrS lt--?, Joh Erryok, 39pl+ \t\5 3L:39 3. KcD Bqba!rcn, 36:13 39:58 4. EErI Cook, tntL5 3:L5 3:55 36125 t. I{sl8d o.rl.L, l9:4O O:l,t 3].tj, b. L'rry tocl, 39:lro 8:lro 3t:oo 7. B11I E.h, 4t:05 3:l+5 37:20 u. Ccr lttllll|'r 42:01+ $: jo 2g:3h* lr2:09 IO:OO j2t}9 9. Frk f,alrlr, LO. Ctarlls lr.ovD, \2t21 ,2t25 3)toa rr. fi-! Dl 6ctuuo, 42:33 8;15 3t+:tg 12. IprcEro Clorr, 12:1lo O:i+5 !1:5, Flne prlzes and refre6iu0ents provtdcd. 13. chct s.lll!a, L4:l+? o:45 l4roa by racc d1rcctor loE 8and.cr. 14, Jo. t{oc.rtlv, l+l+:58 cO t+t+:59 E. T. A, T. 15, DeEntr lcDoao|{b, )+7135 9:Zj 3g:1o l_. Bruce Johnaon, ChLcb,.ste]',19: A7 26i z-r{II^E IFIL- 1. P.t.r J.nscn, 1o:t5j 2. Dtck Ru€sell" Floyd, Plonce!€, 8:t5 27..A quhn, 3. rtt. orErod, IL:oo; 4. Jtu sr. Byron ),Iunqy, !1oneer6, JPtl5 dI t). Clalr, 1O:5O; IL:05, l{clbnougb, Lt:t3j 5. 5. 8ob Klcel-1!rg, !h11a. IC, 9tL7 27t3A J. Krd! r.rtht, D.lllls (59 r1"1sh.ra) ]f;]Z !{lkc O!y!l, !h11a. AC, f0:19 28!04 39t 13.

Pasc, a:3o:58;

2!57:00. DI!-

DLck Rusallo,

Lou Coppa:rs, Penn AC, 3A:20 24t5O !ulr, Archbllbop carroll 8,3., Gcolg. trlnks]l, Pann AA,=pt26 28r26 *-9:=!39-19:!q4 rrs!1ngtolJ D.C., IEcenber 8, t 968 Flatt trt'ick, &ttc, 3At28 25i28 Elghte€r rurrrl.rs bnved. btttcr cotit, aDtL NctL WqEe.aAt, SSIC, 10t11 28tt7 .nov t-lurrlcs to cdl,ctc 1! tbla lo-ta!r.idal, lacc or -9:44 10. Harly B{*.of ltr, Ertlc, 2? t44 CalroU E{Ab gchool's ner. rLl--vcatbcr trsck. 11. llavG lo*!Glb.rg.r, IIlf.l, ,146 271f6 oer Yllf,1au t6d iI.]. tbc vrf ].tth )@ Clndro. Ioe laddlrgaa, uDa., 3ort+7 26t17 Bllf Boyd, Gld 31;Lt gbrailcr off.sd.Dg .otr ccrtI,eBl11 C}s!k, OM/lhlla.AC, t1tt5 2l tg5 tltloD to oar cacb t1!€ h. pass.d thcr. Tt!! tO_ Ilerb Lorcnz, Petn AC, t5r46 27t46 r11. tlD of 51:36 ras one ar tb. b.st fcglstcr_ gJTg,

40. oeorge bircnno, Bob Wocrno", U.of

11t55 28125 .il on a traak 1n thc l{a6htrgtoa 8t5O larrt f,o.L, Steyc tacksoa, aDd t, Car Ll1lla'E, gqc, jtr35j 2. ,9; 3. 81L1 lcyd, 55:18; 1.. BI]J

t€].., ,5t15

erea. Offlclafs:



Iho CaDcro, 55; sb]'ade!, 55:!9;

Lrlasro!, 58:rr9; o. e9.s: q"ry:t rrsg,l co$or, 50, ,:Lo, 3. vaft.r KorpEa!, 45, -Rav wsc, 6rr:30; 9.- 8111 Mur-l 5:rz; t+. ceorg! plflrils, :g, t:1.5;'5. 6te; sll( , ?9:54i,.7i ^ce:ff _*rn:B e..robr Elnlrvs;, wsc,

= _:._,t


-r€n _51:r+ei




i,ri,-e.-3"ri*r*wiili','zL',-i'"6i;:';:."il_ t>, s,;y; e. i..r. sirir, t+.'s,6si'g. e" ^ lhd.l,

?l'5i1ll"ll:.9?,r9r:*: 12. stcvc c,ir.rtts, 7zt58t I-." 13. r,terk DeRestr ?2:59;l cDrod; rz, e:oei ro. rin o Liri"i i;,'er'a;r' 14. (leorse $aJor, 73:r6j 1r. psut- DeRe,tr 8a:32,1 lr. .roi ra"c""rly, \+,6r3a; v. o.i- c,riioa, t6, 2:l.fiIE. g - r., pete. JeD6en, l:otpg.jt 2. otcr | 6:33; r:. wg. kirstin ritit*",-Ag;-ri.'ti 19i5_1i 3. l4ite oturcd., ru:2); xo.oE1tz, 36, 7to7t Io:55i l+, +, cart Lr..ru carl lEv.urrLz, liljli L5. inB cathers, 1r5. 45, ?:12; 7:12: liP, fieeler, l0:56j 5. DeDDls McDonough , IItOT t 6. I116. I^er1T rocl, 'ot Jr., L7,7tj8j t7. S*"ri]] cr;"t Ji-E st.cfalrr 1I:2o; ?. Kevtq vrrtght, ILie5, 8. J 70, 9:o?; 18. larnes, ?, 9:5?; 19. over Ray Gonion, 12:06; 9. Jtn Edrtrodds, 12:22; tO. I Ea.des, 5, lo:31r. '.ouise 12:33, tI. Ted lurkett, L2;37t :-:2. aEsur.fs- 1. car'JitLlaEs, i{sc, 19:59.5.; :ob n9e:, -r+-rALE Gary I€vine, l.2t5o. (23 fldshers) --Ray Aord.or-l| a, Ilur!1s pattotr, ?AtZ2, 3. cf'orrge C"ilri",'WSC, -__-_--___----_-__::_________l 22tq, 4. pet C@!ay, Lhty. Va., 22.153: j. Jof'j y9.!^"h ANNUAL KEln{EDr MmF* T:nJp Rndl ;Gii*;,-t;,if El'c"ort Bames, 9:c: 24:52. (D.c. ArqU s!. & Jr. charyloD€btps ) vesbt-os-ton, z-rarc 6ar,'u."y no".r., ,rr, 1o:25j 2. Dtck I QulDrl, 10:47; L{lkc D.C., IEcenber 14, 1968. l+. DeElls OrlIodJ 3. f,O:52; I car rl1ul",n6, wsshrlston .n.* c1t,_:::13* ^^_.,-..-. fr"*;,g;; I !r1s il@lnation of the 1oca1 itlBtedcl €ce'e vl''rns th{s race eda ."- * :^lT:?g- Ifir sr.cIa1r, Lt:o6j T. raues rffi"qy, r,zii g. ;: $ffi Charrylo]lahl!. Cei ]'eal floE the steify-:"Tl:,, | erl hls lesd on esch or the rou. :.aps aroua im ]2' ;;6;;

r* -

'i6,;i,T-#;;;;i#;;.rffi;i. ffi;;ffi;il: il';; illiil,.i',i;i,ri: ,*;ffi;


i:: ;:;:"X"iliili#'i;:

| 3.1-E1te roop h Eest pot@sc park. i4 ;fi;;;.ii,uo, .:. Kevln {rlsht, 12: aHls lol; spflt6 l.ere I6t25, 32t56,49:21 and-6r:e8.5. aoi iq: G"y-[.r .1r.,:ol 17. Jeff h1aDe, 12: I BILI Shr.ader, lnattacheal, took s6c( o " Rfcbar<Ls, t3:r8; 19. v..r. s"rtl, r:, won the the.r,rnrdr.:hannr^n.l.rn lll, ,o: 19.K€! r'on rurlor cbartpr.onahlp. *- ""::i-:f:. cl"l vm the re1l. ch,a8?lonsht!. weetber: I .::__---___::-_::_:::____--______---_ :?:1 C1ou4y, I'lndy,4Oo. Officht;: norn ----- -' rrcry, EJr uorco!. Ray -Ara. .i-.i.c-r.ri EiEileFl;-iffi-sl coached by r.arry ,,,o'rs, 1; 11'11i.T;,1i1:6t:?2'6:"1|.:'p :*-d::, | _ rohn-nln'Lov, vsc, T2:r4;.r.


i&;-p.t#"ii'iiioil'f i6"irffi;:i"i:' -* * l=H4g+E+:g+:#lq!^. j cordo!. ii;d; fi;;;-c;iia", fi: 7at56, -\.":,:-tr-l iliil-il1?i1""fr"8:ir:;1.:Ti ii:T"tril: * o* :-''" u'ck racques, & 5;*;,.T1 77:37, 2' Dsvo. *ll:l:-?6;19' ?. 2::: rft1abtoD, vscJ 9;.i:Tl ze,lz; I x".i-iti",*uJ-;;wil ".u. vio r.*uv' tsqr:Id: 12.\:l il;i,,iffi ;';il";t;_ p. ioii-tr.-i,,e bea! out the tvo !;.*l.i^*:::i,.j!91-p,ll,-1. Fh:"|", lt"".oa, 84::!; n..f:_T:"p."| ;;i,.1;.;=ili:J: ;"i"1il;rT:;":i"J[,T" "uu" +9. carr steve'tuckier, arc1n. DnF_ Dc,n can€ro a u. nrae "8t,91, p""" f::?i,f.

"":*#::l-_. lr;

M1ke.-Fr:-,:q: 1o:3e.6j.2.,.rh

:+qgg'l,: t: !t. c1a1lt IL:oo; 3. iccvlD ltrlaht, t-1:t3;

c€of8e Phrrllps'

II ir--1-.r

".t-tL Lr-

tne vay, Dut

; -.r. ":r .-,- --,



li*t1iT."j:.',;:"t*i;i**.filf.i:.f tr

;-i-itii "ii'iiiii noftrr v1nd.. rbls cou?s6 l: I ;^r-" L!:20; 5. Rav ed*j^+133a r";*, i*r-tr.rgl*srrort of a fu.u- n1lc by 15y I 7. cary r.e1rlae,^r::ro;^8.

6. rob Rosea, !2io2t ;;;i",Ix" aIld ]o!a udilr. nea! derr r-.eY1lre, Jeff IAvlne, J2t4r; l2t\5; 9. tt.{. V,f. *"o, Sidth, u:?3,_19: 1z:2<j tu. l;;-ia.-il ttn..nd ,.err! end- rea]ly slo; everybody d.ovn. lihe Ken mchards, t3:54. (2o flnlBhers)__nsy o",o*_l j:mu i"1ni [;;i iouege a open- ]-. vic l(et_

Auburn' lra" u:or; 2' Rlck racques Pen;:::';::::---l lev' ;:;:-il;;;:;#-;;-;pEr R;d;- f*:T"'i--l ' secola Jc' Fla'r 15:02; 3. r&rk sterzcabe;k, .q,r^rr Di;F-E;;;ii---i::;:-^ ca*orl zuh school, vasrt"stoa, D:9::. "i;;Til;, r."y-lt.il ;;1i#;. fi ;. rfi ;. ;. ; 1" : -3?gl ^pi_l.!:^lg-TT:-,911!*ST"-.?tg,.*"r."1 ,s;_;".;; ;,;;;;.;i; ;F;il;*;,;:'i;l i.ii,,r);'1.-rilH-ir".,"".,n_Lor1.ra;rr.corle i;:it,;.-;ff?ii3liii:JlTi5,i";..ilti"" "i 1s rroped to releat tte6e bi-Eonrhly:. **_' Be:1use wr | -Jl"!,-._*,-L;,AG.; (-:os-ces' Trc.t' ala., 15:24.5; ]:ii6tr.s;-i'. i""i-" 7. ilerry lbe snatl 1;unout anat baalnleather "r steafrU,ura.' pensacola Jc, 15:33; 8. Jobn Jar@on, | -i. ": --+i_sj3!_."---ra! in a shsle 1-81f,e tace. *^ rhe fouorl^na i:i iZ, J,i.r,r" E6pos1to, penEacora ry," I ii,.,rc, w.' .rc, i:irc; io: ;;'";" Berersdoerrer, Aubu'h, :lT:f; Ha6kerl li^::')l"f cr&rk (7o)-"*::1':^a:*'3T: e$7t 5o-re, Rrv gd:l f,, (lo)] liiugi';11'.;;;,i;'il;;i,';i]}i;';lili;. -':Lo; \o-49, i\rslter t(oirlDar (\5)- ,l.rr2r:o_:f, I i"u-nim, ,t"r"].",f.i,:e;'r:. r""i, ioii, i.",rr;.2ri Kerstin.wlrrl_l gyry3:. \Jw/5r, r- cola (19]-^r+j pratt, Aubum, ;;r" JC, r5t57) ii.-;tu ,rcl'i:,:i; I4. J1E pratr, Auburnr 16:oo! l5:OO; !::'s: -r@cn, aD3- b:4b; chlldren 9_r2. c{€ o.l!.od- 6:r6i ard r5. cr.ir iri=i", Fre.Jc, r5:6ri re. xrt-i.."ar .*1"i:,9:: re ,oi-(ri.ii." s.s. Elre & x-c chsdr, 9:-p*"i.F_Til._, Ii ffi,,"", r{ot to be our drone by h1s ..ife, ?:27: ^- tr" ."ho_voa liiiyi.iji-rz)*"iil?i;!ii,lil;:;; ;;Hi., " I re ,o5l rei'sti* s,rtr, u. 6r s*tr r_r.., -i,'i,n,ril:'p;;:i.!: ie ,oi Y:m.j:l:.1:'+1.:"Pi lllltT: T9: :!'* l:T.d rovrncrbr"e h the 4-Elre open race r!-re:5e.:. ie ,ii,"il1""rfr-iiriliil I.alry o€1 rIL s.nlor et carrorl 8,s., a!.1 ]| re. rl, n l*-,*reirbl ai.-n"" iii.oo, r;.;A16; Bon of the co-p'€sraienr of tbe Dcnic, son tbe rei az. i.6..t-ltiror, rr"y st., ieilg.gj'n.' I niiu"e 2-nire RryL 1! 10:25, x"c"e, p.,"""o" .lL, $,aj; iL."a,;i" I l-r,src Results- 1, (ieorse cushnac, 3o, b::r; z.] ;;;;; iG;,'i i6; .:, r"u ran, u. or l-ev'


South- A.r4.,,15:

29, 26. Rqy CaDDbeIl, pensacota du, k.ta,, lb:J7; 27. Jay Lutenbacber, c€olg1a nober'! Barch, r1v-nss!oo, :l:t"'. ]61ul, -?B'Jorrn Montsmerv, r,rrtnga ton, }f" +?:,"i; ?e' 30. JE-aes Mafthevs, tlvlnsston, ii:., l:,1; a_La. r Ib:49; 31. l,tilton frester, nutr_rrn, r5i5t xoy urake. ura. r ttoblle, Afa.. fb:55j .r<. 3j. Marc Recsterr Aubu.rnr a_Ia.. t6:Sl; Zu.'uty.l"' u. of South Ala., 15:58, 35. J6res TrLlf, stanfteldr Llvlng6to!. n^., iArS6', ()7 rrni6h Jr. couegi, .recrsouyu_ :'" )_Fr.',.1. Frorlda pensacola r". coirue", aS;-J. 2. 1-!: ll'.:-!ii U. of_souln Ale., Moblle, l5oj :uoYl t3i 4. 159; 6. rroy st"i", rrz; 7. er" :: l1r'l:gsion. Dtale, flonigcoery, ,l-ta., 255.

4B:Oo l+5:32 2128 E1-1.1, r,rSim L9tm -,r[,ii 1:14:59 ,,or 4!o'l b. Darreu Palber,r:IO:oO i;o-i; t:OL:i[ 5:.?b 9. tsrreu p.i".",i;i5;;o rtl?too r21Lt26 726 A. :1.' :i*5, q. ij;;; :::ngrarl, t,u,oe v1}e.Clark, 9. rLke.crark, I:15:06 iizei[e 1:28:48 13:L2 i:, ,_9:_I1il1y rert, r:ro:oo i,it,>i s,n






m"u"' ro'J' -c"i'-i;;;-;;:---

r,tncorn unlv.r Ju:42; 2. Joe l:-T:ry-*re.e:ter, L'uncan, coluabla tC, 4t:oJ+; J. O€orge t{ebry, CICJ )u: +o. _-B1U C.Lark__ -

orEoNrA (r.y.) nr,is _nrco- ::nrir- nior;::Ai'tTrAl MUE, su.n{ray, Novenber 17. f,969 L renny vauah!, -2-I'{ILE* Baker HS. Cotr@ous, G,a,, IO:O5.]+; 2. Keu mlne ]- NeI.i, perrtns, Trcy, fl.t., 27:o7j 2. I€e IS,^l-Ia., 10:05.61 3. fi_E DuvatL, H8Jl1fron Cotleser 2?:tr9, 3. Rlck i.urr, Jiln B1ILk, Da\rialson ara., fu:24; 4. Joe EUtortr Aubu:ra, A.ls,, tO: tI'51, 4. Bob Hanrey, tueonla stare*rr,r lEll: /): ). ceorge lir.nt, Baker ES, ca., 10:31; 5, zo:uo; >. Harldy paJme, Stdney HS, 28:08; 6.corr., Jer!.1, chas.. Ihrkle, Auburn, A-Ia., io,3r.i 28:rB; 7. Lonnle core, 7. .1. 1oo", ::ltsT:1,"0^b:,'" {, Is._tua. rocKo.e-Le 10:15; 8, Bob rao", L,.iauo", R.&_C.C., 28:21+; 8. Lsrry Frede.ick;, r *rehv_ A-lbany Tc, 28125; 9. Bsrry Eopkl;, oreonta ELwood clbsod, Baker,. ca., roi 9. fll.j^lol.lli quj I(J. Phil D€vi6, Dolhan, Ala., 19. Dick lrard, oeonra star.! co-Lleae,S:C., l0:4?. ?9:39: 28: ( /J,l1sted fh_tsbers) Tes,E: fsker, (ia., ,0,- ?,/j *1.. r€d clark, Afbaqy rc, 2B*z) 12. Keo Kr._ _t. ,na, 76t 3. n 29fi5t 13. Duncan JorE6on, ! rank6,' 3: *.1'"v Tc' 1:,lf:' Y:"tsT!'vi ' Moblle, 4. 'pryA13., Ibi,Iason, 79; ?9:11; 14. Rober"! whltby, !uat., 29: t{oblte, -A.la,, 11" _.u.I-",. : atj I). ltark peuroo, ltaeifcon Coffcge, eg:fg; i6. 71i ): Agg)* Hs, Auburn, Ara., 98, 6. u,l.t.s. tAra.), lbb; 7. Fatr.hope, ALa., 2If. Deiry1..Dunhs&, uhat., 29:19; t?. Bo; doser, Che_ --Ntck CoBteE__ Hs, 29r2.rj r8' rtu srr@. unsLeso, ::#: Y:rty ye6t;ott; .rln t."',*lL-ri;;;;::;; l -:g Kennlcutt, :,{ERB LoRENz vTcro' rN MrDDr.E ;TrA^Ti;;;i:; 2:r5 ze, rrob C.hen. Vatl ey ffi, e9t37, e:., !h1-!a., pa,r Sunday, JanuarJ. 5, 1958 I p.X,_ p:ll:, p*=!,_o-rbany T., 2it5r,' 22. (isry co.Le. Eerb torenz pulled avay fro, young KeD tNeilltn over u1e t*o diles of Ehe ftat out & @r ru:-LU; 24. IyDn Skl ler, CheD. VaUey m, jO: ''inat 4@e course on the EaBt nlver Ilrlve {tI Fsir_ osbor,le, 3rr nnarcott, jo:r"B;-a6.'*lt_il: !:b rtrourt Park !o score a coDvinclrg l.in ln tte nockdare, 3o:2o; 27. .rj. n pp, gTtug:_ IllTa Middle Arranrlc RRc lo,@oE x_Coul1rry c:u-.ge, io:r{; ?8. Don eri.jrrn,-30, ::!.lar :^lr"T_"--f3i:uharnllonshlp. Lorenz clocked j.I:l+5.2 ln !he29. John Reed, chen.vaf: 31:01; :I:' r4-degree co]atr fr1g1d yeattrer. @, fdJ9rd--crub, rr:rrj non Ro$fey, Bock&fe RS4C, jt:21; Jo, 1. Hero Lorenz, penn AC, jl:l+5,2, 2. KcD l.{ed_ 3i;.lili#"Hi'li ;,ff ;;.,*,;1.;.li;"i:,:;i::;i: 32:.1)1 3. ceorae Dlr.nno, si,:rc, ilo:.".T 19, Shepherd. ph a. AC, 33:l+4; 5. rstovn,^31:55; 34. r€n Nulron, oreonft srate 'zt31t 4. Ji.n Icm !-Lanagaa. ri{atvela prepr 34:15; 6. Kelth J-L:roi J). ruck Ltese, Alba4y ,ic, 11:17; 36. cof,. Bob Pat ton, re T8f.-31+:17; ?. Russ l.tqrd, al.bary Tc, 3i:58; i7: Bob Mos6, Rock_Delevs YY.{l_13, d€.Ie RSCCj 31:59; 38. Keh Eta]ier, FraDklh F\l_ 3rr:-LB, A. noses i&,r.fletd, :lT+a. pj oneers , 34:J6; rnr ra. lloneerc, B€n l.lhjtban, 9. Borden e.r6r 32:03r 39. Ialry SD1th, uou., lZ,og; r*o.' t*l' -N.{:. 34:J7;.10. l,arry aordrzj trcbbish |llarlr lye, qreonta Slate Colfege, 32:3A, 41. Nlck q:.p]tr ns, J4:!7j Lr. Bob xles6ltDa, phlta nussrerl, 53,-Ehdlcotr, 32:3rr; iz. ron r,{[rs, AtAUr ^.I J):+-L; -Lz. Dave ltrarrls, SJTC, j5:59; 13. baqylTc,_32:38; L3. U vtit", heontar N.y.r J3: w.{q*1!, joe sJrc, JJ; +4. Earry Tosrl8epd, u.na. r lr::5; lrS. Crririie 36:25; rt+. o'iror.Eic, I:]l Ac, 37:121 15. paul palube, phlla. pto_ j?Tt..t, l,hlia. 15. rcm yandeaur Fra*L j ! \y,,,lart4j r_Ltrers, J4:4oj re. p"ur r,u"."ri, -pioo 4?. I{e1f Toccbes, 35, I"aureas. i5: :y,Jo ?:"':, :?.,11' rr. rau_L Mccorliston, una., 39:3I; tg.^", ooj 4o. ltlchee]._Lahbtasor Mi_Lfod, 36:OOj rr9: -' Bob sn9: 39:39; 19. ceorEe r&rrln, vest To fry9dur 30' r'ast (la6p'mr 38:rr; 50. 41 I915"1P, carhoLlc ns, 40:11; 20. Robeft pobl., pbtla. unallDerrln, 43, ReEsen. x.y., J9:l+j; jL KeD Sec_ yrooeers, 40:49; 21. Dr. Dael.d s])arcl, uri:, 39t55t 52. Jlh cotflson, Frank-lh 39, 11€, Princeton, It.J., l+3:12. Fl.yeft, 40:07; 53, Rlchsrd c.oat, Frandrin Flvers 4-L:)L ]bau: L AIbaDy Track Clubj 5g; 2, tue_ ArP rll,rE RACE, onl€ rjrale. gollege, 8lr; 3. Rockd.ale Rod & cu'l coludra, o. JJs+ ry1c November 24r f,g6d Des. tlns acr.T, Diff. cheDanso varfey E, f,2tj 5. Franuin :1"", yJi_1. DlckinEon, El6- lToz Flyels, f68. lT^1. <' -Joet Dednl8 arllnao!, 42:lo hf,:Ao* f,IO C@eitary" , . tllis vas the first rosd r€ce e_!.er 3. A1 ShtDkunas, hetd-_1Il- thXs soEerbst isoLaieit alea of upstate 55too 53:tro 2.2O lfel. lolk. It vent o\,€r so wetl that 1! v1L.f be (Brau,6 3Oy) H.S. Rr.rii_


an annuaL affalr. In 6plte of snov on the ground & raln 1n the ai!, 53 runner3 starbed. & flnlEheal the 5-!.iLe course rhlch lacLuaed a steep one-n1le htLI early 1n the race. The flela lncluiled B veterans, viih 53-year-ol-d Nlck Ruggleri beirg the olilest. Nlck flcl8hetl ahead of f2 younger rumers, R.P.I. dloctorel candllalate, Nel.t Perrlns, of &'oy, N.Y., retumed to hls olal College (Hart'1ck) h@etoate, $here he had beeD a allstance ace tbrough ]957, aaal ran everyone lnto ihe 8r:ound, vi dng by a c@f,orlable nargtn of 42s over ru nerup Jt-B Bilik of Ealdlton College. Next cane tro cof,Lege fre6hro3n stanatouts, Rlck Graff of Delht Tech and 3ob Earvey of Oleonta Slate, cLosely foLloveal by the flr6t high scirool r'r,'rnerr Ra"tdy Pa]'ne of S.Ld!)eyJ Nev Yoru, Top senlor harrler 3ob limsey, 43, tbe htgtrry successfuL x-c coach of A-Lbaqy Stete Col1ege, Several glrLs a.nd vive6 of rumers oq)ress eal e de61ie for a vonent8 race vhlcb rri11 be heLl hereafter. --John lturley--

of Bob GiersberA's cou:r6e recolal cstabfl6heil 1a \96 of 32tr\. 1. J1j! Crsrford, BTC, l1:L?; 2. Joe Boyle. BTC, 33:rL.5j 3. John Ke.Iryr una, J 31.55. L. Dlck Shen-

