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kers, N. Y., 5-r5-66.

Group of 6 ar Five-Mile Mark, Northefn Yonkers: (l) c6r Williams, (Cenrer) Jonn (5) Bob (17) Leo c.rro (107) Tom bob Jcnarr, Scharf, (Lenierl lohn J. Ke|ey/ Kelley. (r/) c.rroll (tol) tom t5) craham, and mostly hidden on right, Lou Castasnola. These six ran in a close group for several miies during early stagâ‚Źs of race. Ohere 3re aboul 3 others ahead af lhis poinr.) Phoio by walt westerholm



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i,r\x..ps i'{reeln...r", ,

/o rs 11. \o. I6. Jr€ -066 tJ,00 B tao!, idd 'os -tptlo" "sr"s: 111.50 !s! J€ar for rst dlass nal}, o! .or aLr ro 1, rolror: !. eroul -s odb rJ, . . 03006 ^ 3

':.0" " - ".;; olrnllc .i ait-a;;... raet3, =i-r;;.-"" ir"."r n*." ";d$;1i*. s".i", ni.a sstddst rntil



lDd a D!o--o

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i'.i"r ". * * Lh€ B'ou. i€ for 6mg that pren too. & csused olftciel3 'o^od l,js'"e .3s s.h€d rlod .slos lrasantsc on al th€ lLlr"us€ o' 'no c !!po'r Dero'13l c Cl b' th€ 3oo'aftor}Eeofd.os36daL n"v.l c'rror Bs noHov6r' ho drd' L -'

"i?":ti: *:;*":3:,,:i".ixy*"i":':1",

1". i,l . eiL , : : ,:;: i^1":,i",'* ;,aroar ta6:- 1.,;l}"'i"il;.".,1;l "'i" lj:,;. q ro_ c' r'rs ' € i1"3' '€n '"'_ ": : --"

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(.'aer.guo''..tgt'.4' "os<o -e. 1.'r, '4: .orh Iner he rs ars.Lra's - o IJh. ".a". 1s ot n&"r ..:lr b."r !!:\. aoi. sno .-a--a!at!D-s ,bb rbs;, tu s lroosuly.t:e bas. LI-o 1965, us all-tlne 11st3. """t". rhAr\-Nc ?oc qoAD a \ tJG .o j Je,sll k e.oro s, r) nLsd tt | .6 €d roj-b benl,.a s r'n. r,D q -ou ces. lnc of Enslmd. t1.00 fr.n Lols Drstancel r{qno1r th6ro !e!€ 105 slo}ters & 70 uda! tlrd 4 lou 1in_ oriicial fldih€rs orgc-'zsb1!, .ooal, _o" .'atho-Modb"!. ro j. i !ru ol€ t dlqlddal I 3tr r1t." -. rf Fr_ar-o@ o:strnc'' s are. cd in tron. NaA( G r'- s_"6 .ur co rcd ,' vtsr' rI€ & HIrl!os3 4a de.ltrsl.. ":r, ;.1p. o Jo-n at lsrtdi 'spf€3r'o th€ Nwf hv' oae po nL fo_ L3M n 16 -^€";;b. Tless.. D. s'd P. 5Loc.3 d, Dtvi_ honols. 3or 12?. serard. Ilaslra. R€srdtnB ornls koa ho Ac o ;l;"4 *r',2no v.o. Jo {. / \0 1, oro sdn'q ! rb3_' 'i ona1 r33" ulrl€ 'a11 c,l 1o. Bivo.. ^ "ea nd, o 'o's "1o ,{4. ac & tL3 ri11ro36 ile rnc not o'rJ oflBrs slrls & ::--: 0.il ss r. \or,.a ,; ",.." -rr! (: o ps s s or"rd'onon eoin". s!rc. :,-!, 1 r\€ es 2, Bob T , Boc __ bu a so'mo oo-.

e""'":::"'i f ::,'"'' '.: :Y:: .. :;;i: :;;l:"':;"j: Dq'ar oB !. /: !j'9 "?ii?'"l!.': ;oult I k€ -o es . 'up aryore inr3.- 5. r.!,kr'rL. esfcd l io "lnt c a ro"i.,-,.€


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;. IrI/a rlnbal-. 38 c.

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f li,'' ;iiit ;';i,';:''*l .::":i::'::1 Y"r"

; :"' ;',t, ll* ::,*.:.rr* ;::,;,i',;"'ri::li,i 2? larrv *;:r,:i:il ronttnan' ss,lc' f,::: h3 1l"i$.'i:"ilX1"*ii"iiil"'fi;" ]',

1:2:1.21; schalt 1r23.22r cestaerola 1t2l:2lt cado11 1:21:24; r€11ey 1r24:51!

'l:10:00: 16.*raea Althonyrs 8.C., Althonvrs 8.C.. 3:10:00; 36.*raeo ia&o iallorty, Ioqe Iona co116a6 M, J:lo:27; *Nat coll8so AA, J:10:27i J7. 17. +Nab


hab, Bosbon aa, .l:08:o4r .l4.,ArL st€Es,

ctrdlnlcl<, ma,, l:11:.)6; J8.+Jo€ Bud, uat., Bosota, N.J.' -l:12:19; 19.':Ph11 Edfduc, uht., .l:12:.12; l+0. fon crahe, I :Ir:12; ltl,. *C1q6ac€ nlchey, ua,, N,Y., l:15:26; 42. 8111 l{dbuito!. xr{c, l:15:00; 41.+rt{ Bo!d€!. sntt€d AA, fil6:09; !4. Don Fay, BAA, 3.r6t1]]t \5. +Rod Macllcbou, MlIIlos. M' 3.I7.56t l+5.* Bt11 shannhd' ceo11cA[€r1cd Ac, -l!22rl8r lr7. rrl111M ot!m, spartd Ac, l.2l!08; spaltd,tc, soa!!, l:2.1!o€j L8, JM€s Eoaln, X c, 3:2Uj22; 49.* Jo€ El ry, SAIC, l: Lrndau!. sa6c, sABc, l:25:9 2gt1?: 50.+Don 25r17; 50,*Do. Lrndaur, 3:25:9oi 9I +106 rsz, lulos. Al, 3:26:18; 5 M. 3.27t4!, Tm shay, Shar. I,E1l!or6 I,E1r!or6 M, 3.27t4!,t 53.* R1.1D!d-;dgstB, r,l€st sld6 YMcjr, l:28: 5l+.-rohn vdrao!, ua., Yonr6.o, l:10:4I; 55.rs1d Snttb, sAEc, J:12:u; 55. Ro. Boucb€r, C6ntlal com, Stat€ Co1l€Ae ,rA, 3.36t19t 57. + Bob Strlpso!, D@.!

!old, Mass,, l:39:50; 50. Alton cheb€r 1tn, una., €{cohb, ll.Y., l:40:41;61. cl€m canlor, Gl€m PBnn rc, l:!r:o?r 62,:Rtc cantor. Psnn 3:4r:d?; 62.:Rlc. bald Luctan, SABC, J:42:J6; 6l.aD. I. atrsn@, xY?c, l:lr2:56i €4.* roo Joss, di-"c;;[] sa8c, 6). Job en1tu€, ih.;,'E;;i;; ftp1r ;ri;' 63;-r;G'fi l:41:zr; Herr13rs, l:116:07j 66. Vlnco Fa!&ttt, Nxc, l:t!9r26t 67.*Dae€ voa€1, ua., N.Y. 3t5rt)7i 68.+aE xobt66kos, Glod st. Nors,

69,+li{tl.o ot]lala, saBc,

3t5tt37.2i 1,59:57 (I26th lldatltonLl: ?o.*Brlan

Fttz!at!1ol<, chlllora Club, Yonkols, l+:0o:0o; 71. (rt Siolre., $SPC, 4:01+: ?2. oools€ !!ao€1and' sJrc, 4:05:00; ?1. Kon ;;i;";';;;;;;'i^;"i;6610; Carelto' Bdeion AA' 4:06!0! +--sr. uEt?ololitan Aig chanllon.hip scolhE: 1. seta Montca 4c. ]-6(rtsirs, ttklns, uu!phy); 2. 1o--r7 Atklns, vuehy); "ed (Htsrrs, s4ta Bsbara ac, 2-5-I6--2)j 3, 1rrlos€ tA. ?-9-19--ll; I rwPc, ]l; 5. sosidn na, L-rlr-1&-36j 6. si. a!th.



spltts Io! l€edrre rutmrs at 5, 10' 15 & 2l llilo harks: 5-titlo3- fi1se1rs 26:oo i.+i1?;lBf iLit;'I :i?;31'B:;'ii5:135 (inbllr 1:22:22: Kltt 1:22:15: |{l1l1d3



28. ttl1 Taylo!, wat., creonrlch, ct., l:o!:00: 29. +nohan Malttclc, Ir!AC, l:04:1?; lo. noyco shltb, sants liontca Ac, l:04:45; 11. rote Mudle, santa rlon1ca ac, l:06,361 f2. Erlch s6aa1. @at.. N6r Eavon, Eavon! ct., l:0?:14; 31. Jolu counl-

..20-}rll€s- fllsslns I:47:17; FEn6au 4J; taus 1:51:50; v1111?c 1:52:02j Kltt 1:52:27i Xtnball 1:52:26; VlDor 1:55:00 Lea carrar\ It55t25t colpo,s 1:56:00 lestost lagt 6 bllos, J65t by Eob Schdf --Joe K16treman--

uasT colsT lEAYsr

?!.!no, caltf.,



t3,o0o taDE lD iarollff€ stadl@. 5,0001 1. C€orao scott, I . llr.lrlr 2. aE:-schurr. vsc. u:51.9; J. non noran Blrehan Yourer ll+r57.1; 4. ilonard i@6r Ucr.{, 15:05.d; 5. Blyon lo{ry, se ro.€

stato Frosh, r5.I5.7i 6, t1t Sul11!u,SJS TE !1ju3otr4 ,{ARATEoN, lsbotdt, Kds4 satuday, Aprtr 2, 1cb6 rsm!. 650 c16a!. 1. Eln6! !eh!am, L6roy' KaDe. 2:5!:lr.o 2, Don RatzlaJf, nt&bord. X3,,l:02:45 L Job! Ro5€. !r(Tc. 3:22:30j 5, Stovq Kobl6nb€ra, Paola, IGnsas, 3:21:l+0; 6. ntohald Ja.ksoh. ottau. o.. 3:11:25r 7. Rob6rr fiob]6r, wrTc, l:lp:5o; 8. L#ry velesquoz, Gudn€r, Kas., lrlrJ:45; 9. carf, os1e, r!.donla, Ks,, J:l+7:J0; 10, K€nr xdn€st, i1(Tc, l:55:50; 11. Ilouls Irltzr v6!don, $obr., 4:04:15; r2. c6tad Boftdlotr ottara Vn1v., E:O6t25i IJrac! ull€y, I,yndon, xas., 4:U:10; 14. vllfreit rorham, loRby, lk., L:1]:25; 15. J€rly !arnto!, t{xTc, lr:[5:05j 16. Patrlck c16dy, trdsas cltY, lto., 5:r4:5o; 17. o€tu Kllns€nsnlth, rMboldt, X3., 5:lr4; 14. FEd Jobnston, Xaness Citt, Yo., 5: 52t25i ]"9. G!.2 Glbr.n' IloEas Ctty' l4o. lem Scorlrg! L. l.Jest KaDsaE ?C, l1i 2. Notvs...Tb€ no!1y forE6d l{13soul V311oy nRC lan thet! fIlst fu11 loDAth ndathoD xtth a f l€1d of 2l+ llrcls. Tbe Chebs! Jatce€s ..-s!onsoled tl:6 lace & {3!3 A!€qttt ploas6d rlth tho lubrtcltt xhlcb tbo o"€ni attlaotod. llvo tlophlos & 19 AAO n6ttals t€!€ axdd6d. Th6 coulso vas neasEod rlth a bicyc1e €otrlllod rlth e Voe&! Root oourhor xrnc6 h;;r b€€n cal1blat6d on a haLf n110 of steol tepo n€asaod load !ay. It ts tut e dltflcult oourso but on !e.e itat ihe!6 !a. a rtrd or 25 to l5n!b .r Bust6 to lro nph. r1mf, i€hn@, a r9-Y6a!-old fsb boy, 6]rorsd th6 boF rhat rlmlna 5 ft11€E to school 1111 do lor thoso rho rut to lun fa! & fa3t. It ras !8}@d's fIlst nalathon & 1t vonrt be ltlE laEt! --Crd€eo StaloY-alt-Con€rs T&f €6ts ulll bo hold ov€ry ltRbt o? *o t6Bk th13 stm! 1D South-

$.n o**o"

l"ltl ";lt:'l! !4ti*jlqs il#ii:" "*""-,0'* ":*:^ifl:'u"o I glr,*l*+:iq+;,+i",';':




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#*-fi*ffi\l;****ffi "$i[.:::# *:liiir$'r*' T.'

il*-o:ii''i;#i[ii'.*,.;'..," \ :-:l-:::: :-: ::- :.ti:t-r: :r:::: -- j "#'::lf:c',q--:*+:i'::iiii#*;' g*Fdi3:lili:i+ift ;";ra. ".,:"g'1"",p1'*:,'i,i""":r \ ffi i'jli::: i:f,::: l:;ll'it'::;';; '; " ""'" ' i''







ss,ti cmd.h, I.J., S@day, ay 1_ Tho hlEh_ "''tc' tr1gbt of th. IarloGl A]lu JLinror 2o-Rr1" ,5;,li?;*t"', spelt^n 4 :tt sl:zs ctul)llEbtp ,t coo!6r Rtv6r p1rla,f, lae ^c. ralpr bus.turs 26.,c.or6o Ba@land, sJTc. lo:j5 6l:J? corcoltah1. uId - th. .a36 of E\tch iurt .Luu ro11 io! hih 1. u{F- Y.!n Ordtxay, sJrcj B^b etrchrirr,, coftlna Elm6r !.aSon _ by 2:02 or.r -th6. i:5:,i3:"tr":i.lH. "$"i: I':$:."ir:.ii 33+3:,*. '"", raon Di.n.!, sncj nd eoad, 16 0n of tlF f1n6tt rold lrtu.is rn th; !'1Ec.*M BUSC!:.!{1iX

ila.iiSi'liSlil*i'illityl. ,?."r;!i"::;""r:g'i.f.):""iil:'i::J:t{ r:fu:>o bt ara.rl b mlnutos, anc uhr1. {:. T9-i 1: contrlf r..s.i ..t, 2_t+,_a_ ^;:sl;-..:;:l it--r+' i:.'r.;:,i5:f,f::,.i:.li:"j!:: ::]i:l' i:-;:;;';":ti'i8" ?Olllnc! nun

22i17 a1o!s ltth 1", c.pp""", i..6"i."

