03 72 ldl

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19? 2

:a .:.

-{-1 ,' Top eastern runnels, Tonl Derderian, North Medford Club, and Tom Fleming, William Paterson College. Phoro by W. L. we+â‚Źrfo n

NU}r'{BER 195











For inlormalion on any ol lhese programs write to:

C.,rl W. Cooper, Exe.urive Dire<]ot, Unired Stdtes frc<k <tnd Field Federction, 12 No h l0th Avenue, fucson. Aizono 85705

THE LONG DISTANCE LOG A PUBLICATION FOR RUNNERS BY RUNNNRS vollDe 1?, No. 195, March 1972 PUBLISHED MONTHLY under the ausPices oI the United Stales :track & Field Fedeiation' 1225 N. 10th Averue, Tucson, Alizoha 85 70 5, Annual Subscription Rales: $5.00. Add $3.00 fo! Lst Class Mail oa $5. OO for Air Mail in U.S A & Canada. single copies ahd back issues - 50f Please send tace r€su1l6 and article6 for Publication to Editor: H. Broeaing Ross, 3015 1\'. CenterSt.' lvoodbury, N. J. 08096


l. Tom Hotlander, fi, Hamden, c'anl., Ztz3,I7.6 Z" Ralph Thomas, Augusta, Maine,

2:3 0:3 0

Z:32t23 3, Bill OrBrien, 18, Millrose AA, zt34trI 4. Lt. Tom Chllder6, UsMc, 2t3at3I 5. Delvilt Thomson, Ner York AC, 6. Bill Harvey, New York Pioneea Club, Z:3?:06 ?,Bob Hirst, Penn AC, Zi3?r06; 8" Pat Bastick'


Mi1ho6e,AA, Z:39:0,{; 9. Roh Drogan, NMC, 2:39:2I; 10" Bob Zieninski, New York AC, 2:42:39' 11. Srcve Severed6eh, Twin cities Ta, 2t12:12, 12. Park Barbe!, 28, Harrisburg, Pa., 2t12:52t 13, Bruc€ Hyde, unar., z.13tzzt I1. vince chiapp€tta, 38, Millro6e AA, z:13:33; 15. Rob€rt By!nes, 18, Foxdham Univ. AA, 2:i|3:35; 16. James Kelly, 19, Foldham Univ,AA, 2:4'1:1'1i 17. Jim CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - Advertis€ tour I6enlrerg, Princeton Uni!. AA' 2,11:25', 18. Ed Bowes, increase your to or entaics, event to ihc!ease Pioducr sales. {53. OO ]!r i46ertion). !u11 or l/2 Page a.lvertis- New YorL Ac, 2:1ata0, )9. Neil lveygandt, rrehn Ac, 2.17.3I1 20. cary Nelsoa, Capitol TC, Zt19,Z3t 21. Dening rates sent ulon request. nis Healy, Lasalle lC, Z:19:Z6i 22. Martin Duffy, U. of USTFF NATIONAL MARATHON CHAMPIONSHIP' 2:.19:50j ?3. Hrlh s{eehy, Fantood-Scotch Plains Penh, April 29, 19?2 DES MOINES, IO1VA or O"' , ' .D at 1' ' Z:(A:02: 2E. ' .. : 0:0 For enlry Iorms aD.1 turthel i!formation, contact Bob zr50:38: 26, vicharn Benchakul, Roberr cartin, ria,t,, Ehrhart, Head Track Coach, Drak€ L:hiversity, Des 2?, Bill King, '!3, Pehn AC, 2:53:03; Thailand, :151r3r: Moines, Iova 503I1. Driscoll, 21, St. Francl. College, 2:53:1:l; 28. Dennis USf!.F M-{RATHON RUN, I|ICIIITA, K'{NSAS - lvra,v ?9. Richard CeLrLa.i, 16, iiannell TC, 2:53r38; 30, Ted Z1th, 1912. For entry foams and iutrher iniornation, Ccrlrt, :2, \1i'C, 2r-3:.11.rj 31. Paul Zulal<, 18, Utica contact H€rrn \1ri1soh, Hea.l Track Coach, rti.hira Staie :3.enakers, 2::1:19i 32. John Sl<isLak, ?3, Shore AC, Univer€ity, u ichita, Kansas ri?208 2:aa:2.9:31. Alan Cratch, .!7, ttica Paceftakets, 2:56: USTFF REDl\OOD EN{PIRE MARATHCN, ARCAAA' 02; 3,1. Fat rvaLloy, 37, Brookltn, N. Y. , Z:t6:A3i 45. CALIFORNIA - July 8, 1912, ior entry {orms and Stere Lubar, 19, S{artbmore CoLlege, 2:5f,r0'1; 36. Jo€ {urther i.tormarion, contacr Jim Hunt, Head Track Burns, .!3, Udred AA, Z:56:3I,37. Dan ]v1.ore, 30, Coach, Hl@loldt State CoUege, Arcata, Cali{olnia. MiUord, N.J., 2.a6,32t 38. Frank F.atti, 22, Montclair, I'r'. J. , Z:56:38i 39. ! rank Handelman, 26, NYPC, 2:5?: ALL-AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIPS'I'RACK COACIIES U; ,10. Paul Fetscher, 26, LIAC, 2:57:12; .41. Paut Leo CLnIIC. Held in conjunctioh wiLh th€ {ihest pre! dcet at Louisiara M.Soiley, ,12, l'€nn AC, 2:59:33; 42, Ed Jerofr., 28, in the nation. Friday & Saturday, June 9-10 \o - Dc . ' niv" , :.o 6: j ,. oh. Ca -F, i \, EcnNev Orleans. Rouge. Closeto Baton Slate Universiry, coache6r smok€r, athletesr banqueL with toP high school ncll TC, 2:59:3?; ,1,1. BilL Indek, 25, SIAC, 2:59:'l?; 45, trackscn" Top college & high school coache6 as clinic- Bill Mutleh, 23, l,ynn, Mass., StAl:Zgt 16. I)on Capron, ion'.o rdc 10, St. Anthohy's BC, 3:01:38; ,1?. Steve Grotsky, 30, ,lor'.Jor-u .alb I ocrcduc e'r'o, Milhose AA, 3:0.1:23r 48. Dan Fryel, 19, uillamahtic, Russ Col€y, Clinic Director, U!'-Parkside, O{Iice of conn., 3:04r23; ,19. Peler Agre, Z3' Johns Hopkins U., AthleticB, Kenosha, 1\.!sconsin 53140. 3:0.4:35; 50. Bill Nestor, 16, Lasalle Tc, 3:04:38i 51. TOM HOLLANDER lr'.lNs l'lTll ANNUAL CHERRY TRnE Mike l\'hite, l?, CJ1C, 3:05:15; 52. John AndrioLa, 18, MARATI-ION IN RECORD 2:23:1?.6 Iordham Univ,AA, 3:0at22) 53. Jim Lalz, 51, Ventnor, Ner York Ciry, March 19, 19?2 11:20 A M - aom Hol- N.J., 3:05:Z3r 5,1" Dich Kuscsik, 31, St. Anih. BC, lander, a 19-y€ar-old srudent ar nastern Michi-ean, won 3tA1ta3t a5. Tom 1vcbb, 33, unat., 3:0?:58; 56. Marc rhe 1.!rh annual Cherry Tr€e Maaathon in Central Park SeiI, 20, vesLchester Tc, 3r0?:59; 57. Dave Litrlehales in cours€ r.cord time ot 2:231I7.6 to crack I oe Ftcm- 23, MilLrose AA, 3:08:11r 58. By!on MFdy, 2,1, Penn iLgl6 2',23.44,2 record ol last y€ar. Se.ond dace nent AC, 3:08:12; 59" Bill Shanahan, '11, Mill!ose AA, 3:08: to Ralph Thomas oJ A!u6ta, Maine in th. fime oJ 2:30:30. 30j 60. JimNolah, .15, NYPc, 3:08:38i 6r. Major DenThird !1ace s,ent to 18-year-old BilL O'Rrien of rhe nis Leach, 33, Wesr Point, N.Y., 3:09:0?; 1,2. George l!,lilllose AA. OrBrieh tim€d in 2:32:23 ton the Junior Bateman, 25, Ugrer Darby, Pa., 3:09:38r 63. Ge!€ l,Iet, AAU ritle as the fir6! eligible ru44e! to finish His Minor, 45, shorc Ac, 3:09:38i 64. Jim tiiliams, 31, time also broke th€ otd Junior Met. -AAU record ol Phi1a., Pa., 3:10:l0j 65. Bill Bragg, 23, Bergenli€ld, 2:3!-.59 set last year by Rich Layer ol St. Jobn's Uniw. N.J., 3:11:08; 66" Ted Bick, ,+1, ULica Pacemakers, ': :0:ot, B--rJ do The rac€ dret a re.ord field ol 253 6tarters ltith 147 rCo'. -.T., ", l-, lor".. 3:lztz4i 6a" casey Castro, 18, Yonhers, 3:12.25: 69. Nina Kuscsik oI the Suffoll< ALhletic Club became the liirk Hagen, 31, Hartsdale, N.Y,, 3:13:03r 70. Rodney tirst woran to run tio marathons under 3 hours Sh. Carter, 50, Rochester TC, 3:13:l.l; 71" Lcon Ehrenprei6 finished 41st i4 2:59:33. Her othe! 6ub 3-hour .llort ,11, Brooklyn, N" Y. , 3:13:l5j 72. NaL cirulnick, 41, !as rccorded ih rhe New Yolk Marathon lasL fa]l. United AA, 3i13:17' ?3. Harry Berkowitz, 31, PenD AC, In the Vererans sectlon - Bill King of th€ Pen! AC took 3:I1t3At 11. Bob Carlson, arickLown, N.J, 40, 3:15:35; ' ?6. David honors in the ov€r 40 year group and Ted Coabirr ot the ?5" John Rossi, 35, Camdcn, N"J., 3:15:12; New York Pioneea Club took the bonors in the over 50's Ca.n, 32, nnat, , 3.15t15t 7 1. Martin Greenbarlm, 26, r. \1. ._oii AA oo tL F" ro h/ roe f -in-.i. vashinsron Sc, D.C., 3t]16t01, ?8. Irvihg TayLot, 57, ' rith 13 loints' f ol1ot .d by Lhe New York AC with 18 & CJTC, 3:16:17; 79. Charles Courtdey, Madi6on, N"J., Penn AC with 30, x eather: Clear & co1.1, about 4l]o 3;16:.10i 80. Dr. G€orge Sheehan, 53' Sbore AC, 3:16:54 Mis6 Pat Barrett, 17, Shore AC, ctocked 3r23:40 in 81" Cene Osborn, 5,1, Rochestet TC, 3:l?:10 (page 5)



These.oldA'!uaL1,iestva1LeyMeIetho.r)!erdFe}'ulJ13,l9T2,gavetler tere a'ling sorin; \,Jest xarle:r' !c ard Ssr, Uat;o Reeresiion Delei:der" elacr'll'\'!at rrho kno{s, ii a fe{ short vears) thi' re'e nal- riral 'quliuol:a as i'e r"t--i..t "i."". -;'; - l I .1o -. 8 '"; as beins en a..rate osrarnon. Comdittee

lrrr;' lhe rqce uas heid .. e dav lail.r-mede for noin rrlrer arrd sFctsttr' clcaf {irrc) 4ade ii ideal l:'r lrver'r're .liies) lealeraiures in.h: r.u 5O's) ard very littLe shmardi su]lerirtenden: oi Fe'rea_ tsill .oi"eireo. rrre race Nas of!i.i3L1v siarted bv their dasL co'l carolarr Arcrue' ii"" i- ."" cjfr of sar, Mateo, and 21i tard r'odies nade rJ 0 11'Trlal: in nanv of vhon tej; h.!i!g to run " queLifriog'ine :f ::-'o fo +r' ' juiir. rrt"..""rt re! e:uniie. A L: L2 lu'l1l/1! rire: iln 'tlFl narl C'S' :lt:zens rtu"o'!al had eaer lea:uc' .r.! u-.pt lo6ton and the AAU Chanli.lshiirs 'r Som.tnirg 6ood a!!€ar!d to be ia ihe rakug tner !'a fard'LE, cri! lljlLir, Jir lr br/ ttrt flre ai'e Darren George :.ne Backus, lan,qioJ.eo", 'fe'\!oi!: i'r'. Tlreir "ron!i'g aeorse ha.l irL 1ea ti.a' if,rra,' ey t.. n:le:, "nO 'raree Don', BeckusJ ard Crtreira iJ :ae r':l 'h:r'f:tin€ oi tl:cr+ !!t th;a 22 seconds ahead .f cixis ViLLer. qho i'ail:' seroldii snd tx (ar{lo.g Ceorge atav ftod had lroieE or, i,rg,t'tt, !o:"t ,1] !: ' h: ras e: t':r ii the! on lrack. Fron s€conds 2a;oiher i.it"" "4" "," 'ilisFn !1_'. ia 2:18:05.6, of clockins tc a linal i!3t rli." -, i,t*tr':e ir route 'ri tsl' .t ?rI7,22,2,llt setting a record lcr the nev couse llad :r' rD. rr: -r'llD.i"r:l rss orLlir iali'r' 15 scc'nds !ee! 10 to!1d hate his tine to Nlth alrr,ut a nile eo, lr' i'r ri:thir ljs flrot attem!'! at the na.athon dists!.e, nui -onLv 12 iours irrev:lusrr ccrded a Iq i. the Athen6 InvitationaL {ith a! 8:34.1i tvo nilei finislus trll t'urtenths benind oxtdcor iorld record hoLder EmiLe lutteoans ol 3e16iu'

Oi +,he !ex'! LL flrishellJ onlv fo'rth ald iil:L llacers lor !"he ar' BiLL 'rarL iaiLed io fecoril !!'s. SecoEd and third lLacers Dmca! I'{acdoa:ld ar'd Bloo!'la'n:s h'(tlro aL.nF',ii. liard.rg are Stanford srads) lrored that ex!€rlelce is not nnn'iari'rt'n tn'ir able t. .m rast iines as thev ren 2:2L:31 and 2:23:28 reslieciivelt' in rrausuret': ltit;erll fl.st 1ttenJ,i.. Ai the tail-end of the sub-2:3o grouir vas l'-Eer-'Ld I'jitcrr :lL.n' rrlirx 2:29:1r' Bul lrbelieteanla vir:h his 5ge record a r.rLd rLo claided 'r:t stort-: tLree o-:her {;i1d a;e r..ords tere nrokea ii tLris rac: 1"r:L''-e l-e:r' '1d |eri 'l 2:it:C?, e..gi" or ti.. San Di.eo TC took hold of the record if; hie age g"u! {itl1:: er'aifanilt'tf trocl:.g sone tNo to tlree oinutes off.f Daaid Coltez'nark. !'r tle foit:nii ilL i€lr 'l'l iJiLc sar lrar:rsro, this had to be one of their most l]roslerous e::efuo'ri rii.r' rlarl:tta 'afth:re 8-r€!r-i-d {ith a recold 36e 3:19:38r .i'i iis arou!'s licli.c iuied \.r ase 4r.u! re.ord Fith a 3:3?:08. A. if that Farr'L 'roLga) rr-.':af '-r rerl: : r:- i':rrr' i"l z.ok i,f sa. -ria5.:: ran ar lncrican rec.id :or lis a€"r 't)tt)' :''j :_'r::: :'': ii r : _ lD air-isl 2:lt:18 3 slrendir ru" ;niih .1 l1.nnr il.o.du, r ':': i : :rr Su:ii:r"rl', Lec'! ilb-!: a:er t !4-.ni-!1,..mle-liiorr. f'!L icE") 'in r: :_ :::i: ::'1:r!rr L3r'riF rln:! e!)a1 i i:.:!3rrr iir: .:::l+Tr3+ iD:3:! !-:r:

Ctrlliror; .r !:.i:'ir..


able l:2i : l,'.

:--:ir r.! l:r: .r ::- :::r, : - :1rl' r:r r teir,r 'o@er'd-

h.:t '''es: La.l.:,:a -::: :i::..i:r -.:r. -r-1. :i :r.rrr: I I]tint' (ilei :cnreL a :.Er l1:rr:10 tira 13 l 1:. :.:r i:::::-: rl :r-: ll::.i ycar), rril;.:' 6last ledect I:.::r:. iotar o! 1t tean. l'iEisl-ea I :.::.: -t:"t' 'a"':' i" rlaLind tn13 le'ri: '3'e a nen.rat,l.e .ne and n.!r. :: ::'i' ::"_::"l'a. to the O1.n!i. T.ials rn t!€:1:, ..f.::: cot!ectiontoIe6ulLs-Due|oSoD.unoillcialrf,raersthatwele'.]colded,butnd|.]is.ov€Ied the stil €xahihing the linish phoro6, sor.c ot thc :iires irste'l abov€ are in error' Belorv are The

people who lver€ €J{ected and rheir ilrti - q.",. Ialucci, 3:16r52 (oid

- Phil sch;ffne!, 3:36:5? Ugth - Maryclta Boirano, 3:3?:08 120 . George Co1.]mah, 3:37:15 3:it:1j lzl - Ed Tico, Jr., 313?:50 122 - Larry Fox, 118rh

I23 - Bob Wood, L2,l - Tod Graycar, 125 - Teatius chan.1ler, 126 - Danicl Sullivah,

3:38:2! 3:38:'1'1 3:38:4'1 3:18:4!

tnne)' i:l':5? (Actual time) l:rt:rlE lilT:I5 a:l?:13 lil?:50 3:3812+ l:18:11 3:18113 3:+2:20 3t1Z:18


- Ih€odore Jones




- Erian Davis 3:'12:20 3'11'\4 129 - Ed*ard Hannigan', 3:12:'18 128



- Johh Arb€rav' Jr" 3:4512'



- Tom o\en' Jr" 1:11 t4 3:15:2'


jr4 l ls'.:i7i.iri;[]] i.





l:1 ii{!.1vr-

i;: -:;t ;: ;",:,;


14TH ANNUA! CIIERRY TREE MAIIATHON - Continued 82, Bill Coyne, 50, Millrose AA, 3:17:23j 83. Ro6s yate6, 48, CJTC, 3:t?:30; 84, Don Dixon, 4.1. We6r Sid€ YMCA, 3:1t:.r5i 85, K.hCo1e, t7, Norrh Caldsell, N.J., 3:Zt:20r 86. Jack St€tch, 36, Brooktyn, N.y., l:21:50r 8?. Erich Segal, 35, Now Haven, Conn., 3:2t:52; 86. Jame6 Noran, ,!7, 1l€sr Side yMCA. 3:ZZ:OOi E9, Geoige Bran.lenburg, 12, CJ\C, 3:Z2t38t 90. Bob Mutler, 47, Brooklln, 3tZZt45.,9L Ted Brown, Z?, l_lushing, L.I., 3tzzts1) 92. David Kurman, lE, Pfinc€ton Univ., 3,23:2Ot 93. Ha*,kins Mauldiag, CJTC, 3t23t21, 91, Jim Fis, 39, Fairlietd Striders, 3t21.26t 9a. Bilt Leonard, 3.1, port Wa6hington, L.L, jtZ . 27; 96. Mike KauJman, 29, 1lhite Plains, N,Y., 3:2?:0?j 97. D"V. Fargunat, 3?, unar,, 3:ZZ:50; 98. Ha!ry Henriques, ,1,1, Shore AC, 3:28:,15; 99. A1. Venskus, 31, D@ont, r.1,.t., ::29:SS;100. Jack Wa1lace. 40. yon_ kers, N. Y,, 3:29r5?j 101. Toh K€rr, 26, Utica Pacemakers, 3::lO:05; lO2. Don Logah, 5?, CCC of Dalta6, 3r30,10i 103. Jonarhon Peace, 1?, Wa!pingers Fa1ls, N.y., 3:30:Z5j 104, Ed Ciahamr ,15, BroE, 3:iO:30t tO5. {,1.n! ln;t'"*, 38, st. Anth. Bc, 3:30:40. Lap Lea.lers: 1st-znd-MoE€s Mayri€ld, 29:56, 56ta9,3rd_Tom Domely


AA' \fARA fHON Feb5Johh Virale, 2], Slnday, Middletorvn, Conn., oJ East Hawen, running under rhe batn.f ol the Neu Hav€n TC woh thc 1st Annuat Connectlcur AAU Marathon ChampionchiD in rhe crceLlent tiliF oJ 2:19:01.4 rn a fi.1d ol IO5 aunners, Virale tookthe Iea.l al the outset & with his lluid srride scemed to ju6i tloai aroun.l the course rwice, Thc first time aroun.l io Obsertaiory Hill, just short of th. hau wa-v harl! h€ 'vas timed in JOHN VITALE WINNER OF CONN.

