Wit.X '.lt
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ffiffiffiffi *
xrJL onDER! T0 mmr
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fr:i'if id:.;' iuli ri*,#"i"$+rni:#;;: ;nir#:i:tr,i#fiffii;:;{ j;li:l iaiit;':r#: i I -l: ;;"g;',j*:;;,t:,;r;: Lilid ;; ;".';*-;-;;;;;;---ii:
i: ;**r.n,,i$, ;;$iii *-*ir**+iq+i,,'**.;'"' l, r*;;*';;*$;, ii$i+ *i:;ffiii *;+*iii*:uu: j, E:u*ir;:el,, ;,$;::,i:f$tr#e:tgf-*,i"ii:; il:
i. i*;*:r:'r::: irjsri e,:lx'i+:;***, ;
:t, ;
i:*'*i* t "il"*;',i;r, ;Trrr;ffi :?fr
,+if*#'*':h;"il,,, 'i"[1r"" :r"'
E-d.ctr.dcBzb:4 5t_:a] 1:.r:16 :91:L0 --------------___ 1:i2:c8 sqrrlEP
-:;;--:;;;;--:i;--;:-;;; jll . . r ,
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;.i""1 ii€l"H9i ,il;!" *,i"-
;-;,-;:..,iiliE"^5i""i".1,i'"#"i*#;1H.",.i . Pu1a,. oa., ,-orcsdsJ, hr lo br-b 4c bT ob-t€rt" of
/| ::.-:i :lP,;i?l;"ff:,_:
:d: ":rl-i#i.i *t'"{i: L; i:,,;i*i tr*l;l:q{", ;q,i+iI.,;:ffi F,fl " t
shsttk! o1i@6d a t!6n€ndous dtsllay ot rlmllg by dDils tlE Closs-Cit-J 1;3i tha 2l+ ho!!e atts! lLrt,s 9:08.6 ln tsldla s6cond to starfordrs ]iart r,rcca11a 14 a ,ro nd16 t!dc! rac€. Boddall ls tho l@d luck ruftar ln tho Paitrld Assoctation thxs n6s. rlls s€dond !1a.€ ttnls! today !e3 th6 thlld naJo! laco dtxxn a t6d thet ts!x1 has boon b€at€n bt a second or 1€ss. lil.g rud fo" fd !or, and hae no llMs th€ a!6et tdn h€ {a3 1n dE. he brok€ hosr of th6 lactfl. Assn load lumlne r€ooris" cross-CJty xlns qd nds ftnishdc €T6r.y tln6..c.Es3- lYor th6 F€rr_r !1d3 or rbe ol sd llanctsco ro tho cttyrs {ostsrn hoBddy at tho Pac:t:ic 0c6an, Jlst b61d the c1ffi n.u.e. ofrlcials- lJt nrrlcul & loi tauEhrEa. 1, J.re3 Shotr!€!, scr,r!I, li!.25.) 2. Daryl !6arda11, llarrn tc,lrl:2t.1! j. vl1ford Krn€, sc!-w, ll2:rri!.3 4. stud! s-bsrlrs, lvarln ,\c,lrJ:U,,2 5. Darrd cst€r, Uashlngtob H1ah, !16nontr Caflf,r !l+:01+.6; 5. vlacent slan€l€r, s!Ac, rt4:5d.2; ?. xtcha6l lMondoL3, uar., lr5:0lj 3. Eobe!t soutb.r18.d-nrc., r,rdln ac, t$:07; 9. noborr Fish€!, Usln ,lc, lt5:221 10. Joln V6tdlrsor, tet., 45:51; 11. Bluco horsd, rrashtiaton ES, f!6boht, 46:05; 12. ooorso Vffiaura, Mdin Ac, 46:26j 1.1. Pnrup Duo61, l4arln ac, 46:40; lL nandy noron, losan !s, rranont, 46:59! 15. talt.r Jaqult Jr., sclryf, 47:00! 16, Gulane !r.rltt6, loga! tls, l+?t19t 1?. I'ra.jr rayJB, Sorllv, l+?:27i fu. Jams Jacobs, s!{c, 47:lr4; 19. Joe r1.s, scw\r, 47:49j 2c. ul111u Rd6yf l'4arr. 1c, 47:4;: :1, IfIko ?ros1di. !B:16; 2J. vlctor viole- yarlr tc, LlB 2)t 2l+, ?ets! clogh6tit, o.a! lrd.jrr 2!, robr +b6rry. una',. Lts.52,, .t.dn uilllm, lcgan ff, 4e,:0; 23. l.ii !'roe6.. rir.rr1, [q:]l+ F, !itls lli1o". unai. t 4Y: q4j kr:iL; J1, llob6d var. ti.ulon, t'lqrtn \1, <1.1,; 12, li.ndoll S6abf6b! xsln AC, i0:22_: ,r. fretth comlbA, tlaltn AC,50:21t; s.lvo, !,ashr,lgron,ts. 50:t+2r lq EArnot dopsj lsln au, )rrzr; Jb, ,). lodnas Ja.! snyd.', SFA." J7. John Sa*1, Forsyib, s[Acr srAar 55i?4i :d. t9ms 't53i .19, ?btt1r Moo6r€, sc!,rw: l+0. nlorE d !.bi,rooob1, eat., 55:1r5,, 1+. rnthony stratta, sFAc. J6:10j lr:. Jaai! Klrk. barln Ac, 57:o4j 4J. lob€Ft spa!I,i, scvry, l,LR4/, Ma]in Ac, ,(7:4r, !r!. Ijltdbq61 i7:jt:ta&g vorwa, rturlr nc :7,51. -l
!V IN MISB]III! Po.cf, c€rutty, fdou3 athlstlc .opctr,
pmch on6 of Brlsbac,s t.t rexs!o!6mqn, NIr. Roa Leorud, on rb€ noso thts ro.th. Tb lncld€nt odorlod xn11s r, c€rutty {$ b€Ing lntelTt€Had on I ?€cord. I'rrI1 !tr11 lor- nord fo! Io,, rt n1€j tlna o, te16,t3ton, bur t'11 do lt,,, c€luriT sald. :t. loonard 1s nanaetne dlrdcr.! of th€ Brisbsm Tel8:rei! ald ch{lrn!4 oi Crabal 7Is ueat 1!))€ r?sss" u!, c€rtrity {as tn a be1flg€i€rt nood tnroudout th6 s6s3ion, Pe dlsaeleed quostior put to ijn and i-ar!5rs rlalea" lltorject€d and fintj 6.1 tbe 5e331on bf, thrcat€dns io flqht snlf n€nb6r o: th8 lmor af tlai nsit6!. ri otu rclort iF. aeruttX, v:1. 13 67, hes L6ar the sloiht !3ire1 oi Auiirallan,iLthletica ior ib! last 10 raE?s. le ts Ml1 h.m r.r hls vorlal blestl et s!o!ttlg ed.tfistration in {Etratr vslr€ !610luticr$,r iiainile nsthods qt hiE om! d: h6 has h€lpoa lrocDce 11 atmot! 'orrd Last JGe ho {ae the dento? of a stoE ov€! h13 trst.lrs of Jtmr cdrurhers, the boxer. E6 treltud Cdrut!-"fa .h c !a!€ di€t 1.o1udle tish ortratl3. lobs iss oror .Endhrusr sufin*-s,i B.r1ng 6.!olts dlsaeleed i{th rrs. Ce:. uttyls s!alta! nothods, ! fortnt€ht aso 1rr. c6rutty had rorc: lith ierb ll1toii, {!o led ed.uEed ho louId noi rDn 1r th. Com.Nealttr c@s i4 lori: larsr tnis Far. lnsfand t. tir t. :olsuadr tha n11.! ta 3tert 1n ihe race" 0!€ nust!a1Ian lr8ss !6tort ste-tes: !alcf, C6ruttt .u"!ertlJ relres€nt3 a daso of o!ox-er!o3E€. l1s thtsryior @1!1y b6caus6 I{r. C6!utl,y broko all !€dords fo! ulnhtrrlted boharlor batoia hL6 c@o!as" It vas th6 thilrd rtu 1r t{o N6e*. thar ho vont thlough r,ls 6s!t of trlclrs on t€l€e1slo!, ?ire iloubf€ ts that $.. c€ruiiy h&s a 1rn1i6d sot .f nerurisns, chi6f of !trl.b 13 xenlls rrls q@. l4r. ce"utttts amtea hlstronlc€ sd loloat€d stdt€nonts o. the 35o subJocts bao@. a 11tt16 ttr€60r€, E€ s€a4s detehin€d to eet lrto the .LltullElrt r.t only as a tralrer ltrui a:
lrst.mod R.cFatton D.ptumt 15{116 Eandic!}
Ceilnela Pa*, InEfftod, C4lltoEta suftr, ]lghi bleor€. I0 laps o! a U-dre .0833.
x4y 6, 1962
h a&
!994. llle
9!3e4!-@ 1, .is!!y Ae&h, Pa!!6ldl!e CoLleea . . .
!. ldzo Jr, ,, F.t€r B. Iaudle, 4. chale3 I. cle6nnarr, . t. nonald L. Borhn, ctlvar Ctry,tc . 6. Eaftel eredspe, r.3 lnCeles shte . , ?hrr4 s. c1a.ke r.., cuvu !c . . clrr ?. 3. lobed Con3, C!1ve. Clir ff . . 9. fichasl (ish, Hute. Ing]nee*rg . . . ,
.2. Joe
11. ,{1e cohan, mettach€d
....9t4t . 15t15
nsich.....22!lrl 12:00 41,11 49:t6 tu o...... )4:19 33tE 42t44 ,art, t9t49 6AtO1) &tr*ll...,.2t:oa 35.o9 43t!9 5I.39 '3:4r cr6onxall. 24:16 )):h 42ta4 50tr1 ,9t54 p.a4 8o1tor....24:35 59t54 21t33 31t!9 4h.51 cre&3par. 13,22 '.m t6t2t+ 'a"l C)8k....22r),b 3rtLe 4trtaL 5ot22 t9153 cns.,..,,4.36 ]J'!A 42'q 5at51 6at22 &3h., ,... I0:J6 22')8 34t26 L6:2\ tet)-r strdg..,. P:44 21,t39 26ta6 ),7.3, 61).3I coh6.,,., I3:o? 2tt1l lL:31 t6.tE t'1t56 Da rs cN 22t)+6 3b43 411(tL ,a.22 59.26 cl::t:fu.,..2?,oa 3t.a9 4.t9 ,2ta4 6A:59 c.!!.rr... ?r:2I 34t51 Bt3A 52rro 6r,ur oiktra!.. 16!40 24t26 34t23 49tu} 59136 Jacohd., U:1? z+tn )6121 \4149 ,/ofason...
143 9rsl !@.44 35.51 94.43 lo3trrA 3t
ntoe ar.'r 94t43 )!3.24-A 13,02 e1.@, 95.59 ltt+rB.a ?3:21 33:09 93,13 ro?!23.{ rc'1.23.5 76.4' e7'o1) ?r:16 90:06 9;06 '1t?)I ro1o9.3 s6:19 96:re D6:4, r$trl 32t3O 95106 \t!1.23 t2rt\9
e|.B n.t\ L]rrr' Pl:m
a6:3o 103:16
Lp 1143. to carc&i. JoE 'm o thi8 @a. r's61 rn lo5l, € I6u or! b!d\, Actua4r, on Fdda' nlshi, tn.n sE dlt 3do! @i!i* t! - .bru d d LnoE. I! tn6 -srrtdt .bm.' of rosslbr6 sc!at.b@' .me od'i-161d!€ hdd16!6 3rorEi itih lhudte &d cs@ b8c@!rg 1!1d€ Jror thft, 3 3tudr ol the loop-bt-1ot! clocld4! E srl r nde .r I*1 cdtesis tbftuehoui ih. 3n,{ipto laei }ce f.d soutir cata ltish, tb. P.p!€dnx€ lFsae Ane6r6 oltr i.st ai a lols dlsidc. s outstsdls 6noYi!s, Bobrtt c@, a@ @d. h1. first'11s s!t. ihroud a bad tl* on th Eobbt sllli holtu tn coco o.cs a d.m6. h€.e sd fod t rccord ot I:22:U.4. Io oth.r pl.viN3 rl]dot 4d. Cov"r " o o- o'li *ol!n Chdolon3^Io cu {L-.9-6- reoor 'so la-l @.tb) Jstrs Bodde 2q) alt6!ra \r1mo, :drL c1lr! (68:Lr.1l L. l.-i "ro- re ?' ! cLub.. .n Ds' 03 l1 vofto !o' o .,)oD.r!s 0 .3:€ (71.r 01rE a. bofDrd tho f,t1e ndk. a f6{ stops !a3 taL.r ?ictule l$t 0u cd!-!.. bl.r r
t_ I
ffiF;- ;JdT'""i:-iTJ" r' #1#$:"iT*;il{F:;:.::i,:*
J: iji",t': .:r:";'.-1t"".1"". 1{:;3 :!,-!!!-l::ll.:1,,-ir-l :: : -ll: ii:.
