BOSTON MARATHON Finland's Eino Paavo Pysiynen (3) lead Alex Breckenridge al ihe halfway mark. (Phoro by John J. Chodes) Oksanen (l) and
lt!s, E111ott, {ho ubxlndlv d6scrln6s h€! lrusbandts at[rotlc cdo€r as a r|l€lsbt soud ou tucls. " SY RVN]iIRS Th€ clalEs that rrtLe orHda holds tho }'.ar 12' 1962 truh€! Vo1@ ?. 77, loco.d for tho nost ndathoft oon!f,6tod subrcrlptlon nat€s: 5y' a coPY; $1.00 br an Au€ltcan (97) ha8 l,os anaol€s a l€ar. Add $1.00 !6r Y€e for first ;rd€r !.1,. Hont6Gld6 quit6 confus6d. 61as! naI1. !atto!: !. 3lomirs ioss, onto. born tn lor Yotk cltv oh Doc. 106 t, cort€r Et., rloodbuly, I.J. 22, 1869, sont slong a tluo !6cord floe aily6!t13l.s: wltte to aboro for ht. fllas. shotlls tet b€ conpr€loo 118 ruI1 illstdc€ @athons. I{ls fllst uas at Bosiotr In 1907 dd his @-atbo. Co.tllnutors thts tssuot aob Cta1b, in lasbliAton, D.c. rn 1916. Th13 last Don Jacobs, TtAdd. callf,, T€trp1d CIty, A.I tr. !6cord ras tassod at u1€ st. o!.son, Jo€ n€lnst'M, c1!114. lisd1ton, outa'lo, T3d corbltt, ra1]€d trod }lor Yolk cttY to So rrstr r ydir. cdl cr6.hs, straouse, $.I.' ct3co In 79 days, r0 hous, 10 ninut.s. Bob cd!b.11, xatartom, l'I$s,, Euah ,1}r. fo! tlE Aood old dsls. onb€ rd J.scout, uashttlgton, D.c., Bttl fl@6on, Giethos ln Brcok1vn, !ror, N.Y., Baltllolo. tld.. Edold Co1€, !obo1u1u, Bloclrtoh. VEs., nyo to IYC' Jols3Y chtoaao, Jl,a chls Mccatby, rarall, Clty, \{hoerlr€, l,lost va., Buffsro' rl€ldr, s€ait1o, lrasbllaton. E1tr1!a, coDY IslaDd, st. lou1s, ss tYdctsco, Johnsto{b, ?a., BaLt1no!6' e";"b. tr.!o rlod rbo ldrLo!: Fdnb--acco!qlns ;";';;:;;.;;'ii:;::"i";il,i',-ii.i prac€ o! t,to.Lioal. Pe tuck€1, Provld8eo,..Lrdnbo a roDa vbtc4 bad a bloblenl, ou locsl 3tt Pdaoo sore J.ds a8o--.M lo, loEdon, oaLrlo. se+3o!rv na.' IL !€rulng to bo 3o3r, HlldlsLor, Delevro !o l@o lust 3 r€, oI r€ clrroe rF ho*v.t. irh.tbor f€rcY colLLL9's Ia nltr salura vo) l4ont8 t s rtll rs th€ d1o arhaE E.;b lillott ro coMofro.rtn oass ID Polto, ausola- a icord to p"lt6 1t. tble J.N i!rTJ$ttftod. Fo! !(!. corTh€ Elroston€ td v€rolm ln Esrtlto4 bot_ lo0-r uttr lss rald: !€at'y Llor .d !o p-' on a 'tll E.!b vt1l .[dt IrD, hoH ih€y do tL, but *"*slllottr! llat rD ta. 6€dtbo." ;;;d i""i r_". p,t*" sst ;rLaJ ddrtst tn tb. h. Hould rcE o@Dt that h",";._"nd rn6! Gre rho rlld6!3 fs€1 cot@F6alrh o.D!. 3nd that r"€ lLondoa :;";;ic;".'i!!t y;; to 16ttrc fror lntolur.t.ndl 'onpatltlon, ilroa-ii' i,Li i,!-tr* o'*'"t."*. s€ara lL sould ct. 3a!€d ms! soD1._ 6s!ocl_ ;;;6 hJ. "h. co!;.ct E.s.T. .11y.1n.. b. aayo .rcarlenL rc*oE %f fi;;;;; sj"a *,". i.r" i""r. "tu..c btlse uo a bt. ohrouEll. bd€v6r. boPo €nd oI ai rr. rtuuirod ,rt'" bFst, ;;;;;;i;!.r."2 or" -o'a .prtnss.t€-&l in !. c€ruttr's tolld6-s rb6 ro?ld "uta, .;d tir.k,nd'€ld r.r r.;r?. of rbi6e, b-t Lond€r \'s bt hsvo boer fts.lutod etll o!.! rsr ro tEoH?' d6rD lon€slrt fuu1.! rlon6.1dorto: 3o-rbs rr6d ot iifi i"'i;iiiJi a""" r,r'""rti {orlts "trs up to alocr-ton' be turlris sui h. rs not rn a ;osrtlor ".to Juase 'i11 he o3s o&o tls o€Etuntlj' thar. I M tbo !.!6oh boEt quallf 60 ro l{'ss' dea] o'tho strL aoc s o!.f[or a gleat tud€ vha! he cs do." crsbd Du'or1!s so*tssd rirl rornFl!€s!o& ';;';;;; ;;"ie-;;; DrootoEod, drrrot! r'(' 1< r33 h13 IIrar Frodis r"r".tLr io thls l;@Lable uji s noo L o Br{-4 0f lrsl v€d '?i"".ir"ilL^€L has_!€allJ ffovod @,' 10na !ac6 .tet.mnt. +G sx'optron or" tro 2-br1o racas tho !.po!r r!;tr ausilarr, ri-i""". ;€ b€ :a1s6d ro fly P:rcy "ltt i;";;;;r-i" w!,to!: .. bals s ,o! o" '[J:'li;,*, 6'6r n re.r Thus tho odd! har6 @r6d or ,b. li.,L" IIls sscs.s ii.iriy t!"",'l*"::L* 1:l 3H';*;. ationlt at 1ona-lan€o lttrls d.stob, .,de 1m hl@srr; ro io rinoa. iii;,"ir" "i,wort !6poai ofu's' nss1ro. slorrr;rs koulo iiii ii i-a"-r" ro-o-loct laor rd!c'€ as ro- drd.rasl toa" wo fr.i""i'G ir"ii*i rrtb '.otubs.!s,
c.!- ""if::;i:
r!.ir-sr€nts.' ;tiJi-'.pil"-"i:y-r"-"..ab1. ::I";i:.ii""ii"l.I3"l:":".:1"_1"?::; Brt Ir io doos attamlb htlfosls at cM_ rot ro fii*l ii*ir' ho !i: bl unrs6 to uoi a ".m!--!o rrt' ;;*i;;;.--"i"-;.;;;
v1!! Llro."
t^o cods€ hss a
o(sAx}m lrnrs
'INNIS]] Bo3t.n! A!!t1 19- Thororll be no !roiotto! lor ihd 31-y6a!-o1d d€tsctlve of
tho fielslnkl poflce folcs, iI6 tonrt got 6een tlno ofl to-bsck rictorl€s thon.. 0.(. ltth Elro oksaren. lodat l€ got e11 the ard& ard not,incLuCed in thls glab ar€ tho 1atrle1 loaf dd Ilrst !1ac6 t?ophy. "Jolny Ke1ley gar6 ts the dlard,o 'dnt€d,r' t\s !1mor saln aii6r en€lglng fron a tathtub 1n rni.h ho dd l€11o! dotrnttytutr ?aaro ?ystyren lor€ soak1n€ t.sathr! conttnutnA the tDAeilFn€3s thot lracticed tlBo!€noli tho rac€, thou€h a bart€ry of intorlr6tors ti8 {on trs raco tbree tlr€s oanlaii€d tho h€ )rad !1am6d add ho{ h6 had fo1lo{ed It, alih.ush t\13 il@ It rasrrt reosssdy. lla had tt dolad to beh; out tbh tbe sift dd br€eze risht tnroug! all cldckpoints tc lroodlad E€ planad to coa3t tb€!. ard elso K€1ref the hills thon But K€lr€X n€re! cm to tlro tojs, so to tolfor itl€ lfo Dd ra€ro r6ni slora alth hir, Thls hAs bc€n a 1o!g tlne conihs fo! th6 s8nior deteottse, thls b51b8 thlr€s con6 1n hls tlo forno! victorl€s (1t59-1961) this ttLr.tE had to be x.lkod out tho bsd {st. !.t so today,.S1{6 {lnrnlA h€r€ lest Tod Elno cmponcd tn the ll.rnsh Natloul tapancse lldatho., h t]1e hore €vont Elno Eado a nistal@, Thd day befo!€ ho ra! a bqd 1n,c00n isdo arc (hon th€ btg o@ caa !p hls toEs cr4p6d un and h€ flnlsh!'In J^!!-i 1 a1lo'6d sotubody o1s6 to s€i to go lt las th€ !ac6 and nhet I stdt€d he €a!1al$d, rrI xas second by only 1l sdcDnds Tt ror!:od to rectlfy that, f,€ar tas b.on a blt dlfl6"ont. !rnl6 Johd3sonr3 place ln voluni.!r, ^t ct., t\. pdr !3n lhar tho nood 3iuci- allar€nt1t frequontlj--dd tho boy3 rent to Ar.adta i{attoel :rdk to 6.aic1s3. "ThoF ua inrls, serd. fioods, rodlrs! lat€r and e"€lrtirllsrir ttno teni or, rrue {.!ked Eood. But th15 tlne vo aad 70C l.lLos. t,.st y€d ve dld t{1co that. I euess your,i caL] lt thls trt€ sbort 450 n116s, Iotr Trr stlors dd r€aqY lor tids rade. I stuck rtth ny !1s. No rdstslros." KoI ias n€ror a facr.r, dd ra3 inqulrlhg, iltuo's thls 6!y 1n th€ r6d
