In the Long Run it's the New
.4a'oq VOL.
Dataaa APRIL 1960
rrlalr'!i- jL:.rl,;
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9ob Co-.'.o.,
y'ag' NO.52
-n rip ha0pi.x3h.D oi oa..s, !n rr'-rr tears fros clubs 4 pUBI_ICA?IoN toE RUNNEiS BI RITNNERS parricipat€d on t'^o su.days over th€ at stade lershinE. there were about 150 nnners to. tii6 lst volue 5, Nuebe! 52, Apill l, 1960 leans, ald the 6abe lor the 2nd. The Subgc.ipaion Raies: 25, a copy; $r.00 best nln€rs ale seLected for tie chanpa year. Pub113h€d nonrhly. nditoriat CollesDondence:' Brovnina Ross ionshlp ot rrance conperlttor. charac_ teristicallt, the 12 kiloneter course ls 106 t. Center St., lroodbury, N.J. artsnged so hc Subs.ripUlon Co-resDondencer Fra-rt, retl!'a.d ^ 1a 3ndll .: u 'wo.!8!sc 5t8 Prlirce st., ,ooaouy, N.J. pasE through a cheering crohl and lirlsh tub1i.ned bt Me.vlne Piintins co., o! the clrcult ol the rrack. sodetines 15' X. tSrh Sr,, Phlladefphli, la. as mny as 500-1,000 perso8 are present, lf only lecause there are tonr cat€sorcontrlbutors thls nonth: Bob clalb. l,os iee ot runners and therelore rou! laces ln.apid suceession. In addition to Angelesi Don lay, Boston; HaI Hledon, Chtcagoi Arne RiclErds, Chlcasoi Jared You! oM, you can cheer lour club colqoch, thlladelphla; Brom, lalt- feasu€s on. Tiere are the o1der, enitehaired tunners ln thelr 50rs, 60is, & irorei rrank Nixon, l,ake{ood, ohioi 8111 Jloeson, galtinore; Joe Kleine!@n 70rs, 1n the filst race. At the orner eracrene tiere ale the I'lrlnlnesn, tne N€t lork Ctiyi fiarry Groves, Itllliansbu"s, Va.t Bob Car@n, Plttsburgh, ia.; very young schooLboys. The rcadet6n aill irlarot, Wllbrahan, [kss.; ton Jac- sre of hign school age, and iie ,,Seniors" flon 1€ or u! until "ou no Longobs, Ttsard,oreson; Bob clEnbers, Philad€lpbiai Dennls ravanalsh, Coletar Califorria; Scott D. laEitton, Jr.. Peihals the lrelcir do not al!'al.s win Pe!18, l€ncei lob canpbell, Bost,on. ollnpic Aold nedals in track, but tiere are less r'spectator slort€r, and nore active paftlclpation as aGteurs, g€n.e, ouR READERS TAKE OVnn - Ilod Scott D, lanily irterest, and _!o Han1lton. J!.. Iondatlon des Erars IJ4is the re fidesp.ead heeu/ bsbe!, nlr o.-!e{ coo 15, sou,aved Jou-dan Daris - l1e to we€k1X slorts nagazines, €ri' lrA France o M o:. !o !F I the ID loe r"cd- 'vetl concel abl_ sc_d! of one cannoi take sonethina from another 6rE so@ihing aboDt th€ widespread slorts club systen here ir Paiis that nation, far each has its v1!tues. llere cantrlbutes elfect,ivelt to the lrencb in France, for lerhaps the tire, trra vie slorriven. irty alub, STAD! !EAN- I see hoq inporiant, active conpetir,ire CAIS, one of three o! lour Eost powe.- sports ihrolgirolt vour life car be, then oiil--rs do noi thlow i! the sp.n:e fLl in t!€ caliia1 citt, has its oh sltck ceazine, headquaitels and club- alter couege and groN pot-beltiesa lt .oots, rial-: ai grolnds aro c1n-hoLs-e, lqs arso b" a or"r:lao' o b' etc., ldth nu'euai exchanee of 'ac11it- only ioreisner thai I have kDom of) iesv1t!otherc]ubsanduseofnun1c1pa1inanyolthese sradiurs in d,fferc, Dar.s of -1" j,t. a1d " '1:nlv '" o11/ U.-, for n1les. I! addition, havia.3 !r3.L S.F., ior eenple, has track, ciossfeH ni.utes akay ai Cite Uiiv.rsitacouniry, rootba11, bandbalt, hockey, aj'e Pa L'_ eles .: ir _hi3 s)ri s{iM'irg, €lp. polo, :rsoy, sPi, ;n' s, r"' r "" a P"]_re:c /) cb ' i tatl. a;njs, !oile/-o"-I, ;rd .i.o, o' '_ r'_'id spo-rs rj"a iea.j'{; roo, 4io sqD?s-. 10- n -ch Lb t) Eacl o- L es- s-c :on> -1 d tu L: - ror. The anouni ol .sprit dtcorp3 is fan' T&! I::lf,aP tastic in such e ialge club. lre French IICITH CIECIIIi! IIYITfiOIJ!.| , 'a_cr': Jave spirrr a d el 1:s ac , o / 1o L'- - laoel. -I1. r 3nd:-r L!e-r r;ai i.E ited facllities, brt what they hav; eoes Helslger, t+r!2.1..?eaar luke,-rtii 2 ila tar, The rineing stanla ot the charge i od: for rhe nev Jea: raade: vo r 1' r ncolc 'nrjn )rre rn6, " 'o: ' so-: :ji." '.r:rau coeL, d6 a rla '1. -rF '.:;ei '"'1".i "ranree . oI , Pour qut€l1e',rionlhe un jour ".; Dan6 1a nort c! dans I'anou!.n TJE LON. D
S-A\-r tOG
3oa€ 15 cross-cotrntrv
Joc)+ln 8o-8, - once a w€€k; 2. 6080 x IOO (140 Jos) lotlbod - once in two reekEi ). 10 x 1100 (220 JosJ 3rla-3r25 - once ln two weeksi 4. lox mlre (440 Jos) 5:20- t:40 - orce 1! tro v66k6; 5. Long slow 1L {?oln. chicaao 15:--1f lim.-is. . Perso@1 Data : pace) 20-30 nlles - once i! two weeks; MArried; one son (ftevin); Ir.e tance 6. varlous lnterval Forkouts - a.) na6_azile qite! vlth artlcles ln: coronet, Todayis H€alth, Parentrs l,{agazlne, 8-10 x (660 fastr 220 Joe, 220 f4st, ??0 josl, b.) l+-3 x (4x 440, 110 Joe, topular Mecianics, end others; also & tvlce u! stadlm st€ps), c.) other8 cart oonist /Dhot oaraDher. . Atllerl c llistas the 1nt611ect dlctatesi 7. leltlek (usuauy 6-12 mtl€s)i 8. Morltns tuns T;iTed to irear 5 nl;ute nlie; @s once 8!€ed8 {5:30told b,v Doctor to eive up all spolts 4-6 miles at ' because of Asr:h@tic cordition(actuatty - 4-t mornlns6 a week. 7:30 oile pace) Mr lnterval t.ack {orkout usually hav fever-toctor ras an idlot)i becane accoutrts fo. two to thr6€ days a reek interested in xunnine white i! schocl at Cal]eton Colleee whele I was liidwest and I ft11 ln the lest of the tlne lonferenc€ chan! in bil€ {talc6J;8s0, wtth taltlek eld Joggtng, Th13 ls onty ny pleselt workout Ech€ne slnc. I ad and crD33-e.untry(best times in couese 2tAa,5, t+t26, o:41.) Besan tunnlnq Joi rrying to nov6 up irto malathon cla.s! UCTC the followirg yeat, In Novenber ol If I qele worktng out lor irack I would do nole fasi vo!k, cover tess 1954 the A.r.y jowed ne and I was €ent to Gernant. In a tra.tlc efiort to @ke dlstance, and mlx 1n an occasional hu.dIe {ofkort fo! the steeplechese, r.Itmpic trairine ieam I worked lalder at runring tlan eve! befole & to.€ the (* atl Joas at 2 nlnute 440 !ace.) lctt.n .ut ot my best p.evlous lines. ...h'hat tla.e Do You Cover? TrelnlnE I! jy €arIy yrars nt 4nning I ran for tlack I kould run !0-60 rtle. a races of 840 ,n8!ds to 10,000 neters, week. Nor tralning for Frathon Iro bur i. Iata I beean thinkinq of tunn1ns covelinq 80-1.00 niles!,..Fooiredl the naraiho!. llas chosen fo! AAU iean Adldas iplkes for tracki !_ta-I;-;f to so to ltnland in 1956, Have nn i! llnnlsh mrathon shoes fo! .oad racesi irain in canvas (Chuck laylor Model) Carada, Cernany, Holland, Sweden, Denshoes end basketbatl shoes...B9!g!!g teans. 'lires Jr. rinlr closs-countly char.p +..-..--_@:-:l1::::::---------------ii 19t8, Have lest' tines of 53.4, 7159,8! LtI3.8, 8t33.5i,9:13.8n isteep ), 7LrL3.6n, 29157.4, Uniles 227 yds, fo! I{ING I1]]NS S]JORT SIX IIANDICAP NAC! cnicaso, Illinols, March 13- Richald one hour..coached B.r: uvsell --Helped !y rred 1till-_T;affilclitde, red Haydon (y!on Klns of th€ Universtty of Cnlcaeo Track cLb, sportlne a hefty 9:58 and !34X othe.s.. !9!E!9gi slnsins 1r head st4rt on sc.atch runn€x Hal !iachuci choir & riding Gar wi11ians.. nshort Slxn llin]rinc & Snokiaa: Donrt 6noto. I have don, von the flrst annual handicap race. nine p!11ed 4ray tuom an occasiodl beer when the sltuailon and conranv Errants ltl,.narins qabits: teaa4sie Dave willlans i! the laEi tvo miles lor the vlctory wlth Hlgdon !essine Paul o'Shea i! the lasi 660 yards to captule thlld, Considertng tne tines ihe race seened to be nore of .l driik uranee .rrice (con't thinl. it helps trlong sixr rhan a nsnolt six,n but s.or and tce htndered the tunners 0,. hy r,rninE-I JuEi 11ke ltlJ...ruture: tlelr lake front cour€e. l4a ore bur.irs anniiion is to sone day Tlme Edca, Actual fiiish a nerar-hon race!...Hor oftcr D. 1. Dlck qtlLlams,n Kine,ucTc, 3T,J5 9-.5T JEIjT Ydu lral.? seven days a weEI:-=;-Fnorths a year, hoEver I talre a! occas- 2. Dave 39:16 9:t8 3q:16 ionAl day cr weeli orf rhen I thlnk I l. Hat hsdon,UcTc,4?:25.5 Scr- )2t27.5 0rsliea, Oak Park, need a res'q! Take tvo workcuts a day Paul 4. t!2,+2 a:33 n 4-5 davs a reek...SDeeds: .a.e1v Eo lasLer '"han lace pac. Ri-ght n^; i do ny interval kcrk at a 80-85 !ace! AlterBr! a1c\' nate between slow inie.vaf Hork, ta!t,1ek! T4AIN.E AAU T&r (INnoor) ^.?12-?.' Mlle: Rearick. udtr., anc sLow distaice runnine..workoui schF;Eil.' 9:/,5.t edlLe i am or Da'F i, 25-L5 t L1.o \2.. lolrc IrlSTIl,Ic! loc QUxSTIolixATn! No. 13 Nanel Hal Hisdon..tate of Bifth: June
BOA! RIJNMIR.g CLUS (IITT'DI,E ATI,ANTIC ASSOCIATIOX)SIRINO SERIES 1960 lv6nt6 - 5 M116. -10 Mller -10 M11€! Poe NM€ --T-. u16-3*."
