06 69 ldl

Page 1


JUNE t 969






ffi K:



rds wins USTFF Marathon Champs in 2:50:45, Lexington, Ky.,6/13/6e


.f;ff:',f,:aif:;S.r!'t lbe losto! t@k teae


I'T,*i*^ii8fi #* lffi*r€ Dy voh@ 14, No. 162 rue 1959



bv tbe


ush t€@a!atu".6




i:ljllj::l#*,:*t"[s:"rE:i.:ft :r,g- q+Xf Ei$*#iigp:r"s',k':;,i_11;;, :f i"33[".,,H"::*;";]:""il"Hy :#"i":"":: 3-!a!re 4!d 25,q c!€*ro! ,,d *;,ji*j mut;*;';_;iT:,i

ffitu:ff#itr';ffi":--fi"ffffiI l5::."!ff #:,;*:1"ili

;."1iil;;#;;x;;*"" :#;tT::;H:ffi:iitH"::"t:d"kiF,l*

p'r,"".-' li,tr;'il*fiik,%:if**", :z pr*u pat rcM.bob. 484-lf:S'"i::l::i".!ii'c,, ' pr'i,"""i,iisj!t;:iiat" ;iu-.;i.liil lfo"ff* ""*, :; IllTrT ,T,frle Acr 52:3?j 2. ;:,"ei:1":,"**ieed. e, € l€lres_ a€, sl"^q flT;,d'fl*.ffi"i.i"::i?: .lj_^. . ll,i".t:.i'l'":,::::iil:;":;',ff;'{;TJ-"#."" €i;i3; 3. lli"JF?,f"li,*::;;jJ,[d::;;i","i::; tu-1l,,TTj: ;;ffiT"ii:.'u-d!i,.2;,Si i:TX; ;;.-j!: lit1lfl;,STl,j;'B:: #+*##;##l; ed oced Besc. oa!L. \t-v . oJon, -odectlcur 1!_!r b-:'c; r3. Ga!f, !n!irc!e, a!_1ro6e M, 67:rrr r;: .-. ,i:j.. ,siii liiilTl,i""ililT:;,i.1;.:"ljt"#ii:l,. H:"#:"li"" fiilrffi";;,lff",flj':e,i;; pa'd, :s o.1do-, .or. 05120 fNo otw r*r ocee rilLrrc6e 6.:'p: : . ff;Z>,rs; $?,,2fflff", ffi"#."ffi*ja,F;. H,,," **.i*,.-on",* g; l t"*"::"i:{3gi[ ff ,"ffi ; "li, ._-..,",,, I,iil.'Htr; ffi*S i.#a-I*5;.lrfil":.TP ',"€urft, :pi4d ac' -o,L2i.'i. rovd s,oc@, c:" . ff +i*1i:ri.,'Jr;"i'H,rn:::.r:*;., :,l'""ffil:r*lr;3li*:*'*mHi*:'."'1ffi !}Esdry, A€ut ?, 6130 p.IL h1e€, rree!,ae 3 !or.e on cr,.e! o*r. F*l* 19,'t:ru-i";;:'##H";"1}'?31,'9.,,i ll-;, =*sL{*.3Jil,!ftytffi: *,-ffi;;;l;;.; ;;ffi!l;,"1lir. *tu4#:..33j'1,,||; S:a,x.::"ls;";ri .:,.1;: rHE


sHop J:iT#;f-"T"*T""HT;,







3rao'd. *-Tftl:\l,rlr; 36' 5:3o p.y. ro-\crr' ii-fl;=_I*a. *. 'z,a"rtri,," , **-","ffi?-fi! {l;*i'gftai3: "nffif* fl*.ffi:J* i6*f***Xil*:r-', iua-s, z:,:i, ri.-8,;;i,ff,3; Iill8; |i:,liTi;:, *.qt. ro."'.rr ryEi;. ;";.,r;;fi"lflf"lif* q:i.ff#R"If; *:g; *,,9:%::'":i;;lU: ill.. rror@iion o! arr D,c. s,rniray,



laces r!@

blry lr@1,,19t.

76:W; \7.

r"i.-g.kgrltt", sp;;* ;",-h,;;-*,




it"..l'u ruAa*r*;,rr:i. nt*,$ru:i#;ij,i!{iH,,fl;;,:i:!"$*;"i51*S"flTt;*3! roy, io"., rs:4or ii. pr'lr r,bc"i, t:ll::\. l!hed!r* .6t upo. feqwEi, du1!s tle lsr ie,i:s, j"Hxsl;r;tr;;*+.trfi sJIt.."l*wT.,"#:#5 EltTr^Ery lrEll "IA.rMJri,c DIAny ( DevetoDed



rF*#;sru:,ffi i:Tr:;i:r,;"+ il#;"d:jr&,:9; i:. y'.l;l, "r,""t". ".". f;:,"::,:Tlfi fir"ii:*x;FT&: r..;rura,*;*!::_:i;:il. t"fi:s* rhev selr fo! $2.00 &1d "*r?ffii,1fft":i: 85:39; &. sn;.-Eui", B}J':t,''8F,';,i;- a.:.".;;*" "* 4m11ab1e f'* !o!a Dl.tdlce ua., roe. tt' 3i3i"":'ff"'*:itatlf; Ediard scd;eu' :i.' :.':i t:;:?: s1s lases



i""t tbbs .-*d.

Duro\c sErs lEcoRD r,r sENrcR [^?roNAr,



,ov 2o-Krr,o BA.E nu]rb Blsetov,

"*-", so,:ii #t"Ht:;ll


;.*gk"is:r:::;yfi s:"r'#"yi.yrTislf,:,i:^8:;r--.;:;.rt,. 2o-to."T#ffi ch!1E)1oEhir, uDa,, 9er3oi Z:. nor"ri r*".i,'s1*"i;

"i:slT,ffi of Needlr@ & rca ihe s!. t{dr,l,


}._,= ::,;';b:

ilfH.*,ffiil:;iltri::: .-":";":.: i:ruffii#J$thFi,rffi::'',. i*jil' l;"lJt#*'H-';**:Tiffi*". iiriF"3.#T.i&r!ae3.1' a sibe Lle aoston !ta*- Ery:"Th*l';.fi;.*,SS,%fl":::r.'_:;*;j::. t [ffl,H#i* "* il'?#,?,i:ifBr:"f";H,*L,,'._.; ,.;'';;;-

tb1:d llee vot to t&LL De t&!rlhd, r€cat\y ku gtuduateit fld ^i{e1len Catbollc rE- "ho flE k11(rete6 tt rE ti&Msbo!, Drlon8, r.toralhah -Afier & Mlke 0aL1a€he! or S!s!e AC. Ctoseat rtvats eer€ rob rlttg abd llc6es r{al.f161d 25Oy bellld. At the b3]n{By @rk the blg ibr€e reE *Ef ahe€il of the lek ltld ibatrs v!9n qrbls 6tdted to oake bls @€" Al lle 15b!.. Etut1o!, Drlohs had a 20(t edse o! McMahoD eld the lll8he had a 25Oy ad!@ts6e oE! r,rrynlh@.

rm C@,tPIoN nrtUEAtloMt $ASTtnS :-r ':: :. r-J4t) ,6s cookln, 36, @d l""e r-.,-;:, :-t;d;* 1qgy.-.!1rr .. 2 ? ,^ 3o tbe fhish llne !it! Crcoki" edr: j4:22.5. In the lattle of ft!tO;--:!:.:-:r,;Ad:!4. rs a rEAnlflceDt lace to cstcl :e-* ::::: - .rre irmi stetch. Fe ctocked 4128.0 io pe*,: :-:-.2. -: iatei@eis Fttzserald clockEd a53.? ]r: =:.:,::lu]l.,



.,c.otu!, N,J,, SEdAy, Jr@ 8, 1969 6t)a p.M.- Ceolee DlreM, s!. JGelhts Collese 6o!h, lutled ltAht avsy fen tbe stdt to scoE e esy rfln iE tle flr6t lece on tlre 6r]!@! scheauk of the t4idnle !1;1&ilc rRc held o@! ihe lugeed l,lenoD4h WooAE cowe. t4ike Buty!e6, 15-J€d-o1d Ste4t!€ Regiolal B f!es!l@, !$ s stlobA race to cElire the t:frei-|q) troply. rutyaes !d e 9:39 tvo-Efle tJre l)fecioa denr b tbe State E.S. t. Oeolge Dlleeo, aa., 29,5It 2. \ril<e tuttneg, SJ!C, 30:!O, 3. Ne IJeJ€and!, SfiC, )1:10, lr. Ke! illll8, sJrcr 3.1:3I, 5, Jeff roctreu, src, l1:5?i 6. Boo

lL. Rlch Ra,tstor, 1Mr. , 15. F!!.d I€816, uet., D16'- 1111 BollnrB,


18:52 l-8:30 Ze.os 1 19:37 18:30 67.oa

1969 ct\aRAL -aAu CItAl,[,IoI6re & MMlEst RotD RUllN'r]B

15 ,(]rOlElfR FU{, sis€A rleId, Orlcs€o, tlltno16, surdsy, J\he 8, 1a69 3rl0 !.M, (sttuh€ riolrb ixod, )2o,

L9:lO (lst Cenrrst AAU); 2. &e veitdef,, 49r43j 3. Eal Fledo!, Dme6 Tc, 49!59.5! rr. Steve Kesr@y, DLhes T\-, 51:42t 5! Srere vu Svedir€en, E!€8to! YltcA, 51:55, 6. Desls Muet-1err uG,, j3r32.5 , a'd renLlel ,r1U)i ev&s'on r4c.A, 5):rri (3!r. ". Ron lck, RoMlrrr J!.' s,]Tcr 32:36j ?. Bob RoneEh', s!., srlTc cebtr4l AAU), 8. fted rek!, sherftc! A:, 53:lr ; 9. 33:22j 8" Dere Dudr SXJC, 33:45, 9. lsdd ratt@, SJ- ,phil-. to1.ltz, .C ., 5t ^rle. t]'o) 10. 3ob Ca€ner Sb&ftc! AC, TC, 37:48; 10. Da. Daae S!@el, hlrceton, .J,, 38:19 54:4d,5j Lf, (e. You€, rrcr 55t\3,2i '^. Ke! ctleo-Ora ](eeoEa IC, 55;rr9.5i IJ. ![i xoehje"i,, fi EuIe Ic, 56. SornH JxlSqI TC !iLI,-COMEm l&I l4Em (]3t ln a Belies Jrr.5, 11. 'lon !_h!le., lilsau.Lee lEr "8:l+t; 1). u. B,od? id of ? @ets) Deltfold H.S., tl.J., I,aedle5dqy, &E 18th 1E., 6L:4rr.5j 16, "lcha..d 1, xl!e, L c, 6r:3jr 17, ce.c br3o P,14. (RetD held up @e1i ai Btat fo! otre !e1f Belln6klj lEt., 68:371 18. Arthrr c. Mcr€ado!, !crc, ru; hori treck dddy afth puddlee. ) !gfg- 1. ,'dch !8€16, !lr1la. Ac, 4:34.2, 2. JolE But1,il 22:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------:::l::_YT::_ P6uL VI !ts, 4r36.0j 3. CaiT Re6de!, Delarse T&!, 4:39 ftortoR crTs srt1DEns SENIoR 6-Mrrr^!o4D RAoE, Bel-le rsle, 4. Ken ICIIA, SflCj 4:42..2-n11e- 1, C€olge DlIe@, li4ichlss, nbe 15, 1969 Te@. 58" w.,9.\9.9 (4:4a); z. r.ri-:<e-e outpes, sJrc, 9:5?.o, 3. 1. lou Scolt, !,!cto! clty slrloefs, 29:OJj 2. A!d_y Bct,.i.jlr Rlck Lltcl:fod, Dela!l!* T8:tt, 10:22.5j 4. ta€ rheln- 'nrfonto @, 29:04.4; 3. BILL golklE, s&"da y, 3o:afj bel@", Pblla. Ptoneerg, 10:35j 5. DaE lattob, SfiC, 4. ,tl,n Erff, Mrto. Ciiy StrtdelE, 32:09t 5. Jtu MelaoE. l-1r22; 6. Ea!!V Delo1f, S,'TC, U:48i ?. r@ Dom1!e, '4oto! clLy sLftdes, 32trl; 6. Jtr Crl,e!, lotor Cl!} us.r 12:1o.c..H.S. 88O- 1. llllre Be?efunit, PeMslkeD striilea, 33:231 7, B-'{e uoofs, }Ics, 33:39i 8. !tu4 rr1h'6,zta!.1j 2. E-E66trom, us.; 3. Joe Dep@, l@. h€Fs, u@.,33:431 9. John Stewsrt, !4cs,3L:ooj 10. o, -;,r--",',-- B1eak16y, lESr 34:O1t IL. J*t sLftE@, Hszel psk Tc, 35!L5i 12. John caz., ^r@s, 3rrl8j 13. Davld peele, ana Wl]!ll8rro!, lele*are, Su!tuy, ,I@ 22!iI ? p.!d.- Re- A!bo! rc, 38:15j. 1lr. DeE& B€f,oa, L@., 18:261 15, co!6} blb8 in lleas@t raclnA eondltlore ove! 1@! g!.1 JobaEoa, una., 44:113. Schoolt6 8lj-Fatbe! uacl, li,6-s M4y-flelq clipld !o{c}n* ald scott !M nosetb* Eosi of lhe sry ErLh !oyderb tp.ed'B .r{lddle lLlMt]c eea besr by }a]J a fa! cbul atte@tt!€ to ge" sEy 1! Uhe fiEI d_re but (ubte a6 he !@ E re!@kabIe leea ree to lecord a 11@ to @tcb Scottr. filisbllg t @t. IL & 1/2 b11e6 & 94 dld e esy dctoly oE! JI'IIIOR 2.I"III]E IACE Ipu CoirleE. CcFles'€!d6 flnl6hed second wlth a disl,ece 1. R. !uck, !OrI7.8t 2. J. bvassur, 10:19. of U & 1/4 btles & 306 yards, NOVICE 2-!{TIE BACT tiddslurg A-qA's Dadd ll1meltelger_cal)tued the !E- 1. A. Polke@, 10:32j 2. D. Be!t.os, to:jo,5i 3. p. Brstiil.ary 3-!d1e !redlctioh f,ece ln t6:06.2. !,ay Tom- 1166, r2:03i 4. M. Seaae, 12:16. -_fi! [FDIor,re__ ,dr rs o.ly 2.5s off h1€ pledicied t1re as he ceptaed ile 'bes1, erresse!" a{a!d. DE\\B r!AC( ql;!ts 3-MUE HAIIDTCtrP RIrl{ 1 lOUt _tA- I. llo€es l/&"Cleldr Phl1a, PioEeelB, 11 lrehilgtoa PEk, Dede!, Cololarto ]O:OO A,M.. Srd&v. t/2\n., q+vt 2, Inu coFens, Pem AcJ l-1 r/4-e1., 305y Jure 22r 1969 FrLly ctoudy, guty d:raE; 6i-aesEiE, l. r@ ele!, PeN Ac. 10 1/2a:.. rl: L. lell He/suE.T. Elcp Act.t. Falt Ei@ dt, src, rc LlL d., ,6fu q. Jo- !o@z u, 10 rd,, 338 20:13 3:03 V:10 4 ytu! 6. T€d BoDd, tela{de f&r, 10 d{., 128y, ?. I4er 2. rlark Lell8e, &.r4 2ty r?t\I I Bryd, re*asle, Pz., 9 3/I'" ii.,384y; 8. Dec Du41, 3. S1d Anold, 21119 1:42 I9r3? 16 SJICr 91l2 &1,, I09yj 9, tevln olcoeo!, Delatrft T&F, L. llllos AtuLd, 21:28 r1o 2l:18 19 'l*;_Lo. Blj-ilj:sr_/2lhr+".,-? nl.' 35)vi D 5. rre6 c!1st, 2I:J2 2:4o 15:52 ly 1l i !., KelLt letLon, Delav* T&J, 6 !ll., 33oyj 12. J@€ 6. Brr e [&rra, zat\I 3t\\ L7 tr1 Ll srtue, Delare T8tr, 81/2 ni., 3o3yr 13. l.ii.l3o! vltle 7. chrtu cur,be€, A-.47 t+t32 6 fi.I5 ua,, DelE'l:N, 8 bf ., L75yt 14, lnb Cllchrlsi, Dela. 8. Ned Adtutz, a:48 4:16 1?t32 7 {,,,5 3h n+., '-I\rJ 15.^B.o qoDaGh,-sJ., d.f 9. DelnlE (avq!a!€h,2a:55 3:52 18:d+ y. , l/4 N,t !o. Dn Lsna, 5JrL, 10, No@ sllw, 4r@ t+tog L7.5a 10 SFllis : ,4€J.fleld, , tOIt 9t59j 15to0t VJtagj zrr&t 30. 22:13 3:03 t9:10 13 32t 35t\i.5t I+1:oL.5j l+6:25; 51:lr8; 57ro8 f2. Jorb lratson, 22tt9 9o 22tr9 s) collpeE, 5:01, 9.59t a5io4t 2o.2fj 25139t 3otr9t 36:24t U, D3! Cr16t, j 22:23 5: to 17:U Irrf45i 4?f 11, 52,35t 57 t't+. 11. T@ Al*dderr 22:)L l:Ol L9:21 !l ACT, t. PI@ICU. DII. 15. clatg ctlbe!t6o!,22:26 5:18 17:08 3-M11e Pledlctlon Race 3 Ll.26 1tr. Je.ry Jolrsd, 22:3? JtO3 \9t29 l.-_i"-\-ia qij@f!e!ee!, !g.1,r,\, 16:06.2 Ir'2, f5 2. I3ny stl@E, !n11a. Plon., 16:2a.5 $:1o 11.5s 16:30 4:0O 3O.OE f8. r4r-&e cr@, a2tL\\ \:r5 a7.\9 3. Paul Saiboh, Phi1a. Ac, 9 !. ley E@zu!, Phi1s., 16:37.5 r6:to 2.5ea. 19. Jeff casoo, 23:08 3:03 2o:0, \7 16,45.6 16'llJ \5.66 20. fl! corBo, 23:26 3to3 antp3 18 5. Dadd pation, srrc, 6. Robert PoUe. Phdla. PtoD,, 16:52.1 l6rlro 12.16 21. Delr\y Cle6centtli, 24,36 :ctD 2\.36 23 :0o 4:15 15.0s ,. Da!-td coaceAhell, 25152 3o3 ??t\9 2! 7. Bt11 Dodd, sJaC, 8. ,4r r4c,rd1ed, .@1., 17:.15,? 1?:30 14.3s '3. Bob clrlEEe6on, 26:33 3to3 at:,a 22 Iote8...In a \€,? close duel, trc htsh school L€al@les 9. Itq)re ste€!, @at., fi.37 17 ta' 22,08 frm Aaaila, Col .Edo i.S. dlclese.l the tietd. !e Be.10. B11l- Decsi,I)li, uat., {:qo.5 17:10 30.5b 11. cdry F€Ede!, Defa.l&:F, I7t5\ 18ro0 6,os gelrd etual ti,!e of 17:10 rd aooat @!eh for Lrb fst12. D6ve !lt-the, Dela. t8tr, 18:06 18100 6,Os egt of tle ilqy. l,,a!k ra)Ae clockeit t7:4T fd 6ecdd plee. 13. RoD {lblett, De1a. t&q, r8r34 19:00 26.0s A faibea-6on co&llstlo! tbiBhed 1b tle aext two p1sce6. i,led Cltst of Color&io Siar-E Udv. *8 fasi tl@ \.1de!.

;;;;-;;;;ffi -;;;-;;;*;ililffi


Bob Cray, UCIC,















5.45 eo



I.85 pr






S, M,

2.60 eo



2.60 eq














TiNtEd 14.75











VEST {one size Jor dll)


GLOVES (uivelsql stze


L, XL M, L, XL

S, M,


3.60 ed 1.85 pr






aDD PosracE ar{D

ltarDlrxc TOTAL




ftor/ lna /ot yau odet



Arr,cqEns fRAq( & FIII,D

,.EEa (Je) I|!I,lF] npT::T,.t'."., *.u,f**,'n};.-'';i';fl5ffi'":":' i3.hl'"ffi,HgYa.s!., srrc, ta:rL2' r. r'.or 2 @ 3rlalatitalrar coDllete_ty uader vst6r o"6a.r"rl ffii'o"l*tflr5l"6r,ffg,T?3'rl;.. J,!@,r, on Lbe sra€s id:"rd. ::T"d ',o. 'rou srrc' l.*!3 t". to'r' D{r- cha6' E tb. @t61tte re@ ; rh" .r;;-";;;;i.-.Y'--F. 6rr€rcr,. .,'ber€tbe*,E


#;;;xffF'*-T_i::g_y:::F_ry{ry,s?'tkt"*ffi*% a!.l;i. , :__: -l:--

ffi#iffffr:#fl"r'"ffifl ilffi ffi*:i::ffir#1ffi'*T; i'fr4ffil' "f'* rs' t3:;: 2-l"1116-

l. Lu

coI)I)e.!, lem Ac. s,!2-6

ffiHf;-ilHjd1-,#iqi Ac,-3::o.3, 5. J&k DobbLE,

**., ,,r,,.H*:.:tif:: i: g"i

--' ; F{srr'


Efi** ij;!i 3;il


j f,H z:#, il:li ; E;ii iii!T"t"*31, ii;3: 3:fr S:13

*"##:lftrff"i.J",;;;,i;#iffi:f; ry$I;Fffi,. ji;fl ii$ 6:ffi".;6q'

:.,;;-;--t*t;il;-''-;;'*;-----------.9g:t, N.{., ,.r an', 'lr i,:.- ;;;;:'r.- TTr*"',,..3. tffi;:if1:ffi-trig"l**'l:"'**'t"r: *:n*"[*-' fr;!: ,Xr.A*:"1*;r,E#il:Till:ffi!L{ iil i*ffi_T. Ti? Z:ti *,'ifo:


fft.fi"..:ff-a%"ffi#h.":il:#$l":# l'iffiS,f4::ms,**,n*;yr:":hy lun*qr vlcrory b . 'ir**"a .t. z,aa iu. *""rt ffi 6!:EG-:&_-85::"ff Eve! !a.c the !ee'

'i il:3; ,t ':n $; t\ffF'.""-ii'u



$.f"FH.:i:.".,- :,iii.T.t,F,


*'," i,"L*,**

#"Hi"jffJ.H:*iffi,Ir;"*iry? raaceto, n.,r.1"'',oui,;;.*-ri"ff"i



U;f f;

iS E:ZI, *

"*. r1:"ily",:.Tl{-:__,i:*r*,rm:H#}*"##,**:***f !r !he'-r *''.;. e t""erv-i! pi.is:rled

t-6nbed ELFd b @d & usl !Ete!. ''Ev ert., uii ,*" tle eo'_ 1116 ;;;1-"":-,ri;;"; t€.tari!6 Etlt ro rhelr rE6c.e & fl,sr_ly pLEbed theo r!@",*, tu il"!i our. D!. lavrd sp"*r ar.rlled "*li-iii bead_ lavE lryror.d or rbe pdk.



coulle bv ht"setr


to rhe top hlsb schoole! rn



"*,C;AT,#g:i*r:r":ff;t#T:" "."**'*;-d8b;;ii-*, ,,"- ldLL! oi A!,baa s.s.

