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Bob Deines and
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l:ra i-otl .] DI;t.itiali ]!cii -r- ?U3l,1C!.Tlai'l l0R iul!'lir]:iS
.:l ttilli:tr,!$ \0, 16t JAlirr-Cf]. 1970 9ub1i:rie!i ncithln under tire ausp:.cs ot ,:he United 5t1t.;s Trrcr & l_i:li Iederati.Dj l.o^ -qox 190, 'rrcso.l, -srizona a'i?o: .r,nnual Subscr:pt1on,rai.sr $4.00, Add !i1"00 for lst .13ss 1ai1 or itli.lC fcir ai. nail in U.:,A" .rid Car"da, SiirrlE colies an.i tact: secon.l c1..sg !osl1,r-a p:trii et lrucao]1, Arizorrs. lie! sLJbscr"i!tiois rnC re.erals shoulr] bi :r.tt .lircctilr tc ISI:,!, 1.0. Eox 19C, 1.ucson, .r.fL-.na ii5?0: c./o Narl ril, Coolrer! faecitlve tir:ct!f, !,litorial netief an.i race resufis to E.iil,or: !. urodnini RossJ 3.16 llest ienirr St., r,'oonb!r.r, i. J, OUO96 r"IO!il,Fj '15,
;: 5 III]-1, ;!'.'EA!r-,irr it-s TilrCK li FIE!) lijt!: ne,rs, ploios, feairul,cs, iit.'rrj..r'rs, strtist:ca1 lists, otc. i?5,00 :: :rear (]n i::dcs), lDn 2ta, -Los A-tos, iaiitornia 94J22. "{ ijt!'IQL--l DIi':r\t{iij itACl - Tilt c.\liit-i1,r c-itI].rt ! ililr-rli'r l.l0 .rif!-s at ll 12 .ni|s plr i.-n liexclr 1l-Li-l:, 19lc or, tnlee .]it:r"nt lllt, Caneilla !c:lt1va1 Eve]1ts i.t Sacra enio, Cql1l. Inquirle: bo: ?cir.r liatLoi' 1050 llor'i| ?ointl S1n rra.ci sc o, Califofnia .,:t .:.6 r' | "^ e. : .. \, \... .. .1o-t -. 0,/ o Bi t;3.1)o ^t ollj tTA UL]OSJ aoirtll]Ha aLT]itIC ltof:1s r'j2,;C lhe iulr ac..unt or a ,.rEek-ron{ l:. tailed ch:.pie!,s rj' 26 cori,rlbu+.rors:11:r:: or or.renizatlon, adrinist:al;ion and lrcnotion; 'Dda, ,-r: fI
er. o
: r.
-: I
:::11::.-1"9.::i'1!:::;r; .Ard.cr.s3^. L-trr,sr:ji ; .'^^ -t, ; -.o" sirNTaR rIAlTaNrr, rratirFalr ai..lFfo-i:rirP, P-a rlield Iona, sunday, jxre 7, 1t?0 7 A,l. CnnLact !r.. 'i o. .s 'J l) .L" co . \t rron rip-"v li"rt t. Jdne 7th) Forr;F .rA'i(,'c,ri./rcz r'.is ri!i." ROA! RA.ir coan., SrnaaJ, Jan. 4th 2 f.l,I. :r3! BritFin toFneier no_er JFckucericz non tlre 2nd emlrEl rlks l+.4-rd11e noac Race \ii.rh^a doather" 1ie finisirod 21s $head of Joe Fes!e1 SoL)th-'.I€ronJ
".:3T'^ .- "" ln L:-:'r: i:_ -::,-"'r ^"^ -.Ro r.-! Br:ra..,.... c-.
2. roe Besse.L, r:'eeport, r;.r., 'a.. i^.1':odl-:orn, conn., -,,o"e ,,"r""q""i, N--ii ro.k city, i.. r.r,c.r Frahcri,x, Freeport, r,r.y., 5. 6" ctar:les lrtrson, SiorT's, ct,, 'r, frt tsrsttcl.-, Y:11rose Ar\J l. AlrEustln calfe, l]-'li Lork city s. id r,r"rko,.,rtz, !o. uaeley, Ira!!.",
f7. !.1 U"-ehar'!, Sij..idord, 24:12; 1d. Bob sni tjh, Sinsbuxy, 2l+:55i 19. Gary l{urrone, 5ri3;ol, 24r57; 20. Chaffes {eati4g, Ueluass., 25t12i 2i. rose, RncIiR .Ltri(uf.r',r.2 holds paul triltians. tianden -".::, i:'ll' li'si rrat Inrkh s,nday i,r rh. :-:" ", :' l.:i'l":lt, 1ll-','*1.,i:: -- --" ili.i,iil;; ;;ifl;o:i;, i;r,;;i. -' *';"i'j:.:;; ";;:;::'' "; ';,_,-;',:':1? ...-.. L, "ri ""; ..; i, ri.ia,,",.,.j, -ii,i,_q; 2i,-uik€ R;ssl, refidon, ar, ,
L :ro . -. 1-- u', ,. 2 : .r 10. T.r, L.tlincer, ir,,rden, 25;96; 31. rrail stotgert Dcr:u.1it! Zr.taA, )". Cirartes uerne, li-.u Drlt;ln, .., . lr t.. rur. [.n.ns' ,n..I., o:Oo; .- L cor.n.,i, B- .t, .o:'; ) Scoit ,ir;.harr, _lri dsepofi, 2!:tt+i lb. tr:1,t- Dud-
3:i;t,i::i:lf i:i.:t:Hi5?t;u:t;1,:i:i:"ii:'.i, 3f4:1i'ord, ai., 26:I7t Df. Jack soltanor
39, 26t2li iro" Birl Snlth, [llfo"d, Conn,, ?61?2. "l\12 finisners) --!tf1 c:renor-j]!ati ltAitri:l, tl ,,ir.t! t!r.!tlaltr\!.qA! )i-U, tr.i fty
, t.';' ,.'; :. .." .1::';.-. -,r.8.
.,"r,.:,;.: -;:;,, i.";,. iii-b.;!; *"r,1 :z;:. ui:,i-ii,,, .r-,:: - -" ;. t.ct ^lt'rt il,,i.."ll'"ll;i;i -.; I -,-,i,,r; 'Fi"l?*a;.i'l.ji6!oi'',7'j""^
3. Earcn o,neinr, uDai., + "'r- -ulon€' "Spartan Ar' f1:'Jt 5'l{'n r-'/h!':' lLrliol-' i1:0U; 6" Jin Cradforc' u'tat" i;", rc. roe r,i:,rtino, Jr., Greenrield, t""".. _?:,"; il:;:,1;.]'i.j.j|i,"Tiiil;i."!i,li;'i: c:rar.L.s $essen_ ;;;;,..;..''i.;i,:;c,3r:35.] rc. 11, l;.:)a! Ln.Es, lie-'.torn, cor8., ,-;,.t, )t,11; ir. n"1.-,i"r-.y, lia.iltDn oc, il:Xi ?i.i.,.-;-' -,*,i.i-'cor.aou"r, :l+:lJJ 12. sitf Ljnk, Jersey Ctty. ll,J,, ucri, lr:40; rl. ""., 1.1c.'. 1,..o . staten rsrand,',r-v.. i.,iitii i;;: 14. Berna,d !;xieht,psrl-n. ,,:,;. ";.;i";_ ii;;,.'i.:,, it. j;i,:a;. ._,.r.:, - .'." ,r: ,-.. :. i.:'':ir:t;*frii'"1i"'"1;L*i3i"ir, cou.... lq. .. . - . "o IcC i n. ., u.Lrr .lrle. o ... ;. : .; 18, Jonfi \r s6n, Pt , , :01. i]:yi )i il :1::;
i' :l:"
rul{uola l,larathon DRqLIOli'S 2tI\:I2.8 TOfS STAlitolt Ii{1- tln in\t I ct.rAl, IIIiLD by Dave ?rokop RunnlnA in cold, driving rain Sundqlr, iecen_ ber 7, CanEdtan distance -ruminlr Jelone Drayton rb6 1969 aukuoka Inte.national Marathon,'ron considered by tn ny as r.e lrorld,s premler mararhon sventt i; 2:1r:12.8_ In winntng, tho Z4-year-old c\arlereo accoLr.r_ ient trainee lron Toronto outlee€led rnany of the u.rfdts forenost distance rulrners, inctud, ing 1969 European cajle s narathon chanplon Ron liill of Great BIltain. Hlll 2:11 :54.4, overtaking Japs.n's Hayanl raninura nes! the flnlsh. Taninura was thild in 2:f2: 03.1+.
Drayton's lerfornance, r.ririch nakes hln the third fastest maiaihoner o{ af] tin6 (be;rlnd Dorek Cfayton of Australta and 8111 Adcocks of Great Brltaln) cane onfy l+9 days afler he had recorded a North Anerlcan record 2:f2:00 in Detroi t. To Drayton, the Detrolt run ras proof that he cu rfd corpeLe on €o 11 Eernj .: L. snJo. in L.o ltorld. But to hts naln opponents et Fukuol.a it was a performance they Dere prepared to ianore r"- s./. on6 in road runnlna uill ienore rnythlng Jeron€ Drayton do€s as a r.oad runner. TO THI FRO}II
:, . o . - 1n osL :r r -e-.t .c r-co"o bea. -l' .. sJ_ ]: fgl ton, ldcocks, .iin Aldcr and tsoston Llaratho; i,inner Unetani in the Eritlsh Cilelnplonships, ihen i.,,irni4: thc presttetous ruropean C*ris. ],I'HO]'II; SlHATEGY
heilrer ox noir t;lLt could bave l")on at tukuoke, nis st,rate.J was ctsarty a nlsiake __nnd sone_ .^st6.]t .or J:o r',n 'ofn.-1J of o - L/-.. Lon J on h:- loro.Lo OIJ. pic ctL., .ao .01 ,.1.' o' DrdJron, supe-b i,urn,r .r r.cenr I'lcore, rho ran a fine race at Fukuoka tn hls uon ritrht, finishini' 1]th rilth a personat best af 2tI6:53.6, said, ',r told ill]1 Dreyton was the nan to lianch, I even shoue.i hin a writo_up oi' tire D€troit race. But HitL and th€ cihers just didn,i !:rlr e.n attention tc Drayton. 1,{hen thcy-let hln qo eafly tn the race I iaughed io ,Js61". ,. ! i j,.r_ ptay,rr inro i. iee:s,.,, t' I r or, rnii -. , 'Lo LooL :ntrroo t. .: ed D.rv on o 11r]6oc1 ,a. :r:n,..ro.oo nln so in explaininA trhy ttrey hadn't petd hls rravel expenses to ihe rece (the canadian anraierr bcdy laid hls air tare). Jepuruse experrs generaLlJ .rere sufprise.l at tralton,s l{iniing !-ariorr-ance and so, apparently, lrere the fore-n orr- , or. -L s 1 . n1 r-For-s or "oark_ holse J-rof, D r; o,^ s"ro h s 'uoseL' vj^tory. DreJton hirxself sald he had been conlident aI -long nsL he doufo "in, oesrlLe he pre.-,c€ of such vaunted opposltlon as Hltt. The t.ro may meei again, incl.ientally, in the Loston larathon 1n AprtL (Drayton ts definltely plannl]]€ on conpettnA and i{ttt ts seriously_ think,rayton's viciory as onty ihe htghlight of a greair Iorth Anerlcan success stor.y at Fukuoka. I,lexico's ?atrlo canrido ran i,he l.ace of hts life, finishlne fourth in 2:I2,tZ.B - a Mextcan best - afijer holding donn second ptace "o- L o' l\' I v aano r.porr-o ) c .'r .n8 a nes! r o.r- Ltro l n 't-6 .Bt- n.a -sin -or a .I psLre"n r'1ror-. r:y o. or.ro_. ..-o-s -nl' -na U1i ' eo -Lr SLaL"s ArrJ, las seventh in 2tI3t27.8, a nefi U,S. record.L
At lulooka, Drayton nov6d boldly to ihe flont after three-qLlarters of a mile ani, lrhile the nany lnternstlonals in ths f1eld e_teC each qHsr, I I. o-F"k oLher care'ull], .ov-d q"-rlt nade nol.e conplete by th€ heavy rsln !'hl ch ltnlt€d vlstblltty to 2o0y or less for nost of I'I had a p1an, tirne-{ts€, and that ras to run 2:f0," ssld r}]e 5t1r. L?5-)D. IoronEo 0.J.p'c club runner. "So I almlng for a littl-e un',as der ftve :dnutes pe!.n1le. I was a tittle surprlsed nhen no one went lrlth nre. BLrt it didntt really natter to me nuch ole way or ths other.rl The porsontflcatlon of speed, sianina and deternlnatlon (he ran a 27:41.8 stx-nlle tlme trlal at Vancouvef exactly one week befofe 'rjus! to s6€ ho$, strona I '), Drar Lon uss 15:10 at 5,OO0n (he !,anted"as to hit }5:15) and 1:05108 at halflray (on1y eisht soconds off tIIRliJ UIDln OLD I1qRX 2:10 pace). Ab 20 niles he n8o 22 n'n!L6s o. perfornancos fhe of Dra-lton, carri.io and th€ fl€ld, Although Ron Hilt cane thloueh strongly ln th€ last stx ml1es (reidnlsceni of lloore neant - anazingly - that in a slngle each fron Canada, llcxico and the hls fl]]lsb ln the Europes.n Ga,nes narathon), United States decisively betterod Buddy EdelDrayton ras a c16ar, unpertur'b€d {lllner, I'r'm not t1!6d, Just cold," he saiC, nrapped enrs old f,iorth Anerlcan record - 2:11+:28.0 lrhtch had siood until Drayton,s 2:f2rOO in Oct. ln a blanket after the race. o es a p".:o-1El Later, ho oxplalned Dhat happened to hts 2:10 J.'€ rs Seiicn:ro S€sa.rt*(" tlne sch6dule: 'r wsc s'n1nA fon ifle r'f|." rp besij of 2:11:17 -1967) and yoshida Dere fifth to 35 ldloll]otres. But it ras gettirls nonoton- snd sixth in 2;1]:06.[ and 2:f3:2].0 respectjvely, Thls gave the hosi countlT three rtlmers ous out lh€re all afon€, I turned around, .oo si,, Lnoerlln n oace adE, iLs Erecouldnrt see anyone, so I just sald, ,To-! h--1 '1'l pro_ nendous deplh in the narathon. !,,lLh IE. -'!I JusL run .o ,1e '., s,.' Ne Zealand veteran Jotf Ju11s,11 cutnlnated his bably cost nle about 30 seconds.rl b6sr-6-b- Je8r" o--rutu T oy reco.o.np a pa-_ Both Drayton and Hlfl feft tho rntming ,in€ !ou1d have been under 2:10 if not lor the rain so.bt o-.. ':L':.8.tn -tnls:'-r- pj nt;. ,;_.1,d in the year th€ qulet, 33-year-oId Aucklend end col"d (tenpgrsture in lho l+ors). Hltl, who flnjshed abour 2)0J isc,, ,a. furl- bank officer had run l"rorld r6cords of 2:47:l[ s "no ):',t,6 'or to .:1 s, 1ao i ous l,,itb hLnself, feel.ine he had glven i:he race 'or lo 1'1 ,-ron (1. ' I,.r.o,. I b-s./. auay by fetLing D.ray]-on eo aL Ln- b-n . rrI ':15:.11 . Japan's l,rjtta and Kareyqd Nere ninrh and The 3f-y6ar-old Iesearch chemist, lho saJs, 1. 1'i -asp.riv-.r. :15:2. run to provo I an the best in the world at do- r-. .on,I :- L1 1.^,': uho -3 ted,^..k f a top ln€ soneihlDg t hav€ Norked on for years", a1IO:-I r:.. .o- olo.i or-1 ". read) r olos world recoros : ro .ol of l:-I op r nc -,rda-'. -sn,r -\1,.10 m116s, 15 nIl.€s and 25,0o0 metres. In 1969 (;: Toshiharu Sasairt--not seilchlio Sasaki)
1:.tl Ln 1t Mexi'L r' rcters, :ncfudlng l9 'o .lAn athlctss, and 67 flnishers. The number of flnlshers ls paxticularly stgn-tflcant stnce a1f conp6tltors at Fukuoka who are not r,{thln f5 nlnutos on i1. 106 t.- s ralruar or {iU -n l0 n:nutes cf rt 25 rlles B"e requtreo r-o drop oub. Thc first 15 flnlshers lJere underi 2:20 and the ti-( rO ,r,e- .t)O, -t. rs-e orgal'zers had :npean, tsritish and Czechoslovaklan narathons as e1l as other {orld ranking perfornors, 'S SIXTI{ UAiATHON Jerone Draytonrs slxth narathon
c gIIy, ot 2t22, 2116:1!, 2.a21 2:11:f2.b. He didni'b flnlsh lhe oijher tro, being loocked out oi th€ 168 Ott'1lplc marathon by '-llness a1o bnc '69 Bos-on Maralhon oy tnJury, He norr holds th€ Canadian rocords for slx m1L€s (as s -es,-- or hts 27: LI,B aL VarcoLvor), 10,000 .rerres (2c:oB.o), 10 fl:tes (+B:aB) ano Lne nara-
0O and
As Lrsual,tbe resufts of the Fukuoka race necessltate sone lnportant rsvislons in the torld list for the narathon, Th€ top elght of the {orfd llst no' arsr f) Derek clat'ton, Australla -Ztog:33.6; 2) Bill Adcocks, GB, 2:10:l+7.8; -3) Jerome Draycr-looa, 2:i-L:12.8: a) Se icl :ro SBsakl,^ Jap-on,.:11:17i '', 5) q < o Lrsan:, Jepen, :.11 27.6' o, con hll1, cB, 2rl1:5L.1+; ") I4o"1o Shie".aisu. :-r-a, Japan' 2: . apqn, ':1):0 '.0; B) 'ayan: Ta 12|03.\, Signlrlc..LLr. ''vp of L'se ren - Adcocks, Drayton, Sasakl, Hill and Tanlnura - 36t ihelr marlks at Fukuoka. A slxth, clayton, ran 2:09:36,4 on the sane course, a t in'€ irhtch ].rou1d stlll stand as th6 lrorld best if not fox hls run at Ant{erp in I,Iay. EC.L! STATE UN]VERSITY IO-]"IILE ROAD RACS 25", 15 -1. o.l . lrlnos, sno'"J. Decenoer 14, 1969
1. chuck Koeppeni l{uncle, Tndtana, 55tO5.6 . r:rsi rJ -s, lntlngror, 55:LB l. Dennls Dvlggins, Wlnchester, 5?t5l ;c-y - q. dnson. 1lis.,58:.r0 L. c. Scot rD-xne116-, :ril-s, Anoerson, Tndiana, 61:18 6. SL6ee Bybolt, And-rson, 6I:L2; Charlee Grinne1l, Anoerson, 51:59; B. l,nko",Leak, Andc "son 52:01; o, Lor -i€ uunter, A rd-rson, 62:(O; 10. John K11n6, Ft, Vayne, ]nd., 63:l+9; 11. Jeryy Hur chl nson. Ket!€rind. on.to.6.r-:08;12. Sr-eve cotnernan, oosben, 6h:J-; 11. Georeo Brannun, Muncle, 65:JBi 1Lt. Jln - anoert, MLncIe, 67:43; 15. John Royse, I,llddletown, ohlo, 67:l+9; 15, Ntck Sr anls, !J. Ca]'rollton, qhlo, 68:07; 1". Jerry Rushton, Muncte, 70:L9: 15. Dave costtlt, Yorkto n, I'jj,., 72t3L. 4-M1IJ FITMSS
l-. Bill Rlggs, Monro€, Ohl"o, 23:fB; 2. Roland Anspach, Springboro, 0]do, 23r49; 3. Wil1Js Plper, \.fr1cl€, 25:J3: 4. Wavne Yarcho, DaJton, 0a1o, 25:16; 5. 81lr Ftnk, Muncl€, 26:21; 6. Bob l,lcca.fl l4uncla, 27 t22t 7. Nell Jay, Uuncls, l+1.r29. KE}I KLING'bIINS MIDDIA ATLANTIC RRC 7,6-MII,E
colltngsvood, N,J,, Srnday, Jan,1B- K€n Kllng, classboro state collego x-country acs, won th€ annual M.A. RRCrs ma!!i6d v6. sing].€ dual on a r'ot, slushy Cooper Rlv€r Parkway courso. ]{1:r€ led sll tl-e wsy untll passed by Brounlhg Ross wlth 3/L nlLe to eo. V.lth 2o0y to eo he blasted past Ross to rln by 10y.
