Through rhe hills at 2 miles, its Gorden McKenzie in {ront, with Peler McArdlig, the winner, one skrde to the red,. (phofo by John J. Chodes)
z -on Dr^* Er awl\- volm ?, rwbs! 76, Lpti.r.opyr r?, re62 subsclipllon z<y' a $,. 0 s yod. rdd $r,00 p€r t8d Io rtrs. class natl, rdr'o.: u, Bro. Ina qoss, 106 U. Csa.€c St., r"oooo cl, 1,,",
6Ms o l.o:1, B,q-i. .i.. L ^1 _o r'"
rw . '
l: iili'"iii*l'"ff1;.". t:[i:3+ i., ! l. B:t : r:1 I.. D " o lerche . BU A". 1: :,,6 5. JLa o'-oao'r. os . -a!rh_. :r;:1,r : /:oL 'j'. Ad?ortjslng: _r d. 1i31. ,.::r1ro_L dr, J:Lb:10 6!r-;u;;;i.-;tr-" -r3I]4 -E;'E-=€ b. r-;-;_u .; ---: "--i:--t -,1 "^" lr,:; ck'. cs- ".. Do,.acoo.. .,""d..-e. a :': _" i,i";":,i,.: ;;;".",t. 1,,_,' roo !1elreru. o' t cr Lt, ;, o q:c. ^ok
s*ir""r-.c"i'l...j,.'..L'"-r'u,.i-l.-1;'};;^.i:;:'"ll ..]. -od orb,!, roj
\orl rsscort. v,c l.E.o1, D..., €o- € -oulds, D lrsbudhr ls., srold rr" sonoiru, H€,su, 8", ,.",.. : 1.d.. par La,rr !. .r. p. -r. Lra.. 0." b61', voLo.!om. "ass,. D."" "D;of.s, tn. Eu€rr
-. r" * vo-', sudlr, r's" "*N€i"'""e"n^R"",, ",' rr '0:/0 a, ,)
Th6 llftb Ae€. o rs€s rsj os o sr,jko but P6re v,r.d1€. paJv soL !- or6n!t o- ^D-L -odry s. € A,11I
ld l/1.--O6 fl-yed-old s
ead€ non
oei ,s
-._ :._"'::'i:^ i;,'' -;""":';. ^'.1 ,i."
: ::.:, :i:,:
' A i." {"'l' .i :lil:"." . l::l: i-l ;"" " ;';,' ;;:". :, .; ":,, .o.a...1. o. " "
.: 3".. i";,,"i".?r,,i. ;. i, .:" .r. J.h \ ,s: lr"' . . .Od .a, D; -, .s . -:o b. B 1t ., , , : o: /. .o. : _; 9. D": .) Bo D.os r" , 2:o;: 5r rO. IljL 0,. ". 1Dc.
-"' b6bird 16 Bos'o, qr ". Lod, .rr.."". t; _,.;;,;-$-:,--n.;ri; _;. ..";,, tlth lJ polo s. .d.k, r,l} r..-,u, :6g:rrr Tb€ l{or lnAlana€"" ! r.I q ,. ,e. 0.. .--, ,: 9, 9: . -; ili: '.-" ": '; l3t ?i*lt ::f + i""'ff Y"ii.- i , scNab. u.5 u lrd
" :i: :r.ii. 6j i; ,.
rlL\ tloAs, cblloroa, osbt ar-iso€di . oo t, s L€n Lb€ orr lrF couso. slrty-tio co.LesldLs "rdUBo. E! 6 Ho a cor.1ot3o, ele . .adroop€d ou' ard odt rO " oJ" €o e .oand z1a-zasrlDs 15911$ 9g3l on^18aE€s LlEouAh o" "h'lo.o". rn tb6 n€JEhborbooit of tho zoo, Jrr orcoDo11, u6t foL^. chdp, arro3t -a eas stru.k bt 6 cdb st 1 d s!, M] o 6at si -roo !Jeq'op. tho ns-d6 hacld6 ra116d fs rl6dtcat6d 6d t! .o stop. to Js€3 r, :r.n, "a od roud
, j I.
"''ri:6 , ;-: -i -. ..e rp t.
1i. I'.11 o"- , .: ,r. ; ro . olo 0..:L ..s-. ,o1r ,.:. .0.* Bd;a ., -. , .: 0,19, l_ -" / r.os Bo.-. :- : 2: 1.4, ." v ls-. 'i /: t a. sr1lts: ri{dllruc_ 19:21 15r iar 1:07:11 :o | !. Dso-, J :r ':OB: scti,ab,Jt:21 r:09:ao irjl :-",:, : ;;1 'r-,'.,:, ."1 : ,
i:; f
l';)" ];'l:tr -I '- ,"i' r:" ff'li;; ;g"q:ffi!i#-"1":;;";;:" l;;:'" "' :'l'n r-'9 Ti:;i*;;:*"i;*"i::
2 I" rror oo!!L hotd sl '" ;-ch rou cu d;." so lutoad ol ska ra, fir bs sp6ut tho Ldt f6{ t6*3 Golltla _ ho bas a tou hMdics! - dd rlMlla uount iD cl!.ks. But 3! 1ed! l€ a3!3 hocL'v a L'r' 'I o tred ltobL d6!oB€ 1! r_nto! ! hoohr tn BreDto!.n bt roportg, "Iho nooro rs t ;blt retsbsd t5J loDndg. Lesn l a good orcugb sldtor io b. a s ltt!16 31oY ob d€"onalo ud fors6. 'fould'r! !i a ULtl€ too lousb. tbouAbt ltd hato e go 31, tracx.! Jln s bloih€Ts, 06 6-lri sd 225 1b5l tlE otl6! dest d bla, b€1pea ooE_ ll! tbat tra.a ras saf.!. vt4. riil€ ue€d to lEacitco hekov toaotho!'{ !sc3.l6d JrE tbddosrlrg rL Llo !l@Fy. ' h3yrd t€ll D !o !9o! lg-hoaa uD ar1 rn6 !w, Leb Eevrd clobb€r @. Ird rcthba birt a!48 od to sw6 L,j stdD ald !..!' -,---- ----,-i::li:--i::::::i-:---,-,--- "if;i;\"".* dls boss ln oD tloo€, Jh doctitod to _ _'' ' " ;"-- ;,;:.':: i..:,-_" ,-^ s€L aray fr@ brE body-cb'cldls bF6tlz. P:75:\.r -';-; ';;;;;''rr;s-''" '' :M1!3 .Y.r 3I8.. r'I L.aIn " _ r" 1"": " "" ^i" :i": odi.doo!3-o. tte !! crd -;:--, nt.13 ln trr6trrsb' aLL v'.'sr Lo!8, *-"::t::'"flj:, ";;";;^^ sors rloE. !E rb.n i!,3 rlr€ b.;:::";;:'"i:::, -nl:";'i"-,1 ,"'j j"i" ub 1os up b€.o, bul Lb6,s @tbt'a . , .''. , iiii -. .,.',.,n lt. tr rouab.s rhe body. ,rb6r!re ;:;;" i;--i. :;; --;.;:" p!o'6d rh€ 10-*6 ou Lrro lt. ob' 5@;;p;;::"';;:;; ;;;.:i: ' - - '- r.{:;o-:J;;: i;;"-;;:; ! bll s.r 5 tllilo rrstbllt6b' o, Xo,l1a: -Inldd '' 2!18:o - --'.8 Paaro D€sltl6 all Lro rlFd @rl, reD ;:- "";:;b€on a Fusr's 8u.oE' 1! tb. ?. :1Bj-E.o o"L" o;i,"i"iillili.ii,r" _;-_: """''t rlacx '' '- a. Ft' sut tlo Fcsnt ts ;;l:- i ";:_-;i..a ;; i":;' 'o!1dEoson {r4ludrls a tr:od dLoo! tlack 8. 2:18:12 liii-<j""rwi, s"!ll, -" tlol,ort ti rlDt!€s) bodtoo bl. NBf. !s- rlqsbor; r cus.2o,t 6t ft€! :.IJbo!s, s{6don 9. /:l8:+ IIte€ b€€6 e!Id!A-ro!!daa, all ry 'onsldolablv' rlr€,r ho .ayB, rud bs.b a 3c!463p.t. d...-:,- -r-i;-: PI6\sMa\l ' € sr l_.1456 Ire€ b€on odlacrcd b'Y esB LPr, Lt
-:.t r0. 061; c0.-o,r-. ' 'rL roe 10 Bt Dav6 nobrts 1. ?:10:12 nrlk 26 _\sr '-1106:4.Au!. '. 2: 8:lrl. saursbo!;. s;00 ,' la-;o.s, a ^. :o ."iar-rl \;.ao,-J"i.], :,8: Ia;;;; ,," h, ?:'8:,-.-d;xt "-; -", b s cbsoe. n.broLli _,. 2:20:12 b no3r'€. oc!;b6! I vtndso!-crtsulc.. 10 .un6 7. 2:20t58 ss addtclo!, ci. Blitaln tllndsoFchls,ick. 10 Juno e. 2:22:05 Fav€I xaRto!€L; i,s.R, I a. : 2:18 rtno 6ksadoa -r;land I 10, ?:2?:19 xobuy;sht saaalga, Jelan
,:::":""i""iilff.fl"H fl15":ii:."11 blE oost 'frlotal outrrl rRors sh.lld b€ M to€ rrocLoys el.y*. *lf;i *-1'*"' r€ s a L-ycaFord rm Ly 9":illT';"S'"**ri ;E;r;l bb; 6i; @ 1! rbe csbdtu
of IDcL€r .nr\rstasLs. Ift- 'dr ns a blot - :i*rri"jup"-iu" sot b.,u lrldfly for the E6rsh"L@i. €r-!€!16&.. fo!;Ed t tn6 6y (Pa,) B€ds, But, somrn€rc alobA tb€ loorrins ___--__--_IIre, ho aot sld6tracl@tt. 'I'n M&.irattd, X.s6, xdcb 2t+_, Esca€ St" to 3qy rL. bdr- tuTo- ev€n pur, a r;sio Rot&as (Ibdoolt ztru. qorar: t. ra"ag on ra3! y-ar, rha.;n r:tl.?. coe 1:52.2. Tbo,nsoa {{sr'1cu i,5:.2. D;i;.; r:50.1) ''bo.4dr lu3' doos. r '1p,oss o r-11 j ;;;; ?:29:2 i, okrr, t. i;;";;,"".,d);,Drs,. \rsdrsi: i. irssa" a,c'.' rrr ssrd. 'as (stodosi roo nu.h dep€,6 on rlD otb6! chu3.-er.-. i-;;:-tn +f!.r,. n"itiqj" -r,o:,9,tr8,9, r.i._ son. h:01.9) 9:l!6.8 iAjdi.d lEd@t ! l
F rlin lmuf lLor.b3lro
tdd ni!1 iltri:tr :,,lT*ffi. .j#$:*:."": ii: lo-riH'le
;:il1..i:i;T.i: le!-!c! Ll!!,:!(]r! 12:??
t6 26:J0 re!/^ ur40 ,2brl3 39,5? t3 26:32 40:1o !:)o 26:51 tlJrs ljtu 21t\6 r3:2.r 21t21 \r2i Lrtu !:1? 27:13 4.1:4s )3tr,. 21t1t3 42.3C u:rq 23:r/ 4J:05 1l:2? :A:Oe rr!:c t3:21 23.4 43.1!e ut22 28:29 t+3.L9 13.24 2at72 l tta Utzo 29:rA \4t52 !i:2. 3o:2t i6:t1 )4ttL4 3at3) 46:32 4t,.) 3a125 \6:2e rr:
s*iâ&#x201A;Źr, s_r. s""o*
ri I I iii;F,I; i: &*"."*";*#:li ructu d- xaqi6, **.J.;. ft"..? : : : e. DoEid F. J@s
.-:I rc . . . .
