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Bill Cla/k, Herb Lorenz, Doug Wiebe, Moses Mayfield

Top Left to Righr Browning Ross, Tom Heinonen, Don Lakin, Bill Reilly

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tf J"frH? it*nr^e+i1^16

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t*,t+f5$ffi*f*;+'ffi,n"gg'ggl[111ip'r', ffii{;ift liifi ir.-'-.:*ur,"f,::'\lffi'*:**q:*:i**::l*+*:.ll+;


h-ffi**'nry *Htlt*t*ffi\ffi***lrxgffi ffiffiffi{mm'r*:+


t7 | 56.6 r Nrml.la rroNAL 59. A. Jone6, Ita]-es, Wa1eB, 60, D.g. IEvle€, 38.O2.4 RESULTg 55th ANNUAL INTXRMTIONAL X-C Martlnage, tlance, 6L. I. tatoS t8l 196 Tun16, tu;1d4, SaturdaY,.Ibrch 16, Belg1un, Jansseng, 62. J. 18t04 18t04.2 (?.5-u11es) 4:00 !. M, 12kn 61. A. 91edle", Ertltzerland., f8l07.b L l,Iohs,ned. Clannoud-L, Tunlsfe, f5125.4 o4, Van Horsb.ek, Betglun, 58:09.2 -e., 35t29.9 2. RoD Hlil, England, 65. W. wlldscheck, 5r1tzerland,J8lIJ.4 66, D. Wa16he, EIre, 38tL5.6 ?: *iJ 67. A.P. Brorlt, 3cotland, Engtahd, 22t 12'2 08. R. Kcrnoghan, No. Irc],and, f8:16 5. MIke Freary, ,8:17.4 gpaln, ))"+P'w 6, M. Haro, 69. BIJ.JReIIly, U.S.A., 16122.6 "Z;i\:"p 55t+?'9 Rugheer, England, gnltzcllandr ?. A. !V, ?0. Dlctlker, J8:2J lS'\7'9 6, gt,t"o Zao.ni:l, iunlela, 71. Abd.clkader zadds&, TunI €14,38:26 Eltc, 38i28.2 72. J. OrKcelc, r""',.."u, ??; 38:! ?a. H,smd,ounl gghalcr, Tunls1a, tqt44.6 7J. No.I!€Iand, ,oirr'u 11. Do!€k Orahatr, 74. !I. (n111, gl'lt!crlanaL, J6146 12, J.la. Malz, gpaln, ?9r+1.: tqt 47.6 75. Abdaf1ah, !unl61a, L, Gutlerrcz, Epaln, lu:50.4 #;iA:i 76, 1?: {: !4. Wl]"eon, Norther4 lretand., -fBt54 77. 15. L. F@utt, 78. !tr. Tcer, No. Irelanil, 1Z,LZI| gtltzerland.,t6t55'6 E. Rue61sir.hIl, ,9iL0 79. .,e,21.e "Jt.l3i'fie#u'"ilou!"o, Algcl1a, 80. Delhoum, 391f1.2 scotland, 19: ?9'9 18. J. M. gtewart,gcotlandl, 81. Brlscoc, F., lnglane, 39t27 tottt'9 19. A.B. B!o$n, 82. !tro€cs Uay!161d, U.S.A., ntto.z Bf. u. Edaer, No. Ireland, 19t!3 72i73:3 3?: {: 84. J. Buckl,€y, EI!o, 39t47 Morocco' tzl'i'.8 22. I.arbL oukhada, 85. euc4aou1, Algerla, 39 t5O 2r. JIn .Alde!,- gootland, Lcd.d,y, El-re, 86, R.J. 39t5! uorocco, 36132'9 i{. u- ctozr, 4oi08 Lelgh; w81es, 87. c.T. G. lac.i", 40110 29t19'9 88. BenElE€l, Algorla, t9"!2'Y 26. c. Perez, gpaln, 40tI0.6 89. eouas!1, Algalia, -36: 40115 90, D. Logue, No. Ircland, cRogS couNTRY UNION






I5i3lj;.1""1}ill' srelaia,



lZiTri ?3:'ri"ffii"Etil;'5:"?.i3"", Belglum, "Ziii:i J6i56'o it. Gaeton Roelants, ii. wio "nt M'Hadd.;b,


.ii: *3s'$.5ili"t:.TiT""'', 3ti!!'" t;i32." coi, ensi"na, is. ii. +16. Don Lehlo, U.g.A',

i:";::i,ftr:;, 'iZi *r tillil"ti.Y;iai' liii\ '.tl. fflg""H:3i",.:'i;ii;'", t?i g: H;l* gl*:"' '41?i. 'frli1?.,



45. HaEmadl, Itorocco, glre, +"0.





'zt'1 5\try

t[: f;"'aql;lm:''iill*""' ?l;t.u 37132 lrg. n. nori", e.rbr"", iepau'i, eeigru', i6. ij. ir. n. miena!, gParn,


37t15'2 3-!t 22 ,


ii?ii;,-' getgtun, ;. DetloYe, J7:50 i. po"""Lge"!, Swrtzerland't7t5r sP"r",66. i. ig"i:."-"] scotlan'l, t7 | 52'o 6i. ioitii"rr'*tit, !8. L uoreete, Befgrurd, t7154'2

??: 61, 61.

40 t27 91, u. .EYan€, ',er€e, gcotland, 4ot29 92. l. etantre, 4IiO2 wale6, J. trlrby, 9f. 94. O. coutafucr, Frqnoe, 4Lr3, 41t36 95. L.rarl, aLgcrta, 4lr3l algerla, Bcn Farcs, 96. 41!48 c. LooslcY, {ate6, 9?. gart, 41:48 .ugLrta, 98. 99. I. !tror:'lson, No. I]'cland,, 41:52 ioo. tielratr Bclgacen, Tunl sla,42:07 DNIL Sboul, Algerl.a, E. Allonslus, BeLg' w, Pollcunls, BclglLre, M. lblloy, Elre, A. ch1vcr6. Northern Irclanil, R. J&And.TunlEIa, rcr, Walea, Ayachl Labldl, 100 lln1she!s, 107 gtatterB TeaF: L. trnglantl, 2-t-r-7-rG29 5A 2. l,rancc, 4-9-14-L5t-29-9=101; 3. Spaln, 6-r2-L72r-26-fi"= te9: 4. sootland, l0r8-L9-10- zT 47=LJ?; 5. !trolocoo, I'l- 22- 24Tunlsra, L-8-t2-42-7r1Tt7-4yL78t 6.(Etats-Unls) 22',1; 7, UgA ?7-14-t6-19' 7F 1L-69=246; 8. Bcl.glun, tI- )\9 - ra- 54- 58- 62= 304; 9. srltzerlar.d,, 2A-55-61-65-70-7 + 555; 10. Etrc (lrorand.), 44-4G48-6G7284= 160; 11. Northcrn lrcland, 11-68-777


t 12. Fatcs, 428i lr. Algcrla

JUNIoR CfiAUPIoNSHIP ?kos. ( 4-141e E ) ,r15 P.U.- L. Jobn BcdtarskL, &€land., 20t59.6; 2. P1err. DcFreync, BeLglun,



onar lbhancal, Uorocco,2l:02.6 England,, 2l:07.2.

4. .I. Falroloth.

rHE 1968 AFRTcAN lRrF- **0"$t$13)"ilSsRFuN EquArs succEss


Casgell of the AAU and A1 S'nlth lngledlents, accordlng to Ol"lan €oougil: lnJect collpetltlon' seleat ot the gtate DcparlEcn!, werj siapl'e The

iii: :: l*f:;;ili"lii:*l:";t;tii":li*":l"ii:'$lv:*Hi:"":i:"'! rrnar.rv r'ns?'dients "'nii.i''iJ'i,,lil'ii-i-a r"


t frult during the la€t**:;l:"1:"il':13'irl*;i

.*:;:' ;m"i"lxi.l:;"!:g'n#";.:il"lrbir!:!lTl[-i-?ii"Ti!4"ii.!i?" :r;l:r,lr: Hriil1i;iil::li',:"iiil;;3.dli:fti,,?3kl"il:rl"t"ih*; #:i"3T.lli 511til3,"?f;"tl"*";;ii; ii,; ioLii" ni"rti, se"vrce rvas rocat 3:'iliiq!{ii :1ii'tfi"':3i'3:" l*";;"1;i*':;:"ln:"ji+"l"lx:-;"*$"I: iii?""i"riiir"e iiri-i."qu*ia in::,;Filli.,,ni:,li;.:LJtST:l';"F".?rl"l,', holrrs

lolt bcforc tak. oft i

icreancd out thc taxt

ilir.i"e"i,;"-iil-+ ll-":lfF:J;


an., we y{er' r!"ifi"t.e!;":l'*,**lil'%:;:i",::tii'H'i:::ii3'?i*'" 'ii,"- tlntte IYLebe and LaJrrn?? "itpoit";"l"iti;"1:?'iry"9."i'iii:e:-!!.i:9. "i?' r!ii* ii:lr'E fl*ll 3t,tr" runArmv bewlldercd 'i!iir"r"r.;:$i"na"d,. the taLcoff betore Flvc !01n;tcs fi;:;'tl*i:l"t*:;*"*:Yg": il:;,:l",:$','H:iH-:; i*dt:"'i: & tere met.bv runl6ran Athletlc "*:t:l:ttt:lT:'tunrs rn n1d-artcrnoon r"l"i.tioi-oin"rars ane !uriivt.{"ffiii:":t i?i"Till"il.ltl'i;l;.li li::i#;::#.:;"l:i'lli:;:i rfl inI ilil"'1":r:"t"?t ;"Tii;1, ; Bclglan b16 and Roelent€ (

-te "lri: ouartclcd' In thc othcr tcdl€ ttlat tre tarcd "o"tt i"ti"t-tf'^n nerc bettor and sfeep ii;-d; and eca s&aller hotele 1n aloxnlotn i;;;: t3{13l;"u Alserla on thc ncet on thc nortbcrn coas!. qf 1f1:1-P::1""n on the Mc'rL tcriancan Bea a-co1si11le. rt"" and Ltbya on tn" et"il-r"ni"ri

ae're sd,


*:::r$tilhiltll;l$kirl; r! ** I ru*$"i:'riir:*;:ilq;ir" 'l ii::rli;l:$i-ilqi' lqr" li",I::liirqffi{ilii:":$rr*riiili tralned ttlcc a d.4

iBr"ffii;-:*:rx""r"ll*"*iii.!::q:*l*Tli"F;fih$ii$l'r,,::: ** 3iifi::"t::rlH"l"d;;;-;;;;tu-or-e" l"to"i'""tii'''ti"r*XiH":"" n:**il:;"H11!5iii"iii::*ki;;,i*:;"?"?i:5* 'ifii!i'lg"l:t"l:t;: ;;,'t,rll:iii:$;h:il"qi;hlHtiii:qi;"iihi[q$ll, u i;f lii :ff


""ito" " ":t*t*\i3'utl-;":';;-;;;one.& i-;"i,i;l;- i!:[i: ;"'U'"":'::y"' l-"iiil" i*'"31?11"lff -ii""p


iFiill?ii:i'ir"jrr""i"ri,Iri;;p:iliiiiit;3itit',ljiri:;'il:r; i.t.-&- utt"ft 22-, 69 f,aa accepted by Yote at ^l.r r,,t.



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2 t]apo cour8e aU on the sane day at CLyd.€bank, gcotland. A dl€oueslon folloied qn the 1969 tro&en,s raee, There tras ar objectlon to the dtstance ot p IfZ nt]-eF/ 4kn, Tle rules stat€ 2 nlles-- d,l stanc e changed...An lncreaseal entry le6 bi fOfUe'. ra6 epp?gved...IAAF X-C Conmls€Ion neetlng ln Mexico ras allscua6ed, The f,nt.xC Unlon feele that they have not been succe€sfut ln pro[otlng anythlng and that lt la not northrhlLe tg send. e repreEentatlve to the neetlng ln Uexico.. Lottery drawlng for cholce of startlng po61tlons toEorllr --genlor nace (England ag chanpLons a8elgned #2. France 1, USA Ilth.. Dlscu€e1on on Pgrtugal. Portugal hasnrt partlclpated for g1x years & have not expreesed. ihy? glnoe other countrles are waltlng to get_ 1n thls erganlzatlon BeLgiun proposed that Portugal be asked. to account for the leason that they h&ve only partlclpated once, ?un1€la (f,lth thoughts of ad.d.lng ano ther Afrlaan countty) ranted to d.rop Portugal turnedlately & add a ner meEbel, nngland obJected gtrenuousLy. A n€n couniry '1111 be deslgnated at next yearra eeetlng 1f lortugal does not re€pond. to corresponclgo gf ence & 16 exclud.ed. &ueh lor the Int. CC Unlon, I am notr the opinlon that we should fore a ll'eetern Henlsphere X-C Union conslBtlng of Canadr, Mextco, USA. & the Central & gouth Amertcgn countrlee to be heLd oo the flret reekend ot Decenber. compete, et .gr€a-t expenEe, agaldst the Srropeans & Afrlca.n€ at the helght. ol "rlhy thelr x-country season 1n lbrch rlthout oul tog colleglate & trorklng AAU ath.].ete€..I,lore on thls tater, fen thousand Tunlslans Jarnned the HtppodroEe d.e Ka€€ar-gald(horse race track) outsld.e of Elinls for the Int. X-C on gs.turd.ay, ltrarch 16th, The Junlor race r€nt otl a't 1tL5 P.M. over a 4-e11e cour.se & the rlnner was future gre&t John Bedlrar€kl ol EngLand. J. Falrcl-oth & J. Holde! placed 4th & 5th to rln the tean tltle for EngIenA wlth 10 polnt€. Tunl el"a placed seoond wlth 27 polnts. Follotrl,ng the 4 p.n. parade ot natlon€ betore the oheerlng Tunl6i,ans, l'ho rrent t11d when their hoqe country tean Ied. by the popula! Canrooudl flLed pa6t the stands at the end. ol the proqesslon, the 1J teaas llned. up 1n elght lLnes acroes the d.1rt trach lor the start 1! 1d.e&1 weatber condltl,ons. lhe newspaper8 €tated, that Gaeton RoeLants, tno-tlrne wlnner of thle event, nas ln good physlcaf cond.ltlon & expected to wln. He stated., rrl only lear the Engllsb, & ny trlend Gqnmoudl.rr (Hot rlght be raal) Fron the start lt ras apparent that lt ta€nrt going to be easy for anyone. Top Anerlcan rumer BlLl Clark gteted, {I kept valtlng for then to settle down & lnEtead the pace got faster & faster, x HlJ.l-, Forler, & Freary of ljllgland. rvere alrays up tr9nt along tvlth ZaErnel, RoeLantE, fexereau & Canmoudl. The fllst klrometer rent by lrr 2;40 & the znd 1n 5if8. flfrf, Arltnendl (gpalnrE lorroer rlnner), Roelants, Derek Gra}lan, Zaenell, !l'ea!y & Forl. er all rent by fooon ln 8i28 & 4hn 1n U:9a, Grahau waE a step ahead at 5,0oon 1n lead brlelLy. Hl1l & front of the etando !r\ !41t7 & tfato & zar!|ael then took theghortly before the Texereau roalntalned the 1ead. at 8,5008 & Roelants 1et go. halfray mark he severely brui€ed hls 1'eft heel rrhen he landed after clea1.lng a ,ft. barrler, wlth about ,,oOOh to go Oanmoudl bur€t out & nlthl.n 1,000n he garned at Lea€t 20! on 1811, Texereau & !'of,ler. The 10,.000n ra€ coveretl ln l-esa ,than 30:00, At lLk! Gannoudl, led by aloost 1008. fhe track ln front of the slend8 rvas pulpoeely plored. up for rougher gollg & H111 llet over lt as 1f lt trere ta!'tan! Gaonoudl 66edup a blt over the last 5Oe to rqve . to tho throng & HlLl rt th a beautllu1 rush Just a lew Bteps behlnd the sElllng eenmoudl probably rued. Lettlng Gannoudt get away. Garnboudl rs vlctory ta8 amply nerl,ted. & cqntracted rltb tact & lnte1llgence, He ded.lcated, hls victory to Pre€ldent Bourgutba & th€ ?unlslan people, He tlnl shed freslr & eata tbat he had. teared Ro€Lent€ & *as surprlaed, rhen he !o longer sat bln trith the 1ead. pack. Ntl].rg sald that th€ course wag tavorable to rumlng rhythn ras-a tblng ol beauttrr. He rroanmoud,lhad hle cardg to plsy tn Gaanoud.L ln that the barrlerE rere eaey. lront of hlss pubUo & he kner to er(plolt Lt. But next yea! 1t tl1l not be tJ1e sane thlng, ittt etatea. Texereau' tho look€ llke a Jockey' etated-61op1y & to lolloYt ClaneouCll'rl tlth a tLiile nore dlplooacy, 'rI am not of the--6trength 1/4fl tall',H18 re-co]'d He 18 5'7 Oemlroudl, an Arny offlcer,'iae born ln 1918' run L964' tl'd' 1965' not f961, dld rn tbe Ini. xc ls as foLlots; 48th 1962' ?t]n placed ln tbe L964 aeeond 6oot 1r50.i epeeo-ne iia-'iit-i:ri i6aZ- t"-ryai, withcourge hurdles & ol nounde, tough. A serle€ taa o1v.;1; io,bo6l iire ?.i-nrre



