voruME l0
World record breaker, Ron Clarke (Auslralia).
D. JASCOi'RT I{atlolal tresla.nt, llo !h. sound of runtia ts grorirg loud.r and loudor.ach y.sr in hhls coutly {b6rc ovor th. doss go for a rid.. Tdc , sourd ot iumlre ts 1ou o! b€caus. a 10t of otrt of shap6 !6o!1c a!. putf tq e.4f hud tn trylr,a , ro rm for hh6ir 1!v6s & to lerd ofr th. ?stag.s of hi art d16.as.. Th. soud of rumlng 13 lotd .r bscaus. nor! f..t afd days. The s.und Df "bis 1dg.r b.caus. at. battns a loud.r volca of tho tr olr slort. Uuch of thts ls dua to ih. Road Rum.rs club ol nr.rtca, !htc]] ls intordcd to l. th. volco or qtiorol Dr.sldont to b. cntttl.d I'Thc scund ol Ruminq" dd to be xrltt.r !1tn tb. ruryosa of d.eritin€ wlEb tI. Fic_ affold id a! oppoltunttx to k1o' 'lat tho PRc Is dolna dd to tat6 ad?anta€. of tb. It v111 e1'. you a ctranc. io lot n. krcl lhst thtnsE you think 3r. thpor rnt & id1lch tho Pac is n6s1.ctlns. It fl11l l.t you Laor !]ral I m thinlite 60 aou can }.t n. hm! {h.n you thlnk I M Just prrtu Done Ina tb6 ro1c. 0be10us1X, f,ou .ff.cbte. voic. UIM juSt ribi.a n6 r.t ioln th. Llc & bd abl. to vota. Yod do not !av. to llta ln an aroa le orsanlz6d. You can Join as I n.nb.r-at-1a!go fot iJ.00 a val!. fh. n6nbc!3-5t-14!ea !o!.rel, xou naeft pur yo$3.11 in dana€r oJ d.lr€ sd€ {ork-tf t.r. * , nanmr sh-rde.. rt dl1 !"' ;r1-r; IaiE. nmt.. of f,ont.rs-at-1ars. "..r ir.' rill bubllsn 5 aFa, vo rlvrn; rh ona ^n.& 'il1 lubllsn & {i11 rr.+ ;l ;r thon rh". th.h "6addr.3saB a th.1r l15t s.nd iih. list to saoh o!. in that ama &rotu urth a l.tt.r t.lrira tt6m nor th.J crr ireaarza tlr.!! om nord nmars club' hox thay can bav. a :utl x.ar aromd pro es of racosj end bo{ thoy can ha'6 a ;.h.dtrlo rhlch xi1! no.t th.tr n6.d3. rlvlne In th6 doartino thllo yor .nough rcao da,sorc8ll unttf th."o ale'?. lllmcr3 b.opins alorlg ln Jow ar.a tou at no cost.!.!t ror ""1',:::'",". -!HE
ioaths Footrorcs, th. FRc nra'zt@. 2. 611stb1. to cnp.t. 1n nnc postat_ .1. e11g1bt6 to rtn standdds c.rtltlth. tin s xou lun you oan r1a a lsi c1ass, 2rd olass o! v.t.!aG c.rtifidat. shl1ar to th8 homrs accord. .d to slltlsh !um.!s. k. .11e1t1. to .atabrish !.cords tor aso AlouDs- Tho RRc 1111 bo rro.pine natioel tr tho folrolle e. brack ts- l5 to .19, l+o bo lrl+, 49 i. [9, to to 5a 51,, 5t 59, dd 60 & o'.r. (nt s rt1l b. tr.pt fo. 5. .1lcibl. io ,im nnc Blonor.d tllps. 6, ollg1b1e io !.c61!. spoctal putltcat. tc. pr6pared bs th' nes6arch comitt66 co,ch!i4a!6d hy F!.d 7, .1lEiblo to r6coir6 coachl.g tlon a a!ou! gutdod bt Bob cM!to1} a Fr:rk l!c8. oL1gtb16 to hcadcd bf, Dr. ],ra!r.r puttina yDd du6s don y t. xorL so 9. can D"6ar1zo conpctitiotr 1o! ar.as Nh.!d lt 13 1ack1ns. 10. pottirs Jour du6s norey to Nor! so tirst tt in tfn cah t us.d to ob|atn !111 har. tho Dtporiurlty to conpeto tn natlonal dLM!1lns.lps. 11. sirtng tbd RRc th. tunds io tuy nln o ts na3d6d to nr*. th6 sound of rumln€ hdard. rr _sou xant t. bavc a voicc about lf arl you {r.t to d. ts td votc to g.jr sohoom .136 to tri!. thls tou aJ.co to at-lal8o. NgNlonal fr.ssu.!, scoti HdlI to., Box 248, 24!, ,{nchoraso, ,{nchorqeo. ,t1aska. lron Scoit llanlltor: As soon as I !.cctred Jas4ouli or nJ e1.ct1on (6 ccnts lo.taac du.), t]16 f.v.rs {.!t irto :trotlon. Th6 stap3 con rn tbre. stss.s: (1) ,,F1!et Ald,L payir€ d.tts tu.dlat'1t, e.ttha tho trdasulJ bool,B tr.n TrrrT fu!r6!, op6* ir€ bank acc.mt, and 3ialt1ng tb. !at.fu1 task of coll.cttng d.tdg (Month or raarch) (2) Ataska Runnt!€ Plosrmgftttns 9n Fnc h!r. and tradfuslon to ou! bank (conttru.d on laso 3)
DIsT[{cn roc
Tm ',0rrr.
