!n the l-ong R r-rn if's ?he f"l ew
&a*g.ffirze*n*e &ag' vot
Qreg \irz
N0. 54
THX toNd
!IS'iNCE toC
EI IIINNERS vole6 5, Nuber 54, June l, 1960 Sublcriptlon Fete!: 25i a copyt SJ.oO a wer. Publt.h€d 00nrl1v. Edito'lal ccre.pondenc€i BroEtaE noss 306 W. tente! St., lvoodtrur,, N.J.Sub3cr1Di,1on & MallilE 6dlt8t !?an! (e11y, ,t8 Pri.re St.; toodbuy, tr,J. Prbusned by Ms!v1n6 Prtntlns Co., r55 N. Itlh Sh., Pbiladefpnb. Pa. A PIBIICATION
coDtrllutolE thlB dontb: Dor ray, BoEtoni vlrce spahslf. Sm lrenclsco; Bob Cralb, Lo. Arseles; xd Duncan" iocbeclef, N,Y,i lob ctupbetl, Bosr,on; la1 Hlgdon, chlcaso; Stai Huntsdn. Athens, OhLo; Jack c1rl1ne, Han11ton, ont. i Rlchqrd Cohen, R€ver6. .qa.!.: Don Jacobs, IlEald, oleeon; Dennl! Xaeeneush, SBnla B3rba!a, Caltf,; Paul
.ld; ts. e go to !res3, cones the sad trqs lhar at laasr'hr1f, 6l rbe..?arl!ou! T&t Conrerenc! .esutt8, road races & rady lnterestlns l€atures & :trti6!e r. th. ed1to. w111 llre to Se h6]d b!.t untll ne:r 6onth. Th€y Just could not be .queoz.d tnto this 168ue. I se^i 28 p.gas to tbe plrnter lasr nonth & 22 {ere pllnted--I,D €ri-l] tryins to rrack th€ othe! 6 pas€s dohl...SeveraL l€ite* have been recelved i&h tle fadeC $orld traveler, CclfiYey lat,t, no! in iondon 133 nlslnciol St., I-ondor !'.?. Enelard ) &'.,€ ho!€ li. print the6e nosi: lnfotuative 1rtters irL il:e dexr issue.. Glad to hee! tner e11 the tN:a.sr re!€ at, Ionkers ithatts theli load ra.e fo. the yoe!), ihe 3AA €e alEo a r,ryout,rhere ver€ they? Iof vear6 ele.vone has been gsylns ou dratnon selecclol systen has been rcba- th€n out of rrhe 3kV the olwr c ccmlttee .h&nErs itmrndo ]bi coutd ihiy roE make ullei! before the f1!st tryout?.,. ore of ou! ex 4:15 - 9:10 couese albleiei sliuld turn to the roads & tlen lrhe r€r6t!cr, 1-h6y can do il, & lt ls the onlj sa1 lnoy ca! eet enough conletltlon to ifrprove,..o@ 39!!!4 l,{ai Trmx rerelred lne sxn ore lap too soon 1n his .ecorC breaklns 5,000 met6ls (#l?+) then la,!. ln the evetrlu the sade rhtn. laDD.red to i,€n Edelen du!1n! hts trdt.a; r,-,o.d sertlne 1o,ooqr; and lf lt rcre
not for tho 1ap th.s cgtf.d oqt by tomc! Ol}tplan Dlcl Ha!t, edelet rtght n.ye dde th6 fatal Ela ke of Blrlncine h1s second to Ialr lap... Iirally, tI€ fhst, sold dedal of 1960 should go to lhe olylllc b.a!s rho 6sl6cied Jolrmy ri61l6y to b6 on rh. marlthon teee, Iils lecord !.oves hii to be !h€ fin€st @lethon !{n!€r -!v ahoBt a !1te- rhls dtion ha! e€r' p.oduced. & rou:d h&vo beer ltuDld to tnvalldate h1n becars€. fo! the fl.st, tlie 1n l! rac.s. e'bltster elouDd.d h1e tr a tr'yoirt eveni.
(!il,!Y mNs !4nnTHoN. EARNS OtlMrIC BtiiF; ltlcltlNzln & BRaoI(INRIIC!, 2rl-3d. Yod<ers, N.Y., Sunday, May 22- Civen a s€cond chs.re b! e coMttte chanEe of nb€lt & ru16, blond ]lrt,le Johnny (e11ay ran himelt rlghr on ro rh. U.s. olFplc tean roday by stmlng the Nailonal AlU marethon tltle at Yorkels for rhe !I!rh stralghr y€a! & settine a cou!36 rec."d ot 2i20:U.€, for th€ tougtt 26 nile3 38, tards. The 29-yeer-oid Ehsllsh tsacner from o.oton, Co&., won ihls flml tryout a3 the 01ynp1c Comltrea had hoped h€ ,ou1d rhen It declded to sive (el1ey a r.Prler.. He woD bt a thousand yds,. sllcins flfty seconds fron hls t9t3 tine l tnlB race. UnCe! the oilsinal com:i,iree rules, xeiley lad €5hed hlhself out by lalllig to f1n1sh t.he !osto! [4Alathon on Ir.U 19" Bllsrered l€e! knocked Kel1;y out slrer 21 nlles. But on rhe yonlrer6 course ln cloudv. cool rcather K€tlev r4ted hlnselt oii tbe fast, pace oI ooldon llcx€nz1e lor half of tb€ dlstar.€, tlen cane on to rin all by htasell st the lln1sn 1! tront of tlle s9olsorlng ch1lpem Ciub, Mc(enzlet iz-yea!-old eDsin€er !n r,he otflce of tna Eo.ouah Presldent ot the Brorx, @s clocheC 11 2:23.46 in $econd llace and varlne lr" niex tslecirenrldse. rore t,hd! a nile & & nali bacr In thlrd ltace, finlshed in 2!32.)+\. T,r'e1r p1ac.e .oillmed thela select1.r c! the ih.6e-tr14r tead eoing to lone 1n AuEust. r=t,B tne lirst tlee tnlee for er colie3e runnefs hare rade the dretio.r teaa, ilibin tho f.ur-hour tlne ltnii. trlorrYe Cot to slve Mc(enzte all the tredit lor the.ecn.d ""he ioday,n 3a!d (e]ley. trI1rs da.lllc!1+, to 8et the pace, the iea,€. ai ten n1l.es i!-
I'r1.5 Naircral l"ieraihcn-coni
yaliaDrydo6.no'dnlarslhons.' ik"l'Liltl;"8$d,'j9:'iii"'3;"j::: lovcd th. Earher.,, - hDC no F4r1€1.
5!, ,aLho;yis Bc l:05.1)i 12, John €srrt con-erhed ejtl, ,l.nnils, only a[er,L^ SL, tht,i,ony'! BC, 3:06.16! to vindlcale Dydel I for !1€ sbJecrly 33.i? {;. ?2- a Marin€) J:07,11! tt, poor !6rfordj (e aE BoB.or. I co ptlacy fl&! -J!u)llck. Broo*lyn. N.1.. t:o8,18i or .auorabl. fa:r.rr hr-^ed for de. M(- 15. John Llssaot|", BA]t, 3:u.i3; 16. Kenrle da. out of s-er .or rw!']" ir Jo" nlrby. Sr. tnih. Bj. l:I?,58! t7, t16.rirst tpn-nile€ i.lqsdli ly t00 Far.J Mu;iDr, Ne, vork, 3Il+.r.?; 36. yarasr. r lurred Ceo!.1 No!n3n. 0lad6tone AC. Toronio. Dtles ard tnen ir *ss seesar Io. Lhr6. t!tc:o?; 19, 60. Helt€!, NyFc, ,:19.6d; dl1e8,.licr3nzte iou. rhe.1"ad runntne tO. vitL parakw,.sL, Anih,, 3:2b.t9; up rne_.htlls. I trled Lo p!€t-nC I Es 2:?2.51; r,2. Cu; KolL.akos, N.r_york, 2:30.Ioi L3. Dan Dunlop, BA , 2:32.01. L.Uet pu11od Fron L'e l6t- nire on, aeay and lr6tty coo. he @s alone, losine-" Ib.. en rolte, ne.fr.r6h6d aLh Ann,El ligltrood D€Darrren! .f a5 a rrb-polnder, R.crearron tr_ntte HaDdlcsp Run to ldll_{elg.r loa.rro,... ceDt,tnela pa;k, lnsl€vood, cat fornra vcKenzte qor ti'e r4et MU !1r1e & led May 1. 1960 T6n lEpB ovei a 1l-dr1e .ne Plon€€r clu' ro rh. lvei reau tlrle lailui, ;artly dcaaid, lartly-sra6B. wrtl rf Dornr-s. nli,e oi alahi;en starl;li frnilied. The Borton AI rlth 14 loini! on tne Mlchael-d. All€n, unatrach6d, fhlsh.. ol itelley, Cr6€n & confelone 1. gdcD. EtaDsed rtu; Actuat ir;e ia.i ton the Nationaf tean title by a lotnt I:3O.OZ 2 3rob _ulver froo Ci.y, xl!h_Lbe $YPC thhd. i. pobe!!1r/,,q.07 c;ns, Culv.! Cily Ac, Breclgnlldg:',on lhe Seeb.. lrLgDorjal lt't.tb !r29'.'!a' I aE.d dona(ed by th. Order or Sh1!F €deriar. t. Drf,i slt, udlLach€d, 3. ' 't+ Eeckod Se€b€es fo! th6 li8t serrice irOO t!5/,.26 i!.3.56 /., John i,L. cercia. Cu1v6! Cltv AC. 1. Johnnv {el1ey, soston AA, 2:20.11.6 l:OO 1r5!.!5 t:J5.tr5_ 2. Cnrdon ltc(enzIe, IYPt, 2123.\6 i. r,itchael Ki6;. Rj,rersjde rrqcA. 3 lrer 2r)2.\r l, gobbylr€ckenrldee, 1rr7.22 22raa !157,22 7 /ons! culvcr i.r, l. ,lLyAc 2:31.11 6. DouEtae -, r)am. Cuher crlv A4 :..o':Fyan,cltRrc1!}Ac'2t3lr.15r!|3a-r|''1.37)|17.o7 6 luncan, locheller, NY, 2:l5,Ol 7. nlchald yasouer. E 6t tA 01EDlan6.' -'. tci led corbjir, Nhc, 2r)6,a7 I.t6.36 \rr9.j6 9:oO 5 B. 'ohn ifte:y, Eosron AA, 2:36.11 L Tole O. JohaGon.' Cutver Ci!!' AC. r. ,-rin 1rcen, Bo5lon Ia, 2r)7,28 2..AA-52 6 laiio 2rO8.Z2 lJ. At Confalone, Boslon AA, 2:J9.tl cutver ctLv Ac. 9. JadeB H. HerlnEron. 11. St 9illa, Culv€r cltyAc,2:30.24 i:Ol.OB l5:OO 2:tO,OB 9 12. John A. Kel1ev, BoEton, 2:1o.21 Drd nol finrEh: phlp {!<1. 'It<t 1lke to rite a book ebdt Clalke, !oui3 R. Cardenas, !dtt.; 01r John, he Is abEolutely fqbulou.ln) ccAct Don rnox, ui.Ett.; rennelh Srrona. qoizer6s scol,lo, 3AA, ccAci Robr,. Ka.ianaueh, lcsB; Bob D!al;_ 13. ?t4\,r) 11,. Jtr 0'Conn611r S!. Anth,,2!/.2,J9 CCA"i Ben lendero3.-XiA OlmDtanEi 15. Bob Carean, Plirelu.eh, 2:41.34 !d L€vin6on, Sc Srildersi ieas Aextrre, 16. Ed BraclsrL, lFn AC, 2116.17 SC Slr1der6: l7.-Pete conGy, B4:qr MlLe auen becaEe rhe prlde of cal ?t\?,?9 14. Bob Cumlng6, NMC, 2r1.7.)I polv of podorarg csNs rlth thls. 1ls xern, sec;nd tliumph 1n In!16rcodrs It-ftile!, 19. {lluose 4A, 2lrl.3r ?:4?.J2 20. Iin rTiredi Bobbi conB, 6nty rretve days Jjr Couclll, !1.c1.88!, r'. -uon !ay, !o5!on aa, afte! his thll11Ins loston nn, nanas_ <,2<.+a 2". orke brgeld, !aA, .r)t.L6 ed to ctoE€ up enoush ro ftrtsh enncr23. Aldo Scandufa, Ir41l1!0B6 2:5L.2, uD and la.r..i bv Lq s€condo. 2r. Poyce sEvyer, Io4c, 2t55.19 inothe! future ajsiance lurnary ?5. cerald Hervey, BAA, ?r56.3J scoled in rhtrd etace a! l--r€q Dv-1ght 3l: i!l\?].3ff"iiii: 3;1,:33 3: ti"'ili?: ?31'.if;iB::"t'fi:v"' 28, Sid SElth. Harllton Oc, 3:00.19 T