2 lrnts?rr bocaus6 lt{allno Aler h.dck6e rldAo sput t$€ t-rc lld odly atd sled alom b6t{6en th6n 1tk6 a 611co of hd 1n a sMdrtch btll hlE f66t batlajod hlr on tho sroop!1s domsail6 ilor r'J6r1o313y Hlrl. lnto lrei+ob L.r€! Falts, 16 bllas €n rout€ to E-rst6! it, !o1t6r6d of h1s cohcoln for Eo1loi, elil havlng dlspoBod of B.Bek€dldso rith hts domsado dash, r4o 0r b€sd
hts subt18 ololatIotu on f611o{ coDtiy PFtYn€n 16 no!6 fdous as a 1o,0o0r @. ?hls las bIs €Ienth Ealathon laco and h6 has mver b€or a vlm!But ho ras lunrlng re11 onou€h to !1D thls oe E€ hM3r6d alor* at o}Bs6n's std€ oY€! th€ rt"st nofro! h111, sd th€ s6cond, dd alnost ovor th6 thl!d-It {as at tho poa! ot t}8s totr! of toloCraphy tbat TtD 0r strdd6rly scloxod th6 pEss'e on rtsht. g6 3!ut6d lnto a lo-foot lead, Just 6 th€ oold rdin @de a telcattno sInp1y lorsred aray IroE PJst€er, talro st., ard Btrcna t*d bX ysd, pasi a6adoD 5t., to (6mor6 3q. lrslatod tlto dtst@6, h15 ldn. 1o5 IEgiD at ths ta!6 ras aplrorl@te1i Joo ydds ovor a itlstdc€ 6f 26 b.l, It xa3 th6 fourih cotuocutlvs {ln ld tbo lr:fu--laavo Xotl1o b$tLod off {tth t}D raco 1n t60, ,rDn o)6asn !6nallod at horo--dd tlre fbst tI@ th6yrvo dorastatod th6 doh€Etlc oplos1t10n {lUr a 1-2 €frort, Eeuoy, lho rs st!o!€1t but lltrout th€ fitu sdgo of sp66d co@oD to bl!, callod oka'ont! t:a€o-rn-e-rov B!-A ecLiovan6nts: I'ce*atn1y tho oqulva16nt, I'd 5ar,ol clroeo D€Ua!rs of rlrriba s6v6! tldos ordr a lelici ''claonc6 dtd not havo t. oohtobd !1t1, t]1a spood sd talont uhlch oKslsn has strbdu6d 1! lrls tbroe doruocuttvo {!a on thts cous6. n€ Is a )1le€10!6 @athon r'l@! rtth e 6rt!d61I porollul. ]t6116T,s foDth-Dlace rE rae h1s ,oo!€sl 6rfort .1;co 195[, ]hsn h6 Fs s8vsnth. llis 2j28:]? clodllbs vai hl3 srorostr {1th oc erceptton, tn LIG attenpts. :!1s 2:2C:05 !6cdd alos Edesck€rldee !e a 2:27:17 !ac6 fo! th1!d. lris rdstost Edathon 6tfot't" rrltd hop€d to b6 cl.os6!,tr h6 satd, 'but iry fe€t stntiI *en! Coa6 oD m a! tho last 10 rt16s,r (r_e.t peso)
- (oi:lxur lrlxs B.A.A. tIAtuTlOll II 2,23r1+8) lcsttlon t. th€ !0d..!ats!, Elro dd Peavo se!€ ndahtllv putzlod bv th6 A16:11. t€r.lflc sha!€ tuon tro a oyon vsrJ htah nhb6! (223) on tho shllt thlo€-a aay {o!louts,-t t o" L pro Lorldao vho "'aqoo - s L is rrre3alorPo",-Mcss osqlrLe ]rf3 roo 44 ec r€utor F3tl3., Lloub1es. 5'eok€mtd€o' a o s I'!41n0 orrlce! at E€ ts 30, ras a It s. otJ.i?plen tn th€ . @ !ac€. ts Bur"a.o-bo; bu s sso,.- ;T:.";",i3r.1 : :S:'.r.i ? "3" {rret h€ s8t c!€clr pohi rdcords to Tho fifth-!1ao6 !u tr 2:f1:LJ by orF!8rd45hoi era tiarlctr, bur ron faded rl11e Arkin: .f, th6 iam;lan
*.. i" r,
--" - ..t-l _--,1.1-:-,-.-:"": : r"The
". o.el._€ .um rLrh a ltn€ I s n"r €-. rootod styt6
l .;p"r o 6 i. L '" o' ldEo. o!6a;€; corpl.ted the ?6-ni1B3 n i a
i : rddq rb. r *- " ! ^" r;-',
- -
lrlrd-Prade flni' rsr :":'tuoj
' e'i! 1€ to n 'orrrtrsti'r "ll
^i'j ,-. -:'
": "
fbe o. r:.-o tr.ttsd don ftetet st, t. _.aroei ruM6rui t:rsb I rer irtl'. :' "tr:r lhi r1n3" ,"!r.on, snd toBe.. be/ o€ :'". .-: li ".--,--". :: :,3 6h-c . r.rr/ 8..
Des'rt; trrD eraat o;'-ALoF _ .d *e don63ti. dtstan;e intuins so:, ;,.i;-L;";;;";':,;,;';";';;.i":-i;i;'il o -! nb clroryt dEa 's-€i shtn'nsatror laco, ui toolr shat h; :tld i;daf,. r!!!d xau$ r srro{erl g"eat lJssi}llttle3 rinlsnlla shth, *a vo,,'4nertl.i€d Iel]eyrs b!.the!-lnand had a resr soid,hor .r r!r!b !1".d xl6r a foat crer rtrlned htn at C.o1l.]"qo lrobody
!a'd rre i'x r'" aon r: ;Ba r!i?o asdrn' t]rer b:d a,Lo' 1' D':int tobll ba3.c.r llF i_4-5 !l:.oe Df r.hrY r€1ldr, -!rr-! !.n.. mi ir. rrjcai {h3 actut1lf, lere foi'Jl, lri: and 12tir, tt -:r5 iist. Tie t'o*n r€dfort clrt'rar-a11se"n{l '&s t!ol' 2lr' t'ilts {i-t-t) ii3 contri-out_ .rt bjiJrc F! 3dL€rser! 3.o c@t.€o 3''LlVla' r-,19! s o: l . "D rtnlsh...co1s!airlatlcr
t:."*,:""'5"':]'!;"l:;i'.::':t"fi: l'"'''''.'d^'
ner{l beitor € lhas1rc ine fi-!.t rro a:€, 1nl.ed, lroi l'lrrarc l*t h.ase ,e i_blch hsd lJh€ toi1or14 113tir4s: "1, 'j! o vo ts lcrsinl.i'Er€land.ald yn6 t, !4?oer ala, ta:.ouldnrt loEsibly b€ !€.rdta Ih Eratund. In Ua1es, myr€, but lot E€lerd...Tho FlrE aoJ hav€ arl€don lacl.un f6r'odo .o c's L ac'uli r h€r "s, €d froquoatly .l$tne tn€ 10.6 nlles th€y k.)r c1-3 r'-I|sJ,f,., n lr5 i riv .rsrlob ]@ ' .n tire !l!rl'om rluck b6dls th6 r-. u!oto:t3!F rL r "sr* lrra"-
o . .1r.a a t -- "rw ,.-l htutr-s 1 .ltio: ahd ot-,n!1.s ar To}iyo 1l r964.,"rhat '.d4 ndl.. thoa oIJaI c
I !r,:. fhoi thdy can 1t. I r-111 irare trad nii f111.rr Itoi e o no L s L"c aa1 e. b . a sq. 6 ons he l:kas r,e3t, but lhlclr he !1n6, "none nas the tou€h63t .oDs6 & Il.asnd &.th€rs olor'_^"7,' !F 3iBtos., Log. o ol:)lt on: € _anorsa, aotll8r re11€t- tlE Eld€r- aconollslod )o ob 6 i€ eo se ''?6o o Lh'_a € h6tr f. 9o oald to in ih6 fllst 25 ard d6 "'o6Eo. .osr .lno rlEhr hawe
Lro I 06€,_tro, 25,
.d "' : : I " .; i.i"' . "".: ,, :";;';. " " I ' ;i: -,,"," -.:... ---i":." ...., Ii .."1^"-,...' ,"* .."".' ", ';-., ";'..: r" '*" ..."--;j;."'.l-:. '' ::; I "^"^" .."..,",.-'...'.".'"."*].'""".","
How Leaders Reached Checking Stations
'...- q:"t..'. r ; :, :' j i lN: . i
Tll:, !b:IiH.$",ig):* . . =,-"--Fi*, I ii;-. !:. - ii.,' . i,, .. :jr.,rj.. ;l; - l,r'I i!. lii. f:ji F]"i dr:r_ i-:r .! i-ar i:r,. l: 11.^ trrL r.L fL. Eir*
gIili"HI g*"ii1i:..rj,9,j*,Jitbft--,jffrfi*,;;:,*1"ff.".;t
:;t}'J:ji"i,- "*""-E -, .
rrDt,. tS. q4 .d. D .oFD , :5_rrr r-:u.r 'Rlr Io" 2rd , - \:c:,Fo tssl Lon, onrsl , Ivos,, A r' 20-
oi3rjbt 3Dpllso d.SSlDs bl!. xss Mert a slep 1! ftu4t ot' t{dd. It ssm ar rb6 .!d o, t.! E l.!
rarh tlE fsa_D e rrle " €1d a -soo"d-s.s. s!!E.evenr as lo!€1 ro! @E rne , bsli 611€ and lh€n oalrat Eoy6d .Ey. car, roo rb€ 15t, sulal roAd !a o n€r€ dr oda o eror 6l,6atl11t ed, .Irrl& Lb8 rasr brllo rlb JoulaBt.r tsed raG Lodat. llnoo r.€ !hres- ap os6l_ond oou.ld I do .bool ttt I Ju61 o. dn'r oellels rhsL bhet s3!: -Lopolis 'hlo mto- onror,- n arcrn3r _"1r rv -4.€ ed rt Eood .busb. sotu of tho .o3, dasranc€ ra! ydLra.ror rs 8mrlla. E ar4Es6rt m on t.o conr'ro.., rro sr7,L roron_. 11,_o.€ 6oousb to roavo D lsl tl@.!d. bor nol only uo t\6 -sca bv Dsall, a quslro- of i ir I , . .it"rr i,i,". bJ a'r I blr.t8 or€r 15 d116!.' ", Mo-,-cla] !o r'c' ro.ord. Tb a tb, Ilns duo rJth a€d rf.rts. Io6s3sLs[.co1log€Jnsk€ch6-d'.La.'P9..'lnd ]13
rs a !"ad' r.uth ltr -'" iiii "il :i:;i.:;'?;::"il$r" ;;";'.'t;"!.-":;: rt Lss a olJ 'o! r6coFd!. ra6 fr6rd ,.'"",. ;;;;.;;;;; :.
