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MAY, 1963




BOS]ON MARATHON Ar N"rkl< Jonir/ lerle,, d.d B. "n |(i b) tedd t-ino O<s"nen,., and rhe god ^1ed6i wrnr e' Ar.ele V".oend-ei,sL re. (Phoro by John J. Chodes)

a TtE r,oNc DrsrAliar lllc ,r ?rlBr,rcaTlolJ !01 ?itl'rilis Br RlrlJllnn3 89, rse 96-) Volr6 8. noa: s-oscrrDir. !s-.": 25. a corr: st. o a od. lctro : ". B"o;h,n ;; s, lo;1.5- ca ..- s.., \,oodos!, II.,. ;odliburors this i;ru.: tsot c!!ib, 6n!1a l.,'" .; o'-Lor'-.., :,;. B;;: ,: i;:;1;': :';,'-:"-:;,:::.




3t!11s, 28, rideh.d rrrt! 1n 2:21+.41tlr. firsr nararnon dar.at of hls 11t.. st 1 oor- &_ | -c - r" oonJ, ' 3 .." o .r: 6 c.untrlren l'lso {.1de! il. tHo rolal _ " "" ' ".d lr) "

6r.r.aj ,n" :l:iF"';'5',i; li:::':.',i:i:":,:.1::"",.", Glrl:.is, nmrlton, !!t.; ,rrn 11c:erds, irr;i, a.r..a:, rr- orrsener I iielldirr. !transt.n, I1r.; r.-u1 3. orsri.aj ldtlrans. ; LL,'..: --o "., ;::,.i::-' ";. ." Boo r o o11. rJ."r -o i,i.lrdr- ^ nrrezola, D.rY.!, 1r01o.; s.P.ur -crorog. dorn J'x313 and r1111o ,,r'.rnar, nou!t.", roi."; r.irr .tnn. r ron-,r^i.tr, ri:re!d,

e.c,r . 'Is''... i!;;;1-i;:;fi;6i;,ii"'i.;;;:i'l-i";i;i.; A Eolglar to.L}6.r.r

' \:" iiffi'i:"?:":i"";::iiiid",;i.'::ii::-

llrsri, Erk11a 6, |6 " -"^.i".r.. o.s :1.': os.s-.oB lo o'I'js - !l-l a'F.6le..o-L 3 b d !; ,s ! c6s...oco l L^. l%"a o, ' :, :6. e oo.o . o/,.oo. pap!-Y f!.n rlanddr3r rir6 1a1r.-b1o.ni{ Birdi;. "." r"on o ..r ..I !l:-" , o". ao s.e1._, 'f -t .ro c 3a norelX lt d..ir1.n Dr.i H.arr'oj6ak, th6 1o4 '6!. 3t. -c Bo.un! C'rl's'. VadJ fl.i u? brak d .J thi. fltqht 'ss :-o labo!.d John tho LounAdr ll.11.XEr1n rldc. oi toF;gralrr}" fd tlro cdusd.;i:ht11r li ?3 ah6ad oJ to orcr;!n. 1t. But 161, xho r1111ad {tth rin.. r. rhrt}n oi his s'.1bo rrr1d6 r.n n t-o" Iar. "..J ," .613 ,.'. L. s.o. o quarry lor tn. B.1qtan, tho 3tart and fsll 1n thls 6T.nt vhic:r fol1

nay.r 1o3t a }larathon. 3t111 tn c.rtrcr dr _ -1 "5. D. J,ropoaa, o Br'. 1. ,_ L ' '1 " c.o3I'o.'o!o863 non rho ren snod frldaX, hsd rar:o,1j $..t :rln. b.at.r bhd !.]Etan st Ath.N tn ihal! Vand.n.ir.1.ssch out-eu.sS.d hji tast naatrrg. ntlby had bte hill at B.c. in thlld xt' last suI@r's tu!oi.i6!n BolEred4 to at tNo r1!ut.3 b.htnd, llaca, ,'!ut,l rlnosr !ac. bX 40 s.donds, itr rirld !411sh h. .alIailcd rrlof Hardx vandt 1av.16d th.n Frldat rn on ti. f:lrst t1tr ar rlb xot.1 r,..ox, of th. iost rox.rful and sulr.no1y cDn{l- I c.u1d s.. !rr' trhlo!i:r3. d.!t strtch runs ',Ir itrr ,ltstan:., tno]ltng dom, T r.ccd1a, xh.m tha ht1]s !.gin. oantzjd Blnlla. Kllby, 24, a drsftsnan frcn cor.nhrj, xolljo a ]tolie ftn13h6d thira In 2.2],LrlJ r.rir1.g .n ii1 no!. K.11.J, tohrtd !r.t6r st. l2s

I sr:r !I!i!Lr_...nor tldrd on !lac.. lhr T rar to rin,ri

, v4tiDr



L.6 .3r o" !- -s,_!!a2.o 3b..r s.dntjn! lai.!. ii-. iad rho su63t sc.nr ot vtct.rr in n1s no3trt1s. !. !!n 1r rn6 n it nti.. ..!.b.ut a ri13 att.r irLat_.xadtlv dt co!lld!. ..1' , ..6 u", ;t h' 1" . , ior 1t]I!. rio lfo1inimri.3 or !o',v.-noFb.€ns. lii{11a elar.ec u!, !.: r ll6etinl so.ond, a strtckdn lool< !as36d 3cross h1s lnn.bod7-buri r.t.d7-.r6r hs. sled !a:t rtr. olinllo ctrdillor f,i1.3 .: . l'Lr:ln.n. h.d .ld().d dor! on hts coln zeg r:3c1.s; .id :,T1!I.d :rjr l.art, tsllrir3 !a3 n.ai.! to, it. firs! tln.- iL rno! 'rt. Isni.niri.3sch. kr.! li. . .o, .6! _LIr, co! st, 3 l6mor. *ith an f,rrals.d trali_ ,:':1"aq.-Eultitrd.3 d 'o Bdl'ro:''. ''' .-' 'lt'€ '. i. :r:r of ris B.I.A. oFic:, ac'cr.d sncotltt.': rast hln. s. d1d ths Blltlsh .l,anpton. lt11by, ard at rast. l1n. oks dn, {oa 1r tlfico ioln:r.n -tolldntor. !. ron i) :r-942, 1941 e:d 1!59, 0t ! '' -. ls ':::' ".. '''. f.r E filllr tin.. fast6st t.6vs! .onp.ts t: losiDn "?iris r:s a:rai.rn.u; fl.rd - !.s.tt1i thc ,57 (:o.o"d ,::n:o5) ahc rur rritL trolo !64a!k '56,r 3d 1i\e ijr.at63i: .r 111 nn ric.. tr !2t5on r!ner3, lt {111 raks a rlshty offort by air rr.s. rE!.: ;. bcrt lL:l.el. at ro.lr.rs in lts ir.sent frm of nind a4d nt3.If for snouri s::th. !at6 in rh. rac6, ltrtsr.e1 donaltj.on. !'I hld itlfld I ro 1lud.nd!i6ss..3, I s6:3.d !r.rx ririr in. EtLri.tleE iad r !.nt t. !n. tu:Latar ran'rai w6iy s.ff$l"T. ruE on a stran'.rk. h. r.nor rr. ,:d a t.dd str.t at Ya rh. top lIacc. Tbat {ou1d nar. b6rl at ar.!t Th.. hd r.ic!6d fd! hon6. u. {as l1k6 e bulr o! trd rd 3tfatdr, I far luLling xitn ollslBn about 2os bahind btn sd rillbJ 1rr. rh6 l rteyed ii roa coz.l lr lctilrg th6 Boklan 6.t arati ftur n. cut in n.116s1j, Irn e 11ii;r. I dtda't .xr6nd nrs.lf llct t:ra: I !or:1d rut h. nlshi hano t!!3d .1d r...rd of 2:20:0i,Ii ]|.1 I.i arer fron .hd !t;h, on.rt..] {i1ry or tn6 h1}ls, cauahi lido lfora. cdr'){l]a B1-1sr oo '6. - 30 -. Ir',a'o,. E Mo!. 3q. "B\t n.bcdy ras s.t.s r. catch tlo 9.161an, i gr1m.d {'U6t. rroncs h. se!' thr f,thioFlarr c.!Ld bo :iad, nc to.k olf llk a rook i; to th. mo!,rl .ri,:ilNtartritssclll

llar.q.n is a.ictur6s..u. r.lqidf, t.ln of sotu 1f,000 souts, Locat6'i ln rlB lox lands Dr lJ6st flLanddrs ir th. nldst ot a 1a!sa Tt xs ncu.bboF ih. s1t6 o. H1. dled duxtne 1J.r1d iiar L lt3 JlinciFal t.x,r1105, as:lcuIcua1 Aoods ch., \rnni:i brraa 3ts 15 :r.ars aeo at :rr &qe of U, r.. r.3 s nli.ilo-dl.str.c. (ts.lr & 1500 net6rs) @n t:r6r. but soon :Is talsnti iie .ac.s, lto rd h1s flxsi narathon rn rn. 1956 olynlics It alro !a3 ih. flrst illo h.'d 15 dlca & hls sir ailos. !. flaisb.d 1lth, r! tio xadc w., bv l"' 3. 'D' od|3 os, on1] _Ltlls r. o6.o1o!od s l8lr . ", "Idn b1ist,.r elt€r :c ni16s & !a'i th. ot1.3 las to li€landjs tsrtd r,I1ry tf, !0s in the tuopoan GM.3 at B.lEradc resi of rGo 15 r.ars, es s b.okli..!6r in .!a oI tlr t6rti1. n4113 Ir vd'.&n. 81s farh6! j t. oor s. . t-o..., .o :, , psnt. ,, ) a.d f11{ 1. tlrndris tral4ne const3is or tb.e dal]j x.rkoute rcr e toiet ot l+0.i11€, ile :!sca Rt 4 ilrst s.sslor! has Dothar do ddtn€ l:ts 1llnh, dd a rlll 6n l r-s I d : r:6 dval :,- Ln s u,j. clr. ttu pett6rn tlroueh oar !1rc fordsts. That,ray I kror I! {!11 tut sto! halfraf, b.causd I ilar. to g.t h.m tn tin! for hX n a1,r'vard_J oeld.


