05 69 ldl

Page 1

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Gary Muhrcke, Millrose A.A., building up a lead at the seven mile poinf, early in May l Sth Yonkers Marafhon.




ror,rc DrsT,ri,cd


!- piJRlrcAT:iotii rcR nwr,Trs vor@e ,io. 161 ,,rFr


JOCII SEMTLE? ] l,,liy Do TlgMrCCll JJck sedlle slnce r rG | .I'",: 9:9

!y tsiraln?,s

re5e yed.

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] ;h:J'i;l;i!1"lf"J:,Htr::::i:f*"f*1.;::",i: a.a-

sulscriltion REtes: g4.oo ler Add g3.oo ler ye6! | tr,* ti-tJ.p.ry---los intele6t a.live in tlet 2., ro! 16r crass ha or $i.00 rer veo! ro! ,"r_1i r"r"" *". p"i* r:* Lr-t.r u tr. p*t i*-y*i" 1j1 I u'g.A. and c@ada. single colies & lack i6.u$ --JoC .poi"u" *it"r"-".", lo.have rake! a srear deliAtn .eder .1., woodb L-y, "*ro* ... !dito.: t.. B! .. Lns /oss, ,05 .. .. s s .-L1d ir :". .i*.r..:-."-. r^,i. '' ] .rs er: ;"":.:."-;:; reL Jer6e) 000.6 (509-&5-c0. _t .ne 30: .n j{3a!r o 01. "e= o. ,re | ",.

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.e" .Ee!'i on \!11 o. 1 b€Ge ewrtj6.€ !a!e6 I Clole aac- r l-Ls r'er'6 tu. .on stu,..ne Jo,, dr6o@tt ie] senr L'IroE rco_ues oujs JtE rseobe-e, d t8_yeM_olq "Ij .ee-r tl.a a;a , '.r! /uho .L.o:6 sboul U\ as hc c.os6ed ,€ JLt.Toj J- tO:tA_ A,!,!. t__flLo RUr & ?CA-,l & !"ElD rn i! 9ol .we. 1Isk6 _ o16h.L:ne. i o!anIs,eLF cfl. ri1i4r JL, lr" rqtry 4-n & ,!h! a nlsrake aF D,-t bla...f,v€j.ao.Ie blEnrr. avatlable ffJD (oe!1erti a€ Jock r Jo.. Wu-lf wu-1f doelreni ^" 1,-.aa l1e- or ?99r So. qel.l@ Stleet, lrltlrarkee, t6consi! 5j?o7. A1- v:€1 1 eren at tbe flnlsh at ',hls ii@. Tlc Eitei teter D.1stlfJred. Ieier, d(futais ln the pntly dearl-lire fihe 30, 1969. luildlne' Jocr !@sed the vou€6te! vaLkib6 to tm lnc cr A!tsTlrl (P.0. B"x 9716, AEtilr rexss ?8?57) den:1€'L tne sh6re! utner nlE orh !ove! (n r ]Jtr€ on a renil rela_ *'r,rord *itr trotd aisrece leces oi leqq*! teMirs .r s.ri"iir"",iji

*.:l::_lf:El ;ji:";;;:;fi."#j#:ii"*:-,F.d;.lr:li"l_

l:rry.;]*.Hii,:$il::,:fff.$j:.:q:i$iir".:" Hr"H.H:=::"f*

u"to & vedt & _ got las certlliceie. ce.,l,iceie f.ci e.,,is r.ci 3 or 4 dae hddicair lace for lire; 30 reds cf *" c I ore!. Halte !o oboe a.L.!e6s r". i"t"--ti." *a-."T;- .T:::::-",t:-Y,:qd 9{ .3 tPt o'T IJ: o!' ccuse, tire sood colv lor those rookin€ r.r tlai solt !la*s. schedule: J\be 15!h- 8 c: Ji., -.i.r" po:h- v:u',f:t"" "d9fer!! gr lElc but ru1e our rhe scftdi.a ei .rsi.e ..fsi.e ir 10 eile & 3 dile; u ,+uE. a!tr_ 24th- 12 ia^r. Ji. hrle r"-:3 ,iii,";;-r-";;_ -Ana. & !!ftani.a fire fr$t ": oJ. lerh- ,o ;i; t 6 #i:: i:i:.,;i;_] iy. atdn,r }Err!en. rock is :fe to €rrii -,Ei ;, 15 irle & i a{e; i{erattron & L dite. I r,:e oqy o! &e race xe 1s sholt rej4)ere4. te,s e: ihe a.t. roedin€ atire:es rn:be bEArrglirrroriu 1'l,1s slrl@! rhe sr. cr$*cr,Es r!.Ac( crLE of st. | -3"111*y1gT":"-7 .""r rmlnne oft r/,re ree rosders, 6e:ris !:e :jiee€e r;;-;_::, :-::: I crE.'e'r !_rlnot6 riu e€atn be orrdr€ ^..--r-*.*,F_Il_ u ";;i;.;-;;i,,s;-;;;15 bad,lue.r c._,.E,::. iio c€€o sut|fba dea. !-he schedule als, Relet€ ard O!E! ueets, h!f, Meet6 d.: _-..-,." i:: :e i:l4 hou. rhele vs noi.q.ir,ere. rith oiher clu:os. q)en io all tigh sclDol crE vete-d! r:lh.r i:it€ i: :::_: : sralred ."__,.., ..=:. ,_ r_:::-:r ^,-",;: ::._:::^:_: ,,_1 b.,; 1s iz:.,.. !_c!

rracrr-a:l-cio""l;i";i;i:..;il::.i:";.:;#=;i"";;:.i :: ]ffffi"" ::"""y*:*g:T":.,"{:y,::Sl.^*.*g::

.t1,.gi ;f;*_.* ss;;iffi:i:.(3lfsi""ll,-i"iit i.lT"l,: ;;i1";"itiiri:;;i:d*;.*;ii'";l;1j,"il='n -'j:_" ._=-::;: :.:. ;:_:: .?::r,: :: .1=: ::: r.--, :thoxsh

cur*,-s roo-iirj_:rji ---: :: -:. .=:;1.J.: r::. :?1= rore ';,_=. .'.'_,;.i;..._i:==,#" lll"T.".'"*il; ronceEr :suar.ur"y). :""-r-.-.*, .;4i ."-;;. -,.- :;_.1.=:. ntns i'o-5-rdre 1eE; .! e 2.5-are si*" ...:."i' ,,-,"r-. ,.-],'r,f_ .;t_:""i'_..=::::!::::.::.-.:: ='j:::--" ;.1.;_.... ;...lri". i)e t'o\, r'.,-d: to :I@:-..J


e-:1e.e. r: 1]articl])et6. lor St. *e4e. !i Eri.elshi!*iElrfurird & Eet entrr rrian]:s jriiej B!. .na1e6 r.r p!._1, eox 57cr rr'rild rose r.611, !!. ctrarles, rorornrcrrc r+rr .qirr.r,,.r,


16 reet5 eoncened etrcui ite iui:,r ::- _:: !:ri I,16!& rhon. l.1Ere i;'";;i;; io lri rhe tuIe6 e: i:e 3*.:

rrtnors 6otTL .. ;-j.i;;-;";1;'"::i '+.ri*" .,r'''-1ceifi#ii",*r", ] i"riY"l"H ff"ii"*i: $ffi:H"f":H.:"::1.:.;..i*' *y.-?9,I11" g::]]l:lisi{" arli) {:I. ,9, re5r 8:oo A.M. I me ri"punton ioh fathers de ulsei becabe ::;: Te y..y"*l!yl *d b;;:-;;; G;;;;";;?;;.: i3:]:"1:l{}1":*"^la"st"-." ?rrnor!)erroi.r, 1."""; 1e6e" i"g tr,.i. uraa.."il i;;;1;-;;;;;t';;..'":..;;;"" ""i:":::::.i::::l-_1;09.:99'!{-.li i.*"i: i"!, ,0" li:sh:T. Tken I rI'iles sre .*4oot"d by tr*i r_-.....-,.. fl:::,_T:y9lg :i:!:-r":_::, &va.iis ro all rno rillsh hiihln i,/o n *", "r," "qy,- f;:,.:':l'.:i""" tfr"#.;;;;#;:'" ;;T#':;*.:"

1.y ]kli! dolng it s a hazlre or lnltlatlon.'ft.i tr:a$ efatlable froa;.)r. ri. T. "r"taE.r.r.r,, ldtz 31fu.' -{ooi16n, crarre6ron, ruirois nu,nri"a" irlsmftl lxcrorr",' u.€. l./sErs rr-ac( & .i"rr.D cHr.lFra1l6]1Esl i.tr."t lrN c.l,,r- chek 1r itei,. I)ur a !ho\y nb])er ;.r ::e:r ..,ir:,. I .co"ed b/ L- De. .!i e. .j e.!- . o,, .c.. aoljr C '/. blanl6?'h€ @}€. !.x€Gl 9, \969 1f A.r/,. Drr@tug sta.1iu., p@Joc}!6 aot 6t,.odds ri r..rhe 6iroir6mite?s tlc.r€ir :e:iit:latg{qvj d.l1s IB1eiL. i,ta6te:s ewnt6 olen io nen lr4 & overj Sub- ttre cccsionat:b€d press,,. He'; larttculd\i ;;::.i-_-. h_io rdn 35-39 stcclat Tlek & tileld llelrs ' Joe fieoielson, {ho mote ; e.]t s_:.j e*t6 - -r^nents s8o (35 yeds of €ireI,edsj s .rer--r,rD's eo- 6;;Ee4i-G;G: re eren fowd it r" I.iJ ir'4 to €nr'it i!:bllr rEn's nnu qpen D-td1e ioad R@. ro! iabce Jock too mch fc!'bdlir€ hir ffo':he""t.3-i._-_.-' r,...r, .1...1!y llL1r. serd f. _!"d, setf-r L:e€sed e.re.ope o: I1g roodl ileet Directolj le!,t. oi.tecfeerlon, 830 r1f6h Ave., .y,,1 JEl ore thila thc!€h Jock (despfte /ou deaial),Le:_ N.Y. 10021 rleers t.l_k elout ttre ltA trrstho4 ed Jock se@te ir rriEruATrott4! r(A!"arHoii sTATrsTrcs--I959 16 Roser ean,s ole lfath. ihai, cels you ere ltr, iAAi bother chalie! !?!s adAed to the Joch seI1)le tesed tij6 supexrr contrlbuttcn. ]t !r6.1des a 2oo-dee! 1968 xolld listi 2oo-dee! au-t1@ lertomers a:ra pe*omces ( to mrtt ' labe reter@ e.6tor Gdden lrystothe;api"tl -uri"e 1/'C9J, all-ti@ nxlttsh, Euopee, ,talaiese l1sts, !!oJrErlc traine! ed fabled "l1I. l{:.ailon iae 5.n rd a6 9 llYa1rer of 'uhe Yer at _vhe f&e cftbic on etinetlc inof reJo! @6thoN rg:5, -A e 6?essions, Julte5 ai loston gba'le Cot-lege. Tt€ srftdse a{erf, lefi i4tere6tirg':lmer blief hiol,oly. 2&p, $1,00"r""u t!@ LD log. rrE lr€!Essrore ile tlfe}|cssflrle .co1s@ ab s s!ee.tes6-_ol. l4Ert TTACK _ rjs.r tt@6 a ves _ tB lEEnq s!ee..tes6-_ol. ro: ltace. BtlM..,Su:re, 'i-oo ?, ress d LFe o5_/es-old J4u r.-1.-:t -ecovered Lo de:_ ydk-1o\68 jot oB 1 yeRr at ld: r yes ar irj.oo vcq.s.. rc nn i,," lrN yjrat g5,oo i.i's ;!r!e'rhe hono;; ;;" ;i th;', ;;;;;-;;;us grear l];rrl,ls of or 116 ar6 rralr_ tralf geat: Subscrlbe tolqyl in aihleitcs. the eid\t sas gt€n ro Jock tor hls ?nAc* Elnory r'cs'rqu' - F3.50 f'*_rFjs!Di6i@* icqtury I conetet e1d urifaili.g sesice to schooltoys. rhoEdds ot ^riD lub.ication Flth flhe 5i.."*:flff:i:*"'*.o* dlEi@ce ffilhe tu"tlcleg.


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rs69 LAIG !trcurcAx r8-!or,e r*rr*roru I Sposo.ed by tbe LhtElslty of Chlcs€o rr6ck club a4d Lhd nrurm *, z r r" *". Mtd{e6r EBc, racksm,palk 1v9. r411e }@!, _*1:96y, ley 3 | ;. ;;;1i,;"ii,, i<iifi**zl,l._*r_ rcr 36:o8j 2. r6e (!{v 4 ,*ei6 ehored txp 60 the cbarrer AAU Jokd Ru! va6 ror;nb oc, 35':22.5j j. c.i.i-u"ri*i,-dlr"r | !'a{ffiisrrt, not held. l.dnd: No.th elour t5 npb. cres o o+l!.-" r,esron ic,'36:33.4; ri. o"* s_itl, roc, 37r3oj 5. DqE I r. KemeLh yoLls, Lhlv, o" chlcaso rc, _ +':9,e9 J roox, roc, 37,j6.1; 6. D.,€ cro"";, rtotr"oiu d, :1,!r; 2, Rlchald 3ohi, prcviso we6t EJs! schoor, 2ta6)\? | Z. r11r Orio, ,roronto striae"". :i,rre: O. s"dj 6r1i".., l. Pete!r'1a6t!o, lro\lso qe6t Elsh scb@l, 2ta6t2) | Toc, J8:t5; o. cpldon DJc\son, 's.iru6, oc, jg,ti;-1o., -i.i-rc",],ir.lv, 4. !.rcha!d K1re, rhtv. or cb:rceso Tc, 2rlrror re ceryigi, Toruto sr!idc$, rr. coMrNc

!1rs*s rN rEE


- --" Mru'xsr cltulloosbjls, S!e!:1nC, I!rhor4

39:36i I robnro oc. rro:oji L'. !r.Ld rie*err, viclo-le ,ark'C, | *l-Tf,uili!1"iii 3"; Hit: *];"*H'i;H:l I X;Ii,.ii; .Loo, rrl:j) 16. Ir1:I5; j?.

'enlral rqAU 0u Udoo! T&F Su.ay. Jue It, 1969 I sLefllig, iU. Jc T&F l,Fetj sudaJ, JL.e 21 1969 | \.. valter ArU tue-lio,- Ruj cotebte, Mo,, JMe 2:nd | Mo. val1ey ,A4U a)!d clu, seilaal Jue 2gth | !@de!hoe larkj xilmea1JoliB, l,!inn. VeteEns ltur !ol lO,OOOn R&, s!t*a"r.,_ r*.- a8tr sevedtb A@El Ehhurst, Ili. Inleleldeace Day ru; (Qen 15h niu, versiiy 3-M11e zuir, 1"""r,*''-s""r,"."" 2-r4i1e r\u, JI. Es z-irire E!n) | cbaryioDsa'ls at Mlkaurree. -'*.1 .".i:::.."-:.i:* i,y:g _ | Idchlgd City, IDdi.ee Sr@er Festlval, Jul_v 13, 1959 | qii6 !8:! Meets at Pe!k, 6100 tuLlelto! ArelueJ chlce€o, I LLLlnolF daln6 ] 5-r"rile Bo6d tu!, lleldo stsdlu, r{a1a@zooj !4ichtss4 I A!€u6t t, 1969 | SLeve So Li to-l4llc .l-acd Rece, 4eca eEler Colteei, S-, I vlmesola, o, Feul, Au€u6t Io5o I Coalract: _R1c!ard t. rhg, 84? fa6t ,6th str.et, Cn1caeol Illlnols 6063? for cbtcs€o etea *nrr6. I

JacL S\.Itzer, Norn Yo-k IC,

Ji[ lea, To.@ro oc, L2:2); 18. Deuls Ve]jllantlos, Etoblco!-a Ir' 12:28, 19. Bruce cleel, o-ooio strtde!;. 42: qlllls, roc,.L!:29i-2r, pete. Thoopsonr To.. :li^io. D.* --[41ck sErJ 1n__ __---_-_---------:---'urob' rTrr"Ps,I{doaE:s 6-!tr!r Roa.D nAcE, qITA!IA, !I,iM6]-lI aood fiela Eei ofi ou a fou!-la! -1.-1i"q/*t::lbtt.t {l-lhe end of tbe filst le! the lead ves held bv :1} l::l !: 1:}1.d1:") ed l1l.k uaLlrln. rhese tsd nen


Hff:.i:f iff:":"LiTii ftl

ta.-en reh s,Ce or. c.1Lh rhe Le@ & qeth novco .o rr,n 1a en effort to catch ihe tea.dilg glourj, D@s von 1n a tlae one secord ove! lob l&o!e's-r;coi or 28,4e" 1." {tget Evas, ift.!oy61 f.A., 28:50.5j 2. s!e-, l.tclnre!" -'' tue1lh !eelon,_28rt4;':. srra; lrss.o,-ril/w, ig,oSi i. Rudi clsle!, Tcs, a9rl"oj 5. 1,!1ck Ee1h, f.x., 29t.!, 6, Xen:.6:1s, K/u, )a:Alj 7 5,11 "--_. lne i ,rr, q. Joh pa.", lDland€ F., .o:luj o, -jj'q bl4ro1 ma(., 31:2Oj 10. Don regavigr\yr Toronto Strlder., ji:36j ri. D€ve nobefc€on, lrolth y;i{r Tc, 3t:toJ 12" i,ei.h-steardob,

il-ffi-;;;;;,y-;;;;;; *f: Lqballr ffi1,':;,;:;'i;.'1"l;l l&"d"1*n:';::i.iuiu:'"' i;;il;il; *,*;;;;"] !i11 te held oh Cbtober 19J 1969 lostead oi uD j.ncrte6. Dee! Rlverr ]?.


ns.e i l2:1Tj Deen '. .)-; t".' Seaio! l.ttorur A.pU to,ooo-i 6l /er. )2:lr-r 18. At tLL-oJ, o::. y..r I Closs-Co@tqy ch€rryioEh1p rilt be held 1. Det!o1:. I 111f k.otC_ oita,/a 'aUeX, 32j5?j A!" i]"elt sorltLe" ilt. I\ilchlgan on Novdber 29th (tle Saturdsy efter rhmksgiv- l l3itoj 21. leve p:e:t)oJ rJri, ::,:8; :a. ."l.r.tt"i"oa, OV, 33:5?j 2i, 1311 !.,jcrser? I.i.c:ri irr'r:r:r ?4. !au1 !::|lil ]:::]_ -- - _ ------_t,;t,', t...


Su1de,v, Dey a: r-he

vr'c.,rr^ srArE !&r c',,urlnE:i*S

t;-. * *.*.iii"-"i-ii"r: ;a:":"ii5"i::;';, ,ill:'"$;:i;:]: ::.;ete-. :*;:;s:1,-,::,::,::;::",'c""is,,*""i.

vlrci ;6fr; nGheo;4. vllsinla, A!! 3!:ij ,195, {&.ri, 9:i7,9i 2. J@ ?sllte:; L-:J :9:2:i 30. !e::rslJ l:e! nne., r+i,t!. ?llile E4- 1, ceoree D€vls, -, wjl-F:?illr; 3. H@el1 r{tch€e1J -'tst\ti, 9.4.5j r., ilc i(atzl :ea: 1. ..ii:e!ef,e. ;ia:erlr. 22; 2, ie. r.yar r,}.. 22j 3" -_t:1.. -d-,-:U!__ u.,.ta., 9|29.9j 5. Jin ]4cDUJfleJ H8r4' 9:33'6'.8€o_ 1. i tio:-th YorL 1r, +1. Jurlr lE1n6, W&IJ 1!52.9j 2. rh(Es JMe6, Norfolk St., 1:55,4; :. IlerL IJevts, Va.Ulion, 1:56.5.,M1-1e- 1. Juls | 1O,O00 MlIEils, V,tqEITt ST]'DIU.i, laP-.i.ta, il!,f 3, 1969 luzlos, l'&r"r, !:u.?j 2. ceolee larts, I,{&-i4,-I-J5.2; 3. | ,'rltlr the roed sesson ebded ln ar13!ic b:rt gelllenber ]lokeLl Michaelj Ir&.M, 4:18.rj 4, Cleveland Johlson, va, I (a @elou. 6ct-ed!]e: ) the nntortuete disr:ance slcclalun:ob, L:2.r.9. 5. Ba.!x sLlIrreLL, wI, !:23,8. I i6 s 6hlfted ro lF i!a'r. o e trac ,a_. .-:'bucr .o te& rrotals- l. flilll@ & YE4 79 1.2j 2. ,/:reln:a ej!l be de€:€d Bob rihlay clocked € fq6: / /:.J,2. 5oi .. No.fold sL. ,e, hl; I. Vlrehia 28, ,. vllglnla | 1. lob fln-lay, 'b!od o 0C, ?.:c:.2 f [i. 8:" ,. Ldon, l);6. fil 1-; ", nlcleonl loj 8. undo-ph-\tecoh | 2 Ts r'5i1-ieht, I0'r l0rri.0'od. -o. 1. I


iil,!"3i1:"1.[;. 3?;!3:l i 2li: 53;33:31 llilTY!l-1-5i:-i:-ii:-Iillilil-lllll.9:-"---.----l i: .. _op yO.lR ( 6 _,, .O: ...) cU., t.ti!. E€s! Ri\e. Drtve.- lailrcut paa. | 6. Llvr Ie @, Ir.[.ox.:., ]1:?6,j.:4.6/ tl.o 4d1n' r+, ]959 6 L -a,; FEra- "-;;.i;a€y, [yr,'wiL -o, 3 t3 .a) 1.5-r..rs | c!.t cisre, roc, 6'r. tr:rr.ai ," r. ,..i',- 8o"", cefrne;-J5J. i,6zl; Bob 17. , g: 1. Joti vdattr foc, 16 finlFber'--I'rc:< .ar!-Po\.le, 6:03; L. s

De@ S-an6, Srojj 5. Boce Sblih! ----------_----------09j 6. Curt16 Rtchqrdsoa, 8:15j ?. Cultls rltL-e. 8:ztr 8. David /4 Duse!, 8:Lr; 9. Ardft Roo'os6, 8:5rj ro. I /-tfiIr dRoss-cowlRY itri' rbroueh tle rrdene€s of f. Dtule, 8:5/j 11. Aidre! l,iafren, 8:58: L-. chris G11-l soueherc'Ie rlup8bl.e. couee.Lald oui U D!_n'Lapp. '16, 8r\9, (26 ttnlshe!6) J/.iBLi- t, ,4ike c.rya. j a. I vev fteeed, oo IeEl ll$lne & very _oueh rooL'oe. paut Gre"ar J!,; 3. Jo& c-;i;:| neather: al! & ficqy. llo La! coEe. I.ray lo, i969

;;;;-;;il-.-;;ffi;-;;-;il;;;;-# FGiffiia-ET, oltalIo, Ap.:r 19, 1969


i; T**"*"*",*' I L7:37; i;'j'"Il.Tik'j";i",Ti',il;'i; (evlh:tD.Lll, Ph4 LJ:3_; -. Mcce{,-48:.o; 6. ,. .

| ItE tue_B q i_LlJ delsched tleGe]r'es fr@ the re6! | Davld-HB88qv, 50:2?j a. Joln :'KeeDr '6:rli 9. .1!lrpe l4c10' fted 8rom, s!.i 67:23' of lhe rield & re iosethe! for 2 1/2 Diles, vheb Blssoql 1j91iE's. _l q"a j.r-wrE Rrr'J {1 lao)- 1. Dab taqle_, 2::Ll: 2. Pe& uerdq.lghl edgeq aqay. ld6 tllo @ioe<l to'!rlE.d gethe! stlt tbe 5-aile .ek vhen 816€ob orcke svay fo! | Le! -r'l€.1 14, 25:2r'; r. Par/ cr":r, .6:L8; h. Josepb s sood !{n. _e nalMlgnL tld $eu !o hold off G!;! Mc.] clU' 26:10j 5. RoE6 Tt@, :6:lJ; 6. Ke'-h !15k61s, 2?: lEft, a! lbe fl4lsh. 31s6ob &d r4c aEn rele boLb o1 lhe | 15t 7' Sieve Peroe e.sr 27:18. ce6!.ie {-c tee b Scoiland th16 S!!1ne. !./a1M1g!t 16 | --FEd B!lM, S!.--

q:IgIE_!q! cimreEr,D, r4Ass., ap! 26, 1969 weathelt ldeal. lteld-4?. Te4 tiolhles, 20 h6ila16. 1. ld Derdede, North l{edJold Club, 2. I€o DErt, U. i,l$6, fC, 33:l|2 3. Ialry P6u.1.on, U. I,la65. TC, 4, 1b!ry G€rle€her, ealtacleil, 3lr r03 5. rna6 Eo1t, Norlh ledfold club, 34r43 6, Chal1es D/so!, Ilartfofir TC, 34:l€ ?. Ron Gafi, NMcr 35:o9r 8. A)au. {@tter, U.cou.,lA, 35:291 9. Roleri nelsey, xMe, 35:14, 10. \lL1U6 Gaslon' Eartfbld tc, 35r49j u, Bluce Blackblm, U.ltb6.,Tc, 36: 1oi 12. Bke foretly, spa&e Ac, J5:L6j U. F.ecls !b,ber, NMc, 35:50; 1!. John fh.(q)Eon, lft.Psk A4, 36:54, 15, tavlit EIr@3, u.r'ras6.Tc, 36:57, 16. Robelt Pasoda, slartd Ac, 3?!17, 17. vln Fandetii, xMc, 3?:18i 18. Don !eere!, I&.Prk ,4A, 3?:31+, 19. lln. fll<&J 1e,, 37:!1, 20. JareE lrhltlns, !4.r!16on Ac, 37:46, 21. Ro'oert v1111M, lift.Psrk ,A.A, 38:22j 22. Joln Hoogsi@, Xl,lC, 38:2Li ?3. ntcheld rashJim, NMc, 38:25, 24. challes BobbiEE' Nr?c, 38:25j 2r. r,h, altbou, Eertfold Pc, 39.2Ot 26. tud l,!c41p1ne, Itt,Pqk !4, 39:44j 2?. I€dry Iathe, Molds@ M,, 3g&.6i 28. Dou€las !e1&ad, Lors&eadorr Tcr 39:49; 29. llecls ltlDohald, l,it.!a!t AA, lo:tgi 30. Davld fhct@son, rft.Pdk AA, rro:49; 31. J6@e lLrhd, I"Iohawk Rlilge !unen, Lr:3oi 32. !d Popkmklr Mt.Psk AA, Ip:19r 33. Peler Drffy, Gleenfleld tMcA, \2:25, 34. Merlin coselo€, w., 42tzI j 35. Peul coddald, i4.havk P'n, !I:27, 36. clcL, geykoj V'lC, u :J8; J7. Cery 9udleEke, CReifield IMCA, !5:O2j 38. riil, Bultdr Harr?ord !C, 45:08, 39. l\u t-I6ie6dr CEenfield IXCA, 45:29t rO. ldrBrd l€iourDeau, c€edleld I.IqA, 45:31", 41. G€c l,tartlno, !'!t.Park ,4A, 45:32; 42. Ray Do!h!@!, oreenfleld YMqAr 47:27j 43. Dennls childs, I4t.!atk M, 4€:32; 44. sl,rE t 4irba11, W. TeM scofes: 1. NM:, 1l; 2. U. 1e63.TC, 1l; 3, ladroin Tq, 2l+j lr. Mt. Palk -AAr 29j 5. GEenfteld wcq, 42' --Frcd B!oh, S!.__ grE ANroAr, 5-MIIE RoAD RW, s1)oEoEd by the IVde !a!k, iaas;'-EdT;6.EE:A:-lGv Ir, 1969. (100 stErt€'E ed 100 flnlshels: !1u.6 t*o l@1e6) {ealrher: Fdr:! & @m' 1. Pat ltcl.ls,hoa, tut., 24153, 2. ?eter lio6s, ft)&tr6e AC, 25:30; -?. G\.d lroodj Boston !,A, 25!4!t 4' c'lEded rbeu1e, slerts 6C, :5:4[j 5. oeolge Cooef.ec,, Srcckton AC ?6t:x)i 6. l&ltr Be@' Csbrldse S-oolts UdoE, 26:'9t 7. Peter Be.te_ottl, w.' 26t32t 8. Malk'0.o'!rjen, BA-A, Jotep! Rlch26:31; 9. Joeep! rrsmery, ue., 26:3Lj nond, cdlltdae sp1rt6 rihlo!, 25:38j 11. -lenf, CaLlaehe!