HlI.z'# ffi H"5T"1*ffk#,Y,;,:rJr,*llgi:; tiled Ga.- ieiora. c,$ E,n;i,Hi


ptrHtH*{:ffi ff .$ k.*"HT."ff r"s;*?= *, r1"r,:::;1#r" ,$H;*i'?}i*"1-*#m.tffi fi ffi ",i*.1;,ffi titl{"-lkiff i*ffioy€rf !do! tri:fxuw" bx*q iloDee! clock€'r t'54 ;;"ffi;"*"r Il! 3I#; fiiH:"H; ;: *l ff*:n"*',*'o"' a-i'e r;-;;.;";;.; ro._Dr. Devld sr*3r,"ciiti"r1.i,""e;;if' lffili*l i5^fffiffif.rt-3r1. "; om- r*r ra"r, sirc. __i#r1G e"*_ en braut€! **.._"r*T fr,E6t',Lr.fff l:rt, "* c6r'! 4xD .o'c( o.nr ooDD* fi*r,riluR;;;;il;@" --____-__-___--_____::1.b{' xrva''ausb-;I;i;3str;#""trff .$-ff ;**spffi_,ytr;;;-*l;i;*H*jtt;..l;;


1ffi i"ff rTx"5%"'*t*"rJtH**d:$#:L##ff*1 :;#lH+:iE.{#s;:rffi .,ouuJrea:t#-r,"ii'"Li&l""f$'to. ;fi:lt?"ffi";,5'i,.,

-rco_orer d-E!.e ro aid F!.aok Fll,ck {!6 f-Dlre rur. fte






e eEy *trr!e! ln ttr. ,,r",, n tctl"s*, 4 ;1_ .;;; fiJ;ffni" *ru" uoe Lo:l,,2 t!,., e. r."ti *.-llTiJl *T,**L.TT,-?'i. qurLe Eu.rA. ed s!o&4v. rrre 6r€d barb" condltloDs Dqt"e_ E a", uaa., Msnlat6j; ".6 - Ro! n*oi, wui""i rc,'a !1,o;,'e-;,,riil1,r."i.,i,r.3: Bzey, i ii.;'ir. r.ii -' "i:;fLyg ;:.ff"1ffT#,ijli;


i;]trft *,.i.


jp*".ffi --' ;#*ff,f.vj*'*'x'i"'*i--T#r

*,*;3 pa.,.a?:2or"'i:H:ffi :. .r.ir s"irul,ei ri'aairo;.e. g,*, s;;-A6";T: ;:"i.H::], Yl_c zrobk, Delava!€ rdd, 22:37, ?. Dedd Be?emlle, e et.; :. Mi.i-sii"r.". i

];:;EgtL:ie fr*k=il}; rlBnlTroM:L ilftJ?;;6#';ttrii:":H; -:-y*ly-:::!_s{.t,T1{-i $i:,llll_ l-. sJTc' 23j45, rl. Da'e D.*, sfl!, 23:5or r-a. ror,i r@-L_u6*nsra4r (r@t ce,*v) _rcflts:.El ru1,:3;F* ffiH."H,J:itr"HTilLT,;#jitj*"::H E, N.J.,ff_i,?,Bififfi 25:36, 16. l,rArArEoN,

*;;;ff-;;az5{,fl; Lrg,_sJIc, 32:12, Dltr- fl.n pdrl rT E.g, sau.ke!



Bob Spencer.


f'#":""#il'&i"m:"J*iit;trS:'i:' i:?j;[:j r,ajoe r.aciei,, a"i..y, ei

#T*:"*r,ffi, ffil;ih:til{#li# fll?:+t#,##;:



IRTTISH CO!U]1BIA I{A8ITEOI] !-}tAllpioitsxp .::"'g*. *.,,r.. sDeo4 pace edh-d ron .

tuaL-o! vJcco? e :::: y.",l*.ehr ary !^Eru:rcb c1r4p.ochl,


c€olce olhia, *:*T_.9_o.Tp_-r. -,ii;;;;: *;;; ;;,ii#","ff11.";$, __nay cordon_::-:::-:--------------

setu! n&

! 4 .r s.j.rsh rn scdrro./ "ur La he


.:"":!i:-i;'i"nj?T;"o. c/e1o'aed .en a,E edv 5-orre iffi:":'T"5",':;:",i:'";:.1. ffi ".,, befo"e r9 bJL-6,

sera, p:,n-. rp 4:rom'Ly lhen krcd the fllal fi./e_drlle-t1fu "ne read 1ab arohe o f:nr:r :: "*,ul :.""':" Cat€8,"1 fol tuo, -ad cafty clai6on,

r. .'r#


}#:j;fi {i-*":"rr"# .:T* tril},; y:i;*;




J:",r.iffi'""it"jT,S lif*;"" *Pt ii :+ *:r.,,;iltlJaLfi ffi"5"T,,';:.,ff". il!$q oealoL vi !:rc ar ji"lifjifu: fi"-t"i":" 2:r,L:?o drd {uiison ro i:3 T,lT 9T:-'1-1" +:s. BEDde Es& added


;;;;;::'d j!;{.",H;Slj"; Hl,i:,rh LIihslN e! b; d .,F of 2:55:10. 0C looked Ine io -otuer B.c. d.r,,o- .rep 9flf9'.5'::: "'-r';ill.'.';i,*",i"d:i.:Liyi""** ,o,r f{fLh La 3:;i i;.'* l_;i ffi::"ft ii5.fi.i*Ti:::.* "ro ,.i.ar"y. .t@, 8:m a.4. s: .1r.ns enoueb ^5:ll :to- tur1 10 o .h_ - s .u e." tohe, ss nea,ea qr etor. g:fr,ft ;1!i, T?i;i tT,iit'ffi ;t ^ilii I.S,k. "' ' "_e.ue +$'ilF,* "i:-:ry: l?* bur'-!

n br



l:,.^.T"i.,, '',


2. airl.rrefr1or,cT&!,28


)5 ,I.aB 1t26r\j



5?:08 1,27:32 2:oo:35 l' 55flrlt**""'"*' -'#r:ifl-t src' 3!t22 62:rr r35.ro 2.o9:3a vcc' 33:45 56rr rt3et. 2 *? l'fl#3r"*u


Ed MacDons.ld, vecoure! 0.c., 3:U:Og to F.ish-_ irelr.oc, Rose!€Lr



il,t'1.",iiff", :, L#:,:li:4.,. cjF_@u j rorr € €4&1rr, robn Hfi"'"iiu; H,,i.T"?i ii$.;, T-.T-i:.r*l;-' fr**"?;:5iil. Ttr #e. ceo';e' * ;o;;,;6;;ff i. 3; l::9.,,. l: .nf l.! .r"r,*-,' i": .ri.*i,': j ,"k":t;,;5ilJ"F.ff"-, "j:{ "J"*",




s'ff::i'rjti:i ; fff;?:4r:rA rerr wrunhe,

Ken Beh!@on. Ntne te&a6 stgt+ed.

ifff;,';y,,!,T;*1 Hf,i%lii:

;:,;'ir"!r.", "r, C, -q,CC,


#;:;l# xi:ru,dlIi:H u:ro; L'

ii, i6,;:*' "' 'Til"TiIiI: D.

10,,/j a.

5-r,trrlr_EAt\DTCAl' nr_r,.,,,t



j:"' {oeil


;,;;";L'd:";,#: #""ff t],1.i H*.iil1 ltr.ii.;" " j["{tjiff"}Jr; iftil:"#H*J:":"Sj:.+n,, tr* j:a:l*- "*". tu rlE Lo@a .h dL- odes pJ tlrs !a,€e6 .r,*:; H;.tr"":r* :j;r ;\if;illi{i,T L;,"4;"';,*;r;"'"i

ii" "#"#:+jU**:",:;39 he 5-alLe!r 16 a e ..tuore at 6ub_ ..1ii.'i:".: "Y*'o. liiii"iii;i;,"::,j SlE ::;f,f u.*, .,;i-.':H-:?i;-'ii"":;;" l/:11 *.j:. z. breve rfolEs. 2."., :. wiu,r* vi"ij i.l;ii .':"? i :l? - ii,-e !.C. llc 3-]!IIIE PTIDICTIOI] ;Ur:_ Frrhm m Lon@.s (I"D. l. l"v tsd*, :,6i ) -biici,--",.nv m..r:ir ;0, i6.,e '' '" ,'^enenr4o!. el!s! lfedicrton u eve. held 3l:a: l::e l1;-, .| rhe 5:l;:5j€";', D.c. -^t-" "T."1" s-Jh{er rib !e_fofc@!e! hr, Lina ;":,3*"_f:"r_:f":: d: iff ?,::i#: l:::i ;.'o :,t:a. L I",;yji;f :#;:: :aP &H: iilet'L.1. ",.r-.-irij odz-a, bu, lE ",+" s. ("' s"h".i"ii #:5 . o;i'rn-r,r="' p,.cr"t ro,. ):2? ;^:l:-1,T io. 0""" e-;;, ll:i: "; ,: ^ ,f*T;r:* & coo1. orricrar.: rart-d**r",..,i 1r".y"".",-.' ji;". ;j::l (]:l r.. rau aLlru. 131;,"Ai i;,";:*T;t.#::, d;i! !, iiif i;"j3*, ff:3j,* 1:o rs. .'. rurt.,iiJfrLt. ii, ,,ffi;fi :i:Fi.{,-ri F-T,r T}ri:(?)f;?,"f,#1,"f '2at g. r"-i. polna.iio",i6;!3 ru'n, ;*:;";.":Ldi.FTi.l6:a H ii: i;::: #;i";;ff '';Yi'"tj)Gfien!M'Bu:25h(?) r"5, 't. rg. r8. puor"*:-;"-' r.a"i. ii:ii ;.;l ):.t\2 jil ,;: Mr-k" c;*;.

Tffi; i::t ;,-j :; ,*X, fl:Hffi*. jl:;; ff;'Y[i:ll .rer!o;, ie,t6 i:]! :Jii6 rA,




22. ste!€


2r:2s (3d)

23. Peld Erde!, t'ot6 Ttao 33t26t 2L. DE! ,teeks, llo:13 27:13 (?)j 25. ceolee MaJor, Lo:[ 5:30 34:r4r E:30 26. T. O11e6r 4OrL7 7:OO 33tt!7t Zt. Jotb Dafis. !1:07 I2tAa 4)t)7t 28. Irllght \bris, 1,1:tl! ]j):OO A9:tLr A9. To6 .rlecl, L1:33 5tco 36tj3j 30. Deml6 OouleL, rr1:42 !:lO 37:l2t 31, Chet salLindr ,.1:15 o:oo hr:lJj 12. Frd loBtkj 42:zl gtao 33t4. 31. Ph tltldley, L3:3?

qeadelr Dellir€ft .w, 292.ot 3. !tt! sbepherd, sJtc, 1 ^:0?.9,.F.s. 3/4-nUe- t. Joe r@czu!, $Ir@!dak B;vE c Lub,. ph1--a:;-:n-6.]; 2. qoa could, !r;6! che6rer rc,

i'i::'; j'{ r. Geolse Direeo, s4rb Je6qr Ic, tl:)!.or !:ry-Buqlsr stlc, I5:15.3j 3. Eer de, sJrc:


15:3a.5; llIk: sJlc, 15:)3i 5. Jc o'Rourke, pbtla.Ac, l:!?:?"t ::'=.r"t..91s, 12:30 31:07. o. et "ob4ra/, rr.r sJTc, t6:tij 7. nobelr pohte, 1BMGE 2.5-MnE IESULTS- l. .Toh Ruckert, 12:l€i 2. Ptoneer€, 16:50; a. 'ratty Detuaf, &lTCi 9. rldk -P-]rLLa. Bi!- 06b1m, 13106, 3. Jr! Rl \., 13:33, 4. T@ Dads, t3: rl6tlclJ',s, sJlc; 10. 3oh !I6ee}. @et. 4st ,. Bo! l'otrlhae, IL:57j 6. Tory tuft, 1j:3oj ?. irect !k&@r, 16:01rt E. BtU Bryetr 16r'l?j 9. BrJ l,laldo!, !,AJ(E EnE MU 2O-|CEO CsAr4pIO\s@, C-g\,ELNID, O]fO 1d:14; r0. qobe.l- Boe, 18:52, 11. 1'!o Ao@, 18:ii; .12, 15, lf9 2:30 p.!. L2 srenex, ta flrrorrers l-f. r!a.r! rator€r 19 +9. weauer )o de€reeE .nd vet. 1..e!_b:f1 Tofon"o oc, 1:05:A5! 2. cuiy Clsre!, io._ m:ar 2-MIIE llAllDlqnp nSStII,rS Actual El@ 1. Joln (\Et, 15:19 1135 -I3;m_ o:, r:oi:59, .. 9lL9 9,-1,07.rs; 3. clrls steer, rotuolo 2. r1!6tea WiLLiM, 15:21 lrOO 15:21 robdj"o cc, rro8:05, 5. p6ut pe;soo; r;loE_ tr.k-s,q!^, to cr, lro8:l5i 6. J1I A.lexdde!, G{C, Clrfiille. o., 3. gusd EllerBon, 16142 3a a6n2 4. Eob lee, t:od:&j 7. Bob falv, foboto .'a, r:agtSoj e. Jo;! vereb_ L7to7 r30 16:37 tbe, CCr1Aj CoEect1c!1, l:i0:51, SoeE BeEo!, CfeE. !d Bd!o!, r7 t22 5:oo w.22 ((rh) t. stlldecr 1:10:58; 10. oles Llildr9.Cleveled b. Broe Bu&61der 17:57 4t?)o j3.zl !RC; 1:U: ot; IL.,Jobn Elll€ft!, Noto! Cicy st-ldeE, I:U:iq; 1€:06 o:oo 18106 ?. clel F3y, L2. Ja@s_SLadey, Clere1Md vc, r:p:l+5; 13. DsE hh€J-b, 8, rd steele, 18:09 5roo t3:09 clevelard RRc, 1:12:4r; 14, J6ck HacldDa,m, Toledo pRc. 9. fir Cathom, 18:09 3:30 14139 \tl3,22t 15. Doue Edlonson, Trin Ciile6 T.j, 1:14rtr8; i6, 10, Jeff t€qLF, I8:2lr 7:oo U:?lr (ad) ceo€e lyll, " o1@o RRcr 1:15:aoj U. Jee. tu@!, sre_ 11. Rod sleele, LBl25 6:30 rt:55 (3!d) ker.sLdder6, 1:16:lr; 18. Joln rhjuils, Sh€le- StrtdelE 14. To!5r !uff, 19:4 8:00 u:1? (1st) 1:16f35; 19. Jeff h!ee., -hare- sr!:d;-;, LL6.35, 2a. --!ay Co!dd-Rlch Serick, Cfevelsd nno, !I6t35j pL C€off.ey Vdu8ln, Cleve1ud Rnc, 1r16:l.j AA. - L' B!M, Str:-ke. jt!'de!s: DC lpc L-MrI_E RACE (BU]lIrOr D!_R3I lr), sAnS pO$11', r:lb:+'j 23. Joa tfE/err.to. !or.s.e!s, It17t3L|' ?L.' WtSrfllG!-ON, D.C. Jr@ ]2, 1969 strl! ree d€rk tbe 9ib ardEBaty of dL6t@e ]:@d!g RLcr L#rdrs4l, olsio qlcr.l:18:: j 25. ;"$J$ ior-rey, std_ -)orl6'"€-s, l:18:)1, )6. ,U<e :lalors..c, ka., 1-:ig: 1D the Digj,rict of Col]&bla area urde? s!oso!s!1! of s!18 !3eir-, 91tr ..! .- Bseftr f:lorl(j .8. Dlck the :Rc. Ii lE abo ihe fhst lece b rhe 1959 Budo! it; _?-. Sbd€: Molttz, S!r.lde!s, I:to:.Lj 20, \ter.k ! {cr!1d, Derby 6e!1es. !.or the f!.et thEe D{LeB, ihe tue vas s ilEille! Fitb II'JD tlEall of le!! State eli Ceolee Da1i6, Shale!_Sl"ddes, l:,)0:o, i )0. Jees br€!, toledo iGC, lIiLUe & MBry 6ter, batiulg lt out reck e,!d !eck. De- 1:2o:56j 3I. cha.leE coon6y, sh€,ke! sr-he;B, t:?_r:2rj 1!g the lst dll6, bov€c!, G€olee iras atteked !y vsve3 32.,Foa Xoch, u!a.r Lr2A:Olj 13. Jac! i!:Dalet. he.. of n&!eE and, }ad to Etop coq,letety 6ere!e.1 ttu€6, Fhlle ttz4tzbt 31. Doua lslJre!, otadsrole 4.:, o!@t;, 1:21:l3j 15. BUL IF!s, sst@, c&Jo, I :21:lrtj 35. cre, r: salrh;-' Toa c@tbueil oD to i{a. cd.ifll]jlods, pr€Eldent of the Toledo.sRc, 1:25154, 17. Jl@s tc<edm, sa_Ld, o!1o, Dc RRC, ftrdsled a E+bDa sccc,nit. \t2rt51t 38. sl,eE cdbillr std s!od;ie!g, irz6r;6; :g, Aq4e Dlr€c1d: Ji! Catl6r€ 1. Toe ltlsU, 21:3Ot 2. ce. I{!|tlsn , 2l:lrlj 3. r€o Ar- alelrob cfovea, 4tft.. P'llC, 1:ZZ:L?j LO. .tu Steul, Sioi u6io, 22:11i 4, $tev€ Jacl4@, 22123, 5. Bnce Berek, F"*"!F i: L,tz7.53i Lr. r@€ De, cladlione ac; roba_ uo, 1:34_:07i 42. A1a Stelnbeceh, CleElold RnC, i:lB:AO. ?2t39t 6, stu lEbley, 22:47, ?. Bietde rge, 23:00; 8. 1. roehto 0\q1c Ctub, 15 j 2. C-Ievet;d ]!C, ceo4e ctshrsc, 23:23, 9. c€orse Deuts, .l*2lj 10. ? -Ie@: _Lrtdes, ?8, h, lbledo !nc, 90, 5. 5t;€ shAker 5r, l. 2!:24j 1-1. 24:28; t2. Bllf Kroqe!rye!, 24:L5j 'lora!d, ^t!k 13, J@ E}]-elsob, 2q:)4j 14. JolE rbaayEob, AL:r6; $. NoLe6.,.Ltlle @sL Cter€l&ders coueb! 6@-Lue! .rc@ !k lanl l-es.t-r a5:22; 16. ceorse C ne!, 25:31; 1?. Ds1.Jd oey e coo.Lr Et resrlEr, 42 spasery cled BIo\m, 25:35j 14. De\rid 3Mon, 25:39j 19. r'tu ci16s, 25:u5r 20. ltl1ron Cresbae, 2)+6j At. na!6M DeFEilrJ r l.l@lDg arculd ln lt. Bob r&o!e of ?olonto crc e lon€ reir to eet re1, & cold. r\lked 1f he 1e so fast to s€t out 25:t (j 2?, JMe lhcl(rem, 26:06; 23. Blt Rt.s, 26:0Z; of, ihe ao1d, Moo€ 6ald: ,,$o. t4alaiho@ te ro uBje! 24. tH Biak6t!, 26t2at 25. aearee wJoc, 26:zt: e6. csl schheide., 26:LL' 2?. ujlae ItErst a, "6:58j 28. rred slry colditlot$, l once !er1 b a hlizz&:d &ad once th deep Doslk, 27:26j 29. tGo S.leLben, 27:3Ii lO. paut Re6 Lseoo Bnor. Etth lihe t€nq,eletuF 6i 10 belor zeft. Jjst Irhe op-!oslte,^_ r€i1 in **hl!eto!, D.c., once ylee cte cei@. 27:J5r 31. .\EIe lr8dley, .27:i,5j 12. Jen-.r vEco!, 28:o9j rs 90 deAEes 3m oce so!@her nes .he equtor 33. 311-1 r'dsh, 28: L8; 31. cstd!.Arde.soa, 28:mr 35. tshele Jou lEr]r P8:39; 36. Ibd oth€GLctn, 3o:a9j 3?. B.E_L 'L 1@ drch h.1slEr tha !\s!. ndy Ojsle! of s!.lLre!Ch.iE SEee!, Lae Cset& I.lala,hon Eoesr J1:16: :8. cobe.i, zurs, 3l:33j 39. s. \rll,le!, 11: l@d ves Eecold l'lth charllon, Lr rd. _o op tr eLL o:", 1oore 6stq he v4!,0 55, 44. Jobo Krit, 33131. Fal]l, LlFd efbe! Lhe ft'e, IDng dlBr4ce doe6b,L 6eo 2-IGLE TEII @SUIIIS- 1. Joln Dsrrls, 10:21+, 2. To& D11you e Lei€1h ltLe a eo@ uo he 6a1d. you'e lon, 10132, 3. tr! Rudy, 10:36, 4. ste€ NobleE, 1or39j r1i you ce tu o@ eEry oLhe!, d V, __Jo"hen ebly riilsge?J 10:L1i 6. Luthe! Etchl6on, Lo:1r3, f, r O,.reil-_ 5. qhd6 !cDo!&Ld, ]0:rr7, 8. ,Ele K-Ir 1o:L9, 9. lEl<e JolnFlAini S]lotTgd of yate look3 better a]l ihe ti@. Ee 1s €o!, Io:5r: 10. Jole sc tr]Esry, rc:56; t:t. BLLL GblE, go1ng io qork 4 a Doctor with rle jdie in d6 @ti1€ 10:5lj I?. ltErc iruhlock, rlrol. (]4 fb18hes) z-ifiE sf! @sulf€- 1. stepta i!lo!€o, IL:25j 2. oree OI1IO RIvnR irtc nACd, Indi@ rirfle pdk, J-ee_7, 1969 n1rcod, E:39j 3. A1a! ce1aerEy, u:47j 4. F!€d. DoF1h, 10-\d1e- L. -tm f,e, 58jltj :. -..11 Bot 1ne. j29: ?. l-1:51, 5. Betd ljlder, u:53; 6. lria re,<+,reze, L1t56t 7. &€ c€rsel, 1-1157, 8. I.€D scletr,en, r2:o6j 9. Rsy cordob, carl ceeyr .o:2lj '. .E"ae oe\Lt@, 5r,L5t',.^ uri; @rue,^w:uoj b. ilor dd Arspac , 6E:o2j i. r.q'1re wccho 12:19j 10. Ia1e Coldbers, 12:28. (4O fblshes) Io:JJj d! Ierry [e6j 72:4]; 9. Joe .b.e8, 7L:09. AILco:Em er [Exa_(J]) Delt"ord Ftr!., N.J. tr,s. Ilsck Lllllg- 1. r@ r\bllb, pl:$: 2. cta aBleb, ?5:rL; l. Jerry tutchIss, 26:23; 4. Nlca sh@ls, :?:3..__t. ,.81!e_ 2, la69 6 P.:1. Ideel Eatbe!-80-desreeg I9q.,r.nr]y !!q- ,irry sl@or, lbitla. PlorelE, a:01.0, 2. caly

9 cbuta




Tc'n Bache

tt, 1969.