rn. F6 op6n6d a da! o^ 10 Ttros ai qho rJ-{Is mlr lL ro ar ,6 lllt n11€. S3 roD sot!! a,ec llo in ,.ne "ecord-o.€ak'n€ rire ot 1.t?:2o:5_ _bs tLG ,es oog oser a rtat ci:se l-l at ftosdrd 5.000 relols dr L rrl.s5 ero r4ds, It b!o)€ ths Fr-ssLob limlr o- 1:ro:11 sot br xolr.s.€r Iss! 16rxorrls "lrJsr sd In r:19:1J rodar. ;€tr .E". oul ra _.fii: "'" ",",.," EJEb.J-!at6o per€r tlcAldls, of x6r vo!k. a nM vho ,.o1& -EiJ o1o coully rccold3 end is rh. A.ort.d coeplo. oqa,r lo. 20. and 25 rdro@t6rs, bosL .onstsioltlc to ^tnlsb L.t!d .b "er t:21:?o. buu o. |]€ tro ]€aders rss suoh rbr, tu xa3 n€!6r tn cobf€or Io! d6splts:11.6r.€11€n_ ,
.!ord! ltbJDg rh6 rYor}t. bblo doud. rlllsbl!€ t&. rlftt ruy. dI6! r! 4:u4 4d rb€ t6E rq 5t:17. xtdd l€ cfdcb'l lD tdontlcd tr6, 5o clos.It dd !€ bala orLo trD h.6rs of tolris. !+J oE ltorlou cllrr 8cl!pE.d B.Tdo
rap tocolds rb8 r1!di ud B.cdbt t{tu6
erljtu :itr,":f",:::,1":l.t,,llFi,:":":";j". Johtlry Eolloy Md h. .ppo*.d ftrl
19 66D rtAli oa !ut!1t4. lLP. ul9:!b9dq lr aLllra ltcstjr6
.blo fd
rn rbat Las vlFtualf, e p.-. b.1t6f,
-6dLDorlEb rac.. cootlety lo lop,ls
,",:_*k,*:;" i*:it_;",tu,.silf.i:Tdl. "*".D".f!E;]..i:::.1: r#:::i#'L,ff s.i.atd co&b hod
tn 1:21:10. Boo v"r'r, "","r rion 6rinirl" lv !':! 'o-kou ^l .bt6 lap-ovLnc loha lrstarc6 ac€. r; a {o3t.rdrubr. 1.4t)3 ta! t1-ti D1ac6. NB Mdo.od q9"1s190 about 6 aoltb aaEl enf-',si a for 1at. scr'tchsd ahd. the bus; fb1,t sB addod._bo,.ea!. rhrr atdd hs r,nrrig uas ,o-oad od: ro .Lc a! o,,snl rhai, -orc rban s scola vd_,"" a coaplordte laoboo a! nDe :>_dfo drL@€ to hutd hlr_ ss]r u! 10 bocm6 u lorlc-crss st'br rho 1€sd6-s *a. ri"iil.i"1:;-i;si rr r rodorns horehard .;;; r;r;-s;'1;s-'- i'-lr3-&'orsbs_tdon'€ceEors Lea -or Lqo Br'r1.. epb€ c€ca. s_ro- rhs 1os;srs had s o,a!oo_ 'lJ€ palra-n of rh6 stoLEdJE !ac. ras c'u m'u o?o! 1t_.* ", Krd; i,,.,r riiirr. dgui 'rro-t -bstrs prory' y ko-. r".o1e!; tba :":'31 "18 :!t!sor'b€-b boa!tur", uo".r.. aI " @6 be.n Lo ( e -LnrDr 9f)31 sdis F3au3 out of Na"s, r€ar lToo qL,r€ €a-lr rro. Lls yorldr'
rd'... ;,*,ff,;:::fr":I**":"f;"1,"il.t:,ll:
IrnIsToE,r!n vErff]{its 13rh
4.ol! 4.21
t 5\,U
J' 4.56
2?.16 23.1?
4 l8
12 P..2?.40 I Dos.l
5t.h2 53.30
28.El 28.t6
E.27.2, I p..r?.rr+
57.3t 35
!.,21,?0 nr€! tl:kdle E.23.lo loJc liyla
ri [,25.]l
1[.r9.U I IEd 2
aijxuf r5 iEls
| rioher role
!.r9.r9 id R:&au 31F..28,15 zEnrur.lsor ro 8.29.n nd {allraqtold 70 [.29.]d B.b aay*r I
l, E.r9,rr! hd ft.. 5 1,t.23 I Rarad r.nchrtrc l0 ['l1,2lr I hlt irrfJ@ i2ll,Jr.Jr i Jim sdier &r E.ll.lL I Jarr rddas eL corr rar€cn $ r.l6.1t chris }l:!ad 6 1.16,21 Cfrhan AJ,EX
r.,$.t, fted ?tco'@, D. FuroEll 1r.l?.r1 .)11.17.:J 0l6n D.rr{e 2l l1,J7.i! I iudd 2:11.i7.5L iur.rq sh:.tdd she, dd ,!1r.30.r? 6lr
J1 28 29
15 1,3t"1rS 1
to j."?5
3t 3t
!3 37
31"tt t3 3!.12 66
JL1) t8 lr-lrr 33
3L12 11.12
l8 lrf
.r rb
311,!o.rr! tsob ruc!,M lolI.ladr lrjr'€ri r{ork 3611.!2.rt irtrcariobrln 66 1,1e.23 lar€ lb}.f€e 33 ] I3.1? 1 lerctr sidi, !3 i !1cl r,rE1'irck !r11.!lr.o0 I JeEy locci 3711.U.!3 reter lodd 5911,rr9.u ,aea orbor 21 1-lr6.2t I C€o. ror@ }ti1.116.ld I rods rksson | alt& tiltu lull"L0.lr6 cordonGooty 2?11.50.59 fon roFkr
77lrrr.c6 I Rlc&d Dad; L?i1.51r.5J I Itnle shir! ?511.9rr,5? i r8E' eds 93 1.56,r.r I rfl credv 7111.57.01r rare cdrei 91i 1"53.17 no.ald rrroms :5i:r.5r.lr1 r,Iicletr sbeitd:n
r.06l \7
necls F.rel
12.191 J9
,) t!
31"341 27
li'+l ::':il
I !'r.i.;y s5:.:dln
77 93
F&d a.13rd
2..15.19 0a1ro! sniin 2.2h.23 I PoLnd Bouffd
_ F!rd3y, ,!Il.r1 20162
t! lDsT 1AITUETJ 9th
2, rm 3. Ttr
itt2 .lrr.piJnj rn th. 5th amual llndod rin thts afi.rnoon. lacinit, of 14:10 and tt 3FP. Faik 6.1-rrue brr nlth 1 r/2 iri18s ro
ih. fadr rrl f,. M. a lead coF euldins hii). roLbr 1d3t probably and also hts tncenriv. r. {in. ]lrdase
R.dda, Folt r$tts, ta:J9 John5on) rorfo]k r.3ck club, 51:31. l1k sh&k, r3sst.gron i r,.. Lblv,54:33 t. xAr Cold{r11, illulan rr }bry, 54.34
Ndrfclk TC.
hlzes: 11
4 $a.e
vavri.rd, D.l-va1 aa, hdvie schi.s61, 4 lork Ac, J2.)t 5. R.b.* Lor., U." Iolk A0, 32143 6. Atii1a,5tr3y, c.nLral J.rse, Tc, 12,tr 7. ar sns, c..tral J.lss} rc, D.1arar. v:11.t 14, 33:57 ?.
9. Eilr l]o]ss,
.. rc,
12, DEn.i3 rohnson, Fb11a. Fton.c! Ac l4rt9 11. Te:!J And.t3m, Centlal ,J.!s.y ]C 15:12'ar. lalroy aa, 3t:16 iln no'hsj ]?. ;Ln Ho11o'ar, P511a. Prona.. 36:14 13. .1.3se G. 8ud311.. Plm AC. ^c, 36.t+3 19. Ray Kr.3sl.r, e.l-val ra, 14. r.on Dreh6!,
2?. tuss naz, Unit.d
2!. sld f.lnsJ 25. Flak !.r13, Untt.d ;1,
J9tlt 19tt6
Phil'. flon .! Ac, /1,1. rrdk rc[r, ,.]-!sl ,u, 43.14 2e, Jorry lochj Plm rC, \6,re Ted ScolLng: 1, r.n York ACj 39t 2. CJIC, \t. 3. Del.{a!. tll1er Alj t?; 4. Phth. Pr4..! 69. ,rd imu3l llderut.! Tlack c1ub 9.4 14L &!,thon larch 17, 1962 ai CoI.g. of rttlle & Lrr 2?.
,7.a) 57:40
t3,11 59
'2'.1 L13.!, Ttd.tr5r.! TC, r4, brty aronan.r, firrian & ua!y, t9:4a 15. !an1.1 Tratnor, dtt16 c4.k fiaq,6a:34 16. Ton J.rk 5j r61ltd & truy, 63:01 1?. stuarr Gllmn, Tld,rro! Tc, 63ta6 :3- i B. Und.mood) tld.ra!.! Tc, 63.t4 r9, tubrrt ?id$at.! Tc) 69t\a 20, Ric !arE, 'r.ntz.rr Tld.iar.! Tc,
13. J:r
Ndi n cdrd ro!
ra!y, r?1n14 & uary,
1?-!car-o1d Ios.s liarft.rd cours. !. ' l2rn5.?j E5 comFared to rhc cous. r.cdd of ll r4l .st3brished by ric zrblk rn r9ii0.
55'51 '5:39
a. ron Pal!.!, :n1ltah:l a!y) 9. rlrby Hallison, Ttddat.! TDr
school BrM.r
vhtmj Ea1r1m. cc,
4121.7; 2.
,,:22.4j 3. ,Jii rad., BoC. 4.29,!i n. ,t..i. clrmins, Eoc,4:30,2. i00c: 1. rdb m!s, Mo!r.e, 2:$.a; 2. r,.. Ijc-
I, F:J lrr, uor8s, 2'r?J 1. Buu sa"s, Boc, e:n.l; 2. rob aq!! seh,rf, nocJ 9:47.1; ,. norJorn3on' nr1.' 4. t:rri! s{..rJ Eoc' 9:53't. 1 rsrt rohnson, Boc, 1:rr.2i 2. Bor cuF !!!.i b!11,60c, 1:?1,?: l- PhI1 Md.rsd, D.1., r,h!1.!, D!1,, ,:1?,0j 4,
F 1a3rJ'€, Boc, ?:rc.6,
i:2!,9i 4. lerry nnd.r3.n, rdsanj 1'26.0. !11. ra1k, 1. 3111 pi.oton, BoC, ?:5i..3j 2. !od1 tur@, c.o3! cltr, dil?,0; J. Ddi rh6hn, rd60r,3:3lr 4. r6run nob!o!, cros! C@nhy,3:t8. 2-[rl. tuky:1. D.lar!!.,3:01,6j 2. BoC! 3:04.2r 3. )brs@j 3:0?.4i 4. D!1. stat., a:r7.9. itrh 1. ljolsM, J::0.?: 2, F c, 3t22.jj 3, vorse F osh, l:2\.6j 4. rjolad !, J!12.?. r.e sco!1nej 1, nal nor. olr{cc chb 70r 2. ilolc& stai. U: l. D.1a'ar. 22i A. I.uxar. ster. 6i ,. tt. st. !tdr!. oou.c. lj 6. alosj cou*r 3 ad c!.s, clry 3; 3. ldson sur. 2, l{.st 1.&6 n 13Je, rhlch ri (N1nd or bo*..n 20 ed ,r 4h) ,jdr 1. c1oh.s€y, s, 9i?1.2i 3. drlk r, H; !- uoor.J nccr 5. ArDnd. R.,rle!u.. r!d1. L sw: 4. reer t, Hdstor c.!Gn lidao. chaDFdonlhlrs, D.rtendj r&rch 24 9!9r 1. Ea1k , 1:52.3: 2. sch'ddr, 1r52,9i 3, xlnt!nb..!. 1:12,9,.15mr: 1, rlorFlh. l:52.3. rronr 1. rl;br.k1, era::E:
llpf ,rYrlTro! s[j]qlqnp!-p !$l colponsoE: S.dondo B.ach lr.
