04 66 ldl

Page 1

APRll, t966










trj !


Left to .ighi-isr, 2nd, 3rd and 4rh place flnishers in Polyre!hnic Marathon June l2rh, 1965. B'rddy Edelen wears a rr.ck suil he gor from Ron Clarke on an exchange bdsisTirne

2 Hours 12 Minutes 0




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ffi;";:i,il,*";i#i,,",y$:nq $i:i*:*+:*'+*i,,riri;,i, Hi:rid;"i{15i$i,.lU*:a i-.iiii:rl;ii;ifit+;ri, qi;Ti" i:i,E :r' "6:;:ti:i:l,m':;+*'ii:lqra":";r*::



6tger fm sso!

0F cH10r?10N3...

'TG'26 SUB-F0UB" reathBrlisrt coi!6tltlo4 sho6. ror srdlte Bte61 !!tk63 dontdod lnto l1ght nylon !])ik! !1st6, wlth fl!rible

lorg wesLs dllL ett6r helf eol! 3i!et6hi4s to he!l. sp!clal bul-1t tn nal]-h661 oEhlons; ?od ourhloneil torgu. fo! add6d codort. thite vlth red 4d blu! trt&. sr!clJy P6r@!nt sllk! tc25A. ,..:10-95 Dx leteclEble !Irik6 1e26!.,.,S11.9t

ttD, tot llRAl{rrc

-aID r'/ari$tP

'TC4 MABATH0I{ SlloE" sinply the ?rn6st raotna rlar ir rbe {o!ld, {ith the teEi reoord of ary EhoE i4 :int!mtlonsl load mllra conretltiotr for 1964 a4rt 196r. unlque, 1n ei-l {hIie. StiLf oLlJ $7.9t to l,Ode ,ISTAIC' JJOG readen. 'TG-22 RoA! Elrll En"s!ec1a11y adalr!d to raba ed tlern:ina on ads, su!6r-soft otrehlon thou6h n!tr] dd bu{t u! he61 afJord" tel !! b&1..r{oa f.oo road 3hock rran tur 6boo aweUatr6 a- My 0r'06. F.'Le pr n o-u! l,!tu. only t7.95. "IG-23 tlMgEn-UF or rost loplls wamp ud t!61!1qg flat fo! tlek ed f1.1d. Culhlon!d eole conbireg the !1tlEt6 h confort sit long s6s. sE!I)t u9 io. &d bullt In doh ol)lortE fo top pe!fo@e, ffhlto rtth !!d ed blue trh. 0n1y *9.9r. a,\nom illc q! f':r JG! ltAc{r|c! olf"R| ,.. rll,lT cOlmDU?IoN 0I S?ISS ,{rt lilfs 1! $1.95 0}f NOIM,IIr ICXI (Ermp16: c2oA arD c4, ro-a.!fr eor*d IoEE[h* 3r-T-O.9t-FtE $?.9r, o! gl8.oo--Iofl B0rg cot oflc at6.9t, r'-5 Lqrlll TdI Pn.rc! _00 tioFUr_l- t PAt e0 sDl& sEoE alo\al) Ilr]|EnIE' ONIY }ROM



Pleas! arid 81.00 fo! losiago, nate! v*y dd dtff!lenoe rl-l-1 b6 rcfuit!d. Oalfoxnta !!6iaenis !1ea6E ed.l 4F Ealo! t*.

Rls!t!8 0i 1r.3. IIATIOIII! !\tr SENIoR lo &I!0!1I1R ClAtipIOXSEIt, at Bl1re!

Spllrle, Ltarylald, Bu:dAy, )ercn 2?, 1964 glongoled by the S!1v!! Sprlng Junlor chsler ot c.e3!ce. {eathe!: cold rr rln(yj teoleGtlrB ln the qppe! fO,6. cou.ei the flrst rcad Ece cour3! h DC to lre ofrlcrally .ertlfl!d eocrcdlna to Nat. llc gtalda.de t]b.!s to the ercoll!tt ior! of !a!!y litoel, Orrrngton 1.11 & t{u6h Clark. Coulse rent out & baol t'Ice & lnclud!a a nub!i o! good1. lA Slnror, N!' Yolk AC, 1:40j19.6 2. lou 036!e8nola, AJTC, 1:41:0r.6 l. Oar lllll@Ei Bipire 8., 1:41: ?oo C61er. sorth Jersd TC. I rl SL -4. 5. ralr lorfod, lolonto cc. l:44:01 6. John Xop11, Xef, lork.{0, t:44.55 Pem AC, It4!'.24 7. Lou coppens, a. LaEont ge1ttl, lopt.e 8., It47:45 9. .toh Olm, Rlcluond, Ird., 1:48roa I0. Isln ZebLocly, Krrrlgl,lrg I!4,/ Brooo6tug SrFte co1leee, 1:4!: )r 11. Ab! A!sa, li1lr.Fee AA, 1:49114 12. J^h! Jones, Quentlco Lbr., 1::0:24 1J. D3!e FaJ]ert:, IoM r.ro11en-!,I:5f:42 14. aob ?1ue, U" ct liaryleld, l.t:of 15. stere lrlce, Da:rto! IC, 1:52rc5 16. Nell ?!yaanat, 3c. Jo!d!,rlc,1:52:4? 1?. Joh4 Gr1!!p, ulurose aj, l::l:16 14, Pat Eastl.,t, Net Ycr! AC, r:tl:5C 19" Dlck otat!, u.I]lrose t4, 1:55:t 20. Id 0rConneU, Dnplre C., 1:56:54 1 :57: lo 21. ted Corlltt, \YPC,jrYtc, 1 59:1) 22. ilcrlar )rarrncrc, 21. Blll lay-.r, fteen'rci1, Ct.::02:06 24, Eob Carleon, Shore 14" ll.J.2:04:2f 25. Joe Jolee, at. AnUr" tsC, 2:05:4! 26" laYe f,nrshtca, Itrtc, 2ta6t4a e7. Frdik Zdnor6h1, ua., Ps, 2:C?:t'0 ga!.y 2e. Bdkorltz. sJ!C, 2r0e:04 2.49:ti 29. Joe !age!, 6aBc, 2:42:oE lo. Frer oluld, utu., 2:12:rf J.nn Snplre 1.. Doqlh!e, :1, l?. lor lelrr1cre, ura., !{d. j ?:1_jj4? ?r1l:54 :t. Cluol Ate.lze, U!x, 14. td Plortrsr, No. 3sra11oaTC,a:1r.12 2ir4:2\ 15, F.o@11slnJlan, une., 16. Joe xlrby, st, Anih. Bc, 2:15 12 :?, Ch.:1e. FIone' B, N1TC, 2:I5i)e :.e, !!.erd neolrJ, Dela.f&F, ?:15:41 19. Erale lleLr,BjlLa, iu l irc 6 en.I, ?: U .1! .{O. led !rox, NCTC, 2tl9t\5 41. Y1ncs rbldett!, M,lC, 2,22:a) 2:24:Ae 4:. loD s]r4e, braro6e Lt, 4J. Ico d1cr, uE,, tl!!re., a:24:10 2:2d.4, 4a- oeo:q! gracels:d tTt, 2111:42 45, LeEte. taa!, IUT., 2:50:14 44. foo Tr.F!D,:Jtc, +?. orrlqrot !s]1, Dr:!!.e i|.,2:55:)5 Esi !!F Jeri cnl1lns & Llgh clsk.SJfC, lavt Rord.t/ & ldlke Brasro, l,sri Bal}Y, llrTc er ar

Chdplon&lpr 1. Il!' tork AC, 16; 2. Itipl!e larrre!!, 2l; :. south Js!et TC 27j 4. IrllrDse .{A 27: 5. ,ln*lcd L,IC, 17i a. St. Arh.nI's BC, 47; ?. No. ton Csld! set a f!6t early pace rlth leul ]lolf@n tn c1.ee purs$r rtrll! car {111IMe.[ refprdrns cls?lon Lo! ce6rag ro 5tey qihln looy ot tne 1ead. It 6 nrles lyr1r16fts & Cq:tar role ]]ad moeed up ro shrre the 1!ac Htft o!1er, rneleas Llfoar e-1read lad eervel noLlco t5qt thr! faE io be rrls tur' e 'ot afley. the trro steedrly pu11ed 4t rlrts Potnl Ed flnror f1filr pLece, 11! nqs nr41nE- .cmiortallJ & slvt4l ro lndtsatro. .f the ionn he tra to d.op 14 hh! leto riale .l rhe fece. grlllens & Casta-rola ronrl.nec to st,re the tead at ine 12 nrle na.! & nad b!t1t up e srzeable larB1r ove! 061er. But not YxD.r nad Dovea lrto u1l!d p1ac6 onlt 75 yartu ba\1nd. lbdnA ':, the last hlll ld clt thc lead dor! to 4 ta.d lben ur.rled a !lzzltng pace oy!r the 1e6t 3 DIle! Eo |eal Caetagnole b] 2O0J & l.ne llr1ha {rllld! lrJ 25rj. {1 oF irarns on 7: lo b1l!s lonel1 ove. 100 nr1es a v!eh & sereral rw!r6 reBarxed thst the donrt 11Ie to trarr hxn as h! soeo 'lth flnlsned too Elor--these runne!6 bai flre loll cn4plorolrlp feeirre4 e 'at fou! prog14 roce ilih events for e!eryb.d-r. th. x6ben,. Natlo at nnc 1,5--r1e cxa!plonFn:lp leatur!d a nerd iouqler tlDn the ilatrl. LAU X-C Cidlronshti neld 1n Canbrld!e, Ua6s, as seye.al 91"1s .sn bett.r ln CEtlldr]e sh!rly torpran of talttnore held the carly lead tbrle !u1d!r }tded h!! tIle *tt: 'nr1e t!! late stsee! ot th! rec! rhen 6hB 6ror!d too E!.h 6p!ed to! th6 lest ol th! !un!ers. sy i(?,]:'s 6{erb1J coidll.1oied t.an Flaced tlv. (eclre!a t! tne top e to !e11t/ beat tbe laltlbole Atrtd!irj!6, tl)o 2rd lrace rr.S. t6@, & the nary fo&ed ta.b-!nston gi1lette.. lle To&rto Nor'lh Yolx c1$ 1s the ada, dtan llettoEl X-C q!mp1.nd. ft6 !6n's 40 A over :-U11e Ctr:q!1on6hr! lrou!bt Brornr!8 RosE tut or rettr@eor (aeah:) & he naa too nach tor the regt or th6 flsld a3 h! 16d all th! naj' .ver a Fll1y rosd corr6e. led turlett, 4?, re on gut6 alone on 5 neilJ b!aled bone chl 1n i:ls lee to t1.16h 2d. Foner Jonr6 }l. rlas coRen, oeorde Brorn Das thrld Just a\ped ol s.u!h JerseJ Tc's l.eon Deler. xeilotul Lau I,Dr clel4ar, Alao gcddu ereit the day Rtur1.! rtth h1s t t,i. t! lre Te@

Rey! o6k1ng 3u! eactr one trd!t1e& ( guma!1ed r!rt pagel

i*ixiisliF*lt:"*l" ;r;:i'd"f ILL 9:00; 5. Jde runeti, rUTc. C:oi: i;i,ft -s:;,aH;"jl'

6. slety b. SDety x;rp&n, X.rptran, B,!., B,B., gioli-i 9:041 7. Jo.;e no'6, Tx!*,9:07;8. srrerls &cbar l:: 9. r"i1n rrana,q:>2r fi9!12j n. a.,t9:ili'ro hi:,,iyr !,3,,9:22: !, s,, u- Nancy lr. Nan.v 4rveE, $,!,r 9:27; 12. rat}ly UeYe! 13, Juqy 3;a"';il;"le;"ft illdi'i,l ,::9: rmnn, ruTc,:'y,,";1"1,,.'. r 9:l1i TJry, 9:J2; TIY, Jane PI 9:12, 15. JANS lon, rl\Y,, 9:32. (2? (27 rlntEher6) T!d: TeM: 9:?. yor!r1n1lher6) 1. Tolonto to North Norrh Yor! tC, 2-t-4-r7-22;



rf,Nra 40 a


1. Erornlns n 6s, BJtC, 10:56;-2-r,rrle! 2. Tsd Dc, 11r15i f. o@rae Brorr, !ulE!ri, !errlooro, ff:26j 4. Leotr Dr!her. 6JTc. 1r:15; 5. nay dof4on, Dc, 11:43; 6. xait xolpos, laltlDori, 11r47; ?. ti1 !unr.! Baitlro!!, 11:56. 8. O!org! gheehan, CJfC 12:02; 9. Trud. !!te!s, tc. 12:oO: 10. Bt1l C3st1e, lyro, t2r)9! li. Flar! &al ty, !,h-11d., 12r22; 12. ioe Xl.lreroan. t{,Y.., 12rf8;1:. r.t. !e11, D,t,6., !, er3h. II.c., 12:4!i 14- Aui Ny, 1t:10; 15, O!or:e ltqto!. Dc.3t61ner, li:1r: 16 ovsF.




f :iil#lf .gf ii*,4i!,,#g'.$:



$;.1;.1"6lilll;"3':i*r,'lii,;Jl i::

Llit,#i;:{fr *ldl 4tlfi :ii,

dt, Ra1!tgh, t5:06; 21. Osors! Lreb!F Ed, dd, u.D.! rr.D.! Phlla." PhlLa. 16;10; 16r4oi O!1chrr.r, Do1. T&F,, 17:Oi. 24. Bob Ottclty scollla 1. aeEblrstob 29; 2, BB.1t Eore 12; Phlla. l2j Faletsh, 68. Agll !04 Yqrq l,lftr 2!IELI!

$iit6,g;1;ip"5:;ffrfi#ii livl_d 6q!1!a 55t4t 54- vD. ir"iitAj iio

ilii;^&.'liXi"i?;,Tilil.Tilil: H: falr duntJ Belelsb' 15106; 22. lon gt.,

aneel6, 11:i5;


!. tEt! !acli$. 11:1r: A.rde!, }t:16; 1!:16; tO. Iber lrrld: lrrl!:;


Ju!., utra,, 56:15. l}!il B.o" !ot6E..In .von hqndr.!d .tarr rnere trele prrz66 lor rh6 tt!6t 50 t14t_ sner6. prenrJ ot refro6luelrs eve tor ras rle rtrat ru, by rhe Errahtor !116 lntshrs r rhsr &d a YerY flne Jon. Ih! act@1 dl.raic. iad abour 9 Dlt!E. Tns Nd yorl ac *rab_

il;il',ilin:'ij: ;:';;l-il'ii:,:i'.f ;."f":";i i::."ii:"?"H'"ii:::**i,lt r!.y dldr'! tra oeb.rsn1! ro lsd; that trr;{,"i:1,;:;"fu.::: rL:41; 16. o.es !r!c!, 11:4i; iflff ,,i+:6ff; 1?, !@;

k!her, 1I:52; IB. Errald osilot!ry, 11 59j 19. lerre B!6sln, 12:Ol; roDrl!!on. 12rA4. foDrh!on, 12i24. ({84 rlrrBr TOLI LIIU6 FTNS N!{ ENCI,AN! 1O-'IIIB sr1ghtoD, rb6E., liarch f2- Toe ts$.6 nefeated t!@ate Id f,lnsr today to capture the !r18hto! rbrSht! t-a lo-u!1e Road Raoe. fhe r*ther rae on the E1d6 rful 340r & raln. !n IorL Ac, l. !9C kr1E, N{ YOTK AC. J. irlllra Norrrs, Bosron coI., 4. Ch3rles tyeon, talttold TO, 46i54

r!!y @nErd$ lo r! of the


$:ilr,i 'rohs ::*"*ff "::t: + r',c r"' Zl",ii >ii 8iTiff i! f!; ^!'' !l*'i:J;Pil:1f il|s*;i-s:i "i"tri';.HI


"#il:ii, d.::i3*'ir;!r.!3"iii,.:il:


i Fi;,fi#

IBojton A,r, r:L6:19; 6. lhror 6.!ro1oN.

:AA, IjLo:51; 7. RDrs!b iMssr,-sF,rian ac, 1:47:11; b. Ron caiJ, :,{A, 1:lr?:L!91 e. s.b !e b!rd.!, ;AA, 1:4!:jo; 10. irD1:4d:J2j 1r, lftr lE Schloss6l, BA,{, 1:49:12r 12, John a. riel 16y, l4., 1.1r,9::16; 11, Robo!b ruttri, mrc, 1:5or2oj 1+. n.na1d ]l!{h3s, !lt, L:51:17: 15. Ke. xu6r1.r, s!.a, 1:5.:L.i! 16. Thoras rioylF, Lym;C, 1i-<2:rlj 17. chd16s cilchrlst, fErc, 1:52:57! 18. rotD 1^'s11ace, Eaa, 1:51r51: 19_ rDas Da1!'rJr., \11c, 1:5t!.15; 20, taDl sdlrelt rir{c, 1:51+:l?r 21, lrtll.im s4jt!. ;irtford rc, 1:55:08,, 22. ldxEd c.nnor" lrlc 1:56.19, 23, rohn D!.qn!r, r,r,s. 1:96;r+j: 24. Joho nel17, illl1ros. ri, 1:</:10; :5 narfimiurh::S, 1.ri; l9: 26 Rot!rt nls6rho!ar, slertan lc, r:57:5cj 2?. A1fr.d xRccarono, t: c, r:59:1tj 2e, rsro iinr.,., :A,1, r:59:18; 29. u-olE! 1!s1i!, r 'c, 1.59.59: 30. vlr fdnc!trl! M{C, 2:02:02; 11. tohn rilaJ, }lliC, 2:02: l7; 12. nrcrr Bsyr.o, !1.a, 2:01:17i Jl. Dob F&9, BA4, 2:01:49, ll+. J.c Krrby, st. Arih. Bc, 2:07:19; J5. lrt1 sr.P1! tu., 2:08:1ij 16. John courdhs,, al]|, ld, !e" Fas:1, Dartrouth trsJ 2:11:l4j I+o. f9. G!olse lattarulo, nrc, 2:14:2!+J 40. lri" olns, sparLsn ac, 2:15rol; U1, ste{ {116n, D8rtiotrth !s, 2:19:lcj l+2. Ju11rn S16a31,

@., 2t2\tl+2; l+), !s, 2r10r09, L!. ? 2:10:50; 1,1.1c, 2:j5:r5; 16. "!ohn lM,, 2tL7t5at m. !au1 rolodzt!


