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\{rife '1'cadr, D.Jne &



Carole Pearson, Phcto
















Fot inlormalion on any ol lhese prcgrams wrile to:

Cdrl W. Coopet, Exe.ulive Dirc.lor, United Stotes hock ond Field Federction, 12 Nofih lOIh Avenue, fucson. Atizona 85705


BEARDALL & PINOCCI DEADHEAT AT DALY CITY HILL RUN - Nov. 20- Runing togethel ovea the €ntite distance vith neithea making any decislve moves, borh decided io lie it up with about a haU_mile to 8o. Both Beardall & Pinocci lan 36:OO' with St€ve Slawson closing fasL coming down the last (ahd onlv) hill _ aU 3 miles oI it. A total ol t34 rmers complet€d rhe grind which wa6 sponsor€d by th€ DaLy Citv Recreation D€!r' Thc race \1'ent to the to! of San Bruo Mountain and hack down. ifh€ course is about 6 4iles long r idJ.r ]:..]]] i|il:: l.] -ar r ,., .r) r:! r - rr, .r,, a i, rr) r .1 , r, ! ,,. r!::


Volrlme lr, No. 193' January 1972 Published tuonlhly udea the ausric€s ol rhe United /'_ \. 0rf r're.L' S -Les rr-cl,& !icld F'd'far'or, Tucsob, Arizona 85?0 5. Ar4ua \ub"..ip oi Parc-: $",00. A.d ${ 01] _or's Class Mail or $5.00 fo! Air Mail ih U.S.A. & canada. singic codes and backi€sues - 50{. Pl€ase sehd race results ahd aiticles for Frblication Lo Editor: H. Browhing Ross, 306 we6t center st., 14 oodbury, N.J,08096

. - !:q!:. a!! -:: ir. - ,.

CLASSIIIED ADVERTISEMENTS - AdverLise your event to incr€ase cntries, o1 your Foduct to lncrease sales, ($3,00 |Er insertion), Iutl or l/2 PaCe advertis_ Dg rares seni uPn requesL, II'HITE ROCK MARAT'HON, DALLAS, TEXAS lvia!ch,4, 19?2, Ccrrili€d course, last flat couse. For entry blank6 and inloroation trit€: ralmage Morrisoh' Dire.tor Cross Country Club ol Dalla., P. O. Eor 38233, Dallas, Texas ?5?38, SYRACUSE, N. Y. IS HOSTINC THE NATICNAL A, A, U, MARATHON on May 21 with sPecial efforrs ior tour best ler{ormance and a good time (Running AND so.ialty)- A11 AAU-regi6tored atblet.s 1!eL.ome l-or informarion and e4rry blank, qrit!:: E.l lage, '{01 S. Nlain St., No1fi Syracus., N.t. 13212. 315- 158-?192, Entrie$


r f. !r4r lrr ',.:r.:l l!r.]!]]!,




A\iAILABIE froh LD!, 306 \v Cent€r St., Woo.lbury, N.J, 08096-- THOUCHTS ON IHE RUN, bv J.. Henilerson ( 'lunners \valden Pond' ) $2. 95 (116 PP. ) THEREIS A HUMAN BEING IN THAT S1\'EAT SUIT, bY I4arvi4 Rothenst.,ih. (A Personal memoir \'ith pracrical adl.ice lor the beeinner by a 5,000 milctear non_com_ peririv€ runer. ) 52. 00, LoNc SLOW DISTANCE (rSD), by Joe Hehderson (Ihc Hman€ way to arain)- $2 00 JOCGULARITY, by A1 Cantello and BiLl Smith. (A humorous book on the jocsins dlenod.,non) $1.00 BOOKS

ALLABoUTDISTANCERUNNINGSI-{oEs(a8]1r.)$].50.DANANDERSoN!'lNsFlnsTPLEASANToN.DuBLIN oNTHERUNFRoMDocsANDPEoPLE,byHaIHig-RUN-Nov.28,19?1-vaueyTc6DanAndeTsot|inally lound the combinatio! and {oh his firsr road racc in .\on ll97r, 239lp. ) $5. 95. GUIDEToDISTANCERUNNING,Andet6on&He'dcrson'manyaoonthbytakinga.l0svi.tolyrTofrTomca$caIL of fhe sPonsoring Livelmole va11ey Rc, who won Edi|ors. (l0o articles' 50 au|horsJ 208 qr $.!.95, RoADRAcERsANDTHEIRTRAINING,byJ.eHendel-theteam|itl€,93Pintstol3Slorthe}unneluPPamakids and 154 Ior Wesr va11ey TC. Unfortuna|cly, .ht: son (96 pr., l5 lhotos) $2.50. firsi lwo runers retl astray nh€n hhey i! Dublin, goine at least a hile off of the coursc Otre 'IRAIN IN THE COLORI'UL COLORADO ROCKIES ol the lEners, Darren George, managed lo regain his AT CAMP CROCKETT - I9?2 and still finish a fantastic sixLh. The .ours€ composure CFFERING: Outsranding coaches, who traih with vou! milcs. A total ol 91 runners Iihished. about 12.25 $as Rustic, but modern faciLities. Plenry ol good lood. Rea6onabte tates. ]:)|] ]:-]1 i ]io..]ti) ro: ]!j."|:.. lr L:] Ir) LIADERSHIP: Ron Daws, 1968 OLYMP]C MARATHON .] rin.1!-iI (, ,trn.: !r) TEAM. . Steve Gachupin, Irike6 Peak Marathon Record Hotdei.. Del Hessel, Haad Track Coa.h' Colorado

DATDS: July 30 to August 5 - Session #l August 6 to Augusr 12 - Session +2 FEES: $60 per ses6ion, or, $100 total il vou register lor both s€ssions in advaice Send $r0 down payment ro: Cao! Director, Pueblo YMCA, Box 214, Pueblo, Colorado 81002.

Please 6tafe experience & area ol interest-



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Bul Ryun preceede.l Casey, as did a1€o Wade Bell. The tormer eas known to DNF, ahd rhe laiter had a


Every oace in a while l lik€ to hawe a long talk $ith Galy Olsen, the executive sec!erarv oI the National Jogging Association, since it charge6 mv motrvatlon batteries and lets me think big. Now, 'big" to @c, isnrr wide, or heaav, as much as it is Lobg. I Dean, thar long rook at the big Picture and noi necesearily NJA o! thing6 ol interest to a svelt long .listance runnet who is eitller in the middLe ol some s€ason or qetting ready Lo do the worknecessarv to put him into oae soon to be sLarting. My qu€stion is more toward lhe ironv in th€ universalitv ol th; clperience oJ rumirg, with ite economies and availability with access to ewerv one, versus some widc).\.cPio






have rhe n@bers anil is th. darling to Americah Male I just canrt ubderstahd itl l baYe th€ories: Behind evcrv succe€sJul venture th€re i6 a FDrtion oI some Frolir sodcone is making on somcthing being sold in coniection with rhe sloxt; rhat gcts reintcsLed ahd allocare'l ro

the proJessional specialist fho can tcli J'hh O Public the slory shich both makes sense and m'tivates the guy ro get out thcre and do it.


lrom that stri.k€n multitude came a disal?oint€.|

There scem€d but little chatce of Casev'3 runnrlg But Ryun weht out in 53, .ame back iD s6. So Bell $as just 15 behind Nhen he .cceiwed thc 6tick' uell Wade took it out real quick, hc raced it rike a

his |hird leg spliL- Ih€ Tahoes terc :lmost cwen' Then lroo 20, OOO throats an.1 more thcrc came a lustt L:,!8

It rmbled


Irom the balcony, where ihe ne( was

The Carden Affe.cionados had all begun to srir,

r'or Casey, miehty Cas.y, tas rcady to alchor' There q'as ease in Cascy's mannci as he ]rrelared


l'her. ltas prid!: !n Caset's bearihg, he Lnes' hi3 an.hor l€gs wcre quick And when respondlng to the .heers, he calmlv sawed No strahger in the cr.t'.1 could doubt, that Ca6ev $as ForLy thousand ey€s rvcre on

him, he ras

I.D thousand watches cliclied as on., See an ad or some polular sPolt and Piclr out t11e pro.lucr and {igure horw they reinvest to get the tord over' Okat, class, 4ow, \ho \'ill vol@reer the producr rhat make6 the bulk ol its DloJit from jogging ? Trm noi 'oh_

vlhced that the shoe teople tl'inli that ther. are that many joggcrs. lvho ltants to comlale the dollar Proiit in the sale of runing flats again6t a bicvcle, skis, rennis rackef (and accessories, si.c. rhev are geneaallv made by the samc .omPanesl, So whar halpens is that a lot of entbusiashc People, on a part tim. basis, in an amateur wav, trv to Pddle rh€ attributca oI our sPolrl and are somerimes terriblv disaplointed by the result! while the ones rhat do succeed are the plos who Forked it out, ger paid, and reat_ ly coul.ln't caae less about rhe nmbers .onve.te'l except how they nay €flect the next job. Uhderstand, no knock oI the system (this is the onlv {ay it could work).. just Pointing to another rlonv or lile, rtbich I sometime6 lind wh€n me and Garv think big' CASEY ON THE ANCHOR LEC

By Hugh SwecnY

The outtookwasn t brillianr lor ihc rrac1{nen oI Tahoe' The sco.c stood 6'1 to 60 with but the two mile relav

if only Cas€y'd be nea! the lead


They'd prt up even monel now, if casev got a chance to




The Lead whilc Citt runner finished just ahead ol Bell' Now Ca6ey took th. baton . 'Clic1!' n.w $atch him run

White Ciryrs man ras Banhi6rer, he srarted plcnLv tast' His tih. lor the lirst 160; l8 llat -Lhis cannot Last' But Casey stafred slofer! on his vesr' the Tahoe banHe ran likc Artbur Newton, in a sercne an.L ea6v mah

!.rom the benches black iith teoPle Lh.ie went uP a t,ike the noise yhich shooL rhe Car.lcn in thosc Ron Detahy runs o{ yoae.

Pick it u!' lhey shouted, tou're falliag far lehind' ' Ih€ qui.k Face' Casey 6eemed to sav, is not thar 'rhe Doctor s|€d upon his way -2 l/4 laPs wer. done' Dick Bank looked ar hi6 stopralch, gasPed, the sllit Casey's 6lride wa6 Fcture Prlect, but le v:s so rar

Hc trailed by at least 30 yards, and didn't s.em to care' The lans alar began to doubt he'd get back in the race. Those at traclsid€ kne, he would, rhey san'the .ontidence in his lace, Anothea lap had almost pa56ed, ' Tlvo to go' jntoned Dwane Esler clear and loud Now Cascy begat Lo close the gaP to the excitement oI

And when Luzins on th€ lead ofl leg tied upat lhe end' Th€ lrhite CiLy Harriers had a lead of 40 talds to def€ni1 Some ttack outs got uf to leave in deePdisFir' The rest They saw Ctug to that hope which sPrings et€tnal in the h]san They thougbl

Lookine lean

hi. {ace grow stern


cold, th€y sat his

And they knew that Casey'd soon catch Bannister agaln The gap was closing quickiy now, so svilt llew casevrs The Tahoe team u6t take

litst place, five Points would


The sDeer is gone lroh Casey's 1irs. His t€eth are c1€nched in hate. He llunds rh.: Gaiden's ih.loor tracli, moves onwaro

'Onc lo go, crl.s EsrEr. Bangl resounds rhc gun. th€ thincla{ls {lee around the tra.k, aad hit the last But Bannistcr srlmm.ns his res.rve an.l mow.s back

Noi Cas.,y grits his tFeth


drives, he jusr rill not

Ofi that final turn thet da.h, .oth men still full ot ruh, casey tfails bt thr.e long yards, now tr.o, .o( onty Oh, some(hcre in rhs {avor€d Ianrl, the sun i. shining Ahd distanc.: nlcn Found out the mit.rs, their t.cL ahd

Ard somerhcre neh run interwats an.l somewher€ Rur rh.ire

is no joy at Tah.c - nliBhry Casey, ias e.tg.d

aJter a lorger layoff thah I,d evcr had ih my tife., Th lor.-, _ r,cd 'o ou, , cr-r) l" . r $": r-F rt-F-dpv. _ guess, r'a6 rhat I could {e€l my6clf gerting stronge,, But it qas also a rime when I had to stop and thihk abor things that t hadhrt thought much abour beJore. A tot is tred urrh track, all lrve workedJon to} so long, It s so easy ro ste:in a hole rhe .1ay belore th€ O1)rpic tin ats, It ltas durlne tho€e r.ick6 rhar I decided to appty

'lh€ ;Ein is gone now, thc rraining resumed, ATHENS \L{RATHON - Suday, Malch 5, 19?2 Noon Alhens, Ohi. - SDnsored by rh€ Ho.l.Iocking Track

Ciub. l.r enirt blanl.s and i.Jormation \tritc: Etlsworr J, Eo1d.r, ir,, 26 Northwood Driv., Athens, Otio .li?01. :\e marathon cours€ is along sfate aqd county roads tl al i.11c{,the Hockihg Riwer vaUey. Oniy a fei. hills ari .ncof,ntcred on lhe roads, the larg€st being 60 i..t !::h. finish line in Peden Stadiun, Ohio Univ,

REi:L':' A revieier in the Dec.mber S.hoot Librarv Journal .a11..r lral His(ioh r"r,,"t t,uot nTiill!.tronic otym pi.s (Ior chil.lren)" rthe L.rst sports nowct .t rhe year.

\1IT. A/\U lVtN fER RI,NS _ Mafch 5th l]:00 A. M, An_ nual MiLc Harnon Memorlat 20-tvlile Ru at Ma.ombs Dar. -Har]r:nr liver Course; LIarch 19th Lt:O(] A.M. Annual Cherry rree/Larth Day Marathon ar C.,nrral l,aik. l.r entry blanks and more data on N. y, races scn.l a seU a.l.lresscd stanltcd .n1,elor€ ro Mr, Kurt stenr--r, l66a Easr 21st St., Brooklyn, N. y. 11ZtO


', r. r,. :r,d",. D ,, o, .. - ,h., , . O ", o. -1, ,..,". O .-p.." 1;. . :, s:ea. .i :.:r:.n flrF and Sheila Forlune ot pennsvi[e -.r :1..i r re.ords to tearure the eighth annual polar Bear -a.r Carni'a1 on rh€ boar.twalk ..:-iji:,:r a t. ftan lie1d, large6t in race! DsLory, n!: .1\ -alr...l the men s 3,2-hile rac€ in t5r45.,1. Th B

:=... .:::..


rccord he €stabti.hed r(o years ago.

.nlJ. the sccond maa in mcet anna16 to .ti! L.'-._ :. l!-minute maal<. -,.:.i:::a. a student at Herbcrt Hoover Jr,I.Iigh, srep :r. .,:: l.: -iLes in 8:tt {or another meer maal.. l.1r:: i or:une was .lochcd in 9:34.8 a6 she ann.x..1 th. .:rr . : , i,-rni]. rac€, takng 1.2s off the darksel i::r : -:: r't Shore AC,6 I,ar Barr€u. ro rinplnt Llarryis trouL|:, it began bact in O.tober, ii.-r:r.rirg the dayi6 list ol sinnets i.as Todd Scutly, on a cross counrry .ours!, at a juncLure ot musc1. to.ar- m::::tr:r oi both the AIl-Army T.acL T.jan & th. Shore ed on th. bottom.I his 1{:lr h..1. Ireatchc.l by the stress lal. -i. :,on rhe 10-hile walk in l:19:29. ol hunn.e.ls .J miles ol t.ui.ling .n an assortnleni ot surlac.s, on€ oi th. rius.les tor. stightlt. ''rhe doclor te11s nc llat it I had r.sre.i it tol lO days rishi then il ,rul.l har1, b..n all righr,, Liquori was sayrhg r.cently at Villanova. It is one of rhc challen,les oJ aihletics. You hav.r t. be able to d(:cide \hich nrjurj enough for resl, Ih rhis .asc I ha.le the qrong .hoi.e,ald tried to run thlough it, l. cross counlry, tou'ac not e:actly runhirB do{n an ioterstat., .ilher, You're jumping ovca rocls, 10gs, landing every rhich nay,' I-iquori Laints our. 'Th. loot wouLd leel b€rrrir .luring rh. rc.rl! but I Lpr tca.in! ]t again on r'.el<ends. I got through rh{: }rhila.leldia Rie Fiv.i m.er bt goine {,lf and joeeine three mi1.is betor. the ra.:ti, warming it uD. In the IC.1A's, I en.teC up rvalking dorn the hills, trtnlg to sav€ itlo! rh. NCAA s. ' Vh.n n € got to Kn.xville and I saw all the un€wch saoun.t, he addcd, 'I lines I was through. By then I realized thai rt was a Lor more seri.us than I had Iii6t thoughr, And so Liquori sat d.nn lor almost a uorrh. ,The choice \tas rry an.l trcar it in that way, he says, or io operate. An operation m€ant I would be our lwo or throe monrhs, It Dl€ant trying to come baci< in an olymlic year I,IOT]ORi BACK ON IIIS FEET A!'TER CLOS!] CALL OD a.lay .arli€r this lr,inter, lrobabiy onc of rhose nark bhst.ry .lays lhat.lri6 {,ith.telnesstoh, Marty Liquori stoirEd ru.ning. lirlat the qort.t's hest mitcrs ha.l lountl rnl'ssillr n, do in L9?t had been accomplish{:.t by a iiny sliv.r ol r}rusc1e, Marry Liquori was b.alr.n.



