03 67 ldl

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Herb Lorenz (2nd) and Bill Clark (]sr) Inrernational X-Counrry Trial Race, Universiry o{ Maryland Photo-Ray Gordon


r* ,o"n o-"rn*cu 1 |trEI]ICA?IOI IIOR NTNIXNS "oo BI RU{XNRS vot!l,1r 12, lto. 135, T4ARCE 1967 strbsdrtption Ratcs: $l.oo a 165r Add 91,50 p.! neer fo! lst ctasj hdtl or $2.50 p6. t ar for 3ir naIl 1r t,s.a. 13sues 251 .ach. ldttorr H. Br.!nins Ross, Jo6 1,. c.!i.r st., r'roodbulJ, I. J. 03096 classfFrnD xDrmrrsEMnr.Is {$1,oo for }5 & addr€ss..9d .ac

rolds, lncludtng nm.

Muscatino, Ior.. stalt ?t 1:3o at Jr. co1169.. lof ihfotuatlon {rii.: tln IcFaddon, 415 lt.. st., Muscatjn , Jo{a FOtrqrH ,{NL'VAr, r4qRATnOn



l!. talyl rucL6!, !A{, 56:921 32. ioidd Eavens, ?.Pp.!dh., 57:14i 31. !D€.nc st.m, sTc. 57:24, lr+, rau1 Fish.rr ccAc, 5?:30i 35. ni.k lrash, 'm., s.c., 57:31j f6. }Iom lMtan. aaIc, 57t3tt 37. Ias.


publlcatlon con!11.d bJ Xat Ctrulntck, arr-1o 132rd noad, nos6de1., qu..hs, x.! r..rk 11!"2. hrc. $1.0o l4rssounT VAIIIY I4ISSOUNT vattlY A. a. A.]J. a.u. CH!,MPIOIISHIT CH!,MP l{l\nlTHon at Hmloldt. (amas. arch 1967. !o! info xrlt.: c1ar6nc. sta16r, ?06 last raclson st,! Iola, raft, 66?[9 oololtEi,{ la:(s rrl' iicFu{T1or rrPxq D1stenc. iurs and Va1ks. fiDart ol An rt ca Marsthor on Labor Dat. C.rtac!: Btl1

c1ffk. uunicllal Bulldlq. co1@b1a. i4lssoirr o520i. +-. " nal p'o-o-yr':.,-.k ( ! r' I 06 "-cmo..i.ro .f n

i-^':: "::' j-^'".;-:" "-'-:: :"",,iJ-:; ;--/^:.";^: 8";ii:"r:r i:i,'i :"f"'flii


i:'rl:i:;i"i.'; ;:,:: .

.itrtlt Btr.-a-alad

-:1_ lalr lac6rs, 65:19; -,:_, 58. ua,, 56:

:.::--.:;:-:, sYdncy Shal.r,

-! ;l'r, ..1;"::,;B;."i: i-. 1!' .,.:'' Fl:' -"Jr' f ";;:.

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:,. ;,;-'-;I 1,1:.:-:l m[-lFI "", ":-;": ,. -t . ;:. , , ;: ;"6\\ l,-!& rl . r .,. . " :. :l l"s['}l aw " :-----::-' ,,.: , ,i ro. j:.;i-;:,-:;" ., : ;:, ;l;.,;;;,;;1"=li: ;::,";.:1 :,1:i ;.;;,11^ffiffi .t,: ;: -;"1, .1,,r1;, " :'q:.:,:.:'. ',,: EK,:,,::iri;",:,;,:,,.,

";;:r;r"r': o .yr. .?.

l:::lli* !":1 -:.!:.:l :r.^ ,,. -.t-:-br; :--..1: 19 Lii ?uDiJU of tllis :' d. I'r;;.


iffi i"ii:+ili;.'i;6"' K'-w ii;i:'":;,,ii;i ii'::";;f#.\1E*.ji3j rlrlo-e, cCqc. -.:tlr 'r. p, - t dl-6.. nr;,-i:1::"*"..*,. : l-::-!,3:l^r ;,i"}.{r: " .-,."T.,..,-. .,;.;.r":: .;! l t:?1",:1,







colloes Parlt, Id., Sunday. Fob, 12th 1:oo ?-rI-- In tno dlctlonPrv tho lord lnc&dlbLs rs deftn€tl thu6fv--"Ioi ora drbl€: too ottraordlrarY dd lrprobablo

head co1d. vhat fm lt xas! EBR 1. Eilr clark, trs!4c' ceP Ll6lre, 115:l+96

2. !€!b r,oronz, P€e A.c.r


i: H""""Y3P.i*'liT*"?"-"'*''-f,;f.t t. Jr- rohn..n, Pontnsura Tc, W,?., 9: iii"l!ll"fii;.i"!i.3;:;;" *. fi;H'' 3 .h.rs ta;toY. ohto vs:lloY Tcr 5o:al

to ad;!i of boll€f, r! ncnEDI BLE t3 €rac Ie hov 29 flozsn lumer5 d€3cribed bho tlial rac3 ha3tlly sot u! to provld€ ac, *,'t?-.t 9. craj1s P";i,1r, sldtu 36h6 basft to holp ln th8 3electton of 5r:oo.z 10. Ro11lo caw&}€tto, g.s. adt thd U.S. t€M to bo s€nt to the IntarFrlohsf x-comtrv chmlionshlP ln vals i): {?:}""*iil:;,"!lg,i"-'*"#i' #6i.r n€{t nonur. Tba nm€?s 'otod to stlcl< Let., U. Jth Flncb, 4'Y'2 cotrre€ oe3n tlbua! B.!11 R.1]1y, usl{c, austlco, 52:)9.o coveftd lttn at l6ast 6ri 1L usc, cNtbEc, c.orge It. 22to2 of s;ot dd tL tonpolatulo hov€rod 16. Bob nmus]aT, sJrc, 29. !<.< a!.und Uro 20-d€ai6€ na!k. lhs roaf, Y!Ec, EoY{ood, 1?. J1n t:r:u1.9 dFde ol th€ lac€ 1av 1l tho ooa3o lt- 18. Malshall L/lndsor, rsc, 9l:<*." s€}f. Jeff coMns, of th. Dc iRc, l&itl 1c. rd fla.t, lmt., 2r'41 . !]1lch {111 be t1B nost d€- 20. fiubalt xorean, uEt.' -o? !Y-4 nand14 that nost of the cdpotltots t1:4] c!€onbau, ntsC, dt 21. !i11 .rer oncoulter. tho !rots sot wsc, SalklDd, 22. ch€ b out d{n a snot} t!411 @d th6n rlad to DNI Ralph Buscblam, spatd AC; -J€ftdo ? laPs throuSb , {6odod aloa !h1ch Jsc; RaY scllr.€rl lnclud6a tro rdssod htlrs; 63e€!41 1cv colllns. 2.XII,E RUX IOB YOUR I,IPE RUN (O, RO.&) rieMs rhlch th€J t'd to splash thr I. tIh CD]Diiahe, u:ogr 2: r9!n Frdatand on€ 3et of hu!d143 to ctea" €ach 1ro- lho €xact i' oniv bs ostiEatod as bstv€an 7 & d dr1€s :?"tli;l:''i;,8:"5i;fr 6: a€olEs Malor, 12:2?; ?' susb rscoat, at'the erd ot the flJst la! RatrPb 12:59' t'lo!se, BusclEaE ras l$t a stop alread of Horb 12:51: 8. Euborb Lorou uttlr Ilou csstasnola & 8111 Clalk MASTffiS llll,E R!]].I (l!0 & O'.r) at tb. se Lro yerds.-Ar lras €nd-or th€ i'.iir,e tr lloFnz InaqD.al Indoor Oil.s, Fob. 4tn las 5t doad or 4sou DloEo s€oond 16! 1- ili cor$11. [5. s.nloft rc, 4:5].6; ;aE, {ho-unaccoEtabr-v d!op!6d oui at thtu Doht. clsk h&d nor doesd u! !o i-"' tu"g:**::i:'il31' tal.o ;ocond rrom castaenola. At tbo oEtl 1,1o11€. 5. r.o B'd1ck'4d' [9. acic, 5:oBi "l:i":tEt:,?' of f ]s!3 clak n€ck {lth Loronz, }Ia!t.y ed moeod 1n!o thlrd dd C.stagtula 'as a badlJ fod1"a 8. Bill ihupp.l, lr?, sDr&FA, 5:1?-r; 9. fouftb. clar! contlnod to prc.s LoFDz ,r'ck MackBon. L5. st.Tc, 5,29.7; 10. but dtd tut achuellJ taLo th€ 13'd D- a hll ,etl rnto bho sl-rth lap xhen rlub Til\*iiT;11;.fl T,sl"iilll'c,iilB:'' bls s!u!t hs Jmpod ah6ad bv 25 vards' Inr.z ,ae dab1. to rospord da urarx E]iC!ISE IIT!}I COUNIY CROSS COI'NTIIY PuI1 arsy 1n tlD r1ml :d13 at Braustotc P*k, L.1c!3 Th. tlonsorhA DC Rnc plovldod zu !'oI- CH-AIIIONSIII? {v.!t c1os. to ?-diLs) rri.. a'a.*-"-t,"1 cr.dlt fo! h'"trlv r. Dlok favlor. ron6 or thd fast.st :|":ti:iff 'iawlor las Llohh last Fa!); 2. aon atar' rae a 50 nlnuto clEcbr.. tnls Hi[a1 i:'bh ]:,"1!f.L"3Iit;,"H6{; s. lhlls Co111D5 sLattonadtam-ups ulor.ss r.a. tt" !ro-!5co r,irr"n, D.von, J.l:lo; 6. Dd li.llr 'i.iitho Nrtrrs stFtdd co4! rbo ch6crcr ni"* & D.rbr. ll:1.1. (l'o-str@a l1.1d.J looksd 1lko froz.n statuoE & abost m€ od an alrltft 3F,q.EES?EARE IOOB AT TlE SPORT OF EI':{5@6 /u nud. se!, lcs & 31ush aft€r r'rh€n NIftF-v]lAT SETTF rack t o! a sruagau ttu ntbirtoB out In the 8lon€nts. Nht.! d&Y thM to hav. a Amst coM6f NarJldd rlnI!€rsttr rhav;m€3 tb botto! I)tncb hltt'! tJ1E u! b€-toln @!t!lrnv ttl1 golt cours€ , bo rru !oute,& slad the x-countlv ;;e! li:';il,:i:tffi fi'fi :i':!-it"s iiitP "5'fi to to ln xos J€IsoY lbon th€ sloudg tr. pc.Er kdoDols frlet tns!€ct ltl lrrl gladrv tlads i! nr trolhy for a cur€ lor a bad 'lr**"3 i:!'3H"L:"L3i:51

"H;iiti'frS' "ii'

;l:'::,ii';: f;""ii il iiitii;tl'sii;'


'loml,g by

cnogg couNtrr 1966 - Tg! gllAsolI, Tn! ciar!ru{sr{r!, TgE co},r/lNtroN Bob ltyten, .tr-, ozak !!ac! Club ot e!€ate! 6t. !o!ls 1966 8af rcoen!€ closs-courtry pags !!oh lts rnfancy lnto adolesc€n€e, uore. gh16 ran ln Eore a!@3, Jet palri,clpetlon sa6 far froD 10or, th6 clusp lonsblp€ {e!e th6 1aae8t yet and one ot the Lats€r beers ere! he1d, but 6

.roLbtedly nert yeer rr1l 5e6 the convdnrior ooraiy advano dlylslon trhl1e .oopLptery rhrctrllng ue ade Aro)pecs, Phlle fhe .unbr calrfornta c roaie, re'hforced by-pFople-e.;h s; Bab s?s@1,

ra6 dratrrng.ecoro edrrles ot -p o 100 grrlE, rhe r.sr of rbe rodedt gshs hhlle solioJJlhg thelr proJr@e. Borh [u chl6aa 8nd Ned yo* h3tt .oDpr€re reet sch.o.t.Bod 6er Mny ner ieab€ coop€trng. Ih€ ct!les o! Jbuq. olo6e ot dnd. lecrs were rd for !!e f.lrsr LrDe rr Indlae, !1o.,da, uDoer x€r Yolh 8nd ?eMstlv8..r3i Fhr.le lrsso 11, I .1no1o, 0nto and N.J. -ar ;;!e &eet6 fta! 14 1965. For the f.h.t t!8. th. Ner'o@1 ClErprrrehlps eere rr!, tlBt. rl tho 107 entfle. at sr. loJld. Th6 r1..r foa l1n16he!6 car6 f-! ihe rcrthr65t, tbe eadt, tlle {e6t coa€t ald the nldreEp€ctlvelJ. I e llmf .rend1hs6 of Lhe 12 L.aEs -.!_€c.ed the srre@th 'esL. of Caflro.nlars prccr8D es r1e to! tbr€. ree&g rere f'oo he!6. srnce @ch lE8 atready lieen Frlttd about Dor16 Elonn'6 falulous rlnnlra peF Jor@rce & trll € Splkrtt-s @I!ng lt tbree !Fa! ri!-e6 ln a ror, ve do noL rhlt frLber. Th.-e,er€ other !hl!€s to b€ Foorded 1*€ rne fact tlBt rot olly dld all 107 6t@te!s flnlsh 1B leago@ble tla€s, ht not a slhgle g1r1 bec&6 61c! o! ea6 lnlrea. ConglderlnA tle tenitenclB€ for on6 to ch€bpronehlp coDtetltlonj tnro 13 slsnlfl@nr. tro6e se4lE to dlscteol I cro6.-co-n3 a6 farDil uF on sbrlMjns srord6. .tr6 !6et dlrector I tomd tvo thhgs extrebely dlst.es€llg. Ftlstly, the utt6r d€recartt lole gEople rave f.! €ntry blanks and ertry deaitlhes. of the 120 ertry b1anl5 reoeleed orfJ 65 nad €v€ly bla4! ftu€d ln correotly. About 40 €Dilre8 rere lecelv€4 late & ln a cowle ot cases thes€ late 6nt!le! @uld ]ave mae a glerlflcant chdse 1n the ieenlts. I ra6 told tlat theBe late 6nttles ere Lo be Exoec."d & sho)lq oe ac.epLeo as s Ee'hod.f encoucadlng & hdsrD6 entrres. I $l nx thrt rrcorventence to oI- Deet dilectors. $hUe coaches eay lot ktutr fo! sue that Ur6y rr b€ able to mtre a trtp, rh€y do knor urat they thelr athrete6 ent€led and €nold do cverrthlng Droopt,'ant corrcci ehtrles. do darr4 whe!€ ibe c€.r lo l-ld, tle codt of 'I-e ently fee r. a]$eys th- Iea6t of th. d!on.e6, If you outdtde p€o!1e to r€11eve Jou of the bede! or rumlna d;et6 'ant 3har€, too. you hust do Jow t]re 1l & @der Eg€ Brou! E11e tlat ra6 nn 1n oonjuctlob rlth the Natlonaf! proelded a er.al opoo' ru.lly for 1e3rning. &o8l imporLAntly, a. far a6 the glrls t e&6€1ves ror thp frrsL tIEe rley tr€re !n.I.opd 14 a aeet rlth the ,,blg l@ea,r tle chanc€ to neet anit talrr rl,th the€e g1!ls can ploylde en ueacelled stlrulu6 tor the future. ot oour6e tlqt lece aleo polnted out agarn that younger g1!1o can ea€1ry lake ihe ore nlte onlydld no one get Blcx, blt the6e AIrIs dlsptayed .uch qulck€. th€ olde! 9r"16. A trne exd-ll€ cf recovey res a firut. \Ytthln flr€ nlnu'les she na6 substalttalA1!i I coach, 1t r€oovered frn e nl1e lac€ tlEt at 6:05 ra€ 18€ be.te! t:ha. he, plealous 'n beet. &rIler t'1"s fo-l06lng a 9:5) nI]€ rh" JFa- pl" Fxnlblted ,,. eeDe q.3 .t .o nore .het 0J 1Bi i€ac t'1s s1. .M e:8.r.J & a clf. tte 6@e .ace t-hey nad all year. Eyen thouEh e cou?1e .f then iEd far nore abilrty tbar theJ 6hored, g1!!6 thls age ar€ lu6t utub1e to lueh thenselves 'too far.' closs_counbv The 1966 conv€ltlon has to be consld€r€d euccessfnl lo! the attenpted 1!te! lecals€ fororce a posltlve attltude {a6 taken, Fac€d '1th 'onetrs telence trn the Gn's long tl6tatue Rultng conEltie€r the chaqplon€n1p drs{Ith I A.A.f,. dtandards, bui &!e tadc€ vas eatendeat to 2.0 bl1e€ to oolhcrde qe!:!li!eq .onp-er'rfr rho:: Y:: f:el. a-louebrF o16!ance rti" *'1.* Gp.'t""i,r ur.y oo so sltn sanc'one. .,ii.-n."" "r"- trat anJ 10nga rac€s be t€rJ nell dccuented and obbltt€e'o"t d1d stronsli u;sa 6e.ved so aE t. Iteip p""tra" futu!€ guldelln€e. fhose people rho lrsve so long

fouaht ror ]o!ge! dLstanced notr have a ve.v setlou6 obf,lgatlon to fuafllf Lhpv loD" to ieeo t.!6 rlberal !-' r- n Ln" boor.



InDddl!ro^Loi"o'orngt"-96"chdLon3nloloA1b.qu".q.e, at I L/2 f,r es. s!,en !o hqt c-!r to 1o1d an "xperldFnlel n fie BouLhle"! c31 no s.o.orl ooth d-\lslons i! 16 Ie,! thlt r-cona aloud"€.a-e v^-t -_so.a.. " 1l &uoer n e !n -a" lior"rbe- ,5rh m"et. fhe .o rl e sorl\ A- entlc {660'!a!-oi, .rooablv lo bo 1,. r1"Lrjm,. held 1n aaltlnor€, tleryland. or '" c lve ' n soo Lhat tre ase orow ,h; one telrrblr'disa:o orc_,a" re@me.;"o 0., ;r_ rne co,i5es a- 1a.o6b iraLrorrs res reJecLed. Inbern6 eo-e ro ;te;d or rh. 13 s .no;. _. -1.-s .oup c4oss corl_rv r'ft1n6 1o 3l c' c 6n e;,lb ir.n. Ile drss,s.rn- aspe.! or ' -s 1E rdl tt one of 'h€ p.op1€ 16 !n €1r 'eY $ho loled or! not e .n .@cn Jl.ls of env aa€' tho ';n .n oui "-ode oI raxerlon s th co nrry onc' or mso ie4s 1'ke oeoole o-' ,e:,esentairon., :h./be !L rs -.ae a-arn ror lhose s o care 'o get Dd ahd oo so'i rLne ebo,! oersroe co.L_o1 .J nitro m"d.eool'. rvoben,. c;.s-.ountry hes nov establtshed lrself a6 tdt of the {o!e4t6 tlaok plcture rn th€.rEalrted Sletes. lerhaps c"oes_c.untrv's brgEest contrlbut4es .eo.1€, ner ldss atd r.n lo r:r16 otc..!e s oe- Trlr d6 orough' _ra.k tlrn et a ll be dorlna-ed bJ nopef- .Lr -dtrated e


jil"'-"lll- :'-1 ll i'- - - co4tlnu.tl tu@ pas6 J--!rLo a4o-Nca,l rub1o. (!tut1ot). ''!Ik ono Ena! 9imo. .ory. a o sttos a nolo DBvo ratFrck Hboco h. Houlo L.€ao, {tsn Jrs }ls "oot r.!. 6qual Lo I I3 .v..i(Ktr)g E.FJ VI). Jln nJur. on b.atiis :iDrsrlrb'hrrL noi! r.! hG lsss poaco'\,]1r.' !(s.! lhon.J.oDbtur loaaod -ary Oslor thundols by. (Klns fi€try M. Tw iir" out ts nv Pros6nco lost both uo._"t"i tsst iou do nIElllFrr:na 8oEf, vI). rlouo,.-"." rou:1 bs1.r 'o altv B.tko"lLt aro HrE! 'rts sroef ns stoDs F,rh crarod D. '8.6 (8d1. t ), !alr.rsso Dl.Eo, 'i';;:i .;;.-;;:;'";;;, pai ao.r!.' - tho nosd Ru'mr' 'Pm.o ud Llt'r)' slorrJ -4IllINO EAS TfS ! I]'S By tcl! Jotrson. ssn a uonlca. callf. Ed vtTd! e l-ratnlie s lnt.r6dtlna. Brl oo! L a6L lt lnto vout hoad rML You cM ro orn so _s- v rl- s6t.n-alnuno !11. tra r'ns, JusL 63 tou cm.go l!t6!es1 -!a|! ns. I'. doal oroalm conlalE a bal4'{b''na od! so r;!,i[i o Lralnlng dd hls rao Lr€ sctudor;rieo br rlo 'olold$r's oulcr oC 5!.;d shd sreltu ,ork, T .av. t! od both. 3,1d de. s6-t]6d on a



r I I


:.:jl,r*,.,:ii, iil:,?i,"'i:",5lt;:oo,lu;,3i"lit_ .i;lli l*hiF"!;i"F*rui .dn 'i _:00, [:20, 9:t alld U:cl'. r! o.\lsoa nk. irro eror rral;lG

iH"i*'ii:, or 660'4. as

rl t nak. ]ou -h o.t!.!



aL MtLhl's 'onaor-tiu

ilt.i':"::1"::""?'i3"1:'4.!::'il61" il:"x";'*:; n"$::"3"i* abot. froa th. rxo'." t.b.s' " 1s'!

l."d :i;i?:"9J":-'1il'iaa :i:',:'.'[8'#l'd^"i::lT;::'" !;#t"ln"'::tf*' (acc@oanlod br uo.ll.tdbf,. stloss ald pah r n1aDE aoo)r r. rr;. mmlrs- t ha!. fo-oq ,* rollorlrs progrm


b' porroct ror d':

j'l';:i:"":;:::":;"i; 3'l"ii3'l;'lisf"i3'li;"1";:,':1",8:ii'"'ili: i:ii:" ;'iis";i!i'i"!rji'Fl,ii'ii"dB ::{;' ;, *:li"::i}Flili":lii":iir""ir"-t 16 t 220 h ros 220'€: Day ?, ?