+:Egi' 3:8i8= #*+6* i-TllITEI: I6-EI6s -T. 1jLr r taT6- 1 55"02 Pos
2 caroll Anderson 2 25137 2 l. Robeft Morsen 3 26rlj ) OEIer 4 t@'Tqrr16n 26:13 5 Jer.e Burdelle 85 27112 !5 6 Bob ChaebeG 6 27raL 6 7 lnce !t11uaEs 9 27158 tO 8. Iarry ,elaney l0 2dto5 9 Eall Srlth 13 29129 I 9 10 aob nrhrdn Il 28112 12 11 Ralph Eilbers X 18110 ? 12 Leon D!€her x ttild tl 13 Jorn Klcbu1a 12 28aE n 14 NeEy trashlnsr,on { 38:10 1r1 15 Deve Thodrson - t6 fl_loZ 16 16. Fratrk Ke11y X 38i10 15 17 raled Hoch 17 tITlS 1? 18 Dlck Dolohue /+ 26:41 X 19 F.ank lllss 11, 29155 tZ ?O lou cdelon 15 29:5b x 21 JAck Walsh ? 2'1,32 x aa 37.t4 79
24 John 9ealde { 25 Matt Slngloton X 26 i. Clendeuils X (\)- Dld no! crn (one Mlnute 20 prt2es sErded
56106 56124
2 3
55.10 57r24
56t L5
60122 \2
58t29 59r52
57rr9 57t51
54155 I 60:21 14 60:10 15 62t35 17
59:16 6ot57
9 13
6)126 22 6J.:01 18
6623! '7rt2a
2r2l+.24 2r2A.12
2.28.3? 2t30.25 2t34.L5 2t36.27 2t39.03
63t58 59:01 59r56 69,39
2i46,a9 2.52.O4
t:13.01 3tzr.39
1E413 '9i27
59t34.5 (Saow
Added To
2t16.56 2:18.19
E3#'* Eg:Tt x x6 x10 {11
?:14.06 2r22.24
66156 2A 23 r.
Total Theg
dulie the th1.d racel
Sloseir Tine
Tn Fac.r
n6t sarurday afr€.noon, t4arch 26 at rne of al q{gdon, TIer dlscussed pfans tor Lhe co,l.e s r6ne! ot races. th€vhotue decjded ro sponsor an ershL nile race (bt1nd hanaicaDr A!r1i 10 1n ria3h.lneaon oari. {Lso plarned €s a one ror! crn Lo b. held djrtr; rhe firs of t\e Unlveleily ot 1l-aBo T!e.r C uors slffe! all cor"-s ne:i s (orobably lhe second weel or JulyJ a! rwtl:sn , -.e ucl. also sponso-s a hendl_ csp 31x d1]e Rn in AUAlst.nd a tdo Gr Lea mt1e.eIav 1n SeDledoe!. -he RRC plans Lo fill ln vrlth )-r0 nr e racee tn b€L@er. sore probabiv ir condeclron riLh wa_!jne races slonsored oy Lr" Cr""n 3 cotd A.c. ar Wllija-s -"niiooed that the ten lnericar nx! Tout-casn txack vnleh had recentln been scouired bv rhe c was lrobably not eoine r be rnsLall"d unrlt r-e fart. -hd aeobors decided rhat lnslead o" spendrnA Lhe c ut's nonev on buri,E troD.._ les for races th€y nould look ldto rhe posslblltr1es of haeins-sone Rhir ;-sn+is and Jac\e-s €de end erce:-F irslead. Of"lc-.- were e,ecred ior'." oiins vear. Thev ara: c4 1,/rlltuns, orFstd"n'i fieI plcdon, Don, snd Daee /ilt_ ians, vjce lr€6ldenls; a d Arr" plchard3, to try and plonote trip6 to both th6 llat'ional 4dU 15 (11o chanDionslrlE 1n Detroit in June and the 30 (i1o in Indianepolts in liovenber. Utlltads save a repo.t ol hls recent rri! ro Ner lork as deteqate ro NatioEl RnC conrent,ion. He said rnar ihe rugs of the Palanourt llotel lrele ' l,et @lth the ieds of the Nevr lork deiesstlon lecause rhe d.{U ms sti1l '1e rctusig o r-coerlre rnelr ro!.r o rre -oau-iry. 8.8 vile Disra -" oelal o)n. oa,.1oore. Jle-v-and (\ 960lo:-..:; CIuo iDon 'lbsten. lat,z-2i vdy'- calIa il, -eP 5"' h, 10:ll, ; cFoiee Bloh, l0:23.')i j. Be iaor6 olyroic I b The MIDI'ESI loAD RUNN€iS CIUB
runnlns, although, aot rltb ti€ 6rdgae enpnaslr on *hnlns a. he (!d: Tlls altlcle ls an 6xce.Dr f.on a h4d b6fo.c. ChartEs CaDDo;orll tt'esIs, 'C.ndttlonlns for rh6 Tnlee and totuer I.c.A,,r. closs-ai,unt.v 6h.NSlx Mtle Rlnsrn by lrank Nlxon. iak€lon, s@s !p landyrs nex aDr'oach rood- ohlo.l none, to running when he F1!es. e6p€ctauy rhe indlvlduaL rho faal_ rTh€ Athlete is a hudan bodv dchlne tles hl! potentle11t1e6. !e controlled by a nlnd. and tn-oanv cas€s- vlctorlous h def6at.' io can a.3@6 far too litr1e thoueht 16 eleen io rh€ that aihlete! rho hare th1. arlloach coneci nental app!@ch ro arhl€tlca.h to ftnnlDa do not have s d.siii ro win To spend ur€rds of L{o houls oer dav t. to Etsunderstand. tjlth th16 aDDloach 1n tratnlng, for rrel@ eonths bf rhe' l,an,iyrs rlDlns slro{€d an eq€n r6are. yea! to. yea.B at a tiEe. taLes an exconfldence than belore h1s st,arElins tlao.dlnary person oentally as eU a6 deteat bv Bannlster. phFlcally. The r€asons er arhlere The va!16ty of approacheE ro disrance sould end!r6 seedlngLy lorturou3 t!atn_ rutuitrg, explessed by the fesDondlns 1ng are nalnly psychotostcsf tn th€l! athfetes. rculd be of value !a .oac;.s tukeup, In factr ol the trentY-three ahd to potentlal dlstance ann6rs. !unners contacted fo! rhis st;dy, only Mary dl6taDce qnners coaElder thts rh6y {efe rDnnlna becau3e spo.! an alt and are a@re of rhe of any physlcal benefirs rec€ited. estnetlc values 1t ofle!5. nRunnlns Uorever, 1t seeEs rhat nesltv half of ls creatle6.n and th6 runne! n... tle lespondt.g lunnerg (elsveir of r,6ntv explesses nleg6lf as h€ can 1n no threel start.d t)ielr careers as dlstanc; other @y.r {Roeer Bam13t.r) Runnlp rhey wefe not faBt €nouEh r6t€ase5 feellngs of beautr ad Dowe; io be slccessful ar rhe ehoder hns-_ tatent *1th1n ns al]. John J. relfevIt shoDld be ebphaElzed here that a arerlc.rr sreareEi @rarhoner and ai' stfong d€sife for succels @s an l@ort_ outstandtDg s1x-n116r, er.presses a ant conrributl4g facror to the qthi;tes comon feellns vh€n he sa\€ rufrinE turnlng to dlsrarce runnlrs. If rhe is_n... p€rhapg an adequate neanE of Flea3lre recelved froo runnhe 6s t,he only alm ol these athletes. raev oroh, DiEisnce annlnq see@ to offe! n€nably would have continued io co;r;te tal and physical .hsU.nge6 rhat glve at tne shoirer dlstances. paeas!I6 vnl.Le ov6rcomlhs lhen. An llrtance lunnlng is to sone ea-tenr an 1llmlnatltrs srareoent ra thls effect acquired Inlerest. The lnltlal Eoat 1s is Md6 by Alex Hendelson, colteelate success, hben son€ degfee ot suacess 1e trc-dile holde!. He sa'etr... lt'e r€cord reached, the losslbll1ry of o .er qosls a case ol nlnd ow!'b6dv. ano preasures oecobe evldelt. Rur.iru My body 1B capable of a woltd r€c;!d can becooe a cyclei eacn i_.- t,he _t{o-due. I hope rhe dind i€." provtdes a 1tttle deepe! and more varied have on thelr nt,d! p.reasu.e than the onB b6fore, and tiie shlle runn1ns? The alsn€r. gleen by lncreasetln pleasure nakes the rork tuerlcsrs ourst,andlna cooletlto!3 needed ior even qreare! success s€en lndlcat€ a codlIet,e absoliiion rlth worthvhtle. la]]len, lo! one r€ason o! th€ oonert. slxreen ol ihe frnna.s anoth€r, the success stops. oi\e. the keep th€lr etlffest conretirors 1n {}o1e world of tne intlvlduat .otta.sF. blnd at all tiDes, Twenty of the mnuntil he can readjust. Jotn Landa ti a the086tves kl 1 Dace. strlking lllustlatlon ot rhls Doini. The obvlous overleppine he!€ ;f conIor a period of lou. veals Landv had letltion and pace seeog to lndlcare teen workrns olt daili & eeeri;ncinE tbat th€ bette! lunn€le conside. the succoss after su.cess. 1nclud1nE a one in llsht of the orhor. onty fou wo.1d's record for the one-Dile !un: dentloned factols nor rher h6 .uffefsd rhat kas. to hln. i directly agsociared rtth elrhe. pace treglc d€feat by Roge! Ba;nlBt,e!.'AIte! or rho coepetltlon. this defeat he retirod to r6ach tb a The ldloftance of leligion can eastly prlvate school ir austialia. For seven be oveledplasiredr buE lt is slqn1f1oonlh8 h€ dld no runrlne and exp€rtenced cart thet to severat ol rhe ooBa omotlonal stral . nor rhe successfut r@er6 DreE! is etr inieE.heertne ol thol8ands of fan!. 4r ihe ra1 lart of their li,nnloe. G1I DoddE; end of th15 p€riod, h€ aBaln starred once ar.rlcats b€31 dlstaDc€ (ps. 6) MINTIT ISPECTS O! DISTINCI
