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V O LU I\'1E 1B



ffi *ol

Burfoot Makes It Nurnber Four MANCHESTER, CONN.

Amby Burfoot's name will be inscribed upon this trophy for the fourtb time. Tbe lanky and bearded cross counfry runne. won tb€ 36th running oi the traditional Thanksgiving Day Five'Mile Road race. ll€ also erased his own course record when he crossed the line in th€ fime of 22:21.9. Presenting him the trophy is Wayne Secrist, crand Tall Cedar of Nutmeg Forest of the Tall Cedars ol Lebanon, the sponsoring orgadzation.










NEW Featut* fot the



ptuc' at



ror miles

THE CORTEZ STORY: the 1972 U s Olyrnpic Coach the "Cortez" was concerveo Originally designed in the mid-sixties by Bill Bowerman' outer sole runnâ‚Źr- The Cortez combined a thick lonq_wearing as lhe supreme training shoe to, th" fong aoi*"" elevating the road shock and reduce leg fatigue' simultaneously with a full length sponge mid'sole cushlon to absorb

hee|toreduceAchi|lestendonstrain.Thecortezwasanewconceptindistancetrainingshoes'Withtheexperi. varying needs NIKE have evolved the Cortez into a line to meet the ence ol the 6O's as a basâ‚Ź, Bill Bowerman and of all runners.



i50r) ?35 0433

The Athletic DePt.

UNIOUE DESICN Adults (small, medium, large)

lrh A TrackNut -


!m *eight 100% qMlLty .otod slrort s *@d l3hi.t. Now flailable ir tou m106. eold I mled emblen, Skdet Med


l4lrite iLd.lld onb em,


R0yal 3!ue

Middl€ Atlantic RRC T&F Slort Cenrer--AlL tor just


$2.00 each -add


MunichtT2 Shirts-


CLASSIFiED ADVERTISEMENTS - Adveitis€ments can incrcas.: your entries or your sares. ($3.00 per insertion). Fu[, I/2 or 1/4 page advertising rat€s sent upon




THE LONG DISTANCE LOC A PUBLICATION FOR RUNNERS BY RUNNERS Volffie 18, No. ZA5, Jaltary 1913 Pubrished froathly @der the au6pice6 of the United States Track & Field Federation, 1225 N. toth Ave,, Tuc€on, Arizona 85 ?0 5. Adnual Sub6cliptiob Rate€: $5.00. Add $3.00 to! 16! Clas6 Ma!1 o! $5.00 for Air Mail tn U.s.A. & canada, Single copies and back issues - 50+. Se, ood , la"6 foElaS- p!ld ar -uc601, A!r/oDq, N€w subscriltions and renewals should be sent directly to the USTFF, c/o CarI W. Cooper, Executive Director, 122-\. I0.l A\-., Tuc.or, lr'zoda 8-t02. DlcaEsend race results and articles Joi publication to H,B. Ross, Editor, 306 W. C€nter St- , Woodbury, N. J- 08096

DolDhin Runqing

Nylon Shorts $3. 00 (Red, Blue, c.ld,



]Ith ANNUAL J.F. KENNEDY 5O-MILE T{IItE-RUN, - Maach 31, 1973 Try this diJlerent kind ol elent. Couse in.lu.l€s ll miles of rough looring thiu moutains, Iolloited bv 26 miles on towlaih ol C&O Canal b€6id€ Poromac River. Run a while, walk a whil€. 1100 p€ople started last March & 30? finished. Won by Park Bal[er j,n 6129t27. Send sLamped lotg enveloPe lor entry blank to William 'Buzz' Sawter, 149 N. Potomac St., HagerstoM' Md. TQ RECEM the new and erciting 19?3 Winter Schedule ol the Middle Atlantic AAU & RRC 6end stamped enverope to H.B, Ross, 306 W. CebLer Sr., Woodbury, N.JEight races h€ld every Suhday for aLl age grouPs. BOONSBORO, MARYLAND



uedaL wftn ca.d & eaY.LoF. _ gr. ,uedar liih ruci.e box....., .. rlL.


',: ". -'-





14 t' 360


Track & tield

NEW BALANCE FLATS--TRAINING AND RACING. This monsh's speciaL (uril Nlarch 20, 19?3)

MARrr[0r 912.00 Ii. rrhl6r a!n! glo.90 ream rd made ryroi (ro or ho.e

Strorl 612


||. &oad


up...ARE you REA0Y?










rio. i02


EVITY COA'H AND FAN NEEDS A sPTIrt a sp hoid iop worh r,he mo$ usefu. moj enoyobteof onrock rme4 oi.evou hoveused one youl nevar won o bo wrhod o slr rwo lweep s..ond honds sd" roqerher on; r.D be topped, reod, and mcde ro orch uDwrh ihe orhe. A:imp e pre$ of o buron does rhe rick. And puconreped' fhep/de$ ndefiqier, Grch

rc 4

$16. e0


e ulLhh\..5.so

wIFn ts fr qk Slop ttatohes at






Attroctrve Concept tor the Ove ft4i Gang


An'4p^gl9--g*.tic' f,lasters' ll|lile Kins


-;;"1at6ild]ft r",$Y*:.''*"-r;';lh-liFi.lliT;jrT$:m.'T:*

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r'ank Prasr's's brow !he!

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i"f :,'il":,i'il ;i:i f li'XTff ,iil*" cr. r doq ld abour 601 v(k. lL,! c'n i & t, phFrdl.r. r ju,r oqn.r J z. erm u no :,,rar L aso.


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_FEB. r3,1937 LAgtt or uottxt


Rorc $.ayo Nutut{ ra,YrAn

NDoolrpac( pEtoeD,rllEri II]E BOSION !,A. TI'0. MILE RI]It BV OOYTIIDS IiIIN



l,'{ &orr.hs hb Doial t6

t0.ies{ld Msre!




,io!.. F!.lt

FRAI.I( PFI.AGING lreads Io. the wire and a .ecord 1:28.t finish jn fte MasieN Mjie (orer 40) AAU chahpioNhi! race lasr nrghr. The ctpped four secoDds off ma!]{. MARCH



tE SAN pOLtA t.



CU,{"1t 0[,NFE[r0 olEu.l cuNiLNetut 4!D 6ENE VET]Z(E ft nE t/r6l cHcalo IELAYS

Spectiro^ prcsont frr the l9TZCta$. wj| we rtn!m. bef the lastcr race a!be ngonc ofrhe.oenoftheenr re evening. lr ended wirh I 5ccmtr8ly dcad hear bcteeen tim Herlhbtrser, a winnq ol 2 year aso, and H sdon, b;th rand ig on rhe rack in a d:ve tor lhc line in rn .xce ent

gAlk0ts llllE,



ih oftvtrretr Mile




SiM!I/6 4:r/.

'll ve lan as 'n rhe carholn I4+c


6etds lnd lhe nda$on,

those cuvs "r dd,t lhinkrhad n€ ld


Tom Donnelly




F;:i$,i:rr'!",r;jr1: c@pditivtr6s out ol ;r l-he

RUNNING wAS WHAT Tom Dontellv d d b€st that s wnat the captaib or lhe w-rrd' @ts 1968 NCAA cross_.ourbv chmprons dd wnen lwo schoots recruited him to ieach. -Me a t.achele Donne lY eulF r' frd! oI a ch$. I',d kild ol shv. vou k'o* " it


so he Pridualetl r thour lob Pl€is -fte tutur-" qas ma[nc me lprisht as otrt oI ni dind sen or Yer'r, t




: iuioL




''I ol

dd it f,eans sdemrns to every ore. lr rou run Lne @use in 20 ninutd lou ler live,

dd L rxe c{y cto${ount.} chd9ionslrip ron '<'h{d oached.",d DotuYAerda,. a 'rv pra'e' [rLe I to.' ]eJ J! I"alle !trep 0" 'ji sL

lm,In -u; on lhe sbrfs liie silh 6e bes. Tnars $hars sreai cio${tuirry,

vou trne

-To see now dedlcated ile klds are is lnspiiiDg

ro 6e atle to


tdnd ol coaclrinq

sdrml tud




haclr tne sot in high


(VillMova .dach I Jumbo so is


traik lasi Fddav lhat {as al Marrland's coLe rield Hotrs.


up rd

b iaid t



M@dav or cone to tbd

thon o no-

hjdory tem Palers-





srear. htrr

'"i,"ij[":#:: "*l;-n'r

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:. . ii,$i Y* -o;ng" u.u,,,-na. L\4 Darl,re!- trq..co.,*iq ir_b sB d1ts rmd "o ' a tu h;d;af ' 'd ?o-eItooaI ' !-- p -o.r( i6".-i-"* --"h6-' o ;;7- cernrln. Rdxoom s' " v@r q. d0 rake a b.eal - Jbod r{o rel: [ 'e ' ''R r lsrr eDod o ou f o0 e r. . d otst "' " s ba3Le,b*. .ou ao1 a. a. lned d!d "'f"L:rT"":i,i,::" ""'.ooe'10 "reev{* h!torr97,:"\;relvrr.l"' doi " !o''-g'0"0rrv' lirlq"a. t u.'r to _"' o r" y.a. heE." TgE COIL .S O \\"N rh-s ,q be\od nosx ol Uonh Jdsev and Nsv York


r.r.. -r rhrik







rFid 5i, Y/o.dburt



ffi 'r."*;'t'#nti"li:, {t;i:i.




lood lts.d rr sv

'c Ellly rahrah Yo! on t



'lTvAqIlY F{llLT I $a v Ll('hrm Aichbish@



" r" --'r'e. rt.'"'^1. iBuc

he couldn r bc rhe raYor.

he I'adi'i

ftd round r Aood enDtrsh in 1972 h 'nake il ltr€ llD fins arylly' l0|'F I'ilen do{n


li;i,i;",,,1','#,'r:Ul *; r]:' r**;

" "fl$::l'i'il"r:T1i; .hkili;. li *. a.0 ,


crci lf

or rhe orrfrFi.s, h€ {is.


-* llx i3i3,'"1 *-o a' ''Dd"r n PJr


nile....dn Bob \|h€ekr "He\ rdod. He {rs n r! {ojvdrt) s.mLfimk.nd I n,;d hi"1...m Lrdori: "l

DotrellJsrlnnei nsasr olck. I keep tl,e6 o;a lnaj 1d6\ *et fid tdrh.lli fn

'or five, ond it neon5 somerh;ng lo the




yese.dayl ncer

(.oa.hiry) beins on

O\edruf 1!9r, oler

,i rl,f ar Pr

teachins-ald DonDelly


sl'ip recm. There drc 40 kids in'

dour uDde.esnpnl rD rop

$edfin lea.her tr0i1 Ii( saN a( lndoor


a t6v studeta shor

toction ouf o{ tftis





llott). coacnins B lus work'

morc sotis'


Great Outdoors

tasKe; YOURE 53 gd rnte dont eren 'n

bal1, you

Tom Donnally

'l get

6!.b fmd I as ihe

i"aqanrrs,nd dieD,nkis

!$letjc dre(aor hck Pelg0lin eantPd fum to tEa'h

innediltelv coached 6e Villn8s

t naroi


iu$ !s


Prefers the


rhsi beinson

I idrc CIDFP oDshlP 40 hds intolvod, ndt lu$



0 dD:/ +" d"a \o 'no\bc {e !" 'dj.v" minbpd ,bt dd'onrg hit a pioras dna io!r'_ ft; hh dareo , ,l"o o s./ er 4-"b hoo w@ risr HE ACCEPTED,

Cei mo!e


.t !s


{nat te were sdDC to "wc nere alLrnp "bo.r



;-.iilll i ;"Jll,Pi,ifi?l*ffi ","l'.li:^"1,i:llxiT:; *'ililf01",'",'";i","1.H:ji ""li l,'l?!rl . .::,1 r; thd.ht a ut truMs Jor rhe r"Lunkh o lmp!s m ine ruN

Cooching Suits


rhanip'oish ps

lf your favorite sport is track and field . . . Come in and meditate your favorite sport! on

rrpaits he the

heri.- roo

b4! rm nud\ t6

The owords you

hove been looking lorl



4. F!&r &uine, hrr

L erdeo leEt * (t, r, r !.

Fish slErru


rc (10. rr, rr) [

5. s3d b&3o rc (12, 14, 16) !:

r. rudj rbnbety (s),


,r. bd, seora (F" 64c^ee 4. tui .@3ory (r3), ,.. tui roprb€ (jn,



30. steve 6a3e


sdrz.d (1o, (o, hBr

oo, !6f

3r. rt!J'@' c14R (rr), s6 3r. c!ry (rd (r3)i uc

7. By!@ Porb (42), sB

ro. B


,6. dck trdeard (ts), smc ,3, &c se11es (2r, un

4rqrity (.0). s8

e, Yoshr&b


uo rrrorre


16, 6erd

Bpqls (?t,


r9'reisch'lrderert(17)'u-rsqu4L k3d &!1ie (r7), q 5.D. 4 rc 57r'

DrvtslN ! (50 5e)l {5O, srrc arr0's

4/. rob *!odo 14),

,i6:0, 6r



EnNs DrEstd rrr z. rh Bole (65)i s m10R orvlsrd (l7

(60 e c

! uderl

2. Paul 0'Ner1 Ot, qar









4. bi llaLdy 1o, 6 .!a drls , r,. tutr E4EE( (rr)j ^r0 r a. tu.b rd€b1r iAr), sDc :3. d, {xcsr i,L'.56!

su ,i,il

a 17 $,r;


(2r, ssu crorb*i (r), .cc k4. 31x rreo (,r, 6-x4hrd3 br. {ia


,.re*3 ..3\'r3

16!. sieye

,,jatD }lisii)

(r7), 6-ni0ar - ecr rersetr oo, . rr/rslc rr! nr57


r- Dar roo&rld (r0), a:-Pac-na1 ri03 r. tur vsta a6), utr-Po@oa -.




shcc.e! (45),


bL (re)i s'rc


,;'; 36.



De. r3@5 rthe! oo, dc sr. radd v[alEar (s), crc


ru tsaG6 cr, srr

3e. ,rieo bdd

(1o, 6 sai6 ba

er. vhdill! Noq Gr),

s3. hvld





F7. Klc hei (16),

r.a .radelado (16), sDrc (ar!s cr), smc ee. 'r1eeo IL. Ro6tu tr@1Nkr (I) j m. e7.

::;. I 2:D:0 r:01i4 lo;.io l:or:5 5 !:ir;; 'i! lIx 2|.?|, 116 i: ':a|{ ,:4?'rr !jii I r:e:i r:; il 76jr ,:orrs ,:rr:r, 4 ,r r; ,!r::1r rrr,a l rijr5 ,ut5 !,,1!;

Ij' !!dr4ei sire clo$reck (.r), sm. D3. rerf rode6 lL6)i ui tsutrt Blh 106,

![. rerr sroq (r), rre.



2r. edi so.! 6), snc ,r. rqcl (e1]y (4r, smc ,I. br lbd+d3h (5r,

ur vetrtula

brbr c]), u-s.




- ' .

,rr_ c. L. sdd Go, $1. D4. rohn !!or (:3) erR


,6. N(r rdft6 (r), sDr.


l:,]:4 r,:Lr5 r:,3,* ]i'L:sr r,!ia itr v

1]; i: i ri:5; 4;i il 111 ;i 4'j;.;; !t5:rl 3122f,6 !..r :..

:: rr. &iieth rYa! {r0)! LRc (e)j sPrRR Dr. !oe!n ^eslna Dr. roe cqlrN (ro), un-tudod rci r$. trery1 Belto (37). s.r. !e. 6!4 (eadns (I), q-s.


r4r. ake DfrPPq (u), uo s. x!. rd Banrck (31), sDrc


L?. uarte! Elr, r!. c4j






E!. rlb c16s!i (nr, 6 ralrqr

tre tulhald !!ns (rr),


/4/s,it1le Eut at+nT







il#"ffillll=l ';,; ,:.:,




( \

I -MIDDLE ATLANTIC ROAD RUNNERS CLUB WniTER son, Pem AC, '10:59; ,r. Byro! Mundy, PeM AC, 4l:261 5. Dan Brann€n, Buclnell Univ., 4l:39; 6. Steve Gertings ROAD RACE SEASON OFF TO A GOOD START Phila., Pa., s@day, Jaoualy 7- Seventy-five rudner6 "12:09; ?. Leon Dreher, 52, lenn Ac, 4?:54i 8. Martin Duffv, U.oI Pem, 13:11r 9. Gary Rigg, Havertown, Pa , turned oul in l7-degr€e, Irigid weather to comlete in the 161 oI a new & exciting seri€s of races designed to 44:17' 10. Tom Mhyan, Gaterav Regional HS, 45:26; li. Ralph Boardman, Rider Co]]eg. AA, ,16:07; 12. Jack tax th€ endurance of the officiars rathcr than rhe runHirst, FehD AC, 16:45i 13, Dal'e \,I.Collum, Gloucester ners. The RRC will attempr to conduct eight rac€s €ach Catholic HS, l?:16jl]. JolD Plasriho, uat.,'19:39i15. Sunday to benelit runners ol all aCes and both seres, LaSall€ High School's succes6{u1 c!o6s-coutry coach, David Denni6, uat., 52:i7i 16, D:n 'ttise, unat. 52:Z5j ' Per 17. Johr M.Larnon, uar', 5?:.9i 18 \orm Baker, Tom Donnelly ran asay with tne Jeatured op lhe 5-mi1e East River Dllve course in 25:1,1 ro head the AC, 59:07: 19. lvesley Emons, rii, unat., 65r29. list of wimers. Othcr winhca6 includedr Bob Romansky VETERANS (OVER !0) 3-I'IILI_ 1. f..ss Yaies, Cenrra (Veteran's 3-MiIe); Rich l-anders (H.S. Jr. & S!, 3-Mile); Jersey TC, l9:19i 2, Chuck Harringion, il-ilmingtob, Delawar€, 19:5?i 3. Henry Kinkaid, lhiia , 20:0i; 4. John Burns (H,S, Frosh-Soph 2-Mile); Keh Mar{nsky (Boys 13-1.1 year-o]d 2-Mile) & Dawid Bincz€wski (Boys Faanli K€liy, Phila , 21:38j 5. Jerrl lioch, Phila.,23:l H.S. JR.& SR, 4'MILES- 1. Eric 3eam, Slringfield 1Z & Under l-Mile). (Delco) HS, 20i59; Z. MarkLittl€ron, Rialey HS, Pa., OPEN 5-MILES- 1, Too Donn€llv, Phila. T&F Club, 25:1,1; 2. Herb Lorenz, Penn AC, 26:27t 3, Befi Pschu- 21:30; 3. Maik Daniels, LaSa!1e HS, 21:3li l. Pat McNr ty, Lasalle HS' 2zt30i 5. Dave M€rcer, Interboro HS, de}, Moorestoq,n HS, N.J., 26:3lj 4. Dean Winslow, Jefierson Medical, 26:40; 5. Rich Cu1len, wideher Col- 22t451 b. Jim lfharton, Interboro HSr 23:2!1 7. Jack tege, Pa., 26:55i 6. Michael Lobb, 1!id.nei College, Iorhace, LaSall€ HS' 23:43; 8. Ed Binczetrskl, Irank' lord HS, 24:20j 9. Don Hauslev, @at, 26:58; 7. Bob KustDer, Finger Lakes RC, 27r15; 8. John Wright, Frankford IlS, Phila., 2?:311 9. Ken Cuy, H.S. FROSH-SOPH 3-MILES- 1. Peter r\'loon.t, Lasal \{i.lenei College, 2?:41; lo, Jell Fowlet, Widchca Col., HS' 1i:07j 2. J. B. O'NeiU, LaSaUe HS, i?:08; 3. Al Hace., lnterboro HS, l?:26. 27:581 11. Russ Jackson, Pem AC, 27.59t I2. Frank (lick, unat., 28:13; 13. Steve McLarnoh, Mt. St. Martrs BOYS ll l' 14 YEAIIS 3-MILE- 1. Paul Keppler, 1,1, lnterLoro i1S, ,-.a., l1t22t 2. Ken Marzih6ky, Bu!ling:: Co11egc, Md., 28:,1,1; 1,1, Dan Brannen, Bucknell Univ,, :riD. ts-5, 1?:1li l. Joe Frartari, Springlield lIS, 18:2?. 28:.18' 15. Leon Dreher, i2, Penn AC, 29:17r 1]i. Gart aOj S 12 a a\lrE4 Z-\tlLE- 1. Larly Livingston, 12, Simpson, Z9:40; 17. Gary Rigg, Haverto{I, ra., 291=1) S-riisiieli, Pa., 11ra1i 2, Eob Eerg€r, 12, 15,Aai 3. 18. Sreve C€trings, Class!oro Statc Coll.sc, Z9:ali t'7, Jin 1\illiams, unat,, Phila., 2!:t.1r 20. \tik{: l'!cCrabi, " ar':': a.ha.r:', 1:, lar-1i =. Creg r,tole, L6:0r,. 11O\::I I CIn,S l-l,ii,E- 1. Ceorg.rte Zawawski, l0:26; 21. Jerry Dolbor, F.nnsfi11e, N,J,, 3n:-'i: 22. Sr:irqir.i., Pa,, ailit Z. Joam Convert & Hel€n Conz. Haddor :g), FiS, N.J., ll:a?i 21. Stev€ CumDings, Chris S!eck, 33:21i 24. Norman Baker, 3E:l8r 2r, iolD Fat, Cloucesier CaihoLc llS, N.J,, 7:10,5. McLarnon, 38:La. (25 starters, Z5 iinish€rs) VETERANS (4! )iplus) I-MILE- l. Bob Romansky, Penn THIRD ANNLTAL DEERFIELD BEACH HIGII CLASSIC Ac, l8:39j 2, BobCutmings, Haddon Twp., N.J., 19:5ai MARATHON {2ri MILES, 385 YARDS) Deerfield, Fra. 3. Henry (iokaid, Phi1a., 21:12: 4. Irank Kelly, Phila., D€cember 29, 1972. Weather: Cool. L. We6ton Bruner, r8, 2r38:50 CRi 2. Iranli Smith, : 21.27t 5. Jared Hoch, Phila., 23:22. 3:06:21i 3, Mike Jacob6, 20, 3:07:04; .1. Bitly Sundy, HS, & SR. Rich Land€rs, I-aSalIe H.S. JR. 3-MILE- 1. 22, a:3ztAA,5. Oon Edgar, l?, 3:40:00; 6, Dave Surh: 1?:5.1; 2. Mike Magarity, Lasalle HS, l7;55; 3. Charles Frassoni, Ridtet HS, Pa., l8:1,1; .1. Ernie Brason, slaing- land, I?, 3:50:04; ?. Douglas Uheeler, 32, 4:10:02j i Dan Ayers, 33, 4t23:a1r 9. Douglas l,rcNellt, 35, 4:: field (D.lcol HS, Pa., l8:23i 5. Rick Biddle, 1E;:18, Il. S. IROSH-SOPH 2-MILE- 1. ,Iohn Burns, Lasalle HS, 06! 10. John S€imone, 35, .!:50:03, - -1{illiam Boynron-l1:Z6r 2" P€ter Moon.y, LaSallc lls, l1:Z?i 3. John OrNeill, Lasaue Hs, 1l:28; ,t, John Roth(etl, 11:29! 5. Joh. MohrNATIONAL JUNIOR COLLEGE AA X-COUNARY 13 & 1,1 Z-I,IILE- l. Ken Marsinsky, BDrlington Twp. HS, CHAMPIONSHIP, U.S. Navy's Ell_vson Field, Pen.ac: 11:35i 2. Richard lbofras, LaSalle HS, l2:50i 3. Sean Mc- Ftorida, Nowember 11, 19 ?Z Nuity, 1Z:5Oi .1. John t_orthington, 13:03; 5, Pat Noonan, 1. Fred Carnahan, Platte College, 20:06; Z. Gordy E. 13:1?; 6, Bill Rothwe11, 14;l3i 7. Mike Fioravant€, l'+:13. {ield, Golden Valley Lurheran JC, 20:15; l. ALex SDi: r :ng ooroLgh C., 20:- I, D-a . ian". -a_6 r. 12 & UNDtiR MILE- 1. David Binczewski, 10, ?:51; Z, CC, Mich., 20:3?; 5. Chuck Fost€r, Central Arizona .1. Greg Mole-: 1\'ayDe Kenncdy, tli 3. Ron Price, 1l; 20:38; 6. Juan Carza, l,lacomb Couty CC, 20:39i ?, Dawe Smirh, Henry Ford CC, 20:.10; 8. Dale Hadhitr HERB LORENZ VICTOR IN RRC 7.2.MILE RUN anA --, 20 lz o. B-Lc s- , €, D"r- sLa e u., 8".Phila., Sundat, Januart l.!, 19?3 l:00 P.M.-Herb L@20:45; 10. Tom Douple, Hager6town JC, Ma Campus, enz, back in fair condition alter a series of foot prob20:.181 11. Fred Espihosa, Clehdale Aa, 2A,azt \2, Os. qu't o i_ h_ .-r,s, l d_dl- his omp-r,ro " '6,1v Morgan, J,C- Calhou JC, Z0:5.,1r 13. Doug Mack, Pe: open 7,2-ri1e race o{ rhc Middle Atlantic RRC over rhe Stat€, B€rks, 20:55r 1.1. Kevin Fellows, Glendale CC. out & back East Riwer Drive .ours€. l'he Blrlingroh Town6hip H. S. rea.her clocked 39:36 to wj.a by a minute 20:58; 15- Raadr Grj{fith, Lane CC, 21:00. (340 linisr Team Scoringr 1. Lane CommEity College, Eugene, over promising John 1!iight oI Franl<l6rd High School. Six other races ser€ condu.ted by meet ollicial6 in less Oregon, 85i 2, Glendale Community College, Glendal l cuo Arizoha, 98i 3" Pcnn Slate Univ., Berks CamDus, 14: .han an I u- do FrF-)bod) . h-d ho.. ro \" .r. Allegheny Community College, Pittsburgh, Pa,, l: Bowll) \4eather: Clear, 29 degrees. 5, Butler Couty JC {E1 Dorado, Kahsa6, 191), 32 te. ?.2-Mll-E OPEN- 1. Herb Lorenz, F€no AC, ll9:36; Z. John Wright, FrankJor.l HS, Phila., .!0:36; 3. Russ Jack-

