Mike O'Hara shatters Clarence DeMar's record and becomes rhe tirst to compleie 97 compet'iive mararhons.
(Phoro by John J. Chodes)
z Ttr lonc llsrxrcn toc vo1Le 7, Nmb3r 75, I,{dch 12, 1t62
sutscrlltt.n naios: 251 a co!J; $1.00 e Yoar. ldd ijl,oc c1as3 naIl.. Ediior: li. Broi.ing loss, 106 u. co.ter Sr.. u.odbrrx, N.J. Adv6!tisi.€:
L13ui. Alex Br.cL€nrtita€, a na.i@ rho Ted corblijb, d-y€ar-.rd )rer ro?k cttr th"r3loih€ra!isrJ !1sced ihlrd. c.rltrjt, p .Fml.r .i tli6 1o'2 clarri. tc i. .n
tr. Elcirarc rack:rd, ll-rear-o1d rcs6ar0r lhJsicisa at iha l.Jassechus6itc
rnstftu|e of TcctD.1.ef,J las fourrh. r,{i]!a o'riar. hasf,'b dorc huch rim]q in 26 f,€ar3 ol rumine er!ru.)r id13s t. cortrtluton t3rr. rrih t!1.3 Tonple cltX, calif.J D.. Jsc.bsj IIE@c, nii _.o!3cre.3r.e ll.ltiad ftn to 3€r hts ll:' ]ror} ciij, tn'rontr3 vcr€r1! ha3 Arn€ ntchaldsj lneneton, I1r., t€rmle c.r-!,.t€d in roed r.ces st narv disiisn .s (avRnRlshJ s4. l.rdlnc, cerf.r Jaclr 50,1+97 ni:l.B s x]rll€ cc1ont.' ]],l€ir Jssco)rtj r-.ct:Lr\. 192 Dizes J.r lij5 racos. G1r114aJ Ertl:!r' rrashtngton, t.C,, IIat clrrlnlclr, Ii6x .4-1 i1r f"so h.n8 at ?:1. eacL rolldtrd nold4d srd loEs st. !au:|, ;ilrn,j tar€ n.ta!:3, dnEla4c, slx n1:1.3 to 4irr.rr post ofrics, rh€rd ho ro.ls. Kclley Firsr r'a Eronx Marathon; rne 5-root t-incl] 11.-rornn:r dr.s dHarc Finishu lar 97tk Time h11.3 ab l,rnrri iin rl ister rtrE eii Ec:i: ni1€s l,.ne, s6cont siraishi Cnelrf, Tree larqh\.n lrdlr rrnning r"s ..t nr!{r 'r ttr't ?5, Th. 1.lirst 5!.r1. Rejrrcac.trirg ,iie{ lc:r:r3 r!...h ai!1i[ ] lne. hov.'ror. r4s slrrtils a1ur, I,rik. finlsrr.d trelr!h :,n a 100 n D ttcf,cI. road 4:c in 1915, lrB al.o \e3 boef, adti"e rn l.:rd4N-near-.rd i:r1n:r rr.n S.uiri oz.ne rart, ,)tr€;n3. as ie donr:L.lod h13 97th brl. In ths fd8i Dostor rrRrrih.n, Illke irgs tinir)Fd ln 2] crE.cutlte !ac€s. Itfty-filth lr/ his :1.916 d.bui. L.e i.r3 scofec tho Rosd nuhErs clrr r]o, Ior]r )secsn Bth in 1t[2. rorrT-f.rr st3rt:rs. The lonl€rs lll:l!|tlrr :irogxflr :irrj, TrortJ-iir€ rtnts)rod. 1lsi6d .,Fara's rm. rr 1tt?. rt rras Tiro 116-_10ar-01d 0'rr.rR, i.?-rir!q iio- 9? on rr13 jers.r, JlnIinod lLtL :!n J:0b:15. ol 96 nd4t)1on conir€ '^ro.1d :!r pl€riom,es sd: t|. rj1a.n.e !o!.i.!xj ine f.trrthJ t(o rtt s 3ri & slrirh tn rlLo tho olsiae 0,!.rr. '!l r. 19r+, o 'Hare_ il1€ r{ei;ro:,.rii1r Mt ,riit.es, ue :11t TlEr-" 's tn8 lolm latl.ml chm!lonsnt! lrerr iorral 1.{r :lr-:i1' rrrr. r.,..ei i.!q-Ai th. st. ir.rscinth .n ona sncr 11ci,i, "IiIs dn dazlrj rear,,i'i 3a1d ner.rey. rJI..e ...in{ unif.rr 1r"!o i thli! I,1l .D tnlt arn"T': I,n alrotd ltn not or€n c.nsicerad a thloat. " c1rd.s : itte sai1.r h.i. ,r had !trr 3 rsx !.1r ct 1e..: i! i. XB11€X. dro Bnt€r.d b1r t.r.r. .:.tn: : r .irlla. I IY.d !r.rr.n .atr.:a1 chsn;]!on, rae rea.l-r r. qult $ir.r r s!.c1!.t..;ere ms ttned 1. 2:?!:55. rhle xas r!::r sloncr tllar Lhe record iri i.t lasi r' r rr.., :t cid -rr. r'1 .Bq11I narer dl.l set xlrrcd c!, t.:r. seid ltal1€v. rs;irt 1.. hsrpy abnrr darllrt..s i'aur.3nj 17, !€3urer. tne l0-cesrae'Ld ant Llnia L.e, 11, lErerrt se€r ;.;lt€ ilo1ler n v.ri:c1-.3r :..rcc. .r..i:1vo !u nan, r1.es a 1940 !hr!i. t.tri1:e. x. i !f nls success, 0rear liaAo)
"tad has orcr a hurdred tro"lttes md et€r redals," sati ){adson, a Jonn Ir?hat sure is a lot ot dustinE." sroaod
3o dpny
TH! F']iISHSS John J. X61tot, BostoD !.!.
Lr. Alex srcck6d1dse, us!'r1, 2,37,22 2:)+2t42 TeiL corlittt, NYrc, 1.' O!. nlchdd Packdd, B}j, r-lr, vin KBr4 rllllroso 2: L.9:17 iod lrac]lloholl, ]trfc, 2t5J.4 7. Jacr.3erry, De1-Var r{,{, 2.56,25 Bt11 lelsh. Millroso AA, Dldl Doro5u€r D€1-va1 AA! )ta2t27 10. Jln Iolan, IY?C, 3.Al+:32 John cIaJ, Boston aa, ).a5t56 Bt:, sid sidtti, st.llthony's 3.05.57 Lf. r.tn xallx, li11ho3€ {!, 3.97.)3 tl+ lllk€ O'Esra, St,,{nthoDJ'si l:ou:19 15, Iilt Earriso!, U.lted 1-{, l:12:31 Ernto 14€daa11a, l11rose A,!, .l:15t12 J:16:14 17. Bilr Casilo, Ietr Yolk tC, l:]6:50 cold tst ! o IJ, lrY, I :17: lr!. 20. l(irt 9te1re!, $Y?c, I :22:49 2\, !ar€ vdael. Ne! Yoll c*!. 3.4r)u 22. .ds liottaahos, crand st, Boys,3:jo:09 Earrr urlhr, lElhose ,1,{, l:16:114 2t, Pat !o1er, IlllLrcao aa, lr45:42 2E. ?€to Bjarhmr, rimlsh-lierlca! Ac,
| t?: ''
;i;:;;-;;il;:-;il-;,;;. ;----llDooi M - Bor1ln, Fab. 25- Sloalrl6d
l o'!a!a can haldly !a1t utll cd E€t Ed€r fou niDui6s 'iI tirlrk Idoolsed tlE Loyola so!b. outdoors" Ask€d 1t h6 {a3 dlsalpotntdtr that ndler V1L1a.o"e Ton Srrltyan, arso of urab16 to lun ChicaEo ''as lhJsicauy orEda ro!116d: "no, T.n & I arg to 3!111 ant trI€nds & I'n @t adtous b100d aaaiftt hrr. rr 2-14110: 1. Bruco vildd. l,-iTC. B:98.8: ::T6Fo'niordm, scr.t-{, c:14; t. roo I4ccdv6lnr FoldnM, 9:22; 4. John outro€cht, Baltrioro 0c, 9t25 (* placo ttn€s rot oftlclal. caushi t:Bn 1a!nry tlu5tt 1o-s6oond !atdh!) rldd'1th !3d t'o of hIs tlu€6 !1rats & xhxppod th6 oth€r, Iroland's loa o'Rlordan, by 90 ralds. Th6 youa canadtan look tho Loaa rlth 13 hp3 to go & eoastoit ho@ rtth nt3 $ual s€r1es ot bursts. Pac6: 68s cutknecht. 2:16 cutlmsclt, 1.26 dutr.Torrt, 1+:11,2 Krdd, 6:tro.8 Ml1d Ual!: 1. Roh ZlD. V€3t ?olnt. 6i2l;ri-7; Lrle aEh€ttor, r4ontcrat! stat€i 3. Ron Eat. f000: 1. td r,rors. ',al!d,lrx{c; 2. Thad TalT6t ruman; l. chul6E tadtr Boston At; 4. r,6a Martir, Bdlouabs l'{. r1@: 2:11.4.. Ed l4o!d, ara{lls ttre outsldo lu€s, !6sd€d 3o0 yalds to xork
ti!"il",i1i!"'li,'3i3;. "i:"sT"ii"f i;
ri6!!6d up tb6 pac€ & lon €it to a 10d-qn" Io'so : e ,o- d's rdd !i rolT, 88r: . rMk T0-60, _orme, l:51.8; od-1!n1.6 1j.€" br oi ono l^dooJ s,: oo, " 5 lr €-.s"o1si a..an, J. "!1 a e-omrl q€.sy: lan (Brcr1at. c€rri reus agoncf, a-D[ 2-v 's -. Ir'sr]ur t:J/,0; tsssly) . 6ero hor-str.ia1kod rp,ls Lrn; "Iihoun Brrq--E;smh, o_v.o- o.o conp€fl ol !lo!- r11.6era; l. SJrac-s€. SpB. Bl 2.v,1€ ne a!: 1. fordhd (Don ,qe tlnls^6d "-.ono In [: ?.2. arGEi:;---E-76 l; Dous }rron. r;'{s . cro ro J:r.rr.' at .-o 1,,001
!:1 \'1. r.or -. cAitrs. aL }laqt601 s;us-o ddon, \€" vo-,. c;,dsy, !e-^ 2 1on o'!ara. ioro-q of Cd.aso. v ";. i"r.r',.. .. -{
ll3t"iflii)"l"iti?",1i"i3lirl?i a, at)5.\t ':]9.dr
L, )a J. 'sdda. c€o"o6ton. ?:!o,0.. c'EaFd oo br g b'lrllant _doLb16" vl g l:51.5 sncbo! '6s - " Hss €-dwh !o doid orr i,:i,;-.-"!.il'ri".ii l"':;;",-". i;:"'' ' o":, s. rs.tsu,o rrs-rresl t, ool r,o!- r€landts 1€nd-16aso rro-mll6 t.e. '.:'\'''.'...r-o,si1rI.Us3t-o1'Iboro.d}f.l-alor-. ro. o..,H _aJla, stu .o err-nro n€errt trc h.9ls oaruor' fougJrt orr a sdrios rq; e Lrc2.3 toi'raa:rn *atti t'ors tr. of "b3116b8os bv Ld I'otu tc Slee l'3 €q -"_o a sta! p ra-os:o o"r LbaL blou€r| b. . o: ,..6 r."o rrr " and nre.zed t. vtctorT. !'h6'rou.Estdr lastrs linal lnYttatlot reot of tho go Esaso! to ar oioltlta clos.. ioreroa t:r. rast i's1r in 2:oo.1. rli!p143€o!geto{ngradB.t].Itntohby]oMors'aquIc]r-ch!4cp (3s, ?a,, besat the aiali bY clFTtrs ]'aris as dlos€ o;sod u!." tlb la;t la!_ tlF red-and-{nite colols ot t}E lriqo ;ad faiL.d to : dlstant-f.sth. {cont1!a6d or -aee 4 -colum 2)
,o* ll"L' "lil"*i.,.llrl ri}H"-":";i:}i:) Do a b6.E t s!-6r l!ts. .lack i::'";,#",."i3"I":S:,.i"::?.Xj. ;:ij:,:':;:.;:i"';":i"":,"i:JH:: :.. r-i,c.jnrly d6.:d6d ro p-sss or vltdodr bts doub_e o- 0!6 ohn. rrrcr lnxry Lrrxs -"enn
rrrDDi.E ar.,{*"rc ,.n! . DdaJ. rlycb r,_
e"r€ , N. ..
:.{!1:' .'
