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i"i :N ALL IN STEP at BOSTON X{ARATHON Nina Kuscsik (Center) flanked from left to right by Hugh Allison, Oshawa T.C., Bill Coyne, X{ilhose A.A., and Jimmie G. Edwards of Ohio. shown as they passed thru lvelleslcy. about hall-$ay through the llarathon. Nina !r'as winner of the lvomen's
Divisior. (4-17-72)
photo-wrh wesrerhoin
For inlormation on any ol these programs write to:
W. Coopet, Execulive Dirc.Igr, United Stoter rrock ond Field Federation, 1225 Nofih l0th Avenue, Tucson, Afizona 85705
the aid ot 1435 pictuies of finishers taken by Rick Levt's cre$, Hudreds ran withoui numbers, sore used nmbers lrom previou€ BAA runs. Sore made nrlmbers which look€d so much like the BA-{ nufrbet6 that they w€te hald to defecl, Fled states: 'lve had many nrnbe!6 repeatirg and when checking the pictues Iound that sorAe went out oa AnnuaL Sub6cription Raies: $5, 00, Add $3.00 {or 16r the couse and ran in again. Likely to se€ friedds fini6h" C1a6s Mail oa $5. 00 tor Ai! Mail in U. S. A. & Canada. ing behind them. Maybe by lini6hing twice they Iigured Single copie6 and backissues - 5!f, on getring a good picture. Then we had the Medical JogP1ea6e send race results and alticles lor prblicarion ro ee!s lunning with their own nwber6. At least 1600 Editor: H, Bro\tning Ross, 306 W. Cenlea St., stalted the Iua--err run I \!oodbuly, N.J. 080 96. When Fred &'Rick, who are slowly going through the CLASSIFIED ADVERfISEMENTS - Advertise your fctures, weed out th€ phoneys and repeat6, ihey will evenr to increase entries, or your Foduct to incr€ase 6end us all Jinishers (iJ possibi€1) ahd a seu-addre66ed sales. ($3,00 per insertion). Full or 1/2 page advertis- ehwelole to LDL will bring you your !la.e & timeM€anwhile the fi!6t 400 (ho!eluUy accurare) fi.ishers 4g rat€6 sent uPn reque6L. are hereby published below: USTFF REDWOOD EMPIRE MARATFON, Aacata, l Olavi Suomalain€n, FihLand, 2;15:39; 2. victor Mora' CaLifornia - Jury E, l9?2. For entry fords and Iurthei i.Jormation, conract Jim Hunt, Head TaackCoach, Hrd- Colohbia, Z:15:5?; 3, Jacinto Savinal, Mexico, 2:16:10; .1. Allredo Penaloza, Mexico, 2:18:.r6j 5, Pablo Lugo boldt Slate College, Arcata, Calilornia. Garri.lo, Mexico, 2:19:50! 6. Bruce Mortenson, RochANNOUNCING - THIRD ANNUAL MID-ATLANTIC ester TC, Minn€sota, 2:19:59r ?, Jeff Cal1oway, Florida CROSS COUNTRY - DISTANCE RUNNING CAMP 'lC, Z:20:A3t 8. Alvaro M€jia, Colombia/\rest Valley Camp Matollion€quay, MedIold Lal€s, N.J. TC, Calif., 2:20:0{jr 9. Stev€ Deao, Sacramenro, Calif-, Augu€t ZTth thtough Seprember lst, 1972, Iabulous 2:24:29, \0, Markldr Salniner, Finland, Z:20:4Zr ll. DoFor pine rrails. brochure oI needle traihing sir€ -mile€ mingo Tibaduiza, Colombia, 2:2t:58; 12. Carl Hatfield, writ.: Dire.tor: Browning Ross, 306 w. Centca St., \4cst Virginia TC, 2:22:a1t 13. Tom Holtman, Univ. of \4 oodbury, N, J. 08096. Chicago TC, z:Zztlgt 11, Jahn Vitale, New Havea TC, N. Broad St., SPORT CENTER, 612 TRACK & FIELD woodbury, N.J. 08095 - Let us bid on your rrackne€ds. ?.22151, 15. Hernan Bar!anech., Colonbia, Z:2Z.5Ai 16. Bob Thurston, Washington Sport Club, 2.23:43,17. T&F Sport Center can serve you need6 on most items Justin Cubbins, C€orgerown Uhiv,, 2:23:2E, 18. Rick used in the sport. We ca4 protde items tour local Bayko, NMC, Zt23:32, 19. Gareth Hayes, North Caroyou whefl have or provide service dealers do not carxt, 1i,na 'fC, z:Z3tali 20, Lee Fidler, l.urman TC, So, Ca1no dealer heaf you. Our service i6 right. -. our lrices are righr, . our line is aapidly growing. Nike Shoes - the olina, Z:Z4t19t 2I. John Mowatt, ToronLo OC, Canada, 2:21:53,22, JackLeydig, West Valley 'IC, ZtZStlSi 23. first nelv quality iine of track shoes in 7 yea!s, , Tiger Tom Fleming, Wm. Paterson Couege A-L, 2tz5tz6i 21. Shoes. . Plrma Shoes, , New Balance Shoes. . Reebok Joe McDevitf, Jr., west Valley aC, 2125.28i 25. Ma\ s_oeb.. Irophi"s. tr.dcrs- e do or o"n ciCrd\ r8.. A. white, Boston AA, Zt25t3l,26. Tom Derderian, Tieer- M@ich- Boston Mararhon- RRC- TrackNutN\4C, z:26:06i 27, B.-. - lanrr.", V.hieal fFch. (Any desiCn) T-Slirt6,.Srop Watches, Jackets, Heel 2tz6tA9t 28. Norh Higgin€, Con., 2.26.14]'29. Peter cups,Spenco lnsoles, Books, warmup suts, Free 25 Stipe, B,AA, 2:26:53,34, Ronald A, Wayne, BAA, Z:Z7l lage cafalog sent uPon reque6t. 02: 31, Rafael Tadeo Palomale€, l'jexica, 2:27:la', 32. Donald E. rennedy, l-ort Benning, Ga., 2.2"1:33-, 33, lon \^.lr"g.oroi Larr-n'ran Ini .-C, .anada. 2:27:cl: Paul Pearson, Toroo9o OC, 2:28:08; 35. Paul D, 3,1. FOREIGN RUNNERS AGAIN DOMINATE I Thomlson, NMC, 2:24:25-, 36. Don Brown, Rochester loston, Ma66., April 17- Eally lelorts Jrom Ner TC, N. Y., 2:28:29i 37, Chuck Koeppen, Indiana Strid- , y€ar the England Iriends irdicated fhat this might be {or U.S. luners in the BAA Marathon. Due to the Oly- Z:ZA:341 38. Sam Toraes, Micbigan, 2:28:39r 39. Jim creen, Boston AA, 2,29.58) 40. Mike Sabino, Baltimore mpic year no to! {o!eign runners s€re expectedi ToP Olympic C1ub, 2:34:07: lL Jo€ WiLkowski, N. J,, 2:30: U. S, runners wer€ expecred to tune up for our OlymPic triatB; erc. But once again runers of forcign soil caP- l3', 42. l{en Mueller, Boston AA, 2,30-.1i.1 13. Larry tured the top slot6 in the 76th edition ol this gr€at -Amer_ Seethaler, Penn AC, Zt3ltA3,14. Michael Graham, Sa6k/Canada, 2:31:08j 45. Dougla6 \t. Iish, Marietta ican Slorr6 Clas€ic I Co1lege, Ohio, 2131.37:.46. Walter R€naud, Main€, z:I5: Uaheralded olavi Su;halaiten ol Finland clocked 2:3ztl2; 47, DonaLd Ander6on, HiLlsdale College, Mich, , 39 to once again take the BAA Marathon title back to 2t32.31,48, Gerald Teal, Ont Cadada, 2:32'.51, 19. Pl1iI l- l"n r pFr r"tb gzi h n " D:L dvr' r.sp-. f.od Ryan, BAA, 2:33:38; 50. Gaa William6, WSC, Z:33:,14; Finni6h Otympic selecLors. 51. Jose Guadalupo Hernandez, Metico, Zt34t04i 52, (our 18 seconds pcrsonal {ini6hed Vicror Mora choice) Ronald E. Nehring, UCTC,, 2t34:lzt 53. Joel Pa6terback oI the 25-year-o]d, 5r? , 12riLb. eneineering 6tunack, Wm. Paterson Cotlege AA, Z:341351 54, Peter denr at a Helsinki University. Th€ Colombian, who is Lever, Toronro OC, 2.34t491 55. Dewltt Tbotupson, woik€d his iapidly becoding a world class runner, NeR York AC, zt34t5l; 56- Jack Fultz, virginia, 2:35: iay up from l4th at hauway to a clo6e second at th€ l t, Chcr.ns --u hojd Jr,, \ rgii:a. l:'5:15: -8. Iinish - just a hudted yards back. Marc Peuron, Hamilton College, z:35:391 59. Peter Retiable Fred B!osn tabulated the complete list of Farwe11, William6 College, Mass., 2:35:39, 60. Shelthe liEt wirh to revi6e nearly 1000 finishers but decided doh Karlin, Md. , 2:35r.15j 61. Fred Be6t, N. J,, 2:35:.16i THE LONG DISTANCE LOG A PUBLICATION FOR RUNNERS BY RUNNERS Vo1@e l?, No. 196, Aptil 1972 Published mo4rhly uder the auspi.e6 of the Unite.l State€ Track & FieLd Federation, 1225 N. Iorh Atenue,
B0slolt iilRATH0ll
62. Ken Young, UcTc, 2:35:50; 63. r,4d, Hopkins, Saania TC, Ont., 2:36:001 6.1- John Butterlield, BAA,
2.3Ltlz\ 65. PatrickMiller, Yale, 2;36:l8j 66, Rat Ha11, c.^n., 2:37.10,67, Richard Pyte, Ouebec, 2:37:38t 64. James Carter, Motor Cjty Stri.ler6, Z:38:0?i 69, Chrig Chadber6, UMass,, z:38:11; ?0. Tim wellest linger Lal€6 RC, 2:38:21; ?1. Ncil Weygandt, Penn AC, 2:38: 3?! ?2. Stephen Lubar, Swarthmor€ College, Pa., 2:38i ,1?; ?3, Carroll Siernbere. MilwauL€e, Wisconsin, Z:38: 57j ?4. David L, Whybrew, Taylor Univ., ln.ljana,2:39: 04i ?5. Augustin Calle, N. Y. /Colombia, 2139:A6 (anorh€r listing has Doaald Ocana, Me'ico, 2:39:06? ?); ?6. Emilio Rotondi, NMC, Z:39:10j 77. Norm I'atenaude, Laurentian iJniv. TC, Ont., Zt39:18,78. Ala! Haas, Cold€o Wcst AA, 2:39:ZIt 19. John J. Keiley, Boston AA, Z:40:05i 80. David Senechalle, St, Anthony's BC, 2:1A:36, 8). Jamcs Dalcy Jr,, NMC, 2:.10r,41j 82, Ralph Thomas, Maine, ZAa:16t 83. Terry Callagher, Arlington, Mass,, 2r40r59i 8,!. Michael Baater, BAA, 2:41:09; 85, John Long, Mas6,, 2:41:10 lahorher tisring has Dave Worthen, Fla. TC, 2:,11:10? ?)i 86. Iulgenzeio Hernandcz, Guafamala City, Ztll:zl\ 87. James lloyle, Rochestcr TC, N.Y., 2t4lt21t 88. Peter ElLiolt, UCTC,111,, 2:41:44i 89. Uayne Vauglu, Cmberland valley AC, Z:11:45]'9A. John Garlepp, Millrose AA,2:al:51 (anorher listing has Grcgory Boylingron, Va,, 2:.11r51? ?)i 91. Earl Bradley, Columbus, Ohto, 2;41:53j 92. Jam€6 Isenberg, Ptihccton Univ,, 2:41:5'1i 93" Jos--ph B. Co!lentz, Franklin & Marshall C01lege, Pa., 2t+I:a7, r1, Jcray McNeal, Minn€sota, 2:+1:59; 95. J.lf Carrn.dy, N. J. , Z:42i05; 96. Bruce Kritzl.r, Toledo RRC, 2:'1Zr l.t; 9?. Robert C, Sullivan, BAA, Z:,12r21; 98. Eugene Krasz.:ski, Mass., 2:.lZ:Z8j 99. liilliam \,1, ciulia., Pacers AC, 2:42:37 (o! Stcveh Kihg, Tcnh., 2:42:l?? ?) 100. David C. Lar6on, Ncs llaven TC, 2:.12:.14j 101. Paul or Pctcf? ? Freemah, Amherst College, Nlass., 2:42.50t IO2. lvllliam Cordon, St. Anth. BC, 2i,12i581 103. Michael Stinc, Indiana, 2:43:02r 10.1. Phillit [ord, Lak€ Erie AA, Ohio, Z:43:05t 105. Dougla6 1!ood, Fair{ield Couty Stri.1€rs, Pa., e:43:13; 106. Roger Rouiltier, west Va. TC, 2:13:11t tA1, Bruc.: Frederi.lison, Syaacuse TC, Z:.13:40; 108. Craig Harus, Qhia, 2:13:14 109. Robert Cohedon, Fin.ecr Lakes RC, 2:,13:56r 110. Chot Fortier, NLIC, 2:.1,1:07i lLt. Robert Allen Jos€ph, Lowell Tech, Mass., 2:.1.,1r?1; 112, Harold DeMoss, 1!VTc, ca]iI., 2.11t231 111, l A, Horton, Dc RRc, 2;44:30; 114. Ronald Drogan, Nlvlc, Z:,1.,1:32r 115. George Branam, Indiana Striders, 2:45:1li 116. Mervin C, Bryan Pottstown Pacers AC, Pa., 2:1a:19,117. H€inz lvieganit, US Almy, 2:.15:Z2r 118. Ross Smith, Nevada, 2:.!5;23i Il9. Carl Car€y, Indiana Stri.lers 'fc', 2:15:29, IZ0" John Rae, Univ, ol Guelfh, Ont. , Z:.t5:.r3; 1?1. Mi.hael M.carr, Holcysuckle Tc, ore., z:.15:5ii; 122. Neil Covi1lc, Mt. Royal Crans Amis, Oue. , 2:.15:58; 123. D.n Lu.erno, Cali{,, or Sam ParLs, Ulah, 2:46:00? ?j lZ+. Ernie Smirh, N,Y, or a nuDber obs.uled runner from Boston, 2t16:031 )25, KeEn cro\Iey, NMc, 2,46106i 126. John KotsuLka, Chicaeo, 2r.!t,:08i 127, Ronald Chase, And€rson Co1lege, 2:.r6:23r 128, Gcoage
Conef!ey, NMC or Tod.1 Miller, II\., 2:16:241?,
iols Tc, Calif., 2:,:16:26; 131, Randy Balkhouse, Darrtuouth TC, N. H. , ZtlLt3Z: i.32. Glenn Charbonneau, Llnn AC, Mass. , 2:,!6:35; 133. Di1lon Maier, N. Y,, 2:4ri:38i 13,1, David Sahl!y, NYC, 2:.16:.t8; ll5, rViU Brutsaert, Firger Lakes RC, 2:,14,:a3; 13ir. Ceorg€
Miller, No- Country AC, 2.4?:a3t 137. Iicitb Voodq'ard, Verhont, 2:.,17:0?; 138. Gr€gor Klipan, Ohio, 214?rt0i 139. McPhersoh, 1|est \4! lC, Z14?:19j 1.10, Joln 5, Drr and ' , \orLhan f o., Lass., l:47 / : lal, L!F Holley, Marin AC, Ca\j.I., 2t17t26t 142. Roger Frice, Mantleal, 2t4"1tzgt 1,13. John D. Reppy, Finger Lakes RC, N. Y., Zt47:19,114. Duane C. Pitz, Motoa Ciry Sfriders, Mich,, 2:47:51,l45. Dr, $alter McCon.eU, CehLral J€rsey TC, 2t47.53,14t', Eugene J, McMer!iman, A&C Sports Clu!, Mass., 2:48:11; 1.1?, Jades A. Thomas, Iowa (James Thomson?) 2:48rl8j 1,18. Steve Goldberg, Illinois lC, 2t18t21t 149. Maftins Ande, Oxy College/Nigeria, 2'.18:1At 150. No. obscured, Rockhe TC, 2r,l8r.l1j t5l. Al Meehan, Stratlord Spartah6, 2:48: ,15; l5Z, LeonarC Hal1, No, Country AC, 2:.!8:50j 153. Elic P. Hydc, r'4illiams College, 2:48:52; 154. W. Dennis Hea1y, Brooklyn, N.Y., 2r48ri9j 155. Bill King,,43, Penn AC, 2:,{9:03; 156, Dave Reinhart, Americah Univ. or Roberf Seaman6, Pa,, 2:19ta9i 15?, Steven Nowack, N.Y,, 2i,l9r11r 158, Benn€tt Gerstiman, NYC or Tom Higgin6, Irl,, 2149113,I59. David L€hites, Baltimore Ol,n p -b, z:ao:l- 60, .hn Brei."ic. sanr" B!rbara AA, 2:,19i1?; 16l. T. Hab€cker, Finge! Lak€s RC, z:49:l9t 16?. Jonatnan Chalfee, Harvard Uhiv,, z:.19:2?; 16:1, Dave Liaron, BA}., 2.!'9,29,164. Dale D, Keenan, 1ta\- i- . o cp?, 2..24: \'. .ra, . . .!ad B. -o",, s-n_ or '', Calrr., ?:ao:'/: 66. Dr. Prcr"r. S -:n-r, Seniors TC, 2.49.3a) $?, Harvey Tevis Herd, Texa6, Z:,1c:.11' 168. J€ftrey Myers, Ohio, 2:.19:46i 169. Ted Coflritt, NYPC, 2.19t51t I1A. Jim McDade, Urica Pacemakers, N. Y. , 2:5AtO6, 171" Richaad W. waltz, Wisc, , ZtSot\Zt l7Z JotD Cault, -Olint AC, Mich., Z:a1.2?t 173, Dcwitt J. Pau1, CJTC, 2:50:30; 17.1. Dr. Victor 14atth€rts, Univ. of Cuelph, Onr,, Z:50:15; 1?5. Bemett H. B c.h. \.Y.. ,.':48i Lo. Bria '. ca. rer, Mas6., Z.5A:53,177. Bruc€ Dersberrt, Toronto Striders, 2:50:55i 178. \tm, P, lvlclnnis, London, Ont., 2:51:58, l?9. Jeff Freed, Penn AC, 2r5lr0?j 180. Michael J. Su.Uow, MRFA, Que., Z:5lr15r 181. Jeiry conser, \r'. ,fl,, PP As"r., Z:c1:Z 8 \o. ob.. . -l-zala'P mazoo College or L, Newbeck, Conn., Zr5l:49; 183, Herbert Paa€ohs, CSU, Mass., 2r,1:50j 184. Carl E. llestberg, So.Conn.AC, 2:a1:52i 185, MarcN Davis, Calit., Z:51:55i 186. Bruce Jirson, Mass, Maritime, z.alta9, \41, Willian.L aenton, Detroit Univ-, Z:52:00i 'E8. /h"rrF. or vay u!!yb!-nFr, D!., ?,:52t02:1.89. Francis Maherj NMC, Z:52:13; 190. Janes L, Rob.rats, Lowe1l Tech, 2:52117.,l9L Jan H, Nyboer, M,D,, USN, 2ta2:?5:192. Ken Dawsoh, BAA, 2:52:29: 193, Jaftes F, Snith, CSU, 2.52.11,194. Thomas Wilson, UMass., z:az:a1,195. John Rudbelg, S€niors Tc, Z:53:06i 196. Paul Fetscher, Long Island AC, 2:53;13; 19?, Les Kinlo!, Baltimor€ Fire Iight€rs, 2:53:16; 198. Harol.l D" Cale, Hartlord TC, 2:53:2.1; 199. John E. Rayblrn, Ohio or J. McMenamin, N.H,, Z:53:26i 200. Fo _obb. ')" ,, or -. Dobb., , Vass., -:- 2/: ?01. arian Harringfon, Terlihgua TC, Tetas, 2.53137,242. lienaeth P. BeUor, Saginaw TC, t,Iich,, 2t53t101 2A3. FrcderickS. Whaley, Univ. oI Delanare, 2:51:45i 204. Robert S. McKelvey, Vermont or T. Ralaor, Ca,, ?t53.a4| 205. Jacqu€s Maihguy, Ouebec, 2:53:55i 206. Robert Linton, Univ. of Cuelph, Ont. , Zta3,56: ZOl. MarL Pari6h, 1\riscoasio, 2:5,1:06; 208. Roaald Kay, CSU, Ma6s., 2:51t26 ZA9. Cregort A. Cibson, Clouces.F . V""!,, ?:(t:?7,2\4, S(or V(1r.1 "* ,Ira". oAC, C)nt,, ?:54:29i 211, ItuCen€ Quinn, Provid€nce Co1..-o o, pa_- /r
RACE\{''AY TO SPONSOR YONKERS MARATHQN The Yonkers MaraLhon, a lixrure since 1936, s,ill be 6taged and 6ponsored bt Yohkers Raceway tn co.Junctioa with rhe Yohkexs Jaycees on S@day, J@e 1lth, Aanually thc Yonl€!s Marathon has been schedlled {or May bur thi6 year ite sponso!, rhe Chiple1ta C1ub, canceued th€ race, thus leaving the City of Yonkers Fithout rhe narionally recognized race. Yonk€rs Raceway has set up a slecial box nrlmber for apdicaEt6 to app1y. A11 correspotdence 6hout.l be addre66ed to rh€ Yo.kers Mararhon, East Yonkers Post
wa€ in thc upper 20rs at the slart, reached lhe upper 30'6 duribg the day ahd went backto lreezing again by nighllall. lr was cloudy wirh a 10 to 15 mph wind. Vaync Vaughn, 26, ol Hager6Lown, the only persoa to start in all ten JFK 50-milers, turned in his besr 9i@ ever (7:12:02) as he tied {or third wirh Jim Harrison ol Ealtimorc. Totu Uard, Jr., a Marine majoi irom
Q c. i o, Va.. !" JiLh .n /:40:lj. r'a-o pul "d i. d Taylor's Landins (mile 38), and foud he,d gotteh ahead of his Logisrics, The 13 .ompeting Marines tad their ovh communicarion6 network one mar cruising fte 'itha tno-way radio. canal tos'path on a bicycl€ rvith FrienOffice Bor No. 20, Yonkers, N, Y, l0?0,,1. ds net the runnersrnecds at various checkpoinis wiih The race will also serve as the Metropolitan AAU food, watel or clothing. Edrvin Jerome, 28, a graduate studeht at Notre Dame, Tr. ":.c 'l6rc Id-dl1b\a h.t. r'sb .cr.C cam€ in sixth. Last yeal Ed made a 100,mite track '-ac! a-d an! ! l be zb-run at Toledo, Ohio. However, hc hay b€.ome even or s:: :n F- '.ing LhF ra. c as l-) fa . .h-ou[h lhmore famous Jor mi6sibg a sharp righr turn on the raceway grouds over a five or six mile loop. Awards ro the top perJormers rtiU be mad€ at a special Appalachian Trail and rDning to the brink of the 550 It. b!fIet dinhca Iollowing the aacc rhat evening. Al1 finish- lVev€rton Cliffs. Martin creenbaun, of Hyattsville, ers ol the race nill also receive a nemento ol rhc event. Md., in ?th place, was rhe lirst finisher oI a sizeable ',-r-., amarh-na s p ofcs.o - Boo y, group ol DC RRC nen trying 50 miles lor the lir6t time, Iriends said Oreenbaum was joking as he pas€ed, won the race the ]a€t Lwo years, mile 38, so they knew he'd Dake ir, women will be welcomed as they rtere for the first .". inrz., A h .-1. 5lLro- zs time ih 19?1. Amohg the stalters !ri1l be Robert Rein{ive differcnt age group r€cords rere set--10, '-a. 15, high erts€n, the chief of se.urity ai Yonkers Raceway. 6chool age! ,{0 s ahd 50's. Most note$orthy were Berty --Jo€ Kleinerman-. Zane Reddick, age l0 oI Uiion Bridge, Md., with 12:39: 5l; Carl Llcweula, 56, ol Hagersrown, who los,€red IrVE EVER COURSE SEEN, Barner 'TOUGHEST CUMBERLAND VALLEY ATHLETIC CLUB torh ANNUALhi6 own rccord by 52 minutes to 9:13:06; and Bitl Ja.k6oh, 43, a Hagerstown man who did 8:21:19 although he JOIIN F. KENNEDY 5O-MILE HIKE-RUN took up .uDning onty last year. Boonesboro, Md,, Sat., March25, t9?2 7:30 A,M, First lihlsher among the.195 women s,ho srarted was The largest really long distance race in the U,S., the Donha Aycoth, an ete-catching blonde college sLudenr JFK 50-friler, sa6 lvoh by ParkBarter, 28, of Enola, from Hagerstorrn. Miss Aycoth, 22, in compl€ting rhe Pa. , iL 6tZ9tZ7 over UoL other coml.rirors. There race lor rhe IiIth straight year, did 9ri18:30 ior 35tb were 308 finishers. Thiiteen o{ the fir6t 16 tuiles involve rock-hopling and Bob Crane, 40, lrom Vienna, Va., who runs to 6tay Jrustrating footworkalong r:h€ Appalachian Trail, v,hich in shape for dog sled racihg, said this eveht could bemay keep happy many ol the hikers who particilare bur it i6 {ar {rofr ideal {ooting lor runD€rs, However, more .ome khown as the Pikes P€ak ol rhe €ast (ho doubt beruners than ever are being altractcd to this erent an.1 calse ol the rough {ooting for 13 miles, any gteat altitn.le), I-{e clocked 8:'lZ, the Jield has virtually doubied each teaa sihc. I968. Ihe Lasr 50-mile finishcl6 to beat the 15-hour curoff Altcr the mountaiaous {irst 16 miles, rhe route flartens tihe had to laa\'€l more than 3 hours ir freczing cold out Ior the nert 26 milc6 alohg th€ towpath oI the C&O Canal. Upon heading inland rowards Hag.t6to\rn for rhe one runner ran 35 mii.s in his bowlihg shoes, he had final eight tuii€s on country roads, the mo6r notable eight oI thc most outstanding blist€rs ever seenl leature {but not so foncuy remembered by runncrr) is a nach finishea rcceive.l a trothy, and any hiliea o! runlong hill at ,!2 miles. ner rvho compleled ar least 35 miles .arnc.t a medal. Thc only lhacc to break seven hours on this rugged course wer.: ih clo.e comperition for almosr FROM ll to 1100 ih l0 vearsl In 1963 in resporse Lo rhc lilst rhree quarters ol the way. A surtrisihg second President Kchhedy's emphasis oh physicaL firhess, pla.e was Cene Schultz ol l\rihchester, Va., a 19-year- Irilliam Buzzr Sawyer of Hagersrorv! garhered ren o{ his fri.nds to attempt the difficult 50.2-frile couse old lleshoan at 1{i1liam & Mary. His tim. nas a vert hc had laid oqt, Four ol rhcn {ihish€d. With its tenth srrong 6:41:ll. Elton Horst, Zl, of Greencasrle, Pa, auhning, rhc JFK has gronh so laag€ that Sawter and (last year's wihne! ahd couse re.ord holder wirh co-.agalizer Cuy lthidden ol Frederick have b€eD forc6:i5r.l2) q'as forced to drop our aL 35 mijes with leg cd to .lrop out as troubles rihich bothct(id hih for the pasr 'uDners, sinc.r pap€rwork rakcs so tha. set a gruelLing pacc ahd reached the ch€ck much Lime aqay from training for the .vent. Both hetd num€rous !ecords as competitol s in th. cvent. CVAC loihts at Z? ahd 35 oiles in iecord rime, bur by hile deserves 1,100 thank you,€ Ior a rve11-organized race. .+Z had begun to 61or,. Barner, Itho Iton fie MetrofoLitan .!AU 50-nile .hamlionship th Ne{ York in February, Barner, a most nericulous runncr, shored up with a ma! outlined wirh cvcry minute detail ol his bartle plan said rhe ellects of ruhaihg a mararhon the neekbelore for lhe €{acting 50. Z mile layout. Ihe rall Pemsylvaamay have slorved him the last t0 miles. ian sped thiough fie lirsr three che.k station6 in !€coril That shire stull that the leaders nere wearing aroun.L time. He reached 15. 9 miles in 2:02:00i 27.3 miles in the hairline as Lhcy came down from South Mourain 1 4 4'd t,6. | ,-Io-- " orirC. rahr -h b- I o/-. _ P .c..v r, \F 4n p-.., r-'. :'0 narathon I ran LasL weck ih New York may have taken