BELLE ISLE, DETRoIT, MICHIGAN 4-MILE RACE Suaav, Oct. 15, 1972'I. Jdm Carza, ua! r I9:'1!;2' *., , z}firi 3. Julius Aietlo, unal ' tJ" "r"Url"-, Ha1loP, Mac@b coEtv Tc, zo:08; 5 ii,iii+. *.1"*tti. TC, zat26t 6. Jid Carter, Motor ii"*., ""t. 8 ".. CG Soiu"t", 20:33; ?. Jerrv Yo@g, @at , zo:45; raoro. city st'ia.r", ,I:I!! e. Lv! Ket;;?r";;;;; .riri, *"t., zr:sS; 10. Mike Novak, uat , 2z:r3i Il'

@at., 40:50;

5-M]LE x-couNrRY RACE, DErRorr. MTcHTGAN sud!v, Nov. r, ra,2- L Do,a R:c'1a.0"::',.'.:t 1,."'.1.,


18. Rob

crowell, salnia Tc, 4l:50; 19.


Jav Matthes' mat' ' 45129;20' BiLl Davenport' saL'' 46:48i 2l' Joe Rogers' Molor Citv Str' ' 46:58; 22' Neil 23 Jobn stamDor' una ' 5?:03' o'coDnor' unat' "!?:14; (40 & ovER) L0' 000m- l rlant McMASTERS DIv' 3?:30; z cbuck Davev' striders citv Briile' Motor Motor citv str' ' 38:21: 3' wolth ADdelson' uat ' 40: 35i 4' Dick Scott' Moror citv str' ' 40:5?; 5' Max Nema_ zi, Livonia YMCA' 5o:25: 6 c1em wicker' Motor citv

strid€r6, z?tzli rz' atranda **.i "rty 13. Jio Hulf, mat', 22139i 14 str' ' 53:3?z2:34i unat., Franklin, Leglon, 22,46, r.. Dale Peetle, JUNIoR Drv' (19 & UNDER) 5' 000m- I Ga'v Rerritt' a.;;'ill;;t*'"ide lnat' ' ITtzot 2' Pete Ch€thik' uat ' 17:29i 3 Rex Jack;at,, z3:rz. (25 fini6hers)



,a:08r 2. Dous Folem'fa, .". :.:" '-: ' ' -', :::,. ,er, 23, m..., J6..4!..4. Da.? d!r o.. z , y:'..""::., :- C-rri F.trilfl, rnat., ittZg; ?. Jim Cartel, 24, Motor Ciry Stliders' q' 41:55i 8. Dah Reynol.ls' 22, l/.ratat Citv Str', 42:06: Paut Johnson, l?, uat., '!3:09r 10. ca!v Retlitt' 1b' @at.,43:1?l tl. Bruce Brown,22, @at',43t26' lz, Bob Westmore, uat., 16, '13:31; L3' Chuck Davev' a/' Motor City S!fi.let., 43:34i l'l Bruce Priestlev' 17'

'l;li:.' rr?ifii 3iili'liiil"Il';*1"'1i,'.;

"5""';;. o.. v-";", \4.d-Michrcan , 8:to;8. cbr:s speF-. '.,D",., r8: oi a. Brlan K,parr:.L' JndL,' 8:{2: r0. P-L__E.t,<oz.o.f-_ l8:r;. ur"L., 5-tr6, MtD-MICHICAN TRACK CLUB 2-STAGE 10' OOO METERS l.o.iog Park, Lansing, Mich , Sat., Dec 3O, i9?2 Weathe;: Cold, 4Zo, hearT !ainL. Dennis williams, 15:31 (5kn), 1?:zr(5km) 32:58

Z. I'1."k Pittman, t?:15



36t24 18:31 17t53 3. Bill KeUer, 36t27 Motor City Striders, '14:13;15. Dave Maronek' 1?' Motot 4. Go.donN. Schafer,lS:o3 \8124 39:04 ZO'.54 18:lO City Strider6, i14:2r5. (35 finishers) 5. Bta.l HaLl, 39:3r 2at55 18136 MEMoRIAL Flamer, 6 BoRGQUIST 8TH ANNUAL GILBERT s. 4zt4l 21t19 Z)|ZZ g" 3-\afl-r RACE (r? & UNDER) Detroit, Mich', Nov lZ' 7. Hartdan, ran 5' 000m' a]4e ruDels 2r:22 ro, S Lori schafer' iiia. w*.rr.", clouily, '160. znd 5' 0006 the then ran rest' 20 minure Tim c\mmins' rook a then il u.y". xir'"*r"n, ;a| , 29tzz,2 S -D'D _-G'rdonN Schafe! Striders, Clty Motor Maronek, u.^r.', ,grrSr 3. Dave lteL29:29, a. Wat!en Mclntv!e, @at., 29:36r 5' Bob LAUDERDALE RRC TETRATHON ('l'10' 880' MiIe' frore, unat., 29 i.2' 6 Da Zemler, @ar" 29:'16; ?30: FT z-Mile) Ft' Lauderdale' F1a" Dec 30' l9?2 @at ' i'i"".i' i."",, @at., 29:48; 8. R;x Jackson' Ab Adam6' ]e' with a rive minute intelval between each *.i.':o,is, lo rohn s;h*artz' ;i;;.;;;i;;.;, ran sPlits ot 65' Z:20' 5:I8 and u:28 to win bv 2'1s race' vnat., 30.22. (38 liaisher€). 5-MrLE cRoss-couNrRY RACE, RoucE T"]f].i?'. T.:'H:"::1"J:5".'::" Detloit, Mich , Nov. 26, 1972. weatherr lz-' dxddv Ab Adams, 19, 2a)7t Z. Jim McMilLa, 19, Za:4lt 3. t. l. Doa Kleinow, unat., 26:5'l; 2 Loren rjandt' rcror Call foote, ZO, 2Z:Z3i 4. Matt Hutington, 15, 24:58; 5 lemrs 4 zt:rt aa| Reffitt' Carv 3. -MkeManer, 13, 25:46. Qrty'lC,27t12r ' Demaree, C.C. West, Z8'l2r 5 Dwigtu Hort' uat-'-' 11 & UNDER (a40, 880, Mile)- l. Chris Wagner, 9, U:36 28:40; 5. PauL JolDson, @at., 29:151 7 Ed KozloI' .^ (l:24, 3:OO, ?:lZ)i Z. John Thomas, 9, 11:51; 3. Tonv 1o' Lz:32' ?.".';"'T''":f:';::i:;, rorner' 8' L2:21 4 s'feveBovce' __Ray RusseU_":"ilMotor citv str' ' 3?:56' uat., 36:40; ll. Joe Rocers, Yo@g' UNAI., 6:48. 1. Jeff JIM SCHINDLER WINS N. Y. RRC 6 MILE RUN MILE (9 & UNDER). .vrr,o iro u rl)- r. Res coop€r, Motor citv, it:4? centrat park, N.Y.c-, Ja.. ?, l9?3- Jim schindler oi Bed{dd, N. Y. .aptured the RRc's 6 mile toad iu in Z-MILE (t? & 13)- 1. Kenneth stone, uaL , 14:02 , 30:42.3, well off the coulse recdd of 30:08 set bv Ton z-MtLE (1,! & 15)- l. Tony ProveDzola' wolvdine 1L Raiman-I'teding Rick uat.,ll:56;3. coodJetlow, on Decedber l?th onhis filst LaP ol a L2-miler. lt:oo;2. Bruce lorme! NYU distance €tar, took the lead ar schindtet, 12:36 uat., do, tlu r,"rr*"y -ark I despite acoldl7 degrees & a srronq 3-MILE (16 & 1?)- r. Rex Jackson, uat , 16:16: z lurzb Tlf City Tc, l8l5i 3. Jir Daqson' un' , wind wenr on to win by 35s over Da. Norbert sander of

PARK :[:""il'f



Rabe, Motor


MICHIGANA.A.U.STATECROSS-COUNTRyCIIAM-CityIsland'N.Y'TLereweleIlOstaltersandl04f!4ist_ HilLs' Mich' ed' piONS"tpS, cranbrook School' ^Bloomfield 1- Jim schindl€r' 22' Bedford' N Y" 30:42 3; 2 Di' o' 26" - soo" ;"";;.; "sti"io" i, 19?2. weather: "o""" (en Norbert sander' 30' citv lELand' N Y" 3t:1?; 3' Arthrr 1 biit. 1zo-:l v.".") - to,ooo Meter6- uat Hall' 25' Stat€n Island' N Y ' 3L:35;4 Larry Newma'' 33: Leonowicz, unat., 33:0?;2. Don Richaldson' ' 22' Queens' 3l:46;5- Frank Handelman' 27' NYC' l2: : una' i*""' 15;3. celald ciane, unal , 33:4!;4 it^ Tiomblev'' 61 cll:s zz'.N-!c' 32'\9i T EdBowes' 29' L'r'' lenl' 33:55;5. Gary Santti, uat., rr:5sr b Galv 32' Brooklvn' 33:05' 9 Pat GubAugie calle' 8 ?. AI R'rfinea, tnat., t1:57i d e t nopt- 32:5li uat., 34:,14;-rc., (Ist Jr'); l0' Biil o'Brie:' N'Y svville' l8' bins' st;" ' 33:06 1...-5i 9. Jim car-ter, Motor citv ;*, ;.;;i. (znd Jr')r Ll Brvon A Rotnsavwille' 19' ei'kli"l"'v' ri f'.1:.' '3"5 35:46:10. Randv Pres6on, @at', "'ul N'Y ' 34:00 (3rd J! )l 12 Dawe ltito rt""' lit' Peekskill' Sarnia Tc, 36:52;12. walae Koe, ""ti" :r'rS' l: 3'1:Ol; 13 Paul Swensoh' 25' HE:N-YC Blacksron€'^32'g"t gto-n'uar" :Z:+Z; Svab, Sarnia T( , 37t36; 14' ingron' 3i1:13j l'! Joe Burns' '13' Bosota' N'J ' 3!:2c 15. sam Orlando, Macodb cofrtv t",_'iet;z' ie r"* (I;t vet ); 15 Bennett Ger6lEan' 30' NYC' 34r31i Blealdev, Motor Citv StaiilerB, 38:4s; I? Tim Foucbia'


16. D!. waltei Mcco@et1, 41, Dove!, N.J., 34:44 (3rdv€t.)r 21.Dab Tejada, Zo, Brory, 63:13; ZZ. Howar (hd Vet,); 1?. Cary Muh!cke, 32, HuntiDgton, 35:03; Ba6i6, 33, B?ookl.ia, 63:l5i 23. Tony catan, 18, Jacksc 18. Patriclr R. Fallon, 19, Bohemia, N.Y., 35:04; I9. Hrs., 63:t?i 24. Marko Ca[e, 31, Brooktvo, 63:22;25. cli{l comano!, 23, Rivefside, Ct., 35:20; 20. John Leonar.l Melech, 2?, Brookhd, 64:U;26. Bilt rniiek. z Murphy, 21, Bronx, 35:21; 21. Gene Toodey, 33, Btoo&field, N.J., 64:23; 2?. Nat Cirutnick, 42, Rose_ JacksonHts., N.1,,35tZZt 22. Malko Cal1e, 31, dale, N.1.., 61t16j ZB. D.nald padgetr, 25, Levittown, Bto*,35tz9t 23. Dan Tejada, Zo, BroM,35.55i24. 64:3r;29. John Eisner, 26, Brookilm, 64.311 3e. Art Paul Fet€cher, 27, West Hempstead, N.Y., l6:l4i 25. KiJet-, .rO, vaIIey St!eatu, 65rOl]j 31. At Wiltiam6, 44, HowarC Basi€, 33r Brooklya, 36.44i 26. Lalry LaDBe!, St. Atb!ns, b5:55j 12, Carl Soatelstrod, ?8, NyC, 66it ls, NrL, Jb:54, z/. Paulu llrlen, rs, Sayville, N.Y.,33. Richa?d Becke!, Zi, Jamaica, N.-i'., 65:04;34, J€ 36t56, Za. Dr. George A. sheehan, 54, R1sson, N,J., o-e vahre-, 43, NyC, 66:09; 35. Joe caldwell, 40, 3?:03 (3rd vet.); 29. Naf cilulnick, 42, Rosedale, w. eueeD., 66t22,36. Jarra Ca6a6, 2?, Brooklyn, 66:: N. Y. , 37:10; 30. Kay Campbell, 44, N.J. , 37:19: 31. 3?. Robert Urie, .t4, NyC, 66:50; 38, John Howes, .12, Jobn E€iner, 26, BrooklF, 37.?Oi 32. Jaria Ca9as, Brooklrb, 6?:18; 39. Rod MacNichoU, 49, Ouee.€, 6?:: 27, Atooklyn, 37:36j 33. Leonard Malech, 2?, Biook- ,40. Don Dixon, .15, Hastings, N. y,, 6i:.14; 41. Lloyil l,y\, 37t361,34. A1 Williams, 44, St. Alban€, N.Y., Dennis, Lodi, Caiif., 68:Z8i,tZ. James Fahey, 32, Ny 3?:34; 35. John B. Howes, 42, Brooklya, 37:40; 35, 68:32; 43. Mike Bacy, 31, NyC, 68:5Oj 44. Kay Camp ArtKijek,40, L,I.,37.42i 37. Richald Beckea, 2?, be]], N.J, .14, 69:OOj 45. JimNolan,,l8, Summit, N.J Jamaica, N. Y. , 37:47i 38. Joe CaldveU, 40, Queeo6, 69,05, 45, Ron Sifrijian, 30, creeE&ich, Cont, , 69,12, 37:5i;39. Jahe6 Mahrer, 43, NYC, 38134;40. Mike 4?. ceorge Halle!, 48, NyC, 69:r3j,18. Raldond Cu€ 8racy, 30, NYc, 38:52; 41. Bili Indek, 26, AloornIield, ter, .10, illoB, 69tT5i 49. :tsLo1. Alnotil Ffaimah, 4?, N.J,, 39:01; 42. Hon. Alnold Fraimd, 4?, NYC, 39r NyC, 69:321 50. Bob Mullex, .1?, Br@ktvn, 69:50; 5I. 11; 43. Jades Fahey, 32, NYC, 39r20j 44, Lloyd Den- JiD Irixx, 40, Starrrlord, Com., 7A,A7, SZ. Gary Kztz, ni6, 29, Sa! Francisco, Calil., 39,27t 45. Bob Muller, 16, ptaii-.ier, ?OrOe; 53. I.red Letrow, 39, NyC, ZO:l! 47, Brooklyn, 39:35j ,!6. Ralph Waite, 33, Conn., 39: 54. .Var. Etoom, 26, Brook1r11, ?0:16; 55. James Mor: 44;.1?. !.red Lebow, 39, NYC, 39:49;,18. Vichard 40, Barionis, N.y., 7O:2lr 56. Dr_ Lewis Schwaitz, .41, Riversider 44, NyC, Benchul, 33, NYC, 39:.19;49, Jimfis, ia:28i 57. I]aul Mahoney, 32, Bronvilte, N Conn.. 40:00t q0. Pau'MaLrorev, a2, B-olr, r'0:t]: 2,. : ... pn_. r -. ?, \c.,eyCoLragF, N,y.,?0. 51. Cha!le6 Kiei1, 13, Mountainside, N.J.. 40:1ii 52. 5a, Jofn B:.L.!rc<, 32, Blooming crove, N.1.., ?l:18 Steve Kling, 38, GoldeDbridge, N.Y., :10:19;53. James 60. Dr, Ceorse Shitlihg, 34, Franklin Squaie, 7l:39; Moran, 3.!, Bardonia, 4O:35! 54. Raldord Cuenter, LerBh I]olt.r, i., . -tr., si,""-, ?l:.1?r 62, Robe.t Ma 40, NYC, 40:3?; 55. Dr. George Shiili.g, 34, L.I., one, 41, Ruihe!i.:a, \.;, , ?ZrOO: 63, Da, catica, 31, 40:45; 56. Dave Weinstein, 36, Yonkel., .10:52;5?. N1'C, ?2r01; . ._. _hrh..j i.aver, 3?, Farmingvi[e, ?] Leigh Pollet, 16, L,I. , 4l:10; 58. Henry Piice, 52, 3?t 65, Dave 1r,.:trsie:f,, j6. tonkers, ?Z:50; 66. Ted Blooklyn, 41:17: 59. Dave Robison, 35, NYC, 4l:31; \riltiafrs, 30, \yC, i2 i:r !1-_ ALten DruckEaan, 42, 60. Richard Daley, 30, L.L,!-I:37..65. Nina Ku6csik Sea.tord, 73:ON 66, f.r€rr Roiher, 40, poughtreepsie, 37, L.\., 42.r3 (1si Femare). --Joe Kleinerman-?3:16j 69. 14 alrer \arha!, j6, NyC, ij:28; ?0. ceorSe --------Sailer, 4rl, 4ego Faii, \, !. , ?3:28.2; ?t. Jame6 Sh€i JIM SCHINDLER SCORES SECOND STRAIGHT WIN 32, Brookl,n, ?.1:Z:r i:, \:na Kuscsik, 33, Hutinsto: Central Fark, N.Y., Jan. 14- Jim Schindler, 22, ?4:26 (tst aemaLel: ij. aat Frfkin, zl, Brooklvn, i4:r won hi. second €traight RRC Road R@ victory with a 71. AI Mauro, ,1i, Er.Elrtl€, ?,1:45t ?5. Nelson Ans€ 55:10 clocking {or at0.Z-mile course in traffic lree rite,23, Brookl}r,;':27b. ! redBurke,54, Nl.C, Cential ParkinNew York Clty. Schiodler ledlrofr Z6:33; 7?. Rob€rt t,i.Cieary, 31, Nl.C, ?6:35;28, To: lhe 6tart over the two 1ap course (5.r miles per rap). Mccusker, 29, Nl:C, ii:Ltj 79. Atber, Zei6geir, 43, Second plaee {ent to Giles Kehp of New YorkCity, NI'C, Z?:Zl; 80. Ec :.sieln, 2?, BrooktF, ?7158. . a {ormer Swartlnole College rune!. T}tild place in __Joe Kleinerman__ the field oI 113 starters na. l6-year-old Bylon Ro!hfuss of Peekskill, N. Y. in 56:43. He vas the Iirsf 15 KILO PACIFIC ASSOCIATION AAU CHAMPIONSHI: Jsior (uder 20 year6 o! age) to finish.^Onry six fail- Napa, Calif., Suday, Jaltary 7, \973- ceorge Stewa ed to linish. Weather: Clear, seny, 45". West Valley TC, edged teamate Vic Cary by a oere .ls to capture the !A AAU la!-n title race in 47:03. 1. Jitu Scbindier, 22, Aedlord, N.Y., 55:10;2. ciles K€frp, 22, NYC, 55;21; 3. Byron Rotlfuss, 16, Peeks- Conditions: No triad, cool 'n sutuy, 54 deglees. Pave kill, N.Y., 56:43 (]st J!.); .1. Augie Calle, 32, Brook- roads. 32 starrers L finishers, Teatur l. Napa VRC; lyn, 56:55; 5. Dewitt Thom6oD, 28, Brooklla, 57:14; No. Calif. Seniors; 3. We€t Valley TC. 6. Ed lowes, ?9, Massapaqua, N.Y., 5?:14.2, 7, Dr, l. Geolg€ S!e*ari, 1IVTC, 4?:03; Z. Vic Ca!y, WVT( Norber! sander, 30, City Island, N.Y., 57:3?;8. 47tA?; 3, Ddtrrl Beardall, Marin AC, 47.lli 1. Dan !, FrankHandelman, 27, NYC! 5?:4lj 9. Jobn Doe, 1?, der6on, WvfC, 47:23j 5. Dale Severv.SANTA BARB? L.L, 5'lt4a (znd Jr, ); 10. Pat Gubbins, 1?, Sayvilre, AA, 48:3It 5, Joh! Butterfield, Napa VRC, 48:5r; ?. N,Y,, 58:23 (3rd Jr.); rr. Joe Burn€, 43, Bogota,N.J. Steve Slawson, Solaao TC, 49:37; 8, BiIi Keliy, WVT 58:40 (15t Vet.):12. Gary Muhrcl€, Huntington, N.Y., 50:20;9. Joe Taxiera, Alameda TC, 50:42i lO. Ladb. 59:00;13. Patrtck R. Fallon, 19, L.I., 59:03; 14. Paui KeUy, wvTc, 50:20; u. Tereoce pinuane, vanev otr M. Sweneon, 25, Hutington, 59:10; 15. BenneLt Ger6h- MooD, 52:tr! 12. Bob Malain, NC Senio!3, 5Zi8:8. a mann, 30, NYC, 60:55; 16. Gene Toomey, 33, Jack6on Moore, Liverdore VaUey RC, 52:49; 14. Dawid Warr. Hts., N.Y., bl:15;1?. Cliff Comanor, 23, Riverdale, 53i04;15. Ray Menzie, 54:[; t6. paurReese, NC Ser 61:34; 18. Allen Penbe!ty, 18, Nyack, N. Y. , 61t3?t 19. s4t36t l?. Jie Eng1e, NVRC, 55r23; 18. Oriver Basti. D!. Watte! Mcoonne1l, 41, Dover, N.J., 62:09 (2nd NVRC, 5?:47i 19. DoD Pickett, NC SeDiors, 58:29; 20. Vet.)j 20. JonTobey,46, MaraloDeck, N.Y., 62:59 Goff Reinhardt, NC Seniors, 59:47. --Job! Butterfietd