@r by on6 r.cond. thls s.r tho tcn o fo! uhat ro b. a n. rorAb]. rac., 'as to obilrd!B16 tho pF'r.usl, t;;aih;-M_ ta! nark of trJ:ob bv oalr.r 1, 1963 a?j f&n bh.n onr6t rD xis out nn h1s om !s h. ra!6d !d tb ta!6 llth no ollosltlon. fh. fbt ooFsd candtst.d ot tro [.6_ :116 Iools & r J.6-r11. 1oon. rn. r;tr c5!.fu11y f,.asDr6d, rh. mar s-.ha;.d c!!y.s v.!.n,t co.erc6r6d a; tlc llDors .lfidtut.d thom bJ }uDrne tn a stralshr lh. rlca lrs sponsor.c by rh. Cmd.n costf, ParLs Comlsslon aird th. ha.y b.lut-Ifut auuds u.ft !r63!.r.d br aupt.


i;"!i:]'$Ei'i,.;!fi: ;;:i'.,i;,,il'. :fl3i,'3i5ft.::.:"ifr:l"l':t:1,-:,

?;,*",rlii#l";iI!:,ii;"i;,; i uat.,2c:2?'


rt!A!S, traT 6-?--ioooa- 1- ror rarr3, rYAc. 14:2[.0j 2. Bi]l-clsrk. ex. 14::/.b; J. Jr.rb ror3e, t.4 ac. lL:Lo-2 Eilr rrahon.y, !.mp1.. rlr:tr-L: 5- j:o. 4. 1l+:90.0..14.4o0n- 1- .d _ rrluo', rtr;c. lr:L5.!r z._ToFsdnlr. Foc, l1:f2.2j j, Flch,rd tsrqti-an. id: 4. tom BJch.J 6J4j 5. Frabk pr-1ci!-r joi, QU,)tnIrC



!,omu. ol1. r:r1 a: < ' au, 9:20:6. (x66t rec.;do,rd rocord a:12.9 by vic zJolal(, eU,t9ii) 4:06,1j 2. Bot zrorinsxl. \ico!:..o,;_ 4:0b,7: i. Roclq sod.rb.re. r.i;.ss";r L,


rr.. K6rth

Eob Erou111.t,

1 a"lt47 1


1 1

ra.57 11. Tltmn clslk,rr 2L:21 [9:lO 1 11:rt4 12. I$tth Pattdn.i 2lt:2l 5'o:oB 1 :1. Dat. F6norty.I. ai:21 50:[t 14:03 r{. lJ|i. c}ayt.r, sac, 25: tl+ 91:j8 1 rr. $.r1 uoyssndt, 2[:h9 50:69 I 1l|:32 15. sdrx Borkoxltz2S:21 51:19 1 1l+:4.1 , . Rlck no!hy,l1M2l+:56 Jr:22 14:50 -b. DicL clar!,1.{,rI,25:tU 91:50


Bob nomnsky,sr2lr:21 L9:2L

92t2r \.L6,ar ::, Irark r'IB1I,SAC.zStz) 52:01 1:16:la1 ::. c.ors6 sboonsn,2?:07 59tU+ Lro:3i rc-. G.o!s6 !oqu6. - slartah 26trt 9l+t59 r'79:5o

::. G.olEo Xoohno. 111ros6 In, 2'to7 99tt9 r:2a:2a

8,t1.! l ;. i;adir " rart-.qEd Ticiort for x\c s.tor ljarl slaitE|lo. 116 front att.r 2J of 'ins r!!r la!s, th.n mcorkcd a 58.!i tasr 1a!.o qlo-hy J r'lrtr..!!q- 1. Rick urblrE: G.o, srr, 1:51,1: lL rlut !m.n all, rr:.1.0,.]+-Ili1o Rrlac- 1. OI. Lb:q.L.o_ rrl..oD1116i, [:It a:-e]Ttr )r:16.]. !rx;a.4:10.5, Iid.fâ‚Źa !:14.2): 2. Tcm;:sc.- 17: lu.0i J. Narr 1?:J0.41 4. rijY! 7!,, li,)A2 r. u.olt6to,n, Lxo6t rccdd: 01r 1Bc.rd17:11.4, by Q}1, 1969)..o.cn 8w, I iew; Ronattu, /,6 A'r,or rc. ]:IT;F: 2. c!n.r riry, nd.st.j f. n.lth Foldo. l,yrJ: tr. E.h rr nor., rcm..DisnredR rcolic!. i)i 1vl11atuva, q:t.l;T (EnT-ncc 163trtt.d 1n a

1:95:9, u6id.1_ i!1631 Ei ir,51#i"9is6;i!'J: Hii;:t-t;, 10:10.4; lL )rorr, 10:1].l+j 5- rbrylsDd, {.o1r6x. lll- 1. leir11.r 10:02.6 }ijr 2.

6l to,o,.:; J, D-lau.r.i t. aurc-!d.i xtc op v. :1 R,c -.coo.ETir'"c: rinot". (ct;b): r. ftac o /b,r 1i5 n 11:-1.". I d.: oro ! ,.lr.e 'Ln lr-a,s6d a 9000 r' :06.!, c.acat:a l-3.o, re. r'o", 0:10.6r'. A.. anrJ( vunr.r Jdnlor col. vr|Lar'', 'o.?,i rcj 5. G.ois.-rBl|'I los.rs inyttaliona1 raf lil.at Jor J0 hlerr ?htla. I-c; \, am a!!ox16 . 1, T 1.P { c. oo runrar. r'. ..arhor _.,n.!osrl.2/Fit;T"" ).r': r.0, \3L oa o .r a '6 -m.-3 qor. dr6 .. rrr ?:.8,2 r.Br: uas -. . .re!i!.d !q.6 & 5 1:L1.6, ,axrj, -or 1:"0.6, o! uq 1: :. co,d d ?:'0. ; l. C.or olo. -:'.0-d. A^l n 1I. i6:_ rra'o.o ,o rhc fI!s! 5 r:orE r:50.5)r . i'm, /:16.6;:. !--"^c. : 21 1. R .arr ro. ,, aro"r', d'hJar, 15r212 t.)..a..ca' .8 1 - :, . 1.. :Ll. -: l.Ll tasa.r., ,:j6.'l; . B o \.o..1o., ,t, tcl, X! rsr, 5:115.0 (ctuor- 1. c:11, l: 6., o..o _: 0, : . ). Ja l uilot, tt4oo., -in3.., 16:r2.5 $m Fr.e ?:.o..: i. -. o" I [. Dlic" !.^.! , Lccoi, K! '!s,_. :5b.5 'T .!l.larin.s, clet.- 5. Larrr Lug+, Iola, /)5easi 6. J.sy lroncntr 880- 1. uadcllre IEdTa;-81:.c; 2. Irar.id;'r.]!c!, riicb,l rahtor, (lasas city, Mo.; ?. c.ro Kfln*.*n1tJr. limiolde, Katurs. frac! &g h6ayy flm s11ght !'1n at!.t th. lIc loun lrJ. at PiNt Stadtur, :ittsbuen rrrr ?- ,a 1.. I- Ir" nc l]' la. sL., r... drc .". nss alornd !0 d6g!..3. l" trrf o, R'l-r,t r'lrl l --cldon . st:l.r 9.21.1 IF:;Ili 6- '. 1 :6, lror-rs. !.m-suro, .:12. _______-. _..____i Eoarl6tlr lf ,, ucra 86, osc 59, ros nnJ.-.., b? -l:Ll: I A.1.n'lc rlir, \.J., JtlJ Lt- B.rb !o..@ L aco rLr,.cl-,r. l.:j !n r!-,i"^!.:', lof .! ?cm Aa 1.o , 1 r,6 rar -ooay usc, l+:)i.o: l. Jo\.I L. uklns '.\o tOLn, LaI soaldx;lt \|li. : ..2..::Illg- ^. _:oo.o. !. c.6- Pr-, oct-. 'a q."- rr^.c:4. b:-L.b; 8:r , : . o:06.).. J!. .!a,Lona1 Xrt. LtLro"rc, cJ doc0... ,oldor ! T,odto f61anL. A,lu.hmlrod !u l. scLdz. Ic, r;rl9.o; r: "-; ox. .r' .:115a.'. ;rnr "r.r^r^.s. ' lroouot to rsL. :t & lrd o1a^6.. Inldt o_ 1 : 6U. pd 11 c o_B.o /- d aj, ro r5r' p.s'.. vAsh-tlrFoN 76, t s ii.':: '1,3i:i' i:8a.b:'|:',r*""1 ,+P. i;. lil.l 1: ]M, !3 li."::::';1,:i,.1:';;i"i:*" Lr,a--n. I.'s, d:r I M !. so .o, sFa.so, i."., :u.o l.E:t7. . P lla, ac. L:11.0 o!. L. .,. " o B-aJrt1.,. oP-kli 90.0'/1, rra -I!_. rro. ar.nrr;o,L:r-,0 joo.r: . o. u fi"y ?- l:!.- l. .rd, adMr co, 5. :.. o B! râ‚Ź 4:15.0 ', q:oo.5..::_!9 0. sJ !cls6,\.'r.L:2.).0 6, rarlln tll_ ! loorc. u:rr6.L. Rusr ,!'hro., f1'rcbn,u, ?, L:24.o 2.r1!. Ac, l+:1 .0 e, Jh s. J!h,outs.r, ,.or- 86, r-rsa: 5. .F_oo& q. qltnilro, l.,ll.0 L,. D'r. da1.. ,-1.. l'y5 /--.. :d- 1. 0" d L:.]9.0 oo.;. sr: .J.lt.+j -;-r-6fn .". sol, L 10. ro1. 3r.3t'oa. f.M ac, 41, 4:+.o L:o -L.." 1.- ,. .arr.n, lr.:0),1j ?. 0, I r. Doa ;o v, slJrriot aa, [:L6.0 Md j;. Ii;Ol.b*; r. d. o , K, l:oi .:. i 12, :.b I:c IJ. lr.:.o s.Jro-r. auan':oo, L:50.0 J8o- - PaLt. t, 1:l.9,Ji . !. rl,. a.c., L:(r.o 1,\-o. /" _- 15. Ro. TlI Lor, Blu" ron u, l:5b.o ---- -----------------16. K6l - E.sr.' Brur',o rr. 5:06.0 .oss ,0 l-^" ED IroDD Lllr_ 5-[,t29.O / A- DaJ. Bl-f"lo r't. cr-s1.", P... S a7. I&. - -d lodo. or "n ' s' .3 9bt rrma"' Dara rr ''7 Ax L:06'l s;u,h J^lr6r r - -- ---------d dl t. r, ,1 lr8 .rcs-l| :tLP'a n\;L allxs, :o' u".n, com" Mav. 'a)q... .r .. r.!,-vr col,ogc 'Nqrv 65 r'5; od36. I1!-r-M:1 t''tq: 5 rvnr' ;.;'"; -* .t.r - co" s6 ( .s-.i ,:. ",1'i"9,":. 3'ii?'1.-B;.i; rrj"r. i.'t-r. '.p-"' "5:2' il 6l"i'.k) cR- 27 o4. B. noec, slrc, 1c65. I I

i: il.lre;: .:s, 4ri-r-- ':-:'qr: li:ii?'!: l: ii;;;:::,3"f',*."31;lli? :-."4'=i:-;b,";:-'._;1',