26:43; 12. qary


B!-{r 27:0oj 13. Bd.ded


no!, xMc, 2?ro3; 14. Robefl lefto!, Noitbestem thiv.,

27:05, li. Rlchald Packad, !AA, 2?:o?, 16. Ken Dat6d, rAA, ZI t23j q. Ked! I3h&, sl)art@ Ac, 27:27, ld' Aobert Hesey, NMC, Zfr33;19. Tory Sal1enza, !A4,27:37j 20. Devro rort@E. M.D., ntLoj 21, CbtrleE SbJdelr !U, 2?r)rr+, 22. Ig@! Bteelq, BA,a,, 27t\7t 23, (eD 5t4y, _ Brcckto! Ac, 27:L9j t4. RtchBld SttjDgtoD, 3M, 27:r6i cballe8 Keuog, 2). Keq ftodlson, salm ac' t8:oli 5' 8.,.4. 28:olr; 2?. Davld lloto!, BAA, r8:ori 28. Mi'hael cou€hlu, Broclrtob ac, 28:-18, '9. Te!!y sbav, 18., 28: l9j 30. CEle PaEe.Lt, Spat+e AC, 28:2Lj 31. Cb'1e6 tce"tine, ls,, 2826t 32, t}:!!d, R,rtie!, spdle Ac, 281 ila+, B&ck' 4t 33. k$aa r&*ey, BA1, 28:3or 34. (er.to to! Ac, 28:47, 35, Jolt C(mo1ty, BAA, 29:or+, 36. rb(@3 ric€uic, slaile ac, 29:15, 37. rFve sklv!€t@, rmai., 29:191 38, tdmld Brlce' c€rbrtalae sports th1on, 29125; 39. ft!. [tay6!, NMC, 29:33, lA. Db nisbdrlcb, BU, 29.43 rrl. Johr i{suee, t!A' z9t45t t!2. Joh! cotta, 29: 'E., 48! Ll. Jobr IGIEo, c@.su, 29:L9i 14. {8. Ea!3bury, 3locktoE Ac, 29:57, sl)elte Ac, 29:55; 45. Jol:! ce6ev, 46. qu1l@ clts, BA-4, 3o:0o; 17. Jty lbrgteb, us., 3o:o3j 18. Jo6er'h rauoa, lM., 30:05; h9. Edllo Rotobilt, Nilc, 30:08, 50, Rlck layk6, I,i.',tc, 30:09; 5I. Jav 91d@i, us., 30:30, 5?. JoseP'l catLtbo, 1e', 30r3I, 53' st*n ci@s, lE., 30:39, 51. oene l€Blebc, velthae Tc, lor5lr 55. l{lc}ael !ea!d, ua., 3o:54i 56' Itl! valst1re, ce.spo!!8 ud@, 3o:5?i 5?. ndraril scaEeIL, ce.su,

ftl1en slesel, NMc, 31ro2, 59. 8te€! 2 3I:05j 60. Job! IlGcott, BA{, 3107, 61. Fo$e, WC, 31:o9j 52. ?aul Palettlr lDt,, Ra}edd Iatve, 1s., 3l:15, 54, Pe!.1 scleu, m4c,3l:!or 65. Jdes co'1ey, NMc,31:511 55. rhl@s Beatty, BUr 31:52, 67. _(eyln Drffy, le., 3r:53j 68. Jey Eart@tt, CSU, 32:02; 69. llcnad. lrcoF, ]E., 32:07, ?0. llchald Eoed, B!A, 32:13. (1oo flni6he!6) E€s& Sco4s: 1. Sparts AC, 14, 2. !o6to! AA, 16i 3. Cetlidge Sports ftnron, 27t L. !tucho! AC, 31j 5. ]o'ICr --nred !Ilm, Sr.--

30:58; 58. Fare, le., Mlcbael P. 31:10j 63.

CIAFI, WfSCoUSff 1o-rdlE CATSON ptnK ROA! IACE SpoEoled by ]tratehead T-ack Clun, I4lee5ola Associat-


t@ or lhe AAU, Sa,ur.&y, M{y 3, 1969 l. Rob !66, 1*tn cltle6 Tc, !,ud. 52t39 2. Jin Vedde!, IGC@6a TC, 53.45 3. Jol1n I,Ieecter T!,it! clties Tc, 57 tIA 4. !o! Shamle, !,tadt6on, tl6con61n, 5i t32 5. Pst l,erln, Trrlo C1tle3 tC, 57:\a 6. Paul !ele, Kesonsa lC, 58,! 7. tle, Ken Wll,kedng, Kegoisa & ttlilf (oeh1ert, i.BIv,EC, ,8,4t 9. r,!e, Sterc MiUei, IGsor6e & I€o E6tr6&r u11v. !c, 58:32i rl. llLL lArt€n, iqitl6d, 59:35; 12, I@ FiselE, l&dtaoh, 60:22; t3. len Aeschlile, Allraiy, wiec., 61:olrj 1{. D!. ,uex Retelle, Tqrc, 51.16j r5. Eelb iOipelr Ke6o6a, 6!tt9t ]!6. Dr. neE $11sd, Ct'C, 6.:25i 1?. Dr. wd. Ardtefg, rcrc, 62:44j 18. Dr. lsve 1,relss, Ldlehesd lt,6L:.Oi 19. r€cy Xarkj Albary, vt6c.,5L:'.; .0. D!. IB!ry Bole6r TCTC, 6lr:L€; 21. tim lJlrer atbaly, lllsc,, 5?:o?t _2. Ro! 6etzec, ArbtuJ, vlsc,, t8:"', 21. Bob uelnalrdJ trladlson, 68:L8; 2lr. d {erne.r Mc., il} Mould, {15c,r 69:Olj 25. Eon ni*:]er, Kegons4, 11106, 26. Jeff i-yle! Ilt,erJ, qjsc., 7':15j 27. JLr rForord, Indta.eac Tcr i r8. Pere s'eufir ^.1bav, 7r:15j '9. 8oo "' -i 78112, NeplleJ TCTCJ 30. rst llmon, ma.J lau Clalre, ?8:46; 31. t@4y Mlller, Albaryj 79:oB; 32. D!. Dartd c. Ar€el1r lrrdionead EC, 49to9t.33, tier Geolge Je1he, ITC, Joe Paqiak, Tlot?, Vi6c.. 96:L5j 35. JL! !.oo!.'ta{, -Tcr .Od::6. lN9- C-o: !egr\n, u€. & 11c\ S!e]'-ne, I(es..f.. fioather: 73o, paltry 6@.J. Co8se: 5 Ia!s, ].81r dles, !16 4338t ru out. Thls 10 ndle ead lace re the fiFt eveat sl)onscled by tbe rwb-fotud bdlerliead TEck C1u! ol hodhvesie.D WiBco6h. non Devs of TCIC led ell tbe rev foll@d one eiDute late! by Jti Vedder of res@a tC of iledieon. Tro])!Jes veft avaded !o ,be ri.sL . i:nisheflr :he "'r,. flni6hea6 dre! 40 yeas, the ftst orex 50 years, and the fl*t 3 IndlanlEad Reeion finishels, Paltlcll)dt rttlobs red, to alL fldshes. Ahe Blonso$ p1& to nsle rnis o --Derid C. !nee11, 14.D.--

SAll DIEClmo TPST@I l[IE BUll, JahurX' 29r 1969 Eieli:een coura8ecE abd uldabiea nen starteil & ltotEhed the ltrst !nuEl Se Dleeuito 13-1,:t1e Ro. the couEe tiANNUAI,

Eell r* a eood test, {iih additlo@l i'robfe@ of heaw slnil6, letttng €ln, dotued t@es, falleh !(rer 11!ee, & flooded recs &rd loads. Aoaztnell. all 1,Es crelco@ and efie! a hot €hlftr and eho.l !esi, s!t!it8 reE ai E bteh BILL Cooktn tuo€.I back ln1ro the vribers cof@. He doctr. Etrated qcel-leni cordttion ud he ran velY rcLLJ d:Eptte the dlsa&€niaAe o! ihe urfdllts" corse & F@e !.cr dlr-

5-u1. 10-11. 1, BILL cookin, se Dleeo Tc, 1tltu fr.4 \,\5tLt+.7 2. lob Bltterlie, sD!c, 58:40 1:2o:oo 51:30 1:22:40 3, IFe 14codb, ua., Vi6tsr 4, lal ooolrln, 5D13tr, 1:23:00t 5. lilr-I lFrks, Sme4j 1:2lrr 57r c'. John taf3elty, s,'r8fr I:)5:5J,j 7. J a r€r!1e6, sD T&r, 1:2U:L3t A. Bob Coope!, SlJn€, 1t?9tr5j 9, BI1l ,{srgul, sm&tr, 1:30:15; 10. Davld ?eln, Sm8d, 1:30:17t 11. !e* ilelshett, sl'I&ll, 1:Jo:22t 12, creg Free@, I :3':1"j 13. BILL J@eE, 1:17131, l',, lerl j@{1:on, Sm&:r 1:l'2: 25j 15. mke riDlqyj 1:13:42j 15. Jack schqltz, sm8f, 1158:50, 1?, qBdes AtklEon, stIsr', 1:59:25, 18. r€b! !E@fle1d, sTr'A, ?ro5:20.


a.s. 3-ttt" ms,,'r,ts I e2. r4ike rd*6y, r+8, smc-sr., 67:1oi 23. Mode pern. hie- 1/ sedo.al,._):05; P. Btuce A,1t.-so., 1or'8. J, I sDIc-c!.,4,69:0Ii 2', D!4snu tFc,27r lh., sD,7o:ar: Do:- ot1ls, U:37: !. Ed B@1e8, L9:)r,: :. r\e $aea,. | JtE cloeBchelr 41, SDIC-S.., r,2:18j 26. jjenn, Never. Io:'6j 6. De4 \hco1o, 2l:08' ?. 9t .I cr!c, t. r :; 6. "2' 'd, scFc, "):56i 21. F.ank s.alerta, l,t, sDT:-sr,, 8i:o[. Ricnald Gatrlsa., 23.aoj 9. Roy rM., a5:53, I 4-mr,o r,!,EoR Rrrl,r (16 & !,1,t0!R) ysidlo !ee! D, -..!o..-(rt), ll:12: 2. .:robc: tt6 a --J! ftdples, | 1. Arlledo uart ez. ea., sa! !_eossF i.o uer.de Jln -jp.:es to lhe I Rick o-d. r Le., crali.e@n , .:::l; :l'Mrle"!.$e.e.rO. soelr Fo'd of @et dJrectors trd ,st " E :a b. ,rdJ] ia.r rearq/ vessr rj:clj . .ro+ we.tl,,, U, **1. ri*: 'hab]lnrl Lrat ou or!'lsd ve<a,i t.-..qr,ty !lo. as ua6 relD Va_:ey, _,:01: i. C-ale -L11..4, .16, -i., 0"6"i. g._ .o,.tei .r ana u-l ach, tr:oPj 6. q:e !)shej, re, 1fu., *'ves",-:t:,t; J-u'6, trrj r'inj - Ln ed exsu r, i. " delE landably 6@11 hort " r". . :8,". -s:ea RueeLer, :r D... ...:io q , ri:o5r 8. \a wejs. | ^uL 'tsA colrse @rkIi€s & €deed 1 stb._: j !F..er jd \audlcaoEl r, ure,, ae-€ je:e. :.: -: o. ste.e seidte., r., r s:, for lrod 1e! Es qeI.- as n, er C-€rrebo .. _..>a: _ . -.-.i o-[e--j t.. -u.. .i rc"". soon to 'e ro"solLe!. soF r^h D?orse.ab.e roresEron" 15.3J: r_. .€:r e_..:.. jol]e.'a5:I,,: ri-., irclde: a +"e€ndos "rca. rts bxm., cle€ntng Incte! lob- Brq. .,. :L.-=.. ,. :.. Lj tr, Dart d cuebe}:nd a bLL he c@, .Les on .!n F ee,e j-ra,e I gle6 LLr 6a :g! .o :. r :, .. lalid uarqus. q. " 'r$er pdF. ,... e. shepprre ord sooL,e cn | lfu., rorr or - -1 .:: of hlc ree"-p-^tlr . cis, Lo, ua., the leverent ilteELly cla.k1Jr€ 6r: the neek of i.wrers. U.1v. friyr l6j:8. --:::: - :..:ir-Eleihe h, falt,llEL Dto,N oe Lhe rlshr @v. lhar rs :-------.-----------.rapldly be"@ d: . btush;FJXed tor-A!- & fi^d @d dT qlr:\]-l/..-': - : -.U i::a alrov & e lce st tL lor vith ile flDish Dlrost in rlay Lo5, 3. :.::. :._r-rr:1 ir: .'ieto! ] 9"!,'iav, sightl lteJ11 a:11 le back na\t yeall ) --!111 oookln-- | v€rlevr C.ltr. S!ot--1n€ a..:.: e: :..: ta:iial].!-cade!ry, vee o.r-c ors, Iti C..-.: t4 \lsr,T,Ts 1969 rr ii,ii)r,i BIY I <-t.Ir.d6rEn Ut{ coulse: 10 nile cource !::-:i :: ::: t:ri:ea Aceddv I Ssd.y, A!!11 2, , a)69. (8" t., rlettve tiFrldlty TOt, (foeErl.y the F16!e:ia Irr ::-:r:.-.:r:, i.n! roUovi!€ l,tre H1!!e!is-t1r::.:i:. suby qith lor lPrer loderate nreeze. "o"tu ::::ri].. ti ""y fi;1shed tho!i:.: :3:.:., .::-e is uruaUy Td r'rche @lnlained 1l1s "i.telI€ vsys h bockue 1.2o 1n lh. vletor vallev .:r BiU Cookl 's ye€!-old €cord. Seche Eho.k tUi tu"-l lt"t lrecaue of ql.ats io -h€ :::: !::: rru:e is clnlJ, a.:oE tdo or cea€ cqeon, rbn srrushd a.d coorrrh r:o I 1'* t11. coLrse lecolc 15 :.i li - :.- :: 1158 br' lils]ne : , !:rke -qeven idles of the 9.3-@1te event a 6oto eflo.i. .'.ri.!. !.T. r" rbn Carscal-ls! 6et"r a.l-lb5 -8 !_-!e qualtedle le€drald ob the reiun lee for.ea r@ to I: -- .. .r.rt a! he conttnueit io 14cFa6e his 1e.d ove! cookln, ] :. lJ€vld E!€]€sr _fr}! xroirr tt, aa,a' 23 4"t22 &1 : :: 5s ahead of 1as! l€a!r6 ri:,o51 lace at lolid !ui, e"or-_ | J rd.hre"e' 4b, serlore r. : a.' .\:23 ,3 | +' !u1B nesrrcro, Let.J -i.:n€.ri.9s oft l,hai nsk ,t the f1q1sl. :'r:ik Fbtr !e1d e even lace !o talre senaor loao!6 C -: :i sd, sedor. r.) r.,ocL !,i7 ofl l.ast yea;,J t14 of 53:og, otber preE! Ila:+11 '-..a6 ai l?!-lon caldera 4tr sertcB ::, :' : :i Lo ,at .! ii@6 include: Btlt G.okin 51:1! dd 49:5i. i4 o@-"r.D 5r:14 and 53rt8" ed dtune creebrck l!.3? sr1 6r: ; :' l'l:" fotts, ren46o Rume16, -::l: :atzt :) ltrr rarrnn, ljenlor8 Tt, :,a5 l! fo! 195? and 1968 rlih 1968 ti@6 ror rr,r R""'" 6r,i ' ' 10 ri_,4 .o DoaeLr. se4ios r.r . :. ;:.i ,i ::,. ;i. G."""Li'oi,si; ;';";;;";;; 5a;io.--.::4o :i3 lleston, .11, l.T, Rec,le!i._ I I :-o,€ Delotster ! i:rejrcbed tle oqi ljth: r .@ _,_ , 'aci .. 6 i:e i6 a uuer 4ko event. L lje:Lc ._.jr .af rhe ,ro.,r. *r, ,, j !fl! ;heiier, .ulvex cir:J t.) Jerlorc lc, :::: .i*j?edo uor-il4ez oj ssb l:rdrc o,rjJ to f141 rr". r," r"" lJ t-:l 'ru. :: ,1? d r:]s1igln]-ei!ft]reiI.!b.'.ac..".:',-.'.-""...i:'ii]]1.rJI,oj€J53Js.str1deI6j rr2,, senlorc rc, ',, . '. .6 ir .iio ith lls risk:clo.! i.ir"',".:. ]:' T1r:"*, !1cr s€nso', +rr senlors Tl,-) li::: ":.,;;- fo' aa i5 ".*,, ""-. rr: i.rirjl llErlE brmts €cort,):,:a:,.)8.4. 33 !!:t!ef-sort conhoe cleilr riLL a i:rir, -Frq's iB. r...d" l,..er,osr r+2r se4lo!€ lcJ t:::,; :u je !ar)< rer!-i,. ! !i1r , iGri{ .-,ki, ;,::i;;";-;""_ "ftr. ;.'i il;].;;.:-- I ro c@t1:'-)'utnad, 52, sr.lcJ T8:1: :a )2 -14 ttn leedi;e ir tr,- ::r!€e l"-rcriiciirt LaB veeae rc, 7E::: a:,ir dtn 84:tl r1n ] '".$ed:L '1ode.l SS'Jz o"d .J,{u n'.'-l i'"' 1"11d. :16 !4"!!, senlod lob nobbeEon, Tc, 7?:,,- :_ :i 15 a6 cloctied i.,:l:c,.. rc aF r.1s: no lecoerdtroa I i:. ""ir ". l:-t' 9: {"h Paetieo' senlols Tcr 73::a .)- a. , cffici€r e,elura€en ni, i..., fu @1.sr -tl tr'":'1,_ i"'t. aa 2l 1itt5l sar?A'!qr:!rj: r:-ifircr.jit[jji ., rN Rut l:J2&. y', r i{o@ 9^.n}!au. I 63t I 7o._o l-'a.-l id 2 " lJll'Is oelns4s _, L'" . . :. , r. tu'..-. . i.f,,. .:,lo rd uorev, uat', ?9'aa : :::-r lO 2, 3i11 G.:rLir: :i' i-rjTc, :15:Oi 31!rq 5.) 06 zo'i 27' sb* ro6enrrerd, .*t', i!i.. L;;Z ;r.46 i.4. m.-sri*,';;."-r""..'s..tc. ii;t1 ' 351* ''ied*" rZ,!g 3s,ii sl:ri I 28 Jose }erellar lfut'i 'rlr.r 'i:li ". Phil carr.r,-3o robv i{ed1m, 5or i"qPD !ace!s, :i9:.: '::,i? 37 r,,,i:. 5" 1-oa 6s1'"5,"3!, i'aa :i,'sl <i,;1, 12?' ;; o. r.!r 1?' {:hi €11'e'141' se''o!! r':' lr.6i ir'06 | eeniore t+t .-a.36 rt' iii-: al:lo ?. sil! siArr;!, :: c:r3, iT.U i'".;, |I Jz' a:' j+!:":. !1*u rt, - r5'oa !o, a1q sheaEr' LA!D, :irr; 5+tai Lo 8" ra i"o"r",. li,-: -,'rr, 19,2? 18.; j\ lt.ii li F:r6 1t,+a e. Dlck s.hv. 4/! si,!i-o!. :s;i; ?*"i F{-: il"t:, iob tet!1clr 4tr Berlors rt, !'r?e 6222 l! J+' ...i;, "..rr,ro,>u io. clen Drcke, a6. s!-lrc^ 19:11 3o.).: rEEe-'(r€h, ... rr:r.c. 6:r senrom rr. ]5^ rEEe e!:2! /"r.'r,c iir,oo j|r. ceE jr1. 74:5\ i'it '(r€h, 6lI c€E caso;. cason. .v i8,oo je,iZ :6,5; Ji:,ii ;0,;a 15^ f ,2I 7a:s\ r?. roe Keiih, :s, ::""1.'i rc, * [oi!d ao,oo * -:;; ]9 ::33:I ::""::1",-:?l:r ! '"' l'" .rd11e ArktE. 6enior6 !,, 9i:jo 5ttto ;i.,i l.:r- Br1l ?hlllllsJ 4::' sil1c-s!. 16126 jE r4. r"n oor"*l irr,rlir., +0, rg,:s 19. :*+"* r': 81:42 tt,17 r"'.sentorc 61:i2 2e .Li. ;1r-1 ua!su!? 4i. srrc-s!.i -,* ,i,6i ;:,;, ;:' F*-:*-t::ry:. :3:1;":-:h:1i. rt. c-r"" n"]s,-a5,-,''"., iuj@sa, 20:23 i]'.+ ai "1t llY" :11::i:i^!:::k"TidseJ Eat., ,8r.:51 tl;51 t


Z,1; [riii i:,0,, ]:


*,:i 2:,:9

I, :l'pI

i:;u :i,ii i;:;ure***":1;:#;':i;g lli:Fr"ft$i:'*:',::::';;.*' i3:3; $"tai il is. ,bir" ib;rt-,'r'i"'smi-6'. irll lliir 9: i;:#.;r"fiiffi;1,.ii'.#i:3'.'ii1!"ij;ii ii 22'.?) lli' *l,Tiiiliffl;;,""" *. ff:8; !i:ii 23',32 Xi ::ii lil:*LTiiil',ff3.;,"".*, e;'i; g: g;l:;".::::';*-;;;i";'rc, 3: Hi"iSr"lli;l':.iTg;:1" U;;3 f::la 22;E i;:j8 ti X9

tr 17, I,ee Bercseold, ir1, 3!.:c, 'd, ':@3!i Ba{e6, rr3, senlo.s





86t1j 82.17 2^ 87t)7 57:17 Y, 86109 28:o) 18 89:13 j9:13 2t 52. Clb -les Tlse.r tr6, Sen:o's IC, 8a:1L 8L:1L ,? 53. Jad.r ousstes lrr, darr. Fi, A9tl. 59t12 z? 54. fia cr,.rreU, sr., 4?, Sentors \ac,9Qt32 6.3p 2I 5r, tni, .hsbe., sa Dteso ::r frt\. tntt,z 28 56. Ddve Dal-rc, s.t., 82.39 6I 92t39 57. qalk ruetee, f3r cla'i o rq, %tL. 6t'z 36 5\. @ r)I.oydr -,1!D, 9Lt'3 6t.r2: L2 _c, <5 ,9. Joln Mohloya, 57, senlor6 9rt32 t32 1') jaluer, 1.9, cslk uct,,, I 97 ta9 e1ta9 6. t_. b. 1Et., 9r. 91t\'. 61! I \4 ^est.iuo, 6). ts1lr God-; -"5..: 1o8:r,, 7B:r.5 5s li'Ils tias !'tiE lltsT col@lqltlzlD r{artDrcA?Fr:G o? ihe s.l.-A,A.A.U. & It ve6 qulbe successfu.l, Those ritbout fo.

