04 70 ldl

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$ I PAC F]C ASSOC AT ON'S AGE GFOt]P SENSAT ONS, I,,1]CHAEI BO TANO (ege7), [4AFYETTA B0]TAN0 (age6) AND TAFRY LE!VlS(agr 102) Cover Photo by V\jalt Stock.

:iorc ltsr,crcp


IO: tLrt.:.. 5 rf m6 15, l]o. 1?2 april lo7ofir I,-Rs _l L.loFr ._6 ausp."e\ or. u^e f !lr:r, SLr-cs : I o, -Trlck UntL6d & -.-tJ f:oora.ion, P.0. Bo- 190, LDa"a., A^IzoM at7A2 1'rnue I Subsc-tDt:on .\. JL,OO. .s: "o]. Add .; .00 t<l cLass art or 9i.00 at" ln 'or ,S.q. a.--C.1-rads. S:"jl€ coo:Fs an.iLl_ b-c\ ,i ^1ass a -u".on, rilo1a, .5 rosuos !F'l Lol, oos ".d re.a ral be .-nf drr-c ]y o u--T. t.o. Bo - o. .o.-o !.rl o1a E5-01 - ) 1: . ::, oop-r,1L.". .on,r'tre Jlr6L fo., !rdd-6 .1|s s -o - .ji+o _ rrr .r,,e. :o a o(.r: Ro:-, 0' :I-..1 C-n.e! rrroodlry, St., lt. J. J;03,, \D. ^ - -:e_rTS Actv€rr1s6 yo... ]f:-!]!_ , 9 !r elL-ies. o: .on)-. o :}r( .ea. e sB1-s. 31. oo p-r ' | .--. Lrtl or t oaB6 adveitislr€ re.tes sent upon roquest, St-.IO. J.Af.to .r.L ,AAJ ILIG. -O-. (,6 nltes. t8 ( olp: r-.i: -y i'"" I t.' Z,oo t.:.1., ro-' 1.. -o,-terrain. toL7n of nldwest). Eeautiful fori€. llatlonal & lo a Chsnplonship awards, Senior dlvislon. Excellent competitlon. Iree fodging &. food. Entrtes close on tray 30th. Be.nquet oij tr'!6 evenir€ beforo th-- race. Contact Dr. T.C. Peace, Redfteld, Iaqa. 50233. Tot. Bl3-2301 .rJ I ICA.-01




and Their Training '3P[


=< oN!:,



Boone to Grandfather tlounts.in, I.C, iteld in con. Lncr:on nl.J the o -. dlsch-r" : ox i,rtn l-1.i-

'1:o c,€rl-s. sr'., Jrly ttr\ -1a,-. (21 nll.;. l" y corilCt6u) : r',6s .o: coo-s€ !h111tDs. f 100 Brtarcltffe Rd., Wtnston-Sai€n, \. c,2liA6 S?ECIAI, sAlE r'lhe ohnpic Ganes,' 5r'- the Ecutors 01 Sports lllustratod. Bocause of a s1reclal d"'1n-- ^ r. - l bool, o rc o-L;., no r"r', cs.;'\ 7u o€ os o^ dranaLrc pl o.o -.pn., 9-nce. 2h Jn colo!. ls 'o.. s-a:leb-Lo a nalt prtl.e :oa Untted tlno, It includes olr'nDtc re;u1is t.?ouJh Tokyo. Th€ lisr prlc€ is i)l|.95.,,Tour prlce is on].y 92.50, (troceeds to trelp Ljaddre Atlentlc T&:I prosrB.ns. )Oader fron Ton San.1er, Track Coach, ?enn AC, 251 tL Shefdon Si,, ?hlfa., Pa. 19]20, Dlsrianc! trainlni a drag? Read Joe tten.lersonrs LOiIG SLOV DISTIIiCE. $2.00 fr.on Treck & I'ield llorr, Box 296J l,os A1tos, Caltfoi,rdl 94022. lr:cl & Fiold Ncwr REQI,SST lO T&I & RoA! RACJ IIRECTO]iS- Thore ts an urB€nt need to tnclude seldom rLr-a ev.nts in wf h a r ror d, rrp. TDll & F etd Nrtarrer pkLe.aid. neets thls sprirg. lie n6ed to lnc.ease compotiroq or boor5. ritms and frm oops,Oymp.tou,sdnd posie6 tad iewed rop warches coach nq ii e -cLlr'. J - rl. 20 8 SOl{)r race ., -lu.naids and aqu,pmeni. a( ,.reryrh/nq jor rrack and r r; evonts, ihe narathon, 5 & 10,000n, sreepLearEse, hannor, javelin, triple j u]np and i.ecatl1ton. EverXirhina that r.ro can do to Aet pronoters to stage ihese events, ob!:ously holps ou.r fntornattonal Conp6tillon. %.l,oos_do"I,onJ.:.lrs llarv Rothenstolnts TmFEtS A I'LTILAN 3EIliG It\I . on--u pe: re - - "rd .:.6.-.11 _ 6 ..:r-T5-r-T sl.fti\Tsri:tT 64 pases 1969 $2.00 trom Long Distanco 1-og, 305 tf. Cente1. St,, 1,,oodbuly, N.J. D-3Jion " \.1-l os.- c.e(tto:n , -ecor.d ..re _-.T.IT... D_..y (D6\61ob6d er O,:rota Spo-. Upp P'.'t. I- lrs: -],. ;r!:r tou, ' alte-. /'t1a-e. r'i".o s ' coioreo u,-iri .y,6psrs ..o.op"q o.t s--or'tdd. Lo rrd€ "r 'pa e. rd p ojbc+'on ^h ors. Il c besr rr I€ around, These aro Ceslqned to be Eut lnto sr@]l a.Lro d,6- tn'J. ttest y 2 -rles ts ._,, Bolioli - Tbe start at lJ^Dkinfon. 1oos. leaf notcbooks. t2.00 fr.on ione Disianc€ _ov r Photo- l:lcnael Bolt .o,-, I"-Je LoA, 106 li. Center St., Vioodburj, N.i. j!l?,:6: l,:".t -c!r".'o s Anrru- L;r.:in_"ct_ Condittordntr lor Dlstanco Running bJ Ton Osler '.9Y'- }]nd nr6_ds Dr1nar 11 san:.s.cl .o. t.e '. -1 ;1.00 ,"o lon .D1sta'co L6S, ru -yeEr-ol(i a.ttve ,,/at,.r of rne rio e1 rsn 10OJ 1L Scn Dl.do I 6! -.',t.a.cls . r.r tn t7s. L. € dolLano kldc \.ve rult-rorst -o... .


rlCli hl-'l]-, lx. rh1rt, -..'r.rdt lFa ir'r _ 'l ')r a .;i lbouiI lil; r:ar is lir".i:tn trl.lesl.;r' ,ri11s !?l1 flsi ine :-i hrati point ci ! race, Pboto- r.1i'r;.storBotton 1-.i t- linlji.l.l1 nil.s. iiill xnd DnJion :irc still Lolloticl,, --JeIf

itcn t1i,ht--jr'1L at'-er tlre r.r.c. Ec








BRfTAIN SETS aOSTON MARATI{ON RECORD; OtREnly OF U.S. ?LACIS SECO}ID Boston, Mass-, Uonday, Aprtl 20- Defytne the crL,_nblest condtrlons slnce 1939, poker_fac€d ROli


Ron_Itll1 oi ch€shlr6, EnsLand, electritl;d rhe B.A.a. narath;n;t sptashlnti;o; t"pxi"i"" to tsoston 1n a xecord 1.Ihlr1 of 2:10:10, The flrs! Enatishnan to iapiure tr,is worra_;,.n.,;;ovent' the stvllsh 3r-voar-o1d researcb textlre chenirt chopped tbi"es rx'.uies and f9s off tbe prevlous standard bv Japanrs yoshlakl uneta.r. a vear as;-vhlre postlr€ a srbstanrtal ,!9y-:;:.:".r,, ov:r-9:if:h:rse lMon o'netlr), a rarlairle rirsn""" rco" .n- na.:on.s uireralv, 15' a ror,1le! G€org€rorn track captaln, was novhel€ 1n s18ht until 0urs1d6"spLtar. B;star co11€Je. fle-uas-flylng, rher6after, and €.1so beat unetantrs nark, cJverlng th" t€red 26-mt1-., ld5y dlstance in 2r1I;12. 1lLs consolarlon was a, Gorican i:.trzen", "ai;:s;i;i:' reioraHIll llteralty crushed the second taiaest fl€1d (Lol1 starters) 1n ttrs ft+_y.ar r,r"iory-oi the_racs aitor assurnlng conpl€te conuisnd on th€ approach to \,r61f6s1ey, tud r,arr""y,narir. A11 ]-he ch€ch-polnt fecords u€re sjra L€r6d, sno so oo was ceinsn_born J6ro-r€ Dra, on. u€ zr-yea?-ard accounrant Lralnes fron Toroato uho nanded Hl1t . is o.ty 1969 rerarnoi: aeieat at F'rkuoka, Japan, D6cenb6r 7th. Drayton mde it a t{o-nan sho1., tbr;ugh Natlck (to.l+ mr.j and_l.las flfth at ltel1esley, onfy to becone a drop-out with severe cra;pE betore the tl6t_' l.es]'ey 81l1s. The fantastlc early pac6 just about exhausted nost challeaAors, ,,rho battfod a st€ady -aln, ch 11 Dnd sErons nead!:nds s]] !re rcv, J- iLs vict-T, HttI, uho is --+. 12q, avorageo a s-sge€.tr€ L:/9 nrnu.os ber aLle, -ne 11\esbt€- Br'ro; was-21 -trur,es unier rra -ecoro at ltooota:o r."r< iiZ.5 n11"",, 6sr q;11-out any kno{16d9€ of 0iRellly, Ron purpossly relaxed a blr over the Ne!,ron Hti1s. Pat J'lcMahonts lrlsh eyes i,'ere sniltng after tlnlshtna thlrd, The 28-yesr-o1d Lo{e11 school teacher clocLed 1t ln hls s11--1-€ oersonst b-4 , ":I:,J. ano oursp,LrlFo penfcr RunpBkko Loppavesl, Finland, for the bhlrd spot. Bu,.nnakko, totb fast ye;r, ras shoul_deF -of to-shoulder {1th Mcl'lallon ln th€ firal bur nrsjudeod rh; flnish tine and dove ai a yeuow closs ralk 30y fron the finlsh 400y, 1Ine. Rlr]1r.ak].o 's countrtrnan ltalte Hakkaroinen, t},o years older at 29, aained flfth place in a stead] effort. Hakkaralnen's 2:19:\2 was seven seconds beiter than boylsh-look1na Ken l.toore of the Oregon TC & the U.S. A-J, uho calleo !I11 s ,"1 l --rr! Lv .rv ..nqinoner, conslder'nF rhes€ ulck6d "ondt!Lon;,' !rrc1.€o (en, 'r 3r"-;;.,"1 i"";;'";;;;'6 all over. It as the flrst t 1n€ I crleal ln a race, T\inklng 1! ;ver, Iid have to say th6two top flnishers acoounted for the tlro Areaiest eflorts sv6r, for any narathon. n ' Bob l4oore, 29, an asslstant professor at the Vnlversity of Toronto, llipped tro noiches fton 1969 and ras s€venth 7n 2:2ota7. LI l.ras spent at tlE 6nd and lost tuo places,'I the transplant€d EnAt_tslrman sald. ,'The pace requlrod too mucb effort 6ar1y. I'rl a thtn (117 pounds) nan and I aouldn,t take lt. It ns.s b1tto" cold. Irve r€.c6d all over tho l'orld, but never suffored 11k6 I dld today. Sovet€. Thatrs hov lt ]'as. " Othe! top t€nnors 1.Iere veteran Andy Boychul< of Toronto, 2:21t06, elghth; 196B rlumerup Btu C1a"k of Phlladel-phla, 2t22.!7, nanth, and 23-year-old Canadlan WaJn6 Y€tnan, tlE 10th nan tn 2t2?132. The Toronto olrnplc club oasily won the toan tit1e. The falfure of the Japanese to nount a threat Nas sulprislngt l,l6xico's Jos6 Garcla Gaslax {a]lo1red 1n 20ts1 p1ac6 and ths No.l Korean, Cha Ei,an Ktrr, scratched. Iio had s. knae problen. Sle€per Kunlo I'ujlta r,,as the best Nlppon entry, but 17th, and 'uay back ln 55th r^,as th€ next Japanese rllnne?, Koklchl Ucblno. After'an amazln€ l:03-p1us offort, 62-Xeer-o1d John A. KelleJ of Uatertown, ].{ass., a twotine wllrner, saId, rI'v6 run tbls narathon 19 t1rcs. Thls lras one of the coldest. rlih rs.1n. Tt was ltk€ rl9 Hben Tarzan Bro{n broke the record. Luckily, I plastered myself dith gres.so snd o11 and tt helped ne. I nas shootlr€ tor a 3tn, so I hav6 to be pleasod.r' H1lI was d6ad1y ln destroylnA Drayton, rho was descrlbed by Bob l,1oor€ as "an unconventlor! al chap.' Ron openoo a 125y l6ad st .,J€1los1eJ Coltea". snd nas o-f by 11n"e1f, 6otr€ ?:26 under tl6 reco-d at Ue116s1ey, jr €re I b hed a 5Js l€ed. BltWblt OrRe111y putled fi11f back & afier tbe thlrd tteuion hl1l 1t \.ras a race aaaln. He uas 175y back at Clev€fand c1rc1e. "H6 r'6a11y rode r€ run those last t1.Jo ndles," Ellf sald, rrThe lsst foul n11os u€rc the tough6et, t had start€d to get tvlnges, Lrhtch are uke a fiarnlns for c"arnps, Thls lias unusual for ne. The record? It 1"Ies more than T could bope fo!. obvlous}y, thts takos seconal to ny European chenplonshlp. I thought I had a 2:B or 2:14 ln roe, but I couldnrt concelvo

a faster tlne.rl H111, ,,,rho ran ln a flsh-net jersey and scanty BhortsJ also credited a speclal diet for hls tttltlating trlu,nph, but ldoufd not dlvulJ€ li. "Just say li lnvolvos a high proteln dlet,l Ron sllliled, 'rand I started 1t €18ht days boforo the !ace. It,s e secret,rr 'rlry onl-y plan aftor thr6o n116s fias to run D?ayton oLrt anC t had no ldea what qy tine {as untl l Jock S€mp1€ b€gan yslUn8 to ne sfter tho halfrs.y point,"Ron sald. orR€1lfyrs Anerlcan recond rras achlevod 1n only ids thli'd conplete narathon. The Georgetorn graduate student ran her€ last year, 'Ibut only for oxpsrlencej'r he sald, '!I was arouti 70th or so. llor'r6ver, lt {asntt s compotltive €ffort, buit Just to g€t the feel of thlngs.' 0n hls laie bld, rh6 N6u JerseJ mLlvo sdid, I Has i.:on6 1xd clo..Ln- o_f Ll e hll]s ard thoueht I had s chance at H111. I flas clos€ enoueh to reallze I uas c]o." enoudh to win, at the end of l,al{e Str6et, but thon I ran low on eneiSy. My cslvos started to crMp, too. A11 I c9q1d thl_nk of uas +og1n€ sscond pl-ace and I {as thlnkliu about al1 the hard Doik wh1cil TJve wo,nen rtnlshect !h6 raca 1eo by 14Is. S.ra Ber-",.-.J . or Canl rldAe la an unoCflclaf tr*'"i ii6s. iq'ii. ifrrii- ririd6rt-. :ii i? A,itr'$'n, N.r.. c-ock€d J:12'

E! B.A.A.