2-MILE FITNESS RUN - 1. Bob Crabtree, u:10; z. KevDCAAU SENIOR IO, OOO METE& X.C CHAMPIONSHIP Univ., in at Ceorgetown Casey, 11:20; 3. Tim Riggs, 11:35; 4. Don Buschui, & OPEN RUN, Sat. , Nov. 18, l9?2 Wa€hington, D.C. \vealhel & course conditions- Good! ll:59; 5, Dave Comer, L2:0?; 6, RickNeff, lZtZZi 7. R-i.k 1. Jack Fultz, USCGAVSC-A, 33:32' 2. Rich Mull, GU-A, Longeinecker, 12:25; 8. Chester Karb, 12:49; 9. Bob McDonald, 13:05; 10. Wa!ten Wright' 13:14. (21 fini€heisl 34:13;3. DaDReek6, unat., 31:l?;4. Justia Gubbins' GU-A, 34:29; 5. Nick Lakis, uat., 34:38; 6. Daud Legge, @at., 34:48r 7, chuck Leuthold, wSC-A, 35:03j 8. Garth Mc(ay, GU-D, 35:09; 9. Mike Brown, GU-A, 35:22; 10. Don Dewitt, RTC, 35:28; 11. Ray Morrison, wsc-A, 35:3li 12. Bob Thu!ston, wSC-A, 35:43r 13. Car Wiutam6, WSC-A, 35:50i 14. GLym wood, SPorts Inteaqational,35:58; 15, 1t€s BurweIl, Gu-,{, 36:lzi 16. Steve Matteini, CU-A, 36:18; 17. Dave W€bster, Md, TC, 36:20! 18. Mike Bradley, lrSC-8, 36:29! 19. Kern Doorey, GU-8, 35:31; 20. Dave Cannon, NATO, 36:36j Zl. Paul Garner, WSC-B, 36:481 22. Jae Cart, Md. TC, 36: 5l; 23. Kevin Coaneeneyr Md. aC, 3il:55; 21. C!eg Ryan, cU-D, 36:59; 25. Jitu LillieIors, Malvel Tc, 3?:01. (u5 finishersl Teab: L washington sports club, 26; z. Georgeiown Univ€rsity l'A' , 29t 3. Maryland TC, 88; 4. Ceolgetown Univ. B, 109; 5, GeorCetown Univ. C, [6; 6. North American Track Organization, l'15; 7. D.C. Harriexs, 173. Notes. . , A ne$' loop was added to this 10lm course this year, so presl]mAbly Jack Fultzr time (33:32) establishfecord. Most participants believed the longer than 10,000m.

--waFe B. Yarcbo--


TURKEY IROT, Thanksgiving Day' Nov. 23, l9?2 Washington Park, Denver, colorado t, Jobn Gregorio, CTC, 19t37.5 (New course record; ola mark, 19:53, by Rick vatfeades, 1968); 2. Damien Koch, uat., 19:47; 3, Wes Crist, FCTC, 19:58; 4, Ed Ho.n, CTC, ZO-.28r 5. Jim Faes, UNC, 20:30; 6. Ed Blewe!, C-IC, ZO.3Z,7. Mark Week€, c'TC, ZOt35',8. Jolh Hogluhd, CTC, 20r39; 9, Don Starbuck, Mine., 20i43; I0. Jim McKinley, C"IC, ZAASI 11. Maddox, unat,, Z0:52i 12. Bill Pappas, C'lC, 21,59, 13, Cherry, unat., 2t:05i 14. Dave Da1ey, USAFA, 2l:1lr 15. Eloie Cunlilfe, FcTc, 'l: 8. 6, Dicl' VusC-avF. )r. ,, 2- loi l?. Toh BFrg'r, FCIC, 2l,ZZt 18. Dick Mortiz, Colo, TC, Zl:39; 19. Dor Morfis, RMRR, 21.41, ZA. Larrt Main, WVTC, Cali{,, Z1:52. (35 finishers) H. S, DIV. - ] Jack Pottle, 22:09; 2. PauL Eagan, FCTC 22:.17; 3, Paul Trujiuo, z2:56i l. Stow€r, 23:06; 5. Lohr':'. '1" r:- 6h--s) mo., ):0-. MASTERS DIv. - L Andy Hoinbaker, 4a, ?2t41,2. Frat; McCabe, 5.!, 25r18j 3, Bob Carlson, CTC, 25:30;'1. Jim osborn, 10, RMRR, 26:01; 5. P€te Thorpe, 40, RMRR, 26:5,1r 6. Stewe Goodman, 43, nnat., 29:34,

,I-MILE OPEN RUN, ST. JOHN'S HICH SCI'OOL, Washingtoh, D.C., December 17, 19?2 l. Daviil webstel, Md. TC, 20:28i Z Rat \'lo!rison, wsc, ROCKY MOT]N]ATN ROAD RUNNERS 4-MILE IIANDICA: ZOr53; 3. Bob Thurstoa, WSC, 20:57, 4. Don DelVitt, RTC, 2I:O5i 5. Mike Bradley, WSC, 2l:12; 6. Phil Stualt, ROAD RUN, WASHTNGTON PARK, DENVER, COLO. Dec€mber 3, 19?2. weather: 19o, light shot, windy. z1:26; ?. Alan SometviTle, z|:!-6i 8. Bill Hoss, 21:48; E. T. Hcp. Act.T- FT 22.26t IL shoemaket, 22:z5i lo. Mike 9, Ji6 crark, 31:12 l:51 3?,51 17 l James Van Zand!, 3i, Ed Jeronre, WSC, Z2t48i 12. Chailes RoBs, DC RRC, 2. wischmeyer, 31, 3a,15 8t32 26.43 25 cerald 22:,19; 13. Jo}ll \rinslow, wSc, 23:0r5' 14. Mik€ Fleming, 3 5:18 9:32 25:.16 19 3, Kent Hinsey, 16, Z3:13j t5. Ron Hoffmann, DC RRC, 24:00i t6 Bob O'Bri35t34 1.45 27',34 32 4, David Kopp, 14, 24:30; P.V. Leach, Nelson & en, Z4iAl, L7. tie, Eric wood, 40, 35t31 II:ZZ Zltla 6 5. charlie Lewton, 24: 24:31; 20. V DC RRC, Robinson, Bluce 19. LeMire, 29, 35:41 I0:50 2.1:51 9 6. Tom 43; 21, D. HermsIeld, 25ta6;22- David Mail€Lt, 25:'r0; 2?, 35146 I?:52 Z2ta4 3 7. Ski! Hamilton, NIH, 25r58; 23. Wm. Sall€r., 2a:.13; ?1. Jay Mill€r, 36iOZ I3tlI Z2t5l 2 Jim Garcia, 28, 8. linishers) 26:10. DC Harriers, 25. Don Dalzell, {30 30, 36:0? 11:01 2 5:06 Ll Richard Ceorge, 9. Notes..Dave Webste! took a lairLy early ]€ad & was Kopp, 13, 36:10 t:3 5 3,1r35 ,19 10. Michael not seriously chall€nged after that The race was ru on 36tll 4:A6 3Z:A5 4a Laurie Kearns, 31, Ll. quite but cold and a six tap track. The day was sunny, 36:13 11:01 ?5:12 tz 12. Sid Arnold, 28, --Bob Thur6ton-36:11 12t23 z3t5\ 5 4-MILE MASTERS RACE - 1. Tony Diaoond, DC Har_ Moarie, 35, RMRR, 36:17 13.34 ZZt39* i 1,1. Don (lsL Over 50)j 3 riers, 22:23,2. Paul Thurston, 23:08 28, 36t29 l|43 21.a6 I Sefh Bradley, 15. PVSBob Hoiman, 23:'12i 4. Dave Theall, DC Harriers, -lc, 21tl2t 5. Robert G. Day, 24:27j 5 Marty Suuivan, (al starters, 50 finishers) --R. Dennls Kavanaugh-Z4.5Zt 7, George Elliatt, 25:Z1t 8. Dick Schumm, 25:45: MOUNTAIN ROAD RUNNERS 2-MILE HANDIC.l N 9. Fred Weels, 25l5Li 10. Richard Lukes, Z7:11i 11. Nor_ ROCKY RUN, WASHINGTON PARK, DENVER, COLO, ROAD b0)l 27:13 Over MP RRC, Hasaii, man Tamahaha, l1st D€cember 10, 1972, Weathet: ibelowzerol Sunny, sao.12, Jobn 3rown, Z?:23j 13. Joh! Davis, 28:10; 14. John pe!some wind- E.T. Hcp. Act.T FI course, lacked 1vood6, z8:54; 15. Bruce Bulnside, 28:59; 16. Don 16:50 4:56 li:5,1 5 1. Jim Stoddard, 19, F.A weiland, kins, 30:02j I?. Bill sba{e!, 30:0?;18. '16:56 r:37 15:19 2a 2, Vanzandt, 31, Jades 39:23. 20. RipRiley, Hicks, 3?:05: r9. Bualis 32:4?i 5:42 1l:30 3 3, Bernie Gay, 37, L7 tr? 28, 17.26 3,23 l4a3 2.! 4Tom VitoLo, OHIO RIVER RRC I'IVE MILE ROAD RUN c ZS 17t30 1t56 lz:31 13 ll LaOf angF roo r4, hedlher: SJryy, ,97J. VoirG, Oh:o, . arlary Kog€r uera-o' 17:3 3 5:0r tzt3? 12 l. Dan Dunton, 2?:44; '. Ba-ry \\?arcr, z6 22 1 Randv o -B B!adlev'^z8' 1?:.,10 at3z r?108 7 T seth Mtllet, zgtz3i 4. Jay Bilhingham, 3o:14i 5, Roland Ans- Larlv Main' 29' l7tl' 6:36 Ir:04 i S Da.h, 3lt13t 6, Dave Conllin, 33:l4i 7. Kathy Hevey, 2! 4i06 l3:3 5 KoPP' 17:41 Daud lil' 9' Bob Thompson, 36:31; 36:17t Caror Maban.e, 36:02; 8. 9. l. 17:13 4: 28 13:15 ButtreLl, 16 l0 3ndy 10. tie, Le6lie Gatz & Bylon cook, 38:o5l 12. Louis Bors' 22,25 17.47 I5tzZ Marlvn Gav, 36' U 38:39; 13. Donna ShelL & Rick Mudliger, 45r'!6.


a%Eu8h. r., l:. ua-v ?"nr.:Koh. tc. '.. Jrn oa-i ia, 28, 'r. rb. Jan Houell, 3?.

,?:4o E:37 z,t2 e t?:-O 1,48 tr:Oz 2r 7:.t .:z) 1t:28 2 j

'l ' r6 ririsher!r \or-,....1." ra.-.a" : "':"i-.", lhe hidd p or onF ot Dcn\-r's .o-. Lotd €pells in hGtory. Ev€n at l0 a. h. the ofiiciai tehp. , qorF .,. . aDps. "_": ::"1,:," b"ro! /"-o ols or-bb, & .u..s\-a,6. _.--, l""r'. js .ro onv."r._o. ,_a, ^,"-:le..:' :...:0 "1--". ,e-_shirr -'l"..it i":I l-. rF.''orp bhorts. s-.c-a splkes ovet the slippery, snowpa.ked roao course.


--R. Dennis Kavaoaugh-_

F_. -A. DIPDAI RP( 0, , VIi f ROCJ rtcl- Manlc/, .6, Dr-r,-r B-o..cro r ou.yRUN cro6s_ .y*., ea6 y won this 10 r2 hile road !ac. ,..:1"::y / r.,u.-s o, "icn"rd ra.race 1,,::"''..:.-.", r. rrev- Ma.rpv, r6, 6-:0 :"^-"d _. p...rro \\",tzc-, tc, * c ?r'' rr.r.s,arrin. ,b, 'r' o :ro: :-:1' r. .,-." ., "'' PrFrtyh"l, o-./-: o. art rooL. :', ", , parDl nho -s. oo:r_: 8. Miie vai:. :;,":, . B_tr tc\ a ,, to, {D: C"!/ t., ltt-?t ,. B. | -- u- , L, t4:rl: .4. z, c-nc LL. -:: .. rl"_an Do.rFr , ... t_:, /. ."_1"..":o 8. NDLb -_ ,,r__ :. -. ,,n." q"u7"e cris, r, 2 :o r: c.-\. Bolce. , ", .;i..-,,.":' trt:., :. aacpt P-.d, 0. :0.1. -, B--L,A iJ, t, .. _-Ray Ru6setl_-

2NDA\N A, -o(,

S.\lOPr P1 ., B) Lavrrr.ra rarr, Ca rr., ja..

p o b, 19il


--Jolu BreDand-FT. LAUDERDALE RRC 12 MILE HAND1(jAP RUN -''l " i? i \s ror '1- .,f. ine . 'B:\ ' .cp .-.., 12 m. . tano & cFo(:.," I ".'rl '- Lr-d t"s' in.,horo," . . c t:14:.0.i". "." :r. z, M t.h Us-roLi, to, : , :,0, r:15: u 3. Cafl Foote, ZO, tt31..tJa) 1:4 5:3 0 4. G€off Pietsch, 35, 1:14:30 5. Jim Shradcr, Zt, l:18:40 lt47t4O 6, Bill Sudy, 24, Iit:40 1:,18:40

votr. .B .j -o lA. -



ANNUALDON HEINECKE 12 MILE Eliicort Ciry, Md., Dec, 31, t9?2_ ."";;;;;;; 1,hi6 race was c. . .".-! o" rhD o, & .h- B" lin o." .p^ il :\arh, T€1)..0",-^D. c.o -.a-r,y.oursc. .he o-nr €ri ol hF d"v ^"6 ,1a . ag. tic.n. h-" I g"l

r".,._ " ,." :..r,". 1.c..:" "j.. L, \4 Lc 5aD -or Bo!, 2.0':,o ::"1":::-

: :,4.""-"


o- " - , 1. 9". r:nv.Prlror


l. : :.1:- l' l'"" 'c-'

or Flp.voooJ

H.p. ALr.,. .:04:19 c7:()




r:.o:- .o:oo ,:oq:2.



0 -O:a, t:O:,0

2:0.:42 ;1:- u t. :tl .ta,:?a qo:,, r:1: .o

2: : , t8: .: :0. ' 18:oo t..,1




2:01:0,! 46:30 lr14:34 8. Jefl Good, 9. Le6 Kinion, z:03:i16 .18:30 l:15:ro 10. Bill Delaao, ZtA1t21 46:45 l:15:36 11. Ed Je!ome, Z:03:53 48:00 1:15:53 12. Larry Noel lli, 1:58:L? 4Z:00 l:1ii:i7 t3. Darrien Howell,lr56:5? ,10:15 1:16:42 14. Bill Matlack, lt59t43 12-.04 l:17t13 15. Hugh Morgan, 2:06:43 .18:30 1:18:13 16. Joe Naple6, lt57t52 39:00 l:18:52 I?, Coy Brashears,2:04:18 44:30 1:19:48

r8. Steve Ro6asco, 1r59:11 39:00 1:20:ll 19. Marty SutLivan, 2:02:56 42:45 ItzAtll 20. Bob O'Brien, 2:03:15 '!3:00 1:20:15





2:0{j:15 45:15


22, Jols WaLi, Z|AI:39 .!0:00 l:21:39 23, Job! Burlea, Z:06:03 43:00 1:23:03 24, Paul Karaskavicz, 1:59:59 36:45 1:23:14 25. Ron So':J]mcl, Z:06:13 12:45 |tz3.za 25, Arf Sf. Marrin 1152:46 Z8t3A l24tlb z?, George Elliott, a0l:06 36.15 ),21t2I 28. Al creenberg, ?:03:22 39tal l:21:zz 29. RonAdams, ZtAltal 36145 1.2at|2 30, Fred Weeks, lr58r53 32t30 l.26:23

Bill Joidan, ,2;03:36 36:,!5 l:26:51 32, Helman Sykes Z:01:3? 31.30 ltz1.01 33. Rich Bryan, 2tA6t2l 39:OA )tZ7:24 34. Doh Da1ze11, Z:04:06 36.14 \tZ1.2I 35- Dave Mauetr, Z:00:11 30:45 1:29:26 36. Teri Johnson, 1r58r24 zat3a \tz9:51 37. John Malloh, zr00:11 30:15 I:29r56 z,a5rzQ 34:15 l:31:05 38. Hal Piper, 39. Ricky Ga6ter, Z:0ilr,12 3Zt3A lt3l.lz 40, St€ve Rosasco, Sr. ,2:A2.23 34,45 \:3\:38 41. Paul RoeDer, 2r11:l? 39:34 I.3It17 42. Jofn Brown, 2:05:07 32:30 l:33:37 43. Marityn Bevans, z:08:5? 35:00 1:33:57 ,14, T.W. Tirana, 1:58:10 Z4:00 1:3.1:10 ,45, Joln Woods, lr56:12 ?l:1a 1.31.27 46" George Richard6oa, 2:01:0 3 2o;00 1:3 5:0 3 4?, Tom Barretrr 2r05:10 29r30 1:35:,]! 48. Stu Week6, Z:08:35 32:10 L:36:05 ,19, Tim Friedman,1r57:5? l8r.l5 1r39r06 50. Katht Good, Z:01:0? 20:00 1:41:07 31.