olc.r of
i;; ia;;-i,;;{;";;;;lt;tr:;i" ''THii,"lg"i llll Zsl'llg r !r1s I& 9tN !9:4t 29122.2 9,33 r9.t+5 29,17.5 9t35 I9t45 29t56,e 9tro 2ot23 30,37 9:t9 2att+o 27:26 10:r? 21:0t Jt:4? 10!40 21:29 32;05 rat26 2r.2a 32tct3 ra:ja ?!t2e 32'!6 \ot36 ?L5I 32.35 \414 2131 3?.4A Iat)) 2t,5I 33:2j.5 rotA 22:26 33:5I Iat35 22:ri )3.5e 14t42 22,)2 34.04 Ia,rt 22t57 34:2) ]trta4 22t5r 31+:t!1 D,o1 231r, \116 u:o5 ?3:1, 35:09 ]]t?], 23:46 )5t56 ))t36 2t:22 )6.5t. u:3t 2i:L7 4o:3a E.t6 26t59 \1.16 r3.Le 2?t 1 4.2).tl
1 X.lcol! R. iob.rrso!. eali3chsd 2. C- n nafd clrrt! crl, rc . 3. P.i.. B. &hdls, 'lEtau, 4, n b3lt r. c!l@. ft] .! ciir rc , t. fto@ c. Rr&, cdftr clr, rc . . 6'chrl].s1.Gre.Dna].l'u.,tach6d 7, Joa r. nlzo J.,, E.tiacbod . . e. 4lend D3 b O-u, CUr.r crry tc r.., cd porr {r;on& I phllfF 12. s. ckfre Jr.. crilE. clrv rc tJ. !.rce srlu, L6 Insols3 ?o . , . 14. Dm& r. s.qe:, 15, Ju'! D. se'lffj cr.le€r citr ac 16. R.b6rr c.Ds, r?. *luia a, corl!3, clrYsr c1rr.{c _
L\].Yercii'4c .?J.
??.. H1cha.] Da?{d
rfrh! iu!e. lhFile.rr,1
r.3 .rj€3,6, sB.r
i. res r. Bt1r"{,8.,&r
lll rybari$\ noi conr:lr ,1rh a 9:iL?.: a1\l5lboloq-'jufuf r.'kjbrLlk''s.''''L 4116 na qusr* u coaertio.. ir!d1s, {,
3x. r.a.k, c@
;*"..i.d lib
"1c .r'.].-5..j,'o..iish!]J-ed
.r bi rr{jcl€ oI a. t5! dtE! .:.0F' :F'"d
a1*.-" ::|]:*:":".J 1ij6
'"' ' *-
'' 1: r_(-o :- rei
1 1rr "dr dlr"adabla
dj r
:tar'.-d to. !
* ,mo% ;r. *
a*".e, ;" .! ..' , ror..:eh. bar rq Ery ..jr .tr -:" .r€j, ins r_ ot.
cruJonta - suday. ]{Eon ztr 1962 t.3? u. al,tonal 0ra3. sb* $d colr.n o.p.Et{ar'i.!rr of r..4t1d ot lin,8h
1. C. Roneld l&!Iar, CurEr Clry ,rc . V1U., Crkd cfty AC . ,3. ionald L, Bofron, &L Cmlno Coues.
PanI r. F*ha., C!1y€r Cttr,tc , . . t. Fbrr|! s, crl!&. rr., cu1re! cltr rc 6. }llchsd ,t" Psn!, Culver cl:r Ic . . ?, D@1d r, sarTer, seia Be6{a .{c . 9. l. Prul BMsst€, 10. ctu Y. Lp€zl
11. rltl-l1& x.cabe,
r.b..t 1. cM, cu:Lftr clry Ic . . . 27.3e 5e.33 L3r.@ tArrdd D. r. ch(r cufy.. clrr nc . . 2tt46 6),t+7 L44'1? . . . 30:39 63,D r:44:u r- DMi3 r.@ll8h, ser,a sslsa tc. 34132 1LtL3 !.5O!t7 Je! !. rohn..n, . . . 39.01 37t57 2tt6r37 Itchret xfth, Hrts! halaced,€ . . . ,9'13 Aat56 2tUtjtl aa1,.! cltr !c . . 40td+ P,r+t59 ztL3tp !.13n cohe,r uat*cned . , . . . . , 35'a6 9o:ro .oil, r. r}Acr @tilched ," . . ,3r.06 12t16 .chelt I. rrler, chaffay Co11e.6 . . . 3)!t$ nt54 Jua3 B. Eeld)ckl, 11 Carno Cd1k3. .39:13 31+tr9 cal ?a\y (P@e) . idid n. Bo4da4wlr 5o, cauf. st'!rdc. 34:36 @tilch€d....,:4:36']!33 ftter irohrile, sa reh, Y3jlar co]1. 11106 xq'sc c.'. lDrtl.r,€c . . . !4:35 0L- frEi !6ntx.. lnto 9e B.rod]no, ed udc tbe rlns or rhs ttrle.l 01.dns. sho{, s!gu8 so|1 {o. d1s!*dd tunt 3 n tnts !u, !d Pd r.rd@, jt s3 r M3b!s tduub" e8tii. irat. bl8b-.ciroot di1c ch.+r6n! l@ n.rlonsr JuioFc.1r{se rsco"d &d dfflarl,sp1ratr 10,0o0-!etor hu.t.! !liik*, Roh eyed on up !h. r!dd.. io&r. lhiro &]1 ol lra .*ro of ths lnd€qd4r ot 'uh 13 :nisr.drins r.d co4*6 :rd1ar: tlr rdirr i!6 *ti.rdi stadded of 1154;2?,5, !'a c.@r! 160r rorc€d ni' o[{ rt u ! as, non ns'r bdlt a coll@,tds 1€,1. Ihs tr8uss @ sr lrlla "i4i..t o s& b:l: a'rinir cler th8 rjlal nv6 io ta ;1ler or thd eatnd trtr. lfrd rodr{ du r1$r hrlj-do'3a .ad' or 1962 t! f€rtcr cs}, 4!!qr, 'oreerr cr oth.rds€ irvoAbl rodat!, lahdr"!orJts t.'p€4!@ '@DaEd 33. fh.n tna b18hkay paiio] F].€:lfrecfd 2od1e r.r.!rr e llv.{t1e ri1! E sgr*E€d ro! th. l.ur. ror & 6@r ha,ralr ans.aedr in8 sil"tlls Jt.1d .r 29 Lop6ful' * @tn€. ct.."..d s a p!ac}":ca tu ontJ im r€ek! !!edo$! ed etlod doa s D &ose sb.r lata!. o.5 a E3r a*o, fte ,!cc6s3 ls a .rcdll to ttu .rfo.!6 ol rlb cM, 3.c!r!y rcnb.. an sq E mrrdino Vrlier col-leg€, &d sre s*Jfo:n, ncrdrls dd F{l, ailec'?or t! n.tshborins colt@. ste, fo! i,b6 i.vedoh, 13 . r.'4r Lr ri€€1Gs cdr.. clir rc.r. I4cludda ll1 inar! .esaoi. d3 . r.e r.m ths conoee of )cdld:! r'&s.usi! ar]d!€ i .iso .t tn6 .&e ol failcu.. they mdc ! +J iete, en 1@ @ bed 6s rdm 0J ths firl8h.F 51snd or .!haErt6 tn r.j* tdt, 'hoy.d
u Sdry, rprl.r I, 1962 - sscrs.rqs Prd, p$, wr 1totu. sl.tE..d br P&rdd Dwrhst or i.crcsrio! (--- tt$s d ,--)
'stch!!!I 1i!_]s 6d r:, ee lrE 1, Do!d6 c. ntu, ccrc..,...,. rr:m 2?.06 4?:26 61t59 61,59 i9 2. Er:ru l. I.lf!, cctc...._.,. forSo 23:1? 43.32 64t33 6).03 1' 3. si1E i€! l. !t!r, Corc...,.. :30 lr:06 ,r:r? aat5r.4 5312\.L I 4. 0!61 r. ||rr .rr., c:l ]oIy... /i:3o t2:13 5o:u b3tt1 t7t?1 1 5. JEA B. 3d.h.k1, El Ceino., 10.00 23:t4 4a:t1 69t2\ 63.24 16 ccrc..,...., 3c.i lr:J9 ,3:r0 69.5a.a ,:'a.e 2 7, Bdrd t. &Id, ccrc,.,...,, 2', tr: a >.:09 ?c:o/r t6.34 t+ 3. J@ r. tuto.rf., @r..-...... J:m . i _. >/:09 W:?5 t?:ot , 9. P.!c !, s.!. J,:rl tzrt5 ?0:16 t4:16 'redl€, @!.....,... lo, Je t. robEd, sdrh lat lc 1o:@ 2ar?? 49:It Wtaj 5\,4 r1, ,tr.! t. Rn}lrf 2t45 l4t11 52tr6 1o'9. ,7rt1 a 12. lsdg r. c.!c.s, cclc.,,..., t0:@ 2c:rrj r,9:2t W:t2 &t\2 1J. ?b!! s. cl4r. $., ccic.... 4:00 :|,?" 52:1, ir.57 5atti 14, I'.r Eld.lfu, @:!,...,...,.. \t3a 3!3t 5:t.1\ ?:ri! lf .)3t:5 tt:tt 1tt23 i9.\.i :.5. Johr n.!ny, ur...,...,....., 3|ca 51:23 t 16. Rt.lard a- ?.rt:, co{c.,....., a:15 3l:1,i J:rl1 1iti5 60:10 fr. om&1d r. s.':€rr rc 4.oo 33:3r ,r:rL3 7i1t23 6a.23 i3 r3. Jo!! P.arr&c. cx!Pory...,... ?;o0 J1:]1 tt:.4 n.3t 6J'35 11 19. Im.ln D. st.ds, cCLa...,.,. !'t.o 26i3"! .j.58 73:ir 12.F. ?\ 2q, iicnud Y@$ar, ccrN....,..., \.aO jlt2c it.t1 ?r:44 62ta1, '!l dt.... i*. 16::; trl:t6 1t:t t3:t a 22. lic\ael rirhr td|.! 4n3.,.,.. t6t?t 2i:6 ,ilaJ ;4:, 14t3a 2' ?1. sie!!'a st. crrir, c.Elros.. 7:t-r J1:t.: 5::3r, '1)+.t1 e5.t1 23 24. Je! D. B.n'E, c€tc.,,.,,,,. 4:1t ?4'1? r!;46 1L:24 .3:19 2t !t. F d! J.6b'.n, cd.fto.,,.... \t:aa 2et, t..e 17)46 ?t, i6 26 26. r.b?s l)16*6, :15 4o:o, tlto Tttat .',:tj 13 r!*idr aop6,, 9:0o 23.24 ,r3rts u s€is..., 12:13 ,:fld telr !. t&3.n) sdth Dlii ]|c 4:t0 t:30 33101 5r:i3 J.. n. souih &r nc, 10:00 29:?9 ads c. ir:d, ocrc...,..,.., 1:co lL:td
8.. i.
