02 69 ldl

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votumE t4



++*++++*+++++ +++ ++++++*


to righl-lsmail Akcay, 2nd, Turkey, Bob Deines, lst,

College, Ron Daws, 3rd, Twin Cities T C



- A PUBLICATIO}I FOR llo. 158 I Februlry 1969 sublcr:ption Rates: $l+.00 p€r Je.1r, Add ltl.0o p6r loar for lst class nalt or y6a! Cor A1! t{al1 !n !.s.A. & canada,l ;5.00 pdr Sin 10 .oples & back lss r6s- 50y' Ediror: H. Browdn/ Ross, J06 l,rt6st C€ntec St., l !roodbu.), I. J. 0tto96 Ruln{ers $r RUIINffS Vol u,1e 14,






CLAS.jIeId AtV-.rTlsLlLNIS Adv€rtlse .?our 6vent I o" p ro d-rcfr o--i i c reAG-o .rr enint6s;r sal€s. (')-1.00 ror 15 ,ords, tncludlne n3ne md aolresd 5/ cach sddltiolal woid,) Frll or 1/2 pase ad- | vertisin" raLes sent upon requesL. AFL lOU r'Oolilr.i FOH A COOD BOOh ON DISTANC; I ItUlnII}IG? WeL1, Dlstanc€ Rl]mln8 News should I ale I!. Co1p16to book llst on requesl. DRl,, Bor l-0b2, IIerlhctttn, KBnsaB 66502 Tl{ILh'rlAlIo\AL llq.cAi l0ll STCIIS:IcS brr Ros6r ;f,nn (l9oar $l.Oo per copy 'ror r-on] ot;r.nce Loq {Contentsr The Marathon-A bri6f mstory: 1968 "ro-Id Lr"t: q_l-T:"1c liorld Be.t r-r.o;sn-] roe; .\11-:_no : ,rooeci n6sr Pp- o5neis. ! 1- | Ttr" Js an se tscsF Pa"'o-"ances: Pro ress:re I liorLd Sest fines {sulr-z:20:00): froaxo.siv6 I Best rlnes r958-L968; A;nual conttn6niel I'classic'I ld:rurere, 1956 -196 B t lntolnatlolEl G. sr Resul-s; sn- "u.h *or€. An 'At-le.-cs Arena'r



- The nosi conpleto book 6ver lrltten on cross-coEtry, $2.!0 fron Lons Distance !oa. TRACI IIi TIiECRY -(1D TlClllIIQlJE Edlted by ?honas i ?. Rosandlch. ],{ore than 400 pages Hlth inforna-i tlv6 featuros by 40 Loadtne coachos and athle- l ies. Every event for men & uonren coverod in detall. Used as a teachlDa text in n€ny colleees. $3.50 from Lona Dlsbanc€ !os. OLYI.IPIA CROSS'CoUNTBY CLINfC No?ES





#6) R€stoi, va.

1. Stevo Jqckson, NSc, 2t25:I9; 2, c€off Bar3, Don H61necko, Baltlnor€ lelr !4F,.2:U+:14; ?:56:0U; L. John WaIl, Bslttnore, 3:22:O?; 5. K€D Bohannon, usc. 3:22:h3. DNF- J1n Tlffuny, Hubert l'lorgan, Stelo t4art1n,_Joh Lau.hland, Hugh Jascoult, Choster sali/lnd, Oart 01son, Phtl Coop6n.e. Raco liotes,..Thls ra.€, !radlftonatty held over fho stroets of norrhw€st WeshlnLton and sLburban Ir€rylard, noved thts ye;.r Lo tho lretr town of Reston,'as Vllelnla, Thll.r,ca! rum6c started th6 boautlfuf and safe course whlch has seven equal loops (l.2JB ntles) throuGh the town pfus rho entrance and oxrL dtsta;c6 Lo lno Boll c].lb-l ouso, OnlJ r L-Llers finl.stF eq 1n r'1e corclr Jo" uoalhor uith a drlzztlnp .!_,!€ end. sLev6 Jcclrson. v."shtn€-on :a'n. s-.o!L c1ub, conltnG bsck afLe! a --nonci lafor9 to t\€ f-u lan nearly -v6n 1a.s co; a 9r! 2:,5:15 vlctort. ceo"f Ba.nea, Foyar A'r !orco navlEaLor, a"si. n€d to d rlJ :n ljssl lrt ion, vss s6cond, and Don H61necke, l9lro U,S, rnarathon chanpion frorn Baltlnole was thlrd. Rr-L 1-:l1L- RL,N- .I. Aob Scnar -C, 5:05; _. !sdl Leach, 5:12; r. Ted Burre,r, 5:lo; L. LJ.J. sn1th, 5:50; 5. Ken Rtchards, 5t't. (25 tL,.) RqYL Z-ltrII RUN- l. Bob Sclrrf, 10:!/j 2. ceorfo C.slrmc, 10:c9: 3, R1y .oraon. 11:?Z; l-. ceor'6 PhlILps, r1:21 ; 5. Sto/6 Curllr, palr Leac;, 6, Dav'o B-o.r, tI:50; _1:2d: 12:Ui d. ca-y tov,-", 1 :J0i 7. T-d Brrk6ti. 9. 1-.:l+3; lo. Jeff Levlne, 1?:Jo. (12 "inJrteas) Bponso-ed br Ll € Ruston tro_ f€ssLonal a^d Buslness1.rr tiso., tlon untcn pro!ided Lhe trop-:es ro lo l-..l]"rs ano !o 811 Pesron Rrya p.'f1.ipqr -s. --Ra ;oj.on__

McMohon Wins 20-Mile Roce rS BIRTIIDAI 3O-KM ROAD RACE ,l.lowton, l4ass,r leb, 17- tat l:e;i:hon, ?2, an C--rol<eo Bhd., Klo.t/1116, Te u'r.. F6b, ,j,1o6c lrtsh natlve, June graduste of Oktah;@ ileptlst Un:versity and curleni Lo!€11, Itsss, lieather: cloudt and cold. Tonp. 3d-do4r€es, I.osid6nb, {as the lmer of lhe third Sifver Lak6 iDrathon fron }iopkinton io Llerton. 10-Ml. 15-rIi, 5-}{1. Ucuahon ran th€ 2o-m11e EIr tleup ln 1:51: 1. \ornal Pellelier, U.L 2?t)O 50:lrr 1:-]0:', l+6 for a neally slx-ninute lead cn rEner-up leter Stlpo of tho BA.q. 2. 8111 Tbonpson, u.T., ?'l t3o 59:\5 tt3at25 Dr. Rlchard Packard of Sosion lron the speoit.53 tzt) 11 "O!e" L0' aC6 01.t-. oj. r.-"n h€ "tnl,h6d 3. Earry Belkovtiz, sJTc, 30:29 6"t36 1-t36t35 l4th 1n a flold oI 125 !ur.e!s. 2: oL: l-5 took tho Le6!d at th€ start & held lt Ir. L;r"y [imbal], aostoraA.30:40 62:[B 1:l+0:05 toMcl4ahon tbe flnlsh, ?he v€ath€! uas cloudy and cold 2 r 11:OO 1th e. head uind the entire distance. The r€o' '-5);o'hel o'd h€l"d by Jobn J. Kel1€J {1968) ls t:LB:40 cDnf:e-d. hro:.v'116 1c. ':l_:ll:-7. D-n Dansa5 never in da! €., S.l-oolboT -Col Jasnln lels. cnatLanooia nuCA,2:16:50j U. IIike Ve!st- & placod 9cl . l.leoa-Ls - 'roprles r;- !l c ':rsL ynen, Carson-nefil.,rnaa co\Ieee, 2t5!155, 52 flntshols. Sponsored bt Silver Lsk6 Dodse )I\T- c. l rord Dlnlels (l-J), Js os Marabl6, co. Tearn: 1. Bosion !-rrJ f2; 2, ?!ov. Cot. fL Carlos Bel-1. (11 sdarrers, I fin:3ners) 3. Nodh Medford club 19. Rac€'iores...Norlan f-lI€tle_, _epresontLnA 1. Pst M"l'lsnon, ra., :51:l 6; 2. Po.e- s-'p€ 'r'IASi]INGTOII

e J,, ?-ov. collcae. peclor-1ance n riturln6 dioxvlrrb rs flrsr sm-11 BArr 1i-7:-7; J. . -, 1:58:08; L, R01€r. co-. ,e.: :nc. 2:oo:oi; 5. 'jas irl|lod'" SirLoo.r J0 k'1on' er rosd lac€. PEUI SeAorqt-r, \1"^l .--. rers, ?:01:_J: o. 5e " on 'lo roc.1 Chc_ovce .Bl\d. luiJu q coursq Chrls ScnLI!2. ?ror. ol., '.02:r7j 7. L€e Sul. coeel.in6 no IB.oL ".iI- ojsrance :n I:<J:rJ, B.qA, 2:O)t/at 6. I:rron 3i o1or, E4,-, ?611etier lade hls nove in tbe last 2 niLes of betr, 2ta5:39i .. Ton J" - 1, lrl:c, 2:0o:!1j 10. tho event to out-distanee t6anEte Bi]l Thonp_ Rrlph cr.an., !arLre:.11r qc, -:07:45; 11. Jav€ son by th6 na?rotr r€raln of 55f,. Fo1lo1ril€ tlre Lin!on, BAA, 2:08: uj 1), Too calsbieso, !c, repx€ssntln6i uss Harrt' !e!l<o1Jttz, athLetes U. T. ':0U:llj l-J. . o" I-r -1no, f.ir.!d-l' LA, l:OB:5r tho Souih Jersoy TC. !r. Harry, a luiher,€tics l lr. 11cherd L cxaror B.\q, ?:08:t/; 15. Joo !ro'e qo. q he !. of ;eor :a :s \-terJn of J.(:.nrondr 2:04:2-: 16, John doo .sl .a, p,oo: i.., !\',, Rlcha"o'ia..nj'.n, 7i I7. -- it Aolnsr B.-, ::lo:o-; collosel st5'L D6an of }ra | "i ceo".ia ii-lii"". 'o. tI.:C, ?:10:?- \po e J / ras'tho 1!c Sentor Dlv.Lsion -:nls5-l'.

3!a A{!ruA! 2O-!fI,E RUN, N!\,f!oN, ttASS. -C@t1!Ed 19. Rohed Hersey, ]llMC, 2:1t r34t 20. Davld Elhcn, unat,, z,l2tu)j 2L. JohD Dlttel, BAAr 2i13r43i 22. touls Uet aC, 2r13:47r.23. Ken l!*60., B,AAr 2:14:lrt, 2L. {i. C1M3, rs., 2tr4.47t 25. Ddiel r5rber Jobson & llat g ACr 2:16:03; 26. J@s rtu pty, Jw AC,2t].6|rc5t 4. kre Qulnn, P!ov. Collese, 2:16:21; 28. D!. Davld Vorthen. NLA, 2t\6t23t 29. Rohert D6dt!A, Je,I AC, 2,\6.et 36. Perberl Par6ols, ra.. 2:16:l); JI. Johr JsEk, NMCr 2:16:cli 32. eElles /eaLtnA, \M.,2:1?rtL; 31. Carl H@ea, mI, 2r18rOO; 3!. Eve4tt DuM, J8t{ AC, 2:22:2lj 35. Dor Fey, B4A, 2:23:oO; 36. J141u Stegel, NMC, 2:23: a2t 37. Je Farreu, NMc, 2:25to6t 38- p!11 ucc€v, M,tc, 2:25t2lj 39. Tdr Or.r, ua., 2,25t33j \4, wn. E&sbutX', Sl)artan AC, 2:26:17; 41. Eds&d Codor, NMC, 2:26:48; 4A

the crord, Em ald sentldentaf dulrs the lbtroduc- ] tloG, Es on 1t6 feet the entt€ ta6t lap abd screeiig a6 .rlJr qlnter-confinee Ithaces c&. For Orcoeell tbse Esul ts @e ooA oae rhlns, \'orc & ooF der-lo 611e6. fie {s \'o.krr€ on HlIJ Clone\ uho t.h tbe Ibsion AA @et. lheE 6re rov tentailE o. deflnlre i,la6iea .Ent6 Echedulcd lD the Hetjrago@1s, tne Cotby I^.1tatlo!al, tlE Natlonat MU and lho Bbeqy Capltol li&e! lut @ei,6 o! no, ihe @mse ffie.s {r!L contiD@ rro ti61D, "It ba3 becde as @tur€1 a. s!e!.i!sr! one of theh 6eid. Al1 ha€ co8tsient p.osrm but each one i6 hisn\r lackard,the coheU vlmer(4.1r5,9) tE a 5-5, 125-po6d lh.D. vho tu a Fsealch C1.ectof, at ihe NiSA xlectrolic Resealch Cente! tn Cebl1d€e. to! the I)aBr IO ye6r6, ne ha8 been tu1.9 a ha.d f1E ldles every veekday excelt qed&3dal. v!:!ch he Bes fo! 6!eed rork. qe rests o! Sei. & coqEies as often es he ca on S6d4y, U€ feet6 -etre D11€ 1! a 11ttle 6ho!t fcr t-1a & !refers the @rethor. thn yeam olde!, but o4y a fs Becolits bact at ihe ftdlCfaude ElLiE, NMC, 2:32:47j 51. Cary rlzisg, Nltcr 2:3ri:42 3h, rs 5o-year-otd ocearoAralhe! \ey Cordont a ro4e! E2. EnlJIto. FaLondl. Nec, 2:)):20i 5J. Ray r\Eouh, IM^, I4lssoul Val_ley sonfe.ence b11e & xc chadllon & r]mefrr 2:?7:t6,. .!. oeo.ge ratanto, Nv r 2ri8:2t )5. fho@s 1n tbe liatiomt AAU xc reet 1n 1939. Coliton ha6 a!-tbrltlc & 6t'cls to 6ho{ Eleed vord, E ploe-M H.ich rcce. ]rv nrait, le., 2:\ttmi 56. Stdley Leyes, NMC, 2:Irc:52i hebed }ir do a t4-second qurter. 57. wb, Th@!son, NMC, 2:4f:40; 58. K6b Mslteti. NMC. I'ie Nl,lC, ?:lr2:.7: 50. Jotm MoodJ, TMC, /:l+I:15; oo, Davld bege io treak !e trut orcoMetf ,,a6 6ti1f tslh_ cafar, tu.. /:rrrr:r0: 61. ElE.d turts, l$jc, 2:l+5:2oj 1.€, larty l4r f6ther-h-1ar ras ttre heariesr @n eyer to *ah tne loston MaEthon. Fe vas 174 !oud5," he ssld. ris U662. 9eaale vclp. &M, :16:.7: 6). D-. tt,ler "etLtey, !4.A, 2:18:O ; &, Atv& JohGoi, Ntac, 2:18::/; 65. J;eE ieue6 shored 6!r?.:.e that cdpetence sho!-!d acco4paqy B.rdse. EA^, 2:5At28t 66. Rtchsrd Lec!.Jchr le.,.:,rA:

leonald cdo- rta, sa., /r)8:.r, 58. L-hsrles su -.; 6?. !e, ds., 2:59:29j 69, ruchald tre$on, 3!A, 3:01:55,, 7o. Aldft Moreau, lL[jC, 3:12:35; 71, Wi. Irlrkle, Ind ACj 3: 13:o?; 72. R1clEld ?adden, 1@., 3:16:25r ?3. Ke. r 11!a6, NMc, 3:24:o9i 74. lob Kerley, De,, 3ra8:loi 75. Llcyd (eyes, IMC, 3:30:50! 76, Robert B6rthol@ev! Ni{Cr 3tpt57j 77. tf. rlchard {!Isht, lt{a1!e Masie.., 3:l5roo. --frd B!(m. sr,-:rt1''lF.icr:n-I, r|l],.tr,by Ceolge Sheehe I|||i|ll

.";-;.r;::#la,::'j":.i";:T';,.i ;;l&T;i


ra -]E audrelce or skloqvi br8h\v cohetlErve oen vhrc. lLL-:lilt A:.ll fllted the dlnlng !o@ of ComeLL'e Staile! Ctu! b!o&e lnto a!!laue. They n€d ro at ladon EaIL e 1Dr hefora 1n the secold Corelt Inrltatlonal l'lasielE Itilea E1Ie *on 1n 4:45.9 rith 6eea een betd the flve-i1!ute Brk, a aeai collectlve leiforrD!fue. o'Coeelt E 42-yeaf-old dtahetlc, bad finlsheii tdeld the .ear, lrut bis eitbElesfr rs &dlr1nished. O$e be !s 4:r5 d1e6 for Tdts. N@ 6s51gtd! de& at ihe Flet.],* che! Schoot of Di!1@cy at Id6 al,he @ter, ne added to tbe po6t-race colteDt@lt of the clord by decldrln€, "The l.ls6ter6 ha6 I)ro€D io be tbe eo€t exclilbA Ece lD - r4,, lirch It Gs been 5eld.' ab] rcel t ' lrll 'n tlahl]r co@petltl€ oen, alFadJ soolhcd by a lt' The 6l{Lbrv. ' l \t_ @al 61hluoud bJ My stardoe ou- !o6 lwu B/oaf,lc - , i, by tneiN j lured ln ag€e@nt. Fekr .r a.h,awmnil.'; - .: '- . * . .'i the ri-sL bla-lic tmresa.io lo .a!e a c.Hce on the I t-t - a theli-sLb|a-1ict4re5a.io|o'"t""".J"".'tr'".|',.-')-! '! ! Ce.'at_ic 5!ec'a1, !l hh a lace thaL Jers ]a6on of -he l' \f-i' tY p_""" oo Leq l|! clobe 'a le; leo lhe t t of lhe yea_. G'@n oa u*'.,1 c'@n.a p_ace ormuced M lllll !06'00 K o' c .a_d rhe MeLre.sI l. le fr 'Ed "kd ,fosFl & l- Y i-a.-os,sl.s DnoLo ftll6h o-ive-b er-olrm'an | .r ,t liallo@i l"laslers cha&lioa JtE rtshoq-. /ose"6 rille- lt,

^i"i,:'i]:,::'i"5:l$Jtf"*.si";1ilffi::;*,, l.

;,''' 1



., -:.;;{,,; T*";:li $*::i.irJgfiil"i':.H'^"'#l :;:"ilr*l_r' :'- ''-'- ''

the rrne rD s .rro Dire. ne ao6to- r 6\ tor tr1. .6" 6"". fhe Cod€ll hlle on te, 25th vas no ]ess exciulg, !s.t6hoEe. the Ithaca onltholoclst. logt &othe! bi.d by tnche6. Tils tltr to Dlc* r..*""a, tO, a !\y61clBi ebo had e14d6bl1y calcu.IaLed dE outpii' to rte "o.rey i!c! 6!d l@ oui of voll! J6r past !i; ftni6h lr!e.

-.l1r" t !! a! L




,,*i'{ Ktr"tt'',,'*' fou.g {18 I'gBs. ]( of C 2-D11e tn Ecorit ttre of I Ceolge the spec!tu i! Phtla !e | 8:32.6' tatet on r'{srch IsL eL I ru a {o!rd Fco:rl 13:09.8 LhFe olle. -J€ff Johlson-


Start of Mast€rs ([0


ovar)tEle in Uass. i{.of C. }1eet, Boston cardel.



XXTi'::'X' T€d Vo8ef nips Jln fiarrshorne in ass. K,of C. Photos by Jeff Johnson, Btue Rlbbon Sports

loth tlnod ln


X,of c. l4aster,s M1b Bosutts: t. Ted,voder, 4:49.Iu 2. J1n flartsborno, 4:U9.4; 3. !ick ?ackar,r !-i51.61 4. rohn warraco, Utlb.zj.5 da-o 'io.,r,iu, i;ta:i; A. i.i;-6;;i,- i,1a:2, 7. ReJ F. rbusl , 5:12; B, John A. l(eller, o-, ::19. racrshornt-r"i r., -"" r'1rsr f:!e ,,,e'Led

"t^3i;"'13?."if5i'i"'3:I"3"i;."::9"1 !1d rufcs ch;;; fr;*'lb;";i";i,'h:+1,'isf Eo Has runnerup ln t,1o ,L8 Eosto! l4arathor.


rook over & n€ helo ;iarr_

ln3'"'t:l"f'Ilil"'s*iE.l"g* l:fifu+i dji.::


youlili cALg,oBIla coLLmiAN r.IIS l,AS Ve S &qnAmo[ 5 cLAssIq Ia6 Vega., Nevedd, Saiuldov, it4Duary 25th-_a zl-y€sr-olit @th @Jor at occld.Dtst co[€ger Robelt Deh€sJ caphuled tle^Lhird.aEul LaE v.g6s Stm,s A6_01-1. 38)]| yoltit ItGBk.s tbrathob by -*r . rne o-r. r4o-!o!!d D61nes. of p6a3dec. cd.Eit !h6 4lBrqce ,! 2:2e:dr, d.sp1t€ "rn,r". rne totemJLiehr .aln & flooiled Biieetg alons the route, Tlrkeyis I6b11 Akcay tlui6hed .econd - a. bG .".o h.re t*o yeals s€o. ntB tt* @s zr?j:o4. Ro, Davs, pat l&l4sh@ 6nd uorlte Aaibo and t6. Bar.la fl.lshed behiEit,lkcsy 1n t;at o!de!, ar1 unde! ?:3o.oo. De1he6 ra! 6 lhebtueDal lace-pelttcularu cocldellls rbe ;!rb6! erocatei i*ctu.rry covcred Dor. than ine @ratbon dlst@ce becaae of tlEe r@t. cbalges as 6 Esutt ot th. laln sld rlooded steet6. pat l,{cMEhon,E v1turds Iu! of 2:21rI4, Eet 1a6r r:I!tr!, ,outit Eurety hsr f6ILe! ia bcit.! c@di!1oDs. aarbor 19b7 r1@e! (2:23:06), fttr16h.d ftfth. E bsB !e!D t*lnlng tn Eun_zelo veaujex ia ,,xo!r1E cMda. -thc40t ''r aho6t declded to cc@e bele for ihe tht. yea! b€cau6 r dldn't gei.ln too nuch t!a1.1n8, becaue oi

.ro b.la z.!o alil 6t nlght6 ft 8.t; arcund x t"r*." n 'i't"- raron_ ler MctiGhon ra6 rourth tlls 1t1@. Ee elorred that b. h6d l.e! 60 b@y r.1th hls lin61 ex@ at c&lahda Baptlst Un1{er61ty durhg rhe !6Bt ivo veeks thBi he dld!'t Aet h ee nclr roirrag s he vaDr,ed. Y@ ca! e4ect arvrhlrg tn lss veg*- except- Eh, aur ihe E1!s ca@r and &i fo! a day but a1405t a eeek of contlruhg preci!1tstloD. To tlE @cthon i&!.!s it d.!y @er ;De thilg, theJu6t 6b@ dui so on. So these wonderf!:L aiiletes pelfotued Da€nlflce4ily, llahlna rhe ere@nrs 611 the ;;y. li4artln6 rnde, 22-vea!-otd dlst&ce 6ce, vho coEleted 1! the olJdptcg st !€xlco cliy for hls natlve Nlgellaj flnished a baDg-up 9th h 2132t35, lnde recerilv t!6nsf€!!ed f!@ adaDs 6tai. college 1n a1@os4, coto;sdo to Occldobtal Couege. A Pollt1cal Scisnce @lo!r Alde tcln6 ,1th De1!.s. lhe @zirs tuins ddtors rr@ the !\rln Cltte€ lrc of Ml@eapolts a.11 !e ed finlshed. Dr, lndbere is the olde6t of ihe grou! ai 57. lt!:e you€esi i6 r!. loles, vho 1s jZ. the las veaas sru arra.4ed an 18 laee ElEclal .ectlon d the 1959 wolld tt 6ter6 titaratlon. It 1ncLu.1ed llctuleE of the the loute for the evert a6 veLL as a r@ter of entsntg &.t haDy othe!,eatuft€. the becf la8e re.tured'|lme!s. a "!1.k the rime: cod,esi {rth a televlsion set, c1@k !ad1o end tr;slsior !ad1o aE lrizes. tle veather.


Mosr davs





TIiIRll lnfltrii, ILoRIDA TTENTY-I{IL! I,ILI,ITIION 11t1 be hold ia Fo.t i{yers, irlorlda, Uercb 19tir, 1969, Tro oth.r races of t{e1ve (12) and slx (6) ''1es .,:,- r.€ n.ld fo- 1-n scnool 1.o Jrdo1.r ""hoo1 ru-r8.,. :o- ln'or EtronJ n. _tc l7'l L€e stroet, Iort lryers, Florida 33901, Dr, I,I. r. A11en, IV.. Ueet Dlrector Fort l5rors 1.$CA TirE

1754 Lee

street, Fort ifrers, Fla.