trc! Stlil, Ku*1e Enould have heard the gur slgnifyine the final ]ap. Eneieran shot by the sulprised Zxolak at the rare rnd tu,lkle tr6 seconds ba.k kept on gotng for another 1ap al'cer rh6 !ac. \as ove!. Narulally, h6 egued In valn afte! tlre ra.e Eg ov€rl The invliatior ]Oo-netels had at least a z111lon ofaiclals drrlns the v16{ ol lrhe spectatolst whe.eas the l-n1le had no nore thar lhree offl.lals raz1ly enjoribs the Bm bro6ros vlth not mrh of e! idea as to rhat *aE eolng on beto.e th6fl. l-Mlle: 1. Tefr l.riema.. Bloons5urE sTE;e; u+:28.5i 2. ii^ zwora*, Quaa-' tlco Tarines, l\i26.6i 3, Robert rxnk]e" llavy, 14128.6; 4. Cdl 01af fion€n. Delaware, I4:i:,4; 5, ntchard shliey, SltFpcly Rocl, 1]r:&i.r; 6, ToD La!rB, Daltoouth. tl':15.lr. (lsrlE Led rhn a 3t\3 3/t'ts and a {:{4.3 nue. Kunkle :ed ar rhe tno-nl1e nalk tn 9:31 vlth Iarts secold 1n 9:37 and Z'rolak ihlld. ) US 2-M1Ie le]av: 1. Alcl,blshoD Mouov ofTEiGE_lm; rlcAuufte 2:bo, Joh;l 1:57.N. Eo! loHd 2:C0.1, Ton Ia!We13lee!t. blazidA 2:56.7 three-qua.t- llyan rert 1:t8.6) 7:5(.? mi ronier record, 8:CO.7, set by .{vlation llsh, Manhattar 0n tn6 ancho! ntle les, Lels ol Mich7\ 1959i 2. l{t,. St. lliclaets {Mccann igan ald Dlkets Jerry Noulse ran avay 1:t9.8, saslort tr 59.7, selGszyk lioi Yale's Ed siodk, rho cs oui of i:59.1, o!ltaldl rt54.L) 7t55.7i 3. hiE natural oetier at eigh! flrllonss, ro@rd, (De1awarcl;4. !,I6st PhiLa. H9. Bob Vinton ol Ceore€tom and Hanll ]evin of i'lTU al5c passed Slowlk, Croppine qore !ia4 tBo yads anc, alter a shouldei-io-shonlder battle doh the si:retcl !!on 40 ya.ds beiind at th€ stari, Iarlet1 lhnCed headlong into th€ tale Vlnion lassed ieps ard tiou.s6 wi1:h a ilcn€s iE r.ont ol Cri@1di, iEll-nlLe to go. They lan toEetner bto satu.day, A!ri] ,0 - Yale set tle only tho li!a1 backslletch, rhele Lels put on an explosiv. kicl that Noulse, who the two-m11e reley br tt yards tlon had noEd out f1!3t, coul.l rot @tch. iuchigan i! 7t27.1!. rhq Elis slearDl6taDc€ Medlev: I. i11.hi!an: 2, Duke: by two fin. helt-niles br- anch3. ceolset-ffitT. Nru ! t. -ral€. 9 : 56. 6 headed Ton Carrol1, a13o non the sprlri T€Fy !ng1e!ran, an unhelaLded 19-y€ar- orian ledtey by a two-yard nareln. o1d Junlor at Bloomsburg 1Pr. ) Staue, carloll, Heptagonal 8BO and IC4A inc1lpled nearly three seconds ftom a doo. 1000 chanpion reeled off a l:to,S carnlval l@k se! by taavo ]]luml l. half tn anchortns Yale to its surlris1q29 lly alnnl,1g the ihree-n1Ie nn tn ilglt ea6y two-ui1e vlctory over a 1r+:26.5. Bob [un]te of Na...y shotrld tighly resp€cted iield that ircluded have {on th6 .ace. He ca.lled a 2Cl{lchlsan State, rhich bad t!.ee runyard lead lnt,o the lagt quarterr Lut fro! the tean that set ihe calnliet Vic zElak oI Quantico tned lnste- n€rs lecord ot ?:3o.1 two years aeo. Gn lass hlm on the tl€l bend rn'lhout ra1 BirI LeEat (L:t[.1+), captain Eil sLoa contest. The oftictal 1ab cou',er !Ir. (l:51.2) and iim Stacl. (1:51.01 {loldins a conve.sation iGtead ol s.adually opeded a conLfo.table tead ratclina the race) had aisled riu.l{le l.r ca.r6ll. AnC the laiter ran so lnto rhe belief rhat he sr1ll had a e611 thar lrichtqan's E.aaF leps and lae ro Eo. The elrant offtclal sisnil4ichiqan stat€'; rillle atterbe!rv flad ita-t tne ealy rumins l.unkle nal nerer-had a chancp !o :ha1l€n8e a5 t,hee norc laps to so wlen 1n reallty they t!311ed ln that order Phlla., lriday, apr1l 29- Mlctrisan ba€g€d lhe onty majo. va.s1iy relat tltle at Btake today as the ljniversity of rerrnsylranla lelay carnlval opo.ed ln ram, sumy *6ather et Fran*un lleld be!4r. 10,000 TN' 6, or a 4:16.t aDcho' nile by }asas l,€rs, coach Don canharrs i{ol76rines captuled the distanc6-eedley !e1at ln 9t56.5s, Juslt on. ald a half eecolds slone! tnan the deet leco.d ser; by Vluanorars Ron Delany-anchored tean of 1958. Yale l€d ihrough ihe fi.sr rhree er.hsnses of the e*citi.s race. Jin Stolk, th6 Bulldoers sleat indoor 600yatd racer, put then in f.ont by 4 yards with a 1:52.4 half-nile. Jack {ncb.l kept ihan tndre !y a loot vilth a /'8,6-second r,4o. and Tofl Cafol1 neld that sllsht ede€;ith a 215'1.6 clack1ns lo! 1,120 ya.ds. But Mlehleanrs lony Set.h, Brian clbsod and Dave Ma!t1! ran 1:51, 48.6 & ?:54.7, reslectively, and clung close. So dld tuk6, b.ought Dp ha1!1y bl ,a!y
h€ had hni
rata 1{i;ir' foutd lrebr&$ke alolhlns Con-truEd) to tl(14!r 1n the f.ur-&4. .e1.v ., c w:.tt or rl.,.rfoos oi jc. Aoeitcan ,r.otl ."Le b.cr i.: :. :,. ho86.e !:17 utle whlch eraitd a to giF. tha !1{s a tu.r-j€.t ii.clsion o\er tonhql:sn i. .i,. :.ir..,,. ne!1"\ I .'1J'.. rard defl.t! on !h€ r,hrd 1aD and cava & coDfor':abi6 16ad t,o th. J:2U.!., car.o, .a -! - d:e. Irr, -r san 5t.te'r lee vlrr:1i axri l4anh;t:an s le!.4$le anchor @n, Jo6 Mu111n.. tanras o6at the 1959 {lnner, llllnotc, r1r', ,vans io ianc iiie irld la E.d3 r'' - r,.6 _.qp6 .i : -. f- i. .rol. b) a 3rrld: lr rh€ l)rlvEr!1ty .pfltr! !ed1ay r€l!y 1n j:22.1.0r r,h.860t.an oui of th: .a.. ana alioline ccr- yard xrehct lap, aob lague of K&nsas ovsrtrok lieo!6e {e!! ol illtnoi!, the nelL to take tlira. l"llcnigan gct a sxii.lE ttnis! fron lre r9r9 Nati4nai colleglate half-D11€ snootl-stridir,g r..s 2-nd iL paid ofI chesplon, thlrty yaldE lroE the finl8h. - '.n.r iF : e. ur- . trlr-..4.d / Irqrr 161 I ren yardr cntollns the f,nal tap. d^n a.c .:; rr '. '-,, - ir. sal 5ir oljrc-c ?-M11e; l. -aFeDce, Houltoh, 8!r?.ti .e s .:ai . .a i juj.ot€' o 2, ,ob l'G]ls.en, Baylor, 9llr.8; ,. . iltfi6 . sp&aa, okla.Sr., 9:l{.0; h. --; ) " "'r. aacho! .0_t.e 1, Jo,l.i Mrlhouend, roras, 9:18.8i '-p.. d:o r..,. ,".ie l^Jol..er,.cs won 5. Jln rtcF.dden, rtrtrvllle 5r,,9r2O.7, i. l-:2_.J, - -. od is Bo. Vinlon ren Untr. sprtnt Med16v: 1. Xan8e! {cu.h'. .p tror ser'"nrh pla^" ganr W1111SM, Tldf,.ll, Bob Tegue .oj ,no \4r's dank ravtn 1:tl.l), 3r22.1; 2. Illj.no16 (Ks!!' (rr:14.5) a; thei renr, into rle stretci, ),15!.9) )r22,3i 3. trkangas, l:22.9i s :, l:21.5; 5. Notr6 Deu., teps udeashed ris rrlck 5o yaldg rron 4.,9t1:a..99ll3cs_ls!!_.!s!!eE r. Ealt f.o..e ,o rir -oii- &was. 2:2r.5r L-rJ11e !e1d\: :. utchjaan (JjD /FEr. ll'orl€!, scna.rer! Ye!t, soc Beslecka!, Lr5A.9), jt22.7i 2, TEZ--;:I;;- ave llarr.n. L-sas'lepa); Eeporla sr*L. | 3t23.9i 3. loFla (cht. ueorr.-.I01 ; l. {y; r,, cor;e.ri j. us.yland; 6. Ar-y, 17r?'.3,12.I?r2?.9) caeol,3125'2i l,. Texas soulhern, 3:26. Co11eq€-udiv. a-rtil. FgI.Y: 1. N6!!.3ka z-Mi1e nelav:. l. Yale; 2, M'-h'ga-i l. rJ"l :;ar s a "i 4. 1tarhaL--ri 5. chro {JeFy !la!pre3, 1c6n fior3€, Joe !nrltl$), L?t42.6i 2. sgAte, 7t27,4. (2. ?t)1.9) western lchtAan. l7:41r.7; 3. vls3cotles€ 1.000-14.L"r Src€se: (ruh ?s oulr, 17:L8.ti L. nou.toD, 17:51.ai ;;---7-t:-:;!1-I6ift;-s ' chase ) 1. Vi.tor zwola!, Qrrantico Mar:!es; 5. IoE, I7r5'1.'7. ). ,F:- .oue, "-o@; J. Anselo s:r- aPrll 30 - univ. Dlgtance Msdlev: l. Iiltnols /'llanov;i r. to!d{rT6J:0T-t:59:5iT-.-TEIlene , --. -an: ^arlFr.o-oFe!, ChrlEtlan, l0:00.0i 3. \6brasta, IO: .:chard Pllnl6J, 4anhar Lan. .. .r 9r)!.). 02,8i l. Ioh, 1O:08.4i 5, NoLre DaEe 1O:ll.4..Co11eEe Dtstence Medlee: 1. 01npl^ Qev.3.000n. rr LasF: l. Deacon .i[€steh . {nyt 2, ceorse roLns, .s. VLiiEar; riai?.Ot inporre Ar-yi J. Berrv raw'o-o, snen"han c i state, 10:17.4;3. t(e6tern Tlllnot8. r,. Ike r,iat2a, U.S, Arny; 5. Glynn Wood, !a'.22.8i 1+. Uer*ato At. 1O:24.6i 5. Baltiaore 01yn!1c club, rlne: 9:05.5. Mlall, ,ll4E!a:4!!3_BslSri -. 1. ranlas, 01f D.c 'ev.-8-000: r. :on MurDiv. Nyrc. 7:17.6i-1:-"is-EiiE[-i'r: fzJ ! 3. ].ai.' 7tL2-9i 1. Itarquati€, 7:/,J.ti t. wirT5];l--z._-fi-n6;:i. NYA., (2 vd;.)i {Penn Eela-'s-
-i?-'-l'-lj-1'l-"--11"i-l1il1]-l-:-'-:"-' illili.i;3ii3;1"!$?t""iliilr
ca.nrvar i:i,iil"iT]fiJSi",."'ffii6i,';l'"' Edpolta st., 7:50.?i 4. !I. Illbors,
5rs! A'uar plale Rslav D€s volnes. IoE. Aprjt 29- I nld-D6et dompod r^al clear6d atoost ell of the 8,100 fan3 flod thE 6uand! sDoiled the opentrE ot rhe Drake Relaw iooav. Bpfora !h€ dltrll€ tunei t"ro; aerug., it ra;€.". i.. imv-.i.rr' d'" -df,s;r. ivo-rtl€ by tlo yalds rn 8:57./. !o leao off iie i,roieear*s. ri,i ir^r runnlns evenr. t,o houi! and a ro! or
7:t/..6i 5. Miadl {0h1ol 8:10.8.. 1. Ba!!i. aI@nd, Hou8ton, L:12. 6; 2. non Cregory, l{otre Dare, a:12.8i 3. B11l Dot!o!, l(ansa!, l:12.8i L. 3rins., South Dakota, !:14.1; t. BII1 E!1ci!6n, MIM€!o!a, 4: l9:t. 144!-5999.:. coled!, ltcrc; l!:39.9i.3. r'"M11e:
ii!h::i ii't;i:! ;i":i;
6 !{'C'IICIT
tiJdplc Deyelopaent S.nXor rr-M1le Rut aL Belle I!16. leiroir. t'4ich!!"at su#ay" tpltl U, 1960 1, Jery Bocel, tl6!!6r! !4ich. It. 22:02. 2. Dae6 Po*, C. 1ch. U. !Yo.h. 22i0i 3. U]rlcb [Iopt.i. Udtrachod. 23iO9 1,. Stea gianLovlch, Derf,olr !C, ?Jt16 5, Belnd Xlotf€!, UDattached, 23125 6. rioErd llarrl6on, D6trott 8C, 23:30 7. Dale S!or€, ttlatta.hed. 21i).a 3. Iied Delcootn, wayne giate, 23t51 9. ToD BlEakt6y, EAsteln Mlch. !. 2{i3l. 10. Bob l{a1k6r, Detrolt Boai CIub 2L:!1 u. i{1ke (.ou, D6tro1! loat ch! 26:tt 12. Bllt lalk€r, Derrolt ic, 2aij9 U. Rallh Crsy, lnatt8ched,AD Arbor DNr {AI(E!IE!D,
n]€n Buckley, i,aEelce Celtralrs E1le r-coulllt ehanp, laced hb ream to the t6tu t.ophy of the s1*th arnual watefleld 3-011e ioad race on t,he Eo!nllg of Ap.11 19th as he iaced boee it flont of a l1€1d o{ ro!. tlEa tOQ school!oy nrneF..fh€ btgg€st ovar,lon elveD aby of the hlsh .clrool runere sent to l8-aoar-old Dlck Mccauler. an alDosr totally bllnd ]ounqst€r f;6n Pelklns bstltrtg. rho I'lllshed :?th wltt a clocklng of 17:19.0. 1. lFn Buckley, Iav. Ce!cre1, l5r2t.0 ?, lave tunlky, 01odce6re! !S, 15:41.0 l. Joe Crot€au, l-rx. tentral, 15:43.2 l. Ardand MIl1etr€, Leohlncrer.L6:01.0 ,. E. Alde.son, !, BrldgeEtor,16l0l.l 6. BtlI lotter, Holbrook, 16!lil.O &
l-l4ue Roed Rac6. tlrll i9. 1960 1, .Ilo Santa@llar Natlck ItSr fr+:16.0 2. Dave Re1d, Befnont iis, lt:47,0 ,, Bob ltalk€., Watertoe l{S, li:52.O 4. N.11 Joseph, Ab!" Wl.111a@,14:53,0 5. John Walk.r, llat€rtoh l{S, 15:14.4 6. Jia cupole, st. tiary'r,\,a1rtha6, 15: /.0.