Y, 2:31:10; 17- Al Cass, Downtown Y, 2:31:30j 18. Earl Marler, Chattanooga 'IQ, 2:37.47i 19. Ha1 Canfield, Knoxville Ic, 3:00:57 (1si Over 50)i 20. Tom BolL, H@tsvil1e TC, 3 rl7:15. l5-MILES - 1. Buddy Britt, Baptist C01lege, l:23r16; 2, Dennis Spencer, U,of Ceorgia, l:24:33; 3. David Bishop, Beiry CoUege, l.Z6tl3t L Alan 1aylor, ATC, 1:30:Ui 5. Matt Morrolv, Baptist Colt€ge, l:34:59j ii. Robert Witliams, Chattanooga TC, l:56r01; ?, Charles l. Pete Span, 23, Phoenix, Ar:,zona, ?123.33,11Z, Jer- Clalk, Birmingham, Ala., 1:59,O2i 8. Sam Clemence, ATC, 2:00:5,:1; 9. George Siler, Jackson, Tehn,, 2:05: ryJobski,27, Phaenit,2:Z4t\7i 3. Datuien Koch, 2?, 03; 10. Don Field, nna.,2t27152. Bouldet, Co1o., 2:25:l2j .1. Skylar Jones, 19, Tefrpe, Ariz., 2tz6t44-,5. Jose Cortez, 20, Redrvood City, --Tim Singleton-calit., 2|29.06:6, Leonard suarez, 23, Bisbee, Ariz., 2:30:38; ?. Robert Waugh, l?, Phoenix, 2:32:05! 8. Tom A'TLANTA TRACX CLUB 12.7 MILE ROAD RACE D€cember .!, 19?l (Run on Pcach Eofl MaraLhon course) Berger, 20, Lakewood, Colorado, 2r3.!:09; 9. Mitch Weath€rr Lighr rain, 34 degrees, Very hilly cour6e. Kingery, 15, Redwood City, CaliI., Z:34:36; 10, Rudy Moreno, l7r Phoenix, 2:35:5E; 11. Ken Youg, Chicago, l. uon Kenhcdy, Ft. Beming, 69:16; 2. Le€ Ildler, Furman TC, 70:40; 3. David Bishop, Berry Colteg€, 0. /:\6: t: 2. ohn L". -,, r'. 71:46', 1. Dale Averiy, Ft. Benning, 78;10; 5. Don Cap2t37:A4i 13. Geoigc MorIln, 1?, Phoenir, Z:31t47t 14. ion, St, Anthontis BC, 78r16j 6, Janes Paice, ca. St., Robert Vitlasenor, 22, Phoe!ix, 2:38:54; 15, William ?8:18; 7. Alan Taylor, A1C, 78:.!0i 8, Kevin Dr€szeski, Jonn6oa, 20, 'Iuc.ob, Zt39:ZZi 16. Ed Horh, 21, \4heat Ridge, Coiorado, 2:42t32:17. Nat fhi.e! 30, Flagsraff, Ft. Benning, ?8:.41; 9. Jon Nolan, Ir, Benning, 79:0Or A,riz., 2:47:12, 18. Ray Woolery, 16, Phoenix, 2:48:05; 10. Dawe Ke11€y, Ft. aenning, ?9:0.1r 11. Don Srarley, Ft, tserning, 79:08t 12.John Babingron, North Medlord 19. Jack Petty, 28, Odc6sa, Te:as, Z:.19r22i 20. Sreve Club, Mass., 79:16; 13. Ilowar.l Donley, ATC, E0:.1,1; Stelhehson, .ll, Phoenix, ZtaA:20.7i 2)- lValt€r Shiel, l.l. Tor]rmy Raynor, Ga. State, 80:,r.ri 15, Charles Cib20, Tuc6oa, 2:5\.QZi ?2. Rardy Larson, 19, Redwood son, Chatr, TC, 8l;30; 16. Paul H.rshet, unat. r 82:35; City, Ca1if., Z:5\t3Qi 23. Geral.l Smith, 28, Tempe, l?. Tlo Sihgl€ton, ATC, 82:55; 18. Johh Cre.o, Fort Ariz,, Zt52,A6j 2.1. Don Tate, 19, Phoenix, Z:53:02; B€nning, 83r40; 19. Dave Devih€y, ca. Statc, E6i35; 20, lewi6, 17, Phoenix, 2:55,391 2"1, Bobby Ruiz, 18, Phoe- Don Gamel, ATC, 87r00; 21. Fi.d Lawrence, DownLoNn rL . : 6:0.: 8, \l:LF -pE, r, 18, DF, . ( !, .- 1., YMCA, 87:02; 22. Tom lirhite, Fla. TC, 89;19; 23. Cleo, ^ooo WiLkes, unar., 9l:30r 2.,1, Herb Benario, 1\TC, 9Z:05; 3tAll5', 29. Tih T€jada, 20, Phoeni!, 3i01:37; 30. io.6ots ( ar), 25. Max Clayton, ATC, 92:05! 26. Ron Cuy, Chattanooga ?,02:ro: 1 . qaro d .i-c ot . l:12:5A:21. Bob Uilliams, Chatl. afC, 1:,12:51t 28, Ted 37, Phoenix, 3tA4:2at 32, Irank Coftez, 17, Redsood City, Calif., 3:05:36; 33. Dair€ll Jorgenscn, 18, Tuc- Sammoas, ATC, t:,13:31; 2t. Rob€rt Bca6tey, Smyrna, 6on, 3:09:16j 3,,1. Michacl Morrison, 19, Phoenix, 3:09: Ga,, lt13t39t 30. RoberL Ka!fman, tserry Collcgc, 1:561 29; 35, Cary Cary, 17, Tu.son, 3:11:09; 35. Johh Hiede ,45i 31. Bob Manning, Atlanta, 2:06:,19. --TiD Singteron 25, Phoenix, 3:11:28; 3?. Logan \tan Sittert, 3?, Phoe, r'r, : 2:0.: 18, r:Lz co.- a a.-, L,-i/,, TOM DONNELLY 1iIlNS 7.MILE RRC RUN 3:13:06; 39. Harold Ketting, 1?, sat,, 3:15:l?r .!0. SyC Dictor, ,,17, E1 Pa6o, Texas, 3:1?:31; .11. Paui Robb, 17, Phi1a. , Pa. , Suiday, January 9, 19?2 t:00 P. M. - Tom Donne11y, {ormer ViUanova distance ace, now coaching Phoehix, 3:18:00j .lZ. Patrick CoUin6, 17, Phoenix, at Philadelphia's Lasall€ High, won th. 7-mile race of 3:18:01; 43. Bob Dail, 1?, Phoenix, 3:18:0lj ,14. Luis the Middle Atlantic Road Runers Club in a fast 35:15 Najar, 16, Nogales, sonora, Mexico, 3:19:17i .45, Jim on th€ tlaL out & back course on East Rive! Driv€ in 'ood-oad, P\oFn_r, t?, .: o:a?: 46, -df-v 1atcy, o, Fairhount Park. Mike Butynes linirhed second afrcr -ho-nix, ':20:l(: r7. pa!f:, L vFl trLm, 6,^ pl oFr y, 3:24.32,48. Alan Ferguson, 17, Scottsdale, 3.zltA5t 49. settin8 a {ast pace lo} l1/2 miles, Donnellt caught hin Danny Replogle, 16, Pboenix, 3t25t39., 50. Miguei Alva- at 3 hiles & vithih a half mile op.ned up at 2:20 hall mi1€ speed ro frove out to a 200y margin. iez, 17, Nogales, Sonora, Mexico, 3:26:i10. Weather: Overcast, '!1 dlgrees. --Steve Stephenson--, TonDonn-'r), ,nc., ; : ,: -, V , BLr.n-., DF., AA, 3?:051 3. Norm Blair, Classboro Stat€, 39132; .!. 4TLANTA TRACK CLUB ROAD RACES Leon Dreher, 47, P€m AC (lsl Vet. ), 39:,13; 5, Paur Atlanta, Ga., Novembe! 2?, l9?1. l&eather: Clear, Lucu6ki, Penn AC, 40:09j 6, Martin DuJ{y, unat., .10:1?i - rndy. r5 Zo-MILES - 1. Don Putnao, USAI, 1:58:Zti Z. Lee Fid- 7. Tohy Tiuord, Iqrerboro HS, Pa., 40150; 8. Mike E{ler, urman TC, Z:0i.:45i 3. K€win (raszeski, Fr. Bcn ton, Penh AC, .!l:lI; 9. Jack Exron, Penn AC, ,tZ:08; 10. Skip Moyer, Inrcrboro HS, 42:11; 11. Paul Mcsorley, hing, Z:06:35j 4. James Piice, Ga, State, Z:08r57; 5. Pem AC, 42:17 (znd Vet. ); 12. Nick Natal€, uat, , .!2: !a Strabel, Ft. Benning, Z:09:27; 6, Challes Gibson, 22; 13. Balry Rhod€s, Norri6town HS, Pa., tZ:32; 14. chartaEooga Tc, 2:10:18 (lst Over 40)j 7. Jim Beach, Ed Harris, P€m AC, .,13:21; 15. Ru6s Becker, unat., Chattanooga TC, 2:10:33; 8. Tod Raraor, Ca. Srate, 13:24t 16. James M. Williams, una., 43:37; l?. Mike 2:11:50; 9. Vimie Doran, Ga, State, 2:15:44;10. Ernie Fanelli, 4i!:37; 18. Joh. McKeev.r, .15:081 19. N€il WeyRancy, uat,, Z:17:38; 11. Paul Hershey, uat. , 2:20:3t; gaqdt, Penn AC, ,!5:l.lj 20. Mark arunken, 46:.!1; 21. 12. r'im Singleton, Atlanta TC, Z,21l3t 13. ].^ea Kine, Frank Kei6er, 48r33; 22. Sharon !.itzpatrick, 49:,{8 (161 ATc,2:25t181 1,1. K€rmit Natho, ATC, Z:28tZ4t 15. Girl); 23. John Coudy, 49.48i 24. No!& Baker, 50:331 Max Cralton, A'fC, Z:3I:AZ| 16. Fred Lawrence, Doin FIESTA BOWL MARATHON, SPONSORED BY THE PHOENLX DOWNTOWN YMCA, Monday, Dec. 27, \97]1 Cave Cleek to Scott6dale, Arizona - Pete Span ran tlls Iirst mararhon in a fast 2tZ3t33- ? to beat Jerry Jobski, who was running his se.ond one and got hi6 best time of Z:24;17. Mitch Kihg€ry, 15, ol Redwood City, Calilornla ran an age gloup record o{ 2:34:36 in tinishing ninth. The early tuorning (8 a.m.) race drew lll starte!6 ahd



25. Mik€ Somhar, 51:02; 26. Bo! Dudtey, 51:05; Z?. Bill Hackulich, 5l:10; 28, Nick Fane11i, 17, 55.33.29, Claude Hills, Penn AC, 57:26; 30, Jerry Hoch, aZ:26. RRC 7 MILE WALK - 1. Regis Dandar, 2.1, phila. AC, 63:lt (Penn Dcntal School student)i 2. Ceoige Bracelahd, Phila. AC, 64:1.1; 3. Jo}ll Muthern, phila. AC, ?4:.t4j ,1. Paul lraU.ovic, Phila. AC, 7.4:44; 9. Dav.j Bower, mat. , Lr. ol P.nnsylvania, 79:31; 6. A1 $'ehrman, penn,

5.5-MILE ROAD RACE. SPONSORED BY THE NORTH \rr-foDD.Lt B, tan ra-v., o/2. ucar.F-. ! tpor &

c,o ,id .- .-I' h- r@, s I \-.) rDc .o. i ro Amesbury, Mas s. E. T. HCP, Act. 1. '. 1. l rank vdtE, N\4C, 37t32 A 37t32 Z. C.dge lilaterhouse, NMC,39:06 0 39:05 3. Jerry Olrich, NMC, 3 9:31 0 3 9:3I .r. ri-arren Fonter, N\MC, 4At23 t0 30:23*** I5 r03. 5. Remi Charou, NMC, ,10:38 6 34:38 6. Robert Aucoia, NMC, 40:46 6 34:ab \4'AI-T CLAR(SON TAKIS NJAAU.\4ASTERS RUN ?. John Trembley, unat., 1l:09 7 34t09 Dast Paterson, N.J., Suhday, O.t. 3l- Central Jer€ey 8. I{ahh Da.iels, NMc, 4ztA3 0 .!2:03 TC runncrs .laimdl rhe NJAAU Mast€rs !-couhtry title 9. Richar. Baron, NMC, 42:A5 U 31:05 over a 10,000m .ousc at Carrett Moutain Park. 10" Charl.s Scott, NMC, i!3:08 3 ,10:OB 1. liralt Clarlison, 37:10 i1!e6rfieLl HS rrack coach)j Z. 11, -ronn i otiLe, NilC, +l:19 3 .,40:19 Dr. 1\alt McComcll, CJTC, 3?:50j 3. Joe Bcrard, CJ- 12. Nic! :alermo, NMC, 13.20 17 3Zt2A 1_C, 38r38j .1. aob CarlsoD, Shore AC, 39:13i 5. ccne 13. \1illian Kerwin, NMC, .43:2,1 rc 33:24 Minor, Shore AC, 1At211.1. .iame: K.ight, unat., 13:25 1a 28:25+ 15" .r olD Hurley, NMC, 13',2t 13 30:26 UNION COUNTY PARK ROAD RACE, IiTATCHUNC 16, lrav. E.sli.k NMC, 13:27 14 29t27 +* RESIRVAIION, N.'.J., January 9, 19?2, Light rain, 45o 1?. Ri.k Bosrick, NMC, 43:36 13 3 0:26 6 1/,1-.MlLnS- 1. Tonl Donahu€, 1,/--na\, ZZ, 3 iII,2, ,12:,18 43:48 lt Ncil Ba.lB1ey, 19, Ne\ Provi.lence, 1,1;2.!; 3. Joe Ciaimo 18. Bctrr.ii Jones, NMC, .ll:st 10 33:55 19. Jan Br.;n, NMC, lt.st{ield, 16, 35:2{,: t. Brddy walton, \yesrfiel.t, 1?, 20. l ran.is ltaher, NMC, 14tA3 13 31:03 35:50; 5, Scott Buttihghausen, 15, Ne\r Piovidcnce, Z!. IoC. 1r oo.lyrorth, NMC, ,14:04 O ,,1,t:0,1 35:58r 6. 1ytryne Lavi1,.rte, 23, Saddtc Brook, 36:Z7l !.:.r aordell, NMC, 41.11 12 az.II 7. Rick Bruggl:t, 15, \{estli.ld, 38:.16j 8. clcn Larsen, 22. 23. Ja.res l-apre1, unat., 11t16 7 3?:16 ,10:0?i r!'esrlicld, 16, 9. Dr. Paul Ki€11, ,1i, Mountain2.1. Stari.r iaetes, NMC, 1]-,n l0 34:i7 side, .10:,15; 10. Jim Carlson, 15, N.:w f,rovidence, .11: Zt, :n Sieiiiewi.z, N*MC, 44t2I 6 38:2I 00i 11. r,eonard MacI-eah, ,r2, Perth Amboy, 50:il8i 12. (.12 irl.rersl James Knight'6 just time rva6 20s over DlcL Masset, .10, 1|.stlielil, 55:15. the ri:jra rhat is held by Terry callagher. SCHOOLBOY DIVISION (6 1/4-MILES)- l. Tim Mccuirc --Fred Brown Sr. __ llcrhaa.l.vill€, 31:54; 2. Wayn., Balgier, Saddle Broo&, l6:03; l- Franh rirkland, ParsiDDantj 36:20; ,1. E.1 1'! i.: G.,l\DT, BURNS, DOUCHERTY WINNERS 'Iuers, Parsi!pany, 36:28r 5. Dave McRae, Saddtc Phira., :a., Su.day, January 16, t9?2 t:OO p.M. - The Brooli, 3t,:53i f,. Mark Jacck.l, Saddle Brook, 37:01! ii :ntic RRC staged thlee races in blu6fery, nli.lal-7, Btad ,raeger, Sa.l.11e Brool, 3?:06; 8. Kevin Reddihe- l3 r..arr:r ioday ih Fairmout Park. Neil tr'eygandt ton, Fanwood, 37:0?i 9. lom 1!aldron, Bernardsr1l., ca:ltrrea:he leature evenr - 17 milos over the Easr & 37:13; 10, Dan Sinior, Berhar.tsvilt€, 3?:16; 11. Brian !,est R:1er Driwe6 - ih l:38:25. youg.Iohn Bu!n6, Mahon, Scctch Plains, 37:52; 12. Scott Sheehy, parsip Phi.i.l:hia Catholic Lcague freshman cross-counEy anny, 38:14. (25 linishers) chan:i.i from Lasalre High, was the yictoi in the 3,5_ Notes. . , Tom DoDahu., {orner Manhattan star, rrulle.1 m1l. :..r, and Major SLip Dougherty, hack ia th€ ru, away from Neil Ba.lgley to !.st his 2nd victory in rhe ar.s ai:er suffering a stress Ilacture, limped to yictory Union Counry Parh's Road Rac. S.ri€s. i. ri. ,r.:-ril€ v€terans fa.e, 1i-\11::S- 1 N!:il Weygandf, PennAC, t:38:2Bt 2, pat I'(]F ' COLI,INS CIIRISTMAS DAY RACES ila.nor, LaSalle HS, 1:39:35i 3, Doug McCr€ary, TemEorl Colli!s, Coto., D.c. 25- Th!: races s.arreo aL Lr:r, Dle , 1:16:47; 4. Paul Leo \4.Soriey, penn AC, Colora.lo StaL.: Univelsity Stadiun an.t the ruM.a6 ran lj-o:a:: r, 11e\'. Joe Shea, Bosron AA, 1:53:41r 6. Ru€g alonE Uorsetooth Res..rloir and returned. Sreep hilIs. BccL.r, unat. ! 1:5,]:51i ?. Nick N-'atalc, Dre:el Univ,, l0 KILO- l. Ran.ly Yaussi, J,l:,13; 2, Scott B.yd, a1:211 l:r:ril 8, .lim l\rilliam6, Penn AC, 2:OO:49; 9, Dr. 3. I.icith l o!, 3?:,1?j .1, li.k r,o\,.r, 38r33; 5. Da1. Dave Sna1.l, Princeton, N. J. Leen, 36:,r5r ir. Hy1L. Van.ler 1\ra1, .10:00! 7, pet. LahdenF.ra, .10:08; 8. Jjm (lardn.r, .:!l]:!f,r 9. Jay Kra- I I 2-\IILES l. John Burns, Lasatle HS, 19r3?; 2. Joe \'I.Ilhinnet Jr., Qlney Kiwanis, 19:45; 3. Bob Ouihn, bach.r, .11:r.lr 10. Mack Sjogren, .12:.19. Lasallc HS, 19:53; 4. Johh McKeeve., Springlietd HS, 5 liILO (la & U.def)- 1, l.ldrun.t Ea]an, ZrJ.!Z,2, aonl9i!?; :. Siewe \,lcLarnon, Sharon Hilt fiS, 20:33j 6. ra.l Eagan, 30:02i 3. Mark Eag.n, 3O;0,1i .1, Kurt N4aes 'b ro 8.. -0: o 1. on Bo o. sa., 20:.,11i 8. llik. Sommar, l-asaUe HS, 2O:51; 9. Brian FIRST ANNLTAL }.ORT COILINS NIII,E RAC!S 1l_orr.:ll, lDter!oro IlS, 2|07j 10" Pete Wilson, Iarerh€ld at the C.lorado Stat. University Field llouse oD a troro HS, 22r30i 11. Byron Mbdy, Penn AC, 23:O?i 12. Irch Spragu., Lasalle HS, 23:18; 13. Ired Crumlish, i0-39 YEARS DIV, - l. Hylke Van der {Jat, 4:36.2i 2, LaSalle HS, 23j2,!; 1.1. Tom O Hola, lrhila. AC, 25:38, Det HesseL, .l:5?.1,,.18-?9 TEARS - 1. 14.s Crisr, , RAN-_ jt_o DoLC- .r,, ,rA. _..t.. ( , .1:30,7i 2, Paul Erlca, 4j33.1:3, Ran.ty Yaussi, .1:14.0. 21:01; 2, Dr. Stanley arason, Media, Pa., 21:Z3r 3, .10-.r9 YEARS l. Loren Sch(i11, .1i55,5; Z. cerry Vin- Bill Ha.kulich, Phila. AC, Zli35; 4, Fred Spccror, cent, 5:li,8; 3. Atan tratts, 5r3.!.0. _ 50_a9 yEARS_ l. shor€ AC, 2?:01j 5, Bob Carlson, Shore,{C, 2Z:O1j 6. charles Eagan, 6:06. .60-69 ] John cla]tre, 6:2?. z. Dr, Jac!| Brickl€yr HaddonJield, N. J. , 2Z:,4.1; ?. H€nry or