The c in8-le nen outscoreo lhe narrt-o nen. rour co a sld6 on rl€ lcy, cold oay ll+-r1, 1. Ken Kltn€, SJTC, S. L1:2?.4; 2. Brownlr\ Ross, SJl., M, 41:29; 3, Nell vieteenor, SJ' S, lr1:551 I. Joe 0rRourke, Pr tla.A., S, +l 5. 5arry B€rkowLEz, sJTC. M, q_1.:-l:; o. Nor: B1a1r, S! overblook Reetona:- HS, l+l+:38; Z, Johnston€, S, ove-br'ook R6g,HS, ^Csry u, Norn Bsker, SJ-IC, M, 51:oB; 9. Dr.aB:Ul Da\,r, Spsn€], CflC, M,56:25.
(N.Y. ) EI,I$.YMCA 5-UITE ROAD NACE Sundsy, Nov, 16, 1969- THo Un.Iverslty of Massachusetts x-couniry starst Tor1l Derderlr and lreo Duaft, hilch-hlk€d nearly 200 ix11er in elght hours of cold and snow Saturday t( run 1n th6 Second Annual Elks-YMcA 5-M11e Road Race Sunday, but the 2OO m1los dldnit tlre th6n out one blt. Sflashing rh€ old record by a whopptng 1:1( they tlod for flrst to i{l.n the A1 Pastore ONEONTA
Trophy. They $6r'6 gLven
a strong battls by a detel nlned Jim Stron, cross country aco for Unai go. Stro r led for the flrst thr'6e ml1es an( tlmed a fast 25:55, baattns the ofd record 1:11. Tho rest of the ftold r.ras over a ful: " "r1" in b1" < oc ."e Lh.€e speeosr-rs. The thrce SchraCel slsters of Albany captr ed the glrlsr tean tr.ophy as Josephlne 'ron the cirls r.5-n11e race in a fast 10:OB wil Oneonl,an Susen Sllr.nonds hot on her heels al 10:rl. Seven rnemb€r's of the r€narkabl€ Schr der fanily coripoted wlth only lirs, Schxader as an onlooker.,Last yearts wlnner, ex-Ha!'l $tlck ace, Nedt P€rrtns, csre back to d6fe hls t1t1e aLthouah he has had achtlfes ten. don lrouble thl.s fall. lle nad6 a Aood try I cslle 1n l.Ist, nearly !nr6s rdnuroa off nls 1c6d tlne..Tn€ Susquel a-rna S!!ld6rs, made o^ schoolboys Cron Franklin, 0!€go, ano Un, dllie, made th61r 1n1tlal club race a blg ! cess by lunning aray with the tean tltle. f. Leo Duarr & Ign Derdorlan, Nl4c, Marlhat: Vlnya-rd AC, 25:LE; J. Jln Sr-ron, Susquehaix Strloers, 25:56; L. Doug AlIen, Trtple Cit: Road nu-rne!s, 2ltOOi 5. JIr. Stata, Susq.Sl) 27t)-ot 6, Bob Fetlsst, Ss, 2?tI7; '1, Bob zl el, Cneonta TC, 27t26t B. Ton Hartshorne, haca Misftts, 27135t 9. Darryl Dunhen, Cllr ton Street Flyerc, 27,1+7 t 10. Ton M111s, 4: $nr 7C. 27t55t 11. Drn.Dn Jobnson, ssr 2d 1). Ketrn Sotonon, Trlp16 CtLles FP, 2d:0f ll. Bob osborne, TCRR, (AAe .1.1, fst VeLerar 28:08; 1L. Rlch HoHer, Albany TC, 28:r4; 1l BarrJ Hopktnsr On€onta TC, 28:33; l-6. John Dockstador, 25rll+, !,111LI'os€ Al; L7. Mstk Lr rrron:Lcar L;r1n!on slreoE !.ryers, lar:'oi Lo. G€ne Foster, oneonta TCr 26:39; 19, K€n Slr ger, AlbgnJ TC! 2E:39; 20. Rod Dl!19, on€ol State Frosh, 2dt53t 2I. K6n Sta1t6r, SS, 2l 59t 22. Brad Eldr.6dge, Irhaca, 29:05r 23. l Klrtk, ATC, 291O6t 2\. nlch Ba1'th6Lmes, On( ija Stato I'tosh, 29t01i 29. I{ark !6uron, l.Iar ton Collogo, 29tAOt 26, Dan 81611ckl, Utlcl 29tf9i 27. BJrsd Malchovshr, lttLacs., 29t2Ll lilerlo Merl.anl, fonnr 29t26; 29. l,1ik6 Scbler ALbany TC, 29 tL6' 30, J6ff KaLlns, onoonta !ro8nt zY:)r.; Jl, uo t fefrlnSt rtay, ztl,
32. Pat FLoodl, Va].at1e, N.Y,, 29159t 33, Gl Jest6r, sg, 30100; 3l+. Davo Sea!L6s, Tthacr N.Y,'30 30:r+; 39. ctl Drav1and, Edm€slon' (65 11sied f.lnlsh€rs) T€an: f. susqu€hanrla Srrlde!.s. L6! 2, Trlpl€ cttl€s Ri, 105; 3. ALbany JC, lio. --JaJhn T. Hurl€y--
c Dtuvton 1 rqf
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athon "" rn,: ":'::3'":';"^." ;"": :. ";;"::;tJ ;:.""'.:;;;",.
rh a canad
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Drayronwirh rhespoisof vicrorvafierthesprtngbank 12. Thc eas\, tuonomi.a rufn ,,q
o''-," "'
a.n!n ol Dravron l9) 6
i#.:i:)"'.; " J;"c"::j
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r,'liiiiriji:lti'iil'iiri:;ill$:'i:l'?3,lTa" :::i ii::l:'"::irj3",1;:r".3'r'"""Y;":':.:'; i:i:"." l:rr*,#i:"n:iikt,i{i*;,1*:i,$"::i;;" U$i,,:lq,i5ii#;qirlfi,._yjil colrrse ent a stror\E l.llnd off the Harlon R1ver. Joe orRourke or ti,. rn raa. rpr,ir-lc, rrrriurr"a
i' ili:ii:k{iliHii.$i:"s:r.::'"iii{;3i,.,;r*:"i;*i:itii"i;1;i3"ir;:;'*;"d;ijit ffi""i;.r"iJ:i; "i:?i:x'i: }iilil:ilt:ri:;
!i"3"fi15i Ti"i:t"h"il;-l'iltii.ftl"rii1?iH u. ,1"["ti?]iii,5iT,*'"!i"tl;"iiii.:].S,?,:t:ii"
$l;*itlri:{*rJillrl;li,$ji1,;irr:l j:i*.i#ii*;::-:::
i:i,"iillili,,ll*T;:.' j3;fl b;ii :i:l;" ;*';:i,:i;i*"Hlsiiii'i{igil;,ssr'i:i3kd, iiitr :iil*ii:ru-:'' ili;i i:!a #tii ljr:i"yt:i,jlji:,!i1i.'iii;'i;"r";,'a"".ilry" 1. lr;n".ry;;;,-ir;ii"l"i3; 3i;3i i;33 :i:3,1 +*';*i:si; iry!"sHt"#i::i,t{1"fit9;Fil:*.i;.tifi3i:iilil;i;[x, ]ii!i iigf tltj# iiiii:"i i;]";3i;,ii;X,ii3iii36lsl 3A*, ]]: :31'I.i:il'i;;13:il*:.;l;aC ,:l: a?:t: filli'li,3liiilia.'#i',.';i?i,i1'"i3;,5:t',3:'*'ii: d:; iSii::"?:Ir"?iiz{,,::}3iL1 ):iE 1,4::S 'i: i:ii: ?;.'i:":i:-,,iil"il3:,ff',j;'ii?1i,,,'i""- il: {.t"ilik"lti'z:}z: 1,',52 z;ig 71,?' ' tiiri:il:,ii*i:*liilrii,d!:"i:.$i3rii';ij: il' ir:r'i"i;*ifrls#:: ;;iji ,,ff ii':ii j6: l;lf''"3i"il;,'lil",?:]i'l"lli;i;i5l!1;,,u!Y: lil.l"Ff,fl; Phl'j'a'Plon,J2;165:oo lzrt JL. FarDh r,rs.Lre, ssrc, rt25t35; 40. \sr crrut- t., t,.'.'"0"'",til3;., liiA; f;33 53;3i ni.k, unlted Aq, 1:26:12i ur. 1i: fli?."31?li,.y,rr.,srrc. f3,1o f:oo ro,rb ".il $i?ii;":";. 25. tl:t:i3: i;i''i1}"uf;'i3lffl'il"i",-., ,:2q:0ci rr'tke c€,eer, ;:*';;:"'il:H i:33 1i:Lj" ;i: 3li"i'#ii:H"ir"sJIc' 3r:52 3:oo ro:s2 #i.ll"il,T.'ili'iiia:.,Hl.l'33;'i;,*l;,lil" r/,r,.A., 1:to:l6i l+7. B,chard duscsrk. sL.Aac. ad. Iten Maurer, l;33 3f;i; ";tff3i;".33;i3 ,':: !i1!iy:,it3' iii"'Hiii;;,"ffi1'{l!?iii"ia. i3: 33l"Tffii}'Hffi'".. l3;;; ;t:!; LBon Ehr€npreis, una., 1:31:1ei 51. Russerr. Krr- Best ..*"- ..,TffiH;ui.r:t:1,1,;:l"i: ;;" SiJxil
,lhitii-i3: *;tl'i!i-t #:"iiinfi8;''
iil'.Ti8; :,f il : a3:,5"1.?5:1"L:l:"i:,-"Yiii"9,-. 8;Hl"l:, 3' soo'!h r""""v "*i,i:" +3; i;: 2' ?h11"'Pr'""'""'
xii*lt;lgi":';n;"1'[;;#]:: B;"l.lll];, 56 flnlshors_-A
rl,I,lNors rNrfficol,LEcrArE cRoss coutrrny
-;:*; :i.Utilil.qi.1';"i -,,H:::.5";"#ii::",j3fli;
llll;; l;lr;i?:, :::""1**.",
16ad on th6 3i#"1ifi"1:;.9:*; """."" lap of the throe-lap courso & uas a strong rin- race favorlt€ A1s nor by sone J00y. Flti,s is the Met.AAU Sr. Utte last 5Oy. charp.ton end was rrnnorrp :n che ..r. 1:', {-9t- I, R:.k-cross,.u.ot tl:I." A+t2S; 2. 41 Robln-
::";".1"x,:'tsli::5,::,1';"i;1ff:"j;l:'Ji:;;;; ;:'i.;'Y;"X:2f:.?:,il:1,Fij:;u:iy:;*;:ii", tili: li?l ff:":id:":il:""ii:iff: !.': l;iiilYlt;"'i;9e;."o.'r,'iii-6"-ui,-u:;r-;:i.; i,e ,i;;; n"i";i;:."i;:;:i;,jliilfi.:t;iii,6i,li: -or ilii,;:";'ii"l,:ii:u,ffT,;:.i""::"*ies or'c1ars: r{urrpar stelner, or.""ro.i"3 .**u, i?9i;'I'iif;:.t} ,,n1...
ren aor"nson. cuobins,s.., rou "" ,., l;iii,til.oil"r:+i:lruli"_ 41""y :ro,'"nnu""" yurphy. Fraak \lro, flerb Lsnev & 14o,-t.e 0rGradJ ots Slar€ unt"", b-,i,. tro5 ."#.."i ----" --.toe Kl6lnernan-Tean: t. un1v, 6r itirnois jS; 2. E"!t.""
