NUf SER r37
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j c*og".r", washinsron sporrs club 2 Hour Run :' :- SL",N-.w American Record in 2 Hour Run - 20 Miles -Photo by Ray Gordon
I'i;.?l"f ff; f, T *:Ll"l?l'"11,1i1,?3-.*** ""*l1i$3dry3k3f r. uarm6 v,, Doll.n. Elsh sroFra rc, r-u++ ,+++s, ?3;f
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3:311,"!]:::T,Yi::"1:l'"'"'' zei:Z:i iiii|ti:* ti:?$i:dj::iiiffi::i:::'", :3:i!:i i::i:S:3 $.njl:*;r. :j: Eljl"l,:I:h.,*;i!;",;irr",r",'7,;i:6 :;;i:i6:; lij,i'li;","" ]]-. P.!or Euson. ur-Lach.d oolol-loh. rn" io:;i"; ,:i*:i,";
lt, 3l9h 9.1., ri: *:;r"$i:i re.
v.rron, x.D., uE.tacbod, /u. loe r@.!By, erLachod, -r, !ra1a slacfsrF, uellechod, z.r Hr | !ouo,ay, umrra.b.d, Jobn
Iot.s...Vd Dol1.n, !6}ls
& Bachrach
6iijajo ziisi5tld su uas s})ldr,1s "fiili:F ZitiiB:"s ;*t';":rF:i" --'o .nt'ro m..
t 69,r5.0 7t+,5L.o ZL:L1,0 t.d t
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j:fr li:r'*L';:rirj,i:#ii"#;!:.Fi.3*rii:'1"{iitly"= }iF paci-:c
iiffr. rlo rot !6gJsi..rcd ln !J. xssb. oi rh. aau ,Jd lho pA s!.an! lnot,idua. ahsptonlEtp 'oTltt Lorirc DIsTAmcr rr@ ItE 0 FROM tfiE !.DITCR: A sugbr d€lay ln A FFBLIC{IION ION iI1IIIERS 3Y RIIXNIiS vo1uo 12, No, r37, aJ \967 clud€ tho lArr fiareLhon losutts, our thanli3 to lr€d Brorn subrcliltton nats!: $1.00 a e€"., nt3 dd dlMarlss. E6 rras a thaitrl€rs rob Aitd !€! y6ar for rst ciass & dose!"6s truch loth AMEi natl&1.5o o! 12.50 per y6er for a1! eEtlr€ of tbs Bic of ttullca at Bostobrg naIl iD u.s.a. & canada. !a.k !ote1 l,€hox ob AldI 18tb aocomotlshed nu.b & rony lrnsellns prcb1eG tsr€ Editor: F. Bloxntlg Ros., 306 \,r. stlarabtsnod out. Nor 196?-68 orrlcors C6nt€r st,, Woodbuy, x.J. 08096 d€: flosltunt: Jobn 0tN611, clo!€lad {!o€16cted)j vr's: John BF@Md t}rsst): CLASSIFIED ADVmT ISmIHITS ($t.OO for 15 xorits, l!.Iudlns oare & addrors,. 5l each addrtlonal !o.d. ) coDrtrslA !Ia&s adD nncREAtIOX !6!T. Dlstsce nus ed lrelks. E6aIt ot Arl€f 1y: Iosral c@p€tttton- 10-}! f6 Anorlc4 Malathon or !dbo! Day. Tr8.k Rrce: tast f Heeks of JutT. tasults cort.ct: 8111 C1e!lr, itun-tclpal dslldd to co-ordtnator H.B. noa;. r, D.r,^ But1dlng, Colubi.a, Mlsoout 6520r by Au€ust 3!d..2-l,Ian lo-Mtk n61ar: r,ast j {€olB of sopteib6r. Results to fi,B,iors 4+-MrtE FosR F!@Dons RolD nAcE ltDts€h! 1,1., Nos:ork, JutY l+, by oct.ber lrd" xatlond Rnc uaratho, to 19€7. !d! tnfo u:li.: DaelC llrtleb6 h€fd th Atlanttc clty. ssdar r)ct.29. ha1es, JU12 Dnorlc ars.. r^ant4qh. Nar 11" iRc 50 Mflo to be h€Jd 1r .o.iuc_ !.I., iou YorL 1179J tt.n ritr] irar.Ms 50-ur1€..rho olaoic x, {'LAITIC CITY PIITATEIOII CEA]'IPI CIicotrtly tdea prolosed by scot,t H;iltoA dl'd hot ra.etve nrch sulpolt & rilt lrob slilP loR ROAi lr,rllritRs, Su4day, l4.y 21, 1967 dt 12 {aon (9- 1r€ a.ry b. d.opp€d for a nMb6r of rcarons_ Rec6, l:::6, lrl!0. 2-'rle 3'chase & 880. tro.a6s to rlrsr 10. odcLE to all ftntsb€r3. tntrlo3 to !d leaeu6, P.0. BG 25, ?1€assie1llo, N"J.
Tiny New Zealander Sets Marathon Marh Rddiologist,
67 ,
in Min
Finishes Race
5 Hts.,46
bl4 re, !q rue{! ers D dnD.
iliher; dld 6he coEe troB?{ (Roberta l}.*d*l0sexcvIohIL
z.rrid6 *r,!d {to! I
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McKenzie Surp4sgg Japanese ;:lf;il,"',.,.*ri_j,.-,#.i#;i;ffi
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sone 16"0 !ll@!-
A. Ks11€J fldshos
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M *rl hcloith!h*tso|Aldrcw3qd*
l!6lERs' cor]|!i - $o- Jlo t4.fFooenr roke Achlrtes ctub--l iesd rtr. Eerd!€ a!11_
:ji,:""::Ti::. i,.i."il'"t;:i iiit,"j.;""1!!",i ;f,:;I't:il$:"": F]:::i ::T""f Lo D p n., rh. IovA. flre s€,reye 6ieta bao one ;;,:;;.iil"i","'.::?;'Si,i"".;i ii.ili;l-'"' '' re !er'd a s'tut" utr' " s;Je :?,p--:9 e :. - L'/- altd : severel or r "";"j1.-T"l'l::: i::',:.tyfl:: f;:l'; ;;;'Ll:r:':'i, l:"-::1",i"ii:.,i;i :i"':i;:J?,:l'f";t"tr].-t:;':"Hil"Hil', s 11 the pasr
"p.1r1€ a for th. 5 yesrs b,rts €e.nr6 have been e p .- ot riF oree. D.ajre -qFlqys,.Ioqo 1s pro_d of the @/ tlp g.1rls lfocru lEs lro 1'lp rrod 60 B.too16 roo. oerr..Irp loqa A.. sL.r LF@ bas b€s a Lo! ".. contender & hdc set llat'l, lecord6 1! tne ij,g. federatror cbaEplo.sblp. rn tht last f€{ Jears. Du€ to the €tlnat€t {ar & the faot that aost of tne I;na g!!l. 6t- s.'oo1 €rr1),sLeo, dj ha\F nor re;ren psrr rn rle Ner'r, Jrru xp-t. {;10.k l;';FrS J:!;i:, eJeYl:: ,ltrl fli LFi"i;i: :"Biffitii:':1":']"tr$",f1 1e6,ie! 1n elrls atnlettos.
" Japanese Planned to Set Pace
How Leaders Reached Checkine Stations
.... "..
Checking Finish
^lill."i'li.ll cl].i,
N.!c. r!4:aej 166:
,t:l: riJ::1:,"1!::.r:!l ;i:i, j,"i; .,,:1 r. 1!;1i :;:1_".{i-; :' ;::l "J ::1ij j ut:1l :.': t'.
rlrcn:.l a. Hofiran,
$';ir":'ii;:'t,all;:iii;. n:.'."*:# ron !:einictre, ijd. , f:04100:
17:. rlri i:inp1e,Jr., cleve :.fl :"lllr',lJr,ii"$.*"9: ?:?f:ii:"1?*;
*" ::iiii;;:;;,i:',' i;ts #i::;;;;"&H 3i"-* ;: :-"ii-.:."...1;. ;.ii!;i,,;'l"t'{:l i ,-i 3. rtv6n, ;;.. 3.-qr;;; ' 6: !har! .:::"..,*:1"_- *,i,."': : ;:
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N. }iacen,
;F,;;;.*.m1.";:;;.-b til'r,r'* #- ....r ii:l#Hi'*;*i,:*p .:.;;:,-d'.;;; .'-*' iitii ;:il:,,.-",, i' r""e-i'i"i-ii"t n:i.:-,:oi:"ai'iil!i ;;; d;;- ;: ri6!,iil'ier. 3,tst
qq o" . ;<fi.
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il"it:, iif t.f ;$r i;';,'d e:";:- ;:,,:"; sr:r" 5ia!1,ia8i: fli;= ir: ,1-": [i:. ";!:::::; i:?.'1: 1'" i..,Ld ",.:ii: ''oso1. 3;.''l*:" a;;c'E: i:,::::; i'^":r:: j:"::::!ij: ";:r !9: ' -sl ,j.-.;:-
t-.i,t, l:tli;i .il''*':ij.ii: ;ij,",; ;
r|J . r8rr, .liil: ".-- r'.i";io'.l" o' i.