CABRYING bis 2 year old son Ben Ben Chapinsli Jr, ol Ahesliufr Dad Ben

{iu sKw up to be the lhifd runn€rs in the faE y. boy

UI on his back,


he holes


generatio! o! road


Saturday, January 25, 1969 Ias ve€as, Nevada 12roo Noon Saactioned by Soutbe.n Nevada Association of The Anateur Athletic Union

lilalathon Chairnan.,..I,ou i\4aestas of the Las Vegas SLt{, Selwin, Co4.l1 aL Cbapmln CaIaeEe, Atanee, Ca1|f. Sponsor.d bv tne Las V-gas SLIII, uank G eenspun, Duollsher.

Meet Director........Bifl

Cou.se Record: Pat McMahoa of rreland in a968 - 2.21t14

Ir'eatberf 4 wet, cold 52o - Rained throushout the ra.e. Distance: This certifi6d offi.!al tuatathon course tu.ned out to be ffom one-fifth to one-ha1f @i1e over the reAulation distance, ?]re course had to be chaaeed at three dfffefent points rhile th6 lace vaE in progress, due to flooding and wash-outs. Ei11 Selwln, Meet Director rh6n infolned rith the aid of laB-enforcenent aeencies. Ii ras a ailac1e that the ewent sas not stopped at the 12 mife ha.k. They .enain6d on duty for the entire race. Selvin had readjusied the time based on 440 yalds, allowine it ah unofficial tide. He a.iual1y believes the mud and.aih slowed dord all r]ffers thlee oore ninutes. 164 started the.ace...".114 finlshed 6de. 4.30...the 4 hou! mara sas changed due to the poo. ru@in€ conditions to enable then to receiwe an Hode Town

1. Eob Delnes 4. Fat 6. 7. a 9. 10.


Jose Earela Eu8ene conroe F^-a- c4.-^.,Marti4s Ande John E.ennand

12. Phil Canp 13. John Paeliana 15. Bill


17, Tu11-ey lIann ro. rnlrr fp (araon 19. Jose Dones 21. Bi1l Peck 22. Frar! K7!a 23. Rabef,t Datl-j-nE 24. Date Butt 25. Jahn eavanauAh

26. Johmy laerber




32 32 25 32


sc. Cali f. striders laciiic Coas t Club

Galden Gr. Cal.


Satl:a Earbara A.C.

santa Aalbara


Cal- taly

2? 22

jr. 29 4o 26 79 2Q

26 37


Santa lJonica A.A. Santa Ealbara A.A. Glendale J.. Co11. No. Arizona Univ.



2.25t54 2.26:09

2,27 t34 2.28 | 40 2.30 t14 2 .32: 12


2,4It Glendale, Cafif, F1a€staff, Araz,

Santa larbara A, C. Santa Ba.bafa A. C.

Ca1 Poly Colle€le Mld-Paclflc T. C. Recf,eailob Cqrter ?win Cities T.C. Nellis A. F. E.

2.22:04 2.23:04



Me*acal-i, Mexica

34. PhiT Lorenc



Sabta Monica !.4. ".

La Puente, caf.

2,27 t15

2.28:49 2.30:38 2,37:Ol 2.3r:47 2.37:50

2.35 | a9

2,39:12 2.39:57

2,44t37 2.45:a?



2.47 :ao

2.48: oo 2.48ioB 2.49 to7 2.51,.22 2.53t22 2,54:2a 2.54150 2,59132


2,25 t 72




2.21, t39

2.42:42 2.43t22 2.45 t32

Newbold, ca1if . 22


3 . O4:20


2.41:28 2.42:34 2.43t43 t3)J

2.44t58 2 .45:47 2.45:26 2.46:25 2.46:34 2,47 :35

2,49t54 2.52t46 2.54t27 2,56:1? 2.57 :58 3 3

.02:20 ,02:20

Z Paae


J6. Pete! coebe 37. Dt. It. !.o\6y 40 ?wln Cities T. C. 34. Robert Elumer Santa Monica A. C. 39. Jahn cocllran 49 old ?1m6r6 ?. c. 4a. victor Bete9reA 27 +4, L rale ,rosus 20 No. Texas State '77 Back 3ay T. C, 42, Harly Noona! 43. Ma?tin U.ias L7 rIlgh Slerla T. C. 44. Hafry Nlc]-olas Reedl6y H.S. 45. De@is carroll 46. I,Iafueh Sni tb Executiwa Healtb Ct 47, Df . K. Wlasoa Twin Citles ?. C. 48. Cal1os Aravo Feedtey H. S. 54, Dava Hetetu5yex 51. Ro€e? Lou 52. Joseph c\eaty 5J. Ell F6dd€! 54. Janes sbe1ton 55 . Pat Dueirg 56. Fred Fo'nero 57. John Joles 58. Pete rri-11jans 59. Dr. L. Bales ou. lryan !orts 61. Peter Matti6 62" Bruce Dern 53. Dr. ],r'm. ,4ndber6 64. Eob ?etri ck 65. Bob Carnan 66. Eob Ackermaa 67. lr'alt Frederick 68. Manuel Nazarro 69, scott Bushnan 70, Bj-77 Fteedtuan 71. Fay llidde 72. FrankL1tu Sax 73, Robert Aosby /4. ru.! hlman 75. Michael \tbite 76. Ed tu.eture 77. Art DakesTab 78. Anasl:acaa Munoz 79. Joru Mendetson 80, d o'Donell 81. Earry ciesler 82. John Drew a), tomy tef fy 84. Harry Reid aJ. Mark clalk 86, John Montoya 90. Uaft Stack 9-1. Fobert Creef 92. Pat Xemedy 9f. Fich J6ns6n 94. Steve lthi t e 95. ,Andres Fodrique 95. Bi77 F.erreaT 97. Don Multay 94, Saz Beale 99. Leroy


L7 17

J7 39 45



?rin Ci ties ?, C, Flalto Road Fr'rners seniors c. (No. ) ". Trln Cltie6 T. C.




2A 3L


Reedl.6y, Carlf, Eau C1alla, Iflsc.

Recreation cent6! Santa Monica 4.A.

M6x. Nevada





Dunes Hot€t

57 14 a6 6a

Fiaf to, Calif.




(No, )

Costa Mesa, Ca.l.


l6 2a

creation Center 36 Old ?lners Club t-7 stewart rndian sc. 18 42




3.70t79 3.11:40



3.o4.79 2.09.25

3.12 | 45

3.a9 | 40 3.ao | 45

3. L3: oo



3,77.30 3.12t24

3.15 | Lo 3,17 t3a

3.18:12 3.18:16 3.14:40 3,19:2a 3.79:24 3.21 |t 9 3.24 tao

Glendale, Cal. Goleta, Catlf.

3.OZ t20


3.a6:az 3 . 04.1-2 3,09:14 3.o? ta4


Aranee, Calaf. Rlalto, calif.



Nesport Eeach Madeta, Catlf. Reedlay, Cal1f.

Recieation cent6r Meclcali, O1d Tli:ers :0. C, Sterart fndian Scb. Stewart,


3.04t 20 3.05,42


Madora, Calif. Re6d1ey, ca1if. stera.t I.dian Sch. Stewart, Nevada stevart Indian Sch, StePait, Nevada

38 79

Los Ang6f€e

slh1, Callfornia Blsnark, N.D.



Paln Sprlng€


3.25 | 03

3.26;75 3.27:30 3.29: a9 3 .30,3? 3.32 t34 3,33t37 3.33:4a 3.33:40 3,35.20 3.35,24 3 .36.40 3.34:ao 3.34:17 3.34:27 3.38:45 3.47:25 3.4a:30 3.4a:36 3.45:oo 3.45,17 3,46:27 3.48:25 3.48:4o 3.49,2? 3.57t3a 3,54.79 3,54:2a 3.54:30 3 .5 6,72 3.56t27




' 3.a6:40 3.76:40

3.19.79 3.79: 50 3.27:32

3,2t'32 3



3.23.oo 3.24tL5

3,2? t09 3.28 | 3? 3,30 t04

3,32.50 3.32:54 3.34t1o 3 .34:35 3.34:55 3,35.30 3.35. \7 3.35 | 57 3



3.39 45 3.42 't30 3. a3 | 47

3,44.57 3.45t55 3,46:to 3.47 : a3

3.49:oo 3.5at 49 3.52 | ao

3.53:43 3.55:39 3.55:39

a d

1OO" 101. !42. loJ. 104. 7O5. 106,


1O8. 1o9" 1-1o. tlf. 112. l1l. 114. 175,

Leroy Lewis Lt, J. Shea Jim Benincasa Johq Jones Fr6d Glace J7tu Mc)oy Kurt steiae!

18 39 15 18 71 15 47 #a96 Ma.t iipsrei4 48 Ualk Ru€.sles 13 Doa Yamokava 15 Paul MccullouEh 14 Eob Jackson 43 Iom Uhite 18 Marw Mccormack 22 Mike caark :16 !.IN-AL ?EAM

Pa€e 3

Stewalt rnd" school Lemora lvaval Ctr. Las v68as H.S. Stewart And. School seniors T,C. Reedley Il.s, N.y" plonee! Crub Unattached

stewart, Ne./ada 3"59t27 3.j6 | 57 Lemore, calif. 3.59:3a 3.5't:o\ ias vesas 4:Ootzo 3.57 | 2a stewart Nevada 4.Cat02 3.5at02 "

Los Arraetes R€edley" Car1f. E.ook1yn, N.Y,

Rialto, Calif. Reed.16y, Ca1if, Madeta, caLlf. Ias ve€as Glenda-1e G1€ndar.e Eeed16y, ca1lf.

Riatto R.F. reedley H.S. Madefa H,S. EI cattez clendale T.C, Glendat e T.C. pe6dley H.s.

4.o1t)5 3 "5a:O5 4.a'!t05 3.5A:Oj 4.02:A6 3,59:A5 4.a6:a7 4.a3:1? 4 "a6:ao 4,L3: oo 4.20:A5 4.a7, 05 4.2r i 01 4.L8jol 4"26.05 4,23t05 4.26tra 4.Z3tr14"2?t02 4.24:A2 4.27 t1O 4.24:aa

4.29:31- 4,a6:3\


.1" santa Barbara A"A, 3. santa llonica A,A. 4. Senio.s 1'. C. 5" Reedtey H. S. 6, l,fexicali Center lla. C,alifotr\ia SBators 7. 8, S terart Indiai Schoof 9. turt1es A.c, 10. Old Timers 11. Ffalto R. R. 72, E1 Cor t ez lJ. G16nda:Le T. c.

a-25-29 J-A- 22-32 27- L7 -31,


Eob Dlenes i4 simihg this ewent has extabttshed hidsetf as the outstaddl4g Marathon rumef, ln Alnerica today. He beat a f1e1d that in_ cluded 5 o1'hpia!6. ile 1aa toe to toe rith 4rkay af rttkev (a 4n DLace r'--sh-! at lvex'(o CiEv\ unlil (he 19 m .t- d:rk and rh6r l)ulted away to win by a @lnute, It is @fortunate that -Arby tsurfoot couldn't 66t on a plane aad compete with this outstaadine fi6td of Uorld Class NO?ES EIOM THTFD 4NiiU4L


IiIORI' M4STEFS n|AF,A.?IJON , JAI:IUAqi 25, 1969





4 ce.tified


A Mayathon finished


La.€e uoodon clocks ar the 5,1a,15, & 20 a|le marks with Boy Scouts noving the alms eve.y frirute. Altor{ing !ume. to khola' his own (a,,- +^ +r, .'dJ6e each of.Ju.se, thjs was not posslble afler the "o nFa na,k.J Fesulrs were posted inside the mal_1 on one of the pi1.1a!s fof anyon6 to see k6pt crossing the 1ia6.


Final results


Marathon course was changed du.ing the actual rlrft]inc inside a beautiful

shopplnA nall.

were handed out at tbe t,anquet.

An arard bahquet rreld laside of a theatre at a las Vegas Slrip Hotel. ! o"el _o a pospita.lity "rr atnle,es to ne€. on rhe eve a.

A 16 paee l4arathoh Edrtion cove.inA a.11 aspects of lfolld Itrasters

2 D2o' 9.

Fiv€ Oitalpians on Anelican soil

to. r\n l-hericaa wimlng the 11.


coropetldg in one Marathon.


The wianer (Bob Dieaes) bei.e honored at the late

6hor at .the sands

.12. rhe Boston Ivlafathon rinnei of 1968, Anby Burfoot stranded 1n New :{ork City, u4ab-le to €et on a prane. l-3- Bafiy Geisler Jr. of Btonx, New York and Mark Ru€gles of Riatto, californla (both rith rorld recold breakjac nark; cf 3.17 a1d both uad6! a3 years), coeperidg head on rh a datch race. Batry won. 14. Athletes learltg Ias Vegas and sayingr ,,f wisb the next nert donth'r. 15.

The National -4.4,U. office being asked to invite every wor.ld class lunnef. ?his includes Fussia, New Zealald, Austlal1a, EaAland and Ethiopia.


A t4atatrlan had 60 maby atnletes (naay world ctass) declihe or cance.l out due to the Hong {ong Flu o! beiag unabfe to €et transportation out of tbat part of the ro1ld,



coufse uil1 "he efiminated,

be chan8ed, If

at all possible,






Ttle d.aae will be chan6ed, nakine it the first Saturdal 1n F€bruary. Thusj the neu date is Feb?uary 7a.....nark this on yaat calendat, spIT s or r-r'f tt -j., aDs _ ro nireE dnle




24.54 24.5a 26.59 .14 .a4 26.2128.ao 27


27 .OA

28.10 25.L6


First fiw6 was downgrade, second five vas uphi11 no6t of the way. Imposslble to set spllts after ten mile hafk, due to change of coufse, Jose Dones, Sanl:s larbaE, Cat1f,, alrived tbree or fou rdnujres late fo! the erslr. nheD a 6lirenge! told h1h lhst tbe ru'I1j1er6 had atre6qy 1eft, he qulckry l)u1fed off h1s 6reat sult end Jacketr gave Irhd to tbe 6t.anser anA a6ked ihalr he please get thera i,o hiD ar ijhe flD18b 1tne. Doles even left bts b1llfold !.ltb tbe srranger, {ho sar rhat the luEner sot hls !6es61om after the race. Dones raE a flre rue & fld16bed anorg the top m. But th16 1s .e31\y tlustllg your feU.riEsa:

The World Uasters l,faratbo! 13 ao* oDe of tbe best lD the country. The ldea r€s lDrroduced by BiU SelvlnJ coscb at Claplad Coliege 1b @-ange, Callfonla to &.nts Creensl)u!, pubflsher of ibe I-ad veg6s Sua 1a AuAust 1966. !'be !6ce l,ss proven liself * & shodd conilnue to srcr.


A5t STING MARAIHON RUN , Amonq tfe maiy people .silliis witf ths 1969 Ld! Veg.r sUN Wo,lJ Mdner! M.Ethon Sii'J.y are $. tofdvioq tno* r.w, ]etu 10 r gt*t par Mcclne, AAU: Tom Dn_ kin, L.i Vrsdi SUNi Jofi Drew Jr. El Con.z Hoteli R.bet Tie.iey, AAUr 3ob R.ry Boy 5.dor! oI Aheri.dr .id Djct wrighr, !oy S.oui!

.l ,4neri...


roq lelt ld rightl ,{u!rii Bo*€r AAUi (.n

#aggcrs Fata! 1"400 Suwe= elenry

Joiei, 1.3 vag!3 SUNr o;ck Whit€ Cornty School Dnhicli Dlcl 5m:ll, AAUi Bill selyin, Meil Dirocldrr Rrsdy cdrL Yourh Bdidr Gao.9e So!le, AAUr Davo Lilui., Lsr Veq.! Yourf Saidi Bdrly Ad!mr, 8.D.".,d sh.pptig cdil.rr odi t€n,ider bcufry, !.ut', vi.d 5hoppiig C.n].,i !ic Lou M.E,rBs, L.r vsg SUN. ISUN{6101



4 .aln, .old darloc$

perthe canms last Frftlay s o cloch uhen : band


noDine al

bertdd, good relows sathered at srine tako td begin an event


"Jog.A.Thon." Dring

the surceedirc 32 hours, ihe


Bill arbdger was cldse be. hind {ilh 26s laps (65 iilet and liu$ Eonagna (22t rapt balely beat Ircd s.hunach..

(22s laps). Pat Eenry jogsed lrps (a niLes) to 6nish tusl


secdnd (].tn


rudy Rdineli

lhlid (r23 l.Ds) ed Llnd. He.k Some 200 siudents, .3cul1y,

dnnrisilators, iomies and iols jogeed 1 total ol5,?06 l.Ds, eqlrninc rpp.onnabu 1,400 n;res la distarce r.oD bere to

Ihnsas), dudne ihe ieriod

pslre jocsilg


especiailv betwem 3 and 5

! n,,

Friday. rxc,{r,.Tv took lictues


the nnale.


some 75

josse$ grcuped heeihe. for tbe The treshno



tne aosi laps-l.?$, *ith ihe


sdior clas


1,2{1, aad

FEB.9, !9.1€ rl&aatr-ctltLl

Oiher palticipa.ts vho ran


100 raps include: Geo.ge

felder, trian Schinpi Ton Richnond,


Bil Reinan, dd &3b{

Non{tudent josses ilcltded

ln.k coa.h !.osnrey a.d fanilr Dave lrhon$n, Jeu snith, looks, Mr. .lvood, Dr. ves.ott, and Vr. trin.i.hs. ADong the ,,JoE-A.Thon"


oddities ve.e r,ots

F.lscbbeck\ jogging ba.kwards,

Mo,t' Si.'€r\ novjng d 6rst ,JogA.Tton" at Gettrsbus was a big succe$, 3d ii js hoped that

Sayre was the

JulJen Ua:i of vest CexMnt Ihoto by Jeff Jobnson Blue Ribbon Spolts

G€tttrsburg Co1lego, ?a.




RL.1Sor57o,wrd riosr Rod

r n .rr$

nois 60171

. lrrn



JAN"AI 1955


-M f

pins in th€ nud. Tne

juio! clasFg, laps. 31ll smer, iu.ling ii {in stimulale a sfeater Inle hps, sppsnnatety ?5 terest in pbysicsl nhe$. tbo

A.A.6$B {usE.


wEas ftEE

6U'I\A! NIEBEN IN^ r rLE ruN rrflE F{ruwt*^ inQu FEI6NEs, BEAT



Wiiner t rfe 1f,ee Lir ve. Word Md+er- M:crhox !ere calghr 5y lte dfle, ilq 969 ere+ te+ Ttey ,,e ie{t }o ,tgtr 3ob Dei^e5. oI P;ia,"ia Cc l{. thn yeB ch.np onr pdl M.Matoi. TFREE CFAMPIONS 9a3 5UN



aid the re53 writre,i aiJ

Motrn ddbo,




rd., who foi fere in t967. Bdir l me Jor it€ 26 m er !.s McMdfoi ii rwo foutr 2t miiuter did l4 rec


_ FEB. t, t95? /4an 1euButtx *x

lrl!FAgEgi1 U 0E TfE E5e !!000e €EAso[ ir:t![ rE 8LA7E0

Ervins Fq hrk in dd hi!-,,rf. do


TO A OIIE YAID V]CiOPY OYT! Lr Mu A 4,09.4 !,{cE ull]l". AtLiiAurGE 6ArJ!9.


Ddr. Bdton H.r.rd,Tnv.t.r Fi'te, ,! hir.d .! 6. .oud!ry top lo4 di.t@ trl@r h.r_ Dsr.ptuEd .h. B.A'/L [edon ee.n Ar rh. tih. Ddrr, . r93!, CLr@c.



. rol.snM.:^R_r r.N ', .". at lrlvnbold!. Xs- rs on l.r1n '"o. Loo?. ._. -. t_u t1t iiZ r* *r",. Ior lnfomatlon {r1te: Clarence st, or cerard chester, zrz r""t e,o"a"jifri.#: flfi:"j"*""". rora' Kansas yAsTSq E CoRMI;L fVITATrolrAL TIrAcr{ t@tT, Ithaca, [.y. Jan. 25, !96g Four"


1,-lLJ-y A. A.l


]:a1 Eigdon

[, i!-3i:{:l];ei';,b;13;'i.,;.iT"H*:^m"1,5j.!;'3i6i.:;_rii::":fr,,is:;}:il:;t,.




mrcg guns Sunfty, FetruEiy 2, 1959 Sptuored by: Clty of netuoEa B.ach alit the Eeeo.a Seech ClaEbe! of Cordde-e. Meet ]}trectolr JeEs Ir!.r. DIFcto. of cecreatto! ald !a.k! !,Iatu & clea! tO A.i,t, OIEN 5-Mrlt RrN (Ru at h1gh r1de, coua. sld,) mru,tme

?]5T AIII{UAI, ''!OP MAMY fi4,tOIUAI, MONTEBEI,TO 9,5-MNr RUT lp@orc4 by: ltolLebstt o !€336'g6r & t4ont6bcllo iec!€a_ 11@