- __



2o-Krlol4ETER ctIAMProlI

r. ;, ;,." v;:;: 1\"f1::r.loi;.;::?il.::J:": *""no Lo alir

returneal frcn a s

,a€r-re.,rd 6cr

;:;t;"""i"{ ;":q:"?::,:y:;:





;l*.j.;;;:;1,* :ili",::ti:"".""":T;,ii":;i:;,,1!.1 *[lJ.:ri"l-"' :'j:l j:t.t";.j:t.i.l-i,j1.yg.jl;,;'ry:;";;.f" t;;


:,r:;:.ij,r;;,;'i*i;;.:s"r,:j*.::li!"'"Y:.:'l:';:.r';:;i,;::',i. tris ed a .L-n .q T",fi" ;:;:"*:i.:'i'.:::-,;;:,1";1jj6;';i;,;g:-i;ru"::i,:'jfr;:tu,i'ftf;:;": ro rln1sb six plsces behlnd his positicn


':u :

rarae rierd or r6-and-under

l;s Hfi ::il:5;;:lr-;,:"::;;i"ff;:",:3ffi "l: #: :jil:;""],;;: Tijueda reachel6 lforentin)


:i:,r;tit *i


r";";T'"' -,Jf:;;-#"1j:"j;JT:.1*,

Next qa! piee, Arcs Runs:






*itdl:.:oi::;,:"u,r," i3;,13.:;1.;.ffi;]"i,3:"f,1*

"r:il1"ffitri"il1,"?Tii",li#'ffi.H;"3itfi"l_*"i,,il; u,". i]ill"iJlr$liLff]boa Park B-nrle open and 3-E'e Novice nuns, satur.ray, Ausu$t 16,

* * .ffffi= z. o"*'i" s'itil-iri6"lari J. P11ll carron, sl.Tc (io). :H-*::"",



15_h 2o_h 5a,zi 67i5 +2:21 1!'?9 53:00 72i14 ;::'.! 2':2 1o-lan

ij:if i|:il i1:i? ;l;i8. ii:ip ii;6i. a1:!g ; *i,i{!:i.:; l.;l ;8,;; ;;: *:tx gif. ,*, :'ii,*'!ni,i:"il6ryil;::" ;s:ii :::il ' :1.1,',Jiiffil';"iTi.l'it,r fijsi .:

I,ii a.

che.,es pea.-h. sDi.





'^Sl;."#.(?lJ, (i6)

: ,; .,o.. cren Dr€ne, s,rc ,;

r/bn,e_L.i6n-ros, iiJLana


(,,) (rB)

ff:il Bi.,,i,

iZ:": iifi: _i,: ;E,l: ,.;:?t ,9,1t 2o:al ;": I


+q,i; il;:6 t:,22 ,s;i


i;;j: :i;i; ?z:"J.






;itii *:4i ::::, ? 92:Jr 8g;ll .;: ilfi,,fli,,ifl.rji3, i:;i; :;;;: n:zl :j;* ;;ji s;,3 3j:H']1tiiitil;fr?,ii', *;ti -i,'i, ,A,ii ;:H;i","ffi,,;:'#y* (,,) +,qi ffjj; vrrrAe ;:?ii#lffit;,"8ff.(?ii, Mi(. rlay, sDrc ([o)








ory4Prj sPcnr


--:T:i"lr.":l,*" oi*r.,;";;: ,",." 'r."r :;';'*rrlr",, i[ff;"i3-i""i"*5T.iilSt*%;Tt*"t"J.:.y"n"f#'_*,f:ii"l:*,ry coacbes cl,nlcA coelrere

""xT:iffl#J8t Iff ffi:":ffi":j":i*,li,rg,*J#:;rff'**i:,:rocnGS cqfirity cLIfIc oLYI4PIA

Nol,gs t2O ]raaeg

for oqy $2.j0





SUIIaARIES (ccntinued )



28. John Green, SDTC (18) 29. Joel Baldwin, unat (38) 30. Jerry sandtin, unat (30) 31. Jin n!.rt, SDTC (36) 32, BiU d'Ablaine, unat (29) 33. ilharles Bakerr SDTC (41) 3L. Joe Lhjte, unat (31) 35. Bich osden, unat (24) ilnf:8111 Cron) SITC Drieht Iee, unat (27) Jin ceneny, unat (30) *nan 1/lr

nile tco far,



\, tja 47r48 \9 ta'





taI fo ,9,ro



27.r5 2, tA6


U t32




5'repnen ssJ rros Ange-Les \o./ PF iillLrJii Jirt{r, i,'Al-11'. E,S. liullllEn WIIO '1''E 'dclri


"'ltrE -:

i7 t3a B1:31 81:45 94 tza


104:06 108:36



2-lnn 633



4-h t3t29



13:46 14: oo 14: 12

14:18 14t22

7t2\ 9'34

ty Jeff



14:58 15 ta2

15:06 18:46 20:28








13. Mark GookinJ sleirerdont (91 nunllneron Eescn io./


99.57 102 : O?






I. D€.id i {€ r PLr r€t". 8ea^h (15) 2. Ranon Arias, Tl€nial (16) Clai.enont (15 3, Rick Iord, r. Alf-.do 14r" i .2, Irperi8l Beach (tcJ ). lya€ Dpaes6ler iolnr rda (fo./ 6. c,eorse Puuen, slrins Valley (14) 7. Pedro Perez, Tijuans (15) 8. Tlm xe1rs, San Dleeo (r5) 9. Arturo Mesa, Tl,juana (14) 10. Kevin Phiulp6J Bonita (15) 11. la]!h salas, Coachella (lr) 12. Iredeltco Chlu Gutierrez, Tijuana (12)




o.? n1].e too far, ostari:eal 35 seconds late.

Dctura Gookin




.::.... ",


e.ffi ,.:




lTO t :r'I Lq: l o.\_, totims s'uaIw, sAcqAMEllTo, rlgblr to ro fot a Unlvedity-elated tf,eck ctub & cA!I!,,, ,tJl,TE eI, fr69 he ceies a LtsT!'r leeiBrlailon card e rcll a6 e q!!!19- 1. I€e leFexo, seclsrod;o srare, ?9:51.1r; 2. AAU c6d, ]..mihe for l,Iilacd rlack Ctub in Fedelatlon skip Eout, aihenE, 29:54.8j 3. s!:rls l"Euex, s.a. CdJr- neets drd tlest 1{dr6as E\,' ltr AAU @ets. So falr so eood__ plc crub, 29:t7,5j 4. Rry ltsttob, AtheE, 3o:23.2j 5, .) oo E:atlc r-@ Lhe A-AU.(S1!+ of cldJ, ain'r DoqC Butt, i,lar 1 4C. 30:40.2. ( Hdil< led a- au oue tis:rl 9:Sl9- I. Jerr Jooskl, A'tzona sraue, .8:58,6, !olnts ln 4:L . t:L., 11,:11, .19:)t, .n,:58 41" .er:e-o ?. Ce!4r tlndgrear rleshln8.ton State, 29:13.0i 3. T@ roffrEr di:coB Srate, 2q:JL.9j ), ile cr€--s, tu<er .t lF-lei i! c:losc dht€nd&ce. I1re i..LE iE declded in ' . Bi Ll neatt ldc4 e-, ohio, ibe Lst rj50 y&rds). J0:la.rr r JO:5.,a; o, 3j00O! S'c!a3e- :. Jllif g1sk, Lrgr,Itr 9:05.0, 2. IA %v- Cdl Hetfleld, Vest Va., 3t:0A.5...88O- t. r,1adr tiEen_ e!, Ca11f. .t,Darisj 9t3?.6j 3. Cslr 9ez@aUl, gd Joee !eld. /tsco16ih, 1:4.51 2. en sre-nsq, :lM. star-, state, Io:o3.dj 4. JLD Flnc!, J.U_LLbcae lor, IO:1/.3; 1:L1,)j J. loveIl Pa._r UCTC, !rlrr,b: L, Jtre6 C.alc, 5. Isls Calder@e, saclee4io city collese, 10:31"5. Ict., l:)0.rri 5. Ralph Scl rr.z, ,rormsrem, t;"0i6; 3-1411e- 1. Rtch Del€sdo, AtheE! 14:39.4j a. oary ne!,rh- b, Kpo sldl3r cnlcai'o ?cr t:5 ,9,..:.t11e- I. qld nobitr_ 6ob, southen t]-r-rlols, ,:oL.Lj a. . Z?- dchey. Ftc.. lar@, S@ Jo6e Siate, t4:50.6j 3. Bemie I*.hde, Ste4ro5.0...)-IUle- I. Dave Ulsr Es!-.a rcdss, LllL7.6 tord, 14:51,4i 4. Chuck l,4odrr El C@iDo 8.S., 1r:e1,6, sid sr gI9- I. Joh! lEson, Pelfic co@. Cluor L:O3.lrj o. Jolrn '. s(d sr_iF;'6rl &r sdl r€ Cleen cleen slare, sla;e, .Jrh7.oj r. crr cole. colenoE, rdter (y.r t3rLo.8,..3,Oood S'cise- 1. i(en:11_ !ereo!, prc, i!:oj.fi l. Ceorge ScoLt, p. , L:Olr.7; ),. 1doE, Ed:€s 1.V., 9!02.4 Ceolee Std.rl, Me!1n Ac, 4:11+.Oj 5. llck Cor, Sdia r,lodea nA, 4:16.2. gg9- 1. ,;r1x Jolrcon, r6lrle vrs A&x, L:lr8,a; 2. ,rade :'f.r, o_.1-q-5.) ,a-^.4fs 3-'_LlI i€:.'s vrE. :\ne 7t 196. !:ru A.fl. erp. I -, shny' !eIL, 0r€go^ TC, l:L9.6j J. Jobn Perry, LEMC, t:50.6. sAcMr4E

-------- ;i""#1'J"i:ilft.33iiff! 3:'* i#h"lu;:i; ;;-;;il"*;;il;,*-**;il-il*;il;i;,,,, r&orar 6!at& Ac, 19::4, 5. ldxieme ribile, l€::heton, I.v,, J\be 13, tetele rsratho@r Ase ?ia-thv


-a_._ csu' 6. ELLen lloklcki, lrachuetri &l:lraldsr !€presehtt.€ iie tlldcat Tr€ck clurr (Ktud 23:26; ^22t45i liedellcllod, tl-, 2qru: 9. striders, Al:lsob l4c@!e!, :Be unive-lty) l,!l-Lcd avqy fl@ tlre r'eLo i" rLe rasr .! sbffev Es yes tne :-r on vlqe.l6 .tub "d{ied a .pre! Dites oI Dhe r.!s, US! nE-aLlod c d ioEh:o. 10 hel! m@I eo's '-El-le!. Ihe ios€e beld at tbe udtr'e.elb/ )! letlc\r, {Illdng irtu \j r,.l:h e t:iDe of 2:50:4r. eFry cal-1e€!e!r o" ,hF La1v. r:len- e:s l*5f 1! ver dE to o@Lructlon. Bsei or the i@rv (let.) placed second, I,essl:s cal carel. t!@r,], turi€ ti@-(r3:16) of the qent6 !ece, e6tlested actusf -_L€nv Be@-or.ly 1! the 1a5t l:ive aiaes. Carey, .!.!bir8 hls ftl6t ltEratnon, 1ed f!@ ihe 5-bt.1e loint q) to 19 ailes. :::-::--:----_-------fhe.e lnee trrouble forced tdr to 61wd(m ald !icr,,_du dm lJJtnA! D![1'El 5_l4nE Ew wo]f aI IRAM Aru&Jo DebEr, colofsdo, sundq], JuF 29, 1969 reat irto tbe lead. cei€y lrl]re! bsly nlre6 dalv 4 a lT^hilctd ! !&]( AeUo, lesee! knffir te@ate. of !E!eavrj! 616.- !4k] @te! ea4er l,! B!()t@butg, Ihdlala. hl61 Plkes lea} Iralathon deer ste€ For 4cbards, lctera! ot-d E!@thoc mr a ledod of -Gechuplo, r; the clocklng. ta yed6, it vs the fi4t IiEE1rh@ rtn, o reff ae hiE 5ll1 a&ud1.!e!c!- 5-b!re !u rith a 26:?8.1 all tn€ iGnr to defeai ple_iee favorlte 6ecoDil-lre6t evex tl!e, ude! htgh huidtty coadl oE +3 ^*1t EaEIlio! of i,he lebve! t!et< Clu!. cary tlst folced aIL tbe otbe! !u@e$ to do ,=r-tr*. Joe. rff*olar the able reet dlEctol, to! the ft!-35 "i* nlcla!tu va6 iualer-rq), belrlnd ca4 orczarzah, h t;e the oae arou! oeeu lecord bv on\r one }416s(Ni /aliley Mu oarahhon on ley 3!t a! ru;botd!, :l:!ry L'*5f IGa5s. qe is s rlbldle ald dslsteL pror. at n"isas "1!!*: tu o1d I@k l@ 26:09 Dv Jtr lqath* seL th !b8 rrolhres vele !reEenteit to tiE flst tblee !1her:s j State UdEiBtiy, l4€!181,te, E€r6s. Deda! l]rcu€h 15th 6ril rftbob-o io sll oihe! ft!1sh;!s. r.!o.[c o 1. r1!re &Lcrutds, Wtldcat rGck clurrJ idle Peter6on rc! tbe 5!ec1€'1 unde! 18 tePhr ro! the 2. rer4. Gar.lsahe!, ua., u. or Ky.r ;;6;:;Z'" .econi 6traleht {"'f' q'ry" d'* r:be ldsest rteld 3. cst c.*y, ma,, rr"riroi,ur6, "rn6r"*, i;i1;;




*i., .u;;;fi;!'d:, i;;;;;6 ili;** o,*;;";ri"*3"*;l:fff";;.,

ucac, 5. war,ae A.3J9:39 t: ;""y ni-uiii,-6i,'**", rc, 'olti 6. Drthe ila.lu, uret,, ibltutts j riss j3,tI1!lI:-"51,*T"" tq DNF- roiu rsosinskr, uat., rndi.napolisr rn:isa i: F*eNores... rre!a;e, rho;€hrt"'"itr"'ri'"i-"*'- ;: thon ere- \eld lo €rlntloE, roll dq1 $ b_..i e e r ,i,",---Ll-' il_'i


i: js";ililSl',1j"*T'i'I3;. ."'"., ::H:1ffi:'ffi"':;H{;:".l"Ui:rf^S-::i;** oeoier' clqv's ,*ion, sld ihe rlnt.h !', 55o" ilffi'"i'H*. T::")l*:;*:'tl :' '*" " rlack $be!e 6erexa1 hudaed ** *::::y"ji:F ,B: i#""i5#1trl,*IlH"ffi, _*., evehts or the !tsfi$ nee1,. About "*" scouls 6!od 35 !<'y


ilf :f H:ff",::*."::"*:::'f,*:trifu{:f lhe.qy &"or1ded .r. r*L





:a, *..1



6:44 4.a2

flifr :3:3}



ra.ii"i. laty "ta.i,'ii,oi; 'o, s*4,-',erder, *.., wv*-' n

I1"S:#3:., ",*:;:.*a:' if'.3;;',i:;fif"Xilli';l*.S;: s;"r"-, ;; ;.] oii*, _;:: .y,:u; 17. red curle.r

po11ce ,ed

seE! r:lmels !e off couse **. :t -"y:-y:co@e Duff alrd ca!n--"oEd thei! !q! beck Lo Lhe sd




*ltxa ffi" .he Becond llre. EvenLre]lv ne ff:t$;,ljii'rili$#i:L;::l;4*ifi:i"::1""" 4' coran ze'6oza' to tocsLe trE cohe"ix;jix*;;xgii.;::,*" li'.'--1' u.a '::::: 15' rEn*f'"':{'^:*"', aai )v:v" o*<

* o*"**'."Hfl "'

41cch-h1sa :T:i-A1- sfto @eft €sea 4rLetra lc "b"'' ::lfi:i col$e so!rr.d. rEve bes a eood 1d$. sco;' a*r slon€es au Lhee ''u.d tourth place leRle Fbc!, *"*trr-:^yf:ti:^_

no^:r*rlo, o-cl-lol:Ei' s6'zz; '*1, ' (svu@ush' ?3' DeolE 3Ltr7t :L' 'IE'n -urc' t7' Ee'r DenRlr 3l:lo;")'-25' crale Gtrnedso!, 21, Dec;

o!,* **,:T:" -::: li;r?i..3;"lilfl"f#i:,i;rfi;.,.#"i"Ti"ii,$1.;a.: ' c!&, r€, o.n*" ii, :airc; a9. ur*" i;", i6, *"., bleslonaw in llberla, ls Lbe "t"forc! Indl€G aa!.Ions- idr.e oetrElr 3a,r2; 30, rt@ Aiqsjde;, :_, Denrea eim"i.r"-- , r.e;, xlrrpatrrir<, i8, *.., !",ad.;, SFj4?j.f"ii.Fd cr,,1,, :":]:r;*5{wr@' Hr#S;H|ro"*jftiffi q,-YDa , anade, colo', 3::rrr; frclte b1;cd!, Lxrr$/r', lsklle d*;e!;-:'-* A3 a raclrliy'eeebe; ai'L@sas-state


rhe 33' Robert l{cN\rtt, 16, JeffelEd


33r&4i 34.


g 15, le., Demr, 34:U; 35. r.eu 8cbe1, 28, &a., 67 2}j 3r.fi! srnE, sa., 67i37,32. K!!t &o!nt@, Derc!, 34:33i 36. rr.h r,{at!!\|E, 4o, Doqylf rc,.3i:o?, - il:,'si$ii.'6t*tl rbEte!, wlca p&€I!, 6?:5e: 37. reff ca$oD, zt, vlc,35t23t 38, srey€ cb!--i!!e!!c!r, +. i"* ;"dv;;;;A,o:, ::. o*r" rauraa!, st. A!c. 25,ua.,DeFe',38:39!39.Bobcht:ktesd,30,lll1a.,6810€,iO.-#r.r"iiri,et.AEc,t€:13!32.Joluv€seLks. Dcn*r, 39:4jj t,o. Ralqv rob.d' r5. ua., mc, 68r3a, 39. B. Bo'cb, _turr6r, c.i. *i.,'sdiigi*selffiiu",t"*, 41:3u, DnF- lbrk ralae, r.6, l@., ervaae, cororaao. ;:; 69;00; 6: ;: ;i;_, ho@., N.r., 6e:5?; 4r. F*e cffi,

;fi N{

;",a;;;;il;;;d;;,;$il-*_ G.le@j Ia., Jr-.



fi","f S6tud.ry, ry?-.+ p" a!4 !,E}e caobr !e lhe bes! elae6ed "8,tr!:: r+8. ru1 ai"r, u{rii'i;en, 47.1r@ E@r€!, rasp".*y .! rc, Zo,tii'q6. -iil'i*!!!, rot37, ot'tea.bs rc cour6e ro ptee flst a saodscAc, TItqT; 49. Atuld "',-'y{ N9" ln tEstEcti€Iy ihe fl.r.e-dte raoel

r*;-F,;eu*^y_1:: aT fiffi;flTli".T;"]i;fi"il;"H,ffiit:"Hlf". * d.y o.irlr, Ji.,-r{!ii,.r. M,72tn, |j3. c. l{0o<16. cJ_ -iii6i-:il !.coDrl rtth . 26:5r crrctr-as. rc, 72t\2j j\, *,, u.r, c.,ahc, ii#i"i Acru5f, r. *.T:S rt* 1o", _l!.u,aA, ?2!49, j6. iraa DsrEf, dt..r.i.ii.qe, izlii; 29!01 35:or v"dai!;, uii,-zi,*r ro. D. p.Eotte, urs., 73:07! t, r. :. 2. 19+ .qlLe i+q*, ca&b:€, et? 3t'i9 59. mct nrggr.ci+, si. in r.,rc, 73:4r, oo. o. Mrtcherl" -ii,3ir'Z;-:i-; 3. Iar.:r FEe''e., 36ta5 Roch,rc, ?trr5, rr. n, o,touiri!",-,_i:, 4. lobby sahuque, aftsr 'uj45 t6::: i. _ca"pro,'w,tu**o,-ftiy.. zk,ocr *:,..li":.,'6',ter't1. ,. EarI crcFodona, 32to5 37 toj 6h. D. JolsoE, 61s.1!, .rb:zzj 05. J, F6nde@2, Rocl.rc, 6. trtElo$ chadalc! rr,3ar,i ?ti, ntoSt 66. *tZ c"rii;i, wu.*" aa, nv; 6tr, o" ulil r"r, mc, n:*r ee.I,luito, c*t",, irc, nieoj ei. n I. 4,4 gt!{)!on, 4,ar u. {.9. Roltutl+f-r*, 33t4 38rn slradar, ura., ?g:03; ?0. Berry-ce rer; s!., ij!s.,?S,o5, Eqyl9! a+l"!d, 4i7 39:11 ?1. rE€'c!!!nay; rcril:o". ee, Ze,oa; Zz. n""i ?: ;,-!""i. 10. A.1 B?letre rrl, 35tzl 39t4 rc,TABT,731-i, seei,h@, uoe., T8:llo; 24. J. B!c!&_ j9t?4te all; p!o;., te:!3, ?5. E, s,irb, ;";, feisi.'fiio-ii* f .-n. Da! nr6elld, 37.12 iia: r. 6t. .oaii.ai.'" oc, eo; e. -n-r,i"tii ri, i:il ' l?. !1.1.r L"n + l,1,F 13r Eddle rehr@ee, 38:La ltz.\z rr. -wrc 61,!s4!6e t!, "u*ar,s" a'-..e1""1!* 26:45 ttutua, Bolrby sahrque, sr6te b{rs chaelon,