rrolm. 10, No. l12, xp.rl 196t Srbscrtltio! natcs: iil.0o a f,.3r. !dd i;1.25 i.r f,.s for lirst .1a3s r,ei1, or i2.50 !.r y6ar for al. na11, st41. co! & nsdk i3su.s - J'l ]]drto!: rr, rro,rlng noss, 306 '..J. cent.! st., uo.dLEr, n.J. 0b096 ld}e!t,1314q: c] I:SI!I.D !:l.LR! TsEl{lllls
l.ji.Id ir f! ir-6iil!.-lal adll€ss,.51 .ach sddrii.n&1 {ard, ) nrl] lIIi INDooR r&r nlcoq! lrooK (64 !rs) 81 ne11-' r,!nov'n., cnnpl for tia incredsinrlx :ndoor ha11 of fd,., !1ctu..3,.l.aturos. ;1,5C p.r ccr:r ar.n |lAFxrilon :{rI4 196;' bY Ilt cl4intcL, 2l+1-10 112 irold. nos6d!1. 22. N.r Yo"\ \tU.22 \35r.)
--';;;";.-t (nortrr
ol eccorri - !.!ha!s i1!a-I-(0. (l) B4r1n r.undltion cortsdt, rdca-stuon s.resdjls ., sPEad orer a lo-te* lcriod !!opc!l' sp6nt, 1r orc.r so es bo !!or. ud 1!6 lo:tht foxacatlon mon.f, ( Ilay 9y trr.n I Bha11 t5c hun! and or th. lat !:r.!.for., thsnk you ror landola's bot. ntth the T sha11 ,io ny b6st '..s:ling had I !.a1tz6d iho 3!d statc af th. RRC Tr6a3ury i!8n th. saIaatidn nrqx notirt.d n. tn6x hrd .16ct. I nay bd oui b.gAlns rrtl a t.nboEinc lcr hn. ]rRC ttth hh. J
lron Star !isflold. Co1t.n, cRlfDrnla tThe ]lational s.nior 15 Kilo chdFlonh.ld tn !!. roautiful .itj of sslts Earbara, celifornxa th13 year. i ur€. all dtstanct r$n1ng ntrts lro !1 thtu X.r s. thlt th.J b6 :! Santa Edbara on ine 4tii of 'i11 Juiy. lhc .r.nt ut1l b. $ld in conjrnctron rtth thc Amuar S€nans eurical ce10irat1otr, u:]icb dxulolts i3tnly ,at.r 3sllrd, rurilie, !f,t6 s' tl.e & s ,itr ins, sDch es tl. 151T ar.dr. I dDn't ttrlnlr tl.r. is a f,ole 1de21 3:ot ir califolnie rn. crt' .rr"." lncludLng: 0c'rn 11s'in: .f '.ti.iti",
srifttne, horsobacL rtd in€ (in trre nearby nDuniarEl, historJ (n.n6 of th. iu.us Sqnta larbara Nlssion), polo (bona of baiional po1. chepions). suxrlrgr outsiddl.g hob.1 and nohcl raclltttds, aoll coas.s, and all trrrs in tt3 tM6d slani3h 36ttt!a hortta... Ir11 uairer that ihoss lho do con. ralt t. r.iuln for sood. lek V1*. 'tr1 {iEt311, xho ts I.h6.1f, iroh Portl5d, of c emos at xadlsoD sq. rilu!sdar. 13t, 25, lt55 1. 2-Ii1l..slMon o'fi3i111. c€or-toun!:5!.6r . F..d &sL. N, J. Sptk Sho., 9:a:.6j l, arthur tulole, R4ndollh, Mass, Hs, 9:01+.[! L, ],ar-v lurn.11, st. rohn's; 5. tic rjuolalr. r,r11n14qton, D.Lara!.. (4125.1 ri?st nild by orRa1l1y) lrta- 1. r^1to1o tsarm. lo1sr, [:05,7r 2. r-on surlira., viuanora, 4:07,1; l. !t, Dar. Ia!l.y, Quartlco a!1n sj 4, N:rllc. tFac.: 62,f,, 2:01. 6, .l:01.9 bX Bdm) 1000- t" Ton Fallol1. St, Johnrs, ?.12.0; 2. l,-t, hanr< TDnco, o,I: l. lt. cha3, Buchta, qi,t; r+, Ton Bau.lj sh. tohnrs. 8d1- ,, Li.or:o csma@. s6lon !a1I. l:5r.lr! r. K;"..6r, Ia;.hati1n, 1:5J.1. T0n0m0, orl'ilnIo, Sunday, IArch 7- ll6rb Ricchort, 26, captur.d lb. cladston. aCrs 17th amual narathon chmltonshlp lnls nc!n!!g ar: ]llgb Psk. rEs !rn8 l:301 r.cord l+7. Def6n.iin€ chdplon & cours.'as no1.:.r {l:20.21) Rln Itahca ftntshoa ?nd 1n J:ll:11. rdt&rd vlvdrcos, lho had !1ac.C 2nC tho last txo ycars, iook tbtld spot todan. vlrerost trn6 ras 3rLJ.