g*i i: .::;;ir*;{p";i3;: *fli:-{;}qF::,fi:ii+. i+51 .:::i, ;":1, : .#:;,,,:" T:";"r:,il:.,,,,1 #:,.$",tr'_ffi:fili',r, ii!:j,fl". .r ,. p", "r.: ;"i: . ;;"" ."*. U, ;_ii #,*"di-"";;: rH'H: !:": T:.::.-:" i: ::: .::-iir!";ll.;;; ". --. 3;" r;i: ::3ii";":"i:":T.T:"",s'ilL":ir Td".," ;: jil. ;-1;i ::: Jt-, r """, ". H:"":i"T""l'E:::'fr ,:"'l ",: lii!.liriril'...'";:'ri :i;= "m.:::*gl# rhe rsce ri!r .;:;1 :.s:3;6.jj, ,;:,: ,;,.: :+;j *xE y6;,s t!1! eas rn6 foDidr re.6 rchod!16d
Sl-l5riili:lpl*h::#l iil;,"" ri
H.tl":--1,:ry*i"""_"."";* _ _.i""+., rFi
"",,;"-". "ri" li;'.1:
^"', ;' +'
q$,i*i*"Hjl;;[,,'$i:il::; :' ;!, --;*"f ;$:;lllf-^1i,:ir.*i i|;; B":iii.{ "",,. ::;l ##tt3.,l'l:iii:ti$Jj,i,;,#H,_",i -
-' :gil i,Iif":*i":it;l[.T: $::*":r;;H'"#" ;, i!i';,il'iii::]:$,ii" ji:l 1. ',lalkr Bsko!. sore closs A{. )6:29.0 .?. pille, ro,., rr"^."0, -L.loi.".t'S,i::":.tc;r::. :.*it-t':;;r";sl
jii. ,:fitlJi'Ii.illl.Ti:: **.-",1;:1: ;: :l:l l"J:"","T10.,.. o" s'r'r2: #i{':i::: tli.. !:. Sii",-:""i1::: @orao s!s_bs, @tta.bd,
ll: }i.; il l*P,;r:"Fi.Ir' i!;r.r td:r6 .13. -dss, B:s
i6."il;:J"*#:i;,"iffiT'" 1:;13 3i: 8t'"i;: *'=3i:,i:l'l+ff '" si;ji pe € ,ro,os: AHa:,. 0- a,,..0!^- €nt i.l: E?:1"iffi*,,'!::'ff"l:;""'"'' i;;J; "'L," ::;;l l: :I li: ;: ;: "";F jl; *':" St;i*-r**-";;'mr: :s 5: }i: E?fl"1i^i5f"{l;,iti'xfl o' _.t3j :e."i ly;:T,* ;,,:}i;:;,." ." ":r:r ,!, ffi*ds, ;:t?ili, Iie:; I::::,;:"'";;;"',,i1lt;i,#;"''"-'iJ rli, rrii't';'19 H,i.; "'-;"":" ';.i:':i' i'1. !il'*I##; \3le-as .:5' arsd v6rc.. a-, ' 10 D. 'Ir ,e -16! ;;;;5i.;,;r,t""", j tii: z.rii;nr!m.'r.!iinec, ffiiio' #ii,ii#rli:i:si.i,i,ijii*"ili::: ;
\ "
Frsr!11! rlo1C, rdh{oL-.hla
.."--:l+ . r: ,":... \ 1r :-t;-;;1a-
supp€rt ltock' 9:31.9; 6. c€lald
I:lT;liH,"il'i;.''"i'T;1"1.*'fa-i;.Let6 Dt: I :nson;
\dtrs;: - .0. sh ..@LF!, r{€e! €:rer; 1 ' ai6'1o o os;, llpp€!f, r0:06,/r cro"!j -.. r.o^01 r. Basso,r, ren; r,:tt ---.:_i-l..rs1.r-. n.urh 10:u.2, (rillanDvats cnrrT ile.kett 22 sti,i;;!, {ror$. x;;s; ,alrod Ed€ the ttn lo33it1e bY eraeile host of @t11 thd rist ra!; tn.r lraetea out a 20-rdd d€ricrt ararNt abtl€re cht3;;;y ;tt_";;;;li;i;;;;;-;;-ro '_' b116 r.r', -) - . i o I.i,llF.L..n".€!"c.'. or e e. 1pr ;"i:.'.: o . -s br .i i.i;;' 4." -:".' ' '" '::;' o .. - -r- e : 5. ea..o- ,. r- !.1 "ln s;;":c1t :;:r. ,s:'i'ooob s,,ruse: . a--r
a.€r! J:!),.,-
i. i;. i;.;";;. ti li=:rr=-iu;o;-;5;;l-;;.;.-;',: n;:;; i
0r'66o- r,L- 6 t]g' ''..ed. to 1-t !e a r o ". .dJ
., b,L I"1r. q:bi: l- 6.."-rr"",r,J.-,iii.i,i,* 01 -0".3- L -'o.: Z;o;'6; :;:"'v; \"r., d "".' .. d oa..ralror ;:fi:,-rr_0.6.i:. -.b . u11reM, vr._ ,#
ar no shoc. to .dbt " """". 6 s. o : _1lo o ru" i;,ir"n !6 ',n.i aedlrinin srDp.' ar'te! i:1"'f*"j"i::{ ?3: ?;i:'?* JaAudr,, r!ayFD::Lrm e ld.. tend.r uguai trc kr"k.ut;f tlE sro;?r6":;i;: no! .arrlod vtllsnora ro a tourtir-!1ec. reral i:"i"a $" rou-.r1e **i'"Ti,i"!::f"'ffi,* ar.\c! 106 ts. hous eaflts!, \;11.L ;;;!. ;i" t,iI. i'(;1d';;;-t;!r-, by Ii:I lrev I could conc b:.L. Irr a clstsncc nar,i, r vaenr*ea11y,smod i?ll"ll',iii: t!i;"1!.U;:iil"%i*"i! pi* r".""i r"*;. , ;.. ;:--s o-o-rj to ,tn,, b,o!€ o ta!6 +i-, ,::,__:-!i' i '',;1",",-l '' 9: o.o ss both a€" t,b _M ln 17:t .5i :, laM.tare 17:1.1.7i l. cearsscoa.l
ltflia ili"i;#:I * - ,-..
..,_ :. : i
. r.. ii.:,t., .'
L a €o D L._ a d roqi -' 6 L.-1 or tho ar.L.r i,l.c, but rlat'.'i riahi xntc lreas l,o!3r hartu bt slcnin! doln ih .srit leo3. EtBl-YLodf_ l,ae!_'-l!€I. I co!.1d .. o. -" I J \ r s- o'€io '1. , "!. r^ -ot ro.sds. to., i, lr.d .. !t" p5:- _i d .r', .loo -"o "m o- co,:a_. 'r 6 au"t ' -16 au"J Jel', rDc_ -
+: r.::."1:. ; ..::tlhes;'.-r;":::,-r . !':: :,,1"' ,"'r ':, ::
A clovo of 7.500 tas.CE rr s.tr s; ;;f;-i""i;;;, ;;ii ;i"-ii,lr day's-6rohts.: $6s1y 6vorrbody snt ho;F vtt! a coat of aust, ;hrcir s,l!r. of ,ne vJlnd-b,om satu@e atrolmoL & or r^rats s; 1€d ofr )5, j.i. aa rds soo.,,c-o o. rho dust & ctn_ oA-d lootlr€.o! "tF sa!€sc EJ ov6!
1:51.d 7:l_.dj 2. 6o!ilhd! ?:ld. ,ijtl,:;i;*lh*;;: (ceI' tr :90.6) L:rB. "*ar,u: Sl sy,"-"". ' 'r ! i r.r.rnd. : ," .. " . !- J"?" iaa b€en kicktns rr,ar; ,nro subof :€r .Y. !-o Js" o. (o-rrT o-^ ido Lasr Lub bes _r'{r _ r'o rh}o }€s;s. r"ps crsrrso a srcp ed ld. thiri !1ac€ ln t:re strdtch at tl! bobhd roriLhd,s f1;o half-ntlo!, olC ol a lt.:11.1 €fiolt, rrqrrt Tor€o, & tra116d by t'o tai.d! l^ueg€ _- "-13;lrre @f ,.n., bLt iil;-1's,i'*:r.ifrli''?i6!af 'r1 :*:"ti= *"*1"y"
o o-.a 1:o . rot
-T*tTtTf i,:a.o:
**j'.ffi'ffi."'ffi m+ifu*llr*rlqdF:i:'
f.:1i:'i,,ffiffi'j{*. I ',;,i'",' '. ':+' :; :"; 6 I'.0..lD+zr++;j:a, -!s:1 t",.:i-i:..".,..",.id r_ ;; !:!r';?.:, ':o:s-t :5 i
;r:l;ffi.###flt i,,i:t;;.,
ti;-tT":fr::t*;: I t-;$# ' ;r,11;:;l,f #t:*mi-$#i:*;i, *I+;
q:i{i ii$,!:*r*,r.tt
:-,$$:;"#*t' i;;p-ufffi#*
.S*iffifi: fr''*inu.,Effi fii***-;,; .
f +q?#i*';
i: **p;;u+g*ELT#'
i,,u,;, ,:.i:!;*Iii "{illt#xlin:.i:;if
' n$tr+fr
ff#ffifl:fmggg' '
i;'T;r flil#6'fdffiffi ,
li{il*fifr+:+rnru;ffi*=flaffi -llry'**;3**t*ts*ffisru:
-_ Ururntr|Ukifu3AngerB'
!a! oies
7, nmato l-. Bo.boJ , .. ....,..., 3.xa,udDâ&#x201A;ŹIA?e/ e. oiar r. Hdr Jr., cst poLv (pom.ar -o. pilt:F 5. crshs .... cc^ " I tlvl"lt"rq.'..
t:. e|.)
JI., -.tra"h.d . . . . e. P'hc* Hel&, A.t!d E. ha, Jr.r *Etta"h.d . . 2r|.{fu3tnD.siltrcl dt'srf'{leerjq.'' tx:, .ec..d'
ansees sL. co-sa"
1q. sdJdDi D6ur
$fuT*i,${;tl;i,ii#;,1'*qi5**'::"v"::::ii":"* ii# #H'lii:ir :i"i;ni"r#:''l'::: ;: ::l ;: ii i,:."-t-i -ii'. n,tt;i{**l.'T"":;:;":il,t i ;t":il.':": :""1", -t";:ti+ Ftfr-"qlg:itr',s-{:*li:,,si*f ilf dii{li$$J"#i, " " *"illH.:':",i .Lri,"t "lJ; :;j : :I ;i: ::T{,,:,;ff:;?; FH::jir.:ii:.:;:,_::;ft;"f i,i.,: :; :r: .r"":Ii:!:i
g1;61i"{;;,,i.s' :*;,,i;i;i:,,
carlr! c0l1t1y ranr nr]l Trltl€X BT BAm{ PomsautBn, N.J., sundej, tt{ay 6_ Jaot larry, a reto?an bt sore 20]|€de ol dts_ rsncc ruDlngJ ovafiook aob chmbors ,ltb to Eo tb€n ldrt on r. srn Csdsn CounrT pdtrs coD{ss1on 10-111€ r6 toiav_ B6ny ras alocr€d h _rh.-17-f,€d-ord the cooler ntror Parkwav chMb€r3. lho 11ke Bsly va6 rslrosohr_ 1nE Dolaretu ValLdy An. !tn1sh6d !6rr o'""". clMbers Uas oloc}6d ;i..3:;;:" fr6nty-.@ rr]D€rs stuhed th€ Didd.ls attantic.l-411 sanctloftd €voht, Dur onLy psrhrar traftic ud dtrsr stlrled by a strff blooze hereled th6 cd!6tttols thlotrehout. -,mb6"s. !,o.o.01-0, i6d d. e-ss-os abo.t drlnking xat€r on }dd, Bralrb€d sn eaily
J0 )dlomtor c\an.toruh1b
#;, on
a xor, 3ultry day 1. ?rl1sd;hhla ; ,€ok aso. lany tn€r moe6d u! fron thild to
lere !.€s6nt6d to a1t fintenors -Tr.pht€s tr-A roluur.€ rac6 br lUAr\o ofricial Jeclr s€rre_ as Del_Vsr,s ooach. r. rsck rd!7, ralalars va11ov lrq_ c?:x z. B.L c},dr€re, D6r_yar ,A, 4,1o i8iog r. nrornln€ ross, rean rr.c.. <ojtl L. J8ese BDIdel1e. petr r . io.(r 5. ricrr crsp!, w"; v."r. pio"6u,. -oo,i6
i: l?ili::::i:
!,. 1"4q.]."r'
i:.';::'^i" 4A.
i6.'€:J'ifi::::1"::i].l""' r1. nedv Yost. isenc. 12. Ed D.dd. D;r-v"l aa. lf. ldry D€1ssy. Dol-var
14, trDlt stei.6r. N!"c. 15. Rslph El1b€re, Dor-va1
ii: ndry F:l,i'li$*:: vurrhy. "l:iX'l
,c(, An.
atiii 21.i* a7:;;
;;:;i ai,;l
41.<1 68,L-o
xlrk.". ,iA. i;,n 14. 3111 n€ev€s. Do1-Vrt _{a_ ilt A dnf- Dt.k ro.ohu6, fv!p; x"r ft,l.;.pac. r8M: 1. D€1_Ve1 trA 21; 2, Pofr rtc JL P\1r Arrlr r,o$c DIstAIcn nlnls
.'um 17- 7000 rbtor Run (in
July 20- 2M1€ 'rsool€ Daei Faco _ sialts 5:to P.M. st cfty Eir11 vlctorla. Aug. 1c- Tro Fou nu- ar Dlsht undo! rlanls on st3d1@ track t{o8r sdetrl6 se!t. 15- Nolthrcsh tldatJ&r Ch@Ion_ shr! (PM&Atr) oD road, srsts I p: . orybp11r u3 s b:lrEt on. Aue. 25- Ilolthrest aau 'vot6rs '1'&F chdllonshtp t4€€ r (tun l0 8nd u!) 4 t. . t6sb s€atbIo, uash. co1l€siaro !&! sllll1lN1os IJay
I - St. Josolh's 88. lsfavotto
5ib, i");l"tll.3*vi "r: il,il6i":: rozs, sr, 1:56,9;2, cl! . 2_141: 1. adlM. sr.9:45..1;2. o;-T. c;4r, Sf,-
May-12-.vIlImola 78, auanHco ltallaE
ttod. v111eove coaoh itn foatov6r h€rd th tha 6a3r_il M11€: 1. cary L.r6lsrs€!, q, 4:02.7; z. f3r rraymr, v, 4:o?.lr l. stoY€ 1 rr'rnor' v' I,::n{a' -e' i:E!e: MsorlG. v:3. xt1rs, Q.,.1,0008 sc: r. Bsr;i6 &rt !}.k6s, a, 9[9:a-2. vi 3. Hdry Sreck, v..880: 1.-csF Llelslso?, qr 1:52.5. 2-t6ys !r;'m Qj l. C€!4 Hacl@tt. Y. May 12- r,afay€tt€ 7J+, !s!a116 5?+ ar Isst.n,_ta.. 2-11116: 1. pat yal;b, 1. ra1sh, !s, tr:1J.8..880: r. r;;r I11n6hM, rS, \t55.2, May 12- n€ltagdDl CbMploshl!! at Farcror, x.d. T€e: 1. Yale !1,11 2. An'v 4d.6; J. EaFud Ll+: L. aiy Jd,2; 5. Ddtnouth 16: 6: pr:1"".t;" m; 7, P€d 16;; 3. co!861r ro.1: I, Eioh 6; 10. corsbra 0..lrlls: 1, rtlark ttu.11ln, ll, !:10,1: 2- sE;t; achooh, Cor.o11; j, Ed M€ohan. f,: 4, Eoy Rotslnaar, PoD. lt:l2.tt: q_ Irlck r6mr30!, DurDodih..880i 1_ nordon I,Ma16y, Navy, 1:5j:T; 2. sE! azoy, Frftoroaj Ed Ea!r1tn. leFsdj 4. Bdry Rtcn..1.teud: qc€or6o xr16rthal. xa!T.. 2_tar16; i8111 Streub, xmy, 9,0J,5JG;T r€c. old r6cold, 9:o9.3 hy ue.k. yale1061); 2- Bobbt Mac!, ].als r 3. T;m !dls, Dj 4, nod zulrn€!, lrrncetob! ).JolnJores,'fnv. JMro EI110tr c311dd 1t
,61-v311€yrs Dlck Donohlc
;:i"i::,;'i:i,l:: th6 lJ|cnu
chaifllons}rtp) €ventra, stadtm r!ac!