1:0 4:


FLORIDA TRIP PAYS fOR FOSTLR I,ong Branch, N..1,, sunday, Januarl 30- Th€ Mohmouth Coll.,ge rracLteam 6 r.rc.nt rraining trip to Ilorida laid lts Iirst big diridcn{] roiay, tn rop shap. aiter a neek ol har.l t orlouts ir1 Fi.'ida sunshin€, Monnourh Ir-.shman St€1-e Fosr.,r oi Point Pl€asanr.ove!.:d Z0 kilos (12, 1-milcs) over icy srr.cls jn l:0?:23 lo (in the road ru sponsored !y the clily oi Long Branchrs Dc!r, ol Re.rearioi, Parl.s and Cons€!-


Rob€rt I{emsley of Millor.l Placed s.c.nd in 2i3':28, somc L7 mihuLc6 behinC Virale BtDce Ellis oI Boston AA was third !n Zi3E:05 There ncre 105 sralr.iis anil 65 cr.ssed lhe linish linc The last runner q as troDe i. 1:23:ll Vitalc Fas morc than PLcas(:d tith his time blt l.r1r iI he rtas prcssed he c.u1.l hare rth laster. iDlD Kellev, .11, a former Roston Marathon f in. Fitch in Grotort came i. 16th Ln 2r52:l?. He lik': al1 the runn€rs, traised lhc Lo.al codse and said it \a! a bir rougher than rhe BAA course fed Corbitt, 52, ol New Yorl! lvon th. over 5l) awar't, .oming in ?6th ih 2:56:13- Ir nas his l55th matathon, The race nas run over the snow .app€.] hi11s of Mlddletorvn ahd \4idnlcfiekl bur lhc roads trtre .lear ahd onlv Lhe lDn'i Hill se.tion tas har.l on $e run4crs reli: at the slart was r{,ar 39 an.l droP e.l srr:adill alt{:r the

l. John vilale, N€r' Ha'en :rC, 2:1-!r!1,5i 2 Ro!€rr Hemsley, NIiUord, Conn . 2:16:Z8i :l Bnrce Elll_', Boston AA, 2i38:05; l lnn Snirh, N.rrrnich 2:'11:011i 5, Srewe riatos, \lJesl.i-van, 2:1': i0j 1,, \1iln, Baairr, \." car:aan Stoughton, Mas5,, 2:1:1:11: ? SiE\. \.rfr:, 2:.r5:53j 8. Chris ChatrLt:rs, : 1a:!ri: I ran i-ars{. l::i :N.w llaven, Z:4a:at) )ti. Neil ,j-rn.r!., rl:r:i.r. 11. Al N,{echan, Oid Creen:i.h, :::.r, r : :l.r: ::': baum, w.sleyan, 2:'1E:3E ll. Lou \1:riin::, 's:::r: 2:.!8:.15j 1,1, Sc.Ll Langill. Jr', \L.ld1E:ori. 2 jl:-l: 15. Ra! Hal1. Ne{ingkin, 2:52:lli l. .r:rhn J. IleiL.r ' Mysric, 2:52:l?i 17, Carl rrJ.siL,er!, !larnder, 2 alrlli 18. Harry L. 1\'e11es, Jr', Nransii.ld arr.r(rr' Zil3:l8l 19, Eugenc J. McMtrrimaD, Z:53r'1!i 20. Gart Burloot' Groton Long F.rnt; 2l 1li]1iam Smith, Miuoad, 2:5b:!+, ?2. Paul Felscher, 1V, Henpst.ad, N. Y , Zr5li::r5i 2l vin ! an.1etti, 1! erhcrsIicld, 2:a6:la: 24. Brian SaliLon_ is, ltor.esler, Mass,, 2:5i:l6i 25 llnD P flaLr, Old CrcenFich, 2:58:41; 2o red CorbjtL, N!PC, 2:58:13; 2?. suzz D.Robbio, 3:rli:30i 28. r_om Conn.LLt, Eait_ fiel{1, 3:02:Zlr 29. P.rer Jon.s, Han1.l.h, l:0i:0i: l0' David Ro.he, 3:0?:3?; ll, Ste!€ Coselino, Harnden, 3:lt9:Iit a2. MarkSDcrre, 1lr, llartfor.l, l:11:13r ll ,{rtufo Monl(:ro, Stamlord, 3:12:09i 3r. Raymond Ddgerlt Jt,, Bristot, 3:14:lt: 35, Jiin Lat,, Atlantic Citt, N J , 3:la:29: 3.. Dr, R- E, McCarthy' Mi.l.il€tlrvn, 3:lo:08: 3?, John lmboden, Ji., New Ha\en, l:16:11: 3S AIlred c. xrilliams, Lcdyar.l, Ct., l:16:2lj 19. \lrlliarn Tribou, Sifrsbury, l:19:2Or '10. Brian l. Heidtman, NotwL'h, 3:ZO-.aat lL Thomas D- Stonc, l:21:0li 1?. Kim r\4urPhv, Mtstic, 3r21:3.!1 43, Pct.r D. Ljtltelield, Eristol, 3:z1i 35; ,1,1, Jamc6 Taylot, Mansliel.l Center, 3:22illi '15' Fr.dcrick Robbins, Ashland, N1ass,, 3:23:35i '1!. Robr' Logan, HaltIord, 1:2315\', 1i John Procvli, 3:2i l0l 48. James Brubal€t, Sunnyirrook, N Y, ' 3:2?:11i ]9. Jack R, Foster, Southi,ston, 3 2t 11 aa. \ld. A Jones

I o. mosr.l the race, lhe ra.e was set by Shor€ ACrs Slc'c Ross. a ljed.li. School senior f ho e:.elled a tear ago lor Oc.an TownshiP H. S Roes (as ah.ad b-v l00t tt'o thirds ol ihe waI thtough the ra.e, b l Loster gra.lually nhitrled the eap doq'n belor. th. pair comllekd their six lools oJ 1.8 milcs

api.ce throLrqh Liberon streers. 'fhe t(. q.rre still neckand neckhradjng lnto th€ final E,l0 of a rnile la: aroun.l Talanass.. Late, but Fostcr turned on th. st.arn to tri,1bt a 100_yar.l margin Ross was .lo.k,d h 1:0 i: 12. A.oltier i\Ion,-outh Cro,lege !arslt]l aonner, soPhomore Cary Pier.e oi Long Branch, landed ft€ third-|lace tro|hr.. Fortt-three runners srartea ani 3i lnished. 1. Stere !_oster, NionmoLtrh College, Lru?:2li 2. Ste\-. Ross, Shor€ AC, l:0?:42; l. (lary Pierce, lvlonmoulh Co1leEe, 1:09:00: 4, Russell Jones, Rumson-Iair Haren Regional LIS, i:10i1lr a. Bob Bazlet, Princeton Univ , l:La:32i 6. Bo! uhitman. Shore AC, L:lLr05i ?, .iim Itci..r, RBC, l:!2:1,4i 8. ]'€ter Bri1i, Shole AC, 1:12:rlii 9- Kcvin Rurt.ts, RBC, l:13:56i 10. lony Donohue, Nlonmouth ColLege, lrl::39r 11. Lou C,,ltuur, APHS, I1i,:-:tr 12. r.rih Ra:nussenj liulg.irs l:1ir:'16i ll Tom Ba/Ler-. Shor. AC, I l'13i 11. Ste!e I)ro)err, Shore AC l:L.r =2 lr, :aI F. .l'€'., F.EC, rZr':-3i 14, -r.hn Rafter, :.:i:. rl:r:r l Dr. a,:.r:,. SL.eLan, Siore AC, Ir20: : r l_ ar::::i:.arli. Bra.l1.ti Beach, lr21:01; I,q !lrnic -i.:::s:r. Shrr.: rC, lr21 :12: 2a. Jim Schoepllin, OTHS, , t!:t. a . t)r. ij.!: 1!'111, Sholl: AC, !r22:30i 22 Jim ::1,, -111arri. crty, \.J., 1:22:11; ?3 lrtihg Taylor, CITC, l:21 li; 2.1. N.rfuan Ajr!1egat., CJTC, 1i2.:09i 25. Br11 Bialis, Sh.r€ AC, l:2b:25i ?6 Phjl 1\!Lze1, OTHS, !r2i:ll: 2?. Tom Baun, Shore AC, j:28:l0j 2lj St€ve Jacobs, Ilonmoulh college, i:29:l8i u ! r-atne rl€11s, OTJIS, lilI)rrEj 30. Bob C.Ldoh, Shorr: i\C, lr30: L8t 11. Jim lrotan, Shore AC, 1:30118i 3? trat tsa.retr, Shore ,\C, l:lti:Z1i 33. D'r, Darid SPanei, CJTC, 1:33:21;

2r !ll,O I!ALK L, John ]|hilr.h, N€r v.rk AC, L:3'1: ,1t: l. To.ld S.ully, Shor. -AC, lr3ir:12: i, F.r Dani.1, N1'AC, 1:l9r.r5i .1, Ray Some.5, Pria,.roa, Lri9 52i 5. Tem' RDr KuLik, \YAC. 1:'13:lbr ii. IIn:i. ija aiar.l!h, 11e l:n1v,, l:.11:1-oi ?. ilLiort Derlar, S1.r. AC, l:a!:19

Southingtoh, l:27:58. Team: iConn.AAU)- 1. Strarlor.l SPartansi 2 Harriotd TC

Mchiel J, (Milt) Ryan, *ho made Idaho a 1n nis U vearr !h-e :5 r1.k @alh, L9& ihe d,sti^ctd r; trLl .r Frxn: b rn ri s .oJcn

Tne l&ie

nred l)l'lnmt

re-1i had ar tnree difl*ent Olynpi.r -:iose nj l9:i, l9:1a0d l9l3bdt of 6a1ine in lwo othe.s 13d0, dd l9l: patudpated E a disnce ru;o H. r@k a medal in neirbe. otre. tur botwm 1910 d'i912 ron vr:uaily e'er] mardr long distdce race in tie sorld. Th.! includen h. l9l: Bos na.:Lhm, where he sel n r.trn that snl! s_sC i0 tom later. Ale tnc 10,0m

dd :tmne na.i'!hh evsis in EnglMd dd Canada Neespapefs ol thc dry .alLed niD \d!h lrh three *orld\ nete.

ihe 1rcrld\ greaiest long drstarce l@er" . . He 15 !€as, ar ldaho 12, at Wvming three ard directed an athleli. !@Prxo in Guatehala.

rccods coached

at Colby

SPAAAU RDSUI-TS - 4th PETERS CANYON RUNS (New Course) Febauary 19, lgzz OPEN 5,6 MILES - l Ron Kurrte, 23, pCC, 26:49 CRI

2. Phil Ryan, 27, CWAA, 29:ZO;3. Daa Callahai, 29:31 4. Don Ocana, 29:50; 5. Alex 1vare, Z9:58; 6. Keith Souk_ kale, 30:23j 7, Roberr O'Bri€h, 31:06; 8. Lce Barson, 17, dat., 31:.,10; 9, Marc Davis, 2.1, cWAA, 31:alj lO. Jay M€1lon, 32:16; 11. Nick prie6t, t5, uar., 3l:lzj 12. Creg Brown, 32:,15j 13. Owen corman, .,12, STC, 33:.1(,i ]il. Tom Ialley, 31i6,, la. FhiI Rahsital€, 34:09! 16. Rob€rt Ntman, 33, C1AC,34,ZZt 1?. Tom Bair.1, 34r35, 18" Rus6etl Bros,n, 34:36j 19. Don Borler, 3.tr,t3j 20, Don Smitt], 35:O3j Zt. Sam Nichot6on, ,!3, STC, 35:10j 22. Joe V€negas, 35:24j 23. Ron Adam€, 35:.!.t; 2.1. Jo€ Rubin, 35:,til; 25. Arthur Ardres,, 3?, STC, 35:.,19; 26" Merlyn Midstokke, 4t, SMAA, 35:5Or 27. P€tel Cass, 35:5Oj 28. tye6 Aldelson, 3t, CCAC, 36:lz 29. Bob Long, 53, SCS, 3?:35r 30. Ralph At1i6on, 39, unat., 37:.,15; 31. Mikc Ahlg!ih, 3?:49; 32. Joe Mendelso4, 3?:51i 33. John Mohtoya, 60, STC, 38:13; 3,{. Tom McCaley, 38:38j 35. James po\rers, 38, unar., 39:04; 36. Toh Holroyd, 39:O?j 3?, Joho Noble, STC, 39:08; 36. John Carcia, 53, STC, 39:12; 39, Art Smari, 39:.10; .10, Michael Crov.s, 39r,15; 41. Ben creen, 39:,18; ,tZ. Arthut Foley, .10r.!3i ,13. Jades B01e, 6.1, Seniors TC, 40r50; .14. David Beste, 33, unat., ,tlrO3; ,t5. Linron SDith, Jr,, 41:08; 46. Kyle An.lerson, t:, uai,, .tlrZ?j .l?, Frank Small, ,11:Z7r .18" E.t Ke_vsa!, jar, trlat., .11; 35i .19. Bill Jacobson, .:11:51; aa. KeEn Uar, =2r12; ,1, Dan Brown, 4\, Dnar., 12t24: 52. Ivy Gorman, +2rjlj 53" Richard cib6oh, ,13:26j 5,{. C.eg Ritcy, .tl:lOl 55" Walt Frederickt 64, STCj 43:,15' 56. Joselh ltehrh, 56, SCS, .43:50; 57, Do!1g Doner, 44:45j 58. Joe c]onzal_ es, ,,14r,18j 59, O1e Strand, 4.t:50; 60. JoG Iilass, 50, STC, 4,,1:58; 61. Emha Childers, .!5:Z8j 62. Dah Ander_ son, .13, mat., 45:29; 63, A1 Ray, 39, STC, .15:50; 6.1. Lew Dexlef, 46:13; 65, Al Burton, 62, SaC, 47.56. 3.4 MILES JR. fIS, ELEM.t WOMEN & GIRI-S 1. I.€oo Laub, IaAZi 2, C},atle. .A6suha, l8:a3; 3. Frank Assrea, t9rU; 4. Ron Rehaish, t9:39; 5. Walrer Bridg€s, 30:58; 6. Daniel Stonej 2A:58., 1. Ion:y Zeneea, 21r15; E. Ron Kutzke, 2L:35; 9. Dave Foel1, ?l:36; 10. Steve Walkel, 22:041 11. Mike A661ba, 22:1.1;12. Rich Maaveay, 22r38. (31 finishers) --Joh Bremarq__



?I 22





A I r52r36


r rs? rs5 I r53 rs9 CCrC I r54 r 05 SrC t rE5 r 07

3? 17 l r55 [3 2. UStrC I r55 r 34 Ir5st40 12 6*14 I r56 r 03 scs '.25 CC|C rr57rl7 I r57 r33 scs lr57r35 l.o 4l src tr53r25 2 40 sBra 1,5ar33 44 SrC 2ril r12 3 40 2r02r13 4 .0 4l scs 2t03rl0 s {o sFr^ t2 arl?r43 2r03rtr


33 varr {^NEN'.JAdEs


2 ?

r09 r?4 r09 r?t

src 2rl0 t







LrP0 2tl0rl3 crc 2rllr04 13 ccAc 2rltr35 2tllr40 .0 scs 2rl1r40 6

2r cc^c 2r12r50 2rl3r4B I 4r stc 2: !3 r56 4r uNrr 2r14r53





sEE(lNq tc3{pLEs

7I 72




73 79






P.A. A.A.U. 3O.KILO CHAMPIONSHIPS 32 !LLFICHIREI!NOLIJ r!-e6tlake, Calif. , February 27, 19?2- The S. p. A. 3OB3 CLOSSEN,ROFEPT kilo dlew a laige lie1d. Ron Kurrl€ o{ pacilic Coast 35 PAI AN !DIMtIEY club won ia ah aulomatic record (oei .oursc) t hr" 39: 36 TFNDELS0NtJ0F 576, As usual, Phil Clarke prt togethcr a smoorhly luocrioning chamlion6hiF Only the rteather rclus€s to co opeiate so hext year rhe start will be moved upto ? 9I AIOERSON,KYL€ a.m, Kurrle kept a 6teady Face to pult lar away troa Bob Pric€ over the last 5kb. 93 KFANSBEPG INAROLD OEn Teatu: 1. Senio!s TC, 8j 2. SC Stri.lers, 16i 3. Santa Balbara AA, 21. {132 slarters) 1!€ath€r: 1\'arhl 96 IXENsENFY!'ENNIS 97 ZAPPAS,IILL'^N 1. Ron Kurrle, 23, PCC, I:39|a7, 2. Bob Prlce, 25, AIA, 1r,,13:03j l. Joe To1€do, 2.1, SfC, 1:43:.10; ,t, Dick 99 VO6ELGESINCiL Woelk, SCS, 1:,16:50; 5, Orviltc Atkins, 35, STC, 1:47: 06! 6. Don Ocana, STC, tr.,1?:24; ?. Jim Davis, SCS, SO^UTH.DAKOTA STATE UNIV. 15l:ll] METER FREDIC. 1:.17:58j 8, Jobn Burns, SBA4, 1r48r25; 9. Ron Wl6e, TO\ N. re\dL-r | _F o. Broor:rgs, S. D. . 5dL. ,D SBAA, 1:i19r09j 10. Johh arennand, 36, SBAA, 1:49;29; , l\,ta.h 25, loi2 a:tO p. M, i8o, clo;v ll, Dave Hellern, L19t13t IZ, Keith JeIfe!s, SBAA, .:)0 u-a .. _ E:rO :OO: /. Boo pF,<c-, 1:,19:5{r; 13. Larry Pontinen, 30, SBAA, l:50r26; 14. Lnz-., c:r -:.1r' -:O : .. (r:,h Ron Holkins, AtA, 1r5l:31; 15, Michaet Mahler, 29, _,rl u-ar., .:.0 7.28 _:02. ,.,." :. Bcrb-r".ratk, SCS, 1:52:11j 16. Jam€s Percz, 25, CwAAr 1:52:30; )r. u.al., 4:?q - z:zd _:aa. r4o arni"h-rs, S.


THIRD ANNUAL HAMDEN ELKS ROAD RACE 4.5 MI. Hahde!, conn. , Febluary zo, t9?2. wearher: i8o, ve_ry windy. cours€ Record: 2t:20.4 by Johb vta1e,

o7r.spon"or:han.r"nEis. 1. roh! vitale. 21t36.5i z. ..ete squiren 22i18; ., sdith, 23:4,1r .1. Kea schaaf, Z3:5ir 5, Caxr we6rberg, 'tz3:55; 6, Bob Ro6en, 2.1:Ooi 7. Bob Heawens, 24:08; 8. Daryl Thohtoa, 24:15j 9, vin cu'rey,_z.r:35, to. paur Williaos, 2.1:4?j ll. Henry Da!ci.k, 25,A7rtZ. Batan


&uoi"l oHro, MnRcH 5, 1972 ""aas, c".."", o.i Ju"-i ;;":::'.::l'.,"'l'h*o'do-vbd'r''o.eroad6o.F-

l;'l1rtr3T;,IiTi,';""!lll","i"1i;,',]";,""ilii;.". ua,ri, ,.

u"""am, 5l:41r .t. Dah Adams, s5:09 ".** ;. p*r c..g..y, si,r3j 6. Jack Silveri, 57:z:zt 7. De Jim Ak1ey, 59:03; 9. rrayre Do ".. ".;;,";;l;r,;. ,-_, ;;"r; ;. ;_ ri:rTil1."""lj$. Littlerield, 25:oej 13. ro; o".,i.,'zr,ro,.ra.,,cri!t. 6,)t .5: ir. ;;:;. ;*J;":".; _tj,,ii: carlsoh, z5:Zl; I5. Mark Atlaben, 25:36 (i6r HS); l,i. rr,r,, ri u"o i.ld*", t2t59t r5..;;;-;.;.;,";;:;: Lou Markuas, 25t42t !7. .Jatn calant, zA:28; 18. r"r," ,;. i".." ar,".i", ii,rr, ,r. Jerry Mitrer, 66:z9i 18. Hare, 26:35, i9. Jeff wald€n, 26:43i 20. B^ilt Tur-tey, roo.ranck, 6J:57: ze. Dan -"";:r:.,-';,,;,";. _ .",".,;;,;,,;i.-;r".kLind6ey, 26r48; 21. Dave carlson, 26:5ti 22. Mik€ sega1, z!;58; 'i"",*."irr, ?9:l3r zz. Joe Hickev 23. steve Casoliro, zTtAZ:24. Braibe Ede1e, 2?itr5; z:. ,,,,ti, z-]-. ur,oS, 24. Joe Loohis. 82:31 *"r"ro U.""o",",", z-:-2. t." va <atn v-.ore-t. lH s r- 1. Malli Lihdsey, 1?:18i2. srad 27.26t 27" Don zet[ick, 27114 ilsrver.),28. lim Tav- :- "-'.:ti tat, 21116 (z^d vet. ); 29, Peter Ailaben, 28:ooi 3Lr. 18:12; '1. Rex corthen, "1-=t :-L11c1iande1l, : ' '-'i' J ('hri6 Hickv, --i 19r03i 6 Scort Hoc!€r, 19:3zj Geotg€ Lattarulo, 28:l3j 31. Tod Murrav. 28:tb: tz. -' r 'ksan'lers lr)i50; 8 Ed zioherle, 2oi15j _ Paul shandrowski, 28:21; 33. Kevin Mcti',""','. arc' zo 10 1o. Tom Br@baugh, 22:3\. 9. St€ 34. caly orirerhan, ,*,un, au. n'"'r"} iIR{NS (oVER .10) N4Ir-E RUN- t. Rotand Aaspach wotuan). . 68, ea c.-_ ".44. carolln couif, 3o:02 (tst ".-" owifz, 58, 36:25 (oldest {inisher). ?6 Jini€hers. ::11: 2. Douslas sanders, 6:,r?i :. l."yn. v"..to,'6,sr Notc6..,Johh Vitale ran away llom rhe fieid to u.ir. 'C.irse may be long. --t\.ayne B. yarcho__

hi6secondstIaightr'4a5hingLonlsBiIthdayIac.'Pete squiles of Maohattan college stay€d wiLh vitat€ tor three miles but had !o serue Jor second place. rhe veather kept the h1,-b€r of rbners dovh, espr.ralr. out of tovners. TheHahdenrtt"ataurio";oU,,t. the race an.l the delicious buffcl aJter th€ ru. --Carl Westberg--