choulhard, cAUL Quebec, 2:56:40r 240 Charles K' t; much out of my legs to challcnge the recor.1, h. saidlookiflgvelylcfresheda!tefashowcr.Gibson,cha||anoogaIc,2..6.4I.'2,1t.Rodneysteele, virginia, 2:56..!-3,212. RobertE. MacDouaall, lvinNextyearthe lith Annuar JFK 50_Mite Hike_Run will beheld.Thecoldmigh'notbeasba.]ahdyoul'iumak€.h€6ter,Mass',2:.6.16.'2ll.lllancisE'Mccabe, lots of nerv friends along the trai1. Trv it. You'11 Like itl Colorado' 2tt6t18t 24l James P KtiSht' Glouc€st€r' NIass , 2:56:53i 245. Sgt. Svl Pascal€, Urica, Paca--Brucc Burnsicle-2.16, Louis \|annemacher, Villanova
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263, Robert Bartlin8,
212. Edwin Jerome, ner, Jr., Ha11i6bu!g, Notre Dade, 2:5'l:35, fitr(E WTNNER Park Ba.ner (lol!) is sho*n risht he is coisrotur Pa,, Zt5ltl1t 265. Ja:hn z sa{ver L6k3 2r3. Ralmond E. cu -ffrmtoriTe6id iff;i"$l#::n:"r':il F. win€low, wsc,D.c. rier, Jr,, N"et HamPZt57:45i 266. Jolnoeshite, 2:54:48; 2l'!. Robert R. Ludwig, NMC, 2:5'!:52r derhotm, Boston, Zt57:47t 267, Byron Mundy, Pehn AC, Tho-". Tuttle o"].-, 2:5?:.i8i 268. Ior Antezak, RocKotil RR, \l\., 2:57t51., -?i5. 2l6. Bernard Kapell, N. Y., 2:5'1:59; 2i? David M. zi-_ 269. Oo."to Balsamo, Rochesrer AC, 2.58t05., 27A. m€iman, Cambridge, Mass,, 2:55:12r 218. Russell C. Neiit Miner, Maine, 2:58:06; 2?1. We. Linse, Indiancombs, No, carolina Tc, z:ta:I7t 219. Robert T. coflev' hea.l Tc, z:58i10i 272. Martin Dutty, Univ. of Pem M.D,, Texas, 2t55t18t ZZA. Jahe6 Beach, Chatranooga (Crad Srudeat), 2:51.ii 273- Victoa c. Dunn, LaurenTC, or Joho Rossi, Camd€n, N.J. 2:55:19; Z2l, Sam A. tianTC, Onr, or M. Doyte, N.y., Z:58rl3j 214, Jane6 Costa, UCTC, z.srzai 2zz. Mtron BiSelov, BAA, 2:55: Dow, Belmont, Mass., 2:58:16r 2?5. At wick. Pa., ,10; 223. Ja@s c. Johnson, cJTc or w. savl11e, Mas6. ' zt5A:29,276. Richard Barnes, Emerson college, 2:58: 2ta5,42,224, Jerome Adams, St. Louis YMCA TC, Z:55: 36i 2?7, Michaet Lanigan, onrario, 2:58:,10i 278. 1ym. 16.,225. GeorEe Wilson, Ferris State ColLege or R. Jam- J. Ssitzer, U, ol Toronto TC, Z:58i4lr 2?9, Ctair Paine, bor€ky, Va., 2t55,aAt 226. Iia W. L!1{c Jr.. Johns H"p- Su1.m State Collese, Mass,, 2:58r,!2; 280. Charles A. kins Univ. , zt55t59i 227. wougang ooubou, Finger Lales parmaLe€, N, y., 2t'8t45i 281. chailes carstea, Toteilo RC, N.Y.,2156:OZi2Z8. No.obscured, KentAA? 2:56r03 Z5gt49., ZBZ. Jol,n A. $.a1tace, BAA,2:59:05;283. 229. John M. Barrett, Roche6rer TC, N. Y. , 2:56:06r Terr1. C, Sr)eer, Los -AngeIes potice AA, Zi59:07; 284. z3o. Rudy M, Zingler, RocheEter TC, N.Y., z:56:07; cerrvn. c""a.oote, cenesee state cotleg€, z:59:lO; 231. James E. Callagher Jr., Rhode Island Univ,, 2:561 ZB5. perrv Lonsaker, NMC, Z:59:t6i 286. Frank Mc09i 232. John Hutley, NMc, 2:56:11j 233. walter Churc- Ewen, N. v., z,lg,rSr 28?. uknown, possibry +355, hitl Jr., Toledo RR, Ohio, 2:5ri:15; 234. P€ter Jones, 2:59:t9t 288. David Cro(, Univ. of Ma!yland, 2:59:201 Can., 2t56t3li 235, A1 Wick, SouthamFton, Pa. or H. 289. K€vin Case, Ont., Ztag:ZI; 290. Bemett Jones, wa!d, D.C., 2t56:331 236. Eric walrher, St.-An!h.Bc. NMC, z:59:24, z9l. Steve I]usztay, Lake Eri€ AA, Z:59; 2:56:35t 237. P€te Soutul1o, La., 2,5h1j6, 238. Iranl 28: 292. Thomas R. \i.h e, Fta. iC, Z:a9.3At 293.DeLTakish, Flint AC, Mich., 2:56:37j 239. Richard ni! Branhafr, FIa., 2:59r36; 294. Lloyd Geggatt,1Vs,
7 Haft{ord TC, 3tA6:41t 315, Phil Heath, NMC, 3:06:,,16; Mass,, 2:59:45; 295. Jahes D. Lillielors, DC RRC, 2,59.16,29b. Richard E. Collard, Bryant Co1lege, 376. E.Lvard G. Hotchkiss, Utica Pacemakers, 3:06:55; 2,59118,297. chuck Collin6, Finger Lal€s F,C, 2.59t19, 377. Chal1e6 S, Gibson, Chattanooga TC, 3:06:58; 378. 298, Joe Buans, Uhited AA, 2:59:50j 299. Atlen lV, Anthony Maccario, NMC, 3r06:59r 3?9. Ar6ahd LasorSmith, Oberlin College, 2:59:53i 300. Robert B" Hisred sa, Michigan, 3r0?,03t 380. Walter Cantz, Michigan, - ,, V"-,"1a Coll6e,, Z ro:r4: l0, w-. -. D-dh--, 3:0?i11; 381. Kenneth D. Zepb, Cambridge, 3:0?:12; West Va, TC, ?:59155t 302, Paul Shimo4, Florida TC, 382. Paul Thur6tod, Md., 3:07:l6j 383. Herbelt J. Z:59:56; 303. John F, Maloney, Midtown AC, 3r00r02i Cross, Hartlord TC, l:07:19; 384. Raymond Larson, 0r. pob-r. B, ' llar, \q sLa,c u1,.,, ,.00:0J; r0c. Canfon RR, 3tQ7tzlt 38a, Don Phiiitr, Illinois TC, John Slade, Rochester, N.Y., 3:00rll;306, Dr. Vlas. 3:07:25; 386. John F. Becker, Niagara TC, 3:0?:2?l Zak, Lake Erie A-{, 3:00:2?; 30?. Daniel B. Dasson, 387, Rev. Joseph Shea, BAA, 3:C?:30r 388. Francis D, CSU, 3:00:33; 308. Robert A. Crane, NMC, 3:00:43; Fahetty, N, J, , 3:A7:3Zj 3a9. Mitcbell Fromm, Univ. 309, Frank Handelman, NYPC, 3:00:50i 310, Pataick A. of Penn., 3:0?:39; 390. Al 14'illiams, NYPC, 3:0?;40; Reid, Univ. of Waterloo, 3:00:55; 311. Ronald L. Free, 391. Julian Sicgel, NMC, 3:0?:.,12; 392, Da! Schulga6set Eisenhower Couege, 3:00:59i 312, Jonn F. Joyce, IU., Sc turdr-". l:0, .14: o.. r r L. 2, p .anric \'.). N,.. 3:01:07; 3i3. Jclf creve, shore AC, 3:01i08; 31.1. Dr. 3,07t16, 3a1. P-iclald \!, Harris, Pema,, 3:A7:47:395. BeLiveau Pierie, Laval Univ., 3j01:l?i 314. Parrick Jao€6 B. Campbeil, Jr., Wm. & Mary College, Va., Connelly, Lo6 Angeles Police AC, 3tQltzz,316. Wm.F. 3:0?:52; 196. Drlqi6 J. DriscoU, St, Francis Co11ege, Mullen, Lym AC, 3:01:Z3j 3l?. Ca]1, Jim Dclp, USMC, l:07:55; 397. Roberl L, lialFer .Tr, , trSC, D. C. , 3:08: 3r01:26; 318. Harold R, Bradlord, Windsor, Ontario 03; 398. PlLili! Fierce Jr,! Com., 3:08:07; 399. John YMCA, 3:01:29; 319. Robert Cumnings, NMC, 3:01135; R. Kurrz, IlLlnois, 3:08:08j :100. cary R. Bolan, Md., 320, K. Cilbert Campbe11, C€ntra1 Jelsey TC, 3:01:3?; 3:08:10. 321, Ralmond L, Morrison, Md., 3:01:38i 3ZZ. Geolge Note. . . !, 6tudy oJ rhe 1.135 pictures of the Iinisher6 Ames, Univ. of cu€Iph, ont. , 3:01:4li 323. JolD T. Lakeh br RickLevtrs crerv lras studied by Leaf. & Fred lvi1liafr6, qehe6eo State College, 3:01:52; l24, Bryaat Brolrn, Sr. and frany of the repeats riere ideDtifieal & P. Mo€ckel, Union Coilege, 3:41.53,325. ChuckDavey, eliminated. Some .loubLlul ones rv€re Left in. The picMotor City Striders, 3tAZtAl-,32t. Helmut Boeck, ror- tures .hoq'ed many Jellows lihl6hing a second timeonto OC, 3r02:0li; 327. Htry Berkoqitz, Penn AC, Olren as much as ren mibutes €lapse.l berNe€n fini6bes 3.AZ|A1, 328. Jimmi€ Cj, Edwards, Obio, 3:02:10; 329. Jor 6ome of thern. Many, many fakc William S. Cordon, M.D,, Pa., 3r02:12; 330. Michel spotted. Oh€ the nlmber he held ar the Jobin, LavaL Univ., 3:02:16; 331, Clas, foote, L,A, Marsh Post race several weels ago. The Dhoto showed Police AC, 3:02:l8r 332, St€phen Prouty, Mt. Park AA, thc leaalLy marl€d on it! Mi6ta1€6 in getting the num.nFs , r' .oh',9 in, 3r02:20j 333, Don Caprob, Ga-, 3:02r2.1r 33,1, Richard .-d as.h" Amwake, Ohio, 3:AZA3| 335. 1\o, L, Tylulki, O6wogo in large groul!, At times after 3:30 rhe lini6h€rs withStat€ MC, 3:02:47j 336. Anrolin N. CabaIlero, Univ. of out numbers outnumbered rhe Iihishers Rith nrrmber6, Miami, 3:02:51; 33?. Michael J, Albert, FairIi€1d We sti11 rhiakth€ only solurion i6 to giv€ them aLI nl]mCouty Striders, 3:02:58; 338. Sam A, Cratch, Utica b€rs. Screebiog out the Iellows rvirhour numbers and Pacemal€r6, 3:03:02r 339. DavidH, Buzzell, Maryland, those rtith +oney nu6ber6 might be done sotu di6tance 3:03:39; 340, Bcrhard J. Hamaoc\ Lale Erie AA, {roh the finish line but it would be .lillicult, Ler,6 face 3t03:12i 34L Ken Youngberg, unar., 3:03:56; 3.12. T. L. it --it is a gxeat spe.ta.le and norhing will keep it lrom Beels, Va., 3:03;58' 3.13, Ratmond Ausrotas, CSU, continuing to grow except holdihEr it in an enclosure 3:04:06; 3.!.4. Chas. SFrandel, Ohio, 3:04:12j 345. David rith a high rail and locked gares I --Fr€d Brom Sr, -E, Sprandel, foledo, 3:04rl2i 346. C€rald P. Cood, (Ed, 'Maybe next year there will !e no qualifyidg time. Rardotph, Ma66,, 3:01:\3t 311, Peter J. Barns, U. ol Th€y all run anywayl ) Michlgan, 3:0,1:16i 348. Max Swann, Pa,, 3)04:Z3i 349. 401, Jean Poirier, CAUL Ou€bec, 3j08:l8i .102. Jobr Alden Gardner, KnoxviUe TC, 3:04:25; 350. Harry L. G. Heyburn, Louisvillc TC, 3108:43; 403, Lt. James A 1Velles. Jr. , Hartford TC, Com- , 3r0.4:30r 351. Stelhen Kee, CSU, 3:08r50; .10.1. Richard Jambor6ky, Virginia, .0r''t L P.ooc--. <to-.! 2, Da\- P ,1\!cr, 3:08:56i 405. Larry Boi€s, Jr. , Twir Cities TC, 3:09:01 j06. \o. oDlcu -d, : o: 1 40/. \^ ll Am- r' an rn' l- vi. | - lF-'nC o,, "m h"-r,man, Laurentian Univ, TC, 3ta4:17, 351. Douglas M, Carl6on NMC, 3:09:04; 408. Jo6c!h w. Carr, Texa6, 3:09:07; Finger Lakes RC, 3:04:40; 355. Richard L. S€idtuad, 409. Bruce R. Ellis, BAA, 3r09:10;410, cab!iel B. Harper College, 3:A4talt 356. D!, ndward Strekei, Mt, Duguay, Qucbcc, 3:09:1ll 4ll. Richard C. Lucian, Sr. Park AA, 3:04:53i 357, Scort L, Bradley, NMC, 3:04: Anthony's AC, 3:09:Llj .,112. G€n€ A. Mihor, Shore AC, 55i 358. Gerardo Biown-Manrique, Syracuse TC, 3:0.1: 3:09:l,l;,113. JackS. Schemdet, U,oI To1€do, 3:09:16; ,:11.4. Richard J. aarrett, CJTC, 3r09:1?;415. Sruart 5?1 359. Francis Devine, Mt. ParkAA, 3:05:0Zj 360. Craig B. Caaede., Va,, 3:05:21; 361. Dr. John Long, Adam6, BAA, 3tA9tZIt 1IL, Jotu c. Link, New York AC BAA, 3:05:30i 362. Dick Kuscsik, Sr. Anthohy'6 BC, 3:49.21,417, Frank D, Ratti, Montclair State College, 3:05:35j 363. Rolan.l D. Staniol, Eastern lllinois Univ., l:09:26r ,f]8, Robert Shith, BAA, 3:A9:27t 419. Douglas 3:05r43; 36.+, Steven Casolino, U. oJ Neq' Haven, 3:05:45 A, Black, Baltimore aC, 3tA9t29t 420, V, Nova, DC 365. Ceorge lt. Guins, Srlmmir AC, 3:05:51i 36li. David RRC, 3:09:10; 421. James Comyn6, Lake Erie AA, Cormier, Providence Collee. A-{, 3:05:52! 367. H.rb 3.09132i 122. EdisoD Diemante, unat,, 3:09r34r 423, Phillips, NMC, 3:05:54r 368, Dr, Thomas Pinckard, Bos'o.. r:0o:?7;.1,,4, 1' n. Ild_t, 5.a.Fn ."t:,,. :0: : bo, ts.a. v-nza, sL,-.a.o.|,j 16land AC, 3:09:39j ,425, Di. Paul Jarrett, Miami RC, RR, 3:05:56; 370. Wm. F. Shull, Furman Unirersily, 3:art41t 126. Martin E. Sultivan, \ta., 3ta9t48\ 421. 3:06:03; 3?1. Edward E, Trorter, BAA, 3:06:08; 372, Cerald Grasso, Hav€rhiu, Mass,, 3r09r5i1; 428, Gary I , r:06:rr t ?7r' D- 106' Geollroy, NMC, 3:49:57,129. Scott Lutiey, Wiuiams, clearyr No. Dakota, 3.Ab:3a:371. Ccorge L, Sanders, College, 3:09:58; .130. John E, Blair, USAF TC,3r10:01,
t I
BRYAN GIESER SURPRISES WITH 20 KILO WIN Pleasaatoh, Calil., Feb, 19- Bryah Cieser o{ rhe Redwood City Slriders scoied a surlaise 6ls victory in a Zokm run that drew a huge field, A total oJ 103 runn€rs Iinished. The Redwood City Stlider6 were the easy team winners (6?) over the hort Livereo!e Valley RC (1381 aad west valley TC (183). Perhaps ing performance oI lhe day cam€ Jlom 17-year-old Jackie Dixon of the San Jose Cibdergals who took 35th spot in rhe fantastic time ol 1jl8:20,
ALVARO MEJIA EASY WINNER AT SEARSVILLE Woodsid€, CaliL, March 4 - Chalking up his seconcl win in a week, Alvaro M€jia successfully defended his title io the Sear6ville Lake Run oJ 8 &ites, chalking uI a one mihute pluE rictory over temmare6 Jack Lerdig and Ritchie G€isel, who int€ntionally ried for second. Tal<ihg the lead from the start, Mejia simpty tcngth€ne his lea.l as he went and wa€ never challeaged, The Red wood City Striders, led by Bryan cieser and Mitch Kingert, rook team honor€ s,ith 68 points. Ross Smith . Brvar GrF6er, FCS. :0-: 4: z, Do!g B-R. \ was thc Iirst over .10 Jinisher ahd Paul R€ese nas tops AC, 1r08:55; 3. Mitch Kingery, RCS, 15, 1:09:03; 4. ih lhe 50 & over divisioo. A total oJ zot linished the John W€idinge", Pahakids, I:09:061 5. Mike Pinocci, course, which was on roads through Woo.lside, wlth West Valley TC, 1:09:23; 6. creg Chapman, Solano TC, €evetal chaLlengihg hi11s, 1:09;57; ?. Dan Ander€on, Valley TC, 1:11:15i 8. Ron l. Alvaro Mejia, West Valley TC, 40:O6i Z. tie, Jack CFis<hn e-, wvTC Ch"bor, : 2:,o o. Davio -or.62, Leydig & Rirchie Geisel, lVVTC, 41:18; ,1. Byron Lowr. RCS, 1:12:43; 10. Rich M:lan, Chabot, l,1Z:52; 11, Dave SF Olympic Club, ,,11:58; 5. Darlyl Beardall, Marin AC Z@walt, unat., 1:13r08;12. Paul Xoski, unat.,l:13r24; 42:29; 6, DorC Butt, Maai! AC, ,t2:35; ?. Brya! Gi€se 13, Mike Ea6h, unat., lrl3:24j 14. Bill Fliat, Alrlm RCS, .12:38;8. Mitch Kingery, RCS, 42:.,12t 9, John Rock RA, 1:1,1:I0; 15. Carlos Ortiz, Eat., l:1,1:21; 15, W€idihger, PaDakids, 42:51, IA, Dan Ander€oa, Valle. Dave Dunbar, Oceana HS, 1:14:24j l?. Terry SleIanski, TC, 13tZZ,lL 'ayne Smith, bat., 44:O1j t2. John But Liv, VRC, 1:1.1:3.1j 18. Frank Santo6, Liv, VRC, 1:14'.19i t€rJield, US \avy/BAA, 44:06; 13, creg Chapman, So1 o. olu I'n.h, s.r., : 4: 0 10. Puly Sryt- s, wa.., ano TC, 44:31; 1.,1. Ceorge Iiirk, RCS, ,t4:38; 15. Ross lil5r36; 21. Ken White, RCS, 1:16:05; 22. Robin Clark, Smith, we6r Valley J&S, 4.1:57; 16, Jih O,Neil, SFOC, MaraDon, l:16:lZj 23. Mike Che6sar, Liv. VRC, 1:16:291 45:05j 17. arank Krebs, vat., 45tz5i 18. Michael Con 2,1. Bob Malain, NCSTC, 1:16:31 (1st Over 40); ?5. Paul roy, RCS, 45:Ztlr 19. John Fin.h, uat., 45:53; ZO. Reese,5,1, NCSTC, l: l6:34. Charlie Koh, Paoakids, .,16:0,!; 21. David Cortez, RCS ,16:I0j 22, Paul, unat., .16:16; 23, Dav€ Steveh6ol WEST VALLEY TC OLYMPIC DEV. MEET at Sah Jo6e Stablord RC, 46:zlj 2.1. D€an AUen, Dotphin Club, 4r5:: Stare, Feb, 27, l97Z - rc,AAAm - 1, cary Berthia@e, 25. Rich Cordone, Malih AC, 46:,11j 26. Jmes Anen, WVTC, 30:33 (29:3.{ - 6 mil€s); 2. Maury creer, SJS, Alrlm Ro.k RA, ,16:3.,1j 2?. Walr Van Zant, West Valey 30:48; 3. Bilt Clark, WVTC, 30:55; .1. Steve Brooks, J&S, 4?:02; 28. David Marsh, Parakid€, 47:09; 29. A1lE Rock RA, 31:40j 5. cordon MacMitcheil, Palo Denny Mathess, unat., 4?:15; 30. Bob Malain, NCSTC, Alto HS, 3l:55; 6. Bob Nannihga, W\IC, 3ztlzt 7, 47:25; 31, Stere O B!ien, unat., i1?:32r 32. Steve carer V ..ora- A\ . , /: - (J, Do-g Lss" r, \a\,ro TC, 4 /.! Chris Berka, Maranon, 32r1lr 8. Mitch Kingery, RCS, 33:32.2j 9, Bill I'lint, AlumRockRA, 34:11; 10. Robin 34. David Feter6o!, lrest VaUey J&S, .,1?:56; 35. Mike clark Maranon,3.1:32. Healy, Nala va11ey RC, 47:58; 36. carl Martin, we6t valley J&S, l?:a9; 37. Faul Rcese, NCSTC, .18:02; 38. ALVARO MEJ]A WINS MART1NEZ 8.4-MILE TITLE Peter llattei, NCSTC, il8:08r 39, Wh. SlnLn, unar,, Maitinez, Cali{., Feb. 25- Colombiah Alvaro Mejia 48:22; .10, Robert Mahon, uat., 48:43, returned to the Bay Area just in time to defend his Marti.ez 8.4 Mil€ title. He lEd woa it rwo y€ars pteIAN JACKSON 1VINS IREMONT 10 KILO AS LEADERS viou6ly, West Val1ey TC easily took the team title with CET LOST - aremont, Calif., March tZ- Ir was a Iive in the rop eight. A total of 181 runn€rs made fhe €n- great start, but il didnlt 1a6r tong. The three Leaders a tire out & backcircuir. Weather was perJe.t. 1.5 miles, Jack Leydig, and two new Colombian mara1. Alvaro Mejia, WVTC, 40r2?; 2. Wayhe Badgley, una., ton- .. l - "n Ba-r,FFrh- ano Va-r:n p"boo, v"-e .10:47; 3, Ed Haver, Action, \tZ1t L JackLeypultine aiay laoh a group of live others (Dan Abderson dig, WVTC, 41:54; 5. Bob Crow, WVTC, ,12:53; 6, John Rich Delgado, John Marcohi, Art Reade, and Doug Eurl Malcoii, WVTC, 43r10; ?, Byron Lowry, SFOC, ,13:35; {hen a course guide 6ighaled the wrong directio. and 8. R:, h De Caoo. ^ V.. I : 6 q, -r-e ( hapman, So- all .ight eent anywhere lrom 2-3 minures out ot their lano TC, 43:5I; 10, Doug Butt, Marin AC, ,14:06j 11. lan way. In order to get back inro the ra.e, the €ight leadl",,son, \\csr Va ev l. 4r:l : l-. Darr)l Ac--o- L waist high marsh gra66 (r€at cross Fy 8 : L Ba r'lp.hc I olrr.r Marin AC, .1.1:12r 13, Dan Ande!6on, Valley TC, 44:1Ei "la obt . a rg, rle 14. Roy Ki66in, WVTC, .14:23j 15. Jol'n lVeidinger, leadtias in a mad slrinl lor thc tape, Over 2OO srarfed Pardk-o.i .4 lo..b. ua\ Srr:dcrs, 4-:,- and 190 plus finished. 1. Ian Jackson, 1tVTC, 33:5t; 2. Dale Sewery, unat., 17. Bob Ba!\-r. s...-n pnro Tc, a-:42: 8. D nh) Ma 3l:55; 3. Jack L€ydig/ 1VVTC, 33:56; 4. Hernan Barrel hews, uat., 46:06j r9. Tim Jordan, unat., 46:08; 20. Dave St€ven6on, StaaJo.d RC, 46:lZ; 21, Terry Pintan€, €che, Colombia, 14:27; 5. creg Chapman, Solano TC, VOMTC, 46:25;22. Dick Cordohe, MarinAC, 46:26r 3.!r37j 4,, Wi1li€ Cronin, WVTC, 34:,!?j ?, Martih pabor 23, Bob Mccuire, FunkySf.BC,,16:28r ?4. JimOrNeil, Colombiar 34:58;8. RichDelgado, WVTC, 35:lOi 9, SFOC, ,16:30j 25. D€mis Teegarden, NCSTC, ,17:03; FrahkKrebs, Sac'to TC, 35:11; 10. Charles Kohs, San Franci6co, 35:26; 11. John Marcoai, WvTC, 35:33r 12, 26. Fra,h Coltez, @a!., 47;07; 2?. MarkDawson, Pinet HS, 47:Z0j 28. Dave Duba!, Dolphin Club, .,1?:.!5; -ohn I 'r.n, r-dr., c:4j: 35:.1?i 14. Dan Anderson, Vallet TC, 35:50; i5. Ken 29. Dean Allen, Portola JHS, .17:58j 30, Bob Malain, NCSTC, 48r01. (First woda. linisher was KathyOrConF.eschauf, 35r5Zi 16. Eugene Fitzg€ral.l, 35.56: I7, Dean AU€n, Dolphin Ctub, 35:59; 18. Art Reade, WVTC ner (I5) of the Redwood city strid€rs in 122nd (60:58). 36:07; 19, David Pererson, WVJ&S. j6:O8r ZO. David
