vot uME t2
r) Sra of
ti !
Cherry Tree Maraihon
Winner-John carlepp lo Ann La Pierre
Pholo by -
ifr ums n?F!'r'ERs "lTn"fildiil Jl'?:"""i!:i .*1 i:1"{ili;';:"T:::' for a1r narr I u a per or i2.10
ti*, i*t}**t*"I::1.';i"*'* l;"1'::i'lik,'3:iffi :i
sufficlolt hlre t. tralnine iltbout brcaxlu dom ncntallvJ then nhT rc lose t\a1r deslrs t. run.thrys bo 1ilifo strict bi€nr Th€r6 rJi1l ran.!bs of attrlcLlc lo.1.s1 grorih .,; rtll coDrinG to €rua4lcr aovmcPs ;f at}]letic 6lficlonct b. t!05e lou'r€eitention nust bB !o1d td lora- dt3_ stsrs lith k.oBn ar,tltdd€ tuce luindns' If theJ 3r€ €dded ov rbr shoutdnrt thev bB auouod to t4o a cr;rL at tbo msratho. & urtra-ierarnon th"i! DhYrlcal ttrbtgth uhl'r 1s iors-
:;:'::: f#?+ii*lit*:i*ili.ril.qilf ;i;i"";:ii;." sl mttar: ertaln'ns-ta
^ i .,d.
*x i::"t*',:::l;Y;'"i1.:[':":H:' to 8111r: 5iatcrents on 1n reirttrl nlles i3 hard
iii='l?';i'*"!:i::1i$ ;;: :?':i.lr";:i
$i'l*:;g:;*::i.l*: $:,:*#f
*:E[$t**m*t;*r 'T;";;;ii"';:16'lht"
detotF on
ir**:itii"iihtii;r::"i: iliri:"r:
*irf :"i*qi!*i',$ii:ii:l:'ft
i::*::i::i;li ;:',:lrr,";i,:;::iili;
i;;l*r,*:: ni;:;'"llii::"lil !ii1 irj ::l1.li';; ;::;':f 'l'r"i!!"Tli
,:::i:":'ll ii: ":#..;:::":'i' ii':;"
li i;""!3'l'::"'13?:' rir". rh. r"it". ne.iod is tbd rrnc ror rhf,"ica:! iitre3s "S.;Ji:i,i::ii" a hdns. sL,,-n..rc ri,h
ffi u
rrAffi. rl*i;*r**iiil!l#
l*4."1' i*[i'li ffi ,:.::i:*:[':*i,,fi ;i i*:iri1'q;"Hi${r!;Ji1;:$!i, ilji#i#t :*::llryr ri,i:r*"i;lti: i,trr' *gl*i;ugg5::
*i il n*i*ffi ;r1 u}i[r: ':":':;:'3'::':^:: i";h:t:in.. :li":"f ;***,r,*ri li"r :'*l:;:;;.:::;:'.-I;i:'"Yt:,ti:"., jti ;t.*4t#i:#- ri+#*, + H*+i*tffi t,il'd;ff ;ffi ***riUffi Ti*li;
t#;i*ufi f*;iun,il*;
ffi *;iir#+*:
$i_,::;:,q:#,t*Il,;tt;1",11ii**'iry{r *}itqi:$dii#,
Hr#ffih,".fi*trffi t
#t*tii*ri*;+'3iulrr ;.';:*i;i1;,;::1"]i.iH:ll i+i*[qi.**i:liq::i**i!:* ,!!,i,:lll:lii#ii
#; I i:"::iru 1",n,14::i:;i:ii;:liil r! :: ltr":{,,::.'i":,r:n;:::q:;::i:r." I
i:..t:: Iil"'ir:;{i}!il;?:"ii: {i;i'l r:..;,:. ,i*:*:lq::"::il":';i"' 'u:it "1;i:;, 1::" -"di -.::%:, -fffi .:i iil'.i:; ",:;r i;.. J;-;s;-i,"? -t j
$;rl;iq*:il:;i;iui *:i:+;:" *H:",:lf;::iff :i!'i:fiili':trc
4 rCltFnRY tRlE l,t{P"1T!l0xr rlt 2.351)7.4 OdloDp s o..d Al5 s.cono oto -ln oI t . J.3! lodat ln rlm&a tho 9th Arud ch.rrJ Tr.. l{3lethon sponso!.d by th. nRc 20-n11. rut tro r..ks .eo, too]l ol rbv YorL. e€tl.pp, rimor
totx crRLLPl rtII{S 9Ts III'UA!
th. Lr.r at tho 3tart & nalntal!.d a stzstl. 16ad f5 n11.6. vF116n thdn norcd in flont & bul1t up 4 ??0x nersln alprdh.t.ly ritl orlt tE nt1.s to so, hos.v.!, Carlotp cMa or last to r.captur. th. clo'cs box6t ltntshcd stro]€Lsd i! ih. fii'f half-nil., ih. fom.! cold.n '(12(, "t. .t 1r Lo ern by 10or t^ ?t)tt t,l\' "' 1 o'r ' _ .r.. r_ o' gtl r.]d by 19fd vtlsr c6orso ro'lds s 3'L_'s doid blL[.r]r cold rt-dcsr.. r.nPoraru"6, to tg ddlprto -c, 6tud.n-o1o Jelroy rDmlr€ hls sr n-oso Rlcb,rd spdlt4. an '8-rss' dlsplaydd e!.at prcnts. in cantuihg third plrca honors. E flrsi }!tk D.vo.y u.noltaI Trolhy doAat.d bt Dic} clapp to th. flrst tor{otr tb.'*5thon, o{ th. 5a stdtcrs ollf, 37 rlnrsh.d th. lons cold €!1nd. Th. Junto! llot. aAu ttt1.,{hich ias also at staka for thc u.t, lum6rs.xas xor !t tth daco ltaish.r Bt11 !a!!.y, unattaoh6d, B 1 Codor ot ino st' AniholJ!' B.C. iool th6 silr.r n.dal & riik Rctf captu!.d thc b.onz. dodal. P!1r.s .oF ardit d at thc Blou Vnton l)'lcA sd Jonn 0'not1, !.s. RRc h.xy, add!.ss.tl by cls Eott6alos e'rd bls c@ltt... ih. r@rs afi.r tb. tac.. trsi talrsls: f959-T6d corbltt, NYPC; 1960-A1.x Brcck ridA6, trSltc; 1961BA,1! 19o2-Jom J. rc}Iot, Bnsr 1951 {do1f Cnbo!. X.\AC/AuJorD J, ilxcr, L.ra: 196[-c6o.R. eoulos, P' -3ou-gn, ra.: ra65- @ nccart] t cAAcr 19663ob sob,rr, saltlnoE 0c. f. Job! edlpp, r{111!os. aa, 2:35t37.4: 2, tolt J. E 1L.t, B.ston AA'
'lli?i""l"l ):T';,f;fe;-'.r' "u"o"'*
3:#::l',:;":i'is:",:,1tsfi;f;."?,:' B. -od co.btLl, IYPC r|ltlFs. j.r, 2:L6:2r; 7. E|l s"r."ab, MAc. 2:!/:c9r 2:<1:Lo: 9. Dsea La P:o'ro, li.s ."1r, R.I., ,: L:05: 10. Bu1cordon, sl.
lilfi .":l;r:li i:';l:;5ii"ii:*13. i'3!1fi: S*:"Ei;,Tr,'i!l'h?;,""ii,!.f r.ytoa r.!!l@, no n_3Lo! tC, :oL:-5: l6 cl5tonc'
15. B o' BL_.3. J.i,'d {! Iu+:i0: ii. ct*I." oi'.". 4.*Io-o c, . :rl,:1?: 1c- r,o@d Eoloos. I!xc, l:1l:l5j -0, B 11 s\zi. no o.tr", B!r4.!oiE. (o n.. ):17:10: :, Na ' _'-nl \' ! :-q ai: --,^ Zil'is,j;.?;,S;:,ty.,*,lti.jt,:Te; :;r r.il ol,.",L-*i :,.i; i i.:l'j,iii6;:"
;:e.: tli'j'id'l.ii:
il;'^llli'i"-. *31'jl;,lli l;l';li: J: 1r:./r JJ U'ors' varbutd, i!|c, -l:lr9:.r6j 1', ta.l. MddaElla. !iiis#:";"#i;,];lil:l;.;i "i"""i"11::-:: x,1":.';,i. id;,'!;."6i Fii:r"li' ., w6!t sid. Il{cA. ir.Y,, lr:}2:25.
j'i": ?"::'ft ;'i";!.:fr::: "iy *';;fi::"1.i^f'gli,"::,"1.';.n'":;ilitr F:u v*.'r"-. r.rrn.. u rlad l*, qll. Psrsckv. -aBcriift,1d;;i;;". ffi..:r.:?:;ft,.!{c; fl:*'";il:$},5tu; i.'*""frlli:'f i;'i:'l-?il'*:1;ijl;:-
ffi +#++Ht","*:;;;;-;r:-i;;;-i:;:;:i,*;"1;:i":;-1,;;ii:i:X;;-;f !:!l:lJ *:l-19 l4llr*: Lllle ,19 E)tzz 1. Jofti! c*l.pp, ILIrcs. c!, ? 1'9?l:! 2rt2r !"?rlQ :'!r ;1 s,d, c:;i."r r".""v 'c. t: 'r. l|rbAL|,.d.F.'.ra:a\D'(1nso''//:.'ii:K.;;;i.:ii'.li li 1lt|: "r:re z!,\L +i!!i/p l:,"liT!i;.,1!l'lSljii::" aA. ji;6ii6 6: llrk R.rr, xtr,'os6 l;:i" 04. clLb.q :eo l:::: '".62,61 ?':?; ?. Bob nos.,.s, n.v yo-k " iliPt 8. Bil1 Ooldon, St. Anttunt s bL " -+
,'''i:?:"1:,y*i, -l; i ,illl iii;: ,1"'5t+l'ii:'l,llili"i^*""1 i-:;'=i,l;::)"y?:j;."il"r-' :: L l:i :iT.'r "t r"t,'! Li3 l,a, Hl lli!: "F*!r,lrt,i,.
ffi;;lf tiilrfd;*;tru ltlT;,,*;u;r,,*+:';**i
it;'il r*'r;,*:i i'ir;:u,;Tti+:;1i1;$;: iL.$1,[:"3+:'
li'i:!: *i"ixi;;riiii,"i,:iiril j;:ti'..i,i,i:i, ilpTl *:i,j;l ;+iT:il':ii''l":;',,i' l*:ft ;ll;:!Tr +r.;,"'itiiie,li, i..,il',*i:, ;:r :
-;;i:**il;l;iE-:i.:i*'s1,il *iii,:;1;$iii1i;ii$iH ri ; *.j'iil:i['|"";'""- ;", ";""','- ii"::::;'tl;;' 5,r";:,:,::i'!?:%i:1 I
",I;i*'i:;:',:l*:i:,%l;i,"a:i"ii:; 1Hff,il+;,i4, ;!iHi;,i;;!;:;ii;i::l: n*iii -sl,:?13'l"ftild;i-'|"Ji1::":i ii: ii'"ltill# ;' Iil::{:r,,';i1 li$ Fi:;. ir:?.1":*:i:;;;;g ry;' l',f"i:ii :*;*i l*., iii:i rrlil I
r;i+iiry: -:tiri'iit::.t,] *;i+i1,i,"ii1:r'i1,1";11;:;; :aTi:;iqi:'i*;i,:;:-#t!:,1';;rI;{*":i,.Fil"i;.*frr;$H"r'r ?ruil' li-.i'iil::1"+";qhi;li;lii L1ilti"l,"li';'i:i-Xi;;:;'ilr;;i#';,,it:rq-*il ;#.i,r1i ;};i,""::,f*i;rl,j:';j;"]'i\t"i:: ;-1iiiil"i':;:$i ;:;:;:*"1ffi ili,"'*t", i!.,;l"h"l.i}:rui;::i"i".. _^;:;: ' I
l:i !ili i:'i8'ilii"i1''Y,::' ::i:,.
;,:;:l*rli *,r"ri;:"si;i.:?"*i:jl:?