l: ro116atat6 Tep Sl,@tuu
'tgJ-+f- :I+*6rsL9z,.
o t,"=;t.'id,-i;iilii;1";i"l;:'i;i"::
;r4#,ru;*r, :HJi:bF: ffi1i
ffi +g}**l:
'#fi,l" il**turo,i l;;,:" f,"a*l*,;"ffi I:'6#'"]; g; i:"";* 3;;91-;t;;,*:ll*J;1,,+.', ; i:fil:H:e
efi,*r+;irffil;iffi;,;*q,t *$i--g-Hffitr#5t*+#mt1*
# ffi i"#-';try$"[#:ll,ckt*$H
ri,; j:;;:'
Gr-.-g !l':^ \t\'t!t -F4X
LETTERS Edtto!: f16ssc p!1nt tli6 .L6btor tr0 hc Portsa.!a, alrloucn it ls long I th1.k tt 1s ;r ro., 1t nsFs lao.rn ro
,o lur th8 control of ru_ oi tlF fuMors.
Nf.o hands
uqy 1r, f962
!!ar* yoD fo! rscont 1.t!e! t! rrrcn yo, rskdd rerou to in r.ur eur!€r to dat6rrdn3 r !er1.1rare nothod oi,eloci_ t€Me ror tho Pad rrsrlcan c@s ln ]{rrlr 194J aBi rho 11 0.tor€r 1.61r, Alth.4h r [14 q1r6 Io! rr otlhion, Hhic]. has .ce: fornod only atre! .d6fu1 consltrei_ r-n xlin thi turerhorers rn rT aroa. I :-p1 hllat th15 sdrsf, ,111 ba of 11tr1s y)1D€ ro xod, yotrr tnqDrry hsB ob?t.uelT f6u o! th€n hsv6 oror s66r r.navo Men ru@1ng for ton y8a!3 In 1o@ & h3e3 reconrlY cor.l€rsd rr6d ro Judsa oi w o@ orForr6,c6 iht i€tnod of s3l.ctioh. rh13 1s b6causo rlb mdatnon t5 Li!3 as n&b ,{ffo!orc6 botre€n a f0 kil. !E rorB 8bd a jo-k11o, Tbrofo!6, n scor tbo loop1o vho 3hou1d beH--th6 rulwls. sond your llqutrres ro alsos dro hqd cM_ poiad 1n 3 ndarhon rac6 1n rh€ last tb!.. for@r nararholars !tIrl sonpl€. llesld8nt of th6 lratloEl Rord ^s sucn a projocr 3id r M 3Dr6 Bloeru R6,s !hor. Hl]1 stl1t b. q.dat dftIllon of rprdoh, ],rt th€ !6_ 3lrt3 q111 b€ th. producte lroohod bodf of mn. anc srter all" th€T r! sucn d ie1.!tlon_ r: ror fiy o!lntd!, the n€thod of s€1ocr_ r.n should b€ b.th the par t*o m(.ths rllole bte : eho!11 aurobutlcal:y be .ol€ct.q Hhlrs
tlB !.hatntnA tro @r!e$ .houtd b. choso. ta a tiroo @ toary coelsrt& natloul Loe D1!_tah. Rus1lg C.aleu, 2) rtD cu!6!t pro61d6bt of th. N.ttolal xoad Buelr ufuD, dd J) u rtA! 1oDa dtrtu.. ro_ dDa thdean d rofocr.d bJ tho @to!a.y or Eb erarho! rll4!. h an ol.cti.oa !u by rb. Lola tl.te. !os. ta. rs. FEl n' ENb tho@!d, t!. E.I6otor5 Ehould-b. 1t tt, .d ro erhloto. vlo h.v6 pdrlchar.d and hav. cobpl.r€it dutrs tbo rr€ ydu arv of tlD folloHte Di.o.d_ !a6!: 1) th€ spectal ldathoD rrlat !b- 2' thd Yonlr.ls Halarbob, J) E Bo3r;E lreetho!, lr) sh6 Culro! crty uearho,. 5l ttu xatloDar nnc yFatho;- Dd othe" Irtslndtlohal lrdatlrons hsld t! dottra! coDtry otr!! tEn c.mds. not pdrrctpat.d la oE ls rct .11a1b1. f.r sojsctlon rrc tns prI.+y x61gh! shouu thl! rothod 1o ihE: ew rd1abl.s ih4t cs arf6dii a neathon€ls p.lfotue. rhat !u @tllod ot E61.ct1on lDrolslE co!potiilon on 4 los cat6 {11] b A..at1y unf€l!. To haee mE thu on.1!Ial hoat ts a!6ar1y hplaotloal @d Et .r doos not plovId. a sDff:cl.lt .!1t6!ton to offsot tno 1nl!6!€nt edlabfos. it dust a1!o t6 k !t In ntDd that tb6 IEathon t6 tut uguallr @ or6nt r!.r. 3on6oe x111 blosloh ovoFrnrht trto tbedo!, Tbo iop mn as Eqal1y, rftb It 1s ulntL€ly thst tho ieloctors,11! cdpl.tsly o".r1ooh domo@ lho Ebrul'a b6!1t coreldolatton! sb1!o luch a h.thod lf a6d fo. tbc 100 edd dsb codld r.sult In somos positblt b.h€ sElp.d o! passed }J on it! ttrdE.ddt Uhat hl8 notoxortnr rsrrTjlsce-,d: luclq o! ! tlash i! tirF pd. Suctr a 6thod of s6r"oct1o. as i;b6 .B !!rpos€d tr q:.€o b.1lsFC to bi ttF fai!odt oh6 to Matl1on caratdetes thlo!!h, oDt Uh. coulrt. For s;mp16, 6 @.a: r]]oh6r ln chlc,eo re€d brs,el ody o4l of }r{B di!i!l.t to ba o1trb16 ed hs im chDole tha Br&*rod that b6st sltts nls tlre. occupeiloDal, ud rllabla1 )..tdtt;!,, ts 6u€1b1e hls !n:iori{ln.iq ciis r{uattj.n rl] r. 'rtu ocrld€lail. doto![l.l!a th. !:iilrais solocrr!4 Tx6 !1!gt3 trlat doo. slrs aoEo$
coNf rrirlElr
thus gtvss tnc€ntivo to otrrers to strlyo cnsn€d ct!c1€.
lor th6 Pan,herica. canss tr1a1 narashould bo tlF I,c l.larathon, elp.cially sIrc€ it 13 a race lun on s Fobludy datd my{ay sd s1.ce tn€re ls lrorrslon ro! lowir€ t.arcltns at1!16t6s, Tbe {eetrrcr at th13 tim of rsd {Februsy 22nd) 1. usrallx b6rlo,e ihat rnB naratnon t!ta1 shoultl b6 approrltut6ly tro hontbs lrafora the evont 1n quosttor, so that lt can best b6 d€toh1r€c rhat kind of shala th3 61tglb16 carditatos de ln, th6 tllouts for the olfEltcs r.uId har€ t6lbh6l.l1nAuault' fo! @d6!ata leathe! ln u area lin€re ndx possibl€ cddldatos aro close t. :he slte of tIE lace rould bo iha Sdr Fxantrr0 tr!cr yee},
att8ntton to ths cortontlon tlat tle -{11€AI6ny As3oclalion .f th€ lt! he3 tbe ri._hr r. hold trr€ xatlo,al ,{r.r 2j-ri11. cnd:-ilonsh1! o. tabor Daf, althdugh t)le 15-kl1o ms !ftYr.us1j arard€d on tn6 undersiMdtig tnaa tt torld t6 re t]j, dat b6f.rd Labcr DaY *d ihat ttu 25-k o lould b3 held or
rlomrtal tus, Infact, on€ dr t:ro inducorenis to vot6 to! d ltttsburgh aeent vas Daf, oronts t61rre hald 1n corju.ctlon rlth th€ raco Jwt as ths 596c!al:l-day Gloolb€lt Laho! Day t!6 15-kl1o. In 11€! of tlE aitltade oi e aesoclatton rhich eahorl!€ to ttu ru1os, rhtch do€s n.t eotuuat Fith othors rho hale cnnflt.tl4 data, sd Fhlch !ui6 tia Lqr.c:e at a itlsactdtee6 in halIha io run tro lone races r6d {€s!ocrsllx vbsa b of rho cDmhrr). lt is eurcnslloftx1t afldc bo tb6 e6t should Le llren to s€aitle, 1l ihot acc€pt, lor tl,c mat f. .tusrsi or actorer ln conjundbion lith t5€ no!1C,s FaIr, such a reca rould b€ a t!on6ndo!3 thrns ,rna tn soneral, uton th6 laclflc liorthr63N d6clirtrE 13 tnon srAa.stoc tlrat the rac€ bs h€1d aaala 1r a sgoE.! ilEre lEs [udenteod Ar exlenb.fltribs e netii.al chsnllon-.ir end br-
:.:: :::::::e :uDins ::r!3rie.t, l{at'1.
(El], l:o:.r ::::{: ::::r::? .1: ararded ti-6 si, :t-:::r: -: :.! :rr:r.!olitan 133o.
ra]i.: i:::::
r_. ::r:: I .a a agi ::.::]:1:::
a:.ha!d ar. ]. t\e
rfi6r e da: -l = ::.r :: rolc nclass6s, tri haisi: ::.: rr i:e (:llr) !.!r! i:€i: r:. :::::-e:!::, rest Jue I {es s ::: lj- :r-:::. :r; poud s1ob. !.. ::: .: ..:;'::.i:. to stut qrtr sr.rrl :-:::r1r: :11' 1r a tois11: :er l1:::. -: !:raress€d : : 11: rur !o a tlon lierel: :r::: : r_,!:::.r:!trb1q.
:.! _:-, :::. -:l3rs l"oleci !:l :r, l:; j.ri, N.Y. trr.:i:1;: ;.::.: i:r: :ii:el t. t]:1::::]::::::
I,r. :::: r:,: :: ::: :l l.tr 1r!€It. :. :ar1::1.:;-r:: rcrlli€ out Hlt]1: :. 1:;:i;1:: a::3i Inrorest tl16 ra3.:a-:r.:l:1:: :?r:.r{ces ol u:o 'barrl.rs" to 3iati:.3:. :r .rfs.. eedr
Si:scrlte to ll crlc lthlettcs.,nonthrr i2,;. !e! rei..rrr4€f tbou€h r,D Log.
415 Rlde.crost_3ou1o'f"
Rlds€cl8st, catttornla
ndrtor, Ir !o!1y td yor
recent l€ttex. our ut. llhttnej lrihsy concorn rlth th€ !r_sL, o_.€L B.a t ss ooon tvo-'ord. ltloA has been eolne on for yeds on tho all indtvtdual, l:otrntatn, but It las €E i m,.oa ndllg I :l: t l.:,::rn6 rlnu;, frlo! ro" aYru
.s uDs€ o s"o ';:,.":;:"':T:1'3' 'f-;;"; ;i"';;,;'
" tdo -o1
o addi!to"3 3.r-a.Jr:
:;il:""1:ff,i",i:i"fi*:ffff"*.lal1'trsi.inc, fiid i{rqr lUsels
th6ir hah
th;-lugs to rbai bulnins, achr;e !-ornt ot tein; urab16 to koo! u; rlih dhe lhe flvo place {tssls ln 1960 ard 1961 ..... .. ,. 6r rus.hon. o 'om: , Loo o. .o1o,, L:oa:2Zd
inur€s. -qebss ;::-*;"Il::3 .1::::"-""1':k?:?15 ?;ii;ia. jJ:. --"* 5..: -;,1.;;;";;";";";"-.. !von, c1€noale, cal1f.6:20:39.4
fi*-ir*- t.