{i pffi l:fir.*='S'r**-i
j,-r#i*n,w*li, ',.
:;: *,*-;,:;:;.3"::;*="*i;li! : : : . {o!!. cr}lap.rmttacjd
. .
Y*;"f.t$k"ll."i-"#t:"J:;; : ii:"11".; "i*ffi ',i::,!*'.j': " ;:":.:'l
:' "1
;1,4:'r.511;i$'*i5:ii5i',,.:::,::{.. .::,:r*il :: : ;j ._, Hi!: {#iili!,,4H ii,::':: -::":". :,"': -. :-* :jtil:L :;r.. i, ;"#". : :. i:;T* "irff#fl :
tr[1 q#n*i:fffi r] i;.; ritj :'''"T*;;,PI;: ;:;;#':,ta;; ;'"';* :,; l;ii"'il---il".l' ":,]"".... ?r:.- j .-'-.": ;ai" r, ":,,; "
ME1 s& P.tudo lr1te randl.dp Road !u 1962 sbTor.d or se F€rnedo nscr€arroh Dsp.fu@t,..d] 6.r starr .t cresuo cliroF1r,,.ro:o? .{. ll.!66d rch.r o.d.! n4t!h !i!!: !@ lAe ste " 1. lurlc !. rhde, 6tr5 37,49.6 35t19.6 19 2. J&* D. Jonndonl tt\' 33.16 36tca 2. ,. rhlcob r. nohri.on, .... 33t49.2 3ot?/{r2 t lfry slller, 4. lmdachod. . .. .. 2.$ 39.04 32149 6 ,. Pat6r !- IdDdle, sait'chcd . , 3c. 39,10 30rr5 6. rrdr* cerrc, 2,45 19tY 33t47 3 7. ilch.rd x. It c'bso, ln*ached . . . 2t45 39t23 33.53 70 3. .to. !. c115r.ap! 5t1t 39:a+ 36t54 23 39.26 lLrb .1. gd'en r. 5 '45 39t34 Lra, tr'6 7 lL. i.b*t A. C@, c\l'sr Cfty lC . . . ,*. ,9:4, Jrr2e 3 12. Doudu. c. Ire, cu]c. c1r,, . 6tt5 te:45 2\ lJ. rh@3 c. Rre, curY* clr, Ac^c. .I5 39.\a 3\.\a '7t\t !r. J. I,roore, r.! &s.les g!.ra zttt, 4a'49 At39 12I 1t. Don:rd F. s,4r. 2:@ l&t|2 31151 1a 16. Eli'ed D. rn cru, cttmr clry tc . . Lt3a 4ot34 )3149 , 17. P!1up s. Crsr€ ,h,, clrrer cttr rc . 2t2t )+0.3e %.\A * 13. Frd,racob.onr c.rdtos cou.rc . . ertt 4at4J 4ot\3 ?,1 19. r. Dtuis heauln, ssta 3u;a!a rc. ,:0o 40:t6 35:43 13 20. niclai 1. p.r@, cutrs: clrj,rc . . . 2:o3 F:49 \ttr' )), 21, Ya'q!e', cltvdr Cltr Ac 2125 11to9 35r\9 ra 22, Jon J. lrorer, ?:4, 41.:4.1 36:n 21 2J. Arb3rt r.hudez, cerdLo6 cot-1.e rt], +t4B 35103 r, &. 0!ud r. Bo!6yr, s6, caxr. st;rdeE Itl+' 4*t5 35:2, !1 2t. D. siFry, Correr Cfty r, . 1tt5 \2t31. ,1t3\ 2A 26, JsE B. Ba.Lducrl. !r cseltr c.Dec. 3:00 43:16 33to1 2t 27, $Xt& n. Cot11n3, rt45 43t79 36t49 22 ,:3.}l.lcfu.r&3b, 3t7t l3rro 43t51J U c\:!nr crr, tL 2t45 45rI3 39tt 3 26 lo. Td r.d6h, 4'45 4tt2! aartl 29 AJ|#.e1J:drMtrd6 lhaL !b. &Dtrus r.B rq.r., rrac^ clrb hu& .dd . 6th
shtuy, c.!ch lL,
cr6r! dry _ 106.r ror ib. Jaur. ll3l to}3dlon lwtfr.d h1s lodrsrlon u lra., 31s 3o:!.: rur?as3€d BoD DF^e ! ro:4t o! 1rho, rc.oldi.d .!rde rdz rrlL Du.,r M.16r 2o:U tr Dor .a!.d r,.rl!or1ou tobarisor's,
ddo r4r rct too ,e .rt qdt. qicb tbl, pdr oftr th. .not|.r dl]trc.. .J! rorM.., Dcllr.d
carur a!s1aeo
t'8.!L].dr!r.'IETlAbd' trlLJ rr Eti r.preenLrc t! D3% &Bdaq4 o' r& rqft, tur 4.d ?d r.dleh or sttl@.
rlsld nrt Orcjr r;.1r, pn1r Cr. e &d !a cru o? prd61c, r.; cM.e or tube f F! t&t !. !.4tude. c1dd6.
Lna D6
l":;:; ;!":'ilii:i:il'sl,i*H: lli.lll'!: soDstnn, 1:EJ.l,,FIo.h r\1., 1, r,, Ellrott;
zl{o!!x & l,Iac* !/Ix rct
{ ?rTr.s
;5:#-r*'ii,;fi lllt$::::s"""
rllfri+*:xiq*i"it#:;#:', tr'5+,ryil$fu:';ffi#. i,,{ii'"f.;l,**;il'i.,,ffi
::i; ij{fti::i:jj::T" ii*s.j ;:'*'
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i;iii;;:r'""ri?i, ::'i. ",
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.1" :..
ro libj
j":,','!3.r, 3#,,:;1,y.;-,$;', r!6n 24o fru!
na.i v-
mu-*ofu:ffii:,-:*J" ga:i;,;t',*i,np,,:r$:i_,"*=f$;,:
:rjL:I{*;fltdim+i* :"::jr,i- -
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tr s.La !D113. $sesr
occ4 iitt
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iii"':";1"*".'h', "'i':i ic;',:J,.'" r,ri;;rIijs:# ;p|'3;;;r;::;r*r* **n**+##i'fi*:ffiiil'. ;;;. i-r;:: ;;;:-;;.;i;; -r; t;;;;1;-, ;;: o!ca! rroft L,i,oi. ir";il'iii .F{"iifii1l,'ri*ii-tr::" 2-r'[. no1dt: 1. ]Yrc.
r .9_
SlllTlBs or,1{ 880 n{nx; IIIE! IN four AturlcaB 1:49.9 rN JAr tEIl; MIBEFC fifiS 2-ltllE d€ not €nouen Toho. Mrc. '8- Por€r snoI1. o" Ne" SrlEIL
Eur.ieus ln 3erious a rr ' !a o'o1.1:o_6 e,ood nas a.F. s-o 1 r€ LJ
-;;. ssrab1ls56d a uorld ndoor old o, i:.9,9 s'a@e ra La6 forco rr16rnatloEl tndoo- nrtc n6ot b6'.€ 6.oo0 !o _e0edt s.b"r :tdre f. fsg aL r{a ro:oli!:n cmasl!. or tdr6F rddrro. rno Ne! z€ar;nd6! shairorod hts o", aris!!s H.r d iooor as, of :9o.?. 3oi In los qnre1e3 on ieb. 10 durlnq- hI3 6\ €,6rro .o03.ego r-".s sho.1d €10 b uorrd ,sco_o Iooo j"," r".o, Sn€11 toox th6 lead nld{&T 1n the tbsi arc€s. , o 1sl,.rc do-b]" lao_ 116 rd(r6es€d n13 1oal ,raou lv Io' - L:1o-o. -6 6t ,'; -.- .," r oy lo ysros ;"", , i. " croro roalfG. v@o-d xo. .Dro !a3 36.ond 1r :5!.- 3 -8rv !€!"r93-, bJ L'i' .Takasnl lultro HA3 Iro I. ':q5-2. A ' dge sd l s;. {nc lr:06.? as oo inlrrE }frral Nl@!J ltu ka3 s6co.d th -:10.5. .!,Dore aa3llr ron -bboL ItroFld rocold I o ci rur 1n 8i10.8. q€ D$;oo 13ts 13 rnd -t-s!,11o Il l.:2.,8. to t!€ finlsh. '€ --_-__-__--_-_----_-_-_ -o\m\ . " vIIStCn & IBEOT, O\ 76r
i;;;;;: ;*:t i;-i?- -;," ;;;*;.; r."i. ;l.l;*;,rj rra,/ -hs &;r€io *.-;: r'b6
r o. "t. Los. b'o- on "o L
-o ." o. j.-.
-r: 6' i-r'"*rl" ' ;::'"= r
"p-- L ltr h Lr
0: . .,
os"' " o' s r bo' or lar'
fo! fl$r , "d4 o - " c ra o.' ts.rco 19J9, {or ca. t."ia !foriii.i-iji, ,1"- ;";"1:,, t" 'u"'' =.i-dB€r-;- ;;-." aars G'oro r)Js _lrsr o. ":".:":'"::: jo"ir€s ar_a Darlr Porsld rnor"€ ;!;.. "o",. r- o.d" s o-. ;;,; , :1r.c sa ir h -6-ul::'j'"r ,:, -r: "-.,6 ar{01." J*:i" *-t, .""" -,, t'dii' :; 1 :..i-'r,t. (orfo"dd€d In ob- ^"it.a .io tho tlsht iuE -; .10:,. c€. 3:-a. 1. o : i,,",. orf."'-:.,i:-ie"i;;r;;-"d;;;;r"*:?.9.* 7_88: d o.a1,.,,ca, ^sr"s,, I b rac;, cenctl.uqal 'o!.€ =!!9: r.lookod do"n In snothor t. . .-.3 edrd , , -_.._,j u.. _d na . i6 lss " "iri"_",.,i_ L"*.ai". !_arrn6s s s-.Bd "a.a-. 1"p- .0 o 3 ol€o rg ""-a a trenLy-i.t . ,- li --.:s . -- 6 €"o o 1.030 . ".t'e "'t"*^tmi .i;;"i;;;"d llarrns "" 'D1 ',.'.., 'e"i"Ja,' Mr ,6d - vs ,;:'+-+!j aschos ud ooor .1", !/:1 .t. {btte Dtth hslfttg. 1 _ s k) Tbo loroo'atFo ou!31d0 las r- oer6-i. r.' I.c-lJD, I """ i,)r'Bt., Ih6 l,onp;rar ro lt'oo "as .s sr6, !!4 : b._. ::ru." : . : r. " lb€_J, o rr dral 16-, xe3 :o o !0t ); lI ofl6n'rs .ro$a of 5.000 6ach nlrl r "I BI-r€.L:.: por\a!3 lt l o Jo D8?L's, B6€Td (o s L ontLs \s6, ee! ornr !o ks€o Li-rp-o 4:0.'r '. Da!€ I4u., Ij: .o..6-r' "s: tr._.n-raps-ro-ito-t re lrac, l" ;oi dt --. !a! v r'366. -':J. r -. J"-_- -Tr;,. 1(e !lr.k, It t Jres ":! q. r.f,atiTor' 31or! LIE oord $s. porb"e!e of -ndlr ClMrlons.Jos lro -Bddo!, o,0 or: d.oi o- Je rr016, ttrs r€r 's !€o lo l-3tr fEE:TdtTTFr::-o0 or- ''_so, osr, -f:(o. /J,:o?. ..''sa.\on: oI a ulor rndoo a.r€r ..r 2:).:J9,Lr -"r t. . rr : t.
