03 71 ldl

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triellinger Stcrc Prefontaire Prcfoniailre tied a Datiirnal collegiatc outdoor' rccord kn thc t\r,o nlile vith an 8:33.2 clocking al triugcnc, Oregon lhis rnrnth. Phoro 5y.tohi 6odd,rdq.









Fot inlotmalion on any ot these prcgrcms wtite Io:

Catt W. Coopet,

Executive Dircctot, United States Track and Fietd Federation P.O. Box 190, Tucson. Atizona 85702.

IHE LONC DISI'ANCl LO(] A J{JBLIC]ATION FOR RI]NNERS BY RU\NERS \rotlrr,. 16, No, l8l. \,Iaf.h l9tl PublisLca n.ilhly uh(lcr fhe ausrices .l the United Slarcs Itacli & li.ld !c(leration, P.O, Box 1.0,

TDcsoh, Arizora tl-702 Annual su|scriJition Rates: Si.00. A.ld $3.00 lor lst Class iltail oa 55,00 i.r Arr Mail n1 L.S,A, and Canada, Snrgle .:o],ies an.l ba.k lssu{,s - 5ll, f'2a^4


PA T,f.\,I-{HON CLAIIIJS \OIC I1ARATHON l.Ic\ Orl.ians. La., Icb, 21 lrish Olympian Pat M.Mahon raced ro a irig !.'in in rhe Sialh Annral irlar.li Gras I,tararh.h sponsore.l Ly the Nelr Orleans lrack Club as hea'-v i!ealher and high t€mperatur€s cut non,h lh. srar_ing ti.id b-v |etter than hall beloa. the iinish oI lhe ra... \Ic\rahon rosr.d a 2,:29:24,9 to easily outdisran.e se.ond |la.e iinish€r 1'hil Cam! l2:.13:,18,2) oI thc F.hsa c.la luior C.11.gc TC, bur Iailed in lis Jrredi.ted sxL-

\.rr subs.rirli.ns ar.i rcnetals shoul.l be s.nl drr..ll-! :1 l.lr r.ia.lr. l.r a f.,rlorman.e in the rko hour an.] LZ to fie trSTIF, c/o Carl llr- Cooper, Ere.urive Direr:tor, - Lr-\.'i d g. ' ) o 1,. O. Eox 19rr, Tu.son, Anzona 8il0Z. Please s€nd doon ant .hance ol . goo.l timc. sald lh., Bosloh AA !a.r!: f(is{ll3 and arlicl.s lor )rbLLcarion ro I1, B, Ross, 30i l\rest Cent€r Sr,, llroo.lbury, N, J. 08091 l irsL pf.lr harrler a.ross the line was lo.al runner rl_inslolr' Chadwicli ol \.!dan llLeh in lenlh plac. lrilh : . LASSI} IID AD\ IRTISIXlINIS Adverlise your .il.at :o in.rease your entries, or tour product to increase airsr to linisl \as l€rrt Stransli ol r.he lrai)il salcs, (53- 00 p.r irs.rliotl) ! rll or L,r2 pagc a{]r!:rlLsi!! N!rsli: lassi€ CIulr ol llousr.n rvith a.,1:28:,18 marK. rales sent upon r€.tu€ sl. Cax.. b_v beine the iirst Arneri.an a.ross rh€ iinish i E'fERAN ATHLETES, Join rhe U. S. llasters Internat- line, quahfied lor rhe Pan-A.r.fi.an Catu.s rrial r. :.nal lract T.am, Sc. the ?2 r\lunich OJr-mljcs and nu!.!, , Or.goh, thls surmer. Th€ ra.:e ha.t be.n .1.r: .onrctc i11 L.h.loh and Cologne ih Ihlcrnali.nal Trach gnate.l !t th€ LDtt & 1tU Corn,r,, oI l:h. Natio.al -{AL- :: '.:eers, Cross Counrry, and 1lrorld \rererans i\taraih.n. o...I lh. sia regional qualiftinC Deets1!. Cr.up c.h!.,tilioh, Non-corhrclilors ihclL.i{,.1 l.I Bolh tic\rahoh and Camr calle.L rhc racc .nc ol lhc rir. contact: Davi.l H- R. Pain, l1D0 via Lslana La i.l - i1ar.lest ra.es ihey ha.l run in 1-eaF rhe !rjnd-torn :a Calilorhia 9201?. Cr.up librt.d ro 5u!, Lali., P.nlcharlraih an.l unsca6ohaLl. nar:' l\NLAL SALT aiITI IfARATIION, Saturday, Ua_v 8, 'li1 he 78-n,-n I :rra.us€, N.Y. Flrer-v.re inrjted linclL.les tr.me.l. a.r rriied A-4.11 .ours. {c.uis. r.c.rd. 2:29, 1-ctllli A-{! san- 1. Pal Nlcl,Iahoh, Boslon AA, Z:29:28.9i 2, Phil Canrr lrensa.ola JC IC, 2r.r3:,18. 2i 3- Hal Hig.lon, Mi.hisan -o r\."1 ::.rs ailub oI Ar..rica sahctioni lroihL.s and a'\ards l, Citt, rn.1., 2:.15:52r .1, Ireter Lever, loronto Oltrapi. all jrnlshersi post-rnarathor!..n!ivial Bath.rnrg an.l a,]ub, 2:.r6:OZ,4j i. J. F. EDdier, Louisiana Slare, 2 r i r:\er lesiiwiLres, llriL.r iohn Ric.:ardiaL1., .1al !. Ilain ,!3r i. Dare l!'orth.n, Florida fC. 2i5E:,16..:1; ?. tre, ji. l.i Syra.use, \. Y. 11212 i3ir- 15li-7I I2I Irank TaLish, alint TC. Paul Upchurch, Flinl TC -i S.m Iorres, Elint LO, 3:00:20.5j 10. llrinslor Cha.l.!i.i :-ih ANNIJAL MEEI'IN(I OI THE RO{D RU\IIIF.S l lool N.rman tsIS, N.w Or1.:ans, l:08:10j 11, L{,. (iohee. F : iaa ]\ITERICA, SuDday, April lB, l!i1 l:00 F.l)l l..l'L'!B IC. 1:49:42.9: iZ. Iames .^ndrevis, a..al Polk, La., a-.ieieria Prud€ntiaL C(hl.r Buil.ling, Boslor. l',Iass. 3ill:.]1t ll. Mark Marlet, 1L1lane, 31ll:47.3i 1.,1. Chailr s lll lorg dislance enthusiasts are inljte.l ro artend. GiLson, Chaftanooea TC, 3tI7:02.1, 15, aleorg. PLilli:. lTIa\n THE 19?2 O]-YIVTPICS rith Lohg Di.tancc L.g. \o. TC, 3:Il:1?.5j 16. MarL Eaurnan, l11n: Ja Carollna States T&F Federation and lhc Olylnpia Sforl -.,iie.l 3:21158,1 (C.ntlnue.l .n |age .11 '! rllagr coach e stalf lor a unjqlres tour to the fluni.h Ol. rlic Canres. Ihis is a first cla.s qualilariv. l.rt r.:r.! .II.,r--.1 ro you at the lowest ol group lrices arail.tr1,. OnLy $7?0 lrom \e\ York lor thr.. qr.at !!c.:is. 'as-1 :alment plan, ll rite: H. ts. R!6s, !idrlor Idlg DLS::r.. Log . 106 1l. Cenrer Sr. , 1\iood!urt, N, J. for frll l.raiLs, (lvlunich, G€rmany, Argust 21, Sc-)t.mbcr ll, iZ. a \SIEFN ltrarIONAL \IARAT|ION TRIAL, Phila,, Pa. fli n, lQ?1 at Noon. Entry blanls lrom: roh San.Ler. lrl . Sheldon St,, Phila., Pa, t9120, \STFRN RITNNERS - Tig.r 'l facli Shoe 6 aru n.r awa!!E ablf !ron! rh. loL o$inB deaLers: r,eisue Unlimite.l, 121)5 S1. C.or.qes A'.., Colonia, N, J. 0i06li Cloldstock s s!.riing coods, 121 N, Broa.hray, schen..la.ll, N.Y.i 'rlarc alo .,sd.in.r, '-r2 G1.ni...1,{ve., Ne\r ro..1on, Ct. j SterF laclson, 700? l'...i1ah.] Aw.,., Takorna Parh, Md. I SponsoG Of: HaLle Eros. Co., De!1, :i5.t, 1228 ItrcLld Alt., Cievelann WORLD MARATHON RUNNERS Orio; llubrr & Co,, 216 1ir. -q|h Sr., I-ilmington, Dela, i Iihaca .5Forting Coods, ,,120 Ed.1t St,, ll.haca, \, Y, i J.nes S:ordrg Goods, 6!! lv, Clar -{1!,, Ilusl.re.n, Nli.higani 30 PAGE CATALOG l.rr.Haul,, l lcl,fillan Storts lnr:., !00So. TlirdSt., i,:..ienal long lslah.l Track rqui!,, 36llrl LuIb..r Ar.., SPECIALTY SPOBTS r',:IeEh. N. Y. Altcn:Mlkc Byincsi r,ertrs rn.. , n118 P_O. BOX 36522 ilestN€tr j B{r.rline, York, N..I. Kensi.o Sporis, Inc., Houston, Toxas 77036 11i? ::hol1\oo.1 Rd., llhile Plair*, \, Y,: 1layn. SpoflinA We supply ever!thing but ..od.. 12.1 [. Lancast€r Ar... lvava.. Pi-


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l? Garv Sla.let, E. J.lf€rson HS, Ner, ()rt.a.e, j Z?, Larr) Fus.|er, Ne., orlears rc -):at-:.zt r.e.

18i 18.

JOGGER S CORNER br- IraDLr C.eehberg

S.tal. E


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f:# jog ._-

lC, l:10:0rr. ji 22. Dare Na..arj, NOTc, l:3t:t,l,2r 23_ r t,,,rt -y |,,,, t. i..sa!, rh! aajla,nas, I]orntrng Lj.l C.le, Bafon Rore,,, La., 3i.11:at..1j Z.r. Ht..ma,1 D.m- iar.l Bosron. \o.j., r!en rfls suy porntsi as onp.se a.gue, lerr.Lronne lLa. I JC, t:.:17:tt.5j 2a. Frantr H.rLy,.oad runncr, !or., Lt,r.. r.o.J" .r.... _",,.",-" F1{rrlda T(r, 3:1r:?2,:2t. fton txjIe, I.Lint TC, :l:,1.t:.11.7 ,aroi a.litlcrenr .or!r, 2i nichar.i 1\'illiams, R.ese AFB, Lr:brro.,l., rexas, rthrch rcnlin.rs n1e oi mr- ieir ankr., !,.hich is bra.( l:a?:20. Si 28. Rol,err Lowi,, Sh.r. AC i rj .. .t a r . I r o v e !1u.. secns ttat I tras jogging on Easr l3ay SiNet, , ll.J.), l:5?:2rj.! 2-!. trecre. Sr.an-tj, N.fsnt CttrLr, 1n! rh.se iallei-i. njansro,s lr_y the sea ea.hwitha! I 52:5li 10. Dr, r.n i,.gan, r'i.r' york, 3ri8:.r.rr 3r. Don r.un.r.onv.jx nirlor ar ihe srre.t to 2rck n! tralij. I i\4.(r!nc, \OT(r, :t.j,-:4?,: i2_ Joh! Gaulr, FLrlr Iu torE .e .!1trro\!.d. I rrocee.l Lo ot.,o.r r"tt.n . +:]l:'i9j]]'Fratks1].anaha!,Ne.!YorL,1:l5:3.]j].1.Ft]blalcI Fasra.ht, aianron, ()htD 1-rratr\ .:1:17:a,tt il. t1rs, T.rry rit ira!e 1. th.i nirror. Su,-,i,.,.g" t" tr." ._rtt"e srranslii, N.rslri cl!b, .1:28r.i8 & Ralph Pr.t.o.,ii, D,'r."- isls,rn lhe.rher s,.le or rh€ streer, rhich s.on b.cor TC, ]!li.hiqan Ciry, Trrli.Da, 1:28:.18j 37. tir:, Xo.t Rorh, jry si.l. also !s I stunlbte a.ross the stre.r tookinA I l].l Dulaur f, i\'n. Il.rner, all NO1C, ,t::J8:28. D1! bala..e. I.r1,enttra11_1 !in.t sam., and ir, to a.t na T.zrnrl lljrir.a(]i(jrnrroI!lnrr, Mj.htganj z. at.r rla '.\-h.n r jo.g, r say hefo ro .1€r_voDe Lhat I .an.,al. Tra.li (rhiri. .onra.t *ith, and I wave ro all Lri.ls, rr:lardLess H. --JoL. rr.franr_ Fhot.s llelo!: l'ai \1cr/lahoi \e( ()ilears \4ar.ti air:s ii r.al1r rral-s oir (nor to tc.onltrsed v;irh rhe iarana Marathor'r1r rnFr i.o parotl, nher. r lea,ne.t ro ralie anorher fype tall The res)onsc to my gr..tnrgs on rtre ho.ning iogs :


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illr.,€aring a)rarc1 aiso



sure vrr




-.rotl, M1 shoes ar€ lightty rnu.t.tied l.r eti.,cr .16o. I lr, .r_r, best, t\e laded green strear pants. Har.L.si lir .-,

lage .l rearir! rajana hottoris in the nlo.nnlg Lor. J.gginB the Jirst.ta).\heh a..ustoxFo r . iarr. climaie ls inrisoratnl! an.i brines p.rspiraiir earr., I urn_v, the last part of th. loag jogs nas nnr rb: ,n th. tr1nn.r of hot sh.ners. Her.:t ts, !!. oaralra I rl, ba.L to 1.. tea asain. Li\e n.hen crerrlroar.. re l,lo.]i aulonlati.ally kn.j* ro Lri!! the i.odra]l an.] i.a, l1orn. the glotes, Anyqay, thu lour dars thaj I sterd in.lude tq.o a_.ia..

-rr .4. I o, , ..

.i.ggers ar Bosion. , Datbc not th! si: mrtlron thar tLt, N.ti.hal Jogging Associaiion say.xisr, our sorne ot il lly the ,'a!, that Asso.ratjon is tryirg t. tooi. th.m a. !4, 50 il you hap;enro see ahy.f therr tosr, or ii rhel


_or r-


-\nyrar, I r.aily do rlan lo .o,er thrs eR:nt an.t ro ri Dort ihe linishnrg ord--r and tnrles of rhobe.roe!ers ar ron rh ttr t\o milc joe .. jratrior,s Dar. ,rhis jog is rr ti.us attentldr on joBsing. Di.in t kno\, rhai ,ou ir 'ielp b urre.l, eh? l!h).. not, . my riie sa_vs rhat I n, impolir. Irorhl toriaf.l R.ston anyyar.

-CARL 1',, COOFIR. lxecurjv€ I]jr.cr.r USTF]-__ i e.t nlorc Coll.ge.oach€s invoLle.l rn Lon DisraDce Fulntn.q l,r.ho,!ion. as ewr.tence.i Ly our Mar lhon i\1.€t Dir€ctors, ri. hale !rhers rto a,€ be'sidni,l !).onducr roa.1 ra..s alttf their cros6 coultry s.as. en.ls, an.i also in th. ru,r1m,,r tir!.. ror many years L 1.!e i:oa.hes have bce! very st.!.ro trc.om-- rarolved i 5-. LccinnLhc to

\. / .e ^. Lh.r'it{!nslrr, r. fheir tr.f Fro!rJn


33rd ANNUAL NATIONAL AAU T&F CHAMPIONSHIPS New York, !.riday, Februaty 26, 1971 by Broqhing Ross Persuasire Dawe Roman6kl-, a one hour, hon-6top talkcr oh the telephone, linally convinced my wiJc and her '€asily l.id (when it comes to taack meets) husband that perhaps a trip ro New York would be rorth-while, 1i onLy to 6ee *hat Dave.onsidered a batrle ranking on a nar with the Ali-! razier--irig Dav€ ws. Ron Lajr.1 in the milc ralk! I must admit the nalk \as somerhing elsel Bjg Dave nissed out o! bis bid for a third shaiqhl national indoot title and he was biltca to sat rhe least, rn fact, I stayed clear o1_ him after the ra.e ih lavor ol :rthrg i! on tormer .oach JLmbo Elliott's ellorrs lo continue his track .lynasty at Vlllanowa with lounS Dawe U.ttick from Lincoln lray Hieh School in New l-cnox, 11linois, as , ho!elully, his nes, distahce ac€. (A!],ar.,ntl! he was successlul, a6 rh€ Phila. Fapers stared a i€rt Cays laler that rh€ 13:38. Z rhrc. miler had rerulned a :etier of intent--iI they mean anything?l r{o hours allcr the mile Ita1k, th{, bjg redhea.l stiLl as insisting, he ne1'er *ould .ompet€ agarh, I do! t waht art part ol rhis any more! Romansky :aid, This Day hav. been my lasr race.(hole{ullt he 11 :rave two or Lhree races udef his bett b).. the tlme rol rcad this article) I lhihk I 11 sri.k to coachihg r.y louns ::r:s rfacL tcam, Dav€ \ras s,aved ofJ the trach 5y .l::.ial RiU Chisholm oI California as hc tli€d to hold oii : rid on the turn by .vcnfual winner l,aird, Lalr.l ai.l a:,tuahskt took turns leadihg the race through thc fi.s: : lars as the caord aoared its approval instead ol laugh:r! like h€1l at them as rhey used to do. Thchatrlebe:.n1e birLea goihg illo the 9th lap ahd as Romans|y pich --. -L! sleed oD the turn to hol.1 oll Laird, thc oJfi.ial r.ir',cd him ol{ the !oards,


'O OOOn L, right arvay Lhat I rvas going ar a r€cord pace and thet cheer€d me all lh€ ray, said Shorter, the ex-Yalie riho s .urrently a law srudent at llorida. 'The cros,d telled a lot h€re, bul if was too lale, If they would have teUed earlicr--or iJ someohe wou1.1 have helped m€ ort a litrle with th., l€ad--I rouid have os oorrc 50 Fc.).

Shofrer, who has his eye on some Olympic gol.l nexr yeat, has a messagc he woul.l li]i. relayed to the Univ. oJ llorida. Please let the distance runners use the eo11 course. 11!e ru on the roads, ah.l it's OK, but som.times at night the alligators come out, ' he say6, Thet

have lhes€ sink holes arouud the campus, and the a1lisators go lrom oD€ to anolhcr, You learn to keep as,ay iroh th€m. Th--y have stow an.l Lazy ways, bur rbey har"

that on€ quich hove. Thal's how th€y eet so many duchs, The duclr6 think ihey re 6low and they g€r near them--aad it's alt over. Ihe soll course would b. great to

'o -ro.-dro .o. hF',re, l" n.n., p.o s ronrt go on rhe src.tls or lairway6. Dear Uhivcr€ity ol Ilorida: Please ler Lre orsrancc rnen use the gou coursc--before the atlisators gel them rtit4 :re

llr00t- i. Ton Von Ruden, 2:0?,:li 2. Frahk Murphy, Ireland, 2:0?,4j 3- Byroh Dtce, Unil.d A-{, Z:08,1i 4. Andrzei Kupczyk, Poland, Z:08..1r 5. Bria! McEhoy, \YAC, 2,08.8,,.Mj1e: 1. Henryk Szordyliowskj, polar., 1:04,0: 2. John lvlason, PCC, ,l:06, Lr 3. Chuck LaEenz FCC, .1:06..1t ,1, Eob Wheel.r, Duke, 4:07. 1; 5. Barrlj Erown, NYAC, 4:10. ? (Szordy, Iinning for the second trme in thrce years, took the l€ad qith hau a lap to go and hipped l4ason by a hair in the 6ix-man ficid. ) 3-Mile: 1. lrank Shortcr, Fla.'fC, 13:lO_ a,j 2, K€rry dD" -. _ L,r'.". !. Pearce, Australia, t3r25j 3. CraDt McLaaen, Torohto. "n) " ::r I heard \ras him yel], You're outl ' 1l:28; .,1, Bitt Rcilly, NYAC, 13:33.8t 5, David Merrick. r-a1. rh{rn lil.d an official prorcst f ith Stan trrighr, rhe una-, llr38,2j 6. Jack Bacheler, Fta. TC, l3:.!8. ::.er r€feree, .laimlns Lair.1 nas re.eiving lLniair \lile llralk: 1 Ron Laird, NYAC, a,:2.1.9; Z. Ron Dant.:. :ssrsian.er by mcmbers of the Ne$ Y.rk AC officials NYAC. 6:25.0j 3. Larrt walker, SC Srrid,, ir:26, !i ,1. . ihe lnh.r1d. 'I{ I soun.l bitr.r, said Dave, ir,s le Ray Somers, Pcln ,^C, 6:.13,rt; 5. Joha Knifroh, \IAC, :.:se I am. lh€y were yelling tjues and posirion to ni4-:- 1-, (Ron Daniel ha. a tast Iihisb--ta6t.r rhan a| oi 1:- .11 through th., race, I rhe {alker6, howe!er Laird, in a curious rristing 1.an, outl.aned him ro hold on ro rictory, ),. Women s Mit.: L -a:rd {ho has won th. AAU walk 3 rimes in his L6Doris llroin, Ialcon TC, Seattle, ,t:.17,9r 2. Kathy CrL_ i aon I n,ant to lark to him, nor no*, saicl Laird. b.hs, Phoenix, Ariz,, .1i55.6j 3. Beth Bonner, DelanaE !. s likely to puch fte in th€ rnourh, 1'm a{raid ol T&F, 5:03.2; .1. Maria Srearns, Santa Monica TC, 5:!i. Liri. Larei, after I|omahslyrs protest llas rurned [-orren's 880: 1. Abby HolfDan, To]onlo, 2:08. ?r Z. C. d.(n, Laird trl.d ro see Dave s side of thirlts, Toussainl, AtoDs 'rC, 2.,A9, a: 3. I4rs_ Tcrry Hult Cr:... in a race iike thar, anylhirg can haDlen. I'm hol eveh for.1, Knoxville TC, Z:10.3; .1, Mrs. Ffarcie Johnson. sayins I lias od the ground all the wat, laird exllained- Liberry AC, Mass., 2:11.5. 'Eut those rhing6 haplen, 1rle Le€n to6sed out belore,.. CLEVET,AND K OF C INDOOR ]!F I lno\. the feeting.' Ah, wel1, this is rh€ lirst oI 11 schFriday, \4arch 19, 19?t ior ualt iitlcs this year- So ths gives Laird a leg u| 2-Mile- 1 Sid Sink, Boilihg Cre.r. li:39.8 {Meet Record; Old Mark, Ir *a6 a wild an.l nha.liy ftcetj a.d if anyone can ligur{: 8:,15.2 by Alah Robinson, S..i]La out qhat really haltene.l, you .an call us collect, i9?0)r 2, Jerry Liebenbere, r1:esr.jl The relays ircrc a eeneral hodge-po.lge oI daoppcd Michigan, 8:47,8i 3. Paul Lighi!oor 6licks and tri!s and spills. And th€ ollicials cracked Ann Arbor lC, 8:.!9.8j .1. John Fa:down and disqualilicd hau a dozen people, which might b€rstadt, Oklahoma, 8:51,4j 5. D.L: Scorrar, Colhbus, Ohio, 8:56. 3. The crowd (15,138) screaoed Frank Shorter into rhe Mile-1, Brian McElroy, NYAC, s.corld lastest indoor rhr€€ mile in hisrory, His t3:10" 6 .r:09.2r 2. Sao aair, PCC. .1:1ij.: \ras eight-renths of a second slower than Geoagc Youngr6 3, Keith Colburn, Sports Internar sorld record, Kerry Pearce tried to hang wirh him for 1onal, .!r10.5j .1. Ken Sparks, LC.C a rhilc, but lhe last mile or so Itas a l€sr ro see how .1:1.,1. l. , ,1, 000y- 1. Bvron Dvc.. Lntmalt peopl€ Shorter could lap, red AA;-ZlTql2. i;zenreid- r.i s


o- \


:c.L ds!, wd \u-D":n h dnr.rl I.r { pc .c- ,B os oo", -". } at P.inceton s ptu6h Jadrin gymnasium orer a larran ttack. lrerhaps the ohty Blip€s 6ome of thc 4,500 sp.ctarors, the Ja.twin tracl 1s scr iar ba.jr Irom th€,slards and Lhe sudace rs so spongy thar rhe runnihg 1s done rn virtuat silence. Tcamlvi6e, rh.re ras no stop_ ping Villanova. r'he \!it.tcats, .!Z poinrs doubted the our_ pur of r@ners-up iritt and penn, rvho had 21 each, Marty Liquori and Chris Mason ptayed gades 1n a l_z hile finish, as Liquori becahe rh€ tourth man m rhe 50 y€ars ol the IC4A ro {.th a rhir.l sraaighr mile tirie_-th€ others being ViUahovahs Dav€ Farrick and are.t Dlvyer, and Dr. Lcs Mactvlitchell. 2-]vlile- l, Jerry Ri.hey, I:itr, 8:42,1 {Br€aks rr.er r€cord of 8:.,12,2 by Dick Burtite, VrUanova, t9?O)r Z_ rorl Doaahuc, Manhatran, 8:,1..1.3j l. Donal llratsh, \ritlanola, 8:,+.1, 3; .,1. Creg Fred€rictrs, I]enh State, B: ?, L) ,. t.\ Ahderson, C.rneli, 8:5t.5.. Z{.1 Section: 1, Lranict C. Thomas, Lalayette, t:08.6r 2. Jjm Atlahamt, 1,eu lrrare, 9:08.6; 3. v€rhon C. craham, Na,t-, 9:09. bi ,1, Dclnis ," . \ ,.Lo | .- , I a.a ,-. ..t'. i .. ,1 _ r C).. ., , . v"".,, \ .:O .. . Br. -. cr, Syra.us., ,1:08; .1. Tod S!enBler, Hanard, .!: a, l: 5_ Tom l\inrers, Scton Halt, ,1:t1,9; 6. R.ger Bear.1n1.re Duke,- .112. 1, . .]:!!qL, t. \4.fgan N,toss.r, lfest ,irsinia 2:0?.9j 2, Mar.el Fhilipp., For.1hae, 2:08.5r l. rLlartin Brotemar&1e, Marytan.l, Z:lt.0,,.880-_ t. John Loreft, Manhattan, l:51.5r 2. \1ike Hoses, -\;. Fost, t:)i. ri j. Robert Clayroh, Harvar.t, t:52.9,.. DisiM.,dR_ (880, 1=!., 1320, Mile) L pi[, 9:iZ,5 MRj 2_ pe.n n.rr]. !j 3. C€or_ .,

Hail..1, !0!y- 1, \4osser, trest Va.. Z:08,9 (\,f. ..":.,r, 2:10.8 by phil Tolin, st. Jonn s, 919 ! v" - , : : \Fogr,

. 0'.

vL.i ha _

: ..


60 ro.E

Thomas, LaIat€rte,.2-Mic Relay_ L


rLt, t:a

LIQI]ORI LEADS 1TI-LANOVA IO NCAA II\DOC D.trotl, lvlich,, I,larch 1z-tl_ C,ear .oacmng . .ledication again torkc.t up an NCAA rttc ber.r.