A typical Eunopoan five-course banque t for the officlal,s, coachos, otc. at th6 beautiful Hotel lIllton, sltuatod high on a hi]'l overlooking Tunis' tho ovonlr€ b6folo tho race and a banquot for tho athlotes to dlstrlbute tho prizos on th6 evorring of the race clinaxod ou! brlof stay 1n Tur.dsLa. The food at tho second banquet was a blt "strange" as ire sat on pLllows ln tho "duagoon" of a uelrd building. ?hus' lthil-e tho Engltsh {ere roceivll€ theix toam awarals th€ A!1€t'lcans w€re quletly stoaling tholr rolls & frult ! Ratber tha.n spend threo days in Carthage followlng the Intornatl-onal XC, Marll-lm Johnson of the Ei"bassy rearraiped ou-! tickets so that we coufd spond Monday & Tuosqay (March lE & 191 ,l ln Ro1e. lde arriv€d in Rorne in 1l.d afternoon aftor a short fllght & sp€nt bhe rest of the afternoon at the Anorlcan Eribassy, stooking up on food ai, tho connLssa!'J & lralting outt wlbollevabL€ led tapo tn attenptlng to cash sona checks, we had ]'eso?vations at Tm SPORTING I{oTEI, noa! the ol,ynptc VlLlage & after checking l-n we waste no tLme ln changlng l4to runrl-ng gea:' for a lun dornn the roads alon€ the Tl Rlver to the beautlful olynplc ttack & ovstl mor3o boautif[]- practice track. Tho or.dor of the day for Tuosday was WALK--tho Capitol' Arch of Costantino st, Polrerrs Basillca, Fountain of Trevl, the coLlseum, the Forum, otc. Lat la tho aftelnoon e hustLod back to tho alrpo!'t fo! a qulck f1lght to Athen G!oec6. After a flno dlnno! in do'!,tntown Athons r.r€ egaLn set out on foot fo! quLck vl-€u of the AcropolLs whlch ioworg 200 foot abovc the city. (Itm suro tjhis evon Lmprossed l{srb Lorenz!) Tho h1gh, anclont fortt-ess can only bo en tored from the wost. Natura]-ly wo approached lt from tho eastl hllth the €xc6ptl-on of Lt. 8111 Rotl,ly' (kno n affoctionately as "the bolligerant }Ialine dlsapp€alod into the dark' we s tu'nb-l-o uhi qutckly -donn woDt over the-lron gato &from the $tost. After a cll-nb up the hlih. alrt road & approachod (lockod) back wlth Rei11y perched up on the & st€ps '!,r€ cemo to th€ entrance gate lnsplrlag statuo ol tho Wlr€loss Vlctory wondorlr€ how to get out! P9"- !o.t I folgot how [o raanago d to reJoln us fo! our l+ a'n. fflght to fadinE rn6rnorry " Addls"Ababa, howevei ho dId, dosplto 4 gash on bis shin bone f].om hls nddnlght oxp€ditton Lnsl-do the Ac!'opolLs. Evldently the'y savo tho hillslde floo lt;hts for tbo tourlsts on weokonds! Wi arrtved ln Addls (utthout fanfare ), took th€ alrpolt bus into town, uhe officials lho alrlLnes grouttd ageDt final-Ly con{tactod some Ethlopian Sports Ethlopian who told. htlr io dsposlt us 1n ths IIoteL Ras a block a ay from the I StadL Alrllnes offlco. That aftornoon whlle JogginA at'ound Hall€ selassle (snothe! block away flom tllo hotol) MaL Uhitfteld csras orrt on the tlack tto sl-come us & chaEe'us back to tho hot€l b€for€ tte 'were seon by alf. It seen ov€nlookod the fact ihat uo Lierenrt due ln Eln that due to tho Rosro trlp wo(Mafch 21st). {t1o next molnlng \"te wero hustled b ola urrtll tho noxt rnornlne Arxb€ssaoor iln. iall, Ethiop ;ut to tho airpoit & not gjlJIglglfl by American wr'1tors personn6l & sports I ofllcials, USIS Sports -il; -;";;h";-i" Bo iaai--g;." sunny & &.i lth the maximun tenperature about attitud to 8000 ft. tho duo to 7,200 about l+?o--very lteaseirt a-trre _Alonenrinimurn fo! wfth !1sI l^Jhitfield wo- c;nductod trainLng sessions at IISI Sta'diun so daily twlce ndlltary athloteE & scbooLboys. At some ol the tfto titiopfan -ior'EJr"onen puttePs' Ma Mos€s & shot uoikod wltb tbo dlscus thlolt€rs "Iotr" Ilerb Loronz ltlth the 4pon len- & hut'dlers & I !'orld the sprlntons, ii"ia -t"fpfo ath "rtu ! We had heald that tho EthiPtan lunpu"" & polo vaultols Laugh they dtdnrt ploved:t! At least thl's "fiir-tUu & piiiti rro"o""olo a iii."-"."u lLughlng rnatto!' wo nalnl-v trainod. o i;;a: i;;"";t; ou! own tralnlng was.no Bole rnternatlolra1 al-rport & ba ;-S:rri;; ;;* hrily roaa couvJe out to th€ finlsh the olght-nile rouie' onr: li was ir roal- strucAl-e Just to Sr.reden f ..r"ot 6ut -i,f.r"ln 191+7 & ho was no1,t l-be naa cone to Addt;"Ababa f!or4 ilf.i."6". ho bellevod Lt took s told us that advisor irlond as wolL as iliiii";"'"i""r'teeks' a few not altltudo iust to sot s-ccllnatod to htgh rnonths "'o;-s;;;y; was stag€d bet!'toer road.lace cross-cor]nt!y a lO,OOOn ltarch 2[th & finishod on th€ started coutse toa.rll' tho tire-U'S. a pi"t"a niiti"pir. terim & seven Americans nent dolrn the ;;;;;-"; isi'staarurn and ths 20 Ethloplans & the-roads past Af"l-ca Hs11 & the Grand P€ eoii--f;i";rratlonel airport roadLocaL athL6toi Ied by world-c1ass l1a$o 1^lo1d€ plagos-went to ff..-fir"i-,"""" -z?:o6- (sfrort couise). hhib was sccond ln 2'l rI2 & Lera\a third in ?1 tzg. AbeL il 27 tL) B-ikifa clocked 7th placo & said later, "It is not surprising-thal flnlshed 7th. I considargd tbls meeb onfy a warrn-up practico sesslon."

Abebe allow€d the athl€ to fotlow!.ng hllt to ovortako htn and flntdh 6th alnost tho - flnl'shlng potnt. Tom-Ho1non6; was th6 rt r.sil'';rican flnisliJr. i; 6ih--pLace ln tho fln€ tln€ of 2BtO3-. Doug_tD.ebo was 9if! t Ci.i.*, t"*n", i"Uil R6111v &. r'rayflold flnlsh€d t! lhat oid6r ror trre 'u!1-ri-r-i"f,rna tiro'r"aaer,!. A t!:lp to A8mara for a cllDlc et tho ltassalra Naval Seso a5tf, -due tas-cancell.oat becauso lro could not conp6to 1rl a lrookoacl i_" on March thonc to a sch6dul-oal tlack noet at ItIiI'Stadlub. Tl-rotafonE tho t€an "iut a"corpaol.d M"]. 'D:Pl",Z:ll for tralnl.!€ sesslols wtrh rhc Ar,!ry on Uarob 2t; 22:n-Zl;;: to gcbcdulcd lnqck conp€t1t_Ion raa fo! l{srcb 28th at 6 f.U. ifnUrolu io ug ,rho lne svenrs wor€ sanal loh€d 1! batuccn halvos & ga.r[6 E of a aoocsr to. abttract rror6 spocts,to'a. Ttro r.Eul-ts welo e.-folloxr: BOOI'; i. doublohoaaler At;;; ;;;;; !.En., rlreroi. Z. yohened Uohanod, Il55.3t 3. Eorb LoroDz, 1t56.1..1,500![_ 1: To1cba :Itna, 4:00.6;.2. B1Lt.^Relity,- L3-oi._a; 3. sh;bar.;;'R.sagsa, f+i-0L.7; [.. K€bsde wond€mon, [r0J.0.. ],ooon s-';h;.- t. iiaaogsc il ueErrrlc.'rdrr.I ciod-o (-L_st steopl€cheso); 2. Tekelc Fttel!.., Etb-._, 9t\6rZi 9r9Z:Zr'8. - Don Laki.:e, Bor"lote Tofore,_Eth.,-10:02.9..5rOotu- 1. }lalro r,i'old;, 3.. ]4rltO. O; Z. 'Wirhit- MasJi_ oana, !;En., t+:5o.r; J. Flkr.u D6gcfu, ,5tO4.2, \. E1ltuy At.b6ha, L5|Z6.B; S. y1:l"t 15:27.0.-(Bl11 c:.a!:k r1'fi lhad-iggi t4e i5oon art;r irarn:.4 irp !!om >rjs p.n. ro oiSO p.n. hc ua6 Justlfteblt 1n lrkod at tho & prob;bl+ qul't€- hungry arter & L2 noon luach, Mayftcld cou:.dlrtt adjurtd6lay to iiro Lftftua6 a-b all tn Ethtopia.& fin!.Ebod fa! back. ) Just a coup16 oi perooaal obsorvatloni, Ths-Ethloplqns we!6 bor.! & ltavc l1"cd aL1 th€1r 1lfi at an altltualc .wel.l above 7,000 ft. ThLs opolates to thel! advaatag. ln s.v.!al a4y!. Sl_noe thoLr wholo psyslology of r66plretLon hea-b.ooD. adapt.d, to llvtng ti an atlroepuoli wiifr a docreas€d sgpply of oxygo[ lt 16 of conald]orabla boicftt to thot'when colrDot_ 1ng st fo!ro!: Love]'s - e lrsvolgal of thc faotons lfhloh handloap th6 lo}r_al,tt-_ tudo athleto whon compotltlg hlgba! up. !h. Africans have rolsilveLv iolr" i"".. They.have an- adaled- lobgth_ ln th. f6nu!, rdlich p.ldLtr a longe r_ than-_ avo l'ige str1d6 Length on the track a! conparcdl to ou! hteh am cerrylng, shol.t sfrld_ lDg, heavLLy husclod logg.d Altortoan runners, !tr;o t{olde, piro5iublo, hurnblo, &. gracloua..lmpr6ssed. us. all_Hltb_hts frl.ndly attl.tud. &'f-antaEttc t'ir.rnfog ablLlty . Mano, now ln hls Iat. 30r!, !.oE. to b. l! th. p6a* of condltio; &-' certal.nly roul-tl bavo b66u a tb!.et lf h. bad ooup.tod 1n ihc fnt. XC, El; snooth, Folaxed t'unnhg fotE l! a loy to xatoh. .In our spa!€ ttlte tn AddLs t{e oobdqotad a ollnlc & trelnLlg sesslon et s!



Amotlcan-Iligh Sclrool-for ntlltary d.trnd.lts. EthloptaD studonts also .jolnsd us s.t thls s6ssl.on. On. nornlDg Doug tJl.b., Btll Roi11y, Ton nelnonen & f _c.onducted a _pan61_ dl._oulslon uitb tba offLoo!. of tho to1lc6 Spot,ts Un1t, l{e expLalhod, to th. b.Et of ou! brorrl.dga, thr rorH.ngs of th; AAU, NCA.A, hLgh Ecbool f6delatlotts, YMCA t r ato. fo! aonc tb!o. h.oira to a vsry attoativa aualieDo€. Late! ro dlloovclld tbat o!r1y two of tbc! could uldorsteird En81lsht I guess flo- ahould_l:ev. taken 6 coullc !.tt Aubadc l a attcndod two rocepf:.ons_ onc gl?on by th6 Ethloplaa Sports offlol.ln & oao by Anbassador HaU &-h1s chaldlng xlf., nho 1! thr sLlt.r of O!.Bor trao& coaoh, BlL1 Bonomart. On 10 avllg EtbLopla ir. agle.d that thoro ero niry uho ln a1l !.nnocenc6 uLLl th.bsolv.E lnto th6 grould at lil€xl,oo Cfby. fb. Sass vLl1 b6 unfalr & un-r:u! squel -codlr6titl.o! xlll lcsult ea nirgr caurot tet. tbc tfu@ or spalr6 tbB money to lnatulg€ !.n l-oagthy accll.matizatlor!. _On l{erch.29th we dopar.tod for Da! 6s SaJ.aelo, lenzada, vla NalrgbL, Kerrya. Th6 xoathetr Ln Da! wag hot & steat|ry et see 1ov.l, & l{e onJoyod !.uns along'e boauttful- road boerdl€r'fu8 the Indlan OcaaD followad by a dtp ln the nard ocesn. Setut.dey afternoon wo boelded an East Afrl,caD fught fo! Lusaka, Zembia (for:rlrorly Nol'thol.n RhodesLa). lio w6!c m6t at tb6 elrport by !fu, tames Uack, the U.S. Drbdlsy PreBs attache etril drlven to EvolyD llolro Coll.ge wher€ v€ ilv€d ln tho stud€nt hogtg1 & eto ln th€ school cafot€rla for foi! days. Ue w€re taken Ln tow by Dsvo Toungblade, for.nor C6ntt'e1 State (ohto) tr:eck coach, brougbt to Zanrble by.th9 govofifiont fron Alogt.Lca. Dava w111 lonaln unttl th6 rdddl€ of Juno & the Zanblaas ,Lsh hc coul,d bo lth then for tho nort ten yoars. He tours tho countly, ilhlch €xtends ove! an a:rsa ot 290,586 squaro rdles lir the nldst of south central Afrlca conductlng c1Lnlc.. Eo bas el-so [ade coachl!€ f1l$s tth Educatl.on Tglevl6lon Ln Fl tug for: scltool u!s. On Uonday, AprLL lst we conpetsd tn a 7.9 nlfss croso-aoul1try rac€ at Ll1ayt Pollcs TleLnhg School ovor. s tough cours6 tbrouAh thg bush.


