I]otrble Oll'nrpian. Irark Shorter, for,her "Yaleie .Iusi a stelpirg stonc to a victory at Ntrnj.h?
\rtnring NCAA 6 nile. Phdo by J ei{ Johcqi
Fot inlormation on any ol lhese ptograms write to:
W. CooPet Execotive Dirc.lor, Unired sldtes Trcck and Field Fedetolion' 1225 Nofih loth Avenue, fucson' Arizona 85705
TtlE LONO DISTAr\CE LOC A PUBIICATION FOR RUNNERS BY RUNNERS Volrlme 17, No. 198, June 19?2 Published honthly under the auspices ol the United States Track & Field F€deration, 1225 N. 10lh Ave.,
1{e8t Valley TC. The sole lurpose of this
lud was to raise enough moDey to sebd their top 5C hite! to rhe London-Brighroh 52 Miler in England, Darryt
Beardau was the individual that was named, bu! he was unable to make it elthe! of the pasr two yeals be_ cau6€ ol illnc66. Bob Dcines repre6ented rhe PA-AAU s- o.o , lass o06 agF pa l d .L..o., A.i/orc, last year ar a much reduced rate floh the normal roDd. trip to London- At lresent rhere is s!i[ g,!35.58 in the Amual subscription aate6: S5.00. Add 93.00 lor lsr lud, and i9 is still gaining interesf. Class Mail ol $5.00 lor Air Mail in U.S.A. & Cahada, WVTC would like ro !ai6e more fro.ey for this fu4d so siagl€ copies and back issues - 5of. that a team could be sent thi6 year, The race is at the Please 6eod race re6ul!s and artlcle6 for pubticalion end of Septedber, so time i6 ruhning short. Tho6e beinE to Edito!: H. Bros'ning Ross, 305 1v, Center Sr., Woodbury, N. J, 08096 sent \rou1d b€ Darryl Beardall, Jor whom the fund was initiared, Skit Houk (Nationar 50 Mile Champion) and CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - Adv€rtise your one other!'idual, ar prcsent not known (eligibtes event to incfeas€ entries, or your p!oducr to rncfease would be Jolu Pagliano, Jose Cortez, Tcd Corbirt, Jim salc5. {$3.00 pe! insertion). Ful1 or l/2 lage adverris- Mclloaagh, Ke! YoDg, and possibly a terv others). ing rates sebt upon leque6t, All donarions to this fund 6hou1d be scnr to Bob DeCe[€, P,O. Box 362, Alaheda, Calif, 9.1501 aa{:t madc out to l97Z BOSTON MARATHON IINISIIERS - It,s not too latc o o-d-r . . oroe-,ph, o80 o.ob"o. | '/ 'AAU Iravel Fun.l. LDL reader6 conrrlbuting ju6t gl we captured you oa film. Fi!st8xl0print, --Jackt,eydig-$5.00post_ rtould tuake thc rrip a lealftt. paid, additional copie6 onry $2.50. The negative, 93.50, Sccletary, Nat 1. LDRC Send fini6hing time, nffibe} you rvore or descriprion. NATIONAL JR. 15 KILON,IE 1'ER CIjAMPIONSHIP AND Walden Pboto Sea1,icc, 122 Shermaa St. r Cambri.t!.e, OPENRACE, Sunday, S€proarb€r 3, 1972, crecabelt, Marylan.t (Junior Chafrpjonshir.cction open onty lo CO-ED X-COUNTRY AND WALIiING CAtvlp- VETERANS AAU m.mbers uder 20 rears_ Ci npionship medals & \{" "-" -o^ :n.u- r',-1 o...o o,r ...n..! Plches ro lirst thf.e live-DraI t€ams and tirsr Lhree Jr, cahp, This ycar the pr.gram rtill ruh from AuerLst 27, runers, Trophies ro first 20 Iirishers overalt ai.j an 19?2 through Seplember 1, 1972j .h€ck ih titu€ is t:OO p. Open team a*ard. Ccrtilied .:ourse through the roads lM. The cadp will be held at the Fhiladelphia yMCA ol the Agriculrural Fafni. Racc 6tarts ar 5;00 p.M. & Camp6ite in Downlngtoq,n, Pa. This camp i6 for evely- entrle6 acceprcd until .!:r0 Ir.M. Locarion: Ljraden one; De4, women, boys and giri6 from ages 12 years ,. o' s:.. sdt ,';-"-.,.q and up. Ba6eball, 9askerbal1, Swiming, and Tennis Parklvay and near Exit 28 oJ lvaslingron B, jhr ay".(495) ar- ". dir"br-, hF a-L ^.. b- nient thr-o bJ , r s ' 15 miles NE oI washihgtoD, D.C. Ale:arder Barhes, guest speake!s, plus a trackm€et. Tolal cost is $.19.00 5D Laurel Hill Rd., CaceDbelr, Md. ZO?70. trhohc 3ril pe! person belore August l, 19?2. .A.fter August lsr, Lbe .174 5310. Entry Fee: $2,00, Shor.cr6 and .hessine co€t will be $54.00 pea persob, For morc in{ormarion contact - I-arry Sinmohs, 6027 Camac Srrccr, Phita., Pa. 19141 Phone- lzr5) cA1 9369. cuest Coach.s- rra I1 1'AS A GLORIOUS, T'ANTASTIC MEE1'TROM Davis & lvi1bu! Ross. START 1O IINISH -- nugen€, Oregon - Eugene's swing. JDNNY'S FIRST ANNUAL ROCHESTER M,A]RATHON ihg rracklans turned out 144, t00 srrong over a lressuc_ Labo! Day, Septeab€r 4, I97Z - IA:AA A. M, Rochesrcr, packed l0 days oI Ol}'Dpic Triats comrctirion (causing Ne\r York. Awards: Trophi€s, mcrchandise awarcls ro us ro be ealra late lith rh.j LD Log this mohrh) ah.t the lirst.l0 rrrmers. Teah trophy. Veterans a!,ards. smash hit.omFriri,ely Irom start ro Jinish. Entry lorhs lrom: Don Balsamo, 156 Lalayette Fkwar-, None of the events carne uD short on thrills., X€n Moor€ Rochester, N.Y, 14625, and smoorh, lough (you ramc i! & Frahk quatilnst) FraDtr Shortcr 1oDe.l in in a rtcad-heat aft.r rhe Z6,ri. 24 HOUR REI-{Y, Saturday and Sunday, Augu6t 5-6, 1972, Yorkrorh H. S., Arlington, Va.' just N1t oI \rash- 385y ol Lh. maralhon. Aller the Ii!st tt]-eites, r,e ile.ided to sav. it for l4uni.h, Shorter explaihe.t. A ington, D. C,, inside Washington Beltway (,195) one har.l rac.r to.lay *ould have hurr our chances ovcr rhere: hau nay to Fotomac River; use cxit 9 otf Behway on I-ee Highway (Route 29l211) to HarrisonSt,, lelr rwo Apparenrly rt will take a tough runer to Stop prc' in th€ i,000n. (]eorgc Young brourjht with htm the vast blocks ahd right one to school at z?th and creenbriar Sts, , Arlihgron, Va. Entry $1,00 per runcr. iegrsLcr experrence rhar 3,1 ycars of living and thr.. Olympic Camcs can provid--, llus a competftiv€ drrwe secon.t to uP to 9(l Dinutes befor€ race start at Z:00 P.M. Ten rumer6 or Less pe! teah. 1fill make up teams if desir- none. H€ ran ao American recorri Jor rhe 5, OOOh ar ed at race, Trophies ro toD 25 Iini6hers, medals to ea.h Hayfard Field, a.d evcn that.ouldn'r srop pre, l.he i.1ol ol rrack rracky Oregon broke u! a srirring ituct wirh memb€r ol top rhree reamsj Masters Division trophies to rop fihlshers in,10-.19, 50-59 and 6l] & Ov€r, A1lthe ahazinB Young over the tinal 6OOy and lctt the Amer_ (eather track, lighrs, no steepinj: accomodations, may rcan record in ruins. ljre .lock€.t t3:22.8 to c.ack his be cold a! hlght. Racc iatormatior on this and other own hark of 13:29,8 set .arlier rhis year, This $as only a steppihg srone, he ahnoun.ed. with iac€s in Washington area from Larry Noel, LO5 Norththe Prop.r training and th€ propcr resr, I trilt ru! los \'ay Road, qreenbelt, Maryiand 20770. phone 3!l .l?.1 Iast.r in Munich, Ron Clarke's ."orl.i recor.l is t3:16.6, 9362. so you ran take it frorn there. LONDON 1'O BRIGHTON TRAVEL FUND - Aboul rwo Dave Wottl€, Jim Ryun, Jllf CaUoway, B.b 14heeler, years ago, the begihning ol a fund tor tong distance L. . on q - on, - v" D- p Bro^n,, __--;riunnine in the Pacilic Assn. (AAL) Itas initiated by rhe ,r<_l \"9 rF hd L oon o .i,i .: "bo I t"a ;-
MAX I{HITE wlNS 3?TH ANNUAL YONIiERS MARATHON Yonkers, N.Y., Jue ll- Ma: Whit€, a receht Princeton graduate, won the Yonker6 Maialhon in 2:29:42.8. The race was sponsored by the Yonker€ Raceway in conjuciion witb the Yonkers Jaycees to salute Yohkers on it6 centennial anniversart. The course was four 1ai,s 'iLhsom" oI \- runJng on.le \orlFr" troLL:n- L-a.L. With cool rveather, the runners had no difliculty Irom the w€ather standpoinr. Ha!d trai4lhg Jo€1 Pasternak of Pater6oh, N.J, finished second in 2:32:07. Veteran Vince Chiappetta linished fourth & in so doing caprured the Senior Met, AAU Champioashi!. He led the Milllose AA to the teah chahpionshit Ior the eighth straight year. Ther€ were 127 stalters and 87 Jinisher6. ]v1rs. Niha Kuscsik of the SdJolk AC was the only l.:maj. Iinisher in 3:22:21. In the overau linish she would have been 53rd. Bill King oI rhe Pem AC sas rh€ first vet 140 & Ovet) to {ini6h and T€d Corbirt sas the lst Master.
55, Jack Sretch, uat,, Brooklyn, N.Y.,3:32:,10; 56. Paul Oertb, .!.1, Coldcn ltest, 3:33:05; 57, Jifr Rooncy, .13, uat,, NYC, 3:34:12i 58. Robert Weir, NYPC, 3:14:29; 59. Fred Lcbovr, St. Anth. BC, 3: 3.1:3060- Jack lra11ace, ,,10, Yonkers, 3:31:3L 6L l tahk Stranahan, ,19, N. Y. , 3:3,1:33; 62. Robelt Nclson, ,12, uat., 3:35rl6j 63. Frank ReiUy, Unit€d AA, 3:35:55; 6,1, Mauro Capurso, 45, North Yonk€rs 3t36tO5t 65. James No1aa, 4?, N.Y,, 3r36:33. v:tr.o. - AA. o l. r'. pr no, y s vF'. ea*: BC, 12! 3, Long Island AC, 31; .1. Uiited AA, 31; 5, NYFC, 3?. --Joe Kleinerman-. .( --o\ (r9?2), havins complcteii fiaal 1ap aroud Re6ervoir, with a good 1€ad at about 24 miles Nent on to ri! Yonk€rs Marathon in Zt?9AZ.a (6-lL-72) (Photo - lvalt Westerholm)
A lucheon was seived alrcr thc race at the Holiday lnn c rd p ,_ ! ' aL' \-s, h -", n-o" . x, -r,iIi r,-.1 'ro wele awaaded. The Raceway fill sponsor the race again nclr ycar on May 23!d, L Mrv White, Princeron Univ. /Bo6to^ A-4, Zt29:12.8 2. Joel Fasternak, William PaterEon Colle"-e, 2,32:a7 2:33.54
,1. Vihce Chiap!.tta, Milhose AA, (1st Sr. Met)?:36:33 5. Johh Carlcpp, Milirose AA (2nd Sr, Met. ) 2:39r,10 6, David Senechalle, Sr. Anth. BC, (3rd Sr. Met)2:39:a5
7. Eric 1lralrhcr, Sr. Ahthony's BC, z r3 9:58 8. Par Han on, Z r.11:,18 Z.4Z:41 9. Jaoes Ke1ley, ! ordham University, 10, Bill Gordoh, St. Anthoay 6 BC, 2141,11 11. Pat Bastick, Millrosc AA, Z:ILt1a, \2. DanieL iar6on, Yale Uhiv,, 2:5tii23; 13, Jolu Aracundi,, Ou---., N, L, Z l:2/: tans, Conn., 2:50:5,1r 15. JimlsenLei!, !:inceton Univ., 2:51;t4j 16. aill Kingj 13, Penn AC, 2:a1:iai 1?. Perca Brill, Shorc AC, 2:5.1:Ol; lE. Jo€ Eurns, 13, United AA, 2:57:20; 19. Bcrhard KalalL, ,10, Lohg Is1ai.I AC, Z:57:22,20. Ddiin .l€rome, unat., Va,, 2:58:08t 21, Jonn Skislak, Shor. AC, 2:58:i7: 22. FrahL SpineUa, No. Jers€t, Z:58:l2j 23. Ted Corbirr, 52, NYPC, 2:59:02j 2,t. F. Faherry, unat., 2:59:31! 25, Michael Scarbrough, Unit€d AA, 2:59:31r 26. Paul Fetscher, Long I6lahd AC, l:00:4Or 2?. tlarry tserko{,itz, Penn AC, 3:00:58; 28. Bob Reinert6cn, uhat., Ry€, N.Y., 3:01:25;29, Peter Nolan, unat., N.J., 3:01:.10; 30. Thomas Webb, Grand Central YMCA, 3:02:.,10; 31. JoseI}I Butchko, 44, uar., 3:03:36; 32. C€org€ Calle, Stratfold Spaltans, 3:03:44r 33. Paur Riefberg, LIAC, 3,Q5,22: 31. Paul Leo Mcsorley, ,rl, Penn AC, 3:05:39i 35. MarshalL Childs, unar., 3:06:55; 36. Arturo lvlon'' ro, s r" fo!r 5!,"r'"'", l: o: 2: -. Bill SI-auha ', Millrose AA, 3:09:08; 38. Norman Friedtuan, St.Anth. BC, 3:09:55; 39. Tom Bah, Sholc AC, 3:10:56; 40. Johr lvlurphy, Milho6e AA, 3:10.56i ,11, Anthony CuerStlZ:Z ', r?. eflrc/ Do6Fn, Os'in-ng, \. .13. Y,, 3:1.1:0Zj Jerly Sfrith, unat,, 3:14:25;4.1. Henry Tuc!e-, NYAC, rili l8 rr. Dic\ Kusc"'!, Sl. ^ rf,8., 3r15:33; 46. Richard McMahon, B!ory, N. Y. , 3:15:.18; 47. Don Dixon, .44, West Side YMCA, 3:15:.!8; i18. Je!ry Egeueld, Queens, N,Y., 3:18:54;,19, Danier Tejada, CCNY, 3:18:54j 50. Edward Graham, unat., NYC, 3:20: 36 c]. -d^ard Kra :e., shor" ,A., r:21:l1i q2, Trnne Taylor, 5?, CJIC, 3:?Z:A2t 53. Fhilip Livingston, una., Sea C1i{f, 3:22:09; 54. Bill Coyne, MiUlose AA,3:23:17;
ANNOUNCI..IG IST ANNUAL ROAD RLTNNERS CLUB oI New Yolk Pentathlon, Sunday, July 30, l97Z at Van
Cortlandr Park Stadim, BroN, N. Y. Order ot Erenr' - q \,rilps, 880. 2 11 s. .. .ro h:F,. . -, l0 redals, 7 Vet Awards. Enrry F€e: $1. OO to Kult Steiner, 1660 E. Zlst St. , Biooklln, N.I. lI2tO YONKERS RACE NoTES. .Ii raas qui.e a week for young Max White of lvlassachuselts. On Tuesday, he graduated from Princetoh magna crm laude and several days aJter(ards, he {as accepted inro th€ Lniv" of V r,-n," s -" r to ..Crs i o aros. 6J, f- srcd 80th, just or€r the four-hour lihit.