I l







]t!k6 Day, orrara vauey Tc, 1, Ron Ht1l, Ensland, 2:10:Jo; 2, Ea-qon o'Roll- ?:[g:g]; Bll. Bt11 co;don, St.Anrh,Bt" 1:lio:16; 1y, Athons AC, 2tllr]?i J. ?at Mcl&non, BAA, 85. r6ti,r L6ver, Toronio' Oc, - r: l+O; [.4; 2;tto:29 Ba:-'-' 2!lh:13: [. Penttl Ru.'nnsk]io, FlnLano, 2:14:59; C] arles J. Koatins, ],taloen,'2:LoriO:'82.'.rr. < Lor 1a Hatzrlon.l n .,--._-, *rl9_:42; b, K€n BartrLett, Far HlILs AC, 2:l+tt0B! BB. Nornan Moo-6, oreson rcd 2tt9tl!?i ?, Bob Moore, roron- l4arrnclc; NyAc, 2:41:lL; ed.'a""""ii i.ill" to oc, 2:20:0?; 8. Andy Boycnuk, 2:21: NuC, 2:qi;19i So. Cr arri,s W. Brsol_ov. -To.onro, 06; o. 8,11 Cle-k, Dl^L]a,Ac, 2t22,-I1i 10. l,rayne snor6 o_Lynptan Ac, 2:Ll.:28; 91. viriianLak;_ !, oc, zi22t)zi jrr.uarT dannlson, OrrFrod, Jr., Waltharn IC, 2:l+1:31: 92. Rarnrond vancouv€r o.ptrnr'et. srrl d6rs, ,2t?3tt8i re, Ldr,t, Menzre, Marln Ac, 2rurrj4j d:. -rairiial"--vi;r"']1rl, zt2)tzbi rJ. rerlI !j. Dyko,tu., EsA, Fb,L€e, va,, 2:t+1:3?l 91. Vlc_ eaae., Hocl',hocklns r^c,-2t23tLsi, !1. wtl]ls-n. tor lratrlowB,'cuot"r, i,. eroi, ic] >1.i+iri;; 9t: spocr, rrovr-oo'1ce !orrege, r:/LL:4rj -L). rrob Eua€ne Tooney. Mlllros€ AA, 2:l"O:16; 96. Jonn D€lfts, osk1and, calLf.;2t.4\:5o, 16. ar$y Bur- va1€nttn6, oii::"on Lnr,,, 6i,i;; ,;i\.,ii;;i':' foot, c6rtral caffi.M, 2:25127i 1?. !.un1opujrta. Hrado;, DLnes rc, 2:fu:13!'ge. tofrir'c. va_ yanasucnl, Jaaen, 2tz5:5Ot 18. Or-if aatrhls, ,r-. Hal necre,-rcrc, 2t-]:23;99. Daiio ode11. uu;kra Dela$'ac6 I&-F, 2t27t29t 19. Sr6re Dean, sacrrei- g.-Co1t6g€, ohi;, 2r.rl,Zg; ],Oo. t"riiii;;;;l to siat6 Col-l-eae, 2t27.37t 20. Joe6 carcta cas- ardl, narrrsturg, ba.,2.t)$30, par, 14611co,,2:27:12; 21._Rafa61-P6r€2, cosEa Loies...F"ed Ei*n;-tte;...,r n€ed a br! of Rlca, 2:20:06;^22. Js.nes^C.-_Co1v1n, S{arthrnore t1nr6 or tbe BAA su,nnartes as the ch6ck sheets Coll€A€, Ie., 2t26to9t 23, Moses Maeft6ld, Jr., H€pe soal,tng H.r. Iu.klfy r\ere uere i_ro lna., Flladelpj I!1, Pa.-, zt2ttl)j 2lr, Frsd Bes!. ete€ts, l,e j{11 lls! th; resuhs u/.n receContr'al Jersey Ic, 2t25t2oi 25. vtrelt x.Y6hr€rt lved,,,The flrst 1oo fintshers were taken Akron Rosd Ru,.in€rs, 2:2Er?7; ,6. !eLer c. Sclpe, fro:l 'r6 Bos-o-r h"-afd Traveler, Bos on Rec_ BAA, 2:28:11; '/, aob F€h6y, To.on!o oc, 2:28:3r ord AT..1"an ano Boston olobe--;11 olffe.cd 28. cary Munrcl,6, Ml11-rose AA, 42U)7t )9. J n d!6er1y. as usuall,..The vounser Johnn de11'7 :ui:-r-d a .acled rlb uh€n he LIt'a fenMcDonasl, M111ros€ AA, 2:28:49: J0. l,larshau AdarAs, North Cerollna TC, 2t29to9; 31. ToE Der- ce_po3t trrinA to got ar.ray fron a lanpa€lnA at6rlan, NUC, 2t29t571 32. Rafnond S, W111, Sa!- bulL rihe {6ek bofore the fiarathon whll€-tr;i+ 1na 1r a psstur6 at crojjon, Conn. xe fln1sh6d nla, ontarto, 2:J0r08; 3J. Gar Vllflel,rs, vsc, 2t3At2)t 31J,. Jack L6yd1a, W€st Valley Tc, c11lf. 15lrd. "I knor.r Itee been cold bofore 'trlle be2:3Att2t 35. Phll Ryanr BA4, 2:31107; 16. Johr rri.'rrdne,I' lL' sald. 'rBut I never nenenb€r Moustt, Toronto 0C, 2:3I:I+; 37, ren )Iue116r, 1x: alir colder snc I can't ronenber the last iine J ,J.ni tf,.ouSh a race l1ke tbls.r BAA, 2:31:16; 18. r,l11113.n J, Iarrey, Iry?C, 2: clubs si:arted..?he bad woathor condlttons 3It27, 39, Paul J, Bernstelnr BA-q, 2:31:47; Lo, 1+1 Louls E. Pau1,Jr., Canbridee Sports Un:on, 2:31: rea11t- boijhered tbe Japanese, 1(or.6ans and 5?; l+1. Gerald R. T6a1, NlaAara Falls, ontario, Cential A.n6rican deleAates,,Ron H111 is narand ir3s tDo sons ased flve ani seren & 2t32too; \2. lleil covl1Ie, {t,Ro"val Francs ,r.rds r'1ed 2t32t2-!t l+3, Terience Gallagher, litia, 2t32127; I'an autonLobiLe ]ou wouldn' t think nuch of lf you sa it,rr Htll rulls because he calls it a !4. Ken Kuna, south Jelsey IC, "t)2t3\i \r. way of f1f6. After tho race he spurned the lrlc llalther, St. Anthony's EP, 2t32t)Et \b. v cLorlano Loo€z. c ralenala, 2:.14:[!j L7. Ron beel sreu and reo je]1o 1n favor or a l,ltcheDaws, T!.Jtn citles Tc, 2:13:olF Ir8. carl Eereford lob whlch he caanl from a plastlc cup. se o.caro11m Tc, 2:31:09; 49. carlos cuque, Guata-'!,tas a house suest of Davtd wllUens ln Wtnchest6r, Mass, tor a nala, 2:ll:31; 50. Afsn J. Haasr san l']arlno, Tho 1tl1ams ! had Carj'f.,2t33t35t 9f. Rlck Bayho, NUc, 2:13:55i also ontertalnod Deve'reek. UcKenzie, nilDer of the 52. charles x. Koeppon, UGTC, 2:3Lt:05, 51. Dous nErarnon 1n 1967, Htllrs cholces for br6akBlltt, $arin Lc, 2:3\tt9j 5l+. Jtm no{efl, North f€.st !'ero cereal and Jal]1 sandlrlches. fle then b6for€ caroltna TC, 2:9+rir; 55. Koklchl Uchlno, Elro- took a tlto-nlIe Joe irhroush l{llchestei ehorlna uo early 3L hop,{jnron j en-ear.Iy, snl:ra, Japa-, 2:31+53;56. !,..111p c. Carlon, Sedo-s -tc, L,A,, 2:)9:06;57. Illchael D. StLne, drlven ov6r by lJ'11iens...Al 6:o? r.n. i1a cbluins, perslstont raln, Euasne Roberts l4,nchester caL]ee6, 2t)5.I3t 58. I,orne BucI, finish ltno, aftlost 3ev6n hours Toronto Strlders, 2r39:211 59, Vlnce chl€.ppetta, crossed the afte! he rrunofftcla]ly' b€gan a renarkabl€ Akfil1lrose AA. 2t39t)+At 6a. Wlfl1an ileldenan, 'ace. He fos bor! leos aiL_.5cJnp s.o, .o ron nRC. 2:j6:17; 61, '.Iil.I1ln IIcGar, NeE uo'k destroy mtssion in vietnan, AC, 2t6t2o; 62, Kris Clon-1n, unlv. of Guelph, olr a,search-a-l]d 'o. -966. ',' ro-sr'on o:s anzt\a;zE: a;. Jorn J, Ke116y, BAA, 2:35:ro: 64. IIav 1-red si -ao o-e t.e tlorran ia errrude, V-c.orla Flf,lng 'v" lC, 2:3": c€ 1n a uheelcaet". d' s of-flc'al noon sLs tn r oB: 6<. Alheu Masseouol. BAA. 2:J7:10i 66. Jor n i,apliano. se.llo;s Tc, 2:)1tI7; 67, nlcLs-d all uent bv hia alo,r ri e r-y. e plc!'d up '!1ends ano suppo-LFrs ano oo-.l.e 6scor's S"lultr; Suar"ihflor€ co116e€. 2t37ta1t 66, "-a F1en14s; ?atorson State college, t:t,J., 2.3?t"7; fron_Bxookflne end Bosion hcadtng lnto town. At Forest Parn s.' '-r Bcl:rcreJ coie uas 69. ra;-rln R. Baron. J-.. Ne' vork, ':J?;'I; a. dls s' -e l 1s 1 10:0L 'uo -Lle o 70. Pon c"'r, Yc, ':38:oI; 71, Lar-y B6"nan, his c.ediij' X€ ent.r€d the lin.lne Corps and, CSU. 2:38:03! 72. Jdnn \1. Stel,art, Motor City one onLh a_t€r crc:/ln6 . .ioc er' r€ rras Strldor". 2:38:11; ?1. ReTnond a-1, H:nAna':. uoJ1ded...r-Lch Ses1l squa6/'d tn e nara'h2t3Uatt 7 t. {006-t r,rurstor, r:asnllsion, D.c. on botueen a luncheon in Kan3as clty and an 2,38t29t 7t, iiusb Sfieeny, cJ'rC, ?:3bt39t 7b. a.ppearance on tho lierv criffin Tv silou ln Nelr David Harrlson. TCTC, Mlnn., 2:18:l+6; 77, lat vork. IL uas i.ts -L n lle"s -.o1 st.lce .e ran Bas.:.k, Itllkose r,.a,, 2:\6:(?: 78, ll . s-1'.4-d nde'.-sd: 6 Gro^oc ;. rs}. ha"Jail, 2:19r17; 70. ALe) Lnoe- Jn \ts r:rit..1o;5. sssa'., a ororessor o lsss:"3 t M, iur ;, Jr., 0t:o rc. ,:J9:20: 80. De-en Yal€, ls rih6'authoi'ofrrl,ore storv,r'a bo9k v;"-r';a;;: t"liiirose A,{,-z::9i:?;-81. Patrlck r.'.r"J",'rcrc, i:tg:t+i: az. iohn rarek, :,'rc, lt?i"13""?;3 ::.::? i?:; iil'i"rllli,:,,Xi 1i3:'




sha.t (Jelf Jo\nson ?jroto)


40 Y!nDS T0 lc

F (q

74th ixxr! 3.A.A, lllAttATHolt SUII!]ARIES Apxi! zA, I97a. A cold raln throu:fiout tjhe ent.i set of tin6 sheets @ r:cre {et naklna re3ults .very dtfflculr..shcers,,er6 rocordeAalli:ysneets ri,ca no.rn,sr.. ,_rur:!:l+lf ?:. the, i1rcn, and.ueor8o ]rlna. The results of those she;is ner. rar,it:t,:.1 by ili!'*:--r,g"l ulrh a roluctant asslst frcn oraco Erofin. Tony lioto garc FI'e.t r-tneo_ graphed coptes of the offlcial sheets and rhen th.r€ aooit irr":f If a runner feels thet h6 las left our send Fred (157""o "uro ".o." lratsh St., I.r;dford, l{ass,j"r""r."a att-'he'.'o 1a-Ion a"Etl1bl- u !h - se1f aqqre.seo eno-o:op- L- ." f' -.-. ..\ -. o!4 runners cracke.t 1I l ouls101. Goldhor, Canbrldso Sporrs rnlon, !a2. Josoph coblenir, F.adi_ '1'n-dJonathan j,la-sl Ll. co-Llea€, lrncasie-, Pa., ?t,\t)91Ztl,t32,ir"ii:-y:.".., J; e\ rc,' -0.r, /:L.jt4tt !t)\. Lr4: ne co-o', ce --on-rc, T6",s, 2:L.:1.8: _0-. r a r€" so,.. il1!., Ai, , 2t+3t53t 106.-jr1-keni.a, rr-ooas JasminJ Nllc, 2:l+1r54;.10?, trriliisjr rilurki, x.r-t o;tr, 2:l+4:03! l0B, de -,io I Kes;nsa Tc, ,:l'L:65: .109. r*r. s""i".li .or:h e.( .o_teL, ,

I;.)2r 110. h.nr e-n YoL-n:, cntca. o, ':LL:lr: rir. 'i-r c;;.i-,'""n._,ro.:.- . -. c, Daie]'s, sycmor.€, I11., 2t.\)+152t ra3, Tel.ir't oshica, .rop"", i,r+rr.i5e ijllrr:Udj 112. durt usshl}tton.sp^o_rr c-lub, 2:45:01; i15.-A1vln cord_'nan, l.{onlre;l dn1A; rr4):u2! r1b. !av1l rr!1eJ, B{{, 2'45:0Ji 117. p6ter Is!,-6u, villlans collea., 2:4i:12r 1ls, Jaoes "1*:^g:riT.uill]9"_, s;y1e, Roch.st€r lc' 2.4r'\)' 119. tbo@e Eoffndr v*t oranse, N.J., 2'd5jl1i 12c.'rav1d r,hton, r,.t:,2,45.191 2:

lJtle., 2.4r.45i.122.-tuqk C1snz, i,en! t\C,2r4r,46i 12r. Dsvid tirze;!a1d; H1l]€, 2145158t \24. Michsel slino, othe4ays Ac, z,4e,y1 t25'.:u-ta turssbs, r,ir st"i. u,rv,, 2t15.161 126. Chet lortie!, l,}tc, NMC, z:46r20r_r27. led aolbltt, fiFr, irdb:2A; i2S. Jaae! ,trdre{s, Colgai;; 2t46t)2i r29. JaBes lahy, L,,Iach. sr!1de!6, 2'4b..lti !]tr!, 2,4b:19i 1J1, ]l/iUlat ^rJo. _T.m -4bns, '{.lch, uaMC, Q'Atlc-o, va., 2t46t4at 112. David !or11!a, @t., 2t46t56i tlJ. RdIf h thcMB, r,/ateni11e rc, 2,46,abt Jurio quevedo, oMtotule, 2,47'o0r Ut, Bilt schve!, Nev ror! nc, 2,tjtc4t jr6, lo*t 1.,".i,-di,'iililii,i11,. 117. Tho@s slsseor, IiiliaB stlte, 2,4?;2r, 1la, nobeli co:rr.y, r.!].i. ;c,'2,41.r4t rlg. cuo"e" io"r,*o, Cornilg, N.I., 2147t44i 14a. Palk serDer, Jr., lLrrlsbu8 ,*r, :,lt'q5; 141, tiian lar11onis, lrorceeter ri, 2t47t49) 142. !1orr Rodd, rllsEada, car1r., 2t47t49i 14r. lee llo:l.y, tr^ri\ \a, 2.47159t rt+,',1r, lor..i roi"y, Mlme.ota' 2:48'05r 145. dr Me€han, stlatford s!€lt.hs, 2'46'15; r45. r4nier rioleltshs{, rheh. st!td6r., 2,4i; 28i 147. Doa lindcrt St. Anth,lc, 2r48rJ0i 148. lelhie lau:gas ! lrooklt&, 2t4St)1t 149. Cba.te! lyson,-mC; 2:48!l8i 150, Call W6stb6rA, So.Co.n.AC, 2.4A.)Ai 1r1. Cdr./ !e:rs.hr lsMC, isnrtco, 2r4e:40, 112. pslotd n€lbs., ,rr'est Vatley TC, 2:48'42i 151. l,/i]11ar.irlold,_Ott!r- ye11ey TC, 2:48,4?; 154. {1 Vi1i1a!!, llllC, 2:48l 49r 155. Eichald lames, ihelson coUese, 2i48'50' j56, Jo6erh liciiafr!3, lufrulo, N.y., 2:4s:55i r57. r.ioue connor, Nuc, 2t49,att \re. lelney Eance, I11inois, 2r49:14r 1t9. iobert grsei! so.car st"iaur", :,49,:z; reo. John cedabolh' Basta\ 2t49.t2i r6r. il.. lavid vo!ih€!, alcrire ra,2t19Jart 162. ltron r,o,ry, saa r!6n.1sco 161. Jon link, Ner Yo.k, 2'49!42. 164. acbll .insFeb, liet:.!ir€ srride!6, ai49r44r 155, rdvalrl 94,2.49t,1t Philtp!,J!,, USIF, 2:49:57; 165. C.oide Sheehan lrd, i.:s!er TC, 2r5i:O5r 15?: Jaoes Hct&de, N.y,, 2rror06i 168. steven L,a!e, NMc, 2:50:12, req. ni.hA:9 TashJlen, ril{c, z,:c.ti; tic. r;.*" tuErr, {est conc.rd, Ma.s., 2ttotl6r 111. Eovard !'oy.,J!., Earydd, 2.50:tBi 1?2, iriL11!tr Brn&tt, i._-! _rive. TC, i!rOrtgi i7l. joh! j?4' Jop whitehouse' ,qinse! idk-;s Rc, 2,50,1,1i 171. lirror va1er, llasrena, x.y. -Rocktold nRc' 2!50:r0: !e!qj, l?7. 2t5At45t 176. !€n M!1kaslaD, I,1llhos. AA,-2r50:50! Ilancls lia€rerson Jr:, iin€e! !ake6 tC, 2,1O,55i1e. cale Ialra, v&ncouver 0C, ztrat59, j79, Cillette nerles Jld, ,*., 2:51!oc; iBo, Rolerr Corsdon, i,inser 2151:0!j 18r. ceolse cavras, rin€e! rdkes Rc, 2:51:o8i 182. Robert clarke, rjcclll rni.\,,2,r,t:l1i-1aJ,rqt"s 19, Ed{ard Stable!, SFacus., N.Y., 2:51:15i 1e4.-Ddtet i@de€o!, t{ateFiLle AC,2t:1t21i re5. ;,.tlur siug.o, |lY_uC 2t51t29t 146, reeLlo Rototuii, Xr,iC, 2!51t46; 18?, caorge Zeklet.z, Co'e]l Un1v,, 2trlt57i 1BA, t4i.haei O;t1.g_ her, Voroont, 2t52tA4| 189, huee Dolrarz, NMC, 2tr2t'rt 190, ChElleE Huhran.n, peM 4C, 2,rZ,oSJ j9t. ?hoBs rrol€kI.., Cor,nell Un1v., 2!52:10i 192. Mark_Svem, Nev pck-, pa., 2t52t.t3i 191. toU n *".,'S"nio""'rC, Z,5z,r4; 194. tuv. rirrleh&Les, Mi11!ose e, 2!52'15t 195, Steven yas, rilooilir;; uiJ",,'2,;z,zz1 ige. x""""ti,'ri';,{".]' c91]"s:, 2t52t27i 197, ravld vose1, craDd st,6er nc, 2.52t29i 1is..r"oe" ll"gus, !1"i", ctt; s;";::;;' Iti!l_.t 2.tr2.t6i Gresoly olbdoh, sen Di6so, cauf., 2t52t42t 2aa. litLt;n leeney, !o6r;n,|t; 2r52,4?i io1. r€!!ir -199. r{ilso!, Jedmotte Ha!!1ers, !a.t 2"2.r4r tutph pafie.berser, J,., @.", 2tr2tr6i r6j. ;i, ii.;i;; r\.ria;2trat14i 2a4. &n161 l€leon, Yale Uhiv., -2a2. 2or. larrick paroe!, ch!@ea, 2trrt24i 206, stepb;a ioldb.rg -2,rt'22t I1l1!oj.6 Tc, 2t5)'26. 2a7. Rlcbeld lalth€ln€s, oneonta state ooll€se, N.y., 2,i1,41; zoa. phi11p ie3rh, Nuc, ' 2a9. Phiu! !ord, Usnsfietd, ohio, 2.5T4ei 21a. Ted !ond; !6uvde tLi, 2,51,1o;211. Robelr !d.ik ?.5):!6t N€v York, 2'91'54i 212. P6re! EalLop, I{ichiAanr 2ri4rozj 21r. lbank TyEsk, t4tchtgdn, 2!14,10, 2t4. d!.g !@_ ton, st€te colleao, P'd,,2.54t12i 2.15. *L1eD cihs, !h11e.plonee! crvi,2ti4t)21 2rb. Tho@s cooirry, !tr"1_ ford slartans' 2"4'J7i 217. Pate! lorden, csu, 2!54;41i 218. Frsncie ucroBra, c.eenfielii, a,54'41i)19. oeolse sil8ch, N,-r.,2tr4tr6i 220. I(eqeth !!oh, Hsreri@d coUeae, !a., 2t:,1;57 Z2t. waiter corooo, srec, 2.r4trqt 222, tho@s ,. 3io{nj llbany YMCrr, 2t55t)5t ,.2t. ThoEE l,{artirson, ?{in Cit16s .rC, Ztr\t11. i24, c6!a1d P. cood, sloran Ac, 2'5tr15! 22t. !ou16 uame@che! lrd, villanov4 lJrr\., 2tr5t2ri 226, Huah v. AulEon, 06ha'a l6aion T&i.c, zttt.t)i 22.1. Robelt c. sdluven, BAA,2t55trli 228. E.lruce iyederlckson; syraeu6. lc, 2,rr,t9\ 229. John C. Cau1r, Mlchisan, 2t5rt44t 2ta. MFon !1selov, soston ,i,!, 2:tr.4ri 2rt. J;oe: A, cooyn6, lake E.ie ,i'{, 2r55!58r 212. Joh! |/allacej taa,2tr5t5g,2t), Beme\t E. rrracb, !tr5,:ii trr,!.r,, ?:16:oo 314. r,rd!€" rirschner, cSU, 2rt6t2Ot 2Jt. l,/!1rer Churcb11l,Jr,, foledo nnC, 2,16,26: 2)i. Eoblr t. u-nsaj, spartan Ac, 2,56t2a1 2a7- Mictrae:! r. Retf, _Milllose n,i|, 2,55:r,; 2lo. !sv1; N. stteat.itz, Roch€5te!, N,r., 2tt6t)3\ 2J9, }Ethd N. Rotelts, N.J., 2.56.t7t 240. RoEld lrosah, NMc, 2156t45i 2 1. a-amert t . c6rshtun, {.Y., 2'56r49; 242. Johd Oarza, J!., l,lotor Clty Stlid6!., 2'56'50; 241. ichael !.. te*ri!t, l(.nosha, ll1€c., 2t5,6tt6t 244, tremeih J. !rw6o!, loston stet6 CoU€Ae, 2!5?r02; 245. Dotutd i. r{itkin, tlhanr, N.y., 2:57;tOl 246. Eqqh Steirhenson, sldthdore Co116gs, 2157111, Z4'1. Johh 4. O'N?i1, Llke jtlie {rr, A,57r20r 2,1S. tru;thx i{eidDn, Moto! Cit,}. Strld€r5, 2r)7t21t 249. John M. Babl.Aton, Nita, 2.57,2)i ato. Jtrti.: ,, ,"ugi:,.lt(t, 2,57, 21i 2r1. Ja^ts osenbde, hinc6toh u^lv., 2.57t291 2r2. tiurr].c\ ue!d/, us^! i€deoJ, 2rtZ:?9i virri", a. oie€, loston t\a,2tr7t5ti 254. tumut Niorl1l8, Ve6t Cercly, 2'5e:02; 2t5, tonatd C. B-eiold,z!;. ir,rC, :,5O,te; Thoe,s ll. rleakreyt lloto! Jity Srride!€, 2.5sta1i 2j7. (e1so, CaU, 2.51t24t 2tA, ii.db ?59: ^rCai", trq, -Jo6^ 2:53:29i 259. Irani{lu S. Srx.,Senlore'IC, L.A., 2t56t)1\ 250. fhoMs i. U"-, i' rn."., ar1if.! 2:58:rdr 26i, jouth Jerlev Tc. 2:58:47i 262.^EuseDe,!ove!1ch, filchls:rn, 2:59:15: 25J. Jlnes r_. Ial.y,.ir., llqlr, rerro!itz, Nrtic r 2:t9:16r 264. lavld Knlihion , da€rri.€ron sc; 2f9tr9t zgt. M"jii; s,iii, u{o, 2,19,20 121. Patrlck l4iUe3, Yale vr'ellesrey