Rs_Llh s@tLA

sulday, r6bM4- 16, 1969 Creu & rse. tort5 r.M. l. iEd,Rl@tEGm. uaa,, tr8:58; ?. Bob D6r,.e, ov, t. BIII Andeson, S8nC. Z8:2or 2. Ii{tke t{atl.!, !CC, 49122; 3. 0e@ cou€. 6cs, L9:57; 4. ron Ks"le, cicr,B, ). 2or2lr Roge! SeJroE. CSC[,B, Ag:lroj 4. r,leDitalt cockelher sBAc, )1:?1, 5. Don foe, 1M:, ?9,3' :.llltJl! F.eacb, Sldth, ua.. ?9:\lrt 5. DeEi6co, SCS,3O:01r 6. Rtch )t:Lo; 7. SDC, Ia.ry !o!rlF!, S!_ ya, CTC, 3O:19i /. R@ loltoa, CCAC, rO:28. 8. Ch@k AC, 52:221 9. Sltl A!de!so!, SB,AC,8.52:rli tO, Jolb Bre!_ 'I:lrt; Hu!].y, L3cc. ,0:t1; 9, Scot! Ctaypoot., SD6C, 30rJJj eDd, SBAC, s2rJ5; U. De€ l,Jaco, SCS. 5?:j/, tA. rat tlalker, 10:45. I€n} paslleo, scs, rl. Job! sTc, 19. ?"ty, *.:53:05; 13. stck spa!,l@. ov, 5J:25; Lq. lo:c1: .2. Jonalhoc !r@-, SCS. lt:oo; 1i. Ir.!gla6 ttoD !r@!, scs, 53:10: 15. Jees Betuick. u@., Dirkle. te,, ,1:lLj IJ, C€o.se Depootcr, STC, Jt:t+, 19. Joe Tol&o, sTc, 53:55, rI. JoBe Don.., s!Ac,53:ar.j 53:57; f5. Ron lallleuj rE., 3?:mi 15. Bob Dlake, CCIAC, 16. PhlI l@o. Os|. 5L:!2r t9. La!!y S4lth, U.S, Arry, 12: j?; t_, Joh! McDo@Id. Lrsc. )?:15; $. rhtl clerke, J4:55;_2o. Fran! Freyne, ccAc, 55:rbr 21. srow vs.sa, L2. sr.TC, r2: r/: lo. rra!.k FeJoe, CCAC, 32:LBj 20. l,Iva, 55t35; 22. RoD !otr@, ccAc, t5:r!ai a3. c€oree D!_ Pa+ cotue tty. !ApD. :r:04; at. stee slraker. csc$, Pooler, S!.TC, 55:L9: 2h. r,ralr3 AtlJ@. r"rJC, 56:ja; 25. llr0.; 2?. Rt^k /asq'ez. s..Tc, t::05; 2J. Jefy G.t_ retu. xftger, sTc. 56:l9i 26. sk:D shaefer, ccAc, Iagherr CCAC, 33:14j 2lr. Mlke St6E!i, CSCLB, 33r{j q6&6s, srcr jtto1. z8-. r1n s6,rey, scs,55: ::;, i7,-{oq 2t. SkI! slEiie!, CCAC, 33:3oj 25. Erlaele Sie@, STC, )l:4j ?9, Dav{d Vabey, LM.. t-r.Ji 30. BILI IFle. cJ33:33; 27. cad Broo, r@., 31.35; a8, lbrc Luud, lccTq, 33:38j 29, 8111 r€!!s, ctcrc, 33:42; 30. Do! r1cr, s.. 5-:59: 31, [11]e sie@n, ,scrB, .B:19; 31. Morrlson, Plelce. J,:16: lt. Dor Jobes, STC, lj:Ll; Rollle CaElerro, SE"AC. 8:t.: J . Rl". Vaaquez, Srr, 12. rljllts KIelEads€., LO, Stt, lr:55, JJ. Ealt tbk- 3:,,!6.-!*g !hr.Lr!, ue., 58:Joj :-. Don rod.6, src, 58: e!. Jc., )L:or; 31, tEfi6 nobe!t6. rI, sTc,3L:o?i )6:!'0; 3d,.Ed Colllm. SBAC. )9:X; J9. R60dau st@rLoD. le., 54.:I!; rr4. o€ry stDgleto!. 15. BI1l ,,,eI13. 51, STC. il:Ilr 16. Ed CoUlnB, SB/C, ccrc, 59: l.l rrl. No!l@' IreLaD, at, sr. -. .o:)rj lr2. T@ Corf,, ua,, 5o:o5j j+1, 3a:a5j 37. r,eonEld Jay, cscta, 35:13; 38. rarry sdih 3t:17' 39, Pau.l s!8ff, cscr3, 35:30; !o. rl]o@s ll,l].cta*e, rrJ, sr. f ', bo:09,. r,r. c€;:ge rordri. r@., 'r., cory, t@.. 3r:rr; Ll. Euaene car.on, ccAc, 3,:l7j ant29t,L5, a^ Andrer., STC, 60:15; ,6. chr-s Bsrtlv. 12.. Je--y Quluer. uE.. 15143; 11. lob t$@s, L@., .: L-. Bob SL5SEd!U, um,, oo:"?,. .8. Ke; 's., 60rI 3t:!": t!. clyde AulDs, )1. sr.Tc. 15:5rj !5. rr!(m c{*: 6o:L8r ) 9. Mod,y nonrs@ry. 62. lb., 50: ,{.n9: 36:OO; 16. 3ob Eckey. I-APD, t5:pot lr?. qr!o! r'o*!, Dersr-66. \E.. 60:.2: ,r. Elsene sle@, 19,_:0._fa!l Rn. 'b:21:_L6. Al€x Re18bord, uB.. J6:29: L9. loo s!.IC, 60:,'; 5.. Cruz t !ez. 'Cq', 5tr02; 5j, Btll tetrlck, 16, STC, i6:52i 50. An oreur Lm., 17: lltzaoratd. 12, Sr,rc, 5t:07; 5r. Ken Sar,-i.-c aE rr. r1: 51. Dob Sn)der, S-., 38:Ohi 5P. RlclEKt SLetE!, c5. .;.",-6i;;;-;7:'il;i' sir-.. crr. 6i,.r, FE Lb sTc.-36:f!: 51. qt Cla.(, h5, sTC, J8:25j {r. u_ -]o: vel1E, 51. S-.*. 6I:28r -8, John ue6ro,, qa. (8rh Cr.) kllmJ 3dr3o; tr. ,e!td Holi, rs,, 3813?; 55. rlj] blrL7; 59. D!. $clard stelberr -3, s-.T^, 5rj12r 50. -1!zg.d.td. rrl, snc. 19:28; 5/, va.t ler tEd6!1cj, 6.1, (.:3rr 6 . Rube! -andoEl, c.nc., e:,r6; ry'9.1.i ", at,CJ:C,6J:o:r sTc, 39:49, 58. lob K1ttel1, le., 39r54j 59. Joiu 62. Mlke_re@y. 5,. ed e*res, *,. Ol,rO; {hltbey, @.. LO:0o; 60. Art Schbejde-, r6, SIC, b/r. Do! Jafree. !r,1":. o:it : d . ,e. qoodbfy, u;., 62: LO:01; 61. Aler 'hea.or, L0, LAID, LO:25r 5A, T@ I2j 66. '.6..'_jt 5 . irceFi penlr.a, *., "e:,:o; eg. Bas6te-. ua..40: rr 63. Jey Do'Mr ua., 4o:)J; 8.. br:rL: 6o. Atan rlLzseErd, c,rrc, i:T^*l-r-q9., trr. \e!.to. CEId€E, rrL, STC, lr]:15; 55. A_Lbert eo@_ c{:19; -0. "!4v 0s-1a, Slr, &:2Or fI. Stere wendL, w;. -67. -La'a tL:24j 12, e.. \0. stc. L i9t 66. Dt Ro!6t, LI, sT^, Itr36, c:---. rD'. 6r :,Oi ?3. druck fiarrls, SDC, d :lIr 'r. ?aier :rench. SeC. 05rO9; 75. loo Robler_ Jolh 9011. qlr STc, rr:rr9j G. rrsn* Sd, STC, Lt:5,j 69. i(en silons, 43, src, 41:rlr, 70, Dr, Jolb scoft, €oE, sTc. br:' : 76. cted Rtco, sDc, 5):1L,, af. J1b [rr$8. ^ls! Anesd. CXr, o':t8;79. sob'1,sTC.4r:9: 71. qe@! podeJ,'5, S".c, h2ro3, /2. l'y, s.,6i:ir: Pelnnord Ufllch. M.,42tV;7?, D!. pooerr Kay, sTC, Iryoj *.. 8o. -ed He.oe!. Erc, 65:J-: Bt. ar '.:).: 42:50; <e Bol!o!. l@.. L5:0q; 75. !.J. Come!, o:u.: d2. Jes6 peni !1a. ua.,65:p,83. p.. _1,!J i.1"1: "L. rr7. sTc. l+6:o6j (reolse Ketrou, lm.. 62:00. Jol'n E1r'o-, ]3. , tr: t"r .8r. A] cta*, sT., 5\, 65:30; "5. d5. !ruce cedces, w.,66:Jat 8o. xeroh ca1de;a- )r;. 5-l!lILE IIICI{ SCtrOOr RUN (!d rlde) f, Jj! ChatflDj \e., 28:Ui 2. fi! Ffench, SDC, 28!12 s!. rc, a6::oi q-, cLvde ql11!e. .1, sr.Tc, 66:ro; 88: c!,+16 i:r/geE.d, CJ'c, 66trti 89. ClErte. Seed,ns. l. ]t@ ,1psk'. rs., )8:1/. L. !tue JohnEob, MIG s!.Tf, 66:r4: oO. . Coole!. co. S!.TC, 66:d6j 9t. Al 5?. CoBt6. ?d:L2; 5. Brle tibdtlez, us., 28:)r5i 5. MJd. Rees, 5:t, 6-:oo: 02. Dod Solder, SJc. b7:Oti Irat L Baef, SDC,28:r.9' 7. Dtck Bled, sDc,29:02;8. Mtke lrderlck. 51. 5r,1c, 67 p),; s+. c!1 shea. ctr;93,6?:4pj sLere.s, @., )a:orr; o. get, aE, lM.,29:O5j lO, 95. Ed d, L@.,6'1112; 06. !@ tul@. arc,6ir5l;9i. lhl<aoh, 29ro8; 11. !6r.1d Call:!a, una., p9:to; t2. Dq. -bad Jones, rrr, S!.TC. 68:Oqj 08. Dv{1d F.ck. ua.. Rlclald fusslra, Ds., 29:18, 13. Jess6 nodrtquezr Lbr bU:07r oo. leom.d Valdezr LE., 68:08; LoO. iJc!o! 29:4bj 14. Thecdore P€y6!, re., 29t53t L5. ttq!*,. ffi:o9; lot. scotty DoEtd, Lrr, sr.rc, 68: '@., ty c6rc16, Avlstlon gS, 29.j7J \5. KeDny Sdz6, ea., F*1:: 13r 1o2. EaI tialr ace, ,r1. sr.TC. 58r.2; 1Ol. Robeft ner3or0o; 17. Dare UBa€d, r@,, 30!05; 18, par Dlstante, Lo. SlC. 6A:)rj_10q. rra.lr Sq, Src, 5B:\O; Lo5. lm,. 30:06: 19. cube! codh.z, Lm., 3O:L2; 20. Ra&b @J, Kett! I.,A@. 1s., 59:D; ro5. Ken ra!r@!. w,,6127, Ded, EBTC, 30:57. {U2 11sted fl{tshersl ]o?..Jo}! E8lierleln, sTc, 59r3oi 108. Rolf zullch, ua., JIJNIOR EniE SCEOOL 2.'-r,tr-LE RItLt (9th G!ad. & Uide!) b9:'6i l0o. Balry (trtl€. src, -O:06; 'jO. F.J. Comer. 1. ChEk Harlle, SDC, 14:49i 2, t!t& Dara., ls., L-r s-C, _0:16,. ,11. Dous tcl6m, )5, ICAC,71j7i ll?. 14!59j 3. se stllklE, lr., l5:o7; L, A?t AndFd., sa., -2:LL; tll. \ra.k r\ru, L@.; 7.,10j :I9]u fldtney! 15:09i 5. Jolu caton, FI.RD, 15:15;5. Mlke ItL.-lJke jtld. Us.. ?.: o: Il5. BlLl C.ebe. CfiC, i?: 'E., s1s6oa, rr., 15:19. (37 flnlsb.E) LuqE. m.. 7215{; L/. Dlcr rrerzau, s!. _:, ]-6:, R.!:I 2.5 MILES FOR J@CEFS OVIR 35 Te, -2:<!; 116. flell@ Dodett, rr, Sr. tC, -J:lO; 119. h2, 1. Don Jon66, STC. I6:o9i 2. Dtok Veue. t6:li; Rud Lrhl Le, L], 9TC, -3:20i t.,o. ttsne B!hte!. BBT., 7q:1I; 3. JolD ltootley, 1-:)6: 4. Joh! Iia16, 51. Srr, I?:r5 121.-DouA CL6.k. ua., "t:"5i 122, Je Vbe.ty, 51, sCS, {20 flntsheF) ?b:odr 121, Dan-ay Alegrta. CJIC. ?6:lI; t2h. -@ re€fe, --st& statf.rd-,.I' rn\. '..T. Ccplcol .lq"L^! C' inp:;i];;lp r@.. 7b:u; 125. KeD SLronA, tr, sr.TC, r:)t; 125. ltashineton Ave. Alnory ( 10 lap-mba4i6d track) Z-riils- 1. EaFy Bror:.,n, !!YAqJ 8:57.8; 2, Jlm Andr



Dullns the pasi 2 1/2 @!irE Fed rrmed. in tbe for- fl accoieti6r@nt6: 1sr Ro6.b*t ro Mlte Ru, l9:r8 +9r{.s (c(n$e Reco!d); znd !a1os veldes r.laEtho! (N6i'i. irr. cbaDalon) 2:27:o1j bt Irylne 6.7 ulle Rlu, 33:19; Aid L.A. Indoor lllitatlo@t B.s. 2_r,!t1c, g:1o; lsi tDE&sr Indoo! .faEplononllE '1.S. fi1'e, lr:18.5; k! Mo!.e!et o 9.6 M1Ie nM, 48:58. lhe co.Fcted tee lesults fld the Nsrional r4arason qs a leoeldor brealrh.ouAh "or rhF s-r JI. io!6 *. rDey aF coD1ng Ir Lo ihet. (4 t! good con?ellLton. .teH, esl o" le 1c0 aedoe!6 t6 Jln Dlore. "on-- 88o eft€. ng at Lbe age o- ,1 r& s t:co.r. Tne .luo iB goI.a to host a dis-qrlct genlors T&3 chaq)ionshi! t!1s codtnA Jue. 1 beueve ^AU th6t rh16 is the first tlne h the u,s. rlrai a dlstllct eredr of ihls Etur du


128. FriI GGce,-71,-se!1o!6 TC, 82:15t 129, noberr (6y, 43, Sentors I'C, 82:18; 130. tbrtln lbylo!, 53, Senlols

Tc.83:55. I'lotes...18 yea! old hlah schoole! rreit RtlcbelEddld tt a8ah. Th16 tl@ u! agatnEt 139 BtartelE, tre ttttel\r $n € ay fr@ L\e'ield. Areraglha eractly c:oi par olte o Fe !e9.6 erd 0.6 ojle AIU corse. hls @ @s rhe second fastect e@r recotrled 1n the ;ce,s 2l year hisiory. Only t4ike Kl&ba1lrs 48:17.8 clocklne 6r@ds torer, Bob Deines lelt l)ace rlth Rltchelson, but co..-ld not @lch_Ll- yosge. boy s spe€d. Blichers ro %it ru o I :1U,6 lndoor DIlc lhe Dt8bt b.-oE. "tE seDlorE fC 6ent a recori 42 starters to rhe 11ne. - Std Slafiord--

rrltit ltA.Rqryoll Jerly L. AdB@ , t!. of Glet 's psBs , oregon, l@rd to ro 1! tire aoston Marathon. ,qndft C. De Fef,boghe oi Bru6seter Be1glu @rs to !u 1a Lhe loston |eEthon. ](tuberk V. (etley of rloftrossr Ceoletar mnr€ !o tu 1n lhe Boston Malatbob. llhen!6e l,lano Uelra l/c1de ot the !c!rl palace, Adals Abeba, tthlolle, tuis ro ro ln rhe BoEton Mnreinon

Pesldent Homrd Banes states rtat ne 16 smlrfied ro e-e lhaL a.leqs Ine ,{.U u lt 6Lo! .he ,pios orer -O to reglster seaib sd geN bactr into the r.elq. lsmes 1s aorlX, ha. Lhe\ didr't se- flt .o aI_6 -; ro .oG riFck qd back hto fietd co@erliI@. That {ox-ld have added 6pice and life to banJ. a torer cdpetltols ex16re!ce, me seqids TC r4U conitnE to chfu away and try io get tht6 tlrolsh In Irhe future.

lrrB T0! sHEr,r

rr@ Br1] Jrs€hM, \le q . do-tdge, Mss.. ?erhals thls gen rau @ke you a ft@y BreErin fe. !e'r erai ahd I lihlnL you Esdels vo!.ld ebjoy th16

Sveqrbody @nts to m ln the lo6ton tjaGthoD] Bt @g once a €ea6ona1 aiiflction-s@thtne elo.g ihe line of In Sp.1n€ a yolru ]@'s fancy- i ha€ !e.@ s aon-stop,

Jrr Poa€. and 'l- j--a( BIL oco.{s rnt a ! ere or 1t. (enJi mdhara of Jelaa 1€ exeited about tt. tlle renyans aft lnquifins about 1t. r'ten the topoesltrlcal features ot "Healtbleek lritl, see descllbed to a Keave m h te chucJed nea- ]J, lhe anis In oDLailor Ke.ya bxilt bleee! nfU6. Bos'oi, .hJ I hes been 0HrrC Jokes abo_' ' s q@rn! I)e@rtrdatlon, ihe llaration, all ihese yeelE has 1!he.1ted a pricele66 geh of inie$atlobat prolaseda. Yd bette! belleve it. It's a beautlful tholeht, becaEe tle city 1t.ett tsB ne-fer lald a hand on tt in eiflre! patemal affectloE o! Ar '.re- Lece r"@ Lhe tEs!, tt 6 prese.rb uJde! 1,he guldianshl! of a club ihai exlstE a6 a tefterheed only, vlih an actlve nenher6hlp of ha1f e dozer labo!of the6e 13 Col. vlU Cloney sho pedotu t!15 @651re amml !r@ot1on duriDa vlat shoutd rre hie leisure hous be.aue of his reslect fo! the late Wa1ter Most noiable

The lace ls a1r€ys hal8inC by a f1!anci61 thftad, becaue thele's !o lrcore. It'6 alL outAo- &ad if il€ &4A lndoor tEck @ei at the 3o6toD Caldeq ever gets snoEd ubde! or smet!1.ar +.be Malethon rilr have (ru)

Bo6to!, neenrhile, realrs a lo€l,n l,loflt 1. the qay ol good rr111 ebd !ub11cit/. oooops, thele g@s the l]holel rlobabty Sylcste! X. I4cqueen cal1lns to flnd out hor he can enter the t4alathon.

1ltedatloEl clllllolNlA

Pnocilx Bod,@t3] bI Stan gtatfod Disidce r:r4ln€ iB grd'ing 6t!onee! ed stro.ser in Callfofria. we lsve avela€ed 178 mers i! ou! fi.st flve Soutnen Paclflc A6soclatlon e€nt6 in 1969, ],re baE elreaay rceisiered 595 1o.€ dlstece lleers idth 1969 A.A.U, regiBt$tlon cerds. rh16 i6 a1resdy a! ndry es re hsd tor the entlle 1968 yee!. 0u! he'/est dd nost excltlne dl6iece r.l@er Is Fred Rliclerson, a slender cofored bol. rho attentu S€lesle ri1eh School 1n Los !rue1es. At 18 r€ tnht he hes one of the lrlahtest futres of E!J' oDe out of Southem ftl1fomla re tEve ewr seea, He i! allo a flne yo@e na vith a lot or l@111ty. DIBTJ|TCI Rrtr{]lfNo

JIMMY BBISI,IN American Spoftsdonfs Finest Hour Didn't Even lnvolve Athletes tir!/ YoRK-rl]e ereabsr


l.tic event ol the ysr 196!, and ihe one ehj.h is likery ro be €nen-


did not

Joe Nanarh

ol the

a.J ol the orlrer h@6 ln ihe big

t@tbaU ganes yeterday,



Yo.t J.c she. Thdi. nmes @ into Aneri.M spor* history day by nDnlng r $1,000 Earch ra@ at r xetuclT terby dkran.e, a nirc a.d a quarTrrey

'enl fie other

ler. T{d booknakers accepted b€t3 fron the cmr'l oi 200. T.e sDea tatd:s



such dra. t3,000 wdt


Ray De lare used up at

test r{o

riretibes out ol their bodies. rd theh io ru a nrle ud a quan€r, dd pui !p lt,0rh n Eobelrjrns be ,rnd c!rs, dd ihB should be hono!ed. ?@ rftque.lry in $is country


slamorlze peorle


*ed boh

J@ Nansrh


shply becase

abld to !€rfod. .ahe I'ro $is {ortd

a sea. rhm*uc @. ]le srill dd ihe 0n Erahs ls nafuar {hip od a.cura.y. YJhatj bed, is the bi8 deal about hin rhmFjiq a toorb.lt gond du is a

rs ydms

3de7 Thei irrerE i5 trr[ chadb€F r€ii. iho 3reF ro ?-2 ,rd pL.yr

@knim 5o

rx. You ead ihar hc k

grat. *h.l]s



ro be.

M(cuE rd Riy rones €r youc soueh b ru. NeidFr Jdnr

ru $ey drd, tu rf dd u ta* and tu ln e €br lhat h,d hore sd iund on erftj@ 1o t Bur

las mtu orcr tne tintsh line iao rd come LT pjih t1,m0 a rh6 The


.@., you hse tar.oi


Fu blds a




morc ot ldu Mccuirc s!ys.

na(r Rd M.cuire,s n a n!*er at unorthodo! re is very athledc&jnded,


'1yjng,,, race

idea. He


arboush rbc onty cliampjonsbjp he ako c6ht.3, the tars€* teiearaDhed moiey drdef rn ihe bisrorJ ot gta.

Iichr h€3"xa.ght rrBhrer abddr r2 yeds ago. Blt slnce lhen be nas p@cbed ri our Eiih whhkey od one risht, John Mccujre sas ar his bar, Fepe MccdE s ba., dd he talched Ray De snokhg cisa.e11e5 and drinkln3 whtskey. Joht Mccui€ newr did sooke, ed ho ns b@n on the {a8on lor lea*

sx 4oiths. John MccujF 'lthousht abolt thir. Ray Dee says tE ts

rr, bur he Eally is 33. John Mccuiie says he is /r, but nd reatlv is 4, Any way you look at ji John AN.s a*ay l0 years. lut wnsley md cigarhes elase


!1irL tor

ei l@er


I'n or



ln New York, outside ot 6onc cdteee kd dr a protesional bihlere,


Joh, Mccuie said,

rT's D{}NE,,, Rat Dee



bondy and sneakea," Johr M.Gtrire dtd rM thbgs.

]]e vaved io the baitender rd buy ial' Dee anorher drink and ro back jt up. Thei he sidled out otrhe bar add eenl dut io a park and b€lM



tbbush the dshr. Eveiy

nighr, Jdbn


bought Ray

Dee hlriskey, then ducl€d our



did ior brt,g up tho

6t his bElth s,i

ra.e agarr

con'.c earer, bts tegs rin.bd qnh coidrion and hrs sEed , i hjlh ,Ey


rha $ay. ihar




Ray Dee nodded ard a6ked


bartdder lo. chdse tof the cqaF

nacb'ne. .,uow iar?


' tav a tue aid ; quane!. John said. Rav D6 3aid' "l]ow qbod tum|d a Inde


T{o day3 betft ihe hce, nar D4 Gned up rd say he had dre n;



LUtrs 6io*ed uD ar the Dtac I public park caned vtcloly lierd h Queea, sith a doctd!, a ctock r tFm a Bdng sclarch sh.et, dho

w i0 kr hln how rhe flhe to. elch lap, sd abour r00 J.ten&. Johr so8 a llay sseat suit Biih a tow.t dolnd hts neck. The clo.t r irsD€ted $e ftsrtaf .t der ronirg !6c1, which ru ! quarrer nilE qoud, "T]ie tra.t k te!!' l sIPr\G

O. Odill3G F(

ra rfr ? tirr.r. Benuda


snapp,rs rlreir

or cnamprcns wnire botr

$jll vert

q,mg r0 re.lpNrar€ Jroi $etr 8rudlis ellorr, b orrer tor a rena.cn sas mad.. tr is ro be d

ria.t, out dr rF san'ns 8ae and oi.e around rbe nai! ra.k. John MccuiF, snh rhe Aqueduc race





a nire tud


raffe {hi.h rare



Aid Rry D@,

eish'h, a sh;d d;_ fiCutss io hdD Mc.

b€ oi


tnrh. rorPPr

rupe. bn{t..harrv, rhtr is Amell.d Slondoht tinesi hor.


pt610 *,! t.Ien dfiie rha |]-nite 'Mii, M.r.ihoi _ wtich w.5 a prelimioary eyenr rd rhe Wond Mast€r. scen. n .n Ffemoir, near 1fe El

ii'P rrh

die rtu Hc had btdn h4ir rNfrifq ariud the rsenoir. rnir.d rrre h..e 14Sarinrd rhe

t EarrT


iiiqeF Duthd ,{,!

lo *in by r0 ya'd!. Jotu M.cri; n.nhed uabte 1d brarrie or sce. The docrdr nrhed o.io lhe lra.k io



o l hrrng 6lmei. one r.ok at Fay Lrre ni.{rd ih3t he hid nor


rh. exenioi, hcg.n ro drain a.d



year.old Calilornia


crun, sco.ed ,n.asJ Bitr


cfun, h,lrr resilles h tiauo, {ar'f.. .an rhe lt-nit., rgtyard


one roor


de6on .ourse


in o.e hotr,

nDuta and t0

seconds 10



In s€ 0 T.!ct

clnb nem. ber Dert lred fiaIf,e ot N€t]s AIB to lhe ltuish line at the

d0nd0 (lub in n.ndenon br 14



lnd a halr


rn rhi.d !ta.e was anofter Nel rFB enrry, vandrcy,


sta rlLer va.fte] ca4e Biu 'rhonpson, En van reddef, Douglas Clste, JeDme R.bdlj, non Peitlge ffa* M@n!an,

Palliok Bloxr, Jobn Ctrhnnj lv:ren Snilh, Jm6 Benin64 IVXX& FEedman, Jobn Drew, cari snith 4d Scoll BBhhan, Iinjshing in that olde..

stanins day bur



€t (o


8:57. B 2-n11o 1n Al.bany, ril. Y.

cz H0.

eed .ondirioB tor rm

b) rie Er Ldd.z ltDLt ed . trilh tne sridiob

doradd ctub

Olriciajs terhrd fte run a bjs

track. Ol-d rsc. Das 9:03.8 by urdv,


Sklp Meno of tho n116 lD



hrr \ratuF ridrhrns lbc ir.a :i




f6s, lU5y) also senlor DlvlB1on - 40 and ov6r., suiday, Mrrcb Joth. 1969 B M RDFIELD, ]O!IA Fr€6 lodglna and neal for atht etes HlshlnA to cone tb€ ev€ b€foro, Llons Club sponsorshlp, une roop course of blscktoD. B.tanks ava1labl€ fron: Dr. T-c. P6ac6, Rodlt61d, IaNa 50233-


The srp.raroh ber. Tony, a Eu,


airo spr\



@ Fith




Pepe rotd John.