,. p. ,:o, .,

sin (La) , Liqnori tron the r.ile and h,o mrle ro . Jie qtu! s .louble for Kansas in l9LS.

l, a0Lry- 1. Bob lLrhe.:Ler, Dukc, Z:O?,.4 (Breaks


rear.l oJ 2:0?,8, Ray Arfington, \i'r]sc,, 196?), , - O a.\ '-. Oo, .to."., o.. :0. i-!d c.. ;.o a6 , d.e l, l"farrt Liquori, Viuanova, ,!r0.1, ?; Z, .rm roh itashirsbn. .1:05.8i l. ]<en !otejoy, \tichigan : r9j +. Perer Cote, Okla. Stare, ,1:1a, t; 5. tJarI lli.hrgan State, .1:10.6. 1r_iquori i,as .oht€nr to s.i nace the fiel.l rh:63, Z:05 aod i:0fi. d. Ar rhr h. sprinred aray {ro1i Johnsor to ri, by rzy,1.. ,. T-jquori, v, 8:17,1; 2. Sid Sink, BC, 8:tE.Oj l Ri.he_v. Pitr, 8:,11,7i 1, J.l,n J.nes, Air . orce. ,: o.l: ttl:1t.r, Brisham roung, E:.t6..1_ tLrq,: slave.l in 10rh ptace as det.n.tin.s champ jetr_v n, .an rhe trrst hile rh .f:20, tlith a rittlc more rha 'o ''' : " '' '''9 w.r-d dc-,,.I most ot lhe last quartel, I.iquoli het.l thtr.t !.jhrl eP'o^n. :.-.8..._ o.t ard John Jo.es. .rust leIore the gun rh.r incredtb . vd.t d Lrquorl spfinrcd past bdth runn€rs and q,on rhe r 'c. 2 (Dennis aikcs.1:0.r); l. viltah.va. i:ia {john HartncrL 10y, :fhe race came -iqsr ?2 mdur.s att.r h. ran .l:0,1. t,); .!. Nawy ?:.19, j...2_ntit..R_ 1. riilan.wa i:31. a, .il- . :. - .:.. . r1 .. .., -.. -, (Mason l:50.8, Liquoh r:5I;t-?. Boston !. ! ,,:r+..!; 3. r: 0. : t. . ,. "...:_ A@y, 7:3.1.6,,.\,lite 1lralk (N.n-s.orrnsJ_ 1, Creg Dj€es, C. lr, Posr, 1j51. 8. ,INitalioral Mile_ . Crh: bold, Bosron College, .(:51.8i 2. B.b Henrlerson, Itlinois, .b .:0... .. o ir:54.9; 3. Philip Mccatr., Sprrn!ft€i.l Cotl.,ge, ?:t-1.:. PCC, ,1:00.9i l, Brtan l{cnlroy, NyAC, 1:r .lj D Dyce, lnit€d AA, ,1:02.8j 5. SaD l3arr, rjcc. NIt!f JERSEY STA1.a H,S. MEEr O!.CHA]\,IPIONS 2-Mile Relay- 1. 1-exa6 Et I]aso, 7:l?.a; l. Neij Jadwin cymnasium, lrrinccro., Sat. , I,larch 6rh (A. M. ?i3J,5; 3. Kansas, 7r39,6i .1. Drake, ?:,+0, t.. J:: ) z-Mi1e- 1. Vince Carrirr, S.otch plaiDs, ,tj08.7i Z, Mike Butyn.s, Sterling, 3. Rt11 Mahon, Bergen cathoti., trr .1, Ceorgeroq,n, t:51. or a, Kansas Starc, (Rccord' o1d rnark 9:13,6 try Ken Medtin, Ha.trloh ,r(!, 9ji.1. ?O) Ry Ri.h€y's ,1:0j.1 anch.re.t Fitt ro thc trrre. l Mile- l. Kevin Conh.c,€y, Ilackehsack, f.im€ not ayail_ able)-.!!ll- l. Brian cuas.hi.o, No. Befgen, t:55.8. r\,fAS1ERS MILE PIIILADELPHIA TRAC!! CI,ASS ar Civic Cehter Convertion Ha11, Saf., Jan. 23, PENN WINS HEPTACONAL cIAMES WITH,t6 t/Z prs_ I 1lratrer Boehn, rirashingron, D. C,, i:.1: Ithaca, N. Y,, Sat., t.b, Zi- jrenn, takihg a.t!antalie oI (|re.or.l, baeahirg unar., ,1:19. 8 b, Craham I]arnell. s); its great€r depth, piled up .16 t/Z poihrs to vin rhe annual l indoor Hcptagonal carnes in Barton HalL u o En: .ct.,. .r, Boo, _," Mile- 1. Eascoe, Halvar.l, .1:12.5; 2, .fhornton, pcnn; 3, N.J,; 5, Harlt 5lo -p Ilenriques, Bast.ins nidge, N.J. F€€, Army,,.2-Mile- 1 Spengler, Harvar.t, 8:56.6;2. Ait€rnoon 1wo Mile- 1. John Hartn;ft, vi|ano1.. Anderson, Cornetl; l, Brotia{, Harvard, .1. O,Brien, ( tr€shban lrom Irelahd, torrner thternationat cr. Princeton.,.1,000r- 1. Baker, corn{,1i, 2:12,8, counlry juhior champjon)j 2, Ch.L6 Coh.lon, \,Iari o: 0. /:, L"r ' \n (" , -ors 11th ANNUAL DELA$ARE INVIT'ATIONAL INDOOR MDEl : :,. J_r.Newaak, Delaware, Feb. 27- The.iisrance mcdrey relay 9:1.1, 2. Mile1, Thoma6 Arlmon. provrdonc. L. leam froh the U. of Pittsburgh ser aD Axr.rl.an r..oor .1:19.9t 2. Joseth Lucas, ceor!retosn, .l:21.6. re.of.l oJ 9:39.7 ro cract< the nark oI !:.t2.6 in 19?1] by a \v r:a_, va \r - D . DP \ r__r .t-,, i, . o. t...".n- o_" Isc.od.b1- ^i do I" o\.1ile-1. Hofell Michael, wm.& Mary, lndoor Chadpionships at \4adi6on Sqaarc car.ier, 9.-.::.1""4:0,1.6 (Meet R€cordr Otd record, 4:06,I by Jerry Ri.hey, ."^l-l P1:"r,ea Pitt, 1969)j 2, Fredericks, p.nn Sratei 3, lyinrers, Seton q' ro! '




i' ' : ] "'


t E

HERB LORENZ IN SCINTILLATING FORM Phila., Pa., Sun.tay, Februart 2l- H€rh Loren, mad€ rh. 19?l sehior Mi.ldle Atlanric AAU 20 Kilo Championship no .onresl a6 he took control €arlt in the ra.e & simply ran ar', ay lrom thc lield with a fast 1i02r.11,6 clockin_q, He built up a galing 3:03.4s margrn at the iinish over teammalc Lou Coppens- lr \ras Herbrs firsr afpearaDce rn a number of yeeks after nhar h. ca11s just a few solld wcek6 ol training The s.1id baining arbdited ro two-a-dat lrorliouts covcring 120 miles a rreek- H. i6 looki.g {or some Jast Daaathoh riDes this

MILE, MIT CACE, CAMBRIDGE, MASS,] Fcbruary 3, 19?1 ilen lap dirr rrack) t. Tony Sali€nza, Bosron AA, 5:02,li; 2. Richard t,a.kar.1, BAA, 5:05.2r 3. Ed O Coanell, BAA, 5:27.6i .r. Ray Furbu6h, Nivlc. 5:31.3; 5, Ctaude Fluis, NNiC, 5:31-. N.'EIV ENCI-{ND AAU 3,]!{ILD INDOOR CIIAMPIONSIII! l Mark Harri6on, Ptovidence Collcge, 1,1:59; 2. Rick ]latko, NI,rC, 15:04j 3. 1\iL1 Van Dyke, CSLI, t5i11. 1\4A51!]ItS

1,-MILE ROAD RUN, I'RANKLIN PARK. BOSTON, M1S5 Sponsor.d bt the Norrh Medfor.l Club,, Feb, 1.1, 19?l lVeather: Cold $ith !.ale lo!cc winds. Record: 29:,13 b_r Tcrry Callaghcr, L, Earl ltcGilw.iry, N,\4C, 3Z:59i 2, Francis Maher, \l{C, l3:.18; 3. vin Iand.Lri, NMC, 35:33i 4. Joti 11atlace, RA,\, 35:56; t, Joe Hanley, NMC, 36:4fir t. Clar. r-1Ls, \r,IC, 3ir:il9i ?. Rick Bayko, NMC, 3.1:12t 8, Srei-

t he ra.e was sponsorcd bt Eraceland Brothers P.inters of Phila.lelphia anrl wa6 hel.l in i.leal 55o r'.alh.ra rare break from the .old & chiu of recelr rdcesCourse: Ilat, out & back route over the Ea6L & est River Drives in Fairm.unt Park, Ti:aft: 1. Pern AC, 18; 2, PhiladelDhia Pioneers 37; 3. .n u are, N\IC, l9:l7j 9. Hank Ainss,orth. NIIC, l9j.!l_i: olnet Kifanis, 65, la. Li,uis Youns, NI,IC, .r0:17i 11. Rolard vernlette, NriC .+1 il!j lz. James L.c, NMC, ,13:lfi; 13_ Ken Ilayden, l Herb L.r.rz, Irenn AC, 1:02::!1.6j 2, Lou Coppens, iienn AC, 1:05:.1)r 3. Ion Flanagan, uhat,, \r',1lanola \r.!C. .ia:l3r 11, Siq Po.[oznt, NMC, .r6:,10j 15, (]eorq.. '7 . ' : niv., 1r06:?3; ,1, I-.6 Nagy, una., \rlllanora Uni1,, D" li., \t j : r. ' . . aa:33i 5, Scotr Nicholas, unar., Lehigh L.i1,-, r:0i::0j iren Eroin Sr,, N\IC. 50:02. DNF- Roberr Page. \tr1(: :. Dav€ Sheridan, unar, , Villanova Lrnil. , 1:0?:L5i i, Notes.,, i,lccilver), t..k rhe lea.l over Irom Mah.r :: : at Tom.zuh, u!at., Fr. Ju.lse HS, L:Di:.:1Zj E. l.lei1 the niie.rar]l ah. hel.1 it to th. cnd, --Fred Bro{,n Sr l.reandt, P€nn AC, 1:08:l2r ,., Fradt cold.amp, Phila, :ioneers, L:08:18i lar, i,Ioses I,tatiield. P.nn AC, 1:08: 10-KILO lrAl,K (Slori), FRANKLIN I,ARK, BOSlO\, lr: Ll, D..nis Elmer, PhLla, Irioueers, 1:08:40; 12, jay M,\SS., February 3, 1971. $r.rarh€r: Fair, Z8 aegrees . il1iahs, uha, , vjllanova Uhir,, , l:0!:01; 13. Ron Stanr, lraul Schc11, NMC, 48:.r.:1i 2, Ceo, Lalarulo, N]{C ::!. unat,, \ri1laho1a Unir, , 1:09:18i l.l, Joc League, 53i2?j 3, John Lillinger, NI,IC, 5.:1r55i ,1, Robert pagc, . Llil: I \\4C, 55:35i 5. Rog.r 1)ike, NMC, 56:25i || Jake Bre ""n r" r . D- | F.j i:n!:.11; 16, Dan Fayne, Pem AC, 1:10:1.1i ?. Leon derson, Nlvlc, a1:211 1. aie.. Crzebien, NMC, i8:'i g. nr.her, Penn AC, 1:12:25 (lEt v€teran); 18- Bdb Micla- Sjg Podl.rzny, NMC, 60:05i 9. Ir{,d Brosn Sr,, 61:f8 NEAAAU INIJOOR MILE 1\iALK CHANIPIONSHIP \TI: -:ies, una., Sr, Joscph's College, 1:12:28; 19. M€rv :rran, lottstovn Pacers AC, l:12:50r 20. \4ih., Irroh. Cage, Ieb, 3, 197l- 1, Rick sosiich, NMC, ?:55; 2.C,,o. rrenn ,^C, L:14:30; 21, l,aul l,u.uski, P.nn AC, 1:14:.17j Larta!ulo, NMC, 8:OBj 3. Joln Babingroh, \MC, E:23 :1. Chuck Bianc.sino, Phi1a. Pion., !:15:39j 23, Bill -- -rBJo,n5r_.Eollrs. unar., 1rl6r50i 2.r. Bill King, Penn AC, l:17:06 lnd l.et.l; 25. \41L. Ru.lhon.l, ]lhila- Plon., l:t?:40r ?-MILN ROAD RUN, TLLSA, OKLAHOMA :,i, Tibll.irshberger, una., Srate College, Pa., 1:t?:,14 Oral Rolerrg Lrnilersity, ) la! .ouse mos y !tat. :,, Hu!h Haml11, unar. , 1:r7:4a. 2j 28. Cary Riee, uha, , CLear, 28 .legrees. no ltind. t {,6ruary Il, t9?1 l:LS:l:i 29, l tank !l.cuif.:, Otf,.r- Knranjs, l:19:1?: 10, r. John l'\!stbrook, 2A, 19119 2. Toh lomshanr, 28, L:in lilari.h, Olh.y riwanis, 1:1!:l-ir 11. Jact Exton, 39:l7r 3- Broohs Oueen, 19, .10:OO; ,1. ! raDk S..n!ter. -unn AC, l:19:30i 32, TruFan Hershberger, una,, State lE, .10:0.1 (tst L8 & Lndcr); 5. John Bir€e, 18, .12:1lj i c.1l.rsc, Pa,, :]3, It22.2L (3r.1 Ver,)j 13, JohnDeiley, Jack \orris, ln, 13:A2: i. Cler Dorr.rgh, 29, ,11:a5j ur:a., N.fristo$iJ Fa,, l:22:l0i 3.1, EobNesbitt, Oln€y 8. Birr Ihonfs.h, 38, 1,]-:ji'1 .), Mark Mr11er, t!, .16::r: ll,raris, 1:2,1:26: 35, J.c rlcllhinney Jr,, Ohet riwan- 10, Bol Baker, 33, 4li:28r tL. Jack N4andevi|e, .16, :a :s, l:2a:1.1i 36. lteith Rrighrbill, una., Millersvi11.r, Pa, t1 llsl Over .10)j 12, Eru.e Mac,Vrllan, 3t .1?:l8j 13. lr:5::0r 3?. Gart Cranl. unat.! 1:25:i1i 18, Dennis Bob \,lartin, 50, .rE:2li 1,1. Arr [-ade, 5], tq:18: t5 a,rrl Carri, Phila, lrroneers, l:26:28j 39, ceorge Maruschak, .lor lI.Kca.!:ue. +,1, 51:lli 16. Djxrc Ann \,Iar.Luez. t2 trna., rrllanova Lrniv,, 1:Zli:l5j .!0. Paul Leo \tcSorley, 5Z:31 (lst r\irmad)j 17. lsafte] I,Iarqu.z, 12, 58:22 !na., lr27:55i .]i, Don Pe11.grin., Olney Kiianis, I:28: (l? starr.rs, 1? lihishers) -Bob rvlartin-13: .12, res Co1.1en, ua,, 1r29:lzr .t3- K€vih Callagher, Olh.y K:\ranis, I:21:a8: 11, Dan Brannan, Olnriv Kiv;a.- ANNUAL SCHEDULE i9?1 LAKL ERIE A.A.Tr, !'CIO]. Su!. , Aphl .1th 10 A, \r. Ro.kt River Res.rvatior, !... is, 1:10:.11i .-15. Ralph Roar.tnran, l,hi1a. iri.n-,1:11:.11i la, rjm Lolnann, unar., L:33:39i il?, TihClallias, ky Rir.r, Ohio, 30-Kilo l,alc Erie .AA! Chan.j, Olney Kiranis, lr3.l:.11; .18. Claudc Hi11s, una., 1:.1?r.!5; Srn., AIrril llth 12 N.on, Marathon, Athens, Ohi. .!9, John Abbate, P.nn AC, 1:+8:+5; 50, l\alter Rorrz, sun., April ?irh 2 1). M. HahDron Hitls (Akroh) tn \tr r Suh., Mar 2.d - Ponriac, Lti.h LO Mjle ChamD. Tr:unat., lr51:.!5. 153 starters, 50 li.ishers) I-MILE VETIRANS (.10 & Over) RLN, L Bror'ling Ross, +6, 1)enn AC, l8:23i 2" Don Mirch.ll, I)hila., Sai. , Mat l5th 10 A. \,1, t0 r"riles, I,arren, Ohio 18:12; 3. Charles Harrlnsto!, II'Jilmingron, DcLa!ar., Sat., ]lay 2Znd 7 P. \'I- Ahron Uni\,., Oh. Hour Rtrn, Lak. ljrie AAL Champ. r.t2a: 1. Dr. Jack Il.ickley, liaddohljeld, N. J. , Z0:l2j 5. Jin T.rpson, Fhi1a,, 21r59. sun,, ilat 3oth la A. M. Bedtor.t tr,,tcA ? 5-\Iit.,s Sar., June 5rh 10 A, M, _ i\,Jtni Ma,athon, Mansii.rL. st'r11 arailable lrom Long Distance Log- TIID CONDITION 1\G OF DISTANCE RUNNERS try r'om Os]er.. - 51.00 sat. , JuDe lzth 11 A. M. - w€sr Park yMCA 6, 5-Mi1.s.


JL\l M.DONACH 1,, L\-S \IET. A.!L SI\IOR r:_rlt_: Ner Yoik City, l eb. 21- Jim M.Donagh, .r?_ruar_.t.i MiIIrose A-A runner, *on the \4et. AAL Senior 50-Dite champiohship over a Centrat Park course in i:36r52, secohd place ('cnt to Millrose's Vinc€ Chiapperla, cho had rhe 1ea.l unril thc lasr lap wherc McDonagh {inalty passed him! ln 5:39:1,1, Veteran 1e.t Corbitt tinisheil thir.l in 5i55:,18. A toLal ol Z? rtrnners .tarted in the race xith only 8Ituishlne. Coursc: ren laps oI rhe tive hile .ertifie.l .ourse n1 Cen

::: :al::r':,-::::::: :::r a :::r: : \ID\iCH: i-tai-.-aa:-: : :: L.s ALios. Calr:. , jL ::: a.::: I tr:r_: . : o1d rccord nas clipDe.L., \la.i iji.r : tsrt- :: ,- a- o I Th€ course rccord, set in tgrj?, \,as la:at.: commenced ar rhe slrok-- ol nidnight amldst: .t.ohfetti lrom th. !arLicipants_ l, Bill S.obey, Mad River, 3l]:50j Z. tsob jer: st.ck Nation AA, 30,55j 3. Mike Daitey, iCS. ueorge Stewart, uha., Okla. Sr., 3Z:)9-, a, Dar l. Jlh McDonagh, MiUro6{: AA, 5:36:52; Z. Vince Chiap, ee, Napa valley Runhers, 32:ZO; 6. JoLr \aarl rr.tta, Millrosc AA, 5:39:14j 3. Te.1 Corbitt, N]/pC, ,:551 va1lcy Runners, 32:21 (lsr HS); ?_ Denis O Ha. .18i .!, Sreve Crot6ktr, una., Bronx, 6:23:10 (Jr. t1et. AALr Marahon, l2r2.1r 8. .Ion Sutherlland, una,, j: Chahpion): 5, Don Lin.laur, St. Anrhony,s BC, ij:29:17i Bob Darling, Redwoo.l City Srriders, 32:27t la 6. A1 I,I.ehan, StratJord Slarrans, Cou,, 6:l1]:38; 7, SLahl, Maranon, 3Z:2E; 11. Vike Hanigen, una. Peler N{auro Capurso, uha., yohkers, ?:tor25j 8, John 12. John Sa!.hez, ))\a.,32:32, tj. Jobn,\aarsi Kenu1, United AA, I rO 7:1?. to\, 32t44;1.1, Chuck Fro6olone, Maraaon, :j ROAIJ RUNNERS C LUB 5O-LIILE RELAY Bob Rubello, una., 32:51i 15, Chuck \rarurrLar, Cenhal Parl, \, Y. C., Feb, 21- Th€ RRC, \, r, Asso, TC, 33:00; 17_ BiU Kelly, Wcst Va!tey TC. jj sFonsoren a 50 brile i runner retay for its membefs iD aob Shith, una., 33:3tj l!. cary Miller, Mad conjunction rith thc Met. AALr r,DR Comftittee,s 50-mile Jli35j 20, Art Reade, !r'esr vaUey TC, 3i:3il M€t. ,\AU Charnpionship. Thc runncrs Silva, WVTC, 33:.!tj 22, Bill Solomon, una., lir. mile Ioop ih Cenriat lrark , KentRczo{alli, \lta.anon, 33:,1?r z.t, Jos€ Lor 1. Team ,^, 5:.,1a:21 (llariy Ceisler Jr,, Norman Frei.l_ 3l:.1t: 25. Chris Berka, Maaanon, 33::O; 2a,, rnan, Dick Kuscsik, Bariy C.isler Sr,, R.beft B. Kapson, Valley rC, 33..a2:27. Ray M.:nzie, Marrr pell)i 2. Team B, 6:02:45 (BiU N.rv\irt, Ralph cartietd, 23' 28, Mike Brishin, Fitt.burg TC, 34:29.,2.) Ceorgi: Tarnaqsky, Pat Burke, Fr--.j Leholy)i L L{asters 1're.buth, una., 3,1:3lj 30, Dave He.mosilto, Team lAll hemb..s ov.r 5(] yearE oI aee) aj5z:jt (Joh! 1ey 1C, 34:35,,lst V.reran- l,erer \i/ood, .lt6t Croes, Joe Keller, l rank Coq,.teh, t4itr. O,IIara, l,,lilr PatakJ'); .,1. Ladies 'f.am, 7:05r57 (Nina Ku6csik, Sue I'ercrs, lJar Tarnansky, Liz Frarceschril Nan.y Cotc_ ALL-CO]IIERS t&I MEETS at Cotlege of Sah l . -Joe liLer!rrrran " ^-d h"- '." lZlr2l?0- Milel. Dan !esr, CSM, 1:22.7: Z, RUNNER S 1!ORLD MA'iAZINE TTII,IO.HOI]R 1X4CK RUN .hner, Suns.r High, .r:23,2..3-Mite- l, \oe1 Foorhitl College, Los A1ros, Ca]]t. , Fetr. 11, l9?t 1O a. m . sac. srare, l,t:28. 8r 2. John i,i-i-mi, 1t v,rc, L. 13il1 Clark, 27, Z2 rriles, 12i.r yds. (Ameri.an Ire.ord) :J. PeLcr \,Iarks, 1!'oodside, t4:58.8.,880- r, ] '\ Clark also s€t Ai(ri.an rccords at 15 milcs _t:17:5j_,1; oP ,8,.I._ -. "-;, "., 25km l:20:.t2. 8i lokh- 1r3?:33.0 & 2Omiies_ 1:44:-6,.:1j ;'a", s:zz. s. . HS vil.:-l-Jl; R olcrrson, M.( 2, Chri. Mi11er, 2?, 2l] oit€s 1.!Z? ,'ds (3l]Lm-t:,t6rO9_.t) 4r38. 8. . . 1Zl19/?0- ]!tite- L Ja.k 1tcst. Btrtte 3- Jelf Kr.or, 2?, 2Om, i!_v (2l)rni, -1r59:02); 4. Jim nhg_ ,1 : 2 , 9 . . 3 - ]!ti c - L Aavid Kretz, Sranlor.t, tjr: Toh Hale, CaDpolindo HS, l.r:j9, O; 3. Art Rer 1e, J.1, 18 mi., q?lyr 5. Jo. Hendcrson, 2?, t7m, lj83yi IC, 1,rr56..880- 1. Cary Hansoh, !na., Z:00.5 {,. Stacy Ceiken, 15, 17 mites, 12?y (21]krn 1:26:01.2i l Cordon MacMitchetl, Cunn, .,1:31, 9. . HS 2_1,1i l5km-1:1.1:,r3.2); ?. 1om Cray.ar, 11, 15m, ,1.!1y (2|)Lm_ l:l?:.,16.6j 15kn-l:.16:lir,.1); 8. Bitly Tracey, t0, t.1m,115ly so.o.I . i_-__ (10m 75::14. Zi 2okm-1:19:56.2); 9, Lee Hotlcy, 38, 1lmi,, ' .s. ": 0. . -- . ,. '.-:: Sr., .1:50..:1..HS 2-I\,lile- 1_ tFris Co1e, chuck€ 4.:10y (on1y ran Ior t:19:50, f, minut.s); 10. Atvaro tvl.jia, 10, lZn!, 880y (only ran for 6.1:55,8 mirutes; ?Okrn-a.1:jt) 6. - HS Mile- r, Jo. Brenhi.k. ygnacio va|er, U. Bob Corlnley, 12 nrit.s (only ran for ?t:5J.8 minures)i 1//9rl- 880-r. JiDr LoJtus, Santa CLara, tj5rl. a 12. D.rnis Tracey, Li, t0 mi1es, 82lrr 13. J.tu \,tar.oni, l Lt. Cliff Clark. USAF, .1:10. Ot Z, Arviil Kre 17, 10 ftil!:s {only ran lor 5?:1,1,,1 rrnrutes)j 1,1. Thomas Iord, 11:10.2j 3, P€r.,r DLrlty, \rTC, ,!rt3_ Zj .1. v, Otren, Jr,, 7, 9 mi1u6, 132Oyj t5, Lorrs Merzario, Jr. Lec, Athehs, .r:1,!.5. _ l-M[c- ]. Krerz, 1.1:t?,2 21, 6 miles, 880t (only ran for 6t:.l7.7 minutes); 16, Ireter l.1r?Z- 6: 3. Steve l,Iather6, Ne,ada, t4:59. .1, ,l . r t:o vv.o".. L ,.,, , .. .1]t. .. Craycar, 11, 5 niles, 880r- (only ra! for .1.1:,1r.8 mins, ) - _ ., .,-,.|I ed. f,,I^,.. {16 starrcd, 10 ran {u11 teo hoursj all-tr.eather track: 77o ,. at linish) I-alping ruhrers lvirh dizzying regularity. Clait M.rced TC, 9:55.A... I116frl- Mile- 1. 14ri1li." F wenl th.ough a l1:06 str Dile, 51:' ten and 1:0,1:lt 2OIm cscH, .1:16.2j 2. Arr R.ade, x-ia, .!:18. tr 3. to set up an extradrdinary srrnrg of r.cor.1-br€ajring_ His censchmer, Sunset Hi!.h. ,1:23,0..3-Mi1e_ 1. I] miles di.ln't drop L.lorv 5:15 unhl he,.1 travcted 15 mi1es. r'' | : E.o. l. st' r:i, .t. At thal point, h. got his lir$r Amert.an .e.or.i-th€ 1:1?: John Sheehan, vVTC, i5:03..A8o- 1. Sannago I Arhens, Ii58.9.. HS Mile- 1 D;Hu,:hes, Vand, ,1,.1 br€ahing Ron Da\s, rnark by 17_.16, From th1:re, 2; Z. Butch Alexander, Sonoma,,+:3,{,l,.HS 88a Bill colle.ted rhese rec.rdsr 25krr-t:20:,12. 8 {br.aking t,ou Caslagnola's 1:2t: 16,,1)r 3Okrr-1:3?: 31, 0 {Drcti ltaines i c . . -. r.. v- .s i- -r ",. i,"--]_ \o . l:45:28,,1); 20 mites- l:,1.,1:56,.r (Castagnola t:.{b: 50. 6)i s, .a---;-l"]"!I, l/?3/71- V!4:- 1. Roh Censchmer, sunsct High, ts,o hours - 22 miles 125,1y (Castagnota 22 mites rlZ8y). Z. Jim Dare, LrS Navt, .,1r2.1.5i 3. Bob Naninga, Thc overall pa.e rvorks out to sub 2:18 marathon re,el. ltZ:L a..3-Mile- l Bob Crow, \yVTC, l.t:44,8j .1