Bill Morri6, lt5Zt37 8:00 L:.1.1:3? 52, Dave sartorio, 2:08:10 22,15 \:15t25 59. Leonard Brook.,z:21:23 30:t5 i:5t:08 54. Fr€d wciland, 2:0?:03 ?:00 zr00:03 2;19:03 16:00 2.03:03 55. Ted Good, 56. Orrington Hall, Z::16:09 26:00 2:10:09


r9 33

2\ 31


1 13

46 5


30 29

13 25 1,1

4Z 2

19 31

32 ?1 3a

t5 9

I6 38 37

z7 51

50 7 3


l9 za




17 a2


-- Les Kinior- -

I'-MILE ROAD RACE, PATTERSON FARK Baltimore, Md., January ?, l9?3. weaihe!: 260 & windy. Cour6e: Hilly, 5 two ol1e 1oop6. 1. Mike Sabino, Baltimore OC, 33, 53:Z3i Z. Jim Lears, BaLtimore RRC, ZL, 51t451 3. Doa Marvel, @at., 30, 58:11: ,1. Charlie Messenger, 27, BOC, 58:.12; 5. Marty NlnaL, Bac, 24, 6r:50i 6. Jeff Good, l?, BOC, 6l:58; ?. Cuit MizeU, 19, Baltituore RRC, 62:23j 8. charlie Koestel, 28, BOc, 6z:,10; 9. Ron some!s, uat., 25, 65:50;10. Paul Kala6kavicz, 32, Balrrore PPC, 66:42: I . rlc\- Ro6a"ro J.., lr, B"lrimoreRRC, 67,27,12, Dr, Richard MacDonald, 3?, Baltimore RRC, 6E:21; 13. slere Rosasco Sr,, '10, Baltimoae RRC, 69:,1,1; 14. Tom Cay, t4, uat., ?0:47; 15. Herman Syke6, 30, Baltirore RRC, ?2rL8i 15, JolD

Sullivan, Baltiraole RP.Q, 27, 1Zt3Oi I?. Mark Rosa6cE 14, Baltimole RRC, ?3:ll;18. Tom Carty, 16, uat., 73:45; 19. Marilyn Bevins, 23, Baltimote RRC, ?4r36. DNF- John Smaltwood & Robert Marselek. Race Note6. , . Mike Sabibo got the time mixed up & alriv ed 80 minutes early lor rhe race. Fo@d no one there so lao a hard workout lor lZ mi]e6. Afte! the workout he 6tayed warm in the shower !oom, then ran a good lacel --Le6 Kinru!-MIDDLE ATLANTIC RRC 5 MILE PAIRAT'HON Fairmount Park, Phi]a., Fa., Suday, Jan.2l, 1973 Ind. Result6- t. DeDis D1l@, St. Josephrs P.ep, 27:1.!; 2. Dean Winsrow, Jellerson Medical College, 27,29.,3. Jio Hughe6, ArchbishopRyar HS, 2?:,12i 4. Ru6E Jackso, Pem AC, 28t22', 5. Iohn Waight, FrankJord HS, 28:36; 6. Gary Simpson, U.oI Delawale, 29t\3r7.'la^ Muyan, Gateway Reg. HS, N.J., 29:14; 8. Steve cet.:ne6, Crassboro s arF co-lFC-, 2o:Z : o. rn - Br!!on. spring{ie1d (Delco) HS, 29rzzj 10. St€ve McLarnon, sat., 29:.42j lL Martin Du.ffy, U. of Fenn Grad Sclraor, Z9i't7i 12. Joln Formeller, unat., 29r48; 13. Jerry Toland, Eat. , 29:59; 1.1, Bo! Dougherty, Eal., 30:22; 15, Cart Ri€ger, 30:2.!; 1i,- David Wilkinson, U. ol Penn Grad S.hool, l0:33j l?, K.vin ],4cKee, 30:58r 18. Erad Morris, 31:09; 19. Jeriy Dolbow, Ped AC, 31:53! 20, Ed Binczer ski, 3Z:0r; 2i. John D€i1ey, 3Z:05i 22. Bob Roman6ky, Penn AC, 3Z:0?' 23. Jim 14i1liams, 32:08j 24. Mike Ke6sler, 3Z:10; 25. Gary Davis, 35:32; 26. Charles Jackson, 35132.51 27. Dan Wise, 38:14i 28. Norm Bakei, Pen. AC. Team: 1. Deni6 Dudn, 27:14 & Cary Simpson, 29:13 {56: Z?); Z. Jim Hughe6, 2?:,:12 & Stev€ cettings, 29:21 (5?:0311 3. Russ Jackson, 28:22 & Maltin Duffy, 29:,!? (58:09)i .1. Dean Winslow, 27:29 & Kewin McKee, 30:58 (58:27) VETERANS 3-MILE (,10 & OVER)- 1. Wilson Vible, Dela <'"r Br".on, \4-o a, P". ".c Storrr . Lb, 8:0 : 2. D-. 19:0?; 3. Henly Ki.kaid, Phila., 19:33; .1. Chuck Harrirg. ton, Delar'are SC, 20:05; 5. Don Mirchell, Phita., 20:33i 6, Frank K€Uy, Phi]a,, 21:]?j ?. John Cunningham, Cina. minson, N. J, , 2l:36i E. Jerry Hoch, Phila., 23:l?; 9, Keith Burgess, Hairingioa, De\aEate, 24.,52. H.S. JR. & SR. ,1-MILES L Rich Landels, LaSaUe, Z0:,16i 2. Marl< Littleton, Ridley, 20:53; 3. MarLDaniel, LaSalle, 21;21j .!. Charles Fras6oni, Ridley, Zl:32; 5, RichBiddle, I.aSal1e, 21:55; 6. Joe Buffington, Highland Reg. {N"J.), 22:08. (112 competitors in aU rac€s) H.S. FROSH-SOPH 3-MILES- 1. John Bulns, Lasalle, 16i08r 2, Joln Barton, BishopMcDeyitt, 16:t5j 3. Ed BrewingLon, Bensalem, 16:20i ,!. John O'Neil1, LaSaUe, 16:38i 5, Al Hagen, Inrerboro HS, 16r39; 6. Chartes SeiiBOYS 13 & 14- 3-MILES- l. Harry Ben6on, Harringroh, De1., 1?:1,1; Z. John Mohrbacher, Lasalre, l7:20; 3, Joe Ciecka, Glendota, N.J., 17:32;4. Charle6 Fidler, 1?:391 5. Stewe Dugan, 19:.11; 6. RickThomas, 19r42, BOYS 2 & r'NDLP z-VIL S- .. Bil H"-rer, Amo.-r Olympic Club, Pa., t3:19; 2. Maurice Coverdale, 13:37i 3. Walae Ketuedy, 13:38j 4. Balt Gallagher, I4t37., a. Ken Cerclefskie, 14:57; 6. Reggie Davis, 14:58. cti LS lta & OvFP) 2-MILL- r. Na.a€h. rr!ze!, .3 .2. Cwen Bobib€on, Rob:n o".ri, .J:0/i 1, haro\ '1:06: ]. wilz, 13:20; 5. Eileen cerkez, i:,+Z; 6. n"r.. co..*"y, 14:52; 7. Robin Marsdea, 16:20. GIRLS 14 & UNDER oNE MILE- r. Kin Callagher, 6:2a: z. Car'ta KeMedy, 10, 6:21; 3. Tarin Harrar, I0, 6:Z5i ,1. Cricket Cupid, 6:2?; 5, Tracy 14i1son, 6:35,


g HARTFORD TRACK CLUB IIth ANNUAL HOLIDAY I6'I , -c, co hou", or:oc: 25. M:/ :".' 9,,', M, r".6. Parli, Hart{ord, Conn., December l?, 19?2 Hs. r 'or"..-, o2:ro: zo. .lon No."h, " Three lal8 oI 2.2 mi1€s each on btacktop (6. 6 Mi1e6) i^b:.1,, -8",d!h" (o rL. nbrs, 62t1o,,27. Da.C r"e W€athe!: Vely windy, 6ome ice, cold. Cou!se Recoidl 5; 28. David ".. t a., oli ^ Wirnpee, We6t ca. colrege, 63:28; 29. r 3I:28 by Job! vitale, t9?r. y"'9"1" l-, c- c. .o,Mbus, , r, o. orn po^o", l.- Ray crother6, 30, cCAA, 36:35 (11:50, z3:58), z. dr.dshd H<. _ o.-nc-, oj.4o." { , Ddn Coo.rFi.h, Mark Sperfe, tB, Univ. Ca., 37tZ 24,25); AJ', 3. 32. Scotr Sigler, Ft. Watton, Fla., 68:021 'I:57, Man{fed Kandschur, 42, Hartlord TC, -65rl6iOe rftdM, oO, 1.. 37.jg (12t15, Z4l 1.1. -ohrI tC, , o: -: l.t. Hcrb ( 52)j .4. Bill Turtey, 15, unar., 3?:58; 5. pete Orzech, Funr6q F, 6o:17 '.. J 1 '!"ev. Br-as\aw Fs, I o.. to 16, unat., 38:17; 6. Tom Durie, 29, H.lC, jar59r.t, 1..i.. '0,.-.'-, 16. iranL \4. Lpod. ro), )o, ?or {o, ),. C"n- v,. "4F-fimar, (o. Voi-.a I s,,idcro, o:04. 8. Kdnsa6 u ry, Mo.. 70.44: rB. Dana j/: "", ry , sl-aiford qpa ..cns, 1 .:20: o. ton BrFen, ms, Bilminghah, ?i:.!4i 39. Richard Tona, !.t, waltr 29, Age crou! A-4, 39:3Zj lO. Don Bahrord, 37, NMC, a,, 7z:a-.-. aO. rohn Bo)-a, L,SAI , ?-:.r.4 ,or 3-9:55; lL Larry Woykovsky, 18, Manch€ster cc, .,1Ort4; cralr, 11. _ 6,. t,:)::11. totu Care., 12. Vin Fahdetri, .1I, HTC, 40:19j 13. Mik€ Naughton, -t:to.4,. vitc r-r.), rroJp, .s., ca /b. uar,. .1 :00: ta. Da\, ca.toon, t?, scA.. 4t: aj 1.. Y"l:r:T-1'. /5: t:.14, Dolror. F,. .\dron. 1,a,,1jt?...4c. /-. 5rcrF \rr-alaJ, 18, Lnar., rt:.0: .o. Do, p:-_e, Jo, Mo_ -o: 2: .r6.Joc H..e. uc6. c-. co| ",. ,!1:331 1?. Ben Delhonico, 18, ::'"""::. : parkA-4, .rro\ Mt. ,.:,-i',..-":.Don",d l:"_"_":-*.t Ba-.-s. 5rd,ei !0, 8r:08 ,{1:,15; I8" Dave Eveleth, 41, :dTC, 4Ii52,,I9. Dave Riv_ { n !F wad-. 82:08: ,to. Bar- K-uF. e!6, 17, unat., 42:2?; 20. John Conant, :dae, 28, 4ZtZ3 "o) sr-lp, 8-: 6. . o--"-: Oul I hor-, \.lh .er o,g .r Zi. HankDevin€,39, Mt.palkAA, 4ZtZ5t ZZ, At Wi,l_ liams, 35, Mohegah Str., 4|t35t 23. Bill Smith, 3?, u^_M Htc, 42t1At 24, Ray Edgerty, 43, :dAC, 4?: 5i 25. ,ro:c^E1c r-.- B-.', B -m:.8h-n. :r/; .. Jzr1.",."'.. Robbie Logah, 44, HTC, 13iAt 26. Jih Taytol, ,19, ".. v-36:.1,. ro.i t\2:4, Latrv C-anr, froy. .{:24.HTC, 4.: o: zt. BFr^i.ca."t",, ,lo, H,C, ,j):2lj 28. & CHTLDREN 2_llrl-E - 1. Katby sigter, ri. !-.iDo!. rrtc, <1, B -:'_gMENfra.. 4...1o. 2o. cd Io-,tr 4r. ht! j xalbn, .-c\ S.B pr. , Fr. \. Z, .: -...-. '!4:00; 30. ceratd Whittaker, 15, unat., 4,!:05; 31. ceo. o r, | !., .t: o: r. \ci \4-s):. . , . ftay. t:)7, 4, n]t stratror.i spartans, .14:18; 32. Dick Nolgaard -ro/. 8, -: -. --.{icL I osres__ l:1-", HTC, ,{,1:281 33. John Cuhning, 18, Warlior TC, 44:31; 3.4. Jack Foster, 43, HTC, .r4:46i 35. Dave pescatelo, ].1-MILE HANDICAP RACE, IANSING, MICHIGAN 29,-aat., .l.l:53; 36" Karhy Llach, 19, Age cloup AA, o-,rPo -r Da!r'vra_v:.,.sa, La<-, ,15:04 (New Girl6 Recoid: Otrt ,r.anuarr hark, .45:21 by Carotlr weather: ICold, catm, Z2 deq!ees. CNrt, 1971)j 37. Tom Kelteher, 2.,1, unat., i!5:39; 38, Spitz won the battle;ith a t5:45 clocking, bur GiI Demarest, ,t2, Hartford .tC, 5t39j 39, Cerard Reu_ ,_Duane Walt Gantz with his t:45 headstarr won the war. ter, uat,, 52, 45:.14i 4A. Sherm Malley, 39, :dIC, 4t:l E. T, H.r. 18j .11. lvilliam Vigneault, ZI, unat., 46:.,13j 42. Richard 1, Walt cantz, 4:.t. T. 'Zt,Zt 7:00 16t23 ,11, BurhaDs, HfC, ,t6:,15i .43. Lance Ba1e, tZ, unat., z. Art Bechhoetfer 23:42 4:10 19,32 4?:07j 4.1. Dave Bale, .!6, HTC, 4?:07; 45. Bilt Davi6, 3. Dick Riest, 23:15 0:00 23.15 42, HAQ, 17t35;46, pat Dyer, B , :dTta, 41t32t 47. 4, Gerald Crane, 24:03 i5:4 8 ( 8:t5) l5:4 8 Ray Roberqe, ,18, Mohegah Strider6, 48:33; ,!g. John 5. BiIl Keller, Z4,IZ 17t32 ,,19:26t Blair, 28, iJIC, .,19. Jon Hutchin6on, 5t, Torring- 6. Daryl Englander, 24jti 3 r15 2ltA2 ton, Ct., 50i1,1; 50. l1rD. Johns,30, Srratlord Spairans, 7. Todd Baltow, ZI.ZA 1.45 19:3 5 50:17; 51. A1 Ros€nlie1.1, ,15, HTC, 5O:23j 52. Mike Boy_ 8. Ron EosIalth, 2.1:28 17 r.18 ea, 23, bar., 50:.10. (63 tinishers) _-Bill smirh__ 9. Duane Spitz, 24'3A l5:15 10. Coidon Schafe! 21t38 a:3c l8r08 6TH ANNUAL TROY CHANIBTR OT CO]{MERCE ROAD ?,1:43 18:0 9 RACES, January 6, 19?:, \r.{eathe.j Chi11r, a3o, over_ 12, ltark Fittnan, 2a:12 8:0 0 l7:)Z v 'lFle,b. o) A "o".:, 13. Ceorse ! ar\e r, 2:15 z3:04 OPEN l0 MILES- (Coulse Record: 51:58.8 b_v jeft Catlo26:1ri way, Ftorida TC, Jah. 5, 19?21 -cordon N, Schafer-1. Ken Misner, Eglin AF, Fla., a2:13. !j l. Deuis Snen_ ser, U, of Georgia, 52:,10i 3. Lee Fidler, Carrotton, ia. , 3 & 9 \1tLE RUNS, Hudson_Moha,k r:.l,ck9lrlil,,.u.of c... iz:5b: 5. pete van t.,u. j"""""_.-,-i!i-:t- suNyA, Albany, RRC N.y. ::147r o. rcd .n e!r:ne, \ "bam" . . :r Boires, 2,.s, zl'e .r a.u,-. e,r" ::..:. it:;:::--'1"., ?. clayton Nich.", :.=+_::oo. r,,iu.., u"r"i, s:,le, e. 1H!';, :3:5r; -zt,+u, stetson, ""u"." Tiov srate Tc, 54:17i zo:58r 6, steve I4.a"".ar, 9. Don l,utaan, usAF, Mcconneu, i.- uiii Miss. , 55r01, 10. Neil Murphy, Aubuh U., 55:3i; t1. Sh!adet, 24:1Oi 8. Joan McCometl, 3Z:lO: 9. Creg M, lvilliam Dahiel, U. of Ca,, 55:56, t2, Nict< Co6tes, 46. Connetl, 33:O?. Troy state Tc, 56:41; 13. Charte6 Hallist 1,. or ca., g:_l4tls:- 1. Jrh Bowtes, 55:10; 2. Don wilkeD, 59:l: 56:4?j 14. John Mitchelt, vestavia Hs, Bir-in8ham, ** a beautiful but bitterly..ra a"y t,"_" .^Nor."..r 5?:20;15. J.D. Evilsizer, AuburnU.,5?:4i;14. Rd 1l)o, wind Sw 26 eph, wind chill remp. _zgf, j.jlii, Jarmon, Troy Srate TC, 58:12; t?, Richatd Westbrook, much courage t" v..t.r" our onto the nindy SUNYA ca,, Ft. Valton, f1!., 58:2o; 18. CaDt. Ed Srrabel, Chaia_ Only Don Wili€n, .. colmbus. ca, sti,t+; tg. r".y "*-";',;";;;;, Boston, anit Jin Bowtes, backin Albdy l:ochee-IC. fror Cati{or. Fla.. 58:l3i 20. wm. Rey.e,, uat., 58:43; if.'..""-;"ur, iiid m es. 9 __Burke _Adafrs_n.tpl, u,, sq:19; 22. Bilt cates, M€mphis, ANNOUNCING _SUNyA, t5 MILE 59:15:23. A1\aa Taylor, Foresr park, C"., ta,OS; Zl. Suday, March 4, l9?3 Z:OO I].M. RUN. slecial prizeE artanv, rV.i,' Coodwia




NORBERT SANDER WINS RRC (N. Y. ) IZ.MILE RUN Cenrral Park, NYC, Jalualy 21, 1973- Dr. Norbert Sander,30t lrom City Island, N.Y., caFtured the RRC o{ N. Y. 12-miler ia 1:02:52.8, well off the ord of l:00 (1 se' or DFcehbc. l rh by I on rl-ming oI Wm. Pate!6on College. Second place went to Jih Schlndler oJ Bed{ord, N. Y. in I:05:.!9. Schild1er had captu}ed the first two luns in the three-iace serie€ in the



t )

I'ULSA RUNNING CLUB 4.MILE ROAD RACE ]: Tursa, Ok1a., De.. 23, 1972. Wearher: 4Oo, pardy cloudy, right wind. Mohawk Pa!k, flat, acculare1y mea€ured. ?l sta!te!6, 2l finishe!6. 1. Mike Cole, 19, ZO:l4t Z. Terly Lewis, ZO, ZltO6;3. Larly McDonatd, 18, 2Z:A5.,4, Dave Sanders, 16, 22: 23r 5, Roger Findahl, 17, 23:18; 6. Doug Crawford, 1?, 23:35; ?. Bob Baker, 35, 23r59; 8. Norman 51oan, 35, 24:25,9. Scott McKeague, 16, 24:33; 10, Bluce Martia, 23, 24.44,ll. Tod Kempf, ,]-8, 25.26; \2. Verr lvhiteside, 53, 25:.,15; 13. BiU Thompson, 40, 26:06; 14. A!i Browning, 41, 26:22j 15. Harord McDonald, 45, 26:38i 16, BiU Boggs, 37, 27r53t I7. Bruce Swearingen, 38, 28:20j i8. Bitl Ryan, 42, 30tA4,19. Qordon McKeague, 46, 31t03', 20. Alan Reed, 22, 34il5t 2\. cary Brewer, 2Q,35:35,