b!by,'rhe bar


Tlre herins a.rt spirahd. fte corialanb lct 0n ihe ha.k atrd E 4et


r3r D.e hrr


.1ead ot abolr 2

t.ot aid seiltc inh d:ide to tirld

yerls or bartre hirs;s a.d

^rrei:0 oi



h.r.$, a

nro Eurs



his idel

ir s

.i!! li

l:neq he

fas io

.aloon sho

e0 tjie

..n m

h:r3 in seFn hhures and reIND

TnE TWO cane by rhe rhe etrd or the tounh tap,


.mfd ai

the cldcrer lun.hed JoLn




II.Gtii. lroE ri ras


d hs


begd to



too rasr.

tr up. so

Aq@did ra@ t@k,

ray \iew o. irekh ntu, .o{ardly Jof


rto', John



ro set



stop," he srtyals prddaiDs. .oDinE aroir rhe ta$ rrm,

rlrcLriE i.lhed insice tor

hores. :re rea.hed inside and cafte !p vrrh !7



ot sin.

acuy bu.!le. bur ft sasgsd. nn a 16 sobbted. aft ta.e, beersd trcm



qLE!ELq,ND aoaD Rlr{Nri}ts crrsB gcEEDIILB 1969 Marob l"6th- Laks trlo Assoc. -$u 15-q1o cha.rnptonsblp, Aknon ltRc (UMpton 8111s usilo !a!; I ?.y. & lton€ns 2--],uI€ o;;n l,larcn 23rd- 1/2 lfarathon, Ro.;y R1v€r Roselvat.Lon, 2-p.M, F'91' ;9!h-^l-.+d 6 mle nuns, ;kron Ric (sa!0pton-Ei11s M€tro, ?ark)3pn


{pr11 6th- O-M116 RJn, o.roo:r ?srk 2 o.m. {pr1} Ull.- \ 3119 15 nlro runs, Akron'RRc (Eanpton Et11s Metro pk) j A_Dr1]" z?th- 2l-/2 and 5--n1e cross-cour1tl.y, Edg6wato! ..a!k, 2 p.n, ' q"y i1!!- ?-4S!. 10-^1116 16-Er. ForeEL diits, , p.n. uay 25th- 2 r/2 & 5-atte :r-coun!rJ, Edao{at6r park, 2 p.n. Jun6 6th- 2 & l+-!d16 t!ec{ rec€s. Bedf;rd Es rlack; z p."r. Ju.rlo 15th- 2o-f'tlo. I,aka :!te -3soo. AA! Chanplonshlp, Z p.1L Jun6 22nd- 5-nt1s atlt cI1nb, Bocky RIv6r Res, 2 p.fu. Jb6 22nd- l-lt1:o RL.n, LoraJn coury Road Rutre!s ;ue 29th- O-tllle Road Run, cofoo! !a!k, 2 p"rh. Ju]f, 6th- )+ & 8-ta11€ r-ocuitry xEs, Forosb UlUs }ark 2 p.r4



i{gAl EVER FAPPEIfg' 10 llAnK MIRO? Reade$ of the Febro.y 1968 1BEE or lods r16!a!cc Ls vtLl !.cafl lhat Flek Nlror Norih tred-;d-alil5 loog dlBtuce co@! E6 6!nc} by a cq s! lr :Oj p.M., DsceEber ??, 1967. Flank hrd !6.a lro {iI.. ouL oD ! !a!d Elx eifc iElbl,€ ro out6lite of Earttod. CoE. Fralk B. dla&l€d oEr 2OO f6ei. tt d!18!, ou bt! rny

ho6 fr@ a p4 chltBt@s ps.ty, uas taldtcat.d ald h. old. r 8rop. Ee EB caugbr tro day6 laler, F!s!& swtv_ cit ald .xlEcted to s!e.d the qdt thFe ipitb6 1! th6 hoBpltel afi6! e*tesl@ .uA6ry on loth I6e!. E@ dla Fradr Nllo usk6 tut !n hl. receery? In a!6re! liaDk Fport€: iir va6 ftlAIIy !€l.e.il f!@ tarifold E@pltal Janue.y 18, 1959, afr.! 55,.eks. or1_ 8ldtv r *u dlaanoBcd a5 havrbs .1eE! f6crue., of ihd c@pouna, of both legBJ knee. slit tbe Etvls.,, All of hls hJu!1.6 vere tet@ i:be Elsi, a lucry baak o! a 6ori. He Es put 1! icctton &rd i. t*o long l.ggeit ca.t8. ]16 udorcnt eleven addttlodl oleiations rnr;;ah sel)telDer 18, 1958. F!&k ad&: tu r{6fcb.lrh I va6 pur !n a bo6. ca.t 6!d senl to Mrl-ord i!a.s.) 'io.lJtat for slx rce&. so I co!.lil lo cI@ei to ho!e. Theb I letuElit to gr.ttora Eo6lr1tal !o. fi8thci su!ee!y. " Or Jun 22 he stocd uI, fo! th€ flni itD6, tui lou daJE la!e. h. b.ote h1a .lgbt Leg (rc@) a seco4d ird (6]Ed.E or the gleaL V.t.!y Bl"let ald 6s ) But back h lscil@ to! 17 $ckE, !y ociob€r he Es @i or t.act1@ & E6 611ored to rlde 1! s rheelcbah. ()n Dec.Dbe! lyrh I EB 611@!d ro 6tara u! agslnr,, says Flark, but tl! !1@ {1tb tha std of llfltera1 1o!A legaed bEc€E and cntcbe6,', DirllA th. Ext nditr Falt eolk.it stenu@fy for ibEe b()1s a dsy 6x6ic1!1DA to sgal! to6t lotton. 8[!.he1b, sd tucIe voL@ ahd Lo tcam uo vat-t dbd to tak. c6!6 0f blEelf on bEce6 and ctuiche6. 6tf 1! I'reIEGtlon lo! hls 'bEak out. " Ee'U !s.d luch ao!. lqyr1cal ihelaly aDd hoe e{elc1ses io ecrrieve D*ll@ Iroklna aheaat, Fldk 6ays, "I sliU h!€ the l-ou b!ace6 & I'11 ue rh.a v1!b Lie k@es lek.il utrt .rpirt. tfter tbai I'11 hsw tvo sboli 1ee blsce6 fo! 6ix @!ba rhe long hdpltallzatloD of thls hsnd6@ youlgste! r63!'i a toiel 1o6s. Ee @t a l@ety srrlreli !ls. 1s6t P.!rulv alal lF Elsnr @!!y !e- 6@e day. BuL ftr.t l€ u Fllm to collegc tb seD!.@e!, Et. {a]}1!g gatt shou1d ret]s io ahGi bomaf 1b t1@. tld r"aat aaO, I? I ce adt, rhe lGd r:r$inA fratemlty sttf cedalnty t6 lulllng fo! Fralk to !1t ihe ro6ds agatn, Ee ds a gooit, botil ree! & fts lullding u! to beLler .letn€ ds.y.. Ee uJ be reached af 23 cltnes Ave.. M1.fo!d, !b68. OI?SZ ,_Ted co&iti__

INIIIIIATIOIiA! II{DOOR T&J'l,tEEI, !o4led, Or€Ao,' 2 te!ruary-1. 1969- 2-!dr.- t. K6!.y a,a"rer, .rutrarra. ?. K..ry Pea.oe, ftxa6 at eL pado. 8:j8.?; 3. :rr'.y; trom Tre!i.e, U, ot Or.Ad. 8:55.9j l+. Rlck ruI.y, r/6U, 9:0c.1; t. ralkrsy, qu, 9:o9.9 rr.*", rr", i,ii, jiio, q1",' 6135, 1t3r. ) o,lrren b,d o@ y6rir 1j"J.,5;39j.9 ar-r J/+_!lr.! tbea DoEd avay,.ull6. 1. t{aite dtt, KElh!t!, U. or d-son, 4:09,r;Ir€11. 'r:od.9; 2. An L1tL, l. Il. scoLu. pcc. hru.l; t, cotb!. u. or ore., rF9;1'8.0, :16,7_ ( Pacc: ut_ly, 6A,0; Cotu!, 2r08i Kla.ttlct!. l:L2) I. Rltpb Dabelt. a@rralra, ,:tt.rj 2. Art ::Lrygse_ z:r":j, y9u: rb@!.o,.. ?;.r. l. c6u, 2,1?. Ee;;;, *l*: ). Perry, !CC, 2r1L.3i 5. Esel Lt, of oft. 2:16.2. (D@belL re 59.0 & t:56.0) art saddllooU. ca@ .y:st:X,l! r! laa! tap io beau ,Or@pson for secood llace) srew P.eroltaloe, r6r6hfietd. coo6 !ay, .!-9j__Il-!!:, ': p!9T: jrl:5i 2. Bah,, B6D@. r.,24.0; t. iir @,(prefon.aiie: 2:07. l:to) FF lsd i6p_ ID4 seEGl l.le.!E & €6 tooktns p.eit! stloaA 1b rDti6 tGlnros rhi6 *it'"-pl*a Lo hrs uu.l 3: Tly 5 o s av.r8€...Sl6ctat [ttl._ ]. U. o! or.sd. 4:11.4i a. RobbrE:-Ed-t:Tt. J; SaGsez r.r61Lace. l{rr_ l. c.:11..d: racEe. Rtcbey, U. or Oresd, hj.l5.7r @o. osu. 4:16.0;'1. 6. sdr.y. U. of or;son, !:ao.1. ). A,_ Fi;3#Feffi;i;nort' Elaere 68jtu: 2' rhc rbtrs OIEOON

rEI,l oRrrAt'rs scEEDl,TE @. FfENIE 1969 Monilay. tb*b 1?- St, Eulct'6 oqn:



r Vjk


o p.M. Iettcl-y Sr. MagaziDe t.d.r l.t rcb 19 5 Mlte6, S!. Jo€;pb . & Da! sLu 4.t.. Alrll l2- Dldts.e o.Iay aL SpahtBh Foj-r c:30 p.M. ooar 23- 3-Mltes naa:iap. EErk, >:Jo !.M. If'. s.!.. May 3- R. tay 't* Brtede coldria,oon cup Race,9 A,M. S!t., May 2h!h- S@lhem A-AU T&f lErpton6dp6 aL A4ler6 b & ? dtles & t-dle tbs,.-s event. saL.,l,tay 31: RooEewI. I,b.1 lerav Rsce. r:Jo p.M. )-M1tes & qt]_ @ers T&J a! Tlrtee tt6ck !cp. Sioo a.M. Ersrey IBy cou6e. 9.1., q-. 29- 5-MUe ro-lLire yay po6 Lsr R6ce. turane ?:m A.!. !:1.. {+ 2o- o:e !ry .\eqece, bai.. Ju{y i:oo A.M. tutale sst.. Auau L 2rd- l-Ml_e sco.. 7 p.!, .ud.bob !a!L sat.. Aua. 9u"- 6-Ml1e6 Ic!. 5:JO p.fi. FaEr side of sayou St. Jotu lrlcie. su., Aua. 2lth- 20 Klros &cAiU ch6l4)loGn11), Eaibo! ua6_ ter 7:oo P.M_ F.1., Sept. 12th- Al1-C@!rs dslece lteer, riale ?rack, 1,3r 5,5 Mr1e6 5:lo !.M Frt,, Ser..,2t!b- 2 r_:O Mlleg Retay. oosral qa,rr 1\rtare 6at., oct. lrth-,4 o! 5 Ui1e6r 3 r.U. Sr,C *, {oAc, m.NOrC lr-Mtles gc!. Sat., SBt., .. oct. q.M, crut @t. ll]]4-!ttfes Hc!. Ec!. o 8 A.M, Ctul st. Eabdic6p :"' +_ 4_ured s.t,. :--:. cr:t. ldt5kE sALqU Cba!4,1oGhlp, nlp, leerr@L 99 A.M. sat.. ocr, 25- to.ooob sA Aqu x_c c1€4p.Irkefi@t rjloon lakeilon! s.1., rEc. 6- 25\4 SA qau c1&!. .,he poloL, 8:)o su., D6c. 28- - rn'e6 Eandlca!. 8 A.v. CaEt sr.&a.M. !E!.JEeuer, 8)o1 l{1u@ sr,. Ne! orleans,Ctver !a, ^cort4ci. SOIIIEEIW

FD(tIruS- i{elch 3Ot!- Ffo!1r!a Reldy! r4arathon,

cdLacrr Fred 6r_"d. p.o. 3q !-2 sld::n{e:N.C.Ftoltda. An@kler 2/910...t6rch rOLh- to_[41]e R@d !u, K,q_ r.lfk, feDedE6. 2r3O p.U. Cdiect: Eat CdfletdJ 5OA ,A].6!.

*X' Railiilo, a ,, senlor at Liet col]%e ir, tysbur8 dth tbe ,r, lron Urshlngton Blrtrdsy l4arathon ln B31t s, vt116r l4d. ln ' 2t27 t)+8t 2. backi 3- .nn j{cDonaeh,2:3f:

dalo-F€dJ I0r.6xyil1e, Tee6s6ee 3i92O,,.JUty 12th-GrathoD O€rdfaib. Uoetaln, No.-tb Caio114 li,talathor. conract: ti.il Fi.ir Burd, !.o. td !?2, AIo.kle, AIo.kleJ N.C. N.c. 27910..,AusEt 279-r()...allror 3oih ? q!.Gebolo !o l,lls!on-6a1o t{alsihon, i{.ij. cdtsct: F4d rir!d,.,:5.pt. lEt- Ebqrt of !!.!lca th!atb@, Cofublal Mo. Coniact: BllL Clelk, pa.k6 & R.creatlon !e!r., ltuol.1;a1 lldA.. Col@bie, }flslourl 55?OI 26Jh:6 3/4-r(1L x-c RD, G:30 p.M, xrcy, A1a!@ {ufl Co!t&t: Iflck C@t.!r l!.clr Slaie, i'!oy, Ale!686 ArELglIC EVmTIS--AD

ca! 1@Faa.

adtcrrt.eelt h rol8 DlBiauc.

YOIA sD!!1.6.



hexr c@lttee o! lnC oeetlu.

Reode+:' Gorner 236 nlwlside rrrtve, . Ilaedeb, Comecilcut | ,oade- 't "e .sn ever ge! 4!. .V. ihteresle h te1-vls : 1e rhe lnteaattoml c,oss_,our 4 . o. losElo tJ lne nore .I]ectacula! lbglt€h Cross_Cou!.y Unton's 'ra'ioml haoptonBr r! -r_h eho6 1,Om Me.6. rhe r"s11.h ** ls s reoolahie qrsh. and r feet rhal thrs sporls speciaL for the ^tde l"o! d of coo-'E. All dtstanc- Me-6 slould !4e tDqu.!.ie6

Job; O'DoboE4

'*l+*,# .


E. 2I6t stre€t

Brooirtynr N.y, U21O I belleve thar, a aale athlete Eaardfess of 6se shodd .be !e@1tt6d io coElete 1n the Boston r4aErhon anri oi:h_ er long dlstece idrlr8 evebts over j Dlles 1! the $e, Elerand aree stnee this 1s rhe only reslstlnA a.ea de6_ plte il1e !r[e6. I belteve 1f they stari youra tley altL reroturlonlze ou Eporl 4nd 81€ Arrefr.a a 5--onae. o\mp,c @:a!ho. kM 1n lhe frtfe. A rEcd sth ele c-!d no: bove ln tbe dlsta@e & qElliy 1n the @rathof, 1r ,,,e h€dr!a eood €rrd 6ourd Da6tc p.ogtu fo! ane I oljs3.ers ,!o ale plflrna €bd deillc5ted. In futule OlyE!1c @Ethon t{rours e !olq! sccre 6ys_ ieD 6bou1d be eErabllshed on rbe !a61e of ,Eee races & odJ the {1ee! of the flnel t.yout sho.J_1d be selectec esa.dless of po1trtE qccreraied 1n th€ oL.e. r,o Ece6 'l-hl6

srllt srves Lne !.s-{ aL!t.ce ,fue the o\.erc ree rh !h. @;:;";, ;;;. u! agal!€t ihe best aid tui fi, if ne dlan,t"*:': "; eoFere 1n_lhe oLhcr !rc 'ryo!,6. I don'r ff! ro -.:..:ctze .ne 19@ Belectio! @thod (Iire see! all klbdE 20 yeas) N! aon &G @s ,ne ohdf one .fL: .---..:.i rne lo6ltloD becalle !e {s!ed la6t oJellcs. '{e @6 rhlrd Ll the ilnsl r:Jo_. !:o, aoo.g @$rho. ctu-in€ r e ceorge Yolrlg tu !!e o\/tprc @falhon on\, !- ars. -:.e h:s adl,jso-6 tbouam lnal he €s :he es: re h3d on Irhe basl6 0f rhe al@o6a rrla1. llen fioore tu hts heqrt out 1! Mexlco but he is not yet rxe EEino! l.]eer th6t he @y trecde sone day. itult Srele!

Irke Shole Xi.lver Ci!y, lrdtans ( n ep]} .o abore terLc!) KLj'1 Ste'.er ecen!Lr .ifc{ared a 1etLer to mehoFE of the 1on8 dl€tsbce @1ns cotuttiee. slnce 1r s1)!)e._ 'e a's. oes1,-ed ro. publtcalto. rn r.re !"trr roe.'aU I beca$e r dlEaeree .."h Eore or lhe ltrrnss be said, i I iaou€hL - uoJld delrEfu eqsr rae. I Mo6t oe hl8 .rsrks concerbed "helher or lol Uno6e u_ de. 17 yeare oJd €houro be a Lloled tu B!6!.oc. don't eee alry rea6d uly a @rue 1''oyea! oto, o! 2 I yea. oId. sloulu'r be petu-.Led * *r"uo- rr lJ so d€slres. - oor't "o be dt6coul4ed: " de shoutd a1 uhe ea@ tlre I dor','h{c lbrs he rJoulit oe eoco;sed. If ou deElre IE Lo dere.IoF 1o!€ dl6Lance !.Lll4rs f;r fur_ ae C\nplc slolles th'nt !e're beLre! o"r *u-ot* ou cE=oL E'6la o" Jutor chaDpto!6brpE, "Ucr eeo iI leaw Jtu'or. r EE 26 r "oD ry Jql-l or tltLe In ccoEs cout.yj A sJgLen of'neo Jul.r ch;io"_ | shJps_11811od to Eay lo Jear otds rould oe,o* **:"g-] ftrl,.ftia co&blbed ulth a t4Es!e.,s D!oS.& the qor I v(uc., ro @,.oale @!e sec-. I €allze ve"or sft f tsftinel "l of lrEt a Julor chaElto!6r1p re ro otires! 6!ods, but E etsL. glTe ril€ s@ lhousnh sL Loe i 2815 Iili



to in r,rr-s )ec!e. 16 n,s 6LssesLloh .lp".1.9. .oJ.:. .r ou Lhree o\qllc @.athone$;.ired :T:_?:+v d,pos1r.ro,"*on the !e& becase he tuLed lo .u4 erer 61Dce the IaEt 0\tu!ic6. t,ell, jtj:l I eve lorlced th'6 oreJrd,-e agatnst Lrack altrteres @mrhonelE, u rarly rhe sr@e! :l-"Tyoas. !i*_.f.rkks@e ror @e.6 er6 ,ooled dm on becaue one, .T: r-"*:. @!6LnonerE. ubs eve. Lhe bel r rhar 16. rLhe: notjced 1116 {ne. I "Jrsr Dded u! Lo ih. @!aLno! arie :.::" 991." Jears o. 60 of tuln€ snonBr d13Laace6. Blqr r,,lllls-sstd !e ferr tlls alltaude ar the O]yrlic t!1ats 1n 1464. 5o@ m!a-.oEeE roon .he a.tlrude: {@! 3 a 8p4nte. ltke you doin€ heFl nt}B! ua5 eveE loe d15e6cefu1 ,s Lha- BrLb raced a _ot of lressre f_oa sLDpoged\ EL1-@anrbg Me.s vfo :d-ed brd !o steo out o^ the mEthon G.e !o re@!! a l)de Era!.on€ sucr. Bs Jtb C-ee! Lo "@e .e tn the ob@I;s. larao rs tBr alpa.eaiu BIL\i Es consJde-Ins dotlsflje Ju! L.at brr s@ of Lhe rear-€iejled and even Es.y lerlers co!_ dnced hlh to stey in the @raihor. And he lan vert ft that ewni 1n To!,yo. mEt people ltke l(u!t Srelner fs11 to reetlre iE rat ,eolle su.h aE !tt_L t1i!8. ceorge youJu, a.d Ke! Moo.e DBxe ou obrFlc lhey hapDer .o oe 6r!er1or aL,uetes. Ald tbey de6.se to DEke .b6 !e@ for Lhls €a rhey ray thel! ulon dues by l.161.g e dozen or eoxe @abi.gtes6 uetboo Outng the roui- tn yea! perlod betFen o\mplcE. Ron DaG deselwed ro dale oD o@ day A!€E!, .96e b mllehe to be a beLte! lar.t"uta"1&er Lh4 all 'E ercepr Leo oth-. ,qrerlcans--not becaue he hail l@ted to @ke rhe ted It is l)fetty tuch a fact of life ln imct and fleld tha e r]l@e. doe6r,t lace eqt further ttad he has to. A ruDer gcs iro dles lEteaa of oDeJ bec6@e !e 1!.rt fasL elouan io !.1D at one. Ee tus torOOOn instead of tro dt. es for ihe sl@ .eeson or be l.lE the @ratlroD hstea,c cd roda} {e la.re s nMbe! of :.leer6 vno ale !uh1!{ 19,{9. -o-dj - -aeeq ler ry beca€e .el !o tobse c can F! a _he_i'sr.d"_i m.a .oD dlsierce. oe.\eos one day lbe €ld. "." . ]] oe asklns fo! a narjonat challroEsht! :: , -q ,-r?."_a.. i slzpathlze !:Lb -hs. ,,;sleeo,-ty ._",-i: 'F. ',16 i il : LLh r0 lD Lvo boe Jea-s 50 I c& sln -neft are Fxce!!'o@ .o th.!E -u.lej eo:se. b- ho. @nJ o" you !l* LtBt Ron h4 lould of ro! Lle @6 hoD he could ro rhe Etle r&der ):c2: Tn 4act, ho! oaiv of 'fyor lunt Ji! ryu uodd 0. ...r:nA rhe DJIe l. he had ah ar . i{e Joe l\a@Lhl Irerba!6 (urr S-Leine! {outd haE uE celtlfy @Elhon rotreE th the !e@ vay ihet the elons certi+ !!1ck_trvers t6ybe !!is aout d lelrlr 6 ro keep Lne so.cal_ed bon_@!a r nore.-6 f!tu L.ielhs ou €ceE and oq O\yu!1c -e6. T Elglt 6Aree to L.tE l" he lernsagrie ,o a rue "ou.til Dr)@ErDA EGpeElo, fo! aqy ptodder" o! olne:1.1se u_ eld@eC r@er {ho pshes and elbw6 his vql. up ro the :rc|+ ]u 'n e @!a!ho lece erelJ Lo slrr or 1nlo rhe

Fl Hlsdon -"T H"yd BarDeB. ores'4e! u-L Ea6t oce6n 81d.,#7 ;E#31! J{?6L9'b r'G rso Loos Beach, usrlroftra I have a lro;le anc r do hop? char you ,,.-rr oe sole help to ne. IEsr 6@e!, .n Dl .otM o. 6en or routnG :1 DqlI T aBked lie readeG !o subDtr the.t!,,bes-L error!6 ro be eo thar I could coEpl.le a,,se61 I re.eiEd abouL sll IerLe.E, ihe @n ae lE1.l@L- to 6eDd Jn @.s - I -an L oet te@ lhsL "hey aFn L.r]€L eood. N@ I lnol Lhs! I couid flll such s @rl3 lh6- I could cLt- flod bne Catl"omi€ lesrr1t6 & I doubt tbat nanJr othere vould llfttirate suc! 3 llBL bu1 LhEt voulq io! grve a rfte ptctue or urac ts tall!€ place ac-o66 l}e natlon In the ada of 6enlo! efforla. could you Bee l1t to chadl'lo! 4, calee and s6k I]DL readels to as6l8t @ ln thls wntlft,



SIP,,F@"&AIV@ES Ligi,,;,lir*e*rl ;:.x"in,,:*",H..ilr;ru,.{ ,,ifli',"it';?','i'i,i:i!:i,1,:i;:t i:",;.f::- 1im"::,lill.*hftql'ii**;;*m;*';i"r

ijl,;;i1:,r;l*ili,**r xs+it4i:/ rr;*:+li;**+-'i;,+iru,','-'**

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7) t52.0

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usolur rd practlco they.rust oon,!