MRS. NINA (USCSIK, of ih€ S!{olk A. C. , L. L , or11t \toman start€r, enjoyed rhe 6cenery aroud Iilhierv R€servoir and ran a steady race to finish in 3;22:21 in the Yonk€rs l\'Iarathon. Scene is arotrd lhe 2.t-dite mark, (Photo - lralt West€rhotm)
PfIOTO EELOW - VINCE CHIAPPETTA, lvlilhose AA, by tinishing ,1th in the Yonkers Marathon {6-u-72) the.ebt won the Sr. Met AAU Marathon tiile, Vince is Pre" oenL ol he Ro-d Dur.^cr" rLub o A cr c". (Photo - 1valt wcstcrholm)
Record Falls in T'akunassee Ruces LOJG
frh .Mual scf.r orT*an
,soc Lak.
r0at1 got .ia 10 a lad slr[ lasl mghl Nilh ore record clo.king l\to,
Pctd SrLnc {nb r 1:5l)mrl. l6xt look llic bols ll..nC uD Conplcting
jdg d.y nnreN
lis( ot opPn \vas Phila
'car.!!ord and over 130 trackmcn com.
delphia ACs Bob Mimm of
Shore AC's Pat rauetl, a reccil gnduate ol St. nose
rured inkrnatioDal entryPhil Ch:Dmah ol Enslatrdk _ -Ac. Bd!h' ton and Hore {ho anished lou h afle. compleiing a sliDt a kcek ago as na!i.
peting on the fou. race Pfo-
High schdl, provid.d ihe r&
nark fof thr vod.n\ o'*
mik .veir fo 5:t?.3. Tne slate high school nile.hrnD lrln br a 200.rald marsin orer Tofrs Rrv.r No ht luD.d jn by
ICs Har
n in lh. fren\ SA ld run - 16:23. jus|
eishr sr.onds oll rbe 1963 re cod pacc dl 16:15 by ei Sehn llall nar gruce Rafaerly, and Shore Regional Leshnan
lvillinBbom, {ho led th. 3.4.milc \ralkeE in 27505 This eas r race lhrL lea.
neital record{elting walk!.
'I litought I could gd R.I illys r.cdd ' sard Nrhr Bl1* Fas ov{. 'r nsht, the 'Evtrt |lrlng {r\ {eatt'
er 9as p.rte.t, a.d I was in gdod shape Ouas 111 lust
iry hardc.
next Mon'
Asbury Park High senio. Ri.h (a.rh unleashed a
ig k.k
1o tr:b
b.a nircs !rr. i.c.rdrd
ii .
(')ol citrJ
i,rDed Phil Irin.k o( Ior. inotrLir $ho sl.ncd r! a
lrdrrnan ar A(uDas couest rlri.higan rhh spfiDg, by
Thc ,.4 mile. a0.actod
lield oI
7?. afid sDecial aqe
g.oup trdpbres eent
t0 founh place Russcll Joncs oI
Rumson d? division). sjxthplacc Jrfr Ketse. oI Itiddlelinn r16). 22Dd place Frcd Grrtkorski of PointPr.asrni Boach 115i, ard J3rd ph.c Jjfr Dorar ot Spljns Lakc 1he races alo
th. lrng ahnch Departnerit oI Pa.ks. R.croation and
conse.ralion ,nd siaged iD coopiration silh lbe Shofr
Sessions ale scheduhd orery lloDday unril Aug. t3
rid , L f
rrrr .thkhs
9 THREE WAY TIE IN NATIONAL POSTAL ONE HOUR Kndville, Tenn. , May Z7, 19 lZ 9:00 A. M. - Tbee Ea€t Temessee State University Itish Olldlic FG]!ct6
finished in a dead heat, c@ering 11 mi1e6, 975y in the Southern Regional National AAU One Hour Run, held on the tartd trackat the Univ€r6ity d Tennes6ee. Neii Cu6ackand bloth€ts P. J. & Eddie Leddy cme in Btlide lor stride ahead ol rearrrmate Pat Durnin, Nho covered l0 miles, l44ly. The field included 22 cdperitors divided ihto {our age groups. (Sumy, 60-). L, -'e, Cusacr. P... -F.ol, roorF -Fao), r.T-11. TC, ll miles, 975y; ,4. Pat Durnin, E. Tenn. TC, lom, l44ly; 5. Rev. George conn, E,Tenn. TC, lom, 50Iy (lst 30 to 39)r 6. Bryan Wi16on, KnoxvlU€ TC, 10m,399y 7. Alden Galdner, Knoxville TC, 10m, 3l8y; 8. Bob Godwin, Knox.TC, 9m, l66ly;9. DickSchuler, Knox. TC, 9@,864yi 10. Lloyd Lundin, Khox,Tc, 8m, l6?6y 1I6t 50 & over)r ll. Andy Gipson, Jackson YMCA, 86, 1,1?,4y; 12, Joel Eisenberg, unat., 8m, 1336y; 13. Jame6 Carmichael, Jackron YMCA, 8m, 1121y; 1,1. Douglas Zihdernan, E.Tenn.TC, 8m, UOTyt 15. M,R. Love, uat., 8m, 1008y;15. James cobbte, KTC, 8m, 605y, 16t Veteran (Over 40)- Dr. Tom Prince, Knox. TC,
peTloamahce in the heat & hl]midity, Colin O,Brieai6 couase lecord of 5?:28 was €stablish€d tast Dece&bel in .oo1, dly weather,. ln the 6ix hile, Jih ENing est: lished a new course record ol 29:401 1 This was a per6 nal best lor rhe 33-year-old Jim. He later acknoet€dg
h" l" L Lh-' 5- "r' o! Loo Ia. a-d ha ro .at ro- _t the last 3 eiles, He pasFed the first mile in 4:3? I His dinnea the night belore coasist€d oI a piece of pecan pie and a dish of blueberry cobbler. Io! breakfaBt he had six cookie€ and a cup o{ tea. So you see, Kenny Moore's article in the iate6l issue ol Sports Illustratec on the Japanese Marathon ha6 a lot oI 6ubstance wheD h€ ralks about calbohydrate food. , There is a !o66ib11it of a 50 miler at \yhlte Rock in about NorexrDer. --T"lraB- Vo.-iso-.-
ZIEGLER 1'INS 5-MILE RIVERSIDE RUN IN RECORD TIME - RIVERSIDE DRIVE, TULSA, OKLAHOMA Saturdat, Jbe 3, 1972 - Terly Ziegler bloke hi6 own cour6c recori in repeariag as wime! ih rhe thild annui This race marked the start ol the "River6ide Ru third year of regular races 6ponsored by the Tutsa Runhing ClDb, Ziegler, a{ter last *eek's second conse utive yiciort in th€ USTFF Marathon, easily bested th( fi€ld in a rrh. o! 23.36,4. Larty A.luddell wa6 6econd in 2 6 i11. n----n., nll rrl.rqRACE lt[0$$ The !,eather {as suny, ia the ?0 s, wirh tight wind Ic Ulll[ or oerLrs ' the rE alou:he Arkansas River. DA\. M,a 1 b, lo,l ar l,rhire Pock r ar,.. D/ as. TFx:s 1. Ter!y Zi€sL€r! ZI, Za:36.1t 2. Larry Aduddeil, 26, {a 26:11! l. T.rry:-e\ris, 20, Tulsa, 26:39; il. Phil Maltt ;r@nd lhF L"< (j:. vlI""j *.. 'fllsa, Z?, 21:2a1 r, Joh Westbrook, 21, Tulsa! 27:59 .i: r'ornon, P.u: iu \l ':2 . Pr). | a,' 28. oq:4o, . .dn 6, Gten Doriough, 30, Tu1sa, Z8:OOi 7. cerald Hastint #r_ 26, Camdea, -r.rk., 28:05j 8. Bill Welch, 1?, Tul6a, u ,!, r8, oo:28 j. -s6a ^:'.hPn. ca-a.oz' 25, 69:11: 5. Joe lYil- 28:59i 9. B:11 i!ard, Zl, Tuisa, 29:i2;10. JeffFetter\l ll kinso., 1?, 69:14; 6, Jeremiah fran, 1?, fulsa, 29:36r 11. Larry McDonald, 17, Brok€ Arror', Oila., l0:Z6t 12. Noah Sloan, 35, Tulsa, 30r3 Stark, 50, 69:3lj 7. Jim Pat13. Don Eurnett, 18, Okla. City, 31:05; 14. Bob Baker, terson, 15, 74:05i 8. Joe Lynch, 23, 76tZZ,9. 'fi.n 14, Tu1sa, l1:ali la. Don Sharp, 16, Tul€a, 32:25r 16. Carroll, 16, 76:32; 10, Kcmeth Roden, 31, 75:52; 11, Harold N,1cDonal.l, .14, Broken A!rowr 32:38(1€rV€t.)! Don Davies, 32, 76t53,12. Don Zetnick, 41, 17:0I, 13. 17. Scotr Mc<eague, 15, Tui€a, 32:41; 18. Vein WhireJames Phillips, 3\, 78.42a 14, Bill Covington, 40, ?8: 6ide, 52, Tulsa, 32:45; 19. Bob Martin, 5I, A!!sa, 32: 35i 15. Bill Shirleyr ZA, a?:12t 16. Gcorge Boyd, ,14, .,19 8.1:03; 1?. Sab HartiDg, 37, 84:04i 18. Eush Elkin, 58, i 20. A.r Brortning, 't0, Tulsa, 33:281 21, Toa Bir.:01:2?. J"cL V-o," :1.e, 4., ). 84:05; 19. Jim Rochel, 46, 8.l159, 20. Harry Henke, 63, h:nBrzr, Tu1sa, 35:1.]i 21.'1.a, Bruce Swearihgton, 37, Tu16a, 35:3? 9l:33; 21. Rii€y Abercrombie, 55, 94:21i 22. Annabell€ catboy, 21, 9.1:21. (Colin O Brien holds .ou!se record 24. Bill Thompson, Jenks, 39, 36:10i 25. coralon McKeague, .16, Tulsa, 36:26. (38 linishers) in 57:24). OPEN SIX MILES - l. Ji6 Ewing, 33, 29;40; 2. Doug --Bob Martih-Chan€y, 19, 32rl0i 3. Richard Pctligres., 19, 32:3?t 4. MT. IfILSON TRAIL RUN (DETOUR-SLIDE) 9.5 MILE Mike Albert, 17, 34:2Oi 5. Dave Moore, \A, 35:31..6. Biett Rog€rs, I7, 36:l0i ?. Bill Eppright, 52, 36:10t 8, llay 27, 1972. Slonsoled by rhe Sieira Madle (Caiif. ) Search and Rescue Team. Weather: Cool and Sunny. Weldon Smith, 40, 36:15t 9, Mike Schlink, 36, 37:.lii The 6th annual Mr. Wiison Tlail Race c.he within a 10. J.M. Mastervich, 21, 38:30; 11. Marshall Ludy, tr,isker oJ heing postponed wh€n a large landstide caf'6 14, 39:38; l?. Bill Heinr, 15, 39:45' 13. Gary Sriipling, 2-, ,o:Jo: tl. I.anl'Car-o r, r-. 40:4r' tc, Iim Spc-., wiped out a hudred leet o{ the rrail at.1 Fm. the day befol€ the race, Fortunately however, the 6!0!€0rs 42t27r 16- Wi\h.d Bail€y, 48, .44:00;1?. James Clark, *eie abLe ro build a detour around the slide ar€a with Jt., 35, 44tZZ, 18. Frahk Taylor, 38, 45:10r 19. Bill sand lags, Sevcnty-five people worked until 3 a.m. ,16:l?j Alig, 19, 20. Ronald D. Mathes, 11, i15:2.1, (25 Saturday to make the nece6saly repairs. Becau6e Frti Iinishet6) *Jim Ewing established cipants had to slow to a walk through the detoul, rhe OPEN TWO MILES- l. Kemeth Nichols, 26, 10t15,2. tim€s r'€re ihcreased by 1-2 minutes. Mark Kushnet Rodney Durham, 18, l0:24j 3. Dale Hoiton, 1?, 10:30; led from the start, but kas Fshed to the topby Tony ,1. Carl Foster, 21, IQt43t 5. Phil Elsron, 29, 10:47' 6. Ralph Taite, 29, l0:50; ?, Brian U6!ey, 12, 10:50,5; Bomb€ck and Tony Lopez, rhe latter haviag run a CIF 13 20y the pr€vious night. 8. .orb"L Br)anr. 2q. l0:5i: a. u"ocg- BarneLl, 16, The afards sere labulou€. Kushner chose a beaurilui l1:05; 10. Al caraoll, 3r, ri:08. (39 linisaers, down-lilled Itrka, while othei to!lini6hers chose from WOMENS MILE- t. Mary Jones, 28, 6:03; 2. Pauiine a do{,n 61€epi.g bag, BustDell 7x35 Binoculars, lishin€ Aavazo6, 20, 6:0.1; 3. Batbala Draid, U, 6:17. Note6: Paul Hoffmanis 5?:40 was an exceprional tc-r, and " srero albLr arolB othe.,.. Box uc rFs
lt l[[f[
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L, JAr' ID
Ya,nkeePitthet's ffjlp Tries Mile LONC BNANCII
$rk Ior hk nNd {iih tle BMx bsl
no believ.r inlong
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dr0sroiKE tiERLYN
Yankees pitcher Mike
"S@e sind spdnis in $e
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a creditable
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SEoRE aC diliarce Dr. Paul Kel], a rethlnroI the Kekiches ln Moat i!.id., dplahed how all
'@* i{
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*F AqujFs, Mkh oouele *oho*"" Phil Hin"! trb , i6,a7 cb*in! ft $e Ddt 3
{-nrler. and AllmbuBfs qi$ a4 52
Pete lMcDobu3h,
@d ol the Istdt
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Its in 20.06. ltu davr .lier *r iii sdrld ase64 300 c p€ie rhink tud Iol ;;;d ot z.I?.r in Ne*Yolk 'r I(iall ad&d. ' othd, Dr. facn .'Mlke alMys *nE to viu who re @ dl 1o tle Stsi! iun. And -vith nin *atcnin{ our Lterc tdlghl I cut ny
lhe @ly athlete ia theh ity.,'
Monday. Race
Minn ol 1{iljlgbdo,
Lhe meh!
{a&{ a 1960 u.s. olrrpir, @ hl3 X?:21 3.+nrle sDecialtv in
vids Bob
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Dr. Kell. "Mike m.Y noth.
ihe A-AU.
Sleve ..d srs m lht TorthiDt ''iii Nast d! tbs .sh; djd he pFuy g!.d ldD. xieU ovs $e IiDid u!. !