Maash, Panakids, 3li:09i 21. Doug Butt, Marin AC, \:1tz, Dc\ d /1n"a.L, .na.,'62!,l. roa Dln, 36t24,24, DonC Essary, Sacxahento AC, 36t3At 2a. Micha€l Law, 36:30! Zb. Ernie Jeong, Pamakids, 36i38; 27. SteveD Carey, Millhrae AC, 36r.lz; 28. Deml€ Tracy, WVTC, 29. Arthur White, 3?:00; 30, David F1ied, Liv€lfror€ Valley RC, 37r01j 31. Jim Reic- F. {7:0-: -, oT Par, a//a, 37:A i r). I r-nl, lla-rison, NCSTC, 3?:07; 3.1. Cherrie Bridge6, San Luis O, t:10 r -r wor a -r: r-, L!r-l B..dg-., 5a L ris Oo 6po, .,:t.t 6. t" {7:t : 37, -.Fo KFn)on. 3?rZ6! 38, Edward Tico, Wcst Valley J&S, 37r32; 39. - n"t q"ya-an, uiar., ]_:11i 40, Jin N .holso , N' 5-
TWIN PEAKS RUN, February 27, l9?2 3.6 MILES 1. John Wei.lihger, l8:52r 2. Bill LaForge, Ja, , l9:25j 3. Dave Dunbar, 19:30;4. Carlos Ortiz, 19:40; 5. P€te Denarais, 19:50r 6. Dave MuelLa, 19r5,!; ?. Denni6 Tracy, 19:56j 8. Darryl Jeong, 20:27! 9. Jim cauon, 20:29; 10. Jerry Kokesh, Z0:.14; 11. Job! Booker, 20:59; 12. Ken Litwack, 2l:1lr 13. FrdkEvan6, Zl:i8; 1,1, Bob Potryku6, 21:26; 15, Ja.kvidosh, 21:29. (122 lini6hers) DSE RUNNERS OCEAN BEACH RUN, SAN FRANCISCO
March 19, 19?2 6-MILES l. John w€iding€r, 30:49j 2, B. Pollard, 32:5?; 3. A. Follard, 32:58j ,1. R. Gribble, 32:58i 5, Denais Tract, 33:27! {r. Eugene Fitzgerald, 33:l3i 7. Thomas Byrne, 33:38; 8. Dean A1len, 33:56j 9. Jim Callon, 3,1r16; 10, Frank vucci, 3,1:,11; 11. Jame6 Nicholsoh, 35:12i 12. N. cao.. 5:.7: I K - L. 35:3.,1j 15. John Br€anan, 3a:3?; 16. DicLVillaluerte, 35:43 j 17. Don Soffier, 36tZZt Ia. Stuart P,urh, l6:28; 19. Joha Booke!, 315:llZj 20. Beach ConEer, 36147: ZL Jim AUen, 36:.!8j 22. JackVido6h, 36:5Ej 23. Terry MiUard, 37115j 2.4, JolD Cefa6, 3?:3,1t 25. Johh Comisky, :17:3 7. (133 tihishers) JOCCERS CORNER
By FrankCreenberg Thi6 wouldn t be fruch o{ a CORNER il I o.'IJo)o:'
hc rccFn. \^l-
IONAL JOCCING DAY. I may be lorcing your Lired eyes ro again go over the overpublicizcd gala which must have ra1€n colrlmn alt€r column ol your daiiy new6lape16. It is oI no smalt significance that this day halpens to be four days alter rhe a66assihated Pre6id€nt Mct{inl€y died (1901) ahd one day beJore Presidcnt Garfi€ld ras assa6sinatcd in 1881. Much ol this will be touched on when I fully cover $€ ilirect and indirect influences on the Day, carefully disect€d in a Later chapter. ary orgzrr zation tried, oh a national basis, to reil all ol the people out there in U, S. land that there may be somcrhing to thi6 thihg ca11ed runibg, and il you care to do it more slowly, te'11 call it jogging and caU it National Jogging Day an.l mix it all tog€ther and see ihal fa1ls ofi. I lcll oll a tittle ar ou encounter in Philadeldia, and foud myseu having a delightful chat with a walker lor about fhree mi1es. I shoutd not really sa}I lall ofi because that walk€r happened to be just getting backinto shape and didhrt waht to cohpete Nith th€ orher ones who were way ahead or him (us) & so it wenr ror our
I really liked about it was that of the thirty thai fright hav€ turhed out, I recognized that rhele were over sitty, and a1l had that relaxed, healthy ]ook as thet stepp€d out down Lhe trail that th€ local parkhost receatly dedicated to rhe joggers and bike rider€ and What
{'a1ker6 ol a1l ages. Sometime 6 I'6 asl€d about the heed of jogging, . . then the nee.1 ol doing it in a group. . - then the ne€d oJ the National Joggihg A€sociation, For the next modttr or so, I can point to this one, in that this group, in a few mo, rr ,, ard hor- o sc h." jogB:ns'h.rg h tron, or the public lhan I could in oy whol€ liie. I know of sevelat states that adopted the day, and oI many event6 that occurred throughou! fie countly, ralking up phy6ical fifhes6 and the need of aL1 oI this. Irve said this belore: that the youg guys who compere and run canrt fully comprehend what it is ro be abte to grind out those daily jogs when you ger idto the 30,6 and 40rs and how any bit he1p6 - from a bookby Ken Cooper, to a white jea6ey with N. J. A. onth€back. Then, guys, remenb€r, that every jogger may decide that they want to keep th€ thing going, and wind up in th€ harathon A11 of what
to promote
I am saying is thar fie NIL somehow Lries $ eekend touch
lootball thlough the C. I. A.
similarily maybe it isnrt too bad for racing, or fo! national fitness, oa, for just you and me, that this groupl!om 1!ashingron Iush€d th€ Iirst Annual Jogging Day, I hoFe you heard of it or took part in it, o! witl askenoush questioh6 to !artal€/organize/ieporr aa evenr ]n Iour communlrt next year, | o- ool, c rord ph/6-,a ) ir rurLeor Tr' o.acrive to.ldler who won,i aake me look 60 baii. Oh ), this walke!:-seems thar every January o! so, he ]eg6 it out, trainF a bit, and wind6 up in Soston on Patriors Day to finish in a re6pectable ti@ each year. Me, I point tos,ard hy park that 1 circte and hope to keep rhe faith again tomollow horning. I{ I donrt make it, itrs because Irve abandoned jogging for a liretary career, I ju6t may hav€ to 6tart selting my tal€nts and my works. JOG STORY --RUNNERRO AND JOGGERETTE --DEATH OI A JOGCER. Jog yau and
Spiingboro, Ohio, April 23, 19?2. \4eather: Cloudy, 5Oo, ZO mph wiid. Course: Out & backon seconitary blacklop roads over hilly terrain, 1. Jid Ackley, 60:59t Z, Jay Birmingham, 61:2Oi 3. Roland Anspach, ]']-, 62,\7., 1. Bob Cushen, .10, 62:55j 5. Gale Long, 63:09; 6. John Merola, ,10, 65:16i ?. Jifr McDonald, 66:08r 8. Brian Wake{ord, 4A, 61t25;9. Le6I1e Aatz, 67, A2:52. --Wayne B. Yaicho-zND ANNUAL MAUI NORMAN K. TAMANAHA HA1I/AIIAN MARATHON - Wailuku to Kaaaapali -26.,{m. Sarurday, April 8, l9?2. Weather: Hot & hlhid & windy.
l. H€aery Montez, Kaneohe Marine6, 3..QZ..ZL 2, J ot6 Notch, Mid-Pacilic, 3:05:09j 3, Bob Cerzen, Maui RRC, 3i07:5.1i ,1. Sao Bos€tti, Tantalu6 RR, 3rL8:53; 5. V€rnon Matsukawa, Taitalus RR, 3:20:2?; 6. Howard Hetms an"ohc V"!_a"s, \'2t:ti:1, 1 crin iurz, Uo:v. ol Honolulu, 3:2?:46; 8, Norman B!ight, 61, Seartle, 3:2Ei 17; 9. Jim Bradder, CampSmith, 3:32:58; 10. Jim Ho!kins, CahpSmitn, 3:,12:55, (30 starter6 & 19 fini€her6) Jim Boles, 65, {inished ],!th in 3:.19:56 & MarkCole age 9, 1an the enrife di6tadce in bare leetl
BRocK wrNs SPA.\AU 20 LILO RUN TrrLE cHUc( KoEppEN wrNs wINDy MARATHoN EAsIL]f Cri{fith Park AFil 1, 1972- Creg B!ockwonhis second Indiaaapolis, hd,, March 12, lgZZ_ AJre, rumi'g rhe SPA chafrpionship with a vexy good fiist zo miles witb stev€ LeFark ana .r..t v"l,o.ii ,ip_ which includ€s two tough hiu6. H€ avelaged just beiier ping at hi6 heels, chuckKoelpen purled away in the thah 5:03 a hile to set a couaEe re.ord ot t:02:36. ta6t 4 mite6 to win by a 4 minute margih. The tirst 1? weather: slight overcast, not bad for this tifre of year. runaers broto 3 hours rn armosr weathel conditl Greg Brock 24' cwsa, Lozt36t 2 phil Rvan, 27, ions. The rime6 w€re quiie good rdeal consideribg the rough CWAA, l:03:22r 3. Ronald Kurrle, 23, Facilic Coast hiu, cour6e, Eart Bladtey, 3S, or Corhbu;, Ohio;on Club, l:03:40j .,1, Phil Cmp, SCS, t,O,!:58; 5. MiLe the ov€r 30 award. Dr, George Branam, 41, ol Muncie, McDonald, USAF, 1:06:18; 6. Joe Totedo! 2,!, STC, Indiana licked upthe over 40 trophy, and Joe Abbas oI r:06:39i 7. James Perez, 25, C\yAA, 1:0?r59i 8. cary Dayron, ohio rh; ove! 50 trophy. John periy IIr, 12, of, 25, CWAA, l:08:12; 9. Alan Haa6, 24, cW_ Lexi.gron, Ky,, *". tr.. t,"g,y fo, tf,. yo."g."r ri"*l,., AA, lr08:2,1; 10. Jim Davis, SCS, 1:08:4?; 11. KirkHalt, r.ith the fine rime ot Z:50:15. *eatfr.., #*.i, eg" ."J l:09:02; 12, Doug Sailor6, CCAC, tiOg:t5; t3. Bill And€r- windy. Course: Roliins to hlilv. 6oh' 28, salta Barbara AA, rro9:28r 14. Joh pagliano, 1, chuck Koepp.", zo, ra""",", Ind., z:io:51.3 (5-D e 32, cwAA, l:09:37; 15. David waco, 39, ci!AA, t:10: sCits: 2iro?, 55:00, r:2,1:00)j Z. steve r.ewa.k, 25, 28j 16. FrankFreyne, 3?, CCAC, 1:t0:33;17. Jotn, In.t., Z:3,!:O?; 3. JackMahu_io, 29, no_ti.g Breeard, 36, SBAC, t:1lr02; 18. Marc Davis, 24, CW- clee!, K,t., ?ti5:2A;4. Martin Smith, ZZ, Z:39t571:', AA, 1:ll:24i 19. Thomas Cory, 25, Culver City AC, Earl B!adley, 3E, 2,,t3t32.,6. Mike Stine, 26, Z:41:32, 1:11:27; 20. Jerry Smartt, SCS, i:12:lt (t6t Ov€i 4O)i 21. ?, Dave tirh_vbrei., 25, Z: 5:15,,8, Toh Higgins, 33, Charles Barone, unat., 1:i2:43i 22. Jon Brower, trlZ: Z:46:57r 9, Rahh Livihgston, 33, 2:47:0ii-1-0. Bill cava50; 23. Owen cofhan, .,12, STC, l:12:58 {znd Over,tO); ehan, Ze, Z:t?131t 11. John perr, tII, \7, Z.5A:l5i IZ. 24, Steph€n ]tampler, 19, cTC, 1:t3:Z?j 25. Tom Stur- Jerome Madlei, 3rl, Ber,.y11, Ilt., Z:51:4I; 13. Ken ak, 40, SCS, 1:i4:29 (3id Ov€? 4l]); 26. Bruce Thiete, Ktipp, 22, Cha.lesion, lt., Z:5I:58; t4. Dil€ Stirrert, SB.4A, 1:14:30j 27. John Heikes, 3?, STC, 1:14:3?j 28. 23, qhampaign, ttl. , 2.,a3.29r 15. ceo!g€ Brahaft, 41, Marc Lud, 22, CSLB, l:16:26129. Ed Bouliiin, 25,SaS, zta4tti,16, RictBurdick, 29, Racin€, Nisc., 2.56i()) l,tl6.4z; 30. Lewis Roberts, 4,,1, Seaiors TC, 1.t6,43-,31. t?, Robert Schrad€r, 33, Napervitle, IU., 2:58:34j t8. Robert Arm€t!ong, 18, uat., l:16:53; 3?. Ken Sa@der6 -Andy Carrei, 19, indiabapolis, 3rO3:59, 19, Arr DeLa_ porte, 43, ]'tarron, t.a. , :,0+,t:j ZO. Edwin Jerome II, SCS, 1:16:53! 33. Byron Potrs, ?!1, SCS, l:t?:03; 34, Marvin Rowley, 32, uat,, 1:17:16r 35. Wilti6 Kleinsas- Zg, Notre Dam., tnd,, 3:04:34; 21, Toh Ru6t, 19, 3:0,1: €e!, 43, STC, 1:17:2,!t 36. B l Theaiault, 27, STC, 40j ZZ. Tom Irooia!1, 36, Charleston, llt., 3:O6r44i l.I?:26; 3?. Robert N}man, 33, CCAC, 1:18:l?; 38, 23. Jerry pieice, 21, Nlucie, 3:lZtZ4; Z , Roland Ans_ Fred l4erber, r:19:03t 39. Bob cuyan, l:19:28; 40. Jo€ pach, 45, S!ringboro, Chio, 3:12:.45i 25. Roland S!aniol Prieto, t.t9:30;41. llwin Merein, 21, OCTC, t:19:33j 40, Charlesron, lL. trt3:31; 26. D€nnis Schmidt, 29, 42. Monty Montgomeat, 65, uat., t:i9:33 (lst Orer 60)i 3,15:23.,2?. johf, <o:s!rka, .,10, Mir[.auke€, t i6consin, 43. Petef Cass, CTC, l:19:,12: ,14. Ken WolIe, lrZO:06; 3:16.a6i ZB. Jo€ i,e!!, 3i, Evan6viUe, Ind-, 3t24..22., 45. Dave Coon, 29, una!., l:20:l?; i16. Denni6 Lund, 29. Stan Bre*e., 31, ShetbriLle, Ind., 3:29:4lj 30. 19, uhat., l:20:40:47. Norman L.-ian, 44, STC, t:Zl: Sreve Jon€s, 22, l:t:it1r 31, Steve 8a11, 19, 3r35:55! O6i 48. Lafy Cartel, It2l.37t 49. Frank Janowicz, 32. Joe pickert, 2:, L.\jagion, Ky., 3:36r58r 33, Ev t:Zl:59; 50. Art SclDeidei, 50, Sllc, 1r22:l? (lsr Over Wireau, 36, Larsirs, \Iich., 3,38:21r 3.!. Sy Mah, 46, 50); 51. Art Lawience, \.22.31\ 52. Albert Cooper, 53, Totedoj Ohro, l:.10:1a 35. Doyne HatD, 30, 3:41:4?; Senior€ TC, l:22,121 53. cardner Dowr€y, 1:23:08; 54. 36. JetJ Baile_v, Zi, a:t.J:5it 37. Joe Abba6, 56, 3:,t8: Joh! Montoya, 60, STC, l:23:10; 55. Arthur Andrew, Z6; 38. Bob Lrnch, Z?, cary, tnd., 3:il9:.]lj 39. Dick 37, SIC, l:23tZ1i 56. Wes Alder6on, 31, CCAC, tjZ3: King, 50, Chicago, 3:.t9r.l?j 40. L€onard Busen, 42, 32; 57, Bab Long, 53, SCS, 1i23:46r 58. Jaa Acton, St. Louis, t4o., 3:50:5?j 4t, F..ot notio"o., :9, io.iu. SCS, 1:23:50; 59. Miguel Menedez, t:?3:53; 60. Art ville, Kr_, l:51:531 ,{2. cLen coy, ,10, Oak paik, I[., .l2l.e!,, r:.21:z:i 61. Jack Horne, r..z1. 8t 62. Juan Javier 3t54:a3t 43- A1 Hudson, 50, .1:05:13, (58 starrers, .,13 1:24:50j 63. Calea Mays, 29, unat., 1:25iOi; 64. Breck finishers) Leath, 1t26:21, 65. Frank Bole, 34, unat., l:26:34; 66. Al Blaydon, lt26:56i 6'1. Howard Kihg, .t?, SCS, 1:2?l CAFT. RONALD ZINN MEMORIAL IO-MILE WALK Z.l; 68. Ralph Salcido, It?1t\Zt 69. Lon Clearwaters, Asbu.r larb N. J. , suDday, AFil 9, 19iZ _ caeg Dieltz8tlTi 70. Bob Williar6, .!t, uhar., t:29:2tj ?1. Iom bold! 22, a Seron Hall University LaR School studeal & Horfoyd, 1,t29.32i ?2. Phil clark€, 46, iCAC, rtzg: \l Shore AC retresentatiwc, outsretFd a 40-man field to ?3. Leland Carrison, STC, 1r30rl5j 74, Jahes Bote, catrure the s€venth annual Cap, Ronat.l Zinn MemoriaL 64, STC, 1:30r:17j 75, Dan Brown, 41, unar., 1:31r5tj 10-mile walkiag race on the cfty iroardralk. 76. Jim Dye, 1r3Z:21; 7?. Rich Cort, 1:32:2,:t; ?8. Cer1. creg Di€bold, Shore AC, 1:16:0,1j 2. Roh Daniet, Ny_ atd Beeson, 1:32.58; 79. Ed K€ysa!, 50, unar,, l:33:16j AC, l:16:29; 3. Dr. ceorge Shitling, NyFC, t:26:59; 4. 80. I1y qorDan, 1:33r17 116t woman vet. ); 81_ Neil Joc Joidan, Shore AC, i:2?j51j 5. Bob Ia1ci01a, Shoae Jacobs, 1:3.1:48; 82, Toh Brown, STC, 1:34:53; 83. Sak- AC, 1:30iZ9i 6, Pete! Warren, Iting6 point, l:30:56i ?. aza Yoshitaka, 1r35r40; 84, John Rupp, tr36:06; 85. Joln Skislak, Shore AC, 1;31:21; 8. Don Johnson, Shore Robelt Kay, 46, STC, 1:36:30; 86. Stanfol Trachren, AC, l:33.45; 9. Elliott Dcnnah, Shor€ AC, l:34r29; tO. 1:36:36; 87. Car. Miyashiro, CCAC, t:36:5.1 (tst womVimie Da!y, LIAC, 1:34r34j ti. Bitl Hackulich, phila. an)j 88. Rodmah Kins, t:38122 (16r Jr. HS); 89. Thomas AC, It36:27t I2. Jolb Fredericks, Shore AC, 1:38:30. Lienlard, 43, STC, l:38:28; 90. Walt Fredertck, 6.t, 5O.N1ILE EASTERN REGIONAL TRACK 1TALK STc, 1:39:43. (108 listed lini€her6) TEAM: r. cwAA, Ocean Twp. , N.J., Sunday, AFril l6rh (Ocean Twp,HS z't z. sCS, 5l; 3. STc, 66j 4, 3CAC, 68. vererans A11-weather trac& - l. Dr, Shaul Ladany, 36, I6rae1, Teams: l. Seniors TC, 27j 2. SCS, 28. --John Brennand 7:23:50 World Record; 2. Bill WaU€r, b"i."it, 8,53:21, GREG
LARRY ADUDDELI- WINS OKLAHOMA AAU zO-KILO 32:i9j 5, Bob Be€ls, 33:47; 6. Biti Osbu!n, :::SS; Z* Tulsa, Okla., AFil 15, l9?Z- Laaly Aduddell won his Ben Ewers, 34rZOt 8. J. Dodoghue, 3,,1:26: 9. H.T. Jirst Oklahoma A-{U Stafe Championship in rhe 2rtkm Ward, 3,1:36; 10, M. Spalding, 35:23; ll. pete Egad, run at Mohawk Park, While th€ weaLher was rrne, 35:23; 21. Milt creenba@, 3?:261 ZZ. V. Nobte, 3?:29; healf. overnight raias lefr the course very wet, Sohe lZ. K€vin Sherlock, 35i26,13. .? 35t27,1!.? 35..36, 15, of the runer6 who didhrt tisten ro rhe srarter's insrruc_ Rod Steele, 35:56r 16. JeJf Darman, 35:58j l?. Dave tions were surplised to come to a taging river {lowing Bloor, 36:09j 18. A. Burnes, 36:.!5; 19. Charle6 Ross, aciogs the road, 3 to 4 inches d€ep fo! sore ZO yards. 37:09; 20. Keh Pugh, 3?:t?. (39 lihisher6) Coarad Nightlhgale made his fir6t appearance a. a MASTERS 2.3-MILES- 1. paul Thulsron, 51, 13:23.,2. Tulsa RC event, winning the 5km in a rime o! 15:?5. Tony Diamond, 12, I3tZ6t 3. ceorge philtips, 42, 13:40; Gynne Laughlin became the otdest {inisher in a Tulsa ,1. R, M.Dermort, 12, 13.tqt 5, Ray cordon, 53, 14:tZj event, at 59 ju6t two months shorr oJ his 6orh birthday. 6, Ceo!ge Major, 58, l,!:t5j 7. B!uce Woodward, 43, L Larry Aduddell, Zri, Tulsa, 1:09r1Oj Z. B€nson Danie- 1.f:24; 8. Marty Sultivaa, tZ, t+Za'9. Johd Cochran, 1s, 23, Nes Metico, l:10:t0; 3. Ter.y Lewi6, ZO, Tu16a, 52, U.lZt lA. Davc Theatl, 40, 1.1r59; ti. ceorge Eliiotr, 1:13:35i .1, Karl Naylor, 3i!, Topeka, Kansas, l:14:08; I , lq:06: L lon- I or , rj, q:18: t\. J. Brasiter, 5, Jelf Fetterhan, I?, Tulsa, l:t6:23j 6. clen Dorrough, 15:30; 1,1. Elijah Catlaway, 5I, 15r37; 15. Charles Cram, 30, Tu1sa, t:15:39; 7. Breht 1footen, 22, Still*,ater, ,16, 16:04. (25 Jini6hers) 1:16:,15r 8. Joh Starr, 36, Suh Vatley, Cati{., trtg:Oi; r.15 MILE RFYL - l. Mike Bradley, 5:5Ot Z. J_ Carson 9, Norm Sloan, 34, Tu1sa, 1r2O:59j lO. paul Lookabaugh, 5,r57t 3. VeDa Novy, 6:t3i ,t. J. Hotnes, 6r16; 5, J€rry 18, Stiilr'ater, 1:25:10; 11. Bob Ba}Er, 31, Tul6a, t,Z5.I7) Koelzer, 6:36; 6. Bitt Wilson, 6:36j ?. Ray Somer6, 12, Bob Martia, 51, Tu1sa, 1:28:12; t3. Bruc€ MacMuLl_ ?:08; 8. Andy Morris, ?,19; 9. John Matlon, Z:25; tO. in, 37, Tulsa, 1:30:17; 1,r. Art Browning, .10, Tut6a, Peter Nickles, ?r28. (2.i rinishers) __Ray coldon__ l:30:25; 15. Ve!h lyhiteside, 52, Tolsa, 1:j3rl9j t6. Jim Butler, 53, Newalla, 1:35:59r 17, coldon McKeague, 45, DC RRC RACES AT WALl'ER JOHNSON H. S. Tulsa,.l:3?:52. Dr\-'F Nolan cray6on, 22, Muskogee. Washingro!, D.C., March tZ, 19?2 54 - 58-, sunny, lighi wind, Cour6e: F1at, 3,1 mile 10-MILE OPEN (TRACK) - 1. Bob ThuisroD, 52:Z?,8; loops in Mohawk Pari! ce!!i{ied cour6e. 2, Car Williahs, 53:45j 3. Ray Morri6on, 58:.{6j .1, Jafres Hecht, 58:5Zj ,. Bob Harper, 58:52; 6. Topper 5-KILO RUN - 1. Conrad Nightingale, 26, San Antonio, Powers, 59:00; ?. BiU O6burn, 59:,|jj 8, ctena 4yres, Teras, 15:25i Z. John ttesrbrook, ZI, Tulsa, t15:54; 3. 59:.16r 9. Bob Be€1s, s9:50; t0. Johh Laughland, 60:l9j Scott McKeague, 15, Tulsa, 18r51j ,t, Harotit McDonatd, It, Kevih McCab€, 60:2Oj tZ. Roit Sre€1e, 6tr33t 13. Dde .14, BaokenArro{, 19r5?j 5. BilLBog"s,36, Tulsa, Brzz.)I, 6It35.,1,1, Ray Russe[, 6Z:15; 15. Martin 19i59i 6, Cyan€ Laughlin, 59, Oktahoma City, 2t:3?j ?. Art 1!ad€, 52, TuLsa, 2Z:03: L Dixie Marqu€2, 33, Creenba1e, 6Z:55; 16. Lesrer page, 63:29; 17_ Craig 6aarder, 53:3.{; tB. chalies Ros6, 63:4oj r9. Jefi Dar_ Okemah, 22:50; 9. Jack lvlandeville, i17, Tutsa, 23:t?. man, b3:53j 20, Dan panshin, 64:00r Zt. John Nobte, (9 start€rs, 9 {inishers.l --Bob Martin-64:0.1; 22. Norman Lee, 6.1:09; 23. Vena Novy, 54:30; 21. 1 64.4at 25. Jerry Koetzer, 55:t4i 26. Milton creen_ THREE MILE TRACK RUN AT THE CAMPUS OF THE baum, 65:49j 27. ToD Noc1, 6?:22; 28. Jack Ferratt, STATE UNIVERSITY IN ALBANY, NEW YORK 67:.,17: 29. Mik€ McKinney, 68:O3j 30. Dick Jamborsky, HUDSQN-MOHA\IK RRC, APIiI 9, 1972 68:17; 31. John Cochran, 6At2t;32. Mike Taibot, 6E:49; 1. Cary Nc16on, 16:,1.rr ?. Tom Osler, t?:1Oj 3. pat 33. Crahah Husron, 70:0.!j 34. Dickschrrmh, ?O:l3l st€wart,l?;40 j4.Lind-;;rch-i:sJ-i3-6;-:Fredrons, ?.4:18; 36. John Love, ?.1r19, 3?. La!r,'20:.19r 6. John Ross, 21i2.1; ?, Burke Adah6, Z3:3?. Jaclilin, 7,1:57; 38, John Ford, 76:53; 39, Richard Luk_ Notes,, The caleidar said Spring, bur rr was q.urer ar es, 78:26j 40, tsruce Burh6ide, 78r36j .il. SuEan White, the lirst track race s!onsoreC by the Hu.lson-Mohawk 8?:30, RRC, Only eight runners attennted to cohpeter ah.l z-MILE RFYL (Track)- 1. Ray Morlison tU, 9::}6; 2. rhus the scheduled 6 nile irack race {as cahceil€.l. J,ercD. Car6on, 10r34j 3. Mike Ward, 1O:,15; ,!. Randy Hadley. l0r52j 5. Bill Wit6on, tO:54i {i, Bo Spatiting, sLrong cold r/inds. Wind v€iocity q,as not avaitable, but 11:05; ?. Mike Fleming, 1l:O9j B. Mark yudowitch, U:1?; hea!-y Tom O61er {,a6 twice bto{n ott rhe track into rhe ChIis 9. Holmes, i1:22: tO. Brian Foa6t, 11rZ3j II. --Burkc Adams Frank Mast€rson, tl:25; 12, ceorge phillips, lt:26; 13. ANNOUNCING - crilliss Air Force Base sponsoreit R.J, Turner, U:3Or 1.,1, Ray Coi.lon, ll:39; 15. Dave 5 and 15 kilomete! runs on June,1, 1972. A\rard6 wi[ McDonatd, 11:39. (55 {inisheis) be made ia three caregories: (a) Men,s open, (b) Men,s WOMEN'S MILE RUN - 1 Anna Mae Cooke, 5:33: Z. Masters- Over .10, {c) Women s O!en, For entry forms Kathy cood, 6:O2j 3. Margalet Cochran, ?:30; 4. Hearh_ writer C01. Lee Kortz, Race Chairhan, Roh. Air Dev, cr Hoffsonner, 7:53j 5. Cathy Crowder, ?:54; 6. Dela_ Center, Attn: ISl, Crilfiss AFa, N,y, L34,tO, bian Thurston, 7:55. Weather: 6Ols, clouoy. DC RRC RACES AT THEODORE ROOSE TELT ISLAND