I{IDL{]{D AMATE{A AT]N,ETIC ARIA BOARD CROSS COU1ITRY RACE AT LILAY]. ZAI,IBIA Monday, lst April 1968 - 7.9-!1t1es 1. BI]'1 Clark. USA, Jo.')' ', Anos l4wasonl, -Lusaka, f0:!B; -1, Bill Reiltf, USA. l+1:07; l+. Benso-. Ilulorxoa, Luseka, l-lrlB; 5. Dolrg Wlebe, USA, l+1:261 6, Herb l,orenz, USA, 41:29; 7. Don Lakj-n, USA, 4l-:l+6t B, Dlck Chands., ?o11ceLifayi, 42:56; c, Godwir Kalimbwo, Police-Lilald, !3tOot l-0. Ue11 Mulooda, No.2 Zambia Re6.ltU, 4f :!4; 1]-. Joh! cambwo, Pollcs-Lllayi, N+:35|. 12, Browning Ross, USA, +5,.07; 13. Ksrur€orna Sinyinda, ?oltc6-Lilayi, [5:09; 14. Speck Chltombo, ?ollce-Lilayi, \5:3:; f5. Jonathan Sietukoflra, 2ZR, LV5t9+; f6. Matihew lvlbao, Polic€-L1layi, )+6tO7 t a7. Moses MayfieLd, USA, 46:13t ld. Joseph Chandauila, Police-Lllayl, l+6:35; 19. Eowin Mpeks., zZR, l+1t2J; 2J. Moses Zwau, Polic6-Lileyl., )+7 t3li 2I. l4att Whittaker, Lusaka, l+7:[0. (J0 fin.. The f1l1st 9 runnsls biok6 lfaLinblre rs colrrse record gei, on 2nil }larch 1968. Tha same course was usad on Aplll i-3th for the Zs.nblan AAA Chsn1pionsbips, Tho M.A.A.A.B. thank the United Slrstes InfornatLon Servlces & th6 Zambia Minlstry of Co-oporatives, Youth & Soclal De?elopm€nt for brtnging the vlsit1ng Anorlca,n runners to oru3 arga fo? tralnlrg and compotilrion. We thanL also the !.rmne rs thomsolves for 1ih61! conraal€shlp, ln partlcular for lrhe a,v ln *hi.ch they idxed ln irt th the Mldland ethl€tes ln tratnlng & rea1ly spread the lnto!natlonal frlendsblp whlch Sport lcrows so llel-1. - T6aB Scoring (5 to score)- 1. u.S.A. 3[i 2. Po]-tcc-L11eyt 71; 3. No.2 zanbia 1- R.g.11d; Lusaka clty - Thcomp].ote toam, --Matt IthlttaLer, sec, If.A.A.A.B.-., lom l{€lnonen csrno dolrll lrlth thg lntostlnal f1u bug aB e !6su1t of ths hard , 1i,:: }!lgh- sltt tude running & constant t?4961 & thus dtd not run. ', fi took part ln a socolrala?y schools rac€ on Ap!11 2nd ov6r another nough busb coulrse of 6 o! 7 m11es. Howev€r, wo dldnrt closs tha flnish line lor

f€ar. of intelferirg ltlth th€ scorlng, 0n Aprlll, 3rd we drovo to Chlngola sone 251" nllos from Lusaka whele wo wers met by l1r. 8111 Land, Sports & Rocleation Offlcer, who all d everylrhing lmaginabl"e to ru1ke our stay onjoyable whilo ln th6 Coppe?belt. Z€mbla's si.x Copperbelt centers prodBce the soconal l-argest smount of copper in the uorld. (chi16, No.I), The Copp€rbel-t towns sr?e modorn urban celter1s anal it appeared that we savod th6 b€st for last. We wel'e accomodated in a beautl.fuL Students ]loste]. ov6r.].ooKing a beautlful golf course (called the finest ln Afr.ica oJ bobby Locke & cary Player), Mosos l.{ayfteld & I trsv€lled to Kitw€ that avenlng for a televlsion progran. Wa €ro interviewsd by a yolrng Zambtan doi.ng his first interview. Ho ras so nervous he complotely fo"got ttho questlons we had rebearsod & th6 intoirview was quit6 enusing to a1l- ln the studio. Tho n€xt moining we toured chingo].a & Nchanga & vislted clty offi.:als l.'ith Bl1L !al]d. lhat af]rgrnoon l,re bad a lun with the ChtnSola Distrj.ct Secon.iery Schools Cross-Country te$m over a f0,00Om bush course. On Frlday, Aprll 5th aft€3 a coachlr€ sesslon wlth the lilchanga liorih ??llml:y Schools w6 viii.ted th€ Nchange Consoflalat€d Coppon lllnos with one of lrhe Mlning offlcials. lie d;parted for l'lufuli.ra on the Cor€r) boider on Saturday to compeio in athe Aft'r Copperbelt XC Invitatlonal race vorsus the Amorlcan tourinC t6€m. (sso news za,'nblan rLsk thoir nocks docl-ded not to toam our lobl at the cours€ posltion & clipplng & Ton E6lnononrs account). fho officlefs lrnder'9tood ourafiier they fin_ tle_ 2anr51an runners readify agroed that e dtd ths rtght thtng & l4ayfi61r Laldn I declded to rlsk it l'{oses foursl & Don lshod tho raee on all A zambian rePress. nlBquotod ln the Zambisn belng run after deeided to also Do!,ter. stetod that Mosos would not run ln p!'otost over th€ South African sltul oaslly tho nost popular ilon & the death of l{artin luthar K1ng. Moses was hls way to aid tt€ African ath went out of contlnuallJ had & he ambassado? wo tr: l€t6s & talk with the students & peopl€ 1n€ €ncounto?ed throughout our long the gelned botter ot a knou]-edgo ?he trtp hras a trenendous expe!16nce & w€ Afrtcan -ath]-€tlcs proglran & an understandlng of thel! tratnlng philosophy. beglns the day th€y first put In Africe there 1s only one season - that which to hang up th€iT spikes. fheJ they deciqe -Coot on a track and ends the day prograrns htch take on for tralning have no tlme 'rpre-season scl€du1es't ol3. t'-the tibasic !u!{re!au!ur! perioalrr. per]'od for.th.. Competlltlon " the speedir€-upspeecllr€-up &_ so IoIu-rr conditioi-rin€, condlt1oi-Iln€r "basic -&_so a part of the overdil program - a-rathar speclal type of tratnlng-whi( ittrlete the incentivo to drag that som€thlng €xtla out of hinss1f.

atlilctc 16a!tr! to accept conpotltLon a9 nothlng rnore thetr a gooal workout. Z Th.y alc usod to wo:rldm ::iah! ui to. tho day of coip"iiilon contlltutn8 lm_ tn dtg!61y af_t6tweld6. Ihe Ai::icair atfrfate a6osn r i -iti.eiJi-ilf & tralnLng ;o thet h6 wllt.r'.ach bis- p6elr psr.folrnebcc tn e glv6n corpltiEi"n o"" gf"""E.!, ,i;*loDg ea he 16 $e11-conditlon.d & well noalvated, -tfr" " will tii<e cane of th-. re8t, -lro:tlrttotr what tlno^ of the y€a! ft'raai frappln "orp"tltloi to to. fn the dccade that bccen ln sore 3b ncw natiinjTl.,u flom coton_ lal statu! to Lbdepcnd;tu6 tn19!| 6iicr<,qrrica t-r-;Jrii;j iifo "rorrg.o rnte::estrns uE to rdatch & h€ar about th. Droblons th. Zalhbtsns iile cncoirirterfrg fn aiE to ii"afng thc, old. tlattl tloDal tlcs 1; favo! of lnilepcndeooo. holro of Mr. & M!s. _Aftor--tho loDg_ d.rlvc back to L-usaka & e luncboon'at tb.o Jam6 s l4ack, Lorcnz, ooos Mayfiold & f bogan J"o -fo"6t"fp hoh. via B6AC -E6rb lrLi.h stops In [a1!ob1, Zu-ttch, Sritzorlena a f,6uaon. ffJltaer fl"o lunnor'g arlonoecr a n('c6ptlon on tho cveDl4 of Zth Aprtl eryangcd by flxo UlnLetry of co-OporatLvos, Youth & Soala:. in-Lusaka-;;-;;i Ueior"o i,tytng back lie ucxt -Devclopnont day. ?hsy ealrdur.ch€d Ln a London worloot at a;:;. eoi, Oj minutj", i..: Park' St. JarEs Pa!k, Bucldnghan pal-s.cc, U6 s tlalas--tetr, pa.rllarnont' anal 118 Fdo Bla-Bcn. It l.as thct: ftacet hou.!--LoidoD tn 63 il'nutee. A.1]'rck surmary:'!{a 6eu 6onc r.cal fltlo athlateB..Uo irar6 lD sohc courttlas lfrif'cn l|rif'cn ar€ Jua! Daglnnl.ng to alcvarop ln thdLr atbletlcs cltlcavore..wa !!a colnq to D6 rlos-t'1Dg a Lot rDr. florn thoE...Mq.y stop rututhg Lu th6 bu!h. eollra *tH* *{-F nF$ tttt tHt* t+** i'++ *+t *,fl.t t*.tt {,i+ *++ *.H .F.*L .l{+ EOW TO ACCIT.IATTZE IX SAVAI EASY DAY$ OR SHOU t.tB AN AI.,IERIOAT AND IIL!, SHOI{ YoU A LoS4R 8V ton Holnon a Thcy callod tb ftrrt ooEpctltlon e lo,OOOn r-countfT !aco, It tul|.leal out . flelco. fh. ..cotld_.ffort rs.! a tttaok'tEc6t. But i,hy rrcr,. a1L i9 P Suys 1 lt-pl].s. t-boso okl.rlg a bal-]' erourfl tbc lDflald for thl.l'ty nlnutes bcirre.D cvent6? - _kt wo neald !n€ laeaon Later. An offLo!.a.I !ald, iob ycE, l{er!. Ju.t havllg thr !ooc6! 8a@s to attlact a cr6wa. n thl,s LB a ttack nrot. ..Iho. Amc]!l.can_ r-ooun_tly tcan fl.w lnto Addl8 Ababa, Ethtopla, on if. ab.sday. ro 1c.tn !onFtbtng about hLgh eltltud.e. (They claLn Addl;'ts -noplng_ "9r9o^i9, aE f,zou rt., Dut !o oDa ktrong fo! luira. ) ItaI Uhltflcld, rhor6 bgcn wtth USIS 1n Ar!1ca !o!! lant yadat, haal ttro laocs s.t Up for us. fhc fl.r8t Na6 a c!o6a_ countr.lr ltace tb. follor'tDg gundrt. In o!d6! to fLDd out bot bad tb. altLtudc rce1ly is, I convlnc.al nost of ou! toaD- to lua I lt-n1L tlE trLa]. o! th. tlack on ou! a.cond day in Addr.!. BtlL Clerk dld 731Or Bt11 nctlly 7rl9i I .ta€gor.d through e 7tdt. |tt ra" iciuaii" 61I laPl on a 40qa trtacl, !o .ald foqr or flTo !.coadl! fo! 1* !dl.s. ) Dout W19!. Jogg.q off thc ttfioL.ft.! thr.. tap!, leylb8 rth6!. ;lDrt no'rriy.:. u ftr! e !.e1 .Bo .narb.t' to ttun that .lou & fc.i !; beA. But tt gorng io'Uc b-a!t ret to l-.a!a !..p.ot for b,Lgh altltud.. R! Yatcbl,trg loD of tba tthloplrru rolk out, r. !c.llz.d ur.y narolrt hackola. Eo_ r'. rl1 !a!-pr.tty h||tal- la tb. detr b.fott tb. !ac., booilng 1t rou].dnrt Eal.r tqrch allff.t'.noa rh.tb.n r. r.!. tlti.d o! not oD SuDday. tf. x.!. :.lgbt. At tb, rtart, b.r. r.!. ty.trtlr of tbcu aad a.vcn of ur. At th. fhllh tb.!. r.F. a.vatl of ti.n b.for. ANy of ur. I Eot 8th ln 28:03-rot b.d fo!_ 1O|OOO_Dt.!! -on -t!o 1og{r at ?,OOO to 6,OOO-ic.t, huh? We -ag!o6d Lt lra. about 5i d1... ( a1 tbl'tft.ld ma!u!.d lt bt oar. ) Bccaq!. I !p!Dt .l.v.n r..kr 1.st .u@r at 7,5OO ?t. ln Alamoga rith Jack Denl..l6r study, & nor of th. otbclr had al|It blgh altLtudc.xpcnLoncc, at ].ceat- oD- cotrcl"usloD rdl.ght b. illrana: a@ alogra! of prorlour -xpcnlonio ls b.lr.flolal to Frfolbr.nc. upon acut..:po6urc to hl8h altltudo. f lhudd.r to thlnk ot thc coDclu.io!! th. Etht oplenE ttFcn, efter ire lrad sp.nt th. pr.vlous thr.c days rbonlng thoE hor t; traln. fbc llicond !!aoa flas on th. followlng -irursdat elthough no ong sdsnod su!6 ot ubca tlt mlt nould start. ft war 61th6r et tro, four or sli p.14. W6 all r€nt ovc! to th. stadLum at slx, hoplng i.t hed. beoD at two or fou!. fha crowd 1ook6a sut'p)rlslngly lerg€ for e track !r€ot. Progl:ans_ llstcd tho _BO0 & 1500 both for 6:05 P.M., the stoeplechaso at 5:35 and thc 5,000 et 7:05. Uaybo tb sch€dulo oul.d be ftl-led 1n by oth6r events for the Ioca1 poop]"€, w€ thought. Thon two Junlor footbal,l teaitrs scrambl€dt onto thq ftold anq fi6 !r€i.o sallghton€d, Sur6, Lt was e track most, wlth tb6 ovcnts botween ba1vs6 as a sLdesb.on. Tha


Tho flrst 6rent, €00m, got off at he]ftlrne of th6 flrst gsm€ allounat ?:OO p.M. Herb Lolonz as tho Iucky, or unluclgr, Alnorlcsn 6ntry on th€ basls of a lL9.? qualter two ysqT: lgo, though hord dtone no sp6ed work for nonths. Hts I:t5 ;!

r:50 flas a c!€oltaolc to:.!o. fhr 1,500 csJrre botr€on gsjnes atthough offlcial.s tDlttally rantoal to run It slrnultaneoLlsly wtth the U00. Aftot wernlng up th'l,co for false alams. BllI CLark was In no mood to ?ec€ anyono. H€ Fan ebout l+r20, wh1l6 Bill R;!11y got second ln 4:03.2 rhlch was e prstty fair offort, ait tictore con6idsreal.Don Lakln lan 9a52.2 fo! thlrd 1n ths stoepl,echaso d[nlDg ha].ft1n6 of th6 second ge.ne, An Ethlopian 1*ro 1ook6d to be thirty-fIve yoirs o1d, ran 9lO9 in hLs first-ev6! steopLochaso--a good dononotrstlon of th6 raw talont in EthloDia._that w111 plobabl-y stay und€voLopod untlL eft6r cducatlonel arld sanl tart, pro: bl€rns ar€ so1v6d. I can att€st to the sani tat5r pl'obIelns rryEe1f, After sovoral days of constent d.la.hrr6ar lt takea no ili1a8lnetlon to ftguro out what tlr!€ of pel'sonal dLss.stet3 struck ln the 5,000n. (I ftnlshed In 16tL0,) Doug lti€be did, 15'27 hl cb, wont off arouid 9 p.n,, tro hours afte! Lts scheduled stalt. Conv€rtlr€ lllebe ts tlme to about 14t55 for thre€ rdles, lt nas perhaps the best hlgh altltude cffort !y arry of us. lismo llolite won eastly ln 111:[0. Ue hightalled lt out of Ethlopta th6 ncxt rcrning, havlng nanLfestl-y shown iihat, c ome Octobor, a llfetlme et 7,000 f€et {111 bsat tho hoLl out of a week th€ l:e .

Hernia Halts Hoofer Kelley John Ldelbert K".llev Nas conlront€d $hile in the act ol packing h; tooibbrush and niEhtie and the pieccs ol a brok€n heart. biclinE ' s; uD !h" sel or citizen of 31 unrll;nuDled _ Apflk the macad.m has rePoried

faithfullv at Hopkinion, \'la<., fo. the PurPose ot DerambulatirP in the Bosion itlarathon, bli the n.!t rre:r

$.iil eo on \tiihout hin. iie is inconsolable.

"K€1" $iu haYe a herNa reFaired sohe tjbe today ai

lut. Aublrn Hospital. A malathon lunner with a hernia, of course, is very efieclire-like Hoyl trVilhelm pilchjng wlth lacerated



Tarzan Broivn, the astounding aborigine. on.e

r:: .






[]ul Iuil

subdued Marathons on successjve days at Yonkers, N.Y., €.1d Manch€sler, N.H., tvhile i.cunbered by a hemia condition-but John the Slder Kellcy does noi advo.ate such rash ad1'€ntu.ing. "Not at my age, $hich is 60," John said. 'Tarzan $!s about 21 -!ea.s old, and he had tFo

Hopi:: _: aS,. :-x: :.:J io pu:h h.s $jry s'€ms do$r i:e :6 ::::: :1 ar.th.r completion. "Soh. e!t!:::e Fo.n a iruss. creg Ric€ the two m : u..j:.,o-Derp ""ar'ng one.'Kel rec.l: C. ": :...-::.'r:a cer bfo\c-on lim in the middle c: a r;.. c:e !:ghi. He still !von.

"I'11 ner.er forge! it. He took his phrsical €xam Jor the '36 Olympic ra.e in Berlin jusi ahead o{ me


hemias-one of 'em strangulat€d.

in lhe line. I heard the doctor telt him. 'Son, yoLl beiie! have something done about this before il's "And the lndian told him, 'Na\'. Doesn'l bother

"But the follo$ing Spring 01' Tarz collalsed ouj back road while training. If a motorist hadnt happened to see him hed have been a goner." Ot' John lras lempted to cuss his luck a little Monday. He d h.d a good tr.inihq \\'rntFr. O\er 1\e y.!t. hed had his npdr mi(ses lror" molor (ars and lid! on brkes. had rteF,ped in his she-e of holes. .rd been pursued by at le6st a normal complem'nt ot on


"But I've .ever been injured," h€ $aid. "Just

ior nre. I preler to have this thing j rhati:.: ioa :u-h ar jt br.aks rdy hea.! to mirs


I{e conh.:c.d a counldown of ihe



Eould i:',e !e.: !E 36th maralhon hefe on .A,pr. 19, hk S:a r- \fle:' his 6lh: (cntu.y nark'a,Sel and t' " :::l:: .: ] s lcot facLq sr all di5jar "es. "O5 rv 6.:h I ir:\d.v td+ Seprerbe. I frn,shed s.xlh 11 a marrrloi race rn Cr-. .,.. rn lwo hours, 50

h,.1:es," John said. "[ronderful for an otd lnen's

"C:rn Co'e gol so es.ried durinq the race he almo.! saal,o'ed fis c.6ar. IILrst hare tl"oughr I ,impdsible :.as s9:lt to win it. Now that W.4.S an The ReC Sox q'ilhout Lonbor? , . . The Bruins lvitholt Orr . , . the Maralbon with;ut John Adelbe{ Keuey. V/hat next-maitinis lrithout olives?