nnFlolll RUNS - laco@, washr.s'iril r\prt1 9- opentMilee 1. Dalrold Tucker, seattle Ocj liiir I 2. lob MlIIer, l,Ja€hlnAton AC. :i:'0.1 l. tevln ley, Tacoea T&i! lal10 /.. John Hlbbs, U€ttach€d ts1gh School 3-Mi1e
1. ceoige Alexdnd€r, ltllsoh ol
16:t8.8i 2; Iarr.y Johnson. titson ot lacoea, 16:t9,4i l. Ja6.. Rota, Ftf.. s.Ddb€!s, s. rrtlapi
3-Mlle Fqn - !uA6!r, or€sor, Ap!l1 30 1. !l1l D6UtnA6r, lDerald EdDlre AC. 9rr0, u: /+t. ! 2. Dlck lllu€r, U. ot o.eeon, 9:35.1. 14:3t.9.
l-Mtle Ru! - Ncrthh.t MU ietay!, April 23, SeatE:e, liadh. f. laul fiendon" Vancouadr OC, 14:57.t 2. Don Trerhe.r4y, W,W.C.. 15:18.5 3. k€rly !yra, U. of xa.!., 1t:12.2 20 Kl1o 'vialk, rlpr. 23rd, ttlehllne lls rrack, seatrl€, I{4!h. l, Bob lendrlclison, Soc, 1:51.53 2. Don JacobE! TlEard, ore., 2:02.16 3. John N6v111., SeattlE, 2121.56 Jtn No.rls, t.P. Ha!!1e!! 2:41.35 4. (1 hour - lsndr.tekscn, 611. 1140 rd.. Jaoobe, 6n1, 155 rds. ) PNW
Ut. ,ebanor, !4., lrlay 6, 1960- Joe lhocs of UntDnto'm F.S. ran th€
faeteet hlElr echool d11e erer lecordsd 1n tbe Eastelb Ur1t6d Stat€s 4!d the ii!1t{ fartesi tn schoofboy !1riory a6 he clocled 4:14.9 h the !lt. tebaron ilr1t&tionai. sls lap tlo€s ee"e 59, 2to5, 3:1?. lor th6 first two leps, he ves lressed by r4t. !ebanon's Jobtr wet!iser Icary l'rat8lgo!rs br6ther). To ,1Dd ub hla blilttant nleirt, Thona. late.;on ih€ halfd1le 1n tne deet .ecord trde of 1:57.6, tarl1€!, on A!.11 21, ThoEar .atr 1r:19 tor a ldd€ylvabla 6choolbot record & !:21 at tie !4arstleld. 0h1o Rrl.y! fo! .r onlo schooiboy racold.
cape I43y County 4.1,, Cap. Uey C.urtbou3., ll.J..A.A.0. T&f M6et at Ulddl. !om3h:tp {"S. irs.k! lrldat ltghtr ADrl] 6- 2-!,111€1 1, 3e.rv Claifoid sianaian ctrt_Z:_-!ei e teaAu6, teaai!6. Shan" shan" cci l. l4at,t $ilgl€ton! irem lc. 9:41.? Mller 1. Par. l{aish. Sben. aC: l. !l E:65;:r, G;r;r, lb4tr,.ci sbso" rc; j. pete ,eiere, sr€r. (:;1.e. slrar, sr'ar. tc, 1c, l,r,:ll.e. : ll. e" lllj: M! !!i 1 Ed MlLhfr, siarL, cc; 2, vatt sl;::€ton, Peni,lci ;r, .Ia.t Fa1sh, Sba€han CC. 2:05,0 (te.y poor traclr, rittr bls c:llnkets, )
tle len{ tli ltrs ih6 'l!tie{i--hcs€;er:!aie!
i.D l:oE
a rr- lo- s.antord'r 1112.I Eile et uccidonraf today, tne. rulned rh€ . ru' rl! 830 - " r rri-rc o! 933 l:r7.3_ Flrh.ut goine au our..lis anilclpated 99llsE9-1gg--- ss
l? iiJi"
rn€ rrcJan3 l8n up €n a2-j1 narelnkhrre-.the rlse.s w.n by 63 z/) io 62 ls re!dy to do 1:tr6.n coach -rlr. "lInr€ PAyLon Jordan .atd 6l!e!Erd. nbur gotng th. rtle fo! lolnts, t,ie 1d6aafr:.r €s JUsr ro shade 1:50 ln ihe half. te dld
eo all out,n Cur,Iltte jrsnded Oxvrs uerveny lie flrst dual oe6b def€;t_ u6!veny, who had beatpn h1n tast vea.. m3 second tn 1:50.1.
lot Jln
g*.i,i;.iy"li'$:;... iliiiiiil"i,:;."; r.:1r,.J..1!!9! r.
!iii" 'iii;fl"531 ;li::,?,i. H*,
iiiii* F,i i"ii;li,riil.$i,i;,'
ij,:t!.$;4:T;,i;,,iiii,il#ll;;". Wed., Msy
4, !h11a., pa.
i:iFi::i Y::Ili:
xfflii',g; 1:'A;l dfg: ;s,'i::t;o l3iiil;"1 :,'i?';!i;€+,T*,';."iln"
{999"1, !c,
iili' ii,i;.'iI".iiili-r"i3',.':i";3r"i; i:uE;i iI")?il.1'if 'si;a. i?'!: );;tu.
z catif., AlI, lO - Catit_
s.,.r3I.2i 3. solthers,
,lfii,3: l,::i,::si::l ;?.":.;::i:1" 1. ta!111o, NU;
4ass. 4l-ls-i .rand, NU;
Abelon. NU.
sc. Bra'rton' r' i "ii.;;;'i:';:ir Hi*{,:: 3}t: i5**."ffiI'i3i,,lYi.' 4:14,,!€Q: r. Cunllrr€i 2. Jim c;rve;;'s,;iion cotleee i!il-!"ii".f'*li!"3t 34 et ,[,hrt. staarun. li"*?,":$:i: Mlchal3kl,
Yl";rj;'9;li,';"i'iij;.!;',1'3*;,,1;#-E: .'.0..r
Nar Harkness, oxy,
u- lurA 3u 1/1, vashina_
i 3. itdln; tlclJ.i quLxi il?3:i7i.:{i#}i;ii:i"yiil:,";ilir 2. Dah1, UCln.Tlne: tr:12.6..880: ?. Jordan, UCtti 2. FoItand, Uc!Ai j.Larson,
r4eyer, lt. Tlme: r!iili'ile4iili u"yJ".'u.'il,i,": l:5J.7..2-Mlte: i. t.
ilfi i,+,H!l^j, j;.i1.'"!,-r:r-r:
R..i R.a_
lugene, oreson, Aprii JO- Oleqon ?rl
Bc, 1:57.2..Mi]e: 1:57.2.:Mite: 1. !!9! I !e-a!y, Bc, 1:18.5. 1:18. "2-rrtte:-f-Bob !,0'!ea!y, 0'Iearl,,3c,9:4j. fto6n Bc
Hc 641. BU 28
g#.:[i;::d:' 1: 5?'6"u1!s: Ea{5on' aate. 1U*, Brandet. i.i"l'iii!l s*'d"r" 32. Cotbv corbv I8; rB; 380. Aolton, aolton. 8a!es. aales.
1:59.:..urt;: 1. 1:59.:.,uit;: !i r-_ getea. rrizg.i. gritee" SiEIyrer, schuyle., getes" a:29.I. r.+ l@.:Z-llite: 4:29.I. !rR.:Z-UiI.: Shubert, Blandel3. Blandel3, 10:29,1. 10:29,3. vl]lalov! 95, st, Joselh,s Jl r.n 6olnouor6r rcr€ {tDera- a6 Vtlt.. noears t.ack teeE opened tts dual o.er s€alon lfay 5rh bv ]"tnnlnE .ftrv
iSili^6131.'lili j'r,,5##,'g::*.1:aisrale, 1:tJ-o-..2_t411e I t.' Dlck Miller, oreson, 9:3 5.I:-
ili:: i.*id:i:"3i9,:li."iii"5l";"",
ledtands 963 at car ?ech
l3i3l. i : :,3;i' il' Siil:-'' Alr.JO- Cololado Relays 2 -i,t1. Re lav: K€nsas Stat e, 7:58. 0.,!1Et.-mAteT-f;l& ray: L. solrhern M€rhoiE E-ln-i7-ldiz?.2
Bt8l"r.X' i,?;"iiil"li"5i'iiX'"til3:a eIes, V.i 3. Fr.nk telaltv. V. 1:51:5
"\"i:'i:*'":*.';,:5t".,.' lp!. 30- AU-CoDe!6
Fr€sno, Ca11f.,
iiiii, W":#:::;,i. iFidlif t" fi ii'3;;T*€;,1 : 3*tt;,';.iiiytd. ?ill'3*8f5.';.$]*:',sqei'? **
I lle.! 1&a - lrtqav. MaY U- lnz !uF.{:;i_ai5;Lico Marlnod 'on r' rt iourii! dral leet of lhe canpa::.:: t.de!' a loulluc 8l'43 !'tctorv o!€r Yi-rdn.va .t lle 'lalD llne {tsld..Fo! Ju ) Jtb lltlorirB c!'arge!, 1l n3 tho t1l3t rlrri rFEseiback ln lour outlnSa, Iho r!1a.-season deteat 3lnce ji't ulF ths irah Lln€r. wele s64.td to t!'&ey 1n a t!laD.r1a! tesL..The daxln.e la}€ beat€n Plin state, Morsan SiatB And M!rIr.hd rhls !ea!,"Ir1ld:1. Fete Clor?, Ar.€eio s1ver1, ar 2. Vic Ztolak;F3 v- r.:r1-/.,-2-itll6: I. i]€x Breck.trid.te v 9:i3 9, o: ;. zrorsFF . strrer'-, 8dO: f. i,r1ke t'leRlnc, Qi 2, Ma.k 11P3;6;5. a; 3. Pai r{lcast.o, v. 1:52.7' /,r,0: 1, !d coLlrrore, Qi 2. i.b na._ {Ne' ;6iE. vi l. Jo6 MaDlon, v, 0:4?.7lrfrl. iract recurd: o1d. 0r47.9 set bv Cllrdtte, Selon Eaf!, 19rr. ) San Jo!e, caUI., r{pltl 30- San Joie srare col1€se tod.Y adnounc€d .ppolnineni o.f Verns Uo1fe of tiolth Phoenlr l.S. ln Atltona a. as.istert vasltv track coach & head tr.6hna^ coach. Yl11 wo1ie, 3?, 1! &n sc B.adate. 56!e. b€ en aaslEtani Dlotes$r at 5J-He q6 ril1 lek€ over oD s.pt. l, ..placing ihita,. P!.. r.tev 1- ld Nlcaltto' track c;ech of RdDan c.thollc H5, h.r loen naDad arslsiant latclr and t-corm_ !!y cdch at Si. Jo5.ph's Coll6gs. The aD;otntD€si !o tn. n€t1v creat.d Potlt1A; i! .ff.c!lv. rug.l ..Nlcstro tl1l &s13t athle!ic d1.€ctor 06ora€ A. Bert.lsEAn, h.ad coach of t!.ck and icounllv. H€ YIIL conrlDu€ h1. t.icnlng duile! at ths hlgh lchool.. Nic..tro' fom.r u. ol VirAlDi. d1.tenc6 nlt.rr
3 - otisltcEA as &! okl&. stato 59, fili..' Gali sods!nn, 0, 4:14.1'.98!r Srdi;. 05" 1r12.?..!:4I!.i Ml16! llE.' .ndr.0s,9:2?.6D.C, A,iJ, Coll€8. Parli, Md., llay l!,rltei I. Bob vlr+-ohr GecrgE!.h, 4114.6. .o.r.'. cudps., san M,.'co:, Mlt ll" 5 - tohd coa!s!. fiort:1 Teaas 9r:., hr th. &tle'& 2-diIE ln ir:il O & gr?9.! abc Jr!!€Il Edqd., Abllet. ahiisrran.aon Lho halJ-d11e 14 ]:5?.n. Frlde'. ,'1a,. 6- ccr-,{eital Col16ee Lr€ezef, to i!3 I5:h Btraisbi SC IDter collqaiate Athleila confeionce t.dck Yl.Lo& o! lis hoBe ii61a tontEhi. Tb€ llqels von all but tvo 6t€tte whue 4;a:!1h,r 109 pte to l.cqnd_plac6 Redlams 5!], 3. nhrr'L|er 27 3/\i 4. Po@M 18! 5, cleoronl-r4udd loi 6. turr..h 5..i{tl€: 1. tislboln. oxv, li14i 2. !auehio!:-?E;4:17.1; l. 1datd, R.i l'!rc.2; L. ieck.oryi t. Tut't, cT.. an'1'r'.','i,3i."' *t*-!-a"]: 8i:i:s?";."il o{t.' L. Lauqhton, C i 5. Huot.!l, 2. oood8do: 1: Do!;aD. oxt, L:t4.2i 9., fi;: P.. I:5t.6i 3. uedhoti' r:rt.5! /,. luf61t, o*r;5. narnlr€.' !.18r
llgy 6- }rL&!3!:!.93A!.:. .lI"19I 9:l]TE;rm;; .! cc!!r.to. (Ca1tt.) r€rE: l. Los Alsglor A!g91or ";;'c;'rEnEiE c;Il€ce (ca1tt.) 016n4!1c-74!i 016nda1c 74!i ciiv aorr6.€ 164*i 2, c!!y aou6a€ ?' :. cerrrtoi ?2i [. ?i.!ce 6q; t. P..a_
+i+ : !#i:]' i:ia,iH z-nir" F[.il":i:"fi i;!i'iiiiia.iii"i:-iitlil'ri6cl. C€r.i Cbedldrtn., c€r.i Eirb6!e- c.;2. C.! 2. cbedldrtn., r. Firb€r!.