3.ru:dln, uE!., 50. Atck plckeri.s, uaL.r 5r. Elr€eoe ce!6ob, 1et., Ed

l)relacu esults lad to stelt fa@ Bcraljch, ltoBe elteEa the day of i}e event a13o tould thdsel€s ia the 6 e !o. j.itoh. Ji! Oorlelt @s back in ijhe ronin€. JLo, vho F o-red a l:r8 Elfe eart,:r thi6 r€aih i{as!e!r6 Coupetitioh, had a serioE bteeAhe utce! & @s . fhe los,,Jril f : 6tue LLee. a t€11.4^.1 @de for pe$onal lest 1j1re5 ror !@w. --Sio Staffod-any


s.P.A.A.A.O. I'ET!iA.IS


DISTRItf, Cpjl,{pIOtSEIp

SatrCay, rqt 10) 1969 8:30 A.M. Si)o4ofed by: sp!,AAU & the lDng leach Co@rDliy H6!1tra1. rbet Dlrecto!6 r ljtke Siemlt & S1,e Stafford. (!t116 eve4.h vas held 1n conJhciloE vlth ihe 5th rlile-a-ibcn lltefratlobat, ) 5l stlre$. J€@!. 7co, st ehL bfeeze. 1. r^raIt Jeqslruy, {4, s!.TC, 55:t10, 2, DoGld Jones, lr? sr.rc,56t5;3. oms! hEie, tre, 42, s!.rc, sr.rc, )I:obj 4, rrn 57:06; 4i litzeeleldr 43, s!.rc, !i'zsefa'd, lr2, s.. s!. r', 58:45j 5. rflrrs r,6fls L6rls Roleios, lre, Robeids, 42, -.,5ut5at ac, 58t57j 6, U. me'.s€6Ee-, )to,5!. c,6)$ :.1. CtE. Sb)!t, rr2, S'rcr 6:09:8. lr1] ,ertsr.1, St ,6l:r?;9, 4le\ Sheare!, Ale\ Ln, L.]'FDj Sheare!. lo. r,rFr. &jL6; 54:1.6: ro. Neri n ./I,II1@, rirrr4d< 51, 6r 10, Net6.o aBA-, d,:-'; U. lat Cil, J J S::r &:-, j tZ. paL 12, sr', a!:5:; L:. ::a-oid r; .' i, Ir, s :, 6t:orj ri. Johh rr.4o]€, .7, sa ,65:a1t 1). 3ur4 eo@, , s..-c 65:14; f6. _Al cra-{r 55, -_dc.65:.1; r/. Toby l|edr De, 5o, ttpD, 65t32i rq, atbe- .oo!e!, :,o, src, 6rt32j i9, !-d Folst, L2, 9^C,662Li X. lde Bted, [O, SIC, 66: Lrj 21.-Clyde 4lllne, sl, SICj .?:l5j 2.. Ed B!ffi, l+0, Ma,r 6dr59, ?3. Charlr-e Soutttrd, ,2, Src, 6):ro; 21. El l!€me, 16r cfc. 69:Uj 25. Ai -ldDsoE, [, sTC, 69:IJ; 26. John Car-rar ,1, S.rC, 69tl2t 4. 1ffion CeLde-s, 15, srcr 69:!5i 28. ,rr1@1 Dodetl, 56, s!c, 69:r+4j 29. Dr. Joln sco!!, 5_, STC, 70:55j Jo. Jek !r!lei!, )r5, s:c, 71:1!j ll. I€e leresForor irlr snc, ?L:35j J2. sron Sta_Co-d, !3, S., 75:t0; 33. I,tiie Kj6h, <3, S-C, 76:Bj 34. t*etd r&nes, 43, STC, 77:05, 35. rd cfiffiihr ua. +2,79.&t 36. q.sht h.tsht catved, catved,, 5r, 8tra5, 37, 51, lb,r 81125, Fred 32, Fre crsce,71, sro,82:05;38. a'harles Fume!,45, sTc, &il .o;34. D!. Dobel. l,t&lctu, .tr.,.r,87:loj 10. D!. D. \,Llclre1soD, 6, S!.,8o: LP; )1. cFo. IGdetJ, jO, S.C, 92:4); 42. c€olee F-dc 6J rr8, st. c, 95135. 1lote6...Or a h!!id,'bui, fhe dayr e lecotd 51 40 & fu@ls started in ibe f1!6t 6etaiate Vetell# Ct66p1on 6hfu of the S!A.{AU. AllL rould have f1!16hed tui 6 g!or4) etreyed off coa6e. TrE tvl6ty i1m6 61qed tle6 so@!_hat, Iiali Je6bu4, 3111 VeLL8 & Nelsob W1!Li@ ron the e€e erd! rlL1es. --SL& SLsfford--



1. Rlch lq:ru".. pit".



Paul trcusEt, uascrareru, rem rLc, 61:59t 4. AC, 53.5Jt

5?:t'9, 3l nic! Dh1, south Jelser !9, 62:39 1.5-lT1,!- '. I.€^ I',4ed1 n, Dem \C. ?5t3'lt ?. luss Jackso:. I .' .r"-"""v r" 2rt53t 3 Jh s;ephe.i, rtrer.. 5:<l',r,6:'j; P i*,!- q46a., 26116. 5. Joe riofrnEn. F\ilE.,


fnr]a..1i! 2/ruo; KrslrF-, Deln A', a9r'aj

10. Bob

saL..2P:09; t. Bob rle6si.ns, aar., 3I:oL,


LrcEll luled tn vlcLo-1e6 :n tbe .!ea!w vtdore A1_ rantic c,cc corpens caplued rhp 5 -/r_;;e rcce & 'a-es.h@ fi!6t Jn rae 6ho.r_er IucEh: .hl€ged I r/, _h1rerrhe !ace6 vele sta8ed over a toueh, hltly {oooed cou;;a on the cablen Couiy College srou!4s. collero, peM Ac, 28:27; 2. Fratu .!j.q, :!+!p]. roL(er sJEc, 2u:q6i ming, sJtc. 3Orl8; ,. Bob tootz, SJ_ r. Tcr 31:47i 5, Jeff Roc!$ell, s,tTc, 32:02; 6, chartes tl1f.y,. ca{d* couw correse. ll:13: 7. i\etl ,,reysanilt, sfi(, 3rr:rrl (sot 1o6Ll)r 8. Larry o^Lan-y, sJT., l?r--7. D\f- Rlch Wers, pb1.a. ,\C: IBrry REh, uaL. j Bob iofu_ 3 t/4-!! LE- L Pau] t.cEtI, j-nj A', 17:I).5,. ). Jllr Sheplrefd, ua., 16!I \,rt TS, I.J., I?:r5j 3. Illde Bulnes. S-erlln€ Bee. jj.S., iv.J.. L/:3,.qj I, mes .racirson, !.rrC Quaohlco Ila.Ine8, i/:rO.5: c. 1,4.!ke !\m, overbrool peg. tr.S., \.J., f7:5?j 6, De/" qelerlh€, H€ddo.fielrl H.S,. 1ur05j 7. Bob B@a6ry, ft., sJac, r8r21.5; B. Joh4 Coyle, Csden coL.ly Cotteg-, t8:LO, 9. Bob Krs@rr .eM AC, rUr50: '0. Bob (1e8sl r€., !ad n 1ts. t8:5h.tj I. qtch QLlck, FeM6 C.ove 1.S., jo:01.5; I_. Jsck Dohbin6. Siexllle reg. tfi, L9t32,5t 13. Jay Ea:dtan, Eaddo.fleld lS, t9:45, 14. Jack Cassldy, C€nde! Couty Co11ege, t9r5e. 5j 15. rlank Hs6s, Oveftrcok Fee, fiS, 20:13; 16. t@ t:ack_ :n, rauf / s. 2 :r-i .-. lho .r eldo- -v.p. 9.S.. ^eri.arr, 2.:5 c-M"1 ,./-aL €r: su:r., 8O aeq-ees, 9aul-

; ;i- ---;:;"'-;-;;

jr.B;.. ;1-tIj,-;-; i;.;--'

lf Bar.es, e !erc@! tc iDcel roa1ne rr.n Cree:bsit, Je--yla..d. oo! 6l€nLese.f c 5 ii }a.r"e_ t. ":. I :" 5-o -,e !"c- t-Lo l1€-o enl . 6;-ine uea.h- ,e.. r ,oS r.6@el: re: hil\' .tueF o Gleenletr D-q oEat Der^. Best ttme rf 2t:o3 \6s redsteleA ty gherLes Sn€de., l.ldln€ uattachea, shraie! 1E the t4etroloUla area's best firo-nllei, Haadlcapptns vas 4oE ty ldy Ca!eo!. ;:e al.o offlciaied tbe lace r-lth lafly Noet. 37:06

37:\5 l+. Dict sc!r@,


ClErLes Sh€de.,

38:25 39:03

L Mtli creenbae, 39:23 39:35

41:ol 42:14

:l'ca! 6:35 9.30 8:15 i:oa co !r:oo 1or!o

6,J; 8:

to 9:10 8:30 8:5a 7:00 14:oo

Aciuai Tiue 30131 28 r15






ji,i; 3a.3) 3At25


l2:1r 3l:35 28tt\

2-MIrI R!!1, nSSUitIS 1. Ted Burkett, rslts Chach, va,, l1::7; 2. Dave Bro,Df@ilil AiiD l,s-orq C,A!TU!I MIDDUE ATI-AtrnIC Rtc RrJ'llS I61n u! ra!k, Ph1le., Iia., Sundqy, r,[ay tSth 6:30 !.fr. 6on, 11149; 2. !to!h NercnJ 11:55j 4. Jetf k.,-tne. l2:Olr; Fich I,seG vlilped a 6@11 fleld to cai)tDe the li!,!-. ,. Fey Co!d@, 12:foj 5. C€ly IEviae, 12:13j T. Reld nltutcrs 9+ nile hi1]y couse or both stde6 ot de!, 12:l9r 8. PalveJ c€lLe.r 13:21:9. !d &rron, tr:28j ihe 9ch!]i/till !t!er anC l.en l&dltn caltuled the 4,5-el 10. !1,J. SElth, lL:lcr II. challe6 lllmes, 1l:Plj IA. Bruce Bu!61de, 11.2r; l. Meye- "ubh, tI:L); I . Joe luc. le rE in 25:37. In the A.t"l. ilee1tn ron s r!:eh gchool tvo-ntie cb6i@l.nsiri! in 9r3r]: Ee foUded th16 elth a CalcbyJ 14:!9: lc. Fled \laldelr 1 :09j 16. [drEn sxt t", 15:13j 17, Jele BuD6ide, 15:28; 18. Clint l6vcett, 16: ien Dile rorhout i! the eftemoon, the. flalshed the tlth the RnC r6ce, The kid iE aggle66tve €&d deteqrlnej 27; \9. t-afry N@lr 17:35; m. Iraul lairbsnkr 17:3i. ' --RaY Go!itd-'o 6at tle 1eas,i Lasr yed as a soph@@ he clockei 9:e3 for t$o rdles on the t.ack-






,{*"i;'irii, ifrl,i;,i'{,';l*;.., :*x1;:li"r;"s;,*"r'r.x ii.., *.irliiiti, lfiii;:.r.*i# u"-';".-i"'lfri-i"-;':"";" i:'a,o! ,1. .;;. i wr, ,:. ..irj ? . ,o:.ru l'" r'1 # ;j[l b:suon


daJ. Brlai ,6

. oce. u.tv. or -;:€*is

erl, "cs" r:l+L.ilrr

s6e!, >6. 7sc- :-,e!r;-,

.' . , i, ,.r..

::":::T;:,:# $i;.*;,i",."* ",*;,"1*:"#: lil: :T:ft:"); :;-*::,;:":"iii:;:;r :la,l;:;;:':*", .rt'.on, u.'tae'la. ... .,ie o uu.r*:"" o.*p'onirrp. ].r*ii*", *i., r, a,f; r., clJck,"rar_e.. -r. I 18 irj:

4ea!re!: sk_av. 88v. L4d, l:LLLe ! nc. u'rr'lets: ca. tijL..@ & lloa arand. _ l.-Brlan FaEilga$, Balihis, DelFlnie 21l;r, 7,at29j 3. Dave rdt6on,

:it'l,fi lr'Iiald, wsc. DIF- Joh l1!'!,1il1!i;.,fkll,;,.*-*

llr. aiqu! Fox, Ea.J t:Lg:r,l,j J3. ..:te rps-r. 'c-. i rr. 3r,_1r.. Bob Be-cr k., ::j/:r_j ,., * e-,ir, _"., lEe., I:58119, :e. .r. r"r6.,-N;s6i,-iit6,6r"5il'iii"

.*r., *'"""',

Hi;t: eJj:;' lf;:;3"T;"!;'?;3ia,,3:",.T3ii.,Iruli 43. F!d& perteauj [csrc, 2:1a:50, )d!: ,;_l,rsr_

]2:o9:oo, 3 MIIE rteN !"{c! ltt!, ua,r 2:{:18: 45. Job d11a, xc.rc,_2i21:3t. l.-j,llke otuod, 1.7:13,.2. Sre@ c\Ette,,i?:55t:, Jin I Te@- 1. r4ai{n Ai}tetlc Club;2. Re&rood city Strtde!6; Tiff€ny, La:[. 4. [Elt cleenlamr t9:06, 13" Ncrthed Ca].1foeta Senio!€ TC. l-iflE AG! G:aljp FACX Note8,.,!he lorrth lEEi !1 )elado 13,76 !E& :u f1na1r. ft. Buker!, 9. .:t1.5: .. c€o.se rEJo!, J, t:.It 1! laE c )he of s€e. I{@ s fleLd oe fou trMe-6 ulE sixLeel _asr reMj ftftJ three ehre-e' L\is r. Ed &..or. , 5:O): r. Arlotd Ca_iano, !8, 6: il lrhst /ed.to 5. Joe nc.a!ihy,'U1, 5,28, 5. M.ye; a"lr"l I.:i r:6i ?"lyea!Flth l+5 codpletlns the !ace.. The codse tE one or tne doei liciuesque Jn Caufoftla. Ipcated leat ptacerlany ]l@lj 47, 7.43j 8. pat Sleer, 601 8:30. gs!€Goh of ihe"Old Co14 Rush lqrsJi, 1! A-},iIIF turtl ]dlte, fomrry Ebandoned bl,es & talrllcs orer bact road6 g phl !*t 1. Jolb la €:.tsr, I1:o7j . c-ofEe L ros. t1: !. t.l "hc ya'F co:doe:s, 1..0.,.Jer!*v:.",_r:5i;5.r..;-lonn*L6jF€y6.Ttecofse13._fflcu:..-.!hhl!!saLL !lde!, u:59; 5. cery l,evide, lz,o?j-?. ri'- ai"rtl".rte I ib -vY' A par4tct[a! sr6b_'e! Es the three atle hlu to_ *n1cn s1ored Edt r. a re!r." lhe lece {ss 12:18: 8. C€orge 12:18i c€orae ],iaJor, ],taro,. P:lro; l2:l$: 9, Rol steele" tlr12; 10. Ton Pe.t.L1y, 13:34i 11. Da',4d 3!onson, 13:lr8r rz. lI'n.bv Illcb Deka4o, Berlelev teaclerJ ir 1r16i!1.2. Thls rJ.J. Sadrtrj t3:55. (19 flnishe$) --n€r. Cordon__ record 6et 1es'u yea! by anrls ynfler

;;;;-;;;",*ffi;;;; ;;;ffi"ffi;i;.; €.o1, D.C., wy L, t969


il'::ly.*?s. l$ !d:;q: ff i::l,i:-"ffi.':':i:"::fr -" er !1' , :"t:1 I L:- : 5.


stere-Jsckson. r'r oston- s!."t club,, rodled.o - -.:-:..-: an "" -a5/ h tre 'sko 5., haa])ioa DluU l. , , . :|^ ' hi1l,v trericu Urive!61qr .ou:se. Bolr Lus:.-r. e ra,, c@! to the !c di.tance ,,.m1!€ .;. ..:";.-

t6'1:ie !u rF-.T]3* tue_ {ad :tulties.

,::l^l'!"1:, bdieo-ue rrr "-:-i ---l------__--



asaln rbsted a

?actric Geve, caur.

" _' -* 2, clslli Detado! 2. R clalll De_4ado, Alhed alhed Ctu!, cru!, I:Lt:2t r"r,* r. ,;'i;;.',";.-i r*.-,r". Lr^-"" ;;",,;;" "--" bq lrutt, r{gdn A'c" ";i;;; r.-7 nll.1:411,05 ro, the r"'" sBr"i ghfade" sh!€.de. fto lhe odd-dls!5nee odo-o!6tance 5.17 E.e I' E|e €c.-. 4' l' .PY.*i"t,."11 t.c:, ldldetb, r44ib A'c'r *u -ome.) 1:45:06 .tr the !h- thlee bt."ee loop6 rooo6 of o" the lhe e:u.ort"u,) i'5' lle€ lil 3l1I',:.,9*l 1. Pav [bbzle, [larl A'c', gtev;.r*t"-, ,r'r'-"too. 1:l€;41 25-KrLo- 1. i,:r,rz.f;,.,";";i":;;; !. sol -i:' 6. Gonl@ conr@ !]ackreLlr ackrerlr' uEutachedJ uEurachedJ rt52t3l r, i ir_, , 3, a. Dare ** !It16on, i.r..:,c. !.-Johh'rrh.r.v 1 r. ]b' i-;ttlttr, i:4o'18,. , "ir."" Melia L,rStiat 8" !1o!x rodd, Ncsrc, Itr,i:; !"-l!i Bane€, r:i9:5tj e.-rc"ti" 0,"".ii,.i i,' I?' rerr (root, ^c: Re.lso.d cr'y.trr:e-s,-r:58:oi; ." ....-q. - ,cr 11:5?:01, 9. Mile corte2, -'d.n-"oji"il: ";-;;;;; 5.17-.MIIE !ACE_ 1. li]l Sbade!, 29:56; 'ioi,o:.' r. Ded,is psrron. _.,,"., .rrffi )o:-o: !,' i"i,liil^ Dse-,-F:,r ".:, zb,-6, r. :.". pase, 1:o:: o" 0.,:r .-."-l-rL,'ii? "1. ".

] ir.'

BacrEcb, s!., , o,r ; r. .rie oeuon, o;, l10..vlrr* l2to2t56t 12. Robeft cotuley' tl,\c' 2,o3t5it f3. Joe Eende!-



2:or:o4, 14. *:6:ff'; Eouey, uDa.J i:ot:37; 15. r@ -' Lee

fl:"; ;!l;rl;u?;", l9?lT*; iili;:,l,iiii3: ] ,5i"il!i 5i, iit,x:^],,t1;;;i.a;:il,gi:":;:;, ,.: .*-";.;- ::T,'::-'e.^"3F.I:*T-,'!f;i];,ii;"1, bom, 2:12:3rj 2f. Rallh paiienhdser, Ncsrc, 2:14: ;;;.;6.io;l;.-;;--;;;"*i":;;l 'u.r

o;;,.,:,f ^ 9;111; ]!fr1-iis"!l'E.H;i'"iffi1"y9ff.lil;*;*''??',"'' ?;q#--q-a..:';^j::"b1:::l .he. :55i 8. c-o.se ph p-. , ., .:-b.lil.i ;^ l;;; p;i;i;k; i;;-;,;i',e;-b::;Z;a-:i;:,i;;;:: r. ollh._'3:33: f. n-ir lioj,!i:- 13,98: l9: l. :;"::.,-1i,:., f!:"r: rj. Bnca ^.J.. r", J1tr],0eM:"gt."r"ui Jlarln AC r,,j 2. Ol)m!J. ,rubj l, lErjn 4.,,,8..j r+' xorthee cauromia sen1o6 rc; r. st$rord limiie ,!illi13: qe3!'er: ll:i9' srrD,v..t:',i11-"-"Y-.:19-"',-t:;!o' Nooe!... be rece bese s. ro a.u. on *"v I

offlclbl6: ch"6ter SeltIad enl ,.reb 8rald.

lc.ub. i""ndqy, fbe

couBe ^^.,--^ 1s

";* " of the ti{ce ccreFa o@r e lo}1toi

od 29 coqlleled atiestlhg to tle dlffic!.lt condtrloG. f. ctclE.d D. L.;edo, L.C., !tl6t'I.2) 2. S--. -*, tu the lece in 196e l]laclle r.rr.<<, r oris o-r. isrr--, ..,i.,o. r .-...,* , r:'':i6,3. :'er, o.c., L.',res.Elrd*-I"::|H'r;-rii.:tl'io:T:,;HJ;#ii;1,;::"":fiitr", " " 1:19:12j ll:-rly:_.'l?;r5i .11.*l1t _11",..1:20:17:-6:-] red{odr criy, "n.-r"'i:i-*a rhe orde6i ]"eer {as racrr DoLJ \c-, .[q , ]:'o:38i Dav d ./.is]i, ?. *,T1*.1: or IAdloEa' c€lirofria' 8: :t;;;'i;;i',tr';-iieAioi' i' i'"3- j_,."1 ":"'' ''"1r-t!k'-62r rhecror v$ peier o, [4etiet. 0fflclaf6: yehor firhl, "."1 lt{eet ^" -^"l-I-1" Ji Bortes, u€,, 1:3::rrj Lr,, Fere! {sboo, ua., rl : cEoRCLIotrj r,tt'fitrlslJl re!,Lcceo - .d coach sleve !€a-oe., ,l; '". John ourtr ef-e! ffie* ow;o,bed h:o. "4 t r.aak slenzo.' vio '.oodiM, lA , ':JI:oo; 15. PeLe- {6ttelr ccched 1l vetrc at Alcirllsh-o DIid of Ie" ,.o.1.





!a!k, De!re!, Colo., s\!day, Aprtt tl,


-#j tfrf ffi; 5:+ ?"jt r{ i: ",.15\Sj:i*' *;l: ':';j ll'i,^;l;,"ii5:5'"

:,, t:id ':i!


3?:13 ,2 'iiLr,,:'i-;a, l2:3i i:32 .3 31.02 jo2L zi;,Li '2 1, Iroya o"ar:n, "Zil; 3;;3 3r:l? !, 3:fl 37t5\ Z:n T,:IZ I +9. {e IN:r i, rLtzo rr7 _11. fb4f ?vs@u€a, 38rrrr 6:ji to:o? ro:0r ?ro2 ::. 5" !?yi364!,

i:ilJdis; i*rdl ll;li


ii:rT."Y[i:i:, i,j.i# ;s i:;;f.

15. arErr tield, . 49:04 1 o7 \rtj7* ]; 13 e la1ked # shortd Gw eraied et :ooj a!!:tred


Steve t4atiheE, *Lth hls fheEt caught at. bur, obe Dq, Matoffie

bce 61nce 1s6t Au8urt, Es ea.1k tbe fasleE! be clocred 2):5I..you4g T{a Caltson corth_ he loE lbe badrlca! evs!-d br 4earv ":: 'g r+p-\T,.": red clrtLe,, vbo alvsyE rl!1sbedku up L ll! ro,€e! lllll!.: hedlca! Fcee, rolppeo ps6t qltbf ,qhoid lne rn lardE ro. ihj.d ltace. Cucter, d s_r,o&h Medrod_Club fteer Ia the utd 1960,8 hes tuproved Lre_ fte,rdouly slDce mvlr€ Lo ^olo&do se.era: yia$ ago. -_n. Deori6 K6va!au€h__ Rol]](Y MoL1{IAIN AAU 25-tlIl,o,@qE!r CdIl4pIOIlSEIp

IIASIINCTo{ !Anr<, D!\\FR, CO!O!iADO, Sulday, Aplj



l0roo A.i,r. su'r+,68-Zou celtl -.ed coq;e - EIeELton,


9-!t1, ?,JT r. >!(* ]llarloeqB I Den@f Tc. L9:.) q':0, z. !rq/a uod!1!. DenEr T' il,r, l. carJ Plelson, oehc- .; r. Joe Arrezota, *., t*6.., coro., iilr, ), rs urle., Deh{er ,c, ,6i\ b. i€e couLae!, De"ver Tc, oo:oo r. Jq Hwel], Denve" tC, 6O:b rphFont, cora., 5j:al 'et., 9. Deul6 Ka@ug!, D€!E- Tc, o1:oo lo. Std Aftotd, ,enrer TC, 6r.]A lL. r"ritba A-Told, (/, DeNe! t\1, ?*06 f2. ?te ce-Isd, , De.w! Tc, 67 ),\ Je"" Amoldr


Lt_lja trt5:ro 1:31.50



r:lr8:t8 t:r2:39 1:)3:LJ


e:01:Op Z.Ot


zrto,zi zri1,i2 p,!it+3

rc, 6a ]A -13. fa s'Dos. 1!. Deo€! 1lr 67:rD x@!oso, rrba@r, coro.,78:10 2:24rto ri). Edkrd lteld, l@.r DenE-, co\o.,2..2, 2:)1:oo DNF- Jiu'.taLLhe!s, Iotu Jh@s, Dewer Tc. Note6 . . . De aend i !g eheelJto!, Slew Mst!!er6 vo! Dhe t6! 4a6t-ct cbBrllo@bt! or 1969 FjLb tve e4e. Afie! -Le.ecer 6nakr!'€ of. Ftoyo cod!.lb ealv in lhe tbtlbevg @s h@, orer 6 otuulee s1@er Lle ,@ tN colBe recotd. The dce ms tire f1!Et of ihe yed ove! 5 !dle6, abd coupted vitb "@ ?Oo hea!, @w ..Lee-s poara 61de! r1@e tba! tbey o!dlE-i\ iou-1d bsve. 5oD GFeD \orbl !a! h16 very rtrFL dlst_ece race & c1o6 ,.d stloESly 1n 1"he LEL!e! s!€€es. r.opbles r,o rhe flrsc tvo rtn16he.6 & Rocl+ Ift. nau @da.s reN lo the flFt slx f.blsheft. --R. Deete dl|€&@h__ -__------_----_ rorlrr'EB rmcr{ cur! 5-[1AN r.l-lrrr,E rrrat pa.k, oedw!, colo., sudaJ, Aprr r aZ, 1969 I^asl1lston ao:uu A.M. suqy, a5v and Ery !rb4y. !cp. DeDEc

Act.T. gcp.


tha! Lr* 5hou.ld not rraE been a hanarcap;g L:..|r*:r Dur tb16 is actlra vltb hlldslAht. 4fter sre* vatLhek .;* b"d-;a;';;;:,';,"ffi.3!i#*.il; {no-td aBrned aLr ouL :; of !@r oack o tbe iYl:-:".sld *s. p" Mcr|ahlrl of yaurh*s, Letu uqeaseo Lhe :::?": re@ uo aedly a Erlure, br ljor@ ft.*s *sued the leed & gac the &.ho! @ a (codvi;;;-;e;j L7s burae to abre !o hord orr s!eve'6 chane,ae #': *3.":*Jf

#i{H:i,E_ F!:il".;:ffi ; r#.ffi *i..;.":,.i#" H5;#i:iii F:i:{n,li*,;,i};1p';31;.'9;;3u.*; i".:r t'y-.y" 10:46...Mcrdmeyrs teq: fls ii;;; j'd'dilg:"';9ii i;3 ;jl$),tjf '*Tff.*fffi* !4cKr@ey




,1fl :iiil'.51'ii



'i.i:iff ';t',1"i,:'fi"R#. *

n(E.nece spoBoftd by tbe terlstoa Re.rearton Depr. & ELeh, Tnre€cr clur. raaders red tle :i:,FI:t.T 3-btre n?Ie-19 1l:uo.c {8bon ccise), velr oer@ raEt Il:{ perro!@ce lut stlu Eby of lne.13:39.9 reco-d betd by Bob Hll]g-@e of RocLlald, MaM-. Ftld vclbla1d, !@ tbe wo-Ei re eEEr .-*:TF"1eq"i:' e : 56. 2 !e,f olnqce or llqlae

iil:i# ".*"":|'il.:ilre68 :

s Eleep lheE Davlit Rurdtn {on rbe one_

:?11d.'y".i" fii,i!

iff"*ii;fl;,i"Tffi: *ilTi:#;",;il:.'i;: rrFldelg, 1r:4o.8;


?. r-ea rudHnE, ra_

fii;#;;" i!i;,:'ri !iii!"ai?li: i.lili,.ii.S:i,i3i,


i;T'ti,',*,'5 : H"Jl'"f ;'tr;,, 1:,0:j '9.