Phila., 23:'19; 8, Iiitly KalkhoI, Phila., 25:46i zilped to an easy win this 8-mile road ru over flar,) Hoch, Phila. AC, Z6t1Z, 6cenic countlyside 4.ar the Patuent River in Southern Maryland. The race, spoh6ored by th€ Placid Harbor RESULTS IROM HAWAII Yacht Club, featured l-year taid-ih-fulr membc!ships ILIXAI To MAKAHA 50 MILE RUN - December 17, 19?l i! that club as plizc6 to the rop linisher6. A bulfet dinner was atso s€rved to the rEq€16 and their lamiiies, z4r b: o:zbj /. )av "ag afo, .., W€athea: Suay, .18 degre es. CariJ., 6rl?:13; 3. sam K. Bosetri, 41, 8:47:,12; .1. John l. Bob Scharf, 1A.a3,1; Z. Bob Thurston, .12:10; 3, Bob Notch, 9:19:15; 5. Charles Hathaway, 17, 9:54:45t 6. Harper, .15:04; ,1. Mark Srann, .16:50t 5. John \'finslos, ,16:58r 6. Tom Ward, 47:50; ?. Jih Marsh, .l?:5,,1 {1sr Mike Southwood, 17, rl:44:15. Notes. . . The race ptoduced an €xcitlhg lini€h as Diaz 40-.19); 8, Rod Ste€le, 48:05; 9. Jelf Dalean, .18:41; 10. .o u n o) -!o l\rn ov-rLoo, PoSr'c-o Marty Sullivan, 48;53 (znd a0-49)j ll. Ted Burkctr, .19: y-|5-r- r rr - !. a,-d.6\'Lr.le, a a iu e,,lvp 30 (1sr 50-59); lZ. Jack F.aratt, .19:38r 13, Les Page, 66-?2 degrees; hilly couise. ,19:52i 1.1. 'Curly' cochran, ,{9:55 (2hd 50-59)r 15. chas. "wo.. {): r: b, ohr \o(1, r :rl i7. 86rr d-tl ua.r ' gi DIAZ SHATTERS KAPIOI-ANI PARK MARK Honotulu, Sunday, January 9, r97z- R€uben Diaz added 5Z:20; 1E. Cart Otsen, a2:57i 19. Bluce lvoodward, 52:58i 20. Kcn Behanron, 54:13; 21" Mike Talbor, 55:18i "-orl.. oc"l --co*d ro \i" .otr-cr'o, Lt -n h- ,.Fp!-d 22, Johr woods, 56:2.!j 23. Joth Dohihee, 56.2a.,21. off 5.4 miles, thr€€ tines aiound Kapiolani Palk, in 27r08. The old r€cord was 2?:37, set 1a6r year by Mike George Richard6on, 5?:,+2j 25. Don Perkins, 58:,13: 26, Jack LaUey, ii8:1i5i Z?. John Ddgerton, 72:,17j 28. Mi11. Reubeh Diaz, 2?:08; 2. Bryan Clark€, 28:21; 3. PauI dred E.lgerton, 8 8:3 ZDeCour€ey, 29:00; .t. Hal Cole, Z9:17; 5. Rick Villegas, z-MILE RFYL - l. Mike Bradley, l0:1li 2, Rolland Eliiott, 1l:1.4i 3. Jon Butle!, l1:18! .1" Cbarles L. Ross, U: 'o {c ( . L in,-r-.hoLa! D \. : 6. J,. rpr-iJ, i :41: 3.,1; 5, Jcrrt ThorDberry, 11:,!8; 6. Bill Mish, 1Z:0,1. ?" MaryiD Malsuda, 30:50 (HS); 8. John Notch, 31:10; 9. Sam Bosetti, 3l:19j 10. JeII Dahlby, :11:43 (HS); ll. James Brooks, 32:rr (HS)j 12" lvlike Soutbwood, 32:13i ', cd.dsF), .z: ,: tr. -., - In"8"r,r. tl:t2: c, Davc 10 MILE DC !-{U SINIOR TRACK CHAMPIONSHI! S!1lngbrook High Schoot, Silver Spring, Malyland Turban, 32:39r 16. Lars Co1e, 33:05 (1st Jr. Div. ); r?. Decemb€! 12, 1!71 - Bob Scharl, v€teran D.C. area ,10)j Joe Goo, 33:33 (1st over i8. Johh Alexander, 33: lhe 10 mile chamlionship in a close race 3,1 (znd Jr. Div. )j 19. chuck Greenley, 33:al (l6l Jogover Jack Fultz of rhe USCG and Juslih Gubbins dI gers Div. )r 20. Leah Fertis, 3,1:03. (34 Iinishers) Ceorgetorva A,A, ft lras an unseasonally (arm day id€at --v.t, T/nr -tor tunhing and.he ninner came within 2as o{ Lou Castagnolars meet reco.d oI 51:06 s.t ih 1968, A number of 5TH ANNUAL TROY IO MILE ROAD RUN age group records at rarious disLances rwcac seL by a Troy, Alabama, January 8, 1972. Sponsored jointry by the Troy Merchanrs and Phys, Ed" Dept. Troy StaLc. group of young runers from Sports International, l. Bob ScharJ, i\:SC, 51,31.7; 2, Jack Fultz, USCC, l Jeff Galioway, Florida ac, 5r:58.8 (N€w coulse Fl:rl q . d: r. record; old record, 53:29 by Ctayton Nichols, Livings" C-rbi . c o r ri F o . I A , Phil Steltard, 56:.19i 5. H€inz lVcigahd, USA, 57r0.1j 6, on 5 a F, o?0 2, J!(r v"lLr ,, lfF" -r' Kp..u.t-y, Bob Harper, r1rsC, i?:l2j ?. BiLl Boyd, i7:12; 8. George Lee Fidl€r, Furma! Ic, 4Dennig 52:53j 3. 5.1:1lj Cushmac, 1tSC, 58:02j ?. MiLe \yard, 58:41; 10. Dave Spehser, Univ, of Georgia, 5,1,.18j 5, Brad Thotpe, . o-:,d lr, .r12t,,6. Dan"t F!.."r, . ot.rou" A. B. Knighton, {'SC, 59:19j 11. Gabe Mirkin, SI, 60:50; t2. Jobr Laughland, 61:21; 13. Ray Ru66e1i, 6L26; 14. Rod Ga,, 56:18; ?, Robert MacLeod, Troy State, 58:02; 8. Mike Ham, Livingston Stat€, 58r02.1; 9, J,D, Evilsizer S!eete, 63:02j !5- \IiLt Greenbarlm, 14SC, 63:19i 16. Maik Aagell, USA, 63:20; 17. John Noble, 6l:26; 18. Livingston State, 58:3.1; i0. Ron Jarmon, Troy srate, .8:59j 11. Nick costes, 15, atoy, 59:1,,11 12. Ernie Rain- Les Pag€, \!SC, 6.t:0.1j 19, Jel{ Darman, b,l:14, Za. ey, West Georgia College, 59:33! 13. Kevih Xra6zcski, Martin CrcenbaLn, \irSC, 6.4:53; Zl. Bob Ecklahd, 6514.1 22. EiU Holt, 66:07j 23. Charles Ross, 66:45t 24, Tom at. Benning, Ga., 59:46; 14. Dahhy Clark, Colmbus, Noel, 11, Sl, t7122.3, Za. John Noel, 12, SI, t7tZZ.3. Aa. , 6O:21t 15. AUan Taylor, 31, Forest Park, Ga., 26, Jold lrinslo\r, li8:11; 27. WalL Sherwin, 68:32; 28. 60:48t 16. Royce wi11iams, Livingstoa state, 61:28; 17-, ,, o, 5., / 8:r0. 8 -o. , h- " rh r" ,n, 8, r', Don Stanley, Fort Benning, Ga., 6L:57j 18" Dave Harli6 C-r- V 1i'cst Georgia College, 63:08i 19. Bill Gate5, Montgom- 68:i10,9; 10, Ceorge Elliott, 71:i6; 31. Monica Sherwin, 11, SI, ?.1:55; 32, Don Dalzeil, 74:58r 33. Ceorge Richery, Ala., 6,1:40; 20. Goodman Ledyard, Seloa HS, ardson, ?9:35' 3i1. Jo.y Interlahdi, 9, SI, 80:3Zl 35. 21. Lawience, westean Kentucky, 68:01; 66r57r Ired B€njamin Israer, 9, Si, 82:28; 16. Jan Mirkin, 7, SI, ?-. D r_'s S -v-r son, '0, P.n"a ola. T .a. , 6q:r,: l'. 90:51" (Tom Noer led his older brother loi 8 l/.1 miles J.ln Oeltmann, 59, Florida fC, ?2:52; 2,1. Robelt then tiaed and hi6 brother aan along side uhtil a tie at Beasley, 38, smyrna, Ga., 84:18; 25. Ricky Wilkin6on, the finish, Gene Mirkin and Chris Sherwin placticaLiy Selma HS, 9Z:U. ran rog€the1 for th€ whole rac€ with Gene oursprinting Course: Out & back, 5 miles each way. Ten big, ste€! Chris by only one tenth at the {ioish. Tom No€l ran hills (not conducive to fasr times), !! €ath€r: Plea6ant, .11:02.5 lor lokm, and 8 mi1es, 16?8y {or 62 degrees, 25 mph E, wind hitting runers oh way out. 20:02 for Skmi one hour oh th€ all-weather track. ) Next y€arrs lace is scheduled loi January 6, 19?3 2:00 2-MIL!: RFYL 1. Mikc Qrmlod, 9:33! 2. Craig iaUey, P.lvI, Contact: Nick Co6te6, P. E. Dept., Tioy State. 9:50; 3. Donald Dewitr, 9:51; 4. L4ike B.adley, 9:52; 5. Gu6 Ormrod, 10:23; 6" Kevin Sherlock, tO:4ti ?, RolLa4d DC RRC RACES, HOLLYWOOD, MARYLAND Dec€mber 5, l97l - Bob Scltarf, Wa€triogtob Sporr Club, Etliott, l1:02; 8. Vena NoIr, 11:0.1. (.18 lihishers) --Ray Go!don--


DC RRC RACES, CARROLL H.S., WASHINCTON, D.C. Decemb€r 19, l9?1 - The Open 4-Milc oh Carroilts a1l- 25. Jay Mi11er, weather track featuled a .luel betwe€n Jack Fultz and Bob Scharf, Both bloke the record oI 19:59.9 set by Car Williams in 1968. Schall lan at Fultz' he€ls until the 1a6t lapwhen Jack inched away to win by 3 seconds. This was a reverse of the finish of the 1o-miLe race 30. Joh! Donihee, on Dec. 12th when Scharl \as th€ victor by a sfrall mar ll. Jerry Kraiss, gin over Fultz. weather: Cloudy, windy, 35 degrees. 1. JacLFulrz, 19:1.1j 2. Bob Scharf, 19:37; 3. Laray 33, Ray Morrisoa,

l0l:18 24:30 101:35 l0:30

l0I:57 22:15 I0Zt37 9.3A

102r41 l5:3 0 103r08 27:30 103:09 12:0 0




93:0 7

87:ll 7

lA3:32 36tAA 104:57 l5:00 105:03 32:30 105:59 l5:00


67t32 8?r57 72:33

TrachtonberB, 20:01; 4" Mike Ormrod, Z0:15; 5. Mike 3.1, Ro!ert 1\relb, aradley, 2l:.18i li. Gar 1{i1liams, 20:50; ?. Jim McClur- li. Robcrt Beels, 10?:.13 19:00 AEA3 kin, 2t:02r E. BiU Mrorrmy€r, 21:18; 9. Bob HallEr' ?1: (.13 fiaish.rs) Notes,..After the race, the Heireckei 19r 10. Heinz wiegand, 2lr30r 11. Charles Bro!vn, 21:3lr irli:e.l ihe rrlmeas to their hom€ Io! a baked ham di! 12. P.fc Siftner, 21:12t 13. BilI Osburn, 2l:50! l.+. Bill ner. , The Snowball Series ha6 be€n held each yea! in Delano, 22:14; 15, ceorge Cushmac, 22.24: 16, DaDaLl ll aslinglon area since 1962. lr is a series ol I races De1{itt, 22:27! I7. Ray Russe11, 23:03; 18. ljd J.rone, oo- d ur-"6Loo -- lo'e-r".r o1C--. 23:.,15; 19. F. rv. McD€rmott, 2,r:03 (1st.10-.!9 Years); .ances culdinating in the amual trashington's Birrhd. 20. I4ark Adgcll, 24:0?; 21. Rod Sn,(:1t:, 2.1:li; 22, Ro1'! c\i:\'5 DMSION land Elliott, 24:I4t 23. L..stt:r Page, 24:?0; 2.,1. Noan: Lee, 21:231 25. Dick SchumD, 24::l?; 2b. Kcn Pugh, 102:19 102:19 24116r 27. (:harles Ross, 2.1:,1?; 28. Brian Forst, 24:53 108:5s 9:00 99,55 29. Ray Gdrdon, 25:12 (lst 50-59); 30. J.M. Coch!an, 25:20; il. Milton alreenbaul, 25:28j 32, Ccorg€ Elliott, ilcO! ri IiCAD RUNNERS CLUB 2O-MILI RUN 25:,1?;33. Jack Eraunmiu€r, 24,:20; 3.r. D. B!onson, 5.:r-::, inCia.a, January 2, 1972. weather: 30,s, d1126:50; j5. Darid Heynslcl{1, 2?:18; 16. Charles A. Le:h- .ir.a) altse: Ro1lihts. er, 21:Za:37. Bruc€ B!rnside, 2?:30;38. John oods, r. -,:.:i:o:erman, t:5?:Ol]t Z. Sreve Kearnev, l:59:22 27.32,3r. D,n 1ie.kiDs, 27:59: .!0. Richard Luhes, 28: I j:=i. rerark, 2:01:Zlr .!, phit Davis, Z:02:15; 5. 36; 41. ]lruc. Jerlne, 2E:4?; .12. Bill ShaJcr, 29:26 S:. : a.:i!.re, 38, 2:0,1:36j 6. Chucl Kocrn, 2:15:C (1st 60 & Or!,r)i .13. Jiir Fri.idman, 3l:23. . -: a:r : 3. ll, B edP.bP<r, ?:'8 2-rvJILE RIYL- 1. Robert ]rope, l0:19j 2. Joc Meek, .r aar: aar.v, 2:lE:19;10. Jerry Pieace, 2:19:33i 11. r-r: :r: :a.ri€, 13, 2tI9:54,12. Jerry Rushroh, 2:20: 10r25; 3. Mrrh llaggcrf.y, l0:3it ,1. Bud Krogh, l0:.r5' 5. Dale Valentine, l0:,16i 6. BiU Hoss, 10:a5; ?, l ena : : r:a Srctlcr, 2:29t25., 1,1-" Dennis Courter, 2::]8:C NoaT, 1l:ltr 8. J'aui A. Seern\an, 11:22;9. Dan OrmroC, r:, ral:.-.$lhorst, 2:16t1Attb. DickSLorm, 2:,!8:55;

IIVENT I1 O!' THE DC RRC SNO\IBALL S'RI!]S 12-MII-E HANI)ICAP RUN at \J1- Hehron H. S. , Elljcott (iity, M.1,, Januaay 2, 1972 (IIosted by Don

P- n-,

l,r or "' t" '. 1. Hcp. 1. John Rutl.r, t2:19 15:0LJ 2. Jonn Co.hran, 9l:.18 11:00 l. Ted Burkett, 95:17 1,1:00 .1. Jacl Braurill.r 95:.10 !:n0 5. Dd J.rome, 9i:5,1 20:10 f,. Bob Crane, 96:..') 3:|0 7. Mrke Sabihd, 96:5.1 ll:30 8. Mike ShoeDraker 9?:22 2a'3a ,-17:38 2C:30 9" Les Page, 10" Charl€s Ross, 97:.r0 1i:lO 11. Ccorgc ahristoph.r 91t19 Za':30 12. Cleorge !jlliott, rl8:06 13r00 ,



,. h- ,ta

Actual 1. 77:19 80:.,18 E1:17 86:,11)


,3.29 63:24'r

7lta2 7?:08 80:10


15. 16, 17. 18. 19.

John liroods, Chuck l,eurhold

98:l? l:00 98:40 10r00 Jeff Darman, 98:57 19;00 Eill Codfrey, 100r07 23:00 Bruce Eurnslde 100:15 5r00

20. Dave KDighton, 100:20 24:30 21. Bob scharf, 100:3.! 36i00 22. Heinz ltieeand, 100:5? 30:00 23, JclI Ha1te1mar,101:12 3lru 0

83:12 9

].J:'-,' -SI ROADRUNNERS HOLIDAY TI]N MILE a..::r P.rk, Chicago, 111., Suday, Dec. 19, 19?1 I i --, Li. C.ourse: Tro-mile loop, mostly blacktof. '' . a:L.r: 1r , cloudy, vinds 10,15 mDh. .. :oi! L.sch, 51:30 CRi Z, Chu.k LaRose, 54:11; 3. r... 1olrg, 54:1.1j .1, Chuck Bra.Uey, a6:l9i 5, Mike a.-r.iirr., 56:.18i 6. Pete Elliort, 57:03; ?. Chris Pr1 .ai, r8:r7j A. Roberr Schroeder, 59:19; 9, Maak Wa1r::i, in:itj 10" ierome Madlea, 6l:40; lt. Bob Lynch, !-::l l?. Ausri! Stoll, 65:l2i 13. Dick King, ?1:36r 1,1. -rr: \!.Le.don, 83:02, (16 5|afters, 1.r tinishers) L.ai:r's sCitsr lQ,?0, 20,43, 3LA6, 1123, 5I:3A. ...R ],IILE HANDICAP E.T. A. T. ?7t43



13. Mark Chrislopher,

9 8:12 15:n0 14. N4artin Grc.nbaum 9S:15 l8:00

:., -.: r. a;arz, t 7, z:49,36i 20. JeJt Bailev, 3:06r20 I . r.:a. Earnet, 3ta1:45,22, Mike Sta.ler, 3:09:38, . Ii,i\-_) lr. -.-)--


?. JPrrf ia.t€sh, ,:. ?aul Eland, .1. Bill Creitex, t, !licl1ard Bu.kingharn, ., Bill HamilrDn,

?8:59 3A:21

21:59 23t53













7l:52 it).12



Paik, Chicago, I11inoi6, S@day, Jah, znd 2f )'", '.n c-tA nth, ao-r.-: "os ly rE. - rr ^.h, ]C0y oJ mudCy groud, .q_\4!q Jackson





7:0 0


17,28 50:30

,1. Je!ode Madle!,

7. Parnell O'B!ieh,


58:l? t0:00

58:.45 ls:00 58:.49 15:0 0

59:15 10:00 60:19 15:00 60:,40 15:00 ri 0:58 l5:oo 6l:17 a:20


13t46 13t!.9

19tr5 1a:I9 i15:40

,t5:58 52:57


1, Richard Buckingham,

22 11:00 22:2? 31:Q2 6,30 2t:32 3,1106 1:15 z6tzr 3 5:22 10:00 25:22 3 5:2.,1 10r00 Za:Zl 3a:16 ?:00 2A.4L 36:A4 9rol] 27tA4 3 7.15 0:00 37:4i 33:

MID-IVEST ROADRUNNERS I\DOOR AAU 25 I{I1-O RUN University of Chicago Fieldhouse, Chicago, Iitinois Ja^naty 9, 19lZ 6:OO p.M. (Z2Oy cray track) 1. Kea Yomg, UCTC, 30, t:29r58.3i Z. Ralph Livingston, 33, Kettering Striders, t:36:01,8i 3. Sam Costa, 3O; UCTC, l:,12:41.3;4. Clyde Baker, tI, \lCAC, \:14,12.8, DNF- Richard Buckinghae, G!orC€ M chell, Johh,4.L_ ilrin, Ray Pencyla, Edrard poczatek, Jerome Ma{11€r & fim Bridges. (MILE SIJI-ITS FOR yOUNG, 5:28, lt;05, t :47, -zt , /8:r?, r4,03, .o:r8, ..:.0, .j:r4. ,o:ca, 6/:'6,.6b:11. ?2:t 80:-,, 80:,o, rou- cr"._"o An-rr. o-d. ". or- qoL- ,,0 , , ./o) r. .! b il ll""g- l5''""" r- (1:26;55, t:U:20. z) & Zakh (1:29:58. ]]). '!), oile6

NMC, ?2126,,1. Chartorle Lerti6, uat., 23r1Oj 5. R# Furbush, NMC, 25:28j 6. phylis Olrich, CSU, Z8:.441 7. Brad Campbell, NMC, 28:59j 8, Erne6t Sibson, NMC 29t12t 9. Ft.d Brown Sr. , NMC, 34:35, - -F.-o B. o. n \r, _ _ FRANKLIN, MASS. MAST}'RS MIIE RUN ]/T6l?2 1. Charles Ratti, NMC, 5:0.1; 2. John Watlacc, BAA, 5:05' 3. Claude Ellis, NMC, 5:3?i .1, Tony Maccario, N1vc, 5:5ii 5. John E. cah!be11, NMC, 6:t6; 6. Ahily Chakaria!, NMC, i,:46; ?, Sig podtozny, NMC, 8:05. (]PEN MiLE - 1. 1,trm, Dur€tt€, csu, ,1:2.1.?; 2. ceoage ConeIrey, NI,IC, 4:25,2j 3. Toh Derderiab, NMC,.4:28, 5;4. John Babingrou, NMC, .1:41; 5. cleoffrey Bird, NMC, 4:52;6. Nick Argenro, NMC, .!:5a. MILE WALK - i, Tom Knart, NMC, ?:22; z" Dick y:"."1 9lu, E:1?: 3. Brad Kron, una., 8:33;.r. Rog€r Pik., NMC, 9:rl!; 5. Jake Br€derson, NMC, 9:15. IO-KILO 1\ALK, .\DAJ{SDALE, MASS, 1/9'2 r.. Tob Knatt, Nvc, ,19:32 cR; 2, J.ony Me.l.iros, NMc 5li:39; 3. Kevin Ryan, LBC, 5?:15; .t. Roger lril{e, NMC, 60:58; 5. Dennis SIarte.r, LsC, 62:1l; 6. Jat<e Bred€r_ 6on, NMC, t,3:2E. (t6 Jinishels) .10 .1.,gfees & *]ndy.