Z:r ac, aei 6. r.rlL,'bse


43:o? 3stot --Joh t&rva!t-;;E-il;E#d-6;!;i-ii+r"i; ffi-ffi

* si."TlfJ ffi;**;-P*@ "*

-- ffi-; f**"il"ffi:f,H"!,"ffi.';tu;d;**

Be Binsh&to', N.Y,, June 29,.1969- rob lattts, lrLLLruc r. rrdle' 88o- 1. Jert iebrey,'n.*rd,cri;"!ert a:re. .CA's nen\y cllE€d lbt AAU 6-Ege obq,lon, tlo! t!! t2tb II. !c{'s t8 & rede! l,ri1e- r. ilnke! Mll.lqy, rr;t; ", :.-Eri &8u41 St. Cb:dstophef A.c. sait ru[. Fttt! rl.slsed slElr, 4r38t 3. l,lartla l4ilf,er, 4:39. (29 f'r.fuB;;)-- -y!!!,s ftlt6h by bear&e lbBe5 r,terfreld of tbe lrr. o!€! 2-tttto n:a- r. auy necrrer, Bea@oai;'9.rt, l|:! Phtk. Plo@e! ac r! che r"6!t Loo va!d! bv a scer_L5y. 2. J*r colorb, r€€sue city ,rc'", s,st; i. Ai;;k';i;Mqyflel.l, f,ilrer of 1Et ]€d,6 lace & also rb. 1963 ft. 6; 10,03, t". ro stemrr, rearnoat, l+.:-Jo!Etd ra, beld the lead fo! atest tbe enrllE race. Fltt. ro r19, 5, rEEs everitt, goir.r"e m, ioiii Z. !1d, tl.llcd by Do er! thd 10Oy durtlg lhe @!ll! rsce. IE 16, leeeont. tO:45. The 12 Er-le Ece Fs.E cur ro r-1.rr Dlles a! the ru!.!6 rv. rad1e. rrlo- r. Jerl Dsbney, E, astlolert 6, 5?.5. q{:rot-ggre! a .ho!r loop ai rr* si,srt of rbe _y. Eor*qfiaes & cstee! q1'rs idre- r. n sba, nltts &d l4qrrle1A E!€ deprlaEd of rlE ch4ce '"4€. to &37, 2. !btl!4 "atte;d;i;i' ?:tor i. rreees norrred7i?cb.ak the co*e recold of t:01:l?.5 se! !y fl! o'c@d- Tr. ,A!rd.t !rte66O.o@, a-uiri- r6_ae 1."; i._a"|-;;.;6;, . afl of tle at. A!tho!a',s Bc b 1965, 10:36; A. ,r@6 Cieilrta; 1o:3?; 3. ra.ry Coh;B. 1o:rg_ fbeF lrer€ l-ll Eia.'.r€.3 b coor reathe! & cloudy 6ki!6, 4-39 $a,_:.. nobe,t-c",e*a", E,:l] i"G"'G^iitlle te@ tro$g rar !d ln louor of !r. rlsrk rare, Ur35, 3, rb! Stocdd!, rr,rrp,.rr6 g 0""i_1.-H;r; ;;;l rho th! docto! at all. !ace. unt11 l,ts Budde' dear! r2ro1, a. cs1 }|urprv; rz,:oi :, d s.1b;.;-;r'..1, "* Algpt. lefore tbe al'€lil ce!@o!v a cer@ory ra!ro,-u u11*,'c,oi..o;", t;_ l''ril'M.r#fi' ]ryl slth E\€I - ?lJ^l. lleld horor.s fo! tle dtepdted Dr. IGrE vbo had 14:OOt A. tobert IGaiey, rdrl2. be€E a [t. c@!.rde! on tle u.s. N, n !€!r 1D tle ltofean- {eat!€!- a "roEbn tyT,e" 910 Torel finlshels 1n €tr1 q ryyl9E. Iather Joh! Dono.lE perfotueiL }l1E u6u6r e€dB: r18. --r"i,o,, mr*u-r1D! Job 1! cohdrctlle tbe ree. ABBlEtbe re!€ Jack Wa'r- -----___-_-!e! of coaeLl, Btl-1 DonahE of l4fsveite std J@ ll&ta tlnsEr.aau E&J cEAl4FrotsHrps, ctlfton, N.J., suday, erl@ of tbe ftLllftse -AA 'ae1E- JllE 15, 1969- {tth o@ of the .EEIeBi flet" ;ve! *:F1ttE, Id:U!o66. !A, 5?:41.4; 2. Moses r46J.Eetd, reebkd; rle fl.J. AAU cond.ejred i* amuetr T&:Il cha4!1oE_ _. -Po! ftlE. !ro@e! Ac, 57:115, 3. sta!1 iro!nr@,. Pbl.le. P1o!. 6hlps si cllfton sredtb, FeF strolred r&, rott utar.'t AC, 6'l:23;,4.-Do! &w,-Rocbe€te! rc, 5o:lo; 5. Dar-e fa!s, E lbe sho!€ Ac,E:Lked. otf i{th ifo i.;;;"?t- " a Brlcco, St. Cbd6.ACr 61:30t 6. Jose Velsrq'ez, St. !y out4tst@cl,r8 i,he Centr'f, Jefsry TC ald lr,.r, ,q"ir"oAntbolyr6 Bc,_61:5-2;-?. Bi+ and a srrona eroe: perrorooes. e4p9, si. a!th. !q, 5a;3a; oauts. ilealT rai@ ulr_rtuee A,q, b2:46; 9. Td Fic'm{ns, "''aa lurtle th e dri.rtne €1cro@, rook rhe T* {1*rrs, c@!!al Jesey Tc, 53:o6j Io. ME tln Robb. Wtca pacen. slx Eite ro. 63r16i-r-1. Jl! B!-ll<, 11&., 63p3t 12. csry Reade!, D.G. j:lglg.- t. Ti! l,Lckonej shole Ac, ].5:14.2J 2. srse Fee. I8f, 63:25j 13. DaE Gerel, sJfeue Tcr 5j:a6j 14, sbffi-Ac.r j. pidl peoei€on, cJ-^; t. Bob e.dh.l. inc.' ,aftyr Da\1d, syrecse !, 63:34, 15. trerty c11e!, s!. gJg- l. Tie sreete, cotoh-tsr tc, (rafsye.-e f!o;h) ,:16. Ir!h. Bc, 64:1[i 16. lob &rtsh!, st,. orr;]. Ac, 6tr:qt 6i'2. !'lln serdle.; cJ r/. Deetd Ko6'*tr, Rocheste! rc, el:25j rB. Do(€ aueu, r,ah, 4:aor 4. c,1u16 r-i;,1'ff.::ff*'jj"Ii:'"^1' s!. cxr13. 4c,6,:35j 19. r@tu"ln Beft@, Ela., 64:3?j Dlsbotd, shoF Ac, ]r:39.9...@- f._Itr-Eit, l.J.,A;pees, d+jL7j 21. Dave svE4 roEulB, 1r59.0..6-Mrk- 1. r@--.reblns, cnc,'Zi,1ii7, T_:_br! +tel, Wle



f il'h,51'Sii*Ts: F#"::Tir":*fiJl?'"*i="lc'l:rr.6rEt.{r,i'i.;'"";.

65t4t 25. dii-B-VLe, -Rocbe6-e! Tc, 65t48t *. c. Bs?si- ,Altfonauts, 'J, l. cotdrsl rc, loj 5. prrrc;loa !o, qmcu-a-rc,.65:59t 21, Rgqe! cldk, Itnrted 4A, 55101 Rutse!6 AA, 2. __B1t-1 ltrjlrbrd_2d. -t@ S41ih, Wlca !a€F, 66:0?r p9. CbdleE Coi-1ter. riLeten



67tUt 30.

Bob Sh@k,

tanc4t€!, p6.,'




= t2

ru ;:


"*'o' I'LY reo'pe'-r' I


#; m#g***'""e#Hr"lim*


ffiffi J,flt$r;ffiilffim. t4:E l::-"":'ff*ru*t.iF",



PqIL RYAI IlIXts DORC!'E€IER NOAD 1IIII Dolchester, r4ss., su.ey, 'AY abe 10 A.ri.ry*, "9J:r":y.";1$g;b"1il:y perer sj,i!e, Delderld!;tld Dlcrr saon rook 1,he "n,r.reair e.e.,ed r



ghodry sfter t1E ltdt

of ihe obyloEty 6bo!t .lo-E1fe

5fi1,3r ffix#ily5i.'H"' r.{rifr}Iqd!::F beed Lo dls LeadtLJ s J-b1les rye a{47 d be vd 62 seconitsr Eersey c@ on Elrlone to gral r!@ Bso1. Hea,rer: .qoL. ro 6!".e.s. !M .L4t yed s !.14er, P- n s ^^


;vJ#* * *

l$d, te'p' so-sto,t'ot ;iT":i**."" = "* *." *.l""i"Sli Acr. 3-Mt.1e EsldlcaD T. I*:*:il:a,,**;":.*, iiiali ii"e, {,;{,:i f. c1b sl"ct, j4i Fr, v,

**'". i:m.#i'miSl 1' ldar





"'_'*;.fft'i8;ft:f 3;u i::#:i i3r,3; ii'i*.iyii{;H; :r;itt"t;3i:"ji#l i' $ffi+EE +,i:.rpi; ii:ii., }::; lr:i;., g3j.:i"^#r,Til'tyj"rilla*i.;iy.:,"ri";fh' i: ill"iS!:4?$:"BH Ei"ii;ti:B ;;r, !;;ffiid sl ff:":it"i;';,t, :dr;;6j":s,!n:n**'*. i: []ffii''f1'{r::ffi};" 23iH:f il;;31:;3::f 5r:5ri rJ. crare. snr"r, va.,5?,Lrt SilT"IffHi;,,i;,HHtu 1d, XMC, 53r2O, 15. Rlcheld r4hll@, ltr}.-{?l:j"lp;:,3: +:12\gtilr:; r! botb !*es, tho !lE@!E sta'leil ';1. ^,,:?;;:l t"gether. rn a!ie;iKevln iilidoon, ua., ,3:32j 17. p;'a;"'.;:"'".;:' :ffir:r ;:;l,ii;:*t**"ry;*;iil;; :$'*irtrjffi. E :i!ry1!&1ffi'gtr;:l ;:: *6' ere dedu;'Ied t;,:i',



i:mxnmilTi'"1*':"ii*ff 1;ii; linr#'i: T:'a;"$;.i"::r*.;'3;.;!i;;-:": ;;; ;;;*;,:-:;";,\;;,%.$:y' 3i;



r"r",-0."""if iir H::#j; ?";j5;?f,,':::i# ;:fii: ;';;,1;,-i;.?; r"'" es,-iiesG';;i#ffo *iJ?:iisj *t* po!e, chrktophe' uo., 64:25; ,r. ,r*"ii:"'#?r -a^ ",. i: ff"v*i:'#:::'::f;'*".'". iii!z'' *?:;;?i,::;:'::*qev:ijij:r.:'r"si;';"*,

i:#tffiil.T:ffijH:"*'' -::::i:::::-::::j-1----------'--Arr,AMrc *" r.:-*o :: F*:"?f-:';"H:: :t.'Io.l", rc, Av16 !.E11, N.r., surdqy, J\rly etr g,:6 F.icly.,ig "* ur:." !' l*l{1T1:,Ea-te!n }Ecb:rsd Bur]aeB, a sredbs Eeslonal (N.r.) ;h"]'L"i'ffi l: *:*-:S****!;'i Mr"aie* ir, itrro Bm'rras wrrs



z2;iz sz,to ,8:4o


:ru*:l;t:*;:,s:"*# t:*-!:t**trruy; i; Hffi:; fii;l,lllil#*l' fr:fr @ ide€r B'*! everrn€ r€atr,e;-!ise, * il*""ff:;,'Sillli"iJ'*iil; *, ,;Ll:; i:::i1l: *- ii: tu;;-;;i:.-E;;* Mlctne@ Ea' 62,t2 t' :6:ii.T.fl,*5;*X*:':#;:d?ifl#r{,":Y:' p;33';:i*j;:"+:.*i%?,,",s*.ff;#a;::;

tii;:;:""g.n nx""i'* il.fi;*i;Tv*fiL; tT" r5''& ,re&u' u'or nriv ff:5e' **nlt#.,]i:i**lir;":; ffid;"d,efiii +?',uT-tii', e' veisddL, -J-c, o:ro;'5. z e; Ll. a"i R;;;"; ;t;";.-'fu;-iAli.i, ".o,**.;,'3;fi;l:.* ,r^:#.p:- #*Tiir*i'ai*-g:+:$iit'.Tdff;?:;lu;** d,:36, al. ri,r r.rot!.;, *.J* Hil,rf,#i :::""::i*"*_

ii[sLi;3;;i:-;d;;i:";Alr:{$,T,j:ffi!i1"1,fi;pi;!:;f;,$s,5r:iH "*5bi'ift?',l 30j 11. lobert Porrle, Phila. plcre*B, 3r:56j 12. ar,. ;;il;B.crhoa, ua., 3a:19; 13. !.ar& rrarkl*,"*i:*1",."*. iri,Gi"a. m6,-6,iil"X: ii,* i;.;ili;;;, 4;.*,1*;J;;;;


sratre Ublv,, 6e:o8j 28.


l!1ffiT#ii;:ii:i*l'*3:i,,i?;il1m"q,'Sil" 3*i3;3;"'k;.8,H,1, s'ltc, :46; u. Hfr*[He$:lri:?+f;:i;;a.t*i:;,rj: dr;-i iii. ii"l,, Hi. ;


; ";-







--- #:#tor"jl"'hT##-f,4#rtr*1:'^

; ;l;: " #:;l "."rls'*ffmi'ru.:*:,mi+# i.tTrji:1ffi'd: i*xiiir*f,i:iY, phlfa. het@!, FJoo-, L:-1,3j.1. ndl E.olf, sfic._ rs; le. r"r;r, s"u.ill -

;r- ;r

;; ; :,; ; : fir1y 9th 6 p.n. ( rrcrca6t & cootl




2-l'tucs.cbAser"."i.u..,l,i)-r.x..n:reoru'.rcmAu,89:ooil.l..c".y.r"l*L.j,J. :oiff.2; e. Ml.te !u!ynes, sJta, 1o:J6; 3, pqr"ura4r," nuaorirg stroleli 1l1 ho!,

."f,:il'JE,;,. if;1.T;:"d.[',)'i*'3#ij;_ffi lob Rd&t\v' t!" sJEc' 10:55j 7' rack Dobbls, Xl', f;l3i i;.l*.Hit lfc' u:raj e' Ra$orcz'k' s!c'

*dyffm$,r*ffi _ttotce,..

r1ldy condltloc,


ffi :"x'i:*:j::

roa tlrE distsce, ar **i":.*{t;r.-"ii.ifltrt* ro.s6s18,-,he 6,ro'e l'tri.;#,*ili:ii-!.o1ii:rere --A.r. Me!!.*--

E.a. MLLe- 1. Jtr sh€pbet{, pelr vr 16, 4:36.e, .. t".o i3:-5-ol_:::::3:::. t t3I.\, t, Ron coJ.rdr rresr clEsro! F* 6-tzJhrrs. F*d ;;.;;;-A;;::::i;;-;;;;;r,_-;;;"; Tc, Lr43.5i 1r, peLe ^c, ve r!€en, ua., 4:1,8.5, ertr*irn. +^ *i.-;-:;^"

ettft.tro! ro rhe !.hearle6 sfeou.rroy,s cro;s-DiloD :::_:::::::-::_::::_:1_A:'j:_:j:::_:::::,. nRc oF AU.ETN 8 !"nr.E A'' 3 *'" o* *#,-o*iil;-;;: :ffi:F"i":'?#ff''trd'i#:";;""ir*:jlT| ili.*"", 6uEdqy, Ju!! 15, 1969 (kn on the gouttrtoud frcEr€se so y;u esr the 1""r ; y.* *." lhe sood food ed you rc3d_ of IE3, - 6tdllns f!@ olposlte 1,he xoftrd Joh!!@ c6E'i fls1E ae'i outtu y;u. i{otel, AolnA no.th haLf the d18tece, dd ret\m. Tbe ""t'"4y "r,. r:r.u y* flurrt€ one rhat I oq!'i flSre " "-r,rpiu


56:,"i c.'v i#:r":.,,is":"H.-r.''rscon. ffi:;"{!r,.fix,s"iH'i:-t3"'i;;lff,ir,fft yo '. iatr *r *i,rtr.".-'-r,A,,l,roj 7. ",p.,r." --torJth l4'Dona€hr ttu*-Y: "* * il;ji,"1*jl*,j."l:*+:,::":.; rurrroR

:8:r8;-g' o'qres'ia*-',

:tctrou! a.A,u. r5-(11o cra!@ro

fir.::"*n.?3;i:,_*ei;H.i"ry,r.i.;l;,iii3ili; "" y,,rffi iig.;;;ffi :'^;itiff ff b:"il":ffi :l:;_F.'fr ffif,


t##,!l,l#H:*,,""?,T:#lili"F**, i;,f;*i*3*laTf':.ul,ll,"1"fii3,iilillitt,,., ii:tl,T8: fh*,j*"r+-pia.i, re-t ;;"i"d.;;;;; Kesocd edan !e11e*",. *,";tii,iTuillS; St";;,il*"i?; h;t'Htffi,f::.Hf;i*.-iiiil.-*, a.*eel-l Eo1t, s".i"..l"iil or!.rr Koeneri, ,.trrv.lcj e.


**"ii;,5i;'i3.u' ilfl"itli4lf i":t;*'21'

m"::*":srii:1'*;"#c;*##"r;tit ifffri'#T{,#fit'}*[ijifr;:'Im"]*,. qiSir:",i;;'; 1;"-il;t,i:iliihj# " !!i{4.:Tft;,!;,;:;:',5,;1-;r;":i 1;;l;";1-, t3ii3!ti:;ii1';.:i';ll.:". a1. reson, rhs.j-22. ioo r*tru,,'it*i,rc; re-ek, Mss,.; z;ffi;

14. lat Doy1e, ue.j 15. (evi! i.rEbney n""'dy :l..i 23' ronBre@, ba'j






;;-;;,,"il;",*-;ffi-G,*-ffi-:-;,;;-;;;il-- ::T:: #;iH: ff:.":i::":i5fl;:::;;yii;+J:;_' ffiT':;,5ilt;lg;"X l-*;t;.fl ;:;.-jroi,,f"" Hffi., li&I!*i$j ?3. tlltd r?ee: scho.$ieebe! PElil1ck !s avqy *-"e r{th the fuuet SitE! Cla1g .ron@cn, B!&f;n l.lcl4ahon

cliy-Ro€d Race, bfeezi€-rhb!€h




Bdrslnr_ft., 55,*, ul:


$:"x*'fl;,$:,T,{ii,ft!}t11flIk":*r::,,::1 k::iJr:#*#r4:$"*fr"xfr-liir,"Htr rhe rcod rlerd of 157 "o ei-bot'c



*S:,ffi11-lll"'{i,*i!H""H"ffi,1'L$#{ffi:.- A',trfi:;;H:';"i;;:;,";:;.i;;;;U"i...*fil' iil";"1*.#IHj,3*iT"p;i;iH'ffi";B#::f ffry%,9ffi:":*.i"i:i:1,":?:.y;.:'a:*: trirr alkre l"Ju!v, rones' s'r" {'Y" 66:20: sa" aw;v"ti"i""i'-1b,6{; ili ffi"":T"fr:H.H;';i.yri'*.1rff r31e6r *.. i".i:: s*3iril'iliht:%ii: F"lil,i*ili,.d:; -aee. for a coeectlcui sad ''eld

ffi,*,ill!; ff!*i H::r,ii'i&!i;.'ti'"pilt**ffi*' :$iflffru#lfttm;:ln*,fs,* ftinure berore ncdsee. Rodseft illnH"i"i"*_ HT";;,!liiili;,ij.l;.ft; k"trji::: tl: ;"*r"* ".","*u i fi ;3iiTs:i:rh:#il, :T; :x?":;;, *1,xi*: iii,y*ll# r;r.l:;it# #f ."il!dH' #,ffi in t'+j22 - 186'*'-"




ily":s:"';*i""", '*"', oi


oroton, co@., flblslEd 6th. The rlst€d tlrlcel ) --Roy coodile_: klmer of{.Eeyt.l8, the s11Er City i@u€uaL outd@led 21-reer_ek o-d nqtbhd Hd.L^Dj nsaon, C r. NoRT'| l@FoCD_C rB 5-l{L oO D :r1, rlar.Lo.!o. Itess. c1,?.:r-hrc-ke, A, of Felon, ,._., I i,.l6hed rlr h, Jue 3, 1969 (5S ."a;l:ir:.."r"j n- *., * aor"t*"t" the hest' r"puu" a t' *r '.