;.Pjgrin A;ro,DloE $l; 'ro. (collrruoa "o*. s ob "*"* .ii.l"LiiiiTil i;'*"i:;'1"':.;'i;:" rld 15-30 nlnut.s E oav.

9 Ltg vlcge {Aslms NAxaTtolij I v"s". a"ota"" to hola an athtetrc event -bFv !ea11v do rt oxr of loth !a6 veEa.. Nevad.. J€n, :-- tbrr.le ''g free loon ahdatbfel-ecerveo ceals AGb; oi'Eii io,"i'c"*a", " 't't-lr out- at the fattestlc vega6 lDt€16all& eele intnosn rr oretami lum1ng ct!c1e6 at of the the trr€t eu€dts of the nanagenent lab ar €icell;nt fleLd to;1r ga'. *". 'il3""liX3",l"l3il;,?l"r"i;3 ;;u;l i;; v;at; s.',,ag +" "tffi,.llL Fo-1e6 iii"iff"i.!i"!,J!'"i,{'"?:''i"i:"::';::.1" e- !.e n.ro Lrestren, a!-a. ]r4'fudan1nier@!1oe1r1Evolag@o.Ber"e'e'ce6lnod€P evalced bv oa;d;;iand e Tulk srept the top thred or beeutllul trophleo vele 'le fl 6t 'en tlal_ p1ace6. Aaibo, a lO-JFs -oLo broc ed6t- !3s Ve-a€ or'r-4 ver-s or seei Lnrv.l !J re6.arch te.lnlclen €t !,dnilon .loc! ooveo Into the leeo at 2, o ee & voknsPs ed 2:).:06 for a ts v.!crorr ov.r I6mrll f!r6t tlree le8me, uedsrs tre e presenred !o a 3lrl611€ 6 & 3 P\.F}lent :osL-ra_e ,r"".r 6r e*'c-., iiiiey. Ron {elun" rora or riur.Loir. on siro, ras 6 c ase b€nquet sas helo fo. str pa_llc oa1 5 FuIl creolL hu5! tblrd In 2::r:25. las !eg8s 5i {no Doua sallors of chrno, c€.trolaa 8nd p)n & hI6 !he.J1"ercr!,Ac'1€dt}ep9cdL}ro.ghorE-3n1'.d&6,on6o]edrheand @Dotrs rbage 3odo@ s fa6t fllst ti!.€e E11ee Elta Axcej, Itu l.d

i: "li:t;:"':,1":i;"H"'33i.33^".?iiii!; i:ti,l i:l;i,:i"*6i6t: Ii;l,lf5?"$,P*l to_s ro trercone Booe o! 'he moor id€F ,uto. c.rri.""ii aro idbo io-Io'lns the Eodd ap-lec'ate

i,L";;.;. i;'a i-re. .". t". run 1- in rhe Bellsns o@es [lara-.on !n 2:12:14


i:'""*"::';i"ii:leiii"tuHt"** l*"*}"-";l:a'ai,tl*":"Ltiiff':i1""";,i;:1,*: Inseles 'o cove! the rroe ii-.ri"". ui'r" pornt rcito



-od " ::ff *:f E:".i" I li;l.::'i{' i!*}i:;l,r:?#ii"il, Hr"v;*:;":::u,'trx Tsr at 19 nue; * droPp€d urlrer snd ":l iitt1" olftcer rn the nMbe! of anelica! faale @tathon€rg ,tlti". ,tr.i",::, "-e!tty :i.it'i;,i;l{"'iil""il;'; !pF"T ilri"' :l;"ig5l:r":;;i.l-:ti',:fi ?i"""is :::?ta.;"f ri!?s:"" ::.'!:r": ;::*jr ,l ii;i,llii"i:i;:1,":i'31;:llii,l*ii:"". j:":".fff:5f:,j!:"l""H l-:'::";"""1 ,n r:r':ro. Eo,h 6'- g cf-*il ff:i:tli"l*.:'il""i il:or "" i :;",,::*?;: ;:::'.S"'ii;.'l:;,""q"T:i5*. oee rn6 ov'_ of t5e mlc stat''_6'





tn.i ine 1

'o if;:'.ffi:Y3":li;1";: rff:".'?i:!"T.i:l' ::tu;:ini :;1,:11"":;;T:""::?:"i::" tha: Lhe 6110rlre qlmeJ heq Ju€t er,r4 A dos' :J t:"6:t"ii:":":'-lt:*g :1":I"*"1"s :j,ll,'m* rli::.1":r,i".i';"1".i:i;"i o: a"-. \a'.teen lumrnc .he t-.4 rs 69 "iie;-i""";'s

flcono In *oio-* r'i. rr'r "iio Dra116a oIEoIo :rlsl. h 194.

vro.s b€€!-@arclho- ,eg r:26



ltl s prel roDoetltlue r f9r less dorl rna€_.l trn"e lr a ):46 oa/


ruo vear6 4

;"R::'.f :r::!1s1-,s" _*.,e5 "i"i'""';iTBillt",j:; [""i:::":y l'i:,f 261]1 orer 4 trooh Pt-r a r:0? J0 ror 1; i:;d;.. ". ihe ehd n tf a r:?):oo "ll place :'B .rrc rro eon. r? Jeu-olq t|a!!. v;n Deuen of ,i..tra. ;i;"kr;.-i.;;" ,:)o rrn161 ir irri"l,'":i:it"i:*,,1F


;;:"Ll!'3",i i.,,'l'3i;l!i" 3t*ii"""'

0!. Ln-orL,eLe -noro.nL da:,ed,he !ac.. 'fi:."ifi :"?;i;": iio'"L "*" L-ru! - Dpep!-e sce-.en! orLrce protect'on ooe riii;.!i -iiai.i.ii," { ,oJ- lrme """,?' Tili"l!l j.{l\:;"iii".}l "i'i3'"1"s' ;8 "' :iin: m:; li::,*'::":";l:#"",1H' ve-€6 sLh and

ii;;;";;;''c';" mlor BrI. sleLvln dro a of orsallzorlon &

-:'9t ilijL"lliH*,;.',,"0, i:.""1i1,!€; s'ifi: i8i.'?i 1^"arurur: ,"ro,"

rmendous loo Jiop*""tt.r

6ho{ed Lhat when


€c tbe raoe & rlolshed t] mrleP berore 6!o!!rr.3. {ColLlnded nelr PeBel

1 lace by e & al:o erald fallues ude! eaoh. rargln over !'1e Ppsaeena I I l,re d.veLoped a t€tblbs nethoo that A.A. P1an5 lo: next ye*' 6 race *e a1 lcante 4. loyed by every atmete wblch 16 readr u4d€rsay & e lrtli{:* f1e1d of rore-l aov€l srnoe n€ither tSer cerutty !1a4n no! ier athletee et11 b€ 14v!ted. eet t!1s ; the speed tralnlrg ce.be adolted bJ. all sc:e.i -, thF \o.pI! 1 ! e-es, Lb npthoo Ie @11ed tht IPhy6Is1 f€ 'a h_e T eory.r' It rs a or;;il: a11tr & e^-hnrra!6 of rg ve-.s !\o,ra leep L.s !a-e one or .\e ;;6I erLdk boor, re6^Lbno to -Il. '-;'. ore notF: The a-.r srrlt--p olo .i d e n"_L)stj or..,r corse d" trelnlng. re .-r loo! fo.,_ee c cl!6 o. or Les"sate ihe soaL€ of tn€i would !i?a€ lee, ln hed taet€ iith j :raihr4C. Iaeryone ven':s to aclrl€ve tbe!, tl:ej kote about tl1€l oltin.r 9fusloa1 pelfomance, (f, do rot couaJ€ of tire athleies & the d€votlo! : der€ reltse to .air shele t}l€ poht lles, oI L p o""t^LE s ),-40' r11" roF, ercL'lnd rrsrery or ol5Lell€ pr'bleiei e ho{ to sd..!eee tt\'. pr'bl scl..leee iru 6 p rnL U-.., TL-.. E!-t-L-J lnost prrioiertrw^o{ : ,!i" i',r".i'*;l*E'".Yq;,:'"ir,fr"' How They ri Santa i,ronlca t\4 v.n the td


o : ':".' " 1Yt - i."fi

fl. ."::il ;i'-i .'f:' ' !;J.-;",L: ,::':_-.i" l:. "l "' ts'1 ".. &-1":;:c".-"b g" r-. '.'"

..":'" l.--


-. .


eo. cor-4s, \omIis, r- tea's re.rn!nC ro. o-[ .FJ ]e ro nct bre,nl€ effr-

bb !c a!.6 oI


" :1""""":"., ..." : :. " 1 ..: " ".... .." 1 "_:" X"." . '.. .. .,.": " : !1 . "'.".1.'.Y

o\e!"bd..,s L.e flrs! lao be@16- tde .I.i: I rL.s' r, o oo dlr.ons c6f,bF encoolE6,ed ."; rn e r).!rd !" --e arnl. . ao rte !-o!rr Llre athle"e comp€iie- nenL.r o.r,oo^. bd neFd't be born"ed, L " " re:r:rriv o.I-o-rc.. sp""o c& b. sccodpsrnce :"'; lehe:,r con;e-Lr1o,.'als Td6, of couse; 0elns r"C re. ,e*ly .oDperLLtoi rldco 0&rtsrns co.dr'1onj rhn6 se see f"s 1 -". eL.a on_J s1m jo, lhte Lype of €. ar.. ere of run- I 16 8b.?e!1nC up _r lor tne rece. lot€r on I

over the o.u.se ot ny B yearF on- g]Dryerg ,p. 'lre. nanr !.op.- )!ve ...o. " jo. h , .111 el6c.s. oe so@1 . e-s o. )r!n-ru. I rev. .s- I oo .oL "d\oca!e iO 70 aoes p* Jes, me".a tneee r-o.1e o-- eve C-r',9l.n r.. e.e 7on. r€ pxtslcel o! ' for 6Jcb a sched!ev€! re'er e'er sone as ro t1o,; ro nov N.g enougb for lnto rn.o qep"n rr, rr, to, n enta-ly . N.g to, deptt s I 6hau -one '{hareve. Lr. Horeve-, I oo ldoca!e 6 torgh Bch* u be rolihlees ro..f,res lf lthatev€. I 6ar, sslur1 s,!e r'et u1e ule tf a-los-:1. 1t. ftts Ibrs 1n i iatr vt€rB the! 'f Jou! oodv allose 'rn rt, ls r-F nen:r menl vt€dE r" r€petltraus r€.eLlrlau" ol or the Jo:r bodJ 31 ment.l trle}tr and @ve beei e'ro nqed b., c'h-.aj lnus I cor.cenrrere )o)r tnoughtB on co!-ert * -u !ru-; .11nine E€t od rniieed e- nc a 6p'. fled drBtance-ee fa€t "6 ls not",i e;iLirc ,ro."." t" lea-lr"d !o becone e r;-e :/oL. ootu eLlors. I !ollo 11!e to mohe6 lle-Lnat-upe1rtl"- ;:sg:-t.:1-':y1!:. ots-roa. e ns nrs! d \e nrDpel' nto plrosFo aB a tn'-Esqwo com€-r;;;';;'rL-;;'(;;a;"'; r. oe"ior..uton oe-- pd a. i -" "";i; ;, r.rue""ir'li . "-9i t:1, 'J'e. :l '!-rys 911:!-!gr!l !:'

-i"t'.""ii',,"-i:?,'"1-:r. ;;; ;; i p"."'":" theor: oepeldeq on the -1='" F'€ " eb: ! e a&1e iy r-""-." c".' 'ne " Tjrl;""1',lh-:.ll*"ti: ::"5',fi:r::. ".

nli*. :"x ;;.i i;::;l':r:";:";:;":f ''il']lB-ll ::il:i;"x:":'%:"I':"Tftt"

ii":;::i"*i:iii"l:'::r*:il;;:::'":::J i3r."li:il';il.x:T::iio"l';oii"iro., ::1"":;'fi::f #!;:F: ::i:;iI 5sve!y. i"::":":;t';".:" seen J.L. moy f,i;:';f;ii*:"j:rli:l:s:' b-" very lbusned. r Ble Lead l*;;l"railesel_&oP*hc 'p

Ltpe of



- CI;EvelaID ItlC 9-MILB !oN, ltb.lty B1vd. Jdm&t 9, 1967--los A.g.dus rprtnt.d to rh. 1.ad te.dlet.ly & conttdslty Llsth.sit bls adlstag., Dbil hl8 f1E1 drbtns rssln ,as alrost u60y oe.r 2d pla.. Al B!.otn, Blod bas shof,n t!6, mldoud lrplord.nt lD th. pa€t t6ts Ct v.l@d FAC !a0.6. Etu ttn. to&J las slboEt , dtnuio fasto! tho h13 th. o, tl6 saao ooa.. th!.. Dontb3 aao, lblriy s.conds bohlnd 3!o@ tas Jh X.lept., d EnAllsrr hsiecto! at Cl.v.1ed stat. vrlr.!61iy. lls lsllovonont ls ov.a h.F !ondl&abI.; lts tli6 of 52:06 todey 13 sllost 2* nltut.s fast.r thd ld3 octobo! clocllng ! Ib t.L 3-qll., !E concuEontfy, Bob ra.tE! of ob.lIln co1Lg. {on bedll-y l! U:3?. Sp.cla1 tlalxs to offlc1a1s tl!t].y cuo!tb.! sd Fost.r Ruok !, rho bad th. bo!. dtsas!..eb1. t4s! of shlt.rba tlEous! th. ,lndy, 20' alt6rnooh. t-t{l. 5-}tt. 9-!1i. 1. rtr a.A.dus 9tdt 4126 E9'6o 2- A1 Bl':m ttt1 2utro 5tt37 r. Jrr Krsrr,. ttrT 2 2t, 5ao6 6t!r 29t2d 52tI2 lr- Rot l.is1ta.! <- vlrcll Y€bsrt 5:11 f0:52 9lr:Lf 6:16 .ll:51+ 5c:51+ 6- Jh cmrns 6t2? 33:55 6ott, ?. Jo!r6 o,notI b:lo 36:26 66:49 m6iL d, Jd€r s rncrr vllhorr 6tJj )6159 69toJ 'l-Ul1€ Ru-- 1. Bot Uotn6!, t?:17; 2. m66-T-fi5ntt. 19:19! J. al1lr BY6FIY 2rilo: L!, DI. lob€rt DoI., 21:!+. --RoY 86lstngo!-DlclBsotr IraI{S 1.6-U!LR IX l8:m ch.lmtr, Jm. ?, 1967- tob Dlck6rs.r. ut@,l oniv./o!Ic. pu113d &Hay ftd Jaci. larulh of, ovTc to 11! ths foulth €w.nt of tls 0h1o va116v l,llntar cmot tn leoold tl&o. Dlcl<orso! trn€d the tdtlos on lldlulh {ho last Jeu h a slitlu dam!. Dicr6!Bon slasb6d l1s off the old nart sot tu 1965 bg Don Xnox ot t'Gntucky StaUs. . sumy, 50 dosreo $at,rrof. J.6-dr6 tuac oor;; tbloush ut. allY Fo!€st. F!a!h 21. t8:Z!i 13:20! 2. lleih 1- nob bb Dicl6!so., Dtck€lso!. 21, 1. iaalufIn' 24 uor.lto!. !tor.1to!. 18, 18!4J; l. Jack l4a!u!1! 2r. 19:0dr 1c:0dr 5. 5. Brb xteFs, ar' I8:t9r L. Ds!€ xftFsBimlta! 19!lt; 6. JaY Bim1tah4, R6ncle!. 21. 19:l5r Ron;}e!,21, Pot6, Eutz61, 17, 20:06; 21" 19tt9. I9.39t 7. 2t. 7, Pst6! 2oi 9. torry 2oi2oi 8. Jlr 1,{cx6@!, 19, 2oi O:ft: 10, 8111 iiAa Iss6earu, 1?, 2o:lt;10, 2a;tt j d !sao!t, 18' 2015 17, 20:19; 11. ?d Dav 2o:5ci 1]. Dav6 16.20:59; 1i. sts Duod, 16, Sditoltb{ait8r 19, 21:10: 14. L]nza rr 17, nlcl nlck Jusblc€' Jusblc€, 15. R€ocs, 19, 21:2+; 21:29; 16. Pat isna,raD, 15, 2l:l+Jr-1?. fi irseri:1,i,i7:Pg;,}f, ,,iHi:.*it


21, 2l+:16; 22. Stan sch@cbEldy, 14, 29:00. Noto: TID coas€ r* char8od sliahtly thtu yea! r1th thb lecora ttlie adjusted Bud RDnlon,

.t, 27,

2J+t35t 21. Da16


lrc@sotl aito Motf,ToR mEAK itcoms Chcttut1, Jan. Ll!- lob tlck rson and !ra!L Mol,1to!, ovTC !us€!s, !€a1n b!o!€ !€oords i! tlE flftb 6rcnt ot tho ol'llc, ttct€lson sst a &r stahdud 1! the 7.2!116 losit raco 1! th6 l-9 & old€r dtvtsld ard l"loUto! !!s E.l€! tho leoord ln tbe L8 a yourA€r dlvistob. LeEt rcoI both rlljftli sot !sco!d. for th6 1.6-b11€ ore loo! rac€. rhls r€€k tlo .de cor!€ ras !M LHlc€. vdatb6!: 50" & sunry. Irt, A1w Forost coulso. --Don6:d C. I,ral e-1. lob Dtc*€rson, 38:19; 2. Jack ahutn l8:t2; 3, Frdr} volrto!, J8:5-ll I+. RaI schreer, la:!l+: 5. Al sou611, 40:16; 6. rab Boncl€rr 41:11; 7. Jln l,LXsDE, \r: l6: 8. Borr r'rserob, Lr:55! 9. srar Drncd, L2i09; 10. ?ot€! Eutzol, L2:o9; 11, ters satLe.tbrEltb, lrJ:lf; 12. R1.l Ju!trc€. !I:!rr I]. !o! l,rahrs, 15. !5.28;




l+5:56; 15, !1roa n€.c€'

l+6:L7j 16. chDc]. Doepks!, l+7:20; 17, TM

raoory, l+B:U; 18. rd l.a!ck, 50:01; 19Atd Schlmcb6!. 50:L9r 20. PaDl tlccorrl-

lI E EONORS Itr 7.4-!fI. c1$tetl, Jd. 2I, I967--7,2-MtLe Eddloap,.slrth 6v6nt 6t 0h1o val16t ldlnt6! Oees..V€atho!: {am {ttJr 61lAht d!r216. --Doe1d c. ll6.bto-1, Rlcr. Just1c6,17, l+9 rl+o 6'00 Ll:l+0 2. Jb cIeBar, 19. lr9:58 9:oo 50:58 l. r.ter sutze1,17, 50:07 8:00 lr2!07 1!. Don ablo, 15, 50:08 6!00 !l+:o8 5, sto sc,rlruko!,27, ,13 :lo l+9!!3 6, Ja.! Hsrurrn.2L. 50:16 11:1o l9106* ?. rrsJrr lrolitol,18,9ojLt l,Itro 39.35 8. !1!!! ns6Eo. 19. t1:16 L:10 l+6:116 iIAEBRIN I,ITIS FAS!