Boycorr rN rHD BusH

"" r"r"lngj*rfflil,llosr



Wt-th the great over. a posslble Otymplc boycott i athletee, Th;u. conceln iron"r ;:-i;;;;; countly tean ." ,j{"Ti.liil"I"fl!. nonth pulled a real 6wltch. "ro"" ,Th:. lugt l'eg of our tour ra€ a flve-day stop 1n the Cooper Belt of Zamble.



from the Congolese frontier, ihere 6n.lper ff.e f" Nevertheleee, rather than "Jr,"Jn, cour€e on_ r.!rcrsy, .r.pr* 5tnf "iouo*:"l"it."l;:^::..:lrgl;ilJJS.iii:;l!5"il;"" saturdey e coupl"e hour_s aer6r."-t},"-"i"J. i"ua"a ::_:1: l"ll.Ilng Ji-*j' sunlan on ["rIdav nornlr|q--rtid, after alt, ho, U"a couia-i rx_oounEy "jri course be? Ask a sllty quistton a.ia i


yl;:if a:l *;wi l+:irri:lI,{ f$Hl::"r"ull s:: " :n;, i:i" a c.istv.s*i plarn

:;3t'?5"*1"!$l,l.Til llifo ':"!*"**li n"*:t;g"i:i: run 1n ankLe-tleep eanii berore' As teaenate He..b riil"i'$l,li ot .i;H "

",iti:'"*il' n:";::'"i:ry"::*.;';""$fii.y;il.3""31ili1*;l'.i:331"f,";;: i":,33U*:;"1' Fifty nlnuteE o!


after beglnnfng our


ol the loop

we staggered out

;id?:"i3;;ru'{;":";i"otiu'ff *q;;;lar;ll **n**, *:::li:it"r:-**" ;liii"i:*:*l ;i;l:.*;"pf ";,;r: ;rifu,ixi.*;ii":i;** h*I;" ;:#n: r' ii{i! i!'ai'!i",[:".i"::ifif ii:"s"!i Itl:-t:*"j;"rij]ji;*;*":li'", ""." ;*;4'i:!, ",*: :li,::.h":;r".tiitu"ti";#.'*f . I.;;:mlF:, iiff :"if rleve cojne out the lltyt.tfi dsJ befcre, efter atl. "i"*.$i-i,n?il3 ;lI";13;: l,;f,?';"."* i'lLfu:l ?:'fi"l:.;i?:..i;:lgl:*'",ltf,n

i;:["t"il:r':F,ii{ilr::}:Filiqsl'i[il;ii*;.n"t -l;;4, *i-ri;, of.the One


tea&6 t]ad gone

out to run over the cour

r;l'u: iij4"::i"r:n"f$.kli;,**


"j|;i"il'il;:;l":3;iid.;3"*:,;;lJ"ll;".Hil;;"3fuffs the ofttclai6 haE the_ oourEe ci".r,ui::ii til- ii itreiff;nfi:i"i:,""'n." re s. rney naae a ^Thure&ry

flne path for


t"t to"-l-&oui:"o""iry tiu* ft"ruae-guicfae, .- lhe route.ras- uneven ana eroded,- varytng_ p""irip. ir i iii"i,i s 1n places fron :ffr.Bt;1"*"jy nextr but wlth fa.11ei1 r6riage iov-rins ivery one of the latent oany falte and oathE (and a.fter co|lLng upo! trso natlve wonen who threw .After-baskets thelr ot vegetables into.the nu"aroig rnto a thlcket) energed wlth a goal lar dlfferent flom "f.."a-aoii the one re had Juei an trour Oefore,wegracefully aa posslbLe, we oopped out o! the j1"d !o have made it -Ae rnrougn tne course once eitbout malor lnJury. No ".ce doubt our refusal run all iL t9l goodwll-1, but lt celtalnLy heipea BlLl C].arkrs cbances Into goston l_1l-tle & BI1l. Re1ll"y'E chenc€ s to repeat 1n the staepleahase at the penn Refayi. Don. Lakln, L{o6e6 llayfleld. and our nanager Brol]lnlng Ross alecided to have a go at the cour€e, anyway. Lakln forced the leadefs througt! the 6,0000 mark In tirenty- trdo r01nute6 belole Dlsslng one ol thq6e creeks, badly twlstlng an ar].LLe & lf&plng horne elxth. After hle tlrst spre&d. eagle Job early ln the raee. Lfayfleld contented hlnself wlth encouraglng other rulllrerB to keep go1ng. Ross, who had not Jogged "":"i.'t?."""ti"8-J+F^x,i,of;:t"{l%{:#"r+r"ti""$r"1filfl. *" koee, but 'in1shnatlra!

the rtungle,


Lelrer he

"Qeez, r sure wouldnr


lun IHAT oouree, lf Jrd knc onc-e and had enouqh braln€ not to do lt agaln. on "i: f ?;.:*"ro$:J"'3i";$:"i: ooth accountc. tt" O,Ut taqrupt, U.t;; iiU 3, 1C6t 4lk6cs wag l1ke. ";;;'ir";":"lil3€d, rl


Presid€nt Habib of Tunisia colreratulates l4ohai6d







r_T:"ril::"?j," "l:r,,,i iTT: ,, i!:shrudi *"*"r"lill,ili.."" ,.---,,. "-",u,. in t90l-tx, "" ehetr he rerarDed rhe A A sa'ne time s;rce Arr






Burloot Captures Boston ilIuiathon

i*1irTti"-:,ffift?i'#r;i;ffi *ru+sm+$wig.;n1"*ru

l$ifFffi$ ARRryAL *:

is*: t&Ul!fli.1,1Hr.;y"!Tf

:1*::l 1;r""lr:i,*,",;***,,""ri,'.""* Ii;"i-:fi;:+r.:;tt,j*i-lff i*:".'*+iii*.1,** +*'""m i;lt**itrl'ffi ;,+ *;lu;r.'*m ;It*, riSry,ilif ffi :-i:t,;I". :H"i.: T * I








_ Arnbtu.J.l.1 dEb .,-"1!a, reley tirishert lrtn. '€E rtude_rr in lre Dajn|,er.rl".Tle , srendef, b..pe{l!.rqt eoo the 72nd annu.l Bo,ronJ:,::6^t. .li'... ri' . lhe dftlsus A,rderic BOSTON

6w@r8 witder

a:,,_.Nq -.uc.rr4oid Er,. R6'




""S$"Xgi,Tl,lll",,:* q!rr. pajhb!.. hat ,,-. .. ply.lcnnh l:19,.r+ . d ;; #t:

r'be wsreyan unive*iry

crology nraJor

|r'h crd""l "Ir n*r r."L



wiljah J. clerF or pU"a"r-ldr]_!hd urr, r"rr vilr._ * " Puds rihe fiu y€a!


ua._^a. 24yeu.old Marud*^:6"

;iX"**lffil!L1,,#,;f,.;;g o! "rG; v"rm" oio ;t ;; ii-$$

"*"" ?:-f''' Teo Mexjce dtli$ tn.hdloy,D"le__McKonrie

m r"j,iimgqxF.#l

f,'m:*ffi :,*:,:.""r I c";;";ii#,Hltl#j::f ;=:Jsjoyld il€et r tn6 Face. nBur



Fner nexr rr" lhe el 2.25.0?.1_---,,-"1--"r"F qo .'rs-d( rmrer 1l y{:rr Jjo r!'8sood. N.J.,l:-ad€nr. rinisred 23d i! rhe n;;l-1""]y"", . B!rr@t.

,e.i rhe


u., li,1"ff

"""" "*"*"". #gl'1,n".__,t

ffiil :'-,$fi ffi lil{#,"'{lt}:l#ir:li!i L:":;,*,9"S,,fo i.,1,-.r!liff,j.!i",gRf ji,:""h:,6;;

Ji'&T&,f rff :'"ti,::':


;i"lh :t",::*.,11.



xr,ffif rf; i#l:if.fi ly.:,fl,:, #t'.#',jtr#*l;ggg;";1fu {iT,}tr$ g,Hd:pTil;rofl jgiffg,flf_&"t##"dr,,._*

High grass leqts Americans I

American athletes

tTtHE vidrinS An.ric

rt th. m.tr r Mrt ulha oou6. y6€t.rd.y, 6d prohptly dropp.d out ot th.ir *h.dul.d r!c. .gdn.t Z.hbirn iook on. to;k

^.r! laq,O rough

took d"ogc


tbrd.r. I! rEAAA scvo! A!.dd ru.outry il|@r e@DrLrr Dr r e.!E .Et@ .r &.

!tufth.'r o.Drr!.n t.a tD rdlt tM rrd.l Ld o'lttMib6{shll

I!..@!lorr: Atrlon o!

rI wdit roD.d.. to rt


rri lr!€ irL tL ulit rt St!16 A!b.$t' Itee! .n&n , offDcd rhe td! bur ould .d ft.aF€ or ltr ilori.

dnt.bInru6tlld-I'o! rr|.b xB trryn |d d Br4'r{ Bd t ru, rqryry, blt- 6.'r..td.d hlt F c.ll.t\6 tpt ind' bie r. .d.lils'," Rfll .'tL!-.d

II t€d l,oEd' D.o, Wi€b., D@ r.aUL ToD E ie@r IGXsner4 A n lrb, Blu Ont .!d m..ser Eb$Ths

wr|! r|. 4c .erdtu .4 rrn xxld, fr 0!r !9

ddue nul.s @Dlte Th6 .rlnetd m!.r.d t! Illd.tut hrerationrl cl@ ou.ky ch@lotrehl! o! r|uch 16. thr .r3o tu t! L zubia $ry wlll dvo d.aoE'stloN &tt ru! It Lssla on aD 3 dd m ln. copp€rb.lr-uudin-on Arril G. rhq leac€ Zoob|

Dri& tuLn b.nhd Mrd. ai ru6 Modr. u!& trt


cirnmblrar ardrba lra

I.u|'dqedtn@ (|)'Id.'Fcr|lrrL}oDh6 id uryt Pdr.., da ufr. n6 ed !{.naF {ddbr .!v D.!dd id.. {lI LqYr @


ft i! Frirllr le.Et th,

{..L un $. @|3 joot pE dq lor d!. olh.n obEd. rdcr |! Jc. A


says LOnOON, auidrr,


Runner 'Beeta' "YFit1 1:"'r

Tri VA LL eY, Cdir. -BiI Enhe.ron, a?, &c ydlerday D@ l}E riEt M in hisrory to d ut nil6 lntuuEn ullL.ring Dearh vauey. "Il'3ase.lDl.atr lo have rhit Dallt varby cdn4u@rl" Emertotr rold a cowd ol aboll 100 cheetng Pd$ns $ts bm.d dt 10 s hi! s|plele the ru ltn Shorhme acD$ DE

Deaft Vrll.y


udon ol ihe vdt€d stltes

ol@r.rror .Mp.p.r, Th.

{|h.v.be.n.!n|.d.e .ln..Jrm:|c.9rr.!.16} rr4 .6d 6ndr.roi' rn di. .inbt..t sp *!F oi.!tla. Brownins nors Wins

Solly',r Cas&,

Fdhmo$sqrrk8cce lroqrios Rosi i€plslenrliS by tm J.rsy TC, 'on in t.I* minures .nd fiv. s{ondr


irg &e 3,1nilo race ol $e Mid. dre Adrnti. Rord Fsnd.E club


Faimount Park ye$erdry.

Ro*, lewly Etuli.d .!

@ch oI 15. u. s. cGs mntion. faveled

th. cdui..

d th.

Elrt ad wst River Driws tn {551. Cleve Johnsont South J.sey TC, var





SFod h6 L.pr th.r rou4 - r1.95 n.n bdlEn rh. osB ol s od z GndlorhrE'I orclhon' dd o fl]50

as ttld by oie ol G€rnony's olo rook p flo{ odftndiic .ihr.i.q HoEd Noeorh, runrervp itr rha som h.h.s Eublsi Chdnpionship. lhB wann.r in Cro$ I lundr del ss sy&rctd Eid, xrqri lcdffiic.'l ii 19 ninur.t ? r&ofds, ln ri. do$ lor rhoF hlMen if. ager.l60 oid 15,6t.y.oro d FiE H.ber lcroicu, hdd tf! ba ih8 -20 minder r scond. Tfewirfar in th. senlor.ro$ w6 d6.y.orold Alsui.Koi GlonMld l(on.nlod.ml iD ,2 6inds.10 sEdd'

Sw.dei ord Colomblo





Abebo BLldla




One day





was iooking at

hundreds of difetent Ethi-

opian souverirs M!s. BeDederta Rila has in he. shop on

lhâ‚Ź Churchill Road. when I got intercsted in one of rhoNe Popular Ethiopid canvas caF rymg PanLed stories. As soon as I saw it, I reatized rhat what I was looking


was the $olderful srory ol Abebe Bikila, squeezed jn As Mrs. Riva rold me, the

pamtilg had been made Alo Solomon, son of I Belatchew who 1i6r painr the story

ol theQucen of


To say rne truth. the n in the pain rg did rot lo likc Abebe Bikila atrd ,A Solomon nimself knew


pell that, to render Abc distinguishable, lc represcnr nim wiiter thar ali rhe .ll

I do not tellyou thewond( iul story because you m s

lz 1, The



or Abebe


Young Ab€be plays

3- He takes 4. While

loodto hhfarhe..

hisfalhdears, Abebe

cr.ies on the


5. He pu$ues a hyenaNhich

Abeb€&cids to b€cone a soldi€r atrd leav6 his paftnis. ?. He 1ak4 a shorr-cullo ihe 6.


Slill in civilian drcs


weding the unifoin. On duly ai 1he Palaco,




tliniDg in Debre Zeit. DMniryof lhe frve OIyn-


In Rone


7, A1


wilh the nag re-

rhe st3rting point.

tle mralhon. iom fte pla-

Abebe wins

2. Disembarking


The lior of

prelenb 4, 5.



ro thelion


Enhnciag hh notner. Anong the cheding crowd.

6. Accompmied by

rios dd

|ne lion

old war-




7.He delives

1o the

rle Olynpic

medat won in



At llc slarti.g poin!





victorioo uival.

At his drilal in Addis, he

wtrs the Smurai


4. Flowds and clteer lor 5.

He replis to

crowd, 6.


the cheeridg

his rriMPhal

He delivqs to rheEmpqor

rhe seond mcdal son in 7.