il:;ii;il: li:*'*'i.l.r$i'." :+;,:tl *'i*::l'i1*iii5$5:i n "i" r;,1*L ;; 5i;,;: ; ;;f:i"i::'l;.ii i:*;,it;:::tf1f;ii::f:i::!: ;:;i Iril ; ;,,; ,t.:,i:"r r:"ri;;l,llr1il;.r i,! ;';;l :; t
;'*"#l;1r,'H,$:i* il ,-tl" *i';i t* t* n
t,;' 'to
o r' l-iit:il;.,i,
i, lrd:tro:
3. B11I cia!rr, trsfic, 8:59.0; l+. Rl1oy, !4!E!!!!MI-139-!:ls:4-!q Ilarch 5, 1957 11 a.I4. rro laps ot 4 ni1. usuc, B:59.2.,880- 1. voh Rud.r, !9.rs. 1:l+9.0j 2. sFiili; corn"11, 1:50.5; l. gad6n Rtvd! &
sto.t (sloplt lootirsi Pllz.st
plaquoE & 6.v.n n6da1s. 40:40.4 bt Ed tllnrov, 1961+, tr-M1. 8-ut,
1. BI11 Sch{rb, x6' Y.rr. !c, z1-tr9 F49 2. Joln cel6p!, H11hor. An,21:27 ll:50 22:rC I+4:55 f, Ed Ayros, CJTC, l+, Gsry xuhrcko, Mll1loso M,21:4q 45:o1 22:1C l.l5:19 5. ArHrDr FaI1, $YPC, 6. rm slea1ns, $.s Yorh Ac, :l:oo 45:57 ?. l,l1]| n.lf, l4t11ro3. M, 22:41 46:10 8. Bob !o{., l[.{ Yolk Ac, 22152 )}6:J2 22:t7 l!6:36 9- Rick C11d.!, Iry?c, 10. Eob Ros.los. N:rIC, 2l:Il l+8:or !,ccc, 2l:58 49:08 11. iob.!r rourlany, laylo!, G!o.N1ch, 2L:09 l+9:r9 12. a111 Brldg.lortrct.rl+:10 Ron ta'is, u. 49:2? 1]]. Jln W113oa, trnlt.d An, :lr:24 4c:2! 1r. Nar ClNlnlck, unlt.d AA,24:57 4q:50 16" 31L1 coyno, M1lhos. A4, 25:l? 51:54 1?. Daro Litt1.ha16s, I'.I.5.'27:22 551?\ 18. Joru coodrlch, L,t, ac, 26t29 55t5r 19. Dr, IFtrrE AbrehMs,xYrc,2?:42 56:21 20, noffy Mofc.r, uet., 10:07 61:oe 6t:lel 21. Bsfi Bsfy o.sl.r, uBt., l1:4o 65:le 22. DlcL tothschlld, svMctr, )2t2a 65t291 2J, Elrc c.sr,.r, unat., 33t22 69t531 tIlF- Blsblr vam, Vrlt.d aA I Xotos...Jobr Ga!I.!F, x1@.? or ib rRCl 20 Mib nun & C!.rry !!.6 Marathon, h.1dl th. load lor alf,ost t]]..ntlr. distarc..l 8111 Schvab fought narlopp for th. road l ovo! tho rast 1o0v & th.r odsod ,noad l ln th6 1a3t 1oY to dn bx a ecet 5 tt. I lho tlnos {o!. quit6 sood co$td6!h€ l th. horrlbl. !.atho! condit ro!s. lIons l
T.xaa soutb.rn,
cL6v.Iand, ohio, F6b. 18- 2?th K.o? c. r,I6.t- ulf.- 1. sM Bailr 164r stato. lr:o8.1:-=; rlesron Dalrs, rr?.rs, [.ad.2r J. T.q !aLso!, SC Strld6!s, I+:0C.1. 2-Ui1as r. Oscar Iioorc. SIU. b:17.O: 2,
roc, B:5 .8! l. Firdiqr, roc 1. Erses l,.rr, TorDnto t0, ?:14.8; Z--D,!o Patricr<, v111., 2:15.2. Vdcotr'or, 3.C., F.b. 19ur- Achlll.s ,{i1. - I. Dytol &rrl.son, or.rc, I+:01,[i2; nay Hasu.ll, Edmonton rc, tI:0J.7; l. nob.rt6, a3h.,4:06,1j 1. [. Ron Clarko. AE., [:09.9..2-Ui10-,,,J.sh, rit! Kdrho, Kdnya, 6117.8; 2. d;E 9:01.0,.880- t. 3111 c"ojihers, El"rc, 1:51.2. Tolonto,- oDt,, Fob. 2l+th- 5th !o1ag!@I,r!!1o L.al Irdoor odos (U,!82 fms) r. Dav. Dae. Batf.y, Bq!l.y, l"r,!c, rt5c, 4:01.4j 2. !11.- 1. U11.$;R,i.- 1"s. Ks I+:05.0; rL!o<.0: 3. 1. Jrn r]I cr.r]., cr.11.. SdBair, 1"s, ri 4:05.0; Iu1t.Ac,4:06.l+j 4. ca!!, usc, Ir06. 1 Davo E1us, Toc, 1l:1t.2; 2. l- 11€-Fon st-cloud i- ID. rdTtlso,, st.cloud st-. st., 11!1{,.o: 1.1j36.0; l. -;;fil Ea.!o11, GrahM, xo.I!or-rd' Giahm, lro.Irole,d, }]:39.2; U:J4.2; 4. Easrol tdho,tor 0c, 1l:U+.2; 5. Eurru, us$! t€_ni-Et1ts,
lJ:51.2r 6. P.arc6, t.xas 1,J.si6m 1'J.si6rt Frosh, 1j:51,1+..1000- I. croth.!s, slTc, 2:11.5 (1or r10r ho!. hop. )j 2. Eml. rac., 95, ttr\.' ttrr.'5:1I.6i falquha! shallc. {l.]Lqr) sha!!c. {l.]16T) 5:1I.6;3, 3, lon falquhalson
BBo- r. {btdoifts, roc. Ir 2:--Fid;ffi ]laMii€, r.m.sr..
5:1?:J..u;..n'r 2:10.
t&. tlnrsh.rs t.ro SaBJ o.sl.r, 1r, andl hls ,-yaar-o1a brobhd! Er1c, Mar. {AU l.D. chatms Kuri Sbdin.. to-run, basltg hld d..tsion ot hh. ndt : xat.AAtr lullrs .f al1ovt!€ !!f, r'ltr3! bd.! 1? Ydals ol ag. to run tith !.rnlssion of rdoni & lot{L.de. that i;h.v : ard t! 3hap.
n. of r..onro, c:[5.0j 6. Bilr p..L, si! c.o. uiM@i. 9:!7,a,.co1locd p,116- 1, Brrrh nlcl.ard;. rj. or :6;;;tt;-1i_2z.0i 2. x.n IJr€11:, tat.rloo r., l+: .1.9, l. nod Moor., nshlanC CoU.g., l+:21.9; 4. tlG R.e.r, \iaF. siato U., l+:26.1" xoi.s..Icn1a,5 ]tip xolno {as ask.d ron11. rec. rhat nadc lln so fast. wtth r stralght fac. h. satdt rIn fm Ti:DOoR CIRCUI!- BaLl Fla&tsco, l.b' ry countq f,otr hBro to bo la3t. Th6 amold".^qat. rnvlidtroniE5:'tfT slou on s." Kal.o firlsh.d l1!ln 1r th. 10-nd ft.Id & las ba!.1y *:-iP" :*-:.-*:: , 1:i:e,';T,l;,Y+&2. N.rlt N.l USc, Usc, Lr.:07.5j carl, carr, l.!- D.d13 D.mI3 4:07.5j Jossiis xith four laps to do ln th. l.iJc, 4d:\i Dqad. fidoock ,itsu, 4:0?.5..2-Mt1._ 1. lap !aco. ,{ L}roat i^flciion took 1ts EYi., ::::::1 #i. 8:l2.bra3#E"non cili" ir"ir"i;". tdl1-.Jin o!c11. cso undo! it!. flof, clalio. nui..8:15,8r I' u.or6,0'a th€ Tolo.to ?re 35 rc, a:t2. cony6rsatton aft.r hts ntb d.foat & -. l8- 7rr AFUaI las lat.! ln'o1v.d ln e host.d 3c6n. loulsrrl16. IY., F.b. (90s5 fet )- M'1'- l. lith ofrxcials lho ask.d hln &trn to 31t lFoeFss .n thd trac! thil. lac1ts ',43 r'r.st.l L:98.,.:?iruL6;;; c'i*r"'e, N.r tlE so 8:k.or-7:-r. r'ro'rco, .--Kcn Esllton of Bavel'd tonc$adre i:'do.!;o!t: * D.a!o.. r6{es v.st.rn r.osn. 3:L? l: nt1. I^ 9.2r.5 to sur!&se ibo
lf B, ^Ii
ril":",ii;:i ::\::":i:"ili:lqi jiiiru":1
h5-'#tiiipitilti'r*rqil,l:rili;iisi'fft: y';""!:ti":'"?:"4.u":::."lYral;i'i:
had ,etu;ad to oSIt 1a3t faLr .ltet a sald ho !1]I Joht tb ;m.d foro.t. irracY hes had ro ccado iloubl€ rhai3oovo! ha{tua earnod a B .vol' a€av€r Tracl e6 last qustar,r' sald c;aoh B.rnv Hqhor. r'Nor has ho rrad env
.th6r dlfficuatl€6.rr rI fe€I 1tk€ Irr solEiu {e rhsels 1! school'r satd SDlth' n;nd I thri* !t'e best for n€ to so lnto th€ sefl1cs at t513 tlt6.tr shttht e Juror rrm Arcadia. csI!f., ".!s 3 rtro youig flM trying to flnd hlrs€If.t' satd t.rnar. '\'Ihtlo T!acy!3 slrhdrauaa 13 a bI;H to our tra.I !!ogrm, I hhln& it 1. tha test couss df acblo. fo! htu." The blobd phenon pac€{t htns€lf !1hh lnclodtbld skt1l to fa out dt3tdce btu blue llbbon l.AV f-nl1€ fleld as hs o!a6€d tb€ ndk of t'tho dlas€1 f.oo 'los Ed3r" 1n a na]mr tnet sda6 o1 of thelJ lner tY tlD 60Ao counLly on t@ oe6r the countly ov6r oan to @€t @ su!€! dat take s 3u!€! 3€ai3. lt u111 tahe s€ais. ln elctolv stdd t: tho top of th€ erctolv ofl '111 Sntth ofi
i:'3#li:'*]-*", *.'i#'3;*3:",lii: ll:10.Li 2. t€r6k cldMr G!' lz{ o3cKi.. oirY!4: lat T!8Ye!, 4c8rs, 2-[16- I. rat 2-fi11€4q6is, o:5?!4: x'c..!!9reJ3ue.-xr Z.--5ih L_-FiTr cIalk, car! reJ3ue. Wg 9.: r- Dav€ tabltck. vll1ano'e, r:4Y.r. eer of crrdplols, LJtnlpeg, lbnltobs, Fsb. 2qth- 2-I,!t1s 1. !€aro3, Toxas V6s €n. 8t60.z:-Z-scbraM' xlut, dt5[.0: L irlley, su Frosh, s:01. coltra1 colLgtato, t{otr6 Dd!' Itd.,:ob. 2ith- 2-141108:50.0..U1f9- r. xoo!6. 4:uI. z leb' fb trorth*st O!en, lllreapolls,cloud-st.. tl.lson, st' i-uro- r. iu n,*. 14roc.8; l. rcrc,, r4,oc.d;-J. z. no" DaHs. rbTc, lItrlT z._n." B!! 1l+:10r l,1. s!r, -11+:10r clo.a St., 4. !!uoo . st. C1o(t i6iiiJ",'s;. ortsns;n, DDa., 1l+,10'2.
:: i:3;"18;'€;{1ts-
P:*:" li{"'i}7"6!; ;l$S-"li"ili"!il d l{s1eon, st!, 2' 2:0,c.4il' 2;-E 2:09.Lj 9€is. Davis, f49€rs, 2:09.c. 0&.st., z,6s rh.inlso^, o.".st., ii66:6,-i:-i: 3, T. ii";,i,]i", reM: r. sc stltdors ll! 2. 49ers 12. 5?t& Brg 10 $€€t, Madl3on'
*r'. ";"i' "lil;*"T5i G:it: :i:8i,,
qi#:il, ili'::!*q:"v#l:601 "."L,
"#"ku*.H"#;#l#li*;: ti,i';t' [ih'l$*]:;'F*ffi -:,qrt*i ti""fi i;"i{ii}fi
ff Hfl riff :, fr H!;!;"llf ;ilr:]il"
ffiffif;Bf **rmfi:1::;:;ffiru**
_Nob€s.,.st€v6 Koronch€k lon hi, rirst crs.t corehour fialshsd a
il::f ;::i";_*",.i:"I ii.:"Iifli"tiir;" ;#';l:{::":,3:;"::.'i:,,:i"":.:i:t:ij_ xis ris ei# L':Tlffi,li3iil" :l;U ff:?i :llSi ;#r"i,:;::,#i.",iJtr"r:i,:: f!:;lT"il f-|,llb f@ (nun HH#tr*+*iSli;"iol""o, s,.,u., "on"-"o"trvj
",]F#',i:jlrll :s gil "
r?:#i's'Tii*:i, iff "ris*l;H::i#" :
sril$q:r ii;
itiF;d;trs:: ;"Tlii:;:
5i'3:'{"ii:';:Ii ":1",;".
' i:i:i;::i'ti lr;i,rri:3tilli;ffi,:ii: ff,,-i'in$i:l*:-gF ;',ff *$ffi
rrotb hl' sarch.s & dId bot Ecord on tb. 1at.. lumor3 to ftnlsh.
ttu;; --claorc. stal.y--
iil:ii:ifl L:"i''il;l'iol,;"1t.3]l".rj*,
;fi:iftlf-ff :,if i3; l?;,i:lt1\f;Ht_" -.,, I rvllr.,.Anoy schlafu acr@Ilv }on
n16 uolhy so uh€ youJrs6! boy6 cauid
.:#.ff jiir",li:f
"i,I::1"ff ::"i:
naq on€ very toDah hill
sr€6! !46.
& oe sa1l
IICOID trashl.€ton pa.k, r..*,, r,r",.r'iz tlatrho rsr ar-D€.,er unlv€!sltv -si6v€distoc€ ior€ rumlr &
re obJscriv€ Is ttu Boston t4aratho4 ln alctl. (Swarr€s next lar{€ )
l: ii*".ilill'"".1€F
iiu+i*:' ;:r'ii';ri i#i,*i,f{l'rf*;iri=ti;
q:iq+rtl+, rfii':li":::'1::.',":.:";.:il";"",'ii, 'ii:i1;iLlsdri;ii,,:i!,i5,;;.i::;;t ::i:r-i":iieT; ii:i: 1s:,i A;: +"',1 jr;6r ;l::il',i;;:," ffi:d;1;""::"1:.:,8?5ii.:{*;::^fr r:0u.r: ..
l. Dy, e, :;n, r: 9.9. 88o_ i" -,"" "" i,--; lj'*I";: iil;: il"P; iiil:ii:t+:g ifi.","-;:t_"; l"itii;,.?l.r;.iii;# -;; ; tu; "-,;; iL.i .1" .ii: !,ti" ;:i:-il8 13;i .1,.:::;:::€,?Lr:+"?;":l :T"" e,::':i.llJ".ie;:;;3fl;:,i"." "€na€ : e.?. ru"","r. ", 0..,' .. ii.l.