fil,i'1.ifl'">13!:;-; rja,r.1d. ".-- rsnd{be-6. c31rf. E3d ?;l: .a1. :'"":..r -:."..": ":.t;. "."L r ',5 :.0, . rrsn c iB, D, FoJ, ttoS:)-i
:,,1,'i jru:::;"
iLi;;";i,+ il:' i:'"";';' t3;ii ii;:,t5li'1:'"
.l!;"i;ii1{i, -e.. o"*i" l. ui ,.:j i:"J:: o i ii 1e.'i.:". )tD7:-et c3 1J, Mt-Pa n AA, t:0?: :..r:e,.e, Taeh.D,,. '"',;..,;':;;,rqi;irri:'"r....,"';..; ;:i"':;f ' !i,-lir.'.I;ii i.l*l:l il.T;,',i,{i. ,.; r_". c., iriri:r",,,"-, ," r.&, :.txrft.i:'li!.:rj*x r&, !. Dobr.\2, a,conderi eo ):47:L7j r99. Ed a,conder "t5. nSC, U., 290. Ceorce '". '."'i".; r;! Jr)8:04i -11. l:02: 91",i1"fifl
q***l to#ffi ..g$;-;ffi ul +*
tft. R1.hud c. Luc!an, sr. Mrhony,B Bc l:Lt::O,2Il. Jo.eph F. Burns, Udied ai ,:if:46j 212. r. ieter rooa,-Uarrn iClcalIl. / t:11:52,2tl, ? l:I2:02,214. Jaoed ChrI3tt450n, t95ch. s+!., fr12:1i: 215. &attha srltb, ,{ubsn, t:\2:29j 2la "!i"3iil"ifili 3l!;, ii.l';# iii. Julra! L. a€l9e1, It],!cj tri2:51; 2r9. 1td. T. Dohnue, !tll, frrl:02i 220. ste-.hen I 9ach, Eostoh, f:1J:rI, 2P1. Jionert F. carr-6on, Shore Ac, l;11:14i 222. Jorn r, c!tuIlM Co11€ae, j: I t:22j 2:1. PBut L leele, srdL! ColIere. l:ll:l!: 224. sld it 1th, s,19c, j:1t.Ie, 225. Ahn !1eran,, trll:59j 22., J@es !. Iil€ t r. 227, Aldo scahirur.a, r'aA, t:r4,61,228. lnsala J. Iam, c@5!1+re walA, t:r4r02i 229. Thoms f,. Bro{h, aiLarJ Tc, l:t4:01 lJo. ,tared R. a€ad6. Baltlhrre, -:14i15:
211. oavlh JoDee, IIYAC, l:14:40j 212. J@e6 /1. Cohynr, cl€?eiPnd qxc, l:14:51, 2l). reul 3. Jarrett, uD, 71..1d,a, i:I4: :4i 2]4. rd{6!d B. Curtls, ILlc, t:1r:j6i 215. Jo}j E, Donlhee, ,r5c, l:15:0,,21). !ete! ,j. i. Todd, Rocheiter Rochester ic, Tc, 3:15:i2;l:15:r2, 217. Oly [hldden, cunb€rrend va11ey Tc, ,/Ilnston c. Thona., J;., ttl5t22j 2:4, taiervlile Ac, 1tt5:24: 2t. a.R. sc!-rer N.1., lrr5.,rj 24O. PabIo Pabro Ca4tdo, lGrt lGrtF llaler, lhsser lhsse@, t.I5ttat 24L. D1l10n R, lb1er, I.1., N,Y., l:15:06; 6!aJ, Nt:C, litc, l::6r06; 242, Joln ll, Crsy, l:16:14j :ll. Jonr t, Ernslc", !C aoad R!nrer6, l:16:22! 244, cerl ereoFa. :itc Nrj,, J: l: -a:16:12, 2\5. Jmeo F., Nri,; l6:j-6, 16:16, 24o. 246. Joeeph JoEeDs F. fiea!lig, leallro. a]bdy !]bdv Irc 241. Joe ttoned, Joned, s,I., tta6.t7t 241, tt76.1'7j [.Y., [.y.. 1: 9,1., ]: Ib:i?, r6:i?; 246. Xemeth !. 248. KeDeth E. tcreh, iheh, A]bad Arbani t( ic, lrl7r00; 249. r,e. se. Feeney, Feen€v. BAl|, Be. l:17r?; 3:1?:?2: ttl1t1a: ?5!. !av1d n. It. ttE].Dr ttE].D, Spartan SDartan rc, tc, l:17: 3:17: 251. {d.L. 81rce, Uc!onogh, td., l:1€:20 252, Sodrey J. lalter, Eocb.tor lr18:42, 25i. Ateye tllten€rl, tolonio, onr.,]:ta: 4Oj ?54. B€rt Devrl€6, ar@1n61@, &a6. "ii,i'i,Gi,
lsil iiii'ii ):igi6ti coueae,
r.r 7:2j:t5, ;7;. i1@1c !. rroerzsq\. rb6s.. 24:I1; 271, Tloothy Arhe:.t, urss., l::4:40: ' ??4, r3D..;o11er, !):C, J.2t:rat 2?5. ioiert t. -E.r4r, \esrv1tl€ Tpm. a: )(, l0j r?1. FohFr r nn!!rn, sroo' /n N, l: Ji:,15i :7i :iIck c€-.ore1r!, relauare 'aa?, t:2i:-rE, 273. tuarc!s Yas JI., U:1r€d AA, )::6:10i 27t. Elr-ene B. ioqen5e.t, x.D,. Vssh.D,c., t:-)5,?8; i8o. rr, I{t, li26r 56; 2et. !6u1 Be]llveau, iiadstone Aa, tjQ7.\6t 282. ca@b.1dae,
I!:,!*l"i:254,i?;iiiil'"1!;-';il.i1."1ui; Tm@s ,1.
-11:7:5t, $iacee Harfl€r3, l:2c:14 (also Itsred as to6tht
i8l: ffl';i,Xl,H*'-":t'
14 28?. bedorri L. s!!rh,"iliti-3;i'.?9a, !.oin tid;- ' )129147t 2e3. Fohe!t X, !€.!, ,!,, ro;, ton, ):29:i6.249, xD. OranaE, canbrrdre 4.e.,111)tr6i 2?0. A.1ron B. chdbe!1ta. l'xc, l:lo:5ci 2i1. Jee6 B. chspdan, ['as; #;"::';*ff :"i,i3fi i' -l9i: i:il:3?: 2t4. lresrey c. 1r1111@6, N;lc, a:.1:02 (a1do r!6ted e6155th)i 295. ioinol R. Nor!ckl, nach. s|IlderE, t:trto3i 296. F€derrci s. Ituier, fs, l:11:o4: 2s?.
};1,,"3-t?i:,"". Si:""I!f:l',:"3:ll{i; 299- Edq. Efxe, &rebr,
F1a.. ':r:ari ,: j2.1I, tioc. c.rard a. ro.rcier, ledrard. Lla63. , l: l2:r3, lJI. For c. cobi,,Jr. . IrYLr, l:12:24; lO2. lawrence;, Detalirer lr3sh.D.c., ]:12:26, ]cl. ctu6. d. stqrzb v,9, aavT, l:j:2::i2; ,4. rdP, stabl€r. No.6yEcr.€, X.I.j l:12:rr+j 105. Johh fl. slsde, rqttton, cr., l:12:l8j tDo. ?
iii?'3i:"#';*%i"91"h31f, Ton Roach, lo9.
:.iii, ii??;l' !0. Alb;ir
Njrc, l:r4:5Oj
#*t'.i;l;iil,il;, "i6ii.ii!i *it::'ir.9-*lil*i 16, ,12. J34€6 F. (]ert, Clev61and Ric:-
):19r54; 256. oeorse A. Bheo\a cJrc, tt79t55t 257. Hubort lbrgan, fsc, J:20:40; 294. Clyde R. oook, 01d D.n1!1 co11e6e, ::20r42, 259. rlthD! R. ADash, tlbany lrlbany TCr ,:20:45; 2eJ. t . Josept D. Va4 Ho!r, Olev€lend iRCt t t:?..4.;2b\, 3:24.46; 26r, Robert R. Slmeons, -^:ia Vt., fr20r4?i D.r€et, "':')ol'tai ;At. ' ;;;;, , leier u. Earre€, t{4 iartfora, ct.,l:29: 50; 264. 3telh€n,t. Bar&e, a1r-6ton, !a5€ ,r21:08; 265. Jolin D. ,Yl1herr, Clevelana RRC, 266. Vlnceri aandettl, NrC 26',1, Rlchdd (, Cc1e, Bllghtoni 1t22tl9i ':22:lf; EaE.t at22t22t 268. Robt. r. earvey, lydevll1e,vt., l:22:10; 25.c. Fr. Ja4e€ i Lrcra.ns, touns3torn, o\ro, tt22.i1; 27o. tr!. R. 01nns, spart6n ac, l:.1:41;
;;:';': {;
271. Doualao lval.e!, Oled6ione ac, torc$
tt15:53i 1I1. ss! \v. srasher. iJ€6hv1u;. Tenr,, t:,a6:02i :n4. Thooa6 J. Aonerrs. l:16:11; 115. Peier D. riI. xos, Pmvidence, R.I. r Jr16:90;4o.