ffiffi ffiffi D,C,
i L
& Ric lEslrt
*Nffifi-ffi ,;idi$"u:*l"
;E*ffi;1rtr-;?' : :;';'1t*,,: iltffi$iffi*-,*,i 1:;."'; '" ;T; "#;,; ;:'4--+ +++ ]. i" ""
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-i (;0.;
qAo Mdalhon
or:nlsJsls Conlrnuod,
il: $!".$.-*i":ff FII:il"i**i :*:
i:nrjit,'i:'i:,#:"#l,l=,*,'l'iff+ililqi*--trir{qils: D. {AU'ndt!r.€r: 1. ust'esr .. ot!d. JBscourL.. rr,/ss: 25 @s ", 'rrruL t'""'1"""''"i:r:!i
:iii!, rrjiiii, ls ili; ii:;8, I iili ii, jct;,::
:,9.,se,i:fl1:.x- &T",?&1" l,tosr dtr.cro!
r_wt1€ sD tis
pounod out rhat
f.!aI., soo! ar
dI1 s
J..cout o.e@d
iiiii; ift:jr#li*ili:i.#ij*fti}"ji* tre:*t**
ii ;i: ii :,i;g j;:i ;*i$i'l:Jffi":?*Ti;"":q;*Hi.. ;;;lr: ircr j:
:H!!T:i:f im'ir'"'::l
iil":ftft1q4";;" ":":.i:,";;ili*';";iliin"r.E s:",?i? 4t;ii$ff:qll td" *iiii Ld":ii."i,i:i::";Hi"j;;" ;ift *:i,,i*"il*;j"i+"F*" s'tu;l#"'::,'i#'.li:: HL':lY:I*;" ,.* ';ffi .
f i;*liii'l**,ilj:
:ii:iff ilg= +qiiiftl;:li,fiiri'*rl:mi+ ru'r;i.flit,$i"iir;rii;:J*':ii ili:ini:i'li:.llifu'lt-i,lfqit" tI
iri::*,'il*:rylS-q*;fili: ;Uit;u;;ir:*;'i*i'+*li::
li.#+"$i;i:il1;;'gq,lf .X+- 11*i*li:#:, Idii;i#i:,y::.:; ::*" !!l:i!!: ::y ;*rl;9";:;i:: "* *iff ;lr :iii:,;i. j:"i#". If f l';ir;F* ii;:Ii,xll:[r",*,:;'l,,i1#i'T. li;i'fi ;i:ii*:,*i ryf ;p ]5'iil,: fi
ffi*#*ffi{ft'dliri;:;;;i:t rn,* :* :iri:n.:li*iil$L i, i:,r,rllii+ii#iiru,:"' f;ii :* "Y"r,'r"':";,*;'";mir;, **:rx I i::t $iiilr"#j",.tiif!, jfii], $il:!;:ng::$;:ifr
r u
rl'rtrD )
!: j:fl."::i:f ";,Ig,ll';"J:'". 10.
Don !4eL€n,
r"*"" st,t", igiii
i!: r41k€ 3li,!33'1."il;.'$.!l"i:*:,49:9' Br,dloy. pc
15. nay !i.sso. umr., [8,;T 15 rtduolr 15 fldshsrs r!12.!:.Trolhl€s ro. at!st lO..Trophj to
:ffi ,"3t":*:"f tT".]l;:""H".;isi::_
nlLh atop bf,rd StadlM, xolr r]1lt .h.
atlDn Snouh:1i h"s eid"d jiarrlaldr: ""oi:* rMd !!r usudlrt r1n3 rr3.k, a votsori.3 taken
.ai€ on r4o @c6dM rtba stedts bolru a d6_ sFroudi4t tround 10 r€1). tures 8t.tdr ltrtch th€ lasr ma. had io h6 !,3 arven llo wsrrs
arM_ bosd tn ruo 1c61, Fra* rrta;1tu .aslry rrod arat fraE irarlotur nac Io_auo clare lob s6hdf, lho aprsu3 to !ar. succ.dgfulry rlEoh ofr ilE lasr laltlror€ arrrlds donr _
qurr anoDd or lr.o v€ra not io bs '& !1.r1r's rrrz33. l:o one qulb ahead o1 rrho. an lnoicai;1on rur$ g8t our or 1a3h ,$ ttro iadtn prlr0 flnlsh or rlDcs rlar s.h! itro r_m!s up mortcsd ttr rlE roods. Jln ln.d{vine rintsh6s Md rlssod ov rn.heq !!"1"!;3!13;ff 'l"ilH*i:f i":",:'"":::: ajarmr Too Rsbonhorsr. aly rho!!. rlb cralu he rl1l trald oi,or {fts! rbls M8r1rs shon sttohti.n sas tundd to du1nd1lhe 1€ad lhlch ;iru: .ifi,3tii,:1Ji';,i:T.,"."1".:fl rdi! !tu nappsd out tha oouls€ srrar€d u6odrr€ r'4{nd hts Y6ds. Tha 2a_y6ar_otd rAon. udsgl.s back at th. srd tnar crqnt Eugh Jasc.ur bDb could noh cetch 16o63s30 stsro trIth or [:lb €r urDcrurl:tt xho.131red rhat n. 6i scroor JunloF rho bas rod6 rsda.kabt6 !1sJ1r3 bqsl€rb!11. T.o 6-nf1o tlnsr lroar6sE ln rhls lts rorlcs Tosr nssorto !3:€! {rjaht Jl:1!; .sborn€ l[:]o Md ar,b' arlsnt rr:4nr n3born6 16,5b.
R:+*itb. ;i"i, *Pe-o4ifi;"?;:' ndyrand on lr40 y8rd toop on
.tr{a.t6r ar lnte!Bsr !6ad1n€,
cc, b r//4 " ili:I liaY8i:,i-'-orsca'tt01 n11-
your redE .f obtatnir€ l,ross cov€r;F,
d-'|J16.-shilaf,. nrr.x rB, ei se io3da u.ory-ur asB l],ic. I H1ptr 5.hoo1,.courr€j ht119.'lloat}-6II
sDtrr, cold, urncr. i. 4b€ry Mr1r1tu, Bdltlno!€ ocr s drlss tr_ni. b-n1. 1. D€s(on r.@3. utu., :2i62 [fT2, o j dl.: 6. EDzz rer_ ,. ra3on !496, 'et., !oM Lysu, r. rhlIrs i1.22:56 i3';,tri;"1 i{4"Ji;;,?a "fri'Sii*"i'", 4, ftnt osbo!h8, Ncrs, 2t:55 !b:to t+€:a! t6-.'iiL"*:S:":T3::"i I r+.,"" D. J.€rry-Jon€s, :{:o2 !,hrt€.rd., Boc, .:t ,r.;- ril -n'ei.,r""I"""it (. na{, Bradr8f,, LrsLr. ,c sr!.2!:2i tl:22 o. nu6n Jss^.dtrrcrs, J..tlr 57:2L I rr.t lJ. Ilk3 Bradlev. 02:oi :: i-aY !19!3! Dtut., l1:17 6J:05 :i ;li"'fl "?i't,'i-tl;:"]i',i"I"riri" FACE noTEs; tn non.t or ro" h1s traritlnral red 'ro,tiu"
tu?11_f sl€_th6_nindft.3r
suo6Frsc!35s.6 3hotr1d
,i:: !::i:i'i":-:i ::.ii,;;
i,"i; ii*t,r
": :;1"f *,it,
r* *a
;;,:p':" ;li;:$iirffi
{,,,,. I'ir::,;;";,,
-:12. ('."Fd M!
;ii,lli,;it;m*,:l$,$*,1$-eu ilr,,','ii:15:i#":\.:"#":i$'tr:l;?
iit*l*uil:i;i;5*.*-*iffi ;fti' ::-';-,. .;,Ii": j,,,,**: pis,l!flt"iiiifr"tj*l1+H: :: L":
t*ll *g,.##"*;*,:,i,trw"
l;rlt;C;;t;+n,i:T#i: ;rti"rgt;1,I5q*fffJ #;il.?llii.$rii.iilqsif !:#"",::$;d;;iil+Tiiir$r]*;q*
ffiffi *-*;$'g;rl'*:+'m:'
ffi:rq++?ffi #*;ifur,Fitri:,.iffi ;#::;
*;f+g*_+,*grr+;, :---------------------sqopâ&#x201A;Ź& croes_Co@+rl. nesulrs
r+:#d**;.ffi ':;":
$#ir;+5,W: li:;,1.:'1;;;.';1;;l,ll:Llr":.. j,
r'1 '
;;;;-;;;;;; ;;;"-;:;. ;;;:;;-*-
*,j,+*ffi,ffii; ;;S3*;r:i&q+;:rii
if tui"'"'
la! loop coulso & t!6 srprissd !u-
nsrs p8ssad 6aoh oth€r sotnA op!o6lr6 {ay3 1n tb€ d1dd16 of tho .oDreol) laT IS n Ronr Roaa
c€ococ.yr caltfo!nlarns),
of rhs dosofts of
N,u, sodth An6!1ca, Ma:lco qrd
south€rn u,s.A. Ir lutu !!th Jbad lorerod and ta.t] horlzonral, stoppl,€ frort tln€ Lo t'11 $slrcs M atxos r posltlo!, It b€1oes to tns cuckoo fMt1y, (rnorc1o.eo1i rr,lradrtca). !W l5koL \iALtr, s€{ard park. M!r.l lrd - Snorihs, loH l0's. 1, Bob rbndrtckson, sac, a:?3.a2: 2, cld_ !. of ri,. 1:21:09: I rsrnv is16isl, s0c, 1:_lt:271 [. tory iarzea. racotu, 1:15:0[r 5. Ke'rnna,. lacoro. 1:Jq:06r 6, Don Jaoobs, T1Edd. o!€so;. l:15:12r 7. Fdr ![!o11onis- s€;rirs] 1:17:ll; 8. Daan IhsrM, cx couoao. 1:46:14; c. Don a4derson, s0c, r:4!:lb: 10, 0rr111o Bryent, ra.oM, rtt1t26. lb! ualk (scratdb) 1. ra1 811r3, soc, 15:09.!r 2, J1n Flolds, So.! 20:21r L o!r111€ srrMt. rs.os,22:!0.