r4ST lt IIILER tN KNoXVILLE Knoxwiue, Tenn., Jantrary 8, 1972_ Neai Cu6ack, a citizen o{ IrelaDa a.d an East Tenn.6se. Stat. Univer sity 6tudeat, tiaversed rhe Cherokee Boutcvard toa.l cour6c ol 15 miles in a super_tast 76:1]B (Ron Davs, AD€iican 15 mil. r€.or.t is ?8rio.8) to whip a {ine fiel.l oJ 2? starters, The 19-year-ol.t student re.en y ran a! age group 1!orld record dhe in rhe A|anra r,rararhon, winning his h.sr artemil at rhls distancc rn r:16r18 over a vely hi11l couise, tie also shared tor honors in rhe Natr1. USTFF :-c.untry chadpionships oy tyrng ,,, trr t€admate Ed Led.iy. Cusack moved ar.a, troh the tea.l group oj ruhDers shortly aftcr thc first nil. mark and incrcased his t.ad st€adily as the .ohlerition d.v€lope.t. tre led by a halt CUSACK RINS

.ORT COI-LINS TRACK CLUB,1-MILE ROAD RACE l^o*. .orl. 6, r o oadq d .-..y o.i. r -r f.r: 5 un| 18 d-grpFb. fhp o"o. --, o\F-cd. 1, Tofr Berg€r, 2t:,!t; 2. 14€s".o Crisr, 2t:55; :1, Scotr Bayd, 22117;.1. Doug Rea.har.1, 2ji1Ej 5, K€n Eggles_ ton, 2.1:38r 6. Randy Bidr,eU, Z5:10; ?. Sreve pfii;r, 25:26; 8. Paut Eagan, 25r53j 9. paul E11i6r Z5:5.1j tO. Charlie Woo.l, 27|\Zt )1. Eab Conlon, Z7:rr; 12. !.red L .." --, /7:'4: ..."|'|r. aqd.. o: i t,1. , n"rlc6 Eaean, 2q:26, 15, John Clark, Zo:55. -" " | , :n, r-"s,.o .o _ho j. I Ol], r i, IJ\DEP ovei teamDate Ke!.cn -,, ,:48: ,. !rc.n with a 50:gO split compare.t to Breenrs 5 3:3 5. , 2:.1o: .. Co|cd ,zpa., .,r: _. Vz. ljagan, 3:0?i 5, peca6 cary, 3:ZO; 6, Chuck 1!.ood, 4rt5. Th€ runing fielrl rvas dividc.l into three age g,ouF, h _ _Charlie $ooq rhe Senior Dil,ision (30 ro 39), Bob c;odr.in, tunnibg rl6t race in this ctassification, outran rhe r.ist of thehis i2 MILE RUN, NORFOLK, MASS. 1T6'2 I ...,,!. 1::1, " i. -i. ' o.. ,o 1. Terry Gallagher, uiat., 6Zr3O.7 GA:2t), Zt:53,ZI:\Z) {\4:sr. Dv.r. -,1,..t' ir. ..i,."9,: "n,:, 2, Earl Mccilvery, NMC, 6?:30; 3. ChipAEtehauD, NMC, 67:38i ,1, Ron Kays, CSU, 68:i?j 5. Fraacis Mah_ In a 5 Dile event i.hich q,as run simultanoousty {,ilh the €r, NMC, 69:25; 6. Nick Fatcthoj NMCI ?O,l]?j i, Ron - -'. -t 7 " s i','. CalI, NMC, 70:27! 8. Vin Fandetti, NMC, ?O:3?; 9. c -e ng o '.i/ "e. Pcter KuchinBki, CSU, ?I:26; tO, tset€r Corden, NMC, porl, Ed Leddy. The 5-miter ha.t Senior, Masr.ls, JI. 73:34; 11, Stanley Keyes, NMC, ?.t:4?; tZ. 1\illiam Har_ & 1|omen's sections. Both of thc €vcnts lvere parr or rhe riman, NMC, 15..23t 13. Jan Brown, NMC, ?6:56t l.!. winrer.lo.g distance runing prog.arn of Lhe Knoxvilte Bruce Migell, NMC, ?8:23; t5. Williah Chatrarian, sanctioned by rhc Southeast€rn AAU Assn. NMC, ?9:2,1; 16. Claude Elli6, NMC, 80:21; l?" Tony weather: Sunny, 6oo, calD. Maccario, NMC, SlrOZi 18. Dan Carrigan, NMC, 81:25; l5-MILE, t. Ncal Cusack, E. Tenn. TC, 2A, 7(i:A8., Z, 19. John E. Campbc1l, NMC, 8.1:08; 20. Ired Robbins, Keven Bre€n, I|, rehn, TC, Za, 8O:a7 r. Richard parNMCr 84:lO; 21, Paul lppolito, NCAC, 93:04i 22. Sig sons, tb, urat_, 82:.!?r 4. Rick Elti6, 19, U. Tenn,, Podtozny, NMC, tt5:08. (2i starrers, ZZ finlshers). 8':r : .. P S t-oo/, ,r, ,..n,,, . 8,:,0: o. ,,1, Notes. .. Terry caltagher fook 5:05 oft the cour€c !ec_ A'c-,lo&Bob ox. ?, ,r,..8a:o,o. dJ ord tharhe s€t lastyeart..Weather: Very cold, 8o. ua .J. ., 20, ro\..r ol.or. .",. -., 2., 4-MILE ROAD RUN - 1 Ron Uayn€, BAA, ZO:07; Z. V ro". AA. o..,L lO, B ' \,.Fr)i .r, .a-so._N-^--n Pefer Stasz, Mt. ParkAA, 22rO6j 3" Marco veta6quez, Pay' , o, :0q. 8, d"rer, '-nr .



DIv. (30-39)- 1. Bob Codwin, 30, Knox. Tc,

?. Dick Wciseheugel, 36, Knor. TC, 103:5i; 3. 1!alter Eetleyoung, 31, KIC, 103:55; '1. Bob 1\'right, 89:421

3.1, Chart. YMCA, 104:14.

DIV, (,1r1 & Over)- t, Keilh Kahl, '11, KTC, 95:lOj ?. Lloyd Lundin, 52, Knox,'fC, 10'r:31. 5-M1LI] ROAD RACn - 1 EdL.d.ly,20, lj. ]!:nn Tc Z3:.!5j 2. Par Durnin, 23, n. Tenn.lC, 25:l2i 3. s..:t! Powers, 21, carson Ncnman, 2t,:tl; '1. Re!. c..rE. Conn, 36. E. Ten.. TC, 211:00 (lsr Si. Div. ); 5. a.ni. Brooks, l?, unal., 29:1+ (Ist Jr. Div.); f,. J.hh Po:.rl 21, tvtaryviU. College, 2!:l0i 7. Bud.ly Lewis' 1!, Maryr-i1l{, College, rlOra5i 8. Dick Schu1.r, 31, L'n.r' TC, l1:55i 9. Dr. Tom Princ,,, 45, Knox. Iar, il:1i (1st Masters Diw. )r 10. Iom ltit.heLl, 21, Cars.n \t man, 33:35j 11. .iinr cDbbLe, 17, l.Ia, 3+,22: '2 j".She|hard, 5?, KTC, 15r51! 1:J. Tom l ortlcr, lill !:a , 3l':22, )1. 1\tt Pearso., .!8, I(IC, 37:31 caro1Isra.1, 21, KTc, lirar, lto]!{rlNrS DIv. --Hrl Canlield- -


DENNIS SIE1[A]11' ['INS FIVE MILE RUN Cloiudrbia, Mo., January 9, l9?2_ Dennis Sle..:.:: to vicrort i. a Columbia l'C s-niler in 28:20.n:

aqdher Fir d cdtd gldes I wo!c no socks--dy ankles ne!c bare, hoFever, I lelr ab6olutely no discoh_ lort in lhose extremities. A lot oi non-runners askme .bo!t the .langer of rh€ colt1 fr€€zing mv lungs or some such, I canrl imagine thar rhcle is mrch danger oi antthing like thi6 haFening - - a gain, ld a lawv€!' not a ,lo.ror. Perhal! sltinting hard on a rearlv cold dav' much cold.rr than 8 below, r'ouid be danaging' but all rn all I hawe loud that |he h@an bodv is most adaFtable .,n. I just rhink that ir is dole adaPtable than mv nonrurnrng fricnds l'ould thist{ So while the good peoPle oi ,rri .odmunity shake thcir heads, rh€ s:ix ol us must l:a!e a certain amount ol Pride in knowing that our dtvsi .al condirioh is su.h rhat ic can go out an'l run 20lm 1r! tr-.Loi zcro {'eather ltithout any ill elJects.


(ith a irilly thir.l rnil(:. D.nni. Stcqarr, 28:20i Z, Ben Lond(:r.ie, ZE:-1r :. Doug Williamson, Z9:1ti 1. Mike ChiPP.indale' i!:= : 5. Joe Duncan, 31i33r 6, Dick Hess1,ir, 33:5!i i :a.. s.hulte, .12:00;8" .lim tsaonwart, 11:19; !. Da1, ::: hot.l, 56:31 (rtatk.n), 1\-1:athe.: 52'r, su..vLough cou.sr:


--Jo., Dun.an--

r]ILL lfTR 1Z 15 fHF] FASTNST POLAR EEAR CoImrbia, \1o., lan. t5, 1972 - sir hard-core r--i:r: sho{cd r\r Jor a 20 lilo run in 8 d.grccs h;,nri u ':: \\eathct, The sind chill in.lrx was 30 dcgrees 5.1t Jusr a seet aeo th. runncrs i'.rc congratulalir: :"::s,,Lwes for having a rac(: in mid$inter on a suD. :l ::gree altrrnoor. ThrL'e ol thu run.ers drove all ir: 1! iroD St. Lotris lor fhis 9:00 A.M. haPi.hihg. rl:1 .r'. at {,:30 A.M. for lhl, trrP. L Bill lvjrtz, 1:15:16; Z, B€n L.nderee' l:22:a2; !, i:rry l(okrsh, 1:23r0Ei 1. Don G!anb€rg, 1:21:111 t. : " Duncan, l:25:5:ir a, D€an Smith, l:18:02, (5km :J1:r' Ior $'irt::17:53, 36:'r5, i l,:10 ) Joc Duncan cornm.nls . " th.ac are things to !' leat'e.l {ron an ext,,aieDce such as this _{e re:d a l'i:r'rl lhe pr.b1cn1s o{ hcal exhauslion an.l running i' hcr r'r:al h(:r. Ultra-.old s€alhcr pres.nls probl.nls, too, tri_ marily lhal oI tectirg (a|t. But acl.uallv th. tlonll m: with cold arenrt really sd bad, Otrtiouslv 'ne n€eds io drcss pro|.rly, but onc can b. over-'lrcssed The a'r1_ viry oI tuhing itsclt rrill keeP you \taro -:fter lhe 1ir-l nile oa so yout borly's h€adng nechanism 1s runcironing quite wcl1, you ar. ss'€atirg and if vou hav€ toc much clothing, tou will !e un.onforlable and sweatlng too mu.h. lr'ritihg Purely lrorn thu standPint oJ a lavman, I rhink that sevelai light layers o{ clothing ino borc than two or thrcr: layers) would suflice !-'r instance, I had on tno T shirts, t\to paia ol jockcv shoits, my usual running shorts, o!dinarv cheap cotron sx'eaipant6 and a hooded s\teatshirt. A lac€ mask or scarf day hav€ bccn desirabl., lor thc dp of mv nose got pretty cold, particularly vhen headihg info th{: \ind Thc one pair of glovcs I had weae not sdfici€nt, I shoutd have had ahothet lair of hittcnE or Perhals

\l IRAIHONER 14EL VOS DI1IS AFTER ACCII]ENT \LuI vos ras \itlcd on D€c.mber 29th thile runing or a Llactlo! road near his Winchester, Kansas home H€ :as struck by a car. M(i1 ie survivcil by his Iile and in. childr.n. He sas in his early 30's and {as laslor .i the Relorme.l Presbyrerjah Church in Winch€srerF.E orqanized and tfomoted the 197t Sffllower MaraLho! an.l iinished third wiLh a timc ol 2i57:32, In O.tober l.i1 h. ,on the Linn Tech Mararhon in 2:'16:5a.

O],YI!ll-IC HOPE!'UL TIRST IN CANADL{N RACE :janillon, Ontaiio, Monday, Decemb.r 27- $rillie S)eck, a 2l-t.raI-o1.i sehior at !rolidence Colleg€' ca: tur..1 rhe 19?l €dition ol the Haaold W€bst€a l0-mi1. .oad race in.!9:33 in hollible \reath.t conditions. \ c.ld rain b.:gan ileczing duriag rhe race and heloed .i.,:er any thoughts lhc runers might have had ol chal1--ngine the .ourse lecord oJ'4?:24,. :n aspiraht for a berth on fte U.S Olympic team as : larathob€l, Soeck placed seventh ar th€ Bo6ron NIaraI nas onlt a minute and a haU bact ol third llace. I i'r ran 2.24. I.lidn'r have a good.lay. r couldhave i.ni, Z:20 and raken third, he maintains l.jrlie McCann, S!artan TC spccdsrer, who artend€d

\,-rr. Dame Uniwersity, was in the washloom \then thc race started. The field ias three blocks artay befor€ ::. :ient charging aItel them in lutile pursuit He finalll i:.:;he. sel-en$ in 5l:4"1, N{ost observeas felt Lhar he .:: giten away at least tvo minutes, PerhaPs mors b)''

:r..k ci l.ockport, N" Y. was totally unaware of Mca.inrs lliehl. He was too busy waging a duel rirh leltc :i:c.setlr Rl.h llughson o{ rh€ Spartan Tc ror the lead r1. i:ated rtith me until wc had Pa6s€d rhe halfNav r.rn.. I brokri away coming up the hill outside ol Duda

ru!!son linished second ih 50:17 and Mike Goelke, de ier.:ng cham! and co-holder ot the record, fiaish€d a :hirer:ng thir.l in 50:50. Forder Hamilton veteran Rol ital1in9lor.l, now a profe6sor at Laurenrian Universitt tlace.i lourrh, iust rwo seconds ahcad ol Lauientlan studenr Darrel F!ank. Hamilton's Spa.tan Track Club, \tith I{ughson 6econd, Ray Varey sillh, McCann seventh and Brucc Vood. !llh, rook thc teaD ahai.L Anorher vcteran marathoner, Gord Dick6on, 39, dac€ 12!h, Ile.orrected r@ors that he sas making a come back by ponlting ou! that he has ru s€v'ral ra'eE this year" I !un every day, he re!€al€d. 'aur not serlou coDp.tition because I e€t too Danv injulies. '


l. Willie SFck, Locktrt TC, 49:33; Z. Richard Hughson Spartan T.C-Hamilton, 50:17j 3. Mike Goerle, Toronto Qlympic Club, 50:50; 1. Ron Walling{ord, Laurentian UDiversity-Sudbury, Ont., 51:04! 5 Datrel Ilank, LU' 51:06; 6. Ray Valey, Slartan TC, 5l:43; 7. Mike Mccann Slarran TC, 51:.1i1; 8. Russ Evans, Hamiltoh AC, 52:08; 9, Art Drevins, Troy Stare University, 5Z:42; 10. Robin Pond, Victoria Patk, Toronto, 53:53; 11. Danny Pearson, westdal€ s. s" -Hamiltoa, 5'1:03; 12. Gordoh Dickson, Haoilton AC, 5,1:25; t3. Bruce Woods, Spartan TC, 54:32; 14. Gar!y Teat, Port Colboloe, 54:34j 15. George Aitk€n, South Waterloo Ha!!ie!6, 54:39! 16. Andy Camani, uat., Hamilton, 51:18t 17. Ddve rnhir6on, Toroito, 5,1:59; 18. Tohy Jenkins, Spartan TC, 55:l0i 19. Dave lcrf "ulr, -" r_-nL:-o U!\,, ' : 2 . U rF {u(\arF^, B.anttord Tc, 56:30r 21. Helb Monck, Hadirfoh Ac, 56:31; Z?. Ceorge Ames, Cuelph Legion, 51t14, 23 P€ter Morgan, Metro Toronto Fithess Club, 58:10; 2'1. Victoi Mathews, U. ot Guelph, 58r20; 25. Colin Eeitz, Hamilton OC, 58:35; 26. Pat larrel1y, HOC, 58:43; 2?. Scott Bailey, London, Ont., 60:001 28. Claude La{reivi€!e, Port Robinsoa, 50:.1?; 29. Rick Cmingham, Hili Park HS, Hamilton, 6.r:07; 30. Fred Pritchard, unar., HamiLton.

!_l occasional 1ce Patche6. 1. Mahfred Kandschur, '4L, Hartford aC' 18,54t Z. Vito Boaaiuto, HTC, 5l:35; 3, Dl. Bob McCarthv, HTC, 53: 19j 4. Pcter Littlelield, HTc, 53:25; 5. Bill Tribou, HTC, 55'.221 6. Ray Edgerly, HTC, 55:36! ? Dave Ehgle, HTc, 56:38; S John cohant, HTC, 56:53; 9. Ed King, HTC, 5?:23; 10. Bobbie Logah, HTC' 5?:2?; 11' Gil Demaresr, HTC, 5?:59; 12, Dr. Ja.k Fostcr, HTC, 58:18; 13. Barclay Robinson, HTc, 58:29; l {. Davo Bale' HTC, 59:25: 15. Bill DaEs, HTC, 61:35; 16. Pat Dver' I1TQ, 6,1|a21 I?. Leo PelkeY, NMC, 69:25. Notes.,. Mahlaed Kand.chur, at age 4l Ncw EngLand's plemier ove! 40 runner, sioPLy rah awav lrom the Iield oh a bitt€r cold day ib this 2nd annual HTC Ice HANGOVER H,ANDICAP TEN MILE HANDICA}] RUN

Poatland, Or€gon, Janualy 1, 19?2 (Actuar Times) l. Bob 1!al€h, l:13:10: 2, Fred NIamu, l:05:36; 3, Jeff McKee, 1:22:38; ,!, Bob Ark€s sr., l:16:38i 5. Bob Ark_ €6 Jr., 1:18:23; 6, Jim N.lson, 1:ll:03; ? Dav. Baberachi, Calif., ,19:39*i 8, Doug \fellman, 50::t9i 9 lravc Hamilton, 6i:L0i lO. Bob Boil€au, 4,6:24. (39 started'