l. P.re!. a.r.i /+' Thory6ot' G1ct. h!6 coachlng Mar 16 - St. Jos€lhre A€rt.16nan Outi co.ia l{..a. ce}If., Mat 6- !.ll:I4rjsl! Nllastro n&sd heed coa.h. gr.ate Juntoi Cou.a! conler€nca H.6l lou Nica.tro 8e!v€d .ha! @3t have-rt;E;: i. FUI]€rion t6i 2. sant. ana been tho sholtelt te@ ete! as e cort_ €E€ alslstant coEch, Just tto reek3! ?3*"1',li ; i:".t*i3':,1:5:e!::ilrien hs {ss lasod to .€Place 0eo!8€ B.rlefsnan today. Bertel6man, rho bul]t st. J.serh'3 lnio s Middle Atlaltlc Conf€r€nce ttack n:ii:i,;11; and cross-countly !ov€! by vlrl,re of 12 teen tltles 1n lhe lelt 13 [Mc :_ c@ntly cnanptonshlp neets & slx i)ut o8;;Y1*i.',:,.iil"$:,"iiii1' ; of 1l li,ltc i&f chadplonEhilE cade to a ii!lnlltu. dle college wtth th€ wavs DallIlE of j. creney, sA: r.. !alieY' c1trus io all;s€d PersonaUtY cta3he3. b6aan L956.
:#:li::ifi i'"ifxl.r'' ;i:i ii"ii,iii :'riiiiii'il
(Mav 7)
qellleq !&! - {rc., ilzy 16- A slErtrn: !1r. race rr ehlcir !.nn'. 6h1e T!6cv cdasd
r.rDo'te Roy r613ihs.:, q1;l;;;h notir,reF clocled !n b!It,q. €s oDeot rh. hlgbtlEntE d6 1,hc sndof'at :i3i od iil,!l"3iei'iri,lhddqrnkersndor.at ;ll,::g:i'€l"ii,:h6dqrnkef Pdrceto. tl ?/1 r^ < {::Sl'ir::;'i.";*J'i,=*;*; lrect, Pen!; 2. pat; i#?;;i ton! 3, R6y Fsl.inlEr" t;tu_. p1,"! i). Blri p*.rni !80: l. Bcb B.b H$\.. r, r*qi:. !!12:1. ca!r, prlr.B11l ca! rllleeiori Har!€r,
A1 Sh.trk,
1. I{1rr.r, s:.i 2. J, schMfal urtr, !9 st.t J. !B Erry, st sE. jr:?7.1,. f"g+Igi -r. {..schrlt!, LBsi 2. Ryan,
tAlo AIto: I{sr 7- ceM4nra 72 rb. 56 2/j !!!121 r. {om Ll.i)yd. n., 4:ro.!i z. JerrV Steb6.t- C.. Bcb r,Ionrtnso, s., /+:2i.2.. 1i17.?;3. {*:i r:-urn16.cunlifr€, s,, 1:48. t
(N€v Eeet drk. o1d r..8I .t Arlzana Sr4t. to, i4av ? hy Don Bord€n, c., 1957.) 2. Alex qeDderEonr d", 4:U.t ard ?:12:2.. {:50 tr€l Sp€rc€, A., l:.j.7. . Jel glehc€. r+7,5 J€rry sl€bert, c.. 1:52.0: 3. I(116r *iii.f :'fi!**;,l ,i3,nt+?"!: i:: IJSC 80, UclA 51. or !a6i l,on ArLrsl€! Jc J. ,!orthiay, S.. 9:26.5. #Li: nl,l;,!*+;"; 8;ii: Salon Rouee, La., M,ay ?- Norrh€alt 4:24.3, l. nen€ R"sers, sc,4t29.?:" Loursiena-took lts 12Lh 3t.aleh! t&f g!!! 1" layre r,em^nd,"liiiiti sc. ]:rj,li ?. yrorory or th6 a6a.on, rettlna a hoEi Bob Fotlend, ucl.l" 1:55.1i L Jorden. or recold8 ln the senlor dtelalon 6r the Souihelr IIU neet on the LSU ltjil"ii.,3i;,'!3l ca[!us. Tstu: 1. N! t!. 66: 2. LSU ?L: i!"iig'*dljfi*: y;4r.r tA cr,ev6d-!r tr€ck anil a beskvl. k. Tech 18; 4. SW L€. 11; 5. Sh!;: broeze 31ow6d txe clocktnss. ) v.port IC 8; 6, Maloob C1q! or Mi3stsalppt stat€ collee€ end Tulane un1v. Prl,ldan, Wash., itay 7 - l{ashhlton 1 ea!!.:: Il!$! 1. h. vJairen Burn!, state 7l*, wa8hrnsion t9i - 86dt t. iunait. t l:56,5: 2. Ellandt IE la.i 3. Bob Have6. Iaiiiilli :,Sr,il5h?;'F;iiif. ti!l,,i; n. o Don T€cbi lr. C16tu Halrse11, I-sU;'5. Don ,ra!trnr Ia. Tech..{Me€t neco.d. old Ers€ne, Oreaon, r4a,t'l- o&co1 8\ 2/), I{ark, 4rOO by Em€tt annsor- hlce. ureAon state 6rr t/l tneln-6Dt.rt€!.d );;"f3a. i3i5; **;i'613;ii"!::\3::ll36i; I #r€i"lH"ilP!:i:'3t;.*: oon Club of Mlss.Si.; /,. RusE irels. r+:12,?i l. NorD Hofftu.05. arli.1.. ra.Techi 5. Joet Herberr, ta. Tech.' 2-M11el l. DIck Mllle!, 0., 9:01.8! tl53.I (n6r Esrk; o1d reaord 1:5'!.8 z. larson, 0., 9:31.4i j. iholDson. Os. !y led 0rNe11 of !su, 19t4.)..5oooD: 1. surelon, o., i:ro;6; ?131:t..3@! 1. DoD tlland. Nr La.i 2. !a!tFaff:lslii l. Totr Hargrave, Tutano; 4. i,riiil*"" o., tt53.8i 3. ron66,0s, Itayne lian8on. Unatt,.i 5. nobert fiaas_ vnart. t5:33.6 un. sat., M.y 7 - sc Sr!lde!. slaEed an IU-cob.!! lracrlc. f&t [ie.t, it, Clenay 7- Rocky uounraln tau at Denv6. unlreEltt stadlM (Pe"fect {earte! ii13.8il:% $*+# i;,ffl and . llChtnlns fast tf,ack.) T€atr: 1. Cololado Unlv. 99: 2. cololadd HIilS ; !i'i;l';3#"-r"i''3i8.3?'i : State U, j8; 3. Colo.edo Stat€ c.11ege 22t 4. ,enve! 17i 5. .t1! Foice i .{cadeby Ereslwen lli 5. l]lvoelnq tO: 7. colorado cou€s€ 3,,Mtie: I: oaiv tllaEon. Unatt,. (co1o"f,o3t.r6 !.' tnel€glabl€ trenster ltud.nt)i 2. San Dlego, Caltf., l,{ay 7 - l9th Amua_l Faust, lrnalr.i l. Cerly schaldt. CSU: cAltfomla Collealat€ I1 T&! ar san lr. T.J. ca!do!. aFl i!o!h: 5, Bill D1.go State Colt.Ee T.adt I. UC _Ar Poley, Co1o. /.:25.2 (ltRi old trterk. S.nta Balbara 5oit 2. Fre.no state /.2: lr:26.2 by Bl1t Nichold. loEy A!8. ilt 3. lons Beach Stat€ /+O; tr, C.l polv l6i 5. !t state 3t; 6, sD Stats 25] i:fi+*,'',1'9"*i:"i,!i.'3;'"ll;t;',. Rodrteu.!, cP; 2. H6srer. ep! !!9:1. cerlY clyd€, cSU; l. c,1. HBu" l. Ker.h.F, LA Star.. 1:51.9 I.o5hi 1.. trtc cahn. CU;
liocky Mi. A4U T&l - coniinuedl 5, Patt,ersor, Unatt" Tlne: 9:16,1 n, l+. Den corry, M.; t. ToE CelandIn6, old mrk, 9:40.8, by Frake!, cLi, L919.. 14.; Johrr.. ftn.: 9:l?.9 (Ms.t R.coldi 880: 1. RafDh Poucir6r. CU: 2. 8ob !o.!- St. €vent), Cooler, Mki,nB hj,! thlld mat-t.i J. csry shelai,i, csu; 4, schdla nee stst of th. 36a!on ln the 6r.ep1.udft. lrdei 1i57.1. chas., !uu.d ady on rh€ n€rt-rolalt lap ot tb€ Eea6!-1ap lun and ron co]leelaie T.ack Confe.etrce Chasplonby a sood 150 ya.ds ftoh Jlmy Broh, sh1ps, St11e3 rleld, Adellh1 co1l€ae, $tY,U. soDhooo.e.. 6a0l 1. r*av _.i Galden C1!y, L.I." r,lay U- clea!, re.!, a! clalr, 2. Arr, E;i;s, M.; l: enoush dnd to hlnde! lhe tunn6ra, tr&ck st. DouE Tr'€n, r.i -4. John Horron, M.i lfow at flrst becauee of qornlna !aln, Challes McCraih, NIU. TaE.: 1:51.7 bnt very fast late! on in tne afierloon. 5. (l'46€t reco.di old rccold 1:J2.3 by 1. Delsado, ccNY; 2. Peret', cen!!9! ]i{urphy, Manhattan, }957). !van. & tral Conn. T.c.; I, Teme, Iona. 1:56.6 Tod Tlnan had battled noet ot the Ey, Mlle: l. T€mo. Ionai ?, Balres. Censr. claI! in tnbd ltace. Dlih i?i[ coM. Tci 3. Tls€., Ader!hi./i:3].1 rtrh 200 ]€rd3 to go, lrdaa t.1ed to 2-Mtte:1. Wansle!. l,.Mone: 2. Jake.. about aaay froB both i{anh.ttin r€n. I-I;IiEIi l. ociey, rai'rie1;. 1o:08.?: run !ya!B dtayed Hitn Tlran in the clo8Fro3h 880: l. SldDso,. Montclai!. ?:03.1 ins drtv. blt tt sapp€d hls ltreneth, titEii;;;h):1. tore;?- rr€nr6ni 2. )',n- and st. clalr by ar ih€ ltn;e-n, uilL srldeepo.ti i. Avelk; relr- lsh i. a 4-ye.dtLa5h6d Yj.ctory. TFan EB le1sh-Dlcktnson. 4:16.6. thtld. abou! 15 ea.ds back,, l,lile: t. 2-M1. Ilrosh): 1. Duncaa. U. BrldEelolt. Hank lavih, NYUi ,. John c.!!y;-fr; Ei_{6--;-};;11a, rDi 3. Arn}€ft;r, l. crady crunpleL SJi 4. Dennls Healyl M.: 5. Jlo lron. NIU. Tlee: !:1?,8. Lerln, the M6t r-coent.y tttl€ho]der, Yankee tonte!€nce ai iJ. ol l,tass., breezed to vlciory. The r1.1€t !€ntor cambrldse, Mass- Teas:1, lhode Island took rhe llad 1n th€ recond lap, tnen 66i 2, Maane lt!;3. conn€ctlcul lli pulled a{ay Bteadlly and flnt8h.d a 6; 4. vemont 151i 5. N6v Eanpshlre so6d 20 yards ahe&d ol cory..I w€ek (ln-oal1- !{a1ne. 6, Mass.7".2-M11el 1. q:r8.t; 2. KdI:;;6;, vetuont; j. ac-' ago, ai the Penn Re1aF, leeln lan a r,:I1,2 a!.noi o1Ie althouEh ihe vlocreEor. NH..Mlle: 1, (1nbeU. Malne. loEt the !ace. te@ ah6 fr.cir.:?j.2i 2. PAiEI.N. vt.; J.6u€chd;n, letE tohal t![€s v.!e ,5. 2to9 &.3ttL.2. i,!ais.,880r 1. SDeDce!. lrlalne. 1:53.5 l-1411e nun: 1. Pete Bew!. M.: ?, John Mii 2.-trr*rs, vii J. i 6on, nt..44Q: uousah, Nru; J. hsnE L6vlnr Nru;4. Mc4loon, RI, r19.1. }Jalt cooler, !,i 5. Ton (earru, t. 11,:38.1 {M.et rocordi n.s er6nt). Ea6ter! Cotleglates at ltoacBsier, Mass, ?1der Erente - a8O: 1. I.qnk loneo. cI. A. Tean: 1. Holv Crolg 85J: 2. lul'tr rre€lnar roldhad, trt/r.6 {ME;t-reco.dt o1d !ec: 59i 3. EGi6n corT"ee 2i, +. Mrr t7l; 1:56 by Ed Mcleuehun, Manhatta!, r55). 5. 'iil]1l.aG, 1?:i 6. Nl, lU; 7,.Provl- Milei 1. Johtr c€laghtr. M.: 2. Maurlce sinole. HCi 2. Ba!delce 9..2-1'111e:1. r,r.; 3, Jis irr:i, si. rib€: k€.. Hc. q:T3:T:.14116: 1. o,Lei!v. 3c: F"-Ifi ln&, old crl. lr!27.2 by Don 2. Borer6, Hc. a:ZZt:.!Eqi Eo{€;4, Hc; 1,223,'l 1,!1s1, !., 1917)..2-M1161 L. Jae lans, rlikalEkl, ric. t:57. r. S.ti 2. Donald oroonro!, I.;3. Rlchard cI. a.- Toan: l. slrlngll€1d 78i 2. ColasDoNo, sJi !. P€te. !6p1€., l. BateB 6[; 3. Tr{ntty 32i ]+. [,lidd]€bvry Ttu€: 9:38.r...16qnr 1. Sr. Johnis 70ri 19: t. Bosdoln 12i 6. BraDdeG 9 & So. 2. lordhaE 54i 3. IGnhattan 62*i 4, coEn, St. 9i 8. IPI 3i 9. Colby 1. Seton fia]1 ?li 5, Ions 14. ?-Mi]€: Gr.en. Mlddlebuv: cDona1d. jpecla.l lvent - 6cu-rard hun, End!cap3iF._3T59.8 rah..g1l9: ltaikien, spr. ; loo riturphy, Nex York Ac (sclatch)i creen. l,llitil. a:27.1 !!R..880: R. Solth^ 1. 2. ilamtlton McFae. x_lPc ll5 vd3.li Bat.si iia1kd6n, s!.. 1: tE:1: 3. Sieve Morlts, NT.I,C {lO yds.)i r}. Car&lils, NYAC {Scratch). Tloe: Metropolltan Ini€!.ofl€glai. T&i chaoFs, Mlke (rhe best tlnd ol lthe 3ea3on Dohlng Stadlud, nandafls l8land, N,Y. 1:50.5 ior the Manhattan ace. now a Sat., r{sy 7- Teen: I. I{anhattan 8t l/Li salesnan foroer rho cDn]rete8 for the NYAc.l 2. NYU 58; 3. rordhatr 5r.i 4. St, Jchlrs 5)ti 5. Serot He\I 5i 6. tona 2 3/11, Ip.llanrl, Micb., MaI ?- l4ianl ol onlo 7c. E. Mich. t2-M11e:1. t4. Jorffikka
l$*+**:-i"*; ll'iiti3:%Ir,l;.