*"*. i,.r.. i"ll" ul.i""""'i-"i.'i. ;;:9;:'i,#l '.;"'il,ti!H: E?iI :*"i?t."j{:"%"'frii{""1*l:Ji}: i [:'i:.i?ri;*i;,f;.r.-oi;i;:-ii; ;]-i]"". i: i"'r';::i:;:" i: l* ";??,T:
ii:4! g:ib
Floyd c!a{rn, 7. U. J3n Eor€ll,
I2t5I 12:ca
ii:ii it:b:
+:!19 tu,!9 9t51 t:29
lj,!i +iif"
,!: ffi1j!i!::"' ir: ;;+';iilit: ij;i; -1iir.,r ii;ii -ib'ii,irii;iJl
I E3H:.it il:i"€"e;:r.:,,ijii,1;;
3ia;i:i;:;{,;9;lt'n.t: lirffi:ii;t; c6cb.. 1:r+e..r!q-,. c.."o, Itrc,/:8.6 ILDD!,E
atlaN rc
I rbtk., pa.,
RRc RtrN',,Joti
SaE,, March :5_ S,an
I ;i5;;"*:.!"'r:;:"*i;-ir;,;;;;i;;"r; e''v :crolr bea"r* so-h6i lnolovoa
I :iili"i:,1.11"Y"ffi:"tl;,lg,i.ig;,*"i,,"" aL cobbo c'o3k. 3tl!8cLed 3 511' .leld. cloaL turuarn 57 ry.,. r"ii,".,-iJu. #;::';l: i::"f;li"i::::ir':l::i::;. ". 3li'"irZll ;*r€*:. ;j";,li:i;:i:t: I i: ;:t *!ru*l."y"iti i::::;;ru.*;A; ;;:?:T;,:!."3"Bl"3,lilfr.ie"#1il);.1 r.al1and;"6{€id.Ex-{q n,z1
r'h.o rui1'iaff .: v;ii;" r: i:1";"ffi4fu":i3j*, ,.,ru.,, Pt€'ro rous-
.j'ig ::;;::";:',:ii.;;u''' | X';i*::; iji*l::fi,",il6ii 6,:,;;d;;.-;;i;;.:-;;;.-i;;,:-i-;;;;;;;-:;l -d"6;: i:iili,*X:i'iliiii,5a,ii;'l;."i.*# rdit;:l, -ii:-iki; r;iiffj i;.:H"!ii #?l: i;iii3l"'.Xl,sJti: '1. na4o LoIdo. Lu oola. 2+:-...ri@,i: ci,.
'T'i:' I L. scotled i L_, '116 F e' tlns Plrnco o- Dones4. 1sd ils Jorn on !ud6y ia.. a -oaqu6!0d u€ rh6 n1&11 . Doh, De"rJ, Casan a:d Momabd. fro I 1. rur3t8 9; ,. v, o.hany 23j J. r.4!,
1-j7l-f1ii6-fr"Ly_ 1. Davs Ro@4sro. sJTc. T:;Fl-:'?.-. EiIlI-da.k-rlch" sdla"'ic. 1c; t0; j, Dort.t xo11t5, sJic. I:r'I!,r sollAr a$D,1 stullc ct!B, ALl4Eto sMJ,'oh€d o! rho htddf€ ALlarLl! A{U, oa uo Boa-drau,.Ir6 Bo4aveL! 11o for
iI';i:+iT"l:Iig;ff',': HI::"Nsrg:!"' iy*ti"Yy,?'i:;,lilBtiSl Frg:."tteld shtpl ere.(9., r1€; _rl1€, st€€ll€.has€,
close-count!f, cheolo
Iro!hr63 lo -le 1s- 10 (Pos6
H::':"i:::." to s 1 wo
conpr€'e L
" j
cesr,rorcy. rrrs D.c.-el.U
MAna Hon
r rld
;fin*.,:rii:";,lirii*:.";,*:: ^1 lgiii:{i:f : li:,ii,3ig$i;',rr: s*day. ocr. r. 1. joon a. rs!re srd ad .a^e -0"r.;." ,j..' ,;;--;;;;e
| .';r: ;l1iii"ij'#'i,,'i;.#i:*"i;. "ril"Y" I J%i:i;;:: :: { :::':fj..r":.-tt"i:1". g:ii l"i;J" ,1:",."i"i"i"ji f"":,.'"i3:i:Ii"";::::;?;.';,1:"t,";.5l;:,,flu I :;i:.!::,Ii: L-1""::":"51:;i,'",:i",
giiiig;i r;illiiii"i ""s":"i;i.""1 l*:ryi*;;, i:,,i1";i:::i :ii ?Iip1_I r"'""; ,,^r r9-*t,reo !oo: ,d ru,.",,. :n ; l;:;o;;'a-;i
1. I,ou castagnob, trlsh.Slorr club
;: r:r: ;*r;::::.y: "* ;r !1;;u, *:;i#ia;itiiii:i;:+;i';'i;:;ii::::l ;f g g,g,iidn.'-,rii':::i;"i: "] ;r ili;*iriryi.tl*iii, q; . ::f iit ,
%i:;ffi :tff *l*-*1, l. **ti*'tw,': l
i ii++eiii+idli#iliq:*t*m';-q*irfi j;ii::fr
x ' glil;;rxr tii;, :,:: ; *: "-"
l$:i:iil;1ii1Tif ;';;i;lii3;$,;i;
";11{$i:";l;r;:,Ej;llJ: lir5*i+,,1;:li'1:,$,;i il ::: . ]ei;t::*;"::r;],fri ;6;irl :'l :"$: :t
"I*;#i+,:i.**l"p*l jqi,:;l;:;."
;:er:i:il, :r*i: " I'lti' :uil;t"iil, jf;ii:.::i:":i,3#l i:f#":'lF*;:: ;#: i;u]*:l iii. l"j: rt', iffi .F:n'" j;:,ii: :"1 iff ::" lr"ft
!;;;:i;;;:'-it5": i;'l*:{:"ffi ;"1' ::i'l;"i:; ;.:r"i
i[:r1+*;;:;iil&.f*i:ii*ti iii!.3{ il"i.::. "; :;
l;3,i; :gifij; }i'j+i:;,;;:;i*"li:,;i"r;ir:,ipi, ;;ii:';,"ii,.#i": r;;;t:";"i:"i";,i ;,,i-"1i1L.,,*-
t':ii"::i:, ::;;I " #1" t:r, ::llill.
::3"";.;.;:ig!{: i:i". .:f ;"
r€cold of 2:25:01 & ls th6 ta3to3t nara_H.A, M,t. rM. n. € D.q. area._visllltu -.;1; RFVL rouson )/6/"7p,tis";;."; roi.g, r, ;..., sr la" T?lr1t* Ls 1.66 ,?':t::"11.3$9'j . o ^1.9:a? u Bt i:ul-;: 1_ill..i.j1. Tor cdzr-"ao rlclr .oL.s€
j;Y't" @
ls6 sltsh 1y shor."r. sulp,r3";
of rhe daY ras Nhe €xoellent third !1ac6 ol iollle Cavalotto in n1s ad na"ath.n. Rd111e, of t1r6 Salra Barbala ,tc, cal1t." is no' tr the amt at nb€rd€oD llolbg or.und. laers of the t.C" A-AU ClMplolshlp reda1s rer6 ca3ta8bola, J6ff collins dd c4b€ ltl"ktn the t6m tltle for th€ vlashtlAtor S!o.t Cl!b. Th€ 3e1tsr11L€ Ialc6es aaair dta an €rcc11eat Job of spon.orshi! ln thlB slith aEul ev€nt. $ondelful prlz€s anit tho lac€ ras ca! rt€d on tro {ashhatot tefertsion dhan-
rp aith trocst€r unt11 tlE flrul iFIa 2-[ e- 1, StBve scnqtfe!, 11:18; 2. tro.e; aGIm&, solge oushac, 11:45; r!:25; l. ar lod1suez, n;drktr.i, J. a1 1I:31; I+. laur Fraftsen, 12:09; 5, nay coldon, r2:41j 6. gaN€t C611d, 12:51; ?. Ton'ijil1ims, Ton'ijil1ims. lJ:Jl; 1l:rl: 88. Huch Jadcotr' Eush Ja6c;uir, 7. stayod
irrurE.,.)LM€, Address, club: Rd Dar!, llr.l5 llIlot Av,s., u1@6apo1ts, t41m.
lvh cltl8s Traok C1ub...Ae6 & occupatloE riA r!s-ri Resedcll l-nalyst. , E€ ieht a ol8ht:
6r0rr, 150 Lts.,.n€st PsrsonaL a,{u & op€n lokn vaLk ch@plonshl! Perlomdces: 116-4:2r; 2-l,li1e-9:09i sqday, Ualch 5tn st Eladelsho4 Rdlle! l-Mr16-1lr:09.8r 10kn-3I:15: 10-I',t1o-91:09i gkatir€ rirL (€t: Laes Jn flat, uood€n 2016-1 :0|+:o7; 15-Mr1e-1:18:10; 25r.n-Ir21: floor)- 1. Bill Katser,IlI. Chosapea]!6 14j (.I5-n116 & 25loL adrIalrthon-2:24:27 rsr [B:[6; 2, Ea orcoru:€I1, llsc, 56:37; €rlcd rcoo!d!l..Traiatls: Eleven @ntbs 3. rool Hobs, clc, 57!42; l}, Edroy a y€a!. I !€st l-4 reeks h oct. or xow. Go116f, ha.,61:40. Gondrally tr&in 7 days a r66k, oee o! z-Milo nFri, z-)lito nrrj, RuRu- 1. 1. laFy !oe1. II7, lIl t!tc8 a day..lesoribe rh sm€ tbtail your IOFi 2. Ttn cudi4h@, cudiJ,€h@, 10: Io:Lar l. nethod thod of tralrlng tralrlc ty girlr€ airlE ! typloaltmloalJoIn Ftdayson, 10142! 4. Jobr Don1h66, 116 6oh€du16 ed nontionlr€ nltoag€r to,52t 5. EanBy cslr.e!, 11:32j 6. oh€t speedJ n@bsr of lnteflars, €tc.: I har€ oo I'typlcalr reek. y tlalntig patt€ln delonds upon lhat phas6 ot tlatnina Ird ob. ror instdc€ 1n lrelarnA lor tbo BosJdyo€3s, Surdat )tarch 12th at 2 p.n. ton Marahhon I so tlEou8h f phases of !t B6th63rta-chovy ch.se 4.3. trainlng, st?lttJrs lrm so.rtch rith 5cours6: 0!t & s1l€ runs. (h no!, altci I io.rrs rost). on mjo! tunpt!6 tlth tbr6€ Cood h1113 lst Ptuss- !o.s rms to8et in goqd e6EnI oach {av- (ooJ tlalEo .mtechton bv coldltlon. Up to 125 milss/rk. {O-10 errE) hoto.crai6-!o1lce. l,eaabo. [5o, c;01 Sun. 20 ntles; I!on. 15 411osj T!e8. lts-nl. (o6st€!, 1. ClBrlte Batttdole 0c,42tl $6d. 12 nIlos fdtl6kj Thure. lb oll€d, 2. C€orao r1@u, EsldnEto4 SC, 42: F!. 15 nllosr sat. 15 T!1f66. ad lhasd- 2-3 daf,s lnterwal lork on tal+. LMont srlth, usc. I+:J2j 5, lltLo doo! tracli & h111 eo!k. (8 ftek6) G!&os. B-CC F.S., lr5:t!6! 6. Chsrllo SE, 22-25 nt13s; 1,16n, 6-7 s6ts ot I0 r sslls, le., l+8:!9.5; 7, cab6 !rtrl<r!, 110y 6ech 15sj 1ue3. H1fI ltlolkout {iydlL9:J2r 0. Bnce ioblnsorj SdtEly a!d)j vl€d. InteFal rorkout; Thulsr lydt '*tsc. Et1} stdderE, l+9:45j 9. rd olcoMe]l, a*|s lill1 Uolkout; Fr1. 8111 tlorlout; *Sc, 5O:I0t 10.Lery 3a11y, Spolbs I!t. sat. 0n irook- 1-3 nlf€ ttm trtul o! 1nchb, 50:l+0; 11, Bob Co8' te., 51:4b; 12. race vofford, uro., 51:55! U, Bob frd Pbass- rbratbon Tralntbs. Dlsoff, ua1t6! Jolrffon 8.s., 52:13; 14. qn. f0 h11e3: on. Ft1l o! llo i 11oy; lM.,52:26; 15. ld Ed Eart, Ea!t, Tu6s. Er1l lLrorkoutj r&d, Int6!ra1 vrorkout, Elbort Edbort Holsan, xorsan, um.,52:26; ltsc, 9r+:29; r,si !&E€, u!c, ttu., ttu., 9zt3i. 92t37. 16. I€! 5l+:25; Thurs. la nltesr !r1. 15 nt16s; Sat. !o!9. wc- 5U:25.8; <J,:2<.3:1418. 17. ar! GleeDbam, vrsc' e! lntervel€. 1.6,, 10 x 1116 o! 3 a 5-Ej. r'!k R€ed, u6., 5?:49; 19. La!!y D6cMonts: I xas 30 61N lnny flrst y€d c.olse ajo!, ajor !ti1ner, uia., utlner, Eat, 59:l+2; 59:42; 20. c.olee ol hlgh schoo1 trsok & I qult th3 teM, A olrtutor lia11, olttistot lia11. Vsc, lm.. 59t53t w., <9:qi: 21. olttnstot VSC, 59:53r t€mato tnststod I e1v6 1t on6 nor€ tly Sal]{tnd' $SC, 61:25j ?3, & I lan n' b€st n116 that Yes 5:22. A! q 60:51: 22. Ch6t iii-uiri"i, -rii, 61,u.' blsh scboot Junlor & .€nlo!, aft€! lucb not63,..A vorY con!6i1t bald,ork I postod b8sts of 5:o2 dd I+:!I flrst I firdsb€rs b€ailrg Ga! Ul11ts3! Th6n to llpress 6veryono ot ny Are&t tel-li3:16 *1m1ia titu on thts dours€ last 6nt as a r')F€! I blazod otrt an lart E,s. yea!, Ch*116 Xooste!, to!trr lt€rlar s116 ln 11:58..ID oo11ss6, attei. flve nolo tro-nll€r at !4ary1ana, Fls a front sn- years I lart ru ody 4:J0 dd 9:\1. I n€! a1] the rav. but ho had t. tol]< t bft of hb6 roaron I'D etltl iuFiDa;1st;'rtod t. scoot st.t fld Kt@a! & &ckso!. tL€!! c€t bsttor, th€ tr€ben.l6u5 !crs.E! Kl@a! 1s tr@ t€3tern CaG& and a charFnAo of tralrl!€ & lsclng koel no gladuate asslstant at l4a!Y1@d, 3'
i€l CIiEYELAID nno 6-!4ItE RUn, B.aford R.o6+
nACE Io_lfi. r"_., a !".,,; ;.;.;;;, Xi',lll:-llo. re. 1o6/ 0,.c-ssr ar,out I nno"ruo. i. iJ!-uiiia*, J1:20; 2. B'r' rur'to"- lp or unre or r'msso' rro'h* dr'J1:3h: 3.-c"o!!. H.rh;-;2.. j,.bi,"-l i?:"":.:j*:il:3';"ix.T:t,;?:i.r::.1 " tliewm;,ili::;,;:l;,ii [rig",,l !.utrrola, tJ:4r; e. v;iri d'.,1,n1". !L. 'okl or rre' L'aE t"..n..!oo, .{ch ir; i: J idli".'.:,iii6i i6. -;i!l cil:l ;;S;;:j::';f;':"jl':.*l:_';;l :j"" 6i;i <;i;;i";-;.;;!1j: "il;"i"i::,iri:: H?r.ar:e a $aI'd iDnojcao ov6!r' iL'h a AAU 2_MAu RELA3
jfl ir**.;:lttl.lliJ$ I "il: ijil":ir':i"ii.t::"-"31:?:'i:l;.. "q::::iiF::'iili;lrir":.::' *iiji.lij.(ji:,i;"1;::d';t;"jtf8iil ilil.5 enco !n tr 3'ta1 -dJ'€ tlno o_ :"J. Jdes !l.tt, -t-t; 21, 3?;.?i.'J6,
"iiizo.l ;lib;i;,"L-,i!;;i:'BY,,116: i-6";ii, JacL
'o:1L ;:,i::: :?'";i,fi:;'.:iljii";.r,P::l not.E...E sodus l.d all @. ray, !arn- aho! .r 0- r,.s!nM by a i... on soc;no. .liii ili,1":ii"i.i"l,ffffPii'il3l"! ll ?i:6"i:j:";'"r-i5,i B:;,1$ ;:ii:Ll, !ilri:ry4ii"iEq.;i'liir::.iii':: li{1.:ri+ft*i.#Jii *ii.:: ;"'i3':i'i.:'"i"1.1,i";"i:"il"i 1,,_.,,"-, ,0,,r, 5. Lyr.iqtrl.fiii:ili, yord. rs.u'u : t-:il: ]:?te ff"'.1!;:"::id'itii or.ac! roop. --Hot R.rsrdg.!__ I $"fif!:rl,:il.1:":ii::;"!In".","-
tln. vq8 locord.d oJ Dae. srory rllh nrlo crocltns of 24:10,
fl:nrll"iifulil;;lil!;l'iii,'li:il;:,i f$eii:'i:i.'i::",'.Hr::'lnii:r:"i."