rledlton, onlarlo, !4s.h 2l!- ell1ME;IT cloth2b-yo6r old r€ood 1a th€ bqt ht3 ro.o rllustrr.dB eaet tolk romt6 Bru.€ Kldd las a badly b€5rBd thtr't rn thl Ecord 0110 run ry ' r1n Irone of BrMpton, ontsrlo ronrshi tn tl6 91sr ntshl6nd6!5' 3?th gnDei re.r e t!6b6ndous du61 ylth !of_ dsi3 hishly tod16'l JDnror !ra.k ro@o. ccYsrsd rho dlstanco hr6ck 1n 2:11,0. bftaklrrq tte standald of 2:12.2 3at ty clob cunln!m of Ks.caa univolsltx 1n 1c34. paco for ths fhrr 606 yuds bttl .rotlofs d13!1ay6d hls Det_ 6nt€d ldclr trlt\ 1* lars t6 so. Tom€; oas3d lrto th6 iale ln 2:I1,8, ako v611 6dor c'lsllatje's o1d rocord. Th. rhrr. tun 1n tb6 h€at, Tom 6aus!, of Sr. Johr,s un1r., Brooklyn. x.y,r !a3 clool€d ln thls tllo ltac€ tol6 1r t50 Jlml€s, T116 ot,h6r hro ln 1d6bt1c3l cloctdros of 2.22.d. d€r but lt !a. Ilosr tt1mPrr that oaushh tlD rucw or rb€ clokd of j,600 rcapacltJ atrond@o). past [tdd r/d Mlcblsabi3
El8as Lsps ro 11! by fir6 tards In 4:ru.u, o!$1ru rho tr:10.6 roo@d nada by cll Dod&, of Bosror, bsdk ln 19[?. l€ad {ltb tro taDA r. Ao Hh€! Iroe suddonlt aocol€raloit ro
ttto tlD I€a,t. E6 ,ltbstooil a lar€ cha1l.rl8o by L6pE (L,10,7) to rl, ba a f8r st!1d66, Kldd m3 cloclrd h 4:15, "b1ch loft bin 15 ydds b*L qt ror the 24-yoa!-o1d Irod rhs rrn aveD€€d a dofoar to xldd tn ths cabdIan cnMpto.shlps s s6k 4o 14 Vtbhl_ !6a. Ilohs xasnlt thln}1na of !€v6be! ro th3 raoo. 813 rfnd had e f,oh dodllo to !u rho ra.. "I thd I had to Jup onor rho dooo.i rlr sald, "I had b6€n our playl!€ aoif dost or ift dey ud r las tbln*le tho 1D_ itoor soaeo! Has too 1oE.i Ilore bad io ltttIe 6h-r_rrustasn fo? tl. €r6nt tbat ho dst€d hls ooaoh paul loc€ of b]]a lorohho oc 1f ho could pull out. Tm6o, riser flon b1E oallle! td!16 rlth Crothals, nlpp€d tt! 3Ftendlaaftho! 1oR of ths tro_ h1le !d1ay, tho ftml €volt of hbo ntgbt! to sot a Do6t Edk of Z:lrt.9. iFttorlAa th8 forMF Mrk of ?:li-8 bsld by r'rartErtu fo oaly ons iod. th6 frEl I€e rtth s 12-Xud ddflctt rd ! slocracura! rrDr a Ml.hllm !un_ F!, lappad Just botoF rh€ tu; fd! hore, imdr6rt€.t1y blodL€d olf croth_ bo' @do hld bov€ to ra1I peEt tomo. East lolk c1o.l<Bd 7:l+2,1. Mtctlsd star. rar rh1ld. JIonto Pa!6u6o, of syFacqE. Un1'orsttr rllad out Krdd,s 0116 !€oo!d of !119.9 for boys lc and und6r xlEn ho hMdlh vo. tb6 €r6nt rn !:16.5. stov6 Bat"1 ;f Etoblcoxo cotleglat€ Instlluh6 of Isr_ rnato!, Onrd1o xas morflctallv timd 1n 4:r7.5 14 lrsclls isr !'arlE, r1lct1lad tras rh1rd. !1. las ir13 nrnbh th 12 stdis cn hha lndoo! trsck.hcDtt I@lddtna !61,ys, ho hag coEpot€d 1n 25 ovont6,.r}€d Foor. ooaob of tho East Yo!! club. sa-td crar!€h Dtaht havo roD tn 2:08.9 1l h. @d lomo b,dn't bs6n so cautloud Ir rrylns no savo sonoiblnA tor th6lr ancho! loEE of th€ tro-n11e !61ay..AAs otftolrr! r!6 ndsotlatlb€ xlth !ot6btral .lotuorr track to bo 1@ta1l6d ln Tolonto'd t4aplo r€af CddaE,.4. iotd. EYaC Hon rh€ 2d soctt.n of rh€ d10 1;
caulnME, xass. RoA! rlli x@ch t?- l,6n th1o., 24-r€ar-.1d dmclns llsrrtrctor rlon Ar]ln€tonJ Mass. {on th8 2bd amual 91l4-n11€ ru. spoftorod b' tne canbrlds6-orthodox church comDntry c6iisr. tho r6toran BnA a.d ctargdd into th6 16ad 20o yRrds to so ro 'tth 'ii rf, soro :o y9rds, Thrs i€11o! sbl11tj. !srs o!1J run 1i 6 race3l
cmtrlq., !a3r.,
l, 11 c.rrfalcs, Bosto. xA, 1+9:tF 4. nobsrr s,111rD. !o3to. u! 50:J1 5. Iory sap10nz3/ Aa, 51:21 Bosron a,{, 52:0? ?. Fob€rt Av€!r, Iass. rrniv,, 52:oB d, romath M$11sr, BAa, 52.25 9. l{axm !ar,!oth, xorth ]4adford,5l:06 10. Johr !. fie1lex/ r:rmtt!crr6d, 53:18 ;J:f6 11. rohn I,J6Ina!1s! lnattachec, 5l+:c1 14. nobort cumth€s, IrMc. 54:14 15. Ednund co@o!s, N-Yn, 11+:28 16. il€lq1d crosso, :na, 95:10 1?, llltiltan la€an, Nrs:c" tt:t7 55:at3 f9. rdos rtor.oy, BL!, t1tal, 20. John vanschik, liatt, . -q1:rJ ai. ,lcrrei scarldr, Irtt, t7:5a 22, rt111m r4u.rhr, ncei.n A!. 58:i? 21. r.!_ lrqrro. lrul1.:. unar!,, 51l.tl1 .r+, noer.i a{, 59:01 25. ;ohr Frl3ch, i{trr, 60:[0 26. Ton x:rit4Nh, xxc, 51:lr! 17. Ftchsrr B.r.letL. lrd Ac, tJ.rc t):Ia 29. Melco]'n Hi1l, Eosion ,u, 63:la 4!:02 10. !on!1d Gair, Bo3t.! AI-. J1. Lion€1 nof,, l,lMc, .d:25 i2, Mdrtlr s€rt6tas, trnatr., 33. {aisth Coo!6!, satt.,
14. Tb.nas {1!ka1dJ, iiML, Th..ri' stsrt€d stltuo rn Lo:tngtor & rrnlshed et cen, trdi sqlan, lmbrlde!. {n short t6),1
Flst c.u!s...l5 3tdto.s.
P6ft3aubr, I{.J., Hdcb lb- qoses l4ayl1eld, Phtladelphia sch.olbot aca, tn€ "!€rl1-Tak€-!:ro }1ndnostr h.6 'on .r r|J r11dal€ arlanrlc toad iuM6rs' club rn 5:!3 ror j 3/1. Frl8r sund&y on lrs FlPrr Scbool trac]{. In thls novol r!r;, ite last na4 at 1l-
ts €llndnated after
€acl1 succasdlng
1ap ontil the!€
lsri-tho v!!ne!. t. r,{os63 !re,rfi61d, t6r-va1 rA, (] J/4 nt1e3 ) 20:rl (sllrt3:5:r:r0, 10:j7, 1tr20li 2. "r.. (:l6nd- ) l9:lr2: J, tlck t.n.h!a, rem!. q., z J/4tu. 1b: Jj 6, . srlBe {srr1nstD., cr^nont, ' 7. foo !a13111n0, 'Lrb1 ., :.., (2:-ni,)j :. K. !ou1ar. Ionn ,ra, t2-rt. J; i, lo1d, n{c, r.1,1/L rr. tj
rlaEs of tha Flidtalii, ri,J. JaJca33. 1 r.M. Xed.esds:, )aj I9L2 nvtnts: 1. S3ni.r nBf, s 5-:r1. r:!. T-i;aFTdMrs & 5,r,n i-.:a3l 2. rurlor run, lrndiri.trll aac jm. t3as) As6-17 y:s"s .r under. l_ irotunrs l/]a nl13 .m, (indlvrdlars thr€o.l ralzes: 1. lndlii2. Trlpl:res tD rho rlrst i.s in th€ 5-;'11. rE, J. :{oaa1s b. Nra Lth to labh F1e.e ftrl3l€.3 ir rhe 5-r1o rur, r+. I.{3ca13 r.i.ohe.]elg (orc6!i ro:he r1!sr i5m 1. t.6 -!-.:rri, ! 'd14 rDn. ) RsFort to th. rlaia:ldli ;ib irarch.,4 r.y€. ar to Attlla Matrar, r:-r, l+, 1:-i r{dndtr1!! nd., r1a:rrr1o1d, I..i, it IsX 24, 1t;2,.tntrr iBs- 90y'. !r!! LolT aIPIIEES tllilrlrdrit Riis oiT ]]oxi lr,jiij :trzz :]|1J{La iixs S.A, ciL,.:,$IoxsnIr Ts(chdr3 colloger Baltl..r0, }{d.j sunoay, I{4!ch 4- Bo}ry ],o?e, io hri€5 1::6 vsrds t. lln tho ir&!J1a:d rFc ttered bhe track 1L rr!s.ztls tunad tt lnto shelj:os 'rne re;:t day. ) ::d!!d.i iD tuo top 11 finish3rs."19 or th3 49 €rt:re3 aFp.ared end al! J9 flllsh8d. 1. lobbt L.'6, Ne! York,rc, lix,t. 1426 2. lrilr sdSrst, uratii,, 10 n1. tt: rr:. l. turxlE s..reesr. iY\r,1r rr 11] y !. J, !ran\ :rtagina, Boa, 1o nt. 398 Jds_ ccr, 10 11. !! :,r: d, 101+ vcs, l. )1116 cDMlro, Brt, r0 . I i, t6dr .r!