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slu€ Atlt€trc ciub, and ldlided bY the New J€F
MAC DONALD WINS HONOLULU ROAD RA(]E Kapiolani Park, Suday, June 4_ perer MacDonald, 2?-year-o1d history teacher from, wlthstood the challenge of Rudy Dressehdorler, a graduate phys_ lology 6tudent, to win the 1.8-mite race ol Lhe Mid-pa.i_
1:38:19j 19. tsruce
crod€, 18, Bristot A&p 1.C, 1:38:4: 0r. 8, c .w r a ra, 5. D.. I.o:04. . . ' i.o. 1"", Ha-.-\ "''\4. 1., J6. D,"_- c 5Lr de." .c, r:)o:,8;2/. 38, psrc, l:.10:17; 23. tie, Bob Reed, lu:6_stralde, 18 & Don F.ichte1, 15, Burnsvillo, Minn., 1:4!;51j 25. fic Road Rumers'Association in 8:23. Bra.l KiDg, t?, BisDark TC, t:4t:34; Zb. Dr. Jo€ C1e: 1. Peter MacDonald, 8:23j Z, Rudy Dresseniior{er, 8: ry, -48,..BismarkTC, IA?fi6,,27. tie, Rick Biggihs, 1 27j 3, Reubeh Dias, 8:35i 4. Dave Cadiz, 8:3?j 5, Mrke & Bill Black 16, WiDner, S,D., 1:42:55;29. Mike pic Tyhn, 8:4?; 6. Mark Byers, 9:14i ?, Horace Il.oku, 9: tnpNgh, 19, Miller, S. D, , 1:.13r41; 30. Dalc Hanson, 16; 8. Aob cardh€r, 9:1Zj 9, Bob Cab€, 9:2lj 10, Jim t?, Va1]ey S!ring6, S. D. , t:43:..13; 31. Bob Ranney, 18, Ferri!, 9:2?. (30 lihishers) q,D.. j\:jc. .r. .ody D Sou.rcr, .?. Brool ". ''r,j F . CLASS B DIv. (t5 & Under, .10 & ov€r & Women) ,1. L.,r o-dc, .8, ,/ i. o. ,"\e 1. Matt Pavich, I5, 9..23., Z. Scott HaDilton, aa, 9:.,1/i TC, 3,1. John Frauk, 19, pSTC, t:.{6:09;35. 3, Jobn A1€xander, 9:59; 4. Leah Ferris, lO:40; 5. Sal Dare 1r,15:22j Olslund, r8, Eisear\ S.D,, 1r,16:J9j 36. tie, comitini, t0r51. (1.1 tinishcrsl __Mike Tyen-_ 3 a . -i(, 7 c o- hu.r-", ?. \aa,-. o a, q. D ] :. t, ., t , d-ron, r.D., :r'.:., DIAS SETS RECORD IN DIAMOND HEAD RUN I ! -, Hoholutu, Hawaii, Sunday, Juc t8_ Rcuben Dias !etEn_ s,r dFrs, r,4o:,,. .it. CcorSc A.tFn,,l ed to his ways by leading 40 runers a.ound the Itarerro\n, S,D., 1:,19:32; ,12. Thomas Scott, 4?, crar five mite Diahond H€ad cours.: in a fecord shaLtcring ! orli:, \.D., t:50:tLj 43. Dr. Charte6 Rob€rt6, 48, Z4t4b. T'ae old hartr was Z5:lZ b, Mikc Gregorio in 1970. Prairi. Strid€rs TC, L:50:38j ,!4. Ken Haug., 29, pST Feter MacDonald set the pace for the I1rst ioui mites, lil0:.19j .15, John O,Neil, 30, Twih Cities tc, tt5Z,Ia. but end€d up second, a victim of a srrong finat hile by (?1 fin-i:h*s) Splits {or Daws: t5:30, 31.32, 47:59, \:A4 Dias. Scott Hamilton topp€d rhe over .r0 11), It??:37 {3-mile splits), Daw6 has won ttus race Jiv blistering Z8:3 6 clockng. nmes r holds rh. course record ol t:I9:05_1969. 1- Reuben Dias, 21tq6t Z, peter MacDa,atd, 25.21: 3. Mik. Tyr@, ?6:24; 4. Mark Byer6, 26:,17; 5. Rudy IIUDSC\ \JOHAli/K RRC RACES - STAI1r UNIITERSIf" Dress€ndorJer, 26r.18i 6. Mike McCormicL, Z6:55; 7. BrFF/ 'a ".i,1" : -t Matvin Matsuda, 26:57; 8, Johnny Faerber, 27fi4-, 9, : '1' pt a? Ir'\"(J,rD Aroe."o,,', t, I n Dave Riddle, 2?:15; 10. Scott Hamitton, 28:36; 11. Bob -: . B c' orsi. .?:.8: r. tom hlcFl--. Caldner, 28;,!8; 12. phil peterson, Z8:5lr 13. Rick Atit^ . .-.. r0,10.6. ,o_ \-.r, 4t: oj ?.Me bert, 28:52t 14. Horace Itoku, 28r5Et t5. Bob Cabe, 29: Katz, .3:+a): !, Ed .ihoDas, 44r13. 18; llt. Mike South\rood, Z9:3li 17. Lest.r Ir,a6aki, 3O: 2-IfILE T-q.\Ca R-dN- t. Jocl prat.jiir, 9:,{9r Z. Larry 2.4; 18, Toh French, 3l:26j t9. Bob Ruthrrford, 3t:31; frederic, !:ia: L Bitl Soret, 1O:1,1t :1. trevin Kraszesk 20. Ed Casey, 3t:59j 21. Jay HauieLd, 3Z:O5i 22. I)aul 10:l2j 5. Don'!,:ltier, tO:36j 6. pat SLewart, 10:39j ?, O'Rourkr, 32:14; 23. Mart Favich, 32:27.,24. Sat coni' a -a, \'o/. -h.iI:. tini, 32112.,25. Joh. ALexander, 3Z:i!6; 25, Richard uho ..8 -: _.. .--- D.:r Potter, 3.1:10; 27. Tony O'Rourke, 3.!r1Oj 28. Mike Nag_ Ken, outsprr.r.c fr€.:errc ir the tast tap to wih by a le, 34:l?; 2t, David McKenzic, 3.1:.11; jO. pierre Aho_ ,1.,O. .. _" " o..o-ihg a nrn rena, 3.,1:.r2; 31. Jim Dainty, 34:5lt 32. Jimmie \\ryblc, ,.a rn lr ashinoton Farl including 5 and tO Dite 3,1r5,,1, 33. Keala Ah Soon, 36:51; 3.,1. Ron Arbuckt€, 3?: open.aces! a J. a m;le jliaster,s race and other events 25; 35. Jim Bennett, 3?:.,11i 36. Maurecn Lucbbe, 38:39i tox (omen and cin1dr.a. Srarting time is 1:lr0 ti.M. 37. Larry Walker, ,10:13; 38, Ciarence Fuky€hinu, tr11: --Burke Adahs-_ 14; 39. Jim Jackson, NT:f! .40. Selv!:rio paeleb, NTT. ,-Mike Tymn__ NORTH MEDFORD CLLTB 5.MILE ROAD RUN lyayland, Mass,, JuD€ 6, 19?2 iActual .ristance abour IOIh ANNUAL JACKRABBIT 15-MILE ROAD RACE 5, Z miles) I'earh€r: Fine, 65 dej,rees. White to, South Dakota, Sat., June 3, t9?z i-._ J-rjr Datey Jr., NMc, 26:59; i. .roU n".g, .o.t., 7:00 q,V,.oursF: As hrtr nig1vay". a d .o' -i 3. Jih Smith, CSU, Z7:29; 4, Charte6 Keating, o, -.o,p.4.. oart r u,ort,, hills, \\-".\--: o ,r:-Z7j NMC,,27,51i 5, Cher Fortier, NMC, Z8:Oti O. n"" por Da" s. c r, .9 9, O"o_ gan, NMC, 28rt5j ?. Raimo Ahti, NMC, Zs:19; ' ou-sc Pai o-d t:'o:0r bv 8. Ed 1. Ron Daws, 3il, Twin Cities -fC, 2. Jay Mon_ Cohnor, NtllIC, 28,29r 9, Fiancis Maher, NMC, 28:56i Ioie, 16, unat,, Mi1]er, S,D., 1:23:50;3. Laverne l0.,iVarco Velasquez, NMC, Z9:08; 11, Doh Legnard, Du6hore, 19, Berry Town Striders, t:Z.t:03j .1. John NMC, Z9r.t5t 12, C1iff Uest, unat., 29:29; 13. john Mey, Cramer, 20, TCTC, i:25:04; 5, Alan Cilman, 25, Roch . o: i. r" Dd. F , _.rro.. \ r.. rq.j . -._., : I".. ester TC, l:25:.16; 6. Warren Eiile, t8, unat., Water,r.07: -, Bob Barr,o onev, town, S,D,, 1:26:.15; ?. Dave c.iffith, 29, Savaee, N\l!C, 30:1,{j 17. Dennis l_egnard, NMC, j0rZ?; 18. Clenr Minn., 1:27:09; 8. Don Jackson, 19, North Shore Striil., 10i | : io. D,. -\ r., :a1. ),,241391 9. <ayte wotd, t?, Bristot A&I) TC, l:30r4Zj to. T^..i",. .-i:. -nc1., l0:d6: 2 , u,.a.5:FC-t, N\4c, Mark O'Donnelt, 21, uat., Mankato, Minh,, t:31r53j l0:.^...1 . L.r. N\1,, .O.i-: ,,, ,,r.H-dLh. Nl( ]L Jack GuUy, I?, Willow Lake IC, 1:33:29; IZ. Larry 'L ru: zJ, Bot4ndAhr:, \c-h-.,-, NV.. .:LA bcr, sal_ Webinger, Winona State Coltege, Minb., 1:33:5i!j 13. zer, unat,, ll:2tj 26. StanKeyes, NMC, -". 3i:5{,i 2?. 40, yan].on Ac. :r.r:/r: i Bob Ba-rr,r8, .har -s Poo/. \\.4(, .,Oi.18, .or i:b$:.!:,.; ,,: Boon-, ,\4/, srr.der6 "...''" Tc, r: {4 ^7: lc. D^:cf,"oa, ,o. %L s. 11, NV.. r "r-. o. v:rr qh:,t. \Mr 36, :li TC, Minn., l:3?:06j 16. Dwighr Jaros, '-Rochester 21,_Waraoad,, 11. 1- Boone, NMc, rz:.1.1; 32. Bob i-hitney, Minn., t:3?:ZO; t?, Lyle Koistinen, 28, NMC, 32:.t6. (6.1 finishers) _-Fred Erown s|. __ D€Smet, S,D., t:3?:5ijl8. Mike Ctift, 18, Sourhern TC,
HIGII SCiIOOL IRACK TEA\,I CONTINUES SIREAK Br Browhing Ross 1-u"9"". .Deptlord'r'orvnshipHish sch;ol is ro.:rcd about ah.,jr.a 6,rhile or rwo rrom ouf home town.{ rir.o.Lbur
, . Hawlihs: 'Mo6t .f ,"... n€re "very ,"" "oP". enprv art€r ou! 13-hour boatand_bus trilrto Paris 1lre had 29 u"v" "--: ::::',.:-:": ""i,lr" 1.."._',': -, "' "; lte li{e r.ahai: tor . 1o-.1a, ,-ip to i.iiii-ii e".. qourd hal,., ,.nt.d to,'""sn '''ov ". coach Hawlins youngsters, ..i-."" srraiEht Do, r,u,,." 'un compet€d asainst a s.her "r sz :i:::;. "..""".'ll.i,!il,ii';i#:l]':,*: i.,am lrom .""rr,,r,u, i.rp. ori",- _. and sau rhe carhe_ Dcprford, iihglah.t, bolstcre.t by ser-era1 British school_ .ira1 ""...",,, and Na'oreoh,s boy star6 rroe thc ...o, ." ,r," r",'"" Lra.kih rohb",*e".r_.,O"*, icel. it ha.r il:,i;::li l;r*,"r l-ndonrs 15,OOO-seat """a"" pa1a.e, Clystat tDourh A11 of rtr€ rrav.1€rs. _'' t a{ed bv the tourist attractions {ore kas kept the ranks ion 9 oI 15 .venrs, lo rcam r1ar,liins {as ,-.r,"",,"
Y:t:: -
;"':' : " ':
-"".:] :"
rihan- u...",-,".,". ^*iiil.:li:1ti:l,il;i,"T,:i:ii:; r..""-r. rr,"". r.-',g"'-D€pr{ord had," |'l."ji"'"li:,,;;:::1.:l*f; "-;"';.;;;;.;T".*"""_ "".. ab.u,asbi!""",."j;.i'lii,i:;il,:]."""'*"'-"". :j'::lll".,*"..chan.e'oqualirvrorthe:taremecr, ,o
but Hatr.kns sai.r
.""., ," ru.,i.,. thihg ,,-.kii:ic "rorv, said, Th€ !4r" experience cxperrence ol ot he.rrng he.rjng teo,te
froh all ovcr
livihg wirtr neoDt€ in therr orvr country was worrh vhatever rve had ro si;€ up. , and
r."J'":...'"iiil':"" i'J;:: ,n. *'-"'-'^ ,,,". ,,,," ""r "i ii. i"iit""i";;;'.';",f.1::: t.-tu""'l"
."-.ioi- . ,; ;";; ;i. ;;,".:"j:,::::i' ' 'r',-., me1 ar ctes i."- r: airr...",, a: rr€
ro. rr,"
Crystal Pala.e
u_,r.,"" J"ia r,r"-,r;.up
shor ah.,,t r, oo0
f.,.t o! .!,\,i.
illr.n:,:i:',,"1,::",:':;li,:: ".';.ll:li';,:::;;":li:i;:., .\,liddtc Viaat., -^rlantic ,lrto.L;. Runri nnn,j-, ,i-:^ n,r (rlihi' at i\l'dlord Lal€s, N.l-
. ..:
E rRAc,! cno1! ^,^,." '#:"1i lrest ]-one :: T,:l11i".srA1 trran'h N..J , srb.rav, :... u Ni|n,, sr,o.,,
.r-,,,r-."r,,,. ,r,..- ' :lraish' :eat. " ,--_"i ,'1.i-l il.lT,il'l,i!;'"1i;,,1n:.." ", .',,n-,. ,.,,,,i
6ports .er1re., Ha.ri.r *-y.r:",."":;;,;.;,.;l,i,,ii;:;:.:,-:::.;":;;.:",;;il;:l],'":i::il::iii::"iil:ii;'il.'::,
caus! he d ne,€r se€n a Bra,j .ne b.ior.. ,,js \ar b,Le ."",,.".,;:;;.-."::.^;,f .* t. mect peop]., lroh .,our:rics rr Airr.a . c-rrir._ r. i.- r,i"-"r, ili"';"
rhe Dee' vas
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i:f:l,"""fi:ii:.'',*',,_,"[,]j-l::*,::t,{., ,ji:i".ifil.iii"J:i;",;:';"';.i.,',Ti:i:ii;:i:" i-- lz'oz" :-r'Iir'--i'?' '" "-""t"sri' sho!eAc
the eDhre tir€, but I f€tr that wout.i le posltron' said Harrrins, rvho..-"t.r.nt::.11'l"t'"
il:3:fil,dufinga,wo-da'"*"*'"!iJJ;:::T::*" 5Pe1I5' 1,t;:"J-n'J,'.',.'":;;ix1:1i":.'ffi1r;,.'j, NJS, ',1:2t.2i 2.-E1liort, t.ta, .r,,,Tr, Toqnship .rficials g... u.,,ti.J -"""u
:*:;:*;:,n*xh:i:iT"".rjx*""".,:r::tr::." _,il;:r:#tl,'.,,,i,,.-,1 t1;;ft;1, i.;1;;:r thF sche.iurF .as !ramnFd vi{L siFr, .:'.ra, sAc, -:rj:l:," .:-' -*, ':::j
16: trios to paris, sEA^ALr ,,r.o *,oli"Jiiiii[iJ "u the rNlr or Lon,"""u. track une r' :, ,r,, Lt?2 .lon, ;:J'i5ii:f:,:.:.'.l"'".":::::1.", Picadilrr, rrarar!€r "'."rto" r,-.,"_-,., , 1on, ;:..-";,-:',:":,:::"' Parriamcnr, """ "'.r, Ni\4c...+:':z-t t. '.o."i Knatr, 2. r,,ny r.redeir!s, \Mc, st..,r..a-""-i,1""1".i ;,;;;:.;'t;;' s."",". .,e rhe)* sepa 5:.18:08; 3. cary CeoIIr.y, Nr\jC, f,|1,0.t: a, rare the tin. zones. A"i lVf,irl n{:v' iil'lc' t:tJ+:1Ei Hatkins said thc boys ai6o;isirc.i ort *Ma, e,,i'at, '-' '4org"'t"t."u,,
*hich incru.rc.l an overnight
-a"ilr.rry *i.,
lrri.lBcandsleht""..a.-.""i-.i'i,,-"'.:".::";i'i1.,, l_jli"_'l'_'_"ll:,]l'j" 1.03.)a. ^-F,--;'.";;;.-:" :::il:i::3,i1fi:::'izine 'ihe-selr'es '!iL\ local;'ru P-AcrFIc.,\orr1r'"r"-o'';;"-;;;;.;;;;;. -;"; irrrt The cv€nihg flight to London !,,as ihe ti ' 'sh t Jthr 2r'.)972 -- 1- Lalrv Youna, 8 iri. r,y -o.t or ,r,. u.y", ,r,,.-,*'ii ;;l';:T:: r:::l ll!::'- l_i:ll,:: ,,s4, I ni.. e^/v"
""a had o" -;;;;;;,-i1..1. thc rirsr any or them ,r,. r.i,- jumbo j.,rs. ?_rirl-E H4NricAp 'as Thli .ohDcats bI th. ream heDber:".., icre n:rer.srjnE- \ra, ZB, lrjZ (r!,ic. "r;;;, arolLn. rar<e Carasatjo) Hankins: 1lr. s.tren t us. to boitcd r.uit.n, steatant t. Jih Jens.n, so.RegloDar r]J, t.zt):zEt2, John lrrn.y nrc or romato€s for br.akfast_ I !.rri(t_
Bi,,'-,"_,,(,*l;,,-.,;",1. jlil."l";:i:ij"i:;.;,,.;"1;.,.ill .'';:T.";,1_*:",;:-, rh.'r D10'rr.d a sJ r-harsers, r,rs,lJr.""t
,ar,Do1 ster,in... n€1er 1o'ser our iirsr br':akrasr rherr-
'that s ali rher.