'grurm Joe ronczuk
or tho s'-€rdale
$iii[:]r,"i*lsit kii,ii$iiiii:{#:: ]53i
I: Bil$i]""fill"le,il0:_f;,w;::Hi1llr.".;
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lNTaitSTAlE lli'!-!I C OLL!cIATil A!'qiET IC CONF5RENCE C oliIT?Y C!l4l,IPf OIISiIIF { lLLlliioTS ) charleston, I}finols, November B, 1969- ror tne iirirc consecutive Jeaf, EastB]'n Illlno:: CIIOSS
AGe 10 & UNDnR- f. itevii ltnonJ ]tas.. 2. Shadl] shan5aur:h, llssco, 5:5tJ; 3.
-o_rrlcLe-.. :o:iro.oo 1F l.AC /-C Chtro ons:jp. The ?anthers i.rere 1ed io a lor total- of l9 po nr s oJ Ila.Lv c Inr1re, D-i'e SL. 16LL, Jin ..1rr.-r, sno -arr" [s se uno -oo, lhn toD four olacss in the flve nl1e race. 1. llartl/ McInti!'e' EI:l, 25,1)Ai 2. Dlke Stlrrett, DIII, 25tA1 t 3. Ji}Jl Skinner' nIU, 25:26; . . Lar-/ s/s.. .-'-. '5:rL; 5. oob csnpe.'' ', '-jrL:s L vtc: iaa nt!,. , : ,l; 6. A- 11J]or. 1JnIn., 25|53t 7, ],lark Stevens, Ttfinois -lt.S .- State U,, -: i 8. Je"f o. -r, !:€s -'n L-U' 2e:od: . fie h 1oD. l . 1l/,, 26:0):1:"I'". '0. 111. ''.i ., 26117 Drs..': i11^, Tesn: 1. EItr, 19; 2. I1],Slate Univ., 56,; f. ce.tral l.iichl-'an unlv,, 7l+; )+. r'Iestern 11t'90
tl:e iirs: tj)liiornia A]\U lhxnps at an-r: riistanc than the ]-nile track run. Lt, Ctift a aradDate oi lIar.dlnc Co]leae in -{.il tto hatfs fron ]-ong lsland, I'1.Y,, ra nith the Open 4-l.iile race around Aro LEke. At the end ol the flrst ol the -OOJ. .., D": F1 -r. o silJ lo.dv' ri-1e Senior iiaiiional AALr i.lararhon Che hi8h school race )iational !'reslrrlan r ,1oL. r 1_ nile. / : r', h scJ Ioo irosn--ol o 'q.lueo -ripfe 9:.(..L'. -s /rn- liroen. I I oore,. --tt-T 1. 's - Ll.y--
--Tonr,'/oodall-_ !A:T -f.llI I:LI)]C IS'!.liTVilFS ITY i'i lIIS lli0AA C0LLEI'! DIVISICN CFCS; NOII}]TRY C]LAMPIONg]]II theaton. Il1tncis, Novenber 15, 1959- For the seconj year in a roN' last€rn Illincls Univ. (charloaton) c arno horne liittr all the narbles' cs n.r. than 60 te..ns an.i lEb r'rmers nere re]]iesented, Ron Sionitsc:r of C.'r']. Post Col]eEB in 24:51. iNe, York) uas the lnaividuaL uinner ]linds and loo tenpe]'atDre chllfed the runnors' and the course had tltre. inchos of accumulaied
Knon. 5:j9. I') rs.'/esc., -,ihese
lJILllfi,IGtoN, DiI"{'dAFE--D3laraxe Trac}
serles of post-sea3on cross-countrX desiCned to keep area hlgh school bc ning aftei' the usuaf lntorscholastlc tion ten'dnaied. This lras the fourtt thls procran and f9 indlvtduals coni A no]rlce seciion ?as added ihls yea q!'i1y ior Jurlor b-tgh runnoris and nE dtvi sion Jogge!s. o ar .r.h bc ce lled because of snor{, l. Ror Storltsch, c,rt. Post, 2+|53;'J.2. J. craal .'Lfl n-ror, De-1., Nov, 2J- Hi]ly R' :\lorLh Da- Psrl', n a o1d, u-ndy afLornoon. _..Jonrls \.'i .)t ,. ^. i,r,-in-. l.fiv J. D1_(..,5!. open l+.5- tles- 1. Kevin 0rcomor (i u: . _. ^o-a: l. laYFlGnlIj n-t -Ilarshall colLeee runner) .^ -t.1t.L1: ^I State: Dan Rinccn, 2l+:f0; l, uike Ril6y, Se ",,..";o. ,or. L -.-!r ; o. ". 5'or'y, urr olLl^v, lS. 26:)0: L. Boo jper c--, Dtc]<tnsor a ,, aico SL r : t0. Ir'. l" 9,.ol !: l1 ,nson, 'ut27r 6. Ji' .;- .1.,-; !. -1-rl I J' , L: I !. Sei_ 07;5. ^en 28157; Bab Dmon, ){lddfeto!,tn ItS, . l l.r, Ellstern I:1.h1ts3n. ]r'ich.. JoJM S.on', r2:15i o, aob cjlc.rlst. T ,-: 1. La L-", 1. .,84; . as crn I .. i ),'\ 'co S a1e (Ca' i.). L 7: l.' I-'"' ols Harrlnaton, Del., l{ov. lO- Klflen .-^hn Cl -. "n.r.n i:. ",' 'e; . l "bolL --^ ' (c .i ". )' L]. of Newark illeh School,6daod the GroL -ps --r1a.- - '-oh:!-q !.q.IJ, J:9^ .ou'.or: plon, Dan Rinco. by tro seeonds. Gr€ 1' 0 ', 6r ' nr- ' ^r .f ql I ireer Avocs o "h-. De.6aoe- o, lo o '. foiner Delarare T&F Club runn6r wbo 60 L,-. c_-,/. r.s.,1. _o:cb ](idCle Atlantlc AAU llarathon tltfe . r . j-I'. r-::" s_'i: Jon Ka.._llen, 20 Lo: .. . l''r h' LY' l.rou ;\ r: j:,.c:, o: L' cpe, 1.5 l'tles- 1. Jo'n c"eenplaLe, o: -rc, - 'c.rs'ra s. 'l: base n-, /):)( Dan nfncon, , !. .-; . "' 5o a, doborL OrCo.mor, 1? {"!in e. 7. i l): L.-Do. 9oppe' 1orcs! ris. 2d:ol; ^26:5. Bob s1e' c.rr D ': o. So: Jc, 22: lt; B. Ricirard l'Ie113i -l'tadera 3;;d1':i I-S, 28:2b; o. h€n lli,L-lsflson, 28:rq! ."r's. .SfC, J:\/: lr. ti. :t , . rr'ot".. '" : -sos fi4 Eubert vorga!, 28136; 7. Jim Phtull ,r J r- , , . -t:J6i -1. _ Iorost HS, 28:51; 9. Ton 01{ens, Mid{ '' . ,,:' L: . .- , rTC' ltr:l/i 1l' CErlo: :o IIS, 31:01; 10, Kevln Douglas, Mlddl€ 's , . : i Lon, ;/2i !ta.!"n-rJ shoo' d rovtce 2. i-vl-L€s- l. ho!.raro l3r!'r, 2b:ro; Lir, . . ", ' ". -5. ton;-f5:-Zd;--Z:Aatt Rlncon, 19 ;3 2. R.oseveMs,27:L+. sEr,lTOR (OVLi l!c) Drv. [- Ii,ES- f. Bob Letr',nan Neuark, Def., Dec. e,- Ru}mlna on h: ileeden JC coach, 26zL+3 (41); 2' Harrv Earber, course, Untv, of Delalare fresh'ran, Rec dley Jc,.]f:16. ler c€re fron behtnd tn the ftnal qt [0. -"+t. s". ..L" -c.o L 2-llrli>- 1. (asLo looez' to edge Dan Rlncon & Jobn Greer nlf6 A11 20 runners 6I( a blanket flnlsh. san-Ar, o:L<: . Cgrlos Aravo'.'i"dL'y' 9tr)a '<l rr'ta.4,r.q... nov ";1, ;.'l'.51.i.':13; '": :. 1. Bob Muelfer, 29:ol+; 2, Dan Rinc, l:::"is:6,1",i'ii "! Lenoore, L0:1.1. ,o,r:,'e. .ns'n< DIa.k, v: 3. John cr6enplat6, 29:08; [. Grtf ] 'i.o..l-s;r,r ".iii l€trooIo' eo€n, John l. 29133t 5, Y\ealr, orconnor, J0tJJ; 6, '-YfLis- ru.oo-e, lo:l5i r' Dou" viro.n, Lo,ro:'2.-bln 32tI5: 7. Bob Sp€ncer, Dlcldnson HS 'i. r""."t., 1o:1t': L. 3on vl'den' l€noore' B. Douglas, l4tddfeto n HS, J4 Kevtn i'io':1,-.. Ken w1l]lsnson, 3[t19; 10, Davo Lit F"ri o csr.'a' Booqevelt, to:2ui 6' Briceno, t4erc€di ru:Jf,' Unrv. of Delawara, llr:29. Deini -;i; sir-ij 1. ,""fr_' "-,?1?l,tj:ti?;; Wllmlngton, Dol., Dec, 21- For a t: -IiLtsn€ns r:aturned to Rockford Park ln hi L1:1Bi 2. Peter Perez. Stt'L S" fl:4d. 6;iteriG u!"rie' ir'u". Mud underr " qrdoesl, St.L.S..
s€ve1"3l places naoe rhe golnp hone fof Ll € notl ta s e,(cra splce, rnei r poLc.rt al rndror{n Loaodeo s€r:€s r6gL_ lars. Newark Hlgh sopbonore John creenplat; capbured th€ open dlvlslon, and HoNard illeh :9pholiore Iloward Govens easity took the novice
dt!'slon in hts ltrst colnpe!iirve 6f"or, 1n nor- than stx re€ls. Gov€ui .an th- 2.J nlLe course ln 12r27 to b€st veteran Ketth patton by nealfy a mtnuto. z3tr7, z, _9!94 lr+.Mlle- 1. John Gre6npl"at6, Kev_tn orco'lnor, 2j:J6: l. p;ut T.lrs,to: Sp;Ing_ fteld 4. crtC BslL ts. ,j:t9: ']:LJi AIr \. uancoll€se, tlrncoF, Dorer Bas€ Ht sr , 2l+:)o; b. Ton Cl6avpr. Wtlltaqs CotfeF6. ztt:L9: 7-- 'nob' Soencer, Dlcklnson ttl'h, 25:L:; 8. Ji1 B-aJ, '{svark ,jldh, 26:14; 9; Ken l'.i-ilanson, 20: 2; 10. Blff G1.€enplqte, 26t)+7. --Bab clrchrtst_: WIND
slRlllls- rae cross country
or rr"rwaukte (or".gon) J... r\. a !ot3l or 217,ir -1i_-s roray or- Lhetr scl-o01 rra.k. -rart_ ina 3L L:10 p,.1. _-ldey. .1e eIql.ooys are clELning " eecoro, l.e"s Pot :r l0 "1tfe3 s" Joe -o ^ef_ reeo ia.nerr r,'-.Ll aro - o] . _ i-r Ior", i u_ _ Ip4, Bob PennelL, irrOen "rr"e.^s olnecs., trtck Mrdd h61p€d q.En mares..,!ug6n€ Me rhyn (assoc iar€ I77 editor of Roaders Dl8ost) uas in :an Dlego for a strna DefLa Chl C"r _ ventlon. He Hert Jogelng down the center lstsnd of Cabrllt-o Freewav In Balboa fsrk & las hanoe d a ri;_ kst for Jogqlng atong the frleeway. Th6 arrestlrla offlc€r satd l4e rhyn sau rrie 318n rod€srnlans prohtbt Leo, or( crrought Lb dld nor spply Lo -ne cencer ot_ vloer. Ih€ cr bation noted hts speed aL tLo n1-l-es^an. our rn s 65 nph zone. au 'I.o po"ia )'5.uu oond or aDpear In lrs-ftc cou-L...The "uC Delsuqre T&E Club w111 a€,atn pronorc the ^a6sar Rodney hal'-Y€rsrr oc on iunaav. AD-l 9rh. _he glven then e. appropr:arJon o^ St., o/q !o oD€raie an 6xpa.1ded Lrack & fjeLd roc16atlonal.end :nsrruc.'onat progr"- 1n ne 1n_ rer clry tlrltnrnqronJ n€xt surmer...Sco.! Jack_ son, rillo won th€ orogon A_1 state indlvldual chairDronshtp as s junror rov. B, :l'9:s o€gan lodn9ry runnLnS Ln he sumn€r a"Ler ,ls fifth grsd6, Hls success ls due Lo a conoinar.on of lalen' ano y-ars of cum:na. :.'.i:gl!"ry scorrrs ord€r brother, ,.1a1, dasnafd Oreson,s frrsL preD lwo-n1-Lo charplon bacx in la6-; :ednL n.S, cross,.couatr] coEch, lyar,{ CoL con, nobss -hcre rs a ror_ot -haJ'd fiork oehlnd nts ,ScoLr,s/ maekc," Durins rh€ srrmer afr€. n:grsd6._JBc"son ran a ^:Lr.6 o8u ano ri-Lh nrre, .rne sdJ'lan r afLer r is ejs .h " b::).8 rurn-d. In a 2:07.9 880, *,.,".i n_ri Lno ro:)9 Lno-n116. Ir 1Js sopnono16 Lrsck sesson sprhg, 5co!t's clnes w6re oown Lo.:OO .n-as! half-':t]e, 4:17.L tor,,ru recordl in rne "._teLne& \ttt. | 1n Lhe buo-nLle. tn a_counLry, 1.6 UrsnL sls- flnls.6o I)t Jn ttF ctty as a "rpsnnsn & rrrsL as s sophomof€ and .iuntor. I. Lne A_l sLat6 n66t, h€ Lnp"oved trofl 7-Ln sq a tpesT"n a sophonoro ro lst as a "f cannot nake any predtctlons for Junlor. the rest s.ott'sL j Jntor 3nd senror Jesrs., ss]s co!con.of 'c.or do€sn,E boL eve n se ..ng soits. rr_ Loasr, he do6sn,L sh3"e !hen. he ^eers rha_ soneone ts hurt If goals are nor net. |I tend to agree nlth hln. " contlnues th€ crant uea4
*ffi** :l.'::'::'9l"+yearsofrLLnninai""r,iei-iitiiii"F :" ui," ;iJ'::"; ::'ri:": ii:!"i;!:: _=i,li,i: ffi".ffi,;s!
).51;"ffi "i: "," iB "
ffi iffi
,ruN. HARoLD eonor-D rARKrn .ro;t; srAr[ FoRESr, J2 M,LE R]]N, l:"yM Andove', llsqs...,-ranuqr) 1, _o?o e A. r",r.