;,!,;ig";,;ft ri.:r,il i#t: li*;11"ii:"Iil*"Fd3,i3:d&" .dJ. 67o,;s. li: ,,".liil,; i.. "f1i",",*:f;fl:ilg: ]",,.$nT*" t' ;rl;'ili-l'tTii* ff l;f,iiii." :"ii"t:;i;i:i:*Ti"B:is.; ii,
itl;;! ;liii.:*"+*.#l-ffi*F
f rtt*'it: :f : 'H, T*s ffi gfrt*$H}f:'#H1: ;;:
;iutn;ii 1i;,'
;:'lt'l;t- *+;**itl**qlfr#k
r*':,li;i:}.i*,i.#**lt$r*i: j+;; :,,,i;+*, :;,. *'*,Ei;*
il{i*i **:*$gfr
I;';;u:ps-;#,:il':i;:f t,-g$'S.*:i*-ffi ;;gti .i:t."i*:;:n:. :: ;:1,:'i;",' : i:s. ",. i#:fd:F*i,#;;,{ #J$:I I
ffi{j,"i*-Hi"+frd;ffiii; lff ;:$#ii,,,i**,S;
:q (FoIt!,D€r VTNS ri.Etonln xooDs ctoss_coB!:rny)
M:,rtrt-r ,ilts B0B rR:stclr tlElloir{t nui (8:16' 1?:48' SDdaX, rarch 18_ !6te ',i,S:5fff"i'*'D61-vd r.{. (8:40. r7:4e, cr rned ]iatlobl s6hJor t0-7110 crM i tooai. rrn r:,0 jlro b,fi:"rffili'. 3!ors!r.; bv iha fRc f.L seo.i:r10n .!n rPf,..J oi lob ?6,ffI]E:.6::iH:"j. (i:oo, ?6b ac. Id:5i. !a,El tro ltrel 1::1iL" . t5o. Tla.e,€rs AA c:28' ::r.,3..ji.n md 2? i;,iil*-Tiiligl,,?:'-"sr !] r ".cr1on for a P€b 'tc r10:11. 2r:14 i.ia1 or + rl{e:3 |itl_ ar1 rrt .na
?'4 ac'
i:,iii"i#f;i nrrr.", r€4 ac; eob 3srsh, ffi, "Hi;. couso: h i 1.5 otlo jifts of r€!*lr
laps oFr o11 (141udl.s a cll-b $ 3t";;
oacs b! bo c!6ss a latlroad L!i.].:€ Sdc & lrtu loedlo tlrlls, '"roBtho!: 6o-dos*ss, su:ry, Flr..: Tlolb:kE ro aa1 rlblshers_ RCS :]AXS HT!n5
AOAr .l-{€,i
:nm6lpo]]3r !1r:l.t 'r-Xrr.E sUir'' llech 19Ron De'! oJ Mttu6&litt3 ,on tno i!.8_ .'fn-€sota.\:.i oir6 r@d roc6 ot lia !d th6 Colhtla rolf :.a..: ths niUn "or" 1 L PDd DEHS, lbap.113,
:4:tl a. qL it/€r:, !. of j,r]]mr.t;. :q.., j, Pat Lani.. ::- Ir"1. 1-.. :;,.. ar :6 !- chu.I larlLr;.ea. i1!1s., !. Ilrn E lRr iJ. i,nls.. st. ta,il. .1.tA ?, eiil Fe:].., 6. Jani, :dr U. or' rn@. . e Rrck rr6r"aL.. !_ of talh_. t,it r0. DaL !"Eki. o, cf Inm. _ 23: ,i !1. 4..!E6 Liadr. 9tJD€aDolt;. rs:;rj i?- 6dt rr._rtrrge!, !:1tu€a!ol1i. I :L6 1t! _c rl. !.b 9tu.1:, BtGerol:ls. ')t+rl 1lr- Joh: ilccafr6rj, r@1.., 4!ij D1.:! litFE, u, ol lnmosore r- of l4-tlfusctr gra,r of a r€d, te$, '
f.rdtLr 11n1v.rs1tr !ft6ird iip:,rer ar:.rlarq i.r tlrst t!r. Ilis a i.-.. t..l t]r. 'r.l.aa on i;ira thlld 1a! ner.r io l. i:d.:de.i. 13 Fe|aJ]::]:.d!.I1.: ir 1l:::_ i:rlrrr :r-. 'ertr.!. L11, -( !rr.- . dj. .i ta:rr r -l ri'i ! tr, or li:2r. n]a : i--!j-::1:s,,tr -: tr! .li3. srcncin;e, clji.: 1"$ tb jinc .3.; *.urii r: a rrdlirr, r_i d_ r,1, !t
]!1.-.r .:et i rdoi. 5 rc., :.i!.t irir.ct::-106 nlai,.,_ !-/ . "r-r. .1€Gr;;: ' e.r.e, - toi. illre, Fudt 3rh!3rjz. comaf, i.hl;F Frani4:rii. l. Iot i Ar 1!, irev Yo.L 1c. 2taicl 2, Bt1 J(, trP!. riyac. :!,,r7 L Johr Lrrlto..t, r.:.,s.r, 2_s,t+o ratL_or-'5.2c:5s Jld 0,c.rr4€]r, lr, 4. f"Idhs *\.:;.,; 6. iolu Lina, "1-.' st. John's r:, 26:JJ (fth. 8.a.. 7. ro. Jrehd, sr, 2bjllq -r-r d. Jlh Fror n, +, 2.tP;) rrJter c. r,ar.Y erq6.o. n-i. as6 ^_Ior 50 to ?0 o11ss F6I 1,10. Bln cs?n.n, ,_rot., srsr.r.:. corir, sjrito ol 3 Fcoid B4 lah sr::rfnrt rhrs 27:1dj 11. €.r p 'r !n, urt,, 2?:J. rbb!. E1s !u41ns bs b.or c5{ 12. 8111 Utst:h, l'111:..e e_ ,7:2c: 'r!trr rona @5roco rl. chsle. I5s.b, ri .-rrsI-iherlc; ."r!o I!! !6b drsi"r.d Lrb HJerr lrtL AC, -7:2!; ll1, !.n C6lsd1re. st_ r!d:o! 1116) €81y ln -l-" Jor,rr3 nrir, .{aj ?:j?j 15, Dtck c1a!!. $rne ${ tg ovo. LOO ys{d. IYPC, 27:3oj 1E. rrr L"hos. sr. Johr,; i:k;:ir:1+-.€j ?lE JCo! ov6!.ast, € ro to 27:1r4, 17, Jtrr1 l,,Jo, &u.o rc, i::,i: ri.-i:. i:i:c:: of :]b c.u!5. c.v.rad 44, 2d:15; 18. r,ru s.hjari, rLtr?.- )8.:7' 'ss tr'tos 51ih ...rj ..4;:. & :rlsr.h chuck lq, Bor csser, srL"s rc, a6:2€: :u. ,.r rlr€ ?u, otr. Ton Sbay, r1o!,, 26:2tj ;L T6ir Corbrft, xYic, 2r:_J5j 22. n1!nad ro{1s, J.r_ c.Es.j ?-r.q ]]tlry. Brucd ?c, 26i48 {cont1.u€d nExt laael 1.:i.i.ln
.-ji I,I]NS I Jot- .e ly, Tlllros€ u. 28:).LD: 2 J:n \o1aa, [ . , B:1-. .(, J . nalo o:toj 6, o s"r, :.r'"._i_ier1, J,L B d._ d, 7. ll ' r j a. s La: o, a!.. ii. o:oi: r_. n;r;6 1-c, -o:, | ?, l.Lai, l-. 33 /az. 1,..oo ''. . :0 : .-.J.:Jor D o.o Bo@ , -1. l:o:j .16. s L-! . 0.r.0, . r' ?, l?. -:lr " lit, B , . , ; r.. p".€ EJ ,Lr 1, r", Jr: j J . r..(€lnor. od Ts"., Nlo!. -r : : l_. brB 10, .i,j_ I.L .LeiJ ' . :11 : .. o.". "3 , AB., )o:4j c.'oe Ps - -1, l osa ., J :. , -. 'Iar tIrc.: 3 .-a-'. Lar-.2,!:2 l.:-e; -ro sp.I q aie, :: : r a-I;r.s,B:,jIri 1aF1 r, . ll:odj 6 1a!- 1. 10. r:2o, 1:: ts . 1/,o o,iB.20:.u: o-torh aL_ rj: Lor.Ja, 'tir ;i€.
1-. d, yoos-, 0, o,", |.., i, r' l€ (i} ho'J. so, | "., :Jo, ( 1d re'ord ,ss r :]2 Lr ro..nx trero!, s.o.(. ) 2:10 l.M.- pon l,sr i: L, Boo l'€ndr.r16 oo r-s..a r, "on. 0-, J:10; s 'r8d - ooo, 2L:10.1i J, L€f-, -0-, :6:1 .6: L, caJ fltr6r.orJs, Jr. . €0. €, 6:)8.-; 2. Don Jacoo", :re_ tud oi6cor-i 7:J . | 6. Don rnoorson, s.. l0:11: r. -aul l|as d, Bs.!]yo, 10,'1r,5. - f.s. RLn: 1. !drr Po., soarLL]:. rl:|.1.l (\& recoro: ol.t r€cdd r1o, Dr Jo5n ao".s.-on. "oa! 6, 1_:!2.8,; vl. . aotuor,, s8a,'6, 5: 7r J. fir€ Ee@, sdobohtsh, Lt:. j rr, B z/ s"q ta!t, Sno.od.lsh, 15:)"r 5, oo ]r:Jr. (alt -tntBr-s od!8'€d €LLech€d I ealE!o,i il, sJer a3r.s s ttnJnts5 )0 3,. ndL or Lh€ ou36lnl- Lrr€ bea4apo o € ,\€ o_ taj€ s old -----------0. pG:L lsi r\ ?O-TII! _n ?d1e,, 9a., Seddyr t4alch^,qi1- Joh! COIE CNITiJRES TNST A)iHT.Ci I NATT]N Ni;}I Attat€, 60, tir6 20-nt1o laca lo! 'on by dpqe ,1n6 f,rllM rC uolkdr" s' L.t]eroldAr, Looay ,o tstron! /k. r", Lhe j1o ot' a )5-"r1uo -tn:3..€d.rrsr tr ,L uac on l:r: :.2..Mj n do Arr, a lno f-of i L! 2:91!:0J,4 3cr!tch, :i: d\olcd sl1ou1dor s olld!. to ro should€! sdo.Loa ," os, .I!6 ysos. _h6n !1tu ^ntl1 -.3xurr "^€ -.! oc out. (o" sronsor: d.lrod o. . (Rac. s^ross oa 03 ttr'sr ",€ il Sottosisrs -dd€d Xurr I_o a,B. "o J. rJ: :o,. ''. ?od,-i:DBe tllld !J-l-o inJ q:1:,n1, : :.-. ftorn fourth r.5:f7:00. 1ee I tof," ni1€6 hastoot€d. or.slrcm ro Is vrcToRj szdctY 2d lh€n ]]is shoe: des spalt, Ho had just Fab- 2r- E1lr on€1toh€ntro of ftoat t{o redks proviouslr n!.!!ed oujr oi F x3c1r, !.I., {on ib6 61ett-Dd1€ valk !ei.1lar! !-4i:i n f&thon etter 16 it16s du€ colduct€d bt th8 walk€rs club of ,-n€rtca 016r Broc loads todaJ, lhe lett3r raro ras Hon 0n ltchoDko, rlmd ln I:0i+:r[, h l: lr5:l+c bt 'a! tester thar Alos sz€t€Iy' Co1€ rs slrit6: -q-nd1i:/:10: t0-n110 a L9-Joar-olC thlrd crarstu at th€ 5ti:20r 15-d1a 1:10:u0; 2o-nile .?:ol:oo. u.s. villudy Acsds0ly..l. Ro! nahd. unah., 1:05:50j l+, c€o!* sch111i4. tn'aan rola !oat :4ln]: csrnival. s.srtto. ITPC, r:06:J5r 5. Joiu Schtule. ur4rc_ tcshinston, r4arctL 10, c11 €venrs u€ro 1:10.o0; b. ,{rs€n€ Egf16, r.rpC,-i.11. 2,dl nllos (oru lan dound tho 1at6_ 2c: ?. JorD su1li,m, d@t,, 1:14:9J. 14:02,5: 2. J1n FIeensn n,"t"d, r. .f u;3hin-ro., 14;09.5: .f, D.uc surder, March 25- Atrl1a 4- f,nn rreth€lsr, Dn^r., 14:28.5j 5. :srl r!a!rax, cJlc rrq!!10!, ron the 3t! en, 0c 1-:i!,i: 5. 3.b 0iBrt6. .ua1 r-n110 ier src. 14:4:; ?. rir,ross. se&ttla. 1L:58: !1th ea36 today o'er tn8 RRc;arr3n b. Kerry r,rnn! tof. t. .jcrl i1i1;. ltarral rook rhe leed at r0.. 15:10: l. !s1Fui17; nretztran, sr-, tj.tJi {or bt 3one 600 yards !{cAqD_
l'FlT?oPo!1rlx FUli) !.s ariv stsclonod
"t"" ""t*" c16rsbâ&#x201A;Źlsi o16r Bob N.
ii!" 1.'1!tili"
J ci6r.b6rg rmrnt !1:
iiili i-,iii ilii;;5..,r.v.