Dougherty, una., 1.:r5- 8i l. Dale S.,w(,ry, !Da , l):1s 1, Fage, Sno.TC, .t.r:aOi 10, Nhlie Prirgle, llboi 5.!:'. .. 680- 1_ Jim Lotrus. Santa Clara, 1:5.t.5; Z, Bob \antnga, .:15:23i ll, Gr.rgg Iranklin, Elb..t S.Jua.l, '1i,:3ai :2, : I,lehrer, E1!orv Sqra.l, l?:10; 13- R-!Ion Cati.ll, Lnal rna., 1:a9.5.. HS nliLc- l, Dan Hngl.s, Vanden, ri2?,2 1l:24: 1,1. f:erry Lt.n, ua,, '18:21i 1i, :eif L.,i s :::: Hs 2-Mi1e- 1. R.n Gens.hrner, sunset H:gh, 9:18.0i 2. Lr, 50:00: 16, Ilatt Coori., uha,. 50:08i 17. D.n ill.Cr:.::: Bra.l Dulfe-!, Chuck.r!, ! : 3 8 - ; . . . 1 ,r :l 0l? 1 l-Mi1e- l L.1!, Runlng Club, 53:lit 18. Gene ijarrlson, !.:_. lIvIC, l1:0! 2, Bill C1arL, CIiII CLark, IrS-{I , 1l:46. i,i 53:.10i t!- \, a, J.nsen, unat. , 62:2t, .1i l. Roberl llalman. Stanfor.l. 15:13 1r'r' Dale Severl-, HICH SCIIOO]- DTIIS]ON trna. , 1):1,1, O. . NIile- 1. ArL Rcade, il vTC, 1:23, 8i 2, .1:2f,,2i L, S.:.tt Daggari. BFl1.ru!, .,1a:2,1i 2. Dave lnrs. Si :.Bob \aninga, una,, 3, Dar!1 za.ata, CLur:]iers, .13:2Li L Micli Holt, Linc{,ln, ll:lZi +. Ei.:,_2 Lat .res!, 1:aL.1: L.lrtrs, Santa Clara, 1Jin 1:2?.l.,880 Sli.gen, Bainbrnlgr, +l:iir 5- \tark lrlloa, 1rr.! rv Cr.Lrl.Dan, CSC11, 1:5i. -rj 3. Rahdy 1lhite, stanford, l:a1-.1j L Art Reade. \1rl.JTC, 1:5?,1,. HS 2-Mj1.- 1, Ster. ir, Jei{ Clarh, Btan.her, .}.1:l0r ?, Ra-v Priot Si,. : .. I-.ng, \4raced rC, 9:11.4t 2. Ed S.he1.l]11r, X1 Camino, .:17:.11i ll. T.n Cattell, J€fI.rson, '1,qr'1ti 9. Ji.r Fr'. : ger. C1e!e1an.l. 5.1:2ii t0. \JiLe Cattell, Jeifersrr ::: r t,t,0i L Harold Lda, I,fefced 1C 9:52,.l..Hs]vtit.-1. Sr.1-e Long, \1TC. '1:29- 3i 2, Lrd1a, MTC, tr3l l IIS 880- ] iIIILE O1JEN DI\J, RUN t, S1.,re S.oter, S. !, C., 1'1:'r9: ?. Paul Osbur., :-: L, a:iril. Morgan, Lincold, -sf, 2:02. 1i 2. Dawe Duncan, :'1r' ol The .errorriarce l:r.16i 3, B.b Slee, Higilline (lC. l5:r.1i:. r1: : 2:1r2.7. outslanding C.a-., -irernore, :Fr series, base.l .n rhe internaiional !.orine ta|les, tras J()hrs.n, I:l[-SC, ]a.l2i 5. K1:d Turn.r, una.. lfr lrr ' li-:fl (rlarlirs 13:.16 6 thr(:,, nile on Jan, :10. Clill also ran Brad Catlqrist, una. , !6:.101 ?, T.nr r\ u..1., tl:!ii::. CC Li-:0,1i 8. !ra1e Ehf.thciln, Trrunan 1r.HS. Lir : : a (louLle .{ 4:ll ahd 14:Z?- a nith 1,,ss rhan 1/2 bou. r.:r re.n }.rankhaus.:r. Hale Coach, l7 2lr tO, liri, L il :.. betr,..n races. Clili is coach.l ihe \J.rccd f fa(li C|1!, hch. G1.nn, 1E:1-o; 11. I'auL CLlcs, trcho Clrdn, L':-: a ]1]gh scLool grolp Ir.n |he Mercec ar!:a Chrls .reni.!, Lali. IJcjglrts, 1rr:43; 11. Forre:t I]r.:.: LIGUTH ANNLIAI IXA\IINER ALL-Alr1ERlCAN CAiliES: HICH SCHOOL DI\'ISION ]-MILE iaD, 22, Cor Palace, san Fraa.isc.l 880- 1. :\4ark rr ihzenrie.l, lvisc., L:50.8j 2. Keiih And.,!ss.n, ljcC, l. llar. Richar.l, Irt- lahoma, l.l:111 2. R(ss Da::11: 1:il. r...!!]19 L. Jin Rrun. una., i1:04..1: 2 Du.ah lvla.- Be11evue, 1.1:.,1:rr L B:ll ailadd, Eellevue, 1,+:51j 1 r,: n..akl, Sta.1.r(1, +:10- 2: 3. Fict R]1.y, CDugar 1Cl CarnrL.lL, Hal€, 1j:ll; 5, Jim Clail FrahkLir Pi.r.i -:Ll. ij .r. Afrid Kretz, Staniord, ,1:!'1.1i 5. Pelet Duli-v, Li:!1-; f. (rordon Bor.hatr, 1\iashingron, la:?41 i Da . r\1I(1, -1:1,1..r (Rtun ran hi6 lasr '1'10 in '] ahd 1is lasL And.fsoh, Mt, Tahoma, !5il5i E. 'r!rllis B.ll, rii.., : 15:+l; ,,r. non CriIILh T_vrc, 15:,17j 10. ll.Ut CL ji,, !80 :n L:5?,.:1.,2-Milc L Kerrt ]..arc., '.,Australia, Cle!e1and, l5:1!j 11. Karl Matq'eather. Lin.oln Lr'l !:l!,2j 2" Gerry r,indEren, C.ugar TC. 8:5?.tii l, BLlt s.:obet, [la.] Rtwcr, trair.2r +. Biil Clarli, rtvIC, t:08 2 12. LJ,trn Kanesta, Linc.rlr, l5:51, {26 litlsL.rsl ., Don Kardong Srahl.rd, 9:]C- 2. , DNil ,\1n., L Lt, Cliii Clark, LrS-^I, .1r11,1: 2, Ron Peiti3re(, SaS l:11- 41 CE\TFA]- INDIANA STRIDERS ZND A\NLA], F]! 1 l. Da!. Cor.Ls, Sianl.fd, .1:t9.2,.5eriors Vlil.r- L. Pel. \{ARATHON, FFRR UAR Y 20, 1!71 Coln se: alal L. g.,h11y rolling, last, a..!rate. i\,lxndle, Si!1AA, .,1:1.1.2i 2. Jim van Tal.nhore, semo's .alh.t: liLn.ly & .ol.l, terF 1.1 degrees. lC, ,lili,,Z: L BobEries, rf.shoSr,TC, :r'1l,li'1, Iete. 1\oo.1, NCSTC, .]:.,15,.:11 5, Bi!] Vacte-v, 1i.sl 1al- l, Craig Stern, Central lndiana Stri.l{ rs l:10:l6r 2. l.y J.gg€rs, ,1:52. i,: 6. l'ran]i Harr:soh, NCSTC, 1:51-.I Charles \j;arihan, l^diaha Srar{, 1-niw.:rsltl L:10 l:: : Clhu.kK.ctr.n. LiCIC, 1:11:17i +. Grel] Iohns.n. rr:.: HS 2-tvlile- 1. Kdrl S.hoenrock, ]-a Sierra, 9:2?.8, 2, Cho.l Ntork \rash.Fremont, 9r:11,01 l. TomHale, Canr Iadiana Lniversir-!, l:12:lli 5 Briah S.buzal, Lar+ : : polindo, !:35.2.. . !1tl!-I9l!- l. Ron Laird, \Y]\c, 6 l-i 2 {A lrl2:.11r i, Sl.we K.arney, Dun€s lC. L:Ll:1. :rnil Da!:i, llli.ois TC, L:1.1:0?: 8. J.e Cabr urar 2 B:11 Rannet, .,:r5,9i L UikcBro.1ie.7:11,5. r:lir 2!i !. Stere Ciol.lberg, lllrnois lC, l:16:.rl_r' a. : . F€n.ington, lndjana Siar,, Ldiv , t:17:rtli ll. Mrki : : : 2 \4AN. 1I-MILE RI]I,AY. SOLTIHERN 1',]jNOIs RN'lra. , L:1?r 58r 12. Bill Bredenbeck, Lake :iriE A.r ' : Mc-Ardr€rts Stadiud, S.ulhern I11:n.i s l rmla r 6il]/, Ciarl2; rl. Henrr l'antlaar.r, arhLraL Indil.a Srr .-..! bon.lale, lll., January 2+, 1!i1 (.!10y rulberized.s!h:Lr' l:l!: i.1j t:1, J.hn N!\i!s, Iaylor I-rnil'ersil! L :l rrackli a2 de!r..s, srnnt, vert sljghl br..,zc Ken Zieiettskj, Dr!.rs La. l:21:5.1i 16. Rola..r Ai.:: . 1. rohr IJ.lm, 21, 2a:\i t' Douq Brovn, !8, z5r(r? 5 K.,r{ring SrrLdcrs, L:ZZ: l7r i?. L.nn_l. HunL.,r l-, .:: : il:f1.5j 2. R.n Ktol!!1on, 38, 27:,11 I clct Ljiy(,, 21. ln.liana Strl.l.rs, l:21:tli l8 Georgl: Mcfafla.. ::. 2.r:1., iL:56r 3. Ricbar{l Bra.y, li Z5:'l? & Bob S!,.dL., LIr., L]Z,1rZ8j 1'1. Ri.hard Bra.ler, \,ran.heskr : ,. l a!, ?a:i8, a2:.10i,,1, Frahlr \reLk, 24, 2!:5.1 & Oscar ilioore, 32, 22:aO, aZ:+5, a. (rhuck K.lich, ?7, 2\a:22 L 20 ni.k Cregg, N1a.ch.sl.r, li25:l8i Zl. Art L-e : :. B.n IlrhrLey, Za, 21:56, 51:t8. una., lrZ,::J:l; 22, Ton, J.hns.n, Nlanch.sier, l:l: \l1e splitsr Oscar l,l.ore, l:34, .r:1., ,1:3?, '1:la, 1:z? 23. T.n Carprnler, r4an.hester, L:25:5ri 2.1. I i-l .1:3.1 a1.,ra 1.i ailen LJi-!e, .r:l!, .l:49, '1:i?, '1i57 '1:51 _ Ja.oLs, Central In.liana Srriders, Lr26:0?r 2i. 5::.r: :: ,+: 5. ar/rnile. hy, Farrna, Ohi., L:Zl:L7i 2i- D.n PLltif s, 1ll:.::: -BilL arirT-)121:28. 2i. Ji[] N.IIsLhe(:r, uha,, LrnLon (riir :r.- :.::: l:28:13:2!. Paul SiLray. llan.hesn,f, i:28:2r 2. ll ASIJ NC'ION T&F !EDDRATION 8-MILE RLIN Ser. ard Pafli, ,5rarile, u asl1, , Sal, , Jan. 1a', 1'r71 1r0ulln .1al1 Sullivan, Cin.in.aii Ohio, l:28:15: ll. R:.h:- . rake, (lihciihal:, Ohi,,, l:29:11; ll. !.ark F!b:.::-. irl .Legrees ralh. uha., 1:lL:1.2; 12. John slocur., una., !a-vlor .-r,: L. Sar 1i.g. Snol,.tnish TC -n:2?i Z- l1an.5hu11, sn.. 1.,1i 3:1, Irni.i M.:Donal.l, Hr11s.la1e, Michiqar, ::l iC -! .12: 3, Rrck Oh1so., lluslit lC, ']l:Zr; I Rob Ar 1,1. Jim Southar.l, (lis, lrl2rl.lr 15, J.. Anbas I ::. r.lc, 5.F.C., .11:28:5. i] r1r€11s, C,11,S.C , 12:l'li ir. la.:< Cal: es. Highl:n. CC, .13:0li ?. vi:..r Shar', Llaltsby, Ohio, l:l3ilEi :la, arary Es11e, CrIS, 1:31:ll ri. --:: Courtcr, C1S, l:ll:13.5j l8- Br11 Koleszar \ra:.::: :l ]l:lr. l. .Ta.o! r.hars.,h, S(:alt1e CC. .:1.,1::l0i 9 I)awe _

I 10

LJ.1:28i 19. roh. Flory, I,tan.,hester, 1:11:'15i '10. John Trojan, al.vcland, Ohio, l:35i.18i .11, Dicli Lin!, UCTC, I:36:22-, 12. L, sLie K. Catz, Lous.ill., Ky., 2:ll:29.

Ovrr 50- L. Don }lhillils 52r 2, Over,,10-




RoLand Anspach,




Albas, 5,1 l.


2- Art DeLa!orlc,



,11 st.rt.rs, 12 linishers.. Ev.r iniprowing Craig Srcrn pulled oIJ aD.ther \in orer a v.ry talented lield. Th€ lirsr .ewen linishers ran in a tight Pack lor tiosr.i thc xace. Stern mad. Lis r.ove itith abour a mil€ to go an.l stea.iilr p.!1,r.id anay irom th1, er.up Pulling alhaille 1!'arthan, lasi y.ars wlnner yith hin, L.arrhan ga1(, it €rertthilg h.i ha.l, but coul.jr'L hang on to Sr.r! tho 5ail.d a.ross rhe InLish 1Ln-. lrith 100-' l. sfare , The iirsl 10 fini5h.rs recei!€.1 tropht.s an.l the nexl l(,h ne.lals. C. rL CnrcY-

DID l.Oli K\OIV TF]1 I the RRc 1s tilanning to lnsirlur€ a HaLl of ! ar..r lof Arn€ri.an .li slaice rnnners (10, 000n & up), PrcsLdent F:.1 O'C..n.ll has aske.l Arf. Ri.nar.ls l. .hair fh. ilall .l Fane conrmillee. One mor. job lor the .aus. I.f the overrrdrli.i.l Mr. Rl.hardsl

I]AL LINCO I,\ i!,1II4ORIA I- !?-MILER Sprlhgfiel.l, Ill,nois, FeLruar-v l3 19?1- R.berl ] €uttriler ot th. Sl. T,ouis B1u.s Tfa.,k Club rac.d to a recor.l_ en.tl.ring 5i:a l ct.cklng nr rinnihg the SPrj:qlic1.l Yl'4(rA l: Ntile R.ad lace. Ai€x \rarr {as !. Rob.rr Ilutrviler, Sr. l,ouls BlLn.s TC, ;?:53 (Ncq' Rf.ord)j 2, Alcx lirarc, l:'ac.rs ,\ Cl- 11'rlnciPia Coll{rgcl a2:15r :r, -r.hn \'rara, OzarL Assn, ti'rlnc\Ji. Coll.ge), ir2:!!r .1- Steve coldbl,rg, Ir,ol Ill, far, a3i51i I Richa!d Bra.l,, Herrin. IlL., a8:5E; a, Da!id llaunlan Readrng, l]a,, ?3r50j 7. PauL lrol€cli1a Jr-, SDringliLrl.l Souillrast IL5, ?,1:l0r 8. Lerris RobLrin. .rr., Ad.l, Iorta, 75:10; 9. .iohn \4x1!ey, Sfrinelie!d, Ill., ?!:I3i 10, 1\'i1]ian1 \4, Ashlord, Srrineiield, lll., 78:23r ll x4artin C. Bauer Jr, Sr. LoD! s, N{o., 8l:2i. 5E\TENTFi ANN

}.ANELLl AND IJON]'IELLY lT]CTORS IN 5.MIIER l,hil.., Pa-, Su..la_\,, lcbruarv 28, L9?l 1r00 P.rr. .jary lan.lLi {on th. !-diLe ha..licap ra.e ePons.red br' rhe N.rr! Rra.ch IIIICA in 30::l l in lllnting ParL Tom ilonnelly, lormer Vr I I ano Ya .lr s lan.: e slandour. nolt teachir\g and coaching al l'lilad.Lt,hia's l-trSal1., High' lnl ish.d se.ond i. l0i5i- l1.r rar lrotl sclalch handicap!e.l ar 5i20, anLL post.d lh(, L€st tjn1. .I ?5i3i, Tr. oihers racin! irom scralch llere Ml,-.rs Mavlicld and LorL Co!trens, s.venth anC .iehlh. Ma-vl]cL.l 1'u1n.d ih lhe s€c.n.l besL lin1e at 26:ZL an.] C.PP.ns third ar 2l':31. T.ad: L Flila. I'ioneers r0i 2. P.nn -\C '131 l\c,.17, !.fIrLr. :J]l:3 l li0c 2?:ll 1. Gary Fanelli, P1ila. Plonr€rs, a:2A 2a:1t-'l Z. Iod Donn€11)_, PhiLa. {Cl. | Z8i 11) 3L:10 l:0 Ljra|is, 3. B.b \esbjrl, Olney Z:2a 2Ata?, ,.1. .Joc l\_iLsor, unar., 31: l2 2 20 2!rO0 31:2 0 a. Par Fad.len, Phila. Acl, 27:f i 1:Al .l L:3 i i,, J.e Leagu,r, Phila. Pion.ers, ZL:2i) a:2A 1...n ,\C, uayliel.l, i. lloses 5:20 2a:11 :11:51 8. I.or ar.pri.iDs, P.nr AC, 3l:E7 9, Tony !loLgi|orski, Phila r]ior', 32:42 5:04 27:02 10, Dennis XLm€r, PhiIa. Pio..{,rs,


\,Iir. n:ton, P.dn r\C, 12. 1)aul \4cCorri5oi, Drexel LnLt., 13, Dal e Ritter, uha1,, 11.

l2:l? ?:24 32t12 2:0 0 l:0 0 32r18

Z:.: +1 :J




j2:21' 2,24 3A:l Ll. Jim Knorr. unar., talt rrioneers, 32:39 1:2,4 zatl ra. Hawlrins, lL'. Franl Col.lcamtr, iJioneers, l2:.10 ,1:.10 28:0 32r55 l:.10 31:l: 17. Jack rxton, Penn AC, 18. Bo1, Romanshy Sr., Penn AC,3J:01 1:00 3Z:l 19, L{:vin r,,tunnelly, Fhila, AC, l3:03 2.'10 30r2 20, Star Dahi.,1s, Sourhside Ac, l3:01 2:.10 30:2: 21. ] afrt Delanev, !..nh AC, 33:0'1 1:24 ll:'122. Da. Sloboijlar, Lalieland, 33rll 2:.10 l0:l 33:18 I:'10 3113: 21. Ed Klrz-uski, uf,ar., 3j,22 I:24 3Z:l 2:. Brian ir.frcll, nnar,, 31:ZZ I.4a 3It:2,(. TurI Trlior.., unai., i2::. 2;,r. Fal:h lrira.r,ar. Pioneers, 33:3'r :rr 33:43 a:21 zatz 2r. iir: Srlrri1e, !iai., 28. Iiel,ir \I.i1... PLoneers, 33:.,1E 3:20 l0:2: 2t. -r.., S:ci"ro.i.,, l'llila,AC, l,{:0'1 I:24 i2:43,1:1? 1:lrr l2:il 10. Do: (;.lir, :ri....rs, l1:19 :.IA 3313: 3r, v.ri i', ri1.: rl:. !.at. , 31:29 J:aa )I:Z lZ. Ril na!g:r'i, ,ar.Lald. r--:L:1aa.1, 3..!::12 Z:20 3Z:I'l_r, Dare irr,:ji:, 1.1:33 1:00 llrl: 1.1- Darrtl l\l:r:..:r, r:,ir.,:, 3511! r20 l.!:5 35. Pad r.:.5irlir, !r,:! l5:IZ 2;00 33:1: 35. Da!. Iii\.n, .:.:.i.r., iall3 z:1a 3Z:1: 37, .rohn r,r iis.. :r..:. , lj:1: 2:!0 :rl:l: 35, lr.nnis r:tll... r.r.,-lC. 3!1. .iohn .qoiii a.,r..1. i ':'.:CA, 35:20 l:24 3.1:N ,,10. fim Cf..l:!. arr:.r riir';nis,3a:3:i :20 34.1: la:16 :20 35:2 41. Johr: Eis.iir:... :iar , l5:53 l:24 lr:l: +?- NJart!liee., :.::,: r-a, ii:rrr ;.:anis,l6:10 1:00 35:14 +3. Dan B..I:.r .1.1, lrre.L Bratae. :r. 1it.2A 2:Qt) 31:21 , .15. l!,tik€ i rril:r a'.:2) 2:14 33-.. -::;r (lo 16:3 ,16, Dr. -Iac.. Eri.:.: , .:r.ai,, lL:3! l?. Dave \Iaiti. Sr:r:ir.i.. rlc,31.n8 Lro l?:0r .18. Ross tat.:, l.tll:i:.r, :a,li:la Co 37:1i ,r!, ai.iore€ :r:..1::i_-, i-hi a, AC, l8:03 :20 3?:1: 35:l:l I:,10 3l:?l 50. lriiie Llr.sr 1:i, :!:..i., !r:--i | 'ranr5. Jti:0'1 :'lC 37:251, Art D.!il:j., :JS:ia Co 3li:l! 12. ii,n L.-,r'r<.i. ..r:i:.. .ra:., l!:5i l:00 lir:n_ 51. Jelfr.r j:ii. 10:00 :20 3!:la ,,1, joh! D:j:r..]::.. :.::.. .!0i32 Co +0rll i5. !inr. ....iriri: -.,r.r:.. Fl:ira, 12.a7 rto 4Zt -\i lil. J€rrt F... r ii::. , B.i io.ranskyr 2, Larrv De:: \:eteran3 r'\::r-: 3, l ern '. h:r.i:-li lrID IOr,' Ir,.\a.. i ! . , thanks lo rhe inslirarion :: guid:n.e .: i.::r ,c...::nrli.ir (r'rhl.Lic Dirc.tor at thi liIv, .I i',i:.-ra!ra-i'arrrid.). the energl- ol York i coa.h loe :\-.::.-r: :n.l dre iinan.ial f,acking ol Seaiih. lr., -1r.r::L i--'r1.-ii \1,!r(:sl i\,!eet on June l2lh:l: yrar ril] r: r .:t:o.:-rlide 3.th.ring ol Am.rrca s : f,rep ira.ri,r_.rn. l! re., rhl.e ana blu. allair ('i11 r.rare. rh: :.Lng Arnrrlr:a l'{eer ot clhararpions L a .r !iL. rit:s, SALDM, oR.GoN lriLlailrtte . a:1.rs:!r, rebruar,v 13, ItiL L:00 P.M Surar. ;r(r .le;r{rrs.. Hillt .ours.. Me€t Direcior: Cl Bo,, ie s, ',1lllanet:e llnltursiry. i,-M .- 1. Eri. Ilalgr,:n, 1l-esrerr Baptisl, l?r27i : Phi lall, So.5a!!m H5, 10:37. (30-3!) Te.1 Nl.Ke: Greshan, .12:5,1j (.10-+!)- Joe nIallon, ORRC, 50:1r l5O-5!)- Gu-v Hisgihson, Salem, 52:25i (60-trt)- Llc Baanldq, Albant, 66:5r. (! cnrfies) 9-r{i1., 1. Do! .rold6on, llrillanreite, 51:56i 2 Rr.: Hnrz.ranr, McNary Hs, 51:5ai L Nlarh sedet, lju.!.. 5.1:a6. (30-39)- l r'a-vD. r.an.e, Lowell, 6!:'18

15-MI',E RUN, GRANTS PASS, OREcON Fcbruary 13, 19?1. S:onsored bI Ctat.r High School ot Central Poinr, I,Ieet D!recror: Sruarr Baker, Cralca HS coach. course: Irom Foo. Hills Road (cfants Paes) to Gold Hi1l, l3 starters, 30 linishet6, l Mike Durbin, Li&la Disrance Club, l:26:l?i 2. Claude Neuenschwander, 16, Asbland, l;28:03i l. Don i\/Iorrison, LDC, 1r28:48: .1. Scott Siu.l€bak€r, 14, Ashaland, 1:11:06i 5, Chuck Mode€, t?, l]aqle Poinl, li3?:03; !. Dick clusralson, centrat Foinl, 1:ll:5ti 7. Gart Adans, orcgon rc, 1r:J6:18i 8. Derek Ford, 17, ljagle Point, t:.10:3?i -o, .rohh Baar1., 1?, LDC, 1:.15:t6i 10. Jack Bat€, Jacksotville, L:.16:0,1 (lst 36-,15 tls, ); 11. Clatton Dlhont, Phoenix, 1:.19:,49j 12. 1om McDowcll, 16, Ashland, 1:50:l5r 13. Bl11 U.,Irheison, i6, Ashland, 1:51:11j 1,1- uarty lloopcr, 17, \ledJo'id, 1:53:Z?j 15, Rick Sesock, I15, Cenrral Point, I .3:13; 1t,. .riD Lilbr-, 15, C{,ntral lroint, li5t:16, --

oL r- !b



Porlland, Oregon, F€bruart 20, L!1-1. 1riarm, sunD] .lay Fast aU-ieathcr trach. ir-Ntile- l. K(:ilh IIunson, Staters, 28:13; 2. Cordie Cuir-v Slalcrs, 2!:15j l. Ri.k Croldnca, Starers, 2!::ri !, Slcre squires, OlC, 30:1?, (20 linishers) l-Mil€ \ra1L- 1, Roger DLlran, 23ral: 2, Don Ja.obs,29:11 --D.h Jacolis- -

Notes,.. A remperatur. ol lour {lesrees, anin.l-.:rl irdex oI -22 dcga.i.s, and a srrong nih.l ereeted .::: /- l"r. .. b ".- rln '" .on! oJ. Decchb.r kncc ihjDry, L.ok "lhe lcad at the lotri :rr : marh an.l held it untiL rhe end, All ruhhers blt 1trr: :: - -Dennis B. llri1liams--

2-]{AN, 6-N1]II ALlERNATE LAI) RELAI 11. ] ].:]:-: per la.). Potrer Park, Lansing, l,Iichigan, ;.b l l, Duan. SDitz.22 & Detuis \l'illiams,25, 31r31, :. I I . Noonan,Ii G Ri.k Coodnan.l?, 32:03; 3. Ray Bal<.1 RickHobrla, 32:.t1;.1, Paul Hansen. .19& Car) Frir-: Jlil,1; a, Jact A11.n,.10 & Jinl Caak,r,22. 33:1'r: -. -elLer,l0 & Art Bechhoefer, la, 14:i3t ?. BiLl L.::i -: i" lred Helsabe.k, 14, 38:lr2i 8. llalt r,one,51 n -:. N.lcs.,, The llrst firee reaDs broLc rh.,.ld r...::. :Jlil1, seL Jan, 16, 19?l try AlL.,h & Il{,isab€cn.