4i. sle Poclozny, Roesls,

ree: 1, Bn-{ (a) 1-l-4--8: 2. spartan tc, 19; f. 3!,1 {B), 21j [. xMc, ]0. Noi!s..leo Calrol1 \ad tha rac! 3!x!d up all the iay. Ray crothers (cc[A) & 41 CorfrloG (3A11 hsd 2.d & lr'r placo sugg!d but they hoth got lost & ltnaut flnlshod 1r Uth & iih !lac.d. All ihlies Eae1.3 dld a so6d job on thls rec! olon thoue_ tlD eut1lar7 po1out as !:pected.



,LlixovA nuxNlls 1-2-l rli c!.M!nI n{ct li.J.j sundaY, uerch 27- Ilo!1!


Daaenhddt proaailad by 22.6s ov!r


larora t!mt3 lo.y S!llltto tr !1mha e 4.6-n11! ldd racc of iha ltlCdlo ntld tl. RRc rn 2]:tl+.4 ?ark'ay coulso reu cdd!n today. ?a!,1 Sertorn, al3o ol v1tle.ya {as thtrd. 1. Eo{ta Daeorhudt, siatei Islalc, I.Y 2):5lr.4; 2. ron se]l1tto, so. .!sns6, li.J., zlL:17: l. laul smto!!. 0rDar I pa.. 2l+:24; [' carl ]l!tzFdt. mt E!]ualr N.J;, 2l+:fo; 5, non nlslde' voodhE ,N.r

24:!2j 6. nerth Pstror, srrc, 2t+:5Lj 7. c31E!!, Lasalt! Xs, 25:27; 8. Joe ?rla t, ]lendorar N.J., Jo:22j 9. B1fl Tlollsj Ve.t Che3tc!, lo:f2. rasr llrirlTsox r]i t4FA{ (11) cm! uouAh rlth e brlllient ri-?fo,T,ar.e li litrin: ih! 151 9,!!u rrrinlcll Iaratho. on ret. llth 1n oJ 2:14:15. Ha b!,rn tD luli 3r sr frd t|l l.adl.s lrouF it eroL nd J!]m & fr.isrpd 12ei lnbad .J n1r.k3 orrab. (24), &nj1 nri iara (2t!) & seir.l ro sssa)rl (20), rho cLock6d 2:15.12 1n hl3 llfst f,aratlFr re.e, ,er6 s!l!cred & ckarc l.i th! Eosr.i Me. tr6n in A!.i1. |or1o shlr!not:d. ,irirr of resr yGurrs ro & rF r.lrrsdhrl. Iaretnon 1. Ir!tand ir a lorf,d's best oJ 2:12:0o lasl J.a!, flrdsh!d 9tb, Tsrasq. !srs 5F eplli- u6r. tj:Jl. r;:29. 1b;1 t6:22, \5t<6, r5:42, 15:l+0, 15:?9 rd 6:12 lor hir fi4] 2,195n. of rh! fivo Japa..3e !.( lril ch6d 1-2-J-5-6 rasr ysa! ir ti3 B,u trlnalirE sqGd drls Y! L Tord r!raraxa, 2:14:15; 2. filrot!zu oka:er 2:14:5.j .1. (?nr'i Kr4ihara. ::1t 2d: 4. sel1.ntro so6akr, 2:1t:J2j !. Is ru 5DtLnar&, 2:lf:J5: ri. Krzuo Jlststrbar, ?:15:!*l 7. Hrdelull Hilosnl@, 2:1t:00 b, relsuko sr{aki, 2:16:06; 9. orto Sble!qatsu, 2116:16; 10" Elsao lMAzaki 2t!6.29; II. ,tkllo l-1iht, 2.)"6t)t. 12, llsnu lqFabata, 2:1?:17; 11. Y.satsqu M1n!

Ohara, 2:17:17; ]l1. luirar<a Aol<t. 2:.r0:C

15. uasanoA e-.renlshI, 2:18:09i 16. irld axi shlshtdo. z,tltit2Ji a7. Tosbikazu Fu as31ro, 2:18:2t; r8, Tshll alrazaxa, 2:1 2. 1., TBrsDo Usu1, 2:18:l+l i 20, Xralo x*asa,o, 2:13:.1j 21. i!ii. Orsuka, 2: :14i 22, satos:rt xar.mura, 2:19:26 (2?d

;;;;;,4;;;-;';;;;";-;;-;;;;ii;;;;;i; RRc roe agaist !.lo!.ccan toM)


500on: 1. Fprb Lorenz, 1L:Iq.0 (!argoro .3srj vi} n!1a7r 1, Lr.s. (0rn.1r1y 5!. P!dlrEton 5\,0, Ilai'"6a. a^ 55.o, tantu, 49.7) Lor6.z start!d 10y bsck & !u11oC otrt the ricidry) aob scharl ids slck 1! tlE IrtsrEhtonal i-c wntch !:!!ains hl

Dlninutlv! tartd }lc?i!nzlo !e tte fast !st 4rsthon ttnd ever tn N!1{ ZEALUTD

aMtPrthy c.m!1onsh1p

2:17:22. only



& {olehln! 1191t, ucrenzl! nace'lrltsht

tn6 torrl.d coDdlrio* {ttF n8at



hsll of th! llald o! l8 to dro! aat). H po:sed 1OM m1le tn 20ll t. 1:4lilB. 51:19, 15M in I:16:l|o & ':06, rec. oI d:lt1 set e L? sr.hasi lat tslsh on !eb- Jld at lured1n,

oHIC V!!LE! rrlct cl,r:rE 1966 ,{INIm !IsTAI]CE NUNIINO IROXFI.S, At. IIIJ FoFES?,

i 9


clllolr,ll.llTl, oHIo

I 1/ t{r![



Jinurry 6, 1966- I 1/e-811! rord r.oe, 25 de3"!e! & !u6y. Jacl Xrhnrllj oVTg! too! over the jeadt &t l/4 nl1e & 11d1d ot the race. Ja* rs a aradute .r reste!! Keltlcly rlolleg! & rs teec nG Elol.gy Et w!shlrston court Houo. H,5. rn 0lro. Tlorh1e. 'e!e atarded to JEc! ldrurln and 8111 R1gg6, a lryear o1J tdh Leeoh xodo. ts,s. 1. JacI tlah.rn, ovtc, 17:25 aj 2. aob ,lcr.rE.h, lllsl u., 1?:J5 !; l. lot ,Ulen, ov!C, 17.)6 /rj 4. F!y Scbad,, t{leol !., I4.05 Aj 5, Bcr Aoocrels, cl 13:i? ri L, B1i1 il;ss, layion ac;-18' tsi 7. ro! ndie, o?T., 19i05a;8. Hot ald !!6neE, ov!c, 19;10 1; 9, John O'Co .o!, lL!lle! 8s, ltrt4 ts; lc, Johr ible rr!J, 16euer u!! 8e, l}:)) nu, 19:55 !,t; l!' 11, !a.I} Ba.r Blnr13J, ov?c, ovtc. 20:25 a; A: 12. Davtd !lrdrt! 1116 ss, 20rrt7 Bj lJ, ter Saqd t";, ryc, iiie!-e.-i.i. .rii iii,aili,*di, 2L:15 B: 15. Grea Prlc!, fic, 21:51 B; 16. slle L:ciJ&ee, Ilder !3, 22:00 B; 1?. Frad l.rar1oo, DAC, 22:/+2 I (I: 19 & 01der Br 1e a 6de!) Jalury 15, 1966. ?-nlle roaa !qce. l5 & dun:\l. Jo]!r euu cde ee6t frce ra!1h@ Co11!ae rn Indlam oa th16 beaurlful sdturday a{te.noon ilosdedn rtt! !u!. ]le ran fro! i!h1nd alr tne {ar ro lld l.co 10th pldca to 1.r !1ece ln rhe 1a6t : muee * !oo[ tn! ]ead t!o! JMei seyeour, rrro oet rh! pece, about tOJ tr.D ti! tInleI. cu!nrs tlee o! 15.20 tao rls urder tne record In th. 19 & olde! 41v1slo!. 1. tohn Cunn, r.!1hae CoU!go {Rec.rd) Iti2r A; l. JsE.6 seJ6.nr, Ceni.al gt., tlrlo, l5:,i5 o!to, Ron I11eri, oVTC. -:tr 15.:5 Aj a; l. 1. Ro4 A11cl, !vTc, it: A; 4, Ja.r Ja.k iiahulti, !ahu!1i, ov10, 0\'!C, t?r05 16 a; Jo A; t'tr05 a: 5. FaJ scm3e., ,1a1 U., l?.r? a; 6, !o:r rlclerson, &rErJ lJ., ,8 15 r; 7. 3teve !.Ice, DAC, "a:5a A; 3. 6ob rorcrer6, ovTc, t9:16 Aj ?. tondd HD/}.3, o\ta, )tt.A alta, L; }C. ?Lt] ?11] R!o!., DAC, a0: tt:A c6 E, .11. oon fsbie, ovTC, 40,tJ f,, 12. rra!} !attd'. Fr.Bq lletion ArC, d. {o:!! Bi r3 r.hn {0:4, ts, 11. Jona n'comoi, Ias, 41:15 E; 14. lat hrneti, ll1&1 U,, 41:1? Ai 15. Joh! l,ala!!.yr Llts, 42j22 3; 1!. tav6 lartln, ye6t3rn Hrrl8 13, !4.56 tj 17, ster! r{:rrft, ir11

r!a!. 11 starterg & z frn-I '!ather 1. John ounn, larlhd Coilede, 55:2T A tenrral 5t, , 56:t{ A l. Bob aorcner., or'rc, o,r:,2? 4. Dave 9!tte.thqe1tr, &rlha.64il. rE L/sile, D.! ovrc, 5, 65:4i c. {rle Derls, lra.ttd colresd 6b:rc AA ?. Jorrd o'coMor, !o.1rer Rs; 6!:;r t Ja,ur$_ 29, 1966. I th x11e ilardrodt Rosd Rrc!. 15 derre.s & lr\nt rnoi. bie Jn tie s.o@d. 3t4e trllt! ?roE }lllford c! clnc!.ruti ioo! adrantsge of a lood 1!ad & ras ,!r tie F^J Sciln.I a fre8luM a! ubal !.Jeer, took ille horors as bo gldted 1a6t & pa6ged ever)ore 1n ihe t!E1d er.e!r \Ytfit. flgrr steri.r6 & ? t1r.1crl..a 1. gt6v! dhrrt, &qa. 21:51 , 2Ii51 ! 2. ia/ s.]F8or l]- '., 2::ll l:35 16:58 DI 1rah13, ovrc, ?t:56 2:2j 20:11 4a J, 4. ac6 lf1en, ovrc, :]:!f ):)5 rtta' ). EreE fr1ce, DAc, al r4 __ - 2at11 B^ 6. Bl11 R1da6, cac, 2t:::2:25 2a:56 E 7. "-ri! orcorior,r.c43, 2{::. 2:o0 2::5o B aeiruary 5, r.966. ?-loi! ::a.d1ca. !E.e, 20!, Eror lack!d or ibe cofde, Cn! Fha1l loo! or th! coulse iBd !a incbes of r cn ras rot tacl!d. J.in o'comor oro{ look adraltage or a nla lead & res nev!! head!d, Job4 c{r .an rdd atl tte iaY but had trouble xlth

]: i:l",ii$lili'"Tl: l;::;,,i. il:i: iB John c{r, Ear15@, 44:: il:-';rI 3: l. j:1"'3,1*:t;r,f"*. 5,:O 1;,;; a

19,16 4. {. D.! {Exr!, oVTo, CVTC, 4r:4i D'n ndtrle, 45.4t 1: 1:00 44:4? A Rotr Atle!, ai1eo, ovTc, 46:01 46..JI 4l 5. non 4::a 4r:45 a o. D, Sairert]:salte,{O 46:46 ?:10 44:16 ! aebruary t1, I96t, tC Il2 LiLe l:andlcat road xace, 40-, b66!t1ln, rdnlq eoeri!i no saor & no .umersl JeDe! Seiror tne blg trolny today qs h. turred 1r'on tha ibo I t&p coijs!_ 1 B.5 Fonc8er3, oyfc, 60:+0 2:45 5?r55 a 2. Dor lld e, orlTc, 61:01 - -- 6l:cl A l. iLo selsrr, C3, 61::ia 6:45 A a. Rsy Bcnraer, !rdl, 64:21 1:)5 55:oa J9t46 a --tbn flad!, ov!c,_

otY]lirc nn!!roPl,5tn T&r i,rrrT ai; crrols!1il., d, (ir.s. .11-u.a-h.r tlack) I.trL 1N 19!1,- ni16 f. irlrit 11.cr11rr-_ ci-.ao.ikd r.. Etrlr' :. rn,aao, storr.L, crri 3. shr.tn, ctc..2-:r:r1.- ] irolr3. catoff't]1..c, 10 i za::-. *rri.. ca.. :jr:oia, c!-c,.10ton- 1" Siar,i" ccc. l. Jan:arJ a?, 1966. 10 1/2 t31e iead Bec 2;7).1t 2. DDit i:El.t nltch.., c!c. 20 deltreee & 3nonl.s. 1 j/? hcrre3 ol i6.! n3s 3ror3.r.d J. iy iic so!,;! !rt6nor or tne gr.und. .'.|l^ Gfn la! snoth tl:a race toda:/.1oc!1!e a tlne silc rrsrocrlati.i .r t!-. 4.1.!" .t t5t27 \'17.\ ne6 ody 1:02 ctl rn. irlairlo,ir: S!,!lr, rrrlt liDclr t3I, iidt.. Jan. c.rrst record oet i, rs1r.|!s-Lrke! .:1)- Lr.s.n r rlcr la.J- 1, !!..11: Ilr1. ror.'!r, 2t26.t:2. no.rr6 ?.nrj.rr, D.tr.1:"


Dglri, Hrlr:o3T i{rc!, D.c. Rr( ',i1".-ii l;9:"F .TtY #f^?:E1lrox srio{lAr! ;;u. ?!i ,r i""'r-1",,., ?Adt uiiij ii '.i.." .i:::T{r..1:!r_9, 'e.b ar . -0.!. :,." r;;'";;. i:::-,1,; ;:' '::; ;;'" ;;'.",!? lii"Lli"j).:l-/'"4;'::; : rertri!i I "rl!',',*' rlth 6!v!rat i.,ecea r.rl;. " ,,," .."r.d a 1/4-dre r.p 10r durra.e. Y!aine.: ";; ?e!. 1n 1otr ii"Li:*';.;;:;,1;;t", (,. ."; -.. ,1.rq=";';:,': :t_i:i',t::"i::, ll";:


iiii#;t 5-*;:,ili^l*':l: ;:ir,'l;, iii i!g**,r:, :'ijj:: ii,, :; iril:#jil: :"'J{r;il:'l:":, li, l: I ;;ift ;,;" ::: ,i:it ii;.a iii":iil:f'fii, l.!:,ii!:'e:tr::'1," Ii: i'.; ""i,:;'#l I ;1;"i,. r,1, : -. ;'; t:-:"lti,:;ry::"1!il*"i1",,'i,il


;; ;; :iliii: aTp5,""i :: ;T:"::f$::i ::3::i::::li"fi:l! :!"i{l ;:: :; ; ;:*;:;i:i;: :;;: :.l: "^l ;err..r:'i.lir"ir",-:;:r:,, :+


l.'il"-';i "i:'; it;*tiir;::iltt*t,","":::; .ii,'ri" 1;i:"1i;::'i:?: ;.:"ii,,?'l;:.-":i'i,, ;';;' I"" i; ;,;:""i1:: ii' lfi,':ilii;:,i ll;::j,l:qi-*l'",i;; i:.: il,:i 'dl; i:":.i::"?iia iii::,:: lii:.;,, l*;;,;;"t::1,;:i;; ;,:;;ir""";i';,,ii f"".:"lf:"I"'i:":::,;::; liutt;;;::i :il;" fli:1,,il.,"1iii8,i:li,i:i 1.";;ll ) i:i'ailr:"4;i,:ie i-iij ;;!.T;j,;, I ;i.ir;.""til"i::x'r;j": ;t,i:"li,ii*4i:""r**ui;",;"y;i lilL;i'[ -,ri':;::Ji], rl:ii'i', Fj[;l'j;;itff * i; L+i;i'ifr I i{;r ;i,*,'ji iil:i';;;i:; fl ;;i I



