03.1960 LDL

Page 1

In the Long Run it's the New

y'*? VOL.5


.4aV' No.:;

MARCH, 1960


$oh Co-.'.o.'


1l1l loNc IISTANCE



Nbbcr 51, n$ch 13, 1950 lo-]u.5, 5ub.crlptlon R.t€g: 25t. copyi *j.00 I y.... Pub1lsh6d ronthlvEdltorlal Co.!elpond.nc€i BrohhE Rols. 306 y. c.n!.r st:, s""a"ttv.-r.j.' ---' subsc!1pt1on com!pond.nc.: Frenl reIly Pubtllh€d by n rrtn. pli;tlns co. 155 N. lrrh st.. PhlradslD!1;. re: **r++++n***r*+rdr

contrlbutort !h1. Donlh: Bob clelb. ros An8.l.s; Huth J.!corrt, Der,rolii A;n6 hlchard!, ch1c.8o; T.d Dobb6, okin.€: cornoh Dlck60n. HaDllron. 0nr.!10: N.{l Irrr.11, grdtlron, ontsioi Bob Cirdn.


H.1 Hladon. chlca.o: utlf Rrchrrds, Enghtrd; htr.r aoein. ,t\rDtt_ Tunlrlri Bob Cadpb.U, Bosron; Joe leF lorki lr.nk ?hiIad.Ipht.i Jeck CtrIlng, Isdar_ H.b11r6n. DIAI,OC!.E TENOUCI]




s€ttlng the AAU this exclted, I rhlnk ro Fite nin and ask hld 803 ClA.r1PBEl,l,: (Uneasr]y) iHiMr Just Fite to th€ locat AAU plesident & erplaln rhat the 1ad dldntr kroq a1l ihe o1e3 a&d a8k rhee ro leconslder ine c&se, especlauy since t,h€ bov BFotrxm: ny;s, ihat ouaht to tak6 c.r€ of the boy, nos hor abou! me1 Irve been bqmed flom corpetltion and I know the n1€s:" E08: nTouCh tuck B.ohie, I ness yourre t hr-ousb. n J0€ KLEIIiERI/LAN: (Ru<tety lnterruDtitu I rlf yo! gentleDen haven't snyrhinE €lse to eay, I roDld llke to eet t ,ord 1..t BROWIE: nco ahead Joe, but @ke lt rasi. No speech. n Jo6: 'I rlink re snoutd colsld€. the 1d.a of lncolpo.atrna the R.R.C. ror !t0 a charte! can be secured for rhe Natlonal o.ganlzarlon. ll'€ b.ousht Bob Flne lforner NYP. nmer & nor a N.y. laryerl alolg ro €rplain th6 51rua_ (Bob ilne coneldered the lanitlcat1oft erd vlclssltudea oi eacn loinr blought !p by the body until th; Jenltors svept out the roor. He co!_ 6idered theo dom the srairs, up t+6th avenuo, back to ihe hot€l !ooa. nnd whlle the citv bu6tad lt,se1f rtth blrrh, deqtjr. Dasalon. crlEe and .lee!, rlne coisldeled ;nd con3ldered. tlEUy he reac|ed t,he Bane cohclusion that the Nsrit, Bodv hed-nlDlosslbl€ er pres€ni vlrtr a sclopy $t:75 1n the treasuytr) J0!: 'I susgesr thar rhe toaal bodt€s contrlbute th€ nonet eqDally.n (r AnaBEry look has alleared on a nmbe! of the Dembers faces at the n€nii6n of thts idea. A fer are so ovelcoEe v.lih enoilon thai rhey look wolse than tbey rould have looked after coapl.tlns tbe tnree-olle run,3 o. 4 l&F behind a1 lanence. Hoveve!. lil@lants aio p.ov1d.il and the 11iustrtous Nst 11. conlr..ilon .esunee. delllte the fact thar natf of rhe d€legates mlked out and th€ othet hall are still low]lne as 1f they iere trailIns in ba.e leet o! a iLot !a1]!oad tlack. ) (,{iter ord6r is leetoredl BioUNIE: nl'ler11 E1t aid se€ rhat ell th€ lqcts are concerning lncorporarlon, lenqrng Mr.llneis dlscuEsion tlth {page rJ, Fe ougnr


T1I!,x S!,!!!INO


bt gtr..y l.rkoyltt BRoI1[IIC noSS: rI thlDk ye ouEhr Eot tht. tllhg .te.t.d. tit^y I .!tEo!! !o tbit E oory dlscraa utt..a concelDln. th€ tLtlon.f o.Aartret,lo! .rd lor tocil Probl.tu. !o.. .byo!. bave anylhtM to !ay? {susplclo!. qur.t) r.11, on6 ihins in.tr! lDportrni 1r the .a1. ot ihes€ !.R.C. .rbl.u. rhlch I D.ld fo! rnd aD lttll thrrto.! buck! b.hlDd o,. rf v6u guyr hry.nrt bouaht oD., I ruggelt oo r@6d[r.1ti rh.y ar. rert nlc. io, tc. !rDo..!.1, cl.Uy rhen rh. 1! trtns to tdFr-r_ ry Yno! th.y'r. golag ^4u to b.n.(coov.":roi._ eer! .4116 b6.silr, but ro oldels sre plec.d.) norr conrhu.! to rrf! - Hrrb elan, .trdlnr .!d g.ee.. Qult. oiten you c&n add t.rloullyr roo. !S!..klns o! rh. AtU brulne D€oDte_ T heye a l.tt6r .13hr h.re fld oqr_ a€i Soulhsrn Prclflc FRC, yhlcb 1r iho re€ks old .!d ha! ahs.dy beeh lulDended r.on lhe AAU for a re.kl It ns oirarrzea to t foqt..!-Fer-o1d k1d, |nd ie and ibnty-flYc ol b1r p.b e.e at!.ady p.rloD-non-Efaill ar all the sancrtoD.d n6lghborhood r.c6!. Thts ttd hrs blrtelto E. to rlk Yhet ro do. {More oulstl _a! 116]] do.t of you surs ar€ t'dce otd a! th1! kld And hav.nr! rucceeded 1n


.o i,sL. - c ."


l'"::br€ad,. i:R 'i -:l!9!{'-il::- Fl"lii: (potaLoes,

, ,-'..

. 0-'o" Brttn: "".' -1i3. d ". iddress: -.. inr H"_" si"""i F, ; "h"";=.j-;"

p;;-o;;.-p;iai;r--';:";"r-"-""i""r,; fi;-i;GfrEes, 2+ rs, and 6 mo, Experin;nta1 P6y;h;1og1st, .esearch in vi;ion, ratisre; pres;rtli {orkrng totl;D. .r riii,; iei-fi "ad psy to oay, Dnys..s. r4a,n.. ALh eLrc "t_vhiv: .i1;;;;;-".i .-|-"; ;.",iG.,d-^:;; ioi Tfr at are 12 the! Ia) iound_ I could do tt lettef than n;6t kids,(b) found I couldn,t hit a basebell Biih a ban door. Ba t;3? aa;;; i4, ;;;. u! on oile and tu;!;d ro hlsh i;n;, l. rrEh schooi. 'rod ip3.-rdles i! r.s e-."_iv ji"i" )'8i,"r9't high juilrne in; hoEenade pit and stirtea ior[ jogs to stfeqihen lt. , -r'e Be-' /:'o. p co..h, 1'1.-d r-:. o ryi.e.ross-.o'rL.',n-r l enterea cai'neEie ru.r,. r ai6, tlted it rhe short sturr aaal!. iiitii""i-e'iii""'iii i;;;, i';'a ;:i;;

440 51.8

aAo irSS xl1e 4,14 i-l! lP o:1o.1

6th Iatl.aAU 5 nr., Daytob, 1957 2nd Je- dy.l.\

' -1'1e 4:?J.8 fon,0cL. I9re 4-Iile 19147 1st Natl. AAU l0 s-rii" r6izb N;;, itts

o6n o:l Ir ll\" ear it'..

\'r F'n 6!DD _nehts


lt. ard 6h" says or, qutur": Lookln€ forward -rr".'hlncDsycholocr & Phvsles & redearch ih Expe!1nelta1 & APplled Psvchologv" rrm slow g€ttLlg €tarted rn.thl6 gane 9l rudlns' but I donrt see anv anfor s-'t1^C a lt.jr. DIFtarce'ea3on ntr€ 16 a Nay of -'fa. and I "niov r'. ofte' do vou train? tverv dav' !o' 7 davs per {eek, dalllv because thais all there af6 in th€ av€rage keek, rratn twtce a'd even three ttnes dailv Rhen r have the t!n9 'S!g!ile? r'tr rna tran6lt'or p"rlod row' T ^o*"r-v rrlited {lLt 6horL 'as' lnte'va1-tvle workouts, rlt an nor dolng nole conthuous steaav tundng l9I llYil 9l"1il il::y9!,.'i.!3fi" d' it's lncieasins"&sLEea!: r've !u! t!1ed everything! Like to traln bareroot vheE r caa. Arrides, ?m6. B€3}1t9 rlo4 lultrlry: A-healthv !odv. A phvsical and renial chall6nae seu:9111*"""' a rc'l'I of 'onde'ful

glqpaier, n1', Feb. 13 - u.-of -_ Illlrols varstf vYFn l.|mcre Ted Beastall. Brom cabruPd J:r BoHFrs' €.d (Iork, Kn. Pa. 1t37t28 1918) 3a flr6' 0l"_6 {lth rrpres6jve P€_fomfls. ho. l:J0.2, ln th' I000. l/1. and 1, lD Lae (l.o ": .t sl-e I ca- berre. dnv of - - ances r111noi6 olen rlack r4eet torray. Beas-" "' rhe ;;;;;,;";"-;i"'";;;";:t-tall' who usuuv has to ru' 1n coached Bv: cuy natfeity; carleeie x:i:l:-:h?*:"r reci;-ffi 1. befi s, An;;r,rc. iavrsea -c:?:9: :rl.?"r,rn" ,:,":-. :1 ",'6 ,,,_ "F:t. br r.y trnp rpopt-(.1-/ os "s, (ar. :":. .,,.i:,i1-: o son a rrr.; ry Bob ., pb- ' !r. ail Jlqll'.il: ::9:191_91 *:-:,Y lia corlar16oh'r ano corrrta , " aL' '_y iy oin. gane'but Itom 1n a va1n' fa! behind G;neF1 Eemlks: Consid;r ;eisht tralnto catch UCTC ancho! mn Ron ine an rrnpdtdi !a.i ol a4y dtstance effort DtherLo, tr Lh€ 4lte relar. Jln | ,s _ !6e rarrl! heevv Bore.s. roE€r @tIotu hrgh-schoor ;;;;;i". i;; ;-;: (.oo-r;-;;;!6;'Bo'rb :I1'-.'cord horder'^rar lractrca-rv ;.;.. I :; i-"r ;;.; i;;;.;;. ";;-;; J !' rrrrrng ou' by la L of lone d s "r.- "a_.6 i' Lhls a2:0i 8 ehd 1:00-rc ro *1" 7 q_''.. ]g!U!s!: qLnnLJs, Dcln iJs (oLd 'e' " nark l'i,' arnorv, ard rrrlrr larsrLv rp.l '-;;;-_;-i tou6-"'; nturhe,_c.rrccod, 3:04'r' bv Bowei!' 1958)' anics, scirptue, ruming, nosiics, Anc'i'an dlrt-t'ad! recont 15 nathe;atics, r"-i"g, ;a;!ies, rr'' ?t59'7' bv chuck Fenske' 1940' and nuch noie r"mrii!. 'yiierv .'rj"ii,ii* ""i 'er lelavs' Bowers cane at the autl6r snokrnE. Not interesiea.@61 an'thc' s616 or fiy wire has a desree 1n H;;;-E;;;6;T;'un 's1o*' 5 over 1+ di1e6 to nln the ri.n daneale Teah ahd she glves most 6t46 secttdn lts tihe bettere'i Phl1 co1'ol the od;rs, I just eat, i love ni1k, ranr6 Albory recotd or 6.1+7,4, \956. rruit. r'!-csh vesetabte. i;";j, ;"t ;;;";;t ii"ii . -niii'i i -e""- Blt teann€te Ke! Brom, a lunlo! eraux balancea wirh enpha6i6 on!;o- :i"T":tg:::":t:i;"i['::r{1i:\:::itcin (ili_lrotei, 6urDlenenrB, whole i;s,i;.-;;;al ,rmo"v, ""a iriur kn,



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ro-iei'i";,r::]-1"N,""9";1":1,;X: was a orv r^ue {t'1:l o!--lP.:n'l. "d B'3.!-11. 1r.. :: "!: enatloml crosi-countrY race rn ;i;:,i:*::l:',] i;"i' l?.il'.:'3: : ::rl,;ri,:::, J:: ;:; _:i:,i:,,:,. rooo:


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(Nailonal,{AU Indoo! Chan!1onshllsl l. laEence, Macv' Sti.eelltz, Coorerl i. sane olderi 5. Larence' Ma'v'

he Drersed



l Phil col€1: /i:oa o. rcLisa tugose, (:09.0; 2.

iiril:illl i:d':il::i;liri'lilit,"'

::';i:::tu"T:ff :'.:i:"i?;:' ":"I1i;- ". !;"i"3i5i"llll''i"ii;"i; !i[!"i'ii' rrniv. !p1113: .2.., vaLlanova

Hii'dlii:l';!r;:*:i1'"l;i"itlil:-, tffi:l"li.'i:;:i"ili"i:,ilili.; :13:"i6



2:05,9 coledn, llugosa, [op1]. trlng l:06.9 coIeMn, llugos3, r4aiza trolla'