:1.'1\ART RAcEs ro sllrIFT 8-MrLE lirlN Ar MoHAlr' :::a. Oklahoha, Saturday, February 26, I97Z_ cear _ .rt o{ strlle arrr outdistanccd thc tietd in an 8 hit€ a c dt \"l.lrask Park Stelrart puUed away{romReid ::::ier sooh after the trvo hile dark& Doved steadilv ::attowinbvovertuomrnltes. St'sart s tlhe ras r:..r1 39:13 oh the flat accuratety-measure.t coursc. ,6 M1LE RoAD RACE, vALFARArso, INDIANA . i:D tr:litesicte edged out Harotd McDonat.t in a ctos€ Febtuary 27, 1972. Course: Two loopB, moderaret, r.::1. to *in rh. .tO & ov€r age .hvision. folling, Weathe!: Overcasr, cool & {,indy, Course ars, lie Tulsa Running Ctqb ina;gurared ir6 comDuterized tance actuallv 15.8 friles .:iri:cap svstee, u.a to-y...-ota vr,,t uirrl, l. Chuck Koeppen, l:24:10,8 CR (O1d course r!cori, ::.tre.. Eruc€ MacMullin is handliag ,n. ."-r"i_-""-,1," r:21t2o r)t 2. steve Lewark, 1:26:35; 3. cary Har, ::i in rvhi!:h han.ricap6 are base.l on the besr three TR{ """ l:27:49j ,1. Caal Carey, I:zEt3Zt 5. Hal Higdon, t,ta.:. ::..s duting th€ pasr year. 6. Ceorge Chrictophet, L3A:59,"1. O."" S-itl, t,::,:.:, -a"rt A.tud.jelt edg€d Ierry r,ewis ia the trvo oiie 8. St€ve Kearney, t:33:35j 9. Kurt Shellcnbere.:r, t::=: ..... ti-" or 9,,+j,r. lzj 10. John simpson, r:39:r,r; B r Hussd.n, r:lo r= - r "r.orr r 2l rn th. 8 mil€ aDd 1.1 in fte tro-mire I<en Ziejiew6ki, 1:39rt4j 13. Erl Winrow, l:j9r53: t=. the stea.ly attendahce ar TRC races-cturing Harold Fudge, 1:4t:29; 15. Ed Jcfome, 1:.42:53j 16, ts.r -a:taine.t :.. rihter r.erio,1, rjrc a sunny 40- rvith Lyn.h, l,12:5!.;17. Len Hoppe! t:.16:Z?; 18, Stu Sr.rr. ::lr \ind, r:18 0q ta. . j r Eo, -.". :ro:40: / ,. , ,_v __\4 | n1:50r15j 21. John Coriden, 2:01:28, . a-:eorge Sre.vart, 22, Srr|,,atFr, 15, DNF- Mike Dallila'; Tim Sx.itzer; Jan Konech_v _r :. :r.id Hart.r, 21, Srillwar€r, ,t,Et ZS,Z6 ffi il,i3 BiUFihk. ,, F.rson Danicls, 23, Bacone, tO,;t, '-i --CarlL. Carey__ Ze,Ol lg,iZ j_:i:ck r,ucero, 19, Eacone, Lt:00 28:42 .16:21 NJGHTINGALE RACE IiIINNER IN TEXAS L il)r BrLrnett, t8! Okla. City, II:11 Z9.ZI 16:56 Lackland AFB, I€xas, Feb. 19, Capt. Conra.l Nisn. n_ .. Clen Dl,rrough, lO, Tulsa, II:29 29:27 t7:34 gale, Lacklahd AFB vererinarian, i, lar._r McDonatd, L?, Broken Airo,,, 49:,16; 8. Nor-"o tl," tO, OOO". .i:., I."tlr. of the di€tah.e rubning program : l_10. aoLr B.]€r, 1.1, Tutsa,5t:t2; ed by rhe San Antonio chapter olthe Narionat toe:r.p 11. cene A.1aDs, Association at Lackladd_ Hi6 time was 3t:.1s. -,Llsa. 5z:12 1t, Mike Rrdisaite, 18, Tulsa, 5z:51; 2. Larry Seethal€r, 3Z:45i l. Ralph Crant, j3:l!: t. 11, 1:er! lvhiteside, 52, Tulsa, 53:53 tt", v.r. t+. ), M. Hcr6h, 3,{:20i 5, Jerry Sarvadi, l4:5Or b. Terrv llaroLC \l.Donaln, {.i, Broken Arroq., i3:57; 15. Art Doaovan, 35r10i 7. Jiemy cilbert, 35:ZOi 8. Chu.k Bro,rnirg, ,1t, TuLsa, 56:,1?r 16, Jack Manclevi]]e, .1?, Frawley, 35:.10r 9. Loreh Drrh, 35;.t,t; lO, Rohcir Ens- 1rlsa, i7:12i 1?, J.hn Sherma!, a2, Brol!n Ariov. hinget, 39:i0i U. Bob Tioiiall, 39:18;12. Jahes Jone6, ai:jiir 18. Jim Butler, 5t, N- .11., 59: ,t 1!, C,.rdon ,10:0.1; 13. Joel Davis, 40:22; t4. Richar.l Jiminez, .10: \I.Keaetre, .15, Tu1sa, 59:27i 20, Art 1!-a.]., 5t, Tulsa, 'l9i 15. JiD Tenney! 40:52; 16. Don Brown, .tO:58r 17. 5iilf: 21, ti., Dahe 1!arner, a, lutsa & Darwin $.arner Ray Bremm, 4o:5q. t8. H.nry Brismaa, .1]:58j rf. u""_ l], Tulsa, 1:29:53. trNFr Mik; I,r.rr*..ri,, -ti,'-r"i""._' iIILE RUN - L Lar.y Adudd!:rl, ZL, Inlsa, 9:i..1: 2. ry 5!Uivan. 41:5q: 20. Darrett i!4.y, +2:48, (30 fin. ) _2 r-ry FUN Lewis, 2!, Tursa, 9i51r 3. J.hn lvcstbr.ook, it, vi! srichan, r3, 7:23j 2, :I:,y:l! rhomas. I|Y-N-_1. ueorge -Da Camros, E:52._CaryOlscn_Tulsa, 1!:18r.,1, Darr.t Sraeps, 28, 31q: l. Dale Ott..Cirr. tO,Z:_

2 HljRB LORENZ 1YINS RRC 1?-MILE RUN Phila. , Pa. , Smday, March 5th t:OO p. M. - Herb Lorenz, back in rhe rming atler a paiaful toot injury, whilped a large field in the Middle Atlantic RRC,s t?mire (16. 9 6i1€s, .13y) tun over a two-tap coe6e along 2, Joln ll'fight, FrankJord HS, 21t49 I:4A 2j:lt9 the East & 1fe6t Riv€r Drives in Fairdount paik, 3. James Crauery, Roman Cath,21:53 Z:00 l9:53 Georgc Christopher, 1?-yea!-otd Radnor (IJa, ) High ,f, creg Potash, Olney Kiwanis, ZZ:AA t4A 2lt2t) School s.hior & a 9:32 two-miler, ran a stao4g race ro 5. Maj. Skip Dougherty, USA,41, 22:04 2.2A \9,44 capture runner-o! honors just 30s behiod Lorenz. 6. Jim wharton, Ihterboro HS, 22t\3 ItlA ZA:33 Bob Hirst, Penn AC ac€ via England, linish€d third. 7. Bill Slrain, lnterboro FIS, Pa.,22r16 2:00 20r16 Weather; 35 ro 40 degrees, cold & s,indy. 8. Phil Eichl€f, Roman Cath. HS, 22117 I:1a ZO:37 l. Herb Lorenz, Penh AC, 1:34:.10; 2. ceorge Christo9. Ed Ricks, Inrelboro HS, zz:IA 2:40 l9t3a pher, unat", l:35:10i 3. Bob Hirst, penn AC, t:18:3Zi 10. Deanis Dunh, Oln€y Kirvaais, 22tI9 3:A0 19:19 !. N- i \{r.Cd oenr A, , t:}o,,.: , V-rv Brya-., 'or.AC, l:40:13j 11, FraDk Dunn, Roman Cath, HS, 22:20 l:00 2l:20 Pottstown Pacers 6. Pat Haanon, LaSatIe 12. Jim Koorr, Olney Kinani€, 22121 ZAa l9t1l HS, l:.ll:38; ?. Bob Mickalites, St. Joseph's Co11ege, 13. Skip Moyer, Qlaey Kiwanis, 22:23 \tzQ 2LA3 1:4t:47; 8. Joe L€ague, Holy Cross HS, N.J., l:,11:4i; 1,1" Ahdrelv lrving, Pem AC, 22.24 l.1A 2A:41 9. Nick Natalc, Drexel Uhiv., 1:42:12j 10. Chaxlie Bian15. Don Hillman, Rohan Cath.HS,22:28 :.10 2lr,l8 cosino, Rider College, l:42:4.1; 11. Willie Marino, p€nn 16. Rich Landers, Lasalle HS, Z2t3A LIO ZQ,5A AC, 1:.13:10; 12. John Reeder, uhat., i:,13:16; t3, Joe 17. David Batby, Abington HS, 22.32 Z|AA 2A:32 Si€dlecki, Penn AC, 1:.13:23; i4. Lairy Oarner, uat., 18. Paul Leo Mcsorley, PemAC, 22.,31 It2O Z\t14 lr.l3:40i i5. John Schuberi, Swartlhore Co1lege, l:.43:.15 t9. Ceorge Bartoh, McDevitt HS, 22:38 ZAA 19:58 16. Tom Ogden, Slrarthhore Cottege, l:43:55; t?, Mar20. Mike tanelli, McDevitt HS, 22,42 :1Q Z2:AZ rin Ddft, Univ. oI Fenn, l:,1,1:12; 18. Ira Luk€, uhaL., ZL, Leon Dreher, Pem AC, 22.11 Z.2A 2AtZ7 lr,l.1r38i t9. Bruce Marino, Penn AC, 1:.45:t2: 20. Mike 22, Joe Dichler, Roman Carh,HS, 22:19 2.,1A ZA:A9 I]lder, Haddon Trp, HS, !r.15:12; 21. Kevin Caltahah, 23. J. McFarland, OLhey Kiwanis, z2:al l:,10 21rll Flott Cross HS, l:.15:.r.!j 22. Bill King, pehn AC, l:.15: 2.1. Eugene Callahan, Holy Cro6s,22t52 .AA 22,:12 5o (lst lrei,): 23, Dan \roore, uar., 1:.16:56t 2,t. paut 25. Phil Rcilly, Rofran Catholic, 22ra3 L:00 2l .7 Lauensiein, Sla.tlnore College, L:.17:!'r8i 25. paul 26. Joe Rirchi€, Clouces.€r HS, 22:a,l 3r20 L9:3,1 :, : j: o. .Fo. g Bo -rz-, u:c,., - .( ." ., o-r i 2?. John Eisemah, Huting Park,22:58 :2A 22,38 rrp!er Darby, Pa,, 1:.1?:ili 27. Bob Marinoj pena AC, 28. Don Mitchell, Penn AC, 23:05 :?0 22t15 l:48:l0j 28, Russ Jackson, Pem AC, l:4E:29j 29. Ed 29" John Prybetla, Olney Kiwanis, Z3:07 1:20 ZIt47 Dodd, Penn AC, I,48..12r 3A. paut Leo \,Icsoitey, penn 30. Tony Tiuord, Interboro HS, Z3tA9 Z,ZO 2A.A9 AO, l:.19:20 (Znd Vct. ); 31, Fraak Cavat, Jio Thorpe, 31. Bob Pai6ons, Neshaminy, Pa.23aA tZA 22:50 Pz.,It49:4Aa 32.Dave Johes, tvaban, Ma6s., lraZ:59: 32. Willie Marino, Pcnn AC, 23:U 4:30 18:41 33. Ba!ry Rhodes, Norristown Strider6, Ita3:A2,, 34. 33. Kevlo Callahan, Holy Cro66, 23112 3tZA 19152 Xen Biowq, unat., l:53:t7; 35. Toh Balo*, uat,, 3.,1. Faanklin Ch!lstopher, Radnor,ZS:13 l:OO 22:13 l:53:l?i 36. Richard Harris, uhat., t:53:53r 3?. Fra,k 35. Brian Worrell, Inrerboro HS, 23:16 tZA Zlt56 wick, unat., 1:54:02; 38. Jim Wiltiams, unat., l:55:3ol 36. T06 Doahelly, unat,, 2i:17 at52 I1i25, 39" Davi.l Wilkin6on, Univ.ol Penn, t:56:Olj ,10. Aian 3?. Dave Schemelia, Gloucestca, 23:19 4i00 19:19 Lundlerg, Univ. oJ Pcnn, 1:56:l1i 4t. Ratph Boardman, 38. Terry Leaness, Abingtoh HS, 23-.25 2..2A 2ltA5 Phi1a, Pioneers, lt57t22t 12. Byron Mbilyr pee AC, 39. Dr. Sfan Brasoh, Springfi€ld, 23tzb .,2a 231A6 l:58:05r 43. Ftanklin Christopher, Radnor HS, t:58:351 40. Pat Hannon, Lasalle HS, .,14. Elic Bard, !!alae, Pa., 2tOA:36t tB. Jack 23:Zl 1:04 19.27 N€tson, 41. Bob Crlmming6, unat. , 23:35 .44 22t55 Cahden YMCA, 2:07:08j ,16. Mike Mccowan, riiton ,+2, ioh Po6.-, .a. d.r VC^, IIS, N,J., 2:tl:tZ (srarred tate, actual rih€, 1:52:IZ)l -(: u :00 /t\a Z3:.,10 3:.10 20r0u 47. Carson Rutherlord, urat. (Scotranit), 2:lt:35; 48. ,1.1. Mike Butynes, Penn AC, 23tll a:aZ I7 t!9 Andy Dannenbcrg, Sr'arrhmor€, 2:13:16i 49. tratter C. 45. Mos€s May{ield, Pean AC, Z3:1\ 5taz I7:19 Greene, sat., Z:Ut52i 5A. rom cafihey, Triton HS, ,16. Ro66 Yate6, Bethlehem, Pa., 23:43 :20 23:23 2:15:11 (started late, acrual rirr€, t:56:11); 51. Mike .17. Jack McKeeve!, unat., 23114 I:AA 22t14 Fanelli, Bishop McDevitt HS, 2:17:O5t 52. Sam Net6on, ,18. Jo€ Siedlecki, Pena AC, Z3:.!5 4:00 19:.!5 Radnor, Pa., 2:191.'5: 53. Tom Fort, Dctai.are Sports 49, Toh Eichler, Huntlhg Fark AA, Z3:,16 Co 23:46 CIub, Z:20:00. DNF- Bill Ciulianj Mike Redftondi John 50, Bob Ournn, LaSaUe HS, Z3t4i ZAA 21.07 Robinson; Drcw Swanson; Mark Haggerty; Demis neiil_ {75 rist€d linishers) ler; Jaees Bowen; Senedict Cayenrer Russ B€cker. Best Tine€: 1. Tom DomeUy, l7r25j 2, Mike Butyie6, VETXRANS (.IO & OVER) 3-MILE Sterling HS/Penn AC, 17:,19r 3. Moses Mayfield, PAC, r. Major Skip Dougherty, 4t, 16:28; 2. Doh Mitchell, 45, l7r,l9; 4. Wirlie i4arino, 1!iuiafr6town HS/Penn AC, 18:10i 3" Bob Crlmmings, Hactalon Twp., N. J. , 40, 18:46 18r4l; 5. Dennis Durn, Olney Kiwaais, 19:19r 6. Dave .1" Dr. Stan Brason, ,10, pa., 19:19; 5. Bill la: o: ?, B.i.o i . , a)-n, F, Kleman, 40, Poltstown Springfietd, Pacers AC, 19:48t 6. Franl{ Jamaica/Phi1a. Pioneers, t9r22r 8. pat Hamoh, Lasal_ Keiser, 51, Berwyn, Pa., 2AtZ9: ?. Aear1e Blacetand, le HS, 19:27; 9. Jo€ Ritchie, Cloucester HS, 19:34; 10, Phila. 58, AC, Z0:51; 8. Frank Kelty, 60, 2\.27.,9, Id Ricks, Inrerboro HS, Pa., 19:38, Nick Fanelti, .,1?, uat., Zl:3?;10. Ray Drozdowski, 39, 3. E-MILE WALK - l. Larry Silmohs, 29t24t 2. B.b uat", 2l:5?l lI. Claude Hi1ls, 59, Penn Ae, Z3tZ4t j.Z. lvtimm, 29:33i 3. Ceorge Braceland, 32rl?i 4. Bill Jertt Hoch, 55, Phi1a.4C, 23:,14; 13, John O,Riordan, Hackulich, 32:32j 5, Virginia Lucas, ,13:.{0. 5b, Phi1a" AC, 24:08, 1i!. Faut Walkovic, 39, I)hita. AC. 5TH ANNUAL KI\I'ANIS CLUB OF O].NEY HANDICAP RUN, HUNTINC PARIt, PHILA., FA. (3.8-,\4I!ES) Sunday, February 2l, 1972 l.oa P,M. \4eather: Srldy, sihdy, .15 degr€es. E. T. Hcp. Act. T. 1. Byron Mundy, Penn AC, Z1:45 l:40 20:0 5

E_ l0

PATE TRAILIS END MSRATHON VICTOR Seaside, Oregon, Sat,, Feb- 26- Rus6ell Pate, a 25year-old University of Oregon graduate student, rrail€d little C€rry Lindgren fo! Z0 mile6, rhcn pulled away lo win th€ third annual Trails End Mararho! in 2:22:59.9, His time was about two minutes sloser than the rccord 6et rwo years ago by former University of Oregon runnei Ken Moore. The fieId, at .10?, was the biggest ever and includc.l 17 Nomen. Ag€s ranged froh U to ?2. Entries lrom Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Calilolnia, Nerv MeTico and Cahada tackted the cours€ betwe€n Sea€idc and Camf Rilea soulh oI Walrenton and generaUy along Highvat l0l. The course i€nrt f1a!, but it isnrl overlt hilly, eiih RUSS

Pate, auaaiag a fraratbon {or the fourth time in his li{e, said he experienced some difliculty with srrolE v:rdE, bu" _L. i o rF apc-aLurF. -r-.L.. :! . o runing. The tempelature started at 37 and rose to la

Lindgren, running his lifsr marathoa race, nove.l .ui qr'cl, y aL h- 6'"r' 1 0 n lF" r' :20. 50--6ub-2:16 pace) & maintained a good 250y lea.i Eril }le 'r-d ori.".b v ad. .hc. :.. . . 't, 20--'l rarF, Pate took over and.oasred as three other rrrmers al:o F66ed the Iading Lindgrea. Finishing second was Caary Harrison, onc of rhre€ Canadians in the top nine, about t\'o and a ha]l minuies Two vere!ans ran impre6sively. Dennis Coveney of Brifish Columbia, lasr year's U.S. Masters marathon champion, got his be6t tim€ of 2:36:0?. Hortard Mi1l€r, .15-year-o1d from Seattle, also cracked 2:40, Paul Reese, a 5,1-year-o1d Californian, continued his hot maratho.-every-other-weekpace. He ian 2:51:54, his fourth race under 2:54 in th€ last six week6 | Fiaatly - a Pate quole a{tea the tac€: 'I rea11y enjoy running. If I didn't, I (ouldn't .1o it, ' he said. l. Russ Pate, 25, Eugen€, 2.22,59,9t 2. carry Harri6on, 33r Vancouvea, B,a,, Z:25:29t 3. Jim Pear€on, 27, B€l1inghah, \tash., 2r25:35r .,1, Larry Mi11€r, 21, Poftland, 2:25:59; 5, Gcrly Lindgren, 25, Puumah, V a,h., l: 7:J?: 6. uor lon Crrr,, l/, rwr.clr-!, O-F.. 2:30:28; ?. Cu!fi6 Ahkeny, 19, Duadee, O!€., 2r30:51; 8. John Burnett,35, Vancouvea, 8.C,, Z:30:59;9. \4oU Schamberrler, 2{j, Duncan, B,C., 2131t37110. George Oja, 28, Pendleton, 4r.., 2.32.4b,11. BillH€rriot,31, AIta, 2:3?:Z0i 12. Ron lff, 22, Z'.33:Z\t 13. Jack Tauron, 24, B.C,, 2:34,17,l.l. Horiard Labrie, 21, Calil., 2:3,1: 25; 15. Jacob Johahson, 23, Wash,, 2:34:32: 1ii, Clary Reisma, 17, lvash., 2:1,1:,19; 17, Harry Otley, 20, Idaho, 2:35:0.,1i 18. Daniet Matlock, 18, 2:35r.,19; 19. Dehnls Coveney, 40, 8.C., Z:36:07i 20, Robert Taylor, 31, 8.C., 2t36t211 21. Doug Wellman, 22, 2,36t3.-,22. Joln Butt€rfield, 31, Ca\il,, 2.36i391 23. Roy Prior, 18, Wash., Z:37:09; 24, Bob Giay, 24, Z:31-t37125. Harold DeMo6s, 36, ea\il., 21311541 26. Douglas JolDson, 19, Z:38:16;2?. HowardMiUer,45, lvash., 2j39: 42r 28. Richard Forb€s, 35, 2:39:58; 29, Fred New, 19, 2:39:58; 30. Mur!ay Hut, 22, ALta, 2t14.31, 31, Phil Phimister, 18, Wa6h., 2:42:16t 32. Norm Oyler, 29, Zt42t19i 33. Fred Levine, 23, N.v., Z|+Z.Z1; 31, Richard Raldond, 26, 2t42:18t 35. James Boyde, Bc, 2t43t17i 36. Alab Jeasen, 33, 2:13t5ot 3?, Mike Shaw, 21, Wash., 2f4.4:31; 38. Jim Hatcher, ZZ, \aaha, 2.45'.16-,

39. Jade6 Heary, 19, ?,.'5,2A,.r0, Oraham Laughrin,


B. C, , 2:46:01; ,ll. Bryon Cari€11, 39, Wash., 2r46:09; .tZ. Bruce Shaw, ?6, B.C., 2:46.41]'43, Harold Jack€ob, 24, 2:46:56,4.,1, Edward MacDonald, 3.!, B.C., 2:1'7:0\: 15, Tony KeUer, 16, 2:17tA9t.16. Joha Currie 20, Canada, 2.17132;47. Bill Wyllie, 39, Alta, 2:48: 05i ,18. Jerry Swa]r61ey, 31, 21]-8t/,4r 49. Richard Dailey, ,11, 1\ ash. , 2:49:1?; 50. Robert Langenbach, 3,1, Wash.. 2.19t4At al. Bruce MacRa€, 19, 8.C., 2149,16i a?. fim 14o14e, 14, z,aA:Aat 53, Walter Hensley,31,2:50:1.1i 5.1. coadon Bovman, 1?, Wa6h., 2t5a:Z8t 5a. Robert EueU, Z?, 2:51:05; 56. James Russell, Zl, 2:51:38t 57. PaulRee6e,5il, Calil.,2:51: 5ar 58. James Herriot, 31, Alta, Z:52:2Zt 59. ,Matwin caml}.1r, 33, 2,a2t33,5a. Thofras Dickinson, 30, \\'..h., Zt53:03', 61. Oary aryan, 35, Wash., Z:53:03; 62. Fobert Iieser, 18, Wa6h., 2:53:46; 63. Bill Stuar za, ?tt4tll-, 64, John Field, 3A, B-C., 2t51132, 65. b, wasl , . Z:rr:07: L6. KP. WFl.r-) -.i


-. lyiBL.,





., u"ql

2:55,07i68. Paut corgen, l?, 1Vash., Zt57tA6t 1.9, Tim Nuppcrt, i9, Wash., Z:5?:10; 70. Josecl Vance, +1, wasll,, Z:57:26a 71. Johh Bohner, 37, AtIa, 2t571 ' - is, zr, / c8: 8: ?1 Dr- Bdo2rcr, 16, 2:i3:19j 7,1. Linder Blan.l, 33, A1ra, 2:58:4,1r 75. Robt o" -. : 1 .sf, l:ca:50...r 6. t" n- P-d",."., la, CLail, 3:27:13. --DonJacobs--

.::\ iCLNG',I'tr\S SACRAMENTO IOO-MILE RACE i::r l.o,rg oJ Chicago, r.ho holds the U. S. track recor.s i.r 2i and 30 mi1e6, caossed the {ini€h line at Ca a5o on r\.,Iarch 11th alter 14 ho66, 14 minutes and 3: !ecotr.: io uin the CameUia Capital Centuly, a '' .' S".r - ncn.o J p.-ddy




ta-, :: la -tear-old freteorologi€t oufaah I970 Ceniuii nir..r -ar:v] Beardall, 35, ol Santa Ro6a in the g:Le]]r: lal-n:-e ra.e, only Americah ev€nt of its kind i. i: rli:r a z+-hour period. Youg ani r.ai.all set a fierce pace together for Lhe lirsr 33 -iles rf, ra: aaca.lam three-mile loop, but B€arda11 iere-o.re1 r.sriraro!!. problems and failed to challehg€ ih::oi ru!€r lor ihe remaindcr ol rhe rac€ Reardall'6 t!m. n as ]a:l!:18, D". D".ol ".- " -..-oloeE dL U.C. Mcdi.al C€nter in 5ai !_ran.rsco, r"arded olI the rh--".. of 5" no "s jus l1 min., & 45s behinc laf{enbar.qer at the 9o-dite mark. Tihcs {or the tro r€re:an.lisrance runrers

were l6:42:58 and 1?:15 i 3.+, Six other startc!s failed to iinish, \4eet director llFnU.:i