rlcknared the ntltloc Par_ son.r Elen heedllres 1n neBDADors Eave cledit to the lord {hen e slort on d1l Dodds ras Fitten. After his record atteDpi tn Ner Yo!k. a head11n6 !ead. I Ran I Prsye'l--Dodds.r Dodds 'lilenoften Es nor6d lor qlorlne rhe scrilture 1r lnteBieus afrer one of hls @nv' victori€s- Ies tunners a.e as realous as lodds. charlee Caplozo1u e*Dlesses a s1o1Iar traln of tiousht Fh6n he savE ".hrrr or eivils v"'i uEl' iiJ aii ii'-' you belteve In cod, pr€y to h10 ald ask hir to asrlat you in dolnE vour besr. To be a chablion it rakes bialns abd typical app.oach is rhat euts.',{rother glven by Don aobden, rltost thlorrant to oe ls Dy re11slon. It tus a p.oround erfect on how I lrep€re Dysetf. cod has gjv€n De .hls slIL of runnlne, and I lse prayet to obtalr a peace oi nind. Iris not a cnlch or an atd. but lt 1s a calntns 1nf1ue!ce, and I need that before I run.n Cappozotll relares condltloning to retlelon rhen !e Eltes of lt 1n terns of the sou1, n... I beliere that a runne! rever reaches nls !eak. It is like onels soul, you can p;rtec! tt nor€ and 6ore each day.n Will porer seens ro be vely lmportaht to the successftl dlstance runner. Sode runners preler worLins oL, by Lhemsel!es teceuse it develops their wll1 Dowe.. There have neen saveral instanc;s Fhere plystologlcal t€sis lave BhoM t,hat, disc€n witlstard the dtlects oI tdlieLe Lo a nucn srea--r desre" rhal non-tratncd peopl€, Thls fact olaht indlcAte r\a! a di"rance rulr.r hrs a s rlar -ordl rill po$er. 'iF nBiorrrr of coa(n-. a o .r.r r-;: o"ri"ve !h"! .i' po{€r can be developed. There have been stori€s of eoil zatopek testins nitoself by 6eetng how lone he could totd his breath; tioes he rs surlosed to ha!e done iL unr- ! he fain.pd. ihtt poier is essentlalfy e nind-over-body !ioMuch has, thus far, been dentloned concelnlng t}]e tlintine of rumers. It {ou1d be raluabl-- to lnoe It tho nental quallties req!l.ed to! dtstance r!.nlns a.e leflected bv success ln coUeae. Table_I seens !o iidicare a possitle T{FI,! I SICNIFICANCE OT SUCCISS IN COI,IEO! coaches repoltlne .uEers as abnve average students ".".,.,.,.,. 32 Coaches relcrtilg rirrrrers as lat abore
numers repolting a, above averase
.elortlne as not above sludentr...........,..10 rotals: 4l abo?e avefaae
nunners averege
ave.age siudenrs
1,r nor ebove aterase
0t cour6e, It should be .enenbered that college srudehts, i! getreral, in lnteltiEence to besln w1th. It is atso se;n that uEuslly do nore thsr jdst nn tlack, They sre acrive ln other campus actlvlties. It, 1s or lnter€st h€re to nentlo! that one coach sald if the tunDex is iralnine proF€rly. he doesntr here rln6 ior rextran aciivltios. coqches relortlne runners ss acttv€ 1n extracrricular activitr....25 coaches reportl.€ actlve tn extraculrlcular actlvity.l0 Detelled 1n th€ iDportance of tn€ n€ntal asbects of nnnlho is necessaly before any definite e;!, clusions can be d!am. It 6ufftces. if eft,er reading this a.tic1e, one recognlzes thst menral aspects are stgnlflcant to success 1n tralnlne conpetiLlon.0ne should aleo recognlze thar on the chanllonsnlp leve1 eech luDer nust be conside.ed as atr lndivldual. SOUTH ATLANTIC ASSoCIATIOI\t AAU INDOOR
CHAi,lpS; MatCH
12. 1960
(5ih Ree, AlBoiy, BaLtinore, Md.) -ii;;'3";:;;';;;i1;;;; iliiii!;'i. olynpic club, 9ro).8 (2.I8.2i 2rr5i itis., 2r75i 2rI5-B) not pfessed & nor: allout..3rd fast€st on flat floor--'rrriilr 8159.5 L l4acy 9:01..2. cali-Olaf Uonen, Unlv. of lelakare; ,. clynr \{ood, a.o.c., 9r26. iMe: L. Lee l4artln. tlo.s6r iia!€. FIZ6:1i 2. rra* Pfiaqid. Boc. Lt27i ), !an Rodda, sac,-it2?.i. lQqq: 1. Mike lleninE. Boc, 2:20.5i 2, Bob Eliley, i{orsant l. Jlm ]r'ade, EOC. TeaL 1. Ealtiaore oltnplc Club 54 2. NavI Navy !5; l. Iioaean Iioaean State l1i r+. Delakaae 7i 5, Mt. st. Marys 5 & ori!1e T.ack club 5i 7. Cross counlrry 4i 8. nelaMle state 1.
ca.y Ellason, thild h the
steeplechase last y€ar, has transie:leC fron Briehan IounA to colorado
'-MILE N4 York CltyUth, lete Mctrdle, ller York 4.c., {on the five ntle sealed handicap lun of tne Road iunner3 Club, N.Y- Assn froo Ec!atch today. I,lcAidle, l4et AAU I n1le & x-country clanpr turned in a ner rccold for the five eile caDrse which colsisted of 11 faps around the outsldo @lk ot rle Iank€e sradiM. Ilis tlne les 21tt+9.2 dipir.e out the p.evious rccoid ot 26123,3, ser, last yea! by ted loy, x.Y. Ploneer Club. AlL twenty two rlnners started the race togethe! and airer rhe co4pletlon ol ihe 11 laps the handlcaps w€re nace knoh and tides corrected. I,lctrd1e took the tead at rhe srarr & vent rlght our to try and ra! tne field and thus pick u! as nucli tlne on tne unknom handi.aps as losBible. Despite a chilly rtnd and a 25 deeree renpera_!ure Pete was abL€ to k€ep a st€ pace. A flashinA pair of red lors Johns l'Jith this race ihe IRC NI Assr conpleted thei! dnter schedule ol rive tuns. (20 nile, Gratho., tNo 4-mile xuns & :-nile sealed handicap). N.I. F.lC offtlhis iine t. all ihe runners & olftcials rno helped nake ihis a success. Starters: 22 Hith 18 linishefs. FrizeE: T{o lasi tlnes 3r flve p1ace. Coxrse: 11 laps arourd the outside r€lk of Yanlee Siadiun (301 yard. r,er Lap.) Sunday, U.rcn
offlclals: Randtca!!er, ToD Byrne. t€ve Levy, lou llhtte, Sao Sclred. Bllf Wlklund, Anselo Schavio, Harvey _lichten€tei!, Ntck Billotto, Joe lasiest Tlmes: 1, IIcA.dle, 2/+:49.2; ?. Dick Clspp, ?7lOB l4cAldlers lap times {801 ya.dsJ 2ro7, 2tIA, 2175, 2t\), 2.!?, 2.77, 2r2O,2.\4,2:19, 2: L8, 2:14. toNCEoAT l,ETXoilC
0f all the atilete6 rho have ron the loston A.A. @rathon over the years, none ever caltuled tle lubhcrs fancy qqite ]lke Tom loneboat, rhe orondasa Indian lrod gamilton. Ont. fh. lorrtlmbed aborlsrne s'eit like a cycl;ne tlyough the t.O7 field ro clip llve fuu iinutes ofl the 25-ni1e As!1a!dto-aoston .ecord in hls flrst and only try at the course. l,ongboatis nind becauee conditiors thls yea! rcre almost identical witn ihos. he encolrtered. longboat was only t9 in 1907. He had lushed George B.nhag io a new three-ni1e record of Il,:L3 the !revtous slnte!, and de had won sone dlstance races alourd his native habitat. Brt he wasrit r:he favorlre r:!at testeC v€t€raf,s t. the tielC- men
jir19 !@! slrinc, 19o! tin.€.; lred lorzr 1905 winne!; Sldder J{atch, St. Iouis @.a-
f. Pete,'{ctrdler N1Ac, 24:49.2 S.r. PIace lrine 2n:49,2 2. Terry Anderscn,riJTC,21.38,a 2i15 l. i,ou s.larior NY],C, 26:02 l:00 25:02 )! 2>t', .,J.r'o .,-.,/^t Joln Jarret'e, S!\ba, 21.27 2.Ix 2511'1 t. /. D a -.p, C, 2': d lr)0 2 :13 7. Jo3e ilones, N'IPC, 23rC9 2r3D 25239 5. A1 s{an, Ll.air., 2'tr,\5 2t\r 2rr4a 9. 0'Donetl J asb-ao ,li\Pc27 | 52 2taa 25r5? lC, c s ',o,, ./o, .2:!1 6:00 26:l , ". :rrl.1 \,rli(,l0:lr r:0 6::12, "o o.b , \', , _::: 8:.o 2:i).6:', IB, 6: 1 6:Jr 16l re-r-j,, l/Yt', 10:- 3:. -:0 L. ...,, I ...-: -., \rD , l.:,, 6:00 7:._ I v'r Y"' , lttrose, 20:1. l:'0 ) :), I7. Joe Xelter, S\rC, )3t5a 6tAA 27r5O -3. Irne ,",8"J\1r.,)6122 6taa )at)D! :-dEAa d. c-edn, vl]lJo. " (.ri .s. _ . aJa. lil1lrose tA, Joe Kirby, rt. rtnth.nyrs !,.1.i Ho'ald Jacotrson, NY Pioheer Ttub.