TET".,;:"8.:1"i.";::;';,i;":T:',?A!:i n.r"ry, sn . ?a:'-b: Lh&n,1.f].air"":';:;'"J,' rr(, L+i.;- :i;;;;...., r. b,os.i;:. i". nn.n srli. 29:-ro: ?. B.t H. i,% r:.1lir,-oi i-".r ._: , ie1 s1 c. -rr'93;.1, I iT5:5: i: 5;l:;'i,J;"9'tr [il"]il'C.^$l ii':v: i .:..-s;;:{_ i ?:ii;"T:"1,1?;i:if;ff;,:.,r1'3i"ff"",1I1*l: lfr.S;l"s.ii:.':..; ui-. l6:lL! 12. I'h Bolton Un't 1



4. Thmlson, t{o,, 1:[8,6j 5. ?au1, E, 1:49,1j 6, lJl]"l,lms, M, 1:50.6..Hllo- 1. codld }jlshtlnell., rs, [:00.9 (923. It56.9' 3to2.o)t 2. f@ von RrJcn, o3, l]':01.1; l. John t!!son, X, l+:02.ri l+. Rus36u, x,4:05..,5. Haltr, rts, Ir:06.7 6. u6lls, Mo., L:07.1r; 7, coDrd, o., 4:07,b (1st I boat nay st.y.nts (x.br. ) can locold by I.2.. E. clocLod 1+:15,1at L:0[.9 b.ot rocord. )..3-rr1l.- 1. crEts U(cuobln6, okta. st,, q:-oF.o}trij 2. rahn thc n11.. b.hind K.ttu's h:11.6. L!'sonJ K, 14:1]..6i l. Coirad l{1ght1!€a16 J000n sc- 1. RaY BlFus. lm.. 8:52.61 lrs. ]lii14.6. Fr-ii;-altf ofnla. 9 :o6.lt! J.quahtlco, ausbs. strldcrd, 9io6,4, L. lrlcy, 6ERRY lIlDmnI prNS 3 IIII,ES r$ 12:51.0 9:U.L: 5. 3ackus. St.1do!s. 9:20.2. Mi16- 1. John 14i16rohn CMloh. cM16h, ]rYAC, NfAC. Lr0[,]: 11:0[,3! 2. S.attl., !J.s\,, MaX 14- 6!rX l,inds!.n eE;I.s chrr,tnr,, aac, \tb,:)t t. D^1 beat lls orn Ah--rican vo:ld raL bt onl-y 3l.-t..ihs of a s.cond r.d !r6186n, !r6186n. st!ld.!!, st!ld.!! b. xon th. th?c.-ntI. rm in 12:6f 49.rr. !:0?.1, !:0?.1! f. r.d 49.rr, 'h.n 6. xohody, shrd.rs, today 14 the Prcific athlcilc conf. nort!:o8.7. 4i05.4; d5050- 1. Too !aF.11. !aF.11. utu,. utu,. 1:50.1: 2. h.rn Dtn. t"adk chMllonrhlps on . cold zr lcx uro1u, Eoorg.ro!n, Eoorg.ro!n, r: Caf,. fils {puts d.!o: 2:07, l+:lL, rloq, oq. ucLA, UCLA, 1:50.6,,2M11.Ri:50.8;,2M114R- 1. s;. so. c!1.1f. "rndj 6:24, u:17, 10:l+t.2. ll.stnr&r l,rSU, 1f: 29.bt ), voar., orreon, 1l:l2.2,.looon sc 1:!9.?, Buck 1:L9.8, calr 1:l+7.8)t 2. Bruc. llort6nsor, or6aon, 9:15.8; z'lia-f 16r$, 7:18.6; L ViDanor. 7:18.8 lD. s.n, 016., 9:22.0; 3. Iiut, or.eo! stltor lltlIck 1,47.7) j D.N-F.- eoo!s.torn 9:21.4j 4. Dahl, vst. 9:2l.6..orcAon uo! 1ts llth cons.c't1'6 .hulionshtp xith 64 point3. 2. rnashinEton 55; l. vsu !l+. t.ootu- 1. ao6!a. scott. xor l,L.x1co. i -;L;;;;;;rF"ii;A-;;-;r1x;; -;;Dil F2-2. c}'rl.; sobulz, usc, 1lt:51.'rl Ran rors,n, 3Yn, l+. Rrcnr \r111imspo!t. ?a,. Man !!- unir. Dlr. l.Rmolor Ucl"tr 15:05.d; l-l+'57,2; :05.8; 5, Brlor lorrf,, lorry !oe' 1. r6n!1o, 54+j 2. r€s,rle 45J l. sm roso stat6 !ro'h, 15:15.?; 6. Jh surltrar, san Jos. stato,,f.000n sc- 1. lr.ttlebEs loj 6, !!ray.tt. u; 7. L6h1eh RlT BdluB, uE., 9:0U.[; Z;l;t-6ud't, Nov.Mar1.o, c:10.qr J. .*y, !asdl., r+:1:.2i2: r.h. o'D.*il, strld.!., a:11.0j 4. n'y HDsbos, st? D.1,Hrr.j .1. ro. Daqbo!1, Tobll...88oo:J o:J2.1. dr, str1d., r, loio loDsn rtyr !.!arr., a:rrro; 2. 9:1r.2! 5. Jobn K.m.dy, 880- 1. Td Fa!r.Ii. !YAC, I:L9.Z,lRr 2. B.!rord Lrb.Dcr.r. Tonpl.; _3. to@thor fii. P.rrx, 4ccrs, i:4c.8; l. flrct r.!r- Bsn s" Lafar.tto..2-I11c- L. 31fl Ma}ronrod, sar Dl.6o stqL., 1:50.2; 4. Prdr- .T, !.;!1., 9:l[.5j-. r.Dr]on rou, tor D.rIs. T.xis, 1:50.6! 5. D.M13 BnclrtuL1, L e111 stanf.y, Lafsyctt.j ll. ;l iii"ii,li"i'ciil'ilgi:ii' 6i iil,lij"r, ld ?sztaro, n,SsU6j 5, Joh o!Doo.t1,D. Ith.ne, l.:50.7j ?. N. lljbon,49.ri, 1: Frosh t4i1.- 1. IlaEr BlLruqor. x.st Ch.! 1:5( rr-;]ii2tr,o; 2. reci. schrrlihs. r6np1.. 51.9..antton- 1. !sc 7:17.6 (I,1n* 1:50.9 B.ri 1:T'7:E: Bucr. 1:!c.J. 1:Le.l. 1:L9.1, caf c.r car t:49.61 t:L9.61: 1i49.6)t 3.3s 1:I7;a; Bucrr Co11cc6 Dlr. 2-lli1.- 1. D!v6 IloG- Ir'1c, 2. Ior r,r.ilco 7:24,4; l. s'n ros6 stat., q:5l,cr 2. siTEi-ETtt1., Hrr.!fD"d; l. 1. Bllghs YoDle 9:1r,8: Ea!.rford..1ti1.- 1. Daro r'4cn'r t-[sjg, ston6 i:io,o. Rrc Iroro! PXC, lr:r1.:j 2. liclr !-ITIlMs, 4 Ldblno. vau.y; l. Jin cdtbay, a1'or*r1t. 2:59.6, Da1'n6y 4:oo.c)j 2. callfor tl r!a9b lttb- r. non s!y.rt, ITtrc, !:19.5 9:52.1!t 3. 1:51.lrj raM: 1. r?,rc 4l; 2. Dlckicon ttj t. uF ?: 1. Rabh r..! i*:ri. lr96rs, : !l ir slnur 26; !.. 1,ycmlng, Srsibmor. & Uash'i;ii;r.: lard X.n!, l+96rs, 1:52.2.,T6M Scorlrg: L Bw 6lr:,; 2. xor x.x1c9 L9; 3. nc!!, 26th AlliOAl collsiw !n!AYs, io3 ailg!16s, ca1lf.. lay L3- 2-}|i1.- r. Jh RTs. x.nrad !!oib, 8.6.?-2. rtu cr.ir6. }lAc 8r25.zr 3. ElpchoR. rstno. K.nF. 8:29.6 8:17.]+i 5. Drrol \. Tlacr smttJr, PArr, !ulo!on, uD.. tl:f9,6 (Bob DrT of OCIA dlopp6d out tJto! 6 1/0 1!!! rltb a h..1 raJuy), Ryun cracLod Bob schulis An !1-


23r ir. SM Jos. 3t,t6 28, Stanfold 25!

3rc I Erf cF-AIlPrOt{SII?, ColMbta, tlo., ]l-l[--rou: 1. lr.bra'ka lU; 2. 0).1d]@ 1o3: L okla, St,, bor 4. tiln



!3i: ::: s:li"5i?i'g: 1r4?:,7;.2, ol'tltP.I!T: 0s,"t'i:''+:,'' 6ec- 1. rohn -i+r:8;"j. s;ot;i I; r:r,to'1r "'l:r.-os


31st,\IIrgA! STAId colIEaE cciFi]{!io! at tJ.st 4h.stor, ra., t4ry 14- T?a,r I S11ppcrt BocL 5L!r 2. l,lcst Chcsto! lrli L ch6.D.y St., lr9l.l+. irr ff.yar J3,.8P3sr1!!arJ roc(, f :)4.brd. iltic- 1. cron Al1on, Ch.lr6y. !.I8,Lr 2. Eflr Ealis!, I-oct flnt6n; l. DlcL ci.sa, 1. r\11.x, C. 9:lr1.bi Nansf1.1d..2-j111._tu,nsfl.ld; 2. rr.d lrrcnib-IE 3. rtf, conta,



tolt os![r \[!,rs uDDt: All.lJJlric LRC rlc]n I RLq ?;t!,lt Ix lrti.Ilxmc hllrLlreto4, Da1.'i*o, su.&T. Irr. 22_ l xaiio f1 A.Atr 2S]a clurror Tm osl:i I lin tc his iAllT of succca] Bcs thls t ar rX aD6xin€ ,f€ |l.,\. nncre a 3na11 fl.1d o! aho 111_rrlimr rlerl. 0r1.r .(scrcd 10 r/4 nt1er, 1127 in rrr. .on !oiftor r.u ao!!n$ 4xcpr63 out !it.r 26 1q.a. 1

-tc"t n-;ftiffiifffii*5& l. !ar. AoGnrr.-y.




rih":i:";^iH".r::;:'ff .1"":i+'i:i"iaa ;1$.. !, 5iI;t?l:TIl""i: j'i:.*;"'."j:_

:,Ii16 Rsc.. !h. roto*

rttl t+tr, oi_loii th. tssr !ac6s of in. ' /€.! tn tir ra'irnJtor ,!o!, oro ot ih. bood nercledts. !riz.s ard p. o'co]]ror1. aoor c1o3t.! noadJ wasilntob, D.c. 26016 _ HrrrlRolE uTxs lns'ovi, IhI}]r 12_rtld1 xlrrlor, raim, sEdat. ikr 22_ b.b ti1l4rorc, n.cr{t'.d disien a ac.. .!ar_ 10 r1htrr6s to sma -rn_ roa4 iJc6 1! tuinltca {e.iDer ttu.- on. hou, 7 nitr_ I r".r or \rlhsto! uas efto; ,nonatd a.idr!€ m.st oi rd' u!y, lll11aroro ".aond slqt t. T. Ach.T roctrtarrl. b2:00 67:oc 2. Ronald Dr6!, iJl.n_lox, 82:12 ?i,:12

Sflc, tol" il,, 11iJ Patio., sJrc, I r/[ tri. 4, ] q. k1n caors. tsr:c.1crl, exic, ? )/t^r.j1a I 6, Bot cilcbrl:.. ,61a_T,f. 6 i- ic., SItlts: Colpi.r! 9'01. !1"4:5:21. ao:,. .ns 10:o6,0-ler 1,.1.0; c, rjj19. o. 1!: 57, c,2at)9.5. o. 2i.r8 c. :6,40- o i 27:o2j c, lr:02, o, l2:td; a.t.r. l":i1: i 051cr, 4J:lr4: os1.r lq.t+; o"r"r:a,!9 | J-Mil. lardtcaD I i:.nd-. rd Bra6ko, 1?:!?..j :" rr 15:z(3!st tirne); l. Irr r cl r.ori,ro.rd. rL:tl1: n6rr Edrkoritz. la,lL: i. :? s.srh !. II l. Falp}, criai; o*ar-i,. e[,zd iiiid !8t55: 6. Eob Hl"-rd, l9:ot; 7. r,tl"i I C,!or.lf1, 19:09.[ f : ;i?x"":ifr t:;,,::6;$',., 32iE lliE ] o, !sra hodrlsue, I,r1ns1od, irdrt+5 g2:L9 ----------------l iii colDrlrlut snrs 1o-t.i1in RncoLo H:i:"lT;:i:"i,lft:*:'" Ei'H I E3:h; ;i;t: ?: €. b, Ilanr. !uti.tr, R@ford. 95:t[ d8;ili Donv<rr Coto., l.lev 22- lcd cod]ldd! Bditl bullt up an 6sr1y leso to Hr-r ii.r e;uar y. roE rcnr.j.y. cap. 1112.109.5J tot:El l,laslrlnston rarr. 10-n116 ror4 !d ly nore than J drur6s, rh. rlnarc rin6 !t Dn-l !!IF,r!o IlTViTAiIolIAt Tt-!. liay 7. 1966 d6r Pat traynor'! t?:07 effoii or lasr :!1e r. s6aam, alrr.d ira1,:. [:26.7: of