+*$*,gi"r[.;:,1 tigir**'i;i-,'+ ll:i+,**;1'1,,;:=,:ri::: I:t r;;--t:-:;-;'.::': ii.;
i;t*;" ull ,:,'*:l:i,"1*,:: -
ir fmffi=li i**u* ;;\ii'h-r'ir" *,:i:
ii::;i,N:;I,$lil::l' "',!4",=, fr;i";i*ii'r"*.ri,i;i;:;" ri:',:l;i';ifi:;lift 1: r;1;".i:ilrt",i::li',:::,,1" ";i$,:l;;t;
nls ltr5popo_r'Ar I\ oofr (1,o. 2_.I Ij,DooR 1ao ) r. tllla: Ks'll Hoftoss€J, saron bsr j -alpsbler. '!1Uj l. .06 MANtA.lAr, AFt
rnAc! LJth $an
I t.
::;J:,:'-.-H:;:., l#":, ELna s€-o
l. d!@.Istst!. u. 2:16-?. rrLo: t,_;., o;u"ri, i: i;i5:e;-i:' e'€.n€, ut{, I,116.I; J. Bdhaf, fll|, rr:r6.5i L. nay€Itd, DlaLo, h:1?-i: 2:16.4r
t6:,. ;. "3i,3:t!T:..P;;#48,,i:,,"f;
sopl, E_8t, 9:25.5; I- Yaloy. xDr 5. DsPaul. lroeLdod lho htsh1's;l oc !h6 rac'n; !.oArs st Lba o"d b.cln€srs Amolvm 'o-r6ar-o1d PtrsL6 f-on Jorso! arte 0d€s6a, 1€ras. P6b. l?- 880: 1. p.ttrrao€ JIrw hocn, lFr.I's 06 €trdrG chM;- Er, 1:(3.31 2. loDs, it6H-F.rr.o sret;i il^i,i8l Tl i3l; "i.'"""'i"*iry'*';,?li.Ti' :;31-"ff "il"+y"::3": " dddb-sreoE. _vfi0: -. Jos /ocororn, roldhM: 2. Jos ";. rBrA, St. Johrrs; _], Da. Colry. }radEtuar -- ----------L. td Bolos. ,M,+srrani ?, Toi ColrDdlb, CIIIcAcn D! rr,v f,E1|ts RIx,Ays, ltscb 9tb si,. Jo,a s, 'I@: o:2,r. Jlb B€elry. ros lnS6L.. TC dc., as|t! EaI1
p,tj li.fiurt,fi :;i!"-":ffi"i "!iHf !;"ili'{T 3:iflf.,T#";1ff :J
, ii!:
jl:i[;ilTrl"l:J.''_ffi"id:*'r'*lr"'i:lr'.l,il:ii*i",5lliFff * rturt@n- 1000: 1. roo sL. Jobr'r: v€sroln }{rcure*, ..h;-ii"ld-_ Ba '€!, ,ifl$F:r-ll; lr llr Blyae, trrc.
g."rui aa r" "rtr jfi ": !:::'i:!r:t!"::;:'ih, i, _:''d i"e* ;l;t;*'**' lyf ;;f.; ;*i6.rop:r z..cucchlua, o!-h15 b66r., ,,a'i;'i;.i",, l: F":8".el19*, .s.E; rordrsi-J, rob uorrr!s, re, r're:r**,, i"l. ci.". j:01. L:,r., rH€ot locold; o1d ndk L:22.8, bac!. ii, -a Lb. .)/! ir rs "JiJr.riii oc;a j,:3-1
5B.j r+o,
*+!s: r,. Mw6o5t.( J. Jo6 trrob, ila 3 8ub lt:oo at16. u3.d i6ai bo,s8lon Eau: lr, .ob lf6mn, srr 9. Rar o!, bnr i6.odi!,'! T1fts: y:r,.?. qurt6 Et.h,LJr! !.t6nt.d I$t 2-rI 10 Folay: l. S.Lon Eall, 8:tr,2. iap rdot., 0@ft1;1.I rb.t.h tr;;__
-;;;;;:-;;;;; --ui.3l;1L"fl ;;;;;;;t-;;:-;. i, tiil :3kii,:i:i' _abrM-y l) - 0n e. 1000: L, thad clooks. t,"f lap tlEa. for B6;rtJ--r9-2 a.r 2z6
Baylor. '€ras A*v. a-...._--1;8oer. ':_8; l. B-su sr, fclt, .:1q..op€1 lOOo; I, Da'ls, €,ss l-os ):15, 6:-2-T;Eoo, uors-d Payne. ':16,8: l. . soa;rr!. uM?:'9.4,,0n1!, rrle: r, rLlard. m€.d; Iro".,, : o.oi 3. s|iroM, T_It, L::1j L. soustob. !:25.3,.ooon M116: ^ald". L. L. 11:1orr. irrusro. !:2lr! "rm'. +:.fu-;-t "m!oa.., _7.0!!a., rE .a., ,r. stl€d. J. 'IUN, L: tr, !:2?.9..2-fi110 R6lay: r. Horsd farE (Nobi€, San.Tn!i.-,--!;6E-"6 r I r . ?:t?.8.' 2. sMIt, b:00.<: .1. Isras, 8:01.2. &31m6!oo, Mlch,, Feb. 21r - Iae. 1. r{. TLrhlsu Bc; 2. \o.!o Ds-6 6jl l. D!at6 l5: 1.. loyola 2l.j 5. DsPau -j 6. Brsorrayre Stato 16y ?; g!9: '. ?.ron o'"a!a, L,3,rt5 .t t 2. orostu, lIM. 1r5?.2: l. na!61rrs- Drrk€.-1oo0: F. Cffi€r, ID, 2:16.1;- , srosn.-'-;7a1.
2'.7 A.? zj,I a-6 ?2-5 22-1 za-r Err fsr 1.r br.-d.ld ?1.?; @E.(stmo 5tb 'ap, tbo roa's Dtttrdlb uderlatd corresDod.-i-AE R1chridt ody s ob!6D 6O-...,-!b.D bF spui-hud vslch, dr of rb6 ;bor. t ! tlb6s could b. lFElr blt u uoh u .5 sac. ) (.rum!,4:05.3; cro!!.L:L| Esn Yolk Ic'' plodrsrouE &s. rqdd, bMd! .laDpll8 16o5.Ly ln frrt o! rh. pulLit ort lb, tbrottl. uidyat tbbdrn Lho l6Eb 1.!, E.oFo!5d r)n b.;Edd ro; 3l laps {55o rd.) Jb 76 s.c. (..ub606 +0 Fac8l ei jFsr€tl ta.utly Msed of tb5 I, Tc'! anb scb!-} &t L&z'o laborr, lo! rj'litlStdd, fo!@! l"hlgM sLd, ho14 ltb !1&. all tb. tay..xidd hd I . ob €coo.tllo 16 ot sr:ud?s _di 8:t].I !'!o-41_l'9t lap iti.r of bls d€letat rq .cc61o!sHc! !@!.: (coDrhu.d Ert psss )
,!fttra!1a--out of ih6i! con!]acency. CEICA@ DeIiY tgltts RE Ys - cor"IIxmt ln ptth schrt dnd Eebolt ssttlng th6 paca, .!:!r:::T1::d,:"1.:',l1ra-rtnlshed tt6 r!61d LooL rol secs. lo cov€r L 6 thol! 1lko to s€. best srvs..rualDe r6o-ysd rI"re.- sslo Bee,.e. irrtu:iiir' irr"'rti of ilb fast :L- "lsh L\€,'d ij* Iii.- s- 1&.s*-o1o .sdara, 89 s6c. 6 rD m B - -,t ;oo, :€ u'3 qoa \I;\.' ' 1.!,s:",rr Klaa'; osrcetrlas€ tnc"oase !3' o o i '"o -6: t.o oq,sl-l€asolir s,s LJ.6 L6so ' dc.s -J. 'I 6t Ll,oso o ' e ,o".-: !.;rt! oJ uh6 sopnr@ sFo lnsist€d if,rr n'Htra nad charlqo ream) lorab- An ofllclar "r"ef" "r Bd arrrir. " J os u€s L; o Yo rs r.:o iaoitty".r*id 3 I:o ;rrd Fcdds -:. Lj-6 m11" Md :n is r€attY idocentlt. 1O-OOO Et€rsl _iiiii'. sono.o.t ots€ *;r'iar..r s.r6a6s s.bu1 arc rr;arl- €rldllr'l ro!:oxtE 3 ! c _ei", Jl"*'"a ,- -;dd e'.., l" :!:r' n d'inr' anr'lrirrE 121jh in i."; dshs tho 6th a!d_ !srs: Te6!t icori ,t6r on rho jrd, and {r.!e, tiier tli. :r:: r.r.i1u!td--; qq;r; ai th6 9*, @d 15th. nldr latloitouI o. ,i-ii"
':* 1o" cire' -". s*,i.rr"rtr'roir,;3srTaboIi,},ltr.t)l:c].'',!.r.:..rr :: : i'j:3:;ri slil!i.c tnto er' '!: :ii"* <ia! ua""na."r.'s1] :n1I SDhll ,43 r_r!6 r.da" !hEi.:J!r., .'r stal }l!id! _'rr.:!lI
'.,i:' -
_ r:" -- '::i - ". .::,9, : i'"--: "i '
1 -:-9:" :
.: i.eJi?
:l lr.p€ s.,Ir ho ssid
_edsroD, Ll., l'Ldch 1c JIs Ho^lnofi,
' 'esoJ .16y
'i'i" j"'
::";',:;]' i:i" ooro o
*"'J;i: i%l-T.i'li:i;:"*"i3-i'i:r{o-rJlo tiif;""tr''?:i'9.:i'1"":ii:l;:ii:*'
j:# jr:iiii:,llll$5i+ili**:" i,;,ii:4":i:,;5;:;::r +i ;*::i:ii:' r"ror,. ..u pao€ ro'o bpE, d!