163 3by


BTC, 35117;

b. vayne IaDgleyr


Jatu\ Thmp6on, BTC, 35:44t 37:3?; 7. Fddie Moore,


scArc, 37:39j 8. Brad Doppsr BTc, 3?:!Lj 9. vatt Ca$!, flenar1x, lB:0Ji LO. BiLL S-icerr BICj )8:JO 11. Irrry }hadley, BTc, 38:34j 12. ceorge Saurdec BlV, 39:22t 13. lob }tc0lu6ky, BTC, 39:46; tt+, Marlon Settl"e, Herdrix, Lo:58, 15. Jolm Bentl_ey, 31c, 4o:59j 16. Davld T\rcke., SCATC, l+1;for 17. Erlc Cbllalress, BTcr 41:12, 18. Dous Trentr OBUJ al:53;19. Charles Jackso!1r Eendrlx, 42:56j 20. Tor@y {ard, OBU, 42r58j 21. },[ke Jo]rnson, Eendrix 43t53j 22. Phl1llp weberr fiendr1x, 48:01. E.S. qUARTERTHoN (5.\-ld1es)- t. Jl& S&tth, Searcy HS, 37:19; 2. nobld Douslas, Searcy, 38:p3j 3. Bobby Hankhs, SearcyJ 39:50; 4. Bob Ketty, pine 3luff, lO:26; 5. Joh$y McCarty, Little Rock centralJ 40156. (A great breaktbrougb ror dlstance rurnlng 1n Arkansas c€de three deys before the Vlnner I,lert Perrlns, recelvlng vlctor's troplda f.on Dr. BaL Chase, Athfetlc lxrector of quarterthon. The Arkansa6 Athfetic A6sn. T&F ftieonta State Co]-lege, ss Elks Club lresiaent, Gaaes Com. voted to Bllov hlgh school ruDrels to .u! unl1n1ted dlstances. ttlgh schooters bsd preDr. Robert ?onilofflno, rEtcbes.

Lorenz Wins

&Mile Run Beft Loftnz, P.d AC, son

th€ eighlnile race oi lhe lld dle Atlantic Road Rtuners Club in 42:f on ihe Cobbs Creek

Palhway ouse Sunday. Moses

l{aylield, Philadelphia Pioneer Club, _Iilished eight s€conds

Aien Cibas,



i lour. L/26

Pio.ee. Club. carlured

mrl. ,ace o ,0 a3

surn6 Park, North Llttle Rock, Arkan QUAimmIION, sas. -$iurd-ay. Decemoer /rn (5.--r'Ele6) -venty-

a.i€tsj,,I4: D. tvo nile6 Baxldrn.


lio&r. Ps;lTr

vlously beeD llralted to In a speclal Joggers predlcted tide sectlon of t{o ru&er:6 to€d the llae in dd ro-ilegree reai:hthe Quarterthon Coach Ted Lloyd of Herdlng Coler vlth a shsip vlnd. Joe lcyle of the Eaftllng predicted that tt {ould take hin l+8:\0 to lege rlson broke lnto the fea.d l@edlately Co].leAe TC tour. the cour6e. Ite clocked L8:27 to tufe 16t vlth teemste Jln Cralford cfo3e beblnd. Tbese two qulckly e6tabllshed a coDfo*abfe lead aDd 1t place over Dr, Denver Prlnce of State Couege vho preallcte(L 5o:0O ar1d ran l+8:41r. & Dr. Itarr6u vas a tvo nan iace frcd tbc f1.6t lralf-ia1le on. Cravford vas content to let BoyLe Iead the entlr:e Eutcbh6 of State College vho e6tir0ateal a tlme race untll the la8t 400 yds. aDd then he nade hls of 54:OO and ra! 5f:15. --!1u Nutaer-nove & outsprlnted 3oy1e to the tape 33113 to 33: YMCA to erpsnd their fllgh A]tltude Traln14.5. lthe 6pllts oa these t',.o rere ialeDtlcef vlth PIjEBLO 1og Car4) thts suiner at rye, Coloraalo. Bon Dslls 10:13 at tvo Etfes, l5:l+O at thee, 2O:l+4 at ada Lou Frltzj vete.a! distance iuiners, v1U four, 26:00 at flve, aDat 3f:26 ai s1x blLes. Rur- probably dlrect the tralnlnA prograd, fnforaatl.oD nlng essentiauy a tactlcal race the rdnnln€ tlde



Mclrahlll, 3ox 2tl+r fueuo, colo.sdo.


Jobn Thmpson of the Ihtdlng ColleAe 316on TC go dovd 1n Arkansas .Aasn. AAU hlstoly a6 the f1rst, Ore fiour Run Charyton. Jobn ran 10 d. (J4O!. on the State CoLlege of Arkar$a6 t.ack ln Comay on Saturtlay, Lecenber 14th to take tbe crovn 1a tbe 15t all1ual run. fin Snlth of Searcy H.S, a16o r.ecoraLeil a flrst by taklnA the hlgh school sectlor wtth 10 nt, 6ry. T\'ell,.e ruD3ers enter€d the otr)eu dlv161or on a 6oft tr.ack lrlth a tere. readlng tn tbe fol{ 3O's. 1, Jobn Thc6I)Bou, 31C, 10 !tr1,, &Oy; 2. Jack Bvs.6, thch, ]-.0'l, 2l9|,2ttt 3. Edvir Euahes, fecb, 1oid, lB?yj 4. rrad Dop?s, BTC, 10id, 1lr0y,2ft,; 5. Ed Moore, SCATC, 9o1.,1,k34yj 6. ?!c, YaUy S.iltX oBU. & uarlon Setlle, fleldrlx, 9 n1., 6BJy; 8. Dsvld Tuckerr SCATC, I n1., l,lA9yj 9. T@ Vlnccatr TecbJ I d., 1,L18y, 2 ft.; 10. K€n I,&11s, TechJ 8 n1., 2ogy; 11, Joe I-€hnaE, lbcb, I n1., 33y, lft.j 12. Philltp $eberr Hendrlx, 7 nl.J ?


Jds, 2 ft. g.S, SICf,IoN- L Jin Snlth, Searey, fO e1.,65y;


Robln DouAlasr Searcy, 10



4. 3tfr. arderson, srAc, 5. Ibve raco, u.rat., 6. tohn Brermand, SAAC, 7, ,Iobb PaA]lano, Sr.TC, 8. Chr16 Luther, Syrc, 9. ?h11 Cadon, Si..1t, 10. Bll]. BolaE, S'JC,




88:57 138:5? 90:13 13?:!3 9o:l+1+ 1\1113

91:07 93:03 12. I'lalk Frerile, CCAC, 93:49 1"3, Stanl.ey Stauue, u!a.,94:07 14. Ed Cooktn, smc, 94:40 15. Tcil Stuiak, SCS, 95:23 15. Peter coebe, uta., 95:1+8 17. Bruce thler€r 53AC, 95t55 18. PhlL ctsrke, Sr.Tc, 96t53 19. C&r.1 3iuno, urat,, 98:45 20. Eugen€ Ste@, Sr.TC, 98.54 2I. llc11 Fvans, una., 99t13 22. 3oi Car6ar1, S!.lC, 99151 23. 811.1 Ktrby, CCAC, lol:17 2!. EU Co11lns, una., 102:04 2r. Jobr TaD8]c]', sr,TC, 1o2:23 26. lbrk RugAIes, RRR, 103:48 27. i)on JoEes, 5I.TCJ loL:l+O 28, Dex vredaebberg,una. ,105: fo 29. Iev Robert6, LI,STC, 106100 30. Skip thaffer, CCAC, L07:oo

fl. Bttf Crur, sr. IC,

81., 5o7y, Itt',; \, ry Adtlaa, Seeicy, 9 d., 223y, ]jrt.; 5. l.Ilaa Cox, Searcy, 9 n1., 43y, Lft.; 6. Ceiy Bradbuin, 31. llttl"e Rock Catbouc, I al"., r,'Aty, 2 ft. (72 32. Bobby Eanklns, Searcy, 9

86:l+0 I42:1o 85t59 L38tr9

10 5

139:07 1l+1:03



143:10 1if4:23







t\ 4 31




r.38:O! 1'r1:23 139:48


: l+O

1l+7;l$ fl+6:30 138ioo Ra4y Estr€da, u.na., I07:OI 155:01 ladd Ruggles, RlR, 108:20 144:20 Ray cx1f, sr.lt, 43, 108:41 1lr2i41 John Moato].s, 8r.1€, 108:45 1l+1:15 BtU OlDonueU, Sr.fCllO 156 143:56 CharUe Sholt, Sr. TC,lIL:]r.4 151:l+l+ Job! WeBtotl, une., II2:25 I5O|25

53 33


\6 \9 7 57 42 35

33. 28 34. 35. 39 TRIATHLoI{, Searcy, .Aikarsas, Decenbef }9, 1958 36. Dlck Sbenfell, Eadlhg SiBor TC, ca?tu.ed lst lD a1-1 three I)ha6es of the trlaihl.oa to ta.ke ol.e 37. Roo Partridge, u)1s., ff2:46 142:1+5 34 all flist 1n a towh iriple of a) 2-n11e, b) ore 38. vrLuau L9 39, nlte (rath stee?lechase hurtleE throvn 1a, ao qO. Robert T€trtck, STC, Ua:39 132:39 1 vster lud!), ana c) 88ot. lbe vlEner r.a6 4r. cruz ccAc, n\t56 157156 tolez, 51 on the basls of po61t1on f1nt6h€d ln escb race, $af,i, tr'redellcks, SIt,LI5;2L 139:21 r3 tou nan a"tmtng. TeEp. vss ln the lov llo's wtth 42. 43. Ktu F].elEbnan, RRR, 115:34 141:04 stronA, gusty r{nd. Robln Drualas, Searcy IS, l+4. Lee B€resforil, una,, [5:23 f1[o.23 18 iepeateal an laleEtlcal feat lu the hlgh schoof 15. Eurt Sr.rC, [6:28 IAO:55 22 S'oa!, dlvl6lon & von all ttraee evcDt6. A1 cooper, 50, Sr.IC, -5:58 l.\L:58 1. Dlck shenf€1dl, BlC; 2. S. Jobn Xb@!son, STC, 46. l+7. 40 Al-1tna, 51,slt,[8:09 14]rro9 3. Bl11 slIcer, BTc; l+. El tloo.e, scATc; 5. Brad 48. Cl,yde Joe shea, sr.Tc, 118:41+ 136:l+4 2 Dopps, BTg; 5. Larry feadrey, STCj 7. Phl]. Jr.nl49, cafen rGys, utra,, 119:\5 138:l+5 9 50. Jobn lrbltney, ul]a., U9:54 153:54 56 [.S. DIvr 1. Robln Dou8las, seelcy; 2. Kerly Ad- 5L Psu1 Ftahcr, S!.TC, 12i:53 140:l+6 kiDs, Sesfcy; 3. 3ob fanklns, Sj 4. 11e, Cary 31U MEII€y, CC.AC, 128:0? l4o:07 L7 52. Roberr6, Cabot, & A.t.Ian Cox, Seercy; 6. Ibvld Al Cls"k, Sr.rC, 128115 r4r:15 53. 5l+, Stages, Sj 7. tle, Cba6. Ear.lsr Co!!1!8, & DenI 54. xtke Klsh, 62, sr.1c,128:32 138:32 DIE Bald.t"dn, S; 9. Jerry fl"nltley, Cabot; 10. [ornan Brlakhaus,una. ]-30:52 140:52 2I 55. SprlDaer, Si f1. Jack lloor€, Catot. DIck Irttzau, Sr.Tc, 134:09 154109 57 JoC,GERS 2-MIIE- thd tloyd, Eardlna & Dr. Denver 55, Ired Orace, 70, STC, L34:29 r44r29 57. Prhce, State Co[eae, 13:24i !r, Darrell nutch58, Don cerue, 40, sBAc, l3B:!4 1l+6:114 5A lns, state coLlege, 14:31.5. --31LI ftutter-41 59. FraDI Sax, Si.TC, f42:f7 144:1? 60. D.raue AlEstrongrsTc, 200100 20O:0O 60 6Ttr ANTUAL PmIAN ( cA],fi'. ) SEAIJD EANDICAP RUn E.S. RUN--l. Jtu l,ta1ley, Bruln Tc, 5-lfiIa 30: Sunday, Novenber 17, 1958 SpoD6orcd br: Cban09; 2. Frank Aucrbech, Bft, 30:171 3. Joha ber of Cotuerce alrd dercha.at8 of Pbe1aD..!!eet ECP. Schricklatlr, 31C, 30135; 4. 3ob MontgoDery, 3fC Dlrecto.: lbll GoodseD 30:50; 5. Bob JeE.kln€, Blc, 3f: 1; b. Mike JaviACTIIAi T. I.rcP. T. PLACE er' BTC. 33:13; r'. Ilke Carcla, una.. !7:32, L. Jose Ber.1la, urs,, 8a29.6 rl+rt26,6 3O --Stan $tafforrl-\8 2. li{1ke l,lahler', t!xe., 8r':2L I45 2A 3 3, Ron ryise, Paclflc cc, B5:M 136:46


--Btll lftrtter--


TIKE TO? IiONORS TN RUN, Arcsbury, t4a6s.. Jan. r, 1969 \'{c 2,r-ttrI,r lhlla.J lra., Sunday, January fzth I p.U._ l. T@Derdertan, 1It2I; 2, Lzrry Olsen. )p:2g; '-MII,ER Ferb Lorenz and Frank Frlck took top honols 3. Dick Ruqulst, 32:34; h. 366 Herseyr 13:J); in tne t'{iddle Atta.Irtc fi.Rc's ,-MiIe p.edlcr_ 5. Ibrk laggerty, 34:)13; _5. paul Keatins, ion rul] over the flat out & hcrde couEe on 7. Robert Cantur M,D., 35:51j B. D,n Ay;;s;36:42 3S; .{; the East River Drirre iu !a1@ormt park. 9.-ceorCe tattaru-lo. 38:45; ro. cleude Et_ IJorenz lis, 3b:5oj -11. charles ScoLt, )9:a2; tp. Jull_ ho&e 1n 25:3f.8, on\. 1.Bs over hls'.hrpped preitlcl;ed tlne. go{ever, Fran} trr.ick :l !1.s91, 39:3oi 13. Psua schel, 4o:l+?; r!. (3rd in 25:59) ves on\. one second off on hts Eri Sler&levicz, 41:08; f5. Irs Locde. ht:aoi pr€allctlon and he 1"Elked off !:ith the ,best 41r54; tT. cary ozras. 4r:5); 1:. {9hn M9cdy, r9hns9n, auess ' Lrophy. rbm. l5o, cotd & vindy. lP. _lLv1l Rafph Lt:58; t9. s isnund podtoznyr L4t57t z) stsltefs. Enlels, 4r:oj; 2r. Todd woodvofin, ?. 45129; 22. F.ed Bro!.n, Sr.. -B:18; 2J. ACT. T. Rev.-John Cannan, L8:22; ?L. Ben chaptos,rlr f. Herb Lorenz, Pe!l1 AC, 25131.8 25t:c- LE:30, 2. o€orge DlJenoo, sflt, a5:4lr No!es...'The lear,her uas just about 26t(n 9 as rougb aB 3. Frank Frlck, s,ITc, 25trg I have ever seen 1t vith s 26:oa .lst ex_ celtioG. Teq). vas I degrees & the vlnalfeveusts 4. AlLen cibas, tion., 26:21+ rere up !o 50 (ph. AL !1hes vhen m.rurtng inUo 5. Ken Medlta, Pexrn AC, 27 toe 26: oo ],ORETZ AND FRTCK

6. Tcm Flanagen, tbtv€rn, A?: 19 7. Ben ir'h1tEan, ph11a.Ac,28:13 b, 3ob Kiessf,irA,?h.A1, 28,25 9. Joe otRourke, ph.AC, 28:29


28: to 28: O0

.10. I,le11 fteygandtJ SJTC, 28:L5 tl. DaYe l{ar.!ls, SJrc, 28t56

28:50 27 t5o


30: oo 30:0O

12. ,Andrev l,laAgittl, uns. ,29:f6 14. 15.

Pau-l Lucuskl,penn AC, 3O:OB


tbrtin, pton.r


Ploneers, 30:38 lO. Pau] Mccorrison, uia.,3fro5 17. Gerald f'loyd, Plon,, 31:L5 Bob Pohfe,

SJrc, i9. JiE Gilbert, Phlla., 1iJ. Dave D')lln,


3t:53 20. Curtls T\rttLe, pion., 32rO5 2.1. 3111 Cilltgan, phila.,33:34 22. Dr. tavtd Spauel, CfiC,33:l+5 23. ceor.ae Bracetand, SJTCJ 35:06 24. Nond Baker, SJTC, 36tA5 ]{oRTu ]ImEoFD CLUB



30:oo 30:45 31:30



f4 5th

5rh l-0

32..12 I5

30:30 30:30 32:oo 3l+ |



35150 I



29, 1958 weather: CLou4l/. Bosds l'et slusly. T]"opbtes or nedals to aff flnlshers. & 1. Ro1and Corrder, 3L:23; 2, Ton Dejderlao, 32: O7t 3. Tcol Jasnln, 32:\l+j !, Dick Rrqutst, 3)+103 5. Jobn Rurley. 3)j0l+; 5. Rqy Beau-rleu, J5:16; 7. Bob Hersey, 3t:42; 8. phrf }.{cc€,,, 35:15, 9. Mark Easgelty, 36:44, 10. Kevl! ucDonafd, l/:59j ]f. ceorse vlaterhouse, J8:t5; 12. Robert Csnlu, 3b:2.1r tl. ceorge rEttar.u-lo, 38:29; tL. Robe.t Page, td:rroj 15. pau.l SchelIJ 38:!3; 1(. ;r*"" cunntnAharr 39t23t !7. fiay Furbush, 39:32j 18. Mike A6hwoodr )9tL3t a9. Ed Stenkreqlcz, 4t:O4j 20. gharles Scott, 4t:21j 21, Sig podfoz\y, 421 23. Srarxley BrownJ 95; 22. Rc!.ce sawyer, L2:28; t+3:5ot Dan Ayers, 25, Tony tredeilos, flr?"t ?:. 44:2Ij 26. JlI[ Con_tey, Q!:i3t 27, psi.r.r Cofcmbo, \rtolt 28. rra Locke, L5tIot 29. Rallh &nlelsJ +5r31j 30. Todd voodso!-th, t'7:55t 1I. Nejt Ric€r a7t56t 32. Fred Broen, Sr,, 51:O5j 33. Ben ChaDeceBb€r



Note6...Rolandl Cor1de. of Sp!,ingflel-d Co]-lege I the [orth Meatforil C]ub shook off Derae!1an of U. l.hss. early & went oo to r.l.n eeslry. In slice of ahe tougb condltlons Conde. took I+Os off the .ecord helii by Rlck Bayko nov 1n Vtetna!4. _tr3 S!

1! you caEe to a stBndsrlLlr buT' ,hen 1! ,"ras aL the back 1n l,be finaj niles Ir fairLy ttf.ecl you off r-he grou,rd. Ihe C:e-Ld qas only 2t . vhereas Jast year we had 5rr. l! las qulte a fleld, Ve had a doctor io bring you 1nro the worlalj a Elnlster to keep yor s(rslght whlle you were herej severaL reacners ro iaucare Lrs. anal aD unale!-ta<e- !o 6eid yo.r on your w€J., Trophles & Ineda_Ls Lo aU f1n:shers and the us_ uaL NMC coffee and pastry. It takes a rugged constltutlon to alrir.k dore than one cuD of that Nl'tr coffee,, The coLrse record was never :n any d.a€er. " -,Irred 3.om1. Sr.--

neF l!6vich, Ne! HanDshlre W-Z:lS!E-!urv, '1€4). lo degreeE & clear riLh no dnd. Jan.Srh 1. J€.nes Detey,.;rr., 4O:2O; 2, Ron ceff, tro:t+Tj t. Ton Jesein. 42: j; L. rhrk Hi-aaerty, t rpl.' t. Blcba.d clapD, 46:thj 6. !e. ^yers, Ao:2t, 7. George lattarufo, l+?r5l+; B, rair Scrren,-48: fo; 9. Ji-rltan Slesef,, 49;:LlU 10, Claude Elr1s j

50:05, 11. Mlke Ash,oodr 5a.e\; rA, Ja&es Clrnnlnsha"d, 53:44; 13. charles Scott, 5l+:O4; 14. {9hn tto9y, 55:loi f5. _slsnuod podlozny. 55:ttrj 16. Fred_aroyn, sr.,65:*;17. Frant Scloone, ?4:18; 18. ToDy Medelros, llrlT. Notes...The course, lII the t4anadnock Mountatn area lE a serles of steep hi116 wlth verw tit_ T'le rur:nlng on t,he Level. lr uss covered wltb 1ce anal snov !o Eale 1t Eorse. Rega.d-Less, iL vaa a fl.De day for a lun l,.tth the exceDijion of lhe treacherous fooatng. TonJ Meclel.os got .Lo6t 1n the dlctemess & got a fong vocriou!, He vas fha1ry foul}d. golr\g strong & headtns for the Canedla,'1 borilerj.. Datey hopped out to an ea.Ly lesd out Geff passed hin seversL r.i[[es & Ea.de hln work afl the wad.. caff, I,ho ron the recent Atfanta, C€. l{arethon, 1s e vest pocket t{ercul.es and a reaf tenacious butldog. --Frcd B.orn,Sr.