; ; li :,,;. ;:1 ro"r."oi, i,, r; ,r. .t r;.!x', Bldderoe,

=:?1. li::'.;:T:ff :;,':;3j.ff ; i!l**i t*h;:*ti

i:fr ;


*ff: j

ii:,i$;. '.3:'#"i:Tj*;il'i?i,l?',rp:)i:#'"; fiifi "il, a-l! te6_(1i-15 yc6)L

OsvlA M.Doratit, Deer.ne


i:_tiiji!:f :l:.Hi;.T:hti:.i*"rt":$:$:;;:'"-

li;"i.Iflj,I.,. fig:fi*ii-il:ifl!,'3:*.';t#tof ro:10; ro' ,,lrLa:d' cir!reru, ro'"5' E"ii;i!#l$' orE-Mile- 1. poeland.

Da!:td Rrdtr, 6r2o.3; 2. Bace 6:30; {. Roberr De.?, Brddefold, 5:!6j ,. Pl1.:.1"h: qal !.teotrde!, Blddefold, 6jlr?: 5. J&es \.rs€c, Dodrabd, b:qn; b. Scott UaaderE, Jords. 6:58: ?. !aLh, .:r2: 8. e;";;i;;":-;;:"d; i:.r: [ifi,i?!i*li

__ooLaid rye!._



norD wcE,

DFeli,s oa4, portLed, 1, Llold Slocu, c€aLe. lorrlaid AC, )o. ?I:rg.rj 2. L6r r..r"i" r,iooue.r, *.., ::"41y.:, f,o, rc:&i 4..Red,'*..2\:?li va., 26,1t!t aoU*oV, e6,' "L, u."ui*. . ,1, ua,, ?6:c5:6. Jsc!co!, Na1rc I.a!]!. Robe-t6, 35. w.,.41,5!.8. Davis: iq,.1,12;7. 2o:r" y. rc8eD,26f e.. 10:-r: tO. Fr. Jid De6!seJ,@., tO, !ai@ \tasEelg, 3l:LJ; U. JLe Cs4oL, ve,rq"E!"-i, :i,le; 12. loe-M1l_L*, )r, t{!, lL:a6. i,."S, .w, riS, 6oo,e. 1/r, D!.Jtu flebt ct, J9, Mtv, rt:)r2, 15. Brrr p1e.-e; 3i,15; )2, fial!€ [rs6re!e, 3j:58. _-!ota!d Dyer__ l4a1@,




1" Flcyd Codilli!'6 r€M @aM ,.-d6 6-402 2" steE t&rthe$, iee 62tIO :@ 6\tro ::-:r----------------3. .tle ieKll@y,r tesi 6L:47 63 47 ap!!r rs6e Deheer fC @d!€a ereEssed sstiEfactio! Se;"fTH*. "t@, arte! ro_ In laea1 Eatber condliloE t"o rurrers shatteEd ihe 5-^, 11-.1au Ebr ried, ald 6f lookl,]a fo?!119 E!d- 3" ro a rtui16! relqy e*ly io tbe sl!@!. Offlclals plwlola ctu6e recold 1! the 5tb sjDEl fo,ootu noad or^I@ cluD. nard-plcked tbe tea@, ald Lhe! e61g!qd lace 8loEored by the Rocktaud Recleatlon rE!a!re!t. a 2-finute hrldlcep -o fir fic$roey.E teM. sdere!, lL Bob !l]-la&ve, f4alne's !rs1e! dlst€lce f,@e!. @tdls_




-ldced DeerJ n€ !,S, ace, Ke! rlalders. Elllefok, tu_ nrDA ob hrs d1lped urde- the otd cou6e recod of 32122 rltb s ttbe of 31:25.8. FledeF 6160 cEcked the fotuer nark a6 he finlerled 1b 3tj55,\, o!_Iy a Julor, ctrred a 4:aj _ 9:t1.9 eile ^Ftande.6, ?-nlle.doubl_e tn ixtgh Echoot cmpetittoE lhe !.e!,Jos Ttl6 vss the oes! eG! by a {B.lne ;eboorboy Ied!:edeJ: &-.oreworriy rJecsce ot tle short 6!!1i€ Eeason due io tne racl of gooit Eclla veatbe! in Ustre1. Bob flIlaroE, UslenLue A.c., jr:25.8 cF, 2. (e! raEee!3, cFare" poltlard AC, jj:q6.4j 3. Do! Seootu, I{aLelfll-te qac, AC, 12:r1; _4. _Rolaod Dref,

33t36.. ,. l@., Jr:zoj 6._ Jl& McDols"r, liAc, ;6; {9b!-B.gdneadf o3;. ?, Kea Pa1.e, uEt., r7:1.5j ro. Joe nr_L]rs tEt^. J7:a€ (13t 30 & oveat rL. A: comte!, uEs,, 18:09; 12: Peter DeLLert, wAc, J6:09,2j 13. Jb cEeJry, te1,, rgd nobe!r6, uEt., 38:[:; i5. q.n4a ;.,, .?9:24,r_r1: IIAC. 42:30; 16. E!1c SLwalt, @t., lr4:25j 17. BJIL !9be \h6ter8, rr?:lj; t8. poit t4clellq, r,ra1@ llefe, [t41e.r, 60r]3 /13t LO & owf) --Ro1and J. Dye!--




I! ihe beetdbg of bls trek caae!, l4alty rlquoll, ra6 s!6.I1 arii ve€J. a!4 h!6 c@ch itiit not tlta* rre me JrEtrolA erowh !o ru e Elle. 'I lleqdeit rtth bl!,,, 6s1d Ualtv. lhat ss fi@ yeqs roday


tne ]q-'€E!-oLd Vi Lla!fr sop!@o!e ls heratdeC a re&tng pr@pFct io bec@ rbe rir! n@ 1! hlstory toas break 3:5O 1n the Dt]eJL4 taa &d (i! Ketqo afe tbe bes! olters loaay..sa.d - le.ris, Dan secleLary e@rllu of tbe AAU, ,!!U 6;e; f.itontt,see etiher lEskire 3:50. I'd plck Llquorl a6 th. \.udrn€ p.ospecr. qe's 6!r.os, y.,;s &d a frne s_o_ lete. " l"Ierty t!al@ B€En day6 6 treek, .ls close Lo fL o. t5 and ree, brs s@l is ro breal J:50. ".ry, ":]'.* rt ron L hapleD Lh13 yea!, @ ti L co!.eilste ob "hen sleed wo.k, o, n*! yee, ,he! tre eiu lut noei of hts

-re 1!!o eld(llece tfr1,l,j€. ''I bole bo put Ir all LoeeLhe! lqo i!@ nG. I,n doft of 6 a RurEte flre-year !Id. ]-aa-s lIarrerlAelde Ilqrcd coEider6 Vtlleoc coacb Jebo ElL!oL! aad h:16 H1#*#H-##ioPo|4s!d, ( !.J. ) carhotlc hish aevlJ s!!o inled l,br_ It liook six J€aar but 3ob Fillg!@ f1-nr?y sbetteled :"T"nal.te ry:!. Colleee heEd coech) coach, .!ed Dqle., ,,tvo of rrE couEe leco.d 6et ty |ttke Klj(batl 1! lbe lortland tne uop rl,re dl6t@ce .@cbes in r be co jtry. Boye Club ,-e11e pet.lots Dsy Ros.I iace. Uquorl.6 rj\€Jea! Dto bege !s a hrsb school Eehror, rulk&ve Loued L@ couBe in 2r:oj,3r a Eub€teLlal qbe! !e bec@ orr]y che ,biFl Acdootboy tn hJstorX/ Lo 1bll?vgEeDt or Ek 25t16.9 crockli€ rumed i, by xljbs rus t1Ie ss 3 159.8. b r9o3. 1G gotu Last yea- v4 io @.ke rae U.S. ofuqic te@ & Iratit!6 Flugrqre !y nore the IOOy vss bls iElDlnA Ma.ty achleved 1i, altbou€h be EufreEd a ha141!e frsclartner, Ddr ssbon, also of tbe raateryille Ac, vho 1* 9l !h. foor ln rhe 1,50tu seulfinets ar Meaico clry. c@eed the ill6tee h 25tV Jvt a reDrh of e Becond Ce_sutied. out the chadltoElrjp ftB_ & ftdj6hed dead ta;t' over Irhe olit Fcold. " r! 01@ r eaLer !ry !l!d at che ljre rhat T had a clack_ Ihe l,letery1lle Aq teaa took ? of tbe filst tO !1ace6 eiltb4, " 6a1d llquoli. "!ut lt EaUv ]ne. easriy vali off rrLh Le& bonofs. lI@ 1n the third l,€a! of itE Creet pta!, Liquolt cee nk f1!si tlree fintshels !! the 40 & @! t&6teF off dn lDdoor cllcdt in r}ich htu [:0o.8 nlie stooir up sr-L!.vee: 1. olv sapleda (8!h); 2, {b. Trlbou, 48, a5 uE be6t of tbe rlnter. i28th)i 3. rev. Ja@s DeElEey,4o, (tgrh) rL-@E ooei@ L@t ntgl! raL cortd hare trEv_ t" lob HlIgrow, l.IAc, 25:01,J CR: 2. lon Sebotu, UAc, ere4 ui14e! rou! u1ldtes po- the UqLo-l Lbtb: Llae in nts .tlfe .rr /j J. Fred Jeii@, HAc, 25:57. l , J old 61oc@, {be chall.ed u? a 3159,: in a ratGrom at h€eDe, cre., 'at." 26:21; _5. BllL kU6oD, !rAC, 25:jlj 5. Rabh befole Ine rlnal U.S. Olv@ltc r.!a:6 tlt Lhe .eda. ort" \,IAC, 26:h5; ?. nolsld rye., lJAc, ir:o-: 8: looy ,ur\v, tbe only C.oE, i,i.J,, ha-le! lotats .u-: SalleEe, 40, aoston M, 27rf7,' 9. Joha Delt, @t., tle I have ro 6de! fou i1!ure6 ls when s@ebodJ vas 27130; 10. Dan !o!de6o!, {Ac, 2?:55i 1l. lon resblt; xrldiiA e gu to :.f !e4, rm., 2U o7r 1?. Vem. 8ovle, Lniv, of Aatbe, .8:oo, t). I e1*"'6 id .€ai$i r'::.le: :s i! fro.r b6ck or ste tde, 1s., 28:26; .L. "aul Cootey, s.,y... . j., Er loi ile tr:-;. I i:tn s5oder .r taier o! r *11t eet 28:29; 1.. Mlke tutLcble, 1e ., 28:r,or_io, skre ;;o*., lj_@ a Fee _-!-1s s.jje: 1.-! I 1411 heve to r!! @de! S.!.v.!,1,, t8:52; 17" PaLl +ksoor rlbbe lbEles, _9:'i rou r-hLiJ, :. - rij:_ ./ &€ & I haE ptelty of 12r lU. 9ar? t\nleo, ltr., 9:15, 19. peLe! n..Ldav. I tllioti; iii:$ tt 1s tLi6 ktnd of attltude ilet ,-1LL GPAC, ?9 )8.. 20, T@ UsAdea s., 29r:9! .:. ai -U"i"r. Ehe !idio:r- e g-ei a:1er. s.M.V.T.I., 29:37; 22- qr: i,e, u@b., 29:LIj 23. Ee is loi lictned io ro!!y abour 6ucces6 as !@oy roRoEld Be., oei.Ac,.9:\2; )4. Dare uooey, 1er., Jo: ogi 22, J@'n!lll@, rat., ro:2t; 20. Don Ea.,o!. ,ac. I lea do, Eei: JE!o. lo:?or 27,. Pet€- Detle4t, wAc, lo:3?r t8. LrtXi& Trlb;ul rlalty is tcctl!€ aheed io his firet good ful1 season of closs cor!t:y. !i virrenove be neE al-1 the cdnl)sdoEup Eat., lo:!2. 29. C,eo.ge Dtck, S.M.v.T.T., lO:56; tO. At Pellette!. lmi., l :06; )1. lLotr cldker, .8., rt: l he Deed5 ior ilo6e 1o,s 15 to Ao-elle labi6, our 32. Dare MIILe!, ttc, 3l:h6; tl. flad pubald. JG.l ua.ty bas e l4-yec-o1d !.oibe! rho 1s e f!e6rrG! at 3t:5?j 34. DeetB Blsbop, sMmrr 32:35j 35. Ke! Ro;en, I !@t., 33:02; 36, Sreve Foss, r,FAcj Is - 1o! slroEee! r@ lsr roc tatenleo 33:r?j 37, D4!.e , S!ev" ibe Aila.ru, @t., 34:10; 38. !ev, Ja@s Deeps€y, I,lahe M!iE_ s ru Lr)3 ald.:08) l& lere pewy dedt-a@d, sayE ie!6, 34:43t 39. Ricbaid Ducaar lDt., 35:a)]r, !o. c€,- i !4aiir. ald BesljcrL, Sr,nf-I, J):14j 4I. At vodood, le,, j5:t6l 4'. Ray He"plef'neec/ ,,4atue r4a6ter, {\.19; IJ, Jo])! I4-STE !!40 :uce, BE,r ia;;#;;;;-fi;prcd--Go!ato!, .E.r 16:06; u'. JlD Csrcll, tbt.e ltr6ter6" )7:4rj 4r. BIII llerce, dgire r,b6tetu, J8:0r., !5. Cert l 1. Irr ScoLr, volor CttJ Strlde-s, 19rl9-l' :. '4Jl! la41ln, Tolobto o!?p ic cilb, coGUock, NMC. ?9:L0t 17.4.1 t@ter, uE!., tr:6. b9,ji I !ro!op, Stmrucy, Ortarro, 3. Davequf", :!:ti, qlr)o -_____________________:::l:i_1T::::-__-" ____-l 4. Jtn r,4oto- Clcy slrtders, )9 5. Ji& J'leLore, U"tor Lrty Str.aers, AR-ltly 1I3, MlilEAtTAN at Uest potlt, N.y,, rjEy J, 1909 I 5.:l (.tuder track, fitu) suily, L@ 8oE lbtor 'rty s.rders, ;I,m g!9- 1. ooBbE, M, )r:15.'r 2. sbeehe, M, )r:18,oj J. II 9. {:P P-Gm*,r'{oto- Clty S..Ide!s, )rr:Ol deLL, A, 4:21,1..88O- t. Klvle, ,,t, I:1r9,). |'!1, 2. os@d 6. Ned Pr1ce, U. Chlce€o Tc, 55:oB A, r:s .o; 3, IoEE; X, 1:5r.o..A-M1Ie- t. hcas. A. l 9, Bl f v& de! Val, StEttuoy, o1@r.o, 55:2I 9:26.6; 2. Mclrlde, M, 9:27.4j l,-Sebs!te, A, 9:31:t. I 10. Jli fiag8b8, r,toto! ctt! sLrldels, 58: sL Erc6h 2-r'dle- 1. eee, A, 9:16.0; ?, '4cla.taEd, U, Lo:o3. I 11. J D r,40!1e-, Toledo RsC,


12, Erelelt l,llirsaur i{otor City Si!ide!6, 61:113 13, lall I€9a1, l{oior City StriderB, Note6...lou Scctt took the lesrl 6fter about tro nl1e6 ed 6tayed 14 frobt aII tlE vay. Tbe stdggle fo! llaces 3rd thlol€h 7th ras laiC fouAbl, & lesu1ted h e aU out

coRBItT A]rD aCHIIIDLFC VICIOCS AT yONKEiS, NlV lOM May Ltt- The u.t. AAU Jobeo !.i!h lhe RFC (N.y.) ic 6ta€Xlg a tu1l d6y of !fullg at the Ws! t464o!i61 rield

rh to r,he fint6h {lth Jin Ituff outspdnitlg tbee rivali for roLeh ln s ras! d tc! Ftfon. fte teole-aLlr va6 55o nlth a coof {ind bl@trg off the rirer, rhi. s6 the I f1f,st of the l1oto! Clty sLride6 lone drghnce rl@lre I scbed!-le vhich will cul&iete vr-rh tte Sento! Naiiondl AAU C!.66-cobtrr Cheploslt! on Nolebe! 29, 1969. -"A.J. lGalde-LAlry

I{IIS nno CooIER RI!'eq FAaMAY lO-l"trIE lUN CaBle4, N"J., SbqsyJ !4ay 4th- Iar.y l*hJ Ore"bfook Reglonal l$rd 9:25 t{o dlter, ra a front lace aLL rhe rqy tc coqrleiely dmf@te the i,itdd-le Art@tlc itRc's 10-n11e rur over th€ coole. iSve! Pall<fqy corse, lushj 'rhc rtl1 J.in Peeilee caee.fieldte Cle@on {s.c.) r- i. Se -rb -. ourd i.r'ed ..lee:L? m 061cr.y IIUSH

Rich :,Ve.s, forner seton llaU dlstance sce & no{ coaehtne & teschina at tslly cros3 (9.J.) rS, eettued the 3. Le u oEr Pa LL-dri d1 r' or!€ J a s.ellerl or laul vI i!.J. ) x.s. _ b/ ::-_D oftnz, lo/r) 1 : : rq_"o.1, cl o:.o.i. --, -rr' !s'r, u€.. <.:. * osi.",,uurc, 3" nea lalre, gJTc, 5t:l+9j lr: ciia SatnL-G, iera;are -8n, .Fil ie/gand . cJ:Cr ,8:.. . a, Jr' €5acc!, 'd o: C-LsssDoro State Co11eee, 51ro9j ?. Bob R@s!,y, SJ:CJ ar,:r. a r"-. , .. D__- lk.u€iE-J StCr bd: . DF- Ceoree D:cro, S!. Jo6-o. s -oltaee, Os6 tiltlehales & Bob Gllchfisir, tela{are. 3-lli1e5- l, c cn W--., rlrir€.r.. I :? : :, o4r t, - d , *.s. Pee rc. t/r1l. -. Jjj sh"..e-dr @1", t6:06, JackonJ Silc/LiSMC, 16:15; 5. Fld llaas, let., 16:25j 6. (:ar' Resner, Defavare f&r, 16:55: 7. Joe OrioEke. Pldra.Ae, 17:14j B" lob (tessfing, ?htls.AC, tT:45; 9, taul Mccolesto!, Phila.ploree! club: 17:47t 10. Bob l Kus!rer, !e@ Ac! 13:19j 1l. Ceolee Malttn, peu AC, 18r l J0 I-. Don Rub:n, Ceo€e ,/€!bn€ton n,S.r 19:27; 13, No@ Baker, Sflc, 21:10j 14, toe Mct-LhiEe!., ftrr Ohey


l"rqs mID !,qst \'tlrNEr I1! r"i.a. lRc

8"2-vIIg RAc!--sud€y, Jue 1, 1969 b:3o P.l'i.- lop nod l,loser i.larfteld, ihe aeer8 cladsiest dreFseri also 4azzles rhen



!o tui!€

!b114, lioneer ace 6coreC a slileei: lenati dclio:x_ ove! l.iike lutyne6 of , the gouth Jersey TC. 3uitoes ls a 15-yea!-o1d, sierlibg Reeional il. S, fre6hDe, nath a 9:48 tvo-e!1e to h15 cfedit. The !6ce, held on the Fa1ruut !a!k Bikefty orer the lart & Uest ver Drives, res a palratho!. lfees {e!e dlam out of a hat befoe the @ce to detesloe

f. ibses l44tfleldJ Pb1la. ?1o4ee!6, 2. i,like Butlae6, South JeF r*r,r....d-11aii;1i:lri 43:51; sey T!, 16:39; 3. frank F!1cLj SJIC] n\nRy R(nfi 46:56, 4. ceorgE Dilemc, unat., 47:23; 5, NeLL Re/ga4dt, S'IC, 47: L5j 6. Itea ni!€, sJEc, !8:L7j ?. Jeff rockr€u, sJrc, l€:54j 8. les 3tye, Pe!k*ie, Pa.,'ota, 9. e?oE !i!- I dJ, cout,sdale, Pa., 5o:!r, lo. Pd1 tucuki, Pem Ac, ; 51:36j 11. Bob (tessltne, Pa!1 vI lF, 51:45; 12, Bob ch4i lre4, Ped AC, 52:O6j 13. Imlk Eaas, SIIC, 53:02, 14. i Daw F3!ri6, sflc, 57:3?j 15. J€J Hend-le, srTc, Sr2!. Drtr- rto]:]w Bele!, s.]!c. fe@: 1, F!1c\ & ButtresJ 93:35j 2. !141Jle1d & B4re, 93: 52, 3. lileDo & \,Iey6&ailt, 95:o8t 4. chdbeB & aocbrel-L, rclj:qoi 5. rucskt & iites81lna, fo3:elj 6. mibg & glnls,J lob:24; 7. I'ildy & Eandls.


At 5:3o A.M. tte aeEf 4rdo M, scs.itulra 3T 1/2dlle u1t!6-@rstbon'rhhaudlca! ro Eisrted f!@ ?eeksk1f1. N.Y. ard flnished et !Ia! !,rerc"raf Fte]n (yo,te!6 ). tt9d coltr Ltr \I1?C, alded !y a 1c.0o daldrao ron Lhe tone tu! i! tbe uatcb LIF oa L:.7:01. J1b IkDoEgh, v1l-.roee AA, luned la the besa ti@ rh ln 6tj.g 6econd. McDon-

asb ctoclcd_l:L8r10,8, 1116 16 only DeileFd by bls lo5z

Tbec {ere ody elght siarteie & but flft f1!isbe!s. At .L:oo o. l. tbn RRC he t a se-'e. )f ou, ro- !\e faceB. A total of 209 corlpeted in ihe rsce*, The €@81 li6blne l{e@rlal Esgten Reelocl 10,00tu Chullosht! he8q et 2:00 !.M. fi str!te.1 & flnllbed d tbe laar r,!e@riE1 track after corellne e rouie oEr the 6treets of !cnte"€. fln scdndle!, foder scboolboy 6tar & los a siudent at llaur oulrd ii5{r Mrleke io selr a ftv Ecord for tbe crose, ScHndfer led tne ft. Anihorb.rs FC to 4 one lolnt victory @! the ti{llhose A.A. Actual T. Er: 1. red.ASTtE; Ny!c, rr5l jil rt;c0 3:57:01 2. Jir McDonaehr M111.M,5:03.io.6 tir," 3j48:]0.8 3. ViDce C}laplei;ta" u6.5r.J8:13.8 3OrCo )r:23:lr3,a 4" lrnle MeaeeDa, M{Aj 5:1?i35.2 1tD.iO4, 5:12:35.2 5. Joh! Ketulr Uaied !.{,t:52:05 5a.ao 5 t27:05 DllI- 3i11 Colaer 1i411. Ar.; Ita! C1ru1bicls, lndl:eir Arlj ceorse railsfllc; No-ih Medfold ctu!.

4!!!"l-&!9rlel-19:.9c+ 1 Jdei g.rdnd_!e!J s!. ,br!. !c, :1:50.8 (Nes Recordt old m:t, 3?:06 ty JolE 9iader, YoElErs! 1F:) 2, Cery iiih.cke, i4llrose A4" 31j59.C 3. Citrede3 t(aezorekj St. Jo]!a'E Uni!, 4A, 32:36 4. !d 9MsJ Nes 1o!k Ac, 32t53j 5. Ja.e VeleBq@2, St. nrtb"Bc, 32;55j 5. Xret Ven ledenr Utllrose &1, 33:OAi 7, Elle orersr Neq y.crk Ac! 33:35j 8. Joe Butuj Unl,red AA, 3!:2oj 9. co1li .rordd, sr. Joh,s rro6h, 34::3; 10. Joe tj.tdsklJ C$C, 34,a2t Lt. cled Mcca!t!o,, l.L tC, 3r:rr.3, 12" poi BEke! t4rlllo6e AA, 35r!8; 13. 3oa o'B.ien lnce TC, 35r53t f4. !h11 po11!, united A,1, 35:o4j 1t, Je lrlchell, SL, Jom s U rroE5, 16:t8; lb. j,,tel r ola, Si..qnth.lcJ 36:23, lLT" Mike l{s€aeriyr SJ lroshr 35:!l; r.d, Gery qoelner, 9J rlosh, 37jo3, f9. Joe Jones, S,I. AC, 3_/:21i 20. tnd-J. DLley, SJ Froshr 3?:4rj 21. !!l&t !'rn6, LICA,37:55J ?2.oene ReeG, S,r. Ac,38:25j ?3. Stft C.t6tlj @a", 38:28j 24. lerbie raufgas, SL"torh.

Bc, 38.52j 25. i€o !€!@e, sJlrA, 39ro3j 25. T@ Ha!,r. S.i.-4c, 39:59j 27. Walter Cordon, SIA|, lro:O4j !8" I,es 'vltl-lis, tl5c}ley 5cb@1 lAr 40:43j 29. ta!!y ceisle!, Jr., Mq-4, 40:51,' 30. Dr Ca!.@r St. ,43a, 41:1Oj 31- trlc c€i8lerr MAA, 41:37j 32. Emie nivss, Lnrited AA, !1:)4j 33" J. ifcoaddeh, Si. A3C, )r1:l+9j 34. I€e OE$ey, M,qA, '1:50j. . . rE. B€elz. sJu I-, h-:00: 16 D€vld -r .@r w., 42t54 j 37, Deve Jacob! Ea,, 44:18; j8. peter ShlfD@, rlsckiey sclool ncJ 44:58j 39. c€oiee aber, D@t., 45:1_ 0, V r.e c€er:E,o, IJL ed,t{, L.:J?: r:r. J@ Ilj -tyr s1,A!'J 9f!rj q. MorLy Schqadz, va.,.at p. \J. J14 &d, u6.r 50:28j 44, iFii Chelh€J, @., 52:26t \5. lenno llerclson, ua", 5?:46. . Te4 Scc!1!€: 1. St. ]]ltboqrrs Bc, 46j 2. t4i11!o5e !A, 47; 3. st. Johr. rn:tv, !rc5h, 51j 4. United !A. 55. --Joe Eelbel.l@--


n-Il llE O-

r opoNo.eo o/ r E Greale! at Failoe, Pa. E,S. t@sdry e!€4ins, ItB:r 4, 1969- 2-l.ttle nih- 1. ren tedlln. 'addon.vp., N.J. 'Jr"rro-) o rr8l6-Gi_I-!s z s...re_ra, clou.esrear Il.J, (J.do!) 9:_9.]J l. Iar-':r nuh, ore !!ook reelobat ]],5, N.J,, (se.lor) 9:19,31 4. rrcd !]seder, .#tton, Pa. . 1: l . j 5. John )r€a, rytr U5, Pa. ltle- 1. Jll ADalad.l, 8ensal4, "a., 4 ;".rj . Joe B.aA/, IlcDea{ L .-, " t1s.i J. qxo.y @.r, r'i'efdd,..d8o,! ..arTe !,e!llt6: Dep:"o!q !n"., !.r., :c5.6r .. I €fiAx


PlrilaCetI)hia f&s Coaches !6sn.j


cAny Mnno@


yoNKarB ltAnaTEoN

YonkerB, N.Y., itev 18- Oaly !S$!cke, t4111loso AA, ron lihe YonLe6 llaetho! stoEoEd by the ch1l)psa cluh for

libe BecoDi 6tla1aht yed. lle ted !!.se6 tA]fieId of tbe lhiladell)lda Piobee! club to ilE tel,e by 750 yar&. l,beF reie 89 statte!6 1! the Senlor ttAet. IAU BhlI) & ol)en & only 50 flnishe*. lhe !!$e!s hE4 the €dv&ia€e of a tall"lld fo! tbe fliBi: !€rt ot tbe !ee, beld 1n 7o-Aeeree teq)erafilrE, but ibetr lad to battle a Birons beadqild & surny, 83-desrce tedperaUlr.e back dom hoedr€n ff@ ts.4-to!rn,ihe lorthem no6t lotnt oa tbe colrse,to tle ftutub 1ln€ h lobke!5. Jolh GeleI4), l4tl-flose ,!A, took the ed\| leed, clogefJ forl*d by lre$fleld, but e! 5 d1e6 l4rlrcke @ved out 1n front ln 27:09. At 10 rtles lDlftke & y4].f1€1d clocLed t3:46, but es the lieerg leached a bie hut et lille 12-!i1e @ik hrnftLe opetd !q) a good, 1e5d. on !byfield. Inrh4ke bjlt 15 811$ 1n 1:22r?6 & lct4ield !43ed 1b f:23:10, fiD litcDoDegb clocLeil 1:26:23 1n iLL1d.