,,L.' ",:.,:'f.. c . '1" courc.: Ir. lo-r i1L. r8ps. :!F r!1e f 1 ' 1 o , (: I,o . t." ".:,. .o !, 1,1:; -e .eo - :os o _. !oE!-! 3& fr.nnile 6ro,_rr 7 d,mo"! .i.e .... d . o J.. I roor rapi r!Er.rei re in t(r!r :0 6. I .., ._". . ....itll,-..: o fr"rs'rl 1461. o .. . : :r.')L .., r. !o cBs"a..ola. rurc. ::-a!. ,-l:- lr . " oo :El: " '" Jct! .Joene 2. :illrn6, EH, oi. .. . ." -a; "--ro. ;; J:Oo ,::-r 6 , ton:.e t. EH. Ee " J. o ? 22r_9 -o:l; q. t. csne asbe ljrr;lh, Lt:.. .r 1 1 r. a .d.( .o..Jo3.(9_I. lllJJriln, aY, ay. 2):o) Lt:...4 d.( ro,1o ro.1o .o..Jo3.{9_}il :. !3rrr' !,11y. ttrc, ,tt_: t. "o. ,11, 6: j . !.. r.). t. L 2):-o. r3rr. xo.l, rulc, 6:1.3j I. .e-1 .o!r;. 2:t).. !a:55.)) ?. xr:r. ts1,... jo., 6. '. :irr. ts1,[., Et, . !". L". :!. o..".-. El, -::]. l0l: ?4:52 l0l;5. aj_ J;'.; rn;n ?1152 -::'. ,o; ".."4.; -,6 ". ,ave xnl_1. on, llrc, "-:r' 29:5l] - o,d. . L.:'l-: -, r;'v .o.. : j... -.e cee:e. oldru,ledsqa- f-oj the 1".'or '.1.,l 3:"i '";i;"::'"iJ].i",i;fl""


o! tle race. Jc?r :o-Iha c'..a16_t LrLc. ).,r!-s h's ueote br. h's br. ueote ro ::rer :--rer 0., o.-, .ra .r; .i fr ro ca!re.n.la-


t -o' \ 1., 1,, o: "06 | ...q , I ," 5j]: l:- ]. L- -c! c! I, o or' ort II rr, lil b;I_:"-^r.-1 -L--

i' l ' ,,..";'.":

I ..,: ii"i'ili,"l;i^i.,.,.1.^y',-",..,:r"...,-1 -l n""""i


"i'r" r,i'' "'fl'1

: .



$Fifi:4lt$#ilililq;Tidqi;H{l};i$:iil$;:iffi:i"::;;:i:} ::f,:*:fli,':H::"j$: :i E ii:-;ii:; ::H;"i":i."itiii';* ;; riii';1i;t5.T;i ..sor s..",r.-Br!,,o.Foc. :.1 lH +,1;" t*; ,: l"l ll",i;ii,l'-"1,'""^' t':li .::-: l::-til 1:;:,1i :tZa:9 " i: 53'",!,3,1"'"3,:i1,"^X ',',: t; 3;l; :, .i" ;l;iil'ill'.Jiit il:;1;:' i'',P :-:; i;,1;* !:,;.?l :j$ia i: "?i l!:il j,,:? ;;1.;i3 Ziii;iZ 1:33.17, -:: i:ll:ltii,l-ir;l: :.i,: ii,:i' t.i;li i.,i:ji ]iii:fi il:iil".titilli't;l.i"J;;. ;:r* "=:;l i:i;iii ::j.fl+ i;iiifi 1!,,1,5u,,0,,::]:ir ir, [':li#,,:r;"i:ili;r'F.:. ji;ii iiB:;f;






i;i:{}li;::,:b;:;l"i i"ii:Ililp;li::i$tr$ff


g;i""tt,ttlll'.tr"]'.::"r'rl":y..1'e":"i'",::1",i^"::;,_i:;'ffi i::'", r:t':"li";i I:;""1:,:':: j :,:.:t"i:;:."ti.j;ii:!:,li#lil ::t"'i'ii. ":l ",;"td_:Tj"l;,,p;.H;.::, "., .-" ro.e, trp, e6!,eei"G"" lb tha, " ri: : :';."i,': f : !:i':t": :i :*"i: :1." ::,:;d.y:" :"iiii"'t;.*t*ii,.;. "-5"5i:$


.e m' ,he f!stes! tr:;rj:".y:T",:; "ili!.;l,i13"iii ;r;::ii:Jrt'i{iirg' $ii t:,rr*.i:j'{ ;ir,i"illli},Jiil!:riii.:r jiir";:i,':::l:i?r:r:ili,i:i"r-:i--li"itiii""I,:^i::i::,: *"J:;*.:;*





::ti;;.:r"oii,r,'-i"ru*:,,t1:, :i:l'ii.!"i:iTiF.ffii:.:"&T

i:"".1:.";:.,,fj. .",,il"'.,I,"1f!,T,",fi,j:liii l"lli:ii,i$$*il. il: ,n" J,o,:ir ,-qe ,o4,r!esrJrd ;,''ii!;i:'jj" '::"i"; l.:"i.';,;;;': rJrj rro t' !a rn Ll. !jca" os. alhrn. :

rr rh. oe.rn lrs ot

roc! .r\e

Dd ds,d:ed a o3 - ". _ rs o rr".- ot .ve1 .hA,6.e-_. r1s- 6!_.,indrs _e/ abd .p.n s dr.- r0!o.rodnd ,1IF6.:.q! " dril



p. Bus,-;M. B;t L\!! 6,dtng, one Lc alddle. e . r fFerlng eac- or.!r Ir s)on beoee a Fce. _r6 ody re'alnrnb coE.FL:..r. Srner!, Lo poss, Hox.ve., J.@r r!ru!ed b!@use LI re rbo igrt 11 ,ou1d Eare lisllrnqrord .n^odfor!s11e, (2) .! o-!d 6Iconc xe h-v_n. j-s1 r-n ch".rr rree ... s.1asj bo.o,", and (t) \e rroLghL lbt'.Lrdbe deoolte hI6 L.lFrlor @-Ld h8ve oor. !p.eo 3t the dd d,e :o !r!s re..non !1re:vel lr8t .1rg Scrart tr ,4ed tt on ,rih

ijij"i:j"8i;i#:i;iiff ;;:,ii'}i}f ff f i:;":"3st"::i.ii* ":::1"!:":."


M TAI, T{lY P.rilud's stardout n]ilar Jifl cr611. school ru16 lse1rol lths tlD orogon hlah dlstMco am6rs rrdoubtlnsrr :ln a noot, but not for tbo nost co@odt off6!.d 1t t3 lnysicslry hdnfuL convhc.d thsi th. hlsh school rua "Irn n r can't hurt hr-nsdrr prryslca11y by doubrhs trp,'r ft.11o stat.d. t.ut I t.61 ta1 6ff.ct of thc coubl.." that n6 t.ors that h6 at 29 yoars or aee rhatn]f, bacaus. Ldsnrt ajlor.d to douiliglt 6: seldm at th. rnit.rsitt of 0r.sor. trai r f,ou.g hLrl 1n his ncniet ar!:oa.i, tf, too nuch .!nt.:Ltl.n, !. 16r!1 to 1o36 i.t.r.ii !'r' r n.n,t tl:ink thai .|jh.r (c.r.r) Lrrd.r.'1 fr (rhl nluh cr.ir.. ra3 a3k:a tr:i i. h1: oont:1ir.d tn r!i,.,::i1. nlf. srcris lrih as ll6rb &EIJI,N CIT'S

I,oOII Ai CIRI,'S CNOSS-COUITIY By Bob ayt.n, Jr., coadh ol ozark ?c 1965 saaso. - lh. rcsutts a!. nor 1n fron th6 rirS s.ason of uoncn's r-coDhr


fi! l1!st ihilq on. rotic.s is tbst th. spo.t has rtnsll} rcacr.d a mttonll scal. !trh 1? -qrllr rissoctatlon. !a.oriir y.t !,a.ticilati..!. cross-codrry a!!car to b. alp.all.s io a1l se.s s nary ais!..id pdmlsslon x. hold rq6 for glrk ur.l.r 1l+ J.a!s ot r Ir s.n. ar.13 tb Joung.' glrls rar ou1 c1dd. glr16, ro! iho3. 'r. arout 6ir1s run.lI! clicnd3d cisisnc.sl ,. tnr.rrsnt facr: to nori. ls ilrat in f,. aid :troro ihqr tro alrls d.op .ut; ii leca ir !.11 or.r tpil i:! 1Un6ss or sic' lorc etrrilutod oJ do.tori to 11116ss.3 (f1ul :nat rha rsr:rs !e!6 not e'er. tf..t,lrac. r,na or o:! .4 rnr land M.r.urctr.s is ,tui!. Sood rltliou!l tlqi ; .. rl]l i.c. i ror1d.a.ords, T:L!6 fl11l t. ar.atlr ,.t!c.d a3 int.rest in 41..a]1.. i.;! rri i !r L::,r _;: :. to 4cc.rrli* & s.ii'. dlstai.. ru.ni4 ilD i i,, r:li,-ofrant Iactor,ii lirh err ar.und ',J ti! 10{ t!1so rat.s { lc!l.r.n.nt con. dr lr:-n ndnt.t.d tlist Z:aa !r 2:25 half nilc. rs lox as J9. t1n.3 1r a !i'sn r3c' r{a, lltr !r:!:. rai. tra:t,1uir. d..d ar,cr Irn aelo.p,j ho oult!cd. .d 5 r.1!ctd'c. Eir13 rltrisioi 1[ r3 r'.'iour rr]rat sonc riLrls u3ral1l sta.r.d lJoula ualk of los rr.ut

Ia r.n. of .nr ;tr3r: :jrr!e .ar't rr 1.: ,Dsh :h!n1s1r6s Lno r1r tl'ousL I just do!! i 4..; tlat

.: :ir |1I13 r[nn:u r:r. arotrnd li ri.14 .1., '-ur r,, arc;s ..1i ..n!ali LIo: ..r.:ii15 'a:':trl3r ]rl tr:':: or:r" :ri3.i:lr: b. .jirirrii.o i. .r ::!!rE3ricr3 Niricl: .,u3? iri iL!,:.! be. :n 3.n. of ih. nad s!,1ni

!:. lijltilii::[ .. 6 r 'r.. ..,06. ."f", .. ,-i!i:::i4":,:'.:r.*

] :;':::.":::*:.:",r.xr":"iffi.j""i.-p,,"!r ,;r;;i--::;: 1 o-



i:;: ^"^t":::-,; : : -,::. ":- 1""""." "iril" r::,9.:":_"..."ii1i. ii";"-",:; -; .,,;,.".-: "j I " ::': :_ ;; .' ; :"j:i.I!:: :"";::;:;;i:, "r,

li:'1.,i;.r;:;:p, i r;;;;r ;;:,.,; ir,.,rlli"l;,iifu"li:. l":j''.r':l::":,,::;:; -i";:::";:i il -^.::i:l"i "'i;l ":". i::'ji"",:1 i."';j"

t*; rr r.li ;l;;;"_i ;iir'ii:i7i1ii"tt"" "''-* "'"""", '.-",. !i;:l!rliiiiriiiiili-:t:.;::i.!ili," I l: e:;i',i;$il;,"$l"iil,iti: i:; :t;i? 6,ro. rn. raned or


.,;',' ;,,;,.'',''r1.,:" ;,,iiuli,'ii'i*i,.'i,illi ii.ii

' r,;,;;,:-,: !;; 1,il$i**i;*fl;lfrff :, ":,;i" l.'"rT:::". "r' .r ' ]li: ;*;rl; 1r1i :;i,1!;i;ii+l: iit;'i ;" ;1.';l:,;i',':: :,:;:ii 1;;:;;1, ;,.;i;i;r.;iji:i.t,,i:iil. ] I ,.',:: 1," ""'. ;',:.': :;:",. .: - ' .:,"I :::"'j _ : ,;,"Iyj"i!'::.;.":'r":;':. '{::;.";.. :;i ." ," l:.;"1,"::::;. i:j"ir*,j-';: .i;";i "."'ii:"",,i;.:" " i;--.- :::':.;;-';,';;:;5';::: :l;:",.*i: "":- ;,," " ",..:",-.: "

"":;,-,' ":."'"*"::i"J-,'": "":.:";tl#jr *i;1,;;,i^:;.{i,!i::i"" :;:;; ":"':,.i.t .:*i,,i,, := t,::*, :.r..lii,;T";r,m]ir:""',lr',1*,{::". ::'1:!!::jl:t."H*"..*:"j:iii&ru" I 1::"tril;;r:i.tn.i*|:;i:n;"; ""* :::,,.. : y:;:i:"j: l:j;;i:.;,,i:,,I ,.**. *;#; *i&



";;:.fr"";:.;t:"'::;;'1 sd!a!!i. a*, l;,!:ji***, p.m ac! ?B:,.e is,a2 i r 7n:5+ srfc! ?r,:5k 5rj:51 i.-".'" *.*"*v, 5J #"i:lil"f i"?i""ii:""1::.rjfl:."j:.iri."," la .. -o.a . ! o.Jo l Bo'6 Ful-3 0-6 .o, s.-.rc' tt 1s nost c.r;.rnlx



5. Bot ima!s4t! s.rc,


g=1lk s".,Lo, r:.12:!1, ?. r.dan R. 5:C!) r 2. noiidrta 1olontoj l. natty i:rgrorg, s36 c1a!k, iJTa, 1:ll+:21.r; 3. nac!. !e!ko itz ?i.co, Brornj rotdd liiE otristaniine f. l"lis3 srTc, 1:.15 !l9i na1. dih1.t6, o'6ltcoit fi133 l1.cc n s a !usr. rn4 l/[ nark I ii!:sr'cd i!;"fi ii:5i:ii -c.;. 'ith K.r vancdrDool. Dm., I:l+b:lr; 1-l 60 B!lcdrand. sJrc, 1:98:Ur r.4. Brrcn

;i'l'J"fillr,il!;i'i!:-' isijl;'ii:

I&L 1:t3:5,; 15 lc, 2.221r,2, s J'rc; D" Ihoid Ihoid srrc; B.IBtt D,

o,itor;;n, DIF-



ton, S,'lc; !m t!o!te, sJ-rc l1.st 1'p, crac 1,. d IIe. cdv6r!s 19al ono 1ap rocord of 26:ld! Bob cbMbo.6. D.Ietar. val1oj A!, x61d tb. old coursd r6coro at r:2?:2b ln qlnntm thd Sr, NAl,lau 251& tttl' sopt'nbdr 22.-I962..!h. cours6 uas thdught to t. <-1 n1lds but xdm Bak.rte ii,;na Lr t. uo t.1 rrl,s & 2r? t..t or 15.1+ n1l.s & 121 fo.t ror

xotao.. os1.r,

a6ua1 RRc J !J-t1i16 RRc JT. R!cE {oui

i; !d


} bac{ nrr!71 2. raul sanborn 2l:13; sJ'r!, ".;::i,-;:-j";i;'i"ri Dodd.