(CoIleee T&F- aoFt,ln!€d)
.""., it"*,irui,,"ilffit;iili:iifr:; l3l"'3i'rl"3i15]k l:::*':"li:I"' sili,#i i,,"f l,:*iil"sli"li;,ii"" iii i"$i*tr"iili:fi li:i"ii"itl*ir Ea!,6rn nichls&n.
: iilfriiij"i;i:ftlills*ilii;lii;
i, iiiii;'itniil:'ilifj:iilj,i i: *1!:iTiBT p.; . r.v rierEinc.i,
;':i8:::1"'ii.::"i;i ;.X':l:",1t,i;rl" ;i:iifflill,iftri::i"*"fih++,iilil;:_
;tilii;:fil"ig; ij.,tii.;t;;#;,];.
##;ri"iidli!;:ili:;"i:iiiii;. liii!i::rii,ri,,;Tj o;##.r"i"13;3, -ili;ff ";:i[:tl:t;i:r; i;rw']ioiii' +!iiir:B:ii;:i,ii;!:1ir"i;;"i::"i:; ;5:Efi Fiti;;r"Fii";:"ii.ilii;'i: iifiii:ii.li'i?lil:l.ii*i:lfs,iit".::'l#'i/,:";6.5"":;:ifi*f;ii":;'. i#iil$r*ff::l:i;:.ffiEi;l:*:,,,, lill;ri]irillill.liiriili iifuiiiii", #x'li:;$l;n:i.rizi;:*rriia' 'ernon sorssn. (?:o .5-l+:tr..t-10:2^,lr cerrysburc, pa., ltay
1t- t! me cotd
llir, . g*i ity;Hlifi"itdff ;:"#i,. nnnln' a'd
caablldee, 1les6., qay l(- Z6th ,lnn .t
:i:,:i:;:;:*;":hi.;:r.ini:*"riii!'' iriilj!;"tiiH"t!!."1; iff"fit;;,."1tis:_ ?i:", ;.+#r##!i#.#j +s: Tl:i:; il"qii iliilii,:i:t,i;":":;ii!:fi
g;qj"t;5g#';*':ti"ftfii{:; lfu"ir*rul*r,u:,iii: :l!;it', ;ii:$i:;*ixrruis;tqi::ir.: n$$1;;:i*ti,;r$ri;,;iiir-",
;::tu:1i.1.?"iilil:d;!;#;'::,r"* sgi.lillii*-mllIiH::#il:'.". -;iii",,"
j:a:: Ghi;;. !;i!'34*@3i"1'.Siklilil'r"';i.ku. !:tii*:i: il Y. i. L. BirI Hanne, amyi t. cu! schu: ii..a- i. ia3iiii, -6+i' i1'Gr"v.tt" , Eii"!i;.1'EI*; ,'i'i;*';Tj\:,';. :?i,';..i,;ji,:;l;:;;?ti:,t;flle:;lr, rod Pltrs€leld, H.; 4. Bob Ku;kle: i|t i.-6eii"aii'i.-ierriih-s iii;:-6--' -
nor16 Hoberta,
n€tl, 3; Io. vuht-;be.e,
club. T.f,orro, recond tn 19111 & 's. OC aa! thlrd 1! of lladllton ltorss. th6 fl.I" of 50. co11eq€ Dlerston - IiIe: ) . v LF;fii;.-r,-:?T.9'i 2.-T6;-on lfre,., Iujata ( tr th. ,enlor q'r-a' r{ *-coxn!!y cha! Lorshlp DIck catu:cir1-l of lcronto 0c l. 146rr Bryan. {€s! ch.s!6ri ,.. Jod \,/.!d. taeEer: t. Howard l{aat. lif!1D3on, Lla.ed fir!!" 1n -l?:12. Jla }4oo!e of k€st :.he!4..i z. r4. rhe -oro,io c,db €s s€c-na 1n l2::9, !!q! l. ihtl R..d,l,ayoarr tudaia; i. edd John churcir of the cladrio.6 Ac E-.yd, vci 3. Do! L;6o.-Dlcil;Fcni t. :lolu'Kes'le!. r&&1. caos 1n thlld.) vorsar, U.i 2-v1le: l. Yeln veri Mor"aD. l.i 1:57.8.. 1:r?.3.. ?-l4i1e: "o.onro, liav r,- Bru.e l6_v.a'-l :. ictrn ctelEFi:o^ sEr1.hio.;i j" ron" llslri, .olleglate hono. 'illd,dild.nlr, ran Iia.o. keEi-ri 4. !1r1 rlres. s@rchdc!.; tM.. ot1.. uedn..irt a.lght {n l/-lo5. Jid Bi:-r.or1. 1ic\rh:6n. i:57.? ieem: .i. vresL anoslFr, 5lli 2. lr\Jagier _b6.e Er6 onlY rro otl'c! runi€r8 t: & A.Lbris'rt, loli t. o:crl;so' ska!!h- !h3 r€ce betd-ae a prtraratlon tor . caadjan olrttj. irtal! lat.. tht dore r7I; 6, U;sjnus. rlli l. "P\4c, r)i 'hc 8. tu!1ara, 12; 9. I&,lil, l1i lO. Hor'si8 nonth. (c4i1!ge 1&n- continued
A1 Dunc.n
7i U, Lobanon v&i1€y. l. ,Jenllton, onr-" dev l.- Bruce XIdd - ooii,_u e: '. uladeaoil 'i"Jtrrar;t""i. th6 tap6 '.n l':23 todav lo a6r' a vaidorree!, Puiaers. l:32.t. 1. Bob Irab16, r,i"r ches- ne'p@uro._::";::.ij:":":,^ili:'i;*
rac€"fhlE 13 th6 s'cond t€ar i! lr,in Antual i4ld-Atrerican Contelelce T&! d"oad ro{ td! !b' crer-cuL tPe€dtt'r tlo Don c. P.d6n 5!ed1udchaDDlonehllB. ""--'i--;;;;;:y;-;!;;ii-Jiiii-:iiinr ji#.::,i:: iil i,i?li"i,l!"ii";!""{l}0: 1. Jrnr Bolk, ltre.r.rn Mlchlgan' [6.9 m..88o: I. DouE h,]rccar.r. vrstern tq5Q .ve!i 1n l::lr"'rdd hat.had !'v
li;i:ii;i---;::il'"i;it;r,::r:;1,p';; rt. ron lllaldvoa.l. x, urch., 1:55.9; 5. ililfil:liiiii:ili:ri:::lH!:i,:: *
iillTlil"kl.l'iil':l"f_*T"" n#.;ii:;."ilil$,Ciiiii'riidlil"' .41re: r.. Arr E!.r6016, ,bste'i,,,ich.,
t-all:2: 2, Dlck
Pond. vre3t6rn l.tich.,
i;6;"i ii;;, Mls'1, 4:re:?i 11:Ji (ser ' neY !'cod rec€ntlv +n ;;ii:o; i:ii"t. uu'r, +ize.a|.5. raitt l:",;:i:-il:"::;:i:,i:'?i:il,"i::I". i.-iiii T.vlo!\'lest€!n Mlcbllan. l:26.0. nav pliiii'rrjiii'iir'ii ii^i3r'li-iii ,,iil., li;?fi.'i,?fii",i"illft"!;l:";!ii", lut ms dlEqua1ifl6d.
n€w M.A.C, Rs.. Ev€r6or., wM, rrts {:I:}l:l'1}:i9ii"!;l"6il"!i'ffi1i.". ;i;;;;.-i:it.6;;!r Ne{ r161d necord-neplac€s old reco.d of ;;i8.;, -;,;;;';h"i;;, x6brucky, 1e60.. i;it;!"3ill"*, iii i ":i.:"i:1"'"f;:t!:":l :;,; ;"'"ii iri-i 6=,F.li.i l : i::'il"i;Hti.;.'iilill ;1:l: ; ;;i,fi Sleve Teke3ky, M1anl, 9:30,6; 4.1.o" -
3. E!€iy, Mia!1, 9:l5.l,i 5^ lon liar.ock, u6si;;n Mlchisa,,
o*.ou,"" Otybptc Club R.lay!
l:tql ,!t1?!
i:u:"i9,*Ii:',::li:lg'.]*l?;i :i",T;i:!: $:ii*; $;il:"fii.'13,i""*' d!k. 'hrch rri ,er *o veare aso' !?".lli:9."8:3i';.*iii";;.;1i.1Utttt *t;i#I"?,;n:'il*,i31:n . X.iii'flt lead: 1, qestern Mlchlean, 77i;.2. Lori.t or;;r" aroo. cro;sed the 1rn6 in !;1,.: -::i,:tg,:'i8l,u:u;i;!l'i Jli" ;ii:ii';;;":"'i::.f:*in""gi"*:i$":: :i;l',ii!":,"i"ril';ffis"ir,:" y;rk -rack s.cond club, eon hI! EaEt illi?:;;,?;:i'.i:i?":i:'i6fi";r,:9!' succe.elve ontallo Junior x-countiy 60:2ri 3 P€lcv
;;";;,-;;;;-;;:;""-;;;-;;; chanplonship r€re satddey cov.r,nc rr. srrqhLte b€LLer than rh!€€-dt1e ccu.sr
!*:: 'l*:''"1?{::'"'
c.ia.gborLr^cti1ph, ln I8:5t.r.. .Mt3 r4u.ay, c€nt'al rron6 ;:iy.l jo::?:5;d;;i_-i.-At 2. rj4.4ooio" cac, 1o:?t
llll'Icl? !0rr Rux....ppro:Jstoly 9,j
Si4!t ed tlnish at I€h?or.! Hcbo? Itilon IlAh School Slorco.ad by lletpoti B€ach opiinlst Crlb ed
x6r?ort !€ch l.cr€atid D€!!!'otEt.,.&r ft@€s, 3uperieot
sndsy, a!.iL f, 1960.,.st&.t 3i 12:13 p.!.