A! 20 rleE \ulrcke l@ ttled t! 1:5lr r17, Ir!$le1d 1:5r:38 ald McDoDr€b 1:58:39. Ai irh.io !o1nt tbe !a.e, vhtch haa been faste! thd 1st tra, 61ffid enil li^rb!cke, ilesl)lte a thEet f!@ Ms$1e1d et 24 ilfes vha the lhlladelplle ffier cane diun lootJ luLled arEy

Jc lc-etoe!1@'s ialllGe ,cA hn the tee troFrv for ihe 5th 6t.alg1rl yed rtth a ted of l4&rcke, lrcDonag)1 & Pet Bake, l,Iedali to aU flnlrbe!3. 1,lei. AAU S!. fe@- 1, Ielbose .1A, 1-2-8= ].1; 2. l[rPC" 3-?-11= 21j 3. St. Althony's r,C, 4-6-12F 22t \. rfILJ-. M "8",32: 5, udt€d ,4.1., 34. ({atcbes to flst ten.) 1 06rr t''rb!cke, lrtl-h6e AA, 2!$rrL ?. M$er rbyfleld, Pbab. Plonoer clul, 2:35158 3. Jli i'&Do!!€tr, t il-1rse AA, 2147 t55 4. V1rce C!1aI4)etts, @ttsched, lilYo, 2149: 5. 16 corbttt, N6'1ork lloree. club, 2r49:41 5. !111 crcldon, St. IrtboryrE !C, 2.53:47 7. Edl rEgdon, DueB EC, Lrd,laE, 2155t3\ 8. Ne11 l1leygadt, Sdtb.telEev Tc, 9. Pat ladtlckr Ns loik AC, f0. J@ 3uos, Udteit AA, 11. Jose VetezqEz, St, AntboDy'E !C, 12. Jo. lutcbo, lliisburgh, Pe@., 13. Aa lrlllta@, \rt"c, 3:07:28, 14. (eD Dsso!, 343io! ra, 3:10:33, $. rst BuLe, MAA, 3:!:45j 15' Gele

T\ro@etr, NYAo, 3:15:01, 1?. JolD csl€!!, n{4, 3:18:27j 18. BILL Coyne, MM "!', 3:19:23j 19. J14 Ccrye,

clwerand RBC, 3ta9t52t &.8111 !ole!d, MAA "!", 3t?otzlj A.. Jtr igrple' Ma!c, 3r2O:38; 2?. r.ad J. Jorln, U.s. Naw, 3t23t26t 23. cbarloE BuhteeD, [4 !,ope, P6., 3tzlt2rt 24. !1u lswey, t{YPc, 3:28:q2i 25. Robed. cou, sbof Ac, 3:28:51j 26. Rev. leEald ca!Fbell, ceprclll! I!@, Fathe4, 3:32:34, 27. fi! orconneIL, sAlc, 3:33:42, 28. Da@ Ltltlehales, lr'lv. of Dele{aft, 3r35:43j 29. Berily Get6lei, J!., lttlllose !A ''8 , 3:35:54i 30. Dave F€!1d, Mu. vefnob, N.Y., 3:37: 37, 31. odErd J. Drcnse, Nortb Yohtet. sc' 3ttrzt4bi 32. !:rnle lbdeelie, McA "8", 3:43:12, 33. Jor)! Ke!u.l' uclted -AA, 3:l'3:58, 34. Nat Clnrldick, UAA, 3:!6:35j 35. Dob Idrdau, st.ABC, 3:!18:25, 36, n1chd{ lqaeEtk, uae.. ::Sl:05; 37. Ed l(lne, rdftb€to!, cotn,, 3:52:t4, 38. RE6 (arkovEkl, gt. Artb.ac,3rr5:58r 39. Dudley clalse, Uhtted AA, 3:r6:uj Lo. AL lbehs, st@ford,ct. 3:56!3?r Ir1. Joh steme!, ua., 3:18:59; 42. raaltet Dllbbler le,, 3t59t59t \3. JG t(lfty, sL. A,lhobv rE !c, 4:oo:ooi lrlr. Dove J6cob, le., NE; L5. John o'. lrfir, !7' a'1c nr, *., rrr' 46. rd cortltt, 1e., c;ei€le., itAA "8", lfl'It L8. Gus (otteeko6, GrBld stftet Boys, NII; 49, i&ti chetuey, 1@., Mrf, ,0. De! c6!1uc --Joe lc-e1!eratt--

q!4!!gE- r. \.i@. & {a!y (rbd wood, ljlt I rEille!, Jrrr16 idrn6, B(rell wcbael) 9:51.4j.. Nolle Da@, ]o:o'.lj 3, Wesi; Va., 10:19,8, 4. r*t chesre!, 1o:38.? (Ne, Re..) lhiv, 4-l4i Ie Relay- I. \..d. & MEy (Ceo, Da!-i6, T@ "Entz, Ted aood, 9del1 I'Oche L) r7:29.2j ?. ve6L /e., .7:16.Lj 3. ,.otre Da@r 1?rt3.2j I'. sest ches!e., 18:12.!. UTTfERgI'ry 0F KENTUCKY

BglAIs, j,exlnetob, Ky,, A!!1' 4 &5

3,ooom--ETi6;e-r----Fn=lTmlu,.*ie.'/v,,'S:i9.1,..si,1 s'd-Bqu,6 cleeE, 9:08.r; l. Da@ cMlbeLL, !asLeE MlchlBd, 9:13,5j 4. lbik CtbbeD6, Indl€G, 9:15,6. ("Irre settled on tltts ered," satd the 21-yea!-o1d S11etou, {hots tded everr"thln€ iroe a a1le l,o the dsaihoD. Ee !!ok n1@ allutes, rltch {s e !e!6ors1 acileE@ni" Ii @s onrJ ihe secord tlre the 135-!cud narive of tt&, Jekson, Va.r !a6 ro ihts eveDt.),..DlstMedn- 1. Southea Iltlols uhlv.(Kea lldde! r:52.9, 9,!E-Gii@ 19.5, c€-ry Uitr!@ 2:56.3, Ate rtobln6oh 4:o9.r) 9:18.U 2. rJi6consln.110:02.3i 3. ?lit 10:05.9..,1idle- 1. Ipsell pau1, UC?C, h:1lr.o; .. DM celd Larc, Depgul;-fJ). Ji J. .ave !,{oL!le, Bdl be C_een, L:16.0i L. I.,6n Spad<!, CfC, L:1?.5. 1. DaE U1t6, lastem vlchis@r 13:58.1, 2. crsr 3:@corelou,.Eastem Ky., 'r:04.5: l, /ic ebol, reltEky, 14:06.7; 4. Johr Colfei, DePaulr 14r12.o.

45T! AlnillAr sotnmr\ coliFanlticE Tef cflr.l,lprorisEPs !t. B'!tis, va., ltby 9-10th- 3,o0o! sicha6e- 1 EweLL nlche, w&u, 9,da.6t 2. {e\ G;;;-TCFi-iFoEs, 9:33.4, 3. Dous Nelso!, turTer 9:38.5j 4. Joe Dqy, !c, 9:46.9j 5, 0W iidion, II&M, 9:' 9.0..I,{tte- 1. q@LL .Iic@l, qr&t4, 4rl2.hj 2. /en vo66, rc, r-t.8; 3. ceo.se D€uLB, r8J4, 4:IU.o, 4. Peul O!FeIUeJr Clieel, 4:2O,Oj 5. IretIl Ross. EC, rr:20.8,.88o- t. .l!!ts L@r@, !r'&"4, t:49.5; 2, Ja@E K1dd, Ec, 1:-5o.8j 3. red {ood, v&!, L:52,8 cec..,3-M!Le1. Ceolge DavI6, W&t'4, 1h.32.6; 2. Jb i,tcDuefle" Hd;f[: 36.2; 3. Ke! voBE, Ec, fl:l+3.6j lr. Doo JqF@, Ec, I!:rr7i 5. Dola N6lso!, F(lt1@, 14150. I€ae acole6 r 1. V1lltuE & i{ary 105i 2. Eat Carcllle 54j 3. crtadet lllrr 4. nrlao 35; 5. Darddlo! e3l 5. lrcleoDd. 22t 7. \,lii.I. 3, M.I.T. dCST6 TBACK MEm S!01\S0ID BY CAiGiOCE SPOBTS IJ1rIoN - C€ehifue, Ma3s., rqy {- lro 3eA r@es tuned 1l out6isrurg leaio@ce6 et tle il.I.t.-csu deElor@nt tre4k !Et. e\u eooi vca t!3 3-o4e ln 14;38, a sooa tle uder ih€ lbtr _r'bA. coDdlttotu. plll h.e, trbo !1!1e]Ed Eecold ne!&d {c.d 1n tle 3-El.1e, c@ bek 20 al!s. latet to fb16b e 6tft!€ cecoDd 1! the 811e. Ibe BA.A Ebored Md1ilolel 6ire!€-U1 1b the SeDlo! Nlte for Ecn oE! r10, Fltb lbry sa!1e@a !1@t!e arqy f!@ tlre fleld la 4!50.7. sedo! r,16016 ld-Le- 1. fory sa!le@a, EAA, \t5o.7 175, 2te, 3:aa)t 2. N.o'couelL, BAA, 5:08, 3. tO! vs.leoltae, csu, 5:t4.5j 4. Rey !!rburb, Ir4cl 5:2".5; 5, chElles sa8oD, u.a., 5:41; 6. l@ IaFIar@, ua., 5132..3-l"ltle- I. olJru wood, rAA, 14:38 (4r5o, 9:46); 2. pbll ry6-BAA, li:o8; 3, Pete Peckarev, ifir, 15:30, 4. Joe richobd, (sU, 15: 3?; 5. Bob re.6€v, Ni,tc, t5:53, 5. 6{r carde!, le,, 16:03. r!.b- l. Ellc Da!11!A, MIr,4:35.7i 2, PblL Pq€!, BAA, 3. Bob rt€!6, ttrT,4r3?.7r l, .r@ Kemey, (,sU, 't:37.7, L:41.,.n(:|l@'E 88o- ]. s.[j. B€!!s, csu, 2t3\.6j 2. K, seplenzF,@-z52.a; 3. a. Deln€, csu,3:17.0.

Aptl\ 26, \969 .Ite B6r+sbom6 bt!&e out of the IMk et the g@ & ted ibe tleld tnrclAb tbe f14t 4rro b 706. ge sltred rhe lace at tb:t6 potnt & BLtu & Pfate! t@k @! & !s6ed Lbe 88o in 2:24. Uith a lap & a half b ao Packald eoved L! f!o!! @ siay, Iie flDisbed rlth a 6ilole kl.ck 1! 4:43.4. "146t of !ry fdeldE tb&l 1tr6 greet," D!. ilcngld packqd 3a1q., 'but -Lbee eE a feq ebo 1oo. Bt @ @ lf rt@ frE Aix'IrAr cotoNIAL RIIAIS. cary I'Ield, tllul@bura, va .|oar &Lr i(/ !@!fee. " D!. Rlclald Peclrald ls s slace sclentlsi. He ]E 4l yedE Ap!1f LI & 12Lh- J,Ooqi s'cbase- l. steve MahleL, rdolit. Se lB a r{fe, B dslslrte! atout io eute! college aid 6@ staie, 9:32,9;-?:-jiFD-le11y, Nota DaDe, 9:l!.7 hrle! Ecbool. 3, Gv dtnon, !&"4, 9:Ll.6..,Mlle- 1. MLle l4o€6e!, LieBt B 6oa l.!reft n1!e lerb6rE of tbe PotlileDl; gene€tloD h the TheF Ua., Irr.8.7j 2. 9r!L -yoas, it!-. St. MBrytB, !:19.3, MASrEiS M!LE, PENN !ElA1tS,

!ace. Af,l of ttred lhtsheit vlthout Fqlidn€ oI,4 heart sueery, *:tch seeneil Ito a@ze 3l@ of tbe 29'449 leople lrlo had c@ out oD a pefect BPrtlA drv, !'am aad 6u!by *L!ir jE! tbe bde of a bf€eze, for Pbtladebllai5 festltal of 3ou1. lbete vele Bnlck E eho !rE- @e bege, tbere i@ s!E)l4se vbea 1L ebdeil' 1. DlcL Packstd, BoBto!.dq, 4:43.r!, 2. fl! B3i6bore, L5, ltbacs, rI.Y., lr:16.0! 3. h. Geolge sbeebEn,.50' cDc. lr:52.1; 4. alLL rrater, ro, o.ro!d, oBo, 4:52.'ri 5. ie Bus, BosoLa, r.J', l':t4.5; 5. Pdrl lllusLon, r.8, u eercspe. er€beer f!@ coreLl, \t55,5j 7. ko. cale c"i,r*, t+a, i-too, lv.y., 5:02; 8. Boh !lte, l+f, i4q', N,J.' 5:O8t 9. Farlv fleadque6, B*k1!e eldse, N.J.,41, r:12.

o""+fo e!flaL ,t1 la.leite cold cr& handlca! "-."-.o*.ty the t!rce-Dfe colse 1n 16:110 to !o6e out tlre esly leade! Teay Orcomo. by f(M secs. Da! !\Eelie! po6ted the taat€Bt mlk rtth & 15:02 clocli-

auduboD Palk as h6 colJei€d

l. totE l&flEt




cT euxin

5. l,dry nBeller 8. al


!{AS!EIS MILE, Dr. !e*lr lrlcrE! lg!€, &. Iuie'l8 iG;adi"&e-g, MDv 18, 1959 - vllL€loc' Pa. 2. rtu lEfrsiptue, I!:47.e 13. J.D. sbaffe! i:-;i; ;;k;;d; ;rAA,')+13.6j L. BudeILe, 4:55'6t L:53.0j Ixthe! lluBton, l. laul I!:s7.5; 7. 15. n. ll@EEu i, l "t sn"a*"t, I':ro.Ii t,. ceolse oalIs,rlte. Ray Cordon; 8. Dr. Geolge Sbeelau: 9. Bob ce\-@ leil tD 67.0 & 2t\9. {1t\ a la! & a h41f to so

ls4ked Eoved oui; Ln a&Dt & flE.ll6ho'Ile eileed. !16 vev tnto i1F BecoDd s!ot. TOd IMNOlEl{ WIIF n EOI,DI' l'lAIi,{IEO[ IN 2r35rf E@bolilt, I{6nssr li{ay 3- rbe MldBoui vallev Fic !d iheir foulth dEual rds6o@i V6Uev AAU ch8!@ionsht! m!a.ho r on !he1- ce.tifled c(ffie 6t lEboldt, Ksa6. tu€nt/ rou l1ses sLsled tE .ot 85u veathe. thicl sf@ed the pace coGlde€hl' & cawed the DN! statE of

16:4o 16:ltl+




ut33 \9,o2 22t36 23.14

t{':\6 2L.a4

2It12 25tr\ 25:lL --Jolm D. l4of,ldt--

ROA! RL\tllmS CUJ3 @ ArtsTtu. TIX(AS 6-MnE ROq! RAC!

surday, M€y 11, 1969 (out & hde couse) I:55.0 1. Blid !6rtb€tob, 22, Fo!'t soodr 2. Rober-t Cet111o, 19, St. EdE!d!. Unlv., 34:03.5 3. MiLe nidens, aE, ro!-l Wodh & BxadX, 4. JotD !d€n, 32, $oston, 5. Ke! Beghole, lr.O, iscLldd AF!, Sd.Antonto,3?.14.5 5. loEs 31er14er, 21, FoI.t Hood, Texe5 37:3'1.2 & Re.. Deo.., 4E!1n, ':o:<4.1 offlclals reni af1 out vlth 60@ ffi 1!n(ret1o!5 itai 7. \{ffi Ipddlckr L.J PML3Lo,:".6j o. @Lrs Darderc, lr, 8. John L@e_, 5, ,n'Eth, orrher race offlctalE slght ]@t to iry' Tlev !!d e !n:51.J! qr f1!i6tr udv., As'ln, Io" Don crooL' J6. tbe 6ie!t & st" Eo!€r.d,s Bet al, @! efurd foot lIylrood site r{th boles dritled at nile !o1!t3. llEv nad dtre16 Sddela, 41:34,?, tf, Te.!y wseErer, 32' A6tln, 42:51.4t 12, De!F1 r'lay, 41, se Antonio, 44132: 13. Di. I,. Len i:lth €eh lul|laeri6 nwhe? EDurred. on tb@ vlllch rele rc€d up acrc5. lhe @p s the nuuec aal@ced. lIEv E@r, 33, se Antorlo, 14135, tl. li.Ie@I FloEsj 27, cary rc, sd italcos, 46:54.3; 15. ve Lelus, 24' Iofc hld s.Li spotte!. alo!€ lhe colEe dth collMd bv bdd wor.th,49:21.3. radtos sldch radloeil in tbe prcg!€EE {hich {E plckeil DNF- D. Phll1Il Balley, 52, A$ttn (re 3 dlles) h 6t lace beada@-teft & transferFd to tbe @p. Notes...The 6ky EE lrleli, & cles, su ie4pelature 93 i'i. ..** *-re ar 2t32t39.7, wbtch 1ls set le€t deges, no rl!d. The @ce s Larted et IL:o5 5.n. lardo€veu w Cololsdo's '1old Coilah' \a Dot loreled tlis r,0^'6 tlre lE a 6-ni16 load Ecolll ln the Ausct! area. l"ar aire uo the ext.@ heaL, Td He1!o!d fbl.hed CditUo bad, on tbe da'y befoe, lron tbe btle lace &ad f1!6i i! 2135:1?, Ee looked G!- !4th lerE1 ledEs ef,ould his brd despite steill€ tlat ibe I46t 51x &tles pLsced secold l! both tle 88O ed 2-e11e l1E i! rrbe BIA State CoILege Colfeclce re61. He i6 e frerl4e, ed r-Es a pallful expe?lence. 2t35,V.4 shoulil b6 both a to! coUege u41e! dd to! distance ro1. ToE EelDonen, Tlrl-! Clties TC, --ceo"ee qes&-2.42154 !e. before h6 aladul,ee i1 t)72. 2, 3!en4d OiShesJ Coehskes, 2t53tl1!) lc, 3. Cely Pteft@, De.ler NDt BlClAllD ,AAU 6-ME,! ROAD RUN, ft)on6oEd by the french 4. cs1 orczar'zak, {ett t(aass rc' c;ra6-dE;-@FiTtrq* roO:38 LaraB Ec, 3 l'Ie6t ricrani5, 5. Are 1. Pa]r1 Sege6ted" lieh, s-brldefs, 29t35t 2. ct@lee w5.'F1old Ci.dvln, Delver TC, 6on, Ea-'4ford Ec, 29t35j 3, Ne!.t Perins, W. Pdk AAr 7. laLlb Altevs, u.s. !!ry' 3oro4J L. A,rsrs dootieo, ilartfod Tc, 30:I8t 5. RE6e]1 e. Bol- sr"to", @t.,3:25r39.8j 9. 11)@E s4'de!' Ho1t, Il"lc, 3o:25j 5. l'oby Mertino, i4t. Pdk {A, 3o:28j 7. ComhEke*, 3t32tr5.2i !O' cobeE GFede' Derc. TC, Ron (laff, N4c, 3o:59j 8. I/)u Paqutn, Ilc, 31:21,' 9. Blad Hahb, let.r 3:l!l :10; 12. ln|l@rd l:35:o4j rL. D.stu_!!fur Kron, Blocho! ,4C, 31:51; 10. noter+ lbrrel-1, 64., 32:O!j PIriDDs. IrorthseE c 3:5r:21; 13. John l!de!s@, l-1. Lrn. Calpsle!, 1fu,,32110;12. B8ney ]otkltr, @.r l.lfi;ei rc, 3:57:12, 1lr. Pobelt d&6/dos6e, 3:57:13, 15. CFs J;CLB@' 3.59t3ti 16. cla1e Blo6tu, L:.13:12, 32:26j 13. Jol:! Euley, N4C, 32:3Oi 14. Robert gaeet, 1?. T@ se69, \:l6t5e; tA. D!. chrtEtte ,bo!oEo, Den_ 1s,, 32:37, 15. Do! Bemleir l,tt. rark !A, 3e:40; 16. Rlchald cleI,!, Mlc, 32:49, 17, vb F@dettl, ilrMc, 32:53j \er rC, 4:16:33. rNi'- ltr. LC. Pesce. R€Aftetd, Iolrai Ja@6 vo6, Jed- 18. nare conle!, l,lt. Pdk -qAr 33:49, 19. Edsald Lord, oite EaFierB, Pa.i Bot' I€!ke!, lle6t Kanas Tci Luts lla.r*fold Tc, 33:5r, 20, lob lanErce, 1s., 34:0ot 21. Joln fhoa!)soh, Ml. Palk 3-4r 34:08; 22. Don Mso!, !lt. Flltz, comhukeBi Frus 341!d, NorlhresL Tli stere Pdk AA, 3!:24i 23, D6re rhonFBon, l,lt. Pdk .4^, 34:36j Itl6itheE, left! !c. --L, claence stalev-2l+. llscis l4cDoEld, rini.P4k 4Ar 34:49i 25. I,I1Ul@ Tribd, rirt. Pdk AA, 31+.r9t 6. Jeff cofftn, ua., 35:46j c.Iru 1.5-ErE RAE, &dbo1dL, K€Es, l',tsv 3, 1969 I. Sherr':/ A@!rob8, St rtdettes' l4rl!ee, K&E4, lO:Ll 27. Do! Beford, Mt.P4k 1.A, 36:15j 28. Johh Jdek, Nl"tc, 2. Bechr A!48!!o!g, slrlde.Lee, 1o:12i l. Bftoda Freikr 36:52, 29. Td PopkMklr ri.E. Palk AA, 37105, 30. Frdcis rn0, 37:27j 31. aich44 Femoyle, tilEr 37r33i 32. l@,, icysne, K&6s, 10:38, 4. cbdv lheobeld, uE', q,aJo,rcAt! Lne, W.Palk AA, 38:33, 33. Ted Rl]r@11, Ysie; celter, r@Bs, 11:23, 5. Jeade $!cbel€, 1e., Rod 'fu., 38:L6j 3,, soeve M_LUe!, 1@.r 38r!7j 3t. saere 9aker, Iariar:,e, l(a a, 13:50. ffi., 39:?B, 36. ores l4ar1rc, Jm., 3o:LJr J7. cidles !1:o5. JOqN MOCVAM IlE GC[,D CUP NA@i DAII FIFELIXN F4ST T]1.8 Po,lte. @.,l4:loj 38. Demis Chllds, 4t..a.n M, a'4, 25i 2. Mt. Palk the tlllld (ll2 !e@: 1. NMc, 30. t@ rhishes) Ns c!1e86, ia.i l4sy 4th- Joln l,tJr:\et