[7. !.ur],h & last placc Ha3 takcn bJ Xrni. shaln. in l:t5.:13. sharp. occullcd thtld spot in ihls oscnt th. psst coupL. of trEuN ElrX ?mlr Thls ls th. n si cmrroh€n sirs boolr X.t !!b11sh.d on trrc ho! and rhy rumine. Ir cotcrs af,I sprtnts to th. nalaiho4, I$i.us chaltors ar6 bt (olld-rtde authorltl.s--lth1ot.6, coacb.s, doctors, scicntists.. !trtho..d ty lrcd u11i. lom.! trar! std, n.t.d mateur coach, .dltox of Tlacl 16ctu11tr. and !rHo' Tncy Trsinrr, not
l::c_i1:l::l:-1:9:_---_ Rrr)i
ar'q:rii: sr:S itoRtt 1o-MIL!
lh!C( U{!lt
lhll oune, (us,, r'.3r.h .l- noo C]1!),. ov: in iha 10-nt1. ru just h.urs aftor ho had !6tu!Nd floh vSA tidoor n ct6. clalk clocl.d 47:12.3 (14s boti€r than old r.c.
l $;,si"-;:"
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lllr 14. -. nna fArR4mtr r.b. 14_ F.rb rorsa &
;;4iq$lpl i'l liili*,j:}#:"rl:{i" Jonn"i:i?!":}!{ r.rtle n.s, 's arhl.trc fr.ld ih
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5. Tih ]Ja4{1.rltEht,
?. rala Nmn1.â&#x201A;Źs, safJ lcadcny!
J1:lr1 - sr.r. x:1.3,nr.,1::16 f, !. auci FrDsi,r.rc, J.:!3 5
itmaB r16 r..ordeo
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D:;q!.ric:, FFoorij!
ruo laPa ;r tb r'e-n'' cvrcj 2, Bob n.rck.rs, rrc; +. ron rsn16, oYTc;
::':'::"i,:ili*:f r. Ir!.k16.,
sh.rs.,]!rroEcing--1 :ioE l!n (r'qs-co1 1'.ns track 1n xnoxvills)on tilarch 21st,
"1""" r'- ..:i,ai,1;
clnctbett, jT;li;",jan.2Jrd jli,i?j: i;,r;:{"::1;'i":}::
-- fl rr;j
road6..T3rreratur' t0 dee?..s.
riar tesd. Mem,\1le nuckl.r ras noviE lasi ilr. r1.1d in.3rr.tch drlyo ',hicji
:t,"ii:1". :;"' '1.;:".1i'r:,,
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15:oi. lct,r".."t, lit. alrX Por.st, cJ!clnnat:! Jan, 16-S.' Inlounchs- ?-vil. ":rr to !r.ql..s" 5/21 cn.unn.r3 brar.d the rcatl,.r to trk Ndus-Calt Bu11oiln, Marrin sr., sar ilancrsdo,ca1.
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. B rr -., vP(, 4, 3ob Davison, tTc,
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ffi i#ii"l: $1i";,:,';i"**: lffi :i".
. _ _.___-_----,,-, ri 1i nares, liicnllrs .rened ur a ro r! lo! I ni16, and & cxRrrJE i,:Ix tx ri,lrriod.or . t-.ill, LvD!l-n, I -,, a -. ,oni"; --'L;. ," r ,r-i ,.;, nna lLln o. \' : . t ' ,.J. \.D. r;. .s, J. oJ , '' .-.I o"ec;.,- : -n. _-ooo, 3 .-T-l"l9,^ '"!: -:1., rn..- ... e 9'" :o 9r ..1 16 Lr s .. " - ; '|r. t. ..o "- . riJ.i.rjiJ'll ".;;: : ;" ;; !.Ie .rovlC.d:J th6 fost Grsennill. cdl,
ii.l5iful'iHi:'r,liTir,'i:';iii ii.l5ituI'ilii:'r,iiTir,'i :';iii ;;":l*', ;!,:lf ', l;"fll'. lil:-â&#x201A;Ź:fr.-"9!, itrgt:u, ,....r.# l-;',' ,: ::i', j,1 ,:ll:{:ll ,,.::,.1");,lhr, ::.i; l":;.i ::.: "i;;..s;" -:'",:,, li'!,, .' ;,; ,1:a;r : -""; l,.ni; rrc, ; .. b: Fr;i ^..:;. i.;r1.;;: I : ;; ;i: ":t q, .: ;-:-:' r1:eqr Elron riorst,
" 'i"
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Inrj rldQd !1o31.1i, s , s C: -o Jo..a , - {j
Jgi "ili:#", i:H'j.L L. xy. i B.i i:r1sr.ns/., "-fil.. Ma.; b Rosstcs, xipcl
zalej ELscnno!.r.
qbrantus. xf?c:
o corusr.s: BAi.