AlGolrI, OxIo YMCC- RoAD RIINITXS CLIjB RUriS Dec. 8th - 5-M[es- 1. Dlck Morlrz, 29:tZ.O (slort); z. -biiT-rerlf1ert, 29tei; 3, ,]ro stanrey 29:42..,1\Iov, 24th- B-MiIes- 1. IEwe Wta].en, 43r52j 2. Vlrgi]. YelIrEiT, -r+4: r9; 3. cart yehnert a5:56...Nov. 10th- 6-M11e Hcp- 1. tlike Ki-nbatl,

30:i:i'5 (Actual ttrle)j 2. ph

o1-r expert-nenrs

""otll 1:*-l.l il'9i;ff";fitf; !1]64+ rsurca!' i;, if; rr ' ; *z:rrt {{:.i11'H:#; o*x u."itr,-r*i,[i.


to dare

susaest thar



I| ;*:*i"!i$:i:ii:i: :ill$**ut ,trT*:"#i:%:,d;H". ;i ffi yemir;>r:or; :i;"€fl";*H*;,i.,T1i,"#l*i;"3,,111 r. .n*'*1,=ii"", r;;] i!i:."iilH; ;:H $":::i",L$j:"f.rffi.l""l"Lffl*i.r i;.vl"eil c.n. :ry:::,.p,s nu.rtlple a'ltratloDs durins the

Dr. (leorse Sheehan states: ,,This seeEs ro be Oct. 13th r3th -_ 5-r{'es_ 5_!r es_ r,rr*r, ye}ule}tr_r,,;0",1 o."--* ,,,.^,,.1. fri,Xiil"ir;:TT:""j:t;:',"y#;::H":?" r. y1}E.r .q:t. ';"ilii"f,lf ii;,i3;:"; 3;"::yt.,::I1:, ,J'99. i r.r"-G"."r'ii"";"i"*.*, !!e bltuter' o,i€le.. Bandaids Bande

,1"*;i,*;*li*F;.].,lTil_"9:*:::_;i;rri | "'Hltl"i.'il ;iffilil.'*'the

;itt'*#:,i,,r.i:*:l*IF#;1'::; j ff""ru::i rlmil"Fil:ffiT:":i1r:' cencral 1,r4CA noua nu"""i"- 'club 1969 (wkter)- Fe}J. 15trl- e -Mri"i-r.a"."1, znd-_ 2-& 5-M1Ie 9*; l,tu"ct r5tl- r5 riro n-; l.{ercn 30tb- 3_& 5 mle tuns; April t3th- 4 & ' 1t-r411e_Run6 (Art races sLarE at J p.u,t ef,r

Die8o, Calif.r Decenber 29r lgo8- l.resr ^San ltarathoD chaqrlotr, coast Bob Deine;, outdlsten_ I a recort flefcL to vl!1 the I'ourrh &rnual I 9id 3ey r5-r,tlte Ru!, He coq)teted the one I Mtsslon io:! to the l4issron B€r l4ararhon rn lfludefof,lowed run6 vil1 srart ar Hsspron aruu n"""oporti* I by san Dleaan or,is yarain l'?1,]1.9: ferK loceted on Alror:-lenlnsura Road. For flrr- |I rn -L:2o:I9. Many runDer8 tbeD cooteo of" :n ther^ tnfo. contaet: Don. Netson, yMcA, Bo w. cen-l surf on tht6 su-onJ {lnLec da} :heoPaclf,c (-."*h ter st,.r Alron, ohi-, L,\oB. a,sllsbL oreeze off Lhe ocear.l: i 4r, toot the senior Dlvrslon a,ard ---------] ?l9k FI' TluAll''lENT cE' FRIcI'Ioti BLISIERS- study coDtrsst-l tlth l4th-pl€ce overatf in 1:35:45. car:, Hei_ lns vslue of retentlon cyer renovat "or;1j-;;- I semalr, 16, knocked t'o ojlnures off Boir lurns, top. record,ld vlnntn€ the HiAh schoot Fiye I c-ourse lfite nun Comon Msthods Xn the trcatnent of friction 1n 26:40. ,_llt. iO_lli. linrst busters 1n the pa6t ana in uBe today ,i""i"a" ]I *' *l T_i"::, l!, W, eQtZo 55:19 1.a3.33.8 2. ocis Marrln,ao, sorc, zB:30 i6,54 i.,a.i6 (r.) dranlase or the briste! i*"ai"t!r"-liii" it-forEs rr.glDa a flsJleal needfe to puac'ture rhe Ii J' Merblns A!de,m, sCS, 2A3O j7."9 ItpItO3



top;d1;;;il;;;'"; ii;:Ti;r"#.|

iein;i.'iB:,0 5;;;; i;:i;;; l.g;1wqro", l4jke ). Mccolalck.27,sD, 29:30 5gfig tt29t-t I 5. aiu creer, re, ,-'., is,io ;;;;(,;,\6;r-( I "".u'"..*-..i..""'.fid1il;." I /. Dennis- Sntth 2r r sDIc 28:50 9:Jl .l:jI:)q

hesive rape, (2) feneslia!1on of Lhe bflsrec tcp to a-nov ffutd, foUosed by coverlng tbe bllster top


n""**J;,Flx;;.kf rT6;"HrU:iiX:i+I:#iZi ##;:rtr:S.*l.B:iiii-"f lbE sturak, 3T: ScS, 29:32 61t30 ta€e r,1th anttnlcrobtal egedis,

6ucb as alco_ l10. t:33:2g cr,". p.*irii6,s#i, ,6;;i Z;;i\;:li',:,,i r;r, *.,irr.tiit,-i;;;.trTiiJfi:,":""#;_ | U. blotlc oiit!|ents, and (4) no treatnent. Mal6ack, IB, u.na.,3o:07 63:ot t;:l:rrr j5. -I€e saiz, 3o.6mc, ze::o 5;:rr rn order to s.Li r"it!" d."".i,Ii"g or r,.-.li J,r. ' pattropi:ysroroff-or1;i;;i;";;#Jffi .'-' Ii"* eur,[2,-mi: ,it;;; 6i:1;;lai,il5 "d ii,l"1 1i1r."a ba!6 a13o a nore urltrorlx and successfrrL .p!."Low, 17r una. r 2or45 o,: l/ _:, :.5 i]). Idsel €ch r'o th€€!y. rhe heatins ;;;;;G;;iPau.t Flsbe!, ::,s'.rc ta,r" e",,ji i, +,,j l16. bllslerc on 17. Jane6 1bEples,3.t, smc or heets

!al!.s or Bl vor.ruteers a2:rr" 6o,ti t: iB,ra folloled ror 3 weeks rauh and rithouE rlulcrra6ll.ld. cmz Lop€z, 30, CCAC, 28:tO _,,r,r" "9,:r r,r*i,[i dratnaae, anit with and vithout Urster top *- l1?. q9b. Lefferryr 51, srrc,32,re e6,[i eov6r. charue Short, sr.rc, 32io5 56:r+T f:rr3:2i lT. Garv rn our e4,erldental leslon, r:enoyel of the l:-1. wl}aox, &rcinltas (3oj ,,.t.,i,,ri,jo bf,tster top prior to 48 hr. afrer bf,16rer for- li?. Iarry-culwer, 1?, c'arford, .-u,,'t,a4,ja aatlol1,re.sul-l:d in !q the lnq l9rrducsL p11a^m.,"'y, 36, xt cartez, ras-v€sasJ" dlscoEforr uoa srcatest qlscoErori las veaas. exlosed l;be blisle. base to infLammrorv reacr-ll2]., 24. Bl.tl Harsus, L/, SDTC, l::5:28: -l:45:f2; ion a'd Eu6ceptlbtlxty to rnfecrlon. H;""., 38, sDTc, 1:48;)+6; ,6. ftike J:5. va''!e Grocsbeck, preservation of t1€ btister top and ftuld *::, l9*: 11, -v"l'!ur", \.:\9,t7; 27. va1 cooper ff ".::*i[ri".R:_,-:: :]"i** ili" _l _3"#:sli ff ;,]; ?;.'?j".;,yi"","Tf ..,i1#; ter top to rts base itr 2 out of 3l11"t.r" ."- l!i" y:g:" (zl+), r,:::;r; 30, Frank sax, senio;s c@pa!€d to L out of 6 not ilralDeat. Buste. 1:5r+:4f, 3f. Benny Abbe, 55, SDTo, l: top adherence recufted lD ,r,. r"""i a]"".#"-.r iT9,,!3alt lr5:)121 3?. J1-o Croeschet. .i, smc. i;.;;r;;; ;i. ar rhe b.Ilster srte, as r-eti.; p;;";;;i;;;" .L:rb:c8: r.. -i!1,r"eiit, lfllrr DlsDule. lB. sDrc. 2:ot:5e; )q' 1:'capD6, protection eas appareDtly requt rcd d,,-r-- -r- lsDrc. ?:oo:oo. ;::":::iH'#":.:#":i:"9:iTir':::t::'-y"ll;i"i?53i36.ura" p;;..a-'ir'-iri-SiaJliiff.;;-l o 5-Mrr.E prl- r. Gsr:v Helser'.D r.enon Grove, ll1tttof the lp-q. -:*-'tio! basi r.ar tenng pi.*.l*. frgt e6:4a,; z. ivier vi.ua-,eal, re, couirr.-



t2 ra, una., 2?:1?; 3. nanon Aitss, f5, wa., nsl, 28:o1j 4. rdke Neff, t?, uDa., {ascoj 28: 5Oi 5. John veston, f3J une., Fountab vstley, una, J 29:39; 6, Jsses 3urn6, 14, una,, I,Iasco, 30:59j 7. Davld wll-son, 16, una., Clalrenotrt, 30:59j 8, Eddle i,ralkerJ r.5, una., Themal, 32: rd, 9. rEvtd liarS!€, 9, SmC, 3J:)1. *= Nev Recoid., ofd Record 28:30 by Beb Burns, clai.enoqt, 1967. --8 L-LI Gookln-Dc R.RC 12-lflrE I{ANDICAP (SN(,r3Al,t #) ur.lcott C1ty, I't€Lrylandr tanuary 5,




r^.r^ r,r?.^R r."?.rA

l. Jln St. Clatr

2. Bob testerberg 25:Oo 1:13:20 f:38:20 21r20 f:19:51 1:40:u 3. JLn Tlffany L. Crif BsIth16,DITC, Jr:OO 1:07:20 l:lr0r20 5. Bob Gllcbrlst,mac, Go 5. oon ttelnlcke, 20:10 1:21:06 1:41:15 ?. Der€ Kntehton, wSC, 25too Itt6t55 L.\7:55 B. ceoff rarnes,



Jobn l,I1n6fov, vSC, LO. Ken Behannon, 11. Kewln llrlsht,

24:\, ItIStoT It42t52

JJ:uu f:f,u:r)


18:00 1:26:15 I:44:15 20r10 1:25: 15 1:4b:05 f?. Eat HauBerr 15:oo 1:31:06 l:45:06 13, George l,laJo.j 22t2o t t2\to6 ),t\6126 33:oo 1:15:15 1:48:15 15. Mllton creenbsun, 22:20 1:29:o8 1:51:28 15. Jin classner, 25too tt32:2t ttr? t2r Notes,..Oo a 20' cold but 6uialrfny day tbe annr !l t?-olle handlcap race sponsored by rorEer Deilonal &aiathon chanp Don Heillcke vas held 1r Elllcott Clty, lts., suburbs afoD8 Route 99. As cubtottaly tbe Heinlcker6 provided e ilne haln dlnner for all after thc race. S1-!-teed ru-nners started ero f1n1shed. Ed O ;oi.']e_ l, Corlder handicapper ln tl€ D.C. areal -ril] bh€h et tbe great lob done by hls successor, Bay Oordon. irhe flrs" rul1ner finlshAlthowh a ed vithin 5s of last year'6 vlnner 1d ihe snor, ;fi!r St. Clalr of SprlngblookJ ltd. T.C. ras fst across the l1ne 1n 1:37:18 about one rdrnule ove. fellov hisb schooler Aob t/este:berA. Gri" Balthls.of the DeLaware T&F C1ub. st€rted !'lth the larae6t handicap and had the best tlie of 1:o?:20. --Larry Noel-A.C. WITS SOI,IIEERX AAU X.COLWIiIY Ibe Nev OrleaDs Atbletlc l]ub successfu-]-]y de-


fended tt's Southern AAU X-C tltle on NoveEber 9, 1958, but sr.Erendered the lndi.vldual crom to the Nev Ct'feans Treck Club as 31Uy Wlck efu ed Dan tusel-ier 19:48.0 to 19:51.8. Bobby s6huque Lhe fi!E! I)repsle' across ()th) v1!h a 'as zO:17 cloclhg. Gale-force vlntu s{eepllrg ln across tbe Nef orfeans I-akef?ont course reatuced the aunbei of starters to an au-tlne lov of 15 The race itself a1no6t becaae a s?lrmlng neet as vaves biee.klEg over the Lake Pontchartrala searall atreucheal runre$ 3t severa-l 6pots and feft nost of the paveal course ar,asb. The vet resu.lts verer 1. SilLy lrlck, 19r48j 2. Den ruse ljer, 19:51,8; J. Gerry Stomer. NoAc, 19:52: l. larry Fuseller, NoAC, 20:Odi 5. Bobby Sar'uque, nedeInptorlst HS, tr.o,, 2or1?; 6. S. Reeves,

Fort1er FsJ N.0., 2O:48; 7, M. caEbrer E. Jefferson tsS, N.0., 22:45j 8. John Morr-ant, NOAC. 23.I8t 9. J. Auftnan, Fortler Es, 2lr:35r to. D. Calan-arl, lIOIc, 25:0O; f1. Richard Newconb. NqTC,25:0>;12. E. Caf€nar1, liOAC, 20:L8j 11. Terry flrmer, IoAC, 26:l+1; 14, At 3r.iede, NoAC, 26152i Ir. Joe Fuseller, NmC, 26:5r. --Jobn D. Morlart-2.},{IIE NAfiDlCA? RUN llashlDgton Pa!k, Dcnyer, Cofor€do, Sunalay, Jaru€ry 12, 1969 Per"6ly clou{yj 47o Fast Erap. Ec!. Actual Tlne 1. Roser i3lI5 t;35 DENVER TBACK CI,{'T


toF E

2, Jeff Cairon 13:21 :50 f2:3L 21 13:25 t:35 11:50 14 3. }..{arrln 3al1 4. T€rry roldness 73:25 :00 13:25 2\ t3:32 1142 :50 l-4 5. .tanes 1{11f 6. Joh! l{artln 13:33 1:35 1t:58 1? 13133 fro3 12:30 2a 7. Jeff ArnoLd 8. 8111 i,'hite 13:40 :oo 13:!o 25 13:l{ 2:58 tO:43 U 9. Del Eeseel 10. Ct1 carc1a f3:43 2:21 1f:22 7 11. rdke Cre$ 13:47 2:16 l]:3r 9

12. KeD slrMons 13:49 2:]f rl:38 13. Dennls Kavanauah 13:53 2:11 11:42 1\. fi-n C6rc1a 1l+:oo 3:05 1O;r5 15. Don r,bMahl]f 14:01 2126 11135 15. Norr Sllva f4:05 2r1l 1l:5!


Sidatra 14:09 zt]l 18. &n cotplttE 1!:r2 3:43 19. ,Ian flovell l\:1lr 2 r35 20, Variea Paetov 1tl:14 2:t4 21. Godor s€Jauerson 14:15 2:11 22. t€d cutler 14:19 2:50 23. Iloyd Godwla 1l+:36 3:54 24. r'1fbur ar.nold 1l+:39 t22 Rlchard

11 13 5



n.5B I7 to:a9 1* 1L:39 12 t1:2O 6 12;04 L9 11129 8 1c:42 3 t\t!1 26 \\tr5 27 16:3?+* 29 r3:oo 22 I3:a5 23 1r:ro 28

25. Kevi! lhlte 15:06 t\ 26. ttir o'uera 1637 :oo 27. cordoD Thcmpson 15rt4 3:r4 28. Davld Snlth 16.59 f54 29. Deve Beaty, l9:O4 3:54 Notes . . ,3oul.d.er H.S. student, Rqger Br1Aa6 von the inauaural race of the l9t9 gchedufe of hsndlcap races Eponaored by the Denver TC. the raplally leprovlng Brlggs also posted the second fastes-b ti-de of the ciay. Ji-e Colpitt6J forner {a6hlnAton State Lhlv. Atardout, rho ls p.esetrtly Etattoned at Lovry Air lorce B€€e ln Denver, von fsst tjlne honors for the certlfleal coui6e. --Denn16 Kavanaugb-CXNTRAL

U.S. liol{EN'S


3, 1968 lorest Park, St. Louj.s,Mo, Hesther: Pour:ll8 rain & rin(y. (2-M11es) Sunday, Nov.

i. Cberrie ar'dtges, Iodlana St. Lhlv., 1t:!8; 2. KstW Uoore, wolverine, LI:t9; 3. Pe.c Basls'n, l,loLveiine, f2:O2; 4. Sara aernsnJ Caabrldge, l{Bss.. .L2iLl; 5. Jackle foro, Holverine; 5. lay Wlchers, Coloraato Rockett6j 7. JaD Peppa6, Topeka,.Te&a: 1. Wolverine TC (Detrolt) 3oj 2. Topela cosaos Club 99; 3. ozark TC of St. louls, u2j !. Kl.kqood (Mo.) Tc, 115 (39 flnlsber6) 13 & UIDER 0NE-l'tr1,8 (4O fiElshers)- 1. caro]. BuiLEoBJ A-tbuquerque oc, 5:l+2..1'eall: A.lbq.oc, 22.

VlnS l{FrER ROAt RlJl{ ltah Pa!k, gronxJ ',OOO N.l" Jen. 4th- xorbert Sadler of Yonker6, tr.f. roD thc flrst of e ser1e6 of 4 load nma spoDaol€d by the RRC of NeL York for thelr: club renbera. Sa[le!. e nedl ca1 studeBt at, a S{itzerfabal thtverslty, $es hcrre for b1s lrlnter vacatlon. nc leil fr@ start to f1n13h overthe thr€e-Iap course arouril the Sronx l,larkets -bo cfock 15:35.4. Tlxls br.oke ihe course record of 15:47.4 set 1n Jufy 1956 by Joc Quaderer of the l{er. Xork A.C. 1. Norbert Sanaler, Yo!ker6, I.t,, 15:35.)+ 2. Gary l.tuh-rcke, Freeporb, L,I., I6t25 3. Jose Velezquez, Br:ook\m, N.I., I5t27 4. l.{aik fle:"koJ Exg]-e1rood, f.t., t6r35 5. Justl! Gubbina, SeLLlort, 1.I., 16:38 6. vlnce Chlappc-ite, $er. Yolk Clty, ]5:4O 16:l+7 7. Ro! Uifshlre, JaEstca, L,I., 8. Jobn Mc?artland, No ooal, [.J., 17:04 L7:10 9. BllL l,lahon, Falrlat"lr N.J., fo. tob! Coodrlch, lGrrlck, 1.I., !7 tL2 1f, Pat Bastlck, Brolx, I.f., 17:191 12. C1e& l{ccartlv, Unlondlsie, L.L, I7t25; 13, Dan Rlor&ab., I7:27t 14. Dave Faberry, l-?:32i 15. E]:nle Rivas, BroDx, f,7:41; 15. Pst Burke, 17:44; l?, Johi Dockstader, 17:51; 18. 3€r!la Iaufgas, t?: 52r 19. 31I]- Rob6rt6, Pear1 ntvEr, .Y., 18:18; 20. To& Sherldan, 18:L8,2; 21, l.{ltc tulth, toaota, N.J., f8:2O; 22, Rlchad X€cke!, 19:OBi 23. ntck CourT, [e' Mllford, r,J., 19:L; 24, hve NoRBXRA SANDER


Itttlehales, valtagh, L.I., I9ta6t 25, Iatry PoveIL, 19:18; 25. Ait l(opia, I91.2Ot 27. Pat

f9:26; 28. Barrv Celsler, Jr., Broox, I9t3O; 29, 3ob l,eadtt, {.L, 19rl+5; 30. Tm Iirde6, I{ev }tilford, I.J., 19:55; 31. 3r1c cels1er, 20:39; 32. Mlke Kosteczto, 21!34, 33. Abe Sch!'artz, 22:07j 3lr. JerlT ?o!iar, 22.25; 35. Paul R1Aottl, [erburghJ $.Y.r 22145. Gubbtn8r

3ot32t 23. v1fl1an ccryreJ )+?, u1t-trose aA, :l 31:00 (lst Vet over 45); 24. Bed lGttaslsl, !4, l(iUro6e AAr 3]-tlgt 25, C. Arlc Eades, CJTCj 3lt57t 26, Bob teavltt, I'L, Frcclort TC, 32;13; 27. Pat cubbln6, r]na.j 32:20; 28. Rlcbard Becker,.Ilnttetl AA, 32:33, 29. ns\)b Etlb.rS, SJTC, 32:q6j 30. lcm KarlsonJ u4e., 32:57i 31. Bsrry C'elsLer, Jr.J u.na..3?:06i 32. Eric C€ls]err ula., 33:38; 33. carfand Rober:t6, r.rAA, 35:of; 34. Dr. I.rins Abrabex6, 41J NTPC, 36:07; 35,

lllLllan Nerktrk, uns., '6:?8; )6. Abe Scbws.rlz, L7, una., 1?:L8r 37. KurL Stelner, 17, I[r"C. --Joe loeineme-39:or'.

!I[D IORXNZ PAIR TO ITIN PAIMTEON Pemaauke!, N.J,, Sur,lay, Jan. l9th- Tlle Mlatdle Ailantic RRC 6ta€ed a palrethon todsy oeer the Cooper niver Parkway course. Two-nan teaEs vere 6elected by d€ving na]1e8 out of a hat & the conblneal tlrles of tear@ates tleclded the rlnCOPPENS

ners. Aa luck vou:Ldl have lt (?) Lou Coppens, currently in the best, foro of hls r.unni.ng careerr anal Eerb lpreDz alrelr each otber a6 partners. They ftnlshed one-two in the tvo fap ?.4-Elle r.ace to ees1ly cop the palrathon honors o\,€r l'lose6 lbJrflef,d snd Neil Heygand.t. veathelr Clouity, 42-deerces. 3.7-t4i. 7.4-l,l1, 1. lou CopI)eDa, Penn AC, 3S:T[


2. Eerb Lorenz, Pelm AC, ]8:55 38:56 3. l,loses }Gyfleld, Ploneers, 19:15 39t22 4. Tcm 0s1er, Penn AC, mt2t+ 41:f7 5. Rlcbal'a Wers, pbila. AC, 2Ot24 U:!8 c'. Paul Lucuski, Peln AC, 42:35; ?. Ne1l l,teygaaalt, Soutb Je!6ey rc, 42:37j 8. Jeff Rockqet r, Sfie, L3:3?; 9. Ted Bond, l{l].ElngLoD, Detar.are, !3:53; I0. Deve Ke[y, St. Jo6eph's Co]-_Iegc, {4:I5; U. Pau.l Paluba, Phtla. Ploneers, l+6:0?, f2. Ibve Llttlehsles, Unlv. of Defavare, L5:)+9;

13. llotuaa 3aker, sJTcr 60:l+2; ].4. Bob Cifchrlst Dela{are T8dr, 60:42. l'eEm: 1. Co?pens & Loreaz, ?7tO0; 2. l4eyfle]d & WeygaEdt, 8r:r9; 3. Osrer & Ltler6, 83:05, l+. Kel-ly & Paul Ircu6ki, 86:50.