i4tua. rr. sr,. ot tbs lw-Ek rs .nde 1t, 6rid or.roE e',!t,1iili ihs*ort dt drt ne @lca, but ioddr €3pecial1J the r1r c4!br.d br FF1E t:h.1;;s, Ioq r1eu *s a Flearat a!!!!13er E6]nu off d. oMt b€t .rforte to s:E ih. i., i.oe-.j-, r'1! .nid .iraf fof edir. n io!s, {tr& a 3o-..6nd st$i, sr rl1]! outldgeod rorrono lc. bir rbird-3loi fldsh ed ?Et-tts .r..'1. ctu, i*t$t' Ia3r yd & 52:2?.r,, .drn mr .-iF ft. !.p. lrlolld .a B..onda, Pst3 lbndl. ciro3. a sddteh sri; et r:ds! rdr k clocr e a.r?.l i$-!1 up rhs no'! Dnilg rcf :...nee r blus .1bboo JEr lo- se..11s L. c!.tbicL,rc rj" : .. adqltlm or Eh solr.dr s[]L i3 os buLw/r DL! dr.a a-*rs 4s lolsrrl !r*t:i!aF t€J lc 6g" t6bry c@, rou r1!.s 1ie 3yiJ oouagins" F.r Bob D.ailer rue !s tn. 3d..d'. r,ti13l 0$b€. obeiou'r-r h. n3 0r Ln€is it : 1a-rj h€ z6r1€d !o ie r.'p.crsbl. u&s. 8o.d
&d ih€ Mils
or lbth the higb-hedj.{ &3
:!i @,id
,.,."-*"jt.:"; " i ;i .e. .t" ]i,j: * ::"::l ::::,:"t#iii; l: Bfj;. i, *':i';,#*:'i,',,*rt:' ,lP ,:'r r:i,!": e: ji ,:""il,;: ri::rir.,
,-.r l"_ j, .i; i"',
""," "-, {; r, : ;: :,,i, ,;+:'#:'
li"l1;;";, :'- i;..-t*3,.f:.'.,il.E *
" e:11'0; 2 ra'r;--rer=' r" a r'.I il- (s. -r. - ...i -d. r.rr." .. po r (slor 5? sr sa, rranU:e: ,,i:.-l ?l'T ':r:".3: :."- - <4!e' '' x"t; ti ,'..l ';:.:,,," 'u1 â&#x201A;Ź
=+=+', .-". ." : ]:
,',r..."= i';ll:;i*,ii+-illi'";ffi-|
,:,' it,;' i".,,:l.,. :., ;lillrlro't"*""*':ili*i,:;:ii,ii" .
. :.:".:.
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4:, ,
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s!s,a jre4 a,
--' :;,-;,-: l .lu,i !1;:J";:;ii,?"1';l#;'":f:'*"'"
,, ",, ;+,, ._."',,.,'-1 .':jr,.:'ii.+ :, rlii;Iiii:" *1..t ;,._"" !'i, :3i. ,.ll'' :. ;."j:i,::; .. ''.r.
"..,.1-,."i ,r;1.;; J: liill:, ,. ;"1,i: , ... -:".":. ,: .": . r':, ;,;:,"-; ;:."",' :,. ,; " I 1,"," i,.-," i,,".; :i-::;r:: ij I::::: i:'gj]r "' ":+,
i$r"ir.tdr"'d::,j'f1r;1.:. $,;i ii;iiiirpl$l+#+it"il"i:*: ;; 7lr _ !.f-* ._r.r. )s, lr:or.j.
-Hit*:,t6,".#*x++, x*il;:;;Hr* or.-'ro: .! d*' ,1,
. ".-"". :',.i iil;l"i:;:si:"i.l"i;.i:",:i:"tr,", *'. ; ";:': :'.i;i;,1;;":";t": illj:ii:lla.S*il;i,i's'.; :"nF..
: e-,.'' "':.";;," : ;t':t, !:il: rL;F. ;':5+.:.:';:;;;:'^s.
fi. r.
rlfth ndual Dovolopn€nt ProgrM In ,trolldonco, F,I. ril1 asain ieatsa €vents h5ar r'.1 sdrls y e Il.t, d c & ths sltulday n€€tB !111 start at 1:f0 r.M..Tho ldusda:r neets !111 3tart st 6:fo F.u.. Medals, nlbbN end sna11 trophtes wllI b€ lre3nnt€d at tho n€Bts..lvelXthlre ,111 1r lost e!tr"! n r€ inJohatlo! o! blarLlrs !!tte to: lalrX crac€, Dilector, Iimts:1 naelicd rlc, 4,ldffi st!8€t, c€!tr6dalo, n.r. lhulsdet 6€ts -lst l4eot - JUE 21, 1962 (Illto Fur" 880 Yd. r,ralrrl; 2d r,Isst - run6 28 ldao, 3Atn, rislk, 2- i16 run); lld lloet - July L2th (MI1e Ha1k, 2-v11e Puh. 11€ Fun) | [th roar - rulx 19 (rl1ro, r4i16 !a1k, 88o)j 5th r.!o6t - JulJ 26 {2 Ul1e, l{116 Vall<); 6t1 .4c€t - ausust 2 ( !,t11€, Illte 1,la1k); 7th l,s€t - rusDst c ( 83o, J-nt1€, Iu1€ Valk)i dt. rl€st - lusNL rb { 2-}119, M11a !31k)! 9rh rtuot - {trsDst 2] (b80, saturcar !l€ets --Jdro 16 ( lltlo)! JDlJ 7 i880, 2llrl1al; July 28 (rl1o); ru€. 16 - 880: Eo oastirEat€. Dmt. r '<q:, rjilsi tata ninqk spdran ,rc. 19b1 [:]2;2;2Ji1o: c€or;; rsrrr, ?re.t-lc acat Ac, lq5l-T:1r0.1 ; l-N!10: coo. r€rr. EB,{J. 1961 }U:59,0., u8ir !n-| !,qr k: nai.o aiti, Rerr sr ,1c, 1r6r 19i]o l:21]r,:f/]1 ][10 ,alk: :a1r. 19io 7:o:,i. 5:26,1.,ItrfstraIE:-F;Tio rllltr.^lrtl. B8o l,rod€n ----e;;Tiar , !,lbsr.] ,c. Itol 2lzo : IiE Lr ir r"idoo! r erord). Th6
rond€rson, of rrrizDna stata, rn 1956. cltlz€ns' reco!d ts dr42.3, sdt ty !ir1 Da11t.e€r 1n 1960,
trhe final 1ap in 51r.7 of lr00l sars b1n a staEdnii6 & ?:[e at 1 ]/4 .r1;. "s ho ".' bx 40 yardi. r/ic lleere, or6sor, las socond 1. b:52,t and Crer.tor Stelnli€. orason, thlrd ln 9:09.2. !u1e3.!,3 p!6vtou3:iarsonel b€st {as 9:01.9 set last $ar. l1iL: Iorlan. 0. L:07,1: 2, snrth, :\.U,l-.10-,... E9: r. ssn e";.rr 0r8,, 1:51,0. s ore: 0ro. dl, lrru 4tl, Ap!I1 8, Penn ria 12-1ri1€ rralri, ritla. Ror Zi.r, V.3t Folni llrst clasrn.t,
10x0iod h13 0r!
?.c t2-nird tra1r:ls stfataht tear in lalmoDi P,rt. ZJrr cnrrted tLe rixii: annr.r inca Cnlces.e!, hor.le. oj nart .ational recolds and tttlos. f.d all ine u1!. .1. E.: I3t!d, ura'i.; 4. nob r'limi :1c; !, ror lu1lk, r.rontclltr !-1; 6. 4kos SzelGlJ. teii rolat; ?. c!1 liur,ixc: a, ]6cr:s shl1r1ir€, Ir!:c; 9. nilt onertc.6rl:c, riJF0; r0. Jolrn Iiucka, Il1:rcj i1. Sil111Jg, \-Y!c; 12. tu1.uir l.irti 11. R!n.€ :jr.14. Eari clinei cr'io rc; 15.;. !. d.lnan. lJost F.tnt 12; a, ?r'.c 15i f. l,lrc 1N.
.ti,;,i3t"ltiii,5,1:,1i.+:6 :.;l-r!H#::#::;:#i:48*'"" lr $:"r: "i i::i:;ili t,"ti4 iiil "Ji' ;:"tr',: ;;,3;:-1" ";;.'"ii"_ 3;3::;;,. l;::.;j:"-6i.lir:ti"1.,14,:Li: *, :i ]: i:; :'i: :j:,.j1;"3:.#i+*+:
;--:_:----:_-:--------ati. !nhual 51or1da io1ays,
;r,,**,";. At.rl ?l)r:.