ihon vinne. in 1906i Bilty Ffank, third at tthens in 1906; Bob rowrer of cahhridEe, thi.d i. 1q0t; Dave rneelanJ, s..o.d in 1q06, and Johnn? Hayes, flfih t. 19C6...ns tne naler ol l.iday, iprii 19, 1907 saidr t'It's The day ms wintrr 102 vas lor'llraie
cold. The field io escape acci. deDt tecalse eaer:i runner vas acconparled ty a iraine: on a licycle, newspaternen and ollicials had tnei! od autonobiles, friends ol ihe runnels lrere perniited to ride 1n car!laeee alone the route, and the noisy it Has 6een. ihe lunnels had a rorsh iime thr€ading their way tnrough this l,onEloat {as fifth at lramlnshan vher; the i'dust was qvfuln. . . Fowever, the stle€ts 1n NaticL had b€en sprtnkled and rhe nwoods keti th€ bithc
3 The first 10 tnat day finlshed ln iand fron drlvtna across the couee thls orde.: LonEboat 2:24.24.,,Bob diagonally.n r$ler 2127. 51, 4-5...Jobnry Fayes Now sorethllq historic happened. son€!h1ns old-tini.s 5ti11 talk abo!4, !ore- 2t10.34 3-5,..Petch 2135.37 2-5... Jln lee 2:16.04 1-5...Cba!16s Jir boat, llank and a dozen othe. romelE 0'Mara 2!36.47.. ,sldney latch 2:37.u.. cross€d the rallroad facks Just in tlne to escape a freight tlain. A6 they J.g. Neary 2:37:19...Joln rildquist cross€d the tlacks, dom cate tlre gatas. 2138.58 !-5,,,carr Schlorrohln 2:42.02, Fow1er finlshed one-helf nlile behind Iovler, Hayes and Jln oiMara of Canbridge the Indian ard no doubt rould have rere 1n the second eroup, on ihe rong been close! excelt lor the treieht side ol the tlacLs, and lEd to E1t a t.ain... Hayes, oi coDrse, rent on to nlnute or iwo lor ihe tlelgni to pa35 rin the 01F!tc naratnon 1n london... and the gaie6 !o 111't. Th6y ran 1n l,oneboat sald he wouldnii return to circles to keeP irob tree:1ng. losion 1n 1906 |ecause he llalned to Lolsboat took Lhe lead ai lr{e11esley point lor th€ 1qc3 ol)mpics. He never and aol1ed h15 preitiesi to the cotlege @de ir. He tufned lro and took palt gllls. chalIle Petch ol Toronto €nvied in a sefies ol race3 sdth the faned the Indtan's lopularlty and raced to Allie shrubb of Briiain and ?letro hls side, {avins tne wllle to the fenDolando o{ Italy, Xe eventually wound lnlne pulcnrltude. He vas the 1as! io u! as a str€€t elealer tn Toronio & gei clo6e to the Itrdlan. lrtheiher ii €6 the raln thai Eiarted in died 10 years aeo at the aee of 61. Newton, raln ihai foiced postponen€tt ol 1ocal ba1l sanes, or whethe. it was OI1'l.lPIC DIIr€IOPM'NT WA',X - PUI],A. PA. Pelrch fel1 back as the Nerton Hllls! Bob l.ii@r tevlttoh, Pa., won the rna bdlan, nrumitrs on aIln eained slach 1n a selles of o1rcoic Dev. aDeed {lth every stride . . . rlDcouleged MLk6 epon3or€d by the Penn a.c. rtth hv the shouts of tne multltude, the a! elap;€d tade of thlee hou6 and 25 blolre-colored youth siih Jet btack Dinuies Sunday, li4alch l3th to! a 17hal! and eves, lons, l1the body {he i. Iairnount Park. reiehed only 146) srep! loErd hls eoal (12) 2. san li4oDasielo, Penn Ac, l:26.00(27ni! 3. John lbbate, Penr AC, l:2?.00 th€ ritdest din in !. Ron r,aifd. iscrarcn) 3:30.00 The Dap6! sald rrh€ looked aDfihine but * Mlmn Es haldicapped ai 12 m1ns. a youih {no had lur nore ri1€6 in two hours than tne reekn,.. nArns rele stretched oui to ClORC4 YOLING WINS 9.4 I.IILE AAU RLIN slasD h1n but bo needed no asslstance. Many pressed folEld to Ehale his !a!d qe aclnowledged the gleettngs, ttrer !{llllaosbrrg, Va., Sat.' tlarch 19 c.-6rse YounE. ior@! Arizona unlv. 3t.ode into Ehe club. T.ere he insisted ace t u,s.A: vs. lssn steellechaser, ubon runnlne s f<k laps alound l e Lreck ea3i1y caliured a 9'4 n11e Developairo wall i.E-a Ie" aor; o.fot" suba' jac nent race iadaY. The race uas sPon_ to lis posi-lece physical.rl soled by the vireinla AIU. l,onsboat vas acclaimed the 'oost 4arvYddn!'s clockhs of 50:12 calried elous lumer Fho has ever sperl ove. ou! hln t; vlctory bt ov€r a hall n11e, !oads'r,,. [e f,usi have leen all of tlai over the \'tl1l1am I liary college Eemedbe! ihai he r&n in a! age {nen it c6nrse. Territlc ilme lor th15 couisel vas conside!€d a silacIe to nn 25 niles Oeolqe YounE. Fort l,ee, va.50:12 Firhout s-oplrns, ui en 1! Gs fear"d thet 1, 2. charles cooke. t3:21 death @s luikine at ihe fisish 1ine, Huddle, v.r'1.I., 3, Bob '4:16 uhen an arhlete like James B. Con.ollv L. (eith lar3on. Nn &'rarv, 55155 &uLd Bote:-!onThe lesults ot ile .acepu.sue l,anq1€y r1eld,v4. 5?:20 t, J1n Davis, show that a nan cannoi s€en 6. r4arrv orDonneu. um & MarY, 57:54 the prac lce or nnn:r.a ?'niles {l!!o' ?. Ton isldet, llJd & l'rqry, 54156 62154 3, l1 rreaver, 1q & Mary, ition. ihe race a1{als se€is to be ton ,. I4afly Aronaue!, & !',lalv, 9l:22 br nen {bo have not beer at the gade too 10. ,arlen MacNadrra, ",'. Ion". tt yl" 1! rs a ?rty 1o en^oLraa" lt. Nc Tead Chadpionshlp, V i caory coool€(El,4evilaljzes r tdr''or
.OllLclA"E _FAC( RES Lts .ucaon, allzona, ,varch r? uscrs er psded Tracl 3 lleld rean ron 1r3 60 th s'ralghi dual ne6l by doMlns Arirona 8?-lo, roday.. creghd. Jacr. HudBon the stadim record *rt! a t1!e ar '.51.?..2. raltor, sci EElzareLL, i. sc,.!lld r. R6n. PoceE, > , Lt"J,ei 2. wayne lenons, sc; 3. !,te_
f;ti#i j
e :
rled Sarsent,
rlnrshed sec:d
of 9:16.t scl ln 1956youLh Vltlesc half nlter ^Mlke-peat{e, r.@ Cotorado. pored Lhe rtulce o,er L}le 800D-.2. Brm- scaw! ? L^*11 9r.. 4,-q9@! f. ierrey,'s-cv.nt ji:it, 2. Bro;m-:-St; tl:rg.o.:'!i,. rdri: i-' Slpos, sclrry.6137.2| z. fr;-o-res_sct.w: ?i"**'s:,i*Tl; ; ;kps@,
rrjzoha, Ma!ch r2- occ,dendr,6 de'eeled Ati7oM S,ale LhrFrsiLv' ') - "' tn a dwI Lra.! nee!,.sun Devil d,sLance ace At.x pender.on rco rwo events - rle rlle ln L:1{,) & the r{o ar)- rr o:1^.o..L]:s! 2. [{accoRn,
i;i:ll':E??ii,:liil8; ,+:,Hi"l;"1"s5, J. osb;rne- sivyv:
Aii;,';"li'i1"il;.il1:;i##-"fu ,'i J1m Ler'env, 0x,,
l"#.'3:t';:"tud::'tg:: n:::; :"*.
clartr€ sippltpchee titre €s rusl ..t secs-over tne ormoi. ..i",".ij"a_ ar.d. 'The rcbase :s iy race," iara ctdr. on Lhe r.te 1.6s, J;"e it.
1:5r.0i frifspence, Lhe-orysen debr, rr,";nner-i"-iu"l r. !.; J._Dornan, ury..!!!: l.2.{.1 sperce, ccl 4t o! the Eler jup..clerk lnlo rhe €Le.r Lhe rast lwo ttn.s at@nd, but .an hiesetf dry & lnto"etl the San Dleeo, March t2 - Trianaul& T&F seEatiosl cfockitrg. UC|A lruh5 96j, Redtands j5 a/1. Sh D1eso srate 9 5/6 (Nrre meet r;c;.dr) Gledale Colles€, callf.. March t2_ ]-lvUe: 1. Bob lolland, UCLA. 4:?1.8i SC Strlders d@lnated nhat anounied 2. Ward, Redland6; J. tlasetl. UCL.A. to an aU-coDe.s &eei. No scores lqQ: 1. At ilyers. UclA. 1:55.9: 2. Da!t-' nele kept., It nad b€e4 scheduled as IiCLA; l, Jord.n, Ucr,A..2-M1Ie:1. Ken a quadlaaeLlar arons the stftdersFidlng, UCIA,9:28i 2. mend-. Ucr,A: Peplerdtne, oturd tj !.orce & Sa; l. Itard, Redl€nds. Diego T&P Cfu!.. trlie: f. IaFiennctt., 4: 19.9 i 2:-ltipe-ersens. srride.s : Sanra aarbala, ca1tf., Ilarch 12- u. ot cat (Santa Barbara) 664. lons aea.i st. 3;"lii,'3; tk-4$,i:,il':T IIII!r:" 3. wetters, stliders . .2-Mi1e: t,' lti';8"15,]*i.. lrilr'::'*'i"* F*:" SDi Pete Xlrndle, srriders, 9:261-2:-Tea_ rBS, 9: 51. 7.. e30r-T- rq1l-te!, rBS,-t:i? @n, St.idersi l. Roberrson, Strlders. sa! Jose, Ca1if., Mar. 5- San Jose San Jose, Calif.r ilarch t2 - Srartan sparGn urarrle Lrary ularf runnrns runnlns Lle sec_ Fietd..San ield..San Jose State Srare 14r. srare t,rr. Ssn t,rr, Sar i.ran. Ss, i.ranci onq s!-c-pprecnas. sleeprecnas. surpassed co sLare 2?. cal aaejes I?..MiIe: ]. r? s;cobda^roday chdler cta;k,-srs;".:tr.zi zffiiiiuns :l:_N!1A..-":"!.1"|:l1by jooo.6"."r"-i'-s:;eli-l!-... !S. y?l-. !; iJs;-tl il;;id;-;iqi'il'i;":;ril'"il ;: ;t; gi:,,;"iij:i:;i'ii".i-r"i6"i ;:,':E:l, e & Santa clala Valley ?;"0#4"Iifr*1,.;;:,"6,fi:;; zattt, sFi 3:.-oyi3",'E,i. la66i'i.-i.;!rr, Yowl" rillaee 1, &,icr no scores reF SJS, 1:56.5 sJs. t:5 ke!t,..tU events vele over th€ Deiric End a \Ll scheor.e of Otyd- DoRDEP Ol.tlt!tCS. I5edo. -ess. Mar.\_ p1c events @s held..ciark, a startrr !!19: l. Atsord, HousLoh; r,:tt.ti 2. d€Lemined ?O-year-otd slo sLands t:ir eTo-5essv. Ho,st,on. r.:t?6i l. O'N;"1& ueisrs lll poLnds, clocked a 9:U Abil€re Cbrisr ian; a. Macy, Houq..oni lest 3!!1ns rr hi. onle prevlous steeF 5. Coopcr. sLale. "l.TpEsAcc, 1:5L.ri 2. N-ncIfeclase !Ece. he won thc aLale Junior !!9! l. Ed€rds, college mi e and Lwo mlte lasl yeq! aca, NTs; l. Duila!, Tess; 1,. Parr. whl1e aL Sanla Ans 3 hao besls of /.:tL6 swi 5. Draper, Teps rech. o:o<. 2-rf,ile: _ie, clonessy & t{acy, -q., 9:ll.e and H16 ctockine t,oday Bs lhe rhld "asre6t eeer rul bv ar amerlctu. i$"1:,:"[5r,:Iy'
(Borde! o1r@plca
(Gregoly ran hls 1a! i. 1152.6) S6Ete.n Mlchlsan. Tlner 7r42.4'