:t#*lls; i;1;; r;*, ij.^T."it::-1.,r:i';ri'!i-r"f:;ll"]B1l;' .,fi"'Fl-::lllt:9,-o,-:1. o,"-,-."1,-6,ii'
-****st ;'*;*iltr#*ryru*
NotFs.. , dprd ac q a.n. or t"" v.,.;"-ily*iii at1€ndsnc6wss]ow.|€nt-ooh1es,eno;"1;'"i;;ffi rrnlshers.---.Fred io_r:rre n:n.*..zlui*e
n.1L 5o.r clesr.
x+.tr;+y iili:i:'i:,lli,i,lx"f;
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lllll I_V-E-!I oF rHE sliAlaocK rRAcK ctuB Auruln{ .POSS-CLL\IDY SC"E-:S .1O69 BIIS PARK.
li,, L .b^radn. rsHAl,f?ocK-1 RA.fi cT.uB x_14AS CARD cr_rcAm. Tlr Ii!ols ",,i..,," ;;:-:^^": -i w;";i';;";;I,iru;;;1;""*"
C lii:"il""il;.ll3l j.'ili$:''i'hi::-,1 E" ;1,, "'#ll.,l,.oo' l'-;:i'i,iliir"il: ,i'iliiiEl"i;3;'Et;::"*:lt,:.:,yll;:i;;:l i;;,'I,xi.tt:;;, t;t;;. ro:ro: >.. Bo0 t;agne, St.larrI.t, 16:LB. ( 1 i:ryi:{ ji.}t#,:*; ru Jrl: i:.'::.ifi:: Erosh-Sooh TCACO,
2-Mtle X-c (1OOy shorcJ_ t. Larl,y Kwrc c,r-s ld,
"ilii"i8il: 13, t3; ii";;;* i3:iil'iij, L'e;'i:^i.i;;'i;"'"t'ii%X""'iiii;
g;''#E*. : ;, +t:iii,;"*"s;:lfr ::;li,:l f,V.NI rov. 15Eh bLusL-ry otd & ,/2. Ri.ls-_ps",,x-ct1i: ff'r"m:;;;::;;".' I, Bob cl i: ;1;;J: 11."_(+"J - 4-I-4i1e lgi ;l,iii, ;;:r;; ;,1.;"Ti::i :ll :.t1,,1,: 3: fffln.l:ii:lt,H;.ir' f:;si, F,4:", ii.' :l;'11'1;;"u,*i;.ll;9'i"f;," I 3i;'i:;l'." jY; Iili",fJ:iiT; .r;:;i:". i,:!i^.",^," ^" -,-]'l1+: "rosh-soph XC_ t. Heffy fiu-L"insd. s":?: -'l't::,..''{: :::#:'u:"". :;;1,,J,:i":i;, DCLRRC^TO_STAP ACE mou! ;6:
-ooss_'o,\.. ! chr.aao., r1r.. Nov-noer,7,
c. Nr"AL q1U 5,000 y!.TtD
:.1:-i:i1, :-onso.ad
Hrrr hosr a 6 RLINS race serres urrn
bJ t'le Shar-u,oct, TC. \/6BLn-!: C01d, rrindy, 1leht snol,J. 1, Dan candiano, Depaur Tc, 15:!4 (n.w
I2 Saturday, May loth with tho D.C. AAU track axd fleld charnplonships. Sunday, June 6th the D.C. ar6a.w111 fleld an all star 5 nan besr( ir .a!' dilislon aEp-iist an all sbar tean froa \_.i.1 Lork under the dlr.ectlon oi BarI celsler. Gabe Mirkln encourages anyone lnterosted ln ihese races to contact hln for the finat sche, duls at 1\l+11 Butternut Court, Rockville, l.!d. fELLETIER'NINS !TRS! RACE OF THE 1']IAR AT l:]ii, Knoxvil16, Tenn,, Jan, lttii 2-r.M.- Nornan !elletler, Unlv, of Tenlessee dr:stance runner, had th€ Choroko€ Blvd. running courss sU io hinself as he v,on the first lon8 distance co..petltion of the Jear in Knoxvtlle. The e..'enr as a 10 rdler eith a snalL group oi t r:lrI]ers competing. The fleld r{as Lmusually smarl :Lr. to th6 fact thai area co]leges were still ..r vacatlon and nany of ihe area cLub peted tn the Atl.anta Marathon a week a€c a.: r/ierenrt ready lor another dlstance run t.!s 5-r.1. la.r. 1. xoxnan Pel16tler, Unlv. of Tenn.,29t5A a2t.1r 2. xrnlo Erooks, 17, clinton Tc, 3ct-a aatAT ) l)a .7 t'-) "."DI',11T....-:' 9. "arolo -a'l-'eLu, hnolo1ll6 -t., --Hal Canfie ld, lie6t;ir.::.rDC.9RC
2o-Mrrfl TtnmY TROT, afrEEtlBll!,
Wi1lllrns, prenier long )lr-,::,: .1 lJa thj q:. o1 €r'e, race stayin{! Nith th6 leaders and ,irrr.: ::l 2:Oa:O o.e- 'o"o -g n 1 ..1 l tance rum.r Bob Thurston b]' less ihajl a .i.ute, Ian Ke?r, fron Scoiland, 17ho sanairi..:: in runnlnA rhen he can aet away frcn .1s r':.:.3 as a medicaf intern in BaltlnLore also ::.-:::..: up close. John Wlnsloli cappeC a busI "'eer :: runntng in Toias, Berrick,' Pa. anc to.ia;r : .z::'.4 -e\nar .. r '.r " n ., and snovr rfLrrries feLl Just alter the t:nr.::. Tbe Greenbelt Jaycees manne d ijh. t.ree :-:r-_-3 on tile 2+ nlls loop courss and served reires.,nenLs atLopqords. Tn€nLJ '1ve Lrooi i_- , : provided for tile 67 contestants tn ihe t.-::e races. Rac6 Director: Larry No31r Jr, 5 n1, fo-ni, r5-rJ. ?:-:. r, Gar,{lftlsrns, wsc, t2-31 87.2i 9Z:6T2:aj'12 2. Bob Thursion, 3r:1,2 62tI9 %:O5 2:a)1it )rtL5 6 | ] 9j:0, . :).: ' J. Ian Kerr, ldsc, l+. John li1ns1ow, wsc, lj:02 65:l+5 99:5o 2:t2::'a 5. Phit Ste'rar!, 3ot3a 62l+5 97t25 2t\5:!-a 6. Pete Harnan, .13:C0 - 1:41":lo 2:l?rl2 7, 41 sno{den, Boc, 32133 63t54 9913c 2:2L.3: 2:)'-1.. B. Ar Barnes, )?151 61tr5 9. Georqe Phl1lips, 2:24:54; 10. Bill ltron€ne:rer. 2t28 2]-t 11, John r"'atf, 2:-]1r15; 12. Tec '!on. ':Jl:2J; 1J. Bt1l v sn, ):l-9:(-. blr - c"o" :rk1- t10-1. ) 66: '; Don !elnl k' (10n1. ) 7]:li+ snd Dennis Ktely (1oni. ) 72:55. ET Hcp Act,T. Place RESrrTs 9t 1,111e 1. Bruce Burns i de, )r]1: o1 2: 20 41:41 2a 2. Mlft Gre€nbam l+].L:3 B 11:20 l3:1U b lr:1o 2 3. Glon Ayres t1: 1l:40 I?-.)+A 32,2a l+ 4. Davld Bror.rn 5. cal Anderson [5:0q B:00 l7:08 14 6. Ray Donbroskl 45:lu 1i+r40 lo:58 1* )+5,t)+3 cO l+5:l+l 22 ?. Joe l4c0arthy 1l+: oo 11:45 3 8. Larry rroel t!6:07 12 r00 3l+: 07 f0 9. Jeff ColLins )+6:25- 9t2o 3"7:o5 13 10, Dlck Schlunn 7 11. ?auf Thuxston l+b:2b U:20 lf:ob l+6: l+7 1l+:00 12147 q 12. Robert I'Ioss rJ. Jim \"Jooddell' [5:5] '(.)\o 39tra LU Nov.
14, Bill M'ruon, L6t5)+ tl+tzo 3?,3A 5 15, Lou Dextraze, 47:05 lr::0 3j:Ltt L2 i:r" ii.1fk Sieq€l, l+7:tl cO i+?:i.l 2l -r.i. 1,,.1 srre.le, l+'7 tL5 9t?a 37:t, ..a lb. :ar] Resisnaio l+7:4tJ 1lr.:oo 3Jrl+B 9 19, Bt.L1 0 'Reilly, !+1 t)a9 6.20 41: 29 19 2".. i:arvey GeIler, 48:2[ 9t2a 39td]+ a7 2f, .iLr T:Liraqr, l+g:12 14:.)o lif:12 11 ::r. Jonn xoble, l+d:[5 ]1:2c )71"5 r5 21. syd conFer, 5ItI3 9tao \2tL3 ?I ,-lo!es...Rat DonLrosl.ii, a senior at Ireton i: ,qlexandria, Va., had ihe fastest tlne over a ri--ld of 25, finlshinA siJ.th. The couls€ is a ro1ltn€ one Niih several steep hlus, ?-!:I;tl RIYL- 1, Darla Brorn, fl:11; 2. Stepi-en Cu:tis, 1r:26; 3. ],ia-rne And-.rson, 1l-rlo; r. lay Gordon, I2tI3t 5. Jerr Levine, 1.2:l0i 6. Ed lrarron, I2:)+2t '1. ssrl Perctz, I2t59; i, aregt ilouclton, 1l:10j 9. rii.k Eari/, Il:llij 10. lrel,son 0erte1, 1l:17; lL. tsl11 husler, ll:49; 12. liile l,icRe:/nolds! ll:5rfi ll, l.Ji ir! -.orfJ.-.y, 14:11; l[, tany ]ntrof, i.r:16: 15.li.. Snlth, Jr. , ut-,r1 . 127 i'inisiier.s )--nay tor.lo.,;C]NC lO.MILE :'FACli iUT L]IIi BY ST]NI!] JACT!SO]i Si,rinlbrook A.s., Sifver SprlnilJ l]ar:Jland Decenber t), 1969- Stevo Jackson took ofl lt. .e neant business ln ihis race and iith his botriding, ground-eatlng strl.io Led all the r:
a.6rJy or ' 'or a le.l3l!o ":n. r{ rsn a e(:1r -!.o" h,s } oer -i re :.c- o-v "v:nj lic:te l. Steve Jackson, ,2137; 2. Jin lt]'iarht, 5l+:2. l. ]iir Boyd, 56:lrr; 4. Bob r^orltan, 56t52t ;. tsob :lariper, 5?:20; 6. Josh Arnold' 5d:15; ?. Da-7id tsroun, 98:55: 8. liirt Greenbaun, 52: J9; 9. faul Tirurston, 52:J0; 10. Dave Bronso: 66:51; 11. iieorge ?htlLips, 66.5I:. I?, Jrfi, iarr.l€, 56:54; 11. n, schunrn, 67:46; r4. cal -nderson, 57:5?; 15. Rod Steele, 68:58. -o:16.b:2, P" l Ra!- -. _ - - 'I]e REJ ccr.on, 11:21,-: L. J( f: , Ll:', ; J. -r.ic^S:r-s, e .ne, r uoi ,. Eo ba--or, r : 1; o. frr! 13:05; 7. Abner tslaclocn, ]3:28; 8. i;rqler, 1.. tailiLJ, ll:L?: I. 1 :'oi.o..!',J.:nirn. '. .1 .oq ds, l{:_O; 11. /-L B _h-Je-, 1J:5lj r:,sido, l):c-: 1J. trl. !.Jc , .. l: 1 .oo " ar.tny, lf :cl+: 1 oLp --l n" \L:)6; \6. Jsrie tsurnside, 17:2f, -Ray Gordor. ralilc TTli Ar,l\r,rLl, ISNNEDY I.OMOfiIAL 2O-KILo R_Ll: LrshingtonJ D.C,, D€cenber ll, 1969- Tiiis r'.e is over a 4-1ap, 1evel couree in East Potc r:c iark rhich ltes bet --en'riasnineton Charn€!' flnlrh€r. .oro.rEc R:1-r, 1, - firs. .. :1 a !lo) - e.oLo .ari- r,e " nal la. L'"r. student fron BaltlI!r i(er.r, Scor,iisb medical o i ..r r --l; .n .. , ire .,r]n. li.aiher': Sunnr, some wind, 3b". Officiars: l.:il€ B:ad1ey and Ken Behannon. :J-(llo- l. Ian Keri, 70,10; 2. Ray DonbroskJ. :iL-E:]8; J. llil€ ]rdr, ETc, 70:41; [. GeorEi a:-iistopher, '11.39t 5. Kir]{ iloward, lTcJ 7f:5: 6, icr]n l.isc, 72:ol+; 7. Bill Van lyke. tare lrronson, 74:46, 9. Davld EroN: 7l:ll; 5,';ins]o,, Dil-i7ii11: 10. Jin Heywood, 75tL.2t \I. I'jark'16:t]; belta, 76tI9t f2. lilL Kron6nyer ' B'Ic, ll. Ililt Greenbau]rl, VSC, 80:24; 14, ]{assan Z€: eshi{i, lrlc, l.ta tb,z: I5. ceoree ?hiLlips, ul:l!5: :16. calvin And.rson. 82:52; 17. Ted Lvon, uscl q4:1.2r r8. Jon Naunan, 85:l+8; 19. Fod steele, 2-i,1i1e rlr!! (lory course, approx. 2.1 nilesi 1. cc"io" oliver, 12:06; 2. Peter Jensen, 12: -
15;; -. ;::ilp.ll:li::,,1, l"/rvn' 4_.o" -"or't, t :_ll 3. r'l ii ;,: i ?:.' J}""5:l:;, "irl-il ; B; I ";": :'_,il _. :;. ,ji;" i;, j' i -l3il Y:l B!i!' ;.].;91;,, i ;, "","1:,11n1sners
i'9:::f.. -.Rcc L-\.TLF TR4:t( .Anfiol_ ... ., .. .. .\lct I. :rr]\, tqoi- '1'o L . L. . ])ecenber 2f. 1969 i^ l'" ''i::9:!'' ur.o 1as been A!ce-c.ng_ rirn.l n 1S'eve.Jsc{son. ry vle -L rn Lhe pasL seve-sl Leck:, .r.. d.o:l ;.:,1 :-.,. ! l , " r) r1"r a^,. -ro. .. closes" -._.;-i" .:' corpei tLors , rn dr::.0 .ov.r .,i trr .ar., Donb ro" ki o-f BLsaop .-sco.r "- ..j, Th..21. old Adans Siat-- ColleAe sentor Joar N6aLher cortr.ou]-ao r'rasrrt darnDered by rhe btustery reathex oi: t.: lrnes rn Lho 1"" Slgro nr-te rs.-s.ro or6 / ,,or and clocked an eice]1ear l,j:18._ by L€no Sp.nqJr Mir/.n s n; .o .:. oeer i:i:"!, rllc!,1""" iius r:! ter!a1n. llace lJlrecior: BILrc€ Burnsi de. ., t .,-' ., ' 1. sreve Js.k<o,. o:0o. : ' . +-++i-!:lue,0:5h;. ). Fa) Dorb*o" .!. :: o; . yl I ^ r "r" ,o rr; t-.--r :oJ. -*l! :ht, :... . ,r.r-oo rh Lrsron, ?tt)Li 5. peL. Resi6n,1 , I : .: r '1 .^ , ! rsr ]-;lF ol 6. tur e C\lLcoior 2l:+ci ,. B.zt :'.' tL. '.^r su-nn' sa"ord i1 U|en Ayr6s, : li.*.!"'-. '. ii|? i: i: . :]; I z : r: 1(). ;eor.e Chr:.Lopr cr, 2 :. ; The e oos 1n )o no-61 1o-rp€rLro-, or .-. .2:1c):-12, _e-t re.n ,)a.6 2 :20;' ri _tsrou, 22:fB; !ilk. L. -o 1+. Robert ^!, ov"-, :::r+; ti. John Nfr! Y- / -or d _.-r.rar fs. or o ocodn.ui-_o, -1lberto, WinsloF, 2l:05i 16. Phlt SteNari, :;:oi; iZ. ro_ a. f-.. .,.d.1. ,o o aL ger Hunt.irrqion, 2f:16; 18. rRvlc Ercns.t., 2l:20; _olor.do -ulttn.an"J ca R d, f o" coloreoo -or:. s. oy oris_L -€. L7tt1a, z)t2t"; 20. ca.oc r,:tri:i., 1;"j r1r-)-'--otd raJ 2a:.6 1?. co rp-r-o .o r 1rI,s ^1. -q9fd.! .:,0:2-. .--1 11:i..Brqotey, d4. r!r. l-.'rl s Ll c nanpf-r of In- s-!1_ar 1. larrrn ur6Fnbaun. ,t :0d: 2 . 1-o. ".,:r,-. i. c,sh_ fll€s r.ak ::dr- ,1on, .: o n1q ino, o , - ,,x_1_ 1l3.. :L:'-: oLs ,-,-f0 -i, f-1" -L 5 LinEs ;n f-e .t.s.I J. SL-e"e.. :. ; o. J:ff col11ns, 2+t33j 2?. Jon E!!erson, 2a: tl; schunn, 26t.I7i 29. floilstrron, 26:t9i-jO. _2d,.Dlck l,lark christopher, 26:58, . -s .o. crodp l.1t ro- 4O-,!o- I . . :"sgli: -:oEi as. r:,.; :.. . uo "..Lo, 2. uacvey cF]].;.T8. ron._1r5.-5:l o: L. ^af\' An, Fo-cg- 1. aav coroon. c1. 5:1-: . .-. i ..u1, t, 6t)\i ),. "ol.t.J.:,1r_rorcy. 51, :0o. over- l, ?sL Soeer, cl. o: ; .". (-L_ -b0 $ ru, 1o:Jo. !rrar}t, Cr1. i-4in. -i b:.o, i .. r. rtr .l t -nop.-/, l.8r0l: KB1-taro$,. ). Iark M.dvi:r., o, o: q. I. xlrr us-oy. -., tt+a./; ). i j1r -. _ " c. 7:02i J. ?eqj) .ur/-s, I _. ?:r_. coflbe-. =llro-6. s }1i1<- 1. Nar cl PurvLs, o: Lr; . q.n1 j,rae Cooke, 7:Or: l. LEna S.i:Lh. l. _-.. -) Ga._ don-- (P.'r,1lr€ Unofficls_LJ Ln ,.9:- i. .J l .-L.l . Erlc 5ti6s, q:_.:., ,: o; >. ^.inWr-.... r. roe -, c."i.r ", 5:,0: For"e_6n"..,oo,."r, :ol: 5, lltles Anre s, .:10: . s. .. o., 5r1f; 7. ],ou Dextr^za, itz2t g. .rin n." .