\irashington, D. C., March4, 1972-Ahlee held over the hiking trails on Thcoclore Roosevelt Istand in thc Potomac River. The basic course consiste.t of a 1.15 mile 1oo! aroud lh€ monument ro TR. paut Thur6_ ton, father, ard Bob Thuston, son, r,on the fcarured rac€s. Wearher: Cloudt, cold. 5.8-MILE OFEN - 1. Bob Thurston, l1:t5j 2. Leurhol.l, 31:,!6j 3, Bob pope, 4. Bill
DC RRC 30 KILO RUN (DCAAU SR. CHAMPIONSHIP) N4agrlder High School, Derqood, Maiyland, March Lgth This race was noved lroh its u6ua1 site (peary HS, Rockville, Md. ), anil run over the roads ih thi6,obu dL-d_p"rL or 'on Cor c.t , obL\. Bob . .ur.Lo., ,\ tr""hin"Lon5,or
r Lo, ldbo-cn.hFv -- p. ,- o... .ompetition oi late and had no real rrouble in winning this race & rhe DCAAU Seaior Championship thar goes along rifh it, Weatherr Cloudy, chitly & rrreezy,
1, Bob Thursroo, \145:A6.2,2, Lonnie Cole, US Naval Academy, Ahnapolis, 7:47:57t3. Bryab Welch, Naval Acadehy, l:52:28j .,1, Jack CofIey, l:53:O8i 5. Marc P€ndon, 1r5.1:Z3j 6. Jetf Halterman, i:55:OO; 7. For_ !est Horton, 1r56:35; 8. Ray Morrisoa, 1:58:36; 9, Bob Harpet, l:59:05; 10, ceorge Cu6hnac, Z:01:4?j 11. Leg Kinion, 2:01:54j i2. Bitl O6born, 4e3,42i 13. Jia !iJtie_ lors, Z:03:50j 14. Dav€ Law!ence, Z:03:5Or I5. Mike Shoemakel, 2:05:0li 16, C!aig caardner, 2:05:11j l?. Charles Ros6, 2.06:OZt t8. Johh Win6tow, ZtAtj:a4. I9. Ray RusseU, 2t0?ta5t ?A. William cor.1on, Z:O?r18 {1st Ma6ters); 2r. Dan Pa6hi., 2t07..53.,22, Lindsay Deia, p\ane. ZtA7t5lt 23. Rod Steete, Z:07:59j 24, Ke! nitt, 2to8t2l,25. Vena Norry, Z:A9:\a\ 26. paul Thuston, 2:09:27,27. John Nob1e, |tIO:Or.;28. David Allen, 2jt1: 03r 29. Joh! Larghland, 2:12:20; 30. Jett p1ank, 2:12:36i 31, Ned Muffler, Zr14:1?t 32. Horard Steele, 2:t1:461 33. Joe Donaghue, 2tr4:16., 14. Qeorge Major, 2:t4r5,!; 35, Hubeit Morgan, 2:15t3a. (79 sra.rers, 55 tinishers) DC RRC RACES AT MCLEAN
Mar.h 2b,
5-MILE OPEN ROAD RUN 1. Jonn Davis, 26:34j 2. Cll.D Wood, 27..26t 3. H.ibz lviegand, 2?:42; 4. Btnr]m M€rritt, 2E:30; 5. rtevin McCabe, 28:47i 6. Craig caardner, 29,1?;7. Dotg Clark, Z9t18i 8. Mikc Shoemaker, 30:081 9. Mike Fleming, 30:l5j 10. Charles L. Ross, 30:24; t1. Tom Ctart<, 30:30j 12. Dave B1oor, 30r3Zi 13. Ed J€rome, 3O:33; 1,!. Le€ter Fage, 30;58;15. TomGoeg€1, 31:02' 1a,, Jeu Darma!, 31:10t 1?, Rod Steele, 31:13; 18. Rod Fo1lin, 3l:1,1; 19. Terry McCabe, 31:17; ZO. Miti. D.mbertor, 31t39,2i.. Milt Cieenbalm, 3I.a2;22. l]rgln :day, 32:24: 23, Jitu Paull, 33:06; 24. Veha No!-y, 33,12j 25. Grahm Huston, 33:3.4; 26. Cam€ron Hiltoa, 34:03; 2?. Ha!!y Clark, 3.{:04; 28. Stuart Brahs, 35,30i 29. Mark Yudowitch, 35:59i 30. D. Thea]1, 36:11j 31, Bob Millc!, 3bt46i 32. J. Thorsvard, 36:56; 33. R. Lampc, 37:58; 3.1. F.J, lveilald, .11:0.ti 35. Eric Assur, .41:ZZi 3il. Dick Jamborsky, 41:23; 37. John Whitc, 41:25; 38. Su, saa White, 4Zr51i 39. Fied weiland, a7rO5. (.15 starrers) MASTERS MILE -. 1. Ray cordon, 53, 5..20.7, Z. Geo. Phillips, 42, StZa) 3, Dave Th.al1, 40, 5:3?; 4. Jotn Ford, '1,!, 5:59;5. Bill OiReilly, .,18, 6:10j 6, JolD woods, 53, il:l8t 7, Bilt Shater, 6A, 6.,24..8. Hal Jaege. 46, bt39',9, Fred W€i1and, 52, 7:07. z-r4rl-E RFYL (TRACK)_ 1. Chris McDonald, 10:25; 2. Jerome Car6oD, l0:3tj 3. Mik€ Shoehaker, 10r41; 4. Bill Hoss, 1l:1,1; 5. Ron Somer6, U:49i t,. Mark Conayer, 11:53; ?. Tom Johes, 11:5?; 8, Scott Ri.hardson, 12:03; 9. Analy Morris, 12:I5' i0, Dan Frir, 12:21.
fo! the 5-miier is a Z. 5-mile loop over rolling streets of 6ubulban Mcl-ean, ln winning, Davia was onty 16s oII Car witliamsr course rccord. wcather: Suny, 40 deg!€es, puni€hing wind of 20 mph. Not€s. . , Course
--Ray Gordon-17th NEWPORT BEACH 10-MILE HANDICAP RUN Newpott Beach, Calif., March 26, l9?2 Cou!6e Recordr 49:59 by Ron Kurrle, Weather: Cool, c oudJ, v:ndv. V.rr il Doud ad an aS- oI " l"L8'ool, handicap to win the handicap dlvision fot the third straight weekl 110 1i6red {ini6hers. Eric Midstold€, uat., tookrhe ireliminaiy 3.?-mile run in 19:50 over Walter Bridges, Rialto RR (20:11).
I ?
c!0PeR rAL3Ei1
7 3
tqFR' ILL 3!NoPp, D4v lD
l3 PklIsrt PrcB^R! 2I ?2
25 (!reLar
CAv! r, RoNALD
7TH ANNUAL BRIQHTON KNICHTS 8. ?-MILE ROAD RUN, BRICHTON, MASS., MARCH25, I9?2 Sreve EUi6 ol rhe Bostoh AA rah a fa6t 43:59 to outdis_ tance Tom Dexd€rian and Ron Wayne. Co1.l wearher & hearry tlalJic hahp€ted hi6 bid lor the course record of 43:19 set in 19?0 by pat McMahon, Ron Wayne ted hosr oJ the way but his 4:3? fi!6t mite was his udoihg. 185 starters, plus two girts. l. Steve Eilis, BAA, .43:59i Z. Tom Derderian, NMC, 4,1:Z4j 3. Ron Waync, BAA, :32.,.4. Charl€s Dieht, Bo6ton College, 4,1:4Oj 5, Rick Roja6, :darvarA, t4tSZ,, lj. Keh Muellei, BAA, .,15:O?j 7, Jam€s Zabel, Boston College, ,45:30; 8. Rick Bayko, NMC, 45:48j 9. Terr}Gallagher, unat,, ,16:t?; 10. Joe Catatano, BA_A, .115j23: lL Chris Chambers, uoat., ,16:Z8t 12. phil Ryan, BAA, 46:39r 13. Paul Thonpsoh, NMC, .,1t,:.42r 14. Bruce Le_ han". ha .. ro:q8: t-. ," n-s | :-hr, 6. B: q h .b, -nd ., 4 /:Oo: Br_-r B-ra.-. -., CCAA, 4?:11' 18. Bluce E1lis, 8A,4, .t?r18j 19. Harve, lhashima, Harvard, 47:19j 20. Scott Craham, Univ. oj Bridgeport, 17:25\ 2I. ceotge Conelrey, NMC, ,!7:32; 22. Rick Neches, CCAA, 47:551 23. Frahk Saadina, Brandeis , i18i13j 2il. James Sdith, CSU, 48:15i 25. Chris Maloae, Biahd€i6 Cotlege, 4g:3Zr 26. John Nes_ tor, UMass., i!8:39i 2?. Robert Cooney, frat., 48:.15j 28. Austin Botle, unat., 48:49j 29. Jahes Daley, NMC, 48:53; 30. Louis Paul, CSU, 48:5?; 31. cary Lyoas, Brandeis, 49:00r 32, Franci6 Maher, NMC, ,19:15; 33, David Johson, Northeasteh Univ,, itgrZgt 3.1. Jim Cal_ laghe!, unat., .l9r30i 35. David Liuton, BAA, 49:361 36, Robert Lapr€1, Bo6ton Co11ege, 49:3Bj 3?. Mike Balter, unat., 49i39; 38, Ronaid Kay, eSrJ, 49tq|; 39. Chet Fortier, NMC, 5O:Ol]j .10, Atan MiItd, unar., 5O: 08j 41. Thomas Wil6on, unat., 5O:09; 42. Bruc. JiIson, @at,, 50t22\,13. Cary Kingston, Brandeis, 50:25; ,!4. Jahes Roberts, rhat., 50,2i; 45. Kevin Crowtey, Sroneham TC, 50:30; 46. Kevih Crowter, NMC, 50:311 47, Chuck CorneU, Spartah AC, 5l:19; ,18_ Thomas Hares, Stoheham TC, 51;20; 49. Jim lritate, NMC, 5l:26; 50. I-arry Fauber! wat. , 5t:35j 51. paul J. Bosco, unat,, 51r36t 52" Richard Ruquist, NMC, 51:.12i 53, Herb par_ sons, CSU, 5I:.15; 54. Paut Williams, unal,, i1j52; 55. Jobn Ke1l€y, unat., 52:07r 56. Jim McCarrhy, uat., 52:18; 57. Rob€rt Hersey, NMC, 5Z:ZOi 58. Richaid Baron, NMC, 52:21j 59, Jerry Stevenson, Stonehah TCI . 52:28; 60. Demis McCool, BC, 52:Z9t 61, Richard Pjackard, BAA, 52:32j 62. Steve Maccili, Brandeis, 52:43; 63, Mike Riccar.lone, Brahdeis, 5Z:.,1.,1i 6.t. 1lrm. Cher!y, unat., 52:.,16; 65. Bra.iley, NMC, 5Z:55j 66. Joe Bonica, unat., 53:OO, 6?. John Conno[y, Bos_ ton State, 53:05; 68. Len Dawsob, BAA, 53:06; 69. Jola Cary, wat., 53:O?; ?0. Bcnh€tt Jonesr NMC, 53: 15r 71. Cary ceollroy, NMC, 53:Z9j 72. Mike Mooroe, Bc', 53t3I;73, Richard Couard, Brya.t College, 53:j9i ?,{. WiUiam Kar!, NMC, 53r45; ?5. Rotand Cormiel, NMC, 53:55; 76. Jam€s Strohach, NMC, 5.1:O5i ?7, l-arry T}|ode, Springliel.l Coltege, 54:1Oi ?8. Stahley Keye6, NMC, 5.,1:2?' 79_ Mike Ruhdlett, CSU, 54r31j 80. David Seaver, Brandeis, 54:49r 81. Dawc Lorier, uat, , 54:51; 82. Toh Conneil, unat,, 54:52; 83. Tom DufIy, uat., 5.1:5.!j 84. Dick Corrigan, u4at., 55:O?l 85. Brad Roberts, unat., 55:i6i 86. David Hethernan, --:/o 8/. -Lr,c. r:-s. , \v, ...o: ),"""1 ..,.:":" ,
'. rna,., c-:/5:80. \,.rt rh ro^or h, NMC, 55:48; 90. Claude El1is, NMC, 55r5Oj^9t, Tom Lyons, unat,, 55r51j 92. Ed Trotter, BAA, 55:5.!j 93. Edq,ard Woo.t, unat., 55:56t 9.1. Jih caitagher, unar.,
95. Tom Dyaltr uhat., 56:OZj ,U. O.."" O.rrf, 56:03; 9?, Larly Corneri, Spartan AC, 56:04; 98. Leo Moaaste6se, A&C Sporrs, 56:o9j 99. Bruce Migell, NMC, 56:1,1; 1OO, Joe C!ovley, una!., 56:zO. (1?0 risted Iini6heis) WOMEN - t. Charlorte Letris, unar., 54r19j Z. Sara Mae BerEan, CSU, 58:56, Team: 1. Boston AA, 8, Z. No,th MedJord Ctub, 131 3. Brandeis Co11ege, 28r ,1, CSU, 3O; 5. Stoneham TC, 44j 15, Spartah AC, 49. __Fred Browa Sr. _56:OO;
MAINE LADS I-2 IN ROAD RACE, MOYNIHAN TAKES IIME PRIZE IN DONALD J. KELLEY MEMORL{I12 MILE ROAD RACE IN CAMBRIDGE, MASS. qLndav. AD,rl o, to?. \ Lt-F\'." eiarg Kd" ro* br-r ras \es" a".s i, ,h- S !le o. vainaLs oe o- Ing. A cour" or ao .e_..-Fi,c t )oLngbt"rs .rom Ctezso4, rir,6hFd one. AluLs ", JF.r two in theMdsh Post 12-mi1e handicap toad iace in 'rhe handicap race, in ocmory ot Do.ald K€tley, had a couple ol other highlights: Dan Moynihan oI Tult6, who ran floD 6cratch, Non the tio€ prize with a 60156 clo.k. lng. And 1r5-year-o1d Kathy Whitcomb ol Somervilte was th.r {irst femate conresrant ro cro6s the finish line
at Lhe Elior Bridge, Sanborn, a senior, and ctea€on, a junior, are 6tudenrs at Cont High- Th€y took thc l€ad toge&er sev€n mites runing neckand leckrighr up to the tap€. BUL it \ras Sanborn s.ho mait. rhe Iihat kick to e,in by a
We ieallt wa!t€.] lo Jinish in a dead hear, said Sanborn. Bur alour 25 feet Jrom the finish 1ine, somebody yelled out that there ba.l to tre a q.inner. So we gave ir a 1itt1e bur6t, and I just tinished ahead oI peter, But we'd both lil! to think of it as a tie, lycather: Cold & Rindr. Record set in 1968 by Matuo wolde, 55:12. E. T. Hcp. Acr. T. r, Jell Sanborn, Augusra Rec, TC, 73:aZ 6,AA 67:52 Z. Petei c1€asonr Augusta Rec, TC, ?3:53 6:OO 67:53 3. Lt. Jahes Kee, CSU, 75.22 6:AA 69:22 .4. Terfy B]r@er, MtT, TE.B 9:AA 66:23 5. Ralph Thomas, Augusra Rec. TC, ?5;19 :BnA 62,)9 6. Stev€n cians, unat., 7a:45 6:aD 69tta 7. Gary Geoffroy, NMC, 25155 4:OO ?t:55 8. Peter Stipe, Bosroh AA, 76.12 r3t31 bZ.3Z .16.01 9. Georse conefrey, NMc, B:OA 6j,Dl .16:07 10. Louis Paul, CSU, II.AA 65:A7 tl. Mike Baxler, uhat., ?6:08 1O:OO 611:08 12. Peter Stasz, Mt. Farli AA, ?6:13 1t:OO 65:i3 13. Noel Sanders, No. Coutry AC, ?6:1? 6:OO 7O:1? 14. Jim capezzuto. BAA, 76t|t I4:oa 62.21 15, talter Swanbon, CSU, 76:23 j3:OO 63:t3 16, Michael Romano, uaar., 7(,.j,J 5:OA Tlja l?. Frahcis Maher, NMC, Z6:48 8:30 68118 18. Dan Moraihan, Froth, AC, 76:a6 16:A0 6at56+ 19, John Jar€k, NMC, ?5:58 9;OO 6?:58 211. Robcrt Hersey, NMC, ?7t03 7t3A 69:31 21. Rick Bayko, NMC, ,b AtaA 63:0, zZ. Earl Mccilvery, NMC, ??:U 1t:00 62111 23. Wayne lrongello, BostonAA, .t7tr3 t4t30 62:43 24. Mike Bigelow, BostonAA, 77:17 At3A 68!17 25, John Babington, NMC, 77:12 latee 6jt3| 2b. Chiis Chaobers, unat., 17tql t t3A 63tI: Z?. John lya1tace, aosbn _4A, 77.., 4:ro .13:5, 28. Paul Thompson, NMC, 71t59 B.3a 6+29 29. Mark HagCerty, NMC, 1e!r4 6:oa 7ZtA4 30. fony Sapienza, Bostoa AA, TAIZ 90A 691.2
ii i;'
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16, uat., 33:09; 15. Jim Dickey, 52, lao, 33:25t \6. Chuck Feltes, 25, sat., 35t42t 17. Laurel Henley,
a6, I'f C, 10:42, wind: Notes. . . Tvo records were 6et despite the tough _.C P\'-.inC . 's 'o:lt D.kc S 'r.Fr recold of'n26:r9 h€ld by Phil Davis and Gor_ all-co6ers don Adams set a net 40 & Ov€r record ol 59:20 in rhe lO.. The Illinoi€ TC Nill stage the 15-Kilo Central A.A.U. Champiohship on May 28th. --steve Goldb€rg_9TH ANNUAL FRED KURZ MEMORIAL IO-MILE HANDICAP ROAD RACE, VICTORY MEMORIAL DRM, MINNEAPOI,IS, MINNESCTA, Satulday, April 8, 19?2. Veather: Coldl 33-, 12-l'! mPh winds. .l Lap l-evel Road Cifcuit. E. T. Hcp. A T ?8:04 l?:00 66:04 1. Don Nygaard, 35, SL. Paul, 78:27 IS]AA b3:27 2, Edward Le€te, ,13, Mpls,, 3. Bill Ebe!rz, 16, N.St, Paul, ?8:3? l5:00 63i37 ,1. Rich Hershaw, 16, N. St. Paul, 78;38 l5:00 63r38
5. D!.Robert Bridges, ,13, M!1s,,78:46 Z0:00 68:46 19t44 15t]A 61:41 6. Monty Schunk, 28, Mpl6., ?, Bob Hempy, 24, S.St. Paul, 80:05 12:00 68:05 8. Chuck C€ron€ky, 21, Bloom,, 80:57 Scr. 50:5?'! 9. Bruce Mort€nson, z?, Roch., 81:0i1 sca. 51i04 10, Mauri.e Degenea, 25, SL Pk.,81:07 18:00 69:07 81:12 Z:34 53:'tZ lt. LedBrenny,2l, Mp1s., 12. Harlan Miller, 29, BIooming.,Sl:13 t5:00 66:13 13, Jack Pet€rsbutg, Z0' Golden V,81:14 24:00 57rl'1 14. Dave Griffith, 27, Savage, 81:36 Zt3Q 54:46 8l:3? 10:00 6l:37 15. Dave Otto€on, 18, Mpl6., 81:50 I:30 53:20 15. John ltanecke, 20, Edina, l?. Chuck Burrows, 24, St, Pau1, 81:51 3:30 55:21 18. Johb Christian, ?6, Maple Pl.,82:01 9:00 61:0I 82:06 1z:00 6'1:06 19. cene Benson, 15, ELgin, 8Z:u 19:00 ?1i11 20. LaddReam,25, MDls., 82:12 19:00 ?1:12 21. Mel Opstad, 35, Mpls,, ZZ, Ron Daws, 34, MinneapoLis, 82:30 l:00 53:3! 23, Herb Florcyk, 41, Hudson, 1!is.,82:'18 19;00 ?l:'18 2.1.Dr. L.R. Boies,Jr., 40,Mp1s,'82:52 v:40 66:tz 82r52 i{,i00 68:52 25. Bernie Finc]r, 33, Mpls,, 8l:04 8:00 61:0'1 26. Keith Otroson, 21, Mpl6,, 83:11 3:10 56:11 2?. Tim Heisel, 19, Hopkins, ?8. Doug Edmonson, 23, MlIs., 8.1:05 i,:00 60:0, 29. JelI Braia, 22, New Brighton, 85:02 Scr, ati02 34. Bill Mye!8, 26, Mihnea9o1i6, 8?:39 18:00 ?5:19 31, Dr, Sergio Crossliag, ,13, FridLey, 91r38 30:00 91:18 32. Jim Rahdal1, 31, Hibbing, 94:08 14:00 ?!:il8 -- Pat Lanin- -
ll\4c PUN,sDc B.ooL.re6,5.D., L- da.. AF' Act.1. ll, 1972 - 8lane all-t€ath€r rra.k. G,T. .1:3 5 4:3 8 :03 l. Dane Sanger, Yahkron ACi 15:15 6:18 :03 2. Cary Pavlis, unat., 4:3 5 4,39 :44 3. John Notheis, YanLtoh AC,
5 :05 a,zl :46
,1. Susan Johnson, unar.,
5, Burt Eno, Prairie Striders TC, 5:15 7:00 6. l,.e Larscheid, sDsU,
listed fi4isher€) 6-MILE RUN: OLYMPIC DEVELOPMENT RUN 1. Garry Bentley, South Dakota Stat€ Lrnivcrsiry, 29:53 (New SDSU recotd. Otd record, 3l:12, Don SoIs!ig,'70)' 2, Jim Trego, SDSU, 30:47,8; 3. Don SoIsvig, SDSL, 31:01i,1, Jim Jorgensoh, U.of SourhDakota, 3l;16.5. (.!.1
A. BROGAN RUN ']'1 Yonker6, N. Y., April 30- Horie Ryan of Yoni€rs won the Thonas A. B!ogan Memorial Ea€tern Regional 10,000m Champion6hlp at Tibberts Brook Parkin 32:16. He led all the way wirh temmate Pete Squite6. They finished together in th€ same ti6e but official6 declaled Ryan as the winn€r. Ryan clocked 3I:10. a last year. The team title wenr ro the N€w YorkAC with a low 6core oJ 37 points. The event was sprn6ored by the ' hip F d clJo ol \oile's. Cou. e: Thr-- Lars ol Fved Iaths oI lark W€ather: Warm, 75 degieee. 1- Howi€ Ryan, 27, NYAC, 3Z:16t Z. Pete Squires, Zl, NYAC, 32:16; 3, Jares Kelly, 19, Fordham Univ. AA, 33:081 ,1, Ed Bowes, 28, NYAC, 33:41j 5. Flank Mccann, 21, Fordham Univ. AA, 33i50j 6, Joha Garlepp, Millro6e AA, 33:53r ?. Mike Doyl€, 18, Fordham Univ. AA, 33:5.1; 8. Pat Bastick, 36, MiLIro6e AA, 33:59; 9D€r,4itt Thofrson, Z?, NYAC, 3.1:02j 10. Vlnce Chiap Ftra, 38, Milhose AA, 3,!:07j U. 8i1l Gordon, 37, St, Anrh. BC, 34:16; lZ. Stev€ Reinhardt, 19, LrAC, 34:18, ' -on c ootholl, 20, sr. Anr\. BC, '1:18; 11. Jai iltitchell, 21, St. John'6 Univ,AA, 34:,16; 15. Al Ugelow, 28, St. Anth. BC, 34:58;16. Eric Walther, 33, St. Aath. BC, 35:05; 1?. Paul F€tscher, L7AC, 26, 35:IZ,18. Robert Byrnes, 18, Fordhah U.iv. AA, 35:22;19. Wm. Eragg, 23, Bergenli€ld, N.J,, 35:29i 20, Joe Burns, .13, Unit€d AA, 35:30 (rst Vet. ); Zl. Anthony Dassro,20, Fordham Univ.,A-A, 35r40; 22, Henry Tucker, 19, Iona l-4, 35148,23, A1 Meehan, 30, Stratlord Sparran6, Ct., 35:,19i 24. Bennett Flax, 27, St. Anrh. BC, 35:58; 25. Jim lillis, 34, Milhose AA, 36:04; 26. Jio McDonagh, 4E, MiUrose AA, 36:05 (2nd Vet, )t 2?. Sfeve Gror6ky, '0, I/,'lro6p AA, /: : 28. I rFo .\a . cri ' , 51. dnth. EC, 36t25i 29. Martin Kreppein, 20, NYAC, 36:26j 30.