6.N,III,E HANDICAP RUN, POTTDR PARK, :.:: 'ANS \'llCHI(IAN, February 2i, 1971 4:P. 4sl-r L Art E.chhoelet, 35, .12:l!.4 :15 .r2:Cl. .1.1:0 8

l. DIU Keller,



i:0 0 39:4 5 1l:30 I2: al 5:0 0 l9:10

a. Dlane Spitz, 22, 1,1:1A 11:10 3l: l0 n, l'r1:d Hclsab.ck. 1.1, .15:01 E:la 3 a:.til i. 11alt r,ong, jl 1i:0l 0:0 0 .15: u ri 8. \,fike Noonan, 17, 1t.)? 9:30 15:.12 : Cr\RL HAI'FIELD 11'INNER I\4-MILE RO-{D RACE 8:15 l7:l! : 9. Paul llans.n, ,19, 1a:2a ,lb:19 Parkcrsburg, llest Va,, Suday, Fe!. Zlst liaa P.lL lC. Bill r,ong, 25, 0:00 ,lhrlt Former 1{'!st \rirginia Lniwersiry ace, Ca!l riadiel.l )osL- rl. .Iim carter, 22, 1\).)2 )0t]14 3a:2,' ed a sizzline 20r01 io yih lhr ;l-rnile roa.l rac€ stag(:d bt 12. Ray ltarner. aZ:22.5 A:04 a2t?2.: lhc irarkersburg I'MCA Road Rnnnets, Not.s. , , K.ller ran the !asi.r six miles on rLts ..::: :: Ror trulfman, a 15-year-old 9th grad€r at E.lisoh took ii ab.ul a v.ar. but !o one .oul.l catch rhe slrrr:.:.:: th. mile race i. 5:28, Ari B.chhoeler Arr braggcd tr.l.r{: tne ra.e lnal . : .r-'Mi].i- 1, Carl L7arli.:1.1, 23, 20:01r 2. Kim NrLrter, 1i, goirg io yi! and win he .li.1l lle ran 2:25,6 iast-.r :t.:: 20:1.!j L Jih l,und, 16, 21r20r .r. Roeer Rouilier, 31, ]1e had .vcr rtrn b.Iofe and lron han.lily. 25:,:11; 5, r,arrt \,!.C1ead, l?, 2L:33i 6, Lanc. Drnrl.l{, Dennis ts, lVilliams, tl, 1|al; 7. Ra]_ LeClair, 13, 32:56: 8, Credo S.h!'aL, aa: t4, -HF ROCHESTER ROAIJ RLNNDRS CLUA ]O-\I] : l4j,.k_4t: r. Ronal.l Huffman, Ia, a:28,2. Erucc FaLner ROAIJ tsACE lR.1_ 1. aTOURSE - 2 I,APS) 15, 6:06i 3. Ru.1dt Munday, Ll, ir:1+i 4. R.bcrl Jrllries 5at., r eLruart i. L9?1, R.chesl.r, Ncq torl I,1, i138; 5, Dal. Ilaili lralker, 11, a:3.at a Dale Gr"rn, liteather: 30.legrees with hea.l qind aL 25 m,,l i2, 6:,11i ?. JcII Curlip, 10, 6:.11i 8, Jelf Anl<roh, ll, ir: L arrrald Tcal, 27. Porr Colborne L.j, Z1:ai :-r5i 9. Ccne Beattt, 1.r, 6:4?; 10. Doug Ruley, !, b:'1'1. 2 Drcl Ashlcy, 2!, Rochestcr IC, Z1:ai . : L l)rieht Rogers. 29, Rochester TC, :r0r21 ::. .1 alaudc La! rerliere, l?, trort Col, fC. i0:21 OHiO NIVER ltRC SIX MILE RUN, \IES f CARROLL]O\, 5 Jim Connellr-, 3?, Rochester iC, ll:ll ! Dick ! rank, .1,1, Rocl.sler 'rC, OHIO, !_.Lrrary 2iJ, 19?l \rcath.:r: iO", su..y, ornty. )2::i Course: l'wo,ni1e bLaclitop roa.l l.op through h.!si.e,le!_ i. l)o. Balsamo, 31. Ro.hest€r TC, 8 L.n Baqiey .lj, Roch.st.r 1C, e1olnr.nl ov€r 1i llt lerrain, .1. Rudt Zineler, 31, Rochester TC, r, .roe Cabe, 3l:l?i 2, Jaj. Eirnjngham, 12:aa, 1. l]art I3:11 il hrie, 3l:38! .r, Roland Anspac!, 3'1rL'!i 5 Eo! Eutrs, 1(r. Carl Myers, 31, Rochester TC, l.: 11 l,l:.15: t,, Bill B.tting, 35r+8i i. Fr{,d l!-inston, 36:36r 8. rr. (rene Osborn, 53, Roch. TC. t9:11: t2, .. Bill Kircaid, l?r50j 9, ayne Yarcho, 38:3?i lO, Sco.t dcz, .18, R,)ch, ICr, ar9:4?r 13. A1 Krerl:r, l1 i Sari11., l9:,1,1; ll- Dotre Hecker, rl:10. ?2:l;j 1.1. Norrn Franl, 19, Roch, IC, 1-Z iir: l. CzeEleai, 19. R!ch, 1C, 7r.:.r.!r 16. Karht t,LllFl O!,er +n- l R.Land Anspa.h, .1.1; 2. llatne Yar.ho, 5l syra.use TC, ?9:50i 17. DrcL lloll]-, 50, R..rr, - - [-ay.. B. Yar.ho-lli start.:rs a.d linish.rsJ 1]-!!iLE ROAD RUN, LANSING, j\r'JICHICA).I ROCHESTTR ROAD RLTNNNRS CLIJI] II I{I]-C:' E e!rLLar i 13, 19?1 RACE {RIT (iOL1RSEI Sat., Fe!.13, 19?L tr.ir I .'.. r. i ,l Ke11.if, l!, li3!:i0r 2. Cary Pierson, 11, l:3:l+: 1\.,ath.r: Shoy SiorDr (2rl degr!es) & r'. in.1t 2r : . -r.L1 5r.ttarr, 29, l:12:Za: +. Dennis lvilllarns, 25. Di.kAshlet, Ro.h.TC, 38:18i 2. Dar.,\ir.. . L. s.halcr' 29, a. Cordon l:lar,1i r. aiafy Andrus, l:3.1:.12; Tc, l9:58i l. Dr',ighl R.gers, R.cL, I(i, 1lr:: j:, r:_!:-1ar 7. par! HaDs€., 1.), t:11:53: 8. Eyereit $1rKosorrski, TC, Roch. 13:26t a, r,ef; Bagl{:_!, R::gar. i3, ::12:ta. DNI - ArL Be.:hhoefer, 35 i8 l/2 nrlles)



yt:.'io, R.r.'r. rra.k


i.src,e "1" Czegl€ili, TC, .18:1,1..1i 8. Mike smtth, unar., -Roch.Tq.trcr, 5li5,1i 9_ Cary unat., 5Z:0.1

:9:TnsrER P^c'


" -: n ' 6rart, ^ Farnng ar 1-

(]eral.l fat,

l'"" - :'.









' start.rs & finish.,is_ 27, Fort C.lborDe 1.C. 1:07:11j 2. Di.ti 1]

. :,.0-:

" . '^-


-o ' j


., B. ,-





! rank, 39, RTC, t:26r3ri 10. T(rt Braihar.i, ]t1Cr, 1:29:06; tt. Uwtsht RoA.rs, ?9, RTC, r:J3:15,

orrtN i\,1AsTERS tvtlLE


C..n.l1 Uhjr_, ltha.a, N. y., F.b.!ary Zi,CILAi\,IpS) 1971 Tra.L 2?0 yds,, flat, rartan surfaced. . ,0. ,. ... F-,o"

'' .

I \.i.

"r \.





. r



l'',,."-r i, a






2:0.1:11;5_ Dan

rield, N. Y., i:!0_ 6t 8. l.aut A. ,r.trursto., 50, sitvcr t1a., ft '.1"e,5:0,r,_Jr 5:05. oi !. ! raikli! (. rvoore, .18, rtha.a, N,1'., tO. BobFit., ,1J, Cal]e May, \.J., a:11,5 -. rrirr +L,Nl \ort!r\ lt?0 $in,er...craham parnc , Brock;otr,,uass. .l:35. b !1..t R..or.l; 19fj, 1{inh.r. _ . .rih Hartshorn., ithaca, N. Y,, .rj.!t, a. _.lirn Hafishonc__

,.,'l' -



o. s.\

setr, ?7::l6i 4, .rran Rivas, Boliria, 27:+.r _, stew€ 0 -: c.-. \,, o. -1. 'o..-, I 3-1:00: 10, Don Srcn.art. 18, ll:58; 11. Bob Smirh, lt:58i 12. Henrt Culb.,rrson, l,:1:1] 7. J.rr], .Jobski renr out i! t2 ti at ihe I ii2 mi.Ndtes.,. , r'", .r,. ' h .o. iually trafiic-Iree, on th€ Salt Rj,er r!.tran Rcs.rwarron,


B OD ..





J.ll;;: i:,:,:l:x;'::li::;"il:l';:::r",1,,:r." J:',lfi:,'i;:'::::':i1ii,;::,:":::;i ': ' ': '-: ;::;"1:;,*:.:"i;i:il,"".,Jrrli:"T."j,..::::1ffi. i;,,i.T":.it:'?;,,ii:|.,:j;^,,.1\l;:i;,,;..,. , . , .otr.ie,alongtd. o"",. o,.*L*,ir,l"^;: ll'..f:f; "".J,.i"."1"i,ii#ill.Ll,'lf:,,";:l;*..:*";: , ,..

ir:'t.""m *:.;ii":,ill"r';::*,i1,::l;'i. " ;;;N,,.:;';:;4^:T,:iif;"T:;"ijili..-" .,. :n: t ji :*i'*lli:i::* :: *il: :t. : :; :' r, l;:ii:l'ri;{itil.,:il*,,. .;i"


ff f lli:,"l",.i,,llfit'j}:i:rin:irll#l;;:Ti.:i:t.r:*,::*;l:-, t. ..,;4:;lhr.ij::::ii;x,1"l"; irli +1,:"r:*'i*i*j*,*,


r,,:l:!'i:i:ir.l:fi,:'i.l";,"",,.",,..;,;:ii::ll,'. l:l:.:;1,1,:;l*i"::;t;::,*.,.r:ll,Ft,., ':.'ir!=.,'".,, i,j:.11i ?? ..11j',1;,i.ti:::;"]'lll,li, ,''i.L'; j:J;";;.;.,.- .',. !r.j., !ra:r._ j; :::'j.:ll:::: ,;. i;;;:,i,,"i-;,';;:,"i:,i.1;"i":':,:l:' .ii*"i.i'"l :i:;1.',1"i.1 ih::i ::.,.;,li"i.."lll::.r. 2i il)hn r'', Galrea- uri i7 !1, to u,i. -"".ril ,.,. r :;r:1r,rr 11. Neil 1!e,,:nrr p--,..1].:.'ll""jt . ^-

.,;;:,';,;';j,'.,;1";i",1 iiJ,l,.1.;lil'




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l-!1ILl lrttfERA\s



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R.liab1e,inrirer...t.itiine,,r,,:,ru.zii..",.*,""; 1'.'f\. lhera..nasor!,otarrio;nnhi.hrh.ov.r.1t






d N"r-L RUN Ar o. R.,.

:: :t.i

., .1,'jl ":;'j:r"'::i::'J::"i;i-r::.;.i tj+J"::;;j;r*;ii-;:i;:

* ,i,,,," rl1e firisir.



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' :as rlnnina behin., rlolan,


sstre o,


a ..n(t!sions arr:red ai br

T-Dr, Ernst van Aakch lloh lvaldniril lhc l-o(r,r Rhine ZSRD A i..IIIL-{L FOP' MARTY MIMOITAL RLTN ''.t,.. 9. IL IIII-Ii ROAD RUN, IIONTEBILLO, CALIFORNI, - e Sunday, I€bruart 1.1, I,o71 10:00 A, iU. Starting from Late \otrr Priz. {inh.r Orlo lrarLurg's Rec.rd: ,r8i1?, f, br Mile Kimball, 196? (.:1 laps on.itl theort that r.sliraloty.lamagc L. a.:ause ol .an.er, Dr, rah Aaken s.t out ro s€e (hether .onsrantly !ro'1.1 ing dre body rith more oxyq.n that ;l n.,c.l.,d would pre- 1, cart Hamilion, 25, SC Srriders, +-Q:3?; 2. Ron ltr: .le, 22, Pa.ilic C.asr C1ub, l9:19; l. Bill Anderson vent the start of c:r...r, \rat AaL€n lound rhat normal Sanra Bartrara A-4. 51:r3; .t. Jam€s BernicL, 17, unar. p.opl. a i lar ri,ore li]rel] ro.:at.h.an..r than l.ng !l:25i 5. r\ea.]e11 snliih, 30, SCS, 51:l2i 4,, Gaay Dob: dislahcc runers in the sam. age rane.. Ilc DLz, 21, !.a., 5:::2; i Orville Atkins, 3.,1, Seniors : lour .ases .i can.cr rh sir y.ars arnong the +51mem5l:50; E. Stere Harnet. j2:l1j !. Sre\t \raaea Jr,, lE be.s ol a clrb lor .lrl.,r l.ng distan.e ru.ncrs al:cd b(l 1\-DC, 52:28r l!. lr1a.:<:lias. 11. rerrt Rirchi. .151 nonnal 1r..n.10 and 90. in a parallel sur.r.y.I '2:50t nale Datienrs ot sin,ilar as. h,: I.un.l Z9 .ases ol can.cr 52r58j 12. 11i.har.l Frlesl, 18. BBTC, 53:l0r 13. lobEStogsdrll, ll, m.-., rlr)ri. 1.1, E.l Bouldln, 23, SCS : durinq th. san. p--rio.l. lvhile l? .l rh,isc cas.s ttere Iala1, a1L the long .llsranc. runn,:rs rc.:or€red lr.n the 59r 15. l4iie Th.rrnor, :Cc, 5.1:l0i 16, Ski! Straiier. CCAC, ..1:l3i lt -all tLssetl, 23, una., 5.1:33: 18 .iis.as,: ah.l arc ranning on.e aga,.. Dr, John Ira:!.,no iL. 5Ji.rs Ta,, i.1:l9i 1!, lrrin Dr. van Aalirn slr.sses ihat rhe ru.ners hr .ramined I.fnr.d no sort of lunran elrte bul !.r., alfe.ted bt sj.k- l\iereln. 24. L.ra. r::1.i 2| Dan Schulgasser, 27, S 55:09; zl. lironas C.it :1, unat., 55:12i 22, Rob.,r: ness the sa.,. as ary.ne rlse belore th.t cri,barlied on this ryr.:,,I lrainnlg. Seven ha.l nlr.ra.l-v had hearr atta.rs Bruh.r, 29, ScS, r:: i: 21. Fi.k \rasquez. ll, Sehir: 'l(',, aL:l?,:24. l.larlrr: S..:ih, 2l una , 56r25i 25. ne and il had had .rrcular.ry dis.r.lers, som. jous. lrul .()w lhal rl1--I run betw..n rllr!:(: atr.lliw€ rniles 1l'aco, 38, SCS, ai. 3: :r, D.r a aana, ai:aA, 21. \: Ster.ih, a7:'-rli 24. i:.ri irri:r., 5?:1)1j 2-o, Roy C.h: a day, nearlr a1l or rhcm ar. r)!rlc.tlv healthr_. 5711!i 30. Jaraes Ll:i.!.. :1. OCTC a?:21: 31, K€viD I. l!2:r rrd l!Z'1 Otto \iiarLrur! shor.,d lhal the .an.er .elLs in fhe nr.labolis& ilid nor breathe bur galncd eae.qy Carthy. ,7::l2r :i2, a.:.rr:: -:raick, 1i,, una., 5?-:38: ll. Conrad Lro€r.. -1r : a ,:i:ilj 3.1. John Ru.lbcr. !t rermcnrilg n!lholt o:y!en lgly..Lysis) and sP.e!.1, 3., STC. ;?:-r-::1., ::r.:l:.riaLlr, S1'C, 58:I)5i 16. fi.. l,Lfn..l normal .el1s 1ro,r, a t,.rs{j into can.er!us -8r.!9i 18. Dali.t Ceisle:, it:la l:, r.laf,. Sl.rhans, .eLls (ith:n.1! h(,LLfs by rro.lurlng a rl5 r.r cehl .xtgen T.nr Snrrak, l'r. -qC: r: -.: 1.. .r. Dayid lonres, r::::: ri ! r \4ortell 3n, ur: van Aalien sai.l thaL ti. supr)osc.l than an .{ccss .l hy.lro-?5i 10' DID l"\'or' Par 5ai3ii +2 C.t.r I rl, I-:!5II, ic:1ii 1l Dat. !.. in rhr L..l)r ias the r.nral ,:ans. .i ran.er. tt.sular Parli'rr, l: r'i rrner' 3r' STC ir0:20r !: 59:'Ei -1ong.1is1.n.. run.nLg, L.Dg aistan.. s 'irnlurg, rowin! A(fe1io Cana.h.. 5 4. l i: =!. ,1.iu Lallb.rr.. 22 ii 1og.1h.r nt(h nlo.terarion cal sLilnA toul.l .r.ti.g or ;r1:Z2r +8 Stele B: ori. ..nsulnion lrh. in.al luDler is l, ior a.lay) rr€- una , i'jl:l9i li Le'r'_ :':'rrrar! r'aL: r", 1rl ::r:rf 12, StC' 50 -: v.nl an u....cssart a..Lrnulati.n.i h)-.lrogen an.l rhus '112?i Iianhlii Sax, l. S iC. .l:::: r: th.nas'2i0li Taha.s. l S1C, 62 111 -:, Dar-- - rr:. aJTar, i:l:0i,r 53 rlill L':us, ar:alj r1. ar.!-tr i:..i:, l.r, ilan.l., {,1:21r il UST|I ANO IH!-R I{ARATHoN--A Paul O.fra. =1. 5.r:.:rs ral. rlilaj ,6. EC Sr..lris.lr hel.l in \!i.hita, lia.sas.n Jure 11, l!tl, ar ?:00 a. m li, al\ai, al 2 r:. Star !.is.r1,,1., 23. ma., b,1i.!2 j8. Br(..:lir,:, i . i:4. 1:rl; :,1, Mike M.Carthr L3 Fl LONG BFACfI OalllAr\- RLrN, r, '1-I'lIi,ES L.n! B.a.h, (ltrliI.rnia. J.nuarl- ll, L!il ln:00 A lvl 6a:r2i ,:4. Si.i: -ri.l:-i r!: 1: al -{rlhua Andrl:!. .r: 5TC, ni 2: .:, ti.rr :::rans, rra., 6l:29j 61. Lar: 1 E.l alrac., L]-, una, :l:!1i i. (larv llafiiLbn 25, ,sCS 2lr22i :j. \1trur! al.e,.r. 20, FCC 2l:25;'1. Cdrlis Daris, Ll ljl -- i.iri: L1aisnall. b8:02i 6a Hotrar: Knle, 10, urr ra: i: :r. Ra:ph Allison, 18, unar.. .rones, 2:l: lzj -. Ronald llLLrrl., ?.2, I'a:a:, 23:11: t). irlijlLj at. T.rr l1..rir, aL, uha., 4812i b8. talll.r.: !.rr.l Rii.hers.. ura.. 2lr, 21:(riri i. Jinl Ilnnn.l, IIS 2+:09; 8 Tl I(arse. 115 21:l0r i. (llrL.n lhrris, itl, rl.h, al S.rrJri a i3lij b9, Jinr Schli.ht 69:01: SDC, 2+:1ai 10. lvJarr Iiushn.r, til, !n.., 21;l8i lL Jnn J.]t lJ.rir.ri.. r:. SlC. 6! i2; il, Lane Blan]i, ,11, S ir.r:1i; r2. -raIe: EnLt. !1, una., b9:3lj ?1, Albcrt B!rnick, L1-, una , 2l:Lrli 12. Don () C.1aa 21:20: ll (rldrli, ri, STa, ,lriri i1. Jose!h ltehrly 54, sCS 11, R.r!.ri Slogs(1.11, 17, ina,, 2'1:Zii ll r"4arh Llias 2.,1:2ti t5. Rj11 S.af.f. 21:2!)r ta, O[i1!e ]\lliins, Ja 1-lr:it: ,r. Sarai D.rr!rn. ?l:02i i6, Albert Cooper, ,Sdrors lC, 2.1:15: Li. lim I.ig! 21:rS: LS Tonltii_ SLC. ?:1:: ii. L.L.s Resirepo, 3i, STC, ?3:0Zi ?8, : lin alani.r li. il:L2r t9. Glenn J€rte11. ?4:2?; 80- D: .hlc, 21:.1tri i9. Ce.)!c Pa!nn, .r. , 22, SCS, 21rrli I irarr, r:ra. i,r 21. Iti li sh.rs) 2ll, \liLc l!'ri.sL.c!.. 1i, u.., 21:i-qi 21 E.j 1l. l.lin . x. Fr,5. 1.r-\{II-Ils- l Dennis firilson, I2:14: Z. I:. 21, SCs. 2!:lir'j :2- .rohn r).r!lrano, 31, STC l5r!l: 21. Ron Snss.r, 2irlli 2l- t/fLr H!nt, 25:,1r :5. Jam.s :0 il--\r- SCHOOI- 2..1-\tlrES- 1. Chas, ,\ssurnma, 9 NI!,,f., :3, OCTC, 2j:Lii 2i.. Churk rlu i.y. Z< ]ir: :i. ll-ll Ho.l!.'s, 11, STC, Za:li: lE, Eill ajreene. 2r:22; Iiialt. Rr, l1:38: 2, .lill C.l.l.icll, l.1r!8i I Robert L2). ' 2a:2a: lO, Hll Ii,rhLng, 2):2ii ll. Dennrs 1\ils.n, .ard, l-:a1i .1, D.mris Sullivan, 10, una., 15:19. s 2-;11 (rsr Jr. HS); 12. D. liasis.h., 25:18: ll ara.sar _dL---,t 'ialarera, 18, trna,, 2i:15r .11- Richard ljri.si Lti Ea'r'C. 25:5Oi :i,. BLl1s.ruqg5, 2a:5ii lir. Da1i.l a,arter. ]RD -{NNUAL FETERS CA\YON ,5. i-MILE RLTN satur.lar, F.bruarr 2O 19il 9:na A. !t. (Ner' .ourser 2;:58j 37. Dcnais l-und, l!, una., 26i05r lS- Sergjo 1 Uarn C.wert, 20. r.r\vC, 28:tj9i 2. Irary HamilrorVarcla. 17, una. , 2i:l3r :r'r. Ri.:li vasqu.T ll s 1al, 25. SCS. 23:li; 3 aiain Rran, 28:26' .1. Ri.L \,lulh, : 2i:lli ln. ! ranh.\ltar.z, 2ii:li (2nd lr' HS) .li,i l8i ri. Phl Rtan, 2!, Si\tAA, 28:.]i,i i,. Douglas S.hn.: l\'alr Irederick, il, Se.ior5 IC, l::52 (215 slart€r5 :4, Dna,. :8r+lti ?. Davc irillrc, 18, Pcc, 29:29;8 201linishcrs) lst ltoma.- Mar! De.ker 2i:23

Po l Da. , "' "-, O. o -o rd o.r) !- -,4

a .... t8. -,^.-1 t-. 0. \, ,. ".:28 z. o: 'j o vo ^' .- e ' '" 0_: : '?. 5 o , ^, ., -, ,. ,. ts poo .. B-. .S, .. 1 ., -i2:17i 20,_ R-ick vasquez, :t.1, STC. l2:.+3: Zl. Jim r|.€bs_ ..r. 33.tAa;22. Vince Sweetser, 27, A(..Ia, a3:I j .:ro: .. a,,. . -.",,23, " o,-^:, "- ..,--P?, ,at ... . z D, .,-_":. '' _'1, .:1 .. ' t : .q :. .. r. , " A. .: C, :5:35i_3.,1_ Mike Folizzi, 35:3?t :]1, Clift Heltrura, : :.a , 35:50j 32. stan R.s.nfiel.l, 2J, @a., r5:56i ls. rlit" \4urrar, 3a:03; 36_ charLes ,,"1urrhy, :.,f2r r::1re-i 3?, Bob_r,oag, 52, SCS, ltr:ZOi :S, r"u,tr- S.", Tc, 36:2t): .9. Eob lrilriahs, uaar., ro:4a: :: :"-.r" ra..l-etand Carrison, 31-:O5j .11, .le6us penilta, unaf,, lii10j .12. Liics Atderson, jO, CCAC, 38:0{)r ,1:1. t9, Rob.rt .:.-: ., B "" t D" a " 8 .-_r-' ': ' .0. o.\- -.





r, !o..n6 ITC, 5:15 +, {rO I Orer) ]_r, uara, t. a o,. . ";:'..;'


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",. I, r\ncrton ParLr: .july,+rh_ lr.t AnnDal !.re.doh i\,Iarathon lz. m,., 385t) Alt€rron l)ark. Alt La..s r,r havc both ".'" -"ooP :.-: ':'pargn, Illinoi s

6t E2 O,

-B' -no.l.ilssolrRt \ir\LLEy ROAD RUN\EIS cLLu r,AaiooN :r,IrN 18,.1 i\Iilcs) Srolr l,ark, Kansas citr, i\,ri6souri - .oruart 27, 19il_ 1leather: .r0o 10 mptr wrnd, rbis run ., _ P _ -.-..",d.o ,.rres a..t ihe rac.r .onsislr:.1 o{ ? laDs , irr_,,s I)rtn,n, O!ertan.i 1,ark, lian.qas, 1Z:0t,. tE:16 a::20, 1O:I9, 3t:2a, tZ:ZZ (Nev Recor.ri r.:Ol, ord DarLr, ,1.1:Oi)j Kansas, 6:o?, 12:0i,, rE:16, .: l^dli-s \ee,l6:En1!or1a, r-r:20,30:3,1, 5 8, .13 :O 5 o O.l, -: - r: l2 00 t8 12. r+:4t ,_o . " ] 2a:2^,:.

" ". l+:1? |2 00, I12. Lin.o1o. \ebraska. ii:12, tz:1.:r, 19:0,1, _, 11." 1",:.., a.: t2, 32 )2, jr:A6. 15:4a :. a ly.l. Davidso!, Imp.ria, ,:18:.:1ji i_ ]\lre1 Vos6, liiin-:::ter, Kansas, :18:i9r 8. x,rit e Chaffce, Fratrie Vilaqe ::r:*.s, .19:,15i 9. l'likc Nichols, Kansas Cilr, Mo,, 5t]:3? - i.,1"., 5j:31j t2. JolD Browne, Fthporla, 55:16i 13. ':: .'a.]., In.lef.n.ten.e, Mo., 5!r55.