-:l--l::-:-:-lt9!9-Ti:::1-------------l. :" ;"; " " "l; !,.""T;, i: ii * ii1i,1,
s ;i",rl'! j; ;-l::',T':,:*,r:i*i: itt"i+ i*{:E+A;i=;l{tli$,*. ,l: :It: :i, ;:,!;:;:i ill lt,:,:.f :'l;";:ri r::, rui'*'J:i1*:"i'.r :i:,, :l ::":'ii:-
:*, i, r"'.1-i1
;;;; ;';;;;-;;;-;ffi;;-;*;;--
iffi F,l,{;;:liill,iii'ift , tll, I iHT"ii:lt:"ii""il'ilr#:"k;i':;"h' F !'nr'' 's -'""" ,s iIl,tilil":fl:lili"Firs'iii::' ;1i: '"' 2-4116
r. e:i;. ,8..s."; ,; - j'"'*
to s Lop-norcd
r,;j1,,:;i;i.ii,#;'r,l;g: $iiurn**;'l*illni+,"': ff l';"r:; i*""!:ii
T'"3:\! ", I E ;'';:i,1i,,.r"l-t,ii";i'i i,'i",1'i4::;l$::'H'i*itil: +-".d ; ;:,...::1.',:. ",lt"l"t; r r !, : 0.,. oo!r'L !r sosMa' I reo JE--:iF!or'^'o"I'lD;i:-?:.,119,""1i;|1'91:1i,t'
ihi, ":x :ir ''-i':i"::;; a""' :..,1 i:"'- ::.:;'{:"":.."''!"i "1"i;";i:":: iX,.i" * i,.d :!i r"lO:'":iiiili, .*t,:i; li:"r:i{,1"i::. .,-." r- "r:i:,"*. . frd.';, t11:,"ili;A6: ^:"fl"i1;,5;,,:pl.i:il. ;*:r"l"flti1r"ii.3'fii;;i"";""-;;'"",;'.::ilsr,"i"*:r irrr;':''T::":?-
'' dlz, u!-and- i !\ T o' 'rg 4:1 s- IlrchtsM sl'al6 rsc 'rln amzod o " s " rl-1a O-l3p dt L ." k .o !co.e!8 .dos6lveE br In a'l'_€cotds s6'r'!€ na! er. y s. lrs iF i!i- 9.h n ,6. +o r1:3! ln 162, rj T f e. a duel ul'. \'!'r13!ss olllu,D o: po !!" ro L5o O. or }tl-breor icd'; '| J /, !L '_ o: €r Don rolar'3 ;. Pa €(b, '0 feoL) ln dlo 1r! Ia r. 3 ;.".t.i.i,hd 'ld
"Tl.;;L'iir;.-:..n'r;'L':.';"",- 5r::"tr;::":::i":':i;:-t i*l:il"'ii:; Itl"i'I ,011, 1i6r. \ir".on \5, , KJ1t1-str .- rrs_:,--lo.--o o tpt" :s n@ sHaltriA j{E',i,j:U.'""' oD o "'Ld 3' o'o a i,,-1."1
Xle €v€ais '6ro ron try t6en-a8€ sophs. Pra.6 n ..3 1000 v6ro 2:15.'r 2:!'.?t "3" 2:t-.a t /:16.0..Pts s rros 'n lho 880 Hor€ ]:<).9t t'l!.a; tt5t,9 & L:56.\. tr'aniron, r1r., rob. !"-.1.^u.dr, Idar3 Bxs Ton r-countly chm!io!, 3esI1y to. th6 !116 and 2-n11€ Ia tn6 lolth{estaln-Iora duol at lvccar E41I her6 today, TucI6!'s ,-"dlo itr 9:l?.8 s€L &cord; tho old @k {as 9:39,2, by Dlclr-
Mlzarl, ot',1s.; 5.ChucL Buch3lt, colo. 2-v te: I. Ttls FrB- u. tso-aska. 6:'7lE .. oylrq, f,ssa;, o:-9..t; l. "nuros D"ar r€.ca1t, orls. SLzrL€. 9:2.,6: L, "sr McNoe , \s-ses s,rl6r ,ds;;; n;;;, ;;:;-iiffi e,t); 2, JohD Fo"t€e, €b!*ka,"i:;;"-2:03.5; l. Tln l,ool6d, ol.,la., 2:05.0; [. jlan Stesart, ot:ra.; 5. Ted RolsinA€r, xa. SHoal,rss sAn'urttl srmVMS Sxor,lrFTs Chlca8o, foh. 2h- I'{1!o B!azle!, 3€alo!
;;;;;;-;;;;;F;;;;e;- :i":!5:yiil:*i1*"::i;::'lfli.':** i;Jill';ffi Ildoor chMllolsbtps, l,lddh 1?th r: ritz- foot d66b ed Jbot acloss th€_j:1bjsb a€c,1d {oeo. s
Col'69€ l.hs i"rj ajEad oMrr !€1614 XL ctty Co116g6 of lJor Yo!! von only tro ldgdon ud Arne itc5sds 1n th€ MRnc eold n€da1s, but tho B€avels raao tho no3t !1lEd Ibndt.ap 6-E1f,. h Ja.l*on ldlr. of-th€l! delth to .altle t€d ho.ors rlth nuerls rrls fxlst laca at ot6r t hlr€s, 34+ lohts,.Thd dlarees of lrenclsco Cas- Blallsr n.vod oui t*t o! th6 flrst of tlo dsfoet8d loa rhlch tt.lsnpd ldth 30. ttE foB 2-ntlo kps; ot iho 4-ei1€ h. Falllo1eh Dlcllrson, the faeoriio ras jrd h31a a l6ad of 1:17 ov6r ]tl.tLd& atui !r6J Ar ldtb /i -01.1,6.- CoM !oo, -l B .:€ihre .:oir3ti€ - -d.t': ..r. tltl6 rith L4; polnts. 5!F ruB€?-u! uort- r4s4o., !:11 off iird pac. ar +l1 li_d:a d . ..e "nd ul " L:]" ll- !'€61" o" Cartrhl C mcLLc ! "-" ia-*t L ::ob ot bo 6.utltsdtng athloto or iiho &fteh.oi, !l:- rI:." r.3e1.: rrad sno{ lac}Fri ilght 1rsj l. :rr!3 r.r.Bs ei tals !oi!lj, so .lr:s th8 x]1l€ ln root-rccord tlno ai ir:25.9 ud coidls tE.e tuss tnD laior io tak6 th6 tro-hl1o ru in 9 lra.7, lgl !.: irt leiioslr:q ofl e sns! 11:54 irfl€ l,Iakh ol J.m seij a f!6shrim n at r.cdd by,na,istoi€ rltulls tr6 ntloqu€Bns; tn [:J8.1, tor tl:e f1r,!1 lr! (Bsstly tho b3st 1ep j:fl, F.rd, rf *e nuild1!:s op about t{o nla. l0O0: 1. 2. tolr ftITltes, Fal!:c1:jb; l, P&ul slnr,sor, a:i1la h!trnir{!3 r."e doduci€'1, tne rro.tc1a1! Statej h. 8111 Qulh, Ions. lle: 2.2f,2".Uilr: 1. Jtn Ke6t6, carllal rlazler ;J :rlil ire {1.t6r 6ast1y, r'{i6, L-r}; ). | . .!d, o o" !m. N1e o, ..I dor, . e ql ". !h6! BlookjF co 16Re; l, f n rrsh, dr_,o Md 1. ' ts, .rd L " 5. Joli! rlda. r t"r-618\, !l%: l: .o _-.. Ie la!s, .3:_." @€t !€^o"d. B,r1 .jol: -", Fo at, 1961)..?:!=l- 1, rs- €:2, - l'.lr:: 1. "r. " s, so. - .:o1.nrs, ]. lron aa oori. <.c€ar:ar curi 4. L:r'. L:. :9, -r: - (90:J) -2, Jo€ B8lnon'6, , l)1 ., lolrl,, : 9:1r6.7..2-r{l-s q€l J: '.lngs \-: : :, ,: , : _:.i r :o r ko:ooj 2. IoE: l. l€lioyE. IGI.-ET4. '-,,-. r,qo. ..'t'.t;, -,;li, -i:. :i tl:,,,t,.fr -d.. :1, r^,"-;";;;,0d-;:;*;ffi ",....: .. -a: 8.<: d. c_d€ lee"1 Crrt, [&Jcb )- v,4ss tretled ot". !,:16. !:,r, u6brasL! s sD!rl31bA!y , -:l. 11:' r_. :: :r.b. "s edol, el1 iho eaj but r6lsaLed a o s lls?1l t.. or *r.htu-"1ob by llnr or s po nt. , : 0. . :r' :. r:s olas .. 5' r/J; : . a' b tu ). 1. Ksas ^€M j, 0Es. sL9l" z15lj; 1/1t L. e -at 7t 5. ----------------
2ri: i$-s: : i t^ 4: $,a; 2. Psr : n, :a ,-l?:: . .. : I L:J.':'. ,d, t1: 1,. M-.". j"ryri"t"ts, Yo.: <€.,'""-ru'v rc..., t. ^. I a8o:1. turrlr,',.5t.9: ieE, i;6,, -.58.0; -. i".i r.f,7; l.