23:.11; 3";::-:,:ii;";. sJTrj,

i; 1;!;,''"r 4';:?i"*;:::'Hlill:ilii,

J06 valroy, bt, !osor! 21.27; l+. Goargo !lI.Ec'

P'ac, :i:; .r+:5ql fl i*l"l''i;l 6. b;i, H;1t"ii", ;.rt;:-t;it, !;l:";:h:''e.'*r silc. 2?:I0r 10, roo Prl6s 9. ri Biaak., jiii6i' iiiL','s:.,i. ;i ;rrr Li.';;; irril SOIIIII AII,ANTIC A{U TiDOOF T&T O


sfiIPS. B'ltlnor.t Md., Jon. 29ib Lc ra F r nllo. flru floor amortr

iooo- 1. Ri.rr !lch,

ln.s sanror

f iiiff ri*ri:{:i:1.:!i;,r;ail ilii:;.i3,"i;li'i', BOc

i:";^ii:"; r.;;;" st;r"




l. Ealilnor^ oc, 8:ro; 2. cho3a.Tc. ei ir"i""...tt " ".;t e bLs sno "stom nus! har. afioc!.d rha rud':s 1rs1r' slnc. tho ov6re11 qu311tJ or th6 66'r ;;; poorjst rr"m"t.rv (at ii!".riiii l.ast for ill' last i0u t.ars'r --!at

fr:fq- rin lrxu.,, [,crr,5..!!g- rlu!,


-";;;-;;;;';.' J,-i;1;;.;B.vdston. I'orLs! ;i.;i;;;ai rrb- 12- x11.- Cfi:^

orn. L:09-::2r{11:l l:tlid c.fior, rot Dd6. 9:02,6,:taeaX6d?- 1. !o,ot.o, 1 2, ridl. 0., IT;dT:ZT l. t,ost6rn uto loior-t: h. Uiscourl. r0:0[.2..2-]iinNor'. t;;, i,jb,:: 2. Ij!ctildan;T[!

il;;;;;4;-;;":;;;;;;;-r-o;;;i;;;24 ar La"r6^c.. 1tmsai. !.b. 19- MiL.

totrno Nlsht.aijsr., i!, r:02.8, 2:--f,0 laraon, ri, lr:0l.cj l" Eare6!, K:,4:0 h. \'od iuoor. 0s. lr.:12.0..2-!,r16- 1. r,,ujo4. lr, 8:59.8."84c, i.-T:!6jry,

;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;"-r'#;;;i;;; ti.3i vlrfll:ria stat. co11.eai lioa.


i. charl.s Erarn, t'frs., ,3:34; 2. Hd liarrls, vcTc, lir:15j l. Jack ulhrrn! chio vai16r' rc. l!rl9r l+, stovo P!Ic. tryto,, l[:]tj 5. !aelo licIttlr6, "165 vea. lc:]Jr ". ;1rl rdeas, Dalror'ic jb:t.9; :, rrdnl: t'tro., Da. ron rl , ll 6. n&rk ipln.r. I'e,1cTa., l7 1li c. I !comrd, 1los1ara., l7:l9j io, D3'o Kr udsl.ra!, l3:25i 1i. ulchaol C!o!do!, sc. [0 1]j 1?, nl..ar. Iaz., rrvsc, 4c 1r651.tsnr rrj::q. 11, nshn 56riJ, !.'sus t6lc.. I+ das a cq:i of !!tl atth rlr. :dpt1 r.qrnJrG lrls 1!5san '.

u.rr. C.'r1t3 Ero!! c11plod or.r 2.0i off hts rrdiious bo.t (35:50.21 ro! r ]o.000fl rur tn b.ctlis h1s coaoh at I !'n61c fiarrrs. It las tho 2nd a6er 1r Bro{n nls xor tnrs or ria st r,IlrEtnla 'J.31eIa)u 1r iir to nar-6 llY. n.n ror th. t.a t:.o,n-r llrir !5 poiat.. --!a!old E ;

;ii:ir;-;:l.-"i;";ii ;;i;.r-;;;i tr1L1a.J !a., SundeJ, March 6- !6rb


.nr. ot i lllh!boro, tho ulcdfs atLdniio : 3"** r _ 1o-n11. lacd of ;llt3s:" j"::3:,'s":"$i'?)1fi 1n 5l:11i.25, roiaf, rn Faihount larl 11"- r. irlol 3url.son olaEon. 4:04 /i r:" ?.2s abo!. 1J! .r rc b.L ., L/)/6t), il--":i' slatd, "ti#lr,'i]"":.ii":'li;:il; or.con [:0q. TL. ccnD.tltion td3 th. lest or I s' rr.iard..2-t:11a1. ":ir:. ,t 9. 15 & 10.t1.6 : l;",+:"9:d*+: ltnn r tith hts a; :il":rlft{!},lii5, a:ff:+?'fT;i:trcar.rn., 1!.1;no. 2:1r.4 sat. 1:5A.2I.2 tln. axarnsi 1:59r01.i io6ol"i.-i-.iii* ftu. or o!.Bo Z-llotu B!6ds., il ;"ii"!i';"1: r|4-- r!r-: i;;":;,' 6it-i b;:i:"t. i- ',. Piv.r Drl ;i*ilil.' ;:;i;:i BrIiEa. f1ei. 1 !^r. 1.icnz, i:=H:li'cl::":'a::;'l;l'i't


l: N:ii]"gl:il"i';:;hi;l't1i:


rJ r ,r:h3r ri.r! ot tvo .r thfas rur]-rr! r.:. r11r. rt :Lout r]r. 9-'i1. r-clnr R.dinr:..,r ned. ris 1016 : it ra' hts r.c,. f.r ir Na3 ..16r &:rrtn .:e1l.4.d, finreillu roh. '!l:. 2d plncc fi.1sh6!. !r.rrd3 !.16 I,r.r6nifj t. r\c l1r:i ftve firish6.3, a1a3 ar. lr prosr.33 ra! a rur3 to .3k6 !1a.. 1n :r4 3n.lr" lbrrrtllns F]oLlblt 1ii6tm1ns !i11 b3 iun at an sltltud' of n.tr..n 5,000 a 6,000 r6ot abor. s.a rllf b6 tn. hth.si lart ot thd Lrdtld Stat s:rartcrs, 6 11n16h.13, lo-nr" 15+r. ! 1 Frb F.d ,r!i:n,u.r.,.lo,ra 60:oo 1:28:15 r. r.,lr:23 6J:05 1:J0:to l. DoD Iir,*siion, u,r.,10j16 6J:o7 1:32,52 lr. rohn rdc1eron,u.r.,l2.5t b5:oJ r:ll+:r? 5. Paul !r.d.rs.s,.s,'rJ1:2i 65.05 1:J!:!0 6. t4vta stcrox,Krc, 11:26 70,o3 1:!0:!o tuoldadt, 182:25;9. -ii. E6lrro{itz, 101. 7. r,/13 rolk, Tcs.ura co11.go, .ll+:.ll 7::02 1:l1]l:ol 56; 10. !6oE D!6n.r, 1!6:1I. 0. sal c,nrtld, xfc, J7:!5 7b:10 1:59:15 tro!)d63 for s.rJ.6s donatcd ay B.@tt --]ia1 cDrl.1d, u..t Dt!.ctor-nffIon nic I MTr,! (1t & lnior) 1. Ed Dodd, SJIC, 16r01,6i 2. taul Sar- onlccli iilflJn.! LrINs E{SlimI RErlIoNAl- 29h, o .,, .. . 16: b..r, rg. pa., -uldlyr x3Pb IJ- Bfuc. r; l' '_.,l6: . Lq. .rn R-rro r. 5.rjlo na.; lo16:LJ: r:n. . Jo. D.Jy-s, .. fxr. tl:i6: o".- :,) t:,,o:o/. sJ , 1d"r'-,., : | 6. Boo_7.16.?r -. Do, pI--. ", 7"t^ tvo-r6.!oa tr a r.ab-r of .n6 9-u. U,S. .:. "l , . :, rcr. ^661 f .- Yo.o.co 1Br50j 10, Darc shlth, cr..looh, x.J., t. ..nr.t. tn th. lrtsrndt:iona1 cross0: : 1 to. l.: r_. -r'o. Lc, s rp. Bob n-or.s on ( u. 0:- : 11, \on Yc- o- -6 ,ars.o) e Joc-.h \i.e . s':'. i" .-J, o r. :: -, o- | 6 LoMr 11+ (l-r!.. s-.ri.si- 1, Dodd, lsrrd 2nd & lrd. nirl:r,l; PDa|s ."T) & -a-o, o'n.tIla 6 t, . D.-a - , 6":00r .- oo ,. 6o:1 ; |r...sr-.. . : 6. o-i rr1. / :' : _. 3'aek ou- o...J a'-. 'eltul] na!r, not rlshlla tanc. oD rn. roelt Just a r66k b6for6 rh3 -----------------l :I|IINDTOX lrrr{s 1t lilr:,lit ir: Kr or,rIrl,l htcnatlo.al x-coEi?v. & cmlarl.! ih. rnoirillo, f..i., !cb. 27 E.t Rcdirs- , n6fl.ctrn! aulpos'd to bo tir.r. lt to linG...i:rt. lron 9.1t1norc : r' r'o r p6rconr or rhos6 lr. o. o. Ds?!o 4. usls c46. - .r' . -- lao o. ::':? ,, o .- : ailut r+ -hou3 s1.6p & Cou36: Out & non. coDsa lron G.ttysblrs 'rst Lorn a -.1 14, r.lllha s! .-rno .. r i oa.n5 rl.. on .. C ^- .. B \o o .s- l1ls. .'.1!6r: I .r1. c}.a! 3 3uiJ,6ou. to all !tnt3nd!s. in rhc Knoxaill. erack cluL's f:.3t 15- Troehr.s 1: q:0o oo "-. on L B. 6 fior'oreon. 0-.6on, jloh 2. Radrreton, U. of r.M. l: . " - t:. o" : -. .)ill -sA', C"_1f.. ':2!)e 1,. I orp.ns, f.h A', l:.lo: -r . o c61u s o r. _:1)._ E*Lo., !r., 'a19,! si r,, DD tr n.. ],11, !

!f;L:j?!a -,11+f:!--4:i] r+, Pot fl-an k-., s.. :6r'-.J :-c,!l+:!d 5. r3rd ninrrl{r,s.. r.rs3r' rri.J5rr+1 crarlJ :o, "-.rsrt !a,56:20 "., Trma. r_.!r. (I:qr ?. !i.1,6 Prl:ri. si,J..FJ.IJ.'] rr,Ii::5 ,, rirr4i Eork.ltri,, e.]Ic, 59t)b 10, st.a. rrop.rt, ri.rri3tcrtr, !9:11 11, t.rr oll1trar, SJIC, 60:01 12. lr.ith laiitoi,, si:cr i,0:1J ij. i6on Dr.rrr, 5rc, La:)1 n.n verd.Tool, r.irila,, a5:L6 +. 15. rcn !.opr:. sJrc. 16:aB 14. J.r:i rjc.h, rhi1a. xc, 70121 1?. Jorin 0'Bl.o!Lran, 0.!li.l,rr. !3 rll o\'ntu[r ?u.rs {]-rsce s3!r.3), 1. rorce r i6.211.2: c-r.r, i-9q.rt,o:-r. c. " 176:lr; ?, rrfte! c1a:1, 170:52; 6. x.i1



:f' 1.4

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i:i{;34 ;6.'t:,:"i:!i#;.:'t;.:-t;;o.". .., t37t\1 1t, os t s:i,.:, Di, 'r.

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-;,.j i,.J;i*:l*""', i:



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;.;ti",''' :',;,' .1 i:"' l: g.";"it:i11i; ';;i, ;','; 'ii; ,,;. ,; '...; i.i::.';;. r'."' :: :ii, ;i':.;:;i',.-: ;r,;:":',ilil'i::',:." ;

'-;"ji- :j, Jr;:: ":.1r,:-::l'..i!r. : ., ,: ," : .',':.. ;; t ':.;".ix'.:r::;;:":j"'- * l:i,::,,. '"' "jt ".t' ,"'. : I " ;t;i ;i,:.;; ;; ;, ,r .:".".,.' i.,;. ,,:t:,i. ;t.,;::,-ir',t:l i.," ,,,:,,"1 ,1 1: I


" .s. tcoo o lo


)b to save iha !ntrt foos fron bot-h rac!s & hv6st tndn ln tmwl arlensas for th6 of costry ( e of.re! undlproctat6d nodrls & irolnror) firedo! deslgn!d arard c!rttrlcat!s & prmlsod to buJ'. r:r.prr1!3 si tlrs !nd or ih! I'odr fo! Indlana .{ArJ dhmplotullp racers on a $2,oo lo. ! etql! lace or 91.00 for bo Th! fierds v6r! sna11, but .ntrr t8!s eouit!d to $52.00, vlLlch !a6 6nourqh for {F.rtuDtolf,, nolo!!r! ha 1lvsd o! tir6 east.n boraer ol th! srjudent courd qualrry ror halr-falo on ihe ai"lin!s, ) So that ha louldrri ns accu3ed or latt!nira his od trav31 klttj Htsdon, ln amouctis th! p1a!, aJ.3qf,a11q6d hhtrI!--thor raEs!d to flft! In o16 rac! & dld!'t ilnlsn tho otlei. Most of th! lartl.tpants secnsd satlsfled lltn tno tr.val tur.dtl! pldn, & lmtsbly th6 lroE.M !111 te contirued t. the futu$. lolefully, 1f other x-{u cory ir:,ls tlar x! niEht hare nattonll ob4pionshlps tlDl a!! rn the 25kn !acd, f!A! urder the gpaNoFnt! of fhrl c.1onu, cuo natcnad strld!s {Itt J:lh soynora of C6ntr3-1 stata rr rd.sitti ror thd earll parr: ol ih! rac!. tl:oy &ached tiF tnlEroqnd or a cloer a.y in 4l;11, d. ti!a cu{ trcrcased t}6 lece io lin bt l5or. rack Mahatn flntsh3d urlrc {1th urddf tha t hou! 40 n.iDuto t:h6 l1n1t thlt !o!1d q811ry trrer for a ?!o r.eks 1at.r seraour r{1lod to .ho{ becluso or ar rnJur!d 1!g, lrui Gnd) tnd halfed ihe pace aslli, :r1r!d naT F.int !y llgdo. & o!.rso "o larr!f,, xho both clatuod in ih. lo.:{er rom art6!thst they !.re sinply trf,ins t. 'a.,rs fast tind. rl,! lirlo raachod t]]e irlnaroud on ift out-snd-5ack couree at ca:qa, ln,riala r.n 5l:47, lrheni sc.rno rLEr I urB p|3rao or to {lr .ast1j, (Th! calws tuxnalouad ; poini ls llobetlr soreihdt lriEher tir6n i ina siart I e tdd t!! r'ina 11, hts b:1rk l co.lbg luie, bui that, on:!y plltm h1e fa6t6: tinish,) lian!Y ltc iio !aU{ durl!6 'jh3 lat.L stagos bnt rareg!d io linlsh iorrth; ijisd.n qb.Lr 71ft to 3o tr.p!.d ont to'rr!t tli! I nrAtr dntcl<s '!ilL olfsrad Hr a "rd6 r-lilsh 1!n,. Ar..! nlclsrds, q.sri Iianses lraclr clut, lan stro.gly In th. sir.rch to or...oie M3.Itu tr ld 2nd.l IIDIAI! 2t-fiI,o Rm], Frskljr, lnd '?-2ilo lrrrh4 co113r3. r 2!:5L. : I4.s sb-ore, r

l, Ja.! I{.nu:in, a\io, 1::12:05j n{ scrrf.pr, ltidl 1-r." 1:llr:lq;i,re... x31!,flrsLi,], DDnrs 1-, r:lb: na 52; r. t:J':57: ?. rDrrn 1:17:27; q. B. sto!t-i Ryo 1r. .r11 stan; 1:J7::7j slel! P.'c-, Dq ,. :4. r;ra. 1?: 10. Darld s1it1.!t,lrsiir. -erhm iro11!!e, 1:[7:]8i 11. L-rq ii-ir]aj3, rndi 1tu cc.tral co11!ge, 1:iii:ltj 1.'. romt nEt.., ua.]r1!v1lre, 1nd1qna, I :;L!:51r 11. EoFle r'Jnch, X.rirl Icnilrio! A.c.j IIIIIi]'A AAU JO-]{IIC tar1i,ah, 1:l+5:10.;: 2. 1r!. Rlohards, !\I!3t lllrsls Ta, i:!i:18i ], Jaci: I:ahfln, ohlo va1k. rj, 1:50:l+5r [. c6cra! Hdrrsy, rcTc, 1:56:2t; ). lrarie DlJrj rafer;tto rasr.oker. 1:5--r0r.r 6. Dar''tor !i, 1:t9:59; ?. Dick tri.s! UaTc.2i2i!.01+. j!a, l:12r!?.1: Dorbla-e!ent iimo!s: 1.-rttr, .. Herruln, l:z::11j ), ) J.1.1,5. fndta.d Race rrotos...!ra1 :iaa.n ls Nrylns :. 1oc.te soir!toa:. r. r:.r:.. a !orC r.ce (o! ra.os ) the no?dr! of t.e lit.i irac?.hn!i.rshxps. riore cctallr :iat3r. :ma rinensos rra srlile:1. ior tio 1t niro rac. l! ylctia!: aii:. .r Jult 9. rL'rrta rjr3don ar 2b1, rar:r ar..e !rt!!, Utctrltar cit:i. Ird. ,r .rj.: rlca ls .1an.r rjrr:)jr:: ?, bur cr, lertIt '!t 1e L! l narstrron or. 3r:.i:;r ii:ratue. Ch1l1so offlcieis s.::i::.ir tre Pnc naj.r ::.: Lrr sr. r^tre

ir.oI!lidr:.:11-:lr.]!L'o! lac! of tine. It is q ;:.::1J:rt;r fo: r :t5r re good s!.ftl he {t11 n.xt x!d, !-. but jou doiri rr"tn i:a::11:r a reetr vh:le h nedrc- 3 c::ool, ].ryL!44- -r.a ".ru.1 titdcl. ltl:ntIc C.nro.3rcB ch4r1..,s:1!s 3! :;re U. ot t6lataro, di1.t, t!:,, Sai., !.b.26th Unle. Di\.- lr1 1, ro, tru brt, T.T,!, Ear:i, T rrlo,,2-iir1. BoI allnJB. Deiltars..ro!0- 1. Jolu Bar2'2'l:'.o.Drub"I:.T. L.lteh 17j 4. !afax.:t3 16+. Collerr Dlr.- 2-l1l1e- 1. l.lilt Kdo, rI.sl io:53-2: 2- Jrtr -rolicL!r_ ^u, Altr.i nt [6; 2. -ar,tpr. !r r,ri r:! TaM: ];Ific



" " ;;'"|. i.. ,' ,u,, .:i:-'; '+:i l'..5lil . , : :r, ":'"-; . :,,.,: . .;.;";;:',, ""