CORVALLIS, OREGON, HEART OF :THE VALLEY ROAD RU'NS, Jan. 8, l9?2 2, Z. l. Doug Mudell, Burlington Legion TC, 1?.52 ?-.MILES.' 1. Keith M@6on, 25, 31,26-, Z. Harryotley, Bill Marcotte, ToC, 18:05; 3. Brian Stridc, GuelPh 20, 38:4.1i 3. Dayid Castle, 16, l9:33.. Don wimber,4z, Legion TC, l8:23j ,1. Luciahe Delvonie, TOC, l8:28; 5. Brian Finn, Toronto Striders, lE:32j 6. aom Harch- .!4:4?; D. Bob l,\,mz^, 64, a7tD3. 3-MILES- 1. Ted \\oUc, 19, 15r35; 2, tsob $alker, 18, er, Brantlord T&F Club, 18;3?. (.41 linish€rs) l5:44; 3. Alan Rothentruck€r, 20, 16:0,1. Notes. . . Doug Mundell conri.ues to imPress as the most plomising young disrahce iunei in the area- R€- WOMENTS ? MILE- t. lrat Loveland, 50:51. WOMEN'S 3-MILE- t. Ona DobraLz, !?:28. cent winner oI ihe Canadian juvenil€ x'c crown. M@lnPrn -dn i p a.gc Toronto OC. Pa 8 ino/, t\.cEr-P...t/z BiII lvlarcotte oI dell €asi1y out-distanced ' r fro- Lo 5t yFar! o ol -Dor r". ol,"-\IOMENIS OPEN ONE & ONE IIAL!' i{ILE 1. Robin lrhite, OrirHa TC, 8:25,2; 2. Donna Churchill, JR. NATIONAL 35-KILO WALK, STOCKTON, CALIF. B-anr-oro &- Club. 8:/6: '. Ba.r F ' Jan. 8, 19?Z- l. Jerry Lansing, Ath.as AC, 3:18:21r 2. 8:.10; 4. Diane Heron, Branlford T&f Crub, 8:'13. (19 Jim Bentley, Stockton Race walk.rs, 3:25:'15r 3. Brad Bentley, SR\ir, 3:26:2.1. VITALE WINS 4..4-MILE ELI<S ROAD RACE .I'ICARD, ORDGON ROAD RUNS, JAN. 15, ]9?Z Southington, Com., Jan. 7' l91Z- John Vitale caPrured 12-MILES- 1" Davc Robbins, 1:05:48, ,lst HS- lJhil the fourth anoual Elks Road Rac€ in 21:16- There wele PhiUmei6ter, 1:06:10. .lst Jr. - Mik€ Hagmeiea, 1:1?:43. . the s,hich included,for lZ7 stalters and 123 linishers 30-39- 1, Dick Folbes, l:09:07. .40-'!9- 1. l:.1 Park, Iirst time, four females. L23,39..5a & Up- l. Joe Malloh, |25;35. (23 runnels) L. Jonn Vitale, New Brirain, Zl:16i 2. Pete Squiies, ? P1u6 Mites- l Alan Bealdall, 40:!2r 2. Tony Ketler, BridgePort, 22i01; New York, 21:5?j 3. Scott Graham, ,1, Ron Wayne, BoBtoa, 2Z:03' 5. Tom Detdelian, NMO, HS, .10:45. .1st ,10-49- Ceorg€ Puterbaugh, '15:13 , 1st 22:09; 6. Mike McCusk€r, U.Ma66., ZZ:15i 7. Manfaed Ovef 50- Al Pietila, 5.!:53..lsr Woman- Linda Rulhes, .19:08. (2r rubner6) --Don Jacobs-Kaadschur, }laftfotd, 22t32,8. Joe Boyle, New Yo"k, 22r33' 9" Dewitt Thompson, New York, 22:'19; 10. Vih APPLE VALLEY 6.29 MILE HANDICAP RUN Cuary, Meriden, 22r5l; 11. Bob Smith, New Loodon, 22:54; 12. Gary Nuri€n, B!istol, 22:55; I3. Bob RoBen, Apple Valley, Calil., Dec. 12, 1971. Cool, !5 degrees. Mas6. , 2Z:56, 14. Btuce Fiori, Farmington, 22:57; 15. 1. Fred Lands, &a., 33:131 Z. John Schoickrath, LBPete Sta€Z, }/It.Pdtk, ZZ:59116, Steve Brown, U.Mass. CC, 34r3.1; 3. Roy Nilsson, 35:14; 4. Richard Garrison, 23:Ol; 17. l{en Schaaf, BroB, Z3rAZr 18. Karl Westb.ig, -lvc'c, 35t5a,5 Ed Bouldin, 2'1, SCS' l6:50; 6. Bill Heden, 23:O5i 19. Bitl Neston, N.Y., 23:08; 20. Bob Crr]m, 36, S:fC, 37:38; ?. Jesus Penilla' 19, unat., 37:56; 8. Bruce Burney, 38:0?i 9. Leiis Rob€rt6, '1'1, Pogoda, U.Mass., 23tlz:, zl. Chat\es Dyson, HTC, Z3tl4: ZZ, Bo'o Mccusker, Unionville, ?3t22i 23. Emery STC, 38:20; 10. HaLe, 39:24i 11. Dave Parker' 4l' NvR, 39:39; 12. Frahk Ass1@mat 10, RRR, 39:4'1. (11 linishBerube, N€w Bfitain, 23:23i 24. Bob Hintermister, Haltfo"d, 23:35. -o, r8 LndFr 1(:00) --Jolx B.-or"rd . Hattlard, z3tz6,25. Hariy Wel1e6, H. Tribou---WDEVIL TAKE THE HINDMQST ROAD RUN HARTFORD TC WINTER SERIES 9-MILE RUN Crifiith ParL Los Angeles, ca1if., D€c. 25, 197l Jan. 16, 1972 Peopl€s SLate Fotesr - Barkllamsted. (last man out at end of each 963_mile rad Temp. 5", wind gusts to 30 mph. Road conditlon6- dry, l. Bill Scobey, 12 laps i! 6l:25; 2 Mark Elias' l2 laP6, NORMAN DACI< JUNIOR THREE ]'4ILE


6l:58; 3. Howar.l Miuei, N1yAC, 1l laF- 58:13j .,1. Joe Tole.lo, 1l lat-- 59,331 a. ? l0 1aF- 53:.!2i [,. Jim Perez, G1!-AA, l0 laps 54:25i ?. Skip Shalf€r, CCAC, 9 laps- 5l:23j 8. Mark Clich, 8 lap6, 4(,:33i 9. Charlcs B.,lhick, 8 laps- ,16:33i 10. BiU Theriaulr, STC, ? laps.lI:3,1. (19 Iisred Iini6h.rs). vETERANS (OvER ,+0)- 1. Dawe Park.r, unat., lZ lapa 73:Z9i Z. Merlyn Midst.rkke, SMAA, 12 1aps, 73:58j 3. Sah Nicholson, 5TC, ll 1ap6 ?0:54; .1. Aurelio Comacho, STC, 10 Iaps- 65:56! 5. Irhil Cla1L.:, STC, 9laps 59:53; 6. Bob r,ong, SCS, 8 laps- 53:.1?; ?. Ed Keysar, unal., ? laps- 5a:I)5i 8. Stan Stallord, Ros€burg rC, 6laps- 42:O8j 9. Joe Wchrlcy, S(rS, 5laps- l5rl6r 10, Aler Gilb(:rt, 4 taps- 29:29:11. Doug Klann, 3 laps-21:31 Notes.., nill S.ob.,y, three weeks aftei his record performancc at Culver City, lcd alI but the 3rd through 6th laps q,hen Mark Elias was a fe\ se.on.ts ahead. The lead.rr6 Ia! times ser.r: .1:i], 9:51, 1,1:5,1, 20:01, za.ll, 30122, 35:32, 4A.12, 45:42, 50:55 & 56:14. Dave l,ark€r led rh,: veterans atl the way with lats oJ 5:35, 1r:r9, 17:ll, 23:)j,29a3, 15:I8, 1I.28,41139,

_1:0<,60.,, /).,t8.



"..__ 6TII IRVINE II-INTFR RL]NS, IRVINIi, C I,IFORNIA .ranuary 2! l9?Z 6.6-Mll.E a{OAD RUI l. Clharlcs Boatright, rl:-F6i 2, :'r.o -an.ls, lvr,\FB, 32:12; l. Thomas Lipskj, 20, ,rnat., l2:.1r .1. R!n l]ur 11., 23, Paa, l:J:0oi 5, Ri11 Sea!er, Dar,, :j:l:-1: a. Dar. White, 19, PCC, :l:j::ti 7, FeiC ilarrer, :1, Sl\i-1-ill:t7i 8. G.ne C;urulc, una., 1,1:2r. !, D.n O.ana, sTa l5:01i 10. air.e B.ral, una., l5:l?i 11, li.ri. \lcCar:.r. 17, una,, l5:]t; i2. Irnrk Frer-.e, 32, CC,iC, l-:ll 13. I!-d B.rldin, 2.,1, SCS, ll:05; 14. \4arli KLshni:, :, (rlvAA, 3i:1.1i 15. Slip Shaffer, 33, CCAC, li:a.: 1.. Mikc l\einstock, unat., l?:a?t l?, 1'oD Stura<, ]a, 5CS, l?:1.1t 18. x,lit llunr, unat-, l8:1li 19, Jim De1!, itl. C., l8:58; 20. Gary \l"aketand, \tAfB, ]9:lZt 21. I-c. Stahl, .:12, L,\SF, l9:20i 22, N.rman LumiaD, .13, STC, l9:?Jj 23. M.rlyn \,ri.1stoLLc, .r1, SMAA, 311:55: 2.1. Richar.l lrriest, 19, tsBr'ai, :r9:57; 25. Aurelio CaJ.acho, .11, STC, .10:02: 2li, Dan Flnplitl.l, uhar., .10:1i: Z?. Stan Ros.r i.ld, zl, OCTC, ,10:16; 28. ! rant Bol{i, l'], urar., ,1(r:52r ?.1 1l.s Al.lerso!, 31, CCAC, 10:i-.; 10, Mih. McCarthy, 25, unar., .11:08i :ll" Sarn Ni.holson, .12, sTCr, ,11:2ai 12, PrestoaDrahe, unal., 4l:l9j 3:1. ,{rthur An.hen, J?, STC, .12:11.4j l11, cal!n Mays, 28, uat. , .12:0ii 35. R.b 1!illiams, .10, unat,, .1?:081 16. I. G.mrz,,11, unar., 12::6j l7 Phil Ctarke, .15, STC, .12:2?i lE. llo! Long, 51, SCS, ,:12:29; 39. Don Ni.k1es, 36, STC, ,11:2.1i ,10, Dane lvilson, una., 13:lj. 2. 6-\'rlrES (HrGH SCIIOOL. .rR. HS, ELEM. ) l. Johh Olsiang, Mesa, l'1:.1?i Z. T,nir Obrtang, \,res!, l.l:l?; l. John 1llncoil!, rr\erporL, !5:00i .t, lim OrRourl<e, 15:23; 5- Tont arh.rbak, 15:3.1; l. Iii(: Batson,la:51 (1? Iinishcr.) lleather: Id.al, --Johu Brennand -

IRID ERS !'ROSIY l.IV']' Bfo.kihes, South Dakota, Sunday, January 23, 1972 ,1:00 P. iU, W.atheri 6 d--grr.s, SSD 1lin.t 8-tO mph, , Chi11 lacror 8 d.grces, c1ou.ly. Nore: This rac. trout.1 have been.anceite.i iI the clil1 lactor was abow. Ool FRAIRIE


' .rr,:\ Ll",o'.." ll^.,1 ,;::: l. (larry Bentley, SDSU, 28:.r2, ir 2. Jim EgeL(:rg, SDSU, 28:.12, ?; l. lrob llartline, PSTC, 28:.r5; .1, Loih. Barliing, PSTC, 32:43; 5, Charles M.Mull.n, PSfC, 32:41; 6. Burt lino, arsTC, :13r.:16r ?. Denn} Molter,

Prairie Stliders TC, l3:54, Note: Wianing rime by Bentlcy ahd Egebelg is a meet and ol{iciat cour6e record since it is the {irst riDe the race and course have Leeh run otficiatly. UNION COUNTY PARK ROAD RACES

aritanco Park Elizabeth, N..L, Jaanart 23, 1972 weather: ,18-, rarfr, cloudtj no wind. Race6 x@ comfletely on asFalt Frhs, OFEN 3.6 MILES - 1. Tom Donahue, \t.r^on, 22.21., Z. Bruce Camberst, CraLlorA, 22:58,3. lvalt Harrell, Elizaberh, Z3:38t ,1. \\rarae Wise, Elizabeth, 2.1:39; 5. Rich Murlhy, Cranford, 24:40r 13. Larry Taylor, Bcrna!d6vi1le, zt,:55. Not€s, , . Doaahue, an €x-Manhattan runner, is Lraining three days a wecl< and cooFting or a very inlormal basis. He hopes ro stalr a full scale training ]Iogram for r?2 x-c and i6 just trying to kee! in shap€ so rhc come backtrail is not roo difficult. His torlDuts are as tollow6: i- 8 hilesj Z- 20 t22Ay.,39th GRADE 2..1-MILES- 1. Chris Haltinan, Beinardsl: 1€, 15:05j Z. Bian Mahon, Scotch Plains, 15:53; 3. Dar

Senior, Bernardsvillc, 16:05, 8th GRADE 1.z-MILES- 1. Rich Park, Edison, ?:.19; 2, Scotl Harrison, lanrvoo.l, 8:08r 3. Ke!'ia Dohegan, Me?rh CRAD-

!.2-MILES- 1, Steve Oakes, Fanw6od,


.C].I (]OILIIS TC 8 \,IILI H-{NDICAP RLTN : or. a. 1ln., (:.1., , Srnaa.j.) Jan, 2l- Cotorado State -.:1:r:r:r :rar, .- B.rger {on ihe racc & also had ''''-"o'.'Fdohc

: i:a: i.!r.r:le Lo.p at Rlewins Juhior HS, rl:11 13:11': 7. Steve Phifc!, . :rrr:-::.-, a. a::1.1:. ...a,-ata7 5+.57 llitaa a4:25 8,, ha..t- | "Can. .17:38 63:08 =. !,ri :.::.ra.a, 11:12 17t57 r, a.. arrror, 4.|t47 5b:27 9. Ben l,,Iagsaeen, .. ;:.:: ::r.er, 4513t 4a.35 tot rated 61,03 1.1 ! - ral -R ONE K1LO RACE , iai.l Brid\re1l, 2:20; 2, Kathy Knox, 3:00i 3. Dian. Kn.r, l:ii: !. cail Jorgensen, 3:t2i 5, Janet Jorgenser, l:15. --Charlie ltood--

."; - .;;;; ;;; ;;;; ashlngron


Parli, D€nv€r,




, Jan, 9,

;; 19?2-

;1 Lorer

'i Zac!.rI, presid€nt ol the local chapteI oI the conservationisr grou!, thc Si€rra Club, won the RMRR's inltial rac. ol 19?2, wi& ah actual timc o{ 16:30 in his Znd Lac: E. T. HCP. A.T. F1' L L.r.n Zachary, t?i11 0:41 16:30 19 2, rom ]-emirc, 28, 18101 5;,14 12.i1 23 :1, Br€tt Rec€n, 17, 18:0 7 6:55 11;12 6


J.hh Dow,


5. Don Morris, 3,r, b, Dale Hershey, 31, ?. Sah Vascellaro, .1?, 8- Dcnnis \4a1sh, 29,



l8:Ll ii:.!5 18:13 a:0 9


Il.26 12:0.1 18:13 .1:00 1.,1:13 18:15 6:.11

l1 8 2A


U:34 11 l8r1o 5:00 1l:16 29 '1. Hy Hecht€r, .19, r0, Keirh'terry, 50, 18:19 3:55 I.!:2.1 1Z 11. Snl Arlold, ?7, 18:20 i,:26 1l:5.,1 15 1?- Cerry Vihcent, 40, 18:21 ?:16 11105 I 11. Joe Gad.ly, 18, tE:22 7:13 1l:09 5 1.1. Dave Leschnik, l?, 1E:23 6:55 11:28 9 15. Joel ['inga]d, 28, 18:2,1 6:25 lli58 l9 12, Lee Courkamp, 28, 19r01 8:16 l0:45 1:r 50

{inishers.. znd rime- Jim carcia,

(261h) l0:52.