::',:'j-i':,":.i ;iillirjill$"ir];;


ssg Ta rie Victor Betotres


c$ffi .



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,, .1:+'i;;; , ' i'".:ii:,:fi;i,i;i:i$i : pllrrr;trtn::;'x*}i'ilt" 5t:*;p{':.t*tlll*:ii"rlti;,. ";i,,"::";"-tljli.,,fi"i:::,:!:ii: .b"* .i I"-- s - 0 a. ,



- onalda. x.braskai vDcb 9!n (_nooo.) coalral InL.rco'..glato cohf.-0.c. T&t cbmplonlblps &rolla,e Ir.IMd sloah Lrn.d tn !^o iop crocilia. LHo -Jt6s In B:ca.- [o .'as. Is €r. ot o:15.. 2. Doh L3dtn,]oa!-olo Gorr nars. r. Lo,. t 5. C1d6m6 n.er".. Elloo!La..ull.rom carl.n, Ei!a_la, L: .".7 (G;rr tr: o.o by c3ht.n, 962)! 2. Iloland sloan, e1p; 3. Don r,akln,fli; Ettr 5, lolo EDs., Sri (b. fD_. L. J.!a 880_ 1. Joo 1:5,.2 iRoc_ (o161;n p-6_ ;Fd o- 1:5!.o 6s,. t, 2. c6no sros. -1..f.c1: 'dr.t.s); r, [apor's 70; 2. -o!r ."r' 7:r r.orada Lolj L. va6hbu- ,1.

T.ras aa,y b8, r.iss..t1o99 a Rrc6 L) Rou^ron, Iard. _ '. ro,i.a.lrn-.r. r..cs, _::2.5r 2. ;T: !nor_ ,..0'6 1&14. l:a.6r ). Crloo ., Aar. q:10.E: L. cary hl" oi, 6iss,lr:.1,.9, g!g- l. Jld s.tusr'Ba, fir', :5tr.?; . F.,5gi ralry ntod.a, 1,ii,., ,. !d. 1:56.J,.2-l r.- 1. Jo ,scnt.. -.ras, aa Blls Lsr, 4&i1, ':1o.o:-rGdJ cn13boln, T6xas, 9:54.0, 3OB yrr -N, 11rA tbnr.r.r, rp! j1-on. 0 ar!o. rs --d rov rodora,] s.^,.'04 Io -mds ot 6lnoLls. R.h. . Aq cs sd 3t In dr."ro ' r_ Joli oc ']r .arn .s o" r€ lDbllcatton snould contect hin, Ma! h 9 Bofdo! !1h.1ca ----]rnlr.rs!rr Dtvlsror- 2-v!.- 1, .o ''i,'*--L.A'.D -. .o. 2 o: D-bl 16r, co -.1. tr sr'a;;-: De_di . r.-, o."r 2. cao ?'t 2 r' laea' . va-t!!, bo.5ton, 9:19.9r -. D.h 3 Do !. de lo f, ( .6r. lr0,05r |c, a:r7. 4. a1 Leir.n.., ao '3ron. o:13.0j 5. -L.r. E6a! 0's rllr"h. \0: -j 6. .. y,D!.x..-.:.,qr {Nv.9:_0.0. , 86 i. v. s'r-i r:0-, a , ,:r- ri ), !!lq- t, Bobtr'1-a'.'., o'off lralk r, l, !:Il..9i r, Marrr, s - rrr: o-" l5j . Io 1 ". s., 102: l. ,u car_. r.. t6t. 61 !:1o.-t lrad6, St4!, l:16.6; 5. a.l. -11roc-. 1o1 F-"os coL'\'DY .at{? o\ "D. 4:16.a (pAc.:61,7!.:oB.-, ,:r,t i . at Hanllton farX, F6b. 2f!d- :r. Jorrn 8111ott..21-M f1.1d.1..880- 1- Brrin Bolton, sl4u, 1:51,1, 2. fiiceio"" r.tds, !1naL@!, l5:51 (scottish s'cnas. chanpton); 2. 11r6i,rr \rood, 3qt)5 lats1t53.3j 3. ttzrt !u!c.", acc. 1:E1.8: lt. d 51l r r.c o! E I!r!o, tcc, -t5\. t 5. 1. jaoss '16T.:ss s dao e e :55.2.. f.M: . icc "r)'_t. tl. 6 :6M utt.l : .1. a dr -'3-,r/\: 2. \.\s3 ^*,r', tr t\ ./ j ). ".6 1?Ir !i r. q.u. q. r.:as Jo+i de". 16:.1: 5. ".. ^&t1 o.2aj o. sy 16. 16:!0..1r. a.t bca'..d1 eo. col!ds. D'!ts or- _.s!: . 1dra3 loo; 2. rsd Tr.\ 501..2- .! I -o usa i.3d: r4oE16 ua \" 'tt c.ji"i", t. .-.r.ir""l';,8 z.'e;;r 8".. Ldr'" h, a:10..: j. Di.i .ls.!- b'ret 5 s. I br / ^'orra .: i a' 6

" "-; DD14 r- N.:,iR, +iFU Lo.D r{,j v;ii:,,-s;:-;;;";;155:d;.,j :,-i," i.r. _ r,!rblh.' Pa. (rainount rarr.) Maldr 2l IMos.'lsd rcci, 1_o;il:o:.l!11.- 1. r;rcs pn.,a.,

-a_e- ..t , _:10.8-:d" 16.o-o, .ld ..co-d lt: 1,-, Tan 5.-rs .. ,M .. , r, 1060r' alo. adaa, -6l 3 -o -\.-r. y.rloo, lr: _,5r l. r.t. va-u.. Lrna, u. o. l,:l?.lr l. tlLt_lAht_oor, qc-dl.-iLmoE, 4:20.61 5r lr'ar" 1r:2?.?..6U0- Mayl ..ob"o". I.rs" 10., r'El.r; 2, ysJoF AdMs, T6*sr ,.,, tt(\,tt l. Js.E l4ol,atchlo, LMa! Toch! r:51+.9i 4. John luoas, st. larard,3, 1:55.1j 5. taj Isb.dy, south'ost Taxas, 2:00.1, ]llEh School tttlo- t. luoo Izacu1r.6- Bro,n-" M. a'cil6,





.nor6r KL.krood oI"vLc(o!la.r.via6o

!:rr.l uo -:28.!.



ftdoo-., :5 ?:.0 Fb-! " rs . 6 \."td.Ps. : 5: ! oa' . .6tt. ron.Aldar,-s,,_d. !o:J. 2.:. 60jL0 "h, . pDo€d.,r, s'ar,"r..o^. 1Io.6r.ur. Pe. o:, btltb Jlrr.ss'orlDat, pIlC, lr:/ 1!:!b 16: . 8o:rb DIiF- Stu Iltssi4].!, rl.c; Etlf, Eo14.s, Ph11a.j !!a.k tro11r, !trl1a. r !6or D!dh.r, fbl1a.; rutn6r 3tr!c.11.,ph11s. '. 2, l. 4. 5, 6.


Ie':"' +'.b"

',- iii,ir:.. ; ';5"

bJ ) o Ys o" s \o-o.Uk. rs'a sl,a ui i.ua"o. I - '. r_ rx " v6v drro^ "o-y" .o ?oo, r, .oo. .r rolr

Flra runnols drollad out, to tL lthd.t ray. !!r Thd rldors tra!o11.d.v6r tho v.sFr B.C. do!?s6 tutc.. tuior l+-I1i1d {out & hon corrsd. alon! E. Fltai-niG, ratfnouhi rar!. ) r, Iiav. Ironsj FMc, 17:12i 2. niotr Fr.ftn! ncrtttoh, ?e,. 1?:29; l. tlik rolnanlckl, Rtd1.r !drr, !a,, 17:L6j [. Jdrra Ross. Iicodnurf,J x. J. , 1d:00i 5, Brtar :rarrieton. c1aftor!. nctalro. 18:16:6_ rdia r'tci..11., ilhlr..ton, r.1r., 18:1?! ?, Dsea :rl.co11! r C, 1!. 7; B, rrlkd cd'1r. 1B:l1j !, rin cotlins. 1d:r€j 1.. 1o. 81ar., :IB:L9;11, charl.s 0'Donn llJ r.nitiou, ra,, 18:57i 12. ErlI Dohqhu., i,.rltro{n, ra.j 19:20i 11. ?au1 !-ra.hr. l.riitokn, I'., 19:a7:4, rd t6\a., r9t5a. r5. Horr c.ur, l6vitto!!, !a., 19:EJj 16, charl6s ?11rr, lrisi.1, ?r.r 20:95; 11. uarri. 01.ss.., r!6n.i., Pa.!21:09! 16. Jo6 roldr Frd16f, ?a?:rJ !a,, 2l:01.