?":'i?t;i,':?'.';iii"iiil'ii'iiiil: r:;rr. stuabre, in 2:la a t' ire r'ulu' l1olan. sdI,I,osFdLY


y,:r":"f -,i::;; li*:i,ili;i:.;.j:; ii !:::|"$i'3i;"!"3i1'5:;"' ":'"":;'i' raPpeo to go) lad€ncc

thi3 o;re. rude a


tr\ lliar narr-

?.::'31,:: li:.i:i:::lr ";i?"ilt irt' -ne. alter

studenr. "prjniinE lead wiir one 1.! ro eo, r'c ror:1n: ]{e'-siEFr'-iio leIL rn tna s+retclr' lToran arrnD: caught lack vards 'ards fron ine tale anl I riled a'a'

wlth 1l IaPs rhe l1e1d Hith 61 Laps ro so l;..11 HTi^f ' r"liiL:i,:i:";?lr1::

ii?c;:;,t;iil'i,:;*r:'',,!l:t ;,';?"' tB.i,;"::J';:,"11':'i;;rpr Li miLFr il,;"l!l'i.ll'i5iil1a,' j: ^iryJi.::il; :"Iffi::i._l:i I..."1:- r,ii";.lll.'"

irifi :i:;4i, llit*v.:i*:':\1,'

ll',ti:j!:i,hii: !'..1;l';i;!,:..

ii:;i.: : ;:TI#"Ii'ii;"l"iiiiil;!' i:fi Eii:t.!:J,*:iiir.:::+:n:r;'

*i:i,ili:.:l siil:'




!:,'::i;; il:"'l!! "il i;' {T,i:'i:: lerae sucteo in to chaslng


115 ;ecord breaklne perlormancc


iil;rri*l;im ik:ii'ii'n:';


ril;iti" i";;'::: iilLli:r"iliil"r ii" or r: wi! ms lhe onlj 'ace. "ear

i-t:, liii,='^+ii.':iii.;ti':rif r-Fst.f trP !a-v Iic leL"rr rrF late


it"ir"t;; ili{ikl!rFi;"::"i:i lL a Posn1"r,r psc€ and his

iiir.l?'i?eoli'i3;. ;;;1.';]l;fi''; rFFaas: I3i or,n, $€anar ' uugerF ff :lill :il",!*ii;rl';:i;:: ti::. 0'Brle., rimes: 1,ift]:":11", ::"1*"li:i ::::.i:i


Ii""i"i':.;l:ii ;:,"1 : ::;:'' I trii:ilil"i::#i:1";i;ili':t'.ru" rieht men on thF rilht Joos' .:i",fi::.:t'Fi:i ::i.H;:"1'i: ;:l'."


.i Ille ilotrrtneli ro



't ' /*'f ll";i'l;lr..' . '= l.l*;:li.1lll::"'; 1:1.'': :1" ,,.lil*i*: l;ii:!i i: i.l Siiil'^;. Jjlos a'ita '.,Frcn. "*, il",1.i'll.i;iili:"'.1 .!'' ;t;,


l;,'l',i i"r; i : iL ".;i..:i.;- i' :l::'.tri':' l;,i;rf\': r' ELfioiL i"'";"i":i t,, lgl:



llorse lfll, 4:18,6; 600 & 10001 Jo€ urrins (N) 1:LJ.0 & 2:17,5i 880: 1:56.1i 2-N1l€: Ml1es lerenc Slpos, who fleC luda!€st alter s-one (.) (o) Eis€nnan 9:lJ 0 tne disasier of tle :luneariar tevor,Llchlqan staLF 62 2/1, onlo state lntion, i6 .ur.entL! a stude.i at san fo.5anta 5L I/1. colunbus, ol !o, Feb 6 J.se State and a conpetitor ia cruyco" llls) /+:20.2;2-MI: ittte: Clara louth Villase.. iTle cistance is so - s. oddJtr !e snilad. n3. short.n Bob Late {1.{s ) 9:11.0. rlinnesota ?L, North{esiern 43, Fe.e.c is th€ onlr nan in the wesr:er! MinnealoLis, Ie!. 6 B1l1 Erlckson, x.rli uf. c.uld ieir: tle F.ussians in 11{) !: r.'-.8 & t:57.9. R.ne,,' in6isr:.i ur. Ccoree leLegdy of (ansas bl. okLanoma 6I, laEerce' tae Ii!nEariar l;ational 5lorts ledelat- (ansas. rte6.8 - Mlte:l. GaiL lodgson, ion. nca::ldnrt ne becone a U S. citizen oklq.. t:L..4! 2. BilIy t"jt115, r', ,. D.ison. I!.. 2 u e: 1. !i1lr Ml11r' ierecdv. n:ins€La a relueee tlon ruca2. EterL, 0k1. ; l. l1!d_ iest, laa ido.ned the caarces of slcll i,. 9:/.0.i! ru4. tr.. looo: 1. Hods3on, 2:16.6; citizer.llD vr€re nost renoi'a. 2. Jtetart. 01la.; l. CLtff cushtAn, 51Los. ?t, arrrFl to a Ei]1 dro tled j(. . 9SO: I. Taeue, K. , 1: tt 4; 2. nuriari diil t[m. and Lha fai]ner or a ok13 ' SditE:-kla.; J. Rlnso, vea; & a \art oi:l lror, iook u! ralkirg Iebraska o9 2/1, (an5as s\'at e ,2 I/) dile servinq his maidatcry tine tn LlncoLn. l,le!. . fcb. 9 - Ioe A4erlcsn tie l:unqariar .1rny Ih. Presence at norse.(Nt 4:r8.9 &':12.2i Joe MUl1ifat tl;e cl such si:erlinE rurners as i.s. lNl l:5-.? & t:12.1 lstran noszavoLgtrl, laszto laLJcri, tar6tiEa" Statu aelavs, East lAnling' a Sard.r i|aros :rrned iin fron rnn_ 2-M11e: 1. Duane r,!1ch. --Feb. 1l r1f,; to ialli,:, r.f-r' ne i-lt, he xa":us 5tate, 9:21.q; 2. ..!Id 5econe tf. bFst oi dll Lv savrsF trotrsi. orilo.dan. Idaho state, 9:22.4; de'otior tcii 6Iiartar r:raini14. llow does f6n q:2t 4i l. lloDkins. lle3tern i,Ilchlgan,a:?5.5; r'..t a'! least 12 niles a l-e train? Notre Dsne, Den!3eY, dar. s1x da*s 1 "..! ..naLk 100 ret"rs, i.5 To; Firrv R;no1ds. 1 e h . i t at e , 9 : I 2 . t . 200' !u; :a. i,lii L srrlnr lac, @ll' Feiley: 1. liestern 141.hiaan, .,i 1aa,,,or. o on un',il 1:-11 i c'. irlsranc;(Pond 4:.9.2 ) ; 2. Mlchi6an Four tines a teek I do this on a track, 9:56.I Itar:e 9:t9,2 (tuke 4:u,6): l. Kansa" oriier da.rs lt is acr.ss ro4d6, tields, 10: c2 . 5 , ,1000: 1. rrnle tt11up6, n.lniails. ,.I_! i. ri.e." No wonder a I.v.la. 2:L!,3; 2 P1umer, Kentuct{'/' rere iil. .i lhe Gard.n track ts easv. 2:i5.li l. !-orke, Notte ra0F, 2:15 4i r,. !.rft. centlel Mlch , 2:15.6; t' Tl. fi./ Iork ,itll€tic Cfub, r:he v1nMittika;. iova state, 2:15.8,.1,1116: title for tne thlld ler of the tean.rflnperei r. ll. iloalEsor. rkla . L:I1.8; 2 B11l a coup ov 5tr31qlit ]€at, rrrcrson. lrinnesota, 4:13 8; l. Carr beatlna 11" usu:l dooinant c.lrege Reid. r{eate.n lijch , /+:20.O: !. im-nire r.lar teans ii ?:46.2 Preea rhelan. reducky, l:21.4i 5 ll,.crerrie. 1:19 1, 1"v1n, L:59.o, or lraus. ilich1ta.4:)2.0.. 2 Mile ReLAy: L:54 r.1cil11ster,,:54.1, Caratr:1s, l. lleitern Mich. 7:4L.7 1i{ussaz'r 2. an.atr;n,7:46.4 (Ev:ns, r:(l 1): L:t1.8,!:. Mrchls8n 5tate 7:41.31 l. f:oLT cross, 7:48.0i 4. Georsetom. L Ohlo StarP ?:44 0i 4. VErquette ?:r,r,.9: 5. IoM Stat€ r:45 4 Tean loint Jcore: i' l:Itc 2r+; 2. uanlare 84. Dartmouth 2(, Ned !rv.n' haita. 1.. & iritlanora L0; r+. UCTC 9:; fei. U - Mlle: I. Roache. conn.. a. lJlPc 5tate & l:o.Ean ,. (Y) IiI?.oi ?. Iennlson 1n) 4:13.2. : l,Lite: 1. T06 lrl1E (!J 9:14 2. . All-coners Me€ts. Stanfold, Ce1if ao1l€siate Track Notre Dane 47, q Feb. Il - Mlre: Mike rehn€r, Palo Pu;nG rr iEtre Dane, rnd., F.b Alt. !i. l,:21,9; rlorth{av, stanrordl rr.n Cr.so;y lNol l+:19,2i Cotron (ND) r:?t.0..88o: 1. TiLenans, 1l57. r.; 2. aalandli. larvard ll5, 1:59.5.. ,t€ aeLavs I :rrt i'rt.:iir" 'rirrt,.n;nb. . ,tt1LF: 5Ocoto: t. Snetr,ler, 15:t?.o -. lar rva., l,exirEtor. !:.o.1; 20 - MilL: 1. faFY flc aras' ireb. i-.t.. r,ii. -16iar.L'ed1-y: !--L6r cv I L:23,1..10.UUW: r. 114I, 2l{iLe ReLa:i: 1; lule. la:16 2. Kar' ll:03 tr' liti"i, :i'oL.z: -: vNI, 18:38.7. F.elaY: 8:O?.?i ! Mile Iinsilte t6, febra6ka 65, o]rehofte crla, :i.!-, feb, 6 :Llila: Joe lnericar








l lra.l ( l.rtirue.l Lrre, i!. . I trF arrb t1lt, l,!rr- 'r€ or:, : r. l! - a8r: 1. 1:ta.t. (!:1..1can indo.r dirt t.a'i: ':,:ii . ,,'. r9, io a , l, rro,r


i?*,,i:.i, 3l::"i::; i;' 'lirli',,'r'i: :;ll i. i;iil''-ii!,i:Ii,,"il,"iilil; J.i..fei. 2|, ri'.er o[.,. arn '''.1,,i::,1 :"i;'{::"?i'1"."ii"-":ii, .t,D., .-e.t rrcr d il- alrr .r.a.rn

i ;'il a"lli;'l' l-:,,,"i.;,:-1.'"'i""ii tdo r eei; 1,shFo

i'i!i:; 'j 980:.1'.lliili"i: ., ii,iill: Ii : 2. !c{c' rl i 2liilet f. ],rz!.rk. ' Siitn' !l.; 9:1q.6. I.

. 20 Krla ""2.", Pr,.t , 111 2/1, iltrar ,-irer. rja. ar:n lni.\1:1n l:. llrrquerrL Ju 1/r'

N.r Havetr, it,, len. 27 - Yate's ira.k tea; linisned ii:s indoo. sea son undef.ated todaY by scoring a galvard and d.clslr€ victorl over pri.c-io. i. thF -1g three meet. rf F -11 rurre.6 rellted 76 points as tleY caDtured nile oi the L3 events'. saivara tallied r'8: and r,Ii1e: 1. Ed Slowik, Y., 4:21.2i 2:-Gd Roache, r.; l. John Mo!!1son, Y,: r,. llark rullon, H 2-il11e: 1. Pil1 Bacbrach, Y., o:25.2i Y. i l. !d Elliott, P. i Z-Blake, r, John Morri6on, I. laOO: L. Ion Carrolt, Y..2:12.9;2. td slowiL, I.; l. cus shuracher, H.; /a. Fred HoGrd, H. 600: 1. Jin Staclr, Y., 1:10.t ::fr;le ReLay: l. Iale (Meiz, legat, Fotal--csl!-1l) 7:t9; 2. Har€ld.


ind., 2/26 The Un1v. oi cnictco irack aLub squeezed hYpts., the Irdlt.a hoosiers nv onLv lc l'i''i: ;il";i asslstlnce from Ihil 'o1e / o!s" laeLl e' ,r,.ir.. '":fl;.l 1:r',) rlrt drsor_, l:": l ,icr. at,le ncnrvtr voi the aile and 2 !rl. Ir L 414 re..ro "-!il"'ili Leq in the iil€ :fe kernil; ad :an q!9r. ril.,-.lda=rl . l fEt l0: rn wL I 1:r1. ..21111!: f. r.ir LrLr'or' !; 4' r ire r11e. a. lnan rottowpd solh ll3 .../i 2. Carl neid. l!11; at thF arr. ?r_d:e; lor a.a, led fhe race ldde broke en 1 harl r2:or'1. 1-n1ia i .'''; , -'l;,i: rr ilcrr1" :;: oDen uiif a 52s 3rd quarter. Another !:1.:'?: s -":1:1 rilr€ u.: irFsrrifb' ais w.urd lav€ nade a 4113! but rhil canF ba.^ F;,rn1. Jr. 4:10.r..1r. roaied in ,i 4:19. L ot tle 2 niLe iiliaans. tinne. ' rl;;: 1.51iats jiosl'r"lav tear'i3i." ir.arrhiF it8 and tt9 (ieei recin reet 1e1 .r ..d l:L 1.st rear at chicago), st!ck flrF rln ci. ,r1son (lrl ,o'i, t rL ttr! trln' i:rst L th 'olenan .ilY tlrouelr tlre o.ly aarsi., l.r l;lcniiars go IUrs Let h1m tien ile 11,:IlJ. :l ., l ii:J,so., /r l'!9:'1i " dnd aob Leeh Flss nen 11ae distEnie rr r/{.r.erl foi.r a :/ -i. - I-F1L. .otn soPhs, ran 9:24 6nd c:zb ra":5, b!t evldentLY vErenrt -n r;."n: llli',1..,i;"i.".i1;;,.":.,''l:31! t^ th€ La.r o! I rshtnc ih" rordlo I !r rFr {!{; Carstrom. 2 iilP: 1. ,(r. ' 3. Snitn, , 9: 40.6 r:o T ,e niLe relav, coLrtlnl 5 D.lnts r:h. rin.€r. .on€ fo. t.e Lcser, @s cr,.ia1, T;diana nP'Ced a iir to rie folena. -::'..],,:l:-i':.,.:' ;iiruI.,l" "i, tLt,e: reet. s!.ond leE, tra:11nj sotn sP':nt- l11l-?. I t q t.rds l:' '2 6s Ltougrrt ''t*r.r'1'l:'1, t 1- ir lards ahlac r o rrur ilY iil-ii!', , F..rre. ?eq lrco.t1t. 1,1rnl _1ne and -;:r€ ,.r. [rr ' ce.r'FI: ii:_'az!s r';i: : ,+*'nl :"-", . Fr..Ls Joinson, .Jf!4., rE or to t,!e -,I rare nl tie.9venang. jl,i,j;,'i.''.:: . i.-.. Le.1l i 'r t. Ii.- t:rer na3 a/'-. ;ii. irli :':,: ,l!. ']ri! r:!: "!ri -r' i.."t -rc rl'6:. s "loner ih3n --r r.L . Ti.6: t. , := . ,li . iir ,. - rr, I ar' i'a'{ " 1:0,. 1 r', tir...d .ei.- !a:,el l,:'1, L: i i'11. "., .