Af!o! sultch€o
nL ,o!ok v,ct€an6 ras
L€ a loslns harrlB {lrh & as s "ss 1t !a r,, lolds
rlouod oou, oe an aUIG acnr 16E rcr_
.o s-o" ho! soos. flosh t " rs 0 oloved h.rehl !
o-6sonl6d 9oneo
6rojo.f,::.," ::,;i,ll+'t":: l.iT:13-, i,tfli;,":}. _o-dlu's Doug Trffi, ,no our-s]-I!;_
coonsoFtns MI
at ,
1s a!o3'tr
d "oll,as cMpaIAn
s3 -D"dnM
;""-l;;: L:::;: r€. ' LBnd. ro sed
Bs,_ clocjo
" d s slx_ysrd Ieao.
-!sd .!s
-TL v ,.RDL v_:ts
nos. ,€.ord ,o " o 1sed.tna.
'F. ]l, assr, O_nLlR
as top siree- ,i""fl; $;)l ,,:1,;l"f"i:;i,;i-" .o m.o, o ts sr_ 'aJ reft sunoay :10..€ "d ths I..7 ntlo ^a |o r o .roLorll!
f;.1#i:;:I:ilisl ilx*;r.ii:'*l: :;!is';;",;,i;",;ni:r";;*:*i. ru" ,t*r *p *l ;::-,;: j:i"lj,;:: ' li:"::":f, ?J":;::$: :;"i":ilS.ff. :'::"il"i":::l :t":l;:"ft"L:T:f:f" :" ::::i3:'""ff:'i i.i ttri":ilT:J; !a o. coor 3 a!,od i";i _;;_;-:;,i_:J::,il":,[i ll.:i!3;351.1.,",' "* ". con,re' J6 se' 1c. "card,s;s rE ":l:l;;"il:;';:"'fl:.:;",lli:"i""* 1?p.""""'?o'-""f 'or :::';:.";:; : ::';+":li'xJi,g":":#t:d il: fi:;j t€-41:56 36t o' Fob.
i;a;'"r.iiJiiifii"i'i1;;i:i";"J"r:; "- i:H:o a'' Fo'16r' B!o'hi:jii::::,,,i*# ffin,""'h ::":!i::i:i"ll""l
4th bv M;-
do *nlsh-
i ffi-ffi*;tr$,ffi. ffii i,ffi ii m*'x$'**--'* H,# i, i,"" "*"ii,,ii,"* il ::;$' li[,:i ii, ir';:ll; ft inTfi ::,,.il,-j I.;r,ffiil*:; il"lz z:i" "'" fri niluililiftl*ii;"ij:yl, :
I,NTTIBS IO IIX a rund ro 3ond Tsd cDrbtrt to Eere4d 12tb dnual tonnon r. Brlshton \'4 nrlo. 1s a lond6rfD1 1d€s.
thol! scla@ of Ta.1@5, Vtrtr a ltit].. nolo .o4rna on You pdt !8lhap. r6ad6rs would b6 Hlur.s io !a!r. ylth '@ s€cet! !o! th6 tdrh
r nao 116 !f64sdr6 ot oersorelfy to.r_ causo of sctonc€ od t4thlns tb€ larc sh AlrhD! x6Hron; +he na, SIE6161y, J&].nlbin, 34d 3 aentldnan: ertrlbdrcoroE, Ca.11r. flt TBd corbltt_ baeo hed rh. oppoltdnlty ro 16 ass.clatsd Htrh ths
c.c. PJ1e, Intersrlonst Transcontlnortal r,rlssad yor coll6cilon caoald broln as rh6 Bhid! Dolts. stnca .trl!!l!st'last bad pur D our & rron Nor Yolx r,os conract tltb yow laaaztE. I c€rtat!_ r!e9+6s. Ttro cont63ruts had to runtolabs IY 40!6 You do 3Ec.slfrn h tntr v6h tu!o. Thor6 @ t3r t]!r tray6 co.tllbuior 47 h116s po!,lay fo! Ze .on3ec;t1,0raE ns s !a6 t€d cdbrri -and to 3r1 phas€s of rho e@. Artor havirs rltn6srod E qreat dsal of s!8alrlls of cspolgd, lFoJoots, & thls 1o!g€. dlstatuB ty!€ or !@im Md ilid you 16t Fet I hou! In tlia pasr t€n r6ds, I lorror@rcos f€61 c6fta1r r.ei h€ Fest & !uu1!s d. trF ito est ud.!ls-th6 1&a1 .bolcs for rh13 rac6. rsted lng?€dlsnrs of lactu€ secoss. suFlorr.! of th8 soc_ ro rds eorffy causo and also ths holos ond thon 1s John J. tro1 6y. pooplo r1L. that all rho load thtd nlsslvo @a b; bar6 t!1ed ro lol}N ht! g6lcut8&n sch6duL sttb poor llobttod to ]DlE e littlo. s6u1t3. It &a& thl€ saf,: na 12 4ontiE 6i slncdroLy! tho y€4. ru hud rtelrr u! to thB dar 8111 1,r11r1u'd Cltfto!, ti.J. touatr @.tlci, Evsr dotrblo up {o!!outs a day @ tro days Wron T staliod to road rhs rocanr 1otr6r In addltloD, J.r's fboloawre ch*ac_ sont to tb€ r,oe bx Mr. Jtn rtofds I t€r 16aik h1h 111€ a !t1d @ inr. th. thouEhr ho xes anotb€! ,s€1f back slar_ oorrectlcut Junslo!. Ao cal& 1tir6.1s_ por.r lrotro!€r! afr.r Fadllc tho onrr;. trno6 mmtnsi. I rhlDk trb advut.F htror I rould lik€ to s1?o hh a f6l accluod flon d?tvlDg Ltde1f, o€! trrs outsrdo i!1ts on trro back,r obstaclss 1s tur6 ftd t'r14rc6d ott l! acc€rt nV conullbution bo s6nd _;16aso th6 hazdds ot bait€r6d @c16s- uJs td6 r,ohd., to Brlghhon re. !!oEr& 1s a credlt to hk tNrnd:gttb16 snorat & hb€ b.dr sq!!or.c .for rb, Ray Itlesslar! ds@rtr,E8ch rur flld lrlr oh fry.' jlllkee 3arrs, Pa, irls Mthod vould Hr1 a"body .1s6. I b.11€v6 rl@rs 3houLt t.Ir a cD-_ !lot. @Dth ol lest at!€! r-coEtry & Ir @ 1r a roea tum? fI f,.u ]]af€ tle spec€ !o prlni srcn e}l ot ,€c6nb.r slbulrl b. .ll!let;.d r.inss tou stould €tuou.Ao lsadols to f.on thb hrotrdDa c.-lords. io!r. Ftrr1i6 1n :nd t€D arodt t,5€ rLnd of trFrnfd, liTo lt rpj bulld!! that old hEi!)g thdy'T6 dotng; rhar $locts of thoi! g6! fo! th€ lcc1rg l!t.dc&t. {Rw!! rhysic^1 trqlnlqe tjror fird nost berefl_ i.lax.tlo! d 1l oE1J .oa.je: tr th6roo1e63; q]]at as!€irs tord to i,1!usr s.!:-h'rd@!t p!oduc6. rssut! ra1.talr concliton ratbor rha. lnnr.'6 -fo! rhat da tlral dolEg !6tr!es-rt tt; lhai ihlbAs tneX flnd hanrful: Also tb€y 6prDd all tl€i! €Yed@ dt h@a Ii !ou1d b6 lnrerostle !a1tt.A fo! iho itatly !q) atrrlotss' 4atosolhr of c.h_ 'i:fforonr rllldns doy of 6!r East.!! !l)J@$ b.r. !s.d !6i1t1ro & ior r'eli!.j ftts lnto thore.lr.. ort 1! tb6G .b!r1dtE {coDtrDuod tuit paE6)
@!th!'r ol Deo€nb€!-Ap!i1, fbey !€ach a p!6ordtoud bolght bJ Yonlrsrs and roo! sJt€r. vlth tlF E6ason ono-thtld o1d' 6rcu3e tl16 no!d, bant flnd th.Eohos, out, stak, nfrltzl€itrr for ttu y€a!, s. ndh fo! th6 ld€al of tralnt4 12 nonttts ot tb y6d & b€.onllg a rocluss fo! ftr.t-c1ss !'@xne, onco 1D sbalo !6st, !old. 16?6 it u! - tw i i'8. iogards Jl! G$o' (Boston A]t) P.S. I'n brlmlla eith llmlns td€asldY olit osd of courso. I , 1;tt6r- llh€n I do thls happ€ns, rhus, Flon Ca!t. Dar6 Pt3t6lm, !.s,4!.y, o sDonb tb6 !6co!d troak of lbcmbor th ib fi.1d dd llmdlatolY txoroafhor I l.ft on a l?-day tou of East af!1c4.
trtp & I sball not It ras a doscrllo lt tn a foH {o!ds. att€mt to'ona8llua I ru-tso of 6rerY tbr€e dats 1r, afrlca1! !@€ tnt€rsstlns !1ac63 I nteLt add. on {6r Y€d's E 6 I ras rumlng along th6 tr11e iia6r 1n Celro da I t!u1v b€1loro lt tas th. nost fascl@ttna !u I hqr€ evsr had. I doilg6d Arabs rn th61! fdr don*of, llcrlE aow & bad to sto! caltt ;n@rT oc.astod. ritrllo €nJovha th€ scon€ry & not lsytne 8tt€nblor to 3 rock Mon€ ry footl!8, I8t€Ppod.n !.6(tr & 3p!31n€d EJ rlgb! tlo !6€ks I Aftor soral€1y. root v6ii ro Ha' abl. to sLft rudh€ assrn oArv nut tbs foot aaaln xhlIo takir€ a phvslca1 fttDoss tdsi Last $oli I got stdtsil arah a tuYo }un ahost U ntlos a dar t!€ last throo davs 1n s sllrlted laro.tooatolv {s ao to th3 fteld mir. aaaln ths dook aft€! nsxb & I '111 nls3 ludtns. so so€s utro ro.k ";th"r .tot "rtur6. tlalrnng -{uokldd. I€' zoal.dd, fob. 17- lEat Ealbs!4 ialIod irJl.l+ s6conds satudev ln @ attoBpi to br€ak ths fo! 5OOO.. nalt rg Has ctockail to 1l:38.1+.
5ii;"lai :."ik3- i#*f;; ti, HHlf 1-l:12;1. srdon, Nz, 14:01. c.
iiil1"frl3!:'l'3:'Dulroo, !sA, t; f,di jriol!2r lr,1:L9 "i"3;"1;"f;o. 4:10.2., 9, 2' Bor*, usa, 88o: i. Seil,
#l#i8:,"i[r']':.'li,i+]:' Tithiil: B. ltaso€, rz, b:56.6.
luckl!:d, N,2., t€b.
22_ 11119:
1. ?etar
3e1r-, 1t56.8 (flrth tasto.t ni13 In hlstoly); 2. lluray lrr1t6!4, l+:02.2; 3, Bt11 BallU€. 4:o2.2, tallie! at Auclrldd on D€oeEb6! 2d a po1!t6! of tblnas to cod ua3 plovldod ln tho arnual oratleka mlathon held rn bot & hunld u6atb€r. Ivd xoats,24, mn in 2126:01 flon }tftar Ealt€ra {2:28:!3 ln h1! s6.ond tlx at th6 e?6htlr rlth P6to! sn€1} llth ln 2!lr1:U - desplto ,alktnA nost 6f th6 laEt tJt!€€ riloll rrlthu! lydidd. hltu€u N.z. naratbon Y€us back' llaoed 2qth ln f:21roo, xhllo 1a3t of |n6 15 flnlEh. at. Ir 3t53t59 ras Jock ttalbols (53), notu oth3! ths MareJ's tathe!. BdrY at tho 1a3t norert rttb Xa€o€ dthds! m enkl6 lnjur5. Xoats lacsod 20 d116s h t:50:lg, trlth nsrb€rs 2nd tn 1:51:57 in 1:51].58, sald Halbors, & sn61r [th tunto!: trltrd bedk to thd trac! fo! m, ru&thon lurolnA is s rcal renrs Tlis lae,'t ]b hsd lacl6d ln r,050 tr8lnlns idl€s dultngrTth€ !!€v1ou5 u *€€k€, sneU 6slrt: auess I ras calrlod s,ay rtth ny €ntbuElasd ir stlcld.ra to !41b€rg so lon8,r' Jock Ealbola, rho tra1tu 50 d16s a r6€k, @!,lns h13 Natba 'artal6 pdt rexi t1E€. aobut & lrtonds to omtooF T&F rgTmEs Mdch t7 - Velt Tetes A31aF, odessa March 17 - srr€v€lolt, ra. RolaYE l,ralch l] - East6r nelaJs! sdta Bdtala Csllf , ; Flo!1da lt61d,as, c3tsvIl1e, f1a. i Arkansas R6laYr, FaJ€tt6Y111o; sd Ang61o, f6xes n6fays. Aprll 6-7- 1618 R€lays,Au6tlE, leras.