;,;;;; ;;;;-;;;;;-;:-;;;;;;-;;.-


95, ca1:iforla 61 1. san Jo:. Stato {'rrdtliro: [8.1. cIr.au f.L9.7. J:41.8, :-u.k r [:.b.5] 9:L?.o i,aw ^zov6do rd1a_rs r.cord)r 2, stalrord 9:[9.2, ], californla 10:14"0.,2-Mt16 ii.lar: 1. sts {ti.6au, L6I511, oloothorf, Tuok.n) 7:ll,l; 2, shsnrdrd 7:37.9; 3, carTrarn1a, 6:09.9, (]{6! R6lars rodordl."lrosh tlstend6 r,Ldlay: r. sJs (Rorndtr.8, Ge!rlrcn! !ra!k1ir, T.frl !0:05,9j 2. roorh111 cotl.gej l. californla: l+. sta.fo!d, No! fi.xIdd 106, IrrzDna 19 at Tuc6on, 2- litl. 1. Jlctr !ud30n.1_ 4 14.8: 2. rohr !al;t Mx, t. rorri r,acr.i A.,2-ir1r.- r. i,1ord coIf. m4. 9.LL.?: 2RQn-s-ifil:bror, I'rl J. rd Ko;sth, nM:. r. r.ro E!om, \.rr, 1:i6.4."!h. nobosr !!qiln nafud th. first t1n. tn lL jaa!3 urai trr. Iltlla clnd.r squad b6ei Arlzone ,rrlzone bar.lY .dR6d ur6 tolos iesi r.ar, 66-65" rrcLr 88 at sar Dt.so stat. 52, fiarc! 9(Jtron: rlr'js) !ri1.- 1, ]rtz.t. Uc:,(. l+:rJ.l+r ,. ul1.i::!cr!r, ra:2c.Ij ]. iod.r5, SD, l+:l9.o..Bro- 1. l'raL). UCIA. r:q6.6,2. !ors1.rucna, r:5i.?r L Ilrr4c. fcl,r" 2:00.r..2-l:r10s- 1. uontsrndrs, sD, .:Ip,2; 2.-51-;;, s!, 9:55. ?: J. comro6, nd,A, 10:05.L. srrlFonr xr\l] Bm cnorr nrrls L:o4.7 Los A1i03, C31rf., l{ar.} l- staitord q1, Ir.lno Srar6 4t:, oraeon stat. trl+* et ldoihil1 Jullo! co11oc.'s aslhaliJ rubt.llzcd t!ac!. osu's !4orsM Grott!


4:04, ? n11.. Eh6 sirona JounR so]lh lMpdd th. .rbor1.n., .d tk4t rrcc511a .f st*rford 3oo,ed, rroh ,horo, lrry @e.r eae. u! btrt

ro carcl th. ora'o. rumlne 4:05.6 hrre.if. tho onthusiasd xbl.h onabbs nin to lun 12 to 18 qudrr.r! 1r 613 cadh oa v.6kdajs dd !2 n11.i a!.!y satuday & sundat nost of th. J.rr, ftotn could bo on6 of th. e!.ar oh63..1, Harlsn r.dr.He, s, lr:12;o: 4, r6rr-j BradY, osu, 4:16.1: 5. Flck L:5.0..680- 1. xoh 1: t1.1: 2-or lrIrtz- s. 1:51.1+: l, 3111 P!stt, sJ 1:51,5t I+. s. l:51.6: co1plLts, 0Slr, 1:91.8,.2-r,rtIo-9"1.Iahtaul 9:10.6 T60;last LLol: 2aich cuddt}1t, oSU, 9:16.o; J. j;hb !.ck, s, .:2[,7j I J.rrr Bladt. os!.



! !1215 i-5:_1l.IIL_{1r4cl-d. _t.9ii_8.9.__



1r:04.1 l.lIIiE

Ix L.t.


l,.s A!e.16s, Uad 2l- Jl, B.artT. for th. filst ilna thls J6u, coart.d tl a [:0L] elcto!! ln rh. id16 lun today tsri1o com.ttrrar n ado.d .ntlant 1b a dual na.r b.ts6.a occid.nrat co1r6a. (9[) ud th6 lassd..a a.a,(t?)..u110- 2. Ro^ Ldri.qr r,1rc, !:r0.2; J:-Tboa. os. 4:17.J..q8o- 1. Fansr, o, 1:51.Ir 2. Sohul, l,{fc, 1:52.2j .1. Pod.!3.n.0. l:52,2..2-U116- 1. Jrh cle11.. rrrc. B:50.€r ::-EdE s.Ma!, urc, g:0r.9; l. :iIsahs, mAb.. 9:29.9. b-M11. t.t tau nu, ti{sch 24, 1963 1. John !1oer, YorLlrd, X.Y,, lr":o8.2 2, FY.d BoBt, CJTC, \2.2a 3. att1l5 atraY, Bdfalo. rY. [l:oo )!J:22 4. Valt.! coordr, ti,lrac, 5. aba Fo!r,.s, ILrc, id:25 6. ndolf crub6!. Aust!la. !]l:tI roh. cdlolp, rlllros. x,a, l!r:16 7, u, Dlck clepp, !. Ilontolari,nJ.u6:18 c. Bloboan !sd, :,a33au cc, tib:ll 1o. vln K.rn, n t9\ 11- l6m.tt c.lstden, Plinc.ton. J{.J.. 12. Jo6 ]aesl, St, Anth. Bc, 4d:5r; 4c:00; rl, Jln No1d,, rw?c. tr9;t8i ].]]non Brctrtnsto., u4ft.d xrr (lst Jr. ). 50:51; 15. Aldo scardurar MiLlroo. al, (]st v.tl, 50:5?; 16. ron! n tlr. ulllrds. AA, 51:3tj 17. Dtot6! a.xnaD, st. Arth. Bc, 52.3tt r8. E n16 n6da€11a, }rt11ros. N.a, 53.35t 19.

20. 5c:oli (5d

CDs Kott6akos, esnd St!'.1 Bot3, r.t) 6r:00..DN!- Abo Issa, I'I1I.AA, Johh to!€, St3C, Althu rrort611, &ook1Tr. I{.Y. {co!t1nu.d )

rtlaska h5d 1i6 onlr r6!!63.ntatir.



!.!.A, Marathon tr nuctr-r.sv6l.d a!ch116ct sdott risifton, a natlv. of lfti1. Rddk, fron corndll and ,qs a nhod3e scholar ar oxtold. scott rda"6rr.d b. dldn,t tlnl.h tho rrc.. bur h. $c!1bod th13 ro 1rftlistI.r .n traldle at I&h.!_ hai b.. n actle.tiutsiilrs drr.cto!. "rn.r l.m plovils bs; _fdob or51d.ralks {b.. r l,ft, " ,ro .*p1€1n6c...Dr. 16m.u_ a. coop.!, J:, or ,bo rrsia6d to! rh. Bra rac. tn h1a latorarolJ at lafald school ot lDbltc n.a1th, finish.d ardmd ljlo. DI. coop.r dot hirsrlf in shap. h .16!_ c1s 1n5 1n Bn.x!.riir.nrc1 con!r.3.10n cha4r.r 31nD1at1ng condlrlon3 11,o00 f66t aboro 3.a 1.ro1..,S,.ldo b..h unr.coAnizdd bT 6o nanx. Th' cronds n'?i ?otnrirq ro rho uhusullY ]1ich rtrt.r of 272 0n rr.1. i.adho: of tnsllsh - a.c ihd fi!3t flrjsl!r6qu1r6 rh.3alric€B _ ral]tury {dr16J a}rsTs of 1.11-}L'&s.ea.ot.:Supl^s - ,nDtu1]E tl]r.larr rh. ht11s. r k.nt loodai iJ.r rw sh.Driar. bur r i.a11t didnrt rant to 366 anabcdy. n and (I vas rDiilnE riih B!1an Ki]rJ "o! q L1i. a q,rlr. oi .orrad65!.!!, ' h..-rtrlnlf :,a3tr't t.!rlblX ..d .. 6 i o :s,-, .4,::olur:lad ri.x.r t{o tohtlos of ora;E6 po!, :o tl6 dr.:sic ouu.6rs, I:st,q f1r;,t - nxn tr!3rsrrs...Fo! t!.ak, fasi r4cd irorlhq, vand.ndli.ssch. had t.ast, st.alr and i11l!. Thtr !.s labdris fir3i t"1p to thts countrx. irls trtih school Str1ish sto.d hIn tn sood sidad, btrt durs6ry1o.3 of l1b6!t Yen Sr..nq and as3lsrant !,.ln 1nal ^.rc6n, 1lrq, i3i Scl cro{d alo '.1.. Tlr' tL. xTst]].^ a 10& rh o to .5c.!.n,. of th6lr taroltt63, Tt6r roa11t 3.und.d ota rh.n JoIn 1r. (01d Jc!-) r.11.r jtnslln he r. it 1. 8[th llaco Hltr- a ttur; of Jir2, i,I knor lr at l6rsr '..tt.x tbar inat,r, 3atd th6 foh."_rxo-tin. o.. of thos6 day3 ,h.n I o.urcnrr r.el1f, z'r luMJhs.i' rt xdll.a *33 disappolrt.,i, d re bJ n tuels dlsaslDa lf b6 rd b-^ becl fnr a LtE r!!..rsn.. in r:ro raca at ai-. 90 rn t.!j, rF 16ltlod: ior coDrs..'..,r;r atr rt!r tieaast ch6.rs of t.. da7 tr.E to John Tolrhto, Ualthm,