' "" -:- :Jrd,fnnEl


R&,e rill !. het.l in l,t?2 on th€ last Sat--Car1 OiczarzaK _

!l February,


?. (rhatl(:s Ka.zorek, l\'hllroe. AA, 20, I9 j8; 3. Don Ro*c, 22, Nert tork AC, 20:05i '1. Larry Netman, l!, Quecns Collegc Ir\, 2(r:31; 5. l.rry M.Quade, ?3, Sr, John's Uhiv, ,^l\, 2il:3!r 6. JiD, Raifertt, 18, uhal., 20: l6 (lsl Teenager)i ?. Darryl R.es€, 21, SJUAA, 21:(r3; 8, Herb Holnah, 22, Oueers (ro!l.g.i AA, 21r1!r !. Rich_ aad Lar.), 22, SIUAA, 2l:20i 10. Eugene \lcCu,tL, ?0, Queens Collese AA, ZL:49j 11. Mike Arl.,ra, 2ii, \rill.os. AA, 21:5Li 12. ritn \I.D.nagh, 17, tuJi11tost, AA, ZZ:05 Isr 1r€reranlt 11. Mike arr.r.rlic1d, 1,,r, NYlj -4-A, 22:10j l.i, D.ndis Hea!t, 21, LaSal!. TC, Z2i'r0i 15, Brmr.tt l'lar 25, St. Anth. BC, 22:i5i 1/r. !_rank S!rn.11a, Li', N.rth J.rsrI Sl.iili,rs, 23i1! {2rd T1:{{ager)j l?. lia C.yle, 18, Qu..,hs Coll€ge AA, 2l:11 llrd lren!g.r)r 1!. IJan lr!uqh ertt Sr-, .:12, Slar.itr Islan.l Ara, Z3:Zi | 211ai t.1. )i ltr. Paul llet.her, 25, l.l-^C, zrl:3:ii Zl, K.lin He:l-v, 22, I-asal1e 'ra, 21-.a7: 2). Ri.hard Jinere,, l!, SJLr,\r\, 21:|2: Z21t. Ir.rry, 19, QCr\,^, 2.!:2.1i Zl, T.n-! C.sa.,!,n1., 1!, OCAA, 2,1:5ai Z.l. Cas.y Clasrr., Li, l.r<.rr, 2i:20i 25 J,,hr Sl.rner, .18, una,, Zi:30 l3r.l !.1. ii 3i,. Drrll.it classe, .,1r,, LInLr.d , 25:l!r 2?. ]].. Collirs. 1.1, Rai.inin, l-,L, 25:11; 28. R.,1 I,lacNi.:ho1L. 11, ,\!l1lrose AA, Z-:,12: 2)- liri. C.isl.,r, 13, Mi1L.os.:n, lj::(ro iLsl un_ .ler l.l)j 30. \nn,e Hoga., 10, u!al., 2.:l-i rL. /i|Ia S.an.lurra. 1i, SuII.tL r\ar, 2f,:22i :r2 i'err\- alr..hblatt, Ial.on sSC, lJ, 2i:1n: 13, John li{i!1 2i, Lriterl AA, arrart, 26:.t-1i J.1, I ee (leisl.rr, li, una., /i:2li li ll llJ, Pl(.asantvi1l,, N.r., 2i:2','; lb, Jm \Ir-r . ':!, l.i.aPC, 2?::ilr l1-. alary KaLr, i1, lA{, 2i: .4; -ll. ]!lin. H.gan, .i, u.a-, ?l:51r; i'1, a..r!e L:irl? ! uaa,, Z?: :lj ,1r). .lo. Shanaben, 8, una , llr2l: -:. F.l il.ano! itz, 51-, !Da., :lf::JCi 12. n. cr.s., 2:,, rna., 30 '11-r '11 Ronald L;.isl.J, ?, una., l!:l;i 11. :.. ,.:h--n, 11, lna llr'18. I)rI - Cfnc Ion,n.y, IlLlroie -lrr. - -.r.F rL.r:ner-ar-Ir-fili,O a- HArlPIClISHrl', al.lil. , Jiin!ar-r 24, ItiL_ ;i .51 1a!1eI 5 arhariie llarris r.n his Iirsl roa.l ru aL 1h.: |A Lilih.harrriorlshiti in 1\i!D:! .!cr . 5li!LlL, l.1g .o:Lr-. lI.rin AC (on rln, L.,am ljt!. Lo alange lh(, :!\m liss a \iL'€k e.rli.r' Ihe .ours. r'as lon! ihr! :D err.r (D..hani.trL) in the .aiiLrallDg .qr'rnt!1. 1. a-trar1r.1Larris, \l!Ta,, rlrli) 1i 2 t.r.vl Bear.lall, \larin AC, l2:121 l. lla.rei (l.org!, IaPl \al]et lt al 52: tli +. r,11., rt. Orn. r.2:,t!; i. .rot\d \Iar.onr, 1lr\rT(r, lra!is 1F11, .2:53; 52:5i (lst H.S.)1 l. ]\.1.r,, !(rrrira. i. \\:o1iganE.!.hrnul.ritz. r1:ali 8- Rob C.rnr1.!, \Iarin ACI r1:I5; !- !.1e NiLrnni., Santa Nl.Dica 1C, r'1: l8 (1st \.1.)i lli. B.b Darlin!, Rc.ltDo.i ci1) stria.r:, i+:i2: 1!. JDi. a.rtez, lttrS r+:53i l: S1:{iorr, STC:, 55r !j l:J. RaJ, ,\ienzic, MAC, ri:29i 1+- S.h.o€.leI Aggre rC, 5-:lir 1a. lif.ot, \,1AC. i5:3!; ln, Parlier, Atameaa TC 5i:0lr l?. Ran.lt l-a\son, !rCS. a!:0ir 18, Gts Can., RC St|.j.rs, aa:12: L',r, I..e 11{,lL.v, I'larln .^C, 5;,:2?: 2l) Cl)nf.-!, lna., 5i:l,r:21. P.ler |ro.n, \CSr'al, a;r:11 tZd 1:et,tj 22, arhapmrn, ST(:, 5r:011r 2f. D.r Bernetl., Ne.3 vall.-! RR, 5t:05: 2+- lir,l B.!les, 1[.st lal].r' TC, 5?: 2lr 25. Bill vlacl.t. \1.s1 \-allet J.gSers, 5?:<7i 2n. R. S[ith, r'rVJ, i8:1ei Zt ]eong, CalSE, a8:2tl; 28. S(:harrl€n!erg, NVR(1, 5ll:lOi 2!. EneLe, NlRC, a8:30: l0 K La'sor, CS, :(!:11: ll. Zrn(a1r, Llla , r3:l?: l2 'rlitsk!, u.a,, aE::l8i ll. HasLa.r, \\'RCi r!:1,'i l'1 Bro'r.' _\1'on' i'1r:5-q Half FIITIC, 60:trli rt. Sn\Tlcr, (11.r h.Lshers) TEAill- ! l\iaritr AC 18i 2, R''Lr'od CLrI Srriders, 1-a; :1, Nala \aiLet R(l L0l --L.. l.!-HAHFlS l\rNS |AC1IrC ,\SSN Na )a,

].II'1I ]INGLAND AAL SENIOR ]0.K]',O RI- \ CIIAMPS New Bedtor.l, \'fass-, rrar.h i,1, Itil leather: Clear & bns! (.1,1 d€gr..s) Couise ilecord: lrl ll.i. L-\' Rabh Buschmann, Sparlan ACl. lg! 5, 1. tr\::l1ia.r STie.h, Provi.Lea.€ C! lc.. -r--1. l: ln:r'a 1 l.:1? 2, Ricli Batko, Norih l,r.dl!r.l Clu.. lrll li8 L wiU vah Dyke, Car-lridge Spor:. i I.i .1. lteh \4ur:11er, BostonAA, l:ai:lil: i :rl:rl i.ran. BAA, faul l:18:01: a- lerry Gallagher, Ntclc, I r: -r :rtiornpson, N]!lC, l:38r53! 8, f.:rr ::: r:, :-la, l:3rl:2!

9. T.rn Der.lerian, N,\4C, :.11:12 !a. r ! l'aul, CSU, l:,1.t:l1li 11. Chas. K.aling, N\IC. r = -r :. Charles Rilcr, CSU, 1:+5:27:11, Chris a1!!,::,.r. iaa., l:16i25; i.l. Ralph Llor.as, l'arerville .1.C ::r:: I -i:i0r 15 . .:ren F.r'Lcr, Rrchard Baron, rolrell IC, ::=i:.= ::::lrli 18. NMC, l:.ri:58i l?. Eugene QLlrl, :rar:: laen Dartson, BAA, ii.18: lLi 1!, a:: - :: r:: \MC, 1:.]8:l6i 20, James Snith.alsr, -: -- : l.liron ts:ec:::a ::-1:t1123. roi,, Br\,^. 1:.rEl53; 22, Vih la..::: li1!'r.!lon, \IcNull-v, B-{A, 1:.+,::., ::: 1\'illiam N\,IC, l:.19:.11; 25. James Rob.r_: ' lla 'a !rlr 2f,. :. : --;-Ll {rat , amelio Rot.ndi, r'N'I(l, l:allil! rr'.lili l:aA:Z1t ?8. Roh Droean, Nl.:4. r :l :: Fr fllr .1






:. ;.hn lrt-

\"1C. L:i2: rerliel.ij una., l:52:13i 32. \::ri -:ii:r :r:: L8i l:1. Faul Sanders, r.a. -. r',i,.rr O negan, NIIC, 1ri3:21; 15. Richara Eair:-: -r -':..n troll(,gc, : lir :ri. Feter I.1a:17) aa,. E1-crett Dun.r, l:aa:2.o,39, Cl.rt Ni,,Dr.an :: \Ijner, 1i'achus.,lts Slrnl.r:. l::. unar, , t:5ar2lj +2. .io11,1 'r. .-j: Ieenet, B-\A, l:a6:-q5i 1: .1i, ilayne LrLcas, uaa., :r : ):al:Zi1+t-. uJ.R, Sar.il , r rud[i.g, NI,IC lriE:2.1] :, ' 0. "ro1-' N\,Icj, 1159:1ar 52. Panl S.r:. \4urtht, j&1L 2:t)l1a+: .:. j ilianza, Lda., Z:01:51.r ii.

i :

:. ri: lLr Nell ' ,i, Jansbury : r: 1: 13, 1';n. : ::: r : r::n., 1:57:0! i :. . i.1r_r. BAr\, -' :: i ::r-:1. \rrC, ir53: :r: :

: : .: .

: :. :_

: r.: al. Rolt llrt(n Uhiv, :. ..::::r


Z 0l:

R..hesrer IC, 2:r2:r..: .: . l : lr :.. F:f,sliies TC, :r 2:2!; ir2. Ron 2:02:l6i 6L R€r. Joserh:i:: : Sinrian, lrAA, 2:l]2:ia : -:.:- : r -r. nna., 3:02:5il . li. Bxz D(,Robio 61. 1',-ayn€ Humlhre,1: :il.:. ::. :..n, (lSLr, 2rn5: Spartan,\C, 2ill:lii ra I i::: . : :5i 18 al.S 0+i iri. li.lrar.l \ra]]rlo. I r l.t liusLL.s 1C H.nrnen, LHi, Z:t)a 2): .. l: : :: il !r. r\,iarvin 2:oii:1ij ?i. \,fr:i. Olir.r :: ::: :-. l'\lC, 2:0Brl8; ]\.her, r.a., 2:0?:Ir-: il. i:::: il, EaqarC N.rton, trr::. : : : -. !:,.err cary . : a:)2 una., ::C8::lr i!. . 'r.rr i,i: (l+: si.rters. i2r ii.,r:l:.i: li.:lh Ue..ford :: Clu!. ll, 2, B.sr.r -- i ::: __.l!. Sroris !anr.n, t,tj ,1, ,ohnson & Ir e! : : . i . . r-r E r d . r ah , N.1rs, , , Llailashe! -i:-:.: Sperk, \'a. D!Ii,. rilrr:.:rr l :: rr .rr Ln a grouP al th. .ishl r.iL. tr1.r1- S r::: ::.. ::. :. :r arolmd 9 rnlles nnrL Ear-li. lolLo..r.l 1ii,:r . , ::..:{ ilrlio .aughi s!ech al ]n DiL€s lut ..Lr:r j.: irr .. ::r. I ir l l .j an.l Van Dyke Prizes trad. sliglil eai:s.{ir _l:. :.:r rl:rti.rjl:s nent to ihe iirs :i\1!..::a:L, \lilL:r ra. u.Iliclallt & lixish.d nl 1n?r\ )r... ..Lia a ri':1. .i l:L! ll --r'r1.1 Broi. Sr, ! t)H ih. \r,,rrlt Nei !:n!la1d F.ad Ra.rg S.h.dDl. qr:1.: Bob Carllb.ll, l' L:nn.l Sl , 11 R.rLurI \lass 1


no6e. The 22_yea1_old iormFr Ulrver\iry .I A,,-"# tlack star, (h; ruhs 15 mil€s a day, won hnlseu a

Fcbruary i,t, 19?l rhe ,rashing,on s B,rrh.ray Mara,hon ha6 b€€n h.,d ::::iJ:,:,T:J "::::l i'".J;.",i,Xli'lil;Ji.",1:j:i:" sin or its l0 v'ars on rhe Bertsrite, Md. course uhder letters on this on{: myserli he 6ai.r, They },ouldn,t the slonsorshiP oI th€ Belrsville Jay.ee6 q.ho give an u!_ giwe me one to *ear. trsual amouht ol support to this .Itort Lo prornot. I,hysrcat 1_ Jack Futtz, USC(], ZjZg:58,4r Z. Agu€tin Ca11., Unir_ Fltness This vcar thcv not ohly profi.le.l thc ."orr .,i e.r, 2:31:itzr 3. Jusrin cubbins, ceorset.wn AA, 2::]1: tries "..the maDv iuras, marked rh€ .oufse lv h .1, Ea6t€rn Mcnnonite i.[.g., z,:z,r:]; '! had police ar rhe heaw trafiic 'oo.reh 55r Erron Horst,pcnn alro\rs, poinr6, Rescue 5, Neil !t'rergan{]t, AC, z:j8:i8i 6, Clen-Ayres, sqxad-ambulanc€ on tb€ ..urse, post race m€aI an.r Jood Annatolis, Md., 2:.r1:.,12r z. sreven Nowacki, urica Irace. gift l5 troplies or frer.handise (prus ten trophies for marrers, 2:4r:58; 8- i4jk€ sabino, Balrihor€ oc, z:.!4:.,1r Ma6ters) prace ro dres6 and shower, but had souvehir 9. charles (a.zorek. tr{itlro6e AA, z:.r5:3oj 10. Tom T Shirls for all conreslants and free rodging, O.q.len. 2:,16:t6i 11. Berni. Laltgas, Lrnired AA, Thc r97l Mararhon provided the largestrieid o!.omp.:ri- ziig,zg:'SAF, tz. Duahe !r.derick, Easrern Mennonite coi,, tors in recenr vears ih rhe rvlerropoiitan area tr,irh over 2:50:oai 13. Bill porrock, rroy, N,..., 2:5a..28: r.-. Jotn 205 ontri's, r85 srarters and 122 ri-jshers. un.1oubte.r1v, 1rins1on, rrashington Harth'r verv bad L'eather or cold an.r r:in:r1 rve€ri.ret€rre.1 rison, Towsoh stit. sport c1ub, z:51:25; r5. Jinpark co'.g., Md., z:52i29i 16, out o{ towh entries, lhere was a noti.eable lack of out_ Barner, Enola, }ra., 2:52:5Er i?. Da\i.t Knighton, I'SC, ol-torn ran'ihs runners as ren a6 ro.allv becau6.: oi the 2::i:2lr 18. charlie payne, Richmond r&F, z:55:54; 19. niurlor out ot con.lition ofthetop five Les Krnion, laltihore Z..aj:A|., ZO. Mike creen_ Eabon OrReilly, Lou Casraghota, B.b S.halt, car {ri1_ li.1C, Adir_rrvir1e, t\,....!.,F., (NyU), Z:57:32, Zt. Derch Frec_ tlam6 and Sreve Jactr s on, rhe winner ih ,,r7,, ,unnine in his rirst ma,athoh, i! i:;i,i..:1i.. re6pecrabre time ol zrz9:58,,1, rn.old 3.!.1egree and hares, \,lirhos. a{, z:59:!7i za. Ri.k $,haley, univ, ot verv rvindv rcather, was Jack FuLrz, rormerlt.r rhe Dcla*are, l:00:o6i 2t, 1i,.m. Burley, r"r.r:.ii, c"""_, univ€rsily of Arrzona bur n.w stati.neduihe hearh! 3:aa:zat 27. ti(:vin M.cab,:, BishopIrcronHs,3:oor..1j; u s coast cuatd Stariod ar Arexandria, virgi-ia !:u1tz z,t. c..v c".-"", rarv.r.iar., N, J,, 3:or:21j 29. Joh has ron a.umber ol shorrer dista-.e races in rhe lrash- Epperson, oron Hir1, ingt.h area, ihcludihg bis ta6t ts.o p,evious ones, 2 2O- i,."t Cn""t.,, JrO3:lJjMd,,3ror:5.,1i 10. Jabes cregg, 11, rarry Noel, WSC, 3:03:.13: hrter at Resron Va. in t:5?:26 on Jahu:ry ltFr an.t a 32. Tom Ditlon, U. S, Navy, 3rt],i:,!8j 33, (lus Louj.a6, hall marathon at Oten Daie, \,1.1, in 1:10:18 on I.bruary e"tti-o.., :,oS,Zi; J.t. Jim C.nnetly, Hilton, N. y,, ?th rh€ race q'as deci.ledlv a thrce rav aI!air amolg 3:06:lor 15, tao..t, r,ranhafia! co]reBe, l:06:5rl Iultz, Agustin Calle ol Colomtria, So. Ar€rica, a meh_ 3{,. Reid Elder, ".o.g. v-ienna, Va., 3:A7,?1, 3./. Ar Batsamo, ber oI the Par America! Mafathon re.m oJ t967 and now Ro.ho6rer, N. y., 3:08:38; 18. Joc !_ernandez, Roch, TC runnihg in N€w York:lor the Lrjre.l AA, an.i Ireshman 3:O8r,tZj 39_ Ronat.l Brinsrer, Vr,gi.r. e.,.t, Justi! cubbnrs or ceorseto\rn uni!ersitv- Au thr.c .an 3:09:05i ,10, Don Helnecke, 13altihore, 3:09:1,:1j ",o,, .!1. Les_ rogether lor about 5 oiles leading rhe na.k Rith Calte & ter page, 1VSC, 3.IA'2A)tZ. O."ra rf,"_""", li.""r.*g_ Irtltz ticd at th€ cD.1 of thc 8 I /.1 mirc t.op in.18:5? wirh t"", :,t0,:O: 43. Marrin cr€enbaum, 1\rSC, 3:ll]:43i .1..1, cubbin6 13sbackjariT112mi1€sca'.eand!ultzcl.cked Jam.s yan'askas, Mlrford cr., 3:i3:lo; .!5. Keirh pat_ 1:lt:l5 rtith curbirs 2ls !ac\' !urt, si.pperi ro ap!tv rina- ron, Newark, Delawar., j:13:35j .,16. John NoLre, Bcthhent, {ell 100v back and cuLbins *as rEov back *irh 5 esda, Mrr,,3:r3r,r8;.r/, Lidci1.s, Baltimore,3:13:55; r'e' l\iith about r' 5 Diles r. go rrlrz passc.r car 48. io. Berster, rri, p.r.."ron, N.r., :,r+,+r,-*g. 1',1"" .r"r," 1e&\tenronto!iaeasilyinZ:2!:58.i, l:4,+ ahcar] oI Cat_ ,r..rt, g.iri_o...,3:t?i1]9i 50. Lloyd Lundin, X"."""i",le (Z:11:.,12. cubbin6 q,as ont\. 13s back oJ Catle. Tenn., j:1?:39j it, ,r_ ,r."..., Appteton, ttis.onsin, Gle! Ayres, a hlgh schooler trom Anhapolis, Md. qa6 3:17:58j 52. Bill Korfow, 1laltimore, 3:18:4Zj 53. Nat si:th in 2:41:42. Ben tvtalka6ian 1,on the Masters a\ard. Circutnick, Unite.l r\A, J:18:5Oj 54. Mat.on f{cConnell, a6 he ran 2i58:38, Anha Mae Cooke be.ame Lhe firs, gjrl R.xford, N. y., j:t8:55i 55. ,rom Walslii, ptains, Ija., rn rh., D.C, atea to Jirish a hararhon. Sh!: finished llst j:19:OO; 5a,. Mitie Cohns, southlorr, Ct,, j:19:35i Mi'ha€l Maiden' Faitfiel'l' c-t l:r9:53r 53 ceorge5?. Jack Fultz is a rcal con1.a, Hi6 time i, ' iea,ly vicious wea,her ,he ,""".," y*,";, i:?,";.:1tr;":K:?:' tehlerarlr€ q,as rear tleezins an.1 rhe Nind ir1eq. str.ng NyC, 3:20:l!i 61, Don Dalzell, Co-p Sp"i,g", Ua.,, and confinuouslv, rt not orly acted as a phtsical impcdiat20:jr, Lz. Joe Bur.hko, pittsbutgh, I.a., 3:zr:.10r 63. runner6 but a160 carried a*av bodv heat rasr.r charles A.tkih6, u. of o.r"*".u, :izi,+g; 6; il;;; ;;i than if was eencratedt The dr.6sed tn hotlel livan, Fairfar, \na,, ttzr:59,65, Rodney Carret, Roch_ sweat suif., shorr6 and carrs ro Drotecr againsr rhe co1.r .:srer, N.y., jt22t)7: tJ6.;"-." aou.,rl, u"iir_*.,.nind (thc wind_chiLr ractor wa6 the eqDivatent ot fire dcJt2z:4a:67. Daai.l Bloor, lvoodbury For€st, va,,i:22: grecs). onc a gvm shirt thar sai.l '|salvaton .1?; 68, c,s, Milrer, Maitinsburg, w,e6tva.,3:zz:54i Pea.e Health Tlroush J€sus, anorher $orc aleopard {,9. Everett N.we', \4ounr Hot11_, N.J.,:l:Z.t:Z3j ?0. l'e6t and a long green 6locking cap. yct anoLher q.r. BiU Codfr.y, Artingron, Va., t:25:lEj ?i. Rudy Zinst€r, palty ho6e. Kent, N, y. , 3:zjt.a: 72. stepheo Lo{enz. c"ir;;":_-_, llhenIllfz st.p!c4 to rtrb his.ramDrnx 1.gs he.said, burg, Md., 3:28tA\ tJ, thomas Baum, Sprin! take, 1 in u;ht I.l losi I lr slr(. Bur h;n I asain he relt n,-,,,,i;'i"iil s.ocr & ,",.i.,1'ii Tj. ,"",::! iogo. He crossed rhe Iinish "."".u lin.: to a cheering crolrd, Eug€ne Osborn, no.r,,,"t.., "t'"'."t:1":::::l 3t29.49t77. Ned Mu1-fl€y, *armcl.ttes, atrdblewhi6 Oxon Hit1, Mrt., 3:29,aZ:,?8. C1r.te Benron, SO.i"gl,.fa,


a i:ii:.ili.