The sorerei8n pionoles to Lieulendt

Ab€b€ Bikila

se@nd to

They make you snite, dd a miracle can happen- How' you still @ltinue to stare eYer, people who have seen lt them; because. h spite of Abebe Bikila during his tra' rhe lrhy lovely nistBkes you iniig say that the world fndinthen, you noti@ the un- famous arhlete springs otr his limit€d admiration the artisan legs like a gazelle and runs in such ologant, easY vaY felt when he paift€d them. Abebe Bikila did what no- that he seems weightles. copies again. and again. Perhaps, as a reactlon to body did before: he won for So they hope that Abebe can

Sheba and

the abstract art in which some

the second time th€ Olympic

King Solomon. I was iold that Ato Solonon

times even the author does not uderstand what he did, the majority likes the sinpl€

lnarathon. However, he is quite detomiDed 10 wfl again next



in the

above re-

production; what I should like to point out is the €rcrmous popularity of the Ethio-

pian athlete. Mrs. Riva told me tlat Abebe-paintings are €asily sold to touists from all over the world; the story

of Abebe is o'ly

tltat of Qu€en of

was inmediarely struck by the

Rom€ and his ftst painnig about Abebe goes back to 1960; however, only afrer the second olyrnpic victory in Tokyo, when he enldg€d the paintinS, its sale went uP and he is @mpelled io Pairt

yed in Mexico City.

we wish Ato Solomon that his new Abebepainting wi]I be edarged, in order ro poF

16 _




Columbta colf cour:ee l+.'-nd.lo r.os.d rac€, Sunday, Mgrch 10, 195E. Hl]-Iy l'oad coursc, 35", t2-11+ nph NW ulnds. 1. tom EeLnonon, TCTC, 22to1.r,.)+e 2. Ron Dalrs, TCrC, 222f1 3, Jcff Rsnneberg, una., St.Cloud St., 22'.55'. +. Jey Dlrks6n, una,, B]lookLngs 5.D., 23rL2t 5. Ben G"ok6tt, una., O. of lill}ln. Fr'osh, 23 r2lt 6. Chuck Ccronsirry, una,, St, tohnrs Vrnv., 23 t5Li 7, G?eg-rtre1son,

unA,, Mpls, liashburn, 23:

51i d. L6n Brenny, Lma., St, Cloud St. 23t5lt 9, Lyle My€rs, una,, wlnnlps8, Ivlanltoba, 24:14; 10. Pat LanLn, !CTC, 2\tl7t LL. Jullan Scott, ICIC, A+t32t 12. cfen custafson, TCTC, 2+136; 13. Carte" Holnss, MpIs. Washburn, 2+:39; 1l+. Jin C16s!y, lllia. , U. of Utru., 2+: 39i L5. J6rry Snlth, TCTC, 2+!l+l+; 16. Doug Eilnonson, uDs.., U. of l4Lrtt., 251 0B; 17. Jtn tulxdborg, una., RlchfloLd, Hs, 25rA+i 18. tom Maltinson, une.., Eopklns, Hs, 25 t46i !9. TLn Eel.8o1, une Hopklns l{est Jt'. E gh, 26.O2t 20. PblL Genacho, una., 26ro3i 2L Bruo6 06fve!t, rma., MpLs Slt, 26:09; 22. B|rc. Benson, una,, 25rL9t 23. Bob Carlso!, wjr.. , 26r26i 2l+. Xen t alm' rma. , 26t29 25. Koltll Ottoson, uJi,a., Rlcbfl.lil ES, 27ro5t 26. l,lal'k Etmonge,' u.na. HopkL!5 Hs, 27!09! 27. Il-h$r BtlButay'' TCTC' 27 r2l+i 28. John crajnsr' v!'a,' 27 tl+7i 29. Har:old Ottel'Iel, una. Eopkias ES, ' u. of Z8:lrB; 30, F"od Tscho11, una., utrn., 29:15t 31. Jtn Eona, una., Hpls Edison, 29:2+; 32, Jtn Johnson' TClc, Neppl-6. ICr.Cr, Iclc, 3!.t57 1o,l!91 33. Bob Neppl-6' 3!t57ii 3 )v.+7t 3}t\9t )). Ple?son. TcfC, Tc?C. 31:5d; Dwlsht Ple?son, 31:5d: 35. TonY Florcyk Mtlle}., ura., 32tj6t 36. Herb Florcyk, TcTC, 33:116, +Heinon6nrs tlmc bcats thc o1d coursa record of 22!l!+.6 set by nor1 Da1rs ln l-955 by ov€r l+08. Th6 raco was a tunc up for th6 Int. X-C champlonshlps ln Tunls fot To4. Da!JE I tlne nas.a pors :e.1 bost for hLn at tl€ dLstanco:by a wido lrqrgltx. th?s6 ltEoks ago De'Eg shoued hls spead ln pushlng HolDonen & st6vo Hoas to 13:58.5 & 14101 Incloor thrge mllo tlldss th11o DaI,lE ro_ tErnotl a personel bost of LL:02. Today'E ft61d !ra6 th6 best & tho lerSost ev€!. to ruJx Ln tbls l4l.nlesotd RRc Cl-asslc, affoctl.oletely kno$n as tho PolLsb Opo!. --Pat Lenln--


Ron Daw6, TCTC, 1l+,02.0; l+. ArJan

g"lllne, U. of

No, Dakots., 14:L7.4.

?- 11e- 1. B€n ct'okett, U. of l41nn. F!., 9:14.2. (Ron DawE pecod the 3-tnll-6 fron tho n1ls nark uitLl- tho l-ast thl:ee 1aDs. uher6 Helnonon took off fol] the ta!e. Wlthtn 30 n1as. Daws csnE back wlth 2 tlro nl.le s of 9:20 €"nd 9:[6 Just ! ni6s. apatrt. T?ro n6xt day 30 rnlles on th€ !'o ad I --Pat Lanin-IJOPKIXS, MINNESOSA



?3, 1968 Condltions: 12l4 mph NlJ flbd, 35o, suffry. CourEe: 1^1L1y 5 naJor hl'l1s 200 to 800 ysrds. SatrD:d.ay, March

l, Ron Dalrc, ICEC, 37 t}3.2t 2. Chuck Ceronslgr, una., St. Johnrs UnLv., 38:16; 3. Joff Bl.aln, urca., SJu, 18:[6; 11. I-es Drln6mole, u!s., ltsikato State, 39:l-4i 5. Calter Eolmes, ura., Mpls. Waslxbut.ll, 39: 293 6. Pat Lanh, TcTc, 39t33t 7. rorl Eo1m6s, urra,, Benldjt State, [0:2f; 8. Ton l4artLnson, una., Eopklns HS, 40:l+6t 9. Ma!'k Bnllerl8a, ura., gopH.ns 6, 42:3ot 10. Tln Eots6l,, u!a., Hopd.ns W6st J!.HS, 42!3ot 11. Ton Grlffl.n, TcEc, ll4:26; 12. Halo1d OttsrloL, ura., Eopklns IXS, !4:26. 6; 13. Cral8 Muck, una., Sopklns Hs, +rrL(i J4. uen r-Lollow, unar, 4oi4.4; r). Bob fl6pp1o, IcrC, 5lt23t L6. Dwtght PLorsoa, [CTO, 5Ot39: !7. Eerb F1o!.cyk, ?c'Ic,

57 t?L. Notes...Ron Davs pu]-led a{ay ft'om th€ pack afte! th6 foulth tulle to go on for

hl! fllst $ln of tho Eoason. Sone of the trBLB Ourl6r on tb€ local pav€B6irt poundL4 Ecens I{9!6 out of toltnr o! Just out of Lt on thls chlIly l,larch Eoltllng. Thls ls tbe fLrst tine that thl's couts€ heg be6n ru!, & th. h!.11s rea11y took ?r]rlthsLr tol]- of the losa exp€rionced no!s, TblE ls tho fl."Et rrclosedrr race eonduct€d by th€ l,Il-nnesota Road Runnera Club thL8 seasoD. fho sizo of tho fleld '!{d.s v61'y dLsa.ppointlng, in vl€ of tho slzo of tha curr€nt RnC n€mbershlp, & the fs.ot that the raco rlequlrea no €ntly f66..Paul l{o!een, tho Ron Clelko of hl.gh Echool ooach6g Ln thls palt of the coutttrT, rrtagg€d along" l-th the kLds iust to get a Llttle ha!d. rurtnir€ In. He tulnod ln an u.lofflclaL 3T|271 Daws av' eragod l11? pe! !i1lo i Col'onsry, 5:28. --?at tenln-ALI,EY PO1ID PARK, NE1,I YORT( - 3 O MIIAS , 260 YDs. (7 lep cours€)- l. Ted Corbltt, NYPC, 3:33138; ?. $lh. shanslan' Mlflrose IfINNESOTA oPEN- I'NIV. OF ItIl[NsSOrA M' 3t92to\.t 3. Nat Clr3ulnlck, U!3ted AA' FIstD HOUSE, Feb. 17, 1968 l+!2.t-:f2. DNF- Aldo scandErra' Mllt.A,A M11e- I. Tln TurlibulL, U. of l'Iinn. ' (Ms.]'ch 10th,.weath6! ln l+0rs' misty, E;Ti.5..880- 1. rur.flbul], at53.o. ,^ , Light rain nost of tln6.) rcrc' ]-3t56.5 i-uii6- Ii-lor E61nonen, HoRACE AsmNFELTm bocans th6 first olyllt;-steve Hoeg, u. of l41nn., 14:00.0; pIc chs.rnp lnductod Into Ne Jsrs€J Sports HalI of Fartro.

iiv" +ry;rill,"iii,'i;ll#;i$#:i:' i Thiffii.i;l*,:i;i,.qli-{rti {ff sifi ii, i# *ili, iti'3:fitil: "T'*:; / il"ri+ :":li:*#,i*,ii *i" HT;t'i:,qlft iiqf$tf;u il'::"'l ir trftjilq#:i:" i;,ii #i tr #ii' "

niltiq-'iqilt'rt#til,'i'r:,' ;, ;;;";i"l irf,; ;i::;"i? l l, i*iqfrtr$":'#:i;'i*:"}tl1iir :l;:"-::t, *:F-f 1,6: {31 illi*li, tl;;,,$iql,,il1;**i*fir*i:t::l ll [g;;,r*x* liitr }itr ;Iiff ;#ii;'*:#t'l #. ** , +y,ini,w vrn ii**": ;::":T$;{i":iil? :l;,i'l$i$ll'r,,r;*: ;i .flTt nninri"[9,:lli i, ir#"*a#ilir' /;:$l;:lf iltl;%firq]trrti# i, m**rrl*rui;r m, i:?s:it *n$'*'ui'ffJ*;q*i;:,,-;:=+*'





ii$:lii,,liry ----- *10.lfi-*-ry:ul,iitiild:;,,E:gi:ffi flltE;T! 'a;ot;ij rohn Romasco; ll11c, uerorclr;;-----la-mrr pelon, ySrk I

Boston M, ll. ii : ii iii#=1ili; "n : :*^*,.




ffi "lq;;i :rJ;ryipsi hF#il Fvsiill

*i ft itt{ gilri:fiffi ii;lt;;intfl"];:$:'iir*rp;.:tll;:d":iiltq;ilTi jii'ir*;]ititffii, ,+k g,ru;il It,fil;fiil*'*l[iiqi*,fr:w: i;li;lZ; ]3: !5ri,. triiii.t&*.;ti,; il ii;-"tihfiji#^s i$: ^



ffi**ffi x' oi*'t,

lii;l'il5;;tri;;i:i,'$,;r{t{;'1l;lli;,ff T,llt*xli;:"ii:ig+n:it,





ilr+:3,Tiil*1,'di#;i,ffi ,i?;u,,i

ilqr-q.,13;;;3r.ffz,a:igi* ltu-


# ;'*#,miffi_:*i,r#H ai;


it ffffryii:}jrffi



;1jf$ f


r 18 I

62t58 I+ 58:58 33: bv sbavlns wlth hrn m:, 6l+12l+ o ZU;Z ::l".oi.;":.Tfielou Stetner,, rvec, 64:3d o 6l+:3 19, {8"! 9l+,1 Ed Casey, J-1. es:y,. une!., un;t., 6+,h 6+t53 5 Sd;ij 59 tq *i_-Ed, u!r- ti1n. Lonost,aU, CJTC; Douglas mDai,s, 1e65 ou81as Mldd16 M1dd1 town, own, unat. unat. Offlc Offlciels: oftlciels: Torn Rirna Byl'ne, s.Sarn :oyn, .unl!-. *ii::, "i i3 3;:'8:fi *i121,,,,, s.ch!,r€d, Mike_Reif, Ken Ab::ams6n, Har,ry Mu"phy, r4u?phy, Jo6 Joo faz, Pez, joe Joe ttfJfnerrnan, K16tn6mAh uavo ,J"-^ v ogolt Note_s,..Justln cubbtns, 16, tt:om BoIl_ *#F4!+_Igleres port, L.f., tool< advantage oi hte hanai_ Fgg"'^r1,iii3. ."4;:i#i]tu'i33s z_rlour?s zZ miLes, 628y Castagnoia cap ro oulrleg thr€e St. Johnrs runners 1968 , ror:, top holrorrs. Fast ttlG honors w6nE to *.uln pl99e tlnlsh€r lotn Gazzo, St, Johnrs ?i':'!l;:ili"r!"'i%ffi"i colrosiats x_c chsrnplon. ;:ll9pg11!.1 puLfoct_ ar.Jay fl'om Gavln Jones of lazzo, ff!.iil"i:!r ."ffr,,i l"i3 ffii"''f?,;ffii;; o"".r"iJ rwo rnll6s. Th€re 6t'6th€ :jiy,rl z sgra3clr'r9l tn the fi6t_d. flE O rcoryte]l :iJ:t"" HI.F-iIii:liiF';t*iE .tas-ter today than luhen h€ rah ln k,,l?,, c.Locked 2L:10 to Gazzots 21tf3 over th6 th6 ;ne flrst four mlIos. Jonos clock;d 2I:11. i;H f; f i:Hfio;"'in:'fHl:.i%i, --Joe malnst'man-'-----"'





*i3-aNllfI, rdry;;a;;;;;ilil;; ohro, F6b. 25, 1968 spo"J-r"i i!-oTi3 -golrAN





n1ss9d Van Netsonrs aO:"r,


!31_9ag1gnora,._wsc, 2a ni1€s, 62By

"i i* i"gi igyJrs#":L#'!iBl"f"o{,,*


#i::: ?l?t gip ilffi::"iij;,93:i8 b,iflITBE;";. B;"*'i trZt o. !,utF A, pare, Ft.B6fvoir,*ii:;; e;,:[i- fl Va.; L8 mtles. 1261v "?' .' z,i' it,';i; i,!i: i,iii lpiiiSl',lir z?" :12" i5 rn'les, 6gv' 6i,i il6' i zi EjiYT+,'it.' ts;i3' ji;[" i: !xffi"'i:"fHli.Ilii",lz "!l-i Bi]1 Ke1s6y, 17, 59tooi i 16. 5"4:37;,]3: ;: ia.T:;""ii;lLl'iffi1;fr f#;,iii:Y il: i?i6;l'tel, 2i.15 i*21^Y.:,i:;,9: t u. " Jerry' lutchl'"., "i zi, oo?62:,' i{,'.66i' s;t*tlt'"g3:, li*jirs5t" Buck6y, 60:5I; 19. iony r,tisiag, 29, tr_3tli Jtn_l,Ic Oovenn,

riHrrlT'-rlril: i::sf,i#,i*iir$,:*; "#:€2,\ai:;






-41,Derdis chan€y, Ron Iatnior, cnr:ls 61:00; 20. il, aZtg3i zi'. uEernlan, ^DmTyrotD Andelson, John i,aughland. -' C1aIr6 Duckham, 6I, 63:[.8. DNF- 8111 Mtnrdely, Loon Zlv€rts * Ago O?oup Wlniers, Notos...Sten Durrce.n of Lltll-e Ulaft1 E.S, t'an ono of his bost l'acas ov6f! in al€fea +;,tili, ( lng sovona]. oldoj'& mor€ €xpelloncod 11!' li ;{ii17.e15,, lhe course was cornplotel-y hLlLs ii,.j1i lL]nrte1","Li €xcept !o! e quarbor nrlL6 sttretch 1n th€ #E;,i' i9ifti1' +i?'' ll31,f , ;1;,' ?' :rlt: mld.dIe, --St€ve Prlco--


:.i d!ii,

LOU.CASTAGNOIA SETS AI.TERICAN RECORDS at 25 lg'|^, 20 niles. & Z Hou.rs


Va., JenuarT 21- Lou Caetag_

3I-yoar-old €lecti,onl ca €nglneo! flom Rockv1116, Md., !€turned to the hls AInerlcan ):6cor'd settlng 19916^of !967 for 20 rdlles & tho 2 hour nun it 1n tbe trdo year o1d 0 rconrle1l H.S. a11weath€r track, Lou cracked hls fo]'rn6! recorda as well as the 25lo! nark. Steve Jackson a-s the only other runner to go ot€r 20 m11es Ln the fleld of 1Z starlers & L2 flnLsherg. th€ weather was cold & tb€ track ln ,qood shapo, Jeckaon fu:nl.sh€ d. rruch needod conpetitlon €ach noIs.r_

rt' il* i:'?;Hii :




ilfiii! ii.'6'


fi;ii;v1;;ir1'1t3iiriii,.::f ,1r;a!1:T." fiour-TT-tlll€ s,

zz^ryLtrss, ozd ya''ds. 0n6




ifr"3iu"fi{rffiI1on, rlm 3,

osuns.. Rore)3e€ ":

T$,:li;iil"iiT.Il":': Art

Hj;*"'o3il;l' 5. :iro; ]i vguur Uz +iilC; rr:)o;

Dr1scoll, u,jzi *yc,^rr:zo; +. lii?f4rto,h:o.Tffiitl: 66 ttapk-H.arli;,

+:Yrff"#:la, I. 9. 3ob Slkora, IIt56.5j :.O. Georgc' l,taJ6ri i4tL9 t 12. !'2. Larry +2f+1; :rlr_ l2r+1;_11. -11. :r+r-Lobs, 14:I9i Nool, aoer-, .rri, ro! II._loaa,





]3;"'31;fi3il""$31effi ; r$f cirr+:, r-,


^Y,:I:qr::l;.,?,..,^reb. ;;,;i""x";iltr;.:":i.5.;d*';:

]:t j.;


r*si#i:r*ii,l*, lii'ri''#i +:in 3ir'i*"i::-

wruch_sterts at Anerican diiverslty cyn on j"rassachuset!s Avenue out past dL€n

t:o"il';ni";iJt_ " tart,,y iiiii ilil.:;'ili,:"fi r9yg poinl ar Stanirore Roaa'A rutr.,rn. 2r15r31 over rh6 23_ -ii:u:::-:19:k".d :-rre routo-to sho!,, a nankeo improvon€nr,


t :'-l*, $+'Ui *f:*+#;g

r"[n€_oJ t€sr y€ar. cuurse rec".I9_1""-.?'0:,11 ly r,oo d,liig"ora In L967 ner, Bishop,