th.J flnlsl6d tho last 5o ya!d3 s,l.uld.r to shoufd.r lt]!€ s!!lnr.lr. itlc fom6r rtmlh€ th. !.rso,al du.1 for spot ln th. hleb do's.,.John ' Slatt.rx Jr., 2o-voar-old s.n of th. c.luty 3trp.llnt.ndont ol Bosion ?o11c., !a! barrfoot.a flon flo{ton l,oror F,11! & n@g.d to con!f,.t6 tho dotrrso h I hls. 50 n1n6, s!at5 ltutoa b ssdats. Igturlng tl. adllco of JoDru: John K.lr.r not !o tra lt. Tro116 nil.5 fror borc rh. saadals d131nt.arat.d...JohMt K.11.T (!h6 t1d6!) u4rn1t tho onlr v.i.ran !uMr! ln rh. BAa or,nt. Do4 notnlck' of Ualy1ahd ttnlshod 618t. 2l llaoo. dr6ad of !1d.r E.ll.X. Don alvays xaB . .onr.nao! 1r th. tolo8 and .er1y 1o40sr althouSh 1n hh. Bolton JoE shc. 191+?. rn.! ho rhtsh.d 16th. xaiioml lo-kr1on to" chdpton ln 191+2, Don,g 3,44 acri.r.n6nts @. thtld 11 19111 b.trind r.s lafton and l1de" Ko11.y & !out\ in 19[2 b.h1nd Jo. snlth, I,ou G!.aoxy and carl Me]rorot...Th. blor lss 36v.fo onoueb for th. lthiorlarE rhdn fi6v fln1sh.d flft! ed 12th. But th' nar. lto !.df,ly suftolea ls Dr, l{a !.n rut1d, sho bosrad !a11. solass16!5 le1a.o clar'is. D!. Cnt1d, lho flnlshod 54rh 1n 2:55, ttn s 2:56 coftoltJrg hls euo3rs, lound u! as a li1-rslcsl c4sua1tf, of th. 1or€ 6!ind, dI16 chd {ounds ot th6 Etl olteE v.ra stllctrt of p!1d6, soruttno duriDg tn. lacd D", cltlc asqlavat.d e h6norrhold sd rho n6ir ndrhl4E bls con{iltlon rors.nod. By noon th; docto! had tarr.n oft f.r tha ?at6! B6nt 3114nd !Io5!1ia1, rhe.6 b. ls a h.nb6r oi th. ktdmf, trar,s!1ant t6m, rh.E su!g."y vas ldlfomoa. "lho bons (BlLlla arC t.1d.) r.nt 1! rlth hh,'r U!s, Gulld sala. "nnd 1 t]1tnl< th6r d!. hcr6 !.rt!!b6d tha4 $aE.n tr. i...Tho lthlo llans ror't be conp16t.1y nrel€d Mtt1 th.J er.6 u! for th.t! ir6tatr.. or Patltots' Day. Thdt urdlr.srlnat€d th. hlllst ploblrr1y und6r.stlmr.d tns cd!.tttlonj dd Dnqu.stilnably oydr.!r abll1ttcr and 6ir6n€th. Thay toolr olf Llto scuod rdt]rlts aft.r tno rtlst EtI. ad rh.y l6sLoo 1t tl.i.deh 1?.5 a11os as thouih 1l thcy com hso! rcrt X6ar -NA1Cfi Om ..,J.hmr tr611.y th. Yourr:6r 6!anr tnts Slrlna h.Achlls flTo d&rs r r..j & att3rdhe classas et r6!k .n his rast6rrs d.gr.. at ltsht. s. !a3 ro11 siolt or conp.titlon y.t ho fln1.h6d s6oo4dr llmlng ond .l b-13 bo3r !ac.8.

: -


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id$'l'l'i];,*!l3l *lBil"A


:: :'i'";:;_.;;_:,.";. li::

1! tl8 amo@16s ut.!1 4i minu!.s lat.! rh6n o'sara !M ,.iI.dtdnrt roaltr lun o good raco.tr Hasn't a fFqi tlio brt I ha,.n't"Itb.on dorns nuch trainhs thr.ush th6 1nooo! ;ars."-' l{99-.1. lrl1 crotn6r3, u. of foronto.



;iilr#ijr :ri:!li:i;ii""i:ri?.as;i:.




.lllir:lr!i:i.:i.ii";i ili:rii,i:;i;r. +t..":



r"il:l:.,i;i: ;r,:;:":::li jti;ii;";:;;,

rim+,sfiffifi# *:J i*:i.:jiij"ri$i':*i-.1,'

6#',.i:iH:+#"i.f,'il1:,:l i1::"*,,".: ru.rit.y, sr, John,6 u., !rJson, rr. of Rochdst6!,e:12.[! L. i2:1b,9.

LM 1e r trddr) 1. Bruo. x1dd. U. of roronto, 4:oe.7 (;rdou!1cs r. csnadlan +:4.4j q*P+:+ii#**#;": ,. J. v1cl..rs, s111 Pdk ss. $;.';;,:i: : t:H_ rDr6.n !auIiba, Witrl]los; t. Joa, Bs_

ii5"jl .I?i:;#*;j: "'it,i:,"f;:; "":ri$r*l],""I"!;ii';"j;J#.'ffi : flif;., 4i ,, rBrror. Eyrc, 4:2!,1, 5. i. D;r_ ftft"1.iff:.i,:61;:. ,+:2J.e' 6. ri

llot.s-_0rIala fleF6e ho,s h.&dod for rn. r-64 olrnplcs 1n lol-slo I ororl a roe. end on. man ta 'qnt,63 trlnLs f

:t'"slt""';ti,:,::'Hi"l:":.*"T:il0!saa s s1d. iA.'s

Eot nor6 5p6od llsn Br,co. roo 1! at-hJ. b'6t. rn rh. lorgd! .r..r6.', Croth.!s

is"i, ;;h": ;il_,"ij.:i,1il".i: ::,_

'.i:i:;:ll;:*,i*i:*r+;i:i:, _,;,r

:ii:iirlU:",*"{iii j;1itil#:

.+i*l*iffi#t; iti*#+a+''ffi**

cros€6o rh. knourtcs alr a3 th..v6n_

lnA !or. on. Ir 1. qulra tik ly rhai



;{,'"ifl :"-} ;.::i$""i:.fl afr.ct.d tb. co4.ritcls !!o'1dod tone sJt.r a1i

srw.1od aroud th. tlack in i ctiar i6.€3 laea. rt or rho .ar1"-;, _ 1r\5 hoDrsi a dlmf'-ttt lraclt risp!1nl nadtJ as rbo offlcdrs& k11r of E, ! h.16 36b.. _R'y

;$j';"i *;:.*i: i:,i:i: ii:.sL.* tb ord @!k of t:59.0.

*ffi;r**;$.r+,i **,f#ffitl=;,';-', *f; i *i,i.ffi


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12ih r!INUr], &rs8 r6fl, 10-)CIE




s?osorsd bt P$ad@ D.'a.tm sudry, ll:rch 31, 1961 - lo.ro r'!' llookice fur. P4ad.a, caliJomia

hd lld Errls! !14e !4!a l4!_]3! 1jttJo 2tt\) 41tr5 61". 62153 r. -.turis E. !ore, 2, !.4 E. 38aut, Lr r!3€1.3 tc. . ..t. t6t2a 52:13 61159.. 49ttr.3 t6,r7 3, rlul@ J. I1'hry, c.f,E! clit rc 5t$ t4ta3 flt4, 6911? ),.3a 3rr5 53.U+ 69tIA t2:44 4, R.r@nd r. larrh, 49121 tatzl rp!& r3llot Ac. 3?:3A Srttl 1.CA t. Jt! ilo.Fu sr., 6. I.re x*e1!e, lrlrc.,....,. -. . ,ct. 34,)!2 ,3tott 69t36 .e, 34142 53rA 6t:50 5liro '\t)e ?. .ror.?! trLr, 2taa 3r2, ,2tt+3 69trr t)tr\ 6. nl.ch.Frr s. ortit, 9, Om! t. Xat J!., c.1 Polt... ' 2t?o 3r.29 ,2.56 ?o:09 t!rl9 10. lhtltp 9. cl$k Jr., cc.{c ... ,tP J3t23 5!:!2 1o.U 51tA 7o:t6 bair6 !.. Ita r.lrbod, ccrc.......-. , ,. 3:@ 3?'It 51tr9 ?ot)+1 tL:t+',l 12. chalt.s or6mhalt, St8 rebsa ]|0 2taa 35.|A '1:i3 4t.D 3t+:3, 52t49 7L1o t?r16 U. toldd r. s$.t r, 14. Iradalicx n. 1.Lt, r.asdea M.. 6:)a 32:3e 5r.3r 'trt2\ 59t5r

lt. Job' roealch, 16. Psul l, Pi!b6t, 1?. i@rd ,. ,oltd, 16t rrukft r. I Jo. l, Ct&*ap, m.r@€|h!. 21. xddie r. nefar, 22, tl.h4or l1.h, !613r t!s. cIub... 23. {tl]l.e i. lJ.lf8, c$c.. . . .., . ,. 24. loEld r. I!d) &et . 25, 1rl@ shay' nltlGo $.... .... hffi