196_ 14 . r{ rs' }!a!3 o'r 1, a1 b".r, P ob1o, (o1o., /: 1,:1.5 trJU6 D,s. a, sM Dloso, l: d: / cr€adr -, -suf.4:ll+:-0 er8.cly oro h r ..8 s r., .s fie"a, L:17:55 Josr In d:2?. "ss r6ar ot hoaw. 1et6 3ho! h tne Sl€lrars 5, Mont6 Uolford. El ?ortal. [t50j00 tha course uret and !6 drdnrt ru Ernt6 !ort6s, ssn D16so, 4:50:00 r6d. a tho of 6:J5 ro! rost of ttr€ flnlshols ir 1960 16r€ that Joa but ho elso olen1y adriltted lelint rieihod. tlai !e hsd cheateC on th€ distenco ty rtr_dro rSAr .".ot had ?8 cort€stbl-tas" ne "o .. '_ "u -q1 Bus€ ,d-€ u6rglrt-r-s re:. .-s'n€o -d- sbout f.!ce y€a-S, IIc In -6ra.e . Bl,, : :!1t 1r lr,r La3 s!o.. r'trars ."c qu1r. e-r -, uss crooo Dp or e . s pjkss .e"k.r;.d t cneati.A on the oourso and clairnig ridid- the Mt.'l,l1ntno, t1da ron. !16,otAht u1oft ttn6s. !,lT vll€, Jsrri, dd I boAd trai4lr€ b€ean'as a cdro for & rLhtlrg Md olsr'tu 0"at Lo o!6anrz€ an, te:o-1;.oo a s.!ic' !.eo-dtBh, "stda -o a sao _s ,l a bro; ' s .Jo_o s |T oo!' r. o:L ,'s ss o yed, .lo' T .or.o n r " € oC 7:od, "
c o\.. 'tu 1'. srd tlcl. L o 'sllr, -sl r:.o o " r-3. !"€: ns. r- € lonine ard up ,11 -urr_Lr. a- frSb ar_ _lon dtd !r '- c:17, 106.. I o; o T ro eds pe s rd.-L rol ;. !acd. ,€.o o. h6 rd a n€s te 96. 1. ns.;rhon 3 3'3r' r.oct€d L: 6, 4f 11 6 .-io "i11 be r:-?. of 'tF l. L tr"d!.. da, e.rej -sDoc DaJ, -r'.1 sod h€-6 L e, o r o Fr 'nrorost 50 ros o6s, on; -'. vl€ 6.Jsad irre tn the race has b6o4 trnlts u! sore 1n- t.olhl€s to th€ rsr. itlst flv€ l1ac€s and tereetlne fact3 about tratnhs- !o traraodri;t3r rlorhIes ro thosd;ho ttdsh od-,rs .hls ,re 3\. p r€te Htt\ Hatg olstIIeltr t1n.. u.Ioa In no oni€ .o o - dI!" .L9b_ va3 I hous {ht. ot"oltis o n€^alr - o j- s- sll, Ino s!n-6r€lJ Jous, Bob loo (t€o's s-relqrh ' la,s .o - -o.o !'t. 1r{ Lfy 3t 3n snd s6arL" a€.Lo!) 1,:. snl rlen relud "9o1rao. ro .) 6 snr l. € po , rt's - ' es oed_lo. L,a silL fttcaeo [9' 111' cDuso.'os ;61eht-t"ai'uuui. ro' u '""" tellored to! Eratlon Dea! Edttor, tu {ds ot cous6 lnmlne on roush tlal1j xetr€ not rcigltsinc6 tt n@ €€one obvlous thet llftsrs in ilr€ conlotitlve sem€ of t5e {e alo rearlrE ou eoal on t}D !onLom. l/o o o.oo qlrlte "o d .. B- s .; - !3 .1"3t p16dao 'or $10 plrs uo!h6! $l In; e oro.Eoo.., :n'lLdL.3d.rdc€ o"e tho \-!sh B"bo;r ri-, o oC t € bJ aos' ad-"r'4"". rumtn", "pr."
(rottcrs - c.rttlued) t !ou1d 1Ike to seo rtrts con€dtto. !ecoha en am!a1 rhrng anon6 tha !um€.s. r tblnk that as tlm aoos .n m tlt1 asaabLlsh tLo cDntacts to lffreAs€ ths lotsrttsl o1. our turd. narbe .rr:adTatto H61r6 s!.rts, Olrnptc com1tro6, and .ther,. {.rlC also b€ trt-"rest6d t. .cn:litrtrtllt tf tn6n qere shDrn rro! :he ru.n€'s rh.n: sdrr.s aro cortrlbutl.e to t!.thir rjreir Th13 nlart t6 on6 Erss 1016 rhe Rrlc r3a11f, douln do son6 e.od. you roov trrit tie raathoD rumc! a1'aas :sts rFfi bhlhd on sucir thtnss as tho iis^Nsia tlIps. odJ at tho c1:Brlcs a1lt. Hnen xor33 3nr lnt.nailotu1 ..4r!6tjrlon !elI, .ro r4e homY soq i i:31f aL tlrotrdh the ro.trltltlon .a othor: to ssbd od b6st llee's io Enschade" Ja!enr Koeico.6tc. I thl!! this snouid to s sti.di& connttt63 0l thd nnc. Arle t)]e 6asr6st laa to appotrt a comltt€e trdad Is t. arlalnt ih6 Toa! bofor5. Fc 6:m!le, 1l Ted Corbltt lrercflts flon tho tund to sand trln ro tordln-&1ehton. t\on noit y6ar tt rtll te Ldtlr hts rorDoislbillby to !ats6 rs norer (tlloulir the l! Los) to s6nd annbhs! Folsor th6 ro1loHlntE r6d to a dlrf6rd;it raco_ Ire courd lalso rbe !r€st1a6 o! th€ sForr re.4 Esht r€ to s1m a con301ar10n pr1z6 oI a trl! t. sor6 drrarhon ro ttF rmb€! fou! m!. th€ -s[J thar gl49gl nsds tho lrrnplc tod, the ion€y lotr1d lectlons ar all of bha btg Mrslhons, Tttntr do1le froD onory sntrr for tho Boston r&rsrhon wodrd brlai. strc€rolJ, Ea1 Eleao!
r:aesn: J"rrr L. ro11or.
iob cmpb€11 siqriB:. ,:i.tr anout r.n :tydr? 1rre. i:3 :1:t :: t:!st tr.L1d be ar-.r iae. tirli i,d
; B 71-lner "i lqx€ a b{ r.
I :...:r .f vh. c.u1d
Ted C.r'.:Ltt: Je:tr :"rrr starod it s letf8r rr er e ' ,.. ,:.; rlr.r,h t^r ron!o,.-ro-:rt r. r i: h6 tJ still ov€r srr:dri!1 'rer3. a half d.zra .".t"" ::.r. ari; .-,, b:.r lntsra3tan ;n tr1tra-]o1 .irr.1 . r iq anr E .igt a1i " r. r,.i ito d i t. joh tn6 r!s| 195r rd at:3n!i:d tl.n t. holi a _:a ri:3 rar3 lhd s3r_ oral oJ tr" a; bed . t.ai.ing :rr rho ne.6 not aols !o Eet a sactlon. 0t c.u!se. nr$ ]]as ;un thd !ac€, brt bh6r€ 13 tr8 cosi of f,€t_ rirs hlh f 'on r\6 .cast bur lt ntr b-" {o}th coriaclrtna hth. John J, I!d1i6y rron rab |v€ rsar4 "art!aorlee,tto!etE, 13 no rsason to ;rleci hrr to talo on tEis Dm. H.r,sysr_ lr!6 rr€a!,i that n€ has dom $ nuch es !0 h1l.s 1r d ,rorrrout and I ra11dv6 thar €1the! ha o! c.rd.r t4acr6nzl8 coufd ru thts rac6 & i.ssrblv " !1n. I loDld rll.o t. ;.q=e r ih,r Bl11 lrtLlDd bo nmsr .i;cJ1,/t:erne!/ i!-tr13?i r:l].Ust !ondon-to-BllEhton !:!e, .1e ox!€rlsnco
5 -O B" aarar {€i Doa! Br.,.ler
b,.,r.r. .,i*.il":i;1."
A nA oa r r tdo..lon bs !o sJblo candroa'.s " ,. olosp€..tro poL. rere 13 r s rr.r ot srjros.,ons ..( -o : cMibg-l1 ri]"1n.mn !-q!E--c"!tlt' T@ Fya!
perhals roo ah /t]{ttd
.ssr. a ,,s
ca. ,'s€L6dii, . ecr€os vr lcr" sf o n : d" ! ,- - aaou.a rno -. " .y :.: a.rbltt {€ci Ir :t o:1.:.! Cclti.rrda's Eob be !. .::a11ent ctrolce lj tar tosstrilltr a.lsee lhst !6 ri,tri.c sead rcr: atr. .r :oifor rrn a .l: r:..thor re.o:d ts ?no added .oar!1)r,ii.:r !!.:r "ihi ccrrt -L-.ul tt ate. Let
sPorso@ 19 FrcoY crr,!
of YoNrE$ at cl.n Pd!, Td*dd, N.y., i{4' 6th
l:Rh'i!l?i,"**l*rii::i%6! Eob
t@.r N.i rolk tc, 3. 4. BIIL Scbaab! N.r folk rrc, t, Id sohl.sdl, N.{ Yclk AC, 5, c.n rlirtin, g.r ror* nc. 7. Jh oroo@U, st..Anthoqr's B.C.j 3r Co1.@ oon y, N.i folt r0r 9. nttlk xatrar, C.dta1 J.!ra] tc,
c.nt!.l J'!g.r TC,
#:|Et ,.76 13tr3 t)jl!' .,t\t2o
34tra"4 9lL:54
LL. 1.r,r And.!!on, C.ntlar J.r!.y TCr Jr.r9 12, !.!ot tua.n., Unit.d aA, 151\1 13. Jack hrblD, unatt&h.d, 14. ,rotn cd1.!p, It111F!. r.l, ]t. J.. I!'eer, st. rniho\y,s !.C., ,7:11 16. lrId Bo.d.!, Untt.d 11, 17, Ax3!.t lirhlok r lditach.d, 13.
!d] n.r.s,
Unttd M, Urlt H.ut6or, Unti.d 11.
fc, su!d.!s, uFttrch.d, 22,rlil!ck.r,Ulit.dM, 23. B1l1 Shr$.!, j.ll!o!. ll, 24. 8111 clstlo, N.' To.k aC, 2r. ,Jo. xt$y, si. rnuronr,l B.c., 20. Bob cas.r, Btuc.
21. ,tnd!.
26. C.o!a. {ochm, |n1Loo. !,{, 2?. vtn .ll C.hrr!!.tta, r.r Y.!k ,{C,
ttt\1 tst5,
ft si.hll, c.ntl..l J.r$r ?c, t,r4 29. Dlck B.cL.!, snli.d A]|, U.1A 90. Ld!. orllllr, st. rlrxoqy'r B.c., ,9t]l! ,I. Dt t.! aoM, St. btnorr'.8.C., 4or0lr l+OtA1 !2. B.r h*.'td, Ittllror. lr, to.zt lr. To! sh!J, uFtt3ch.d, &, Pai ro1.r, rrl:Ijbos. l.[, 40!ra 1,0145 3t, ?!uk r,.d" srlt d lt, ,6. ch.!I., lMy rrr, ubtt:ch.d, 4'1ro4 37. Jolln r4rca!tuu, st" rdhoryr.8.c,, 4113, ,€, nNsr v.r. untt d 41, ,1io 19. cha!1.3 v, Itsrhr.yr unlt.d fi, 4e'oc r.e scodnt: I. ' Iolk rc, 3+-r-6-€-261 2. c.ntld J.!!.r ?c, 3rj 3. urlt.d Al 73i !. st. rdhoqy'. Bc, a6J t. r&us'. M, 102. Rac. tu tu tft ..ct1oM - .{ nlth t4 .t:*.}. {on by a'h!on..B d$ 30 '!ut.!! tun bJ coI.lrh .pUt! on A '.ctloF 4.52 tbot., 9t56 lhd., 1t'13.4 r.ht6n, 2or?0., l'htd, 2trtl 28. !t
llrT]onrl, Cl?rmr
slndtt, apltr
29, 19&
10.00ctr. :[tN cool.tds. Fish 3cno.1
J4l.ttr st, anihory'r 8.c., ,{1 A@.c], r4lrc& UntErdtt, ,. J.try Jon ', ohrt.d ara, P.M.' 4. irhh o'cbmr, orcom.u r.s., i. Jobn Donih.., &lrts srrr.!', 6, lak B dlt, DC stdd.!,, ?. outi€iion fi.u' raprt. g.!d.!', 1. Job! 2.
3. F!.d Dosl*, rttach.dl 9. r!.d Ndc.r, 8tt&h€d,
10. Itsy Brd1, !!t!I c.Cbl ru€rur,
- Jr' ucD.d.r lt tr.^rl crdtol |]l-srrr. cdrs.r ? t !..,loIa htL! on..ch r.! (rd ed klr r.p s]lshtlJ 14.r thrn tn !.,t) r.rrh.rr h.tr d.!p.,:ilhbr.lr ttdrh.d 1! tb. !at!,*..pt th. tl!'r dr. Ficl NOrlSi ?o!d! JuJd.! nrtrd.l ,olo cb4 Johr JD.tt rp!.sr to b. dld!3 4aod o! hI! F.!c5. that h. rM sotla to dr. a ce.b.ct. Th. .rlrtldn tult r lot GM hld rErt !r.!a1 .t rtdr.r.ri r.rldlg rn ri.bd, bcr Ei 1nc.nr16 !.nftd hy tJ1. Dc p!o!r,! ,rurftt 'trr' h.! rt..dllr rcrl.d hl! wr back uD. bd, dts ut. eH.' d Bu.ook. . !r..!dn bduu !tr'lulsfold, Com., .!d hi!r' 'hori-rrr1d1* otcoN!, ! blsh lch€oI ..ntd, b6tjl turud t! 1!!!.!'1s p.lloMc.r ro! rh.{! tllrr .ti.@r. rt 10ry d1't&0. hddlS. AIro qtltlls .tt.!t1on rr! thr mn F.1.3 .r Joh1 Dd1h.. rho 1r on th. dd .Jt ! ! b.d {rlw. P!12.': trcpld.' to t.i 10.,'Fcr.t rloldy t r.r lu.r oh' 40 (prt Sr.r). itnJ
$nd.y, lprrl 1,
rc rd.! nDdicrp
.t tlctort tadt.1 D {r td@rFxrr, uMr.t...condlttd.! Fau"8-, cLs rld.. c q& It m*6 rltrd..orddd8r E. hb.!r t|l!r{,.. J.t!y N.lso!, lrd s!. ?rt !uL!. Rrc.
t ldf..
Io ldl.r
s$.r.h jEIq-T26,4e) 6'It3ilgr [x* (t2,05,t) {t) sc!.t.h 14,ttIZ6-' 26) ar'rr.j
,,r. oLn 6$trr!d, ,,.
4. ba
*-"* r1#?€lr,(2,.