#,-.::"::ff 2r: }lli: L€,
- f:i;,!iq:ti#*i:Hrr*, *:' i,
;:; :'i :'I;' (' : !ffi "I"3;'' ::r*r:"i::li,"f ;:,.;", *. ''*-;", d,L;-.f,;.i* ? i;;;;il;a'lffiitffii q"i r":."".'f, ;r : rF?
ll#jffi;i;:i,:*,:in: L* llg]Hrft"iir ii#"itT"iiit.:;"i: i!=ii:,1:,,1. r:'lt}'
*"F#:ry,;i,';;f ii: iriri;i;:1i:i:.riir3*F,.fi i;.fi
ii'' ;-4'fiii$i*:;ri'rr'
u ; ;.#liii;rffl';;il:,,$l'r;11
g'r;1'lllffi ; ;;+S;:;;i ,tloi*:iu"'*i:::" $,s1, ;:,,'":":, ;.1;i'=..", "'';"t-, *41i1;::1..i'- ii, J::, ,r r,::;;:j .,. ":.:.-"-. . ;*:i;;,,,;,;iia+pi,;li5;;t
l-Y T, .i
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;r;i;.ii';*i;'r;:i*,'i,:,, I
".lf-].--.iiI;.Hr.ii:;l :l:ltu
I,r,' i:i j*T:i$1h#i*q't
;ji*';l**,,s-: i:;*q:*i: mt+***l+$*l;: **;:i.;lt,':.*:;
l. ;';{'';;:1:;.1;,';"':!.'";r:'
;*+ri:r$"r$tf rq :,;:iT,ilix{"
;l !,i;;,'{; I
*f*'ir, ;,-,i*; #*fit$ffi*t, g;s:;"ii;t ,1":*,ji"
;1i,, ri*;1fi$a, 1e;'1;i*
* : ,;-" :: tT"ii$_t;::,'-u"'"'i rt{il;l .':',::ll4l::: na: ^ r,ii :,,1 T,i,l, :r+#s-*i;;#"5#.f*
3. c6ors6to$; \. r.rdhd..880:3. td Du.hrnt, cooroouornj lt. Jr--E:ou, rj.T. pistanco /rrs/ --, l, rora Iora /rrs/ --, Dlstanco fi6d1€i: E6l49l t I, /. vr, ,eesr 'i;;dJ,;: -i;;ii. c;;;l 10:06.0; T-.a'--1,."T
Jc-6pi '. \- d, 2.
DLs!an-o ruddloy (Dretslon _r:
tos. cha3ror
Dttran^€ Mad'sj 10:1l. L: 2. o f-Vr;i;i;-Tiosn. :rarttus; 3. x6r Y.rk ?iob€r cl!b,
(Add-lul.ttcol - cutbscht fotlo!sd : ops ;.;. " o,olkotu1dc6 " ,, oa,. n:i.. ,e " rr: :. : .: " , -. 6. ,oo. ,: ,rth ; ;e.!-ia.i [ri]:d;-86.-;;; !i; ,- Ll€ -s ! .o! ro:.--a o L ! ' ," no a:o" nlo.ed a o€- 10 o i.u.Iner t. .r. -.3, .lith rllnrual !Lv!s r.:LAYS, arril 7-(!u.ti,, raiasls€t in :hs |irars. nain lad t1!6d out last niEht's lrosr@ s. ali th! . rjr€ a s a"..dt - e l',e ,J"r : 1 (1
satuday, apltl 14- Doacor Joss e cd} €r6rts ln t5o socord day of tlp tro-day cddaal. cola&rslnJss'" o r& f'n!sh6d 11 ,tadr sust o€ hodaJ. Do"con. a Luo- l,Ino 0 frolan & n-rool.rablo 'o1d !ao' uho \ad s-.h s L€ -:ors " ) 1: .6'D - Le l--.1& :i-e Jayha'k6 to t'o ro..rds..T6xss l;!!\art hCoo! s€ason, lod ib6 thirtJ-lls€-rar R,dopl8cld36 "lold by 100 yros a s roere 'E . . ".s,.. r !6coril 9:15,U Md;:oTL1r aft u €o. "!U 'es Lrq . 4: L B: . . " Co11s6e Divlslon overts f.tu las Frro.t. !o ! of lha !s !€.€ Loo bust -B!c. n! c oc"llg" .L'tth "ecola !y rer J o"l" _ '1(::- L(0n:1.._.d otb6c _)\ stseplsclasors rerjT.rro+L uo:, '.8 rato! tho hah '"o notrc€. o-1r6. ..rd y K!. -bJ l,no c?a€_.e! HoIsIE€r o :lr):qJ. | ). ", Da.o "r, rE : o e, i B.b V nL "o ls, llsl,1r !! 'on d:oo.-1. 6 woor.J jl .-.€.d tu"sLB half-ol,B. qr tr{. ro;o and loa 5t o;r€ c oso o_-cMp L;.6 n0. : ... jr_g_:.. .:. !"€: . c€o ,,lar.rr.''lrout. 6:. | . o: 1.6 (v€ tbis .d u.l!d, a sL!Loo bol.j I f !'o : at ,? 1il 4s. .aJlsr., c'o"". 1r€rslEa! cor€rsd hls !s3. Lro Jr a sl-zrtt ?. o. C oallter ,r4. r'y aN J:08.8. ars o- d..,-i:",: , " e.rd ri rc" :(acn ar";r _, m r's Ras o" -o ors_. -L Cr. L!. .'Dr1ord. ,Jb s p.nL To-of, !ot6r -6"_ !:_6' : :. .€!dav. !oo,. ,.e rlo-blto .€ se o,ee n ""J" 2". ; : o.8. !Tv _ _ao. r,r.r!s nis o' i,jr.4. *'c" .p iiftsd. yar;s on c'-r ^ ., 9:12.6. _,,,1o- -, b-t;rs -o^d..M rft \/E--s y ,.r:)t_ .. -,8 o ,oo1o9: ..olr ot Io^.. . ""n",. ' .o" 1- -. .. ; - l:Ir ,-,.," !r.-..:1.),: D.\o.6t !"on. q:o.. .1r a-. D.r, -J1,,s: I :57.o, r' ..s'Bc['to.!-ll! "r' or.9:51.5 b;r nbileno chxlstjsr, 1t6i)i 1:5Lr. Mar&eitatr took thlrd ahead of t !d.or.;.o.c.o. l:); .t:€: 1, cdj \io TtJt.r. sLp.r, qr\'. L:Oo.r! 2. , o,' , , I 5. r'-, - , ta. 10:. lr" ^rose, .sp Is ir, ,. o,lr; J. !o5 i'' oo, o" r I" " c-, isorsa-d' , Noi, a.c, l.:!0.P, !, ,ln e.oq oj n m, 1.:r :1), erl 5, i,i:3- -.)o 0d -rcha.o: 1. l o. : "oas, u4lbrirriE-Dj9:1-5.8 L r" rd ro.old L :' r- . ,: 9-' .y,ore3. rqoo,r :. IcL raJno!, :: : 7__lanoe;. 9:l-o: j. bob.,. -n. i€ntrsr ! rods. ..4:I 19:!ra/.!o.t€o,\"o."". .d tow:: t6rsev Jj_ 9:-2._: h. ,aDr€_ LorF. flaf,_ " -.7 -:01. .sLr ;. .,52.8r i i-" € , , i, o.51.,. 3i "." " .1ed, 4d cs's }L {1..., DL Joj r" -.f.t, , o'-:6C a etMpeoe or youtbful bt.J'ou"ior - / . o_1 :1-: : rro,a I : 6. ) ar surt;r .jladrm ry ll'^,i': ^ sh.b 4 r- r1---t.dly qlb rq f3,'i ry. Uslslgar oapiEod
;j3tf :::1? +#-!.+"1,, ;;;___ "e::l!€:;""""i-!,!: ,";;;;_;o.'';r;;il;.;ffi;\r j 7 _" o r:io .(,_ y"*. no rbry..:- dF: sLs'. ij.6o-i"' (.ro:Roula.. 1c66 t"!r.. JM r{*_ltu-ca1!f.
2. Sou!d6!n L rnol..
ools 1:5L0.
rong turh odly ln Lh€ raco. Th€ Jl-y€sr-ord b8 mchanlc' d1o diov6 uo Ln lha .orJn6 alre- Lo.kl,€ Fllday r.!s ,, '03L rs 5 o 3t a po6slbt. rsr_ 7:rl,l.{0ld n€61 @-}. 7:30.d by Callf. r do bt straytn€ off coasa, te olos36o CoLLE,E DIr/ISIoll- ?-M lo r€ q: r. Toxas t, EoloNh oasttlon rI" a 56:19 clocksoulosrr (uar',o 65;;; r:9o.-r. r,rarlsr 1's. r,€ (ai €d'ar rdk,3 i):b6 s6r,n qaT valo8rL 1:5t. saddle! I:cl.l. by B-on'ns Fo36. -t6 ro€f€. ^3Jr-3- con oct'cutrs unad8tr r:cL,or _rlo,6 (o-d TaL ndl. lry loNs"d rayne, 1961.), 2. Eo'ad t€aten countlr ao6, @6xod th6 ?:34.9 er16. t:17.4! j. Toxs6 V6sLe!-, ?:1,6.0: se.ond cros3 rtr€ lrlzo. s3 (rus.) s s o. ?:[?.0r -. tatrt. lda! T6ch, 7:51.4; 6, Arllngion Stst6. chdLe 3a1d h3 flsu€d straylnB floh bh6 courso rcost ne 20 or 30 s6oo4ds. I plIAvS. qxtrDAI Li SOrr t-qT-,J 5J5r3lre,for u! tho lron€ 3"ra€r I-D.. Io!t- 11.- d !rord or r0,o00 sa{ II ab ut th!oa-'lLs!16-g ratrtslan4 tno bofrlclar t6d hts fault, ho las Ju3t Etalt, rasn,t qonolc !lLlcaltro _.y'ng It - he1p..,Gr3l, v ods blo{1,€ o.f 66 polnts, ran"as Stato hso L/ aro oulslm s-at€ L2.-llea tha ll8ld of 124 olds l€11 dd ore laE tfta..Th6 re€t las b€t{e€r Castl€ Is}and atd Colmbla CIrhola undd! fatr sl16s, rlth ?o-decre€ c16,..For a t66eeor, ClothorE, a !!o' t€mFratu€s ard a sonotl@s bllsL {1n4. t€E€ ot Jobn J. }le1f€y! }ds pronty of In tho tro-frtl0, F!€d }orllsj a 40-y€d- .llsiaeo lumln8 er!6r1offs. . , "M.. tu!-o1d BrttoD rho at l4o{€€so lsf, sot @ htordst6.l rben I r* a stat6, coasied to a foft}-ysd rtctoly Jurlo! at lttcl! Elgh 1n Cloton and ho 1n 9:09.4, uarcoh RobinEon of !na1ed, {a3 ny E e1lsh toach6r, " ox!1atEd iaJ,, host Souihx6storn Loulslgs, 'Iive !u about t5 laces in th6 pEst xas socobd..About 1,500 htgh school ath- tro y6ds thdt dor€ slx rl1os o! LorA€!, 13t€s flon l17 scnools om!6t6d dall8 I hop€ to b6 6 good a s lt. 