2 il},*i"' ilii::$ 2t59t4tt i!*"r**':gi:i':iilil,il;ril"ii\""i::"*f"n{7,yiii41';'21,i?:zt:v,i: 274. c6o. Eottlla, htnc.td, if;,i,,t'it'"i;"ik"ii?*,3.,il:,"t;"fidt';:tid';i;;fti;":;'f#i'n#lli.li::*l:'li;:ili:il:::



;nf;:iffi ;'*i';$i:'priiixl?ii;'.H"i;;ri:!]im.i*:lii?:::il1*i,;l;:

Bob.lt E. cl@iras, n C, ,rO1,2ot 2ge. vq_relal cal, tto1t2ir'2a9.,;,ir""'cr".i",, wTc, ,:o1r24i 290. per6r

:il;$::,9;:Tti#i:';"3i3il'31,i,,1;,"ifri:,3: 5;:"1|",,f';l:;:':*;1,;i?j,:li:l:i,ru:;i:'i:1":l;,, ;Hlffi,'}i;:'":;::'i:';::i:Tffi|,";,fffir.r,ii"j:ls"&*il; ui',;1e,i:il.rr'o*" s.'r,ssio",-r"i,*ii,'i,r. i:.Tij:';,t:"fr::fi' m;l';;l*:l,i:l;.1',"$iif:ii,*:".t. cou.s.' r,oz,2o' ,.:.

^i"6;;i.ilii"i;f #t;*:filii#;3iiui"i;ji:ti:FT:,]ii:.Fir:di!:;iii#:;,rL:i::Ti;,:i;r:u.'*ti.r*j:::.. :iI*;i'lrl;:;qTr: ;:#ii;:i:ii,;:I*fft"i::::;il'sift::.tr:ii:.i,.. i=l+-:,flll=tyr*::l3f,: jil:iiiliii:1{!in"

;l;;,hi'!.ii#=39!.11tu.';:e;\t,;iz;.n:xH;:;;:*#.i,].;"'lt/D. Red@n,

tto4'rat t22._\&t c1luhlck, !,1red aa, rto4t47i l2r.



r"ir"d"i 6tit"

correge, 1roii5o,

jii, n.i u-

i,it3ii3rl'ii.iif f;:+::ii#;|',5;;.,ii#,:.ff; **H: i:l;;*1';;;i;i:j*^: r.,." r.i",v,'s!,i,;:t, u.i.,


uedv' !saF' ios'stt tti' -";;Jllliifii]dr'?:*'"il*:'**' lg;l;;:';;1.";*:il*:i;::*il:f;' i::.riti.i..','1,05,5e1';. ;;"";a;;;,'ll?_il*l!3;

X!ili;,?*,fi:'"jiij',3;"::":;?:: ;i3;,ji*nli";ii;;*:.,, S:;,liii{{:,'lieelii,iiq."g3t,{*iiiiioB:"101;,ii$,Hit.;i""fl$,S,::t: :1"*j"i:6!itjj,ii;i;it*ii:

iljiii4jl:ri"i{i*iti;,is##:x-ll*lm,,#;t'r"iTx*:.*":'{:lf:ql'tf+;_qi*trd;i' e#;n$;i:;irl]:lii: u'i!i::i,tid;ilr.f[:*t**;;iq]i'ftT'"r:$r:$$*gi:n,, !!]l'ffi*i*;:;:,;;l* *::iii"f:yi #;l"x;:**r :i{id:";ii:}:'$#1";;iiliii;,"ii?;*'i[ !:is:ll x€hllns''!'E t'to'si'3it'-i";x a"aa*t"r, i'r*.,




;gi**e#:::,?n;;3;ittr::llillrlilriiil;;ilns,#:!"il*tr1"i:;i{hi#';i::,i:1;lfini" Irdcis rarslano Jrir, ,.j1:08; td1, Mch€t Jobin, Quabec oc, liitii6; 1:6i, i7i1

?f;.:;il,:fi;*i.i;;ifi":l;*j;;,ii1,,,,, n;hd,

,s4. I.eo \{eiss,'eu€b*;


u. or ,,,si!o, ,,,,;,{"!lii'il,i,ilri;311,;ili,jll, ifrir??'ii;1";1.fli"*::ii:".T:,;il::i, r88. ''€ii.rick tt11t58t 391. Wn. Silbe!' uobtdeal llIEA, ttl2'aat 39't, lilriao s1lbe;, ir.it.!l6lr rv:. ,avid pllrcheld, E1tch.D.!j Ort., J!12f04r t95, Edvatd told, llalrford qc, tt12rar, ,24, yusule Eo;isuchi, Hosion, ar12t:rc, 39: . clrde 3e!ron,

;;*::":'*:,'*i":;,.fttZl"llii,rii:;i1"^{{f,:-' ffi;i"ii,i;"?'1iil';,fi;,i:i:'&Hift lo$ion, ont4tto, )'art29,402. fi"!1i!:,3i'i;3i',J33: Ro!e!t_Eo1b-€s, N,\,, ttl)rj1t lO;. DIj j.,* !be1, ohlo rc, Mlchaer James


lfic, ttla.tat

405. noberr Russ6u,

497, s.u"u" spradue, cotorado, j:13:La;

3,t1r171 4oZ. aoti"t Eartshofe, oheshi.e, 408. RoberD E. carone-. u. CCAA;

,,1rrr2t 4o4. coh., lt]r,rZ,


ij; rte*,fru::r;:::;{ffini,;u::;i*iiisi"Siift*i;yi,i;}[;'ii,ilil iii;'i;i+H ii";r;s'lir;i,iioi:':;';x"' ':iir;5;:tl.i'!ff;i*t;ryni;it;,1;e,; ii";:r;: "rmi:r.;fi;,i*irli:i ';'i;;;:,ir;,i1;:ii:it;'O;ii;:"!+ ?;iiiiii.!il;::' l;l;;l;: it' i:"""sffi,;,I:.T,!; I"",:ii:H: i;11;,!;fi?."i{!;Lf.r;.f;:;:iiln;!::gt,;. ##r;'ii,fiir,.risl"l"iiilill+:jiii:ili{iiii;ii #rii*: ri:tr?3t" rj;iT;ff;"}li;,1'ffir I'ii';"li .:"5lieli:1;l 'i,"::!u:i.iitji:"Hlj:"dj:;.i;luii?i, tiri.';.'i;i{' ^l"?"i?i"i"f Laprdas, N.J.. ,,"...-."r ,:,o 1j ;li3J'r,ii;if'+i:'3i;ii""..;"I"i" , i,"il ,li,?ieiijf';il,1';:3jl$ai;::?i:,iliil; ca"et J-,, fr" .ron rtr , _: Lo:J_; lp_. ch:r1t. v1ra. ebr; ror6n:o crri,

f-]. t:Ll "{

'_il'^?;H?" i;r?i9"3lc..{d*i"":' "l:}'qj,r6,<1:.jll"fii"x#'3ii,f;1"33fi,"r1\6;"a;':B:,

Rol Cobb Jr., C1ev"1-cnd, J: O:0ij 1-50, Ps i1 lsL6nscelr. S ra-thnore C01., f: 0:09, (.ir.i_e .o r-D Lo-, 106'i. C6 6 SL., :,odblI7, \.J. Ioi L-:.r'e."-s.1rs:)


Eanon 0,Rell]y, Athens Ac (2rU:12) 2nd !I{ce. Running

ttrough ue1lesley ili11s about one ntnute bebind th6 16ede!, Ron :{111. lhoto- ualt lle ster-

Run Leaderc




lt^tnNcr M (at Dihr)

vEtlE3LEY (13.t 16)

VOODL T ?lRl( (l7J nll6)

i-,rltE STREXT i2r.,


cooLlDGE €oR. (24.1



(2i nue*



DIJIAIIC:] iluiil.IltRs TiIAJtiI G CAt.tP IiJ TliE COLOH!,DO ROC(lrrS cUSl 2 - 8, 1970 or'lllits: Cne reek of rueaed noDntain traj.Diry f.f all hlLh sc]rool, college 1n.l lnateur runn-.ie fron the rntlo on up. PlBntn of Aood fcod. !!ice a d!.y rcrtouts. illkes, trout f:Lsl-inA, horses. L!,'ltllllsil l I I ]jr. Arthux LJ.iar"{i, famous lie, Zealand OlXJrDic Coach rjill .e .. iand iile crti.c 16ek to coqch, train:rn.l leciure, Sone of LtCiard,s rlnrer. liclude Pet., Srlv.r.l, I.lnrra,v rrilbelE, rnd ii1..t' ii:gee. Lr"{it ryd 'b.:rrnsi f.er; h1!c rur:,cr1c le.o!.s fo! 80! n.ters, 3!C -r&rdls, 1,OOO rner.ire, onc flllo, tro nl1e, 3 !1:rIe, onc ]ic!r, 20 liiloneti,r:i and the lf rile rolay. Ilo hos dorelop.d perhaps the nost r.1ial-]e, ac.ulatr and elfectire nethod of 3ircceedinA oa the track, road or cross comtr)*, lits rr.thods are copi:d tlre AU

LOCATIaI{:'lt"lcA Canp Crock€tt, located at 8,900 ft. olevation near l1..re, Coloraco, Beautlful country, Rustlc canp r'rlth nodern facifitles. F:!lS: {i50.00 lncludes all cslnp costs including roon ani bo1rd. send ()10 deposit to: Canp Director, sox 214, Puebl.o, colorado UIOO2. YoLr \diU receive edditional infornation

via r.oturn nall,


Pat llcl4ahon, Boston -AA (2: ll+:51) 3xd In ?th place passina throuAh IJelleslev

Htlls, Mcl1airon r;nnlna stro]]€I]' noved uP to take 3rd place lhoto by l/alt tiesterholm, ti. y. Clty

tffr rU




aprlr 19, 1970 lueblo, Colorado

Rlch Htrnrley, run-

in his 2nd contitiee race, over_ cane srrong, austy utnCs to ceptDr.e ihe U,ICA I s 3 mile handlcep held at Centennlal Field, HlnkleyE acrual rumlng iine ras ?2t27 for the 12 ]ep raco, 5th fas t6si of the dar-. Ihe track lras soft and rather slofi due to he a'".-J reokend ratns. f. Rlchard Hi.tIeT. 25, 27 tr3 22t27 -5 2. Rev.llliUls Goettel 4+, 27:32 2t:c7 L, 3. Phtl Bcschen, rl1ng




30,2yat I'oi


4. !f,cK Ar'fr1ctl.

5. Richsrd Gfach. 2f,28:lo 18:15 1* b. Albertln€ satazar 3t+' 29taa 2|to3 3 7, Dave fiershey, 29:17 2232 6 <9, d. Dr. Orea iiort, 3b, 29t5r 231t6 I --Don Uclr'Ehi1l--



FC!.D RirI


ua"'lerd ran


i;lr;;,',iti" ra..r'.t"i.",ei-,'"."i''i,a-"r"ji5"ir'.".nc'tions.to rin tne mc,s ,.:;r1g fl*"r;tgl88.t"

'" r- ' i:;!r;i;:;1i;:;;,'ri.", ;:,;J+;"+# t ,j,:", "1";3;t p-- : ., ; .,;-":".",.,: I.ji,,o:'il"l l o.t^;i.:,.0u.;:;;,:,*...t,,",iri',.

iu.'i:"Hl;T{i":]'S;'5]:?3;3i.t iro* rl"rr'-s'ric'


1.6-l1IUj n_u'l{ lOOO?nR ItIrlR oNU LA?)- t. rou coppons,'ti'to; f8:[7 course B1 sJIc, 19:29! :. r'rarrer ;:awr;ins, i!.-ra., !9t+9.F,4. r.;ar:er ,,,".""",-:S:;


3i,5ilii ilt"-, Hl,T8:;li"S:'"3;?1"*"311'u'il;i3'5i06' Ri"l;"i try";", rrii".e'ci az,r,i; i.-a"IJ'-i',"t"* ;H:"i1u"i::-]":'j:'="l"lia."ill"il,lll'Hii:"ill;';i8!:: starlsticar rists, etc. (i5.00 e

,:i:i:} ii"r':r: it!l{i;ii::li:,iilr'.lry;:gt i,:*j hi;":{:i:"Li.ifi:.iiir'ir]tril; l:12.0 :'icncn tt98,6 Entry torns r:on:

dd Leaaue, ]28 ocean Ave., Atranric ci.,j.i.