:lll*; ;*lif"l:;::"il,f;"iif solthat_no one uss lost ff*:; on ttUs aiftl_



figffiffi :I,l"l. *lti*r;; :::";

cours6. 16 start€rs & 11 l'! i" iu_'i'o." o,,, wsc, :.7oS Flnal ,,r6:tE 5. l"lf_H!1y9oa,,.wsc, yllli:_9. o-r_Ma.,r:16:15 3:,J:3L 2,26:[.i

;iil"ff.l:T i

john Rerbots, Bobbie

isiii, 1^li!:_lsi**_:'l;,,:i'l:;"*ii:1.


lf .1'i,lfffi -i:,'T1",3:"if -]&*';":i;, i. ijlji jffiffis;l;"$.;-"i;i;;ii i;;i;j,ll'r;:;;: TIlf; ii;il;,ler r."n'!' }:st l: i:'i;ii b. J.onn rrtnsrow,..wsc: ,,rti?rE



i; ffi*i;$iri,it'r,", r0. Ron Lias. otrii _ ---" i'.iE:-" fi'sii;i ''",'," rr. ir' v"#Lli6i'o,."",iif"il3"3i:i;:l _

1:J3 :00

3 136: 17

.;ia'il,i"ffi;;Il: i3*"'fiilili, crovr" t, 8111 16-:-;!__

"e;S*!;!lfk, :::i:r-...j.S1


sbradsr, r.L. oi er_4l_r.' of Md. rltcl

seesnan, 11:39.5;

3. r€d lrooi.,,-Mii"r,, +. rr,gs; P'"S:}1,,,]+,'!e i "?: "ii5llazl.Sr: z: Rat-c;;eo;; izi+ti e. #T*rfl''h:ie?'; iririii, ll::-to,"r,]i'i?i ul,Ire, 9i ci,""i"i uei.saiHira, !9"1t s.L l3,Tb, T5l*;,i"';5r',e croxford, 13r23. i1L5 2! !o: Ern€st (28 finlshor's "ci'esNo€1., J]]. ) --LarrT -:-:-------------


i8:ji""-11'" 1n thr€e yea;s (?t22tU5 In "8fU"li"":li5 ;'*i"ffi"39:"3jrl*' "'i"iii"agou! w31:l k0 slarted a onti Zo rinisneo*:ii:!" i:!E!:,lt3.,.3i3" I "?3i':..,Hj"ifl fliii!;i;*""'_f"i; :i;;tr":. T;;"ili; j;Sl




D:C,.7:Urta RACE WON Rf Brr,L SERADER cood counsel.H-.s., m-Leaion, ii., r,"U.ff Dlck I;i;, :i$:ii:;ul3i-f ir,iiiri:; Eatlrs s, _2:jzr+o; i,Ls,- ii umverslty of Marylard dlsiancu -unne::s were. outr..i'1 for,ce ;rtth six n€n placlng ;;lr;*f ;._ii:f i,;Zi'i'"nli"i'.ziZE,3il"i6a,, tl9 lllfo tZ fthtshoxs & the firstl" rr,o linlshlng t)l s driv-ing finlsh onlv 1;.*i"iglSf ]iii,B?., i, 3i;'l; one s6cond-apart. Freslman Btll Shrad;r 4.. c€off pietsch, ta,1i, won 1i 16t17.5, about 1t2Os over lou :iY' zi+yiJ<,; ,'!?A'tO\, .5. He!efo!,d, us,+r, il.c. uasDafnoLa,s cours€ r,ecord of 1952. - -Ed '-cab6_Mlrkin, ^Et4? p, r.,r.D.; usc,. 1|?i:ypi of nl1es.. 3,5 ! luorrrsg:-]"v,ro-loop: r. :,:7*l>: t L. cherles shrader, ir. of'Md., rJarr snrlader, U.of Md., 18:12Cold 36ll7 z. Jolrn Anos, U.or Md., IB:I.B 36;16 5ji;i5tsi"i:.i;ii^#li$;"ti',151 : J, sl,evo, Ja.cksoh, WSC, 1B:lr1 j6;51 ofil'i"i:;"*e*i1t ;sn:r'l::i",



f;i:nll: H.ffi;l;;a'' f8i].j6 lEi* !: 6. Jol'n racob;, n.;;-M4.. iB;-" '"''" ttlil|

7. char'Ies shredo!, U, of 'Md ,rl?i, o, ,Joo Rous€, R-qC, 19: OCj 5S: t3: -Lro:ii ?: Mlk: B.,ltk", u. irr r'la. , i9; jl

ii: ilH""i3:i:Ii,T'fis.,',?iil. Ei.,6 12. Jin Mccovorn, U.of Md,,20:27 lf3:11



. xi'f; i ;. iii: ffi i'i 33; Fi i;p :!F i_?,ll' Marttn cr€enbaun, wSCi.3,ZO, i.,1o.:lo; J;ohn _11. Donj.hee, wsc, Stzttz.j iL.-' ::.i-*): Pt-E-bsbursh, pa., 1


Tgrp3^:o"j:", ?ia'iJ;"ffE*5hf3;-3fiaH31, ry. Irsorge flejor,, t{sc,

-l:7j I11;

u2 :


3.3gr2g: 20. turt.

uleenbaun, bISC, l+: 01t58.



6-uII,E (ATPROX, ) cobbs c]366k Pal'kway cours6, ?hlLa., Pa. Saturday, Ap]lll 13th L P.M.- Blo}Ining io:o? (ronner lona col16g6 slce' now Ross as aII oasy wlnnor In this race z. cl6or8e cusbnnac,-L0:39i^l:-Gr9C suDDorteal c. i; ::ro:.;:"3,.!#l?"'3iia, l:l:1,1 o. by a handful of athletos and Dawson, 10r52; I+. Ted Burk€tt, +\)r>ri ,' ot'o- offlclai (Fra!} Fr:ick) to hold the-^ soosnan, 10 !56;,6. ioit" rinr"vion,-coraon, -Paul 6yo on thlngs. Wer3tr, 76" an atch & koep 11:31; I' Robble ii,<jo; t. iay -i, sJIc! 31:30; 2. Paul Ross, Bronnir€ 1. oaborno: .1i;191 K64t geto!19, U:35; 9' nfit Sikora, irlrB; 3ii"ii, McCa -J-r:Jo; Lucuskt. P€IlrI AC. AC, 3L:18; 3. Frank McCaf Lucuakl., 34:18; frii-:-k;ipi'wnnoyne,'NS$i, Australla, 3l+:30 trey, 12131' ii:52; 12: Rol;na ?rYor,Noel' 6nBar?i'er' er (Editot of th. tha AustraLien Eerr:er, {Ed-tiot' J!' -""i.t. ijti'rr" t-.a' rr"r "hors ) - -Larry rathon) ; l+. ioute to Boston for th€ marathon).; 36t52t 5, nn J;;-o'R;;n;; n'ira. lc, DC RRC DdVIL.TAKE-THE-I]INDMOST RACE E. Bakor, 6. Noflan ura.; 37.81 shortz, universitv of MarTland' Byrd StadtuE I+2:00. SJTC, f'Jut""w zJ+, V$ ileathorr su!ry' cold & breezy. L?th ANNUAT ICIA INDooR T6sI'CHAMPIoNBoc' )-31+ a. ^ayt i. -il;;ii" Ko6st€r,l'lSC' sat., Merch 9th at Madlson squaro na. zzt>e Sftls, 2. !ou Casta.gnola' Ma., 4+ (160-vds. Tesra: 1. -vtI Ga!:de; "fastrack) l+ r'rl, -s"rvald wiiri.. sfiraaoi', j. ,trnrv r5l; zl1; iri't"i" tiii-zl 3 3(4,o1, L. nr.t wt"r., u. of Md.' l-o; -6. Yale Rtrtgers 12; Notre Dame 5. 32'',7. ret2o h. E: ii;;'r;Gi;','u. or Md', 'r R.r.o Maryls4d.b' 8. 8+; tlenhattan i: ?. 1B:o0 Zl iil'Jt"E"i,1i"i!'", wsc'. 8r1". l-a; 8:50.7 u;;o, colbt, b'-utie- t. s6bs ?. Ron L1as, 'JJr€', 22* 2/4 o:51.4 vlllanova, Donnclly, Z-T6fr 16lm1'. 8. Ray Gordo!, sc' Har!a!d, o:>J' Eardln' )t2.2. 7rh9.7li 3. 2i-ttl1' una. i. ,loin t ewntand' une.., 2-!tr1' 9 \6i,r, \t25.5); l+. Bak€ Ir, ^Harvard' Z+,fff,e affru, B€ltsvllle' 14d.,- Feb' l8th (est. 30Oy short)- 1. Rlchard Dugan,



ii:fifi: iiii:i,'irii6; ii:-;iil



ib. ut1t Gre-oobaum,

,e,st:.1;'S) siii'66rd, o*e, 8157.9. tt;""loi.ltiTf"anffid' b;N';i'rer I+to6.1 MR;^2. uti"- i. oav" PatrLok, v,(63'7 I+:0?'4 V' "oatbMupby, T,ou ' 2.to6.^d'. eri- cnarr:.e Koosior ran a ay flon :li'tgttn$"13"ffiT:lifi:tlii':: . il:'9il) ;*,'ft :f":"liirT SltT+"1;!';i;F?ejx-?ejxk

U.- of uerTlslld ;;11y, t&M,-I+: +:9; 6. shalt, Halvard, iii"a-tio"t t'ece. T1re threol"eadens otl-y for 4;r4.9. i"i."i"-"tt"t wlth th€ €r€- u!gb16 to & thus iff-ii;"i n1le WINS RRC ' HAI,F-MANATIION EASILY O}ICZARZAT rulirlorE -On MalyLeld of iii"lrcate the foat lterctr 30, tho Road Rulmers CIub spon i;:;-;;". who caPtulet! the fi!3t frvo . L"-fflt tathon at shaflnes Mlsglon D]-ac€s. "ir"a Perk. Kansas. Th€ra !re!€ on'Ly s€ven runday' ;;;;'.;a on ibc wlna3, but Pleasant ?unn€ rs othor the carl_ owczer.zek 16ft "***+t"*;"1:"di-"i:3:t?:Bl+3#: i"r u.Uftta. whlch 1s Par for carl' Ho coo. iioav; z. *?j93;.*;.*i51.3i"3i"fiffi;



6. ' souul'"'

ffiil;;'1;: iiii"v

Greeu- flnLshod 7n 76257.5. slkora; 9. (26 -Mllt rla') n'li'uo"u


lrreNrrc RRC 4-MILES, U-rpor,E 'Ciii[p"tr.r.v cours6' -Phl]a'



129ro5' "t;'i:3li;ii:1ffi!:',tn, 2tr 7. BLil Harrlson' 1{hltnan--

cobbs Pa'





a 3$lll" t: Ial'i'{f ffiiiglti,gu ilffi 1'2oven i.r .oensponsorod \0 s',d by tho i;i. ?"'?; rBf a.'fi3'ie?t"Hj"$'i- ; ;'t, : ilB-tii"-i'""iwotdc!. iii" t*"" fo! of wllIIsrrrson chsr-

i,i"".it""i"' councLl sanctlone'L by tho i'""-oi- Cor*ito"' rnc. Entry forms lii"""t. l"to. ol trro mu. Avo" Lak6 l-5 Bt'ontrr L. itoi nou"tt t[5d9

[:i +-riil"llryi:?,:;ffi"^[:#'iili::;

l;'il 'ioeiti6rnouruo, $;-i;;;6' Prrtta' i1;;' 33i3l"ii ;'1fr'1;.isr'i-' .

Llllsmson. N.Y.

25'36i !t+. il'" r<Aoi' ill-o'"i26ituuv, 15..!}11"nor :2{; iii'!-niii,--s.nc,

Wi.:*:';l:';i ":-*tH Billi:l*' _ 'ffi:f


f .f


| I


rgNolt BUNNyll Z-ttrLE




'ao-+ ,' ,['r.ter-wirnLnston, ohlo, trhrch a4l"a"uuy """-l #;ii:l' ,fl'r!\.1!9; t:{trs;j{it'iti::}i,i"fij:eT:k*i"l ;*l';i:is:fli'ih*2"":1?;,*;.*;rni.li;: sarvase.L. ROAD

E"" l i?i hi'iii+?l' zl' i?:,,. -;;;; ;'ft" ;-i;:\X,ttJ "Xi3floi3il"if: :n:'i; J::l i,, iU:;i{ll"*t*',l,itl,,'*l*ry l: H*'i"$ifitl; fu.ffilj:"", ?Z:?+' | ?i1',??iji"fi..?;.laj:il,*:' *;;E1i:;, Blrolnsha&, Jay. wllnLnston, 41:oot*= ase-lio'rp *iril.J-::ji'i'sii,rifudd;__ 7. | -;;r;u-;ra*;-oHio-Ro6-RAai-:--:--i: Slil ffif,fft.l"il F"il"If: ii:i3. | o"'*",f i: ffIi 3?3l;lHii;fi, ?;;3 | "ffiI1"-13*l?31 *##0.. u:',1"i1:,:.'* ssiE'!"fftll"#133; ti;17. l$Hll*?;"31'3ili,Il:,,:il4;:L-3;.'"* .f: 10. gteve lrlce, Kertertns, 47:26 lF"b^9.n9, K!, 2!t14-; 5. eob"Lerrs, C6run_ i|: !sl"t!f !il' #;i"xl "i**", f i3, l iiia.'[i:, re?ii i, ; ::,5;"":ii ]ia;ii,li;r,, 55'o' 'i:-Eiii!'3ii1fii,"3!""n'. llii'B;'61"J{"1"i}itlll; ki:i;glel,-}l;; to:il,:"*'*,aqevne yarcho, .3}fr """"' l3?iitL+;"fyti"HHi,:t*lt+,ri;itr"ll; lon the 19-29 age gro r.p lB1ll,, Cllclnnatr, &:J6i ff. jir-r,i,"r". " c-Loseal


wa s uoonuS''"'u"ii of the ohi

The race



-Notes...Orant dlvlsi.on afrer battlLns irucrinai


aIl tlo

,roi furii, - n"."i"lirlo., I 9xrgld,_ 6t:12; 14.

ti{;"'li ;"ff;_;iio';ii""li;:13;'3;" li6;'f3.'fu,^iif'.1*;*;..i::*r:ii^li:'


hlll & a strong wt nal on thelOrant, I{ichDond, XV.', 6i:4i; aO. itr"-rlirr gteve- pollng, 12, t.an a 6enton, Nor*ooA, ,' 661.pi' 27- Wiy"i-i"". f_rne race to cop the 1J-und6r tuv1slo4, |lcho, Oay19n, 67t48i.22. gtive rorri[] l{. llll",iii'Hi;.::TE; i3; iil'ifiu"ii"_ I 3B\r1,';fu.',3u';,::ij;: ffrffi"1;;j:Eil"s: ner, & Don Buokey clallnett the 40-49 t1t-l?5. lau]. .Mccorrt6on, wllmlneto!; ohi;i' -'"""'::y:J"'lHffi wa€ one.long







l+iil+i 3f : Silli: 3Ut;*:


:,H#i-,+ff l"':#:"1,Ii :,*iffi $;ll:lr{tflli#trr'tl-",:;il-ffi ; *il;**,,,,, thc breeze, Races eeoona ro untl of ) rtr:,rs L per"rEieii''-' iponiored !y P",-."!""qv I ;H":*: lil;il"y:i":::"ioJ';::f .'ot' I i:i3*H i.fl;'t*,'H:;:f;lS"llii,;*'

I2-!41e Face (Ibree laps of very hll.Iy 6tudcnt6, - fhl Ehed I6t (9:0?.4) & ldcoulae)- L, Telry Gallagher, &prt.)nkw I| \tiLZ.1l 1n An lntloor 2-811e 1n Coluobus

ulr;:ri,i.,jli,ul;*lf1ig,ryilf;-i.ii5,ljl:,,;,ffI":":?:;.^f:,il;:,,j:iT*r;fi" BJck;y, oBltRc, i:o:-,i6. ofii- -ii"r - u!ci"- | beat ltleel'6 xorlnchak, nrte irnirir it '-rlson, WllElngton, OhIo. (The forEldablcj uoluEoua In 4t14.7, & the holde! of the hl.LJ.6 d,I6corEagetl EatU/ !unne!6 fron en- | prevlo-u_E courae recortl ot 54'.52, aet on a terlng thls gruel1lng raoe. eallaghe! lEl6e,raoly,colal-&. ralay day las! year. at elshr n1r.e€ & ra; n"u""l