;iffi #-;;6s.i6: s:;n;;-;A;Ri;;:-

clncimatl, Js. 27, 196?. 1lsatl1or llo ald s@y. shr6€ loops of tho Xt,Alry 1. LlnzA r6€so. a9, 72t21:' 3'3o 64.51+ 2. Jln ltcNma!. 19. 75:tg I:o0 6[:58 J. Don \.ralrfa, -15. ?6:112 6:ao ?o:l+2 lr. Kor srord6n, 16, 78:09 1l:0o 67:o9 5. Daro Rsid, 18, 78:!J 12:00 66:L3 6. St$ scheal€ r. 26. 8O:lrO co 8o:lro --Do. Uall,6--

CLEVILAIID nRc. 2-Uan 8- 11o R€laY tlbolty B1yd. r lob. 5, 1967- -{ last-nlnut€ srolstoft k€Pt bsrY !tE€8 aEq{: so

ai!. ea dozen spoctahors Hho 6ho{€d up. ted rrize tras lon eas.tly hv Rick


sielnldilt drl lFs E6g3du6, st3tlfadt'|3 21:1r.1 Save Aee€dus a siz6sb16 l€ad o tbo !65t 6f the fl€ld, .nd l6s€dus t 600T. {1th t} tb6 tnc!6as€d tt to about 600y' fastost ttno of tho dey, 21:q. Th€ p1sc. t.M of Frod corluz & JIn BI8mghs haII frm Bsldvln-uauaca collee€. 1. Rlct St6bladt, 21:ll1 & !6s {og€due 2rt1l!*, \2t55;2, Fled corguz, 22:20 & rrr 6!;ftishd; 22:2I. ltlr.:4ii .1, D!. I ullb., 22;58 & Roy Ro131rs€!, 22:48, l+5:lt6; ll. JolD oiIe11, 26:22 & vt4il Y6h!€rt. 21r19. 49:lr-1; 5. Jo,u ochs, 25:o2 & xarl Mu€11€.. 2e:ll, 5.):.15j 5. G.offFy vaD€ln, ?6:16 & Dr. Rob€rt Do1o. 28:52, 55:0d. --Roy Rolsl-ise! Atr OUIioox oS RgN]{l}|c--Co.tiru.d tr@ !.?{ah1ch relos accoldhs to th6 typo of !Um!) tnus r.!. (a 'rlsiance !um.r) €bouId !u a 1ot€ €lox !E' lrsf.us coutrt couls. !r.ro tlE sullordirA b.atty Fl1l caltlYat. hls thoushts, If, dullrs b couso oi tho lorA !e' ho shoulal tako a f.! eholt sp..d t{rste' h. Eay d6rtvo som. c1u.a as to th. valuo of thls "1oo3.nIi o3sonc.. {hat I M dllvlns at i3 a e.rdttl. usy to 1oos.1J folrov 3om6 v.ry sood tratnlng soh.dulos lsuch as oan rr5 foDil h lrod liilu's, "no! Thoy iiir# rl-fri"-'i-.i:''.iiy-e""6 ""i:a;t;: larol but to to1lox th6n st.ictlt {111 Foduco !.sBlts, Evory nan 13 d1tf.r6n & h. Is not soiJ€ to aohtov. h13 ultlDt. bJ follovlng a Jin rys tralnlng sch.dulo. Eo!.w.r, by tJ:. Physlcal D.tomluto Thooly t. cu adoPt a Ata sch.dul. as a cutdo to od om. For 4p16, 1f Rru lEs 10 r 440 i! 59s, th.q lr,dlrs b13 capabll1tlot, !. car adsho thts bo b. 35i orfort, ihus I rould run 10 x L!+o ln 71s lor d 85S .tfo!t. I s111 hev6 lork6d as hsd a! BXU & rt1I b. hoa1tl1y fo! th. ext In of,lloyihs tJ1. Pm, on. 6ust 1.u. to Jude. bhs.1f thlough oxlo!l.nc.. ca! onll Do oDraM.d thlouEh nllos & nllos or rlmit8. &cdo iMllrar rith Yout osn Phy3ical sjbptds of fattguo' tlghtn.ss, and rt i.s1lv brcaks m6 u! to s.s rolro,s tt b!ck" for ttat .t! btg !ac6. 'hold 1 d.fintt.rY advocat. 100fi cffo* 1! .v.!y rac., Ydo noft oft.n tho athl.t. rubs all oub. th. st6ei6r hrs olloltun put a]1 sl1 out 1n th. bia !aco, 1r ily tty to ho lut h. re.ds io h. talr.s thls attltuaotb.all!4c.. do ls 3halpon uP fdr :l"ilrP;f ti::";r;il';]." iffi ffl i:J: !ac. ln nlnd & ptoEt.eslv.ly spoodlna

up Mt11 th. day of th6 !4c.. RdsF!.! 9

to srrays b.!ar. ot stand of ht1gu6. Th. athl.to should iork hald but .njoy

lacrFrc ,rssocnrrcN a,ru 5o-Mrr,E Rus & duct.d ln conjmctton, at sBs.t-It!1tnoy la4h, Rocdand, Califo4la (esr Sacranonto) at ?:3o a.4-, Fobrualy 19, 196?. Th. laco was !D on psY.d.tt &io@d a goll cods.. n.ath.!! ct6ar and lrtght, !1tb a 311shb {lnd 3r1s1na {as tb. fhst 50 1116r ru on t}o Ps.1flc s1o!.5. Rdsvr,Ts, {{itl1 5 n11. sprtte) 1. Ddlry1 B.aldal1r ual1! A.c,, 6106:[7 (-l[:oo, r:08:J7' (Jl+:00, r:08:J7, 1:l+2:07, r.l+2to1, 2,r5.L5' 2:15;L5, 2:l+8: 2t\t r< )t2+t)), r:2r'.11 L!03:05, l!!01:o<- l+t!3,08, )r!l'1!o3- 5:2€tL5) <!24!)rql \5, 2., 3ob Cams, camen. Cu1r6! cu1r6r Clty cltr aC, Ac- 6:3?: 6:??:15 G5toz, r:rato5, rrlr.L,10, 2:18.1+5, 22 5o-EII,o wA',K--!h€ laco & ralk 16!6 oo!-

5t, ),29:t2, L:0c:!6, [:52:IB,

5:116:Le ) 5:116:

Pau! 1..s.. 1..s., Malin 4.C., 4.C., l.. Paul 7t3?l 7t37ttz 25, rtza t39. t)t, 22tlrt tlr )), \Li 126, \l!3 ))' 2t'L,. )a, ) :34. 6tt+7:o5) )i, )t, L:2212?. 5'09128, L:2212?, 5t091214, 5t96tv, 5t: (R..so y.&:5 ola, !t.CoI. ItsMc R.t ) 1s I+8 1


DxI- Jos. ;arc1a, 17, unat. s.r. s.s. boy (15:L0. 1:10:10, 1:lrr:10, 2:18:l+7,

(lr0:116. 1:21;18, 2:o5t32, 2:5rt3t, )+tlal 57)j c.ore. uarhM, uEt. rlrr:[5, t:23: \4, 2:a5tt+5, 2:5ct54)i flst& satrot€' lr, (aE6 lJ, noc!1md El.mantary School) ([o:L5, 1:2]i[0, 2:05:]2, l:19:m); F!a* l)1 :)+5, rt2rtoo, 2t6t52' l:21:00. ,q-qU ollnllc t.v. noda13 ata trophlGs ,.nt to tl1. tbloo ftnru.ls. !h6 couleo ras s1lebtry hl1ly & !av.d all th. !ay. Iir. niI. 1oo!. No auto tlafflc. ?!.a.4! 50 rlIlo lrAlIl- 1, Td Dool.y, ath.d tc, \.57t\7 Lt!9tLt5, I')6:59, 2,22to4, 3togt25, 3trtag, 4:[9:00); 2, rli r,op.6, AthoE Ac, 5:03il7j l. !111 Ram.y, Ath! ac, 5,4,)a. L. l!1e ovo!to!, r,.4. stlld. 6:06,1?. DXF- Gooit Klo!L!, AAC & F.8r:L

Baakok--D.c. 10- 9000n- 1. l5lAll cA!19S.japa!, lr:22 Raco!dj-?:-T, rsuX. savalrl. chiya, Japan, 1l+:21.r; 3, s.L. nosa' coJ16n. 1l!rqr,.r--D.c. f2- 10.000n- 1. r. Esuch1;a, J, lo:2?.8; ?. 3;-SI!-;1, J, lo: 16.8r l. Ro3s, C6y1ob, l1:06.1..D.c, 15Uuathon- 1. K. &lhlhars, JapM, 2t3)t22.6 Z:t;_SErEonatsu. Japd. 2:15:01+.2j 3. s. Eur L.6, [or.a, 2:l+0:56.2j l+. B xo. Ktlr Kor.a 2:L9:50..D.c.15- t5oo!r- 1. S. se{1r,r, ralen, 3,1+7.1 R.eo"d;-Z; R. subldmdlM. MalaFta, J:4dj l. s. Ix8sblta,r,


--Don Jaoobs-TOROIITo. oNT., I'6b, lcth_ oladstoe Ac 3R' 20-M11o Road Bm 3t Elsh !dk- r. EU4 -

tullirsau- 2:h2:19.2r 2. r1- sno{.

1'3 d6rtoos.






sE41r4s II


n,lCE, I€n€y tark, Hertford, Cotr., D€canb€! t8, 1966 12 N.on Th6 !€atho! tas pleasant, Iraltlta

lC d

locold !€rfomMce by Rey croth€ls s@day tn bhe 5th amual Holtfold ?C Road clothels, of lho c6nt!s1 com.tlcut A,.{., blot€ tho o1d rocold .l lI:Jo by a nthuio & 3€!6n s€oo4d ludols dta! n116 dlstanco. lre.ty-nl$ t6d a ftn16h€.t tr!6 XoneJ ?a!L rad6, alcrotho$ toot an €ally ]ead, but tas tlallsd c1oe31y by Jolu Vltal€, lt, of CoE. f!6shan standout. and oct-{ toM-! mto Ray 8a11 of Norligton. Crotb6ls butlt . oo11d load t, tho secord rap of th8 tb66-1.p coqso and, thusll forced to halr b!10nv to tt€ a 100se shoe laa r€nt on to srap th6 !6cord s€t in 1964 by EuAh UcEl€sy oJ Nox Iolk's Ca€l-10Aa6!1ca! AC. Vltar6 a13o ran tho caus€ tn !61I undo! th€ o1d hd! & Ea1l m!!or1y Etse6at beilg the thtld leoord bFald6!. {2-di.s!1itd )--Btll snith-1. Ray clothlrs, ccM, 9:5lr 20.05 l0:23 2, Jolu Vitalo. E,coM.10:00 20:20 -10:50 j. iay t&11, ccA.c, 10:08 20:59 l1:14 L, Eo EselsLi, ccM, 10:JJ 21:0U 11:52 5. Bob GFsnb€!s, ua.r0:21 21:15 l2:05 6- A@us ]r!olts'. utu,rctz1 2rt 29 )2t\5 ?, ch;ri€s Dtso!, mc,10:10 21:10.12:al 8. !ete, Stasz, t.F!.,14t15 2t:2Q J2:3) 9" al€r orloff. ccM. 10:5 2L:23.12:56 10. Bl11 Sho!t61l,, CCAA, ].0,36 2It5O 33t33 11. D-J. l.r1€!!o,uB.,10:!3 22:15 l3:lrl 12. D!.Ches,nobblns, 11:00 22:.10 3J:l+5 1r- c€ra1d D6e11!.sac. ro.55 22:35 3Jt+) lL Drck clap!, xMc, 11:25 22:l+b 14:17 t5'- 8111 iaylo!, CoM,.1]:0L 22:50 14:2b 16- John dull€r. ufu.. 11:09 2l:00 14:11 1?- Andy cdlboIl, rc, 11:21 2l:oe lL:ll 18. B1t1 Sntlh, mc, 11:03 2l:05 l4:4f L9. !e€ Chlsboh, Ue.,11:16 2l:0r i4:56 20. Rlck B4yko, }l c, u:01+ 2l:09 35:12 21- oerslit Dillor. Provldorco co1].,15:z 22. L6n foLnos, NMC, l6:22i 23, l€ta! l7:0oi 24. vtt r€bdettl, , M{C. l?:02; 25. FFd !',Ilnstoh, mc, 3d:5d rffiiriaton lLS, ll-l:5oi sbottaLl, 26. I.l1ko 27- tr€D 3115&1. Famtaton E5, U2:12; 2d. zla loalozry, nMc, L3:!4: 29. Robdrt cb11d6, llt, Pul M, !4:2b. * n€! .€o6!d: old na!k. l1:f0 bY flusb I4cliosy' c.s.Ac, r.96l} 50-doe]€€€ troRTE IIEDFOnD clgB 7-mi! nON, rldosbat u!ss.. rMuly 15, 196? v6aiher: Id€31 1. !; D€rdollu, J8:9Jr 2. non oaff, J8:5lrr j. Rlchdtl nuqalst. J9:Jl! 1+.

iiui'}i'i;'"' l;:-"i{Hi"r;;?:i.:i 8. Dtck":"fr c1app. l+0 12: Slcdd, 40:12:

9. trsrsr ForI€!, l+o:13; 10. Frank xltu, l+0:l+6; 1l-, rohn Eulloy, 41:lr4; 12. chas. Duttoo, 42:oBr Rayco saiy6!, saNFr. 1+2:12; 42:ou; 11. Rotao h2:12: 14. st€vee R€tman, R€tman. 1r2:l6j !2:16: 15, lq- cl;ua€ ctetrd€ 11 E1lJi 16" Patrl Pad sch911r sch911, lrj:04; 17, BoD lrj:01+; Bo! 4l:02; cnurchlll) !J:11: Church11l, id. Bob !€nott. E€rolt, !h:o 4_l:11j !I:01; q4:Ja; 20. Jullan 14. Robart Paea, \4:.10; JDtlan Stoaol stoae lrl+:l6j 21, vrn randottl. lLlt:5Er 22. Ed slonrrte{lcz, Lr5:12, slonkte!lc2, 21, D!cI Lr5:12; 2.1, Dlc} fomoylo, fomoyl6. 45:22j 24. Bon chap16k1, )+6t]+2t 4, retu t!sstss, 47:01; a!83tss, Ira I,o.ko, ioiko; ir?:38; 27, ir?:j8; 2?, 47:01: 26. rra c€orso c€olso rerfto,J!., Lesrto,J!., lB:53t 28. t;c, rod Ballox, 4?:53: 23. Bladklo Bait6y, 29. l.!9:20; l+9:20, 49:13; 10. coorsa latt$ulo, 49:12, 31. char163 scott, 50:11; )2. slE Podlozny, t3tU: Fred Brom,s!., Brom.s!.. 51t99: 33. ll. Fled 3L. c€olse c€oEe 5l:59; tl+. tlauelhouso, 5l+:061 15. i;Eit sou11;!., 60t82: 36. c]nico sinon€, 60:50. lot6s,,Thls tho 2d Ntttc ribr€! !ec€.. 'a3alfr€! oi the ner Yoa!,3 lldlr N1!o, tbd Da]r 5-n11or. 1od fo! a shdrt {h1t€ but falt€rcd & f31L bacL to tonth plac€..at f n1f€s, D6!de!1an & caff {o!o 1eaitl.A. Wtth a n116 to Ao caff toolr a s11ght load {htch lB nalltalrcd dt11 10y to go rhon D€!de!1s splhted by. 9ho rac6 bad 3? had stut€rs & o@ doa - Bleokl€ 8a116f,. s4o liindlJ l€t hts n&st6! beat hh fo! 2dth !1ac6! T?olhies t6 all ttn13h6rs. lh€ cou.3€ could b€ a for yddr short but had 6me stllt htl1s, --!!od B!o{n,S!.-NMc

9-MILI c;iMPIoxsHIP,



1. Ron 0€cf, i+8:l+i: 2, nick aayko, l+8:51' J. Fran! xim, !o:05j !. loo D.Idorls, 49:J6; 5. ngrph ra1lbuks, 4c:5Ji 6. Dlck clap!, 50:0u; 7. llarran ?orle!, 50:1ij d. Ed sicard, 51:ouj 9. Royc6 sarYe!, 5]:51j 10. E111.t Edlalds, 52:18i 1r. Craddo .rl3, t2t93. 12. Dlck Fourdjor. 5Jr07, 1.1. faur sch€11, 5J:56j 1l+. Kovi! ecDonald. 6l:5-71 1t, Drcl Bedls, 55:oj1; 16. vlh land€trl, 55r0Lj 17. sra Tto!!a!, t5:10: le. Ju11d S1eRst. 55:2J; 19, rln Rond€an, 96:26j 20. Bt11 ualbu!to!, 56:lrlj 21. Don VllLtn. 56:117! 22, Dick Femoyl€, t6tl!9: 2). Dlck crcchln-l, 57:55; 24. Dd

naarr. 62:o2r 2!.. !db claplnskt. 62:t-l; 26. ceolE€ wat€nouto, 6L:08j 27. M1k€ Iralbudo,, 6?:15j 28. Fr€d Br@!" 6c:20; 29, Dar Ca!do!e, 7l+:12; 10. Chtco Slnon6, ?8:18; Jl. au€D B€rtullt, 86:55, 32, s13 Not6s...caff, NI!o, and D€!de!la! shaled th6 load lor th6 first f1v€ nil€r {1tb ths ritu! lul1b€ s fast bulst si 3t ntles to ao to rfturc lds !tcto!r. R1c! Bayko ce; ob stlona h th6 last tldo b11e6 a albost oauaht Gaff ai tbe 6nd,.36autiful !eathe!, honp. rn tho 4qr3. lrrz€tActual dlEianco: 8.? ntl€s. Ealfrav 3pr1t x1ro. tl.t?! cafr, 24:n6; Doldoljs 24:10

- lrdk Nlrr,lll-_

r!-- oll'?s LcIc B o so!. 6 :08; Jr. sd BM.. tru., o2r)o; 39. -rd .ssL Bre,s5pLa o" "" qp( slBbs", Ma_. 62:1Ci ,o. iodueads- Lr6 Po.k. B€. s_1a-. er, psrrs. 6l:1b: t?. iobe Msd @. raiD pac, .e ,co.nla, s' !qua+:c osr, .s, 1r, l067 €rs. or:rr: r8. !rsrn ir€fro. i.m-_ 6,,:2< u€a-i.o-. r ' h . E' L rioe. lo. q.^r N;b;!s, s1"r Bar'rL, ob: ir tio.op€r Div. 6.6-J,t ]€s- r. Doe Rus easran sLsffold, s'.fc. 68:!L; lr. }' ke s.. ic, 69:'o; ll2. -d \obs+, sr,'c' r€ o-o; o1o r.o.. t:tT-T;.i '.,* ^:3h, '-:.- br ?.sr1., L1e J! raao/; r 7":0?: 41. D., co!.," ,r.r" 16:03. " he Du.cM ttls se" a blisL€F. o'lsaoo, J.:17i .1. Larla! c*o.-:, r., "ob L!o", J1:o , 5, c-"L.. s!f,an, lS: :ia oaca rh-o.eb "ood & elen .o ,4 by a ol.; 6. D, Bror,, l8:5 j 7. Dr. P3.e. ccr^o L3b 6 mar6!n' 4s u5r31'tey pre16r' .ed Lo o o abreas , 3 aodaet aos d€ to ood. Jo l7 8. J€. r .roo., l-o: 8r ). oarurd, hr"" ac_u8 ly.on'Ls3s lbe Don 10. !,1 oule -o ro each o-har, -7:2.; poor '-ia.d eller. ' the coue€ las Lo@ rsr, N . iustad shorsd thst h6 h$ &tulned to or ihos€ not usod to hII1 l'eins. Th6 itrst niL€ thlough a plcntc aEa in 1!fo@ slt6! a bout rltla alpendlcttis, follo{dd by a 5i€se vltb solatlca. f1ai, but 1i so@ becee sco!€a a conyincina vlctorT ovs! Ath6N appalett that lt rss talrirg th€ aslact of paslTh.Ird, 3 sr6ep1e.dss6 "C a Rtc. D-tsaoo xl.n a blazl4 sst & boulde!-s_'€n r53h€s n b6lrsa., rtrh sp {Ick. \o1..co D'c. 2./_ tlss_ r. cse Sb.a!€-. one 0eddd.l46 Jootparh, so r4o b_MoJ€ r_ha. d 3 strt'!6d -h€ riII:!.;_-. /al lt lkDs, r':oq: l. qar trj..uI1I. 12:Otr L. p!ank q,a€!ry. I r. 2 n€!Er 61bors & [drsh6, '6p. oro.Jore f!o4 -!n Pa'ti-1o. i2.U: Jov allea. o8colns ooaed utr\'o€ scsrelt..Tbe su 5. 12:1?:7. 14€lvrd Jorson.". 12;J5: B. Bll d€c dBd Lo ado ro e d scoirlo!-, smo. ws6, i[:21r 9. !o€ t!]In, rg:o/; 10, _r_ !\5t, d r'% rh6 3tL€. srag€s, bJ s€68_ nglt b-ai:na doH. -lercelJ 3L Ln8 ibsLd nt€ )tar:nonj. r5:t9: 11, l/rc,o! D -M. eteryona roa\hed rre lons as^eors. ,hlcb t":01. 'bre€-8 blockJna Dr!. J/l,ftIo- 1. Lors,!, L.-6 hllLooks bord€_ trs .no ,uttod D op.a?ed vo-o_d,-ttr; . B-ob nal-€rd, 5:4t. ph-e! roadray,.JolD'a!{l€y, rsel Drrcclo!, r€r ea3r old os oC Dr, F€.6. !,rooo. Sae ;jnlehad onlt Ls ov H .d | € soon.orsnl! o. rh€ I$11! --5!r rscoldr -,J6ff rsao!__ c1ub, lan a '61r oraentzed M€t, shlcb featurcd 63 htah school, ed 53 jdlo! hxEb school contestMts es relI, 8-MII,E Rrli{, sPAAAo, IRVIIE r.anK, set,, tan. lL. 196? 10 A.U. --f,oby iiadlE-1. lall Dh sn. -tu.. 116:2l,lrr P. c€ - ------------orD In6'5 ri l-!1-|N, l {. -NvllA"IoN{t a o Dno@. rn;.. -o;b.,; ql. D- rs Lroll lLC', JPOP|- An-lrA. JlN- 21, !96? kln. Erc!; tL. lr?,11r ". fi.-.c,, L,:1."1 5. Jod cavoeub\r uiD., 1. Jl.n corle-1, -5. Sa ors 1c, 4i5l.Jr Ld .S.c.. lt8:18.6r 6.9:1r '.'pson 19, s!4aPA, !:5).? r. c.s rtB -err:e, 1.8:<9j ?, aooD6 nss, o(y, 19:0,j 8. slo L, io, senlo"sl-,!:5?.2 Rlc,rard cresno. s s. L9:I0.5r 9, ?ie'rh L. andr cr'^r o-, lt5. ss.,N.Y.,5:05.8 (oorcr, Enc:no Ic, ra:l+o: 10. ,rn Bush- 5. Br1 \,1911s, lr8. ccAc,5:05.o:6, reo r0:11r Iei, lfu.. tt.s.c., tl. BlIl cru. Bur'^n, Lb, sr.rc. c:0ar ?. Rlcr a-d si636 LD-s Ic, 5ar?2i 1?. -.Lo P L€hL,us. lrer, 116. s..Trr 5:0o,1; d. Je^l r1lcls@ 1., sen o-s fc, 5:20; 9. robr xsdrE, !-. 91:'6; 1). Rl^k 'rssq16z, serlols cr LAPD Facers, 5:ll+.0. 51:Jor r!. Boo s.nooro'e!, orr, 51:5/r !otes...Jtu' 601611, appt8 va116y, der6n15, Jo6 To16do, hcrno Tc, 52:59; !6. 2 53:23; 18. dod hts dhdpionohtp t1t1€ lo! n6n ov€t Jos€ cruz, ocrs, 53to7t 77, JolD sscke!, L4clno i', q):<7i 1a. filLe lr0 y8dro o' ago, bJ..oaklng b15 1o66 'laecoc/, d iro tr, 20, :aolEo mark o^ l:5c.4 !l Lch ]E ssrabl's}r3d at ssn Diego In.l a'tos , Ju€ 11, 1966 . r. Psl D-Pooc6r, slc. 9-:01.r':55t 1n Balboa 3.sats's r rsl-€.3 rl1k.' F" rc, 5L: ?j ',2. c-rlr Suro:chsh. qe4. 'o Jotu l8cferry, Su Dr€zo, rado a r1E.: Vt' oolm.. 5tr:28: !. Flsih oxe bt doasrna JIt13 ta3ls tbro':g. 's"6 o" 5l!t91t a-. Ed B€r1. BscL MJ 1', hout Lhe 11 1a!s, & IolcInA the v'd8! 2r. Don V6sd, Psolsnd3 T(, <6:2Lr''ttLt 26. Lo Gr€A MoeLs. Bac. 821 Ic, 57:a9j '7. oru cold.,cbsl'6 /8. c€ola€ drsco to.t ck 1l er. leck Bs, c, 6?:o9r_9. sho:t siu', c1o6€ !o ,b3 pa^6 ro bstto! Bob hollhaus. sento-s -c. )?:l0i Its 5:oA LLne ln Lh€ cdlLo! Lirs trlal.6. f. c3:/?: 1. r^rh sonro'Eolto""or'gloris ii*i.'iil"r'dii-;c,-99:8lJr:-soE-ll.j€d nasazrno "lo{rnfrmN'Y' La.e\1111tms, ;;:'dda'._b",.i: l:. .1 .1 isr, Ds.. r-lirs 's d€tp-'e s 'hesr cord' to cdtore :.:'.rc C.6t;oL, lJ. sd br 'le