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';1"i""1 ".:",,

li;il.l r 'i:r-9:i il i:,'.I :4... ;,1;, 1l::11: lee: L, xars5s lr:; 2. li!Dlsska xNI!,r.! y"a ! LLsr "r?.l?. Goir -: cA-E


tlr : c



s,tr,Frs, Toronrc, oir, _- . 5rh ( r.6.E r^s s. 1.1-to

rosf-r'' cu'-:15'o: [?!a....**,!;-;;",'"'".i1]: l':t-8: o"c" ' ooa..,,: ",.";:e , ad u r "; ";fi"l:'=',i";:. 1",.";..'i,i;:-f' . r:1: ;:.;::-fl"i.::;;:";i ..".rL.,; Ii:;,,' l3{. l_',_i.'; ]:':l:" .:-;;'; o r^oe . a:17.u. ":.,":, :l:,":,"T 1;{;.i,,il ;;.;. lll3 ii"i,,!.;.'-1.q.;i "i ,?a, i,, ".. ", ,,, 3ff:,ii:":T;:';.1""i,,;: ";'.i;u:."'fl j''rl:;;"r;"1'"" ii;'6;'i"'!,3t.1:'"'


}:L]Lr.oBl:.!1t1e.1r6ncaI]t6'c,'o!16''so-dn'rArb" ':'.1:l"l"j" ;! .; ul, . t -o1-or'! 5r craro. -.a8, -sr ao,^..ed Lo" no )!cL, d lid8ren rlj bsc t -js cr.a,r.a, & o. si,"o ..ir ..,,,e. l)! ..oud r!s o I1s Isor & ,.se" s . ..o,n!.e. ..10.9.-2. too . Bril ! E1-c. lhlo ehout tiro )ss 1lte. c-,j"0 ssro l-j-\as4__. .zs.-,, :_i.Sr _. -. c.-. ., ,j'ena"d LraL:! "311 v!fy . .3t rtrl .1..a;.. tl "o Kl!_ s., 0-aro. ti..._ _,rr '3!s -o 6c r ! ,: - tal --.1i--. ff. 1lh[es 3flB! -.o -co)] 1 .o,, o' ,, ::20.1. (p!.o: 1..o, : !.0 crord DUIIeo J d rol6i-, br crorno 3,,.81 l-: J rs on1" s!"o.. s".s s 5. !:: aJ -Js p-0vioLs I'doo: best, E1_3. Is )5 oc r.Lfoh. .a, _ie .11:' B .d6 "s6-. B' 1y r" 's Js 3c(ra,n-l !.y 6 ..6 p tn; o c aocloss tr itl a3 )o,o0o- m! !r !66. oou m oon't na ! ro "d iI sr":a .1"5:o. . r c!o11e. L:00,): '. !.-so or. r,e, "!e^. ra!.;n's 1-:-C-o.-ra, L:0o.or yo!", rollors . .!k: -.n l. a.-t ir''-3_ ra. L:]0,1: r. ., t3!!t{o1lao.,lt.B-1(. John s T.1 o.A rFor. L:10,r, l"mady, U'SE. !:10.6r 6. Boo a ^a, r'l a q1a11 :411for!14, 4rr1.2 (?ac6: remedy 59.7, an, E6 xon 1t as a !"12d in th6 I{6, yolk :ouig .r0 .o a r:02.o cro ls .oo\ oC! ,o1!, r_t - tour! bu!- c o I L & spr'J ."d ir. 'raliy I 't.I hold h ofl . o fteld, F. "s ls a C^I h5on. p" o oj ,r, bu968. ss s,s li,los ". luto! * should b3 a n{! to be rockotud to! tho custoru !e;!lo. Thoy tr!ar6d ttr6 ,'_h oJ .d.aas t l- spr's. \' ss se sde.l. : I o oo*J'.r !! ras rr sJ.. r:5(.1, soo l.sJe3i-o. L6-!co!.. . .04 i.Forr r-, -, t9-'. :;ia, s.. l-r:. r",. , .. r"i, .t" s11 nr".r, ot;;r"; -;a-,';'s;cr;;;;:-'-* c"r ]letslie , , 3., r.ar. n ar,s._dL Drol. :.6,?: 5. a1Ia6..o., . n..c{, 1: .,j I ou,o:r,r.o. .a b!rE in;on!rnrnc&-,o ,r.o , le! l!s.s, 3 toss rJ. 1: /,0. "nuc_ :";,..;;" r.o.o.-ro ""r,:. ,0- ira s:6!r."... :.s! s;-rn e ,"* l"o,'clo.n6T tE sa,d, M:".r/, ' .0r o! k b-i Ie L r s ooo Id soj.n,. I "L ,s, ave 10 /6 ." : "',.r i.s. !1o- 1. John 1111x, Sd Car1os, i closslrg rh6 bolda}.'! 'oq mo : r. !.1., :Tj-. r*r er. ., .i^".C o.-: r*" -Tn- s .D..il.,s.s-,.0 . 3ob sc. c,, ri".so", i l -, -t.t- j -. ua1! da ltroa q-, !'15,0r .: . \ lson, {1s e, :/8,F. Dove rror, s'r'o., L: 9.2r j, o"r;. !. l-tpr ! r ..1os IILo- l. o ,3xa, 4:J1.6;,. - "e" bsll, a ds, Ltj7.5, r -o ro. L:11.5. -,, 1.:5 .1,.T." ro ! H a s..r-1!r-d io ea , 0Bo _. Maoallne flaMtm. r, es. - 1^o '1oor !-o s n61 r;fr;--,:Ta;2 .uorlo rocoro '- " "Lad: A S"u'oro lopl . sd L ! rLc^o. o-o to, 2:1).0r J, _3uzcu sz,ooI"o.v, s sary, :lJ.lr L. Ma!lo Nudo-. -. . 9-!rrlc 9/o9r':nce o'sr'::drr_. i.noon r"iurts .o1r;rro-au6oo' tntr')

l'-"il"l;-,1";.'?;:: :., ::':::r !:-.,"' . ii;t;,i.::;j!j",,; " "" '. ? 1" - , :! ,,


, "'." '.'!1::'!' t;it,li"ll;.,iss;";: ), j Lo.2:i.j.2 (.r8-rear-o-o coneroral I


oj r. .i

ff {:h:i;'i.::r:!:!*;ri*i"l?'ffi ::::-:lI::r-.





;. i.1: 1",


;0" 1'-i," ;:"",1,,i, ,, . n u. .,'t. _.., 1''.1:". .. .



u:-il0 . _3.\./ o.'. u J; 6.


"r |

ili$*,* .-r: ;;'L' ;g'litirfij,iL s:::t'i:3'' :n"

-t. ."i:i, .'i:



i.';. t::



":'"i' ; ;1i,:j,; .1,"','.;:., I'r ::lrt,"rot;;,:'

i,'i,'lii;, i;:;: .

ilil;;:Hffi|u;i'.i1,,i l;l :;T:::;:;'::r,:::l,i iir*'" ;,,;::"g;;,"

n**ffi,io:ft ,'il":il".. i:r-;:;::.i,,::+1, --**lij,l;i,iliii'::,, ;;l:: :4, l';::li, r;:, .,:,.,i-,":",* "'1,.;,i". :

;i;;si1e,i;1r:rl,ii{:ir:,1 ;ii:f;t:,:;,u:i,,* :rii:q,. iilHir;i;'i','*;i;;"; {11'1i,1 ;;:ji;1;,ii;:::,i:,,i' g:r, !'ii*" j+:rt:'ti::;;,:::lii;',4t;;;',;,i;1;"'r:i:i*:,{i r---_i$iuii;




f. TrsJ 3ur!s, Harv1.d, 2:0b.9j 4. Bob zienl.sL.1, d6or;oto{n, 2:10.5; 5, nobrt &rto1rnr, Ho1' cross, 2:10.8,.aln: 1. rDro.il, !:lB.o. Soton Hal1, 2:08.9;

;;i;;;;;-;;;;-;il;;;;-;;;:'"---'-l-i4tIe: 1. Ja!!:i ,'|sioolo, Itcrc, ]l:55.6.

lJoor sc: 1. t71l!a l'aA oa! uaf. HMtlton

{i; .L[.2, mll$tls1 olm, M1D!apolls, Nid,, !Bt. r9fi- l-M11o: 1. ta: II!160.. St, cloud. tl:!l+.4;-=-rom qroslr, Eorno,Fn! iqitr., 1[:02. ar r[:2e.]1. l. ltoas, r,I1tr. j'axllFAl Corl.rcrrT:s. Far, 26tn- Nl1e: 1. !d Do.n, l,D, r+:0J.6j 2, ra!dLr, TE;-lr:10. ?-Ijilu:1. lI1ke Colfel. s'.9:OJ.[: 2. rn;61!au. 1l!nt stato. 9;otr.2..1odo: 1. P. Farro11. xD. 2:I0.8,,880: t.-T-telherrob. 1iN, 1:c2.b; . rr,ni- i!,!r, r:El.l+,

!6d: 1. vostBr4 r"Rcirlsan 55; 2. )s! l*; .1, Souil-rn I11i!o16 lroj Itaie .11! 5. rart Stal;! 16,


L!. ity.

;;;;;;!-;;:-;;;_;;;; ;-;;;-;;;";; ;;i. :.n. 14- :-I!i1B: r, Link, so. ci, 8:53 so. cal. flos]],4:09.3. rfl.{ 1}9, SllI tflco St]!t! 25,S!, Ca11f. tub.2!--2-ll1te: !rX, tcLA, 8:16.6j 2. -Jno, Irr , .:47.2j f. n,s5ruk, ricLA, ?:05.2. :Ilf raD;lnflon, fiorton. Tetr6, ll!b.26?E--l-Mtlo: L ,na.,14:oo.o Lo.s B6acrr, Ca1if,,

{ar.h 5- l-Iri16: .!. fr"re, Lrcr,a, 1li.li+.6; 2, lxser.uk, lrc!'{, 1l:51.6r l. r,srorco, :rJr."n r11., 14:or.1+.,2,l1xk nolay: 1, :.. ca1ir. ?:2r.6j 2. lctu, ?:26.O; l. rrn Dloso fc, 7:15.2.

t9 I!a!y, 9:oo.0Th! flrst ftve rlnl!rr!rs bert!Ed the meet rscord of 8r5b.]1. !ac6 ba ihdEren: 6r,5, 2:ah,2, l+:18.1, 6:11.0. vile: 1. Codad xlshtdul1e. [:Tt.l+; ,. s* Ba1;, n!;h siate, lr:05.1: l. ld Doan, m, [:06.1j [. roru Llnk, osc 4:07.5i 5. 3ob D!1andy, lYU, l+:07,6r 6. ril.nardsr ;yu, 4:0e,!. paca: r!an 5e.0, 2:01.0, l:01,1+,.Th! first lire ftdshars lettoftd rre 860: I. rick urotd. kori6roun. I:il.9: ::Da." r3trrgt, v1i1&nov;, r:52.t; .1. Lipsconr, c!4rrar stdro, 1:52.4; 4. fuotin. r/MI. L:53,5.,1o0o. 3J, 2:12,9; ?. r6{;-Scott, Nsbraska, 2:11,1; l. lo(011 rau1, KaDsas, 2:11,1+. In,rt4ti!.el r411or 1. Jri RyE. !!tras r.-;E F:--.tfa!-rem Rocord) bd.8, 2:ol+.2 l:o?..1j 2. (e!th rlndalsso!, !est6.! K8Dttrci(y rrcsh (sredlsh), l+:05,0; l. !rank !iu!!irr, vll1anovr rro6h, 4:0?.8; l+. cunninshm, r.lisl, ohlo, 4:09.0; 5. oscar It oro, south!rn TUi@Is, lr:09.3, 2-$11e Fe:Iaf,: r, o]<lahma Stato 7::10.2 (7or 9ulcn 1:90.lrlr 2. V l.roca 7:1I.0 /Prtri.r 1:4q.8)i J. cours6rorn 7:t1.0 (?o,.ir 1:50.6, nrr1tu 1:L9,3); r+. So.Ca1 7:.12,0 (cazr 1rl+9,0)r 5. for.urm 7:l2.lrt4j 2. sout!6!! Callfo!-



::-ll:-:: -:t::-::l:::1,:::::-:-l:-":::::: S of c l{EdT,



arch 18- (q48c fdns)

n11r, Xort stat., l+:10.6! 2. rDean, rrD, l+:1o.b! l. Ds's BA118y, !14c Larry l.fna1er, Eastern y!rtuc Tor.ntc; i+.r-Mt1o:

[f, stlt!.. r. Tom 1,3rt{, nYAc, a:11.2j 2..,r-nr1te, r-oc, B:t4.0; l. stato, 9:o?.3.,rarIs uc.rked ! 5d.7 1!st qu{.t8! to !1b. 1-000: L. l.b t1.3donb. central Stlaa of or io, (j r inF, o.3 1ap slortj j :. rrrtl. Irllson' ll!or'111o tC. as-(Ir- 1, v111dov& 7:15.2t 2. r, Mich. (rr)r. sejror iral:r. ?:l6.lj 2. 7:lij.6., n, liin:rtr 7rl+o.4; l. !.rdt-M ?:lr-r-,6, Ili.rd!6a, I.{anrlo}a, 26- 2-!i1ie: 1. l'm 1316on" 3.;. c1Dud, 8:5?.otzlscrr rroole, 60. !,ore-rccau, xant

f.ti .i!ns AA]] 1l-0on r&F CnAllm, hln.ero:. rl.J., r'rarch 19- 2 11116: 1. Bob Ash- I ron. x.J. sptir! shoe.18:9:31.0 (01c l 19a6l; ?, Froc Bosf: lrjssa; J. ,ttn l,onr11i1. 0J'rc.4, IJ!h hGcn!r. clrr.,l1tle: t. rr!, :"r., 1+: i:o; ,, Boi {n,'onr-::rn-, sn!rv 1e..!!!q: 1. Pai! E..oiie., !ros\,2:21.9j ?, Hsrrx :ocrlnar, aJTC,. 11c i.rirn fc, 8:12:7;-T;Er! ,ijrir. 1.r.,loutir c.lroeo }]ri i. TerrJ rni.rsor, cJIa r-d: i. centrsl Jerref, Ta, 2!: ?, nJssc rrB!, i9_/o r r.2or .trr on ihe traciL) lii l. Frinc'ron !. riA, 4j 4. 3uin neek- t ,n-aarn c r Lrr.d:, ..5t.n,.-,nn! sc- ] !r TC, 1lr 5, lrd1an !0, lr, t, .ut1 .. !:,r,r.,.-rrD 5rr; ron- I^ Lr.r.3, 1;rrr.2 (r;Fl"? :trlE;t): ?, :rd 1)n:0;rl Nc4.r, 1lD00rr r.a rj,rl1rioli3Lll clri3 r.,t2":..t, ,oh- 1 -r!6rlJ :: 0' . i.;;-ur1.f, i(.:jr.. r. r.lr:)J.l+; :.rr7 !rr.d!r.n, vJsr:r, b:iJ.lr.j :. Jrh d. L l-, 1r:fr.!,..t1j1114a.0., Kr,,q!:., 1r:41.2, J, 1lL'is ]i_ajnsrl']a i.: l, d:50,2i l!. 5.0r(: 1. R.n q-r:{e, 'r.hq:r r-,r-fii'.1ool. :i:. Trr Helione.; liidosota, d:r:,L; 1l:2d.1..I r0r. f:.J/.:

.ff /0 rth ree t..'ed .n lro, s ths /: ^:lC croc"r.Jr'. the ... or::J-:u! 2:-2:01 2: 12:01 18. eet Jrr. .tb br Jod Gar-eop of : . I!.. -a. rooe .ooe,iA. ,i.A. The re"'her co.dltl0n6 rF.e I 2:0. Ihe reether coldtlond f,e.e 'Lr

roFe A.r,

th13 b.o}e b.ole 1dea1



rlth e ralc sln & rD nl!d.

1::J. J.p 561ttsltt slrt Eo Bo M, s_:.r, s_:.r. ?.i Sre.-F..' 1, T., I,r. I0:o, 02.4t -:11 r6:aa rar ral .r / cr:rer nall1et, E:c, 16:00 o.oo 6a:u1 !!c, !:c, 7):41 71:4a 68:4. 6at4 Joa ;brlrFon, u.a.7j: 0 .:-0 55:50 Jo.L: Ie b,. ccLc, "lJt56 Zr:i6 3:11 !, CCAC tt9 16:16 56.26 21. !a{! nel.]|e!, e!, e,, ?4: ? l0 10:, 64:00

Co-bltt & Jj 0 L.Done.h rer . . "xtr8l2). ro. r 1e', t Do-- c o;eo lJ6. o.s1 c r jL. tor 1..' ..d I . nt1l r! a 4t lPd.