' -': :'




01tnp1c Club llcUesl-aJ 111f1s. Uoore


lo'lion llil.lsHl11 leads 100 yarqs.


l,illil{En - ao1l riILL ri8ht- nano4 0'Re1l1y has neu Anerlcan Record of 2tl]L.2 Phoios by Jcff Joh..lson DIt iJIl,Il FORiiE All IULTIy!ATE,? by Jerry tJa:ion trver ste.no -1at tLLe crossroads of en rrultinate,l

, id6r"1 . :" 'c1l rJ I H1_.t -nobo,lJ cvrl Llo 1t beiter:'r liol.r do Jou recoAnize :!n "ultlnete" r.,hen you s-c-itl_ llantr. years_ ado the Jrcat track coach and authorlttr, rrutus I]andlion, taid out a tahte .i i,rf,ck "ultii,ateqtr the besl to \rhlch mn cou16 ever astiiro, Rapidly riihln a decaic, Haniltlnrs 'Iulti.raiesrr Lrere ce.ualljiec. dleck:-. to . ..l,- rsioe as iinc lushed on, llas Ron lltllts passage over lrhe Soston l,{arathon courr. a:r, ultiirajj. ,, r1e ,,ufi,l.naie,'upon,trjne:sii!..'r - aj incred: one_fliaht of Zi 10n 30s? If it's possible to rccoarize en inen ilâ‚Ź aff er cou.ld be iryes,'r tihy dld Rcn nill sa;r ].e rcf,],j ..,t L, t.r:] rnoth;! tine !o oyer-+\e mdulati,,r..nilcs from ltopklntcn? Probabty be.,ru:,e tr) r.coltnired tre atready . cr l.o ad -,.'uf i11fe.'Jlo -oo t'o A citizenrT condillone{i to records tn our loca1 irarathon.c\1..r e.sit1' tail to.tetcct rhe stanp cl 'rultinatorr on lrlEt iiill bad cone. After afl rle n.s-.n rr"^,.r "r do1.rn'frcn z:18:98 to z,i:,tis-.r-."t five ninlltes, ne&!1y a nir--, iiir,-._ ii.';ic..-'"-"'' lrt ]ii11 :ud:le.ly look ihe thing into the Supeman.tass, I.r. onlr- Sup.rmn {iere;e five nirrutes ler nile lo. 25 nl1es on end. If _Jou ro1"o !:e3sed Lo e:ir'._Lietr :1n ,,rlil..'!ete', ti:!e on tLe race co|Lr:e here, to ostallish hor ctcle ,rl:e r.oLrlir+: Eriton.ar. rjo it. lo:sibfj l:,o ,.i.LrlC jrou !.oce.rd?::'cr 3n opeaerr i !culd jjal:e thc i.-.t.r: iin. :.--r Lloctren to,tetie: l.J (lli11'5.l.b,lI,29si, rnd lbe ftlsrrest fron_-lre to r.trc :a!a iil.i:t.o S.iderriisu s t:Ci:22 r'n ra-LjJ-ionbinc 'enJ end tn,Are's anruftinater of:o!1,s. TLer- ati ;p iro arl ,uttihal,.', Bcsron r.co-d or 2:09:51. If so. H111 c1ose, tialajrhon's ,,Jl lr. be .un iast.j. lut protr ,.-':..^:.' ,' " ,".I:::i"::."-_.t"'...,t1i.,e. .." ,lo..:,- _ .- ,.r; -.r .oo -s..!a e. ,,,.Jr."n.,_,."f ro. ! r , .,o.ti...


?ACIIIC 1]ORT1ftIEST A. A. U. I'IC.RATHON Befo$t- Jln Pearson, Snohomlsh TCr c).ossing Blrch Bay, l.le.shlr€ton, Aprtf 11, 1970 flnish -!lne 1n 2:l+3:40, Jln Pearson, a 25-yea!-o1d hlEh school Ensush teacber, took the ?II'AAU narathon chaflplonshlp by ulndng lhe 'nd armual Blrch BaJ M8"8'hon utLl a neu course "€co"d o" 2rl+1:40. Thts l"'as the flrst tln 1n flvo narathons for ih6 snohonlsh Tlack Club runner uhoso prevlous

bsst as a 2t52.2o I^ 1965. Andrew Ivan of Vlctorla, B.C., Canada, and tho Untverslttr of oregon's Davld Crockett 1ed for -1os o' -l - "ace $,i lle ?adrson sLaJod be.v :d the pack until rildway before plcklng up the pace end graduelly Aainlng on the ]eaders until^overtaking lven at 21 n1les and Crock€tt only lour of the 29 startors droppod oui of to ihs raco hlch salJ flntshers fxom aAes 11 Lb. TroDhles uere aHarded to Lne ltrsr ren pfcc-s! ano a€dels Neru io e1l oi.-r 'in1s-'r3. The waather ltas sur:ty tlth a 6ent1e, bub cool'l."JIfl Pe'lrson, 25, rnohonleh Tc, 2;Lr:Lo -. qnor-,r -v., Ir2, B.C.-tLa:)t , u' o' ore'on' 4'tL+^ l. Davld c'oc16tb' 2 's.,Vic!orla, 26, sTc, Shull, L. Evan ?:c9:t6 5. Ed _ord, ), rm., P 1lo%Lh' ore.' d b. CralE Jone<, 20, STC, 3:Ol+:25: ?. 8'IIoial Rlcnard n".0, .16, Lr,r R'L,1d;" clirb, lioS:5lr J:ubrJo: ". Da116.r'. ro, rna., Pl]fnar,liarh', s''!.r... i,ri"r. 25: !o-tl1nd Ic, l:oB:lB: 10. Swan. Zo, 1r;s-e;a vjeqh.5r..., 3:11:5,i lf, Joln . Lorenz. 1,, s:c, 3:}7:0J: 12. Y ke s).rorbois BF_o:r- ,1.re^ - r, :. c a L-- s 1- ear JLn D rl,re, -. 19 un ., or.son, ::10:J0: 11. oLo Dl:e 11 r tr' n, 1 - ear-old Joe-L ,,.._ - r"ir,ra". 3:'0: "6i U, \o-: 81Les. 1:.1., ^t (feit 1(. blother, o_, Eonnan Joel,s 11-:,.ear-o1d Dlc''' . -:e. 1o2: ) S€1 Lo. u5r.. J:": crdo:r 7e. ,.". i P,:t*", J:^6:1-:.6. _trelt' eld 9ya1, 'c' 1O rna- Ia^o.ra. f:Ji:r0 I? . 18. . olse Do'oa1. l, r.ii:a: 3rJ5:L8t -4". -s o a. ):)o:ooj lq. Io* B_-onoz. l7 b' rerndaj.. l:.J:08; -0' ;€or e B:ro 'e" . '11'

r' ,rn n.s-. S.o lc. l: J: 0! L. D' PaIa-' i1 j;; a;-;;. 1 s, o--Eon, l:15:,J: rq L_. -):51:O?; . !o -cr '1t - - ua.. F :r"'..n, . >:58: r-; -. Jo"- 30^ i ' -,er. -6. ..,r :" r-i -n-.. , :..: 7: -5. ,o h BoL.Ln, )+tl7t25. 11; uru.,IerndaLc, - l' ZO-n_ ' q-:l.i, - l '- r .)B -"::';""--)i. ), '::3'" l:)L:)0 -z:s:.5, 2:o-: _r:,o_ 2:01 :i0 -t.". c"."i."tt-

i ,ir Tord |



2:-15t11 ]- !. 'J,!LIIIiG RI:UITs- 2_]ti1e UCLA-St'iccr Dual




:0,;o 6a56 r'3rt3o It)3t)a ;o:rB 61;51 oaioB 1:rl:



l?';fr3a? ;;lf:'i,,?!;:r *j*l'.*:ii;"1*;"l;"i"iix LL:r-r-'o:^r' s r'' I h"1y' "9ooj Jo .. a.

':--, Boo "oj . 1, l):)(.(-t t. a'Jo' 0 Lo_I r': " o' ro11yIOl !: C I{ITO::: T?' 5r-K]-O '"r _ J-11. '.A -Jrood. v€ ]-If.' cr rs-n C o iooo -a- --.o-'.

a;;i'3:::,';l';.:'3; i:"fl:o. 3:"',. i;'.i-;l tL5. 6. reanr Strlcers' l"!i:i *::il11. i.t'r: l:l ;:;ui:I i""l'313]i: s 'rq' z: 6 :




"l .l.


L.--:I O - ..K ^;(,

i;,1' -lt. t,i.,


'1"" -o

Pe'a ' l'r'cn lo

l,',i'i: i :i':'.:ui2?i'ip,""". ?3i""i '-

s,:ql:,, .t"f i;.,r":u-oii':'. .,.',". . s-'


ifalK et the Califorda fo.rth T.alnlng School, Chino, Aprll Ll- f. }]ou !ei.d, 'rvA-. . .ol 'ho-I., - ' :- l,: L. ]j -5: _6:l:_-:19; ov"rLon, s ,.. r. 3.Jo' ' Jin :len]6v, str., 1: ll: fo. 1 - _ " .or-. -LL l.-^th . 0,, o.-e o. '''o, L : )j J: ." 1"y, l,: 5..


PAT l,{cU{llON S}IASHES RECORD ff BRIGmON ROID itACE .'lrlA]]tor! Uees., Set., Ue"roh 28- rat Mc}Ishon ot th6 Bosijon AA .,ron the lo-ldte (actual distan_


Lo,,s-d currLs, Nl.jc, 5Lt!61 73,


p"tuI, E

ce about 9 niles) road race 1n re.ord ttn6 of ii::$:!i4i' ti1" 43:19. Thor6 r6re 220 starters in the ev6nt, 1n- iff cludlqq one wonan irho fll1lshed. X!ii:"#:::L,Hj' R:xsi:i,f rcYchon, a I,oueu teDcha,, las los al-ad of "fl',"i:"13i \o-sn 'ln{sneH.LaStns o. A.c.4.A. "-co-o-plane ;"fi'ss' et. ct'*6t;i!i.Li';#"i.l"i{|3i, t 6 r8.6. .por..o.6(i bJ .he D",ghron Knlahts. rqs b-ea 3- 1nnl-31 e.-nr slnc€ 1o65. e",,:*s"dfl,. M"Ta o'r l.ebc E o rl 1z tenp thro is] ou' Fhe r".eoDe' :'lC uD 3 1"y lead ar, '\e r r , r sh. ii':'.?:' ''\/G 16nt o J' eff ::n15, '-e-1y fssL, h6 sald af_ +elv,:d-. 'T rasLqno ung or l-t -r--;o. T-e. 1f- iilifr-3a.'ih,?5;4*.f3, lifiIi.i.li6i";,T.' te" i"-€ or ^or ni16s I .ade -.e roJo ror Lhe I-ronL. ' -le .-E Fl 6r iss oer-ecr io- a -ast ,"1, , rrcralon rook n:n6 s6conds off !1- roco!d rot *,"flf;.:ffi :ul!:"li,i?; last y6ar by Art D!J,onE. '{u-":ili}it, Ieenr Scores: -1. Bos .on AA, 1-.-J--o: 2, .fv-. lti: l. Cub,rloae :oorts Jn:o., 2l L. 1., -"vilte Ac, {Jlne. l6: r. -ocr .on rllca. J8; o. ,ynn 3:;)';, i;; f. ?aE [cl,]cnon, Bos on AA, U:_19 ?. Noman rl ad1ns, AGAA. L).:\9 i6i:, Hi;^ii;i3;.'ii;01!;, "il:;a, it;. u3::., 3. Arthur llcAntu'en, Boston AA, ti'll:jg 4. Ron Wayne, Boston AA, LErtl ,iiili1"i-ilY:"?'i?ii,li?;":.*'i;s:i:;:ii::. 5. h€n Iu€-ler, Bos o, A]1. \5t)2 O. El lr8lkulLz, U:.!a-k AA, ao:tB .Ti;;,' Iiil' $ii,ili li';,li t:iS ;ii;; Peler S,:p6, Bosron AA, q.:3 I, ",'3,e O. Phil Rya'], EosLon AA, +, : I "'i.-l I, l'!Xi(!;r"fr ;, : l' .ili::g: 9. Torry ca]]aeher, NMc, 46:tB "i''r;'i.;h;;, --Fred tsro!n, Sr. -lO. Ustne FronAel10, BosLor AA, .7rO+ 11. Louls ?au1, Ca.albrloa6 Soorrs Union, _/:09i 12. Tom Derderlan, NUC, 1t7r29i L3, Davld Johnson, csu, l-L?:'l: 1!. .lon Drts, ccA4. ,7:3r; 15. Rlck Bavi,o, NMC, L?:L6i 16. Ra,Lbh Tl onas, tatere:l1e AC, l+7:11; 17. Rrc.ard Baror. unal,.. L?:r<i oaulsoi, I8. arL^6 BIsckb]-rn, u@., L8:oo; 1c. U. l{ass., L8:16; o. lcn Jssr:n, -a--J -SU, L8:57t ^. tr\r, LO:ll i _1. Ta:"y Be"-sn, -drund Conno". iflC, Lq:08; .1, Bruc6 Jones, una Lo:lLi 2L. Jsr-s D.letr, J.., Il1c, Lq:19! 25. Ken Darson, BAA, 49:24; 26, cary Lyons, Brande's. h9:10; 27, C.r116s K-ac nE. u,€.. L9:l_c, zB. Rooer_ de's-J, flllc, UatS?;-20. Jo- rortl-rro. \r.lc. 'o:0f, 10, lob6r' s.11'-an, ts\.a. :0: l -t )-1. F ns-o Pacyaro, BAA, 50:-Lo! J . i;MsParnelf, Spartsn Ac, 54.19; 3J. Si6\,6n Sitver:Ln, B-ocl'o' l,l'1-A, 50::0: 3L. 1o-r S.LDl I a, Boston AA, 50t39t 35. Ron ryer, Water"viuo Acr 36, liarren Foirfer, ura., 5at\7t 31. Ra:0:l+0; lano Cor, .e-, IIc, 51:05! J8. S e ... _as. h_c. 1:11: Jo, Rl-ns"d r"sr.lan, WC, (1:_.; I,O, ce.-ot cox, :rel., 1:20; !a. ica .1" lts.l r. NMc, 51:41; 42. r,ru l,/ans is;n, CSU, 5r:!4; t+3. rda*titai&r*&,!.rli9lKe?tffiltl$igtF t$g!8iKgli;*Si* lii:..:lli: .l-, vt4CA. _ p'






ili:filiu"*r":'ii:sli, ji; 3i;l'l;i".1*liliiil'




"i;;;i,tii:ui::Tim:i"i:r*d"' l

Rob6"r V. Boonj Bro-t, or 1T..,_tLr- BA(- <t:<O: l< R.harr 9\_9,



i::i3i;t{}: ili;,'ii:#,,;;l*iill;.\:r "


M.v5rn dj

\o,h H.ggj, .h.r.

\rlsecond edAr McAt'pw, Et! **l-iT*')"uil'il:*"m:l ji*:i;*l:;****i:lij:*;)fij

,l;,n 11"



;;iietailfj;,ff:';::;iA;:II:i,r:+li""i[.-[i'i:;!*;, ft',:i:i"l',:lt;ir!,iii:'{:yi? ir"i ''.i:3::

ff:i":,';:i,"1 ,13:^ T;,^*::;b1",;llr"ir;;+;h :::":tqii":i;5*i";: ,''L* ;t::.:t:'.;o:; -#;1ir;i:h;n;;";li:l;.

ii;":t;,'9":. -


'Ji:.:iiii:",1 j;:; ;;i, i":i;,:i:i{ll q; ;il;i:r *:*i-qtt !i'*F:i*: tiiru' r,

il;',:{;"li:"i3:d.tri;-..i?:,-1..-" "ri- Iiy i:ise,i$"T i; e;;i;r;;;r;;; ie,*fili;i+fi l'i jiri:'{id l, +H" ruii 1l'l. r, ......lLlo l;Ly- :.


1.. __.