a' !3 ffiB Irixlz Yrcfoa II 10-t1rr,E nw !!FB IOREIIZ IAIS 7.u_MtLE ROAD n!r]{ Pb1la., ta., SDday, J4, 22- fierb !6!- Cede!, N.J., sunday, Js. 29- nerb ** r"he o@ 6dsod axay Lolenz .on .^.6d bls ,ttulu k1c !.rrh a trg'!!.r'a Ross .ln on.rast Rr_ vs_iLad ron.6 1g:.119 *9::1.ggt !l:,,1ru!..ra&rha up a tuo ts!"s..srna1o c.rsa a.ord Lls coop€! Riran Ih€ rac; r-6 l}o rolh aMr/€-s;r of

aI I


uairi.la rorl


lny a

* .H:::L:1""*:lii,:""i"1'l"i:ig;?]i ---

9 nl1€5 !o!€s stqled Eo sho! h1s class


":,"i ::i:H:, "il*:,:';.rt {:?ii: ;. +:ib":ii:"'r',{rir"ac, rho Lbrs€--drk raco o! o'€! €d Dodd. j-


i;;-6i;.,!,-i;i ir;;i1j;6i st. r6o!*r's co116se, i+, ra Dod?! s, sJTc, 2o:dt ln:06 's""rc, n9li:iktr a;i; ,9!"' !l9r.at:x.9€+16:1^::1k- E, r" i-v;rs;a;, s, F;ii 6. s. snc. urk€ BrRiko, 2o:t1 ri_1,1? :lg P'9ifgl: !1lM?9,li".l.lr 15'-!pa.-od,u, K.'th SJrc, 20:43 lil:1.? .mp3. r v€ 7, 8. Bar, B€!:@"Jrr.M. . 20:Lt L2:L. 5s

ssyors,s, SJIC, 1:i0 !r:1.6 -0, rob cre6ds su[he!]snq, , a:51 lj:Lrr

,64:ner: 5 osfy )o-d€gr€€3r 19:El4s {1'{o out & htu€ lsps M

'.R.!i.):i: i:;;;'r;;;;;i; i;1. X,:i iit6 iffii # ii: t3:'$.lill:!; ;#^".:i;33 3,i; fi::::'tr;?iij,ili!;.*.i\.:ii i: if;3: .!;i9 'lrfi iitb lt: ,;: i3l""B:jt*:3: JJ.+ ._J#._ l:;|a. +A, i;;;y';;;:;:";'.,ic,5;:" [i;67 ,.!€rbLoreu.r"p_r-.

6, Eoly a€tkoHitt, sJ],c, ?. rd c olroc" ?se ac. 8. Ks. r4ea-t!, !€m )-c. 9. Dae€ Dubbr€, Fbs, AIt.

'7. rd a-s b,s,

24t26 57,)6 |

PeM ac,




,.,:: ,l' l:-t!,1-:1".8 I":'c'+:1! :?:i: -ir:L? 2e:!7 59:)3 ;6: .$;::i;e,i: i: c,4ii6 iii\i 28:4? <8:56 :1. c1.n, B,u€ss,x, d., 23r;i

iJ:r?j 5,qc/ 59ta ;2. c"!o"urit,u, - i,26:;B 9i,29 1I. r,IoTd !ro!s. 96@ Ac, "9:)' '9:<9 6o:lt6 ;J. NLor. \oF 3r:c, .6t )+ ta,o2 60:98 ) .-""" "a.er,!i 12. lob ?@ishy, snc, -^"^ 6) tL6 ;i:F:'r.;i-.-b.l:16 r.l. r,4rr.y 1.r. sJ1c. Jo:01 rr4rl.y R€ro. iJ1c. )o:rt lo:15 ; --i;; rrc rii ii"a"" ii.a." ii.e. i.-. th laF D6.4tu?. srtc, )!:28 6L:L6 ;i-:":;i;';;;'d.'i;; ;sb., -. 'a. 1<. !!b zdllibhofe!. uE., 3l!21 66:01+ i.-, .o: :. [larit€d Men ]g . s:.€ru t€. 16. urcr csr ors: lleD€1.Tw,))t4 69t\7 ::--------------. --. --,,r-.u\_c 17, rd Fts!c-. src. 33:ia 69:30 -.{. RRc ,rj}ts TonE,z rD ot Ert 18, xom Bai'drf sJiC. 36t22 7Lt2a -^ 10, tr€rth Palron,

;;i;.-3, ,r.;:. ;:;;;"-;';i;.;;",, 6'ffoTz. -ii ;;d;, inl:-ir: 9i, 1i;; ]iiiJ;l'p"'L-iil'riiiii il ii'ir'i,ii:' bon. sJTc. 15:2Uj 5. Xell t{orsdofr sr;i'-rej-;!;'6. c":., ft"tliiou. !"nc. i-.r", _-6:1]l: i"ii;1 t:il;"6: U. ::;:; oaldy Bate! /. ;: tel6 cay, s,{c "H; r.l. i"i;i'. inc.,,,, ".i;'U": :l'i*i, :jlilr,i. ,#1". ifi;,"isl:"-1 :;: i;6;.iir';;d:: ';id,- i5;:4;'ii: r.o; sako;. pb ra.,


' 's'o'


r' shdsv'


:i "\6

d ;';"i."ie:'"51':":":19=: :T c rs -'r3 'or l€as _"rcon rc6 bJ P€s a ' "H:-

k€arh' r" -brl"L rhro-en Lao ch 1r tr:::ii '!";11;";:"jil;:l.ii":il":.:"i; ;" "tt' e ::":#j:::" ",""", :;": i;;'i.::'"1 ;;:"'* copp6! back re trLnea-.era 'H"; ,il iii""l ;"'il,."l1'l"ll3l l"lli",,

Da-o.,mM3kr, snc, tB: ;:::"'"'* O+iirr vArr- pau ra:ko?rc, pb119.-A5: -i.ii'o,,"", L.::.:dsolr, N.r..rsh r. I!-I4:F4 .;;i;;e,'irc. 5-',"i ii,;Joo ;'L;:s;:;:::;:.'];;'";j-l-",.r6:2r: .,, 5, . ":;::_T:"";j--, sr6f8brrcz, rht!s.4c, r6:2r:-) st6f8brrcz,_r1rr1s.4c, uso ir"


;;; !ace

a"ror;l€ -5:58..' -""."1"ry."i"" -t,9d.." o r're rr. 6_,.1s. i": - o sotL -,.r."":"1yon ""ri. jl." ,",-,, ::;i#g"i: i:;"*:"::::":; T-Td- com€ s" Pam c" 11:26r )' loa

%11a.ac. 5b:4!: v$M.Ac, Srolo Aad€!so!, 56:10: 6. 3tx ;;;!,;,.;; c11- ;u-_rnp,o1 Bao c11lsckurIctr. phria,Ac, t7ti1t I, Boo



*., #*tit+i-:,11i:+.ffi

;-it;;-;i;;;;;;--;-i;;-ii:;-;;::;ft---i.la. .. .ii r;' -..i




{^. J4:h2: d.t: ,.. BoLh - ss a.a-.eo oC6r.., . t co " s lns o" 0!6 ta! BorLo'tlz, srTC, .]\:28j 8. ?. Russ Jacksoh! sJ"I., 15:L0j..:r.t D6.ssr, s"Tc, .l/:5 j o. b hous@n. d!-flr -s . E-.o Lo sJ ! PeM ac. 21112. eJTc,l"J:21. EZ-1;-7. -o1oe1.., SJ'!C, 2r:59, lrIr-; srrc, bJ:18j sD1rt3: 5:lo 03!e.3 opp€,3j 10:10 ). B oLn:E Rors, SnC,2,:08, Jr:15j !. SnC, )2:r5' ndf. loi.onz, Coppolr; 1-:r0 to!€,!r -o:rB Iol lJ.rgsno., 44:JOj 5. _ __.snd, '""e | s D'1a'd. 2l:16, rorenT, 20:51 copo6-6 & o31o!r '5:l,r Dar. ims skr, sJrc, ?lrl?, lo-s1?! 6:2! 'o!p_as lr osL"r, L-:ldr 6. I'on D"'h€r, rJIc, 2L:1:. Lb:5c: l. f-MI1.- r. Earlp€0!6n, Sfic, 15:/8.5; 2. \a!6t n Ai, Io:oq: .. Ka lh !. I@ 13 '.!' strc, 2d:o6,_ 6:r8:.'. tr"ro:.;o", i.it.'. s.nci 1.:2r! "o-'s,;;"s, 's,p_6 ! re.. -8:2c, :;;iI'" li..;,;; li. "iii:El .. a,"ra.' lu' ij5:..-iIr l.* t, rs'ry doc'. -tr ,9: l''i9l {1:i'?: '4, .0:(6: D6tu 14, .!I!: P tla, Ac. JI:46. t;:59; 7, s. r.o i{uorr., r],i .ucrrn, ";ll:,""ii";:.H';:"':"Bil:l;i: oA'qd'Lz, 'iifi: srlc,'J:r.J aL, -7:Jlrr ai-, 6. Rus" rsck 6lI:15. Dxf- Il5 T! .(i Iu;rIn. Ps-r -":JL: 6. 's-r "d SJt(. lar-Mllos- . Lou copp.ns, leon !(, ,1:4 son, sJ]c, l8:0,; 18:'r lo. 8111 Dooo. sr(. rU:(1j I\. -'.:-As- Sanoon, src, n:<8; r. Nla J6 ' s'aogsr, sJ c. 22:0b: 12. Jolm 22:12; *. 5.{ sharron, src, 2l:17, P.lla, llon .!s. 2 !. 9, "on"o}uson, sr!.rs. .]2:Eafry lj o,


?adr, Th3 lac€ x&s s'ttched tlm the i son. tx.ntJ y.ars of contlruoN frghrlng nast Rivo! Drive becaus€ of b€awy snot.lrlthln and {lihout has t.nd6d to &ahat, MA,LA.|U lndoor tlo-ntle chMplon Std lth. ra,ris or studonts ln favor of htl1Joluson of tns l{rlla, Ptonoe! Club ta3 taly s.!v1c.. Bh6 hlgh casuatty rat. has 36cond ln 65:u. Johnson-rd 6v€n {ith tulihor dlscoulasod ithl.tic s;tlvltt 1t oq16-

ro' sir lsos .) :oo.


fsrl i:i; s;,i;;.;; A;i;. *:to". r,i,""iriro"",

fsith, vi.t@.66 poo91o ee not rrgo-86tRECoRD torsr! acbl.ttca1ly. Th.y d. hdplt, !osunoa!, ".b, 19- d.!b Lo- 4.d, and er, rn.8 roconcLlod to xhaL6tur oay happ6!. Iltr.ro aro 'or sporls tl1oL r6nz of tl- 'vhoro. }I, . -oJsr.o -h' Cobbs cF.! cours. record fo! e+ nll6s th6s€ adry 5mL1, lleht, dd l1ih. duscul' p.o -anLnstho p.opl. .rc.lt lolbl of !!olo tb th. polbt ra }1ldMtd- a! p.opL at to o L2:2I Ln taktm : I ln f o L:rI "c.l1 3l ,oo ouo! dI. ar1an..c Hnc "scs .o.js./, fho o1d -t.6!.y in cmp€llrlo,,tch r6cord las h.ld bJ l,ou coppens' P.m AcJtsle natlols. lbo !.d1-cab d!tYo!6 a& Etural ath1oEo6, !oH. o!' 9nd th.t 4r. 6r in co. clE o@s kho ao d.lorlous {1tb ch'al"ua nno srr.n.dd -Io th!.o of B !ac' EEouEn,r!9r'6aotor s .aL 6a Ds xala oo a &rrv ij,:J"ii i; ii'iii"-

EmB t,ornxz IOPS aoBEs cnEI{





ftr. et1. rb. utrfdltuataIy, Da Nai€ 1s off 11ntis to nilltary !.rsom.lr rlth cEfor at U !.n., & sodurtty dictat.s no runnhg Fh.n dusk ssttlos bot!..n 6:10 ald ? !.n, Thos6 rlshina to cor!.!!ond llth a vlot@6s. 5-7 kd, nm.! @y Eit. t6 EoAllc DIIfA TnOONe at tAI EoC ,O DA i,{T, tA I4T. RlPUBr,Ic oF VIfl' Ijln, loang Is oheplon at his Univ.rslty and .ag.! to! ncls of th. ludlr€ ro!1d. E6 rus tlth Eyselt and fotu.r fianud x-c !u4n6!, lt. la, Bt11 ga!!.it, ,hon hots hm6 tu@ Da lat, --scott D. !stlto!, Jr

von nud.n, l+9ers, 2:10.2j 2. N€1son,


xabas ctte. !to.. Ju. A- 0o.r 211.- 1. lorY 86nson. Ads.. d:5?.2: 2. SGTL. 6u M.'1co, 8:57.8. I,.A. IIiV,. Jan. 21- l{tl.- 1. Jir Rtu. r,reae. L:02.6r 2. r6-ToD nud.r. [9srs. l+:0J.1! l. D, Bu116son, l+:01.8..2-!r1168:l+5.6; l. c.o!R. Yode, e:Lrg.B. MM,noSE ca}s]s, N.r:aork City, Js. 26th 15.596 fa's..r4t1.- 1. Dav. Pairtck. V11raiova, l+: ol.7-TI5 ooh-j \58.7, 2,o2,1", 3.a6.5)i 2. Davo'1+7.6) !all-or! DIIo, !.!s, r9c, rlsas 3. I'IDDIX ATIAMIC AAB Ir'OOR T&F CIAIIPIOX- [:01+.8; \:0[.8, ]+. sM Bah, fiont srat.! lr,:05.6; 5. Maltl! sfllts at Ph1ta. cont6ltion lal1, oa., Llquo!1, Ess6r Catholic 1.s., x.J., Jan. 25th- 2-fl11o- I. shan John6on. lhtla. Plon;;s-!s, c:21.6j 2. Bl1L ;bobot l+:I1.5;6. H. ;ormE, socc, I+:17.5. 2-!411.- r. K. 0!Brien. aus,, U:i9.6 t{R r6np1. Unlv., 9:27r 3. Loq cop!.ns,r.d ]To-6ffi-8:08.1): 2. Pat lraFor. usA!. Ac, 9trt U. Bl11 &Iso, U. of ?6m. 8:!3.6; 3. roly Bo$on, Au.., 8:lrJ.e MtI.- 1. !!Mois cuc.r, lhtla. Ac, ,. rek sohlI}lhs, rdn!I., L:21+. 8:50 16t35.6,7tl+2.2)t lr. Tm r,arls, :rac, tr2,11 (2:0c.2, 3tr',B, 1+:2), 5t2c.6); 5. d; 3, John 0rDod.11, D.lalaro; 4, Da!. chas. fioss.h€o!, V111'noea, d:57.2; 6. Ls Duy.. !.tu Frosh..,I000- l. G.Ey urul;s, t.m, 2:19,5i--. nd,6 schlas, Sury SloHn. nvac. 9:00.0..10oo- 1. Bob zt6nlbsld, iloole.tod, 2:u:61-2, Brron v111dova F!o3h...[if. lrrelk- 1. Dav. Dec.. IYu. 2i12.2; .1. Jtr fi6tcaIl, 0k1a. Ronensky! sJTc, ?:f6_.8---. roo stcranorlcrr Pbtla.Aci l. Paul wa1lio!1o, fhlla. stat6 u.. 2:11-7..880- 1. 3111 c.othors. t$c, 1:91.2;2. LriEfE, c, 1:5l.lr l. Ac; 4. Storo Andolso.r Phlle. AC. 1:5J.7j l+. roter scoLt l.s. 2-r,r10 1. G.ora. D1I.do. Trito! B1u-;}-trS:o (Modt lacord, br6;Itis c:56 Lrncoln, Ir.b., 1:55.1j 5. tr.nl.r,c,1:554 2 by Doh Mdrsd, c1.a 1.r lcsloEl-,rb4) a!B!D!'EiOUE. t{.tf. rw.. Jd. 2ati- tr11.-;;*;;;;-t;-;;;:. ;;;. -;i;;- Rono, 1. N.il lussd, Fscock Jc, l+:o8.2j-?;;d-8;. sc Stlid.rs. lr:09.2..4(-c. Scott. at amebolls. ud. 1411.- 1. Le!]or, ll. xrffc, 8i57.8! 2. :'.,roa, t6;;s L'.st.rn h:06-8 ix6u iaarl tr;a-d. & Fi.ld xo,"6 rc, 8:59.or L c6o, Youna, ar1z,t0,9:116 R.cord); 2. ritlan. I'1, 4:00.8 ( 6t I'lan. [8rh x.y. & of c ]40.1. fob, l- r4i1.- I. DBra, x, co11.J. n.cord)j l. 4:09,4. Iileas r.!s, rrc, l+:05.5j 2. o,Bil;i, aE, 10C0- 1. rallo!. N, 2:12.2; 2, rjod., N, l+:06,1+! l. R. zt.flln3lr1, G.o!s6toun' ZT:.7: r. Krrlan. l{. 2:lJ.9.,2-tl1r6- 1. l+:06.91 l+. Earrr Brom, NYAC, 4:0U.4i 5. ra&, i.. c:07.9j 2. tus,tIssn,-x-;-t:07.9 Jack !ath. lordnm. L:o3.7.,2-Mrlc- 1. 3. oaffee. N. 9:12.?..llosh Mll€ & 2-l{- Daro E1lra. Toc. 8:[t.0i 2. !-m o,nto!!drsh, x, ir:22.0 & 9:Jl:Xds!, Ir.., B:52.8; l. BilI cltk, cMP -;ffi L.j.un6, r.c., rJsxc, 8:56.0; l+. n,,{ehffi C1ab, b:56.d; 5. lfi[t?d,;:X"fi;1. sm Beir, ]ront st. ton, N,J. S!!k.sr.Sho. Jolm's. a:59.0..1000-1. B-arky, ceada. 2. t&v6 [:alr..8; 4:06.1i r!a,z-ro3ar i.'!"", ]to, 2:08.1+ ml-2; 3. Earrr 8rou, tf,Itc, 4:06.6j 4. E.rt ElTc,2:10.1j j. J. P6rry,4C B.nson, austrslia crorh.rs, crmM, l+:07; 5. rony .!s. 2:10,6r h. H. c.f,aM. ?;11.5..!5oL!:08.3..Bair snot past Bait.y litn doJ f. iro61 car;o11, Irsldd, 1:51.1; 2.316Jt to {h by 5y...2-rl11o- 1. K.!ry fordnm, 1:51,6; L Fe!rcll, xD, Eeaor. o!Br1on. au6., 8:l8.fm-2. rm r,arrs, (PeNe! Scott, $.b., thtsh.d 13t 1:51,? 6:41.2 lrYAc, 8:36.8; l. Dsv6 El11st TQc, rr 1:50.9 but tas atsqualifl€d fo. !m L. lon OtRiordsn. IrdlMd, b:l+U.lri 5. ntM ,lcc 1n tho sir.tch.J.. 1r. ualxr. 8:52.1+..1000liccubbhs. o!1a.stat6, r, ion Da.1sI. rYAc, sc!., 6;B:iJ-2: lrsss L.p;, roronto rc, 2:o8.1r-Z hic! sheul radeny, )rYPc, 1f0y; l. Ron /uf]k, Loy. {3i11 oneltohcrkoi ITPC, [01 c.mam, SoCc,2:09.?j l+. P. s.ott, N6b. rracfhlsh.d lst brt xes di3qualiftod. ) 1, R. calrf, oakla'd, al!!ri's Iw., !!119:Jrd P!r!A. ll6llmdn olMNs, ConJ.ntlon hif,o.)a..2-1411.- 1- Tm Itall. Phila.. ra.. rab. l+th- 9,500 J43, r"1;.8,h8.6r 2. osiafl.o-i5' sffJonn 1. r4!;. rra. l+:09,5; 2. 116ston A.Lc.-r i"t rramoE, 9:00.2; 4' 1. 16 }ilr.: ]+q..i, 4:10.9: l. rM's !aro' D$rs, L;;;on; rarh""k rc, 9:oo 6..1ooo-



travt, L:12.2; lr, Jrn Jotmson, roninsula rc, l+t\2.5: 5, F!a!k tluahj. vlrbnosa. l+:1i,2; 6. Badt Brorn, xYAc, U:15.1; 7. E.rb l,oranz, f.nn AC, lr:15.9..2-l{1}a l. K.ffr K.ffJ 0rBrron, Ius., 8:116.6 0'Brron. rus., 8:l+b.6 tA;2. mi2Pat T'aylor, lrq6!s Tc, €:l+8.6! l. Dsvs yoDe. E111s. ToC. d:50.d: [. C.orr. Aliz.rc, 8:52.2i 5. Tom o'nl..da!.-i".15d, 8:t7.el 6. Chas, tq6s3dq.!. v111anoYa, 9:04.1; ?. 3!ian F6rn6., sc strld, l0o0- 1. Dar6 latrlck. v. 2:09.2 l{R: 2. E-:-T.mam, SOCC, 2:10,2: J. Jy Brarr. IIIPC,2:11,1; lr. La!]or, Xery, 2:11+.2j 5. $oo1 Csfotf,, Ireledr ::Il+,8.,880-1. c. c.ffi, 1:52.?' 2. r;an $rrh,'::fl€t53.2t J. rdnt Perry, l+9crs, 1:51.5; 4. Andr o,neir1v, v1]1uoea. alternoon or.n dronte- 1000- 1. ca! von

or.aon Stat6. 9:o0,8..2-lfir. If. 1. B.z For!0., strrd., B:99. o::-Ts-2:fir6- 1E1 cajo;_IrfF c&ltf. 9:01.4 (2nd l6.to3t dw.r Es lndoo! hHomr16); ,. or13 llrrin, I,lmoln. s@ Dloro. arol+.0: l. P.tor i6.16, R.6dr;y, a:2?.4. lrlculcArr ntr,aYs, AD arbor, tEch., J@.28 2-I,{11.- 1. DIck Sharl!y, [$ch.Sr., 8:56.2 IoWA 86, UCTC 59, t !.u1 1C 16, CblcaAo, F.b, 4- {119- f. i,1.czoFk, r, tt,:06.? llAllsrls 91, S0, IIIIIOIS 29, rqronco, l(aa Fob,