5 j6 _0:lO o_:Oo le BJ_r'd, 91" -6:.. t7:O ?r:'l F do 9n'i"r, sr:, o.o 0:l! /o:0o ._1:00 ?6:16 n statford, Stan 3 sL rto o, sfa,76:16 3:..76.f6 21: Btl1 llcnpson, PJ.L,77:La a.a

d1u tn the Brck. o! Iay 1s: ure 2d Noie6.,,The brand !e' coDse, rhtch Fa. annual f7.5-:11e hardila! fr.l re.iEli11lla1d out a1o.! tnd bearil{ul be.k bar ot to lrnkers, x.Y. ,111 be h!1d. 1. A1 liiltiass, ntc, !:49:45 45 2:49:4dbr tle ru,ner., noue sa11or3 mi o; the '1611 atL.J rr.L s!evt!s. ..r7 -a5 ?:-..:/l attei ac re-'ou. lerlou. 1es 1er t.rur -rury 2. RlcL .. .re. 2: 2:51:5? 2:41:571 ooneltrack Joe\in5 um. "o"l acl tral1 2:2?:00lran a lrre raqe & eet a i.rgh ooE.e r!cJ. GelJ Mubrcke, uaa,2:t2tca 20 .!d !o lrr!ax. Ee edded out Yayn! ven Dei4. Ed flfo', flfo', lvrl., lvrl., l:05:19 j5 2t5rt)9 2t5rt)9 .!d ed ooxn '.o :. t.el cal, r, Jo o ID'ngr!de,, l:.-:19 l- :):.19 tt ro coip- p. rncr-" 6, b:- ftro on,oAxc,J:0or-2 tt 6.-atr'':L

er" to op Lh- eadlcs! /. DL L c.spp, lL!\ o ttL?ttq a. ls@. 3.tr-., M, J:)1.16 ,oo.r- r5 J:)o. { divl.io. V n'e SleeLse' L,o. r tor ine 1 h 3Lr"iBbr Jcd. ;. roo 3 ar, r'r-1.ar 1.r8..9 t5 l:08.0_,1 eq3!d v ]^e $eet:,.,1 tt.-1., r _: ,:It (-. a'e @ celLrn6 rr ".. 11. Pere Pete Dr?aoia,u;8., Aterdl)) 15rc, .er A'erdl Dt?ao1a,ue.,lr25!lt 15 ;: l:15rc!.er :r 25!r, li r'. I"c :o btr:, $fc,J:,?6:!o s. ::41:0o -..). .rtr !4Dod.br-nrc,l:ro:00 9c..:, :0 7tr A\"vu1l l.N0 F/a:d o_ErI cu's o13or6o Lc're 9Fs^h, 9F3^h, ca-i!. pn!,ry -1. l\st -.r.-ntd, ra.l: ra.t:._:15 7:1! 20 l:-,:-j ):-,:-, s olsor60 lto6e & -Dfl slA,lnu -happerta, J:17:15 :o J:.-:-'r1 c:'t. recr'J: -r. r.rn.e l-e-'. ,lrt.:o-: JaoL Robe.,9at,, F!b, l-, -16. ie o'tare,1A3c, ):+: tLr)tt.4l DrL- J." l:: r, o-i s,r!.. r!. enrr.rc; r!69 3L I :oo , 9i4 & C-ea.. 41do ScandurE, Joe !ez, &11rro6e Art; o}'N 4.4 laI"E RUl,l l. VLlce .iseeL!er, LD9C, .2:)1.9j :. LO!. Jot :et e' nbto' & Ld ieJtu, mat. 19er Tc, rl:0r: t. ca.- Trenbdne !cDo@e^. r:c,: 05 (J6 Dl.) llia.r, 'l,,rardo (.6-_!.) corbrtt 1: l:16, Laer fc,2J:2?, | .r3,, 2): 0i !r,1r1r .i:16. tuani ian dor !ann, uia., 2, c,f RUI.S: .r'so er 5.: N,ryorL Bebon. ] I sr_r!.r o.poo", FaA, /J:,-; ro. Eor;p" 0,-!:o,::-,a :allj. t:: : ?:,t. - -l o:rer, uia., .,:5_. .r. i,aLrlc,r. Esr ey Tii:*,,*, :,ir, 1, and. RIou. o:rc. _il,-'",;:;i;!.fl1i::,i,:T::.:;i:::l /O:21.: .0 o:r"5 Fr"fu Fre)ne, rtu., rr:?,j 15. RrclD.d ,:? ,? \6 6-tta 2. Dona'o r.,o\, een. t070tLa vB,, v4,. Drer. DJer, r",rn"o", -,. eit-1i -6. e5t-1i eniv !e\r..o", -o. lnoy -". r6:16 I :5: J, i.ottJ Drrf,lo,s c.?0:56 rb.' ??,:? _?. ar1] ctu. ua., ..5:15, ... "; 4. rod {(ber. !M,, -1:-r 60:1. 1..)2 10 ss-.y a6eerrn, u@-. ,9. iti E-}25:a-i I tat. 3rI. C.e, cru, sTC. ). BrIl 5. sTc, 71;44 -7 )7:4 57:44 | &a, ,oE:j vei..ih" \a.eli,e. "". 20: Eq lE. 6. !st -ob,, .-D. . 7I::2 a 58 r) (jo :5:;,:, /5:)1.'e,, rL t snersl (.A',aIt>L gcqoo! IJi. ]bE b,5:7124 liar n, n catc,ILt,4 b,5 0!Il\ tlcl{ 7. .Lirre 51t24 Olrlij tTcH 9cl{o0! NM NILE B. D.rE so!to-6. cAc.71:r) :.5 51:r)' r. Eo fi. e-J,ll111,{sn, r:r2,5j :. !a o! ll!]ne va1 DFI-en. 7?:2r sct.51:24 lns.1er. corlron 9. 1."i1:! lil"Iil3l ?;3!:.i":!{fi?,tt; Tti. :i:,"2 - ii,i': 1I. Frc. vs6q..z.sic.?21,et )2 i*:"1:;a,'::';:.' i,;;L";"jr,. Bru^e Taier. ia.Tptt ^., 57:b-J '.0 #Er _ rtr!! RUr .1. ch!.. slert, s_c, /?::o 8.5 60:26 I -';. F::d 6La.!;,tgrciJtiL .' .tt2r | :..__lr"l-{ Jpt,^s 15. B!11 f,elI., CCAa,7)121 L1 65127

, * '-l ''_


ti. G.orge rar6or, S, fo!.- j 6:06j 6. ]]ad].ey, ua., 6:11, (1c fi.t6her!)


t!!, 4-)iAr RB.aY f, ca1 state, !.8, lstrcet36r, Cro'e, sncnlor, tral.e) 2l:43; 2. cet s-ate Lr3 {!}r, &dd, lcx!on, C:!ncnt) 25:46 i4. corrlcE 4-!JlN 4-t6!!r ilr;,sY f. !o.g leacll aClR.r.sel1, f1130r, toirett, sptder) 2l::4.cj 2. E1 caBrnD Jc, GIRL6 0! i Ol.rt ltrtE iX l. lat c.1e, 6:4t (lier recold)j 2. !r. oreen, 6:51; t. SrE!:n ft;1ard, 7:l1j r. l-au!1! shDn, 7:4?- (lr Jl sler3) co],i,tca 4

1s! rilrlilat tE ttlii'REl RUIJg t sr]}l.au) set", Jan. 22nd, -t66 at lc a.!,

]. l:lnce s'eetse!, nC?C, leri9.rr 2. i:arl D)Ll, utu.,:t:29; -:. ?atarcl :9i E6: 4. Brir T:r.nrro r:r.nplor, :9i56j r2, 6. ;01 Eoi{, lrs,

r':42: 7. ar!ro

greH scgoor 4.6 rtrr,9 ivltl

G1enn,26i1l.a;2- Lln lueir1.r, {. c.vr@, 26rlcj l. lidJ lrr 6qued6, rilem, P5:15; 4. !la.h i(.it1r1e!, c1em, 27:01; 5. lotuld O Can4, .lmrret& 27i04j 6. Tony rlrrra, I}1eD, 27r07.

;;i-;n ix tllli ;;;t iir'uii3l -----15ih tmual au1,!r cItJ rra Fo.: T@!j.!!1v1nB t!,030! Rln, sat.. Nov. :?+-h,1?65 f. ial r{u:h!a, sa Btrlde!., l1:i5i a. li1tre (lrba11, s;lc, l1:13j t, !:1en Fe"nee, scs, il:24j 4. Phl' L.renc, ;3e.

l] | 5o; 5. oer! colme, :.9, 11r55;6. iie!1e lcoe!, ) e,, 12:47: ?. Brli ;o;;!.*

*n, tn{t, l2:56; t. rFnc ).1ne, uD., l_i:ogj 9. !!te &undle, u.o., ll:11; r!, Doua salror., aa^a, iJt-b: 11. Jre Tnorp 6on, 8ti&irr, -at47: 12. ier E))e|, of;e. ll:4!. {59 11.1.5er.} Aoi!...on ! ie.ur,lf.l dsj i:3o)Jn,"rn carlforita, ev!ryint.J lf!ither oJii.1a1. o!

exa.ttrJ nnere tr-e a1d3i Ii.rei., t,)jj r.s., 42:56; g.(!rvlik, J.L EraCJorAi nas e the ftlt t!4. lurl.rs !tdp!tu., 4J: itr! \td. r ''1 ?ii 'j, st.rE \td"t St.rE (!rvlik, !tu., ped 1r tieli trajt3 *riri tiet .3t deac Ire-. 44:24j t/l:24: ll. rr. ':h.rr nre., 5., ja. .::iaJ.",, lhort, u1e !lrl.ia16 rav1.5 at :heD, rllxe xrf,Ii.m$ i.an! i .Jr-c .fr-c :rq.r :rq., 45:14, 12. Ii.n ta-1 :;!d a confrrtatle 1.ai a a.uii nq?! i,rild, rne,. 4a::!. i:r? Jl:rf:e!cl ro! e561rJ, ht iiuEhes lecivered r;1e lart!3t & dasled io tie rj,n;sh Jllst. 1. ],etui Ja:i, S!, Tor., l3:Olj 2, loE Ltarser. 6.!,, i6:14, l. Anqt Ioslu.&, Tq!\s, -ClTIaS 5,o00n lioiIa! & 10,aaou lfetr. ld rl: 4. lyr F eh1eI, :oniro, o.tI a:oi!}!d ./ 'tn 1i.5?i 5. ,oia Plrirle r 1r:r: , l9:cr). ne.r!at1.. Depa.ireirt, a:r;:.rda sa-., rtrE. 25, ltai r: l:... r. r-o: ..!!e!s, m.:1.i !3, Jt\ICn H.9. 1.7-!It!t Flrri ]!'Lq9.e,.!_rsl: jo:44.5i 2. 9a.1 E.:rr,:ia., Fn r!., 1, J!rly ?.1lns, nolra, nr1?; t. tirke Pedro, li:50; j, r/r:.e 9!1eei5er. Ja:c, Roqle, Red:ane!, 6:la; a, ;.hn sartne:1 t..a9; L- EIr1 1t6ry3... ii., t2:04j j. I! illrade, n:l:; 4. ,jack 'J1netr, Sn1ra, Eil1 Inrie:4rij dx'tlj aa:a7, a. ?at 1.:t 8:15; 5. Ci!t1. irernr. P.rf,, 9:00. lsrret, !8., L.s An;.1e3, l?:1: ?. Ro! E.1lo:, acgc, 12j4lj a. i.rdon c.o?e:j c.\a, j2t49i t. 6eo, r..t, ccrrc, j!r54: 5Tq AXNUA i.A lCM iarjr-i,r ra-trLa fi.): nL sponr.red nyr c.i!!-. r{ub ilarrlers (sP,u i0. !!uce trarn, acna. tt:c{.. (21 :rn. ) hlE tr.1an:e iuti n l a.uiiiaei 5,!400 lof:ce (il!:3..ce cIr:.r t r!. i-l-i;; iii::.j r,"rec t,.:,_ 1. .rrrf !!! set., J8r. a.l, 1! ,r 1! a.tr. 1, lare r$rn, !ir,, .ei, s.uth Tcfran.e, ,f:Jl.4j :, i,ealJ ?ltri-.t, 5a: J.r,:..10r,, llla?.ir; l. x!!.! si.tsrt, ?. 'iotr c.r..ta, ccrr., l0i49 6914) c.T:. ,-4:ar r. :1?., r i3r, -.To.., l. larrr;c.ihe!,$!c?1:1]].2 52 r44 4, ,tet !:eii'rr, !:ia- ??:16 0a:16 ll.. te ,.. ,ie.e ia_-1Pn, ).Ior, =!,45 trlc !Lr;i., !v13ti.h, 15:1j. (:tl 5. 8111 ]r.re6, i!.!,, 72t4' 6a.tti 6. r,alco c*a.t., u.a.72r5? t9.?7 '7, E ]1 1te. !.d., 1l:C4 a'l:14 :1th AlilriLAL riuxlln4fon trJ|c{ tIsT}Nct 6. C}!;lIe &.r!, 8a.7r:14 62:+4 DnE:, Sp.n6.r!c :J: H,rntinEioi le3cl, 9.,ilnce gieeiler,CC1c?l;r'l 54rL? C.t1f", !!crss.r.n a 10. R.rdJ IireP PM, l+.-? lata1 j.]l. ,!pi. set,, A!3-. ?h at 9:j:'eins TL :2 lI. u!!e Ir!h, #., i :; ic-Ii !e lrandlc:! r]n. aJ:42 1?, Idman r'i14n,.ria.l6:rr I:_td;ils raE;udh, ?jrd, ?:i:i9.5 5ir1a5 11. :r,r lslie!. -, e- 9!:17 r? 1? : 1,i... d.ero. u:tJ ?l;1, a-: I 14, D:r ch,deu. !d., 3:.J2 aa:or t. Phrr )rv: , t A D7? , l ).r7 a-- 7i, 15. Toby Lledlna, Lr., 02:+? 1e147 4. Ians .tj.-..!. eD!&!r, 14.59 a2t2J

5. RaldJ HbA8e, P,ra, 7L:2t 54.t5 6. Dor gplc!!, actc, 7t112 @.i2 7. BIli Inalebardt,ocTc,T:45 17t45 8. FIanl. Duarta, Dro., ?2:44 54:14 9. B1r1 Thodp.on, !@.,7214i 55tr5 10. Jell JolB50n, P!r, 7/:58 56:28 11. Doug Sal1orlr CCAC, ?1r11 54:41 1:. sever!, tr.LA,7l:12 56:12 '.le (re & rnder) - 1. Carl Trenla>l[!ES nne, aalo, 14,41.5; 2. ra!1 Dudte, 0C_ lC, 15.a1; t. Bd I'ratul6, AatC, \5:27, 4, Nel1 Syb!rt, 0crc, 15:16; 5, Ron 11.ter, 0cTc, 15:46, (11 i1nl.h.x.) r 1//2-!lMB (16 & rnde!)- r, Ron Fi.ter oCtC, 6:56j 2. !a!1 n1111s3, Ve.t!!n,

?) Lratt!o 6. R!to cuoohlala, \YlC, 25:05; Cav!1tl, xfAc, 25:1?; 7, J1E !16!nan, Iordne r.A.[, 2r:27t L Aal\er ialllr NIPC, 25:41,8 1.t !6eEae!; 9. .A] Bvd, cJ?c, 25:45i 10. Hdry Baue!, 9t. Joh4r. aro.h, 25:46 2nd Teeeg!r; 11. !3ve Fah!lty, IoE College aa, 25:49; t2.8ob FICt3, ue.,26:C2j 11 steve conrcy , 3r. Jobd,. A,(, 26:09; 14. lrt Fal1, )rY!C, 26:26; 15. lrre,l.dr CCI!_v M. 26.26.2;16, llrr! Att!na, FDJIA, 26: 17. eunther !b6!s, lNce T0, 26:l?.4 l4j (hr.ar or useeded sectton); 14. Jat rturctl60r, ItrA, 26119 \2d I\ unee!d.4 6ec-