3:31:12r ?.r. Da1i.l [-einst.iin, Y.n]r.irs, N.t., l:31:3?; 80, Ljndsat Mrtchcll, \looresroln, N, J., lr3'1: l3i 8l- Dahiel Bro.rn, a-irc1evi11e, r'\,Y., l:35:04;82. Jonathan Beard, Cherl Chase, N'ld., l:17:00i iil. I€d \4il<e, rlrillies-Bart.r, Pa,, l:18:51; 8.1. James Rick.rd, llrilk.s-Barre, Pa-, l:3E:53; 85. Mit. !.tlon, l'aLts Chur.h, va., 3:3,r:1a: 86- Bill ar.ln., Ntillrose A!, 3:11: .12; Ei. Don Jad..son, Unir.n A.\, :r:,:12:2ai lj8. 8o! clraCharL.ll.jsvilLe, va. ! 3:,12r10i 8!, J.hh Sh.hk, E'elL, Mennonite coll.:gc, 3:.12:10; 90- Aaron Handall, stoneri.lge, N. !-, l:.13:a2i -Ql. I{c.h.rh Crliles, Hartlord. ct. :l:14:18, r2. BiLl IIr)lr, O:on Hi]1, rrd., l:.1i:rr.ri ,rl. iohn reD!1, lJnite.l AA, a:11:lt7t.)1. Bob lllull.t, Er..Llya, N. Y., 3r.+?il2r ,.5. T. B, B.airhr,air.. iIoo.lbrj.ige, v:. , 1:17:21t r6. ltahk R.i1L)*, Ir.lterl -4.A, 3:l-r:2ai 117, Chas. Robjnson, llaltihore, l:51:Li; 9ll. tlenrr Osgood, Falls Church, va., 1:\ltaa: rr. Christo!her K.rr:, arharlortesti11e, va., lr55:0:lj 100. Ge.r!(: BrandenLurg, Neshanic Sl:ation, N.J,, l:5!:20t L0L, Da1_i,l Var'eL, Fort ree, va, l:56:51; 102. lrilIlail ,\erikir]l, NtC, r:5?::r:i l0l. J.lD Gl11.st,i{,, at. Lee, Va. , J:!8r3 Ji LLl.1. E.LrtoI Rrtan, Ha!es, lra., .,1:l0rl!i 105, D!i Prrh-trs, 1!rlington, 1ra,, .,1:00i,15r l(rir, Ross Ial.s, Brrhl.hen, :ra-, +:l)0:a!i 107. Iat \4i11.r, Bethes.la, ]v1.1., .!:03i.:11: Lll8. -Tames \o1.n, Bf{n)klyn, r\,Y-, ,1r01:11-; 1n9. ,;m. O -trni,rll, }1, ] .e, 1a., lrll:.10i 110. lon Daren, () c!nn.ll tIS lrL3:'1'l; 111, Sr.\.r Moriarlr, O C.nne11 HS, .]:11:+'r: l1?. JoL. Btorleri.l, D. C., ,l:t?:11i L1l. Jnn l)e1J,, Qtrairi.,, .1:li:!2: 1ll. Jir. alilltrn, Lr..I Dela(are, .1:24:1lj i1r. aLa.1.,s r,rarker,


N.)lui., N.J.. .1121:l0r 116, rliiah aalLa..at, r.rSAl , '1:21: llj 117. lrru.e Bur.sid., Roc\1rLLr, \1.i., 1illi2Ei ll8. .rarncs Clafli, ,41.!an.l]ia, va., 1:li: iai L!, Lester Rro(n, Ch.vy (ihase, ,\'1d,, .1:.,11:=ii l2lr. alas. !iel1s, Srri.gti.rln, !a-, .1:.18:3nr ll1. nr.aiQurlan, OrConnell r:l!:10, H,5. ::51:15: 122, ljn O'Bri.r), ]\rlin-ito., "a,,

!rashingto.'s llifl:liday r\laral]]xr, B.Lr:\111e, Ja.li l rllz LrSCa;. (Rl!htl i ar::r rn 2i:'r:5fl alaile. linite.l AA, ai !-r,ill p.irt. Ph.l. li_v

$ t(

i)c RRc ?-t{AN 20_1,ItL}- REr,A1' (r1r.T, \iILtS) Peary llieh School, Rockrille, M.1., Ja1!art 21, 19?l L. Lt. BiLl ra11a, USAI an.l C.ore. Cns]:niac, 1:.1.1:2,1 2. Tonr Dillon an.l Creg Ge:]ach, 1::ir19i L Ra\rh Kline l. B.b Roth.hbcr.{, l:.16r.11i .1, Rat \4r.:is.n & Joe Meeks, lr.l7:53j 5. Kevin M.Cabe i! non lfrri-l L:il8:i8; 6. Richard MiLl.i & Jift Ro*e. I i, Biil Bot.l & 'lr!a: a P I Co.llret, \lalL Frazier, ] 5.1r29; lJ, Leid a.ler 1:55:3!j -q. Richar.l ]-yons L Dar d T!:::: rior, l:57i:l5i la, xl.c. Shishcr &.1,A, ree.€, r:::r: 11. \Iike Ro1and & ailen Ayres, 1:58:l7i 12, 1,1'!: ilr.iler i Dav. Bron sor, l:5-o:08i 13. Lester Paei, a l:n.::,: :l)c.nbauh, i:5!:2!i i,r. John 14oronini ! riir ',.1 :r, f, 1:,;9:55j 15. .I.try lioelzer & Stele IIor:arir 2: :l-: Lf. K€n llrinsatt & T.m D.f.n, 2:0.1:a8i l:. D I ::. r...lal. & r,l ayne Jennings, 2:05:.1,1i l8- r,riat.. --::r:r. | !.r. Hugh Morgan. 2i06:2!; l!. Marrv S!:li ::: ! -:i r-r.1zel1. :: I ,. Lriiles & 2:07:15l ln linning, RrlL Ialla ....::.: (j.org€ Cushnac a1'erag€d lrl . :. , j:: 2, Bob Z-\IILll RIYI (Trac\)- L, !a . ::r:: H.r:.r: Craham, 1l:,+1; 3. Herll m.hs, 1li5.1i ,, I"4arl hgrar"-:. L2:02; ?. Di.li i\inlich.lj. i:: : :, 11ir. Olsen, 12:l?t 10. Bill . : ::_ vo\4DT S MIl,t RLN r, r 1:: \larrha IngralDrr, Rove. ?:ll; l. Hanna nol. : tr:5 6. NOTIS.,, TL.s(: fa..i ..a! r.i:h snolr flurDC nRC 2a-\,IrrE Jahuar-! J1, l9?1-

RU\ n-S at


Ths ta.. ..::r.:i : :::: .,,ps aLong the sireets oi this llaxne.r ..r,r_:rr.: r: :.{ : !1i?, a Coast Cuardsman on.lur_! n: ir.a:r::r: i:. - 4. ronin a rna,. lhar \as slightLy.;.f ,ji! :.::: :: r::j(r rhan Srere.ra.kson s course re..r.. s:: i: :- . LI Le s!!ino. BOC, s.,c.nd Iilace Iihi.h.f ai r,: \o. I spor unril the lasl L.,r l:. i: :: --:leC .:ta_v. Al1 iinish.rs jn the 2-nr : :l: :: r :r.lu.l.d faht R.ston i.habrtahts : . ::: :r..hies. lleather: Sunn_v, bright rr::..: r:::: 2r d.,g.ees Rac. Dia.icl.r: J.1I fir.ll ::::::!: rr FoC Sfeele and l. jach -il..l 86 lIcCab., 2:03:a6r .!. ,.::: :: i :: ::i7j 5. Ceorg. Cushiiac, 2:10:alj li. .r..r ' :: :., 2:10:l?i 7. Dav.i linighron, 2:10:alr 8. C. : 1l:IL: 9. Les tairion, Zo-MI|I ROAIr


i ,.i:.



Rei.l FL.:e. 29j 1Z- Dave B1oor, 2 l: 2:13: 51i 1a-

. l: r:.har.l Ly.n6, 2:18:271 ' : .j:e.ke, 2:l!:39i 1t,. l+. Iin(li1es,2r1a:rl Da.e rh.drPSon, 2::: :: : I :r: i-reenbaum, 2r25:5.1j - :::: r'.rrarl, 2:24,2a: 20. 18, J.hn No!le, ?i2!:r .r. '.r illia.ns, Z:29:lAt 22. t larr_r -qtr!li'an. 2 r ::: r:: :l l:::i--:: 21. iohn \lall. Mlli. !alLolr, 2:;9 l:: l:. 2:.1l:.18r 25, IIueh .r::.-r.:.:. : -: =.) 24. D.n P.irLn1s, 2:a?:\at 21. Rn.i B:'::.:_:: li:. .2. 110 siariersl :: 2. Ray Morrison, 2-I1I|L R! IL. :,. ::::1., !radlet, l1:2t)r 5, L1:0ii l. Ra!rh (lin: rl: .Terry Koelz.r, lr :i. ,. :-rL a..:, 11:l!r i. B.L CoLd!c.k ll:Jli 8. Fltt a-::1, l r-i: :, ii.i iror.lon, 12:071 10. Ran.lal1 Bio..n, llrira : . air'.rie -ni1 irs. l2r22j 12 Tnr O1sen, 12:23r ll. j.hn :L inr, r::: ]; '. 1']ai I l(:t.h.r, l2r2!r t-. Dari.l Frr.k, :2r:18 1:l iinrih.rs) r

i]AI,I i!JARAIFON ROT1D TtL]N Clen Dale, iuar-\.1and, ae!ruarI ?, i9il (Ne:r



Jack Fultz, USCG, ler erfcrienced clynn Wooa ot the 11 DC RRC DEVt!-TAKE-THE_HINDMOSI. RUN Am€ricah Uhiversity laculty and Jusrin Cubbins, a Crosslan.lH.S,, Canp Slring6, M.1., Feb, 27, t9?l ceorscto$n universitt fr€slDan, setthc pace through Jack Fultz, winnea ofthe oinnc wa"t;ngtoo," ei.tt_ abouttehoiles untir rhev came out orthe veryhiry day Marathon, outlasred Biu Fa1ra, i-t. usAF, and r1i Greenbelr l€giohaL Fark then stepped our ro a comnand- orher starters ro \rin this evenr. A11 run,ers compterad ing lead. Futtz ia6 ohly 'rls behihd th. couse recoad two hiles on the track, theh on succeeding laps t;e last o1 l:09:3? ser by John Loeschhorn in 1970. man.tropped out until o!1,- one man rcmained. He thea vearher: 3!o. raih and 64ow llurai.s throughout. ran one a.t.litional lap lor vi.tory, Iralla te.t in the ealry Race Dir€clor: Robert Hocckner, assisred by Larry srages of rhc rac€ bu! was about tour hiles No€l. bv !.ulrz. t Jack lulrz l:10rL8i 2. Ju6tin cubbins, 1:12:o7j 3. rrarrer Boebm, ,ro, .lomioat€d thc Masr€rs 3_mile run, Glynn _ood, 1:12:58j .1. cleD Ayres, lj15:1.1i i. Dor D€- winning by over ii. hinut€s, ,th€ 12:tO rwo_mile pc,tor_ lfitr, r:r?:48j ii. Bob lhurston, r:r8:29r ?, stere Mahrcu mance by cene spunky Mirkih is the best know or 1;19:11; 8. Toh OBden, l:20:09i 9. Pan Fanaritis, lr20: '! b\- an 8_vcar otd. 5:li lO, EdAyr.s, l:22::1l]i il, Henry OsCooit, 22:51, ru.r t. iot,_. lrla 6. JO:3tt 2, BiltFalta, ZZlaps,Zg. -t 12. Reid Elder, I:25:22: 13. Gar \tilliams, 1:2i:39i l.!. 3?; 3. Ray Ma:,c11, Zt laps, Z8:59; .1. Kevin Mcia!e, Jon Ltper6on, lrZ5:51j 15. Bob Shahk, I:26:11, )6, Dave 19 laDs, z?:ZOr 5. .f.h Ditloh, 18 tars, Ztj:04; 6. Don Bronson, 1:28:,42t 1?. \rartin Cir.ehbaun, t:28:51; tS. Dc1\itt, ti 1a!s, 2,1:.11; ?. Foberr Cook, t6 Laps, 2ir5?i Itevin McCabe, 1:29:4.!i i9. lrave AlLeh. l:30;O5r 20. 8_ David coggins, l3 1a!s, 21r30; 9. Tim Rowe, lZ 1aps, Jack Ferratf, 1:aAt26., Zl. Cat Anderson, 1:ll:t8j 22, l8r5t)j tO, NorhaD t,ee. 11 1aD6. 1B:Zl. Ray Morrison, t:.1,2:a9:23. c--ors€ Major, 1:12:18; 2,!. l. \!.tter Bocrm, .to, t5:19.,r L I4g:l:{1-Mt1e Tnr Cr.^ba.her, I:32:2a,2a. R..1 Ste-. e. i2 l. 2!. t-.J--:rt.O-*t, 4t, I.t:tt]t 3. c.o.ge Major, 56, 1?: John winslo*, 1t33,53, zi. Mik€ TalLort, r:3.!:26r 28. .r3j 4. ceorge phirlips, .,r1, 18:r9r 5. Tony Diaoond, .,[, C.,ne Brady, l:31:32t 29. Roi \4.tiinnet, 1:3i:3?; 30. r8:54j t,. Joe Barry, .15, 20:2rlj 1-, E.t Barron, .1?, ZO:39i Mike Fehloh, l:36:20i 31. Ater Barnes, l:18:t6: 32. 8, Eruce Burnsidc, 48, 2O:.40j 9, Charlcs Lesher, 51, Ros{:r B- cutzrtilicr, 1:.r0:09; 13, Mike Rowlan.l, 1:.!O: zO:i2; 10. Don JJerjrihs, ,1j, 21:Ztj 11, Bilt O,xeilly, ,r8, 2rr 3.r- N.rm Lee. i:41:2,1i 15, Joe Bariy, L:.!.1j0.ri jt,. 22,a7t !2, Jo]nn 1|.ods, -3, z2:2!j 13. lr.d tfanrl€i, 58, Don Perkins, 1:47:18;37. DonDalzelt, t:.t?:18. ZZ:32: It. Sid Conger, .tZ, 22:37; ta, Richard r_uke6,.15, 2-MILE RFYI- (Track)- l, Henry O6eoo.l, !O:.t2j 2. 22:aA.,16, Joe M.Carthtr, 16,23:32.,r1. FafSpeer,;2, Mike BradLey, lli05; 3- Rob.rt Cook, 11:l?t <1, P.rte Eg- Z rniles, ?.1:23, an ll:3rj 5- Mirr crecnbaum, 1r:41i ri, Tin ols€n, r1:5zr 2 r4i1e R!raL- r. Borr Barmann, 1o:3oi z, r.im.Lhy Row€ ?- Scoft sltstone, ll:5fi; 8. Herll Ilorton L2:l]Oi o. J!hn tr nA t. rc-ii-""r..r, r1:05t .!, ,led Coo.:ting, 5. Bvr.e t2:42i 10, non Kolenkiewicz. 12:14i 11. ceorge Dawid coggihs, 1r:15; 6. Mark Ingraham, |:36j 11:3.{; ?. .lerry Major, l3i0li 12. Barles Jactson, L3:29. (3.! linishers) Worsharn, lt:.15; 8, Srevc r-i1soh, 1z:il5i !. C--n€ Mirki;, --Rat c.rdon__ 8, lz:lrjj lO. Jack F.rratt, t2:16i ]L Bill itson, t2:23; ______--- 12. Roh I<otenkiewi.z, t2:23, (23 finishers) DC RRC ?-MILE ROAD RUN, COOD COUNSEL H. S, , _-Ita, cordon_Uhearon, N,I.l,, Februar! 21, 1970- Car 1|rlliams e.l an earlt lead and {ent on to rin br.r3s o1.€r s..ond NFrLsoN AND suvr,IIT A.c. l\'IN JUNIoR NATIoNAL !1ac. {i.isher Bob Thurs.on- Thc rvilning time, howcver, AAU l5 KILO r.ITr.ES IN OtiIO was alnlo6r 2 hinutes ofl rh. .o*sF fF-ord or 3.r:5i set cuyahoea Farls, ohio, rvlarch 14, 19?r- \ric NeLson, by Lou Castagnola ih 1967. lnirer6ir, ot Lenrucky, luUe.t away trom Mtte Kimba| t(,ather: Beatrrilul dar, urs€asonably Di1.l, tn rhe finat mile to *in th.j Nationat .lunior t5L6 ti{e in Ra.e Direcror: R.:v, sid cons.r, assisted by Laary .1?:11. KnDball finishcd about r50y Lchin.i Nelson 1n.17:35. Noel anit N.rn l3r:n.t Nelson ahd r(imbau s€r a blisr..ilg pace takihg the tir6r 1. car \irilliams, 36j54i 2. Bob 1'hurston, 37:3?; 3,nob hjl.in1:z8an.1 thc tl1lee olle in l..lilo. Borh]uhhers Shank, ,10:01; .1. Jolu $:i!slo$, ilO:lZi 5. C€or.ec Cush- tregan to tire aroun.t rhe halrlrav malk_ hac, 10:43r 6, Mike Liedcr, to:5:j ? K.vi! lvr.cale, For hi6 Jirsi prac€ erlort., Ni r.on .on rhe rrres iol .11101; 8, John Nob1.i, ,1,!:l2r !. tlike N4cKinney, ,14:3.1; boih the National Junior Char.pionshi! and the first Lake 10, Martin Greenbaum, .!.1:,!5! 11. Tony Diarond, .15:11; Erie AArr'linisher. Se.ond rake Erje finisher ias Kim_ 12. iuih. Fenlon, 45:23i r3, Jack rerratt, ,1i:.10i r4,Rod balt ah{:r the rhjr.r finisher eas cl€org€ rverherbe.r, also Srcele, ,15:07i 15. Jefl Collins, .18:2?' 1fi. Norm 1,.., from Akron and the Sunmrt A. c. ,1q:l3r 1?- Mik. Talbotr, ,19:19; 18. Bill Kuglcr, 50j2t; Se.ohd and third Jr. Nati.hal awards wehr ro Cart Hat_ 19. JefJ P1aak, 50:45i 20. rvrike s.irmcr, 51:o0j zr. Don lierd, now running Jo, the Florida Tc, and David Ahtoc_ P.rkins, 5i:33; 22. Roh Nfoseley, t3:431 23. r3ill O,R!il- noli {ror E.iinbo;o Statc Co1leg.. Iy, 51,34t 24, Bo! Sanford, 55r29: 25. Joe McCarthy, SrmJDit AC torat.d .:11 polnts rn wlnning rh€ Jr. Nat. & Larr{: Erie AA traired 1.6-MrrE RFyL- r. Mike B,a.11ey, s:38i z. Faur ,"". ,i"'::.::;'j:,""";;i:1T:-""*" ston, 8:.!E: :1. llm Olsen, 9:04; .1. Mi!.e Fenton, 9:ll; Ih lh€ lrererans Division, virgit yehnr:rt, Summit AC, 5, cene I,IirLin, !:,1?r 6. Roh Kolenkien\.2, ,):a6t 7. coppe.l lirst (ith a 32hd overaU finish, Kenneth christi€, l0:19i 8, Ronald Rush, l0i29r 9, J.hn llcarher: Sunny ahd warh, slight trieeze. Noe1, t0:,1.1i 10. F.ogcrfqylor. llr05j 11. Terry.M.Cabe, 1" ri. Nelsoh, U.ofKy., ,1?:11; Z_ Mike Kimba]], Sum11:06; 12. Richard lulies, 11i26. {21 linishcrs) mit AC, ,r?:35; 3. Carl Fattield, Ilori.ia TC, .,18:U; ,1. __Ray Oo!d.n__ Dawjd AnroenoL, Edrnboro State, ,19:t1i 5, Ceorge feth'lHE qoNDITIONINC OE DISTANCE RUNI .1be.,. Summir erbe.r, snmm,L AC, .19:28; 6. Brian Sobczak, Lake Erie OSI-ER is sliLl available froo Long DisLan.e Log, l0L AA, .19:.1.1j 7. Dougtas Carrer, unat., .19:5iti 8, Eil Frr.., \lresr Center SL., woo.iburt, N.J $1, c

!! lrinner \ric Nelso., rlniv. oI K.tttrcLy l'1t. r,eban.n ic, 50:02; !, trLliam !rcLsh, unarPhoto by l,Iike Kavahaugh i0rr:l; llr- Davi.l Szabat, uha , 5r:'!li 11. Hartcv Eahl latlor, Atl.ghdlv uha., 5l:25i 12. Ge.rge 'lCAc a1:.1.1i l-1. Don S1!sscr, Chulchill l C 51:1?; l'1. Ronald Tom..rk, Sumhlr AC, 52:LLr lj li.ger Barnes, Bal'iyin \\alla..: Coll{,gr:, a2:2-: Li' Dan1.rL Sek.rtali, Ohi. TC s2:2ii 1?, !\at'ne Ct.rnmer, -4.1leghenv TC, 52:3Li 1li' Bob Siii,-h, Louisrille rls. i2:'1Ej 19. il-illiad Hetnrah' A1i.:ehenr (rCAC, 5l:!0i 20. iohn s.hniidt, raklr liri' ,^-^L, 5:l::1-i 11, .los-rPh cab., Sunlnril A(l 5l:52; 22 Mik. Nicnlj€c, EnrnLor. Ta,, 54:rl5i 23, Cart c'ls'h, !j.1ir1,.ro lC, i'1:lli 2'1, -^!qrsi Jarvi5, I.alie L:ri. AAli i:r:23i 25. Steve Sadn.lers, ura , i1:15j 2i' Phil Iot'l ] alie Lriri A-{Lr, 5'1::16i 2?, Ron.1(l CaD!, Edin!or! sr', 5.1:alj 2E. BiLL Rrea.nlra.t, Lalie Eric Alr, 55:0ir 2!' Dale Ri.-e11, ..linbor! Sral., i:il2i l0 En vance, n4ari.lla Collcge, t!:22: l1 c(,orge crLnls SAC i5:58i :12. vlrqil tehn.rr, SAc, 5i,:i8: ll. B-ll H'idlenra' sAC. 56:.1,1i r1.1. Tinl B.rhai.l, (ruyaloga l-al1s HS, i?ilti li. EILL Iahl. Crest$oo.l, 5i:2ai l6 r'hn Garza Il.ror City Stric.r3, )1:i1 1i- 8.1 Sterens, unat , 5i: 51; 18. LJarren iloL., Allegh..t CCAC 5?:5'1; 19. lier Ea !.t, rna., 58:1J31 tl]. vlasrinil Zal L a, AAir' rl:lii ,ll. Drri(l I innill, I1l. L.ban.n lC 58:28: 12 Da\i.1 \l..ss, r\ll.!he.I, i8:1'1i +3. Jnr Corn-vas, r'li -\A1:, 5-q:ll, ].!. Ja.k llargallis.rr' I-. E, A4L' 5!:la; '15. lj,.t. lIa.llts.l,, lra.lua, i,U:001 1a- Dar. Vance, Btr'r-rrs ItS, irirl5i +7. JLn C.s., una , a0:22i !1. l{evin a;.o.1{i., alreit' i,..1, ;r0 :J0: 1-o Bitt Ra'lgLman, r'a1 , l:,irr'illi irl. 8.1 l(i.s.li, EiursiL.L HS, nL l2: 51. -roh! R.bins.n, Fir,.sfont tsS, al:1r-j r2. A!bert Bal'lI, B(cvrrs Sf. HS, i 2:lLi 5 r. ,Uarli R.b.-r, I rrcsior' 1IS, il:l! -t- J€rry Eeabfr, una., 1,1:I?r !5 Jonr Blaier' SAC w:.ls\orth 1lS, ili:,r: qi. "rrarre Yar.n., Olrio nrrer ]tRC, L.+: r0i 5i. Llilt voair Ednrbl,r. Siar', iil 3ii i8 rtnnerh ! {,nsr!r,r,aLier, una , f 1::1ii rr', i'e'r!' Ni'hols Brian una., 6!:11: ru. D..ala 1_o!n!, S,\C !irl0i '1' Cahlon L:usnaclll, irl. Rob,:rr ti:!l; BlLr., ]\lror lnal. Narional Juhiot 1i li,:1. .2: ar:Tr1.ns L.E. AAU YMC-A, l'?:18: ;r'J. Jar l\'rLl, A1l.!henv CCAC, 68:001 l! Krlo Tea.1 Cllan:rioi: - - .:r:: r-:LleIic cltb i1. Eric 1reil, I IAAL i8:a1i l)i Robe-t ]1cFher5on, : .."::. - r: aalii Ron T.trLelt to Right - c..r!.: (:a!1on \N1CA, n'-r:22 f,6 Craill I oy, Ilrurs':ti.k ItS ] l: : :: :: tr- 1 G[nes :: a ,,cik, aieorg. !,r:.1iir ai. ]tr.har.l I f.dri.h. Canton Road Runners, ?(r:-1r-i irS. R.U. Sltgirmar, una. 7l:08i 6'r' Dotglas Sa!.lers, SAar. il:l-l; i|l. Donald L:o1'lsuohrr, Lniv ol ,\l.r.n, r-2:ai,i 71. l'aut Shtms(.i, BHS iS:l8i t2 rrdr i!1.Auoun. EH,!. ?i:19: ?1, clarl R1r)erii' EltS, ?i:11i i'1, Joseph liril!or..h, L.ra., ?i:2i,; l5- S!oft Al'xand'r' u':.lsvrth lls, iir'Jti ii r.hr SuscirlsLri Akron Yl'lc { R.ad Rann{,r i (lltL, ili03. Tea,r.: l. Sulrmit AC, :11; 2. ] al.e Lrl€ AAL r'ni I a.ljnbLrro. ll:'!- -Allegh.nv irI --Darid \l halen_ NI-AIL BACI- L fort St.1c r4arln1, N.r l orh Citr' l'gger's Irr r.spons., io i ranh (lrl,.nber! s .olutlD C.rner , - I thihL it's a shajr. L. hat' to sei ur'] 'ljlt'rent .ateg.ri.s. runDer an.:i l()gger ' and lr"Lt rhar a rog s.r isnrr honest !fll s-' he inih.:res ld a r"rLv ir'granL ol sonr. sort, I.nlt run trh.rdI i.'l lilie 1l a'dIn€\'r 1'niov ra'es THE NATION,AL A-4L ]O\C DISTA){C' RLTNNINC AN]] .]aiF.lherris€- l'1. Dev.. non RACn I\_ALKI\O CO]'t\ii- i!:LS ha'ie .e..mnen.l.(i lhe I runnith lhere le.arsc the.. ar..ther ]r.orle 'an follo{ing limes ioi tr. slart oi ihe 2a in L5iin ral\s and -ALl.npts l. !jnil lhe nuLlber .l runrc's, oa the basis oI the tras- rh..rarathon ai ihr: F.-n 1i.ri.an (lanes in Cali 'lol'rnoualifrln! tnri.is as ttre lr.sron Nlarathor' or 'n:hev ir lrr a, I or 5 ! D. : tokm are bic . I,larathon .""'-at." peopl.rlrho qualif-\-Ic€lrhar *.i."., \l arr- 5 p, m, it ia5 also 2olim lrral]!a. m. and i.::JO r:arl of Lh. elll(,, but Lt seenrs to ']c thar rlrcre sh'!l'l bt re.:omnr€nd.d rhar :J .r more da-vs be lell L€tf edr th€ r..m lor .weryonc nillr.rLt .li.rinishine ihe 't'iCit r' the ni..crs ald ltittroul havi.! l. set u) sPeclat 'ai'gorres I'I