Jt3o 411' ,t)o 9:3o r3,0r) 1t:00 :.ltc, roloo )\t3a ltaa

53ttt 1ltr2 tt"? 5)t5' 72.t9 56tr9 7215) 52t55 ?2'13 doi:e 'qt)d '4t)5 ,r'0o ?2153 &:24 2?!0r, to!09 l3tu 13:rL 30:12 t1:3r frr9 46159 26t49 5A'21 ?r.oo ?4:0c :12:ot t3:jo 15.\2 67112 t52 15tr2 72t, 3\tll ,6153 'ra, 19:39 631J9

35"5 )it42 )5tO) ))123 lo:t,

!144, 1





,.t r 'r', c.-q, . c;!, a ....... 'tr. ':r, )5:a2 ). -0 F sr hp 1 -o€'" ccrc..,.. ....' .. 6:)a ,t l)! tre falu.b, -.1.. llcholu rrti, L4rc., ,,,,...,,.. .*. Jo:)r !"8;;.L * E;.,!ot-arsl D.tuls !.!s.n L tb. lLndt h @ra lt rool ur ' iJ *'.ir .r u. ir,:'t, irlh BlL i1d'w &d tu' Dsln h'1re ?or zin.i'.ii r.; d*," -;s. Frcr.. pacr 66 r.$omllt r'! uJn sbr. tb€ b3llrc..r Laa roE Hl.ccu6 ud ro' rrr* rho 3_bed ' r'1' *. *""J *. r,oo.r*.";o ;i-*; u ih. orss. rno^ ro--:o n l i-- i. u*i.r.u., tbe !de\-d |]s Mr.d !s.! &ids l&D deP{&ble P i er*ke, ia. r.t_r" r""* t.r.il-* 'i-*" ** **- "o;rudril$ :. ld' ty€rftb RoeB ,od ih!6c-14;!e! , !t4q fritr r"o v*o* c(,rc . !,ts vM 5':0e r.Bs6 . ,e,rr'r 'r.i' r.cat -&' -5:'? 5 !:-u i6!i [i.* ci",;i.aocart 10-16 . . . . r1:r{ rr.i' . b;i, isi; !.; .. \4 'f' 53 :.a u-u ieri p.rui, sl c1*i6 r.., (cac .4:r. t&!: rrb€d 'o!3 r@;


Ravad D. k B;ho"d r"s,

.'... iii*i;i.i;;";, c;.;,t,c icrc ii4i i';; iii i"b;; D;J., ciri . . . i;:; i":; :Jc. . . . j;;d ;;.:;:;;;: :;;-,:';;;;;.; *t. . ..

r'ut*, :i'or.i ta.i: "r"o Rob"d con! ir'u.z ttr:'." ,r* r**" rq'oi li,r6. .tu,

)':5)'3 )r:m


r<-u r?-rl

)5-23 t2t)^.1 "-16 ,3,11.0 i;.i ;"r";.-;;;.;"! ) 'lr'r r:-'5 x;, ccat. . b,',' ii: o;;;. i^ oii.-,,-a. r,*"-i r . . cz:ts ra6l: h.o R. -scen {a'5o'3 ):- ' -../0Ddi_Lo 'oo s . lllzab.r'. :-a:';.5 .1., !i., .s'oo L.,2 :r'd "1 t -l se-s ': .. - 11.e 'IIa_'_0 c. ", \'' ful€_:.-''



Brii iifrig






,ffiffi:#,ru*'w-**;;i'nx = fr rif }t=ktrffi t-*i[****,*,ti;

ilr , -6;:;.-;-:;-:.;;.;t; &vr.' "i.:';"1:;r,.:.:i* li: :.:, iir;i" "* Ug ;,';: ':" ,-,-,,tt'tt;1ti," ,ll:,," :rj.;1:;:i : i{l;rj;'r-::":ld.ij.{. i:::l'i r il, "!a141:,+,"i,iJ :i f;1=#i': r,:ri. r,"i;;;';;.,";,i;i:;*:"; -,-..,-"..:,,; ""t "!_!,:,!'ei ;;",,"" ":'u1",:; ;l;"i;: i;:: iil:; rtri1v$ Mlks r! sdr*;.j ":+::, J "r.:,^';"_,i' -: ." :,--- ., '-


"-;. -- :

t i,i. ;;.: ,n ""

-. --- - - ,," 1 ,,; ,,.", :" , " " ,:::"



i i'r;

l;d*1,,ffiffi ;..++*'**l****l*f*ffi

iionrr", raotuou 1-2 rx tln-MrLE - cotn. llth no & I it.cld.d to no6 up th.!. and r'!t. intloduc.d n to !t.d xolrts, {ho rlso ll?.s tr Biockion' and th.n I rcaUt ,.0@. .ntbus.d. xo pup1l .v.r had a ior. 'If I hav. anythlng o. tI6 ball at all I ov. th to brn. Did Tod not1c. nin pu11IE E alon: r.dBy ,nt1l h. h'd to br.4k

.!ae.d ty uo1d6, ras loth rn 71jlt3. Ilolroy, pl.a3.d rlth hts lsrfornanc. atrd tralnlls lragld ldadtJ8 up to th. BA,t, is tllo onLx oth6r s.ratch nar to oatturo to! EoAors rbat lrB h 1954. $o1d.. a 3tr.d-1ln.d 5-fo.t t, 112no cod!.tltlon for tl]6 tin lrlz.. Mc,4!d16 (5d:161, Brk11a (68:lLI+) and x.u6y (99:rr3l v616 ot56" sclatch hdIriduals. :It ra3 :hd flrst -;;t ttn tha rlxd. f3c. had as n:rl .s ;ii; ir" f.u!. -{ fiftL, I.{qllslnan rY6d I.rrls, too rouac lor li.rr3aid rrorris, 1nd Bob {lthdr.r lr1cay n1€:1i bocaus. ol a c,nDL.11 pur16d stona.h nmc1a, "..d.dnarPthon. . st 3ot a aclrIt xas 6st1@r.d bX E.b Ceq:.11 thct r!ound ;f flso ^.d t.n-n11. racas. lrobodt !1ord6 ey.ras6d lr:50 !.r !11o, uas.rh Dnd6r 21 shotrld rln th. nerathor, Itr3 a h6 son.rlnng?'! qu63t1.n6d adFb.lr in Iost-rac. com.nt. cdpFall le. lir -.T to h.d l_orlld trrk !c & f6d Dan Uc.!-foo of tla srdtr tf-rs HaJ, fte .,as ba.n !rer.b1\l ii. 5Mo ltoa ol tM Coa3t Cuald lan 1-2 ior ol th. spdten ac tooil orcr:tro L6a.i uolDE or E1tgor . sEls ltlooRl] rx ]trDE Al'n aft3r stx 811... ItoE 3ti11 raS eecond llot 31.c6 cdblld!6. Ilaer., lbrch .lo& 311r Castlo Dr th. xlxc third a3 ti€ dafi.d lru36.ilnl soIas3tc rlai1. Dm.lor raco a!!!oa.hdd tho l,l.1Ls B.8i !ou33 and ab.x. Bl:;i s lon th. !960 olTnplc on MddDr141 !!1T., licAldl. {a3 ?2nc Malabhotr has an lihto!1an sdnorat.d a! aria! 61x rit.3, BlLi1a ?'ith, Ti.lnof, nuch orcltonotl es vas ih. cas. todav t! front br J00 f,ards 1t atn 11. ras llth MMo l,Iold. In th. emtra:l liy& sao6 uithin 125:;arca .l Tlaln6t crubdr 'a6 !4366d !tr. !l.rn.ir ,1,.4, 12-ni1d {actElir snolt lL: n1163) w:6r to1d. load lac. tr tant:ldg., .f5!talr.i tT r,,rol:e l0 illds aron'.slcriLi!d loadlre 10,0oo r^,o1cd, tb. t6r Scue:. 3L.Fli4 C.ni.r cn liarsacl] 'or1ir3 nedo rhort n.ttc. of 99 nator i'error.nr, 33 pa!tlci!rnt3, dinri Blk!ra. ircr d.sohhsr uo!d3. tlrnunb Lt3 itrt.rir.tdr, arfort lrr Dost3c a rdc!rc-.Fakr.{:5:r6 cli:]6d lhe cors. \j: Dne_ r r rho eo.o,r scret.h rut. i."re. ,a3 i,.rtronoly elsdl to !in,ill?no "s hr33 ek6d ii. tlnt:h, "." t" n1a .n. .n.nt r. 1tB 1[ r'rr 1f arro!. had lrihlsh.d b.for6 n. dld,' lb;18 ., fo:t1.,s1t I1t .r.1ain d fiereard 3t r!.rt I:a1.. !.1do! b.btrq strl.-, th. 2o-taar-o1d nold. mdo !p;!tr]rg r r1d! zr1' orai rrr tnal Hitn .^x!arsrI!' f.ndtca! ror 'o!ahg6 12-n1.Dr. uo a 1i0 yard5, na!i. s "oqu.sli lls. vls bdtno!.;s.- u. xas 60th a: :rE 8ix hil. on6.kaitlr {idin€. Julco" noint. Eair6d tllo lead ov.r lac.s.-t.r .d B11sht1} hJ -Ji^ T16ii.r .f '.. Bnr ritl. 1.8 i1103 r._ adal@ add :on tat1r5otr 1y. I1n.-F1zd 61klIa coi!1a1ndd th6 of a7:56. r.ft ljnn6r LjoLd. r.c t!-at res a :r)bl.i," It d15, corpo!61-!ank 29 s1' !:k11s. also appolrtad hrh,..:rrb.r Ha3 Y.111!e 'i BDdvsua!d lmlrerlel Etnlaola'3 1i alarc ilk. vot-do, tinish.Ll srith ln ?0:Lrl+. ri orf1coft...r'Th. aLI {to1i.l 1s fentassas sirlctlYrra lractic. rD'r l.! th5 t'o I.c{ S.rlrlo, 06qn ol ih. Ethlo.tam accordl4a io 1n'16!!!.t.r EphN.H dAqlend riE gtD'i.nt !s1n Isae", a lanald $aduat. a !.rsoAa11ty ns - spdek3 & u.d.rrho rotntod out that t'tiold. 'ia Ehos. ErEltsb bui Blk1la 13 a .Tent3. distanc. Bil<i]a tLd sholto! rad.s. blt shx. Boin ra: lithf,t ar6at offoi't crub(68:17) ldolt ranoru!. ta3 Tldln6y h.avt..ro0 ..!'1na'6abe!.,trafflc .r, d lio{ Lr} xthrotic Club 6niilt tho stalie!3, tJ lirlshar3.. Mcaldlc !!49 {.s 12th xn th. flsht.r - :uts a rl.ntj oJ rt..J1mif, tbhd ln 69:11. Dan s.n car ol ih. liofih s}l.ra ?c rdllo'6d Grub6! {7c:111 and t'tr:Nais carlxias th6 !apc! bRes! (rlo oran P6t.r car'i1' ot N.' YolI CltJ vas b.st runn.ft )..!h6 ouo:r16it.s staltod :ou1.d un as lou (cottlnu.il 'j'"iii jl *i,ii'i,,*.* ce:ob 16cord uar b'at !as6l r .ti flalsb.dl