4. Jrn !,orta!dt, c.I!c, 25:02i 5.

tlon), r9. r.r D.nran, Iord.h& AA, 26:5Ij 20. 0!ry l"lJifcke, ua,l, 26:54; 21, [Dn ion!, teenold, N,J., 26:58.2 (3!d t!.DBob Nry!c, 27:?o l:!?:-l:-9i19i lllll:--3lli1-Il: 1:3?:- sd.r);22. (4th teenager);DobbeLea!, 2J, Iat UcDonaEh, go, Ar llt .{NITLUL BIe BIIR 10-LIL! ol,YIFlC !tV, bar, n,J., 27 t22 (5tl: t!enage!); 24, Pat FUN, Bls !ear cltJ. ca1rl., sunday, iYAC, 2?:29 (?d ld @eeeded Aus!3i 1!t et 1r /t.&. dlevatlonr 6,!00r !a.tlc!, sectron); ?5. Dlor clar!, llAA 27:f7; 26, [oodle].e, Del1er, se,, Fel!r Caorers, j\"fC, 2?:54j 2?. Ioo !11n9 56:19.1; 2. tola Sa1lo"., CC4C, 53:11.6 L.L 2?:53j 23. Joe Eeech, LIs, strlcerE, Ac, l. !1re !1nbdl, sElta Barba"a 27:5e; 29. v.n Rarleyr U,r.l, 2!:10; ,. 5a:50.5; 4. Bob !lc!.on, ua., Aedlard! Jonn r.ceto, dort !eo, N,J., 2ar1li 11, 1t:)4,4t 5, Dar.9every, ua., 1.a,, Ca6!y) Bluce rC, 24t12; 12. l.C, Co!59:56.7i 6. F!]I TrroEp.on, De., L.A., 8111 Imc, 24141; ll, D!. eeorge 3ne!rrd 61t12.2; 7. Char11! Gr!enlau, Pa.adea bltt, CJTC, 2a:44; 14. !o! j,l!dau.!, at. Antb. at, 61.to.2i 8. E111 lsdey, CCAC, 62: Bc, a5. t64 Bur!8, !n4., 29:16; 16. 2a.ti 9. BITI ScruEg!, t!\, 62:lf.?; 10, rerrr29tl2i eordoa, !M., 29 t25i 17. o!ne chadtrn Dodrrd, ua,, 6l:16,4; 11. B111 Bor drnEtor, N1Pc, 29;46; f8. rrtlan Sielnreld s, 8DT&FI, 6l:46,2, [!YPC, J0:15; -29. XEfe llttleha!, LIg, ccac, 64:16.4- (2? lrnl:he.!) ,O:15; 4C. Ster! f,!!bs, !16, JO:?; 41. ]-rolan, SA!C, lO;Ja; 42. Dr. Irrlts ;iu o;ianNlrr-;inti;iri{-;xNuii-id-- ab@!sre, nYPc, l1:r2; 4r. B11t con8!dl!. 'tcr !rom, I.Y., 8u4deJ, lbrch tj- Jl| aoldhe a,r, f2:f8; 44. o!ne TooE!y, car{c, 0,coE!11 of fte crty co11eg6 or Net 45. 1eo. E!er, ua., lr:05j 46. a2:16, YolI ror t!! 5th anrlal lob !!e.ton &11t !at&ky, 3aBc, 11tr1) 4?. xut 8teltr !,le'o!la1 5-e11! ru toaay .v!! an 11 e!, rry?c, 14:40. DNF- Jelt sr!hlr, Jc at. 1ap ooulse around the outllde lall ot leaiher: Clouai/ & cool about 4Oo Yar&ee Stadiu.In rlmrng OrConaeft --Joe Xl!rn@an-tu!.ed rn tne 2d lalt!.t tI!! ever recorded lor tr! 11 1a!3, !!te rlc/trdl! IUCI1N IN' IOIGI.R'I VIN HOIONI ran 24:10.4 rn 1961 & oIC.nne1I tun!d Brod, N.Y", glnday, lbrch 20- Dlo). !uc1n a ta.t 24:17.4 tudBy. ra!, 2ty!a!-ofd B-laduate !tud!rt 4t 0,conne11, ruBltr8 1n the .eedea.!ccD1les! nulia for tbe st. anth. t1o! ot 1? !]eerr, took th! leed oD tne ldelphl !c, tooL acf4tsl! ot en ]0r00 :edlcap on to !1n by 200y ote! tid la! &(24:49) to r1n the 12-Er16 handlca! road !u Ed Eor.. 'e!t ot the lrer YorI 1.c, .!o!eo.ed bt the 3l:c ol x,Y- ov!r tb! ta the ree@{e .ec!1on, {Ert!r {e11. 4-drle sarl!a Rrve! cor.!. The thl.t tbe tbe trDe ol ot 1L!. iar !r 25:41.6, bandlcap qag 2!:0o Jla l-onbadl 4 good eaough t.r 8th plac! 1n tbe tl41 '1trrJolsey fC rlslna 41 S*d of th! C!riia1 oll the soreich !arL. i.uola! heLc tl:e fne u.!eded 3ect1o. lBd 2c !ta!te!. 1!ad atte! t6k1.a ov6! the tro-q11e rltft Ourth!r Mrs!. ot tle Bruco fC beat &erk & Ied the leet ol et tho Eay. 1!g xat Drrchlion ol the U^lted ,3 rn tooL J14 l,oqbard.! to! tlae borcls trtth the .!!1.t to! the ta!!. ar lctual t1d! o! 1.05:.qo. !h! co!.de A toral ol 58 lumer! coaP!ted !n tne record I. 1:01:17 s!t by osc4 Lt or8 ln tbr!e rectrons coegar!d to 1a.t yea!'6 19.1 r'!n be d!fqa!!d PeE. ilcard]! ior the n!! r4L! ?ok -ii"- 6ri3i"lir.-icw u, 24,r?.8 i24:49 2. rd aore.. Nen Yorr rc, l. .'ilcbard iucla!, ga!c, 16:0o 1:rtjz? l, oeors! {!6nrersk1, IY(I F.,, 24:55 2. ioln VddAla.! Uar.hattan Col1.ee rrostl, 10:OO:r1?-:22

10:00 !:1f : )r, Arot Spa!,.Ds, ret., Don !rnd,au!!, St.antn,,15:00 1:14:50 166c s@e!, ltttl. lJt,l8roo 1:2?:02 lat ltulch16on, Utt, 10:oO 1:14:42 lave fab!lty, !o!a Co1. 4r0c !:09:04 8:00 1:11:?5 ,toe reech. !.I. 6tr., Stev! ColNy, SJUxAj 5:00 1:10:l! 10, JI! !o&bard1. cJTc, scr. rl:o5.40 11. tarly Eauer, 6tU F!., 5:00 1:10:49 4:00 1:1O:O2 12. rrrt tall, NI|PC, 1r. 8111 Alararua, C,1.AC, 15100 i:21:04 14. ,tohn Long, u@1,, 5:0o 1r1!.15 15. lat Bastlcl, I,IyAc, 5:o0 1:1r'Jl A:00 1:14 11 1,6. loE Slay, Lllllro!e At, I7. Rlots RatrleJ, lttl1. Ar 6:00 1:11:tto 18. !et. n4!ao1a. llror. . 10:00 1:17:16 19. 1llan St61rf!1d, \r:PC,15:CO 1:22r29 20. A1 Bns, CJlc. 6c!. L:07:lJ 21. .to. &oia, tlaehold,liJ,10ro0 1r17:40 22. DIcI crapi,, !111.At, 5:oo 1:11:08 It:00 1:24r:! 1:24::e 21. !r. ldlirS atrats3oa. ablahpos, l5:00 l0:00 1:19:ft 24. d.e:0,lood. uat., 1:lo:5: !11t lstaly, lata,Lr, A !C, ?0:00 1:lio: ?5. a5. !11! tA!C, 1:21r 26. Laly !!ns!r, !!na!r, IYIC, \YPC, l0:00 1:21r 4:oo l,:161 1:1bl !1llroeo Ar, 2?. Vrn E.rn, rn, tllllroeo A{, 4:00 26. lul6 0rl]lra. EA!c. 20:00 1:f9: tNr- Ounther lbse6, lbr!., Bnod !C: laY! Va !Nt0tt1cra13: &rt gt6ln.a, 3!! 8chr.(tl lletnFle, Laly !!Ese!, !!11 t*lud, ,a.ry JMl.on, lliirey lrcbter6t1en, leo .lblalson & 6ay C4f,bi lt. ItItlEt36 ti'RNI! oN slqEa6 1ru!tx?6 l, l.t!ran oo c! dd autlrorrty on lnyel_ ology In 6lorts rerbs ihat &odeln aU:Ie 1.8 nay b! b4Ehlng tbe thlt8 ol buan ablllty to hatrdle str6Es. B.Jond thoe! rtElts, he .s1d, 1re don! ot vltal parti, rhlch !1ght nev.! be tlaced to 6porto tlaln1ng. if,e slal1 b. rL6. to lncteaee ou: ledl oal lurv.l1lanc! ot 5po!t. tBtnlt)a dd lls rh! ncai d.e4! r! tlose to rol1ot,{ J. teEetb !o]1!rtt, lh.D., told e !3661oh ot trlo ?th !Jatror4.1 codse!6. o! Ld1cal As!6ot! ct 6lorts. !r. Irob4ty. toEer tlac]. U. o! lennsylysnla & oarently dl!6cto! or tle 9!d Re13y!, ielatcd tho perlor lance of ht:b1y-oondltI ths 'r6ir!ss th!olyi ot Dr. t{atg e rorlar-ldous camdlan autholltv on subl33t. Dr'. Sely!, !c rcteC, b4g cou..tt !r.ar dorns of vitaL o!gd8 1n lalrolatolv latB by eubl!ctlng !1I!1t6 or adrptab.i tlai srcsea tbel! Colpar6ll to tb6 !at!, Dt. Dolerrv opbedz!a, h!@n adattatio4 to 6t!e.3 .!sE to !o '1!c!.a1b1y !iienslbl!.r rBut r! rodd !o foolt.b to a6su!

l, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

!t t! Er1dt!ilr Ia sa1d" Dr. lohelty sald tne !od6!n 6oc1at c11late etuoulages atLlete! to 6eej. hlgh!! and hlAhe! l!t!]s ol !!al,nltA. rrAt sotre t1!e 1! ure rot-so-d.1stant tuiurc,i h! 6ala, ,r! 6]E!1 dtEcoaer tlat iare reached tne staae ol rl:.t ti, 'e sely6 has ca11ed l!rhaustton ol the ad4pDr. Doh!ltY sa1d, th6 At t d I'ealiost !ol.t, vItal !*tI ot th. bodJ breaLs p!rlorat6ej or a gland do*n, ln !tce! leact6 excesst!61y,i !! said. {lna trho could pornt tb!I! ting.! et !port6 trarnrng e6 tn! prlrary causo?i To guard again!t tbe &nger, &". !oh.!on th! totsl ty !rEg!eicd e p!lfor&ano. of th6 atU.t.re ioqy, ratlrd3p6ot6 .ucl1 a6 ei thar or rneldduf, luscl,! 6trengtl or lug capaclty. aiea at tbe s-lortE 5!3s1on 'supolst1ttales & !raggered olahs! abort Eethods ot kprovlng sporis !.F a3!alL!c, larilc]larly attacl.d r!r. {glm1ah6' trlFo!!tltC suger p1116 or ov!r!elha31z!d ex6lcig! lD 6port6 tre1.1ns. tv!! rharnlessi gtFlol.s can lull athtet.. lnto n!gf.otira n.c.664y a6p!ots

:l-:I::_l::l::T:___-, _,

MIITIISoIA RorD RIII:!]iS CLUS 4.5-i{f!,8

iACI Colmbia Golt Couls!. tD!apc1lE. sD;rdar, r,larch 20. 1966 5oo, t5-


20 hd1

{rnd, cous! Ir

good sh:9er


2. Tin Tdnbull! ma., Eop}lns iIS, 2l:50 3. tat !dln, ua., !. of Mlm., 24:05; l+. Ber Grookot!, uE., Roos!rolt 8.s., 24:2lr 5. G!!E N6rson, Le., ashbur HS, A+t?5t 6. St6"! Sn1th, Call8to! Co116s8, 24:lli 7. iol]. crsgs, crerin x;, 2r+:45; b. !"s Du.snor!, lro!k1E Fs, 2r+: lr.'i 9. Ton Harnonar, !, or Mlfr., 25:05; 1o. rod rhlpps, vlnotu stats coIl!ge, 25:L.Ur 11, roh! naiaa!. 1[1nom sc. 25:53 12. Too 6raj. @.,-26:2r;-11. -Cratg._ z.:z/; r.t. ton sr!. *r,ona 5r.r z.:rf,; rr. Gs ueg.!r, ur ol 27t2at ra. Bot :l!!pl!, ud., 2?: Mt', irlj 17. DaE cutIs, sl-nley ES, 2d:l0j 18. D, Ralr6!. u@.. 28:12; 19. cdy Andofson, sprtng ta].! !k. lls' 3o:o0j 20. v!rn aall, uu,, 32tIOi 21. D!. Le\r Bot6e, llolldns, l[:27j 22. ]roh, uE.lTt 2 n11!s laxs fle1d. ard tle rac8 {as on! fo! s!cold boLdor las ablo to otrt klck.uF qslug --Pit r,an1n _ r 1!"i balf n11!.

4rh r.miJdl, 1lpr,r vitiry rlsT.(ltcf, ttini3 s!.B.rdd :rx: arlte vR1l!:I, calif, r,!!1e Val1ey Inn {s?rrrit 19. 1955 at 11 A.l.t. 7-1.1Irl. ol.x :j],,L!t i:lnrrcr? Ac..l', 1. rtn c!rydnJ) st}rtr!,, Li:z? )9:52 ra 2. stnrl!] steuL:L.,.crc,l+7:11 l6::r I f, D.r ra.x, clcndel!, 117:19 lr?::15 2r c!1s. siorr, uu., 20 +, 4?:53 [2.;] 5. rat roea!, c1onda1e, ]]-8:20 Lo:60 12 6. rr..rdlBillrkr ud. l+6:J: t+:15 16 7. reo !L1ick, uB., [9:]6 [7,]b 2! E3,, l+3:J1 l+7:lo 2[ 9. 3ru rhonp.otr,srrl.Ja,48:tr6 :18:r+6 6 lC, Btro! r,o'rY, u3,, lr9:00 16:00 2 i1. Btil cru, Rtalto, !t:21 39:53 11 12, Brrl fiirbr, canl, Lq'27 10.57 tl 11. Dr16 seeerr, Pla, l19:15 l6:lq l 14. xareo c&r1 ir9 [2 ]rtr:12 1lr lc. Ft11 l,orctu, "o,,,ra, sc sh.l+9:15..1[:115 1 Prs,ru.50!06 19r16 9 17. x h LorBi, trru., t0:16 LE:J.a t9 1:, Ir11 clsrk!,r!.!c.Ac5ojL9 lr1:15 t5 14, !,ri}-a I(ish, Fo.trns,51:10 51i3n 2B 20. 6.b r31.as, Pas.s4, 52:oli l+2:3L 16 21. SiJetu Sulll!.nt.lm,52,2A )Q:2a 17 22, s3ottr Donard, na,,52t26 Le:56 ?6 21. rar leqra, nu.. 52:55 38ttE ? 24. ste'! Bu11.t, Ea,, 5l:19 hJ:L9 2r 25. roh4 r,rcrona1d,oE., 53ttlt )8:t+5 9 ?6, Gem carsor, ccAc, 5lr:lr| l9:lLr I 2?. t4ti{r !strsd3, ud,, 59:2a !]utaa 22 21J. rorf cnrcta, .ctc, 6EtJt la:t9 2.1 1. ard/ uosqu!o., or6d, rn:45; 2. xelrb cr!s,ib1l, rrl, 1d:4di l. ilck ]]arsts, vP, rq:oJj ir. Brlan col,6, w, 1t:09r 5. Drn Sttrfrclr, 19:11; 6. cbuck Dbster,19:16 {33 11stsd ftllshols ) ftlilon tlgi scloo! l.t-Ill E rx l. Froa Rldhrld3on, 19i46i 2. Cutle Eeinl, 2Or29; 3. iandy l]!mrx, 21:00; l!, c.tudd loqly, 21:05, (21+ flhlshors)

12, !r1c to{tr, Da., ?2t35 11. BDh D1!rn6-, !J6,, t2:l+7 rlr. rl]r Tnoi!s.n" StT8jrA,7-.1]3 15. Doua slllols, .cr.c, 73:09 16. Dcu! r,{eirrc. ua.. 73:r3 17, to! sarre., sB{c, 1l:!tl


60,!? 56:r8



Ib. !ct!r cro"s, fom..a, 7l:1y 59:18 56:!9 19. ?1,i1 ,roJdson, rraldn.?j:25 i9:25 c16ndd1!, 73:34 62:JL 21, 5111 rrookir, Sl)rwa., ,.tti1 57,37 22, Mlko larhon, ccac, 73t59 6ot59 21. Jack rilscaon, umt,, ?l|i10 70:10 24, r41k! (ls]1J !oda.a, 7[:16 ?Lr16 25, Bl1t rrronpson, ?A.A. 7[t2o 59:90 26. lam r{ason, san Di.oso74:29 56:29 2?. Mrke ltl*srl, !et,., 75t\5 t7 tIS 2d. Davld rr6et, @t., ?5:iro 5?:h0 29. Patrlck !er16y, !E.,76:00 58:o0 f0. cal!n l.lays. SD!&FA. 76:09 ?O:09 f1. c!irf Far!!rr sDr&!a,76:10 62:l+o 12. t.lelas xlu, ccac. ?6:12 ?1:12 lJ, Ray rlaluat, spdrd,76:21 7l:21 34. Bobby CoB, CCiC, 76t4 6i:51 15. ,1cx oittz, sc stn, 76:10 5drto 16. Doh rnon, clendale, 76:L0 ?6:!0 l?, rolry M.Lr1@r LqPDs, 76.ir4 7lr:l+1+ ld, Pcbar ljeeton. rE., 76:56 tAt56 Peur sr!usol, sDr&FA,??:11 67:lrjL Flod ort!ea, B'rbltjk,77.25 59t2t

19. Irc. Lti. 42.

RM3!y lhonao,


Bill r,rolls, CCACj 79t)A

Frlnk lroyn!, Coel@,??jl6 w., 7715i rrJ. Demls Erock.{, ntu. 71t57 {4. rob sha', u4., 78:50




59t57 bo:50


Arxsar, r!frMosA BEtct 5-!:ILE


Slof,so.!d bX: s!mosa Berch, Csllf.r R!cr!alron D8!t. {sPA.aru) sMday, !!b.6, 1966 at 10 A.M. V8ath!!: ]laery !ain.