;;;;;-;il;;:;;;il;-;;;;;;;'" nelay CalnlYal, at U€sircod
rSC-vcnA {rrcr-Al Isb. ?la- Dtstahd6 nodLor: 1.r,clA
{81&k 50.8, raor.!;iif;31:7,--fo6b t: ol. 8 Dsrrl l+:16.9) 10:10.6j 2. lsc (]losd l+9.q udren !d1o, 1:56.8, €s[loston ]:12.6, tdlo l4srh lr.:21.6) 10 : ?0, 8. . ?:ILBg!9X 1. UCLA (Jack3on. !110r, Dai1, lrlobb) '7t)!9.21 2. sc 7:51.4..2- 11€: 1, Mlck€v cBaln, ucLA, 9:t1.6' z:Tofsor 6!oxn,
9:56.6; l. 8111 Nadi, sc' 10:12. !'cL, d..cold & alily dax. 2/2)/62- Ar1-cffi.ls }l6dh at ount SAC 2-N11o: 1. c€re ouulo. o€rrItos. 9:52, tl-T;-!. 8111 cro{16y, c€!"ttos Jc, EZ0l,880: 1. Fay va4 Asten, ui. sac' ,2V62- srrrd""' rs. rr st. at usc 2-ut: 1 J.rry sErtu, s, 9:1r3,5; 2. lEls- p6tols€ns, s, 10:08.6..!!b: r.?ah
lr:19,4; 2. JsssuP,Lr,4:lo.b
19. .teeo r- lA!.hau..,,,.,, j.1.o, b..r n. B31a...,., .._rr:42,, 20. Fbit 8a11.r..,,,,........11:06 2. B.mia th@3,.,.....,..,,n!46 21. JUoldd xclor!€,..,,...,13rD 3. tartd vood..,..,..,...-,.,1I:4t 22. U.c Caih*, ,.. , ...,..,.. l]. t_} 4. Do,ard t. oFiffi€...,..,,.u:t9 23. DraLe r&r.k@.,......,..1r:22 ," 6nca ttdl1lor...,,...,...12102 2.(, c*r cdrll€. . ,. . - .. .,. ..13!26 6. nidrd iod.i$ez. .. .,. . . .12: 03 2t, lnc. !ob1.5..,.,........13:2? 7. td n sir€Z,...,,......,...U:0? 26, r.TId Dau.d:6dy......,..,13:2? B. Ton' saldo.d'..,''.......r2:o9 2?. Pat uFre. . ... . ,... ... ..13:rl 9. nem* ?. cmer...,....,.12:12 23. lJaFe iodu,.,..,.,..,.,.13ir6 r0. t6rr Davson.....,...,...,12,16 29. Ja333 noddgu6s ".. .. -, . ..1r:19 11. Si.E DulAr...,,_...,,,..12:21 30. Ddnle r. EE3a11..,...,,lrrtq ]2, nic1a31 Johson,,,..,....,12:22 11. c-.d@ F. [Ell!r,-,..,,".14:01 rl, Rarr ru.ta,,.,,.,,,..,,..12r1? ,2. r6{f..r r. saLnla,. . . ...14:o, 4. nEnt J. r/]Erds...,.,.,,.12:39 ,3. clirr.:! D.droti. .... ,.. .4' m 15. si3{e lareor.,,.,.,,...,..U:lO ,4. rdald J. X$goi..._ _....14121 1r;. laF r€dro.d... . . , .,....,12:tt Jt. Tb@s risoeel.,. ... . .. _. .1' u 1?. tuve ftlinser...,..,......,r2:4, $. Picnsd llerde...,...,,,..,t2:t5 l,!!.ler-.4g-l!. . red r' s "smus hoo. L! rl" rlstnt-a d.hodi.r or
Dls;m- -.s.
.mcmr D'EtltcE of Cotmota y€oE. .sshtnsron. ad or.aon.F1latro*r,Mo6L. porrland i;! ; i1i,il;.11.fr!"i:"1:;,:::i3,"" o.uuur rM'aFI-27,1!62 a6ot, s.bsrt!-nrra fo! !h€ drscorLrusd ffi:;:g; :.ii;: s;';: iml T,38:6, l#i:, "-.i^^;+i,Ld;: EofrlM. o-scon sLaLa, 2:1I.5; 1,. sn o1rr"i,rc c,,b; "il"E;i F+i;,]. !i!".-i*."yi. "::, ' >:17.1 corpltns, oEsor sr, rroM. ydr,i'J.too* ou;nirco, tr::6.', ",u.q; rr,o i.,l L, 0I{ TIc T,tpoon
rbr Ha]reyr 3ft€. tb€ ltrsi bale of rtrak at pol€ lsulr olt & fo1] vrnlo. b, coro!!&,t.r.a."-'_." i" ldto th6 sardusl,. SaId lator bo,o "sr)6r ots ov6! !b6 fIsL-s ght_-ap erury ir;.!, !u a st€5!1€chaso sh€. aslorl lf hs tr16C. -r;'-ir";;:';;;6;'";:t_ii.-"i: r..ftfl:,1:!"#.;:.,.
I tsr!
:iiT r-":'il,TTyi$ i:',1,1,*"13 : ii"H'; ::f :s: ilt" "i!ii*'",Ti""iili if I' Ir:Io.2; 2. DyroT-E[r16son, o]6son. to adso v,,ton, c."";;t;;.;;;;. i; J. clayhon stolrk . or6son, !:.rr.4;4:12.2r " !6 ;. ", s \. eJ;r_
l:1i.q "; (Burr AdeB, o!.pon, d{' Adm .oi s L:It FiE Lh. - and."d. ",,"r._,t ir -i." . ."", .artr fasl, p.c8 blt c*lla & Brloson L oq.on .one,. umtl iFffi buns baok. crello stayBd on Bur,ogon's ": J.6r ?, rrlasrlc, p.c, 9;:0.?! he61. 1rirou€b € 62:of 2:05.o. irr2.8 J. Dr.;s"ohl", e,Lurio.o- c,c. q:ig.ii' a J/4 13n3 o so 06rr€ 4. Jo6 rr.h. c€o-sotofr. 9:!2_h..2_urp€!sr: 1. r6ora6roE. ';i1.6; 2. }fg;F :rd. hlr me€ & ]-8d rrds o. Bu!16y qulck. crol16 rsb bld 1a3r \rro !n 5".Iqf; t. e,*Ltc., yhtl€ Bullosr! !d 59,4,.2-MI1€: 1, rFlth --,,---------Fomn. o!6aor. 8:52,1r ;!ur"i. 2l--!65-3clur
]il.'l,z :'";i3i""l."FI[ .1fl:3:.Y". F:',c::6,:i:?i-t.'i;";i; :: srli g;;l T-"'!::!;,i!?-3?9'lji!' i;ii;ll.;Ill""f;,',:;,t,i;:i,:: ,;+*: - -:. 1";;";;;-i. "-' 1".s;'tliiiL)"ui*:,'!ii":;1i:;"1; ;:il:i, -6"ii"i.'il4s_ sr !h6.qusrL6r ln 66s, schul a",!tr. @'" s,;;i, r;;":' rb':15, Lher rsbo!! aaarb I.d J:2r "r_!991 i. jjnio;:l li.i.ri,;iii.'.i ilii'i.,- -' e,4.),. Bru soyd rolao !h€ fr.Id tdous!;=6;, ".e6 a&y, ?: 9.5: r: iirrot!. a 5tJ7 e 6:l!6 psc8, lhob ra@rl .'upod E, 2:?0. ; !, 8.." 2;tl.S.:Sa;, lnto rb6 10a.r rrtb fou! 16!s !o ao, clock- i. ra.",.,, ro_,s, :,-;,:: ..oi ;.-i."l;a=d. .. ,ba ?:(5 aL rna I l/r+-b.iI€ ML. !3rrh j. srn, r.-; i";i".i, :li,", )io-llii Folrq too! oYo! rltb tro-lapE to Ao & QmcKrl opsed uo .o tards rlLb s iF@F;---_-_*-spooo. h6,! r, ro
rb. "'iil."'ii;,?:":1"+::F:.^*d,:.1F":,'' .-' ':::; iij-l;::',' ' srFLcb. ForEu rcn t'b 6
6nd a6 scrul satred docond ob I6cE cuFo i^::.i:--:^-^:;
rrtdEandlra all oto arald ror hr. 'ud 'rd€! to@. d..p1to tbo fact that h. 'tro-'.!lo
ror- i;ffifi.i:';:"-;J ,,. :r*,,, rasntt [,,y.o, ;
llenlrooa "lj"::'#:iil"6,. !,.2_llr1.:
!h. oroara. Ij:i,:H;;tr'3*1.:'fli3t, ?'.,|ETdE.{r.u dr!- piJi, rri.-i,jz.iljr:iii;;i i: i;-"" carlcra rE oD or r.!o 'op Dodd.Eracf, aEtalrm yo"j3 ulre,,t_:,1.2r J. ri;lald .?s!t a !r!l!t tuert aft€r hts ZD-rl1o at -sloaD, edporis s',r., 14:U:6r lr. Dous ;i6;; ; iii ;i lii. i;"i;", ;i";;. :p_Ere, $ll':,"|T!i : !1fr."nh",igii:
sr.! 1b,h.
.6'r6'nr31, rr:2r-:7! r. o!e€ ^e.F.oDi !!ao!5. 4:/>.>;-L, -!ynn
j--ilii". r." si;"i.-i.ill'z,iilil'r,_ tollfotd, !ytc.
cdblrds.. va63., D€c. ,6- EaFald ?1. ijlSl'i,iii"i:..,jilllJill"-;jli!,1'ii", 16 - -Z;iiv' 2-rr10: oilii,. lii,iritr 5i,::ffi] i;ers snb8r'iu qi Y c:) '\: fiils: J f:o0.6. sd Rorsnt +:l! o) lo:or.L ;;t-;;;f-;u-;;;;4;!t,
., xr11lb, d. rr:r5.r..:2!!9: !,ri..r!1,
rillmos: cxl,os, liYc, Feb, 2, 1962 rftc, \:00.6; 2. !1E: 1. roto cros6, qusniroo. [:0u,7: l. Ton sDlrrvJ., \ril.lodoeo r-osh, 4:!6.d; 4. rd rrors., riYr , h:11.1:5, lla rfr.er.i,4:1lr.Bj 6. lIrsi r'rn€f, sol rli. lt:16.4."Pet0 closd dldn ' t !n tn€ I/ra.mako! l{11o, brt hr3 l+:c8.6 .t rire sr66r€eN of nls ro brear. t+,14 ta hls ed1! C1os6 had had Tl.ctng th6 pronotsls i€ t€ronsod 1l rhe 55th
up h15 arsmo4r Hiih ra.6. 10tti@ nnelmdrs .dy l;1s:16r set ihe pac6. clos€ qniFr,od ah€ad rrrh .1s! io go dnd l-ad jDst €nou{h leJt to
B :n8rt fo.tical
2 1.eltat104 laco. .2-n116: I. Jar6d I : 5e.
rr: ?:T;-!
houston, c:00.8j J. Sandor lhalo3. soserrr .:01.6; l+, ch83. o1ek. :rcv]|,\r.