ffi.U*,;;;:r'i.:l!,ruI;,:i:til' illti:;:aliiilHi':i?iiil filtss::1.
o.Fbr6r 5. sholr, Pl,t,! 6. l,r.yaddr,fr4c tl!; ralio, r. ..,.. i are.n dr6!anc., n6! u@! 1e, !oud6 & *H_ 1; I:f'I 9:tT'j{. "&xr F:l}.r. i{hlt5. ".iitr" "1 fi ",Hi. ;.y*i:i:: :i"tr; $'i.:"is i!ilii,ii:'iliils:: Sch,IIlIDa, 'r.nDl.j '. Ba.@s, La'ayo-[. taps "r ",._I: nr1. 16""":"i:Lfi ::; ?; $i"ll,i"#.#;"T..ii,:i:1" : n. *"",, Rcold; old nsrL 2:!,.1 lrr J.lry vi1- | ______________-______ llmd, !oD);.2. Addlohah, tltt; 3. OSIfit & lOiE}Iz vlctons IIt M.A. RRC iACES EollJ! ?ltt; 4. luzlm, tt&I! 2:U.0. I !h11a., P.., Suday, Maroh <_ td os1.r -o-ur".a ha'd -"tr'06 lou copp.ns oe.! dro i;i;r:n-;fA r1-rrr;-;o-rr;i"r_ 1-;;* r&F cE 4p'o{s,sps. r.*r"e".". vi.,' , ':'"";iY":;:"ff"':,:;:::.i;3::,ij";:" I"l: ]b-:j.19- l. r.-fr Dohfu ry. u&ra. ' ;;.! a -hi6o ., Isp;ou-6d .,-.r.. rast nrr_ b. t;il:31 F. ;,]i""iili"3l-^iil"i,{1+. ., o,r". -"r*o_t ps"k,odsy 1n-3:-
j,:i:ii I #"; i;.n:4"r;i";.tE: d.rI, iax. 9:17.6..r.;, r. vtirr-; rii"i'zii i.',ini :6i-jln":i":ri
Bptll ln rh. srroo.n I B ,.:d.r rh. .r!ard aea. i,iG.. -i,. ] caLr .old ralny,ondr;rons aaoo coni dl,,^". F.D. 2 a a - croio 'oc ;a:! aib:;l:i;:;j:-i: r- o,1.". "-_
l{$smmr varlrY A4! ac! ffiolf E!'Ltrrs spo@o!.rt oy lt st rdsas .c at cqld.n
city, a
j$:i:T'*ii.l, i jtd'::'i::, ;iff :'"""" t' "r_ot ttro _303. .i'1:"":l:fp:;;r;: il.ii:'"j:'i:";i;:*
r"di;:i:tt!:ri".#:!ri1 !ie'ii:.!4,"1 11, 6:oal .!r)..ErI. Ru- 1. Russ 3oorc, lj 2. {yIo Farlhalm,6:17 (2r fln.)
;."ii,i .:+ffiE ffi*tir it6. r.:r (jrc.;. (J5:i5, 1,18:t9
Sa,.rs. snc. trr25)t 5.
vr6lqaddl a Ron
6-LM.. ,.-s"s,: ar. :. .," *,"*l,li.6:59 H.sr 6r. h. ,* .f ,," ""., i:jfir i 6. Io- rr.'.,. -"nc, r:-8 2:1.:t/; :',a:',!' e. lrrotuotr a6.o Tro!.2r. r!" 24.,.,n."i;
1;"i"llij,l l!'1,'j;:.5c Dw-
i,"j'"ltJl'."3;,iaie l;,il:'"i1.;:".:".:,$ E1-rr lar'.uilz. 3r:: Nlld cs!o- l-sfu" rn a Ll-nM f.rla. @ crL.i ra! .r 1r Bt'sr.!rrd.E, DB)"!".. T&r. la J n. s.cond Jn )0:lt, qft6.,@rFr 5-xir.6. 1. Eo-n.fic, -:.:18: 2<.1<, tllh Loio. r\loJ€n ' [:57, c:,i .qrie .._-irt;3.ssko, r. roi ;;1lp'o". ror!az .rocr.,d u:5< fo! .h!.a F1t. .ry, Fi.c. 2e:18; l!. .a oy Bsko.. I rla.. 69 g relp:, Ud:?orsr!x tr.sh)3.19: 5. 3(r lrbb.lro:, :.mr 6 l]hr! / w , 23:1: o. Fd Itr Ac.lo,I5lTan !ro' Ir'r vorkr tl/b.d oD a soo. 1s6t _. .. l.l .j-sl-, a._Tc.^LeL'r, Bt1I r6E-ir9p qn, rJIc, _ll:oej ., l2:09. !s.r1sbu6 ll|1 !n tbo 1,"^-u'1r, ?.dtu ikrlv, % -;. 9lt! cloojr.d r0:16, {c, r'l:Ill. to. PBu.- 9!lioelc, 1?: <. u""--.:j )o'. 11{.r cio, ou ,r'Jtt-ron ..ms. Faul51 r^ Di..ltcr l.rs ""*l-rb9 roPll Z AFs 5-r_.in RACI: cAP.rR ha:{s fl4l rio. b6ro-. th. r!'!";! !d. !.c.^ Ced.r! .'I.J., Slrdat! lt3lth 12- E.rb lPrlz.s oa th. basis .f rh. accr!rcy I,o..n, d!*nz ir'r:'1.lnsborc, qcculacy of o_ predictlone. prs:ictlo,.. 4f Hl1llngbola, \.J. {.n th.l! rh.I! c.n lh. th. 6I*o*!l1t -a., or !,0 t{,rI- {!ldnLtc nRc 1n q-{11! (I t.t.) Pft.t( 1;:,;;.::i,filj:,-g:,** frgE*l'"1;?;1,,","*",:fi?j8,,Fja"jF i;lJ.:t1,3j,,;". ray al couBd co,.B- tn th. CsCon :n th6 cYar ccoutr PAlli- 2, !.Il r.y*Dd!. src. f2:(r0 llrtl :o9 r!3r11. c.re... .oh8r I.rr. Da,r. s,.. rJ. Ea D.dd, s"rTc:1:)x )rtti rr2 caltq.i tho 3-ur1! rdcc tr 15:08.5, \'6atlrBr: Ic.al, 65-d€B$.s.,courso j rj1.T&4, 13:18 llrlrs : IroasDI.it. fi.t, ] Jsit. 5-Y11!: l. E.!'. -or.Li! P.nn ac, 15:1I ?. ro. M.seJ, .Antb. BC,l5rlt J6;0? : :0:o?.6 2- lLdl osrar- s,f. 10. 6. l{lk..Bra3} '4:1r i3; j 3: lllf1.Id, Ar,tC, ijri8 ]!j0o 6r.dky, sJTc, l7:3o 31,1r,8 16.2ir :
{l*.";i}::,t5f:* R8J{.L.
Jo€ co1itu!1
ll. sriu
;;_9,'ie,ii.'illii;.e. ;:;1i.
iIElf$fli+lil:'iriili'if"r'Ifl Ca!o!.lli, D.1a.!34, 19i09, l8llgj 12. 3!1ar ?l!nina, E.r.a,rra! 19:L3, l9:5o; u. nofl &kqr! slac, 2oj5o, l$:olt 1lr J.Fg l{do!, I+lila.AC, 2ltt+4, \9128.
sJrc. tI}J,
5. Du La*$noF,chrch,t.,10:59 6. s!uc, Ftlcl{, Elji, 1C:60 7. Llt]l PatLDr, sJrc, Ic:ll non !1b1.rr! D.l,.t8F, 10j2o
1r:07 :Oe 11:oo :1c lo:18 :!5 10:35 :15
ov-!. r;rc, 16:lL: 5. Kor i'l6dftn, ?.8 11. laut tuoso3, fanrl. tc:50 10:i9 :tl AC. l5::6r 6. rloyd r7o.q, -.n1Ac. 16: 12. Lk $Lcro.!!y. Ee.,10,lJ!, tn:48 s,l nx"- {Ju Hrr.rL.,' .n{. | ;s !!:.3!, srid l?! i c51rr., 49h5"1'9..:-n9. 'jL l!:+5r ra!!t slM. la!!t 1a:16, a. 9:n.dr,, 3JTcr Srcr 1;:46j Ed adsll:l". Austl:i.r9. !d r. 1431.', .i,;,k, s"- .'". rr,:8, 10.'sv s.F-,a, i$!*I=]s,(i:15.?.r.6:0!: ?. llerY tso.s ^qcrD.:a.rld. 17:45: 11, J;. Fr1..r- :hc, lts,rrr'lz, i:lt.:8. ruLra !-arr.."'la'1er'| t'la.ler{ 6:te; 6:5ei I+' L. "' i;;"i Bob nmu,srn.r!.. src, :B:io' rr. Fi;;! ;;6;'::'ij.i;,-:6;i.;'ii: r","r P:ili l: illl'!-:\: 9'ri; 7:04; !' susd
*;*"li:'"::::'.:ii: .*' rlli: r:;liii'ii:'li,*i";:['*#-: M11. {1.? } nrd.!-) t. to. J.lin ddlphj. Phtra.; ?r:l,l;
.8,9F ddrlrnaron, D.ra., z. Blyood l].r.3., 5!56: Brvood 3yrd, Byid, t:jl: 21:]L: ;ffiFfiET;n, 5t56'2. rrrdl.€rr^r 6:00j s.<19 n.:l.J SfiC, I qttt ima$ktr src, 6:4; U, 5, '.JJ tobn stratton, lJTc. 6:26; 6. J.tf sEa.g_ A}tolfim F:lMUn By IOREIZ srac' btJ1t 7 mk' sti's'!'strc 6:5?' !,i;tu,.@;G;;s*osr. xdo! Ie,'r' rh. rL;d1. !t_M rc RRc rh. D.rsra-. E!4_ryo_!!-!111_i:!1:9- ;. Blre El.!' :Ti.::l:'.'g.r.H;'i[,ie'03]6h"btt*i* Iii::.:t*','" Ifl"i'il"'"i";:::t":f.",: tlaclr at ,d.. iur sodoo! n co:d 35" D.Ia.Tle'
"ojoa: 1?, !?, tr;E;;I;;!"', u itc1ntE,. -,j""s.;;;;; cn: @3!oo,r. 18, Uarr;., SnC. )I:trc.