!1!ifl4]l_I9 j1!:!I woii EI I'IIKE GR]lmRIo 10. craiso t4rittlan1s, 1t+, scor.ch rtsins. N.J". Ilonolulo, Har'retl, Sunday, Aplll 5, 1970- litke 15:43; 11" John tic:!iq1n, 14, scor.tr --.i.," irregorio set record of 2.29:)+3 tn f't)i,t a2. nobert Senple, Chathan, ti.J., 15:l_A nd:nd c\d.ron. Johrlnf, Flerber 13. C"-' At le, rJ, 5.o .h pls:r s, . : o; tqoe-o. l 'r. 7'l-C1uallan 1 Ilaa8lhon ClranDlonsnlD ov.rNlcl< t: nato, _2, t.rl .€o qq, to:0_; r_. 1l-' '-1.-!.o' - "a.3 ho, lengfh o' 6 nlf-s. lla':] Ind-k, ilr"o-nloun :C, 8.".s]o, 11:ld! -o. Va1t6r cordon, SIA0, 16:21; 17. Jonau:cn John3tl5 lards, The rield of 21 starters vas ihe lart-ejt 1n the historJ of the Harallan Uaratbon is, uru., BrooirlIn, ]i.L., 17:01; 16. tan Dour,ii lch r)r: first run 1n 1953. eh€rty,sr., SIA0, 1?:07; 19. Bob lJ.o}fe" ]7, ha, uno uon .no 'l.st 'our racas ura., ChathLn, li.J., 17:lL; 20. Raftl F€.ructiYc, 17r12t ?1. Ted l-ron, usccj 1/: -,51 throu4r 156, as an offlclal for thls rac6, cl, una,, llt: _. R.ss Lod.-, r ,, C ", :1.J.,'-: J : r--b ':nl",eo second ln :Ll:1.f , ran the san3 iime as ho dld in settlng the fec- 41; 23. Dam castrc, ,JnE., Yorkers, tl.Y", 17: ord 1a5t y?ar. 53t 21., Tar, lar-, Sl.a, 18:01j 25. Erlc GeisInsuf!.nce executlv6, John J. Po ers, Jx., f4, 1er, 12, 1,{1lhcss ,r.;, 16i02; 26. Lecn ELreniinlshed 11th. He took up the s-.ort t{o neers P-or., Lrtu., 'J::. S.snol,.-, arto, not ;of ihe sake of cornpetltion, but be-l -:.'ne, ?, -:: : - u: -5; h8a]th. ,o:ried about hls CrIC, cause hc l.ras "I've I uP-s in, 19:20! 10, Lee :l€i:1e:, 9, rna,, Yonke.s, aot eirht c]]ildren, In th€ condition . I aa3 afraid T noul&rrt seo the younaest grou, 19:' : l-, , 9roo ,; r, 9:2 : -, John \onul, ..-::-q i.J,, l9:l-; fl, Jtres I fennaker, Lr:!a., l:eq HyCe farh,- 20:17; 31+. Ton ,rt il:. tine, ,he 6-taot-2 lonerE lJeighod 242 - ", _1. :j-L v'e-..-r. potrn.is. -]1e is notr a trln f95 and hopes to :.Td--_I,_ P.l e, O, 5.oo;.Jn, -0: r:1'.-C'l-, 1-_ L. t! too} 1-o. B-ool.1trn,--.:-l: ,-. Io- .- - 1. -,. I , .or l cL:ucad _eneflberlne 1l€ €^ or. -be _,:1fi us- Brool<]cn. lu. d:e. . ',Io.k; '- suffereo." He nao 1tn, 2L:. d; )4. :L n l, uaL &cies and palns assoclated ulth beglnnlna L.I., . 10. Solo..on ?o .. -, :YL, rum.rs: acding t!6e1s, s\ro1len alrlrl€s, soro ":5d; 29:49. Llrei. DlJ'- !lank Iorio, slrins. soon hls interest stttched fron JogglnA fsl r-6-a e!- l1-1 2_ o , L , 5.o..n -l,lns io rtrTins and he jolned the I'l1d-Pactflc RRC. fst Ovex l+O- Dan !our.er:.T, Siaton Tstand AC I'o! (nniurallyl) hls goal ls to !'un ln the lst ov6r'U5- S1d ?elns, +7, c,ruc ;os:cn I'iaraihon. Lst over 50- Ileir} lfi.e, 3rcoklXn, N.Y" r..ta.r: Beautlful,,7t ta 79" 7 A.14. stsrt. 1. l j:oro-io, 2:,9:41 CR --Joe ltfe:nerran-2:l!l+:l+4 2. Jolinnv F;e rber. 253'2\ 8-lillE RC.ID t!aE, S:alisai:) sY THE lioRfiil!]'llToli, L Eill itamack, lL- a1a gosettl. !97A' Florence, Uass' :'J.CS. ,.l.YaEES, !i!i'-'-2, l:02:lb llorablto' ):17: 'd 3l s:sjters a::: !ijs.ers. lieattler: Ideal, i, :" c":-", ':rZ:,8: 6.-Toro d, lars cole, J:zrrrlc: ten!. :r::ie:1d-50's. t_ Jtr l.'r.t". l:20:'?i -2: 19. HaPPY cha?nan, l:51: fd ialkritz of -a-. l't, fark AA shoiJed h1s 'y, l: f]; B€rroL'. heels to the oihe! 32 staiie.s and led all the : -1. Jol - "oiers, \:J8:l?; 12. Jl- .onrhg & '',... ;7, t-,3"'rO lsrarred rumlns IB usl. rr-;(!1tz ra, s r0 1:.1'r r dcy b'for€ Lrop,./ HonL -o f:.1s.-o llilrh. Ihe or"r J,Ova a-o); L-1, orec Patrlck, 5:19:15, '^.d c1 ro l. --S&'i K. Bosettl-_ pla"e, [O 1_ ohy ln H-L] be an ovo' i' ere Llst all ltesierrr l,Iass. races tlds year donated by :ililE FYAN tlllris lET, AAU Tliq:!-l'fiLn RUN clore Lako tark' S.1,, April 12- :lo{le R_ian, {a]ter and Dlck Chl}ds. of :ouston 1. ;ld !'al].rr1tz, 1.{t. lark AA, 39:U lle! York ,{C aid iornor Universtivr:he an1u11 l2, Ron llayner U. Mass. Tc, lonrr distance runnlng star, uon 40:06 st Ton terderlan, No.Ilodford c1ub, 40:31 ',ili rtrn sporsored by the Met'A-Au clubs I, Bleckburn, U.liass.!c, 41i17 Clole Lak. fark, Staten Island. The .ar1 :u:1- L. huce L]; o iirrl: i1.i1ir co"".6a ttr. t o lap course in ll-:2i+ . . o- 1. .,no, l:!..Perl. AA, No.tn lcedford club, Ll:_6 in icqiiinr charles Kaczorek of st. Jolii:r3 Unir' o. Er. - f1rr., '.'.'c, 8. P l.1ro 861I, L. to th€ tape by 7Oy. Veteran Joe Bessel oi Free- 7, a ", - o1L, -zt.2i to rna. +2t29t lace hollandex, ,:suar tlno t2t22i lon llace iAss.Io, 9, ran n1s L.I. Forr. ' i r-- !- r.,rA Fobortshalr ]I. Dan :iliC, l.t2:26i 11, J.hn Ja.ek, 'f.;'; ;pr;: iiih xJrL sre'ner's 1ob' ns: L--er !iaciusett sr:riders, 42:52; 12. Jim Sltn€r, t'IrAA :orn: r ruer of !ods., nl11 b' bor-orrow' Dr-^C; ll. /r1 i:eehaa, stratford Spartsns, l|]: AC, 43:19; 15. 02; llr, Iltke Conne11y, sparban i, =,;" - ' ran.,"d ln aa' f-oo La (7 !'3t1' -6. Pober' J"l-s, iile flnlsh€d l_rr2)j ./arren :;.C. starters Io.jl":. l+1 lrf1 but one of t[e -o-rl-" NvC, .l:Jl Ch_' U,l:1ss,:C, *,r,-O; -_. o. - t. ' Do bY : 1968 lC, set ln ira -onLlarr), 5 l :06.2 1s record lh6 cours6 rorx, II . arr) . ls 2a. , record neet foro. NIC. I*t )i c€or8e Ul6snatis}l and ih€ -1l|:19 D" _ loi 21. Je^f Aus_r' .m., JJ:)6; 2). set by Nornan Hl-gA1ns 1n {lnnlng the 196b race. _oon€v. 2:. Jales slo l.ai J5.. LL BAA. *i;7: lst l'ap linlsh .na,, . Dr' crt"Connellq, ,5;'-, 1. oLie PJan, Ne$, Yoi'k Ac, Z,tj 1l-,ii !-ben, ua,, !iqq; ?6. Steve ..- horri- '. rb r ucNurtt, R! lr::":' : . +5:a5i 27. Bl}1 i'i;j} Tc, \i . .6-, an 1. John 3ablnsrol, .. - .\rin Barol, u1a..yonkers' r:J/ lu:9: 16L6 \:oss6;d, una., L5:J.c; )0, crsdforo cuf . -. j . :rirck€. r'1lr1.ose AA' D-_-n .lt its.on Acadeny.,L':-': .ll, J,os ;'. Tim- ?rovost, scotch Pfains'NJ'i1;i"B iiior ,5:5b: -: o' '1. -1 Posooa. um.. lr. Rob6r. Island Ac, l:L^ lIl:! r.l. .ro .ron'", i!s-en:ql11'ose D6r;Id rlrson. ur. Par-..AA- Lo:0L: lL. IlLro -' AA'| ?:4Y pt-o, vlll'sL6r Acao-rJ, +6:O6j 15. "".d' l:ceo .'e Kochnen, plalns, 15:L' ?:<2 .. , 1a Dos1d, ir'-. PDrk AA, lt6:r ; 16. clen -1 r i::p-l-,t",13,ico ch 1,i71

,:,;'"a"l".lii'i.i*;"iflti: 1ii\



ff1;ii;+::ig;;g"*:1:;i;i*'fii'i**5*t' lffiii*'."$T'lg"r\33Yl*rll: ffi; $#ii:rjr,Fiilitllfiir4u:Ll+; 47. 8111 Trlbour Hertford prran-,,,ii,rrgen.



"ui*"" rqi,i#i!i'i+i;;l;.;;'" .:"1*

"' ii;i?' ;: l*Hiffi*;y:i{31*"

*hii;ilfqiilH:i*,U::,,-ii",i:!t; ili1iifii,;3{!8.rt;friilrffi ir lliri'!!;.'

i: sr*\:***,*F#.:'' lg:X i; i*:li;mH.v:s; i .o,,=, *i;i"r,,

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ru+t*jlllruf ;,Xtll iii*ttlt

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i:#*iiffi yiir;ii"n: nfri rurfi***#',nffi H:: ii;ril.:::;rffrri#+11*:;*j,i*it:;*:

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iiiir+i;,irrt; B=r,*ii*il.r,ri;:i$'i;fu- Hf;i+Hi,litfi?Jti3,'iii!;1,ftiTfr, *" 'u 'u """.- ;;:"i:;"filg;l:ili-lt;,ti:llriili*ill;" e+litqiii!1,'l;;r;:.:,*:jr ,i;liit.iiii;sil'i,ii;"j:'" [aii5i'ii.H:+..ftru;ii;,'E;iql;r;iinii l;::;,"i,,i?i

:l;;: :ji:;:: ;'"lii*:?;;:i:i:;ii:::l"" fiis'.ffiii;iklil".ri_iti:Ht:ir H:+*:x"*:i;i*;li';"r" ffi :"litil:X:





:j;rl":;"Ir':;di:'iti,i:$::f:i,ii::: i:,::H+fiiiffi;,T;:'E:iraii'i'il+;ti"

#frtr-*;i;-;;i;itr'i:itl',* r. ".,

F-o n o.e ).r'-re nun-

entry n"rp,^qrcrrcan

ru::tit':i'ti;ifr ,i$i!l;i1*:r;*r;. FT;;,


ffii:;;';s#i:l*';i":*:',.,#::.i,,iai":i:T,:3:s;;.?i:..";"i!:;,'hi:i"Distl{6dn- I. }ii}lian & l4arv g;?:tg,.lri,o

iffi Open

i?:l::"Fi:,i;jiEiJ!;j'il"*^ur, ;;;;.,:;: *.ijii;it;i.;;:r, illit'i5,ii:lad3'i:'ft"\.:::';8,"1t13;.1?',3i'r__ _::11:::9_j:t:.to*", ,,reot Di;ector--

nr**"rru'a;+*15:f l;::iyfi;; ;; " ffiffiHl;fl]!:it:d}:ii;t]"i=r[:lt ,_;r= ;i,i!4,'i""I".l"i.il.,i'ii:"' ;';: ;i:iir ,li;lH;i:r,*li l,ftii'*ei,"ii,;iii66 Dlvn-, scoLi. rosse-) 17:2c: Dr. ra"k B-:ckler. ".nirz:t":"'


-u ig'$ru*'$*;*iu;l;llli1*

*i n*r*xtr*xr'*e#:*t'**l,'


EH, 60:49; 92, I,ul<a Sekul1ch,


iirs"iriii*l, Z: $3;i i;il,"i:"6:'i'r:lii"t" . i:,!: ii,i:#1,":*:';.!:i.t:;iis:'i4ftfi6:;il:n"i;irI,g: i;:i:: iiii:iil iiillll,:; !iji; !i;it l;iliiiltiliiii:,,n: j*r';:n"::::lcl llr ll.'ri:::;.lrij:ri, ,:t!:ir:i,j,i"'.ii,ii ',li , ,i;-r"-" ; ; i!:ii e-;"3, ;:'";3; ',il:,'ilij: []3, ll.;.j:!l ij: l:;1""13.3j;j' rl lB: :-l*''.:-'r''i;'1" i,e'; ;i:;' ,q;:T';:lanTiS';;':"i;!ti;i;':':;:#:"' "l other,;ays Ac; Hn- i,anatoan "l;ti;li. illlii""i3il";"1;:*il!l t2|',i.',';i ';2',;i * ufil1i,",i3fEii"l ".",ili"f\i?; verrey -re,32, z. li'#:$.Ti,\ill.,gZ:"'.,..,., i[i:e 2,i:3t' "esr ""u,"."u13: rjir Ei"i#ii'+i\lti::?:"::iii:lailT:6;il-, 2J- i;i::i.efti,l:::nfiri::,;.i!,?i ii;?: 23c; 9. IvJ, 132; 10. Travls no.1d Runncrr, LJ6. i!, rhooes fll6,linr, trinsdaio; tg,Zt gg,-Ot Bi: 3lill".ii,3i;""i;,%51;'.f';!l


No 6s...- ye-o. fr-I11os o l o-us -n-e-e one z:. If rin r(-o:h, R1,-rsLoe.-i_r,,;e,O: or bofh o' .l- ra-es,.Ih€ €, "€ rarge r.-'oJ zd. rt.\urd spri6 ru1, r:.i." ,g,2, :of tho r+ mrle novice grJat supriso,26. phlt riomitz, cr.tiri..rii,. si,t-u A confus€d lollcenan preclpltated an ea.ly 27. l{:rrt carden, Notro t-,ne,Tna 82:to

l ,O z-,-, iil,16 O0:!o

jjl'.3135ii."',li';."ittS: k;;li,iT'l,l:ii ;ii1ll::ri};;:tiifu::l#'+i:r'il:l:i'i:i: :rcr t. :: |': r_11" .rt'. po Ls s ord'af "on .a nsd s l-s)5ta3 ta) 2tta)

.: 1o rss u-dr."-€ o: :. 5rr! :n-, Jtr.d"r lc:lz _ n.,,i. rt trsr I :l. -5 l. :l::.'n e-L' a1'., l6: 81.0:0 D h .h r--! r-1t a"y a. boe, rr rh- -ee"s\...-Le Laj,e 8 rt-.r I ire .- exne, t-. "_ L. r. :. ltott, cL.i.a J 17j00 !3t).5 z)t'9

;::il::"1;tl:-'"3i:33 !Zi'{" i1ft' :1,::':f.91;;T::',i"ffi ::':3:"i:""ei5;iii- l: i:* J 1H-nDb-i rlb-Lnvi )1,.9 l),!: da. ,Ro'r ;10 ocer rrm ne ror two yea-! an:r J:r' I' c,1 e r€'rr".L) L, alyAAU rurs r-oc .r.e oosr o. H-.cso"oLz.",:::.,j6:b: li ,i 3ti'2 t ear, He lra,aod.6gul.|r]y ano


' '


33t"1!-i,::::;"i:':k::j3,;? r<;3; il:,? .3 l:*i"::"::;t*;j.:"i--""""i"iv-i'i"""i"r,-i.""""i" i!: t2, cerald cott:ns. ,ura., Jg,lf ro,"o .r,_ j+ c:t;t:o'J::__", .:0e. o: e. p, 11 I.r. {j;_f"i.:trrL':ll:" ,"13;li i;:13;":1e .9 r:';i::"; s., -ffne-, Reo\.rood cL .l sL;:o"rs, at2/t 3. ^ev- rFj ri!gti,"ra c"i^irl 1n h'€1sh, Rcs, 6:30; 4. Fr€d xayde lb cunton"t'"' school, caristoea, 6t6;s. ron.;:'i,Tiii:s:, --DJck v'ln'-"'13;"il:tEiitit33ii:?t+? o:.,i o. cnesLnLLL, i,""i'""",-J,-i. (77 llsted^er-y finlsliersJ --l,Ialt Stack--





After a rosurvey of tb6 ?A-{rs 50 nlle courso at Rocklln, Callfornla based upon one s6eep of the flve n1l3 toop, as chan8ed on th. i:]aa of th6 raca,..lt wo-,ld aDDEar.ch"- tso. -)" 6 o.1t LO plus nll-s,ac"oldLna lo B b L:C-ll-. 1,lher.6as, on the or1g1nal course, Sklp Ilouh ran 1n axcess o+u mrres 1n lYbo. Bad sc€ne vhen sonoon6 changes a coFse rltb-

70 Y-I .. fJ') do! D \:!Otltl\_ RUN. JAC:_r -nll( CnlcPgo, 1111nols, AF!7! r97A s9onso d .) I4lo^es- RHa 9, 6 U..C lOo I j LJ.

( 2-nlfe sp11t s ) :6J, t:...'l C..c-. C.tl ... tr:ro 1..o. : trzt )), !t+: tt r !tr+t5t 2, Ker1ieth l,ii1k6rlna, Un1.i" o1, r,ilsconstr:r. L2: o:OJ, -=: r, -t I-" 7ct.." D:t?2. , +:r , oLi 16 105:48_ 117r[.r. 1:97rL] r. ;la-L j.r ',,.," Lrnes u, t1:38, Zj.:8, jr O, I.6:i-:, 5b:to 59jL9, 81.,.r.. oq:Jb, :r-.:31 lt22t3A, ?t02,20

-l1r R c-rY !G1 caouP vrI,: nAc-s _. Sunday, l{ay 31st 2:OO P.M. at Gec (clnde' rrack) ,,iashl,'aton ;::l"l:"'f,]i: elsh-Durham vs. any youns "". ^-""li";;p';;";;"'".i: -i'p"""te rnrro "''-,"'aror"r",''", e and A' raci""i."-"lent urrdfr, ro and rr, rz r ij+ a

r.-,-ii"" ii.. i.iJ,, rr'""*" r'g*'"'^

i;9i:;t :t[lii!:""iiil;"t"' ':'!'5:rr' 0'.k !ark' 111'. iillj-"fl?iil: !J1Jccnl:ilr" 2tc71it :;.;,";:.,;"";' ;j;f "f is.'iiiil:",;"'3: ]lijL|]o}ii];"'i"l?ILi'.tii;r", i,,?,i,loo i;, {iLl"g;,?3g,,il'}:;::"i::l"fii:,',ill'!;ui;";;" 1?: ti's*"Iff";::u. ciri,"g., rir , ::a3:z}


inrormablo --"----------

ii: ii"iiii'l:;,!ill".'fi"j*l:',..,.. ;;iitii U. so.e!L rc'n, P;*.d irni', s.i ft3;i'iT,l'Si3"i:#'ffi31 53'*;""l1llj;,ili: ii: Bl:h";li:::-i;"d;|.iiiii,il::; ,;1l.:12 Soolso-edbv.'oJ''/dr''l]o.crrI.g;,fa.'.!6'''aJ''e''!':.,:';|':'::b.,;: rffther

club and the l'ilduest , -l loop (ol-s..