{IrtS RRC N,y. ASSL. 5-ttrIJ TIrIt Dan?e!k,3?onx, tr.f., tan. 5th- or.bert Sanater, 28-year-old l.{1l!losc AA aceJ caltured the RRC N.Y. A8sn. 5-utte Roqd Race tttle orei a certifleal cour€e aloEg the garlen Rlver. OPEX ?-!trIE RUN, Sponsored by North Medfonl Cfub Sander ].ed a1l the vay to clock 25:118.5 ss he Fiuary 12;-1969, Fietat: Fony. course: Mo6tU fhi6hed 25Oy ahead of Id Bo\res, IIYAC. level vltb e few sEa-Ll h1us. Very ]1lely a biL 1. Norbelt Sender, !r1l1ro3c AA, 2r\8.6 shorl. Veather: llne but cofil. 2. EaL Boi'e3, I'Iev York AC, 26:26 1. Tcm Derderlan, NXC, 35:1tj 2. Rolsnd conder, J. 8r.lc wa-tther, St, AnthoDy'B R.C., 26:54 35tl7t 3. IjI?d oIsen, 35:53j 4. Ron caff, 36:31 L, Jose VeLazquez, St,. Antb. BC, 27 tO6 5. Tor Ja6nln, 36:50j 6. Robert Eersey, 3?:O?; 21:26 5. JusliD Oubblns, r|lLlrose AA, ?. neni charorx, 39:31r B. Ray Bcau-lleu, 39:\5; 6. V1!ce Cblappetta, uEst., 4 .26.2 9. l'lark Eaggelcy, 39149t Io. Joseph FarreU, l+O: 27.53 7. Pat 3astlck, Itev York AC, 13; 11, Jobn HooSasien, 4Ot26; 12. Lloyd Keye6, B. Ccne T1.o@ey, rev York AC, 28102 {a:31j 13. Phlf Mccawr 41:05j 14. Chs.r1e6 porher 28:08 41:U; 15. Elfiot Edkanls, 41:30; 16. Vln traniiet9. Joe 3urDB, Urlt€d .AAJ f0. &n McDonash, XAA (r.st vet, !l+) 28:u tl, 41:31j 17. C]aude lLlis, 4]:50; 18. Dr. Bobt,. 11. 8111 Malron, una., 28:24; 12. Ernest Rivas, Cantu, 42:23i 19. Pau-r Keatlng, 42:31; 20. Paul Unltea AA, 28:44; 13. Dave laherty, uns., 28:l+?; Scheu, 42:39j 21. Ray Furbush, \2.\Ti 22. JuItr4, Ph1l PoUD, uAA, 28:49; rr. Clelu} Mccarthy, an Slegel, 43t42t 23, JaEes CoD-ley, 44:10j 24. Lone Tslend AC, 28:51; f5. Johr Coodiifue, u!a., CeorAe lattaruf,o, It\:28t 25. WaflJr Xrur1can, 45:O& 29:O2j 17. Pat Burke, I.IAA, 29:03; 18. Deve 11 39 fini€hers.,The flrs-b five finlshels battled lrales, u!a., 30:10; 19. Jolu l.{cPartlanal, unst., af1 the vay,..3eef stev & Ltquid refreshnents to 30:15; 20. Roger Clark, Lfnlred A-A, 30:161 21. J al1 at tlle .Anerlcai: legior ln Norfoll, l.bss. w1Ison, UnA, 3ot25t 22. A-1 wtl-tler6, 41J Nl"C, tropbieE & lledals to aLL fl.Di€her€. --Fred Brorn Sr_NOBST"RT SAI{DER



= :.II




OtrE Tll ATIANTAJ ;i;,;""#,#i.i^"ii#Jl o".o. I ff:f""Hi:.;.ff"ltTtil$; T:-::"*", *$;r-g:*":l*-nl;$.:fu:,r,$'ll"il.:* I rT:iffi:"#=ii;,lJll'ii; ff ii-li;,,"


,i3;?!ai;ei;t?i,;e,|ry,:il:il*1, jf".":";,, ::"im#"*xlgfl :::*::,"+H"ffi r't;-;;;4 il:,';#i;t; ;;#;13'ifi;#:

!i:"inFtE,T'ffiti:'f,::Jil': '* eq | 2' rerr ljoo(uMn' il"ii:iT;,#i; rbch, 2:50:18 -Le' c€' lbch, 2:50:f8 (64:12 (64:32, li:*:.1*..i:ii*;;;-;;;.;;:;;;iilti"T l;lH;r Ha*ilT,l.a. irnpresslye tr." or j:,a6--o*;;:-e'-'r91" wi991.1", 35, waehrngtJn slofo dirrlcu-rt dirrlcult course on the r.h. .rEA;. 110.8'oj)i sireels or -:-ly-Y j;iii,-r1i., zlio'i:!,Gi1i,,;ir;:36ifl:i:::* ^, norui*,est At]'anta, Caff led by 15Oy at lO nlf,es, *t lPhlulps' lphlttln6- 15' 16 .." rrr-"*^uaa" rit nston-sur.'. ir"c., z::oi:r *;i;;;';; ift."i;'fl"J'oi"r3'J*' Dur on\. !o rade berore c€rr,6 ,,;"r r;,"i",fl"-"1 2' t,-ryil;' !fl;T; 50'57 i;il;i');.*.{rl @+'3)' ?:oe:3?); Fr:!:l'9, c;..ra, .riii, ;;":'o;;i| fi ";';'fi- ;::;il"*"::,5:. unoer ms | (64tt+7 ztro 5l)i -?i'q;" io' r"via rdrri", a


belt won ry-r+50'yara;. -;;;r"i;'"




| * Hiilrto., ' Drr-^-..- l+?: ":2:! va',-2t55t)8--66-t5r,2,r2:oo)' tl'

:ix*.j"" .i:*":["ff:S":j:::"Ti]{,**liiii!'ifl,?i;; }?;,ijsii.;"." iil$'itti;.i,:a: *.::,:".:t":*:.y:to:+"tr;g#,tr;*;;i'*lffl;'3"l.liiii; 6;,ll'!li;,13 rtlli!,T{jil;.i9' i;:.iffi :, F:*H!; fl ; ls{.dli.t.1,; ffi:"*i;:.;*: il"r*:j"::F,;tf*,:: I| 3to5t39 \5' 8€""ald slnlan't, 21, ATc; 3:05:3r; rn an ares.r r,i'....*".v-rii'"'..", 16' Earl B'attv' u€c besiffilrs beeimrns 16 da,E''M 4, Arc, 3:oi]:r9; rr. Be.t ioJto rust develop, "^-- .,tn.. ---,]-'::iT-i1 *rg"fri:l ffi;'j;"6:ir;16.r;li'#;"il;Ill, cant perfonranceE r,.ere recorded, "*. lr! +;,?, renn" 3:09:!7j 19' Dous Nel;on,'19,LH:





"-:11"-:':: INashr'-lue' IrrBa4 u.r

3:10:3j; 20, liu.rr ae.t&rtz. eB.


:iy"::".y_i,.*i:1;4;::r;:ir;iiilir-|iffitr":;;.J,il;,i;,i?;Tifl,T"I1ili;riu;,. iiir"i-#fl.*:3.:i i;i3;i""1'S3l.i:"*, iii_l-i"i"ti*".' ,=" lif***:F':;G:';i;':;'ii.,',ILii;t""1,?a^ oluL\' Alrela :j3,iE"*f.i;":;;i. :5O:L8 and 2:50:57.

,", .z'


tl, stzot\)li


l?1,v1':911-l*tl Arry, 3:32:37; 25. Itarreo I John Jentlns J 49' u's'^;,*?:"'3:,1:Eztel:"2i:r, A record 'lunber of f3 runnerE fhist nours. hours, rlne or d.ne of,hm h,n lever _.- a,","tr." 3 r.h@ ha. "*:":1::- | I"3,.1"!*1, !I,,r"eh,,, Ara., rg, :::a::o; 26. "".,"- ru |

il;;n;;;; ;;:,T#1ft:";";:,,il,ri:i;:Z+.,.. r;q*i-v, "d,

%*#:"';::"i,'"lif"^l'iJili3:---^^^ * -"r's""on u., 3,47:13; a8. ;i""1*:,'lrfix,"::.ffi: "ff,:H;'#; l'.ck ai ,,esr'.lhrst". n.ur, i"n,.i.-L!iltr""""|| *:*;*i::i;:;":, .ffiffi:';-,";:,'d:r;l#. -- | gep


ii: i;ff'ilid;yJ,. *,-.

,li8li:; vere provldeit the runners aur1" rhe race ry u"ii."-r".J, ::,..,':Z;,.:,ti;3;.*"*.",' lrt. nerabers tbe ]litanta fi.ack CI;b. : ras rJeen^f'rcasured *ro , T;":iTff""i , tonAT*g .,*i* Mrm-lrARArHoN ",,","ro.u' xt has not i"." ,,rii"i.:ry''ji:

Hiy*'il";lil.f'lii'*"*;,ral.i:l?:i8., #""ffjTgJ:**"i;;if.f fi"ilii;,ti:ru'-,r,r+6io[ I i: "'i*"iT:ffi.i:,f-grattanooga, ; i ;fr ,if i";':,r:'.* llandfins of tbe !ace. He h"" ."1*t.;:":"1" | :' nan xue'i-:, lr.;, :yji,i*:,,""


l 6' Bal cadrer.d' 4e. i<,aox" ri,-ko'r.,r:r+qiog c€ors1a an.L ho?e6 to returo f.' 1!19| r' u""'ea rerreir. i-rattaaooga, renn.;1:51i47 thou to be ;-"" i.tfirv] ;;";;.'::" "h.'i1:'-^* 5-Mrte slrlrs: lTY.' Not rLuElDs thls year va' ._.--,_^.fl: Bmce ralrdr; riail < 55.)'9i Benaert, 16:20, .iu thc t968-loston" 7L:J9 Lcor -,#-*-,i.1 (2:26) and. dcfeDdtna chalpxon .rue to footroroer "^-,:.::.-,-;::l--^1-:J:: --: ----_ r"_ I] T,$ TROI ro 1a_ l-.11, (2nd Anluat) fto-yj A-labar,a, Jan. II t.n nonstrou' hrlrs. the Olylrptc trla16. ge ts back 1a trsintn, htu | ,::::'l Y:" 19 nl]es r5.trophres & but reithe r.asn't rcaqy r.i-ir,. :1 15 merchaodlse avads to tst I lbolhles al(l ned.als vere pleseDted io a!-L | .^r-.- --^^*. E),..7 r-- h*_-- f, ro finlsh.


,I iliii-]r""";,., - '-, - .-'' |

i;:':ijy,:.i:?"*":-"f'l*:1 IT:: r", *" | ffioii ;T;;, ;"o I I:":1-T::l* :f": '"i"ii"i?

ahe tean tlopby snd. the Arfanra IC i bccv@' I .I\ro ,,Mr;i_il";.;;" _-_-jll_li"lf: J Tno snded s.dded r.n+n7Ar flatures ""* 30 years or a i6n. iona r^, ror r.unnels over -l:*--11y1-l ^- eser carled prep nlnr-'osra- |


Nlck costes. costesr


rrd. Afab&aa, ii36.2 rrqr, Afab€Da,

2. vic Kelrey, Aub; udv., ss,iz rnnAr. ';"i;il; ,;;_';;:;;#ii,"",* ;: . tr,. ro.-t.i..i-yJ; tr;i_;;'.: I l.:. fll_.,!l*il'"ll;-l'fl"""".. :g:;I i",-"-i,*r"l-il"" n.". :*- "ff:'.11_:',I.Ti 1i1 "



senj]v vausbrl of take! r.s. * *t'.i:"'? i r.as the piep nrcb drwoas dtv. urhnar lrrhne; ,- ""."" ;:-.1_":._,_-_,1 n" veraatlre rlr.nne., havrns mn r+es & r:54 on relarc. For tDfor.Datloh on the Lruy ar,-Lanlel :l+il:.1




Jslxes- stanrleld, Ilvlnsston u', 59:r, 7. xen !aln8, tee 8.s., A-1abara, rn,r" 59.2a _':l;f#ffifo1 iii.f'#";ff! l. 8. iil;;dfi: i"." A_ra., 60:r+3


9. Robert E€lch, rlvlnastcil u.r 60:L6j io. !5r1 Beattyj Atlanta rC, ca., 61115; U. Jay Boetcheft E|a|(er_16, Ga.. 61:19; 12. phrl Dalrls, Dorha'r h.S,, b2:01; 1r. C€orBe Bunt. Baker HS, Ga.r 62tl5t I4. Ronni.e Alexand.er, Lee tS, 6ZS6j a5. Ih\./., 6A:57l' ]]6. Barry cofburn. L.U., 63:12j I7. creg Han, lroodlan, 6J:11: IB. Retph Ford) L.u., 61,:19; 19. Janes Matthevs, L,u., 65:o3j 20. Alan Taylor, Cofurnbus, Ca.,66:04;2f. steve Dean, Lee tr.S., John Montgonery, I,1vln86ton

c,6:lf; 22, Iarr./


B-Ier rE, 55:rlj 23,

Robert Jones,_ Troy Stare,


t2, 2\.

Danny tona,

Cert€l bltabt 26, ToDy warfold, cenlrat F, 61t\6; z(, larry Turierr Arq/ Stare, 69to9j 28. J'm McNell, Troy Stater 69t24t 29. Andrer Sreplens, Baker IS. b9:26j J0. aobe rr BurkerLr toy StsLeJ 7t:3 ).1. lhlIip aucKtey, DoLhan lS, 7I:38r Jz. IanS1olsr ?be4lx Ctty, T2:II|: 33. Robed Steven son, I€e [Sr 72t52; 34. Danqy carrettJ tairhope Is, 13t52; 35. l'dckey Marfo\'rc, centlgl IS, 7!:l+ 3b. I€rry Llllson, central ESJ 77tj3t 37. ro.rry Jones, CentraL nS, f7:l9j J8. St€ve Frandt:n. CenrraL l{s, 78:07: 39. Chrls crlges. CrS, /8:Lr; 40, II9.Dqy Parker, Cm, ?8;U; 41. &q' clbb,

8at55j \2. DoE Kerby, DHS, 82:18, Notes...llllck Co6iee has to be one of tbe best (if not the be6t) sento! runners 1n tte count!.] . The foreer Soston AA narathon ereat tuned. ln the thl.d faEtest bll[e ever rrm oD thls Tlov rosd course vlth hls ,r;36.2 clocklng. O{y rruce l,aB,dite (5\'t27-r968) anil werne. leie fer, Auburn U" (54;50-1958) hawe 1rll} fastei. RemeEber the 6 & 3/l+-n11e l|-cowilrv race on @--6; 1959 at lire Trq/ r:ate goir course. Thi6 race !/1fl be spdlsoreil by the Eant6 of Trqr & feature excef:i.ent I)riz€s. 'ri11 NSCORD IIU}tsER P.4?J]ICIPAIE !l{ ICTNTH A.INUAI, BUII . Ahoskle, $"C,j f+nusrt l+t: lq69- ietsplte f-..- I ezlng tenpers-rureg, il8 nnrrc::s r:urned out frr i the fourth annua-l Ahoskle dnari rlunathon. I rncluded 'q che lRmber rere L2 partlctpanL6. tn the 10-8116 Aulanaler to Ahoskle lun and 58 tvo I DothaE ES,

!r11e heal-tb rul,ner6. Cr:osstnA the fltllsh llne flrst iE the gruellng lo-lllle run lla€ Ke! Vo6s of F'ast Cercl:oa Unlv. t{lth e record. breaklng 53:114. Iie vas a rol.nute & LL sec6. unaler b:Ls olal recold set lest sumer. C€.reth Eayes of l{.C. State corued second. rtth a 5b:17 clocklna. Jaraes Sl€de,a Junlor at Ahoskte IiS, shov€il pro n:i6e r,.lth hXs ninth pLace finl'sh. In the tvo-ndle, the €ges ranged f.cm 7-47 and the runners tlidn't seed to nind the 33o cold as they trotted tvlce a.ounal the Ahoskle Hlgh &nd. Crade Schoofs. I1nlshlng flrst l'as l?-year-ofa ldke Hanil-ton of Sanfod. ]O.IifiIJ R'IN ACE 10-l'{t. I. Ken Vo8sr creenvlue, 1,,C., 25, 26155 '-M1. Sraa 2. C€reth [qye6, creensboro, 19, 28:00 56t77 3. Scott Eden, Idchdord, Va., 15 28:35 58:00

4. T(ry lenu6, Galax, fa., 20 lbuett CoodFtn, I'urha,E, .C. 22 5. o. Cha6. )larkDan, Durhaor N.C. 20


29:oo 29:05

5u]'2 58:3\




De!.ols Scor!, 20, Wlnslon-Sa.|enj N.C., +2 59:49j 8. Dave }&rLin, 20, Ha.epLo!, Va., 59:5Bj 9, Janes Slade, .17, Ahoskl.e, 60:21+; 10. JaBes r€e 20, Sanford, N.C., 61:14t II. Rlck). Mclrcrald, 18, southem pll1e6, N.C., IB, 61:t?, t?. alt.L So.ierJ 3b, RaIe gh, N.C., 6J:22: f3, J.C. \,IalllD. 20. tlardlaon. Va., 5t:lr5; 1!. Dab,ay MerrtLi, 15, Ssnforat,_N.C.. 62t?1i _5. $ar- Ollver, -LB. R:clmond, va., b3:30j 16. Davtd lrctrann, ?2, Denvllte, Va.J 64to5t a7. Don Serter6, 18, St. pauf, N.c., 5jt)r7 16. Dennls }racy, .r7J -Ahoskie, 55:foj 19, Drer,r SledAeJ 19, Fayettevlfle, N.C., 70:27j 20. Mike Bq.ce, 15, Ra]elgbJ I.C., 73tOIt 2L A. C. Linnerud, 35j Raleigb, N.C., T5:32. DNF- Ray cogAln, 16J Ran halfiray (A.troskle, N,C.) Cour6e cerilfled by Nattonal AAU Subccmllttee on Standarak. Terraln- Atnost ftai;, Surface- Ear.tt roads. Condlbloa6- 33", overcast. 2.}fiI,x IEAI,TE RI'N 1, Mlke na.ldftoD, f?, Ssnford, N.C,, 11:03; 2. 3obby I€ndry, t5,,qlo6kle, l]:)+Oj 3. WaJ,-ae pa!ker, 1r, _Ke1ford, N.C.r LL:52r l+. FreddJ. Jennlng3, 1br {1ndso., Irl.C,j Irr5?; 5. Dx0oy Arnofd 16, SoutherD plDesr N,C., t2:f,6j 5. John poprtn, i7. Ahoskler l2:3J; 7, JuJle Shea, 9, RafelAh, 12:3b: U. Jobr Sbesr l), Ralelah. 12,L7. (Ar1 04 llnlsbers 1n the 2-ni1e recelvedl evarrls fro!0 l{ayot Charle6 L Plerce of Ahoskle. --Fred Hural-}1ORTE]\sEN ].ST IN ROA} RUl{ SaLeE, Oregon, .tenuary f8, 1969- Bruce i,lorten6en captureiL oversfl honors ln an au-coners' .oad:11lr as he toured lrhe six-nl}e course i4 6 tl-me of 28:32.8. A totsi cf 36 cnnieslenls e.Exea the nrn, T1ne6 lnillcate a 6:!rrt cou?se. fi,S. Dtv. f. cary Ada.ns, cf,enas ?ass, jo;02

1. Doug varson, ccE 32:51+ -"r. :S Dl]r, 1. Arad Casden, l4e.fo!c, :15:oa \iolter ! Dlrr. L" Cheryl Ca !!!, :.i..'!_,id, !o:!i: +C-4q- e€oige Frt€Il)augh, For.i-aict, :6:l? :o-39- Dlcx In'la, Corvallls, 4c ; :12 60-69- Dr" Ls.ry HlIt, Eusene, i! :9, Collqge Div.

- -Don


T&F UEBf,J 3.RUY 63, MAMIAITAN l+6 at west polnt Field Eou6e, Jaduary 18th- Mile: f, B. l.lvfan, M, 4:13.5i 2. M, 4114.! 3. osnan, A, lr:1\. Klvlan, M. 2: ,./,.t-l.U-e: t. Kee,Ar 9.._ryq: 1.'onahue, 9t22.>; 2. ua16hr M. 9:29.rr: l. D;nanue. M, 9:lI (33o yds, to 1ap, "tartan" track)

71r DARTMomn 3B at I€verore Fielai Ilaaorer, N.!., January 24th (tl }aps ro ldrer board track)- Mlfe: t. lra..01ttonr D, 4t9.jj 2. we1shj MJ \:21.?jJ. Llvhg6to]0, D, \t25.2.. loooyr 1. Donahuej M, 2:1L.7.,2-M1te: 1. r,tcBrlaer u,9,:r9.o;2. su-utvan. M. 9:2l-.oj, Rou6e. D, UAIIHAITAN


9:46 - 0.