:'il"j'ili, ;|';i:li';

,.t ::,'1.





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rjclc - IIiDIn A UliItG:si?I _ iolJT]:lullll

,.,@;"];,:'++,';i:ry ; !i"!;.f:,;.1;

i,l;rl+#j;;;t':.=,',,'l' "iii:.i,.';.,i: har les drri5,


;-!',' ;,1.'','.',


ha pai;r, i,L, rerearec r rrr., /-- rltj,.r. i]''a..--!!.riTllrl a11e, t,

;.''," -=e1i.

IlLrnFj , ., ,. r l 11ir 1n: i.!, 1 a, -, lr n .uer3 feorge Tlrrvey took tra 2-nal: /en!urkyts rress iftetai fo, .r,1.1/i ri' 1r1,2:JJ, l:.. .11:,. !'t.t-:,.:n ro rook r, trirr , j :. l. "n rl I tiie i. a.rer.. -,r. ;lr Lr lli all i ." 110.. ii . 11 . otr ". t,rt , i ," " 11-81 -irailhi. iird.,. 11r .ra! fut oi a ti.e kicL rro r.r lr.t. ,"lre ,eo.qe Larv.tr .er th. ra.. at1



l::=r-4]+l ,-:. .1we., I11, t 1 , ,i : i ti', frJ ed:coct. iI t, 1 :'J li !1 rr:, rraii.. ia:21. -l a''.a: ir , ilt,, ;.i. :. -.rjj b.ii.rs' :...id fr.a l1.d ir. r.,1i. .::ltri.r.is i. "n:te a s,a:.in: tr.',i).i .rer :tlani I:nit, i hio) a. ,.._-r,rr Illi:r.is LInif, ::re'lri,i r:.i .!.r:r' .v.i,l jn iti., trlarri:ai .,,1eti !lLe r.l. aar:lt, lrr-- .xlec:.a .i,e: i..tr..n ..1,. : ..r r.r,r ,;;as :.r.r: arrl i.a "ile i:l i Lr.ir.rB air,.. I tii ri.s: ir'ra ,..:i, l ta.. .:!n-r:r 4::.q.i ri,e !.:,:i.rF:, r:r. ers r. rr.:lir.t, 1.:iltl ai:d _ .ai Lt.i Poss, lrcil.. r: .t. r.r'jr. ! rs, - r ti i e;1. rtril.r is r a..r.r !r,:..a:r .rr. ,rite ....r.1 l:o1.1!r :..r t.tait. rtt, :..r..a:it..- t..L ar.t :.nC l:icf Iiil,r:_ lliar:.1, iin:i.-.t itt I .2ar .t ;rI r.r 1.1i.i, ar'iEr a. ati nt fatt:te f.r :r. s..i rLi:h -.r t.fr.r .i !!iaxi. aav.r.il ren Ii.asiatl ar.: Ii.:.r lertrr, l.r:tr i_:, Celi:tri.C 1Le ]]ir1,_ .Lrr:lji.t ir" Lare tiof, of :iiaai l.r rt,. rr. srar,r ir 1,1" -.-a.c laal rrr. T111 i r:f3i.6 r. err Lj..ri 1-"ssl. on rle r80" i. L:.t, -15s1 r n rra rrco.d! : ij! !e. d.. 1tt .o i e.ri'r. f.i ! d . "; 1"ll rL RFos i.s, fiitF 1r d _-.ll rt -. r i rrolr r ir . r.si ,

:r in the 2.Il: !-1. , -r, -1, /, i.ai1in6 br 7 s€cs. at rhe nite. ' .t .aouqht his ia, !o fr 11t rr ) ;"s. ]o r.,r to ltar..1 !: .tro4g l,rcr, tF:8..1n -id cr ,ir. t,! readar t)r )/1+, i. fadid t! a . n _ I t{ - ,, lj,t, rrnF Ricfard5 |.r oL.r 1tr, :,.slLm - .af F icli ,.st a. pr liiJ" 's l ewe i r re 11r al i'i1a 1, .1i :o,r"r., I11.. /L:09.6 .le r- il- aiiLr Telesl., {l ro'i :, t.css rh-1:n, ry.,4:14; I, le! set l:le !a.e aor iie :rrsr l/rr Fit;. from, I11., Lt))i L. .,).j -. trzrk. ilila r. 11 ..Pr, r j 4:0d,?; lurdu... 1000: l Fi.a. f.€r. i..... rF tt , j, 4: ; L illc rtl. /:1?.5: 2, IPd !e.s.atl. Pa:11,. :i.i ll., r.:28;11, Bitt r.zar, t/IU, d:2t.1i I. Bill Eni.r., Pu.r',-; tr., r.i !r!r1. t, :o.:lonno., ri., l+:ztri 6. rob tr.is. Ilorrhrsto n; 5. lotar'D.r r, ,ti:i1:, lT., r: : .. -j ." I a -.r, ,rI !:19. /-:!tllq 1, ireo. Hr.v-:, auJ.,.:21; I Par.ll lirrrls, 1,9:17..; -rrile: rt], r:li! t. I Lr . _ i. Fl-e.r :,li,, :14; l. l1rr., tsr.E, J1l., 9:41; r,. r.).!i trx,Fr -, :4., : ,. htl { l;.f , i,.rei, Iarr.,hr..t, Ll,, :.r,; ijlrr, o:.-.5: r, :rd. i.ory. .. io:a "5)t 5, aur,. 1i: l, . I ; i 1. TLt riJ.,d1i, I L :1 r: T.e 680 rr.dua". dn od rr i. , r., . i.. 2. i.. er r.rr]. T, 2:1i,t: rare t . !xmer€--I11iri j:.rr Ceorr. ari I : , li.i 4. rin iielcoie. l.1. ::21. 'I .r Ierron" a.i.r3r"r i' . srrif r rl, Ltr, ::t.1i 4:: i,l1:ne. I .i rr iiid l llicL fitt, " l;.; _j. .r:r.:: ri11.. li.i a6sar,1 di.ta!..; 1,he 01fj.ia1 card :a,..F rr. Bob i.iiani. :l.n lst anC ?nd iLL nc ti:1. r;as rr:.r . 1st Foss. -:il- r::al -:1" .i i ..t.dl r,.i,!rer.. r., .1..rr ELIJI itLIIII IIJI:I 2I1'IJI iUI:I FI]IJI FIJI:: i!;,,,11"""*t,

*l******y**r*"**1",,1*3ii?,'iiiti, 1.";1-:"::::::,"::::;i?;i#"^1.,1" oi-;i:




''::li:':":: 5*l i *lTi;iiq}'r;:i;r"';r : lu:i.lr:*i"frf*;:1i,, ;m;:;';,1ii"i:;ti.." i'";'1; ;.^: ii:*"1,;l,l,i:::::i*l,l:d;.i?,ii::" ii: :';;ili''i:i"i;i.fr1'j$il1;

:i=;.;1, sii l'lh=,:' .i.:,;;.:,i" "";.'"" "i;q'

,";;,;r,ii;; ;i;i;"1'i,

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:*j,;ifhi* ;.:.,;,',:"*:'""tr-t:';:iilii, i;,::;i;,,,a"a ro:2'







**ttffit: ;G****;

[:*;';l*,*rl 'TI#i'il:"[ri;i':il intffi#*',,,ffififl$:*fiffi


:i: lir;;

;.i:iFfu **lll,'.."7Tifr,#*'",fu *,:,t**",,;:fi '*it!,:i:"" 8. I,{lke !igeLo{, Boston AA' 2i52:12

- 14 _-9:, r:. o o J. .t o 4e. aia-o-d a t\orrol ,o..4 vaa.J !ra.l.ioin-odi as resrg..d d '.r o'q:n rol..., i:. a lr'adison investner.t lirm..!est, nale athlete rrtro @de the outsrard_ a ,o..-. .a s,ar d ,,. o.q:ir s'b 'io' o' \" .1,!. o' ... The:lilqank€€ Track aluti, a eroup Canada, rertordnce, cheract,er snd .f loft.r higli sclrool 8 uriv.rsitt' spoltsnanshil ro be consid€red. Cord i:racli has b.er .ra6aized bI won the aanadian l4alathon ChamDion, _'- atnLe:.s -.or s ,. " d ran ^neri d\ _ames t.tar. - l-j, "!l cll"!-/' They invite any Wiscon- Ftaced iracl men in the ":Jor. ijhird in rhe Canes ar CticaEo. mn, !4eC {id4, lecently ran a.9:1, the Unted Narions r.larethon at Seou1, :a.-nil. at Hart F:ouse (Torontol Indoo! Iiorea,,, Eruce Kldd. ot the Easr rori ,"i... T"(. L::sen.:-o."r .o-np i.tddLe"1-" ''': o e;,.coull "-.isco,"r\. " (i'r!ts ta1. has b..n pro.ren rrore ore. d. rllexarder Trorhy a@lded to rie oui,.e year 660 d.c..sid,-r.d"",.usua1, rrovided.lLe li!:ild u! in",..-....dra, ianaaa. BrDce wes witnout a ieer is sradual, can onlJ st..ngthe. tae i. track. road and .ross countrr runausclea add inrrore resr,iration, not iing, winninE not onLt in junior w€aken or hurt then. staleness cones everrs tur also defeaains sone of the -.d -,ron8.-nd or rop €c1jor coaDF!i ors j; Canada.,, 'd, e... F'::€lsl ec",_.1/.e'. Loolo4a 0 ro _€9IB: I!.g.dS!, T,e rF-o; j.-o dyi a 'c i c:.e .' ident oI t],e Cladstore Athletic CLDb in rle Universitv of Tororio...SodetlneE. lcronto. F ed is a veteran of over,o0 oi course,race Etletegy faIls to ley .ace....llan daeri u..t bac!. to Sweden .ff. charl€s lneacon) Jones lound thet alrer ru;il.ru lr_:U.9 aile i! los rns out tffi-Ees E;6-ffien-I-?aced JolD ei... llis .an. is prorounced Don Vehrn. La.dy in a t{o-nt1e .ace in,{ustra11a. ...The indoor canpaign has be€n a nieht- "fhey nad a huge ftetd," recalled iibut I dde u! iy dlnd io Etlck nar. foi ih. bit i'onctors, as ollnpic Jones, hoF.llr.s he're de.i.led to sa'e ihenselves to Landy. After all, Itd heard hot fo. tode or ...fllctirg ganes hare teFt sreat rt/"--,he vas. , - o - .. .l a.dt .- _-"^ doh ln soor:h. lierc.l:i c..t,"sted relat-. saved th. 20tn place and lin lutrlne right at r"er Yo.k lt ot C.'':eet..Arthu! orconno.s' his heels. 'This pace,i I told nyself, roh as co dir.ci:or or t-tre t o? i-1!t]]* so bad.i AJter about a nile I 'isn'taround real rieadacle. Tne 5'-_rear-olc C'Connc! iool< and see a bunch ot guys tyan. t still orders ncr he ever all.red him about haLf a la! ahead of us.ra/c 1-eo in'o r" p oio o, a .-l'ooe lend nus( l. r"a,i 'i ;' L"'heads an exte.nina_lins rusines6 in io star. rith hin,' But I telt gr.at Queens ard ieeF. .ri.r in a housenoLd that day, so I Mited lor hin to dake ,,ti1.5 irclldes xiie ,Iir:iri.a ard six lis nove. ,'Then I hear ny coech yell out, rtas8 atiletic s.n:r, as.s 2? io 12, t lo.ner lodrar aida1. Cistan.. ru.rer, .Iass hin, lass htn, he doesnit have a t,hlnc, i ago 01,23, 4rthlr cane ii fou. years-Ldg" But I dldn't pey any attentlon. .o-d --c or k11} a1,.1And ", coa :s ar'1P "... " -c ^a i-s, tFass nia, " do-si . ...T]]e John L{, Daries irolly, ent,i€natlc have a thine. i oi ]]he cur:sierCirli aaaadiar ,{nar:en. 'tl'm still cnuc!1ing to nyseu ove! T.ack, iield, l{araihon o. larrie. ath ihe idea of i,andy not havine a thlng 1ete, r@s ron Ny leUC I!].I9 for ihe ihird when l,andr iulns around and says to r;ine in the last fou. years. ll.xg uoa ne: 'leacon, your coach ls llght. ..:\ tr. ,,400n a1d Lc,000id elents at Youid letter get eoine. t .,he aanaiie-r airar,lio.shils and tar, ,{a ,'14e11, by that tine trn s. far out can.s Trials i: liinnipe: and ihen turr- ot li that. it's lopeLess, But I try '' -o.sr '' d a q' aan, r'eor 40 o - ' dis € c" ? :r. "- lO, oO: a.d . jr 1r'r''!s o^ r:rs. - i,:: '^.,d:: 'i.ooaF, :x:::u"iej":r " ,ooo'-...... "-,'" -!r:!&!:1c1so :,e l