.,. n""",, Ct".t, r r,in-u" _ n_ahole. They "".t tali!: sohe iiin.l o! sausaB . a.ri r r,,.. ..usn then r.oki!. The nam. pur rn. oft a 1, 1e. r,ut rr .. Tram carrain RLc!Zan \ t.1nn(,
:il:,::r.:,fi.:Jl ,;:li,::::n"i:.:::,:
Iound hon,e-..ori..t r"gLi.r' r."a
.,.-_i- ..-..',:
- .',
t,-",. i, ,r"*i.ii."""^'' AAI Ur-lcl cllAlttiloNsttlli i,ril-F 1lAL1i -N.J. run. 1., l.r?2 (, rainy,) l'",'."1,.":. .t ,:!, l] AC, 7t27.t 2. John Elecler_ l:.'1" I tr' tttniat Eill Dikun,MR; ,shorc Ac, 8:20,
;..,,;" Quucv, rla"., ",-;;;;;;;;;;; Jtne 10, ).)72-
r.i rorris, .n,. ,n,
road aun spo4sored by St. Mary,s Church. The Boston star scored a 50s viclory over teamhate Steve EIis in & coot weathei conditions. The course recor.t is 50:33 Pat McMahon. 84 6tarrers, ?Z finishers. 1. Ed Norrir, Boston AA, 51r58; Z. Srcve Ellis, BAA, 5Z: .18, 3. Ron Walae, BAA, 53:49; .4. Ken Mueller, BAA, 54tl?t a, Pet..r Sti!€, BA4, 5.1:55; 6. lraut Thompson, NMC, 55:.13; 7. Earl Mccitvcryt NMC, 55:.18; 8. Rolan.l Cormi€r, i\-MCr 56r03; 9. Robert cormley, Marln AC,; 10. ceo!ge Concfrey, NMC, 5?rO?; t1, Jay Sidhan, CSU, 5?:2E;12. Charles Xearing, NMC, 57:36; 13. Mike Burcr, BAA, 5?:53; 14. clenn Charboncau, LAC, 58:Z9j 15. JolD C€darho1m, uhat., 58:30; 15. Davi.t Linton, BAA, 59:18j 17. IIerbelr parsoh., I-AC, 59:.11j 18" Johr ConooUy, uat., 59:52; 19. Kevin Crowley, NMC, 60:Ol; 20. Bra.l Kron, Springticl.i Coltcge, 6O:1?; 21. Tony Sapienza, BAA, t-]0122; ZZ, .Jary G.1tft or, NMC, 6O:,:1.,1j 23. Michael Mascatetli, BA,^, 6O:.,15; 24. Myron Bigelow, BAA, 60:53; 25. Charles Itans..h, CSU, 6t:5tJt 26. a:has, Lang, Lynn AC, 61:0tjj Z?. !.rancig \,tahc,, NMC, 61:,1,1i 28. WiUiam MuileD, uDar., {,1:.16j 29. Jonathan Av!ry, u\at., 62t42,30. rlchar.l packar.t, l3A^, 62:49; 31. Pet€r Corde1l, NMC, 62156i 32. JotD Keuey, uat., 63: 25j 33, Paul }r'l.rttler, unat., 63:35i 34. .roln Wa1lac€, BAA, 63:38i 35. Dick Corrigan, NMC, 63:53; 36. Mike Cotier(:, unar., f,.,1:O?; 3?. p.jter Burkhait, BAA, 6.r:16j 18, i\,liL.r Orla!.]o, Loq.ell, L4:5Zi 39. Tod Ilaygau, uuat., 6.1:5?;.:10. Jan llro(n, NMC, 65:.13; .11. Ma!k Holland, unat., t5:5:J; .tZ. Andy C. Ciriznano, unal., 65:5.1; .13. Ccrat.t Coo.1r Dar., 66:03j .1.1. Joseph Shea, BA,{, 66r33i ,15. Rotand Vertette, NN{C, 66:3.1; '!1i. Reubcn Rigelo\a, BAA, L6:38; .17. JohD A. KeUey, unar., 66:43i .,18. DoD S]'irtle, usA!", 6?:08; ,t9. c.orge Schoebel, 6?:50i 50. Jih Noonan, unat., 68r03; 51. \'riltiaiD^-i\,IC, Cibson, mai., 68:30; 52. Botr perchard, Quincy YMCA, 69:31j 53. John Ft. Campb€1l, NMC, 69: .lil' 5.1. Don l.ay, BAA, .?Oi10j 55. Ken \ran.terpoo1, uar. ?0:l?; 56. Ahdrex, Higgins, BA-{, ?O:37i 5?. I)aul Roche, Jr. , unar., ?l:0.!; 58. Richar.t Brac]{ctt, L.^C, 7l:O5j 59. Bob Seahans, BAA, 71:13; 60. Leroy Roun.tvil1c, BAA, 71:.1?; 6i. !.ank Votpe, NMC, ?Z:0,1; 62. Ceorgc Maker, unar., 72:.10; 63. Dad.t Barron, r\4t, park AA, 72::1.1; 6.1. Eds,ard Brackert, LAC, Z3:Ui 65. Ro!ert \{.V€igh, EAA, 73:a5; 66. Jotn Linscotr, BAA, ?+:07, 6?. William Crifiln, Dat., 7,r:4lj 68. Andlea tloreau, \1,1C, 75:03; 69. Alvin Johnson, uaat,, ?5:06: 70. Dan Coliey, dat,, ?5:38' 7i. Jim Hays, NMC, Z6:30; 72. Davi.l Fulter, LAC, ?6:33; 73. PeteI Stasz, Mt. park A,4, ?6:36; ?,1. Joe Wi6hcampe., unat., 76:46i ?5. Jenhi{er Taytor, CS!, 77:16i 75, Vincent Slistiniana, aoston State , 8ltOZ: 77 . Sighund Podlozny, NMC, 85:23. --Fred Broin Sr. __ NEW ENGLAND AAU MARATHON CI]AMPIONSI]IF (OPEN) Holyoke, I,!as6., Jhe 1t, 19?2. rrearher: cooler than usual. Windy at time6.
l, T06 Derdeltan, NMC, Z:38:1.1; Z. }rerer Kuchihski, nat., 2:38122;3. Jin McDonagh, Milhose AA, Z:.tO:t2; 4. Jon! Jarek, NMC, 2:46,09; 5. Dan Aye!€, NIVIC, 2:47:35i 6. Stevc qrorskt, Milllo6e AA, Zj5O:50; ?. Phil Heath, NMC, Z:56rtZ; 8. Chlis Doyte, unat., Z:5?l 10i 9. Williafr Saville, BAA, ztBStZBi tO. Atbert Kifrbalt NMC, 2:58:29, ii, John vrasttmez, uar., 3:00:50; 12. Joln I. Sullivan, cSU, 3:03:l8i 13. Jih Cu6ek, unar., 3:05:2?j 14, caly Knapp, Ear,, 3:08:25; 15. Ctayroa Bristol, Bethel Bananas, 3:tO:i3; 16. Haxry Mct er, unar., 3:11:00i i?. Mike Baxtef, BAA, 3;U:01; 18. Ja6€s Tucker, @at. , 3:15r06! 19, Richalit 8a11, unat.,3:17:4?j
20. Julian Siegel, NMC, 3:18:32; 21, llriitiam Tri_ bo-, I "rro. ' l., ): 8:r{i 12. \,"/Te .q-zs, Bp-. Bana-a, \:1l ao /.. rat.-fa--,,t, NV., :.c 2.1. Buzz DeRobLio, NMC, 3:Zi:23, 25. B€n Deth{ ico, Mt. Park AA, 3:28:23, 26" Fre.l Robbin6, NM 3t29t33t 27- A1 Venskus, unat., 3:29:3?j 28. Davi( Roachc, Haitford IC, 3.3It4 i 29. paut Oparow6k NIt. Park,A-A, 3133:20j 30. An.tiew Dower, Milhos AA! 3:35:39j 31. Socrares Sori!, NMC, 3t Zt3Z., 32 John Maloney, NMC, 3:43:O5j 33. Mike (e@edy, uat., 3:.13:16j 34. Norhan cote, Mt. I]ark AA,
3taA,Oz,35, Sighund po.Uozby, NMC, .1:14:36; 36. Edward whi|ney, CSU, ,!:16r.t?, 3?" Bryan Sutlivan uat. , .!:18:52; 38, Steve OrBrieh, unat., ,t:18:53j 39. Eilly ,l.C1ysta1, N1t. park AA, 4tZ\;57i 1A. G. Driscolt, uhat., .1r21:58:41. Wan. Lyons, Mt.par! AA, .1:30r31j .12. ceo!ge Lattarulo, NMC, 4:3trZO; +r. Ieriy coyn6, uar., .1:41:30; ,!4. Kippie Leyba uai., 5:.r8rl0'.r5. Robert Becke!, unat., 5:.19r19j ,1{j. Brucc Egglason, unat.! 5:50:05. OIJEN TEAlvl SCORES: t, \MC, 8i Z. Miltrose Al 15; 3. rIr. ParL A,A, 22. Not.s,. Jim creen, BAA, ledtoirehmiles, then Dcrderian, Kuchinski an.t Doyle ser the pace uhtrl the 20 mile hark. kuchinski had a 30Oy tead s,ith oll. l2 nit, . r:n,6o up zro trac otld -a by D-r F__a po, aar refo.. no,ds .hF (ou record ol Z:32i32.6 se! in t9?1. -_Iied Brow! Sr.
5-MILE ROAD RUN, IANCASTER, MASS. June 14, 1972. Slonsoled by rhe North Me.tfoad Ctu Out & back coursc. weatherr Hot & humirt. l. Jim Daley, NMC, 26:i!6 (Equals rccord of 26t.16 set by Challes Keaiing, 19?t)j Z, Joe Kolb, unat,, 27.A2) 3. G\enn Braunhafdt, NMC, 2?:Z3j .1. Chel
Fortier, NMC, 2?:3Oj 5. Raimo Ahti, NMC, Z?:31; 6. John Fligley, NMC, ?8:O7j 7" Ri.hald Salazar, unat., 28:11; 8. Ciiff West, N\rC, 28:35i 9. Franci Maher, NMC, 28:5?; 10" Ray t{aake!, wat, , ZgtZZ 11" Dick Corrigan, NMC, 29:.11i 12. Ed C,Donae[, unat", 29:12; 13. Neal liell€r, NMC, 29:50; 14. Ste. Suddin, NIiC, Z9:57j ia. Rob€rt Bowsea, unar", 30 1.1; 14. Chris toungdahl, NN{C, 3O:.,11t 1?. Tofr Boor Ni,tc, 3a:1aj 18. Bob !\,_ard, unat., 3O:5?j 19. Eric Ahti, N\lC, 3l:02; 20. Stan Keyes, NMC, 3l:Zl; 21. laul Scheu, NMC, 31r3oj 22, Ron Boone, NMC, 31: .12; 23. Joln OrRourke, NMC, 3t:5Zj 2.1. Bob Canru NVC, 32:35; 25. Sreve NoJtle, NMC, 33:OOj 26. Jol E. Campbell, NMC, 33:116; Z?. JefI Robert6, NMC, 33:30j 28. Tid Barly, NMC, 33:ilzj 29. Fled Robbins, NMC, 3,{r05; 30. Tony Macario Sr., NMC, 34:15i 31. Dan Co{fey, unat., 34:15; 32. John McKe€ NMC, 34:54j 33, John No{i1e, NMc, 35106r 3,1. Bra Campbell, NMC, 35:09; 35, Je!!}. Hanrahan, uat., 35:25; 36. Tony Macario Jr,, NMC, 35t3.., 37. To; O'Cometl, IiMC, 36:56; 38. Don LaFrenierre, NM( 3'7:15; 39. Jim Vital, NMC, 3?:16;.,10. Walrer VitaL, NMC, 37:u. i5? 6rarter6, 5,1 fini€l:ers,l -_Freit Brown Sr. -_
4.3 MILE ROAD RACE, HOLBROOK, MASS. Jun€ 17, r9?2. Weath€ri Hor & hhid. l. F€ter Crisci, NMC, 2l:3t: Z" Ken claham, unar. 22:00; 3. Ceoige Conel!ey, NMC, 22r09; 4. Joe Car tano, Bostod AA, 22:l5i 5. Robert cormley, Marlh AC, Zztl9t 6. Pere! Kuchinski, Spalran AC, 22:35; 7, Thohas Parerson, Colleit Univ., 22:36; (next pc
8. Richard Bairy, UMass., ZZ:37: 9. Richard Mect 46.'*nii, ccorge Watelboug€, NMC, S7:32,47, #berr ' 86:,t4; ccAA, zzt14i I0. David Linton, BA,\,.22t51, n. s..4c6, "r./11r1 .18, Dave Linron, wl;;;, -ivei€6, BA-a, 8?:45: Craham, unat., 22r58; 12. Jotu ce.larholm, unat., 23: ,{9. L. 'St. .o"".-"., s8:+o; 50, ",..." J:D." 0Z; 13. Mike Bater, B,A,A, 23:09; l,{. Brad K!on, Dor., Spaingfield college, 23:rri 15. Jim co!reu, Fradingham r"...i" Ear,, 88:49; 51. Maft eelken, NCAC, e9:03; 5?, ly"t, *.i., 89r2I; 53, Dave _Ausria, unat. , rohn Babinsroh, NMc, z3:zo; u. or; sr,:2, s.a.,j"" ::, ?r"!: !t. B,l. NMc' 89:45; 55. Mark Fridas, Malrin, Horbrook Hs, z:,)a, ra. st.i*y unat., uat, s9,51, 56. alll , z3t3atre. ratues stronach, NMc, zj,:g; ".rton, zo. o.i" xl_ eo,o6; 5i. K;;;;"'"'.".:1Ti:1;i;.?I-#;:t:".::-" buah, NMc,23:5r;zl, Dave Ezer6kv. spartanAc, 2,1: r.rqrA, goJo,-5; r.hBet1, cov,Drhmer Acad.,91:l9j 0?; 22, Ke! stewart, uar. , 24:lil; 21. eitr r.ot"r, Nnrc, Co. siii i"ti, i".t-.'"',jill*!;"1r.;11;,r,t 24:16; 24. Dohard M;c",.ny, u"..oi." rrs, zr,r9, ,ii:;Tr:?;;" Oafl Bean, uat,, Z4t38i 26. Dav:c, -r "".,, , ,.,.s|6.. ,.2,0n,2," o^,ti*.",,;"., *-^'"-, .'iXT,"lil'"ff",
AlexaEder, NU, 25:09; 29, John Waljace, BAA, 25:tO; 30. Jonarhe Byrd, wat., 25..12:3r. scott Newkirk, Scituate HS, Z5:r4; 3?. Cerald Cood. uar. 25:16, 33. , John Kelley, unat., 25:3.1: 34. Ken Dawson, EAA, ,r7;35. Jim McArou, uar., 25:59;:e.,wirri._ 25: rj.." _ buay, @at., 26:0.1; 3?, Dohalit sDit e, usAI, ?6:12; 38. Reuben Bigelow, EAA, 26:r?; 39. steve Lowetr, unal",26:19;40, peter Donahue. uar.,,..26:30;..'. Alan Siegel, unar., 26:34;,!2. paut Schetl, NI,IC, Z6:,10; ]3.
;;i::?."*ilJ;:,:i:,i:::;*:ifXTtiif ;. .i"".r"g", _.r., -ii,l.j 94:28;6?. Byroa Ritey, UDiv,of New r,s. .ro_
nryg.,., 94:35i 6e. "._""i;i", r"_ ea.h..", *"r. , ,r,u r, ?0. Daveuat., Batron, Mr. park AA, 95:09; Zt. Lucien Brunet, ChicoutiDi AC, 95:lO; ?r.-,i;;:;.;;-;.,uerownAc,96:26;23. rim Hein, t".ri.r"*. ai, so,.ry, ,.r. o"rn Ki<lder, unat.. 96:42: zs, i.r,-.ia.r, sr. Urban6 Horsehen, 9?:0zi ?6, ""t.. Herb errrrrp",--r,r_l,,tl 91:t6! 7?. RolaDd vermette, NMc. 97:t7., ZS. ij e,; wnat , e1:zit 7e. r.c. R€ed. c_ordon re.nison, uat", 26155j i+. p""r n..r", ;.;.; !,. 2?:03j 45. Robeli Hilr".", ";;;;";;.";:--, z?:zo; .!6. rohn *,,r, r,. ,rriioi.,'J,'J;rj:.r,, ;g;.j:;i.i:.jlr:."":; E. campbelr, NMc, 2?:32i.!?. p€te "s, ".li*t chaDberrain, rvc ._.",'i;;,-;;:.r;;rr, 4ichard srockdale, unar_, 9e:52j 27:32i 48. Anthony Bdrer, unat., 28j33; .49. Brian U,r, CL*f.rr.'r_.rii" rirzgelald, BAA, z't34i so. ri,*J ay..", unat.,z8:35 ,r._,." sC, .;,;;.'irfi,;j"i::":.;rirr;,jl[l;,-t t* (70 Etarters, 68 Iini6hels) Tcan score6: 1, Ntlrc, 5-MILE WALK, BRocI{ToN, MAss.. June 19, 19?z Ac, 29; .r. Boston AA, E; z. CSU, t9; 3, Tur etorwn as, u. I{r. 1._ Geo!€e Lattalu1o, NMC,
43:35; 2. ceorge Grzebien, eue. , 4Zi 6. Nolth louDrry Ac, ,15; """.r'u""";;ii", ?. Sr. Urbads HorNMC, 45:16; 3, Fled Baown Sr., NMC, 47109; 4! Frank sehen, 59j 8. Llir 4c, 69. sciDone, NMc,,t7:28. --Fred Browb s!. __ Notes...Tom o..a..i., t.a at rhe hauway house.