Glenn Dale, Uaryland, Deceinber 28, tgil Tris race a ner out_ ,n. ,rr{
,ouqoa frol D)vqt F.s., 1oop.,1a ir.--' bol! o".k rirn ,r"q cr"r e;€ 1 : - ':n - + 1t1- o'tn's ra^6 uss s;.,o. Ll_- r--s-k, brL 'c- on ine L-rck r:s._re_ a flnish around the school parklnp tol:, The:-Artal was also run on the roads. Defararers Crlf Balthls, on holida:? in the D,C_ area, 16d lrh€ ilefd tron the start to fr.nish bett6r than 2 ninutes anead of hteh sciroter Ray Donbroskl. Offlclals: Bitf Mish, Ken Behan-
--Ray Gordon_1' crl r D 1c, ls. 1"! - .'!=!-l-::!-ls-q/l:5l i Hay Doflb-osL , B.c, l. : _ ; ,, Ay.^s, qo:50i ]]. D" o Bronson. o :1-: _.. dh:1?; 6. A1 Bs-nes, do:I'i , Don -ota^J.es. 6cke, 90;28j B. John taa1r, 9l:56; 9, C4Lvin ;
,, 1,, 3"; ;???,.
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"!:i ;;:';;"'";.:;:;:"i:;::u'"".
--John tuennand_-
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.e. t_ a. oi-i:I-u:. .1""-". .i,.r: 'l""oii! a' c. :i:94 i1," l-: -ar. r.,. c,oo:,:s, Ei ', ^"i:J:'ii:. "" , .j;yB
i: :99 ,,:.,_:: ":"f_", aoeotu, r. .r. . bIiii :6: ffilt:;i:i,'fi;I'.*, IF:II
.r. rarj But,iâ&#x201A;Ź, tIyC. ;;:;; ji. iie-ve n"*. i'>:1" 'lrotrki, :). r. r.dNitTF-r__+^_ i-. :: ::
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'", ;-.'-,;i"i;,;a. t;i,, lii, l.:l:;i;:',"i t, ":
loo fimners in fhe 1969 ?each So'"'I llartibon was d:\sh slrccessfi-ll' Almost lhc e ':re 6) entries 1n tnt 26 tni! ) all three aiYlsiotls statted the race' ms'ratho!1 antl 19 ilr the fouotain of vo[th the pteP nini i8i vara *utatlton' 20 inonee perfect...Tbe tenlerature at l{as lreather again, the nesters oini loa3€tboB. cours nas in the mid fortles and lose to the 1o1'fifties 'lurins the most ;;;i;tii;" "i'he loarathoners e)q)erieneed of the race. The course 1ra6 cali;;- by several of varlrtng degrees of diffiairricurt I have evef xdn.,, ft lncludes 32 bilisAtl-anta througll a ]ovely resiis run alorrg the streets of northwest "rilv ".0areg. dential at the-I+ l.farshall Adands, of the Noith Carolina llrack C1ubt took the lead
ldlenarkandva6neve?charrerrged'I€elidlertoflllrnanUniversity,llrlr'nl.ng but the early pace proveil to be iil"-tirira narathon, tried to stay r.ithtoAdans, 8th_place over the Isst eight tniles' too difficult fot !1d1er and he faCed _becone a very conslstent runnet under ,ii-"v r.igi,t, of Georgla fech, lrho has second a little 2 hours antl 40 nlnutesr ran n:"s usuaL steady pece and finished over the last over a mlnute behltta Adans. H" "tn" "p alout a ninut'e an'i a half hls first ltnning in tifu", but could not close ihe gT Dan ReAlalick) . the ten roile maak'he uas in "i" like a ttled ana i"""-""r"rttt' tr"ulfrotr'"ur, avelage of 5'50 pe" nilet twelfth ?lace, but o1,e! the next ien eiles, ninning an the last sL'( ld-les moveil to sixth place. He pu"""C '"ltu" other runners durlng Galiowev, lrho finished urra iinr"rr"a wi-ttr a great aear tert in.,hirat ptace, Jeff stlong i963"etranta ilaiairhcn cra'npion' ?an a E"p?i61nslvfifbh ;;;;;-;1h; place' than back futther g" nevet r"as a::c r.uo rrury even nace i,yrj6. Thls llas his fltst" colQetitive ra:e in cver t'wo years' He plans to concent'?al'e a't wesleyan
careet on the long dlstance tu""" tfttt a suceessfui collegiate 1968 Atlanta Massachusetts'. clubr college. Roll 6aff' of the 1."-I-i"af""a yeai' but admlttedly the belolt hta l'as defended i_ s :!ile this l,l.ruiion minutes ' 40 aid hours 2 in "i,rropfottr aid fi;ished 1958 forn. lle lan a velxr g"a"y ..tt 1ou!s (in 1968, ]3 and in 1957' 4 had broken In all, 19 runners btol<e il-iree +"Le and.1967 chainpion and tre1fth !9{rJ l(56 trt"""-io"rsi. Bluce l,aBucde, ' ' to coropetition 9'ft9r-1 one yeax la'yoff place Boston fini.sher in lg6E, The old-est """""*ea due to a series of teg ini.,rries ;i.J fini"t,"a tirentieth In 3'.02157. previous best his lrnpto\'ed rulmer, Joun Oeltnraon, 5?, fiusr':ea thirtieth and no'w
AtlantaMarathontimebysi}:teerrninutes.TlophieEwe'ep'esenteetotheto! hours ' Mal|shall Adarne tiienty finishets and liledaLs a" .11 iini"h"t" uider four Notth ca?o1ina lYach ' The it" "i"*t, was alEo presentel 2 :each Bo1'rl \ratch' track club received club won the filst tr)lace -u* ""olef end the Georgia Tech for the best ttoplsl. the the second place lre€nl t"opn1'' itn iearict leceived the roost inlI)?oved marathon first narathon and Kii]r Dalrners l'e:ei'/ed a tropry fol
ftu to"f. lrore than 38 nili:;tes
off :ris previous best tijrle'
Il1thefountainotyouih-3'-?gyearsofr€egroup'flrnning]2'75niles' til'1e row-io""ii"" of the Neir orleont -rinrltic cLub successflrliy defended his inthefinetjldeofl:1f:19.4.Inthena-stersdjvisiontMaxClaytonofthe 12'75 rniles' Atlanta Track club finisheo trrsi' ;n the ])fep rlini ma?athont Las{' nile t'o win the ln Schaper Jtusrry llafl'is ol cohnbus nigl i"it"of pt"""iJit G lDlran Brien brothers' cl:uch lt'i ir iLg,zg. In a special divisicr' "uoariJ apart a second l'inished on]y ' Ten ;;*;i;;t i.t t;ne \[.75 miie distarceeight year at the Gamel' Brian old b?other' or.rt hig u"i"-.ia ir.""r. Gernel nosedc:> iini"n. tttu.Lt tin^s wer. "-6 anl 2': 7' MaJaihon is tentatively The date for the 19?O Atlanta Track Ciub Peach BowI e6, Urose intevested should corirunicate {ith: "et "i-luc"*t"t Tin Singlelton
Gecrgia State UniversitY 33 Gilner Street' s'E.
Allanta, Georgia
r\TLA\TA Ud-iATtlC:{
,{-. ; . . - o-.. 1, unar.. _:I :O; -:o O, :jl.SLjl-
. c j lg. ,leo. . ohnson Ll L. , , -jL. r- . , +, it :aa; , l{ Go "e L. t6r Ma:.-, | ., b. , 4: l+5 : oo. IOItNTATN oi YoUTH Jo-J9 Tt_\ns (fZ./-5 t"tiles) 1. I . r'rr., eL .,ler, New Ort . . :, . J - ueach! C'attanooaa v C . ,.,:1",s ,|1a-11s, Allanra I . . ..a d .-orr1e), NorL.stde ..C.. :12: O _. o'r". )". {
J1 .
"rr " nd, AUfsnLs . t))t--. A,^. 1 -uo, NorL.r Ca.o.:-ra ., t:)o:0. _6. -L: ao /, Jo'le , \orthslo- ]l.itA. r, .rn :. d rd_rno.s, Att.rnLa . i;;; ,9 \,t-1. o ,ldo-no]d, Nort.sL.e :!.:-o -.ru. : ! k loiLon, Atte,.s .-, r:. _:_o IIASTERS lto & oym (12.25 l:iles) \aL cl:J191 Atlslra -c, L: 1:. '-' '-racn."lps c.bs- . Chatt.YI4^At It2at?'i 3,_o:oL; ,, r.8'_ S: .. , . .--to.L., 1'1""-1 fE..r:10:28: q. Jl"1 uspn6r. \fl a, : _{. .. r:Jo: LLi 1:ld:I0i 6. Park h-.n-, O;t1no." -. r.. L: ,,: *; /. tr-z r -logeoa, l,tofLl.sld- v1 ., : 5:17. l0 & Under (12,75 t'liles ) 'I . Cruck o1nel , I0, 2: t+:1l): L Be .11 :. € ., o, TREP
1" Jtnny Harris, cofu]nbus, t:19:29; Jim Sch_ aper, North Sprinss, t:21:21; l. To]1r2.pefkins, tsakor, .I:26:0.; L. fia, c€. -, : ,, .. C ,ci H"-r:., s.rr"o.i, t: :I i ., _t-tt-91 s I ro-roL., l;o- jtr -prrnfs, 1: l:)O; . ; P-s, S yroc <,^1:)0:L_j o.-le. J .-: :--. :o"uLro-, L:Jr:,2; e. ,l.r'rJ I t.ri. :e" 1:lr:5";19. Jo mJ ,rren,i-, ro.. _.., 1.r47,:23; 11. Rob6rt Ti]ler, Drui.1 iittrr t:Li: ,.: 12. Jon nrro, D-uio h il , :_ : ; -J. F- Pf , Sou],n Cobo, 1:< :O : 1:, Doo t p r. Sou'. cool . I;16:18: 1., .o. r dt.xa.r -, :r,1._ er, 2:C2:l+0; 16. FocLT tlatson, tdatker, 2;02:I0. . tor Aorls: 28:"o, o: t: :OO _r--r:-l6 l: l.;lt . -its --T..1 5'nq_oror,--
l, l ,69 t. l:ik-- lircnt, De3 ]toin s. lrrj:2j []::; 13. Dile ,odj ey. Inlilnotr, :7 tjt rltE.1.. leJCer ? fifsri strrLFrl qD.ni 2. A1uin, Des t':oines, ts8:!tL 3, Jessc trlrlen, Cecar Re|ids, lr9:!2 3r:52"1 4. BoL, K;ildc nlie rA, IndiJnota, iO:U i3:11 5. l{erle Lident. jrcs lLoinest SAtIJ I6: rrl+ 6. Dave Codbe-r-., Indlanola, 7. BoL ioor"rrerd. Des ljD.ines, ,f:15 B. ;on ]Iolland, Hoover, 5l:20 10 . Ric k Cripp, InClanola, t1 . Rick S]le lton, llooiier, )rtA" I2 . Pat i.lclaugllin, lloove., ritiD r\lr:!',.rAL iIollti.T cLASSIC 5_tili,l lui lrcr.,io!r I.:.r, -.c.ribe" 2-), ...-1t ) 1. Bob Kafdenbera. Initiarolaj 25:50; 2. rDb Lardos6,r'. ,. :0j . :or.,: '-ojn-r, ,l n. ,,..,. :-q: -- .! :., i, ; . r',, l.IousAi:er*, l,laterloo Colunbus, 2B:10; 7. t:a.ti.n Sriih, c.R.. ?"9tli;3, Dr. tierl. tine.ii, !.11., 29:30; 9. faul lansen, Tnd., ?9.3\; IC, Jarn Colroni r,r-C, 29rlt5; 11. Ricll Sie1.:cn, Trl-Countt 30:CO; 12, !r, ltarl Larsen, l,rcs, lO:5lt; 11, lJac llcIntee, |li-County, l1:05j l+, llark slshop .r
MllSAs l,'STIr. CrlOs:-tOL[,:Tity .r Kan:.s
. '1, rt racs! li1tn, !J d....E:. . , .-r1.). . .L Lo: ;.. I .:o . r' ..:l 0:O: o nd O:l r,Lr. 1: ,.^
.:: r8
DEW;R TjlACtt c;u3 J-l"tILE tj.l-.ttlc!_? HirN tasrrin4i.rr fark, renver, CoioJ.jCo: SDlrdp.t.!