J1n Rr@ ron n11. & 88o rn l+:o9.2



Fob. 11- u11.- 1. l,f.b toudrr, mr. L:06_6. 2-Htf,.- l:--Eo!s. scott, M,r, 8:5b.ti. llDlrl YoRK Ac IlrDooR cAuts, F.b. 17th

D3!. Prrrrck,.r, 3:5e.1 l+:01.9; l. Der. le1loyr EYTC ssT&Fl !lSC', Nlr York, Frlday, Fob. 10th SC Strldors, I+. Tii Danl.lso!, SYU lYoslr, l+:02. firI. 1. Dar. Patrick. v. L:00.6 B:05): 4:02.2; 5 (60.5, 2:02,I)j 5. rab cMr.n, NYAC,

Jtu Jo!n6oo, 4!08,r; Ic, 4:11.5; 5. 4. s.bsrtd fiaoo, Colby. lr:1!.1..2-lr.i1.- 1. van Il.1so^, st.cloud st.. 8:t6;I; r. cirarles n.sson2j Ir. 3cotb, Ar!z.stat., 0:59.2..co11. Eiat. t4.L1o- 1. T.n! Dom.l1T. \ir:Elfmv triT2;TT6:.1, 2:06,'l:11)r ?: rm xur1l: gd, SJ, 4:]J-lr l. a1 andr.ln1, trlncoron, 4:41+.J; 4. J1n dtan, Htrts6rs, 4:ar,r 5. M1k6 l,/i]}1Ms. forth Csro1lm. l-:17,] 1000- t. IM fiMl1ton. v. 2:oB.r: 2. R. Zld...-rhski, c, za9.r t55.9, 1.t3.j)t 3. Dyc., lrfg, 2:09.6j 4. rndllLat, Prbc.to!, 2:10.6; 5, !e{lor, {s!y,2:}2.1, 880- ]. urb1ro, c. r:50.8 (51,9)r 2.ti.. 1y, viLf!.3 K.ur, r.m.,1:51.d -,n.Eoa!;ae. Ma.., Ii51.9.:ao11or. rooo' [. .tta, 2,15.2| 2. Doa io{., 2:16.2..Aft.S.ss1o!- 11o- I. !. carloar.r, l,ss;;l:Tf;2; 2, sh-sttuok, Ruta.r6 s.tor lrall, lr:20. 4r19.4; 3. Rrch Myo!3, 4; 4. e.o!e. Davis, r,b.& a!r, 4:2I.2. 7fE AltxgAt t/rtl nocars t00t cnl€s, !,t. H11.- 1. RlciLa.d nono, si.1d., l!:07.Li! P6!1tuu1a

**!9" tr1.:^1.

lr.02.5..ToDss&int 2 H11.- 1. Tm ialls. Ij,YAc, I :[EiFr--z: Tdstu-udd, nz, 8:l+8. 8

(7:lr?,[) (300on-0:16.[): 3, Dam Er1ls. Tac, 8t95,2 169, 2:12.9, l:19.2, 4:26,tr, 9:0c,u; 5. rm Dod611y, vi1l., 9:11.0. lltitn ivo 1a!d L.ft, ],dls dlox alonesld. Studd & th. psir rsc6d atrost .s on6 bofolo larls slrlrtod tn tho fthl 8oy to u1n bv thN6 Erds. )..Io00- r. L.o6. TTc" 2:11.7 (1:5o.o)i 2, t{o-so!, sc shrtd., 2:12.f. l, d, c.tuem. SoCC. 2,12,6..8601, r(6Epcr, Itc, 1,53.4;2. croth.ls, Efe, 1:53.4j l. Fqr.611, ND, 1:51|-9; l+. scort, llnco1tr. x60.. 1:56.0..z-ltt]. FoalcaD2, saj6lyoz, c.ors6torn, 9:01.0 llo])l l. uu1r.f,, NY]j Fror,b, 9:01.6 (80y)! lr. ror Itdllisan, st. Jatn!8, c:01+.2 (sdr.).5. l'd shahtuc}, ndtaors, 9:10,0 (loy)..firlo ],ra1k 1. D1.bo1d, shoF ac, o:11.? (IZot) 2. Kul1]{, rIYAc, 6:12.u (40ylj l. 6'.1rctr.nko, xaPc, 6:16.0 (l+oJ); L. non Dm1.1, ttYtc, 6t37,2 (scr,) 15,132 fos.

;ffi;-r6;;;6-A i;:frG-ifr;-;;;;;;, 1967 (5th of club r.b. 5. ruft)- r. tsrJ


'lnt.!2. o1s6n, 1:0L:28;


Bak€r. NtEc. ]1:o8,o..1ooo- D.ivis. L9 Da16r, l:0[:]2j l. Ron c,ff, 1:07:51; 4. ilcl sayko, 1:0U:ll; 5. Rtctard Ruqutstr

-, I,A lrIl,IEs


1:0c:l7j 6. Ralph Ialrb8.is, 1:09:50; 7. Ed stcold, 1:10:zdj U. Dlck Clap!, 1:10: J21 9, l,6nn1e HoltrB, 1r1o:5o; 10. Royc. 2lj 12. Ilrot ldrsrds, l:12:l+?j ll. CIauf4. noor.ra€o, f: rJ:4) 15. Paul sch.11, r:11:55j 1b. st.s. l6bmn. r:!a:20: 1?. !!sJr.k xi!o. 1:1la:21: !& vin Fddrirtl. 1:I7:09r 19. Jirlt@ s1ari.1. I 20. ld Sl.driori.!, L:19:!5. ii?ij-s.i;r,, 1:18:14; (15 sts!ts!3, 3l flnrsb.rs) --!rcd B!orn-,

loe.tie.I.s, lob.


lJ. 116 fans..Ili1.- 1. Jlr Gr6]16, ndlt. Ac,4:06.4i ac, 2.-160, 3mo, si!1d., sirld., 4:o/.2; L:06.1+! 2. [:o?.2; ]" cMl.!, IYAC,4:07.?;4. studd, II2, oB-2; 5. von Rudon, 4c6rs, l+:08.r-..1 l+:08.r-..r (.d!.r. VrCr O. 1- (.d!.r, 1. VrC, 2:09.O: 2:09.Oj 2. Olble, Olble. O, 2:09.2; J. ?rcston Ds.is, 49.!s, 2!09.5. (4: rd3,, rd3,, 3:\1.6 6:\1.b C1ark, 2-M11.- 1. Ro! C1ark, Ba11tt.. !{2, Ballrt., xz, d:!u.2! t{2. d:4u.2: f. I9;7Ta Iq:'7Ti laTT;2. 2. Bill Bill Ba11l:1., l.


-iall, RUN- lrr!14 Rive! cou6e !y nRc of N.Y., J6^ 7, I9b7 u a.E. (Icr of e sertes of 4 earudFJ *oe.) *cord: 19:1o.8 bv Ed lY1Eox,19€6 I. csvln Jones. N4 YolI Ac, 20:21.6 2. rl gr€n, Cent!61 J€reeY Tc, 20:51 l. JohD carle!!, Ltll1ro6e /1rr, 21:u+ d- .d tlDor. N€x Yolr Ac, 5. ounther ,6ses, Bluce Tc ?1'l? 6, tate Fsnerty, rod cola€ge, 2r;r) 7. Rod Callender, Unlted AJl 2r,2tM' 8. |(lke Att.E, Falll€IgrF'lc}rhson @onEor€d


?6."iii'*";g:&":i; fJffH;:


ili'il ff}llllil



24. HeDv gerce!, NY crtY' 28:21 5?:ol ued&sr1., laaa, 2tttJl a7ta4 25. lr:)5 65:1€ 26. Xurt 'i4ta stelner, Nfc, 2?. Dlck Rothchllit, B€6t Sld€ YIdcA 06:f! DIIF FranX Vatr, Unlteit AA: BerJl r€op]NiJt.a-.lhe race r6s lun 1n a }eaev raln' In 21:46 {rtror raa t)re fhst 4 DLIeE the la.t 1ep trrth & th€n d.ld 20:50 for tne fMouE vlror rbllizi 14 the laEt rf,o r!1eo !o s1n by 2oov over al stan (




ot 9e!1es) u leps of lanxe€ 3t€d1a '-jg!r 24:10.4 by Pete {oArate, 1961. Ja4. 14th RL'I (2nd

1. Gavln Jores, liYAC, 24:44.3; 2. IleLte! Ya1ls. It4)C. 24:54; r. tdv1Bw, \YAC, 25:08; 4. Ed lotree, NYlc, 25:17; 5. rrr Ho6€ $an, CJTC, 25:2?; 6. Cuthe! uo6es, Bruce TC, 25:17; 7. lave lahe!tv, Iom i:;1i"il;':i]'"Hiiifr ',i:6,53: colLeqe aa, 25:45; a. Rod Ca11e.drr, lAA ";i"t; Joln Vrdr, r,Ynn f 5t, 26:_il;9, B!11 oordon, 3,1.8c, 2?:45; 10. L!cl :1. Dlce Rob€!t L;lE. Na?c, 24r42; Bob Roseles, N!PC, 27.47j 11. Ted Co!rrvlne,-u@' Rolr.!t 22. an, sarc, 24151; bl!t. traPc, 23:03.4j 12. A1 catlendB, uj-a, 28.1?; Il. Nat cld14rc!, ua.a, 2b: 52, 14. lirle ie1l, Hartadare, N.Y.r 2t: nrted iA,'25:44; 26. 01eM ucca!tt\v-'-. a4: 15. P€ter larres, HartJord, Ct., 29: 27. Jl! rorden uaa' 2o:zr; 12, 16,8111 Dlr, L,i, Strrde!s,29r17; @., 25:48; 2e. Aldo gcatrddra, u,14, "o:*' I?. tau.1 Stel@6ryL, NYAC, 29:45; 16. A]tU x-c cr@pIot.....Joreo, Jr. tlet. ?onerr lrvrne, um., lo:09j 19. srclDltr & mrE the tBlf{al at lead ton, tooli hh€ !uc16n. erBc. ]o:17; 20. oleD LLcalthv, rhished about 2o0y sneEd ot Ar amn. ura.. rc;r1: 21. Aobl. Le{10, NYPC, lo: 3'a! A osrlep! 6€t th€ earlY Pace' ,3, i2: Freit Lev1tu, uA,r, 1:04; 21. lrb. coin€, A{Aa, 11:14; 24. Larrv knser, \rytiarled O-|tI!r RUN (Tto la!5 of 4-r!1e Pc, aI:4Jj 25. Dqv€ Llttlehaleo, ]l3, )'f )2:17. l2:08;2b. Joe Krrby, sABc, !5'i;l' ::::"s:"i63; DxF- Flank LlcDoMeIl, Ner Yort Ac. record; coulse rec€6) 4 tee-kiv sundav J6de6 captur€d hls eec.ld 6tr3lejrt race 40140.4 by rd f,lnr,, 196rr. 44r. !:q!'^ 14 tn€ satufday €e!!€s of !ut6 by 5oy il;,"3a"ili"TI^%31'3;,iX i':'ii;";;'!6€. tlartioid, ct , 2l:r: 16. Bob

Eli#;:,Hi'!ii,'liii ;:*rl"':;


l. Ia tltro'r

Ne' Yo!!



2r:46 42:io'o

i, tirilF#llvs:, "",,il18 ii''t i,ni#"h""^:'ilii$#:,i!&+ii:?i

il cil"tffii:ff " ".;ii$ iiiii i): li$ iiillll'"ff'k *.3i;i\ fi;tt 1r, Jrr Nolan, Mg,,:, ?!'?1 12:42 ii, *":tiiislJ#',

zi;\i';:n " i3: 31ifl.5il3l'fli'lli: 13:

iiil"ifA*'k"Ili "

i|,?i iitn V1":i," ii',te

fi' Sirift'iiqi'.m!,, ":t2 ii:u

I:ll:r,ql9:--,:l::-ll:f :1::11-1*::l gelr€s) (znd ?ona 12-lELr




Jd. 15) 196? 11 a.e. 6-n1. ilnal 1. 41 sian. aJTc, t-50 1611,6 2. Ed itlri{, nYic, 12:4 atoBttT 3. aflntler llj€e6. BTC, ll:00 ]:09:04 4. Dave !Lerri, Ioda, ,4:15 1:10:00 5. Jlb Lr',#;:, IAA, J4:15 l:10;14 5. 5:11 :,n!rar, u@., t4:15 1:1,1:2? ?. vrnre,-.ra,retio,\ryac, 15:00 1:11:12 6. 11s€ i.if, illrtsdsl€, 15:ro 1:11r41 CoD.,1:11:44; 9. 3111 leyior, OreeNlch, 10. iob iose1e6, Iir:FC, L:1lr2a; 11. led Corbit:, \TtC, i:f5:14; 12. Nst Clftln1ck, !r1ted a!, 1:15:f6j 1f. JaE€6 rY11 eor, IJ,iJ, l:1:;!2; L4 cene claddlngtor, II}Tc, r:16:ioj i:. Jln,,]o1an, IYlc, 1:17: c1; t6, !auL ste1d66rcvh, Iiryao 1:J0:24 I?. Fei:e r,raols, u@.j 1:20:49;16. Gleq Li:lartlly, te., 1.22:19j 19. BtU e,hashan, Llaa, 1:22 :oj 20. halee, Lr 9tr., 1:2lr09i 21. Ron (orer'

!art, !.I.,


g1&1Jran, toston art, 1r24:27i 22. x!-1Dh

lllbdg, gduth JelseJ tC, 1:aor29; 2]: Dr. Irvlng Abra!r!€, NrrC, l:29it2, 24, Iat €t€!ner, NaPc, 1:f8:0?j 2t, Rlcluld RothchtLd, Y€st slde ytcA, 1:4I:02, DIi- 6€!€ ?ooBey, lyac Note....t1 geAtr took tle lead at the slatt & v6nt dn to r1r 1n a ner cou6e record tI@ ot 1:05:j:1.6 tor the 12-ml. AlleJ Pond ldl loop. Th€ eeather nas liteal, except for a toudh tr1rd h th€ f€ce of t]le .|ffe!6 on the vd bacL. Tbu6 a f€st 6 olleg at the €tqrt by sfld (11:50) heLo€d h1D iorre d oomand1ng lead over {Iroy. yr rcn by about yard€. 700

x-llM RltN (ljid ot serle6) tglleb Flve! cou6e, gat., Jan. 21, 196? f1 1.u. 1. !d Bore3, N4 Yolt ac. 20100.2 2. Jh 0rcoe€11, ccNY AA, 20;10 5. cavln Jone6, N€h Yolk AC, 20:11 4: {€trer ttar18, \EPc, 20125 5. aa l91ror, N6r to* ac, 2014€ 6. John Oer]6pp, !E1l!ose AA,20:5I A.1 A*an, Cen.Je!6€y TC, 2I:1o 1. d. Gunthd lrcses, Eruoe TC, 2t:31 Jth cJ!c. 9. 22:00 tO. Lqry'-onbdd_l, Potrelson, XjrAC, 22tO6 11. Bob Ro6eI€€, IypO, 22r09j U. !!11 gABc, oordon,

22r1t; 1J. t€ee sqan, N.J.,

22r41; 11. U1le Relfr ltrrisdater N.y., 21:tt, 15. Dp" Llnaiau!, siAlc. 2i21i 16, Al ca11ends, Unltedt11,:l:loj 17, Bob Ilvtne, 0r€emloh, Ct.. 21:-!; 18, Ted Corbltt, N]PC, 2l:4?; 19, Ol€M &ccarthy ure., 2tt4B-, 20, Pete! Bs.e6, Hsrtfold. ct., 24tot) 2a. Jolu V1da, Lyrt1u6r, N.J, :4:Q6; 22. Ner C1lurn1o!, Ur\, 24:25; 2). Oo!don Cnerr, tt.J., 24:44j 24. B!11 D1*, !.1. St!., 24:58; 25. Rtchald Luclsn 3AAC, 25:09; 26. BI11 Coyne, [tAA, 25:]0; 27. tu1ph lrlbe.s, sJlc, 25:48i 28. Eob !e?L., D@c, 26:07i 29. Aon rbko{6!1, it.J,, 27:o1j f0. Dud!6v Glasse. u@.. 27to5t 1I. Jae Il y, srrsc, 27:06; ?. nanhy le!I1tns8, uha., 28:50, ,). 8111

3!3!€, u,e,: )l:10. tbe lueerg teklng the lead dullDg the !ac€. Itlth a nl]€ to 8o Bores (sr, uet. AAU ,-&11€ lndoo! cbaer) tool tbe IeaA & {eht on to ultr by @} ove! J1n otCodeft. lGLgLlS (l!d of Serle6) 4 laps ot nrlleo nlver coE€e."Jd. 22, !96i it 6-a. IdeaL r€attler cordltlon€.. cou!6e lecoldr 1:27:AA by loD LIcCarthJ, 1965-

r. gi1,gi*", wc, z7ie 2.