,r.. *ry !. ,r,r€ns, !6c.o6r€, {1€o.. tt)at29i 1r9, Psur 6. Brran, Narr4. 1b66., l:13:lc, l:o. arrb! B!os!. i€.t
3:i:"#!i il,"?!l; HlTii*;\::_ "l;?? i.-iii: il3;,ii# iil 133;,ili"!S,,T
jj iror d;. .:;. -:-o:r i ,. J6tr"5 A, \s ao rr, r.r, ^. j-e Iloo 3. j-.r .',-s, J:_/.4?j cr8afo ., Lo,.oon, 0 r., .:.0:.8j -_o. -ai.", ,. """-"r, clsds ole -c, I .d , R.L1r€1.1 9. ]&-li, ,E. NazaFene co -. '1: llt. Ksle r:o.. ). . 1.odas'.-aJ8., c_pf _-nd f:rb:)3i -dl. RrcSr'o 9. Inc-M, Harvard -: .P-, Jt41:19j tll. ,Db" t A. o_rr"r, )t rt15, Ja3.,aci -Le-ae,!, Rocheerer -a .t. rq -, r,L1p .. Lt .9:,16: t89. Jo n c. recobs, xFhr, 1.t : ,) , E.r'o rJ. I ': r:)0: -.urralr, :--. j:r-:L crlo, 0 J9o. B! I F. Na.h. te.r. Jt D5v,d o, I"-':eh3rps, -.1. sLr_qe.o, j:-.:-e, tJ6, o'-o, /;04:.-, 191. sLrve loern, rFva;d, ray T. XFa Je-, U. o" ro., lrll:,-j ))l.l Lt)atL-, 19:. R c:raao c. Borer, )r\c, 3obt. F. ioo.1n,e, 0F -1!n-, {,}., l: ::.4 r:cr:13i JaJ. I.p&e, evae r:h, };e! AC, l_u. D t14:vood ",, a-oanr .c, ::r :a)l4. tt2L, J9l. nrbt.{ .:ekec, Ioronto 4:02:21; ,95. !@bert (aurDe. :j9. JEn€6 r.i. car@r1, l!1y clcss, l:42: Y:IoA, r{1rao Sc- L corlece, r:0):45; J9o. itsrr|! Jr, )r0. l_. hob.rL I. c,rc r J s:,r, H. Roihb"r-, I-lC, L:42:.2j ,7, a!nG 11, jEv:d A. !re-_ g, f:1.:_), N.y., j: j:-5i jr. rar J a, 9o1es,..., I lo. Hal1, irgc, !:))ror, r98. gr€nlel Irtr1 crIes c, JtLt)9j J]1, {!t_14 lHArr, Yere, a:0):)5; J99. Parl R. Lts.hp}. 813c"tr"1a.r,.r., N3shvjr1., TFrr.,l:*:51 xe"',oi, j.a6s., r:0r:r', 400. JsF6 R. J4. lhotr-3 R, yh.!_e, s-. !-1"rs.ur ,F-al !1lr, olade'0re ac. 4:0/; r0, r0 , Jdea >tt tt-6; )L), Dolero c, !s.oMo, sJrso-d i: in'A ear, !rr..! on, llass., -:0o:08; il., Jt4\t2tt t6. Jerf Arb".rJ r, L'.a.., !)). lY!. zscla', N'c, r:06:iJ; r0l, !1dt r: o:09; :,7. osce' !. ErE1.]s"on, \7- 7ood, Nas\v!11e, I€M.,r:0/:-9; 40-. co!j.F. t 3:46:.0! 148. IicberI J. LeE.c, ]Jofr r. j,a, Iso-, Rr ef,d, v!., 4:07:2): ctuo- !o-- {}ca, J: b:l:; l-9. D€nlF1 | !r . Ro.e r I qrBse.l, cc:a, 4.07: rJ; qr-re'_o, !p- Ac, tt-6-L : rt0- sAtuy I 4).. :) -. E'aa;"J, :.fr3, r,:08:!l; r.r;J!3n, rtr_e co r"qe, trr6:{7; lr]. ln. J. sc'nlor, Irl-on Sclool. ... .@c6 llcxa n6, 10 n s oFn, 0-o. 18:0. (e eo r!sre; ee rajt\,, t_?. rb - .:lo:. : 19. :{11_rer J. 9n-!1, t6hveJ;, vrn D. o-dous 1, E.I 6Io, N.Y., J:r8:J6,11966,,4:1o:,6; rr). John 9. Dpc^er, tdudo !. Jrl. Jpn€6 D-rer, s.I., I.1,, tr-9:08; i^ oenJ : Y., ..1::-5,4ll. t5r- oob' r !l.:to.mds,9..c1ion /L:cA. Is eLer' c-a. ton_ 8,1.,4.I1:01:4r. l. Pl,q on, l:aI, -:-.:,5; -1 . 116-ec, t.o j J-r. Aljen lJe_, q"lf. ):-9::. (sl60 lI1.!--L &r. r: I:20, rt-. F, C'otr, qrayhe s e p u-rr ,., :t at :t b6 .' 3e Fablo l, olaB€.i., \P ron, th"s.,):r:, 4: nd aond lclr^o a!o.n, n a:ca, :: ': d: 1 .. lj clE d l. o.:ole., soner 157. '.0: 6; )8.\.be - r. .nc.err, 018. o, I r.LllF Lie3., r: l:/Ji -16. r!@ei Io1g. L: L:a; 17, cenbj. J;..:06, >-), Ja!:, ):!.Lean, I Js..'6 " f..lFr :t"b-.d.. /:.ri_0, ! cl.Ic, J:t:.4, J61. ri rr sle nej, a, lcl"l,s ., .cj -]e_ f.D L P.r'., Blr',, r:-r:)), \P, _1:).: 7j Jo., j-r- J. C€6 r lJ, tso-_e B-sLo., Lr€66,, J:.:.7: )6.ltn. -. O1s- -3 o1 , a1 q,I.oa. !e., 1:.-. ,.2, lv, li.-lo1B, P"sb.oJ, rEe. r,:. : ..In. lil!"r roun, J,/., ":5':J9: 16,. I r''"Ld t, L ). At h " F. Ab,J!., ai5atu -:, F6nl, c -p€, qoc ,1,, .: .(J, ra.. I .t)6t)51 p t ?:, J8a"E cap- nEer_ C-Fre'ar: ", 0 oooe b, on, C :. s o Ja er IFC 6; I J. 4JJ 0zIae, \llc, "r18. J., ,r.J:)0i lo). ra: .'H. ':16.P.'e Spd ei rC, J:rj: 0 (; s -r-eo s6 ) -:i !:.. R. 4v.,te, Roc. e6.-r,:;.J. 42). Fre- ll'ole, EAn, 4:-c:o:. J66. IrL E. rode, -:C :: 'i eil. ) 4.)61:lt).e.5 J. :,lJ.heF D. otJnn, :.!I- -: r: -, .68. | ':b J s o.e, rrcao,., dt?oiE, Da. s-o ., u. or :o-eqo, l::l: 6, 169, r:r9.15; rt?. ;o5n U. q" 3n, 30 e.v -re, ,0. !:ro:16 r'3. I o?as J. Ee-!,u,i! l.. s., Ge.rg" La, s-_1o. Lc .: r,.8. Jam-6 e. B_d., c.( ,un!r., : : lj l7 I b:ock-on, v€s8., L:19:16 a:9. cordon _. o.l ljcA, 4r..r rr, .Jo. Robt. Jor a ma6co, tnr. J:5J:.oj ?.). tr..!ex .llappon, Bop !te | 4 b olon qd zlo 4: 0.15j -ll. 4D. M. )tr:t'), :,). '.c!.es-nF,, H..r C-.ooj l:.;:-0, Ib63., r:.0:50; sep eda, dosto- cor -e. e, :o".s , , lia .J)e6pL -etl-- Acsce:y, _:ir::r; LJJ. tucm"q F"Dor-., :ac; ':r!:!1, 1,5. Eo s'enLI.u-c.;, ::Lc, -:.-: u st!a.8er,92d :5j I o, €tolo-. Ge rrel, Foeror vllcA :l i/.tl _ r4u 2 r!' c:rB. iesc,]r l:.6:.r: --b,l ' ! )1..t.r, tt eLi a: tu€. 6, c.". 3:5 ,1o, I :9 "v; c€L-i1s, qrona . j.-iJoitri-rs.':"i-o; ..1.":,i.:^. .,...,
-;, jsr:-i;. :ii;'" :' t; :l*: X: " . :; ;;; :;:"-:".;-,.' ..-:,;";_ .";
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J li:r,")i.i"il""liil;.i:;";:ffl",:"'" ,,e ?es)]rs, ) "oov.
ffitffi#ffiffi#tffi ,l
*!;#1r,r l}
*t+ffi5*4ffi'tl+*,t :i f ;'"i'.^^:'.i1T
Sports Anglcs
zurum *e*h$1innnt
:1"":"erl'il" ;,a" ;;;
ifr:'fi i,5HJtJll,"' -''o',
tr"$:if#{ifi.{if it';'}iffi
* d*hi""d.i^ j;;,;:. ;;:, +-ii,i:;.'i'JTJ"f"i iii ;'iiir ;'iti, tl,;".;;" I.,r:dxi"-,1" *a :r"1s".,"t** x;t**it,*ih*fl ,"T,",.:,.ii t*l*fu5diilif*4i*r$lir*l:'.,:*r r*fjl*,:*xt,li#:s$ii"{ri,Tlrl:;"{i*
l,0e Aa€ soeLy
lt's 196?, ard {€ hBv€ gon€ dd €4)dd€d lu lIcla slloe ltus a€e1n. $ow ne have dothe! e&at tlatrljs 4d a@tu€ tast, e b"@d nes soL6 6hos, ud ou €luit@d @d616 r. aBt-1ebl6 i! eed6 aE w611 as bnJfed l€ath€!. A15o, oolors, eal . f@Jl de w6 6oay? B€coE6 of tlat poor euy tr esdd Cityl (&sas. He ms eo detigbted with os otd shoe6 ir]lEr h6 snJfered a coq)1ete !€lsolaltty 6!11tt Ae ro a @-@n rEc€ niih ou ahoB o4 obe toot, ed tr Tc22 on the othe!, (tld Fetty retl, too. Took sscond, tost to B guJ| {1th s h6altby !€!6ors11ty ,oeljg .@ r]1y
on both
fo6t. )
{l-U hev€ to d€c1it€ b€t@€! €.!@ dlfte.o.t Dode1., tlE@ dlffe!€nt colola, &rt t@ khag of u!!e!6 (buff€il lestrre Nor h6
- s:_,lli t*"^
glfTE !'OI
d\r'.;eBBOI{ SPODT'
t: t4
ffi{i'ffi1i:Liii'i;;Tr"Hiii:[,."'l "i- irilrii'€"irii :g::r"i;,:'.".*;"ifl.Jii:rii: ftil:
I :"y"i:d. i;ili::';s"{'"r;;:r-:n:"i:":i:
gilffilri'*ttui*;f+l* I ufiiff:j**:,i;!::1i'* jii:i:;!fii:.,*jili:sr",;,;i:"*i
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il€,;$!":'ii!r", :fr jydit#"::l;',*.{';"u
lr:,{ii*"F:::;j;, i: iii I **,;:,';; :. :r: :;.":;r,i,'":::i!' ;!js!i :ril:T: *i"i ii={i,ri { f tr**:ioi I i|:, i'''-i li ;"
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:';."";,:i,r." i"',';
lolercones libuldtions !a!oh ,5rd
I--l tl I In Marsh Race I t'"*".***,"**."*",*"-
&d I iuiror at |