-;il-i;k" -i;-i,,,--- ---

t:Mlr,s-Ra$-R0r;. ?ortland, oregon, Jan. 2t, 1969 0o,n- 1. ^l\o3._ Q7191, 3J:1r7..' orl^g-eKen, Cca..,io-d. C r,k ,h.Lst, C".-o1,n W 1,.-c, l-):;6 JJ:lr.,LIo en- )5157..a-,-5.l+0-49- ceori:e Pute"baueh, 39 t2A..tj-5c)tsen Bfia;ll"e, 5l+:22. --Don Jacobs--



iRc l+-xrr,E


l,1accmtus Den Park, 3ronx, N.Y,, Janua{f ILth- Bun lng ln 20- veather anal bsttllng e strong vind, Norber:t SanaLer of Yonker:6, lt.Y,, von the second lu e serles of toad runs sponsoreal by the RRC of Nev York fo! 1ts Eenbers. ganalei, a redlcaf stuilent 1b Svltzerladd hone od vioter vacation, led fro![ stalt to flnish to vin by rroov over tbe fast 14)rovlng tose velezquez of Srook\ra: Sander clocked 20:28, ve1I bscts of tbe course record of 19:35.2 set bv Ed vtnrov 1n 196?. Verezquez clocked 2lr3tand thlrd Place flDlgher, Srlc llalther of Jan8lca, I.1., clockeat 22:04. watther ls a lrofessor ai C.v. Po€l Colleae. Trrere !'ere 3] 6tarlers ln the race ard a1l but one coq)leteal the course. Cours€: 4-Ei]e lbrlen Rlver FlRc cour'se' I. Norber-t sender, Yonkers, 2ot28t 2. Jose Velezquez, 3rook!'n, 2r:39j 3. E.Xc Walther, Js$41cs, 1,.I., 22:o\; l+. ooue Mtdd.reto!, lrrlD€tod, tr.Y., 22:19; 5. Pat Bastlck, Btortx,22:28; 6, 31i1 l'{ah;!, I|alrrai.n, I{.J,, 22t29t 7' :rj€re Faherty, wood Rtdge, l'I.J., 22:J4; 8. Dan Rlordan, SLauyelt, N.Y., 22t5rj 9. lt&.{ fierko, &gfe'rood, N.J., 23:o!; 10. Johr ulllo' lbaneck, N.J., 23.-I5t aL. Jack l€rry, Siook\'n, 23:25; f2. Ernle RlvaB ' Brorx, 23:47; 13. Clenn l'lccartlrv, ttDlonitafe, N.I., 2l+:O1; 1\. r.dke Sn.lth, Bosota, N.J., 24:f4; 15. Tm sherldan, Pead Rlver, N.Y., 2&'i5; ro, nltt nolerts, Pearl Rlver, r.Y., 2L:15i 1?. B€mte lauJgas, SrooKJ-vn, 2L:38; lB. Af Nenbhard, tabalca' N.Y., 24:\5; L9. I6rry PoveLI, {a1}111, N.Y., 24:50; 20.,Stu Warner, Brook\.n, 2l':16: 21. Rlchari Secker, taralca, N.v.,2)t32i 22. Bob Leavttt, rIc,2b:O5i 23. Dd-Ley classe, NYC, 26:2)+; 2l+. walter Scb'€rtz, Ros\'n, N.f', 26:50; 25. Pat HooaLs, Pearl Rivet, n.r., a6,i:; 26. u{c Getster,3ronx, 2?:o3; 27. Abe sch'artz, tanatca, 29:20; 28' l{1ck Ko;teczko, Modeua, fl.Y., 3Lt57t 29. Pau.l Rlguttl, el'burgh, I'i.Y., 32t56t 30. l'llke Eorn, IlaIklIL,


32:58. DII'- 3ob Caplin, trYC.






Park, 3rorx, N.Y', January 12th- Jose Velczquez, St, Anthony's Boys CIub z3-yearola er.-U.S. !4arlde. voo the }O-nlle R.R'C of N.Y.'s cllErPtonEhlp ln aefeetlng ]}l otirer numers ' Velezquez oovered the three-lap reasuteil ana cartlfletl course on Seatgevlck Ave. along the Harled River lE the fine ttne of 54:58. Ee had vaged a il6temlneil battle vlth Gary ltuircke, Mlflrose AA's SeEior MetropolltaD clr,lrplon at all allstalces durfEg 1968, b€fore otrtrunnlng hin 1n the last n11e to rtn by 85 ya.d6. Tbe l{aste}s cbadptorcrrlp SoId Bealalllon lrel1t to Jle l'lcDonagh of the l{lllrose AA. 31f1 Coyne captured the over l+5 nedaf and Jo€ Ke1ler took home the over 50 years of age gol-iL ne'Lal' The race vas the second of, a serles of four r'unE. 1. Jose Velezqucz, SA3C, 5l+:58j 2. Gary rtu}fcke, M!.|.' 55t17t 3. 8111 Cor:don, SABC, 55:34, l}. nrtc wattner, ALrc, !6'rt; i, Richsrd Dotals, l{anhs,ttan colreg€, 55r35i 6. &Etln (hbb1!6, l"Illlrose,AA, 56tr2t 7', Pat lsstlck, N€v 'tot:K AC, 5712r;8. Jo€ Burns, urdted AA, 57:40t 9' Joe McPartfand, NYU Ftoah, 58io0, 10. J1l! McDonagb) l{l].lro8e AA, 5A:O2; 11. G'.ne Tvoonev, NIAC: 58:03; 12. Bl1f Mahoui r!.a., ,8P2t 13. DaYc Fabeftv, ur6.' 5&25; 14. Al lcaban, Stanford, Conn., 58'55i rr, I.s"!y lsDAer, NrPC, r9t26t 16. Tc.[ o'3rlcD, Bruce TC, 59:33, 17' Phlr Poltn, Unlted AA, ,9:34; 18. Pa! Eu-rke, trj.,., 59t5ot 19. BiLL Tavl'or' oreenvtch, ct'. m:Ili 20. Jotla Calbro, l{Bn.col].AA, 51:o5j 21. Roaer Ctar,r, lrAA, 5l:27: 22' Erale Rlv8s. u-aA. 61:52; 23. Jack McPartland, tjlra.,6e:zo;24. C'€o.ge Kochnar, l.{AA, 62tr3t 25. C. Ar'lc Eedes, CJIC, 63:35; 26, Ton caneroa, vest slde YMcai 5r38t 27. A.L wllllaEE' rYPc' 64:12; 28. Ben l'4alleslaa, ldrri.3"" u, 55J2; 29. BILL co}'ne, wa't, 55t25; 30' Rlah3rd Becke!' llAAr 55:35j 31. Dr. Ralph Ellbe.g, soutb Jersey TC, 67tOO) 32. Duuey GLasse, Untted AA, 67115: 33. Erlc Ge16Ler, ura', 68t25;3\. Pat cubblnE, una., ?1:o2i 35. Sarrv Geisle", Jr., ura., 731\at 35. Glenn uccarthv, Lons Island Ac,75t52t 31. i'ln. Nevklrk, !na.,76t57; J8. Ru66 Kar{ovskt, sArc, 77:Lor 19. rri st.r".., irYPC, i8:25; 4o' Mor'ly sch!€ltz. una., Bo:09;41. Jo€ Kell'er' SABC, 8I:q4' --Joe mellead8n-Maconbs ltBc

llrNs Bic (N.r. .Ass ,) l+ ]/l+-mLE RUr{ l+ Msco!$s lren PsrkJ Bronx, N,Y., sat., Jan. l8tb- Gary lfir]llcke, of Freepom !'I', von tho & of 1n a se1:le6 I/l+-rlte serles ruD sponsoretL by the N.Y. Ric for lts club nenbers ' Th16 3r'd ther€ loo!' of tbe UOy Srorx l'{arket 1nil6, \'ssturday rua6 was conteBted. over four laps w€re 32 starter! 1d irhe rs,ce aDd aLl but one flnl6!€al. MDbrcke ran tbe flrst tvo lals wlth Erlc Walther ard .To6e Vel€zquez, then pulle'l awe{ to vln by 5W over qalther ln 22:21+, vel1 back of tl€ course recold of 2l:10.2 heLl by Berry btr lrovr ot the Ne'w Yotk A.C. !t€ 61ov tlne caD be attllbuted to the 611ppery footlDg ce$ed oARr uuxRcT{E

1. oa.v-rrookLvn. l,tunlcke, Freepott, 1.I., 22t2\t 2. Errc valther', JsDalsa, L.7',22:34t 3' Jose velcz_ ouez. N.Y., 22:\6; \. Joe ucPartlartl, l{orl{ooa' N.J., 23r0O; 5' 31U Gordon, Porl i3l.::z;5, p"t sastlck, BrorDc, 23:37; ?. slu Mahon, Fairrar'a, N'J', 23:47; il;;i'd;;;;i., B, D6v;-E;,si;;.a, Fa;erty, Hood R1dse, N.J., 23:51t 9' Dow lrlddletol, Irvlnaiton, N.Y., 23:53; 10' -l'{ark n.,r', z['[A; 11: Deve KrD8, 3r;!x, 25:06; 12. Ernle Rtva6, Bio,x, 2r:18j F"d;,


v. lf *i.llif"t:,ilf:i:: Ti''rj5::::.19: n",.i-m"l,t-i:i.: Ii:;-;,6;'ii."#;;:'il'1i"j:, ,::l"i-:1.I.,.:l;1a"". ''a"i;' ;;;;;,';;:"ilJ;.f;::;",TT:i:i"., ii?i*:,i;"; ,r;1.;.irf?:.L.3:l-.il*:-yl, ai,ij; ii.-siliii";',';:,.:';+i,;l'";:"ffi"":il::'i,.iT#: it;,

px.T:.1:{.1.15.:.?.:: 14:.prr+ noberrs, pearj. Rr€r, N.r. *-kl-9'11!:



ci;";il nrci'iii+i'z;.;;;iJ;'il*.I' il;"r3; p.X^Sl:r?, *I;: l1?T: a71ei; zr,,.rnaruyaz.-ed-;iui;;.; ;;;;,;r;"1,";6:,,;,fH;_ 1gi.^,|;".;.?ft9r;..5;-f.l:-**l:::.T"i*,.:e,:!, ron,-Nrc. 2e:r+4;-ie. *; i*"v,-p.iir,i",flrl,'j6iril':6i ftfiffi,fl:T;:?;ij,"1?:,"io,!?j poear, relr Jerry pcdar, 31. rerry Nev Mlrrord, Mlfford, il.r., N.J., 3t:t7. ltr,h. hL;;;;;;'31-;;;;;.;;i,-:;':'fi:J;il;]:,rt, t.tz "t.it!*. d-ir"r,i""" i' __^" I.'A.XBATTAII COI.],A(}E RIJNNER IIINS 15 I(IIE nlfi _

Parkr Sronxr N.y., tanTry 19rb- Ed ucB!1d.6, l_8_year_old ru&er froo tbDtrattan ^ry:*b".Fr coLlege .AAj von the nRc of ly.y. 15-Drt1e r*}. i.p tbe Har.ten Rlver. The flrst rap ira' three E1les and then cane thr€e lars of four-nrles. "irr"""-." rhe coruse vas certlfied. McBrlde defeateil Jo6e verezqu€z by 2ooy, brt vas dot eliglbfe ror iiie nac t1t1e slnce he is rot a. nenler of, the RtC. V6fezquez. eas award.ed the chaupionedp gott nedat. McBride clockear -i1;d f:25r43 vhtre velezquez ras 1l1 t:26:og. ttre rece i.ag trr.'tirtt l" a 6er1es or rour sunday !ul1s-.,J-1'l lftDonagb, Bltt Cq.ne and Joe Kelter aeatn la; L."r.." -lirC, l. RI UcBrlde, MaDhattan coliere AA, 1:25:t+J; z. ;6". v.:""pt*"J ","*". !"q""r, f,zg,OO;-:.'.lLn McDona_ sh, i{lLlrose M, l:25:14; rai rastrct, rra6, r,ze,r5; \yAc, t:29rooi 6. Dave Faherty, una., 1:29132; ?. Joe-Bum;, Unlied AA, ilzS,tSJ S,-i""tr" GubblnsJ r,{AA, t:31:L4; ?at 3urke, 9. MAA, 1:32;45; 10. BtLL_t4ahon, tna., I:32:52; iolo r,r"p""trurra, una., f:35:13; 12. (L.orse Kcich!1sd, l4ittrose AA. tr35:o€j rrir c.r.!,'r,:g,ii; rr*l e.."" Baxres, llew itartforil, ct.r 1:35:r+4; 15. ,or w[ri",u, lr^rpc, i,:e ,io; i"e . srooktyn, 1:38:40, f?. westsl.re ll,tcAr t:39:5o; t8_. c. r"r"-n!a"u, ;JTc; i,!o;js;19. JlDr lcmLtler?l, No1en, uy?c, 1:40:43r.20. rstt cola, ecc, 1rt+2:15; 21. Barry oelsl^e;, *i..,-iiUltz; za. t".,,1""r.-i"r_ 'tanoJ ralrfleld, un1v. lA, fr!':t8, e3. u". n":-pr, rllbe.,i,_ s"iu. .l"i"Jy rc, irt Arti; z!. -ir.l"r,r -" secker, uAA,- r:47:15; 25. Drdfey_crass e, u,l^, 1*7:22,5e. r"r" c.i"il,", i"*., t.,Ui,jS; -i"i-C"rlt"", Rll36 sAIc, t:51r29j 28. nrnre nvis, vi,t, itlz Zi: iS. _KarkoGkl, 30. Joe Keller, sABc, 2:oo:o5i 31. Kurt srerne;, rrpc, z,ogi6o.-i::-starters, ,"".,-ilfel:e; flnishers)



t. A;;,r";*;y, ir. -;"il;;-"i.;, ii.l



cA.Ry MUIRCIG WINB \ t/2_1,[IE RuI{ Park, Bronrc, N.r.J sat., Jao. 25rb- Gary }frrrcke.iron the _i{aconb6-Da& of a serre' of four:. road races Eponso.ed by tte N.f. RtC. Ttl6 race conststea of ttreefoui.tb raps erounai the yankee lsls eroued the BroDx },terket course of one ;i; i1ry. lrenry ,1ve siarted & *{1y 9q three 24 flnlshed. ttu})rcke beat Eric Wahher by about 3OOy fn 2r:4a-2. .1. cary-ttubr.ke, Freepo.t, t.I.J 23t\2.2, 2.-E'.rc iartirei, ,l"rur"*, Lir., 2!:fBi 3. Doug t4id_

frrh€tonJ tr.I., 24:t+O; ti. Joe_1,{cpartland., nor.rooa, l[.i,, li,!o, f. atrt Mahon, Islrlarn, .J.,2+55t 6. f,$e vetezouez, BlookfyD,2i:fo; f. l,"g"i.'m"iir*., Bayslde, L,I.,25: 8: Pt sastlc!, 3ro,x, 2t;al+t 9. Bir_l r.ir6", - ci".""r"ilci. r:, 10. A.1 Nenlhard, rana+6; 1ca, L.I., 27131; 1.1. ;rohn Docksrad€-r, Nevbulah, [.y., eTii; tZ.,'ii, Urt. rogota, N.J.j porcf,L, r.srry warlrn, u.r.,-at:!r; irr. srfu n"i.fo",'r.".i srrtn, 1'?B;-r:. River, N.x., 28,09; a5. rlnle Rtvas, Brolx, _2Br15r 15. To!l. shedd€n, River, lr.t.,'zg,ii; 1f, Richard Becker, -i""ir J&!alce, L.I., 28:36; r.8. lob r€adtr, rr3i -peart rg. pit r,."i", Rlver., $.y., 29:56; 7lrzSl 'B;oDr.J Rlver Edee, N.Y., 3o:oo.; l'o*, 22. Eric cei;1e;, 1' io,t*i; -grd-!ellb, F !:u1*, 39:?li ?l:1b: schrarrz, ranaicar. r,.r., ^21. 32t35, 24. Robe;t xrne, iic, i:,0:. FINAL PoINT SCoRING (Sa!. Sertes) - t..Jose velezquez, 11O; 5. w. Xuloo, gr; J. p. Ba6i.1ck, 94; rr. c. r'tub.rcke, 8lr; 5. E. rlalther, 76; 5. . lierko (r"t i""".e"f '1; _/. E. Rlvas, 70: 8. D' Ml-ddieton, 5/: 9. D. FaherEy,6f;_]0.-!.srrtn,5r;.u..w, n"i.ii, er; 12. D. Riordar, )8j 13. N. s&der, 55j lL. T. sherldan, 55r .r:. n. recrer't5. tn pi"qu. ,i" trophy *€s avarded Eo Velezqu€z for vlDDtna ]e serree. ihe next 24 flntshers ir"uiaua gora, utr.ru, and blonze bert buck-res & netlar6. speclal tlophles vere ii."i tr,"" teenasers. -":-;Ht:r::j*""i. tlletoB,_

Bcts nERsE! ltfls NE AAU 5 fh_ttrLx ITTNTER iuN canbrldae, ifaB8., sunatay, taa. rgth- rob ll€rsey grabbeit tbe.read st rrre outset anil haal no orre to ])uah htu in tha flrst {tnter Run_of,the :.S5g sponsoreil by the New Ergland AAU Long Dlstance Rurnhs C@ittee over a 5 f/l_dfl€ course ".""."at ibe lbrsh post, V.F.W. Rjnni.ng very stead.l.A., he clocked the first lap 1l1 9-rO5; tbe g,ig; and the thld 1Ir 9rLi. ltre veather a elld 43 deareeE. Offlclals: Bob C;dlbe1]-,"a "*."a rAr" oiio*"]f,. Thre€ ].sp course arouEd the lover enal of the Chsdes RlTe!. l. 3ob He$ey, N,tC,27t39t 2. l.{tke glgel.ol', BtA, 28:23; Ertc XBrttlg, una., 28:lB; \. I'lck Packard,. BM, ABr44; 5, Eerb parsoDs, wla., A9:5Oj-9.3..rom w"Ir"., r4A, Hs@en, nna., 32:03; B, B 1 Clnn6, SpartaB tC,'32:tO;'9. fr, Aa"*..,',rr*., 3O:O2; T. carl i|rZe; iO.---' Reesle n8pp, u.I)a., 36:50. --;r-o'so;i11__ ------


'Off to a Good Start' $ :31



Photo bg J.E o'connefl IIr


1969 NATl0t{AL A.A,U. l1{000R TRACI( and


lt|E[I THE SPECTRUM, Saturdav, March 1, 1969 CHA1I|PIO1{S1|IP


ORDER BY MAII. NOW Prices ore $6.50-$5,50-$4'5O-$3.50 oleose use this moil order blqnk AAU CHAMPIONSHIP


Po l9loI Enclosed is $ -- _

including 25c per order for Pondse ond hordling' Send me




rickels for rhe





moke.he.ks poyoble to AAU CHAMPIONSHIP


3RD ANNUAL UC IRVI}T VIIIIER DTSTA]ICE RUIB Saturalay, January 4, 1959 Sponsored by: Back Bay h.ack ctub ( SPAAAU) l,teet Directorr Jolr! 3fatr. Veather: Clear snd very rarn. OPEN



1. trred Richalilson, unat., 33;f9 2. DouS l,leibe, Paciflc Coast Cfub, 33:53 3. Gene Ccero€, AC Strlater.s, 3tta2 4. Rlck Mrth, urat., 3k:23 nay Hwhes, sC Striderg, 2, 6. B'ob Sos,-u-os., 35:3Oj ?: Crstg Ster.Itng, SCM, j6t21i 8. Johr pasLtaDo. sTc; 35:l$j i:

usuaLlJ. cool uc lrvlne course, r!.ed Richardco+l l,he trr.lUladt senlor from Setestan [1gh School eon. aDorher one. thls tture ovef con rated Doug Welb€ of the Pactfic Coasr Ciub. Rtcharrtson nay end up at vlllanowa unlverslly nerr Fatl. The UC lrlrtle Run also hsd 57 nrgl scnoor rur_ ners and 37 Jr. Itlgh rr.uriers coq)ete in races, --A-ian Stafforal_-

7T!l A[\'IIAI. A"PI.E VAIJAY 7.'-MII,E SEAITD EA.NDICAP S])on8oreal by: l,{erctrants of Appte Vafley, Caflt. anct ihe Alpfe Vafley L1n. li{eet Direccor: JLn Gorrell, S.hrrFt., Decenber t5th, t96B at 1] A.M. gcp, Freyne, CCcC, 37to7t !3. phl-r carlon, sTC, 37:tol l. Rafph Lopez, Smc, !ot29.2 6129.2 3 fr+. l,[ke r4aron, B'tc, 3t:L2i t+L,rg 55:59 rarrJ sorirr, us 1 2. Ray tushes, scs, I7 37tM;15. cfay ald.erson, scAA, 3?:5o; r?.J 3. Davld calatera, una.r \etAi 6+.5I 2 ^rry, Donalil otcana, prc, 37.54j r8. oon s:ircir, sTcstantey staubte,ccAa, 6;io f1 37t55t 19. nlck vasquez, sTC, 38ro7; 20. Dave 15. I"arry Ma"rn, snJc, 42147 67 t)+7 2 HelkesJ sTc, 38112; 21. BIIL ft'trn, sTc, 38:52j 16. Th Tubb, uar., 42.53 67153 22. skil) Shaffe", CCAC, 38:53; 23. nan4y Johr- 17. John Paguano, Sr.TC, )+2:j3 6 son. Pcc, 38:54j 2l+, Jerry catfa;her, 8111 crus, sr:Tc, 43:50 64t5o :e, 18. I "i".,rerez, 19. scott cfawoofe, una,, !l+:02 55t 25"Ied, Jcm€s, u!a., 39,07; 25. Doug 44ta2 66:02 7 CCAC' 39:09j 27. Stel€ Spraker, CSCLB, J9:15; John Jacobson, \rna., 4lr:39 a9:39 28. Ji-n schuttz, pcc, 39;t8; ag. st""i.i-st'"or.llIO. cuntner li€rih;r, i(,,61 3k CCAC, 39:24; J0. Bob Ltnebske, SCM, 39:32i 3f. 112. .toba Clarke, ul1a., t+52I rc,2r 35 Bit_Ktrby, CCAC, 39t5jt 32. tarf TosDer, unat,,l 13. teslle Caldera, uua., 45:39 65:0g 10 40:0bj 33. Nor]laD tuDiaa, rro, STC, 1+O:I5; 3l+. ] 14. ller'ler l(.rueaer, STC, 1rr:l|9 56:\9 f4 trlartln Ardes, N1ger1a, iro:l5r 35. DoD Jone6, 4r,l 15. rarry sE.1th, U.S.Anry l+6:2? o(t5i sr.TCr rr0:J0j 36, Biu Tb@pson, Sr.1.c, l+o:5lr l16. Rlcbad Adetr. una., l+6:Jo 65t5O 4