Olrlel or.-
""3r. l:.o,.1: ,l:r .5j,,r1r,4
Eiqriid!.i&r hsr
UAiATiION nll€ clrd€r tradk, Ealk lqcclo€ and lilstflsld' tnlladof,lbla trien Orvl116 ]tDs6s school stud€nts, 16r€ lmers-up in arljB-oi trE ira6t yoii! rlacr< club {on tho fhst amtral vxndJ city Merathon toda:r 51:115. ilearJ .ats sudd€dv sto$od at race ttns rlovtbe that son€body ln 2:31:16,8 oro! f.unr€e,'oth6r start€rs: upstails ls Looklru out t9! th6so r!d! certssbd ol tajr€ strto, xho oront- load lulrers! \r2tt9) uarfy llb1shsd s€oond i! 2:36:21+. 1ed for ton clan6n and chsl€s ltetrl!€ton, thB ?l!st sIr nttos, thon aiki.;'pulred u! l. .a-rtu.3,.s o: xob.orlor da oFohlr l. r" a xay !o1.", rnoro r-: -. trr ;t 6 rulr @a o , !.'1ad alaf, ro a ai Dt l'Doho} 3, oRVII-!E ..fltll,'S lJIlrs IJIIJDY CITL
Sundar, Msch 11-
C€Dtral AA! n6da1s r€nt to lko Brazter, ltlaj.s DuJt end Artu niohdds. laco '611 and took t ra 1! his fllst 1. 0!v111. Atkirs, EYIC, 2:11:16.8 2, Flarlr CaltssInt, I,Ief,.€ St., 2:16:24 3. 1l€ Brazto!, Southe!n i111b1s t6!!y goccl. Dotrott TC, 2:5J:08 8,, John JdroslFl{, lrdlana centrel Co11ego,2:53:15 lrayno Duff, lcTc, l:09:l! tr4€ Rlohdcs, ucrc, J:u:98 E: Jerly !6e!th, Ind, Cont, colloq€, 9. Dlok Xtr€, SCTC, l:30:15 lldt6!: ,ttkls. cdi3s1o1 ed Boccl !€;;l;-od h".phr;s.. r,rosl ron Lrh & 5tn !1ac6 nod€1€ {out of stdto dlvlslo.s)..for th€ 2nd-6t:r prec€ f,1nlsh€!s tt ras the tIlst naratnon ationltt taroltukl, Bthrt 20 nt1€s, aocelolatod b.auttfurly and Just idss€d nlpplr€ Eocci tor tho tll!'i trophy. . cdis slrl and Ja!oslartt u. flesbn6r at {aym Atat6(Det!olt) abd lldlMa .€ntra1 {hdtanapous) ..8a1 Elsdor, UCTC, dlop!€d out afte! 22 dllor.,codhran6 of lof,d1a drollod out at 1b bt16d {h3! ruelne 1! [th !]ac€ (and 1st mons c€ntral i,\s ren),:rrre rJlndy Clty @rathon, It ls h.Fd, !111 d€Told! lnto a EJor rac€ 1! futu}o yoars" w.ath6!: co61 and clea!,.coulso: blck and tolth on a tro-n116 strotch, slusny 1r
Jotrsol{-m Gs cAPTlrIrl ]t1.1_ mc REr"rY sbdly, 4pr11 1- t6rl1s Jantuon, a torch6r at Btoddut-Ff61sh6! Julor rd6h h Pldlad6llh1d, ald 3111 Eo]-a6s, rgsauo CoUoAo stud€nt, von ih€ amuel 1o-btl€, tro-@ lotay ovslt of tha uldd16 Atldtlc Rdad nu@r3r club suDdaY o! the Cooler R1v6! tlack es C@don, X.J. Eole! fod all th€ Fay. lhol! tir6 ras L9 ilbut.s dd h6 loconds. ladh a1t€!Et6d ore-balf D11,6 taa on the quartor
rlilooR c&F crAl.{Plollslfi }a
jJt sbdeil, ?a, 11, 1962 - 12 lsps/dll€. soft e€ola€ nod.ds, rsm Ht1ls strtdors, and Mourcef, Fergu3on, DnlvelsltJ of syradus6, d.nibdt6 d €vents todeI, Fotr1ds ron the two-ndl€ tn n8€t r€cord ila€ or 9:8.2 and ton hts h€at or the nlte. ler€$on's tltu ol lr:21.1+ i! his n6at Aae6 htn ft!6t !3rau3ot Tho '@ttaoh€d a13o ron th3 1000-tdd !u lb 2i20.0. 1000: 1. !.uk6! r€!!Lso!. lrut..2:?0 2. Jih StudrncH, tlti Frosh: J, Jj! {a1dorf, S11p!err ]{i16: (.u. rn tro haats - llsces d6;aafi on bas13 or irre. ) 1. I4oucor largus.n, uat., l+t21.4j 2. !€olg€ EoLlds, ts.i !t11s str1da19, [:22.?i J. ld it6rtz, uet,, 4:2+.d, 2-!41b: 1. C€orEo FouldE. Ped El1ld r€cord, 9:15.2 br Bob cMd, I96o)j 2, 91dk shlreX, r6F Fl1ls strldsrs' 9:32.c; l, -Ares1o clolosa, Fm,9ilU, !!!i 1, rPrt :.rns, ilth l}osh, 1:1?.6. ?3e] Scrrtns: 1. Psryr F1113 strldors l7; 2. Fl',t tlos:15:i l. Josmtbd Fdrr8.3 ?; 4. 1'a,trlBt6r 5*; 5. Plbt varsltr 5j 5. rmon ac 4. St!dori, Celtj.. }!sch -l- J,coob sc: 1.!on oakl6r, r.\'Yr', c:0[.1t?. Jr 9:20,5j l. Rar s!.436 Scl1l,9:22.5.
sch.omal€! Ea1I, rl
I,oia Beqcl, C--r11. fFlaysJ 14dch lrarc, 14:50,6j 5!!!4! 1. l:blla rL.cae. u:1, 14:)).2; J. trIcx xltt, L,r-Tc, u:56,1+; i!. Robolts6h,LArc.
,lstanc6 lledL6r: 1. lt?c (,rtlo.b€rry, S;;Ei--r-atd-:3c hu 1 r+:11.91 ro:c2.8; 2, lrc],A {Daln l+:u.81 r0:02.8; 3. orr, ]9:06'5r !. !sc..?:.lglE lelerj 1r Isc 7')8,2:j 2, ox!, 7:j8.1+r i. r,,.rc, ?:19. 4 (1tt€rb€rrY r:91.o); 11. st!1ae!.. iX TJ]! LOTG NI,rl ITIS TJIE I,OXC 'IS!A}IC' Loc $1.00 a r€a!, norihly.
nrd, LY., sudar, rpllr 1,
lAUDl1'lir]P.lElltFni N.r ydr ac, 1j06:54
l. hdrls-schrllrr, l. Joh. Loqr sr.,,ohn'3 ud 4, Ern r.13h, rdll'G. AA,
o*-., udrd , !./. r.-r Jdb ca'r.ppr rd1Los. k,
c, roh! o!Do^or&, xillrdo *r
tt, (1,r ruior)|ft|1,r:t?:o5 Urut., Brcokrn' 1!ls:ir Eu. 4 1ld v;rt 1.1a.5t 14. tk! 0'r{r, rt. Anth.Bc rhd v.t) t:rc:r, u1llrds. ca t2d Jrtr:,o:5r
$h pat3(t. st, anrh.scr wt)1:rlrri ?!. !8rry Mrrlhe, r4uloso aA. \r.d n. ab. rslal unlr.! lrrd Ji.) 2:.ft]sPdtalo, co!r3., J rap€ of nnc d.o2 dl! cor5. Lli.oer.) P.iz.s: 4 !laq.s, e @da13. x.da16 io lst thr.. rt5 rorar {J) & 1st thr!. ldJno!5 (ud.r re), 1q,
woarh.!: hlsw lBrn & dn4!,
t.31xi< Dm oicom'11 (sa3cl &+=l!!!e, ,'ft* of t{o laps {3.o/rni.) rhe lrac srt on rh! prlsturc 26s ah.dd of o'conn.n, rn rhlrd spo! uott r 1!1! hack {$ Jdbn Lo.! ot dd}ivrq!a:. tha 1:lth rac. or tr. sson ii ih. ittrcF1it.; a lo.t€ !n1. kr ,\,tu
t.021n. scb1.*el 22j29 0,coin.11 22:29 23t3a r{.16h 2)t3a 4t)A
u. .uu a.'n*,
s, ro,o".oi
!A srar6r 10:11,4.
qtlj 1. Bill Ke*, r,^rc, 4rro.rr 2. r.rov, ory,4:10.cj J. m"b!d J6;,. 03. i,1r, 4. r.ff n.thbd, Gr, 4:!..o! 5, ri&. dhriL";: uTl,4:13.0:
4,rc.?; a. J.!ofl
ftn.r!, s.
r.,&.5 rp.".:
2:01.0. J:03.? _dth J...3.
r.l"hb- ";d r. iurx. Aft.rb.trr, LArc, i,ir.?! ,. !!9: ulroh r&b.r, oq, 1:51.31 3, Dan kon_ e 1,r:.2i 4, R.i lldi.rr,ory, tr52.6r 5.-Bob'6, p.rt oht;d.!. hrc!:5r.ei ?. std nIn€r s, trrJ.r!i s. )E;!hd1 u1uik, s 1r5/.0.j 9. t1a:Ij s r'l11]1e@. s_ 1:5r.1 1Pm.:
2b.7.:lMd+, j5,o.hrtu&,, i.23.1
v"sr s.artl: sr.drDj
s.^. 5l:55.7:2. c1&,d. irsc school. 5trr3.5: 1.
60:2r, 5. A1 rrazocca- racod 161 60:4cj 6. r.rdy Rd.lshj soc. o2;or: ?. rur 62rt5j s. pdt tu;k. Bslsdr 66:lrr Bdra,d, bbi4a I TiBr!d, d.sonr 6?r52.
llecr hr, f..t s. L? - 1. tuI1i.ol.n, goc, 1,25,ro tu.s. ecordj rhrar. EbI.n !.t u,s. ncold! ar 2oh r:07110.6 & sl 15 dkr 112r:16.6. (n ..1{d sr F!.J3 rtu ---d.tar16 rat*.) nrn 25 rh
stsy. ar.son ai'i., 2+!r r,,
lJ:5e.6r l. [.ith fo!_ or.sohr urt9,1, 4, Bt11c.:od. rsu. 1J:5e.3r 4. F d1 r.nd.h, td"h., 4,11, (D.i
4t:10 44:5a 46,12 46t42 r!6:La
Jrn I0r
3.04 d_10s
1962, 9
ch4PtoNhip am!d.! Flus
lirst 15 rlnishlrs-{dstsrb'llavaiidnsF.islh)l,mar
1:"' :-1"*""l,_i:_:-1111!_1Y:_l::1". r&r - occrdental ?2 1/2, sc stlldirs ,€ 1/2j oth.!B, Moritclal - ,&'cb rft 9,o2.ej 2. Lr.r1. !Arc, 9:0?,3:3. J€..y Asho.., t\Tc, 9:13.6t 4. n.d sars.ntr uTc,9:1?.4j 5. Rr.tu.d Jon33, (x!,
-0..,?.,J.rtr c:1q,7;6. Plt! tud1., LATC,9r20.0! srortt, s, cr26.5j d. [rck K1H, lAtc.9,!b,3; c. Fd com.1\, J.rr r.thLd,
at_rn..nd,l,.'1sre€ u.dr.r, 1. ossd, t,lb. 2 (ud.@ !7,9, sa. BoMnr 1,/ra.c. b.n ,,rr <. lu1son 4r0r.c) tu mtldisl c;rLErr!. !.cordj old Drk 9110.6 b! st&fd!d_ rae 2. ol.son staL' u^r', roiot.z! r. r;eho toro?.o 4, rslj 10:07.6.,2-11L i.lsr: 1. o!.s6,?:26.6. rh. iilu@tr. n lsvr {or,h orctb or crarr Jc tvacacr, nash.l riu a.rj.6. Itrgh s.hool!! D.E db!.! of xolLh DFn . or.ron ra 4:u,e ln a dual !..t on r,{a!ch ?oih. atletlc .oad cdr.!.n.. rndoor ctud6'h18. cfi:@r rdtl, Lc.r x;lch 10, Th. @at,s di: st&dr'g arhr.tq anud ro DulFr, J.uv '.ntD11. 1n r,1i.o rh. "onrh. ";d dob1.d back ro rak! tqo inr. fi 9,13,0, t4 2/5t J. cr.t.,1
new"PlUS"in perlorman(e + + + Newly-Oeveloped, (oarh-Approved
0 II C uctfiEn Look
he5e !Dque raairrer
More Flexibiliry. .
w CO.
lhnh odd
up ro
Jhe/ dre repotdble ML'DII,ANEshdes
l// tpnrTnlcrsllR n d6ls !i1r !6 doctad ri
F"httt :-? k4
1lbolty S{ -
n:@: cctledi
Fod.r tt.,o r,r. t€ 5!!5 pr. D6Irs Jdy Ed Iq. ctd6d xa ed sst.
_.i np
to 25 (1ro
th. 1o!3.r
gi; inI :-9--R
Tn1CTS'EI' Th8 /90 13 an 1d65r !r&{T{oN shog 13 iLera 1s
bt Fu d&s! rhoe s12..
@ alloF 'taleDcsi€o|ihl3.s1'6 6 t. u - rtdrh. B ro F rl ]our re6i r6d rb *.r1 djr Do
not 1ry to ehe
sEm cHxc{ 0a riNEY onm&
P. 0. &a
Bayrld. 6r,, rl.r Id* Dnerob.r.s.ndfolr$.||rootecis|'