]nsffmuchcanbltfue'|l | ){ry orsli or Nodon, Ma*, r
I1*'brHs.h.. ttur@L 4yjlv.*F,. "'FuaFq'ddNdbedL I lob! rdr r@ Ns tH@ .d. !b ?*,h tbAh!tunbcb6w 4${rrtu{d_" I
lffYl,ill #,.'lHi !:*,{:1,"".1's5e1 l
l;rms*'". -, rnel*llmu':
l |
i I I I
11. Johr J. Ie1ley, BA,{, 75149 15 60:49+ 12. !eter Strpe, 8.9., 75:54 10 65r54 1f. rarid I.lnto!, Brar 76:11 9 67:11 14. Noroa! !e11et1e!,ilAC,'161)r 5 7It)\ L5. irct laJko, IIc, 76t)4',l 69t14 16. Prclrard aarron/aaA, 76149 9 67:49 1?, Rlchafd Pacrre.djBtrl, 77:04 I 09:04 18, len Sneehan, um., 77;06 10 57:06 19. Cleud€ E111s, roic, 77:15 5 72r15 ?0. Alt coo1ldge, Bt , 77.19 63t49 21. fn. GtD6, Spalt.AC, 77:24 n.24 22. Robelt C.alglD, I4,t1! 77:11 I 69:lI 21. Bo! ticvelsr, atA, 77:17 - 17:17 ?4. Jonn 1taflace, EAA, 71t4O 69tro 25. RoJce earrer, NNc, 77t5J 7lt2t 26. A1 gtren, CJTC, 77t54 64,28 2?. ee.rb-e ],eelle, NIIC, 78:Or 1 ??r01 i![. uurjpny, Brra, 28. 1atoa9 Etoa 29. 4lot ldverdB, r|/c, 7At!2 5 73t\2 10, Jlllan Sels€l, I$lC, ?A:17 I n:!? j'1. Xrchard clap!, Nr,jc, ?3:40 ? ?1:40 t2. Rlchl!d s)Dlnsion,un.78:47 7o:t'l tl. P@berh Bers, BoE,ar.,13:5t9 69:5a
r4. Joru tealy, w., 79t5:l \\ 67.57 15. n€6 s1111an6, lt}I!, 79:411 ',t2tot 16. !o!y sepleaza, Bra, ?9t16 11 68116 79:29 65:50 l?. Jh xeefe, @t,, la. ceo, RezeneeEj ]4tc, 79,21 4 75125 19, taul schel1, xMo, 79126 5 '14.26 ffi*,ft';.xr1*# l 40. .tolD ](1nchra, \M., 79tz) 9 7o:?) I _4$i{i,t}*1,,'.S -;;i;";.';;';d @l l 41, JaoeE chrl€ttanson, 791a7 6 7t:17 .toele6dx{q Mdt l 42. !c srenxrevi02, )ara, 79t4t L 74145 tehr odld uridd 4), rlrcha.d Fernoyle,NuC,79:5I t 7At5r e{ R4 .rcer *ol I lhbrdbbrrudsdrse 44. Don lYrlkrns, Nrc, 79154 16:54 G,dr q& q+b x. o! | i 45. Renl Chalou, Nirc, 8O:r3 -?rJo ?2146 lro!@ o kor d a.I0' 46. .IaneE Arexander,!Ar{, 80:19 8 72:19 47. Jobn e!ar-, IUo, eO:26 5 75:26 I tu, tlik 3rd4 b rs 43. John nurley, NNc, a0 lr 6 ?4:i4 49, Ben cheplnsk!, i!r'c, 80:18 5 ?5.16 *ffi" ii'P*.Ht lrit' 50. LuIs Vel66quez, BM, 81:01 , 81:0f lbrE o ft bd! d h nlles..11o 6ta!t€!e 51. ,tse3 nondeau, Mtc, a1:oJ o ?5:0f itr.[l" ?".';" Jfl;;* H::l"L:i'J.-,i:i; 52. 51. l6rry oeorle, a&r, 81:42 5 76:42 held rp ure earlr startels at the 4' nlle narL fo! about 4 llnutes. aouF I 54. Roland Dye!, nahe, 81:44, 78;44 EheeiI of the b!3rn..ken l 55. Arton Oraaberl1n,Nl,fC,31:45 - 6t:45 sood race Dshs brs dn-l 56. Ro@ld ryer, &€rne, 81:4b I ?8:4. ute hlndlcap to 6tay Just elx se.onds i 57. Tor I(oerber, llerAc, 82:00 9 7l:00 elead of xelI€y. fhe flr€t {0 recetyeal 56. tJohn tiarchent, $xC, a2:02 2 80:02 trolhl€s & nedals. --lred !!o(nrsx.-- 59. ilcru!d rounle!,rjlirc,a2tr7 4 7e.\7 s@uel Berry, UN, A2tt2 A 74 a2 TeM: t. North llediold c1ub, 6j 2. BAA 60. Denn16 Condor, uu., 82:t5 4 ?8:i5 trj l. &et AC, 2?, 4. !as6-Un1v., l5j €1. .2. xe.b PM6ond, utu., 82:41 3 74:41 5. spartan Ac, 17. I roM r,lnscotL, BN\, A2:59 5 Tt:.4 1. Larry ol6en,!rov.co1,,?l:51 10 6l:5!l €1. b4. Lloyd Slocun, n@., alr10 ? ?6:1i) 2. To0 Blac!, utut., 74:21 9 6::21 l 65. Cbarles ,q11ey, N c, 8f:18 5 ?8.18 '5. Italoh Fallbanks,Nl c, 74:!8 67:58 | 06, nen Datrson! B&r, Aa:9 b 77..,!J 4. $d;en rbrrer. iruc, ?4.58 2 ?2:58 I 67. ld!ald Cur 6, r\t&C, 3{:16 I 81:18 5. cnr csden, u@., 75:oB 65:03 6U. IrE LocXe, Njllc, A4:44 4 A|:M 6. !!uce l,ehane, BS, 75tl- I 6617t 69. Edrard cu!r1er, UM, 64:49 8 ?b:4c ?. Frarrr xr!o- ii c. 75126 6 8:26 and.e Lror€au, Nl,rc. 84:51 , 81:5i 8. Rar crorha!d, ac,J., 75.11 62:a '- 7!r 114 [6ted flnl6herdJ 9. Rrohard cordler,BAA, 7r:44 b4t49 I 6I:41 r0. Ken lfrerler, Bl',', 7r:4t | li'@f6oer6!@drd4e!b.d6.
:i;;; ;'fi"ii,
rfEl,€y, lcy o4prxRr carr@RAr
nnN ffonons]
li ,r
"1 ;";T"ll :f,*:i.;!;' "::;:: : ;:; d".:.: oJ1;l:, ;e :;"" i .ir;;: .;,.; i : "f,:5)::t;:;,":""3-" ;":'::,;::".." ir:
." I l: ;; ' .:1...?: .i, :.i.; i)" :i: !"".; i.L
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:'t:, ru'?% j,l
'i:';:": ,:; ..:.:;t:;t -t.',: :,,::i":",] , ,1 : .";!.,,, "
,lili. ,;:;,"n-
,;1, ,ii ;,; ; "...:::"":;";;,"' ;i :':"=;:"
"'"':d:;':1""i: -..J, l'" ; ", ;;;; :" 1ff!;.",-" " h,'', ;:;.':f:. 1
ri:'ij::il:"i:;",' i"
3oo o3 'rne
€ I" " o d L. L:
Bu trqr'a 1go ]-&,];'
''"",;',":'1 :'. ... 1tns.. I "o o; % pi. l.:
. r3.o "3 "on . .3,..7 : :00 o: l":. ., sf. r-Fan8r. ,o:19 :oo oo:rq l!-, "{A.
'e"' 17 " ] @ s.. se.,. "n: "'::1
Ld,s d
, ,,, ii:lr";: /c:56 :00 6B: o /6:01 ,ooo:b 6:'6 r:oo - : 6
- , r, . 7.7,r) taa |
': ':'"' ' :: ;: ;'.'3-:5"1"1"":: 3; ; ;;" s: ' i,;:;iii":ir:, I rl":: - :";:;':;1."i: .ll 1r;,; 13:.' ':;3 :r ::: "-r'; ..: d:';:' ";' ^: "":.T , :5:'1 ;.:{:: ;i^: i' .:lo: i,"" ::; i:::";:; i: , , :;?;l .:,.::;. ;$: i: ; ii3" .-: n .i "'; .', ..^";,";'*^r.':.: ,. ;.y'
,3:,ili';,'*';t';;-,': : j:B " : " :Fi;;"ir.,l*,*:l:;.: :;t:::l:*,:;;;; .:,1:{;;;;1,;;';il'' ;:r :::l" r' ;; :i',*t*i"*itty;:*i "i*i:q,{it
a.rug***,*nfi [ifl fi fl i*iffi:ffi l*miltr'l'Effi .
Irlc r6runs, xrr, 5j:2jj
,#:;i:ffi ","it1."*
24. Ee!#rr
ii, i:;;:i,iri,3id;' 5;; 3l;,T'!;."::.[% ?'i.ft #h"*l!Hr,,
i+;i, u, ;"*';"$"li:'tr;ti*Jft:l# rna, 5d:2J; J6. us voras_ 5bi';"H ?B?u1l"l,lt;*,ra ^il:[o, robn ant]o!s;"?i;ii' 59:0lr ua., 59:r0r l+1, F€re" B"rr.s, u€..59;2?: ffi :tlis:Ti:ra:il$:"ixft :I"mrFr :::)i: ab. hob..t uscv€lsh, Blnr 60:27; *ri"!'i!id}:kf :*.,
lii:il;:i,i:af il*if i:,ff :"ii*:l''ry frry:tu5a;'5!l'*3;"il,1frr",,ff:l$:5r,
;;,iil";"i"i3l i;tis:*iis"FiS;"S;, RIADIRgT cOraNG- CoDttNed
tlon !e. 2f
H€rd rether rarch baseball 0n Tv. If ru.
rhe 6port, l6nrr Ir dd_ @ne'"ln alNt lsck o' Puillc ::i#:t;o l€ople should tuh.!t th€y flhd tt e!_lo!, The d1t@b ho.i rDmers Jlril th@selues.LA rs bhL6r on ri;,:;".ffi ff i:"{.rfi
ruSNI,TS I,EXINCTON TO N}IIBRIDC! RONN 1,167 ql Mi1es, 78 srsrters.
Arr11 8,
1, lAA, t2;2. xIr, zrr 4. fl.t Ac, 27. 1 A.r coolidep. BAA,
1h: r. 2. n?n xrer_ ]er, baa. 4e:4tr l. rlm4B:JBr ra16y, NMc, 50: 4rr 4. B"n r4i1-ob, Mrf, 51:07;5, cuY 51:2[r 6. ron B1a.!. i]nB 52:04: 7, Dsye DuskyJ rErc' ,2:l7i B, 52:U0j 9, F€t€r stl.eB.,ron u., f2:5rj ro. RsrDh Fairbs!;s_ Nlrc. 5l:11j 11, rMr€j hyfijn. s.*tan {.. 5,:21j 1:, Ficnsrd smr;et.n_ ;". c1,ii. !!, rr. r.L AM[I"'A, ;d., ,t'jt 15. ron tr.6rref. xet ac. 54:16i 16,54:0li Larre Bema., ta€t Ac. ta11"ee, BA{,5ir:rar 18. 14:24;17. ms., 54:5!; 19. rolu !_, 55:o!r 20. Flctrald psckard 3AA.55:05;21. 55:13: 22, -tuart adare. BAA, 55:19; Nl1C.
'}.:i";trr}s:";" ir i' i-irir{ii;l hIx riF""rii:"" r:i!if i.rllii!i$,iH:i :t"if ;j"iI do{n on paln & effort. uy om @lrilo!