;H:|3.IH tr, the .tiif

n"$dl"S:"*i*'ryS$"i:, trffil::* 1. J@s

hnu6. :o-ty.IlE-/ed-o-d Jh itcDoos€h, lrin e. of lhe jsi tq q roke :relaih a, Loq Bth o_ace. Befoft lhe lrce

5:".s"ilyr: 3;'?.:H*; Ti:"ffi: i:H


Jr.t 25t37j 2, _Da1€q, .6:J9, pe.e.

.od Jsbln, 4. "-a@,-4:28: a. Dlck



lob Eeftey, 25:52j 3. s,/Lor, n:i;i y. cir't:s_ L, n,Se; l, i " ai.d.

s"x*t;: #i::{4ftigl";Jii,fud,#'ai:liij"f*:i." eer_&.r ?8:3cj 15. (e. rau], ee,:el rC, fllE.r

rhe to! t0 flrl6tB$ receiEd rlollles aad eot c!4! a- ihe ?0 @Rbeell6e ldzes doc.eo by cttJ oEtne6ren, tbe :Id Yolk r1@sr i @ Yolk Dei\/ II*, ts EaEb:le6 suelr caft"ort' CoreL @ @lo!d lDes, Mcl,lahob qho wi 4-1@d to o r ttlsr, c o,-.he FireIt-sb-€Wle blclrle d@ted W the :b-'den necold Co., lubl-Lshe! o^ Lhe Moftlj€ Record ei lte1'1il6! Jolmal. D.J. !aL" Csabetta avardeil 15 Lmlhjes {6!t fo! Iocel Merlden !Le8). a&o!e tb coqehitoE {$ de of rhe de@ of @aLhon lac€s a.gqbeF. Johi A. (elley,5r, oI HatelJ,(M, Mars., I)l&ed 12ad, desrite Buffer!€ a 1eg claip nea the halfiq D@k. -r-he org4lzatio! &it orElatl oD of !h. rce i€€ 6@oLbty cBl-red dt Erd.er Lhe d1r6ct1d ot c€rabeLta, Roy Cioodlig, Brll ToEEeDd, Robc. lbncza, Davld !!a€e erd Edrad slrh"o!.

nj l-. Jji ruDl-r\c@, ,. rO5; :8. Du h."tvE*. l"*r. aq,O6, 29:t5j .t'. LLold :elrs, _9:t6; 21. JuLi_ M 5 _6e1, 2c:l-i 22. Pet :t", /9:3Lj _r. Bo cMrul9:: . '{!e -Lr:r 'o:r.)j 2. D'elro oLo.l. io: ri j ti. Joim loosasle, ro:oili 27. cd -.!LocI. .0:06: 2d' 3r1e1 Courvllle, lata1j 29. :a - ,"t"t., lo,lo; lO. ll le:bq/.e, J0:19, 3-. sta .. .., ,' , .a. .* SK9e1, Jr., 31:08; rJ. ol sr rn:Le;; -,, i::S; :).. q-l F.:r::s, J!:19j 1.. Bj.- r" .a,..,-o; 16, i,rar uoerr .Jl:rai J/, Roy Dulley, 3l:rro; _6. Cay :uroeh..it! ))j J9. ]]l1e E3-"t/ 31:5aj 40. .recq rw, :a:::: tri. Ds alcs, 32:Jlj 42. .r@ scoeeL.. r:: !: , - .a". u"_ neen' !"., 3?i46, 14. IEIL csr@beu; ::,o:! t i, .r".,i iLden,-Jj:3:j 6, Jeff Bomoh, J-:rLj L7. es..e S:me.6-' 9r

ur". i:'i,?i,lf*:; BEH',y":; #,;3f:l'*."F*ff";;". lf:$; ff: ffl,ffisit*" i':3/; ie' Dlcr:'' 3!ra''uro, .)5,0o. ,.. **, 5jY;']ni3,',k6ffi;:5e ""*

R0AD RI'I[ sioclfd !t the Acton (!bs,) l,ioG club Jure 13, 1969 92 si&"ter! sd 92 flDl6he!6 50 tblhteB eld @d.lJ. reather: Eot. - -_ .r::,i1: lirl.glol:19;071 2. stere xuis, t9:36;_3. n1e

tAT rlcrrrAHo ACl,qtl 6Tq,\lnni4i l|-r.mE

3?, CeolBe Corlqr, S?&-te AC, ?6:OOi 33. ClEls poP€, U spd*te Ac, ?9:10, 34. pidl H;eihr ,o1.., Or,oo; i:i ' Barry qale;, co,birde" u.lcq, er,oir l6:'&A;'dG,


Ot:24j 3?. ceo;se raridulo, Mrc, ealz; :g.--Jibo ce€h@, L@., B4:o7; 19. .{1ve 6!rE.i., N.a,'ei,iSj-6.


;;:, flre'i 1r'ry*,u;1#, m:58j .*., Nm, e. 'atMo, : j U.. Jolu oenolU 21:07; f2, 10. ocJt -(ev'" rcre. j:14C. xq!. ",* ";-,,1-!1.i"#T#?'oli'rf.li'"':rord {eyes, 21:12i 13. Wn. Me}€r, a1:16, 14. psi

'*%l'lg#;#j!: X3*ff;iiil'i.';iffi,iffi'J:;i,?:"*i',"H1 eo:2ej 8, !1d:, atlr; rory sa!ie@s, rr.!. I ?

1y!, 2ll19i f5.


Joe !aial4cu;.b.n lDuLd }aE ll}€d to tatre lt edy, bui Oeo. st.cyr a1:29i 15. l,lte orBie4, conef*y nad.e hlr' h!L, 5o {e didn,r see hls si r4r. llsh-

kl".l$i?.";l';i,1"jl"i1Bli.i;fh :Y::-:I-l*_3y:--::ITi-tti:-:::::____,*:':i scrtbner,^21:5oj 22-. c}uctr

conetlr 2l_:ttj 23. Bob llle-


12r 28, lat cdt, 22tl-5i 29. t"llte cd€nre, 22:t5i 30. Bruce 41ren, 22:a1i 31. :d AteaMeE' 22t22t 32. Davld Dfqrr 22:23; 33. John r.reroney,_ 22r24i 34. r,nke Ftue, 22t25i 35. na) cra.r., 2at?5i 36. Als r,kftho{y, 22.131; 22:p6i c.dfrey Bordol!, f:q; 11. {1t" qI. tudFtUF, . :r : i8. 0. *o r.u€!11d,. L:rr3j lo. loLenig+Fr, r:ck Dooaxug, zz:4oi +2. rack Quin, 22:51. 43. De1ol


AIIIAL iqL. i{4slm,rcToN (N.IL)

BoAD !,^cE


ff"L:i#Tltr'#:fi 3#lil"i#ya.ff'.i'll"

bae wa6 ?2o snd 1i 52o ar ti. '* lesl "irfuii.buturd'cll;;* & r,eo D1lsb took ihe at the 6tari, et the e].le Da:.k cal-leeher ,* roldn8 atde e nmi. fert aV aorii @ to vho wu eotu€ to wrn the rac€. Dsi,i feal;ek bur !u!^ou a er.uo epwt ro ftu1B}r secold. rnby Burroor,rle 1968 806 60. r({atboo ,rrr alr rlnlshed 15rh. * ffi,i:X'#Ll5j:*"*

"":";i x;:',j:;;:' ir"i,i],,!?fi:g; ffEti; ,:"frr":h:'ifa.t".ii,Tl,?,,,,,, "i";l:#l; 23:11j 4e' Tcn". rsensr 23:12j 49. Std{ev i3' i!**"i 4; u.roor"'rmt.., &t*, z:,16r:. cl*r""'r.rcir!, ' ' i1"lfl"tt!::fr;_;:i'ii:ili:&H?5."3ilifi;:;. ::*alf:;:;llr":*x'nl*ni,rr;r x*:;:1, " Drnnar 2312di Zsccako, _Kevesr 223

23:29; 56. R{y_r!'b*h 55. leut Ac, 7?:2ai 9. !e!ex stile, tlA, 7?:39, rc: :r.roj 5?. oo,clr r'r j rvr 3:5rj c8. cobe.r Dq'd, 2+: UetenAlk j.*", r.r4r,iig." Fick n6rey. ll-rIb.e; ^"^, 78:jjr r_1. d tsrer ':r,oo:60. Ron E Hrerc, rr., -* i.c,,lt,ibj i:. -9,o-, j-. ,*i, co.cod,..!., ",i:r:" :fi.":.


r.1cr,{ahon,B 1e:o? rled rne recod held by Hff;J}.]'ia,1l,'h,"#Ll"fiil*1.": ?D.rey.,.q., of the lorth \LcdJo"d ''ut. 6Ja ur_-r# {r1 & D&1ey trted Oyec, :."t. C, qO:'): _ . -i-:r-^.a.:, .,. . ::r.r -18, Lo -ceJr .t:ao1 Ia Dlc ve4 adLv sia€e6 lo^!o e1€11, !:-e, ma,'r , , i,". ,:_, -". * * -,.;;;k;-;.*

;;;;-;**;;-;;;;;; #T#il;.;t;+ *:.';#,ilt="*i;iji;:j'g:#';ii lfiyi "@roy-a= b! E:]g tre 8.16 ot. eyr .osio. ,85:0; -". r. >a.-....a- e., r1:, ajtrgj rjrubs

.r4er oy -r.r 'l*rt-6t.*, :tnss. Ia cooJucrion drl 26. .ilne ,9,:e., C*..o.ro{u .! 1s . 1 a, @:/1,..p7. -Jr: flrlie" t L D.r__:00 - c LJ " ros'on celebfellob, .ahr,"dqy, earh, q,, cooiorc, :.,ai, e'6,,:, 20. .i"i_.iL, irr. "' .'Jje]L,.l. a,.. a2 .rc!hle!,65 s udres. ncg"r ,,2uelec, BlrS t zg. r*.:.ro.. ....: p..__. o*_ I/-a le.: e"y hot. bec, 8?:-8; JO. D,j.io itor.hdJ, UA, ;-l ii,li* 1. C.r.J L.ons. loB 01 . 15:5-: -. Robed Boen, -BbcL- McNLtr.r E.A, 9O:oO, .:. S_eve :lr[: t., " rl,,..; , " :.: j l.l, -d,.qrj :.-:11r 3. JL. DlLielte, u€,, L5:l-lj_1. Ev€Ert r,tllre liir."o.ri, :mq, i ,.-9.-.1 &{r{, e':qi 3:, D@ ';,_ .,o;;_!c, o:Lf; . :u !-.1 ?aftj ha., tb:2ti :7.^e!n,,*!., Keft-n [&sr!.D- st*-1 ,i*, ME, 05:03, "*""TlTi3?;.il !ltte!; ]?. Da,{ r.rass.r p:r, 'b:)0: a. ose.\ €rfen, B6c!.ton Ac, 16:31, 95:rl; 18. Deqd .iben; iie.ftocJ, :L5i 19. d. -ba.,-"-?j-:l.l;::,.,::, cr@, BM, e6:30r rro. s4 JLar.ddr vrir,ls a.r Q@bec, ,:.; :T,:fi. J..-<r .:lMeasr _,:l^.J,,'y;-1ry rf:rlf ea., 16:47, 12. sre!€E . *t\9, \r. J.{. BksesE, u@,, aueb;c, :o-ioo; 1". su" s!]-itas, lE., 16:51, 13. Eefry slav, !.d.1, 15:52, 14. nuh:rh, Nlc, 1o3rt6j li. rake c."ti,'s"untoo, W.,iO!, Pa: Dua,1d, n,, 17:01; 15, .:uBeU Jort8n, ua.r Zg, 14. { -]tM lnSfste, C@blld€e Spons ,lrlo:, jOZ;Ol: -' Lt. Roe6r_ea1€v, .r.".-i., M,"..' roi:oe, i_-!_:__-___-_____:-:___:::::_:::::____. "e. ni"eri






:! tq ryt,.4;r9;;!t;- ?iffi*".;,ft,'93;i;6,';j.,Lfl":::."'.k,.9:;:'i'flf-

o ",.i dgrees,

-o@ re"f lo c 'rJI--.. -ed: . &rEton Ar 9i . :,lljar 16; l, . peltu Ac, '!, 1. Pat Nclhhoar 3A!-, 54:22j e. !€.!ee Cor N.\ Ac, 56t3ej 3. lien r,!E,'e!, "*,Deldel1s, a:fre,ll, s!.l!€! Ac, t8:39; 5. T@ U.Ic, ,9: ",uii'fl6"liij"09! 6. non Calfj in:E, 59-E 7. Re.hh elet,-Vatetri-lle Ac, r1Eire,.ro:2-.j-.P. c€bc.-oe!!on, P,^,. r)t,zt -g.-tuie !r5e$1,. !T, :iuJ 1r,..o !!, l!-us:o r-.1tu!z-,.1qc, b1:5+i 12. Dr, )ayid, liorilE!, T4, b^:Lli 11. ! cr l.reelsr tJM./C,61:f5i fL. Da\dd_Lln-

::H,i*.il;'hi"li!,?irk *tij:'*.i6a,,j4, 18. J.h A. re&y, sat,r 61125, 19. tsrce.llackl1s, L

ysrbe, 6ir56j 20.


_Iisbuy, Slarta



7:.3:%-'::'-3t, ;::; ;6:"{:i:*#il; #:", :liUlu F. Cis, BA!, 69:0li )6. ru., O":,



lare J', 69:06,. -. oeulen 3tdelN, BtA, 6o,:13j '8. ; j5.

*il ffis"#; I8;?,ft _ff'.*3trii"ff;"1'if,;,i"'

,r'ateh-tUe Ac, -L_12:L8j

si,l;: ,,rhe


ril,r7j .r, {"o-e, olft,, 'sa:.ov:.Lle. td. riilr, sr. nith;t;s'!c: r ;io;'+:*' r!c, i22:l2i ,r' sle*d Po*lozly, N''c,



sler.rar Ac dondhare.l B ro ard cl&na raherl sue tept u ihfone.l of tire frci. you ro\4r€ xe!o!te: ..de Lp e-ad d@ Ln crnfoft ra a rdc .,sa.r o.. alseed LrF GurL I oe scene.r : ,e 10 the .o.._ .o. ..nc cloub. catlesner ie a fine r*e .oGiderl!€:!e l€athe! condit_ ios, e ra on_rr,,rs or". r ire. .-L r-.o!ts

::ll-:'--:T-::=::1r:1-::-::::--::::::-::r:-::::: rorTF l{lDrctr{D cltts 5-rtrm fa/o Rui (AoE cBcrE,) &be strteE & 65 flnlBhels Ideal




'esrber: 11'",1' Atqj 6, drrox, 20 l,L, ,. p-Ler Tq./to!, .:lr9! ^Ickr 8. Irotd eyes, Z9tO9t 9. Je"- U.-LreFr 29.10; | , B-



ifl.I:;*; i?:';;.bi::.trAfl*?;fi f&H::"




ffitf,'H',.ftt*0ffiffifr"-ffffif;ll ffim#_**,,r,*.,6,;ru"f



flffi:_.** ffi#*

i*=*-",i*+l$ii.i,;,,'l; fi:ffi,ffi: fiifi

; *i:+,s;anr:r,i rffi"



i {


ri- fg#u x itiffifilffid'-'n;i*::-j;* iiffiffi r,r"-$#g #

il'i#*::.Hffi#HFil#i* #n




fm*:*t*ffi* ffiffiffi

'* L#+;*Hr;!--'-ffif:F#f i*k ;##:'#dfitr#;;**$.+ffi I)a ue tei4relature by Ed].]|


AO deareea








tr'";#+ffi ffiiw*-

$r#tuffiil;##i*#* ffi f ffiT:t*;.r. $i# i#$*j ffi*:fr$#**ildrft,d.fr*rx;

ts l-MrlE !uN, Itg,ToN, ltass. 1l.rpelBrrules b the 1d ,os aU 1O to U eI,h wraOa a# JUF ?, 1969 eatlEf: !!]i. 108 Brdtes @t elpear to h!4)e! the i.hE!6, lbtrby-nl@ enirsts A rolice ca took i!6 !@!E s off couEe,so nue ro rhe uE !4e, ibe Isrsesi ftsitt 1o its r)16!o!y, ald cc,rftE{o! orry llE elm! !186 rie ra€ Lskd. 'EE Lsi !!rt€d 38 fbls}ed. 18 fthtBle* rc€lved t!q!,ble!. C'*e ob'Loug\y Ebort. Also @ the ploar& ,* e.p.,:.r"ea l"lqy c!€ni, 6tei€d ErElre gld6 started ard fi!i6!ed iu,! rrro @ffictaify. by tl,"e t6sri3 of fi€ ten eacb" & tcsn of stai oD!. rGw I. lelje. xos!, Earta.a Ae, rl:161 2. Rlehalit ]irs.}Drey, sr6dl-1, DaD Kocb, Day€ Grl?f1tns 6nd fi-t( Koch rc;;!e une.! 3. Ceotge Co@fr€y, !eoc&o! AC! 4. lid.]re Sca!to!, €ve.t. $otU:eastelrl 4ci 5. I^aryy ctl-6ea, N[Cr 6. ghalles D16b1, &otber 4ecla]. f,.atur€ vE jrha ?BrtXclpsdon of rb€ 1@., 7. Vin Ca!ta!o, Spd+sr1 -4q, 8. c6ry IJo!6, BAAj C,qree?ts .Toegb€ Cadb b6!4ed ]y Cov, Fre,!& I€sar, 9. Bred Lroo, Blockton AC; 10. Robelt !o€r, B.ocklid IF; E&h D!!ib€r, lsllriltlS !!a So!€rerj ra! s El16 or trD Ll. ,rob! C!ohe(, .{&ldofph Es, 12. JoBeph Cstale^o, !Ar\, l! t!€ !ee. lcra tocdd-l, orklieto! ol t]* lEce &d t@d!A fo! 13. n66 st@ey, D.r''muth I6i 14. Pllll lb.ove, !Ar! 15, Robert cldo, cenirsl Ji. Isi 16. nid,€ld packatd, Ealt€rd XUL!ol! u:.1EE1tr "Ru! Fo! You! Ilfei cilub, !@to! }Aj I7. lt€r€1ri il€yvsld, SrocKou rsi 18. !dr:L fid!!.ll 2]3! t! tle ra.€, r!:Uo tlr. olit6st I,ai.lcller, lTH Aiolvqr Kr,tAt


5*J?ft#iiffit tr ff::'.s"ffi


Hl,l#. ql.dir!. are €.<!€ctlrg a i*ih e!:Lu, thts reek. cuj! o!!t-EoIJ3 RUN cBAl4p:or6Er Daf,!, !.!6 !@.d e gf-ban fleld io the flltsh a J€s 6eo, Bordltch Flelil, F!elne!&, Itas6., J1@ to, 1959 l.lD 6!e.it ol llt. prlvlol:6 seolq at arl cbeck lclnts od Teop, ft degEes. 54 6ldteft, 5I f1-a16bes. thr rcut6. aDll dtb +'hs6 ElI.. io :u !€6 :,)6 elesd of r 1. ranv ol6en, 11 bdles, ?6y, 2. JsEs -r-. tb" 1965 tlr' mo bst tlse-cue r',r€uch, bor€e!, ls ro 3/4 dreE, b4+; :. nio d,ir, ro u2 ;i;'": a*, 4. uErer cMlruct1@ fo! a ner roa4bed" lber€ i.6 no ?alElebt Tb@ JaGEln, 10 \/2n!., 23st 5. tdd'trd coEo!, Io ]A El1e6, L35r, 6. David uortha, :o b1-r6g, t3oyj ?. ria- I. Ron Dat.g, rcrc, 31, l:19:05.0 (Recold)j 2. t ren i(€br1s Hst, 9 3/r. ld]es, Ioo"j 8. Da€ F.ffi, 9 3/r Ei., !eE!ad, lrtutol I&P TC, 16, 1:19:57, l. Jeff flqeau, aj, 6oy, 9. v.tllld lret€c, 9 3/L blLes, J5yj ro. ELUot Ed- tctc, 1:20:0e, L. Du.!6 Hlr-kb, ayD+ atl]leltc c.!u!, r6b., \@r&: 9 I/2 &r1e6, 133y, ]l.. !ete! Tqylq, 9 r/2 rdles, a9, \t?7t4t 5. Relth na!p, llrLber colLese, Twa, 19, lltj 12. vl! !atde!t1, 91/2 o[eE, 13, Jttle! S1€g€1, 1:29:o+J 6. lat I^e!1!, 30, ]c11, ::29:lrtj ?. Rrs. ocekv}9 L/2 uIe.i I' . [drBrd crftls, 9 I/4 daes, 387y, 15. s9wh{$t ldit|elote stat€, ].8, .L:3o:; )r 8. cres Erlltus, re! dllett, 9 l/L blles, 14?y, 15. }Ia1!e! Blt5.1, 9 t/4 ld, go.Dakol,a 9lat6 tbl'v., 1:31:03, o D$ slsde, 16, Et-res, 125yi 17. Pat cer,91/'4 n!-es,29y;18, U.oJir slou. Falj|'8 Il'Ecoln B (Jr.), 1::,f:23r 1o. Mlke Mltiiasr KeF6, 9 olle6, 3ooy; 19. PhlI r'lcod, 9 !d:16., 4e{t m.23' llla4k Eltb slat€ col-kae, L:31:3r. j U. stere reldsJe- .Bddo1b, 9 d!es, l58yt 21. Edrad brlt@k, 9 d., rllch, 16, Iilttr+cr.b Es (!opb), 1:32:26j 12. ]'1crEld Tvl !,eyi 22. Aldy o!e!, I3/4r dres, 381y, 23. E.rb Ih- cro!., 16, Fltlrd:le ldlen sch@1 (so!I), 1:31:13, 13. aarotl EdE, 17, 81ou. ral-18 Lrlcola Es (s!.) 1r3l:18j Ms.bob, 8 3/4 d.Ies, 32oJ, 2{. !,tlk !o?tc, 6 3/4 iab., 'L. 125y; 25. George -ei!a!u.1o, 8 3,f4 bilc., t9v, 26. Jeff IAEy &lcc!..]!&, vEnde rc, 18, \3-t55 I5. Dous sterst, sca€ner-u, 8 3A Bt-tf,6, zrrt zli rB loctu, A r/2 d, ?3,, I'dtcbLL, s.D,, LtJTtfri 16. D!. JG credy, .D., alliltrch '&, \t37t55t 17' D!. hny 3ote6, II.D., J?, 36t; 28. lbd Pal-d!, I 1/2 EIleB, 351ry, ?9. Roh.ft c&- 40, tu, 81/2 !41eEr 26Aj 30. Da€ McrG.!, 8l/? br., IgLy; ft1! cltl.. ll, lr38:53; 18. Ka Een-16, irsterolll ss, 17, 11. Rtcbd\t ludley, 81/2 nl-166, 17ry; 32, Ih! lvars, \t4ot?li 19. st€€ Ea$e, 18, so. Ds.Lo.a schoo- of rE!;s, 81/2 niles, 1h3'i 33. JolD liclGeb, 81/2 0l-1€6, 6lyl 1:41:30, 20. Dr. r@ toodalL, 33, E Lr mr, 1:4r:h; at. lL. Jo\" B!d4m, 81/2 btles, 5oyi 35. lrtuE E6$, 8 21. Jr! Eee!.l€r lal&"ta Ic (S s!.) 17, I: lrlj 22. r€d rA nr-re6, )r2o/r 35. i'taue DrmDd, I LA rd-., 65Jt canh, cl!.!.ri-6 (s!.) r8, 1:r! :!r, 21. lr! calda, cres37. sid KeyoF, 81/lr Ei., 13oy; 38. ^qaw1n Rothle.s. b.l(l Er (s!.) ld, lr45:22t 21. candy I uondear, c6, 18. 8 b! eE, 84, 39. rlale! John;o!, 7 3h d, , 3nyt \a. ItLS t25t 25. Joro IYers@' 18, lrookln€6. ;s, rtt'6t@t 6. hl, ciEt Oer!t.ld., DFI€II PLeEor, !och$te! Tc, 3j, r.4t22j a7. Deve Ess@, cad JorrBob, 7 l/L clregt s!b€@, .l !/z fr,., 65yt lr3, I4l1|@ .lr. E, U, 1:46!23; 28. Jtu tem1s, .falsra Tc, 7 7/L on., 2aori L2."ttea,25oyj rut 29. Jeff il!Lke8, slors tel-1s I Licoh Es, U, !red B-l.':m, st., 7 rA v4., 3a4j 14. til. Fltzpatrtck, ' Lt47 Lt4'It12t t25i 30. rbb Bartllle & Rlcl creeho, outh Da.!or;r r5rv. ' ? r/rr rdk;, L5: Jobn crtrm; i NCaIE ll@lonD