i;;rj:1i:.""it"J;iq.l!;Lii,$: t;l.?ri.""lll,

1B l4AnTY

IAST YoUNG l,!\lrl T1l NO


lrank lolson LIQUORI ras a lub-louf nlnute nile! BX

old Vl11anova sophonore, he already has lndoor rac€s at dlstences rer€inA fron l0O0 yards to t,io mlles. rrlf he irould only norl harder, r' oltanplc vilfaao roomte Georile YounA sald aft6r h6 llarty run a 4:OO,O lndoor mife in '.-r sa1., yo!\, ao rel1'a[ hon fr6at n€ "l016rs ieor e u3s .i,l<:n_ aboL: Lhe d'Js im€d:ateh? preceding the oft'np1c Gan6s. lacb noln1nA ln I'ioxico City, Young and Jln Ryu-l ! ,.1d ya, p,e-bre. f.s- uor\ou-. L1q10"l nould b6 sound asleep {hon thoy left, I'One day l"iafty soH us losvina snd he sald, rr o out ,./J Tor, Geor-6 -€cEIL'.eJ, T ran a ntLe riith us, then he said, od. ,vo ."qe d ,ls Jod, foo ard. I.-r JoJno b€cL :o rJon nraJor

a fonA lay eince the nlsbt he ran ln the fafleo utalaker l::Ie as a n-eh schoo- s-n1or. llErty si:11 -€1eab6rs fi o ' .r1-1 of L6r'lnA s b€fe L-d lr lltation I uo dsyJ be fo-o ")4J lsfs dlopped out from Dd€r n6 I ras so sl ool, up, h€ ssld- -ao -e :1l e!6- to-L6t coms

'le trloplna tse took jn::s " - ,le-lin"I das uslng a spxintcr's start,'i l,lquori r+ callod. "I uon't rnontlon any nanes, but thig au7 took iris hand and put lt on rry should6!.., laltJ oAs rockine bacl! holpl.ssln at ii,-staltiaz 1in6, flAhtine to re::ain ris belenc€ ihllo lrls rivels charAed tor tc :rrsr rurn. chronologic.:1.ry and tllrysicall;', Lic-uorl i!1y still bo a boJ, but e:i.tiona]ll he has .,rci;n Iemrlle.bltr riaiure. Tie jiitcrs he folt as a friAbt6ncd 17-ycar-old 1i l.lsdtson Square ;e!I:de,- e lori lD+ -o - .otl "al- ,:., oc^J. Ti1e contrast bot e€n Liquoxi and Dav6 tatrick was 6sp6cieuy notlc€able tho 24 houxs n6r_ L6 e-eC lire before the t1nr1 Oltriplc trials. l4arty aot 'o- d6nt. voui ' l as rtl t, Iq.t a.lf, hls nlne hours B1o6p. Dave, trylng to sleep norninS uorkout was too tous,lx, l:uc'n -oo tn lrhe sane roorn, tossed and tumed. "Room1ng rith Davo (an opponeni ln the l5oon race) ''c6o- € .K" il ri.'-s e -rJ .rocn-n rlle dldnrt bother ne," I.iquort said. rrI thinlr dq r''er | ' r ':r 1. calit do nayb6 1t bottrered hin. rr that. Trn not old enough.'! Jud61n€ fron ?atricLis faifuro to nsLo tb6 ac. r q:-:_ r. r'o.p! perhaps lt did, but l.ixftI can undexteen, 'o 11y ao PU\\:Il 1o uI.l"-r'"roo . . "" stand the a{ful pressure hls lr'illanova tea}lhe has racod t5e clock-on the dai .e berute nust havo felt that night. cane tb€ third sc4oolbcy to break i.;: idn"Devo had hls bach to the ta1],rr liquorl abou! to utes fo} crerlpLe-bltt ho 1s not.^,n. knew, "H6 \ras tho falr-batrod boy ln lhtlai. .._.._ delpirla. Bo had to mke ii, obody Fas coErr' /) )-o o.- : s^ f, rr 'aI" beyond. lhe Jlrd Ryuns, th€ tsruce riidd3 Br" t orobebl. bo 'tf-- I !, b rt peakod at an lncrcdibln 6ar]J e8e. !r.o eer- rafty'a'2 ]-lquorl"t,1 is ln no rush. ly, fiarty suspBcts. you ru1 €noush y6ars, sooner or later 'If ''!hen Tou s66 Auys like Georle IoD: .-nd f,ou're golng to lulflll your potentlal, r' he Ron Clarke, Jou stext to lealize -:e.ers srtd, !! iE'1'_y I l1..or1 as Icra s3 ;eor.e tlrc," ua:tJ satd, f,ar4ln6 athl€ie: iii.o actn their 3 0s. rl.A.U. E\EIiTs FOR 1969 sfotisoRilt EY IlIlllT At ihis staE€ in liqucrl's car:eii l.d:'s soCIAi, AliD ATIILETIC CLUE, Atlentic c1ty, lil. J, ".1'''-o. sanctioned by th6 ]llddle AtLaniic A.r-.U. to hin. lt LaIe Tdhoe aa.re :i. C-=:ic Srd"r, r.lal 1I!{- 7tn Annuo- A.-Llnric C: y athlotes tralncd, Iiarttr snooz.n !:ace:nllj lentathlon for Road Rumors 12 lioon at Bad€! hllo ceorEe ran Lls s1l or .ere:l :j1es at Ilold, North Albany Av6nue, Roport f] e.m. out at 10 -.1:, 6 A.M. (lrarty SEday, Jule lst- 23rd Air]1uaL Boardr.ralk IL1L6 ',ent shlugaed. 1- :ro;irl: Liquorl (uen & llorien) Quafifnins tim- l,ien 4:f2.o boyrs got to sleop nore than a aar i:trs I,Ionen- 5:36.5 12 Ioon at Franlrfolt Avenue, elnost 32. In hlgh school I sl.pi lO-il vonlnor Citv. Repo!L lo Bade! F:e1d 11 a,r. hours. No.,r I sleop nino. Geo:Ee is rstrle. Sunday, Sopt. 28th- loth Annuaf Atlantlc City so.. qFay up ro 3 orcloct, fibrathon & Sento! lEddle Atlanllc l,4U Chanand still fool all riatit tbe nexr: daf,. I plonshlp & Open 12 Noon at Elboron and Atlcanrt, -s bof, canrt do a nan's work. l:e antic Avenues, Turn-a-round at 29th Avenue, training elth Goor86 Youns nould be lille ],onepolt {3 laps) R€poxt to Bade! Field nl. liitle brother traininA uith ne. " Oct. 12tb- Senlor Natioml & senlor nrLr o Lo. /c no!'-o r' 'r!bly t:o, ..€ .l SEdaX, Illdd]6 Arla' Ft J0 hl1oi-.-r R m Chsnplonthe older nen did, alrd he broke uorld recships. 12 Noon at Efboron and Atlantic Av6s. ords as a boy. l'hybe h6 shouLd hate uaii6r' r'I think Jlin Ryun dld tt tho lironc ]ra:i, :urn-x--o $d Et .Es"a. v€.. y.E!qai€ lrl I raps Bopo-t Bad-}. lield l a,n, ]-iquorl said. rThe last tvo yeaxs ho hesrri smda_v, he doesnri Oct, 26thloopLe say S6ntor & Junlor Netional the sport. onjoXod *{U 50-1.ti16 Run Charaptonship 10 I.14. at ElE€t fun ouii of "ulrrrine an} nore. lrhen he's bDron and Atlaniic Av6nuos. Five rUle turnin e rneet, he htdos 1n hls hoiiol roon all a-round at 17th arenue, Lonspoxt (5 lapsj daY. lt': drud ar/ for 111n," qla In-: roL or.j:er, ror;arJ Llouo i. contesiranirs repolt to Bader Eield at 9 s.n, SDday, Iov. 9th- Senlor l.Itddle Atlanljic AAU It ls stltl axcit:ns lor hln io siand at the startinA ]lne tn lladi. son Square Garden, & op.n 25 KLlonetol. Chanplohstdp 12 Noon at hllberon b_"o and stilf tx€nendously satisfylig to break thg .nd Atlattic A"lantlc Avonuos. A.ondo-. lurn-a-lound ,-rn-e-!c :ool-id.e Av€., I{ac 1'6 Clty I,laxgato (. laIs cootidge A/o., (2 at clt} laps) -n-"n forn3 'o-r_3_,.t For ror entry racine lhe calendar, ho has .o ro:^"o-L^ac.e, v.1te to: Ed "$f3; P.O. r. BG 25, ?16a;antvluer





PACIiIC ASSOCIA?ION CHA]4PIO\sEIP I,ONC DISTANC! T'[A I68i Chrig l,El1er, san rlancl6co oc; Darolit Detrt, Sa! Jose Sla'e Co tFAei Ds-"y: 3eard5, . r1a.1n qr: 8ru.. Johtro

1ltue.b ''r "ic}EFi De.Bado. A.henE qc: s,i vscleJ esi tailey tC. TL. se e lon o: rll,aoove .ed iE oa6ed uooo 15 evenE le d Lhlo!€hod! rhe yea- of too8, Ibe oL,c;iu '!6 co._ ducr,ed seclet1y eons rte 1j42C lons dlsidce ;lme4 xegl.tered in i:Ee Peclfic As6ocla!1oE of the a_A-rt. Eacn DeEle. ot t)re tes rl11 be amnled a suit6nte llalue !y ttre LonS Dlsiance twrlng C(m1ttee of ihe I3':"r A€"octa:or., M Le . qas,!a I and te gAdo atso u'.d F Lub/ Fe. 9oo liecet1e _

oul 1. od o.lomen. it:.qj A. Fotardf u'r'j /. Dlck Blue. ..:lr9: l+. Bs,ney I"*"h: 1r:!d: ,. At yarcfo, t, :pr. __Sleve p..tce__ coor, P-lsIL!.tINESc

qnF9l, of CrD aor .lE by looy 3u-sEna.. raua ^ of ,t- Lons Dt6.a.ce \reer",6 JLs, " 4ar1-a title to xd flerefod. Ile Es ure ohfy Ahedcan eD_ ln the Bel)luJ Jel)sr ti&rathon fecently bui felt "e!ed at hone, fie tfained ,itr the Okln6Er llsit ..e race ahd r5n as a rpresertstive of otrlm@, fi!16!_ lle 33rd ir a fleld or 228 to! beratlon !tue"6. rn ttre procelsJ ne set !e! ,kinartu aDd lrsAr fecords. Seqean! -a-t EJ uer-.o^l s a @. s€e 0e. . ana yet a . -e!.es-,1ed oo,r -ne Atr 'or.e ald on,€PACITIC ASSCCIATIo]Ij A.A.U. 1959 I,.Nc DIsTANcn 9!'NNI]ric va ln vartou laceB slnce tls afiv!"1 at Nana ln 0ct.,68. Cerefoe -al SCIEIUIE .L | ..e B-ppu Ma.1!hol, sj ,4a-cr '. 8. olh. oo 01 e u aveiase of ., for each 5:17 rile. oays: & ai Le6 'I ras Just e average rone. at Sr. Alldo H.s, in ler day). sacr@ento! catlfomlq tIe\L vlrs n a, t" - € -.. .. )0,(ito pacrr rFelli/ "-et rta. och.mi0.6l.ro, tc c-Dre F-l do'. .,- 'An}. ,vi e qu 'r0 B ve! o!J) L^Le Me-.eo d s'on.e .ise- a. pJrou JoM6or IIB .i L_ €.n. Alrlt 12- l'-Mlte Ru (and barbecue), t1 Dorano 11 a,d. :!o-th Calor ra. Dled aor orer tuo yea,L, r en-e"e erery 13 e 5"t T -oud...tu" A!r11 26- rCrooon tlack lqceJ Fal*ld, Caflr, l.t a.n, q 'ou ?. e .d rE c . . . . i I ri rs .he B s or lqafa.nod i: l{aX 17- a-llite Road tu & lr-Mlte seriorB ioad Fuj S.r, ^t L@!re-.-d dA€:n, .ooe of tbe Iilay 25- Bay to Bleakers ttace, San rFianclsco Lo a.h. ro! o aege t]hers oa the !€6t CGEr ,, 149th Statuto teces ll Dtt€s & 6 Dlies) San !. ",iune I! ht5 1661 loston trareiio)r in 1968, &1 rhished a {ue I- latu r&r creq!6: sacr@lto (t,ooon, t.o.rcon) JDre A- last aay_nnc tocndnster 9-@i1e nand1.a, to a.u Etrolg 2bth 1n a flelc of 39o jleerc tron elgtrt cobtrl_ es. lle coveled the Beanloin .ourse 1n 2:44:rJ" Jee f4- No*to 6.5-n11e roEd race, No€to fO a,n. ge €et, the recod for the crendaatne. Jue ?2- tierce Polnt ildse tun, !t. neyeE Nationai Mturaln Ma4 rof" ro tluough the c*ar Sdctey i.{ouiails 1l Norib CaroliDa seashore, Calif. tO a.n. & liled up a nuber of ither recordE befo.e leevi4s ser_ Jule 28- Holy clty 8-alte road lacer qoly aity, 9:3Oe Jury C!1co lO,OOOb roa4 rqce, enlcoJ :utr. a:3o * Jci reelis afie. gettl!€ to lklnaE he set a 1oca1 N6!a July i3'- reltoD 9-n11e road raceJ telton' cslif _. e.n. JulJ 19- l'o!t !s].e. 15-n11e r@d lace, Iort !e!e.j Maf- clty xecold fo! the 5,0OCn :D dlth a clockina oi t5:?r. 0n Jar, 1, 1969 !e r)laced lE !n s Locs-1 rer-!l|e ru 1r Cohiy. Cal1f. 10 B.b, ultn a ibe of 53rE8, Jutt 25- l,lsrin A.C. Tlburoa 9-aite ro€d. racej tl..uior leefo.lj rlo als an :verage .i ?O rltes eacn rreex 1:j -lug. 2- Falf Moon Bey tr .letroai Uarat!.n 9-Ot a r, rra. 9- LEke Tahoe 72-tqlei T-@h relar giaC E.i, 1.. 'le -oetJ trtu" -i A!9. 1.- PAdqU Cne Ecu tuur Chedi.r:tiri jr,. r.atroral €e. llB l:tacee 5tn i: i:.. ',rr:,: r1i,):.rd tie .ljoCon siee._ AAU Cheq)ionslxllB xrl:h gujr:-. l...:iors --a.:ieiecl -. Lr r.d r: LoJ''Ft.'fua.8-. E1 iee iec:lred : ir:cl rij. j.:r.ti.!. f. !,ss i L,.rorirs !Ie, 24- D1!6ea Rece" L4ir]. rr:!i!: !{ ;. I ;.:1. Lirjt..3:ri:rr ;r4d !lar: i!. rc !!r rn .rrx).u1 nd!"3, r,-. AuA. 3t Jr. t!6tiorai !.!U :a,rr:. :ljn:1.:sii: saDia 1tr. r.rit rule:,s rer,- :+r: I r:a .ir,a tltl, :i6.:,irc! osar ra.: " or !.iarcir 9 r earl rr: Liirs ,..-t:.: i . se!i. 6- Redvood Cltrr gi!rde-. ]I::.ra i{: -,.:,rile . ijire jl{sed io.el .:.rs.. ru (-l\.o 1 a'.: :oo !i--!1r, l+ 2ttl lla.Lbui Feslivel -i. -:: e fi :rs, tidr.{6 r ... .... .". ': aut cleerrr Caftfornla :: :.r. -3a !:J0:CO. 0ia1.j.el re:L:.I Sorry |:', r .t!!arer* ,a!e!r,,) se!t, 27' PAIIAU 25 ktlo che!1.n6.r;. :::16rdr i a . oct. 5- IMAU i5 kilo .heft])ionsnir. i:nt- :re.€ia io e ltlr ,_rrinsFY STATE iirMscHalr,slrc A.A. rrIjlT cf cEAtfrcffs 0.t, 1t- 13th SacireDf,o Invi iatl.Ei r:-: ::tres y ..J. €!.ial te.rua v .. rf r., ,h, -.."e oct, 12- l9th col@bE Day rsce6 (5,:aa ; Ia:taa!) on fr-at frcrr :!eck_ !r..1tr.! Osrdandj C&lit. 9 a,n. 'm.ry r"- r"os . -.6"\ , . - e. o:. 9. .. 19- Ds(irrc A3s". .JU 0-dl_- tu :. ... .. !.'.1 1: JaJ rsE. :e!on .,a_ p rD, 2b- last B6y RRC Be.Iele-y/Mor€€a ---trl]e .! iO an '';4.. L ven v-. . .addol +ns. J. g:. ; 1- PlL4qU Jr. X-C Ch6e!1oadh1! (ioiml aojler cate .o t€zLev o-€.B,L.cr .. I '...1-q. !tuce s.o L .,._ Park, se lenciBco. calit" 10 3.r, ior, 4:20.2 (ie.crdr otd Mlk tr:d"' by i4any Jttquollj b- -\/r+ t o- Psc.6 oe?tali I . -:oo .oo.l E36er Caiholicjj 2. r6!ry nusb: overlroot ilealonalJ b hukeysj I secLJ on6 4:22.3i 3. 34.e FrillEr pascack nilfs, I:21.5i l.-rdve liov. 15- PA-AArt Sr" X-C Chd!1onsh1!. 1o,crtu(Io a.a.) B.M- lescuod. e .6 J aa. unlre. ijolc s,oh. ,,_ $ov. 22- Dsly Clty qiu Ru, xsjJ. c1ty" aali:. 10 s.h. Nov. 29- Co1!6x csrlival x-C iacer, colfnr aalif.ro @ . g9 r. Joe -erase. ose.lle alhorr.. L. " \€n : r, , :-e or '.eel e F&te cnet oGlJ! tnco.r oe-_ Dec. 14- ruAAU tralathon Ch&dlDiomhiD, pei-aLue io e.o, 3" ,/er_e Jetu, e. Dep'-ord Dec, m- Ala@da TC X C CarniEl, oakland, to a,n. "w., t:58.. r.o.J--6aJ adoo. locoblJj pa!d@ 2, rob 3elkovlchr catho11c, 1:t7.3r 4, Dec. 3f- 10tn Mldalght Ru, r,06 tttos ittt.t6, fOrOOon Pa|l1 llqrt, Moristo@r 1:59.5. lor further ldo]@lIon rlie: !ere! o. M4iteij looo l{6rth Polnt, San lreclscor Califo$is oqo DMF Fn' ?-MAN o |{ Lx q{t.A{ ret-e!!ns, h'o | 4X,::"1,"1,trferu":u**" ail;:.;:"J:fl ::'.:5 l4IZ !qoto!. 'le'dbowd. p!ro. r' tt.jo rrcii ro oartor. !'e!rory 16, 1969 3o-desreeE. vindy 1., neeho Eeplie, 6r:53 & Joln tUl1or, 6C:U, oaktand cl LJ' Colleaa, Ibdlea" 2:C?:orrj a. Stli !ottir6, 53:42 a.!{lssounr.yiILBY STAi.9q &.tub6. Io"e 1b!s rltrlo Eadr. ^Lcvc F.'ce, €lr,?5" Xe. erl_e . -.oo e. 2.08:o/; .J. cra -e DL"klu. 6,. :-L{ & Ltu r '.fiott. L , , . o: I":$dil{"ti.iH,is, :q:fr ,il.#::""r:;::Hi Jx,k rd , L-^"ayle Yelchc 1) ,.:2? & , " s'sdq 82 2?. 9:$:"ir3,:::,:*"t3::Ytd8; 3t'r;;"di ;ir;;;"r;i"*i#: .




Long Branch Honors Its Olympian LoNc


Ir sdq thcllins Branlh Htrh


i_ I of LiiB Bdnrh" rutu 10 poma :nd rh!'- tre.t on hnior Bll n llL t$lnd"l t .lcm u crnaro.at arhhtr.

)cax ?Ir.r n.illJ

Aaincd hsrcLaim.

di qqr'y. r,n_ing on !ns terli- rrosn { t6 ,he ra\ o.t@t ... Ornp. GrfF p r om. .e *s Af .phrh pl, " d .o' .,os"n d J,0{on4.r J..ple!a{r I0- sot BeTafo. I rr.n rE tF thc ! S. leh, vas rh€ raison ohr $hDnd drNp I,L" nl r.-ddar s B IRei. -e d€yi fe \1J: f F€rob ue s hdo. t,"..r".!.0 .^Lcd . by on, n,t. , 106 ro ate.e;v! I pfh.rr. {.. piro m. aFo .hp l0o ll.dnd,fdE He rd.. ol v;n I . . I Nosl.and dl St. Rosc and T{ry I er, in the fouf'event njust6'Buos siiged in hb hddr and, eiD-ecled.

rohEd hme a wln-

0l Monklatr {ere rishi

rrvalit' bdhind. ...o, D"Md, : hJ rotr "g.o.dt F'gr S hoot . j.r inlo hoil lleminirdn, t.d ibe lirld A stnd field, divided.'dru in i ,om"r r:t. op". ano nign s.-oo d'. pn.-e '".., Fd hp :-e fo $e ,-drr. ,-dil.r. doing 6.04:nd o.04 mo .r r(o ro D n.-g Fo- r'e ilil to.r c".asher o R.r'ta Barrey, Rulgers Ud !esity jud- ?arlr .0 rto v3. R., . s...u.f$or con.t.dra as. h"g br' artr -.tr.nS sd, Knr d orr; q. + T:.-.+


.\. Fh a"s F€rs, \ \ i" o. .d h' a-f" .1r rloandpll.d.o-re n._06.rd r..r 1d oirabl" L20.rard dr j}" b0 or Ror D:". r a or"hpdo ro r.or {E..o,pdf t r.r \ .or' \AU sd Lr \'-0').R"ilb Bu F"'ll! pi {.d up


smarl 2134 :nd Btrey, lh( lhampon kom

NJ. AAU sos{ounlry chdo


," Crgn. "! :1o, ."| .4, rh: "D rn .;F;J ^.x sagr-" o .Pn do"bhd D " ".to ar Mqd 6c.r Ron 0r rJu ,y Junr tdFgF d {vda ard Dldlpd .jh ^in r. rn r-d . Eades, i .n_dt J-..y T.d k Bs0t bdsi 0.^. rdlc.b, 1' hon" .o" h 5d { m;r ot9erDd rhe hish s(hoot divr- ,l ita i,ii erji'r '

56 rh o -m-o.a -m r.


_r\ Oor F , 0 A". . . r.. trrc r. h" x: iJ 'o p . ,. ; . "::-"': 'l*,'^l:9 -,: *" ", t:: ,:.""^",: - ^ ".9. br Malor P"n \" " o t tuah.

re/ io.iiv, h.unied on

i;Gyd Pou Ndshsio ot ro.q BrL-R.iliy, !oo[ ns on lfishr]

ro.d rJ;. Loo..q o' r"o ro.