L;. tr;5i

3?. l{lke stert€rt, csclB, 4l:o2i 38. I'1! ctres, l17. sklp shaffe., ccAc, lt6:52 e\r\z Sr.TCr r+1:14; 39. Tcm Stuiak, SCS, l+f:2o; l|o. lf8. steve Sprakerr csCLBr l+7;3o 6.iO Rudy-Oarcla, Sr.TC, l+f:28; l*t. Cruz r,c,pez, CCAC,I 19. EuAeoe carson, CCAC,' lr1:15 .6.,55 a1:3d; 12. Oue! Gonran, Sr.IC, l+t:l+6; Ll. Icm l,7tj3 66:53 Tcm l20. B1LI Klrby, CCAC, l,7tr3 66t57 l+4. Gery Cory. una.,41:58; cory. una., a1:56;44. 2r.. John Msclas, lrl:l 2f. Maclas, u.nar.r L'(:7\ 59tr4 cery Slngleton, slngleton, uru., ulat.r \I)t' u.na., Lr3l 6B 5i 5_9j 45. wjf116 melnBagser, lro, Sr.tC, i,2s99; i 22. Bnice }{c]u!ney, USAF. 47:5? 6t,Zt 4b. ?auf fi6her, Sr.!C, 42:15; l+7. Bob lbtrlck. 123. NetI EVan8, unat., 49:18 68:l+8 44, Sr. TC, 42:1?j 1+8. Ken Saulders, nR, 42:2?; 124. Don Jon€sr i+2, Sr,TC, )+9:24 67 2la 49, charue shotir, l+2, sr.Tc, !2:39; 50: &.rob l25. Brran slrlnser, src, 49136 66.06 ?ott6, RR, 42t42t ,L. Marc Lu.rd, rc..rc, l+3:L2j 52] 2b' 3ud EanseD, unat., \9:\6 67;16 311r. [elfs, 50, Sr,rs, )+3.35; 53. Bud ie4son, 127. BiLI Pasley, ccAc, \9tj2 70.52 una.,43:3?; ,4. 31.11 0'Donae11, S|.TC, l+l:5f; 126. Cary Stngletoa, ur8., 51:21+ 66t2)+ 55. 3ur! ryEan, )+4, Sr.IC, Ll:ooj 56. nogir 129. T1n C1res, Sr.TC, 53:Oo 78:OO French, sr,Tcr l+l+:ooj 57. B!ra! sprtnaer; sr.rc, l30. E!'c ryDar, 44, sTc. ,3:OB o?:08 aL:39; ,8. Albert cooper, 50, sr.lc. 45.36; 131. Jobn liontcya, sr.Tc, 53:1J 58:rj Al clark, 53, sr.Tc, !5:50; 50. John Hodgn''n,,9. srl 32. chuck Tl1ley, unat., 53:52 72:5i Tt, 46:18; 61. af Rees, Sr.Tc, a5:3oj 62. Tix 133. ltlxe Jenktn6, uaa!,, 5[:J9 79tt9 Pater, una., tJ6t37j 63. wefter Frederlck, 51, l3a. Ed Halpln, )f, SmC, )h:Lt I9t43 gr.TC, l+5: \lrj 6i+, roly Uearna, I+9, tttp, M:M; j3t. cr,yde A111o€, 55103 5g,oS b5. Nea.ton Ca]dera, 45, Sr.TC, 46113; 66, s r l3b. Iponsld Rhole,'I,STC, una., 55:28 68:28 Mltchel], usAI. t+7 t]!gt 67. C\yde A1flng, )1, STclJl. Je!ry }ttf.lyad, uaa,, .?:O3 Ba:03 L7 t23i 6t3. Ton flofrotd, I!\m. l+?:30; 69. Ken l3U. 9ralter Frederlck6,Src,ET:05 1!t3, 43, s!.r:,47157;70. Tl-n Rhone, una., 139.:Al c16rk, 53, s},.Ic, 5Tt35 68i5 l{ittp,

ta,o6i ril il-;;h"i#i", ii,'**.il;'i6,;;'i,. I i6: nil';;ii;.;;'r,o',' ;:n, ;+.i1 stan Staffonl, 43, sf.TC, 48tI1; 73. rrad{ Sax, 141. -A-lbert Coolerr 5o,sTc,57r57 69.57 sr.tc,49:01; 74. jgtl'.z 7o:\z Al tha@l,son,41, {q!!e{, rar 4 sr.Tc, 49:t?; +y:-LI; l12. t--. Dlck cort,46, sTcJ )>,+z tv:+z ?r. PauL.oerth, 41, sr.Tc, 49:30.; ?6. prestorl 143. L€e Sere6ford, sTcJ 6a;2r 72,2I Drake, CCAC, 5O:trtL. 17. Jan BIcm, une., 5rt)Tt lLa. Fran-k Sax, S!.Tc, $157 66|57 78. perer val1il+5. carl }tu-oozr Tureone. l+5, 46. Sr.TC, }tuloz. una!.. una!. 18. Ed Tureone, Sr.rc. 51:l+7: varr 145. CarI 5r:03 85:03 i'lr41, 7q19. ieter l,l. una., 52r02j fiotard Bame6, 43,STC 52:02; 80. MLke Mlke 3ottod, Bolrotr. una,, ua.. 53:50; 5?:50: 8I. 8r- lag. 146. Irotard 62:51 6rzr Joha Davles, una., 55:o5r 82. n:..r'.ri-d.i', Lz, l47. ci'url." seeklns,sTc, 63:15 1i,\5 46. Juan sL]va, ura., sr.f'c, 56:38; 83. A1 stepa!, RR, 58:oo. 64t25 89125 Notes...Sumer weather prevalleal s6 85 degree 49. J€.neE Porter' ur,a,, 61r:46 8o:46 te!ryeraiu.e6 brought unusuef conaltlonB fo; the l50. NorDan BrlDlhsu.s,una.,55:27 76.57



13 8 15

2! 28 20 9





4r 1+6



,o 39 36 33 37


42 53 rr€



ute Klsh, 52, sr.Tc, *:29

52. Duane ArastroDg,53,5rC,75






53. t'brtln Taylor, ,3, STc,75:25 83


mGII SClooL 2.75-MrrE Rlllt

unat., 34:37j 33. Cary lerguEen, lbrquette Park IC, 34:39; 34. Erlc gickerson, Ior€ we6. cofLege, 3lr:f1; 35. l,{ike Johann, shaDrock rcJ 3l+:)+2r 36. l,[ke Brezler, UCIC rrA'r, 34:47; 37. ]'hurtce Rassdate, rDdiana statc 3, 3l+:55j 38. Jeff Melby, ucTc-A, 34:r5i 39, Bifl c1a6ner, una., 35:03; rr0.

1. Stan seu, ttpland, I5r29; 2. Ealdie DIaz, L. 15:33; 3. hayne Mcclrlloch, A.V., t6:O2; 4. Joe Goldhor, $CTC, 35:09j 4I. SLeye Jones, Ind. Rlch Prtest, 8r1f,, 15:O?, 5. ltile 3aer, SIr, 15 State-3, 35;12; 42. terry {i11ts&s, Wl].son Jr. :.4; 6. ;uan chav€Z, L,A.' 16:32t 7' Greg Akina, coneae, 3r:16; l+3. Kevtn Harper, $Jc, 35:IB; 44. A.v., I?:02; 8. osca! Li-eoll, L.A., 1?:04; 9. Deve l(oaskj UCTC-A, 35:f9; !5. Ned Prlce, UCTC-A, Ken Eodan, 3XC,

f7r05; 10,

1I. Ia!ry

Doug l.{acl€au, B3TC,

C€$ch, SDC, 17:34; 12. Sa! crahao, A.v., r-?:3?. (3L llstea fhlshers). --Stall S-hafford--


35t2ot \6, Ja.les o'Eare, uaa.r 35121; 47. r.nchael Kli6clner, Scovlfle Strldeis, 35:23; l+8. Austtn Boyler Scordlle str,, 35t?7t lr9. Bob Porte-, Mjl-

vaulee Ic, 3r?8t 5o, Job! Chapdan, Mnlty coflege, 35:29, 5L. Thadaeu Kvlclnskt, Sheerock TC, coRmeroN rn rEAu RxsuLIfi c[' ]959 JlrllroR 53. 35t3lt 52. lEve Sd.1th, Indiaia State-A, 35132; MTIONAL AAU XABATXOI{ CIIAMPIONSEIPS Rotr gopl,ltke PeDnlnaioa, Idd.S-b.-3, 54. 35:34; Due to an error ln the td.eDtlflcailon of e kln6, una., 3r36t ,5. Rlchard Bobor una., 35:37t r]n.Ber, Ed Lelghton' as belDg a rnenber of tbe ,5. Ron I'lck, rus., Evanston, 35,38t 57. l.E'rl.r Cal-lfornla State College at Lodg Seectr te&n, Initlaaa Stete-B, Brldgcs, 58. Bob Evls, vh€n he v66 actually rurninA for ihe El CaDlno vllson J!. cotlege, 35:40;35:38j rleEnl6 l{ueuer, 59. Truck Cfub, thexe hs6 been a conPlete ch.enge ln uae", 35:)+2j 50, 31}1 l4aitin, Kegonsa Tc, 35:lr+; 61. Pst Pal-der, UcTc-A, 35:45; 62. Iee Edckson, t. Scnlors rre.c! Club (Fsallano, Crui, Carloa) IttaL Coudtly Oly@lc Club, 35:\6; 63. Kevtn Shana2rt 2. CSCLE iKu:t]e, Sire\rart, Xeith) 26; 3. shr.nrock ra, 35.)+9t 54" ldke wl.6e, STC, 35: tlsr!, X1 C.aralno rc im.rre/, klgbton, Lu.d) 2?i a. 65. hB schalklan' sru-&1vardsv11l"e, 35:58; 55t Spartar Dlsta3ee iildb' 29; 5, l,le3trdd.nster Dis- 66. Jerry Lavaseur, Eazel Park Rec., 35:59; 67. tance C1ub, 37t ii, Senj-ors TC "3", 50, 7. G]-en- Chuck !.{ccrath, una.,Crlrmef], J6:o3j 68. Sreve da1e Tc, 5l+r B. tsacii 3€,r ry:, 76; 9. seniors Tc Balvln, Mtlvaukee TC, 36:11; 69. Dave Mcl,Iaht11" "c", 83; lc. san Diego Tc, 9oj 11. SarerEfield ucrc-A, 35:r.?; ?o. Erlc lc"leber, ucTc-A, 36:L9; A.C., 92t I2. ?alos Veraes IC, 93; 13. Senlor6 ?f. Ron Sn an-t, ltlla.r Eva!6ton, 36:31t 72. Tord {lll OC, 36133t 73. Gree calvert, Xooble, 1l--11: -- -- Ion'a vesleyan,Country 35t38t 7L. Aa Juris, rrrr4., 36:39i NATIOMI AAU JU}IIOR CRC6S-COUN'IE CBAI'IPIOT$EI? ?5, Art Kocgel, North Park ao,l'Ieee, 35:\5t 76, IO,OOO Meters SpoD€ored by tbe lhlver'61ty of tbrrV InBtt, Iovs {eE]"eyen, 36149; 77. Pat l'irray, Chicago Track C1ut, He6bllAton ?ark Course, ucTc-A, 35:50; ?8. 0er61d I€nza, una., 3615]-t 79. Chlca;o, lLUnols, Saturday, NoveDlcf 23, f958 ta1.ry l'{eL!lan, Leo B, 36t52t 80. Al carf6on, 1. ghErles Hartlr&a, I4d.1a11e State "A', 3r:54.9 wlII couaLry oc, 3?:o1. (r5r rlstea finJsbers) 32:08 2. Jtrl Mclatchle, UcTc "A", Ibaltr scores: f, Nolth central couege Treck club 3. Dsldii RonanoJ une., St. T,oulsr 38; 2. Indtada State unl1'erslty "A", 3jr-?-9-r5= 4. Pete itld.ebrand, UcTt-unat. , 32 t36 1-12-1:3-17-19= 62; 3. ucTc "A", 68; 4. KesoDsa Tc 5. Phlf Nabu, !lI€., Kent, oblo, loot 5. Indi.ana state "3", ].21; 6. i.iil1 couxiry 6, cary la|rett, North Centlal fcr Crydplc c1ub, L28; 7. ucTc (Univ. of cnrcaso)l54; ?. Er1; Thornlon, North Cenlra] TCr 32tt', , B. Scovufe Strlder6, m6j 9. l,eo HiSh School, 8. warren l.,ruege r, Ibzel I'ark FecreaLioD, 32:Lb 2Uj 10. MllvEukee IC, 231; U. Slu-Edwardsvl}]e, 9. Dartd l.,ierrick, will County obrlPic cLu5i 246t 12. uc'rc-8,253j 13. u. of chlc o B, 3ol. 32t\7t Io. Jln veddler, Kegon-sa Tc, 32155; )f.. --Ibd fialdon_3ob GrayJ Nofch centr€l TC, 33:09; 12. Pat Mandera, una., 33:1f; 13, tanes l'{cladilen, IorB CEICACO, Jan. 18, 1959--A flne doubl-e bv Austral,Iesleyan CoILege, 33:B; 14. lruce Fraser, Keg- ]iaD ALa.n Roblnson high.ltgbted tt€ 15th Amual onsa fC, 3311\; 15. Comeftus otshea, DePaul U. cblcaaoLsnd Opea ?rectr MeeL at lne U. of Chlcago 3316t 15. BILL Bredna, North c6!tra1 rc, 33:31 liefd llouse. RoblnsonJ a studenl; at southem II1. 17. Kevh Keosh, ucfc "A", 33:36; 18. Dave chls U., easily took the ELLe and ?-dlle 1n I+:O?'? & hoh, UcTc "A", 33:3?; 19. Iidke T\rcke", utst.- 14:12.?. In the dle, toxeu ?4u1, un1v. of ClxiXvsnston, IIL., 33t39j 20. Ton I€eJ Indisna St' cs€o ?c's A-bhlete-of-tIle-Yesr for 1968, set the 33:4or 21. Rich i.lise, lna'st., 33:43, 22. IGn Dace rhe flrst 88O and finlsbed 2nd lD a good HilkenlDa, Kegonsa fC, 33:48; 23. 3ob lFwis, 4:09,5 on the 8-1ap ffa1. clay track' qobl'r6on'6 sTU 1.eamatei o€car Moo!€, 195! OlvrNCTC. 3l:!9; 24. Sleve l'lans.ln, i'i111 Country ocr 3L $2j ?r. Joho Hoff, rnd.stale, 3\trLi 26, plan a.'d forEer NLPc dlstance star, led for 2_l/2 Ci€orae cYr, NCTC, 3l+:16j 27. Del€ Soderqutst, lnttes of the 3, ihea flnlsheal ve].l witb a 14:27.4, Uarutr" St"t" 3', 3L:17; 28. ToDv K8leth, NCTc as the Aussle sprlnted avay fron hlll at -lhe enal. Rec.r 34: Mooce seens !o have Esde E flne recovetv after 3!:]B; 29. Jack Stevenson, Ilazel Paikjlr:32; A', 31' lee operatlons last Year. Ind.st. ir, ro. nl"n Hubtllze', s }btoracb, I-€vj una., 32. l!:36; Jerr:a Bocci! ex-vest. Michlgan Universitv runner' Li"-nutu"t,

ill:-i1:-liiii T-lll: i?:---

toctk the 2-!itt€ vat-k 1a l5tf3.5, vhile hls .tl+. gteve l,iattbevE 10:26 IOIOO ,6 Z 4 pretty blonde wtfe, Jeanrc, daced 5th tn a lby l{rohers t2:5a 12:to :42 good. f7:!5. FUch SaxloDj unheratded NorthFest_ 15. IL s1_natra t1:43 r2t3o t\7 6 ern U. flesbnanr von the 2-elle 10 9:j3.9, Mo6t _Lt). RlchaldF.lr r2:i5 U:U5 :ro 8 or the to! dt8tance nen chose the I_olrltatloDaf Ld. ]J. }|arth Cbr.ts Cerlsolr 2L:59 I5:Oo 6:59 tg 3-Elle instes.al of the qren t o, as the fomer dotcs. . . ConEls.tcrt Srd trDold ,on tbe ]lenver r.as llulted to nrDrers vbo hsal broken l5:OO or firEi eve! predtctloa nrn. Sldt rtssed by 9:3O. Tbe l0eet,, hefd udter the ausplces of !b€ area's oD\. two seconds h15 predlcteat rl-ee of .I3:OO. LhlverElI'y-or Chtcago for t5 yea.s, ls probably Tbe flr6t s1x nr]lners were anazlng]Jf close__o!\r rr1e rop lndoor neet -tn the vlndy cltyr slnce seven aecoBda fr@ thelr predlcted ttr€s. The llle .ler!.1ae of the raEous Dalt_y rlev6 Refays. The race fa8t tllrc hodors v,as e ctose battte tho ]evel of lnterest 1n dlstance 1s Ehovll bv the entlteforttlstauce. steve ttatthevs, f1?th place ?J .!*9 * 10 the dre run, ad neally 4b 1n flhlEher et ALaEosa, rs.n hts lir6t race shce the 2-nlle, ate6pite the lEcluslon of the 3_Et. the follorlpa the O\aAIc trtel llaGLnoE, lhe raeet had dual sanctlon of the Central AAU arterveek. a bout vttb serjouE kl]ee Lroubte, and ledl and the U.S. T6!! tcderatton. untll th€ ftDal 1O0y of the rece. (is1T tisnltton, The LICTC, an idlortant force 1!! the fomer Pa6adena, Callforala .urner, no* ar Fort of-tmck and allstalce rulnlng ln tbe I)r@orlon ldd"es!, L^a$on ln Color8do Slrllgs, bursr laio lhe lcsd he.ld 1ts annuat banquet the follorrllg n1Abt. 1}.the flnal IoOy & von gotna a,4ay by I seconds. B-O. of lcansag ace, Lor,,efl pad, nov a 1av lrrrD p-Lece r.ent to E.C. Wtchcrsr father of tvo 6choo1 stuateEt at the U. of Chlcagor \.€6 avaril_ of the tbree gtrts h tbe rsce. He cas ru!!l!g ed the Charles K. l.{cltej lI tropby as th€ UCIg s h1s firsr rac6 tD 30 years, {llh Just a veek of ouistaatllDg athlete for 1958. psul Jolned an iralnlng u-nder hJ6 beLt. _-Deqn16 Kavanaugb__ eltce group trho hEve von thls troDhy, tncll]dtng dlstance nen tsrton Lallb, pht.| CofeDan, C,sr MAI"IAID AI{D I.,|ARAIX VICTOBS IN SEAIED rANDIC.AP Villlaln6, Eal Hlgdon, Jerry Ashnore aaa Mlte Phl1a., Pe,, SuDd.ay, Fen. A- i,{oses t6,lrfte1d. raE [Ot!e]6taedb. 196L O\rf,plan car16 Mccarahy, one of llls better races to clobbe, Eerb Lorenz & 50kn race r.a*er, afso belongs to thls sel€ct lou Co!?en6 h a 5-B1te sealeat bendlca! iu]l oro_ grou! of "allstaDce,' atbtetes. roted by rhe Mldd_re A hr€.ntlc qRC over lhe oui A rflrer 1. Alan RoblnEon, SIUr 4ro?.?j 2. LosetL hone flst East Rlver Drlve course ln FalrBouat f.11, _uc,Tc, 4ro9.5r 3. Ralp} schultz, une.,l{u, Pa.k, Wn€n tbe hanaltcals vere dil.u] ged younA +:10.6t 4. Ph1l CurlxthAharl, Leyrs CoU., 4:t9:! George Uarbl! of rest Cathouc H.S. (phlla.) tras 5. Too cooney, Layola U., 4:21.3...88O: 1. Ron decleled. the vlDner. E.T, pt. 4qT.T. HCp. -EE{} D!'ozcl, u-oa., 1t57.ot 2. Rlck lros L rs;thy, sIUr l.{ayf1eldr ppc, ->):o.)l j-o [ 1157,2...2-M\Iet 1. Rjch Sa:fron, lma..NU, 9:33: r. Moses Eerb Lorenz, Peldr AC, Z5e6 SCn, 2526 12 d; 2. Steve Forbes, St.Adrose CoIt.r 9:38 eEt. ?. 3. Iou Coppens, penn AC, 25:38 SCB. 25138 1lr 3. fiB Mccf,atchle, uCXe, 4. XA ze&an, ura,; 5. 4. C€orge DlIeIlo,S$C, 2rt\j :30 25:15 rA fiaf Elgdon, Dunes TCj 9:lr9.O; 21. Arae Rlchad.6 5. EolErd Schaeffer,sJTc.2/:t? ?:OO 2r:U 1r {e5t Kansas Tcr Io:l+91...3-Mrte: t. Ala! Robi!_ b. Pauf Lucuakl, penll ACr27:2, a:30 2\tj7 son. SIu, 14:ta "; 2. oscii-froore, sIUr 1rr:27.4 l Tbd soadj Dela.T&]Ir 2It55 3;oo Z\.jj 6 7. 3. ?rcry Boberts, lrestern 111,u., 15:1ri t+. Jobl iJ, Ne1l l,leJ.gaodt, Sflc, 2B:O5 2r3O 25 t3:' 13 Peterson, UCrc, t5:16; 5. corneltus O,Sllea. ,)e_ Dave KeUyJ St.rTos., 28:09 3r1j A\t5\ 5 Peu.l ihiv., rr:.|8..2- l.re nsl-k- r. Jerry B;ccl, 9. ceorge t4artlD, ppc, 2811+3 j:2O 23 4 a* Detrolr rcr 15:lJ.6;-Z: flD ttrDtoD, uerc, 15: 10. 1f. Robert pohLer ppc, 29to5 !:3o u6.5i l. .rrr McFaddenr Iova Achlttes Club, Ll: z\t3t 3 l,tccorr{son, una. ,29: 09 l+:Oo 2j$i; 02; ]!. Bob \roodsr (rc,Icr t?:31.--Anxe Rlc]Lard6-_ L2. Panl -I3. stei.e ccoEnottt,sJrc,29;l+I 3:t+5 Z5t>6 i5 ---------.------. 1u. e,ary Readerr Deta.Ti',29:l+5 6:OO 23.),5 2 DNNWR TRACK CLUB 2-MILE ?NMICTIOII Rrff 15. 3ob Roeansb., SXIC, 29t57 5.:aa z\57 I Washln8t.on Park, Denv€r. Coloraalo, Su&Iay, January 26, !%9 Cleary J5-desreeBlrD€ ra6t Lb. Jerry Flc,yd, ?pC, 3f:02 5:OO 26.tOZ 16 Ihve clDgr:es, pAc, 32128 4:3o q$A !9 Aci.T. F!ed.T. Dlff. Tlne 17. 15. Chas. Pa8lay, SflC, 35:02 5:OO 3OrO2 A1 f. srd Arnofd -z:j8 il:d td- T 19. Nofean 3aker, SflCr 35:23 B|OO 27.:23 lg Joe Arrazofa 15.55 L6,oO tO5 tl+ 20. c€orae 3raceland,,'r 35t5o 7;$ a1..5o N Demls Kayanaugh 11:5I n:45 3. :06 7 21. Jared Hoch, ?hlfa.AcJl+1:22 t':OO 2612A I7 4. T€riy Tofdne8s 13:21 13:li :06 13 1st T€enage Trophy- George Dllelro, SfiC 5. H.c, tllchers 15:53 1?:OO .tO7 16 lst veterans hop):J - G€orge BracelaDd. SJI€ 6. Ciail lllchers 17:13 17:20 tO7 LI overcast,, 36-desree6, j2:39

7. Jeff Car6on 8. Roaer Brlsas

9, 10.

12:30 fo:tt f0:30 tlrd carson 3-2143 ].2t3O Caly EsDilton 10:23 1O:4O DeI Hessel 10:L8 t0:30 lH Cutier Ui39 U:zo Stretch r'fqyf1eld. I6tI5 I5t55

:09 :11 :13 :t? :18 :r9 :m

g 3






lATn IiIOTE: Wo haC hoped to inct-ud€ results from the indoon canpaign but lack or soace protenteo : b tris !1onth. Surr_ narles next'tonth.,T6d Vo,rel nlpoed Jim dartshorne ln tne b1, J.lasi"r, . Ilile in the Boston K of C l.leet s.s both cLockod l+:1-9.4. Dick Peckar.d 3rd in 4:51.6.