;il;;;il-;;;G;i;;-;;#;;hlrbs "iiee,

-- il,:'#:"'rt,_#."iff$: ikJrsffflHful'iii3?i,?,' qbadlcrlab,

BlleLoI A&P 'f' 16, I:55ta7i 35. s bll-e 11. I€Ere no! too dtrrtcur! t; e!te- Keltb \t r:r!Lt, sD strlae. ctub, 32, I:56:2€i 16. el !eckr8, 1:59:18, 3?. lttke .e6Mr siou lal-l! €, buL ,-u4riie 1, of tb@ ln a !d i6, ald Ro" DeE of 9t, I!++. ry, B' 2.22:19. (De'rE l,dLL colleie !r lioce rbfathor-sepi.28 tbe t\rln clties TC dld luBt that h€r€. DNF- Rtck tuerlck, Teld1a Icj stere llaDcstadr cled DsB, a 3l-yeqr-ok dl6tece @e froo Mleealous, Iealed lbhu€h the 15.2-ai1e tldte-to-Bfooklise co1h6 sllrt Ir.E.- 1.5 d. j.5-!d. ,.r:nr. i.'_d. 9.i_rd. ro ah the ,,jek?a!blr L5,,foi the ?ou_-i! ri; in iis Daw 7.47 18:05 24.22 38t\5 \Atsa 5ereD-year lrr.Btoly ud eE-labl1sh a na recod of 1:19: U.5-!r1' 13.5_al, Flnl6h 05. TIE oltl st&d€:il of I:19:20 nas eBtabushed i|| D6E j! 1965. Ee slso rcn the even! b 1965 and 1968. ,9135 1:09158 1:19105.0 Parilal c!€dlt for De1"6 r record !€rfot!@ce lE d@ to --'---_-_----_---sEAIaoc]C lB,qo( CM 30 MIxirTE NTD 15 iEl[rB ]!r1oa rlas 16-!€d-o1d t ren KsEbeEt€il of Bi6toL, south !€!ota, (@!estad, tJ1e south De.kota 4ras B 880 &ail t]l.€ chan- Jare 21r lJX,9 plon sL !h16 yeM's sLeLe t!4k Eet, set tbe I)eq fo! 30 MftLrIE R1JN RESLTLI5 the f16i hsli of the ra.e ard tbea lresaea o"ir to tru 1' Jib lblaicEe,UcblcagoIc, , nt. 1493ii 2. !.! G!qy, flr1gh befor€ fldshlls 1! 1:19:t to bec@ tIE secold u!4., fot@lv of Nortb cebtral co11e6_e, , Nd. 99lyr 3. fe5tesi J!.l:|j@r to treEl the cdrse. 1lle dlstalce \.E6 !6re leookrr VE.' 5 fl' 956y, 2 lt. j !. ?h11 !o1rltz, "lo'Jj 5 41., E99r 2trt 5. Bob -c€eie, s!c, , tbe lolgest e!€r for Ker$eEtaa. ]E', "7., 6. T@ Loech6t, r!E.r 5 d.r 'jtVi rbild pIrce lEt to Jeff qdeeu, a.t6o uf 16 TgIrC, b .e|81-, LZL) l. te.-r st x, uc', L bj., r. L/j e "tue;f 1:20:08. Jqy DhkBs, @et cooldllsto!, itl.il !t.t 5 br't l86vj 8. Aurin 9. scott ttel, una.r rr ll.r 1-r.y; 10. Uc. 'rolacrr not laltlclpste t}ls les. RoelcE TC, ! d1., 15U!t 11. JeFy Jebdis, l-l€ Ece, kmch ts @ along a hsld-Bufee tuad @rl., lal]l@!t l!@ t&lte to amo*lles, beae! et 8 e,n. o! tbe b2a,2ft,i 12. ]{tck ljstbo, ua., I+ oi., -IC, 1loA,, 13. lain stEet ard ftulsl8d at i]€ cer&)€rd,Ie o! the Bill Tbtscb, RocLre TC, 4 nd,, Lq3yj lL, ileefe o. rlcsoutb Dekota state ca4)u6. Nar-\y, @a., 4 Et., 1o83yj 15. cele Bul1ekl, sTc, 'Ihlte sroor&as, souLt



ssL., Aine ?uF

J@L @r flE rilnules Is

d., 8:lyr 16. ,A!t lrcr€:do!, ucrc, rr d., 25gy. l,f,il)E ![JN I1ESUTfS 1. !9T*, s c /r.!4 cor t€ae ee) 2 d., 1299y 2. 9Tg BI11 stofesr, Dcake [llEft.ry, 2 tdre6,

18 4

E63lrted eeet illr€clro! 6eoqe prltchslil h ?re5entlnA a*alda I the Bu trcke tlriolgh the @fta6t ttst ea4e for rEiJec! lrllltEs veBtbe! (650, Elrcht bfeeze, clear emtrgn to 6e goat6 d hhe izl.tr'src, 2 e1,, u!7yr t. meh Btook6, ua. tul 40 B@ durlne the tu. ) Co!'on€ilo lEtsd! otf sloF l. 91r't_!lE! 2 di., lll_I Jdt 5, ,41 hodzlk, S-tC & Darlo raraer, ftf 1 BTLI cookln, Dleao rE, 55:J5i 2, lenrry EoI!, srr(, sL., 2 Dd., 10?q't ?. cdr 3crto. a, sT., 2 -r1., Io_qj 56:151 3. RaDdy s& (LEk, 6, 55:5I; 4. c""y mG"i_ ' ba., 2 0J., g?y; 9. ti lrontololi, 12 \ 9a!, @a,, E, t:25i 5.u@., cqbert ea., !s, tr25;' Si., 2 Et., 8my; fO. Jolh Ko.otl ErC, 2 d,., 754j Lr. 6, lrrch Ru6erl,^r&s,, ua, SAo1,Incro, f.',tirreao narirnez, 1e.r E!,5a:45;8. J€@6 a.L1en, uE., Hs, j9:o9;9. :1m, d,, 13. J.hr . srcr 2 b1., 555r&. ra., 61 5or2o; 10. RJck !srat{, \he.,6, ? ',-\,r; ( corcct,on ran4ln€6 15

1! s ottes Dle ''ohM ts Utl llece. ); lL. pal .trr.iectsk1, SIC, I dtle, tdo2 (Pat 1E a b h :tude! & tle ydrdebt o" llEee !I!Uh_ er8 lrho co'+eLe for 'qe SlEl@ck TC. __C.orAe Oeba]rer__ 'rds.

" d(4

@:Olj IL. _ta€ l&C.nb, sB.r VistBr 6o:ltrj 12. .roe Stubb; @4., E, bo:r'8t 13. CaI Uebt e., L@.,Esr 51:19j I!. uEe LE9l@, ua,,rs, bt:5tj 15. .sve sdtrr lfu.,16, 63:0li 16. rd Te.hJ ay, 1e.,ir, 6J:1); 17. rdlv c@rs€dorts Tc, 6rr:)rj 18. rnle r*e, ue., /::r.i rg. sril 2ljlD E\,ENT S]IC.!AoCK ERAC( c]-tu! SUl,ltlR DIgTlIm nUiNMl rEJol_la, 66:tl j 20. B 5 t.' lfu., ps, pcccF/!-i, T.B-Mtu pt4!liJ! RUtr ArrD l_lEff pa4ftAtE.9"!j",-y"":, bb:l7i 2r. Davtd Harsr, u@. (9t ) 56:L8r-lsor, 22. BI11 H;m; DCU,YS nr (2-[ie-rl ) r. .95-,{IIl :n lGl LN X-CO!i$IRY smc-S!., 67:22j €. tFon€rl \deez, 4a., 1]f', 67 j-_; t . qlf'r ,95-iErE rot L\- 1. D&-Jo lalne., 12th S!. Tc, lerr fta:ua, E?., r€b cry., t5tz3j rj, aal rrrul16, una. Lt55j 2, Jeffr JeDdr*, . \!soc!. 1c, 5:31, I4)e!lal Beacb, 6910?; 26. ljte ltsuy, SDI.--!., 6l):10; L. s;r!tc_ gl. 3. ile!b*k, !oc!oe,Ic, 6:Ij h. Jak !.ILon, St. lsu\eDce _l,llle I'}at, rba., Its, ?2:2Jj a.. oragrr _,ee, w.,Sil, H.s. coah,6:34. 74t29t 4,-B !a&{ck, @a.r sD, :t:rlj 3., Btx l,Abial: 1=4f9 Paa"lauf a!1 (Eect t@ ro! 4 x 95o1ds--dlBre_ .8,-5fiC,-A2t21t 3-1. 3l11 Natheqr, lfu., 6, q!:30, t^. ce 1€ 4tEq' hnee! $@ 4 nrltes )- I. RLcb r,!!g & J. r6u sbook, ua,, E, d9:21, coorey, LyoL6 !rdv,, 21tr8t 2. R. gs!&eh & J. srcbDNF- lnlre l4aaon, Bruce !@ett, Lrk C.o -h. Ur.ffic.Lel_ ader$ach, Rockle r, 22t)!4j J. Joln Johsm & Cdl !.r- ly c&crrod.: tcto Fal!reathe! 85:3oi Dools cookln, 92:30; to1a, SherJc! Ec, ?4:f6. !hd4a Elbte!, 102128 (lech.ed1 luns ! x 0,95 ElLs att€!Dlgtece Rls- oceeEi..-e lo-ldte cFen RD! dd Zi?:143. r*r."t -s!tl-'Dt€ao naitls $ith Id6 lertnei. ) firbto! R'lhr Aueut 31, c\:eajslde !ier, z:oo p.M. 3-8t16 I. ohl1 Hof\ri@ & !tL1 !rad!a, LM., 39:lor 2. !o! .,.!.lboa pdik 8-dre es 3-r& ::,or".'au*, rrg;t c€etE (a-c) & DeE B&o\G, (uE.) 39ro2j 3, DaIt@ & l6th, Itei o)I, 8:oo A.M. ""a Senoslrt, irkht JC,39:f, L. R. EodAd@ & St V&...StMe! All-C@!s l,teeL€, So Dleso Stale Co11eRe.+e&"lnee!, EvaEloD X,3)tl7j 5. Tc6 recbel alil I,t. 11:OO {.M. SatutllsJ6, AlsBt 2 ed A€Bt ]]O!!. stoXhld,-.unat, 39tz)j 6. ye clo4ley erd. oEs Bodde, --!1Il cockh-: rlDa,, 39:31i ?. dle Jol.es & TrEd.(trJeclskl, sharb;k :-----------Te, 4LO:2o; 6. R. D@Eey & rafder, lM., !o:!8; 9. S. 4fB ANNUAT IAL|OALE 10 [CgJ llit\D-cAp :.3-[@.E E.S, RrJ,],I v@ SEadleer & r. 4ar?entterr !:!'futon ?C, 4t:06: 1o. slolaored by: Petudate, caltf. nMler o! :@:!ce EiMou & BrccLB, rna., 41:rl+. 11. J. r€@a & H. Co.ke. sBtt!{€y, r.Gq' ]?tb, 196t at 9:oo A.14. ],Get DlEctols: Phl-1 gldke and I!&.h S* l?th St. lc, 41:l,ij t?, ,4] !rcdzt]i (S:r) & Jj-E R€0' Fsi (Ceoda r2:2"j -j. -1. :c:: a . ::mzeLl !!.ss!oD fC. E.T. ACT. T. !t@ r,6:.0i lL. An {crnd.n cr. a ceE !tufliEk:, sTC. 50; 1. alb€lt Coo!.!, 50, sr.TC, ?835 e-:o6- E 2.:i1l )6boE, uE., tnbe,.^{y6?5rr! 7:'L 52j \r, vaaT & ldcis, c*s Dea.ir'iE Tc.5i:1,I. 12 j. !1t1 r:ri:hell, 1@.,vu jebe .i (A.29 a6 4c..e!erd Brt.s{:,ui!4ed eie:yo* 75:?9 .AJn rchrdolos cal]rv a" lest) rcllL1.q ru a scrr€ of to,t L. pbLL Cst@. E!. TC. -n.UL ..-1j, (A,-t--53, I Gcne-- 50 . . r.r,.o couese ethle@6,- 5. Eetua! pod.ir, :e,6,. rr, J€s. iiio-e .i oh-rl !o&.ibz dld elrr B!.q; rc! .he ;e 5. Isr€ K!sh, 53; 6!: rc, -' idioe a soss. iB;;6 ;.;Z l?, - DE @3s of a co1he l4th a "tae t1@ of 38:[o. Dar.td cs]AeF, ,u,, iurr.n,'l1liS ra;; 7. 7g ;;;i7 ; le p€ceeiled bt e ole hou tnude! 6Lom rhtch gere 6. Paul O6t'th, lrl, S!. rc, Zz,ta ,e ohe

Y_l!_3_31:-lTy:-*-Tf"_:T_::yT:-g-.:::: ,3:31!*.3iiifi#;"i;.*. lB;;S Bnr, co(Xrr!''''_ tAIGs !,ETlt a\1rlAr, ll{ptRrAl rEAca lo_trElt velte! Fred€rtck, 6r, $.aa,79r.I


iS 6it37 i ry!94a1 ry9ch, cetrli., J\E ?1- vetere BtaL G@trln t2. De 6chrl€e.sser, sc st,ra".;,ig,oe f6i56 3 ouL-flaiked locs-l ,€v:-te Be^iV.ott o! u:e I1I.€. 13. tlch JdeE, lA, Senlo$ TC. ?9:11 ssltrr i Jelly lb LhJ6 fi.'\ "1trin_ oI the Su!-d:d-Ses Festi- lq. Sktp Shatrer, C.ulE! _u.

Ac.?q,t5 -ip,a: ii:ra \El Io-EtIe be*h obstacle chBe @d !!.1_ted sEv to rdn 15. tttck VsqEz, s.rr"* Crtv rc, Si,ai hy a {Os !rysln. rfil6 duo h€d eiesged i, e ,,!Mo e 16. Ed SyId!, S!., Cfte! za:ro 7).?n @o' due.1 slnce ther prlll-led arEy fr@ ihe lmk s utev 11. lob D!a.ke, cutE cltyC!&yhounA6. aC, Igti. \i,t? ' crcEsed :he !816t-dee! TiJu@ ntre! e6t@!x @d, @ 10. \srton esldela, r:, sr.r. go:trr fe,6[ they leache,i the 1,tm-arcuni loint ai rbe btem;tlonat 19, I'bdas cot}., uo,, ctendsje._ 8o,iq Ao,oo of the TiJ@a B[1r Iis, esreb- 20. ca4r slnsleto-, ccAc, Bo:tt P+.: P L\" 6I6d@ 4 coh@!der6... bffibr€ elsadcurai,- 21. Bob rp!e, -0, .c suriaers, er,ro 6o;d, eri.q ]*ry !ry:.l*" toE of derth on the leLm tb&u6h tl€ ejtu€4, o! at 2. Eob ,oboeFon, S!. rC, 8f:ti 6o,ot ttb be6t Hts€e Lo cls,!e! oE! Lhe fiftr JeibJ,, .r ,l]. fr"" ceddesr @a.,1€ n*nt.,er,Lr _81,!q g:,u the Eecdd Jebty, o! deEpai! of eve! Fah]l'Ls tUi norrh 24. Borr Purgese, lfu,. r.A.. 7;.G dEeklollb, oc ntuad\renc@ oq Lhe !€un ov€? the Jer- 25. ceolge DepooLe!, s"or*i "c, 8r,5i ir,:[ dle€ s beteLl 6(re o! t}ek corbd. in !ht! @st o_" 26. @ lorrcJd, IAFD p&e!6. - 82:1q 66:io en ])t$ce...a&d left. ?'. A1 ctdk, 55, sentor6 rc; 8a:2S /8:56 IouoasLels Btole UIE 6ho$ s tdeh Fohool nrEelE cal- 2d. Jetu De crede, Qutz tLtl.82,t9 52,rq Iecied tle be)!+ tfte ptes6 dli l5-j/Es-old nhL! da- 29. D!. A. J6!(re sceelde..S C.'83:i? ?s:i7 der AjJEiIo Marrirez took sreqrh, sa!!t/ clalk er@- 30. Job! cleke, ssra suzs;s,' g.rh ?i,it lonlLa v13ie lJEb School rbn Lhe trl.qh sah@t oiEsid 31, f!6!} Sd, SenloE TC, 85:Ot 5/:oi rfti,}l rrd *!-aIL. Ben4.!o1t m6 local o 32. :!a!& ldtter, vM r14ts! vlclo! 85i, 56t1a 'r61ob arld A1 r{arrlrez 1@ Ee"ond h Lhsu dlyJsto!. 33. John Me@te,40, loo4sk, 86:0g 82:08 peD r€isbtor, _b!e\,Bt fiF 3lr. rFd crce, Tr, seuro 16, A6,I e.l iii .r'Dsd lrlcr,al 8eeh, 1orek . n-c@lh€ LIde Lo p@s ou. itr-rsh canra aia urer ::. r" au*"t6rt,-4r, s", rc,' ez,ir fg,ii








; ii ; ;; -S "i ii ;L i. ;A -i 4i



:r 35. ,loro e.td<haB, 5oj ua., cLends-le, 88:17 BJ:I? 89:3r Tjrjl 3?. Ceoree tileenlck. :3, jeDlos -., ?U. Ed 5y11{6, Jr., ORn c.ayhoulds, gttee 66.?8 39. rlrj. rho6!6on, senlols Ic, 93tao 6r3a rr0. do:d Bar.esr rrr. c-nloft -c, d:.5 )o:15

L'" c.re rl11n6, .2, -!. _Tc, r.t3:ll L. nrdy o*ir, qen o-s 1-t-l:13 '-. f-e rcf h,rI, .r.:c,. L.Ll:55 !. .. ro'D -cort, 51, !. c,lL:55



89:11 6r I2 8z:t+3 lrl Loo:?t 85 99125 02 7orl5 4 94!]7 tJ g2r-7 j 9et5e 7e 7\!t5 7rtt 6 7 76:55 1i toj:38 89 7at\5 8 101:51 88 85r5o 56 8lr:06 50 73t37 11 /,,.1A eO j':JB :P os.Lo 75 ...i1 -::6 7

ra]!! liarbeg ^ Jo\n taldecfet!. sr._'c, :)J5,4j '-. r/, _!d T. 31trs, !h, sr.TC, u5:4? U.:5? t0. Jon! r.r.riotE, 57: sr.rc" r.5:a8 D!. Joln oa6Lteo, S!, fC, -f ::45 '_, ? . uc \.r€-, tul., Llo.M rl. B11l c@, s!. Tc, t-,..j 51. Brre cj€iul..'., @,., [?:]8 55. Jacl Pt!H!, _larade4 !-4, rL..L5 56. D1c.k Co!t, 46, S!, Tcr u7 t53 57, Je!4' Iertl@z, r.Eat,, t-18:2o 56. lob st e!dl]I, le., IEREE ],IuE EICF SCIIOOI, RW 1 c 36 Azrec !c,88.t7 1. Dare 16c&Err Bihtiigtoa 3eaci, 16:03j 2. Jor! VeE?o. ce8d T'.laEla, r.4. m. c€orse r4eEdclr sr.Tc,U8:18 uo, l:.fu hetu V&ILet, 16:1ot 3. Bob stog6d LLLj !e!rftdbf. Devld bi-ada, Azlec Ac, -r8:a8 gil-ltd, 4. et, I6t2)t Dor .!t. Yalleyr l5t?8t latry 5. _6:i.r 6. Ed Deresded e!, b2. l,lgrto PoJs, !@i., :.o:Lo C,€_ttob, P^o llvela, Qlrarcz, Ihlk q6ter, Le!.r 12o:l_ lb:49j 7. cored l@ryr 4!i. va11ey, 17:07j 8. ceolae 91. :n '20. IlvxnA" A.v.r 17r19j 9. ste€ stepheE, labde.le, 4:2oj o!. C, CoLLlE, u!a!., 65. Art rl!e, Eat., 2.!. t6t 5 L. 1.. cobert lvruj Dcllfldrer, 1":2?. (30 rbJ6he-s) Noter...1O4 l1Etd fl41Ehef,s.,A nev corse Ecoltl fc! No1,e6...Dare !ocb@ ce@ alL tl€ rqr fr@ Instlleton .ft.-kiis -\rue 9+9 @9f of ure Pel4j_c coa€r c1.:r 3€a!h to rb lls flr6i A.A.U" ereni, but {e! g1ren a 41. JFfI 42, lihrtln T6y1o!, 54j SentoB TC, 98.O? 89.02 43. Ed 3ou1illn, 1e., Dqf4eyr 98tat+ 76t33 q4. lil'af,rt Reed, l@" Idcate., 98:dl Z8;04 (t!lry, 45. 31IL Cr4E? Cliy Ac, lOO:rlO 81:10 4b. r4ike sln€er, qa.! oj]dtz Fjl_r" U8:33 88:33 liloie6.. "Gt a lather hot dqy, rarv nlues succr_Ebed to tbe !eat, FffiE!, P!i1 Calon ltkeil the deEert 6u & rcn lxts ft6t ercr A.A.U. d16i6ce event. AI Coope!, vbo loaal{y doe8 not 1i!e the heBt, ])r!red he c.u1d take 1t a! h€ r.on the b$eicep !ee.