: s: a ro a.l" !\a' is. -: a r-la .rtrM1rx scrr.dul.d to tiB sho?t.r drsl t!:: lf: .::::_'l .1.,1-::l-": I l:ry" i . .. lrsn-o.-.v. ?-. .l:{"
;p,Fnrtot' ,1. .ao I'o.rB,{-r:.o o... .. yt,; "Ln s, A .i."n !"i".r"rty, u.a|h.!: r.np. in 10' rr.nt1.s !1rh
l;;;.;.';.;j,;.-:;.'i'i;;-,t;:. ;;;;"; , .i ;;;.:;"; ;--. ;
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r'-,:fi-j:-l:#,':"..-." :;"i';:'":'":" i, ::;,;:.: ;" ;._';: ,: '.' ti::fIIIFi::,, ":'. ..'1. . j.1. : ;l'':1"il."r:,,,: ".: . :.".",..,;1., t:" if;:,i'i il;i;rt_i;
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(ren .r of r-r,. r. Hs, c.o:isri11.) ]l lrr:5.dj:, rii trejlro nll-rof a.Lr rira fi:c .]:::]9i xtujua1 go:Liilr,6 Ii.ite Ljri nij. :' :i ilrotl' ri,ial cLrE trdcon:., 27 i!..1961: .;.rr:: c.b1.tr.h, rla,, 1:::lLj L Jin 1r.].i F".orr: l?:!l 1:::-l J tr, !c b.n L!rnritir, litit : _l _ __ 12:rti :, riij. t;.41, .lre'rri.1i,icj :irrlli :r. .!ai 11cr14neJ, r.\1i,r.:12 21;1[ 31:]o ir.:.ntrc1: r:i, rt: I t: i. '10:ll 2. r.'.rx irr:..r:'r.rr, ,r,1[ ,t:i; ula:.. 1l:4. I .ri..1I, t!ri3, ri" !cAx. ?.\-., rc:3r. J, l, IloiL 1!:lL 2rt)t .1:r: )2t56 J:5b Bill Bill sho.t.11j Ic, r., 10:l? 1r:17 21:55 :ll:1! 4, t, lr:1r1 aabru,trt :7, 19ar- !.r. 1.1.1 5,.nrs, lrii..J rrc, 10:l+o -1:15 2r. -.t _r;t+/ 2:ti tl.rL and 1 rrro r:il. r:e unin. .f _. 1 i ri,1lr, K:1lr, r.rLr, r.i, !r:a6 22:26 t\ta6 22:2. 'a:25 )t.t. )).,a rls eo \.3j/"r & ?. rrrn i,., 10:!4 r!.ir.r rerd hdld o. a quar .. ri11 .a.-i.n. 1 !i11 .r!r , !.. r:.J 1 r ! u.crtr, rr., 14, ri. r J _! it.-, riles r,. rlijl!:r,1r 1j. c1.:1.s jrrnf.rl 17, -'etur -'eicr For,
22t,6 )::t5 2?: j )t:ar+
1t:no :2.J9 1r.t4:r:19 11:.3 :t+r0J 1t:lr::4:cr 11::7 :t+:1+r rt-.j! 2it:.6 2t\6 2a.Aa 12:11 ?5:20
Lrc, i1ioL.
t, riul s\ror, !:i, 4. rr .,trhr.r:r,r:, nr. 11. sre,. Bo4rii.
si:n".:r '.J
t.!r t!. il.td. d4n;. na.kei
"i" rifc
+ .r 'i nj.1e:
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:i, r
1/! .1, 2n:! 1/!' li! n11.3 '''''o :
l/+ ni. rna. 2ri1e5
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ri"ri" Ker,eii:;, coo{sr111e.