Runaers and their distan.es are as lollorvs: John Arb€rry J!., 28, of San Iranci6co - 80 mile6; Challes Waters, .12, Ros!:!itle - 66 rniles; Rcx Dietderich, .4?, Rerk.,ley - 51 milesj Bill RuPlet, 3,:1, Berk€ley - 33 nilesi Gregory Pererson, 22, Davis - 27 hilesj Mi.hae1 Frczovic, 19, I,lcCiellaa A.F,B.- 1Z ailes. 2ND ANNUAL HALF-\4,{RATHON, PHOENIX DO1!N-

TowN Y.M.c.A. (March 5, 19?2) 60 starters, 59 finishers, Recordr 1:08:20 by Jerry Jobski, 19?1, l. Bill Brorn, 2A, l]l.2l 2. Leonar.l Suarez, 23, 1:l,l:29; 3. Cisco Ar!a1lo, 21, l:15:Z5r 4. Ray Woolery, 16, 1:16:58 (lst HS)i 5. Jah Ahlberg, 3?, l:18:58j 6. Tsosie Taylor, Zl, I,IE:59t 7, Manuel catica, 18, t:19: ,l4j 8. Juan Carica, 11, ItZA.ll l.zfd HS)r 9, St€ve

Stell1enson, .11, 1:21:30; 10. John Lewis, I"l, lt22t19l 65:,12j 18. Art Must; 28, ATC, 65:45i 19. ren King,lL 11. Joseph Cary, 39, \:23.23i r2. Joseft Livesay, 37, 37, ATC, 65:5,{; 20. Bob Bennett, 37, ATC, 6?:O?! 1:2.1:13! 13. Fred Schoelller, ,19, i:2,1:.13; 1.1. Tom Cooka 21. H€rb Bcnaaio, 12, AIcj 67t52t ZZ. Jack McFar,ll, \127.05, 15. Dale Marshall, aZ, I:21:zAi 16. F i.Lz 1and, 37r ATC, 6?:55; 23. Albert Van Cleave, 33, Goreham, 37, l:2?:2?; 17. Don Stewarr, 39t I:21:27i uat., b9:33i 2.1, Chartes Ctark, 35, unar., 70r05; 18. Logan Van Sittert, 37, ItZ8t57t 19. 1\illiam Farmer, 25. Safr Clemencc, 32, Arlanta TC, 70:26; 26. lyayhe 15, It29t50t 20. Ruben Espinoza, 15, l:30:02; 21. aanra.l Cutrar, 30, tnat., 1l:24r 2?. Tim Pettu6, 2?, unat., Ochoa, 16, 1:30:07; 22. Margie Noaem, lE, 1:30:25 ilst 71:32; 28. Bob CafrFel],.36, Atlanta:tC, ?l:38; 29. ]l'-oman); 23. Charle6 Rice, 42, 1.33:21j ?+. David Bu6- Daw'd l:llL", '0, , ., ?):. : 0. c . Biroselc, J,, " si€re, 22, lr35r05i 25. L.Roy McKinley, 46, 1:39:0?i ATC, ?.1:06, 31. Robert Beasl€y, 38, unat., 78:33i 32. 26. Kevin Sharoa, 17, It1A.3Zt 27, Cilbeat Gallego, 29, Larry Lascody, 23, unat., 8.,1:00. 1:41:32t 28. Todd Van Sitt€rt, 13, 1:41:33i 29. Foarc69 --Tim Singleton--

Dougherty, 43, ltlI:a7t 30. Barry Ellis, 30, 1:,,12:05i 31, Ed{ard Francisco, 51, lt4ZtASt 32. Elbcrr Bothad, 35, 1r.13:07; 33. KeDneth Milhoon, l?, 1:.43:.15; 3.1" Fred Ha66ler, 27, l:11t25,35, S.ud Tait, ,13, t:14t27t 36. David South! 15, It45t21t 37. Joha Drtdale, 25, 1:46:1ll

.1I r'. { '8. /rd\ C r irp, t6. :r/: t: .n. - " 31, l:47:18;.,10. D.A. Cryan, 4A, ]N48.27t,11, Charlcs A]:rucrtuan, 41, LEAt?4t '12. Roberr 1laugh, .+9, lr50: Z5; .13. Harrison Fishcl, 33r 1:50i341 ,14. Claudo Murray, 50, 1:52:34j .!5. David Lincoln, 16, Ita4t29-, 16. Alieh Schau{fler, 17, Ital:3A,4?, Jo€ Morales, Zl, 1:54:32; .18. Math€$ Shannon, 39, 1:56:26; 49. Mike Voita, 32, 1:56:35t 50. lrving Kaulman, ,1?, l:5?:00; 51. Ahdrew Broin, 25, ltaa:53, 52, H€nrt Lallerty) 22, 2:00:01: 53. Gifford Smith, 50, 2:01r0ci 5,r, Ie.l Krarer, z:01:2li 55, Gordon Van Dtke, .14, 2:0ara7j a6. Shell_1. South! 12, Z:08:53; 5?. Atthur Brittir, .11, 2:08:a.:! a8, Oscar Beaver, 51, ?:U:09j i!. -roe (!pski, 2:lZrl2, - -St.rc Srephenson- -

ST'ONE MOUNTAIN 2O-MILE ROAD RACE Srone Moutaia, Georgia, Nlarch.l, 19?2 grOO


qoFB F-s, ou.n.i so-c.: d. Dennis Spncer, rapidly becoding one ot the top cotlegiate tong diElahce runers in Lhe South, broke Bill Herron's courie record with an extraordinary good time oI lr5Z:17. His splits wer€ 28:13, Z8:12, 28:OO, aad 2?:52 ov€r Lhe hilly anil difficult Stone Moulain course, Charles Gibsoh, 48, ran a rebarkable Z:08:36. 19 srarters and 1.1 tinishers, l. Dennls S!€n.er, 19, Uri\,. of ceorgia, l.sz:ltt 2. Do^ Putnai, 27, trS-{I, 1:5.1:l0j 3, tvlark cibbens, 24, U. Chic,, 1:r4:1.1j 1. Jame6 Pri.e, 18, CeorgiaStat€, 2:ari:Lj8r :. Charles ci!son, .:18, Chatt., 2:O8rj6i 6. Bob



?oLocl{, 22, !air,of Ca,, 2:lu:1.,1r ?. Jim Bea.h, 35, chart,, 2:11::?i !, Chartes cibson, 3ir, atott., 2:t7:']-oi 9, Ei11 Gares, 2A, fia, 2:2AtZ+, 14. Dave Deviney, 20, Ca. Sfate, 2:2]:C1r 11. Ll ooCt Hairis, 29, AaC, ZtZB:Z\-, 12, Bob E€nneit, l?, Atlaita IC, 2129t27:13. Ja.k Mcaarland, 3?, Atlanra TC, 2r.!2r39i 1.1. John Jon.s, 29, unat., 3:0 6:3 3. --aim Singl€ton--

MISSOURI V"\L!EY ROAD RUNNERS CLLTB THIRD ANNUAL LACOON RUN (8..I N4ILES) The rhird annual Lagoon Run Itas heiil aL Swope Park, Kansas City, Missouri, oa February 26, 19?2" The 5th ANNUAL ATIIENS MARATHON, ATHE\S, OHIO temp€rature \as about 35 .legaces, r'ihdless, ideal run- Maach 5, 19?2 (?8 starrcrs, 56 lini6hersr ning conditiohB lor a wihter day, Coursc: ? lals of 1.2 1, Douglas R, Carder, West Virginia Uhiv. , 2:30:43.4

l. Dave Peterson, Xansas City, Kahsas, 45r30j 2. Dcnnis Srewarr, Higgensville, Mo., .15:31j 3. Kcn Katz€r, Lincoln, Nebraska, 45r3Zj ,1, Dennis Katzer! Lincoln, .t8:12j 5, Ted Clehn, Overland Park, Kansa6, ,18:21r 6. Mikc Nichol6, North Kansas City, Kansas, .+9:27j 7. Vincent White, KC, Mo., ,49:50! 8. Cene Sodmer, Stel1ihg, Neb., 50:50i 9. Arne Richar.ls, Mahhattan, Kansas, 51i16; 10. Robert Hintoa, Io1a, Kansas, 53:10j lr. Major Blalock, Lelington, Mo., 53;19j 12. Rill 1n-.bb, KC, Ka,6as, 54:1?, N.te6, .Ih a vely tight race Dawe Fcrer6on ha.t the slrint at the end ro d€Ieat Dennis Sterart & Ken Katzer, --Car1 Olvczaazak- STONE MOUNTAIN ROAD RACE, Stone l,Iountain, Ca,

Jahuary 29, i972 (10-MILES) lreather: Rain, cold. 1. Lee Fidl€f, 22, Furman, \I:251 2. Dar Kenne.ly, 24, iort Benningr Ga., a2:AZ,3. Dennis SFencer, 19, U.ol Ceorgia, 5.1:24; 4. Tom Raynor, 21, GSU, 5.4:.48; 5. JohD Nolan, 25, Fr" Br:hning, 55:llr 6. Dav. Kelley, 21, Fr. Bchring, 55:14r 7. Ernic Rah€y, 20, unat", 56:09j 8. Ed St!abe1, 26, !'t. Benning, 56:.17j 9. Jamc6 Price, 18, GSU, 57:34; 10. Dal. Aberl€, 23, It. Behniog, 5?: i5; 11. Donald Stanley, 23, FL. Behning, 58:Z0i 12, Kev, ib Kraszeskl, Zl, Ft, Bcnning, 60:0?i 13. Dave Devihey, 21, CSU, 63r30; 14. Tim Sihgleton, 35, Atlanta TC. li.{:36; 15, Paul Hershey, 31, unat., 65:l8j I6. Charles b : 1.. 7. | -d "v r n.-, r, qT-,

2. RichardC. Smith, uhat., Athehs, Ohio, Z:34r06 3. Daniel 1\. S.kerak, Ohio lrack Club, 2:36133 4. KerayE. Ragg, Hockhocking fC, (NZ) 2.37:Oz 5. Paut Talkington, Jr., Borling Creen Marathon Ctub, 2:38:37; 6. Frcdcrick (Fritz) Hagerman, Hoclihockiag TC, 2:39:50; 7. .loseph D. Mcpherson, W€sr Va. TC, 2:4!:53i 8. Waync Vaughn, C1lhbeiland Vall€yAC, Md. 2:.15:43t L Roger D, Rouill.r, lvest Virgihia'fC, Zr,!5: 54; 10. Phil ror.1, Lakc Etre AA, 2..48:221 11. Rat1l1 I_. Livihgston, Kcttering Srriders, 2:,19:5?j t2. Karl !. Kulc, Kent AC, Ohio, 2:50:.,13j 13. Ran.tall S. DertJietd, Hockho.liing TC, 2:5i:50; 1,1, Craig C. Harhs, Bowling Gr.en trlararhon c1ub, 2:52:00; 15. Bilt Br€denbeck, Lale Erie AA, 2152:381 \6. Cary E. crat, t-ancast€r Road Runners (Ohio), 2:53:l0r 1?. Jam€s T. Ciiner, Calilornia Statc College TC, Pa., 2:53r,r5; 18. Srev€n Pusztay, Lake nrie AA, 2:5,1r26j t9. 1\e. A, Scholt, lvlalone College, 2:51:37.,20- David N. DaLsko, Kent AC, Ohio, 2:56:l?; 21. JeJf My€rs, L{ockhocking aC, Z:a7t\4a zz, lilm, wilson, Catifornia Star€ College TC, pa., 2t59.18,23. Edrvin A. Jorome II, Bowling cre€n Marathon Club, 3:03:08i 2,!. vlastimit J. Zak, M.n., Lake Eric A4, 3:04:00; 25, Clayton J. Bristol, Cuhberland Valley AC, 3:05r45j 26. D€mis M. Holtoran, uar., Colhbus, Ohio, 3tl]t]ai Z'7. lvendall Suuivan, unar. , CincianaLi, Ohio, 3:14:18; 28. Richaad,{mwake, unat., Cihcinnati, 3t16t19,29. John F. Boyle, Ea., Athens, 3:1?r.,14; 30. Richald Marsball, LancaBter RR, 3:18:03; 31. Maxs,e11 J. Nichols, CorryTC, Pa.,3:19:06;

!3, 32. David A. Pusher, CaliI. State ColLege TC, Pa., 3t21t32, 33. Wm. M. Jacksob, Cuberland Valley AC, Md., 3:Z?:09; 34. Robe!t B, Hi6tod Jr. , Maiietta Colrege, Ohio, 3t?7t17,3a, 1!m. J, Fahi, K€nt AC, Ohio, 3:21t53,36. Wm. B. qr€gory, Cin.innari, Ohio, 3r28, 45i 3?. Kent S. Newman, Ohio StaLe Univ., 3:29:3?: 38. Mlcbael W. Simonovich, Lorain Couty Cohmunity C.]lege, Lorain, Ohio, 3:30:27; 39. Harvey L. Iah1, Keh. AC, Ohio, 3:30:4lj 40. Frank E. Osborae, unat,, Ci.cinnati, Ohio, 3;31:08j .ll, Richard T. King, UCTC, 3t31t41, 42, CaryD. Whirc1.y, Q.tty'lC, Pa., 1:32:a)z .13, Jeff Landon, Lorain County Cormuity ColLege, 3t32:A2r 41, Harry Doyle, Medina, Ohio, 3;32i0:r -r, Richard G€brosky, Cali{. State College TC, 3:3a:l:: 46. Williah Straub, Pirtsburgh, Pa., l:.+l:5.,1j .1?. S) Mah, Bowlibg Greeh Marathon Club, 3:,13:a3; .]E, :e.nard H. Fremont, Ohio River Road Rmers, 3:-1-: :: 49. Jos€ph T, Abbas, Dayton YMCA, 3:48:10r :i, . , D. Wolle, Ironton, Ohio, 3r53:00i 51, Carl L c.r.-- :, .rn b"rlano \.r F\ A.. v, ,. ):.r:.4: - . Kerckaert, una., 3:54:,10; 53. Harold \thit€ jr,, -a., 4:00:09j 54. Holvard P. Ridenour, Jr., Crr.Scfla:i VaLley AC, Md", 1.a7.1a: 55. John D. Ru!)*, Lrr..:r l vVaA c' "! '-r. , pa., . 0 00 /. A Uniontown YMCA Srriders, Pa., 4:32r00. Teami 1. Hockhocking Track Club, lZi 2, Eo.:-::: Green Marathon Club, 2?j 3. Lake Erie As, ::: : Crlmberland Vallcy AC, ,1,1; 5. California 5iar. i:: : : TC, 48j 6, Kehr Athletic Club, 5.1. 1

--!ictor \taai:-


WEST VIRGINIA TC ROAD RACES Sunday, March 12, 19?2. Races held on Prr.<=:: Road near lailDon!, lvest Va. S.on6or.. Va. TC & the Citizcas Savings & Loan C.r.::


lo-lrlILES - l. Carl Hatlield, 1!lsr Va. tal, : : Doug Carder, r r\ru, 5ar5!j 3. Dusty Halh!r.:, mont Stat€ College, 56i19; .r. lrayne ne! , i Sa, 5. Roger Rouiller, r{est Va. TC, 57:14) lt. :\'..t- : :: ser, 14cBt Va. Univ., 6l:1?. Note., . . Hat{ield l€d from start to lihish -s .. :r::!i:: LhP l"sr I:ve ilF" :n Z.l:.o, or "bo ' than the {irst five miles. Mike trlosser, tle I000y run lhe day b€lor-- in the NC-{A Ll ----: r:: .- :, roit, jogg€d through th€ ten miles as he haa b.: : r:: ers lrom the board Lfack race, 3-MILES - 1. Rob Stcele, Fainnont Stat(: C!11:::, 1?:52; 2. Curt Chahcy, 18:.12j 3. Bill Tibos, ::lj -. Cary Stout, 19:30; 5. Joe Bu.linskt, 2tr2,1j a, ri: :-:: --Vi.tor Madia-,

th. Sr-N! a.::::: in Albany, N. Y. , March 5, l9?2. lt.arhca: a-.:r, ::. lrinily, 35o, so6e snow under Joor, 12,5-MILES - 1. Joe Rukanshagiza, 1:10:5?i :, f.:.1 Os -., l:il: o pete Hyde, 1:r.i:,!tj rr. sieve -\o\i a..:, ;ffil1iE]-!. 1:15:05j ?. Chlis Porter, l:16:13; 8. Paul SkuCd€r, i:ral 32; 9. John Hurley, 1:18:l?' 10. Sad cratch, L:2C:35: 11. Scott Lutrey, l,Zl:A2t IZ. Iom I€ir, 1:21: lCj ll, Mal McCoqnell, 1:21:,16; 1,1. Jim Strod, 1,22.1Aj \a, Steve Hickot, l:23:00j 16. Lindsay Childs, l;2,1i1 6i 1t, HUDSON-MOHAWK RRC RACES aL

Vern HoIfman, l:24:16r 18. Tom Balon, l:2,1:23i 19. Bob Stover, 1:2.1:31r 20. Bilt ctriorse, 1:2,!r53i 21. Fr€d Davi6, 1:25:00; 22. Cage Horchkiss, It28.a9:23. I.,a G1e!da, l:32r1Zj 2,{. J\1 McKinley, 1:33:27r 25. Rurns

3-lv{ILE RUN - l. Jim Marzeski, 17:O1j 2, Barry Hopkins, l?i47; 3. Don Brov,n, l8:5,4; .1, Bitt Blance, 19:00; 5, stere McCotue11, l9:19i 5. Bruce Holkins, 2O:08; 7. Paul Brown, Z0:08; 6. Nat Friedman, 2O:10r 9. At strin.Ehan, 21:01j I0. Mel Karz, 22:05; 11, Ken Sickier, 23:32, --Burke Adahs--

.C-ONLAL PARKIfAY MINI MARATHON - 13 MILES , illrahsburg ro Yorkroin, Va., Sat., March t1, 19?2 L2 \oon. Spnsored by thc Norfolk Navat Shipyard TC 'r eaiher: Sumy & cold, 15-MFH Head Winds, .12" l. Gltn Logan, Old Dofrinion University, 1:09:58.8; 2. -ric O'NciU, U.S. Nary, 1:14:37; 3. Bilt Alto, Christo;rr \ex'port College, l:1,1:48j 4, Dennis Ca6t.tlo, Chesalak.: College, 1:15.2?; 5. E.l Elmore, Christopher Nex :rrt Cal1ege, 1:15:37j 6, Dohald Seymore, C.N. Collcge, :1. !1: l. tie, G.orge Bakatsiaa & Terry Baos.n, BuIt_ ::rton, N.C., lr17:17;9. Lt. E.F. Caiey, USN, l:17:271 I ailark aerggren, C.N. Col!ege, l:ZO:O8i 11. \4ark :r.rErd, OLd Dominion Univ., 1:20:,12; 12. Caylon Ryar, :.\, Co1lege, L:21:50; 13. Len Eerge!on, peninsuta TC, l:la:46: t.:1. Don Carlson, O.D. Lrniv., t:2?:.!5j 15. !ee ,frc1, O.D. Univ., l::11:30;16. Andr€e/ Conr.tr, O.D. i::.,, L:13:23;17. JohDew, r-SN, l:34:5?;18, Jetf ' .D , \., l: ,:08: lo. -r./ nF. .h, \\ ::al I.am, Itj7t52, ZA" 1Villie Jetlcoat, USN! l:,!O:19; ::, ia.k Hasty, Notlolk Naval Shipyard TC, 1:,10:26i j:, Cc1. Don Perki!6, USA, Ncwlort Ner's, Va., 1:41: '): 24, C]itl Cumins, USN, I:42:53; ?1. Srclhen Lee, .-:\ 5ea1 Team, l:a4:15t 2a. R.1., Saley, Hamlton, Va :ti.a ai-, Za. Lu Smart, Cihclant, 2:0-1:5t. --Co1, DonalC R, perkirs- lNsEY SCHOOLBOY BREA}iS RYLNIS \,tARK . IRTIER'S CHOICE - ]VIILE RECORDI :finc.loa, N,J., Monday, Malch 13- Vince Carticl ..a:o mak€ an impolta4i.lecision a! ib€ Ner.Je!sey :::i. rnrerscholastic AA Taack Meet of Chahlions at ar:nct!o.'s Jad*in Gte, He r,antccl to run rwo cveh!s:r. r\.l1!ilc and the onc rile. Meer o{Iicials sai.l he r: ..stricte.l to odc event. Cartier set a 9:08, ? heei ::.or.i in lh.: two-mile run last year, If he could run r,r .,trl,v one ev.nt, \thy not rry Ior a re.ofd in rhe mil€

:. Cardef chose the mil. cvent. :r. .asily broke th!: a:14. ? stal. in.loo. record s.,t by I l1 Si!:ben o{ Union Catholic, in 1970, rarrier's tim. r,as .!:06.6. Ard that bror.e -r.r--Jna Ryuh's six-year ol.l national 6choolboy indoor i rEaLly didh't expecr ro go that fast, Cartj€r sai.l. 1!. plan nas to run rhe hau in 2:O.l and three-quarters :ut Car.ier flc\ through rh. fir6! tbee-quallexs in (nith 2:01. 9 Jor the hali). AIicr irdl pace ne doln ro n3.,1 cohine home. aailcs Bazo, oI Essex Catholic, upset Milie Burynes, .r ::.rlif,r Repional IlS, in 9:11.9 to rtin th€ tlro-milc. Cre! llliller ol Northeln Highlahds ras third and \fillie L1arrr. oi ,Iiilliam6town Itas lourrh. l:-11, 2 :10 r t,l

JACI( BACIIIII]R WINS NEl!'ORLEANS TRACK CLUB Lf-!.Rlrl GRAS MARATHON lN Z:26:.10.5 li.,\. Orleans, La,, lan. 29- JacL Bach€ler, Ilorida TC, raced ovcr the Ne( Orleans ]-al{elront course in the eaily morningrs hea!-y Io.e to (in by a1mo6t,1 mlDs. ovcr Jean-Paul Eudi.r ol ]-SU yia France.

l. Jack Bacheler, Florida TC, 2:26:.10.5; 2. Jean-Paul Eudicr, LSU/Irance, 2t3A:Z7t 3. D. Dndois, 2:42:1?; 4. Lee Cohce, Florida, 2:50r53j 5. D. Castricone, Z:a|t3b;6" J. Sto\rers, 2,56:lZt 7, C.K, cipson, 2:58: ,13j 8. Larry Fuseliet, 3tAI:Z3t 9. Hau6€r, 3iO3:17; 10. Crank, 3:03:43j 11. rie, McQuade & Ba{ord, 3:06:tOi t3. Beach, 3:06:37j 1,!. Srevenson, 3:0?:57;15. Charney, 3:li:.,12; 16. Daeu Srlmmers, 38, 3:12:05 j l?. LeBourgeois, 3:13rl.lj 18. W.!tbrook, 3,1,,4:25; 19. cibson, 3:16:22; 20. Pichie!, 3:1?:2.4; 21, Murphy, 3.2A:57:22. Orr, 3.23:a2i 23. Heabert, 3:23:32t 24. Domangue, 3:2?:48j 25. Johh Oeltmann, 59, Fla., 3:28:53. (39 linisher6) Wealhcl: Fogsy, 65 degre€s, hmid. -- -oh. D Vor\-ot-PHOTO BELOW--Jack Bacheler at 5 mile poiht early in horning wifh heallr Jog on Nen Olleans Lakefront.