Abe A.€a,




,'6rE trcr'-6a 46tP r.O9:t5

l. JIr l,{cDoEgh, lu11rc6e M, 2f:t4.t47 rta9t55 rt33.07 4. C€ry }luhrcle, i{!I1ro6e 46:00 1:09:18 1:,l:59 A|, 2lrO? 5. A11l oordonr St. Anrn. BC, 22:50 a6:12 1:I0:02 1: l4: 14 6. Cuntner tlo6eEr Bsoe TC, 2?t49 46:11 I:10:00 1:15:14 7. S11] la!?er, @., 1:l5rlA; 6. Ddve l,aPI€ne,9esterly! i.I., f: f6:44j 9. Bob ao6eles, Iimc, I:17:54; ro, Lhdrur, S,clc, I:44;28i 11. Ted Don coftltt XIPC, 1,44145; 12. JlE {l1son, Unltod M, rt45t5Jj 11. Jlo lolar. NY?c. 1r46: 18;14. E!I1 3h!mlah, UAA. I:4?:50:

15. ir,qt c1!u1nrot, uA.A, I:48raa; i6: firxe Re!f, Hart6dale, N.Y.. 1:49r40: 17. eeryl !eopl€d, torrche;re!._ N-a: 1:50:5lj r8. Jrhn cotrlns, Newi,urah,ir.y 1:51:03, 19, Id {1FoB, !,yAC, Ir5Ir08., 20. John Drckstade!, NYAC, t:51r08.4i 21. Deve Llttfebale€, !.I. strld€lr. \t5ttl6; 22, B11r Coyner {/ra, 1:57r5Ij 21. lmre rGdacj.Ia, MAA, 2t1tt2li 24. !ete Drlaora, @.r 2:04:l3j 25. tlllt Patalq, gA!C, 2tA9t94t 26. Illte 0'tsa, SABC, 2:09:5r; 27. Drd. Rothscd.d, f,s DNIL ltelrJ {eroe!, @.; Jo. x€lter. !1c]( ],uclar, SAaCi (ut Steln€!. Dr, t. abran@€, lll4rc; 016@ r4ocarthJ, un1t6d rla; D€nnrs gnltht A_I1d Brernf€ld, ua.: Aldo gcanrtulra, &lAj Joln loecclhorn. IYac (17 gkriers 4 2? flnr6herB) 3ohrab boo! sdrantec€ of rhe treEer condltto!€ & !14t.hed f,aat ov6! the lest thle€ 01Le. ta w1n b! 6oee 4OOy orer IM's abe 15s4. --Joe &lelaernan-(Lth 5-18!E RqN of sort€st 11 1'n. aro'd yarnr€o st.atm.,voitu.r: i'orr ,bdt e .ord..Cours6 !6co!dj 2r:10,[ bv P€b. MoAldlo. 1953.,PllleE ro! r}]ti sorled donatod by Joo m.lemq 1. Ed ulnlor, ner York Ac, 2. Gavin Joloj, I€H York AC. a.51.8 29:00 l. a6rJ Fltts, xturodo AA, 29tte la 3o"€s/ NBr Yolk ac! 4, 6:]lr 5. l,la1t6. Ira1Is, Xypc, 25:50: 6. l,laar.6 cuc.hlala, NY,{C, 25:06! 7, Joln Ga!l,6ro. !4111roE6 AA, 26:321 8. Dars Faholta. IoE co11es6 rr|, 26:L8; 9. outJlo!'' Hoo€s, Bnce tc. 26.5jr 10. nodney Ca1onda!, unlt€d At, 27:13; 11. Jo6 Balbaj @a., 27t27t 12. B11I oo!do!, SABC. 2?, .ll+i 1J. $1k€ Rett. Earbsdalo. !.y.. 2?: J?; 14. Bob Ror€Ios, N:FC, 2?!U!; 19. Jtu !Mbard1, c.nc. 28:00: 16. 8111 xh. solla, cJTc, ?6:02; 17, chahcot ha!6b, EtraE,'i4?'L*3' itr*'"Xt3;Tiiie.')t9' ]i/Pc, 2$t'ti 21. 50f 20. Tod corb.ltt. "fl Don Ltrdau!, sABc, 29!10; 2?. A]' Hlllt(llext pag6) so. NYIC, a9!17

**ffi **ffi


un1e. of Kansas 1n th6 fal1.

ot Xe{ YolL conducr€d th€ lac€ ln nmory of Isola, a Ner Yorlr reporto! on 1&,F, {ho dlod in 1963. tst I,a! 2nd 1. carrn Jono3, rYAC, 5:11 10:_)5 lrd r9:52 2. ltaltor 1,Ial1s,]ffPC, 5:12 10:41 16:10 Th6 RRC

l, !d

rwAc, 5:ra ro,35 \6ta7 4.1Bt11 scb{ab, xYAc, - 10:[0 16:18 5.r{4o e..r.rr, r4A!, - 10i42 !6:20 6- A]. s{d, cJlc, - 10:58 16:110 22tr3 7. DoD ions, xassau cc, 22:28i 8. John loosdbt&!tr, rYAc, 22:l+oj 9. ealj l{un&ke LlA, 22,52t IO. Da!6 tabsriy, Iora co1, AA, 2l:14j 11. l4lko i6tf, ldA!, 23:52; 12 G€ora6 Ko.lrnan, G€ora€ Ko.bnan. l4AA, Ilat, 21156: 2lr55l 13. 11. Bob Bob Ros6 kr, mlcr tus, rt"cr 24:19j ?4:t9j Il+. 14. c€n€ tl.6n€ chaddlns chaddlnston, IYPC, 2r+:ll; 15. JMes wtlson, trnitod A.! 243!l+! 16. roter Bs!€6r lidtford, com. 24:r+5r 17. olom r.rccarrhy! lnrtod ra, 25:oBj 1d. Bill Dl:, r,r. shr., 25:12; 19. NrU C1dtn1.l, UA]|. 25:17: 20, Im loslRny, um., 25:l?r !ou1aby, 25r.]?; 21. Bob In1m, Irvrtu. crc€nHlch, Com., 25:56j 22. BLll coyne, t[I.A, 26tLi 23. stav€ sutto& Unn, 26:23 2lr. Dlva 11tt16hrr6s. !.I. stlldels. 28:1li 25. Dudlsy o1ass6. De., 28:ll; 26. arr T,ucy, Po]nM, N.Y.. 28:5lr 27. Elnlo !4edag11a, UAA, 29:19t 28. lal tl€nD6dy, Baystd€, x.Y., l0:19j 29. Td Tarbot, cleonslch, ct., 30t25; 10, !,torty schrartr, lm.j 30:53, Bor€3,



]:10:18. 1:lL:17) F3n'rrr! roru cou.r. M.1:q9:o5 4. 2+:12, [6:.]2, 1:12:lL. 1: lE:5[ ) 5.( E1lL cDrdon, sr. anth.tc. 2jooj21 2l:04, 46:1r4, I,ratJ7, r:j9tm) Daro


't-.A1,srm..cJIc, L2:oI:48 (2lr:oL, 48:31,



e. rh


DorE€h, AA, 2:05:!3r 9. Richud B.!ob. M, 2:o6:5t; 10, De'o r,a ?i6rr6,_ lLstcr1y, R.I., 2:09:20: 11. !od colbttt. rllc, 2:0q:45j 12. ulk Rslf! t$,!, 2:10: rBr u. arnold D6v1i., slartu ac, 2:I.l: lJ; r4. Ei11 !ar1ol. Gr..wlch. Ct,.2:1Lj 15; 1i. Don Ljndau, saBc, 2:18:11; lb. Eric s6gal, N.r fiavon, coD.. 2:19:57: 1z Joo Bun3, Unit.d 11, 2:2I:j2; 18. B11l Ahanahan, ,{,r, 2:2r:35t 19. A1 it1111@. ]]ltPC, 2t22t!ot 20. nat Cildllck, Itnit.il {4, 2:27:16j 21. c1a&nc. Rt.h.-, D4i,, 2:26iAj 22. Dpm tltt16hat.s, Lrs! 2:11: 1bj 21. Foh sirlld, BA-a, 2rt?:2tj :1,. Dr. c.orc. srr..lan, crrc, 2tL,):t't 25. nichard Rothichild, V6st S1d. YI4CA. 3:06.3 Boston

calr Muhlck , Bl11 Coyno, ve. c16n IcCa.thf,, Unit.d AA; P.t. D1 paola. E.jq U6r.or, Dtrd1.y nas3€, uM,; Joo E1rby, ul11ros6 AA: Jls lll1son. Fr.dr

l{tlt Pata}y, st, rrnth.So; V1nc6 Cbis$ciia Kiurr stcirc!. frPc: ltt llldo!! rIYAci Dr, Ilvlns Ab!el1@s. IY!C; Ji! lmbaldtr CJTC. olflctals: sM sch{od, aldo scddurrs! lany L.sso!, E6n Ablmso4 calr colbttr, Harly JMcson, xick Slletrosr Edv.y tiohtonst.in, Dav. vog61, JocrM]Ic m.1n.ru. Th. rtnno! lec.tvod th. HAxtrOn llnlonllu, TRoFEYT @dals & plaquss to 2oth. ,II- Joe Barbaly, let, --Joo Xto 1967 RlN I0r yoln RIXS N.Y, ARC JOm{ CART,TPP laNS STir AtrXr'lt 2o-ttlrtE! #1 uaconbs Dm tdk, 'IFEJu. 7th--und6r 14, l.b. 12- Jod ear1.ppr2d, 2 t!!s a"ounit YsJrk6. stediu (l60oyl- t. Irdllros. A.l, ,on th. 8tb amtr8l FXC of Balb.ra ?obc!, 6:05,.1j 2, J.o colL.Dtr.Y. 20-d1. frn in 1:56:15.8. rb. 1961 rrc, ?:o9l I, cb.lyI s!.d, 7r!!. 1l| & 0n.!- h laps (1 n11., 1l1L0y)- 1. rlm.r s.Dt rtsht out at th. ltdt a bcld iih. load ro! 311 5 1a!s of th. r1@ tt6, Fr.d l.e1r6 & Anthdy r.Faso, 11:11 corbltt, 1r:5q; 4, carby Pob.!, Th€ ooaso {ar .loa! of sno{ but 1c. l. cuJ (17 12:06. flnl3hors) latcnds !or. r1!^ib16 elolra 16 road. Ih. u.n!. vas ta' and a cold ,1nd hit #2 Ysiro. stsdtM, rd, 21st- 1L & uhd.rfour- (1660r)- r. D.bbr. TrDb.1a, 5;t8; 2. 3arth. !llm.!s tlrourlrout th..ntir. ntchald nilo looD. In 2nd b1ec. !r c.islor, 5:42, l. rte 3r8tun, 5:1+8. 'as s!u!1tns; en 18-T6;!-o1d flosh at iud- (lo f1n1sh.!s)..ll+ & 01ddr-{1 n11.,llll.0) son va116y C@hity Co L, John colasarto, 10:22t 2. Il1on V6.1hls f1!st dtstanc. rado I Th.!. '.rd b.ru, 1o:32j 3. F!.d l.vin , 10:31. (2L start."s & 25 finlsh6d. l+2 flnlshers) --Nat Clluhlck-Ed

\,rtuo! les contont to Jos thled

.asy laps du. to brtst€rs r.cci!6'r 1n Ax$oU$CING To"otrto cladstonr ACIE AMUa ?11o, !ad. 1n lu6rto nido last t..k, a1 SpltAg noad R&os, Sat., ,rp!11 1Et rESrITs (lith 4-n11. 3!1rts) t,.!'s Op.n 5-Uit. Ru; J!. Boy,s 2.5-Utlo 1. Jolu Oarl.pp. }LcA. 1:56:J5.U (2::20, Rui Um.h's olen 1.5-ur1c Ru & Oltdlo I0-I41I. chdDlonshlD vral!. x.tri.3 to:[b" j, r'gz,rs zj-ifii.'ii-dii'it"cl-,; Douslas valkar. c/o-oladstoDr Ac. 12o0 (22125, L6t)2, 1:09:17, 1:13:15) Lahidounc Ay... rnronto lr, ont, by !rEr.27

l. Glnther os.sr


Tc. 1:5b


-atD AnrlA! AIIOSn! FSXAllrO$ rgx, l-fiflo rlYL Rux zO-Err,O i]'ll, AloEkto, north calo1ini Jat 7, 1967 '-(Itu Etsbtj-6tght lllmrs flblshed thrco !ac6s u1!h 3111 CIu]{, USI{C, l1mlia th€ f€arurod 20rd ev6nt in 1:09:55, clallr b6adod e lt6Ld of Ll+ that tndludoa stor€ Jaclson (2d ln 1:12r17) & K€! Voss (l!d ln 1:1lr:!lr). !b6 hlan scbool 5kd laco robt t6 Ean O1b11ns of ldsra'o fillltart acedeny ln 16:19, Dotod 1! thls !ac€. Tls llla Run lor You llf€ (1.86 nd,) d!6v 60 boy3 & gtlIs of e1l- ae8s, T6!!v !.v.]l nf soutlDlr ?hes lldshed ftust tn 10,1t2. Jo AF Brom of l'JoodlaDd tas ibe flrst c1!l to flnlsh^ sh€ clockoat

fo! 33rd ptaco. nut- l-. 31f1 Clalk, cd! I-ejolN T:Tt59:-7: sto* Jackson, allheton, va 1:1211?: J, f,dn vo5s, lest caroliD c rohn osborne, osbo!4e, Ecc' Ecc' r: 1os€. 1oa.. 1:!!:l+tL; 1:1L:l+t!'i'i!:';;i'"-o-:;.;;;;Aa?,'r; h. 4, John b t:1?:24, 6. Tarlo!' rCC, ECCj r:1?:24: ry raylor, 19;451 5, r€rly 13:09



ri;;"?ord. sorqod rolDson.{sB, 1:2lt

22: ?. !d Phl11t!s, shAu AFg, s.c,, 1: 23:98r 8. rrad iutdr }noskio, x.c., 1: 26:lo: 9. lilrt Eabch€!r ntclrond, v5.. 1:2?:aj: I0. JolE noth, €cc, 1:2b:06i rL utl1 s"rc". aalslEh. x.c., 1 2b:l+5: 12. 8111 Y.!1eal€r, Rlcbhord, va., 1:f2:fo 13. Bob closbY, R1clhond, va., 1:40:-" T6M: Aninal Tc, !. cdoftru couego,e: 2. Eortfoit Earrlers 12i J' ntcluoDd rarl

r{oath€!: 760, clea! & balhy..Cours€: g!$s, loosa sdd & xoods,

Ca*ol1 su!!!ls€d overyone ths of tlalnlDs bocaus6 of lLl,n€ss & tas lusi baaolY s6ttin8 IoD !t the tins of iho raoe. H€ lon laot y€ar's rscs bT 28e. Though bs s€:Ldm has a chanc€ t. r@ dYtbinA oY€! 2 n11o3 1n bo a Aooil fons dlstano6 Fto!1da h€ '111 plobably onto! tho !n1!. rums!, {a ,111 of ToM€3s6e..Jac]l Jsrrctt lat nalatbons to! f,eats in tho 16{ Yolk up tralnirs for 13ck of hsdntt rd d st€p in str nonths b€for€ h€axlnA of t]1is rece..Frar& crdrA orgsl& also officiated. --Franx r!!ck-rrIIcor,?lTTs r]{ lrsI II€ld Aimm, Lefy Co1!1tts blok€ a,ay rlon Dan ai tar"X o! Ius6116r at the 15-n1l€ nalk & xor 0F to lln the thtld arnual ctty ot'ant lesns llarathon today. colpitter clockod 2:l+9:5?, !a!.y fu3.113! las sooord In :l:18:50" T]]trd place honols r€nt to E€rlJ rurnor, Lq, rho flnlshed rrrs ftrsr narerhon ld .l:lr5:o2. Aftar !unn1!g lith th€ 16ado!a tor t5 n1les Dan !u3€1&' er.ountered stonach ttoubl€s and tas folc€d to !iUrd!a! at 19 ntles. xin6 un6rs ftnistud th. rsos xhat coYerod tILe lalcflont cou$e t{1ce, dd fooFd city by flnlshbs eocond. Eo lodt thr6€ non-

$otes..T.ophles to to! 10 lndlllduals; to all n€tsbets of first t{o t€es .-Clalk 16d hd llacdr stolo Jactson to ls! AI\'0,r! DV@-To-nALlI l{l ]4AFrr'JEoN tb6 finlsh hy 2:22, reveP bolr€ challen- DuIe Un!@rsltr 6hepe1, Durhm, lr.C. to N.C. Stat€ lniaelstttr track, Rsl3tsh, Ic. :anufLray, ranrarr 28, 1rA? condltlone:


45", c1o,r & d!y, talhind. cou!33: tliut & touslr. !4easDred r6!stttie€It !itb callbrsted instrsent3 at 26.22 n11e3, o€as$oneriis !o!sati.a thdsslr€s. ot Atleta. Ca,, a s.nxo! a! Ceo!!1a stet.. lon the !ac6 in 2tl6:0o. Th6 ra;s sho''ed srcellolt conp€titlon latd thloughout as nant oarlt 16a& '€re ,sliDqulsned to siror€€! lace llmo!s, caloLita co1les€, tast John osi,orne of nalathon. jMpod out to d esllf, lead !3e3ir€ 10 nl1os ln 57:.0. olor 1n the n€at 5. :ot not br tuDch, lasslns 19 811e3 ln 1::e:oo, iu3t one nlnute abo,d of osborno. 4t 20 ;riks hs held a 3 mlnut6 13ad on Pe€e l1c_ X-Corr-NlRY Mlnus (x.c. stat6l, tho oms o! strons 2XD -AXX1'A! EAU CAITIE [-rIrI]E tlue strellgth t8. )a' 1961 car'o1' h6tro€! 15 & 20 f,11o3, !13ho{€ver, t." c.rii., er",,21:5?: as be 2, lJsF€ liaE€ sho'od 1n hls f,ast foktr, r. rt,":t rtr.l, 21:q7: 2' tored bhat distMco 1r 16:00 ops.ira up "l;"";il' "[113. and.7-o0 cap of, txo rraad. i',;i?;,' :.r sernou! rohnson alr loRe Hdr;r;"d luke [1rlt r ?. "f socond nera:hon e!e!i sEoFd Bas€, in hls J,!F r0. teck i. Tllmoasr Buddy !s.6t



eood fom asn6 laced h1s lsca i€1l .gnlng trd 5th at 10 n11e3 to l+th at

kolr dom the nmb6r of lDr]rus dlrvr* flas the l,rashllaton at tlr8 fh- lilsly o4 FIth 3M6 of ths nnrels tu!!15 and 20 ntles lnto jsh a tl-n6 of 2:L3:00, breaktng bg i; rhei! b6st lolfoMe.s in qutro his 'ith !revIous best by 26 nlnutsE, so; r o. The rosrlts x6!e nafod bt Ton_o Lhe_17 rne \ors6 .tntsd & m r.sLlrs oL6' sooe6 u. od_ zb- lk, Jo y da3 hilly anit 6ateld€d ttyoueb the Ee- lucatsd 6stiiars. of a;tE1 r1nos. Ir ts seaicl IrLso€1a, so-!'s, 1 9 & csrr. Ia.aoHlaossd .har Lhoro s-e s.-ors h 0 ossL ^@oa.l.o! o ' r:sb h€ dsrlrLsros. John Do ]]oe oeornauled IUh€ Sh6a. thc VorItesder q€talck€ :h rlb lss, LHo r.-€s, lack tra.lr coacb, rho ls 15. thon ouikl.k€d . em€ E6hlct€. ster6 Tr.phlos lere araraod to th8 top 10 Jackson ran a eood 6ut lon 1t !ac. tum ttnish€rs and tlB ew€nt ls llandd esd! tbs scratch na;.k but !ovo! lhroat.tud n6rt f,ee. Bob sohsfls cours. !.cord of 61:39. ulMer, La Buodo, ^sp . Bd rh. A- --------------r\6 -a a yrra. o. on D€o. l8 " ):lo:0< & rvCt{I ti O!€!rr ton snouoa I D.c, nFC) b-or€ h s pa €otul 1r-3t -odrl by I lnslsuosr. rsd, 15, ta67 e _ p.n. a- ar.-!. 'sol Ls src l0l:r.. r 1ir.. 0ntr.. r{ao\re on. D.c, D.c, A4u l!, _, BrJ.o laBuooo, {Ll4nLo, cs.. :.16:00 25m r.r -1les/ chMo r onshl;--?;i;l;; _:'8:00. ':0o.o0 {13:00. ho -: vudj t-T6ii?;-i-i!ieFTTfr-:_t;t: '1 r!!o. [0 s; .8ln ]su. ln ::41:00 6 :00, r :!?:00, z:01:q0 .0-a1. 561. l. John osbo-no, -, .sro as co l-se! L'sc. t-:o? EJ;!G r:f9:oo rr?:00, r:.:00. 2:01:15 | Aat)9.. p,c. r"3 Lsi x.c. 3bare, :52:10 |,, S,ses J,okson. 21t\? 96tar f. P3r3 /62:00, 1:1.:0,2:02:! j bL:01 ) q. T6-!r lay]or, !3st cslol T co'1.e3.1t. t rr collrne, ],rsc. 29:55 60:21 l:oe:10 (i9:oo. I:15:0o.2:1-:21,' I F9tti-.5 6. Ed plor.u, N.C. SLat€. l:1d: b -ttt{ 6ora5 Jh F !nar.! l!, go,r, (?0:00, 1:50:00. ^chr I ?. clJos cool:. 0 0 Do0rlnion couos.. 5. Jh nowood. usc. 91:11.2; b. Lqont ":.2:rr1 (65:0o. .:r.::oo. -e) snr!1, t{sa, ?. larly Blrly, sJc, d. B r soM€r. .16. n.c. sis 'ac.11r, 9L:90.5; L 92:55.tri st.e. a. Ldd .d, rs,, 09: (7.]:00. r:52:o0. I Z:9. ld orcomo1l. \,tsc,98:!r.5! 10. o..l:2-l:r! !€"€ Esab, o-dDontrlon col1.s6, Prlf catu-. trs'.lA PrsD. 98!lr!.5r 1I. Burz ),2(t25 t6'toa, 1:10:o0. 2:lbrfo sralczynsk , U4., oa:4r.9; ,. alors. 10. lrr\a s'ee, 1I.., SLar€ ls r J. Cuahr6L, Us., 10I:.lL.l.; 11. Jom Dohth6., J:i?:1a 6?:00, l:LJr20. - ) us-, 10J:i4i lL. Da,6 yilghton, usc, 10!: P".!, lr0: 5; 15, c€"a1o cumlnas, vsMA 2l,lr 16. HuAhqaf1. Jascoull. LJs., 1lJar0O.5; r/ l nlsutts 0F o!XR{I 0\ sr'ol,dc 17. brrre o: llsc. U1t16.1r 18. spoEo-ed by t.c. fil(. suo'e. Jan. 3cl lroa 0sna ?r.p, )5:t5t t9o,l:. 3L E rr.orL c t,. IId. pr.p, nrrshL, ar 115:15r 20, chEL 'a.nr";nd, lsHA lsro?o ' ',-wrrr r$'.D cdP qa c cou,.e our 3 ls!!A Pr.!, 115:15. l!s.rlshon, osck; "r€ddT s€rrs3 o' 3cI c o111s (rm i Lou cas.;sr.a s.. ;M .asJ pe06 ror th. li€athdr: Tenp. 1n tbel flrst 2 nI1.s & then ho tool off, Ulth n11. 2 to n116 10. .si! o!5e3 rtng, loq 1@ 0 51 5 1"6s\J lusL b6 o-. . rno 1e tho .3c. qo:1,0 15:10 pou..d 7l:Iq & h. !t on, lun Ds.irr.E..tt ', oon gs nlcl€, tm,, B9:l"r rl:oo ?c:ll c€ tooo, flls LIa. Has slroos rl:oo 70:qq b6.[or rls a nlnuro so€r Lbo coseo loc J, Dleo K,teduon, rsc, 02:10 l+. \uE- .a*oDrt, rsc, o):40 6 00 U6+0 ord of 8.:h5 ,bst 3oo schelf brd s.r h cl:l' 24:Jo 7o:ct 1966. !dr! Barly (/,h) Hob rho rulor 5. Jro Esrvood, LSc, 6, 0.-rnaroh Bat1. u-!.o5:20 GO ')5:2O c.tuplonstI! o!o! sr€e. Eddlona! & pul ioo Bsrert. SIc. 05:10 r:oo ?4:lo u rnor. ca!m! 160 n16 t€@tos fld tho 7, 8. Ed o'co m6 r, vsc, 9!:l/'1:00 ?4,12 !.s, rl l,fy acsd.ny Prcp schoo. 4l ForL 9. S.oes JB.aon. lTc. od:10 10:0o+6d:lo A61eo . .o cr Jdlor Ieu ChMolonshl!, 10. ch.t Salkl!a. s c, ?:02:d l+:00l:rqq R.sults of rro ulf€ RF1 !If. Ru: 1. !3F IIo,es.,.fl1ls uas Lh6 fllrh fi Frdcosschl. 1o!L1: 2. rt' Bil1rt. I0: gecond