12r38j lL. Jeff ItY1D., I2:51t 15. {.J. $dtb, B:u. (28 U.t.d fldlhels) {ot F...Bo! Schad, tlvilg to art iaik !n sha!€ afte? 6ec!41 lontb's lavolf, !u 1d tb. tlf. !tun sird xa3 b€aten !y Rlck l,ou€!ftv, o'cod.lt S'6 f1@ l*1,9 !tl€!,.oe! vlllll@ !r.lp.d offlcaie adA:.et€! Eelaled lbat ofilcl.tlbg e tvo-Ilou !e€ 1! colit, iL.!E m5 Bl-dost 66 tonab a3 !1D1.€l _-Rrv coftr@_ceibo! io a tj6rc@.! sil CLub tln t.!. IGlth Patton, DeleB€ t,l1'k1! Cob. the vJaslrllgtd ronllA scele, .d8.d out E. DU!A!8ICE I{AMTEON, !uk. Chttcl to l{oltll c6rc1r!6 6tete rho Es cl;s1!A test h h1s 1.6t Ece b.foF Atry duiv' Url18".16 Cofl*@ (25.22 o.l1e6. . Certl fl6d cou3._-[4t1. ili'_ 2. Oub6 1. Keltb Pa!!on, EtaErc I8,!, ?5135; !f. L€6 @ sta.de!rt!) sat. JeEry 25th r,DRc Subc@ll -AAU ' 2t44t2L kIn, {sc, 76:15, J. JorE rjo-Lsv6oD, !Isq, 85:17; a' 20, A1,Ieta, q€orgia, 1. .'l lodgbt, o.ofse M6Jo!, 8?:50; 6 JtE ,. o""lt n -i", 8?:20; 2tfrt\9 N.c., a. oeorle ruruipg, 15, l{l@L@-sald, rrrranv, 89:io; ?. Dd Eeintcke. 9r:22; 8. n4rttb zt5\tra (lerald, Ccorgla, 22, ,aLlet6, 3. O*it.n creerb;u, tsc, 9l+:tr:; 9. stere ualtlD, 1o7:03i 10' L. girr s()ler, J8, Rsleish, N.c., 3:r3:oo Bob C11cbr1.t, DeIa€ft T&!, 116:]0. Va., 3:23:30 19, EsslioD, !ttr11b, Darlit 5, couse: cnr! & beck tflce de! re6ld€stlat 5tr!6t3, o. Hd6a BloErr 18, soulb.m Plc8, n.C., l:27:13 60'' t@ lses6oDsble h111E. Wcath6!: roUlr€ s6veEt 3:59:06 7. Johaly flaltlD. 20. nqegto!, v4., elth EitoDa vlnd. !:05:lr5 Ell-1, Pa., rai"v"tt. la.uq;, O. Da* :i, t2: Rsv co:d6, 2-MILE 8FII,- I. ir. oruod, u:2?i 2' 19, RalelBh, l'{.c' (22 Di.); Mtle shea, DNF- J€ lii6, oJ; l. c"'v tFvlne. !l:13; L. Jerr LevrD.' tfrrr9i.5' lro, RalelghJ {.c. (13.r El.); D€dls scoit, 20, vllngt@RlchKetr 13157, 5. w.t' sdth, 7. ou orooa, r::t:; r.C. (15 e1. ) ads, 13:t9; 8. Btue E seld., t4:t7; 9. chet saLklnil, saLd. tElled ao-J6sr-old Mik. sb.a fo! dh. Not"i...&"re!t 15:24; 10, sw& lsrcoul,, 15:?/i lI. Jlb catbe$, 15:32 eal]J pert ol lhe 4ce, but iook o€i the lead Jui afte! l6rl9i Bln6ld6 15:3lr; tJ' Jule rz. charrqe Pures, trr" rO rrU Blk and @!i on to trE ln 5-dlle s!,11i' of i[. cU"t r"*"tt, 16:37, t5' Mrr& srklc, 1?:28' 1oh of 38:L6 E! Jo:J!, 3I:26, 32rI9, 3I:15, sDd a lastard r:22r33 and avor 1r2l:LB sltjts r" t:l,l-tlt. i*.a UtrIVIBS (SNOI!AI,I, A EB'CAX #3) Dq RRC 2' KIIO,EITR .d aeuaf, aoi up€" lhe lhf !ace. dlte..T!. 5!1b erued !{a.b!nst@, 0.c., Jeulv 12, 1959- G!!f !alth16, veeLhe! fr@ Drk€ Che!sld 6r1es! c1e6! 5oo de;v urd.! fotu! ltleh lolDt, N.C. Col,lege lljnE!, n@ E!€8e!it@ eleveD dteF.fs cdplllcil of Etgbt N,c. el i; Drlhe, race 1' von th16 lu ih. DelsvaF EB,F Club eaBIlv r,ia:t5.r out @ coEldaebrv otr the coxte Ecold ot r,Esr-MAnallioN (AoE 35 & ovm) 13.L1 lr1les 1:20:39.2 6et by Lou casL6gnola rb 196". Race @ helil nolroyt, Lo, !61.lsh N.c..1:34:51;2 !1tt of l@!1c6! rl-ciipe_ eDvlroE o€! s 3-1oop co1se 14 tle blUt stronE. U. chalIo+ue, N.c., l:Ll:I2i 3. D€mle lbttor' Ull€lElry, the fr@l 2 dlte6 9f each loop betna v1!Ralel8b, 1:!1:25j lr. A.C. !',u6!ud, PhD.37' Lully alr upbi l. weeLhe!: 25u, 6wblde. Itt!|6 r'lDd' PhD.4a, r:l+5:o3i Rel:lAh, 5. Bob sb6flood. l'o Ph!' Ratelsh' Rqv @oftton. offlctsfs: chei satri!d, PaL 6peer. s. r.*ur!, sri 51, PrD, RBI€tsh' 1154:1rr; 7. l; urclov.lJsc iJi,iei ?. Job! 1. Cltf EBI!h!s, djsfc, I:28:J5 2:Ol:2?r 8. Pslllck K.6!e, M'D' Drh@, Pab@, E.B. 18, 1:12:28j ot Ft64!e, u. rliaiol' l. x*'r,r"r"i'.r"" ceoff 8ercs, vsc, 2106:12. e, Durn 38, \. Jobn Jone., UsMc, I:12151; 5. Not.s...(h6 Ec. eot uderf,qv at 12:21 !.14. fid the r:19:Oh; o. !111 liuLLen, 9rsc, I:LL:08: '. IGltb Pattd, o! the @rathon couse JEt lortb or l4orrts_ ,:or:2lr; dId-lolnt sLew ua.. rrely. 9. 8. Jle fi Di'aic. i:oo:oo; }laEtbo! leader ti! Klleht tlltleted dl1; ou [.c.#!. ualiin. ua' ' 2:16: oo. the race aE he cloE€ed the Eld_lolnt of hl. loute I h@! DM"- iobh rawhlebd, 13 dt': Bob Ctlcbtislr 1l 6t1e6' & 2t n1D6. sflei leevlns DE!e. A11 eleht startels ttnl_ z-Mll,E RFE- 1. R{ch6!il Dsao, Io:18i 2. Bob l'J6eLe!smd the 13. I Dile coEse..t ophles @F P66ented bv )r. Clalv Rede!, to: be!a. to:22: l. Bob Scbsrr, 1o:2'; N.C. Staie alsj.stst Aihletlc DlEctor, ll1IL16 casev' rtl-i. Pr! rrnaa"y, lo:Llr; 5. led looil. lo:57: 7. Kevlo ALL l!1e ros flnlEhers 1n rrot! erent6 ecelEa tlopldes Rev Oordon,. qlub atd co_dlrfrrlr. r.r:oo; 8. fi! st.CIB'r, 1:2J; 9' Siate lltiess by ihe N.C. spdsoled rele t r:9r lo. ceolge Phl l-Ltps tl:18; It. sleve slx, IL:L2 4c!ed by BiLL Somer abd !ftd Ffd. --Iied tlu!d-12. i;mls reDououeh, 11157; 13. robln F1ck6!, r2:ot; fl+. Jeff I€vlde, 13:o2i 15. c€rv l€vhe, 13:o?. IARRY nl;6AI,! \{IIF 20 KTId'{g!EN RACE IN l!,lO(VruE (31+ li.ted fln16h6!6). Krdvlll€, IedesEee, JeusrJ 26 L969-tar'v KlEball ' Couese stuitelt, conlEt1lg ude! lbd colo!8 Ca4d-Netdn RUN DEIA{ANE 1&I' CIIIB RUTINIR TA(ES D.C. z-ITOUR AA, took to! h@o!E ln tbe lateoi howlue th6 of Bo6-ton adlnatonj va.i Jarulv 19, 1969- Orlf leltblg of the r{Dt6! led !1s. Ia!!v took o€! the lead ol 6er1e3 TC DolsEre T&F Chl {on tbe D.c. !Rc'6 z-ilour ltEck run sfier botb Gordon !1116@ eil Dtckle Klier of tbB ltrlve!st o'co@cIl Etsh school bv Eole thBlt e 4ale. sltv of lErue63ee ilro!,!,ed out of thc c@!4Lttlon afLer !a1ih16, e 27-yeat-o1d AIki@ Elgh Pbl'61ce1 'ducatloE rec;liths a 2o:"O !!@ for !h6 flrgt 5 o1le6. fh6 Eal t.&ber ;ho 1!;s !D neBlk, lela€F, !6! 20 ElLB eld batil€ ;E for ad lLace bcteeE 13 vea! o1d C11ff Eliil' 560 valds In thc teo ho@. & ltln Stngleton r-ltb !e!1e16 clo.slne tho flbl8h 11!e TiE Fce €5 dedlcateit to the lerory of Steve ooutil Idt 1l secolds anat 50 vaitd ln the l.sit. '!otb vbos. ut14ly Aeaib last ve6! ileltlv.d uoi ollv fir6 oDeD & sentor dlvtstoo athleL.6 c@pebed FLLb Jtr D.C. R'RC, bu! lbe cnilF Elort of tlRck & fleld. of a of Krc LaktDs tbe sldllg t.op}V b rhe o@t ao t{a!abl; setrtI. add good frleod. uest!e!: r?-, daup' clou{v' Iba .vent 6s nh6 lbld of tlE Flater 3e!1'3 &e rroup. t-rnar."". orfl"ru*, ta!!T N@1, J.., Rlv Oo!d@, No4 lv ibe Iordvl ile Tc. 'Ihe @F cc@'tlrloo t3 "i*i"*i BE!4. Gar V1U16@. @ Febturv 23!d ald rl l be tu - lske p.ace ".nuaur"a r. c.lr s.r"N", msiFc, 20 d.1. 66ov; 2. Job! I{lElov, dl.tece. 5-MJ. t!-ltl' 2O-XiLo a o€! lo-klI@te! d1', 15ov; r*od* E8&, vsc' 18(Loff :. p-u.u, usc. ls Sli; IA, so.to! io:rrt 62.10 la.zl i. L'lY !am" ' 2. Cllf.! F!i.I., ].3, ChBtteooga 4. Job! "1., trtrchlelti, L@., 17 !d.r 4Av: >. !'(cA, a8vl 6. d Eq!*, sa., rrr d', Iloor ' ;:.lid. 3t+,26 7ot!5 8€123 2-MIIE F\aL- 1. Rlck tough&y, 10:f0j 2, lob Schad, Atl&!6 Tc, 3b:35 ?o:23 88:35 r, trth slEleLob. (1.! s!.)Krc, 35t3o 1lte 92t34 !l@I!e, Io:35; [. .n u'iur" 10:19; 3. PIp u!at.ay, 1o:2oi 4. rdl! rl:14i 7' s- s"r i*tr.U, Kdtr1IL6 Tc'19:I9 78t52 9712, !- 16! 6"*r-"p"eu", io:42; 6. tuv (loFd@, rbcDoElil, IL:ro; 9' st'E ;h Kedev. IL:16; 8. 5. E! E!1e1., clEt.!'{cA, !o:19 80:09 1oor5? !o Cor' rh' cscclsrE€lis, LL:5O| LL. lr.ttr". riiM; 10. !d "tD CoId, cLou{y, 33-d.g!e.B' t{!a lO-19 Dph' TrcDh1" rr-a"i rztooi 12. Joib! Irbl:t@, 12:33; 13. qsrv IrYluG, r.i i ir"r"no'.ii rit t'.o s€Dlo! !u,re4' --Ed' c&fl'ld oc rnc dall'-ueRArrolt (strcrtsAu sEREs #

s1lEr spllns, id., D.e.!be! 28, 1968- oorv t€tr tun6rB 6h*it q' ?o! thlB 13+ Dt16 Fc6. It 16 eua!'cct'd th6t a goodly h@ber of trecft vho dlihti lead ttleu 6cb.duf; cafruDv Ebd€d u! tb€ fo114a'g ilav, ao th1' lsce ls tlsdlilonaqv hofd @ iho 14! Suldav tu nec'd_


t.r I



tRIq wAllm VD€ lRC (fi.y. ASBN, ) 2o_ttr.E sw Mac@bs Dao palkr B!dx, N.y., Juuly 26- Erlc rleMe! c,{. loEt College professo. l'Lerlg fo! LIE St. A!tb.Bc, 6coled e e*y dh ove! a ftE-la! c@Ee ato.g the lia!rd &tve! lb \:5r,zj, rt second prsc6, ?5oy baak, Es !1lL Qo!d@, a tea@ste of {61ther. a}tele rere 35 st6rteF ard 27 flnishels. Tha teperatE E6 in the I@

trlih s stldg r{!d. cce @o tbe t$L ta rh€ MU Su!.tsy E.!lcs. J@e Velezque2 of the Sr. Altbo^y 6 BC caplued rho 66rjes t1t1e trltb 121 polD*. 1. Ellc liafthe!, Si. Altbory'E BC, 2. B11l Cor.t@, St. A.thov's BC, 1r 57:30 'j.t51tt+7 3. fi! r,tcDonagh, 1IL!o.e Ar1 (trt Vet.) 4. A.1 l{.€h4!, Std!o!d, Cotu. r 2to\t37 5. .tose Velezquez, Si. ,l!thoDy'. !C, 2t06tI2 b. T@ latltffe, 4A! 2to6.56 t. Dele !a.erry, Mlalro66 Ld., 2:07:58; L ryloD Murdy, us.. 2:r0r'Ji 9. Emre RlE6, IrnJ heit AA, a:f3:I6r Io, lbd ceeloD, l,lestslde $fA, 2:14!30; It. len i,bl-k6s1aa, MAA, ztlt,.5ri !2. pa! Burke, !1a,{, 2tI7.59, L3. DdE Littfe_ hales, lrnlv. of nebErer 2r18:59j 14. Je lutu. Lhlt€d AL 2rI9:0Or 15, At L,t]llac, NIPC, A:2Or25; to. pJcbalii Ut, ?t2)tJ4t !7. 31Li colme. MAr{. 2hir ve!., F1I"": 2:24:-L: 19. Na! Cttutnt*, tJJ'/\. ZteLt2rj 19. Je lEErd u5. j 2:26:53; 20. lat qrbbiEr \e., 2:29152; 21. Dr. !:1e! E1 b9, south Je!sey x:c, 2.p9tz6j 22. Mart cora, Qcc. 2:1r:JOj .1, D!. Jack aoilqo, Fat!-te1d Untv. M. 2t3t:51;24. 2: .t.!:)r; tl:.1: z+. 24- ftss IG.ak@Btl, si. S!. Ahth.Bc, Ahth.BC, 2:34:15j 2.34tr5j 25. Ellc ledeeJ CJTC, 2135t33; 26. E!1c (iei61e!, ua., a:44: 25j 21. I@ Keue!, sr, AnLh. acr kt €r @! 50. e:r9: --J@ r(le1!e!!s-II]IAI, SIANDII& IN MU SUNDAY SIRIIS O!' RO,1D RUXS l. J@e Velezquez, I21; 2. Ji! flcDo.o€hr togj Joe Buru, odj L. Deve Feberty, a5j ). par SaeLrck,l. 9Oj b. OeEe,l\o(rey, 8lj ?. !. Cubbj@, 8r; 8. r"r rru.., 8r; 9, B. Maho!, 7oj 10. E. fl*s, 5?. (A !ora1 of 6a roneE reft lD the flcl po1!t scoE.) 20rE





JalEty 19r 1959- &Fy OeUaebc! lhiEls1ty of (e!i&ky, rca tbe ,,Frdrblie !1v€', ln Zi. 29 by a nee 5e @r l,slshsU J@e6 of Troy Elgh School th cold 3'-d.g!cc i@Farue. The !&e Es .po6ord by the ohio tnve! RRc. 1, ftrry. Csl18Abc., U.K., 27 t29t 2. [blshsU J@es, Tloy N, 27:34j 3. NlcL tEa!ge6, CeolgetM IF, ag,rO; [, c.r: rfblte, Ceoigetlm B, 29:391 5. Rots&d r{nsl)ach, (c Stlldds, rO:50i 6. SteE potlna, 13, rblaon. rt:O2i 7. De&y Blook6, d,, l2:l/r 8. !a.rt!g Kls6los, Ctb., 32,52j 9. taye Yarchoj !6t+o.r 33:otj fo. Dtck Bfue, Cld., 34110; 11. Mtl. !enat6, !!e. J 3lr:14t tA. Vce !svlln6, Ceofget(m gS, 34:21, 13. Fatt c€ofge, Kertefirg, tL:,1; t[. D.. Robert l,{ccou, !a1-i SBle, 5:z2r I,r. Eey cod, tEJrcon, 35:lr)rj 15. D.. Dare Cosltlt. BaII St.. t5:Lq;11. cL6r! DucLtr&, b2, Da.y-to, 15:5b;18. Ucr Shq&, w$t CalroUto!, 38:46; 19. Tony (16s1!A, !rl. SkateladJ 42149, ACE Onorj! WINNTRS- 13 & Ud6r- SieE Po11.€, 13; 14-17- Nlck E€alses,f7; $-29- lorry Monr@r Ohlo, Slrd8ir,

23; 30-39- v6tu !a*klnB, 37; lro-49:r, 42, 50-59- {a}De lercho, 60 5O;


Rolald Asrach, & ove!- Ctal.fe Drc}!e.

--Steve p!ice--

oslo RfirR lRc 'six !trIa", MoM@, OEO, JAlIlrARt 12th Teq). 2o-ilealeeg a@der l,todeEie 1. Ntck TEa!Ae6, OeolgetoE IG, 34:59; A, ter.y Whj.te, ceorgetM asr 35r39j 3. Roted A@!ach, t.ctiellla st!. 36:19; 4. I@ Davls, Etd6! Il5, 3Z:11; ,. liU SottbA, ketielhg SL.lder!, 3lt -91 6- LoErr KisstlS, @., 19: 27; -. vayne Yarho. Le.. l9:L1; 8. DJck Btue. !d.r 42:22; 9. NLak Sle1., ua., l$:I7. -SteE p.Ice-2-i4I]E FITTIESS RIJI{ 1. Vee Elrvkl@, 0eo!A6t<Ej t2:47J A, Oordo! lr1liltu,



1959 lAcorc lssocrAr:oN e.cu 2o-Krlo cl'AMprolsEp ef Sundey, JeG.y 19, L.i6o - ltroodsld€. CEtlfomls fO A.tt.

dohpor rlEou€hoL! Lhe enrlc Eco, 5) it6g.e6s. l,tilter 16 realatr bacL tD fot! afte! sb€&1ng of! a yea!-1org lnJu4/ itBt llagued ht! aIL thlolgh tt. otyEr,lc tfyoui6. seconil ptac.! Eylon r,6rry & thlrit ltace! Jsak I,ar8on 6iaged a torrld battte ove! tho I.st rrc 111.6 rltb tlE se Jo6e SraLe dtlL&ce ffe JuL 6dgr.s @t Lb. rod.r sacreenLo F.s, Bta! Dy tvo feet @! lho rolUog bJII6 1. rrocJsco olyq)rc c1ub, ?9; 2. Redlood crty ^FT' st!-ders. 155: r. irElln Ac, 5q; t, u6sh vBlley TCr 98; ),Sialfod FutullA C1u!, t3!; 5. !t64n AC_!, 139, I. Cbr13 MlIte!, San F-aoctsco olJrpt^ Ctub, t:O!:51.6 t--."v, 6e FFDCr6co oc /san Jo6€ sL.r:06r Jt i.3. P* Jact IaEobr Redrcod clry si!1aer€/ca1 sr.1.o5:15 4. Da_r!y1 Eeadal1, UaliD Ac-Ar 1ro?ra6 5. !9b. ryrl1he. se r.cncr6co oc, l:o8:r3 6. Rlch DetA6do, LElBcbed, I:08:ti qii rEcy, se rFnclsco oc, 1:09:21 J. b. See OrRlordd, Ve6! Vatl.y TC, 1:09:20 a, Jef" rroor. !b!la !C-A, I:U:OO 10. l,Eke De1ley, R.d*ood C1!y SirldelE, 1:U:35 11. Pete ka€ue, l,larln AC-A, r:tl.!5 12, Jack IFla!9, uest vatLey ".c, L:1I:5S 13. Je EeEdeBo!, r(Arln Ac,A. t:tA: t.; :r. ro, ari.", clly strlit6B. r: 2.1F. .. Jo}| LEr6ob. uE., lel:o* l:ll:20; t!. 4r tinA. RCS. t:tJrrb: .7. lob ivordlt6, qa. 1:15:ltr' La. Jom itElcon1. S!OC, t: r rt/j '9. Jose Corez. Rcs, l:1r:22j 20, Ke! Napre.. Lrvtcr I:,5:tbl 2t. pete san_ Ld,_stoc. I:i6:)L; 22. Jay Neuhau, i,{srtn AC_8, i:.15:1,2j /J..lu NLcholson. srefod qC. t:ll:tt: 2r. lob Co,"LLey, \i7t35i 25. Pau.r Reese, No.caur. senlors -?6, F11"-1c-4t 1:t7r50j 26. Jlb^Dlgte,-r6,, I:t8rOo: 2-. Ralrond \.Dtel stenford RC. 1:16:16; 28. JLu Ca.LJ oo, SFOC, t:t8:I7: A9. Ed@rd Slur. S!6nfo.d Rc, -i:18:r8j tO. Joet sLetn, RCS, lr1a:54j Doo PLcleLL. S-oC, t: t9r)r : )2. !t]l Flodlels -r1.1:21:39; JJ. Keyln solalo Tl, Pls6er, [rqr! Ac_s, 1:22:p!; JL. MEfrln i€zle!. At@ds l\1, .L:<r: '8; J5. !€nI Cortez. ics, 1:2r:09: '6. ColdoE tusser, MarlE AC-!, LrAI:29j 37. Ken.Sclatten, 1fu., 1:25113, 38. Weftor Stack, No.Caili. senloa rc, 1:29:37; 39. Jorn Usry, Ma!1n AC_!, trag:37, ro. Ke1th. CarpboLl, fl'IC. 1:29:r/, lrL. Bdce uaeDoer_. L,v_ \:, 1t29tt7i 12, Bob 3rh, stanford Rc, j:lo:55; 13. Bob DevhllEi, @a., 1:11 L7, 1]r. srtaD Asse-, t6.in Ac_!, tt32ta1i .45. lad ryq. sLajrford Flydb€ cLub, ,rl2:50. *t!lLer'B t|!e 1s a @ cou.e ecord, --pet6 I€re__ biesdy Cb!13

Nl}laE AI{NI'AI, I,06 4IT6 NEt,i IEAR! r!|E RUIi l{ON B! I,!I!I]BR I.os ALtG, Ce1tf., r6c. 316t- Or {ev yea4 rG tlere ts

ody.de olhe! €ce held In the uorld (Sao psJlo, B!6ztI) tble to,00o eete! Jau! e! loothl U CoLeEe h tp€ Alc@. Csttfohla 6lonso€d U Lde loB Atio6 ioq Crler & sanclloed !y ue pA AAU rpnA Dt6Flce Rslns C@tit6e. rhe kalfer ls atvat3 co1it, sD.t loELt@s €1. ** lb arl o,eer of sarb b tne dslk & Siui**" Ch!1s Mllte! uon LhlE yea!'6 6ce 1! ilrll, reLL off hls c.)tse Ecold or'10:5).2 6er tn Decabea 1907. Ihe youngeei flDtgbe! €s 5-yea.-o1d !ra.y loltdo tr@ 1b6 Eouthend !@1ng ctub of se Ftuc16co, (Ed.,,D@B .!e !q too?') rbe olde6t partlci?et va6 pad q11!e.rJ aA6 besldes