'- :::::' -:.----

RoaC Eunners

Cllrb, Tdo _ Uorn, itrr.", rrr,, 2t:I9:A.1, LB-. L,:, C .T. ..r,oo .- : ." . L, .9 nl

At)Li:a... Z,\a;.

]:i;::l,]ii';,i3"=:;,-]::9'.;1:.';l':'ili::":'.'";:oi;;,oli", pf,}} u_r."; 1,."r:, n,iiiip ir"."ii,,, 'aiiii:i.i, L.ri,i;ij. 3. Ronald setzer, Arbanf,, t+. Ja'one raadl6!, E€5Yn'

'{l:",, t)o:4I I1I.' 9:,1:

or+:+/ Dan

F,tzre;i1.\. t,i..l-.;i:l?.3::1".,,'.".


.d]T,D-RS ElS FOqD NqC PUIE.TN L'\CLUSTVE -. LOI4FANY -erlqror, '4qlne. Ao'l_L r1. 19?0 of It 1s conparatively easy to k€ep lirack rac€s. road A!r1l Leljiston of rlnnsrs Dast caob tred I ev ao :4 se_l _s slnc€ Frod Judklru L.le n€xL i..", i"- - o^.. Boo HlllErove Lclrlnf . Ao.'Flsnoers l e 1rs -r 'ee s-rar'r'L ii'." s€ uosy rA rll Ll n nnen I € l'o a :-. it"t",L: ir 'i" rr cle 1ne oc lr: d'L' "rThe i.rlrmir€ Polfolnance record and about 15s under thE r" "".. .f "o""ti,u p1a'e Ilnlshe' B --y ! L-sc o' """"""f-Lar cou'se ul n o_- l_1' o _ g.r., "o""a lr.atne. J 1L]ca..'ral n daJ.Gr6sler fortLsn) 1Li -J: u'r- dLd 11'nos.s,

Harron, +8, r4a'ne Ibs)lrt37: )O. Phi-lp '{. L rs, - : lJj )1. q_1bon q, Co s o.L, l], ItlC, )o:OZi ):. fial/ L. ,ef-C6l':n6or. LJ, ln{. r' :06: rJ, da.ry t. tr&s]', 5 , ,na.' 36:1-t JL. Jo'n J. ,ordan, 26' um.. J6:co: l5' Br11

rler-e. J7. Mtl, J7:01; .J6. Franl< cook. L7, l4 37 A8; 31. De.rns c. {onces, 22, st. Francls colleee. 37:38! 38. Richard Robblns, 36, l"AA, l+3, M{, 40r37; l3:c3; 19, Richard C. rlgi-]t, LO, l;a1ter Briri€, Jr., 21, SF Co1., 42:51. --Roland J' DYer__ 2:r -ti:it:L Lr"lE rltRcliD ovrR l+0 RUN - Sponsor€d :i:i.:ihern Callfornla Seniors - 5 M116s 197! 1l:00 A.l'{, SuniY & hot. -:ri] ':, a!. ',?..-. 27t3, iicod, aO, Uafin AC, school ' i.'1.3a1ol' l-'l'' 2E:19 l:csTc, ar1.r ::irr::o:, !!r 2. rL:.L ":r-L-iri-1".",'u.rs'Hjsh Tho€s, Wa!3rvll-e A.c ' ',.4:c, 29t"8 -s:"," :o :re::o!, ,3, 3, rrrtor, tiac'r,ser!s Str'.o--s, U:Zo 29t5b 1. :1c, ::'.r.:.-. S:1ifo!d ;.r:. !. :i, ":lE. j:., l:oYt, 5, L.E. :::rt:,, ::, aos: l!r-r0; 9. 1i^il;,i::t:tt. 1:i:'slL;:r:":' J,,'i,! 'iC1:, .:, L6' : .::1 : :-:: --. Ba es' ] :oo: )' D" e n Dorard' -, :;;";";i;";, 1':oL: :iS-C, : 9 : -_: S-C. lorl.; . , -_l Ge\c', !hl-L L-.I on. 10. 3-Lqr o-"-i;; is, Ke' sorcn'cs,'ir8'reL .5:C, J1:J/; 10. Jonn C_Las ''-r€s'ro' .L6' -). f9:06r l1' .11. csJ rala-€ra. 5z ri, oo.-ii" 6: .1, . ", Sr-nlel' Spra6ue, q7. i-:r" cri -, c"*.-1'zeb€r\,,rrr12: ll s-eee 1olob:n c.Lub. i::I0r', 1.. j2tzzl l-!. utts. LLcero, 1r, Dor r.lE., Je:-3: i;. :i', :q:"" 1r, ' L Eu*;l ;:";;. "l:;:' "1";'"1;.'";''"?1",!l l2:29: c \? zi-La. 5-, lcs-qc,_{111 fraru -.jl;i? i[: qdn€ Ssntos.J-,, rO, PLeassr t IC' 32:15; ]l;'*:;;"ii i:t.ia,i*-i: 17. .arI,lc5.c, eo,Lei1. 3J:08; i5ua rno 50, lo' Pi - ''d Kre "_' ;.""". *." 18. Rex u,€., --q, jS'C,o'1c:'?i l,Itfiia-s. ll:17: rr r). ror 11nd' '1ra., 33:32t 1o. Ji- r!-Llleo'DLebd-oI(t)It ':r'-" j-. -.1"r,^ rllr]'DlDrera, r-1, Do'-lqnd' 22' ' Ll' cl'. s. rl'-oi "i"'i.,. ,"*..' t"iS: 20: R;/ 1:'.rlor, 41, ?.^.L.'lJ:l+9 John zt. i*;-i s-iu". ,?, :r'5rc, 13:-4:23.22.ul11lar : l;l:. i;:l[l'-:':;.;i ;:i:;', Rc, Sou' !-nd ,L:02; i:.-tr Bolf1no. r8. "'31'ii]:. po .r, 1 , Dolp . club, l\: I1: 2lI. rdul Kunrus. 19:lr2;25. D.J. Bishop, 1J1 nsg8, BaL'r, or^uti,-b'!?, :-::. t-S :;oei r-'. tl-. "*,, 'r31.:1-; 5. Jol nSall - -1" 16 13.- I Merlel'1- Bol' Jr. c-o'ov i' l/!rc' cvr, ' ,:, *.-:,- .. ' J-quoia Yl:-A, I.:,0; 6. John ' jGorre _iroo'1. L1. -:r- s."td-r'r, l4:lLj ?3i,',1^?; "!;'i;,'":", 2)' L,q. li;-: "'. -arri'.'. 17, cs c, J]-:?6; -:LPen' Deso'o. :Jd; lo:lJ (15 fin1s5€rs l \ s:c, r-s. lo. toriLldl, s I ":;"9:";":,::1,!;"ia, li,' t oer)- L: Da io soLcn -' horr .:.. o.-4.!,'ia-.. :5:2 ; t'' Jl-'oro,-e11€ son. ;";-Iiiii '' a'L-d Lo. \CSTC. 5coo. 7r02'Jr ,. -fiobe't., . rOC. J :28i J.. :.y S: s l'e] r-i. , -. Lt' LE., )5t17! 11. '""oo-, p r, |.'oor6 .""i?'l,li!i;"ij """- ) :)'t . ,.- 1o:f. -...,,'-..-nr-, P. - v ]-ss 61. uanstou"r "a":l crs, J): r: rniri aob- 1, ".. j;lixi;,i.'ii",__ ,1d., S



-;l:;-;o"s-;ilt i;'-;i.u;:-ii:,,;:;;--il;-ffi .' o 1'r ne": ;"15"i31""i1",'i,"'--3al -"-"" c:i'. ;'r;'oz:;'-"s:i' l,i "'"ri;.r.u f: $.'.il lJ:;ir"':1:: ;":::,,":,f'. itili'

,: 1",,i,- i" ir=i1".;i'i"?!::i'i''.. i:ir,. i":":;J:"'1.'',ii;.',i,ioi-;. BcJ,n . r'::, :J.e""'.:;';,: l: ;; 1..*: i:l ,i.l l"t: ii,.. ii' "1,,'i: :i.1",', ",i, ";l:..';",5t: .': l::'' :r";.:l;:1,1;r.l:",;,":: ii"'ii: liiz. :.i,.j::..:,.;0,:i,ni l':.T:;": n,_t*",.


Jr. (o, . .e -o fl isn rsi J - bo. --a.k_DALY CITY illl,L RUN (!! SIN lRUl{O l'l0U1i:-AIII) 7 ..-\ .,1 .:v 'Lt-s, A-. 1 19, 19?0 & sou:h spo, sirs- s-n F-s "1 co Do-Da '. urub nd llrn n. -rb. J' _r -t '' -o-: 1l L Sl' k 2. Ds-"ell l- .oL".n: - ..ol u.-2, JB:05: Er 'est t^on:, r.O:-5; l. ! 1 ;r_ 1on, 0:L0: L. 6.:oo: i ""-. -0,:-,, . si- to"'".r' LL2: i: o' ":11 Lt 7. ..'t :on I -'a€rln',


iLe / | \2. . -,j r .;o, 45:00j 'f' l:a^uo-L'I l oiae' 3 ipoi, f,5:19: ]'' t-)t2ai ) .. --"rd 'v. r.r-s. l-o:36; 17. Don-Kter.",r'; r . !':'>: r"' Be-rencout, 1d. rark rn. l6:lr5r 5:6-ur,j.., D.. Jo , 8.a.,1"" 1, .!7:O-: 0. Joli . 7r o. 3 ' , rs 'ers) -- lror sr8 k--

llalllrlilc- tR. llxTroti;A! -d-AU 20-1{rLO }JALlt Lr-I1-7' s occldeo-11 colle e. - :L6: [: 2' , '.y, . i' '1.t-"' L. 1 su-f d'rs. r. : ": 9r ''"J , U....':. -i s ]b5 \r! on-]' . -o 06; -. Jo. a!s, r: ,-r: r: rL6: L. ,L/ - Jo ' l^'r, -l-: tt | 5. e^\ 1 orl o, s .v. 1:--:. 6. T M: EC Striders. ..n;L _l J} ,r-.--'f. . A: ig+ P05lrL ,^ )---o tAr ..e! 'r' ,o's' !P, oiJ

ilAcE i-:1 t

;l.,iltili; :ll::::i:i'Ti:: il,[':;]1r;"flir';"13:;;;',1, ". "*'r..;" l,:1"" i:#i,",: -"' i",-""". l . ,.i:.1!; 'l)":"'-l;."" ;i, ;,;':i;,lliti:i,r,t,:, **,r.i1*:"1;, .. -i: '' 3!. ,"'',.l. l';" :''"1";1";"'!;':: ';: '



t.l :: ; : ,





Aprl1 20- Jtn -Roxbury, lhss., -"otd :c, nqoL.r_-. nent, ropres.nt_ Trr 1_.-. :lo LP e spo."or,-o bv:.e ! q -- ubs of ro r on, .1. ,s . 1ne o. 1! :09.7" p1co{l ^. the 60-mn fleld. r{illl€lr Duxrett6, canb!,tdse sports unron; 3, ?, La 'd J- 1so.,^ 5U, : {u--; L+i , .n oolo

'-n .. o.r-- L'a1o. q .-''y; 6, r.r-r

od.o .d: 7. Jo"-o. .d-1or, cs 1...1-.. | .. -tl uorrisseartr, Intropld -tC; 9. Stoven ltasciou, Cantonj f0, Peter Lains, eLrtncy, Sri'AliltsOl{ T?-KIS SIIAIGOCI EVL,-{I

Uafthan, Iiass., April 20- Iialter Smnbon of B€lnont HS {on the 20th amual SLaru.ock AC Eoys Tbree-1411e Rold Race txon CenbraL Squar., 'J.1_..-:r, .o 'r '- co 6? '-njsl e-. i asq ar Lr_ .LI,:1r. 1d o (9. 2._Ke\ln HF.L.y. Io- o .i..J ,:5, r: :r .r .. .oo J.Iufdoo., fo Bo1 o..j. ]]::1: .. Il....r-.y, lreJraouth, 14j22j 5. Rtci1ard oevanc;", ,rratcrti;rn HS, 14ri7j 6. Kevin t:uldoonj Dcn losco !S. lLr cq: 7. oira l"rs.o-, II"_ n -l :.S, I : ! -, .o. _. DeLo-J, :Jo!1ro ).h, 15:26i o. .n :ijon:, . 1-

thM, 15r31j 10,




Dlmrd, ^-. Don Bosc;,ii:28,


(omri) Dtstance 6.9 trifca (Fast tlmes listec) Jan, 19?0 l, -.

UC lRVIliE IllrN


lJIt ,r-, lCC, J-:_ i . 11 .' n-r. )0,Dere 12: ,: s's, ".11 .":p, , J :b5: r, Jonn Gre-o to,J.18, uru., 3't:0lj-as, . 8111 .nd€rson, 26, sBAc, 33:05; 6. t.iike i.Iahler, 27. P.C. 11:-2: z. fo. :p rt. t8, i*., J_:t); o, (urrr',_ 1. Pcc. ,1.:1.-: .. t: s-o . aa_1, :91. .m., Jc:0.' IO, lu-ene Coroo. -7. :-. J':07: 1I. -a.r. rr-yn€; .0, c r.i, j5:10i 1. ,ti4 Arqu11]a, 19, una.,_lt:23j 11. llick luartc. s.c. 1_:29: ]lt, -e l: t 1,] , B, .C., J : _i 1.. !rr1 lorrn-,-: _; _. .o--n ri

j -.. . l 1.. O. , SD;., 19. ;60. o Deloo.er, J(. .6: ; .0, ri S rf'Ar, Jl, CC.c, -/ tz :-..', 2I. . o.1 :.- ., ) , Slc, J6:fr: 2., .P u} -'ar'. . -, ->- , : ,); 23. Jin Schultz, ll, Pcc, 37:]3i 2L, ;?esrolr D?ay.e, 25, coAc, 37t16t 25. Riclr Vasqu.z, 32, STC,37:10. (tj3 ftnlshers ) iI,S. 3 l,liles- 1, Larry croer, 16, uru,, 1+;36; .2. Joo Woo11ey, 17, PccJ 14:47; l. Br:uce Joiln14:49. (lL! Ilnlshers ) Jr. Hlgh 2.250 Uiles- t, 3arric l"1tlfairs, 14, une., 11:09; 2. John liestonr Ut, ulr3, r,1:Llj " 3. crals clarke, una., il;f2. (22 itnishers) Elen. School 2.2,\a nil.es- 1. Datury Detoot.:r, 1::": ',rr.. , .L, 13:L1; l. ^: s. q-.Jr'.-L--'Jl;rll.m, 8, " , ;: l . SlllilIORS TC AliE RoUP Flnl:, liE;!],[litt']I,l ii,s. 4.2 l"li1e Ilandlcap ,.1,}n, Ja1. ]7, 1970 ,. 8 .,.....-- o.. -. c, .' 9 .J 22f20i lr., Vlncs S eets--r, 26, cc,lC, ??,ai: i, Derryl lal'1or, 2aj, ?CC, 22:41! {,. .iln i,fair:l1r 19, .;|r]a., 22t)+2t 7. Jild Scirultzr ll, !c:t, ,''il 5b; U. John DiezsL, ?2, t:na.,23tA7; i. .:\i.. shaffer, -ll, CcaC, 23:26t L0. il:L.k Va:!:.rE,-rr?. SlC, 23t2lt 11. Geo. ,s!ool,e1., 34,- ;'l:i',, 21.3); 12. ol,en ilomlanJ 40, STr, 2l:!6i .Ll. ll:,.rrr.! !.r, t:er^..--u ., I,.:(.:I.. .. -o. .:l:l.r'l'.. -. -5, .. . .,ob s, r. , - C, i ; .1. lo. le, _,.c. ::00!6, , : r: .Lr. l:_ .jtr.a., 211,:'it f9. la;i Gi1, l!5, src, zi;rc:l: CS


f IT,'1, rllliTLrrlv ljlq govles, i/est v'l1ey TC' l:21:12' lA Uike !il.Ji)r''ll rll]g;,'tiY I,ITC IOO_l'iM R"ci III 10122',9 l?. Janes iii--s, 1rren, l:22:l?i 19' Georse iJaxnrn! N'jTC' J:22:ll Ilosarr {at, sani6 ajul:iv, l4arcb 15- l,eaiir€ '11 th' jn! Ht11, iWRc, ttt1,26i 2l fdnce Koernoi' 2!. Clarence {on ladyl !ea!dau, ll, ol the liarin lthleti' irub rr-.-"- c/ "oe1- -.1! l _nr'r. r_ ' ari'1 a 'sJlao:08. ':4:4_ ':"4: r' . .lrs:. voig, -s: s' onl6' ti"" rir-_ or 1o rod6' . r o nL-'s an 2:27:00,2'16rl0 lrailina !earda11 in the iinjl davts teat at ltsthe! neiles. 23:16, ,1t51, tt2a'26, rt59'59, rlr rorc; !3se Pas Jo.e cort€z' L3' of Red{ood citv'orin 2t14:al1 2142 ' \t io'q;,j!' -a fohe! lacrdseitsn tuve Rdssell' no{ 28rLJ r7:26' r:28:18,2:r')0:44, :leaid!11, ' !06 !treles, in 11!t7:51. 2t)4'56,2,4)t41. {ith titv striters ii" 1-'l,r ti"r" "nni ro tt" nedvood --!ob iJeC-'11e-_ 3n averane aae of 16' tith the Nor|heln cEllfornia S""io"" ll, average aee 48.6, in second lleca Of the H€ thai volld tblve 2,1 si,4rt.rs, 19.iinish"d. the three-iav fiusi se :i flvei .." Ite ihat tsth ttrlleA 'ri-""' o_a nP ' Ie:.! ",.ou ""F lr'z:i lie ti11 sel'er. jh" rr a\ :{:q!ev''o. !rc! ..,J'.im jlarie C-qLrlLIq'r Itr_n?YL

r..:.r/. B..r'd ,

: :


.,- -'1"- ..e. ',1 , . ttlzt)+ r'r'' . ;;',;. 1 ;.i,'." 1-,!v€ tru:se11' 22' 4:rrt'\ 12:r4:4b

e-MIIJ itrrl.., ariaflt I'Ji1' a!.ll!3I_i, ll0 ' leb' 26' 1970 ,1121t t. f. iritner Ei.ds, -.a:rar .r. '.r, t':-a-':ae..s,' o. llir, a: : Jo" J 1.