Pltr.n!n, ,,*
r,* ,,1#€1,*l(!i,,, DeB.!shd, ,,* ,rlffi,rrilllt e. r,yx. rq.n, "*.""" ,rl8-t*'tl(!1", 10. J.E $drhj ,'- tLffi\.,n121,t" !1. xrcrr n.r@, ,,, ,lS?L"/i]'* (69too) (u) ddJ - Dlck nt!p, ,t@ tt!00 (?!ro) ,tl! sob.trt 5i6 3?144 (rot44) r,.!rr f,lrir{ ,r0o ,rr0o (rrr0o) MCE no4Tst 0d. .t !b. h..t m!d.l !s! .t.€.rl to d.t. t! i.h. rds..!.11! e.. tlD ibE . t.atch E! r! .Ll ud.r tL c@.. lsdd r.t br D-hs Bl&ct 'lr.t FYlas (rM! Tn:idth 1,t0G rcor{ hrrd.r) 1..r JLlt. ft. oild Fc.:d ru t4r1r. d! @.!t' d. .t tn tjd.h.!r F t d F 6.1 b..r. fd th. d{rte lllsnolr. ]lrt t-dl, r. . bUzlts 2r'L6. z.
&de.m r! Du.dllr Nd z.rled. $. to b. .drd to etd rh.D.lrr ! ...i tu for tb.1! lr.r tbd.rr! tlr, dn b..tr..n lo rd t5 rr. Fri.d to qFltdd, rtih th.d.rds ad !u1n .tslrr 6 t5. .@r or .n!cr'. rh.r oushi to It t. .rrlra.d th.t !n ! - ,Jd ir - rh.r codb. ffntrs uFcd! ot c.i. tj. cd5. th.J 'd11 ?0. 1d.. r. rh.r rh.r ,hdtld b. id.al autn.r_ d€r le . .trdr Into .ohdE dire. .id hd b.t to :ftad ri hf .r'cr'., &d at th. tu ttt alr . DdLc€cllttt:lc tacHis ro ib tl|olt thri tl.rdrs d.Fnd! @ ltlrde .nd thlr .Era. tu tn. b.tt.! tot !t !td. ft. obJ.6 b.htld 1i rrjl 1' to txld a! h., sch . lillrra .ct {t[r. ro tt! s.d.ntltr N .Jf.ct! rltar Ftt. ot th. bot, d.an pdil.ul{ !.t !@. to ib. tlclild. of coelsr dt3.8.. lt L.rt 10o ftlut rJ r. @i.d. P.rticnrrb r!...r b th. @ r! e orrlc. Job {ho noler]y *o.r Ft hN. o$ort'dtt 16 .5rd... It ldll .fr d:n nlr .rd\t di.r.e.: ro - l.lniF bDi. thd.@ldrht tu i. @toh . hr. rr th. 4 b.cor pheslcar! itt, lhr drtld. illl b.@r prost.s3inry loDse. ht tt rd:U .I d.!.'d o! th. c.!!blltta.. ?|.h u dl1 rr. Br llu 1n hl. on rld. and rLl h. dlrr .!il hdr ld h. ro. tdrl b. .Dtir.\y lb t tt. rlrl n @d.! th. rp.wtdtotr ot docrd.r &d scurx ch.cb rrl1 b. Ed.. tn .cha 1r .l!.dt o!.rtljlg tn .rucklrd, t r z-udrr rr!c.* .4tr. Th.F, qrJ' D! b d.tk-b@!d lob. , Eedrs r r.solr! 20 o ,o dLr r * dr dr.. . tdab:-{n dsbi,. . n.k, t! th. Ilt r.t. ot th.+ !.t1th. alrls sEls u6 Ix 1t,c@ rrElDR ffJNr ?uFcmr sEco D br ]}ar or lald.Fou, b!o,.. th. ctrr. !.co$ br dlft thr6 dei.r .. h. rd ih la]elotr r s 1t-r o (9.4 dr.r) cb,,rnd.blF iodar .r hr! Irl. i! Elo.dlstd, ldmrot!. Dd.t irr n. 51:49.6. 1b. o1d t.ca!d, 3.t L.r t* try nod rrdt*, *' ,4:4o. Fr.d Fadrl or st. Plul r.r !.cond tr t3.29. 11- udc $. old !..dd. rcl. rg.i' of IB&.rFur E dtjra: P.it LnL of si. tt t p JdF @!. xr rlor.lJ crdFd lor tlr tl!* tro d.f... tt'! Dd' dt to '!rl!t.d . qu!t.!-it.l. 1..n !dtH! tln lct itu d1.! & rc4.d t! e .r.r d@!. ?c !s r, rp66-d br th. r&M..ot. Rord EM. cbi, dib th. odlrte. ot th. Bloodlar.s.!rd d.Frttlt, !tu ioad Ae.rr r.r. '-ds.lisa L.t t.s io .ncd*. 1d3 dt!trq.. lddIs .d tn tl61r tlfd ,..'on s!.n!o!.d or Fahn I cb!'d.dthtp sc.. !!d 14 oth.! M
!&€{ng fioi 3 to 1t ltt r. coiditlons: Hl1\ cN3. nfth 2 nn1.s or u_ F'.d rosd6.,P]u 70o, 58.'.,Priz.3r I'o tro!ht.5 & f1v. @da1,. ofJrcl,b I Fj H..drtckro, Dat.: shday, xay 271h. 5]./tui. r. r,h D!,s, rdd.rF1i3, :91;T- 51;i9-32. F!!d Pu!c.11, sr. P.u1, J0rr2
l. l.
LJ1. r&.!., lrim..ts].1',]r:12 Pat L:db, St. p.ur, l2:4a
sd$! 7. !1ck rup!, 5. J.r!y
!gl- nc* r,f.rs!r
3r'22 3lrt26
la6ll 7- Th. uctc,t nt.!a! hrd.r en. mch.rd3.turd n y bt obty 3 srcobds ro dh th. 2nd |l'rul }[d|.El nold srdds club 4-dr. crors{@1!, P{k. Thlrd d fdrth {r. rh. lrrc'r Edrlr rrrho11t. ed n dllr (&aud t1d! fron s*.rch in N.!th.r.s)' 1. trn. 22:19 (22:te): 2. IJ!-ot BAr, D.prui ud"., 22t2.1 t22.57\: i. Ilntr rtrloxLr, ucrc, ,4:02 (2rro2)r r. iich&d cd!..: 1-rd1. sNr loop, sos€r fld,ai!.. rrth 304 ,tnd_ si. Pdl, hr !- r $-._4 r.& or c.o&. und.r P5t r:itn ud Ron Da'!. i.E.!.,rls nob.dr ln p,r'tlcrrsj cm d 9 dt.r on $. KsbrEd Pek sou .d3. !n 43:46 rd., (.r.h db ]!jdn8 I d1.3) ro 'th th. rds.rot! no.d &d Rod r,,oi{k rook th. ucr.'r Rl:s!dr, rld;h.d !.c.d LL ns d16!ra11li.d ^h. b.c&e. th. anchor 4n ,r!!t.d r/2 dn. b.fo!. I hi, !.*n.r c@ .Le ,rth rh. brronL dch:id!, d$ r t1d or rrraJ. l_dr. of th. dry. rtxu nod i.b!* ir rb. z-rdr. Nk. rh. ,2 N d m.h.!dr i t.u. Cblc.sor
to.mr hlr r.s. (rb hF ad rotrr), '-dr. r.e n (!3:"6)r iL)rs. Ltnd. srro 9:ttn-r6:ur: Prr :2116
7,rc_ttrttj iob DrE ?i45-?:56Bab rrsd! 9:0t 10:06_ 19,rcj Drh 1.4 3:05 e:r7--16r22: iod uzdrlt 9i02
15:r1..r.u12 ('1r40)r
?irs 3:10116:c€..r.& #3 (d1.@!1.) ro! n6!-
t.uon ?rto 6:r3-16:aar
cbuck E{ih.rom, lJ:1, (fto8 cNe.) 3r4r+-r2:t6i h. n|oh.ldl
b.'! d.d .ry'h.- tn !nrd! & ibE ht.r contrdt th. Brah .J cout-JlE LDad. !trh4!.Ir.r, rDc., r4,:, runotr rr.. x.n Fo! t1L
- r.Jrli jssocrarlon f:mind lrosld ofr Lo a s_o{ | 15 lasr b.,_os se o th6 chsoro of che-tja!:ship o- "tu 1o@ :" n.€ I y -E nrl,'€6. Lo aLryran has lost!?nod sr^t€! "ore: '-L nr8o rs as cnsrtu, ud=m-;F st€!! md Ju! sieat, Jo€ Tracy has suocoodod btq.,E11o Vlyardt has reslGned as .oach of tbe san Frdclsco addettc cr-;E:_Th€lasiEEtion d1I ln all lroballLlty !6du.e tho clubts 6ffsct1v6!uetr8...td!rt Look no! l]ut th6!d s6as to b6 10ts of ,'falthtu! !€!, m"athon t6ad.t 14 tb6 g.s, The '64 olynprc tdar.s !I11 b€ trutal to! trre t6{,r,... ,Nft6! JolllaJ. 8611oy,3 {et1.s1n/\v rlarathoh vtctolT or€ no{sla?or b6adL1re leadt rlEruEY stulils tt]{fr( cnoaI..T}e co-dol s; Ind €, ud.bo. \.J. ttlrh,.hoo a -round athtoto. dre! had !u th€ _?l=:-rF-8676re, nor .!en n pr6..rao. laa tr on ray l5[; Mit ruEd In o@ . 86 ro a od :n rh6 88o'l€oy s So !h Jo?s€t M! 1! 6 !b6r of y€a-" Lqor \e :_6,8. r.noor !lsi,o td ralpgn If i-@ berLor arh1€t€3 tn tho hi€h schools tDn6d out fo! ilaclr trstead of bs6ba11?... Th6 t41drs nor b€lne ytrl b6 b€1d - J hL at {eo o-al larh, orot lD - s : s"L6! r.o 'c6. @sllaa deLa.lru A.A.!. l0 i,Lo :tu. ,lt_!_rtlton pEloses tha and olsarlzaiior ot tl6 club d111 h6 d1BouBsed,.. d LL llat t1n6 pars rol \. ho-s rhe \t, Msstdo! rtl t o. lo o .;I;; | ,ad € .r'e, ,a! c56 -s .rro stnc€ rls Eaad, rn 1915. il€'o * !111 ba about s1* teMs - .untstnedilrs alub, 2 Btathlon conte! teaa, l Atr lolco, Denn€r ]]ntve8ity tracrr squed. t6md fr@ tb6 r.s. n!ry 2l!da l@ u.1t of -.sat!.op6ft xllr put tosetber a t€s!. Ict€ad of rr 6 us.8r '5 { r€d, sd ,be besu €c€r - t,00o sdl uo lool c€o -e?. !o -d!. oe roo T4dt.nt on toos6 sn:10, dd rb6 -aoo bacd doE. .. ralh o, lEl .s.,Jr lu3t ro +l .ik aboDt itl... FLD Mo In ed.y t4al ar L6!i!!o!!, ?a. !1tn ollnliar Bob V1m, 1n th6 ldad st tho 20-nd!€ !osr, doolalod tho {rDor. ... A conpreh€nslre 3tuc7 of 156 narathon rD@6!s rras convt@ed D!. Joseph B. {o1ft6, nedlcal diloctor ot Va11€-? lorE€ rbat i€sealch I$t1tuta, ttrat tho best lrot€ctlon eeaihst rddehine of iLo art6!1€s 1s a llfGrlro of phystcEf aotlvlty. iI6 found that blood cholest6rol loao1s, a suslootod caus€ of cdorary ur6!y dls6sid, aba actr!1 stttu or hdcdnins of the ert6ltos Ho!€ @ch 1€ss in Mathon popurail.n. lhe r|rrels lalaoa rlon 17 to 6l years or ege...ya?t.us studles herc aLo{n that dtEh blood chof,€sterol 1e?ols by srbstltrtlnE umatustad Tag€tnbl8 olis for a p€rcdntaAo .f satursted a!1na1 fats pr6sent xnerican d16i. 3ut tf poorrlg leact tl!€ cblck€s. noxelt dlLa.€lne th€ .ablt ot f|I€d tua1s to a patterr of datlonA nllrbfllg !ou1d drlvo tho cnolost€rol 1ovols 3tt11 lorer. Studi€s rclort6d by th6 fed trl.€ a ia] denoloped hardonlr€ of th8 ut€rt€6 seveF a3 tn clddlons :iftn accdss t. th6 3e rdia of food 2l+ nouls a daT. lire rloblers .-lso had n:ch 1ore! blood cholestorol 16vo1s than tho tri.e-!-c1y €ate13,,,lira!icnal Irter5o.1.-3t1c lndoo! tro-ndfo chdrion 1,l1!o Colt6f, 3 I B! b63. a..opLod I de dl6lY aoi L sorf Fond'o " t" ruraie! ht a.lucatlon anc j.1n tr. Din€r !.nEhert:i lrdcls caner aad 811.1 C1dL, a3 ar!h:].€ Irisn rumars.,,4t the hslf-ray @k lD the r3c6rt Dc .!,qU ?5-Lj1o rn:ra!]j ltla€in8 ronairred! ,,!hls ls a lons corse.'t luqrr Jas.ost rcport. that n asE6d or tu5sur1lg flhe€l, ad ho feels rhat too nar-a athleto3 dre uscd t. sLolt Lc nRc has lu.hassd a dliid @ohitu and.ofpl6 . . Eo:! r ."s: - . 6 o! "s.. r dvo b.s, .osssrsd ro ibror; in;i, .l rl]- !o-Laq ,r" rs puadrs€ Do L. o 7,or .161. r,..drsF cobpuod clolo .r! r; ^ol"r " l, 3s oI thls ylf: 10.4 " 9 ' . .S Lh'" y.*: O.L - 22.3 22.)";h";""d,; l+9.9 tn,9 -^ .:_,6-:0.-)]c.""6d" "u :.1 ,tr ..:t- - 11 @t!lc). t ha!€ herl l4Itatlors --a r 1rr0. ,.. -u; .3 s ,Je' n-l, rh ur !r:o' aol -tcsui4n df o!€nl ng o. r€o be blds to ottrex agsoclatlons. T sil1I thtnL ther6 should te so@tLlN tn S€attl€ & trra 25ki rrdlld b€ tdea!. Tits Atv.s ri.Y. th6 251d, lokn & @lathon senlor chm!s." q4
ro i,,E cr.orDs bv ell1v sqlflas :::ffi'::.::ii:":;.:;"";i'511:'":;l had a d6sir€ fa a chalI havo alflays leF€. h _'c, . d a" 1. m:i. tut .p. o 1 l-a b."o | -: o Jo-;ir.do.ro@o-eq srorJ D15'6r r' dd Earl -d cvanr in t, a.k f_or ds 10o t'B o lL3ra|ron' rhs 'o; .'1€ o l Noul; tho o 6od o! b.'o € _oi1t -c o t56 .o"" .!aa !-o'e5' or .tl6 s-d !"'_ i"p..r".." b€,ds trE ;"-"".e "; ,11...:'63!.''o-'D;.-".) \ha ro-E8 s-o I d. r.r.fhr6a L6ets boforo t\Is a-6er r I r - us. .a lod o [a! lBosto. o B.r.{. ranesar of i ' shoui, a lD.nL3 n !u . r! _.: "."., ( g nllso o a oltl ?r !do hr_0 87 " r'" " ""- r"l st' 3 s 3__'1€ fannl3 r1t- :jo-5jpcoD tr rot po! .,, . o . " t.l6'qd rn6 deat cranlro SLaio. l. a, s lol€ 3r 11_sr, h i I6sd, ,1 ol _o U- "" 1r;"rE"i r'" € '."".pLrt,." tha v€asao| "J"r had r- s car!€ .lal Ltls 9ea 3'c r'8iteo lho s" to o1o "6robrcLo r-s Ito 1t30 ..:. 'r3-' or e-e,vtllos. co . "r.._hu:onrT ttu6e lselB o 'raLr. 1 6 ,o d b^ !;L'L 3 ."..o1 I 1 ad4ol adlr.r'L:tr 'eska3 o! .o A-.Iro< g. Lo. { 1.r . l.ldsr on .-r. l+ ro4-t a or L.'rnIE. : 3 .as Il od. D6 . ' io00 e3 3 0 lr€ r1.€ :€; s 11' ol co"s a€rob-€ I olet'' ,r3 o.oe 6.rr-". tr ro-€iL B r ho.ld,,do selon n jei or .IIl ,o!k, "r dltr. "9 I !-l . f€€t r-o h€al and d "b!-"ro€r. s F-e'!t^o to "ou oav3rbad -0o edl'nj '\6 p tr _ o. jr Ns G Is olf a_onl s!€r rir€a. .t _osE 9o. Lak€ daora.€ ,bs L_i' o" to r bod9 rJ a J5drr_ r0 o 0 ..d 3. / q. "E ooo sMls ano .-eeL' r-r co.t_o1 rs + l. 6' T us" ier. b. b.t o e soon booonos adl stod. Aft€! orrl e "!o v€ s o'.:'_ ' !. uee ro rhs .f :-€ l"! "aln _oalon .r r8v r F;odhir€. toatLt€ st 6 P.tL. kIL" Llio " r"d' '' €a1 oooa ar'"gac. m'' ;;e;i"s, er ii*" g";i*. J"'-r oaFev & Y'r - rer and e"ro! a fl!6 iror drrce f_or or-or' vsfJ t | " ! "'"" Ho arr'f€d a- !\o f_ oL of t€ coulo no' .o a 3'3cdg rr bb ar .h6 {ar ard'Insll'_l a ' 3r' ..i.. ,.r:r. , ;o "€.a oo ]a! "or o' " , 'i'" ...,.'" os.e a rokse,ooe . ja.s * ;;;;i:i." or'r;o. s € -oD'. a'h hld '" ec "r!! - I o. ho_ n _ sJes ..p a ' roo:C",: _o o .,1!d:no 6 l . '"-1J, o. t- or o 006 cr r' ..u:cr!;i'"n or e " o e oat, "; -: ^ o _'_ b L rjq " - o '* I- a_:s.:4 orl : "!E | 1r ',endei ",''.6.1"|. iiint ii 46" r1.4, ro" :ur1 dleestio..