1, CluL6 r{lUer, SToC, ll rL,: 2. Anlhony Blaoy, lm!.J 12:l2i 3. Dous Buit, Marln Ac. 31:,9t h. Arr Duilley, ua. 3l:11; '. Ray llEnzre, rtbr'. AC, 13rr..j 5. I€6!e! DeV@. ue., i3:r9: l. J@ fledeEon, t!Ac, 34:o); 8. Jo@ roocn. l|.AC, 34,37; 9. Kent ll!2d6111, lAcno!, 3!:j9; 10. Cbar. F!@olone, Ma6!o.r 35r15j tL. Sean o,rUordsE, wl)lrc, 35:t? 12. Doo tt6!c.La, MAc, j5:i6, .!J. LrdrJ Ersgtdr MAc, f{. Ro! Kesecle!, i{Ac, 16:08; t j. polt C.r4Ld. lm.,16:06 t6: 21; Lb. !rls. EaleJ, l,s.eoD, 16:2!; 17. D.Mt J. Or - loleJ 36:49, 18. Ja&q. Auen, &., ]@., 35:49; 19. Jey NeuhaE, !{ac, 37ro1j 20. Joff Keltn.!, rIC, 3710?; 2_r, hE Ca.te., r@., 37:13; 22, Ch6!1cE Fd, 'l u6., 37:1[; ?3. ,a\4it t|llf-t., 'f|N, 37.27t 2\. aaDt6 R6Jdsga, wl!g,

z !437.32t 25. \,ilLllse iloirbers, sTr, 37:33, 26. Jobh T@11n, ua., 38rolj 2?. Roberi 3€rar lE., 38:25; 28. Stephen 64th, lfu., 38:27, 29. B.K. fi@eU, M.D., r@., 38:2?, 30. ch!18 oabbard, r@., 38155, 31. ulke l{ccalty, Ea., 39:olr; 32. Job! T. Dum, \M., 39106, 33. Bruce


Sq D1ego, J&. U- T@ lache, foee! Pudue 6nit tS Ua!1& Cor?s Eldille dl8tanc. ace, cel)tued ihe 5th An4qal M16E1on Bey llalsihor 1! !€cot{ llie h h16 fllst aitea!t at tbe dl.tsce ln souihen Catlfohla. 816 C!e!!e11, WVTC, 39:5lr; 3!. (e1ih C€rq)be]l, va\4c, 19:55, t1a ol 2:30:32.1 .cul8ed r41ke iro-y6ar-old 3t, rlle Pus.e!, w., 39,59; 36. Fied !€@1, lAc, lo: Ecold ol 2131:06.2 but I@ feel6l(1rb6]1'6 ihai, 1a colitltlob, r4t 37. Rog.r llter \B., 4or16j 38. Ned Bouchet, ua., ahy ol the 1,o! flnl6belB 6hodar be abte to go uld6r lro:l9i 39. ph1l stelnbefg, Nc6, Io:27; !0. pau-t R.u, 2:25:00 @ the abo6l f a' l.dBslon Say Pars ctu6€. .qSRc, 4o:t4. (t6 flnlEhels) fEAM sconxs | 1. rtbrln Ad, 18; p.cl6lly,r!. suc! beaulIful MlaLoo! reatber (58e-62". 2. I,!e.snoD, 45; 3. {e!i Val-ley 1r, 57j 4. Soutbcrd RC,9O bazy bdght r{tb aho6t no bEeze). Ee Es troubted *43 a footnote io the rtory, tho6€ ftolBned and €tchrlth les, back, 6nd ioot !!ou.c for reek6 lefols the go 1ng the 1at6 flnt6herB, sav a car ove! a balk and J@ Fce and EE rEiteclded about star-bt!€ mc! l.aa !.lfulna EeDder6on, Jut ftht6hed tu1D4, feagod to a dl8tet 60!e the a dtfc oi 40re. Ar @et dlector !111 ctcokh f1re 6!at1d to al6rt lhe ElghEy Pailol. (Ed. "T!e!e foxld, aoon aLL paln ts eobe..,dt1f after irenty E1les, ar€ a coutfo of othe. NeF Iealt6 E!€ frce6 that c@ !o Slteen yea! old tolrance @cih@ "wt..aD" J6!e6 blbd tn Wales sd Tolonto, @ta.lo.'r) --!ob neCetle-French helil tlre fead tbioughout nost of the !ac6 uttl leche deltook hld et elghtee! nlles fotlo*d by "restFII:TE AnII!'U{l PACIj IC NS5@IATfON AAU MARATEON CFIMPION. lng Bob Delnes, Niserle o\a!1e r,lartls Alile, Chuck SI'IIS, Pgtal@, Calito&1aj lecelibe! 15, 1968 S@6d (hard-ry s y*r trelchr8 6en1o!), and flnaDy, ln l. Byroo Lovly, Se ttuc s"o O-ymlc CIu, 2:Jo:4 re u-Ltl@te fer hunitred yarftr st!ong-t:1fu1!A ase-@te 2. Bob {61iton, llst.r 2:31:O1i 3. Doua But!, !,tACr 2132: clalg steruna oi se Jue captstrso. llll1e the tlelil gFoc, 32r 4. sktp $o*, A,{c, ?r33:35j 5. Delo1d Den!, €6 i4)r$slve for the over-all qullty of tbe r:lee!6 2t3!:58, 6. ateo.s. Irqftn, ue., us., 2:35:23; 7. Dara.l !.8 ! ?. Dar4al vlrrb a hlgh pelcentese of the record 176-@ f1e1d finls. darl, tlalIn ac, 2r35r18; 5:48; 8. nicb D.lssdo, Il.c, 2,37,Irt hlbe and a great @!y ]:1slng kel1, lt vae youth's dav 9. Aieve D6en, ua., 2:3?:34; 10. Se@ orilorder lrftC! v'Ln 'l rt],-!uo ^l!lB,e-s lde. rveaty years, 5-1ear2:1ro:49t U. \lcs E1]d!eth, MAc, 2:41:08i 12. R6y I'46!21e, old€ placlh€ flfih ard 6ixth, 15-vea! of.t6 lttle laer & I,{ACJ 2:41:59; 13. Jolb Noon&, r4Ac, 2:42:12; 14. Rober! !tuce lafker boih of Tolfance ir 19rn & )+2nd, l.6rk !tua, Derli.€, SFoC, 2t41t25) 15. Gary RezoEUl, lG!6non, 8les, 12(:), ol Rlelto clocki.a tle fsstest @rathon fo! 2t45t22j l.6. lat rigan, lfu., 2:48:24t 17. Hovad I9!rle, nt6 a€e ibei ve lnor of rlth 3:17:20 and 48t! I)lace ana Pmcr 2:18:58j t6. Robh clslk, ue., 2:49rr4; 19. Jack nhe-yea!-old &vld Hersus (Poht r@) lestlnA e8 fln16. Iamon, lcs, 2t5Atl3t 20. Jeff Krooi, vAC, 2t51.3bi 21,. hers riih E .eglrecrable l: l::r. q:. ^a he-, !llt Ra-lrErk Canlnerr ua., 2:53,15; 22. ray Keltey, l@., 2:53: gG (rr-) flnlEhed JEL 2 djnrLes a-eqd oa hh !o plcd 22j 23. Frank corter, Rcs, 2tr3t4rt 24. 1@ Bafelr ics, up thl.d in ihe }ra6iers Dlrl6ior berrlnd Nod lMian (41) 2tr3.49i 25- Iler Johcm, t\'Ic, 2,r4t3t+t 25. Jackson {t1- of Nea!o!.b Beech and San Dlega! Dlck Eby (l+7). 11s6, RCS,2:t8:24j 27. J@es Celloir SroC,2;59:lr€r 28 Bache llie.dlted a dynaEiy of Santa lerbara rlFe!6 Joh! S]ruf, SiC, 3:01:34j 29. tlelb Potte!, SFOC, 3:03r58 but ihe Dorth cc6t club ceptued the te@ t1tle for ihe 30. J€l steln, Rcs, 3r0r:3r, 31. Robert oo@ley, MAc, fllth stdight year rlt! 15 polnis folL@d ny the SC 3tA8t,2t 32. 11! Taylo!, MAC, 3:ILrO2j 33. lon !1ck6itr strldels (27), sd Dleso state (3r), san Dieso ff (32), SIOC, 3r14.16; 34, Jobn !nrer6on, ATC, 3:rl+:22; 35. Ceo. occiitental Tc (33), spelt6n Dlstance club (50), and 6ar (1.k, Bc6, 3:!1:28; 36. s. nh.bl@k sbtth, ua., 3!14:55 Dlego Tc senlors (t8). !ft"" th. oeetJ c@petliols, thell 37. !e!e r4attel, {csTc, 3:]t:34; 38. Robert lovfiea.st, fadilies, &1d offlclalE l)lcnlcked aDd flDlghers recelved u!d.J 3:18rI5, 39. sieve Palker, ATc, 3:18:20; l$. J@ a6rd6 6nd tlo1)bies, San Dlcao 2ooth,lDlve!66!V nedalbnz, 1m., 3r18:2o; 4f . Js@s alLeal tE., 3:tg:1r.6; 42. UoD penil&i6, and Jantzeb 6veaie6, subscriltiods to Oary Eaveily, Es., 3:18:!7; )r3. I <e Yalblou8h, ]E., the Lole D16t3Dc6 Log, anit other aB.tu of uefuhe6sj 3t2or27i \\, Ceolge Eeza, sF@, 3:21:01j 45. Randy ia{rhll. aIL r-@.s Eli aEy vlth a 6ouvenlr rlla61on !6y solJ SCrc, 3:21:02; 46. N@1 Molt€bro, SF@, 3:22:04; l,taEtlo! lEe-Bhlrt. Ncf,t y6ert6 ll18slon lay l,larathon is 4?. L6o 11bo.t, le., 3:22:16j 1r8. c€olge st€Elt, rDs., schedulsil for JaDB.y rO, 1t0. ext yea! a tUltIoR DIv. 3,23t2Lj 49. PhU,lab'otn, SCIC, 3:24:21; 50. I.n. D1gI. lor Mers t9 ard ud.! ha6 beea plolosed $ thcy have vs., 3t24t23t 51. Rlch {o1an, sctl, 3:25:tti 52. nobt. ln Err!o!e, l4Bybe th6E 6hould b. one for l, & ulder. Mc6rlF, PmC,3,25t33j 53, De31 Rodftquez, RCS,3:27156 PAC$IC SOUIIB,IEST }6S@IATION A.A.U. 1969 LONG DISTANC! 54. Ceo!8e Iyoh, w., 3t29Qai ,5. Ma.Btdo lolda, sFAc, NUNNITiG SSSSOUIE 3:3o:15; 56. AILen van zuuk, 1r., Srlt:o4j 5?.(evin Sudayj lebruly 23- l&xlcaU 1o-ku, la4ue de to6 Eeloed PuEser, MAc, 3:3r:54; t8. Dols MlILer, us,, 3:32r10j ite c:halultePec, l&xlceu 11 a.E, 59. FAy ulrlte, Serc, 3t32ta7t 60. rdke J6Ee, wa,, Suday, April 12th- MlsBlo! Bay aDd lsw lAU 15h Ch@plon 3r33:16j 61. rreil stuz.!, !lAc, 3:33:16j 62. c€r:r l'riebshlpBr Cal Westen 10 a,o, ebd Jlblor ro [418€1on svette!, rlm., 3:33:2\; 63. Dlck cord.oDe, l@,, 3:33:4!; Bay Ii.S. (not Cal we6tern) 'kD 5!. Ken ca&ebrcad, ua., 3:3t:39, 55. seu colcore, Rcs Sundey, rday I|- Chu-16 Vl8ta ed PS{ l!{U 2Oh ChaE!1on3t35t5Lt t35. Mlhe !a!s, sFoc, 3t37t34j 67. DsE see@, 6blps and Julor l+-M11e Rre, Chula Vlsta Recr€at1on Dept lm.j 3r38:lr5j 68. cEls pede8en, scrc, 3!39:o3j 59. SaL.. Jue 2lst- Llpelial Beac! rO-Ml te !u, iblellal !!rke seku11ch, lccsTc, 3:39:0?, 70. Jeff Kelt!e!, w'Ic, leach ?16! fO a.!. 3t39,r9t 7L. Dlck !€r€!s, PETC, 3:39:24; 72. Mlke Bsele s6t., JuLy 19th- lolnt Il@ eld PS\,{ AAU 10h ChaEploqEhlp Scl'c, 3!39r5r; 73. tuck clarkr sw, 3:39.16; 74. Mli{. Cel Weeien drd tdlo! 5h 10 a.d. Brodl., !E!9, 3:]ll:lr?j 75. W.+r6 lrecker, u!6., 3r42:50; sat., Ansut 16- Balloa l€fk 8-r,lttu n6 6nd Nortce 3-M1te 70. nlck sk1r.!a!, sJI, 3:43:22j 77. Pet6 Il1]11@, sIsJ liiDlclpal CJa, aalb@ Pslk 8:30 A.M. 3:lr5:o1; 78. !rue !i{cco@ck, re., 3:l+5:53; 79, !h!k Suday, Aug. 3t- Oce6tu1it€ lo-Ml1e RD, 0cear6tite Pter Leer SMJD, 3:l+6:49, 8o. t[k6 {oote, sFAc, 3:48:oo, 81. coltact BILL CooklD, !€51 MonolAshela S1,., Sa! D!.go, Ja@s rEddff, Dc, 3:48:13j 82. C€olae coop.,Arc, Caflfonl! 92L17 fo! c6!16t. schedule ald deiai]6. 83. Dave Pa6c€, AT€i 3:lr€:15; $!, l,relie! stsck 3:lr8:15; I)c, 3:48:?9j 8t. Job! Jo.esJ sls, 3:49:l2r 86. cary cel- 011'MPIA CROSS COiIrlTnY CLINIC Ilo'nES - The nost reao,9$,3t5ot4t 8?. luch Ll6cle!, lm., 3150:39, 88. conplote book 6ver lr!1tten on cross-comtry lot Ihantng, l.lAc, 3:51:orlJ 89. cten Elsn6!, 1r., 3:53: $2.50 fxom Lons Dlstance Loa. lr2, 90. rE* DoEohue, slAcj 3:56;30. (200 6te!ie!6, 103 colIDlTtot!.IN; F0r DI-Tql, - dulll:-xc by To1 _ron _en Dtqratc6 116t6it fl!l.!eF) A @v couse & drlvbs 41n Biom. 03 .". - tl.l ."-.r tr1.o0 AC, l2j 2. SF@, 13i 1. 144!1n Rettrcod Cliy Str. lEe.. 3. 39, 4. Aleeila rc, ,9j 5. pleeet E1tl rc, 72; 6, se nu-rililllD {f1.00 ffon LDL' ca.los rc, 75; 7. sFAc, t13J 8. se JoBe yea!li!!s. 118, TR-!,._I}IIIL] FoI] Ror\D


Heroes Finish

in 'Crozy' lllorothorff Run JTUI{I


Fred,7l, Dwid,9, Stond Out in Fete fr*@deLiFjd64drild


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5-mile l0-mile l5-mile 20-mile Finish L Tom Bache (25) SmC Bob Deines (2i) OxyTC

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


12. 13.

14. 16.

t7. IB,


20. 21. 22.

26. 27.



30. 31. 32. 33. 35. 36. 37. 38.

39. 40. 41


13. 45. !lo. 18.

49. 50.

Martins Ande (20) OxyTC Chuck Smead (17) SBAC Craig Sterling (16) SCAC James French (16) SpDC Bill Anderson (25) SBAC Gene Comroe (26) SCS John Brennand (33) SBAC Jim VanManen (35) SBAC John Pagliano (29) SITC Larry Mann (19) SDS Bill Peck (28) un-Wasco Tom Sturak (37) SCS Phil Carlon (30) SrTC Doug Schrnenk, WDC Don Sawyer (31) un-SB Jeff King (20), SDS Mike Baer (15) SpDC Ed Leighton (20) Elcam Clay Anderson SCAC N4arr Ilill (17) BTC Dave Waco (36) SCS Scort Clatpoole (18 ) SDS Charles Pearch (18) SDTC Phil Como OxyTC Al Rude (19) OxyTC Ray Ezell SCAC Ed Diaz unat Marc Lund (19) El Cam Tom Lipski (17) BBTC Larry Carrer (37) SrTC Lee Mccornb (19) un-Visra Dave Heikes (34) SrTC

Bob Lineback, SCAC Bruce Thielq30) SBAC Bill Creer (17) un-Snra Susana Rodge.r I-,ow (17) un-Simi Norm Lungn (41) SrTC Dick Eby (47) SDTCSTS John Burns (18) un-Simi Bruce Barker (15) SpDC Martin Garcia, un-RBch John McNeice (18) un-Lk\rd Dan Kaplan (19) Pierce Bob Cooper (30) SDTC Bill Hargus (47) SDTC- Sr [4ark Ruggles (12) RialRR Kent Barker (17) SpDC Gordon Burns (18) un-LA


3l:32 3Oi


3I:17 29117

31:03 31:12 3l:1.2 31i21 31:33 32: 16

33:40 31: 13 3


30:35 29:50 31:48 32:15 33:12 29t44 31:44 32:05

32i51 32:51 34:15 34:



57:11 l:25:00 62:11 1:30:10 60:05 1:28:56 62:

3lt 42 34:15 32152

34:48 34t 48

33:44 31:50 38:46 33:10

1:30:10 1:28l.02 1:23:50 1:31:10

58:47 55:30 62:11 62:11 I:30:58 62t12 1:30t57 62:11 1:31:12 62t12 I:32t33 65:10 l:36:10


1t37'.42 1:33 27 1:32'.45 1:31:27 1:29:00 1:35:50

l:57:42 1i58t24 l:58:23 It54t41 2:01:00 2:01:36 2.OIt36 2:O1i 49

2:O3:34 2:06:09 2:09:23 2:06155 2:05:31 2:03:30 2:01:32

62:12 62:12 61:15 59i04 64:21 66:10 l:39:42 62:50 1:33:47 65:10 1:37:28 65:12 l:37..O5 59:04 l:28:55

t20 2:10:13 2:10:34 2:00:05

1:37:28 1:36:53 lt4Dt72

2t l0i 12 2: l0:05 2t 14:06


2,14t06 2:17i40 2t l4'.08 2:13:31 2t 13i21 2t l2'.36



64:54 67t2A 67..20

69:53 1:44:10 68t40 1t41t22 64:05 1:39:37 65:



1:53:08 1i 57:01



62:30 I:35:17 63:34 l:35:25 67'.48


69:53 1:44:10 67.32 Li11tO3 70:20 l:45:00 70:20 1:45:35 67t32 1138t!2 65:55 1:41: 15 76:02 l:53:06 66:43 1;41:05 78tO2 1,52:06

66:02 1:38:12 66:00 1:38:12 66i50 L42i45

71133 li47t52

67i32 1|4BtO7 66.10 1142:45 66:04 li4l:45

2:09:4I 2t 12tOO 2tO7


2.34t33 2:35:59 2:37:'50

t56 2:38:06 2t37

2t 40'.07


2:40:50 2:44:07 2t 45:40 2t 48:41

2t49t35 2t49137 2t 49t 52

2:50:35 2.52t28 2:52:38 2.53t27 2:54:36 2:54t54 2:55:31 2:56:04 2:56:06 2t56:20 2i56t24 2:56:27 2i57138 2.58142 2t 59i 12






3:02:54 3:03:49 3:05:13 3:07:33 3:08:19 3:11:08

2: 17'.40 2: 16',57

2'.19:29 2:21:12 2:16:05 2t


2'.26.55 2'.21 01 2,26144

2:14i25 2t


2i20.26 2',26122

2:30:33 2:2LtOl 2122i25

3:ll:10 3;ll:19 3:11:30 3:12:34 3:13:52 3:13:52 3t 16t07 3: 16:07 3.17 t20 3:




Perer Marrei (44) NCSTC 32:50 (31) SDTC 38:36 53. Rich Aspey (18) un-Burbank 54, Sha\ro Vallas (14) un-t\4anBch 38:05 55. Stewait Roysrer (21) SCAC 56. John Skousen (l3)RialRR 36:05 57. Steve Vaiga, Wrc 33:1.0 58. Phil Bailey (26) SDTC 32:38 59. Byron Ports (38) RRR 36:35 60. John Sargenri (17) un-Brbnk 61. Fred Werber (21) UCLA 35:57 62. CLde Alling (51) SrTC 3gi 40 63. Chris Lurher (21) SDTC 3l:26 64. Rudy Friberg (40) SDTCST 65, Sreve Dendinger (f6) BBTC 41:58 66, Chuck Harris (14) SpTC 34:50 67. Jim Bar.nefr (16) un- \IanBch 40:56 68. cary Wilcox (30) un-Enc 69, Brad Wintor, SCAC 35:40 70. David Hargus (9) un-SD 39:40 71. Pat Creer. (14) un-Simi 3846 72. Bill Yeoman (24) LJB&TC 73. Paul Moore (2I) un-Torr 35:41 74. Benny Abbe (55) SDTC- Sr 4l:35 75. Wayne Croesbeck (39) SmC 76. BilI Toole (36) SrTc 39:40 77. Fta']'k Sax (34) SITC 4t126 78. Max Beaman (22) un-Nrthrde 40:14 79. Mike Wade (17) un-SD 80. Mike Larsen (16) SpDC 87:12 81. Oyvind Frock (40) un-ShOaks 4l:36


52. Jim Temples

82. Charles Hayden unar, OiqO 83, Tom Davidson (20) un-TemDe 84. tufrey Calapan (18) SDTC85. Lane Cowgill (34) SDTC 86. Don Ofis (17) un-Visra 32i39 87. Jim Murphv (t4) SDDC 88. l-arry Cilver (t7i un- SD 89. Tate (18) un-Nrthrdse 34:20 o0. Jim Ron Hollida) (14) SpDC- 35:t2 sl. \4ike Wesrfali SCAC 35:32 92. Latty cersch (1S) SpDC 33:26 93. Fred Grace (71) SrTC 4t:3S 94. Jim croschel (40) SDTC-Sr 35:32 95. Mark Smirh (15) BBTC 36:18 96, Brian Springer (28) SrTc 97, Joel Baldwin (38) SDTC 98. Mike Baxter (16) BBTC 4t:85

25-mile times for the leader6:




76:22 1:54t18 72:36 Li49:52 74t45 lt53t!2 65:25 I:4LiO2 65:55 l:39:00 74:25 1:38:05 74:06 L5Oi37


75:2I l:50:35 7I:42 1:48:13

74125 1i38,12 79iOO l:56t20

63:40 l:41:45 65:51 1:41:15 74:40 l:56:30 73:39 l:59:38 82t23 2tO5:-0L 67t52 I:58152

74125 Li52t25

79:03 1;59:38 76:02 li53:06 72t17 1t52:lg 71:33 1:50:32 85:40 2:08:40 75:21 1:56:53 79.04 2tOOt2O 83:40 2i07:30 79iOO L:56i14 69132 1i5O].32

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3:09:15 4t32:02 2:45:55 4:40: 13 3:09:15 4t41..23

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