cr05.0; 5. r.m o'rtorda!, sc!W. q:or.b
9:22. o,
iH#iiti3#'i+li?'* i*i-**f calloI1 1:53,1+, D61ary 1:91.6) 7:18.!:
2. cqrod& 7:45.(; _1, nsp 7:[8.1. 2-!110 B6rlx: 1. qoly cross (xo€Ile. 4r r, .€orJ3toi4, 7:.16.Ij ]. Mardeitan 7:lb.qJ 4. vlurndr 7:t+2.6i 5. cornou ?t5o,d, 6, :NI ?ji0.9..2-tl11s :1€1ar: I B!o,n 7:l+.7r ,. rriicsF.. 7tr:lt-lJ. sy!acuse 7:44.3; [. rroldrrM 7:]!+.9. (calacltr cro'd df 15, o0o)
t9 rA GAIES -o'alordan l1k€s last Paoe In Tro-!411€ - Contiauodl nvs61f. 'Tbau blenl<€tt-brMt - 116 nrs rlsna 1€fh, Ho utr5 Jtrst coxin€ m. ! irut b€ ,esr't, Klddrs d€3!€rat6 spdt anded on th€ f1!aL tun & 0rniordM tur!eal dlax to ht3 ft!3t sub_nltu-nrnut6 t{oidls & a tftnoldoB 1! I3k loslry lacd t]]o I'rsYlous night(ton bx on€ 1n Ia! Yo'k B:59.4) Lr,k6'a 16rly trDu3o 1n "ou1d iae€ boBn lust coro out & 36t ,ac6 ,a3 rldtcuLou3. I {o!ld bdve eon€ noi ms€rf. but ron'ias s*!IIssd" b113!s.Ira 6ar1r!'hs lac€, tdt flgf€d he ,a afra!d .c sa'dor dld 1i iea!Dso Iharos.r' orRloldan aLs. hag hlAh t€sald for rhalos. tlE ll-tcar-)ld nDndqrlan :roat,ho rosr r)ts flrsu t'o q.s. !a"s dld ;'.r tho l1ll1r.s€-E{A }6ol€nd, Tharas clicumtancos, no!€'6r, 5qs lhe onlqanco.' sd 1r !:Oi. o. I'Ihsos sala crBllrdan. riHe rqcld orll sp6€d tork 112ht no!. 15'11 tirls: r. Jor' rorl1t, i€orrob. n, lt:09.6i Z:-Ed Moran, rltac, 1r:10.1; 3" llc z'o1aki v11larova. [:11.:i ]r, rsrv natson, Bo3bo! c.1los€, lr:11'.9; 5 I-a on Jo'€5. urL' :0. trsi!1ns Ei I4drM br L-19..!,o11rI! j:q-1" a lar to eo rollled ho _ir rtstB Fred f01 bts flisi b1i 1,hd ?€tu'ltt :Dok a qDidl! !ee:i oler nls anould€r a l€! YalCa fr.n tro ia!€_qn erd P'i1lt ssqs! tJ !o !1r tv 16ss a aard. The soron 4M Hdn-or i413 llefd so;nod dont€lt f. tat lic Zlolak s6i thd .aco throqli ir""^. -"veZ .ut ftont utrLrl n6il1j docldad t! ddve LP (ov6n roln !d1se3, th€ flq.d !o1s loLrtsr doaqnrh ao up trli fasrll. Ttu k1c rEs s deeeetatlng k1ctr. 1.)OO: 1. Blil Croth€rs, 3\'rc, 2:0d.6: :_'lfdr 8..,,. lirn, 2:10'b; .1, l'rsnk ToneD. fcrdhs, 2:12 2; L st6T0 Frrenva, ouEntico. 2:12,?..T!ront.'s 6t11 CrotX€rs ;,',-d Di.-ra.. j3Prs lnto cFots )v rDra 2:.d,6 !1 eirr-o.'l: sinb^_ " "" ",;roi ro s 3€cond otf nr{6 cdnLiffoje tenils ?bo .shadlan boood dtr ,a faN lho rqnanbirod l.r tu Llodbd Chrlss Duani; oa"]r-soason rtn h€re. noved fron lort' plac€ tr s€cJnd !1th 2!o rar.s to eo. il.n hs krctrd to 3a r!-ve!d llctort. ,uronr. tno oallJ laadorr tDd€1 tc 5t]1. !h1L6 Pir.6 c1oso, bhd u1tr8r or tho pr0el.us shtts iran'+kBr r{11e, Josuad
df,tr€ o. nrr f€.t," iast. I'I 'as rar ln a pat! ol re! (tor!.xed lron lorc tlult8r sroes !e1 Sch'cz) in I3' York and E]' f€et Ntth ri13iers. Trrot !e!. hot tlke h@ruE€rs. 2-i!11e ?s13y: 1. Irslaid (cltffo!.1, hone
Delanv) ?:14.21 2.
l, !oi:i closs; 4. vll1anora..ro, Delantr ra ovE! to c.tg!atulat€ 0,Rlordan, tn€t Lad to rm nudh fasiar a for nlnui6s later to sss. a hairl!n€ vlctory lor Tlelatd. qsdod s sir-liald ol his sncnor l.F nt v1l13.ot4 -bou.d {oo1 ce!"011, tolsy had t. go out irrn tn oarlt_€wobrn2 utn 1! th8 1,000. slllntod last Eore 'iLs e 1a! rih! a 1tti1€ a€1:rf, to eo a3 tho f.m locrod. rur th6y roddd ove. 1o!d6r N Dala4i d:sllaJoi tha c10si4 lrict that nade hlE fmous, r.ar6d baclr in !!ont. Itutead ot aulbtic ho r3!€r, anls.1.; rc.I i.or or tlo ef the b&!e ar h; conplot"d a blist ri!€ 1:4!,1+ I6e. Derarr. {as cl.ckoe 1! i:50,9 a5 ha enarkid the I!1sh tef to 'jit:iitr 2 slcs. Di tl-e :rdr.t .ec.r., Lqdonc€y111e, lLJ., i.;!. j- Prttu€ior 91, seton llair l! -2'i:lie: f, F4. rairGr. :, 9:1t,s old n*i. 9::i i j !1 :-r:iis, l.l52l ud3i F.lnt, li.:,j Js. 20-.{rn/ 711 crrroll r - li1-,1. Stc 6lhch.ol's, ..r.€jr. !: rr;-..?:t1j1:l r. cr!...............n.
;;;. ;;,;;.;;;.....1i;;;."1;;*c.lr€:, rrida], rsr. t!:i!9!t_.LQ.q9:
1 ', luenii.o! L car' f.iel:er, i,Yrl, ::1r.qj ::Ll ll . l:or!.r, linsart, 2:1]'4; l, l,al;s !:?!t:atl, r.:11laNTa r!corr, [. iid:i; !er]., 2:11!, C,. re!:r 16islqe!, 1n 'th€ b.3t r ln3 sharo .t lne ii.lsr t. rlP !c "ors at t.o tan6. 1r,:1a: 1d nr t.;e€ 'r r rn t]]e il.ar tu!n. !sr31i6r !, 1.J it our llih s d€s!8rtaDo. l4oren, {ho aPD.dred ho tii)l.sn u: s11dnt1J in th€ iast :o rdda, foll efier crosstng tho rinls5 rire. Ito!3ls€! n sec irto tild i€ad on th€ llr3t lan asatnsi nt3 'ishos, lhon it b".d. o;"i.us th&ir rcbodt 61s. !qnt_ €d 1t, & 36t tno Paco uniil rh€ rast
rlrc 1o-t:inr:t,1cz t r suddantry felt fer.rlsh. I f61t 1! a . d.td..rt.ray rr.. 3.,€,,loh s, I r!s!, . ,":- lo; o :;_;";:ilmdm atd h!€n 'on a bla raco tn Bucha_ 31ri ir.98:l+o t.day 1n i..sr. But dDlln€ tnd folr@lla r€oks, I aaimruri Fark. ?Io1on .68os.,as am Do^@ obs63s6o t.1o ss f- 1"r_ .. " 'lr ;_,,"' :. :- ":.1-: o"^::":_",,u. ., ,"-.-"^;^
: ;;
_ 6n ou 4, s Hnparlan Da.toG1 ',.Mpl rbt!s, r' af !toae rlrh Sdoo! .r {,1. ;iarc". iss ao!:]s !o 'o:,0 : ooo_. !i,s ;f L -ts . aLlat IL o:o.L esasoi. r) nar!6c s rddanty .-sckso.
..;" -, ."i:::"":.::"
" ,,.
_.-. . "_ j.ios.s ]{qjr1.1d, !01-1'a:! al, 1. '10" '.
.". ""."
.t,6s, sad rcN I hao oob6 itnos 1n a fouoeks, o u:LLL.6 It ftrao ed 3-r' ro-caeole! souaht reo- ] . :q .a ':*r .rr'c hle ad!Ic6. Ir€ do.fo!" tolt ) h ras !.b B6i"nu";. u.ar., anller,' tiL'ie,i r. l+. Ii"" io'16:, r;-1 ,'.c, li:it:, ln nas:lfrcont lhf,slcar dondltto4 'o lonse? conbrrl nls61f r_rg o ! c^,' " sal ',l Fao Jo :a1t {as n.t n€ .lmlr-q, ri.!r th J.I ald rlartf, .r an.!rr}iiii"i-ij.J'-#r;i e;afi"r;-"i;;i-" i.r.rng rlr thr.usrr ;, - -.".
:; :.":;, :I""'", :"..1;"..i_.;::,1J:':: "; ''" ":.,13';"iiil. l:",..:I";;- n6 eorg tb" l.a.lots s4t -,:"r.,,i.,1": ": ";.;_..i"i":-"i!.-n* !rA.ea. .n sna:ald itu h16 .
1111 s!€rd lr6e tlra d.acLine :roEgsiels {h. s!.rt rtrlch bd3 stvolr htn so mcL Joy, i tho .cmon poopl6
h. rxn riro[!X,
T:e s1.4it.4 T.uDLr3s th€ glleisnirg frass, ,(nd g:ilds eac! ste! llrrr qlo:j
'her€6.t3'ta1$€4r apdt se .Iferec 11bt1o lron opofts, tho pes3ue on r.zsavolsrl to {1n, to frea! }ecrdi, ilreys das xhiri: tn an !.uf & nqtlonal n.ro. llg ':irl -rsss. 'as .r trre deilbl6s ot 1lie :i. nDk dn Lhe pt1c€ rrB \as tr.d; ind hls donpairtots. :r nas h!.reitn6 ,!:ri .n:r;r ii:3 ad,1j)r x111 ron6dner !h6 rrirs of hls step oi he" 3Dd. nea€r facs r13 lc.ld crrc8 hbcner oJ tl3D stsp con, i6tlns lcns io:ord ;tsJ ar. ll" ctrr€rlflllaAFllr ilr,'x m o-'JT!s ,'Lt l.l ltr'lx piEs5rrD n136, storle3 .f !u@re !€ttrllg |dr.rrnTrnis ittrj
" ^-
" 1',:; : '.; i" . -"
j " .-i.-
o "seo r
J€ L- oa.€."-
16 r!€o
!1, "o:ss.o :
. " .,0 *,
r "s l'
€ stz-
"-_ -L;""... ^;,; !,,,i ":;ill" il";l;-
flr;lshed tnirC 1n the olrrnlc 1,50!-noter :n€pracdFnts ldt co.6 siona !u. q. l:ji not "".,t to ;.irr6,--bu. vd ,ast €nourth Ia €ttho! co'rntrt to r.duc6
r:sal r. -,-... ,. ao.a.0. ',:"9,Y'::ll:i; I3' ' roo tuL€,".no.e
rn.f mxs- colilnuod) ixo @n hold all th6 aitotul A1ols Such€1 is th6 u oDe1 cbeplon at 1O0 abd mo @iors! tb€ ,ruldlos. hlsh Jmpj bload i6p, !o1€ ?autt ;L.d de.atdoh. Euso vra1s6! ts ttE !€co!dhold€r eL 1,0o0 mt€r3, 1.90ftr. J.000r. 5,00Ob Erd tbo gb€sllechss€. soth ss 100 pe! cent slEon-lu€ @tou6 anl hav6 nolth€r acc6ltsd rc!
rystym.! 01avl M'fiin6n, r6rho Mlott!ru! Etno Au!in6n,
5. faavc 7. 8.
\arh. 1/9 ldlk. ?/9 2t3),L,6 re\k. 7/9 2,33,54,2 ,rlrt 9/\j 2t27.)5
Bruno Holtroos, 2t29.51!
2:15.19 {oslce 10/8
2:!0.18 roslo6 to78 lRIlJsd T0r ?SN 1961 bf, Devd nobolts 1, r6t6r r,/11kln5or, 2:20,25 P. 2, Sm Hardl.ker, 2:2a.56 ?. 2:2\,L2 !, :1. lr1en ri1br, 2t2l!,,22 L. 4. non !rr1, ron lucklnehd, 2:25.1? P. 510,
Id,. !€b. 2L- ,tr]r <q*- r,rr 5l+ - 2-xrls: r. Blr-r Str:xb-a;r;rn r;€. tny, T.JT.1| 3. lon Butrsr, A$,yj lr. 1061 E6tb, xrr9..Ml1€: 1, frad r,anooue. ,r. 4:17.6; 2. ..o..i. r,inals, A; l. c.or.e t1lpeocrarr 4,..1000: L, ui@1o. .,. r - r]rr:dso!-ci:i:rlck 10 itrre 2:12.€j 2. stola-t itusr€y, ;; t. st5 Ihrmls.n, 4".2-111. Rclaj: r. i-FT, 7:1r9.6 ]:. ]..prt i iraleld e9 ;!1y -_j r'ah !0.1. od. :,.".,:.1" Yalc tll- ;riacetan 2l+ -tii1a, 1- xu" " .j,0.". .6-od, '; L -o ,ioz ". -no:o-o .u.5. . ._____: . r l:L9 !]ei-c rs"o.d, _r:r! 13 .2.-o- / o .L btr'I.n. lj, 1912, ola-0,cae6_record las 4:o9,e.Jr t:!E:e ?:16.!L.2'-3, crrlsi. 'ob. |..k. '96.., ,es to L.s Amapolls.