'II,IOTT Melbourne, Ausiralia, ler. 20_ Herb El1lott, pernaps the only nlLer in the {orld toho can take it easy and do l+ nlnutes llat, did Just that today under a !1az1ng sun and won th. victorian chd!ionslii!. The lean, sulerb1X corditioned Aussi€ didnrt take the lead until rrle front stretch ol tle thild Lap, tnen jinish fourth quarter ihat ed vith a yards ahead at the ta!e. lur hin 50'5-second John l"lurlay was second in rr:o7.2. nlt is a bit too hoi to run reaLLl. fast.r tlllott said alte.wad, r'and rhen the pace is slow on ihe early la!s. I'n just fee11^a mvserr oui. "1 Just Rnt€d i:o hrn, ard as i, all chamlionshils, everyone wanted to wir and no one me wiLLina to ao oui, and @ke a tasi pace. It's aL\{ays ihe sane. Thatrs vhv nnners tlho lave a last fin ish, Like'Ron Detany, vin ollnplc

L3t5a.?t L. cook, 13:51.0; 5. llain, 6. l,lncoln' 14:0L.2..sYdneY, U:rl; 2/20 - t'lile: l. al Thomas, 4:09.3; 2. lenis wilson, r+:10.3; 3. Dave Auckland, New zealand, leb. rlThe areat Murlay Halbele {hilPed throuih .l mlles today ln a sens8t lonal U:11.4, just mlssins A1 Thodsr world tecord. L. Halbers, 1l:1r.4 (r+ r 26. €:51J;2. ilasee, 1l:11.6i l. scott, 13:45.lri 880:1. Snetl, 1:,+9.2. 2?th


track and li€ld indoor chanls. New York, !eb. 20- Tle riggest lDs€t Has turned in bv lon lor.vani a_ L2o-poxnd miler f.on Seton IraLl !l!!h of latctoaue, L.I. Bisho" I ou;lLii H1:[, lr.o'1tn, ron tla teai title tcr !h. fi.st tine since 19t?. It Ias :heir ain t.an title in ti:s reet Donotal, wio irac i.rs. done iei"et Elliott, nho tdo weeks aeo lrt a ay lr:j2 ir hts catee!, l€s caugnr in less than loxr nln- tnar nis twelfth mile ir l:2!.r- in il. niLe. The l..g lsut€s, added, t'Now I can settle don to loveC xp lron loLrih lana .echeai r€al1y hard work to cet ready f.r tie _!h. lasr: -Lirtl :ra.cs to sto. ir on l,iarc\ chanpiorshlps ,tnsilalIatr t.n rin br a stride. Dororan carght non Clarke, a folner iunior star, i.ok rran.js Carrer of Cardinar lnlth F, gun i. todaYrs ra at the the lead ertl ;ltrn. I hilodFLpnlr in Lic Frord a sLoi, 5rrbut kept the tacF to ...iion, ?evir .a11ana. of 5o6ton quarie!-ni1e. Merv Lincoln ta6 filst .olLege Hich set a Lli.tErlnr 56.ls yalds bacl, witn Elt 2nd, abolt four fr,5t quqrter ..c rtrt .ntE.6o, He iott at his hee1s. iavd #' r,o Xerir leuesse,l', 3t,A1passec the Llncoln then took over and iv rus, t"r:"y "itY, "ii ': '.i third 880 in 2:04. lut h€ faded i. the far the ha1: atd )tr6 \ a': )/L Lap snon EUlott noved in ior a l:C5 !nti1 Donovan anC iarve. staged ih.f due1. John t.ri"e nl-f:]rring rincoln taded fa! tact ard qas f,itter nile ion Tecii, the laro.:ie :r ly disaptolnted. He has been troubleiL by ad upset sto@ch and did noi tra'.r! iEL,'r'L. Jane5 J1ms, rn s the past th.ee days. to.t tLe 1l in -:1:, . .1 idrns nThis is the lirst tine I're bee. F::-. tr., ilro ot Jt, li!c,.etr! beater at, a mll€ by af,l.one orr er tl r .i :Io.r, had ad ron n1. E111ott 3ince 19r6,rt ne said.rtitts "..,1r. sch.eirird ld t.i:d ior to settle not eesy to tale.rl nidt. Don Bosco i15, 9anset' :i.J' oth€!,{ustrallan .esults: ilelb.!.n., rialleI 4. i6belr Lirders, lr.it.ern rsb.l - 1000m:Herb ELliott, 8:0q.5: J ll. terar.st, 9eei.nal, John 14!lrey, 8:09.8; l,'Jatkerr 9:16 6.. l,lile: 1. Dor !.rcEn; 2. frarcls Brlsbane, 2/6 Tony alue, l:5o for at Faterrs a5r 'eri l. David r:llni, 880..Nelbourn€. 2/6 - Dave Stephens, r.; L. Kewln Henni , rlp! Lrn.swick. 4:16.6.. sydn€y, 2/7 3-n|re- \aEE, .ss€r: 5, lohii :o!re. Trme:4:24.7 13:59,0..sydner-, a/]o - :-ni1: !av. 1,r,l: 1. Fose. ar!so, I orthe!n Val_ Poue!. U:34.8; A1t,ie T!o@s, 1]:42.4; :' i 1. .Ienar.;','l.J Ron VaEs. 1/+:00 4 rleI'a)r.',2/l) 1 :t rr-rqis-P.e i 2lt'i1€ ?elay: 880: rSii 5lue, 1:4a.- 1900m. L:re 5) r 2. Ilt. .'t, Lhr.1. ,am!: !:u: ri lest 4l+0 t0.5!! 2. lrli.'!r,, l:1r9.3;:l 11n 1.iil fla!r1e!c, T:r Tean:1, Ca.e$,7.52,2..I l,{ile: 1. John uura,l, i.J. .i lr. :raiclE frel l 1l :48. 0; 2 , vi'alker, 1l:/+9,2;:. st-aph€ns,



| I it


(tird sPriits - continued) I g or -^"ri" c' of b"ire laoo"d j ol the runninq threF rilest instead td .' o 3e". cu" oc "o... to -- ixt dorit hold but nere! exlect rrour breatl ;aiiinsl I! indoor ne€t on aoast uitloli some llomoter ihe ltesttrThis saf in,: i. ufere tie lutnre ot inaoo; irack lies.'t...Pinky 3ober adnittinq one of his otficials nissed a Lap. ...Ueu IorL lars cleerina a 4lr5 nile... Ilerv l-ircoln ouikicline Eerb El1iott. . s av! c off ," .donrt have to tfat rlre other niners 2.e 2a" a, at-! -\ pt" .- j) o-d-. o a. -, €p"rs re.cn i"orinti.E !1ace tlres !. rhaLadelPlLia d (o'. f, \r-o;r'"-. r' '. e"lolila do Jo'an )r Josl'.1 or! breat!...a n1ler adnlttlng he's leached nord. ... "_'rJ e": :s '' d:-c, €..iac", o so " -d ad c ons6quair 1os3 o' raln1-g: .., Eob i"lathias adnittirA ne diCrri get lito the dovies ot hls acting atri1itv... rind cu_' hor tnese forloning lunners did in the culve. aity r4est,eh llenispfer€ lla!ainon--li!lLian stajatceyk, lolish Aci Thonas 'rJaite, !ftlire F.otden, lordon, inclanCi ceorse IFanoto, Tokio ac. Tolio. JaDani l:arl 5cl!1i2, Hanbufg' cer'r, B .cls,3" 4Ceiru r': '..o :-n: a'l.o ,ndo i. v' ano. Tla1v; oalph _-a!ne_, !o1t1ng1on, New l"alB.- ., abic, D"_ -lub, ad; , ce"-Y' _oh 0ocn Dublh' Piordal, s1Atrocl Irelard; Lars Falso.! stocLholn, Swede!; Fandau Cust. Iarlire IC, llaska, USA. thev xera all Listed in the lrogran' liii ;rasl .one of the fitrished arlarentlri... I understand oaa of the torconei;r'stoe nanrlactuta6iooutfits 1s'rdcl .':'' . .4 o L "r. n4. r:?4. ..j" -_- --l-. " "1 . of nairs...I an :h.,r:lr..l1 tiroDsands . dr '\l -\r-ri can ieai .o;si.lins of onl-l. the first 15 i. tl,e :lariri n.ea, l,hv hav€ an_Allo e. b .'.s, !oi' d.' o cv^' o' . -d"_ a o & l^r o ".3, d-o' -e u), ''1., .t l1€ rL! t odo it"1" a1D, .l sor. :Lir1es.n, nh1lrer4, lect, Je.!t \doP6,.dd

t... , I


d.L -4r,- , " 'd "d " oe/4,... -., 't r"l:..'n 7' llc. ..-foL Soti lrad a dorble iernia.!erati.. aft.r tie l-o:lsville race. lle has

just resuned tlainlng... Cordon llckson siilelined aAain witi iis acltLLes tendors aching... Steve Sermolr has taker folne! Clicago runne!. Rav ilen2ie, under hls ringlunninq hin un and dom ihe beach and teitine hld use hts selshts. Menzte i. nov llvlng ai seal Beach, .alifdrnla... coach Dean r,IlII.r ot Mira costa (catif,) High reauy has a cana uolkins on distance rlhnlng' He eats oanny tLurphy 16 doh to 9:40 fo! the tuo-f,11e & plnt-sized Joe Ileln is ?orklna his head off. lonY Snithers, the Austlaua! at USC, w6rks ont with ihe kids at thr beach. Ru6 theE throueh th€ iiate!, not snkle or knoe dcep, but hlp d.6!, teachlnE theD hov to l1tt th.lr leg!. ,..Bobbt con! and lob Dlake {ere ahs.nr at Herrcla becau!€ or flu... Pete l,{undle 13 h b€autttul 3he!e as Lis easy win at the te!4ose !6!ch 5 [1i]. P.lto Rub Droyed... !u€ 111iott. tife of chaiDion nlIe! uolb Eui6ri, aave b1!th to an 8-!ou!d, 10 ounce boy ai llelbounets M€!.t i]ospltal on Sunday, feb.28th - tb.h frr.st chi1d... lete lfcAlauo.160 b€cane the father of a g1!1 a iev days befole hls IJ r ol C 3-E116 rlctory. (RRC


- Com


Naitoual I-AU olrlcialt. th. !r1! bu.1nG!! reoalDlng 1! the .I.ctlo! ol offlcels fot n.:t F&.' 'rxn coRlITT: 'I thlnt th. 8tn offtc6!3 lhould rotrln th.I! Po!1t1o!..r

tTtt8ttE' osl,ERl llo, .o, no, ltrr tlm lor r cbane. €lth.! th. ltt tro!o11tin. Ner E41aDd or c.Dtral lr.tn!. ihourd leks th.-!.!ponrlb11Itv.' TED: (-ds h. t!l.s to ru! loErd! th. door, gItllg a! hl. .ttur. th.i lPlldg is aho3t hele 5rd 1i 16 tloe lor trlt tlalnlne for lhe Bo.to! I,Iarathon. )!Th. M.*oPollla! ,t'6.! d6BRonuE:iMrlollty d1€., and .lDc. th€ Mlddl€ ttlantlc Artu iet th. !.J.r1it of conv6nt!o!6e!s, rcrr. ii.ai'!l.t tou cORrITt! (s1udy) '16 .t. hoto!.it.' cAR i{t!! .1,!S! il{aY I !P.rk?r coRBITl: noK, but ork. ii frtt & .hort.r lt:tll-lLusl nltrr tl@ to go to ih. ToM

"Jl$friri:*l**"*htiil"ll*ii! our 4th .nnual conr.nllgD ourht to kloY rodetlD' ' -

n.r.. rr.t

!4 McAldle Wlns


casev Track

Nev York. Feb. 27- Peie McArdle scored ihe ftrst lnvitatlonal banked-bosrd victorY ol hls ca.eer tonieht in an easv lashlon. The New Iork A.C. ace bv qav'of ltelsnd. won the thlee-nue in t4_:00.2, seltine lrode about t0 yards ahead of q ttred Al€x areckeMtdge lv hlE vlctory, llcArdLe captured the J.in.w Haves TroDhv. rLac"d in .omnet iiion for one year arLy lry tle New York ,haD!e!. Knleh!3 ot olunbus. ha lropht uas rre;e.t€d by tre 1908 ollrplc Marathor chadplon fotloying the race. Ed Moran hardly had to {ork u! . sieat as he coasted to a 4lt1 S mtLe victo.v ln the feature event ol the n of c neet befo.e 11,000 at Medlson squale l4o!an. {hose onlv lndoor m11e wln8 tad ..ne o; a JIa! -.a.1 at Uasijnston, rlnisned 12 vards ahead ol oeolgetom's Pob vinto;. rrod the balfrav point, Ed ad no.rj s ro do erc6pf Grch rha clo'k. Johnny [oD11 led the tleld throueh a 6r.9 qiart;!. I hen lroran tooL ovPr rd the hdlf 1! 2:05.5 and the tLree-quarte.s

iii.l."iiii" r*, r.

peter 14cArd1e, rrnt.,

rr,:-od.r ; .:trI€x. D. N. Breckeridse, ! l. victor a. Quenttco Marrnes, ; 4. Z{olak. Quantlco l,larlnes, i ledv C.awlord. Shanahan cc, Club, 5. Glmn wood. Baltlnore olvnPic

'1,!rI fiirisners) 5r1lt3: 2:lt.1 loi Orllordan, Dlck Creene,


crawfo!,i. Breckenrtdge, ceolge Kine' order, tqo I'ood. Zwolaki 4:11,7 sanevcArol', Brec! oI I ea h; 9:16.8 ' 'rou;s drawiora. Creene, Zwotak, 0tFilordan.

i:%t*ffi;'l ceoisetom un1v.,

i l. Vellsa I4uEoJa. lllac. ; (. PetF Close, : .Jo1\oPi Au;n!.!co'aarin's, lirAo; 6. John cerashtv, t4ar,\attan uoaIobo: 1 ToE MulPhY, NYAC, 2:10.8i 2 :inn RelL1er, ceorgetom rroeh, lb vds 4 tsd bsck): 1.,{rt Evan6, l4anhatt8ni Ncllltsre!. NeA ; 5. rll e a.a'ils, vYA-. oOO: l. Kv; o!r!aPv, 'jamar.rani 7 Ar+ 'rlchloh, St. John si J. l;jcr D'Ange ll s. l:11 vi..r'a"o.i; +. R-dv 5Dltl, Ba_'3. (rorn corrv' :-u e eeiar: r. I:'Lanhatt;n Healvl i Foi-iiEEi--Jorr Horton, Dennis Bealy)l 2. Penn siate (!y lnches); l. Holt 4. Villanova. Tine: 7:45.0





A!cDo115. !Ld.. leb 27 - amyrs underiated cadeis scored a 6J-l+9 indoo. tlack victoly ore. NalT todav. 2-Mi1€: 1. Bob xunklo, llavy; 2. E6ir-e Robe*s. Ainy; l. lFn Bender, rrnv: 4, r. Nprna.d !atY. llenhe, Naty. BerDa.d rlenlnE. Arny;

Bil Bill Hanne, A.: 2. Bill l.r.; ]. lIark DltLric5, N.i ririulans, A. 2r12.J. John Jon63r A.; 2. Ted Benz, N. 4:Its o. f:T3. (en Macleod, 2:U1Ie Relaa: 1. ArnYi 2 NaVY.7:56.,+ 1000:1. {fi;Ine, L, Flani Mlle: 1.