3:4!!.si (22 ItpE) 1. atex BreckenColleqe Dlv131on: 1411e: 1. Ian SieEft. !1dee, Qlantlco,3:56.8; 2. John !a@r-Tech. r.:U.7::Tt6: 1. Brom. i{acy, Houston, S:t7.0i l. lud Edelen, T€Es A&I, 1:55. o. lunatt., Minnesota, 3:58.0t !. Paul lthiteley, EFpolla Stat€, xans., 9:O5.di Univelsitt of Cllcago Tleck Club 5. Ken Broh. Illt,o1s. 9:11,.0i 5. Re1ay6. chlcaso. r4arch 5- l-Mile: 1. Hel Hiedon, UCTC, 9:19.8; 7. Max True*, Paul ldhiteley, Enlor1a Srat;;--4 :17, 6 ; u.s. Alr Fo.ce. 9,33.2. 2. car IttIllans, UcTc, rr+:25.8i l. non In on6 0I the best conperitive races or tne sht. rrlex sreckenrldEe lan Holklds, Westeh ri,I1ch1san, 1/+;32. o. h1s f1n6sa rlce to n1! Jotrn M;cy in a ?.oOOn s'chas€: 1. Hal Hledon. UCTC. 9:l3:5tz;--];;;y Basha,, fesr;ln Mi;h. close ilnisl..Max Truex, one ol the frosh. 9:15.0,,M11e: 1, J€ryv Ashoore. Mllveukee croHd tavorltes, was unabl6 ws3tein Mtch.. tlf6;4..2-1411; inalk: to explaln & refused to atibt h1s poo! l. Rutyna, Poland. 15 : r+?;3:l) lstaft-e sho{1ng in the iwo-mue run. Truex. lusllqi 1. weet.eln Mlchlgan, Td:T5{ho set the n€et reccrd last vee!. faded badly !n the last half-idle; ms lapped by th€ th.€e leadels & flntshed !llLrA 'EE J0 F\AL J\D001 CA}{cS,5a,,, '* bac\,.n- rsL canrr.xp.!aln 1!,' t4a"ch 12 Mlle: nand d.n't haee anv ati.f I. Phil col"dn. UCTC. Tnex salrl. ,4oran, _Rjhard Pono, westeri Mich. 1000: L. Ea r:0o.0; ?. N'tt-, 2.t2.oi2. l:11.9i L Archie San no€nl, Jr., Brlan qawson, C!ea- Bllra1o, 2:12,'; Dete \,ilchIta flo€h, -!12.2; r. Close, Lewls 16rrcn, rir1c.lta, ?:1.,?i qua_Llco'larin.s, 4:21.0; ). D-acon 3. {. Flnl€ B'I1upE. ^htcaso ovola. Johes, FL. 1.F, Va.,4:2\.0. :Ir.8; >. Boo eadn,!r. r!a, ta.. colec. Loov ihe leed .r rhe foudh ?:15,9, (Morad Hon in a lnr€€ nan afte! 1ap rllchle San Ro@nl, Jr,, a U. blanket ftnl6h.J of []chiLa freslEr & scn of the fcmed 600: 1. ceorqe Kerr. I11t.ois. 1:ll-s: dJl"r oa t'he ald-thIllles, had s"r Lh" 2- 1-,ne Paws6n, crear Briraln: I:1?.(i earl/ pace. Cole@n s,aaa:ly llcreased l. Jonn -lro-a, D"trolr -.. i:U.0; njs 1-ao & ^oa by -8 yardB ove! Dick 4. Dave vi s, Purdue, I:U.1; ). Boo Pold of vM, who no6ed or! san Poshl sadar.", l-T.. fo! s6cond plac€ on the flnal turn. one o! tne snoornest nn!€rs to pe!couese VIle: 1. Ron Clesory, forl "'o'" -ne ,)0 fens on the r-en" oo"ros 4s /alr, !ho broke chas. Iao- rtld:;t 2. Jlr Bowers, Tttlnols, ^oLr" 4:11.6; 3. Blll Erlclson. Minne6ota. Je.Lins aeei: lec.rd of 1:11,6 {1959). L:12.5i t. Jp!!y Ashmor€, ld"s,-rr ',rc-. Ie-r Lore do' "re lt__r 6ar y i- che l,:').8i 5. Douc'sr.olI, EeBL€rD iulcr., r- - Lhen fousn! orr a chall€ise by Ersland's i,1ike ltawson to wln by 12 ]ds. 4124.6. liiD'B Ron Glecory, who ret a recorC 0n tle last rudlne eveDt of the nisht, ol l+:10.7 itr the Fell of ian6 coues- Ierr anchored lUinolsr E11e lelay tean late M1le, could hav6 been a good .ec- :o vlctoly ove. l4ichisan in l;20.5, old 1n Tl:e Journal Ml1e had Coach Alex the iastest tlde nade 1n thlee sectlons, tltsor ol the I.ish chosen to enter hln, llltlsh tunners lswson a qewso! revealolegolyrs wlnnlns tloe 1n hls race coe- ed tnis tale of roe afiei th€ neei. pared ve1f vlth the 4:09 po6ted by Pirll They aElved at the Mllraukee la1lioad ColeMn 1. taklne ihe Journal f,ile & delot Saturday & ca11ed a taxi, to take lar con.ldelably bettEr than rhe 4:11.9 tie4 to ttrelr hotel. rllter kaiting 45 second place tlne posted by lick Pond, ninutes, tielr cab ft€lly arlved. Cregort, 1nc1dentally,raD hls lest t{a T!e1! destidtlonl The sclEoedef Hotel, qualtels In 2:01, 1n oTelcodins a lead about tro blo.ts aBy! held by Jtd Bokrs {I1l.Jlo djb oy 5 or.e 't | . rFlay 'i-' @s t\e Erk o" q:12 I .sr section o'tle rwo.r.l1e vardE 3 claci eled ln rinich i4Ule Aiierbe!.y of Mich.siate held by loweu ZeUels ol Indlam th 19rr+..Colemn, yjth.Lo conpetilrion 1r dnaged to hold a sliglt lead de€plte h:€ rac€, cov€red tle sare distdn:. .1, d .trors !id bv:odv -ell )f \.ichl"an lsLar I dn o e Trnal l:e, iire tetu3 f-:tlshEd. ?:Olr..Graeo!y caD€ baJt tne ancho; l;E oa lne serriLC :ecrroa "1*- Lenlhs oI; s"cond aP4rr. /iLz.2' jo! ' ?.c . l. ohio stale 7:ra.4i r. roB' of :he cwo-dlIFr-a!e relae ND ? .B: ::)c''a ' In&na, 7:5t'3' .Ipped a! !h€ bi John 8o!k o"
sttNfoaD TiyoljTs pREVIEI' OI
r;:!:tift;ii:3rli'i:,#i::r:!,:i::." l.ltffi tiff i,i-,*$iieiii|'
iiiill;;iiid;;;;;;'*r,",,*r,:'i,"' struidayis- s s.he;;tjo r,oo: .
1n.ludlne cfostna cereoonles.
ffrg:$,:ilif:firqi*i::i,.;:" f+ilTt*,#,!ff tuff;#l;i'r' ;;5;i:',
;H#rr;[;1$;3;*ltli,$*t:r' 1;;1:;,39;i:;i;;*lii:ir;::":r'r::;'.. liii[:$ii;,iiiil,*::rl* ik1 :i'+,:s;;*;uiip$*ft
it*+irl;:{:il;:i;;tr;n:r:.' q5;1u{giitt .=S*,e+,*ik.'.
stanio.d, 7:47.e;
- irqru;Cdii ri ffi li:"*ii*iqll li*;:;i;,_. j:":'*:.,:['ll]Jigl,ff .
i3J3l 3i
: i;il;?; ;!j***&5*#5.
fi ::
fffiYil IlI"ll ;illl;,'e:l:::;"Y'i:i,l:
t#i*Tr**:1,;;+"*;*sl i *iilil'i:r:iqr*r *i1,;$:," ;l::;1.;i*;jl,;."#:,m;:j;
:iliil";iti ii:::::"'i;-:;"6ti," ffr
Fi:tf : *gi:;$l;,
r#;i! :fi i;i{hi$lrri ::ii,"
:- : i::- :--
;:i:f *l,l tili: ;'
l;Hi:;;::: *' iri'gtr#-i;*l';rd*l;iiii,il ill};il+iiii'fliii::$**'i.',' eecy. par crohesEy) jo,or., ;r'ji; :s*;6:u."
;:i:i;l;,T:!;"i";l]":: {i:*u;:iy.,
ffit**xffiffi #iHffi-ffi [=!1,1;;:;;+.*\--:s,gS"itli
coraurx lxD xYrE,rN c'rcaco rrrlEs
ffffiffi*ru*n fff-i.:i$:.::';ydesi.B"rr!,?i:",' i':.i_Ei.r.;.irjrffi .rii";tr :.*,
ffiilifl;5:fiTi*i$:r,,, j:"r;i"i j^:,.i;::;;:
$j#'.'m-l,.ft+i**::;,:-;;,:.u;iT"; B:ilii"i l?;"lil.*,2
ra.d, Redrands ;:i;;:;
;: ;I;'1,;::i:i; lil!:ft*,
*ffi:'t:lr*+; 1ffffixffitt;f"
ffiffi,ffitr-ffi1[**+iX" "ffi
,*'{r':s:h*%:#":l},:,;;;;;;;:i:i;;';;;':';";"; iffi iY:.ii'i:,;"Lj:i:iji$srf,";i{:' !$ii;"ii;ii"ii:$,,Iitli3:igi$:i:it-
BY Arn6
1?- Peur vihli;t€v.
JeFv fln.
!2 ot seEral nbners,
ih ifitll'ii,3li3l"ill"'jhl'3i;*!!:ii"r,'li.'il"l15i"l,i3i"::"i*"6:*1 dase ln tn. UCTC Felays bald qr rh€ U dergqst rq,4lll ro,5rh ptace ou! i:.!l:":fi: $iii'"li:":;"T1lii!";,Xi# :li';:":i3"ff : 3L"Xl"i5'Eii;"j";,
.p!lna, put16d aGy frob car h, 11ao!, ucTc, and Roo Hopkln5. u..Lern Mlchlsan, asrly ln !he_Iinai mtte ishDolers ch1€f oppdsiLlon ln rne otte c4e tror te.trMie Dive Peddlne, rno Biuck laBL
s lr:45 l-Eller ,hlls reMte Dlct hamer ron the blonze Eedal in th€ r.ha66..A ndcoE6r to !!€ Chlcaso n!Lyd,-outclassed the 41.1d rn rhe
'*;l.i'3.i": ]{*',llf5'li:"?'*l;i:;"'* iifi,fi-!"{l"il3si"Ei:ii'"" "'," "0" ;::iiJ,::'i::::"illffi;;l:,1i::"iil:"",*-."-.i'.iil#"i:,,lY6:',i",\".i:,':,.,ii,1, ?iHF"*i',i:l+. H'::':k [iiii:,::"." : X:]i ti;*-.*ki, loyo ra. "ii!.r"1 ill9t.*i,i? i;,3 ,litllCi,ff+"*Ti,*, tii3;';.';,Ti'*3jlii.;,r::ulflt"i':"' <. lsaco eivss, r1e McelEe, Tlllhoi., !:32.5; r. Malc t,rarqueuri, t):io.j; ;' phil
rot,sLbfa, [{arquette, ]5:26.8! Z.
i:illl,,Iiil;lll;r..i;ii;,8;.";:li::X: j!ilr"?"il"r"i'i,i;,,-s,
uc,c, rr:r3.4i ,.ri. uiEj"ee,.rii., eot,_rd,u,.r.:q,;_ro. r):- .._9lL9j. r. Jerly AshEoro, TMU, lj::,,.1!:r. $ili1.;J}i;,u:;gli y"l' 3;,liii, ; IIY;,1';1u;, i i :' Fiiil-#:"":::: I fi.\iA. l?: ? Jelrv Boccj, Detlojt Tc, L:tZ; 1, ,ta,," Iolenc, HeEt.Ill.i PeLe l,lan ln, "l'iii;, "33ff 8.
li'll *ll,
ffi##:i'fuli:ii;#i fi?ii", ###ilFiipii;;sr;,ri:.
;;"l;;*,'i8i8:.16,1!I"i.';;lt ll,g:: +.r;#4i"1;"T'ilii:'i: :#I"iii!;:; Iiil: ,ilia.,oi.o,6. ci." <e!";; t;;;. ccf i_!._ hr15 1:!l1ll:_!il!:_____-___
;, gi*fi:il{:, i#ri:^ii:*dl,+#i#, er, (Tounser _
I'fr. Lebahon H.s.. 4-:12 .CN"pAt AA, ..{OOOR c'lAM?S of DLt,eis -aiy)..Dobrs6 ion Aln€ Rich_ b!o!h€r 1.ho ads -- crlcaso, [tarcn 26-se Jr.s' ?-e.l]. in hlE flrst e]er L.acl iclc and ra '. Lorola U. B.ds doo'naled t,e tonE€r ls a -elorDed foolbalr uaclle
iff::-':,:ffi,:nl,ig.::1. :1"*: rlcaco DhlI tleld housc.
ffi".,i;.::'"-3"1-3T01: S:'ii!9)."n
r -.58,Fcu. pa., !arc- 2b- sr. an^ aau ;;;3;r":::ii":;:"1"i:,r#:f.';,1!'"" lndoor chaaoE..2-l{11e: l. Eob camn, .\.r oDohundro, Tc, ro59,.;ur rie 3,f;l"l-l,i",1n: 1":"' ,i#i"a,iiij i"'ry;:;""6:fi;';.'i:" '.roke ":"i:":i:,:".::l: co,e*n,s 2:13.2 ;eer "-"*. ;; iiji;.i,il;,1:ilt9i l: F:::ff"l::ii", er,", 1,2o.,.. .1e Lra-L qes v.r, .iii'l"il
'1eld, kinn'ng in r:26.2. Tle.CT(iE alle,3lr.' /ats dependabte Gar llll1l iaus Look ih6 1t 1n coltlnuou! use )--'ra orer rlve hou.s of racee rl a 'or earrle' ra:r3.f. ;;;;;i, ,.e i- the diy scroorboy letay neeLl. r :-o -n-ao le:surely of.:.rni,i.i ql"Jja-,i.,i!__
;::,Hiil""::""?::.f:;:"1,::j:"-,,1:, b- on r!e uosurse, rudein" "ioo rhe
il:";"i:i".;:i :;:i,i:: '":"H!";'i;:'c :i"ln:;":":r;,":;;.,0
'+x$*r **t"ffi
#*;1ffi ' "ffr##$*i*ffi ffi f*'Tffi
ffi#*fit++=ffi*iffi ;**ffi'**t'r;,lilri; i
TeBs, ^larch
- {euadrEnAr1.,
ffHi,;iili.iit;:"f i ili""l!,i!.?l' ':i'..* l^':'l
t crEslraND TrrlEs
#trntr'^rffii**,' ii"ddt'!r!i."-?i;"'ij.,i:".i;.;rr:""
i!dilI:i:.liiliii,:!qil!:iij,';:ririii::iil"iii!,f l:l:nr"i:":ji"ff : ift *i*';,,"," i*ir,$ur;,,:i]ii;5l*;,+rl:,' si" Fn"il#iil:q-ir:, rap rhey,u"".r,.,. *a" i,!sii: :ili"!ift;"i1i11.i;,3;,::ff?l,li.;i ;q+*;i:::;
iiilri'ir*i5;ii'ilit l*ii;lli+i;,'i,#:ii;;i,qi,, ii
+roq'!i,":; ]*J#,,+,1ff';i"llJ*".