Jobn Ha1e, 30, Strarlord SparLans, 36:3.,1i 31, David Blackstone, 31, YMCA, 36:43; 32. G. Calle, 28, Strat-
.ord Spa.L-o., l6:.1: ll, Lr..r Laagr!. 24, Lro ,. 17r 25i 34. Dick Kuscsik, 32, Sr. Anth. BC, 37r48j 35. c€n€ Toomey, 32, Milho6e AA, 3?:50: 36. Nolman Friedhan, 26, Sr, Anth.BC, 38:01t 37. Dan Dougherty, r', S ar-n Is a.d AC. .3:04 ( .d V-r.). 8. Dan Sul :rao. 22, uat., ll8:10' 39. Bill Cotne, 50, Mi1l, AA, 38:2,1; ,10. George Koclman, 31, Millrose AA, 38:39! ill. Andy
Sheehan, 16, Shor€ Ac, 38146; ,12. Dr. Georg€ sheehah, 53, Shor€ AC, 38147; .13, John Andiola, 18, Fordham AA, 38:59; 4,1. Tom Cameron, 42, uat., 39:00; 45. Bob Mulle!, 4'1, vat., 39t291 .16. John Howes, 40,una-, .10:16; 4?. Bill Shanahan, ,12, Mill.AA, 40:30; 48. Paul McSweeney, 28, unat., ,10:35i 49. Joln Sullivan, 10, unat., 42:14j 50. Larry SuUivan, 39, unat., 42:i5;51, Fred Lebow, 38, St. Anth. BC, .42:21; 52. Robert Renny, 5,1, uhar., ,12:l5j 53. Jack \vallace, ,10, Yonkers, .13:4lj 54. Cerry Reuter, 51, uat., 4,!:04: 55. Jim Fis, 40, Fairlield Stliders, .!.1:L?; 55. Mart Cola, 21, St. Anth. BC, 11:27,57. P€te Capurso,Sr., 45, Yonkers, 45:231 a8. !ete Calurso, Jr,,14, Yohlers, .16:13; 59. Jay
CraDer, 3?, unal.,
60. Herb Navarro, 35,
Anth. RC, ,16r44. (?3 listed linishers)
!!OMEN- l. Njna Kuscsik, 13, SlJIolk AC, 39:05i Z, Carol Fridley, 2,1, lort Lee, N.J., ,!7:35i 3, L, Epstein, 23, unat., 52:.r2. Tead: l. NYAC, 37; 2. Fordham Univ.AA, 4?i 3, Milhose AA, 63r 4. st, -4nthony's Bc, 68i 5. United AA, I10. - -Joe Kl.inerman--
,4.I-MILE ROAD RUN, NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARK. AFil 8- l. Gerald Hastings, 23:15; z, Jim Baqgus,23:54.
ANNUAL orl- cAPlrAL MARCH 25' 19?2 OKLAHOMA, M}3ATHON, TULSA' Air For'e Base' Kirrland 21, of Blancett, S!t. Lalrv al N. i,r., *o" ttt. second annual oit caPital Marathon FittvS ZtZ4:3'7 of ' Mohawk Park ih Tulsa with a time nlne runners started and 50 of lhem finished' Blahcett cliPPed over two minutes llom th€ race and cour6e record 6et ib 19?l bv JolDnv HalberstadL rho
i-r,aNcerr wrNs sEcoND
Twenry-one comPetilors in the race set Persohal records , a6 the ideal weathe! Probablv "nLributed no little bit to t1le deluge oJ persohal bests on the Mohawk Palk course. The wind durlng the race wa6 rrtuallv nil. TemPeratures weie a16o 'omfoatable: 4? at the sl".t, 48 at 10, 51 at t1, 55 at ndon and 57 at 9
rn addition to the overau course and:'a'L r_ o''l !' by Blancett, oarks were established bv all oI the age ai;"ioo *i"..." and bv the chadpion in the women'6 The TuLsa Rrffing Club won the team trolhv TRC Hen'v Shawn€e (3rd), Lalrv Adudderr 14th) and Jeff Fetterdan (5th) i, Lalry BlanceLt, KAFB, N M , 24, 2'24:31 8 Z. Rob Leutw er, St. Louis, Mo , 2I, 2t3Z:01 2 3. Henry Shawnee, Weatherlotd, OLLa ' 2:35:02 2:37t03 a. Larr; Aduddeil, Tu16a, z€', Zt19t33 1?, Tursa, 5. Jelf Fettelmab,
4.I-MILE PREDICTED TIMES RACE Littl€ Rock, Arlansa6, AFil 8, 19?2 North Park, Burns Time Dilference Time 21t' 1:05 L ce.aL.l Haslings, 2l]:4t' Irl'1 2. Loren c,Jfiey, ?3:'4 1:36 3, Jam€s Baucus, 28.32 2:13 4. Jim Sucher, 0 ?:45' Bicklord, Betty l. $OMENTS MILE For t9?2-1913 ARKANSAS LONC DISTANCE RUNNING SCHEDTLE Contact: Rick Richardson, '!ZZ-B Sierra Madr€, Norrh Little Rock, Arkan6as 72118 When wtii' ing for i.lormatioh (to anv disLfict), llezse send a 6eUrerurn cnveloF. addrc s s ed, j!4llgl
April 2, 19?2 2:15 P.M, weath€r:'10-, overca6t, winds Ii;ht. course: Two-nile looP, mostlv pavement' 2O--MiLES - 1. Chuck KoePpeh, Indiana, l:50r43; 2 Ken YouD-, LCIC, l:55:O?; 3. Pere EUiott, 1:57i00:'l Carv Pear;on, 1:5?:24; 5 Glcn Lv1e, 2:0'!:18.6r 6 ctvde Bal€r, 2:Oa,:12.5i 7. Miller, 2:08:01.8j 8. Bruce Javhe' 2:12:1:i 9. SaoCosta' ZtI4:a1.2' 10" Sandv Ho!n, 2;16: 25.2r 11, Toldan, 2:16:3?; lZ. Richard rr g,2tZ9t22 Zi 13. C!e. Coy, 2:29:lO. (18 starters, 13 lini6hers) Tro-\rr1e Splits fol Koepl€n: lO:50, 2l:'16, 32t39' 43:33' a4t3t-, aa,22, l:16;3?, 1r28:05, 1:39r19, l:50:13
,t-\tIlES - 1. Gaty !.izzo' 10:39, Zl:24"1i 2 TomR Hi::sias, 10:'14, z1:55; l. Dick Buckine:hatu, IAt42' 22t13 o. erry L-^'_ l- sa' ll] ("l ,1. vcrn 4orn, 10r58, 22:19; 5. Alex Thomas, 22:'l{i 5; agh"n' s'l-cr /- B-L arrd, Z, l-''.. ':-8:Oo: 8 6. Cla-'ron Hall, 2'1:O9r ?. Rodnev Tho11!, 2'1:33r S Jim 23, Norman, Okla., 2:5E:1"1r g Mike McDonhell' 30' Mccuiin, 2?r33: 9. Erank Feu, 28:52i l0 GIen Bottofr' Okla, City, 2:59:19; lO. Norm Al6obrook' 'lt' Daltas' okla Texds, 2;59.25111. Joe Skelton' 20, sLillwaLer' ' 3:03:18; lz Katiron Navlor, 3il, ToPcka' Kabsas' BCB SCTiJ\ICH 1\'INS TOLEDO RRC I8-MII-E RUN 3:05:35; 13, RalPh Tait€, 29, DaUas, 3:06r19: 14' Gle! s..c! :ark, foledo, ohio' Feh. 27, l97z- The l8 dile Dorrouel, aO, -1. r, .:08:tr 1- 'c- -' 'h ' al Z Fnld' /r' rn' !ae-Borton race $a6 a long run with a big Fioner - Bob rr:d, o-k.., '} ooiS lo \'4 1''\ r'l Nordan Sclalc . .vho clockeil a {ast l:45:00' 3:10:51; 1?. AI Ca!rol1, 31, Dallas, 3:11:49i lS Tulsa' 51' 2. Lou 1\ agner, l:52:t5: 3. Jim Edwards, 1:53:201 4' Martin' Bob 19. 3i1z:zZi sloan,34, Tul6a, rolb;r, li53:'1Lj 5. 1valt Chuichill, Z:00:10i 6 3:18:59i n1it. 3:r5:irr zo. Mal Doggett, 36, wichira' Kan ' 22' S!aDdel, 2:OZ:33; ?. Tob DeBoe!, 2:05:50; 8' Charl.s 3:19:25i Okla ZI. Tom Kempl"{?, BartlesviUc, ' 9. Ed Dibbl€, 2:0?:19; l0 Jack Brent Wooten, 22' Stillwater, 3:20:05i 23 tie' Eugene Jaci Sch.n.le1, 2:0?:18; 2:1?:Ur lZ Art Johnson, Mah, Sy 11. 25 ::15:ali Kno11, Johnson, 3?, Enid & Vern \vhiteside' 52' 3:26'131 Harms--Craig 26 chas' 2:L) )., 3:28:23i Leonaril Busen, '11, St. Louis' Mo , l\aac_ Brqce 2? 3:28:33i 30, Brooks, Del CiLy, OkIa., MARATHON, TOLEDO, OHIO Mullin, 3?, Tulsa' 3:28:'13i ZS Nancv Laird' 30' Hous& back coursc. Weather: 18o, 30 Ont 1972, Mar.h ', ton, Telas, 1:29:11:29 uilbur Arnold' 57' Puebro' 3:31:l8l Tulsa' 40, C"t"., z,zttZt,30. Art Blorvsins, r. Don -An.ler6on, 41:A5' 7a137 , Z. Jabn Gatza' 76t3zl 3t. HaroLil McDonaLd, 44, Brokeh Arrow' Okla ' 3:35: Bob l" Lou lragher, 78:38; 4 J€f{ Schrel' 80:30i 5' scott l9r 32. Bob Lowrey, 32, Albuquer'1ue, 3:36:39; 33 8l:00; 6. Garv Wilkinsoo, 8l:14i T Sandv Galv Jameson, 34' welsted, Mount Hollv, N.J ' zo, 3:43r20i Charles Ge!s& Ultsses Vlamides' 1t' DaLlas' Turner, 8l:20; 8. Jim Tbielen, 81:'lO; 9 '416obrook, 11, Datlas Bitler' Andv 11. 83:'11; l{armoa, Jim ier, 82:L?; lo. 3:.18:36; 36. Jim Butl€r, Newalla, ok1a , 53' 3:'19:40i F'l Lachowski' 13' 8'1:Zl]r Tod An.lrzejczak, Levine' 12, 8,1:!,11 3?. George Boyd, 44, Dalla6, 3:51:1?; 38 Mike 8.!:,12' 1.1, Tob DeBo€r, 85:18; 15 walt Chur'hlll, 85:19 26, Norman, Okla., l:53:21: 39 Paul Graf' 29' Hous16. Ilark Lohan, 85:l9r 17. JackKnoU, 85:50i 18 fo4, 3:53:30; '10. Bill Shirlev, Dallas, 28, 3t55:25' 41' James shook, 86:20; 19 Dand Rohr, 86:20j z0' chuck Joe Ozmu, '16, TutBa, 3i55:3?1 42 IrEn Trautham' 8?:2oi 21. Garv Brian, 88:06; 2z' Jim Deckel slfan.1e1, Talmage Morrison' 46, Fort \vo!th, Te:a6, 3:59:'14r 43(cagr" man, 88:l]6r 23. Jim Haas, 93:05; 24 Al Dick€s' 93:58 1\' T' l6u ,0. o""a", 4:oz: l: j'r. coroo M 2!. Bill Ba6ch, 96:35: z6 Ever€Li lvirgau, 99:'llir 2? 4:t,:J r j). {e'n"rh F-d"or. ll. / cLrra |"r's T_Yu s --Craig G. Halms-Atr Johnson, 102:5li. 4t25t21,l-6. Gene Adam6, 3?, Tutsa, 'l:26:16; 4?' Tom c' q: Daie -, ShFppa-d AJ B' exas, j4. 0:16 8 Fro! ?o, THE CONDITIONINC OF DISTANCE RUNNERS The Non-v Aacl s ;i, D",rcs. 4:- \, il;;;.,. idcas of Tom Osl€r. Common sense, infonnative d1sTulsa, ,1:58:.11r 50. Susas weakl€v, 26, Tulsa, 5:38:00' cussion aimed at the 6-mile-and-uP iunner' but usetul --Bob Mcrlin-to all runners 2'! pp. $l Ol] from Long Di6tance Log Notes,.. Wilbur Arnold was rh€ oldesr linisher tor the 306 r,\r, Ccnter st., \roodbulv, N J 08096 6econ.t staaight year. Galv Alsobrook was th€ vounges'
MAINE AAU 15, OOO METERS CIIAMPIONSHIP Portlard, Maine, April I, 1972 1l:00 A,M. Weather: Clear, .15 degr€es, 1. Ken Fland€rs, 48:4r:; z. Ralph Thomas, 48:57; 3. ceorge Miller, 5?:00j ,1, John O'Co@el\, 52.22', 5. - -n tla i, <r:21j 6, Do\F VacDond d, --: ; 7. f ", Tadih, 55:4.1; 8. ceoise Towle, 57:30; 9. Norm cormier, 58:5?i 10. Chester White, 59:38; 11. Eldon Collins, 60:?1j 12. Ron G.rvai6, 6'lr'!8; 13. Russ Thompso-, o4:)o: oo: : . Pa. r4 o \lF, 66:23j 16. David Corsob, 67:50; 1?, Dick coodic, 69:2.1; r8. Harry Tra6k, ?l:50. HICH ScHoOL 5,000 METERS (10 A.M,)- 1. La!!y Creer, l5:58; 2. Malk Bcede, 16:08; 3. Don Doane, 16:28j 4, Frank Carroll, 16r39; 5. P€t€r Millard, 1?:08r 6. PeteI Eenoit, 17:08j 7. Chris Dinan, 1?r20j 8. D. Carlsen, 17:30; 9. Joln Murrell, l8:21i 10, Rayburn, 18:26. (21 finishels).