I ;l I I

DELAWARE srATE AcEs wIN 5-MILE PATRATHQN Georce Batedan, 49:09; 9. I'aur Leo Mcsorley, p(* Phila., Pa., Sunday, Jahuary 23- Mike Wilson and AC, it9:toi tO. Bil] King, .penn AC, .19:31; u. :im Wit_ Horace Hawkins of Delaware srare combined to .aprure 1iam6, ua-, 5l:ool 12, Tom Fort, Dclawale sprts th€ 5-mile Pairathon oJ the Midilre Atlantic Road Runc1nb, 5zt5r', 13. petel clark pain.eton, N, J. , 5.1:zli ners ctub ove! an out & ba.k.6urse on th€ East River t4. paur Mccorli6oh, Drexel, 55:ro; 15_ Ralph Board_ Diive in Fairmout Park in ideal Reather condftion6, fran, 55:12. r. Mike wilson' Delaware starej 25:10;2" Ton! Domeliv 4-MILES- l. Mike Buryne6, p€nnAc,21:31i z, Heinz qat, , Z5:15! 3. Bill Osuch, pMC, 25:58; .+. Horace Wiegand, D. C. RRC, Zl:50; 3. Joe Wit6on, LaSall€ Co, Harvkins, Delaware State, 26;Azt 5. Chartes BiaD.osino, tele, ZZ:25.,4. Norm Blair, Ctassboro Sratc, 23:15; Rider college, 26:19i 6. Mike E1der, Haddon Twp. Hs, Larrv stapl€ton, rresr cathoric Hs, phi1a,, z3:3oi 5. 6. z6r3:li 7. Bob Mickatites. St. Joseph s Co11ege, 26:40; Ed Ri.ks, tnterboro HS, 23:53; ?. Steve McLarnoh, a. Bert Pschuhder, Mooresrow! Hs, z6:.!6; 9. sreve sharon Hill Hs, z4:32j 8. Mik Bra6!,o, una., 24:40i 9, Harnlsh' Lock Haven Tc, 26ia7; ltJ. pere van rngen, Tonv Tilrord, rnterboro Hs, z5:11i ro, Bob schroeder, unat., Z?:03;11. Eric A€an, Springlictd HS, pa., Z?: Interboro HS, 25:.,11;11. Byron Mundy, pennAC,25:58j 04; 12. Jerry O'Erien, Drexel Univ., 27:O.t) 13. Joe tZ. Joln McKeever, una., 26:01; 13. Caesaa Montez, Wil6on, rasalle Collegc Fro6h, Z7:O9i l,{. Mark ye11in, D.C. RRC, 3Z:50. Ha.,dor .a, '5, 27: ,. -.a,Ma. -t -, Ca66boro r_vr_LS,\.. FANsr ., rr:. Do- n-r.,,. sA. state' 27tzr:16. Merv Brvan, pottstown pac€rs Ac, 2. !r, Joseph shea, Boston A,a, 2.4:z2j 3. Doh \4itchef, 27:2.,1; 1?. Norm Blair. classboro Stare, 2?:3Oj 18. penn AC, Z6:23j ,!, Bi Hackulich, phita. AC, 26:59; Maitln Du{tv' u o{ P€nn, 27r3rj r9. vike Exton, pem 5. Dr. stan Bra6on, Meilia, pa., 2?:.rE:6, olivcr l|-i1AQ, 27:36t 2A. Paul Lucuski, pem AC, 27r4tj 21. Bob 1iam6, ua., 28rO8t ?, Chuck Harrihgton, Dclaware SC Mannihg, Villanova Univ. AA, 2?:.!7; ZZ, Leon Drehcl, Z8:45; 8. Dick Carrolt, ua., 29:l]8i i. FrabkKeny, ,1?, Peha AC, 2?:49; 23. Jim cutte, LaSauc HS, 2?:50; ea., phita., 30:Z5i tO. J.ary Hoch, phita. AC, 3;:5:. 2,1. John Burns, Lasalle HS, 2?:51; Zj. Bob Kushne Drele1 Uhiv., Z8:12j 26, John Van Sumnern, una.., MIDDLE ATLANTIC AAU INDOOI] T&F CHAMPS 28:17i 2?. Norm cordon, una. , 28:1e: 28, Jim Knorr, Conventioa Halt, phila. , 1ra,, Mohday, Jah, t7, t9?z Interboro HS, Pa., 2E:35j 29, Ed Ricks, Int€rboro HS, {12 1ap Boafd track)_ Mite- t.Dan Lcrch, West Chesr.f, 28:36; 30" Charles Rodgers , ua, , 28:3?i 11. Bill 4i19.6; 2. Bob Doman, St Jos.ph's; i. Karl Kinscheri, Strain, Ea", Z8:50j 32. J.rr_v Kanr, ua, , 28:55; 33, villanovai 4, Ken Schapfeft, Vitlahova. . , tOO0y- L 11rali Rick Biddle, una. , 29:00; 3.1. E.1 Do.t., I,€m AC, 29:13 Ha{,kins, LaSalle CoIcge, Z:15,.!; 2. Rick Kell Vi11a_ 35. Toay Tilford, Interboro HS, 29:2ir 16. Sreve McLar- nova; 3. Toh Cregan, villanovaj ,+, Dave _sh.ri.lan, 1,Lt_ noa, Sharoh Hill HS, 29:29; 37, La:ryr,!ise, una,, 29: 1anova, , . Mite 1! alk- l Dave Roftansty, SJ Charsers. 35i 38. Gary McNulty, una,, 29:j6; 3!_ Joe Eichter, 6:3?.8j 2. Larry Simmons, unat. j l, .roe Slefanoiicz, 29:39j .10, Gary Graat, una., 3C:t]9i =1, jack Foroace, Phita. AC...2-Mite- j, res NaCy, Vi anova, 9:tt. z ua., 30:11; ,12. 'fom Jaggard, \looresto(n HS, 3O:3?; 2. JeJl Bradley, Mitlersville State; 3. Vince 11rait., ,13. Bob Schroedei, Intelboro lls, 3O:1l]j .1.1, Creg por- PeDhr .1. Mike Wilson, D.laNare State_ , , Z_MII,E RLr._ a.h, ua, , 31:0.1; ,15. Don Stei.arr, ua, , 3l:05; 46. AY I. Villanova {Dennrs Iedison, K"" S.;;;* r,-. Ernic Brason, Springfield HS, 3li1,1; =7, Russ Becker, 14right, Brian M.Etroy\ 7:5J-a., Z. Tcnrpte, l.\!,Cht! una., 3l:21' ,18. Jack McKeever, una. , it:25j .19, Brian ter; 4. LaSall€. fEAM_ 1. Vilahova, i:; z. e..,, :rr, \vorre11, uDa., 31:30; 50. Paut M.Corrrson, Drexet, 3. LaSalle Coltege & phila. pio.eers, 1Oj i. west Ch.s. 3l:.11; 51. Byron Mudy, Penh AC, l2:OOi tZ. John Deil- ter, 9; 6. TemDte. ?. cy, Norfi6town, Pa-, 32:03i 53. Ski! lougheity, USA, -----------------___ 32:.!1;5.,1. D!. Ja.k Baickley, Had.tonjiel.t, N.J.,33rOZ; ANNOUNCING Southeasrern U.s. Ma6rersT&F 55. Bob Dougherty, Roran Cathotic HS, 33rOaj 56, rrrankchaopionshiF, AV|II_2, 1972, Raleigh, N_ C. KeiseI, Berwyn, Fa., 33:3Zj 57, EoL Dudtey, ua., l5: Divisions: Mea ages 30-39, .!O_49, 5O_59, 6O & u,. 08j 58. Jih Thacker, una., 35:23j 19. ianes Murlhy, Lailics 30 & u!, SI.cial E.enrs: Ma,crhon l..U r;.,.: ua. , 36:45i 60, Ceorge Braceta..l, phila, ,\C, 3I:ZZ. & Mini Marathoh- ti. t hites. Atso 10, OOonl r_.ounir. Pairathon Scol€6: t. wilson & Hai.kjns, ri 2, Biahcos_ Enrry torms Irom: Rarford Fulghunr, parks ( Fe.._--a ino & Mickalites, 12; 3. Elder & Y.1lin, zC: ,1. van I]r_ tioh D--!t., 312 Municiral Btdg_, Rateigh, N. C. 2i;_ l g€n & Beam, 21; 5, Dohneuy & Burns, 26r 6. nladciutli --------& Elair, 32; ?. Osuch & Kan€, 35, 8. 1!-itson & cuntl., ORECON AAU 15-KILO CHAMPIONSTIII]S 36; 9. Harnish & cordon, 361 10. O,Brien & Kushn€r 37. Lookinelass, Oregon, Sar., January 8, 1,.?Z 1" Steve Savage, Or€gon TC, 46:l? (5:0a,7 ).r r:te : HANNON, BUTYNES & DOUGHERTY VICTORS 2. Leonaad Hill, Stateis TC, .!?:tZi 3. B.b ajr--.r, ctC:, Phila., Pa,, Sunday, Jan. 30- The Middte Atlanric ,18:12; 4. Larry Miller, Southe.n OreE.n Co|.:e, _a:: t: RRC staged three race6 on th-- Cobbs Creek park ay 5. Art C6olidge, O.egon TC, ,,19:OO; l,_ Dawe q:raro, oJ-sc in. o d ^Pd.h-r or-r 01C, 49.35'7. Chail.s Fro6oLone, arrC, .1.:r2: S. P"r ha.io., r.c.|l4 I g' GeoII -,. Hollister, oTC, 5o:56; 9. Bob Ray, si,, or.q.n ."r" 8_-", "_- - Co11ege, in.12:40, and Mike Bur}1les"wa6 an ea6y winner in th€ 51:.!2; 10" Steve Xent, Siaters TC, r2rtai 11. ,1 miler in 2l:11, Major SkipDougherty, Chuck Moliis, Starers TC, 5Z:5!i tZ, T.x, Bay.u TC, USA, won the i!0 & over vererans ra.e ia 2.1:,11. 53:10; 13, Don Hernandez, Siaters TC, :l:.11 1.1. john 8-MILES- 1, Pat Hannon, LaSalLe HS, 42:,10; Z. CharLe Mi1ler, unar., 5:t:25; 15. Richard St..pes, Loi..t1 TC, Bian.osino, Ridcr Coll€gc, ,!2:45t 3. JolD Ctafke, Mat_ 54:26j 16. Eric Ohlsen, Rosebule rC, 5..1:.:17 (1st L.cat); verh Prep .42:.!6; .1, Je.ry O Brien, Drexet Lrniv,, .43: 17. Bill Stelvart, Lowell TC, 5.!:ljr t8. Ron Hebert, 35; 5. Marrih Duffy, U. oI pem, 4.,1:1l; 6. Jim Burt, Lowell rC, 55:i3; 19. John liepner, r,owc11 TC, -5r30 Pcnn AC, 44:.19j ?. I-eon Dreh€r, pem AC, .1,!:52; 8. (1st 30-19)i 20. Jeiry Swairzley, So. Or€gon Sizlers,


IC, a6:19:22. \Ia1t Hensley, I-owe11 aC, 56:30t 23, Jack BaL€, So. Oregoh Sizlers, 57:21 (Ist Over .!0): 2,1. Dab Dockey, Lowc1l 'lC, a8t43;25. Earl Lang, unar., 59:15; 26. Dan Basaler, LowcLl 'fC, 60.25t 27. Ken Cookc, Ro6cburg TC, 63:03t 28, Lynn Couch, So.Oregon Sizlers, 63:.1?; 29" Tom Ke€l, Roseburg 'rC, 681!.6t 3A. Stan Srallord, Ros€burg TC, ?0:.15 (2n.1 Over 40); 31. Jef{ltein, uar., ?Z:34. (35 sra!rers, 3l lihisheis) Temt. ,15 , slight drizzle. lean Scoresr L Orego. TC, l5i 2. Lowell TC, il5; 3. Rosr:burg TC, 60, --Slah Staltord-55:31; 21, Creg Jacob6, Ro6eburg

QLYMPIC TRIAL SCHEDULE, IJNIVERSI'TY OF OREOON, ]j1,C]END, ORECON Thurs., June 29- 6:50 P.M.- 3,000mS.hase Heaisl 7r.15 I,. M, - 10, 000m HeatsSat., July l3r 5:15 l.M.-20tfu!!alklinal. Sun., July znd- ?:00 P,M" - 3,000m S'.has. FinaL: 7i30 P.N4, - 10,000m Final. Thurs., July 6 5 P.\4, - 5,000m I1{,atst E:ll !.lvi. -

Fri.lay, July ?- 8:05 P. M. - 1500m Semi-F'rrals. Sat., July 8 ? P.M,- 1500mlinal. Sun, , July 9- 5r50 P. M. - Varathon Firal: ;:1. P. v,

DAlLAs RACE RESULTS White Rock Lake Park, Dallas, Texas, Sat., Jan. 8t! 20 MILE RUN 1 MiL€ Albeti, 17, I:58:0,1j 2. David Dillman, 24, Z:0:. rlj 3. Dave Moote, 17,2,07.11t.1. Norman Alsobiook, ,11, 2:08i55; 5. Wayne Johes, M.D., 29, 2:10:5'tr 6, Carey Von Tidwell, 32, ZtI3:22; ?. Carl Iostea, 2,1, 2:20:21; 8, Mike Schlink, 35, zt.Zt54', 9, Bill Neate,16. 2:Z :0:-0. Ial05 Ta'tc, 24. 2:Z :6: rr, Sah I a!t,ng, 36, 2t24:A5, 12. Doh Logan, 57, 2126.].5;13. Jim Pater. s.k, 15, Z:28:a7, 1.4, Wafreh Cautt, 4Q, 2,32tQ4i )5. Tal Morrison, aA, 2:32:07:16. Phil Burgcr, 2?, 2:3Zl ?{r! 1?, nodney Durham, 18, Z:35:12; 18, Don Howard, 11, 2:39t45, 19. Eush Fjlkin, 58, Z:39:24i 2a. Harry He ke, 62, 2:11141,21. Dale Hager, 28, 2:11:12i 22, Gary Allrert, 2:12t17:23. George Boyd, 44, 2:12:20, 2.1, Phil nl6ton, 29, Zt4Z:51a 25. Uly Viamides, 44, 2:53:58. ( 3.! finishers) I-ADIES MILE - l. Rho,da.-larrison, l.!, a:.,11; Howell, 17, 5:571 3. Janet Gibson, 21, 6:21,1. Dr- on, /. 6: 0: . B"-o"_" Dr" -, 10, o: r: CROSS COUNTRY CLUB OF

MccorsLen,9,6:43. Nor€s... The lveather lwas cool & il rained slightly. Mike Albert, 17, of Fort \4oath establish€d a 20 mil€ , oL-5F rpco-d o' l: 8:0r, -- I aln .g- Mo r'co.--

Oregon olficials don't envision an)_ La.li.i.re,nand I.r tickets shich v,ill b. handled throueh the a:lLeric depart- TOM FLEMI'iG IS JERSEY SHORE MARATHON ment at Orego. starting ne\t nrontn, CHAMP IN 2:28:28.8j WITKO\ySKI SECOND Asbufy Pa!k, N.J,, Sunday, Jan. 9, l9?2- Tom Fler. IRI ]) TRACK CI-UB TEN MII,E R'\ ing, a 20-year-o1d j@ior at William Paterson College, walne, N. J- , s.ored a condnciqg victory in the lst I. Rob Leur{iler, 21, Ui\ISL, Si. Lolis, i1.r., :2:06 Jcrs€y Shore Marathon with a Z:28:28" I clocking. He z, (\d , onplc.-l/ o id... d L b"l!n-c oI rh- 20-nan nL-r 54:Zlj 3. Barney Hancc, 21, IlLin.is -C, r'1:t2j 1. Dikc ing Jield ov€r a course Lhat wenL lrom Convchlion Ha1! Stirrett, 23, E. I11. Strlders, 5,ir11::. -riL rrirtz, 24, to Sandy Hook State Park & return. unar., St. Lods, N4o., 55:l6i 6. Rlchara tsrzcy, 16, H€ had nearly a milc and lhrce -quarter lead on ruan€j unar., II.rrin, I1!,, 55::l?: ?, tl..tafn:r_!a!1, !b, una,, up Joe Witkowski ol Centlal Jcrgey TC at ihe end as h. airanire City, I1l. , 55:56i 8. Srer'. ',\.]i.. :n, unat. , tulhed ia a ]!rlormance what ra6 cohsidered exceUent Terre Haut€, In.l., 57:l9j ,q. Garr R..x::r, 10, vjncen- in the wintery, windy coaditions, The runners had ih€ ..s IC, In.l,, 58:05; l(]. .rohnllou:', \ierine, I1I., 16, benelit ol a following breeze on the upwaad hau ol rhe 58:30; 11. David S,nith, Terre tsaute, ir.:., 2i, 59:33; race but had to buck the satue Find on the return leg. 12. Tdd Baatsolas, 16, N.! Alhcns, l l., r!:1aj 13. Later finishers w€re t.lled *irh a cold rar!. Bob Cut.hens, 19, St. Louis, Mo., 6lrilii l!. i\ ayn€ Sctting a hot pace in the early miles ol rhe race was Shook, I5, Maris6a, I11., 60:.r6i la. Ed'!1Lir., 16, una,, John Garlepp, a 33-y.a!-old Millrose AA rubner, Mascoulah, Ill., 60:51; 16, TdD Sllr!e.n, 21, Ro.he6At the lo-mile nark in Sea Bright, it wa6 Carlepp ahi rcr, Ind., b0:57; l?. John \vertz, i,.ban.n, 111., i5, Flcming together id 53:55 but by the 13,l-mile rurnaro! 6l:20; 18. David ,^uld, 15, IvJarine, 111,, i,2 31j 19, Dave nd posL at Sandy Hooh il was F1€ming a1l alobe out fror: IJotthast, 17, Pi.1r.D, Ill., 63:lli 20. Larry Tuck€r, in i:10:35 and Garlepp Z50y back. It was all Flemi.g th€ 1?, Troy, I11., 6.1:,18i 21. Dana Frisbt, L€banon, Ii1., rest of th€ way as he tlotted through the l5-hi1e po6t I8, 61.591 22. Russcll Sl.r'art, 15, Trenlon, 111., 65:02; 23. Ralph l\'heeLer, 16, ScottAFE, 111., al:15i 2.1. Jim Flemingrs triuph ron hir lhe N.J. A-{U chafrpiohCochran, 16, Decarur, 11l., f,5:22; 25, Jrm Vusrc]., 19, ship aad $.as another chapter in his distinguished runVincennc6 TC, 65:53i 26. Paul McCahn, D.catur, I1l,, ning career. He is a folmer wime! of the New York 65r54; 2?, Rich Sparks, 16, Marloon, IlL,, 66:l9i 28, City Marathon, holds the N. J. lnter.ollegiate r-c tirle Gary Giger, 16, St. Jacob, I11., 66:.,15r 29. Creg Grinand the iasr rwo srlmmers ba6 beeb invited to the U. S. ter, 14, Marin., Ill., 615:46; 30, JacL nvans, La, Belle- O m.-, -omm: rcc dis.a c" rur"-"' _rc'r.bC carp, vi11€, I11, , b7:.15, (52 finj shcrs) Carlepp rired on rhe rerurn trip and lo6t hi6 6econd TIIREE MILE RLrN - l. Craig Virgin, 16, Lebanon, 111, place to the late rush oI Witkowski, runing his {irst Darathon, Witkowski, three minut€s back ol Garlepp a: 1.1:.12; Z. Paul R€ynolds, 1?, C€ntralia, Ill,, l5:.t9; 3" Sandy Hook, worked his way rnto second in 2:3?:35, 601 Bill Norton, SEMO, 18, 15:59; ,1. Mark Danic16, 16, yards ah€ad of Garlepp, Iuka, I11., l6:03; 5. Roger Fulton, 15, Marissa, I11., Hosr Shore AC won the NJAAU team title. It was their 16:19; 6, Mik€ Wefrz, I.1, Lcbanon, IU", 17:50; 7, Stan lirst marathon crown. St. Anthonyrs BC won the Open Nelson, 29, House Springs, Mo,, l8:09; 8, Bob Htten, 30, OzarL TC, 18:12; 9. Bob Bingel, 16, Malissa, I1l., Division ream crown. 18:38; 10. Mark Avery, 15, Martoon, I11,, i8:5.1j 11. Dolg Seventy-four ol the starters complet€d the course, 16 Briscoc, 16, Flora, Ill., i8:59t 12. Steve Root, 15, Mar- oI theh under 3 hours. issa, Ill., 19:02. (.r5 Iinishers) --Di.k conl€y--


wrron r. pe /


oI O(sonFi


pi. r.qn cnd


3on,3ll, os MB. Reil/ Tekt on oi foudh d:nual Bill Rd y Ddy lrd.* /i{e€r dr '.n€dor'r Tokonds:oa Loke,

.niyi"F i:*,ff1P..i.H9

pron, won

ev.ir or the h€€r hold in hir hoiq

r6ns Bfon(h. Relly, o member 6f the t9d8 u.s. otym_



- FoI 1ne thid iine jn the loh


ure eeeit has becn hetd, BiI Feilly r.n hone a sjmor on Bill R€iIy Day yestdday.

Conpeting lhe featur.d

1o,0oGmet€r evmt of the live race progran at Takanasee rake, Rcijl|, 196r tnna

l.tuch ltsb

Scbool {radura 1903 U.S. Ollbpi& and 1970 Naiional ,4-{U 3r0$netr st€e,

ple.has chmpion, {otr hsd, ily over 4{ dvals ed sel a

plB. in 30 mid uros dd 2l secdds 6 he neet record jn the He vas clocked

erffid tn heet oark ot 31:02 se! last Jed bt lome. Irjsh htcmlio.ailist Jdhn Me

Ddr.ll. M.Irdbell, in tm, nad ta*e away lhe re@rd Irm ne!1, a ycd ago, Fbd lhe Ohpiar mj$ed his


ReiUJ, a z&JeaFold O<Mpolt Eidmt smplotirg

his @sis's de{.e requLe

ments at



lint il

?dn Sbte, it ltom@th

over a

Reily Day vichr 'aar.jn



He vas 19G{,



n*ths alter h$ etm hon ihc ldexi@ clty oly@pic Ges, dd again h 1s69. Uis @jor


r$t M


to rehm to the lom that €ded hin htun.jrb@8.

Irjules have 6lotrd his 1laiF jlg thM8h nuch ol lh€yd but



to give



andt b, for ObDpc !om.s 4 1912, He'I g.f aI nis irainihg dd ra.irg €fions b tn€ U.S. tem iti.ls €ene, oregon



Eu€ailv July

ald Od, iI sN$hd beft. the 20th Olltpiad in Mmich


to Beilly Fitir 5 cl@kins oI 30:39 thal ale {ns under ihe qld record ras Shorc AtNeti. Oub\ Har+



c6e ol



tras a

doing dounG ddJ

sDe he is apiogram Mrdi. ,ato. ol rhe Long B!tu.n De

!3rlbent or Parts, R.crea' tion

ad Cer.?tion,

staged the




Id 6€ meet olener, Shore Ac's Pat Bmett ol spring l,ate vm the $omen's mile jn



.6 seonds

oll the nel odk *i y6 by Roselle's Mar, Pat, a



last Gal-

HiEh Sc!@l

sdjo., js 21s. the nee\mmed NJAAU r@d s nDtho ecoid




bols' l4andudef nnq

vhde stad



prodigy Riclq Bu.tltdbdt E@vd Jbio.





ble {:35.4. Ee llcei 22.5 seconds oll rhd hei rdd sor Lasl

]e{ by Scor(h


nucldad, onc ol the n6t rn{royed ltug l:m6j ir

Suday, D.c. 12, 1971 (Per rhoa)

Wins Again on IIis Day the U.s., was s.coDd a Fa 5 r03. Ile since has sPi r

ago in


Age_ Crcup

tuotbef lop 16




hb lrua lble th. hfh srhml dtrBion team ir@hl roPespp&y!!ls. Moy of tle $ tLbe in action '1eE ar 3 p.r. ndt



nas rhc


4l Dtrforlihc oI




the Lonq


PmrNr. Sotch Ptams,rrhc ltsh s.hool 3 4 niie ru. rr


a e{ o@.

tar B.ar Track Camnal

ms D star


The NJAAl,*eclioned races aitncted r6il a6ls1s T{o otlErs joined Reilll as

1970 Norionot AAU reeptechose .h.nl rud in 3oi2t in ihe feoruret

th. l0,000.m.rer



re6d over South JeNe! 0f Eoly c.|6a



nen-re@rd crne



ea nn


sell as th€ Asbry P.rkPG Dcc.



nst{@cldding ro-kllonel€r v3lh $here JoI! Kdtion ol

NY., b&ue Mnd in tn. Pe-Amdicd Gmes, sas .l(ked in 46 tJ !d!ue NIYAC t@tuah nh Den; hy sevm soconds. Botb vere Ies the a ninul€ otr the F ord eL tso reaE apob\ d Porchquag, bedalisl this

oiher olrhoFb, D;!c' no Shoe {C alhl.les {on 10,00Gnet6 lmjng ed eaB.

Mayfield, White Honored T.e Psnn

AlhLenc Club

s the $e 6t vahablo Jor cr6s c Drry $is

naned Moses ar'lield reclpienr or


season. Mayfield son bdih the

Philadelphia Maratho. and trladic ciry Maratho( Ecd.