.lns 1 i,.oi,o t.a, arl
Ir, i.
l..ir; Ft_1. r1lor -. -irs: -: -.1,.-- ., aB. :
telrn) 7::r,1j 2. ?llrc€t.n; L Ya1., !1!pt 1:i]-, p,rctriT'ffir+r*;sr rc;rc, rrstrrn r ii; . al.m - tsrc -8, or11 - ! . cnarFJasnt!, 2 a. tr. cleetr^A! l,ar€, t€attle. ov" .1 " tllo (l ,L-a Bs a!rl1 -. ,@juns) l! lr P,!. \oqdo tdr. ita. 1,{rrnjjgtr., "M:fch :10- 6th ,{d!al r.or-Eecing ca.ulYal {aa3 la! do,bd c"€en !ak6 {2,8J 1{:{16s) 1! sbaiil€, v&srdnstonl 12 ]{oon - op€! REj 12:fc P.11,- open l{aI}; 1:!0 P,!I.&ah s.boo] Ru!.. rnt[l6a fo! aM!:: 9lr x. l'6r, sL., s6a-' s Jr !3shlr€aon !o? TEx PIE!!]] dda rano.s 1961 br , rnro -. ada. xoldIc :,...:o!. ' ; , !d)
:. :,ti.1" -.-. /:/.rB
i. anrLr v.!a!1.2::o...q
I L.;1 .-::1.o. , :...5. I t"i
.sset o-.
;::. 1l i,jibrjeh ir€thr: :.i3- ir, :::it: ?:Il:cli - 'G. i:i: -i*ji?a. s's .r \. -o :. .)o 3€!t, I qEb6d rr e- e - ,. : 1o s-o. 11 s ra!! jilltn crsat Erliatn-:il!r 21214t37 l/29 lnJlstd rols - 1]01:.z.ci 2:Jerh8.l+ Au€. d N.re-Hura Spaln- ;..5 tisrs.. ::l[;J] a6sibyo 2:16:32 Aug, 26 rlla.soarE l] . "- j o.. ._.jio, -:.-:o), - o":; I Tt,] 3: BaliiMs- Frarlo s!?inJs 2:3t:1? s€!r, r aa sllea l€lAl8da ''o' e) r,.osd t z.- _._-_l!!::.:!_:_ji:_:___:T_____ Lo B re|o1 drersn^6 oor oJi" .os 6/ ruor 110J yo3J q.,€s/osd.? 9 e os ar t2 0 ar Fr I cqo.Ls b!..J8,o1.L J
sR. I€lRoporrtalt fohn, '/rns r€.. -r. J - 'com€ oa L € st, !o, ony 3 ve! JO,. & s€bicr Me! ro Ki10 !r o -€b.- llet -€b.. J0 cherlcns.t! UoLlay oesr iAo nirc nFC I.Y. I.y. assn L.4so. rrcorcl1, r6parttna h13 hI3 1o60 1960 ,rEn s s.L-. 'I-!ore.'Irrs.ed
tee 1. st, arthonJ,s B.c. iar, scorrlg: 1€L York 1-l-9--cj 2. x€k rork .lorea! iloroa! --1.6-aA-. ' :b. -L'6-- 2; 2; l. Mt-r.oss Mt r.oss Aa 1A-, A,t l:b. ,'a 7-b-"--24: L. I,llLlcoso A^ ''a Jrr l-b-a--A+t ).; 5.
sL'nr.e -sr\ dnr. ,.s lasl a1 6 rhe!6 bJ 0 'corn611. Do. !€tc or :"d,!ll!1!! b:"t oui
e";;;;'-- jojBi jrioB t,Z.l_ n61,o )!ta2 62.18 tii4iio
!o! thlrd'ou.s olec€ tronolsSt. !ir..nrt3 osthronad Nr.o Nsn Tork e ro, rrrnt total of 9 .o1n!s .o th6 latterrs 12 po1rts, i'oriy-€rEll rroz3r thlnc]ads stali.d rd tir€ 1o-drsrcs ton!€laid6 & Lj nlh ' 'B:.:
rrg "t 161".
B€J.,. t!m ,','."6Ir, "'."""''i; -*' ..r' I " .. oops tj1".
-, \o e.... o . s 'ar c-, d-s" n, \ f rq, d'l Li":.p -.. s6rro. , !1r-5: olc, thrl .. o - Lso,:. -. rer' " f 'r 8 ., 1 o'-olru',.t,4irr. t.. -:8:-b ?. J e Boa5ol, \., ';". ;:: " 'l;r;;i -:ra-:;/.
jioi t r"" -.'iiii, :'. r' ;!s t!' €'nd, .. .r " " r.... i,s ,5. D: k ra,p, . ori"r 6. Jo\r. ,r",d,
, .1. . ". ., ,, .^ "oo vs:\j l. B. J .o ".:orp, n - ,"e.\' --n ' "9:. r. r. "' , . ''e;:;i";1. l" ".r ;;;:;":,: , : ,l_osq , Hl r' Lj. .to rJL.-. nq-rac s "" -\e ls. -. .'cL. ;;i " , ""s" ," m. o.-.,.";", ," .6. ".i" :.",\;r'd.. pq 7. (6 ,r, rr'. lir, Jo 1"o.rey, , I_0, vi\€ 0':p!a, :-, ross . . . 8, rot, .ros 21. 111 o. ah, .. .n... o 11 oJ, !, s: ^:, -, . .*.. -1. e :
,: r ! \t i. t a. ), i :0 .., ,:" ;l ..oj,i : r:. .,0o.!. :ioi,: : oi-: .;1J:t2
r: t ) :_O:IE t: o:-) :?o:9. : ?:a 2:r0:0
dnf - Bob ca36J, B.uc8 TCj rrldo scahMr,tros; ar: B .- t€13b, rur-
.INCX EARRy EARRY cAlTmEs CAITINES r,LA. I'4A. RO,{D flrrr fl]IISS i.Dcx f5.I4IIE RT'I]II M]TIFIED UINS IR. RDX !h11a., !6b. rB- Jack B€r!y, rsesaul34-,1. J , caltuFil hls secord ' st!a;8r-t raos 1E taldrs tho r5-E!1o ovelt of in tb, Mtddlo ]ttlantrc Fnc.
r. 2. l. !. 5. 6.
a ilaro-
sB r6s lodsy
o ra!!.
Je.. tu-rj, !/ , L::20 t::..:c6 Lsoo D!oho!,DVAr, 1,.:lr0 1:,o:.? rMlo:c .o€rDtL4 tJ:J .t21tt. D .i tohon,s,!l!A l. :18 1:Jr:29 ob ryrm, otu f \j.5/ r.j,t a I€M?,osL.PA. !6:15 Riro., s .:s. r. : a : _i:tl ,J,, "nor.,, r. wq.;t:, l"II, bFC. L6:.o ):rB:12 10, e ,h ElLu..s,Dt 715. tt -:-a 11 Di | {rias. Pd1.. !Ioe"_:-rb, ::rz:rr -). !€nira 10@6 n. Dr..r:1r1a. q o.. .1,b. tr5:!5 ''So r d,r - Eob cbMb€r3. D€ -va- I, , E-dr?),j o. Ja6ld.*1c!. DV^J,ki:o.' I :0q. \.q. )r1€!, pem ac. L :1,j P€d ac, 4:116, J-, 2i-yllos posss va' €'d, Da'-r/ar AA. 2.. Bob edrsb_ Lie Anblo! P4 U: '':col I \lc\Mo soidb c$dar' N.J. r5 JL tsoB ri- .rr. nP w pssi 12-r-! \u.r bioM. r.v.. F6b. l8- E )rovs, Lo!tuf (11{ crosg_^oMrry 6d s ldr JMd ?lciory cvor rotrscaod Bt I d.d""o Lodal In 1:05r! .5. Lor' . n rlne bs rrrsi - {d "6c6 of L o a6s & dls ! !s! rlb, c!d. .o. A.i N\ lss cous6, jd b/ s s@11 ns€t, "o! -\€ "t-aL _{o taE or 116 Lrloo lsr -sr6, Lron FrL or I sl.oll ",rl-\ .. \'l s lq 5Hae.
Tn3 r1m aas r€rrtnd osoar rroors,B rocold or 1:04:21. Thsra uor€ 20 stalt€rs tn
B€sr Iarlrs: 1oo yds, 10.J I Ur)- h9.7: T0d0-?:i2:12; f11"- l+:10! lkr- r:l: i 2-Y11.- t:olj 3-Ir1o- 14:?0: 6-li1orc prtz63 - !1aquoe, redals n.ttoral ,".Irr cirMPt.n srchss ,l+/, d,oorm. '!1, l.ooo!f,0t0n. 10. yr5 ,l+j, ,4., iron e1r i-'0,ntrr 4:17.5 L13 sm sch!6d, Jon! conrdy, Jln u6tr.p.11tar 1 t. toll. nlU titlos fron'rr4. l,Xon, altto cldlohan, larv€J l,xon, tn ' l+5, inctudi4r inLlchiemteln, lilc Ii Str dr.r iiiles lrr vanmskar 14t1. t) rJll1BroDar Colmolrn l,l11d ln liY n ol C, 2, 8111 SchPab! urrat,, 1:06:3J in ahl.a:o tally lr3'3. l. Ei11 W3lsh, Mtllloea A4. 1:08:51 rtaet2T 4. !y cqrd6n, uJ3t., q d -r lEsi alBlr. :iie' r t" 5. rorh rDnoean, !e! York ac 1:09:29 -.i;-ilru it6 4 holdlna 6. Diclr ClaFp, \Yrc. 1;10:08 alort 6 rind srritt3. 1:1o:16 1. Rod uacrlcholl, iirF., h€-T!al:!u l,Ianu!: rbort iro irt1.s. !,r11hos€ !.A. 1:10:2:l 9. J.)t io.g, si. John's rrA, 1:1r:06 or lec€ lar lr.lp unil1 ruEir€ 3/lr3pedd o! last nJ!s. ra-er ih13, sifetd|. 11. John IB1)J, rllhoso !n, 1:15:04 tnA & berdlr€ ar€r.is8s, 1!nu! rastei 12. rilr :;fxisor, nrd13d /.a 1:1?rl+7 1:19:Jl B, Btlr Casil6i rtY!.c, rr€-aont€t1t116 s.as.n Iidniry: rlt€! 11+. xurb srntber, r.ilc, 1:2]:Lr.rl cross-.ourtry, rid.or 1q. :r1Lr Br146rt, lrJF., 1::1i51 trainlna cn t!1ck (.trtd.or b.sd or 14. John c.oBe, r.Dt., w., 1:j[:r2 drf - !11_. ;r.aaaj st, John's t!j Ber YotrdsJ: to!6naed o! :irsi !:4e, rould l4e1i|.sj.a, I11t!oBo 1A; !i11 st.lmr, r.r tle ilIe,. i;-nl1e MlI:LrDso .{,r; cer ze'Es, uiLlrose 1f-. 2-i,if€3 it,d b. 2j or l ,dres,,luesda-J: slaed r.r]lotr tr lrr_lr0 .! 2*6c0. !a11l41 h b.trcan. ritLr l-5 nir, r.:u betlder rd!s..riad@rcat: strrde. I ln-:nd-.rt +ntos ir 6r, or l t. I l]a1f-niioe in arilt z:it. r.rsdc !€tra€n tLen,.llr3dpt: 3!'..d ro:k.Dt. strlri4 100 or 220. a grairai '1th }Lqr+l acn iL rr:]llrFs 1961 Eorion riA - Elno aksano!, rtifsnd, 16! sj]oed, Tlt3 uou:d .o a l16hr x.rL2:rJ,:9 ,\!.r1 19 ri. s.,{. .ut,.r}ttat': rest€d..:siurdaa: lino r!',.-I at J/tr or 1i n1r.s, r.11oftd tr ileinlcli - Btxtls ]!teao, nthio!1a 2.29. ?7 JD:N ?5 repzn CoD.iltiYa Serson Tr:l 2:24;11. ! ausust 13 ji.11d!d .. lnich da_ Bilitl. cb6h€! Etirlopls 2t23t4r,6 :ax 7 tue.c. with st-.t.:i!1i ez:r.l5rs. no ruminJ - T.n n€1]t" rustrslla c! s'fe occasiDns I'i ?:llo:?5.: seln. 28 tror€! - slL1la Ab.bn- Erhlont' 2:?o:12 oci. I a-s-R. tDr4tion oi ;r.rl.trr.r aboui I hr., - Pa'o1-Iq.ror3lr, Lf r{ stalt1rg ai 6 - ?nlgo Toserson, D€malk 2:25:41 0ct. 2u lrolldd ]]dd. lto 5 lf3. oe:or. r.rlout. starte: !rc.iarato!y r.rL.nris II:OT F]lolII.E Oi JIY 3lt€r x-c.uniri. seas.: cotrenc.d oct., ITII R,{!FInrJ, rpe 12 Hhoc rotlrle 1n 6raed Ju1t. llerer \\8. ..in 2/4/ra. .' !ore5r i:c1^e 7: , !e13ht 119, FDrdl]M tu6p,ford]]s !dv, 15 lniioor race3, 1a otrtcoo!, & 2 o. J rlth cosch Jako 1r€b3r_ x.I.t.c. t-c.antrr. DId no rairilt tr:i.ja:. but Jld lrshi,pr 3 chrMrne itu l-ar, soach63 Bernt6 \ilsfBrs & l]1r !a11.y. Stlaaaar: Lrsla1!f, toiroxod 9ace,& ilcx-