Bacheler at


mile point stlll on Lakefront.

170 Brave Elem€rts ar Bcllsritte MarshoL Adans


Runs For Post

.1. t?m",n?d.on,-d.ud. sr'--V - p,r"dm .B3ng 84,ei W,t.".opo\""p,1 dd.t\"r...ad up o n e rr,".dl ,"r" ... d . .;", " (d .-iF. ofri." in en .or". do,h" ",s".e .hr;S.. "s v". np srid rMae mrn!te\ befh .tostns sundJy ir " h .-e h', o I.p L\d.i.r.aid 'd1-&td toJ.pon togi.td,onh.br"nrsroEJp DcnorrdL.! oir"ry p-d rira..l .lzla.rep " enldri\p .roT D.r,nd a, e and ro ha,. "np .ur.enry pubrsher of rhe sch6k \orhlpn ClraoD Dc.Anopr _ H" s,d r" wdtai out dr <

aF (0pror


! hd abd5r "i'c



Bob Thurston


oFE\ a,1 \II|E RL-\, \t-r,Rcii i., :; z PREI,IMIII'AR' 2. 6 j!{ILE RLrN (JR. HS :L.\!. ) l Kevin Knox, t5r2t (t6t Eteh. )i Z. Eddie':Lujan, 1jrZli 3.Randy white, 15:2t (lst Jr. HS)j .,1. Jim Diltingham, L5:45; 5. Mike Bern6tein, 15:48j 6. Bob Nucz, 16:0tj 7. Steve Thornc, t6:O8i 8. Robin Messi.kr t6:13; 9. Cha!1es Lilygren, 16:30; 10. Kim CranJord, t6:.19; jt. 'looo /nox, .l Az: , An, --. Da .,,1?/, .. 4. D-n.i_ sL ,! r, .t:o . .J, p .o,.n , or, :.8. Steve Su11ivaa, 18:3.1..26. Lihda Bottlik, 2Z:16 (1st Ciftl Ron Kurrte, 23, o{ the pacific Coast CluD scor€d a r9s victory over Bill S€arer in the couis. .ecord tifte of 3r:10 (New Course).12.,1 Jinishers. _-Johr Brcnhan.l-_ fO]\{ FLJIMIITC SETS RECORD IN RCDNEY RL-N De1., Sun.tay, Ma.ch 26 - toh lted _r|-ilhnlgtoh, Pat*son Srate Colleg€j lvon th. 9th anhual Ca.6ar

-- t.

a- ,toi r..4 I .o. L, Do.., a.L, \: o.d, l:1lE:1?.2. ) Mik. Butyne6, pcnn AC,Eterting R€g. Il iihished s€cond i! 1:09:05. The distance Fas LJ mitl

ll ilmihgt.hrs Mayor Harr}' c. Hask€tt, Jr., Jired starthe pisrol ar 2:00 ]l m. , with tZ.! .uraers ansq,( rhe gur, Two hour6 and rrveary minutes rarer ltz rE .dI:1.-n F.JoLr_oa,,-.', rs i! qA or t-- r..a .otj y o, \ .unnmr:r oI Les Nagy, sillh; Jay 1!i1liams, sevehrhl H .on B a., 0 h: :r. nn r-, , .'. .. d . o, iqr . z . P-.r A a- s-. o.a l" ,. C1ub ".a D-r"v"rL Sprts thiid. cr.A/ ., ,c. rr-r r " ." " v""--. D:.i..ior'.i".-r"nd \ t.or' Vo D-.a Sprts Club th€ Jirsr Clolden Masrers Divlslonj t'iiishl The lreather was ctear, .tt dcgrec€, rvith lviid gust 10 15 mph. 1, lom Floming, tVilliam patcrson Cotrege, 1rt]6:52 z, Mike BuryDes, ]r.rn AC, 1:09:05; 3. Mike Sabiho, Baltimore Otlmpic Club, 1:09:5t; .t. Sheltlon Karlir, , ,,' :)Q j :. . \to"-. ar, a d. ,a. A., ,.l]:.0 v -.o - dA, .: t: 0. 7. ,d, \ Liz. o. rF.r I. :ro.aAc, .-, :'r"-. , V'- o - A_A, :..:17: O, Syfo, B " , l: .: : p , oi, .i-., t: .rr. -. ',.ID "r - "r-. r:,:0.:... r-,( re, Pe,nn -4C, 1:t4:33j 14. Bruce Bond, l.a{arerte Co11eg€ 1:15:27r 15. Merv Brran, Fofl6tor.n pacers Ac, t:li: 16. John Hargr.aves, unat. r t:15,46; l?. Steve Harni Lo.k Hav.n Stat€ Coltegc, tr16:t9; tB. DaEd urebster lnat,, 1tI6:221 i9. trn.ih Zablocki, Harrlsblxe AAA, 1:Ili:,19r 20, aob wiuiaDs, penn Ac, 1:17:18j 2t. Lou !!annehachcr, Vitlano,a AA, l:ti:26; 2Z_ Holrard Cc ens, Detaware Sporrs CLub, t:t?:.j5; 23. Tom Cteavel .-. b, :?ro. 12.c-trBa.,. t."., P:. 00 ' . -,. V" .. r, ,, .-n1 q, , :,.:O,: /o. "r. Harr Chichest.r fC, 1:1Br12i ZZ. Jahes 1reltz, Shore AC, lr18:l6j 28. Daw. Buck, uhat,, i:18:19; 19. 1om Mason, P.nn AC, l:19r3Oj lo. Mark Be1 (latewayReg. HS/ N.J,, 1:19:30;31. Dennis A.latu, unar.., Cat€1ray Reg. HS, 1:t9:5Zj 32, Jolu Reeder, Chichester TC, 1:20:58; 33. Jerry Kralss, Dc1, Spor Club, li21:0,1j 34. Bob Harp€r, \yashington SC, 1r21:3 1-. 1".IF \4. on'- .,J -. :.l:.8 " V"n.-r, 30, John lvlurray, Vicroria Street Striders, t:ZZ:3Oj

It's a cold.

dq ih

l5 Beltst:iUe


these maruthonerr,

Joggers Warned Of Fumes PpLoB lho log o. bc!. e i ong btr\, hi8hwals may .r\ moF hrrm Lhri Aod ber3uspot cdrbon mon, oride lroh mor.r vehi.les, savs Dr. lJ, Fjl]{et in rh€ cur


0o Lnemse





Medicat Association.

Dr. Fnrkcl, of thc AMA Dennfiment of Endrono.ntal. Prhrn dnd oc.lnrtonJt xca rrr Ms .spondLoc tr 3d in, q /fy rmr J ph\sic,r ibolr he Jrnae sto pe6od5 roinq io Lr.y our he.rth omptums . I h AhuJr


Finket notcd rhar srLdics hive

.rr5!i mftof,:dp runes atong .o.fr(er rDures dudns Deak rrafric hdrrs r.rp Br.rt rm'Et tl rreseit a Fssibte sho*n urar

CaiE.. io heal$ rnd thc diving abiljiid

., :x! -nrn.l.., rs arll a:o i, e jo:q.f

?6 3 heatrL traz_

o. bjko idcr.

DR. FrnrKEL poinred out ibat drlrnlL ri.l 3rotr! hishrravr laaes accordine to :i_r.x: ii traitic lrd wndher r brccze is

rr,,13 .,r:y pr.h.rlr polt!r.nrs. He .ir!d a sludy whi.h r.tr,:i r:.: ih. hervi3n.Dolturion eltend.d about 0i Jeer to .r:l:I src: .i rh. hichsay. a:rr.:, rrrlrido lcrrh aso rse sharply rt busy jn,


t::J:.:..ri nh.r ,, .

nop sictrrh l.riodic.llv halt rehictes io To:e

{L er8ines.umins,

he pointed

, :, ' :1ir':ai- !: ... si:o\ ftlt oi sorne bNy cly st.*rs .i .i:b.i mmoxide are norc rtraD 2t ..: . r: _ :r rlr\tl noE thrn 10 prf c..r oJ rhc time. . trrar rve ged {,1 prrts per nilim : :::: - - rri.:i.n i .::: !:::d..:3: .irn rh.ir nf..hou. carbon nonoide :::::j :ir.rd r:.\..:d t5 pDrj. r!'r.ire6 .r Sralford l]iilcsily iave . Ho\iEiER, rr:xc::rr rNr.r e\p.srr. io.filq.d rrionde -:r parts Djr rl:on i]]r iomg adu 6 .rn in Drrtiat to$ of 's!li n:rr 1n. r may a-Dur ft mlnvduroa..ider6. wams Dr

Lrilih Sesd

,m" ,ffi:


B.c \r.nnyoih, oie oI ihc StrDaDrd r*exrche.r oihef studi.s show nrprlrneit of a driver s jrdgmeni.s lo{.tclel c.rbon nmdrde ln lt large cities, pc*$s in moviig renictes are:r lmes exposed to sunaincd l*els ol50 pDn of nore. ^rlcican a.ih 6 hlgi a6 11? ppn in roaly colgesled rFfric. OTHER 'eiks RECEN1 rludr€s imoiicat lwlevet arbm nmord. expGure in lr*rt dhcde and iear afia.ks.

so miny dkrtrrbarce now ard also.iated wfth low-tevet cr.bon motrolid. -:posure rhdr som. in'estigators are seek,is ne$ e$lanitions ol hnw .arbon monoxide acts in ih.


,xs heen rc.ogiized thit carbd moroxjde lis up rhe )sr.bin ir rh. rd btood cctk Fhich ca orfaen to rhe rsntrs Nory lir.shsaiofs s'sp..! rhat, in addjri6, jt nay



ai rllecr



the celh or

tle tuy.



n Velsh

H4LF MARAl'HON 37. Ha!ry Aerkotrjtz, Penn AC, lrZZ:39r 38, lrarreh Banni6ter, Chlchc.t€r -lC, I:22:a6a 39. Don Adams, @at. , Rutgers, )123,A6i 10, A[an 1,ark.r, unat., 1r23: 11i .!1, Cuatis IIilliar.1, unat., I:23.I2., tZ. ilobert Hemptoh, lre1. Sporrs Club, 1:23:16j 43. Srcve Ceitings, cate_ rtay Reg. HS, l:23:2lr 4,!. paul Lco McS.rt.y, Fenn AC, 1:23:34 (znd Ma6ters); ,!5. Joe Lapann, Cateray Reg, ItS, 1:24:09; ,16. Jim Ml1lei, Victoria Stre.t Striders, 1:21:22.,47, StepheD Ctin€, uat., lrZ.,1:5lj 48_ Bob Dohelfy, unat., )t24t59i 19" John Winsloe,, unat. r 1:25:08: 50, IJahick Murlhy, unat.,1:25:13i 51. Brian Mahon, uar,, 1:26:06; 52. Byron Mundy, !enn AC, l:26:23: 53. Gus Sareyka, Chi.hester 'tC, ItZr.:ZB,54. Thoma6 Muyah, unat., lt2b.4at aa- Kewin Reddingron, unar,, i:2?: 09i 56. Mc.le C. Hamrick, Baltimor€ OC, I|ZT:15,57, Jim Hartn.tt, Victoria Srreet Srridcrs, 1:2?:51; 58. Claig Hi11iard, unat., 1:27:59; 59. ceorge Matuschak, ua., 1:28:08; 60. Kat Camfbell, CJTC, 1:28:t5 (3rd Masters); 61. Page ltoodbury, unat", 1:29:04; ri2. Kenneth Hunt, u.of D-.""ar-. '.1o..d. 6., n, I """ial. Striders, 1:30:06; il4. Barry Rhodes, Norristown HS, l:32:08: 65. John Rossi, Camdeb YMCA, l:32:15(next pg)

29:4A;.). Clau.le HiLts, 3t:3,1r 10. Harry S.hmidt,







WHITE ROCK MARATHON, DALLASJ TEXAS (WHITE ROCK I-AKE) MARCH 4, I9?2 r'/ iah +ha ax.eDrjon or 5 ausri-r .0 -,p,h. wi1.t, i". znd alluat !yr"ire qocL

twistine certified course around the 11.1 miLe shoreline road insured ' respectable tines for an area new to the marathon experience. A group of three runners, Oklahomars Terry Ziegler, Dallas' paut Hoffman, and Gary Tutt-Le of Ventura, california, quickly established themselves ahead of trF 144 man (and wonn.) field. Zieqler l.ed slishily at 5 (z6t1t) and to nites {54'00) blt an early attempt at a break failed and it was the vouthfut Hoffnan who nade the decisiwe break. Approachinq the 1, mile mark the short, stocky redhead nade an inpressive rnove I pullina to a 15 secohd lead which he held throush the 15 (1!21t25), increased considerabty ihroush the 20 (1'48'20), to win in a fresh looking 2tzl'18, his first.un under 2'30. Behind Hoffnan, tuttle ran steadily for his second place 2t28r24, thirtv seconds ahead of Houston's Vayne Coner who c1o6ed extrenely well for his first sub 2r10. .The consistent Ziegler had one of "those,, days, failine badty in the last six niles to a fifth plac6 2'33r00. Captain larry seethatto;, runiing for San Antonio, also passed hin in the last th.ee niles with a Zt3Ot55, The winner, Paul Hoffman, at nineteen is aware that tlme is on his side, Thoueh obviously elated witf the ease of his 2,2:1, he is realistic about his trials chances ard is looking nuch further ahead. Paul recently transferred to North Texas State University, IEitly to join Ton Hess, Texas' other premier narathoner, and partly io rejoin his hish school coach, John r{cKenzie, now a sraduate assistant at the Denton school. In the era or the nileage boon, Xofirian's traininq is strikingty rnoaesr. s once-a-day trainer, he admits to a qeekly output of onlv 70-80 miles of va.ied '"11 1',:6aov rn na-d ru-'rr'r.". iL:rninF, r6 asseris, -s s-ii-a 6"co.o"-l


;: 2.

l. 4, 5, 6, ?. !, 9. 10. 1l. 12. lri. 14. i5, 16. 17. 18. 19. ?!.


;'"' :,' :;.: Gary Tuttle (24)

(]0) Iary Seethalter (29) Terry Zieql."r (21) Chuck Mafk (19) Fichard Pettigr-"w (19) John waneclre (20) clen cole (21) Larry Aduddeu (25) crant (25) lrllh Jeff Carnodv (25) :, vaf-jwearfneen (2r) |o4 frank (24) Michael Just (21) revis ilerd (29) lewitt Paul (18) Daniel eenavldez (15) steve Mccresor (20) !"f"I von ridwell (t]l_. (_r2) wayne comer

,l:. R:l^l:":]" L(_'. uo a 0 oPan ir-

!,1, 9",) r'r,'piiv-tiZi' Elkin (59) 50. sush

85, Henke (62) ql. Harry H. G. Lundbers (b1) loa. Harotd Helâ‚Źes;n (691


Antonio, Tex. & ve4tura, Calii. Texa6 san Antonio, Tex. San


oltlahona Denton, Texas Richardson, Texa6 Minneapotis, Minn. Tulsa, oklahoma Tulsa, oklahona san Anronio, rexas San Antonio, Texas Norman, oklahora Tampa, Florida sheppard AFB, Texas Midiand, rex;s short Hilts, New Je.sey Iongmount, Cotorado Richarcson, rexas ,vaco, rexas i\rorman,

r.-ursa, okrahona Iolr


tj!0".ru,.,0, lattas, T;xas r,onqview, Texas r.rt Texas .louthworth, Da.kota



zia.55 zt3:too zt34,4j z,35,tt+


z,l1,og 2,39,ba z,|otbo z,44t4i 2r4gt25


z,tz,2i z,iA,ii

z;5?.rz zrrTrz.)

z,sat.lll z,r.)tao

3,rj,5e 2r:il:iL )t3t1,z?


4iZDtU? 5!16!.r?


Antonio vrith ruttte 2ncl, c"ant 1lth and Car-ody tZtn (?5 pls,) lsMace--san znd Place--Cross Country Ctub of Da]tas wi fh Iroffm8n lst, 'vccreeor tgth ard von Tidwelt zoth (40 pts.) 3rd ?]ace--cameron Track c]ub, H;uscon with Coner lrd, VilIehez ?2nil and Fred, M.D. 34rh (59 pts.) ?3rd and reschek 25th (63 pts .) plsce--rura;-,Runnins ++-g+=: :lirr':9-1fl *l1f:t':1. 5th club Hith iduidert rou,, (?l pts. )


Si".""irlii-iiii friiiri"jzij



3. J€ray Crane, 2A, 2Z:Q6,1. PauL Hansen, 50, 23:01; 5, Ed Townsehd, 39, 23,25t 6. Mark Pit|man, 26r021 coL@bia, Mo., Malch 21, 1972 -fanng! Ev€rett Wirgau, 36, 27tEt a. Darltih CiIbert, '12, 7. 3 li55:16: l. Loreh Moe3, l',47117i Z. Latry 27t16, 2:06:'16! 9. Dj..k F,eist, 41, 29i23, GtaLberg, 1. Don Bob H@erdosse, ZtO5t25', 2'Q7:22, Paul Ide, 6 Adams, Z:06r59: 5. Jerry 6-MILE ROAD RUN, ITOTTER FARK, I-ANSINC, MICH, \veath€r: Strong NW tind, sunny, 35 degree6. Maxch U, 19?2- W_earher: Cold, 33 degrees' of 1:4?:38 Notes. . Moca, who set the cours€ record (.4 1aP6 ol thc paak, ea.h lap l9lt. Bholt ol 1.5 d es) lost pce, but aecord ol his well ahead last year, wa€ the recold ovel the last 5,0oom, the.]iffelehce beibg l. Dennis uilliams, 26, 3l:07.9 (coulse Recold; o1d 2. Jim Calte!, 23, that h€ lled those last 5ko in t6:03 last year as against mark, 31:13 6et by Bill IielleL 197l)j (]ordon Schafer' 36' 20' 33:58; 4" 3 Jerrv Crane' 35:15-lOkm,33:51; 18i02-5Lm, 18:1? this year. Sdit6 for Moe6: Fred Helsa19, 35:55 6 8; 5 Marrin cohen, 35:20' 9; 1:29:30-25tm. r:rr:oa-zok-, 53:03-15km, Art Bech' 36:39; 8. ?. Pau] Hanse4, 50, 35, 36:28; b.ck, 40r31: l0 Wa1t 35, 38:57; chuck Conlev, hoefer, 36, 9 IN EICHT r-ocAN TAXES STE\{ART AND REcoRD MILE COLUIIBIA 1C RUN, Colmbia, '\4o , March 11 Long, 52, '11:03i ll Darnin Gllbert' '12, '!5:0?j lz Dick 1. Tom Logan, NE Mo. State, l'1:36i Z. Demi€ Stewarr, Reist, 14' 15t:zs 5 Higginsville, 45:O!; l" B€n Loniieree, Coludbia TC, zo MILE RoAD RUN' POTTnR PArlK' LANSING' MICH' a8;iSr a. Bob Hunerdosse, Macor, 50:49; 5 Mike Chipendale,CTC,52:14l6.r<enBlalocl,Lexington,MaxchlS,t9T2\|eather:Verv{in'lv'35degaees' I Demis williams, 26, l:56r30 5i 2 Jim carter' 23' 53:6i; 7. eob BaLcr, Tulsa, okla , 53:19; 8. Joe Ducan,CTC,5.1:52;g.DonCranberg,CTC,6O:l]l.l:58:30i3'rliltKcller,3l'Zr03r08i+MalkPittmah' weathel: 65 .].grees, bligh| suh, stlohg !!ind lrom sw' z:0.4|n?; 5. coldie schafel' 3li, 2:08:33i 6. F'ed HelsaNotes..Logancste*alLmatcleastlidesloTacoudebeck,35,2:23:29;7.AftBecMoeJer.16.2:23.34.'a' ol miies, Lten sterarr buili upa 3ooy lead, but Logan l]aui Hansen, aa, z:3lt46t 9" Gene Ker.haert, 2:37:24; caughthima|sixmiles&casilymov€dahead.Bo|h10'DickRei'|,41'3'r):02._.Denni6B1l.illiafis-. aunneas broke Stewartrs course record oI 1?:21 easilv PUTNAM !'IINS 3O KILO RACE 1N KNOXVILI-E 19?Z RoR LEUT\TILER SVASHES TEN MILERUNRECORD Cb€tokce Blvd., raoxElle, Tenn.,Ivlarch19, 60" lv'athd:,sunnY Rob Lcut_ 2!Februarv Nfo., cosdo Park, columnia, OI'EN DIv' 1 -'arm' Purnam' 27' IjSAF' \t5Z'AZ' z' wiler comFeted in Columbia, as ah 18 vedr old, rn the ALlch 29' Ktoxlille TC I:58:10: 3' Bill Gar'lner' -Don'ld 1968 Marathon an.l finishcd ?th with a trme ol 2:515:l?. 'jat€s' Tc' 2:10:31' z7r Atlanta 1othis He didn't appea. again on thc local sc€ne uitil (30-39) 1. Jim Beach, 35, chattanoo-sa di1er. Hc shartered rhe cou!se r€cord oJ 5?:55 set last SENIoR DIv. yearbyBill\[irtzrtiihaiast.lockrngol52:'4?.Noton_'fc'2:02:'!3;2'lvalterBerlcvouns'31'KfC'z:10:50; 2:15:56i 4 Dick 3' Bob 1\right' 3l' Greehe Co" iy O.t, l. .t"o shattered rhe 5 mil€ course record of 'NICA rL z:20:56' z6:z? -trich was ser br Io l-ogan in ranuarv r9?0 1.'.::T:1i1: DIv,Krc l+ ! otet) l Kei:h Kah1' 41' KTc' Leutwilet ap]nrenily stxcializes in l0-mrL. rs--a rnonth \ ETEFANS Cibson =8' Chatt' iC' i:59:47; 3' 2 Charles 1:59:11; o! so ago he won the St. Jacob, l1l. lLr MiLe run Nith a Llovd Lxndin' KI'' : tl 1l - tsdl Cadield' 5Z' November backin time of 52:06 ovca .l comletlrors ahd -52' 'lC' 2t11'14' Knox he was second out oI a !i.,]d of 128, \ith a Line ol49:02 Notes...Don Putna.r, lrho lla'eled nearlv 1000 miles in rhe ALton, ltr, t0-nlle.un, lrom Col@bus Aii force Base' MississiPPi Lo Knox2. Iom l. Rob Leuf$iler, 21, Sr. Louis, tti.Iz' 52:| 1i Logan,NEMo.sta|.,27:1l3,54:5a|l.LaIryYoung,.Tl|€3JI:tlLn 29,"co]llmbiacoireg€,28|2a'.7|\7ia,Be[Lonnel...,drstanccIunrnts.\-a|a]so.]idsofrelastmovingduling th' 30km event in couase r€cor fh€ conP'tition 3?, cotumbia Tc, 60:03i t Doh Granbers' lo'cTc 'dd " 6z:53i6.A1SchnillL,sr"Louis'bl:zgir.goultootttimeuithth"rrod!s'Litinrothreeage'livision6'Purdosse,Z5,Macon,65:O3r8.Ha.lletGa]mmr29,M'connamt@kcldrr'_ttheoutsetandi'asnev€rchallenged' 11"'losestbaitl_olthedav$asihtheover40v€teran' 66:/ tt9. Jot: Duncan, 3?, C1C, 68:16i lLr. Lornc$alt- group where ninhci Kcitf Kahl and Charlie Cibson rah St' ney, 52, St. Louis, ?l:13i 11. Leonar'l Busen, '!l' sithln !rEtance alt alternoon Kahl took top hor Louis, ?'r:22; 12. Dan Smi.h, St !our6, 75:Ob, li Drck :noD]]ng 2sitn z s_"o'n aad about a 200 vard edge at the Heun, Kirksville, 1-5:1?' 1'1 Dale Schulle, 32, CTC, - ^rs division, Jio Beach ol Chattalinish ]ine.. In the senior 1r3o:;?. wearher: 25o, titrt.j nin.t, smy. \'ith a {inal cloc}ing ol 2:02:'13' nooga won handilt ' --,--------,-' I'inter K fC di€tance schedul€ rhe of ibe fihal cvent COLUMBL{ TC ONE MILE TRACK RUN, MARCH 18 Relav on April 30rh on rhe cher 2 Nlan l0_ifile be a l. Tod Logan, 'f:19; z. Dennis ste('arr, '1:22r 3. Bcn -willcourse Also d th:,:r"Tl.i1f,"1 Londeree, 3?, 4:.10; .1. D.ug williams;n, +,+r; r' ra n't-L' ::-o' :Vav 'z-?$ ':'o /.Dor::":: 10, ':oo:o.v. :o'-" .-)|c,s. l :':--'" takc place Entrv information mav be Cranbete, 5:l'l; 8. Dick Hesslca, 5:lEi 9. Jean Maddea, one-nour-run Fill 15,5t231\A.JoeDuhcan,37,5:l/obtainedftomHaroldr'Canficld'50ZAlanda1eRoad' Knoxville' Tenn 3?920Note6..,AnothcanewrecoldJoraclc spoosoreil llob rjroull bv was ser €vent--the o1d aecord '1:29.'r 1TTH ANNUAL IO-MILE ROAD RACE - SPONSORED BY id Sept€dbe! 19?1. .'15 degree6, sunny' vcrv little winll THE GREEK OR'fHODOX CHURCH, CAMBRIDGE, - -Joe Duncan-MASS,, NIAiCH 19, 1972. (Cours€ is actuallt 9 l4 mil. & flar, ) Wearh€r: Cool. 3.85 MILE ROAD RUN, QUEN:fIN PARK, LANS]NG' Tcam: 1. Norrh Me.lford Club, 10; 2. Bosron AA, 12; 3Cold & \t{rt. $'eather: MICIIIGAN, Maach l, 1972. Storts Union, 23; '1. Brahdeis Univ. 33i Cambridg.i 1. BiU Kelle!, 31, 21,.34:' z. Fred Helsab€ck, 35, 2z:01i MISSOURI VALLEY AAU 3O-KILO RUN