2\ month s altitude training, baolie aiat mid-way tha;Gh the tace and handily defeated del€nding .hampion Rich Delgado. Ilowevea, Mcjia rva6 unablc to br€ak Delgadors course record oI l:01:29.0, scr jh last year's race. \!-est valley rC llaced the firsr loui lini6hers, easiry caprurRLlny Fahl oJ Colorado Slrirgs, surprise.l himseU and ing the ream arvard, The rac€ ras sponsored by RUNevertone else as he s.amlercd away lroD th€ lield rakNINC UNT,IMITED {Pcte Leagu.) and the top 50 lini6hers ing Iull advantage ol his han.licap l€a.l ro rin han.lily, rec.,ived handsome T-shirrs Jor th€ir cfforts, Mike Spence, who srarrcd hext to last, linished rhird & 1- Alvaro M€jia, West valley TC, 1r03:.1.1..1t 2, Richard .atlured tim€ prize hoDors. DeLga.1o, Wesr Vallcy TC, l:0.!:29t l. Chris MilLer, 1lVIl!L,1-. 4!j_r. Pl TC, l:0.!r-19; .]. Charlie Harris, l\TVTC, 1:05r19r 5. Ray 1, Ru.1y Iahl, 72, Co1o. Spihg6, 50:17 ,19.22 1 Dar(ih, Culrer Clty AC, l:0a:5,1i ii- Daaayl Beardall, 2. JeIl Arnold, 29, ]:ueblo, 50:,\3 35:28 3 r,larin AC, 1:06:0bi ?, Jack Ley.1ig, \l,r1rTC, t:0?:09r 8, 3. MiLe Spence, 18, Pueblo, 51:0? 29:52 )r. Doug Burt, Marin AC, l:0?:.18; rl. Adam Ierreira, Tra4. Dick Aldrich, 31, Pueblo, 5l:3 3 3 9:01 6 wis RR, l:08:56i 10. Ceorge Kiih, RC Striders, 1:08,58j 5. \lilbur Arnold, 51, Puehlo, 52r00 3 4,:0 0 ,r il, BoL Gormley, Nlarin AC, l:09:2.+j 12, cedrge Mahri6- Lui6 Miefa, l?, riueblo, 5 3:18 3 0:01 2 quez, Alrlm Ro.k Running A6sn,, l:09:25i 13. Ray Men?. \'illis Coettel, .15, Pueblo, 5 3:19 37:19 5 zje, Marin AC, 1j0!:3.ri ll, r1rolJgang Sclmulcwicz, una, - -Don L:10:24i 15, John luarshaLl, .\4aranod, 1:10:29r 16- K€n Napier, 1lV Joggers, 1:ll:1ai li. Don Benn€tte, Napa ROCKY MOUNTAIN ROAD RUNNERS 3-MILE HANDICAP valley RR, l:11:36i l8- John R.rnak, Maranon, l:Ll:38; ROAD RUN, WASHINGTON PARK, DENVER, COT,ORADO 19. Srev€ Church, i4aranon, 1:11:56; 20. Mitch Kingery, Sunday, r'ebruary 1.1, 1971 Wriarh!:r: Br:autllul; +8('j RC Striders, L:12:0?; 21, Art Du.Uey, nla., lt].2:39t 22, x..,1. rlge. A.t_ T. Pr. .rim Bowl.s, lVest Valley TC. !:13:01; 23, Sreve Parlier, r, llrallace 1! orrham, ]0, 2,]131 :15 2,1:16 ll Alaheda 1C, 1:13:1.1i 2.,1. Lee Hol1ey, Llarin AC, 1:r3:29i 2. Johh Dolr, 30, 2 6:.11 ?:.15 l8:58 l6 Za. Daryl Zapatd, SF Chuckers, lil3r.12i 26. Don Star3, Sam vas.ellalo, .16, 26115 1.51 z?:aa 29 blck, Travis RR, 1:14:18r Z?. Steve S!ansoh, Solano TC, .1. Seth Bradley, 26, Z1'.nZ i:41 l!:58 20 r' l:1.1:rJ9; 28. Bob Stephehson, \1rVTC. 1:1,1j48i 29. JJeter 5. Don \4.rris, 3,1, 27:16 10:15 1?:01 5 Dufly, 1!VTC, l:15:11i 30, Jim Eng1e, Napa Valley RR, 6. Rich Casp€r son, 10, 2 ?:18 9:15 1?:.,13 10 l:1,:12; 31. T, 1'vilson, Maranoh, l:15rL5j 32. Bill Mack?. Dave Hershey, 30, 27:22 7:21 )r:a8 201' ey Jr,, 1lrlr Joggers, 1:15:16 (lsr \iet.)i 33, D. Jeong, il- Brad Andersor. 18, 21.23 1:14 20:49 23 una., l:15:19; 34- F- Haggcrry, uDa., l:15:23i 35, !f. Z t':26 7:15 \9141 It l. Bruce Lires. 25, Fri.t, ARRA, l:la:24t 16. A. Pollard, ARRA, t:15:351 10, Dwayne Biederma., 16, 2?:39 tl:10 16:29 ZI 17. l- L. o.. p. S : : 6: ,a. "-s,r8, , .a., u. Lenhic (thc) c1oud, 19, 21:11 1,11 ?4,34 Za 1:15r.llj 39. T, O Brien, una-, 1:15:,1!! .!0. D, March, lZ. Jim Osborn, 38, 2i:4a 6:a3 2t): aa 2t) una. j l:16:l9i +1. Darrell Zumwalt, una., ItI6:54t 12. 13, Stan Oberny€r, ?5, 27:5 2 10:14 l?:18 6 C. Lanlri!, una., 1:16:5?;4:l- Dr. F. Scruggs, TRR, 1,1. Gerry Vincchl:, 39, 21:a3 9:3 5 18:18 12 1:16r58i ,14. R, Olitsky, una., l:17:21; 45. F, Meadoza, 15. si.1 Arnold, 2tr, 28:OA ,ti24, rE::l.t l.t l\iV1'C, l:l?:33; .16, '1,A. de Lusignaa, Marin AC, l:17: 16, rjat Devan€y, li, 2E:0r 7,1a 2A116 21 3.4 {znd vet. ); .1?, J. Ockerman, una,, t;1?r37i ,t8- C, l?. L.c Courkamp, 28, 28:08 12:10 15:58 l.r. Haslem, NVRR, 1:17:4.1i ,19, Dave Cortez, RC Srrid€rs, I8. Jim Casperson. 23, 2 8:10 :15 2?r55 3l L:1?:58i a0. w. VahZant, lr-V Joegers, t:18:02. 19, Dennis Kavanaugh, lt, 28:21 l0:0? l8:1.] lL (1.:12 lini6hcrs) Team: 1. 1fVTC, l6; 2. Marin AC, .t8j ?0, Jld Garcia, 26, ?8:Za lI:56 16:29 2'f :1. le.11rood Ciry Stliders, 100t .!, ALum Rocli Running 21. Dave Les.hnik, 16, 2 8:26 ll:06 17:20 1 Assn,, l21i i. \ara Vallev Roa.l Runners, L?8i 6_ lyest 22, Brett Recen, 11, 28:26 9:0 8 19:18 18 val1ey Jo_sgers, 133i 7, Solano lra.k Club, 1,11. ?1, Jay Murphy, lE, 28t44 I2:IA 16:31 : Nores. . ,lfary Cortez (8.lth, 1:26:.10) wa6 easily the 1st 2,1, Jack 1filmore, 28, 28:.tB 8AI 2A107 Zz iofta! iinisher. George Manriquez, onl] a sophomore 25, John Rehmer, 18, Za:a4 lr:13 l?:21 E ar San Jose'6 IIt, Pleasanr IIigh, qas tor Iinish€r in 21,. Rudy lahl, ?2, Ao z9tA t- 31 that .li'ision yith a fine lzrh (t:09:25), Fourrcen tear 27, Birgcr Lar6en, 5,!, 2 9:11 3-.54 Z5:2\ a2 old Mitch ringery qas 20th. --Jack Leyuls-28- Hy H.,chrcr, ,!8, 29tZZ 7.14 ZI:37 27 29, L€onard ZaraEaza, 11, 2 9:2.1 11:.te 1?:36 9 JOSN COR'fEZ LEADS] STRIDER SWEEP OF MACAN 30. Dalid Colc, 15, 29:25 l0:55 L8:10 13 20 MILER :Jl, Ken Andelson, 20, 2r:16 )0:31 )9tl? l? Redtood City, Calif., Jan, 27- Seemihgly jnvincibLe o! lZ- Tony Hak.ir, 16, I0:12 11:18 18: a.l l5 their home course, the Red*ood Ciry Strider6 swept rhe 13. I<en (]rilfin, 16, 3A:)7 8:11 21.16 28 first Lhree places in rhr: Second Anhual Eugen€ Magnan 3,1. Pam l\reigl.,, 26, lli19 1tA4 2.4:15 3A Mehorial Z0 hiler. Ior all those that hav€ run , rhey No .....,riill contest thar il s rhe roughesr course in Norrheln " 0. easily caltured the RMRR's 3-mi]r:'-ar-o.d handicap,, Lee Cour- CaliJornia. A steep (1500 {oot climb in 2 h es) Iirekamp, ih {ibe rlnter-time shape, clocked rhe laEtest trall g!eets unsusp€cting runners at about 1Z-13 mile€ --R, Dennis Kavanaugh-through rlre race and this drops nany out oI the event_ Front runiog Rat Darwin & Darryi Aeardall had a size\4EJIA LEADS liESI VALLEY IN NEAR S\ITEEP OF able lead at lhe top of the firetrail when both took a wbrE PACIIIC ASSOCI{TION AAI] ZO 1{ILO CHAMFTONSHIP turn ahd D€ver ma.le up the lost distancc. Jose Correz P.rlola VaUey. Calil,, January 17, 1971- Alvaro NIcjia, fook ower to sih in a good tilnc ol 2:27:17.2, d.spite mud Just returned from a rnonth's racalion ih Color.bia and a dy ttails over much of lhe run. A total of ?7 runners RUDY FAHL, (?Z) 1VINS 5,MILE HANDICAI' RUN Pucblo, Colorado, Sat., Fcb. l3- Ohlt s€v€n runners reslonded to rh€ challenge ol a 5-mile handicar, run at City Parli, Oae ol these runn€rs, howewer respond.d r,ell, an.l ron his Iirsl handicap race ever. 72 year old

4 fnishe.l th. Cruellinr ru-

D.nnis i\,larL€is, una., 6r:18; :1. narrell Jeorg, una., al:l9r .12- David Zrm'talt, una,, 6l:2ii 13- Oli!er Basri.in, \apa Vall.y RC, il:2Ei '11, Cr.g Criifln, una , Matltr AC n.afdaLl, Darryl a1:l7i .,14, Alrila \,latrat uha. , i1:10i 1i,, ]!ljcha,i1 CeorCulver cLry l,a:, Z i'I:1a:5, 2:3.r:,li L. Joel Stcin, nCS, 2: li:Lli i, lIar01.r. D'1!1'ss, !i, li, oi S-F., a1:.1,:1i .!i, \larli Dar,son, aS, 61:19i 1ll. I.[ Mann, Fillmor. 11:est 1.C. i2:ll] 1t. I- l:illasenor' 1rl'.sr lrallet, 2:la:03; I l".llganE sclmulexicz. rual'. t(i' S'Lano una-, f2:rE; 50. A11eD Ferna.{1.2. \ar:' \all.y RC, 3:lii:ll il.lIl.5-)r ,'. Dcnris illallhL-:s, B.L TC, l:15:i9r ll, S.iano L2ill; al, Jih l\'r.I]eak uha., fr:11: :2. Dat. Stevensor CoLLins, 2r.rlr5?; ll]. JDarr:na, RCS, Z:41:tE l2 Peter Nlattei, NCSTC, 2:1-q: a2r3{rj aa, Kcilh Lo.ke, S.iai,, a i? )ii 5!, i, T Ol (1s! YeL,)i 13. D^v. Coriez, 12, RcS zrSZ:1ti l'1 J"1'Tar, Hr..l.tson' J.e r)lncha..l, una,, a'3:16. (iii l1::... f r:sarrs) 2:5r:0lj tr. Frank D.noh!., 1'1r1'-, 2 59i l7' 5i Tcam: l r'tarin AC, 12; 2. rrl.r;:r.: r-11 l- \r'Jest VaL \4,,trdo2a, la. Iren \,rAC, 2:5;:lil; Dar..]L lu.rnalt, rna. , Z:;8:1li t8. Don Fichert, SFOC tet rC, ?!. (1sr Ver. Eill \1.::. - : si rE:10r Z. Don Irict ett (ttthl i o:2,t)r 3. ira ! a . -.. :.I, i2 ir2rl5, ) 2:aE:a7r l.l. D!t. Sr,.renson, SLanlor.j RC 3lt)2tAZ1 ?a ural,, lirilh Canrtfr(rll ))na. ?l - - P.:1.r Lea!Le-3:t)2:24: .l- Salazar, 1:Aa:{t 22. C,. H.nulersbach, Fa.1akl(1, l:l)i:1': 2_1" 1 I\D\lA1lD DLTIIRONFI] I ! -:- 1 1- r-ts (lllAlIPS i,, s.h.sra, JoqgL,rnauts, l:01:rli 2+. si..f slarsoh, tlor.lllx. Halraii- l€i. 2 a -::r.:a.Lrs lanlalus So1:no IC, lr1]-o:2!i Za D. S! 1enso., rna , :J 0!:iZ: Maraihon,,as aiold tealr )-Ll .. : .:: :-r-,iI-LelinC ric_ 2a, tr'. I) Al.ia, Jog!.fna!ts, I I :flr 2?, T).n |.r.rs.n Ralph llcn.L s :ra ::. a i. in 'bc aroun.l lory o!€r 't,)):r,1,zts 1- lr'.\!!er, lI.Cal Strds lrl3: ,lfanfor{l RC, :: : rrallr .areh: the The T.i . .:: rhe-island r€la!. (tsr S, |ron,ar)i ll), 20; 2!, \rary C.rL.,z, RCS. l:11:11 r-.: : :r. I r. ntuning i,n\l l.arn nearin: I il,iin.L\r ard lra.s, r'nlC , l:16:'1!i l1- Jonn Satti, 5?, l:1ii:rl : fri:.r.1 oi l2:1,!: ,. r:: :.r. : vas l1 t,rZ r-inut.s oii :Y,run!. sl runr.r l. liajsh tras Sh..i.n H"!lI (?) ihe 'i N:rpa 1'a11e1- ItJr ers 1t?lh, 5i2'!:'1?J -_Ja.h Levdre ! l tltt l. ia.talrLs C01d, 12:r: la llFrll F.nrill.! : : ::: FarL Lr.a: :: I' Rlx iacoLsra, LATi fO PI'I ! H DLIi!'Y NII]S \4IJIA ]\ CIIAN\EL l\tills) a::r1,5 alg- /nri . r, I :.r; :-ri, 1l:al.3r L j : .:ri n: led, l1:00:1+; 1a11ero, Ca1!!., Sa1,, F.b 6 i\i€si 1a11etrs ar'l rir'al Itan..ne Ma.incs, ll:: :i :1rr: l!!aralhoner s j \rllil., a: l lantaL!s Britain s Pet!] D I-v h€ld oli a fasi-closii! -\ltaro \4' 5. L i : r:i., t5:12:0ai 8, 7. ,eewar.l : li:1.1.0li sol'tr' l0 Ei1' .jra to L.al. a th..i, secodd ri.torv !r the :r: ,.:rs Iroirr \1ari.S.L.Ii.rl.1 o U ho ri.l :. In'ii'1 !nlit a'n Lnk. R!n to iC srons.r..l Chann(,1 "': (14n a a:.tr ::r tlrl,.. .s, 1L:24:!0. r.n n..l ann n..l lor s.r.rh lliL.s ar.t tll''1 I1'J]a \as L'hind sL.r.i.l br a stit.h. 111' lour.l niLrs':1i a..ul 1n|t : l::iO.\SHIP lir\lr] lf. (l0ldr SO- LrACii i(: ' nirh n li'!rle ri,.r. rhai r r,it. to !o ,\ fe-r .l.sing riri irl :rr:.lers, "1rl: . Ilu.lr 1l:1]uu a r :: I rie, :h ,rasnri ra.ugh ho\ ri\ E. as b.lh 5rr.lsh.rd :hE l'rLrler :.er, SCS,19: Ji,. Ilanle),:!: ia; l. ' ':: Peter rrcorn I.r thf.l)urse !l al.r.st i\o Lrll.nt's' set illl5 .L.l re..rd.l Iir..rilsson .I !1r,:d,rn hcl!. tn. a. 1t-:23 2) 2 : : : OFt\ lakm \!Al-E lns: yrar. Darr-v1 ll,1r.lal1 i..li thlri i.r l':nr nnner : !1':: : : r:lt, Si..:l1o' i\iannv A,lrian., ' tlainr x(]. l.)_ Daj\'ln nns rn rfir.! ni:h a 'riL': to !' :-i:le-r, Stocliro :: : :: La Rar.l'al{.rs, rthen n. [1a.1. Rac. \:ralh.rs, 11, ' -r' :. i-'-'r:Dit's Nal 1 rl)f ) an.r rilishra .LLL .1 ihe rrlone-rt. ict.r iJuifl-, 1!.si \':li._r Ta-, i1l:21..1; l, '\tlaro rUc- LONaI BE-^alE li ! :: : : -!L!1_ i, T.arrv : ji:r, iil lc. 51] 'lri j. Darrrl B.arditll, Ilarin AC, r2: .- : Sra.iun ]t..or.:l lta Sc Slri.:-.r: : Lrer, ZLj -1. Johr \larsl,aL!, i\t-rai,.n, r3:lLi -< DorLg Butt, Sa:S. - Lrer, SCS, 11:2lr'1 2, . i'i, Iianler. \1rrir ,\a-, i r: Jt]: t. R1)l,.,fl (lorr.1.y, \larLn A(1, 5i1:'2i !K.ll]-. SaS -rDLi i. t!ayne BalLg1eI. .dra-, rl:LLi E Sl.r. PerL ll:i1lon glan i15, 5'1:121 '1, na!:c a::1r.la, u.a , i]:2Li 1(l S! ve arhur.h. ]!4ar:ixrr, il:lni il, S1.,re Slarso., !l!lan' 1c, li(l: INDooR T.!,I :: Lr,tl ,\ I L-Ar\lICr aa i: .!zl. \larir .\(1. Sarll: 13,'rtrrns cliAIlPIO\SH!1'S .,: r.+:r.1: 12, :irn..tr.] i.b 2?, l9il l.a I.fr!. una,, ni 57i 11. lrrc! CiaD.r.l. s'lan' T'l tb: (la lrt r,.ard i...! ::..:iil.'il"idq..n, lr\4, O1:1!. \lilie (ionrot, R.dr.o.. (r1l\ Srri.l.f:, ii:r'1i Lf :rr.:i : wik. airares, Du!€ !:al -1r L Larrl : .-:: :r.,rl.rn,.r, trJar.n. jl- 5'r :,1 5 i I ?. i\:.,l1caD! S. n:,rdlei i.z, 1. a,has, Shfantr. :.1!rlelia, i-sc lN!tr rura., 51):tri; i8. 9ut.h Ale:an.l.r S.ro:In lrs i':1?; :. _ alntor M.l , 19t01 .1.1 Lnari, r!.rrnr : - : i: 2. -rirn \Iilllhs 19..ar,.s ilnrlls, i\ \'ia, 5;r:1Bi :11 !ia!rr 1..k'r, \1r1. i. 8.b 1\\..1. i SDlan. TC, !?:]ir ll. S1.!! jrrflilrr, Alanleda l'-, riilii: Fsrate; :. I',,-.s:r :. :: : ::::.: 1. reilA.klel, 2:, I.je fil,ll.'r, illtrfin 1(1, 5i::5j 21, Tiir.lh) Le., NC st! .r a. -.L srL.: : -::. : ::. . 1e.ord: .ld rnarr rl!' L lor1v ll'allJ, 1r. ( , , a?:31: 2-1, i'rtr ,'^,ague, \Iann -\ar iir i:l: U 5 'l:!_.1btJrhn F..!.. :' ::_ hen ScaLnani:li. SF. ai:ll; li,, Cus (lano, RC'S, -<lr13l .lrn!, L\C 2-|1r. i r I l: : i:r:,r. ::arlr1., I'id- i 3 Jinr 2r. T.n l',1 son. Nlaranon, i8:2fr l8 14ai1 Fi. :. i -r:i: r J.n S.hrocl, '"\ F S.ha|!,r, IiS(r tS:3i; :0' :-i\irl. R.lav- -, r' . ::::rr :- S.::]_ai. Jlinkins, ]!1aranot, ili': J1: 2'l- Hicllarrl tii.rba11, una-,'ihrr'h jr-r3rri \di.i, S.Nh r),(i a.{rrs c-Lrl!, a8:l-oi il. rlrrn lirlinia L ICi i ]t.nr.f.. Hall)i :. i':L: 1- l.i.l.: 14..k,.t rr,, d11C, i3:lIr :J2 La:lli.rt li'11!, SoLano --.rrr lirs!-fC. !!r:a1; jl, .iarrr(,s Shr:ller, una, 5il:1jj :jl Jill l.n!j., r-nra 1'all.! Rurners, s!:1S; 15. N ch"rd I ans_ NCTRTH ill-jltFOLL] CI i 1l ,lcE (_{ci jr i-\lIl.E ROr\Ll l!!,1. Sota;o IC f,': l5j lL;, Donahde, i" 'st vaLlev f'" It-{arr. \\1!lSBLiR\ Iii\SS l_.b..Larv 2E, i9ii r0rLll; tS Dor Pi'lati:l ji li, R!.halL crc.r' i\'liC !t.athrr: 11L.al. +a .1e!re.s, sllghl Iini 5? etarrers ]l b(]:1r-i .,',t, SIiOC, ;0:2ili -?r', Dan Halton, \.!air)Il5, L, Jose Corf.iz, L!.a'5, ZtZ1,l7 2, Z. Rard-v La{son, RCS 2:31:0-oj r. altrs Cano, RCS, Z:lZ:5ai '+. FaI Da.rln,


Coursc rccord: 36:15 bt rerry Callagher, 19?0. 1. Terry Gallagher, ?a, 17:\3t Z. Earl M.(lilrert, 25, l8:la'; 3- Ed ConDor, :J6, lE:.t2j L iohn Babingron, 25, 3-o:.!0; 5. Chei lortier, 3?, 39:53j 6. Joe Fronrierro, 18, +0:10j ?, vin Iandetti, 1r, 1A:25:8. John Hurley, 30, 4l:Zlr !, Darc Bostick, Lil, .rl:.!3i I0, Bob Herscy, 22, fl:59; j1. Paul Schc11, 33, ,!2:1Li 12, Herb Taylor, 15, .r3:25; 13, Ed Iiullo.L, 17, .t3r,1lj! 1.1. DonLc.{nard, I.1, 'r3:.!9r 15, Paul S.jlia, 1?, .13: i0; La. Claud€ Ellis, .12, .r.l:28i 1?. Dan Atres, i8, 4.:1i37r 18, Joe Hanley, li, .1.r: 4.r; 19. Steven \ar.:, 2a, 41:17t 20, 11h, nrans, 16, +,1:a4i 21, Sranley Brown, 19, .15:20; 22. lom Boone, 31, .r5:21j 23, ]reter Pel|ey, 17, .!5:23i Z'1. Pen,r Iluntsnan. IA, 4a:12,24. Don Thompson, 31, 14.+1-,26. Bob Aucoin, 32, !6:IA:27. Hank Ainsworth, ,17, 16:1r: 24, D.ihi-. L.,g nard, 16, 16:23t 29, Dich Du.llet, 32, .16:39; 30, Neil Ke[e], 1i, ,1t,:.!.lj 31. llra111- Furb€r, 35, .1?ilr5; 32. La Sichkic{icz, aA, 17:22t 33. Roland vermette, 13, .,17r38i 3+- Berr Fudge, 3a, +7:13t 1a, Carl Johnson, la,, ,18:00, lst.10-,r4- Claude Ellist 1s1 .15-.19- Haflk Ain6worthi lsL 5u-5,1- llrilbur Crockeri lst 55-t!- E.] Sl.hLic\iczi Ist





winrolr, hinlsell a v.il.ran ol the Open r-&e ihcre, a.companied the boys .h rheir aive day trip, Iihan .ed Ly a t.cal busih(:ssft{in s lralefnltt in Coamo, [rihrov/ {as f-ictori.us in lhe l:l mile Open ra.e ih 1967 and '6E, an.l rilaced s.cond ib l!6t. O1-.r 30, 000 people ]ratched fie rac. ah.l the Ir. S. rnniers rnade an c:c.llc.t nnrression on their ho616, 'The trir is rh. mosi in|l:resiinq thins that's cwcr happch.,.l to me. Schfoeder said. Th.i 18 vcar-o1.1, 120lb., 5'9 Michigan City, InCiana brill ut, a lead ol 120y ly ? miles .r.r lh. Pu.rl.o Rlcan nho placed se.ond, then he tuined ro chcch his l.ad, Carr- related ihar he h.ar.l a ste.tator te11, Hey grlngo, .l.n I rorry--you re sor it rna.i.. Borh runners emphasizeC that th.i r,r.tle were tren€ndous- The_v i(:ae nlobbcd tor autographs er.:ay s,here they went, and lollowed and kis6€d by the girls. Cdach E.l

Bf' ' r' rro ) \o o' P'io --Fre.l B.o(n Sr. --

NORfH MCDI'ORD CLUB ]O-IIILO RUN, ADAMSDALE, rfASS., March 7, 1t?1, A two la! coursc (ith hillsH.ary aaih, so a Iei ol rne runners obeyed th€ir nives and sta].€d hohcl Thc rain 6topp.d during the run & made I.r good cohditions exceJii lor the many de€p puddles thal

ir 32r35. He bol.l. thc r.coad Jor rhc cotrse oi 32:10. n:c.priohalit line trophies lor a1l linishers. 1. Larrt Olsen, 3?:35r 2. oh. Babingtoh, 33:15; 3. Rich- VU harrir:rs Cary Schroeder an.l J.hn Stlvers lsecond ar.1 B..lich, 33:,1?j .1. Vin Fan.lerri, 3?t:23j 5. James and third lrom left) ,lisplar'he har.llaie they rcc.ir.d Roberls, 1,1:.1,1; ir. Dari.1 llostick, 35:05; 7. Robcal H.,rs- for rhcir !vi!niD! eilorts in Pa.rt{r Rico. Coa.h Ed lvinet, 35i19r 8. Michael Cronl.y, l5:51: 9. Dan -{yres, 35:5?; ror lleftl ahrl ArhLeri. lrire.t.r Dm Bau.r loot on. 10. E.l Bdlloch, 36:20j 11. Robert Ludrtig, 36r29i 12, Paul S.he11, l6:,16j 13" Michael O re€l€, 3?r2O: 1.,1. Pelct lltrhrs- ROCIIEST!R ItOAD RITNNLRS CLLIl 15.25 \4lrli Nan. 37:2?i 15. Claudc []11is, l7:.18i 16. Ron Lalrenierre, ItoAD RACE, ItOallLStFR. N_y., Sat., f.b, 2lth 3?:5lj 1?. Brad Roberts, 37:l2r 18, Les Sandcrs, l8:1?l llr:1i A. M. Three une!eD loops on R.l, r. course. 19. Steve King, 38:31j 20. R.bert !lard, l8:l7i 21. Peler Weatherr ,1? .Le!rees rri4d]- ar.] s!.nt. l.elkey, 38r51i 22, John Nloorc, lr9:10; 23. G€orec Lattar- L Di.k,lshLe),, 2r, Rochesrer TC, L:2!:28j 2. DniphL ulo, 39:,10: 2i!. Han]r Ainsiorth, ,10:2zi 25, Carl Joluson, Roge.i, 21, RfC, l:12:51; 3, JjrnConn.tly, rj7, rlC, .1Or3ij 2i,. Steveh 1\are, ,11:10; 2?, Jam.s Barretto, .11:51' 1i38:rl:r +. Don llalsanl., ll, RTC, l:.rn:33i 5, Jo. !..r28, Tony Maccario, .42:19j 29, Pat Carr, .lZ:23; 30. Steve na!.1e2, .18, RIC, lr4.r:57j 1,. cen€ Osborn, 53, RTC, Canlet, 1Z:3a) 31. James Lee, ,12r.10r 32, Jcrty Olrich, 1:1?:5lri t. L.n Bagley, .13, RTC, i:4!:laj 8. Norm .13:00! 33. ceo, Crzebien, 43;52i 3.1, L.o Felkuy, .1.1:0?i aran]l, l!, RT(r, 1:5.1:05; 9- Di.k HolLI, j0, RTC ,C 35, Jake Brederson, .1.1:22; 3i,. Roger Lrjke, .r5:55: 37? -:Ken Hat.ien, .r6r38; 18, Sig 1ro.l10zny, 49:2ai 39. l'r1,d _v' Ro\.tAL Brown Sr,, .!9:l8j 40, Davc Dltis, 55:0 l'. ..ursc :llro ev^en laps) Sat., March l, 19?l lri.l-Fr.d Br olrn Sr. -L0:00 A- ri. Ireath.r: l5_. sLush on str(,ciLts or c!ursr:. 1. Dick Ashley, 29, R.chest.r 1C, 28:06 5?:t5 VALI'AIIAISO UNIVIRSITY AIIILETES ll'IN IN PLERTO D\ieht Rogers, 29, RTC, 2. 28:31 5ti:53 RICO INTERNATIONAL RAC E Day€ K.so\6ki, 22, RTC, 3. 30i?8 irl:20 lrro Valparaiso Unir. athletes cat lur{rd lhe lcam lirle il, i{on t'o11ock, 20, Roch, IC, in an inrernational 10-rdle run lor juveniles on Sunday, 5. Dlch Frank, .1.1, R.ch, TC, 30:27 l2:a 5 Feb. ?th ar Coamo, Puerto Fico. I'uerlo Ric. litushc.l 4,. Jim cotrne11y, 17, Fo.h. TC. se.ond and Canada third. 7. D.n Balsamo, 31, Ro.h, TC, 3l:38 65:00 (lart S.hro€.ler nas lhc ih.lirnlual chamtion in ih€ age Steve 8. Cz.glcdj, 19, RTC, 1-0:l8r !, L.n Basley, ,:13, !9 & uhd.rr race, linishing with a time of 5L:38. John RTC, 70r,1,1i 10, Dah Mizerak. 19, RIT, 72:Z?j 11, Norm , o r.l l -r -.D: - .IFr.,-"..h Iranl, 39, R rC, 7Z:51i 12. Dick HolLy, !0, R:rC. 89:OO. trouble and.ram!s. rhe Crusan.ler ruh.ts cor,pcrcd __Dor R" nor olly against Puerto Rico's an.1 Cahada s b..l y.ue "d __ I a o" ar " '- -. \i o. " SOLIHERN IT,T,INOIS ROA]] RUNNDRS CLUR \ITINTDR ahd i!Lnse hear and humidiry. Th. lcmterarua{i r'as in CHAI{PIONSHITjS lrrZ MARATIION (13.11 Dilcs) the 90's an.] the altirude varie.l Jr.m 1000 20!0 lt. .'er SIL Campus, Carb.nnalc, l1linois, N,lar.h ?, 1971 2il5 P. \4 A6phalt Roa.1; .1 loops wilh ,1 hrlls. 33".Itindy. lJ


i!raI I:Ben Hunlk:y, 2:, Clarlr.n.lale, 1rl6:41i 2 rvratl-Carbon 2.1, Carbondal., L:20:58; 3, rion Knorvlton, 18, .1a1e, l:21:l+; '1- B.b Slte.lko, 20, C Ca1€, l:22:2'!1 a Bill ] rilz, 32, aarl.rrlLl€, l:28:58r i, ChucL iioli.h, 2i, Ualanda, !:12:Za:1. Brzl] r,ueLke, l-q, Cr .1a1e, 1:ll:l2r 8. rrank V.rlk, Zl, alr.lal., lrll:1+: !. Iieter ad.l.j!, ?,1, (r nat., lrl5r1ti !0. r,arr-a C.o.1, 36, Caibon.lal., L:li:12r 11, Ken l.kcrman, 3ir' (r dale, 1::J8i:15; i2. 1i.i.r Nassif!, 2!, Carterville, 1:11::Jli tl. Pet€r Calr.11, 3+, C .1ale, 1:'15:lli i: Ch.js Thomrs.n, Lr,j, C .lal.r, L:59r1:l; 15. rjeB!ly L rilz ltr, alarterille' 2:!i:05 1: i9in5i LL. Dalnd Br:thel, 16, Ilar!.n, DNi. Bill ts.th.rL, 1.t, jllarioa_ 2 \IlLES l,'O]''IE\- l, i\4arlLtn (r.oa, 1l:+21 Z. Cheri.l \4ill.r, 15:55; l. Barb.ra Sam.son, lb:i?: '1- }Iarianne Car ro11, 16:l0r a. Roz l"a1lde11, iE:1!. 2-MllL Jo'iGIjRs_ 1- Ficb"(L Bra'1-' l5' Herrnl' !o:ili 2. alreg Sny(Ler, 1?, 1l.rfrin, il:+nr 3. Do. Tro'tbridg., ?9, a-arbon.lale, ll:a8r '1 Bi1l D\'-ver, 15, l]errin, L2:0'+i a. Len V!t.he1l, 18, CarLr.n.lale, l2 lii i. Salrih 4l-As a.l, 2!, Car!on.la1c, l2:56i ? .iirrI S!s.o, :ll, liarlon, 1Z:58, --Fi11 I rilz, \feet D:!e.tor-_