,!r. o;:it Lr. :rn %Bcr1, rr."horo r., ? .rl Eorron

rd, eork,a 60.ii

lorto; tr{

ir :ii



rr nl

r1."3 lt,



5 rcr.,72.2/ 1+:

r7. Roelt iulirriâ‚Ź, ir.






i ;E; il.10 'oEIi4'7,:i2

:?. i 1 cr,tr6. itrr.

_. rra !dFn,



;i:il ii;;


r..rrrr.ons:or!. ir :.


i i:;7



r[:;i r!. .rlr.o! 1i,r. 6rrr


r, i4. i

,t, 1h!!6 clr:. unrr., urrro r\. lr' HAILES COTIET






lo-lrllE cATmD!,r! Ii,rRlt .od -Y'.d 'Jor. 15, r. r: be s." 1^ s r;"Dfd !hir6 lltrIG "'io p-1,._ L.!)oeas',r "to 1o-dl1. Iindlca! road rac6 saturday ';.*

noRRfs EnEuis

Botlon, Apr'1 b- llni-s tho rra;rpiart.d

sar,i o1d Biocrdo! . -.,:.!- v.rior ir. '""u"ory i-rr:;; r..-".r.. "L"n ;;. ii ;!;;;rd-;;"s :a i;i- -

0& final rord froh handicapler rrcd : L_ o r' s LY 1 ds o a'1'nL"t c :L t' ' " rold 4e t]rar h13 flnc frl.nd ias a rrandlcap 4ll th' friond a t'n nlnutc 's€ .r1..31 ,r3-d_ - J3or ,. , .r. a5d o c.d I t "nlDot Ls 3r" Bo

ii;06 r-,r" """'. ."tn ii". ,rr ,ra" .n ". dsh )ianolc-, .';,, o ' t 3r. B aI '"s'1..ran lnchos b6bho L-11ttur 1a!.'. Xo.in IIoo- s qC!.f, fo!d. Back l. t3t! !lac. ;ss yoEs Jorn L ardtu! Spzrxsn ,(c 6r!:ci: !g, f€1IoJ, a surp!1s. siarNer. l1k l:10 60rlj! 8.11.y lost.d th. s.cond s o . .o s,co-r6 I], 6-:i0 :o0 bor- colt..oo . b o q-:U. 6l :10 aas 29-J.ar-o1d O.rmnboln (1au3 !!ons r'bss. l. uilum Lanear\, n!c, 65:i3 )ia 62153 €rG no6-r d too* up r. n'd o_rrs. -pait., 6 : a tosr alo ar oa,! ,r e o I cs . . " '.'. "D.'" -. o.2,9!.'t., 60:0 .:0o .: r 30 a 3o..y o' 's. o h s ?l nl1.ra rondr" o eooo ao' ?. : .l'-oat. sAr. 6: : 60: B. Lad o.bl(t. r"?,66:r_ li 0 62:5r o/rod o l-r"-or 9, G.ua1i3 scottoiBm66:2U 5:0o 61:28 6!iry, sjr.ra laiof,, corr.1l r;ntr6fstta Fait ar,A. :.1. :0o :. 6o honor..r ';r:i/6 r r. -ts:1 .-u s on- rllr 1 s 13"" 11. 1 o1.orl Io rt c.ns11" U" rlhn r,n61!.y,511i66:4 1lr0 tun;y, a cross r' 5::lrl ;o o hod€ ionl ...o 1_. tdr d o.- o:,1 :, :0_ r' ,-o-r11. -d-k orsr 16, rDnr 5a!1.iza,!nn.67:06 6:l1i 6!:21 tanc6 of 7.1+ nrr.s. &co-J t s-aJ, -.6-: r9,. s"s " : s !1e o "' _o ft . .6 : u ' '-.t. !}s 3"_! .e dr :00 :: .. 1l't q : ts si l,o. 21. Dtdl Pa.]are, Ex-{,67:3[ 5:4t !1:]r', out th. :iyd. sh.. ;a.. a x..lr"-. a;o. ,'r oi Ed 67:lr f.1b rt arft'r t'o ni1.s.'i rorlis iaic. 22. J:00 tL:!r : .: 6.:o -J,!b -'1{.:, 21, lor so!:o"c !t ,8^,\,6 : ',' .s. " '" q, BDo _,o N6,JL6:0:d1:-J' 1. I.D L.s, { e.*olsedD. i, a5r , as 9, rii 19- DqL.: *.". *61 1:: !! 9 :

''A' I-. os" d ras "oren c .-.1 tn' !6r' ra'o rB^^ u' . s orsc r'"3 n./t" 61. H.h'r.,-r no, r o r oods r. i nsr. ro sll,l.: tr o.r.' !. K.1..! !a3-ro. s ,ao { tin. oi 5l.: r,. 6 s !_r3oo .\ol Lr3 s!al!.r, Jock s.-n1., ! oJ . 3.o .d r. Ior !ro rs 6. Irr,es a nlc. day ro! 1i,', E.r16y sard rots ;r con!.ift1on a&.rnalds..ep !".. vo_ ls"d -o :un 163 In a hard "rh.&'s a66odo so..o ,o_k. tr's all !\. Hsr t '1-omdt$ion yor;. lhsd by f.' rsi.h t -..per" cc, s p1 .6j }o:rl , I,' kh' o ad a-ors o.7. l'il. &ladu'orn

k. Brd.ro4, ev, 6::'b 6:_ l. -U. o. sanda: s, lra , ari:o ?:00 J:oo 10. -ou a aloso'r' I ". ':):.rr r: ..r.r, ds.-:i0 .o )2. Jor Do s ts, L. 68:r' c:0 6::2 :o '.o ..or, oscc. lq. r.o orr u. u j . :-9 o 6b:r' :0 3 rr. Jo Paf..fl 16. .r€-o q i!.t,BAr. 6 :ol l:00 t7. Jonn 6ounthar,Bl-{, 69tL2 ta 38. Rub.h Bte.lo!, 3ar,69:U ;:10 i.,!o: l:l J'. PaLl .t_lts.r, _ _ a. .urt.-0:0L _:r0 L0. 0 I.1. Rk ard D1'--'s.s,',- : b c. 70:dL l: 0 ? Ro a-i :3J . E/' J. Jo'do Dd o, fa.-!:01 ro 7 :0L 6:00 h. _. A._:0-:o0-0:r '. 1 6 s"


. :Ll

66:0) 6<:12

!l:l b:\0 ):-. 6 : l !: ! 67:-9 /1:0L

t,9tl2 6l:41 6::r. 6!:lq -0: b 6_:5i :0







;,;;lir 1,1;

;"; ;1li

*itf*;*;*; ru,ffio:i-!"