6l fii1,b
r. Robsa
Dr6he, c\dre-
clt, ac
|j ldo3, *t Ia oltl0pie5 . rtlLcnaal (leb. Alve}r:de tt{C4 . . . . LJ6gs C. Asulf6, SC Sirtdors . . . . t, J. Tb(ed Siua&, SC St!:Lde.6 . . . , 6. Joe. Ctu. @it.ched . ?. J.,bn M, caroiE, culrer cLty AC . . . . $. r.Fy Iilld, 9dra 6r&a Yodn Yiuae6 9, L. Jes s.iio, sc strld€f . . , . . rc. nobert co.s, 6t1ve! cliy !c . . . . . ll,. Don &vyer, @itach6d . , . . . . . . 12. Tore O. JohMsonr Cllvet Cltr IC , . . 1r, 8lrtud Ien!1o, r, of clri.aso 1c . . , 14. i. !m1s {evsl!h, sc s$ta Eebde lt, Jorn Distyr cuvor ciir tc . . , . . . l6j Joe E.g,cDstraF, eti3.led . . . . . {sd1nsnon, uttached . . . 17. J@r 18, r@ard A. tnd, Mttaoh€d . , , . , . 2. EdJarla
a!6sd Aciraf !.et
!gSp. !!re !:4c !!4c sd. ?0:t2 t0:t2 I Uloo ?2:0t 55!05 11 ,0:OO 12:2, 72.2, ll ?'0O 72t25 59t2' 3 2.t$ 72.)5 54.35 2 ,tsa 72r4t 512\6 7 3t3o '1211+7 ,6.17 4 4t0o 73rO7 51to'l 5 4:oo 'Bt1'l 57t37 6 tl]) 74tod 54.34 I 9r3o 71rU 61t)!* Lo 12t00 74rX7 b6t37 12 4tN 15:3\ 6otot 9 13!@ 76:0? 69:07 & Ttoo 6.6 6'1t26 L3 10100 6L:03 7L03 16 l4:m 63116 77tL6 18 rt:oo e4t37 Er31 L9 3:30 e5t\a 69rla V i5:0o a?.o9 8.09 2a
. . . . . , . . , . . . . . 19. carr !. Ro€B, @ttacld..,...., 20. David a, tor., uati&n.d . . . . . . . llhi1s &ad ddnsiactlon has sho]t4€d tlls race, &d th6 i@pd.t@ tus. io a r€.ord hlgh tor ih€ th1n day renlng, Bob Dtak€ st hi6 achsging f,ar - tiDae o@r.diiyE teus Fv, a vim€. ls scratch. nut rc.6 c$ b6 s.fd, acelt tJBt re hop€ h€ fjlds l.v6rhg r@ reathel .i lo.ton ot ltsdajrirg ibs \€at, a 3core ol MoF e€6d1ed at !h€ 3tetilg Un., yith d€1ly one ot ih@ tinktlins tli€ altnd - e. advetsa€ of Bcllg sMd a stngle lrop, rlib t loi o? Et.! h tne dd,t]e. 0!€ ot th. n6Et_ buch€d scrsbl€s ln a long tl& E vltneee€d ag the tleld tralLd Dake oy.! th. cha*Une. B@ l<1d6Fd brtShienod h13 .@back €ffolts t! rserup spoi, ed t{i,}6 [jtsh outsped s4.rdl ol th. yougsi6E' 4ltbougll d1d-llrlnS J.s, Aguir6 lad€ ti a .oin-iossitg Yjnd!!. lnd heliat T@ Stua! toud thtt tbe f6tgei dl-stuc. 4ko 1s ed€ for hhr cspt. lar.y Lc€ .f t$e Nerpolr lech pollcc ac.dpltshsd 4 ftn€ Job viih b1. i6n, 6pecl3Ut in vl.r of iho trdfi1c ?tobtd a hoi dat .reatss t! the b6.ch ciiy. td ols€tii ot th6 optlrtsi clu! qn€4db€d the !M€.s' tni$t *ith pl@ty ot o!d8p Jlic6r thd AEldod ilr.s6 trophtos rnicb ]lse beo@€ di3tddtuA on tne 1.061 tchedul€. Jo!6 Cru c@ out o. top tlth tlr€ sp€cid prlz6 fo! ffst o.argF qMty aihlet€ to liilBh. ltig codbstlilon lnctudsd Ji! sebio {d us!' n6es. Junjor Rac€: 1. Bluce Andre*' l'tarerdo{. ont,. Mav 23--2-11116 cuelDh. 1a:!0! 2. Talry vcDomld, No.!h _oronto cou.elatE, I0:tor 3. Bob KalIl. Sue1pn, 10:53i t. Sleve {atar. {6Etern Tsch. 10:5t... lle (und6t l5): 1. .lan JohnsLon, 5:21 P€coldi 2. Mike she.ldan. 5:?5; J. Bob llill,lta$o!, 5:ll. ra'r rai't.Jurv _ --wesL cheBtet Tiack c1!b T&f r4eet'-li.6t chc6ter, a-uii" ua"arcao Roao Rsce..t,00ob '3o00d srchas' lv1re"'bu" l/r* rtle fandlaap..en.1165 !o Jack Ulllladx' 29 Dean Sl., v. cnester.
Nlath Amuel 12-d11. loed Ru! {a lcratch lece thls y.a! for the flrst tldeJ Clarke, Prelid€tt SDonsor.d by culyer 'lty At\lctJc C1ub...Ph11 c;l'flLh P&ik. lo! nis€1e3, callfoln1a- gundatr, ',lay 8, t96o
0!4e. of linlsb l.t ?od M.b -t't,-\1 66tl5.P' . . . . . , . . . . . . fr!15 1. Rob€ri co.s" culve! clty ac. . 2. Mlehael c, i11e!, cel Pbly (Podona),..... 22ra5 45t29 69trc.2 2)tO2 1'7r)2 72t1- l. John 14. Carcre. aulr.r Cliy AC.........,. /r. i4tcha€1 r4cComic!,:one 36ich st-. trosh, 2l:14 I8:Lr ?a:!a,9 ,. Phl.Llp 5. C1ark€ ir.. eu1Y6! Clly Ac'.... 2311? !8rr7 "r'-.3 6. Jerc! q, HArrlna.ron, cuIF. city Ac...... 25t12 sl:50 83:0o.d 83115 6 7, krlljaE A. Wella, cileer c1!y AC......... 25:ll ,3rL' 87t\I.L 8. EdMld J. lev1fta'n, so, c&1, st!1d€rs.... 24t47 5tt4a 25137 5tr1'l 87t:.r.t' 9. Tole o, Johangon, dufver cliy Ic.. '...... 27rll 5aro3 3Bra5,L 10. Louis R. C.rd6nas, u.attech6d.. ,........, 28152 54135 eet37 6 11. Mtcha€1 (1sh, Rlyaittde rM44....,.,...... 12. .rohn Ahrendea. @ttached...,....,....... 30i10 62r@ 93t3L,e 13. "hoGE A. Pohi6r, unattach.d............. l0:lo 52:0? ol:'0.? t 2arLi 66ltl lll!?:.3 li. Donard 4. Knox, unattached......... 15. Kenneth D. SLr6nA. Culv6r Cllv 4c........ 3At4a 68rL6 !2ar?j.2 Did no!'inlsh - illllan Bl&xa. So CeI. Strld-ts 21137 52t J Rtch.td E, Robles, Ea6i l,A 01yn!14@ 30:10 6115? Dennts ravadush. senta Balbara ac 25:r, 26tjtr Michael A. Shelhald, lMttach.d Culv€r Cltr tC voted to conduct ihls t{e1ve-n116! as a sc.altch eeent, lobbv cons scored hls tlird rln 1n the cltfflth la.k tt*iute. rt ;ould be uDiDe to sa-i that ccns scorched the laveeent-- ihe sua, fterceness. ms ar.-co ot lfe nrn€.. and Elo{'d dor ritn d,. oeFe._or_d. btde lL !o Fo-unelely, r€srcn 141!e Mccornt t-.ear-soltl '1e !lr"E ;I1rrmi chd Es atrs Lc pfer'" lne fosL clubrs Fhaled, Vlke q.!Ien, eo,ovr".loqo3L !IIEI tLis pasr loftnteh!, :3 .a corse, a C(ACe. in Lhe oden ces3on.
" - _Rr'!X EOL [\ 'RACII U.:. i4tMS of -Si;;iAaI--TeTff. 5'(00 fans "as jn- to . v6Y o- hltn an ore_rlou 'ro'd see a n"r i.". nl$ ]"s;r s( ias! for 5o lohc, Mq Truex lonlgtL brore 16 oh Abp.ican',000-aeie! lecord by clocllne lL:o1.6 1r an {l'I_ ori-e -ec\ 1r at lremonr dien schoo].. 'ru€x. a rold"r Us'tunnor noqpace rficF ie @1n16 a snal @;3 dus! really pau! lhe Jdlc€ Lo set th6 Laln€o o?€! rhe asL n1le lo oecoo. Lho flrst Aherican to Pach tre quaLlNavt, Elso sTcd'd -}e ft1na s!andaro of I4:10.o''Le{1s sllestllz of ths siandaro tv fh1lhlns second ln 1l+:09.1. (Ed. nT&t Ne*sletler oriDted sr tellttzr tlne as 1[:29.4 and as 1]ere sas conssdelable olEcusslor oe.! Stte;tltzr arnounced ctock{ns rhe lsiier clocklng iB Probabl/ cc.rect. Nlsny obs.rvers felt he t.alled too'at b€hlnd lhe wlver 1o lap ririr sucn a fast rrEe.'i).. YAx, w.o E1EF seeas to be tunninq on€ tei because of offlclal6 e!!ors, !onlght goi th. roo soon. .uu Max calefu ly counts the laps ,t hls blnd & he 1t ;onirnled tunnrre Lo @Le the tac€ offrctal €ven Lhoush fans Lhought h6 dver..Truea ier rle rorner Anerlcen r.cord of 14:04.2 aL -obPton 1n r)tpr c lfuD CIub sei Lhe o!he! U.S. record 1n Eudd! -4elen of t'1e u0lFllc 195?... Audd! 1957... th 29:58 to b€tr.r the ri; n1€hris rlml -v€nr €v€nt - rhe the 10,0oob lo.ooob - uhen he ran 29:18 tidl rii; "i"hr'. 11st6d--G!k of lo;31.9 set by Jos lyle! 1!t 1259t - - .2. Ablnelg!, SCYrv, sm,r,urcs: troir'':'r. 16210'TAoori.; SCvrV, l:46.2i 4101.1...!lll4i 1. :i:. :4$- i' FroBh, DavlE. 9JS 6ii --{iit,.L;ot !!iTii"!i.l si*f;^ s;h=ur- If.i, i;;;:;!' 3:59.6i ;.-i,;!r;; !. i1:cq.6: :ill,'.]i "D";"iil6";t"!1i;-'i6::;-; : ii il;!' *i: : i;l; ;",. ca"*v, l: Eliiil"diirilie,"ii:.j"il'rl,itt-ii'iiiiii6'l"iiiivl-izit1..eoo.": Iv' Broh, w Dunia!, SJS Dunba!, sJs tro6h, 1:tl.7i 1:11.?! !. !.- Br-cfln, oi.e, scvYv. sivr1,, 1:51.7i 1:s1.7i l. ar. 1:rl.!: ?,0ra6. ]. Iil'r'!t.r,i:. r:i2. ''onrrnu€o nart paEa - botl,om) lo.oood:2. Al1en, rt, J1t23l ALL CO-rLiS T&{
Ninth AbnEt lde !o*1 10-16I€ fl,a.d1@! R.ad AD llookdlde P.!k) Pa6.d€!a, c.uJoata suldat, Aprll 10, f960 spoffo!€d nt tsad€c !6c!dii@ D.p&r@i nllo.roi of iu, Jo€ Blutroich
rh€! of fi+ish
kt+ 4&!. l4!
Je* ll. Harbgi6, uat.... 2f:OO ? 2, Robsri Cons, Cutrer Ctty AC.. 2:oO J9:21, p2ta' 25136 ,. ronald,{. Kror, 4. J. Ulch.el tooomlck,I,nstrfth ?:00 3?:19 5. lt. r€Dis l(31ieash, ucsB,,,. !,.:m 32:15 6. Ui.had &sh, Xlr6.elde 1r{&, 2O:OO 2A:r9 ?. Don sary€r) 1O:OO lJ:03 a. rnrrier E. Do*€, oCaC....,,., 10:oO .3r:J? 9. John ll. Cdcia, CC{C...,..... 3:30 tO:l? r.o. Doualas c. (tau, ccac.,..... to:oo t5:l? L Benj&jn Inderos, Et-{o..,.,, lt:oo lL:26 12, wlrrlm n. rael€t ccic...... !/+, lr. (€meth D. Strdg, Cc.rC...,.. f6:OO 41:49 Jl:tl 14. ravid R. I(611, u4t.......... 22|$) 2A.22 15. litLlim A. wetrE, CCAC,....,. IO:OO ,5:03 16. rose ce, uet.......,...... 4r3o 3B!41 non hsl€, @t......,.....,. 12t30 3Ll Phifit s. clarrc Jr., ccac... 9|ta 35:08 firode A, Rohr€r, @t.....,. I':CO 3l:06 ndsard J. L4insd, Srrid€8, 9:lo J6rOj .Jese c. Aeutr.6, strlders.... 6:00 3?:1"9 1.
lile E!9
46i42 69:L0.6 66:10.6 56.22 '13:6).6 53,CD.6 tot 73:13.2 18t43,2 55.L3 t4.V.a 59tt3.a ,r23 71:26.6 66.2a.5 a 5!r3O ?4t1'1.6 72t1.'t.6 t3 5trrl ?6:01.0 6r':01.0 5 56t22 74t7,6 64tt7.6 6 ,9to9 11.41.2 54.3i.2 3 56,50 77.2r,6 65:a-.6 ? 55t44'l'lt5\.2 66t5r.2 59t42 ntA4.4 5e.29,6 55.59 79146,2 7146.2 54135 AJ.?1.B AJt2?.a f6 51146 eot46.1 64.L6.L LL 59.a'l 66.33,1 71,'a3.1 )2 ,t.39
Jtr Harin$ r lookd at &e siJ, too.eo d tra gF-, ait_le eoMd htu! tooL"d adEtsc€ of euch a b.auitful conbinailon of clicu€ieces! l; breaklnQ his 1h13,o r&a!iv. r.eh.derro istrr.turnsroa]rydort L areo 'oei.", lre Bs"o.da!: sror-J .onceh3 ClfFr Clly A ad rhe Bosro, d*suoa. a3L Fek ar N3{p.rt B.6cr, Bob Dr&s oe-.po"erea .nc fietd, Iodh}, De co-rlrne.! rac€j today h6 qlly poued it on. The tb Bob3 1111 fly !a B$ton n€r-i rrtday. -d fua--- a.reo o" r.Ds B€ch sldle cou6s€ _ sbsatrry l3 in.-.. a6rd- JF rh.hls on!"ril:or. ha3 m64lc cotl,F rus inis 3prine. Trre hig B.sron t€Et vll] b€ e interefinE @ich of th!6€ it'.s of pleu a,id,, Ihe sdrhoh Fa.ifif dtsflcL aloo hc rJ b€ relres€.led b! sJ_vlllar 1r fo't BrB33 .a opefar€ foc ! fry dE: /trhodt hls 3eFicFs, !"!f0n3 o1]J nor ed r}-, @3a"droru seorrfas,F6t. a he5T.v p€Bltt' tr+p cscia, .nj{ fdsr.srr k€!! rds aJerar "-ir t.oi falling. lor (nox loysd ihto the clrcL€ of troFhy sarheiers bI hotdfig . .lusr long eoLd. Don he r"l oi -do\r a lond 3rc or esdu, ",oo; recej% h:, nDS, SLjx Jtlja- flc-oma eave sorhe, Cljpse o! his calabilltirs by bosdtnA hon€ tourb jn lourh be6t tjna. rEeqesl, sulrfte peltoMcesr he look6d like the old t{i5co46in tlash o this brlsht noEring.