f4, 1969 llcp. rr-cr,T. !"T. r. Ken Reynard, EaT. 2d:d: fic r*6,Tf 2. Ton Bereer, 20:19 l+ro8 L6:21 -i'4 L Jeif Arnold; 2A,59 :tO zAt29 20 4. Dare Drubert, 2ItO" Z:rA io:!l_ t+ 2\A9 3:2o [i :'+5 1 5. Jin coiso, 6. .roe Arrazola, 2t:09 5:1I t9:58 7, Ken Slnons, 2l:1L l:35 U:16 3a U. Krrt Siraier,15, 21:f9 r:lf 20:OB t9 9. Jelf carson, 2It2L 2tAA 19:21 15: IO. l.idke C1ark,15, 2It22 rO0 2lt2z 22 .:rr ll. i-; i -1 ., .1:.o .:,, 1. :-. a:l o, :1:_o o:O? I,t' 13. Stan obernJer, 2\137 3t B t8:09 14. Art c5ldlr-.11, 21rj+6 :5r 2A:ri I? 2t 15. Jan Horel.l, 21:48 lr:co t7:[8 ]a ]b, Sid Arnold, 2rtL"8 2tZ7 ]9:2I ji17. Dennis xevanauqh :55 17,r5 tr 1d, i,Ir:lbdr Arno1c,55.:564:40 :10 ?ItLa ?'', 19. Steve ljetthe s,22r0t 6:36 ),9:25 1,, 20. !ren'; ]);eigner, 22ta? l+t\"| tt- trt t; 21. :r.b ihristensenj:?: :00 22.2) 2+ "l t!O 22132 2i,il ?2. !'lo:rc ao]Irln, ?2132 21. lcb i]eall, 22t59 i+t32 J.at?'t r) ;1.. il.n i:c:.laii-1.1, 23ti6 Stto 19t29 t7 llot!s...lten :ler' nard, a iorner phila. piondef intcrnediate hurdle., ran a\./ay fron the fi.td. d :n s ,s but conttnued to train. Sieve Uottiiers ed8ei Gary H.rnilton by a nere tn'o seconds for best lecenber
-- R. Dennls Kavanaugh--
iElElit sccRE Tlt 12-ljILE
,., ;4r. f8!h- Al Meehar, 2lj, oi D']!ll':N TC 2-[1LE T]IIE IREDICT]Q].I RUN ihe 12-m11e seal.-C ha,.. 3:::.-.d bI the RRC of N.y. ove: llashi.gton faxk, Denver, Co1o., Sunday, D.c.A6 lO A.l{., Snc{ing; 20!; roads verj slick .: :,:. 4-ntle Harten River cert: .-::::: Act,T, Pr€d, Diff. F. T. uent to Dere; _:-.::rr:lle,irine airerd -.dt -1^ 1. sid Arnctd, IITE l{.Y. !iitir an ectu: :: , - siarters, l5 tinishers. 2. De.nis Kavanauqh, 11:49 tl:57 :06 4 ,.,c t. T. ticp. l. 1/:rbE A.aoldr55, t5:9 -1310 r9:)o t23 13 t, 1 : -flD- -r:Oo Cor: a. 11;21 11:50 129 2 4. Jarr llorell, oj:l] 5. Steve Natthows, 10:58 ]1:30 tJz 1r! 3, ,--. . -.. ]0:00 6. .:, b. stan O.ermyer, ]2:16 1l:00 ,-., -til :lr4 5 : 7. Karl Sheief, U:fB 12:lo :48 6 5. 'r, ' :0J :-3. ?orr serqer, : I \:-o 11:4f 12:lo :!-9 l 6. -:o 9. Jeff Axnold, L5t53 L5.aa tt3 12 .,9 :-. o:qb 5:00 :.. _. T.. I0. Art cali,ell, 14143 U:l+5 r58 9 7. 8. .., :o.o:s.1..,, .:to 9:00 11. Ilcyd lloi.iln,raLked 16:10 15:oo f:10 15 o) 9. .:. I,.J.. o:O 1:1. aicrrY iI:ircent, t3t58 15:3A I:3? 6 to. L; : . ,". -.-O:0 5: O ( 11. l4ike cfark, 1i:c5 ]]:10 1:36 11 If. 1L:. ieter lrnold, 16:09 18:10 2,2I I'+ 12. :00 b-;: 15. lixrt s.afer, 1!-:55 12:lc 2:2b 11 il. '- -F l :, b-o.I^, 82:)8 -7:OO ! liotcs...i.laa.r rxnncrs oner-conpens.t.d tof Ir -.I,w.,o , j. i-1. . . :.. s'!ic: iir:.lrs. Lence !ert fev athletes nere :L lo.oo ,.,_:. r, f . >q: cl ose 'io the lr predicted tines. Steve llatthcxs rt. . .: O "t, , -,:0. ' "; lL, . l.v( . lop.d to a 10:5iJ frst tlne perfoinance. B:00 t7. ' L -r.'. J l!y^, 7d:I, l. :00 -,- ____--______-::l:_?:::::_I1I3:3t91::___--_ ra._:, ,-..,:i uassenonts, L.r,8r:13 ri:00 6t t-lNviill TC 2-lJIIn] !!\]iI]lCAt l1U\ -i --ra!: ',ieinsrein, Ir_,y,,82:lia) t6rCO 6a: Suniay, ianu:Lry 11, 197c I l. U. S'rrny; l+7" .q7 :0. ;.,, vc. 'o -s, E. T. scp. Act. T. i'. !. 2i. - ^: i :-n, |^. 1:OO ,:. l. brln uoer:nyer, r+t 2) 2197 FtZS t 22, o I Iobf6, \,v,, d :.o rB:00 2. l,h.k L,Iinstonr ll yrs.l+:ll .tt ILt22 L1 2). : '. . . i an, B-on-),, 60: r0 __:oo b? "" .o:.0 1[r]7 2.I3 l2t 2)+ 1,2 2L, J:f, - s,.s,:.1., .0. 3, 25. f-.te |reit, 14:19 3 tI? I1.2? 5 Irv.,try, B_l:27 t5:00 irt. f4:40 4:fo 10:10 1T :6. telier.tordon, S,L. 17.t.t 9:co 6E 5, GarJ Hanilton, 27. ' 'f, orco, ne1t. Drotu(. I nloyd Go d in, ir at ke d, t4; i|l ll+: fo fB : Ll : .O 26. t.- "o^ren. lryC. 7. R. D. navanaugh, 14rlt4 l:l+1 11:01 4 t0O:10 -J. .0 i ?9, J:a 4 ora.n, Brod, q:6 8. Jeff Arnold, 14:5 9 1.25 I3t3\ 15 O t.. _: d: , 7, 14:5 d 2t 20 I2t3B a3 9. Gerry Vincent, )4. Jo'n ^ n.lns.rn,A-o^x. 7.:-: ].o Jan HoDefL, 15:00 3.26 LI | 3)+ 7 11. o r C1. F-o1. \nC, B-i:)/ lo:OO lI l-l Art Cald{cl}, 15; Or lrl-l 13 r)r8 16 J2. Irnie Rtvas, Drorx, 87:26 1tr:oO 73. j:.0 12 Steve Matthe'rs, 15 t02 4:52 l0:10 I'T. )3. ]{..c1 -. :ner, ]\.v.. .i0,:.. ]f:f5 lrT iLr. -i 1 r-qk'rt,. J /^, 08: ) )I ,: .o 7, L5: ob 3 | lf 1l a] Hoffn.ln, 3t. ! r rn.r,ur. L. r.. 9_:L6 {:00 Za.
utc liclisl0i jis !D O 'COlItILll, NTEWS l:rosldent, HoeC ir nun4ers CtDb ot ,\-n,.rica Those of us who are engaged in i,r runntna shculd cbvicuslr r.ave lunnr.Jr bettei er;ier sense of tlme th;;lessa r.ave s thEn']-""."";:::_3*.1"3 ts'. d:::.":" therefore' al1 the ]n.". cbl.icuslI ' uru"'t"g !o realizo that r an 1." r; -rt " "," -, --ti11",";;";'q;;.':; "",,current ,l;i.""! fi;:,,;li"li::,::;,";. ]id:.i]i;J*:,:",1":":.:::::':9-T; RnCA, Paraphrasing the . ";)ng, where have att ti1-a hours gone?, r '"""'ori",'"u-." _'vq d- ulcsicenrr As l.rave in the past, #l,l'L"iil:iil"g?l'*l-rrl::,,1i'" 'ave said at the national 1er€' nore an orsentzatton of.he sptrrt tnan or tire t.fesh. Most of the a.ri^^," ;"r-"11::" ;;";:.;;;i';;:',:'-;:''",T;;::"':;:";'": c|apter.s cafff, o. action ffil,li"l"i.;:':::"i;"':,:":^:::::_::::: proFrans. yet, desplte"_ tn" :;-;:.;.',1:: lf'j:the":" or P'ctjvitv.at local inc -Levef, i111, r"u"r,"."' najor accompltshments naJor accompltshmenrs are our """"-."t","r"" -",::"::::'::l:". ere .r,a due to es a narlonar narlona] rnain bodr,. bodlr. naln iu]1y iu]1y convinced tn". rJ r.r that our *,ril"'l:::^1"::.:"-i':."rrar'lzed tut ,111 be iiirectfy rolated io tr.," our o rr o.Aa orRanlzatlon oi ,IzBblon as a na, "," onst e.,.iLJ, -_iil_-,.nra"t "t.".,str. xy avol'r6d objectlve as president has boen to strenethen the financlal posltion oi] RrcA. To do thls RRCA nust, tn effect, romove 1ts Uoad rron trr" gei involved tn scr,e noney pr'odlrcing actlvlttes. To t:h1s off6ct, I have recently".",r-.." reached understan.tinAs litb ruo connnsrclal" houses: , :r:h: Bo'or.rt ?resldeni of sp6ciatty. sporrsj p.o. Box 16522, riousror, rejras 27016 has agreed No relllrLt \O% of the purchase pricato the l"tro""r t".r.,_,"y -' ol.RRCA fo. everX safe f," - Lo anro.re w.ro jdcnLtftes rinse-C be.n- ar. R,!C "s publtsher of Track. and Fietd Nows, p-O.'y"r'ZSe, 2. Bert """""", Los Attos, Calirornia 9ilo22 has'€1son, agreed to make stnitar subs*lptions oi rt'Fr aid rox pDrchases or rhe rnany Specialty Sports has d€veroped """ o"ort"iiill!"";'"1i"":ff:J:" a fantasiic .".uy.r [orrity athierrc prodL]cts, I ur!,:e I I RRc or^rce-s ano ind.ivlo.a-L medoo.q ," send.for.their .".^ i,^-,_-,- caialoeue' ^1 -, rn pafticular r call voux arrentlon ro the excerront i:1::': ::
shtrts p'epared ."" ,*';;;;';l,i::3:,";il:"ff;l:"3:;"iffi1.il"':1":":";:::":1.,,1:,J'::L ractlve RFC car decat, Shou pride in -ro!r orqenization bt iis?tayiIr€: tLis jecat. Tn_additron to lts nany fine publlcaiicns on c,rr sporiJ TarFrir also hancles sonc track equlpnent. Be
to l{rlt€ td Bert Nelson for lls cornpreiensive catatogDe. to rne thair rh€ one area,here 1ie should realty srr.ive to nake change is ln the area of race prtzes. r, tor one, {ou1d.r.r.0."i..-i.-"., Er slieat s.rit or a book by Ered W -r ss a prtze rhan,f wouj.d to Cet-enoth-:, i"ionu..a hope that rnany of )ou thsse possiblrlties ro the aijtention.r,,." p.","-t."" Rs ,deas for suirabre ::]1":*t r-hav6 author€d above is, r beheve, uay for RncA nenbers ro contribute ,1'Ihat to ihe ftnsnciat grordth of the organizatlon,a painfess patronize tf.""" .,rilunaness ro cooperate r.rirh RR.A, show shorn a ""rpr_"", {htch have some r..gr"rir""-i" ;;;.," ot. prizes at each race hlch l,ltf hefp €.chleve thts goat, ",*""" r €.n your presrdert. rt ls nv obrraation i,o indicate the route 1'Je sdoufd for1ot,. onry tour indlvidual efforts vrtlt snable us to advance trru,, ,ootr. "f."g v11} be The Armual I'{e etl{q of the Road Runners crub of Aneric. hefc 1n ;oston on sunday, April 19, 1970. A11 are welcome. sure
The thoug-ht occurs
Do:\l'' vlss
Ttr 19-o S.\joR .^iro\A -a7O !.. ..,s, J\!r .--r.. :-d course ) Ioda 'e crc :n o , 1' .rf_ +: .1:. -0,. - 1 "r . senior Dlvisior aod Jpicrat t"""rli.". 6."i"Jl-1.]"--. c. r"a"., Rcdficldj ro1€ 1970 rLC.I{AITAN I{ARATHON (AA!'n",rr,I]1I--!T+TX CiiAl"lpT0llsHi? & oplr) sundaJ, aprit 5, 1970 7 A.M start & finlsh in the Kalakaua-r,ionsarrat cornerr of iiapiota]rt rpo,_r".r"a Lr.r the riaiail Norrian^rananaba, r,oia Distance chairnan. _drinls;;;;;;y ilri. :1u, rji; pacriic Road nunners c1,n o!, nore infornarlon rite: Ed Ranty, 56) t:adoliu St., x"""iir"l*r""*ii. The canadian Track & Fietd Asscclatlon liil1 {rgain inviiie internationar naratiron stars io tie 2nd Annuaf C.N.E. rniernationat Iarathon d."rnpi,""r,rp-i.-i.ie'august. rie U.S.A, r(itf seno a ieam and ore offtcial. c. ML,T, bojTol; cAtDr\, JA\uq {y '0. :" -. - r'+,(.ot rarner,L, Spartan Ac. [:]7.7;^2.,Tony-Sapte:Ma,1970 Boston AAr +39.j; 3, Dick packaro 3osi,o:1 .4--r.J )+t5L.3, L.. Geors€ srreoh:1n, ic, tiiS6.-B-;-'5. do r., acveich, BAA; b. _cenirat-Jer;ey !i !,cornel], BAAi 7. Ricr;ond 'iRoo,i.Uorcon, udv."of i.;;:;'S: ;.,,n A. reltey, una.ji:2b ;;r'rerr led ifon beprnnino dirh pecka.d on i'r. i."ors -iiiir"{i.it.. rrnen ne s.daried io 1acr. ;:rnet1 beat off t\io-bids'y saplenzt a".rns tn ""iii-ir.'+.,* "" rrn by to yards. _-
1. non !sv6, 2. Davc Jone€. l. Jcff 8.nesu' 4. Ulk€ Slack' 5. Dean SveFon' 6. Galy Muhrcke' 7. lou Colpen8'
1O_!1Ii'E BACK
ClIts ry
15. !o.! Eods@s
ltimcsota, Mlnn.sota,
Uiin sote' Uim4ota'
Glsn Gu6t€fBon
l{1Ee6ote' Nev York' Mlddle atLanilc,
5t,51 54'25 S. Ga! v1111@, D.C. ' lork' Nd 55rab rleolDa' tod 9. 55't4 10. Psi Be6tlckr N6{ Yo!k' 55t4t u. Ksn l.I€dun, uiddle Atlotlc' '4!\L luo.t16 'hlantic. rr. Too !€1^!, N,Y., t7rott 14' scott Fd€n' !.c.' b?'rJ: l.:-j;;-G;;; ri. par uanin, ltlnnesols, ,?,r6t 15. Hlk€ Eutvne3' }lid,jie "!tant.ic, ,8t14i l?, "!eelo Ri.vtt$o, N.Y" 58tll: 18. Phil Polin' N.Y.' t8:r4i 19. John Cretrer' rilmesota' 58r55r 2]. Johr r8'15! 20. Jscr ldtersbue' l{isesot4' ;anecke. Mimesote, 59'16, 22. Nell tlovaedt' lr'lddle A1_ 24' Bob Isrtl.,59tmr lJ, Deve tuhdlv' li.Y.' )9t52t !'c" 60ttst b!ps! 2). lob boro?r rlrul€sot3, aeoDv. -1". ,,"r"n "tlson, }{inn' ' 61t07i 27. Ed' AJtoB ' D'c'l 51.08! 28. Andy McEb6y' X.I.' 6LtUt 29. Clen Custefsoh ni*-. grtrS, lo. qr cir*, M1m.' bl"lt lI' Mike Kuh' 0,C.. 01't]r i2. lon DJedingen' Iim., 6lrJ2t ,l' Johr 611 linsio', il,c., D] )o3 ia. Ted Bond' lllddl€ Atlantic' 17! ia- .Dan El6noe. runn', 62:1Ot ,6' clsn Avre! | D'c" tl. owt 8o;rique?, N.Y'. 52t1?t ,8. l{ark EMe,
".rta'; oirrg: ,9. J1D u!€M' D.c.,62tr2r 40' Dav€ crov ' ni-.. D.C., bl're! li. Dav€ !roh, D.C.' 66t5gr 42' ceore€ 44' !"1;;. !,c.,67ro7r 4i. K6n schBtlet' ).c.,5'7r55r D''" Cnirri. pavn", D.c.; bs,oor 4r. l{attin o-oenlalln' 68'L2t a5: W. Bers' u1ru. 59!12t 47. scott wendllna' 49' J€ft Col' !. ., ?o!41: 48. Tib Gi1es,' 1,.C., 71r15i $in' stanloi 76t1or t]' Factv LC., 50' ii"", 72t^)t ' &1c Dletrlch, D.c' ' 84t07. -oiircirr r"o s.oleEr 1. l4ltesot€ (1-?-l-4-5) r5i-2'atleuc (t-rr_rzlev !o!k \5-9-10-lJ-]b) 54r l. xlddl€ 1!-r?) 62; 4, liskict or colubia (a-14-18-19_2o) ?9 Tronhles to the to! ten fin18itsr8. ;;:"';;iL; ;'da: r0rr? \5,0e)-ttt28(ttrl)-20'45(t!r7) -a5' )1 -'>iro.iirf r-li,o:r:'r5/-J6!19\t'14)-r'rt14(,'\,) lsnln--coddiBto!---lut \ r;ol) -rl J9\5'02l ' RES!],T9 0F Tm NATION-! RO".! Rn{NAS C!!B
orFlcl.A! ,-Il-*lt lO-:4ff,E RDL^Y POSTAL CO]'IPETITIoN 1969 i. .lot'" Cota"" N'shote stlldsro M1fl' 44to7'2 Jcfn Savonen N. shore strld. ' llLn' ul!!n. 44t22 2. Glea llelson anat. John Eo9ko |'Irlat. t1.a. l. JiE a1labsnd Phlledehhia u.a. Stan Johnson Pione€ra !. Toe Aohe6 fvin citles TC Miln' nsrter Holtr€s l\ti! Cltles TC l1im.
te!!y tho@s lmi. iDi' Don ti&'l 6. J€ff Reneau Ivin C1i1eB TC TC 1. lob liagner rtlat. huce Mori6$onr u!ai. ' TC 8. -ean suabson 1!i!' Cil,lFs l{a!k Svalson tvin Cities TC IbD Klenov N.S. stild€cs 9. -nsndy 5.