Jue r8,
1972. Temp. atbase- ?.4o and.t4o at the top, tasifriie. __r".aBroy,.Sr.-Record: 64:57, by Fred Norris, 1962. 1. Roiand Corhier, North Medtold Ctub, 69:16; Z. Ralph 5.,1 MILE ROAD RUN, IIUDSON, MASS. Thohas, Maine, 69137; 3. Mar lrhite, Boston AA, Jbe 20, 1972. 1l/earh€r: Hot & hurniil. Cours. ttecoril ?O:' clisci,r.{Mc,
zlt95i 5, .o-!i..,
;;;.;;:;'":;J"","i,:r,";:i::,^;,:.:.1,L#.i::fl,i,,"lTj,1f!;Jli,:27:53;2.wa'Mu,,.,28: e. ray sidma., csu, zz,ir,-ro. -uit"-,i.c." t.", uMa6s. urar., .u,ru, r. fr1], '^,'^;:-:,z;.riff"."r#"*, ?1:ll; ll. John S.woie, Tu!rletovnAa, 71t3EjIi. Jell Brauha!.tt, NMC, ^"r*i 29:0.1; i. Cher!ortier, NMC, 29rtl; ,', 5anborn, Aueu6taRec.Assn.. i4:45:tl.
8. Jaoes Smith, CSU,:O,C,t,C. .i",." ,r".r"", ,;1a",, 3!:21; tO, Ron Drogan, niMC, 3O:5tii lt, JolD Mernari6! NMc, 3t:06; rz. ni.,u,."r"..g"ro, NvC, jl:45: stowctr, @at., 3t:.19j 1,t, Rocly M. ntoh, naat. 13. Doh , 31:5oj rS. Oi"t Co..igoo, NMc, 31:51;16. OrDoeeU, \Mc, 31:55; ti: Dand Mccirvcry, NMC, 3t:56; 18. Eric sud_ Ahri, NMc, 3r:5?; re. stevr: sudln, NMc, 32:10;20.
hi1r, CSU, ?6:08; 1.,1. Ch!is Stockdale. purnam; Conn", 7-6:3Jt t5. Leonard Ha1i, NCAC, 76:a5, i6, Jonn Hu!1e;, Nl{c, ?7;06; l?. Dan La!son, strarJord spartans, ??:3;; 18. Walter Chatwick, Turdetown AC. rZ:+O;rg. i,.r.t lj]iiahji, Kede stafe, 7t:lJj zo. Joru conno1ly, BAA,
i*]rl,,,t;i.:."1i i.,:iof I NcA:, iatza.,zz.
;;" ;i;1ft"',";;;l;"tiTi' " "n '""'..i"#l::". ;*; Newtown, conh., 79t5zt 213. Dave
czersky, unat. , 81:r,1; r-Mc, i3:.)9; zi. sta't;y l'e;, nrz,_;,;;, ;;"';:;, 27 Pelleti€r, u'orsherbrooke, 8i:2s;28. Nr:il schell, rr,lc, ::,:r, zr,.-.torr. o. c"-i,".ti, ,.,r'a, ,1,' .Pierre Acklev, Turtletowh Ac, Srttz: 29. r-oui s paul, csu, 5oj 2?. Ron roode, NMc, :a,r+; zs. r1.."; i..*;k.",' 82r06; 30. Robert Laprel, Bosron CotIege, 8Z:33i it. NMC, 3.1:19; 29. nobert L. cantu, NMC, 34:31; 30, Jo. c. Bristol' B€thet Baranas, 83rli; 32, Ra, crorhau, conno[y, csu, 3,rr55; 11. Ron LaFrenierre sr., NMc, MRFA, 83r20;33. (enSte*art, unat, r 83:26; 3,1. Stevc 3,!:5t,;32. John F. atrange! NMC, 35:08;33. Butrsi, Turtlelorrn AC, 83tq.i 35. Davc Crarv{ord, Vital, NMC, :l,t), :,r, ,u".or, Z,, ri.rn',lvalter 35:26; Turtleto n Ac. El:.!8i lo. o.ore! xIiller, 8.1:11; 35" 1!iuiah Hlul.y, unat., 35:35! 36" srepheh Nof,e, r]. P^:"le K!:hi:s!-r, sp"'*" ac, 84:lLr; 38.NcAc, Ray imhea_ rlrc, :r,+e; :.i. p.r. cr,._r,..r.i., NMc, 35:52; 38.
;ili,it:':.:ifi:.jl;xi'"11;i,11",i1.".i,".1,:11,ili1:' i,1!3,i?l"i:j;"i,Ti;.:::u11 ,?. ':r:: """" '""i.,"' Rorand noi;;,"ir,,;;j:il,".., \r..,c, 37:.2; ,,.. ,,,""i,'l#'"f;j:':;;.irt;;:"r:.ff*. -tlichau;, unat., E5r4il; ,13. Don pextrins. unat_ . 85:41;"",,n",o--, .1.!. Stev.: No{'e, Ntlc, 37:29; 1.r. Jcll Roberts, NMC, 3Z:35; roofe, 'rurtlcro*n Ac, 86,37:15. r"',u" uie"r.-, uAA, il;"ii"" ".;:l;,1:i,;.,';;,;;:-i;;'";:';;:1."'j;'o';,","_
g WAYNI] MERKH BEAI'S LORENZ IN RRC X-COUNTRY Blackwood, N.J., Sun.lay, Junc 11, 1972 6:00 P,M. The weckly Middle Allanric RRC race developed into a battle b€trveen Wayne Merkh, Camden County Collcge and Herb lorenz and it was only in the closing srages '\a 1{ayr " I oJ c-a \F ap -.."-y b,rs' l e r.IF.
'o \"s-,ot oo n.-r'.. couldn't match Merkh's .1:14 oil. ovcr rh. last a-
Course: Three 1a!6, sandy, u,ood€d cour6e on the Camden Couhty Coltcgc carnpus, Weathcrr ldeal, 65 to 70 d.rgr€es, cloudless, 1. Waync N4.akh, 20, Cahnch Couhry Cotlege, 25:36 2. Herb Lorchz, 33, Pcrn AC, Z6:01 3. Frah Ma:ciulli, 18, Cla.sboro Srare,
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
2 (,:0 9 Frank Irick, 35, Penn .\C, Jay Ravet, 1r,, Eastern Regional HS, 21,:21 Ed ConhcUy, 19, unattachcd, Paul Lucuski, 26, Pchn AC, 26.31 Tom Mackin, 19, Cam.len alounty College, 26:41 26:.18 Davc Hoch, 17, Williamsto\'n HS, 21t29 10. Jotn lVan€, Pemberton H.S., 18, 11. Bob Skihner, l?, unat., 2?:58; 12. OaryRieeer,18, Eastern R.gional HS, 27:,9i 13. Dan 1\roolstoni 15, East€rn Regiohal I1S, 28:13; 14. Milt Harlvick, 20, AU€ntorn, Pa., 29:05r 15. iuike Cantweli, 15, rnat., 29:08i ltr. Dav€ Sim!sor, 20, trnat., 29:2.1; l?, Dave Hasenlus, 20, P€nnsauk!n, N.J,, 29:,13i 18. l\iayne Plichard, ?6, Audliboh, \. J,, 2-o:.1,1; 19. Roy 1\rade, Pemberton HS, 15, l0:12; 20. rim Clatelvard, l.l, liemberton HS, :r1:04j 21. Larry Conner, tir, unar., 3l:06r 22. r4ike r'oy, 1?, 3l:08; 23. Bobby 1vad., 1'cnrb.rton, N.J., rl (5rh erade) 31:09; 2.r. John Rossi, 1,1, Camden YMCA, 3l:.lli 25. Stephen Tarrt, 21, unat., 35:l3i 2r,. Alberto Bertludez, 19, Pcmb.rton HS, l5:55r 2?. Ray samson, 19, unat., l6:09; 28. nob€rt Johnson, 17, Pemb€rton HS, 36:15; 29, Jerry Cray, 2.1, Glassboro State, l6:19; 10. David Rusk, 17, Clouc.ster HS, la,:l1i 31. Ed S.hone, 15, :l?:08; 3,. J.ll Sta€ger, 1i, woodbury HS, 37:45r 3:1. Ray Raynor, ,13, unat., 38:35; 3,1. Stcvc Snydcr, 1?, 38:36; 35. Ray Droz.lo{slo, 39, Cand€n, N.J., 39:02; 36. Bill DiLLs, 1.1, ,1lr0l. (la, starters & linishers)
NATIONAL AA! FOSTAL ACE CROUP MILE RUN CHA\{PIONSHIP, Satuiday, June 3, 1972. Places .lecided on tihe ltith !ites a. Houston, Te:as, Dehver, Colo,, Bakers{icld, Ca1il., and Io!t lvlcade, Maryland. 9 & UNDER BOYS - 1. Steve Rurk€, Calif., 512?.8i 2. Cene N{irkin, D. C. , 5:3tr. 2: 3. I,rikc Assrnma, Calil. , 5:36.6 (1\rorld bcst lor 8-year-oldi lormei record, 5:.10. I by Cene Mirkin. ), . . 10-11 BOYS - l. Charlc6 Assmlma Calil., .r:56.8 (1for1d be6t{or; Jormer record, 5:00.I by Xevin Khox, 1!.asco, Calll. )i 2. Frank Asslfrma, Calil., a:02.3; 3. Bob Potrukus, Calif ,, 5:1.1. 3,. . 12-13 BoYS- L Foilest \, calif., 4r,18, I 2. Jcsse Mogana, Calif,, .1:52.1; 3. Raudy 14hitc, Calil. 4:53. 8. . . 1,1-15 BOYS- 1, Ricl< Buck6ta.l, N. J. , .l:26. 6; 2, Jim Peterson, Md. , l:30.,1r 3" Bill LaForge, Ca1iI. , ,1:33..1. , .9 & UNDER CIRLS- l- A.ry Russil1e, lvld, , 5152,3, Z. I;6i Da!r, Carif., 5:59.2; 3. Cheryl Butler, Ca1iI., 5:08.2.. ,10-11 GIRLS- 1. Donna Cam]n€ll, D.C., 5:30. 0; 2. Corrinn€ Nunes, Calil. , 5r32.'1; 3. Naacy Frahk, Valley Stream, 1"-. Y. , 5:35,,1. . ,12-13 CIRLS- 1. Mait Decker, Calil. , 5r04.1: 2. Pam ,4.1lcn, CaliI. , 5:07. 3' 3. Robin Cao$err, D. C, , 5:12. Z. , . l.!-15 CIIRLSl. Dor€en Emis, N.J., 5:13..|i Z, EIma Burt, D. C., 5r2,1. 8j 3. Amey Trorta, N. Y. . 5:24. 8. --Cabc Mirkin--
\yEST VIRCIN_IA AAU 2o-KILO TRACK RUN June 4, l9?2 {r:00 P.M. WvU Coliseum Track (440y Resilite), Llorgantorrn, li est va. 1. Cart Hatlield, i:41:19,2t Z. Dor Sauer, 1:05:ll,4j 3. Roger Roui11er, 1:10:10: .1. Joe N4acPherson, l:1.1r25.5. Notes,.. Th€re nere oiigiaally .10 runers scheduled ro ru this evcnt and a three mile run. There eere thre€ o! Iour runners irho had llanned to run lor timeg rhrough tn'o hours, anc Carl Harfield eveq talked oI _o 1. c.l-r E.l -ror 5 ri "! hrolgn \ ' r\- ra (^hich s ." on ' o nol ., top ol a mountain arolt a hau houl be{ore the race to driv€ alour hall p.ft,, a group oi nrrrrs started th€ Zo!s, bul oo rhe
r.r ap L o"\.gp igr'ri'C oo fl : "- d \-,rrn--s os.op:n "bol Z0 v-. their tracks a1. :-:i.rc tc (ait. Afrer the temp€rature diorpcd, and ihe ra:. and ligbtning subsided, lour ruU . !o,. o-nrr/ , apr"i.. DoD Sau€i, :tar.: ..rrL llatfield rhrough a pace oJ 5:09, 5:02, 510.1, I..., / a i.2.t:11), 5:13 (30:,17) ahd th!ough '' q"- 4 Blosed con6 .!ab1r :: ::E -ast f€w mi1es, but ran '(the last q.d_re. s clvlnr"gc o' c"--r.
MANSFIEL T r L9?2 lvIlNI-MARATIION RESULTS Mansric1.l, c:::, '.ne 3, 1972 (9.2 Miles) 1. Paul Tali::::.. la, Canron, Ohio, 4?r1Zi 2. Rich Lachoskt, ll, .l:i:]o, Ohio, .18:33;3. Chuck Koe!p€n, 26, Indrara, : a: -, Dao Sekerak, 25, Ohio AC, 49:01; 1. . , B . : "rr c-r-j, .., .19:56i i, :::i: S.,.is, 22, Tole.1o, 50:0?i 8. Marc Peuron, :1, ::r:lr :. !il1 Hei.lemaa, 31, Akron, 51:15; 10. llan r.:.:r, ::, Akron, 5l:33; U, Lennie Finchlm, t7, Morel?::, ,-.c., a2:A2, 12. PhilForil,36, Mans{ield 52:08; l. :z:l ts.aiLet, 38, Colmbus, 52:28; 1.+. Ceo, Grins, 29, rj: : 15. Ralph Davis, 21, Akron, 53:12j b, \t OnL., (3: 6: 7. pol"r d A sp.l, . o, 4:00i Inde:,, i-:rl ::, Dennis Dulbin, 20, Danvil1e, 5,1:29; 20, rlari --::::, :8, Shelby, 54:32; Zl. Tim Spark6, 16, Mansliel.. at:n:r 22. Bob Caldren, 39, Delalvar€, 55: ,'aid, 21, Bowling Gac€h, 55:Zl; Z,!. 16; 23, T.:il Crai! F:r-:. :1, foledo, 55:23; 25. Augie H6t, 21, Piqua, rr:j:r :a. Johh Me!oIa, .10r Columbus, 55:48; 2?. Da', a --i)er, 18, Tillin, 55:25; 28. P€te Peuron, 16, 5!::i: :.. Jrm G. Ed\rards, 3?, Tolcdo, 56:32j 30. Neal Liias:r.rrt, ?2r Lima, Ohio, 56:35i 31. Dan Rish, 16, Can:.r, ra:1Cr 32. Rat Larson, ,!0, paris, 57r00; r '_4. q7.02. 14. co dor 5P cF-, 18, Lirtra, :ila3; 35. Ceo. Peull, ZZ, I.leda, al.A5,
a'. ." .!: ,-u , I, ror"ic, )7 C7. 17. (Fn jr'hlpi Crest.le!., i?:10i 38. Dick McCraney, 25, Toledo, 57:l6i 39. \rihe Hates, 19, Berlin Heights, 57:24j 40. Chu.k Saith, 1a, Caaloi, 5?:30j 41. Id Stockrell, 15, <.rNed, \l .) r'. , -:.: ), aooo p., -7: o' .rl. J. Bargahisei,'2,39, Mansfi€1d, 57:.16;44. Charles Cersier, 1,, Toledo, 58:09j il5. Mike A1b€rt, 16, Canlon, 53:10j .t6. Harry Hil1, 29r Mansfield, 58:16j 4?. ren Ha11, 15, Nenark, 58:22; .18. La!ry l\'hirc, 16, Crestliew, 5E:30j ,19. Wayne Vhire, l?, Crestvien, 58r.!0i 50. Briah Blue, 29, Col. Sta. , 58:50; 51. Bill Fink,38, Iturlci€, Ind., 59:14; 52. Norm Grimes, 38, Tiffin, Ohio, 59:19; 53. Malcus Hamsher, 3,1, Coludbus 59:28; 5.t. Kevin Kern, 1?, Mans{ield, 59:30; 55, Stuart Smith, l?, Jerom€ville, t?, 59:.,10; t6. Rich Monts, 15, Tittin, 60:!?t. ( l,ra Iiri6her6), 16,
r.r.* v""r.c,ri.'s"i.'"l,irli)^l,,:1., _cen*a1park, ?5 wom€n distance ruher6 lined u! {or,the srarr of th€ haugurat 6-mire clazyless Mini_Malathoh. Jhe_ein_ ner wa6 Jackie Dixon, t?, Ilom Los cato€, california, who cov€red the cour6€ i! 3?:Ot.?. Miss Dif,o! fihished 200y ahead or charrote 4e Lertis, zr. of^sdth_Deer-
lij;,.i:i: .iHJ:l',;1".:::1":i:ij" :.c.
i,.,:y;n; i;;? f i::';.."ii:,1, ;;;;: e. Ji, i:
John Del sordo, 39:5? ,. "*, u.l ""."..,'-r!, N4r.*iri"", r!,41, & Joh! Wade, .10:14 s. ,r""r ,au,t5,& Larry si@ons, 40:46 S. r']t*t ".".;",'jS,i., u.r";.i1, & Dehnis Adams, 40r48 i;. ;;;;";;:';r,;., & Dave Hoch, 41:58 Jolnson ,, ,_...y s,"p,","", +)r+ u ";6,R"";;,-;;.s, ttr
j:* #:[i::?':: 1\,,::;:;:j::::; jj;j; ;xi;{:.n::::xrn*riltil:""* ri!:.:i i! io"tr,u ii."i t.. ri"i"i.;" ;;;,;;, ;;;;: :TT"tf* l;: l";:i;::[::::, ,ii;"i. Jf#1,.::::"., I;i,., ..'i';;:x'--il".",i::T.""T:tJT#.":,H.i:i:."J:" ii:*;::.i;;lf;.,j,i,';,t,;xil,.""li: j;,i; t. Jacqueuh€ Dixon, Los catos. cauf._ 3Z:0r.7; z. ,s. n""" ,.i.",___;!,0"0, tr Joe Duk€, rg. o'. so-e'.""-,-..,,..,. r u".."**0",45trz ;:i;::'l',#Ji'i.'""i'".;';;i',:'l;JJ":''',",:!,., n,i., 3e:oz. zj .1. pat Barre,,, a";;';;T;. i:?:":ri;J:l :i: *1it"tr:T3:.:],ldi*:::J":;;:,"; s. Euen rurker. v.u."rru, iv. i., 41:58. ?j 6. Kath, . ...