A sihilar aqard lor



to Gene whits, Ninne.

rbe Penn RelayJ high



conpeiitior lith a ldp ot 7 fect, : irches white was sec-

ond ii the Nario.al iAU ind@r bigh junp champioDship HeIb ldenz, lomer Middle

Atlanric AAU cm$ coutrtry chanpbn, $as piesenred lvith dle Iiternational Award. He

.aced r 19i1 in L\e orisjnal Creek Mara$on lron Mara rh.n io A$ss, com?er.d in the Holland MaraLto. and rhe PDedo Rico




the Ou6iaddins sigh S.hool A{3rd Nent tc \hke BuLynA Sierliig Hjgh S.hodl )ou.s . nbo ion

rhe Ean-

.n; lountrv ntle and ihe ryonih chanpioo ern Stakr

rh'p in 9 0t BilLKins.4eited the Semor ]|{ard tor runneN

A{ard rnade by AC

presentsrrons {ere

Toh saider, Penn Imck.oa.h, and Bro{ning





SunCay, December




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PETE SOUIRES WINS ISOLA 4I/4-MI!E RUN New Yolk, N. Y. , January 30, l9?Z U:00 A. M. - Pete Squires, a student at Manhattan College, who i€ sitting out a year of collegiate competition due to a tlansfer {roh Arizona State College, captured the 9th annual Henly E. I6o1a Memorial 41 .l-Mile Road Ru, Th€ zi-yeai-old runneri competing for the New York AC, baokc rhe course iecord with a titue ol 20:51,4, Batry Brow. (NYAC) held the old mark oI 21:10, eer in


6-MILE RUN - l. Steve Corsalitz, 32t3lt 2. cary :F,atrrs, 32115', 3. L€e Frost, 33:02; .!, Gary Pie!6oa, 33:11; 5. Dave Masterwich, 33:54; 6. Jack Mager€en, 3,1:15; 7. Herb Seegert, 36:10; 8. Steve Bracken, 36:57; 9, Paul Kriekard, 36:5?; 10. Johr zieserl, 3?:05. (21 Iinisheas) 8-MILE RUN- 1. Rod Coodchild, crand Rapids, 45:13; ). -Fc I ro5 , -d\ o-. -6:00: uafr o:Fr6on, ad.. c Creek, .16:40; 4. Irave Mastervich, Kalamazoo, 49:58i 5. Jack Wismer, Kalamazoo, ,49:59: li. Herb Seegert, 1968. Roseville, 5l:43; 7, A€orge Claffiin, wa., aZt57t 8, Squires wa€ lushed the entire distance by Tom FleoRon Cornish, una., 5?:55; 9. Jim King, uha,, 58:20; ing of lvilliam Paterson College, The two ran rogether 10. Tony Ettwein, Portage Central, 58:3,1. (I6 linishers) lor host of the four laps, but ar the end Squires rroved ]o-MILE RUN- 1. John Sulivan, St. Joseph, 60:57i 2, the strongest, winning by 7 seconds, Rod Good.hild, 62:1A,3. Lee Frost, 62:53; 4. Jack (62 starters, 6l finishers) cour6e: Four lals of one Magel6eon, 64r33j 5. Herb Seegert, 68:01; il. John Ziemile, 110 yards (certi{iod) rap times for Squires &.llem- serl, Mall City Pac.r6, 68:.,14; ?. Allan Marshall, una., itg: 5:05, 10:24, l5:,!5, 1\-eafher: CLear & cold, 3269136; E. Tom Coyh€, MaU City Pacers, ?0:l4i 9. Geo. 1. P.teSqui!e6,21, NYAC,20:51..,1 CRi 2. TomFlem- Clalflin, una. , ?4i,:r.l; 10. Cordon Berkhousen, una., 77: ing, wm. Paterson College, 2i, 20:58i 3. Ed Bo1re6, 13; ll. Greg Hamptoh, Porlag€ Northern, 6Z:21. 28, New York AC, 21:52! 4. Bill O'Brien, l8! Millrose TEN - 2 MAN RELAY OPEN- l. Steve Gorsalitz AA, 2I:58i 5. Augustih Carle, 32, United AA, 22:06; 6, & CartMILL Harris, Animal lalm 'fC, 1,1:2It 2. Rich Doyle Jitu Legakis, 23, NYAC, 22:08t ?, Jan Mitch.11, 21, & Rod Coodchild, uuat., .16:38j 3. Karroll Bohnak & St. Joln'6 Uhiv. AA, 22:i7; 8. D€l\'-itt Thomson, 2i, Johh Suuivan, unat., 46:,15j ,1. Davc Bakcr & Don KesNe\ Yotk AC, 22:21; 9. John carlepp, 33, lvlillrose AA, nlck, ,16:5?t 5. Paul Upchurch & Jim Burns, ua. 22,22,lO, Joe Boyle, 25, NYAC, 22:30i U. Marlin Kr€r- :?:.16r unat., 6. \4ike Harris & Jack Magellson, Or.gon Stridpien, 19, NYAC, 23:15; 12. Faul Fetcher, 26, LLAC, .18:06i 7, Bill Morden & Mike Boid, unar-, ,18.i5; €rs, 23:35j 13. l{m" Sullivan, 21, Oue.nsboro College, 23:.1.1: 8. Dennis Clack & Larry Lucth, una,, .r9:.r2; 9. Jon 1,1. Hectof Alooso, 30, United AA, 23t4at la. Larry araus & Kurt clr€enhalgh, una., .19:55j 10. T.n1 Coyne Poq,eIl, Zl, unat., 23:,16: 16. Frank Handelnah, 26, & srer. Quittt, Mall Ciry Facers, 50i.10. (15 teams fin.) NYPC, 23:57i l?. Paul Rcilly, 19, LIAC, 2.1:03r lE. Ed --Tom C.yhc-Agiu6, 18, Queensboro CC, 24:0,,1j 19. William lndek, 25, Staten Island AC, 24:33: 20. Herb Holman, 22, 2O-KILO RACN I\TALK, YORK UNIVERSITY, TORONTO United A-{, ?.4:35i 21. Cene Reems, 2a, SIAC, 21:361 January 21, 1972 1-fhis was a handicap evenr--handicap 22, Oaly Mll}I!cke, 3i, Miilrose AA, 25:05! 23. Frank ani acruar times are sho$n). Cuccu, 16, uaf., 2a:A7t 21. Larry LanCer, 2.1, @at. , dacin-es 1" \1ax could, Cladston. AC, l:51:0,1; 2. Joe MoDa.l, 25:08; 25. Paul RielberE, 22, nLaL,, zatlAt Zh, DaL Hamilr.n -{C, 2:05:20i 3, Donald Thomtson, TOC, 2:0I: Dougherty, Sr., .t3, SIAC, 25:31 (lst V€t.)i ?7. Ed Lang, {)2; +. ilarold H.llmah, Cladsto.e ACl, 2:01:52j 5" Kart 19, NYAC, 25:,10j 28" DickKuscsik, 31, Sr. Anth. BC, Merchanz, C-adstone AC, 1:,12:16r.i 6, lirnie Shar!e, 25:41; 29. Mario Gonzales, 20, unar., 25:,1?i 30. EmanCAC, 2rCl:1aj ?, Ron 1r'ambolt, t1OC, Z:0.1:.18i 8. Pat uel Justc, 20, Unifed AA, 25:.18; 31. Ben Malka6iah, 4.1, Faraelly, HOC, 1:.!2rl6t.; ,.. Bilt lrurvis, CAC, l:53:3.1j United Ar4, 26:00 (znd Vet. ); 32, Irank Spinella, 17, 10. Graha.r SalisLury, HOC, 2:I,1:l5i 11. Art Keay, lorNoath Jersey Sttiders, 26:13; 33. Mike Cox, 13, unat,, onto Poli.e AA, 2:lr:.15. \!eaihcr: 35o, (in.ly, .1ry, 26:28; 3,1, Vincent Hogan, 11, una., 26:39j 35. Nat Cir--Donald N. Thob.!on-ulhick, .11, Uhited AA, 2b:14 l1r.t vet. )j 36" carson Rutherlord, 29, uat,, 2ii:,15; 37. Joha Holre6, .!0, 5.4-MILE R(].CD RUN, HT]DSON, MASS. wat,, 26',19i 18. Tom Talbott, 39, Greenwich, Coan., January 23, i972. ltearher id.a1 lot the season, The 27:20; 39. Bob Muller, 46, unat,, 27:55i 40. Ted Lyon, lirst thre. Jintsh.rs broke the record ser last Augu6t 37, USCG, 28:15;41. Brother A, Cu!tin, una., 28i20; by Charles K€at1ng. .12" (leorge Price, 26, unat., 28:2?; 43. Paul McSweenl. :fom D.rdcrian, NMC, 26:51.5j Z. Ron nayae, BAA, ey, 26, unat,, 28:38: 4.1" Art Reillt, 31, lndt. , Z8t15t 26:51.6i 3. Mike LtcCuskcr, uhat,, 2?:13; .1, Pctr,r SLasz 45. Van ltoldsofl, 28, unat., 29:00; .16. Mike Hogan, Mr. Park -4-A, 28:.1.!; 5" Charles K.ating, Ni{C, 28:54; 10, unat., 29:05; .17. Jack Stclch, 36, tfat., 29:17,18, 6, Ron Kay, CSU, 29:10; ?, Chjp Adelbaun, NMC, 29: Ed Epstein, 26, United AA, 30:10i 19, John Kenul, 28, l2' 8. Jim Vital, NMC, 29:16; 9, Francis Maher, NMC, United AA, 30:Z8t 50. Dave Weinstein, 35, unat., 30r34j Z9:25; 10. Mark Haggerty, NMC, 29:58; 11. Dick Ru<tuist 51. Rog€r Sprihger, 2i!, unat., 3l:08; 52. James Jerro, NMC, 30:04: 12. Nick Palermo, unar., 30:26t 13. John 1.1, SIAC, 31:24: 53. Dave Fiiedman, 22, Unite.l AA, Babihgton, NMC, 30:,12; 1?!, Chet Fortier, NMC, 30:,1.1; 31:31; 5il" Gary Katz, 15, United AA, 31r32; 55, Ron I . r, 'c- -or,L ll, \v., 0:q2: 6. ,, -r, Cei6ler, 8, ! at., 32tl)Zt 56. Barry Geisler, Sr. , 39, '"" 18,"rr' NMC, 3l:t,1; 1?. H€rb ?aylor, NMC, 3l:29; Toh United AA, 32:11; 57, L.. a1€i61er, 11, u4at., 32:48; 58. Khart, NMC, 3l:32i 19. Dwigh! Howe Jr,, NMC, 31:33; -rc. BL-p. - t, L.dr., z:-0: 1o. SLMtr) Bar.-r. t", 20. Glenn Moor€, NMC, 3Z:olt 21. Stailey Keyes, NMC, wat. , 32t54, 60. Ed Granowitz, 58, unat., 33:31, 3ztl8i 22- B\zz DeRobbio, NMC, 32:23; 23. Ron Setev.1.. lst Wohan- l. Anita Scandulra, 16, SuJlolk AC, 2r5:59. mo, NMC, 32:5.!' 2.,1. Charlorte Lettis, unar., 32:55! 25. .-lo. <,ernerman-William Chal<ariah, NMC, 32:56; 26, Dick Corrigan, NMC, 32:59; 2?. Roland vermette, NMC, 33:00j 28, I97I PORTA(]E, MICHIGAN ROAD RACE SNRIES Claud€ El1is, NMC, 33:08t 29. Chas.Rook, NMC, 33r11; Sponsored by City ol Portage Parks and Recreation 30" Lioncl Stewart, NMC, 33:13. (t,8 linishers) Departnent and the MaU City Pacers



Northeastern University, Boston, Mass., Jan.29, 1972 E:19I 4+- 1. Richard Packard, BAA, ,1:55i 2. chas. Hahseh, CsU, 4:58; 3,Char1e6 Ratli, NMc, 5:05; .1. John Wallace, BAA, 5:0?; 5. Vin Iandetti, NMC, 5:08; 6. carl Hammen, wat., at22t 7. John NoJtle, NMC, 5:58; 8. Sig Podtozny, NMC, li:,t1. Mile Walk - 1. Tom Knatt, NMC, 7:24..lj 2. r'aul Schell NMC, 7:26i 3. Richard Bostick, r"MC, 7:.1.1r .1, Ceorge Lattarulo, NN4C, 7:59; 5. John Babington, NIIC, 8:30; 6. Brad Kroh, uat., E:3,1, --Fred BroEh S1. --


.. ar . ^d, ba! l',

F ca:o. aad'ng

that since the atrack he !o loager sprints at the end of

I do , go dfr"r rl - . d- r. r-or o. n- "ryholF, hHoch said he works oul thlee times a lreek, rEning three to sir miles ar a stretch. He a16o walLs abouL seven mi1e6 daily to and frod work. Hoch said his heart artack, sullered immediately lollow.

i.9 " ", -, \ "s fr"ar:s1 ". " . i!. - . Lo .rying o get back in 6hape too Iast afrer a hernia opelatioh, But now, he said, My cardiogram checks out okay. 'Th€ doctors canrt even see o. ii MASTERS MILE RUN, FRANKLIN, MASS., Jan. 30th I had a heaif 'here l. John liraliacc, BAA, 5:08.8; Z. BoL llcl'eigh, BAA, 5:13.8! 3. John McNamara, unat., 6:o!i .!. s:g Podlozny Thc to! woman aunner was \4rs. -irna Owens, 43, of NMC,8:3?. llrilliamstown (N.J.). Amother oi:i:, she started aunMII,E l!-ALK- 1" Richard Moore, CSU, irlrri 2, ceorge ning three years ago aJter her hlsband died in an auto Lattarulo, NMC, ?:,,19.1! 3. Erad Kron, !rat, , 8;lZ; 4. Jotu Baadlcy, mat., 9:26; 5. Sig Podloznt, Jlltc, 9r48. It reatly doe6 a 1ot o{ good ih tera. oI rclieving ten6 3/,I MILE I'ALK, FRESH POND, CA\IBI.IDCE, MASS. s o,. sl - s"id. I rLn r'w- o" ,r":n..; Io. " .-.c - .h-n' n ..--. Jaa. 30, l9?2. 1!.athcr: C.l.l. Courst: Sll-ert, 1. Tom Knart, NMC, 4,3:22j 2. Kevin Rran, fMC, 63i22 Mrs. Owens is also a JullLimc stuiert al Glassboro 3. Dennis Slartery, LBC, 69:19i .1. .i.ii ai.Eihan, NMC State College & as such ofren can o.]t r!. in rhe evening 69:19: 5. G.rorge Grzebien, NMC, ?tr1lr ., Dan Regan, It's kind ot hald, but I go out an. io it, 'she said. LB(i, 70r53; ?. Fre.l Brown Sr., \\rC, il:.r.1i 8, I{ike en ^ rr'le Regan, LBC, ?3:0il; 9. Jo. Slatrert, --BC, 1-::17; 10, same inrerest, Mrs. Orens sai. she nould love ro Greg Georgoulis, LBC, 75r05. (11 liri5h€r:l compere {ith women just to see ho{ I'd do, -f Bo _ 0 s, "' ' add"d. ,.. Fci- ly oA6 fryosn.xpcriencc--l kne\t llvas in trouble for loccliR. zT, LoslsRACIFoR,clai=:'s MoteL Race Headquarters wh€nldrove u! ro rhe Colonial Rt.I.I. Merritt A|]anticcityPresssiaii'I'ritelbcfo!ctheaac.j&sat'everyoneinfancys'.iFdwalmuP suits and track shoes loosehing uP' A r€Llrt.r gocs lhlough a lot loi a sr.rt :onetimes. Rccentlr, l ran iiv. mills on rhe cab: :'i:r irroDeDade 1{as rvcaring mv usual jogging outfit ol baggy sweat alone rh.: b.ach !,ith 13 men an.1 ron€l a: a aerticiFnt ranrs & shirt and an old rail of tenni6 sheakers, in the ,veterans' five-mile race .pr.sor.:i oy the loca1 Since I had.alculated afive mile run army normal Fce would iak. aloo6i an hour, I was Jurrher disheartKiwanis (jtub. As 'vet€ran! a rhc r!nh.rs $..!., 01.: i.. -ql:houeh ened wh€n scvcral gray_haired particilanrs said thev !'ere aiming Jor 30 minurc6 or b.ttea. I,m .htv ZZ. I linished lasr. At thP eun I kcPt uPiol a lew yards befo.e Iealizing sincerrequrarlylogaboutsrxrrtcsa.--,,IrhD!!hL the Iace rvas lidiculous and drol'ed LaciI ras i. goo.l cnough shape and woulan': hate iroubl; kee'in8up.Ho''evel,rdis.overccth.ril.abi!crrrel.|:lashrlellemzinedaheado{M.s'ol.ensandHoch' ence betwcen bcing a j.eecr and a co.rD-r il.= di:.ance 'rthough th"v 'oon Passed me and I rias Lasr' I l,ad.rf linished rhe lirst leg when i Legan tastihg the livcrwur61 6andlvich my wiJe hadfi:ecae {or lunch ahd The tirsr-rtace finisher. .rl-vcar-ord J.. B.::set ol bv the se'ond leg I.had b1i6ier6 anc aching knees Itom Freea,rr, Long Islahrl, said hc rus s(:r n .-\'s . FeL, rumng in the miles rnornirg and live io eigi1. m. l€s tour every Sli1l, it lvasn't a bad way to stena atr ait.rnoon. rt,s -."L -. ,o -. -!o\ '. rocH R'!t LN RUN BALTIMORE RFC said Aimy Maj" Pryor 'SkiP Doughe!ty, lro rlrlshed -18-MILE34, lii:- \l!!€ Sabino and Baltlmde, Md, , Janualy club.rEned uP FrankP{laging drhe Baltimce c\-lic Bessel usuauy comperes ev€ry rv€€kend. ,i lrtry.rru,cutfigur.],h.]saidadwancingagehasnltcutdorrnhisl4.!0y]ead-onLhefestolthefle.i:nihel]rst9-frile laF After that Sabino just ran a:rat i iinished verv btronqrnl:l?:1!, Course: Hillt "'eather: Sunny & cold 'I,m running now a. Iast as I did in hig| scnoot, h, especially the lons.r said. 'And in _ .nes, l.:' Mike "'9",'"'Sabino, EOC, 1:li:16i Z. FrankPflagihg, BOC, lm rurning raster than t did rn coll€g€,, l:t3:50; 3. Jerrv Kralss unai, , Lr'15:00: 4. Dave Le_ H. said he wou1.1 continuc ro run indetrnitelv, althoush M,.,8. c. , 1r5?r07: 5. D.ua Black' unat. , i:52: y. as he gci6 old.r he wiu trobatrly have t. l. -o'" ..t".llte.s, Harri6on, To(,son staie, 1152:07; 7. Mike o?j 6Jitu tivc about r,hich race6 he enters, u 2:00:091 8 Jeff Gieve' unat ,r 11 k€ep running as long as my uire is srlhns ro lur ' ?:it"-":' -t--u: " ., upwithit,"he6aid.-z:^la:Z7t9JFrlCood'unat'2:06:18i10AlFila!'una' ?:07:1?l U. Darrel Russel, unar', 2:08:29! 12. Keith w. -r ry no.ni Barton' unat z:12 17r 13 Joll rl'all' ual ' 2:13:38; ll-J-""iJ opcralor for the Philadelphia ' "r..t.i. ".. stopled" l'1. Joe Holland, unat",2:15:20; 15 Don H€ihecke' una ' and never hersbeen ruhning lor 3o yeaas --2:15:31; 16" John Haq, unar., 2:19:02; 17 John Tetzlatf, una. 2:2'1:50" (27 6larlers, l7 Iiaishers)-Le6 Ktnion--




January 30, 19?2, Weather: Cloudy, t8o, 11] hph wind. Course: Secondary blacktop road ov€r v€ry hiuy terrain, comdetely covered nith Fc1€d snos and ice. Two laF. 8-MILE OPEN- 1. Jack Mahuri., ,t3:45; 2. Oreg Klitan, 44:33j 3. Paul Mootz, 47:13i ,1. Steve pnztat, ,]-7.11t a, Tony Hackney, 49:18j 6. St€ve Newmah, ,19:56; ?. Ja, Birmiagham, 50:08; 8. Demis Haltoran, 51:2i!; 9. John Merola, 40, 51:32; 10. Bob Cold!co, 38, 53:03; 11. Felix LeBlanc, 53:37; 12. Randy Miller, 5.1:.18! 13. Jerry MiUer, 56:04;1.1. Bill Kincaid, 5?:33;15. L.H. Fre-