pleviou6 tro week6. There weie 105 srarters in rhe race wirh lot finishers, --Joe Kleihe nan-I. Dr. Norbert Sandet, ItOz;52.8t Z. Jim Schindler,22, 1:05:49; 3. Git€s Kemp, 22, NYC, 1:06:04;.1, Bob Rosen 21, Stony Brook, lt06tA4.Zr 5. Oliando Maltiaez, 25, arooklyn, lr06:29j 6. Augie Cal1e, 31, Brooklyn, 1:07:32j ?. Pat Gubbins! 18, Salvitte, t:07:56 (tst Jr.); 8. Ed Bowe€, 29, L,I., l:09:09; 9, Roy Lapidus, 22, Fai!lawn N.J., l:04:1(: 0, Ca.v Muh., t,p, ,2, hu rngLon, N, w., 1:10:12j 11, Paul M. Swenson, 25, Huntington, l:11:Otij 12. OKLAHOMA ANU STATE CIIAMPIONSHIP 25 KILO PatllckR. Fallon, 19, Bohemia, N. Y. , 1r11:23 (2nd Jr. )l Mohawk Park, Tutsa, Ok1a., Janualy 13, 19?3 13, Eric Walther, 3,!, Brookl],a, l:1i:53; I.,1. Jim Kimpte, Bad rv€ather Io! fte first time dayed havoc with the 30, Brooklld, l:11:5ii; 15. BiIl Gordo!, 38, port Wa6h_ iiate! long di6taDce ruming schedute in Tulsa. On ington, l:12:13; 16. Bennett cerslnan, 30, NyC, t:12:28j Dec. 9rh a snow ald ice storm limited rne enLnes ro 17. Iob-oh M"sseaa, ,6. N\, . .:.):0c: 8. uen- -oom-l eieht loi th€ Jour mile run. Thi6 race wa€ held despi:e 33, Jacksoh Hts., l:13:24: 19, Byron Rothfuss, t6, peeks- the sli!pery conditions. kill, l:13:25 (3rd Jr" )r 20. Cliff Comenor, 23, Broq, Because of the lor turnout and the fact that so@ r!n1113125.2, zL Maako ca]]e, 31, Brookl)m, rt|4t43t Zz. oers were hable to hav€l on the bad road6 ro the rac: Mike Artena, 28, Su{le!n, 1:14:30j 23. Howard Basi€,33, site, anothe! lour mile race was 6cheduled Io! Dec.2t, Brooklyn, 1:1.1:41; 24. Bob Kaplan, 30, Potuona, N.y., Thi6 one was held in ideal condition€. l:15:13j 25. Don Lindau}, 31, Ozone Park, 1:15:18; 26. The day of the Oklahotua State Chelionship Z5kh, , D!. Walter McConb€11, 42, Dover, N.J., l:15:35 (tst Jab. 6th q.a6 the wolBt of the wint€!. Clazed icy roais Vet.)r 27. Maryih Safruel€, 16, B!onx, 1:15:38j 28. I.rank Prevehted most competito!s {rom !eaching the cours€, Handelnan, 2?, NYC, l:15:57; 29. Jobn Eisner, 26, Those that did arlive found tiar they coulil scarc€1y Brooklyn, l:t6:15; 30. Leoaard Malech, 2?, Brooktyn, stahd up on th€ icy course, letaloheruonit. Ther€l:16:35; 31. Nat Cirulnick, 42, Rosedale, r:16:58 (znd iore, the Tulsa Rwalhg Ctub had to make an exceptio. Vet.); 32. Fred Warker, 3,1, Jersey city, l:1?:08; 33. to it6 poliey of holding races regaldtess of weathel Ait Kijek, 40, Valley Str€ad, l:l?:24 (3rd Vet.)j 3.1. conditiobs, and the race wa6 rescheduled fo! Jan. t3iL. Bernard Kape11, 16, L.L, l:l7tz5t 35, John B. Howees, O. Jan. 13th the 5ti1l coveled wirh 6nov ! ,!1, Brooklyn, 1r1?:28; 36. Jario Casas, 2?, Brookl],a, ice, but it was partty nelrirg and rhe weather was fine, 1:18:11; 37. Joe CaldwelI, .40, Qu€ed6, 1:18:31; 38. Carl Ter!y Ziegle! led all the say to po6t a gooil 1:?5:.16, Soderstrom, 28r NYC. 1:18:.18i 39. A1 Williams, ,14, St. considering the condirion€, This set a new Z5km Okta, Alban6, 1:19:06; .,10. Robert Urie, 44, NyC, 1:19:l2j 41. residents reco!d and ju6t hissed Reid Haliet'€ at1_ Jobn Weis€, 39, NYC, 1:19:13r 42. Mik€ B.acy, 31, NyC, comers reco!d. John Cavanaugh, a Califolnian no\r ti., l:19:.10; 43. Richa?d Becker, 2?, Jamaica, 1:19:53r 4.1. ing in Osage, liaish€d a clo6€ secold. The t\.enry star:. Jobn Hack, 30, Woodside, t:20:02; 45, Den.is SauL, 29, ers might have been greate! with better travet condi:_ Greenwich, Ct., lrZ0:11;,!6. James Faher, 32, NyC, iors and iJ more luners out6id€ of Tut6a had gotre! i:20:15j ,1?. Jerohe Mahler, 43, NYC, 1:20:1?;,!8. Ceo. q,o.d oi the postponed !ace. Harrer, 48, NYC, 1:20:z3j 49. Ron Simijian, 27, creel1. Terry Ziegler, ZZ, a|J].a, It25t46i 2. JohD cava.ajfich, ct., 1120:36; 50. Rod MacNichou, ,14, ou€ens, gh, 25, Osage, 1.26t?5i 3. Aerry Leqis, Zl, Tutsa, 1:20:53; 51, Paul Mahoney, 32, Broswilte, IiZ AZt 52. 1:3,1r02j 4, C!aig McBrayer, 25, Okla. City, t:.14::tj Ralmond Gueater, 40, NYC, 1:22:lzj 53. Hon. Arnold 5. Glen Dorrough, 31, Tulsa, t:48:34j 6. Doug CaaE_ fraiaan, 4?, NYC, 1:2?:41; 54. Bob Multer, 48, Brook- ford, 17, Tulsa, I:51:4.1; ?. Bruce MacMulti!, 38, tr _ Iym, lt23t05;55. cerald Miller, 43, NYC, l:23:26j 56. sa, Ita4:57',8. Bob Marrin, 52, Tutsa, t:52:04; 9, Da:: Anthony Keavey, 37, Falmingville, I:Z3t34t 57, James sanders, 16, Tulsa, 2:03:08i 10, Roger Llrmtey, lij, Moian, 40, lardonia, 1:24:14; 58. Dr, Lewis Schwartz, Tulsa, 2:03:16; 11. .A1t Brownilg, 4t, Tutsa, Z:0,1:.tz ,1,1, NYC, t:Z?1:25j 59. Julio Medina, \2, Btoft, ttz4t37; 12. Steve Newcohb, 1?, Tulsa, 2rO5:5?i 13. Bob Baker. 60. Nina Kuscsik, 32, Hutingron, r:24:39 ilsr Femare); 35, Tulsa, 2:08:09i 1.1. Harold McDonatd, 45, Brot{e: 51. Jitu No1an, 48, S1hmit, N. J. , 1124:39. 2i 62. Jade6 A!!ow, Z:09:02; 15. BiU Thompson, .!0, Tulsa, Zrlt:t:: Ciyde, 17, VaUey Cottage, ltz1t43i,63. Dave Weinetein, 16. scott McKeague, 16, Tu16a, 2:14:18j 17. cordor \ic36, Yo.Lers, \t25tA0t 64. caty Y,atz, 16, plainwiew, Xeague,46, Tnlga,ztZLrAZ, i8. BiU Ryan, ,12, Tutse, 1:Z6tl2t h5. Fred Lebow, 39, NYC, 1:26:Z8j 66. Ted Z:2i:16. DNF- Phil Maltby & Ronhie Nos, Williams, 30, NYC, l:26:45; 6?. D!. Alfred Mauao, 44, 5 KILO RUN- r, Larry McDonald, 18, Broken Arr.,:, Broqvitle, i:?6:5r; 68. Jame6 Shea, 30, NYC, 1:27:16; l7t46i 2. Ken Paschal, l?, Tutsa, 18:O4j 3. Don Shar:. 69. GeorCe sail€r, 40, Rego Park, l:27:1?; ?0. Atlan l?, Tu1sa, 18:50; 4. Saidy McDonatd, 15, Tulsa, ZCrz.l Druckmatu, ,f2, Sea{ord, It27t24t 7t. Wm. Duggan, 3i, 5. Pat Plrlmb, 17, Tulsa, 20:45; 6. Bill Boggs, 30, BtaM, ltz1tl6i ?2. Dr. ceo. Shitling, 3,1, Franklin Sq., Tul6a, 2l:44, (6 sta!ters, 6 iinisber6) Ftat, icr, s.c.' 1:28j01; ?3. Joe Doherty, 45, Sea ClitI, 1:28:09; 74. Kea packed course. 3i degrees, s@y, light wEd. walsb, 23, lVoodside, I,Z9t39;75. Robi. Rother, l:29:52. __Bob Ma!ti!__


KNOXVILLE TRACK CLUB 5 & 15 MILE RACES Chetokee Blvd. course. Weathei: s1lmy, cold, 3oo KnoxviiLe, Tennessee, January 13, 1973 2 P.M. 5-MILE- l. TomGomory, 25, 5t. Anthonyts BC' 27i05-, 2. Bob Haliburton, 25, uat., 30:50;3, Mike McMahon, 17, ua ., (:'qr 4, B-n Toaro, lt, '<ioxv l'c -C, J3:la, 5. Tom Fowler, ,19, Knoxvitle Tc, 35:r0 (rst Vet.); 6. Toe B1ook6, 13, vat., 35t21t 7. Do4 Foatd, i13, Knox, TC, 35:35; 8. Joe shepherd, 58, Knox,TC, 37:07; 9. vic Taylor, 48, Eat., .t0:3Lj 10. Hal Cantleld, 52, Knox. TC, 41:22, (11 starters, 10 Iinish€r6) 15 MILE RACE- r, Bob Aodwin, 31' Kloxville TC, 92:35 z. Bill Gates, 28, Atlanra TA, 91t39; 3. Lloyd Ludin, 53, Knoxville aC, lA5:27,,1. Dick Schuller, Knoxville TC, 118:15; 5, Tom Plincc' .16, KnoxviUe'IC, l3zt34. Race Notes.. . The s,eathei was clear but coid with several icy patches on the shady areas of the course. Much oI a.8' snow that Je1l .arlier in the week was still i4 evidence. In the €horter one loop 5 hi1el, Tom Comery led rhe field at] the way, In the fealure 15 mile event, Bob Godwin outran the li€ld to Ri! by some 5 mihules ald ,! second6. ln the 1972 verBiot of the 15 miler, Neal Cusrecord and btokc th. ack, Irish Olldpian, existing Ame!1ca4 record by running 76:08 (@olliciai becau6e of the road course). Neal wa6 not on hand to delend his title at this y€ar's coote6t. --Hal Cadfteld-SQUTHERN RACE FIXTURES -- !.ebruary llth- 3/.1 Mararhoo & 10km Road Races, 2 P. M. Cherok€e Blvd. cour€e, Knoxville, Tenn, - Conracr: Hal Canfield, 502 Ala!dale Rd. , (noxville, TeM. 37920. . , Feb. l?th- Z-Man l0 Mile Handicat Relay (5 Mile 1eg6), Raleigh, N.C" Contact: Chartottc T.C., P.O, Box i752?, Charlotte, N. C, 28211, . . Malch 10th- Hall Mararhon, Raleigh, N. C. March 10th- 20 Mil€ and 5 N1ile Road Race6, 9 A.M, Stone Mo@tain, Georgia. Contact: Tim Singleron, 33 Gilmer St, , SE AtlanLa, Qa. 30303 . . March loth- (]reebhills Road Race, Nashville, Tenn. Contact: Soulbwe6r YMCA, NashElre, Tenn. . March 18th- 35 Kilo Road_cnr. F, Pc(., 2 o, V. ' n-rvlc- ts ^no\v:. March 22nd- Florida R.:lays Marathon, Gainesvillc, Fla. Contact: Jim Cahes, Univ. oJ Florida, Gainesville, FIa. March 31- Chickanauga Chase {10 N4ites)- Chickamauga Park, Chattanooga, Tenn, 9 A.M, Contactr Jon Robete, 730 Chelry St,, Chattanooga, Aenn. 37142. April ?th- 3rd,Aaaual Music City Road Races (1i. Z, 5. r mires) Pelcy 1\aaner Park, Nashville, fen4. Contact: Downtown YMCA, Na6hville, Tenn. . . April 14- Georgia AAU One Hour Ru - 10 A. M. Lakewood Stadim, Atlanta, Ga. Contact: Tim Singleton. April ? Southeaster. U.S. Mastet6 Track Championships (open) Raleish, N.q. Conract: Bob BeaL, l2l w. Sycamore Are. , Wake Foresr, N. C. 2?58?, NEW YEARS DAY 5-MILE ROAD RUN (SHORT) wernouth, Mass., Jan. l, 1973. llreatheir ldeal. L. Tom Derderian, NMc, 23r35i 2, Larry olson, NMc, 23:39; 3, Ralph Thomas, ARTC, 2.,1:19;4. Eall Mccilvery, NMC, Z1i46t 5, Peter Kuchinski, SAC, 25102! 6. George Conelrey, unat,, 25:20; ?. John Hurley, NMC, 25:26i 8. Ken Muell€!, Boston AA, 25:29j 9. John Bah' ington, NMC, 25:55i 10, Francis Maher, NMc, 26:lli ll. vm. Mu1len, NMC, 26:t5i lz. Be. Jone6, NMc, z6r191 13. cha!1e6 Hanson, cSU, ?6:33, 11. Larry Thode, uat., 2?:08; 15. Bob Whilney, NMC, 27:25; Ili. John Wallace, BAA, Z7:45; 1?. Preston Hare, uat,, Z?:1ai 18. Bruce Migeli, NMC, 2?:55; 19. Paul Schel1, N\IC,

27;58; 20. Robert Crani:eld, Eat., 27:a!j 21. Kevia Crowley, NMC, ZEtA,-t 22, a:n'-- ie:r.r s!i, \\tC, 28: 08i 21, Aooer' .. os D--hdm, NMC, 28i10; 25, Pele! Bur:\f.a::, :-r-, l!r ?r Zo. Edw. Wood, CSU, 28:15; Z?. --ohr E:::.::, l:r:a. :3r17; 28. George SchobeL, NMC, 28:2-: 1:, al:::: :llis, NMC, 28:30j 30. Sra. Keye6, NI{C, :::i : . :::f,lr Fish, NMC, 28:.,14j 32. DickCorrigar, l:l l_i ::ra:i 13. Johr Dlmas, uat., 28r54i 3,4. Dav. l'1:..:i :r l:\fC, 28: 55; 35. Paul Roache, NMC, 29::. i: ::: -, Sullivan, CSU, 29:1.1; 3?. Dave Sheridan, una:.. -:r- 18. Cuxio vincente, NMC, 29:26; 39. To4y:\1..r :::.a,29t32, ,rl. Ratri, NMC, 29r16i NMC, Challes ,::::ri:, '10. 29:40i 42. Julian SieCel, NMC, Z9i!2, : :r::.ir.!s)

5.5 MILE RUN, 1\''ILBRAH'TM, MASS, Jab, 7, 19?3, l\reather: 1'er't cot.l and..:.:., :i.n recD"qr'-. - or. horo b) om D-ro-r:an. I 28:18. (36 {ioishersl l. Tom Derderian, NN1C, :;:a7j 2. Charl.s l::gan, unat,, 28:08; 3. John -{i:.f,!, dnat. , 29:Z.j -, ]1ick Bourie, unat,, 29taI: :, :.. Barior.i, N\1C, :t:55; 6. Dave MacLeod, un.t,, l:t5: ?, Roh r'tan:et, unat., 30:0E; 8. John Hurley, \1.:a. 1!:30; 9. Dani Carlson, uar,, 30:55j 10. John -r:..:, :i\IC, 31:08; 1i" Iranci6 Maher, NMC, 31:55i -2, : : l:ren, uat., 3U:23; 13, Hank Devihe, Mr. Pai.-r-:. :: -1, 11" Anthony Maccaaio Jr., NMC, 33r22j 1:. t::: :::: ::, \\lC, 33r23; 16, Ch:.:::a: lccutchen, unat. arles Rarti, NMC, 3lr:33:50; 18. Buzz DrR..:.r' l:1 1 : =: i 1-o. Paul Roche, I :1.-, l=:-li 21. NMC, 3,1:35j 20. Crir: r:::::: F"ahk lvolcott, Nl!!C, :- :: :. -i::lr::: -ettis, Sugarloaf Mt. AC, 3a:LL: i:. :.: :: r:: sr,, \I4C, 35:27; 2,!. Claud. :ll::, ::: : :: :: l:. LlichaeL

"5, .n"1. , : . l i,2 MILE ROAD R_il: anra ) I 7r. Record: Z5:,16 by T.r: --: :.::: 1. K.a Billing6, \1.1a :: _ : : 2. D€bbie Mueller, - r:-: 3, John Counihal, :rl il - : .1, Dav€ Ez.rslir --:: 5. BiUSchaa!, :::., - 6. Jerry Olrich, l:ll-: 7. Heart lhalel, r-:: 8. Bill n'ans, lal1: - . 9. Pete Cham::: :r::. : .0. '.o.Df,dler, ::: : iL. Dick 12. Jack D.rl:, ::r -1. lohn 1'!, Eric aror:, -:: - : '


15. JolD 16. Charle::::::,

:j .


l .::, :{n-NDICAPI r, l:i1.

:: - :

) t-t27 iar2? -atz6 10:,10


21t4I 39t44 3l:01

: ,a l3:0i1 ::lLl 33i11 2:'2 -::n 3l:.11 a lt: 39:47 q'1


21147 21ta'

: ::


VILLANOVA TlPS PENNSYLVANIA IN MIDDLE ATLANTIC AAU INDOOR TRACK CHAMPS Phi]a., Pa, , Monday, Jan. 15th- Trirmphs by Eamon coghlad, Iro6h steve Dorsey and the twomile relay unit of Bob Manaing, Keun Mccarey, ToD cregan add Brian McElroy enabled villanova to successluuy defend its Men's MAAAAU indoor txack championshir ar rhe Civic Cenler. ln the meet, conducted by the FhiladelDhia Dept, oI R€creation, Villabova scored 29 points to Penn's 24 and Ue6r Che6ter's 20. Mile-1. Eamon Coghlan, Villanova, ,1:18.4i 2.


Frick, 65, unat., Cottag€ crove, 5,!:02; 21. JeII R€in, Roseburg TC, h1t5a,22. John Henslea, Lane Community College, 66:00; 23. Totu Winkelman, SCTC, 67: 57; 24. Randall Ro*, CoiLage Crove, Ore., ?0:10; 25, Paul Kirgzett, Cottage Caove, 70:10; 26. Ken Apland, Cortage Grove, 70:10; Z?. Chuck Berkey, Lane Commuiry College, 1:lli:25. Team: 1. South Coast Track Club, Z9; Z. Rosebulg TrackClub, 31, weathea: Cloudy, 34o, FHOTO- Ewentual lvinrer Eob Rat ol South Coasr TC & Linlieid College has big lead at 5 mite markia O!egon K€ene

}.AU 15km, championships.

v.l E--.-<l -., Dcnnc.a (B-rLbt: l. c.r.rotr,., lanova..!:!!&- L. steve Dor6ey, v, 9:23.8! 2. Rich ro. Fre.-, T-nD -... J-qg!D-s ba"L-!!, D--\1. B.b Payne, LaSall€, 2r1?.9t 2. ChriE Davis, Vil1anova! 3. 1-airen Clark, Villanova., Mile Walk- 1. Howie Palaharchuk, uar., 6:59,7r Z, Larry Simmons, Penn ACi 3, Allan Ehrgood, unar, , Maste,r's Mile- l. Dick DougIas, DelaFare Sporrs Club, .!:57.6i 2. Bob File, Cap€ May, N. J., 5:21i 3, Bob Pai6on6, Pehn AC.

8-MILE TRIGID E1GHT ROAD RACE frack Club, Eau Claite, Wisconsin, D.icember 9, 19?2 i, Jid D1ew6, LaCrosse Srare, .11:55; Z. John Kramer, T{in Citi€s IC, 12132, 3, Dan Ciark, LaCrosse Stat€, .13:10i .r. Mark Kittelson, lvlankaro Siate, .13:,12i 5, Jefl Brain, TCTC, 4,1:38; 6, Norb Schneider, TCTC, ,1.1:51; ?. Steve Riederer, LaCrosse State, 44:56; 8. Bob Sand6L-on, S'o, L S. c, ji: 8: .. C"r) S"sy- , S 6L_ S - ,. .15:r3; 10, Bill Riederer, LaCrosse State, 46:00; 11. Andy Cragg, unat., St. Thomas, Minn., 46:.r0;12. Ken Vah 66, Indianhcad AC, 41-.21-, t3. RickBurdich, Stout Srare, .17:l5r 1,1, St€ve R1o6h, uat., 4?:,15j 15. Dwight Pierson, Rochest€r TC, Mim,, ,17:53; 16, Jay Haairk, ,18:23t 1?. Chri6 Everts, Eau Clair€ State, .18:5?j 18. Bill Linse, Indianhead TC, ,,19:0.!i 19, Tim Cashhaa, 50:15; 20. Frcd Albrieht, Indianhea.l TC, 52:17; 21. Chris Lee, 52:21i 22. J.nn Christian, 'IaIC, 52128:23. Steve Sare, Eau Claire, $ri6consin, 53r06: 2,1, Keh Mil1c., Roche6te! TC, 53:5?; 25. L.roy Diron, unar,, Rochester, Minn., 5li:51; 26, Gorr Ghyiin, CoonRapids, Mim., 58:55;27. John Voda.ek, unat., Eau Claire, li,1i58; 28. Bob Sr, Louis' Eau Clair€, 6,1:58; 29. Bill Andreson, Indianhead TC, 65:59; 30. Jolh Arheson, unat,, 80:12, Notc6. . The remp. at the sLalt ol the 8 mile road race lvae.1 degr€es. Temp, at the Jinish - 0 degreesl Flat coua se, N1! 8 to 10 mph wind at lace on fetuan rrip oI the our & back loute. Drews repeared his vi.tory of rhe Frel:-- Dave Ahgell, M, D, -3RD ANNUAL

SDonsor€.1 by the indianhead

A,A, L]. 15 KILO RUN CHAMFIONSI]IPS Loo:ringgla66, O!egon, Sat., January 6, l97l :HOTO iAbove)- Runer up Scott Surkurmer of Rose 1. Bob Ray, South Coast TC, 5l:3lj 2. S!oit Surl-rrn"r, Roseburg TC, 52:05' 3. Dute Hen61cr, Lane Comif,nity burg Iligh School crosses the lini6h line in rhe heart College, 53:17; i!. Jay Davie6, SouLh Coas. TC, a3:lai i. ol beautilul downlosn Lookingglass (ropuiarion,lO), Greg Jacob, Rosebuag TC, 54:01t 6, John H..ncr, L.s.iL -IHF ROAD RUNNERS CLUB OF AMTRIIA 19?j TC, 5,1:15 (Lst Ov€r 40)i 7. Ron Ading, South Coast TC, WINTER SCHEDULE IS NOt! AVAILABLE !.RON4 54:21i 8, Andy Ryab, unat., Bremerron, irash., 54r29; Mr. Tom Coyne, 158.1 Slruce Drive, Kalamazoo, 9. FieLd Ryan, Bredelton, 5s:08i 10. Jon Riggi, 1"""_ . .. Michisan 49008. Toe,s €icel1ent compilation Goodell ihclu,l;,1istances, bure IC, 55:50; U. Ron Staten, SCTC, 56:15; 12. Stan peopte aad ad_ SCTC, 56:42;13. Chris Msanna, CoLtage C1ove, 56:52; please in_ dresses for races all over the counrrv. tj. Paut Honr. Dor"n", ./:r.1: t-. < ".- p.F.,on, c..c. e,v-.oo-6 Ior o.,"r,"o i-i-ii-* nu 5E:07; 15. Vance Palkhu!s!, Roseburg TC, 58:30;17. race in the country__rnclddln8 Bo6tonl Walt Notter, Ro6ebulg TC, 59:10; 18. Cary BarloN, unat. Cottage Grove, 63:29; 19. Bob Macy, SQ'IC, 63t36t ZA, ORECON


MTDDLE ArLAN rrc RRc RoADFAcEs ^- D. Prrila. . Pa. , suday, lanualy 28, ldTl 1:00

Cg[[tlU -----'ll [h[ -_-Satutday, Lasatle Hlch Tom Do@€lly, School'F successlul crossa.i coutty coacb.cored a 246 vicroly ove! Mo6es Mayhetd Jaouary bth, A g' !o €apture the featuled Hau-Malathon over the f tat East lc73 & WestRiver Dtive course in Fairmout Park. Donnelly Inisrace ,;_




oo,,* ' - . . ll.l^^ RU\ c-_.--1l::::rii---n ar Rocl< La!.::