H::"::;"r":i. ffin*il.:, gf;i##o#*::+#: i T :"lt' 3, 35";-,1 "fr#ffi."1i,;.f.:"#":.fr$i ;'.3l"ii:i1"{;'3l5l"i;, s li ; #t8i'' teran-t, RlchDond, itv., rsi+o;'+l'giri'ii""t. t9i 5:o5; E. i;';; i;;y';;"]'- ial fri','i--l 5. riur-ircoorrre"n, rel 5:ai;-ii"i:;ll po.._6,,2, liI;#ljlSjii;"1.i,,.:5j!l.Lr?: 6:rii;".*. "?' -


ff;"6:rtrt?i"i;i:1"i. u.","

lBrooks, oxford.,.16

e;litg: I l:iel, ::t.* :f;dili#;:fff Hrtr#*f*:; : S:"iT"i'"#"d,il;;] narue, cLn.' I6:t5; (Ner(t page) er, 22, lLt 119-29; 2. Roland. 1iJ


i4'tvr*J* 16,4r;.12.-{1'-Fcrn., to;+r, tsrue, uln., fi. It. ,r. Jtm ur*, l.I::t*:..::"*:::':,,:::""*i:* Trophtes unae" s!-ry sktes. [li3o?.f" ltiip;i,"l-" toi tt'"""'






Jiii-li'iia"a iJ-inc

lilii.'i;?;i,*;n5:iT'.""11' llli;lJ+,;:t""""^*xi1"; Tii?l'"lliii;.'f,;fi iii:;ei'i'iiii'J'ij:i"tl*:*":1,,:'lli" | 8en corles.' et'ii"l'3i'ie,ff;'?it,i; #ii,^6:,*5?,"i:,4i;"9i1{f"i;;h, 41, llil;t?;,?212?'ir?;r"?;6trg:",3:i;)l'r]';*;i,1,'fl tilE:r ron, 5i)r; ). .reiur -sv!!, ;?i;:;:rllpl'i li*;hr*il' ttat cantrera, Knoxvllle Tc "' 17.,8,-i. 1{0. rg:+r); 5, *ii.ui]Hil'i:ilii:i'r, i,i,Lz'ii6i5i"

a;;.i:.'-l i;??;"uull*,"r6i'*i!t"litii"? -c-:::i,-::t1-9:y1:11:--w!siirvu.ri, 6r10; | ---------------...:------

6:'i;;";;it;i','ii, couRsx FrcoRD FoR 9, Harora Branilenburg, ry, - "t"iinii*, o] srnvr utru-ers. sMAsHEs $g"f;isi?lt"Aii:, :i'iiit: nHi;,*:;"*,t"r'ni::p,,:.'lil;::ll"i4,5q"T:::: iiii"iv'xil'i,iiie,-!o!

ry1"rleia,'g*ii li::1:1'.,9:'-::::":.'il5'":"Yi"l.'i:.'3li' i16.i'flr."'r:::ii""t"#i,'4:iit:;^l.'j,^l-*:l:-y:t!"::-"1^:.::-o:::::^':."i:,BB' tS"iii"Fnii-iii.--co"""e-reco"a or 85:oo a liY'i""3; ii.".lliiii]'uil'niiiit"",--o"t"l -J"iE'tu6i; 7 tL6i r7. Don M1!cneal,. 1Zr. *Ji?ll I !l-1:l'g^:"-::""11:"1::t::l't:':.:'.:1i." lfinttt on ^Inatton ior the dlLetence wlth a neE coufse 'i'iiil sl' i c;;";; trna' iigni-niv li?ii'i'riElicSii,-li', liig;l^u"j'*:-.".1-8'";?9;?;"")*1.11:yo"*::'" chaoplon cfose rfor Danver lrarathon lin. -iioiri"'ai";id-way' SteYe Lnet ol thâ‚Ź J"-itr-u it""r" lrost ---"--'----":----,--:-:l irLo cx,tlerott${rP (r8'6 nr')lfll.i.tll-t::!-p"::i':::..::"'?3yili$; ;;;;tt ii''.i"il"ont"l'ii ;6;;h it6e - . ..,..,"11t:f -v'11:i1::! 1::T fl"!:::".:n1 t*$: :i;l:;.;iiirilid:;l"i?';iE:;lli;i.i:ii; nru:;ma"vl*ll,ii:tii;i3;l'l ' tT nrchir-aror lhe rqest Kan6aa ffii;.;;-ffi'; ;i;;;' i;.:''l;illsf;1"#:;; 'rrne John Blank of Uuncle, Ind., t:56:5b; 4' "o"tt'Uioitlt' iC tiiioot Easte'n Koatuokv ro, nr"'-o"o, i""-:h" ":::-:?-it'-g:y-



i" ::', : Fi:ie.E lltil t: leli;ri':f iii:;ilt, 'l1*glll


B?ii:Ti fie;if"6iili,i9=llr !rul ?: -rc,-iii",ie;',-iu.,'2126'oe' 9;r!i63t,ru lA


e Denve!



31""*i."* ' n* Ai ! fi


qi*':l*Jl3ie; l:il:i-T3; ia:i{ |it)ii,l9'^.,3i;?3f;'.:lg*:: i"i iiGi,ilii #rili.i6*"""'iu;i**""",

- il lll'uYlii;"i;;; '. lf,i:Ti"ff-;F ;l*#il *,iii9" aB;o.L,i:3r * o **, ia,S:Ili,Fikhli ll:: i:i: gii$-l:: a-6 a 1"tl^1p liiit.'ioiiit;-iir i:;-*l*; *i,liidil:' ""1**1"J"1"'lk thr6 raoc fii.ii"v"iig""a .i;:"4";;;;49;;reon,-ruouro,-trL'5?'-..!!' t"t$ iiIiX.til":dtii iro'' tr_re^etalt, passtns lN5ro gt1va, DTC, 118:00; 15. Barrv sauve, o



i;;r";; i['rei

gl?;;il:'ri:il?'',:li'Eiur+:"1 llttf $ldi:rl:ilii.iifir 5*ilii,, iiiu-:i'ri""ia, t;;t1o, r2r:ie; ffi;-rii;ieiil^Uiii;c;;-ief :;"i:"t',:ff:'':":"il'ii -6i'".t"krnp tt'11nq st9v" 1j11"-l io-f iii'r-iri'""t'""'i iioi pili", ):T:3?5;1";i. "3:1;u tne Ia6:-:?F,:" ln a"+ sute) -comrcntsr ii'6"' -

129i41" winrot-sTho I| 1l:-1t1::"dri;:1i, careon, -olln io"Dcc, ;i ;ii;;.*F""; irrn MatbctrB, Alfon6o busterEl gave Ec .q,iraz6ta, roaae ;i#1;;;" oi-iue ghould o! Denvcr'G{hn.naol.-all tue narkriii"ttJI-etalr lrzqucrdo, "i1e i?';l;";";; :iiloil.-u":: 31:::il'' l


u:e,iu:;-rllti*::*i*n:.i:#nif:it'.*:iiii"ri;,ll#,1:i?i#.:;;.,v, rastcrn Kcntuokv tc' rt4!121; t' iiiii'"o"tr"""a nr"ln lBurkc, rffili'"i' #;t'ii'; r",t:19: a*90i"*;"P"ollu.:i;;, donrnetlon of rons drslence ",rnntng l!!-rt"l..or;t', tffi 'HltiHi :lti ;:iJt;;':;:;ilii';*;':';1':"i;"*l "illlla,""'' ilfu ?)t:i:gi;ii#i$:d'z:a.il;;e,,i'i6'1;+;il::;:iift::iili::l.ii{l*;., to;ln by a hug. nalgtn' t"t



;h*"lt#iit^ff#.'-'#i3o;. * ", ",u I ii:ifi,i'lig,F:!;i.il *r;r",ll:: & lidi,i*:}i,i,kll;;i"l* took_ iX4i,,:1"{,'fpru:piq,il:r"fr{, thc load at ihc :,ii iJJi" j'ffiilI itr,ifi !1iitiir:ii"ilii: ;ff lf H:rl}; S,"i6

"i"it-i' t:,ootiT:Srt:r'il"il?I."*:h^1h-"_::9J, u,il 3"";;";"i"iu"*!".o"a occtron. ro' Dons_ ,j:r",$:_ *-ir":i5;ffii_i p"rre i&li:iiltrli"i'?*ii': -i,ii, o],lt qopg"g il.g*j:::"3:iiiri.#j": at thc 12-n11c Eark, age +I Ott_l rj"


tii:i.:i,i_%ii:: +:t:ru8+:li.U:i lt i, $:,*:5.**rut$f *i$,ili.llff " ", .'1"'iiiin: Ti:";i;,i-;;t;;hi:il.iliryl.l ""r'6"'i"'iriiI'ili3.il$5iiii;'"'ltuff""':"u, 1on8 run rn rarrio is-iipi;"i;f"." '"' i:l::"?1j8",ilffi;';;l:ui,d"lrliljr:::;, _ Marm aao^^r^Fr^"_ll]."11-{:._ot.: I *1,:l:-i1p: iiili..ron. (u 1ap6 around. I'"y #iqrffff:tiisi,iHl rok', irochra;di_r,;;,16;;i;#i{_lFtl".ff miti'ii'fife I srinT:"d; fifrl:q,itruel-li:::*; nll.uii*i}.iF:ii{jili;fi:il: 'F^fii*"a I'litu:;;"ftr3:="*i., ,,,," 2+ r. relry uceua.re. 3i:1t'' lry"gli: *,':;,"itJ"i.-!lr!:i";fi{'l?: opo", c"p--ii,"i;fi;"; *iilL J j. *:pi.il;-ftfiir:1" c.'ii i8i,."i^i,irc, ?l;_s;Y11. ruf,! upcn, Deer Islc: Jurv 1"- i-Mrr: Ton D6nohn.- ili_il'..,., x-*. i";l%* "** 4::,'jii; iil;=g. :i ffi {..*l14.i: *i'yi*r:; AAU rp. dbaEp.; iii,!r.f".rii" ;i; ;;;;;'":ii,".-il,o"rn."., 6iilJ ;#-r;;il1 t: l;ri-iu l;? dtii#".'fr"viHlill ;ii* r/2 i{aratho!.opon, 8. fifi aar Harboi; -Aug. -+l-'[ i, nrct n6rfiv, -if: a_!-uiri-n"iil'iii!row; ,-4re nun. w1n€Io$; Aug. R1:h Dugan, eug. {l?: us'i.iilil's, 12;Mi1:_wg.rt s Arny, ;i .lil.oll -e.,,, US 21;i; 32:12 gEs.^5e3;;;r,-,iii *""i,, iiiii. iiiii' ;t;o|'Lfi:I.l',",,Y'1l1o+q.ll.*.9!.^ci: | |f il^tu,/t:ff,i1..:!; iiip;:3"fiH"lT"f lli: Sif,;..ff;fj:"i-Fi,l zs's5-


11*"T::-m, o;;;.-i;i[ rz. ;r"-ro'iiii5: s"i'"ii"i't'o-'"[ rj. i; ,i;i;;;;il;n1,Y":"'"", ?2:?2: js: ; i?: ,;l isii; "ffi ;F,1,ff-f"-itr:"ii:xl"F;ff ffii:t*t*.[ri""' 26159 i":Zg, l?:,, o'il';_ i-i*':_.q'_ ":i :i{;";'gi;f I i5 ; i;; i;#:i";:"$;. j eie. rel +-i1z-lrdii

l!I1it9"; 19lg; +Is. aF



ii} ir$Sld:r:i:i*;&:;,r,;' ii: iq;,ffi:i:":i*: :"*""*iirli; gffi;; ilffi:a"r.*..1Iiil F;;d {9"! Mo!ari1a;d, u;;:.'.'.,;;!ii j il: gg.. iiiiia:f ,li, ? {di,o*'6 oflilo;;;!_"" ii1'"St$t"i"il;finifu , ig; gi{rot qrrcr-; ift

oc,t.,r.2- z-uif 6pii,-wiitJi.,iiiii"6;":1r[tr tg: :lpjc 9p9n, lbrolngtohj oct. 20: tohr -l 12.

aov. r'l- i#*"-E: r.okn XC, tuif:' :;: AJ. li"fr)Jcehan, t&lne A.l,U Jr. AI 25. :#l'lt;W;#""' +:r,S,trrd;;s, !il""i "iI;.'!;-


: ig ,F,r;;

iisi; #;:,*t'"33r fitri ii: "Jll,ffrii:Hi"f i:li;;$:i5;ti iiil"*;f"Ti"al'Sillifu l*;g.y'";' I 3f: *1,'ilffiiia"iii^XfI;.;"' igiil


-r-'::_:1:_:l_l:_"_!131tts_:jtej:l - _l i[:

fi:'{Hlf"!:l:,^;"":;'' Zliii *,i1:al 1""' u- rcrry uceuad., -5:i'a II ii' l}. iii"Flili'::il"di*' *i:t sii;;fi;;;;::'*' t4;ie

qHFt*,y...,.tr{arch FIT:":l:::T ,9'olyr

li' #ii'#3"1-f'"H".'+H''Hfl i

ii: "Tifl'#ifil'P"i'""a'#'' :,T::l:: *:T:"i:r_5-n1rc-rul.around..the J ?:. :Tr:lr llTn8, Xtil 'iLTF' ;"i$tl* I :* :"3:;;r' +:*r,H*i: I


le:ft :l fot, t$iii} 24ttt+.8. r."o" li:"[f,u" I ii;Jilt;.tlifi itz+:16. lte Ucquadcr6 tl1c tlne tra6 thc ;:iJr"' ;::: ;:L*1?. ":l:.":


Jiitii. I $$:;p;iiii";*i; #l'"'i":fi:riil"'

r,rs'"'j{r"d;;+Hfry,lfl#ikll';i:' trlnro,'€ a+.r0.3 ini's'6i.'rnr;;"2 "d:_ I


i3,'ii:iir"ff:iff:!iii'iit";{"i,',zqixi: ;"" rinuyi-liai;'#iii, "i_l."iri?'i];"fi,

gt. Anthonyrd BC, 3tt )+2] 47. Eric CcLs telrLy good condltlons, earrcit onl'y by 1.r, Unlted M, 55t32t 48. Kurt gtclq- an^occaslonal shorer. fhe tenp. ra8 about cr, l{tPc, t6t52: 49. lfarrcn !tayDa!a[, 4O"., the only t&lng to ouffer ras the I\YPC. DNF- Pet McEDnagh, una. & J. Doe oaroecue, boFever thls na€ eaveal by nov_ r=


Teenagc prLzeg.,++= Vetcran6

--tloc KLelnorean--


8,5-url,Es, Feb. 25, 1968 I p.i{, 1. Darryl Bcardalt, I&rlu AC, 44140 2. tr[.I].e lblcy, 4b:].8t t. John Soott, 16tl9t 4. Kon goortEan, 46:fBi 5. BcId.ln, 46:54; 6. tr41L1cr, M1]Icr, 4Z:05; 47t05t 7. 47 i 43: 8. 6. John Nornan, 4E:I0; 48:10; 9. Parh6 ![t43; +7t43; 16t43i IO. Srl&cy, 49:05; l-1.9.Tl Tltara, taxa, 49to5; 12. van Dui;r,'49:i4; 13. BoJo; 49120; ].4. 14. Zlnsetneir, 49tzt, 49t25; 1t.L)r ,taok L5, uas^ Jaat 2t 15, aotl, 49t24; 16. R. Johnson, 50;25t ].7. gtronberg, 5Lt21i 18, SItr! th, 5Ir55; 19 52:1r; 20. Ptllsbury, {uFoc, (54 !1nl.Eh.!s--no flrst tuee6 52:2r, or cLub afllllatlons piovlded. ) ThlE lntcrc8t1ng event nust bo hcLtl |[hcn the tld.c Is at lts loncst, €lnce thc Paclflc ooealr hoops the rlvor raters too hlgh lor the runr1cr6 to lo!d.. fh16 lorc!'lnc of the tldoE usually cr@tes tho addl-tlonaL hazard of nany clan dLgg.r6 al-ong tha bcach. Itro courac 16 runon pavenent, dlrt road & thon €and.. Trophlcs awardeat to thc f1r6t t5 runners. Ribbon€ to af1 flnLsherg & a hug. teau tlophy. thls L6 a truc orgss country (or watc!) cour6c. --Robcrt Dcoellc-CFRIS MI],L$, {INS fRD ANNUAL f,L DOR.ADO

15-!4ILD RoAD RACE E1 Dorado, gI Dorad,o Coulty, Callt. lrarcb 16, 1968 11 A,M.- Cb!16 Ml.Ucr, Athen6 AC, sot a nctr ooulae rccordl of

ll19:O5 ln soorltlg a 46s vlctory ov.r Daryyl Bcard,all. II. trlped, out thc prcvlous malk of 1:21:50 set by Dar'o Eanb,l"lD. lhe l'ac€ rs.6 6pon6orctl, & sanotloned. by the Paclllc 466n, ol th€ MU

I. Chri6 !,[111er, .A,t]tcns AC, 1:19:O5 2. Darlyl Bea!da11, l&rln AC,lr19:51 f. Doug gal1or6, 1:2f:19; 4. Charfe6 Burko, ATC, 1124:10; 5. Ray l{cnzlo, UA,C, li26:1,1; 6, Jcff trroot, l{AC, ll t2t 7. DeB 0'Netl, una., !t29t52i 8. Bruce John6on, ATC, !t?t28t 9. Vn. !'fodb€rg, slc, ltttt25i 10. Prtc