DETROIT. MICHIGAN 1950 ]-ONO DISTANCE SCHEDUI,' April r7 - 4 di.lei ltr3v 15-

olmrlc levelopment Jr. 2 niLe & Sr; 5 dile; Jlne t - olttplc Dev 2 hile & sr. I olts handlcap; June Ig - It [i1o S! Natil lun; June l30 Ol@pic lev ft l-ntlei JulYml.; i"temaila.ar lreedom lestival 1o JuIv 1r, oLwpic Dev. Jr' 3-m11e & sr,"5 mile; r!]y 28 - ol,Tplc l€v. Jr. 2-Dile & ulchlaan FRC 1-1r o! rne rrack chanplonshlp: aue. tl olwolc Der. J!, 2-mile & S!. 5-m1.i Au;.-25 - olFplc Dev. J!. l-ni. & s'- a-nlte: SeDt. 13 C LongHnlte I4eoo!1et 1o-n11ei oct 16 _ 4-di1e oct. 3O - 8-mue x-countrv; '-countrv: $ov, U - r4lchlean AEsn 1.. 2-nlLe & S!. 10,000n. *-countrY chanls; Nov. 27- to-DiLe road nt. Ilfornation .an be ohtained frorr !!ank McBrlde, 16187 llnrcod, Detrolt surdav. re!. 21 - r0 uile 01vn!1c r""erbi'nent ltaIk Sponsor€d bY Penn A,c,. Ieirnount iark, Phih. 'Pa. ll,th in a sertes of 0.!. conleLition6' Handica! L, Lou Nei.chlosB 1294h.l 2. carl kurr (25nln)i I John Abbate (t7sln, ) rtue: L:21 43 rec. ARIZONA CACHETS TO HONOR



TH! colorful 1q6C c1ltllc canes will h. the tlene of th€ arlzona blate Topl.aL Siamp E !h1!i"ior at Phocnix

iii-li::'il".:l+"ir.'r | 111 he i .4or.d laonti.ued neYl







ixo rirjz..ans Louis Tei€nioa, a Hopi lndian t.on SnurgoFori, and Sirnon Peter nigratec t. Phoenix ir I9l8 - {ere bot! nenters ol tie 1912 u.s. teai {ith Jin thorre at Stocklotn. fe'anina aclriered tte hi€hest finisn 1c,aoC-meter .un, 'rnile CiLlis, reple. entinE the oLd l,leli Iorli Atlletlc Clut, Flaced in tie latuer throu. Cillis, noH 8t, ras also on ihe !.S, lean at the 1908 ollnric Canes in loadon. Te€nid, alreadr jmortalized t-1. reing in tLe lrizona lall or lane, ts 86 years old and an antelote prie.t at the Holi Irdian !esFrwaitor.. Hp, Lir . Thorpe, attFndFd Ca.itrle (ra. ) Indian Scnool 3 placed ir the 1906 ollrlic drathon ra.e }I. charley !o!ah of lioenix, who Es a rria. ot califor.ia sp.'inte! in 1928, wor a 4o1d nedal vLel \e ieaded wlth Janes Qulnn, Henly Russell, and F|alk Wykoff to win ihe 4oo-mer,er !e1ay at Anstelda4, Netherla.ds. Their tine of


rron \'ralt Boeh4, Idellcan SpeclallEt, americsn lnba!sy, Tun13, Tuni3la. ,'Slnce tn€ 16th ot Decenb€r 1a6t, rhen I Has allolnted ol'aplc Tlack and Field coach by tb6 Tunlslan Mlnl8try of Sport, I have bee! trelnlne a Erou! ol lre-select€d athlete8. rldre icere i8 ln the aroup. lut ths Mlnist!! of Slolt asked ne to conduct elininaiion ia6ts as soon as possibl€, ard I asreed that four nontns {ould le a tareet date lor such tests, but becau6e of the expenso lnvolvsd by thei! govelment ln l€ed1!€ th.'i they insisted on bavl.g the test aft6r two nonlhr, and this of couse ulset ny p1an6 fo! !ea11y progessive schedul€ of training brineing thed in Aood shale by lone tlne. The proelad had to be accelerated so that the athLetes nould loot eood. 0f the dlstances run, the nhalf mlathonn EE !v fa. the best: tle otle! evente eiLich lictuded ihe 600, t?oo, , and 10 l<6 ere not worthy ot relort,llg .t thla potlt. Here are th. re.ult! ot the(helf-drathonn on a course trlce Eeasui€d of an out and back typ6: _13 o1_mpians {ill be issued ly the Society @ites 140 yelds o. 2108? !€!..$ 1/2. tr conjurction ritn the exhilrition. The 1:08:38.1 prevrou8 colers ara 2CC eacjr or com!1et,e set oi 1:-trtr;;I-FEId1, Delfoloances (best lldeB: flr:l+O 5 la. three fo. tod. Proceeds tron t:re saLes t;A-t6:t6-T0 Id) rd1l !e nsed to detrat' exnibitiof, ex2. Ahned Ben salab, 1:08:45 (15:11 & ienses. olders slouLd be sent at orce to the M!s. EiM oiSrlen, 314 \,r. Cran- 31157) J. Hedl Dahoul, 1:10113 ada Rd., rhoenix, Arizona. Tho corels 4. Moheo€d Ben HaDle, 1:10:19 (nd: I tLi* sone of the distance run5. Mouldl len Aao! 1:D:r6 {1957 rers niEht r/ant ihese. tr{entlon the Dist- Panalab Canes Marathon chadplon 2rL5,25,,rhe cou.se Es 2 kn lotrger ance Los rhen Eltlns. ) than !2 kr 1954) 6. Abdolaz!z Ne{r1, 1:12:17 Ttnes of passaee bt 6ach 5 kt. tai,11ar]!si:9 !1!.e slabidl: 15:22, )1126, l+8'.42, l'.45r31nAn r3t23.5 It 16 @!y hald io ovahate a half1. :i...rt l,!:fhy, llira Cosr:anAr drathon, as I lrave fonrd out, but 73 t3t+ 2. h.dr'l"i_.o.e, l{ira costa to the "I,ons Distance !osi' of 3, Brli Iiai.h.r, l.lira Costarltr \3t)+7.6 thanks tast I h€s able to llnd the 4. llil<e l"|cconicL, Lons Beach, J"1+tt3.5 SeFtenber re_sDrts of a Britisb half-marathon 14:38 5. ni.t Tlt',, CIT, which a11os ne io dke 6ore conpar6. iiea h1ers, Sll-Tc, ison, Chrls Elebt4A Sdlth finished 14:43 7. PhiL lucer., l4C {Bn, 6th 1n that rac€. nnnlns 1:1O:O4, 11155 8. lfuie EarLshaw, sP, and 43 days late! ra! a fu11 nara(2c starters, 19 finislers) Team: Mira thon ir 2:2?:40. lven Geolee Llight aosta x, 6pts; l4ira co.ta B, 27i Lore ol 29:06.! seacrr 29: Ca1 Tech 29; san udino-Tenr- Fh. lras a best 10 l<n tine onlv Mdae ,ih in that lsce le citr. 12...1 ltl1e Run: 1, cerl Eo.Lcv coutd r:o;:1?. 5o. becau8e ol thls hers) .! mile: dith alhanbia. r.:ll.Zlr.T lntornation I ad oltlmlstic lor orr 1. .lteve Per:a', 2:24 iF!nsranJ+;;.lT riilslels I li _lrear old iounssters. fli'"' :?::.1':!i::



1 suEtesi:ed nxch heavler

tratnins to !e fotlox.c with .onr€tit,ion aa distarces approrinatins tLe naratlon aeainst lur.pean aid ll.dilre! larean lrea athLetes, 'te nate oL,tain.il perntssion lron th€ Lril '". hold a 20 ml1e lun ard a tr11 mrathon .r tne following dates 28 Fe!.xarl foi 'ille fome! and 5 .iue lor ihe latter, althouFh at this EltinA ii loo s 3. if Lhe 2!th FFtruarJ car€ ru) lF arL, r d fo. a dat. in l.larch .r 4!r!L. 411 expenses ere pald by the lunisia. covern nent and 1ov1tat1on3 nd.e t.e. erCiended to the follorlns c.untries: rinLand, SwedeD, tnsland, Eelgim, Irarce, sirain, PorturrL. CrecrosL.vafia, Yu --5Lr vi'-, Yueoslavaa, It"11, crF€.F 1nd lTorocco. Each country is invit'd to send . ie atnlete, exc€Ilt France tler. three have been requested. The bi4 attraction :tr runnina here of course is r:hat the Heathei {iLL apploaiGte tharr ot ih. otwFic corditior s ol nome; a' 1 naii.r of tect I an.odten!lat1.E haviij tfe course approxinate that of Rone io the extent that we, too, have tulns io rur thoush. the capital 0f noman Norti Atrici, Calthaee. The U.5.A. ms brousht u! tn ou! conversatlon doclded tt vould be too expensive io br1!! AD€rican athletes. Don'tr ask ne to ldttonallre this declsion. tron WIlf Rlchalds, 17 Haddo! Grove, TlmDsrley. Altrinctud, Cleshire, EnA. airite sde that the llnited states "I adso;n wilr !e developirc dorld class @ii erial in i:le distance runninE eYents nor Dnning is catchiig on. The that loadnstaldardsn ronld lre a et€at ldea of helr, eBlecially if tou have tto or three dllferent Arades so lhat er.r ihe cotuarative n.vice has tle chance.r atning at 5o e:hine rrilrin his rFr"h I do 5on"itnes the IJ,5.,1,. road ereni:s yox ierd to overdue th. prize vaLu.s I urdersiaii ihew do these tninss oE a nuclr nore ravis! scale tlan tn Britain, and if road .urning exl,ands io the exic.t 'rou .aiu.ailv i,ish tner tt is sl.erf 'o!ld eoine to be jnar.asi.elr diflicult to aind enough s).rsors 'iLlinE to ilD.r t,heir aonei about. ilate you :i!e. this larticuLar natter anr-. th.uent? Lte nare plenLy oi conF.titlon l.r Dur lcnq distaxc. con;iarn .o p..iti.r, lras ..sr11.'"d ia a



Distarce nen arc clurne.i out ove. her! a1no.t as s.rintcrs are ir Am€rica, r:r,lL n€lr nanes aFr.arir; lror ti.e '!o tino and oiher. conine

to ti.: for.lr.1t rrho lreviously {ere cnLr "s€c.nd laterstr. lasr: seascn 1; ny om club (l4anchester A.C.l two ol or. yo).g nc4Lers ran tie nile in a fast€r tine tlan Nlrnl d1d for his rorld recold. Iianchester. ,l J.r l.ar. a:o ih.y and rcre b_i- no r:a.s .utsr:ancidg then. cross-c.ulir:.. rL:.n:trg, alsci p1al. a lig r.le i.r tiL. six ronths ol rintcr ov.r re.e. ,e hare ou! Natioral ahanli.nshiF. jl a lofl riEhr:, arC I lare :):: heard tha+, over a L00 .lrbs ni11 le corteEtlne rh.'lcLIfHS 114-131 race - that neans at least 700 are 11k6Ly to actualty tuln out in thls race alobe. In the senior eveht the tunout quite a strain on the olsanlsers & offlcials as welL as on the runnere. The eerior lndlvldual tltle is quite troleln, I thlnk, wlth lred Nolrls, Cerry r,lorth, Ess1l Neattey and John Nl€rrlman the ones nost lik€Ly to lleht out the 1ssue. Itrs going to be very interesting," Ha1 Hlsdon, 5452 CorneU lve., Chicaso. IL11no1E. 'tI ;n-ir accord {ith Dave liEtenmts suseestion. Thel had hau ot the


ol;.1c mrathon f1eld "enteredl in rl,-; burr'e. c1t1 Rlce Jor p.onoti.nal ,-r.-"= , so iL , .i-1i Le gord io.cd a ",n"r of lesiilnarc Nrst "oi"re !i .ourse, I nope r'obody goes out there thirking theylre aoi.; io bF rrn.ir; in , Itnt' tGr ;j-raih.n' ri(! I i1r. r'icurFd tfat putiiaa tle race in ll...nt,€r rlilt at, least rir. us 5a d.gre. i:4nf.ra1,!r., lrlt it las r! .rer ?C and r:he s|n h.fter 1.Lan tel:. It iift'iak. a ::t o: coLLeciing to e.t 'il. aon.r' n: io send sone.ne I {au1d iaaq'-r. a5! toL:ld re the ...t. I feel :l3t rte sh.lld rot send o!. 5e3t nar, iaie. alL, rclleY, dn Cr.n, ..5.rj, rh-.- ,_.ra. s.i ro ri:..e tpnr 1,r:,I:. r. sf.f1i.e.d ,,.tLdr'1 ;.- ::.1e.Lted r:o iare te3rr: :rlia' so-P.r. 1'

ar ,.:14 rac. 1;h1.1 rould t. l:eid in tie ial l (r.t re..ssarilr a r!11 €.ar:h.rl .r it colld ie naCe or ri,e ias:s oI a l.tt.ry or a nanCicat ra.e. -hetr .n1:i had tEa i,.n lrdei +,hree lrous .c nant-.1 tL. averar. lasl,ern nner6 co!1d fl3ce quite r.11. Il the cr:taiis.rs tr!,re fayina tie bill I {.uld sa:r F woLLd ie .tliEed i:. serd our (cr lei ther rane xho tley nani) 5ti: since 4e ilar io collect tle ronetno.dina.yfl olrseLv.sr J tlrink {e should 1.1 1,!. nnners also neneiit rr.i ant slci plan. n I'ased on

r? (Jan.2ll Sout! London Haryiers Chanps Senlors 10 I'ji1es: l. cordor Piri€, 55:00; 2. lJ. ahanin. 56:16 E.lsrate larriers thanps (.tan. 23) 1 CharLie Dabbs, 5E:C9 (1o b1. C.c.l BlacLheath F. Cnanps. senlo! 10 t{iLe