Univea6ity, 63:48i 27. Tom Franck, OVTC, 63:53; 28. Rus6€ll Holly, 65139, 5i 29. Trent Stewalt, Purcell, 65:54j 30. Jim Snyder, Day Height6 IA, 65t591 31. Dab Wagner, una,, 66:04i 32. Pat Rerroat, Day q-,Chrs - C, 66: 0. c r ' {. 5LF vF F ooF. s, f ai rnon_ East, 66:44; 34. Imre Lebdvay, OVTC, 66r52j 35. Mike Horlabaugh, nna, , 66t52,51 36. obie Ca!911e, \\' l,"r€ v. 67:18: ]?, D!n, olmcr, Day tsrF:ghts .C. 6?r34.5; 38, Gr€g Wulker, Day Heights TC, 67t5zi 39. Ed Piercy, Williams Y, 69:01; 40, Larry Kearney, william6 Y, 70:16. (53 fihishea6)
BILL HOPKINS WINS BELLE ISLE 15 MILE RUN BeUe Isle, Detroit, Nlichigan, March 25th- BiU HopLins and Johs Gaiza rah togethel for lourteen miles & then Hopkins gradually puUed alvay ro finish with a l00y lead in the Motor City Striders Znd &nual "Boston Maaathon Ouali{yiag Ru.. rForty-two runers made the 1:45 qualifying time. ?l starrerB, 64 {inishers. 1. Bill Hotrkins, 30, unai,, l:21:17; Z. JahnGatzd,26, OIIIO RIVER ROAD RUNNERS CLUB TlfO-MAN 20uat. , 1:21:33j 3. tie, Don Anderson, 18, unar. & Don MILE REI-AY, KETTERING, OHIO, APRIL 2, 1972 Richardson, 19, Maeomb County TC, l:23:53r 5. Walter Course: Out & back, on secondary blackto! road6 over hiuy terraih. weath€r: Cloudy, 3'! dcglees, lighr lrind. Cantz, 26, unat", l:26:33; 6. Mike Kaine, 20, Guelph 1. Dan Frice & Nick Tsanges, 1:4?:38; Z. Duahe Gaston Legioh, 1:26:43; 7. Pet€ Hallop,25, Macomb Couty TC, 1:2?r00; 8. JolD Doy1e, 38, liindsor YMCA, 1:27:05j & Dav€ Smith, l:.19:09; 3, Dave Shephcrd & Joh Ilcff, 1:53:00j ,1. Jerry Pierce & CarL Car€y, l:5,112,11 5. Tim 9. Bruce Dusseberry, 18, TOP, 1:27:29: 10. Dwayne Nisley & Brian Burn6, I:57:11, 6, JiD vcDohald & Joe Spitz, 23, Motor City Striders, r:29:16; U. BiIr Benjton, 22, Univ. of Detroit, l:29:19; 12. Jaoes Simpson, 19, Cabe, 1:59r31r 7. Cary whlt€ & Faul clegorr, 1:59:il0; Macomb County Tc', l:29t55, 13, Georg€ lvilson, 23, 8. Felix LeBlanc & Rolahd Ar6pach, 2.05:20' 9" Bill uat., l:29:58;14. James Ca€ter, 23, M.C,S., 1:30:24! Cole & Kult Holtquist, 2:12i5li 10. Jerry llarner & 15. Rick D€yo, 19, uat., 1:30:5Zi 16. Gary Rizzo, 20, Mike Stader, Z:23:23, Macomb County TC, I:31:30; 17. Chuck Davey, ,!6, INDMDUAL RESULTS: 1, Duane Caston, 52:,11 (Nes \roror.:rv 5r-id".s. -: :q/: 8. Mrr. un8"r, 21, Jna., cou!se record; oid record 53:2i by Charles Koeppen); 1:32:14, 19. Martin Cohen, 19, unat., 1r34:50t 20. Dick 2. Dan Price, a2.41i 3, Carl Carey, a.!:21; .1, Nick Cotton, 20, unat,, 1:37:1?; 21. lvan Andrew, .15, WindTsanges, 54:54; 5. Joe Cabe, 55:59r 6. Jones He{i, 60! YMCA, 1.37t38]'22, Hal Bigelow, 18, sat., 1:3?:39; 23. Brian Mimahan, 19, udat., t:3?:4li 24. Jeff Corneil 9. Tim Ni6ley, i7:33i 10. Cary White, 59,43; 11. Paul 18, unat.,1:37:.14; 25, Jack Braiuord, 40, unat., ti38: Gregory, 59:57j 12, Jerry Pierc€, 60:03j 13. Brian 02: Za,. Scott Merritt, 18, Mid Mich. TC, 1:38:18; 27, Burns, 60:08r 1.1. Roland Anspach, 60:43; 15. Jio \tcSid G€ndfu, 38, unat,, l:39:50i 28. Geolge Koyt, 18, Donald, 53:32; lil. Felix LeBlanc, 64:57; 17. Bill Co1e, uat., l:.10:11; 29. Rick Borucki, 19, uat., l:,!0:22j 65:261 18. Kurt Haltquist, 67:25j 19. Jerty 1{arner, 68:31; 20. Tid Slveitzet, 74t52i Z\. Mike Srader, 74:52. 30. Ceorge McClain, 32, unai., 1:40:5,!1 31. Tom Blakely, 31, MCS, l:41:l,l' 32. 1\rorih Ander6oh, 39, unat., Y"r'h"---1 af'B 1:.11:26; 33. Jid Maganas, ;13, uat., l:.11:4I; 34. Mike TRI-COUNTY CIIAMPIONSHIP RACE TEN MILES Jack6on, 21, Univ. ol Detioir, \t4Zt15i 35. Tob Debor, Cinn, , Ohio, March 26, 19?2 2:30 P. M 4lr inget Lakes, 1.12t\6,36" Larry Unger, 20, @a., Coqrse: Flat o. dorbhill lor first ? m11e6 & very h:lly l:4ztz1i 37, Jack Habel, 54, !na., I.42ta3,38. Dennig Welling, 31, ua,, 11,13:29; 39. Ma!k Davidson, 16, last thiee hile6. Wealher: Sunny, 40 deglee6. ua., 1:,14:07; ,10. Armand Lasorsa, 42, una., 1:,1,1:13; 1. caal Carey, Indiana stlide!6, 52:50 (1st 30-39)i 2. .ll. Arf Bechhoe{er, 36, Mid Mich. TC, l:44t26i 42Mike Keller, Misfits, 52:50 (rst 18 & under)j 3, Dan Averbeck, Ohio VTC, 54:38 (1st 19-29)i ,1. Wayne Doehl- Mike Farrar, 31, una., 1:.!4:48; 43. Tom MulLin6, 47, maa, Ohio ValLey TC, 55125.5; 5. Toay Hackhey, Mis- una., L:45:02; .1,1. Henly Szloansky, 48, una., 1:,!5:55' frr6, -5:)(: 6, TLa x tp, Pu.c- 1, (6:0< 7. Creg Bz .l- ,15. Jim Roe, 30, unat., l:.16:17r 46. David Starkey, 19, win, Purce11, 5li:21r 8. Jih Kaminsky, Ohio TC, 57:0.1. uha., lr4tr:2Zj 47. Tom Cua6arano, 21, Unlv, o{ Detroit, 5; 9. Howard Huges, OVTC, 5?:38i 10. Andy WoU, 1r45r3l; ,18, Don Creenwood, r8, una., 1:48:33; 49, Ed Forestville TC, 57:56; ll" Ted Jones, Purcel1, 58i28! Tod.",ra, r0, vid v_ch.T., t:48:{/: q0, Dict, scorL, 40, MCS, l:49:07i 51. Chuck Bishop, 18, MCS, l:49:12; 12. Kurt Holtquist, For€stville TC, 58:35; 13. Larry Parker, Mi6lits, 58:.{i;1.1, Rick Hutchinson, Purce11, 52. Joh! N€1sob, ,16, uat., l:50:48; 53. Edward Cook, 58:48; 15. Teiry Adkins, Mislits, 58:54j lli. Benny 40, unat., 1:50:49; 5,1. Walt Long, 52, Mid-Mich. TC, Hand, Purcell, 59:02r 17. John Col€, Forestville TC, l:ql:)/, .q, Poo--r r'Fss, rl, \4oro. Cr.) Str:aF-s, 59r28;0; 18. Bill Cole, FTC, 60:13; 19. Bob Butt6, will:53:40r 56. Jerry Coyle, 43, MCS, 1:53r40; 57. Jack liaos YMCA, 60:4.1; 20. Mike Bergea, FTC, 6l:.13j 21.. Brandlo!d, .10, uha. , 1:53:57; 58, Cene Sorge, 45, McS, Bill Eabn{leth, Misfits, 6?:01; 22. Rick Berning, ua., l:53r5?; 59, John KuLnetz, ,13, una., Z:03ilZ; 60. Allen 63:08; 23. Doug Burgcss, Purcell, 63:26; 24. De1 HayZtoatlgt 62. Charles Price, 36, va., zt\5:ZAi 63. Ke!es, OVTC, 63:29j 25. John Rey6e, Ketrering Stlidc!s, 6 ,:.7. ..61 j0 , Ovp. : 26. 5.-\- Pa, \ar s'', ya. Fr :n Hollelner, L?, udal., 2:16:15: 6,1. S .n Conn"lIy, 5o, --I]d Koz off-u"r.. 2:L6:]0.
ROCKY MOUNTAIN ROAD RUNNERS TEN MILE ROAD RUN (Actuat distance: 9.861 Miles, Two loops, vely hilly) A!apahoe High schooi, Litlletob, Colorado Sunday, Februf y 27, 1972. Weather: Sllmy, wihdy, 40o
1. Tom Berger, 20, Colo.State unie., 27,53 55t57+ 2. Bob Creighton, 38, unat., Atwood, Karsas, 60:08 3. Cerry Vincent, 40, Rocky Mt. RR, 6AtZl 4" DonMor!16, 3.1, Rocky Mt. RR, 64t52 6\,52 5. Ted Cutler, 34, unat. , Denver, 6. Jon Epperson, 34, Rocky Mr. RR, L1:17 7. Jay Krabacher, 22, uat., Boulder, 65:0lij 8. John Kearns, 32, RMRR, 66:u; 9, Joel Winsaid, 29, RMRR, 69t29i 10. Daee Hershey, 3i, RMRR, 70:29; 11. std A!so1d, 27, RMRR, 70:52; 12. Bernie Gay, 36, RMRR, 72:14: t,. -d uood, !. PMRP, 72.a0. r. De-r tLorpe, 39, RMRR, 73:,11; 15. Wilbur Arnoid, 5?, Southern Coro. s'r'ders, t :^r: 6. Shau r D r_y. ua,. 7r: .o: 17. Jim Osborn, 39, RMRR, 75:39j 18. Bob Mahler, uat., 75:41; r9, Jeff A!nold, 30, scs, 77:28; 20, Tom LeMire, 28, RMRR, ?8:13i 21. Jerry Wisclneyer, unat,, 84:42;2?. Marcia LeMire, 28, RMRR, 87:03, *New codrse record; former mark, 56:42, L€e courkamp, Oct. 3, 1971. New meet record; forner hark, 58:29, Lee Courkamp, Feb. 28, 19?1. lrith course record holde! Lee Coukamp watching on the sidelines, Tod Beig€r, a 2:31maiathoner, obliterated the record a€ he swepi to victory hith a ma!F:1.ycc.di.B iour r: L'pq. . Bob C.--ghLon, cn "'!o.v I ey fror he snall .o ' of A sood. Karsd!. as lis usual strong seu on the hills a; he edged Gerry Vince.t for secohd place. --R, Denni6 Kavanaugh-ROCKY MOUNTA]N ROAD RUNNERS 3-MILE HDCP.
Lake, De.ver, Colorado, March 12, 1972 sunT '." go"."" onF lap & ?q0), .io-.alt, SloaDs
T, Hcp. A. T. FT ZZTZB A:oQ ZZ|ZS 16 21t20 At1A 21tZA 5A
1. Peter A. Kopp, 10, 2. Kedeth C. Kopp, 39, 3. Joln T, Polhemus, ,12, ,1. Jim Gusek, 20, 5. Palti TaUant, 13, 6, La!!y Han6en, 34, 7. Brian Hudson, 25, 8. Dick Kiefer, 25,
9. Bob Mcwilliams, 30, I0. Charlie lYood, 39, ll. Jay Krabachei, Z?, iZ. Setn Bradlet, 27, 13. Laurie Kearns, 30, 1.1. Tod Lehiae, 28, 15. sam Va€ceUaro, 47, 16. Malk Proper, 16, l?. Dave Hershey, 31,
18. Mike Peterson, 20, 19. Bob lve11ck, 3i1, 20. Joel Wingard, 29, Zl. Bernie Gay, lb, 22. Ge!!y Vincent, .10, 23. Jim Osborn, 39, z,!. Ed Good, 44, 25. Marcia LeMir€, Z?, 26. Rich Casperson, 31, 27. Avery Moser, 33, 28. Demis waLsch, 29, 29. Pah Weisle, 29, 30. Sid Arnold, 2?, 53
21:41 1:53 l9Aa Za 25:AZ 9:08 15,51* I 25.39 2150 ZZt19 17 25117 3t53 2It51 41 25ial 4,44 2l:A"l ,!A Zat55 5:50 ZA.oa 3? 26,00 6:00 20:00 30 Z6tAO 7:10 18:50 21 z6ta3 8:31 i7:3 2 10 26:04 8:3 8 1?:26 8 25:10 2t5A Z3tZA 19 26t15 7t43 18.32 I1 26j.9 1t11 21,35 13 26t20 At53 \7t27 9 26:21 7159 IAtZZ la 26t23 IA,Z8 lat55 2 26t23 9,19 16,34 3 26t2? 8:31 17:5ij tl 26:30 7:AI 19.29 Zt2bt31 9:36 16:58 5 2t;.37 6:11 19t53 29 26:3 E 6:49 20:29 35 26i38 5:03 21:35 ,12 Z6t4l 9:0 0 l7:,lt 1l 26t43 7t5l Ig.aZ 23 26t5o 9100 l?:50 12 26:56 6:15 20:21 33 2?:01 8:23 l8:38 l9
--R, Deboi6 Kavanaugh--
MINNESOTA AAU 25 K1LO CII{MPIONSHIP ROAD RACE & Z-MILE JOCOERS RUN, ROCHESTER, MINNESOTA, APRIL^], 1972 - Tr-enry-two April Fools endur€d fie 35" tempelature fresheaed by 15 MPH cross-einds, most of then bett€ring lasl yea!'s tuarks. Chuck Ceron6ky ahd Br@e Mort€Eson ran neck and oeck untii r? m ee wheh Ceronsky opened the gap. Both eclipsed Mortenson's record oJ 1:23:20, set last year. 1,/2 BpLit TirG l. Chuci Ceronsky, 2.1, TC, 41t52 1:21:.19 Rec. 2. Bruce l,1o!ten6on, 28, RTC, llt5z I|Z2:IZ 3. Jell Brain, 22, AC'lC, 12,14 ItZ1t45 ,1, Ron Dalrs, 35, TCTC, 12:33 \t25tQ7 -, C"r c.- om. zal', 24, \c 1., 2. 26 :2a..\A 6. Allen Cilmaa, 25, @at., 12:50 l:26t23 ?, Norb Scln€ider, 21, St. JotDrs Univ. , r:28:12; L Chas, Burrows, 23, aat., ttz9t49t 9. Mike Fahey, 18, S:. iolD's L., l:30r21' 10. Jifr Berka, 20, uat., l:3.1;2a: !1. Larry Webinger, 23, unat., 1:3,1:53! lZ. i, -.., .o, il', B .:i6:q,: l{. .ohr Ci!..Liad, TCfC, Lrl6:58; 14. Gelhart SaEman, 20, iTC, 1:40:411 ;. - .. . \foFrr l, 18, PTc, .2r0c. 6. .!, Bo:ce, .10, TCIC, l:46i3r (Masierts Winder); r?. -c Ken MiUe!, 19, Rocbesr€r TC, 1:49:59; 18. Jefl White, 17, unat,, 1:t2:2rj 19, Gcne Kern, 34, RTC, 2t14.2?,20. DaIe SctniC, ]b, unar., 2:18:.14j 21. Buck Jackson, 53, RIC, 2:18:.!E; 22. ToDy Bridlve11, 50, RTC, Z:21i43. jCCCERS 2-MILE - l. Jay Lucas, 29, Rochestei, ::rZ-: 2, Charles B!adley, 39, Bloomiagton, 13:39; 3. ia: Kellt, ,16, RocheEter, 13:58; 4. Pete Mill€r, 13, iochester, li!:0.!j 5. Paul L, Stambaugh, 13, \::1i,, 11i29, (Jay gained a measu!e of revenge on las|'s r'imea Pat KelLy in this one. Last tear Par :on in 14:26. Actuarly, 5 joggers bettered last :inning time. 15 {iaishers. --Ken Mill€r-_\ e:!'s
D-'L.!\Y VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL 6 MILN 2-N1!N .{i::RNATE l,€ MII-E RELAY. liromot€d by rhe Bal:,nore Road R@ners Ciub. March 26, 1972 Ie: reafts started & fihished iD coot, 38", subny & \i i..r (13 mdrl weather. 17, !-tr-. o, rjs & efr._:Lh, t6, Io'son HS, 2E;56; 2, Tom Lowman, Parkville HS & c.orse Bernier, PHS, 31:06i 3. Mike Jon€s & Mike Rca:!ette, PHS, 31:Z0j ,1, Keirh Barton & Richard llcl.hald, Baltimor€ RRC, 32:lE; 5. Marty Nyman & Fousion Cox, unat", 32:31; 6. Cecile Cauliste & Jay DEr, Baltimor€ Olympic C1ub, 32:39; 7, Bill Lamm ti Dan 1',_eber, U.M.B.C., 33:03' 8. Bill Lonman & Jan Ealaner, Parkwille I-IS, 34:1.1r 9. Mike Drabkorwski a Doug Drabkoiski, unat., 34i56r 10. Steve J. '..".o&S -na., ^:/) --Les r(rnLU.- EALTIl'tORE ROAD RUNNERS CLUB 5-MII,E RACE Tohson, M.1. YMCA, April 9, 19?2. Sunnt & coo1,45o Course: !.ive laps rhrough lhc streets ol Towson. 1. Dav€ Lekites, Balrimorc OC, 27;,10j 2. JefI cood, BOC, Z8:l2i 3. Ray Walk€r, BOC, 28r58r 4. 1im Sheehan, uar,, Z8:59; 5, Les Kinion, Baltimore Fire Fishters, 29:10i 6. Don Spicer, BOC, 29:30j
-. 1r"/n- E"L- , BO.. 2o:.8,6. \-.5 Ba-,o,. .nr'.. 29:56i 9, Rick McDonald, unat., 30:24; 10, Marty Ny man, unat,, 3l:0?i 11. Merle Hamrick, BOC, 3lr35l 12. St.rc Rosasco, unat., 3.,1:45; 13. Bill Diegel, una., 3.1:.16; 1.,1, Steve J. Rosa6co, una., 35:05,
i. i
RECREATION DEPARTMENT, WELLESLEY, MASS. 9.69 MILES. weaiher: Very Iine & cool. Aplil l, 19?Z Record 6et in l9?0 by Pat McMahoa. Field of 249 included 6oee post entries and a nrlmber of gills. l. Ron Walde, Boston AA, 48:59; 2. Steve E1lis, BAA, 49:25; 3. Norm Higgih6, Age cloup AA, Com., 49:.181 4. Keh Muell€r, BAA, 50:31; 5. Rick Bayko, NMC, 50:34; 6. lvalter Renaud, uar., 50:50i 7. Fhil Ryan, Bostoh A-{, 50:52j 8. Toh Deidelian, NMC, 51:08; 9. Peter Stipe, BAA, 51:19; r0. Chlis Chambers, sat,, 5l:34; 11" JameB Knight, uhat,, 52r04; lZ. Eall Mccilvery, NMC, 5Z:Z3i 13. Scott cralam, vat., a?:29, \1. Geolge Cohelrey, NMC, 52:34; 15. Joe Catalaao, BA-{, 52:.16j 16. Cbarles RlLey, CSU, 52:50; t?, Frarl< Sa!dina, uat., 52:55; 18. J@€6 Smith, CSU, 52:56; t9. Robert Mccusker, @a., 53:14; 20. Harvey Inashiha, Harvard, 53r56;21. RonDrogaa, NMC, 53:57' 22. Jdes Callagher, unat., 54:00; 23. Mike Ba:ter, ua. , 5,1:20; 2,1. John Ne6tor, u4at., 54:40; 25. Bluce Eltis, BAA, 54:,11j 26. clenn Charboaleau, Ll'm AC, 5,!:46i 2?. Joln Babington, NMC, 55:OO; 28. Kevin Crowtey, NMC, 55:1,!i 29. Chet Fo!tlet, NMC, 55:15; 30, Jotn Jarek, NMC, 55:20; 31, Ray Lapidu6, uat., 55:21; 32. Alex Applebalh, NMC, 55:35; 33. Paul Goronson, una. 55:38; 3.4. Tony Sapienza, BAA, 55t46,35. Francis Mahe!, NMC, 55:47; 36. H€rb Farsons, cSU, 55:so; 37. Steve Masciolli, uat., 55:55' 38. Rob€rt Lapr€1, uhat., 56:00; 39. Ron Kay, CSU, 55:12j 40, ca!y Lyons, BAA, 56:l3i 41, Vin Fandetti, NttC, 56:?5j ,12. Deaa Ba66ett, @a. , 57r00; 43. Dave Miuson, ua., 57:Otj
c7l0l: /6 Ton (-1 ooJ, una., 5?:05; .16, Clyde Behton, Mt. Park AA, 5?:09; 47. Michael Beale, lvelresley HS, 5?:2.1; 48, Roberr Her6€y, NMC, 5?:25; 49. Malk Murray, welles1ey HS, 57:26! 50. La!!y Fauber, @at., 5?i.t6; 51. JolD llrrrm{old, ua., 58:21j 52. James Shonach, NMC, 58:2,1; 53. William Zachary, una., 58:i19; 54. Steve Otsen, ua., 58:50; 55. Albert KimbaU, NMC, 59:15; 56, cary Kingstoh, uat., 59:23: 57. Hank Devine, \,1t, park -4,A, 59:37! 58, Allan Reid, uar,, 59:45; 59. StanLey Keye6, NMC, 59:4?j 60, Buzz D€Robbio, NMC, 59:48, 6r, Larry Thode, ua,, 60:02; 62. Clai!e Paihe, unat.r 6O:03' 63. Joseph Schiraa, uat., 6o:10; 64. Braiuofd po'e1], unat., 60r13; 65. Dick Coaliga, NMC, 60:14, 56. Jurian Siegel, NMC, 60:15i 67. Edward Wood, uhat., 6O:16j 68. William Ai!6worth, NMc, 60:21; 69. Nichoias Fulhad, Welte61ey HS, 6jt21i 70. Pet.t Burklart, Bo6ton AA, 60:27; 71, David Hethelnadr Wach. Slriders, 6O:3?; ?2, Gary Qeollroy, NMC, 60r41i 73. Richard Mulfoy, Wetlesley HS, 60r5tj 74. Michael Doherty, una., 60:54; 75. James Rice, sat., 60i55; ?6. Charles Labg, Lynn AC, r51:00; ?7. Mlchael Romano, uhat., 6l:OZ; 78. Jonarhan Avery, uat., 6l:i5; ?9, Phil Heath, NMC, 61:16j 80. Ed St!eker, una., 61:17; 81. Claude El1is, NMC, 6lr21i 82. Jan Brortn, NMC, 61:25; 83. Michael Muscarelti, uat., 61:33' 84. Chris Brady, una., 6l:5lj 85. Ed Trotter, BAA,61i52; 86. Jon Kurit6ky, unat.,52:OOr 8?. Raphael Jah€s, uat., 62:0.1j 88. Mark wilson, We11esiey Hs, 62:09; 89. Tony Maccalio, NMC, 62:r?; 90. Briaa Robibsob, lyeUesley HS, 62123.-.II7. Jatn A. Kelley, Eat., 65.a1. l2a9 1isted fiais]rers) --Fred BrowE Sa. -10th ANNUAL 10,000 METER WALK,
LOWELL, MASS. April 1, r9?2 - 1. Rick Bostick, NMC, 5l:l8i 2. Xevin
Ryan, NMC, 52:28;3. caly ceof{loy, NMC, 55:37, 4. Chailes Scott, NMC, 56:05, 5. Mike Regan, LBC,
58:34, 6. Ken Mccilvery, LBC, s9:16; ?. Dan RegaD, LBC, 60:36; 8. Fled Arovn s!., NMC, 6r:55; 9. Kefth Ryan, LBC, 62:I?; 10. David Molebcy, LBC, 64:0?. --I'red BroM S!. -SHORE AC TEAM CUTS 1VORLD IOO-MIIE REI,AY RECORD, West Long Branch, N. J. , Ssday, March 26Shole Athtetic Club distaace rmer6 poolea! tbeir talents today to chalk up a wolld recold perfolaance in one of track's toughest events - the too-mile re1ay. Rures of the event lequired 100 dif{elent rrr@e!s to co\c. a nilc aoiece, 60 s arrine uirt- Bob Baztey s openi.g mlle at 8t3z a.h. to Jonn Kuhir€ tooth miie close to 5 p.o., the lelay baron was on the move {or 400 lap6 aroud Moffiouth College's Etastatulf qua!re!-
Kuhi hit the finish line ro the apprauEe ot his clubmate€ to complele the teah's loQ-mile crocking of eight hou!6, 18 hinules, ,r6.8 seconds. Era6€d llom the record book6 thereby vas the B:30:06 perlordahce by a Swedish A11-Srar tean at Upp6a1a, Swealen, last Sepf. 19. The Sve.les, in turn, had bettea_ ed the 8:33:,12 perlormance by the Owai!aka Ha!aiers oI New Zealaad ta6t July. This wa6 believed to be the ft!6t I00-tuile relay ever 6raged i! the U.S. The Svedish teah lad averased 5:06 for each ol irs mtles but Shore AC's 100 auhners dipped down to an average ol 4158.16 per hile despite an icy wiait abd temperature6 in the .40's, The team of 100 - Shore AC 'friend6 ,joiaed the clubmen for the record atrempt - consisted o{ 99 eale runers and o4e girl - l7-yea!-o1d St. Rose High Schoot senior Pat Barrett of Spring Lake. MisB Banett xan rhe team'€ 96th mit€ and tuaned in a 5:43.3 p€rlormahce - just tr,o seconds off he! NJstAA Parochial-South record titue of 1a6t May. Earlie! in the day, she ran a 5:38 mile a6 part o{ an 8o-dite concur_ aent baton carry bt a 'Br tem, Fastest mile lor the r€cold teatu x,as th€ 65th car!y by ChristiaE Brothers Acadetuy jEior Bilt Hutley ol Colts N€ck in.1:30.3. Only nine other iunels betteled ,!:.,10 - eve4 though maiy more had achieved that time ude! hore favor_ Ne* 4:31
nile ras
Mobolrh Colere,s
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b\ rnnp Aranchs Hor 4 Nol3i thri &9bvHovcll I th s ,\ter liurtz :rd rhe 313
4 1s
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FoDosing on
the nelit tisi qerc rh.4.37.9by tddt€loB roqsJup HiEhk Cary Milch.
rhe 4:33.3 by v Leova !3ny !0e2, tbe 4:19.0 byo LonS lrabch xidr Rlch rtuDp thc 4 39.1 bv seron J{allt Jin N.!N. and tho 4j30.3 bv Mdniclai. Star.,r
Thc .umers srayed
ohead 5h relo.d Drce rhe 2s.inrte
ol thP S{d I c fu| $J\ ar !on. lie ieam aas l:1710the Sood 11r br.ein became 5:13 alle: 50 miles ,..1 ludped lo 10103 atkr 15 h!6. Al the od. the dilJd.
nJea hiAh *hoob mde! cdtrilutioB t0 the t6.d pedoddce. Cbilsll4 Brothe.r Acad@y hld the biggest deleFalion. rh{e i€d BanL Catholic, IrnA Breci! C€da Rldge, lGrpon, ned
Bank Resioral, Middl.tow! Toffihle. Momdlh R€!ih. ol, Brlak Tomshj!, ];ro{@d, Toms Rirer Norih, 0.€n TMshl!. Freehotl, As
bE, PEk, Eonell, RllNF Falr gaven ReEional. Mm$ qud, st, Rose, dd Hrgh
.eprBeqt d-
Colleges rep.esoted ueb Monnoulh. turceio!. Mont-
clair stale, Manlatte,
Vhlle the lm re.d-brcakeB uele running, a !B'tsm oI rumors ras syerjng 30 niles in 3:30:01 2!d a 'C"
unil oI r.ce ffilke.s
Threo ririto$ frcn Mobt-
stale paced the "8" hli vjc Mizone ru.ning 4:26, -Kevin M.Gralh 1:20. &d Th
rading the "C" race ealL, s - tho *nt lm hild spiee
Cree Dlebold
14:40. Bode Pslmarhd( 15103, Bob Fslcioh at 1t:5?, Jre Joldd a1 16:.?, and Tery ArdeBm at 1t:46. Dirocto. ol the alliav @r.