*,fit"n 1,;1; 5':;ru


.:;:i i',,ui;: i5;,rl;,i ;;:;i,', "; o


;1,';;'..r;,',' ;,,;,,,,,:: iq:'*i#i;i:,;':li'i;'1i'.'",,';"";;"" ll;":, i'l i ; i,,:,,j.;,:l," . " " *.",..;.


d.;,.,lj,,:. .:,':', i, ,;;


i'l;l*;;ii:;*::'il"j;:t1;.i;,, ;si:,;j :i,,;',,'i,,,it,,*,

5i#-i6ll;iaji*:;idqir ;1;i; ;; lff ",;iu#,;i

auotatle quoi6: iI h.x.nrt ntisad " nor 1iri.€ i! sani. IaNtxre tex.. : e'.n rar c1era, ca1if. & is Jtr3t o. Cnristna3-ir the 3n.x. nrniiAg ls nibe gm., {a nnd.rn1!ht.' Iool caf:rl1- IJ.i1anora. u! irs 1-llcli Job Dlok Ha1rcs 1s lla16st for.iEn disianco No b.done a lxe.sirirs 1anc6 arit.r.. Gar 11. 163.5 lrclu,ia: Ia! a h.1t, ron th. l-ni1. I'enailii i:. itr. c6nriral -!-{! chdrionshlps r':a!ch 2lJ rldiarn lr6shar at clock1+ llr:16. This orok. ;i6 noct roclJc dry coll.e. & Jaes ucr,atcnl6, a scot old or 1l:29.5 rron l;lassorr :umlns f.r l,an.r Toch. TLo 1961, ?]rtl lor.rd, of $ost.In ]1lrn.ls 18-r.ar-o1d stuCd tlrn.d ID a 4:12,2 n11. U., llao.d 2rd and also broto f,arti o1d Jn ih. soutbv.st6n R.croarron:io.t on tla"ch 2nd & diatcht. !e. 4:10,6 r! iiia lordsr oltnllc! on lfarch r,lprch 9th... rl!|lsT RoAD nln:rlcs cirB tr_]'iIia ]rtrt]ll_ rJas rlron farn. - aqo, sa.-dPY, or$ 6.000 r.6 c.d --1. lo d 3I r; s. , tn tho .ldd!. rr th. usin i1n6 ,ram,-i;dd, slts no;ind. r.T. t"t"al 'rrlch tracn, '!1ch 1. v;"" .d;an.."ta,"".,2i',it stsdtM footba]l fr61d. rh. iiiiz r69ta.s s .-_.:oe- o- _-:l)d 3 "..' z, _^- t".,". ,, _c, .: .o6."_ vsi soLo;o s-. os_ h A Doco.r, t..o _1, _t+. t: r8s!s' sdrvlc. r"t s"",s",'rir.* it:, 2,;,5) 22.38 i6o oy r. "or 'on h6 Ihr ) as 'onel c .d B" rr or. 7: ;..;.'r;;-;-.';;i",1. ;,,; eJ,,8 cllLc 1or_or' ,o.;.hb, .",, c,, 2: il 'o'1. _ dddl6 8. ":.r --. g@.-,D.qar. l-,6 or o..., 9, Dlct 1to '):az dis "Tc s.. : , D- r La! .. ..q",sBAc, -l: I rftslnu3 cd11.s6. '8 trach t6!n. 6erntna h.e .,." 'r in." i. .1 10 t a . . :: 0 . .q- _______ _ ror !.arr rrir. RrIr roirr r.oxc lrnis 3-r.: ir-:-r iil'i;a !iiii-i.-.r!" ir;".i; b;.6'\a""!." o a !-1 or -t ;.! t;i";",: "..., sJ: is"b r_* ='-." r\" ' '' ,{x! ordr tj' Harf i rlv6f r-t;; ;;'id," t"p .o".t "'s .r ar"t"nco rn 41.12 tn i;ell nors. "s. asF_d n lox lons r lork d dul m.ad of a b4r1l n€ tol :r 6a.^ oat. V. ' lasL 4o0 e" ds o I _ dr. 1- , 29 or )b(. J- ID-o " trald1". 1C0 ds da. H..k. d '. .,, :. 2 1, Jod toE, L. : {a; a o ,od. a o ear told z,ttl 4:31 out hts 88o r1n. flon 2:o2 to ]:51 1n on6 2, tbo !crns3, ri4c. rdar. T el" relo! !'njo_6o Ir,ro "13 Id- 1. b.r'.r. colld ,,", oogsrbl6.r 36t ul, s-r j -J, t '.,6!,,1:. rould Ltd :I ;o. v.,nsald. "6 r!t".d: 9.J.'L o.:lr's .1, : dor..' ro{ Io.e" s t-al € ^o dn L.s dal J.6, -lL :n rhL'o slL.ndln' L'., 7, ". o, 8. I J6..", :; n oloal 5cJoo1. r' Naar! tuk. a a 8roLl. _::11r .!.q- .-i, tfack. Jt4 Baefty. o sD ihat? _.. : :r. r' -. 3. oo.3 , l. s. r! l kjo t,I@ ts i.,""?.. ,71 d o , . : l!: a r6cord.o-.e\t6.\i.e.-_10lr-Does !1.. .,. r!113no'o coa ' 12, Bot!!r - o13n D :: :. Juoo c11'o., s s-os: Th. only {a! !o co5.n :n fu 1''d u. alao s'a ' : - Io:ou do{'. nold o vrc zHolak.!3 nln. t" ,ou d'dni L 3ron


rI I,ETTiNS-lio-TH!-

nx notuf, nack. on s6cond thDuarlr.

lI.n s.mcur r,tdbarx.d rn. s.uth!.sr Blda.

t3 tloubr. or etur;ini 1t. to @ 4;r 6ubscri.t1on, {skn.d) crroelskato

you nar 3r,p1r trr. nomT rs

Fro. {1.i !r.ck.nrlc!o. co._ 'r| va. I,fcsr ausntlco, sk His b !1s6 v6 to !1sit rmi61a ror rh. cistl l_c n..t dlst a iDtr:ha th!1rc. TtI e count.v t)1at 1s t}r_ :-ra.k^co & F16td i.d.ratl0n 1ns to btrlld 1ts.1r u! afror r.a!! ;t has alr.ady e1'.n urd blse.si spu! r; dre_ Dnd.rd.ralo!mnt. .d by s nerlonel r-. rac. ln rrrich 17rh, roxa nacr :an a about ran, raesDrad 50 ni16s in q hour5. 2q nlbutle! y1th. Jro rl. r Lh131ons lacrod x.r1 (],U, tL. i.ar titlc 1n otr coach.s aru surono!r1.J tnqdl i4 ,Iri Moru th.a. nrdbrc coua_ !6r. us.d. Thls roljolt xilr t!l.s io do x.rr ii 1nr6.Ea!10na1 .o,_ st^Md_€3 !9!!!!r!1r !.rrtlon. a vory flm berquot foI1.n.d tb !ad. at tir. ti{al.st1o Fot.1 ,h6r. ar6: 1) rrrs 51 d.r..s _ .'ol..oorJr1co. lqrrr chopq, dat6s aid ;n.rda1_ lr\qj ?) l.1acr strould.rs .f of t.tlT danct* ,trrlLl anrocds, shol1, rrr6r !un. dr. Ir e11M3. amdrlcaE: l) .t alb.n.i h6 co6d.d llth crs ],iilttsrj r_.o{nrrr chdp3. "hi.t-06t4aer nsl.s !1r6rn3t.la fillpodoon dr th. h...yj h. di il- I slr.ld1 l6nonsd6 F6b. 17th..ctoudy, 55o rrdd up.j L I 1.n.n l,ic.. 1/r su€,r sd :J. r|h.ddob. Ttr.1sia rdr'4t ritus. l.l re3rire tlr. 91 d.ar.. 4, ]orMassi! Tun131s;5, Earo, sbaln: 6. 3ald, ltoro..D,. ram: runiqr; 22: Iror.cco lJ; 3o1€1m 51; rra4c. 9?: s!1in 111; c.ma$ 128: rsrot r1'rl pDl3. !9. anLr finisn6d ur Itsiy 156i srrla l?rr !s! l79r Noah6r8l+, 6) lurinr trr. oasr lands 166; r,qonbo8e 208. $acv h.s bo.n c.!6!1tr tao A h8stll! assaf,bl6d gS t6s rtntqh6d fo 125 illca ler v66rr, tralnlu, ?J vo dlsallotntlis a lorh 1! hht3 w611 o!_ aa.rz.d do00d (5.d1-6s) !ac. on a boq_ iHk las 6a: 12. ,t th6 :0-m11. hdk. hI3 lair-soalca holso rac. tlack_ tfoit tin. vas 1:5o:l+1, t.trs kdo_oihe D! his laco eTr coont!1.s rc!6 ftDlshlrg off th6lr i-c to e ii].. ill Tb. Isst rhr.a rculd s..n tnat r. stl:11 ni!o3 !.m !u on so1ld concrot.. dound nrr6 a lot to l.ar. about rhts typ. of a ble comu.tt' corior. ,hioL ltu1rc.d i;li,ii:l'#i;ul'.: [6]'*.". Trr:15 ts {hat i!. ]]sTts,lloposds: a traln_ !.d1ds6, 27:lr2.4j 5., cnd4or, 26:gl,tri 6d, nam.rr 71, CuaaL,' !r6!sr. a 3p..i&t colrtft_ ls bdlonsing io a Club mro wrxs 8-111I,! - cortlnu.d 'urn rh6 natloul Assoclarl.n 15. Frsnk P6ddne, l!.r, 2!:5J 51:20 of tracr. Clubs lho nstr. cr.dtbl. tln6 1n 16. John nafbary, Boston,25:Jl! 9r:29 tb.s. dtstam.s, and !. {a!t tho noad 17, non Eroll4cton, E!.r., 25t2) 5rt3o Flr!9rs c1l! !! !!LrE i;;ir-[T; iI;;5. ,Ioa Kirby, saBc. 26:18 !.riq B.t Mhrnl iili !roFe to dev.loo 1d, lc, liat chDanlolr, L[{n, 26:Jl 53:1t 5l:16 drstanca !iDdrs b r$arlca! 20. Mlt. daMon, rssc, 2t:5! 5r:lo q6:f9 2L. XFt Sroln6r. !lt?c. 2?:11 22. BDn ti, rrPa, 2itj6 t?.a9 lrl€n I subecrlbdd rD JaE lubllcarlon a 21. 16o!!6 'ra']k lorak, unlh.d,28rl1 58:06 I uasn,t satl._ J9a! ago loD ch11ds, Tssc,28:t! b1:1c I .ou1d ni!. r3nua"r 2Bj 1961 to