11! r.n rh. ri.t:,
L:i.r.]rr'; uni'. n.l),r.a.r !o.r: ilt
ltf IL: | 7::-1 Ii:l'd ijni,. ;:."vno1rs ,-: Jt.J.h's " :
. ':
:-x11"s- r. !"i'"
r2_rlir:j ir.|rrr,l:1? irrlr
in !.re ::el.r |.r1.r!r:r.1;r.:.hlr:.nj
l 12:..1r t. r.: IiLriert, 1:::!r 10, rci Builu!'sr,i"t.'r:,lt I r1. r'itl'e"r..1. il, li 1?,r.. r':r'rl:r! r:ro
alldls;.54:- r.r.
v,":. pr.s'nr. rha nhrBr -_Eiil:ntth,
:, rr!t:
a nxde :oi 1ar 1i ,rrj rrnhina '.r .o:tuil i,arlr FLrr.11
necc: 1_ 3i1r. ae.rr.dd.
rraiilb.n - 1lFqd slEri6d suar ai [r,_5 ni. .lcae to rrr:f.Dt. I,u:lc {as
r.orN.n ii...i.t
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l[:J1 lLll lr:r2 r7;07 l7:-o I5:
1.3. l
(fo1 . o.1q_c;
ir' Iel' . _:
,.;;it ;;. ;*,; ;_,;"=,'"',,,,,:' it1+u i''/, .r:::"'=,'.' :..1;;;. 'i i, il;;;^, ;:,,:' ;;;,1,: t i;,1
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". ]"'" ;.,;. "' ,"" "i., i ",'." :,".",,",-""":;""11" : ;, ', ' :." ;"; ,, ,ii::: .; ; .: ;; i, i 5'",, ;y . ,: ;, '" : " l: --- :------ -- - - --".-: :,,--:--.. l:1.5! o.nrs . = -!. -L "" :', ". ,";;" 1"..':, ;..,":: .:'::"6:. , . ,' '--:. I,^: " "f',.',";-":. l":: , , -;,i"''.-.. | :x,". "; ." ". ". :: '-r"'".; ,,: :il:e ,,:,'t:'].,,,,
,:';:,.;,|j ,-,;'""; " z..sr. i" .n, e:,7.11ih13 xed.
"-l l. l',"':
o s
.. f"rra
, Lr"1'
r:jT:E rdm 1:52.2, sulliaqn 1:t0,?, 13t ainiu.{i, cor"!!c! dr-srAn r&F r@.! cr.rorl 1:51.]+J 2, s.tar talr, 1t29.N. Irinnl!6s, csnede, Ict. 27, 1965
"''"";::l::;.""b:lp-5;f" ;:,-;: ;" : ' . -i."""" """ ^::l]?":: In.x. uc ast.r..!1s- Km-, 4:21.4.
]7th AxxuAr, r4olu!!irr]I,o 10-!iILr1 cun R.r & th. l.10nt a be 110 n..t Dir.ctor: Bon cra1t, 1,.. Erdic k, Jobn orl1DtRt. . S trnd.r, !... :1, 1965 condittoB: coof, ro ua.n. scbdrz, l.11. nr..si i.t.r M'.d1., tos An 41." ., 5. rri B.rins, cDlver citt r'.,
clDI, had Lj.etr }n..kih; a tod.' h. tad. Lt ta a
12::7 52:5+
5l:11 6. Mrk6 t{ccomicr., 5)|?5 ?. Irder Latin.!, clrjr r1r, Bolton, culmr 54:25 8, Ron 'ir':6 1.1 ro.o ,r, , r;:12 r3nic
l-.:i: in cotrs 2.t rile 1FP3 in 12:!r,, 12:J5, 1::lt, & 12:lg. rrls !a.e L,ae 413u31 in rhnt h1s 2d s lrd fens
1! n.rnt.. '1Pr irs bclo!l ?.5rii. 1o-ni. '-a:. Jd:'r9 :!:ll 50:!4 :!:lri nirbdl:, .rt)1 l.::7 51:iP .a:ii lettrt 52i1 ' :25 sc.u1tz. 1:l;a 1 .2i .:: ,E:t. a-:21 :r! 1::- i!:1o -":!+ ; j'q j'i:7) 12::i 2r'a) nc..hicri t)t13 raiiaer. 1r::: 2.4:i1 !0:11 !-J:25 1?:l,- 2a:t2 l+0r16 il+::i .. ttl .):la )â&#x201A;Źta2 [r:!6 5li:25 ,ql !i,.ri, :ro:+1 c,rtn. 1, 1l:ai :6rrrr| LP;lJ 5a112
:. -:ri. 1:r5i 12:a,1
12. rmcs van }iamcn, ssac, 11. Doq -si1or-, 1a, 8111 Borr, culvrr i-", 1;- v1n 6 s;.ats.., 17. JolT ralfortt, 18. BilL Kadnar. 19. eob cemin, J!. rorn Dirty. 21. Br11 cr n, D.s., -1, L'r 1-,'1: )r Ei:41 ., 21. DNo Hs. .,.ii l ]:, -ili.]'cri lUl l"l5ftin.z, Pico l' : 1, 'r'!-i 2L. ::n.lrrlll']i.1q'F.neRicx vPsqudz, rico Pi". I r: . -L 22 2E. ^rtiLur 26. chrl.3 ik6rlr -] ir 28. J.. .{.rra, trna. t.3 rr!'1.s 29. xsril Lsti,.., rcqr' :l,l? ro. Phil c1fk ,Jr., rc:", .i:r1-l:'i_r, rir. ir r"hn adm.. .1 ri_.*l.arai r,*r.", r"* ;:. jr.:nrnrez, tr :1,:r ti i'iti: :, -iri cI ! I I1r': '\, lr, rc:s ': :r:Ll! 1:1rrr:i ila: '. t1+, 1... crsuf.ld, r,1 .r'ii i5. B c. r.rn. r1:11 sFith, io nTl' I r. lb, Pr7..!-11., 17. Bilr ::,r: r3 !3rr.r sho1to.. .'ir, 19. r.b."t D.tu1r, r,11",r,". !l,rl 5-[Li i& l+0. rrcr- xicaor, l: +l L]. r,c. !.resior.,
rtsnr.r st3ir.rd. nu H. ld. Doi 11d Knor, !5. fiik Kish, 4b. run cI.iorF. J4o i.L.1ao. 4.r.