I !iil",tfr;:fir:t.*,

i;;;;ii;i., i;i;;i, ;;;i[

ycar anit roe t\!!az6].a\s t5t96 t96z

1. nsc coDrks!, jt:l+7; 2. r1.yd codHr,.l

5u:45, l. E5f!y rrccallar a0:1lj lr. cur Plorsonr 60:25j 5. Jln u!!i. 61:25; 6. Jo. ,11r!zo1a, ( ?:00; 7, e1.n !Fllaston62:2at 8. Ed BrishM, rJ:ooj 9: nuhort rlorErn, 6r:01; 10. Jo d E16hx, 6[:!0r 11. BilL l/,hltd. 7l:16: 12. Irviru Hri.,11B:2i tonoxTo, orlnr4nIo, sun,rav, xsr e- 6tb

AMul Toroato Cladsto$ Ac sr- b-t1i16 T!.cL Chariotuhlp at Yolk fcnortar Col1. Paul Be1liv.eu, l9:28.0i 2. lrer1s sailsa' 36:l4i 36:ll+i l. Ray atalc6, l6:lr2J lC,:lr2J lr. 3?:1h: 5. 5'. DB.!1s D6rts v:11i valfil7:11+; aeto., rrr:06; 6, !oDs !oDF valkr, VdlFr. lrj:52; !1:06: 4,, L):12: t?, K,r.reo P41klc1!, !4j10i 8. !rn, Drmn, plonsb.lp- 1. Paui !.rur6au, 16:5!-j 2. r,larls sntka, 17:05; 3. Ray,Atancc, 17: 1lr.j U. sdr. r.rv.ncos, U;98; 5. Do.nls

v61r1rrotos, 1'r:01; 6. Douelas !lelk.r, 20:o5i 7. E?nto Sbd?o, 20:22; d, rl.ndon

Ad.', 20:50j 9, Ia1.!ro !a!!kola, 10. l}lld Dtrro!, 23.2h.


Rocrbsr.f ..2_!.fi10,

1: s.'6m, a, 9:59.0; 2, er']rd;-n-:_It+oo) xlr4A! 25 KIr,O JEXIOR Cr-lUpIOIStr? RU)r crrnbr, tlls3.r lray 8, 1ab6 (4b st5rt6r3) t _'i:":"""' "'"*..." rv ttb !ft.flcan 1. rcn Mu!11.r, B6ron xA, L25:51"

4, chdrl6s Drson. tdtrord Tc,I:20:i1 ). llron 5rgafo!, Bosion /|4. 1:28:q: 6. r&os Dar.y, o. !icc.cruir. 1:20:<< 7. nodld caff, Eostoa AJ|, r,29t9 d. riarc J.LJm6, |t. p4tr -crr. 1:11:00 c. Rob.rt Duffy, ulLc, 1:11:1b r!. ront salr6ra, Boston,la, 1:J1:g? 1r, An€Ds uDott6lr Ln.. l:12:oZ: 12. Abc A.sar llA,\, 1:.12:I6j rj. nonl chdoq. L]!Ic 7t)2t2): 7)+. Joxn !a1tac6. !na. Llt:oz: 15. Ds'rd r,lnioi. 3A . 1:i5:37: 16. !.i.. codat, 14., l:_16:21+r 1?. lJlltlm Sd1th. iliil8ii l:: ]i1:3i,:":::."i:1 $sX%y'6 1:fd:1lj 20, r aC, 1.18:Li: E*a"lil. "i,,T:1,flU?i,l'i3:'3:-3i'"ff :t€: IUC, 1:l+l:11j 24. John Count]]ah, BA.\, !:41:52, 25. !DuI sclc11, x}]lc, 1:lrJ:15j

vti !'a:rdctttr xllc,-1:l+J:3B,27, rin Ecdn, !tlc, 1:46:00;26. ],rn, Ctms, slu tln AC, 1tl+7:00; 29, Jos.ph Kilbt, St. rnthonrrs Bc! Bc, 1:L9:31: 1:49:ll; 30. nol.rt nusalthonyrs S.taal 3c1!. ccaa, 3c1!, CCAA. !:51:o0; !:51:O0. 31. Jtrl1an s.t€al, i;id.'1;;ili1; Mqc. 1:51:11! 32, !1tot chmlJcrli!, De. at'itzoi 33, rm.s {tcho1., I c, 1:51:l+o Gdoreo ratt:!u113, !rrc, 1:5J:ocJ 3<. lL. K.n Jos6ph!, 3AA, 1:55:01j 16, Edi."d cdtlr. IMc. 1t5i:r9: 17. ou.llct, xl,'( l]!'c rynn tm AC, ac. 1:tB:16; 38. J8. sd 0u.l1ct, rfflc' "i,6!iiz 2:05:l 2100:16r J9, rut st6i!.r, fri;. l+0. o@h cot., I'iic, 2:06:13; l.l1, !d{, osllot. Nuc, 2:09:12; 42. sotclt Day, ur. !a* AA, 2r11,40j 41, nf,, xuc, 2:u:1r-1j ld!. carr 0zia3, I c, 26.


J!. Aosults- 1, G.tfj 2. Ge1tE3; l, luf fY..!.a: !o!tr1 I'Ltdford club. q t!o!h1€3 & sulatsors ncdrfs,.ldoal r.atb.r cohdltlols. --F!cd !Io{n, S!,ARl4v 95, lraNtlarrnx 59 at r{cat rdibt, $.I sat.. llar ?. f9e6--2-1,J11.- 1. Jtn Uarftr r, 9:01.5r :. coora;_3F;hd, rr, 9:o).or 1, Jln 3. tuca couy, u, 9119.2..!419naln !, a, l+:69.b; 2, Bob I'r-cDoeld, -,t, 1+:09.9; l, d..rd. sho.]]an, r:, l+:10. Jl 1:51.€j 2. rln 880- I: I. croa cros ctp, cMp, A, 1:5r.aj X6Id. a. 1:51.6; l. ro. Kdarn.Y, II, 1:52.5..Aftv Frosh 98, Madqtbu Flosh5 U!1.- 1. xlrlan, , l+:19.1..2-Ui1.- 1. RinT,., r,, 9,28, or 2; Lucas,-I;-rt0. ? I, 1r9?.7; 1:5?.7; l. stltck1.r, stltck1. 880- 1. fiirIan. fitrIan. r, C-1:ge.?r l. o,Brt.., 14, 1:5a.2.

lrMilghm. 4s3. 5-W!! mhcE lm, r4!y 15. 1966 (M6t. ac rlil M..t) L tc.n Mu.f,lor, Boston n-q, 26:o4j 2. Ed coMo!. ruc. 26:5.1.2j l. non caff, aan, 2?:12.8; l+. Bob Dairy' tnic' 27:55i i. Jolu $alLeco. BA-1. 27:57: 6. nrcr< Bavko, 29:i0; fiuc,2etl+7i 7. no7d. sa!y.!r MLcr 8. J.y goulrd, tiot. ac! lo:50: q. John rods, rr., Nl{c, J5:2d.


4.5-!ifLE _ Iialsl cioss CoLIIT]iY ?a*t, suri.y, ,{!rit 1?, 1966 at rhaodo- ttlrt& ?"rL, !,!lmcap.Ur. Uim. C.nditioE: ie dci=er3 15-20 nph r,.I !rnd, rain dutE +n. .ntl* racc. Cour36: Tnd race !a tu ii'. ls;B .n.r a o,9 nlL. 1o.!, slictr cortain:c. Ju-r about !T.rJ lrind or Jootins iEliab1., tsrhart, nudr elas5r fie Ec&l.ir & rumll€ !ara!. !.reral 106 t@dLs ir33 to ba ncsotiaied .ach 1a?, aE Gl1 as . 20-l0r str.xch of a.L,1c d:.! .c{: 6 BliexNcar ih. end .l 4a.h 1ap e Erj rltck stoc! hlrl had to b. rcsotiai.d, in tn. latdr s jia6.3 of thc lace ]l4'?. la!: i6 a"ab brrnchas a s:811 frccs I. fof,-n.tnonrh. @t,' n. ar tra. 4222 2, John Rlrman, ua,, \1irc'2 .i. ,ra1, t:/.5) 3. ron da1., lm., lilnoF- :i. c'1", 2!:?7 2.r:;f [. D]ck after. uE.. !. D' l.-rr... i. cr,u.r. r.ron3r.r, tE.. fr4tii Es, 1:i:5t u,n-. Ui.o! sr-c.U.29:Ol 7. sr,-i L3;ik;s, ,'i;aL- st. c:1a., 29:l+ 29 5+ 8. Dii RituL:i, lrl.oru Si;. coll.r 9. !.n L .tuarkr ml. Cfletoi Cof.,2-o:5t tr. of IIi4, 10, ?r+ rrn1r, uro., 10:34 U. Lik. ilntzor, lE., l:tealblts lo:rlo 12, Jo(k Tro1lrtu.?, !. of !ti4, 11:01 1j. Tod smond, lrtto Bed t !c, ll:ro 1l! liar@n slocu, Ihixo 3.e r;l-, 11;19 15. fon Llliifil, s!. P..lr, viD, 32;Jb 16. ron Pru. Giclrfi.lit 8.s., .lf:.-o I7- !.d oarno!. U. of llie;o'd. 3):2O 18. D,* L;r,i;, ri-nL.r *, 3t+t2a 19, v..n :tsll x.a 3!lEhio!, )7:24 ;n. !.t Ior u ..:i, !irhcrr(n8, )7.?A 21, !r. Larr.4co r.Ic a, Jr. ,nopLrG, 9o:5t Iot:!... T.i3 has eot to r- -"nc iosi_"hc b !o!u1ar ulopula} rf,cc rlo*or.d local Fna..Tor Heino..D, 2 juiar zi: tx4 rinir. of 1ff60ra. or e:55 ror 2 nils3 & 1l:58 ?o! J ailcs t\is ser3or. xea.d arsy l!6 tbc f:.ld oYcr J.bi l:]I's to arird out a lls 'tn ltcbb.e td:t of t{imd statc co1loPs. rould l. d real. aoBct cI tlls co*se. TnIIr llllirrxl !n:, Kljnz rcircRril 10-is,t RlllDlclr iOAD rJ,ct, vlctorT rleMr{al ;}!].1I\IrESOTA nO]!D RUrfXrnS CnnE

Noto3..,vsn l,!!01l-6" had thls oro all to h1n6.1f, & nor.ly iii-a" r"'it'" ii."t j 'ir"". "-i'ii'i-il*. rol; Jord;n, Jr., 19, ren t6! a 7 nonth layoft. ills lcft 1.4 s4s vtd., sdn.,', brol{ln tn tlucc plac.s ln s atrto acct- !]ir.alolis, 6t dos!.r", 1U-2+ dph nv d.nt. E. ha3 flnlsh6d th.