,lion vas Luhi, lomeiGte
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sch@l dd PaF sllr who wasr Shore AC's 196!
lAU diordislrne
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Eet . lav a lrng esidot &d a l6clrer
'ff.l;" ""'..
",.' *^ *u
that the first bettered casron Roelants, record ol 66:30 dade in cool€r conditions in 1969, The winn€r Colombia s Vicrol Mora, was runner-up in the Sao Paulo Nes, Year's Eve Race, l. Vicr.r Mora, Calombia, 64.23,2. Mamo Volde, nthiopia, 6.1:.!7r 3. John Farringron, Australia, 55;08; ,1. Lengisa Bedane, Ethiopia, 65:2il; 5. Tuooi!€n, Fin1and, 65:,11i 6. Caspar, Mexico, ri6:09; ?. Ron Hi11, GB, b6:1?j 8, Jim Alder, CB, 67:16;9. Neil Cusack Irelan.l, 6?:Zl; t0. Romero, Mexico, 68:I3i Ll. Aat Coolidg€, USA, 68:21i 12. Northey, Canada, 68:32; 13. Ndoo, K.nta, 1,8:54.
., ..].iILE ROAD RACE, NE\Y IPS\IICH, N. H. A.iril 21, !972. lVeather: Cold, Co$se: Vely hilly. 1. Jan,,: Daley,Jr., NMC, 30:.10' 2. Raimo Ahti, NMC, 31:1Lt -1. Chet Fortier, NMC, 3l:Z{,i ,1. Cary Ceoffroy, N1IC, :lr3i; 5. Eric Ahti, @at,, 33:0rtj 6. Peter Cordell, \\!C, 33:09; 7. Richard Clapp, NMC, 34:01i 8. ioberi iihitn€y, NMC, 35:03; 9, Bruc€ Migell, NMC, 3.;'Ji -,, Vike DaIey, unat., 39:50r 11. Edrard Whitner, CSL, ,{1:02; 12. Gary Kaukokanta, uat., 43:23; 13. 5:s ir.dlozny, NMC, ,19:03! 14. Fred Brown Sr., \\rc,5:ilE, --Fred Brown Sr. -ST:'., ART WINS lst ANNUAL SPRINC X-C RACE C.l,Jnbia, Mo,, AFiI 23- Dcnal6 Stewart captured LAKE ERIE A.A.U. 3O KILO CHAMPIONSHIP RUN !d. C.llhLia TC 2 mile cf o€6-co@try ruh oh rhe MuniCleveland, Ohio, sat,, April l, 1972 10:00 A M. - carl .i:a1 Course in 10:37, Hatfield ol the Univer6ity of \test Vilginia Track Club :, Doue Itilliatuson, 10:39; 3. B€n Londeree, 10:40i ,1. broke the Lal€ Erie AAU 301m record in Rocky Riv€r fi:€ Chipten.lal€, 1l:10; 5- 1-hitney Hick6, 11:16r 6, Reserva9ion, runing th€ 18.6 miles in 1i38:16.8 -.-J -ch i , :.1< 7. ro-Du("-. l/:2 8, DolCr!nDon SLus€er and Jim Nagle, both ol Pittsburghrs Churchb..:, -2i19t 9, DickHessler, 12:?6; 10. Bob Rosenthal, ill AC, aan 2-3 with identical t:46:2? clochngs. l::jlr 11, tJarv Lee, l3:19; 12. Fre.l Van P€enen, 13, Weather: Light rain & snow, 35 degrees. Cour6e: Flat i-:::.: 13. Darrell Palmer, 14:30; 1-,1, Dav€ Schulte, 14: River Parkray. Trodie€ to lst -15 lini6hea€, i-: -r. Doug Duncan, 11, 17:28. AC, 2. Lale Erie l7i Teah Scores: 1. Churchill \2i -AA, 3, SlDmit A. C. , 25, i::! -{NNUAL PENN REI-{YS, Franllin Fie1d, Phi1a., l. carl Hatlield, l:38:16,8 cR; 2, Don slusser, l:,16:z7l :4,, Allil 2?,26, 29, l97Z - b-li{ile- 1. Pat Mandara, Daul d6 2r' 4. la l.irCror, 5Jnh: 3, I'y \"ClF, l .:arar.a, 28:09. 2. Bill Rcilly, Shoae AC, 28:19,2; 3. l:47r26; 5. Mike Niemiec, Lal€ Erie AA, 1:,18:08i 6. BiLl l.T, Fl€ming, 9j Um. Paterson College, 28127.9:4" Tom Heideman, sffimit Ac' I:4E:2a; 7, Brian Sob.zah La!€ aeeier, lndiana, 28:43; 5, ElliorRogers, P€nn, ?8:,19.9 E!ie AA, l:.!9:l7j 8. Karl Kule, LaLe Erie AA' 1:50il2l DickBuerlde, ...1::!19l. NYAc, 13:38.7 (,1:3i5.5, 9. Phil Foid, Lake Erie AA, l:50:47i 10. Tom Mccuire, : L-, l)r 2. Howle Ryan, NYAC, 13r39,8; 3. James JackChurchill Ac, l:52:5.1i 11. Roger Rovillet, wvTc, 1:53: son, \,Y., 13:,15.6i ,,1, Eamon Dowh€y, Shore AC, 13: 19; t2, Stev€ Pusztay, Lake Erie AA, l:54:lzj 13. Jay 1a- 2r 5. Mike Mitt€16taedr, Quahtico Marines, 13:50.2 Ba.ry, Chu,.t ll Ac, l:5_:l': -r. Davc DaL-\o, ua'., n, iom Robi.son, NYAC, l3:55.6,..H.S. 2-Mile- 1. L:55t24t 15. Roy Cobb, Lake Erie AA, l:55:26; 16. Bill Rob.rt Peikins, Collegiaie (Richmond, Va.l, 9:00,5MR; Bredenb€ck, Lal€ Eiie AA, I:5?:z5i 17. Jim cohyns, 2. Kevin McCarey, Cathedral (Elhhurst, N. Y,), 9r03.7 Lake Erie AA, 1:58:59j 18. Jell Vaughan, Lake Erie AA, l, \11ke Btrtynes, Sterling (Somerdale, N. J. ), 9:05. 5i l:59:Z0r r9. GaryGot6ch, uiat., 1:59:47r 2a. Dr. \"1. zak, (Noafotk, Va.), t:08,2..,ll*1 +. Chris Tulou, Maury LEA-A, 2i00:46; ZL Don \tilson, tnat., Z:)ItZ1,22. AleC M1:- 1. Gordon Oliver, Beth€sda-Ch.q Chase, Md., ,- pan. ua ., z:a]tzq, 2t, V.rgr YFhn-rl, Sr- r A. ,1:08, i MRi 2, Vioce Caaiier, Scotch Plains-Fanwood, 2:OZt12t 21. John Rayburn, unat., 2:02:43; 25, Dan Shook N, J, , .lrll,0; 3. Kevin McGariry, Arcbbishop Wood, Sl:J:t|':mit AC, 2t03t2ot 26. Fred stetler, unat., 2:04:38i .t:11,6i ,1, Harry Kronick FranHin lrva, Somerset, Z?. ceorge NicholF, uat., z:a6.55,28, FrankNagorka, N.J., 4:I5.2i 5. Jim Morrison, Pennsbury, Pa.,4.15,7. unat., Z:09:llj 29, Bernie Hmrock, Lake Elie AA, , , , Masters Mile- 1. Tony Sapicnza, Boston AA, 4:45. ? Dick Brian B1ue, S1hmit AC, 2:09:27; 31. 2:09:i6t 30. JolD Allen, Motoa City Striders, ,l:,19.8r 3, .Ioe I.gles, unat., 2:26:30. DNF- Thaddeus Ga{fnet, Noiman Z, Burns, United -4A, 4:52.9:4. Ke^ 1iii16on, Lockport TC, Hills & Tracy Mattern. --Wiltiad Bredenbeck-,1:53, ?; 5. Bob Fit€, Cape May, N,J., ,l:56.9, 1120.r.- i. Howclt Michael, Ouantico Ntarin€s, 2r54,,!i Z. PUERTO RICO HALI -MARATHON Juris Luzins, QMj 3, Chri6 Ma6on, NYAC; 4. Bob ZieA crowd oI some 100,000 llncd th€ course for the annual menski, NYACr 5. FrankMurphy, NYAC...!9!\p san B1a6 Hau-Marathon (2t.695kn) at Coado, Pu€rto 3-Mi1e- l Greg Fredericks, Penn State, 13r31.5 MRI Rico on Febluary 6th. Two Olrdpic champions in Mamo 2. Cary Harris, We6reu Michigan, 13:31,6i 3, Mike Wold€ and Amo6 Biwott took part along with the great Ron Keogh, Manhattan, t3:35, Zi 4, Mik€ Harvood, Kentucls., rl. l, llF q-dl' v ol th- rr " rcs r"us ra Fo o\ rhF f.. 13:39. 5. , . 3,000m S'cha6e- t. Joe Lucas, Geoitwn, 8:.10,
DENNIS BRANHAM WINNER IN 12.5-MILE RACE Tilusville, Florida, March 28, 19?2- Dennis Branham n r- -m.rz ho1 "-"9-d o\ Lh" '1.-d 'hp12..-hilF NorLh Br- a rd Dr -l n and F F! -ca rio r Lobd-r s oo :n T-l ,6\' io 'rL I r-on t hc I5F ir vc.-,o r rua F o-p.cL- rhc n " p-d_ol, .ourse in l:19:0?, as he moved along at a pac€ oJ 6r18 agP
- Tony Sparato Places Second
ranging in age lrom 14 .{6 with eighr under 20, AU ran the race in under tlvo hours. Second nas Tony Sparato, a 27-year-old Jackson Jr. HS teacher who has run in th€ Boston Mararhon. He clocked l:21:05 & wa6 the only entrant in the 2l-30 grou!, Third was Doug Clifton, a Titusville High cross-coEtay runner who woh th€ 14-20 age group in l:22:3?. Troptue6 rF-" dL ard.d",d -,onopla.linishers in each age division, 4, John Jarrett, 36, \.24:32:5. Rick Phillips, 17,
, l{. _' ?. D. rdso.L r. 38, 1:37:33i 9. Paul Rodden, 31, 1t39.14, 10, Paul Robertson, 32, 1:.lZj33; 11. Randal Ev€retf Cox, 16, L42.34;12, Rahdal Era.lam, 14, 1:50: 06i 13. rie, David Shar!, tli & Mike Heinea, 15, 1:54:051 15, Leonard Rogulski, la, 1.a7t31. Photo Belor - t5 REn6r6:ro€ the Ma.^. DouB vcrni6. 18, l:36:,13r 8. Dan Godby,
Photo Below
Photo Below
- Demis Baaiiham - Overall winn€r
BILLY MILLS WINS EL CAJON HALF MARATHON EI Cajon, cali|, March 12- Billy Mills made one ol his rare appeara.ces on the roads a 6ma6hing success a6 he Iecorded a 6€n6ational 65:37 lor this accurate l/2 harathon course. Mi11s tibished his first road race q:nL^ h" To.Jo Ol\mp c m-r" bor he pla."d l4th) looking Jresh and relaxed after'^h"rp avelagiag 5:00.2 per hile Ior the disrance, Mills ran rhe mostly downhlll initial 5 miles in 24:40, ihen worked the tough Eecoad ^ ro oass " 4o:ll. d:o v-nL on o apsl-oy Pere Virgadamors 196?'n .ourse record oI 68r08. Tulley Mann was a tar back but good second place only a w€ek alter his win in the Griffith Park Marathon. The race *as frarred by a poorly marked corner less thah a mile lrom th€ {intst} where l0-I2 runae16 strayed ott course, including ma6rer6 leaders craham Parnell (53 min6. at t0 tuiles) and Mike Murray, Betty Wake won the s'omen'€ division in a good 8.1:01. l, Biily Mills, 65:3?; 2, Tu1ley Mann, 70:.,13' 3. Joh! Butreiiield, USN, 71:26; .,1, Bill Stock, ?9:05; 5. Kaj Johahsen, 80r23j 6, Roland Eddy, 80:,,12j ?. Rich Cota, 8l:10; 8. Hcrb Weisheit, 81:12; 9. Lew Rober16, Seaiors TC, 8l:26; 10. Dennis Knight, 82:07; 11. cerald Bambrick, 82:16j 12. Phil Bailey, 82:35t 13. A.R. Barrett, 82:56; 1,1. Robert Olta, USMC, 83:13i 15, Bob Dehoiity, 83:30; 16, lvayne Zaok, 83151t 17, Betty Wake, 8.1rOl; 18. Ray Co1e, 84i28t 19. Don Coleman, 85:0?; ZO. Lyn Wallace, 85:09; 2i, Behny Holt, 85:12; 22. Chuck Ander son, a5r59j 23. Jim Water6, 86:09r 2,1. Bob Du6, 86:3Ol 25, Doug Burns, unat., 87:06; 26, Mike Murray, 8?:O9l 27. Leroy Hdl, USMC, 90:05; 28. Don Mitasky, unat., 90:33r 29. Mike Ball, 90r39; 30. Rex Waiburton, 90:5Ol 11. John Persal, 9I:09; 32. Dave Biggel6, @a,, 91:,15i 33. Dave Baxte!, 92:41j 34. Pat Hurl, nna., 92:42]'35. Donna Gookin, 96:26i 36. wayne croe6beck, 98:09. (50 Iinishers listed. ) NOVICE 5-MILE - 1. Ray Archibald, 31:lO; 2. Mlke Mclntyre, 31:11; 3. Rudy Friberg, 3Z:l?; 4. Dave Davis, r:1.: D.. h .tfinB. r:2-: o. A cx Fa-r6 cy, l4:)o. --Tom Bache__ MASTERS
STATE, March 25th - Div. I - Mile-1. Dennis Knight, 4:57,5; 2, Ray Archibald, 5r13.6; 3. Jie Donahue, 5:15. 9j 4. Pere Lar6oh, 5j14,0. .2-Mile- 1. Ed cookin, U:06, 7; 2. B€tty Wake, 11:57.1; 3. Keirh croves, 1l:58. O. !Ll! U49- 1. c.F. And€rson, 5:16.1..2-Mile- r rJ-char Dm" t, o -r.8: r. v.\e v-..uyl--67?. o.
12, 2.55:llt 8. Stan Dicl.sonr 19, Z:56r,!3r 9. Derck Frechette, 27, 2:59:54; 10. Eric Smith, 28, 3:01:181 11. Rich seidqaa, 18, 3:04:13i 12, Gary Goodemote, 19, 3ta6:12:13. woU Coubau, 27, 3:0?:3Lr 14. Brady cothard, 19, 3:08:01; 15, Doug Call6on, 23, 3r08:101 16. Salvatore Satrenza, 21, 3rl5:301 1?. Jefl Riclman, ZA, 3:l6t42j 18. Roh Coleman, 25, 3:r9:08r 19. Paul Lightsey, 27, 3t22:3At 21. Fran]t Moore, 49, 3t23t1zi 21. Dave Hec\ 4A, 3tZ3,aA, Z?, Gary Cepanis, 22, :26 o - . P.n ) 'r, Ar^ Br eC6. 56, 3:,{2:33; 25, Bob Walsh, 19, 3:51:30; 26, Creg Page, 19, 3:,6:07j 27. Di.k Holly, 51, 3:56:17. -ohosl-r, ("o o ,q;!]fq! z. Lo' Splits lor Jim Andrer'6, 24 - 10-mi. 1r0lr03r l5-hi. 7.o-vlLLq L:31:18j 20-mi. 2:02:10. Coppens, Penn AC, 4l:34; 3. Byron Muhdy, Pcm AC, ar eo ln the Bo".l2r08j 4. Mike Exton, Penn AC, ilz:l?i 5. Mark Belcher, Gateway Regiohal HS, Woodbuly Hrs., N.J., '12i5'l; toh Qualifier not all s'ere planning to go the ful] datafton. Som€ were plahning to qualiJy at 15 or 20 miles, 6. Steve Gettings, GatewayReg. HS, 44:04; 7. Bob ' rC fo- '0 n: r", o i - . er- simpl) ,1.!:59; 8. Mike Fanelti, Hillyel, Gateway Reg. HS, . o. 6 o 8-L -n a ood or\oLL, . Don Bro, n, zri, rcr Bisho! McDevitt Hs, Pa., 47:10; 9. Ray Drozdos'ski, Camden, N,J., 5l:l5i 10, Alex Turner, Lakewood, N.J- 2l miles ih 1:59:L2.,Matrhes Fisher and Johnny Reppy, .oth age U, ran 10 miles. --James M, Hartshorn€-58:18. (14 starre!s, 10 linishers) Ptep, Phila Denni6 Duo, St. Josephrs , 3.8-MILES - L. A\4BY BREEZES TO CONNECTICUT AAU 2O-KILO 19:26: Z. Jim Shyth' Penn AC, 19:28; 3. Paul Lucuskr, i!L\ IN 1:i)9:I4 TO }JAC}I CENTRAL CONN. AA WIN PemAC, 20:0?;4. Jim Burt, Audubon HS, 20:271 5 6. Gcorge East Haddam, Conn. , April 2- Ahby Bul{ooL of the Greg Potash, St. Jo6eph'€ Prep, 21r33; Cenrrai Cohh, AA came {rom fa1 backinalieldol 35 Kwiatkov€ki, Auduboh HS, 21:.14; ?. Jonn McFarlahd, St. Joseph's Ptep, 22:22,8. Denhis Rei1ly, Sr. Jose4's runners Lo score a 2Zs vicloly in ttre Connecticut AAU 20 Kilo Chafrpionshrp load race. At the end of il,4 dilPrep, z2:38r 9. John Prybeua, St. Jos€ph's PreP, zzi Frlich23:19i il. Wayne es Burloot was coastihg along in 14th dace before he Rich Kowalski, Phila., 45j 10. oo, oII a_r-r .h '-"a"ts l-on \- pa"sFd d-r', B .hF ard, uhat., 23:Z7i 12. Robert Judcisobn, unat., 23:31: 13, John Ros6i, cdden YMCA, 23:59r 11. Jack r'!clt.e- linal mile of the Beck€t Athletic Club's v€ry hiuy 3 1a! ver, uat., 25tZ1t \5. Jo. Mileski, 26:39; 115. Kaleh Katby Lyncb o{ Walling{ord and the Age Croup AA won Mudy,33:27. |he rnomens'Division gold medal as she toured the 3.8-MILES VETERANS (OVER ,10)- l. BrosninS, course in ih€ highly r€speclable tiDe o{ l:26:08, 4?, Pem AC, 2l:53; 2. Paul Leo Mcsol1€y, '13, Penn l. Amby Buafool, CCAA, l:09j1.,1i 2. Roberr Mccusker, AC, Z2t09t 3. Don Mirchell, Penn AC, 22:39i 4. ar Newe]l, Mt. Holly, N, J. , 22:561 5. Bob Mim, Pinla. Hartfo!d TC, I:09:36i 3. Ray Crothers, CCAA, l:10:18; 4. Chris Chambers, UMass., 1:10:32 (r6t Op€n Div. ); Ac,23t321 5, Dr, Stan Brason, springfield, Pa., 21: 5. Vihcent Cuy, CCAA, l:i]r02i 6, Steve Norri6, Fair14;7. Ross Yates, Bethlehem, Pa., 2'l:'14; E. Frank i'em licLd County Srriders, 1:llr13j 7, Eugene McMerrimen, 25:09; Norman Baker, Berwyn, Pa., Keiser, 9. Norvich, 1:11:2Zi 8. Guy Carden, Cambridge Sporrs UnAc, Z7.I\ 1A- Nick Fanelli, \nat., 27t22;11, Jer|i ion, Mass., 1:11:52; 9. Tom Durie, Hartford TC, 1r12:16 Hoch, Phila. AC, 30:Z0r 12. Vitgihia Mirm, li:5i. 10. 6ary Buafoot, CCA,{, 1r12:20t 11, Paul Fctcber, PERCY CERU1 TY .I-MILE BEACH RUN Lone Island AC, l:13:,10; 12, A1 Meehan, Stratlo!d SIarChesterton, Indiana, Alfil 1, 1972- AlLhogh run o tans, l:13:,14; 13. Eds,ard King, lvaterbury, l:1,1:Z8i 14, Daul Sa: h, S"r-1., / AFil Foolrs Day, the 4-diler was still unbelievabie. " ",, : 5:00 6r r--n"q-- : l_, Mo€tly in heara'. sahd and sahd dunes, the first 88ct las Vito Bohaiuto, Haxtfo!d TC, 1:15:08r 16. Alex Apfelbarlm S -\_ \v)rd -un inLo. orr.drrg .-org- cat -. < -" -or. ct. ..c s, lv, t:t : . "-d Bob Bowman decided to tie for 1st. Wynder has run 28:3? JoI l:l!r58i 18. Dr. Robext McCarthy, Hartford TC, l:15:25; 6ix on the tra.k and Bowman tas last year s sLate tio'.v1. n-I"ld- fr, NV., : r0(" "e-r'Dl\.); mile champ in high school. 20, JohnHale, Stratford Spartans, 1:18:zil; 21, Everett KearnI. Steve Wjmder & Bob Bowmah, 24:59; 3. Steve lvatson, HartJor.l TC, l:22:30; 22. Edward Tucker, ey, 26.L, 1. Dan Flheran, 26:30; 5, Hal Higdon, 2i:03i NMC, l:?Z:37; 23. Dr. Herb C!os6, Hartford TC, lr22r ,11: 2,1. Brian Guthrie, Becket AC, 1:25:02; 25. ArLuro 6. John Klin€, 30:4?. DNF- Biu Fink. _ _5r -v- v-"rr,) Montero, Srratford Spartan6, 1:25:3li 26. Ted Lyon, USCG, 1:25r.13i 2?. KaLhleea Lyhch, Ase Croup AA, THIRD ANNUAL BOSTON QUALIFIER MARATHON 1,26:08j 28. Ceorge Beckwith, Manchesler, Ct., i.',29t29 Spon6o?ed by the Fihg€r Lale6 Runers Club 29, Roger Martin, Old Lyme, 1:30:10i 30. Jim Fi*, March 19, 1972 Cohdirions: Suny & cold \tith tenq ]n Fair{ield County Strlders, l;31:33; 31. Jonarhaa tlutchiathe 30r6; light to moderare $inds, Good paved roads; son, Torrington, Com,, l:33:23; 32, Pat Dyer, HTC, about 800' o{ climbihg. 1:36:30; 33. l,eo Pelkey, Brisrol, Ct., l:38:22,34. l. Jim Andrews, 2:38:57.5 (N€w course record; old .\. l".F r-.. , M. o.- o ., : : E: OrBf -r, mark, 2:'17;15 by Bob Congdon, Johh Rcppy & Tim wel- 12, Wilton, Conn., 1:57r40. --!eter r,{. Kcnney-les, 197l)j 2. Jid Boyle, 22' 2.43:11,3. tie, WilI Brutsa€it, 3? & Jim Meade, 21, 2t50:38, 5, Bob Congdo, DON KARDONG has L€en se1ecte.1 ro reptc6eht the USA 26, 2:5\:AOt 6. Rudy Zingler, 32, 2:54:58; 7, lim 14!:11es in the Sar Juah,r50 \farathoh on Juhe 23rd in Puerto Rico. (/Ed. Turned dortn duc !o OlymPic trials )
A GOOD DAY FOR OSLER - OVER HIS OLD HAUNTS Collingswood, N.J. I sat., Atril i, 1972 i:00 P.M. The Middl€ Atlantic RRC stag€d thtee faces over tbe cooper Rivet Parkway cours€ as the oPner of their spring and B1hme! schedul€. Tom Osler r€turned fo his oLd training grouds to cadure the featured ?.6mile ru in 41:0I to hand Lou Coppens a 336 deleat ih ideal, 50" weather condirions. Demis D@., st. Joseph'6 Prep, nipp€d former villanovan Jim Smyth to win the 3. 8-mi1e !8, and BroFning Ross came out ol hibernation Lo crawl home a rvinner in the Veterans' 3.8-oiler,