Proque ro x-

illy in yssrerJovk tve'mile

/ co.o-.




jtilij;? li :h.: He is slaLed fo. ore.$as


hd lhe

!f duty

"smeshde in ihe W*tern Pa-

_ FEB.t0,1954

P/lEttr 'utE

ct MtlatM'flltl

Bostofr ,r.A.

uulltlR [E Fot

{ITN !E TO( A varcN 114|8,4. t)a



la-vw HMollg ru&! r$[0]l ulE

El€r|l{ nr4[s






olvrFore Dcve Rcr".3 /o P"1.r'ille rlafi o t_ Bilr Reill/ L.s ro..o'o 'ed ol tnioi, rt \J MU nr'\ ;'o.-'pst1-".! r.lJlB sheer vr F rol. sraF' A\bJ'v Pcr\ boord' ond f/d +o,n;1, or ta.erd.vt Polor r'._ T o'L Mee 01 'F'


Bill Brouillerl., Bfi.k Township Hish.School cross.country cooclr, giv6s Poldr Beor 5,000-meler runnsr. rhe Blorrirs sisndl, yeslerdoy on the bod.dwoll. Thidy'thre€ rompered wirh Olympion tt. Slll Railly of Oceorporr winninq for d se.6nd strdishr yedr. Hary Nolon dnd Gory Bedch, bolh of Middlerown Township, ron 2.3,





Olympians $fin Again on Boardwalhi

ASEWY PAR( A tea.l "im not quiie in ihe sbaF€ t .ago, go, rlu Bilt lrelrt neillt oi ol L'ccanFort OccanFort was in Merico CitL, City, , €lplained and Rondstv ol P€nm- lReilh. d Dale Rondsty lReillv. "l jusi hope I U be able iusi hoDe able

Srl1, llp rn" \',n nc ard dece I,rg "Tq /.. \cad"4 by .oo.c of Eatoniom, Dick CobFof ovef lwo thi.ds or fielMov6 ''rl.e sere n pie -,,e !.me . ,o al j. ; r' i n 1q !rr. '0.mrle traln, Rona, kJ r"dlen ol irlar'r' H,chl",d- ano " i! dre Ciiy ol Asbu.y ParI s eve. the Marines send me,, compaly lJlm Jo\r K1itl. o'rr S'phl. ol lr.or, rha NJ. annual Polar Bear Track Meei E's Eis iime time {as sas 45 seohds saohds oft '.o* ion. fo.ner British sta nov re- IAAU lrack aid lield rhai.man. .a'hof.

sopromore Fran

oD ihe boardBalk and serled the meet .ecord set by Highnotice they would be shong lands' Joe Lynch in 1965. iiif l'""i,""Ti'1,,151"3",?,,*"1,"x"",i#fir#":,##,*;.i"rl lr.S. Olyhpic feam troDetuls. Ronansky .€ported "I've lelt ro1 sar d sql€ljtied ro!..\:ora- | l,i i",3:q ;!b!3DLt,&;:1 iii f,6!' -

\3r sr 'dd o i;.,. o In Sepiember both gailed bette. tots ol otne. races. BDt trcn or one_or raco varuc s DEo Bi? J ;JT,1,"*d;ffi:.e .; con"rar I dnrad fr,: ie..:"dlrlr&l"i:-..;.!;:.i osic ruhs '^::::"-YaTF-l thejr dleied Olinpic berths [le iine was tne besi I re e'er !91-"1.,"* and in fttobe. both {ere in ac, done fo. 10 mnes, so I nust be n.Lh rhe s-or rd FirI $np pa- lL. i [", ."""1:i fi,.: i ti i: li@ at Mexico City, Reilly in doing sonethihg right. ' n g:'". 1""" ": g:'".:": I o nc alon" alon",1,111""" tie 3,000-meter steePlechde Eis @xt big ouiings FiI be Dsipl b."e"cd Ionc J"r' c "r'r -',,, : ,'le0 J"r'c"r'r

.. ":,'le ."o, !ii"%il: 1;ii ",o i l. t€. salk. €"lbr.:Dt: d;;: \ar io;i \o"( ;; ""\" ;;::l {'.. rJ'J rorcF' \;; calds;rl or t" tiio-.iii,l Bolb orynpians vere b,ck 0n lih;';";-;;1G., i:;;;'.i; _"'::', 'ii, o"": r'leo-ce 'iF -. r! @ shillirs D' dcn.;r ": ; " : ," , 'r!,I ile boardwalk yesterday .nd in the oFen road. impresive lorn again at the Derpiie biiing winds dd nr -ohn sh:une. Jo|s ":"" "i,*:."'-. :',,1 -r"; glir,9!;lll','i LA "I:::: lou.th annual Polar Bear Meet. jnedjreezins tenDefaiures 3, bro$ef, Fas next man hofe, :$iill kalkFrs ovr'rar-jop rodd <",Iv ol,N.-' 9:, "l:"".',, Rei'1, a U.c. Marinp.orpqirunrars and l1 , "i'" ":1"" lirst lieulenani who flies loday eswered the sta 'a"e ing Cxn. j"'4!314 rL: B;104'''q' r g. \a. co'pcp , oq io his nex! assignbent "some- Reilly buili a $adual Lad fron LyFhbu q;r .i." ;"rl'.dJ$ i ii *here in the !9esiern Pacilic," over r6nd-up Earry Nolan ol rleshor A .lFh rurmre.-pd hyI i,.1, ly ard No ar . coasled to viciory h tl'e 5,001! Middletown Township, a serior heler tu and was clocked in ai Nebrasta's J. F. Kemedy paced by D"bold. aonexPd 6 o.- ,., 'i'I": YJ-F.... ,- . 16 minui6, 4t.5 seconds. Collese, and .ruised hone ftst ieam rop'rre" il r,r,trhio. L ' '.1,"1i1",,;,," Frst hich .cnool wr (Fr 2._ | Romahsky, sho seems des hv a0 va.ds. Nolan was clocked .6s rors ntre.sl;;"i;i"^" I-e $as iie i li t-"-J.""""ii Manbattan colege d 16r5i with inr€d lor a reigr as ihe East's ir njnlt place. Fe|:d"j"; _.r"!")" 4-D"j.acT;; sllg5 speediesl race valker. brol€ fteshman Cary Beach, anotler Bob Perrus\i pta.? ir ibp. "u :L.;""'t ;;::1 i ;'f:i,1,".,1, 6oth bis own meet and .oftse Middlelown res'deni, third in ra"d"d an_-rorh ina n,o ro.inl,t"' ot *s be i.':"li,il,j.-1 LI", rsrds by ove. a liintrie with 17:19. i 1:14112 pedornance thai ]eft B.ick TomshiD's Jolu Dilley and Ronanskr


the 5o'lilome-

his nearesi rilal, torher

seaen t:21 r1 bur lfaces, cosidered fp.int by

in the o.e-nile rndror

,!la.e bic high hiah school s.hool big

and Paced delcsatidr. d€legatidr. liightsiom, ove. a mile belind. Justt [ehin; hlm v/as ned Bdk Na-

iional champio. Rcn Daniel of

nded fon.ih


a ro rgh b"'t


deets ve have, ve':'d hdv bo get 1,500 sPecthere vourd D€ 15'm FRCM I'I,A.NDERS irior", "rt"*." 1, f,'eden !€ would pa professionafs ve Ht.' 'ff a cu.rt' r,"'"""i. Betsluj3, deflance is i" r""".", --rt!'r"; *l: !0o6t Beland a.rleteurs spires and veeplns vlrrovs '.i. "i.a'.-", out ,etre ri" irrrq"i crazy' !€'re tblnl cla!|s del4onstrate dallv' And each dav' "RoeladtB p1&s tc Eeep rurning unttl tbe ltu vater "". "ita"'* ahelr 1n lheE €t! for ."1-. nrys€ '.-"r* drivps llke a oivnprcg u 1972. 'After 1-ha! I'u devole i"""i-",'r t,*"L-""tted aLuleLe e16e sodelbing to lhe slreets to lhe nesrbv "dol'l' ritl- tir. ""* serlouEne6s buEhess: PhoLography or Journe quest or sho! Ln sDort6 Ev blns '""i".'"r'""ret do'n up ioav ; ;;i"';l; rsn.r lor tUe ncmont rulrnlng locoE largest-1D he passes' people s!op' As "na ii"n.'eo "u 'e"u"trv crocked 8:28'2 ""rf-rufr;ft"nt. rhere:s G€6ton Roerant6' J."", Ju a"rd 28:25 for rhe lo'00o' '.i1. from lfan'lers iir ir'" "liit rr-*""-.ta dlstance runner "t".pr..r'""e Ior h-Ln, tj-Bes ' dl8ban' res1lsi.. ; fr]xr" sane rbe io"rr"t" t"""i*""""t ' hrhlle qua'iered 'non to fors and 3ec guldelto€s or r. i.".tt" t* oolJ r'"t"r vjlh blll Lest vear i"e Gulf ".i"""" cross-couD!ry ch€mi-i"-.t tl'" Internallonal radous Alserlan-born Frencr ol bejtg the appearaoce the rt. Asve -'o"i r't.ppv-eo:r""11v atLlete eve' vh'n ln the ;vtBea Roelants, "Renenber (isstol "r,.""1-"" ;;;.*" ln-an atl'lele6' ca nlSlll;-. i;;nry !hrD8 that ccumsnetlal'' ;."rp'"y A tris rr:a-rovrng RoelaDts has an Olydplc sudden he \fllr!1na er ls bv 'foreign ath:et's ln i.L"r Lr .*ri nuch io hean' rhev ^ab end qi 'i--"i",ipr.""'"a rv oecane tery detacbett' Ar the lin€ he& was was afrEys take your r€cords, but hhev cu ne!€r ir'. 'rrne or ;iE internat:onal career !t be vryrY' 16 t€ke or rrs ac c undouoledrv -wririvour Eedala'" be nuses ;ii ;il;it r"rtBer€lun 1t n8v be hlsrory nov c...s p'"d"":*'. tr* u"*r". has tr'. i."t .li'ri,t" !1: I fin Iiovever' """' a snal1 bo{v t.o'i"i" ro" Ga6ion ln l4unicb' spare' iil:i".t, ro-1nch frane i6His the fable with agree narmer is abrult ii-arrfl""rt to enttrelv il"-i.*" of an ostr'1ch' 3e1 "" lli1a.r-. c""t." wif} afr€'vs be a legen'L in--HI and very confltlent. adniration' ]t hu" tbis 1'riter'6 :t ctear lhat a cordns "-t,-'a ll"fr't"-"r""v" nakes : __ - _-- ------ -- - -- con.i'Lers aLvavs he & him .J.-;lii -lhe;; e"asv ror nan to beat ' hi:&seLf ' ,'!leu* nsral,bon cl1€laDlon *rri.prr' " d oubl e ol-ldpiclrked Dussan' Nejrr fast i:oL), RoeLanl"s icu-tarlv oi.i. il* . parr (2: ' :\.rr, rorLz, ):o vi"tr a .i. I re"e io a E€aaz I ne thatthe ;:::;A;" " itit", H;;; ;;;'; Lielens Er."' ):21; l' Doreenu'th an & i'4SL":-." l"*".ir"t asked Bil.jla abou! D€rek cla]'ton (r".0) but Do-i6 Bro!'n rijiMrev alrlsht i'a,li and ne. Ee knew cra,"ton il;i;;, -;i;;i'",", wLte-slaedt' I uho's be?' F€'E solns to tno'' i"i"-,.)lr.i: r4tLe: -. B'f,an ;;;;. 3' qulcr' resune of ;'i;:o6. t.ta-.tf; 2. Phjr Dalas' L:2?'-; r. r"'ii",uni-t' lrexlco'' after aI qodl-d (5r.91... a r:i7:2 venture ".:s +499I,. ir'r. oU,ipr" nareLhon results (2;oo-B8o)i a Kev'r Roblns i'r:.: E Kroe' riu"ieht, still 'z;:]t.i; Abebe Lhst cuess lstche-Ior 2: ro' 3" ' qe9: Lro 'Ioesn schedures dth nel. Dsve2:09.9 'n."irii" pr'* his lrainlns '. 2' Joser Prach (r:5r'); qbet can he ijirv, i.-i.ri t;;J."" ";.", and he knovs15exacLlv z,ro.[; 3. Art sandlson, 2:r0'5"'Q ii-J"-"r-r'l #"r r. But le flexlbre sad tntel 6"."1,, Au6ira_Lra o:'u'ii 2- tlc: L' Kerry orBr:en'1"2; ]x;ent 1n h1s approacb' B:l 3' Andv vorher czecn.. a i every vear i"fil-r.*, I "" o".n trajnlng for vears' q,og.r, fP."u- 64.0, 2:oo. 3:1r+ bv 0'B-1en: '-f I d vou r.no" yo:rserr oeclerr" h: 6avsPeLr...then^9lll' :l-:::: I knov exacLLv 6,e., "'),", " :L.L byiaps ii""f-.r "r',a or ouE of rouscfe' to so') oervv Lindai€ tvo Jr'"t-".tt .t tralnlns {111 correci it' an'L re- in!'i"J""it; tedlon snd vitnd re! ea'ller 1l nr" r"ua store ""i"f ";; the equilibriun' a detacbed .rer a-ioDsb.tp-{ith. ;;;* i, !i. ; . "eelli driler- has daa h1s as a r:14 el nt" iff"'ir,"' q:j2.r' (J€Jnes cfoched "";"-ffi".{'iff "a"ine run- i, irou purr", n .r."u" ls not ascetlc abc c lls Ja( dles')-Don I/2 it'. Jr" ."a'g,ll at L & ""i.-iJt ;il.';; .;;; anr'lrrj ns and dr:nks evervthins ------- ---'---l-:( -'ioirn -riii!E PIn'r oPE N ) l'rav l



ifl#t *"*T;"


ffi#T#"iil.il,?fu )' lffi.ol-2,01,




It,:f n;; P"."",,

l^"?"?'ii'l?"iiq !i:i":n;;:: -v*,1;,TIii, he has Do ilLuElon6 about oi'"". ""r!"'"'t" ach.letrcs and 'b8t thev dean rn v;rrd class and Baln' ter0s ':i" of sacrlfice an elab! Lo 6lx lob vou slsplv r'"'u '"" world class at\]e-e'- he sav6' -;|-'":"" "rJ"'t. ' to coidpe Le !i!h RuEsLan Iolljterv frfete. rn.n a solu lon duE! be found to^the.. ror p!D-

' t"t "tmet"" run i,Tli".r",iilir",;i;; ii"itv r*" cycrists 'to ' #" li'!*n' "-i """;iion?1-::T: l:-e:::::' d;;" ii;i-" .e.i'::"::, 1l:::::t relt "[:";;:;-r; reraiun. "At the reratlverv ;;;i.






keatber: clea" & ( ii"". ,L""'"v 25, '95o t1"""" ""o"t Lr-rage vi:b a fer' sllaLr hllls sborr' 'crophles Lo a: ii"i"r"" r *.r-v a oit r risL-:i: i"i""", ".".pt'rc ?r:5-l 2'u::..leceived Sege"6'-( lau! 1. I,eo Duart, una., riuc, 25:'Jj r' Fo: !. t* oerderjan,rod-Jasnjn' fn'rc "6,igi t"lc, 27:12, 5' '2 6"i!", cousr $ke 2':25; 7' Nl'lc, i".v, n i. n"o" "t sAc 27 gi*;i";''^;, zr-:!5; B' re"'n nert' B r'r0' carhe-' ro' 2",57, ;.;;;-;i;: tic-, -usrrit-ao' NMc' r' 5e,ii; r . iuclaia 29:!ai lJ' LLovd -24:30: Keves cr.pp, NMc,



) DAle. St. Peler's, 28:Oc: "u"nt l"lc 20. Jerry 28:061 Frosh, John'6 clrasso. St. 18. tln. MBv cann. St. Peter's, 2gtoli 2I. uike l{cBride, SJ it; rT.-cr'u'i." Porcer, NMc, 30:17; Bezu.r6ik, Shore Ac 28: l2: ian. N]'(c, l0:lri rro"i. '8'ro; 22. Ed er. t*lC, 3o::r; 19. John Poogas Frosh, 28:"5; 2, . yatl Co-La, )o:l'2; SJ 21. Mark Hasaer 23. EtL Chesnlk, 20: Kevin McDon€Id, Nl4c, occ. ag,ret 25: Bert Sroi d L, una ' ' 28:2oj "6' rv, NMC, 30:l!+; 22, Dan,iel Ayers. NMC. lO:50; SJ iete F",'nlne, sJ Frosh, 28:26: 27' A' rEtev'28:Loj Morse, phrl 24. A_nold l,,tccaw, Nl,lc, 1o:>2; 2t. Ac, L.r. Mccarthv, jo:rF:26' c-enn i.o"n, eg'.f!i 28. lwi,;oif>; 25. oere -ootrev' BAA, 2C. Dave McCuLsan, St. Pele_'s. 28:45; l0 Do_ vorth 2I' Daldd NMC' J':20: i''l.D', canlu, Rober-! rr' G€orge Kocbnan l'lAA ' NMc, Ellis, 31 L;ddaur, s!.Asc, 2B:l'j en. M.D., NMc, 3r:29: 28. clsude 28:51; 33' Ernle 28 )2t 3?. lLke Del'liceo, sJU 30; 29. Jarcs Conley, NMC. 'f:Jfi J0' Geocge. ^A. 29"121 \c' lrna' Hart, {h. G. ?9:OIr: unat', ni"!". Ule, l,llir.i'. ,-"., 31:32t 31. James Anderson,Je'n-€s^ot ' sheeiran' oeoree 29:2\; ltL\c' ,6' Jolm Dockstader, 3L..]t8t 32. Fran)2}laher,. NMC, 31:59i 33. 29:32, SJ lrosh, Jordan, or: 31. I€o Lou€trn€n la'tc' r?: CJ'tc, 29t2Bi 37. John i;;;;,"*"., c1!v s!a1e coLLege' 20: Je'sev 18. ;ohn Llesel , Richard \Mc, 36' J2:20i oI+: 1): Paul scnerl, S!'Asc. 20:)l; Lo' F' l,aufgas e".ti. ,2, ie. l'lc ' rern;fe. NMC, 32:l'l; t?. tulLIo RoLondi. ql^l:l ' t1' Bil- coJne' l'1AA 20:59;+ ro"-.", ecc, 2):2 i 32:)5i 32:tL; JB. Ju]ian steser. r8'1c,ozlas, l'l' cv'il Eades' CfiC -o""l"i''". {O:Ogi -i-?' 13:31; 42. I41ke Horn, una., ru,rc,33:08;'o. Ga-v 12. NMc, (. l+lr. SL. PeLer's, 10:'O: L5' Su-lllvsn, Slealev Keve. lO:I: r,r. Slanl-ey Bromr I\s,lC, jltLrt si'ABC .. I -]+' c. Rutberforcl, una', Jo:)oi L6' J Glner' , ni Nil,-33+t; LB. Jerf .r, MA,A. Eoland, 30:17; J Btfl io,ii, chapiDskt' Ben oaria I'enovs, NMc, JL or' ). i'.r,-i. c.nc. jot53t L9. -. Hea.ey,(6ts!. PeLer's' NMc,:r+:??: L ' Nil;_ri,ot; t,6. c.b.;. risrev,rB' rnn. Bectes. uAA, 3r:'0. chri6 xEv1s, liioZr'lo. 'r"i"" ll+:rl; una.. rerghto". ceoige -lee: sL' 2);2' -rlr'rs, I.9. sobe't.'abor, Jns., L:-5i o' shers) L. Sa. John's unlv. AAr lr' rurc S!' AA' 6L; ac, t se-zourg, r"ii"iu-" ,2i ) M1llrose I'larc 'r'B 5r' NMc, i"t'd'til,i..!", ab College lrosh. PeLer's St' ,. 90; Joh!'6 Untv. Nlrlc, JL:L9r ,2. Gea?ee J' o'Ne1-1, NMc, 5:1'i tuso (under 19 v's)- A-4gero Rlvl 5j. Ulke PuLchln6on, NMC' 16:rr: 'L C'eoree GI- f6t Teenaser Lo)- Jln McDonaah lliurose AJ' (over vete'an :I'c lst 30: wC, 36]ri ,'. Cner'tes -Sco:l, --Joe me inerDan-"elren. Ll,: 56: Sk PocLozqv, NMc, 36: 6; '7 c'cna'd 3?: lr-YILE RoAO RUN r"i"i. '".1, Jo:c ; '8' E'nie stDson_$rrcRalph 5TE A$NUAL flENRy E. ISOIA L f ?o: 59, JaLe B_ederson, NyC. )B:(o: sunday, February ?- !969 !? Nood (4 -aps or on'Jr.rNMc h":"L, rr,rq^, orod; 51, C'eorce -esl:e.53' cour6e) Recorr ilo" ""."irr"a e'o* ltarke LAc, Fran r. Havs, una., 39:31i 'ii"." :968 lgrrSt e"' J;es York Ne' Brom. rma" ;i;i6.5 "; Barrv Coff"u, .-u., )o LO: 61. LI1!ooo -vicbell Aesn' Nev York 1-6' bY RRC Slon€ored lti ;o,os]'g;. F.ed lron. s-.. NMc ro:Lo: '(€ ?l:2?'8 ..-t"r n.Ul"t""", Nev York AC. NMcr Bostock, 61. Roberi 4lt2\; nu*"", "".., 21t27 AA' U. St. John's 2. Terry Mcquader i,i.ii, es. !{n. Fertovs, r].1a. ' r1:j-; ,o Pa2\129 Mll1iose.AAJ Muhrcke, 3. Cary cc!e, NMc, Ir":i.i,., u." Ac, L2:o)r fo. F:sre 2tt5, AC, York Nev [. Joe'Bes6er, ]Mc, !5:19 12:-2 \2t25i 7r. Tom csuatEnJ AA' 5, Edl Wa16h, !'lanhsttan Co1-Iege -eo Lhe val ;:Ler ],he slr Dr-am r"rl!...r". Kevin Alder6ot, st. John s u. M,22:1, (-6-' Julie retnovle, l€s Barc- 6. first rd1e. 22t?e 'offlcials ;: ;; M;8"[;, ]bnharLan collese M, sJU and .*. .l , . c"-"v. rr:M Be.tonJ Arr liadreau AA, 22: ( Laye.J ieenacer r'no.er !9); 8. Rjcn g u s^i,.r' dltl € f:ne ioo. --r'ed Bro4 sr'-i"""us""); !0. Jobn Carlepp !41U rose12'A^lat22:r'0: i.z-t4-m aom RUNr sponsored ov tudEon colrnlv Bas' rr. ise velasquez, S!' A3c, 2l:ooi i-rr, Asso.-tation, Feb.uarv 1. 1959 2:oo P'M' una McP€'nland Jack ' !lck. IryAc, 23ta6i 13' ' Journal- squsre, Jersey Clirv, N'J' Cou:rse: @erL. BL-Ll l'rahon ' ,.aa 2J: aacb erouno' zi,ii ij"a',";'"e.'); of 1'5-d1les i:vo laps Eile to Park, Dave Fani1; is.-sn GollE;r, sfiJ AA, 21:21, 16NYAC' Park & bsck to starting Polnt' ??:'' rvocineYr zj:fi; t7'cene .;:-;;. unlv' cA 2):r?'8 st' ' ili*-""e*a". -i"","."x, Malr rq' ?J:5': AA, MiL-rose Loo, l,tiaar. r8." iloue sL. John's u -fr""'" ci."i." : ?:'?p 2Lrr' eA teae col cc@nunitv * ..i.. A'A' 2b:oa 3. Ke/1o Andersonr S!. John's J'BC, ""*n l iJJir Lombard 2t' aOl n n.rt, .."u', a>,oo' 26112 i. i'i" 'r.1"r,"', 6!. Anthonv's ee. ?6?, " 22. cedric Eadesr cfic '' :'ot 2)' Tc. 2;40; uni'. 60. ,rorr"'s .: ;i;;;;;;. l'tM, 26:0o; 24' ^a-!son Rurhe: eoru"a, vilrrur 26:26 6: ;";; ;;1;"q";", ;t. AnEhoqv's Bc, 25t3o 2r. Bob teaviL!' Freeoort :c' 26 ;r', >ot ;il; Z. ior'n cerre';p. Mrllrose AA, z7:76t 26. Ed illlllaIoE, uia.. 28:-17: '7' Jo:n 26'35 A. iL v.P.'*ei', M1llrose l,q, ua ' Xenur. Unru"a M, ?91221 28' BiL' Nelki'k Bc, ?6t42 e, Jito o'Co-.]-r, SE, AnEhooJ'sco-1l Mcrl lo,o+, eS. Abe Schrsrcz')1'une r J0:o9t lo , 2e':'o ic. o,u"ro Rivituso. C.!i. Post ]2' Joe Pele Earl ' una" )?: *"', 'o:r8i !tuntrlsron i"i''.i'tr, Buin6 26:55i !ec" llr ') lf. s'iL cotaoo, sr.ABc, ' .2. 6.'L Lonsl-Lfert'i ' iii I'IAA, uiit"i-re, ii,o'6; tz. t;us Mlddreton' -2?: Dr. l4srk Mankoffr una" Jo:zo' -ion'ii-l-la i.la^"., sr. .rot"'i u. ee, 27:-2: -Lr' r' ii. r:ahe--"' r"i" e'ei6fer, Ba"ry Gels-er, Nelt ILeire:Joe Dlrector: :'31.'F;'iil"i"ifi,lu, oii:"1.1", Ssrrv Geisler. ."". lt";" Cleoermsn, Sao ScnLed Lo_ Ilh_1r''

29:l+or 'lL. David lllben. una.. 29:rBi l5 E I'c 16. John Hish]ev, NMC, 30: NMC, Jv:uot Ed.va!d6, Ed.vam6 r Nl'4s, lO:05; fu.