4.otl.J5 l:51:40 4!r'r:lr 12r20'50 Atra.t1 )tr6'22 4:1or01 fe, , d:/ar '. D I i1; , ;.i;1, ".. *' t' ". -, :: i:r".:; "*""""'1;r";;. :.r' riali{rlr r:44'1, :'1: (!a.e aldk, ,,0 s.1n 0 1 . ;-;-:1. 4,r-:r, ::o d:

i. i". Iiorr"v, ; ;ik";;"b;;, "::. ;:l,i: j;;: ;;;


;"" v",;".i

;:: ;i:l

,; ;i i;


,:: ;;';'":",,

1;;.; !::'


i.:;:;";F;",. "';""";, ,"- . ',, ," ".'.. ,;;;, i,-.""...8 .-..

:, 9, ;;9 -



:;1;;:, l:;:;': ''i;',;il d:j:o '1:br'er:/r4r

,-.... "" : a : 1:'o .';':i, i:1"; : :;'e; l :a: r


:::?:1. ":;':,j ;:;; o';;_;;::^: o:r :1 :'o:oo b:I r,'o"o




,n','a .o..-o nri. . a.n. - -idrL,6.of_ob €r'a I ' :' .,. ri".r ll 1 j i " '1r r'Fl o_! v' ."u'dljc roth .as " '.' ';",.;.;' a".t'" ru slarted at !1heri iirnstern Jr'io: in" i."" r-,ii--"."' !"anl R'ndas --reul L reese-iior'."."*o iFATlOlil! ,4 'i g RdrIO:{n! ll-sxnTl':orl tal": r97c n;ckli!, aalirornia, M'rch 29, h1! sn.nsoreo b/ the LnrtlJ laclil' 'l/ ea" o"t in.n torv too! h l"'d 1@6 j-o'!o L' .,i 1",.o"" Lbr Lnar tulD'n' ill rn-I -"Ddlv'ion !L i-ir,-t c@rreneod ;;" """ ^o"---. " rnc-' v'-a "" io vi lorJ 1n : 3:h6. -".1"" ;; "" u- : p-:o- o Js'7rr , : j- Lr'1.j. 'r,s ;,";,,or -un -s 'o nn. i6- roLL io e", ,i."'ii:..i '," end to d'velop @rathon i..-lr'" x"ti.*.r'crt".rionship jb outrJ

ol qorld .1ase in .w..r -; "l of ': - oo r o" rlv . .or'-isL' *r".". ^ou -o, r Looi,,on. r' .,il", p-'" 1., on auou -v . nu" v "rn b ,- - * * rir"". ,8\y. "L h'_ -ro ;r IO noh. M"dalq ".r I o rrh' LoP 'iv" ':r6: irri r's arcrocr lo a t_r '6t'r '| ' h"3' b__n oliv or v_"' l rh" rj'ion_r 1r r. d.""^,. _",-,.i".", "' v.."- .u! J tu' BuLt Bob DF "ll. 15-mi 2o-ei' t-bi'a lo-oi r'4:: :'1' 1"0:qr t: ?' '. Brron:o".J, u-!. /'2s'5 i ' J' { ievdit 'ry_" l/l-Di. la'rvl -' , l. Rob.- ''inaq. ( J^C, 2:d :'{: l lta'in ',-,r Dous lutl . . l,r.-.' 2'r! 'q{: '. o-" P'n' ".".n"ii. ;,: :;;;: ;.-;;"" s6,.-y. ru-'. \'.D"r'los' r"sL ! '- "v rc' H'-o-d e. ;;,.;'a, :"'.";.'-', ra rar)o ro' F!'rh eGte, rwr.c.2 ;,";;:;,;- --." ;,oo'o', /:0-: h' Y"'. airlr"o \-;;:. ;"^:":f:-, ". '" P-s' vrPll No"l o:c<r io, i . ri" -o6er, NVd:' ,: ,,;,,,:,-;;. i*.". n"n, oc 1: r: o: I" F orj Rodd'


non avl'r' ov"c J:3:"0:

r ieorng' 3.. : or2a & J!& tinkerton' etron€ leirly 10r Iot.s...il.udt! lt's' 'i'ds' 1O-llI!,E RIN' COSl4o !.tt](' aol,ll€I{, l4O. ' }!t!ch 14, 19?0 14 ,is4ree., vcly sl,rone rest vlno. l. r"" tl*""0oo", Nlrl lro. st3te' 60:12; 2. lon kanb're r'.n, oa' e: a Jo-l rlnson ?8:'8t l..* "r, ': -"'i ."" 1d. 0 :r ', ' -1 -elLno'0. ': /: r' lbve S.l,ulte, 89r58i 8. leo@rd 3usen, 9t:il4 6 Mtle R8' cosEo P'!ki lIi(tlms-- I4av 2)' 1t)t) l'M'!s.dic.F Flu, llasoo l'arri 6-uile J;;-;l-: lo ;'.M,/ -J -0 ne HoE .i^..r-* - ,.7!j 1.1".- llip"L . - " .; ."r.,. ' y : o: t.l'1.- 12 n,n- hi.ren 18 l'l' 1"14'- Mtseoui sar', Julv_.-. !..;r rril! a-, c-"" Aud' 1:-': i ,-tt"/ '.:..-.J "' ii S' r R r' : . "&n J ': P.t'.-' "i H-."lr'.n (lir€L la f :r..: -.. -r. P.M. - ILr-'non ("e on )'lt . .i H:d:t ci c"rrc, ncmEej Flcktun tl i' Uondaj, S.!t. Tth 5 n'M.- leaxt of lterica l4aldihon' --J6e D$can-JOE iUllCAlI' s lnTist IH!oRY 0N T1XJ !!IE!I1'S 0l JO.,CINC, nwiinrc & tAll{]ilo (n'3it 'til1 Sid Cendin ,toerru -r,r..n-s b- o1 " : - . Lrue, Ir r'- ll th i_ '__Lo'r ; '"'"" ...;" an incleased blood su!i!]t to the bead-";"i"r l'. tn" "."Lr,--". the hai: tollicles' 111 thatr blood :1("'n"' J c'rt '"i@r'l Ia ,es ."3 o . 1l/ n a' L '1 ' Ii_LrLmi!€ brld-hoated rd.rs t. vou knoli tho startec ne;ole their h&ir dlssuiear€c? How do tou svotd ia11i!€ hai!? lio{? You !r tlon ltl Iounlls oll iEs n!!1st -{I[!.! CiOW! riOC S!!Clr! at It' nFs 'ineg 2-?-?o- 5-!iile !s- 1. lob L&ldennere' tnllanola' l0' i'rl i. u"" sttovers, lndtlno}3, lr:1Ji l lich T{edtr ,1. Is o& hoo, *n. es voin"8' -.- r,"t,"". Jl:lOi {l'50' r. lier S4itu"r, -". !:ouesr J:aor 6' }'1jt^h id Bnol-. 1 : 4: T Boo vooron"ao' D v ' Li*i":*,

0.11. . jdr:'i o. l4e!re ljEenr ' i,r,6.,-e. ir--", ;' ri",€neon. Ilo .ioI', ]?r )d' 0,V,, lqtq ; '0. ''-Lr 2' 6-t4iie viark- 1. sutch- EE@e!, ]€6 uoines'-.:t1;26i D"le li d' :4': ,an lir l. h c\,' J. -r"",i.-,.., io.bey, Ind., oo,4 ; 5. JIE ioo 5ar4 't' aTx irNu+ pdl*r Bi!"-F RuN er r!. Jo€ oine€ -2 -70N' i-iirr"":1. Dedls rrellott' l)es Moine6' 24t44i.2' i";;.:-0.:"r:, it':4; l. sor.t"reenrela, rnd" 26!i2i

t' s"t ireerdoese,.26'44i . ;.-""i.;; i;i;"."; it'J\ :ila il ,riiii"ei,i"l-ii;zo' ?' sti-"", 2?r2?. (20 rin )


lob Poh1e, lhila,lionqe!!! 52. !111 I4u1len, i;sb.sCiJl. lhtl Petelsln, CJICi 54. aob Rcmnsky,Jr., SJTC; 5t. Holhe6, ltrarch 21, \974 Face Slonsor! John CLalke !la!.T. lctBl 1, ,a{ren.c !.1sh, let.i 56. lirrk loberts, @t,; 57, Vince lLsciare111, Pem Aci 58, tur'JilLiaos, tsai 59, Sterhe. 1. lob Kalde$era, Indianob, t7!r5.6 4rr48 or!, te.i 60. Joe st-aranovlcz, thila.lCi 51. Jane6 Rorr2. Ultch &I!akgia!, Indlanola, 58:07 41,J7 erts, Ialtin re Itcd lt|eelsi 62, r.C. Ko1ack1, sat.i j, tbrvey lladis, nes lloine6i 4. Rick Hudson' D.M.; 5, 61. Ton li6her, South Jeriet lci 64, Galy Reade!, Dela. l1nebt' D.M. derle limen!' D.M.! 5. l'!1ke T&Ii 65. Th c11e8, ]Jaltlqofe ]i@d lum.rsi 66. Mike 4TE IRISE S1,ElrsT,',mS etr ri;. le6 lloires' Uarch 14' 1970 StloLbin€, I6higbi 67. Rev. Eubeit llorsuh, !e1a,t&Ii 68. 4+-Mi1e nd- 1,3ob v€ldonbera, Ind.' 2r'Joi 2. valcon 3i11 Koxror, fovson st€te; 69. |oh luraul' re.r 70. Rorin6on, Des l4.ines, 24i52; J, Rick Eudson' n.M., 24' lelnie lauisas J D{t.i ?1. }ilke la!le!, les ACi 72. jlav. 1t:i 4. rlafl.! tlants, D.u., 25tt5t 5, Melte unent, !.M. lavelty, South Jel8ey TCi 7r. aill Ui6b, ,.6hih€ton Road 2rt)5.5t 6. Ierrr tillhari, Pekin' 271271 1. GJrr ct@cey Runeldi 74, Bob RoM6ky,5r. SJTC' 75. Ted Lyon, USCoI ' DuanL.' lLee.ro_o.ol.l lckin, 2B:Oei 8. !,ls!k nlshop, Ihd., J1'5oi 9. lan HiLl, 76. Roo rreF_", w.; tt. Cluck )1.2t; 1A. rie' (el1y stone, Ind, & Ulke Unent, !.M., Vaeh. ?8. D!. \,riuian ileu€hen' SJTC; 79. (en sehamon' 34.19. Road Rmne!€ r 60. Bill Cordon, ltrci 81. (eith pattont 4+ trile xalk- l. Butch uamer' Des Moines, ,9r00i 2. ne1a.T&I' 32. {i1ljan z1elden, uat.i 81. Steve )av1eB, tuve !idah1, Richland, ,9:05j J. ldle Co.lbey, Ibdidola, D@.;84. Rlchard Schlm, \'la€h.Road R6ner6i 85. John vood' les Molnes, 5]r25. 5l!?4; 4. Jld(II0 loares, laltlnole Roed RL@ele! 86. Bt1l Ro@nskyr SJ!Ci ]/nl,ll cHd,llIoNSlIP- l. lutch Ea@e!, Io d l|,{U J0 87. {ike Creenleaf, uE,i 88. tilson Vlble, llFCi 89. tate fi1rr' lah lidabt' l!27:2e l:0e:11! ,. arratt9t 2. Jih alrlsrlo, layoM6 aci 90. Jack l{to., lh11a. llon.i !e1c at lai!$ounds on llalch 2?' 1970 (18.6 niles) 91, ,ll. lavid S!ane1, CJTC; 92. Jin C!a!acbe!, um.i 91. ike C.ossvald, ua.r 94. td Eu€hes' So.Jersey TCi HSm rcRlNZ VI$S CA!S!! RcnN!-{ Jlall MRiTEoN 95. 1lcrtun rat.r, sJTCi 96. aha!]es Robinson, Torson St. Wl1olr€ton, NeLakare, saday, rL!!i1 5- Eerb Lolenz 97. Jir forr:si, rflci 98. Jo,. Eo]]aid, SqltiEole Rcd the lenr n.C, !c!. th€ ?ih auEl Caes6r liodley ]lE1l Rwersi 99. ld ucclcary, Tor€on Statci 1co. claude The lEll.etoD lr,p.(!.J.) teeche! uas cloc'{ad 1l a last 8111s, mdi.i i01. ldon K.ifka, 3rltinc:e rR; 102, D6ve 1106:56.4 lor the lJ mile, 19ry coEseJ vbtch started & Dalgleish, 9ouih Jersey ?a; 101. tc Clanouitz, 5?, 9rook]J6, N.Y.t 104. !ob o11chrlst' leta.T&Ii 105. Toe end€d !t R.dney sq@re. gart, Sl,rCi 106, Geo!96 Scbruler, !hl1e.Aat 107. Roscoe Eis tiDe va6 nofe than two olruteg notter than secohd !1ace li!1Bher 1111 Clark ol th€ Phi1a. A.C, .eve!a1 othe! leaders ior bore than lolenz lan lSI KAXSAS iELAIS MA.RATHoN, lavr6nc., KaDsa6, xp!i1 18th t,o nileE eC"ith 61o\1y luued dhesd in the alaloca8 woods. r. cG_res -rors\J. . t. . om r (xinneooLa :./o:0, to ne !U6 fi@l tiue ra6 a re.od because the coase had , lrenl!n (-.1"'r 0 Ji.d, cor..uslpls fiJ , '!:J :, . altered sliehtly rith the luaustine Brid@ closed. ])eJ€fl t!ay, &nsas, 2:18:46; 4. aarl occaalzak, vI{Tc, ,. lou Copleng enc fomer record-ho1d.,! iendtle chrsl'Ion 2:19.16; t. xu€ustine l4akil. aaskell rnstitute, 2r49r44i 5. Rendy Cook, Coodt6llov TC, 2.5A.54i 7. Too le€s, No. at least tive lllmers sot LGt tlth a D1]e to go Phen Texas gtate,2,51!41;8. Rod ir06ton, abllene Christlan, 4 poltceDn told th€h to *.ke a vron€ t!m. lhet lan 2t5tt).5t 9. sluce Gllbelt, lak€r Un1v., 2,58't4, 10. about a oits out of the vay. Cd viL11aDJ TID steele, Chi! Uartt!, v6.,2ttgt57i 11. lerry lanAer, NYIC, lulynes & a fev Fere ih. Uayfleld' Hike oihere Uosee ,toot13i 12, Mel !o€, r,v(lc, lt08!49i U. Don ClandbelA, Colu!1a fC, ,r09'58i 14. Jln Cilbert, Specialty Sports IYeC lest 6oved up five or cla llaces a3 a !€su1t of ra' 15. Rick rete!6oh, &.ns&s, ,'U!16. 15. )tl4.r2t third rlEirA a.ro€€ the 11ne soo.," the Elrup to ealta. lon McMhailt, Southern Colo.ado stride!6, )'12106t 17. 4 or 5 nlnute8 dfte! Clark. Einton, dv,, Jtj)tr7i 18. K€n TUD€i, us., lr4t:J1 ,ljter 6ode !11d ilgulns Central Je"gcy lC !a. declared lob 19. Scott lorstthe, Kareas rC, ,:4t:40r 20. !o! Uertin, yeax by tha host ibe vlme! of the terD tttle vo! last va., --Jsy si€ilbera-,t{rrt1. lela"are t&J C1ub. (Io tines listed ufte! 2tu1?) 10t starter€ 10? flni.he!6. ' les aC' l!06:56.4i 2, !111 alalk' Phlle. ROCHllm, IjAINE tECiUiIION rrf/.!1'l4ENT AIN|!! 4t ttllt 1, lelb lorenz' ROrlI RlCa, x!r11 26, 19?0 not deyr 70 d€Arees 4C, 1t06r19i ,. !!ed 3eBt, CJTC! 4. Crlf !aLth16, !ela. 1. !oo Hrrrg.ov-, iLre.vrllB (C, l9r0t.2t r. den rlrAo.!€ 3re1ngen, Act Nicholss, leT&Ii 5. P€ndy PeM 6. Scott 0r€6t€! loltldnd AC, 19:10.4i l, ,on Subou, vrriC, 20; gueh sveerLv, CJTC| hlshi 7, Jl! Nclomah, $llllos€ aAt A. 05.4i Ton Doy1e, Bttx, 2otrA,2i 5. al1en Cillesp1e, 4. Ken r0. Vince Cartler, CJiC! 11. Belhte SIAC' 9. 'tfight, olrrc, 20r45,6! 5" Ralph tho@s, )4t rracl 2a.55.2. 7. AAr K11.€, South Jersey TCi 12. Pat la8tick' Ll11xoee U, Rola.d ,yer, VAC, 2t!20,4; e. !t*e to{1e, CPAa, 22ta5.2i R{ch cullln, ua,r 14, DeFls ledi€on, uat.i 1r, Jay P61,e RoSerE, CP]'.C, 2r!10.6i 10. (eD Yeato!, ,OiC, 25: 9. viil,lians, llilldnova! 15, Neil lieyaandt, South JereeX Ta; 45.2; II. Je!!y crotuett, oPnC, 24.00.4; 12" Ken !lck17. Cene Toodey, MlL]Ioo. 4,\i 18. {evh orcomo!, !ela. ao-d, c.L'"n ric.k di, J0:_5.oi lJ. !'l_ Di-- p, Je, T&Fi 19. len r{hlt@n, South Jersey loi 20. Xerv !!yah, l4!1ne l4ast8rs, ,0,51.4,. 0oase' ILat & dornhill. Pottstou ?e.ers, Pa.i 21. Joe Sanlom' {lllanovar 22, . -Roland J. ryef-ted gond, ,e1a,1&F! 2j. John '{lnslow, ua6hinitton Slort rl,!|N0lrN-CllrC lo.tland rla 4-M11. Cio!!-CoutlJ C.eat.i C1u!; 24. !. Jackucevlcz, i,ehlsbi 25. Mltch Ev&nE lehighi ' o'RoSundayt May Jlst, auton, I{aine 4 !.11. 26. 0. Plair, SIACi 27. lob W1lliaDs, SJTCJ 20. Joe tulzes' lst to 10ih lLace trophies & 16t J t'1stels, uke, Ph11a.ICi 29. Cene Ree@, SIAC1 ,0. Jid Hartnett' lhtiles lron lfid f, Cillesple, 9 L,iaterhouse Ed., Claseboto Statei 11. aud Mcreod, Vlllanovsr J2. TaD cteaCape llizabeth, !4alne. ve!, Dela,T&lr ll. Lr'alter Adalr, So.Jer€ey TCi 14. Cary Prolo, -ni!-.1 J-rs.y TCi ,j. tl rry !pr/@1i2, Soulh .{NNOUIICIIU SIIMMiIR SP,U) nUNs - Clove llke l'a!k, s.I., Jels€y TCr ,6. rave tittlehales, 11111!ose rlAi ,7. lou N.Y. Ju€ l0 & July :Ath ? P.U. Teetuse & Olen ,-l,lile Vlllanover Totu Hcclath' Norn lro. t 19, Vame@cher' 18. nlai!, South Je!66y TCi 40, Palk Barne!' uE.i 41, lr'eLt€r noad Ra6i July 14ih & du€r,t l1th 6110 l.M, Va Cortlandi raik, TeeBee & open: Ilile Iieck RuB. Cordon, Ststen I$land {ai 42, lave !1E, South Jelset TC; Race Jirecto.s: vd Co!t],@dt !d!k- Bd!!y Ceisl€!, 41. Tir Steele, Lehlsh; 44. Dave Broneon, vsci 45. Mlke LU4 l'indlay lv,-., !IoN, X.Y, lDttnes, South .lelsey TC; 45. Chdles Euhtanen' PeD iC! Clov. leke !ark- Ceorge doch@n, 40 tighland Road, Villanovai Fla@Aan, loD }4]yl1e1d' wi.; 48. 47. lt@es Staten Island, N,Y. 49, lrron !eas' villanovai ,0. Jobn FelI' Lehigbi 51' l0!A