hafd chse

fen f3-yed-o1d,

' -

non-nfun scb@1e!j Jolo

:.:- jr h:-.-?J

oAD ,Uli

satrBd4r, Jue i, rt69 9t3c A.I. slonso@d by: ront&a ft. Clrebe! of C@rce &a1 Ctty .f lohtec, Celifoeta ,. . ^^r.T. 1. Johr slrosa, Pdaltc rG, 27 tr:43 ?8:!3 ?. 3ir1 aEbonj &attehed, 95t55 83t25 45 3. !!ed oface, 71, senlo$ 1C, 103:50 101:20 4. l.t+e n@!, S?*td Ir,C., 105115 ?O:lr5 4

5. Ive stltlic<r uar., 'o5t55 La5 t55 6. Ar rho!@son, 43, seotorE Ec,lo5:Oo 88:30 ?. Irahkrjn sar, se!1oF Ic, 105:30 80:30 8. cbsles pesberlon, rhai., 106:3t 81:35 106:110 ?5:10 9. Malc lund, uaitehed, r0. 4ire 116r, 63, seljoc! ", 1aAtL, 99t\5 11. B, hice, $attached, 12, Ton Eolroyd, LAm !ees, 107:$ &fr10 13. nlcrprd seldo, 45, sr.Tc, 108:12 82:12

1r. st(re crozlerr 1e1., 108:!8 83:)r€ 16. 'ts. iosefteld, occtden,al, 1Oo:oz 8::l^ 17. !o! Ipte, 50, sc s1,!iiles, 109:18 83:18

18. Bob aobbelson, seoJors TCr 19, IEaT cafte}, senlols rc, 20. scotty Donatrd, 43, si. Tc, 21. Pbl] Carfon, cenirrg "Cr 22. .ql* shede-, LO, "A?D"j 23. BlrL o'Do@el1j senloF rc, 24. il1 EouAdinr uat., 25. -q&ert coo!e., 50, sr.Tc, 26. r,is.1t J4Ebu{r, 40, s!. Tc, 27. Rick Vasquerr Senlo!6 Tc, 28. r"ll].e r,r&'ie!, pactftc codr, 29, A1 cldk, senloa rcr55, 30. BJTo! rottsr Redoh riErers 3f. lob Brge€6, \fu+,, ?P. 'oby Medlna, 5or ,/!Dr, 33. Doo Jo.esr lr2, 5e, '0-6 , 34. Luis ReEilelo, 1et. , 35. 'd coq., ha-., 36. ilalE Rderick, 1, s!. cr 3?. 8on limle, cscBJ 38. Daldd Celdeld, uat., 39. C@Ile slor'c, 43, 1r, c, rro. tEBIle celde.a, ua!., oJalto R, !1. Dalitd nrgales,@at., 42. Cor{@ Ilhes,

109:22 ?8:5' 109:45 79:15 109:58 &f:28

92 63 33 35 83

36 57


48 )+6

43 30

L&ta5 69i, rLO:15 86:U Uo.L3 &:43 l]'ot45 7'ltl5


r58 ll.1:00


53 51









ruro4 56:0!* lx:10 88:lro LL1:23 8O:e3 rLIrla 9l:40 1X:L. o?:r5 Ul:i,: ?Lrl5 ]J-!t47 97 trl U:Eo 79:20 1f2:I2 67 t12 1J2:53 '13t23 tl,:51+ 8l:54 82.15 bb.Ll rL3:!. 7bt25 U3:30 7E:30 I-12:o5 8o:0,


1 A+




1lt 79 31 66 2 10


!7 55


Do! Sla..hm, 29


olil staldald or 65:07 by .,asE l@e seconds. lhe coq)ute! badlcepplrs !q&u.zed e good @lodiy of the Jrcr!€ !1ee!6 Etuce ihey haa io I)er'o6 eco.d ed hait to 8Ld.t fid 6cl.atch. p3-fect 60 'ceree realne. Elde Iieal tulrla coDdj L'oE. -- :d afford-SaLLoG


nhe 15,


oPEll & MAsTErs , 3/4-lfiLE RIII cpAc, .19:30 /LsL Qe!.r 2. sLeve Jarre6, .1..8$ UaL. ACr !1"!l]@l J1:29 {hd olen)j 3. Jt! Eol_Idtu, cpAc, l2:-g' I3d orea); 4. PaJ.1 J*Ljon, ve. r.rBsrefs, ::,oe (r-t 3ol9);.5, Dae LBt-1e!, Vat. !C, 35tJAj 6. Dave Ad@. u!a,. li:3ri ". {en.qo:o^ noser, te. xa6t-alBr '39:oli 8. ..1 \,io;bod! /ad 3o-3a); o.. R. ffion, @a., [1.co tr.. (IEtHtiT, 44-49), 10. flr cDForl, l,'r'f L1;r3 f IsU 5O_,9); 1r. (21d rro-rra)j _.. i, F. coodie, l_l**-.!9kl - rl"lrr!-ro); : r.2:or1,. Bur rrercF, srl.Rec. sLdd., iry,-ilil_t19 a3:25 I l,"d 30-30), 11. tub Ldrle.r u" La:10 (a!e )o_56i 15. Dr. Dlck,Jdsn!, w, )r8:4ot 15. ea snepaln, Mr, 5O:o5 17. Ir. Jh Desp3ey, MM, iI:oo. D!F- D.. c!se'l@a, m,!. r/2 wE (9 & n{rB)- .1. Cr41es Fefflefrlee!, 3:2?, 2. _

,ttu Fe!d, 3.

P6u1 l.tilebt. (]2 & rhde!) - t. Doua l1unirln, 5:32j 2. _o\E-[trIEPtedo!; 3. Dddd Eefiterlroer.



_JrpIsTO:r t{ArC, J]rr1. .8t! q-I ?'qu- 1, B.t firuGfov-r raretuiiJe ..c, o:llj ?. cp".'.9::: ,, Bi_- U._.o1, lrar,AC.9:16: "-n 'lddc.sr L. {1 j:cc nr cpac, o:-1 ., L oJtJ Stocu,, 36, c.^.,9t)7 b. R8Jot C_st, Wot, .\', 1O:0)... ,. SL-@ Js$esr irc, 10:Lj a, ai !uke. L'A', rOr.o. ., ""iut 1er, u"-, iO: t"j Io. irtke €.ocbe, CpA . lo:troi L_, paul tullg, !xrc, roj5o: I.. f,ete s-. oeter, Lr]Ac, u:t_1: L:. o-,e iiuer, Uat. ! , l2:04. (-o,L .-act.,HJ-_en\e 6 r.1 ed,\e lsi: 22L5r ro overrare td itede-s. ,. j.!!le_ /l+o_rro _ es Le!€ .oa1. t, fln Dsrpseyr 'bioe ,t6re-. ;r6--)-e. Job.1 L1e, L2, \01, 7:08.,J-, aste.s lite fr _ e c@, 16,_cp^ ,.,r: :e;-7;.1E-pre!"-: .r..;:":t;:; 6:55.. t11- iell- 1. ceocge !:,aric, r.' '.. , o.r cL..t],Fr! lF1/. T3l@T, !ORrL/nDJ |.rArrrE' J.:t9 2r, Ig6g . Ble / laoal, "omr 'bte re.:..cn , r.d E.rrcar rccotrl ''la.Lnere t @ ere j:lse- Brb t lle: e ,r rn. eerue l_ *. ft9 re rose!€! u!-1 bhe -.-at -f or. vh-Ln 1ll" 1Eke,.o@d tt oh L/ qtn iD 1r::0.). :: I€love;t),ked ]a:31.6. 3. uo"d sroctu, cD,l , 15:21,j: ,, B:u jl-sd, uAc, 15:3or 5. stew JqFes, uac, r':j,lt a, .en -'ande.s, CPAC, trj:O3j i, Tira tao-€al, C!A._, 16: j 8. gotea )e; WAC, 1b:39,. €stels lltle- 1 F!. JIE Debrsey, ,:50. olYl.tP-c D!14 ODUENI

)e, i!E-,

ltllrur[ GAnDEit cRo\,ts (c!rE..) DrsraNc! Rltis - ufil SloNoled !y: Gariten Glove leeleaitob sd PdkB Dept" surdqv. ftle 15. 1969 Dlectc!: M&e.4ddi6 lo-MIIE IIAILCAP (118 Etartels) !.T. 1. !. J. GoldelJ 47, seuios Tc, 83:32

@taz 62)+, 86:2a 68:51 U:29 6e9 g6:50 '. Oeoree lEvon, Sc Stlidefs, 6. D!. Ar+hu s.bnelde! 44, s!.1c,87:20 58r2c !re6too, 13, Foeialn vs.1. r87:l8 ,8:18 ?. q. Joh 8?:49 ,4t56 Jelf 3ryMt, uet., 9. weFer ilflEse!: senloF Tcr 8l t56 ,\.j6 8l trl 6rt57 10" Ste Rosdfleld, OQr, LL. nd Sy1\4E, Jt., GEen Crybd6, 88:29 &.29 88:33 56.33 12. Paul stsJf' esclB' 13. &dlie Atktc, senlolg Ec, 88:36 52.36 (en 2. ,tohn qbltney, rei., 3. Jsck ]irtsht, 45, senlos Ic, 4. Jobr r-etE, senlor"s rc,


79 56 84 7a

82 36

2\ 2\


62 29 10

sa!td€!s, Ra-tdm n@trB, 88:lr1 X4. 6\ 15. Bo! HenEn, 43, se!1o6 Tc, 88:l'6 8a:49 64:49 63 16. BLu Mltcher-1, uGL., 1?. Bob E€trick, lr5, seniors Ec, 88:52 6t152 52 88:58 5rt58 I 18. Patrl4k xaltey, l@t., 19. scotiy lrrraldr !a, senior6 Ic, 08:58 65ea 65 89:rr 2J. Bldle (elth, c6crB, 21. !ons.1d Jcnes, 43, Senlos TC, 89:14 22, Bl11 otDo@IL! seniore Tc, 89:16 63t!5 5A 2J hi-'.e .r1st, 63, senicls EC, 39t25 '17 '25 9l 89:6 58t* 7l 2+, E!*eae St@, SenloE TC, 25. Bon wlse, Paclf1c co@t c\in' @t4 Sote 2 26. t!a* Frerne, cu1€t cliY Ac, 89134 53:34 15 d91. l,ft&e ti{6rcn, !!ulD 19, @t36 *,06 89.31 53:37 !6 28. Deald caldela, 1e,, 69t39 29. Rlck vsq@z, seE..s TC, 89,4, 6.L5 t+1 30. RrdJ Odcir, sehlo!6 TCr 43, 3!. Tc, 89t49 67t19 75 [Fsnlc(, Ceorse 11. 32. cbuctr s:!esd-, ssta lsbara Ac, 89:51 49:5r. 1* 89 t52 67ta 76 33, Tod RohE!, 1@t., 89 t58 63158 50 34. Flsk1ln s4, senlof,g ?c, 35. Eoeer serBour, ?s.t!lc co4t c,89:59 36, fiell@ Pode11, 56, sr. Tc, 9,16 72t6 90 90:18 6o:18 48 3?. B]'ion Poit6, FeliloE liee$, 38. oDlles seekrs, 52, s!. 7c, ,4,?I 90:31 5o:o1 45 39. T.r co{Y, re.' 4o. Ed ]lou.!db, $s., 90:32 59toe tQ L1" Plrtl cdlon, senlos Tc, 9)'x 4e. D!. Jonn Psgfleo, senlolB Tc, 90:59 53tA 14 lr3. Cl:dle3 South&'rl, 52, S!.tCr 91:03 57;03 1+ 4r+, 9il.1 tel-18, 51, sebloF 1!, 9!to5 62t35 55 4;. Dlc! cod, 4?, senlols TJ, )-:t4 72t\4 91 Lo. r€! strone, )+1, senlos Tc, 9l:16 ntl6 95 47. l,lendel sdlih, sc stllders, 9Lt21 4€" walier J#bury, 1lo, s!.Tq, 9rt28 57 t28 3\ 49, toe roledo, senloft Ec, 9i.t30 9ra6 56:o6 28 50. Uine ste!€rir CSCIB, 5].. Ccorge DePoote?, S!. EC, 9\137 52. (eith St!od-l, urat., 65112 67 53. Bob liJd-a.a, uat., 5It56 7 5L. Hol]'r{ M[Le., 1l!at., 92$8 68:08 80 55. Do! ItEaV, lE5 vegai TCr 92taB 6ett+a 57 55. coun cuirer, 41, ba. , 9 92t34 52tP 57. Ron Krirle, cscl,r, 92t48 52t\A ft 58. cral€ Conarqy' ssclB, 93:04 71:04 88 59. !1 ThlEdlson, l+li, sr. Tc, 60. Jonn cdcla, 51, sentors Tc, 93:06 66,06 68 61. ru16 Restlepo, uat., 93ru 75 r[1 93 62. I€l?y Mam, u'ut., 57 ta5 34 53. Ct}ne Anbe, 52, Sellors rc, 93:15 68:45 83 62 64. n! c1ak, 5r, sedolg Tc, 93.15 &t\, 55. Jo!! !alte!lel!, senio4 rc, 93155 Tt55 89 66, DJue Sh@rrr, qeg"dinlster DC, 93:5t 53.55 18 57. &B Esie', ua., 93,5tr 53t56 !9 68. Bit l Gboh. ua.. )4to5 66:35 7a m 59, xen lttrffitt; tc.; 5\to6 a5 4 ,06 69'36 70. loly l4edltu, LAPD. Pacem, *:06 {1O7 liBted ftlisherc )


SCEOCI, 5.I,IE,E iI'iI 1. Dave llhlt€r rcc, 24:0oj 2. glrl* EoffEa, l8., 2lrrogt 3. vlcr€v !Jooll.'y, Pcc, *tL'j )!. ylke Bae!, sDc, 24:1?j t. Jlr rr€nch, sDc, ?l!:19j 5. Ttu Llpstrlr le., 2L:39, ?. steE va:Ba, \tDc, d+t53t 8. clalc stetche, sDC, 2r:o4t 9. Iarrs A!e!" ua.: 25r19j 10. Rose! sendeFon, @.' 25t59i IL. Petu&do vaftla, CJSIE, 6t4, 12. tumh Sutll\e, uha., 26:30, 13. C.!dd CBqrbe11, SDc, Xi3oj 1rr. I@ iladssAy, tes., 26:Loj U. ceoEe nooll, tbal., 26:jr5, 15. l1clad pr!6si, Brc, 26:)1, r?. cree suLlrv@ 1$2.' 26t56t 18, fi! s!ee!, @., 26.56 j 19. Rtck F1dllat !BIc, Zf:Oej 20. lary cation, lha., 27:06. (?5 ltrteil l1nt6h6$) +Eotb 10 Eil-e q!!t 5 etle ule€ rere rer cour€e Eco!d5. co]Eed e11€hqy Bls of etual alEtd1c4. Jlnlor Dar€ llhtte !e! 8:59.7 h ile Cellfonla Staie BS li&et fo! tb di1e3. --Ste Stafrole--



llc8rl-s caPIlEEs 5-t4u,E qolrR AFtf,c tI],[iulo MnE Natlck, I!36., ,nrly 4tb- rhe oary 11@ rE averase gW nltrl the6e dqtE tu vhen he's late, BtLl Nor& fron leEdy, l4aas., Bogton Col1ege aj1d ihe -Airy rs no exce!gILL !e tle btte 6ta/ctng at 5 p.b. ln ieedlrM s. rcn Flth a 11@ of +:I9. 11E! G hE-ted @. 1. !h. L9:! dDraf llatick tAU neet, registered fo! ihe rtve alte at foE dnute6 before slx, sid-ted ]:ffi]jg ksnr back tu rrlre pek abd rcn 1s 26:07.8. Dob DblV of Olowester, {Es. n€3 second Ed to4a lrontielo cf eloucester rs in1ryl, ReEufls {atick Lq - !E1e- l. r: E nlv., lr:30.2j 2. J.ses rentr-BAAi 3. Clocketi rt.asey, lrtnceton,..999- r. Grs B(Jlil1E, 6a., 1:55.6; 2. ttallh Bdes.i, }!TCj 3, n:i cesElo, CC!,I.

2BII- ]4411@ AAU T8A CEq.I'IPIOXtsEITS dr a €!y hot (g7-deerees) .qy not c.nfuclve to sood r1milg tr'e dlstance e€lts reF raiher s1c{, rru-, Lhcse lrho ftntuhed Bl(red ihel! couo€e. q4lt!- 1. Ra&h Gr@t, ],raterrll-le Ac, 3::52.3j 2, ;ioyd slocrn, G!ACj 3. Rey Si. Pete!, i3-A9..,]41fe- 1, -.L1 ilcatd cPAc' 1t17.7i 2. .iebs [!sEo. +rh:orta F':_.. : r. " l"flire l€ecl'e, GllC; q. oed ,lnlD€, !n\'...I{aaLes rdleJUTE

I-loJd slocu, C C, 5:10.'j e. r. .nc dJi-E]ie M6stes, 5:59i 3. BI-IL !te!ce, _1.r1,Ie1. Fc., 5:43"


2, : I .o, ua. 3-[8L6- 1. B1U {lsoDr ,/dcr I55f; 3, uaru suo@le, tfi^ , L6:Lo; L. Ro:e4d tFr, rnc, 17:oij 5. Ronald Dyelf L.DC, r:1:...2-J.iil^ ,a_lL- .. a-1 .. PeLLeLle!! !RA', L8:th./; 2, Ceoree ffir. .: Beaupal6li, LIAC; 4.