rtuex, f,delen Crack Records- ':onlrnuedt 5OoOn: 1 Ta€x. U,:Ot.jl 2. sLreqrlrz ,Ir:09.I?)i l. 1..k. sJs, lFJTlti L- s€rr;.t. Yr/. 11,:16.1 '18r',rewsle!-er llsteo _ruei u$i!.. Lhi.d 1n Jr,:16.'4 Salsenr, Y!, lourrh r' 1!:!5,9.'louse. ran ! irles ln 9:21.r, 5 4i193 !r 2-::l'l s {r _'les 1f 20'01 8 )}
lltatl, lstAli! t-Mfl,! r,{.stcr]t, ?.L! Sai., rbY 7- Jo}'NY K6Uey fla8led ia1:: i.!fo Prodtn4nce bv rt;nine iht I'tr 'nnus] tssterlv rMii€ (scrtt.h) F.!6o ruce today. Youhg John ran a{ar :toL ?? ltiaer! & beat 3e.ond Dlac4 Ii.^i8ner Eu*B atmett, forD.r bccldebtai co1I€Ee lc!iif.r dlrLance e;e.by 2oo yanis. Sbo!.o!: EIke Hoee of lu€sterly. Pilzes: 7 trophles & d€rchandlse !o t1.5r 20 tlnishefa. Coufse: Sl1ghtly lonAet ihan lest v€ar, about 5 eilos ev€n. ',{eatherr Clea!, 70 dssree€' Dlnner & oovt6s by lafy Crace &Iter rhe face ol tbe B,4t M4athon" etc1, Jollr J. Kell€v, Boston AA' 25!34.2 2. Russ Bennett. No.th Medfold 26:02 L AI SelEal. Naltn M€dford C.,26lll /,. Tonr s;plenza. Bostotr AA, 26!22 5- N6.; HtrEinB. il€ctlIc Boa!,?6:26 L. Bob Ba'6;rsei. Proa. c01l., 26:15 2?rait ?. Jch! raffeitY" vsN, d. waEe laMothi,, N. M6dford c.2?:18 c. An;e3 liootlen. €l€ct. BoaE, 27:21 IO, Saan chlaoovskt" Ljnatt,i 23:oi! 11. M1k€ !lselo{, BoFtor AAi ?8:U 12. Too Ssnd€rs, IinnlEh An.AC ?8!20 2a!5\ 13. B11t llu.rht, Boaion aA. ?8:te 1i. liu a';r; IrYc, Lr. J1n Cuuc111" Electrlc Bt., 23!'cr 29!22 16. lorce Saw€r. h'i,!c, 2ar3o i7. .roMthor Cha6e. unatt., 18. C6olse con€ftey. Lr4att., 3O:13 lo:/+? 1s. Dan aulLop. Eoston aA, 20. Jo}]n Booraa" lo8ron AA. )4152 21. !!ed Rutks. Elect. aoat lc lt:12 2r- s.h cuuen, Boston -{4, )11)) Ji:I0 2i, Jake Br€de;son. NMc, 3\rL, ri. Paul schelL, NMc, Srrt\ 25. Don laeee. !AAc, 17:19 26. Ed Mach€da. xnatt., 27. Joseph De eosia, Unatt., l+5:26 * - local Ptlze 1A JOI{NNI tilLL5Y 1!-rN5
Wlnling team: Bosto! CRAHI.I4
chlcoree Ia113, Mass., Sundqv, llav 3c.ahan Parnell. BAA, broLe Tonv saplenze'€ o1d r€cord by t? seconds todaw jn ihe annual 12 oll€ (Ecratch) ra;e sponsored by the lorth !!d Cllb of chtcoDee FaUs.
cous6: ihlee laps - lst hatf ol eech lao hItlv, last halr conhlll. l,{e;ther: 65 d€stees, cLoudy, Iisht to neavy !e!! tnrouehoui. 45 starterg, 18 f1n1sh6.s.
Is llace D!1266 - a]l trophl.3. R;Iiesho6;t! after rac. at llorth Eno i. GrAhan f&!nelt. soston AA. 67;29 69:00 2. Join lgfielrv. usN. 'l' sv 6a:50 vllla- usA: L" A;46 dcaden. 9lect.soat ! ?o:(E 7C:12 5, td-B.1ckert. ina A.c., ;. Feie corwae: Bbston AA. 70:50 7- Dlck Iteeks, l,E,r. tc, "l:U 1!.21! d. conzales Saotio. 3AA. 72r5o s. Mlke Bl?€tor. BAL ?3r29 ifo. ceorqe-t'qt ein ou3 a , rrv., 1)rlt) II. Bob au@inas. lflc, ltltl2 12. Rovce Sewa!. N'r{.. 7Lr)5 I'1. John Dlco;andrea. ?(A, ti. lill squllee. Boslon AA, 75:00 75ro5 15. lune llerchant. EAI. 15:23 13. Don rav. BoEto; AA, 76:lc 17. PauL CasHelt. Lhr {c, 7111, 18 Jolrn R€l!eno. l,rnn il, ?9127 19. John CreY aos:.n Ai, 73"5) 20. John oiDonDvan. unatr', 21. €ob Schalle!. lErvaro iled. 78:57 ?9!11 22. Da! Dunioo, :c.tdn iA, ?9r1, 23. Norn cotel ll.l. 8oi?0 2a. Dlck zaino. !ru al, 26, carlion Coist;ck. lnatl , 81150 Alr5t 26. suM.r Sea.s, Lqn Ac, 2?, lilck1 Kaunlsro, Relda. C. 82:t7 82154 2d" Raho AnL1. telaa€ c.. 29, I,Lii€ ritz:lrald. l-Ynn ac, 8J:51 lO. e!1k E.1ckson. lo5ton AA. Al,i0! 84:ll' tI. Ed ouu€tt, viue. 46117 i2- Jak. Bredeison. I-nrc. 33. 0111e Yan!lnen, BoBton AA, 88:00 ii. MJre sla.kor1.i. Local. 9l'.)t i5. rred !ron-. Iorih M€dfotd, 9l:3q 16. Bob Jone€, Jr., Nr4c, 13t?9 etltte 17. aob Rehi. loElon AA' i8. steve rqlandrekls" sPrtnefl€Id Y 19. O. Oaldne. SPoone!, EAA, NTT Mlddle
Pa.. SundaY. NaY 15 _ Ton e.n tli; tie ll,{ MA RRc RRC 6-m11e 6-rt1 won b todav bv !.1ve today Rlver Drtve rln on the east Easi Rtvef lun a clos€ oarAin over !1ck Donohu€ and
.r"; ri,iiiJ;'o"r.i
i,ieather: 70 desrees, fair. Pllzes: I nedalg, I T3f books. course: f1a_i, out & home course' ad-
l$t€d to t5
i: i:*iiiiff#:i'rliii::rli iliii i, ffiil;$i:li:ll:';#'i;;i"lr;i:r,
Ltlx*trl;*ffi llill
l*j;:rffiipu,:4lli:ix", i$;ihfrl iiftil:il$fk:
iril*i*.{in"ff ,;iil##;iti:
ftfu#*iil#ffi';*r'ffi gmll*lrffir#*H#'*ffilg*il;*;'"ii"r":"::::':5'5"'::i:;'}::
ffiiffffiffi ffir;'*ffi; $tJtil:tiftif*ii$}#;fi,, lruf$**':r;il*iiiil;: i;3i;i; il"."ir!"'3"i$,,:3;,";:"i1,.. tl:!i![:irill"sli*l!;:"ffftii:,Tiii
lc (lor
colt tnued
3i.i""lllf ; *lhdi:i +.."'i:bl:di:.9" *v
uii':,hffi *if :$qf;s,*;il:
11. laur Elcha.dson, u.
n* ,oli3?.t,
iifti"ifti#ir,::* iiii:ii
ffi#Hif,ffi il!ii*'lr::jri!f iif i :;i*ff
"r"fi "His'i:",1":i"iig ;i.".:fiItIlad Tli.H'i":i,:1" r,ra'z:;i J.ff;;"-G.i; .i:-ffi :T*3
"ff :i.Hjr;f;i:#" t i" ;r"ipii,iiiii "f
$ft ;il'i35.:i"!Hi:;:iri}#ri li'""" ilfili!"Fiiiiii"ii:tlrrffilill'"^"
iiiffiT#ig;;i#*i*fiir iiHfi#il#:rilil*"ii;+*li:I:3i:ii"rft i'#j:jt" iiil$if carcla then st.Fd 1E fron! unlit tnE
!; 3li%9lilt;,1:."I:'1":*:rii'ii:l
7- lates,
.[i*, ii'U'i"S!5r,f it".il.i:ff "li: :i'ii.":i::";.i::"":: $ii,..fl :t:::.-
#**ui+rffii**rqr*;; Iiiil*:,,|,fi.i:6li:ilii.t,!r;..1*'
a ($lnd sp.lnts
- conttd64l
also a ch.Etstrr studen! D*DA!t,r hlolelr lor a Job e1r,r rhc sh€rl U -Co.: Elltoit adn1r8 hor. hrt rh6 dedlcaten atblete h. ctr.. nBe- ',ror ttat I h&re 3o @ny dtwrsltled lnt6r€st3.n sald ihe le$oMbls .tai. 'JrR not so lntenrely trtereeted 1n etht.tlc4. It 13
hobby noH shere
1t ns an
8t€€p1.cha3e!sr on the oth4r h.nd" looked sEooth. Savlns had tb6 adrania8e ot s6Y.rsl- .ac6s ore! rhe
baslers alloedt thls
Fes tlroe ln8lard - The Intersrt./M! iross-cruniry unlon selecred NenEes, Ff,arce. ss lhe llre ol lhe l9ai1 Tntx-countrf cb4Drpl.nsh1p. Tlle race rltl b€ b.1d on su.day, l4arch 26!h.
oi crlcaco rucr! curB opEN se!ulday, vay', 1960, Stass rretd, UniEliltY of ahlca'o iij.o6a"iJi"i-n;ii;-ii-nlck (ltrd. ft::r,--ffi;-.i;"1-lirbl"i3,ii:biucrc3. iaur o'she", uuic, r,ltrjolei /.. D.i. urcr,Elsrry
fi3:";l-.:.":ttl"X3l,.i,ii1il,.ii*", J'i Dleolne-srirn, l:r'8'!8' rrsc! rr0n r.
aprrr 2_ r4idrand Bqsrl Healrev' r'a:31i 2 orrn r'edb'rr ' 52t2Li 3' c PandelL' 52:)t' srurean, Ututi..(l:linols l{c)s J .!l:26' tp.;ch !. t. vlIe6 Rosd Race, Apr.?_ 1500 r4ere! Run: I. N€d P!ic.. ITCTC- rrt6
tit""#:ii++,i;eiii.'iai;: l:i;:,i'i:' .';if,i'{,Iiri'il'e"31;3ri"i;,]"iii...
Dean H.ye6. UCTC, l.:_)6. ? 300 r4.!9r !u.i t. 1Dn sulljven,
S!. c.o- Bltrrsn cro.s_Coonlly, RsMlne! I959_bC, ree, :I:56.0i ?, Ted rh..ler, 1:16., j. eaiii .iiriii i , .r;;; ;;;;;j; I -'rcrc, Tod..l€nnor" r'c,Ir57.5i L. l. Bob Sad- 3. Cerry Norrri.r, sran Eldon; .. +ed dler,-ICTC,.l:t8.3i t. JDe Maeno, sL. No!!rgi 6. Joh, Anderson;7. ilanh
;;i;:T16"::!'j:'p;;1T:i*"i:'ilFi":'" 1,.
Ile I4{!!a, l-r.5.Arny, 9r30.2i 9:lr.9i 5..Ron ud!!., ro'onro, o:12.0i''/alrjncro'd, 6, Hat hradon, ucT., 9:16 €i 7. Jack ra.!, Nolihw6st€.n, 10:44.2i d.