JOHNNY }.ANRBER !T,INS HAIfAIIAN 2O.I(ILO RUN Sunday, March ?, 191-! Johnrl- I a.rber ran 1:13:01 lol a.ourse .e.ord in a.lose n'in.ver George Hallana11 .I rhe Kaneoh€ Nlari.es .r rhe r!'in.lrat.] Sidc' slairing at Sttanzy E€ach Parh in Kaaa{a, runnine lohn.ortn ahd (llub, r€turr, Slonsor: The r'1,d Pa.iJic ^thleric Tiirrain: I1at. U€athcr: Cool & orercast. I. Johnny !-a.,rber, L:13:01: 2. Ceorge Hallanah, 1:13:la; :1, Bll t Ilanlma.k, l:1.1:,7i l. }tal:b \4e.ch, L:15:39! 5, Trare Cadrz, l:15:5+: lr. Sam B.seiti, 1:la:51; l, 11.ra.e

l|.lL, !:20:Oij E. Jell Dahlbt, 1r2l:32; 9, Bo! r'tanlile, I:21:zzt lt:). E: Caser, 1r25:2i, (25 started, 22 linished) iOa;(jERS IrIllSlO\- l, Jo1: Goo, 1:28rll1 2, \ornan Iar.araha, i:12:.!1j 3, rohn Poqers, L:5! 1iJ - -Ed"af.1 P, aas€t- /\CiiSTIN C-\LLa ',1iNS I1IKD HANNOII I\1E\4ORI,^.L RLrN ]!iacombs llan i'arii, 3ron:, N.Y,, Var.h i- Agustnr CaL]., a rneFr.r ,,i :he i,r6? Pan Atuerican Lcan lor Colombia, Lr!. :l:e \Ji!r Itannon l2rh anhua! 2rl-Dil. i\lemorrat Rua i: ih. ri .oursc re.ord time ol !:'il9:2Ij, The old re.or.i r!.i :.i br 'Lod M.Carthy in niming lhu 1965 racc n1 L:aa:lr. !. Callea so cra.ied rhe Lir mll€ he .]o.he.l 1:27r18. II.Carthv .ours,, re.oi.i DhlIL Tr\iilj-Tllr HINDi!1OST x LN heid the .ld drar\ .r lir=.!, Ed l\-al]r! ilz oI South 1lad Coluii,bra, !1o., Jan. 30, l!71 i!.arherr 2S" otcrcast lcr, r\{ass. frris},. :.'..ra 1n 1:i1:11. Ca]1. 1e.r. by a 2 John Iilsho', snlall rnar3in.i.r 1- Bill \r.irlz, St- lotrls, 1;r:!! I f - iiz uriil rle !3il_r nrile rhen h.i "'ri1.si ll.fis_ aiail \lLrclil.r, ]]llI.s: ll5:52 2 3,r4 Sr, L.uis, gr.rLEll-! in.r.as,: . : :.. r, 1in bt 500 !ar.lF iant t2:ai, 2 1r'2 nril.ei 1, .r.e ilurcan, arTC, i2:0! There yerc rr 3:..r ,'r: :.ii 1l {rrrsh.,rs lLrs ltas a 2 l'+ mil.si 5. ]'a,r, Herbsr, KirL\o..i iC l:li:li Z-nri: r.c.r.1 liel.l lor rL:s :::.:. ia.e .ier a liw€ la!..trrse csi i.- Irave S.hult., C1(r, l2:11I I I mileii i rean along the Hatl.nl ir :r. :..:rr::.r'rr, ,! the Foad Runners !.nliert, ltirh'.o.1 TC, 1ar'!'r I 1/2 n::ltsr a. rltre ::_ :r' - l.i ra',:. ll teEr..s arlub (N,.a. {esn,I S.hertz.f. Iiirkr.o.l LCI !:lL I : "1 Lrli1E5, i:wertb'dt L. Agusti! CaL1e, ,::r::. . : :: : , :1r:2i aRr 2 nd rar, a Fril. th!,n rr.liain! :ilh Lar r, lh(r last.r(r 'lroPP"l i\ alh.,,itz, So,11a.1.., ::: :: l r r: l. Chas. liac.ur on .,a.h 1a) udril orly i.ns_le!e..1 R:11 1ilrrz nas .!: La-rcr, 22, :: : = zoreli, l'4illros..i.\ r leii. lirtz fan nil. s nits !i a:15 |] l0:12 enr.rte ] : :: i - : : r_:-r l.loDner- 29, St. rolnrs!niv,t-, -J,). Duncan-Srony ]']oirtN,1'.. lrr: =l :. :: l::i 11. 13, Cree.li€ld, Nfass., 2ii)'-r:al :: ::::: : i. 1.clor -{lotrso' l-ORFN lllOIlS LAI(ES Sll itflLLr Itl \ : jrrl n, 18 Sav\il1e, 29, Anlenal SC, Z:al::r i : :::r:nal SC ?1, 2:02:l2l ColuntJia, I1. , Feb l-- Lor.ir i\4ocs sque'z"l un'lcr I-.L, 2:02:llj 9. \1a,'.r :::: D.r IJari.s.nrs ..risr r..or.i oi Jl:28 s.l in Mav, 1970' LO. Jim McDora!h, : :::. -:. 2:.rir:05 llst v{rL )i B!11 \1'rrtz ro.l. lhe earlt Lead, Lut N1'rs rac(r{l bt or'r il. l4aller Canlu, Ei.o:. . l=. l: r5rla; 12. tsi]1 Burlev the hrLLs an.] he \as Lefter able 10 handle Lh' trin'l and ::ri:12i 1:3. Bill Gord'h, 2r,), Fairli{,1.1 C.un:) S:r:..:: .a.e .o,ding tracL or.r the iinal |1u.. r'les 1l eath'r: i-:lbtrins, 16, \IiUrose ::: EC, 2 :::= Sr, ,\nih. la, -. 2n de!t.es, slfong \ rnds AA, 2:09:,12r 15. D.ir rr.1:.:r, :r St. ADth, BC, 2:11:00; l, l-.rer Moes, KirLrslill.r, Li:+a l3:i2i 2 Bill 1rririz, lii. Dan Crrac.. ll. r.. : :r, ar,,hl , 2i1'1:Lai l7 51've 1jr50 1.1:i0i l. Bob lltrner.loss€, LitLs!'jll', Li:'0 li:1s Gr.tsliy, BroE, 2r, l: ' :: :. '!rn.e ChiapP€tta' \4ii1CTC, .1, i\_hitn.y l]i.ks, CTC. :li:ili !. Don roie AA. ?:15:5:J: L', -.:: 1.1ia:rcr], tl, 2rlB:00 (znd 'jaanberg, 3 Sa!', lronran il7:1ti lohr Dish.n, 6. '1(]r0li 3r-:2?i V.L,)i 20. lJ'.ll a.i.:, -: l: 1r.r. !1, 2:L!:5? (lrd :. r.:: ;1a\.n. Cr:,, 2:21:20; .ro. DDn.an lO it)i 9. l(e. F.,ters, 1l:'!5i l0 Da1c \ret- )r 21. D,.an al,r..rr;:i S.hD1re, CTC, 19:11r' 2!, l:. \fjll.rr, 22. Par ' -:: ::r' a1 , 2j2t:2lj 23, T.rn ! \,fLLE lfA]-ll 1. Larrt Io,d1g, C.tumbia CoU€sc 11, \'.e:t :|a: ', :C -. 2:2a:Zl: zl DicL KuscCanleron, '1i:l6r 2. Nl^r! Achcd, 1Br2'li l |a!1 I'le, 19:i0; 1 zit, :10, St. {!la.Ea I l- l= 2r. B.b il.ir' 3+, NYPC .1in N1.Fa.t.l.n, l'iirlsrille, !0:11i a Darflrll |alner' 2:Z):ai: l;. L(l a.liri., a:l:l :i J-.1 :i'1, Z:28:2,t ?1 ir:3.rr 6. -{rt Fletuinrl, CIC, 5i:a0 (10 Ilnishcrs) lirank n.:1ly, 35, ;iire.: 11. !::'t22t ZA Frrrie Medae -_J.e DLucar,-lia, .11, Millrose rA. l:l:i I :r. areg Conti, L.i ' 1'], 2:1ittE, 3O. i\,i. (:apurs. rr, :.rL.rs, l:3::001 ll Don DENNIS S1!JIi.AR'I SETS RICORD IN ]'RIATHION Losa., Oc.ansi..e, r,i , r: :il.:.rai 12. Nai Cirulnj'1, C()tunbia, l\1o., ieb, 2f Denhis Sr.'!a-r s'l a netr ,10, LnLle.iAA. 2:11:lai i-1, F :'t.S:.renet, B.ool1!n, rc.ord IDr th. l, 2, and i milr trialhlon ]-arrt Car ren- 26, Z:.1+t1it J1. .1im \.1ar' 12, trookilrh. ?:11:11t 3t' t.r rliC it a!I in:ll:51 {lir:04 10:11 5:f6) ln \01" 19'E' Te.t L_von, iSCar, ::!, :rti:..r: li'. F:arfv i\Jurrh_v. IiA-4., L Den.Ls Stenarl, lir:ltr, 1O:'11, 1:5ir -11:'1! Re'-: 2 5i, 2:.:9:lli 17, r're.l Donr.1lt, r1, T.'rcrr'nr, N 1.' John ltorrc, 16:5rr. 11:15, -:11--ll:16j l. rlhilnet Hicl3, 2:51:l5i 38. Dict Roth.i'.ild ri.sl SlCe t'IC.^ Z:59:01; Irj25. 11128, ):26 -)1:\.a: 1. Carl \1uckLer, l'1:+6i 5. 19, Ji,n R.o.ey, '2, N!C 2r5!:lli 10. Sre\e illartin, Don Oran!cre, 35:'!2i a. crar-! casho', li:33i ? Don 2l:, NYC, l:lO:,10; 11. Joe fr.lin!hus{rn, Shore ,\C, l: l-.aL, :19:2Cr 8. ren Peters, l-!:50i r,r' l)ate 5chtr]te' .12, J. Fiu, Ril-c.sl.1e, cL. 3r25:11 l6:52j .!6:J5j 10, Aulrey r\n.lerson, ilrlli 11. rlrt Flrrnins' 55: - -Jo€ Kl.iaerman_3tr; 12. Jotce S(:hulre, t6:0;, '10 d.gr€es, 'l'u'll

IA(! 1O-MII,X RIIN Maconbs Dan Pa!k, Bronx, N.1.r leb. 28th- llouie Ryan, IFlg B.anch, N.J., Slnday, reb. 28- lob Bazley, ltincefo!toer Uriversity of Eouston Btar ilistance runner nov ton Uaiver6ity rre6hdan fron Ibrg lraach, chalked u! coflpetinei fot the New York AC! rcn the tenth annual nob another lersonal be6t ,i!h a 52r2o,5 cLocking that uon Prestor Menorial Rur around ar 11 1a! coqr€e on the out- the City of Ln6 Bran.tr lo-ni1e .un ove! an Eberon cour6e th:t started and flnrEhed at Tal.snas6ee lake6ide lalk of the Yankee Stadiur in the tlde of ?5:ot.1. nre tine ras the Glouest turne{t in by a vinner in the laz1ey ran Etiide tor stride {ith Shore AC'6 Hdfy Nolan history of the race. The cod5e recoril i6 24:10.4 by for the lirst foE niles brt then noved avaX imlre6giveLy !-t" M (-d1- ot th- I,tpu York AC .r 1961. T\. rur'-rs erd uent or to uin by lroy. !'he runners bucked stifl head uere sloved doM this year by a very stlong @uthuesi vin.ls lor long lDts of the route. 15 stdted & 26 fini6h{ind. Dor Rowe' a fomer St. Johr's University acer firi- €d. shed second in 25:15. Tle in three sectio.s. 1, aol Bazley, Princeton' 52:20.5i 2. Hariy Nolan' Sbo.e ftere !e.. 7.r starters and bt, flnlEhers with tines detei- AC,5j,a9i j. lbny Dorohoe, ondouth Collese !A, 55;51i 4. nihilg the final llacitrgs of the runners. Pd L .r ''L, CB., the Bob keston leno.ial t6phy ilonated !y l4itt lataky, Cary lier.ej l4onnouth College AA, 55:4Li 7. Jeff koper!, St. Arthony's BC coach, {as avaded to RJan tor ii6 vic- Ocean Grove, 57!55i 8. Ton Bazley, slore AC' 59.119; 9. tory. aob Feston had been Metrololitan AAU LDR chairnan Jeif orere, Brick h{F., 59:55i 1O- lon iley.lt Shore AC, and coach of the N.y. 4ks and oland Street Soys tons Jis- 59:58i 11. aob carlsod, Shore AC, 50:17; 1:. clenn ltolDs]IOliIE IYAN VINS Tn{'IE ANNUAI, BOB PINS1ON FITE MI]]E



ro., yo -olr.

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L. Ilo{ie Ryar, 15, Ne! Yolk AC, 2r,a1.ai 2. Don Rove t :2, tovn, 61:?l; 14. Jon Maftin, Rsson, 6::l8i 19. Ru56e11 NfAC, 25:15i I, Charle5 Ka.arek, :0, !i11rose AA! 25:16i \ton€6j R!frson, 52.44; 16. Steve Jacobs, Uonnortn CotleAe 4. Dave Jack6o., f?, Milhose tAt ?5:40 (1st leenaner); AA! 6t:57i 17. !r. Georse Sheehan, Shore AC, 64:t0i 18. 5. Toi gotla!.ler, 18, so. Com.AA, 26::8 (:!d Teenag€r)! !. Celner! Deal, 65r04! 19. ross Matthevs, Oced TuF., 6. Neal Baeley, 18, Ne{ lrovidcrce, .J-, 26:10 (lrd leen- 55:r7i 20. Steve Propert, Ocean Orove, 65::5i 21. Joni ager)i 7. !ar.y Neman, L9, green. C611ege AA, 26.14; 8. SkisLa!! shoie AC, 65: 8i 22. Cene M1ior, OceDn 1\{!.! b9: lete r€varah t 18, Iairlield Striders, 26:l7i 9. gerb Hot- rli 21, Sid Fetn6, CJTC1 69:lli 24. Bernie lased, Shofe ACr ?O:51i :5. Erlie Johnsto!, snore ACt 72:28; 26. Dr. mat :1t Queens Collese AA, 26:4ti L0. Jim shitn, 17t !ive. Btse, N..i., :5:4li 11. Dave Xins, 20, CCNI AA, 26r David straiel, aJ\C, ?3t4151i 12, Eric rralure.,l2, 26.57113. Don Harivel, 16, New Lo-MlIl HAlll- 1. Bob Uim, !hi1a.Ac, 1:24:o6j :. Ranily hovidenc€, N.J., 26.59; 1rr. Bi1I 0rBrien, 17, lawille, }linm, Pti11.ACt 1:11:r4t l. Ron Daniel, NIAC, 1:frr0O; 4. l,.I.t 27:01 (linner of o@ section)i 15. Iralk Handeldan, ElLiott Dennan! shore ACj L:16:06i 5. tie, Paul lieAer & 25t \lIPct 27:10; 16. tuank Couftney, 16, Uestuood, N.i., Alan Uood, sho.e L:4?:11. --faliott D.nnm-^C, 2?r2?i l?- like nttena, 26r Miltro6e , 2?,)5; \8. Deqorn,


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lhonson, Brookhn, 25, 2?:16i 19. Chri6



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N.J.pru Dfv. r"1E-r, 50. (evin leddinAton, 14r Scotch !1ains, N..r., l{.O1. 51. ;!i$tia.ii:W1*{lwa&liw?:$i!{rqt Lrw.ncEviue Scnoot! Ned ae1lon, 19, gnester, N.Y., l4:01i 52. Bill Nekkirk, BoE Bdzto, Lons Bron.h, nashe!,,v, N.J., Jan. llst (Banked lign os hewins lo'mie run in 5?:20.s lO-1aD boarrl track) Mile ,5' unat., N{C, ll+.:1i 5l. ad Collins! J5! Baldrir! L.I., uatk:1- Ron Daniet:l4:29r 54. Leon lhrenlrels, 46, BrooklF, 14.J6i 55. Lee c.e,r-J. I.lJ11.os",AA.-./_-:oli-6--'10ycov"lLo, 18. x14,5: .6: . c.-a D.coo_d,. ;;;-4c.5:2..8. d_ookrv-, ,:06; ,.:r No1al, L ts-o"r' ' '. o ar'BAr'rv ! iI'Y', reb' ,.r€.ek January, ro, pleasantviuc, *.".,':\',sit'isl jJ' :1i:Ti-,.tf^:I cr'tr3 rNDooR oAMEsi 10-1an t.ack- r"iile aLk-'our 1Ki.by, r2, si. Arth. Bc, J5:o9i eo. s"i""-a"i", ig, usce, lill'lFl3l,l"":.lll.i'. Ac' frEt 5:l?'6i 2Ron Kulit;-N1ac, 6;17'5 (atz, 61. Gdy oo, 14, united 16:16i ;oiqe'"ijl'"..'"il;:l !"E-D"bo1d '-sho"'

r,.., d, wc, sz,t:: o. ia

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,li;;:"ii,3:::", ^",* ;:t:i, -'t!:;: ".",.*.,,':i.'e,".k];r 64. Bob cros6t 29, tsriarclirr, N.r., 40:51;.65. Joe^r,e6h_Ruteers unlv-r Ne! Bdnsvick, N.Jpeters' enl 2L' Douarston,'.r,. sue Nrc'4r:05. ;';.,'i"b"",i,"6ij ^^i,-,j,w;ffir, r. Eob r,''nd, sdla..qc, il:, ::;:l; -:r. ",,"- ?:45. __lxtiott Dennar_ ?:J5; 2. randy uimn, ",," err i.-Id, @

Nomoutn Beejonal {i!L!{9q1 ran.L8 milest 1,47oy o. the fie Long Dislancc Log couL.l veryvetl be pullishe.l1reekly jD order to cower lhch all. \lie witl .al.h LLp.ext mo, schooirs 440a track. It {as an Ea6tern E.S. &cord.

lunior A1\L Li Kilo 7f, Ji.i.h.r s srarrers, !5

SrarL of National

Photo b). Mi].e Ka\,anaugh

zli MIKE llir l YNES !!-lNS 5-MILER rihiLa, 1ra., Sundat, tlarch 2tMike B{lynrs, Sl.rling H-s. iu!ior, .urran LaSal . C(,L1.ge ac.. tr.nus Einn-r ,, .apture th€ 5rnil. ru! (lr.l ra.e oi a .!,riesl stonsore.- rri Naie B.n's Reliable o\..r an Ea:t n rer Drit. co(rr. in i 3irn.!n: l.arh, 1. :{lhe D!:r..i, P.nn ]\C. 25: r:rer, rnat , 28,8j 2. i.iii: 2ir l-!: .1. .i.r ,r: li.Nr, li11anora !1. :1 r:: l. l on-I 1l'r,jcle-


.i:1 . coll.g€, Zi,:I2;

a. Ir:.r.

.;:r...:j_.D, I'hLa. Irion.

rora r -r- I l, 3, Snit, Doughe.:i, -:. :-r :i:lE (lsl tet. )i :. :ir: i ::::., -'.\ilLanova AA, 2. : ,'r l]ia.,s, Srerlldg Lls : :. -.1 !.Cd, ijeni '\C i : : l, :,. rr lllrn!, l'cnn AC, l:: ::. l: : F.ilt.r. Ohrer_ .: :-r : :: :i 11, \1ikc Erlo., :-.:::: :. :-:'.1: 1.. Leon Dr.,h -:, r:.:: a 23r'12 12n,1 let. )i ' . : lr:.irrs, r!.sl Ceorgla a ::. :: ri li StanDanicls, U

znd Pla( e linish{,r \'rik. Kiinball Photo by Mike lia\anaugh

;.: :. ::i -\C 2:':l8j 1r. Elll Rock, !{ihh -\C, 2. : 1 . . :r:r.rl!, Olney K,, : :::, -i. -a.i :ltoa, pern 2q:.r8t 21. Gar-l. ttigg, L..:. ::, li::7; 21, .rohr Aa, 29t56t 23. Briah li.::-_ :: Heil€nnan, Olnet K., .lr:: l: ': ::::,aitn:an, PhilaPjone€rs, 31:,lirr 26, 1'a!: :.: I1:: :l-r OIet !4,, lZ:00i 2?. .rohn Deiley, !nat,, ll: : :. .:: :r.:a P.:nn AC, l2:23t 2!, Drimls Keller. :-i:. : ::: :l -i ll. \,rllre Fahelli, OLney Kj{aris, :i: : :. :: :.r J.n.r Jr,, 01n.:t Ki\ani6, 31:Zit:32. : r.', .:. :.= -. , l1:ill :1, 3i11 Casey. Oiret K,, i=:: r :-. -:: :a:, Olr.iy li , 35: ,1ai 35, Jidr Thomsen, Lna:.. : : :: -.rnt lrvin, S.ulhsid. TC. 38122; 3?, Dr, ?:rir ::: : :.et,, l8:?5i lti, .: -jrrbai€ P.inn AC, ClaLd. fiills, Penn 1C r: : : : 38:l5r .!0. Irank reiser. r:: : : -_ : j rlr 11, John O Rior_ .lan, PhiLa,AC. .10:30i 11. :r:: :::::. EL:]., AC, '11:21i +1. Allen Ra-v, Sorrhsirlt -a .:: ! rN,4.L 3-TVENT SEltrES S -:: 1.:--.: l, Jay ililtiansi 2. [rar!: ; ]r:: i : raaL col.lcarrrPi '1. :r:i Drtiheri 7, Date non SLanL.j i. JolD S.ilaii:i:. : ri.Ll la Sran Daniels, Rifterr 8, Mili.: t:toni L. Err. .. No|c..,. F.!1o1-,ids tl:e .:.. ::. .1 er tsottz re!orrcd on lhe artopst gjr.h:r'rrr :i. ..1. J-. .l Fittnan, N.J lasr Nft,aday, louorrrg Lr- a.a: : .:sr 5 r.lat's tac. He dii,d ol a beari arrach. Ca. .: :: 1: t!res Plrg.eed wnh a cLot. l nas lelt that his .,.n.::rr,-'rr .rii.l hav.i been ihh.rited as his lalh.r died at ltr.erll aic:rrL rl. (hardening ol lh. arlerier :r.i-i. :l:. .eartl. ,\ conicchre bt Da, B,,rrz !-as ihai ne !:1r9ri .ar. ni.id earli.r li he hacn't been a rudner dre i. L:. ri,r!:cn.-\


MFG. rt Etri6LAND


STNCE 1900


w[r rtER c0MM0t{wtaLTH



lJnrted Stales Track and F eld

F]ELO AND TsAcK IMPORTS, LTO. 0.80x 3652?, N0LSToN TEXAS 77036








ROAD KING v4@4!d!d!i**'


rhe 72 Munich O Vmpic Gamesand p€re in London ard Co ogn€ ln Inrdrnationa Track Maes, crosecounty and 1,orld Velerans I'larathon.

G.oup competition, Non compet included for trips. Conracr David 1160 Via Espana, La Jolla, Ca.

Grolp lmiled to





WANTED BY EVERV@NE TG,4 "MARATHON" NEIN ALL.NYLON UPPER $ 10.95 The lightest, faste.-t, slronEresf, most comfot tdble fldt er" r-ad". The king ot taring shoes, nitlrout an equal, withaut a challenuer.




The ideal ficingltftining cambination shoe. Special sponge midsoles absorb road shock at ball and heel. New long wearinq outer sale and spange cushioned tonque. Liqhtweight buffed calf uppers.


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Nylon racr'nq singiets (sleeveless track ierseys). Colors: red, blue, black, green, .lald, whjte. Sizes: s,m, l. $4.90


t ,l


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East S.l.l. West N.X.




75 Middtesâ‚Źx Ave. Natick, Xtass. 01760 s568 Sw Eishth St., Coral Cables, Fla. 3313,1 9073 Washington lllvd., Culvcr City, CaI.90230 6900 S.W. Haincs Rd. Tigard, Oregon 97223


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