1, !. J. Weeks-Pearson, r4:59 Herne Hill E. chanps. Seniors 9 rriles t. Mike ?,lalna.d, 50:21 Welsh 7 +iles cxoEs-country chanps., tb€rvs ,l''|h. 1. V. B. Jelas, Essex NEWS IROI4 ENCIATID !eag1es, l6:2oi 2. D. Thonas, 37:rL5; 3. D. l,1ewel1}m, r 7:51 forkshire Se.io. c. a. champiolehi! ar rinsley, Jantrarr la !. La.cs, Championsnils ai Fo_rton .Ir' bbo o',r:0::. llan Earg, Fel- 6th - 1. rred Norris, lolton 53:?1i l-,{, barde.,53:50;4. !. talker x.H., L7|55 (r/ nore than 500 _rds.l; 59t16i 5. J. lrichols, 19:53 2. Johr.nv ('i1d. r+9:48; l. Jack Has1an,5c:U! 4. J. salt;5. R. ,1ii11ians. liorr:! ol Thanes rac€ at chigflell. ,Lt the end ol tl e fi.st nil. .l the e.t la.cs. Chamls. at Si. Heiens -Iortl --:.dr. rler Seniors 9 niles. 1. oerr- No.tn, ot a:-s ra - o auaT a.cn r:|e re5t of r:!,ts il.ri of 2!5 r+1,:r+9t 2, lt. Barl.r, ll:10 fu.ner. and ar halt(ar iral a 1.ai .l rear1t 20c :rards and i. Ltent on ro iir co:riortabL:. .l 2ta .,.trrd.ll?r29) :rcn Ieb. iii,l Seni.rs 7; niLes T.rt fiedrl.r (r8:16J. It iias i"lenlnanis L. r. !!e.c.r, lr.1:1,1;2. R. 14. 1,ljrd trin in a .$r. I, Niha Ba.ratt, )et)?1 1, r, Ficha..is, l6:5I; 5. !. Hill aot,t,lighan, :9:59; 6, u, Wiggs. :li:.e. .oLd {eat,her ard tie tLat south of Thane8 at llest wickhan nLrdd,r conr.e of jlst urder ? niLes The S.rtI: of Tlales al,ad! icnship, i n ras froz.n hard,,Tl1ore wefe eielr: lats trrC one .n311 1a!. ,qs ie sc '.o oo d. c:ten :1.. case, rh. start ras a lad .i.i J..n ani r:r a ',Frl jriE.i ra.. i. .ne, ri:h n. xar.if,l .afor. tne gun. rin:el. tr c.1f.r,;at1-: irr l9:23.ver Tle lngiish badLt' Le:t. i-i:. Earl (ltl:lt) ii.i T. Erjrnlt(19:!3i l. l- leenae.i, iel:irn, :5:tl; 2. i.. T.ntr neeks r,€arsor, ,9:49t ,, 3has. l. Ai:.rsi!.r Belgiur-, J6ra9i 3. stan lr.ro., i.gla:d, la:1t; l. a. Fer.z. 5Farn, l6:24;5. I'I. 'End.n€t Iirsr. li.:1.1-ri. i.1€etire at :lrrL:.!Lan b-i.xe, !els., 36:26! a. !. Hill-aoitjnsla., T! r: .l:i Il..r fPFir I Ensland, l6:/.2i 7. P. Deialn, r e .i l,l :aL,'t, arfrr.'-i 9e19.,l5r49i 8, M. Earrard, rranca, q. ).neur, rlarce. 36:t?; 'ear1: : rr' 1:rri:.s.,lutsiardin! Fr.r )6tt3i i. i.r,l! ia: .', -ar.l.r ir iri,F I niLes, :1i.. R. rr'andenlorle, !e19., 3?r01. l:rri. t...1. :ir1r srrl.ri.j l'r'.n ih. .11':.ie oi a r.3r-.. c.1d, 1.rl l.r ih. itrte.nar:r.r3l a.C. i. tunkllk, 2/t 1. Na:rl H.atr.ti, t^e,, 2)t22 \ly 'ir. .rlt .f L,: " .:.,:, lril co,ilC i.'.li I T!...1nsr::. r ...r !r.r,rt le 1ea.rr 4aa Yards); 2. ilue! fccrd, ' : t :( lr.:,t. 1. Irt'lrr, 1;:!!.3; :. taataid, 2t!t39i l. 11ai! l":imoun, l . 1€ed, lrlr2a.i-; l. u, lrieas, 14:2?. Iranc., 2r,:40; r+. lliie :u]11Yani, i:i1e: L I.lutrer, i:22,6..88i: l.John XeiF,, 1.57.2i 2. :iicl J.nes,-:r:t7.? (a..tirued:,.t Feel

1! a.ati ei !.!ile.n a,:, lr|a.Pi.:slj l. :: fa:li1-ent:ji:i F:elis il'.r.l.nl a:1.. lli.. CilC rrit. s1..', crC !ar., :reaa: ..rir'.. . j..r ilerrjnaa hari a. €asllr'. ln ili. seii.r.ace, r:aLir-E aa early l.ai !-r,.1 t- o' rLt.n J:r P. ri i a Trt rr ,!!.d ''1. exciti.tr l:iisi..il.rdoa Iirje .,.rer 1oo?ed llaer./ in r,h.s..oniir:i.is r'.rt si,rck i: ort'-o rinish rSi.. i. r. Nerrlnan. l,,'ar:iord Ii.. d8i55: 2. rruce Tullo5, i:lrfi l. ltan ELdon, rr: /.r: L aeo.re ?roM. tc:14; t. :ra.k :ando. : :L6; A, Fush Ioord, ta:rr+: '. llike lliqc?,:r:Jd; I nrni" Earr, c:r.1i 9. aick alrrh,50:5ci 11. I t\aad, 5at57i LL, ilil'e rraw.rd, 5L:a 1o'.. ir! ..rLpetito.s ir tr,. 'rrr.i.r

Erglrsh a...s a.rrir:-

l.1idlaidil,l,. ..l,aiticr.hrps :t ;l.rc. s L:1 1, !asil H.atl.err, ta:23; .rL l'... ll|. t1:2!:4. A, Cal., t2::'L; li. 1. lc!l.r, i2t1l;4, n. Cr.!., i2t2ta. lran tasi"r, .C. Chamls.rrorrr I.{.I , ., 'ei e1l re l: / llat ..aerec xi.L .ev..a! irclr.s .t .a.x ion lalllr i'.n tr' .: ia.rs l. r.i:1: tl,F,'i"1. re t..L la.t -rear. I !, :a.,1cr, li::it1 2. li. ri "rl::, 4t:18i I, i, J:.1th, r,i-!:ld. (6 iresl :tt. ,l.Berh nhrt noad Race (.li tr.'iis. r:tr lo..1s, 1. Fred lr,:ll lrr:: J ; r. Iol.r.y zil.rl, l5:Lrl I r:rl' Hr5lar, l':4r,i L. t larErcavb.r JL:!r cermanv - InC.or lra.l: 1L :ror:ruadrs ta:;]21-en!arle or Janualy i lth 'l'Ll, :OCrn:1, llissala l, 1:iJ.1i a,--i-T:'l.r,i l. ferLir, (lr..r i:rl

J' 1:lln: 1. !o,.-, , l) ,:ra':: ic : llLnekF, -:; o:22,5! !Cl laOOn: l. :lans :l tlfr'.c :1..:.ii_, l'lc) lt?8 2i 3. cysel!n.i:, 1:.1r. ) 6:10.0,

,rr.',r61ia ltenarl{e-Dle lJav. F.!.r's l:a:.6 rr11. r,jile r1i' tr'r-::-fl. s.x._1,rarr 1'rti at Ji.Lner ti ..rri: Ir.fi.r:s f'ste'" e..nL rr'rlt.2. -;ti ll.ri:":irit -!t'[r]ar ,lf. aiC lrili. .: 2?:14.4 -.11]i:.r '. :'r 'rs ...r.rd .j:. t.::-::.: ir.t!::.: i1 l .. :, ,L :a-a |

1 rt! l

na: r_l


r, ..I., €r,

c 1l



r,,cl4t1. ar:i5 r. otr :hc sa:e iiil.t il,,. 4..t r:ajr ariai.- reLn .' t:r: lr.er',ilLL rf.r1.s alr.rnd i.a.. t.ac: l, l1:t'1l.ra. r.'.r.i l i. .,n l!etral la. :-r,:1e ...ori r. a:15,4, _,o lass.d lariii n.t.r3 ln 9:41.4 tireak the iasi .f :..p|:r.r l:ati.i'.1 f.r3_ D:: lirj:ja: lr.r iad:..rrs::i, -J5lillIi, .iIi, li1, ::i ..,1e1 l:ii.!, ta'iiorn:aSan l.anci3.., l_::rnaaa 'r.rli.l "r-.sei 1 1 '- ai:rialair I lja:. .'..r1' 1.. 1:,.r G.r a: _ , ' l. '..-l 1 a' n :t. a.r 1!-r I e!r rier r:re 1r.! .!,. r -.1ril1n. a E: r._. = i1L L 'rr iifa.l.lt'a:]ar.s. r::-le -:,..c Crl'i li.l I i: a :i.cil:. sh.r aid ihi6 j,r .:.a!a.e...tr:rjrr i. 1h. -a.a:l.r 3ioc. .rosilr,. ..iii.,:d :,l.aL ih€r trt. 1r..r. Ilne .l: t:a.. ..ti .l tie i.lilldas .ir.e rni.ec. :ri' is a n..r i.ria,'.r ar:: .f tl.i. I (o!ld ror: :i.r.l sri,es, !. :.. if.eir trlti.r 51,..: 1 Ii,rd :1.i1 ar:.n: rlr. re.i, ir. t..:.. r:.f.. -l. a.e lillrt, qr:r. i.rr:r...ic.:. r..:erE.l i. ...:.ciiJ1 al:r rr|. .I!i_ 1L:. ..lreis a.e:e lr. i:.t i1. ,:r:fr..: r...rt tne.r.a: srir. xli.:r h1. ;pf.ar .. .: th. .F-rl:.t arri rLi.r 13. rat:rrl, l!I.i. lac]i tter. ..r1'r:_:l .C lr.cr: . 5.1. r'ita a rr:slfoarC.:.,ri:n. :e" a cFrl.aia l.l,r'! .Lit:1i ',laL, ial... xr -Laratt.rr .i:.e. i:^. lr i. i:i!: 'i sfal 3.i1: .ar:ert.d l_erls a!j.. .e ra tr.r a .alr 1.. :l rjlit sh..i1l' al.i.! rriij. ihc litten r:.rf.: r.a1 s.r..' . a itiF. ttte: I

. ., r . .

t' find r:hed inlractical, riet t.nx irisl.r llie ir.11 1n r.:.:r. .h: .re ard ...joni ',r. ahir.i.j :::::: r, tir" :: :.r!: aj:ij.r .i ,:.. tit Lrrr'r r::.": .a:r irl:r lF :r!: r'1- '1r: 1 i :li.,1r:l .:,:, it: ':!:il ir: dlr ,:1 l1: ra .:r:: . :.r :r' . l,I l: rr 1a': .il .1.2s ri.. : .::: !..i ., -. ri . .1 : ..;. "




t!44 IIs! L11i3' ittn T;tAct TH]iIILEIT lieir 1i..., Ilarch 5 - Jonn Thonas, La.rr i !ccord j!rr .i - .feet - iict cor.|ese ctrdnniorshir proLabla vould not aave {o; rhe 16rs'!anai.i r.rl.r:fuc. irrErd in l.Edison 5!irr.. aart.irs rr'nd-.r n.:t tonlrht Fe r if t..i .;.,n i.tua11.i r:i... ras r.thir: 1,. .onrar. xit: ti. fcat .l ilr. ai..teer t.ar-.lc !.sl,.i Lr- ...:r..r.e. Err it,,.tas at:.r aL1 JrTin! ,r.:ir: r..r.nrl c..s..Lir:ire re.t c:.7-ioot r.:::i:r nrs tltI s:,r.rn_ .r: nas a cL.i.. .:i.r lf:.i th.i-lr, stlnn:r. lace of anoiLer ..p.r-o1d nriei -, rr., Tom L.ris, r!r. r. rrrduct I Il-rrrtrer (rrcker l...rrr, .r ':he la! Ji.: .ert .ff.rr of .'!'.o ri.. l1: i.tr rs rtlltann.ra ert..r ' ,r ticL d I Fr.rt .l Fnr1.1 !.1.r. :!rri i .r1 Ja..:.f F rl var5iil .ten:r, ii..j!.t :cr .l i-ler. jnchdinEa ra.e Er.4F .." roih ..iars i,o re:ain ,ir r.-t.r'i,t 1!t IlnJtL. - a lir -i " i,1ld:rts . reri-d Lrlth 2; loif,ts, 1.9 nore !a14. ihicn lit.rallr ran ii.etf 'ral iit. ljje ..oards arc .r1. .f ir:s s.clc ir prr.uii. lnosi ii':illath4 t. i,he cr.rd ras lartmoD:hr: Lalis, rho lecan. tire tirsil r ,-r rn rl. .rr i -:. r ..":ri oJ I ri L..4 \ ctanlio.sh1rs, andoo.s or our, n1n - i. ut. hd{ ler i. Hjs g:i!: .1.cl.irE:ha: elic.d 7.6 3...nd. :.on l:.. LreLant-is tL,ree-yaar . c I..t rts!-.rd arrl \i.r ei..rrif.,,irE liat .l doin,t j1.--burstirr .ui of ri; tacf r. ii,- La51, lire lar. t.r ii. trt Fi.l.'-r ratd.--e1:n{:rl :in rtre qreaiest ..r::.r: .l lle rirlri, lr: -. ..1i 1.:.i ti. d:16.9 mile klng :ri -,r rr:..]1 scloolbors and had 4n a_ a: a lr.sirnxn. t:':'-_ riis :r,. _ :r i: :: ..,.. slff€rel r.c!)se li. l:a ::.. il.:,r dlxbl.i ariir tor lUi€ ll.re. -rilri::: 1:ll airr.r. t...ed rr! a rr:11-r nli. .:,ir 9:r4.2 tvio-nile. Hls 1.:a:r.Illr :har.lo.e ,.ias Lar.tlr tnri.t.a, rli:.. srrat..lr }/as to foltow tte pac. and tnen 1av it on ir the last talf ni1€,a ssii T:ris. ite follo[ed hi6 tlle F!i.t to tle inch. ee strot .ir: :..n '.Lird r1r..r .. :ior:t, !tre ra.. ian ',irt f,...r r ani r.r.r l:t Li ia nis tliqht as I'i.t.f.'s Hank Lerir .it ii:l l, L ai nrner !i. :, lialter ao.per, l.diiar, 9:1?,2;