5. Mt. ParkAA, 42.



i;ti"j:";.,T:;::l: i, fii:l Xi;i:::i;,i;':". i;,.'#I,Tli":;,i'.1;

-- -fLDp. tsAA. 48:t6: 8. Jo..a'a'.!o'BAA,.18:'.|"..r""'"'i,,,.."]"^"'ii.-". a.d univ.. ae:13i,;




pO. h.r, rF FO{D



"g:1";,#l;{",." F:J::j'j:i{:+',,*{i:i:".*-firurt:

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--pop Barsamo--

ru.r*ru* o""", (,AMERTDGE, ,o"Jlto^ll*,.15," ,_r- i.*i"1'3;".i:,y"" ?Io:ll:: :"_u,..:,_,.r' vea*r +' vzi -' "' *::-;;'1i1,;:";.";1"i;i;:'::::,"::i|?:i;',J-."i,_ cit''".v, csu, s:,re,

.Y::i "::1'i;":',i,i;;:;lt!iil;::* ei5 rniv.., 53:3.?j n," ","0.



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".l"li:i",:::"::".;:.:""i:;:,:;""i;:li:;"],,:,;,::r;1,r,{""";::;.i:^i;".',:;::l:jj'i::' .8:^i. . o. san /,ri,, oo:r8:bF.'ra:sr a o,,.i;,--;; "".". J.:; ,o;1.;1:,"1:,,T.1:::r, *...r.,,',"""i". :;,i,1:::1T,l; i'.1.1';.1 ;I".i""-i:.;;;;:T;::,;j ii"::::::::l::: ' ", yiiiii.::,:"-;.'l::;.1.",.i;"i;.,*:'- ;1fi!:,H;?1ff*,1,;:.xgJ3il#tl;l;; !r:,",*iL ,-,1,.", ?,. \. Li"i !r-, N\r( , tar. .., ot/ "."-".-,f', :t I l, f':"ii';"ii;'lJ,i, iiTl$. l;.*'I3X:i:;JTl'"';,,,'#.,i.L:::?.,1;;:J,1, . ,-=-::i:".,::i :i"'j: ilil; .'"1': il'.. I ";,","J, _"1;;, ":,;'""'i,l;;j;J, ::" v""". . ;,0;, ,, ' ;;. !':tto,, "l-: uhat., 5s:31; si: r;c """ir"* "iu, csu, j2; *nn", ,,ur,ur,-i.'of*!: l;lir.r,i i,"ijl li;.::: ::"b.fi:ilr:qij T3i;"'i.;L';i,1;'",-i'{ri,lili :::}:liTti.t..l""i'; ""'*1,:*:i*:".;:.. ,l;:=;t:;,;"::;" .sr :.:T:t"',.J,.;f;::ft.*::i",,::""-*j#:j*:, :f::":::f.il"',,T"#:""1"" .--ll ., 60:08: 8o. Jo" .otuo .y. , s, . oo:09; . -,0,,00. -,. i ,,,: , .-:l "jj.'":l';; "i l'""::, ^":'1,";.f.;, :';;,;j:1,::i;li:."r-:_.,:'i.]:-iB"'J:,":; ";:l -::"i";,lT:t;""J*;:,ll:*ru:*lij":;i":,:r. iur*llffiiii:,i#i,:r*{:i;il;.T:* 58:

r,:":"'J,:,'"."'1lili;v.,i:*?zl,Ti.l';:fl",ilj#' g,"j:jtj;:i:;,"Jy,t"1,y;j!?.::_.':!."'."1:'l;l'". oo:. ro. Don"ro !., ,;:, *".., nz. b,r) co,r"sF, , . ';i";il ,r.. "".1i1"^"i"i, l;illi, -.:l!:1,'j']t:l:::,.;:fl",.':::",;l:;.5.-;:iiJ,,., il?,?:"ii1..:,"..,,'il"",:l.jl,r#:,.*ffi#;x;

I ?9 TOM !'LEMING 19INS HANNON MEMORIAL RUN Ma.ombs Dam Park, Brohx, N. Y-, March 5- :r'om Fleming, 20-year-old lvilliam paterson College a.e, tron the l3th Annual Mike Hannor Memorial Z0 Miie Run over th€ Harlen River RRC course. Fleming .overed the Jive laps ol the ,1 mile .ourse ]n the ner record ride of l:,16:06, smashing rhe old tecord ol 1:'19:28 set rast year by Augustin Calte, Ile also cra.l€d Ca1l.'6 record of li27:18 lor L6 miles as he Passed that checLpoihr in l:2.1:53. Fleming led all rh. ray- Bill O'Bri€n, 18, edged Jose Velazquez lor runh€rup honors !y 28s. A record lield of 9r runiers staalcd in rhe ra.e held in wlndy. Jr r eathFr. The lirst Vet. prize went to Joe Burns .l thc United A,{ jn l?rh tlace. 1. Tom leming, Wm, Parerson CoIlege, I.1616, Z, Bill O'Bri€n, 18, Millrose AA, 1:5:li0li 3, J.se Velaz_ quez, 26, NYC Commuhity C011.ge, 1r53rZ9i "1. Jocl MalkPasternak, 21, Wm. Paterson Col1.gc, l:55:01'; 5 Dewitt Thomson, 27, Nei YorkAC, 1:5?:0,1r 6. Pai Bastick, 35, Miltrose AA, 1:58i.19i ?, cary MlnrclE, 31, Millrose AA, 1:58:.!9i 8. Jah.s KelLy, 19, Fordham AA, 1:59:08; 9, Bob Ziemibski, 25, NYAC, 1:59:1?i 10, Larry Powett, 21, Gard.n Ciry, I-.L, 2:01:1!i Lt. Bob Bylnes, 18, Fordham AA, 2:02112, lZ. Dennis Healy, 32, BrookLyn, 2,02.a7,13. Ahdrew Roney, 21, Fort Lt:e, N.J,, 2:04:Ui 1.,1. Bill Schwab, 32, Ashtand, Mass,, Z.A4:26t \5. Vicharn Irenjakll, 32, NYC, ?:06:59i 14,. JackHarayda,l9, Irestch.6tcr TC, Z:07:1Ei t?. J.c Burns, 42, Unircd AA, Z:09:25 (lsr v.t,); 18. Dennis Dris.o11, lt, Sl, Fran.is College, 2:10:23; 19. Ste,e Conroy, 2?, LIAC, Z:10:l5i 20. Kevi. Healy, 21, NYAC, 2:13:l5i 21. Jim Legakis, 21, NYAC, 2:11:19; ?Z- Je.ry Co11ins, 16, Sa)-\ille, 1'-,Y., 2:13:2A;23, Bill lnnck, 25, Staten lsland Ac, ztl3.48: 21. DickKuscs,k, ll, sr. Ahth, BC, 2:1.r:18; 25, Jo. Boc.ia, 14, N.rfLL,ori, l.I 2:\4:5At 2l)- Paul Rrelb-.rh, 22, Ros1tf,, \, Y,, 2:la:lil Z?, JimNolan, .r5, NY!C. :r:n lai :!. B:11 C.rt,r., aa, Milhose AA, z:ta:aa:2'). F ll Sharrar::: -1, lL:1..:-


: '0, | Rlacrsr.re, iL.


. i:: ::::: : ia' 4 \'. 33. Al Ugclow, 21, Sr. A!th. B(r, : llr:l :-. l.l.r:

2:l?:.10j 31. Dave


P"r', 8, |".r1"

| , N.-.


, ){. .. L:-

r6, t:2- 1..

2:12:25, 62, Bill conza!es, 2t1Z:25, 63. Dudlet classe,

,1i, United AA, 2:.1.1:57; .!3, NtC, 2: +a: t -. 44. John Keiul, 28, United AA, 2:48:22 aa, are.l Rurke, 53, NYC, 2:19:58) ti1. Jim Spcer, 15, N!C, 2rt9r20i 68. Alan Druckman, Sealor.l, N. ]]., :11, l: a a:0 t, lsr $otar: L Nina Kuscsih ,31,2:1.,1:18, 6.1. Jim Roohcy,


FORT COLLINS TC 5.i4ILE RO}lD RACI Lorelab.l, Colorado, Sunday, F.brua.r- ll, 19?2- Wes Crist was ah .iasyalnner i! the 1st af,irial laLentine

.^l l) ou-s' bv'Ff oly-dI -. :1./ de;.--.. -.. "...'00f-1. \ir{:s C.ist, 21t38t 2. Hylke van d.r ',1a1, 28:05; 3. Tom Ferger, 28:0b; 4. Scott Boyd, 2!::a I Arr Sanchcy, 29:3ir a. Franh lleM.yei, 29:.1!; i. I(enr EgCleston, 3f :.1-.j B. D.u!. Reachar.l, 31r53i 9, Fra.]. \rcCabe, 33:05 (rst Ye,. )j 10. Stcv€ Smoat, 33:56j 11, IIcrl, flern don, 3.1ri2r 12, Dan Crist, 34:l3j 13. Dave Ta):or, 36r00i 1,1. Tih Smoai, 3?:50i 15. John Clarkc, l!:1r.i 16. Larry Burns, ,12:21r Li. Jack Ncwsonae, 45:09. I KILOI\{ETER RACE (1'! & Younger)- l Bryan llcrndon 3:3li 2. Conrad Eagan, 3:52i 3. ,ttark Eagan, ::52, --Ch" li $ ooJ IORT COLLiNS r C a, 000 METER PRljDlC I'ION RACE Spting Parli, Forr Col1ih6, Co1o., Sunda_v, i!1arch 5th IL:Ii0 A. M- Bo! Conloh cane $ithin Zs oI his Dr.dicted t1m€ and lres Crist turned in lh! Ia6tesr a.tual trme ov_- o-9.-o. .- , .000 F.r. I ! '.., es & ideat lor runniDg, F)reit, Actual f.ime off pred L Bob Conlon, ,t:Uo ,1., L* 1.4:)L Z, Rahdy yarssj, la:3 0 L Jrr Carnrner, 18 ia ]!:al+. eo, tt...1trJ,r :rrrl ::il r, r,,.: a:rsr, : :'. 15 secs. +a r. :. r::: arr:: 18 s.:c., -. j,i:: tj: :: ::: :t aL 2,1 sccs, : :: 1?:00 32 secs, -. I t:: I:: -: . : :! 1,"156 34 scc6, lr lt 23:35 ,10 secs.



20: l6

11.26 1010



45 s.cs.

t,-r", \.Y,, _:lr 8. 19:ll 20:18 -, 38. Jim Manuel, 2.r, USCC, Pt.fiden.:, 1. ., lr:r ri Zl:34 20:01 1,29 39. Don Dixon, 44, West Si.le Y\4CA, zilrrir: = -. ::. :.. EalaD, l8r2! 17:51 1: iLl .: lvilliams, ,1,!, NYPc, 2:26:o0i .1i. sran Frlzi)::., , .a:i: -nlingood, 25:00 22123 2.31 St. Peterts Colle8e, 2:2? 30i .12. Frank Ha'.i.lr,ar, :: : : .rr at:ncsriver, tu:()O Z+:Zl 5: J9 l: ': za, 2:28:04. I or d. Fron, , \Y rr'1.& YNnser)- l N4ark EaPaD' 3:58; 2' ti -Bob Mu[er, .1?, Brooktyn, N. Y., 2:2r:1, ,.. ,.="., -..- - I rLl ,: : r:l2i l' collen Easan' 4:56 (8 rinished) -: l:aeJd lenpren6,,1z, NYc, zizS:23i 16. cleoirre) chard-.r, --charli' \lr"d-18, oradell, N.J., z:28:25; a?. .rack ste;:h, 3;, ;..,.lyn, N. Y-, Z:28:38i .18, Frahk Reilly, 35, Unitec A-r!, Clr-{cE OI DAIE - The 17th Annual Pilie s P.,ah Zt28:a3; 19. Steve Hidden, 19, Jersey CiLy, 2:29:i+ \Iara:don will be he1.1 on Suhday, Aueusr 13, 19?2, lt 50, Jid Thom!son, 17, NorLhportj t.,I., 2t2t:3.q: aL ras originally slated for August 20rh. Doh McMahill David Kurman, 18, Princeron, N.J,, Z:30:04i a2 E.. '\i]! bc lh. dirccto. ol the race this y€ar, ptease address Graham, 45, Brou, 2r30:13r 53. Jack 1!auace, +u, -hcr-c, q. r-. oDo "", 1I.A.2--" Yonkers, 2:32:15i 54. Sid Wright, 50, NYPC, 2::jl:0li !reblo, Colorado, 81002. 55. FredDonnelly, 32, Larchmont, N.Y,, 2:l3rltr 5o, Bill Leona!d, 1.1, Port washidgron, L.I., 2133.51-1 a7 MaI-BOURNE, FLORIDA, De.ernher 30- Mellourne Ed Machin6ki, 21, St. Francis col1.ge, 2:31:55r 5lj Dd 5-" --. r: :4 .. , ,/c.".hon oo" I orN_ "y_ Fred L{,borv, AA, 2:36:5a; \9. Ed Epstein, 26, United (L'1 ron Craig, 16, 2:50:06, started, ,:15 fiDished) ?5" 3E, Sr. Anth. BC, 2:3?:0,1; 60. Jonathan Gre€ne, 3'r, B--Irank Craig-iookLyn, N. Y., 2:39:17,6\. PaL Burke, 32, Mitlro6. AA,


U. S,

SII\TTERS RECORDS AS RUSSIANS FALL Riclhond, Va., March 1?- The United Stat€s track team scored a l3I,ll2 victory ovea the USSR in a meet thar pfoduced two wofld indool iecords (by Aherican6) and five Aeerican records. "Theae wele hany mole lluses thaa hinuses,, 6@rmed up U.S, coach Ron Bazit, of Adetphi CoUege. He lraised the comp€titors in the 3-mile tun, the Z_&ile relay & the wome! di6tance luher€ as 'positiv€ Iacrors'in their fl!st intehational meet. rrl was on the 1970 touring team,' said ralker Dave aro ha "sa -"h.:r\" 'o'aas!), or.Ispi- . But I've h€ver seen anything like this t€am. They were reauy drawn together, The gots were pacing all over the {1oor, holtering lik€ crazy for each orher. ' Mile- l. Mikal1 Zheloborsky, USSR, 4:02.9i 2. Creg Ca!1berg, USAj 3. Viktor Senyashkin, USSRj 4. Bruc€ Fischer, USA..3-Mi1e- l. Leonard Hilton, USA, t3:28. 2; Z. Don KardoEg, USA| 3. Vladimir Afonin! USSR; 4" Juris CrustinE, L'SSR. . , 2-MiRetay- i. USA, ?:30, E (John Lov€it, Iien Spark6, Morgah Mosser, Marcel Ph ippe)..1000v- l. Iva! Ivanov, USSR, 2:09.6' 2. Juri6 Luzins, USA; 3. Ron Neh.ing, USAj ,1. Sranistav .n, lssD,.. - - !r r- . V_/o V-q-l-c.-r",\. " ") ga, USSR, 20:08.7i 2. Vladimia Cotubinchiy, USSR| 3. Davc Romansky, USA, 20:12,I ,!. Ron Laird, USA, Women'€ Mil€- l. Debbie Heald, ' USA, .1:38, 5 (U. S. indool record)j 2. Tamara Pahgelova, USSRj 3. Dolis Bro\'a, USA; il, Ludoila Braghiha, USSR. SouthPacific Assn. AAU 20th HERMOSA BEACH RUNS Februaly 13, 197?, S14nsorsr Hermo6a B€ach Recreation Depr. Thc neather lras beautiJul, *hich brought lorth huge crowds during the larter stae€s ot the oFn race. A near high tide made the beach legs o{ the race orc'l\ lo ei so'ng. Da.- P" t- n oui i. 't c .or,.r lead ohly to cut one lcg short & be disqualilied. BiU Scoboy ahd Allan Scolicld ran an extra mile on the zhd loopeheo they failed Lo ruxr ofl the b.acb at the ItroIEr point. BeautiJul awards *e1€ provided by the Reci€arion Depaltment and post lace prnch !va6 donated by tsi11's

2r ,l0sloxk€,eE{LYN 26 CA CBo tauaELr0 3O







70 LiiNrrFri-:0eas 75 !!LLISE!


H,S. 5-MILES .. 1" Johh Olsvang, 27:12.,2. :F,ataLl ]iettile, 27t52i 3. John Holcomb, 28:lO; .!. !otre!r O'Btien, 28r24; 5. MarkMorro, 2Er38j 6- Toqas Rodriquez, una., 28:50t 7. Bruce Holliday, 28,52j 8, iont Cherbak, 28:58; t- Jim Murl:hy, Z9:06; jo. ctem Jerieil, CI'fC, 29.2at 1t. A1 Villanera, unat,, 29:45; 12. Cr!uck Hatris, 30:2li 13. Ed Cleveland, l0r29j 1,1. Ctcni i:!:rback, 31:00; 15, Kurt 4dams, 31:16. (53 lihisherst OPEN 5 MILES 3 S€AVEAJ *ILLIAM 4 SRTNNANOtJOiN 5 LoCK!AN,0AyI0

HUITSON_MOHA\'K RRC 6 & 9 MILE ROAD RACES at the Caepu6 oI th€ StaL€ Uhiv€rsity, Albany, N, y.

30!!5 140



6-MILES - l. Joe Rukanshagiza, t6:00, 31:Z?; 2. Bilt 5orc1, 16:01, 32:33j 3. Randy Witshire, t?:Z,tr 35:IO; .1. Bo! Marr, 17:35, 35:15j 5. Ahold Shei1, l?:30, 36: 00; 6. Bar.t llopkins, 1?:35, 36rll8i ?. pat Nash, 36:3Oi 8. Dav€ Van Derz.e, :16:35; 9. I)at Sr€lvart, 37rO5j 10, Jim Hickey, 3?r25; t1, Karl Johanser, 38:3Zi 12. Sreve McConncll, .10:16; 11. Mal Mccomell, 40r16; 14. Bruce Hopkin6, 40r37j 15. Bill Blancc, ,10:55; 16, Ted Crenda, lltz'-, 17. Ea Degnan, .1I:45; t8. Charlcs ljdwar.l, 50:30, 9-MILES - Bdan Quin!, 16:00, 31:25, 48:02; 2, Steve

tr= Nowacki, t6:,10, 33t42, 5Ata?t 3. Fled Tong, 6o:l2t 4, 6-MILE II,ALK, ADAMSDALE. MASS_ Bill chiorse, 60:30; 5. Lindsay Childs, 62:t4; 6. Don March 5, 19?Z - Held in one of the worst snow storha wilkea, 64125; 7. A1 stringham, 65:00. -'Burke A.rams- o{ the last {ew years. Attended bv fou hardv 6ou1s, No iroubie floh judgeF a6 they dohjt come out in 8-MILE ROAD RUN, EUGENE, OREGON s,eathe! like this I Mat.h 12, 1972 - l. Bob cray, 4l:01; 2. I<ent Neddert. Cary ceoffroy, NMC, 59:OZ; Z. ceorse Crzcbien. ma4, 4l:58; 3. Jim Go!4an, 44:3i, GROUP WINNERS- NMC, 6?:3?; 3. Jake Brederson, NMC, b.rrlo: 4. JR. HS- JonBrand, 59:2ljH.S,-PaulKlope,,!8:50; FredBrown, NMC, a,5:53, 25-30- Phil MedcaU, 45:4A.,31-4A- W'alt Henst€y, i16: 58i.ll-50- Don Wihber, .,18:10j 5t-60- Charlie Sargenr, L?rh SAr\ FERNAT\DO 6.I_MILE II_{NDICAI] RUN 52t42t aVEF. 60- Herb McMurtly, 1:06:55; WOMENSaa Fernahdor CatiI., March 12, 19?2 _ Dennis Sav_ Pat Loveland, 57:39. Over 50 rumer6 competed. age just abourhas thi6 race sewn up, with rhr€e --Don Jacob6__ straight wins, He missed his oNn recoril of 30:15 this year, howev€r, a6 he clocked 3l:21. The success of WOMENjS X-COUNTRY OUALIFYING MEET FOR the compoter haa.tica?s just aboul did SPAAAU ofiici_ INTERNATToNAL TEAM, GREEN LAKE, SEATTLE, als in at rhis short race. There aie roo oaDv beoDle WASHINGTON, MARCH,I, 1972(2.5MILES) Jinishiag rvirhih a short p-riod for tt€ oriiciats to ac_ 1, Dori€ Brown, 1\ash., 13:2?; 2. Ellen Claugu6, Calil. tlN,P' ..--record rides and places. (139 finishexs) i3:31;3. Te!aAnex, Calil., l3:51;.1. Caroline Wark"r, -.curately oregon, 13:55; 5. Debbie Roth, oregon, 13:57r b. Beth i lil;;.::;.:! :: ji:' :]j],1 :;l:: t3: Bomer, N. J. , 13:58; ?. rane H r, Arizona,


: ::li3;:[ii,, i: ;r: :3i;l : -: l"': -



;o;;i;;;;;;;i' :l ii: r; walkwitz, 1e?0. l; :il' 1. rom Derderian, NMc, 3e:28;2" chris chambers, i3 83i;i:;i:!ij :i :l: u.Mass., 3e:s3; 3. Richard clook€,

:j;:; :l:il :i:f:

d \4ll PoAn P. N, foO\'\L ., MA55. V.r(\,o,|o72.1oosl..r-.nja|(ln-J\F-crI1^d'1'.:;:;::i,i::,:"...-.::'. 37 desrees, windy & cord. ...".u.',s,liii tiu



j: i#ift::l;ii ;j :Jt, i]::i : :!1.