llawlo r{}.o}s - (o1lT'] 4D : "r" aq , callbs-. r plamod . ..! ""'! 9 s;irs or so ro;es i oc laok'or i.sso boys Lo,ro . o"r, -.o. _ ,r:uii, bloiln all 5-o'.d us, Jrss"t t., .- -s at4 09 r cldooLy "61 "c, .sr' - 3" 0" ' c: 6th' lo1nr uhor€ 'r rops ^o..d :o' I r -a;a r, -6.'o. d 1or 0 o et tasJ. 'o so I too^ d t rsu ualk. It rn13 .o ra sno eb16 ,".!reio, b;i p,:;; . 4d r {ou D a;' arroq rrs.1- -;i ;.=i,. "i;:'i". t.. bt, I hsd -o yot trE- pornr s,6r rl -4 1e63 'J- o i ':0d "s 3 -' 3r !. T .^116.o !r!€a. s;on to dts In+o rls rosd r-o T 66";€ -. o 'Ba.ior of rcs F"o o vrL) a Lt-5t !ol iorlo ! asr 'or;o .o:' :ea boi ydog. I "el. sooo ;dJLr€ ' D- rln: ssro <ooe rsors. and ;as ,"ar iror o- s-d c,.1,1 3o- ;roso :, ei; r cL n' r tch seoh6o .D
_ ''l.ae'ln:!s r-a 1o.vros o "o a.d only o_. r cord soa ;he o-_ ,:" ,"*i::;;.; :,,: !3 o L Jo. co Io 8sa !\e r '1 " ,r., .uo, lsFkds {uo,e-p.:",.-. ' , , '.."u0 ,". "0"-.r " o tii" ... *_ le ot" rss ". 's' tb6y^F.t€doa^h r'tusrs Dos tlon. '".Idtr" 5"r Ih6J .!1]-oh€o is us" Lo.a, ou tt o a ,aY lolJ -, a aroar "6s aJ, o : ao r cJ i . r ''D slop to ra/€ a "sl i, o J coo. ,"s rs !i9 IrIIlIsli or 11 ltIi']. r dlove last st€ts ald trtod to ro6al! iorn, It tno 13tn nan and 'as hd; but r {dtod tnai rStrr oai. r r;;oh.d hrr, F loor , 9"d _ psse€d. - D rj r3 r3s L'3 4 u "*a but o aJoo ,llh n€, ltT €-. "" tle fin13}r {43 tlerc actoa, r-ras settils co1d, nr s;eat had {.9:d::11t 1"9 'rI\' r,! vslds or so' dr16d, a'd tb; ch is steitaa to lun Th€ .fflctak ter. bdelJ vislbl€ 016! tb!ou;.r1 ay boity. tho otouds' r rd {lth €v€rv ouce or r {alkod"asal; puttln€ or ry 3x6ab s\I!t pu h I had 16lt tr ny bodr, but could that r had ;isho?t r haa r6ri'b"hr.d.. rr o" 3o tdns, ao th. ftlst nlro. rr nos t!!;€d ou; ;" b. ;- ftdshrlr€ 9t1{ qa1" tvonrx "as a. and rho l9as6 ro11ed 13th ,6!coh6 ,lrond and i alj. ;.dr. ."r ;y trrrre t!€ 1Jne. -;r9boad 3 sdk dd;;;.; h-a;;"-;t ";;s b€ T hao . piolscr, b- rp 016 -aar"lcLroblan'' th6 offtclals' ard e sood :ri6nd, th€i duo io fr;s! bri; 'h€y r o;co hae contracta; ror e re"t4tes' aftex uhtch !bi16 rtu1'a ln a o;; r;i} i; ; ;""" "918d lnto a car for the desccrt ";d; stoe, Thts ilm c.lsmlu !o!k:idnad:oa11.x6d Ir' f1o!!6d -n L€s 6"s-' (. poi r o ns :o-L? .qi;h lh€ 1 -t Ftr .. p"". * ,ia r .ae ar r€ bs3e anc ro 3 v-1r1h. : rom srrer '"1"od "lh,.rL; ";*-""d;fa;;.srop, "'-sllt eajnlns o hln €ac\ "sr, lnc 'ons -sBr. oo .ard ,ve,:, _.!1, 'J!611"e..r,-__
th.;;'";; i,,; .""' r^i-r"!'J"-".-i' b! - *rr ol1oad. .;; .;-,;; --, .;. ;;""
r -ro
*" 3,. -s :1"", ore er '--! . ":d .;; ,"r^" -oi . !;;"; a t9:. ";_; sar o,- qaln, lia ^or^l - 6",I o":i,""tJ -r fo! ono 'sl" nl €, 16 '4.:s:?' d!r'o. coLld -le1 rre p.ss"do o^ ,-o lll'1 ::,^?ll. Ds"' r.r s lorg Llro", o ly -3 € ..e3 lrrltitl4s a;d d€cided to 1et hi. loed ahd * 91:!1l!: :1"1!1. l1*::": :"l9ti ::,, b1o^. , e H -nd, rh6!o {€ro !e;"}d6d austs of 92 r.F.h. & Ren fastosi 3/4 tllo run lndoors-2:53.t, sftsr a!h11€ you toul; lathe! ru b;ca;so lanber tt rr s- ?'rtsthrct tlntnns ua:lofield r's crcss-c'D'itrT lf yo! lalkod'xou rould l€ lusb€d-oeclr and tlF chmlionshlp ted ln l'lass thir lait a1n;st tal1 as'y.u sained. in. 1l+th.en xas t€b yetds ,r'"ed-"L€r a 1u3t ;t lind hittal! enr 1rl! Ilic'r lracrr r65E!_' chdnu"so; o: a second" T nair n€ysr-;i!€!1€nc6d viid s i?;i!j:f;.:!:.i.::;iJ'fi".i;ii"t*:i
-olrmn nfldY TlaN cms tL.9 sEcs. oFr trO,cT.D !-iFLn r4!.Rn IN 16:08.9
8.lnd.rrood, lullorton Jc, 4;11,7.
soocr: 1. DaI€ Sto!:i, o:eJo. !taia.
i', il ;,i:,il"jl"" l58se, caLll,, llqJ 12- Fou o]ogon san ro:€ st3re. 1 :l2 d"l,Ai:'i;,i;t ntlers, anch@od by ths brllllant DJrol rofl ilshtack, (14:15..1)j Bud6son shatt€led 4. l1[:20.5) | 5. !oc@d for th6 foa-nlle r€1ay todey by a lbopplnA ll+. c so.onds. r-i tHtS' I r ;ii-a+"s+i, l;.' I ;" ll ;i. RaclnE aroDd t$o Ratcllffo r,ibltnej 1:t0.9) 7:2r.1; '. 3o ttutn. ", tbat {s dm!€md ddl!€ !.}E nlEht ltrY caltfolnla (1JPf,no !a1n, tb€ oloson c!€! tas clocl€d ln riq0.7. rarr6n !"ro' 16:08.9. rhs ola !€co!d. s€t 1a3t Jee by s x6, zsalald mtlonqr t6s led br i,-5i.lri ?,18.1; r .iadJ-'r i:\0,0. Pst€! Sre11, Na3 16:21. d. R+i*tr+5}s;"i rl:!1.,1 ii;,i'[,t6:i Ths r€cord-breerdns polfoll@cs xae the c:co-L:2. stsnlor (Eirn&ls \7.2. or tb€ 36tI aMDaI ir;rt i:ql.:. I r'u1€ l:01.1, r'.c,1la !:o?,0) 9:t1.8; l. sa. tu3c stRte. ureAlchl€ Sd romni' a 2i-Yos-.ld soph i:57.2; [. .P1lf.r 1i 1,:rl.]ri ) s&st td1€r ot a qualtar c6ntuy aEo, lan th€ ft$t loe ln [:o3,5, .on sta'ej 6. oc!rr-nt'r. Fe Dass€d the bato! to vIc adla;, rh. croc!$a L:o',tr, Thero uas a ttaco, ?eJas, llar 12- rhr [7r! J ]iDrr' s1lsht ElsoalcDlatlo! or the !€rt handDfl t&i !nDrlonsFi!s as R€6v6 tun€d the baton ovor io lletth conf.rc,rc.. h6rd FolnM, a Jmlor, Baalo! t:acl stadLm, !o! j tt, bdt ho tooli off 1n of'e :o! ohe.I l srd ras tlmd In 4:02.1. rrlrt a" 'rT r€leatF. had s€t @,!rert*6st6:n l'1crdcd dfch laxqr, /l o/1 - r" -/c.. rls: 1. I nyoar last 1n the Dlako 16a5o,l+ ca !@k of r-. r6ras. ]a:1!, R6lays! las rllfrlig as conFtltlo.. But [:20.!: ]. erJJier, T rij i jr€Borr' aiter thd frrst tno l-eps ot tho first rtfe B.11.rl c. Frr,l3r.r, J11r..:tn: 1. lt nas no contost. Bolton, sqr, 1:i2.(j ". crr rr:. !:retstz: *!on it e.tt6d, tho {€st€rD utc 6en rir r :<2.7: l. .Dntsr, r. s:, 4. s&ho! ne Dtok l4ach, tas 450 Yards b6[. std11iE, 5tr1or, ]:r-'..i ,. rrr'ghlld Ba16son. Usstoln l41cb1gan {es tlnod r;.,.. s llr..2-: t1es: ln 1?:21!5. Th€re n€!€ !o oths! 6!tr13s. 9:.1:,8j 2. rr.r1-:;-. Br'1or'':l+.7: Aul3son Ln t l. !3cn1€, Toaa"j bofoF h€ startod on hts J.Brey. But rro took tls laion ftun rornd dd took ofl Coimlia. S.a,, l'lPJ 12 _ r:ar11ard ron dsrh. ilo ae lhoqE! rdnins a 1oo-JddEb.2 1ts ?tn c.E.cDiJlrR,q:llrtid cosst clool€d 56.1+, 51,1, 62.0 & - 6nd h-1r 'o !;, J. ,li€ l.t.? for th6 rd13. ??+ .,o nt"- lFc: L, Iri.l 1drn, lrd.. Ilontcanx, or€go! loac 1.-1.b..-l11ei-T. I r. .11!, I1d.. dtd @i see th€ p"oat e:htbitlon. Creeonrs tn school li. j";ir,'':l"i:;?;*' a tradt tod !6t lfashlngtcn b:n: 6: r6ot at s6att1€ t.day dd Bo'ehan had to , di J. r 'l e lL i 4 So,tx 0dcir;rlr,6 b6 th€!6, fitu sq6d 1s 30 po{orful, \o''rlrra 26; i: lP "r.26; 6 vllqtnta' could rldo sdm o: the top t&l€nt f.r the 1t€3t Coa3t lelsjs. -6. I -r 12- I.6 oorlrtu! th€ opon 4r1€ and that PaYe Formn a .re d1e. tFo hts o;n, ts€ clocrod ]|:00,7, a Fersoial C.,der-n'- bt 11tarr11r rulln. a 1, riiL i1. roderonco Dal€ stor3, tlF titi. ' It , 5 rrrt .. r!q: I' r"mlies lurer. hotfootod 1t over 5,000t rn 14.01.5 Are. Lr3, 1:;2,1j 2. I,..i€r. I 'bua __. lor a Er cof,16A1ato rdli, .7 s€eond bettcr r:<:-1--ri1k: I. Dnzl r, L:t\.z..!-!!.1 tbe th6 o1d rcccd 3.i bY l4d Tluex ot rr"!r.i-r5. ;:lLr.9..rod1: I' rrs6. Sotrthsln Caltlortla ln 195?. 4. st. Li: 2. ntrl,rtr Lo:j L2?:i I,:! 6.l': rcndor FdGo. tr€don. l+:00,7r-2. No31, Aleh;;, ldli 5. rlorlia I1f9:1. (rr,4:0?.5j L roru3, ory, 4:0b. /; 4. bllt lq*j 7, Goo..i. 1rj b. lrlss. q. c6lhouD. ]]Sc ?rosh' 4:09.li 5, cr66no, H. w, fllclrlsm, l4-!.bl!an. L:o9.5:6. Basbar, lcn rints l:09.5! 7, rsrlaood, cor! !-ndl€ton, l.:10.rj ftNC DTSTAIICE rot
u.s. mm
18- rh6 adrectlves _!os ansol€s,.uay floued bDdsy in oes"rro!!on" o" .b€ 2 nd ahual Co1163m R3lays, rhich sar ]lot
vludova Ffosb, r,5r,2t ?