4. Ton Dedlsey, Iot.e Dane, 9:19.5; 5. !ot, lowe, lrcm,9122.'/ {Pa.el 2:Lr+,4, l:i4, , Lt1),^,5tt+),) lcxaj, A:54,3 L€ & rarisl lirst sect,ion: l. Rotelr 0ir,ea!r. Eo.ton col1eAe, 9:l?.2i 2. Carl:blaf Honen, Delai€re, 9t)t,,6t 3, L$n lc.de!, Army, 9:rr1, ; 4, Jonn Douean. t),l ti.,9t++,5i 5. H.rnan teber. pS. 9:4,, n. (.(ngeLo Slvleri, VlLlanova. 9 | r19. ) lli1.: cresorv. liotre tane. =. i.r.rt1. lon virton, -0ea;xeroh; 3. 611c rjr'. n, cor.e11i 4. xiLLian r4c,1rd1e, rro,.ni 5. non lusn, P1tt. 4:1t.1 (1;ou eilhi-txr1on3 trials pere ru!, {it:r tro !n each trial cuaLltvins f.r the final- Cre;o.r, _4:21.3i Z. rreil, lclar:ra, uarylard..rrirro!, 4:19.8; 2. nusn..ilchdle. L:2a,7i 2. Si.v.r lioo.heaC, !en. State..trr1. 0r rj, L:21.o;2. Er:est Tracy, fenn. Cr.or arrived .n lle scene lees r:h4r 15 rlrltes nelore his afternoo! irial, afrc! ravjng do.n.d his tlack slri o. a.rrel1rs train, which arriv ed 1.on ltlaca about live houls late.) lrn_vis Bill Hame tried io steal the 104c, !!sLi.s oft to a 2o-yard lead Hrtl lof lals to qo. Tod Ca.iotl anc Dic!: ln:elbrini sreadilv c1c3ed r:h. gap, ther kicled tiljre ladet, rFo 1a!6 later.!ast'rhe .r tne tr.r as ihel siarted the gun r:he rale star aeld lia ofi. lar, lut !he. la1er. EC :lo{ik, {ho \ad leen 1a.i throrgh nost ol ihe -naixa .ace, rs..l a treftenC.rs hicli to lreat ca4oU, four ,aards ahead ot Slo(lk, ,as cloclied i1 2:1.2.2.. !. Ired Bo,iard, garrard; 5. Lary 9t.Clai., Yaleis iin :tack rook ihe 6cc i. kaoclied ott s'litde in a .o1i1sion earli in ile !ace, Tle ]ale .junio! caueht tldy 9nilh ard Lrt crichlon' ai the linish lire to earn a hai!lire decision. Stack pluleed otf the .dge ol tle r:.ack after breahlng the iape and lelL inio the crord, tui Has xrilrt. lle jucges studied tne thot.6ra!li tor sereral nlnutes lefor€ ruLi.a it a stact-5nith ariclLot faiers :iI1 tsaclrach cast the t{c-rile and lit€ratlJ .f his rilr so.ts lrelore ne i:ilit. (lortirxed next leEe


(I.c. l,-Ir! - contlru€d) Dave Po..r {on the th!ee-8116 rut ln 13150.18 vlth D.ve StsPnet8 lecond & Penn Stater! C.ptah, Dlck !nge1b.lnk, Bob vass thlrd. Albert Tho@6, hold€r of th€ Yo.1d nark for th6 eYent, Eg a bust ln h1! t.y fo! a DelaDy 's 1.000 eDd 2-dite doub16, de!!1te chlck a badly-!6aten tourth. Va!De.r! coachly €sbelarce. En8el_ brlnk had been @!!1ed last {eek and couldnrt have had hlr Etnd on rlnnlng N,IIIOIS ACES IAT BIG TEII DI!'TANC8 trtl,Es: uIcElcrN tans tElt4 fftlE tro I.C. /.-A tltle!. se qult h the tro d1e afte. llx lalt {h11e rutulng co1ubu3. Ohlo. M|!ch, - I{j.chlganr3 1a.t tn the ]6-dn fleld. balanced irole.rine3, scorlns ln 1.) of tlh6n v11lenova lo.t tbe t1t1€ laat 1t events and rlnnhe fou, gtabbed yca! afte. tto golde! and gold-leda1 lheir 19th !1a Ten lndoor tlack-fl€ld Yea!!. corch Elltolr, paralhralhg aon, iouqt&! l4.ctrthur satd, nr shell chalptonsh!p by en 18-!oint rdsh. & I]]IDI dlltance !tar!, Jlb Borers rerurn.n El110tt Hent th6 oenelal one Ken Eron caDtured tle Elt€ and 2-EIlc. !ette!. H€ tald, 'In 1960,' rean: 1. r,4lih!q.n 6t 1/3i 2, Ilttnols U11o!t and vl11anova knew lhey tere 45 1r; 3. i,richisEn sEr!6 lr 9/Io! codlnc u! din a tirner rh.! they el€clad io holt lhe ouidoor Tc4A asaln /,. Mlnnesota 23 8/t5i 5. Indlana 21 a/5i 6, lofla 20; 7. Northtelter. t0; d. ohto state Io: 9. Puldue 5; 10. 2-u1le R6lay: 1. vtIl{nova (Hack€tt, I:-573;-Tan-i;, 1 : 59, 2, De^nsetts, Mlle: 1, Jln aorels, Ill1nolsi 2. 1:tt.7. Nrc.!tlo, I'.5).91 ?tt,t,8i 2. BlTI-Tilcksotr. Mlnnesotai l. E.sa8 Holy cros.i 3. Yale i l. i4anhattan; 5. !e!6. Mtchlsair; 4. Jsck HlIl, Io@; r.esndn Relav: (Medlev) f. r4anhattrn 5. l,elrv Bradqe6, IndlanA 4:09.9.2. 2-M116: 1. K6n Flrom. Ill1notEi z:Tl9;--2.--t6iion cou€le (R{eson, R;Ea;i-[ake, lllcntsAb state; ]. Bl11 rr:18)! 3. Ceolseton (Re1IIy, !:I7); Revnold!. Mlchlaan Statei 4. Jtoe8 /,. llolv c!o.!; 5. rordhad. Indlena' TeAr: i. vllllnovA 2?i 2. ter. 23 7/5i ru;ker. ioE! 5: RuEs tAsh, a:07.2 3. Ma.nattan t6; 4. arrv Ul; 5' MerY- 9:O!.9 (ner recold, b6tte!6 I"u.l ) in 1050. Mlchlaan ln bv Don McEmn, McEmn. Mlchlgan ladd 12 9/1oi 6. Bo.ton U. 10i Navv 1oi by iooo: 1. l{lll1e Ait€rb€lrr, Mlchlgrn 8. Peln Srate 9t s;;IlT 2. red 9eastau, lulnolsi l. sD€clal t,tu Ev€nts: {rfternoon) l/4 Ired Montod, Mlchiean; 4. Daeid MarEIT;-Fun TH:i.djca!-): l. ror Mdphy, iln, l,tl.hre"i; t. Jimes s!ev€n., 0hio NYIC. (Scratch) l:02.8; 2. Mlke Caraftls, NY,tc, (sclatch). 880:1. ceolae Ke!t, ILltnol!;2 t'{tle Colleee Uslk: 1. Donsld Z!m, l. lart Deatdorf' Imy;-Z:_E5; {u-I:lI, Montclalli 3. Don Ei!s-! !eD.. Mtchlean;Fhder, 106i 5. r;h1"a": i'1,, DeMis Fhder. Io6i urihrca"i De!1e1. Pratii 4. laul Roughga.den, l-oy€ll noEers. 0hto St.t.. 1:51.0. oueens. T106:710?.4 5oo: t. aonY seth. rtllchlean; 2. st.t.; l. Ieat B;Ei castle. ]41chlsanJenes car, Mrch. Kairlu. hneaota; 4. EI"IIOTT $INS I{ATIONA!.S IN 4:02.1 Srare; t. EusEne Oten, 106. 1:1o.1. Perth. I!!t!Alla, March 5 - uolld rec_ ord hoider lerb !11tott er!1lv {o! the iI]e .veri in ihe Nattonal chanPlonsllP BlC IIOHT CI{IMP]ONSHIPS {ON !J OKIAHO!4.A at l,eeder?1u6 oval today h /1102.1. xansa! clty. i{o., F€b. 27 - Qklahod 62s, 513 & 60.1. llUott clocked 59!, 611 to t3 lie took the lead qt ih€ halltay ta.k. uDset xcAA aia[llon K6n5a3 to.top the Jayha{kr ilcre 6treatr at Albelt Thod! ea! recond and !.ntl! elEht 5t.alsht. V1l.on. lhlrd *1ih Me.Y l1ncoin, {ho Mite: r.c!tl Hods!or (0) 4:16.7i 2. appeer;d tired and no! ftlt] lecov€red ETfT; Mrrrq lxl: l. 8111 Dotsotr lrJi :i6o a lec€nt !a!'"ric alldent, s.venth. Noel Fr€ecan ion the tvo-bile €lk 1n ;l-l:1.:;l:""llie ;i":ii:i",8!i-6:'ilJ; 14 6inute3 3"? reconds. Pelrh. riltafch 7 - gerb xlttoti won h13 z:-TJIi! i ]. Joe aFerican Horge lN); s.c.nd Nat16n!1 tltla as he {on the fii*lii,..o' .. halt-dll6 1n a relatlvely slo* 1:50.1 "i"83T,i'illa(lili'i; (N)i Hodsson I J6FWlrln3. Bs second. Monday.. T.ny Bhe



t-j116 Poljo

iq -






fi6ms! B.ach Rec.qlion D.p5!t@i,..!on tt@r, dt.ctor st&-t ed tiri3h ai Cldk Stadiuj lt Esa !6ach, C.!l!oE1a Cool ut c16rdt. B.a.h hard-prck€d lo! .@ rrttt toottdl. 34 o! ,5 .i*i.!s ttr16h.d.

Spo@or6d by

g. xqdl€, south€tu C.llJodl. gtri.d*s . . 22.ot.2 ..,.2214\ ---=iiEtu2. Lo XILLo!, eaitached . 3. W.yn6 r. Ve D.1I6n, Ore8a Cd5t CoIL.a. . . . . 22.52 4.h@ xe!b, l1CsLoCoU.A6 ... .. . . ., 22,2L t, !t1cht6.r0. Allon, ustt ch.d . . ..,, .. . . 23t29 6, John C, lrorfod, ctl Polr (se Ir1. obt.!o) , . . 23:32 7. Bob Ys s1ck16, ores€ Cd5! CoIL.a. . . . . . . 2).33 6. Edx*d lau€hto!, Clrr@t-firr.t lftnld CoLL.e.r . 2r:4? 9. bd€ &Iou, orss. c.ai c.ll.s€ ........23.53 10. Emlo t. Bofid, @ti3ch.d ........ . 24124 U". Irln C.bltis, Sdtlr€B Ctfttomla Stdd.B . . . 24rr4 1,2. Donsbfiord,or&E C!$t CoLLo€! .....,. 24136 1.3, Johr Dlrty, Cdft! Citt lthl.d. Cflb . , . , . , Ur59 14.WlUleD. t{oxf.r, @ttach€d. . . .. . . . . . 2rro4 lt, D. llarn6 ilf1l@, !ar!d@ Clty CoLL.e6 , . , . 25t\3 16.DavtdA.nos5r @tt3cb.d.. ...,....., 25,4 17. che!6. J. short, CUref Citr lthlotlc Chb . . . 25!24 14. John cc.ct., Clr1rcr cltt lthLtic Clqb . , . , . 2rr40 L9. Je€s l, or]larh.r, O!&g€ Coedt Co1LA. . , . . 25t5, m. ?b1up S. Clalk6 J!.j CUre! Clty lthl,.tlc otEb . 2610A 21. !d@d J. l.ttnsoD, uattach€d . .. . ..,. . 26r! 22. Jor.ph H.rrog, u&rt.ch.d.......,.. . 26,16 23. v1l-11e l- rr UB, Cqly6F Cltr lth16i1c C1lb . , . 26.& 2,!. r!.d€r1ctl Dd8ht, &L Calino Co1l. g6 ,.... 26:r? 25. Dowla8 C. X]Mr Cuhor Cttt lthltlc C&b . . . 2?:09 26, Da!1. sdtb, O.eg. Coaot, CoL164F ...... 26102 2?.'Ja1t.f l. D.U.s, dtt.cltod . . . . . . , , , , . 26.02 24. 16ro O. Johe.o., Culvor Cltt lr,hbtlc C1'tb . . , 26t13 29. [!ye xul!, 0q1rE! Citt ltltl.ilc Clui . . . . . . 23r& 30. Jess c. ,t€dn6, S@ih€E c.UJonn4 st!1d€t6 . . 242?0 ., .,. . 24155 ,f. DdAIdI,. CLrk, Mii:ch6d..... J2, rmoth D. stmA, C\Iyd Clit ltbl.lic Cllb . . 29,22 Jolu {. Srd6, ftIre! Cttr AthLtlc Club . . , . 32rl0 ,r. ..... ,4. l6.jha.1 K!h,a1vds.lcl DLd loi ltn16h, id SE t, E.tijch.rl Th€ Sduihoh

Paclllc lrsoci.tl,or Ir otl &n tu1!8 .gdr.