13 6rDrr€: stop runn1na, that,111 mr
i";t $",ii:".i""::""".::t ;:':fr,iT"':'; ;i.tT":;:":tri iff "";;.ti"ir:#";"::
jf ;l,$**p;"
coflap8e. Tn€n the fftC
gj'#:i:T"iirffi {J::ttuT#l#**"
la SR. 3O-KIrc 41. B11l CoJre, tillhose rA, 2:r8:47j (13.6-MrLEs) suday, Md.h 42. orrirgton H311, ,a6junsrx e.or;; c1"b, r:19:14;4t. ste\e xrito., ialrar P.M. at Pealy 9.s., ] 2:4?:4): +rr' $E Frdlo1'1Y udyland. sponsored by the se: Thre€ laps, t. fi1f1rDse 4-5_ _Tee ftd?lonllrrp: yJrr AC, r 6-9=16: AA, r. [1qh cabe Mirkin
sc, ? 12-14=:aj 4.
at each rurb. I of h rs each ra!. i
NYPC, e-ro 11=:c: a I'-'e=r2 € uniiea ff:'l5li6:i+=l:: oeler
lon calped a iiie cobleiliir€ race qrtl a s,rlriEiiEl? 6ir;e rlii
blt r@ .eally sewere. bather: A hoi day sa* tjre tdpelature clirb inro tne 70,s & co,trrbtr&d to a l 2016 altrition s5 starrels I .rropped @t, (Easte' suday) kept dffi th€ pdticipation. Tc, 1:4o:4o€i wash. sc, 1:43:05,61
tavored i r aasrari)Ia, lne pnd rf 12 mr1r6 Lrr a J2g leadrt aprar€rt1y *€r1 on lts vrej ro leEa.trong i:1e tierl.@l ,hn t1tle 1965, rnsread, r,ou ras desrihed tr trInd up second for tne 2nd ye6r ln a ros. hls gecohd rutroEl tltl€, Th€ 26.ved
6. riD Grea, Rost@ AA,
25b":cru lonsrr! racei staylr€ off lncredrbly sflong tap, a blnuD€ elleae of
s.iril:i,'::":'"iy]3*"ifl:';;: rn 1965,
ro. !i'ce eiap!€tta, Nyac, 1,53,40 1r. irire Reiffj xillrose AA, 1:54:39
16.IdryBi]/dt' ra.Jii€y*ood,
I ]
ran a
the u.t11 d;' last?a.e 1a!. Ab tne end Bob Flrts at t::10 qaE tuEtu3nrr6 & Fra.I ;iii.::i,:il";iii: 8t?i!:t,::""1:;: *
Jacksoar Ji4 iicromelr & B1r1 ooldotr
:t"t*t.1,i!"i;i.i; 63:il.f,ni""li:: ii".;:t "it ill:,f':L:{i'f'ft ::i.:t
:;:i, :'::;;::,,1:;:.;;'l:;"-1::i'i". :", uri ricn:€J ln 69:26, Jackson r! ca:ro. & ,reff coLl.e tn 70:17. ay 15 ftite; 66:
;is :ii:":,.:i",y"""i:".ij":d:li,:."
r!M Meztn6 e6s€ bo ur a Nrn_ Erg .@ern ot sore o00y. :rt. l.6rajnora hpd do io salrDje lni; nce 24. Bob lrierd, Dela.l&F, Lt11'ose -.- 6se!t ro 6uprlernd tee .hMrrols_lo on |ne €back ro oacj frntsx of tJt :rj:e & reter&n 27. Ji, wils@, United AA, Jrm &icDotudJ] Jttros: :,t !:r ttclpants 24. Daw€ Dlbb1e! Harrisbuls AA,2:o7:58 dxosed !p for 1z€c oy ,I, c;:e i,ilrkln. Bor scharf. car 31. Dick t€Fis, united AA, radruncent lrl rn presldlna over th-" llosre. rtuiils t. i:Ie trer€ndoud dou,r 33. Bob Dinoff, walrer.]ohnsoD nsj 2:r3: v@, united Ar, 2:1i!;46 ang lsrloEt !f,c srerderds, aNsy
23- Bill Shaalle, Mi1r.AA,
North carolida state 2:3s:5O; !rO. rar'n @i!s1ow,
?TI1 ArIIrUa!
ec!-o counDE 4--_ ,iM ioa! Fjc?, -inrP:.ol1s, bnne;ora !ei,j uarch ?5, 1967 Ccurser lvo laps out & lroc!, nrIiy, loacE in !..r conil -tron, !€t, rDtipd, haevJ trafflc. 1r5o 1. Eru.e li.rten"rn, T1Tc, 2l:o+.2 2, ueoroa todolEhJ, x, of jlrm. 2l:42.5 g, of t{im,, lf :50 +. Ia]rer slocmj 'iYfi t€ Bed ill,24.0: of !1m.!}osh. t. .r4:09, 6. A1 crbas, Ilracelesre! cori€.e. 241;71 7, Le. Dunsoore, yppiroE s!, 24,4:, 3. Pst, rv.1n ct e6 !4. ?4:!5 9. Toi Cr1ff1n, rtrc,25:4);10, tctc,26:-4, 12. l,Irle tr6-x,
,'h1Le Bear Hs, 2b.:1j 1:?. cfry Ardersor,, sprlrs Ierk }1s, 26:5ei r+ !on AiklnBon, {hit€ Beu H6, 26::5, !5. Iuck (I€vrd, Tc?c. t7i28: Lo- x.t teee, lyll1te Eear NE, 2?:54j 17. Te!.y
ctere, Hopklns llB, 28::1, le. rh1l Jlgn 6!'j sjpkln6 ds, 29:11j 19. lob N€r!1e, TCTC, :2:49j 20. Ken Stortsson, TcTa, ,4:56i :1. T€d HaDnonq, rna., l5:Or. Nol€s... Er)ce lbrtenson took hrr a!!1na tonio todey 1n tne forh of e larEe dos€ ot hud, tr1€lded yelt r'1o1 rocxs, Eand, c5D.k }ores and Ice Eeter. 6erved up 1n a eerreo of apgllcairons feebl€ nlndec drrvfla (I cd Inaglne rhat rheJ ruet have thought at seelng 25 E-uye trrlrq to ort 6ao! eeox oiler on !ub11c 6i!eets. ) Irany th€nkB t. tte rrmeapotlg st eeb !ept. for eupplyln€ us nlth ea obetscle 8ecotrd to no!e. au rurners adleed that bheJ 560 re3,11y out done th@eelveE. fte 1o€al !o&d rud.r duer be part dDck & part oountalr {o€t ln.rder to 51oe rlFou6h bhle Lo,er sroDbovlan suoe! hlEhrar, The course record 6f 2r:44.6 ser ta6r year lenar!€d lntaot slnce defedd_te che! Ron Detrs ran uebfe to for.e i,h. p8ce. He m66 out ot tom oolletle th tlr€ irmbolr, I(snse6 [bsuron. ln.lgh of tI16 borlng oonertary...I've -oeen notlclbe a nmber of letters co!cerdng Jouns Delethon!6 iroes. Irve got tqo nsrks for 17 & uniler th3r are a.1na to be hard to beet..Ton Pelzer,17, of alerander Rdsey Ils 1n at. Peul ran 2116:54 rn tbe 1965 BA]l. Lbr alologl€€ to LlI. Cloney..Also la 1965 Les Ddn@ore, a l5-yearold hIC! schoo! sophohor€ et Hopxlng H.B. .d a 55:25 10-h!1e! onlrle track.. a.4of co!r8€, van lleldon losted tYo f14t clas€ t:r€6 ln 1965: 21,000n (tlack) 6l:4?.3 anA 30,000n (tracL) 1:.?:1b.4. at the th€ of thede !€ce6 Van-qes 8t111 19.
i!. ]r,u sn. rohn contrnred fr@ !#s rtrar,sLarpc, 11:44: o. Nscy rarlor,
{+u rre?rer3)
40 & O'rm
2-llItES: 1, Ted 3skett, 9:5b:
;:*'i;:f.l"ilq:i. ;:;::r, ri.i.'f "i.""* :irs€r, rJ:l+bj 6. fla;rey 10t+0r 7:-n.r.,i 0a1rar, 1r:u); 9. oeor;c lraJo!" 11:0r: 10. Joo (1bln€md. 1I;1,: 1r. al Ack;r_ gear.s. rt 2] : rl l@, 11:,4; 12. rllliM nerds:^,Jdhn 11:J5r Jo.f tlliI: hsli, 11:43j 5. rr111a!tr o'treir17. 11!rr8: 1!. c-nc rediE! 11:5?; 1i. Kul steiD;r' 1::59; til. Jop i.rcoL,rra, 1l:oOr tl. Jo6 K€l1€rr 1l:Ol: 20, i1 chltrtlrson, 1l:o? 2r.EL! RI"ra RUn: (125 3iarrers) l.o:l7j :are solodor, ?:ltr: 2. tke ?€!i1E_ L Bruce nobinson. ?:42: [. r,a:;r u.G1.III, c:lrlj 5. steve suttoA. 9: 6,6. lrik€ F1omi.c, 9:5?. (rhc n!fl r€-hur_ dd a 6r.up or hish slhool !6re!B tn the llve lra.ds e L & 5 yeer-clds 14
txe lsst f6! p1aLe3. ) lr-rstllEli sma fifo !l{?tus ln;oseonablo r€ar & hlah h@idit, ndr€ Jud€ Deniel rdsdrlerrs an1; r"s1 ;Ld\€r_ shn csjm, rspr6slnti@ the xav Llrors rc ihe cr;,c,ri "1;,u 25th. russtjor on l,rslch broke contact a3 6d1r as rh€ txo .tle cha1l€n€€d
ths cor€e in the locord bleaklrE tlre of <2:59.1. Tho hunddr:r, dao e1! conl1Aq rn off lalc ?onichartrat!, too! tt's to11 ot ihe ll€1d as Dan iraied ths t1!st ll?e niles in tho fourth club t1re ersr dihh a :?:10.0 cLociln€, at the hs1j ray up tlE pac6 & flnished ltirlr a 25:I)5.43 to beak rh€ hort club's fou! tea! ofd flva nile &co!d. MatdE tt a fmilr affalr was oldsr b!orh€!.Iriry, xho dsf6at6d fomor l,rashiato;
lljD€r! Jin Colpttts ot Keeslsr nrB. Bi1oxI, i'llsslsetlpl, ior iecohd !1ac€ ulth a 5J:51.6 m.k. Tla t1@3 for tnos6 tlntshiru xorc: !d FusBlt€r, !. Iuselie}, 5l:51,6: fir colrftts_ 55: 55.6; Sm !rcl{a61r, 69,3t,2i \". Lacr@.. ?0:15; rorly tbn6r, 70:llj J.D. s^qfiei. 87t25,6. --John D. r,ton&r-!.c..r3 B.b scbalf 16 haring tris }rrobteds, had a tur'rle blt It tias bear diadnosod 1N1do his stodchr&r-cK Ir{ rEonY & rEcmrrqrE- $1.50 rror Lons Distsce log. (r,raay Clstd,.e .urlrr€
Ior'vans on the Run Tipton's Werling Takes RRC g_Mi Hdcp"iiun
U Seo$' Srar!