1.st.TD s rith, 11:00 2. t.n lddmrk,l:oo DomsYIl1,{. onfaRro, sdt.j llay ?- cemd;rirflnj ?:00 l. fom Der iar $ar'1. s!. 20-It101,Id1k- t. !a!Lnon r. li.tu Ii.!rch.bz. crrdston aC, 1:12:40, L5. :,.h 8remr, 1o:0o 2. Ron Danldlr IYAC, 1:12!4ei .1. r16r 6, Doq: ndno.dron.6:oo oatrcy. oshaHE rc, 1:J4:odj 4, Patrlck 1:00 7. St.?. !oa. ra!r61ir, Gtc, 1:[o 00. (12 ritrishrrs) B- 11. s.n.t;. 1:ao t. I)icL r.iror, J:0o 10. Ben clook.rt, L:o0 :lif:tsiiln.ii""i,r"."l# r 11. Ron rram:, 1l:o0


62:Lc 62.56

q lL .J:l+6




63.a? L)


tttrt )










ri w**t,s**:+;* i* ai :.q#1"'::";;:t +::,,I!tir,f * m*ff

: !i!"iili::,.j::ir;i"ilir^r,,,,,. :,,,



ill,i;i'ior';i,'=i*i]*,i;i. rlii'i.;:i*.:'1"::ii" "*"i"jl"l- ris ;: ::r";s;; ;*,;ii"iilli;Tii.

iff i:i'i#,:;::";::fi:.iii::;i lqll ;;,;::**t*ii!,'I:',ii:r':.';:,t:{; ili lri:'t,j:ili:-i*-r,ii;,:1. l?i.l'ft l"Hi"i]'Ei:,1;:*;;ilfi;i;:l

!',';,:;,lii'ii;.'iiil li *r:;"*r;I;rii:itli'i,:::',: ll;:i::':itl; jf;,il';i hi';jl:,i*,,:,.i:i.:il,: 1,,, lri l:;J:"t;"::;,r"::.*, 4 r#ri;,#' i**r d;rt;;:::11, ii[niri;i':ltir-;. il

ffiff,*i'/$n*$*:,ffi# i:, .j;":il;

tr. r'trr. Eormua.



i?'i:r-;:i:'":fl?'";,s::s :1"n"*** 1*:"::::5*|',.ti:i..., .,. 5r.?,,. iii"";:i Ui:;l;i5 i"l*,*: *ru, l:u iri;,ij::;:j,f#il:"j:.rii.";



;ll l;i'''# .li *l*::*', ;'L iiffi i:j"L{i# fn*Tt+iiii.::**"ii;ri;;r- I,,;:.;.#.ti""t"q*jl4,tl,",ru,

[1r, F;;;$rft *+* u rit+:n*'n / Jl!:;1;:ii.1"'",;;;"'1"";;t ;"",,"';J ii i::il:,il::: ::ii:,:":'::riir;ilri,.

q{i;si:;!}:E{?i' ;*::li$:fr i'*'+r:lr':,;: i:r,i1 ""3" r iil i':l;; .i ;i::;ij;: "g'i:i:";* H'j ,':i;:T.;.i., .$l!*"1:ii",T' ".:t';,;

l11 at6r6et,r! ?i 9. roe t (!";G lDlc]tlnson 10r L cc}IY|.o!y.o,cr_________________ I baF a /,r I rt slch. ^olr oSLm lc{Ix J6dr & !T l.ni .1.:. '117 7.!s_ r4toodbfJ, I.J., SLndaJ, ay29_!o! t^o 0 LJ s _o! huno,.a c!.,ra.o a qr. in:orh tcu So-tl o-s.y rC Ll. b:6& ! d _ JI-r 'oolt bou r/dlrlo-al "r'!roo..l tn J-ll lo- 1. c6o!66 s.-cl.r-, ::1r,, L-:02.. L,6 lloooourr Pa-k syst61 "!r hold 0"6r ai 1,L.o!.. a.ohdd b-BLlr_11 1dko. lo-.. ro,dr.s, ra{t; er'. ron os.., bs r._ . /ealccryi-o.llulLlo3 u:01.5j l. a. " -o, s.., r:ro.i! lr, .o ecor6 M rntrcsslro J' xri, sJ. 14:1..o1 ( 6-ba 5. .. . -! ) fa! ' 3 co,136 -a(t o" 2otq.7, 16 I h. trr. 1an.. 1 :52.o ,o .s' -rm jlltri13"d3 or'r6 3ofr rlrf l1D o.3. '.-o.n.h! -€nL aao. io. 3 o{ Lifts .jIs ?oa!. 1. Ja"q sr. I rhd .-..d6,, t, Uy),.t4,.16_ :ordh3-.-.4:1..Jj -. B :-A:o.-, ", S--. L,Sal1€ .o11.A.'s lo pszi,r.o oLod;o lr:'1,:: i6o 3 sr'^ \., 1:, L:rl-)i L. )otd Ir a asl lor idmerJb _ __nI. - bt.. n ht. .gon d q .!- .Lq - i, LoE. :. fl ,i. ;' ":^ii". I r ii'; : i-or% ;i;"-.,' 9-. 196l)r _. at J -+*+rv, .. ?o Lo-o, s,rc, ,c.10:,6 1:o: -, q,l co4!/, ,r't-. ln, I.. c.o!q. irrr.m;.s ,:: . 21:_9 Io: ".:: -t. s.o!o con, Iauan c1rk. Sfla. _o:-9,&F.21:lb -o/, sJ. f0:l lona,(Itul 5. r:r_ .9. ':!1".)j i.ar 6..,heo 3 6. d6,.!n orcomar. D"iara!. b.1 :J{ co.-y o} 60,. .o., .,d ?, "on^.slilo. SnC. 2rtJL 1rrl.. rM ! s .6pro,h.!- "-roro.r,.680 8. Jo. D.J&si. sfia. 12. i /r.,.! . ''',b 1:5r.-; ,. Ism: 9, La!!r 3€!-o,trz. !'t. 2l:L | ro!d., t\-m, 1:5J.5j 3. rrn crosrk, Fo,d., 0. croir.s La,"oni^. sJrc. 2i.:_Li :51"i lr. Jo_ d.5 6y, \h4., ':5-.5j 5, 11. Bob nma!skr,&,, i.Tc; 2jfit r2. Bob corrlsry, sfic, 2?:05.1 o ro vdn rf,01, \:dtua.irb, .r:5t .8. 11. J6!!r lo(o. PhII.. AC. 28 I !r.si4an Ie.nL.- M11.- l. B Is Ktrlu. 14. Jod O R ordM. f I-a. Ac. l-:lj-9 lljd.' 4:u: . Bc-^. S6kan, 1A1, !.18; r. rd s',Lr ck. Rd e."6, tr:19.8j L, rl lEssoLEr /A. -Ey RRc q^rLs (!.!Mrp pa!r{) :q-ah.n. lrcr,, l:22,5..2-lll ro- t. r.1r1an, 9:18.9 lnr 2. c6o-p. L i;:To=;-a-i. lrYUEdslr^ Aor{1 1?- 1c6a, 3r. . s.lnai, \o.o,od- r. Roo.lr i!0h1.!. ,,1.;L xaBa3 lo:'9.5r l. "fl, _.a:ro.Lj a:ll.o..dtloc, 2, xcnL tL,;st. LInc, l2' l:d sl! LLot. n.-:i4.6..r;fi: Jr:)8.2; -. Dt^t -5:or l. JohnRoso, un-c, 16:1/.5 sr. .:'.ro ne l:S$"9r"i.' "4re.rs 5/ri r. r. 17: 8,5 ?(Er /. €tr_'e|o: 2-M11o a-tt1. JMn Roso. !KlC. :.-si",ii"in"ii"i.-r'ri.;.''tiid',' Jrr' br.r 5' re: 6 r'd o' It onco - lik



- qfils 19ob r"E\,I ,-\c]-:t D I'.arrLronr [.a, 8-].{r1o Jltu 72- I,ytu, M8qs,, 10_fi 10 6:10 p.]1, d.ar!. _.o coukmo, D6 r5r Ic, 2l:40.4j 2. I Jun6 )5- LrD. il5so,. to- t1. 1!'o 2:loDn . 0on6r _c, 2L:3c.2r 3. cr.1 r Jr 1- Dsnv6.6, l,tass,. 8-r'_. r:oo !.,: \,llndon. or.?a-/,I. N.blasLa. umr., 21.: | ,'uly L- Sour!o-ros6! vas6. 5-r. 16 10 a,n. r!6.b: L. rorr Ros., r,I.1( tuBas -c. 2 : rurr 4- x rc., rra3s., 5- Jo .,orrc. 11 5, r.nf ld 6st, \7'I(. ?5t)t), 6, C.rj July l.- rleloshM, flsss,, l-lt o Ir. P or3on. D.nyo! Tc. )6i11; 7. Johnl x ! lli.e., ]ral. sr. 20 .10 srNas -c. 2u:o0: 5."a.rr d- [66drd, Br a(rrul ruly Lcor.n.-y, ",_., 5-ru. ".a, l/.sr 17.1.0; 9, C-a!1.6 3€lltE, !4lr c, I .uJ 10- U, -Ct.1d. ]4rss., l|Iqrv - _r.26kr ^rl$c, o b. orjy I J-ly | - aos-or, \iss., ;9!;9. + FEc6 _l::{r1o b: o .1. L.d rl1ds and rcry lat. JL y 17- BD rlros paj, :ass., -E!'p-AL l-, ''roi63...!506 :00 P.l{. '0 ^.ro IIsss, :oach irrd. ll-.!lE. Trooh-los -o lrt L JJr Bos.on. f-I11. o:ro ! rL --ry I8)l-lecos & ..odarq ro 3r1 _ln rh.. s. P-oer a ..a, R.1., 5r4' 6 'or;-i l. I 2L- roa,oo,ouRr.l.Ja33. osr ! .!a s-ton coun:y hlsrDr!'al S IO-I1L. :oL r:.t, _n6 !rc. 1s okT.- ro b€ a .ly a - Bor,on, )-- r' .:lo F.,1, 1mil or.nl. Jul,v ,1- Ea.t \r' r, n.1., 12-\.t,6 J !.e Juausr -_ Booron, ,4as3., J_t4:1or 6:_0 r . x.Y. :.1)c l:IUjI I{'.XCor- Aq. rr 2- r6,bu r:polrr }r3... 1o-II1. ElI._- I&F C-IA]4PIO:ISIJJ-: ar Don' na ii Aue s 3a e .36s. rc,o. ;a a idq;; slao . on Rrr dAl-s l_s1ar d. 'n L3L5 lo-k-.!5--rfoF - , -s;no l0-t{!10 ,5;o E0: r'-sr ,o i.s! r. r. sLu..d.n!.ropo 991: 2. H-!g.rq c bolr s. cM-oor1, r, -:. J-.brr ,c; L. 5oldhd ?5r .. s.t- '. rl jor s'r.:t, Roil ut, ria.s. 1n P..11 f2j 6. x1T 1a}; 7. Fahl.&h l PIoL.ra? DAY 5-III_J PUI+ Johnrob, Lsn.lslr,oX- D_DIAI t:iy ?. 1966 9:4o !.tr. asplsrl. elaw.l & I . @ 1a- fi..



-H l,?l MstlTrzol prnn *uur S;"i::",+*:rii, d,s,ff ;i;"#:citls.#,;;:ifr ": *,;,ffi ;i;; ^q"{g:iilHi""iii{#iL ;;iF,::;*,:H';#i#"iLsI "tl,"i,rf" :;;;:t,;fr.":i rl$, l,"ai;:p";+;#Tf:


ht!$;. !::,ffl *

i;Jr;il: ;i:;;s:Ji :;":ff


iii.r,''"Sl*'.;,Lr;t i'fiil'fiiliiiiF-?+r

j"::;','llii I

$rji,;sl, l!ri,,i":"â‚Źl:e, ty;"t;"



;,";;i*;*;fii' =-=:.ill-l


Jlil""",,* -l-: :,1:*;".

s*rtti*ffi1g;#x'ffi jpi?iffii f# iri$[i3;!*;r4';li::.:* ji.fi;;l;;: ir"--' fiil'* rl',u';i, ;ii5 iF-1utft


$"'1=J:t$i;j;t.'[[ii:,h;;:'/::,to]r"i{;# n,Td*t'*$+gili,:tjii;,$;i" / :t-#$lli,',.-t;ii.1iji d:,,*" / me;




mt*fi'gffi*****ffi *;"l;{t*ttr*1ffi




#ii$*+"ri#i*;:1ug*fi l'#,/ru+#t#,-g9;*rugfr*j


ffi/ffi ;**tt'+i*fii



ri,:i;iii'i,{iir; ;;*;i'"

'**#*iffi*.r:/iffi#+ #ffi iffi'*:lirftiiilqm:.T, :;,



t|jM RoAD nACE, Hyde ta!k, rb6.. rby r, 19oo t8o Bt&iels plis rro ehr6) t. Tor hrt., j!.r Yod. AC, pat46 2. L.o CarrcIt, Bogton aA, 24106 C€olg€ Coretrel, cen.Coan., ). 4, @orge star*u6, Boeton U., 25:tl 25:20 5. Xen Uue1ler. Ao.to! AA, 6. Toby saprerza, Bodron AA, 2bt)5 7. hrry Aer@b, !e! AC, 8. Lalrr 01en, Norrh s;dJord, ,6:6i 9. Edrud connor, Nlrc, 27:41 1O. rw. nomrd Rotuld Catr, krr, loero! aoero! r4, rA, )?:L 2?.LA 11. rr. Ti! Tl! Lton., Lron., BAA, BA.A, 2?::?j 27:2't: 12. Petet !ete! 8tr!e, Bv,27:r4j 1r. 11. Re1 clsrcu, !i!c, 6srcu, !J1f:' PV, i.': ?7.'r4j

vlls rBmcfox 5:l-lf!n llasE,. apllr 19tb 10 a.ri, !:.11:eto!, !q !or!1s (th€ futur€ cnr!, rlndsr€!) 11! oror th€ ldsk€bd 1d rlmlns tbe l€rlnatoD 5+,11€ load lac€ h 6sy ?ashlob todar, 1. Ed xorrls, Boston A_[, :6:t+1! 2. c.o. Ed NolRrs


Eosron unl!.r z7:521 1, Ken iif,*:; 1;iij,i;,},:j ly@ Ac, 26r12i . carp.ltor,

Muofl€!, BA3, B:.il'&isit'r. 28:01;