SdoAl L!i+1,aat.

dopout3 occE.d - sde st€tuhg Itm conl@16 &!g bth-!cn6o1 cor.l.r oE

th.l! ou CII .rlsr oth.lr b.c&r6 ol & .Ltdb .ttt dap r.l!.d hy a 'esa1ruon6d.rdi. .{r6uec6 E glt@ that th. .u cous. E !r.d, bql *h@ .1*o @ b.ii6r.d th. E6!d *ppDr.f o! th. nd ek no d.1qt d. 1,151 RB8€U Bodhe, mnlti€. Corl.dF ,...., f954 Dalol A. SchElbrl. Nllttte! Fr.h . . . . Ic)t Coldon nccleths, Suu !ub&a ColL.Ao , . 19t6 Robsi, Co@, Cbleo! Cl,tt rUnbllc C.rqb . . I9t? J, thGs stuFk. dLlrcn€d . . . , . 1,954 i{.lcob RoboltEd, U ol Sdtnon C.Ulomia . Ietq L.!!y l{rFt, U ot Rodtud! 1950 Peto! B. lt6rt1.. Sout$€n Cdttosi. Atnl(t.rs *.cca!i.d Fco.d


ANrl IrnS leaob ?.ctllc oc€s CFs.-4oai!y Ch.lpldthlpt 3F 6or6d hy Idra r.ach C€niuly Club ed !.ng Boech St i. CoILdg€ Sslud:y, F€blurry u, 1960 - r.ng B.&b, caltomja U.D.r.r!. f1LU,@, t$rdda cc.... l.crLlach.r, 0!63. C6!t.. i:F;i; r.ldffi;. sc si .doF... 2-r!19.a f6,Jd6!Gscas, C\[LE! Cltt rC...... 2.1.€ !ttrlo!, Lag B.ach stet...,, 2r!2t l?.JohD 3.',l!]ns !.vd D.l,la, O!e3. Co.ci 21136 t6.Jol! Di.!t C!Iv.! Cltt rC...,... 2!*t

26:20 26:23 26!2J 26153

J.Lthao, @t.......,.. 27:00 24!lo zo,St.Fhon ,t.S.ysu, 3C Sttlttdi... 26t34 S,rataol! 6.BiU Ttlney, tons Beach $iat6... 24:16 2!,to.. O.Joh&son, C!lt! cltt Ic.. 2atr? 7.1h@B c-IV&, Lnc B€ach stat.. 24:14 22.J.6r c.Alulee, 5C strfd.r...,.,. 2ar3a s.Id B6vo}1, 0r&96 C€.t.....,, 24:3t 23.A!tbonr t.l6@, Lda B.&h CC., 29t24 9.Bo! vs slckls, O!s8€ Coasi. .. 24:1, 24.!@ns sddr, O!as. C@t...,... 29.24 1o.Ind.6 ilou, 0!ee6 Cest.,..,.,. 2rru 2t.D.dlc X!rotlsh, UC stdub{... 30:34 u.nay x6.!i6, U ol Chlcass 1C.,.., 2t!1] 26.&d6th D.St!@a, cdF clit r0, 3!ul 2?.Jes 3,H4!i4ton, ut. ,...,.. 13.07 12.R6b€rt Co!, C!Ls. cliy rC...,. 25142 l,r.Ia1n Cofpltt., sC si,!1d..6...,.. 2rr43 CUI 5.8., @i ]4.Dd sistlod, Ors8. Coa.t...... 2ttt, !q$:94pe1 Jgl€,3!s (lr 'brte.. 1n 6.ch h..i) socond hear iir6i telii ITcao cuu.I" . . . . . . . , 1i51 l. robed J. rLicn€! 2. lsd Cmd ..'..'..2tq 2. t$ ttu?bLr. ...,,...\152 . ,..,.5tr2 J.BobxE€... .1. roodJ xoors , . . , . . . . 4t, 4, r(.tcello 3.F1ot .. PllI cs.y . ... . , . , r:t4 . '.r!r4 5. DM!1oree ..,...,.5tO2 5. lEI Stoef,.,. 6. P.i. Pblfp . . . . . . . . , .'tU) trr.9 ........t:04 ?,tuYldld*s 'tL 6. D!I. 01.1.!, , . . . . . . . ,.2O d. JofDAr!1sm ,......5,06 91 Jo6 H.fr .........5122 9, Ju c.bhr . , . . , . . . Stol 1,0. J.rt clsko . . . . . . . . 5t?4 10. G.o!g6 lgdro ......r.w -.. - -5t4 Il. ld(tl,lops..,. u. ooo shar ..,......t!14 12- notd Llnld r.t!.o. Xrtlror .-.-.. . ' . -.5125 ,r15 12' 12. JaJ ?63!a illlshss b.tod d ttr! 4.Cht1s3

l.B.@, SC Strid.t.... !.brtso!, 3c stdd6!s..



Adrde id top f6

rbtoh.! t. clrmn ?.

U. Cd.Ilt 12. r&.

{.I.4*"$jffg#s"-FsLR.]" (J6.€ Cru, IrE

gpeddln8, llU hrdt6,

2, 51 Cuino - m!06.6 (Dd $@, rd et]€lor FEd Ddg)ri, 3. b4E B6ad\ 5tdi6 '1. - 20;1,.6



s$tt, t@ or.d, &i lhnss, |Okc xccor,lck) B.ach Sitl. "Br - 20136 BUL flIn€v' Id nt&' L. l(11l.t) tc;t P5!t6rson,iAr t. IoM Boach cttt _ - ?0:54.6 ,{€i K..k. R1A"..t xcoen, R.n crsk, oalt la%Jot) 6.' Ln3 Bdch Clit 'Bi - 23t25 (?e;ot xcClond; n.il u.v.r, B1IL r.lthtnston, Blrln' (?o;




-il-i:r.,, rdr. r!rl6rb1 Jc,,...,.,,. 4:4o ?. Dr'Id @t .. .. . .. t'].a lai.Lue, P'i'd@a cc " t!2o 4!l2 a. D'{avne^.n..' :. oomi. tla"ir.t. *"t. ,. ..... .... .. .' 4:a6 9. Joh! Dt.tt' c..lt.r Cttt Ac.. .' t'22 L Ron ri.', c&r.3.8F, -it:: i.j. r.or r,.r1"lit, l{t. seA!tonlo..,.5:oJ 10. " t: "" lt9 n y s."tt, I6;s B6ach sisi......,. 5rO5 u. i.v ltm.16, U ot ch168p tC. .'. ti?4 3. Joih Kd;1dh,-c.{rto8.,.,.... ,rr09 12, x.u.tJ1 D'sircaa, Cuk'! c1ttrC 6!Ja

r Peclflc ocean c.c. ch.Dp!) PERTH, Ausrrajla, narch 9 22 und€,. krndl, .un an<r rhe ,,"n,.". .r b!..!.!, tht! !.coDd rn c.rnrvel 6f cor- loday, r::3.r'.i-i,,"'d"iiiai., P€tltlon rlona th. .ard! |aa flve rac.r ":o.r.rng ***" llo'er than .nLhu!l.!trcau, conducted krrh. fl?3';"]1i""*:":: or rlprov.o.!! oy.r th. lDltlal eenture. "r*i _____-_______ co..h J.ck no!. of long Bs.ch St.t€ rcrr.<t hald on th..ran8€denr! - and aLL_oH.o M!E", Coturbus, reo. 2?_ i,!lte: lt p.td off. Th€ hosrrhs tonE Beach Jorh R,sa {ce;rrar sLat;) rr,o:r. :: C€ntuly Club ns oore than ze-nerous 2-ii11e: t Ma!3ev (0h1o state) 9:26 6 *rir' ii""pr,ii. .,a .!i.i;;".i;:;;;.t""" 89! r t.eat enon the flnllh lt; tor MIC{rGIN 8? 4T .DIICHICAN STAIE 54, 2/2./_ .ll .vent! n! tuved to a polnt fi1tp: r. eou *ri ;'rsl rlil.i; ij ;,"i* 'tdray l.t.r.en Ralnbor and B6lsona pI€rr. y ) 4:ro.6..?:i4i]e: r . j*". (Ms-r Th; I;;:-{ 4..-!11. an<r rhe .4ray slafted h€r-. ;:io.i;'zl sriii-ffi6ii" ivsl ii:i'.? rhrle ih€ drte !!.ars;laEy.Lrerch;d p9p1 i. *i.iii nii;it::iy __' tvit _iiii.u.. .!.r$rd frou t'he R4irbo' €!d. @-r. r"sa" LepE tM) r;i7.6. Pe!. Mund1. !rd6 1t tvo 1n a loH fo! ih. young AA0 leason ano, llranletv, TEXrs 68, TExAs 4&,u 2- AT TTOUSTON ?o. !.cood.6nd lht!d-pr.ce rintsher; ai;o 22: {coto. ,rnavt rrr", ii". ,ti' r6re r.he .ad. r! ar Hetuora B6ach s1x r6b. LArenc. & p.!,ctoieisv-.rn-l !iisili't d.y! s.rtler. rls. other Eea eere rh .t"r,, n tl'r.iii", the to! rlrte.n both tre6s. rnd J$r o,.na "v tir'r.:-.zi.s..aedj rili.ol z.'l_-i.i'rij iiir,.e. '1en",",i, -6r"r,!.ii'i note lror coecb Nom Luhl.n rB .Loedrns 3.913: iit il r i;r" !he.e !ac.. ylth dlsrance lp.ciallsr; frtcj-o:ra.J. f.oD Oranse Coalt co]]€s€. CIt Sourh.rn.S.cLlon gayo r!! endorre- SOITTHERN CALtFOp\tA_UcIA RElAyS, Lo, dent t,o !h.. hlgh-.chool nn., oL! lhe Feb. 2?_ 2_{i1e: 5dltn;r6. younslt.r! hsd r.o codpetc udtflrraL.d. ans"tes, {sd, o:ja.o..ojsia,*ra"a:ir:'i.-Ui!.r rhe Mde! of c.n6 curute and Bob Fr.L_ ioair.el.i_Miiffi:tffiri'ziiilo. cher .ound r.!11tr!. cuute t! the }r,telra Hlsh lrud€nt vbo captued th6 Rlo gondo !.Aa!s harrl6! rtcle tasl fall, lAmEIcr .LIPS AMIRICAN RECOED5 & roldgr Drotos€ oI Coach I@lrn'r.! rviatlo; Htsh-, no, Houlton, -.r!a., 2 _ tlttl€ Al co!t9 Hs. seialar other r!rence'1s!;;id March ; ..tudt.. e! ltha lrlai.ina-i"a-.'ora dl.pl.yed.the benefrti Feinelday to lette" irrJ ormric Il"i !9t!i b.y" or runnlos oy.r the .and dunea of r.hn_ ,eather record ro. ro.oo6 nerers..ouiinp lij. ha,raD B€ach on th.r! hy to and fro! i,iii,-iri-riii"r" .chool: Dan MuDhy, lgoodi Moo!6, peie .tt."i arEo beLleied ", rr,",o:!,fii rh; in€lrcan: clrlz.nc rnlrp anc !o€ H6rn. NCAA, End pan_Aberjcab oslis for sia. sanla Ana colt.se, klrh nertonal 1nr6r_ blle; ana tle Li"rca. iecora! i."-iou" r€cord holder Dele story and ftve d116s..fi18 tlde to! the 1o_ooo rhe.bls€esi tlophy j"!l!d .ae::o.i. ;rte oiF;l; ;;;";;-oi-ii;1u i!,.,.1.1r rre rly lror on€ y€art, but lt, E3 a or ns n, 5e! h 1916 bv'.fladrnrf tr"r.e .f race gooo atrlthe cy throrgh. teroy Rlssja.. The Unlv: of ousron had aff61g_ rrort'3, :'oled rhe day by out.aclns an Housron stat6 and texa! Soulnern !o orlerlehcFd l1erd r! rhe open blle. australJars olyoptc com'rLee could seL a.a.u, open 4.4 vlle Run idea abou! ieEence,s tO.OOOn. co;_ 1nclu..d: rophl6E !o Lhe top Lhree and an dilion. sp1lL3:4 a esIS:59.0., !,Ies -' M6dal. on to fentn Dtace, Twa Att Day 2l:1?.9. o m_tes. 28r)r-e.' rlsnrne rrledrL1on6 courresy of Plp.Donr _______---.__ landing to oulslandins Rrm.)r. lro r;und trlD.Llckels Lo cetatlna and tropht€s & STANFOcD r..e aErd4d il the op.tr at palo AtLo, catic. _ stsnfo;drs :1!e-ngn: - E!n1e c-nlrra" ren a b_az1ng a:o/..l Meer Nnl,.qt -. 1/r, ;:ll?:i.*]'i";':'i'ii:'-:;T,'if,:"**, rrlleljeurar tlrr3orfan ly r/t, """" lace esalnsr orner stanfold dllels. HIE L4->-r/), qllgi Dlck eqelbrink (ps) 4:r9.J. ttre vis a rew record tor the Unlvelsiir. 2-Mtle: Enselb.ln, o:1o.3 880: t. Bertll jundh, l:)r,2 (Long Be.ch






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