Dlalr., cc,!ci rlub
cors, cc,\c; Pr11 Ihcr.3
to b o'e '1 the sDl'ri'i Th6 1o.41 n6!sPerer aeo &
the a'3rds
l.:'r I :1-l !', ! t2,
! ni^( s;{,!
' Iil i,l;
l] ,l:1,Ir1i,",,
:;;.: ai"..r,,,. il""it
" .1,;'.,
pq.:.". l:.oo onla f.on l,o los.
| ! rt:q 1\, ?r r{ -..n-'. oJ:p 1: o: 9 -t9tt'tr :ad ':5 ( tlr (, 6l:a6 : tot l:\7t2i 16. Brll ':10 65. 0 , :rr:15 t:t1t .l r-. c.o-"- ro i" t:98:r< ):52 oo:2b l:J:og :...t.|l}o"..'A, t2a 67:I9 :)215) I:58:-6 ) ooo oos.l--, 1., |iP , 6 65:.d _: I:LB ,=9t t l_: 20. Vt 6 ^'16 :J :ta :91)t) t2:f8 66: r ,:o0rJ9 r,_. 5.rt 6r', )6:- -o,1. \:-5t)A 22. Bot Bdn.!s.r, 14:16 68:r+5 1:l5jl2 2to2:t+5 ir'" s, rryI(r 2J, 691'9 r:,6:Jt ?ta ttl )\:, 63:.6 _:J9:,7 1:16:15 'tart-6 ).:. 2_. Ps.. s,-a1r, crub, .l: - !8: o 2toh:27 6. .r:t :r'rc'. .c , : :08: .7. 911 ;.1.., 8. _In cootln, d. P^ . t o r, Ntldb, L.-. s,i., :r: o; J-. -.on-., rB, .1 tr: ) !a. . ., ?t,Lt99., Jj, ^1:cj '. Kut Si.1n.!, I{tPc, 2i1?:12i li+. s.bastiqn Ca6taglla, tafi1c, 2:19:11: 35. 8111 clJJ6. !,v. : I: j 16. Do ]' o..r, aB. :.).: oj /, -y Br.un, N.\?cr 2:r5: cb: rb. i4l!6 o_., L,r"a, :lJ:9, . latars, Jo6 L.re, ro. sssr, stBc; !lq- ld Bo!.s, IY.{c; Frcha"d ,{A; naX LaDon! Iom cot1cs6; L.I. strldc}sj lrank r.rtl4; 3. ?.oplcs; B. ncclllm; r. Dilo1aj a, st.nf.fdi Joln lrccarrolfj (5., Andy Houck; ro. staltdrs, 19 rldshors) Jrnior x.t. cnmpionshi!- 1. rtn 31aur.1i; 2. Non catltra; l. stcv. 0b1.tz Rog:.cr I T.d- 1. xYAc, 2-J-la--9; 2. cxAa, l-11-12--ar; :1. MMlosc lr{ 29t lr. lrYlc, l5r 5, Hartrord rc Lr0i 6. l.I. strt{r.rs! l+7r ?, 3t. anth.ec, lr?. I,I3T OF LOXC DIST.{NCII RI]TI!{ING FIXTUIII! l\]q TIAII & I"IT1 1965 Xlr:il l- cathodrsl CLub 10-U1b s!!14 loed naces (5 r{il€s o!rn, 2} }:i16s Jr. & 2} Mllos tuvonilo at [iEn ralkJ Tnronto, ontari.j rlod nulz U6nortat 10-U1I. ltoad Racc, Alril 4- cuesa! nodmy ]lalf l4eratxcn, dllntngton, D.1ara!6 also 4-U11c Jmror; ir-uil. 6! 16-l.ii1e !C 2 hou run DM?a!]J.B!oB.x.I. !!!11 10- Grc.k .rlril 11- 12- 11. Rurr l,lrcmts lan -,u1, I.Y.j !c 5-ri1. riardlcap naj Sr,L\xU Dishrict 1 ]]ow Rf,r clrslionshlps, Plco Rta.!a, Callf.; & I l,l c Hadicap I.t. nRC 1 lJour rlrtla.! :e.; 7-u11. !ad1cap, r'iashlneton Pak, DoNor, C.1or1do 1!!11 17- t.ni1-TaL.