l':;:r"fi1:1"""1;3i.'i,l:-{,3:aett,}};3:i,*;,"iiilo?*'';:i,1i;."i':i"';:"";3.'i: b'^k In 19!0' ];)rr.n.rt b€avv c,s llon



th. dat of tho lsco dafoltumt'rv

--rd o'aoroolr.-

H}#_l"ilq:i+*.*T:r"; $;i,. I ;:,"jii,'i,l

:i:i;;l,i li:fl :,}:itt f 6., |'i,.]it+]"., jill.{!'j 1:i'6:1Ji :li, j::ri:,"'?:*_ 1": it "r' :<4:1' 1"rii i:;sii;i ii"i'Srtl 60n. ?TC. lofii:.i^ij':.' 20: nr..I t lj J. oIt i"iii;.,]I H: .-,d"-ii ora. z ro,sd, 9 "14 t:-;;;;; usa; j:i';ii:j:rs"l: ial "i,l lorii r": ;fr: lt ;:*' _:; ffi-".,:-";1.:tii.:0;""1:.';: n* r?::1,lii:-!'^ i:;";;: ;se, i6''i:; 'a.t:', i-".,;. dro o r'.€'r 0i"."':"::-'l \i,':":T"::;:;:'":"" t:'$:'f iii,#:';!.'L:,t :i. ii*. {:"'. : e"sl;iJ:.i!*"b:l&:",i*i:: il*rr;":,,..l ir-,,r.':-iii:;i;'jfI;,'?..sr"1 " :q, le: ir,] llirri j, iii;;ill::i r*l:ii {i;,.. i: :iir;':,yi:1 ;$,-, l, ;t *;l: fir



-5i+--i: t-i;'H;,

roaolto o(, o-L at L l' 5 o .pe." ron sndr'a:r- D c qPc) 0}nds&Jrn.It.!!.11mj''5''d.],J31.-or'/p':. L_ o io:o6..-ino 3. ' ias i r'c. eots -11b. 'oL!so: out & :r' r r o rocoroeorYco:9 !9i r-Lco:d 6l '11' "o,-io: ora. e'rL. ;r rs.arlt {ds .;;';;;l;;ii' un ru,l1J ^o'_5o: . tr rtB ttsLo ar'11.4 sndnrr€ !!. !€erner: on.iistie la.orns :.0 'etrp. 's.ar1r up to 15 npb: ..-'. .n6 !ac. e- ':50 p.E. uae 3n "f stllr tn tlc hlgh psr 30rs. 1:oxsdlbL6 620 a q:rrol '$ :r ::"s, Lo'vc"):-- -ro:l-i. i'i.i,i"" i"i;:.'iI'" .il-;;".t.;; !1Ig:a t):!2 i o rMcr ar o,cod6!1 d.-. ,es b-.I1q l1 Rsr sm" s, Bdl( bo!" uu' /rr: u usod lor .tu fl.sr ttn! n ^epi lrlon LJ , Sro!. la }3or, Fon nnf," lur 1npo''6'icondl:!on.1o.].r'skz'.'o.'a'l.l9[rlj1 roF r o'r. lou ca€rbqrola va" Ld \6r- r+.clo;i:it:&;:

',ii: ,1";i.,;,,i.1,f-e5i;t:'" ' L r=:i-'i;;,I?il','i' ik' l: ', ;'=;;i':";". bii.ii s:''i! '"rr,;. " :";:l;i'-., "ri1 ^*"'i;p-11"i :;:'i; l*fi":tjlilii:,3i,".r:"iilii,,i!',:i ]3?

t:,;"ill"it.:.i::l,::r;lt';; ii.il;ru:,iil.";i";,lt:


ir;ag ;-;',:;;; j$.i:d:.Trii ;i! s;::,:;'l{l'1;;;jt *l;,ii., t:.::!: :1,;a.: yre_'i;":

;liiffdqi::#:i:;;j-:#'iiri:k l ili;li::r*:'l-

:i; i,l;u,;l,,ji



f$'lif;;:*i:1,:*'i";;j:,,';"::' :*l#i:;.,li:::li.;i'I"':il:i i"f*, t'i"':i*: iiFif::i.i+:liz,.r::il;ilir',uli "' irr'j""i ;f-.':"t"='":::i.ft:i.' : :.;*1.r.!ti::,;t.irj:.Lr :"r:i,f.,:: ::,'l;;ig:;;_iii:+?;*" if{il11isl;iiif*;i;r ;Xl'. }i';';+,;;1,';,ii'i,,t;ry,"I,,r, ii:"i:.'ii"li1; lii il;,'il'"jt"i 1:i' "::::: +',;il"I."1'-;'l!"ujl:l'i:?;"1" H:;,,:ii:i'ik"5.;*l';'




"::;i."i'":--r;;ii.:; atil;;

ii"fliii;tl'il*i'li*"{frlH::* ;fij!= id"r,;i'ir'{;i$;]":ii:"


codso ritb tro tron8ndous hilk


n Aotlat€ tn tho fltu1 tlu€o n!l€s. \'I6atho!: 4o doels€d at stdt of rd;6.

a!orie stoadtlv chil1i€r?f -]-*;" !:i,! 3:i'glSl' t;k;.;, iCc, ),ri,goi fi;-z-te;; :, Yi!+ i. 3l J€ff col1lns. LJSC, 2.20:19: tr. Jh i'H61 r'IsC, 2:Jlr:21.2r 6, lon aelDlck€_ llD-_ 2:35tJe.8t 7. !arry e" y. src. z:41:i tin clo€nbaM, l'Jsc, J:oq:oJ; 1b. to! EaU, fiSC, J:21:lO, DS!- leste! Pago, wsc. lho rac6 !ac6 folrotoir folrorod the bhs ..oorr lerrorn t! tho D-C. d€a rlth lot castagrols stodlrs out tlon th. gu & qslckly rearlnA tn ft6ld bohlnd. iI6 !.achod tho half-say half-sal loint loint tn 6f,:22 & tn u a azln8 dtupIay of corutstohcJ md6 th. rui I;r 61:5t ror r e' rccoid 'ctuld 2:0f:17, slaost 6g nl,Dtss ulddr th6 oId nrk ho had sot rh 1965 of 2:u:l 2 UIf,E R!'!a RU : 1. tdnt 0sbora6, t2: 2. Dav. Eltgbto!, 12:15; l. JolD eray, 12:22i 4. HAf,ey c.llar, 12:5; 5. Salklnd, 12:l!6j 6. Jo. n@, 1J:00r 7, o.ora. ualorr o.ore. ualor. 1_l:0?; 1J:0?: 8, B1r1 B1I1 o'Ra111y. o'Ra111v. 1l:21; .. Bob Easl., U-[0. IXDooi T&! 0tI0 STAT! UIIV. 7?, lr!! & Mary 73 et F enoh r161d Eou6o. co (8 tap3 ohtd- Jar. ohtd, ran. 28rh 28i,h a8 1ar3 to A ;J]s a;11s, r!bb6r1z3d F!bb6r1'3d esphalt) esDhalt) lseis, w&r.r, 9:ll+.8j !seis, rordad,9:lr+.8j z:--Fo! rordad, H&u, c:l+1.9j f. Don urcr, 0su, 9:|I.e. u11o- 1. T€ty T€te DoM.Ily, DoM.Ily. lr&x, lr&x. [:16;5. h:16.54191O0O- 1. Juri3 Luzins, v&!9, V&!9, 2:1_1.6 2:1U.6 !q!qrrDoon TBCF tlttty 6b+, rL$&\t!aN l+2+ at vr.st Poinbr N,1. Saf., Jah, ?. 196? u1l9- r. Mcroneld, a, 4:12.8 fiRj 2. E:r!lan, u, 4:13,0; .1, cMp, A, l+:11,8. 1000- 1. Joe x.an8y, 14, 2:lf.1..2-It1.t. c-€o. shaohd, !r, 9:rb.7 ra; 2._fiG b.ahl, !1, 9t27.5; l" Co!!y, u, 9:tO,[. ED VrltlBolr r,txs I$ tfEFlo Rlco 21-IfE0s Raco, !ob. 5- x.{ Yolk A,C, 13 !d tJidok calhurod th. dathon do Sar BLae (21h) in 1:0d:21.6. llls xi@tn8 titu ras 7 nlnut.s b6tt.r tho by Alvalo M!l1o of CoLc bla la€t Es. ?h. cous. rss oitr.hol 2, Rudy M.ndoz, r.R,, 1:18:19; l. t. Artles, P.R., r:19:16, l+. v, s.rrdo, 17, coMo Hs, !.R., ITT. (old r.cordj 1:15:J9, 1966) o.o 16ort aro@d th.


tb!! tn




condudt.d as a postal .v6ri. Bh6 !eif,i. Assoclation has boon d.srg@t.d ty LDR

Scandurra, as th. s!os6roreulzatlo!. Th. C..trat @d ntdttl. {tI1 cooldtat. tho E_ sutrts lrmddlateLr follo{lls rh.jr cdb6r1, tlon xitl tn. paclflc As.n. !b. lactf_rc As3n. r1I1 bs losponslbl. fo! sl1 lrlz6er & tx.f diBtrlbutior to th. at[o!.s conc.rh.d, Th. t41dd1. ft1altlc Asen. {111 hola rhotr rac. dt r.h. U. ot l.qsyr'@la,3 nov al!-*o!rh.r 1ne

!08 1,oR!trz, noss & ualaovtc fhlLa., re,, SDdayr !.b. 26- Eclr !d!€nz or Pom AC, ln th. p.a! ot condltlo! of, 1at., had a cmfoliabl. vlctoly b.ar1ng sothcr thproved .U1l,.t6j SXICts Id Oslc!, by sono 60y la th. 10-n11. .vsni at th. ltltddlo Atldtic iRc,g cross-c.qtly trav.l fu{t raccs. toF*. s6tttls th. pac. aU tho {av dosrft. s 6ltalt s!1tch, clock it 9J:29.2 6 oord. lindy 22w k.nth.r. os16! llpFd ov.! rh. rlat last nivcr Dlrvo cods. id 53:313lornlaq RoEs. sJtc. a orr,r ol tn. 10-n116 run tn tho',chtclrn loy€th6! du. to r "scratcby" throah & ron th. 5-ni16 ru Paur ]ralkovlc scor.d M ups6t Ftn in tho lo-nllo lalL in 91,;L. llolhlcs donar.d by LsrJ strmohs. Iiolb !or.hz, loa Os1.r & Bror!1ru Ro6s. Trace at1 fl,lsh.rs 1o-ti1!:.- L Horb !or.nz, Pod ac. 51;26.2 TRM'lr'l{

€aH:*:*#=o, +if i: si. rosalh's


"t;5. rattor, sma, 59:[5r 6. Dar. Dubtl..srj-d. 62:06: 7. carr f.tzredr, sfic, 66:12! 3" Galy nrEs, sr.lc, 66:U.1; Jack N.16o!, dat.. 76:56j f0. Jorly 9. sooh, rAc. ?0:f9, DnF- Bob RodB.skxr smc 5-MlIe- 1, 3lonnla Ross, sflC, 26:50: Z, Illke Brssko, sJ.rc, 27t29t J, poto car. sJfc, 2u:ozj 4. taur sdboln, sJrrc, 28:!5 5. '-loyd lyonE. ?.8 ac. 23:L9: 6. c!86. 3uorr1.rr, sxrc, 29.L\t 7, Ea AErtD. !.8 AC, J1:09; B. AI lockott, ue., fbtia." J2:16; g, Plarld K.tly, thila. AC, ll:t-8; I0. Joo Priosb, sflC, Jlt:25j 11. Ron "j3,Zii-izl-i.i'rfi miri,'u.., ir?il'L"., 13. 15:45; rom Baker, sflc, J7:05; !! coldon to]a, ufu., lr5:30. Io-fiil. l,rslk- t. paul Udtkoytc, ?rrtla.Ac: co1L6E., 59:rc;


o0org. Blscoland.

SJTC, 94100! l+. Btll Hackulloh, Ph1la.Ac, !!2'Jt; 5, robn orRlolde, Pb1la.ac. I 52.10 Not63..ltIovl.s or aFe acos & larr

Th6 datc of Augst 5th ha8 b.on sot ag yca!,s Int. X-c I! r4olooco r.!o shdn aith3 dat. for th. s!, Natlonsl {4o 0n3to! *n reoo. $15 ralsod for t$. tdd.

,ilour R@ Chslionshtp. It FI}1 agaln


?L !,gmo loiotTo lltlsJcrr, rITxEss cluB ors-MILI n4cE, h31d in tha @r North Yor! C€rt€nalal c6nrre on a 22Oy o€nolt f1od, Ui11dda16, Onharlo, January l1th. l. laur16 Eeor, Cladgtole ac, 5:OOr 2. Paut B€1l1s6au, oAC, tr21j l. Rob€lr M6b!!a, MI'PFC, 5:46; L. rbso Csrta!, t,Eplc,

5:49.5; 5. coldoD sir. rIPFc, 5:50: b. Illlos E1cdla, ispFc, 5:5r,. 20!E AiiNAtL cr4{Dstox! sllJl(n 5-inlr Cftl4?IodsErl aoAD RAcE'rc at Ea!1scoult Pa* Tolohto, Ortulo, SEday, Jd. 15, 196? 1. D6tuls v'111@tos. 29:22.1+r 2, I,aults Eadotr, 29!51r.8; 3. Paul B€11tvoau, Jo:15; 4. Ray atdc6, Jl:1]: 5. Karl-Hsid M€r3chou, ll:13.1; 6. Ernto shalpo, l8:olr; 7. JMes D'lE.s!.. 18:10,8. ToRO},TO, onTAXIO, Frldayr D6c. 10, 1966 Fled9ltck Dnl1o AlBc B3el€t, olecied to blr l.6tlr couacuul"o tris Tololto chdston€ AC oh sunday, Dsc. 4, 1966, dled suddoDly tI16 afr€rnoor ln a! abulae€ on hts Ey to tho Tolonto vest€e Eospttsl. cause ot death 'as attltbrltod as e hsalt attack & hMoqa{o. E€ ,a6 5l+-r6ars-o1d. F!6it ,as €tllc!€n ,lth blonc]1tal !eumrtr ln tb6 fa11 of 1961 dd doctols Eatd ho Iia€d orly !6caur€ of tlb tlon€ndour LutA capacltt he d€Telolod tr raclns A rol€rd of Dor€ UM! 500 !a.os. Frsd rs a 11fo n€nbo! of tbe Gl,adsto!€ A.C. !0i0trT0, 0ITr1lI0, suday, Jaruary 2ard 19tb Aroal Gla&ton€ A.C. S€ato! tOMl1a Cn@lioashlp-noad Raco.hofd at FlAb rsrk olor a zt-dl. fa!. 1. Larlo Easoh. 1:0L:28r 2, Demts ValfraElos' l:0,:2b.4; 1:0?:0dr lr, &!1-a€lE Xorschobz. 1:10! 07; 5. ra'ald vhvdcos, 1:U:01; 6. Ray Atoc€, 1:12to1j 7. Jm€E t'lm,s!., 1.2a llr 8. xsroro Puklrola. 1:2lr:5Lr 9. Prallr Johlson, 1rl7r0o.,DI]F- wonilon Adet

E!d6 thdp6, Gslala Chrts iolhe !. (old oourso r6cordj 1,o8:r9 by Edrald vlrdc6s, 1965. ) --Paut B€11tw6au-lgELoWDAl,E' oITlnIo' Jrn. 24th, Xorth Yolk c6nt€ula1 conte {A!eDJ. 2nd u€t!o Totonto PhJolcal litn6ss clulr one l,Ill3 1. l,aat€ ldson, cAc, t:03r 2. raul B€1 le€au, 5:11+.lr; l, ior*. €hars, r4r?Fc, 5:Jo; 4. sy Mal', mFFc. 5:45.2; 5, l1rIe6 Alc}Jtn, t{TPlC, 5:57j 6. Fob€rt raoqull1rn! uT?lc, 6:02; 7. Jobn Rayder, 6:OJ, IOROITO, Olm., F6b. 6th, fiart Houso, n. of Tolorto- lrit Xotro Toronto PFC Raco l,!t1.- I.Ladt. !ason. cladston Ac. q:oL: nay Atanc., cac. itzoi l. PaDl ik11ll a.dn, -r. GAc, 5t22i 4. Don ra.quharson,5:24.

1st AX\ruAl TonoXTo ciADsTollE Ac SEIIOR 15-r1rtE CItAl{PloNsSIp loaD RAoE at Eteh Pa&, tolonto, ont., F6b!!!!y 5, 196i 1. D.m1s !81liMatos/ 1:l+2:Lt; 2, ria.l_ 1:L7: lL: l. Paul %lrJva5u. 1:48:5t+; 4. Ladi; Eason, i:9J:12: 5. vdndon ad.y, 2:06:ll+; 6. Era1. shs.D; 2:14:56j 7. Jmos lud,Sr., 2:21:l+9. llMl 5 WIXS rII 6 R{C!S *6A5 !,rrs CAN I]ops ftnlsh.s rumi.s a cohp.tttlv. n11., hrs t6g3 sl]ots 1n Iront oJ hl! .y6s. But lla lonrt atu.lt to !aln. trI think th. prtn of llfulr€ 1s 6lvon tah lsr,i tho rlEhr {ord for 1t, 1n dy cas6.' n.ps EaI har6 hls om lcrsonsl !.aso! ror t.orrne th6 !a1n, 3t 1oa3t bhls j@_ lllmpb .an h.lp sn athl.t. forsor bis E. ha. Hon fiv6 of s1r (hbrotrsb.ar1t F.bluar}) lacos thls yau on th. irdoor ollcuft. I-ls nlght !6v.r harc m dy traok .!cnt ln h1s lar. rut fo! a !6qu1!.d n1, 16 la a higb school lhFlcal .tluoattot clars. Born 27 yoars sso to Estonla! Lps noe.d ulth h1s palonts to sx€d.n nh.n h. {as 5 & to Toronto rh.n bo ras 10. H. was 17 & tn W6stor! loclhtcal school rh.r ho !d hiE filst n11.. "I b.at a coupl. of CU}s sho had b..n trernln( ror tro !..1r,,' tbat ror hji a b.!th on th. school's treck toM, & ho rcnt on to ftnlsh rhlld rn rh. clty chMpionshlps, h 1957 h. qon th. cftT h11., 980 Md 2+-ir11. i-c chMDioashl;s_ lur.n116 racods rn th; (11. & ha1f-b116. !h. folloxlrg tca! ho egaln uon th6 throc ritlos 1n crty cm!6tlhion, & 3.t caEdl@ lunlor rocor.ts tn th. ni16 ud hs1f,ntL. s. aladuatcd to tlD o, of l.fidhiad rlth a !rac! 3.no1dsh1!. RumlE nosclr th. nit. & 88o .e.!ts, !d!s kon-nin. tltl.s In 1962, h6 rctu'ctl to Toronro & l,/.st€In T..b, {h.ro h. teaches €.oglaphy and phtslcsl .ducailon. nTh6y had an olonlnel h. s31d, .xllaloi]]e h. lradn,t lr.on looxhR Ia. a Job a! hls alja @t.r. Altnouah ohbarklna or a car€6! & n.!rt6d sinc. 1960 - io thc fomo! Lvolm ld!" !6nc.j {hon b. nct at 1,1, ledh - IF!3 contlluo'l lLDtnE, lrplobably bdcauso I don't t€.1 frr. roachod nt to! !.!fomaco.rl Gaztr8 1.v.1rl iluou€h tho hoE:!tuuod glass.siilrll h. Foals .w6n rh116 lllmtna ho says, lldp eolra until I sio! h!.oyl.A,rr B. conc.des that th€ !1so!ous tlaln1u ls stuthiro a ncc.slarv ar1L, Xd'luE fo! aboub tro hours alno;t .'.ry ntsnt ih tho ct{E colt_ sem bulldlrs ir Toronto.