;iil:;,'i"i'ii::'il.1$'q,hlil"! cordon p''le. iondon
!o B,lzhron,{ertonel
Road R6Iav
sill,"cpiri';: iiit [-bi;i.,;;;;i,;;., t. D;lbi & "ouniy 1.c., r.rr, :j..iajli2. poltlnoutL 1,"C., til. lln.-iSE.i treston Crant, UCTC. J' South london Ha!!iers' /+:38'?t' 5oooo:1, car'rt11res, rCTc, rt:21.:i 2. Ro, Dooley, MilEuk€e lract CIuo, _ Ro[llold ualf_Ve,alhon. ADrll 9_ t, r6:1-.?i l. Ed rly, oepaul rnlr.,15t2E.7 i,r.i' u i: i ;5i6ir,r.-:",,y r. B€nii o'corien,oaii3: i;r-*lirSili'lllii]t' 17:r"oi 5' 16! s'tth, 67:rr;"tiiiiiiaiii
Meet Notss- Weat,her vas cold and rlnda,
oiii iii"i-'"ii-ir'"-i0,660";;i;{;i;ii;; ronssood 10 Mrre Road Race 4b''e- 1' coyre on-the ras, .ra;.. car d, rB;;; -:" bii+; ;l-;:i"l?'+ti":. 5i:i1.."*""' unpreg.ed 1n tne 5000n and Ra6 able ro y1n vltholt pushine."TIe_ class ev€nt ol (St,Het€nE) H, 7 ]4116. Road -Ru, -" the day was the steellechase Bhce rhe Sutron r,!iii--9t-i.-c!riy,r,rJrtt,-je:i7'--{!ny had s€lt Jones, Ioung, and Marza fiom lort L€e,,va,,. to-gtve them a cnarce qua1rfyinE at for rie olr,oplcs. ri addttlon Ro! lialllnefotd came dow, tron Tolonto to chatl€nse tocal sieeFlechas6rs, Hlsdon & core;an. youns llio th6 lead ai ihe sralr bur_ by rh€ halfEy lolnt Jones i'oot< ov€_. and puued sEy Lo.a cotudndl,€ i ,d, YoJnq came rlP.on lhe rasr ca1.h hln.
chauensed. l{E had trouble solne ov€r Jubp and looked l1ke a wourded elepnad: ove. tb€ hu.d1Ee. lho Arny
loncasro._Sheffleld Marathon. A!!.f6-
riiii,-5irs.iii-,1'r:jii;,-" i. iii." c"iii, ?;33;tii?:'?;itl.*;"Ii*!,5ii!i?"3: ia,.n,2ta6]ri i.6,:.n;,"-j.j.., ziig. A. r. Hiii, U:b.zgz S,,Ed,irj 4Bi \,] *r"so", ili9l:1.;
filrtruo. 2:l2.OE: IO. Chris Fl.mlnE_ snlrh 2:tt.rr. I raur race on a iare_ fuuv neasur6d t!11 mratron codlet (CoDthuod n6ir page)
4 (N.f,! rrod Ingtald-
trl.+mi;iiffi i[,t;6*ip*lffi ';::*i,fr r:'tu,l j,,:Iffi
fr;iffi i}ffi i:i
iffiffi trillT!'i;l i;#i#:?$:lTr;i;""
**r**ry;$i,;ffix*#*ry11,, !g,"ii,rl
iiT;f,i :i:#{iF,l3i"iln" ffi:.*e
mU{:$.:tru*Nl;ffi ffii{ilf*i't;E*r,;irJ,n,
u {N€'6 fron Ensleld- eo.tlnu.d) ti.rport to !yrr6 7 rG1. Road Rrc.,Apr.23 !. irtdrtln ltydEn. J6:4:i 2. C. P1u4ton, tTtJai 3. b. cooke, ,7155. t yton Floodut T&i Mc.tlns, !!9! l.
: *:l:.-;si.i:'? 1. Iidle
.'j,!i5.:** n.ci
R6ed, 1l:39.2
ossc KntBht, Ir:19.4i 3. Fra,k s.Ivdt, U:/i5.9;4. Pete! clrfk, Ur51 1. M.J. Pal@r, 9:01.6 3.000n Srche.6:
a.A,a, 96 Dtr. Ca6b.1dse Unlr. 52 pis. d60: r. r.i. !u6i.11 (AM) Ir52.?:2. (c) 1:51.1..U1!9i 1, c,'r, flr-: Bryr!. coddard (AAl) /r:08.2! 2, Mlke B€!r1!fold {1tA) 4r06.4i 3. Bruce 1tu.oh {c) ),r\2 .3 . .2-M!let t 1. Al6n Perklng (AAAI 9:02.0: T:-F. Turn6r (c) 9:ot.2i l. H. r41!.ha11 (c) 9:05.9i 4. lony R6dep
f6ll to blc kD6.! on the clnd.rs. g6 md€ al€rp.ret. €flort! to ..coee. & plesentod a lath€tle .laht. llllth tbe g€cond d4 coElra u! fasi speqtetors shoutlne encouaecnent io elih6r @n ar thoy t61t lacl1nsd, and olflclalB BhoutlnA to keep rculd-le helle$ off th6 track, lnlr m! dlaG of e g€nsat1onal klnd, h 20 leconds 1t EB al1
ov6i. Raub€nh€lee. rae6d !e3t to {ln larroFl bert ih116 Madcl !1ndl1y &anea€d !o .esaln h13 leet e4d, 3.Dt-co6c1ous, ltageeled up to th6 finlrh, clos3€d th. line ald collaFed lnto the am3 of h1! suppo.b€ls aft€! &n lrnrurp&$sed shor ol erlt and al1 that It taker to ck. a la.ethon nme!. 1. Nlck AEubenh.loer, 2rLA,22i 2. tttt:t rq,sde1, 2r40.42i 3. fi. Rui8, 2!/+1.43i 4. 1. AUe!. 2l started, 11 flrlshed. and clock d
la1 qlsdon R€floct8 on the lonkers l4arathon --'checrsl I flnally ddged io eak6 lt to ths flnlsl t1!ejlst1n a sladlalathon. Guers I @st hare CroEplon I Mll€s Road Eac€ (C€n€taUy €d ihr.e hous, Ercn then I ?ouldnrt kn6h rs the tourh.3t coulse 1n th€ veretr't :o. ine Nolth of ErsLandl 1 Cerry o!th, 41140 lah aadc 1t 1f 1tp€olLe o. ,:h. Ea€t heart-le56ness 6f ?. JohMe i|ll]d. lr2:2'li I, sta! syke3, Coast..I €s slttlng ut',e.l.r e:haustsd 42!l+0i l+, r. lo{e,41:U. o! the crn nalf vay up ihe lesi h1:!1 {fit.Wr1tn6y) about s dile add a half s::.5:t€d scottlsh Iteve - il&lien Park, Apr11 9- oul trou tb. ttnl.h.ruiI tad ere. :rat r€j! t. ke6p !{1k1!A 1! 11000: 1. !. 1r.nt-Sorin (!(c.1 J:51,0; e cozer Flke a€r!1.- beronc ae. I wav6d at a:o!t Z-T]?o corrron Ls.ot,)!:. cars hoplnE one }otrld g're ne ! rldt ford {scoi.1..3o00d: L. r.6dk Salvat" teri r. ac:1q. Tlrr lxn€. i 8!i2.oi-?:-';".k lhbotBoa (gns.) In. Ai1 1ook6d 6nd ih:! : si..e up & Eade ee 30 lqrlous 3. B" C!a1e iEne.:. b6aa! s%rinA at tl€ :op oa E,r hngB. lhat generate! erouEh adr€E:l: so R€nfrershtf,€ lofi. Tra.k Cl13bt,, AFr.30 thei I s6 alle to 6!a:i .rd,1tE_--at 1. J. CoEoliy,54!20;2,0, Xlne, a ru!.131s61y faEt pace--r€io.e dylng ,6.19i 3. J, clant, 5?!07 ceeln. But then I F3 tr siagge!1Dg dlslralc€ ot th€ flnisl, 1ire..l'n cohe t:ta s!ga! o. souih afrlca - Th€ tuf,lan L.c. Ialathon to hare to expe!1deli dexi.o!. eD.oute o. sclei.ilg. My chasplonship rhtch 3talt€d at 6 e.d. Iass ker€ sttLl 'ery s::on:! but I on Ma.ch 6ih, Prorlded iroiendou. had sidply tur ou! of e:ersr, lut at d.ad - rn the tinal l0 sec!" Io. l leasr I flnl.hedtn i!C. nielcode to lsDs of 7 n1l€s oaeh Madel" t'inn6r of prethe lrlshron nn" Reubenhoitrer, a riou6 riMer. and the codpsatlvely unknm BIU Rulla .an tog61;h6!, st€yn RTiA!I IMPRESgITE DTST!.\'E ROT{NIR havlrs d!o!p6d back ait€r 2 leps xlth wlnner o! the Intelrailod1 c!os.ltttcb. to eveDluaUy reilre ai tie country chanplon!hlp, nEd1, of 0rotocco, end of the three 1aps. Madel snd Nlck Aave slch a! rElre8liYe,terfoldanc./at Raubenhelner elteled th€ siadiu 1n lrantlton Pa!k. olalEov. thAi oalv,lhlnn that o!d€r. 90 yards a!s!t. Along lhe he niEht b6co;e aD dlniillc cheuens6! faltered and s backstr.tch the leqdertrRaxblen to great- at 10;000 de!€!s or ib€ vsatlgn. a86d few sDectator! ura€d €r efiorts. Sos6 60 yalds floft ihe flnlsh the'Dorsndo-llk€n act besan. Mad€1, aealn fal!e!1ng' stegeier6d and (.t4,t)
9 r
(R!&dl - cortrnu.d) a vlgo.our arn actton and prefcr! ro .et t,he pac€,.1e!11 Ha.tlsy. sbo E! rlr.r @n hor€ for Eagland ln /rth !o!_ rrron at c1e5sor, he! p..dlct€d tnadl coutd lear 29 oinuie8 to! thar tO,OOOtr. nhedt !1ght mU have eon rhe Inta._ Mtloml by oo!. than ..ycn r.conds had he n,t fa1I€n foul of th€ fer ob.ta.l.sberllers whlch aave oo.e of a chanc€ !o !n6 3e1s1aD .te€ltschar. chaEDlon ton RoelEnt6, ,io ftnllh6d €eaond.caE_ The c@r.e @3 e.nerauy.s.€.d ro be sholt 1n vrer of th. tecr ther nhadi Es e!_ nounced as nnning r,h. $r!r tro o1l€s rh 6,40, and th!6e !11.6 ln 1J:29! a!t€! t,o ntles th6dt and ter. 8!ec. ahead, afie! fourRoelaht,! nlle! 25 6€c., .t'te! 31' and a hetf n11e5 /+'rac. roout rnree-qqarters of a ntle r,o! rhe trnadl qno k.Pt going
!*ongly. reraln6d the tean tltfe wlth ,!ne$nd )z lo1nte but thet f1.13h6d only line in front of a d€t€rtrln€d BeI_ loltrtE glan cobbinarlon. Th€ BelslaF once aeeln included Marcel VanAeEitm€Hho ftnished 17th (6t rb6 aae oi li) & let a record for rht! event bv cobber_ tnC tn hls 15rh Inr€lnar1oGl-rac.. Third Annual SPAAAU 01ydp1c Dcvetopneni BeEchr C€11forh1a fo.ducred by Redordo Seach R€cleation ,epartmenr and avlarlon High scnool run: Hafi< Kettles. coach. Avlatlor Fs..Thursday, l4ay 12, 1960
2. rllchard E. Roble3, Eqat l,ao. 2t:5t ,. Don Crtffle, dhet(Redondo',J;r1oh)22:U ,, naFond Menzie, una!_, 22t2a /. rred uwlsht, unat, Et Camlno 22:!e d. Jlo rowley, nnar., Mtra cocr,a 2l:0, wa. tslake, so.cal Strtders, 2J:12 :: 10. rvike Eartett, ud!., EI camtno 2t:J4 az. :ary QuaclenbuEh, lnar., 2):5r 1r, Josepn Herzog, un8t., 24:28 44. !06 llarkclDuahJ unat. 2Li)o ' lJ. !d revinson, sc Srriders. 2Lit2 l?, Walter !. Deik€, U of Chi.sgaTc :t1 umt., Mira Costa:09 f-. uor rturphy, !dr., t'41ra casta 25:l? .!. !o.€n hasen, unqt (Av13r10n) 25:41 !^at -, n 27r 2e
21. x€u.th D. st'rona, culve! clte lc 27t23i 2X. c^ry Uetna;. unar.- r*uzLnger),2ar11i 2r. r,llchaeL (14h. Rtver3lde fiCI.28:52, sanlty touched thi8 eveni tonlshr afr6r t,o Fds of gcrtubuni a;ound a qualt,er-Dtle rrack - on dbilnd_nand1yet. ca! ba.l!, contested ore! a iro_ o1t€ lsyout cooblnldA c.osg-countr" & the r€d, lr looked dore rlke a !a4.. Not iist tt dd6 any diffe!.rc. to Bo!!y Conr, fast-tide teade! on€ rear ago. Bobby ltlor€d th€ 25-dn fleid owr the €.tlre tio lapE, cai€ hole 1n t1n€ conlalable to h!5 20:22.6 o! the oraf last May. Rtch Robles, a Junlor er l,4on!ebe11o tltgh, persisteftly ba!6footed lt bebt.d c66 to lead th6 br16nc6 of the Dack. h€avily hlehted yith htgh-EchoolelB:
ar nosb of theEe bovs a!6. rhev
ere o.Iy 6ecord-strinsi thelr i!ckl;. di€r ar6 lt1l1 tn cll conrertl0n as the qua.t,elflnals cofle uD saiu.dav. Mldvest naludnlr had t.o io.t< !o oirtpolnt thege younsEtels. Rav l{enzle (Mi!8r.si!!r sta,e) end lllair re*e ({!econstn) ale rransDlants fron th6 U of chlcaso Tiach Club. Hh1I6 BtlI akke of DePaus Ei a leadlne larrior 1n Indlana colleElate ci!c1e;. nutrer! faled bettor tnen s!€cratols uh15 ev€nlns, aE a chi1l1u ,lnd rlesh Iroo ihe blu€ Paclflc had aiandc.s shlve.lns i! th6 ts1lishr.
LanElhg, Mich., May
?t- riLh Kerr, a senlor fro0 Jamlca. /140 & 890 and anchorln; s great n1le reley t!tun!h, IUinois capiu!€d 1tB third srfalait outdoor Bla TFn track chanDlonshib sarx.daw, r. Ersas LePa, tvlch,; 2. Jlm llflgi tsowers, I11.; I, alrl Erickson. l,!Inn. 4:12.1...2-M1le: 1. Ken Broh. I1t.: ?. 3il1y trEi;6Tds. $tch. si.: l. c;rard Youns, riich. Sr.9:15.9..890: 1 Ceo. Kerr, I11.i 2. Ted seastalf:*r]l. {?5,1 J. Tony Serh, Mlch. 1:51.6...4110: 1. ceo. Kerri 2, lilll1e Arterber;;:r4s. (2tt bacl.)i l. Dave r4if1., puraue.,r6.1 ceorg€
wlnnlns tne
Atlantlc A3srr. tAU. olmDlc ;f r,l 1- hed,, luly 6--tj r,r11e Fun, lalnham Park, cahden, N. J. {7pm) 2-Ued., JLly lJ-toodbuty, N.J. 6-[1leE {Dress at wood. nlcA--7!m) Mlddle
Develorhenr Meets {Selles
€ f
{ I
{35 1=
(,it 9--j(,
;o6 a2=
'go^ .EE6
ir"IF ;FIHX €F95F