-Th,- Hlndnost ?ac. (track) lfco.ialrt, x.J,; 2- an 10-nt1. naliY {a1t. nilca) Dc lrnc, .{!r11 19- Eoston rq uarAtho!, Eoslln, a33.; i1d.s club 5-}111. Run, l.xtlgton, (9 nr1e, ntl., 1r!0, 1,000r' srchas., 88o) !.!ri1 25- Distanca !ad.r !1.1d, ttlanttc Crtf,, li,J.; 10-1.! o on:rackJ ,c RRc; u-I1lb nun, raconbs Dd rar!, rr.Y.; 4,5-u116 tn€li3h closs-comtry, Th.o. t{t*h 25 xilo chsp. Park, l4inrrlo1is, l.{im.; l+th InElclood 3 rilm. epolls. Mr;n. L{1r-25 l+-uan lro-rli16 bf,31cd1 rl'iruss !61aJ, 3altjlor. to {$hin€ton; L0,00On lacof, Crub nui, Ionlcrs, X.Y,j cmccn countt Pdk comtssion 10-Ui1. IruE & l.B-liils Jr. nd, coo!:r Eirci PalkuaJ, C&d.]rl 1l-J, DC RRC s!, 25 ]li1o cldtionshipi erso ,,0oo a.t.! !un. (uoods)' 4-ui16 & € 11t16 nub! Ia.ohlr ts Prlr, x.Y.j ?-u o x-c. rholofard, I-J,j lirth cd'er citX,tc r sfAx-{u D1si. 20 (i1o Chep3, cltlflth ?dt, r.s rqlEer,s, 10 n.I4.j 5-l.il. luD Edcap, UashinetoD !a!4 D.nr.r, cololado. Maf, 16- \-ui1. riddtcaF, four-u11c nr, v€.; N,n, rr. 25 x1lo Rm, crdbr, r/.ssS. 2:)o P.v.; &lu 1 ' ro. s!. 3 Jr. l-v l.: 11. & r0.6f I' l^ ! ns. 5 o1bs !.
liti,{:,il.dil'*# i:"" , tt ut r=
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fh6! cd. alothr {er Yorka!, (telmn o st. 3artbo18d.rrs a.c. alnost 7 mlns, b. hIAd, rith h1s D.ck ba!€ & a mall badgc of hts lropo 1n th. futulo fly1ng to th. s11ght bu11t lad, & thor tbrc. horc I.t Yo!k€!3, crej, AscLston & ueeo!. ?hc! cM. Rtan of south Boston dr, losy-chaoclr6d f.11o,, ard lor)s alt.! nh Brlunoli anc 1ast1y iirro, a younA dccid.d succ.ss. tho lnt.rest shovtr xas lar beyond ch. to.d.st axlcctattons of th6 c1!t (rnas.rs. McD340tt th. {al}€d thr66 t1no3 Ire ar.raedd alout 7 nin dulag thd !ac..'imor th6 16! Yorklls ale .x!.!1but nh.11, tlD Jdalce Plaln b.X, ls unkEom to tbe at!16tic me ria fihi3h.d aerf l!6sn. crpnt si alted rishes ol Tlatno! t,o. I-3thro!, $ h, bccr tr.rntia fo! tast n11. nns, r6cu!.ratcd ciIcDemotr xh.n h. '53at th6 arrar€3n6nt p!.ss.d muc]] !1easu!e of thc lDr a of th6 riindr€ss & coult.sy runs bav. bsan i.auEulatsd & rosterity held year bt' Joar polnt to Thc pllz.s for hPndscno st1%r tn addltton, !.c€1s. a n6da1 fo! br.aklr€ 6ot tt loucs in th. olsnptc ce63. tb6 ihlec xh. rlnlslEd {111 roc€tv. prtzcs !111 bc ellou.d by rbc A..!,u. --Robe!t c.sulll trslia..