Millerr Syracuse, N.y., .12:31.8r ?. Jeamrer laylor, Mass., .t3:54.0; S. S"." e"l, tjk. Hopatcong- N-.J.,45:04.1:9. carol Fridley, N. .,.1c: j.2: o. F'ildb-'4coi;;i'""1.,^-il,]. ".,ri.-., rc:ro.2: '1. oaio-L, lr..,tii.2 'a lro. oa. \" 12. S!ra' Core, \-^ or. , ..J. rg.Ar..t., ,'C".., P)y1cr,K-a-'cv, N.J., jo:ro. i. _u.), -i. -s, N-ev York City, ,t9:57.6, b. Shaw, r,r",".""i. n , ':.r.'.-: .v-6. B!.n{ < -., dr.....'."., ",:,.,.
z+,s2, t, rohn Rossi, .r8:58
Newlon Centre,
B"r..w -Do".' .....", ur l'".1'rb|Lrrcur 0laz8 v. o8 . n..- o-nc, , .'",- ," oo..,i,s,,on-, _" 9_r.:: rprrs-,t... 27mrlesr Dave Buzz€11, z7hi. i .rin Hecht, "... :l -' 2rn B j"
l ':'
." ,.
',: : ;,-"": ll;i.""'i11r-".'r,""j,.''"":i.;):j;'..;^';"';.li;" "i- ;1, 1,'"".':" r"".-w..r""i"i..'#;i:lii:')"1:t;"'li-l'',:i:t.llt':1"::l:";;", 45n i. srele crrl' ure, 16h1.; New R:*'?:;-"::;'1":i:.';:;i,:l:i',-:i York City, 51:53. (?2 Jidishers) --r<...
srJ"".___ J!! L@n, slm,
MrDwEsT RRc Ttvo HoUR AND 40 MrLE TRACK hore county A1t cbicago,,lll., Mayll- PhrlDaus, zb,.t11ihoi6 Tc,RUNS i
::,':flJ? ;it"T ;':,::i
n*"", ,i-r.
lvard, 53mr., 5ioy.). L Baltistars, r.{ rni. i ,r. *,**"io.ri,, i,r.,r. -Les Kihioh-Mrke
;;; ;,;; ;i::.,..Ji:*:":**, ;;;;;;;.; 19?2- Jcfl smith
rrzck recordl) Youe pass..t rh. mar:rhon in a:3zr50. 1VO-HOUR RUN - t. Phil Davis, 26, iltuorb ,a, ,^, 8'J.i .l/-n /u.^s, .0, , r," 20n. o-\.... .--LodbFrs, ?o, t..2or. :0.: .- .1,,,r:. ,. ., . ne .o-, ._ l-.:,--...",,
& chartie Koe6t€r exchahqeil or lour rnrjes untit smith rook a lOs l,!:d
.June'!, l.d.1 tlrri "" - r t.. ?,: - ,"'" I : ^ a.. ,
, o..,.. ..
on.. .-t -/a.
0. ..
, ... B , . : "" j;-,"" o?. . ., .. . .. ;, ., .;,:, j p..- .^-,o1,
sn, raov: o. ; b/ ru. tsL.,onPo"cna., .r-.., ",o., .. ' u,",. ti.. tl-"ce, r'-,,,0, z. ra.kBaiLer, uar., r5h, i5r.y, unar. --Les riinion-_ rz. s: i"""'. -L, ]:::: ir( ""1"":t lqr, 2-l: :. e:ro-rz rt.,,g. o,, ,,, ;"r.._ rrg s^rld-^^€ rh, 70 y: 4. u-oc-F V ,, hF i, Ln"L., .O A_! , .. hOL d l\ . ,AVf-s .o O ^ LnL,ers,t, 18, 10m,880y. li.€ 1rack, Houston, ,,*"", S*.,-1"".a t:00 P. iv. - 1. cLy.te villarnez, .r, - t: Xei Youhs, UCTC, 4:08:28 i,i,-' ^11Y1ESjg,-ii,,,ir,", iy_.i.t:i:t,:i1"i:l!pl?" i." o" youos)_ .,10 Kilo_ i, T:-,.1:l"t: rimnl. clr,.,rt, "",-".""
l.- :
VA lr''D&hArit\c.Ap
li)n, tl8yt ?. 1in Har_ O
H:..:I;iflil:3.*:i""J.',1::,?,');fli; tt*_ iT;;,',l?"it:";,1
j:. ; ,; !*l+"'l;":ll::;,1rj.*l:u:1"., :'#L+' i''r*'*;i:i' i[{r#:'.1.T*iiri:r *,1* f , l*i relav th a drivilg rain over the cooper tr\-r parktrai I, J lrni.h sJ --P.te League " " "'f:Y.-.?) I j'"0- :i Lr.".':.: :l :""":" i ":: : ;-";:":;'.":-."::"; -lo. ..r8, 6 ... ' , tt-< ,,-..;-" ,", .o.08 ,.:."-"]"t ,"" I0^.,;,:; :: ":"" ".";,",1" ' 'i ";". ..',; , t::",:: j.'l:":' l";'..."n1;.; f*
E tst OF A SERIES OF ALL-COMERS T&F MEETS, Deptlord Township High Schoot Track, N.J. wednesday, June 28, 1972 6:30 p,M. Mile- 1. Willie Malino! pemAC, 4:ZB.ZrZ. Jaln Coyle, Seton Hal1 Unie,,4t32,8:3. Jo€ Siedlecki, Pem AC, 4:36,0; ,!, Ken Kling, penn AC, 4:38. 1]. 880- 1. Vihce Marino, Pensacola J!. Cotleg€, ?:02.4; 2. Leo Throw€r, Stelting Reg. HS, ?:04.5; 3. Joe Buffingtoa, Highland Reg. HS, 2:05. 5... Z-Mile_ t. V: - BLryr- , P"nn A', o:28.0; r, ,o- i:il-lir., Pe@ AC, 10:01.8; 3. Aruce Marino, pen! AC, 10:08. 6; 4. Bob Mickalites! St. Joseph's Cotlege, tO:14.5; 5, Gary Ricger, nastern Regional HS, tO:23j 6, Joe Ritch_ ie, Clouc.ster HS, 10:30.
Hdvc, Kansas Stai€, 13r29.3; Z. Ceorg€ StcFarr, unat. 13:31.8; 3. Faul Ceis, Rice Lrni,., i3:32.5j ,1, Howie Ryan, Ne(, York AC, 13:35.9i 5, Kerry Fea!ce, pCC, 13:3?. ?i 6. Rlck Hitchcock, Kansas Srate Univ.,13:39.: q..Mile- L Dar:.1 !.rtogno1i, Edinbo!o Srate, Z8tZ4,?l 2. Xerry !.ar.e, pCC, 28r35.3; 3. Joel Majors, Ca. 'tcch,28;.,1t, rt t, Cerry Carcia, Aromic City TC, 28: 54. 8; 5. j1q Siantef, Cincihnari Lniv, , 29:OL).9i 6. DaDien ro.h, t.aar, , 29:A5, aj 7. Mike tiaziila, Ctub
ho ..- r. an. \.A..8:r?.I :," Sid _.,:,: 3. Sink, E.: ti.! Creen TC, 8:50; 4, Jon Catlen, KahBas Ln:r., !r:U. ir 5. Chart.s Boatwrlght, Okla.St, 852,5r 6. Ci.raa \r.\renga1e, USAI, 9:01,0. {New US
. : re.or.i, conra.r usAF, ^-ightengare, f - -. Ken Spalks, |CIC, t: 9,Zt Z.
Ill l..g..,, THIRD ANNUAL MORRO BAY TO CAYUCOS FL-N RUN 1971, E:-ra. a Jue 18, l9?2- Srephen Harney establishcd a new recor.l J.rome Ho., i,.. o{ 32:03 lor the six-mile run froh Morro Rock to CaFr_ t!, t--"cos Pi€r (ca1iJ, ), over lifn, sandy beach. He b.oke the old mark oJ 33:48 set by Jef{ Jamcs in 1971. 2:..8 1. Stephen Hauey, Santa Malia, 3z:l]3r Z. Dave Broa_ so-, M 5 zan, Threc River, 33:15; 3. Vince Eng.1, San Luis Ob- ':/6.1: r. ispo, 33:azr 4, Bob Weav€r, Mo!1o Bay, 33:5.!; 5. Skip Hcrvey, Te{:: Shaffe1, Whittier, 35:13i 6. rom Cory, ctendare, 35r45;
li! -!' "'
:,: t:-!.3j 3. rahahan Mcsr,eeney, o. - | D" I . u( t. , :r'o. 9. -r'. o - o 'r-o, -:l,/.nc b'I.d, c.'otu_ 2.
--v \a ,.6t , ,6rao i. , o. ., l: , , . +, I.c(:a. trta,.1.., \4a6ter s MrLe- t. Loren . .o.. : ).0:2, Da. .,o-r,-, \\.,. 7. Merl Midstohke, Inglenood, 35:51; 8. Bob NFan, hita TC, l:!., - :, j-..a Bus€y, l!.i.hita, 5:22. O, . . g8O_ 36:00; 9. Jcff Nilahd, SLO, 36:Oi; 10" John l,opez, -'1:0.. a : r. o.-, c E: l2:Q1,9t |3. J..: :::i.::..d, 13akersIield, 36:15; 11. aob Carman, Coteta, 36:30, 12. Medicine Lodge TC, Kans. Bill Scort, L,A.,36:49;13. Bob Bra!ch, L.A.! 36:52; Z: o, -: j, B cpr'.e-, l: O. .. o, 14. Dave lyelch, Loopoc, 36:5.!j i5. Joln Beator, Gro_ \1. rq r o - , A. "., t:/ t:Z.r: t. .c.r\ v€r City, 36;54j t{i. Marc Lund, Scat leach, 3?r06; 1?. Secthaler, :e:. r: t:jj_ i1-j 3. Dah pr1ce, Ohio, Zrj?l j7:t6; George Root, Culver Ciry, t8. Mike SteFarr, 00j .]. I-arri -:r:::1, adia,, 2r3?:39i 5, paut Erler, Torrance, 37i56; 19. Doug Cat€s, Baker6fietd, 38:Z3j Co1o., 2:lir: -. Lj:n::aer, Coto., Z:3?:54i 7. Craig 20. Vic Tise, Vandenberg, 38:5t; Zt. Bilt Kirby, Monte_ Harms, Ohi., : -: : i, Dale Ro., rvisc., 2:,!9:50; 9. be110, 39:06; 22. Steve M.r-€an, 39:09; 23, Chuck Ogle, :." Morro Bay, 39:13i 2.1. Mike Jens.n, SLO, 39:25; 25. ?: :).1 ..' Ho.,, o Mike Ddwaids, Santa Maria, .t():1.1; 26. Jr:ff Eilwards, 2:51:10j 1:. :rr:::.::., t:r.1:1ij 1.1. John Lodwick, fex, Santa Ma!ia, 40:l7j 27. Stan RosenJicld, L.A., .tOr2Z; as, 2r59:r8 itt: . :j : _:s1.a, I' ua.ier t:ta:oo), 28. Rod MacDonald, SLO, ,10:28; 29. Cene Si1va, SLOr ,10:32; 30. lVes Alderson, L.A., ,10:33. (78 Iinisher6) PAl HAr\!\Ct: t:: t.:_ rt:i -{TL]lNTt(j ltRc 5_MILE --5 "n o.c.Iield__ Deptlor.l Iri:., ::. ., :::., .iue 2+, L9/z l0:!o A.M._ P" r"n. ....8."..",,,ov--,-L-d O(IE RELAYS, TEXHOMA, OKLA. - ,10 N1IlES o.a.L..c oLSn Across Oklahorna Pahhandte - Elkharr, Kahsas to 1ex_ 5-milc run a: :-.: i:.... Fairs. ho&a, Okla. - r€xas. (.1 run.jrs Der rcam, tO mile6 1._ P€t Harc: jiane Cerb.r, 1l oo.lbufy HS, ::: .ach) i{ay 2{r, 1972 - l Meados. Ctty TC (H. Sando, c. z5:17; l. J.. ! ..i I L .,.1 :..::, tiamsto(n HS, Z5:35;4. Joe Roybal, L.Chav€2, L,Cain) .1:13:r5! Z,{.city HS, Dukc, HcLle:ri, rr t a,. 2:r_tr a. paul Lucuski, penn .1:26:18; 3. M.ados City tIS #2, ,1:36:O5j .,r. ttr. Las Veg- AC, 26:2lt l:, az.: :..L, iriiliam6to*n HS, 26r42; ,1:38:.r0j i. a6, 5. Norman, 1:,{:,1,t; ij. Chitocco, ,1:,12:26; Jose,h F..!., C::::?- -:rse_r TC, ?6:43j s. Wi iam ?. Stillwatcr, 4:.16:.18. (21 reaDrs started, Z2 Iinish.d, :.:. : :. Bo! \,farino, v lia'6town Hs, llb]:"t 9 under 5:00, 16 under 5r30, t9 undcr 6:00) 82.t.erees, 27:31j 10.-:,., Ca.! ir:::r, Eastern Regiohal frs, Z7:.+3; 20 dph head*ind. --Bob Martin-r.. rr
' :'":*1, 1.1. Eil Sch..,., ::ai,,
ayne filtcl1:
':/l lZrll; 15, Jim cros6, uat., J.!:Oa Track. I€mp. 82 degr e e s. ALL-CO\I5RS Tar \tE!T! DLPTFORD TWp. H.S. l. Pete Spah, ASU, 3O:0.!.6; Z. Doug Conky, unar. , j., t.i2 6:30 p.M. Rain, huddy tiack. 3l:33.7; 3. ceo. M.rfin, r8, 3t:.r.rj 4. Leonard Suar.z, l'..'9i", 3-MiL.- :*" l. Jot Sie.:tcctii, tuilliahsrou,a HS, 15:26.3; Z. unat., 3Z:31i 5, S!€nccr Srnith, Alizona Roail Rac€rs, Charles Cje.:{a, lrar., i6rOti 3. Mark Betcherr cate_ 3Z:51: 6. Ray Wootery, 16, l3:19. (23 srarters, ti finis_ say Reg, H5, li:22i 1, Cary Rieger, East€rn Reg. HS, - -Stcve Stefh-nson- Lb:25. .. Mile- L, ']are Hoch, ItittiaDsto$n HS, .,1,55,8j Z, Ccttiaes, car€tay R€g. HS, .rr57i 3, Cary USTFF T&F CHAMPION-SHIPS, 1YICHITA STA'|E UNIV, Zerno, CLoLcest€r Count, Co11ege, 5:02; 4. ljd Knorr, Wlchita, Kan6as, May 27 l9?2 - Nijt€- 1. I).r.r liaal Ciouc!:stei Co. CoLlege, 5:0..1..,RFyL Mit._ 1. Joe Pa.ilic Coasr Club, l:59.8j 2. Ata;_frarker, ,!r.hita ..c. d. B. h" \. ., <,"e.,-. o"i. ,r.t"."., state univ,, r:oo.9j 3, creg carlb€ig, unar., .1:01.4; Clayton, N. J. , lj:1Oi 3. At Taylor, unat. , 6:27. Zr .!. .1. Nick Rose, Westera Kentucky TC, .{;02.,1j 5. Hectoi B- | fi z. -: 0: ., p, r-,. | "../, t"l,a Ortiz, Weste!n Ky, IC, .!:03. ?...3-Mile_ r, Jerome IU 1'xpecnng in 5 nonttb ) ARIZONA AAU 10, OOO \,IETER TRACK RACE RESULTS Phoenix, Arizona, Jtrne 9, 1972 8:30 p.M. A11_W.arhcr