44t r7
l{im' Mim' Mirm.
11,. Ron Stonitlch u!et. dreel o RevirGo, unal.
Rolondo N.S. Stciders 10, steve Callock BllE Yg John vanecke Edllla
]l'Y' Pefthlr€ r_1€]d Tc l{iM' tz, roi ^.tr sieve Ps]f, P6rrhria Field IU n rn' lJ. cdy luhlcke ltillross ,; i!'1' I{IAC Joe Bolsel Mld. laeld ic 14" lred R1ch4!d3 Pershin€ Pershins lleld Tc yddt.
45' t7
68.0 66.e
69.1 69.0
46'ao,6 95:1 461].2.4 69.5
te.1 74,'
46'14.4 69."!
18. Je.!t vetugarton qtBt. let€ Rsc6tte urat. uEi. i.9. ldry lioel 20.
(uit vegleltne! 21, JiD LeAaki6 Jle JolbideB 22. Johr \ainsloe Bot schef 21. Poul Thuretoa Bob ?hEoion 24. charlie lrorn Ml]i Cleenba@ 25. GIse Laa
uttt. uBti u!at. 1{sc
utat' D,
Stan Malakoff
?8. Justin Qulblns u!4. Nra.
lO. lte B6rglad J1. n". dt€x ltateUe lcio DI, lafy Bola. !'clc 12. Jeft Col]in6
I4ike hBitLeJ'
t). D!. Ke l]lson laTa b. lI8. Ahdlera Tilc Et, tatl ?cTc
Ro€d " e.reren
.ai ,. "." :'. BE re
to, ro
lau8hlaad aa,
29. Dick RasoNsen
llinn. 4?.2].8 ?I.t Mim. 7I.2 i. i. 4?r1! B l),: 69.2 !.c. 69.9 l4!8. 4?' 54 ulm. It.e utnn. 48t06^ 67 '6 Mlm, 72,4 !.c. 4e! 24"4 1t 't !.c. 12.C !rhr. 48'41 75,e YrtDr, 73.\ N.I. 49,02 10.2 N.Y. !.c. 49t\9.4 69,1 D.c. 49r24.4 n. c, D.c. 49 '16,6 D, C, uinn, Soi17 72,0 ltlnn. 78.e
D. C.
ri.T. 50140.6 1{.Y. N,Y. 5o'r5 {.Y. r.c. tIr11.6
72,2 ?5.1 ?0.9 81,9
i. c.
ilim. t,a.
82.0 42.1
!. c.
D.'. MlM. 58rl?
e4'i l?, c.or6e lu*.tsky ut!t. I4tm. 92'1 !nAt' ief: l:e!e! R'lC r, 1_-: :-ni, rill bc han"Iiig the \otional 56,t l;F?1 l.inetllione fo! Lr. 1970 s.8son as !elt. I hcoe tfet ve sle ab16 to lnvolve a f4 noxe of th' ma n5eclatlons 1n th6Be conpetitiohE. rou! a35oc1e iioE haldly qusllft a€ a 1t!ue aatlonel chahplonlhi; m. iu!ION,\I- !,AU 5o-KIIO 'iiALK' ReDz Far!' Iussou!! stale ?e!1tant1sry, Noveober 16' 1959 1., Bob IcEa, sibley, Mo. (Cpen and l'to. VaUo). AAU J! onry) 5r'2;40."r 2. Dav€ Eldahl, Ri.hland' rovs' 5': colut'ta, Mo.: 4l !lsL Jr. ll"!'os])t J. NdlL ncher' Uo.' IEderenderc€' Ib6d Youa' 5119t401 4. 5'I7t52i Pett tsob c@pin' (sn6ss cjty. !o.. 5:J9.?)l 6. 'th clor chtcaco creen , GoId -c, bt06:24' (d5"' Psttlv ?0.
C$o1us PFt{ 16- ;1eve Jackson vash.So uFt. :L)1n Kslr L?. JiE sheohe utlgt., Bob
70.9 70.4
itELII' CollJlSIA' Mo.. Nov' 21, 1969 (alterEie Ei1e3 fot eacb lufi€ll ' i, Joel nicklGor. & Jaaei leutholil' 4)tt6t 2. tava Schulte & ilqlk Hsblon, 40!48i ,. lavld leuthotd & ;l !un(*, 42t1or 4. l4}1lin6y licks & Jio Xals€!, 48!5t. RM$ TETI-D.{I [RI^lHlO{, ColEbia, l'1o. ' D€c. 1r' I'' 2-MU€ & 1-u11e--15 !l1m. aPli j,,-M!le, Ialry cerlenter, rlrcoln U,, )6tt7, ],]tr?, 5t11' ll'ler i. s"i citsoLla' ,6'12t I' Don Granbe'8' ,('l 4. Joe rlln6' t1'r6,5. J' Dickinson' 42t00 IlISSOlrRr Y,ilr,Et ,5 KrIO {Arr{, K!.{s-{s crTr' lioY. 29'r: nalk Ach€n, col;bla tc, ttt8t42t 2. lot chell!' x' ! etEt tt|atfr ,. Ited Youn€, EC Psce!3' Jr45,ul 4. ; st€ve litelsonr (c, xsn56s, t.5o,rr, 5. D4ir6u h1E.:i cl:, A,ltt|7. 2-v!AX 5-MILE
Fon8obef!W.Moore,!n.D.,Sln1yoroolr,o"pr-}j$.Lid r bo1tev6, to ke€p the cost-of travelllng and ta1, Toronto, ontari; slrnual cbamplonshtps at a rea1 read the Lon€ Dlstanco Loe (Nov. lebe) wlth ::fi;il:tff,:l: intBrost but I cannot h6fp but cormont on_ the It irilt be lnteresttr€ to see,hat conclusaccount of th€ Round the Bay Race at Hanllton ions ar€ reached at v1;hy in trr""t. i i,r"j on 0c!ob6r 25th tpase 9). heard that rac; r.rrtt atso be held in one !6ason that th6 lnning tlno o.f r:ld:20 conjuncrion r.Jith the nenrs cnamptonsttp, tut co L'as slower than that rsn by lergus Murray, not know at presont !,hat support tr,is ii rece_ 1.33:26 In 1,967 and T11! Johnston t:16:20 in ivln€ fron the conttn€nral c;untrles. The ore_ 1968 was that tlE cours€ was longer. antsers are a,nare ihar arlrXsh rornenis teareThe rcason the race lras a bore fox_watchers are afroaaf corirdtted to the l4aryland race. {bui not for conpetltors) nas that leadlng John Holt Canadlans and Anerlcans 111€ Drayton, Boychuk Executive Dir€ctor and Burfoot, althoueh qulte fll, chose not to i..rer ,!x+ *re+f to watch but was !'rom Dick lIatnes, raston, pa. conpete. Drayion s 1lent tbroughout the race. a4o'.vou requested readers of the r ran the r;.. a" an experinent to try and "r"-"::i: _Log ! ne com€nt on holq the Boston rlarathdh tain a sub flve ninuie m_tre pace ror ai rons as .to brouaht under controf. possiblo in prcparatlon r"' ir." ert".r." rl"iE- '9b,.i1$.ht-!9 you:.!- s*F8est that t'ro Boston Marathons be ihon. r took-no- rhoueht for cMahon brt ran for ,1. h61d, 'he CrsnDlonshlp D:viqlon ano r.- R,1 :c: vour L:'e rLvJeio . To par".i.!p.16 rn Lhe -,"-, '.,-':;,i:-i:-:;:" ,..a ,q.,. rr.hr plonshlp Divlsion, runners lould have to quaii ,h6ro posslbl€. r. r i,as or ih. durine the ";i;1;.; ucra-hoi bad been in Nen rnerand t;;-;;;"';;;n l:I^:"".i.!:..!':l:-Pr p€rrornsnc€s (e.s. for i mara3:00:oo a ie' rnonrhs. 2. r have llved i" i;.;;;; i;;" lll:" !::*::"':ljhe rur klloneters, and 1ro0:oo 30 1o?or h^1(Jtu1 z V".* J ixonths to date Runners ho had achloved ihe j;";;" ""crlportod. r """t e i.;'1""i-'ii 3. l::.:::.11t::! qD*llrvins.trncs. would not be e1lg1bf€ ror the '" 19 iours to 22-23 hours r.ours ana h ,vL Divtsto., uil", houtd tnclule s I orh-.. . ""a ".t "" o Dl vtslon -€.- couto oadi n 1: ** *** lp*'f *a!+ +lrr! *ltrt +'Hr .T' -^^htr oLonsnJ ro.L-Lored by tbe ltF:]] lv. at nocr. Fron Danlel J. Ferrls, Secretary-Eneritus, AAU I doLrbt ihat ther6 woulO te any overlapptnE, I er encloslne for your lnformatlon, a copy but lo1. the beneftt of officlais "i,i,"tiiof the reply T r€celved to a loiter f urot€ to ors partlclpants in the tvo races".a coura te gr-r the IAA' in i,hlch l sugaest€d that the IAAF en numbers prtnt€d on a backaround of a. dlfi::, navs CirecE conLrol of r'e InLe'-etlonal Cross- ent cotor. Country champlonshlps lnstead of turnlng 1t This .,rould afloH for fu11 partlclpatlon, Ni:i_-: ovsr to the International Cross-Country unlon' r€talnlng the chanpionshlp irvr"ioir as a-rnan.a,rclosed corporatlon'r. For instance, the Unlt- eeabte and truty c;npetttive event. The toial ed S-sres oe^omas €1lc'b]e to conpet- on J 1l ! ne r€oulreo uould be tncressed by only o the ,ICCU tnvltes us. hour, and duties of offlcials nould not be bcen -y dnoe-s. snolng theL the co_'nfr- ,reElly incr-ased. nLg.t ev€n run .re,) -_ lr .o:peLlnC 's :-s ': aher olvis.o.J. n .h6 uon-n's TnLerrsrtonal-- X c i._" ,i.. r or 1959 held a neetlng an forned tbe €fr! r.nr'r J!** *+rf *r!+ *r.* x*+ *rf* *rr* .:-. ln 1966 I"/o-ren I s I-rr-rraLlonaL Cross-Cou.Lry Assoc I stio TnLs le.-e" lndjcB!€s ,hEL !he ICCU has taien .,:;i: 'il;::"-"' '* nen "....;; 6LI as tho vornsn as the over -i-"lii sonethtne r never dld sa.l yo'r vrets for'use at tho ^I-I"'!-t:-::!"i9t the first place. "pp.""r,t" i, 22-sept. r,r.lr cl"ei'!"" in st;clfio1m Ausust "*19,^::-yllte-1n. ' T o Octob?c -oq had ne L,steo as 1 -;:;; ,o0 at sprtnebank (ont. ) Road Races (ssnior: : -6;,;';.''-i;-;"'oirs ""..." Lr - coo-' tne adva..e lnvr!sr'on ..:"::^:19-L?:09' at san Dieso early in Jultr c. 1 be herd race to for rhe;on€n's cros._country !l:-""9T1:8 o.z:''ao"toru',197o,inMai.y}andand€.]sofoIl1:9-.-']:,! on tfre ruture dlre;tion or onenrs il#,:"i!hiil.i;;:lti'"|X::""?l'fil.,.=,_,i."" "r""" country. cross 'ih; present"posttlon 1s that at ii3 lsst *..i-::-l::i::':-bead-thRt particuler super'e1-:: real tife occu"nr c: :: : c"*. i"iji'li"l"',"r'^ti'e i"e li' B"rgi; the I.A.A.F. cross coLrntrv --i 31f} Tho:nFso'.r r.a'l::':-: *-. put 'women's: order to that in reci*enoea ; nritue "r1s talins bots ror 2i:' *-"'1" * p'"p"" rootlns it shouldbe'brou€ht l;c',lh!-!31.-"!9i '- -: place ln space and rlir: ":-:::: do;Id ihis th; 1.c.c.!.; ;b1! or 911_1{-!I"!9" ,iir''i" "r'i e'rrran qecls:ons dr lch centrallse conlro1 and nake anJ " !-'l ... concern boih ihe menis and women's events eas- "1"' '"* '"'" Ann Ross (a harrlea c.ll.:: ::-:Fron Bonnte 16r to inpl€nent. €nt) D€er Dadr held tn con-. At the a;nual I.c,c.U. congress ,,tur r.':thoLlt funds cr irienis. :_:::. noross des Nations,, iunctlon ufth the T.C.C.U. i;I;';ii1 obvlously be discussed. the !tronen's hol'o'" tear Bonnie, !,ie not€ thsi you i€el stro.ely that "I'lake rriends'" be r.C.c.U. Cros"'countrf, Chernplonshlp ehoutd *1tr' *+* anster to T.C.C'IIIS and the op€n to the i.'or1d _' 'O'ill -lO'i:X '3rr"i 11 - "_::-: -:' rl o)n-ry ro. ls Lh'- aL oresal )'."u. ' jr"i si1--":rr ' c1 : ::': -" r'o'n'T "op"u. "irf" ;;il.;;:,;;;';;'ti'rieiio,,' si'|-ri'od: i.i' :r';' 'l9i!-,g:-!ter ifi."'"r''ipi-'i*r.i"e. then, ln theory, open to 1e l'9C:-.199 OL11,1?iA tR,rtUTNt flnal 52 i:.:: LIL lrorLd. .
ihr ift | ...r; ,r, ,, (ri,s
. {drn rrr}: st;rsL elx ra.led
h^m tLr.dr{td flile. r0 sereJf lld di,
Le: (heh.v
raice nai
Ed C.anofitz. Both
Ue^t dilectdr Brs Brd
hund, ring
rfDttr tiiqh schdr oarh rho eare
cross countr,1
Rlillv lris ltsi
\.di I'0p n R-a r'!f.r nnP
aro. +_Ji:ti:d L TurnJr", *i7
Dean S'nantx Bests Field In A.4U Run
,oHl]-4rtLPUL _,' Der.
siintz 2JJ.d-old omabintu elementarr, :rhml leache I -.irtser.jDe
!oo!n B-d s'er3 .1 Pai / arr", !:! 0 o0 T.tsr ro(.
r"e,..J r'.L6l(e -. .o r dhr 3 P' i!, ioo.,"d {" O,,oon,n n.o ,noot i.- /eo- oa. sdz e/. qe ,y ro- ... i1 3r a" t.",iq. s I od .as$ tho.o/ (not shown) rome 6n ro take .econd p " .,,;^o. o.e. IiEILLY DAY II.{CES suday, Doc. 14, 1e69
; ,
\c -
Olympiurz Plunrfing on Munich in, T 2 h:!l:. Rd!ns}'
has t! bsn u.n ou\y busy , \u1e\. .",. . ^;;;::c .;.: o, .ror l,luUe\. ^oo.- g ;a s.i:.;i";;Jv s. t. . ro.s coLr Fy ., ,I , \ .oplomo.". t.am IIcc ",b .@1o;de.lr.am t,rr m 00"br "-tb^rt,rmoo,hi u -p. r'DbpI":000.'000 i'0"1 pnr mnlirnn 0 "l o0 sl-onr-r sl-on[-] ouc. ouc.the* thc s" ab.L ab. b ,.r u."Fr {.rir'on. aq He
d L.-! B.i n-_:"11*i'l* :o)*""1*)"c"{ h.s s.o;t s o0l nr A h, \,"
g-a0u:! rJ0 so.rAd Us(..
u,l*i{?;t"{l* riiilrfrlJ":iT*"iitlo,i1tm;;ill1ru;*rl$, *i,ro. nuniii,. ir- }"-i""pii'"-s-:i o,';';., ;",I*",ii:i,
.l ,";;'-"i;;'i.":.1
-i*3 ]rustr
lahead 0r Euiot r'eimd, first
Tlr,T1"1 .