!4.!6tlbn B.c. com1tt6.: sy4 Kror.arh.li D.uria-n- or Ds-1. ? R-or.afron, c.1,.r _ !!!!!-9!1!{9*1!, o0230, .ntr vlo.-chsrr@a! N6-,o-61 i,oq DlsraF; ;;;;iii.;:-
r9:I1 t!I1
-aL!1 !14-eI f. i{lfc X![b.lt, S81C.,.,,.,?7:28.,..t1:18 .,,1:r:a8.,..1:!c:r0..,,2.21t:ra.! E' 2' 2e' 2.' E8ffli"li3ill'"ff8: . :....71',i3:...22.i2" " 1 : 2 : 2 5 "'1' 2q gii i,iii,-s irlii .l.t..iz,)b'.'.'.'.:i,it'.'.'.'.];jl:l!::::i;il,3j:: !:ll:il j''i.:6I :r5:oa
" i:i. :r'i6:5j.. i: i:?. Hii Biji;ili"u;:: :::::;l;l::::;:;ii " Jrb i*.mn, H!sh'.or E1k2':28....!r..::::i,::il3::::];;!i:3::::3;jl;li:3 1
1'....2 j. 26.0 :: ijit;9i!1']"1Ei.1?:i1M;9t:: ::i?,il :2a:00....1'! :},1!: ro. {!vm v.^ Do'l.n. Bsrc... 2':,r0.... :t,' :l ::, i1:i1:::.1;",3ii}:3 11. B.b.rt c.mr,, cc^c,,.,,.10:1t....t8:r5..,.1,1.,,J,,::.,d2:20....:,r:o::,2.0 1u 2:02:21 2:rr':qo.) ii: 1
p"nur".ii.-siird::::::.;r;::::zbi.6::::iir:;:3::::ji9,l;:r:::::;:j:;9:; r;. u,,y "'ihTllij;.'il:;i;;:;:::;;:i3::::i8i:t'!:'lo lJ;.:*$!:,:l:I!r.9;::T;9;;;lill.';;;;ii;ll;;:l: Jl:!i;;;:3lll;li;;:;i:,iilil:!..
16. Pct.! cros.. ptt, . . , . . . , . , . . , zt4tr 21 17. X. Hu!6t, n4rtaoh.tt. . . . . . - - - 2:44:2< 18. P.t lysn, UD. st.. ltonrc....2:4?:44 19. !111 B.!ro, gVI&FA,,,.,...... 2.49:41 20. Ly l,{cn21... Itarli 1.C.......2:ro:?l 21. BF c. 3E1th. gilrrr.,..........2:;rjir 2?. Jolu Ir.f.rrr, sDr+iA........2.11;42 2f. D.r Chrd.z, P,r,l.,.,.,,...,.2: !2:01 24. D.rr.n U.lton, t{arh r.C,....2:-i2;02 25. Jltr Bcwtr!, c.c.1.c..........2: lt:40 26. }!dr l.'1ndon. od. r a . . . . . . 2 : i i : rrr 2?. Dev. H.lk.r, o.c.T.c..,......2:al:06 28. Chr11.! rppa1, O,c.a,c....... 2t42. \2 29. H. Xutz, ?.V.t.C......,..,..2:56: t? 10. J. floour. n.rln 1,C..,....-.2:i6:ii st.v!.. UD. u. co'rd.2:i6:[i 11, chuok t2. phlr c1arr. it. c.c.A.c......2:,?.3i ll. rh11 c!d!, M.F!4 1.c.,.....,.2:5?:t9 34. B!1I lnd.rdotr. s.B.r.c.. -.. - - 2: <a:.^ 15, J.hn c!v!rouair, Itm. Podom..2;i9:1? 15, v.1t J.{!turr, 9.n1.ft T,C...2:59:16 17, P.t.r udl.. 3. .l.I.......-2:<q:<6 13. J, K!J1!.r., H . s . t c . . , . , . . . . l : oo; il 19. x. Bcnavld.B, Iiro. l.8.,.....3:0r:17 40. B. DJ... Vr.. !.t.rcod......-ij01:ilit 41. !i. R...6, H.lln r.c.,.,..,,..1:OZ;04 42. !111 Cru. S.nrorB T,C.......1:0r:27 41. !o!.r r\111.!. Uro. !.r.......4:oi:4i 44. r.D.# ?1r...,...,..,.,.,...-_r,oi.aE 45. Nomln luolsn. 0.c.r,c,.,....1: ol:4s 46. Llu Bu.hl.!. um . , . . . , . . . . . . 1 : oi: ia 47, r.D,122a..,,.....,,..........;,or:ila 48. N. Fcdtlc!, s.rttl. o.c.......3robtrj 49. llohtrd ChohIrA, U4.,. .....3:08:31 ,
lruce !h.rl, u@,.....1:10:c4 rr.d sla'1trs, u@.....1:10t32 r. r.h., lvTc,.,.....1:11:59 l,{art L!ns., Uro.,,,...1:14:0? o, Sh.1lv. Utrs.,..,,..1:14: t6 D.D1! X;nlnddah, P^-^..I. 14:41 D. rn"i.y, un.,,.,,,,J:a5 2i sr:.mn, s.f .c,..l:,21:02 5r. Euscn6 .rld schrol1, lJna..,,,, 1: 21- 25 5!. 5q, tI.n PEri, 49.r. rc..J:21: t9 60. R, N.hon, Ird.....,,,.l:24:25 61. Rog.! Fr.noh, S.T.c.,.3:26:U Um. L,1....1:26 11 63. Dl.k Lr.rz.u, s.T.c...l:24:53 64. laul l!sh.!. ccAc, , , . .3: 28t 02 65. ch.6. B1.od;qorth-Hsrc;: 31:26 Und.t.rhlrcd nun!.r .f €dditroru1 h.r. oa. !hcs. 16ru1t6 rld.rr€ at thls t1m., nowJ0. 51. 52. 53, J4. 55. 56.
th. follorlrg th.s b.1otra 1c G.o, Holthus, s,I.c,,.): 5?-. J6
F..d orac. (63) S,T.C.,l:53:59 s31C..
,... ,. ,. .15
H. S. T.
C.... ,...50
.4*m+#";,r.:'+*-q li"-yii"' )*i:.il *.-,* *-_...*r ssl-* *.*,* *-**:l*:
t{.?!*H* l{"':iff$'*:.1"ff:'L':! Bi:t*H";,,trt"tt;tr:i.:::" i:i:.ii,is:;. "'ilH:19 **--_-*{:s.ll:.-*. 'it
l: I3i'""]i":i:^.,"_:;r:::::':,';i,6- .: lii, $l:::;..'liiJ.,."3;9:;..1g',: j, i"-tli}, :iH, :: :: ::::jli.; c, !:!*H;.i:;";;: :: ' ' :jq';s i. Fii:'{i:i.:ir'il1;,.i'i..j;jl it, il,'*ii;; i* :ii:,ii:,,,igi,i :
;fli',:liil,{Tl;:::: : :1, i:i}d;:;I,i::,,::;i:,, j;;;t ,t: ;,i. :Hi"", i;;;;;; i:,:. :li:il ;l: i;i..:?:l:",.y.,!h:i:" :..-.:ti ri, ",;ft';iiili"!:,H;,, :,, :,ii:ii ii, ;:l"""li=fil",4il.:::ii{:,;i:t; ';, il!i::;:i::;ii.,;,i;: ::: :ili;t ;1, **":,';' :;:.,,.,,,,,,,,,;i'si ,1,
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i$ffi #g;,$:*g{i'ii"t!$ii:*iffi li:":r*it"lii:*iiii; E*rhgi#.T3,F"5#i#?,::tf : Hiil, :i:l- i.:T**i':.:i.ffi ,:HH:, "3"l:,-
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ryffiW.t,' ,Effiffi*rffi,, i: uii=il;t'ii:i::. i;
*ii ll:u'.t:;*',;i:i:iiii.i;'
rjriii ii, tr*utuiitl,liilr
il sii,ffi:;;i,.,:'.:::il.;i"* ili:u;Lr*,::,,rt;:ii
ffi,u,f;;;}F;$;ffi;*;rl_nt;ffi --
ffim#;rui :ffi;'I;i i:r
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*']lEtf, ffi ff
; : i i
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:r*" L+si:ii+e+"5' :r;, r
ifl"h"ilfj"iiiil;.ii::T:i*i:.":l.:S.",o!nedperloclcallyencoure.,ra coatlaee. ..!sAe
'O 9-!r-!11-e--4-El4s
T''e pleo-d ln. r !13'. 1a -hr3 "'6 1.. rouev6i. o-vt'la 10t frer, nlB p6"fo-rr1.e -odey ycar' -Ine ;l 11 a€.d oct-.. -rE;r 't€ 1e6r^-.d
dt n n1s eccoarlls, 0-lL Lod1,. &ll--qle*e, end s-fferlng froa -h€ "o1.."-"- Phlt Dellered /.s 1eB. rea-. ; Ll^e ot 2ta).O2 by a fult 10 Ernuto8 and t5 sljoids. B111 Bo.a! €4d &4!r_4]1I:::X, sen DleAoT"€.k & q1-Ld, bo.h berrsled rherr 13sL 'eer'3 .1r6d srt!,.1 y. Thr!r 16dla'!lces 1a.r J-Fr koro: 1:J4:09 end 1:t5:+. Lof"erv. ,no lus. L,-a-d e, .onr,46s rumlna csreor 6t l1r end after rl@ha for abour I y$rs, rhe Navy rrte!rulted h1B t!8rn1na frM 1953 t. 196c, 33 he sleat nudb ilEe at sea. In 1952, ludl bdfore l})e'{avy 3'1r-, Iohn nee-ly quo .11.d "or 3- oryr!1. b.-Lh 33 3 fidlrthon€r, bul \o.e oontu51on tor rle nuaber I candld8to {Ds o€u.eit br rhe altfferenr polrr dys .rs uFFd In rnr.6 q r/Et y€sF, 11 'a1lfy114 1951 l. -€1 ?nd ln rhe \et1. Senlor fl:rE,.h.n rn I.w Yorr x of 2;11. Th!e6 d8ye lEt€. Joru r.n h1s 2ad t{s!€th.r snd rlec€d 2nd th 2:4r. TodE/'s rerforhsr. r6r4.rty oEy nts old .om. A the of 2.1':rt2 la rh6 Culver ClLy rare.hon, Dec. 11rh, 1oa6, lloves rf€r he may reEcn tbet soal sooner rher eieectoit, l1 ye6r.ldvstPEU_ slsh." s-o.ers.o b€ coold beck eflec Eufaertc a should.. lrlury 1I6F{-n;Fh redul-ed o6Jor surt€ry and re1 -1-A o.-x ?5, us. of hl6 6m. H- -6ror1ed und-r ^16 -ko fto1-hs. In fo. nFerly ootobor or 06<, he br4on --a1'r1g esarn. Fln1shlr{ 6$n vl,n s Id€ o- ):28: 02, 1n tne cu'v-! crry Ner6_hon '1t,5. P6u1 Drov.a he uEd oa€rn fr- ro j^esuo6 cor!€tttlor. A Jl:l? r!v€-n11er aidr-..€r! 57:30 1n uie fio"L.b6rlo to611e ru 6howd aood ln!rcves€rt, Todey, P6u] alpeared ulhdd!€rod by h1s e11rnE Erd, uf-tr .rrld€ srit Bro &'en-nr sh;;a {oaa svn.fronrziLr,-. H1s trd. ?2ad pla.e In -h1s dtffrcuLr or;n€€ sio{ n6- 'hon lrove; h. HlLl cood reatnor p!era1l.d.
Cool str oaus.a by sn ov6lca€t BtW. tne result of rclns drrtl& lhe brec€d1ns slt lfolldett 1d6€1 ^ondrtrorB for 1r. !e o-d t1oFs es-ebllshed. -.. orlslne8s h-l.t ttoF r€r1su. on rno lons early a.cert6. !h6!e 1s, h.{€'er, on tilB course o4e dense;ouB dtsadwent;se: The eveat ts lot pollceil. Seve}€i lel1lous ]rsve to be o!o€;d, control.ed by ptaroI llerts, but nor -ogxlE.led or daf6 t€s.sgo. Iodar, ouLslde ih6 c1 y or ss1 6err-ai.o, /ous d.1 ;.e plecad sr roa;l c.o;sir€5 to racllltate the lumeft'@J, but th6.e auar.tlan6 rer6 umble to contlo1 .p.6d1na Lraff.!o €r16.r1v€ry. {1r-ir 36t.. ooreiruo 6i n6 lonA d retstu,Ey6. sone €fforL shoula bc dade _o !-ov!de ror .ne 1968 rMnlrs o^ tftF eeent b€"o-s s ralury "6usF ih. e€;doroar of -le ev.rL. P6F^sp; th€ Ealplna of dlfa€rent dourse roula b6 rh€ an8Mr. John ror-.s. !a!D 'Peoersi snit Bob Nva.n, ccr\c, kep. pso€ wtt}l 6sch olhor foF :g!!S! develop€d E eltl. Eohe rnd dss foloed -o tt.oo "ook. Both D€n hEve snoyn qood 1n!!oa6oenr 1n r.ceai .ac6a. lht8 @a tor!68, flrst cEctr ot a d1o 3'c, .._1 ov6f l2l nlt€s, bu- 1- i!1d rak. a -o11 of hrB feet, ;e e*!r€FE.di ilra E.Etd t6 16ok e- ay re€r,, 66 fe F€s-6d flF body or s b6rch 1lne. ltlF aE-{ of 2:11:59 edtabltlhoB a r€H o6rk for th. !o11c. club ln thls event. tlden Bryent, P-Fsld-nt o: tne ta.t Bsv cfaoL6r. R6ad Rlears club or anerlcs, Ift-TEir-IFrlo! Berreley to lo1. lhrF .M. Peieorohle Bnd brl-rrna rlrh enthuslsFd tor dls-8i.p ruDtus, 4]ll!a, proved h1!F6_t 3 fofdtdsblo oppolert for soulflsd! s€n or rumerd (au;iTdl eh6n he deqoa3rreted sood sl6mir blr podtlla a resrectetle 2:20:50 for tx€ cour.e, (lbalm)
lff#*:ffi**rffii; -
:,:ffiffii#*;ffiriil*,; ffi,ft**ffi#$#ffi[fi:T:,#;i;#;i,:,:,ililit, $iil,3
1.*r. i: :*r
f :iit
:i.": ;.:: ::.,
;$ffi **i:t;trrfit:;x-':i#,::#iij'i#*
r Cnoss coUlIJnY
FIom soIC (to tm. ot
I ras bo!4 otr nomlne, it Nas dltzzlRDEIn€ & tmublc tdro nt nlddlo tdo, oa a noEislh by m old I nas "alsed Sba had or. bad 6J. and n va! usad 3oaI Slxt..r nt1.s snd ,ieddyr.h s.t? Slsck rn Your Palts sd soak.d ltth St.P.t.r dor,t you .aLl n. rcausd 1 Itn up to nX n cI in an ord Dud.lDlo. ! las boln o!. norning, tt vas laafly I lut on nt sho.s ard rd throleh tbo I rdn 35 n1te3! eirsleht up-hilL, I Dkes o b s rs and eetr - .1-:l llll Stxrc"n 1:Ies . oL-a. oer olosc a-d 3 L o 'ors sr. ?et€r dorrt Tou oal1 r., r'16 err€r! u! hobe. i o"; r, -or' o ay docEoo- o"!!.