+ilii';''!:;!:'Eiii,o'::n si:';1""'
fii;:;.i:.*rt, 1iffiii;;it:t::;,
i;iii5:!:i::;il;*ili;r"f'::' iiiiilii"'l*uft;mifltli**t iiii6",l"l.'iil;;Tl",iii:i'il.s':::".' i$'!hi.'ii;,ii[:li;iii:#":qi;:.r" !*iio"ii^"i?".i*i,,ili$r."ri.i"i,
fitrr *;;ri'";i'*;"::.;T:8,r, ":;,:;r
ii;it"$1i1f;g ii;}:i::,1
H;l;*;i{d;iiqiifi [*i: i',,i,1,1r;l;;**;,, iiil*ry:ir, fi,.r i;iiqi'':!ii,'+r' ier' ;'r;r :'' ftrc:+m:i';,lf{iqli;:: :il;:*l-r*--, I
ii,;,lli;1"il' : ii;,ilt,ii,: ;',::;'
F 16
ffidilitryffiffiffitffil a$t1ffimu*#ryffi
q*:*pl#:$*$f *ry#lru"**i'*.
:;f i;iilik"::h#,;; :,,ijl*, nr$":ni.i;:i;*iili}i;$lii:;; {!ext paEe )
j -
Contlnued )
1. Strldors (laEabee, 1,8.6, Klrlby 1:53.1, Petels€ns 3:Oj,8. hitu€nza dla8Eed De dom. liatters /+:10.5) 10:18.0t 2. rJSc. aDd the cold hss nov clealed up (SLith 48.7. Warlen ta.low 10:1t.6 I 'But Ehould *Erleve that loct {elEht. I lenon6 l:07.3. xosers 4:27.7) sn srltchi,ne back to dt5tance- q-L..n'ih- 1:54.9, 2-M11€ Fun: t. Mal ltobefta6n siri.lpr. bxildlng traltrine after n€xr;eek,n " E:_i?:mPete Mlhdle, strlders, aAI!ARAT. Austla1ta. Malch 26- Mere 9:18. t i l. E€anan, St!1ders,9:37.1 llncol!, rho @5 condlrlodllv chosen 2-M11e Relar: 1. Strlders (Shankland on tle Alstral1an olldtic t,6a; today, r: t6.-1 ,. Pe-ter5en. 1:r7.r; l. r4alrhe €s resahlre h1. begt e.5 1:54.6i 4. ctalk, It51.3) ?t]'2.3 foru by *tn.he rhe Vicrollin I'OOE. 2. usc, ?r5!.7. chanplonshlp 1n 3146,1. Huntlnston Beach, Catlf,. Ma!.h 19la Habrei! 8tuc€ Bess sea an all tlme U.s. p!e! best fo! SophoDole's in v1!nhg the quntlngton Besch llvltatlonat
o1le run ioday in 4:20.5. The old crk tas lr:23.6 by Telry i,toore of Micblean 1a3t y€sr. Second ln th6 s@tt 3ch6ors ol1e Es Thornton (Toryence HS. a:21.L) l. ouule, Altesta HS, \t22-6. Large Schools- l. Moore. Mira Co3ta. /+:28.I
santa Bqrbara, Cat1t.. Mirch 19u. of caltf. ar sahta g€rbda 72 2/3, i,o6 Angeles Sldre 58 \/3 .q1le: l- r.'Eh:k rr ,,! 2. cordoH*.*; bes, SBi 5i"ilil;,1^;^4:30.2i 3. Kaller, tA. 2-M11e: t, KatleD, r,A, Lor29.3i 2. cardDb6s. b6a; o6s, SB; s!; J. SBi castltlo. castlito. l.3. rjastlflo,58. 330: 1. l. xel8haw, {.rihaw rrlt, ! 1:t7.1 !!!!
blday, Malch 25- Saurhern cellfohia Fiosh at Mt. san antonio - Mlt€: 1. Egsleston, sc, 4:19.2..2_MiI;-1. Mor_ eno, sc,9:t9.t..890r ll-TEteTast on _ sct:58.9 (score Scjro-sh 66;-Mt.SA 6t) Marcn ?r- Tucson, Arizona. Alizone 8jj. olesor state a7j - i111e: tuds6n. a1t12 ? ,!3P! Fon6s,-Tsa; 1:i9.8 2-rilite: AdaG, a,, 9r37,8. 560 Marco6, T€x4s, r,{arcb 26- Housron 44.
26- Lo.e Bbach State 73 ai sa! lleso Stare 58..M11e: T1e Rver. IB & rarsen, sr. r*:zq]:,2-x11;r i. ron Ryan. rB. 9:i4.4.. 880;-T;T!-nev. !8. l-1a!ch
tl€so T&f 75 t/6, Tlade Tech 4J 5/6, S.n lemando va1ley Slate 59 l/J Ml1e: loerErer. SD. a:22.5 )-Mfl-e: L.!!1eu, q: I5.6 Mslcn 26- Santa Barbara. calii. ucrA 98, cal Pary 391, SB 2t+ 3/t+ !111er 1. Bob Hotland. UcL,t. l:.11.6: 7- Da-hl, ucLA; l. Joidan, ricr,a;4. Rldout. Cl.,2-Mlle: 1. ,ahl. lcLA9126.8i 2. Rl;:fi-ln& rclAi l. nod!16uez, UclAi 1,. lbffold. CP,,8a0: t.j'ie'*, 8ob i"iii"ii iiiiil' i i ril i i-2. ai cPi 3. CP;4. Mvers. ucLA. UCLA. L Hel'Ler., cP; 4. Myers, SaI
Itnlv€rsttt ol calltonia at Santa Bslbaia (UCSI) tlack n€€ts to date. Ini6r-c1as. Meet- 2/18160 at cotera 880: 1. Roland Cordobes {sr.) 2:02,9; 2. Dan Moole {rrosh) 2:07,7,.M1le1 1. coldob€., 4:12.3..2-Mi1€: 1.
bes. 10:l+6.5,,Tean: Junlols 55. C.&ds Sentorq 31, Sophs 21, rlosh 16, 39, *UcsB 82 I/1, Pelpedlne 34:. Santa Balbara Ac 2I.1/3, Ircsa Froeh 15, Westmont 10 5/6..Ieb.27 at Coleta. 880: 1. coldobes, LrcSB, 1:58.4 Mn,, Mlle: 1, Dar Moore, llCS! r.osh" r:.46.2 2-li{i1e: 1. Colt Darls, ICSB, 10:12.t + UCSts 83, lodona 48 st Claredont. Cali!. irlarch 5- 880: I. cordobeB, 1157.5..Ml1e: 1" tarlt ooodmn, PCr 4:36.8,,2-Mi1el 1. lho@s, Pc, 11:12.E * (by De!q* Karanauehl
Howard Pajre 383. SourhM.r Tees State coueee JJA, T€)<a! A&I 26. Haldl! slnoon! 11., Sah louEton 7..uiIe: 1. pat ctobes.y, Holsron, r.:t7.trTFF); 2. ctenn Perty, Bo{ard r&}Be..880: t. Barlv A1mond, Houeton, I:54.]1fir)! 2, ce;!Ee arom, t&It j. lowel1 aishoD. Hp: /.: I'lllLle lrye!6. IP. West Seatile, {ash,, l,lalch 5- 5 r11o walk- f. ao! H6ndllclson, gaa, 25rt+1.5 March 26- USC 60, Stltder5 55 {No scor2. Paul Mcc.mick. SOc. 28:1li l. lne. 3xt on an unofflclat !a61s sC fln_ Don Anderson" soc, 2e:40i 4. John 16h€d in fronr 60-55. ) -Ue'il1e,,!: s^..i\t^tJe, Jo:53, 5. Jio Dl8ta.ce l'4edIey: i440,860, 1J20, dlle)
l-€ cPDrijrLl'rris NdTIoNAT JTJNIoR 30
r-el F!dford, ttrass, s!nday. I4arch 2O!n€ lickofl ol thF N.E. road runnl@ se8son ias tne iationrl Jun1or l0 l(i10 ahainlonship & open. Jin Green bleezed to ar €asv \dn ln 1dea1 weather {too.,r cioudrr & 6tlEht breeze). The lcr.hicrn alub of Nev Bedford lrovld€d .!-.n;rdi.e :F. trophies up ro about 2'tl !1.c€,,51 steriers! 4r flnrsh€r5, !l: n.s:or Ar!. t:!Jet,, ttrerchant d I . uire! rcok t€ax io.or5, .Jrnior lndr v_ iaL;-1. honors i€n- o Ed riuncan it s. ) . :iu,.nrt, l2ri) B itan -eigst lJrdJ !osion AA. 1:r+1.44 2. l1 lorLfal rr€, 3ost.l (n.1:!5./+? ), Iii liu,ran, U. oJ BriLil€i,ort_:l:rr.rq 1, I1l! -ri'h, Hrnrlro'. n.4., 1.LE.Jl \, i.t s6pien,:, 1:!c.25 -1;, 1. r T!e.n-i, \orLl :tedfc_d. 1:t:t03 '. \.rn 5ei46i" M.c. r:51.2t l. (11an-1u11, Br orffsvilte. v...1:'..2t) yort:ic. '. Fod :c\1!hol-, lte,. L:!r,,r5
1(. rrr, i, relte\, rn3tt,. t:ir,.5i I lid, llnn ]1..,, 1:55.i8 12, i nza1e6 sc.tro, .4q. i.5t.L1 ii. l;!e fi:t"nma, l\lr!, t:tr,Lr ,TrrFh*, 11, !i11 Pos:on {;, i.,1-L11\, .'ohi. niJ.mrCre:, Iti. Lr, .ta 16. irr aorcrli. Ilectr!c Soat iCt.:5; tT 1'. lic/ raikarLl. !ostoi |]l. 2:Or,:0 13. lon lay, toston 41, 2r!O.Lo 10. toJ !f,nb?.rier, l,r;. Z:.0..r ?r, rerrt. llarv.y, Prstoo Ltr, 2:01,1 '-. 6ob Clmlng:, rllic, ar.1,.. 2r. CeorCe LIater:o!:e, trC, 2::,1. 2r, r1i,e ligel.rr, :l{A, 2t L.-^ 21. JolD Crayr E!4, 2tt:.:.4 t ?i, Sid snitn, Hanllton t.C.2{. io}ce Sa!yer., NMC, 27. nnane l4ercl:nt, !o:L.r \\, a: :e. F!11 squiFJ, loston Aj. :: .: 29. Jifl Tie"nev. Eoston ti. 2:at,:l 10. I'er.y imrth, Hajllloi .4., -:-.. r1.'llk€ Lopes, ,eu FFdford, L-o:i1 .ri-€)i 12, rrul aasnel:, j,vnn r.f.j L . rr l r! Bo.( A. , i J-, -, lllorth Erelersox, ]Ledford Club; !J:r. l. t'.1Iy, j\tr4c;15,0an Dunloo. 15. Eo5,,)l A,A,i l'7. Art nrnls, South Sir;.e t.a.i ,4. I4aynafd Men, nnart.; !9. lndrea i4DJeal, l14.; 10. Bob hr.ler! Lvnn _i.a,; {i. xal Hiit, BAIi l+2, Ired irom. It.i {Jolrn J. felley didntt conpete, due to h1s dEughLeris ll1ness,..Bi1fy 9nrth, Uanilton OlyTpic CIub, w111 soor e.1glate to the Bosron a.ea & take our citlzenship papers in U.S.1. ) Older di"ect fron LD Log- !AC'S & lRtIuING ty ,{rthu! Nerton $1,00
HrcclNs & gREcrlNilrc! sHntE Holrons cambrldee l&ss., tvarch 26 (2 p,i{.)_