::::i, l:--:s,

White Texa6

was |i ai. ::-r::::::i. in sub .F'.i . clock"d li07:08. E el-r rdcFs w-re hp d, orau:ns 12, com- f-F"/1rc [f\ ^-":hol cooperat- ? li ion oi rLi:::: ::: : :: :ho assistpetitors on a cloudy, damp day. OPEN HALF-MARATHON- 1. Tom Donnelly, Phila. T&F ed in the admi.isH tration o: ::: r::: :: :r:hing te6s Club, lr07:08j Z, Moses MayIieLd, Penn AC, l:0?:32; 3. Demis Weidler, Advill€, Pa., l:11:38;4. Pat Hannon, 1 TomHe66,22, lt11.3l l'-n. =.:::: -:::,52:15, Bucknell, l:13:?O; 5. Bob Newan, Bucklell, l:13:56.2; 78:31)i 2 Pau1 HoJlmao, 2!, l:::: : - :. ra:1?, 83:3i1)l 6. John Dersordo, 1t13t56.3t7. Dean win61ow, Jelfer€oD 3. Dave Moore, 18, L:s3:s2 r:-::- :: : :i: E$ins, 33, l:5'+:18 !j$ing, l:5,1:r8 lz1ta1, a6t-:, :- -- : l:ie Albert, Alber Medical College, lrl4:tLi 8. MelvBlyan, Pacers Ac, AC, lz7t57, aat-:, 18, lt5at54 127t25, 55:19, 85:l: r. : r:.irrook, i12, 1:l,f:25; 9. Mike Etder, Haddon Twp. HS, l:16:00; 10. Frank GoLdcamp, Eat., 1:16:z9r Il, Jeff Freed, P€nn 2t02t32 \30106, 60:58, 9r:391r i l:::. I :::;.n, 34, 2:10:18;8. DonDavi€s, 33,21 -::-' AC, ttIT:31i 12. Dan Blabaen, 1:18:08;13. Ken Xling, :::-:rlnk,36, 2:10:49; 10. Herb Campbe11, l:, r : : : ?lrh faiLe, l:18:3oi 1,1, Leon Dreher, Pem AC, l:18:3ot t5. Keith .:j ]lccluPatton, Delaware SC, 1:20:00; 16. Martin Du{ly, 1:20:00; 30, 2:IAt27', 12. Oo. Zetnic<, -., a:a , : jack 17. Nick Natale, Drex€1, 1:21:56; 18. Paul Leo Mcsotley, ng, 37' Zt2At27,14. Jim Speei l 36, 2:22t24t 1-i11::15 :Penn AC, L22,36i 19. Pete Eck, L22.5Q,2Q. cary RiBg, Currie, ' - 12:?4,I7. .:.:r:t:37; Haveltowa, Pa., l:23:Ol;21. Joe Naple€, No, Cath. HS, Jim Phiuips, 31, Ztzltzlt 16. ,:-:::: 19. Derek McBrinn, 3i, 213::-: : : :::s, 1'!, LZ4tZSi 22. Jim Williams, PhiLa., l:24146; 23. Dav€ :::::BradDunn, So,Jer6eyChaagers, 1:25:,14' 2,1, David Wilkinson 2.31:21,21. Tom Keanedt, Li ,l: l: : U.ol Penn, |26:161 25. Ralph Boardfran, Rider College, Ier, 34, 2t36.14',23. Bush El_::. a: : -: 11. BiIIie r:. ::18r50; LZ6t5Zt 26. Bob Co1lin6, uat., l:27r0.1t 2?, JerryDoi- Chitwood, 1?, 2:34:47',25. E--..: a.-:. bow, Pe.nsville, N,J., 1:2?:5?; 28. Dr. Dave Spanel, 26. Dan Eidem, 3'1, 2:38:aL: : -:- : : : .::, 25, ::. .-:: alack,58, Princeton, N.J,, \132.38,29. Pet€r Finnesan, I:32.4Lt 2,44'49;28. sah Harting, l-, -:z:44r19; J0. JosephA!enCs, lr. Z:,18r19;30. ll. l ,: , : ,:r ll. Hariy 30. Keith FieIield, 1:36:0,1' 31. Alicia CaEpiglia, So. ; r:. :: l:l rili 33. w. Jersey chalger€, 1:3?:3? (l6t Girl): 32. Harly sawyer, Henke, 63, 2.5rt14,32 cat-.. ::::ii 35. \filI:46taA,33, Frank Holgerson, Doylestown, Pa., l:48:4oi Gauntt, 41, 2:53:56; 34. Ha : . :: -.::4.:L.ry,24, 3,1. ceorge Schrder, 1:5Or06i 35. Jobn OrRiordan, l:59:12. lardSaqPles,4a, Z.a9:- :2.59.41,31. Richard Dar":: (15 Ftarters, 35 {hisher6, : i : l;. Uly vlall 3:20:31 VETERANS (OVER,!O)4-MILE- l. Bob Mitufr, 24:36; mides' 45,3:0'1:l0i 39 :r:

?.BobParsons,24i57r3.Ro66Yales,26:17',1,Henry(46statters'39finisher:l::"_'::is'nerfor' Kinkaid' 26:53; 5. Dan Wise, 2?:llj 6, Don MitchelL' 2?: mance oust have b€en fi: ::': ' ': :: ::: :akc' lJ rhe 13; ?, Ceolge Biaceland, 2?:4lj 8. Leo Jablonski, 2812Oj course was certilied oft:':: : :- I :1 - ::aimed a new 9. Nolm Bakel, 28129; iO. Ftank Kelly, 28:31, 11. Chas. U'S record Paul Hoi!-:: -r ' :::: also turned in r.markable perlormaa..i. -- r --::: t.:.rrison-H,S. JR. & SR. s-MILE- l. Kevin Mccarrv, 25:50: 2. Tbirtv women comPete' r: I : -: - '-lar' ;he lst llace l^nnerre _ : :: : :::a:i' Ailair, 8: Malk Littleton, 25:09; 3, Denis Duao, 25:16; 4, ,Mike team ian 3?:08 (Annerie r:::: :irr Cheek' Mccarrity, 26:3Oi 5, Eric Bean, 26:41;15. JolD Burns, 08' Janie Haba, ?:59 :-::i 26.4ai ?, Jote Wrieht, 2?:12; 8. Carnet Crant, 2?r3Oj 9, 8:01). Al1 5ix teams f:.::::: : ::-:.aaK Rick Biddte, 2?:52j 10. Dennis Reilly, 2?:56;11, Jack DON|T MISS THE Tni: : MAiATHoN' sat \1:::: \1:::: r':. :: t" hite hl , Fornace, 28:oo; rZ. Rich Ho1he6, 28:llj 13. Jitu Scott, Scott, '_ ' 28:ll; 14, Billy McBride, 28:15' !5, Dave Mercer, zgrl9. Rock Lake Park, Dal " " ; _ -* ' "'ir'm: Talmage Morrison, :.:. : :: r.-:. I 1:, iexas. {39 Jinishers) H.S. FROSH_SOPH 5-MILES_ l. Jolu Fordeller, 27.59._ 2. Joe Burke, 28:02;3, Dan Brady, 28:,17;4. Pete Smirh, MASIERSMILEPa: , : i :: --_.ilrA:|IONAL 29:16; 5. KenMcHush,29.21t6. ]<el]y atBtien, 29:35. TRACKMEET. i::rr:: :: r:r 20, 1973 (?0 Iinishers) 1. HaloldC. snyd.r, - :-r :.:.. -:+0.lMR; z. BOYS 13 & 14- r. John Mohrbacher, Lasalle, ll:5?j 2. Hal Higdon, '11, llir.i:l:: i ==. 1-; 3. David -: L. Colton, .,12, Sta:: --: l::- .r. =:= .li l. Edward P, Patrick Nooran, lZ:35; 3. RickThomas, \2t4lt 4, Da,e D@n, Jr., 12r49; 5. John WorLhiagtoD, 12:50;6. Mike Stabler, 43, Syracr:.. ::, - -: : :. {enneth J. FioravaDti, l2:59;?. Dave Armento, 13:35. (2MILES) \!-ilson, ,12, AlLr:.:ri:rl, -.._ -:a a:6, 1-alter I. Mcconnell, .11, rlal::::. ::, BOYS 12 & UNDER MILE- l. Bilt Harrar, tl. Ambter -:::, -: i. A.thony B. Marrin F. ::: OA,6,\6t2. wayne Kemedy, 6:5?;3. Tom Burns, ?:25. SaPienza' !3, Era':..1 :a::: ::1 , :- - ':8. :. James M. woMEN & GrRrf (r4 & ovER) 2 MILES- r. Ursura Eder, uher, 40, vohcr::i:.: Hartshorne' '1!, :::::. :' r' -.:r la P.C. Tobias I,1, Catevay HS, N.J., 13:03;2. Mrs. Sue Patton, 3?, Iiha.1, :' . deBoe!, : 14:21i 3. Joam convery, Glouceste! cafholic Hs, t4:43; '12' - : . . qaul A. Thurston ,1. Robin Marsden, 15i5?; 5, Debbie McClu6key, Glouces- 52' lvheaton, i::., :r : : - ..:r::: C Fine' 4t,NYC' 5:08.3i 1l irjn1. -:::::r:::::, te} catholic HS, 18:08;6. Pat Sheridan, GCHS, 2o:1?, -:, s:ate college, Pa. , . , \. t, , 5:11.9; GIRLS t4 & UNDER Z-MILES_ l. Jeannine Dunn. 12 So, 5:08. 5i 1+. 1r:::r a. :-r':..:. = JerseyChargers,13:50;2.ColleenDunn,9,SJC,13:51;liJoeFerbd'.:,-r'::':i::.:\'!'5:19'2;16' m. -Aiiberg, :i, -+:l<:, l-11: , :i:_i ll Dan{orth 3. Saady Murray, 8, l9:O?, Geei, 53, Ben.itr!i.r, i' r, , arla: la. ler, Bagley, '15, FairDort, \. Y. , 5:3a, 8. --iin F:arrshorr,e--


.tanu.ry 9, 197,

Io: Cotrpatitor!

o*c a d€bt ol gretltudc to th6 lln6 p6op1c at lgloo Corpolatio!r or! aponro!. Igloota coop.ratlon sas nothlng ahort ol outatatrdil8 ald $lthout thelr h.lp our relethon uould lot harc bccn poEsLbla. Wc

\713) 665-0732

Virii T€ro! ond.ompd. in rh. Ann@lHou'on Mordrton,

ond beveiog. cool.r.-

thc nilst lnnual gouston Herathon

Attached a!. thc offl,cial !c6ult6 of our racc. Wc hoDG you ellJolrcd yourEcll aad that tou yLll ptan to b. l'lth u6 on Daceibcr 29, f975 for th. gocond Anlual flouston Xalathon.


6dnufoclur.r! otAn.rico



Wr atc alao Bratelul to St. Tbercsar6 Parlsh. A6 you knor, tha fac11l.ti66 at th€ tealls courtE iD MeEorlal prr.k ar.e inadaquat. for haldlllrg th€ ch.ck-1n procedureG. St. thcrolarE Pari6h p6riltted us to usa a rood fo! checklng-1"r. a6 wclf aa the caf.t.rla facllltles fo! our ewdrds Fet-to8etber tolloi.ilg th€ !ac.. Tho coopc.etl,o! ot the City of f,oueton and the Park6 and Recreetlon DGIrartEaDt in lrovLdLn8 police pr.otectLon atld blockLnS off ona lana of Maiorl.el Drlvc ensured a 6afe cvent. .A ap€cia1 note ol praLsa and a 6incore rrthank-youn fo! a job well. alone Soea to thc clforta of the Houaton Poll.ce DeDaltdent e'!d the Palk Pat!o1.

Otb6! rajor contrlbutole to th. eve!t were Kro8errs, Bottling Corlpany, gouthre6t Distributin8 coapen)ri atral Jax Bee!. l{e rla gratetul to our daay volunteers, €spccl.ally Ray Balalwl! rho cooldiBated the ald stationsr Tor EnEer who raa ia cherge of officlalar eDd Ealry aad Glor.ia l{ckod yho were ln chalBe of pae?arlDg our beef Et6r. dinner. Coce-Co1a

I'Ie had 1J8 offlclal €ntrles, Thc starterr6 pistol (soundcd by Desyl La*1css, Ex.cuttv€ Vl.ce-Pre6ident of Ial.oo Corloration) raa anBwcred by LU ruBDcrsr ?t ol whon croE€ed the finish line. It ia sl"Bniflcant to notc tbat 2, of the finisher6 *ere 19 year6 of a8o or Jroul8.r (Cralg Saajstlta uas the younSost flEishe! ar a8c 10). Fou! ta6aagc!6 finlsh.d i! th€ top ten.

I'ourt.en l.unEers tIlLshrd in lsss then trOOi t4 finished ia l.aa tha! ,:rO; end 55 flnlshcd in 166s thatr 4:OO. John Lodrick lnd \t.tf W.ll€. both 18 and tror Rlcc lhlv"raltyi t.rn thc frrtc.t fln{chln5 ot|. 6ilci ]85 yard! (6:42). Tha a.cond fe!t.!t llnlah t.as by yinner Danry crceD (7:25).





aousTot{ l{ARArqox


IO MIlES Vll16d€z


Greetr r r'i tBt BrowD It a




(9 (5




2?t59 <5 156) 28:28 (5:41) ?9t58 (5 tr9)




Coder Biodb6adI



t27 to8

2 t25 to8




, = Cululative ,O-t9








3r) I JH

erccn vlI le!62 Coner

r.9 )





52) c2)

ol) 01)



40-49 Ycars 2,

Joacph Burna

Challas Kevlin Bob Retre8r

s Dlvlsl.on

Taanya Trantha-It


a?€ra8a titra pat r11r







Wayne Cone!




(6 !o2) (5 :05 )



(5 r46)






Lodeick we 1Ia




t4t (5r50)






Green Ha



l Iercz

5? 1:CC

Br orrn

ltt2roT (5:o8) 25


20 MII,!S

1:24 :oo L t26 t2? otl



T5 MI],ES Vi I1eb€z Grecn







John Fe!:.a:icz 6crrit Eca..!boeze6 Irabk S.:e:aa. n Ch66Dlor.s::!

I.C. (cr€en, vilLeEez, :c.er) Tor1l,lrua t.C. (llarrlagt oD, are.s, !icken) Aicrl.cqll Natlodal Ru'lnlng TeaE .Kevlin! Fer'|landez, CaE.ron


Please don't \^'rite tothe Long Distance Loglor Boston Marat5:.'. -:--: ::a-,<". Send a starnped return envelope to Mr. Will CLoney, Boston AA, Boston Caia::. :--.:r1, \'1ass.02U4 This yearls BAA classic is scheduled for Monday, April l6th z: 2:...:.. Prepare for the Boston Marathon by participating in the aniua: Ca.:a: i..Cney Hall Marathon in WiLmington, Delaware on April l, 1973. The r:izes a:: :e:riiic and the course is beautiJul and tough. For entry blanks write: Thomas H. Fo:., aeLa\,.a1e S.orts Club, P.O, Box 226 - wilminEton, Delaware 19899.

1, 2,

J. 6. ?. 8. 9, 10. 11.

12, 14. 17. 18. 19, 20.

rEe Aftit iatlon tM !Eg-g Dan.y Gleen 24 Caleron TC 27..59 Clyde vitleiez 26 Careion TC 2?tt9 hiayle coo€r l1 CaDeron TC 2?tt2 John Loitwick 18 Rtce rr. fO:51 Jeff *.116 18 Lrce . lttJa Brlar HarrinFton 26 TellinEua :rC 28:28 lrrilliar Brodhead lU Unattached JatSt Jo6elh Bu.!6 4l lDlte.t !A a1t29 Ricky Delacrnz 15 Ulattached Ja t5l Ke! Kraus 20 II. of Aolston ]1r++ tndr l'{16da. 19 Ulatta.ned t2 t4l Lorne r.nyon 'L narta.hed Jl trt E.1c ou.!a ,2 TerIinFA IC )t t57 Dan Kac!!o,1cz 21 sw Uo, St. Co1.l2:12 !.a1 Picken J1 t.rlinAua IC tL:tt aruca Broyn 17 t!6 v€As6 ,lC 29tr\ Dolald Dari6 ,f Da1las ccc t4 tt' 8111 ){cClay 2l slcrad.nlo rC ,2:18 C!ar1.6 Krvlin 4? A!, dat- R.T. ,lroJ Ralph Tait! lO D!11a6 CCC t2 t2_2 Tlr lsthar 19 tdard p.yn. c.j8rt,

21. 22. L!r.t lu.lcs

1!! 56149

54,21 56:39



1:or:oo 1:Ol i1a







2 :01.0O

ta\ t:56


t: t4.42

2:02,26 2 r06.15

l. :14:02




2 to6 ta5

2:38tt6 2 t)9.41


2.44 t22


2,t8.44 2



2:48 :10

l:4o:fO 2:11:45 2:41.56 rt16t19

t,t6.19 1:04:45 1118 ttz 1 roo.ll 1,41.22 1 .04:


lt26 t2? I:55 2:25.08 2.32.1) '47 I :24,Oo 1.54:11 2 t1t.tt l:27 ,o8 2.tO,aO 2t38.2)

1:02.ll i : rl:05 ttrtAs 1:O1 'aJ rtO




2 .08 :28 2


2.og tj5 2 t1,t,54 2t51,o9


?:51.to ttatt40 I r11:04 1:46:08 2:20:50 2,57 tr6 3 to6 t24 1 :06:15 2,1?:tB 2.58:51 )to8.5L 2:20;oO l:01 rlO t tlr.t9 1:42:lo l:04: lJ I :18:1? , r17 r4o I :06:29 I :41:52 t:(n.24 ttL?t5r 1 :@ r54 ttt9tt3 2 tzt,to l:1O:18 ,:18 rlr 1:08 r54 2:23.(A J:o7 tto t.r8.t2 1 :15 :52 t t5J tn 2.m,28 l:09 r16 t:r9. 14 2.3a,15 t,7o.29 tt20t4t 1.06 j N 2:21.50 a.ttt2a ).24t5o L:15:58 2.tz I t6 1.r4 ttg 5 t25,I4 1:10:19 1,5O:08 2:11:1t l:r5r10 tt4t49 r,\7.3L 1 r54:54 2ttrt45 t t1,5:to 2r22144 1,7tt50 j:28:01 1iI8:14 J t\7 tla 3.28 t46 1 :1? r0l t t19 tot t t28 t'a 1r1L r42 r:5OrOS 2 :11 :15 ,:18 :21 1.29 tt6

15 Unaltach.d 32,09 2t. Gl€n hBour6 t8 UDltta.bcd t1rtr 44. ltolt! I.in!!d.z 50 ri. l{at. R,T. Jlr59 25, r.!ry Elckran t4 t.!lj!.". TC t?:rl 26. E!1c (tr!,ll 1,7 utr6rt..b.d t9:JL 27. .1ke D,lolt 2t N.r M.t1co Tc ,2:20 2E. Bob Ra!!a. 4? t.rlitts!. rc 29. !to. roh!8oD ,6 hrlt.cb.d t).18 '?.tz ,0. M1chr.1 Shl.lds 20 lnatt.ch.d t9rtz ,1. lllk. Raln.s 15 Ulatt,ch.d 11:14 f2. Tia lodrlck 15 Ulatta.h.d 59:ta 40 !!tv.!6ity Clubr?:51 tJ. Sa! lalhan ,4. c, ltooa.rbo.z.i 52 Ar. Nat. R.T. l4:13 15. tuank Stranahan 5O M.t!o NY RRC 1:18 :1r) 16. uarier Rabolr! 51 Lhsttach.d 19:41 1:19:58 ,7. Robert Plnlo, 25 llattach€d lO:51 1 :02:29 t!, tod selnka ,1 unattacb.d t8.ra 1 :18:4o 49 lh6tt6.ned 19. !. N. lrank a? t'a 40. Rob.rt l.4nni6t.ri 18 thsttach.d 19r03 1.1? r 58 41. Ca!] l{nlphy 52 Unattach.d t?.51 I :15:09 42. Donstd Losan 58 Ds1laE CCC J,/ tto 4r. P6u1 crat 46 Unattached 40:10 1 :18:14 44, Irn RodrlFlr€z 25 lrnattached tat24 1:ll:24 45. John Barbo6a 15 Ulatts.hed 42 tt, 1:21:06 46. l(1ou Jalaye. to So. !k. Tato. 11:59 1 :o5:10 47. ror cBlayer 42 hattached 42:05 4d. .t. G. Lhd6ey lo 0n6ttached 42:o9 1:2q:25 49. llchard Srith 1? Unattached 44rt6 50. Uaurice Renbont 40 Unattached 42:08 1:24:21 51. teris Brereton 27 ti. Nat. !.T, lq:58 7t2lt2? 45 lnattached 52. Davld l,ayto! l9:Ol+ 1:20:45 5r. Loverl Xlll€! 41:01 ! t2t t\7 51 caDeron rc 42:10 1:24:24 54. Ralph C. Nolte 4, Caderon Tc 40:48 1 r20: 09 55. !1ex Gahralth 22 Cderor !c 16 olattached 4ar44 l:24:56 56, warhe K€Ith t?. Jo. Sch.fl.r ,9 ur.ttached 42,10 ! i27 ,42 t8, Bld lranthan 40 ltnailEch.d t?,ro l:18:20 vtu.n.z s.51 carelon Tc 41:ol 59, clyd€ gorard 60, Uappy {O DaUas CCC 41:08 \ tzt,49 61. P. Uccillicuddt 15 Unattached t2t4l 1:u r19 62, stev. KlnE 16 Unrttached 42tt\ l,2t.t4 51. Bruc. 8.r.y l5 Unattached 1:17:o, 54. Sd Eva!6 54 Unattacheal 42,J! a t2? .42 55. E. Papsva6iliou ,5 Ulatta.bed 42:18 55. rr6nk co6e11i 15 Ugattached 44118 I t28 t25 6?. ul1r1a! sch*t 2lr Uiiattach.d 45.45 68. dalie! (okoe$ot 1i Unattached l: 18 :58 59, Davld cha!!er6 2t 0nattacbed 40.48 I t22 t58 ?0. Clair sbal6trla 10 Unsttached 4l:o8 1 :11:2o 71. !au1 Strlnae! 45 onattached 42 tlz L.26to7 r.22tt9 71. Taanya !!6nthe t4 Ulett6cled 4\119 r. tt5:29

2 r11:41

1:58 r50

2,19 to9

1:58 ro5

2: 2:

I :58 r50 r:t4.19



t8:14 2:17:38

a.2at42 at22t2I

t.1r.42 t:12 4.24 t5t ) tt4 ')9 t45 1:25 r18


t26 1 :4! :08

1118 2 :


2.12t27 2:4(,rr?





tA5t5t 211().21

I r58:45 2 t09 t4t 2 tr2.t9 z. 01 :48 2 2



1t tl:22 7: t? t1o



),19.16 t t4a, 16 ).42.24


)tar.a9 l: 18:oo l:49:19 tt17 )t49t5) oo l:5o:40 I I l9: '48








2:48:15 2t51,06

t:38 :41


t tt1.49 t.5?, tl

t:4r.2t t.4rtz) t.t5:o5 t.5?.22

) t5?.ao 4,o2.22 4


ro8.ql te| .t), 2,r!tt4


4.42.25 a.49,o3

tt49t42 4.02:51 ) t5at9? 4:or:48

r.52.tB 2,40|tr to9.4t 4 t'r 'o7 2:ot 157 lrOl:06 t t58:t9 2.13.09 I :02: oo 4 to) tto 4.19:14 2



4: 09:19

:U i16 l:0q:4f 4:09roo 4 r25 t24 4tt5.22 4:11:41 2:19 r05 ?: 04: ,O t.ott 70 4,15t22 4ttl:45 2 to',4? ,.08:15 4:18:o5 \ ttr'.5t 2

2,27tlt 2.r(,.r8

l:18:51 1.tz tt4

4.5().22 4.56 ttr



{l",mi"S Wins Shore Marathon +ffi;ri,l**l "' ' ",.:,:


lH-ruff'fl"""#il!"""'-$'il ,"Hil"*3:'-*r.""i:il:t i:r'" ' i+1i+:{rill1"%1P,fr t{'.T:.."lll:.1": rI"T'ftI:.;i. ;,i.,,',r i" ii:i !,i:"$'iJ'""'ili.l"; 's:illF*#::lill ;'"H""+,#1"fl;;::1, i;:"i;r':'= -.: ';ls-"l*'i}"'*":*st 1;y',i;1,1,;",*i;, ;,f'"lia",l,;#,:-';, {:i:i#*"'lg4l fii,,":ir!:,ii:iiil'::.:"1"' ""i :1"!""fl1,trt1ii;Y"F:r' l*l'i"]"jr"*r,""\iiii ptrk.ed $""*;::ffi;tJ":i lii !$:, j,e _ .eruh pa in a brFk hir€s. nlnaDd rhe 2r n n.,.i ord rviliam :. ., -r,,. ii"il,j,,J.iiiliii.ifiJji,,liii srjded t{o nors 19 minutes, lri through his liEt naathoD lerson Cnlleg. seai0r lnn in long iro[r::: :::: :r:-:; r,f'",::t","-.*ll

'ear Brooitierd did jqd.rtEt

in j-TT:: 'r: npL_. 11..", 1.._l*"*"

$'dr! | on.-r "" ao.





od'rm lto @dre i! t;it|' n m toratoas-rtn::::.=.: r0r sorhprae.