1;5.1.6j 2. Dar.n€ snlth, cal, 1:5t.7. sa^ Josa :t3t6 IArerclass, Fab. 25- li-Hi. niol l,1cm€r, 6:I7.1+..ll?9- K]€m€r,i;oEB Stabford lrtenclaes L€€t, r€5, 25th-
a:18.1+..9@- 1. N1k€ r:i;5;: r:5b.2. 5,rsT BAr Cri{r!-!R 0t THt nRc 0t lli{tRIca 6.6 !tta nDn, cq'L1tlc PsrL, r€rk81ey,
18, 196? -1. Clul3 Millvr, Dslsado'_ath8os. ac leorgo, 4. 'lm., r):uzj Rob6ri cror. solano 1c. 3,:19. 5. chddlot lrc],aj oo!!r, l?:10, {18 smars, ttno t"ealr3 old courso lecord of :llr59 by Doua rs. r6?l--\,r, E. Absius-PNTIXS\JI"A TNACK CI,IJBIS S']1iSIII!I' L{K' RlN Fsb. 11, 196?,.,,Jsatisr: coldr ro rtnd! s9ltnlles..71+ rt.ls]1€rs, bte tlo!€as€ ln ps-r' ts o.o- asi ye rr3 :eld of m, 1. o"h D.1daoo, L{1n 3 I.. )+:97.2 rMeot | :0/ 6J. R"co_o re.,r : :. orwir vr11or. ra.. l5:58jL Jn3'!-l ll\e. Tc, 16:59i 4. l'ttk€ Da11€y, n6dvood olty S - o -, 7: 0i L B!-.e Ru'te, rv'c, .17:Ja: 6. :rob c-o,. solrg q. t/:!5: ". um.,38108;8.ruonclo i{ _Laoor Os-ss 3. 1B: /: o. BIII:oavet, 10. csr ramJ rth6ns -c, 'd., lO:l6jR1' l.-n.1", Mscl, Ac. iB:Lor J8:J6: 11.vaoeg 1l. vl 'lM 12. r ' B! ' Tac,e!, r'l,^-rc.39:01: rc 39:01: U ue ra.orel' t'v c )a:r2:. !. trarcrn corre, "M una,.
ll:Jr.1i 2. ?lch
--------:--..-------:---::--------------1;-.IIr,!OL, uash:e oh -oe !"q6re, on Rord Ra es € ar. js .. ob6n 6 tLr€s- _. .h:r !!91__9-_:1_t::1*:--.,^^ .-1.e., .".,, o:.1i -. r" osvos, ,r:"-i sJ i r,..4 r.-.i, id':6; -. 'l_3.2,i;,;o: ;. ;":;: -t.-, .."":,",10,,r'. S-A!11-.
." . 'l,i!.1":"fi'.i". ,.i:i'ii""::"l L"Y:T": .-i:;"". 1. ro d-.o.. ;.;. o/: ,. tsu. I r€r,e, - ;r:ll "" , '1:17: r. qr: /: r. r. c;r 3e 2o," ,.," Lo, to, lrc(.. uror., 1?, o. csrJ " f7; -. r1: 7;
oe"a1d pt,o. r;;n st1v". !--.. Llrli: rr't:Ji; ), J 'lds,, lft., -': 9; 5. lro.irs.nirt,, L, -d .1 .'. J :lb. Rcs. r+i.i:'|s. rtio2: 29. D-lfln !. iiril'irJn i"j"-,-ici, o :., l!'J l oJ ur6., l. :0lr; ?6.qI-o1 BdaL'sl3' ob6n l-ut1es- 1. Ds.€ Poo" s, r,:' l larllborlJ. . o :.. fi-:5!:]T-z:Jor'"1n". ;'Jba c: 9 h-. 4_:06: -? { '"" 46.r.n. Ronron is, l-:Lli [. q.c1"cs. '11 x. ( rf, hs. L2:11;10. Bs v4 r oM, uba o ;" !:.. U:16; q l". 3.. i :ro,--R. tuc_ l3-Bl ',sjrlln€ c, a:-6, s -en o\. a. ! L: t:__--------li.s. l-1 rrs- _. o lroJ dyL-, b eh LB. alilrofs:r! roR 1o rr' . t; ". L;, .,.: b: ffi. cuo. ',-J-1. 4r-. tOS: '. r" ,Is r\c : i j.. o1o 3r--uti-€r Babsl si i ri"., l : ); .. ob 3.ad.r.
'o n, tsco a. .:J : ': Io1 possnas , vo'n_ -":i€ € rare. vo'
n;it '
i:?"i'!,T,;liiisl."".|''"l',"..:,i"1j"r.".".s'. iiiilll,: i?''i:;""'1" ; ;"1',i 6:"0'' i;ii"' :- 'r "':.1;:;: ;;. i:.;-;,1"-, -; ;.f'-" " 9 r:re:-. f:':tl "l:-::::h:l ;;i";.:"":;.;:;";";ri :";"i :i.?-;:'--',a""1!",;; ;.;;" r; j"-*- "-'-it.;-i;";;! :- " i;;;;: ::j:-::---------------L- o ca -fo'l:s adLuslrg'tls , B r 'rov! .. il-:.. r"". r. '9". -Mi.-
aEiTilr lor, Da., ;,i i. e: tl :. -,uli;i:1 r.;'r:";iN
1.".?:,,; ::.:,ig-X";:;,,':*H"y'il. {o! tour or th€ r1'€ €'ents & ri.ish6d ln a tIo ror socohd !la.e In the rlrih 6!ent. (_l re!€ l3ld on s6!' !h1cb fl s11p'"rr6romd sllppsrT 'il (16 conlotlt ro! the athlotst, tootinq
5;; ;1" 3:"' "-':li?l!"i*: trg";iTii;.
*::':;i:ilt;:*i;k1: ililal'q'i. oi;i"-A;!'""n,
iors- 1!-'2 Rcs, ;:i:13i:i8:11;
f riifr ,*:;*ih*:ili+*tffi*, ui::ffi*,T5lffi fi ffi' *,l';;f;;,;3U I {'ri I
H$fi'i;ltri iiiii
ft: ifi*!$1tr$iifi lii
ii' i''i:+i*i,ii$i;[!:fr
*:':l* :';;ruil1;:J$*1t. fl ; 1 i:.i: 'F iir
w,ut#lu I I t*
t ui; #i **ffffii:
radt so4
rtmry cro€,
lerc abl€ to
,t ;T3.i3t.ll1 i3i;1*t" ::
:;;","",'-;;."t'" :]l:l:"::"'';1,;t . l#::";:5 ;ii;; ,,ii;,": ;,::t:"t'-;i":.:L:i:": :": H::i iiiy" :::";"1:'.*:;*jk j;;":;.":f.tt';:;;';: T:::'#i.'iy;j ::1J:3""i"lr,''i"3 313l'ri"';3r; i'l co,r,de o, .-]F ".;i.,-;. , i b -;";l i:X'l r:li:. t:"i8;,;:.i:",;,,.i"",j;;.i" i:"i i8fi':"::|"il"',:.::3":fi,;"ti" Iir',.""r," -r:ii.--i ";;i;1;; looy da; ipa";. Ja..sa- I ::;rd no+ ;i;"iii""'':.;':,.":.;"!";.'l:":'::"1.1" " u'r'*":'" urirs ;;;';-;i;;";-:; tr-ti""i-::',;" b;: :y;:;r";I",,#1"" .;a ru ?t-! 8 n L' -r
ioro haj.d: o. m;; t;;--o'd*,if-:: 'r" $ pqr$d a surprrse ro sp nL o4sr 1. R, rsr.o-,
'd , ., ,,:t j .. L. _!.!arl.
,. ".',R"L,"iiil i, "ir. ,, i !,_i,i*.i"5l"ilii;."il"j^j:i:-":,i.:'el'" rar..o'i. rrF {co. slarres M.o.k6d M @azrns .. ' ,h l:-.::3il'":::**s:":.:. i,;:ii 3i il"i*,i l:.';"ltl i3"i":.;;:,"1S' ..]!:,9r:'; I;J,i"l;ili::t,:;i:";:,f:t;., xim.r. The rltu1 .teo "ur!:!o-s s16 a1r'cur.s, L:5Br o. A, ;,i,r..-. ri"""..,.i,*"'* ua6! a: 0 -or ''6 l:;,,&,i:553i i yl;;pti.i*i,F:"tfl: ;i:,lll:. -r:J5r r, .d, F39 lffl 2
r'l €s- .
1,5,1J. Toa-, Por.saourh
liliig:r]:Llr#;t*i::8si'l'il::t'"}]:I;;: vl!510{. l2:lj;6. -c.o-a. Mslo-.
26. ' Mlk' sse 'o'rolkcaz' '
12:69: ---------t IEoULd1-- r;rht aoosd,r ... RRC us. -!o ?. yrlt /-oonbaM. 1/:40. rtrRFt GRAr_A}I 1 n9 R![CF RAc] I !a!r;6bsg, pB., tn 1965 I or.msoc a A .r6nsndouj late e Ia !t€ ttml Ar l tr. & s ,.I. .a ! qlth Aoao!ffore on 0[1o va.- .q trcrsnqis D€rok /-a]Itu ro lhdr aU 'd- rl.ao nc pos!. I Th6so ioutd b. sdrtl6, rot las..rd,, e,Isos Dv a r\rl1'tne xl.tor'J Id s bta /oL^ du Nord rd"o hsr:om Ire:rIjD. 9!OOO n6!- ihlch RnC tunts.s could 1d. r,trj o;F (}|n. c. a.r6!, Maolson. l'rso.) I!d.o I eore!. on Januarr 15th. 1116 B-r.ssi rim-. co!.1 (Dd, lJobn nosd rs alroaN cohra;r.d r+-oj .rcd dr. 1. In '7:28, Jusr I vMo.! 8.06. & ro,6teso p.rde6lon !o 2s s.I.ad or'JeM "ous€ radou ( -B co) & J, u36 lt.ir cosllchtod ca.loor cmlact.rs. (Russ.re). Iyline Ihe fac€ "ss a lhlt-lorl noadlhsr & tl 6 !. coyo..J o) ",. Xtssorl rl rl .fuJ pa!€ val .J Rnc s-sl 1116.'r) Tldfs. I T 6 Ct!-l dn6 :nishers,ere " .hio 13s ol cscn orh.r, Ton o,cioroer or i-e1and IEAnno l0-l{, L4 .H,AM!Io!-dIp {SR. j las 12!!, or- onrj res bolrltu LF6 ur'wll ltoH !odro!d, ass., I,rr.on 19; r9a? Plssta.qltr tb6ir Lhr.o n€, CiJrtslrtiA -old fo! co!Jo!!: t.M: 1. M (a) 51 2. &q-a (a) 19; .1. Nuc. 2l: L. l.o, Lt\, qd 5e , .aslly,on r *I " ara.q lron F.Enc6 & Brllatn. I soartd AC, lo. 1. rolri.. tr.11.r, BAA, t:)O:09! 2, Fay 1o67 !Nru-! cn03s cornfl Ry c,$rr'ploDsllts 1!39ruj l. n.a Mu6l1o!. notal Asr idulrual s, ors.odd, costos- B,d{. l:lr0:2L: L. art coollds., BAA, 1: scr, lvoNto\. SDt.. M1r.h lr D.Lc" Tar-o:l lrl:"7j 5. J@s Dal.y. rWC. 1:L-j29j 6)2, o" co!. rry 0oo'es yslrt€ra. ,yo rasl rohn Booras, &c.a,B, r:15:9?. ?. chai.]'os 1:!6:10r 8. rlon Blq61oH. tho*br to bo ir oo,oc--. sra!!ei boca$d Dysoh, lrrc. B^rtrB, . :116:2ij 9. ro-€! all!5. Eosto; 0. oc a t-olblosore -us. s as.r!e! ln rh. ro€., EaI@o s rc !i"!on In tno EoLh I t:4b:05; 10, E_u^6 Dob!-!z. sDallan ac. Ed€1iri --c.h$plomlt? t. scua-t adMs, BAA,B, 1:5o; 0;6r e nls| l:t'0:lI: fr:1d coq_s6. q6 fr. ,so.d n- r1r 50-, al1o_ J6: r:. I)a.6 rllron, B,\A, r:50:19: .3. pscLld, HrobAld ad o.th6 Scot-lsr chMorol. d.chl. ec,t, 1:50:Li: ]I. E_ I sajLhr !.rc. r:50:50: 15, e.lohiro cteoo. ste,ad,. ntLh on. or _rra !16; z-.aland
€sii.i#ii"uliifl "!ii; "1": "# i"- I Yi 'i;'ilti; *:;H#IfiiE; Hr,],?i' g:il.t di;5;TtY:l]: 3I3:iflij:tu1'i6:'3: i:, ,
f:,5.'i,.:":.i:T'tu"i:s v.Tor. 'r. H6ar.6- uas pslfoc!. I ii3i"i:5fiei ]:13;l!L'ii,iifti3.iiilir3 (contjnu.d on
$ili"ffi"" ,bo
:,:!lt rg,eoai lEAci lo-![r!E
iuN, lJen?ort 3€ach, c€11fo!nl6
ffi rui m't ;.efffi***: ffiifi ffi'
fffiig!*A*r triti #l ffiHt T"xii."i
g:i it:# *:fi1,,1tlliil"g-,,.. ;:ifr
fi.rr,s*llrr: ". ft friii ilili i;g si;li ji*;*+l{;**,,ii:ni$;iu*it#a:*'ffi
":!$$i;i;}li" *l iil.!:s;tl*;;" ii-E,"fii,:+:it:,1,:+fni"::i:''';:tii;li"#i",:":;;;ii r"iir: i;1*li"ii#:ii"rfi *F;il; il;*;;t,$Ii"i,, i:liiqi;i."xffi ft
qas 136r
re- (l.o). b-t olo no! 21. p .. \yan. N?,jc, 1:54:?L; a. John Ihe aoF! Irpr-s6've V3ILe.., BA|, -:<f:2^,2r. I]eo lusre. pelrotuEncc e srd !lt1 ]a.e .o eo 10 -1a., .:Dtoa, )6. Rl6 aay.o. M{c, Ii y rpaFoldE!!, arlgglsj, trho sir'-po i-/:.)t, /. Don Fo!, aru, Lisltat i8. heEan antaccsonF, :,!C, r:ra:0a;29. ifd.ea -lnE d rher oce-tool 6p\e-e leso rrme!ollAl Fofll.r, N::C, I:_8:E{; Jo. !bl. sL.p1€rre & vp6 hot @ughr ry anlone €rcept t5e .L., ,:tBtDt Ea stoaro. Mrc. 1:59: fald]^.p {1 -_. 3irea..r, vho man88€d !o c, l). ,1d. c.al-t. -on, s"sc, ?:01:,?. j\__ do 60 ln the -€Fr hErr o,re. ,snrJ 6 fer- \enr c - os, \uc,2ta2tr; /._!yD.-FeeF re!, korcei srso .obpered & placeo )rrl l.J. 81L{, r0::55, 15. r. conj€lone. BA!. rn rne s 11 6p r s_tr 6 & 2lrd.tn rhe | .:or::l; 16, tow Flchatds. um_. ):oj: L1 t Ie larny ma r.aln"ol 2r: 17. D.n ,1, .. rl,, ii.t{c, 2:oo:t6: *: B wr
'J"-"3;;?",:: ;1,:"?J;",1:T,.- I ilaul!5: ii.';";'.f;,X::i:i"iH'i:6"i$ !.Io rare of iEoroeebenr, the boy sho lc lJaop6 nondeau, Mlc, ,:oB:r2i ir: J;iran
ffl":d'j ""?;i#ff,H".?i:"'.'::"if":l'l .oee. j::!99!-g$l!:J p'oved ,.tn6erf 6 rop
?l; i:;X;i"t:'ffillr,l"":,,;':;:ti:.f!