Foh.r Norrh*Br Mi*ouri
coveE Din.nce in 44:i t.8
tlurphy l{ins ,lrish Sweepsf es, 5,0|X)lllerer In Reord i5:23
itilit{lH'T*;T[-{$J+'i[,$# *,#+SHffiffi$.lJ$:"Ti,i+
flij*Eg:;##f ffi#i:,}'Htr
p$rdffi*hffi '*ifl,'*i"i,iii,,"t
H,k-*i:;tlttgs"l''-iI fisHffiT;tHffi*",
ii. ;ifl.ffi';15,["it
" ',1$-ffi['n',tr-
il."*;i"Iftl,,l*f *i.#';r'3;i;+,jfl l,i
'*tffi,fi*,r#$l-*ili,1. 1^h
-u' ffi
i i"xflxlkt#t- trt
tm*fr i$
lAr llcilrrn.N
o- fiwBoLtT l,lapr:noN I r
ir:::;r:.m::l"r'[*;..;:i}ii]i Y tr-' ": ?P ;lli::;;";:l: il:',l"lfll:':;.i:l:;::' *r_l --Tyrr_R
lfl:.::;-::"",*,.","".,.."r.. i!_ !ttu-. las pal ilofisno --
;m;;;::;ji:1";"i::;:i,1":1gg;;;1 "' H-varon"ocrr.o.':.5, 8...r i
i::'I;:lill;:1".;'i;.";lil3.'.i*,;?:. |;;"'fl'i;": .ti:':Yl"l"li"3; i:i.'i;ia F r-4,'' ;il'.r*::i';j';i:;"':1",,;.,'* !l;r J_rs-'rm ro-r.d l
""". "-",,e". ':;:i:li:;:."j"";JHso-rl
;15s;,'r';:"'.ri*" -Ir--,4"1--;'G:;;:i"j_.;i;.r;;"i:; _s^_ iil;':il;""1:;:*" !-:ii.I;,; l-j1";". :rr''"";;;";;";;i; 'a :ii -utr ri r;
E ;:ii,i:*:li:ii::i '
@c. ',T
I iil {:if"l;;."i"1:ii;.'i'1::3,'";,3 I " (: 3, ron lglz.!. Ir^coln, tv.b., ':d8:rS
;:;l: !::;;,.: -!""":;: '",
ac- sr"::";: :rre o}^25!za}, IU.d..,l.o,.?: 0.1\ Jln,s, -di: I {., cr"1 7=-ru r5- scor ". lrtmoapolrs, ':5r:r9 2. Dr. " l,.- 3r 2at55 .at55 ^ arrzodd (sss],Fll ) I D"F'xn!I€, 2t:oo -0:55 ':55:oE; ?. r.a s.rd.!. ,r, Jqhn -' L .hr 2 ibc 17,o< .:<.:Ui €. ours T "z,llncoln. vo{o.. cLclor, \-b!.: 2 t. _8:12 1:00.o j a. R,chs-d Ja.l,3on, "oa"asro.. 5, 6. j.€.€ ){srlh€js, ?1,,2 U: &. r,Y,,l:05:)0j 10, sLo.. \o L.nb-.c. ?. .ory'Ie so., ztt2 !\t22 Paola, hdss8, ):at:5)t t. soo uotior. L r.oF s .,a, :1:rb 19:06 uldhlta, rwsas, StLr:3L; 12, artu nich- 9. s1no43, 21:ltt 2o:L1 3-d€, Mai$at.u. xMs,r, l:ll.:50r 1.1. 0. John B a.k, . ti9 17 ti9 G.ry osl., Ir.oodl8, nD sss, J:I7:oLr 111. B l sr I-€. 1:t1 18r I 11,, I!'6r r.l]r@, !.Roy, lls-"s6. J..o: I$ Eor€r!, :ol 8:Ol '-. flbJshs.s llr 1.. c..s!o 3.roo'c , Po., Byror,U.y.l (13 --Joha J. BlqnL-Jt19t57; 16. ca @ Mor::nan. ! n.o-n. liob., ":?0:26; Ir. vL..l- Ll Edon, oi.--l <-}|t-I RoAD qLN. Akron. Ohlo. Ao.tL gtn
:h"::Ti;i,3,iil:",1.+:6_i'i"li;;:"r""_l r;"".::::."):s;Ti:.:;,ii"t.':'';-!'1.
l:2brzdj o, v.!ko sdrl. c\anuso. *rsss, ):29:-oj 2.. tu8-r.nsbula. Mo,, r:)0:Ldj 22. B!rco Tata,r.s. !"I oro /!aaet ,, I )t31t)-t '3. h:.. LaltoJ Rolr, t610r, Ktrs.. Jacr ul,.r, tynoon, {1-sds & \isr-- y.!a, !11.oro ("s3Ld ), J:l,.or: ,6. r,,al-d- {_tk6dal1, I01", Xdsss, I Blrlths-o-. l:1.0:ll: ,7. Xm"a.. l:lrl:29r '3. ?, Ar-r.aron. v3.. \,o6t)<t ?9.'Io- F.ozoyl!u, otL.*-. l(r"sq, l:_9: l: Jo. crald Prin-, Lr"rI.. LYorrr€. !:15:0o. 3: :. r'.. urslrarl .-dr: 1. N.brsshs (o_d .rcor'l: ':-U:!0 or "6 51r-":.1rmy. 1065, lt lla- I rro. n."!:ns Ld6 f nls. r!.. k8s"!'.o bJ sm Io. r". .d frlbM..
l,,at1y 29:08: 5. !a;e se06,r. .o: 2j ,6.s.ther. ,a\e wow. Ji:18: /. rvrr€ oIt. 8. JoM o.r€r'. t-:ro: e_ '-r, t lt:l.Jr Lu rcdd, 2J:o8r ro. Jli ale. : ;r:L/ Dan vrL13o-, rL:18: 1 . roi !o;us. '!, )6:a7t I], sM Es-G!. lb:2e: -. Do; __Da,a o r._ aer..": sa a ts, )6tt2. -----------------.__, I0rA . RC SF-J\I1 8-fILr EAJfOTCA' RUI D6s o ae3. Mrco 25- I Ish! rah & I.5o "aer-sr a-s€Led;ho rdi Roao RrfisE o .h6 nordlns o .'i" splrns 8-j 1€ Hqoicso Fs,6. nab l,ls.,r,6, v ;s".!1 srar€, -!o66_couaLrr-;11_Ara.tcso nusi | 1v€ & ,b€ ,eather ro c o tip.o, .ds rs tes ^j" fsc€d p53s8o .'E uhol€ fl"1o ,o caIG .I-s p16c€ & -asL .l@ JL4 Nc sdd€! sraloa rilr ru -3t s'r'd oa Igh s bool 3o. o- ra- th6 on€ hi l€ roops ds r.ey
ffi**1ffi'* s*r+#ffi;lru:*ffi rti*;r-*g,gl; i :i;,*:' ii;rt:f
:r*=,;l ;r" ;;:;l;:u:r; :"":,ii ;"f;,;l-', ;i*;il1l,:t ;o;- r. a"",,"r,i., oin! .iS*f:;
?-,,lrrE ()4rir o!n'
ll6tresla 1111 bocon€ lho a€, chaims of th€ l,Ed ll€ltam ll'Ag loru Dlstd&e Ru4attr coior.lttde. eoa€ s sur@r oLldress 1:4JJj rr. 40th Aco,r ortuina, IFbrasle. lhlie ro htri for a schodul0 0f dlsta4o€ rac€s tn the td l,t€stern !.3n. this rca!. Me4T are sc\Fdu1aLl, dft to nobrEska'c c64tetuia1 C€lebratloh. --DoDcllahil1-)
JTESUITS nro,unr Tr,o,ItII'! B!!Af cldd I61da, Xebrasl<a, ,t!rt1 1- Ksn Katz€I, 24, of llncoln. qd Ca!1 orczaF zak, 27, of Ind€n tsead up t6day sd rat aray froe th€ :Io1d 1n a speolat 2@n, tdo-f,11€ ro1af, lrold du!1ns ths Grand IEland Re1oys. co1d, threat€d.e a nialhM, but natzBI and or'czarzsL a3 theY .ltelnat€d 4llol th6 llhish Uns ,! e do6 8rL1.8. ThIs 13 good t1n6 corclderlng th6 f8ct rhat iobh i€. ran fl611 th rh€ fiMbotdt. Kms. lJaratraon lBt on€ 6ar1ter. Thev ]ud e€ry httto tralhtq'd6k for thorr ouaridrhlls l€ss. A total af ds te-a €!te".d thi3 aventr ttu flrst h€ld In ths l41d1l€sterb nAU !tstrlci. ?. RIcL uardon & Ron rsnsBn, 9:0t!.5r 3. nodor r,aD}read & Don }tcIahlll, 9:1?.1: L, cen6 sore! & ron snTder, 9t26.2j 5. rim Tum & D€D13 Dont-r!€€!, 9:l+6.8; 6. Bob seyrour & J&ck nozial, riTTr ?, vlrrlL Ihodpsor & 3€rnalit BroH., NlTi B. jrM Ealglare & nob€rt Eo{s!d, NTTjahur9. lo6oa Frscl3 & I,oo t3,klns. NTT. 151ft Ru, u1lkr Pdk, o.tuba, tlay lfth !o! lnfo lrtto to lsn Gould, 3031 But, Rl1'L oliE t4lLE ar the c10so of th6 Grsd Islsna nefays- 1. Davtd EofJt n, !utl€!ton, Nobrarke, 6!04,5; 2. oeolse no!n€!, l5r Grdd Isldd,Y CAj l. !1old t41ael€!, 40, GrMd Island BICrI; l. J9y Sx6nsoh,47, crsnd Isldd 1HCA. Co1d, lU!-,D.Uoua']r11r.