n€w"PLU5"in performance + + + l{ewly-Developed, (oarh-Approved









hera uiique teorures whkh odtl up ro

Mo.e Flexiblliiy. .. Siobiliry

1. l.'dn dc sjd$,


AND .l6ey ore repdta6le




fr6lrfqle4 * iRl t (Sll.R




to 2t rlo .nd rh6 roiser



siu. 6

ic rr, -- xldth ! to

Do not

trr io lstrs ary anoF


sEra cHrlx 0n llcrEJ oruDn

she.i - idY.* crE !td.: crtredt ?-!d2? FoE.' 9t0o a.r. i, 5:15 !.r, Dlr_ r's Jdt &d rng. ,6 1ib.!q


oxlEns s!1p!En pnoliprl,y

Eq.rd6 6r,, lir.r rNcror{ cot{PAxY




55, Dr, P Lcr D.S, lTood) Cakland, Calif,

8.A.,{. MAFATHCN FINISH ADril 19, 196J

l. Aurclc Vandendric


scho, Bck!1InI,2:I8.58

2. Jobn Jr Kcllcy, Boston 3.4, 3f tslia!' Kllby, Eh€land, 4. Eino Oksancn, Finland, 5. .Abcb. Eikila, El,hiopia, 6. J, s6ic naaf lbl;n, S.alL!. aC, 7. Lt, A16x Brcckcnridgc, USMC, 8. T.nho salakka, Firiland, 9, Gar llilllans, U. of Chicago TC,

2r2L.A9 2:2)t!+3 2122.23 2t2l+,1+3


2t28.28 2t29.a3 2:3]-.19 Cap..As, 2!32.23

10. Louis CastagnoLa, Natl 11. Adolf Glubcr, Nc York A.C., 2tA.L5 12. Irlano Wo1dc, Ithlopia, 2t35.Ag 13. HaL Hlgdon, UCTC, 36.13 ' 2136.38 14. Jarncs Glcen, Boslon M, 15. laLph E, Buschnan, spartan Ac, 2:37!06 l-6; TonJ' Sapi.3.oza, Boslon .4.A, 2' )71A6 2t3Bt5A 1?. Geary HaaYcy, Boslon AA,



Garlc!!, Iliflrosc AA,


2r39t27 19. lrcd Norris, Slartan .qC, 20. T€d Corbitt, Nf Pioncor Club, 2t39t2A 2r+atL9 21. Jack Coons, Rochcstcr fC, 2tl]ft3lt 22. Gary l,4rhJcke, iliLLro5c AA, 23. Allcn F. Huu, Jr,, spartan .4c, 2:42!07 24. Grehar4 ?arnol.l, $p4rl€,!r AC':.,', 2r1a2.39 25. Bob Ean$clgcr, Connccticui, 2r1.2t53 26, Jirx cr0o!!1cl1, sl. Anlhoqyrs Bc,2tL3t!3 27. liilLian T. Thoxrpson, linox.Tc' 2t43:4C 2t43t52 28. D!. Rj.chard Packard, BAA, 29, Jancs F. TitrncJ, Boston AA, 2tl&,24 30. Pctc! B, lorct, Qrantico ltar., 2:4412[ 2,A4t2B 31. Vinccnt K.rn, llilflosc iA' 2tL4t56 AA' BosNon s. Adans, J2, J"o" " CoL.2 : l+5 | lt3 ProYidcncc Sha,"rahan, 33. Donald 2,L5156 AA, Millrosc x":"q, 3L. .l"tttr 35. !l{ai| r* l,al*4oth., Nc. lrlcdford Ciub, 2 146 :}4 K, v,clc;d, Ontario, canada,2:46:32 J6. sri j?. rhoru." "" Duric, Ptovidcncc Col]"cgc,2:1r.6:55



69. 70.


NYPC, 2t57:a3 Slcgfricd lTalfc, Toronto, 2i5,l':,8 N,rvin C, Bryan, I/I. ch,sLcr,pa, 2t5Z:54 -nd,\.ig Schi-ssl, N-w york AC, 2t57t57 Alphohsus l\{.chan, lriccstcr JC, 2t5Atr5 Don ir'inickc, Lllicot t C_ty,Md,,3rOO:20 John rraJ, Bosron 1A, J:01:19 .4L'i'{J-1fia.ns, N\?C, jt}1"r33 John Linscott, Boston AA, J.:AIL2 J. jrO2:25 cladstonc, Lnpilc H., !,"* _ U.la'du Gag"1on, aanadian lrfiy, 3tA)tA'l Bonald Gaffr Boston -A-4, 3fi3t31+ Jack f. S' zak, Amstcrda"l, N,y.,3:Oj:t,j Chdrl. s ll.tcaf, BosLon, ,:O/.:Og Jin r-ou^j1I, El ctric Boat A^, jto4:r9 J&'!cs Nolan,

7r. I'ioo(f Llslnhau-I, lpartan AC, ;r0d:42 72. BLn MalkasianJ Mi-I{osc AA, )tA5t)5 73. J os'.pn Hohnann, Poslindaf rMass.j:06:Jl, 7t+. KLni t. 0sborr-, NCIS, ;tash.DCr 3:O?tJl Lalllon ( ornstock, N\C, J:09:q3 1 d Lyon, USCG, Crolon) Cor.r,, J:09:C9 '/'/ , Jonathan K. Chaf,Cc(, Harvald, )t]gl.13 Lrn. st M.daglja, Millrc:c M, 3t10:4J llcubcn Bigclow, Boston AA, i: l_ .07 Alcxandcr J. Gadonskl, ltudson Vallcy Cof.I.g,: It.l., r:U:4b

rr"l, lnllrosc M, ):t2t08 :1. 1?". uoxn;nn, sL. Anih. BC, )ttztzj yt:'.I ::. .1J. onn 5tc/n r, Nr?C, )rI3t5I A. KLfl y, lTaLcrtown,Mass,,3:Ur: r1 Il. 1:htr d). rnonas t. Sandrrs! FA,AC, 3ti5fi2 66. John Dj'omandr a, BIA, )i5.57 x7. .J€scph T. lorchior'lalthanrMass.J:1r:59 6u. J,laf k forclio, 1l st JrL,!.toi, Uass.3t15:59 ols. t:, rn,tt l, qov.Col.AA,3:16:l,L :?. 9 9.. l{'uL St.jncr, V fC, J:fBrO5 s:Jr. ian, rui.s collcgc, ):_g:t1 21. J9*1d 9/. ohn_ p. Fta. c.r ty, suffolk univ.rl:19:J2 yJ, 4rnolo BrigES, SJracuec OC, jtl.gtr2 0C, syracusc Rioldan, y4r rran u, "-.rnanJ N1tC, 38. J.g:t )i9,J) .lrl.lrdrus, 2tL,9t!6 ^\8t37 N\:., Bob ;1, can-i. jd, B:tn"nr, J:20:.J ?:. 2?,no;y. /t,at)7 yo, ,nas, .,rJ-li aflson I USN, /.0. A-Ldo scanclurra, ll.llroe" AA, );2I:\2 2t5ltQ5 97. Jin. trhDad-, ,!.at(svit:", L'L, Norman I. Irlarilcic, IWAC, hd., t-t., Fj dc( "i -Ld, -:lI:17 ytr. .cr-nerd.;,fccall.Jr'-.al(. li cl d, 2tz2:28 42. Rod lia.Nichol-, -l-cks, 3t:3tO7 2t5ltLt) )). rrr.lr LttcPsonr BAlr LJns AC, I,J, Richa.lo F, )t23tA9 j-. ..tonn .t. Sianchj, :Jorc 31cr, llass.z:51':18 t]'lis, rraLirrortr, N,ass. j:23:Jb LrLnlsn rq takrn fron Boston Glob\ .rrrich list_ 45, Dick Donohuc, Dcla ax€ vall"y M,2t52ta'l ]99...tstd, L6, M€-ltin Torchi., 1T..sl N,,ltlon,Mass. 2: 52: 24 (d,n6rv l'inj sh(r- LMj,- alont wiLh valious 4?. John Gygax, Enpirc Har!i.!s, D,C.2t53,O7 o.n r rnac.uraci.s..Officials stoppcd ro_ 2t53tl5 cordirg linishcrs at !.M. 48, Sid. sldth' si. Arthony's Bc' 5 Tjluc s w.!c noi 2t53t32 n:1-r 'l28.. Boslon -AAr s Scoito' 49. Gonzalc -Arr-Annisr Sourh Shor. AA, :It-: ?"'51+199, 50. Fai/nound Houdc, Caoadian Alrl.y ' J;44.4U.,lJ!-(noL J. F:lzlatrick of Cbar..s_ 2t51+tL5 51. Nat Cirulnick, Millxosc AA) jn h"l-. r.cordcd ,:21100 18Jd pLacc t55fi6 liT," ano -tor a-l rv. kno,,,r thjrc ray hav. b cn sonc !i. o"n . uy, "oston ,44, . 5J. Andr.; L, n..-sk-*-l, hno)rvi!!' IC'2t55tt+1 nor straggl.!s wcndjn€ th_jr o.ary wEy inlo !i. 1". tl.tr"n Guild, it,xj.ryt on,Mass.2I56roo r.X-t'' ! st. und r rhc sll..t L&,rps, .r


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