I,sT ANNUAT, 5-]'IIE RoAD RLIli, Spocoled by the BtooLll@l - (t'6-d;I@-of coret*, wt Jf t96g" 87 gijdters. ' a cd-lle of €Gll Reetbe!: r{ae, A fou 1..;." .ou5e }'i1rh took uhe I o-Us. m, -o-ch, Pad . -,r *3 GlJn rnood le@ & helo lL fo_ 0,06. 'thc ru q-U oe: lc{a}r ' : he !16h@ ril]e4 qt€4:l h#wo'q cou.e,.o tu ? qon a ' 18 d. r hu D rh L ".' tbe IpFldru dqy & r6s a bilr redT. 3i trolldea ea I on --!red Br(mr s!.-@dalB. 2r,\4 1. !a! I,4cliBhon, eal,iaclrFa.J 2. WlUie Sleck, lrordrie!.e CoLLeee rr\' 25t45 ?6:0? 3" PaLt lios6J Slaf,be.A.a.: 26:06 !. Cbu I'oodr Boslon -c.AJ qo o.. Pbii be, ' 'q,t! "q:+ 5. rerer sl:oee .Bo_,o^ 2 i9 I 'lrs. Lee lleeErc. s!11 - A: 58 8. C-or e Co1:'_e,, ro' - o^ I'. 9. tla|Ii O'3rien: 14.{, ?7::l.ij i0, 1ai4. Oi6ebr llilc, 2'?: I l1j 1l-" tsy laBoite: P!.n.Co1.r,!, 2Tr22; 12. Peiet Bar'ictletl,i, slarte 1-C, 2?r!3t 1.3" Ric}:ii Baron, 1]l !, 1in1o4r ??:2lrj 14, JcBelh nlc|Lrlj, cd!t:!d€e _-,1a: 9!0r'!6 I " .oben I_-seJ ?:l-j I . rFon o-t.to ".r, :." _8:1-: Jh. 3- 1-1. . n. a-.lu, d 'oW :.pt- . , 31"., 3 , rr - :. .14\ oEi'a {. Mi. ? _b '(e '. r^ar'oi ro r 3.o't_:..'. o :-::-. : ! e' r"o -8L 1,,-jr.,2.6r". '1 ^ 23, Dr. llol'14 votthen, lllrt,, 28ii0; 2! Te!!l' Cali.gl€!, Bat.J 28:5!j 25. \e\1^ r!.!lt' 3rbcktoD Ac, 2il:56: 25. I (tuy Car4en, uet,i 29:0Dl 2?. lieD D5r$on, B\Ar :19:02j i 28. Ron catt, nl]x 29:A3j 29. la'tld t-l!Lod, l1LA" :9:o9: l 30" Iticlranl !iee!6, \d -rr0, 29:32j 31" th@as ib€olre, __ll L r', i. D rje sr Ii:e'or, _4"-,. -.a..i.L-i Lru1 !o_d_ pt:U!r c-re'n'. ) .li -b oo-tr c-, .o.oo. ..a. . 1. !... idve1ii BllceJ aBU" 3o1o9j .'j7. ']e<Fnce olc!'eiJj bai., 30:14; 38. Job! (e.!;., csllr :.ril.5' !9. ClErkB lrentlr4! +r. ,rae" i..i., :o.::; 40. r.th ilal.ia;: " ain, :o,al; llccoll):@, fst.r :O:a6j a!, ;'re€n tai, irr.olrlil: :531.O2j 43, [!ichee] l;c.neJ :.r.rlir Qrrjr:- i' :'5.' l: !l: !1" Edvarr sctdcll, tE : 3' )- t +-: a-: aii i..a- :::: l !e nC, 3t:,r-3; !5, IIEr:r 1oE..l::n, a:j, ::.1;i -rilr= :1.4:- l-:_ ::: stener uFeJ ,!a-.J 3::::: +i :.a) ta, :-: .^.2 ':a 4:j 49, Jl@E C..feir,:r:a, :: liiaj l.uds!i:,l., l:::j r:. :-j Ho{=i 3::25j 51" t::,, 32i:; ti!]lldr ili€,32::3j i:. $1.::i:ii-.|::er, 5rr. tonthtc M.rele.) rlt\a,'32t-,'i, i5. ae,rlee;.r:r, s-a?td AC. 32:56; 56. ,erc tDs, Llu -4C! 3l:a)!j t::. l" erl oo e, B{-. .J Ol, '. :1:c: €vko. J:! . :1 . ',. J: 60' r'cm.d 59. De, r-_ B^na B!ook-1r " Femcyle, Il4C, 33:!6; 61. ,C!dt. llloftaue Mr'rc, 33i49; b2. CblrtoDber Pale " s1)e-te Ac, 33:5?i 63" stelt Dru€@, l"d ^cr lL oo: 6 ' aur* a, Jr.oi " ,r' surl (8o i inisrEr3) su.. dobh oerilr Jrl.14. 5-r1(iij RoAD {tl, Slocored tY tle Ncrih liledJold Cldb & EII6 s.ri;a-,refi"u:h, r"!e6;, r !14' 2c, 1959. r{o lar) coulse ouri & bacli {tt]] sore ]rt1ls. Itea{he: leirecr:. flnlsheG At tne end of the ti&t ]4! rrle ri"si fod 'rroF declded vere t! a gf,ou!, lrut oq tlE secord Ie! 'ihe 'o-!.EaI!s.:ol -,:, jJ thcj- c.eo ' Lhe la " :r'.:l 4a:1 0rBrlc . BrV ,.6 -. .1, .o rl-(D!-, _!oi:so., "r'r 'n :5./j . Ro!'l , : . is )-I(, "\e_? r '-': . B!a: ( .cLu h . / ooj B-jf orA, -l:)O, 1 : !sJ," r'! 2j:0"" -8&''. iC , laler, :f , 2 e'oiv, r1,1., 28..- ' lrdr" .od oo€ch' IItJolr -erofeJr Ue/r ul. l$, ^o 18 o.,6: 1_. c.a..de rr.f l'! 0l:!-11i^ 11,;'l ::,.u ln " : :ro, r . br_6_ offv. -!a.lM Ac. .3':LLr Lq. Ray urr-r, tc, 31:z:: 16. !!Ja f:rzla ":'k, $" re1., i2,.1?; 14. Ceoree rxbta31:jlj 1?" erlo llc\eelr JILC. J.L)j rut;. :f: . , :55; _.9. 4 ad.dco 5 -!!-r IIeJ' 20. i,hn alc/eeo, Le1.. ll:01; 21. \rar) cer,!'be! .bfli o.- h Lr, JL::91 , .(oyce -aLxer, 1041. r':12i J'r5:!o. j 2r. robrl loadr. rr, ;ri;, i;,-'*; rxr, :5:i __1c, j7:18, 26, m 8_06, S!., ::, ceo::e! c_2. ren, J

lil,Lc. 19r17, 2?. CLico scinone, MlCr r11:2'


llllllJA! A?PIE




!r1ll11monj.Y", gudq., l,lEo 18th 2 !.m.- TIE dhl1d rouil€ of ',rtllt@on Ap!1e Blo3s@ Races feBlaied rlc .ory fo- Rlcl€rd Aeiley ln tbe 1.0.3 dlle -a do!h-. "be ru!. Fo! lrlre fla5t ttre t tb€e yed6, -Asliey 1@ p!eg3e{ h4!d'by a Caasdie, t{ick Bardllr rho sn.!red eloee to bld al1 ihe $ay, Ihe teagher vs a ledect 55 dege4' bri the ii€ht rah 3c&"ed erqy a loi of the sleciator6. To ibe dlsa!)}ol4nst of ai-l-, ao rrcn Elwed w to .onFete tn tbe sched!.ied 1.2-E11e !5.€ fot s@n. llne 3.5-r,!tle r€ce fo. @! c€! fody r@ ro! !y l&fion _!ctre, A::LeI!/ ae la o d srscce . .lca"!A rd r huJ Dlclrn ciockjj€ 1@ iot lacluded as he dces not hare & A,,A,!r" cald & cdeoh conr-.e'ee legdir.

la.3-1or,x loslTjrs I. DtcL A6htey, nocheste! :c, 51:13.;j 2, I"dcL tlar.I1lj Toronio o:, 5l:4oj 3" .roc; cooE, -t3:43, 4. lovld rlosdsli, 55i33j 5. i41Le Saiesar'ter 55:r1.j ;. x.ltez\l Sieble? 55j15r ?. Dale l.rid, 57;09, 6. lon loenler' :8i03i t.

rlied ltljlef: ,8:o3j Lo. leie t dd, tE::;j 11,


€rom, 58:16; 12. l,ee l1lir6cLd: 58r50i 13. Bnce !!ea;:.!r I 56.1r. lr'. lr'- -or,G4 . : 1.. ,ooedd rc. t9::4i ),,:, DeF,t6 lrier, ao:?5, iT" terch F3echei!5r 60.\6; iil. J$EF coMerlr, 6l:i.2j i.9, rien !el.e"1.J 5L26j :a., riilliq v'&ek, 62,2Lj :1, kl lrai€:ilj i:i:aat 2:. rired. :rail, +'!aj 23. Da :eu, af :\tj 2!, .-r.€ !erl4 (37, dtrj5r 2i. cl@le€ ilocd, 5i:r5j 25. ilom lrd:ii, 66.'Ljt 2'1" Jotn !&reti, 69:21; 28, cl.sncr: n6r[€/'i6,?lj 29" ieon4d Basley. 77112! 30. Leme.ca ?h11-1t!3" gO: -39, (vel e,l4r:rr--r,1+o 3.r-1lni _._, .8 J< . _ .:. qo . :.:. ,9 "_r{i-rc. f & 3, "t&e3 caltfe, ll.9r:,_:j 4, ui'Lli.! r.!, za.iii 5. tEanard lragl+{.J

2i:!ij a, r€,",-rtnc€ ?rrilu!.J 22:o3i T. -:.:tre- L. trloi.- 24ral

-r.p. I\ic!,lrl:l.T


l::!:::: r: :::: :-,:: :: !r'Ei1IC!Ji 1tr4;i: SC!oCL AUIiIXT]F r:.'r: :i'::;::::era, Ce.iif"J r,{.n 24th- ,}re of Caril;.noof iac n11e8 5ad e rm::-:: : ::.::1:r€ !,reir ' .:. .i. _. ::c d oc.,"d hth or. of q el: \: gtate 1L3. T8f- l"iee',. !3 a eonsequen:':r ::: ,r::.nla :. :.: .:-.rea ii: 3!d .4"!ua.1 !€tros te:des llda'!h@. tre r_- :-: :3 €ls€ly touCh 4owce in a Ecord Ehatier::t :,::r-.il .! ih. rest c.aFtJ deslite no r3c1,ul !ec-a . d" !1.1. Lo . -- th- l"Ete:- !re: r"e: _. o-n c o: e dnc-lctu g. 8'hoola :: : -. - _ - ::v. f.- 3'eo ir th- uo live i ,sna:. _";. :jle; tru. :s feie tould haw itr he l)lobacly @ie a nrE:e. rEe f.r hi6eiJ i! ihis wathon" i.r Lis .ii.r-3 i]1e srulnen ialiroftle Slods ]Jlitels lcaocietio. lll@d a'ruc:: ',he ',rsch atlLcte of 1,he teelr & l4x " 6@ed tut sfely !e @.hee as cne of -Aierlcars ouiBi&1ltne your€ @re'uhon.o!es. snesi'6 aace tas no fturre ltds yous tuer {es fir€t hedd frc! Just a ltttle less thdt e yes ano vherr a6 a jutio! e" Sdta Pa!-La 9"9 he fllished ?ih Ln l,he liaiioml Sr. tue i:ou Rur cftr:nf :.- one IDU 11 !re cx -Ue L o'" l+71-y. ea-t he I@ nearl ff,on an the 24d A@xa.I Pa.Ios ltedee Lb,rallon 6 he flllsred 3trd ]]ehind lorr Deibes & red rttcle$on (mo!he! }jeh Echc.lell in an outst*1diqq ?:29:t?" a6 6 l:lrc-riler thls year io! sdta Paqla $, SreaC qas constdtlt aroud 911.0. rhe 1dcto4" i8 not d ea6y ona. riattlN }nde" itre ola@ic @athon nuer tuoE lieerie & !s st occide!t€.1 Ccl-1eee, t&ded strlide for stxide riih snedd fo! lhe flrs'! 20 riles & ti ms uoi @ti1 irtre flnal rtre niles tlot 1,he touaoter 51orl,v buli. srely ])ulled ar€y. Th-- Nlsef,tr. ace cloched a flne 2:24:02. Bo! Deiies, llc hin4r o \'-6 eveh+ fo! Lhe:.s . ,r_ss, ou-d ihM thie m '" \eC to ou 6!dnl esr: l4).ovine Dere Wsco to do that. teheB' ?:29:03 vas .rd-

ihe 1,orr11 one Fecond beti:et th@ Waco" Delaes "hor€hi n!i1e6) {o!-La .r11 lace sei ny s,@€d & Ande! (51,:30 at 10 the off & e@rle hin to eatch thm in the fatter sria€es of the !se, lie l*d hlgh PEtBe fo! both of thd.

Thi6 eveht eeain ploved thst mrathoG ar no louer vete-M .|se-3 os the -tt ,( lueh 81; llaces renlr to hlsb schcol r:reelsr thee of then fro4 dontns ed oy

the s@ school. Tbe iblee 6chotestlc !1mefs f!@ south lbr.dce n,s. & relleseniln8 the Slaltd DtEtdce Club celt@d the te@ iitle, scorine 9 pointB as codlded to second llace Southen Cettfohla St!!de!s iai 16 dd thiri llace Senlols Tc rith 21. Another }1A siory f!@ this Flethoa !.a6 ihe tt@ of 2tfl:A3 seN by rirey, 62-year-o1d lloliy Mrhtsrery. Ee Itntule'1 EecoDd 1n the 40 & ore! dtcigion. l"lonteo@lv

ce ltglrtry ckl& io be a trc challehger to Uhe latdous Joln A. (e1ley1s tltle as tle best 60 & @er @lsthoder 1! 'u!e Unlted gtates, tiopeftluJ. rhe Irwo Fllt clssh st tbe U.s. Ilasiels U{ethoo i!i! slmer in Se Dte€o. to! 40 & ove! evaii rent to {alte! Jesbeny of the eelieg TC. iie tLmed in a flne 2:52:51 cloclilA. Joni Skouen, 11t, of ihe iialto Ro.d n]lme!. hlt 3:18: 29 ald Johb We6io!, 13, of louiatu VaIey r& hls iils Gratho4 14 3r45:Og. Rellsb1e Fled Grace, 71J !d 3:49: bos

IlE ree started \rith vefl over 4OO ruDlers, a good nslolity leins of hlgh scboof 14ntose. 225 lleted ihe l1l-1yJ nreged coEee, l{lih tbe last l)Iece flalsbe! tetn€ a @ ELih no reeir R]l&i!e ob stuns at abou hjs €4ite6 he cous€eoc]ii lhi6hed 1b- . nlle, lb'y dlstsce ln 5 hou8 ald 45 dlnutes ^ ItE Palos 'neldes Klral3 ctub t@ed 1E eotber ns€!ificent lr@otloa Job. xacb yea! th1! lece is ru betiei (if thai i6 po66ib1e) aid tt 16 bound 1ro bec@ one of onr best @faihon events.

wealte.: Tdee-l 50 de€r.e6, ove{asl rlth fos duL.A the entire event, Stalteii at 8:OO rA-.M. 1, Chek Sesrl, Suta !6!bs6 jl"C., 2t23tat+ 2. l{srtln6 }rder occidental Collese, 2t2\.O2 2r29.a3 3, tcb Deires, o.ctdedt&1 College, 4. DsE Weco, Soutlen Cellfomla St!1dersr2:29:d1 2:33:C6 5. Jie lrench, Sparle Dlst&ce Club, 6" ctaiA Stetcho, Slaltd Distee C1ut,ar33:24

7. Jh F€Ettr qai., lbf@cej 8. 14i}e Baelj Sp&rtd Tlak C1trb, 9. D!. Joln PeglL€,.o) SeDlorB ltc!

10. Jtu aemlck, U,g.C., 2:36 | 48 LL, Wendel Sdlih, So. Cetlfotula s!!.Jde$, 2:37:37 12. Cados ltLrso, clernale ?Cj 2:38i1lr f3" Plxtl Carl1dr Senlore TC" 14" Jecs Ve l4adeb, Sste laibera AC, 15. !Li1i! ?au.Linr Calif.State colleee i'.8.,2:+5:00

Jffiouia, Lo,

S C, 3)r:j5.5,


Drhato Jobea, lr3, SrC.


scorly Donad, Ur, sTc,

39:4li 10. IEle Bld&, ro, src, l9r!3j ]-1. Jom cecra, 51' s!', J9:5oj D. Je4. Macrlou, t'8, src, 39:rzt 13. Albert Cooler, 50r SIC, lro:rJj tL. Johr:.tooccy6r ,7, s.fc,. -0:1dj 15. D!. rlrLhu screide., i?, sTC, r.Oj29; 16: Jaek r,I_ight, \), S.rC. L2:I2j 17. D!. Jolr scoLL. 5I. Sft. 42:lti Ld. Ha]te!:redelicbr 6 , -rc, !r:2L; 19. Fled Clace, 7i, STC, \7.28t 2a" .$je d6h, STc, L3:08. !99- r. Deley \'.ooe, 12, sTc, r0.8,.22o- f, DelB vrod" 21.2..!!]- l: vil]Is OeiGdse-, t.,-src, 51r,7,.;.J._ Doa lrhtd, rrr u!a-, r,10 ..f5ll s!_ 1. !-ank DeBe-;E.qy 7' aa,., 3l'9 t/2 ..Javelir--f-ti 5rele se'tuur, r_8, !1-4c, 169t8"..1J- 1. De€y-loom, t8'5 J. ,-..0'scs- I DM Aldrlcbr 51r ure., 11\'7 . Tlr1s, tbe ve!:r filei AAU DiBtrtct Vete!# Cbe!1o@Id!B In ihe LtsAr !!@ed a b!€e succe6s, Al1 rlD evenis ree tu @ o@ day, dLb Lr r'.s. ereN, r@ 6_d1e @, startina at 9 a.D. --Std staffdrd-C .sSIC IN erlt:o?"z Athe6, Creece, €1l!dey, !!fil 5th- BI1f Adcocks of O.!. 6.o!ed iris Ee.cnd gleat 1nreftat1oaa.l victo!.y 61!ce re abq)ics. il lecdber te !d a fe!6i1c 2:10:!7.8 -,hen ,-rs1n€ 3i -rJluo:la jj ta!a, eC tcdEJr he hs br11ti@t_ lr successfuL in the cl-sic lece ir@ t qral,hon to Athe4 t!\ 2tE:a7.2, Dren 1!s!e_:arq1r6 tte t!e, ove! 12 t/2 ntbutes fe5ter ire tbetje Bi.r.ita clocted in t95t ob rtis dif,fic[lt co,Esej SiLI's !edo]:l@ce q4 of the 1rlahest d16t'ct.lon lo. \e soed{Y te.ea e. aL :ou *, flnr_ "h; Klbi, shed e]rcad of htu lq i{ex1co Clty: I,tE@ Iolde, KenJl haa, tul<e jirar aod r6m1i &cay. 0b e r€m -Dut dn{v day! Aacocb b!.ke ,ith Ebout 5 I/2 iifes to eo & burcd tt l! io the finlsh nedLy lalf a o,l ie aead o. &rlirda. 1" Ir, Adcocl6, c!, r:t_lj. : 2j -. /. CaiEa. Jaod. 'iU: .!j . .Akcal r fi,:elr '..1 .07,5J .: aa-o irolde. ltlrioo.a, .1. -,t1l.?j , -" .r.,-, ut-y, r:-o:Jr.r; o. De4lslre l.totd., flhlo!16" 2 agtpp"..).J" tt .e .Er , .2, 2:25:28" or3@C BDAA is li "e{o G co. 4ialon, arl€ lro -eE IL" necr. r? 1:11 lrobably aeve_ u o! ,e cs ":.La e€ain, e!e.,r. ft€lxsh Bo {\v Dot dfop !!e a lia€. ::js addless 1.5 tard i"ii., Btote Maldevtl1i r.sl]ita.lr {.deenu:r, gucts. 811,1A!CoC1G wIIiS ATIINS


Tm St'rakj SC StlldeFr 2,45t46 I)eli1 Vahey, csliloeta Tech., {ene! klse.r senlols tc, 2tL9.23 nttke lr.Colbtck, Sd Dleso trek ClubJ 2149:54 (o.k flnl6he!6 --ste siaffonl--

17, 18. 19. 20.


Im6T A Xlr{l

l,trElAr\rs T8A CHAllpIottsEDS orer€e coaBt couese, saturd47, riair 31, 1969 si)oGored. by Se!.lors TC & Coste ir€Ea Rec?eation Depi. E€0- '. 1- :1!zl--dlo, L, sTC, 2.Or.t, ," RsJ Ci , l. SP4-A-AU

2:?1.L, t. .b4, SeeklGr .2, S-Cj 2:36.,j rr, Ste st€,ffcd, 43, sTc, e:58,0".I4!Le- 1. k\ds nobe.ts, \2, S ':10: 2. cob4* !pb€, r0, sCS, (.a).(. l. .o"ey CiI, ltr slcr '.:1.5, J, paJ.1 oerth, L' , s.rc, 5 4"I: j. cLas. soulihard, 52, src, 5t35"5t 6, clE, seekrs, 52, s1c, 5:1+?.0; ?, dneri cooper, ,0, Src, 5:o4; 8" sia! stsffo!d' & lonrald Bme6, 43, STCj 6t23t 10. liali FEde!1c&, 61, sTc, 6119; !1, iidre Klsh, 53, src, ?r35r 12" !€d crace, ?1, src, 7:J8.,3- 1e 3,s- l" Dora1d Jores, h3" s c, I6:55,1j . Ja1te;-5Mbllff-eBbulx., rro, sT', $:)8;3. Ed rfurenne, 46" sTc, l8:lr5j 4. foly $sdlna, to, rarD, 1B:58; 5. !d Robrt, 1r2, sTc, 19:oot 6. Neator c€.tde!a, lr5, sTc, 19:01, 7, &e Se1by, 40, StC, 19:37j 8. J@k r46ck6on, 48e src, 2O:14i 9, Joln lbrt ye, 57, sac, N,29t 10" ,qL Ma!eou6, LIj u@.,2oi34j rL. c€rtubd cos8o, 53, Da.,2I: l4t 12, Mll<e Xl6h, 63, S'fC, 94:59..6-M[e Ru- 1. '{€-Ite!


Jr:lrr 3. i,roru trl'de, LI, sT-, J6:ooj L. phli crske. \), s-c, 37t25i ). ray crI, Ll, src, 3?:56j 5. Dlc! se!: rr, sncJ 38:38, ?. Bot reLrlck, lr5, s"cr 38:?9j B. leoi q. chatle sho.t, 13, src,




osftrd4 r4ut Efir ftrdnfl!




otrnwn TRAoK cLuB 6 MrLn E\IDICA?,RUN ) j?,U3,2. rlontoya 1ed fron rhe aun, but ljsshlr[t on . lsrk, Donveli Colorddo, SundaTJ lD,c. I pushed tbd pace the e;tire Nay, as ho-laiped Fast l4ay 1]-, 1969 Clea! - 60-d€s!6os othor tirree ru]1nors in th;-flo1d at l;ast gEf.!. :-9.e. 4c .:.tJ € liho o..rce. ..S. 1}.sinon r6co-d qoldor 6! ?:lt+:28, | l,l+:2? 11:.1! l2:5i I I BDody Ldelen, d-s!:re h1s sciallc plob}6nE 1, Jrcy sle on, llt28 7tL6 t7:)' ! | %r s steao. race ior )rd. ldelon s.1-r JoSs 2. \or".l S'lvs, !!-: )6 5ta7 )9|29 " I ro rhou:h h, no loo^er conoites, l. T:- c .lson, ":re" or. dsr. yij.(€ l:(D;n€1d, A1a,"1oa€ rc, lb:1J.5 1-+:Jo r): -.t .l-:1- 2 | J-l:ruL. r,oJd ;od.1r, lo:Jo..i J. 9. "ob c-cen, L-:3 7tt6 )7'?a 7 l2;--i;:-Arra-o1a e,. FeLc v.a .-sds16, L4:17 12:36 32:01 l't iJoe selrdn€, Afc, lo:97.0; 4. Hugh srL!h, ..'c )t+t 6 3tUa .r:16 11 | 1t:20.8i 5:-san prvzri, r.nai., r5:06. 7: sid q-,o1o, B. J"n -o e11, L5ta6 7tI6 37t'a q I Arr-zole lod b7 as rucl as 50./ dlxin dE l. , I, U5:20 B:10 17:10 5 | -rlle. but }lcoon;lo ook o.- rn lie laat slr 9. D .{s KE!Jn ro tn 6as:-7. 10.'irlbu* q!.old. L5:3t 1'?l 14 r:L6 +']! 10 Ilaps Je't'q.-"od, t'. 5157 L]:12 i Lare- 1. l41ko tl"LoaJld. A.c. L:i6.7: 2, D'vs r2. Jeff A-nold, 46t26 l:22 43:ol+ 1? lVtfi u,")at., DL-M-o, atr^.,1 ). ch-is I eD:!-

11. L.o 'oul.r1ap. \r:00 1I:Lr .35,11 -+ 5:r".8. -".,1,JaIkr-r. 1"", 1i!- Ionnan Tbolras. 5?tIO u:59 4J:.1.1 1 2-l4il"o Ide. Vest Kanses TC. r4:l+5 1q l1?:tz3]-;l-John1" taul cortsrlan.or.15:06 1:21 qararrlon15. LosDt^r eose, !1dc, \7:53.6i 3. qon, ola'r u ive D"nv€r Tc ;"-). | Sceve H6rrmn. lIltTC, 19:08.?! U, I:e1 Knapp, o-, Jo rrneyoo rp 'ron colorado spr"!€s to capl ATc, 19:29.2; 5. l,-mie Kqv).naL\i, DTc, 21: turo the 6-rdle handlcap run, ?i6rson-,fso val 35.7, John Ros6 and two of hte proteseos drthird fastost of tho day--a flne 32;51. love 7 hours to aot to the race. Rose ran out ltorn SlLva xan hLs flnest race to-dato to I of Bas ntlth L I/21aps to ao, and young Paut tako socono, j rsl one s€cond b€L1rnl rlorson' I las von sorne arav. s'1va Has Ehe dlrn€- of the 196b bndl-cap f-o-l Notes,,;utt[ t}E'ncet beins ho]d some 225 Dhv anarded to ih6 runner v]1o scores tne mosi lnlLos fron Denver" less than 6 Denv6rltes do;oi -- ln all ot -'6 nandlceD racas fo!' the I clded to fsk6 Lhe-l l/2-hotr! drlv€. Tl^Ls, ioa..qrd,so|a-...1969'S11vaIsae]1n|no3+o1a.€s le'a ar\leLes ( runnl\ ad-r 'ho -.l.Lse of le3dtn. Jn lis qresr for snoLher Lcophl. - | Alanosa rC. Univ" of Colorado tr'achster' reie van arsoelol --R. Dennts [avanaugb-csp-Lrod ast 'ae - onors o\ - Flovd '9d'+t. | --------TR{c[ cltrB 2-]lAN 10-|1ILE RELAY Aiso tnoluded in the progran uas a lill+-mile I tEI",/,,R .L:. Po.o! t"- I _i\o-s: y or Colo-ado. Bo*1oe!, Cololado harol^ap Jor rraoe sc' oo1 srro-:-b. h.ld of;Loblo aas I s €st € - 1o_ , Jr" 1, 1069 o:r0 a.l'1. CloLdJ'4du 1. Davs Uood, unat, (Durango IIS) & Jsn FrlsbT --R. D.nnls Kavanaueh-_ --------1 rcrrer T.l. la6:LB: 2. Louls chaordan & ulke :: iuoluron H5" ir7;55i D-ltu--F --l\c( l-B - -L l ')T:. , Lo::co. s! 1:-, L-. -:rnls I':vamugi, Dcfle! Tc-e;orn'on) I.5-,a o' !1!L, t n!er. & Lo6 coLrrka.'np (1- -- -5-de_-reos tra. 2-, r.. .| r-n\er C, .o:4; L. h. n6 helanoer, urDt. & 29t ^ :t J -a2tr-1 (.ll os" Jecferson Hs, Denv6r'l 1. \o n T ous, -1 | Doo l:lyes, ]ia. ?atza si:ons, Lt school runnors, Ll opnan & Peter2- K^n qow611, H16h 9"r-. | 'i ^: 'y( zY: o r:uo f\t*: 1" Jan pace fr"on tlE be6lnnlnS, sot a ,erj hoi lson ,9: 3 ::99 .<,1, I Ir,.r. t'r" provia I's t e'! unaornj; as bt i!. csry anirton. l'at!-"ws, o:l.o <u:1: :" rne 5 rL1^ oark,'orh6 tuo HS slato no-t flnal?e:llS-eve 9. ooNn consldsrablr. south6. '-ora 1i1"a. <:,lq _'li Lr8is,,er€ slor'ln.Itffefs, r'ood 6 Fllsbr ran color.do 7. loo Cofr' o. 9 Lo /i:r',tr ^1:^: .i luosLecn paco, ind won.oB. nrlbu- 4-ro1d. ?:,:9 -,1- -_:Y: aL a consts"€n*? l".i' Lo,s a. rJm c'"13o:. 19'!* l'*1 1?'Y: r rracr', s1,, l+l+0rs.- Dnar.y, c.u-'oe.1 'n: ::::Y ,i | -.1 | , -----------10" J6f. Ar"lor-d, JU U" *:3 Al"cd. rr. red cL,-Ler" 19 \1 ',5) 1! .? l r'.v. srAro IILj, " 1909-- "co.h :.. c,l, 1. --or€r. 12. Don l-crlqrr11. )aj a! ,122 l:,?? rl lN.r., sar., lbr t?, ^l.!eo ?:Ulgdt3r"6; z. Fuchs, rr,Buffalo, 9113.9. t_J, p-u conrotr, JU:r. ?::* .: I reyorne. -t,*i pi-"-"""-rooerts r,lostoian, q:35.5; L. i\e1A-nold, 29tr) ?.1r^ 4. srd 'bt2r :. '5 15" ch._s crr\Lae, Jtts+ (t+a <lt\) .7 son. R.?.r..9:3B.0."IEle- L. 8116ll_, !u-od, 10, J€trJr-!on, ll:Ed J:uo 29.24 !2 h:17.0: Horor. Loll6E6. L:l-?.1; l. carr, ran:rr6n"2.L'r7.2t 35t57 \t26 11:41 rr 17; Boo iralos, L" G;od; , Bro;kpo'!, l:18 880- 1, B6ard,. s"of R", 1:55.1'.Tod1 Scor€s: Norn Thor@s, N6aro lniversiiry of Donre-r stu| slml T-. Rochester t2t 2. aort\arld' 39; 3. tuockacni rron cl6verind, ohto" Just sda6d Kon ljd;. sub-4:12 nllor of the -l port l?; 4. R.P.I. 33t 5. Aurcd 27; 6. u.B. "'li'a 1950's, "i-r"""r"Ja! Eow611. Siiev6 l"latttr€"s 9loc{ ------------].ato zo,Ue for the rast tlmo auard--the I AmruAl L&ilrcToN, L!\s5,5-l,lrLE RlrNr Apr1L 21si riit "a course " tho cours6 1n ove! a voat' alrean. timo fasresr i lf€atber: Vorv flns. I,ong 'iiJ"a c.aiJ'onwas 1- spartan Ac 20: 2' JolDson & rral6€ l.J on rbe std€11nes sporLrnj ad blok€ a sma}l bon6 ir' .lJ, North Modfold ctuo 60' o' r. ""ir" cooi" "t " '. ao \111 bs out or acr,'l f" laD1 doss, Spartan Ac, 27133i 2" c^ ltas ir" "-rrn-"o'n-lns, D€n41r KavanaLgq ran8, sparta; ae, 27t33; J. B€n vl1Jon' ltrT. '-on cor sev€raa "--'-'1 z',! t59t L' Cbas' l'laeutrc ' SParlan AC' zo:Jo; 5c6AlFlo\siIrs T6aF nocn/ Ir'.oLi\4; I-: Assl.l. AAU . | ,:r'r vinriaslas, l]I1T;28:l+t; 6, I€rol lotro, I"U Rox Fie1d. Aor1s 5hat. colfsge, Ala'iosa' uo"l e9,rO; 7. Potor ?ek8rsky, l'ET, 29:14; u" Rlcr!v"v :r, 1969 tlevltror--/'5L6-feot. - | ard Piokard, BL1', ?9:30; 9. E!6r€tt Dunn, J&!"i lui.. -E-irite-"r, bob $ontoya, lTc. :11:3!.5t ?".Jo'I zg:t:; :r0. braie L.rls, Mlt, 29:15; 11. Dlck qiie"o-ra. Aur.Jra, rrr:0?.7i ,rsL.cili{i$iti",. ysyi]i'ii:,"?tg u