o'si;i. ;a ')







o* ra MTDDLE Arl,Alr,r. oa rrj ... terr Aoor., r;.i ;.: 1r5f 19:33 iiqlg, ".uo"o Pa., "** MAlrrErD ""sulday, Pbtta., Febru.y 16r!- No arblete sets I rz. tom s 3?.B t6,ot ir "", 2!-7 ver:. far rlthdt luttlne i,he tie ead volk thio ibef 13. K.! Slmos, 2::Ui 3:29 i; tralnlng. llosea r,I6trf1,eld 1s ns aettlDA @ qrtb lhe i 14. re. coula4!. O1 )16 6:07 r8:ri Ijt39 a LacL of r0o ali aDd-eE a resu_L! i6 FAptos rbe enJoy- | 15. Jom r.tat-t td. 21.-a 2:36 r9:ii 16 _i putti.ls fr@ Debi 100F effolt tDio s@thtn€. 16. sre@ Mafthe*, al.::3 5:,2 1i,t ' e".re r.,oa re,o[ 10 the Plltadet!!1a plolee! ace hov6d rr66drly dr sr the{| r?. .re r*ii oeslMlhc & oas.ed rhe ? r/2-dre rr:ruro@d polm i, id: ;; ririlr,: r. !: tJ rq:u, rrL. no 6e!1ou. clsu6'se ib srsht. Be Eced tq- rih ..rni,. . , 2:li l:::: ',:. p!o!r prals!.d ac.o66 zhe "roisb u@ 1D ';::; of .; Erqrl *,h4 -. ;;"-;.;;;.ri i,i ;:; Eas! Rrve- Drtve tn a r.-o!d .hatLe.ros 1:re:05._o.""sq ,i. ;;;-;iii. .;.",: ;.a; ;;i: :; -i Dlremo lan ore of hr' ftuesr Eces io crck r:2a:i+3 &l ee. cary 4crson, ii,i e,oa i6iiE Eecond !1ace honolE. leaided fir co1v1n of s€ltblore 23, FI<,yd O.dvh, 22..'t+ 6,e2 t6rt1 L Coljege €s Lb1!d ln i:/r:15. ,L r^- ^-...^," ck; rysbser,q,s. re, . oi",.i uDl*srty.rash@n-& ';:,:::.H:ff;: J:;:3 *":1. *".". B€ye.rM (ra.) sts!, calr'ed & " Brli !,t1re ea6rty v@ the 3_n11€ rEdica! tu. !y1"1 1l? | Deewr rc,sthe ulder lace ln 26148 o€r the ttat out"h:! n* h.ndlcslps or tr. race6 ms .uuect io "'*"" " l lill' 1]?: tne East R1re! Ddvc rn Falmoui Fbe laces Ee rbe 6eco,. o' s i,'ee-;c"" ".'": Es!16s. ] ;;.;:'il:"i::"i-,ffi,:ST,:::S"l:'il."i;.T::*':,1*" reather: rde6t,Ar-desEes, r.rndr.es, h6d aEse.d rhe Jobj..oae of @qy lourder fi,s, Eiudelts Inaplcallns p:IIIP Ir.a.tr. RtGr D!1ves, Fa1@out ra!k) at rtre mi-BloDgored race6, Dave !ea*y took | 1, Mose6 r,tayf1eld, rhtla. ploleels, 39to5 rtL9taj I Eecond ltace ln the race. Foee! {esiem nlcHsa; univ. 2. oeorEe tllemo, so. Jelsey Tct \at25 \:22.\3 I ace, J6ff calso! fin!6hed thld to! bls thrld aon6ecutlee 3. tlb Colvln, S@!tl@or€, 1:23:15i 4. !!ad. !!ick, I hl8h llactbs Elbce a lelgthy lrbe€6 thls !aE! 6!@er. Souih Je!6ey TC, l:dr:lrlrj 5. ToD O6Ie!, ped aC, tr2?: In the race for fast tl4e, ex DeDve! Udlver6ity 880 recob; b. Nell teygabd{J soutb-JeB.y Ec, L:2.7:54j 7. raq ] or.d^no]de!. 6ie€ atthe,s erersed on to! ry a ello urgta lucakl, Pee Ac, l:30:tr; 8. Fcnk Ctszr, Pem AC, of I6econds ln losrtne a i1le of 15:31. U.i ,".u \t3lt2\j 9. !ec, !oud, -DelaEF T8:F, t:3?:54, to. r,ou II to be oa tte road ro r;sainils h16 fo@ after tnee"pp".iu ii.oulre Colpensj ?e@ Ac, 1:38:23; IL. Kelth !at!on, ne16€le snd 6troutd be e rop Brsihon ;onterd.! asaln b€fore tle re,n a:38t52j 12. Dave dttlehaler, unlv- or D€raErs, ] 6Mer..Jre cohltis, flrt! rsBtest rE,aa, ,." !r"-i1r' lr39r5oj 13, Klng, Lm., 1:41:U; 14. Dee Shontsi st lace tn the V.S.r1_. for qulte 6de"t!1de, aE o! Febaaly _BlrL colubc, N.J., 1:42:42; I5. Bl]t Buqess, Recocs6 rlth be aglarts for e toE of dur:y 1D TtEilalit {ith the Vdlley !s, N.J.r 1:43114, 16. ldut palube, plltla. plo- II U.S. -A1! lorce. --DeDi6 Kavanaueh__ nee'6, 1:)r3:37, 17, 3ob R(Msky, sJrc, t:)+!:2Tj 18. I ---------paul pocrlAl,rD. REs Jacdson. sfic, t:ct:L9; La. ,icco!.lsoDr us..l oF@ot( ILUE t_A.tc loaD RACE (7_r,Lcs) !eb. 8.r9oc P:05:lar ,o. Jolu o'9to.dan. oh1ta. iC, 2: r20; AI. I OpEN- 1, arr tudleJ. r :)o..1s,_ .1. qsdi glefetil, lz:39: Bob GUcrDlsi, DelaraE t&r, \"1T,, 22. Dac rEl€lelsh, a-rirEr- 1. Dei o'coeel1r 3tr.20.,&e m_29_ 1. Ken cra{_ )ieddon Et6, N.ir., rtT. fbd, 38:55.119:19, 1. Dlct rorbes;-9l2i-t+o_49- t. ceo. I DIr- nelb rorenz, peM Ac; paul soyks, phrta.j 0!1f I puterbeu€h/ \ij8..r!::2_ r. B1r1 !auterbacfr;-5,:31. Balihl6, DelaEE tSdr I Ddalou ilui.s !he-ree. -,!on Jaeo!6-Notes...Ipu Coppe$ flDrshed loth,qutte tied afte! el ----_-____-___-_____--_25-811e *oirout the !revlou day 1! 2:25:Oo..geib Lor- j J-tX MCDONAG! WINS tot! AN'I1.tAr, rxo N.y. ASSN. 2O_MII,E R!,I,t enz drol)!)ed out at the haL&€y mrk rith a foot lnJu!:a ,r1! McDonagh, UlUroEe !ul mraibon stalj ,on loih An suffeEd 1n the Bnov & 51Eh rhe !!e14ou !eek. crif | nkl ao uitu r,re.orrat iu ovei ar 8-rap corsetbe arong I Balthig 6160 a drJ due to 6 bard Ece th. !!evio@ d"y I U."r* ntver in 1:iB_11. Jilcjons€h: Jusr back frd rhe th; 1! \4heaton, l,lsrvland o€r 6 7-Dlre loute. I sao eras, ruerto Rico fie.r: -ji{arainon vhere he r1!1shed lort 5-MILE6 (19 & Under) ln an intcdatltual 1ier4r dueled slrh rlcha.d DoslE, a i 1. Cled l{vslnge!, _D!exel, ?6:48, 2. Itomrd Schaeffer, | 6tudent at t4antrarta. -ollese for no6i of rle dlsiance be, Soul,h Jesey IC, 2bt5+j 3, Td rl5nasd, l4at@n ?rep, I fore I)u.L1ing eBy tn the last rtre Difes to rln by 5OOy. 27r01r 4. Gsry R.ede!, D€lsmE T&r, 2?:o5i 5. Ketr I Tie couse G6 t. be u6ed ms i! lsd slspc'and;he KltDs, SJTq, 27,12: 6. l@ goff@n, re., 27119, 7. 6outherD !6rt'h1ch of ibe cou.se Es Ned. A 2 l/A-utre 10@ JlI sbeDheld. Phlla. aC, 27:2ti 8. Drre Kelly. S!. I €s @asuled otf & lhe ue.s lan eight !r!e., Dre .o Jose!h'3 CoUese, 27:49j 9. T@ De!1i16, Plita. ACr I the shov & lce the tunlna lo1nts rele 'L noved, rhus the 28:0?j 1o. Rlclr4ld Lltcbford, {llst!eto!, DeIaEF, I couree @aV hEre teen el:ahtly de! 20 dles. 2d:23; 11. Bon notz, ua., 29:02; f2. FEbh EaaE, r€brury 16. I96q (2o liece prlzes, 3 vet prizes) Orerbrcok Fegioml Sr 29:10; 13. Bot Kiessur€, phllal 1. Jlb MqDonagh, l+4, M1l1ro6e AAr 1:58:31 (tsr vet); 2. ac, 3o:01j 14. H(reld ste€ G€oDoit1, allton m, 30: I Richad DolalBj lbn,cot,anr 2:oo:2.j; 3. Rlck Rofley. t4M. 20; 1r. ELLtott krtnr ed,, 30121; 16, Bob iGhne!, | 2:05:54j 4. Bl1] th.lor. ofeenrich, coM., 2:06:ar+; 5. rr Ped Ac, 33:01; 17, 8111 Rc@61y, 38:28, I nle l1vss, Unlted -A.A, zroSjtl; 6. J€ Buru, UAA, 2:u:lo; DNF- Bob R(@Elv, !Tr.r SJIC & Jeft Rockrell, sJrc. M4n.colt.Ar1, 2r12j4t; 8, pat Buke. ,qa{. 7. Jolm colbro, q.ed Co-bl!1, No!e6...Ii.s llser 16 a rlestu@ Gchanlcal enelDe.rlla ] P:.6rt,; -o, x"rpc (:nd \e .),2:61'oj !0. ", ELudenL 3t DFxel..Iarry Si@ons. 27:0q & Jerry E@h, I Tm C8c!o!. _'.Ie6! S_de Uq'A, 2:_8:'a; 11. rlatu fteeDel]oj 1ur2u. !d bofflcial\r ln the Julor Fce. I ua., 2r26:25j ,2. F-a*t1f, r ,,n. Irulred 4,. ,:26:5Oj 13.




A;;;.-;;;;t;; ;:il fi"li']iff;i,;.Ti,{,J*l; h:,;:lli;]'."iy"ll'il.

sudaJ, -ebruary a. 1969 10:0O A.M. es, CflC, 2:39rJ_j I?, Bs.ry OetsLp.. Jr.. ra,. 2:c)r:orrr l@tdl .r. E_lg&-, !cp. a:l:J. Fm.l r8. Jobn Kenut, uar, ::r8,.dr 19. Eric c€isre., \e., -r' B11Mire, zd-F :po ryF T | 49:16; ao. Ku; steiner, Nr.rc, 2,rj$6, (eE eo

Den@r ^olo.ado. -lcud/. L--. 204





2, Dave Beatty) 3. rerr 4. cary H@ilion, 5. Bece Fafl1ch, 5, Nile5 uatand, 7. Del Es5e1, 6, DeMiB Kavanaua' , ro. sia crlotit.




:ilTH:j."il:#;::::; f.:%tr*:::,"ii; Sffil,ili'"* ?e,1e 2ot45 l.:i 4:47 ii;ei r5rt8 3 I| ra"in"*". __Joe K1elnelMn__ ,-----,2at55 1:42 19113 t7

l-2ot59 ,!! !,!9 2? | .o.vom rnu"tr,r+y or you orselsn rlke 21:03 )+:a? ro:]b the enduladce fhctlon as the lLto9 ):.8 | :lrt to | lrsctlse ;uaoitltJ arl yoE -1"e .J1,6 1:)r2 .9rlr 19

a severe rltneEB & r@d ro bloroslcal

3 MII,E RUN, PEIiSACOIA J1J]\lIoR CoIJEOE, Pll!tsACoIA, FloRilA Saturaay,-_letaary 1, 1969 {eather: litlld & ctoudy, ?5o I. len Realtck, P€lin Arlj 14:43 Ner Record (o1d recold Lt:25 lry ruck Jacques, PJc)j 2. Jet-,t sta!i111r !Jc, 15r 52j l. T@ fisrell, tsl1' 1rB, 16:12, 4. !6tr1z1o !6post to. PJc. 15:18; 5. Rack Jacquc6, PJc, 16:18, 6, uike roe11, PJC, 15:25, 7. Rlchald tccLe, lm., 16:31; 8. lob llocdvorthj @r., 16:3?; 9. Mlke or'c., re., 17:12; 10. Roy coy, F€un !,.!!, 17:24; u. Fcd IILII, rc. r t7:36; P. Jonn rreltqam. !{11n arB, L7:4t (,lse tt)j 13. lod Velploeenj Da., 17:48; 14. Mathlas Cte.he, FJCj 17:52; L5. W1lf Ne@nn, t€l1n !,I8, 18:15i f6. -Rolett Foutaln, l@,. 8:12: 1/. qon6Ld l'I1tson, @., 18:r)i IS Dou€ ScoGsear. p.tC, 18:15; .9. P€ul r,{. tone, ua , r8:58: m. M. Mulply, ue,, 19:13; 21, Botelt E!&anuel, u6., 19131 22. !4ile Cory, ua., 19:40,'23. Earl !ahet!, ua , 20: Oij; 24. Steve {ilcox, r@., 20124; 25. !1chBrd Brubaker, ua., 2or3oj 26. clydn Eoltey, 20:45. 1.1-1,l1le &, Rs- 1. Davld Gegoly, \tor].@n &. l$r 6:41 a:-E;I;-tt;;G; \,lolt@n ft. 11s, 6:58j 3, Joe Moche, {ork@n Jr. IS, 7:07.

rJmn'6 isce- r.




realtck, u5., ?r55.

--Lou GregoiY_-


gth- 12 Noo!- Mei. AAu 8 nlle Inr, I'{acodb6 Da! Pk. !1afch l6th 11 A.M.- Ann@t ARC Cherry Tlee L{snthon Malch 23!d- 12 Noon- llet nau 12-litile RDi ltacoLi!6 D8o Pk Mslch 3otlr- 12 Nood- l,let.tAu l6-Mite Ru, necodne Daa Pk Apill 13th- I !,M.- 3-li,l1le uet lAU Ru, clote t,l.e ?ark tne iby !tb- 5:30 A.M.- Idul Alilo Scandula 37 Yonle!. leeksk1u, N.t. to l{ar !Fro!141 lleld,'-Ulle t,iay lth 2 !.!t.- 10,000E !$b1re l,leeorlal Il\e, Yo*ers M6y 18ih 12 Noo!- ltlel: }AU Sr. Maratho! & O!en, Yonlers ilay 25th I P.M.- 4-trl1fe hs, Pat.rcon, ll.J lFy 3otn 9 A.M.- 5-M11e RlD, Creentlch, Conn€ct1.ut Jwe !sL- Met J.. & 5r. 15 Kll@et.' cba4lodstlbs Jlse 22!d I P.M.- Mei AAU Jr.& Sr' 25ke & qJer ha HuthAton, lone I81edr N.I Jue 29th f2 Noon- l2'Mtle Riur Bhahutoa, Net Yolk July 16t 6:30 !.M. 2'1111e olen & 1b6@ge Rd8, queels July lrth 9 A.M. 4-!411e Re, waltagb, 1.I. JLJ SLh lL A.M,- 2'v11e OPet 8 eemge .l\ff val 'orLIarrdt P6*, N.A, Jxfy 8tb 7 P.M.- 3-M11e tbeqsse & @eD Rusr Ct@e lake Park, s.r., N,Y. Ju.!y fzih 11 A-M.- 2-Mlte q)en & TeecAe RuEr VBn co!ilanilt Park, N.Y. July 13th 10 A.M.- A6El [bemge Bob Zeleskl l€4otlaf 5,0004 & amEl @€D llaryeY llch+,e!6te!n lG4orlat 5.0000 vatr cora. Park l,1a!cb

Jrny 15th 6:10 P.M,- 2-M11e olen & lbcnaee Rus r queels July 19th 11 A.M.- 2-ll1te open & Te.na€e Rs, t/er co!i. .l\d-v 2oih 11 A.M,- inc Poete] 1o-Ml1e Net'l. on icck. C.l,I. Post Coueae, l.l. Io! fu-ther lnfo!@tlon check vlth !'&i. A.AU IFna lis cl6l!@! (uri Stelu.!, t66O East 21st St.i B:ookIlD, N.Y 4esse send se1f edde66ed 5iauled envelo!€ vhe! ieqEs! 1ns deta oi races. UATFIXID S!6XES TO VICIOR! IN MTDDI,' ARIAMrIC




Pcndauke!, N.J., SEday, lebnerv 9tb_ 01 & Ef!1e!it1y attemo@ tb6t €s cold, ret ald @!v {1!(v Mos.8 r,t4vf'e]d of tnc Phllade]lLla Dio@.. club et.ode a_ou,ait q Cooer nt"er !6!kvay co@e ro uln lhe h.A. RRC & "ou rec. rlth notaue ease iD 6!ov and 618b. oo1!g 1/4-d1. !; ib€ floai ltueat6ielv he hait dloPled tbe f16fd f!@ slght by tE nlles. Eh16 Es ibe f!ftt of a irhree-ev6nt 6e!1e8. got6ril Scbaeffe! of Briton R€gloDal t.S. td tbe Julo! 4-rq. Gce ln 23:17. 2. Eelb 1 Md6s Mayfl.ld, Phlld. Plonee! AC, 49:53igouth Jerstv !o!e{z, P6d AC, 52.2\i 3. Aeofae D11.@o, ic. sz,ro: t. car !aI!hls, Del;Gle T8€. 5l:38; ). neIl l{erAaldL. E.rrc. )Lt51t 5. "kd rodr Delarm lBF, ,r:55i 8. I,a!ry D.Iu-ev sJ|c. 60:05 7.'ir11 Ktra, ;*., 5",19; 9. bE l1it1eno1e6, (hlv. of Deta€er 62:2f; lo' Bob

Cilcb.'61, De1a4le T&!. 82:11; 1-. Da!'1il Daklel6h. f r@., gaddon Helgh!6, N.J., 63:u. DNl- Joe Codleskt 4-rtrIE JUl\aOR RW- 1, EoEld Schaeffer, South Je!6ey TC, 23t17j 2. fii Shetherdj Pauf VI n.S.j 24:t2j 3. Gary Reade!, Dela€le I&F, 24124t 4. lob KleBs11ng, !au-M, 25:13. IN A FRO?'N EI'ffIICAXE fl ]'IISSOURI rhe 6.d sd r1na c€m 6nd vent and the bla€ 6ouls rho fotu the colubla Tc, Inc., have Jut treen ca11ed by the Sporte Edlto! of ibe Colubia l!1bue, tbe eo6t uuut !eo!l€ h the vor1a. (actGt]y he 661d theyrle "kook6" & tley're JGt !!@d 1! by rffilna 1! a fooi of Bnov agall6t 6 floze! hullcane). O: Jsnury 26tb, a day rard+ 91re! over-lo ath-let1c c@I,etlilon, the CAC !@bes Eh@ed up for 6! elght-nlle!. the ierlelature md a lltl:Ie above zsro, tne vlnil €6 fr@ the noithv$t ai Bll8hity tee6 thsb gale pace and the 6!ov vas alEe,ily s* inch€a deep anit AettlrA deeper. S()G lm.6 dldi't @le :L beceue theJ coddn L d:e thelr ca!6 out,but 31x and blrds sele on lEnd at co6ho !a!k leady to J@mey off ln1;o the b1122e.d. No 6tolEtch *$ on hEnat adit !o eoui of ia!!t!e rourd kee! the eage! eoxtet f!@ Eterllla oui. Off they vent. lbe ri.d hosled, dogs sh1led ald dlg dee! loio the 6nd anil the E6!ih @6 quiet tor lot moihei c@atre stl!!dl. Jut the six. And they 6t1!Fd tong enowh to 1oo! the pek irice 6rrit ce11 it quli6 ef1,er 1.2 d1les. lut tlEl! ne@5 vere enuazoned ib l)rint aud the comity 8clatcned itg head In doubt. Eake Joel D!cL1r6on, for th6tece. The &t be?ore Chdsa"KOOI<S'' RUN

Iefi, rrhe focal hoslttel afte! suffelh8 vltb a boui of l)Demobla. rhree reek6 laier he va! tryt.8 to ilupllcaie lhe feail lti6 oder of flnlsh vent 1lke thls: 1. D.@16 tbltln6oni 2. Ron @Erd6j 3. J@l Dlckllson; 4. A1 Shlik1s6i 5. lilerle Jeckro.j b. xller llgntle. !{en, you itid!'t h6€ s lonA !ace, but you had a good volkout a!d, let'. face 1t, you gave the sl,uffy o1d connalty 6odelhhg to t6lk abdt. --BiIL Cle!k-@B be

Psrk, Cotubla, Mo. Aci. r. off Als!.Place bb:ou b/rl> :z) )!n

8-MIIE DISIOIIAT@ T]le nACI, Fe[; Z,-F5-Des.Ttue

1. lturGl


(') 5. oleq i4cctle 6. Deu16 l4srtlmon ?. D6uerl Pal@r (v) \, Je



,+.aa 55.25 rt25 65.dJ 62t2, \t35



7t+,@ 7rt55 2ta5 5ih

6\.art 5r')+5 2tr5 3.d 48:30 !5:r2 3:18 lst 74:15 78:?o 4:05 ?ih

(v)- reued the eDi1rc a16t3nce.