D!dN-"-lr, -odL., 40 0o: c. u,l'er "l-1::_l,,ll,.1. Dcpr-, , .nd ., r" ,o-r.;ir";-, Aa:|:6.P"e.c'"5z'\4'.odr'}A.a0.tt:.'DoJg''" '!!ood,FairIie1dcoutyst1ideIs,4ol3,!j8.ManfIe.1i;i::ili;;.,.

r"ophy); il :;*jll!:l;", :: :::. iiiji :l ;ll, ;;jl;

Kahdschu', Hartrord rc, +0,:s 1r"t o.., 40 9. peter Freeman, @at.,40:53r ro. rames ureen, Bos,on ^A. 40 -j.'r. pob - ./., 6r -.. ra-.ro.o ',,

4t112: z. Lro's ,or-I F), \\,1c, r' - l. \'r i p o.re y, La., -2:a2tt.. .- B-ar.,.ri, r-: , q. -am-.Dat ., N!c. t.: , f cha-o q"\ .. Do, ac, lztzz; 17. rim smirh, cenrral conn. AA, tz:.ai 18, Steve Nonacki, unar., ,12:51i i9. Doaald Bamford, NMc, '12:5?r zo. rorn raiek, N\rc, =3:o3i 2!. L.elretL sha^, ura., J:16:.-. o." r.,:Lo. _r. oau,.eg..-".-.. .." ,4. ct-rD \ro, -, ,"1., 1 0 n " N\4c, 4r:'r; /o. poD-rL Dooo .i L. .... - 1. l /?. \inT"ad-r, \v.. tj: _8, Roo-.. a.. -.. cst . 4!...t. ro. .on D,r.". .,\:tr1on scLnocrs, No- L Cou -/.. hor.r, una,., .1 , ri z. B-1"n pov- , r. "r" c.

:i;' :: :s

-i ..._ :l:::l:?:l:^. ".;:' ,;-;;;;',i..;. l:::I'.' ."1-;ii-:;j",i;:: .':

3: rL :llii:;i:::l' ciii;;iiiii'

:il': ::.i; :;'i:


;, :iit :3i:3 l: :i:i::l;:::;:,," :l. :J:, ::jlj - . .\.- ;:;;; l:jl

:j::r_; :. .. :. ;)i'


:: :]:'


1 ::.:-:j-r :: :,,:-:;'. -. :1 "..1..:"1 .

:; ;:-li::l:: "-, l; :::" ::ii3

:: :;.lli'::3:i;". j: :::: :::i: ?b'F 3:i:: li;;i sr,i;

.15:24;33. clyde Bentoh, Mt. Park,AA, .15:2.i l!. orli :!J3::!:l?;::i iol rauler, u.Mass., 46:zoi 35" Evereft !\atson, uat. r: 3l:. ,15:22; 36. Edwar.l Posoda, Mt" Park.qA, .16:23i 37. i; 36i?:li;:ilJ'^ ;B :l: Edward Bu11ock, NMC, ,l6r33j 38. Charres Ratti, NMC, sr vrsou€zrRlc( parrr AA, .11i:.+ej_.10. ;i ii;i:;ill.,^" ir6:.r5; 3e. Ben Dernonico, ML. Ken Wilson, Holyoke YMCA, 46:51; .!1. Francis Devine, 5. siacrrtJEPRy Mr, Park AA, 46:54; i12. cary ccofiroy, \Mc, .15:59; ;: ::??::;iil* ll :J:, ,13. Dave Carlson, Southeln Com. AA, ,17:0.,1: .1.1, Roberr Ne , Mr. parkAA, 4?ioe;.15. ron

f-"1.-u"i_"t,. ii ParkAA'.17:29i46,wi11idKarp,NMc,4?:18|+7. -ohn arrzn F-.d. M. parri A-A. .7:ro:48. :) 4?:4?; 49. Neil Garvey, unat., 4?:48, 50. Scoti \fhitn.y, :; uar.,4?:54r 51. Alex Hos6ack, NMc,.,17:5bi 52. rames :; Burnham, uat,, 48:02;53. Ron Setevdemro, NMc, 48:o7i 54. Denais LaBranche, Mt. Park A-A, 48:42: 55. ;i rohnlsres, uat., .!8:46j 56. Edward srr€ker, Mt. Fark i3 AA,48:,|9;5?.steveJuIentkuJl'unat.'48:59i58'Bil1 Bleckweu, Dat., 4e:05! 5e. lvarren "",.., *,:.."j:i," AA. 40r?3: 60. D-vid Er..h, unc., .1o:.1r.--Dick, ' a"-- li


:;li:i;;:9:;J", :; i::

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FUN.CHA_\4PION- Donovan, sHIp, NEw BEDFoRD, MAss., March 12, 1e72. .";;;;;: weather: wct.





New Bedlord Eagles. R€cord is hel{l"i""":...1 uy a.rpt 1",n, d*.r,-

il:TJ:iJ'i:,:.':il3li;#lJx".:...'""-*.'"." reah scorins: r. BostonAA(A),


6. Jitu Acktey, i:48:59; ?. paur A i,;;,:;,,;. H.inz lriegand, 1:4e:38r e. Murdl ey.i",,r,s;;iill,.Botting, 1:52:oz; u. Roland i,i],it,"ir. "ir1 Bob rohshany, l:54r1.!; 13. Botr t:.47:16i



r:;_ . u.;:.,.,-," ,,;;,;;,'*. rim Lrrre, 1:59,.{3r r9. Dick college AA' ryyct 2e j 5 csrr' ,,,,,0ii.0. Nick shami6, z:03:3e j 21. Ferix iii:h,:';.';-T:t'1€nce ^-""i., r.Ronwayne,BosroaAA(A), 1,35:ro;z.r€nycalr., iiilil.:,,1,,i'r,l:i..":*';i.1"1,.1,i;T;r,t;,i.,;l,iJ her, unat., 1:3?:0zi 3. Tohhy SDitr,, Coit. Tih Switzer, 3:00:o9j 27. Rand _'\a, Kerrv, ii3?:t9; .1. Ken Muetter, BAA(A), l:3? .e.*. "n"-"*,_j,i,rj,26. 3:00:oe. (32 starr€rs, z? rinishers) ko, NMc, r:3s:0r; li. ,"- o.,0..r.",'i,'lli, i!"J,ii" _-wavne B. Yatcho-?. wyane Frongeuo, B4A-A, 1:39:07j 8. tvalter Renau.l 1or


;-i:;lLT:T.,t iI"1.J;,,,i.i.;1.; il:::",il:]*ffi..:":,::":*:";:,":1,;l 5!li-i';li{ 1:4r:25;rz. ririlr Deerine, unat., r:,u,59;r:. l"_.. ", .'r.";h";,;;;";,-u; des.ees. Rac€s herd inthe suncrest Creen, BAA-8, It4Z:!.7, t!-. p.te -

Cr.asy,,!nar,, p..t...", _;;.; turned out to cheer the i1j t5. Chris Chahb€rs, uhat., i:.13:3.!; 16. p€rer1:.!2: "r,",. " "icc iscrowd Kuc .;";.;l_ a rlat I bil., loop thar was hihski, sMu, 1r,!3j36j 12, char;es a .y, csu, 1:.!..1:33; rneasurci i ::1,. oh..".- lnsure accuracv. (30 comp€til8' JaDes cappazutto, BAA-B, 1:4.1:41; 19. ceorge tors ia_hr.. ...", ;"t ro,.I.-, \ln., ':.1r:.t:-0. c_,-o..,r, ro o .L l AA, r:4u:25: zr. u",r nn"oi,,-",-ff;, i,ri -., -^=--.:"i,'.',1,1i"tii1;".1;l,l,ii ?;,il:.:T;i Kevin crovlev, \rMc' r;.16:3tr ,3, Joh! Jarek, Ni,rc, ,,....., ::,:. ,. a.. a,""".,..", 27:z3j t), Roser I.17tA9t 21. Ro! Kay, CSU, 1:47:t9t 25. Louis Faut, n.",r,.., ,j,,_.-' - , i"" -.'', ' 1.1 F:osh, 5:,?, z. ivrark iii.;l'i'";'i; i:;,:i:'.ft?Xt"'j:;"i:'l--i':- :.-..



"ii l;:'.,1i" i1;]-,. ,l ,

AA, 1:50:06..2e. Mike Baxter, ;"",.,-il :.:t::,1'..,.,";;:,;:,,.;:;"*:U." Babington, NMC, l:iO:21j 31. \ci1 i{1ner, trnar,, 1:jt:38; phce, 19:19. 3?. Vin fan.terti, NMC, tr5t:39i lj. Chet Fortier, NllC ONE MIL.] {1r,.O\4EN & clql-s) _ 1. Terrialn \,lcCabe, l:51:.10j 3,t. Mark Spc 1:52:10; 3i. Ken tood, 6:39j a. ,,i_, r,:.11t 3. Kathy Shith, a:52i 4. unat., r:52:23j 36, Richard Co1lar.1, Brrant Cotlege, Heleh Wilsoh, "r_._, r,O:-,_a. ,..ty eo"U" , 1:27, a. ramara \52:39) 37. James snrith, csu, 1:52:5?j :s. cr...i"" rinirr, r,:i' __vic Ma.tia__ Dyson, Hartlord TC! l:53:03; 39. Jam€6 Knight, unat,, ___-___________-__ l:53:05; ,10. \irm. Multen, unat., 1:53108; 4L Irmelio RMRSIDE, ,;;;; ,,;;;;;r;;; Rorobdi, NMc, t:53r11; ,lz. celrv Harvey! tsAA, 1:i3: noao """";;;, n.tci, lao ir, ,r, 19?z (lst Annual Rolahd Dyer t5; .r3. vin currr, ccAA, r,53:4ei ,..,:tT,.l:.1, *" ."_;;i;;i _ i'r",,".,,..,, , 15:z8r 2. sreve rav,15, l:53r5lj Chaile' Rarti, NMC, t:54:Z6r ,16. Mikc n€s, t5:45j :. V.,t e."a,", ;, ;;;r;:;;;cSU, L.1t3a, 47. Jefi Sinsteton, Dartmo!(h rz,OS; S, r._t ::ld::4cl C"". ",;;,' Hs, I:54:3,1; +s.. i-r.ya c"gs"i,-;"",.",'t:ss:+z: +g, z. cr..i" or""., :;'r';tt;.tl:* *":..Ji,"*":#:.;. Tiir, Davson, BAA, 1r56:00j 50" ot€nn cr:rboneau, t_yh! s"n."", io, ii"nRo(e, zt:1oj 11. charl€s Tibb€tts AC, 1:56109; 51. cienh Neiu$.enhuisi, C"su,.1:56rr;j 62. ztrze, iz.rr,+e, o"" iy"i,' rz:zo; 13. Mik€ Maccaxio, 2Z:56; Rat Cur!ier, unar,, tr55r24i 53. S..rf Bmdtey, NMC, ,.r. a""U,'j,,O.rj i5. Joe pautih, 25:U. ".."U uoo .,i"io" u'"-..", 3r:,.,. ii; z. paul i:liil"l";J,e L'j?ij;i?. Tii;i",1;',1u':5?; 55.P'ot '0. rhohr€o! 33:01:3 Pet.: cl.ason, 33:5g, a. l&-t.i^,uorr€ge AA, rt57:n7t 57. Tooy D.Robbi,vott' 3.1:281 6. David Foy, 34,54; 5a" r,aul M€ttr€r, unat., 1:57:i3; ,r. .,; Ii,l:j":, ,t.'t'' X','^,lt-,-:. l.:i




"':":., ,;jii'j!#i].1; jJ,,,l i; 6i, scherl, NMc, ri58:33i 62. Brad R.bots, l;1.;;,, ";jjJ.jl';.ij;, ,;,.,;;;',.,;;i:.._r.., 38:48i 13. roay Maccario. r:58:3zj 63. Robcrt seith, BAA, 1:5E:51i_6,r. c"_-r ,""",. rr"_- ry,iiii+. i,".;::;:"",

uaf, 1:52:25i oo. sto,. e,o.ty, paul nen, bat,, lr59:00r

4,5. Mike

t,6. rohh wa11ace, BAA,

u".J^","".,, ^ui.

6t. tu*:.-i-o,li.,

::ii"";::::'S;,:"::;i11';;.T:l ;' "''l :1 2,oo:41j 21. stahley K.".". i^,i, .,;.,,ji ia,ii* ii:?;,Ti ;..",1'i;::": i#Ti"::H'f" *I"' D.vine, Mt. "".1^",

.Je:08j r5. Ressie Knarp, 39:38 ,O"_O_..,41:!.,r;1?. Roh Cervai6, ,!2rZ8i 18. ';5"";:',!. ;',; ""." ;;..l,;, liobin voelker! 4z:i8; 20. Dave a;""-. Harhon, .,3:3lj zz. ro. Mil1er

Bigetol,,.EAA, ir59:119r ,0.


.,i,j,,e.-i,;;;;;;'..i-. --Ired Blorn Sr. --


;l ll;.:"I.T; ,,,;:ji' i::.;.,;i":jHj:"1,X',l:t ;;."';, ; ;, ";".,.8. 1.-". Bourcoin. 50:oe 2e. .,.1*:.;;;; *.'':i. "' ;1i::3:1: :.,t,i',l..,

LAKE MONTEBELI-O 9-MILE RUN, BALIIMORE CLUB, IEBR(jARY 13, 19?z 1:00 p. M. \fonroe, Ohio, March 19, t9?2. Cours.: Out & back, oh Mike Sabino oI the Battihore Otlmpic c1u! contiaued . on -" b -. r'o. . .-Fvavsb,.r, 1 .r"il. -",.-L! a \ard dri nc r"i. ,.0o.. 8 . Lt.-- ",ro{de :51'-, :"o: 0l - o' " ^ ,.n:shers 1. Mike' Salrino, BOC, 47:Z6t Z. Jeff c,eve, ,,.. , (o-o -, .. .. | Johns Hop .: .: : kins Univ., 53:25; 3. Ira Luk€, Johhs Hopkrn6, 53:25; l'_. p,, o.,, "n.,.", :r/: :q. r--.' .,1. Les Kiniob, BaltiDore Fire Fighte!6, 55:t5j OHIO RIVER ROADRUNNERS CLUB 3(J I1I]-O




, 5ii:3?; 6. cliff Moore, 57:08; 8. Bill MatGood, unat., uat., 56:,!4i ?. Je{f lack, uat,, 5?:30; 9. Keith Barton, uat.' 58:1'11 10. Steve Rosa6co, nLat., 62,oai [. chris smirh, uat. , 6.4rOO; 12. John Bake!, unat., 64:35; 13. 6ene PaciareLli, unat, , 6?:23; lil, John Beere6' uat. ' 67:23; 15. Ray Daugh€rty, uat., 68rz5i 16' stePhen seuberth, uat., 69rZO; l?. Steve Rosa6co Sr', sat. ' ?0:50; 18. Alex Drabkowski, unat., 71:30. --Les Kinion-5.

ALlan stevensoh, U. M. B. C,



F.h-uary 27, lo / L:OO P. N{. Mike sabino, on top of a thild place linish (2r3'1:18) in tbe Washingfon Marathon, rd a good 5l:21 over a Jive 1ap cour6e wirh a l/z-miLe hill in the mi{ldLe of each 1a!. Walae Vaughn o{ the Cr@berland Vallev TC dropped back o. the last lap to linish second in 53:08' 33 Etarters & 28 {inishers. l. Mike Sabino, BOC, 5l:Zll 2. lvayne Vaugbn, CVTO' 53:08;3. Jeff smith, nnzt,, 51:ZZ, t" Doug Black, u.a., 55:2.1; 5. Jih Harrisoh, Towson Stale, 55:30; 6. Jer!y Kraiss, CVTC, 56;'13' ?. Ernic Hancock, unat. ' 58:'1'1; 8, Jim Beachem, 59:'19;9. Alren Sievenson, U.M.B.c' 62:09' 10. Tib Sheehan, unar., 62:16; ll. Iid Ciles, nnat., 62t21-,12. Cliff Moore, unat ' 64:00j 13' Keith Barton, uat., 64:23; l'1. Jim Cenco, 6at., 6!:32; 15. Rich Shaffer, unal", 64:4t; 16. Herb Magin, unat. , 641 52j l?. Merle Hamrick, Boc, 66:a6; 18. Bili Jackson, unar,, 6?:12r 19. Steve Rosasco, unat. ' 67:'!8i 20. Tom March, uat., 68:09, --Les Kinion_' EALTIMORE RRC 15-MILE l-{KE MONTEBELI-o RUN March 12, 1972 1:00 P.M. cloudy, 55.legrees. Mike Sabino, wi@er of all Pr€tous Balrimore RRC racesr tuet his harch today by being out sPrinted in the last 20oy by sheldon Karlin ol colleee Park, M.1" 23 start€rs, t9 Iinishers. 1. Sheldon Karlin, uar,, 7?;21: 2. Mikc Sabino' BOC' ??:28; 3, 1\'ayae Vaugbn, CVTC, 36:23i : J.ri-v Arai:s CVTC, 86:53i a. Heinz \\-iegard, unai., 5i:L-r a ira : Luk€, Jolus HoPkins, 90:=8i ?. Jell Gr.re, jolD':kins, 91:30; 8. Tim Sheehan, uat., 91:a.i 9. -.ir a.r', ll :: BaC, 92.16,10. Carrt Bolan, urar' i 93iai1 .-.ri: :arKinion, Baltimore Fite Fighrers, 93:16i 12 -J l!1.-.C StePhensor, Allan 13. unat., ton, 98:36; ' 99:olj 14. .A1 Fi1a!, unat., l0l:57i 15 1\ aEe tsa:{.r, @at., 102:31; t6. Joe HoUand, uai., 1a3r:a1 ri Eiil Korrow, unat., ll4:00; 18. DarreLlRussell, ur3!' j 11.1:16i 19. Ray Daugherty, unar. , 115:!? __!es Llilon--

TC, 30:59; 9. Mike Stesonovach, Pirtsburgh/ 31:lili Ted Arias, Btooklyn Tech, 32:04.