Bl Try RUIIS 4:00,9 BAXTER MILE IN X.Y. ll€r Ydk rC ,l@6s - !ob, 16- !d1d: 1. r1m E€attr, lATc, l+:00,cr 2. I;fo,E6!a. Loyolaz 4:02.3,3, roh4 nelrly, c€ors6torn, 4:07.1; 4. cdr t€13ra€r. rsMc. 4:07,r- (hossod hard by Tod 0'Eara, Loyota of nllcrso solhonolo, Boatty p3s3€d tb. l/4 hsrr ln l:o1,5, bur hle ft@f qugltor ntlo aa6 n.nlyr'58,9s 5?.? slltDt ha unollrod 1r tos {nss16s, E€arrt €arrod a treb6nlous ovetion flon thd capactty cro{d of 16.000, ).. 2-M116: 'of ro!otrto,-T:-..t4:2: 2. sandor Ih;os. Eue:ar:r! J. l,a5z1. Tsborl. Lctc: L V1c zxofuk, ril1tMova,.880: 1, !d tLoro. tlY ac, 1;52.Ir 2. G€o!;-EeF. crrMlaltnI11., 1:52,7r L 86ir oh1;Jdr, r,,{Ta. 7:53,5t !,, JIn Broxn, x1n, 1:tJ.5, (rd th6 scrlpt 1n ths larr sslprn 86rr. cftsr lrna dofaats, th€ Pem Stat6 rrad sFsd l"oE fd bohlnd on thd lAst 1iD to !hi. Tards. )..2-u11s i4!erEt-ioru1 nsky: 1. coada fr$-Sffi;=ts 85113r, 8111 Croitursl '7t37,o; 2. i,atatai 3. vltlmora !!osh. (Crotb€rs oyorcM6 d 6r€ht-ydd dsfrclt tc rhlp tolart on the anchd lsa, fhs roarsd a5 ho !oc!€t6d rh€rd of D€lar\y {1th on€ and oro-half 1a!s ho soJ th€! ratchoit t€801f, as tn6 Tolorto student con!1€t6d a 1:lr9.l1 half-i 1d bs to hold otf nonrs itoslelato ktck by throa yatits, Crothsrs h€ar6d the haton hleh 1n the a1! 1! a1o6 !s bo bloko tb€ !a!€ eh€ad of DolaDl-Bomthlna no ono had doro lndools slnc6 th8 rrlslr@.lg fr6shbs! yoa. at Vlllanora. ).. Co1loro 2-M11€ R€lljr! 1. rordnu, 7:18.-F-2:fianbatbd, ?:lc.b;3. st. John's, ?:116. collopo 2-!116 Rolaa: 1. loly closs?:4rJ i. c€o!s6---trjq-tTTlrffid, toHb, 7:lrlr 4. sylaofto, 7:1+4.6. E.!€'s a lliaorn on th6 tldoo! lildDa stEar. J14 B€ettJ {111 rly rd 6xt6rd 1! halch b Cb:tcaAo & !4llrau]roo,
]J. Polt1and,
oF. 2:09.9
L:0o,2 c. xerd1s6! Ilal1as, Feb. 2- Da1las rdttetloEl 1. c!.ok', r6ia. !}x, 2:1lr-8; 2. !q!9. H€n.]Eca, noitb TaraE stato, 2:r5.3; f, DoBoer, batlorr 2:17.dr lr- Blarlrr TCU q 1. raut8 Blltott, Eousto, I+odr, 4:lc.O; 2. Sil1lre, TCt, lr:21.5! .3. rilall6r, Eo$ton, U:3o; ,j.. D6i:rs xooF, Ibllotu chli3t Io. . 2-ut1o Rolar: 1. To:. aE (rarlor, nodsors;-3E;lc_E[Gi, curr.!) 7:50.4i 2. s !; J. Arrll.m ctrlsttu; 4. flouston..tlost ol the lller! fould th6 clry tlacl fast€! tbd th6 boda tlack us6d ln !o3r of tlD Tdds B6t6
a1ane, r5b- l- corls.r R€bJ. - tod: 1. noftb6ast Ea. 16! 2. Alabdia 24,.X11oi I. Iltlalit. xE La.. l+:18.6: 2. DoZfd, atrbm, l. R.bidiioD, slJ la.,2-l{11e: 1. !obiso!. 9:10.9r 2Terlo!.-E-ss. stato: 3. vlck I.. riuban! l+, cldton. coorRla rocb..080: 1. rs116r, fuman, 1:9i,ti; 2. r..nIGs, A1a,; L Etlahd, NE !a.; 1r- Dayts, t.rs. r4ontaon€lyr
tm Arhd!, Mlch,, r6t- l- Ittcbiae R61ays --l!99:.1. fi4 r!.oro, loFtrio oc o11, ohto U.! \. lllsrddosal, C.!t.!E MlchlAan,.}ltIs: I. ao! ra.L1lqfo!.r. ToCl+:15.:; 2.-uorn@, crlastor an.ti. r l. rldaaa., 0h1o !.; l+. B, JoIoE, cobtlsl. r,4lcblEaAj 5. Du1rG. Udt,.(I-l@, *. {tch. T.C., ron lD l+:1lr-5 but dlsqo.Lf13d es Ineltstbl6 !6ndirA tN.lttAatio. lato lls gdt6d dtatu- )..2-x1L! 1, Jacrr5on, cladrtoe Ac. 9.23.[;--:;Busto4 r,ri. 1cb. Flosib; l. I.r€sry, UlaD-tj 4. naJb6!, Errc; 5. irns*t Xl.h. 2-M116 R€I8: 1. uichira ?:L1-9 Eay€!, L!6 r:5j.6-@d. dp 10 yards); 2. Hostou r{1cttgdt l. lobl*e stat€: h. Loro13,.D1.t@. I6d. l9I: L v. r'rrci., 1o:2r.9 {d;;;E-
cook, R€1d. l8shlr)r 2. Iriol.: i. lttob. ud Tluor Drlol Bu16so! stat6; h, Bdfaro stat.. llr 07.1 Ed !,Ioran E$t llstla, rbh. 10- l9th l't€biae 19c1oY61and 1000: l. lcct h. Ohto l{tl.6 loltlsd 410?.4 Dyr6l Balsron stat6, 2:17.2 -j Z:-TdME.n, M11o LoB 1ns.16s l+:06.1r Slnto cud.irt. urchlsanr L X.CoMlck. oslr, c6ir!!.1 2:tU.O 2-1411,€ los A!ao166 c:05.7 BIuc€ rudd 1. cFeddeD, uo., L:15.5i 2. rd M116 So{ York L:o9.1 Istran iorsav. !glg: lD, 4:]6.9j 3. EhoE, lrcbtta 1000 C16v€1and 2:09.5 tlnto cunltffo D6np6oy, 2-xt: L cdv€r, XohF D.c, 9:16.4; 2. r3k36LT, M13n1, 9:24.4; 3, BaEocr<, st{; Htlo los Ans6163 l+:o4.8 Mtch€1 Jarr 4, rrdd, l{S; 5. Yaroy, [D. (X€rt !qa.) Los a4€16. 8:57,0
(l9th uichlsd st:te aerays- contlnwd) Dnst@€ .d]6f,: 1, ichlsa4 lliut6r. routbo. llaa85. l€ps) fo:09.br 2, tost"r. 10:25,8, }jl;lfc!n, lo:1o.1+; l. chto !!l1r. 2-!{t1o R6ler: l, lc}Iam (ss!s!n, Iqde, Earesr r€ps) ?:l+6.1+; 2.-uestern ntcnjRd, ?:46.o; l. DrarG, 7:4d.!r q. rsv, 7:52.1; 5. {otre lmo. 7:5e.5.
1:59.9, lnd ths d1r nss d€afo.tn.q rnen 8€attx's ll!-nr16 iin€ .r l:01,2 xsg a4ounc€d. ile .tclod uP the laoo 1. tho last lr!0, cor€rins 1t ln o:59. But h1s Eual btazrls bEst of spoad ai tho ll.l3h, ,tr unofa:.1e} cLoclFr tlmd !€atty t!
11.i3 rcx blro last half lar. { snlin} fldsn€! .r Jtn,s stair:rft nohalry ro)1d !1111 thot lest Bo-Tara slloicl] ;-;;;:-i; ti@ o! talF a couplB .f 1+ld16s: 1. ard callus, \aa., 6155,8 Nle sittrattenths. Iuri\er a@lyzi.a Il4l-fl rmoy, Urot., l:o5.8. ton, !Ba:if, s!1d: r'l i:are ili. connitl.n nlruteJ anytln6. Bui ;;;; ;;;;:;. :;;;:;;--;;;;;;:; ceirt slL.ojJ :'or rac.rds in .te.t css- 88o: 1, rolb Bork. 1:51.81 2. G€4. j.u re.s. 'J.u lrars i. rj1:t Jous€lLf Dr nen{6F- Jut-,2-u11s: !al1y :. aak ri3 sle.ier 8ff.rt. Thatt 9:ol:J,.!{l1o-f. 11r cr6l1e, l+:01.5; 2, rhr'I'n i!3ciallx 3orr-a thts trt dthtt vlc PsaYe, 0!e. or€aon; x€rih io;6. l. !o!1{ cut, Ii ras d iru:irailnc tdeli. Fir3; offJ i! JtrZl SITS Xl]rE mi ]OOO IETEnS :d3rc leLdnj I irad loo]'€i Jszf, F€b. 24n1ct61 foir{.d rc rdctng stutis'rt, f,€ruq, .t€! ine 1c€a of !ura n6' t.!1d rll]oor 1oo!nin6 a ier i !:1c,: rea€r .6.o?d ot ?:2!.6 at ri!, Le3 s1i se: io do ttat" :ut the flolil s€t s&tEdaX. l.rE d-.1af In J.?: c11!pod t.[ s6co.cs ofr t]o r.ltur I irad rame.i ! fo! 11s€t rJ Dorurvls tdrtDd er3:na in 'ar., scairdail f3 .FSt 10:,:5 th. )ii1e Eob orl. !x tali '"]id,I 'ir6n Lad uda: <:!r .,ix: l-lfLr ni B:L8.6 te,.ltra 1ai dDxn a:-aln, t.o. X€r York, F.b, 24- Jir !€attJ 11tsrrej trls ,iao rdle ult13 1. 4:00. IIot Wtet Cold 2 i.,jeirl li th€ U.s, inio.: chdl- G;"*i--lcdh-!3 at ltadlsor Squds r{do., leaiiy s*b€d Ror teldvrs fist6a ftr:d:ndoor rccord oi lt:,:r1.4
;ii;i;;;;;-a;;;;;-ili. r-.
;;;,="-;;-;;;:;;;;-;;;;;;;;;- ;il;;
d.n 1{6!tg€r
t€aiiy ta a srb-rnw-alntrt6 '11€. csry of rrt! 1113, Auaatico t6a@at33 3t t-e rfl: ol bls l+:o4,6 €lf.rt. !h6 blet-heirod Ltttl. l,og Ars€14 Tlack club acd, .€rtq1z1r alduri lack lor 3uprcrt dd €eou*eonont fron tl6 a$iectatlv€ crora ol 16,e6L. rLe s!€ciaiors lai3ed tLr Fol rb.n it tji:i rr€ :€d slB n13 fir3i qr.lisr in 60 r:313 of c1os. (59.71. rh€ Biai;t , !o! .tr: on trls o!&, rffren itra id|f-nil16 :016 1!
*-.:, 'i. i;,- , (.( ),\.j
.::,:l .
aa/,a.t:t ti;::1;l;1r;, 1.
:; ;,*i
,.i,t+t:;:_,:1T-.ijra1. '
!lnr|,Ts _ t:ta6-
f,*';f..ilH; *.= ;1i., ;i":i"111;"'; ;:.i, i:,:, li;,: :",i;,i!.,r, ;;;, "', li};il;:ii";:':" : "t";J,':"";.:*.