nw ?u$ by Fred ltilt - $3.00 frDa
Reoders' Coher Froi $d eendtn, 9 V1a Contlnental. Ietr lork, i.I. TXere 1s rne remrr 1n lotr coDoen F iettei t. c;;oeri onaccr.dlna to !ou, I'tveryoDe ue4tE 1o ortrord J!€rcal !ertor lroblem 1e Io! to achleve errlclelt1'n. 1116- ot all, I don'r rilnk rhe ttrest in eff1cre,.r. seco,;J. I :on'r Fppr)le of efficliao/. i r tete !t ih:t col)!enB ;e* !:1i-leic/, :e merali !"mnce /or i5e least err.r t & pdt-. But rr. fact is bbar rne fe lntere6ted In detthu a€ 6ood 3s poBsr5le & d.i r .1v4 a da;n ebo,t elf1cletr.y. a.rbe s orilBlv run ner void nrt rr1lte h1s tlaldnd if he rnoDenr ri Fos rxe rnlJ ray he coujrd cbp 4s off hr6 b€st i{e but a r:qt m11er nould stadry do sr. E,rl t6;.r s6snit sl1IJ en),rgrj ro hhrnt rlut rinnlng 60 r 440 loufd @.t e h1n rwlce as jD x 440 but he thousnt rt wor-ld eeLe ]]1a resier, coeleno vlires ia of n15n1j crrrreili!ve rrnn€rr & oa.tres a r€' .ugge6!ron3 for h1m. T:1e t4rh ta thar for a hrgSJ coD?e+1rice rumer nJ! sood c1o1k1Ec co,nl very ruch. H@r 16,14f,r8. "arters ,oe3 aryo4e lea:14. that Brtrrl: 1111 b.cortent 1f ne rDne hls fEeceEt rr@e over ln tx€ oleplcs & fo! tae 6ho copp€hs de5crti€6 as coe.Iete_ ]y€o & trallln€ to nexe s1r lacri rrces n4e goal 16 encces6, not efflclen_ cJj 4or o! !1nu p€r?orra.c€. .As lor lyself, I @ lllleesed v1th nelt efflcrency- Personaflv_r unre66 he enJoyB 1t. I donrt thlntr fl1rott & 9ne11 rere cut our for rlfflE Elnc€ they vere rorever lookrn: fo!';dd Eo the oal tlel corld rerlre. Jbst leae coeches k.ov thelr runncrs hat.co1_ tre.k. The hunne!6 re6erd tratdng as a necessry evlr oN pr16 ut ilbn for sone grcry or .1ner advantase. tor bhat !ea_ erraclerr 6y61eos rhey cd. ce vou be1l1,s hls flr end; h. {an!o ro pley str*balt oa1} orce dlv and otuy ror 1/2 nour because ooreatl"; play stioktall--ttE lor€ rurers dor't feel thls ;:" a"", 1",fl i'"i #"d:fr y+:'.tii..* """'-;ii vas nnnlng. (ro pe.17)
e z!r
"_"ffijifu ;;j*i$fr
;':ffi i;,,"/,ii*,;ir",,::,::",{ft ,:,h,
lru;: ;::[i;;f,;,=f;; ;i*;,i
*=*li r:t;;', :''m'.'',Ft i$#,;.
L]lffi : *l;5*'*;,;i;$*;
Bus611, D.Iaxd6 stato, 1:57t0!; L2. Fladr 0'L6srr, xavr, 2101:27; 43. er11t! !106, lm., 2!01127; l+lr. Bo! siopbons, D61a.srat., 2:01r08; 45, Jo. vJ! y, St. antrionrrs Bc, 2:04:51; 46r Daro !lttf.ha16s. i.I. stdd.!6, 2:ou;lj, 47. slS :991:::I,--ryg: -1i::::-:'-t-5-:?'- - - - - - - - - CAIE. NOXALD ZINX MN]'IORIA' TO.MII{ IIAIK asrruy Pdk, N.J,, aldI 2- 1. no! Dant01, IYAC, 1:16:21 CR; 2. 3ob Kltcb6h. Slll.€flola coltdso Irosh, 1r16:36j l. Ron ruuk, ITAC, 1:19:13; L. Da!. Ro@ns]dT, sflc, 1:19:rl+; 9. Jobn k11y, MtI1loso !.{, lr20r00j 6. S,hru1 iedany, NYPC, rt22.a6i 7. sr.v. R.bhd, xMc, 1125104. (49 ste*.rs, lif t1n13h.!s or th. boardlaLk pacL.d rtth SEdey ) PEN!] AC CAmlnrS 4-MAN t4-Itrm BELCY
{Aalrt Bork4ltz, SJTC, 29:46, Lloyd Lyons, r.@ ac, 10:52, Joo col@d. ?.m AC, 11:fO, lod rlsh.r, Smc, lO:19) 4. Elx.d to@, 96:l+0 (D!, v,b. E qhE.
Sfic, ll:lj, Jolu o'Rloldd, nllL. lc, l4:11, Esrrt B.rkonllz, S,nC, !1r3lr; J.F xocb, ?htLa. tC, 17:02) ry + lho 1st & 4th @! !d 5 dloa d tlro ad & lld h.n !d 2,n116e. 9+-MM I,lAIl(- 1. Dar6 n@ky, S;IJC, 1:17:07; 2. o.o.e. 3Fac61udr sJrt, 1:2U:l1j l. go!.y Yo3t. SJTC. 1:18.0O. !r'Ll, OAE-MILI- 1. M.ffian,5:23.51 2. M.dau€h, 7:0.1: l. St1'6!, 7:18; lr. D1l1t6 7:2J; 5. sllv.tMn, 7:28. (Td. flrst of s r..Lry sorl.s of iFY! rac6s !!@otod by tho RnC & th. Phila. C.ntral StC4 dloH a fldld of 1? 3taltors, tefudlDs r. & ltrs. t{au, both ln th6tr 60r5. !l!. xatr cdp1.t.d th. rac6 lD t6th !tac.! . l.r yerds ah6ad of rria r:rc, d6spli. th. .nz arhcrcd hls P.m rlC t.d to @ hdnalcap ol a rood.! 1og. C.6rA6 B!ac..asy rlctolj o'.r soutb Jals.r to t3ke tard ls th. "caa6 th. nnc stahsor.d rciry or.r tb. East lroalh 1r ?hlladolphta. ) Rtv.r D!Iv. tn coo1, dnd' !6rth3r. ZID VaExl-I mACr rac!3 ILn. nRc at Cr!!a AlEttn, 11:17, Ton l,lc olrox, 10:18, diEl orHra 1.s., M8p1€, Pa., satud.r, r.rb loronz, 25:42); 2. qoutrr J.rsay rcr Aort1 d. 1967 -- l-Htl.t- T@ 0s1o!. ?5:ir9 (MllF B!a3ko. 27:26, Ton oslo!. sJTc, 14,49j 2. }! -Fanb6r4--sflr,_ rt: 1o:04, larrT siMotu, 10:4i,-!t!fidtf ui}6 3ra.ka, sJrc, 15:50,.88o- 1. l. l0j Ros5, 27:16)j l. uli6d t.m, !2:[J Rlch MTdr3, rhi1a. Ac, 2:oo.o: 2,-Es1
'c ..i
, *s:r-3:9::l'
.loP- club!
r,rns 7-!flr,E X-CoU[TRy n_AC3 1{6st D6!tf@it, jr.J., suaaf,! 4!ri1 23-
Td Oslo!, SJrC, captu!6d ihe 7-n11e X-C reoe of tlD ltlddld -{t1ant1c RnC today ovor a thrc€-lap food6d coulse iq tr6st lreltflid Tvp. Boalded Edlt lollorlt! !d a dy tratlr to srab !um€!-up ho4orr. Bldnh8 noss, CoolA€ Blecolerd, BtlI A€u€!4 ud Andi€ Rio! x€rc b8y !D!.LDa off . RFrl lace ai nearbT BoU Tr&ct tuL6 h ltoodbuly Md arrftad 6s tood3. (vo!Y cootr ud rlhdt. ) 1. T@ OEIor, SJ'IC, 12:27 25100 18:15 2.'E:._EiE-dirlEz,sJ'rc. ,r 29:lto l €:[i 3. x6! riedrfuJ,, PAc, r2t37 26t)1+ l+a:)6 It- lloytt Lyou,ltC, 12:50 26:ll+ !0:L2 5. Joo colasFl,!Ac,]J:06 27:!n !0:50 6. orry RIsa, slTc, 1]:59 28:07 l+2:!! 7. Jsff BaLrFll,n !+r17 29:.10 lr5:2i * Dev€ n@L-y, SmC, stalted 1at€ & rcdd€a f 8rlr9 a1ch r6u1tl har€ ptac€d ljFrrll,E F$Yt- 1- Johr ltcuonstn, 8:!+i
2, IaoEarit l|addd, U:31; 3. Joo sart€!, 9:lr; L. Brm D.hlstroi, 11:19i 5. Dod ]lr & UXDER Fm 1*- 11,t- 1. Davld !, 9t\3, 2. robn }lollis, 9:46; l. D.v6 c6l!1.6, 9:47j 4, cdorso zan6. 9:lr8; 5, storo lqtonJ 9:48. (19 cmpetl!o!. 1! th. tso rao€6. ) r{iEx!'z cnacKr uantr rx counrT Prr.Ryls Rttll Cmit€., ,J., sbday, A!!1I 30- lrh-
nllg distmc6 lus l3nrt dyibfns b6!
10. lady Do!M6r, sJ_Tc, tl:lr.L 11, Garf 12. Tor Flsler, SJTC, 32:a6 11. Bttl EeushM, s,]Tc. lt+rl0 14. !l1ck sBporelti, m&:F,t6:32
61:59 62.27 68:01
?1:oo 1.5. John o'Rio!dd,?b.Ac,4o:10 e5:tt+
I . 6-rfir,n i!1r
L ta-ry-=fmons. sJrc.2r:12:2.