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MILE HIGH MARATHON $ ashihgtoa Park, Denver, Colo. , Sunday, May 28, 1972 ?:4. A.V, cF.r:f'-d courbt ol 2,2 m. - .oo!r --r d cours€. SF.reored by: Soufheast Dcnvor Jayce€s. 14eatherr 55" & 6howcr at starq 65" & suny a! linish. 1. Tom Berger, 21, Fort Collins TC, Z:34:4a z. lYes Crist! 23, Fort Collirs 'lC, 2137131 , ro\n Bra" "J, 8, Tho ' as -ttp-.on lc,-:,10,1r 4, Ernie Cunlille, 34, U.S.A.l, Academy, 2r,1ar56 5, Patrick Ru!€l, U. S. A. F, Academy, 2:47151 6. Brent Weigher, 22, Fort Collins TC, Z:19:39 7. Dave Hoaglud, Air Folce Academy, Zr49r.l9 8. Steve Oacbupin, 29, Jemez Pueblo, N,M. 2:51:05 9. Kcwin Mahoney, i8, U.S.A.F. Academy,2:51:30 10, Mike Spence, 19, So.Colorado Striders, Zi51:4? ll. r" l, Po'. -. 8, !,1 15, 1:^|t.a: l , ,11, Rocky Mt. RR, 2:5?r0?i 13, Hardy Bramley, 16, Thomas JcIIer€on HS, D€nver, 3r00r,!0j 14. Frank McCab€, 54, Schlessman YMCA, Denver, 3:0t:00; 15, Dan Benawidcz, 35, @at., Longmont, Colorado, 3:01: 34; 16. Kent EggleBton, 21, Fort Collins TC, 3:02:16i 17. unl,rown, 3r02:28; 18. JoD DppelBoh, 3,1, Rocky Mr. RR, 3:04:31t 19. Tom Lei4ir€, 28, RMRR, 3:05:15j 20, Bruce Techentien, 15, Arvada W€st HS, 3tA6t46i 21. Ted Cutler, 35, RMRR, 3:A7:AAt 22. Jim Cardin€r,28, Fort Coltin6 TC, 3:07:10j 23. Demis Katzer, 1!, unat,, LincoLn, Nebaasl<a, 3:08:3.1j 2,1. Paul Eagan, 16, F.rt Collins TC, 3il0,l8i 25, D.nnls Kavanaugh, 3?, Rl,1RR, 3.IA.2A;26. Rich Casperson, 12, R]'{RR, 3,llta2 27. Erhie Malavitla, USAF A.ademy, 3:LZ:08i 28. Jay Krabd.h"r, '], urL., BoLld-r. : -:2oi . o, Do- Lrroa! , St. Aalhony's BC, N.Y., 3:13:1?r 30. Charlie 1tood, 39, ort Collins 'IC, 3t14.04r 3t. Sid Arnold, 28, RMRR, 3:15:15; 12. Robcrt Conlon, .10, Fort Collihs TC, 3:19rl0;33. Pam 1!eigle, 29, RockyMt. RR, 3:19:r1; 3,1. Paul Elti6, 20, Fort Collihs TC, 3:20:02; 35. Robt. Carlson, ,1?, Colo!ado TC, 3:23:13! 36. John Do$, 31, RMRR, 3:23:46r 37. Paul Kurrmrow, ,16, Corden, Colo. 3:2.1:14i 38, Jan HoweU, 3?, RMRR, 3:24:59; 39. $ilbur Ar4old, 58, SouLhern Colorado Striders, 3:25:06; 40. Demis Plapp, uhat,, Deavex, 3r30:52. Team Score6: l. Folt Coltins TC, 8j 2. U,S.A.F. Acad€my, 13r 3. Rocky Mounrain Road Runners, 27; 4, SCS. Note6. ,. Don Starbuck, olFoat Collihs Track Club, juoped tnto at ihm€diate lead, as he r'a6 running about 5:30 tace foa 61aps be{ore he fad€d somewhat and Tom 'Berger, a juior at Coiorado Stat€ University, rook the SECOND ANNLTAL DENVER
2. Wes Crist, 23, 3. Larry Main, 29, .!. Don Morris, 35,
E. T,
s!-tzl 54:34 55:10
H.p. 23.28 L8:.4? 21:31 7.21 20,29 21:37 :24 18:32 ZA|Z9 23128
Act, T, FT 30;53 t{.
9 3
1-cl1s, 39, 55:11 47:17 4Q 6. Kent Eggleston, 21, 55:22 34:53 5 7, Tom tserg€r, 21, 55:Zz 33:45 4 8. Marlin Cay, 36, 55:36 55.12 47 9, Rich Casperson, 32, 55:.,10 3?:0 8 14 t0. Cerry Vihcent, 41, 55i.r7 3 5;18 7 16. Mike aaer, 18, 56:03 32,3a 2 (51 starters, .19 Iinishcrs) - -R. Dennis Kavanaugh-5, G€orge
ROCKY MOUNTAIN A,{U ONE.IIOUR RUN CIIAMPS Potts Field, Boutd€i, Colo,, Sunday, June.r, t9?2 Johh Landweht, 16, Alamcda High School junior, became th€ Iirst high schoolei to capture a Rocky Mt. AAU long ilisrance .rorn, as he sprint.d by Don Morris at the 52 minute mark ol rhe hour run. ctocked a 5:19 milc between 81/2 & 91/2 to defear tvtorris by cxactl] 180y. Hot & sunny, 1 John Landw.hf, tom, 98?y; 2. Don Mofris, 35, RMRR, loh,807yj 3. Kevi! Mahoncy, 18, USAF Academy, t!rn, .r90y; 4, Frank Mencin, 20, Coto, TC, 10m,.158y; a. Dave Daley, 20, USAFA, 1ofr,265yi 6, Ri.h Sinatra, l1-, 1',lap!eton HS, l0E,53yi 7. Larry Main, 2t, wesr Va11e_v TC, Calif., 9m, !36t; 8. Joc Ca.tdy, 18,
1\'.st HS, 9m,550yi 9. Jocl Uineard, 29, RMRR, 9h, 28Zvl 10, Gr.e Philli.s, t?, Afvada 1\ cst HS, 9m, 266y; 11. jan Ho(elL, li, RMRR, 9^,22Ay; t2, Don Zursradt, 3!, unat., 9nr,20iyj 11, Sid Arnol.1, 28, RMRR, 8h, 1720y; 1.1, Miiie Arrnstrong, la,, AWHS, 8m,1693y; 15. Toh GrilJiths, 16, .\1,'rHS, 8m, 1658yj t6. Bob Carlson, ,17, Co1o,TC, 8m, l.!07y;1?. Charti€ trood, 39, FCTC, 8m,1293y; 18. Berni€ Cay, 37, RMRR, 8m,1O85yt r9. Bernic O,L€ar, 13, RMRR, 8m,6t3yr ZO. Ely ysebaeat, uhat. , 8m, 595yj 21. lvilbui ArnoLd, 58, So. Colo. Srrid, 8m,,189y. .IINF: Paul Michacl6, i9, U. No. Colorado Landrvch.'s Mile SDLits: 5:38, II:22, t7tl6, 23t\3, 29:A6, 31:44, 10:31, 16.06, a1t35,57tDZ. RMAAU IVOMEN'S ONE-HALI HOUR RUN (Hetd in conjunction trith the above run) - 1. Pam \teiglc, 29, RMRR, 4m, 6.,10y (6:53 an.): Z. Marlin cay, 36, RMRR, 3n, 1132t]'3. Betry O'Lear, 32, RMRR, h, 1053yi .!, Laurie Kcarhs, 31, RMRR, 3m,10.12y.
ROC(Y MOUNTAIN ROAD RUNNERS 2-MII-E HCP RUN Berkeley Park, Denver, Colorado, Sunday, June tl,19?2 lead and was never headed. Starbuck, wbo was bent on 9:20 A.M. \4eather: 75", sunnr & hLnid. iuming a qualifyiag tine for the U.S. Ollmric Tria16, One huhdred runer6, rhe laage6t field ever ih any RM€ventually dropped out wifh 2.2 miles to 80. Berger, RR sponsored han.licap race, .rossed th€ tinish line in insfite oI being sidelined with I€g injuries ior tlro reeks the Z-mile at Eerkel.y Park, led by 12-year-otd Brenda r AD.r. -io-dFd li.s"cond b-61 acrdhon--_.. o-Fr Coash, rhe handi.ap victot by n€arly a full minure. The his 2:31 at La6 Vegas, on a course not afiected by 5300 fast tioe winner was John Lunh, form€r Coiorado Univ, elevation, as the Denver course is. 1^res Crist, 23, a great, just tqo u,e.ks alter hi6 .1:08 mile in Kansas. Wellington! Colo. 6chool teacher, ran his usuai srrong He ran 9:38 in linishing 46rh. Hc!. Act. T. FT finishing race, as he cventually wound up in second i, Brenda Coash, 12, 1,t:15 0:00 14:15 80 place with a personal best of 2:37:34. 2. Marlin Cay, 36, 15:09 a:07 IatAZ 84 --R. Dennis Kava.augh-- 3. Xeh Kop!, 39, 15:23 l:00 11t23 82 .,1. Pet€r Kopp, 11, latz't lt29 13:58 76 RQCKY MOUNTAIN ROAD RUNNERS 6-MILE HANDICAP 5, Wayhe Pallas, 17, 15:58 4:28 11:30 .11 v.ol ilgor Pa-1. D- .. r-oo.. s'rdaJ. M"J2- .72 5, Robert Mallory, 1?, 16:06 5t1z ra:Zl \o 80o & sunny. Louden Kiracof€, an Aurora lhysician 16. Ron Bunell, 19, 16:31 6t3z 9:5 9 z barely captured the 6-hiL€ handi.ap ol,er the llying lvc6 34. Maak Weeks, 20, 16153 6:53 1O:OO 3 Clist. l.ouden im--roved dramatically over rriof outings, 39. Frank Mencin, 20, \6:56 bt53 10:03 4 as he clocked ,:1i:29, Crist clocked the third lastest time ,16. John LuDn, 24, 17:11 7133 9:3a i* €ver on the .ourse with hi6 30;53. Act. T. F. T, L Lo!4en Krr. cofe, 5.1:18 12:49 1I:29 29 IN THE LONG RUN IT'S THE LONG DISTANCE LOG
TH ANNUAL ROCKY MOUNTAIN AAU 5-MILE ROAD RUN, Washington Park, D.nv€r, Colorado, Sunday, June 18, 19?? 9r15 A. M. weather: 7oo & overcast. Wes Ciist, the ex-CSU marathoner, who just clocked a Z:29 marathon in a wituing venture just last week ii Ahes, Iowa, just missed the course record 6et by Steve Matthew6 in 19118, of 24:58. Wes .qualled rhe second best clocking of 25:08. Charlie Vigil, a {ro6h at Adahs State Coltege finishcd second in 26:06, just 3s ahead of Jotrn Lun. The ra.e drew a big {ietd--with atalds lo 40th place. 1. Wes Crist, Fort Co]lins TC, ?5:Agt Z. Chartie Vigil, Adam6 State, 26:06; 3. John Lunn, Colorado 1C, 26r09j 4. Don Starbuck, Iorr Collins TC, 26:23; 5. Ron Bunnell, Colorado Tc., 26t26;6. Erni€ Cunlilfe, Fort Co11in€ TC, 26:32; ?. Mark Kus!n.r, Colden West AA, 26:35r 8. Frank Mcncin, Colorado'lC, Zt3t13t 9. Daee Qul@, unat., 26:52i 10. Mark Weeks, ,Adams Stat€, 26:5?r ll, Mikc Devecka, US Ski Tcam, 27:07; 12, Paul Decoursey, unat., 2?:11; 13. Randy Yaussi, FCTC, 2?: l5j 1.!. Mike Pete!son, Colo. TC, Z?:2'!; 15. Rich Sinatra, unat., 27:30; 16, Rick Lower, I.CTQ, 27,36;17. Do, vorris, una'., 27:l8r 18, arFn $re'9r'r. -(-r-, 27:43,19. Jim Faes, uaat.,2?:,!6; 20, Pat Devaney, nnat,, 27t47,21. Rob Mailory, Dehvc! Wingf., 2?i48i 22. Tom Bergcr, FC'fQ, 27t51123. Ed Bingham, unat., 28:05; 2.1. Jack PoLtlc, Dehver wingf., 28:15; 25. Dan Wilde., lvtoming Univ., 28:21; 26. Jim Carcia, RMRR, 28:ZZ: 27. DonE Mal1ory, unar., 28:30; 28" Dick Van Scofter, Co10. lQ, 28:33, 29. Larty Main, uar,, 28:34j 30. Dav€ Ballard, unat", Z8:36; 31. Bill Pappas, Colo, TQ, 28.37i 32. Ken Foiger, unar,, 28:39; 33. Art Meyer, unar., 28:41;3.!. Ccrry Vihcent, .11, RMRR, 28:.141 35. Cary Huss, traL., Z8t11t 36. Jon Hunsaker, unat., 2a:51; 3?. Mike Armstrong, AlVHS, 29:08j 38, Roger Gerard, Dcnwcr YMCA, 29:lSj 19. Joe Cad.ty, unat,, 29:20,1i, Dan Benavidcz, unar., 29:21j .11. Dennis walEh, RMRR, 29.22t ,|2. Drew C1ark, unat., 29r23; ,13. John Baahlcy, Denrer Wir.qI., Z9:29: .1,1. Kr:nr Eggleston, FCIC, 29:30i .,15, Joel vr'ingard, RMRR, 29:31i .16. Rich Casperson, RMRR, 29:32; .17- Ma1 McCawn, RMRR, 29i43; .18. Tcd Cutler, RNTRR, 29:.1,1; ,r9. Doo Quinn, uat., 29:,18j 50. John Itearhs, RMRR, 3O:15. (7? Iinishers) WOMEN S DIV. - 1. Pam \ir.,igle, RMRR, 14:2?; Z. Altison Osen, US Ski Team, 3l:2Zt 3. I ear\nette Caldwcll, RMRR, .r0:25. (? finishers) --R. Demis Kavanaugh-IT
Z\t22i 29. Mike Durdovic, CSU, Zt:23; ret, unat., 21:25. (95 listed {inishea6)
5,MILE ROAD RUN (LONG COURSE), IiTAR1YICKI R.I' June 1?, 19?2. \!eather: Very hot: 1. Roberf Doy1e, nnat.,27:22.7t 2. Hotlie tvalton, uha., 23122; 3. Tom crundy, A&C, 28:561 4. Dave Fartey, aat,, 29.42,5. Dick Mclaughlin, l\at., Z9t23t 6. James Callaghei, unat., Z9t4ai ?. Sreve Olsen, Bryant Cotlcge, 30:0lj 8. Aidy Murphy, unat., 3O:13; 9. JeII
O Conn€11, Lasalle TC, 30:27; 10, Steveo 4noersoi, unat., 30:.,10; 11, Cary CeoJfroy, NMC, 30:53; 12. Biu Thornhill, A&C, 3l:0.1; 13. Mike Corriere, uhar,, 3lrt6: 1,1. Cail Maselbal, unat. , 3l:26; 15. Jay Wood, unar., 31:2?; 16. Ray Nelson, unat., 3l:29; t7. peter Corite]1, NMC, 31:42; 18. Dav€ Carlson, So.Conn,AC, lL:,!6j 19.