bacli o{ the course record ol 215:4? 6et by Barry Bro\t. of the Neq York AC last tear, Mike Doyle ol Fordham ?O KILO CHAMPIONSHIP o\.a,, D"., cr.,la). qprrt _ vo"." v", ,- d rdd a Uaiv€rsity AA took the Juior Mer. title by virtue of comfortable \timing tuaigin th the Middle Arlantic AAU tris Iilth place finish. Zokm championshi! over the East River Driv€ cour6e in For the {irst tide a female Senior Met. AAU ride lras Iairmount Parli. He Las accompabied by a lack of five awarded. Niha Ku€csik oi the Sd{o1k AC catsured thi6 bonor. Margaret Shanaha of the Cinderbelle€ woh the {or two or three mil€s Lhen he took off & proved too much Jor the re6t ol lhe slim lield (due, 4o doubt to thc A record lield oJ 180 comrEted. The ages ranged {1oh Bo6toh MaraLhon a rveek hehcel) lvcarher: Cool, windy, 9-yeaa-old Joe Shanahah Nho linish€d 114rh to 66-year old Nick Deak who finished 157th 1. Moses Matlield, Pehn AC, 1;0it:,14; Z. K€h Kling, Tcam: l. St. JolDrs Univ. AA, 38; 2. Millro6e AA, 52; P.rr I.. : r'0 ). ro' D " y, n--r'l r ni _r' .1j, 3. Sr. Anthonyi6 BC, 54; 4. Uhited AA, 6,!. Flan Masciulli, Glassboro Stale, 1;10:26; 1:10:02! 4. Ssrnsors: Scaa6dale Depr, of Parks, Recreation & Con5. Irank Boyle, PauM HS, lr11;39; 6. Ed Donohue, servation & rhe Scarsdale National BanL & TrusL Co. uat., t:12:00; 7. Paul Lucu6ki, Penn AC, l:12:17; 8. 1. Mile reogh, 20, Manhartan Co11ege, .16:31,6 Mike Exton, P€hh AC, i:12:,14'; 9. Ken Cuy, unat., Z. Hosie Ryan, 27, Ncw YorkAC, l:l,l:15; 10, John \4right, unat., 1:16:2,1. 3. Fred Best, 36, CJaC, 1a:27 ..r, -na.: DNI .".' .\.o., D- lc _,_'..arp4. HughSweeny,2T, Fanwood, N.J., .18:581 Rcgis Dandar, Phi1a. Ac. .v. AA, 40 o il, oF 3-MILE VETDRANS RUN - l" Brorning Ross, ,t?, Pcnn . V:1," Do/ -, 8, torol " AC, 18:05; Z. Bob Mimm, Phila. AC, 18;18; 3. Dr.Sran Witowski, 26, CJTC, ,19:32; 7. Jim Legakis, 23, NYAC 50:08t 8. Daaryl Rees€, 22, St. John's Univ. AA, 50:t8: B!a6on, Springfi€ld, Pa., 18:23; 4. Warae Prichard wat., 18:,10; 5. Bob Parson6, Huhtingdoh Valley, Pa., o. o-,u ndo 14a l.rcz. 15. u 6d d ^, q0 ?6. 10. Bp. n/ Rodriquez, 19, 1!estche6ter TC, 51:0?; 11. Mike Scar19.1,4; 6. Frank Keiser, Bexryn, Pa., 19:53i ?, Henry Iiinkaid, Pbila., 20:14i 8. George araceland, Fhila. AC, brough, l?, N,J. S|fider6, 5l:12; 12. Pat Bastick, 38! Millrose AA, 51:1.,1j 13. Paul Fetscher, 26, LIAC, 5lr.r1; 20:30i 9. Dan 1fise, unat., 20:56; 10. Frank Kelly, 14. Jim \4inJie1.1, 18, unar., 51:43i 15. C€f}I ConnoUy, Fhila,, 2l:1,4i 11. Harrt Schmidt, Pbiia., 2l:28; 12. 19, St. JohnIs Univ.A,{, 51:,18; 16" Paul Pilieao, 19, Norman Baker, Pehn AC, 22:07, uDar. , 5l:53; 1?. Frank Mccann, 21, Fordham Univ. AA, 5l:5.1; 18, Vin Reda, 20, unat., 51:59; 19. Joe Hur, 16, M]D-1II'ST RC)AD T.UNNERS CLUB ST. PATRICK'S unat., 52:08i 20. Dave SenechalIe, 33, Sl. Anth, BC, DAY HANDICAP NACES, CHICAOO, ILLINOIS Drt 5.., L 'd., .zaa:/ z.tIJa1,y.)". Match 26, I9?2 2:30 P, M. l!.eather: ltindy & cloudy, 360 .ltt.,2t, .o ".: T o-. 19, unat., 52:19j 23. Johh Carlepp, 3.,1, MiUros€ AA! r bla. op. TEN MILE: Place 42.22, 21, Jolln Hanrard, l?, unat. , 52:39j 25, Bill Cordon, '/. :Lr5: 16. ts-n,-Lr CF-stmz r', 10, aZrd 5r. l Clayton Hall, 63:19 10100 73r19 11 YMHA, 53:l0i 27. Marcel Phililpe, 20, Fordham Univ73t26 l1 Z. Luke Ste€le, 6li:56 6130 AA, 53r2li; 28" Jan Mitchell, 21, St, Johnr6 Univ. AA, 3. Clyde Baker, 57155 16:30 11125 7 a3:27: 29, AI Ugelow, 2,1, St. Anth. BC, 53:40j 30. 14:31 I 4, Pete Elliott, 56:34 18100 71:43 I.l ! hd rJ r-. \ 5dL ) , 1t, -n". . , 51:e0, 11, fran' .ourr_ 5. Keh Yo@g, 55:13+ 19:30 hey, 17, NJs, 53:59j 32, Gary Beach, 21, Manhatran 6. Gary Pierson, 56:l? 18:30 C.1lege, 54:33i 13. Dan Sullivan, 22, vat., 54t31.,34. 75:18 2 7. St€ve Kearney, 1nd., 55:48 19:30 Syl Fascale, 23, nnat.,54:37t 35. Jifr Fill!s, 34, Mill8, Si Jayne, 76:06 0:00 76:06 i8 rose AA, 5.1:.1-,1; 36. Mike Birnbaum, 16, uat., 5,1:.19j 5?:40 19:30 ?6:3 0 5 9. Bob Cagn€, 3?. Dr" xralter McComell, ,10, CJTC, 54:50; 38. Wil6at4z 8:00 76142 I5 10. Cene Bulinski, iiam Iadek, 25, SIAC, 54:53t 39. Joe Burns, 43, United 11. Sm Costa, 65158 lL:00 7b:aB L2 AA, 55:l0t 40. LarryR€yes, 19, unar,, 55:53;41. Howi2. Rich Saxton, 57134 r9t3j 77t41 6 ie Skeggs, 21, St. Johnrs Univ. AA, 56t13, 12. :]<evib 66:26 11:00 13;-Ray Pencl.1a, Tr"c., , S.. loh. " l1'., Aq, \6:lJ.4{. La-*y La114. Robert Schrader, 59:00 t8:30 77130 A ger, Z,l, unat., 56:20' 4.1. Steve Kling, 37, WTC, 56: ? 8:11 10 15" Jerome Madler, 62tAI 16:30 44; 45. Dan Dougherty Sr.t .13, Srare4 lsland Ac, 56:45i 10:11 8i00 ?8:,ll 17 16. Dick Kiag, 46. Norm While, United AA, 56:49i ,1?. Joh. Andiola, li9:20 l0:00 1?. Jonn Fitzgerald, 7912a \6 lb, lordhdn Unir, qp, s7:07:.18. Bruce L"Belle, <7: 18. Lou Davis, 60:56 19:30 80:26 9 13i .19. George Kochman, Z?, Mill!ose AA, 57:21; 50. FOUR MILE: Kirk Hogah, 31, \naL,, 57:23t 51. Jetry Collins, 16, l. A. Tsachirichs, 3ItZZ 2r00 33122 5 unat., 57:23; 52. Davld Swingle, lli, uar., 58:00r 53. 2. Mark Sugihala, 31:10 4:00 35;10 4 David Blackstone, 31, West Siale YMCA, t8:13; 54. Cas3. Stevc Pieason, 25:45 9.34 35:15 Z ey Ca6tro, 17, unat., 58:24r 55. Dick Kusc€ik, 32, St. .1. McDulIin, 27:59 7:34 35:29 3 Anth. BC, 58:25; 56. Mack Seif, 20, WTC, 58:35r 5?. 35:33 1 5. Richard Buckingham, 22.33 13,a0 Kay Campbell, 43, CJTC, 58:50; 58. Stan Fryszya6ki, 6. Smucker, 36:13 0:00 36r13 6 18, unat., 59:05; 59. John vandenberg, 14, unat., 59r50 --Keb Youg-60. James Mccofhick, 19, uat., 60107; 6t. Richard Lucian, 31, St. Anth. BC, 60:25; 62. John How€s, 40, MIKE KEOGH 1{tr\S MET. AAU L5-KILO TITLE RUN s."-=o" ", .1."., /Ij.:ta, a,z- \4,. - v"och, 20-)-ar- uhal,, 60:55; 63. Birl shanahan, 41, Milllose AA, 61:05; 6,1. Charle6 Sa{ran, 43, unat., 6l:18; 65. Nat Cirulnick, old Mannattan College so$onore, won the rhird annuat .11, Uaited AA, 6l:19i 66. Bob Mulle!, 47, unat., 6l:33; scarsdale Met. AAU l5kfr chamlionship run. Keogh led 6?. Marshatl Childs, uat., 6t:36; 68. Arturo Mo.tero, Irom staat to finish although pressed by Howie Ryan mosr of the rwo lap.ourse" His time ol 46:3l.1rwaswell 36r Srratfoid Spartaos, Ct., 61:40; 69. James Pattea6on MOSES MAYFIELD IfINS MIDDLE ATLANTIC AAU
23 39, uaf,, 61r,13; ?0. J. Tobey, 4a, wat. , 6I:191 71. Tom Holodak, 18, unat.,6l:58r 72. Ted Lyoh, USCG, 37, 62tA9t 13" Rod MacNicholt, .15, Millrose AA, 62:
'-:7.1. G6!) F..i6. /", V,u!--
Al B. r4: l: 1,, .or
Webb, 33, Crand Centrat Y, 62:56i 76, Arthur Kijek, 40, LIAC, 63:33; 77. Charles Van Dezande, 43, unat., 63:38j ?8. Jack Wallac€, 40, unat., 63:55; ?9. Donb Ruddock, 36, Mccuire AIB, 6.1:00; 8!. Dave €instein unat., 6,4:04; 81. Mike r<aulman, 29, wat,, 64t15, 82. Fred Lebow, 38, Sr, Ant!. BC, 61:2A,43. Bch Parris, 26, United AA, 6.,1:Zl; 8.1. Dr. Paul Kiehl, 41, unat., 64:28; 85. Dudley C1a6se, 48, United AA, 64:39; 86. George Price, 22, \nat., 61t11i 8?. Hon. Alnold Frai6an, ,!6, unat., 64:.15' 88. Paul Manley, 21, una. , 65:25; 89. Jim Fis, 39, Iairlield Striders, t,5:31; 90.
Ar hrr \4dr'.n"/, {2, Jn-., 6 :J1: . }jtr"d S.r- -ham, 3?, unar., 65:5,1; 92. Donald Good, ,10, uat", 65:58i 93. G. Castron, 32, Grand Central Y, 66:3lrj B.ho.. r', -n"., 66:r8: o . Po,s,rJ"r. 29, BAA, 66:51t 96. Lester Srorm, Sr., 13, LaCrange 100 Club, 67:10i 9?. Charles Kiehl, 13, Shor€ AC, 6?:13j 98. JayM. Crader,37, nrat,,67128t 99. Ceorge Ulad, Gland Centaal \, 16,67:37,100. G€oage R€uter, 51, unar,, 67:52; l0l. Joe Maggi, 28, Sr. Anth" BC, a'8:26; 102. Matt Cola, 21, St, A!th. BC, 68:26; 101. E.l Epstein, 2l', Unite.l AA, lj8:Z9i 10.1, Peter Capurso, il5, u-q ., 48: ": l0-. "n-" C ,n'o' , 16, L. A , 60:0 , \irOMEN- L Niha Kuscsik, 33, Sullolk AC, 59:40 (59thl Z- Kathy Mclntyr€, 2?, Srffolh AC, 60:00 (61st)j 3. Kathy Mitler, 25, Syracus€ TC, 65:09 (90rh)j 4. Nlargaret Shanahan, 12, Cibdetbeltes, 68:50 (l08th); 5. Lorraine npsrcin, 23, unar., ?5r52 (136th)j 6. nlizabeth FrahcLs hinni, 29, unat,, 80:38 (1,14th)r 7. Fat Tarna{ sky, 3.1, unat., 83:30 (149th)i8. Debbie \,lacy, l,l, uaat., 9Z:33, --Joe KleinerDa.ITH ANNUAL LAKE MERCED VETERANS (OVER,1O) 5-Mll-lj RACE at Lake Merced, Calil., April 1, 19?2 Beautiful cool San Frahcisco day - lor u6ual, 1. JimOrN€4 SIOC, 46, 26i3? Ne$ Recordj Z" Dennis T.r€guaa{lch, NCSTC, .10, 25:.!l; 3. Ross Smith, .t,1, 1\ i JS, Z?,19j .1" Roberr lvlalain, .13, NCSTC, 28:05; 5, Bill Snavely, .,10, unat., 28:1r:rr {,. PeLer wood, 42, NCS'fC, 28:30; 7. Doh PjcketL, .,1.,1, SFOC, 2E:46; 8. Vanc€ Koerner, .15, NCSTC, 28:5,1; 9. Johh Romcro, 42, Las Ve_!'as 1C, 28:55; 10. Carl Martin, lvVJS, 45, 29:0.+; 11. r"m"6 ).IL.ho .o., tr, Ncc-. , .,:,r; t.. -dn. ,10, NCSTC, 30:01; 13" Johh tlurchinson, 45r NCSTC, 30:06; 1,!. Philip Paul6on, NCSTC, .!5, 30r13; t5. Ra_t Talavera, 50, DC, 30:28 (1st Ovcr 50); 16. Bill Kirchmier, ,ll, NCSTC, 30r10; L?, JnnAllen, 50, NCSTC, 30:31 (znd Over 50lr 18. Alan T. waterman, 53, Palo A1to, 30:40 (3td Over 50)! t9. Johh Br€nnaa, .r1, SERC, 30:,!5; 20. IIar!y L, lIill, .!.1, 1\TVJS, 30:,18; 21. Josc!h P, Carey, 5,1, NCSTC, 30:50j 22" Jarnes Killcen, ,12, NCSTC, l0:54; 23. Phillip Jaeger, ,ll, NvRC, 30:i9i 24. Ra)dond Nelson, .15, unat., :11:05; 25. lraniel Alexande!, .1.1, uat., 3l:06i 26. Timothy Treacy, SFOC, 4Q, 3ltz2,27, Rex ,1?, NCSTC, 31:26r 28. Wiuiam E. Mott, .1,1, SFOC, 3lr3li 29, Don Nachbar, 40, uat., 3t:.10i 30" Don Maclhtosh, .10, YMCA, 31:.18j 31, John Armstrong, .13, unat., 32:09j 32. Boh Porter, 43, NCSTC, 32:15; 33. Paul K@mro{, .16, unat.r 32: 23,31, PN Beale, ,12, Cathedral Hilt Med" Certer, 32r36; 35, Douglas Moore, ,10, u4at., 32:.r0; 36. Richard Goen, 4.4, NCSTC, 32.5Ar31. L--e Adams, .12, Solano TC,32:521 34. Johh Nettleship, .t3, unat., 32:5?; 39.
Bob Cortr 51, NCSTC, 32:59r .10. Cotlie Blossom, ,!4, Solano 1C, 33:15i '11. Glant Newland, .1?, NCSTC, 33: Z0i 42. Eve Barraza, DSn, Sar Francisco, .14, 33:32 (l6t Womah); .!3. \!illiam Cla!ke, 46, unat., 33:3,1; .1.1. D. Artuso, ,17, unat., 33:35t .45. Fred Larsen, a1,, 33:.12i ,16. Hans Roenau, 43, unat, ! 33:43;
4?. Luka Sekulich, ,19, NCSTC, 33:5.1; .!8, Teltius Chandler, 57, NCSTC, 33:55; 49. Jack Bettencourt, .13, NCSTC, 33r57r 50. 11rerne! Rodiger, .,12, ua!., 33:59i 51. Ed Cood, .15, Rockt Mountaih Assn., 34:00; 52. Hahk Fragoza, 12, en4t., 34:19.,53, nDfr€tt Smirh, ,!9, |"CSTC, 3.,1:t9; a4. Ernic Marinoni, 66, Hangrown Harriers, 3.:1r35 ilst Orer 59); 55. Janes vignola, 51, NCSTC, l=:a1lt 56. Harrt WiUiams, 45, NCSTC, 3,1:53; 57. RuCr 5:a.llberger, 48, SERC, 35:1lr 58. John Sarti, 58, \alSla, l5:19; 59. Ald€n Bryanr, .19, NCSTC, 35:53' .-.0. l0.f ..h-r.r . carr. .1 \.st/. --John BoiLano-OR!CCJ D{VITATIONAL MEET, EUCENI!, OREGON 1, L9?2- Prehier Duck distahce runner Steve Preio -.- ..| Fo i a- o: r.8 - ac p: - . onsrsterr: rain, and six oLhe!s IoUow€d him across th€ iinish line in uder nine minutes. llC-1D RrlCE RECORD TUMBLES AS STALTER AND
\e: tork
Suny skies but sub-Ireezing remperatures ard a gtrsty h€adiind greeted 23 hardy dist r. :h. lth ahnual Mark Dye Nfue Mile Otego to Oneonta ::anklin schoolboy sensation Xcn Stalt€r, runerup a ago, broke thc cous€ record by 39 se.onds ih :os:ir.q a lvinnihg time ol 50:,15. His only strong€ irom Oneonta State XC Coach John Hurley : r: rtui6hed se.ond- Hurley has the .Cd disrinction oI ." eIO;o.o.-"" yc.n.,aro. . oI"v- -o-Fwo .. ""o "r L,") a i lder rnargin. His.ime of 51r0i ras 19s uder the ri-e of Hartwickrs Mike Scricca in t9?1. Scricca raa -r:rn i,larzeski, rhir.1 in a3:2a, led Oneonta SLate to rbe r.ah tirl€, The Jones Bots ol Delhi Tcch placed Znd as a t(:am with Hartwicl Coilege third. l. jien StalLer, Susqu€hanna S|riders, 50:,45CRi 2, John Iiuflet, North Medlord Clulr, 5t:05j 3, ,Iim Marz.6ki, Cie.nta Starc, 53r25; .1. Bob Perry, HartwickCollege, a-:12i 5, lld Fuhrman, Oneonta Srate, 55:05j 6, Chart€s HartwickColle!re, 55:31,j ?. \Iike S.iicca, "arna1ee, Delhi, 5?:0li 9. Jack Ciglio, Jones BoIs oI Deihi, i8:031 lir, Toh l,iccon€, Jones Boys o{ Delhi, i8:lii 11, Caly ireck, Hartlvick Co11€ge, 59:34; 12, l{ike arolhy, Oneonra State, 59:38t 13. 1]aul Pizzamerti, atica Pacemak .rs, 6l:20; 1,1. Da1'c Searles, Jones B.ts oi D€lhi, 61: 21-i 15, Keith Jervis, Hartqick, 62it1i tr5. Doug Fielder, SOCO Phtsics Dept., 63:Oaj 11-. N{ike Donnell, 5us, S|li.lers, 6.1:00j 18, Rob Kle:n, Cr.c.nta Srate, 6i,:3?j 19. Stcve Ceresna, 5u6, Striders, 66i5?;20. Joh! Ross, ,19, unal,, ?3:10 llieterairs Tro!hy); 2t. Judy Ausrin, Oneonra Co.ds, 9!:0ar 22. Agnes Fahdl, (r..-o " I , pds. .o. 'r. nt f_ oL . "r._/, o.-on u
Th€re niu be a series of Masterrs Miles held in Fr€eport, L. L , N. Y. aL 7 p. n, on July l1th&l8rh&Augusr lsr & 15th, Contacr J.. Eessel, 227
Over the Flill Gang That Isn't ;,lrfii;r;:',r Shows lts Heels to World *fli,ffiilfiftl; SOUTHEASTERN I,{ASTERS
It,"$r*,:;";'"**: {Sir
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J,rn lborpe, pa., Aprir rrr.j lreatheri do.oy, t.-p. so s. :il$,|:IJ,,T",'#,:ros 2.1 ,i.ishers. *,',,,,:,jl5.;"jil"#,,.*,"T1 .2?_starrds, \' o, r r- i olL'A' h3"' ' -! B"r--, Da.. ..4.t:2. .,-q..'en I r r'.. h '0 .',"*;T'.T i":"1 t?l
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!a., 31:ro;3. Loucopthc r,rount ,r,r,it"")rDflij.ii,. ii'lixi*,""1'T .l i",:.1 ^Abolt cari{ornia {14,,195 elevarion) ra.e .."" .i"i."r spedno\ ei riclpaLed - :"a r,re r*; rui r,l,hs, Pehr AC, 3l:35j .4. nric abandoned. Do any ot the Lons Dl"ran !ress€n sihjla.f€a.s sarurdav ''nserc's'teBurkerr, Lehigh coury comcc Log readcrs knor' rhy it uas dismuniry, 3l:40r 5. Tim r nope ,rr. .an g!! rr gorng again. Baum, paul Harris AC, l2t3t; 6. .onrihued? I am also ihreresred in all sjn.erelv. r\4arlin tuouhtain fop raccs in rhe U. S, A. {a1t Conra.l, LCCC' 3Z:4It |, 1| a ni I dn Irellen Datid Ilo.vath,, distance, adoinisi:iatio!, resutrsl unaL , Paimertot, tti+l tro.,t tgz Pa., 33,021 8. cene Behler, unat. and why sorrre ol these races ar€ more Palmetton, 3:lro2 5i 9. Joe Ryaq, ' sf;c..sslul than others. Any iaforrrarioh Florida TC, 3r:22; 10 l)at Iradden, tour rea.lers could suppl)- (ou1.1 b. gr.ailv arpreciated, Mount lrhitn.v is,in our Kings collcgc, 3'1:23;11. Robert Certral CaliIorDia Assn. of th!: AAL aal fhomas, Phila, Pioaeers, 35:13i
12. Ceorge Wisser, unat., Quakertown, 35:2ti 13. Steve Dobosh, unat. , Lehighion, Pa., 35r3.1; 14. Haroid Mei1[
parhcr'y, Pa., 16:r0:15. Da,.dP.l-e, Hz.,
,b: 1\;
Paloerton, Pa,, 37tIZ,17, Sixro llizarry, Shor€ AC, 38:51;18. Wayh€ Pritchard, uat., Auduboo, N.J., 38:56; 19. Ross Yates, CJTC, 39:09; 20. Albe!t Chee6e, u4at., Andrea6, Pa,, 42:23', 21. George Garland, Shore AC, ,13:19; 22. Rocco Leonardis, uat., Jih lhorp", Pa., 44: a: ) , calph \-al, " ., L-b,Bn o1, Pa, , 17:12, 24. Chris Egli, uat. , Welsh Valley, Pa,, 5AtZ6.
KEN MISNER WINS FIRST ANNUAL FLORIDA RELAYS MARATHON IN FASI Z:18:39 - MARCH 25, 197? Cainesville, Fla. - Ken Misner led from the time tbe 60 starter6 left the Univ, ol Florida track at the start to ctoc( Florida's lastest ever malathon ovex an out & back course ov€r gehtte hills. 39 {inishers. Temp. 580 aL Lhe iLarL. A - r" -o h, t-sr I fin:sh"r., . ".1-f:. aLe6 to all 39 finishels.
'. h.. vrsr"r, ll". ", ': 8:to 2. D-nr,.5f rce-. ceorgia, Z:22r0l (US Atmy); 3, Mihe Mittelstaedt, UsMc, Quantico, va., 2,22:2\1 4. vern Graham, USMC, Quantico, Z:26:Lli 5. Cary Bertsch, USMC, Quantico, 2:2lr:.:6- \,4a-, D-rro,, uan Lon col -g-. l:{r:42i ?. Tom Findtey, Ea6tean Kenrucky Univ. , 2.34.5t,.51 8, Harold Southerland, Ilorida TC, Zt36:23,9. EA. Wil6on, Univ. of Florida, 2r38:05; 10, Mikc Godey, Fla. Tc, 2:.,13:03; ti. Bob Po11ock, unat,, z:.,16:50; 12. Bob McCloud, Troy state College, Ala., zt19.a3', 13. Brad. l.o!pF, ud., .tL. 14 t4. .' hrenn, D.h. ordT'. \a.,2t50,I3, t5. Ale! Clemm, unat., 2:5lr13r 16. Tom Ralao!, Ga. State TC, 2.5at3Z;17. Richald We6rbrooi, unat., z:55:55j 18. Sam Ben€dict, Atlanta TC, Z:58:09i 19. Mitch Usherofi, Chamanade TC, 2r59:50; 20. James Price, ca,State'Ic', 3,A2t38,21. tie, Bruc€ Wilkinsoh, FIa. Tc & colan coody, Lak€ City CC, 3:06r51; 23. Dave Devi.€y, Ga.state Tc, 3:47'.17i 21. Bill Andrews, C !rk C "-_a _ls, t:08 4i: l-, DeM S B.anhan, Lna ., 3:ll:54; 26. Steve Baird, Austin Peay Coilegc, 3:12:0?, Photo below: Ken Misn€r at 20 mile check point,
Conrecticut AAU Z0 KILO Championshi! N. Olq^ a. 5-Mile: after the start -Ea€t Hadda6, Ct., Aprrl2, l97l i to a- Ch1i6 Chatubers, UMass. (,1th); Ray Crothers, CC-r.A rlld); Vihcent Cuhy, CCAA (5fh) Belox - l/2 mile altcl 6tart--#3 Cuy; +5,1 Chaabersj =9 Eob \,tccusker, HTC (2hd)r +8 Vito Bonaiuto, HTC (l:thl; :? Dr. Bob Mccarthy, Hardoad TC (r8th); E:trem. Rrght: Ray Crothers, CCAA {3rd) --Robert M. Cha€e-
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