il::l; di:li\1,T"u1i31;i.:193P;il: dssi,
s;,s;on, 1!ii2.3. lU:12.6l_",r.)r -eslosr sn€" r'u lbo I l-51":^"i3*;^lflar.*']8;9,i]1'l?l (.r:56.rr d1o €v€r .- L"o udroo s,s-€s i: d,"id iJi.i!";'p;L'S;!ili rul8i6",. Bnd cao-q6 Yonc -coflrln6 a -r€rerdous :.)t<7.9.j 6- D6;r. r,!oo!., Ail$no'clL onlr l,o r..o Lasf -h6 ^oL-sa -r;!,;, iL:.?.9 (rtr:oo.Llr ?. llst rob_ ma5Lrod l0 yd-dr too 1oba. olEon. @ir.:_rll;3i:s: d. i s*,u"t. r las srca!. c, it+:36.r; 9, i6!:T Asrore, L{Tc, of. .e.d€6^rlDr.lons 9- ! lr0.0o- hst!- !4 L:[o.z: .ro. J€lF sEi.!!. s!!tao!s. pLrs roo a, d€r6g ur o 6ai !i:,i6.1:.looon sr;bas6: r. c"orca.ai,re. ",-' ::"f+:i""'i:" :r: s .611!3 qu-c6ssr of aGl1ca.g q:2J,0; Bob sohur; uir., ?:25.1; '. cha11ers6 o-€a €. nrlo!, Dylot Bu".63on, !.oouc6o L, ba"o i. l{a.rln. r4rci p,zB,6r s..i:,ir the bt8 thr111 of ti€ ntAht uhsr ho tr,-
i:iill"?,T.1. ":;x*.:r Bu
€5on. a
oi*"1;.:r,Hi,i:H;:,GHF 3,*r" fi{i, rMld l:to.9, -'16 1:tr9.9, vs!6! Fd-
rr!ed Mo.owrou3.r orsao_
i.i, ij>i.r_,.r.,1"-x.i!.i.ii[..J-iiub.o islt'?e 'isi"tii"fl:3:!:: :"ff_*,""T;. ill*!l*t:i::sii:i"ia:;agi-l;;aii.. or oresor r€9l@16 or !w osoa, lan hrs ,l;! iagtr 1:!9:L) fs'6srfollo,lnJ:58.9- buE !l \od up saaare.:22.rr rict.?, t. oo;1d6nia1; L. srsnforo,?:28, lg;0!116 -soD ! Dorg.a-!o- , 3n€11
;i;:1*:'":*"s"' 5$ti;'ir$rl, u€rsr8o! j;e:o,r'cacs' i:';: :r;:"fl" _rru. r;o'io. i,""tp.iji6, r *"** -"
"3u".iffi"i:i, i$;il"}d.Ief #ilfl if x-""" ord a.ho; siah; r?: t,.th4 r. 4.
3: I3;.'5,1{?'"3:.lr#?il"fili: ii"}fl. 1 16d o' ,o bao!- L:diJ.;;1. -ii;;.;; oil;..-!;ia.a, tr.-'' 'o 3:0."1. torslso' srr stlot.'. {}6 .b6 rrG lJ srsso a@ad, s"."._E; yob., lr:rz.9r 5, jadlo{, Es.. E6 ro!€!€d th6 ltml f)rlor€ tn 2,1r.5 and 2_yi16s. r- cltifttb. Colo.. 9:Ji.1: 2.
'::"?:i"d'l*'ff f'r,ss-?a-rna ."":;,1€,ti",i,l j;';l-:"*ul;:* j?:*mif g:$i,ii::1 ao'rasL
d.11 ston.: os: r:50.9: 2, fo];T:f. I(o_. l. Rsr;ob, M".; r:51.0; L. E. I :s only oLtooor 1:50,o; naa_, s;sN, 1:i1,5r.5. bos;, Kd., 1:t2.'; 6. r!;hr;n. i!;., rii""ii,;"3"i3,1* H'::il":fr":;Hi'":j "t2.2. or.' r1s r!6., *. oonol;lo- ;;-;;;;x-;;il;;fi;;;:-il;;:-;;;:.
.rh€.n6r zoarand6!,
,* l:"tr"y:* :ffi;":T"1.ffi:::"ei:" Bs [as6o ron a t""l,t.a
idi i;:
65t; 3' $ehttston slri'6 ]9s!; L' r Sobin cro\o;sr:an our or ras o y;rB L@ s@a. i*l?.r3*i;"I;iHlii?l;:5$i l: fi,16: _, P6,€! sn€1I, \.2., J:5b.1 to)o sl* oht€@. o. i:5i.li,.laood-Srchaa€: ara".v cooold 3: ?.6, y ot Bu!16sob, 1, rDks lelu;r, o. 9: IJ. ?tT._T;f -r lo6li re6t re.o!o, o o l:57.8, bs.o !"roru, d€n. rosl o. i:i.1.,3-iil€r: I. B!rLn ul; 2. Dyrol Bul6so1r oreaon, l:5?.9. ro , o, iJ:c8.5r 2:-Ei;6, os, !r: ]o l. JIn G!e11o, lal., l:53.9! !. Bob soMd. 08-6: 3. !o!d- os- rh:r2-L: lL DaEld uml., I:00.6r <. Cay Vorslso-, 4uartloo, rdrh;, Ur L.?. 4:01.5t 6. ICI lsn1. lCtA. !:02.3: ?. l. Fl1lolu, Iousrob Frosh, \:09.6r 8, B€n u.r- pJr.sbueb l"+,r poE srato ol;. or, sM Jo6. stato, I+:10.2..8o0n: 1. Jac! yo ran.. us-a*qr l:..?::; 2. .€d-o!so Ko--, ]:t]:;,!F.-kI$3:'6toBlc.l't"'"' iBd;a,'ifilq,rq"Lll'H"+::"i:pdti I'f*, ffi13.".*. fL ;;"",.s:."11,yfl"s,
?! r,rcllTii.",rr
\Bonui ro\e,
frms BIi:' TEli TIxIE
Lefaaotto, Ind., l:ay 19- l:ichi€an nade A .ii€ssfll delanse ol its B1: Ten outdoo. chdllon3hrp nolc t.d af, The irolr;rrnes, uh. rost th€11 1ndo.r .roD to wtscotuihrs 5u4ri31hs errsi o:
!ts.: 2. ia.naitao, 11. l.ciri'!a1: 1 i o,e, 1o:11.8.. !:1i9j9131, r.ca!: (lro t-sj Dnn ,onorer, red ntclard GlLnnrdt. tohn Goraentt, Ewrn6 ) 1?:52.8:2- rorlnPi (sc.3tch) la:oh: l. Fordhr rr6s1trn (75 7d3) rarsB"r rc {7! xds) 16:}i,1!: [. c€rtrlr 18:Ib-(..2-ll1ro jte1a], lrca!: 1. l;0nhattan ( r;;;iCfirliimai, cr:n.Y, Ff,n-, 3r".jinr 7:!2.6; 2, !ord!M (scratch) ). Ions r100 1L
lA ool.ts to tr erh tton 'as in tha a lobehall-d1s, 9tr1 !!azie! of Io'4, lon 1n!res31r€1y in v.3. ?:l+5,0! .1, r:Ea.r. h;tohln: rh" 1?5q ndk or GFolse [6rr .i T11ho13. T]rP 1o\s.. rv ulmihs, I.A. T.,!. Dlstrtct:lr:-4!, lrper I'Lnihalted the oi.lht-€vont .onraroncF atct'rt Ilar 19 - Tom: r. IIa-.stroa! of lciIad otYn rand atltts arl]: :. ,jonc131r stata 50; lho had lrevlousll ial:€n tt:e n11. ln ii. rtl, [. r.rser cit] l!:10.8 in 95" hoat. staia::; r. lls!sh.r. srtia 5:,.xe,b 880:1. Frezrsr, io!a, 1:50.1;2 LsPs. :o!snz. of Trenro srlt€, 'on Ine nre VIe-., rt52.7t.1. HqyBs, i: h., 1:ci.0: rn la:1..8 and tn" 180 ln 1:'7.d. L. Dlrdr. I11.j 5, rl€rs, vrsconsln. lnrs, 1. r,6.s. [:10.6:2. r "to!, ro!4, rr:13.1; ;;:-;".;;; fill;8: l. aa5t1€, rrich. st., i'o16!, "-;.;. =-:;;;;;;;;;;;1rrs Ie! :.utrsiiclr, x.r. conr€!€na6 rrile. L. ris;tro!. rota. l+:u'?l 5 xay 19- 172 eatl. tf,14,J. . ?:4f9s, 1. Younc, Irrcb.^st.. I r €r3 st,drM !!, et rh6 a,ooc-'a Lrat.ir tho t:r : !-tr .hflroEr 1!s rn !u!_ i€t€rs;!. r1r.. 9:1[,2i !, r,IDd, Itsl]j I h. Jr:€Dhrs Ketl. oD1tr 5'- carru!. I11.,Tem: J. r'lt.h. St. l4 rpiri-.,1 a s-b-au-sPcond last 13! 2/9t L, raia 3at 5, PEc!.-21 9/2ot a. '1trr to bsat Lasaile s.!f, laxi llth€hu tn a rhdiad 19: 7. Il11lots l4i; d, ohJo I1:15.J n1lo & LL"r1c'; r3t 'ra19h ca!stllie \L.9/2a, 9. 1t7t@Eata I 9/24. ttr.ed tr. trr-id13 4e
;;;;;;;;;;;;-;i-;;;;;-;;;;;-;r:---uar 5:2-ttlles; 1, ]lotun, rs. q:!) 2 884: r1;:-16;th€ac &
ooerd.dr' rs,
Pllncoton 55 at Yale 9l+, Mar 5-
Y, l+:11,,+..2-rrlLg: r44cL. Y, 9:1-1.4; zv1rn6r, r. !:15.u Ealtlno!€ 01:rn!1c club 7c, ttDrsotoro 1. [o at F".. loo 6[., uat 12 - 4!]9:vinton. iohn aar11y' o, 4:0r.c: 2. Eot Msck,
Eanerd 81 1/6, Yale 67 5/6 et cmbrldgo, uass.. Mils: L. xark Id1tn, H, 4:0c.:i 2. l4ack:Yt l. Em1ln, n..bBo:1. lldk Mulrln- r{. 1:5J.?! 2. r:6ehrnr ti I R1cn, 8""2 iB1€: L Bob rrack,q.Y, c:ll|,6, 2.