l;i;*T"ll,Tr $*"i3li ilil# ":illk doary !a1n. rlbodt l0 starh6.3. l;,""1i""






oIrt A.C. tilB{oRl,{r, 2O-MIiE Rgn r€brusy 4, 1967 - c€no cooroe or ths rourb€!n c31lfoffla sirld6rs,or.d aasy tum th€ lack ra tns rast rrv. nri.s ii cItlVeR

rh uhs frlst arnqal Cnlesr CItv Ac l4s_ noltal m ntl8!. Thlr leco ras aoonso!6d & orsmlz€d by Edb.rs or th€ ccAC !o holor t6Mat.s rho !ar. loc€qhlr dr.d! !ra-1br D61ko (or-lnlvarslry oi HlsooDsln dlsooDsln oloss-co$rry etar), etar), Kry K;r uu Uui! (orc of rn€ club'. club'. foadors) foadors) & lai.6 Ed E non,(Irtsh !lb.!, t[rua r" . nooruy accldont 1a6t 8le.!). ohalod th€ 16ad at tho thls our-and-bsck coB.o but rltbln a tos ht10s lt sas codlo6 & H1!o &tabaIl bditltla for th.-lo&d. rrrs us.5o6Ebly raft e.arh.! (05w) & hlrsh ru"cdblFd sitb a roqgrh 2 nII. 1o!aE1or, th6 !ac. ras lun rhrouEh b6aut vrll.yt I hil1s nsu la]@ sb;Nood n rort of Lor ,!A.16s. Asco dllootols r.!o Bob Duko, l1rl1 Cla!I!, Bhd Btl1 Pasloy of CCAa. rro!D1.6 rcr. arald€d to alf rlnlsh.rs. 10_,qt, r. o.ha cohr66, scs, -5taj3 ltnisb r:r2tt2 z. }frk! trilrall.sBAc, 55t33 rt53,t3 55.J1 l:5L:06 Jox! BlorEld,sBAc, 55t, L.56to? 4. r,arn. vM !.llob,vTc, 5gtgt, rt]8t!b 5. 6. D.ua salIors, ccac. 55:50 2:09:01 ?. tlo, a111 Bo!@. sD. 6L:l! 2:lOjLC Bob cajlnd, ccac, 6l]:t1+ 2:10:li9 9. Donnig r€rabaush,rM, 62tlA 2tI\147 10. 8111 Ctu, S.nlols Tc.61:lt9 2:2i:b2 11, ?ru1 Ft.b8!, CC-AC, 66t!a 2t22:2L 12. C€b€ st.m, sr.Tc. 66,1o 2,21,1]i

Dar. S111, 16r 2€e1and, tr:12.8; 6. Vlc!.c.. lr:29.5..8. s. 11._ -1, sr€ncor tynab, coN,rtis, 4:dE;-Z:-

nrre lrbns, u6dhrar carholro, L:23.6. r. ih Hyunr Ktuas, ::09.9 (1:5tr)! 599z. r0rry rhan!sori Statels. 2:I0.6: I arnd Kru€olr Vc!a, 2:i2.2..Doe11_!a]6_Th.1. Korth uuit;i;-T5!-;-triT7. !]!g!.a!-!g-le/: z. rolry scburali, os!, 4:1u,?. slATTMtrDoon M!ET, !.b,L_ 2_I'l11._ 1!€ri' !liis!8., r'tsu, 8:t1.6;-2.--8111 Barl_

lLa, \L, a:Jt.f; f. nob tarll.u, t.a.st!-. d:57.e; 4, Bob Prtco, s, of cattr., 9:oo.' rFrry started in.ressioa uh6 !3c€ Hlth 2 aapg no so & kpt pulIlng avay froE Bsll_ arc aruouAn bo d1dr,t kho, tt urtll h. nad flnrsh€d. 81.58s rllal lr1!o doetro,.d 3a1l1to & slgnalled on or c.!!y'! sro;16oeor - aad ther. haG b€ob nany. Als tux trqili@ DloElm rt vrs! undo! Jack uoobslle rd1ud6; nuch splrrt xorli on Lop ot - not 1r DIac. of_ nofte1 dllrano. ,ork. ?ac€. 61. 2:o?,9. ):t), lt,tl6, 5t\9.t. 6:2b.5. ?:il-) l.{tl.- 1. nlchard nmo, Sc str,, LrOL.6r 2. Dav. nob.rtd, !. of vsoh., 4:04,?i l. ilE 4:06.f: L. Ian Stuitd. x.z1. Dse. pur€, rd;onds, !,9!.!..F;i:-Ea-!4sHoss, Spokare. L:23.?. E,3. 2-lll1.- 1. Tm E6!ron, iorto!, 9:21: 2. Don nddorr4, s€srtto. 9:2h,7: l. Jrck Ptl., 33attlo, 9:32.9.,.1.000_ 1. Torr Thmlson, ststors Tc. 2:68;F{R: 2. r.re;. B.11, 016., 2:09.8; j. Amd lruaaor. lcra f ;i';3;' *8flii8|qi,'r. i'fi ii,i"ixL.l"' rocordj 2. Kalsn !!l.ry, voc, 2:t?.4! l. floGo€. V$h.. 2i 2O.0. 10r195 fd6 lb tho co11s€rir. sax DIEco llrrooR !@T, Fsb. Lth_ 11.?&

f's..2-utld- 1 c6o,scott, F, 9:0j,2! t{.2,. 9:06: L John ]-lnk-

USC, 9:07, l+. Bob nlohalits. Byn. 9:U.6. M11o- 1. J10 Ors1ls, rri,ac, l+:o8.i!r 2. n.11

Ihegan, Eancock Jc, l+:09j

l. Trn DulotFr., 4:c9.8r L, larry uocaua. lrc€ls, 4:09.8..,1,0o0- 1. lofl vor Rud.;. eoD, BYs

l!9€!d Tc, 2:06.8-TG6rlcan Rec@d: olit naiL, 2:47,J br Robtn r1a1€. [l1rau!€o" re65)j 2. rad N.rsob, sc Srr.. 2r09.r: 1. Davo MeILdy, l+9dr€. 2:10,9. lL Dalfvi oRECOI IIDooR !,@T, ?orr1ard, Jan. 28th ?ayIor, \cers,2:10.9. 10,10b fMs..2-M11s- 1. Jl' Or€11€_ M!. 8:59.6:2. rGn-T;;;o, 8:5s.b;2. rGn-T;;;o. o'o.cc, olo.Ec. g,o;io: s:ol:6! il ?: PoL{i BdAn RACIS, l,os Altos !t11r. callf. Td Id ltolroHr 0!6,icr t:ut.2j Jan. 2dth- 10,00Or- 1, Calts U1116r. uE. I0rly 9:o9.2j 4. 9:09.2j !. ITory g:12,1+r Solth, oSU, 29:50.1r (20:51.8 6-nt16 6rout. r 5. irotr R11.a. iJSU Frosh, c:16,1r,.cE1lo & Mooro f,o'sd on Atuuaf.trldlu n aln cft!6tlttoD tor 3 laps labs to Ao o rn€n th6n Jn ..aan !r Jrr b.Aan !11 t116_1st 'ltn I on Foothlll Foothiu JCIE fta. all-Hoa all-Hoarh.! tlack Has sr6ai succ6!s..Iotdil,is:",:"i":3"i"ii. "ei"E:il elE:il ifffi.5"?c8, td- z. 2. skLD s[4D l4ulDhv l4ulDt fiiffi -u ' nsfa.1 ,1c, ,1c. .12:0?,Fi.J. ffir;-i. so.. Bl_[ !l!., lr:10. 12:0?-lii-l- r.!o !.r. Nabstoi..Hahsr6i. riii! riiii--gir-iil, iioiru san nsra.1 j. i6sc.6 rr,i (l:13)l Sumyval. Strld.,j:r12.2 Dtvlne, ore., L:10.5 i18 flnl6h.rs) Ir. 5006r- l. BI1l D1!.n2, sd Joso, 15!D.?.


Pt!L, D€c4bo! Pr!k, D€cflbo! 26, 26. 11966 1. Ea1 ElSdon, Iui€s TC, 3r:l+7.8 2. lat !tu@dson, IorthrostoE ttnlv.,

Jri 4tu1, co11oa6 of 1rt6s1e,



Jd. lo, 1967 lastorn Illinots Irdoor rrack, chall€ston, I11Ino1s l9 starre!g as€ - 18.1 lous 1. E. Inyart, 70 Prco1.r 1\:00 Acrual 2. B. tenca, l+6, r!€dlct 8:l+8 lcrua1 8:[? L s. Prntho!,_41. PrcdIcu 7:15 A.tual 4. B. Sha'iick, 4I, Plodtcr 6:20 actual 5.-8.-rralbod! 41, Pr€dtct 8:15 actual (Ed. iThls s€ms 11te a good 3ch€n€ to try onc€ tn arht16 ln tho rdrlouB iRC schodulo ol ev.nts.I'l --Ton !.oodart--


8.s,, .18:ol, 18. tony Llay, crystal l,ak€ l8:0lj 1c. Mlk€ Andorson, Palatln€ fi.s., 13:18: 20. Xon Uaclor. vaulesM H.s.. l8:Jcj 2L. o€orso B€11, cullford H.s., lr0:10r 22. Bob G11tz, Mai.€ uest fl,S.. Ds6 Prales, 40:ll; 2J. xike X1€tn, Xldg€sood fiS, )+0:52j 24. Stsve lqtos, Rt@eeood is, 40:521 25, Dan Dufh€y' oPE!I Il-aIiE l-c Rtrl{-- 1. los€! cod611y otgbure. York, oig York. Yolk [s. [s, 2]:11, 23:u. 2. John 23:u, J.tD otgbure, 4tmt 3, valt troallg, Yo!k, 23:30; 4. r@ I@ Errbron, Lxons, 23:41; 5. ster€ orenl{acacDumlnAton, Dumluton, Yo!t, 24:12; 2lr:12; 6. oren !!lds, Prosloct, 2r:ll; 7. Ed uasns!, Yor!, 24114; York, 24:l4i 6. DsM Doa Foot6, York, 24: l+9 cu chuck n;isol, uolaol, Yo!k,25:20;10. Yc Yo!k, 25:20; 10. Gut Chucl r[olaol, 9. ciuci 25:49; U. eooff rnlehtE {ohl, Lyo!!, {ohl,, Lyo!!,25:49;

dIRIS lilll;,ln is nor ,6esd.d !! otu ot tn l1e3t }oaa rulfurs or tnc l,{ost Codst, it not tn6 b.st, bo ]]as .ot tast.rt d.foat 61no. octob.! exd.pt tn th. lrorld ]4ast.!s Marathon rdclo, afh.r rmins oh d 2:23 !ac. for s1iosb 2l n1163, h6 folt tbo

.Ii.cts ol ih!.c ralatho! lus 1n l.sr & f"{i.d badly, a 1966 graduat. of Lxis & c1a! Colf,.s. ]n to!t. 1and, cr6gor, H!or6 h6 {as fou!-tin.s IAIA x-coutrr a rrack all-srcrtde alat ud.f.at.d tn snalL co116go i-. oonp.tttslnc6 h15 lfasinai y6ar, 1{111.! has :;"rt, alonburni4 il?!t,'E:;i,-i;:'a.i.|"ii;;-r desiar to dalr. th6 1968 Olxnllc 59; 13, Rob6lt Dau-b6!s' Yo!k' 26:10; In th: ia.athob or th. Io,ooon. tro !+. Jl! sb€tuu, l4sls Soutbr 26:4J! L5 tcM 1s curr.rtrJ trairlr€ rtih f,m la!13 troE cFs cu.tb6r, Lyons, 29:5J. (c!y€te1 tirc to tiro at lake 16110. (.fovatlon LaL. D6!t. ol Boolsat1o 6,aro,) & nas bdcn 1n soltous tlahlrs ?a!k, D;o6hbor l, 1966) --tlc! rl1 for th. naraahon only stnc. Jun , 1966, R. ls 2l r.ars oi ag. & is cwlontly at BIII, IIIITE WI{s DEX!-M TC iOAD ?ACI Stabfoid rh1larsltt {o!Li.s for hls l(a3Dery€!, co1o., Surday! Jan. 8- Br11 !n Plyslca1 ucatlon. 116 mrlto of north Clem !d a 3t€ady 15 solo !u ln :h. Polr B.d trac! rac.s at tn 2Oo ,eath€r td nelntlin his load tn Iootbill JC on ter. 28th ra3 t!.monitous-a 3-nllo hdnillcap rec6, Stov€ Mattb€ls hcthtbe as fasi as hts 29:50.4 1o,0oo! !a' a soo.l 15:19 ovor th€ ltashlnatoh .i!.c.sd tr dyoao, oxc.lt lolhapo las Pa!! couso to rln fast tine honors. Hc sp.!: no3t of tho !qc. l-appltA l{i1i.r. 18:31+ fi.ld... N."ly 61.c!od 2. St6a€ ltatthdrs, 2o:3 President o! ti. iriddl..{tlqtlo ltRc to 21:08 20:08 im Os1.r o! Col1ln€svood, X.i.,,Tbo 43d 18:10 21:!0 L, Job! B1dk, ror.Jo-lla;oc long {iistanc. rac. on Jaq 2r.t7 r? t)+7 5. Ed turlofr, znd & lrd sa? 15 t.Ms rD as x. Tscuchl6. 8111 1r!rlt6, J!., 2I:27 79.57 ln Ta tur^or.c Ninon U!1v. to not€!..,Donve! ha3 b€6n a{ald€d tho 'ictorJ & stoe. i1 Eou.r, 2!n, f2s..,Jack lratrurii alathon to bd mattonal tAU tElo! arc oqi.n:ztns tulc. holtt Ju1! 2. 1967 at rirsshlngto. Psrk. a3 tn. ohio l1v.! RnC. --John Blarl\--

The u.s. Infomatlo! ag6ncy llrns to rc!!Int lraf, lrladonrs


I|I]STRnTED. Th6 dtict6, vhtch dssc!1b€tt ltAddn,s travels to soEral !a.6s rt Sa16n, Varo, loIdon, va!!€n, Havsfhltl, end xer yolk dutbs Au*ust. 1965 had ort gh311y b€€h publlshod ln hh€ sertenb€r 6, 1966 lseue of sPonTs ILLIJSTRATID- -.

Ne! lrgldd's

ceorse Conorrey should tnplove thls yaa!-as he !i11 bd lumtra aaatr,. , Johmy s6np1o,

vot€ra SArt coach ha8 lilds.mtJrE 31o!s uo raL€ hh€ p14c6 of his !€le!us. Th€ bltAht€st onas ar€ Jett Rorcau, rho to In cemany no{, Art coo11da6, I{iddl€bBly 0o11og€ ard Erhunit Xolris df [6nt stat6...Bob C!d, a 17y€ar-old 36Dior Irm Amllo l]leh schodl 1n FallftoId, csltfolnta, recsntly conp1€t6d a Eacaihon 1n 2:115:16. Th€ sr€nt R6t6s racd, the Paclflc Assocletlolrs @Bl chdplofthtp. Bob 2:f6 clockrt€. Thls ooulit lrobablf, !e .Ialned as an ,|nortce hlsh scnool rocord rnoft1claf1y...I don,t s6e nany high school i-coEtry reois, but I had to look oh tn maz6n€nt at the on€ n€€t I dld squ€ezo tn ln ny hd€ toHn this fafl riooilbrlr's cross-coqtly ts$ (al1 s* of tF€nl had to ronder lhat !6s zoirg on toteuls 68 nmo"3 arlIeed. .rh€ t€M dlssnbalL€d & stdt€d out ldth tootbatltrp€ caltsthonlca to th6 tue or,t!.at rl.odbtrrr. r' It dld ro! tts 46th conso.uttv8 vlctolt'...t966 !6t€rd 6f th€ vear: Onco aeain it has to be Alatn lt1lhod, Fronch narathon chmrron tn 2:25:L0.6ased l+5. (F€nel€): A@o McKenzt€, 2:10.2 ha1l (60.8 at ths quart6r) at Ll,..,In Ball1le 1s krovn as th8 rrlron d,ri b€cause of his characteltstlo actton and h1s rar8e of nartonal titre !t4s. ]|t o4e tln€ or ano ro! h€ has h3ld 6vorJ I.Z. tlt13 f?on tho haltnl1e to 1O,00Od r-c, and only a suscepti btllty to crm! prewert€d hln lroh rinMldntt cone 6asr one tlie he ]rut a thr€e-inch rusty rall tlrough hls foot. 3trt, r€Esrd1€ss of tb€

!ain, b€ lnsolted rhr6s lDer so1€s ln on hrs foor & I t€, nirhts later sdt off toralds luc!,Jud's l,reir''€re Ra.sos to lun th€ 22-r!11o h111y only conpletod th6 lo"kour but dupltcetad ii th!e. nlahts h a !orfor a total of dlbs rtnpirs !6 't6 !u@.rs took all xay...n arly 20,oo0 part th Frm. 's 22 racional plonshi!s on r3nusrr 8th--o,5oo r;r rhc aronol r,ast y.a. rh co!r.snmt.r {as r4,oo0; in 1965 it ras ?onche ar,000..,Tho cov.rs6 e1v.n 1,;16 1to!1d M$tcrs Ma"aihon should llval th. Boston rtldathon ih futur. ot thls raco & otn.ls that !. hope to find 3pac6 for ncxt nolth. SIOIf IRAINIXG lNS ITS LIMIIS B} J6ff J.itson --cortllued rroh pseo 5 I usc thls proeld on a y.ar-rodd ba81r, but nodify it lor lsportant tlack rad6s (Eling into no!. rnt6rva! {ork & cuttir{q dorn nolnin€ n 6as6), I havo b..n ushs thls lloerm fo! th. 1a3i L2 nonths dd hav6 had .xccltloEl succ.ss in vl.r ot I haY. s!6nt nost all tho Joa! rnju!6d. (Th. InJuli.s !.ro th. !osult of a cu accid.nt & had tot,)1iJa to do rlrh th. trainii€. ) I just caution rotr to arotd dcc6ptinA ant onc thiia as th. rransr.!.r' Ron tarlleu 13ft lg1o1's coachils last smcr aft.r X.a!s ol s!6.ah.aln1nA, ard he! Just b.on rllfuibg sllone€r than av.r, h. sars, but h. {as badry b6atc, t,o aao 'c.r<3cop. rhca h. ran o!1X 9:1o- B€ couldnit htE hmt.g-shoer cur a holo tn th4 for

but lactng.nialls

a'adJNtnont to stEss rorkout doosn,t Eiv6. lf at s|. m11.3 o! b6'611to us. son. s!6.d 1or, ro! u111 h.v. !ork. (rctuallrr I ncd STRISS !o!h. 220rs h 27 1s boitdr than r0 o! 23 tn :15.) R.l}inrod f&n lc\.raxs oli Tl!] RLU published nrnthlX bt t]]o Iora R.aC n!r!o!s c1ub, 1l1lr loth stft.tj t6s yod iatrt ho 16

HmlIsllErl IIARATSo$ DISTiI0T c]lru!llo$StIr, sundsv, Dec. 11, 1966 at I A.I,l, cu114r clNJ, ca1It, - 1. nik ftabaf}, sB{c, 2r27:10.1!j 2. tugane Cmro6, SCS, c01c,2:11:11 2:29152,)+j J, 5! t, ri' riurphT, sllii, 2:l-:J0.5; 5. D. Lre!o. ccxc. 2:32:10.6: 6. Join Bralwnd, non sB,c. 2:ll:1lj T rit rraanqn, 6. 3t6J. c'chu!4.'asEr'n'z' . t1rrs. 2:lE:lI;(F.c.I..d ti:26, rt.. 2: I 19th Anxnnr






aeautifur eeasts



"TG-22 R0A0 BUI{iEn"

lst,lst,lst tltx !'rNts?






The lerfect tlalntnA €ho€. Soft sron€6 niit-sof€, ua€r batl ed h€el vlrt@Ily elin!€tee roqd shock, leduc€s 1es fEtl8ue, ed

auuds 6eel!.t lnlel€e!


n{ I]C$TENC!, 1{IlH


4 o! fllst 6. 1964 0114!1c Malathob 5 of flJ6t 6, 1965 lo€toh aetho! r-2-)-4, t966 Yrorrdt6 feet€st 1 of flJet 4. 1965 lest fleb. lvj@tho!

iEt. 1965 raai. Hos. !:aratnoa ch&n!6 lsr: 1966 IC4a Clo€E CMtl]X-CCh€&!B ChmPs 16t r€u. 19b5 ICr1/\ Coll. Cbsla I.t rse. 19b6 NCA-{ CoIl. t-C r{arathon ! of flJat 5. 1966 lteut-of A@tloa 4 of flrst 6, 1966 ^t@osa tst, Ier n!€led Schoolboy X-C chePs Mdry, ie!J, da(y nore codeF@€, realoba1, 4d dfttrlct iltle€ von -A.VA'JA!IJ' ONly


DLW NIBBON t lig' (2r3)



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n€csuso of s TISSR stts \@ta@€' lt l,E eav164bl' to oldsr IIGER 6ho€6 * Elr€ SUA.I;LER the usuB]" ir6tk lbo€ sIr€. PI€as6 edd 75t fot loEtaa€.




llRrtx loF olr! lREx lrexR !ROCEUi',


ogR Co@LiEt!

rrlrB 0! sPnGs, rrr,a16, alExl IC ClolErltcl



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