28:20; b; r,." iJorrtu.;,'Bel, ie,iii'2. sl iJii:' Bon, Irr.! AU, sonr Ac, za:r'i 28:551 8, n, B. iilsor. nilsor. r,o!s11 r,o!811 -!yd 9. R. Uosa!, 8A|. 29:02: 10. ,6, 2b:5Oj B. c"'yto;, sld'u-ic, :giiL,i ii.'riii raoksrd, B,qA, aqA, 29::9! 12. !. DelllM. D;!11M. l,t.t l{.t, [c, 29t32. 24t32. ll+5 ll!5 sraltorlJ staltorsr ro*: 16"., B""i;" aa Bo3i;D ar C

3l;l*"ii;"Yi"Pilt;,Y;l iii!6; BA1, 28j06; 10. Frahi;a r; b€ifi."it:.",i;i'];.il;.'itll !iliE1161' Hi;;ge:i':irdti!'ji-;:i*:4j"iiii---

irs,:ii.$!.,#:"i:f#i di;"::'ii; ;: Aq, 23tsai 22, r1olard Cordle!, Bri, 28: i:;ji.iii;:e;ffi!:"Hilitl5, lf

i i::"iil,*iy;r, *$, :ltii


ili?::;_,i "ilmTJfi l.;, l6li:':: !i4'.i

v:u1'ri: z. *i*r$ut*i,*ul=nrf*' fiit_rarola!a, uil p.oii Idiff qi{i$;:;:ilnffi;,ff= j J4. ,1. llleo'!, ;:----_----_ ac, Jo:r.i; .r. i",,;n ro"rer, -,"; :"il,31',1*fu::,.15;i,€i.ilufl3;,,i"i:'l " o'r''"' r-6;!jti;ii"dr" dlssrui, !c',t: ii: fff;i';#;"f5ill ;,#i"f_f j: mii"ffiei:,#r,. 9:i:"b#i:.f''u i'"*,-.."' *l ;##E, ;.h "6isii!r;. J0:oo: 12. Lym



robnson. H&rv'9:01'6

irteve ir€iheroee,l


l:ii;* ;ffi .,r, i::.;,1: b; "iia.. *::r, i:rii; ia,l;i:,;*1";l;"ii: r"'*"1, !c!a' 1:50":t: 8: 2' s;o'it' t"' iii613l' l): J*??'*h"ti;i"fii:;J*i: ii: ----

;----" #,"ilii'!i:;"it.t;;'i.1;i'il"i3li;:,?;.it; flt:"Hl;i"i:; if ,,iiits?,".. ;:iil3i:gil,i;a,l:ir'i;iilrri"i:l:,!eiiJo66ph [,r11.ns, ltur1.ns, B]-A, 19. rbn -::Bl-a, lr:51; Dan nsafiso- -;-:;;-;:-:::;;: l.:51; 49: ::::-::::-:::--: RUri rav ;le,"; *: l,;%:h"i:ii"";r;;',-- $l-:!.ruiff".:l!"':,:rrY diii;:";r,i:;.*i rc. i,,o; s," _"r., l: ilii "J:l:";,iiT, fr:19., u'.'**::lx; t:"::":al f';;,;fur,i i: Hi:ii ffffi::jilffii: il;i9 lj:::i;r;*";::;i :::':i: ::$"::"ff"** I ;: i:;';:;.i::i!it.:*' UjI 2?

;: i;;,;';;;;h: ::1i::.:i:-llTl:-..-:-l::1-9::l:---;i., i.;ti ---- ro. peE€ Lsass: srlD ,1c, 5ij\ vnr,etovr iot- -oonrri-o--yr,,rnEs l'S il"Il'iiil8;.[i",i;.*qF;.L,ii'i, !rck. vr 4:o:ror 2. xsltb roFah, T]'l i:: :;;'"i;H:";;::1"'": 42t5L ii;ti orI6uJ. V..d!Oofl6u!. v..d!o- 1. 11 aI l4ccefl6!r! vccaffelrr. L2t5S l:55.?; 1. PG;o!, a.,4-l{1I€- r.-irr1l c1st. Q. 9:00.1: ?. rii.-I611Lon- v. l. rfl Bsom, a. ] g3.oo ,"^o ,o roo"* o rEcmirqol Lona Dl.raE. Loa {L00 paS€s- many oJs. tanc6 ru4tng alttcr€st


rl. 3!c6 r!fn'!. EaIc, l+.1r02 r5. le_Lrn Dolly, 4r., li:05 !6, toualas BuLL, vd1! ac. 4l:12 ll: 9:is'"8:lt3i; H:fl ls. coor6o Bls.cha-d, uar., *J:trj 20. TohJ Casllleg, ocT., 4.1:5!


I .t

of f6nlnlro pulclfitude, jEt nIturs4 z Da., )r4:01; 22. c€n6 cl1rlsan, arc, l!+:olj 2.1. noynasa ss- an€ad of tho ftlst n!1e, rho had start€d tos, ua., !4:06; 2lr. ross cac1a, una,i out sone 7.6 nrleE back. Ther6 !s!€ 25 dlYldod l.to rro ElouDs 44:15; 25. lalch3el coroy, omc, iu.a: ('otun & as€ arour !UD€rs). rb; ne;t 26. Fob€rt Nordl16, ra,, U+t22; 27. naiDr€ H6rtxlA, DA., !!:2?| 28. nlch Clloctor ras FraDk c€1s ot ttr€ h41U. Bosl€r, EcTc, lr4j28; 29. Dsv€ Bruco, pE- Rob€rt E. D8c€ll€, LDR com. ot th6 PAArrri, rc, lr4:J6; lo. r€ff!€y 0ahs61, Mat., offl.tals. A coupl€ o! finlshoc n. !! th6 back of tta 44it?; 11. res sl1dr€th, srrn ac, lr[: o1f,nllans pacL l!! 12. P€r€r Pelldsrlnj PHTc, !4:116j - Ph11 c.nr6r, l3r€11' i5a, (p1ac6d 1n 13t t, h ]larri. l.4! larel1n lest ten 31, rln lrcclIntlck, una., l!r.:50r 14. Eoee! cltbble, fta., !l+:55; 35. st€"o .2lo Lbs., & Dsre votII. ITc. raerr) 6''r. diic16 (br L.6i 6;, 6'7", 2?5 1b3.1de ch4rler, trsar,45ro1;16, Dr. fot6r fht.her 2!ltl] 1. 62:59r)..conlgy,s,If€, l7 Noil r'roore. flan, a1s. lan & rlnlshed. sh6's u attr!ra,, 45:10; lb, 45:o4; Fr3d Fo!g1€ry, Mnr,, lq. ?sul xo6kl, ufu,, l+5:]6r lro a.tlva b1ond6, xitl !3c61v€ he! rif, D. 45:ll; Edre|d sclnldt, uha,, 1+5:16; [1, xsrl r'!on sta.fold thls horrh, 1. Cold€! Gate Tc 2?; 2. 45:21; 42. Rlchard rerrlb6rry, ncs, l+5122r b6r,y, darh Ac lr.1; l. Bodxood Cltf, strid€rs f07 l+5122; 1r3, !3, loberi r6ew€s. un.., 45:2J; 44. T€rly narM, ua., 1+5: l+- ?16asant Hlt1 TC 1!!, 5. llmoda tC 12lr !rq!d, Ea,r stuart !a!d, uE,, 4r:12; l]; 4r. ra; lr5:12; r+b. l+6. I 45. $ruarr aob Be1koskl. Fob Eelkoskl, n4, EA.. l45tlt5t L5:1.6: L7. h?. rm YoDroi Yoqi ntu-, 4t-55t 4d. reas Ljarlon, sfrc, Pmrxslla TRAo( ctvB sEAtsvII,l! !n!! iitn Ir5:5?j 4q. roln Ka!.n, scv.!'v, r+6:01j 90. 7.5-Mr1€6 couss: on€ stoe! h111 on €ech 1ep of 2.5 nlres, dlrt road, eood footi,rs !ob !6r02: 51, Dar11!l'tr una,, 116:oJ; 52. Fstsr srrlsld!, dns., I l6:40, 9d ortsso,, F.nr46:01+; 91. ui.haar tucan, le.J 1+6:07j ht1l CoLleeo, 1965. Intomoutain Schoot, 54. Itch&€1 Dell€y, fics, 46:09; 55. ua,,46:2lj 5€. Robort 37:13.61 2. rroEs sch€ftl€!, Aleed' {a, r,Ja1sll, aasso, uba., l+6t25t 57, rad sch,stz. l i7:ltr; 3. Robln ea,, l8ro0i !. uDa., l+6:.6; 58. racr4on !i118l'rs, ncs, I r€fr Carl Jensoh, xarln Kroot, ,n8., L6:lJi 60. I 5, AC, l3:lr2j 6. ts.ry 46:l0j 5q. Bltah Ro--bothm, &ec, 46.15! 61. D€@rd EoDtsclro!, ma., l9:0?; 7. 4,dy chslet, R. 5!acy. RCs, L6:l?; 62. Scott BDfrnc& IntorrcDntsin school, f.::cj 8. sL€'6 Mcxspln rc, l+6:l+21 51. Des o'$F11. ua.. !a4€ge, &a., 1+0:0r; 9. caolso Scott, l+6:l+5; 6L, E r c8rrsat!, una,, 1+6:lr7r I Ac, !nr4; 10. Bon Matlols. 65. lirt Kusfner, lBrc, 46:l+3; 66. Robt, u.a.r 40:2d; 1]. John Noo^4, tturl! AC, 12. John 11. Karon, scrur, L0:51+; Fqp€!1. ,ua., U6:5Jr 6?. BIil BE|hart. 40:4u; 13. Jolb lo€, ua., l+:00; Ilr, ytk6 Dallly re., L6:55: 68. sto!6 lrori16, ua.. l+6156i 6a. 86n Rossr€, una,, 4?:0b; 70. i€&ood CIty Sirldols, lrlt01! 15. Jackson reos Jacobs, u.a., 47:11, (lJo stalt- lt1111Ms, RC Stftd€rs, 41:09i 16. Ray l{3nzta, llAC. Ll:15: 1?. tan Uoru. P,rc. o!s. 2?7 list€d rlnish€lEr ) notes,..Thts 56th dDudl 6vent ra3 !r:27, 18, Rlcb r€c1bsrry, fics, 1r.1:50: startsd by t{Iss Su Fluclsco, rtth tlD Ic. Iaul Msokr sone6tead ]ta!rlers, lr2:01j rtn€d u! ar rho 20. scott Bulrl.ch, xalrn ac, 42:04. 330 6aAe! laltlclldtd (55 li3t6d linlshors) feo@ o1d lorry Buildtls at the roor of Xalkot stre€t. rh€ coEs€ rd thru ths raln 3tr€ets of san Fra41scoj foi- P1CIFIC AT}{!5TIC CoXI,ITRIXCI TAd CIjAMPS, sts.Jorc_ cqItf., xar 20-21--l-tule- 1. 1o'1.t rh€ ptctu€cqu€ colden cato Par]. & th€nce a1d.g ih6 Pac- c€lry rJrdDr€n urstr, u:12. 8!-z-Goff lflc ocsa! to th€ Cllft llouse. 1s11aht Pyn6, sc!A. 1fr20.6; f, rer Moo!€, orc., 1.1:26.2j 4. lissil@. wsu. B:!2.6.5. oarfy nornlls cloud core! dl3appoa€d by the th8 th6 rac€ startod at L0:00d. \'I6eks, ucl-a, 13;51.6j 6. P!tcd, ca1rf., 1l+:09.8! 7, scrultz. Irsc, r[:18.2. Tha s.I. txmter (!ace spomo!), p!€(r,1nd8rsnls 3!1!!s: 61.9, 2to5.5, ):1o,7, sentod tlophie3 to th6 1st tbr63 t8ss, th€ rsi !Lac; lufu€lr th8 oldast paltl- L,tr',J, 5t2a,11, 6.4,2, 7t)l+.4, 6tL2.6, c1!dt ,ho rtblshed a !o 13t hlsh 3cn- c:50.4, 10:59.2, 12:08,1, lJ:12,8.. Ptfu oo! boy acloss tb€ 11s (tbe 1a1rt€r b6- stay3d lltb hlb t1f6,4b 5 la!e. but Has thg P.h Slrs€ n,S. ln Hay- 20y beck by tL6 6Dd of ? la!s.)..rarl€- 1. r3!d, c311f,) xedals !er6 sl'en to th. 3ec€ B6ss, usc, l+:o2.L; 2. trado Eelr-f, o, n€rt 2q fin13h6!3 & celtiftcatgs to all 4:01.|+j 3. John [lbk, usc, lr:o].7r L. utl. otho! ihlsbors..1+ drt6s flon ths €rd bo.n, 0, 4:06.cj 5. rorolt3, v, 4:o?.4.. loo0r' sc- l Uoo!3. 0. U:119.L: 2. Mortsnwlt1,s sllkottss f.on id,i-O-8:t9.8r J. duirt, os, 9:oo. B; sacrd€nto flnlsh€d ln a nad sc!sb16