stoiil?fi_Yj l. Aanll'n, Tsland. rEit rDnlcr,a RsEnlrs, 3t na.&1le Nsu To!!, llal 6- Tom: I rrr!rsri". rl i :. n.Y.U. I+o; l. v{a 27r ll. IordlrM-'r' {S€roit6o, toM3 6'€nts at Dolntr\q ]{€n rlal Stadtmj e-rtle T"M Rl"o, 1. f.rCJ ar (rF_:t_ ltYtc, 2ci .'r drles car.ta) 21 r,oI.bs; 2,,?,1, . Nya. ,Bn. !!, !. r.rc}lM ta i;'d1rldurr' 1 ric0;"eF, r, a::d 6 2=
4h r
9 nalf-n
fo11cu6,l trr nis 1:52 o qLctrting r3.. diitl 3
1:5[.J e r.tir] rrdYols1tJ Dlllsion- lfla 1. Auitu, st. [:lt., (01r ftc rd, ]+:17.1 rrY arlm 11 1911): :. ilnB[en, rsj ]. Veo stack l€la'@c: !. T.n csr, sJi 5. l,e€ 1".u'"t.r n"rdFL-.88o:1. rDzs. sJ, L lrln€I@ 1:51,.1; -. rtr,rt€i;-Tol3.j r,asilte; lr. Ji.L, xcrser, nut6€rsj 5. Narty rl.rEa:, !t, Joe.!h's..z-ilil€: 1. (ord r€(., Pat vJal: r. -!Si1e. 1q51);2. 9:27. E, :ol' {s on, nureers' ':26.2 roein aulm Rov Iern1.r. D-lpnqrd; l. roo rrc11nsr; L. st;"a rtu1d. sti 5. D1vls1o.dr;,, sj...c.11cc. !:le: 1. {e6i cbPstor,4:24'r; z l. Bot }l4b1e, t.Iast closteri ]1 D;n sob€r, s!erttooro; 5 s6b r€ril.ard, r rnlets, . ?:lliP: 1' !d ,: rr 6. / Lo10 rarKr 2. 9t\2.2 \1 at. r.Juar, PIl], 1celi! 5muet. :rnia_a: l. sl tm13r, !/c. ,!!q: r racL Hdt, i,6st cllo3t"r, 1:55 7; 2. Job GFo.. staftltotei l !r!n Uag!€r, f&ll.,tes- UdT.rslty D1!: L. st. Jos€rl- s b5: 2. Delaure lp;j L r€rr1o lt;..0o1ioEs r1v. 1. uo3t o,ostar 541 rcrrc iIsTl]icrl !0G rotl rTlrs
!o*s!s x'rarhon roh a. &1by -
rad(!o6rcsu) Dobh -42-r3er5-"rd- . t, d.o\
F@oX urns cEfTnAL AA! 25-l!T10 RI,'N ChloaEo, Aprtl 2a- gal ]'lgdon, st8edy trcTc Nathonor. outlastod hls temat€ IlDd RlclEds to cop th6 6o1d rede1 in EAr:
19 F€tar l.lcnldle, td WtLIles,
The lr4as aad loints a!p€a!1ra on t}.ls l1st shor a h6arr lr€dont.src€ for 1960 (rhich alleded in the ldb. 1961 lssuo ot ;h€ LDLJ. Ite on1f, Ioloatols tuoi last Yod a€ Bruc-A lulloh, car lfnrtMs, llu"a_T nalborE, & !a3t1 n€atley wor tno !o! 3pot hono!3 f or rri3 !]My rino perlormrces r116s io Ao ho had to do son6 Nalldh€. lncludi.€ a rcrla's racora ln th€ 10hen Ri.hdds tJ1rcat6Fd to ovoltsl<6 hinJ ntld. i r15t h6 tcol6 lnto loInts thoj oarr€d ers as foLlolsi tho l€ad dd reachtra tn€ tlntsh a scatt I 3oconds anea.l of th3 fa3t ealA1le r'lftr6 nr1€s - 2B:oJ,c (8 !t3 . 28:o?,0 @- Int€m€dtato tlros lors tak€n at 4 h1. (b ptsl, 28:10,0 il rr3), 2d:16.I (2 !i3); 9 rdr€s - l+L:l+0.0 (8 ots). 91|o yds; c n1., 12o yds; 11 i . Tr]e lsL & lr:Io (? !t-il;-iI5:2:,2 (5 !ts)! lth s€otloa rerc tdontical (qith strong {tnd Bsststandd): 10 illos - d7:47.o (10 pts). The 3rd as*tNt th6 sectton Yas I bt., 1640 ydE.'ind. I.9. Sll. 3o-rilc clqr.9lolls]Jr, sunday, tDo lrdJ rtnnJ r.:a55 ' 1. Eatr Eladon, 25.35 29to2 !l+:a3 4136 fotal - r:3b:16 1, At.rnralr-., !lsion {1, 1:l}o:25 2. I}ft llcldds, 26:48 10:16 12:19 26:+1 ?. Di!k rroeltd, l:itr ),C., 1:]}0:]9 r:l B:2Lr l. qonr salIorzs, 3oston.rr; 4, con!€bb, 2a:52 Jo6 Dos 3a157 )A:52IJ122 3. zcl6s s.ott., sr-a; :. Didlr ?acriard, r: r+5: oJ !lc; riE l,J:yr, L4.c; 7. Bob rsraor! lr, stove sacLottr l0:11 11:l+a 1l:24 2a:15 lOIc; !,d. !rlJ.1 iiarisio, l.tlas ACj 9. cerall crasso, i.4-j 10. Jonn eraT, ]]:Jo B,1,1-; 11. tln a.uci1l, ll8cirlc Boatj 5. Dlck <h€, Jo:u rliiz"ir;r+? 1:U9:26 12. Ed o'c.-Bor, $llc; li. f,ohn !186, I,I1k6 !4trvlckl, A:29 33133 1)+151 E.a5 cott, BL4i fL. rEre r.n3rcretr BAIj 2ta3taA 15. rbrlr lirrlin, Ilanard I-4. dlf- Joh! tso1ton,24:lr3 sudy, rgft ( u!!€r but rlnd flcn nolth, [ot.s: v€ry si:rong 70 r31..'irc eqnal 1a!s,.39 stdt€rs, nor6 .f tha couse ],ltlUn, laaara's 26 tld.hers..Ila* lorthb.mdr l41zltctd lrn for Mt. cem€1 TCi $6bb for the Lro-and-8 C1ub, a1r others fot S!r.j.r: $yotu Sque!€, i.tm, l.Iass. tIer.hsts.,!-€m scorlci 1,irBr' BA-A riArl 1961's BIST nI,!-ROSXD DISTAIiC€ IiEiI L9: 2. L'tn ac 19i l" B!.r 19. bY !tn1o i. Ans1li rb atts@t tas mde to d8torndne tne tosr ,lllliCL'ICIIG F:MII orII v]isllTndlox .11-roud distan.€ n€n ior tl61 FT.0nl11- Ponn EAca flon 3as€ to Sumit- Elnlt l{ os..slndar, tuly 15, 1t6? -stL-t tr€ th6 ton best tiho3 lot €ach ntf,o, as et 12::10 P.l.l.. Prizes- tro Tiollrios! r6!o!t.c th th6 r,oDs llstdco rog, ano 5 Sl1re! M6aa1i, 25 Blorz. U€dab, asilAnlnA polnts on th€ basls of 10 lc! :!!clal Atrard c€rtlflcetes to all the lr€st ttr. 9 for th€ n * besi, eic,, finlsh€rs..3160!i.g qualt€ra to b€ 4om to 1 !o1at fo, tb€ tonth bost ilm. lud€rs salrulliPr nid1t. By addine each indlvldual's (thlolr ln et tire i'.er H.8e, Routo 16. all dvont. unoro his tloo v15 dood 6:ou3! to app6s, i;ho tollotii€ l1stl.e resulted: PtnllnM llot.h, !ietx.e! Jedlson drd Gorhd. 16{ ]laEpshlle,) Lunchoo4 ior Lg!ei-84!e lbre ttu raco, lntrl€s dloso Jufy 9ih rttL Jo).i D. Sexple, loston Llsldon. Bost! rL. lla:s. .r roEleo A. ff,iloraok, Lolr,mr !_. n. lonx ToHl l1+ loxc lrs!-qxcE r,!o foR lll],ls ilalrf, fsb€o lo Dyror Bal€son a3
ttr6 zdd anual centrsl ,lau snd 0r6n 2514 re, s!o.so!6d bt th€ utdrost nic. Thlrd place, ed of th€ out-of-state 'tMer {* Joo t€s {€bb of tho cheplonsldp, (T6!re Esut6, hd. ) l+o-dnd-A clurr stgdon novsd out fast, hittlr€ tne flrst (UEt., a!! yd,) ln 25:15, olar tur@omd j ,nnuie€ shead or ntctEds. l,Ilth som tlo
u. j,ooo umm rlAM !^t 24, 1962,.1'rion PrL, l-& s orlr€: tulLL-, nou vo-k h- 'F: r. cIr. 16 ^o c 1l: Bo', 8: 1.? rnok -€co-o. :l:-'?ti:-9il!:r *1:.,B' :i-',. t.liC:r ros lI L'5" ' atr'c d:l'; 1 -Yso Beet; '41+!Bl Jorsev {'}ron. c c, 8:LJi ; . 0: o. I ll. Eob B0 urLoi 6. B . 1..-'3ll 'rr'. l!la€'rq 7. Bobbr rovo' N'rAc. ?'r*u.3. Btn_rb:-rr Bo-rT.111. Boc, 8:/1; 6, os rled n-t5A', o:0": r0. Lltae aLBo;;i;irl ro:,j;;o.::l.ca", lnc-;!i';. -r_!, o:11: ' /,- cl1 Dddos. 11, ra. r...:9v. _ '2. o 'lj ":0?: 'rnl€ curihs. z" q1 !drl, r:10.-r '' 'e a 'irc oI soh€ rr..j. a,or11 rutuo,e i o c€loorate b ".h ays in r-d {oo ?rlod o! B-oih,1c Pos-t, . r' ye!, r6. - - . reho ;tnr, ;. tb-. I.- 3s "'a"z -sJ ", _." J, .o, o- -d J,;l,r: ^i, 'o- ' o-oEeDa})r, '_. J- "ssvo iu,. 65: --rfurr r, r'rr.r,-"r.r,,; :i, j.-';" ".".. t;: s.; s.Man, r;; ;;t:i'
,{. a.
--_---______________^_",'_, 1 . . 1eo L:"*. ",, ooo: ,r. '.o ".rii,. .."., .. .,8: 7:p. 1
!. .-. .1lrslrr.
t, or .. 1 .'rs". oo)'os. ;;::Boj arca ftcold of 1:50.? br Jin Keho; no' "-- tboa9-o). -rulerd." ,. i".-. de r-c l.'",srt8 3eo'i ass oss o ;)oul o s osooi' oing. "311JrA : o rr.. g orl. B eo s-o r'1l3hoo o .ne 'a..s : .rio, -." 'lora ;o"k b..o o ,o" rsd 1n e o .9 r " '. n116. rhs rorne! natlotul hi;h;^;i;i ;;;-!lace outsrd6 tlB stadiM. ) ;;i:t.;;'D;";r;'G;o-r:;..;
g:'"ls 3;.:',L;;; :;".6" --;"'rsa-.Bi* ,ironaaa" "5;"::""-j: :" :. lolh
-: -
ii_s3!o. ;;'--o;;i;;-;-;.Ji-;,-;-;. aaa oll€s oal
tolrjd heat !11t6d trr6 lUqois rnt6 tnsly n€dlo.la t1n€s. vll": ,. s,r llc,t3, .1., tr:r6.h; . .u, Jl11 oo )e d o , ". r'. Pa'e \'€!, - dr en_ €\o?. s -o )3!3 Jo r ro-s E;;-. rt_. L:1b.9: j J.€ ."". i""r. 3L(s rL ,,o ru dp re Ea:- 5^ . o r,, J"iri ici",, L"i. ; -_: d c 3-"' a. ".0o-"Jr6d /:0, " a, s, -'.t"".""4"4.
-. q;ig"l:",J:;: i;'.:": i::' .::..:i.',jt9?""_'sor' coro. ;"!#'",.., . s3, I' J" ri;.";, ;; i", ,:;.:. ia: b- ,. ron
i#, ; lY")"""y "-i;-'r,oi. itr' "": i .i ; ;,, ,...-eJ-i:l-,r'L: " "
-;";:-":-:;;-.;-;---;;-;;i;;;--.-;1 ci-",.-0.. .i.r.1 be -
:.". -r') " r 0., lr :!6, . "i\. er rmier frcn ih€ rast to acc.nlany ttno th; flmr.".nt-or ti6 d;,r. 6 !1'. rre plds to drtn€ i41e, st:ri€d et [ !.n., ur. t;;!er.t""c 1. s;rner B:ird stediM trad.r"!t'rast roo' sprtnas & trarr to} tto t6€lrs Flor !o onlx I drt o: r] rmer6 sunl!6d d€l. rl Ba e dt'r.5", 5'al!'1,4 cx 20s 0.c c Y -orsd!. ^r r." \6..6..?to.r I:.;.j"i;e.ne jree x e3: :"or s.. 1d ^i-/r Ia1no, s,.B.a. 3'rl".s o" .-o0 16, o-J, so-- 1,9,r," o E€ " d f3 soc M, . u;":€Id ons :.,Lros, -"I 60 "D a6 .,Dsm_t, Na! 6 41-00-.r rn..a. ". ln Ib"bo- 1 'rl'lr \rdr"3_. s s b€61. t't o" I'sJ, a" "., 1. '?bo i ^a 1. '.-- o ..r;-" " b t' " 19r.cJ.'" '-!!rs.1-, lllfl o I (al"o ! 33 MDlonlo r1-r
s." 6e€rr "r-. ,.. i -,"o s til- d :r s i' t nn ln "hl! the alctors f.r .e19 stiarnt years.
to be beld .fe} rntlt
new"P[US"in performan(e + + + l{ewly'Developed, Coach-Approved
tloltrtrc rook
h€5. uiique feorucs whicrr add up ro Flexibiliry . .. Durobi ily
NEV rALllo! ,ho€ cmes jn th6 laisadt vAietyofsls'-l'r.4th'd!rdt!.
stobitity ...thet ate reponoble
.q$pbenidlchBs'ecdt1yl.gt€xsd 3lY6youabomnlggd,to!{ha!shod can b€
facrorr r.8oled snd rebuur at
T&c(srB rcd.l,
th6 $,1 stom &
vrll b.
ftUfrfqiet -
ll{4 ( .l{SIllR
Irbdt st!..r - xn rdr crq F6&.r cdtadt ?+t?
s@.r tt6..i. ro 5,15 D{. DE_ lls JdF ed t!e. cr6.d iG ed s.t.
,t 8e9 up
ro 2t
too ftlgb. L&nthrshr
rh. rois.!
llD.is lrtu
ftsrIIsPoFf,rsrF 8rc!s En" 1d6 440 1s ,, td4_ urnrTmr $o. ,, b.rs _B c.or,, or.usuontls a-d pro br yo!. e.8B .hoe erB. Do mt try to 4ts 4.rjrt,F uic6! a' th. e.LJ'cirdr sEm onBcx It']T}]
0R rroxEy
!at!rd6 6a, Lg lorr SEND
[I xrII,
Er. lgE