fiordn Higgtrs. a 2l-year-otd app,eisubmarlne plant sh! doesnit ltke to rln antt!1!s over s1* niles! Eon the lltn rniuel Evd€ sho. ,{.4. 1?-ft11e road lace rodav: And AIex are.kenrldc€, 27-iear-o1d Parlne rleutednt with a scottleh buq in his voice and rhe pronise of greatness in hi6 leer, won tle covete: Johnnl Ke11ey, the countlyrs lllo. I mldthoner finished ei"ith ln his llrst ra.e of lhe s€asa! r" conf€ssed ne was 'a 11tt1e disaFpolnted,' !e conldntt 6iar' ritf, Fr;:kenrldse. 4t tne sane rlme ie nanec Breclenlidee as a leadilg trTea-! in ihe a,Al_ Maiathon & an olnplc candidate. HiEEhs, running rith a r:, dinute h;ndicEp, . Br!.kenr1dre, r!nnlng i( t nadF tteir import_ a.i noves ai i,he eane spot_ the !a11load briise on t.e tlewife b.ook pa"L{ar (atoli lhe r,ire-mile oarkl. ,r, fo.: .:1Es lraeins wasn't in the 11:e1 ter. {i eiEh! niler he was rui_ rine thi.C, less ihan a dlnure later !e toor -.e aray tlon Eonce sarli..ih liedtord club_and -er .l ::e jirs:, 3ar! :::. neafly 1O0 ya.ds a.e:c.:;re.ienridee. 4...r:r::d:e, 0ordoi Nclienzie & .:-=. :'::rel toC"tfer. Ar 21 nlLes e-:- d:: rdir behind & rct(enz1e & :_ :.aliF stared togerher unt!1 ::; :1 :d, -h:n t.6ckelridEe Du1ted j.j: :ie:, :.jctenzie and nade-u!_nore i.:: ;ai raris i the last dile & a :::1 , ils c.:re.ted tiae was 59:16. a:::lrs, nho is rhe Junior : :i:. chailion, felt ttthey eave ne ::. .:ca c: an edge wlth ihar lour & r.: lalf nirutes,r' Fe salC! 'rthiee -:.:ies would have been betrer.rt ::e.ief,ridge j the viuanova eraduai:e 5::-lo.€d at Qlantico, isnrt eble to as nuch as othe. road ru!e!6, le starts and ends h16 days with hrrL.uts. trI tr:, ro aer ln !hree & a 'a-f rr four niles everr Dornlne & e'r.._r nighi,r he sald. !e was boln ii BuffaLo, ldt tle! !e {as r:hlee hls lamily relocated in Glasgow, 3.o!:and, & he l1r€d there foi the reli 16 rca.s. ge will ente! the 3,in :ace lpril t9 & 1s eyelr-E a 9pot o! t5e Olyoplc heao ln th€ marathon. (Continued next
rt h {nnLat
{,':1ii:r,"i:xi:ri;i:'iiir'ii:iii p1c tetu.n "::t"'li"Fi,:!:lii"ili'llifl"ii";'i::""
"*.:, r.*".#
Bob You€. Srocllon, Miss.. d):lr: ru,
:t";fiiri:ii";.ii:l';9r,"?'i!i i3.,
r: ;r,:*ii$:+uit';d;iq::,"," ;:ir*i;;r;iHr'il:::ri+i;r: lt:;Tf :ill*'lii*',:j:':;,;:, *;;f;;rui:;iu;r;i,:i,::,ri: 'ne ? sosto, AA, L-8-16 )8; ori2c, bas-o on !h; flrsrLeao
:ffi".i:iil"i:rii:"!ii:'lil;:":i:i!r i'^-:!t-.'. i:r'riii i':i:iii;i:i;"-?'-;:r.'
::;:;1t"":i::1i6fr ;:k;;'i::i.::"Ei "ii'ir' j ;. iru*,"i;rli*;'r 1u ffi3+, ;, irftq$lJii;
Il'i'ii: :':!l:;: ;' 1:'
yil, :i,:i .i:x;g ii; ill'n,t: i:
:;" !rli:, *i;:; : ",
*,*:ffi*i:;,l1#*t:i il frl:{{*;t[i;;,q,* ruN:***rui*j*t*
':'i: 'i ;*l*ii;r*Lir;ii!i ;i:i:ii'
Ei;:,,:iri;fr:;.ii'i;ildi;i;:gi;r::-' r:iiii;;i:ti;i::i,,111i:trl'#i
12 r lduet lionroh€]lo lo-\11a i@d iu Slorco&d bt ]{ont:bello Recr€allon Dopaltnont 0€o.g€ Uaooohte, onpedntendelt l{o!t€bol-!., Callforla. , ,sbdat, arch 6,
1. Tr@s c. &r&, rrne Beah 5t3t6 Co11€g6 2, ltu! !. !6bb, uatiachod , ,. nobdi Con., ctlT€! Cti/ 4tb1€t1c Clnb . 4. P6',er n. xudle, so. cautoida st.ldeB 5. Jolrn P. irffsrtyr ssN (HU-1, ReM Fi61d) 6. JotB lt. Cdcia, CulEi Ciiy AC . . -. 7. JM* 0. BeYim, uattached. ...... 3. Jes6 C. lgdE8, sC Strid€li . . . . . .
. . . . ,
rJt54 9. Davld I. n sB, m. rucbed Vasqrdu, Easi LB AiBeles o\Fpia. . . ". 11. EdExd J. ,avilsdn, sq s]-ddiis f2. Jo€r. ru6lteched. . . . .. . . , . . . !. Job, lequtwal .Ir,, .II otrtpi&F :I-4. ?o.e 0. Johanson" Culver Cltr AC , ^ . , . 1i, rzt. wnt' cnlver Cttr ,{c . 16. Bdjdln ied€losJ nld olrnlias l?, Je€sH. Eartngton, hattached. . ., ., la. DoGld A, Krox, uaitecb€t , . . . . lt.]"h D, Siro.e, cnhe. Cliy 4C . . . . . 'or5rt fa/B_ cltvdr .iL A ,-,r" . . 14: ' Dou8las c" ltlaiDJ culrer City ,{c Tri J& A. h_oll,r Cul*- Clt./ c )21i. i. Dmtr n:nueuEb, UC Sqtta Eornaa . , 16;12 Ir:r i;'x,, 19tB )9t:' \.t ol '"be year broli]l'" rL a +a:: r:iti.. fie dist,rlct's util ihe ihid lsp coxd Ton Rya oFoi ut a ldad of ai :r::. It.. -'ibal r€contlr ol tle cladstln3 AC cl lo.onto, never lel t! r a ariri; riat nettrd tr3 t.sul'hin nvner-u! 6!ci. iolb tur€atly 16 Cn'"ario sir-d1: ::-::ri) of a tdr@h ov6r Cornon Dtckotr. Coada's fors:oit :3::1:a:r' nobbrs ofival tn ihe Sorth:ied u tiltot coilUi.n assrE r"ol . 36 rih d b. l\" :1 '? daw
Can. {d limdlsr boih of vh.4 had tu tho lFr-r-.| :i:l:b€tor€, wre a3 fresh 4r any jn ih€ fl€Id, 6s :.!i :i.:
iCaij_neler the
rol-lo*4ns e lun€ss, Drak' L€s l6ung hirer '"he r€ss, a'd vss hish a! the chei ti.r ?i ni1es. Iafldrry, r-:rrlj.: n€yer tbopFod isr behlnd, ad o.rdtar enot\a. €f,r'.i'::.: cdpaign*, onc3 asair t6 tn racinE foru. 9eyjne va3 s r€a1 s@ri3e. ar4r fo! a]"rJst a ae:. H.rins u! northi h. sot tnto coditio. b a hurj. shonilj tr-arLi:: :i:rov4:rli Y..e th. ne'coneG. AeriFe ed I€rinso,r, tntlc tave Foss t: prodisi:r:
-1: :;i::ai3i rit'lle vasquez. oLwprds 6r. cha1relere ae{, Oa the adrtnts'".altve eids, ceoree i€b:'.:rrlx, aLr d6tai13 {orkins 3n oth5. B. P. f.dsns, ei!:ii his staft kepi brsy dth caela ad pencil (rh, :13-i: l3rue caFred xou The
lhotos !!lh ite 6t..y), And sei. .Jack Brai1.;' c.:a:.ra h:ad6d a poLi.3 det il that cor6red everi fooi of th€ 2:-r,ile c..!_r:
------------ sbdar,
itarc! l]r la6o slorcolod tlt S& re'r&ito XocgLlon D€psrr@t Ccly Bord, ot M i&e! t]!ps.d Actqal F6! !@ !!4 llle 1. Bnc6 llriels. Pl€lc€ Cotlo€ . . . 'I 2. i.b€d Drak6, cdrd Cite ic . . oa. 33:26 30:41 I 3r Id !e6tt) P16ft€ C.}1ege . . . 4.V 3et2'I 34t57 4. nobalt coBr c.uIrel ctit ac . . . cc,. 39t2L 3L.36 5. Cha46. H. Be€e, 9C St tda! . . .c!. 39:26 2 6. .te€ D. B€yls, Mtt3cbed . . . . 2r3o t+Ot12 31,:41 34t57 ?, Patrl.k 0. cffioll,, Plerco corl€ee .r5 \a.14 12.\1 a. tlcharrt YarqEz, Ea.r LA o1jEp1ar. 2rV t$1Le 3btt!8 5 9. John n, calcta, Cnlwr Ctry AC . 2:0o 4or34 34t49 10. Joiu lsquiBl J.., fi"t oLFpts3 . 4tt5 \tt53 37123 U. Je$ e. AsulFe, sC Strldors . . . 2r3o t+L.6 35t15 12. ldrud J, lnyh3oa, SC sXridqs . , 3.15 t+Ltt6 36t\6 lL 41. {il].ie A. WeILe, C\ilv€r Ctty AC . 1.45 )+L.N 37.30 ]4. lou8L.r C. f,1tu, c\Ivd Crl,r rC 3,45 F-t32 37.12 1,5. Jos !. cltsLrap) mttached . . . 4.t5 12105 34.35 15 Je5 16. Il. Fdinaton, @arteched . . 6t15 42.55 kt,2, la 17. Benjein lad@6, EI"{ o1y6pi* . 1t15 43.@ to,@ 1? la. ?o!€ o. Jobasod, Crlver Ctrr AC . )+loa 41.19 39.34 19, D€mIE faeeralsn, UC seLa 3arbs.. 5.45 )+3131 4tt33 20, Xtuoih t. StrcbA, Cdr6. Clir AC . 6.15 \4to7 42t3? a. lcbael (lsh, Riyersld€ yuc-4 . . . ?:45 U+133 44t33 22. DoEld A. r{d, uttach€d . . 5.1+5 \4134 42tja 2I Drd rct ttntuh: n ur chaw€2, rrA olyqpr$s . . , . iarlond e. C€nicercz, fflr OLDplus 6:1j unddr blue 3!d* ed i! the c1@ ss teeedo vqt-l.y 31. it ca djost too lJrslJ, !o sp.ll i,h- bo/s, cd€ s ffiss| race dsr eood a mFus to be Ming. @ud L 11- pr3o1 of tnF hlr €r eo tm oln€! lop firrisnsr3. Bfr.e Ttiel-, a Bt mjjgnd ds pfodL(!, rrl,qt a sen-Tds hrd.!.so In rh. riFt-p,a- *ol1\r, {irB rd Ee€Lr! r,@ n6sby Aoieda rd]. riqr4 nshr h tr"e e to bs6m pa4 0f a rh-se-B tldsn flanL. P3L coru €!,r, @r &. qt\v rFon m BrmJl3ru ar.r Lh. \avr, qd iss! y€af i , b6., r4ble Lo hojd je @.. ot L,s .reo scratch slarr.&, '6Ffa sirons @ but pla.ed B.a6.ihr 0t Lhe uro of s.rat.\trn, Bob Dr&- s.oHen lLtrelf mLL rccoveleq Jen ree ca,b"d Bob Lo oeLlJ nls dj.iv-. BoDbJ cdD6 aealn rcrrso ilio rne toretronl. ncreed3 cbrk Beffire puz.l ms . du r\" B.r rssc @raMo €-3 @cse Lo beat hi! on tne road. Chuck yas fas."-r,j!r teader tn f?.09.t 6e y@r ;so. Rrck vasquez, Johryr"? carcia od ri$ aedr3 co4trrued or rhe Lp.oy;E1r, 'iraj1. A@n€ Lh€ otn"h. Bil-1tieL 6 a1d Dou8 (Im le-s:dLed ln L;r. Fsd_ 'rjol3d on 1, sidd1in6. 63 da, ie.?te, lns 0 0r rhiqg. rc Lra?eL-- rh) Bbo' o roon os -oEpe .d.edlra-L :, ['€;e ]srt3. rr3o Fhrl urar<e, precrdrll or rha uue-slr",-o ccxc, MosB ad:u6c! r&ro, i€6p3 n5 a.q r.or the 3ta{ine h4€, 4d r'.Li4 of pasroa CC,io c]jjcd ^syo6 ih4t-no @e ln tn. dl hl.tuheis !.c.sarior park o!d€!