u€sa, '.1., !. Prlcs, c, 9:o..4r r.(:r?.8..8€oLo{Do.,t, ysr JO. rBptTls! cAr,ll, 4r10.6: 6. l'Ens8., o, ., l"r:g- r. 4_en sr--psoo, .:58. .. 11€ Dornls car-, !:ir7.o (51.1r-tr-o)j 2-. Da?6 I E;! tr : oo. . 6 roak 1;ao;r.b ioov Eo qo .s BucL, usc. 1:!6.cj ,. 3ro!60r, ufln. ran rast rs! r, 2. r:m l&-on, 96.9)r rJ;€r 1:1o.0: L. c."n can. at.,, :5a,5. L:01.1+r .). Psy poqsaM, t+:05.). T6m: trC-A lor 2, USC lrlr: l. o'6son J7; Fcdsq! o4s,1)EtA ,L{ hss sch€ilul€d a nda_ l. stan.6rd l2; '. tte, ,s.rforrla & oree!n Stata A: ?, \roe.rrgLon st. z0: cho-.n J Ly 131 In ,oal)ncL o- v rd a d. lr5s. tn€ton 1., b g rrs , rea. s. .rc coss Borr. T46 -'_-__-_-_-,_____ I doDs6 ,111 b3 a ci&1leulE oE & rh6 HlsTllx,tTllLtTIC CoirFlnj1llcE t&!i CrAilPs. i racB rtI1 t€ ftn at ietlishi. r.fo qAr. _16oFor lrovo, U'an, 4sr o-21--Br'^ .i ouu ; 4r'": &H6n Dr.hcoo -oor 31' rru.o Ljdjr€o !.:r(.*n." .1 .ldtnD, _s- .orlla. Io I'F 1116 t5-olah b tu^-i lr. \€r lr€rtcors Jou Baic' Md ,eo"so jco.d -:D doiiE. tJ!5 lsr r\ir {! rl,r"phv B. .oon]lr botb a^r.stor6o t-)41: t JID,oal{- DU:, 0\.a Slot_- coun-p6-o-Jon. \,J,, Ilay h:0o.r & o:1t,6, tds o& "ss s.an bt Ed BoJ€s. s 2JNou n6, .o's cr"!k vr .cJor.l tn r::o.7, re".-old ."r""i "tr"*""" i",



, ! tr !J; b. hlotu ]a f!. :-_---_--_'--_---__---2otH YID-AI0-tucA\ coNrutur.^-. -ot€oo,

bt rne 01o - -o-s xodd ol n€creatlon. €o-ss itisno"s. . an rru ri, s.n,r, cjo slonso.ed

L, Tolod. r5r 5. fion! st3.3 5r (. o' o u!;p e JD! rns.rs. !nr!. r-: ?. walshart 3.. yr131. sm sr"rtors I r+" -L.rgiers. d:0,.b Dq!€ 11o r"& r.orf.y {3 hon on rre N", y."k BsiU€], MI&1, lrro/.6r J.'F'?. Pock. iF, " *, r -. por, i". ).:-?.! (Bclr ts a r-, .0 :b. sop.. aps s.u, g :tn sn iir aas rell und€r tho all-ohio nalk of r pdt6r30n cltr !n11. t.rs[. i,:,..). "lto._orobb n€ . 6 rro ntle .. -d Bo" s, ''le! : r/.c, '6ora6 r!3n 6rs. Lr sABf, ., _Le- r.. Jac,.Bs-!€rsr. r:"nr. -r;:'p: :l -r- r","".rr. c c,

_m E "€- 'o!...y -s...__!e.


" .f-



_ :zii', )b.'j"'. o.ii,1j.l"i;;i: 1,;;;"$.

o- c (^oar o, oq . :r. rIl3-ca'nr€d D,r".r 6l ot".


r:)9.a .2:ro.o




l-;:. ;j i;1";;;, L EaJ . s ."3on. tr'snnsrr^n K, 27:c2;




$$i,*trli::,eii;:lli*;**tlii,*nlx "']

$iii:ii4;iff;'':i,,iil;;[1:i1 fr, *',;i;i;1r111r.;i$;*i;iti+. r:::{,i:,:::il r.""""^..i,;; ;l!b'_l l d,}:*:i^,::.i;:il, 1;:,:j?fttiri:lfl ' .:"";-t'',:rl'i:, T*i;f l,,+k;i' i*:*';r:r*ii:,::iq;,'1"'n

;1:,;;.: i1"idi,:":,':i;'i-i;"'Bi Itr:,. i'';.'"iii",1"i,,::l'j ,Sl i,i'i]::.'J;", '.,e r-snttel(s or Lrre rs .s ;;;-;;-:;:;;-;;;.-;;-";;::-._ ;r';ui-';j:"'ii""i;:.:.i:i":;";;:.^::.":."i,;?L_ voJ €o d0ctr r' -.:1!. rrs

0_ Fsy crot..or", dso v.s trLo,.peIr€e "., sonto!. central couoctlout n6nts 13!6 caDtusd tb rac6 rt tlr6 the 'd "nnu8 --r!16 ! n.Fo-so- o by ns r a^ C :a-I ,Eoi rlF s6"D'- tre ,1,,a o€..ea ;rp6tu rb 2l rar-s, .16 "c o tr.T, oallclsls rr6rb1on Boa-o crorne!s . r 'r ' on lon osle.. .r c. [;. ".l!or.tror bLs 1 -€ oro o! 3 {JU a-€a. o)s.drt" .o BIL- aytor r.x. rn d€dl 6r'.'rs E , ur .rn€ lrch;,.., N-n Loooo , Cr , ,oa : e -Jo6 d--horso.Lto!) J ro! Eha -s_ D s' sc ool \t.l " 1I3n / rars Ha.e l.d.)i8n s,noo1 rro, . 0- : voloj\.. Abl@Lor h€rorta, -teld, a"cron. Pe,. r n6 ,- srla. ners n ,h€ " 6. ) rth€ Lons 3lsnd sola, lr:I8.1 {-soo".; oFssL, o)on sB o Tl€t r€-" In€ lj: 1._ b, ror Do ne .r, Lass o d'. t€D". ln L5o .B B. J!!6n- laa5 | 2. ULa -Jons, qo,sn Csuho1l-! ). €d ('F Laer LroonJ Cl€ore'8" F€s o@1, lr:2/.1 stehsloo-dvts:o., -BJ' 1. Ray.ro..€.s. s co .c{, r:r6.q!qI. lvry Jrrls,sJ r'., s-olrbRr,s'd (D€]. 0.) -: 7.-r :, Ds o o" L, P€tu.etu€. -:--o,L-A!lcr-g!.!l]!:'"-Ll- l-_!rL 4. vtnc€ cblappstta, Isr Yolk ac,26:16 BJtl cLAnK !.!{s FAs? 6-MIIAS,. r!IL,n. ?roBtsnodtci, 4-F St!1dars, 26:lp NIERS r,lIN ls!l, ?ht1a., Pa.: !!!! Jorh 5. Ted Ed todd, P'L ur5lki cralk, oLULIcofi".n€s, 6. ll]d Dodd, South Jers€, TC, So.Ll Je.s€y T(, 2at5A t5A BI11 QDdtIco Ilallnes, s fono! Jno lrd n3_ Dou€herlr &:i.,. ;D.y B.!%oL. 1. d. cs r Lleglarf e d. tI SLrtd., d.ual Ponn ac ?&F r.rec; at e. Rus3 !a1ntor, Brlclroun }ts,{.r., !h!Ir"Io, )nd llsi u?:0,: 10, ".e JrgrM, ,,r. .s, !9d3y olnoy 1l ntsh s5 ,h. p t1q. p.oF--s Lo ?7:12: una., ?:17: tr€ tes uro.Lr!. 'I^ o_H, !: o.lr {;r; . Boo:o.D_-6s, w.c, 21 1.. \: . 6_7 re_ L. pi.t ct",*. url,--:L0.0 ,royssno., o,r' -e^"as ^,": :2 t r. LyTon bscc, orv, cr5): ,!.,;-rr bs €. ,da. ?:ro; :. -a n vq "o'b -.!, yonr€r3. u r.. _/..!7r _6 pqr "r_ p6n!. ron. rc, ro:l_j l. sfee€ rscksDb


. .:


T3d aoa1.



#ri *'*xtfkTr#+:ir; ***?i***ij*,urt,i:i j:3"1 I



51;11,,41;:trri"*h!}F#n;. I

i' inir'il'*{;ii #;,$Jitffiffi/ffi.fH*nffi *: gff:li*hli'*: i;ffi i,- : 5;i*$

ffi ru#tgE5',1:r;.,iai:1,;zu;*:i:iilii'r'#$-iifr Ll6l1rr;q

jft :,i::;q::q;il3+/l'.ij:f l*t+*:;1ff il"u',r'

4:;i'*;':*#r,'*:,ill.:i;ilelli, I irj, jiriii:.f "ilF.g1;i,nirrr

ffiffiliffit*nffiffi ft flifl

tr'ii-;s,#i*i*liHffi #i*h'it$L*r

il Hftrffiru:qffifiHffi rffinli#s** *-ffi 'r*ff*i *r I ffi l;'r ;i

;ir,* I i; {-":iriiii:,-,:r::lrri;. ii:;i:f I D,:;oiffi-!,oo-o":-;;;;;-;i;i:-.;;;;--


r.r#*r:$;.*ffii:;," $i;l;' I ${ittr::11i;i*$*i#l;ft :*

"ffie:' : i*:"lir+*'Hiti:"iil",?,iil",iilliiH:u"+*#*i^{+"lii*iX"H-1i ;;"i;; :; fi :tffi ,,,1 i:i!: 9., ligg;g;: 11; :i, 6

"i,':ifi ;;":,i,-,,,*i ft:i'*iil:ii,, I


l:*ft it.,r, i;ii,i;ldf$:frii:ra:i. :il,rL"n, l;it:

i"il;;s;i t;i;.:;-"i:i: i:;"" iltt#n"$:"'i iii;ii;.:"i*., 3il::iid3{ *,',d" i;l:t: ;l ffi;issq{ltr;T$;t-*:'" i; lr#"ff}l*.^Hi "v:;';ri:ilr,^*.' : *lits*" ld*- sl r;y*.:fili;erifr! r:eili.F:+i: I fr il'F:.i:,ft:ii::,ii:i:ira:{;}rI; j*iil{:i};i"$:--, i iii;l::;::';:.ff j;"'iT;"'sn:'ilH:





*;xffiftilr***'Ni##rru**ffitru; :#?##igrlr ffit;1;,;,i;:1ii i*'":'rHi Hiiilii;$",ilt;i"!i:k"r'"




;]i ;iir, :m;:.::-g :{ i;::il" rrii#nili*i}ii:ii:rirt:T*, r.. na, co!6!. .r3:'; ,. l::'_H::* l;:*ll':.:;"ti.iiii*:;*s::91:: raDr rzynb&kt, 2o:01!j 3. Mlrt or.â‚Źn_ g:li;r;i,ii-;;iii.!. l;| ffi#Hfi , i;, "i. yi:r lljli;,":.,flE!. i:*_. ji



"*:lU*: | :-t-_----_-_---------g"W:*mti,'iqi*i;$$:{"ft H:-l *kiffi ;r;!;1i:ii;r{;

jf y"li; i

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r,ft +,ilt r*,;*,m,;l"ll*:. #firy:;+q. j;:fi_r.;ii"r,ti3;.i I iiSi;"*jtd:biitili l*"f{:s i"*i'riii$t;i.'t;:{r:il*ryur ifl j#""l?iF" ;;"ffi #iiiii.:"itr:i:f l::trff; I i,tii.itrli'F:'ii'"l"iiii' $qtLry:







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a ubos. r,ll.r€_


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;#;+i;iltir*ru.=,,;';;-l rti:i,ui,#;ir,fu :jl:;u{il$;it t.

t,-'iffi:n:m$*''*lnsmi*' i;r*i:::';5*:i+illiii;iii zu

F);"iT3l;,1 Et;:';:ffi i:i;il'i:"i;.:*xr""".1

:iu;"i?E:*;;?:;iit;i'i;1,:ii':li:, ff.|$;ilgi:"ii::.i:l: g1i!_ry:r l;ib' j'"i:; ill"',ll,it ;"ji.t.l"j"i'" 2-r1r!,E Ro}D rr;,ii:" "'j;":i":j"gt! RAc! ffi1o;.ii fi;'6i ;i;;-;*'uinlls