'N.thoru! tho fllst t'o daiis ol th6 thlo€-day cdKe1]€y soe ddy,ii... D6nohu6r D€1atbe S.uth. nlra1, tho oldosi ln ?hoy s6t xd6 Van6x AA, tlrishod Brith. !. id8ht trelve n66t leddras. bava {or, tut ho cut }rIru€lf 60 s€cs, Ir hddloap,.,Bolr cMln 1I had boon iona B€dch, cdll. aL1-con€ls 1l6et, a!!11 coachiDs Tlor!6y & he loot€d strolA ln vorkou'.s, {lto! t}6 !ac6 }E ln-co!red ?!h- l- 1_03: l, :lcc€€. lo3 aqo1e3 . r : ol:9i?:, 6r a. € , cdb6r:"o!, !a'r, r, ,.r{ s drt. nIst sauhs Banhs- o, Lho 3'e oI hls tHo sF r"-€"1 ' 6-o rorr -ta raco tbo lasE{a1! .?,,!- uro ie1,r: arr€ rr€!rer,28. xr11 -1!6 -; rTijo:5; 2: -;; A-;1es'i , :?, "uu*".."'.'n.'3 . b€ro 6 as a nMsthoh !1d,. 9atr 11.o. s halr')L Md lan " alro. tolD c-sy 'ot sohlb (Ada- south'estgrn norays)- tistancs l,I€d- fastdr. Jodk nas 1n l,os ArsoI€B 1.y: 1, liouston(!d1en, cozoN, c1dh6sst, tlth tlE Bostoa C61tL3--or las bo noasurln€ th€ culvo! citv Msathon vsir€") 10:15.1; 2, traNa3 stat6; L Ix cous€?.,J!r cr€at 'olortoo to bo srl11 ioutsLaE-.2-l[1e n€1ar: lo r3ro!. botherod s't- hls bad b!o /: 2.7j :. rss. s ., .6; l. ."*"" "... El.11re Ed, Co!. T 1. Ray croth€rs, ccM, 66:28 6:rg 60:Il caTrsrn.Ai rl]Nt 66:40 !:.10 65:1o 2, rtn r16rroy, BAA, Bosion, llass. ! ,r!r11 7- rsy crot!s!. 19, scott. BA,1. 66:5lr Ui00 53r5lr a lean lodh€ad Com., sta8€d f, faul [, c€olse co.frsy,spdt.67:0[ 8:15 53:l+c a tlli1ns l1n13h to vtn tho 52!d arnual 5. Jolu t!ay, 9a,1, 67:U 5:00 62:13 C:thod"a1 Lo-nile !o!d r&co golnA auat. 6. Dlck Donoh6. ittaa, 67.L1 3t3o 6)tn ?. ?oto ldaldlo, xYAc, 67:39 *0o 56:19 f16r ote! tbo last half of thd couse 8. DM B6!4y, Dat., 67157 2t3o 6tt4 thlDugh Dorolr€ster and s.uth Bosto! as e. Bob Cdnrtlss, N c, 67r5c 4:10 6l:2e ho tlc!6d hls !a-T thloueh h6ary tr6Jflo 10, Dtck jtoeLe, lJD Ac6U:05 6:15 61:50 to oat.h tlont lurme! iin Ti6!reX, BAA, To.y sall6nza,B,qn, 6q:07 7:J0 60:17 ody 100 Jdds fron t]]o llb13h. se uDn btr 11. 12. csrlton constoc!. 6U:11 f:f0 6[:]r.1 13. ar confdlotu, e'{,{, 68.13 9:oo 59ttl itcAldle of th6 ll€x Yolk ac 14. Myron Bteoloc, BL{,69:17 9:Jo 62:1+7 dblsd ofJ i{th ttre 1au!€13 for tho 15. Ken l!u€11o!, B,A-q, 6d:21 9:O0 5q:2I socond sira$-ht r6ek de3ptt6 taLine e (continuod n6it laae l 'Sa. Corn611 Tulner 1:52.7J Dupros 1:51'0' 1:50.0] 7:'7.?: 1. o)_alDna 7:1.1.1: lr. s}n ?:11.3: c, DrsL€ -:lrtr.o: 6. -3ras
r i-5. roh lr"""ott, B,rl, 6B:a: 1:16 6?:oe 1?. Jdos E6sra, ccAA, 68:15 10:oo 58:lt lu. Dtrn€ l,lorclBnt, BAi, 63:1+5 6:00 62j!5 19. EI1r xrpny, BA{, 68:52 1:15 b?:37 20, 106 czepLr, cc!J, 6at5L tt45 6t,at 21, :{atty rolch1s,N€v po:I68:57 co b8,57 22, c€ra1d ctusso, BA-{, 69:06 h:10 b!:lb ?1. coBlt van Schlck,EAA@:a7 2tla 66:)l 2ll. lrn, castlo, YAc. 69:o8 1:15 b?jql 25, Noh r{alhcrs, ccM. 69:20 7:rb bi:Eo 26, Dlck ?&olard, BAA, 69:26 5:lo 6J:9b 4, Il8ncls xus6nt, Iatd,69:f0 2:00 6?:3o 20. rohn 0'Do.o"an! M111.69:[6 2:Jo 6?:16 29. Ror larsonback, ua,,6q:53 co b9:5; Jo. rdduhd como!, lrxc. ?0:05 3:10 66:15 31. E n llufut, s!a!t,, 70:111 2:00 68:1! j2. Dalo tlc,1f6€, srart,. 70:26 Ro ?o:26 13. 3.I@ ahtl, n6Ipas. ?or:? 9:ao b5:2? ,4, Rolldd DJar, fiaire. ?o:28 1:0o 19:28 J5. c.ors. BoMan, aron, ?0:15 2r3o 68:06 36. 0r.e Blaolor, ccAA, 70:li ?:J0 6l:07 J?. re6 rd@, 3,{A, ?r:li 5:15 6b:20 td. Bd ouol1otr€, c{c, 71:!1 2:10 b9:1r f9. conz816s scotto! BAAr71:57 7:oo 6[:57 40. cdol ryor, 14'1rc, 12tat ai 12:\. !.1, J.d Fltzg3rsld, S!,Ac 7a20 7:10 LL:51 42, D8n Du,rr.!, Ba,{, 72:!r c! ?::[r Jobn nlcorsnd!€d,B,aj, 6?:1!l IJ. 5:oo q4. ro€ Hohoaro, rtut., 72:lttr ,6 72:t)! 12.5t, 45. rbd rron, vscc, 7l:11+ 1:oo 72:1[ 46. cha!. Dyson, unat,, 7J:28 7:[s b<,Lr! sldrnEn, una.!71:q2 1:00 72:tE 47. 4d. rll1ru 3!ady, BrA, 7J:[7 t:]o bB:1? 49. J6bn uartln, Lrb.r,c, 73t52 2:ao 1a.9? 50, Eicbrd Dalrus, s!.Ac?l:91+ oo 7l:51+ 51. Ausust$ vrlaht. ua.7j:r-9 co ?l:s, 52. Jo6 !3!ohis, |foH Po1.7[:0h cn tll:o[ 53. c6o!s6 Younrs, eel, tt,,zd Ir,lo bj,5j 54. nob,ld cafr, Bnn, 19:Dl c. 7tt)1 55. Rtcba.d Brscr€rt,LAc,75:18 oo 79:18 56. c1.ff cooksoh, sp,^c,75:56 2:oa 7):tA 5?. Da?o DunhM, -yn A.,7b:09 ro 7F.oo 5b. JMos Da1!03. s'Dt -?6:11 6 ?a:rl 54. PauI n.cthaiy, una,,7r:14 c" ?o:1, 60, Lsn tndulsoy, P6rlas,77:11 1:10 ?5:1! 61. ll11tm Bfkro, L\c, 17:9a ca 11:1a 62. iobort stenael, csb,77:5r co 7?:51 61. arnord Der1lr,u€11.879:00 c. 79:oo 64. Jak Bred€rson, xMc,79:02 Co 79:C2 65, 8111 36ck, Eandd ,{A80t5 lj00 ??:oq 66. Va1t6! ldhdt, :1ffi, 1100 ?t:10 6?. {!r aats, ssIA_ 'i80:10 81:00 ro 81:oo bE. Joh! Raff€lry, srffolk, r5lr cn B1:5u 6t. Flucts cob@m, ds.,82:50 c. B2:50 Edol{t coblloI, usa, Bl:29 1:00 82:29 70. (dl fldsh6rE, l]C s!qrtors) t.M scorlna: 1. Bosron {r {2-3-5--ioJ 2. Cortlil Co@. a4. 20: i. North t40dfo!d crub, 26j \. sldra! ac, Jlj 5. ryB Ac, 16, 6. lG-1d.! llack, ,+6. 32 P1a.e hlros..f Noytce !!126s 10.f ]t{rlo! {V6!t dndy)
rImsBlttlri,s lolrlm xII: 3o_ra!r!I! nni x. J., sst., apr tI 21_ @..e€ fodds! retu x1Ifs strld€rs res(hed e sisranco or 9+! i1l1er, 2or a.z2o jfi <aass tmck tlat"r ro4aasu 04 ar rb! yuisl) 3t fl.o srlen countr F€e1otu1 rrlrcc srhr€tlc 11e1c. r11o a!;n slorsored bJ ;hd litddla Atlqtic 'as Iirsc- 36 lart of a kee!.ty locpl trs.k r i111trq _?ryor troD€hcriy. r.M.lrvqla r14 IUds. fo11n€n by oarr ?utherfoid io not tale rn_ to constderatlon tho mlstussu.€n€rt of th€ track and rhF ru6-rs a(rua11T coi€rod htroh nor€ yfdaao. afi,uDrsR Fi.:onrci panl 3"1c9 _ 8+_M11es ,1pri1 20- 1. E;rl xb1oo, s6stbls o., U!:l)!.2:2. cara 15:17,1.., ffreh school Re.e- 1_ x6ir rrsdlar r'6u !.3rn1nst6r, 4B: oo,
at cilffln r.].,, {r}il 28 r. un1v. or sDffr!o 17: :. rorrwr-coilear 16; :, ,rlrrod 1l..Drrta;ce rrodl3r: 1.,lrred (!a.r", wIlElGi;. rerrurJ, slect ) 11:21r 2. l.Ilorre: 'r! ffDl ..?:!!!' R€1!r: 1. r,er.ov;e. r,ol{oyF nerer Cemlval
j j 'i: iii."kr;-!+fl;,1;":f i; l:' ( sDl1lsan, "';.i. 20:]?; 2. r,euoy^ej j. tlfr;d, rnnou@ln! xsrloql anr,. f000 l{et€r l.:sj 20, 19o2 2 p. !r. ?D-1, Bsltliore, MC, Enrrles 'lifton to FoLcrt |]rrNln, 6107 1al1es Road. :alilqore 7, Lra land. raF sporis F6srlraL, ay :j0. 1962 14u1r.
s-r1 Lrr1e1d, ass. lg.ssA
cctr clilr:rlJs 10,000-wTmt Rux !.nolulu! A!r11 t- Earold Colo roh th6 ]tu'a11an 1o,00on lac€ todal at gnlr. of Ha!a11's Cooke !te1d. lunittu tlro alstd.o th JI:l+2 fo! a r;c.rd roorsse lr1s tom€r nar* ol 14:56. 2, aa1 Ku@, .16:.11j l. Jln !o:rir, l7:tr2i 4. {e@€tb nskdua..ttnes strft€! Eeo{bai Jron ih€ c.nstaat ram, & tbe 3vo? 1.veb trad€ rlnas h tb6 land ot tho ot6na1 sa6at, riY
fl:tfl;,^f;1],'1"il1' .S*,^*T*,iT:fji":."T::r1tr 1. nhrt. Elandn. oic*.', H.s. *+# +#*"e+i ;'.,. ; ';i" ,i::::; ;;:;',,;;i*, 7. ,jl". 1r-q!"!;," .7:)-.0 r:€..9, u*t.^hrd 2. Dm lhlon.r.