Ronn RIN\ERS Cl,lJ! 8-MIl,ll lt$XIC,,iP RUN

at Ft, Ies

ii'"ti::i[tliryiffii:t]ff ;fl ,it".""i'!"*^'$':Tifi ; H:'" 3ili3' iii:il,:: ;l#'#,ri;,:liil*lxil,tf ,il*f :l:1,]ilg: ;l*if ff '*{;:., $i:Uifl 55!2Ct 12. ltrl:fu:ili$i';ii;$i;ii;'ff Pete! Bolden, csn, 55,t6r Ij ;i; lii"l*:;iii'il,$il,i:'ifi ,"ii;ll #t:tr"F!:::"q;ld;i;i 3#fi '".Ti::":::iffi '"ilil'j,?3;,'i,' * "'r'i ti., rd.'ri,iei-io. :

f tiq[#tii,:,,*,.#i# il*::'r;i',,f:i";::tillii*'" fr*:;ih;rfi "jj:#::Fiiij:,T'i:,S t':'i il;"53;'ili*li"rl;"fl8;

qil :l'i'1i*{flHr'"*-' X*i'1,* ;:i,li;:#l'iil;;dil J*Dd, Ressn, v/et166I-.y !s! D]:o2r 6j. /jl]isd yates, uc., or,bSr .i. !!l,6t,tJr

road race Jesrerday. (paut Come]l photo)

{plll 1I,

nakro went lo lhe

ot ihe pack For

irwas a ro$up, Ther lrishndn pai McMrnine mil.s

non lux€d awal and eds.d lim lenrti Rm_


qujckty atre. they lelt ihe siarrins line

.1 Weuesley Eieh School It wasnt biit the tsi quafter-mne rhat specrators coutd se d.ylahr be_

maklro by 30 ],ads in ihe



weLtestey lo-Mi]e Road Race yesle.-

"I knew I h3d it aboul r Dir. ba.I lhen *,e $afe co'ning inlo lve]es-

ley,' said trl.Mahon .ti.r{at1]. ,l ealea trlrLe kick ahd round out rhar



rake h'h, bul I didn,i

watri !o run that hard too s. I {.aired nntit rhe ran iew hundred !ards.' so.n,

McMahonr lihe *d

4?:5r in ihe tar AAUsanciiohed racebeto.crhe Boslon Varathon rexr Monday. Runhakko ished






daad of J.uow counxr\an Krlle Hatrtrarainen, {ho was find r,ornaf rroty c-* "1- Anih ,uLong y,as lourth M.Mahon and Rm-

''He hade me do alt rhe leading,' adiled McMahd, ''He only Aot an€ad of he once. I! vas a great race

e'err toot ot ihe w.y.i

It {$.



nons v€r€ pertect, vilh

rne renDeraiure ntu


lhe sky cte.r and rhe \!nd no no.e tha! a gen" r€ c'rc3s the back dJ '' John


Ketley, 63. or

Warerlown pur on a gobd sprDt at ihe end ro ririh 45th in 64124 Two young

vomen w€re uoliicid

enhies a.d lidshed with_

o ru): ruo.


:;*iF*s:H:l:ili" ;i:.f f {u}il;r,*, ]l 98. J&es Y6Inouti, :!u, 'el,oo, oo. *""- ..ort",. r",c.--'

::!'*l,s:;;: .!ut-56:1:,

at Wellesley, edges Finn WELLESIIY .

u:;,,;;j:,jl,rF;H'iffi, "#,li::::',:r;ff:,ir,.i!i6;,%., ri::}i'"H:lti1. ;I;"rT:r:i'i:ti:"t'ft :3j; i{::iTHi;,f ?::ll'g*l';,f ?;i'i,?';"""iJiti";sil


b5. lric;_


iilliiH';ill',liiil'"3: Jtr"dill"#.y:tii:

19?O l,rallesr€y, r{as!.


M., bt.24r

;LiL:i,l3i: lm*"ili"i#m'*";::* :iiii;;, Broc*rd yMc., r,,r:j,r;;.r;H"lS:::;

iri]";',Hi' TH! WlNNti-prl M(Mahon or lhe rie vrciory sjcn vhile wiDljng the wellest€y "o.^.;;;.; 10 mil€

64, John d. t(etter,





!,$, 6?:05. __fted B-o,n,


'HI l;,""ff '$,i,:',1 "iffi lll *a: ;,1.,yi "11:,/ t"iil;"1,4,?. rrl:S:tf;l{: H;,q:litTil*,t :i'c.,;i:"i!*"r",":


';;;: ; :,i:fr i"r5l**";'Hii".il"ft ;,'illo;o

10 Di./ ev, No. !,u-

'3;?';k,ili"jiT?,"ffiit-ll; 33:fll,'..; i;i;.1"**' *** '!;l;;,': Ti:T:"':;: H. ii SIEit; ;:;l3i .. *-. a!ce, ,abe rc. dy@n, u&r,, K.ira ;7J

J"Een, @,, ot,r?, 5nt4it 2, ::-::- l.. ::y 54!s€!r, r4n6 rc, 54'_?r .. _royo rfo@6, 4. Tc, "*,"" t;?i;. ,:S1" lg- o.€aon ve. ,su, 4 /) -a ---, s!6v- I leror.tsile, o!€son, 1r"2-s (art7, 8t4)) ols fi!s! 44oj __ron JscobE-_ vE-mANS LO & OITR 3. B-l.tfI_E "t:,J, coop€r Rlvec ?arkrav. caflden, N.J., Sat., Uaf, 2, 1o70 t:00 p.I,t. SLrru / & na;. 1. aroHnln€ Ross, S,nc, -2:11.8: 2. Bllf Klne, plj1a., ,J:90; l. eor, Mirm, r,illlineboro, \.J., 2l;28;'[, D,. ' 1:!1l1an'16ughan, SXTC, 2l:_lri t. r'€rn L'tri,eside. B€rlwr. P^., 2t:,tl:1 t 6. Nlck sodano, canoen, 25:oji D:ck soroch. Haddonft€ld, 'r.J,, 31:3L (11 h): 7,7, D-. Jack Br1ckley, laddonr.16ld, \.J., 26:0tl B. '"errt< Ke:se-.

Beruyn, Pa., 26:09: a. R-v. Cnsrl.s tla,her. Ioor-st;wn. N.J,. ?7:cOt 10. Jin 'Ihonson. ptrila,. Z8:.0.

qqcolo dru-ual rRoadru,.mer r4a.alhon 'll€ be h-]o on tlay rb,-t2to at c€96, Oklal,ona, Enlr.Les $,ul !o Roadrumer, cas€, oklahona 7l8l+1,

sMc llolr tcll FOR:IGl{ TRITS u.s. riisr:.-nce ru.ner. :nav be iniercsted to tiio,' that nore and nore rxips to foreign races a1e gra.lual_h beconin3 ayeitlblc. The foltolrlns list shous tl. foip" ron tne year it7o, iMcst ot'rhese racos arc he1.1 evertr rear, bur ;trictly aoes unrl] the spolF sor issues an invltation. ) "p;"ti;c-;;.""" 1. Londo!-sriahton 52 ndles (he1d tn sept. ). 2. Internationef Cross-Country neet. 12.OOO r-etgrs (7i /,rites, in Europ. or No.th Africa (in rarch; 7 rurrl]exs). 3. San-Crlstobal, venezuela Ukrn road race (JanusrT; 1rulr.16?i avatlabfo onty rhe past 4, Fukuoka, Japan, narathon (Dec6mber.; I ru,iner). 5. Xosice, czecaoslov"kLa, "lara I on (0.-oberr I -urners). b. s€o,1, /orea. nararhon (Soptenb6r; f r.Ter; not n6_Ld eJoq y-s"). canada, narathon (Ausustj I rumersj h61d tast y6;r" for first tlrne). 1. d. Torolio, San Bf:rs, ?uorto nLco, lsIf-m-sc-on Febrr-ry: J rttrar!). 9. Sao lrulo, sraz:], 8.?lfl rosd race (New years'.vit 1 -Ul]Jo;). .The blg question Is, hor can vou aot selected for ono of these races? !h6 pxesent select10n systenr ls as fo110rs. The countrv or grorlp sponsorlna the race sends an lnviiation to the u.s. AAU headquarters ln Nelr york. IIr. o11an casseu; track and fleld ad.nlnlstrator, for'iards the invrtatton to Aldo scandurra, chair;MtheorAAu the sub-conmltiee of the !!\U Lona Distance and Road Runntn8 Connalttee (LDRRC),rnt6lnat1ona1 llr. Scandurrars sllb_ .esponsiblllty of selectlns the athLetes who trlp. Fre!:m1"tte:,rne !a:.tb: querlry adear piocedurc ot conlraclrlng evory menber of the sub_comittee '1i1 nake thecan b€ folldred. In q. efforir to be geographlcally repres€ntattve, the sub_connttte€'s not seven (Broi,nln8 nembers-,llve all over the-U.s. Ross, as chalnnan of the LDRRC, also a vote. I Not uncomonly lnvitations are recetved so late that aft nembers'ot thehas sub_cori_ nlttee can not b6 contacted ln ili19. 'l.,ri1at crlterta does the subcomdtt.e conslder rrhen na}llng 1ts selscttons? ?or s0116 ev6nts t!E sefec:1on sJsten 1s reasoneblf, objective, Taker for axMple, the narathon. I9ZO the sub-comittee \,]111 pick runn€rs for foreiAn trips on the ba;ts of best tlnesAslnofthe roqional and liatlonal ,l-qu mrathon ra.es .f ihe curreit year. For t970=5ar-;16 six regional narathon races (see Lcna Distance :oJ, Dec, it69, i., 27). att of r.-lch nust be ' conpleted b€for€ t4ay 10, Th6 llational.AAU. I4aratl.on thls t;ar lj on June Tr. ln Redflefcl, Io'na. Fron these seven races a Llst H111 be nade oI tlle top 20 best tjmes. Reciplents oi forelgn trlps utl1 then be taken In order tronL thls 1tst. Note that Nt1l be iast tlmes tbet count, not plac€ 1n Nat1onal. AAU }lara thon as in previous years.1tA parttcutart-y standlna tine in th€ Boston l,farathon ulU slso be consldered by trle sub-con.n1tte6. outAn excltllrg feature fo! 1970 and l-9?f ls ihat the 20 runners on th6 narathon llst wtf1 receiv€ a 3-{eek atl-expens€ pald trlp to a sLumer trs.inir€ canp, (Atso at ris canp },1L1 b€ 10 nen each for the 10,000n, 5,ooom and stoeplechase tr;ck eirents. ) The cElrp ,.,11i be at,Washlnaton State Universlty or OreAon State Univorsity, boAlnnlng aroudi July 15 io! S€lectlon for races other ihan narathons ls as foUous: Arne rlcan reprssentattves 1n th6 52-ni1e Londoi to Brllhton race eitl be select€d on ljhe basis of besr tilres in ih6 Jr, National or Sr. l;aiionll AriU 5o-nild luns or the t:olr yort Reslorrt 50 nit. r.rn. Ior the Inter4eitcnal Cross-Cor-rntry Race the i€em selecrlon depends on urere -€ rac6 1s held: 1f tn6 neet 13 1n E,.]xop€, the U,S. CISt'l teajn (nrlfl rary) usuatty f,oes, s1nc6 thet are at-e.dy co11€c' .d - r].ope for r.he CI5i4 "ac€; 1f t1€ rrce 1_ r Airlca (Lo6 ontv otoer contlnent on lhich -1t ls held), a iem ts selected matnty on ih€ basts of the itational AAU cross-countrJ chtrplonshlp (1f state Dept. or othor funds are avallable). The selectlon nethod for the 1?km road race in Ven€zuela ls not qult6 alafhtt€ as of thls {rttlng. The sub-cor]Inltte€ wlff plck the rumer cn th6 basls ot maJor 15in or 20k:] races h€ld durtng lat6 fa1l and early rlnter and possibty also on the besls oi the Natiomt AAU X-C, Th6 sponsors of the San B1as, PueIto Rlco hal-f-narathon prefer, runners from the eastern U.S. ln order to roduce th6 t?ansportatlon expenso. Th6 rLrmers uho ao to thls race aro chosen on the basls of the Netlonal AAU 201-nl chainplonshlp and/or perfomances 1n east.rn li.S. races"oi caubrc'r at dlstancos of 10-201oa. Tho trlp to tho l,tel.r year's Eve race tn Seo ?aulo, Brazl1 traditlonally goes to the ulnn€r ol the l,tratlona1 AAU Cross-Countn Chanplonshlp of tho prevlous autm, *Note: A txip to severaf of tho above races cair d€pend larA€1y on perfon]r.1ncos ln th6 National AAU Cross CountrXr Champtonshtps. One polnt tbat should be 6nphaslz6d 1s that the AAU, for whatover reasont does not pay anybodyrs enpenses to my race. Expensos for nost ioroign trips are pald by tlD rac6 sponsor. Thero 1s, or' course, no !u1e €.gainst an athleie paylng hts oHn way to a forelen "Bc- 1I he so des-r€s. LasrlJ, B sLrp-:s n. l) noo- '..- lcto- tn beind so1" r€d -or a trlp 1s to be avallab1e. ].lany ruDors have to pass up trtps b€cause they cannot accept the inirltation, for sone reason. In such cas€s the sub-conmitte€ asks ihe next nan on the l:s'. Ar eifo. L :.I11 bo rEd" o sp. ad LF rv-llable .'ps out .on6 r)tu-rs retne. ,.-n 'r:T -ev. .l LrlD. to a teu rop - hleres. Ihl: .n resses your cnan.es or Asln:.U 1.e -rF forgetinble experiencs of partlclpatln€ ln a blg forotAn lace. Start prep.rlng noH and the l.b-aof Internatlonal Uarathon ulU be 1ield in liancnestor, Endl^nd on Sunday, Ausust A sre aa&lr tnf J-nceo b{ hL-..ar}e's. Md r6 :s no! p_eparci L. 3ponsor, at thls staee, a conpetltor fron ths us!' Acconodatlbn "";ii;il":.::=f,:*

:TLI, cLl:,tK, fo.ref ilotrc ji.nc dista.ce ::err re!I..ea-1ng rhila.lellhia A. C, li nirr,..1 9th 1n


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