?ili.l'1"{i.!ril*3',fi"hi{:l"iI"gtlx,.Kil.,ff;;i:i#; phlla. light T&I l4eet; Set. Juie 18- 3.d a@uat IAC-ve
3f1 T€i!: in I'yc.
sIx-IfLE IIoAD nUI Tmn Axliltt tl,IrrTlox hlc! c ool, !.doa"o %och, CoU'omia !lar' r 20, L /0 - re'".! .o"p..oB: R-oo.oo B"-c.' oecr,aUon DeFM r.ntl/via[or. H]9 school Dl.€cnor: Coaoh n&.k K€tt16, ,{viatio. H5
,.1 lao nh:eh
clr . , -F;t 1r-fRob:rt Drake, Cutrer Clty IC . . , . . . I5t\5 3rtr1 j. oa. i . o. corelrt Pi-r.a collecP . ." 16i-' -a-;.=:.d.";", rrv"r .!,r
arr Leric
,:_ cau^o o_"c" . . , )..r. hd"s "Lr&, q", Ca-foaa"rs. 6. Johx M. Gdclaf culve! Ciir xC . . . . . . ?. Eruce Thiele, Pi€rce.. ....,.
3" i€{ BMctt, Pielca .
16:2, rJ:t(.d 16:+A 4:rt.o r7ro2 34t31.t r?:04 i5:03.r.
9. n3@nd lrhzte, ! of chicaso Track ctub 10. Jffis D. Eerins. uattach€d . . . . . 1I. Rich.d vasqlez, lasi I^A o1J'!1&3 , . 12. J€oB G. Aeulre, SC Si.ide.s . . . . .
1:r rohn ileqnLvel Jr., EJ,a o]!YuFa; . . . . !,. t'i[i:o A. i]e113J Culy€! Ciiy lc . . . It, ,r4es s. ilarinslon, 16" Ksms$ ,. strorE, C!.lvBr Ctty AC . ' . 1?" l. !emi3 K4w8$ueh, Uc sata ; bara le. Hchael n&h) Rivetsid3 ?Icn . . . . . Did noi {1nish: ... Joseph Herzo& IL C@ino . , . . ad{dd J. LeYinson, c€F Nr" . . 5:LL no*, :.' oao'o e, 't€ l. Idvdd J. l,s']]Bonr sc stdd€$ . , . . 5141 6t32 r- Dawld R. Koli. uaitacb€d . ...,,. 6t56 t. r@s s. B:r;Eto., Matbchsd . . . . . 6,50 6. renn€ib D. situnc, culv€r citt lc . . . . 6t51 ?. [ichasl (lsh, Riv€Eide I{cA . . , . , 4.03 R. Denrs &@e!3h, UCSB . ......
ro:::"' l: . l-l:lo.i r)t)?'? l):ii Ur!..: 3J+taa,,)
e.i Fabti ;.n3 lna i oj5 rt odaJ : 'j" b, d.^a*r,." 'oe jrlo'ri..t .*" t;.t of tneqt!r3.1, vs€. Eolh of thes€ bovs are hsalng E 3ai orar: - :i '_d tor in on€ o'h:s {raqra d" dc} . 1u^s n-a rr€ sif-cp. robruv cac:a ala. L ar iaf"nr " ' nilt e tlerc€ tee@ies of comellt gnetec: gooc rek d the CCAC ndele ed Bm.ii ]de ftrst dd thtrd in tasi share of a6rds. 'osisr, sd Femdo si*-,nler. cey (raNe sparkled a3 tbeit dan-horse .uiida:-e tn the nowlc-. tu. Vhat b.can as a hot dav tec the beach chlaed rois:derabv b€toie tirlsh tine ss patchy tos ds bo!rc i!1ea 6n a cool bre6z'. coastlng alola
ih.e3t st their
h€eLs, Bob b6xe
ih€lved thet! cuto@ry tooth-sd-nall duel to ronp orer tle !ij:3: Pa! c.ds-!, ao rarr3 t r ' Lorerh.r &d sDr. *i" -" r"* aco " *;t ara Li.:'A at re r"ru'o, :'o _:d %ss- tuqsor tor :ro sFo!. lrreon nad'd
'L lll noi3, acrt 2 - b ual caeo, ipdor v,on .irs. rnn rt r' D- a- I- eea.n ll:1rb's eea.n 'isrb's
_dn]o_dr 5 3 1a- r'r -Lo {lnltne D- @i.r,-r'L,), an Fo]izo:'/3o19on,'.3.o.s1n]-'''old...'-uL 'o srorloer r .nr l1-oo1 lor:r" j ., aa Lr': . o' e.:.s ca s" o" ! pe:. i lis side. :e resul o oo ?Lc sroroe6bord - n-pn oâ&#x201A;Źror...i.'1.E"Ls-1!'hJr=i-o-!zal;'.1h"'!.v.oJpi'rs'I'9 J|s a.d a -, ..or r, lams! o- .rF c. :1r- la." @s secord sora 3ix nrn c. oscr. cilv'- bolrl donthe bol l as won rvon rhe handsone sitver a: the . !\. enrral AALr AA indoo! i.door tiree Lnre. nile nr ^ " Cebtrat a"n:ua 's o - and .q op or'-.. h" )rs1. be o-" ano .cs laldad. F6 p4ssaa red Ar oro or "1-r_ Sorrn- ""3,lci' arvor' l6 n 1. .. /ol l' eJn rl'-ors Univ. ald Franh..rnoLseL.r:? .nd ohi _" -n on. o age .orner Toea ri in :. :: . ' 111"s. Bo-h "-, -sced ov"r lrle 0 l-s oe-o-e. '.v-Eon ! 6a.. /lne a.o David "e ,..e-- c.dd . 1.1t.-."'rno 1 ,l,o"l^t'9 !o;.srr'"q:x .ear'"o lr.v6. .ar) '' r ra aulon o MF-d a o,,re! barrae nl r. Do1,,s rpoin.s.w4.d6d o 1!.. p.idc6. ou:..ins oroued:ne ror J1/ d'pht:er oI La, ,1,),2,11 srretcn. ne '1ql-r-- ai J ol'o,-: ''o-e";' '.p-..rat!r6 las :D 'ne ois -nd J.)s . ".!c g:i";,"ij"llff.d:r l; i3";,i"".;"1," l;'il,':,. Q.=__rL J! ior r:-li'. /s .:o |e_n A or 'le Lro mll-s .ere1t h noo-eo l-
:. ;lidel;".". r: , lijlili:?" ;:i,,"::::l; ii"' li;, lrr'"1' 1".1_ ::. i;:9"ri:el::,,"-'l'el"'l;: l;il,' 1'!r.'i, :,',,:L?'-i j:l'.$;:J"'', ic( : s. t :rLi. i.L 6'Dave1'jI11]a1,''_',.:L.;o.o.]:1:'..;:,l:l1!..:
1;i,lrln ;,:,,1=,;i:;i',!'.,, '-;:-;,. i.ij""''1,-r:::: ?; ..:i
:": ;i:::':{riil,;q::l;:;;:;l*;' , ;: ;!f'/p"iij:"'::""':::'" -"'l "':?;;;
:o'n, -00 .tn a.-.. Ba,ino:-.., ,d. ,iit; i: ':. !:,::;,'':t:'i,. tt. a-a..^.,/'t!. .Do. "-". o_oi-r 'J[Ai i.] o, .i o {. ho. f !' '\4P-0\. p'o 0 . \u 0 orer-, ".]t'Ia, " o.,, Jtr- D \.- o, -oo ._ "p., r..P000r '.\ l.tu l- q) :^.^1i0tr '.0 'hAJj L,.Hl cono:r"o S,.oat. ar /2. .. 1665. b'_06rre, l4r {r, ) t.a 060. a I o. ,.;.- ., .., : r-- ri j:-i" looi , :ii:" J 'ock .". l:"i1.", i::rl '..:;;y" ..:20 e ofj -. p"n . _-:o8 ,'-"' ;:;;"'l!'jal":::":1"', . "-r C, n! ri.s 'fos- a. .:io ia1l. .onoav. ,ar t/:-jaiJ o, Lo60 a .c a.ove addr;ss. -,1 .,1::.rll"r.,-o! a-- lr ....q-!rs
'.ii'!l;;:";o:roi,:or::: -" i:i!r -;ii ;,;':l; 'lT"i,:::::,"Ii" ,'i: ' Re.rpatron coin, in conJuniraon rith ;;:- r;ii, ljir,,::j:""I1.;:"f':; . "; ';"::"1:'i;:+t:i',"7;27t ;; ,., . i-'", ;... 1;l .;' ..-o . :;;n;
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