::j,,d:i-;{!ff tirirn :;qu-q:'ii;:ilii:ilr+;,
ffi*Wffi"*,ri* -
# I or opaerl@ src,barr-_rlc to_ r'hey, J3@!y ?, 1962 ,rashibcion, r.c. aLm'i @ yls 6b.r) f4rrr6.r wah_ rv8nr,
*.,um-,62,, e,,,u ,a,:o ,,5,xll' jn
t +,,4 Fc. 62,5c 15.m irt.;o ,.i
lfisi"?'il: """ |t:"i 5-xi. 7-xr. jp.6,, i!: @., nnra'].rrJDD6r.'4orras^'c', t3
e, JOM aysAx, E41ra H. 25,2t ,,a) ,rt2r.4 7. Jsrry Jha8, osAF, 23103 4r:21 sa,rl ;
Jss.orr, ffi-,
g. :lJ1 s:hP"t., ffi-,
4ttra 6rt2r-o 2.1U 4r'xl 31f]..a 29 50 4rrte 62:0... 12,42 47.F 72,*.a 29t1ra
o:liv rfir brou9.i rE5 +beo uu .IoHs rn ra6r. rsy r.oq &.ion Deroj' dr* rohn ft; b ;" .r qraoi.s &qt .r op.hrIo" src,b,tr. rh6
iisfut!D.rrg,|"6iEhth*ts1o4t'ith r ror 1"t d;_ r.
|,n n::i,,,
64|2'r 6,o,3i24 ]+x . R! (sdhtuh e!)
l: i:H li*T%H*."H:i""'
B;t1:: s,iz.o
-,"""" *L,
;;;";fi".i ifi"":$:tr; il:f:S
;i:?i:.:..lfr l.;.::**" T..H*T"fi ::';' :Dft r dr..
;il:; il":*"i il;:3"iit,"::,.itr,id"*t"r._ qr.lp isitu€. b
rce,,s sspr*b." b
E'_uem srsu & a.d $iEr6rd 1n 12,22. '.,r2.t rodry rhr
;i r.rrffi ,,Ei * do, ,eei (cm,) aJrn tuv rr"tu 1n Do. ilYa|m|r|9Ffuo.9Fiog
rui otur rof M brot. 6orft
ff* :;':i: ""?*nf; :::."]ilf o!'ymbahllel.i€n16ff trv.!idsawd*ellfdt}bb-
H-.:ffi f
c@r-y ad codrg rhousn lith a ,1:U.E .@o,n
.,€d f 2 of operetron stu,bd rd., surday, Jrury 14, 1t62
coqaa, 5\ecily 9 d1€o, dua..v€ihdi
b4touofth6cou65 45o,
ii..%j; *m" #'S r' ,oYa6ladorhc'p:at|ff !3rry e6r Job orsd drd rcr tr [ona, bqu,. 59:27.3 3: ro 5r,U.3 i. raFy.rctu', r3^r, r9,aD.a 9:4a uer.,6ir:04 8:io t1r 14 'ot\5 t. or.ln€lo' r!11,qi, &,29 o. 6.:29 l{I@3ota,8oad Rer. clLb Aprtls i4cog 6. nueh JaBcoul,,te. 6ort 3120 52:, $udy, lu dcb 5d. cormbla 61f i. John Jar.6ii,3rm, 61110 ro:$ 51:{ e- s|,r schm.iz,@. 62:09 7rr5 54r14 i3,iJt l"Hil"it3i j:1.. -!;tiT:, iii$i*" *" gr-i Amxal {o Isrown, !r, llnood park ..sunoay, f5 ap!l1 oh1. laL€ c6.v.15. 5t. c.rm1. rDn-3undaJ. Arril U.ro62 (2pn) 5il';;,,iTi"i:iT"iil."q1D, e20 cral st
rr.bt F I or oo€ratlo! 9b6,ba_l-surosy, JduarJ 21. 1062 ar, d€ltcu lDl!8!gILJ, Y$LrrAlon. D... U6athor: CoId. 11-u11ss (3-1oop coulso, v€ly ni11y) 1. DIck EaI@s, let., 5S:oi+.S! 2. s€nt
\€Dt " r of o!s-sL oh. oibq_I. JM. )7! 1062 ar 0- amo4..l,osL'o-: !o1dHLndy. (ouree:,1a-. fteo ls!". dau-Marathor (11n1. 192+ vas,) l DlcL "slbe Dfu S::8 :' ? :
iil:.Xiill.3i,Hft.^li::,i,?2,.,"ii". j
"i{:. H,:il.$q:':i,i,r'r",.*;t*i,:i"lr. i' iilr"$!#; ;i,;: :ii j: :i:i: o i' 3?'H;5:,i3i?"l"f"i;,"H8? i:iJ:'" e. ;ou.r,usi,.s,;:.i,-o .:,9".2 ,^! rdr6ir, sr. rot',o:ry's e.c., a,qibr; e. 9. J.:ib"l1i::,j"r!l".1it:'o ",
j :; r,:i
:i;'r :
itros.,3:-8i:etflfl" 3iilff : tl;3; ":r:" m1;ii;;"*iij.txl"ili.i;il iiir""u ffI;"X"lii flll ; ,.,-;,-",i..'. "r*uu. " n,nil l";!F.;;
]. .a{-..10'''nI.
"l;':",'4. i'::.' -ll;;'i: ffi;s ^. .s ' . -J .5! i].: E€r,t €
j:i i: l-,
Ea rLf,oYo Tracl S:orus- dal6s alpdtrs ,o oo I ' b3uLor .acb ,s6/ ao he on.6 oolo lo;oeo - ". tu". ]d !., rn 6. : lrat flor €vsrTono o*ry aga', !l€ .s €' "t6 iray.r, Toda.yrr ?{ctort lut hh ln a i!6 for 1si 7. Tolt nitta. lahiers, 1l:16. p1ec6 rlth hald rolklna Je!!y Jo!o! 1a !!1263: 1f.grt5s to ri:Bt ilp6d. )U3.o..1!''sro^ba11-.|,o.:oo.,sa.cb.R.c:\1''.
:'l;i .15?; ii,.i"i "ir l','""" .r 1:ffi":;:,:ili:j: tt - jMr:lt. Bc^'oe.,-y too! s ro@
''!so-".s''s. fh. d'!ia" r-porcd r\0016r rrr d. se o x.rr.",,Ds r Jdrr€ LaDtr J6vo-4b8d noror o-r -ro o) rso , dy Lo * $rs:od bt lrd6. ,l " Dlotr€,i tl.6 rr 6-"'lc . r"€ pDfs 6d !e 1'r'
- -:
- .
. :
.-" ..'
:l,u:-:li,:i,i?:, l*L:i:f,;""lti ;:"H,.;"il:*:"li:""." :iii:':..5ti l:;: . qrlna 1r bo a E)od !-fu !g oeJ Co' rlo . r6pn's a.o.
rl_rs, rcr
!ii':-::';fr.'"*":il.;'!:!'"i'i"j'";31"-':""i ;' " :''"::"; : ..
Fd e *!.116 lt 1oor..d ltko Jasoout fo! .:9 :lT: l:: h? d€v,€rop€d-lrbB a@r{prooao,y rroE upl. 3io4 & sch{dtr. lld & lrrh Dlaoo ;ffi do -', { lhJtu Df 6odoD ' "udlrts lr tt1"r
q: r . ",i ". I ":-. .-. "
."4:.1,;::. ": ""; :;.,;J"",":,:., ."
.. i6ot r 6
.l;;;.;;';;y'f,is;-;"L;;;';;l;"r ;::;'fi:,f :i ii;";':.$;f "' ***'
ffii.:".:::*'il"":,'rrlT,:tl:iiil' oous6? Tllat il4t KdEhioa Atd 13
rb!o6 rt!€r
r*.."a re€k ror .@r oorLr,.
re 3a's n€ .as
'rba e lJru E:jtho. dt*b! s!e! or rh€ lool ca"..1r1 bo!1zo!.
,.":H,"r;,. , o= :;,, "l*,. 1 l:;'"..-i:: :1. '- "'. II iTT! '.::1" ; : ,-- ' :" "::.., w !a ro"..s. ..ar, ,
":,: i5 6 : )o
l:ir ;;-;;;;:-;;-;;;il';:;;;;;:-;;;;": :;.;il,li rrrb !o.1q-da6 Frs.& fearur€s, ,r1r b€ ; i;;; "i-;.:"i:" jiiir ,r';i,' ;; ii:ii .!o." o:4l1dcb f:'db If roc 9:16ar
l,rrn Fnx,
sNorioMlsfl, rrAsg.
- coreINfED) 9. hdo cishornr src, 33:05 68:20 10. Kon coDrtbr, uE,, 32:29 70:!l u, Lynan Poaso, Itsu, ll:0J 7?:lr5 * DoDa Rultad, soc, (2?:U) tooii q doru tuh oh hls ray bacL & covolod 1.[ nt1€ 6itra to ftntsb 1n 6J:10, Eo Hlth iat r.lohzle €!€n tbourqb ba c@€ tloh tn€ rtun€ dt!3oLlon to bho flnlsh IrG. f1!3t tl@ h6 to€x h€rd (ons astraJ..Don BIos. (sPc), rd ctaado!.osarr) & 30b u1110! (SOCI erso ra1lsd ro fidsrl. 10 MII,E
(1 P.rL, Feb. l, 1962) SNOHOItrSI. I'AS!. scp. rl,l sh Actuar 1, roh! x6v11r6, soc, Jd r;9?ff9 T;E?:-Te z, rsr.on r{upp, s6att7o2+ r:'j159 r.Sr,tt 19 l:t8:tl 1:JL?: I1 nd€1sb, Soc, D 1:t8:16 1:lit:16 4. Lsroy Fad Kaald, !s11srd 22 2:01:19 ). b. aob n6ndrickson,soc, o 2:01:3? 1:Rl:15 1:11:l? ra.obs, rlsad, 1t+ 2:02:58 1:[b:58 l, ,on o. Ed Grando!, maF, 11 2:06:08 1ii?!08 + out & SAo.
soc, 24
2:OC:OO 2:Oj:OO
th€ run & ,o
lArno No!ES frof, 8111 Solsrr, !. of
Dtcr< Douglas, u. ol Idelo & 2nd olaco It!1sho! 1A the Camdian o!o.s-country dtqltorohlrs. s. rhan n.,jo It71o ri6 rAs notrfloa on€ dav " 'lthdlo!. nofor€ c]]list@B wacstror but ir tbs;rt fo! dsf,3 cM6 dodn H1tn ths f1u. rds rri. took 4 dsjs ?ia lror Yolk !I6rs h6 uss dolaJsd bt ntsa hroDblo troft B!a211, tto Dilv€d ln Sao laulo on Docembs. Jlst Jost i! tln6 to Lak€ a sholt m! bsf.r6 rufr1hs. Fo placod ?otE 1A rh3 !.oo f1n1sh_ €rs lt3t€d ln a !!az111sn rcrspalo! that bo blouaht b8ck. (ToM !1aclras rore also a1!6n & 17tn t€s lrad 1€0J potDts as con,ued to th€ llnnlne hao,3 105 eoints) Dlck las lO on D€cobber 31!t & c.nqrd€r.d thls twltatlon ths hlah polnr of hts
4. 2. claudo vhathatl, 56:rB t:j6:16 l:od:16; l. r€roy Raloral1, bb:lo 2t75t55 )t4ttgt L, Don Jecobs. 66:1o 2t15:51, 3t27tt9. <. rdvrn !6w. 6r,:i 2:17:10 J.lr-I:07! 6. D€a, rlF;69t4 2t 28t20 )t53t\2. 5-mLE u,{rx (sm t1m & plaoo) 1. Don Dl1lor, rdtunds, 1+b:19: A. To{, IIe2ucca, Tacom, [7:0L; J. Raa 1rr€1i: o.rls, 56attl€, l+8:07r [ ,41 Huzucca. racoba, 51:U. 5. Don andorson- so.. 52t\5t 6, a]"f tlulsmn, s€att1€: 52:ir: 7. uar6n Nulp, s€att1€. g2:L9: 8. iairl Kaald, Barl@d, 56:38; 9. n!n1e F6da. 'rsca@, 57ta7t 10. orvi116 alyanr, Ta.om, 61:40..Don D1113y ldst ftnlsb3d 6 @ntb Amy duty & r€tured to t\\{ * tl1 3 rad6s stuted at sls tt@ tho rurers t! ?hst !or, 5 all€ls re:t & loki ralt€rs 1n 3!d !a!}.
;il;;;;;;;;;;";;;";-;;;;;;;;;.R€1qv - 2el.Fe ftm rorso ao d6noE
!6turn {ran 2 & l. 1c62) rroa rb6 I Chuo trnllorstty, L2 bo8s, I41Ds. 5 sacE.; 2. !,I€1Jt U.1v., 12:26:13: J. Japan lhtslcal tdtrortlon !,, 12.,11:581 4. s.!.hu vnrv,, t2:35:39r 5, xlhoa s. 12:16:40.. t5 tsme eat€loa--10 ruro?d oh . toe e tho cosdo 1s alrldoil l.to f0 s6ctlotu..chuo bss $on fod y€ss ron tir6 .ronr 1r i1@.. &
nglNms CtItB-1962 BAC'
satudsy ? aprll - l+ xtle sddlcap x-coMiry, cbtcrsor I11. sat,@day 5 May - c3.t!a1 AAn & olsn 25 K1Io Run. cbrrcaro. I1!. seturdat, 2b May --6 t{1f6 l!ac} Run.