Jaclson, sJ-:c, 2t:JOj 3. JolD tazo, BIBho! lushsco Es, 22:0i+! [. ra@ nothsrE r, sflc, 22t55t 5. Jolu Eddy, E.tsho! E$taco BS, 21,09; 6. Jdft noo]laoll, SJTC, 4:4aj 7. fladk &ouy, lhlla, !c, 25:ri+; U. JAer K31Iy, Phi1'.Acr 2?:lt
JotD lrclt€nsr14, 11:27;
2. l41k€ D,orofllo, 1l:ll+; 3. Joe sa'ydr, 12:4d; 4, tuIt Dahlstron, 14:ld; 5. Daw K6!n, 1?:!l+. (12 frnishors. ) sactlun]lSo, oIIJ!. 0p€1t 10,000 fimms Saolm€4to Stat€ co116s€ ALt-V6ath€r Track, Ap!t1 29. 1967 1. H61nta nartlla, arc, l.l:11 (6:15, 1Lt)5, 76:5c, 22t2a, 27t5) idre crlrts) 2, r6te Lea€u€, uarlo lc, Jl+:o0.2 (6:16, 11:L2, 17:11r. 22tl!6. 2tst26) l. roe Handerson. @., t[:59
€n216, Itarh Ac,l5:00 \. Fay 5. Plri11! N€13on, @., J9:15.Ll tr€irlls naltrlA, n1m6.ta TC, stalted our fast & thoush hotly lusuod by Pet€ l,€!gu6, D€v€! r€lllqulsl1od th€ l€ad.. h€ loDdod a€ainst a 29nph Ftat. uder threatenlb€ skte. to {ir by ovo! 125T. Jo. E€rd8lsor, back flon BostonJ jmled RaJ lrenzi€ 1n tho lart t€x yalds fo! J.d.
h IlIl,! R!1{ leEs c!or€, {.J. H.s,-TracLr-A!r!1 eth 1. Bromin€ Ross, SJISJ 22;1d.5; 2. gob RomslT, sJrCr 2.l rlr; l. ET Spa}Ls, BJrc' 4.28i \. Jack lrstnst€ln, !€us crd ,{AU
ft!5t 1! th. mual Cdden CoDty Pdlr C@1s51@r3 10-!tln lacoi io!68, repreBontlrg ?€B Ac! con€!6d tlF cool'e! RIY8! lalkrst cous€ In . blazLte 9Ir33 to sb.w€ aln st t{o !1n6. off trre old hur. oi 53,01 set by lig noss a lot Fals a8o. f.r O!l,e! J1L15h€it 3econd 1b tbb fast tlre ot 92,07, aft.! shallng tho 6d1y p&o s6ttina ,ith lo!€nz. V6atholr lae.l, sulrY, 69-dogrc6.! l. {o!b loFs, ?€d acj 26.47 51:31 26t1,7 52to7 2. T@ osbr. sJTc. }-{ol3_f-rsu?t;-SJTc, 2q:J0 94:48 L. BloYde Ros., sJ'rc, 20:30 55:0? 5. rolv 8"6L16y,27, chrlstohllch, I.z. Xsrlrt Aa & s.!!l€!s C1ub,2!:20 55:17 6. G!e!€ sutlr€lldd,2u. Dolardo TaF, 2Ati$ t6t29 7. Rrobdd xy€!€, s6ton ltalvilllrail& 8- EF 8. a6!l.oH1tz, Brk.!rt'- srrc, s,nc- 28:41 28!L1 58:ol <B:o1 Ac, 29:47 59i !rds. r6d red AC, tloyd !ydE, 59:4u 9. tlord
Cur38Tlltl Co]liEllTs- Fr,.h elenn Mcoertby, J@B1ca, !.I., N.Y,- {i-r!ever }€p!ened ro #7 on txe 1966 Natlorol RRC Ueetrrr Aeenda, l.€.r The 1t61an1a ol th€ NIC n111 be put on tull running udforn€ &
the !eDbe!s. I've b€en r!y1nd to sea an rn31flI3 on oJ re,rns shlrl ror ti€ pagt €ight rorrhs, Md not
belng a 6edstle6s I alrays tlo? | It
eltner cane oDt slanted, or to ore d1d€ o! r1t! hoth sides of the sht.t 6ern toeetn€r. 3o rbat ]ulpered? I.or scott ildEllto!- I ab canplng out ln ItlE! gterra6 Lrrth {ayne van Def,1€n thrs Dohtn & re r!I1 drscueo h16 ,tans fo! a
Tfino aNNUI
rfisslq Bq' pek: sa D&9., califohia
14, t96?
)o.d.L ,o{lle A. t-dro 26te 5rt7 lt{L€ t:25tt7 ltt6tib FIxrsH at3;tt.1 2. Jdhn s.em&d, s E ,rc t\6 57117 1.26.11 1.5?t19 2.35t51 3. Eirr Ard*.h, s B ,{c 27.13 59na 1.3at8 2.a1,r5 2,4rt , 4. fir Bevhr, C C ,{C 29111 11O3t4A 1t34A2 2.06.A4 ,. Dale sd€!r, uat (sB) 26.44 j't.ri 1:26.cj 1.t9,19 2.!4.Ca '42t57 6- rtn v& r6n@, s ! rc 3ot2, 1$3|44 1.At1,2 2:O7..rr 2",46t32 7" Rqr rb.rte, r\crin Ac 29t11 1ts),\L 1.at42 2:&.1a 2:r14A a, Biri co.krnj s D r & F A 2?:o, 5a:8 1.2?26 2]o't51 2,13.26 9, Jalae Ru1r, tmdAda 2d:od t.Oz:tl 1t34.51 2.11t19 2155,59 10. Dfle HeUreB, O C T C 30:40 LO5:15 1.33.@ 2:11.59 2.5a.52 11. PbL CLr*e, C C,{C 3A:2a 1.A5,1' 1t38,Aa 2tr7.41 r?, ch&16 A.F11, 0 c TC 32tOO 1:A6t47 1:3AtlJ 2t12:29 '11159 2,5StLt lr. 311-1 Bom, 5 D T & F A 2?:51 ltot)tla j.?tAE 2to71a 3$).j5 14, ,toiar kadford, Mr (FEs) rrr:o1 1:12:L? 1t46t4a 2ta1:21 ,a1t37 1r, !€te vtfaad&o, E8t (sn) t:25 1!2t54 1:4.2a 2.24:A1 3{2:19 16. Ds o&@, u.r (!r ce&r) 3?:46 1:1a,52 1.53t1o 2.25t\6 3.o3t1L f?. D.u15 sdth, s ! r & F ,r ,2:36 1:03,56 j.41t4,1 2t16.09 1to3t21 1s. Bud Pi,.rno, s D r & F a ,?:46 1t1a.52 1:53ro 2.25.2\ 3tort3) !9. r€n xalldr sDT&ra 32133 ]:Oe:ro 1:[1:47 2.G.A9 3$6t15 e0. Eug4€ sr@, s. Ic )1!t2 1t12.\3 lt\A:rA 2:24.52 3t@t43 2r. Perl sie!s61, s Dr&!a 33!40 1:11:4' 1:47:Co 2t4:37 3t12tr2 22, Ca!" !i6r.is3., s D T6FA 3O:2t tn4:4't 1t37ta 2t14t21 )t16t27 23. ,r1h cner{, s r r & F a ,r:40 1,11:lr| 1:4t:oB 2:2t37 3t19.r3 ,4, Antonlo cdd..o, n6aada t2t56 1ie:56 1:44:42 2.25,3s 3t21to6 2t-NMLutm,0crc 33tLa 1:1tt?4 1, 2. .17 3i4n9 ?6. tlacy 86tu, lqat (idld) 32:04 1:11t5o tt5?tr6 2:39.3\ 3.t2tt2 2r, D6le o1s3n. uGr (Er caJof)J3:.? i125:.4 2:o€.o3 2:!s:ir J:r?rz, 2e. rred csce, sr Tc l2tjL t:2?:L) z:1i:to ,t'4tlo ,B:ri) Dr & F r 10:5J .;o3:t6 112.t:42 2t11t.o 2t'L,Jo Jt54,L? i?. 9:r'r! 1bbr, . bsse r:a6:z 2tra:1\ 1. Fstn-u.q*. hal (s!r 12:56 rr:rh ti r:o9 21,.t)L J,ca,r1 3.5ht)e 1tr9t2\ 3r. rEcr schin!!, s D r & F - 4or5l :21.u 2t.2il€ ai5,o1 i.,a;,i ftrell s B Ac (30:16' 1.o5t45, 139,a2, 2t26t1a, -), palf rish., cc{c (34112, , q].. .:t9,or,2:J0:r3, 1:'?t52, -), dsn lu3t. uaL {jr,oi. r,i2,it_ 1,-c.rl ,i?e.rr -: I Rmrc. %"lcL: (,5:56. i,B:D,2'otJ1, ?:trrr, _;, 1\- r*;eu:;; r3s:,?'*tobM tt21:5t.2'c6tJ6, r:0Lit9, -), !..x, iaL (1!:r), i:t2:o9, tt59to.. rtol,ri^ _\.' '{.h,er _,, !m erfeny, uat (3€:t7, 1:r5ii\,2:03:4Jr _), Dd solthr ssr r'r€:il r.?rr'.;:.?:J9, _), "n€1. rcB,rde, sl{8fl,(]0,i6, t,0,6.,::-), r€;6s;. -au (J5:13, r, 3r$, Rjdeo rer!*. grc (r5:io, t:rg:ir, _:), Da$; ia$: '{od sDr&Ir {Jt:56, t:2?:43, -), rold putlq, uar {rj:!r. *_j. -), E4bee (1-2-3) 1, r6rry Pnr.indi s B
ra (4-&9) 2t 3. e.alee cold,y tc (6,?-lt) 24 rtu€nana, B.c. (r-1G12) 2?
Dieco ? &
P.s.1,,n,a.!. Rrsurrs, _ookt!!
2. Btlf xore, s!4&ra 4. !@1d &nrhl
rifarno, sm&r.,r 6. l€n {alker, sBl&fa
TIGER SHOE$,-*o,,un"
"lG4 iraBAl[ot{ sfioE"
soft lelf€cl tlalDire sho€. Ett€! ball od h€.l vtltustly €1lilEt63 load shock. roduces 1€g fstleue, ed gEits aest@t lnJul€s !
elona€ nt.t-sol6,
TIS In$S? iOA! IACIISC AltD ClioSS couxItY sHot Il{ 4tsTn{c!, wlTtl
lErS LMAZ C tXCollD:
., of flrat 6. 1964 o1]d!!c uatatho! 5 of tlr€t 6, 1965 Bogxon llarethon 1-2-3-4. ]966 Boston ralatho! vodd!5 fa.t€st @atho!. 2:12:00 3 o? ltrst 4, 1965 {est lid. ualsthoD IEt. 1966 Ea3t. R€9. M4athob cl@!B Irt. 1966 IC4A C!o6s CoEtry Chatps 16t tod. 1965 NCA-{ col-l. X-C ChrrrE Cbsrps L.t teu, 1966 NClj Cofl. X-C 4 of llrst 5. 1966 A1e@6a nhlathon 4 of fllE',t 6. 1966 H€4t of ,\!6r1c4 lEt, N6w ire!.dd schoolboy x-c cb4!6 Irlacy, 4any, EA\y !e6!onE1, dd dlgtrict tltles won AVAIT,IBIE OIIII !ROM:
SPONTS BLVE NIBBON (E U t nt.r D;tibd.B) udv.
sfi roa
Socaus€ of a IIGIR 61t6 !@1ac€' 1t 16 ailvlsa!16 to older llcER sllo€s + s1t6 sMlIiHR ibe usu4l t!&k 6hoe .&€, l1eee€ ada 75t fo! losiase.
:t FtP 483
-* ^*2=