--8111 Clark--

Olynplc tRoM afUl,ltICS !lE!!!Lt...* lte Intr)cilolgl C@1ttee nl66ed a gleai cbance of gldo!1E1!A the vlctory ceftEonles at Merlco C1iy. Theie *ft an Incledlble nuber ol fotue! ol1Eplc "greats" oa habd eE erEsis, slectatoi3 o! coftEponden* snd lt {oun ta€ been aole excltt.A fo! lhe crord as €L as the aLhleLes rl theJ hBd beeE 1b1.1!ed to &r&e tle aD!d3, lather than loc aletitail€6 (ihe lelque66 of Bctea, h1@elf 4 O\@!tc aofit lellelusi, excepted). tbll zatolekr G4ton Re1ff, \rlenlDl! Krts (ale6i wecosntBable bo{ at aioud 2o01b) & @Dy othe4 veft arourd. IVANFoE RoAD iACES,

& e!........_6;;@-It Eeh

Smctloned by Central Callfornia

slerE Tc. !e!,

2nd, a969




Dlrecto!: Jerry llobbE, 6n IEhhoe orange ranchei & Mer. E€lyone re.elveit AAU @dals & Jerty lrorlde.t thlee nde6 of olange€ shlch vele eaten & talen h@e by r]eerE ald elEctator6. 6-Mt1e 0!€n- 1. BeEy Sanchez, IFTC, 32:23; 2. tlalte Ve! Deuea, !F3!o Pactflc Co1lege, 32:30; 3. Vince C{e1!e!o/ Reedley Couege, 34133; 4. lls.4. Ntchola8, Reed-Levi 37:l2i b. Joln !i6ton, vlsella li6ton, vlse 3U:34; 6. ,, SLtp l3ch4ce, rilocdl6ke, 38:34; lro:35. 6-Mile (4o lro:35. (l+o & q over @!)- 1. leveB Eriksson, lnete., 38r54; 2.-5;FGffi r R€cdr.y, 39: 33. 3 M1le s.S.- 1. g6!!y '{1cho1a6, needre}, I5:16: 2 E lse: l5rr9i Jtuq. Ru1z, vt6atia, l5rf9j iiETEZl-Traarra. 15:ola; 15:o!; 3. Jtuq,. ttd'ET;EZ;-TlEarr3, M66t


ANNUAL SENIOIS TRACK CtllB AoE cRoIJp.Rt qS (Al1 E€lts 3.3 ltir6s) Satunirv, Jd. r8, 1969 9 A.M. s,o*oled by senlo!6 TEck c1u! Br u65tnt!16rer Elab schoolr vrestdli;ter, c.rii.-i" fCi.iy-"ii"Ji' oFEN DIV,- I. rlck Uufth. ea.. 17:21: 2. Roger Seylou, pCC, ITtAAt 3. t,.lth gtrodt, lm., a7p9; \. Ray !w-G;-scs. r?:58r 5. Miie uarob. !rc; r8:M; e. wlqd": i sliu. ua., ;"i, 18:O8j i8,;8;"?:;-* rro)ae, CCAC, ?, pEik ,ro)me, ccAc, r8,a4j 1s:21 8. che! Burley. BIc. t8:lor 9. c"'-;;"i;,;. cob rarrreu, lG., ;t;l r8:3!;; ru, ro. ;!44 ; arll criu.:";;:: uru4, slc. f,or>J; ia,r., ,, : Ti$: 5.ru, 6 ;;;t,-r1, steve spraker, !i:l;"i:' cscl3, r8:57j 12. RoE roltoD, cc"qc, 18:59; f3. Elck vaEqGz, senlors Tc, r9:o8; ir.. 'r,r*r'st"*rt, cscro, rr. Blu Thodpsonj s.D1o!s TC, t9:r7j 16. Jr. scbulJz, pcc, rlrx--l, ri. sup-sLff.., cCai, l4',ai:-fi'. rg:ri; ghe!, ccAC, 19:e5; 19. Devld Vqhey, ua., t9:26j 20. I'h@s qofty, ue., 19:113, 21. A!,rhu Aaew,;;;'c;ii._ rc, \9,5\j 22, ttolg scrr@!k, 1s., 19:56j 23. paul siaff, csda, r9,57t 2\. Bob s;.r, sM!A, 20:05; 25.Seniors Blle sp!!!se!, seniols 7c, 2at4jt a6. Tri olt.!, src, zo.5oj 27. Kab seqndersJ RR, at:oi; e8.-Boh lt;r, _..Ja, 18j 29. stere. podle, r,u', azt5at 30. Ea!ry-crrt1., se!'os Tcr 2ar51i :i, Ci.a." si"rrg, ;rc,"allier_:e] il." l4ays, rE., 24:18; 33. i.t1*e Bolto!. !ne. . 25:08. ?c to 1o I.E IR Dw.- L ors. .Fp.^t.r senlos ?.rm slunut. scs, ,o:oLj 3, Fudy oarcra, ols. .dz-;-I-Je FJ b-., src, aoi5A, :. h,rd pofts, \!,\9,3-9, RR. zr:oo; b. Fos6r Frelch, sTc, at:+)i ?. Bud tie.on, Mar., P. :5lj 8. 16n.k S6x, STC, 2l: tLj 9. T@ no1ld]d, ra., Z3:il'. 40 44 x]rv,.I 1. I,latte! Jevshury, s€nlon rc, l1lo, 19:23; 2. HtLLt! l<LerEadd.r, 40, sr.Tc, t9:3tj 3. = ,.2. L9:J?; 4. Bt., FtLzs.rs1d, rr3, S..rc. 19:l8r 5. &t R€ed. r.L. Sr. D6 !o Jone8. Sr.la., -, .9:j9j 6. .!olM ,1. charlie Lo. 2r:2r; B. corln ourv.r, ra,, 2r:q5; 9. Bob ab.rrck, l*.il !I.19:2r:0o;_i. ildlr/1ru4j !r. !l.rc. rvlHr sru, src, 44, 22,04; pT:^!!:^"1;?9i rl. fr. F;rcrd w;l,ac;; E"ord laj_face. 41. p*.p*p: li,-s".rc] s!.!11, ::iae; ra. iii,'siiri"ia,-ri:, -to:Brd \.rht!e. l+t. !TC, 2':"8; lr. Scotly Dodald, rrt, STC. sr.TC, 22r58j -1. plv.- 1. Toby Medlnd, \9, \r,pD, 22t3at 2. N€t-to! csl.r.!a, 2,:51, 49 rEqR 45, src, 23148; 3. Dlck coic, 45, s?c, f5.!o rL rcAr DIv,- 1. Jolh l6"re.Ly. €4 Dtego -c, az. pa]3t 2. al 'o Lo *, slr, :lc:)-j i, clrde alliE. s-. s-C, 22:01: a. clurlee Seeklm, )?, ST(, :2:r7r '. AtbsR Coo!€!, c1alk, 50. S1r, 2l:L?: o. Je ueherly, 5J. sas, 23:r3, 7. No@ Blth.khaa, ,0, l@., 26:03. ,5 io 59 Ax plv.- l. to})! Motrtoys, 57, SaC, 22.3Ot 2. Ee!@n lodeu, 55, sTC, 2rr:1r9, 59, 60 a UPi plv.- 1. ,l-lf!ed Cuth, se!1o!! rc, 50, 26:32. Note....h a flne nohlna ln oFlge couty 135 r:rluei6 took thei! E!k, titaqy to! SC r:lee!6 reHot o! hanitr bui ilEt {!4. tbe erent that duch Eore exclrlng as Rlc& i,rutb, Rose. Seyrou, alit (e1th Strca1 !u! on a dtn8-do.s battl€. In tbe Senlo! DldsloD olry Joh! Molicya, ,?, 6ucces6f!.qy defend.d bi6 dlvtEion tlile. Iast yea!'6 40-44 divl€lo! _{lmerr Cballle Slorh flD1shed ?rh, as the 40 yee! oldd get tousber oit tolsher.. A hleb 6ehoo1 d1v161o! areF 63 r:lme!6. sectloDed by IOnC, S.p.A. A.A.U. --Stan srafford__




f ;i;


Slol6oftd by: Caltfosia stste CoLLege !r bng !€ach rebrury 8, 1969 1o:OO A.M. Clear ed I'toderete. Mect ttrector: i}r. Jack Ro6e & Ch.iE ,ornEoD OPEN Ir-MIlE RUt! - 1. !r1t Aldelson, Sdta lElbara ACr 19:i9.6; 2. l,ttl6 tiallter, pCCj zo:otj 3. Ro! I,a!!1eu, ua., iro:44; 4. Ray E!€he6r Scs) zatt3t ,, Dsryl Iaylor, pCC, A\ta'j 6. Joe Totedo! ST!, 2tro9i ?. larrlck ladeX, 1@., 2f:26j 8. D6w i{sc.- SCS] 21rjt, 9. Cart Broo, uts,, A1t36; tO, Flank FEyne. CCAC. Af:tI: Il. Job!_PasUeo, STCj 21r54j 12, ao! Ir.3ke, CCACr 22:O3j 13. Je!!t Cauagher, cCAC, 22:2lr; tt+, Ron r"ri.", - CCaC 22t26j I5. B!\\ lrooks, ue., 2?:3Ij 16. t'at Coffeqyr r"Am, 22:35i tZ, Rlck VasquezJ Sr.rcJ 22:4tj tg.-Ted u:.t 22:4j: 19. Sllp Sha""e:. C'A , 2?:06i 20. Aa Andre!, sTC, 23:2gj 21. Bo! Elck;y, ljJtD, 2l:I2; {-oies: 2?. v1lail iedmD, ua,, 24:2Ij 23, Bon ]t@n, ua., 2!:39, 24, l\ra. r,aaasG, wa., 2r+t5!; a5, ,trt llortel], ua., 25:10; 26. th(@€ Co:y, Lfu. j 25:21+j 27, Bob,Robher6o!, SrC,2j:25, 28, nay Ctbson, rls., 2513?, 29: lede (erly, Ea., 25:37; 30. Stec poole. LIED. 26:I:-; jt. Al Ree6, sTC, A7:09; 32. !.1 Spett6r, lr., 2?.30; 33. Fr6lk11n sd, src, 27:117, 31r. T@ Eollqrt, LAPD, 29:2rj 35. l{1k€ Botio, u".. :orro;':6. .r.ir" r"ia, jo,ir. ESH SCltOOl 4-MIIE RUN- 1. JIE rrenchj SDC, A:OOj 2, ,_a4u Co.don, scac, 2orog; 3. non p.yo!, r@., 21:08; tr. ua..21i1ol 2: J9e ca-Ison. u4.. ?L:2t: 6. La!ry orc.., wa.. ?ttztt -, Jr r"qu ra. Jp 6. lilrhl, ?4; gcrtard P!1est, 3RTC. 22:00; o. Lloyj Es-jle.Ld,. pcc. 2?:ztj Io. cary stnsleroE, cca-. 2.:\?r -..,:., . guo"y Sandowr. C,I[C,2?:0t;12. Ket.b F@!d- ea.r .j:o (jA ":.tsne.6). COI IEG! D_V. 4-ltrtE RU\- l. Adlta! Jone6. :ed Bd6, 2o:3or A. J"*s Bemlck, sD€C, 20:58; r. Ron Kurrle. CSCB. 2r:2ti L. !'.k H€€ln. CharDd. .?:A6: ,. LarrJ t4aar. ja., ?2rA0r 6. D6re Nevlore!, ceo tano6. 22:rt; /, ilje Sterart, cSqL!,23111. JUIIoR COImE !]rotE RUN- 1. Je!4 fiEL".. tuUenor. 21:r'; p. John Vcferece. Lc, 2rr5or 1. r,,ti!e t4a-o] str, t. yrre P1-ke:!. of Dese-L. 22:Ltj .- Joe De@., SJc,2Jp6i 6. Eart Toher, ba., .t:cO. /. l.d ke ?:'): horllo.. !C, 2L:0'; 8. ^. J€res Tbotuton. Gt'. a) .td a. brry !azza-d, lE., 8:oo. WfEiAXS 4-MILE nUX (40 years & up)- 1. pete! Mundte, sote Monica !r{, lro, 2O:!5j 2. talte! Jevsbury, )|o, STC, 4. I€ri6 lioleirs, 4rj STC, A3:12; 5. w1llts lf,€lhsasser. 40. sTc. 21,2?: ?3:03; 3. Do. Jones, l+2, STC, 23rtoj 6, Phll B.ke, t , r.-, zrtl.j -, El ieed. L.. s-'c, 2L:,6: 8. Bt', VeLt6, ,1. s.g. :r,.,: o. CWde Li;,5., sTC, 25:2bj 10. Alex_sheerer, 40, LIFD,25133) It. Rorrerr _!.r9. ECS,50,26:2\., tZ. Bult Bra!, r.!, sTC, 26:3j 13. !,a1r rrederlcl, 61. S..T-. 26:L . iL. Johr vonroq. ./. src, 26:L.i t5. Albela Coope., ST^, .0, J6.t2, 16. a. r. qF@nr @., LL, 27:l r I/. D!. Joh! scorr. -0. S-c, 27rjr; 18. Ed Robs!, 1,1, S-., )8: o; t9, Scor_ ty Doefd,.44J STC, 28:05j 20. louls TlmetuuJ tu,, 28:14; 21. Cha!1ie Soutls.A, 51,'sTC,-28:28j-22. nf rhdlson, 41, SIc,28i49t 23. He@ Po.le1l, ,5,51c, 29.a6) 2l+. p.J. Corner, t+6, sTc,29:)+i;25. ir, Ro!e!"c Y6y, \3, s,rc, 32t26, HIGfi SCFooL 2-MIIE R!1i- 1. Claig Ster11rg, SCAC, 1or18j 2. I,{lke Bea!, SDC, to:zt; 3. Iob r,iEe-.acirr SCAC, tot22; r,a.jl9r, sDc, 1o:27i t, Ray !2e11, scAc, 10129, 6. !a!!y cleer, r4,, lor3ii T. l4ile st.".*, w,., ro: :t ryt 6:_ry]!h Deu, BBTC, 10:42j 9. Rtudy. Ee@h, ua., to:14; to. C6!y Bashe6!, scAc, 1o:!5; ]r. n"t ri"aa, 1Jl sDC. 10:46; 12. Ju! Martlrez, LE., IOr47j 13. td d!6k1, 1fu., tO:48, tlr. Sra! Sell|, t&., tc:ilj 15. Ron Be!16, lM.. t0:52; 16. Ken Ho@n. BtC, IO:53j f7. Jesu pentlla, ua., U:02; 18. plerE Fobico!, \E., 11: 03; 19. fi! Arqulu6, w., IL:04; m. KeDntr SoEa, rE., t1:05. (71 l1Eted fllIshe!€). Noter . . . 0ut6t&diDg ii@6 rele recorded des!11;e ruDinA t! the eoi-t 6eil alcnA tle tpns Beecr @ee flobt. Dirctoft Jack RGe ead ChrtE Johrod dld an qceLlent lob. --St€D Statrole__ 12TE AfxUAt LOrtO B!AC! oc-rAlt RlJlls,




!AJ6 8-M1IT



ba Pa!k, !roB. N.T., Feb, 9t!_ Rtchald Do!s16, a 2o-yesr-olil l.6Dh6ttan Coll6ge sopb@r., c.ltqfeil Lhe d-D11c l.Gt, A.rU load tur @! Lvo la!. of rlE 6ad cocred rr-811e tlarleo qlEr c@6.. Ftat..! r-l]@6rr Ftelied in ub.l1.Ebte reather - h€avy s!@ & gate v1!ds. the cou8e, quite aiually, E5 ftry Blippery. Dolats, thld d iho f1!st tal)J too& ibe read rlih a riles to go & uelt oD to wb !y 8Oy (rer pa! !e6tlck, -. FjcbaRt Dor6i6. !b!ha!!a! Cotle6e AA. 25158 s2:t3 2. Pdt Easltcl, Nev yo.k AC, Z5tla ,ZtJO 3, Jlb Janre, rr! srrtdels, coe., z5:3i 53t38 4. steE NatLy. l.{ab}Elrab CoILege M, 26.50 ,6:@ 5, [|alr cola. Qleer6boloush co!fujry cot]ese, 58:30 b. P6t Buke.^Mt1llde M, 6?:l@: 7. Uody Scblsez, 4103, 8. Kult €reln€!, \y!c, 7r:!8j 9, r6!ry 'e", Gelsler, 1rI4:58; tO. E.rc Oelsterr uB., 1:3jr58 ll. !I11 'M., K!d. ua.. l:jj:rq; 12. la!ry Cetste!, s.., 1fu., 1136:00; 13. lcn li,b1la.I@j [t1l1rosc l!|, 1:37:dr DNI- llLL Copcr IEe Ch.Eetr. 0fflc1a1!: Se Sclved, (e! Abl.@on, Iary !Es6e! & --J€ (1elner@n-Notee...rlll flbl8bea lecelved p!12e. fo! c@llett.a s tough iaec h th. {odt vsather condltl@ ID yea!s.. one officlal €lked araJr @tt6!1rg: ,'1s lt glt€ o! r&c@ha

BIAE SAI,I MAiAfEON 9tn !eb. (21!4) E11ly cou6e, 8o-dcs!ees. luelto lrcc 1. Ce6to! Retel8, lctglu. I:06:)2j 2. El u1h.ov. USA, I :O?: J6; 1. arby Bu!roo!, IISA, IroS:42; 4, Rsfael a. Perez, _C6ta 81c6r 1:09:aO; 5. Victor Mo!a, Col@bla, 1:09r46j 6. Jolge ce6lebt6nco, cot@bi6, l:to:34j Z, Pete! Bu16k, Canada, 1:11.47j 8. Derek ClsJ-ioDj Arl:E IIa. r :t?:oI; 9, AULrD caue. cot@b1a, . :1,2:25; to. Jl! McDolaAh. USA, 1:12:rr?i !1. Mar-ttG AldeE, Ntse.ia, t:r3tzri L2. l{ollts Aarlo, ceada, tit6r48; 13. .ro.. RiEla, Pu6rto Rico, 1:17.01; 14. t&rusf pelez, puerlo nlcor 1:17:53j f5. ttiaJme rei@n, CaDada, t:18r29j 16. Ca.1o6 !€2, PG.to R1co, t:19r08..18. Jo6e vercsaEz. USA. --Abe lorne8, San Ccr@n, p.R. -CASEoN 8OEIANTS I,IINS SAn

nEsuLTs- carffion TRACK cltB's cuI;F.A,A.O, CA!]iIVAL, lrl6ccrego! Park, F@ton, TeE6,



Febrory 8rb ope! 2-l41te- 1. J1D Evlne, cs@lon rc, g:35, 2. plete! cla@ru, !a@ru, c3E!6' ca@!6D TC. o:Lhr 9:44: a. Rlc.y ilchardson. RJch6ldsoD, nM.'^ 3. Rlckv C@e \:, 9t5lt 4. wayle C@e!, Ca@lon TC, 1o:O2j 5. Jt!!!V Klbatllck, Io:tj: 5. flE r6u1.. t1,2818 & Unde! 2-M11e- t. Jack Cotvlbr Clear Cre.t lF, 2. ftnle! lturray, clea! cEek Es, I0:oo; 3. sL€E 9r5O ctear caek ls, tor23, )r. Pau.I cte1r, st. JobD,s Es, 10: 29: 5. rb.k zepeda, l.&. catut. to:tt;6. oeo.ae ELlz do, !f. CareI, 10:4rr. (16 fiDi6h.ls) Boys 18 & unde! ch.-Mlte- (shorr .o;e)- t. JacL Cotvh,. Cfeat Cieek iS, 4:tO, 2. rFea! Evere$, !6ILalF qS. rr:l2i I, rioke! [tu.€y, C.ns, l,:15j l+. v6oc. !1.h, Jedul1. 4r2o: 5. et cr@6@, Jesdrt, L:21+; 5. st€E o.laas, Ctear CEek rE, l+:26. (38 flDr6b.ls Adult Phy6tcar !rtncB6 2-Mt1e (lrren)- ((18-28)- t. Coing6, _U:12i 2, Jiry Ct1};rr, t1:20, 3. JseB q.drlnr 11:21..(29-39)- 1. Eelry Scnneder, 11:51, 2. Chuck i,'.!r.ick, 12:oo; 3. torn Bde!, 12:15..(!0 & oeei)- 1, (en lemeyj 13ro1j 2. {auy sl&I)soa, I3:tol 3. Ldetl rtltla 13:U. (36 flntEhers) IEdleg z-l4lrc (14 & over)- 1. Nancy Lo4oU, Ceelon 12:56; 2. Mlki E6aey, Da116E, 1I:54; 3. Janer Clp6ob, It.Woltb TCj 14:57; 4. Jen Rlcherdeoqj CTC, 15102; 5. caro\d l"ltulgFa, lvca, urolj 6. Dolo!6s cook, 18:18. lEdie6 860, 1. vlckl c1a*, Foutd Alirobell;s, 2:tr1, IEdles 440 & "Bou.esiEs !Bf." dlso hcld..weatbe!- col &,lnily..161 finl6bef (ptu 6ev€!a1 u.offlclatl i Note: C!1t lAU SlltnA Crcs Ctutly treei- Setuldar, wrcb 29, 1969:::: rlM. uacC"ugor Farr, routoa, Gxas Saqe eveots. S@ tueL 4lt also be h61d on Ju€ 14-h at !.r55_P.M, TnfomLlon f!@: M16s uaacy NoeL-, t5OO cadrle Cout, Bolsto, Tbxa6 ??OO5.


CII'E 1969 SC@uI!


ttr6 pftdtclton Ru!,t{*hIDAtoD pa!& A.M. APrr.( rj- t-i,t1le landtcap, vra.blnAt@ palk IO A.lil. l!d]_A: l lD" 1r Ult. RelBy, t.I4bt!g!@ palk 10 A,M. M.y f1- 6-tEt. Ealdtc6p, ljasbtoAto! dlk 10 A.M. u6y 25- 4-M11. Esndlcsp, eshtlgtoa palk 1o a.M. Jue t- 2-ttan to-Mt.te Retay, Boultt6r 9 A.M. Irn. d- 2-M1te g,sD.tlce!. vashrn€t@ palk IO A,M, ,lDe !- leb, Mt. A]{U r!,F Flnatg, (3 & 5_d. ) Auora J@. 22- 3-t{ilc 8cndlcsp, {sbJ ogt@ lrk tO A.t. & llcalc, wa!b.pa!r, lEnvEr 10 a.E {u-6 39-_Ar4ua1 6Ih Arnu61 AAU lElatboo. {6sh.pa!kJ 7:io A.t{. '-!Ere l.Y ? I:ly 13- 4-M11e lbldic6p. rrE6h.ps.k lO A.,,t. Jrr-ly 20- 10-!{11. Ru, Wa6h. pa!k, D.dvE! 9 A.U. it1r1t 27- 2-tBle gandicap, llsh. pelk 1o A.tt. AugEi 9- NetJo@t s@to! A5-Ktto Chsellomh1p, Lt Erl.ton AugEu fo- J-t{1le flanittcap. irasb. pa* Io A.M. Aug@t IO- !u<.3 Pear, lbrstho!, I\bn_!r@ sDft@s AuAu61, 23- NaL'@al Jqlo! tue Fou Ru (;tt -!o be e_ l{E*lr 23-


nouc€il) 9


AAa! 24- 4-1,l11e Eed1c6!r wagh. palk IO A.M. R9.ry Mou!&ta Mu lo K o Ru. l,{aBb.pdk 9 r, . !"!!. ". se!l. 1L- b-!ti -c ttand tcap, I,/s.h. part tO A,M. oci. 12- 5-Mlte Esrdlcap, {ash. pslk tO A.r,{. Ocl, 26-. l5 KILo iu qsst)lng1'on par! IO Nov. 9- !-Mlte Haelcalr !.ra6h. pa.k tO A.M. ^,M. nw. 15- fo,ooon X-Ctuiry Cha4)loBh&6 j pwhlo LL A.M, Nov, 2l- l-l,!te -be p!ed.. wa6h. pa.k tO A.M, Dec. 14- 3-tdt6 Bendtcap, r,iast:. !s!k tO A.!t. Dec. 2U- 2-l,t11e T1B heil., wa6b. p6!k IO A.M. For rurlhe! tlfo@lton conlacL: Ftold Codetb, f95 lau-el St., Apr. 102, !ro@ft6Ld. Col orado t66_267L o! Fred Chlp!1rd61e, 1265 S. St, laul St,, De4re! ZeA_5339 I,IA\T'EID & IGI{ IOINC VICIOFS IN M.A. RRC BUIiIS la., Pa., srrnday, Febroly 23- !.dth a ncaw,ei sDa



fall1lg o! d.co1d afrelDoon, Moses tt4yfleld Ec;ed s e6sy vtctoly lq the thlrd eveDi of the Mlddte AtlaDtlc REC,s 8d@l thlee-event .erle6, Trle vln vs6 not altogethe! Bu!p!1s1!A ln d* of b1s receni exceuent fom. The fl€ dlfes cou4e vas c@!eil, fo! tte aodt Dert,. "l!h a.Ia!-.! of lcy oqat & s!d. Ma],flelrt Mdc the pac; ?ron the stalt to rin by 33 secold6 over fid Cotvl;, SE!tnnoe ColleAe sophoeoE btstory @Jo! t!c@ IrnelLle, 16, Ken nbg, Gla6sbolo Steie CoILege frestean & No.t ra4 oD thel! Erdlty croB.-codiry tedj .cored s es vlcto* we! T! Lo1 p,6.'s EM.d Schaerfer !o rlb zh. leenaee l_ E1le tu (re! the out & hoae Cobbg Cleek r)B*vay couBe. 1. MoEes l,4ayrle1d, p!11a. plonee*, 2lir56; 2. Jrb ::glqq- g€rtl4ore Colv1!,. Coneqe, Zj:29: 3. Ceol8e Dlleho, S.ttC 26:.251 tucuElJ. pem AC, 26:sor ,. \erL heysa^it., -\.,P.au\6. D6ad Shonlg. pee AC, 27:O2j SflC. 26:<6; 7. Dere Bhern. beloe!, Dftxet. 27:09: 8. B I lurtse.s. FancocaE Vsuey Its. x.J..2A:2ri 9. Jerr Roc&rett. S.'rC 28:57; o. pau.l Paluba, Pllla. Plon.er., 29:J3; 11. Bt!L ktns. ph a,, 29rrl; 12. Ru!6 JackEoo, SJrC. :Joj Ij. B,tt O€.-i.on. lr..31:.0:14, J.rry Ech, phi'a. IC,38:OB, (lo & lhderlt. Ke! icllne. south Je!6ey 1c, j5: !g!E 25; 2. 'io€td schaeffer. SflC, ,:A7i l. Ctem Lsr@er. Drexel, -l\:3,; r,, c6tf, Rgsde!, Dele@re T&rr rf,lr; >. .ro" fioffDao, !b!Ia., t5:J); 6. DaE Ke_ty, Sr. Jo6.Dn.6 co1.. 15:'r7; 7. Rtck ULchrord. Deta€re 'rar, t5,58; g. goo Uotz, o@!broo! RealoEl F, 16:2r; o. J,r Sie!he^1, Pau-1 Ut ES, t6:lr5; LO. EL-Lloit IE!.1o, ph'la,, L1:O,j ,1. IErly vJl1e!. sr. JosepD'6 CoLLege, t7:1Tj 12. Bob Kshier 6TAi{DINGS or s'i]!s (Tloprv aElds to iop to) -FTNAL 1. Mo6es rttayfrerir. l+8r 2. sjllEgceorse rrre;o, iJ; L, JlE Colvtn. 28: :. p6!- Luccdr, 3. Ne 1l , l.; .l,reyg€nd! b. BIli ldba. 20; 7. Ted Bond. 15; 8. Dee Shonls, 1]; 9. tlcr Da@ Littlahales & B1lt lueesgr 10 pts. JlstoF- 1. flo*d Schleffer, lor 2. Crry'sesder, 24j 3. ol.d trrtoa.., zti 4, K.n to.!ns, t9: t. JII sbepheld, rr; 6, Je-floffua!, ]L; 7. Dere Ket_J. tl: 8. Rtcbard !t!cnfod, 6; 9. Bob K1orz, 6j 10. f@ lrarage, 5.




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