:. ). n4n e!c|'@! r.c. .. Jl' L1D.d.J --. sFte ifi;ia;;..1
4 sp!i.s.,br,lard
::*Y::.fti HI;"*F:T, .ti:-, Xik., o!!oh., N.r,l cloridr as ii,;i i Z.n 2a'\"\
c, trht
i.*.si;.s.' " ;'',o;;' "'6 ;;i;.er;i as, t:.?5
::ii i:i: trif*" x-:*djs:' Hl"r*.-, t;ii ;jT ;:d::i,i;;;, i;:;i l;13 li;l; ';:f 19.t.d
ii: *X
+:.*.1:":d]:'. @!k"h.i i:. 5:: l1!",
#:$i:Sa, Fri::l'i".
{:fld6!-, -nlX;H:'"
i:;8., !:,, fr::i., ,''" f:l;;; 3,:::: L)"1 5 a'"o t"i's
lraton v. z,oi r*rd:"-ii :-* i6,"*tr::"""' r*";: ;i".;. ##1:i d;,;:;.:i ?tx,fr,1"3"*i"i.;,1";*....*
]1D Pdrr! L Bulch@nr 2?:50! :. ErlG ioTEs, cdlor.dc
srrL. bqd dldec. flnd lrbtr
ii" xfl f;y".:l"rif liT.,t;itj,iT::ritil,.t!; iifl: :i"r"i.r;;.r:T" .y +x r0' th. rrn r tooFr ecrlr for ;Blindonrr v:;.,.i_.i.,1!.1fl.l:"1il.,:": i..I";,"" qdd!€ D o,p. rcr'd dr n,r rs,h. !.* ";"i *. ,*"^."1?'S,.1 H:i:LI:.iJ;,.ii""",,".".. iffiii:'"ni': tLH:$YJi,-i:"tri.,;;ir .!j.ifi.] ";;.;#:.";:,:i..t,::.:::1,: .q: : ""J.:;:,%:: $li*til{1.;li,:H;:tri:::;e"'}1.;:: uruo4b\r cold r}:h.'. ,,d :tr L;::'u-:_;;.;
dl.r ror 2n'
iudrr, rPllr 3.
1c62 Th. rt fl.aith c.!tr to-ultr. Rn- rr p'!kedrla {rs h.s. !r.3 Lh.r, d&o. cdol cNr.: 0ut_.nd_ha.t_lob€0I!..rd. 3to.! hiu,. but 5-n!k^ 1. r.!L )ll1r!, qrMfleo, tj-:;tBalt,ccc, 2r,Lo 5r,i. r. Dlck tr.1tr.., cai, ?i,!o ir,r6 4. n1.* F,&prob, CCCj 25:{o \2,L1 t. K.rt', rcii, 27t). !6,5: 6. hrpb Euchs@, sN.!. 2b.1o 5^ in 7. .,h r.!.d.r ucasr 21143 sr,irs 3, vrd.u n"drh. aH. ir,1i c. roh!,rlrftr, sr.rcth.i "?:ro 2?,ro is,ii 10. DF tul3ht n! crs, 30,12 6r,r; [. c..q. B'm, cccr 2Att5 L2. Joh! Ej, 29:12 64rtl ^hr@6,olst.d r.El0r10 Dc st.., 3.:5? &:4? *'9F r'. ,oe !"+1.'' bdu.., hpi!. H.rJ5:1.2 Food
16. !!!:nsron F8_uJ olllts g" ,:j:lc ?jrt,l 1i. nry Pl.s8d, sraR hdrlurs lA.g -1,?l
i? !t!tsr3, l? finl3h.rr.
to 1si ti
runlo! Natidsl rrfatnon rgr4x!n, rllir !d1_ o r:.ash.d nn n n. 5p!d to a 2it0 @aih.n. Dr. tashror bur cdrld
dD\nDe'bN*hrl..\' fad.d .t th. $1 hadn' r' 1? dlca rhr clr b.j!:. tn.-.erti1."_!h. rtrsdu rtd' !b1! barilc *3! .Jofu cts* 6{r I'ith c$ij1.r. rub1. tn ihr liq., rh. coniiN.d iaPcv.i. ln3 nstjonar.!eioi ,1r1+i3!: i.M.
Elliottlsr.unning strain on family . .;., wed. Hsrt Efiio{i orhr.ri. .. LONDoN, ndloD€q - itEn . veighr orcnd i..k, fin yit. Ann. scid
iiiirtJ,xlfl;irrJrc@ ad,h, Fd' il: ;"ili l'.'*. i,il 1:,'-:riFr'xlpi+"[]"i
;r"..lrlr -"
rtnsr rc rmran
"k*-, 3r*-ra
$ftdld!':ffi:,{-:q#l;;**:#*iHl h iritu
d,i:{iiffi Fdf
qfi j."I,d.J*J}i'ti
:*T:L"J"in'- #r#*idRH* i*Jlll-i,{ig!i ;'#'r*;.5#1,, lr[:i'li Jil:t"Jl {ri,iifu
j:{, *f#;"J';r'.F","-,; I'i3:,i,;;,si;i:
RhFi'F*"i+"T I irF$trii# I;1 j*'+'-: 6;q- _riJtjffi?l*t-t; #.1'*+, :i";:4; :n#.;!:c,rfl.".r4 * $foi,,ff# ;,iry# ifl #s!+,lrYr$ tt" -"n'h #i
c!o_@ 'odtli o Br(krol'" 's 0b, ' -ud n€ -3.€s. T 6 r-y€s-ofd
31r in oach €v€nt..Entr1o3 fron Jlh ranlor c/o uilxaur€€ rrdck club, 271? wiscoffln. x. xdrhall st., l{i1r3die8 11, - -. Jor@1 0€1k8rs, Tulqre rhr!e.3itJ track tsm 1n Jult 'her tt n3ats t:]€ J.ts. !. s. s.R, at st!.f.rd'.i.trsrsity, llaralsor. cLalman or] Lh6 Arr! ttack ile alectioh of r'Jt ei€cLtir. -oodY... li- Alchle Ricidd3o.!s lsrs Ltttle B1!.lr :.o\" ls no'; out. It's 02.0c -or er rr_ 5r.rla it r2rq iu e i, rlollx,ood ]ralif...Dolanare 1s1ief, A.Irs Tm [6. :s sodLal ,{c, ,.a.. ;" ,," s " . . - ,r_.lo ":;Trfis]rro rol _L r, , s."-. s 's aca,erl. oa1
'" r 0<6 o !M4... "Ld€I.o "-a 'o_1d g
.al6 r,t rE €5t Mlathorcr 6_
L.e 'o o,ins 'omu1a €o5-€d tt Dr. ' or. Blac!tu!a, nst ]!_t une pr ys) c13n: : oz., or : orr - o'o-sr Lo 4h . 6 a s-u. s8r t3.3; r6a!roo... and .r:ort3 c, er to -Ja c1n .rLsed
!6:ro$t "nla-:: .l
cor,ftr:.;s rroh 9,975 candlrql o lle :1 .:
. o ..'
te , 1-. .. T d
+ lrri' sto so eo l.i !r 'ar norl iB._s.]{.nd ra nlror6r': _sbJ -r!€!naLlor' .. - :€ "" a0..e oC Crlca6o:"s.h -'-J 'a bo-o r La*d . I ^o -"o4 .' rcsso l.q, I11l : !". costs JUB! $1,ro. / o 6, d.. .o -nq distaee lud€rs ildludar ldertltf,t4s .rt."tivos.., on !j: jn 1..","ir:.i: v.5. Ta16nt bli olynplan Pot€rl1a1 lrack T PJ I ( .vrah; Bae:^ 'r'o. d1s Di"16a d * _ "iB-"e' .n o.s bJ noc Itl1l. 1'. Tsr -ab'6:13^.ce on - t: 1l ts_rrl 'D,. r! " oy "o" bsn.o quhors: 'L o"os r' F € I u -"! o l a__, 1.8 -s f.r',re co . ci"'."r":.,rt* c6!thr, Jmeice 1., tu;$t. Tne best ruE6r fho [J.1rEu]r€e Trsc{ rlub 13 slonsorin! iho ia r.n, arr"ar :. !o p.1pn i}..i:s, nolth Ar,alloan rrack c1f,b rostal chsplo.- Brrri,]r .;:iar,e, st!d-'hE ;r rhe 1nt6. ,s .. j3 : 'is @ -oa .",' ' " 11. :. r'! . 13' o n't l:5 5r -:51 o h tn. u.S. snd cMada. Irrsta(. orelts ii. ,i"t-"r rri ;!,!osftr." """ do@c r--.sra€plocr^o"", -a. 890. 1:11,.1-oo r,''"""i" i -.c..e ". i;, . .".. . .".^;" ,,0
6e 'ffifl"Ii*'" r,. s rday.
i,li$"Hii"iililili'ff .B-oq.
*1."*. .?1:-k,o,1::y:,.Ie:""rf ai"i"."J .1."rii'i,ii.J"La "., "."t """"'a "rtn " J91 ,dos. Djc! cr.pp, "i ;o.r, rio;Jo
6h o.
r)Js psb s.ndae ,so€ tn !atn. nRt] ,
.i:3;3"vlk.flrI,:l'i"'l"li;ii h'vi; i"3i5",'..',*1"i,:f:"1*t:i:i -T:,,:: r-',i:; _*":,;"r: :3T.: ::.;,:*::: I; #,3",::.,iirT:;":':*"i"::;;1.' rDaa &
*ir a
:tr t,";i."::" ;,:? ";:",i,""::?,"'t:1" ;:i"'itJ":,:;,iH" :i"i:*fr*-i:"if""
:l:-'l:-ll--jl-l:::.-1:r:l::-:i:-:l:::' :l!:",4 l;:'illl*: ;il. 12-13!a itlr $ox Ery saElxss!, xlli yo8tr ac ";il:."'S.i'.i* {slsh {as crockod 1n 6f:11 Tl
1n lraclns :__ 2 _h. .E or . I- .. rD' 2.- "..€ r,6,rolo1rtM """ y""-:" ,;'; .i ".nlener' s18ooc Lh€r, Ird[ Lol o,s uero o
; l::. !' :ii'iI:;l"ii:: *'ffi:S" i: i;'fl, 1:':;il: l' 'u;;:19;,ir;;u,- i:'; i;i; ;,:,i:::,:", *.;1;i5*!5. i'""
jl,r,:,;;, ,;,:il":, 11,
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