1. Richud rtr!ols, uh., ucta, 2!:4ti a. olana6 codtr rc, 2l:123 3. ?ate! l4und16, @., Sante Uontca, 2l:37r 4. c6!o conloo, sc st!., 2l:l}3j ET,EMETJTTF:a SC|l00! 1-]flLE nllt ,, Dav! {aco, cull3r cltr Ac, 2l.lrlu 6, l. ll.Flto, 5:40j 2. roi, our, !:1ji l. uE., ?laya t61 R!y, 2l:56j :1).t. b:25. 11 rlst!d rthlshcrs) 7. Bob Drak6, cilc,q,2t:56; a. Doua ssl1o!5, tcAc, 2J:56t Paul l!t!!sdn, le., cai,pr.n, 2)t59j 10, Dous ?1!kt6, D@., ;;1ffi;;;;";;o!;;a,fi *-ffi ;;;A;-- rGdondo BBrcb, a+:o2j 11. aoorso uatsoq Slotuorod bX: Pasadou !!c!!.tion De!t. sundry, D!c. 5th at 10 a.x. (s!IAAo) 2r:2or 12, a l !hon!3on. Fa3adem ,1a, 24:27; rl. c.1, ElaD.T. A.t.T. rorrsnc!, 2lr:351 1. 8111 rl.cl}r, r'q'!-d, 66:15.t+ 5!:4t.1 !+. Ron Bolton, ccad" 2, lr.d voler. P,src!r AA69:lj 58:[] I 25:14; 15. J. tl.&ltlr, @., r}r"n a, 25:14; 16. Dous D. ad11q, . , i&d'tD're s!!!y, Fas, a,t, 69:45 3. 55:15 l L, stoe! Roule.. ?.s. AA, ?0:12 52:12+l tan Eascb, 25:tS; 17. Jln turi, e, re., 5. DaYo {rco, ccac, Trtr9 i neoondo E.8ohr 5:2oj 18. rlu(o rr.ra1a, 6. 8111 !orM, sDr}JA, 7.127 96:27 | ls,, r&orMa cIW, 25t)7i 19. ta'n 'ttttb L,,a., 6t39t 2a, P)n\ 7. ?trt1 crsr!8,"rr.,cc^c, 71:11 60:01 I a. Ds.rds laradaL\qL rAA, 71:17 61:37 | crdko, r!., cc^c, 25tL5: 21. Ro1116 carel!tio. smc. 26:00: 22. Rlc! va3ouos. ?b.'il;""3:gi' lLtW' ZEtEt ufu., 26:0l+: 21. Bdio D6rb, ccac, ?6:08 11. ..rdon coop6r. ac'Ia, 72.23 56:53 2l+, Dale S6!erJ, tA-{, 26:12; 25. J. tarr!to!, @., 26:1lU 26. Yom LwdM' uE.,


!urs., 26:2?; 2e. ,r*ut ,r. "rt cr,n. 26:,?l j 29. ;. l,e1nj, L@. B. C!.Isr ua., 27ta?. 3a. t, su11ird, una., e?ro?i 11. ton Donld. rAA, 27:2?; 12. 9t11 !e113, ccJlc. 28jo!i ll. J]I Her.iq;1tca, acAc, 20:lt; li.r. rohn Ire.1,q.d, tnE., 29:19; 15. Jtar l,!q111et, lru., l0rlJi .lL. l.n rddi, i@., lo:qLj :l?. r:lhar;l:lforn, nm., ro.i rrrt es, -u., il:c0r J2:1c: 18. 19. ror j.qecn, t3s.rn:]1d9M'D1J

3l+. Alt t1o!te1, um., Altadem, 62:19

62:lq 15. tsro tlI!kss, u@.,..11,' 6::5?r -?. tsl1l J6, !r!.e riculti, 38,,c, j]]. Don lin t, s!llors vlolls, cc,rc, 64:o1j 67:47; ',c, 611)9i )9. R3r xat116t, s!.Tc, h0. Scott, DodlLl. Sd,.ror3 :C, 65:21i 41. Dru r.le,i. ccac. ba 2ij L2 li1k3 3h, sr'rc. se.l.!a, ?j:!lj rrJ, Le! .!r sfori. 7r.11: rLr . '10ra ledIm. r,nPw. -/i:rrli 4!. n.aii;";;, LirDs, ?6:\rj +6. dard -ilth sari.ls. 7?r2cj l+7. Jon xcrntosh, utu

J.rti Bfdlona, Ed 3hort !f tlia i ri13 ada..rilecd dletance. . 'asl rler' Rior, J.Lr rrr,.msor, i!u.e :ltD1. .n i3 cr, rr./ ir'l: ror et this rv.rnt & did it 1n a s!.ctaci_ !1ado rp.i. 1l.i ?r.l Lrr!treh f'l!h !1ados ulal fasllon .'r ir l.lsi.:r x. b3!arr tte 50:0o ninute mrL or iils ls ]r8ld bf, ir.L UiLe i Felfom.n.. as c.nlded {tib tast 2.t tI, 5,o r'1 7.5 H 10$ti. 1!Lb - 1.;c9 ).2::I r2t)5 r2t2a'5 ItLi - i.z:ta \2:jt 12:16 L2:45 ro.ili.!'a to::L ;; ;;;;.,.1 & saIl.'s t pro'ed i..,',i teil., ralif. fisssen- efJoli & boi5 MEdl! lart -Y!$. Ilundle irtr...or':li! ilcrrerilon ! P3rks lrorid 5ls & 3Ri1o!3 lr'llored . t!o!pl!e . :o! 1t66 i"h._ ,r',,.,1r,' 3ir-da'r, r. q-nl!or: 10-nJ, LII+, r1.1. n.. I..al rrrr-.m!di, q:+r Ir:q]+.5 r rrrflc F- 0.i1.i,aE -1 :i !er:, ,'r 4af,. ,. sB, ar r:16 'u: iG .,".r.' , .se bo.h on anr !o! 3}1 ln .- l-i,;1,,nr1., .rJ, -.11 :!:oq rl:lr+ {.dn los r,r.iil shot .b ril'.: rnnn4.-w sr.t. jilaH :ciioot niri{ itsrt t dli's imt.ad or tla 2-nt1! ..u!:rol- :1, l,.turt Jat, so. ,'ora..c. 2t: i:i I rof".c.. ?9:25r i. loi1. s:1ar.l!o, s.r.. 2t:t"t: It" I:h !irk;,, !, ..rratuo, 26:0'1. rll 1is]"a: l!:l3r e:31



t2:41 r- Dow i:i1o'3,6j1 , -r:)2 26:15 '2:2o .cic. a, Fs:r DT D! .c.., 6. lars u1.., 26:2! 52:ln .a:15 t2.l+2 0. r.ju'er--ntunl, s:i:, a rin vs. llq Pn. :3-qc, 6:15 c2:1rr1 r tt.-t:4! 5J:0! io. f'".rl D""i., Lf.s:.f. ,b:r, :-J:1, 11. B1l1 aidFlso.,

rBtrl.k rul.y.ui1.r" !r. !r11 Thinlsor. !!( Mosqfads, .r., 15. ^.dJ so!m. trrL",. 16. Br11 r_1.

<I:!!::,?: iI:!i lt 1: 2::ri




!,aa ::,!+

i:ii;i"1 ;"1:l i!;.' :;,'; !9: till-'3:iii:li l:iii::{.;: ;r:i;



ji: HLI'i"ll;lI'31:iti !:ed r.crrol,r'

:i.'4q' !8,:B

iJivt :t.!!z':rv :.1':i 26. Herb nos rr E1e,".1.._-::,+: rm1an, 27. rrom 20. BtIl r,Mb, r[;c a:'1! 2:t!*



5:.'1."i::j?ril',,i31" iSri: ;;;;;

r1. ct".1i" st-t, sr.rc, r!:0? 60:ll ;:. ,lot. r-ri"eto'

clrrlldnr-rl' !Ai,!11r r'rrNs 6-l.IlL! n:lL'Y rstterson Parlr! B!1tI.ole, Ud., Malch m cu:ib6.1ard val]..x nc, 13d ]lY aIrc veui:re !mu1 souur ]|i1:ntic

;*".,,r;tron,3 e-ntls ie1a7 xodq i. ll. ri rai it5 33t /?.\. Pltz'-sr.t.rtt !r & pD11-d .a 5co .fr lft:r Lulllic uP a 1aDI o-r rF! thlra rlelili:tdrr 3.lL.01 tDlaneY 1ei a t.',,. .irc & r1ndr. I r 2.1 .i1-s 112c d! 111, '":t of r_! rr.a dounrtll & f1at, r. amb3r1.i.i v3i1aj ]ra (!ate Anbros!, rL 4.!. 1!.k r.ora:i 10:2r.U,-r'rTr^:3k2. rdrev Vali-J 4 (l,or} llo11n!. ]0:''J l 10: lLl+. 7, carr S.nlmexeJ 1 :5!.5, Dc: Ir&LB' ,: i:.;--lo3i rim! or den ntri r= off of'!:09 s t 7 -ssr3 r:o) 41:li.cj-J. .l:. s:!.r{e lc {Iol xii.ncd iroxJl!:12,6. ?:r11 sheets 10:40.1, ra:: runL Lcj 0.lrr l12:4r,9i 4. c'il5r1Md rral1sr 'b'!J:"1.i: 5 Du1ar" valror B" [)!t)1,.j 6 t lret /e116r 'c Lr4:46.5. Y^rx-d colirlBllci lLrDorr c[+:?i. if T'1!. i--:-irri; "r"*r ts5 c!orea ;astabr'ok

(rrr) 1,4r22.oun ahil 9:26,0m. ntck Dun (lw) lon tha looo In 2:15.1}IR. D63ptt6 tl! fino sho{tns of tho }rildcat distanco non. vlIH flnished onlr 5tb 1n the tem !!uch 18-19--2.


1. r1n oretl!, !,rult.ac, 5:07.4 Ai:;;;E?d naeordj 2, L. roosood, Aus,, 5:ou.Ir ]. Fon 01arka. Aus.. 5: 09.0, uELBoLnli,T- AUsrFAl,IA. r1&rch 20- 1500n-

1. olel1a. 3:!!.ir..5aoon- 1. clsii|:!]:[c,6..80on- r. D;i!-Tlt aus., 1:50.]. AlEL,tItll, AUSTn/rtIA, ltarch ?2- Jin cr!l} outslrlnt!d Ror clarL! tt rho ond ol e thrllltbg tn'o nilos tontshi: at the o]ynd intelnatlonal lic Slolts flold 1nsFctators. crarle 3u no!t bofore 5,000 eod 1, tho 5trr 1ap & orrly dre]l! n&1ntho! Cruk3 decided to try & outklck Grc113, only bo b0 krlled i, rb! last r50 n6tor3 - 1331 1op 56.t. 1l!-!d in Australi., 3bould Gr!11!. 'e11 eastly ru sub B:lo. The lacs {as ru in darkness lItb ure Arandstand llehts pic]{ 2-t11e, 1. crcr1o. 8:llL0 (so.austrstls c1trrke, 8:ltr..E: l. Gfi-Fae.fdjr 2. nonu:42.4 {sa rc5. rsc.) nerry o'Eit6n, sa, (orBrien' ! stecplechasr ryurh, UssR. 4. proslact, salnod siJature fmn his close th1!d to tlc inielnattonars. Bocn- 1. ch!1s 1^roods, Aus,, 1:4u.1 (sa 0;;n n!c. )r 2. vadtn l{lkhsilot, !ssB, r.ta.1t 3. R. Pslconor, vtc., 1:50,5, UtllolttAln, oNTxRIo, ordex, l{amh 7th l ?hlo1car Fit- l frc uorthlT !tro Toronto n!ss Club Irdoo! Mtle ltun - 1. Rat,{tan-l c6. clad3t.n! Ac, 5:13.0i 2. noaer lihtt5:16.li -l sr llnn, !n}Fc' 5:20t [. PaDl B!u1!!3tr, o\c, 5:2r: 5, D!ur srrrz, Nort]]c.n l}l'Y.rllq. 5:25,c. M1Io \,Ialk- 1. tri'a ltadxsl.{1c2, xo,Itm; l:?.0; 2. eeo. r,lre, cac, ?:[9.0. Tonomo, Olft,inlo, sat,, lsarcb 12, r96C oladstone nthlctio cluD Racesr fcattrirg 0ntulo Lo lllf. C.mr iorstd! v31k:r lrlscourt falk & a 5.ll-llile 0!!n R.ad Run at !1sh P-rk- o.!ri 5.L-lliLs Road !u RasDlts:

r. n". uEiTiETi?-l_El;lllr.-?ir-di26llo. 26:), Tolo4to 0c,

2. Robert rlnlay' l. Russ Evans. EmtLton 16, Cron turro, smllton 0c, 4. q- xeh Hd- Tororto 0c. t. Eelb llo;rk, I{milton 0c, ?. notort resss, loro.to 0c, B, cDlin B61tz, E'd11ton 0c, 9. Jlu Baisty, Hmllton 0c,

Tolont. sbdd0rs



27 t2t+



2!,lr,l+ ?9:5P ?o:r1+

11. Xlck Dlcolpo, Toc, 29:06; 12. Robelt calrns, foc, 29:46; rl. Jms vak!no, lanllton Ac, 29:5?; 14. rmes Roa, xolth YorL ach111l6s cltrlr, J0:07j 19. Rolr!lt Kar1l, lac, l0:12; 16. r161dr cAc, ltoo, f2:rf; 15, l1:06! 17. John Thmss. ',esrto BlakeLoc]' 1lS, oa{atue, ont ll:14; 19. sush csofon, rotonto strtd., J4:1lr 20. Esidlo !antln!1, ua., Itasala

fal1s, ont.,40:4o. \faul.sfordts !1re ls an autonatlc bad to be h!ld Th8 ova! aa alt!rrlt8 "ace coldltlom caused by @ icy snor & rain th6 nrevious niaht. oTor th! ollginal cours!, Dsre !11ft, of Toc, ton th! 1965 ontarlo lo-xtfe chellonsblp {alk- r. telli Cspl8lra, cladston! {c, 1:16t57.0i 2, l(e1-noInz l4er3clFnz, oAC, 1:!7t07.0j f. Robdrt st.Ju]ds, Montreat, 1:22:5?.0; ]ri11ouda16, onta!to, L. IriNa [adysie'tcz, 1:21i10, (U rlnr3hoB) *-Tho caradlan Mareihon ChMltoDshlp anit Brltish Dn!1rc & Comortoalth cM!3 !"141 ut11 bo held at otiarar ont., o! Sundayr rlat-z2, Ior furtlror tbjomatlon pI!ase conracr ]lrt N. c, ri!11rig, 972 Debra st., 0ttara 5, ontalo.. M.r's & \'lm!n,s 1&! chdps * B.E. o4!s Trials w11t b6 h.ld at Eddontoh, ,l].borta' on

Fltcey & Ssturdsy, July 15-16.

ErrilMOX, OIlTAnrO, Mrlch 19- 9tst Hrsh]and..s lDdoor tlrF Maei- M116- f,. Da"! eAr1ey, rolo4to E"fic, l+:oEig: 2. lon 4:10.0; .l' !Yrk6 Van dor wa1

lmlrton ac..2-1.{11!- 1. Davo E1l1s, Toc' 8:59.or 2. ioffiflbcfold, Eallton Ac; L nobart fl.lar. \Jat.rLoo,,1000- r. !. 2:12.6,.1,,'od6n's 880- I. Roberta itcoo, D.n r.rt11s-Tc;--zilfl; 2. c. crtfflth, !olontoi f. ?. I,l!rtln!r, Ti:D sUITo,


--PauL BolltYeau--



hory's nors Club, no{ ltvtns & rclkt.s tn lo3 Argelos, callf,r sullered a ba5consive heart attack tn l!bruary & h rtned io ftod smarlta noslltatr'as Phoonli, AltzoDa for a for t!eks bfor!

l3i.g trm6ferl8d tb a ho3pitel la tu. IllmOR !caT, Albany' X.I., sst., !6b. 26 Proaldence's Ba!!Y Bro'n 3et !d16 {lr.:13.2) a *o-n1r-o (9i18,1) lat8 lord tEr tt tlEt tha llqrtl.l Internstiohal x-c offlclafs haao thvlt!d a u.s. t!m to so1ri4 L.! orpBro. lroblon to th! Int' ,a-c tlb prcYto@ a6ok!nd.

Tffi HNEfl NNE IISIRNIC 5HOC EUER MR[E! ll-lountry, l0-Hi|l, llhrilhon, or 50 llliles /DEAL FOR ANY RUN]]VINq SURFACE N6

ot[.r .inbfic .[o4 h.v. .ll tt4o.r.ftlm!rchiD f!.ture3 LICHTWEICHT . FTIXIlLE .COMFOR-TABLE DURAILE



lleul Xolrnre's


TRACKSTER r.dv.er f.riru.,

r.n!6.ir ttid.,

fi.lF r'.r.i. thin rtlinh

"5.3 .5038e





..JJTTTJ;::Tyjl:::""" 'fif'll#'r:'#:}'*5'*"'" \-OOo-/

Order gour

ptir todtq!

ALL @IiS SSTP'I! 'TOFILI 9r!l Dll,rvdl cIJrrrFBlD rt! nmlFr(n cqlr lrl focl ortcr !d 9a, o.rl.ld c.t&o tutr6' l^tslDr 64.

1A flOr DCSirt tlt tlrtltrlY, rltlll tt lo E

-= {3:



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