' j, \rln" lrlL lqn S.lot r"-'"m, c-..0 san \drd.,o e'r I --. - --.


--ll!-"rc *q;",-.,';"'ii r,r.t'##T*{il;l l*i**'"Xi}t'*:: .:: o1l\

'f,I ' :,f':&frF

"r",:d-l I

. . )@.d"i,veorq,Fe .ne swear sutt u,* on. ;.p;;'.h;


fli.i'J :1"'"T'ii'il3'i1E ,ll'#r#"xij?*gi,H vio,s

,,.: :i: tor'rnc neri in fie ;.e &d wcr ",i,.i"Bi)i',!:..: ii q nglathT himolr aslecialllaque. ired : .. ''Frtp. , r0nc../ *i: !.-: .- : {"dh", rrom;.r ,,g" L :jr.q -iaiirh. rdcd !.r,sr'dd.a s ", r,".-; r8t;;; q a.k c: Be o| o sp ing Ldkr e'r lm -1' Pas :"-lll l" htrtrr oi '" ,h. j;i;"d Fr;, ;E;ii,! ue\ a ,r'ii: ..:,-.:--9n$ev "l;"., rn. carcer best


.',', ."":' 1".ojo fd dr "i:"" '1,^' ruE roR\rls r Ros ;; ):::'., f_11r a:9",d

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*i#-:{ji+:?.:iln'g r.e r{e vas staled

,.I":'"ltim"t*',i; ::: sfio.e Afln€tic ciLb ,n; :arsordd by Voll${lgd e--r or'repdrio. -,t srroej;ai;;@n.d r. ":,ri;6.-dllebo o v.drdls $on lrophrs. ::::rriar piaqirii veiiid .' r": JD":jirlci^*' bv



i":, D,i"/":t 1 '. crdrns ras: i- :_. 'su' .Im Lopy !" :.'': " d bv

_nd thoie:.

d.'r' -i

.. l: '": " ?" .. .jr" "!,i; ,," ..'; , ,"::: i'...i" ;;,; " . . -


;ll $H*Jmirifotsl,r xtql-,',,*--,, , !itrlsn:*.!' lf i"':,:'". ';. - -l 1." " - ,-"t .l': ., ":i:."" ir*##fl:;FjjJ;i,i. ,,ifu:.d;tr,iJiJljir

held Jm. ?0, 19i{

- adits

OHIO RIVER ROAD RTTNNERS CLLrB 8-Mi1c nu, Cotran Lake Park, Wllmingld1, Ohio, JaDuary 28, 1973


i-- -

.',.,:..1ri,i:tiliil,l:,ii$ :- . ,


:_::: . '::: :: i

(l5adund.r :-..




1:i::!,N;,i;il,i6i,:+:iX L.i:

. ,,;

"t"?,"-:1X1ll: lvritler, +b:.r, 1. Barry 14, c\er, )],,l"li,i"lr.,i,-,t,..,.. ,. ..=;.;";:il,il1*' :!9:0.1j old ftrshie::::-: i ::: Dav{: 5, Myers, 6. Cary ,,.. , i:.::t::1:li;ifii:ji"j":jiii i,lj Eabaugh, i0:08; 7. Kel,in cas.y, 50:3rr 8. u: ro.g. si,.r o. ror, t ;::::'i.ri:,,. " Cushen, 53:lli 10. Dave Essjg, 5,1r31]r U. Don BL1s.hur, 5r:lOj t2, riN rb.:::: :-:: Dawc LettrelI, 56:.10i 13. Al Jutian, 5?:r5 1r. Tod Saltsman, 5i:.1:, Y:, Y:11:1:-:,:..t :, :..:

r. s.or Ilarrison,




'1b:5'l; '1. Jay BirminEhao, .1?:.!9j


,,| -.

,.o: ..


;".:'"rj' , ".B".o. or"L.q j _:-.:. ta.. : 8. cene Br.vins, 8.:52. cours.: Loo..or,rE !r se!ondr!y hrdcEtor l)"""flf:l i:.i' " - "= roa.ls orer hilly terrain. {-earh.r: Cloudy, tjght iaia, 38 {lcg., ca1h, rhe seF:- t :r . 2-Mirc !'itness Ru- t. sr.ve Dalvso!, 11 2s. 2. steve Fhp!, lr:,0. ..,:= ,"_--... ij.r: :i. Dave Ois.h, 1l:31: .1. Paul Fihlrd.k, 11:ll; 5, Llave I]rndcn, 1tr,15i :ii,::, a ai.;..... . :

=: -.an.,:8. j,,... l:,."J,.,.-. _-'_ 9- .rlwer caston, lz:t.1, 10. ch.srer Katb, tz:a1j 11. Don Jon!s, ru:16; ii clocriE ' 12. Dave comcr, 12:57. (2.1 linishrrs) --rayne B. yar.ho-_ ,,9:!-_!g_-.j._. _-: '. q,



.a....., /.


TarF ::::::: i: lL: ralr d:.!i::! ::: f,i,:t


s€nd a sramrtd 6elf-addr.sse.t enwcrope to: Dr. JackBoitano, ..r0 14.- fl:::",f i-:,=. Leod Fra.e, shau.rd, cou. oij.1e7 __Mdr!h r_ z..r (.n.. AAL "t; -",, l,|ijl.iji. i;X!,.r[:$, ihon Championshipr Middl€rolrn, Conn. i March t8_ Fitth Arrual G;,._ riii";j,ii

.o ..: v"

qq, , ,- .- :

. : , .:' ,'.


";, 1" -"




ir t.d- oo F, Ber"b,-i.m'np

$e ca. Fure abo lo b{y,' he I ,..'*,*:bi],*a vd B.r tarn

thirgs, !ou. tamity,


lou -ur n $ doo I ]| "b.r vns. yoL." d.ns Yo. t o* lou'rr h.nhon ,,1!s a laq .do tor lJt lo tjd -.t he sdd betore lhe lace sun6 ro rppp goin€ , r e Lnnc s wqi btd b n Ghc.l. lr olh . :llso{sol D" ' " 26.tory tbuyTord r sral rPl.rPn^F .hall.D8.! )or hB\e th'ou8l. ou (ar 1.nk of !l l' I 000 redson- no 10 f:nrh bLid ; Dr pd.. Xi" M0,n." -. ralo b.!us. be re .dirs s.oe. q ereo rnp i. e "i.h ! I ,"m" 0'\c !1r' o\aill *:s u horel h k;r k ' ni h;"F, prr. . B--{r. 13 or i:a p-.pi,pi.j*i,,ilo." rL rD rs :urloq Y *hen l" .gg. r6d hr h*" b.e a'lt e vonet lo 'rra Md heo / ,raly'"; lo rr ir a aararhon. 04' l0 l js! \lis( Bd ^l a A-L cad n a no|o aod.d dddI ri.n"nber oI llr S 0. . ClJb, l,.d a lir" or "Afti.r buidrp r \,cr€: Iul \ n+50 caree. lnd rarline 3 Jrnll 3 I tu, \. o rud: d,0 vou .cr r0 rne..d,. ihAc t oe0p ". 6l" sad "h'l ; . ; .d a n"., ha 16 rn -va.orer. a.d its somethins I ran d0 snl, nv son ' .,0. !Ld hd .h,6 kte fdih d rne Pi, rrnd". !s f"^ul ad drdl hirur" ah""o or { dsr he " an do Dr KFr. .drI L u. _a r' u ap! .-,ine 4d te rh-i rofeqtrps(n^rhc tPl s3nP. dd l oLa ih! i do BJ he .NstuD "no -daBtuo"r" :miin r-d'm' I r or d1 6 Ice ni L m" ".o :oi ^n.h r% / " d cooE Irom "d r'' " irPdode" !4 . d.1€d

rhi3 $as hs






q -;'"

'b._o'."""d I t,-


rrd rh. oLr e .o,b,0 " "..h I " d*e 'n and \rilh lhmselves,

thei tac€. tvbe. he $as done p:rl v .o t"v. oldrdAtpr'. -::-''j;; ]q

rhe strain .iched inro

L:de."tu, do: - c , 0, .ooJ r

73 I





p, uown

Tes e


nothenbFG linthad in



nt'i-r,',-f j$:f Fiqtr{:#';di'fi'"'!:.1! Bxi;in bad L hMellettl \1r


sond "; 'ts





r,LH4r-rr KrRcY sy 'p.cs


at'r;,i* tr :s.itti". 'i?id ','si ,""i,.,i:,J").;i,"l;l; pAR( tr\ t6 tards. ysierday, 132 npn, i"sL;.""0","tLmeorl0;, avenue rron loftn aod children ran,r ulr," ,llI-.. F,. rhe 1'sr pld 0I uc EHl""!'#1" iXl*':".'i::{ ""'J"il;*"," .,.uiun.. . rare llu thnk ibori m:n' again. oi nore preciselv a held ot ,ru *no s,an ASBI;RY biles up ocea!


ili,tllii.!:if{ilijrHii i;i;il1;,;t"ffrl';u:

ndur e Ran:e'



o 'i"nh. in ^.:.o lal._o'. ,serc1d-"roG Mdro _or u qr ' r Je Doterrc.k co.se3 loeL b'iotg"d 1 q.1e o, C l on. rl. ^o3 r,- ed 2,25,03. P'$ be a B0o\.n. 1 ". ylle tran8e br&k, aDd :ts \yh!le, dd M.. Rothenbcrg c"lkd thon his .,lucly shi"ts e il" .or y i r_ , I ,| 'Thpr . i., oonl itJ".- b.

He,,d:s /eooro.ors.oo[,nhd3orn6,or'o!. ,- hi:d .r .rr, b, r. o. bPeted ofi onl\ " onywdy ond wcs o Unkher, He is 79. iPrcs Phoroj had deleloo.d bh16 about Mr


md \0 rl


ii!tf:Iil.i!'"."lfllil't ,,,i;.;iii:li.'ffi-$

,t_r r|. -.,r.r"pi" "lii; r,*r, .;,;h ,: ;.ri; n;_r"" -" du drung on some parrs or 1' r0! e drrs Lhe sinmer'



ffiffiilil{iffiW* W E w"*l'ffixffiG i;if'""1".Iri.'"",:x'"i#"i .ff1::T',x,:.1;i'fli; iJiJr







s.hool treshmon r.d 43rh in 3,02,36.


CLUB 6.2 MILES, MIDDLETOV/\, CONNECTICUT, January 14, lt73 1. Bob Mccuskcr, HIC, 34:a6 CR; 2. Tom Duri., HlC, 35:5?j 3" vito Bonaiuto, H1C, 36:Ol; ,1. ManIie.l Kand6chur, HIC, 3t,:35; 5, Bill Tur1.y, uhat., 36r39j a,. Baroh l-ittleficld, HlC, 36:55; 7. Dees, unat., 39:,13i 8. Pcter ]-ittteIicld, HTC, l9:50r 9. Dave Elvclcrh, HTC, 39:5rj 10. Pere Doh.rrry, Hrc, l9:53i |, Bobbie r,ogah, HTC, .10:12; 12. Sreve Srreer!r, unat. ! 4l:29; 13. !]d Lor.l, HTC, 41:3lj 1,1. Bill Tribou, HTC, 41:32; 15, ucn ro\'a1ski, HTC, ,!l:34; lf,. Ray Edgcaty, HTC, .,11:4.1; 17. Johh Conant, HTC, ,12:59; 18. JacL Foster, HTC, .13:05; 19, John Clunning, uhat., 4.4:t.t; 20, Ci1 Demaresr, II'lC, 44:39i Zl. Andre Richar.1, :P.ra, 11.1a: 22. r.at Dy.r, HIC, 1a:3a,23. (,athy Lyhch, Age Croup-A,A, ..15: 45j 2.r. Mike Downcs, lllC, ,18:Z8t 25. Eill Joh.s, uhat,, '!8r30; 26, Dor Liden, HTC, .19r2.r. Notes.. Bob M.Cuskcr, !Com:-couhtry star, easity {'on rhis one. Ihe big rac.: was lor second liac€ wirh Tom lrurie edgihg out vito Bonaiuro on his hom. cours€. Manfr..l ran.lschui, Cohnecricutls l.rading MasLers run.r had rloubl(i on the hills & had to settlc Ior .rrh pta.e

very hilly cours.. lleather: vcry Findy, temp.





-Steve Sterhehson- -


E N4IIE RCA ] RUN River Dr., Lansing, \4ichigan, .ja!. 20, !9?j w.ather: Cold, strong ..rind, 25 degrecs, L. Duane Slirz, 18:5? C:lj Z.ca:y Sartii, 19:til 3. 1talr (;antz, 19:49i .!. Jin Cz.rer, :!:2!j 5. N4arkpi!rnan, 20:3Ei 6. Bill LF Ler, 2:r a,rr . Baesc, 21r15;8. Cusak 21:,16j 9, Dave Ilar:in, 2L:ri -it, Eo11onay, 22i43i ]L Harg.rt, 22:::j 12, ior.rs:r., I , 23r1ij tl. trueller, 211a2 :4, \',ah I.onq, al, 2l :=: :i, L.ri Schater, to,



1, tsob M.Cuskcr, HTC, 4L:21Cx; 2. Tonl Durie, HTC, ,1?:3.r; 3. Manlr.d Kan.ls.hur, HrC, .18:1,1j I Tofi rrai:. HTC, .r!:0.1i 5. vin I'andcrti, HTC, ,0:5!; r, Stelr. Str.et€r, unat., 51:2li ?, P.t€r Lilr!.Ii.1rl, fi1C, !l:it:8, Dar-- E.gi€, HTC, 52:08i !. E.1 Lor.l, H1C, 52:lar la, Pefe Doh.rry, tlIC, i2:.11: ll. Ben l<n.r'alsi, HlC. 5:: 1zj 12, ,tohr Conair, Hlc, jl:i9i Lt. Brll TriL.u, tl_1_c, 5l:2?t 1.1. Bobby r,ogan, l11Ci, il:21-: 11, lay adgerly, HTC, 5l:02j 16, ajil D€maresr, i1Taj, 55:55j tt. Ja.k Fosr.r, HIC, 58:0li 18, Marli I1ichard, u.at., i8:12; 1!. Andr.r Richar.1, H'fC, 59ii)7; 20. Dar.: Ba1e, HTC, 60:1li; 21. Bil .Iolus, unar., 6J:)2j 22. r-eo P.tk.y, UTC, {'9:15. \4.atneri l.lea1, l.hr,,. in the rnid-30,s, McCusker ron his s.c.nd Clonn. racc i! as man, w.,.k6 aD.L in rhc proc.!s smash€d rh. .ourse re.ord by neaily FFSULTS US:T'I'F - ARIZONA RO D RACljRS Z5 KILO Iemfc, -{rizona, Jan. 21, 1!73 Flal courde, out and back, on Darrn!.nt. Ov€rcast, .]5o slyLer Jones, ASL juri(r-, an.l Dore Conlet, Tcrnpc lligh coach, m.rc.l out smarrlv in !erle.:L Nearher to ruh l-2 in 1:?0:25 an.l l:20:.15- Jon.s rooti an early tca.l, nith Conlr:y closins iast ar tho firish by Marcos de Niza Iligh S(ho.1, This rlird annual ra.. drrrl ii starters, o1 which 6_q Ilnish.d, l. Skylcr Jo.es, ASl]. L:ll:25 (N.r\ rccor.t; o1.i mart, l:2.r:19 Ly Brll Bro\n, 1972)j 2. Doug Conlr)t, l:ZO:15j 3. Keirh Munson, Oregon, L:2.!:22i +. Abel Arcbalo, t:25:00i 5, lrennis Ebrrharr, i:25:36i 6, Fr€d Eslihoza, I:25:5?; ?, Jan Ahlberg, 18, l::6iLr7i 8. J!hn ni.trsrrom, 1:26:Lir; 9. Marr Ilassett, 1:?t:2ti t0. Dav. E(['ar.]s, 16, Moon valley lIS, l:26:30 {lsr lI.S,)j ll. Dua.! Dobstafi, 1?, l:26:.19i i2. Manur:l LfI1.as, 18, t:2ErO6i ll. D.nnis EoBart, 16, 1:28:1i; 1,+. Davr.l Oro,,.-za, t:23:5+j i5. Cis co Arvallo, lr2'-r:2.ri L.i. Larrr. Hildatro, t6, 1:2,1:3?; L?. rrle Saqy.r, 17, 1:30:08; 18, Cary Cary, 1:30:27r 19, George Moilin, 18, Phoenix CoLl€ge, 1:lD:28i 20, Ceorg. Segarra, N. Y., l:31:19; 21. Steve St.ih!nso., .!2, 1:Jt:tr.j 22, Manuel Catica, I:J2i5lr 2l- Jnn Soehner, lj32jiirl 24. Par Coilins, 1:13:22i 25. Cary Hi.taLgo, t;j3r53; 26. RUN CH^IVIPIONSHIP,

ccrald Kia]rLratrick, til5iL3: 2?. Russ S.hmeichel, t:35: 27; 28. Jacln:. Sa.cLez, L:3i:.r,1i 29, Tim Haist, 1:15:45; :10. Aldolio Cora, :lii.'lr; 11. John 1l.ti:tt, 38, tt31.32, 12. Paul Sair€r, 13, L:,r7il!j ll. D.n Sre:,art, .10, 1:3?: ili 3.1. Stan YuLon, l:38:la: l-, J.e :ir.saI, 38, t:j9:09; 36. Court!et Davis, Lr-Lin!r: li. phl Sf.uLtz, t:.!J:0Or 39. I rit, Gor.,hah, 39, '-:12:r;: 3:1. ..: 1I..tez, 1:41tt1l 40, Creg Moran, l:,:1,:1rl7j :11, Lrar. Br::r.r., Conn,, Itlltzzt 12. Ruben Espiboza, 1:.1=:a:: -'. -i.sse Morales, I:1t:2a\ 14. AIbert Stiba, L:45:3ii 1:. (:frz San.h€2, I:16taZ:14. Emilio Sanchez, ir.li-rl!i ir. I b.rt Botham, 3ri, 1:.18:1.1; .18. Scotr l,tiki, I2, I:49tla)) :., Larry Moore, l:.!9:z3r 50. Charles Rice, ,12, lr50:08, .r::nishcr6)

:ial, BSLBOA P.Ana, 1.: ----a:a! c rLIr . ...enber t, i9i-2- l Bill C...::, , :: :a 2. Sreve Lair.l, L!, li:03j 3, Bill Sto.j, ::. ::r r: =. 3rt] O6boro, :b, 18:Lt; 5. Dare S.hu].r, l:, : :: :. :lrr,q..hibald, l.r, 1,.:0i; i, Dick Stol:e, :-, :: - :. :.t Co.iin, rJ6, i9:1ai L E.l Barwick, 31, l.r: : t:.-. F,argu6, 11, L9rZ1r ll. $Jayne Zook, t:, lr:::j.: C!h.rrez, Z?, 20:25j 13. B.ttt l-ake, 3,i, : r:: -. t t:.raeL ]ltctntyre, 10, Z0r51i 15. Markc..hn, : :l . r:r.rhlytamiLy ' 'l:.'- "5. '--l9?Z \-{:f IONAL -{AL 2r il:: a : l: a ..LtlMONSUtp Mission Bay Park, Sar Dr.j:, -r r: r::ia, ire.. 16, t97Z Paul Talkington .J Surl:.r: .: :: -::r: -r.<e.l ur his thiad AAtr L.ng Dista!.r :i:::r :: - :::-.r..:hnr oi t9?2 .:: bt winning the Zikrn i. i.:: : .r iJr.n. who earlier trls y€ar \on the lLl--n ;|arr!rdn6hir:s, .rrened a gaD riih anC was h.rer seriou5!) .::r .-::r -,.. . ni1c6, which he las.e.1 rn a qui.k Zi:a:, : . .:::. itrs 19s up on Mark Coycrt and Doug S.::r.. . :: :rnrihually widened hts Dargin ro the rape. :: . :: : : :r:ni fast runnihg !tin .onrrast€d sharpl) :. :::. : :r :iat|aonship (here he oulliicked J.hr tiiali: :r. ::- -.: - -.rrer mile. fhe team battle yas 3 :: : -::: :. ::rh East Los Aneeles rC placrng lour ir::: : - ::- ::r :..ring only 2E r.ihts, Cotd.:h !".esr -rj ::.:-r :r.:- :rrtrara AA Ior se.ond, 49 to 52rhe c.urse is a.e! ::. ::-: :::r:.r thc 1972 Masrers Marathon in JuL_vl alo..: :::j :::: ::::: .: i{issi.n Ba, & is .:crtecrly flat lana .:::r: -r:::r. Jrobten6 torced lh€ alra!.lonmehL .i:h. ::r: ::::: I :si.i Bay course us..l foi San Die!. Ll:::::::: ::: r r:riters since L-c61, nayhe.i.-:::: The r.,ather I as a::.::l Iinishers, f. i:ir b.r!i: ::::::::min-if's quite -:l.ri::.:r s home rvhci. a blizzar.l ras ra::Ii a: ra.i ::ii:, A drsart.:nh-eni ro .:..: ,ri:r.i:is r:a. :he rro\.incial nature oi the ilela ,ri:h . r.inrc. iL:r rh. ohty n.h"bori! Soulhcrr C aLi.rnra: i.:h. 11clr, The.on.urrent \,lasL.r s arC 5 KILO


by Oweo 6orean, over Bill Cookin and lom Sturak, Betty \4 ake nho b€sted a lield o{ t€n woaen.