I tlAcx 6-MIIa RoAD IACX (VAy 3r, 1969) se'rl r.* or cadeton na.e, oftado. rb:Ls ye* *tetetes lt. t5.tb.rca! and rrreBe reE rle ao.rh muar II :iltr j--]vi qbo 1o6L oo ti@ eahtne ifi"#ii""'f; tbe lead'!9e fi* Mlck fisld t! I o chlis penty. n-ft.er lhe r,-@1-1e !oli!, !elk, coGotldatpreorns cl!_RlsoN



ed h,i6 6ec@d by ]@r'e ry. F8r1:.Lbl 4ore lll<e e calidtdete for l;t€ volld beawrelght


lllp tttle

ttrd a dlEiace r'\ldo' {ob ihe cdedle clo6s-courry I :.re 1! rn 1967 1067 6id 6!d oDce o'ce lon rhe the AAU irile 1, e,ru t5-!1ro r 5-drro Ju)lo, lu:r"e r"i,.. 'on * 'r@ +\e tosnte "ai,e. II f*d.!I::..=;=. rosnlo o1u"!1! o\@!rc lF. -I 1fr"1ffi4'iffi;.fiffi]i-''-r1* i" gor r"rv, roroito o.; 31ir.8' 2" *rqk Fgh:. T@: 31, I uF Lah4! r.,t 5o! 3, ch'rs lenty, ror, 32:141 4" Jobi P::k:_LEla{f,I.,l )2::7; 5. Dde cobe.tEon, Norl-h Yolk Ac, 33:05; o. BLL1 .]hold, ol Lavs Veuey lcr )?:18. (34 frnlshed) I

lAI rct0!o\ !/It,s 8 1/?-I,!IIE RoAD oLr |d1fo!d, ltass. lf r?g }I.io!ii ffi-;'ifi":;"id;;:'ifo,ffi;;. rlt ;;rd;; d;;;&-; the su Lhar lE aore ro !.Jn '* ftT .3""SP::##"tjj,'ff.#,::l#"tr ... ..* ".ir_r", wiu"--"a"i*_ -ur ""r"rrli" "."oor earfy etsdrhs )ur pbit sa v,," r". ;o *. :_"frj"'.* !End6 to rhe fi!6t r+o flnisbefs" r;. !M;G;i';;; tee !rte" r.*i r. lo6tor &r z2i 2, N!4c!r1; 3" Brockiou Ac 6Ij L si*j"liijl-"- ----- --' sp.,t--nC83 rr1,19j 2. j e.u rcrrrron, uer., Ll:rre; 2. r€r G! rheu-r;'B*, r,tueuc!, BAI,43:o2i I'r, la-tryr\larron: _l&lt, fr","nl#i";: 8ffi *:.f:1 i:3A4,ffii"+fl"-,"#irll*""il:; toled comjer, 7, ro-rina comre*,:iruci inlc, rr.11. +:ui 3. elq-',:r"., $+, l+,99r '14:06, "n-,,4re, B,CA, trt:18j 9" Iafr oLsd- rvi,c r.tl.r;. ,1 .Joer. terse/ \n',lc, Lr..Jtl U. Paur s.*it*.'*ca. sulde-s, . t rci

,* i!,


--------::y-::-Ti::::----------- I ii; T::i:: H:r:.*t;;*.-hi';!i;.f ;3il""l#i'il: l;r*llb. lJ.ck #:il'"!11fi'"ff:';?;il"+:'"* !sob, !nA,45:5t;17, Joe {:l*H: Rlchrold" il;;-;;"*;";.Er44tic"d;;,-.*;;;-;;;;--] crrtis. $ebr*1e I ffi: rolcl t!ii6ir6 | ue}rld€e s!od6 ltDton, 46r23j 18. Jonn valenilne, !aA, cL,Rrrs co!'l,rrBy la.tirE MArAT!oN iEstrtTs,

r.'r{v-d;-Itr-i*oir* o;stu., _

26, com\!6ke! Ecr

fi&or!, e,'€:m I

l+5:49j 19. E@ Dederl@, lMc, 4?:oor


Il1chard Psck:

4?:ll-J 21. R6so11 Eolt, Nlttc, l!1321i 22. ""a, "AA,aM' 47.4i 4. Gtab& P.ne!l, spertd }urIleD laFoD, !?: l+?j \7i 2l+. 24. !ta4 ltad K!@' K!@, !rcckton lrcckton 4c, Ac, lr7:51; 47:51j 25" Iied steeye rea stucey, Blockiotr Ac, 4€:alj 26" Bnlce Bl4ktu4, ma.,48:32j 27. ltcb4d l,reek6, It@ Ac, l€:42j 28" !6re Llnto!, !A-A, 18.49! 29. xe?i! ArtJ Blockton ac, \9:o1j 30" Joln casey tsrcc!.lob ac, L9:L3i 31. tleis Hootten, Ertfold tc, \91 28j 32. Ellot ildr€lde, IMC, !9:31j 33. Jonn J*k, lx,tc, 49:45j 34. ckrleq Mleulre, slerte Ac, 1+t:!8j 35. Dale Soohey, 3AA, !9ric, 36. 34y Bee!.ueu, rx4c, 49:51, 3?, Baltio Rotoldl, nrIC, 5C:{j 39. vin leiltettt, NMC, 50:18! j9. lMe DobraEz, lWC, 5orloj LO. ,1.. rer,rrr,y, uiur., io:Mj 41. Eelrr ldEos' 1E., 51:03, !2, \,In" E€!sbu!y, slelrte Acr 51:24, 43. Da! teulo, BAA, 51:25, 44. Jo]l! Bob Celrtb€elj mj l}lalu TCr 6:20; 1?. Jt@s ]ilerdlle, 20, $uley, xl"lo, 5f:33j 45. J€y Dlttad, 1rrfts, 51:35, 46" D9€ ld€, ua., 5r.:37J a?. {.4 Eroeasl@: m,{c, 51:38; caaha tc, 6:&. !8. JonD !lsc"tt, !-aA, 5X:5!r 49. td Bllce, csu, ,2:12j Dls- rF;n {eEer, @ana tcj Robert Dek, Mccook Tcj ts1l tteldrtckEr !€N, Co.do@, Ca1lf.i RlcIrEd 9rebb" Mc50" Bob l4a55ej wa., 52t!5t 51. Joth Thoq!8o!, !&. Pek M, 52.4t 52, Celafil Cood, S!&-ts ACj 52r29j 53. IEe NeblaBksi JobD laliCook TCi Bob loerch, lE., Ij*ob, 1iff, le,, Io!k: Iebla6ka. I lubann' 1e.' 52r51t 54. PhlL l4coa{, Nt'l:, 52t52t 55, le-nde o'shea led @6t or the rey ed J@t sl;€'€d ou! ;;d td..@;;,-!n;l;;' al r;lil-ii:A'a;;l,i.ii' 9o6iob M' .a5i 5'1. Kevir DuJfyj B!@k on A , 5l:r7; 1a flonl lo !lb. fl€rlflo!, Ka!ze!, @d PteF@ pulled ihe 6rdt€ alir sslled 3 blnute! oo orghea iE lbe flnat I 58. !lll-1ld slft!, :lxrJ, 53t2\j 59. Davld llbea, rei., €rt. t/L111@ tr4bou, E&-tfo!d tC, 53t29t 6a" Bn& 2 D11es, but tt {s loi eDough. The @aiher va! llEh, | 53t26j *." 53t39, 62" Nerlob lerlGf W. Pdli AA, 53: Findy, dd dsty. --c€ne so@!-I 47; 1.t"9, 63. Robed ltlritney, ue.r ,3:52j dl. JE.r vEsden, ------------l 66. Slr*n ilare' xi,srErN on€GoN I!4IF-MABAEEO1{ RIJ'lt, Sefffce creek ro s!Fy,] ua.' 53.55t 95. a@ Rosh' M,lC' w., 55.25j 67. Jobn-slare.r tD.,'3:5?, 55:43, 68.. Bobelt tEeean, rW d+, 1969 ro.ers, BU, 56ro?j 6o._c{v ruIbugh, rl4cJ 56:l6j o. cFEi a:q CLm;"\ cotuev,t2. Sl)sriab Ac, 56:58i ?1' Geo€e suihedatrd, i .roi"'wooa""r.a, ur1v, of lt€soD tc, 1:07:55! 2. SteE qeorse Rlcheld'4oo!e, BA.A, '?:3-i -1. G_o.se saul €s, csu Tc, Irog:o5j 3. Ru5seIL !ate, U. of oegon ea.r 5-:J2l tc, t,rr:^5; !. slence. ur@, lllhlte qt, tt1los, L:1t:38 LaLLdulo, NC,57t31;'L. Ke!-tJ r4coona1d, .I}^" 71'!au.l col@bor rri'!c, 58:18r^7i' Patl sche[, IiNc, '':f):58: l.-c'"y r'i:i-r"", ceatraL bee:,n couese, l:I4:16i 6. 3:;-I7.-stelev !!(ffir Mo,:,,5?:1oj 58:41.t 78. ?orv rGdellos, tiuc 6*9 r"rt.,-r.riao, oreeon, i:r9:45, i.-n*ov tt"""", Bo. rs" sid*, '*. t8:5lj 19' Dsvio seg€!, oiaoo, ri:r, il'ir*i'ii, i,"o,i"; s:6" 1:3J:2o; 10. Don secodl 59:5-;-81'-Daaid I'Lc reeb, ua.' 6o:5'i 92. Joh..ll Keen, o?i 9. Dd i'oueLL, BtE ri!. '<"-,-6.i*, cc, cldt Lhio! Hs, 1:L9rlo; !1. De@14 I4!, PerrJd&e.6, P,5u' d3:-^1:qldl, IJd ac, 6 :05; 8rr. Joro'Rouke, i\'r''ic, 62:vj- 85. rgck ii@ler, iu., 63:03, 86. ;;tt;;;it.- r;;a#i,'rerri'orre ris, z,ir't+l;"r:. e€! I Y1., Le., 63:?5J 87. JoI! Jolde, l'il'Jc, 6rr:02; sp.oGi"t", c*' Lhio; ES, a:u:58. J coee. e!ele], 5rr01j,89.-Gee stevst,,laa, 55: Moore!-cs!' g"q" (e6 a o*") s-mtoa 1ry. ] ry' rariv. ot o'egon rs, r.:o8,to (..1!d- I 9?, 90' coEad {elhlr 1b., 56:ut 91. !' 3en ftrdse, iffi;;*;.; lil'c, 6?-:18t 93. led 2. Jelry sartsrei, peas.ra, 1:41: 1 rylc, 66:13t 92' chadeE scott, :v ara r" tr. iace),ptlo! lrl: r- crlre ak. R@k. 1:15:)12: 4. LvIe RllLlni, | 3!(m, s!., NMt, 6tr:09t 4. Uaic ao6enbah, CSU, 7o:)5i ao6tock, "i", !'4c''t-!tnj e6:.-ra!l p!i.ii.i", r:)J:J4. reryderc, I aa' ?l' I3"::i ::-"::^, ac' :i"::" 74:r7t ?7' tq*d Podloz'v, NMc, 75t05t 98. clnca T&lhleE_to fl;i 3 1! o!e! & flmt 2 tn sertos. ceF ) gctuoae, Nl{cr 79:22t 99. re44 Nel-zel, lMi., 79:50. tf1;etes to sIL fbl6beE, SloEored by S!!€y aecFat_ ] lon sld -qmseEent Club tlds yed. Top 5 rInlehers alL l __--__-----_----_--- --I€d Brov4, S!._reie wder o1d lecold of 1:16:00 Eei in 196? !y Joh! I Esges" rhe race 1E lts€ed on rhe lc6keDd of tb6 sp!6y I Colunlla, !tr., APt[.Zl]b- TRIA!]troN on a flooded Elche noaeo, a e.uua eEui: I!1s elves the rate a lls 6!ec- [tfek.In-a steadv- leln (], d-n' lec(ft?v ledods ),ft']ecieto! aalen-tsce ce]r bo a res rd (o) €d ceseo E rlr@cla-l L;-: i"".a-.t zri* blgh"qv ird'. ;;;;; loss at the eatej f. Jef! Rs!4), llelste! Ceres 6, ]-l:30 ";-;;.--Dd J&obB-(2-n1. ), 23:q (L-!d.), 5:31 (nrle)i 2. qa1 clteftl1a, oodeled affCeq 'Bostot Llre @.let-l2:J0, 26:3!, /r3o- Llr:31, l, lou ldwetds, 12t-B' 21ta6' ri* fiEe. Sh@ o! sle6 in.19b7. le! Dai€ l4-Kecter6 _T.e^'-ts9a le€ 91 _ _ 6:oo- !5:Ll; L. JoeL Dtckldo,, 14:U, lo:r8, ?:r5+q:26, & nyron. rrce - ou,>r, tlt[.fon-Dq-Jllyl

2. oary Esljilto!, 24r Den€f Tc, Debie!, co1o.,2:4lr:oo | 3. KeMeih (atzelJ 27, cosh6ke! Ecr 1lacoL!, 2:49:00 I !. [. c.4. zrSatct) I| ca4. rt.r"oo, rtersoa, :2, leffi tc, Tcr colo:sp"r!es,_ Co1o,Sp"t!es, 2:50:oo 32, ir.*r 5. I6uts llltz! 26, comhuke! Tc, rre!do!, lleb.2:50:15 J 6. rm sryoer, 21, corrhGkex Tc, lincob, 2.56i53 ?. charles s€Jvatd, 31j comtuske! Tc, i,t!cob,3:06:oo €. cene s<er, 29, codncker rc, cud1s, eb",3:18:oo I 9. Rdbh Ze€1a, 19, Bea€f, shootelg, liood naverj Nebr,, 3.29trot 1o. ?€y selbhr 22' orsle Tc, 3:39125; ll. dsde I ?a@onr 17, bet., sheltob, rieblske, lrr23:ooj 12. Eos- | e! ra!.be€dr 22, ua., Ke@ey, NebEsla, 4:38r0oj 13. Rooefr.€dez, .?, Seave! 3h otels, Foo<l Bive!, Neb.$La 4ii5:oo; 14. siieE sir@fr 17, llccook Tl, Neb.' ,:04, 15. Ls6 Eiael, 34, 6a., IpE Aldos, N.M., 5:13j 16,



Plri: *!.


ca@s dalerhor, Jeff rrulte of Ne* zea.1an4 6er r.orlil besr tt@s lo! 30 &d. lO dlle6 durbg a 50 u!Le6 t!@k


I-.rDspRTrs,Dru_N[\ \

Itsr.-3rd.. PaaEtls tblol]gb 5M







H";,fi;i:;;f;,!,t?i;:;;*"._l*,:H"X":* to_belte! Lhe zrrrS:o8 ilik


*i rv s,ii.i.," FFd flove h l+l* coDtlmled pst j5M ir 3:18:u3 ald I'oM 1! i'3'!S sTffi *r'ry6 ;:i?:;:'1-xa;

-re#-."..::.I1-3:19 ':^T:siEerH,"i:iren-raff"€Y;19'y::11"T^*: or R.e!on, li.J.

s@!b ar:.1c@ d* b ?:28:?3.rr...rE"*can-dle open t".-'q" *"i,.i" lfokeh bv !srx' &'ord or the




p41;$i,;m;All;t;;-.:;ffiiiil,F **q#:s #,#:HlT*f $i**$, A,-tT+p"'P," *' i"ri iii* tr" tfii'3.3":1 c@s ,*aili 'out ra

H"iiffi;;;'"iffiijtr A!s.- Deceebe! & nebs


ihi'-.1'-l-:11:j.4::y'-:-5:P:-^ "'6

ff.i'f1fiiltyfi,i*T #":!"-j"

b *;;;j:+*

N4 rolk 4c

h e h-

#*"iriil:i*":itri:",,",*;... F$trF.iT:iL:t 3.2s betler the ihe record Bet !y BrEe Kldd rn 196r: '

ffi f x*"*atir'rt'tr 1'# s*:Hvir,Llqt&i;:"$,;',5;jdl"ft;ffi1* $p1t gffiHi*,t!,xi"i#c*1ff#;*{" .* 5qr$$l::{#':*,f:q p:*f,g# mr,, c1E410aht!s, qld fi iilrft;- i{"#Sj:-i:;*"rl-ry dld loi *tp:^3"-gl--"b" !lr# i."" * cdrct r c*,t i.iqii"..ffitt"m*'sr:;lr",t?;il";tffi;.x clals ileJ, @ke good boatilA 6boes. "1!

r8:{ !h16 beat,. sEeed ald rasr ,€e!'s sr€ie.Eecod f1n16be!, Rlchard rllsb vho b.o&e a tec I






"'"i*":}'iiH tu* i" n ri



hel, bur


m:Im"#:li:kT"kj'ffi##j;,. i;4.;,-;;;q::"1# fi:* $;i#"f;:j.:',;",f"";*r*"*;3i,#:";sfr;c ;,,i il*"r;;%;d";'"ieff#.::rTTj:,fr::i;;i:,*::"tr'i?:ul"H":il:"H'Jffs;-*. dl.r&ce nun:"s p'osru r" tl'. *r"-t"" ;#;;:":Sr::";LTftkd :flff*"H:.ir#**-* cb6!!1n6,Fo! t;. ;;;



".." "*,

nb collltts.

rn rerc! or no rtul! ro ihe

had ro corolado, 16 nd iD 1'baltad & oqy-T:l{_.1-T:"T", ;"t'{;;:.:;b';&"il*.s tlejlrns ebdl rbree t. :: e,, j; the;-rl tt!e6 e rcek. ]le 6:e6cts to be a cie1ll!



dF! the






*".:,:pT1:T1,"" i+liiq c!sqlo!_ 9;,iil:"4ff;Jj:,,,ii;1,i,f.]"fi"ii"*ilhlral,B. r,i:g,i-L;-n ilii].i ,bnc!e.re!. olc*es6 cctule,ltoft *,, *'J:53.*," ,::",J':*i,.i'f"j${4::d t?I!"::ffi"*,i*i;i: tbe Marchesre! y,rq.c,e. iar"u ft 1;;b! ce"L.,;;;"-- ::T:t ,"=, -::"9"':+.. clo<*ed tr:35,5. DaE r,r*o, 35, slnn r {ifr;r"t1ffilij",tT":Rf; ,6

aorh. rh16 lee rlE c@blned or-tte a@reu. Arhtellc A66E. topeE B!ftrsh ship8 J &d ihe nRC crb4)toEh1lr6 erd \r{l


a hre!'€d yaJds f!@ irE


adr "b"* i;"


*l"i$i:"ff ffffi Fil""Li5f,'*"r-r:*T.*-

*is,*i#,Fhlr"nr#:l###ft *",,q srsdl@ rhe Lledrtlor*l a, *1!o

*'iT:T 4!>'r' -Jl'ave rat€d*i;"j1,[fl.]#;i ;;!,;;,*;';"'"ffi"1;d"o!. crub lDrotus E he

':ar JJHS_"*1$:.U:;*:.yJ*"tml_

Eo ueked orr the B.ttl'h .t}'"tii,"' "."Fe,1?fl @!en i" 28:24.!