rft.rY, rtdclaid., sDuth a$'ir-ast u.eN (\/2)/65) sar t}). n { t!bbe!-t1tm.r trrck s.r.ral cf,ass atbl.hes to
lucrT .nolsh to chat ulth con!.t'. i 'as & non clark6, & thousht Tr.!o! vlncent Jou nisht b. tntd..stod io hsd io say., Crsr!. lt se.ns, ts rct on4 ph6nonoral tn lLB ttn.3 h. rumj nut also r:he froquanct ol his !uE. Ior e:mpr., tn. d..k 1-3di€ track 1.nt ltko tFis: Sstdrdsy, 1r,F. 5o0 n. tr iJobe"t, r'snanta, 13:l[.6j ]:ondry I-dr. r.rar rclaT in Me .r6.1ng- leE in a l!4 :a 1-nr1. boulnd, l+r09.0j rnDrsdsy, 2-n!1es 2-ntles r. ln NG' bournd, 4r09.0j Tnursday, zsaland. 3:JJ.0j zBalandr 8:JJ.0j satu!day, 2-m11cs in 8:JJ.0j ad.1aid.. 8:[7.0. Io! ]rls lur h6r., th. soit' 1t !1s aboui 9oo, ard th. tlacr! 'ai 1ep tjr.s lroiglj calldd - all tn '.r. !..ks Iac 1nt. Tr:?or vlncont, nfth of tlDtr
td h€a! lh4t typ. of {ork th6y do--thl3 las frm V1.o.nt. !. rus th€ ste6pl6chsso ornr bocauso h6 16 natuallj sood ai It--ho does lot .!Joy lt verJ nuch, hono. h6 do63 littro spocrflc tratatbg for tt (d.srtt6 tho fact that hls fodr ts as tud-p.rf6dt as on could g.t it.l Ii3 socs f.! a lteht lut (as a !!f,.) lb h1s lunch hoE, & tn.n a to.e.! lrn tn tx. ororhss. !; E vdr t!a1N acdoldlbs but rathcr 'as h6 fc61s", nithout b.tng lazy. Muoh of tho thc Caulti.1d r&6-courso {sort;rass). rh.r. ts ,t r.6ast orc loia run (ov.! 15 n11.5) p.r r..l or.! htl1y ooDtry. Durihe rlnt.! th15 sdds u! to lbour loo/haok. Tlslntns doss no! alta! prc-coip6tltlvo & oonlot1trlc soao spood This ls bt @us ot a fc{ 3ho!t but vory rasi !ops. {o.3. 150 yds), t'I rs hd s&ysJ do D.t &sard a.$hr!a nuch ov.r 220y as sr..d-tro!k.ir ib las mtuel1t alsappotnt6d ove" T.kyo, vh.r.as ls jtrst to irtrot. as nuch as possibl. fo! $ loig aB pos6ib1.. Ddlbe !ht,.r b. rac.s at l6ast onco 6reiT ttu.d x..kg dintna fo! colta4! (1t B.cm), s.ts out to run btus.lt 3111y durtqa th. cmp.tltlv6 s.ason. " Lal,to T! AncHons Tuo ilNLis To lst Il{ noAD RET,AIS, rioodbury, X,J., SE., March 14l.d hls for-4an JDlo! r.llj i.M to viotorT tn th. d-ni16 raco h.1d hy th. Itddl. Atlantlc Road R@.rs club ai B.lr. riact 1aL6 today th6n cM. back to ancha! his t.M to vlctort i. tEe 4-nm zl-ntt. soltor r61ay son slr ninut.s ah.ad of th.lr c1os.st.1'!1, sr, 2o-M11. R.La-I (.ecrr nan ra! 5'ni1ds) J; .;;i;-56ftF27.11, 2B:06. Dav6 nmanskr 2e:o5, 8111 r,d{ont. 2?:ll (1:50:55)r r. ]'.1 nob6!b3on 2?:20, Jack Eclr3r 29:lrr,-Dsy. Glngras l1:14, !.r uoraen 29:15 (1:5?:lo); .1. r.5n D.Drrsht !Il. 2?:[2.:Bllan fl.mlhs ]3:17, (2.00:lA)i xa.L6tt l2:91, Ir1111. Dat 27:52 Ispbordi,s 2c:A nlcb [, ra!!e ff.cl]-16:o9, !av. Sjk6s r+1:o2, B111 Holn.s 27:21 (2:16:05), * lan otf coEs. J!. 8-ui1. R.1ay (.ach osa lan 2-dr1.s) 1. oold sno. rc, 4?:22 (nlch Isphording 1::o2. Jach sclf,idt 12:01, Dsv. SYr63 11:lt9: B l rsxonto 11:fo; 2, \,r.st catho1rc li.S., l+?: l+b (Br11 McEIolY 11:5?,5, Vrnc6 xssclslon1 !::12.5, I,ury Fisctrs 11iq5. l{att JudEs 11:[1)! ]. voodbur] IE, h6:Ol (Jack Ecdan 11:97.6, ron R16kr. 12i00.[. ut!o ron.s 12:50, Brssl't' 11:15)r I srTc, 50:[r (Lolarze, u.nst6r, cl.rvo) ? t.Ms rtdshod.
ll-Iountry, l8.Hilo, lllmnthon, or 50 llliles
5,:-? tl.aE r,:.e
rll th€!€ calr3nrnlhip leatur€e .'LEXI'LE .COMFORTABLE
No oth€r .thteri. sho€s lrve LIGHTWEICHT
lleu Erlanre'r llltrl.l'ite
rr :91 5, .!.399
TRACKSTER rdG.r fiiscc, l.4rh.n. fid'
0nlg $3.S8
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0rder gour Prir toilry! sr
crrcr ra ie,
|;Io! Dolsx'T
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