;1':::i''|,,':c::,;':"i,,."'"".l'.ii;,Ril:.3^'il,"$#"r"fj;;,:l9J:3]:;;.1.':" ' "i; i ,..; ,'':" , , , :1.'i,"[:1i",""*,:"i1.rj ip Ia*"Li""1;l'."]j,. ,';"".ilell T rhr" [r.rj o chns a, Btulhers irc ."!":.-:j s;ha iGi
:. ,,' i "r*, ": "*l .i-, :.. ."":;
i' ;i i
,",n.,ii",; i"lrh"";ifl{
.:i."",.i";"li';:"",il;i1; gos"
i. r",iir,r.j.iir*'f ili! ,c i:tJ;
"Llii'F../;it',i:;il r,,i tiriH'ilif e,;f.ri ' li '": iii llt Hl:.".1r1i *i j r';i, *.1*rrffif: iili :ir,
i,',i: 'n*'.1':rf tu"'i*
(jooll wN 06l. one of Alsr{no! i J hn.r r.tr6 t* ,Jiei l'rr! i,'dift. P9 n]t i' s dldlh -
,:,,.1*ti*1i ,; F-:f""it'".'t-:"i!,,r,i . ,""1.:':"T;i#'r"g,;;';;lfi;;"; ,":;'-,.j','""i".,,"s'I ._ " r ,r.n. lrred rhp ,asar a:d : . ; Fp.r i I . I ;,1"", *. \ r"iiii o,"ir"-'ei""i. ". a"d
Cruinssrood, ntu
l: rlLl:: ;'t, i;-:'i':' ";:il: ' ti;';"'";:: r'rr s?en$qetb* ,erp.dr@r4ps0q {ir, ". Lo, o, ps- 0-30.drr noF${y. irt ',i,,tt::".f*ti r\pfl.ir).rsd R,ir, lsd odk i,i..."".i1: l{ikildii:5B8nH. t;d rla.d b;;;i. l"^. i1.,19, ,. " 19:!,,i. RoF$\v. r'p !';l '3i ;9"," l,l,ll ,,"";;;"1,1; ,;:; ^i5'1-'",^'"11,1^"r.,.91 -1,.,":ll,fl..:"1,"-"" '"lr'11i,1::. i.iJl"i,*i"T:'" '*::",,'if: .ru.r .r"* nn^6 ui,. " :.!ir.;*,1"i;'*' T,:0, ";,,: X:i1.,,,1* ": '"";":i S"f.g;l;1"* -'rr!"'fu* iB; fl.'l;i5"-ili r.e,.-'":::-*;i; 'f-.or.pqar'.. "'1"-",,"", b,..,, ,c, . r"';'ff*,\,T?"j1j,#] "[fl]"i#r.*l;i'*i;. e."b,
1 ..1r f&3pal m, ","h1"ro'*'ov"u,.1abrr'Flo;Ja;ol1];:a;'T'|cddotr'fudoe?nTo%; -L"r ,... ., "o;* j.l" "_ L'n
4 Je,ie|ia:r rn F.imo&t
dr.trlp€d ar sven himl€s, ras
'.1tr4 oi.l li:t,{i#s:"li';'5ii,lji''?""i#:;."" ?1.f.';':'i":li";::,r,;;:1,;f 'pr ,r-,j\aqra? " " 4c;:r..1 IiarJp e r".rh.r."t".rh.r,*. . *r r-'. *, @l ,*.".,.-0,.:lli ,oflr ,ooo. 1-ds Sc;:i di:pi;"-fiil;. scotu #ffi;g,iit"1"'l"li: i :r^1'^i"^x:-r1,-.{t:i:: r1d p. - ..hior -.s.,,a 1 "'l n.si s(ho0t.r and
S,1r2. calrain ot ! a: ! :rb!.:.: Tre.lor Slar. c6n.g! r::r\ dd c6s clunrrt t@!, i-r.]] rhe read the 1a3t one uJ ol.aarr mr.s and liniohed :i,! !-ds 3nead. tle q36 han. ...apiei d iire 4inules ard n"ii e a.r,aL rue of 45 404, :J.rb r.reitrarrlinslon rr*rliip Hirh s.hool tlachd r:..re$ihng Peu. ]!C. iund r lhe b.sr tde, 41r?1. IId. rczpred a! 10 nr.!r6, o.. ol
j.t,: .{ r..j,i, gn!.:*_,-=j .-. :, -.J:;:..": i:
peDi ,!.C..
i the eiaFed tue
nsl.r oI
:,e 3: nilP hotjday handicat lil rur ot l\e Ptjlad€tpti3
l Fairy L€til ol oreonporr ond Tom F am q r. !:,i sor rrar. ror-9€ bcr, t.r t0.000.ma e, e.J / B'
co. rls
M"nlhon ..
"hidol;or;i,,.;d,;,;rh-;-1,.ij,*.d I,.;,,',..',1.'-.'111i1 ;;,;,';;;;,n ,;.;; I l.l"il,t"' .,;i: ji:i:
$:. hirio . r r!- n qhHe \,id :o !lo!e hii, He ru.rr.l
SoldExcru6ively ay
P, O. Box 36522 Houslon, Tetos 77036
Ploose .nte, my o,der
will pr.pdy
n tr n
d $1.00 ed. ror o ioro
decols io me, Thdnk You,
ed by Eamon
Cent.r etr AAU Cro$.ouftry, Jack Bachetef, lst,
uoti.rn en UST,f Cr.!s Co!nrr-f. Al.f
UpperRiohi USIFF Cros Counry Jack Bachedr& Kery pearc€ Lower Bighi I-ISTFF Cfos Couniry Bache er hasio duck to cearr:
O'Feily. Airef t% Mie5. and John Lawson,2nd.
iJ -.s peaf€& Botrir 5kiiUIEit :,--
g '..,
.-- :
.,::,ii!;'-rii,,,i;ii:i i[dl*iU=+ii.lr-.!H;i;";$i::111;.":',,",! ;:r"n:: 3: 3?*"::r;"i:i$:l;;:il,li:'i:.ii::;{ti11: ;#:$ii:i::;'.flT:i;irl::::"rli:"rti asay. A s;rprrsina third prace ";"Fii"ii"iE' tlli!,;:il;il*,g; ra. r";.,,i""i's,k""-i.jt, ?m irti:"ii:i:":fuir*i#iil"r*:"l"li'it;3.,- ir r*;;"i];fii.Hili'r!iiiiti! ;l*i;,.. t" 5t':e"xi'*:"'$:l3l;"u oo,* *:t]:"";"::ffi: ::l:; iiiii:{l3ilii;..leiii,i:fifi;i,; p",h"" ES' 80,',;1"' B"liil;:?'cl!ili:-'?::"ii"' ;!si'ii:3:irF:l31ii:;iliji:';#sli,li?,iiEB,, qunTan,
f, crsla Bo'ldar, lL:46; 2. cs.y na^1-!tor. !r.cs.son, l5:05; J. Dennrs TrLirlio. "Leb1o, i5:Jl; l+. cary PLerson, Colo.Sprtnes, J!:58 (13i l0-U+ yrs. ); 5. L€e courka-rp, Denv6r, 6, John Phlffips, aoufoer, J6rJB; 7. ts!e Jb:J.L rlr1€J, BoLfoer, )6t t B. loJd ;oou , _r o-:"i-Ic l7:2; o. Merk cn1\sz, lj-eblo, JB:uJ; o. _-l Hesselr Bouldo!, 3b:Ui Ll. Dr. Bob yassLrce, .\spen, rd:20 (2nd lo-+); 12. Ms,k tieeks, broo"f:e1i, 36:21; fj. Roger Brisss, .ouloer, rB:Jo; IL. Jsl1es Garcla, Boufdcr, 3B:la; 15. Denn:s K-eans Lah, D€nver, Jb:16 (rro J--+); 16. flar.r P!11aoce, 36:52; 77. Warne l{onrs, Boul-BoL1d6r, der, lo:5b; tU. Ted CrLf-r, Denver, f9:1_]; 19.
: ruAL S1. I ..^;l '-5 _ , .r ':.L,cOp t&t :L .; -r ^Sb, ,trro"-J, Ic\: work t.t, 1.... -6Ui. -:k deo&., !.3sc" C;.1... ic, 9: B.o ?-::ile.l: o'e.', sc\"n '.., 5.-oin.c. ,y/3.. 2. pe.. - j,-1:.1, o:- .?' J. It-v'-c r--i'ie: . t nl c:-6.5..1: til, .-ep,-e-. ;chn s5er.ki"., A-'.2.r.Ft,, axoolXn_Tech, 1,.:248 2, Ken Schappert, bis, iop D 3o1s. l:-l.li J. B:,1 sJeoe,, Ln:;n c., \of (, :.J., !: h.8..1,000r- .t. "o. Ssv". e, :lo-ell' c1 ol:", ::'l.TIfr. r-a.: r.r. v rnon
lart of the celobratlon to com-,eno:,a!e ijrc sail'-1. o" ho P ,r.: s 'br'- ,o Are.,:na Don McMahi.ll, Pueblo, 39:34; 20. M1L€ Na1r, r'o ]1ro--,, , Ct, o .iJ o,'h Il l"n., Co1o.Spr.ings, 39t37i 2a. A1 Eoffrran, Boulder, x r-6:r^ crur r..tl s,s-o :.,a-" hon .c. Jr- d 39rL2t 22. Bob Be€.l, BroonJieLd, 40:15; 21. Bill- ero-,4C f- c .. o 9 11 c o,r Pappas, Borilder, 40:l+6; 24, M1k6 Spence, Pueblo, ;p"tl 1970. Ane::c1"r rr'1. es H o .,or1o-{1., L, )+4t52| 25. tsrock Taylor, Broonfleldr )+It27t 26, lil€ to cornpete in thls first annual race are Dave Rtddle, Colo. Sprlneg, L2i0L; )7. cllbe-L u.geo io co-Lact Do c4:ssa-J. s- ., 19 ; s_ -sC6r, Csrcis, Bould€r, L3tL2i 24. Doue Denver, Lo, l ll Rd,. SL Budes |-\, t]!iro, th, L-;tano. - ree U+|27; 29. Davld Daubert, Socurlty, l!5r32; 10. "..or1oorlion can o. ar-in _. Wsyn. D,1llas, Bouldsr, L6:16; JI. A-L -E rwe11. D6nv6r, lB:01i ]2, Jrn conzales, Pucblo. +B:1ot TriYloR TiIUi,{PH llii?ts TUE SL Ttri (Ls. vrs ers Jl. Wilbe!. Arnold, Pueblo, LE:1"7 DLFbLo. lrkur o. lq k, l-.oy, I ' .o., Jsn, _7 h Dlv. Lq & over); lL. al sofez'1-, 5-: 6: Dl.k ; 1o- ('J.rtu: crs i-e 7 "o-p-1 11 . i. 35. Je-ry I'lurply, Pueblo, 5l-tr.t )6. h l s C6-- fixsi :race in Snafand lor four nonitrs, retc 1. PJ€b'o.5c:00;3?.8icn \ldrlch, PLeblo, established hinseLf as the country's tio. 1 5u:5J; lb. ur€s Ko-,,, Puea-a, 65tI1, cross-country runner lrten he storned to vic_ DNI- Sld Arnofd, Robert G!6en, St6ve Uathews, torv n : e ,n. r--o ,-,t;es cr s.pionship. John Marttn, Doug Uells, Rick Truj1110. rne r.eront,1]" ch&^pi, n. .revor v.r'.e11 rvor\s Tearn: l. Denver TC, 15. --Don Ucl4ahi1l-Ij r,. 1ed second. boJ be, no , aJfor, u 11- Di o, lry rilllde (rancs), a fu!'ther BOy rack, t6d h1s IIIE IIATIO{AL AAU JINIoR Jo-KIl,o RUli iJILL Bll HELD c ,, rh- -O.r --1"1 v c.ory'n .l yL"-s. L J.iIOVEIIBER f, f97O IN BOULDIE, COLoRADo. Irl _!o. -o\ C-- -ort s'' I ,our - l-s & oLlled d^. --:(1;AII XAI INn lo-r,tTLLS, ^ oroke -te Lsp. u, i. .Lsr01.-1. 26--1. r'_hL in c,o vtctorJ satuce. -ttoNol,lll.u, "rr erect sonenhat :.:.:ay, JE-nuary 18, 1970 S.rnny & ?5"^hAlrAL a.b 8 A.M. The r,ace compensAted for his dlsap::e:. DIrlston- 1. Mlks creaorto. 52tQ7t 2. K\ polninent ln last September's nuropean chan: a:-::'-.-5,25--,3, Kent Mtl1s;59:a5,; +. ss] r4oia- plonships 10,000n race. .t.., i9to5,fi 5, BLl1 flannack. 60rlt3; 6. San "l .rant io r.Jln botl-r the 5,000 end tO,OoOn events arj the CoimonHealth carxe s 1n Juty and Inr€r'-r€jIEr€ Dlvlslon- (Unoer 15 e€ars old) Irn tralntng harder than ev6r,,, he sald after oY:>Yj z. scorr uaLa, ():t6t s. lhe -ac.. -o- l0,oOOn he r opes -o )r er John !.lexander. .jor]o 2b llnuces in 1970. onlr I,,srr'.11 ;d€t --Notes...19 r'unn6r.s atp6er6d at the startlng ord'roldFr ao. cror,{", ;t.o sov:s-. llne ln fia a1l Kal, Tho ftntsh !,'as at Kaplolanl n,i.r, h,s .r'',-. ri"-,."""! .i':ii Park.. l{t 16 Gre8ot'lors lJlnnlllg tliF was off the .lc.t!_Is- rne toushes. . Ehe book,, e l€1ouleor6cord of 51111 s€t by Ny CoLe ln 1965, --San Bosottl-Tbe lnter-countle6 chanplonshlp is second tn l.mportance onl-t to th€ national race ln Black TflI3D ANNUAL TROY lO-M]Ifr RUN, TROY, AI,ABAMA pool on Feb. 2Bth, and also rnarks fjrst Jan, loth- Clavton Nlehols of IrSU rac€d to vic- occs.slon of the y6or on rhlch the rhs bfg boys I torj ln 55:JO & ln the process rer away fro"1 J hav€ lo }a) rl-e:l' caros or t,atr€, afrer '..6 sta-ters. He ls a flne prospeci. Hlth spe.d & aonlns or coflDetine conDara!tvoty ninor natLral sts"1lns, Tv,o reeks prevlougl,/ he -aotrr- races.7.5-fit]es- 1. In n. _sitor, J6:L5; j. r. eo an Jndoor ntle ln L:lc. Teop, Lb d€Ac es. hrrL5r, l6r5o;3. F. 1,11oe; J?:10; a:6udfofd. AS
Examiner Indoor lVIeet.
Jan.3, 1970 Senio6
Peter Nlu ndle (2nd 4:35.8) William Fitzgerald { 1st 4:35.6) Dr. Peter Wood (3rd 4140.6)
Eooks on distance rumning from Track & Field Ne ws
THE CONDITIONING OI' DISTANCE RUNNEBS. Tom O6let'6 taiiing ides for rhe 10,000m. a!d up IeaeI....................-...,",."..,...,.S1.26 EOW THEY IRAIN, Fred WilL Traiai.g ploglms of 140 nnnex, 8E010,000d.............."............-'..Paperbould, 92.00; t{ard cove, 93.60 LONG DISTANCE nUNNING, H}ti !n & I\rloh. Biitish AAA instiuc. tional booklet by two eidistece ruming gle.rs........,.......-..... LYDIARD'S RUNNING TRAINING SCHEDULES. Workour plogralns dd scl,edules derised by Arrhur Lydiard, coacb of Hajberg, el4. gI.OO MODERN TRA]NING FoR RUNNING. Ke! Dohsty,s te;i,....$10.95 oLYMPIA CROSS COUNTBY CLINIC NmES. Ev;rything on cos_
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