, usfr€! [orpod, Ba]!tdo!e, !tro2,?r 2, ro hts ;ftosr: !uk3r. Bal-ircra, r1:1 ! J. Doa tlr:R-cos\Ty cEAfifrois-drp pl1sm:s /vJIbr 1. L. c"h* roro'to; rororto, 11:L'r u:L'; I,: crahm i.ri*, Tarlo!, r{;;;,-i fisa', 1:)9:08. L, ds'y dsry :;;o s: -r. 2. Don llrqLhaftoo,sr., l"rqurarsoo,5r,, sb€,6r, s-s^fs, tt)9t2tt J. ,t^, adcoc!s 16:rr,9al oLra,a uplsds 1., lI:51.(-1fln. --' lsb€rs|rBe: BalEi'.-6 15i 15j'ro!;;i; !a.,Iols. 1:Lo:a6: r'",t"ii, lolonLo i't+oi:o; LDr,rn€r r8. 28. o:-r;";;: [.] ;;;:: 1t.L:It2': 5, D, ,(!ocj.ole!, 8d!s., I:!r: ll{rxl's Po.KIcA! lITNlss .LrB 3J-ro-J9 vrans 6. D. Cressor. Mloo166€i, 1:lr,jl7, I 2_vU,E RoAD Fa.! l\! to@s: I. sLsfC6 18: 2. yo!!! .jci ,. 1. Psu.1 Po.., Csnnrs! OnLar'o ]rsclecs, q]l. I4 aro.p ol about tr h€ao€d lcoa^ho3, r0:0J; 2, Psrl B€11r'eau. tolor_ tb. 13-€ ,r111 Jrst a'-a! tb. lu'r!ry llo, l0:.19j ]. Jold !€av€s, To!oo[;, ro:U! op€lod a rooj EaD & l. RaJ aLanco, ro-ob!o. 11r0r: 5. arrc€ sndjod ln _rodr unlll tho obc. Iaylor, Toronto, 11:08; 6. .{,I; p,^:sd. _-----___-__--___l c.nt.ql olr, Trac! Coaoh€s, 11r09.9. DoriNsvlElr, omAnro, ss,., A!!11 9. 19oo l/.2 f'n shals) l/h€o l{h€o Dr. D!. cdlo l,urrra of tbo Bs.tlnoro R01{ Ion voER LtF! 2-}fJfE RoAD R.{ct Pht.Jcal ElEm"s cr b rrrlr€d sl l. DouA alro m, or^ 1€, OaE,. to:50: 'b's TorobLo 6c no Johtr van ltoFson, To.o.!o, 1O:55r l: CstonErtl-l2, -0t1 13. 13r Mo.. Batly sbid€lr sbid€!. Adola, Md.. on onOct. Oct. l0tnlasrftslasr y€s, 11!tte 1rr.rr6 Iisatlt Ado!a. ort., ort-. 10:55 1o:q< i9t re< rln Bx€rs) Ed: Tho t'11 r€sult. rrod dJd l1s - o! Sy ItaI - krou rh€n r@t a rhls L.€id tn rDMlnA Lbor had starr6d. Th6 .aat co ld abodr 1111 tno LD toa, SolF c_lnd o_ rBI s ?rslt !o vsrred lssr ro: tbo b!!€t accouL, tea! occlr!€d thls txr6 at tlD York V4t-/ --------r6lslty celB thts afrornoon. so !trD!6sl CtrlTIs, rEBF.{SX,{ tlEIORIl! DAy COUntny s3d xas sy a! br r41!k1n'E !!06r@ I I.r\x! yan4rmx of €v€1!s rmt !€ dsc DonL, c!a!d r31dd. Nebr.. 2;q6 'l". dsd to ropav rho 1?. D.!. cmplthaat bJ Inrll]la Dr. I -kLnis CMl oHczarzak. Mrldon. N6or. >:C?:tr< to loLl6 cansoa Frrrz, v6'don, N.br., 2.t8:db ]. aro'p '",[ob.. I rrolr6 o"66ts ,6!a rlstod on rr€ p!o4. c€re so6€!! .u!r6. rob!.. -:Bej2r !11- flsten, s!e;t. sp-tlgfiold,I_1,_J:06:h5 !!. e & Undo! vndo! ddoy €8oy "o3o 5, !1fi ,, Sp-tlsfiold,i-1,-J:oo:Ln;c€a.M! c !!. a.M! "oso nac€1, nect l,€rts, sL, csLdsrIn€s . v!ud 6. Jobn n. Ros6, calds! crrr,ds.,l:1r:4? 2t59 l2o r'nisb€rs)..E rs 9 & onoo. :, Dshsc, co.o., J:15:ir5 \c., Ubor Road Rac6- t, no03!, r€sv€s, ,ro!o.-l U, Toa Snyd€., Llacolb, n6o!., .J.22:i8 c. ro, 2t52-5 \2)'nlshors)..cr.r! 11 & Kon KaLrre-! B.oonftold" so..!:2b:o? undo! udor no.d nsoe- snoLra nerors,)rlTc 10. E1r€. lolF'@. lsroy, Ka@as, /:2?r5tr 2:45 {22 fldrturs)..BD9s rr & Lnd€r 8&1 r. G 0n n, Epp16s.on, Dan?B!, j:29:oo I- Jih \l-6eD- r ar.n 2tttA.< |.2 r'n \ lt2, l'a!!r st8oGn. $i;s :H:i:&."1::s*t"I:p"l;lE;if l:.ill."'li'i',,9;!i'ffi,J:ai: ,il"l;";l,,"iij: LrMd IBIMd,r J:3e:+8 }|..Ic. 5:2": 2. Bu,r@-, 14, Don ltcl,lhlll, 15. Falph Yar_tw, rl!o01n, x€h.l:\0:5i 9:l?! r. tulla BI€nd; Bs.L'-ois, 9:18















fi+t*+*ffiEi1+-1xry "i* Jitq,H::.j;",i;i.:.#i;::;q::;

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Fn 5i:;4

t"*rr:i,t',+,', :ir :$:i I iitls;-

ii!*i#i,I,=i*,;*;i:r* "';ryrujl:iffi

lral nsuai jr.rlstor R.c!.ation D$arto.nt Ilo-In-one Day Road Bace Open thlee r4lte Co-Bpon6ored by the !er16ton Reo.eatlon


Noleg...skl! Aoul of the gr6rla-titeEda TracL clut ra6 all by h!!8€Lt 1n ,1nnrrg the 1960 Pac.lrrc ArtU 20k! olsoprob 3hrp. Ai the helf d!r6 gorn!, llout odt on a bur6t of 6peed, snstched a Jot r.€od, 3nd srad@lly le4rbened rt utrl

t€pt- a varslty Slortg Shop ol !er16to! ai Ler!.ton, Naln€, Eat., Apr11 16, 1966 at 11:00 a.h, Ideal reather cordltrobs. l. lob lilt1grcve, corh@ A.C., 1rr49.8 lne 1lne tn I 2. Fmnr j,utrct, Ru!!ord, Si€phend Hrah, cours€ lecord tl!e. trblah !6t€ leasue ol t4:22j t. tjbh 3!nboln, fho@eton, cAc. &.qiln A.C. {as rlthh 6tght ot go* tor 14:41j 4. Fr6it Judlln6,tL lerte!, |Ie., but ras uabfe to do 14:44, 5. Bob Eluneau. rdhard t 1t11€ fis. anyt[lng about cotchlng tne 6rrti Hou], 14:45; 6. &rI€ I'cerar, ]"orrston tS, 14: oftlclal te30 b.'rn'€r 46i 7. {ln€tor fho0as, Sear6polt fig, are requl,red ro erna out 15:O?; a. Rob€rt ltuDb, um., re*lston, th€ runners roled aeo!. 15:16i 9. Robt. lverett, Eettret C!u.ld the!6erve6 iha! the r€ad rFph, be e{e; lcede&y, 15:f8; I0. Jolh F€teroo!, cordeii to sao.aiento a,c. on tx€ bas1. or hao H3, 15:25; 11. FJsn 0rlleslre, cap€ ELlzeberh, rta1ne AC. 15:28: 1:, fdcn!!d Ibere rele 20 Btarte.., but tlv€ lalled !o tlnl,€h ihe out & hoEe course. carrrrght, erlco Hs, t5:15j 11. Jeee Hrndo, f,Inthrop Hg, 15:41;14. Roland 0rtIcIals: Robert D€c611€, NolMn x6r, Joe Nell, sr. --Peto t easue ryer, {1n31ow, Gorha! Ac, 15:42: 15. mrld ror&rn, FIJ@Uth, sclN.N., 15:41, 16. Paul L1D1na, Le'r6ton Hs, r5.:oj 1?. $!I c94q4 &4!E rerth A. Benheit, rrnthlop u3, t5:51; ou! !oudI.a, lantina struasl. 's Dyer, Frn6lor, eorhab ac, l don€- th€ boll,oqr6 baok to s1€€p, 15:54i t9, Em Arerr}, Aelun, uEr., I Tho toFld du€l. th€ ,lthellE Dac€16.01; 20. robelt t. B1oIe. souih Po!itbls th6 bol1oi,s Uo Lo€!, - land I{6, 16:07. (29 r1n16!e!5)short course Notes.. . r'uI!3f,ove €er a bl,l6terrng pac€

to r€peat hl. 1965 urctory & oe.h tne co*.€ leooril ot 14:08.5 set bY FI€d Judllns ln 1964 rhen Juitklno rad a !. ol rblne lunner * ln tol) oondltlon. lil.anl I,utlcl Aave lDdlcatlons ot b€r.g the tcp €choolbot dlstance r]ffe! tn l{alne rttb h1r tlne decond place ttnlon. 15 a Uhde! 2-ta1e 110irO a.a. ) 1. Ralph tletoher, Edr.tltrle HS, 9:42 2. tloya R1l8on, derdre! !€/ 10:25 5iea6 Uclteen, !cFa113 I{4, a0:j1 !au.1 Slencer, S.rhaD !s, 1O:lO (19 trdsh6r€) .{ctul. (uetance 1.85-01.

,. 4.




CHllIPIoNStUl, saclaberto, Calllornla

rpru 1or-1966 11:00 A,y. F@rhe!: guny & hor (90-) 10kr Frhleh 1. sklp !ouk, SITC, ,l:J0 1:10j4I.0 Pete league, 2. IAC, l4:]0 1r12:l?,5 l. carl Jenden, ruc, :7r00 r:17:1?.0 4. steye Parker, sr,'Ic, 38:oo r:19:48,0 5. iay s1oan,sac-.r-c, laj00 I:21.46.0 6. taul Reeg€, aec.AC, 40115 1:24:01.0 ?. Js.rson f,I1r1ao6jPc3t:r0 r:24:01.0 a. Ro, vogel, sac.ac, 19.00 1:!6,1r.5 40:10 1t2a:14., 9, tle Terrlberry,!C5, 10. lrchard gcott, ATC,42:4, 1:f2:05.0 1r, h1c& Ter.rberr'y, Rc941:t0 I:19r45.5 12, lorry Tnvrno, aTc,]la:00 1:41,:4?., 1r- Mlke Datley, RCS, 4l:45 1:46r45,5 14. Too sohleffler,ATC,!O:10 r:50:28.5 Rondas, a]!c. a?:15 1:54:2, o

15. Franr

nlrrels rlo couls€a roustr 1t thar daY- to. har€ ldss6d fo! sood. stl11 sore foorlsh ahodrs flBct by_ coni6sr1!g, a3 If r!6J couId. 3, E 6nlng sbad€s thos6 6y€1€ss tr6€r,ho floolY i€tl€ct oE strif€. Ior udBr sNblo rela€t s]!l€sth6 rlo€ ls brouaht to 11fe. lr.. Tl@ aft€! tln€ tho d€1ua6d 3b!ubsfall i! frauded rdtatio@, shc€ th8 resutts sro 1nr notbl&'s l€ft- sar6 Ers6's lrot€stat1ofu. 5. So li t3, d€splto all oa €ftofrsl!frtra by so ho11d lLacss. Uock€ly dd scor! th6 !€op1o tbosd1!€€tlt ln ou! B6tohed tacos. --raq1 Sarbolr, 1965 cJ-TF.RNIA nrrrar€, Modesto, Ias 2Brh 2-fii1e- 1. TracX s01th, pasadsna AA, !:l4.rr; 2. noD13nl3, Bolslun, d:L7,6: J. l,sr1€ur sMl4! 8:LB.8r [. scort. irj. d:50.2j 5. r. LaH3on, XaEas. 8:90.8: 6, P!lco, Ca]lrornla. At56.t,7, llaa ]iushes, strl ers, 6:99,2r 8. D. aus;!u,i 'JcL{. q:01.2i 9. B. Fe!!6e, SI{AC,9:0I.8 Lr:oo.t! 2. I!lq- 1. fln er611e, MAc,osh! oroeon F 4:02.5; l. Fedlnalon, T€nn.. h;0h.?r L. xllhr1n, stator t+:o9,2j 5. torsleor smlfA. L:05,9..380- 1. rimt. r€rss:o 1:U.5r 2._scorba x-bb!., ^Ii47.8; 3. Hsr; ra@lc3, 1:43.1j 5. ruraNirth, 0zech.,



]. Acc,9:Lr.6j




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l,Eo'th Fotun. or, _,r.lr. l/ rist ;oir , ,-ni,;: e;is, i '-- l Da. li'1::' :3cT.Lax. IL:)6. | -. fiir-, k.'di .,,,...,.




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3! roa. no,.


AIF Rt.halds

râ‚Źad tho xay




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