Z-MILE FITNESS RUN- 1, Tom Shi6ler, tO:52; 2. phil Scott, 11:2E; 3. MarkStahton, ll:34i .1. Dah Curtis€, U:39; 5. Eric Kande11, 1l:'!3; 6. 6reg Clark, t1:53j ?. Dave Johe6, 12:l.li 8" Kathy Hovey, i2:23. (21 linishcls)

--w"Y.n B. \"-.ho -

METER EI\\TANIS INVITATIONAL MEET !! Burns Park, Nov, 20, t9l1 - 1, Karl Koonce, H€nder6oh Sfate CoUege, 33:321 Z. Caty Bradburn, Hendri!, 3.4:0.1 3. Pcrry Taylor, Harding, 3,1:30! 4. Jilrrmy Smfth, una, 35:!3 (fook a rvrohg turn rhat cosr him tst dace. ); 5. Billy Ferguson, SCA, 35:1,+j 6. Dick Reynotds, SCA, 36:13r 7. Mike Reynotds, SCA, 36:32; 8. Bob Kelly, SCA, 36:39; 9. Ted Woods, Hardihg, 36:52i 10. John Dollar, SCA,37:19. H.S.10,000&- 1. Paul Smith, Scarcy, 36:19; Z, Rogcr Vess, S€arcy, 36:56i 3" Jack Wilson, Conway, 3?:03. NOVICE- i. I-orcn Cutfey, unat., 43:iro, VETERANS- 1, Dr. Faril Simtson, Conway, 4?:a6CR. 1I], OOO

- D^ .IIUN, s.o LD. L- L 138 Lpht rarn, 22 frnisher-) t. Ricky Rlchar.ison, NLR, 11 ni,, 1tay, tZ55 tt.., Z. . !r\ B a.o tr , '6r. (o {. a,L B.a, -, JBU, 1l mi1es, 25,; ,r. Ron McDonald, HendrLr, 1O 3,,1 miles, 31rr 5, james Baugus, NLR, iO 1/2 bites, 12,15'i 6. Bo! I,fead, Harding, lO l/2 miles, f,03,; ?. Ke. Wal, Iis, JBU, 1C 1r'? mi1€s, 24'; 8. Bob Kel1y, SCA, tO ftj., 555I; 9. Fhil 1, eber, I]crdrix, 9 3 /.1 miles, lo05'; lo. Don McDonaid, Hendrjx, 9 3/4 oites, 810,_ HIGH SCHOCL DIv, - 1. Paul Smith, Searcr, 9 I .! mi. lI,,10r; 2. ILicky Billin.s-1ey, Behron, 9 3/.! nril€s, ?65'; 3. T.d Bailev, Ha1!, 9 1/.1 Dil€s, 33t'; .1. Ronald Austin, Benron, 9 niies, la,3'. NOVICE- l. D.n1..r lrinc., unat., 8 1/2 mi., l4.t'; 2. Cecil M.Dcrmot:, uat,, 8 1,/,1 mi1es, lt?0,, 25-KILO STAaE CqAiUpIONSHlp, crcenbrier, Ark. Dec. 11, 19?1 l!r3a i,. \r, +5o, smny, stighrl,. winaly. 1. Ricky Richarason, \LR, 1:30:.16; 2. Cary Bra.lburn, Hendlix, 1:tCr19; L ir, Dougtas, uat., 1:32:OO; 4, rierry Taylor, F:arding, l:33:O2j 5. Richard Be1lis, Ha!ding, 1i3i,:!.!; ;, P. NlcCtaffel!y, Hardirg, 1:36:53; 7. Bo| Ke1ly, SCA, 1:39:36; 8. Mikc Reynolds, SCA, 1:38r00; 9. Di.li ae_vrolds, SCA, l:39:02; t0" John Do1_ lar, SCA, 1:19 3tr 11, Omai crecn, Hendrix, l:,!Z:li; 12. Ken Beck, 5arding, L,16:1Oi 13. Jcrry wlitworth, Haidihg, 1:=8:2q; U, Mike Hambuchen, Hcidrix, t:50: 02: t5, 8111, a.rguson, SCA, t:50:02, HIGH SCHCOL DIV, _ l. I]aut Shfth, Searcy, l:.11:15; 2. Jack fiilson, Conltay, 1:.1?:0l]j 3" Ronald Austin, B.hton 1:47:30.!. cLenn Ferren, Searcy, 2tA2t2t 5, Larry oNt,o


LIPFORD, 1?, WINS 7.MILE RUN AT MOIIAWK PARX Tulsa, Okla., Sat., January 15, 19?Z 1l:0OA.M.- A fine turn out ol 2? hardy runneis in 9-.legree wearb€r surpri6ed the ofiicialF ai ihe 7 & Z mile races at Mohawk Parh" It ias Tulsa's coldest day oI rhe winter, & all 27 starters wer€ also {ioisher€. Teehager Larry Lipford surpriscd by wimiDg the ? mite a6 he pulled away llor Larry Aduddell in rhe ia6t two tljes" l. Larry Lip{o!d, Broken Arrow, 17,38:5712, Larry Aduddelr, 26, Tu1sa, 39:l,l; 3. Terry Lewis, 20, Tulsa, 41:00; ,1. MiLe McDonnell, 30, Okla. City, ,!l:3.!; 5. Jeff Ietteiman, 17, Tulsa, ,41:49; 6. Jim Baker, t?, Tursa, ,12:30; ?. clen Dorrough, 30, Tutsa, .12:.,10j 8. Dwight BuJfalohead, 23, Okta. City, 43:03; 9.Brook6 Quee{, 20, Tulsa, 45:31; 10. Bob Baker, 34, Tulsa, 46:02; 11" Vern l!-hite6ide, 52, Tllsa, .1?:13j 12. Bob I4artin, 51, Tulsa, 4?:50' 13. Bruce,\4acMuuin, 3?, Tulsa, 49:08; 1,1. c€ne AdaDs, Tulsa, 3?, ,19:32; 15. Harold McDonald, 4.1, Eroke! Arrort, a1]:13i i6. Jim autler, 52, 50:57:17. cene Johhson, 3?, Enid, 53:05; 18. Gordoq McKeague, 45, Tulsa, r3:10i 19. Bill Boggs, 36, Tulsa, 5.,1:05. (3-Mir€ Slnits for l-iptord: t6:.{!,33:2i) z-MILE RUN - 1. David Stamps, 28, Okta. City, 1O:38j 2, John lVestbrook, 21, Tu1sa, lOi4?; 3. Kim lyarnc, t7, Okla" City, 10:,19;4. Don Burnert, Okla. City, 11:OOi 5. Larly McDonald, 1?, tsroken Arrow, l1:18; 6. ToDy Cel1iho, 16, Tu1sa, 11:19; ?. Scott McK€ague, 15, Tulsa, Cook, Eer-ton, 2:0E:27. t3:03; 8. Nancy Adams, 29, Tulsa, 14i4o. NOVICE 1, Denver Prince, 39, 1:55:21 Ne' Record; --Bob \4"rt n.2. Basil julian, 2: 1:r7:O 8. ARXANSAS ASSN. A-AU LONG DISTANCE RACES 20-KILO STATE CHAMPIONSHIP, Cr€enbri.r, l\rk. Burns Pa!k, North Little Rock, Arkansas, tOI6rTr Jan. 8, 19?2 L:OO P.M, 55o, winity, clou.ty. 2.8-MILDS - 1. James Baugus, 15:38; 2. Patrick Mccla{- The records lcll on this Saturday ajternooh, 5 in all. f€rty, 16:21r 3. Edrvard Bray, 16:3?; 4. Bill Ha!re1l, T.rrt Zi.g1e. from Tulsa set the course recor.l with a i6:46; 5. 1!m. Priddy, 17:18j 6. C!egory Barbea, r?:,12. l:0.1:2? .urting more than 4 mihut€s off Roger Louis' prenous 1r08:55, Ricky Richardsoh s€t rh!, new reco..l STATE CROSS COUNTRY CI]AMPIONSHIP 5-MILES tor an Arkan6an with a t:07:08. 13ob Bat<er, 33, Tulsa, Hehdri! c01lege, rl/13/7r broke the novi.e (30-39) r.cord of 1:30.58 with a tin, oI l. John Ratlifl, Harding, 2r5:12; Z. Hank Braae, JBU, Zri:23; 3. Don Putnam, urat., 26:26., 1. \imGcaty, 261 l:23:39. Denwcr Princc, 39, betfer€.1 rhc Arkan6a6 rec_ ord iith a 1r?8:06. Bob Maltih, 51, Tulsa, .stablishljrl 38; 5. Ricky Richaldson, N. L.R., 26:5Oj 6, Roa Mca record oJ 1:26:06 for the Masrer's Div. (50 & above)" Donald, Hendrlx, 27:20; 7. Cary Bradburn, Henitlix, A mulc caused a bit ot havoct Th€ runncrs ran lnro a 2?:26; 8" Don Si€h€n6, JBU, 27:39; 9. John Rocha, ditch to dodge rhe lour^loored crifter. Thc mule fihally Ouachita, 27:.19; 10. Ken lvaukis, JBU, Z?:59j ll. BiU gave u! the race aJter lallihg on rhe asphalL and mi6sing Ferguson, SCA, 28r02; 12. Roger Low, JBU, Z8:13; 13. Paul Ja.oby, Hardine, 28:Z5j 1.,1. Robeat Meadr Harding, a turn somcwhere a1o!g the route. 1. Terry Ziegler, Tulsa, 1:Oi1:2?; 2. Rict)' Richardson, 28:llj 15" Dave Embry) Harding, 28:33. (5i! finish€rs) NLRTC, l:07:118j 3" H. Shawnee, Tulsa, 1:O8rO9t 4, Team: l. Harding, .10r 2. JBU, 42j 3. Hendrixr ?5; 4. NLR TC, 106; 5, SCA, tz6j 6, philander Smirh, 148. Bruce Martin, Tulsa, t:08:16; 5. r-arr,. Aitudrlell) Tulsa,

v,a1L:I^R9' unat. ,2:2?:O'1i 3. Darren Georce' Naea B' Kcllev ? l:lo:35; Hen'lrix, l:r': /: ' McDonald, R. u"' 6. l:i!:oor oroon \'lacI'l chFr" rr' Bi "t i'rd h. .4.,' . :2 z:. i SCA, 1:15:3oi 8. c. Bradburn, Hehrlri!' l:15:3?i 9' ,. ' .,_" .-, "ru -i 1:16:!4; lo D' Roeber' USAF' 1:17:00i -"J"..""^,-i:o'rr, *J.", Rov vogel' sac sr" ' z:38:58: ?. "".u.t., Hehdrix, l:I8:41r l2 B Julian L,on- s. ;".; u.*u+t' Maiin Ac' 2;to:391 e Mark Evans' Ll" D. \dcDonald, vay, l:3 5;18. 2;41:oo; 10' Nick vost' colden sPike i"" i""Ji*t", j'itor' HiiH scHooL- 1. R. Austin, Benton, l:19:09; z !t' 11. Ian Jackson' UDar' UcB z:43:49i t *".'", A 1 !hoqle/ Bed or. : o:rq, '-'-" t::"1 i".: nE, D"'" 'o., , ", ' ; ,-L oor' ' :r::r'r ;..", , , ,;, '^ , ., ltt1ta qPFA /:r8:r? C ' l':" Benton, 1:23:53; 6. K Mail'1ocli, Scarcv' 1:35:19i ? ,, ,.-':.._"'V.rriau'), rF o-)" 1"r:' ' h o :Jo: Daviil Cason, ScarcY, 1:'11 :50 ' r'. \4 ro 08: .: ;'..'-" Prince' 2' lr' -,:',i-'*". 1:23:39r Tulsa, 33, Bakcr, NOVlCE- R L crv, '"( Lo '' -:-r'lor lo I o- c-arTulsa 36' \4acMuUin' B 3 l:28:06; .\rk Cons'ay, , 39, : ,. ;.. i",'", co., )::''r:tr' 10 D"r-- r-one' O" " l:29:+o, P" " d,, a "l:'O: '. 2:55:2'f; 23' cartn MASTERS- l. Bob \4arlin, 51, fulsa, l:26:0i' \tvrc, eo*r.e, rio ;::;:;;, t;. --Dr. Denver Princc-..,S' 2:55'32' 24 'r.im Quinn' sac' st' i-;;;;;,;;J". c!aSLate coll'ge ot Arkansas ,,^r,.+ii zs. Randv Buob, unat , 2:i6;'2r z6' \{ard Hs' c:rrmonr Elack' Russ .;.-;;;", L.6ia'zT o e "/:{4:20' LO\IRY SETS NEW MARK AT PEPSI 20 \ II ER ,.,,i;;. ",."rso-.c'r" cra'r" r' or r' e' co o Sacra cnto, Ca1iI., D.:c.5 Bvron Lo$rv :'E: ! a ., .".. B-;; '-8: u5 -r(o: r'o!oro_ his o(r mar]i ol 1:41:01"4 rith a last Ii42:16 L' r:"r' D 1 8i l. D" 's r,t. _ \ rhc lirst reP.iar tinne! in the race's six v':ar hr::trt' Nr.'o"on, l" q"nro' -, 1" '- i Second Dlaer rrete! Duflv of England als' 5r"e ' ' on ', 0," r', ' :::':t i'r togeth'r "r o1.1 ma; rvith 1r'11:30 Th'r t(o srave'l cernar'lo Gaacia' ARiIA' 3:0r:50: 36' ii,'lioi'',r,35" :a:: i." ol the rac€ lclor€ Bvron Pulled jt out 'vPr Lhr :,0:'t'r; 3? \larr< Hcmlhirl' FresuCsrc, ;";t;.;".,' jrsr ras tbird' Sacramenro ol j,or,'ts, Dean rniles. Stew.i ' 38. shannor roq'r:' ARRA' 3:05:37i ii"i., -;;i't*, chun tenths oI a s€con.l off th.i old malk Ross Srniti _r::l_-ro' ;; '. lrapa vartev nc, 3:ct:12r'lo r1tkils :-ran 1:56:18 in the _10 & Ov€r Division lo sharier Lr: :rr'l o :O?: -, J -!L starl'r:' l mark oI 2:0!:09. Th. ra.. artra'ted'100-0-59 illi:rri & MASTol nhonl finish..l. l-aul R{rese look the *o" trr*au-"tttt ouNs & SUB-N1ASTERS 6' Februarv sudav' rtitlr a sup€rb Z:05:'18' lasr vcar' This vt:r'r ::a:l ;;;t;;;" p.n'r.cHAMeroNsirlPs, Ficldbous'' {as ,\lan \lakrnran ih Z:13:02" ColLege Srvartlmore ifrZ t,OO 1. Byron Lo(ry, unat,' l:12:l''i 2 Pcrer D'rJlt' ::: (Tarran ? dus lape to th€ mile) Pa. i-".tn-."., 1':1:i:r -' vall;,y Tc, r:43:30; 3. sLev'r Dean' ua" l-iniiu u*it""to i sEcrIoN - i' ronv wojcie'howski' \!: .r.se C.rt€2, RC Stri.lers, 1:+7:15; 5 P:f BDzlr:' :- .': :-!c. " "' n- /\ l: : ql u \4rl_ B P' \F 1" " ol ,...,1,,, " 5' \,Mark eo ro I.^ :_:_ Daniele' Lasalre : r:0";:. 15:3?; "ll una., ;-;"", ;;i: ' ncf in cailahah' L..:schhotn, NcTC' 1:i2:56i g Rov v'gel' Sa':'::'n:o ? g. 15:4'r K€ain McKee, r1i, r:,+:, State, 1:53:36i i(). Srev€ l'itchlield, Sac flJ Sra:!' :1=:_lr; 15:.!?i 8. Jim Contle. (44 linishers I) r: :1 r'\' ',--\4itu staou" sEc:floN- 1" Mariv Liquori' villano'.,, . r, , ,",1'l ia : !: ro ''P' D cl i .:. _,-.;;, .;' r. D.q / r'r'ri v' ralo " ':r7: l1:5b: ;las v:et, cdllen sPikc, 1:56:11; 15' Ross snarih' est d 4. li , rt:cr: " ' ", e",y".., ,oh\'od"n, 6\, \-L. PeDD Ac' l'1:2?" ti b craig Brown' otit. i" 1'1:47i 8' : : 7. ,. o itr,""..", ti,:ut r' ceorge christoFhe!' _ri(Li linishers) Sac,to rC, t:5?:.!Z; 19. Jolu Fan2Iik, l:58:22; 2l' l'!:5? l:r-i:l:; .t."." U"ufi.ia, Penn AC, v' 1:10 9r z' EaDon r:".'"t4, L,lS,ZS, 21. Joe Taxi'rra, Alame'la TC'1::5:=1)1 opgu ntr-f-e- l. Ntartv Liqrori, ;, 22, Cre't clri{lin, l:58:r3i 2l Nlichacl Tulle':' i,'" Fi-;. '-., a:10,-. ' ' r.-.""" 2 r' Z+. r.t,, 1t.t,,", 1:58:5!; ?5' !jd(ard Javnes' {rrEirs lcn rah'. \ "' " o.4, 2i i'rn 1:59:o1i SFOC, ra. A. ,o-5r-" o.'... AC, 1:48:5li 26. Jim O'Neil, d_ ,i. r.,:l_, r ^A c:'r:h 29 -\' 1:59:25; Ro.lrigu€2, 3 Geolge 28. John 6: iu".o, ,,ul,ir' ?:r1.5; z. Ratdv Mimm, Phila AC' ir37 2:01:01P!oreau, Malk 10. I:a9:50; Jantc, Braccland, Phila"AC, 8:00. 2 xltit- l. Keun Mccarrirv' ArchbishoP lvood' AT Pre!' 'l:24 4i 3 Joe JON ANDERSON RUNS Z:23:'41FIRST tF-FoRT "-J" iJ," s' l. t"l'. .r"'ue, lllaLvern _ Orl:go:1 Calif Petaluna' 12th, I ;..., / D" \. r: 0'0' PEIALUNIA --Dc.. ..o... .: . E: 'cdo L.-; ;-. o, DoughPr'). IC's Jon Anderson, now living in Butlingame' ro'k a vrt L . ;;, "r r4o, ov. \4 n :]o' Bo shot at the maaarhon in th' Pacilic Asst' AAL ChaE:o ,,.'a'E.o,,".-, at attempt lirst hi' in rarget on out .ionshiDs & canle i' tr- J" s"o- cr'p Do pr "-t l: o d 2 Boo Fi'" lrnocr'effolr' a z:23:r'1 with hone corning irr. ai"i"".., 3. Paul Leo McSorlcY' 2:20 9' 2:15.8i "." i-"'in olt .l'cD-"1s 8: 'hu'l 'o Do ' \' ! r'ch :i : r'0: "r' P'r' ol S _\' _ ' J: ro' t a ""' -A r"-t" 81 / -o :r'. "..'" -' Mac\4itch€11 -"-.; cor'lon title -.., the t'am 6 q. 6: o: u"""" -"u i i.i. g' B a-Frd 'd .,00.e. 'o 'v hs in good 2:l'1:12 -eo'ge a 'i-",1 all "' ui(' :, :2 ,ra" trre rirst i'igt' school linisher in ,,._. aDouL w're Conditions Just o Iirst aLt€dDt at Lhe distance' B_ D-'hrnLi l:'0 8: l 'rdLd c.^ . ",,.SeOl'gL ". -'ll .o'r0""'o" r" "r 'I"-o -' ' -n .-',, l. "" a_'lu 1,13 au.ners linished. i---cv-s^ oi'n \'1d!1F.un _l'og' l. Jon Ande!son, or.gon Tc, z:23:'1'1; 2 Sreve Dean' moat maAn zz

l,..ri.,ltHi'k:'";:Ii,;': :,':,"":: i ll;:1":," j',:.i i:"ili"j:.1 1r i?; ::' ^'.";:"'..i:.;:::rl:r:. .:"::i :l{Tj.j":l] :l*"11i:



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