Jle - I 141. {18 e und6!) J4nto! e 8 !1t1. o!€., chloaso, r1l. suddy 2+ rm - I Han. 5 rdrss toach' Fslay! chlcaao, r1t. Thursd4y 5 Julv - colrral Ano & 0!6r I11. l0 x -0 ,.,w - PrliArF, s€uald rsl.. s6attlo. sat@day 21 JulyCblcaAo. xattoat LAD J!. lJashln€ton, F8b, 14, lc62 15kn Run, Cblcaso, r11. satudsy 4 Aua{.t - 6-}{1lo n@dlc.D 1. DoDs Rustad! *", €8l9l F,E:," x-Coontlt! Chlosao, Illrnots satudsy lu AueDEt - conrla1 Arl! & 5: :33: *;e9 i:t3:* op€n 20 K11o Run, cblcaAo, I11. Fa' x6.zlo,yakrEa,.l7:19 --,- 2:d1:<s satulday 25 Arsust - 1+-fir16 Jlnlolr 4, "":ii '"ii*; 5. lob Ml1b!.Soattld l7:5[ ---- 2:06:11 d-$113 o!on, chloaso, 111. so{ l}11/ rocord - ftlst J urdo! o1d ldk ondsJ I s€rtenbe! - 2 ud !0 D116 Rolay (Track) Cbloaso, I11. Ior €ntlr blarlB & tuth6r lnforerron l0 IrM 1ie1]: (SMs ttne a !lac€) 1. Bob tr€ndllcrrson, 56ta' r:tt:58 3ta7,ot+ Rlcbald!, 19111 sr16@ Avo,, !tssto!. If1.
sunday 10
?! fth
xrr6n B*b, crlLfokla !PPEi
!.Drury 2t,
Brl u,wrc^P nom BUx..,9.2 l1r6s.,.5u!J"
rdpor! r*bo! ortrrl.i clu!
!cc! !:!e !E 1. Pltirip rh..td, s&tr 1". c.!..!a.....,.. 2. Edd1. ldtn, @t.,,...,......,,,...,....
a:@ 62:02 *oo 62:09 l4:Jo 6A:34 rl:oo 62:39 9roo 62:rB t:m oJrU 3too oJr4r n:oo 6trco Droo 64:0? (t!21
,. ltM& r. r.rr!, cnlr.! Cltr 4C..,...,.. CoDrr, @i..,..,......,,.... t. !d31d 0.!r.it, 8.i......,,.,..,,,..,,., 0. clrd. rur.a, 3{r. tr c.u3!...,.,.,,,,. 7. G.o.!r {tuls., dr....,,,,,,,,,,....,.. e. a. D@1' LldaCr!, @t..,......_....,. t. Io^ c. rd&, of.4€ c.dt rer.H.. s&i! to cot-1e!. . . . , . . . , . . 9r0o u. lqa.d-l,r. xoo., t r r4.r.. sr3r...,,.. ro'c,o 6t!2, L! l!s.L. st3io. , , . ,. . . . ll.Cio 64143 D3l. Nb1tf.r, o!.u!6 co&t rirl€r.,..,.. Ilroo 65,20 u. 14. lLh.rd l. l|eb€o, et.,..,.,,...,...,. t:oo 6t:2? tt. r.ck Y& Du xntrJ shh rd cou.s€..,. 4roo 6t:ro ]5. Adr* csttu, @t.-,,,..,,,,.....,,..., ?:ro 6t:3t I?. J..r c. rrbh, uu...,....,.........,... o,'jo br:4/ te. J|x' Cdt r, S&r.,rb. CoJ6!€, . , , . . , . . . J:to o5r5o 19. P.t.. Itr, wt,....,,.....,.,.,,.,,.,.,, 5t3. 6iit5 20. !.!.,1d !" s.f,r.r, s&ta Bsbd.lc......, 6:30 66:19 21. fllcdt 3s.tr6!, Mt.,..........,.,..., ?:0O 66r2e 22, Je. E. E rductl, !1Cdno c.r:1.!.,.,,. 10.00 66.4t 23r !.l8le c. rls, cnler c1t'!0.,,...,,. 13:00 66rt6 24. Pat6. D..t., ui......,,....,....,,,,. 9:00 6?,26 2t, Je. l). !r'ln', ftr'€r Cltr rc,,,,,.,... ?,, 6?:31 C!.ohaUr ut..,,...._,,..., 4.N 6?t3? 2?, Jor€rh CrLtlr?, @!".....,........,..,. rr:oO 6?!/.t 28. Don r. r.D.r, dr.....,,..,.,,.,.,,..,, r4!oo 57:43 29, Id.th D. stM3, c\]y* c1trlc......,. fa:oo 67.t2 30. !.b..i l. c3J@, CulB! C1tt.rc..,.,,.,, 6*. 6?:t6 ,1, i. Jorlh CaF.tt, ol&s. Cdri Is:1.ft. t', 63:10 ,2. Il1lur 3. cle!. J!,, ,... ,rro o8:p ,r. J.r.rh Clrk, c.r......,,,,,.,,,,,..,,., 9:@ b9:J' 14. ?rEr r, aLb.r, Calr€r Cltr 1C..,,..,,.,. 2:oO 69r1t clrhr ctr, rc.....,..,. 5:3o b?:2t ,r. &.!rr3 v&qo.t, ,., sllrlh. r. y r, cunrcltr!c,,,..,, tN llct ! rhrtlno, t7. c. oer. c6dt rE1.f . 4:00 1ato, ?lro9 $. r.t.! Jdr3b1o.d, ui........,....,...,.. 9,Oo m:36 ,tr sr.tu R. E.od, o.da. C6.! rsrl.N..,. 9:Co rc:5? jrro ?o!jt 40. r.JDnd D. h cnr, cdsrcttr!c...,... 4r. bn.rn L" rhGr", sut.lu c.]t,E€.,.,.,. 4r@ a:oo 42, ft@r c. ryx, ca.rr6r crir &...,_,.,.,. sc. 7lrog I,J. DarLd r. !6td&rt, Dta*o corl.$......,. t:.]o -l:t9 C.Frr)s C.U.g6.,,,..,,. U:oo A:3e 4r. Dcdr N. tla!.ht, catEf cftr rrro ?2:4r 46. l@ , !. lM6, @!.,.,... ^c..,,.... ,,,,.,,.,, 9:oo ?(rJI l?. )a.n..r &.b, I6td L3rn€yin!..,...... 16:00 ?h4, 43. FrdnoJ Y& slck!., ur,.,.,..,,,....,,., 9:00 32:2, r.9. Lll,rd seol!, dt........,,..,....,.... 9:m &:40 Fqt-tlD !F!hr: r.b6:i l. Ci@ rrEt 1ocrl Mr: 4. Cnadr.r,r.
Fj! lt'otwqk
Ry9!! tot Mite chonp
iill,it'f';#1{I;i*i";;#"::,i:rr"yi';r "":l.ir,?i,:ft Ciecklist o.a",
p!€telaltt ar]out ? rlrrte3 a h11. - ard koet "u,1,il o€ \6 -bo-8 o s.m, o. , orts - nlles Ji: r, I t6_ftdl3lo t's .0 Arihu s. Ioy, q2-Fd-o!d EDsrrsa ar-ss :-0:0:. '3J' rn tas :2J:50, U EdauroE! ra; !;s6iE rblod1 €, q:rz: 2 lo crtr t! s.!toED;!, 196r a! LL conclElon -llles.l:0 :lo r nll6s 5:oc:Lo. 6 rdl€j " 6: 0: of; bEt;s. Lrri, Lbfous! xorrD hllca. 3o :oroolo t 1.4(e srs_'3 6l E ts a ,{Dlr€ o!ian"e!.-r€ call€d to ottaib. coI,J oI isr cl'uDlck's tho bee.n iho lace 1n sroat, Fast€Er rrr;th6E Bvo! ru.i rb laus6d of ti. 6d1v ho!r, narv JDst 1o!s oeusb to ts11 of 6 ;xpor.0 L 3 ntsi.r b€-o!s i.tu6 r;-Lddn; [o B;tch_on r !ac6 or 5l Erl;. J58 lud!. 163'i1!s sta:1ois arc.€ the loDt€ but t!€ rbrs !a;€ rE rp;;o!;a by t!r6 noad nune!! club o! E!a!I€-d. It is tledltionalrt rhe ofiiclsl r6fr63lu3n: L.1d o! tb. 1si satuday In settdnb6i, Tb6 *atbo! ts qEq rr brld at ih,t ,!m. B6foF H.!ld Hs Joy rd 'o! rE cdbrtda6 E F1'8. a6 6;Lscso L-s )9!o, b bdt tn 195jr b€ Fsw' crosstut g6rera11:r iir.i ar. &! rc€ded lhat coEtly & rdad raci;S, Fp&s6nting t}! !1etr L. E€t u! tor 5t6ro;s6 Es!to!6, 6 s.;nt a yoai pr6- 6altt a isori; !'rutn. ra.6! he leeds soMotu paltls ior irrs f1!st er;thon. is hr; a .lctc1e to cotlt n€.ds_ xdk iook eBay @ro ot b16 l!66 t1n€! p3rsoral hel!. Joy foud tr.1f ractla 16ss ard slerd- 3dv iE to i.!1€t ia.t11ti6s, tlo luuer 1s lns tur6 tir. in aadd;iratlae r.!l e laalulthg ee lllaors ?o! ld6 c1ub, _ | : 3 qlor€3103 or *. J.t is ;@cs"srlr ., i: " I al HE rondoD io Bll4trton to5t. .d 7:?3:45 to! the tj plus Elras, ib 19t9, tte nor! ;r.. rie r.166 In flatiers or ilt )trolo 11nora1 tllis:r.bi 2oih, toatlls lr@y re! lno haa lersonar .f i.6 sholtc! rm. 0f&loatdc-b1r at lo nllts- I; llor)aribil for tlrts !s.e. Joe q-!o no rLryllnq lon.sr 'c a 5 -: d Lbd 6-26 di6E.'Eo rps,o ,rB rln.e!".! rslt !n r..i.e. tha: irala & last dohs Lald'!tu6u1t t!;dns.i lator hc rn1es, Irli :s p!ei1o.6 !!e1!s at a ? d;ut€ !€" rits -h:'.1s Be5lrtiinE:.colt !rac!l.a!1t h; co!:rd d; lt s6t s 1Ifl ;a.. on a t a.t;t'1 Eo'sY8r. a' rne ls allo{ad to s€t aD iltbout thtnlcla aloqt 1t. cIlcutt_dlstralnils ras do!6 aL-r lo-ar s boo'. Ey;:d or cotrdlltobtlA !s hdo ft]/, 616! 1r !u11d3 rusclo & Mk€s F dittot6 !u103, rqrir:.. r.mrlrsense Is tho guids. :'no c]!bE lrot1ie d naseuEpl. A txa hoE soeslo! of c1!.ult luiers lt ts l61t that }!;idis od 16ar6 you no!€ €xhaust€d ls 6:ou€h of a !€Daltt ai than a ;rratbo', ac;oldIns to roy. l::."i?:,:::: JOYIS M! DflE SCMULE: r{ord!' - cr,cutr rlailrns; ruosaaf, -*,", tl6d&sdey - Ctlcult tlalnlaA; Thusday - r,ordo! "::'#.::::li1tsr:"":*:':i:i"L:""ifiI tc BrlEhr3n !ac6, JoJ nad6 o;€ 3o.it IiE; rildat 7 nlrutas ortrsr ot:orrii:rf,r :i6 sourn lfriceE p.- dle pa..; 3eLctuJ - nacs; a.M, h6rct!. a sprllr L.alnlla o. r,-o r;"*i: ,.- : ';;"; L;;; ;;i. tlek P.x. 1o-r5 rlt.s roed ru. "i";;". E€as. ri:€rr;o!3 xirr, 1.;; and oa;E Jor k€pt c16s6 io h1E llGme.t ? nlnut€s d1rrersni 1.c":ng. i,ir.y se6nea ut"rarrl .811€ pac6 for d€r hall tho dlEtslc6. soltsd to tL€30 loE !i$. or :, ;i;tr p i. i.,"' J"=--" l*., r r.*", +I:.J4f b: :1.::d !t. -4:.11!t.? novlla our " rrA!r be rs rt6bil!€ cadps lr- Lts csrf -.s- ---___--__-_ . r.s. Joisls!;d L)ar a ru@c rbo s-s.,s For nels & vl€rs of track & flsld rn th6 :sclrto rolthusst lits tn6 xonlil_ t.o alos1J, tlte olgdslilon too I A gtTl - a5ll3hoo -o..'r_y y '111" sst tn o"-._ 4 n.'ere' 0' oor ):'' i1.-!;+ ";"-;r-;';;.T,. i" i;; - s3attlo 1:?,Dlorotrce Vaslllr€lon, $2^50 e ysu. INCOIImER
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