22. Damien Howell, ItZS:]5r 23. Paul Thurston, 52, 1.25t25,24, Dave TheaU, '10, DC Hallieis, I: 2b tQ6, 25. Richard Hildebrandt, It26t27t 26. Coy Lee Bra6hear6, ltz6tll, 27. Le6 Menizer, 1:28:201 28. T€ray Mccabe, NATQ, I:2ar 251 29, Ron Hoflman, lt28:33i 3A. Christopher Ke1ley, L:28:591 31. U. SolLers, t:29:i6r 32. Bilt Kerako€, 1:29:,ll; 33. Martin Creenbaum, wsc, 1:30101; 3'1. Nolman Lee, \:30,07i 35. Sran FoNler, l:30:40j 36. Craham Huston, 1:31: 031 37. Dick Jamboasky, DC Harrier6, 1:31:0.1; 38, Jay Miller, 1:31:115i 39. Dave B!onson, 1fSC, l:31:07i 40. Houghton Gregg, 1:31: 35i ,11, Jih Rodgers, I:32t46t 42. John velarde, UsMc, 1:32:19; .13. DicL Scbumm, Potomac Val1ey S€niors TC, 1:33:53i 44. John Mallon, l:34:20; .15. Don Dalzell, DC Harriers, It31t22;46. Wi)\!am Mish, 1:34:36i 'l?. Ron Adams l:35:.!5; 48, Daaid T, Bloor, l:36: 15j ,19, Gary Goubeau, l:38:081



D. C. RRC HAI-F-MARATIION a! Duval High school, JaD. ?th Clear day, rem!. 2l dcgtcc6. Des pite a.l0 second latc start, Jac k Fultz esrabii6hed record lor rhe second year in a rolt, There $ere 69 Jinishers. Thc best illostration o! $e .old (chi]l i.dex io) rLe:e the lone icicles covering Ray l\'lorrison s beard as he fi;ishec {ath). 1, -.acifuitz, l1:SC, 1:06:02 (acruaLlr 1:l]i:221)i 2, Heiaz i\-:.san.t. Norih American


:: P!9 -.-. rr1. ki ]4 "


.-"" :t:"-



3r!r! .o



Joinins ih. fdnks of rhe women! nororhon runnins elne k l onnourh coleqe freshm.n Pokkio Borrerf rhe t3.r/$Fotd from Spr ns Ldke sor l meJ in 3 04 50 for 52nd plo€ ih J.rcey Shor€ Mordrhon. Her time w6 10rh be* in *om.o,3 tC-

12:5' rr1j. :io

" "'

Notice: Wiu lhe coachh1fuer who ordered Qar-lield school shi!ts Irom T&I Sport Ccnler p -ds- , o|a.' u". \r- lo,L yoL"

50, Fred r,{eeks, .,11, PVSTC, l::18:25j 51. Thomas Noe1, 12, Siror!s Ihtr1., 1:39:141 52, T. 1!. Tirana, 1:39:14i 53. Marty SuUivan, 1.39t19 (a1so started late, actual time: 1:30:2'l)i 5'1. Geolge Garland, l:40:2?j 55. Alex Turner, l:41:,1.!. (6! finishers) GIRLS ONE MILE- 1. Jill Howo! tb, a',46-, 2. Mo.ica Sherwin, 5: .!E; L Aileen O'Connor, 6:08; 4. Kathl cood, 6:.10. (10 (inishers) --Bob Thurston & John Woods-i0' 000 MIiTITR RIIN at the State Universirv oI N Y ar Albanv' sPonsored bv the CaFitol Trackclub and rhe Adirondack A.A.U., Novetuber 2{j, 1972

l Larrv Irederick 32:25; 2' william Tylutki, 32.32, 3. Iitu Shrad€r, 34:25; 4. Leo Baltazei, 35:05; 5. Mark skinkle, 35:1ri; 5. Kevia Murpht, 35:25; 7, Bill Boyle, 36:Q.1; 8. Bob Deitz, 36r 39; 9. Wayne Aikcq, :J6:47; 10. Pat Stenart' 37:02j 11- Barlv HoPkin€' 3?:0?i 12 Joln Motaone, 37:16i t3. T06 Clarke, 3?:35 14 14-illiam Auger, 37r47j 15'

Tra;k oreanizarion, 1:10:36i 3. Darc 11:ebster, t:10:4zt 4. Don De1!_iir, I:11:05; 5. Ray vorlieon, $Sc, l:12:a8i li. Kel,in Mccabe, NATO, t:15:Z? ?. Mike Shoetuaker, NATo, i:15:5?; 8. Mike Bradlev, wsc, lrl6r2l: 9. Bob HarDer. WSC, 1:16:4?i lo. By Mer;itt, l:18:19j Michael Bourdeau, 38:03; 16. 11. Ben Ewe!6, t:18:27; 12. Tooy Diamond, 43, 1:19:31; 13. Daniel Fracalossi' 38105; 17' Lin_ JeIt Shelfon, NATO, l:19:45; dsav ChiId6, 38:l7r 18 8il1 Cbio14. Daviil Michaels, l:20:o8r r6e' 38:25; l9 Paui Rosenberg' 38:34' 20 Dawid Hodgdon' 39:l1i 15. G. Malley, l:20:16i 16. chris smith, 1:20:47; 1?. cha6. 2l Mal Mccoaneu, 39:12r 22 Ro6s, l:21:02; 18. H.T, Ward, LZZ.ZA, n- Ed Jerome, 1rsc, t23:a* 20. Ton williams, rz3t3At Zt. Bob QrBriea, l:23:35'

Jon Powe11, 40:09j 23 Steve Mccometl' 40r22; 24' Gage Hotchkiss, 40:33i 25 Cathv sh?ader' 41:01 (38 li4i6he} s) Teatdlbtlry



Afrerican University area, Wa6hington, D. C. January 13, l9?3. Coulse: 5 x 3.18 mile loops over !oads. A coo1, clear day, Cou!6e Recotd: l:24:51. l. Dan Reeks, 24, Bethe6da TC, 1:29:13: 2. Qlldt, lvood, 39, Spoits Inter.ationat, 1:31:39; 3. Steve Karpinos, t:31:59;.1. Alaa Sol1merville, Harrisburg AAA, Pa., I:32:06i 5. Mike Shoemaker, 18, North Attantic Track Organization, rr33:r8 (]sr Jr.)j 6, Ben Ewers, l:35r09i 7. Ton Ward, 35, l:38:38j 8, Tony Diafrond, 43, I:38:4i; 9. Cha!1e6 Ross, 1r38:44; 10. Jelf Halterman, l:38:57i 11. ceo!ge Velnosky, .12, 1:39:21; 12. Toh Williamst 1i39:23; 13. Jef{ Shelton, NATO, r:39:36 (znd Jr. ); 14. Edwin Jerome, 1:40:15; 15. Robert OrBrien, l:.11:26; 16. Paul Vahrure, 1:,11:55; 1?. Kevin Mccabe, NATO, i:41:57 (3rd JI.)j 18. Kerry Mccabe, NATO, rt12t26 l4Lrr Jr. ); t9. Bob Horman, 53, 1t12.35,24, Bob Beels, 1:43:01; 21. Craham Hu6ton, It13:Alt ZZ. GreC Ge!lach, NATO, 1:4,1:45j 23. Dick Jahbor6ky, I:41l:461 24. Malty Sullivan, 40, D,C. Har!iers, 1:.15:,!0j 25. Paul Farriet, 1:46:21; 26. Dave Theall, 40, l:47:58j 21. ? I:18,A7-,28. John Noble, WSC, :r8:-4: 24. \o"n L-c, t:jq: q, .0. Fod sr"Flc, r:.4.:lz, 31. Coy Lee Brashear€, I:49tz5t 32, Arthur Duhaime, 40, 1:50:10; 33. David Clit€s, USN Academy, l:50:42; 34. William Solle!, \t52t45',35. Robert Day, l:53:05j 35. David Mallett, L53ta5t 37. Eart Robiason, 1:5.1:56; 38. I!ed Weeks, .ll, Potomac VaUey Sr. TC, 2:00:07; 39. Gar!y Goubeau, Z:00:08; 40. Dean Druyer, 2r03:03. (62 start€rs, ,19 Iinisher6) STEVE GOULD MEMORIAL 2 HOUR TRACK RUN Yorktown H.S,, Arliogtoa, Virginiaj Sunday, January

celtified Market course. HaLl!s time was 21:48, wetl bac! of the coursc rcco-d o_ z0:r' j re la"L y"ar by Pete Squires of the New Yolk AC, Hall dueled Dave Bi11iug6, l9-yeai-old Nyack, N.Y. runn€r, lor the en!i!e distance, and finally plevailed by a 6rep, Len Zane oI the Ft. Collins TC, Colorado, tinished thi!d, Zaoe a Iolmer CCNY home ior a Esit. The race was luh in a steady rair orer the Jour lap certilied Brou Malket .ourse, :L 6tarters, 5O finisher6. 1. Arthur Hall, 25, uaf,, 21:.13i 2. Dave Biuings, 19, nnat. , zrt48.z (16t Jr. ); 3. L.L za^e, ?9, Ft. Co[ins \C, 22tI7i 1. DeWitt Thomso., 2., \€r York AC, 22:32 5, Ed Bowes, 29, NYAC, z?:=i: ;. Brian Roth{uss, 16, Peekskili, 2?:51 (2nd J!.1; i. car).\luhrcke, 32, MiltroseAA, 23t03;8. EillN{orro:, 22, No. Jer€€y Strider6 23t191 9. Dave Blackstone, 12, Cenrral Park TC, 21t\7 t 10, Lar!y Langer, 25, L€hma: a.l1eEe, 24:29j 11, Mike Att€{a, 28, Mill!o6e A-4, :-:l:: -:, \iarvin Samuels, 15, B!oft, 24:48 (3!d Jr.)j l. '.: irbey, .18, Nl.pc, Z5:04 (lst Vet. )j l,l, Don !inaa:., j-, S:. Anthony'6 BC, 25:0?i 15" Don Dougherty, Sr-. =;, Sraien lstand AC, 25:13 (znd vei.):16. Jorn to::::, :i, uat., NyC, 2srl5 17. -A1 William€, 45, NYPC, 2r:lt t:. \'ei. ); 18. Bob Fine, .11, NYPC, 25:36 (.4th \€i, 1.. :rl: Kleddylie, 23, United AA, 25:3?j 20. Joe aerca:\, Li, \1_.4C, 25:5li 21. Richard Becker, 27, Lrhiie.,1-j-, l:rLl: 22, Tom Talbott, .40, teenwich, Ct", 2a:a2:::, C.rrge ilatlel, 48, NYC, 26:28' 24. Jame6 Citde, ti, .Ea:,, ia1ley Cotrage, 26138i 25, ,{rt Kijek, ,10, Lcr: ls-..a -J,a, 26.1.11 26" Jaff€s Fabey, 32, uat., NYC, 2r:a-i 2i. Anrhony Keavey, 37, LIAC, Z6r58j 28, Car_r !\a:2, 1o, United AA, 2?:07j 29. Julio Medina, Lnitea,!, :?:Ll 30. Bob Mullea, 4?, Arooklta, 27:16, --Joe :il.aaermm--

2, l07, _ -on ch:tdFrr, "\--dp,8 o..rpr rh.n E:Jo pFMIDDLE ATLAr!*TlC RRC RACE a:SULIS mite edged Ray Morri6on by almost 300 yalds. Willingboto, N. i,, Sundat, a€l:uary 4, t973 2 p,M, 1. Tom Childers, USMC, aa) \tearh€r: C1eai, l,o, r.indt, Cours€: Lap r,4al rl M z. 's, vdrdb: -" .'.4"i;: I .r ode\aorr:so., 26, {St, zl Vr -!, . rl -unrng a rpd. Each 1a: measuren L & 3,.1 mi1e6. 1,190 yards; 3. Mike Shoemaker, 18, NATO, OliN a 1,: ltiles L. iolD Coyle, uar. , (recent Seton 20Miles, I58yi.,1. Phil Stewart, ?2, uat., 20m, 138y; 5. Car Williams, DC RRC, 20m, Ha1l gracuare), 23:28; 2, Mike Naples, I. B,I., D. C. , 28:5!i; l, aen Kling, Pe@ AC, 28:58; ,{. Fred Helsabeck, 36y; b. Ben Ewer6, DC RRC, 19m, 1,682yj 7. Tony Diaoond, 43, DC RRC, 19m, 81.1ti \lid-\lichiean TC, 31:15; 5. Jerry Dolbow, 31r15.5; 6. 8, Tom Ward, DC RRC, 19m, 6.15y; 9. Chartes RDss, -ack Hir6t, Penn AC, 32:19; 7. co!don Davies, unat., 32:29; 8. Tih Markocki, unat., 33:O2j 9, Dhamili Abar35, DC RRC, l9m, 339yj 10. Ceoi.qe Cushqac, l.r, DC Rn.C, 19m, 164yj Ll.Tom ttilliams, DCRRC, L8n, 1,51]t omi, unat., 33:50' 10. Jim Latz, Atlantic City, 34:OZj 12, C., Hiza, 26, DC RRCI lEd, 1,32?t; ti, Bob O Briea, U, Dave Romansky, Penn6ville, 34:34; 12. Eric Lind, Clo. -srFr Ca hol1( H5, ]4:.4r t. 37, unaf., l8m, l,294yt I.+, I. NlcCabe, NAlto, 18:1, orgc -cLr {cr, 35:08; 14, Dan Wise, 36:14, 15. Jat Longacre, Ocean 1,133y;15. Bob Horman, 54, DC RRC, 18n, l,11ltj 16. City,38:08. Paul Vanture, 38, DC RRC, 18h, l,033tr 1?, crahao VETERANS (OVER .r0) 3.5_Mi1es- t. Bob Romansky, Huston, DC RRC, 18m, 839yi 18. Ed Jelome, 29, DCPeM AC, Zotz1t Z. Larry Delaney, Pe@ AC, 2I:03, 3. RRC, 18tu, 613y; 19. DickJahborsky, 36, DC RRC, 18m, l89yj 20. Dav€ Bronson, WSC, 18h; 21. Rod Steel., Henty Kin!,aid, Pbila., 22tZI;,1. Joha Cundngham, Cinna, 35, l?m, l,5l0yj 22. M. Creenbam, WSC! 17m, 1,329y; min€on, N.J., 23:oili 5. F!ankKelly, Phjla., 24,27i 6. John Mclarnon, Sharon Hill, Pa., 25105. 23" Marty Sullivan, 43, 17m, 1,150y' 2,1. Jobn Noble, H.S. JR. & SR. 3.5-Miles- 1_ Jack Fornace, Lasa[e, l?m, 1, 059y; 25. Paul Farrier, unat., l?m, 9E7t' 26. J. Laughland, 36, l7m, ,!oyj 27, c. Houghton, 33, I5m, 18:35; 2. Pat McNulty, l8:.,12; 3. Ernie BraEon, t8:48. H.S, FROSH-SOPH 3.5 Miles- t. Joe Naptes, North t, ?,!9y: 28, D. Mallett, 16m, l,696y; 29. Fred Weeks, 16fr, 880y;30. D, Purrilo, l5m, 1,683t;31. D. Connor, Catholic HS, Phila., 19:OO; 2. Ken McHugh, clouce6tea 43, l5m, \,629y,32- Bruce Burnside, 50, 1.4m, 1,5t8y; Cathotic HS, 19:29j 3. Ed Buck, 19:52. BOYS 12 & UNDER 1, 5-Mi1e- t. BiU Harrar, Afrbler OC 33. D. Reilly, 61, 9m, 1,555y. (4.1 starters, 33 {in.) ll:0i1; 2. Al Paleer, l113?; 3. WaFre Kennedy, li:.!6. --Bob ThL-s_oh-GIRLS (1,1 & OVER) 1.5-Mile- 1. Kathy wilz, 1r:o9i z. Eileen Cerkez, clouce6rer Catholic, 1211?i 3, Joanh ConARTHUR HALL WINS ISOLA MEMORIAL .I ] /.!-MILE Macobs Dam Park, BroN, N. Y., January 28- Alfhu! very, cloucestea Catholic, l2:3 2. HaU, 25, from Staten Island, N.Y. won the loth Annual GIRLS (1,1 & UNDER) 1.5-Miles- L Coleen Dun, So. Heniy E. I€ola MemoriaL 4l/,4-mile road run over the J-r3"\ qh-rg--s. l0:r2 l, "rnrir- DLff, sJ.. rO: i \, AnblP. OC, 0:t8t 4. L aav B-ason.

!l$T.E[-TEN.-l,q-l'E C-l!AM,p-I-o,I!.-H.lt-&..UN.-..Ascsst-.5,..!9-?.3..:-0r!,ls].rr.,-Y.L!-c.-o-trp-ia To make this meet a ccess and a truly national charnpionship race, please let all of the rurmers you come in contact with know about this meet. There rvill also be other races that day. Merchandise and USTFF medals to the first lifteen finishers, rrophies to next thirty'five finishers, and awards to the first five runners on the top three teams. 0-f_ef,__

!..I.--&-!4{.-&n-n- 20 trophies and awards to the five runners on the winning team.


H,$.,.Bgy1,"..L'.vp Mile Run


20 trophies and awards to five members of the winning team. - 20 trophies and awards


to five members of the winning team.




trophies in each ctass.

Token awards or T-shirts, refteshlnents, free lodging for all runners. $2.00 entry lee by July 31, 1973 to get your name on the pro$am, $4.00 entry fee up to race time. For morc information a-bout the race or lodging, contact Wulf Koel ert, 2974-A South Herman Street, Milwaukee. Wi€consin 53207.

[n"S.Mostero lntenmot0oncl [noek [orirm

DETROIT NEWS USTFF MABATHON Saturdav. March lO, 1972 - 9:00


m- Eastern Sandatd Time.

_ USTFF Cstifiod Course, Belle lsle, Detroit. Ag€ Grcups 18 _ 49, 50 and _ 39,40 and 30 to anv aoe for the Open Division over. T;ohiss and medals throush tho 25th Place in the oPen Division a;d ptaqu6to the firtt two finishereand medah to rhe next three tinishers in each a9€ group Entrv lees _ $2.00 per entry. which close Mafch 3, 1973 For information and entry bianka - contact Ernie Sm ith, 395001 Warren Road, Plvmouth, Michigan 48170. Phone: Ac 313 455'9468

rO RACE TTY goam PAcrFtc U.S. lvlastere invhes you to ioin its 1973 Christmas Jet Tour and Competitions in Fiii, Australia, New Zealand, and Hawaii.

Tour the sunny Southern GOLD COAST ll/IARATHON (1st Annuall Boc. Raton, Flofida Sunday, February 18, 1973. FIat course that beginsat St Andrcwt School in Boca Baton in the country and goes 2 looPs throLrsh scluded streets $rroundins a neaftv college and


Cerlific.tion pendins Limited free lodsing lor out of rowneF. Conract Bav Rusell.2506 N.E. ath Stret, Ft Lauderdale, Fl' orida 3304. Phon€: Ac 305 563_6850


during the holidays, Dec€mber t3, 1973 to January 1. 1974.Compete ln all Aut tralian Vets Track and Fleld Champio.shipsjage group and long distance racing

in each @untry, A perfect family vacation with full complement of iravet and rightseeinq, Enjov people-to,people @mmunterion throuqh athletics at group dis@unt rares. Coniact David or Helen Pain, 1160 Via Espana, La Jolla, Californla 92037 (714) 459-6362.


UXARY OC-10 tets

USTFF PTJBLTCATIONS The United States Track and Field Fede.ation announces the publication and release of th.ee new and excellent bookE of interest io iho6e involved in our sport. We are indeed pleased to have the opportunity to bring these excellent works to those of you teaching, coaching and parttcipaiit1g in track and field in the United States. TheU.S.T.F.l.. continues to provide tong-needed harerlalE to promote and develop our sport. We hope you find the6e publications valuable to your p.og.am. "MECHANICS WITHOUT

TEARS".......FredWilt. This

excellent work-book contairE vi{uaUy every aspect of the study of mechanics, presented in a te8t forh, and utilizing a variety of question-answer techniques designed to emphasize pertinentfacts. (r23 pps) s5.00.

'' ARTHUR LYDIARD,S RUNNERS BrBLE'r.,.....by Arthur Lediald. One of the wolld's best known disiance rmners b.ings you his techniques.. . . . the i4sighrs tearned and other informaiion as only he can teU it. Thi6 excellent work belonsE in every ribrarv. ( $ 5.00) ''JOGGING THE LYDTARD WAY.......ANAEFOBICS vs AEROBICS'.,

bl Arthur Lydia.d. Jogging......as desc.ibed by the man who has done so huch lor distance rmning ihrcughout the world. This exceLlent publication will provide inforbation for both thp oi"L"r F Ln-er cnq lhp acquarnt.n( e interest.d in josqins for fun..... ( $ a.00 )

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Iield Iederaticn




Ave, Tucson. Arizona


82 11


*> x2

United Slates Track and Fleld


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z ::.:::::::..:utr::r:.::r:r:::::,:::r:rir::i:::,,::::,liii:


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