lL.61je, lirNc, ):)0:ojj 50. Ron suhe..t8len rtghtl BAa, l:,1:.0; :1. Iicl glotlaA. BiA. ir22:
ii.'l :l: ii::i's,'h:"*;i1"3."""""ii,It +9: i;;"';I"ii:'m:":;,1f,:Tit;:li fa6t tiDe e r.-p , J6ees uurp!ry, streetder ucve BAA, .:26:ojj
trl srs i.*oi*. -h, r-rtr.d n e ,ss! ,ET1; Fdst 1s de or N!'_c:_.,;12j?:: .:_*_,tii:i_it"tllslel_- ll p.e6Be€ h15 Ill 131o|o be6L F!ab-eoeteo at any or 6tance.. T]j. greal- L€r 446 lnde€d eo."y ['r3t rbe usa ber's .6t IDpior@e'r ore! Iasr les. s lrre q6d s.cooplrshed by Deve Her"ei, ore Ee Co. tFam dfd no raLe lt to de Inte%llon rc. lt; rowered_ hlE-.;E?Tit; t o. 6,_tu.. ar .!oss_cou-ry. I old nol 'rrce Itu. ir.!1 r lent dorn !o J-s. I:ou ,h€ ..1 3e!... I dtd ohecl q1[h oeo.s€ tim ron. o" t:r'Ioterello1a-I 3e0. .qFrL To'.or, llo., Aa.ch 13 2 rilles L, & ErLdIs! !hl_ sneels lt:ao: 2. }J:t"-T:;T:j ,I {ios€-c. nL.r 'Jnta1 ,har JoLr earrr }Ed ,o, l. C€o.ee eroq ., 11:Po, . lYallei xre -em r@oe! of tbe Lso KolpbM, 11,-f, '. S erJ torpma , Ir-1e. r: c"r; srarri., r-:o-r ;. siorr ril usA loce ' he 6alo tt las oF .scr 'o
11'::l:r-l:,!:il.::.:i-":::1":.::2:::.1 ll"liu;,,'"'"'"-"":";:t{::fi,'.;""
2-!B1e Bu--Senlor. at !c],a e6. KIliSAg D^eI U!e" Lb .^ Pt, _961 _:15 P.b, !h!1 cla"Ie Ven Nrys, ,on :lndttr I_rc
/ou! s1de, I hope. lF6. Blorn actfeved a ?ea' v.!^Lo-,/ & tdE D)si cce Lo r'e e.ccess o- thF fl!8t vooen,6adqed r_c !r. jr mo:.d ]Dv€ oeen a bobe f1 6L :-rl..r proratu-. foF rr.rslollcrulse afof ae€, s.De -,1o. 13rs on fslr. Iere hes b"e1 consrderaole crrL c lnd ro s'. K€nsa6i Jla.!r.n & C.. duPI 160 o' ''e co-tse al Bs.w tru@ €s noL bora frde 4 co ir./ es q6 lnov It,as the ICLA ia ad _a\e -ne ""-,or v1cto oi;oo-au"". ei::I":?* "' the cou€e,a5 ovd o arrns gare tr,$e a @Lr-e oecl l
il""";":li*: 3".h3"1;F"i!'"3;'i"'ilii iil*-H:i'""il:"j-*-i Elatulate h1!. That ee@ed elolgh afsrd i "#;. 1"X1"'%"?;;';;;;";;;;"-r1l';:-.:-s;i-r"i.;:"i.ir i!i"Ll :t-lii;:l; Ii',j,"'EI:,,*1s","'-
i;,illi,i tiifu^f.i3,,ii,i"l1 ci!"1!:.1, {iii",T'il::"i:t,::;:.1,;;:";.i,?;.;,," 3..TC, t0:,r.ri -. Brr. s.rl3,--@.,1r: t:_tir.i i. ,,r,, ur".iir, o - rr_trc"o-aar il; 5. ],eo Edrc*, s! Tc 11:?1.6i ! ole A. schrF.loe, s., rr:.,i ,. .... ^r !:""i*';;i; i;-"Li[iff;.'6C: 'i5iid rn6 l2:0 .6; 8. s_an Stafrotd, !. e eue Jaol!rn; P.brnsura , Etr.Ic, j o. c1yd. Ar_1 ns. s,. rc. r::0, -0. rorB !.,o.E,LrpD, ^2:!o.). sr. 1c, 1 . :1e.
Ic, !:lpt?zl
id,.iii":.Ldi:;p!l;f$;Bi,,lii]#?, r.. "rc.r ,",i-,",r,i.. Gi.i, .i: -,idi. ar.
uesmns vm,rraol
)'d- {
M{. tv!.a.Dni (rir r4
rid ME. iudv hr.nb4ry ldo bdh
usr.[ trii o. LG !rrd.!, cd{, ({i)
Jo;rll J. I(Er-txY lrrxs 2r,D rrlixu!! sEIffiTox {IITATTS lo-MIr,n BoAD iAcrj ltVE r,tn 2irD
Brtahton, !Iass., alch 11- Johmy K.11.y pull.d a{ay from K.n }ruo116} ln r!. 1a3r P-ml1.s bodaY to !1n 10 (3ctua11y I lA ri1.s) rn [5:1â&#x201A;Ź: Itc116t and Nu.U.! ran 10 yards apalr fo! 7: n11.s. In ur6 .arlr staeas nay crothole l.d but dropp6d bacL to llntsh thbd. qoa Lalls 36t Uu r.cord 1a3r y.a! rlth a ti4. of lr4r17. friz.s snd d.da.1s to th6 r1!5t 2? fln1sh.I3, Tlr. !6ath.r rss 1d.a1, hor6r6r th. irar'tic v.!y h6avyr 92 stsrt.rs, 91 ltntsb'as flk. e bte x.a! for r.r Englard. th.y har. a full sch.dul. vl on sof,. 'c6k.nc6 t{o or tbr.c rac.s ara sch.duled & th.
nld-s..L rds.
2. K.n Muo11.!, Boston AA, l. iay crothdrs, cc,\,t, 4. ]r1 colfa]onr, Bosto4 A4, c. JMas Da1.J, Jr., rtfc, 6. r'111iM Norls, Bo3ton coI,. 7. Bruc. Doblatz, uat., 3, chad.6 tf,so!, 9, cuy cartt.n, ubt.,flarvard, 10. Pnll nyan, Bosto! !-A, 11. Argus l,loott.r, Eat.. 12. Rlchald Ruqulst, I],Ic, 1j. T6n Brac!, Eat., 14. Eavdd Srcald, xltc. rt. EerDd co]@r, ]rlilcr 16. Davo l,Inton, BostdD rrt. 1?. rrlrllid l4ur9hy, Boston AA, 1d. Elch!!'i Syrdlston, uat., 19. Tory Sapl.nze! Aq-A, 20. Td Dcrddrtan, $lc, 21. Joln tta11ac6, Bosto! AA, 22. Jo])! A. r.U.y, lst., 2i. nichali Packardj Boston ,1,1, 24. lratrL l,Isll, SFartan AC, 25. Je.s Aloiand.!, SArt, 26. Frsrk lit!6, l.{c, 27. F.nI CbMou, xltc, 28. ThMas B.atrJ, let., 29. ]4arl 01rY6!, ufrt., 10. Rlchard clllp, Mt1c, 11. Claud. Ellts, xt{C, 32. Rof,co Saryo!, Nli,c, ll. Rdph Iailbanls, ntlc, lU, Jd.s Bond6au, XIIC. 35. Do' Fav, Boston n,t, 16. flnc6at Catano, Eat., 37. nfry 3.tuan, M.t Ac, J6, E1lot !dra!ds, I c, f9. ii.n Da{soa, Boston !,t, 40. B!uc. i{unt6!, 'mt., 4r. c.orE. R.s6!d.s, M6t Ac, 42, r.t.r Bq*,\alt. Bosto{ A-4, !3, crant !!d.!h111, udt., lt!. laul Sch.II, IMC,
45. r.s1i6.Jr..
57:11+j )16. c.6.
Nllc. 5?:2L: [?. Julla, sloeel M,c, 57:45; r+8. rohr sMl1!oh, Ue., 57r 52; 4c, rhmas io&ch, uru., 57:5[: 50. Il}Ic, 5?r58i 51. Don H1lk1n Nfic,58:00;52. #120. t8:12r 51. Ua!F! For16r1 rlt-lc, 5d:16j 54. Lany c6ors., Baa, 5u:lb; 55. nlcnrld F.morl., lixc, 5u:jBj 56. Arrr6d s.n s1, }l.t Ac, 53:l+0j 57, th rand.tti, x}Ic, 59:.12; 58. Ed xMc, 60:o6j 59. wd. elhs, Slartan 40, 60:26; 60. nlchad Carl.y, l,Lt Ac, 60:40; 61. !M cod&rd, unat., 61:01; 62. Dar Durrolr BnA, 61:02! 61.
Daid co]rlnS, sra*an rcr 61:0?1 6L, BtnahM, sps.ta! ac! 61:28; 66. Paul o!u, utu., 61:29; 67. Rlchard Marson, BAA, 6I:l+1; 68. Ron Sr41J1d, Al\,{, 61:lr8j 69. lr.il udoLa, Bn,|, 62:37; 70. Don Splttl., BA4, 6l:12j 71, 1{srt.! Baddtr uat., 6[: 13; 72, w4 Fo.n6y, BAI^, tir:llj ?1. Dast
52:or 52:05
65:27; ?4. Robort doln.s. B,aa, 66:05j 76, o.ors6 caro3,3a4,66:07; ??. Mar'in notbb.ls, Ma., 66:o8j ?8, sarold LEbr1.1, tsoston Y ca, 66:2lrj 79. P.t.r Juds.,Jr., l]n.r 66:26; 80. Ira Lock , x c, 66:29! 81. chas. scotrr x c, 6b:ll.)j b2. I|siol F. codHij,Jr., ds., 56:57; dl. nob.rt Mcv6rah, B.cn. 67:0?. 8L. Frerl scar.rla, ua., 67:58; 85. reo3 conr.y, Xtlc.6d:19: d6. 6Btt?J 87. G.ors. r,&tta!ulo; Mic, rNc, ^a, 69:J1j qU. norald L.mbluno, s!5rrs ac, 6t:J2; !9. Ton vccrahb, Ir}lc, 74.21! 90. arths xaor-.au, x}ac, 79:58; 91. I'ou xad-
52. A+
!E tCtrD CIOB l0-(rlo CE{r'llrorlsrfip 20 nt16s) 29 diartors. lrashIlaronts Btlrhday! F.b. 22, 1967
l+8:32 t+91)+9
iiii+ 5l:)+7
t2t39 51r08
5l:51 53:5)+
i[:ti 5U:37 55r1I
lrocr,4on Y{cA, 1t5:59; 75. nd Fr61a,
Moi Ac 27;
Boston l.A, 6i 2. 4. spsrtan ac 30.