*9f". lj-i*G'io]ooo * :ihf",ft*,#f iiff;H!#. ";ilt?ffdi'iJffr ffi"il ffifT#:;t.". ';;;;;;if;:t*:l'Hg r'-.e.-"u.,oliiir,rpi-;n=';; ;-'il: "*"I,F'*FP'13 :::":";.::' ;.fi=:,:*?l ::"ffi:Ff t-"i*:ffi;1"#::d' cc@.trios vodd b"*rlt * *..**:*::."a,Ii,:i.i..,fi_diL,;k* !4e or May 3orh h6 l"*.ed ffi $Fiilfr,:#H# sffiffi:_ryHy tg,*l;:,,:'*.:?,1:;:, ff""3,r#r:.tr: ffj**:. # lfrirr"ily.#I"#"#JF_ffi*rtr;:,:;. "Hx;;tr.Fr:r*Hffi oD]J +.qhlr9 6hoes, rrth vbjrc€ 6uplortira otllp:, b lri-"*t.. n"-"i*i i.i fii"t#,#,:11T:i,:#T IT.T].-" f?i"ff:*$ r::*""n.:*"9-*r.1e7e ousbr tc * ta. dii,* uhe


!ace. Derk c.lqlton, rhe !drd,6 tEr dt€r€d &d a aulbe! of other Dr@rrnt cd@eltrors il;:'"'f*'fi: f?@ Bbrcad, as reLl s rbe bsr ;! fro DBre 16 uhe a.,,o c@pete. sereeLlo! or B"m"b


b*d*; 'it";;;-p-i;S.::fr'"ffi;tr +ArBrltair) Fu . vob (cEat the brenatl@ar @ 'F ) ry--, ei'+i. !Ee'r


& eod


oitv. o'"

*;,* ;G-ffi t':TL*,Ti; CJs:#f *J Htrtr{d;*trj*i: hT#::'#;: .ffi :la;*r-""tr, ""*kHrtr;, Hintix"+f fr #i*rHry;ffi q""Ei:: i:i$,ffi

*lil,lg'F"*"tu$ii';?#:";a:;,i#*#-T:-f"1jjTdtr*#q5P.lr+b"+td;i'e;":;;i"i&;' th* s rolrnshr rn "et";





Ceelrlch, cod,, l,lenr 30th, Ca:y Mlrctre, lFt. lAU chsr4)!.on at @\y dlsisces, rcb the tlf-th eouel c!ee!nlch Rec.ealilon aosxd & O1d 14re!6 Ctub sloEoled 5-qile road ro li lhe neet & recoli! ti@ of 2!:22, He beiteEd tle couse lecold of 24:41 6et by Cavtn Jones 1@1i yed dd also JLa &eefets a{Ein€ tt@ in the 1st gmual ro over a diffeeni couse (24:27). Milrlcke took the lead at the 2-ei1e nst & ljben !!t-1ed al.ay to vin !y o/e. ?5o./ eloL ca! b Jores, !.1@e- of lhe '9|5/a68 l-rs, Jones c -oc"ed -6r,0 to eage Aa.y Br*t'oo '2b:'-). -he !a.e l@l Iy 6ra!te.s dLl 80 scorlns i! the o!e! sectton dd ,0 th the schoofbov s€ctLon. The flrst 6ctioolbqr to flnlsb aa! A.1 Ded6 of Darbury, CcM, 1b 2Aa !kce. Fts ti@ of 28:51 ras re1.1 lek of cne scloolbot recold let 1dt yes try rnEs raintor of Bricl! ld@hlp (lil,J.I H,S" rstutor t6 !q at ijhe Lrotv. Joe ]netne]:l@'s I'ttl,lrose AA {oh the oreD te@ plize & t bllci)ac, tts Irook tlE 6cboolboy honofs. 1&ere {ere"4" 30 plsce prizes in each d1lasloE. es rei,1 as ted @ds]6 & tbree l$ & re! eEdls. lirlrt Steiner donaied ilopirt* 'bo 1,he fb6t tbee !u1beB ude! f4 yeds or Eae 1! lihe dcbooltot secilor. ctEli sxclao]l

1" Ca4r ltrhrciier Mi:-lrose AA, 2, Gavtn Jo4esj li1?C, 3. n4by nu*foot, co-d4,

24:22 !Fe1r & co@6e R, 26.49

4. Vtnce Chlai)l)etba, rmt., 26t54 27100 5. Joe !,l1ikmh1r CJACI 6" Jtu llrcDobeeh, r4ii1rc6e A-A, 27:olibr 40 & ovc!) 7" Robr!',u 1re5d61ee, cqaa, 2?j07j 8" Joe !es6€1, NrAce 27:Ui 9" Tm Molloy, a-r strldels: 27;4i 10. r6i, eAs.lcrr, ftA, ;.)? U. r€ni/ l. Fd!tc:!, ..tDcy IC_ a?:rcj L. ied Jav-s, !tTC, 28;Ctj .J. Job! vale:ajie, cCn, -8.?o: Der& d :ereb, M !:-ose q-4_ :o . j 15. qooert b"r-eri, uai. , ?1.:/, :6" eo.1:L_ -. l , '":L!; '- .ja alF. - 5r!1de!6 :o:1 . .o. .- r--dd! , F :.-.i-e!r, :l r.' .. :1o el DL.:--...r. --: rai:!.6.; 2c. sltde! BEbs}J los:ob,qrr 28r!9j al. rat l4ltlrose AA,, 26:5Ot 2?-" Cr6ie lereirtr tElcon '\4re.29ic2j :-:sc: 23" !-1 ueehalr 4-r siridere, 29r!; 2)r. irif.1 !e,ylo!, Cleenkich Fe.. I,o$i-_ ?9:15 (bi: rocal)j 'c. Jor ira r ob ,r*!ecg, i +' sirldef;.J 30!i)i: 2?" ce!:r Beechtr lillEib@ Colleee !"", 30r22t 26. Nlcli Gltder; lMCr :jor29) a9. Chrl€ XodeL\r fa.!r" elo .. .- r 'orJo' )0. ",@ .f..lsr lJfcj 1.,:l;igq. 30:52, !t.. |f;" eeolee A. gne6hd, 3f. !t_.1. Bolaolr cJrr. :c5 / _!- 0 c 'rerr ll ! !r ccyB rrl . jrA,. o. .'e!l: .. ,J.it s 1- rc^. :1 U LLj.:::l!j 3i. .teii idaieanr iCAAJ 31:18; J6".lcl:nF1lc:" 4 s.f,ide.sj j1r35r 3'f. lI, welter llcconlet_l-j cJ'I4 31:l8j 18, lr@ stoothoff: c.11" loei coalege, 3t:!5j J9, D ll :bor, mro!\l ' . 1: r. R-chm .otc-, 'r j. :56j !1. J.d Mqr,Ld, C L'. !os!. i2:No. hi" .. h-l lorsl@! i _J, .rcr 32.1e i. J" .. ?olia '.!!'!teid tc, 32:16; l+. Dcn -q!dEm, CJTa, 32::8i 45 r.!e leutchelj iisr*fdd fCr 32:ji2; )+6, Jiaci rolri€lr ira j:r50j 47. lh6r@ Cdehion, llesi Side IilCAj 33::1.5; !8, i'lrdlr Roth: lr4c, 33!:3j 49,, l.hce caslieoJ lroii4c tu ! It.'6j 5 .-e en", -., Ieq A;, 3i;1,.; '_: Jree!'r{chr ci., 3lirl5j 52.. Dor Clacer u@,J 34;:9, j4*y t:'e!" car!.r,,, 34r?_aj ,4. 3ob G8idneyr :rs Syti4tb '3" !I.{c!" 3!:J1j Jj. lob !.tierey, n$a4. 1c, 3Lilr?j 55. tu;ph !'arie, Fsin'ield Univ", 34r5i, 57, eJ.t. C.iockj u.&1., '::Lt:,9:58. Jae r4ir-1e!, c&eF.lch, ct.,35.a9t 59. <ti!!. Ie@: llllftse . a. :'". 2 a-F -'. 'te s, '0, I, -eler. Cen::ql Je 6ey -C (CCA\ !o6L eNr_v: scEcorioY 9Eri-rfc\

-.. -A.i lel{rj td$ra!l], 3cm., agr.cft 2. rtu. Rcre, Ddr-t!q: C1t.,23r5r;:1" l€! OrCoEo3r lien!6€hJ r"l.r n 1.. 29r25j a. Rae Aa€er: i4:ho!e }]s: ?9:411 5. toln ltsher. Ctj.r 3or10i 6. T,b a:l.sik, -4tLbar$r, tt.Y., 3i;1ri 7. Bob l4t[er, .I., 31.21j a. DouC woodJ latj:eteldj Com"; 31:26j 9, De4is Sul-ltTej Falrflelie ct.r 31:46;

{:n !. hly, B{6Lor, cE,, lr:L9j u, Barx. c€i6re!, !3 10. J.., BcoE, lL: 1?. ll'a-Lr Dzrtrar CoM., 32rU; 13. !;ter Mccomlcrr N.Y.,"j32:J. i 'L. quE Jedf "kq, c.eesr-ch. (1.. l2:,1; 15. Bob -ox, SL, \1a!y, ct., l.:l+8; 15, fllc celEk; 3::02j l?. Pete! checkllror rrshooe, 33r?lrj 9f""1, ld. MdkI.1., ca!l.Ln, l.L, 33:l0t f9. vtc qos6l, trrshor&, 3J: 44j 20. Blad Snlrh, us.ho!& rs, 34:05. (5o ri!rrh;!s) --Joe lceire!'E-GARy MrJtarrcl@

DlFErrs 9R.

t{ET _dsu



L.I", ]i.Y., suldEyJ Jrjle 1st- cary titubcke ron hls seco!.1 €ce 1n three dqys as ne s@cesEfulay defelted IJB ,e o! Ft. r--nilo t,.re vr cn @ tu. r*i , tai4q 1.:Erd,6 ,_ft ^*., rE.ke cofse. lluivcke took irxe le.d av4y fld .ttj o,Co@ef1 st the tlft-a-n1fe @!k & .r'€nt on to sin by oeer 5OOy feE te@_ mt4 .T1e r,{eDonaeh. pet aaiick, ItAc, {o! the Jr, l"Et. x,!-U tlile tt ri/e of !1s t!1ld ltsce f!bt6h, fi! schln_ dler, St. Althorryrs SC, took the Ju1* stl@! cdst. St. . !-bho4yrs aei,boued lilltiose IA to! the eenlo! tee iltle 28-30 @d a,1jo vo. the Jslor iitle 2j-1rc. 5, 6tarie!8, 53 flnlsle?e. n1e course !e afole l,rtite lleck 3€y" iiece Dtrccto!: gsr4y Sff of ihe Eporsolire jeL Que.Eboroueh colmorr] C 'l:ee- ?5:d6I, !,nl5b '. calxr luluqe, \d-4.ose a4. lb--:2rJ 2. &:b l4cDon6€h, ]418!ose .A,ar 26.a3 r".16 3" ?ai Bdilck, Ns Yolk !-f... 25t55 4" J:lrn Schlndlerj St" !nih. FC" 25r\j 5zr-r\*.Jr. 5" .aose velerqGz, Si. !! . Bc, 25t\5 '2.OLteJr, 52t\\**. 6, iobn a6:Ol+ 52t2-1 .'j! Ge1ep!, I4tLlrose It., 33yslde.

z ' Jrcrl. r.. !@rn" o " If,tc '-3-1ihe., 9r. -&!. 1.., 9. tiil

tiod.ue S1,. X!:h" li:. !rc@eyr N€lr ib!! ,r1. :r-1, Joe 1r!s, l:htied !A, :2. rrjrc. Clllalleita- uaai.. :|: Ie4 ar-n:!ii, t:l?.1 10.


l-. i-s?' lieril:B (ei,:

L5 .. 15 ^ ,'_7 ,3tU 26t& 53259 25:51 54: rc*i]r, 2c

4,:9 4::o ?: :a

5ttL5 56to\

56:o7!.ia. . -i.-. .d,:.. e _1. 4 't.a .17. flil t.11al Uniiad Aqr :i:L9j t€. Tc4 O,B!1er, Bruce 7c) i7t2* 13. p.i Bf,orn, sAir, 51:24; &. t;L tl'tlt@,I,u_ PN, iit42: 2!. tseftte r,Eut€'ir S1;".-EC, 58:le, 22, rn4i ilkElT+",. +E€sborc!€h ccr 58t53t 23. rob Linleu, sr".r3c 5)tLat 2) BllL !r{A, 6ar?.. -j 4r leelo"r ,-r, u,^, L/':rq: 2b 3j ^otd !):ed" Jt4aAr r0.qo. 2 . c!e\e cotsLrr @U r 6 ( cr :0 _ Ben 4.Ird M, J., L, o 49. Jen5 .i :er. - q?-, rl.15j 1). )la o . r .t" d,h, lCJ ' u-.: " trl. .iru'i Jl, rr' e .." "11o7;32. g*.., 1ll^ose ,.,-4, 2.J l. rooef,o nerqg e. ,-i;'e! rL.,^.J r'.Jl: tmle :b: lte, . " 6r,t3;t .;. ,e\"1s De;td1*o, Sl, ,rbt!"3c) 65tltl; J5., Drr,:ejl e1€sBe, tjrlted &tJ 65ro?j 3f. rave Peds, bei,r 66:2?j 3e. !xr.c eei6lex. \L +.. io.-J o.enn r .' 68.2rj I! JD vh: crt n€rs."l:3lj Jl:,+.'., :, Ll. :r r€t"-eE, -l aB., 09. :heMcy. r1-0. 30 ec '!,_-: u;r._ . ". .. 1-r.s.lje.ds, ir -2. ,u. 1n .. CEel l& , ,,*. Joe d!b./ St. .i-+l--EC,. Lrre ui..e..& 1, !. ei.r ii.2?i 4?. "2.1 . 6" jp:'&19L, B! r:5q.4. .n. ,e-oe-. \.yPc,7r: l.; 49 \Frt 5' . q -Lev. r: " 5-. ra F rr4. r!: 1?c; 8I:)2j 53" Ed creouttz,, .r:;. r 8iro9. s:f red: ]" st. rn+'a.sij, 28j a. I41]-riose As, 3oj 3. lrf,, I€eur 1" Si, .A;iC_ 2rj ::. U\_tr lrrr; 3. U.jted AAJ 55.


--.re i(aeibe!@1 l. - L -1 Ir"J ..q-!trrl d- r . oUr\. _ ' Arr'rtr- cost! tl'cr, s"r _. :.,' L 1959 1. cheathae, Ab1*!t1c co6it: B:4e (tBr i4_19)j 2" :. D €sg-ar rorfer '_.. Lr dvood. i j (tsr. .{_lo): i. !i -$s!"iln : : :{ai^Jler. rtd,t)c .vur y. ,, 1,. -ed c.Cy. Aitu. . C" it, ("11, 5 r14 ltosej rLa4Lic .r.J 9:29, ' IrI :JiIltM :JeLgbe. r/oo.b dl/ - : (r.t ,1-.Ol_ ,. . !.e DoJabty, AtLe:_r4n \'r4llslv, gr:qselon, 1.-d clalei !&?k-.j ?.!joeEro!!, rl:17(t sr 9" H,"365,*'o7'

Dick Buerkle Is Full of Surprises for Jumbo (x

s !16i rcord) *as _m! grcaled rhnr Bserkh

$id: ,l nrde wjrl, if Dick Buerkle has had h.mbcf iakiD! a h.x of







nid. ir."

sord,I ihrnk he riier


tbe fresbdat ICaA


comp.t. wiih rour





rhe wne seNi.es

rroli .oan

cqn, bd Dick Be*re


I muld h.ve tl.nd' in sirh ihe odnuE lheE " Di.k Bu.rkt k ltwry! ..Y' inr .niigr iikc that. I{ ! !..d

dme !hat. ed

Ttrt !at.

In the eyes rr his Jris, hos .v.r. Dick luerkle €nain€d a





Haraii Mavb. I shdld nrv.


n'e Ecd lor the Ol)Bpic team.



lothintheY'siiyEce'Th.n he qu r \o eg€, Jdied the P.rr.

spit. his rderded second'plac.i




'The nexi year McKEi.k v.3



rrenire run, bec.ne ldd


t.rd mr ro jun siav

the end or the Penn Relar_s ran

Relays runninE d.ill.

he said of hx nak€d ios




lik n . . . i

,Lveakld junior noied: "Il


t!.y \dr ed !p !:ih



a rlP [!]!n." ie r-:,!iit uny grnqb E: si:

.leanshawt ouie a



Tr.k rds Ftu 3d I lan dmc. to ra Dick 3uelHe

ctdrd .ppblar .. rxd &hLy ol RG!6t r c!|n6 hto ndli tn & i.b@r ol IOOF ?dl. lo.t rrc ncir @ M.rbdt l lby.

HEADED EAST along Rout€ 66 near St. Loui3' Bnthh long-distance runner Btue TuUoh, a 33. yar-old *h@lteacher, co inues his attempt to beat a ?3-day crcss couniy jos8i.s record. He left Los Anseles on April rl lor 2,830-rnih tnp.

HorneII Eaent His Personal Property

Sarne Storv J./


in IOOF Raee: rhe IOOF Race

Ashley Champ Third Time rorad L dror dr, cE*d




E drr . tt hd

|.dcllli'odcF.[o*.r.ds. Lrtdlbtl.tnh'yo|lr.{e,




rar ehind







e.isim.dh|ro|t5Fr^ th.M3d.dhrE|i|n'*rt

Ajll.y r.e'r.r' or Rerar., !.t rog.rt , wtti B.D Frn, (t.tt) .f Mrrr@ Pilt a.c or N€w v-ort ciry lrd witle siecr oalerDort E.-.ii ora e.iiiiiirl bne rot Ec M.bairl Da'. A. .r sotr reirt Fit|s r.titrg "ft.,!!d dd SIe.t rrd.



8eou.L/ s4.



tdhr I{d R'|@

sudqy, sepr, 23, 1969 12:oo Noon Atlerilc Ciiy, Ilis ltelsey Meet Dlrecto!: xd I-e8C@, r.c. Bd 2r, Pleaetvtlle, !il€.r telsey 08232

e "Quote

and ff;31*';*x."*ffii,i5,," -Unquote" #"l"*,.ifu l*i,;5 nt"3* '

ducted e 10,OOO lei,es

Psclflc ABcoclaltod, A.A.U., coD_ ro si Caltforule Stste Coaie@

B1}r,a!t, Callfoala. Erb of the conteslists !d slde ty lide foa hoBt of ihe 6ef Earry cornet-1o6, 1's ioiiall"Jr n1lddi rtE othe!, I1::r Btll WelEh, laa beslde Coitellos & Ied !l! arouli! the

t€ck by tell<1re to hh dd occa61@a.Ey brutd,g h16 8tu. -t va d uuual\. Etu aflemoon, aqd !-i!b fou, 1e!s .e@lnbe, Wefsh bee4 Eve.ins f!@ stde ro slde. He ms 1! dlstlesB f.d the hoii 6u. !e ]@ ted to ibe lllfleltl ed glven s8tstgrce sbLle @othei nj:ft! {ho !€!a beea Btchlis ihe lace enteEd the irack dd ed leadthe Coldello€ fol the lgehthe rfie. ltEee itqy6 fatea, I FcetlEd a leite! fr@ Ealry Corde 106 vhtch told qe tlat tnft yourg l@ Eal]y h<B rhat @ateu! atLleticd ad lunrlr,S fo! frD ls all sb@t. Ee lralsed hi6 lyller & tbe othe! atbleie rho s5lsted {e elBo plalseil the AAU ad the !eo!]e vho eoEtett\. encouseed hlD tbbuehoui: the race. ge l)ltu io c@tinue dth the elo o! h16 laroe! & o!he! cdrlelttor6 luuij\S (]]olefuL\/ Lhe &y-to-3Fake6 $ce on l,t4y 25tn @s !o !e 11' beai outll€. ) Eor Ed,lto!, Ipig Dlstece log I]s Pet Ierln, tiolkl4, Mtde5or,e Regaldlrg the date of the gatlona.l AAU Senlo! 15,000! Chsallonshils. A ch&ree fr\.'E Se!td!e! 71,h to Ar€Et 2! ha6 been slproved t[r 1,he Natlonal AAU rlfflce & the Natl. LDR C@ittee. LJe "ee.l Llst tbe esr.Lle! dete ts @r€ deei.alle for the fo11drlrg reasoE: Ftst, sl@e the bulk of tbe ite1d, r.o!.ld be college & htgh 6cboo1 6iLlerre3, the 16te! date rtll coofllet nlth Ech6l crcEs c(Et1T p&ej16@ r.hlch l4ve begw by thL6 tie. SecoDt, Ea4r of the out-of-6chool Ba!41c1!st6 *1Il fr:rtl 1t e@ie! to get ttG off ald and€e Gcsil,ona !rlo! to I3bo! Day. 1tle!elo!e, re ii.[estly felt that the lEtei dete aou]d 3er1ou51y effeei botb tbe 6lze dd tbe +reuity of th€ fl6fd fo! 1,h16 ffit. Ihe ch.abee of dates xs d@ to a ElJrq' at the LDR Ccr@. reetbg at IaE Vees, betnee! ow @et sp@or ald qr6e1f oD the date. I r@ lot co@.re.bety arare of aLl ot the !.ocedbgs et tl'€ tie of the bldiure. Ibe Ece 13 Ecledlrl€d for tututh, I,lle, latfy fo@ AEllable Ir@ PaL tdl!, 23L N, 7tb A!F.r Eo!kl$, Mle


!{ tlE coIclRADo Rocll{Ils - .tllly zf _ AIJCLET 2 r.M.q.,!. c4Mp ciocr(EtT (ev. B,5oo ri.) tifiotL Ng{:



ot{E ]lm< ]'RC!4 4!E

cF FILERAIII1TC lCA ALL F0!NmS 880 CN ll!. @AU!IFU! SURROUmflGg. c0@ IooD. RqiqE) RUIS, ttrl@S lXD C!D1BI1|C.

- lEt .q@!ice sr Bo6ton flrte ved. r *8 usA oru!'tc rEq.\.!. In4 Bi,ASIltU - Eead t ack & Oloss Cou4try


Coach, SCXJ]tm$t CoI,CFADo STAT!.



Seclet5tr:y, nosd Ru6e!6 Clu!

IIIE - S!ect6116rj

IITEmAL I@ICIN! F@r $36 lncludes al-t csE! coBt6 tlcludb€ boeid eld !od. send g5 dor4 lal&dr io: Ce! Dtector, Eoy 2tL, PtEoto, Color€do a1oo2 b6g -b 6. 5 p.D. on Sudayr JLr\r p4tl, 4nd @4f of lts ZesJ so coschr AFhlf Ltitlatt,s


CldP I.1!. tlrl-ll cft!

d alt1tlde ot 8,500 teet, 1:lDes shorlit !€lared for a kry,ieorcu vFk of tlatnirg. H<ffie!, lre6err a!1-11ty 16 nor !4rortdr, but intereFt tr lr4)!ol@ent on Ue lart oi the etitete 1€ wry tiReal5LEilos dIL !e acce!.ed on!. uauil the c@! 1liii: ls reahed. AfiJe! tbat d vsltlle tlst rHL be nade dld acceltece lrtll oaty be e@1jed b case of a tecbniques. At cc@e

To: lil!+rc!, Iob€ Da6tMe Ls Nathan PrAt rln, Sdte Balbas, Catifoftls Do you tld of @y llrydic1d rho ere (ee6 &ail de fqelliE rltb schllle6 ten4o! !rcbl@. I ha@ ta4 to stcp nidle fo? th. 1a6t yed beceEe ci a heet !rcltd. Ehe lbyEtclar d@6Drt neceeBedly h6E to 11€ j! Califofrl1e. Ibe probfe& 1E In one foot & 15 aj; the att6ctnenl, of te!d@ io ibe calc@eE. (!d. '!Grco@ to rhe clunl")



th& bit of 1lforrtlon

r.111 be1p.

F!@ tred eiparlG, crreldeDial Co11eee, L6 llgeIe€ "!@ re4tlg sufty o: lslece F(eilE Lo the l4lddle

r!cE;:T@;Gt;iEh_ +!]er r" rs6drnE;-r-M lDuble. I vou-Ld 11ke to pa6s ob e<@ l!fo!_ @i1o! irhei dgbt, I !ope, be of he1! io you colcenlhg yoe acdLLes 'endo! tFuble, Elro yeds ago I tnJ@d qr To: Edl-lo!, Loie Dl8tsce I.e a.blteg telCoq E d 6fte! Boston lt go so ba4 tIBi Atdo Ircm hrrt Siebe!, h.ook\yD, I.Y. ScEEiljj% Fc@bded ibat 1 see h. &!6!0 Szdlo iE IyC. I toul':I Ltke io tlaDlk !tr. !!oml!g Boss fo! lul]jkuia t. Szeto, rho eets be haE Ew! cbdsed d attlete. ibe lette! I moie 1D refeE4e to dereloI,bElt of 5!d hel9ed ol-re CEseLL and Bob Sclnrl befole Ioh/o ;t,h 'qctlion trnner8 ald I af6o Bppreclate tle eddlla c@bts. tbetr e.!l-Ues teDdon irouhte. His,'c1e" ie e porent ettr Id dlEct leI)fy to Mr. Eaf n&don -r do et Fer to dtlJ1e@tory 6€ent--Ta!dest1 (R) blsd of orvphenbutschile a4ro@ flm sq. ]ilsthoD ne dihout r_rE coseot ,oe tE t3blets of 10odg. talen fo! 5 dqy6, 3 pe! dE , of a cJority. I a1lraJ5 relcd@ traik & fl,eLd. cc@eiltoft to Lone dtut&ce lo€d rai.A, t 6tlal belteve thst 1l )!e l'1tb each @a1. TEnde6li1 tB lrL out by celgy a!d, I Lh-lll, ]:lfu aho--L w per taoteU, 0r. Szd+rc eaE @ sone youbge! coqletl,ioG ar elcou5eed to coaryet6 1! 1o!g free 6a,q)1e6 and blr fathe! D!. Slsdc hs Alve! @ s@pdlstaoce rul)abe ve nlLL be etle to !lodrce lrlre 2r1O 1e6 tbe oo.ly ouhe! tle I aeeded the qn€ si.ce then. ]Esihore!, eE! tbolgh he ls not a!1€ to lun the tro Tadearll t3 lnteDded p!i@!i]y fo! gort patient€, but btl.es uniler 9 nlrutes. I have no d to g!t!:i! r.ltb tiack ha6 eork@ r@de!6 for @. ve rea1lJ volfted e & fleld coq,ettto6. I offlclal;e ltr T&!' li,leetr *heft! I 1l ' 6ho!.t Fhlle Eeo, blrt i{ih t€!des!1l the !ahn4 ftldo! c3!, alil I narc aary frierdd tu tbe ga@. idrble, E$ f1!Bt 3i!ce tib yesE e€o, clealed !1gbi up. Regalilllg tle 6tet@at aboui e plodder Eusc].bg blE [he dlr€ 1E @t )Ebit fordtue ed bas no Elde effects v€y to the fett & 6p!l!!t!e b to the lead to eei htg plct@ tuten - 1f lt aE alhed at !e the! r pkad gullty (ai leq6t for @). E<.e6611re Bleed tfrialng, I feet, caEes e gEat deal of teDdon ieuble, ll]'a1!lg at ElciE I haE il@e thai b @6i, laceB that I hal,e coip€ieal bI)ace Ehoula ea6e lihe pa1n. anil lartlculdly 1n loeton. Not fo! publlctty, but Jut becaue I 6!Jqa eolle out fast et ihe st&.'l. I odce !e ANNC(rrlCllri 2liD A,{\(rAl MOONTAT.\ MARAtgOif, Boone, North ibe fl!3t 3 41lee froE Eopkrnrrd 1io 46h1&d fa6te! ihe C€rcllF, salu-dqy, JlrlJ 12, 1969. ele€lton aU Etar.t aryoDe levloEly hed d@e. Edrew!, I do Dot r,@t io bake e!@Ier ald dIL Boi 'lr.i.e the edly lead h6re after, 3331 ft., rblsb - !2oo 16. (26 rLles, 185"r ) ne"orr' 3:13:31.6 by !d aerefold, 7/I3l58. Entrle€ !o co4h Roe6.

Giltlea1eerc, 303 St8sbuly Ctrcte, Boobe,


Jin Schindler, St,

Anthony,s Bons Club,ls congralulatod bv N. Arthur tsleau. Yonkers comissloner of parks, lrecr6ation & Conse.vation afler lrinntna tho Brtsbine 10,000 at r{ar Menoriat !'iotd,TonkeE


1 B-year-old Jim schind1e! a l.r.Y.U. fresrvran conpeting for UE St. Anthony's Boys Ctub takes the Brlsbine ]ienolia1 10,000 nei6r ruu In rontâ‚Źrs in 11:i0.8


.; '{


r.::1 ..

oary lruhrck6, tjiltrose aa, is detendndh

:r'+Ttf ."8.i,,i"3:!",, 1n l{ay 18 yonkers r.rfirat




BY EVERV@NE TG.4 "MARATHON" NEW ALL.NYLON UPPER $9.95 The liqhtest, Astest, st.onqest, most comfartable llat ever made. The king of racing sloet witfiout an equal, without a challenger.




The ideal ftcing/ttaining combinatian shoe. Specral sponge mjdsoles absorb road s}ocl< at ball and heel. lievr long wea ng auter sole and sponge cushianed tongue. Lightweight buffed calf uppers.


$r 7.50


revolutianary alJ nylon upper makes the "a\,mpiade XIX" the liqhtest competition tracl shoe in the world. Injected nylan sprke plare with 4 DETACHABLE sprkes. Requries no special care to Leep like new: to clean, just throw in in a washinq machinel

TRACK CLOTHES White cotton pants, v'split sjdes. Specify red, blue or green $2.aA Sizes: s, m, 1,



Nylon.acing trunks, v'splt sides. Colors: red, blue, black,green, gold. whirc. Sizes: s. m, l. $2.75 Nylan racing stnglets (sieeveless rack jerseys). Colors: red, blue, black, qreen, gold, white. Sizes: s, m, L $4.90



OFFICE: P, O. Box 202

Wellesley, Mass. 0218l Phonet 61n 237-2923


OFFICE: 9073 Washinglor B'vo. culver cily, calif- 90230 Phone: (213) 836-4848

:6n =..=

E:' :30 "93 =z !

^:iin 9 "C' ;o

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