ALL-AMER]CAN T&F CHAMPIONSHIPS SET FOR LSU The Second Airnua141l-American High School T&F Chafrpiobships wiu be held sarurday, June 10, at Loui6iana State Universiry, Tom Rosatdich, Athletic Directoa aL rhe University ol 11risconsin-Parkside and chairman of th€ gades comittee has anhouced. The meer, which is a16o Lhc USTIF \atioEl Junior Championships, {i1l be run at niSht on the Tartan r"ack at the Baton Rouge campus, Lbich is also the site ol the 1973 NCAA Chamlionshils" The meet is sponsored by Ol]mPia SPort Villag€ in cooperation with S€ais Roebuck and Co, Ihrerested high Echool seniorB €hould contact Rosandich ar ihe Univ. of xriscoasinParkside, Kcnosha, visconsin 531'10. TIIE FIRST ANNUAL COCA COLA INTERNATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL TRACK & FIELD CII-AMPIONSHIPS will be held on Saturdayr J@e 10, 6:110 Pd. on the eight-lane U.S. Royal tlack at ProsPect High School in ProsFct, 111inois. For addirional infornation, Please contact: Mr. Joe N.:wron, York HS, Elmhurst, Ill or Mr, SkipStoLley, Provi6o ltest HS, Hil16ide, lllinois JOHN VITALE wlNS MIDDL!]TOl\N 1O-MILER

Middleio},n, conn., March 19- .lohn vitale, 23, of Ea6t Haven, Iormer UConn star, continued to dominate in Connecticut runs as he lvon the lourth annual St. PaLrickrs B€rnie Ciza'Wal|er Koial 10,3 mile run in 50:07 froD a Iield of 94 runner6 rd.r ideal condilions

Mi{ldleto\n-Middleli.ld roads. fital!: ran a 6Pecracular race, co'ering tLe i:rst hau ia 21in?. Norm Hiegins oI Nel Lonior, a :!el1ous in i2:1: {hiie Fete: Fr.E-a: .i -Anherst ltas third in i3:1 1, l ria:. \rla: :h. ..:rsc rmik ot 50r02.9 set last \.:., Kai].l..: r-.1, .i 1l allinglo!d, the lohe gi!1 :rnr:.,:, !-:..i :r:: rn the lield ol 83 finlshers in the .'.- -- .: .a: -1. :. :ai. the !!omen's honors. oi Avon won the Vereranrs divisioh l.a::-::::ai.ichu :: r:::t a: he linished Jourth overall. Vin land€tti lvas !...i. ara iom CoMeUy third in this grou!. l:. CharLes Robbins won the 50 and over division in .l r:2 coming home 37|h overall 1 Johh Vitale, 23, Easr Haven' 50:07! 2, Norm Higgih6, lien London, 52:15; 3. Peter tsrceman, Amherst, 55:l'l; .1. Manlrcd Kandschur, Avon, 55:I7; 5. Richard schabowsky, Kingston, R,I., 55r20i 6, Ray Crothers, Rocky Hill, Conn., a5,22,7. C]lri. ChaDbers, Amherst, 55: IN BLAIHLON 28; {1. Tom Grundy, Cmberland, R.I., 5,:5'4r 9. TiD GARY MCNULTY RECORD WlN BY New York, N. Y. , Cary McNulry, 30, of rhe ljenn AC, Smirh, Noas'ich, 55:00; 10. walt Severini' Middletown, 56:28i ll. Paut Piliero, Kingsron, R.I, 56j38;12. won the National Biathloh in the recordtime ol z9:31 A total of 95 contestants rrom 14 states 'rartici'ated in Gcorge cohef.ey, North Abington, r1ase , 56:56; 13' Steve Nor!i6, New canaah, ,?:16; l'1" Sreve Ko1os, Midthe uhu6ual event t11at took rhree davs to run ofl. Each entrant had to run lhree niles - 26 1a.s around the dleto'n, a?:50;15 Kevin croltlet' storr6, ct., 58:07; indoor track at the c€ntral YMCA & then run downstairs 16. Eugene McMeniman, Norrich' 58i09; lT Donald Barnport, Ludlowe, Mass,, 58:33; 18. Haary lye11e€, and s im a hau-nil', 'i '"ls -n'f_ 'q-. "rd oool 6etbyKenMu€l29r58 Mansfield Center, 58:35;19 Bruce Davies, Middleto*n, rhe record of crack€d McNulty 58:4'1; 20. Eter€tt 1vat6on, Norwich, 58:59i 2r. Hebrv ler ol Boston in 19?0, Stan 30:24 and in Dalicek, Madison, 58:59i 22. Bill Morrow, Splihglield Stuart Johnson ol St. John's was second delending chamPion State, the 59:l?j 23 Dick Ash1.y, lv. Hartford, 59:l9i 24. vin Morgan wocieneck of clse in thild. Phtlip Fried oI NYU was JoulLh at 30:35 !'anderti, 1t'ethe!6lield, 6AtI\ 25 Dr. R. E. Mccarthv, Mid.uetown' 60:16; 26 vin currv, Merriden' 60:45; and John Heron or Eastera Michigan was filth in 30:48 30:49i 7. Dickin6on, 2?. ceorge colle, 60:50i 28. Steve Ca6ocino, Hamden, Fairleigh Kevin Mcconough, 6. Perry Mitcheu, Yale, 30r58; 8. Jake Brett, Delaware 6o:53; 29. Cha!1cs Dvson' stoars' 6ti07; 30. vito on the


Bonaidto, MiddLetosn, 61:59i 31. Mike Hayden, Puth.@, 62,171 32. Btlan Potter, cranby, 5zi2?; 33. Bill saunders, Springfield, 62talt 3]-, Btzz DeRobbio, Bristol, R.I., li3:45! 35. Ben DelMonico, W. Sllingfield, Mass. -ar'c" Dobb r!, Vioa -!o r, 6):-/j 6 :r0; ]6, D 37. Bill Turley, \f. Hartford, 63:55r 38. Tom connelLt, sa, , Fairfield, 63:5E' 39. Ed King, waterbuly, 6.1:12j 40. Hahk Devine, Springlield, 54:42;,11, l\rillie Gagnoh, Southington, 64:52i 42. Harold Ga1€, Kensington, 65:06i .11. I.l Lord, Srh6bury, 65:ll; 4.]. Hcrb Langillc, Mlddletowa, 65:i!Zj .{5, Herb C!o6s, Willimantic, 615:0,1; 46, Jefi Tdewe11, Springlield, 66:10;4?. James Taylor, MansIield, 66:l?i 48, Ceorge Brown, W. HartJord, 66: 25r ,19. John T. Conant, Short Beach, 66:3?j 50. Bill Dugab, Sp!inglield, 6ii:.13. --Bitl Tribou-TOLEDO ROAD RUNNERS CLUB ROAD RACE RESULTS 5-MILE RUN, Toledo, Ohio, January 30, 1972 - 1. Don Andersoo, 2.4:2lj Z" Joe Caru6o, Z5:23; 3" Mike Lorron, Z61Z3a 4. Qtaj.e Hart\., 26:50, 5, Tony Clevelaad, 27: Z9j 6. Lou Wagner, 27:32: 7. P'os6 Deyr, 27:55; 8, Chuck Cerster, ?8:15; 9. Dave Kelly, 28:34j 10" S. Sandersoo, 30:25j 11. Dave Tea11, 3l:01; 12. Bob Schaler, 32:07; 13. F. Frank, 35:44. iThe n,imer ran away lrom everyone, , {a6t tihe. . coulse che.k€d 9-MILE RUN, Toledo, February 6 - 1. I{ike Lorron, alta9', 2. Lte, Craig Harms & Dar Crecnra1.l, 55i0li -. Lou 1\ragnea, 58r08i a. Scott Jatueson, 5E:4ni 6, Eob

in llLh place and walsh sa6 tim€d i.9:03.7 for 13th pl"ce. . .AyII4!I9I4!_!!I!E - 1. rod von Ruden, Pacific Coast C1ub, '1:04.3r Z. Frank Mufphy, New YorkAC, l:04..4i 3. chri6 Masoh, Ner York Ac, .l:05.2i ,1. Byron Dyce, Uhited A,A, .1r07. 2i 5. Perer Kaal, Pacllic Coast club, 4:16" 3. . .880- l. Dave Wottle BG, l:51. 8i 2. Brian McEhoy, villanova, 1:52.4; 3. Doh Lov€tt, Ma.haLtan' 1:53.4r 4. r<en Schappert, Villanova, l:5'1.2; 5. L€e Labadie, Iuinois, 1i54, 5. DistMedR- 1, Bo$ling Creen (Craig MacDonald, Ted Iarv€r' Sid Si.]<' Dave lVott1e, 1t02.t), 9t19.91 2. Kan6as Stat€, 9:50.3 (Jeaome Howe, 4r0,1)i 3. Villanova 9:5r.7 {Harthett, 3:011.3; McElroy, .1:04.2)j 4, ceorgeto\rn, 9:55,Ii 5. Peha, 9r55.7. NJSL{A Ir\DOOR T&F CHAMPIONSHIPS Jersey City, N.J., Sat., March 11- Sterling HS's Mike Butyn€s 6er a Group lU r€cord by ruming a 9:17 twotuitc to chop better the 106 otf th€ record of 9:27.5 he set ih Lhis 6tat€ champion€hip mect two years ago. It maak€{l the third straight year Buttaes has won the Vihc€ Cartier, of Scorch Plaios, won rhe croup IV mile in a record 4:1,1 and Eerscn Catholic's Mike Scarborough ran the rFo-mile in a record 9:1,1,8 ih th€ Farochia! S.iootrs Dilision.

2!-\IiI-E ROAD RL\ ISNCIfEA!! #;) Reston, 1ii!inia, :ebruary 6, 1972 s h"IFr, b1: 6t r.q"o, :-3. "gD" ", 1. Jack iuliz, I:19:2i,At 2. Shel.lon KarLin, 1:57r07; 3. 65:05: 9. Bruce Tapola, 65:051 10. Jim S.hnell, t,5r05. Car illiars, 2:01r27j I Forfest Horton, 2:aZ:07i 5, 10,5-MILE MUD RUN, Feb. 13rh- 1. Don AnderBon, Tom Powers, 2:02:l5t 6. Ala. Sommer'i1Lc, 2:0.r:24; lr0:17; Z. Bob Schaich, 60:33; 3. Doug Hangen, 65:3?; ?, George Cuslhac, 2:45:48j 8, Ma.k SLoemakcr, 2: 4. Lou i-agner, 65:37; 5, Jim Thiel€n, t?r2,1i 6. \4ark 0?:08; 9. Dave Knighton, 2:11:53j 10. Normah Lee, 2:13: Lohman, 4,7:29j 7. Ron Browh, 70:30; 8. Jan Kon€ck, 56; ll. Ray Russ€ll, Z:l.t:35; 12. Rod Steete, 2:1,t:37; 80:44. - -Craiq C. Harms-13. Ben Erters, 2:14:50j lil. Jack Ferrat, 2:17:116! 15. Lester Page, Z:18:55; 16. Bob Bee1s, 2:20:21j 17. Cha€. NCAA INDOOR T&F CIL{MPIONSHIFS, DET'ROIT, MICH.Ros6, 2r2Or58; 18. Maary Sullivan, l:zt:03; 19, .rohn March 10-11- Everybo.ly Ra6 liguriig Jim RyE and Noble, 2:22r00r 20. Ken Pugh, 2.22120., Zl. Harold \&ard Marty Liquori as our best Ol'mdc lao0m hopeluls, Now 2t2Zt30; ZZ. C.org€ Majorr 2:22:lat 21. Bill Holt, 2:28r 'h.. P/a,:r 'u a:.; . :q.or: i h.r'. h- vo 51; 2,1. Mike R, TalboL, 2:29:04r 25. Bob Crane, Z:30: " to $,arch out for are Davc {ort1c aid Tom Vor Rullen. .10i 26. aob E.klund, 2:31:59j 27. 'rerrt llccabe, 2t32.. lvottle, rhe Bowling Green b1oad, almosr sinele-hande.l- 48,28. 't 2:35:44]'29. Bruce Woo{hard, 2t35:41,3A. lr .oo, h.. r-"m o " iF Io. .- o o p "... ,,.e h Huston, Z:'11:58; 31, Bruce Burn6ide, 2:51:l?1 .can.o v, o-l, Grahan 8o0 1.."n n t32. Dick Jamborsky, 3r00;33. (40 starter6) ",d ",.L.-,r".\aid Von Ruden took the Inrirational ]"]lile ih 4:C.1.3. 2-MILE RI Yl- - L. MiLe Cae, 11:oli 2. Johh Mornini, In ohe oI rhe tighte6t linishes ib rh€ eight-year history 1l:01i 3. Bob BaLharn, 11:06; .1. Michael Ward, l1:31' of the meet, lavore.t Southern Calilornia rroh its third 5. Jim Pratt, 1l:38r t,. Mlkc Flemiag, 11,.19; 7. Jerry title rirh 19 points, lollor,ed by Boviling Cr€en and Koelzer, 11:a8;8. Ceorge PhilliF€, 1Z:08;9. R.J, TurMichigan Stare, each rrith 18, Defen.ling .hampion Villa- ner, 12:.ll; 10, Larry Li,l<, 13:04; ll. Bob DemF6ey, 13: nova Jinished lourth rith 13 poihts. 05; 12. Ltilie McReynoids, 13:08" (43 finishers) Mile- l" Ken Pop€joy, Mi.higan State, .1:02.9; 2. Regl 1!eathcr: Ug+r 30's, overcast, slight wind, Course: nald McAlcc, Noath Calolina, .!:03.9r 3. Jim Johnson, Rouing hill6, dry, Race Dirccror: Brian Forst. lvashingron, ,1:04. ?r i{. Bruee Fi6chc!, Syracuse, ,1:06. 7; 5. Marcel Phili!pe, For.lham, ,1:09. 3. , ,1000- 1. Mor- DC RRC RACES, COLUMBIA, MARYLAND gan Mos6e!, West Va., 2:08.9r 2. Tom Bach, North Fcbruary 13, 1972, Raccs w€re held ovcr the rolling q'esteln, Z:09.2j 3. Eam.nOrK.olc, l-lorida, 2rrJ9.3. to hilly srrects o! rhe planned comunily ot Columbia. 2-MILE- 1, Sid Sink, Bowling Green, 8:36.5i 2, Galy 1^eather: Rain, windy, temp. in mid 30,s. ). b , ha. i<t n-r, Hdrr ", \\,"..rV-tiB"r,8:.i,r' OFEN 15 MILrIS - l. Kevin Mccabe, I:29:25j Z. Bab \o.5.rr Ar'lo.". 8: 8,/. J, D.! 8"r...r, -,,.-), Harper, l:31:45; 3. Mike Shoemake!, L33:55; 4. Norm 8:39. ?; 5. Mike Keogh, Manhattan, 8:.16.6. . , Pcnn L€e, 1::16:53; 5. Charie6 Ross, l:37:08; 6. Rod Sreele, c".d CrF1at-, "I'obt1:38:38i ?. Ray Russcll, L:38:58; 8. Leslei Page, 1;39: emotional, His mothcr ha.1 pass€d awat this s,eek.. 55; 9, Tim Giles, 1r41:00; 10. Terry McCabe, 1i.11:i5' Jlnbo Euiott's hish imports John Hartnctr ahd Donal 11. Patrick May6, l:,!l:41j 12. Thad Watkins, l:,12r031 \ta1sb finished far up.he track. Hartnetr, a sophomore 13. Mafti! Gr€enbaum, l:13:471 11. Ken Pughr l:,!4:20j lihed in 8:35 carly in th€ .aughr 1n 8:5r1..r 15. Jonn Cochraa, l;44r34j 16. BiU Witson, 1:4.1:401 DC RRC


-V, .hu, ^ B"_.o cl'. r'i': {: 8. 1oi D'rP ' :!c152 ,,""'""' :j ?rrr' 20 v:'p a boL :"0: 8 s. i;"t;Zl. Belt CaroodY, 1:59:22 ' 26:15; opEN & MASTERS 5-MILE - l. Ga! UiLliams', 4 B a'' lt:00i :rt DFv Do 2o:54i ev u""" ). ' ' ,g "'." .. y,t" rir".", 'e,'g . \4:t rFfl a ' '}o rr' 7' ^, 3o:r5; e rerr ;";;;;;"", -;-r,' ze:l:; 8. MikehHa!1trnan' Do'rc ( :r8: 6, c.orsc o. 'd ' rz: c: r'rr' P'v co-;";-"", rpr, ii':",., ,r,.o,iz. t,c. e"ur: Ba'r'r: o: ron ;". -1,;;' 4. Bp-nard.r"-''nc, ch"'in ttt^. r' q-)T.Ie 1. d. ,r,_..,:.. or-o 16: D'' i,it, is. r.. vcr':T-v. :c8: o\4'' -'hr'r' cl r'in " .., i0. o"r ro s"avaroa, o:qo:-2r. ll d"fw v Ct ''' r' t.:rl: l/. udlL-- Sh_r\'n, o:<': r ro: ,i,,0, ,,'. a,,o-., va!in 8 ir'\a 2' ai Lc'rc 6' :rc: " ' I) ,:. ;;- 4";;:: 'a:/o: 21 oe n ' L" :ro' _,_J, -,"". ;^n.,", iE-a+- Itit" r'l.-ing' 35r Ist +5-54- Rav cor'lon' 53r lst 55 & Over- Jack Lalley Z John Z-MII-E RFYL - t. J'rode Carson' 1O:00; Prart' 10:Ii Jim lo:o'1r Gue' '1 Il.""t"i to,o", 3. Mike l0:47r ? Bob i.-1"'y it*, 10:'1oi 6 Tonv Diamond' t1:l3i 9' R J o"-"".ir, to,u+' 8. Mark Yudowitch' o:ll cI I- in-' : o Po'Arar', ,-;.".,'.,^-' F Bu'rs:d B'L /:/ s. ' \4o,r),i., '2. o '"1 ': q Dav 'ao' c' 1: a ;.

Mover, unaL.,32:09' 14' Carv Srm!'on' ua ' )2.)1,t . P" pl Boa_.ma , D: a Po c'> ? )o: r- Do'sotzs;"^ P-." , -- n o r, Laca.ic n j8. :42: L', Johr z: S, . ' l\' Lc'a re. '. 'r"l -0. l'r \"Ll'r' t qe,,a,"-". :1o: Ln.i.. "g. t.,oljJzltt7,51" Roser lfaters, uat', 34i19; 52' Jelf * Haas, BishoP McDeqtt HS, 34:35' 5-MILE VETERANS RACE {OVER 40) Bob

,13. SkiD

i i^ . o."-l 't t, t8: | ' oo v: ''" t:10:r. Bl


'nBd"on: 'ffirgs, Frank Keis 8' SPnel: Dave Dr' ?. 6. chuck;axrinetonl 35:41; Rav Drozdoq'ski' lo B;ac€randi Geoig. eri 9. I'r" FaneiLii Ni'k Il. Dan \{ise; 12. FrankKeUv; l3' Scbmids' Claud!: Hjll3! l5 Harry

llTH ANNUAL'POLISH OPEN' '1-\4ILE ROAD RACE Arden Hi116, N4inn., Satu!'lat, March 18' 19?Z- After r\e sor o?r L-.,E '. "o "_o"'o Io'o ro _' -F lr6t OF u'f.. :o'" " v lno n "s ' ' ". Eith i6 nor that course Cagued a have linally {oud '"n " a _ ol u:ol' a'd -.. " t ,",., .-vb nge. L_cLL: ool :lG " .".j- rr" "" - r ao 'c .lo' hi : n r:" rNordeast the in up orisinated The Race ;";i"....". 12 guvs in 6ecLion ol MinneaPolis bac]. in the davs when and t11e a lour mite race was a real accordishment' proved the unhad crossing old Norther. Pacific fieighr olt cruchea concr€ie sbot hot one doing ol more than ";,;;; "",1 --RaY Cordon-rhe season' ot te€t outdoor Ii!st Ior his The n€t' cours€, set in a quiet suburb 'I St Paul' to 5-MILER RRC ollers ev€ry thing the other courses didn'f- thanks DICK BUERKLE 1VINS Sunday, March 19_ Forn'ir Villanova ace ir,. -ort or--".. ai".cror (and 5rh Place finishea) JelJ ""., caItuted the third race of: three-race "nit".,g."ttl. Brain" weathcr: 15 .legrees, no iird Course: A single Oi"t Rumers Road measureo AtlahLic Mi'ldLe looD ovet moderate rolling hills accuratelv *.-*.a'U" in FairDount 0r 2 Don "."i." L9:0? 'ne course Driv. IIiftealolis' Rivcr 2'1, ,- i".t*a r.-.."u' ii.o .."' tn. East 24' ce!onsLv' chuck l 6; L9:1' p"tt. e"."li. covered th' flat couase if 25'21 4ra Bnrns!_i11€, aa, it*^, LUs L9:+l; bv Aroka' 25, L-o:21r : Sreve Hoas, edse Pat Ha@oa, Lasalle High ace .rn "i".-:"gt"", 5. j.ii Crair, 21, .\.'.!! Brishton, 2o:00' 6' Johb vahecsilo o".gn.'rv cadure'1 tbc veterans' 5-milc race 2


oPEl\ )-vlL ;. ;;t """."", ;.;,;;;;;;s,

.lu"r., ,., ,

: l v l"lov" chrisio ceorse s 2'r3?; Lasalle HS, 26:06i 1. rraak Angiorirlo' st ros'ri'







" -:o "




:O:/ 'orDd ' )r' ' r'co': ' ^ " l9' Norwood' iLar:". e"'.""s, 20:33; Io' Mike Fahev' s j,l,a-, lz' Norb zo:49' MPls, 22, Ll. cu...t Holnes, 20:56; Ahoka' 21' Haolev' Mike 13. ao,,t, i.n""t.,"", Doug Edmobson'

n".-" M. .-ar\, l4rFF ' n . o,".'('r 'o:oB ;";:,;,.,-;": 0 l'0 t",.f ":'"'-: : : ^-"n a"-"'t." n., ,i,o' t r s' , Mike lfaaarltt' LaBob Manning, ViUanova, 27:23; ll 2i:zE:1t' P'n' -..c Lucuski, Paut i^i"ii. ,i,.tt 11. c' ror "'s "s"'' i"."""i..:, '. 't','rs, -:_O o ohi h ,',re,-". t'.. 'r'l"nd a .. Do' -8: L , .";" i;;=, ;..;;. ',ia)d lF |\' Dn a -o: : z ' B':od.c. io, .o. o-." 2. oor -'r' '-: :.s"^i i- .r,i::.,., u.a., /8:.rr: H5. /8:- i 2 . SP\P v.Ldlon' ad''r Pho '", WiL! ^or, | 'L\. of P-oa, 2orll: so]rTlar' lasane Mik' 26 z9:+o; Pa., _i,l,rz' 29:51; 28" Hs' "S, t., acNultv, Lasalle ^i"rrt","-. tti. -;;i;;". al. LasaLIe Hs' Marone' rohn 2e:55;2e ;',"; ' """.. Franklin chris.s';r' i; ;". Bard, unat', 30:olisol3r-RLrc" o-d uar' hs, o:lo l 'a -J.r. t.o-. (o: d s F l 5' .i,,r', '-. L"r'" O'S-, Ld5'lrF 'r una Lasalle HS, 30:38; 35" Steve Mungcr' ' Radomski,'""O" S' tt"!elL, Inrerboro HS' 3t:02; 37 ,O-' ,e .r"t no"ace' Lasaue Hs' ;il;;';,j'i.;; ' :r,t'rr :8.BishoP McDevltt Hs' 3l:26; ltto. .i,li, itl" Jades Pitman' ""*tli, 31:43; unat , *i,. or.tta C."-., HS' 31:591 Lasalle lVeber' Steve af,rt, '12"


\tark Busby, 18' Edina, Z0:58r 15' l:'1: -,.,, //: i lb. .e l I O roso', -I 8VoDa lr' Ri h.on_s, 'O' oson PLain' 25' Ma!1e 1?, Mpts,, 22:5'!: 19. John ChrisiLian, 2l' 21:13; St Paul' 2l:26: 20, Jolm Kine, 'lO, Noath Rill Ebertz. 16, No?th sr. Paul, 2'1rI6; 22 Mark Mack_ 24' biLler, 24:35; 23. Jim Randall, 30, Hibbing' 2'l:'18i Paul' st 3'1' i.- eit."., 24:55i 25. Don Nvgaarrl' z5:u 25:02: 26. Brue rreeks, 25:lOi Z? Bob Bradhan 29" Curt 25:'1li Ui6c' Hudson, Florcyk, 28. H.rb '41, ' chtlin, 25:45; lo. Johh orNeill, z5:48:31 !addReam' 26,:29:12. D", R.A' Bridses, '12, Anoka, 26:51; 33' MvC.".-Ct.g.."o., !4, No. St' PauL, Z?:31; 34 Bi11 Harkch:rtes l6' 29:06; Don Corbih, 35. zr:+i; ers, ro"", zq,zS' 3? Bob NelPle, 30:43' 3E E'T Buck Jacksot,54,31:33. Notes... The early lace ras hot and rfe runels hir th



mile mark doing sub-'l:'10 mile lace siLh Chuck Ceronease'1 skv doins mosL ol the blazing later as |h€ Pace u€ Tomczak Carretr rvirh ensued battle -.. a |h;ec_ltav ao.". t'itr "org' ro edse out steePLechase iii " ""r.r. oon rimm uv about 50 sp-ccialist 'a!ds'

-Ihe fnenlone dislon.e trdlnids shoe in thewoid Soli sponqe mid soe ctrd hee ob5ort odd sho.k redu.ins sorenes dnd inlurler. R.ned hee eihn.te5 A.hllles rendon *rcin. The heel ho. re.enry been *ldened, oddis sredier *dbilry to ihe 3hoe l_ligh densiry oder 3oe for exlro miles oI wedr Avoilabe with






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:l llniled States


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