Nl]'lc, 15
(tciual dlstarco
o1s.h, I:55:37; 3. JM.s tut.y, 1:59:29; 4. Ron-caff, 2:04:01; 5, Rlcbard cIa!!, 2:04:lb; 5. ndlb Falrtank! 2:olr:23! 7. BIck Bayko, 2:04:l2i L nloluld Ruqulst, 2:46:)7; 9. Al Macc$ot., 2:09:36; 10. Rof,co saxylr, 2:10:14; 11. Psu:L Soh.]lr 2tl2t5a. 42. craud. 8111s, 2tl5tl7. I]. 2:16:07j 14. llaiL l{1rol 2:77:)7. 15. Ed{ard Ctrat1s, 2t2\t5lJt \6, c!orE. r26s11.,Jr.r 2t4t22: I7- Juj-Ian Solg.1, 2:a:2Uj 1U. Alton ch&b.rIb, 2t29t53. 19. rM.s conl.y, 2:Jl:1ar 20.
churclnl], 2:l+6:3?; 22. vrrri. \,Iarbuton, 2:53:)L,t 4, ca!y ozies, 2!5lr:06. xob6!...Th. !u tho B.{a starttns tlm & oontlnn.d o! tb. BAA coulso fo! 1?+ nll.s at xhlob !o1at th. rulfuls loft th. cous. & ftd.b.d
th. last 2* nlls thloueh l.rton. Cdpb.11, 01sor, Dat.y & cl-ap! lan cros. to Aotb.! untl! th. r.D nil. hark thon Dal oy .ds.d ab.ad only to straln a nuscr6. c@pb.]1 & 013dn b6tt1.d fo! e r.r htlo & tlbn cnlboll !u11.d aaay. Th. stLv.r !at! Motols dorat6d th!6o tldphl6s, cof
f.. and & p1sc. to chanA. & th. xllc d atod 4 trophlas & n da1s, --Frod B!o@xoRT! EDFoiD CnU9 ?-llllE r{AI'DICI? nuN h.€lru!y, uass., Marcb 5, 1967..vroath.!: Cloudf,! 38-dog!..8..1tlly cou.3.,,Troph1.8 to all finlshors. 1. Ralph Falrbanl.s, 5.1:29 14:lo l8:5 2. Rob.rt B.nolt, 5J:[6 12 J0 3. RJchard clapp, 5l:59 14:00 lr. rM.s Da1.y. 54:oe 1?:0o 5. rdrald sicard, 54:14 10:00 6. rM.s Rondoau, 5Lr.:.10 10:J0 7. c.o!&. !.611.. 5h:lh 9:10 45,0 8. ru.; com.11f,, t9t , 9:Ja \5.3 9. llI.iot Edrards, 55.a5 r2tao 10. Richard Ruquist, 55to6 Is.oa 1!. T@ D.rd.!ld, 55t47 I6tAO 12. Rtcbald !.moyl.' 55:12 La.)a 1f, R6nt chaloE, 55:21 14,00 1h, Rorc. savrar. 55:16 rl:00 42t3 19, lotrl. Hol'oa, 59:l€ 15:oo 16. Frablr xtro, 55!40 16100 39,4 17. Paul sch611, 55:49 D:00 f8. Jullan sl.sal' 55t51 r!,3o 19. lob6!u !a.. 56:06 12t00 20. Don 11li;s. 56:0g 10:10 21. rod salloy, 56:09 c:oo [?:o 56:11 11rl0 lr[: lr 2-1. Ed slonrri.rlczr t6t27 rttoo \5:2 2!. Dsn cr.dono, 56:l+c 5:oo 51:4 ?5. ttarron Fokl.i, 56:50 rrlr'taa 42:5 JM.E te1.vr rer.vj 2. FalP !air_ ba.&s. {!! finrsh6rs) 15-I4IL' noaD n-{c! (2ID.tl\rsual), tl Dolad caltfolnla, llaroh 18, 1967 (FA aAU) that start€d olt last tea! rlth orly thrsd cmpeiltors tn an a!€E rhelo loru dlsidc€ lumtne ls !!actlcarb @k1o!t, bui offexs oxcellent pdt6ntlal bocaus8 of ihe o!an, uclutt€!od sDades. ra€ Bv6nt stalts ali tho iotn post_otrl.e. A nefl ooner to Callfornla, could not help but notlce th6 €al1} Gold that stll1 fre6 th€ na1 stleat. Tn truo 6arly callfornta styt€, the end ot th€ race ts con!1et6d titb a barb6du6 slroad on th€ €ally slrlns g.ses on th€ outskl*s of to!!, lhe slrlns sho{srs hsld oif & th6 !trders c@lat€d ln
1:11:24; 8, eob uebt, uE., 1:f1:26; 9. i{alty M11rer, ue., 1:12:43; 10, Mot Jobn3on, atc! 1:ll:o0; 11, Pot€r Eansonr 1t35tl+t 12. Pat !l.Ca11d, Da., 1:l+2r33,. 11, ?h111! {e1s.n. uD., 1.41+:40. 0ft1olars: v€lnon JubI, Robart loc€116, lyM Lea.que, ludin€ Ddlell€r cRusll r,00i'!s In BosTol{ I'iAP"{TI1o]I the Boston ,l.-jr. rs nalathon raco hasn,t causht aqj tlaL tn tho prels, tut lt 13 derely a cDult€ of tha's, a prohatu€ robl! or t{o asaY. lils avsnt - che only l!€€-lordhg tldng Airl-xst ohtrr8 13 baelElng to shape u! ee e trMan trafjm on r1lrll flc 1,9, ]]is oh esttnat8 of lloi nsny leollo {11I he lnao1'ed tn it tnls y6ar, flanlty, has co!. uIll cloboy, th€ culator ol th8 ov€xd tr€nblil)a 1! a!!rcherslon, Er8rTbody blt lihiitbrrs ra&foot boJ s33ns to te possassed bJ th€ 3oclsl et!tl,lalathon €ht!T. r!?hr8 1s €rery 'lth tndlcatlon that 16 wlfl havd nor. thsb ?oo entrles lor th€ rao€.ir lio said 30 {tth th€ holll€ss g6stur€ of a lrutt famer dtidtlat1rra the ultl@to ari'at of 7000 loc$tr, Th6 rmberi ol athl€tes, arthonlc and bosus, no{ s,emlbs ulon the l,Idathon road ls €tlalntr€ tlE ofticlrtlng ald lo1lctng structure. col cloneJ {as oDly hslf }lddin€ ,h€! h6 add€d, "sone day nlsht ha'e to put tlrl! rdoutl€h8aae!" 'e on as r norniba-aftelnoon 5lltttliF u! the f13ld. i A1so, 1l 6ufrl.ctebt 6ot tns!1r€d by tha ,66jobadrertu* of Roloon3 in scoub€lta Brnasy, anoth€r 1n3 L€ bus\6s to br8aL u! a tLreat€ed lr€rT tlne a f.otsf, torelgner 3a11o!s all th€ ttn€, dolhe! addltlon:1 lCo AftrloM lstrtote ro{ thet,lI 'ntsr.ext tea! & lut a sto! to 1:. Ihts €lect.i+ir€ done3rtc leactlor has conltetely louted :ie c1d, ol'r c.n!1airt, I'If theI dorrt keer '.b; :-ur.1ne!s out !obod_T wt11 sho! co1. Clon€t eaFscts tr :1:e hls usual Insaisi 5ut son6telpletatir3
lhe Jalarcse t'o tfit.lrleio.s this t1re. ltst€3d of tho' usual fire. llnlani ?i11 settie fo. on€raue llalerl ]L!]lsl. i. re1at1.n to !o!o ihak;1, 1. ort:;t:r srd a barb€r by 1!'no orelij .iqpqr-. tledo I.i:1so. the c.lon.1 re1:reo. riAbqte !ixlEartxl€, Arc, 1:22:tlr 3. Psts L9a€yo1UA( l--1 I.. tum Nthl_ L1:- itr i;.'"'l:;1 orta. ls adi.ur t. .rtBte. +:';iil',*6-:":"!:l-i:5iirE:";: aelsob, sa., 1:28:01+;7. iln co!!, ba,, iconitru.d o! !a:e 27)
P*vo N'lni ls nost lntelest€d to c6t th€ r1ftcross-cdmtry glm of tho 1972 olyd!1c G43s. lis o!1n1on 1s that ttE dlstance should not be any eract orc bur b€t!6€n 5 a 10 nt16s d€pBldtnA on tn6 oountly. IIis opinton is also t)lat lf tho d13tuc6 is clos6 to slx oi1€s, tho course should b6 lalxly rou€h & dtfficuft. Ir tt td cfose to 10 nt1€3, it should .ou-.e & as \I11y & Doesr'-o..-.o$ry "oue! 3s lo hsn o o' ulmlng, \rnt. rho hn ocd n g -" \ 'n t64, doas aor lo o" xhJ fron th€ cm6s tut sus!€cts been duo to tne 3up€'loritl of the nolth' os6 .t3Js...!o r qa.'llLon's p'opossl r. B .5lc o s anc6 o sv lo con.1.l^! trlrl t\€ frsck lohl. In l'ts proa" "s _€pofr bo stai€s thar outlih€8 of his propossl hav6 gono to leadlr€ ofrlclats tbloughout th6 !o!1d tor action, A letter fmn 4llejX 3!8C4e states that h3 does not kxov rhY lt ire saTs th6 lalj nusr push lt at tb6 l!-al n€€tlr'g & th€n to th6 loc. to the lnglls)r cros3-oouTho &itrsh Hnc has rcvl3r€tl ths lrop.sal trn Unlon f@ fdther actton. lhe il.Y, IRC vt1l proFos€ at tlB l-oth Adual RRc m xationaL x-C cheptonshtp bo held ore! a 9-ni1a couse as coir'oniton Et mC palt af pushi.€ 15kn fo! the olJn!1c Gees.,.!q losandlch (!dito! of rraak tn ri-s''ffij cos .es cr'njc a" i..d, tt- ]uir." .rs o o:n6; , cy i.. i ar -s6. o'a l€n.-. lroso Vis o,st fro ll Augusr !o lis oors :po!r !s! r'0lr!!ai riue hav€ tlF coachos frm Northiestern, xot!6 D@€, ue_ 20th a&ust. !@ states. htgh 3.hoo1 coaohas qostt€, \.JlsconEln, Mtmosots sd south Dalota, tron rilibols. Niscoruln and Mt €sota. \,16 '11I cow6r all ovonts sttb a speoial lho cost fo! eloth€r to lobg dtstance rddi!€. ard dav deloted to th; ctIr1o. rod roardr tooks and tuttion, ts $75.00. rhst includes ceo€ir€, fi3h1r€,saunas&t]r€fui1!seolth€entiI6dM!vhl16th€y s olon o snron€ 6_osred'n tlacl" & ,o Ls t ._a(" a uaeri. I .1',rr3!. I'u|13 T { 8d"J, ::o L r:t"..o1 freld. oLt o-irdllY f! ck 06,hBs,.. _:Ia I:IE 6dna- p:k'd shoo " cn:th;r. la. -iDp.a !:1r.o -T; a' La*:^ rr' -. , "s. coftrtr ra.o-r3 lrtl -s5 "a' |,:e e-.r,.,Do,:- a-on. a'9 p€r!Le t€arttr &-ros'-.1d -.-t-le hoLseola o'sl s he i.tI ,-:-ea luro. :^ s i.ol-9; -61..-. ;; sjy-,i1, No, ,o tdti eeo"(tr, I j) ,o- -; "os- ^-un:r r" . s: 3 , La1€ , I"5rc" 0 ev€rf horning, balf Do.is trai$ otr s lrrisk six-nil; Nn at 5:J0 ur & do.Jn a ^ --3e !r.s "roro !" i"16 3 rood sao Ps kr'Zoo.r€ _'nrlnln€ 3f^-1f n"e" iar- " _.n. ,r".. ;'€ a atu. €" dls's-" 'mlrc "3s.ion 6 pa o r -; tiro sbe !t I suii"h to spe l 'agrd! _:il:-10 .o^" In so € fo e o
r'.Ioveea!. o u ulo 1!rB LS do nat o-, he 's 8tp'hses o s't ' psy rl.j rone ts ;_s,- sorer1l@ He :5 rlre, snd tt lrues 1" i" . a a. " Ila.ar'or ,.!c Bi^11e !*.: hin.1fhooancon9€ythri;fee1i.6.flIustIationtoHat11es3ra33e, ed.ld€.. p repr so;€oooY ur11 p iy€d, o -e- or Sta'o Deoa_'ron' to brr t ;",'."i. :L-h., -!e B.r.r. doesnrL '-ood !:l ' e_sr fu.ds to estab]1sh such a lrecodott.i o. . o--f, .i€ s,o. BLi ". ab"orr B.d1a u!r na"! ss Nrh L3 I a .o0 abldj!' 3 rI'o oissoled hmes de 10. aooq."n;Lr -oln" o 10: -p 's o.aib o ,r; ".;i, ;;1d" r,Utrsri_l6 or o. r\o lood6d hl ", ,ron do r" so;m€E€6!F-, "opi 6r] 3 s o"r. -r€u or: I sB s 1411. ou . qtr bo boo'3 "re.!6o htbher 3n lf;...b."r oLt f.o
l"r\cll Ix Tlsc
r!l'D Tncnqlo!' -
ldtisd b:r: Ton nosmdictt. Acclalned bv Mnv to be ''a\a o_o, o9. lro0-os-A€s. l oudlllo " 3 "d':_1
TIGER SHOE $ e-,,iror
*rxt, r r,
?-n ./
,,,,,xi ,TG4
lst,lst,lst Tls In{lsf
cou]ltny sHot IN THIS AljAZ]l{G
tralnlis €ho€. Soft 3lobse nid-sol€, ud€r tafl ad hoel vlrtuslly elirl.Et€s rosd slocx, leduc€€ leA fetleu6, sd The lelfect
6uuds aaaln6t lnlries!
c ,\In ctoss
4 of first 6, 1964 O]-,n!lc Melathor 5 of flrst 6, 1965 SoEton Uasthon I-2-3-4, t966 loston l,tsathob v/oddrs fastest lEsthon, 2:12:0O I of fir6t 4, ]965 Ve€t Eon. Mtathor lst, 1966 !a6t. Rea. Mdatho! cl@!6 lEt, 1966 IC4A Closs costly cna&pi 1Et tom, 1955 NCA.A Colt. X-C Ch@!s fet t€e, 1956 NCI-{ Coll. X-C C!e!E 4 of ttter t, 1966 all@se i{4latho! filEt 6, 1966 H6art-of A!€r1ca 'l of N€w l!€1ed Schoolboy X-C Che!6 1st, rtg'Cy, Datty, o4q. noro conf6!6@6, !6A10!41, ed dl€t!1ct t1t1€5 won avAIItB[x oriY FioI:
BLW NIBBON SPONTS tE uliY. u. 5. nE.f Dilribrr6D)
(2)3) 3e31025
!3cau66 ot a lIGlR slz€ ld1aeor
1t 16 sdvlsebl€ to i 61zo srnAIiI,xR ib& ufl.l i!4k shoo slze. Ploaae adal 1rp fo. !ostsg6. ord6r TIcEt
3RoC!UI!, tXD
!!t! 0! sPnGs, lnnTs,
=r e!
^.n .e=g