Loagqe, tra!1n AC, 1rJ4!27; 11, Joe I{enilorson, MAC, 1r35:56; L2. I.R. 8ta6

una., 1rf8:25i 13. Dr. Pctcr Wood., MAC ft4ot29t 14. EuBenp !traglran, RCS, 1:571 02; 15. Bob Lee, gouth End Ror, 2r00i 29; 16. lucbael Lyon6, Dolphln Club, 2tO3142. Juet prXor to the racc the teather really weat bad.! At the gut! the


stoppod & theru nner6


l.ng In€lde, so all enJoyed the flneJ- oon_ cl-u8lon of the day's events. -_Bob DeCello__ MARTIN


lond Park, Qu€6ns, N.Y. 30,18-MILES I. Jln McDonagh, Mtllrose AA, 3:20t1+5 2. Ied Colbltt, XY?C, 3r23:38; 3. Jobn Gerfepp, l4AA, 3t29,L,t L. 8111 Shanelan, }rlAA, 3'.5L,.22:5, Van Eoden, Mlllrose AA & South Afllca, 3r5)+t22t 6. Nat Clr.ulnlck, Urdted A!, 3,59t3O. Notes,.Twelve ste-rted ln ldeal- weather,. 7 Iap course of I+.31 n1l€s per lap.. tough cout'sg tbrough palk, DNFrs lncluded I,{cNLcho11, Scandurla, Mcc{dness & Muh"cke of Milllose 'qA & B. C€1sler, Sr. & P. lolln of Onit€d AA.. Garlopp ran the fastest lap 26 _olus mins. & ifcDonagh ran hLs last ).ap in 28 plus mlns. --Nat Clrr]lnlck-RESIILIS OF RRC OF CAI{ADA MARATHON CIIAM?IoNSHIP & 5-l,trLE RC.AD RACE, Merch l-6th

at Tork Unlversity, Toionto, ontalio Weath€r: Cloudy, li8ht ilrLerntttent drtzzle, E2 d€g?ees F. Jl starte)"s and L2 finishols. 1. John Kneen, 2+, K\I, 2:36132.5t 2, Itrorb Monck, 33, llac, 2t)+3tl+2; 3, Laurle ljesoll, JJ, Nr$, 2r55iJZ. Aac GrouD- over hO- 1. Cbar'lie llard, [8, fiiT:fJ?LB; 2. Jack H6bb, l+9, uYt, 3

tl+9tl3, 3. Ted clark, I+7, sL, 1. EIni6 Sharp6, 56, HC,

Ovor 503:3 b:09,

35 to 39 yrs.- 1, Don Belsano, 36, syracuso, 3:h5:11; 2. Fr. Esrand, 35' llfl, l+i00:0?; 3. Bruce sumers, 3?, AL]C, 4:J o:40, 5-MILE - Age Group winn€rs- l+5-l+g- ltres FfEElin, 37:37; lso-[\- oon FdrgLiturson, 32t22t 30-39- Bob ilrieht, 35:10. WoMENS 5-MILE- l. l,fau!,eon Wl1ton' 3l:3I; 2. Rossmary Masblnirer, 34128; 3, Mary Croao]., 3]+,29,

6.6-M1IE RACE, Sponsored by NEAAAU LDR Conrnlttee, surday, Mar:ch 3I'd at 2 p.!0, Franklln Pank, Boston, Mssa. course! 3

laps over basic 2.2-nr.i.Le loop! treacherous footina as much of the course was cov€red by-1c6 & snow, 17o, strong wlnds. l-. Bob H6rs€y, NMC, 3B:1O; 2. Dick Clapp,

NMc, 3B:29; 3. Jack counihan, BAA, 39:15: l+. John wallac€, B A' 391273 5. Dave L1n' ton, BAA, l+0:0L; 6. Don Multgyr, un*., l+7 zl+?; 7, Ed ilowaan, B\A' 49:04i E. Jeff Emmons. u'Jla.. q!122. 2.z-MIl,f Hs RACE- 1. Wal-ne Lu6as, Eneli sE-rF;-lTfI.

lfTH fig: ;


O!1Ig5T 10 ![ILE

";i;s"i3"i"]! i "*"ii," il;,





f, 1g68

;:ir,i,'i" a !a rk' iii;:i:y*;": *t




t. rrME l. *:!.*I Hi-ckey, rapD ?":":^".r , ^ 72',i, tilyi" rFAsr "::iiz 1i i: ffi"i'iti3i8i; ik.l'3i"'L::;" :?i35 "'-*", 5l l. i::S. ou"rte, r.,',a.i 6lt,:f, Sr;:: il:Z? 3: il'fr.i31"ii,'H;i"l!,i5 /.


*,-r.,r6;"';;, Stifi |3iit ;;;i4 ot


e;;ii :*:+? il

!i:;;i q";; niid"",-i,:i-'.Ii"iiiir.'jii,". l!,. EZ:IZ rt. *eorse Delo6ter, g""ro"""ib,, 3:


i3: 33i'll"Bll3l*:

l3;3ii'i;: i.,


Aii& ?Z:\?

ii:i* iii'*


ia .z

ii: ffiI 3i**:;;,,P:i,i::i,a:'", iti:'?i i6ifr, "? iil";:il;:;'iiT";"Hiitfft'r", :|;iiii Siiii i8 ii: re.rranrrtiyi:elu",ii"i"ii'r.o".1,.,*"ru", 3?;i3 A?.93 19. Rrck vasquez, Benl6re ri,--- --."-"', 6:_;il, #,ii 3i: ffil'l,Ieli;l;.fi"i:li:::'., Eiit| iii+; '7 glst a,*"i, io,'s""ii,"-iL,^ 5

ii,;i fi;fi 51: ;::l ffiiillii,53;ll"ll:i"'fi;".. eAi.il 2ii?i io "'"' i?






Ei:iii Ri;rio-Fi,'"' i.iii! ?3i7! ;l 3i: liill,-â‚Ź"'5i:;,"6;1,ffiJ;"58:, U:i ,Sif* iZ ji: 53ili;h1:;,"s;i"l:"i3:"", 9+'i? 5i;6: 14 Ei:ii \Zit\ ?i' llil reu8, '"riii,''siii"-i'""r6i'-5o,-senlors_rc, gtrtsi 66rzi ?i 2?. Davld nussre.,

??' 3if+


i;: I:ii..il:31',,;":';-ul"i#i""I3;"", E!;32 ag:li ;i ii: IihJi5!r,6;i,"i*,',"111$;""u",*, RE:" iE:_ S

t*i#:i:#;#r;.r:ilr'., giiff itili af:n i; ;:: ';i;l"F;i*;;;rtiiI.il; ffiff i{: $l"H;:il"*-t"t"i'rilii"iis""r BS:ig itiiq "! y,r6r, tl. Efij, i;:ti .i;"Iili.{1"}i.i},i"i:*;'," ;s,

I19l.y Rerd, Las vesao


fr!+*i,r+-**,,,"..i;;il,"ii#i,., ,jin. ,*"" l"iil-AJ""i" "unn",." -;;;;;;.ili"r}";19,,?il":t ri "o,.,i,"i-ii" neeb 6utn"r.ei' l:#ti$:,t:"0;"tilt!l"ji*"r"- e"sriy *in,inl-ii,li*ri"iii"I.sa troprry wlni i6 ri""ti""iiii"i,;'rj:",",i1i:'ti"T":.i';i"$:ol*;,5T";? t""#: ** Itr1lLer. BesutltuL certlficatie wele glven to al.L flnls&;r;. John rook_a erong turn & d1d not ftnleh (B1I1 Cr;n, r" uuiirit"a *r.t tre -the -senrors rc).

Dxew, ;h; ;;; wlth flye other runners fr$m La6 Veg;s, brought mlrenioe ior aff runn6re, uhlch

"*&fl"tg"iff:"'""""r'?{""f *1,,,

r.., Aprl1 15_ "*",.;rtBl,;,tTiTl; "oou*", l;,li iiill'sl'ift"';"Htit.ilsiit;"|'i!;;:Jil:-lli;isili'r:;9#:"$5*s.rri: t;"'l;n'irJfl3.3ol1"E.u""li 3,;ll;-ii,Ilf xi"3il:i,t;13;,rjl::ltsli:::i;i;.?ial




Rodn€y squa!6. lhe abbrevialtod dl.stanco, sn approximate 121 nlles, probably Sponsor€d by Inlet SociaI & AthLotlc kepb Casbagrola from shashing ttro coulse Club, Sunday, March 10, 1968 12 Noon r€cor'd 6steb1lsh6d by Lou Coppens 1n r66. Cold & ntlndy., Out & home flat course Castagnola was tlned ln 1:Ol+!53.6, L. Herb Lorenz, Per.rl AC, llB:43.2, 2. offlcleIlt, a rocord 62 r.unners starlr€d Stan Johnson, Phl1a. Plonoor Cl,ub, 48t and 59 closBed the flnish 11n6. Both tlro youngeali & oldest conp6titors ln th€ 3., llo""s MeyfloId, _ Phlta. Pton66r. !];. CIub, [9i32: ]r. Tom osler. Ponn AC. h9: ev€ntrs hlstory conploted tho corl.rso-r:.enl dGn-TEnn-A-e;-F0 : ffi--e Eric C€is1er', 10, fron New york. w9.s in -[o; !. -i6i Coppens, P6nn AC, 51:01; ?. irwtn 55th position; Jonn Beares,Sr., 59, trom Zabfocly, Ilart'lsburg AAA, 11:[6; B. Bal blnore, rnanaged [!th pJ.aeeB!'owning Ross, SJTC, 52r30; 9. NolL Wlth Cestagnolars Lead never ln danger, Weygandt, SJIC, !2:fj; 10. Paul LucuskL Itho bLggost battI9 was for the toam al"rard. Ponn AC, 53r50; 11. Allan Laskor{skl, Total-s r6ad: 1. Washtr€ton SC, 37: ?. AAA, 54126, I{a!rl"6bu!g Hanr.lgbung nA-A : zo; ,J-2. 12. xuas Ruas tJecltson Jec! Penn AC, l+0; 3. South J€rsey IC 51; L. sJTc. 55 r 21-: 13. sJ-vC, I Harrt Borkowttz,

SJTC, D6l,a ar6 T€cF Club 97. 55t2fi 58:lL; 1l+. Robert Carison, Shoro-Ac, 1, Lou CastagnoLa, ldSC, Iz04z53.6 15, L6on Droher, sJIc, 58:36; 2. Rtchard O€:sel, P€nn AC, I.O5t52.3 l-6. Et'1c gonkoLs, una., ?ht1a., 60:h0; 3. Gavln Jones, New York AC, 1105:58.1+ 'Bt3It 17. D6nn1s fi1pp6rt, Ebg.A.A'A, 63"r!0; 18, 4. Esmon DowneJ, Princoton Att, 1:05:09.! Nlck CapoleuL, Delawar'o T8cF, 53:02; 5. Ton osfer, P6nn AC, ti06:f8 19. Dav6 Dunn, SXIC, 63:51+; 20, Dr. Wn, o. Steve Jackson, l.Iashingtolr SC.1:00r0lr H6ughan, SJTC, 54:38; 21, NoImEl,t Baker, Z. Ilwln Zeblocky, Ebg. A.4,A, 1:10:11 SJTC, 68!53; 22. Robert Ryarx, wla., 6. To:tr Ret11ff6, NLllrose AA, 1:U:12 f,lnwood, N.J., 75:53. 9. Nell Weyge-ndt, So.Jer:ssy lC, I't]-!rz' Toarn: 1. ?enn Ac, 17t 2. Smc, 38, 10. PauL Ssnbor:n, u!a., Dovon, Pa, , l- i 12 !06 lI. Russ Jacksoa, So.J€rsey 5C, L:L2!l+B MEDLTN & WOERNER WIN I.,'.4. RRC nACES 12. Robort Rosal€s, };YlC, ltilnd.ngton, Delawaro, March 2+- Wlnd 13. Devld Dubbl€, Ebg, AAA, 1r13:l+-3 croatod the only p!ob16m todey as the L4. Allan Laskowsld, Ebg.AAA, 1:11+tl+0 Mlddle Atlanttcrr RRC staged lts a11nua]. L5. Paul tucuskl, IrI5r37 -{C, rrl,larch !,ladne ss dlstance meet at conrad 16. Jobn Wlaslow, ?erl1 wesh. SC, 1:16:[0 Itsrs all-w6athe! track. Thloo & slxIvan To!!6s, unat., l:I6t59 U, t[1]€ races start6al slmultanoousLy & 10, EarrV Berkonitz, SJTC, ItaT rO3 both wer€ deploted by nune1.ous drop19. Dn. Gabe Mirldn, ltash. SC, 111?:22 outs seoklng ?sfuge from tho l'Isroh 20. Job! Ilell, Dovon Prep, qares. le s. 21. E!'lc Dt'ake1ey, St. Joselh's,1:17:29 6-M116s- 1. K6n MsdLln, P6!rn AC, 31131; 22. Erlc. H6nke1s, P6no AC, _ _ ],19,19 3. ron Z-T6i'-sayers, sJTc, 31r40i 3. 4J. r\€1rn rarton, le]aHalo I&1 , l:,toiJ, Ldd-e6-oppens, 0s1en, Penn 2+. Flsnk LhlttingEon, De1.Tdd, 1:20:07 [. ^c,3r6\t I Uoygandt, SJTC, 25. Wa1ter Korpnan, u!a,, woygarlo!, r.Jr lenn a.c, Jzt'(i 5, aor.r It2ot22 26, MeL Ha11, ura., It2Ot35 33to$i 6. Fred B€st, NJSSC' 33:4+; 7. Davo Lltt16ha16s, uaa., 35:31+; L Ket 27, MtIt Gr€onbaum, Wash. SC, I:2Ot45 ?atton, Dela'!,rsr.' DeLa'!,rarc fE4', fsJ", 35'.1+5.' 2d. Bob Ronahsky, SJTC, 35rl+5. 1:21:15 ,3-Mtles- l-l-. Bob Woorn€r,, D6l-,?&F' 15! .3-Mt1es29. tohn Waldroo, urat., Ltzlt22 16!10i 3. Lu Penn AC, 16r10t Z.--Ta-ff Lucuski, 3. J Jack Welnstsj.n, SXIC, 30, u.na., 16:3?; 16:37i 4. Bob stubon, Shopherd, , uaa. 31. Vtace Masca!€1u, ?€nn Ac, 1:22:04 u:la., r7:30; 5;' Nlck ceporolLl, Dol.T&,F 32, Job]t Donihee, Wash. SC, 1,?2tI6 LB:l+5. RflfL 2-Mt16- 1. crlf Belthls' 33. Dave Dunn, so. Jersey TCr lt22,l7 Byron Munday, rirla., !r22t5l lilil::-11:-il3!:-::331-91i:Y1i1- 3l+, It22t56 35. 91eve toblson, SJTC, IJOU CASTAGNOIJA WI}IS CAESAR RODNEY RUN ldcrlo Han-rLck, unat., It23,Izt 37. 36. l.tilnlngto!, D61., Aprtl 7- l,ou Cartag- DEvo Lttt!.eha1€s, una., 1:23:21; 35. Ev nola of Ule Washlrjgton Sporta Club oas_ Sparks, sJTc, I1a+,zjt 39. John s6veik, 11y captured the 5th el)nual CaeEar Rod- una. 1125!11i 40. ies Pago' vsc, 1r25r ' rj€rtsr n66cto!, !er.r&!, r:z):4r; zo; 4lt ney Half-Iqarathon Itr perfect w€attror. Tho lece as sponsored bY local EEso l+2. Joe Sanbo"n. D6von Prep, fi25.1+6t l+3, 1:26:17r !4. DonllLs Elpp€rt, Dannis ELDDelit. FbB,AAA, Fba.AAA. 1:26:17; !1.!. Ken d€a16rs ln conJulrctlon itlth tb3 DcLa-

wa:r€ 33iF cl-ub.

i::'?"l"Bi:'foli?i3 f Ith"fi

":fl "?i31""3ff the start & flnlsh lIno was mo! KlnE. sevo'ial blocks fron tho customary ono

Lt26t25t l+5" Jo John D'L,I&F, Ddi,I&F, At26t25; 3f :r+?arl'[il ;;3f ir|?a:l',Ifl , 'ilf,r r"t'if;3f:rf?b "*3ili:lii;:,'ilf,rr"t'ff "*3ili3lii;:,'ilf,rt"t'.ff "*3ili3lli;: I+8, Nick Nick CaporoLli MuLlin, una. MuLlin, una.,, 1t ura; L.2U23i 1r28:23; 28: ",. ( 1:29:35, (99"inish6!s ) D61. T&F. T8cF. I:29:35, l,rllll.smsou. l{111-tarnsoir,


ASfANCE RUNNIN0 NEWSo".I".l"':":,:;:::,".:






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