Plelce: Ia1,


Ct!-lerOSteS, OcxvIIJt, T?Mi.. Jue 2ar & 21 3,@ih Stclse- 1. t!! ?d\Iey, o-6on si€ r ' :. , 7'. ec-ld-- e!ec)!ci old rdr 8:L',6, 1o L: q- rv!o! of vlllsoea)j 2, sieve sar6sc, e.esonr e:!tj 3, r@ Draeqy, :"tUsoTe, 8:45.5j !. Std Si.k, Botrllr€ Greetr, 8:45,2, 5. non Petifu@, !e!!erdihe, 8:49.?j 5, tie!-r:r lesce, i*a3, nf !4o, 8153.9...3-l'6le- 1. ale i]Ieso. UEC. L :1).o: . -!srh sho!t--r "G;-_. : .'' . .o" Tr:.iseJ c.e:.a, lJ: 6.3, L. - e r ' ). r', I 52.6t 5. ]* coolidse, Kent stsie, i::5e.9j 5. .u.t Du1c!4, Iloty CFs6, ir03.5...@- 1, t4alty r!quo!l: V1176a'fe, 3t57.7j a. Jtu &u, tdas, 3:59.r?; 3, r!di. IrJrllv, v1le6/a, 3:59,8j 4. c.tdle6 ra.ed, lizoE sr. 4:OO.5t 5. ldrc]-l l,tlchaef, 1Jln. & I.l4rJ., )r:al.lrj 5. ltU Sre"tr i{esHneton, 4 :02,1. IICAq T&q

Ir4TIOr?.i AnU T&r CrlAltrlolistFsr l,E4ttr, FIoRIDA 6,/?8-2g q-119Jak Beheler, _.1a, j

T', ?o:_ . . J@- '.4s-. ter'co, a8:ia,ir t. -n ,o-e. .J.s, r0J r. 2A:t6.!t lrnr Sholter, Yale .ur :o: 2; 5. m .D fD@, dtBcoEln state, 29:OO.6i 6, tuue ttele, !acil1. cost c1ut,29:45.6 rrslrRtY, cfcD, _5LAJD, .tsv, I'J l)f , l- ..t -",., Reaihe!: ldeal 5-lIII!s 1. !e! Peie!sq,., w.,25.22.6) 2. Boh lo:'le, m raBo:C 2>:50: 3. o_eo. .onef!!o, Be-k- n Ac, 26: .i L. d .. 6oD 9ff. 26:51: l. .A,reu ..!e. . si c- . ,r..: t-rrez- ua.,



Ar.!1cle I- NAUE This oraarlzEtlon shal1 be lrnorn as trThe Boad Runners Club of AnertcF". herelnrfler ieferred to as the Club. Local Boad Bunners Chbs are referred to s.s yeot_.er Ctilbs,

Artlcle 11-


A. The prlnary purposes of lhe Club are the pronotlon end encour.genent clstrnce rurnlnc rs F conpetltlve spo:.t anit as a 4ears of healthfur e;erc1se,of tonq B. To flrtther tbese obJectlves the Club nayr lronote anil oonduct races or other Feilvittes relate,l to runnlngr dlssenhate lnforr.tlcn on run.lngr pa?t1c1pBte in or 1ns!1tute res€trch prolectsr neLe anerds, end do a1f such other thtn!.s lrcldenlet or cohduclrre !o lhe encourageFe.t of all types of r.ufntnF, C. fhe Club nsy ena.ge ln co|Inunlty actlvlties, publ1c1ze long.J16tance ru4.1.a, erit cooperate wlth other entltles EdvocEtlng runnlng as r rnears of physlcat fllress. D. The Club shrll be sn rfflllate of the Anateur Atbletlc Unton of the Unlted States. Such eff1l1atlon, on the nat1ona1, assoclstlon, or local level, sbalt be es s ron-conpetlnE, Fronol:1onr1 anal representatlonel body. Inillvlduel Club henber.s nav conxDeie for e conpeilttve club or ss 6n unattBcheil ethlete, ln accoialance l,'ltb AAU rules. Club she1l pronote cooperallon anona and develop strong bonds wlth Boad - E, The Runrers Clubs of other netlons, the Club 6ha11 also lend;hai:ever esststance Fosslble to any oraanlzFtlon concerned wlth the development of tona dlstsnce runnlng. F. The Club shall act e6 natlonal representa!1ve for: all such rnetters that the separste Mentrber Clubs are not able to rccornDllsh. ATtlcle III. }IIMBEBSIII? A. Dlstance runnln€! grouts nay be adnltted to lilerbe! Club status by folloi ln8 the procedures outllned ln the cener.al nules. llenbershlp h Sooal stanatlng tlay be naintalned by contlnued representetloir Bt annual neetlngs andl t1nely atues pajnlrent6. B. A l'lellber Chb dellnquent ln alues paybents or rlthout lepresentatlon at the a?.nupl neel:ln8, by delegate or by p"oxy, for t o o- Bore yeala, nay be suspendedl by naJorlty vote at the ennup-.l neetlng rt xhlch the alellnquency beoondes kncirn. Suslended genber clubs ,Te not el1alble for partlclpatlon ln Club chanllonshlpa or othet ect1v111es. C. The terrn "Bosd Bunners C1ub" sha11 Dot be used 1n the nane of any conpe!1rlve club u4der" ltre iurlsdlctlor of thls Ctub. D. The fequlrenents for 1nd1vldua1 nenbershlp ara an lntereet ln long allstance runnln8 or phystcql fltness anal the paynent of snnual alues. Such Eenbershlp le acqulred throuAh the Yenber Clubs, or lf ?one exlsts ln lhe appllcantrs area, aa an at-farge Eenbel. E. lrlembers at-1ar8e are 1na1vldue1 nenbe?a of the Club not reslallnA ln the aree of a l,lember CIub enal peyhg iluea to the natlonel Treasu?er. Itrey are entltled to at1 the 'rlahts anil pTlvllegea of other tnenbets, anat a collectlve representetlo]r e! the annuel F, ConpetlnS nerdbers hust be anateur athletes reglstereal or certlfleal ln wlth the AAU anil 1tlth vrhetevet oonpetltlve oraanlzatlon such nenbers nsy Altlcle IV- cETINGS A. The Club shau hold one annual rdeetlng durlng the calenala! year and as neetlngs or reglonal neetlngs as a?e deeoed necessa?y by the lresldent anallor kecutlve 1ng


B. The annual neetlng shall be the only the at *h1ch chenAes ln the Constltutlon or Gereral Bules ney be voted upon. Speclal rieetlnas nay be held for eny olher purpose and ney be cF:lled by the Preslalent or. e rnqlorlty of the other rnenrbers ci ihe &ecutlve loerd. C. Beglonal meetln8s llay be eonvened et the dlscretlon of the !_egiona]. ce-?]'esldenls. D. Votes for these neetlnas shall be apportloned to l4enber Clubs eccordlnA io !he1r ne'nlrershlp. One vote shall be granted for every twenty {20) members, up to a nar.lEu.E of ten (10) votes. tvery l{enber Club shal1 have at leasl one vote" E. T'he hnedlate paet Presldent and the chalrnan of the Nltlonrl riAU Long Dlsiance and Eoad Runnln€i Con.litee shal1 each have one vote l. any Club neetlna, :-f they ere Eenbers th good stEndlnA of the Club.

: Ihe-qt-tar' cL.t I l.rve co.ttecrlve]v --.F.speclql --ebr;q is e:.en,;r'crub.";;,,i;;t;: a"y


et the an'ruel meer.lra or


E9"! r.tenber ctub shatt re,nl1: to the Trelsurer en _.. I, o. e-.uc1 dues lqyneht ors?d on,he nurDber 1r- *e-b-rs. .enbcr:r_p torris es-of,1 Dece6ber d"u:r:i;; !.e l.eDber crub a'1rLil duec .or !!e fol,oqj.q Clu- ..tscaI ye,rr (I Aprlt- lt sharr r:"rch), calculqcei Less than 20 menbers "" r.ff."=i f, 10. 00 20 to 99 nenbers .5C 100

or nore



::::i"r!ry:r:F:r"i,'ai3,.:i?;i.::-^i:;;:l.ti:;:'f_:".i.j:i: J3:.1"*r"r"r***,"":,:F,til,,, :;;;:""1",1:":t.t;:,.;;j::""::;il,::: * ;*ljli",li,iir3"ilpi",",p"te unt,r irreir .-

,",i;u l:'3i;,3i"1:;:{";::31';":,.1;i:'^#?:i.:"" rhelr convenlence, D.

Onty Nhe Trersurer nay authorlze tbe expendlture

A. Arr rutes



nttt"t" vr-


but club i,ues are re-

Ctub fun.ts.



3i;:";;:;".:li":,:'::ii:::':::::'x"l::,';::i1,11"ii.""".,,"", ",*t;",":f!.;"ilyi:":t^:l C. Appeal proce-.dlnAs 1.

InC 1vi4uA

shalt tre conslitej.ed as followsl I menbers h

;mj*fi,"!:;*;"1'B$;:"fil";i::"1,:;:':i"i;"':,*""::;i:,'.];:,ff ::".::fl:t"i""i;: o..,3i"3n3i"]3,!3":;.ii:".T:l:"fi.;i,,";:";:":;il"o:l"gl'if;l.ii;iiSiils;o:ldrehrlbs


Artlcle VIt-



ff!'?il1""ffi"':r:f;"51jf,i::13 ::":'"""u

bv ba11ot bv a narorltv vo!e



Presldeht Beglon!1 Vice-presldents Secretary Txersurer

'n"l',nI!E t;i'"::":::i;: i:;3u,lT;""::;:".1ii3":n" C.


No person nav serve,,,ore

?he Erecutlve Board

shatl constst of the etecteat offtcels afld the pest p?esldents, Artlcle vlrr- AMEND'{EI''= F. Thls corstrrutlon mey be


"fii!i"iiii;.ftji:::i.;:H:ii#:iH'l#:i*i:li:l!:,n;r B.- All proposFl ea"rirents rust be submltted tn vrltlng rlne

a:i"eiJ:;:i;i"j:;tl;,:;;;ilei"j"":t*i:!;lii"i:"s#::i"";:;;;s'*oj"3;";"";j:: :: ;H,""'i".tlil#"tl!,?"i;:;:i"l'3;i.:i':,::ili::":,::?11.5.,i.:fl""1i;:'.:",i1!.f11.,,",n upon

dlssolutlon cf the club.

Artlcle rx-



La1.q6'ii:i:;;i:F::ir.l"1;:i;lirr"ir"i:r*rr:ili;liiixi:'*,lj:iiH;,:: i:",i:'.;ii' ffiiryrWifTr.i:iH"trT.#ff"!-""ffiffi'8,"iLl*:f #fJ::rlAr-iiesi*i.""ack, Ner?ort. Dele!= ll;";:*l;l;ji;rr,'3j;:;,il*i;,:.*r"#dH-;t:,ffi";ill,Tiffia,Titi:;,'l;'i,{l'il#;i;#;' ';fi$,'i:futr?ilfl::i-,s; Sfffi.'k ##i,,;ry"ff*::iffL.: "o, r5:ro :. xlbrett, Der6. RoE



Bule I- DUTIES 0F OFFICERS A. The lresldent presldes over rneettngs, appotnts connittees, appolnls the Dlrector of ^ csna,llEn Affalrs and the Dlrecror ot Hoxde;,s A;t1vlt1es, calte speciit neetlnas, ;;;;;_ -sents :lTe club' nalnralr's llslson nnlth other nat10n61 spolts organlzatlons, anat has the responslblllty tor any Club funct1016 not elserhere de1;8at;d to otbe! offlcers. ts. Tbe Cutles of lhe Fegloraf Vlce-presldents are tlsred 1n Aute It_ Reglons. EecretFrJ ls *sponslble for recelvlng andr llocesslng corresponcrence to enar frotr .. c:rnuroilrvirq the club' 'irembFr crubs of snnuar and speclal-neetlng,-certiryini a"rtgit."..io---" annusl or speclal neetlnss, .nd recordlng the ntnutes fo! a11'c1ub neeiings. D' The rrersurer' .cirnrsteis "-11 flnsnclrr natters, dlsbur.e' furars es drraected by the rules or the lreslcent, recelves Nexdber club dues 6hd snnual frnancler reports, and ciralrs lthe Fund Be lsing Co!r-1+,tee, E. Itlthln one {eek of electlon or sppolntnent, the nanes, addresses, andl telephone nunbers of r11 l4enber club orflcers shalr be sent to the club hesrdent; Bealonsl vlce Presldent, Secretary, .nd Ch6lrrran of the Begtstry. Bufe II- RECIoNS r. A vlce-rresrdent sh€l1 be efect€d for esch speclflc reglon and sha11 hare general respor's1t,1llty for Club operatlons th h1s regton. B. tutles of Regron'l vlc€-lreslatents shal1 lncfudte th€ ilevelophen! and charterlnr new lledber clubs supervlslon of r,renbei club race schedullng and c6nduct t."pJ"riiiv-irir,of ' reaard to chanplonshlps), Judglne eppeals, anar keeplng cr.osl contact nt.rh th; offrc;rs of ember ClLbs h1 thL- hti rerlon. c. An Asslstant secretsry for each reglon shel1 be appolntedt by the presrdlent the consent of the respectlve Realonal vlce-?res lateht. Hls d.utles 6hetr be to asslst ",1th irlth th; colreslondence end rdnlnlstr8ttve detall-s of the r,eg1on, D, There shall be flve reglohs, defhed as fotfo{sI 1, East- iqalne, New Ea]npshlre, Verllont, uassechuBetts, Bhode Islanil. Connectiout. N91l 19rr., l{en Jersey, pennsylvanlr, t{ary1ana, Delavare, tes! Vlralnta, v1;s1nt;; ;;a -' lhe Dlstflct of Colunbk. It qlso 1.c1udes Canade. 2. South- North Caro11ns, South Cero11na, Ceorgla, F1orlats, Tennessee, A16baEa,

Mlss1ss1ppl, Ar'ranses, Loulslana, Oklahone. andl T€ras. l. lilorth- Oh10, Kentueky, Inatlena, I,Ilchtgen, Ill1no1s, Lllsconsln, Mlnnesota, towa, anal 14lssourl. 4. CentTal-- North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebreska, Kensas, l{ontana, Wyonlng, Colorado, enil New l.lexlco. Wgst- Vashln8ton, oregon, C9llfo!:n1e, !{oraale, Idaho, Utah, Arlzona, Alaska, - :. and Ha{e11. ' E._ Appllc€tlons fron prospectlve ll€Dber Cl.ubs shal1 b€ by the neAlonal ylce tresldent. Such aplllcatlon shal1 be accornpanled by a copylecelr'ed of the orAanlzatl;nrs constltutlon, a current n€nb€rshlp 11st, and 1lst of offlc€ls. the Beglonql Vlce_presldent, t{lth the consent of the Presldlent, sha11 approve or atlsapp.ove oa the request anat set.lhe aatnlsslon dlate. Upon notlficatlon of ecceptance, the nei-llehbe! Club sh;ll forwerd to the Treasu?e? a alues paJrment based on the charter 1lst of I,he tressuter !.111 th;n send nenbershlp csr.ds to the nexl llenber Club, end they'renbers, rttl then be e]lglbl-s foi ett rlahts anal pr:1vlleges of Menber Clubs. Ru1€ III- VOIING & ELEC?IONS gpec131 neetlDAs, lnoluatlng electlon

A. In all annual or offlcers, each exober Club shsll have ae nany vote6 €s provlded for lD Artlcle tV of theofConstltutlon. B. ff secret ballots ere taken, each delegate entltldd to voie sha1l cast 1t indlvldua11y. For voloe votes, the chlef alelegate of eFch ltlerlber aClub nay announce hts Menber Clubr s. vote6 collectlvely. C. A quorrh shall conslEt of at leest four (4) [anber Clubs. D. Notlce of the annuaf neetlng, wlth agendla, shal1 be sent to all l4ellbei Ctubs at .1east one nonth lD adlvbnce of the neetlng. Notlce for sl)eolal beet{ngs shsl1 be sent at feast tro ee€ka ln oalvehce.

* E. The Presl'len! shrll anruelly sppolnt a coD-ltlee of not less than three (J) rnenbers lo diar! up, IIst ol canillatates for e8ch elected offlce. ftrls conr0lttee shall

hee! the day before the AAU Natlonal l-ona Dlst,nce & Boad Ruhnlng Connlttee neetlnA. F. AdCltlonal candldates nay be nonlnated frcrn the floor at the annuaL lleetlng. Candldetes nor: elected for one olflce nay be nonlncte.l for iemalnlng offloes. C. renber C}ibs not hevlne deleraies 1n attendance al lhe annuat meetlng nay deslenete a.nember of anoliher lenber Club as thelr proxy. The Secretary shr11 be notlfled of such proxles before the .nnu.1 neetlnAr tn rT1tlnA. Rule IV- collllTTIES ?re perhaneni a.d contlnulngr A. The folloqInc coFiltlees 1, Fur.l nalslrlq- Chelre,l bv the Tre?surer. lts duiles 4Te to assls! 6hil rdvlse on ful]il i9lslnc for local an4 nillonel purposes! elso to 2. orarnlzatioh- It6 prlr.ry duty ls to foster new l,lenber Clubs, C1ubs. It shaU ensure represâ‚Źri.t1oh of xu.ners 1n the lioverniett of natloral and l4er0ber 'nd pronotie extenslon ol the Club proSrarn to s11 Seoaraphlc FreDs Drider the Club's purvlew. 3, lnrorrn.tlor- Chelred by the llrector of Co'rruYrlc_t1ox6, Iis dutles ere to conplle rnd dlstrlbute 6 conposlte scheatule of Ell BBC events, erd io dlssenlrete lnfonnatlon on runrlrrg, by requesi or on lts own lnlt18tlve, to lnterested partles. 4; Eese"rch- Responslble for naklrc \nown the laiest develop.ents 1n athleilc or neillcal research pertelnlra to runnlnq, Fs well as asslstlnA 1n obtalnlnA daia for 1egltlrnate lrork 1r lhese areas. 5. Slandards- llas lhe resFonslb111!y of establlshlng slandards foi the chb for awards, perforrnance by rEe group, or course Eeasulenen! and l1!01n9. Il sha11 rnake reconnendatlons for awarals to merxbers for rchlevement, at'lat she11 ahruatly revlew the sia.dards and adjust tbe requlr'ements as neede.1, 6. Beqlstry- Iis 4uly 1s to cornllle anal publlsh eY\ annual realstry of nenbers. B. Other conrlttees nsy be establlshed by the Presldent or by actlon of lhe annue l neet1n6. l4enbershlp of corFlliees lis 6t the illscretlon of the Prealalent unless otherrlse stated. The pe nenent ccn-liiees shBl1 have et leest thiee (3) nenber:6 and she1l be chei-leil by sppolntees of the Pr-"sldent unless otheiwlse piovldeal for above. At leesl one nember or e.ch pernanent comnlttee sh6lI be ?etalned by a new Presldent.

Bule v- CHAI,IPIoNSHM A. fhe \Iatlonel BRc }l'r?thon Chanplonshlp shall be hefal annually ln the Fefl at a slte choser al the 9-nu.1 neetlnq. B. The N"tl^nal BqC Postal Ch,emplonshlps she1l be conducteal accordlna to these iules I 1. Every l4ehber Club sh2ll conduct a 10 r011e track rsce and a 2-nan, lo-nlle relay (ulierneie /r.40is) tor entry ln thls conpelltlon. 2. fte events tnsy be held et any llne betneen 1 Aptl1 andl 30 Septenber, fiu61, be run on e standlaral 440 yatdl outdoor treck. The track nay be 3, The reces of natuiel (c1ncer, clay, etc.) or synthetlc (lelten, Fastrac, etc.) rdaterlals. All-weathe! tracks axe reconnendleal to lnsure urllfoln t?ack contlltlons. 1+. More thrn one race ln each event ntiy be conatuctedt alurlng the speclfled tlne' but only one race rday be subnltteat lor constdersllon 1n each event' Poollng of tlnes ln sereral raceE ls not alfor.ed. 5. Thâ‚Ź races msy be run as open events, but only FnC rdenbers $111 be ellalble for natlonal llsthq anil aserds. 6, Score sheets for recordlng each lap tltne for each ?unnel are to be used ln all events. The6e score sheets nust be subnltted wlth the overall race resulls. fee for -each rece be $1.00 For lhe ?. It 1s recon'nended that lhe mlnlnrln entry race subnlttel for conslilereiLon, flflv per cent (5Oi) of the entrv fees shoulC be palal !o the treesurer (throueh the Dlrector of Postal CheJtrplonsblps ) ro defrBy the costs of natlonal argrds. 8. For teer scorlng 1n the ten n1]e treck race' nat1on31 IAU cross country scorlng

rules v111 epply.

9.sumn'ryregultsforeachracehel.L'nustbesenttolheDLreolorolPostalconpeand score tltloh wltirln three (3) days after the race 1s he1'l' and the su':-2rv sheets for lhe races selecied for flnal conslderatlon nust be postnar<e'I not later

lhan 5 October. of Posraf conpetltlon sha11 be Eppolnted bv the presldent Earnlnlster . c. A Dlrector competltlon proErRin, coltect and lubllsh reaults, snd arran8e forto natlonal el{ards. A comFlttee to qsstst h1n nay be appolnted, if deslred.


The nur

nule VI-



Your Llfe proaran sha11 conslst of non-coBpetltlve Joa8lng or runnlna evenls beld to ercourege nass pq?tl clpailon for physlcal fltness. B. Eich l.lernber Club shall have at l€ast one nun For Your Llfe ch€lrEah to pronrote lhe pfoSran ln lls .rea. C, Enlry to rthese events wlll be rlthout re8erd to aqe or sex. Thls does not exclude laces for speclflc aqe-groups or other cl.sses of runners. D, FFrtlc 1p' tion awards ( lncluillng qge-group stanilardl awarits) nay be Alven fo! lhese

Rule VII- CANADIAN AFFAIRS A' The PPc of canade shal1 be a lrenbei club untlr a natlonal club 1s esteb]lshear there. B. the PEc of canade shall cohduct 1ts operatlors ln €ccorala.ce wlth the constltutlon and the Gener'] Rules, uhfess these 16ns are 1n confl.lct wtth reaulatlons of lhe Canaatlan Amateut'



Rule vIII- PIIBLICATIONS fhe off_lclal !ubl1c.t1on of the Club shalt be knoi,h as iFoot Noiesi, I! shatt be pub_ ,, .t1sh€4 si le.sf querLerly, nore often 1f feas1ble, and Esy be lncorporateit as s suplt;nen! to lbe 'Long Dlstence Lgn.




the Generel Bules ll]ay be P'nended only ,t the anrual nxeetlng by e naJorlty of the e1181ble vote6 present. All arnendnents approved unaler thls provlslon shall lnto effect otl the thl rtleth ( 3oth ) dey follolrlnA the arnual neetlng unless otherwlse ao spectfled et lr)e

tlne of adoptlon. 1969-70



PruSptrE- Ed o'CorDeU, Fletcher Schoot of 16r alat Dlpl_ona.y, Tufts rhtverglty, tbdfold,lbss. OAtj5 Pasir PesldeDt- Jotrn o'rrtett, 15AO cl.1fton I1v6., L€&ewooA, dtu 44fO? schedule coElller- ro@ coJde, K&lerszoo, Irlchiea.l (p.0. Box 68?) vlce (Norsh) Vice Pfes:dent Esst- Kurt stetuer, t66O E. 21st si:,, Brook_1yn, N.y. U21O "resldent Vlce P?esid€nt sout!- Ea,1 ca!fletd, 5O2 AlardEle Roaa, KDox\,:tl1e, Temessee 3i92O Vlce t.e6ident centr!11- Jolm I€ppl, 611l Nortbtand Ave. NE, xftuqElque, Ns;&exlco Vlce PesJ {pni ,e.L- Joh! Bremem, Ll+?5 rleadnlark ra1e, Sdra Bebda, C€Ifornta 93105 SecceLary- Ame R-"'&"d6, LL{, ralrchird, lrarhlLLd, iEtuas 56502 treswer- Nollal1 !rdd, 133C {er Esapshlrc Ave., Nl, Apt. 9U, vashtlgron, D.C. 20036

- VOTLD l4A-rAlI:Clr Ru,ninm AssracT gIoI[ to s{/ Jr. or 6er: ! runr1er halan€ ccdlplsted a ?6 dle, 3d5y \teratron. Eor e11s:b.Lliq/, beEefltB aId apdlcatton lElte: ticFID !:AIATEoN RUUfiEAS ,qSSN. (vodd Headquadels) 8831 Troulon H!€, Eousioa, J01N TODAY @e_.1

Iexs 7f035,


*4" Joorwote!

t../nEt aERs oF


t.A.A. Or

flE tts.a.




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Mdre or the

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Roadrunne6 20kil<reter (12.6 mil€) run throush Claelahd citr' streets yesterd.y. Roadtunner president lohn O'Neil clocks Moore, fifrh-place finish* in tio Boston Man athon, .t one hoqr, fiv€ minures:d 25 sonds.

..: ::

''i ! '" '' -: TRACY SMITH WINS AAU







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