Jrhn Markey, uat., 31:52i 20. Jahes Ver!i1l, unat., 31:53; Zt. Rick Collard, Bryanr CoUege, 3?.OIt ZZ. cary Diggle, unat., 32iZ3r 23. David Rooney, unat,, 32:28, 2.1. Rick C!o*ell, unar., 32:30; 25. Bob McCrysral, unat. r 33:l?, (52 risted lihlshers) --Fred Brorn Sr. -CAMERIDGE SPORIS UNION 2,5-MII-E SUMMER ROAD RACE, FRESH POND, CAMBRIDCE, MASS.
i. tie, Keh i Scott crahao, Hobbihs AC, tZ:1i1,5! 3, T. Ced€rholm, ltat,, Izt4lr,!. Earl Mccilvery, NMC, 12:.13j:. iimRichards, CSU, 1?:il6t il. John Babingroh, N],IC, 12:55, 7. Walter Swanbon, CSU, t3: 04 (started about 50s latel), 8. ceorge Tuthill, CSU, 13:015i 9. Herb Parsons, CSU, 13:1Oj lO. Mark Ericksen, unat., 13:12; 11, iohn Tsoukla!6, Hobbih6 AC, 13:t8i 12. Steve Lorvell, unai,, ll:22j i3. Daiid Ezerstry, Sparran AC, 13:26r 11. Kari Iursrenbcrg, CSU, 13:29; 15. Larry Bcthan, CSL, 13r3ij la. Cu_v Cardeh, CSU, 13:35i I?. Ron ray, CSU, Llr10; 18. Joljn Ke]ly, 17, BAA, L3:40; 1(,r. Mike Duraor.c, CSU, 13:.15; 20. Tom Duffy, CSU, l3:+8j 21. Paul l,lcCarthy, BYAC, 13:57; 22. Cha!lie Hansen, .13, CS!, 1.,1:00 {1st Vet. )i 23, Cene poole, unat., 1+:0ij 2.!. JohnHagfors, unat., t4:12;25. Chas. I4cKat, 1.!, n at., 1,1:27..17. SaraMae Berman, CSU, 16:09 1lst ltoman) (?1 finisher6) Heary drlzzte, r180 John
5-\IILE RUN (SHORT COURSE) RYE, NEW HAMPSillRE, Junc 27,1972. 1,li eattier, Fair, ?l] d€grees. course Record: 2t,:15 by Dav€ Bo.rick, 19?1. i. Dave Bo6tick, NMC, 25r25; 2. .roe Kolp NMC, 25: 25.1j 3. Dan Ayres, NMC, Z5:.16; .1. Brian (]illeslie, 4-MILE ROAD RUN (SHORT COURSE), ACTON, MASS, aiPAC, 24,:l7j 5. John cioetuett, CIlAC, Z6tZa,,6. June 16, 1972 (Course Rccord: l?r56 !y Par Mc]',tahon, I--ave \lcDonald, CPAC, 26:,4,1i 7. Rick Bosrick, NMC, 1970) 26:50i 8. Irancis \,laher, NMC, 2?r30j 9. Steve Sundin, l. Tom Der.lerian, North i\,1edlord Club, 19:tr8j Z, B.b N\,IC, 27:55j 10. Rock Moultonr NMC, 28r09i 11. Toh Rosen, unat., 19:09; 3. Max whit., Bdston Ar\, 1q:21i Eoohe, Nlvlct 2E:5li t2. Dehhis Legnard, NMC, Z8:5E; ,1. Jim Dalcy, Nlv{C, 19:22; 5. tlil1 Var Dyke, CSU, 11, Joe Hanley, NIiC, 29:13j 1.1. Robe!t Aucoin, NMC, 19:28; 6. JiD Smirh, CSU, 19:33; ?. Bcrh PutnaIl, una,, 29:lZi 15. cary Oickie, NI,IC, 29:35; 16. John E. CamF 19:3.1; 8, 1!alter Murphy, una., 19:3ai 9. Jay Sidman, be11, Sr,, NMC, 29:57r l?. Ronald Boone, NVC, 29r58i CSU, 19:50t 10. Louis Pau1, CSti, 19:5ii ll. lt.rb l,ar1rJ. Don legnard, Nl,IC, l0:18: 19. Pierre Bonin, NMC, 6ons, CSU, Z0:01;12. Ireter Srasz, MP, 2O:10;11, D.v- 3O:11: 20. loseph Richard, N\tC, 30:58i 21, Tony Ma., in Croft, unat., Z0:19; 14. Robert La!rc1, una., 2O:L9i cario sr,, N\rC, 31:13j 22, ron- \4accario Jr,, \MC, 15. SLahl.y Dutron, unat., 20:22j t6. Jack Ke11et, una,, 31:1.1i 21. Ja.r.6 HaIsr NMC, 3r:2.; 2,1, Carl \4oulton, 20:23j 17. Richard Smith, ua,, 20:25; 18, Larry B.r\ 4C, ll:2?; 25. Ed Tu.ler, \nrlc, l1:.10. (39 linishcrs) man, CSII, Z0:.10i 19. Chas. Lang, Jr,, LAC, 2O:;li 20. Charles K.ating, NIIC, 20;53r Zl. Johr KeL1e1., ruraL., iNNUAL ].\,{ILE RUN IFOR MILITARY PERSCNEL) 20;56j ?2. Roberl Kingan, CSU, 2a,57r 23. 1\arl Fursten- Eoston Navy Yar.l, lune 28, 1972 (2. a N{ilcs) burg, CSU, 21:01; 2,4. Brian SaviLonis, trnat., :1:lj2j 2-. L. lnsLEr i1unigal, LSN, l3:31; Z. R, T, ryon, LSCC, Matt Mahgan, uar., 2i:08i 26" -At1eD Ho[rlrr1, u,]:r., , LJ:35i :, Fr€d Flar.ia, 182nd lnl. YD, 13,38j 1. Lt, t1c2l:lO; 2?. lran Byrr, una,, 21:1?; 28. Joe Irils.r, na., Koin, US\1C, 1l:-a; i. C,rl_ uixler, usN1c, 1.1 2i.
ALL COMERS 1&F MIET. DEITTORD H.S., \I,J. Fridayr July ?, 19?2 (Rain)- Mile- l Vince Marino, . oll-g , F a., r:Z-.-:2, oa \4.n,"r, Careway R.e, HS, 4r51i 3. Ed Knorr, cloucc6t.r Co. Cotlege, 5:0?, 5. ,3-\,Ii1e- 1. Joe Siedlecli, lyilliamstosn HS, 15:14.1r 2. ,Ioe LaPanh, Cate\tay Reg. HS, 16i29.5! 3. Mark Belch€r, Catesay Reg. HS, t6:51.8, 880- r. L"o .r[ o-e, h5. l:O{. : ,. Joe Buffington, I-{ighland Reg. HS, Z:03.6; 3. Chaales Jackson, uat., 2:0E.4,..RFYL Mile- 1. Davi.l Thibault, Clatton, N.J., 6;07i 2. A1 Taylor, cLassboro, N.J., 6:15; 3. Bobby Thibault, Clatton, 6:'!i. MIDDLE AALANTIC RRC 6-MILE ]'ENGLISH-STYLE CROSS-COUNTRY, \f ENO^_AH 1\'-OODS, WENONAH,
N.J., Saturday, July 8, 1972 (Three-lap.ourse through mud, 6treahs & tiails, including rhr€e ciimbs over a railroad |Iestle) - r. Herb Lo.ehz, P€nn AC, 32:15j 2. Shane cerbcr, Woodbury HS, 32:40; 3. Merw Bttan, PottstoRn Pacefs AC, 32:58i ,1. Berr Ps.huder, Moole6tolvn HS, 33:l8i 5, Jo€ Duke, Hellertown, pa., 33:26;6, Ernie Brason, Springlield H.S,) Pa,, j+i3tl 7. Pat Hannon, LaSalt-- HS, Fhila., 36:57j 8. Harrr.. Beikowitz, Penn AC, 38:22i 9, Tom \,Iunyan, CareFay
Dennis Scott, 38:.46j 6. Joe Duncan, 39:58; ?. Leonard !useh, ,r,1:21j 8, Dave Schulte, 5,!:00' 9. Rob Spiei, 65:04 Race ualked) 80 degrees, hor, brieht su. WEST VIRC]NIA AAU RACES, FAIRMONT, WEST VA. Prick€tt Cieek Road (Hot & humid at starr, 82 deglee6.
Duting coursc of ru a rhuderstorm with gate force q inds h | & hindFr , d hc hrpc r]e-, ou. cooted them olf. ) Sunday, July 2, 1972 lf-lvli1es- 1. Carl Hatlicld, 53..27t 2. Joe Macphe!soa, 5ri:55i 3. Roger RouilLer, 58r0.,1; ,1. Bill Redman, ?0:3?j 5. John Hclner, 80:42. (Two hilts, with rest roltins) 3-Mi1es- l. John Welch, 1E:04; Z. Charles Miesner, 18r16; 3. T€d.1 Nash, L8:52j .,1, Joe Bu.tinsky, 20:Oti 5. Jih Sko.ik, 21:38; 6. San Dulaney, 2,1:38.
FACI]'IC ASSN. AAU ONE HOUR RUN CHAMPS Mt. lamalFis H,S., N,Ii1t Valtey, CaliJ., Juty t, 19?z 1. Dan R. Ander6on, unat., ll mi1€s, ZOSyr 2. Randy I-. La\rson, Red\yood City Striders, 1Om, 133lyj 3. Jim Holl, llest Valley TC, 10m, 689y; ,1. Behjamin I. Sawyer, OW-TC, 10m, 566y; 5. Orval Osborne, uha., lom, 4?5yj 6, Richard P. Cordone, MAC, lom, 39?y; 7, John'Ioki, ATC, 10m, 352y; 8. Petcr D. Wood, NCS, Reg. HS, 38:46; 10. Geoage Cough, Mooaesto\rnH,S,, l0d, 3lly; 9. Harold DcMoss, WVTC, lom, 1?9y; 10. 38;48; 11. lrayne Kennedy, Sharon HilL, Pa., \:fT; 12. K,h\o t^o-. B d1,rt-na, "ll. Pc-, l0r,l,.t. Joln Mcl-aahoa, Sharon Hill, Pa. \TT. MAC, 9m, 1675yi 12. Jam€6 Nrchotson, NCS, 9m, t6t9y 3-MILE VETERANS RACE (Short course)- 1. Bror'ning 13. Amado. R, Carcia, PAL, 9m, t227yj 14. Mitch KinRoss, Penn AC, 1,1:3.1i 2. Ross Iates, Bethlehem, Pa., gery, RCS, 9m, 122LytIa. Lee Fox, STC, 9m, 12t.1y; 1.1:40r 3. Ray Drozdorr6ki, Camden, N.J., i5:3E! 4. 16. \tilliam E. Lon.s, PK, 9m, 9.10y; 1?. Augie J. Louis Henry Kihkaid, Phi1a,, 16:a2i 5. Jerrt Hoch, Phi]a., uat., 9m, ?3ly; 18. Terry Miltard, SFFF, 9fr, 38?yj 17:48r 6. Frank Kelly, Fhi1a., 17:51. 19, Sig C. KeLtrrer, unat., 9m, 3Z\y; 20. Walrer H. Sdith, uat., 9m, 231y.,2\" EamoD Cooke, unat_, 9m, BARNEY HANCD SDTS RECORD IN OND HOUR RUN 230y; 22. Clenh L.R. Williams, r'AL, 9m, 32yr23. Coluobia, Mo,, June 1?, 1972- Earnet Hance mad€ Mik€ Sullivan, RCS, 8m, 1666y; 24. Tomry V. Owen, his lirst appearance in Columbia a su.ces6{ut one as RCS, 8m, 1589y; 25. Daaiel C. Sullivan, RCS, 8m, he took the lead at 6 miles & latEd the lield to s,in the 1569y, (38 Jinishcr6) Team: l. Redwood City Strider6; Missouri Vall€y AAU One-Hour Run.rith a disLance of 2. PoLice Athletic League A 3" PAL B,. 11 miles, 79?y. Carl Oiczarzak, in fourth !!ac., woh The wearher aas coo! & foggy, " r'ith a stight wind. The the M\rAAU Chaepionship for rhe 5rh consecutive year. se.dedr group o{ enrranrs lailed to show at 5:OO p. M, , Weather: I.1eal, ?8 dc.crees, shady, light nin.1. with rhree shoving alt€r 5:15, so ohly on. heat run. Hance captured the big Gatervay Arch run in 5t. Loui6 --Robert E, DeCe11<-oo April 30th qith a time of 1:16:20 Jor 13. 5 hiles. 1 Balney Hanc€, 21, tlm, 797y (5:r0, l0:21, t5rl5, 201 vlcA LA l0-v L l r'\, \ppr -., 9/. 42, 26tAA, 31t24, 36:40, 1I:5a, 17 11,]-, a2129, 51 :1a) Thc race sLarted & lini6he.l in Mrn€rat King Bowl in 2. Dick Moritz, 21, St. Louis, 1lmt 32ly (5:U, 10r19, conju.tion lvirh the R€d{,ood tnvitationat Tra.k Meet, 15.:35, ZAt4I, 26:A0, 3I:2!., 36151, 4Zt3I, 48:00, 53r30, Race di1e.tor, Dave BroDzan, outkicked fellow High 59:09); 3. Loren Moes, 22, Nt Mo. Stat€, 10m, t!98y; Sierra TC frember, waync Van nellen,for ,1. Carl Owczarzak, 31, Mid-America _IC, 10m, t238y; record on rh€ flat, but windy ru!. 5. Dennis Sterarr, 23, Columbia TC, l0m, 85?yr tt. ., Ddvp a-o'/- , 1: -: \ay-, ar Drl -,, F..2t. Tifr Shaw, 20, Westminstel Coueg€, tom,.17Zy; ?, Beh 3. John Noonan, Hill Ranch, 5,1:55j 4. Ctaig ELia, KR Lon.leree, 37, CTC, 10m, 3.l0yj 8. Blaine Thomas, 20, Club, 56r00r 5. Robert Sosa, Pac.Cott., 56:3.t; 6. Don Kangas City, 9m, l550yi 9, Bob Huherdo6se, 25, MacGregory, Pac.Co11., 56:38i ?. Martin Urias, HSTC, on, Mo., 9m, 1,197y; 10. Jerry Kokesh, 22, St. Louis, 5?:1.,1t E. Lairy Lung, KR Club, 5?:28r 9. Rich perer9m,1281y; 11" Doug Williamson, CTC, 9m, 1032y; 12. son, HSTC, 58:.,1?; 10. Ken Adams, KR Ctub, 59:52. Whitney Hicks, 36, CTC, th, l014yr 13, Mike ChirFndale, 31, Coluhbia TC, 9m, 9?3y: 14, A.t Fleming, zND ANNUAL MID-MlCHIGAN TRACK CLUB 5 & IO 29, 9m, 61lti ia. Gleg Grinstead, Ferguson, Mo., 9r, MILE RUNS, HOLT, MICHIGAN, May Zt, j.972 440y; 16. Joe Duncan, 38, CTC, 9m, 1,l8yj l?. Dlck 5-Mites- l. Ed criffis, 19, 26:13; Z. cary Schroeder, Hessler, CTC, 8m, 1692y; 18, John Kerna!, 21, Wm. 19, Indiana, 26:30; 3. Jim Burns, 19r Z5:,14; 4. SLev€ T-v Ft .o -eF. 8n, -26r: o. o\. / so-, 8-, 8- t. : Kearney, 23, Indiana, 26:5,1; 5. JettyCrane, ZA, 27:A5 20, Lconard Busen, .,12! CTC, 86, 104yj 21. Dave 6. Tyrone criJfin! 25, 27t24: ?. Dalta6 Lincotn, Zl, Schulte, 32, CIC, 7m, 361y. --Jo€ Duca!-27:,12; 8. Kim SFalsbury, 16, tst HS, 27.49t 9. Matk Badgley, 16, 28:13i 10. Carlos Viltarreal, 17, 2B:Z8l 6-MILE ROAD RACE, COLUMBIA, MO., JUNE3, i972 11. Dave st€venson, la, 29|a6; Iz. Joe chidesrer, 18, 1. Demis Steiart, 3,!:3lj 2. Ben LoDderee, 36:38j 3. 29;06. (34 linichers) Ed criltis sot away trom defendWhioey Hicks, 3?:18; ,!. Mike Chlppendale, 38:25: 5. rng chatupion Galy Schroeder late in the lace to win.
a 2A
Road R@- l. Bob H@f, 19, 52ta4 2, D'aaae, 23, 52,42t 3. Bilt Keller, 31, 55:11; 4. Flank Takish, 19, 55:31' 5. Jim Cart€!, 21, 58:05; 6 John zie6etl, 31, 58:33i ?. Dot McMillan, 18/ 59i33i E. Bob Norman, 18, 611:40; 9. RalPh Stadlcman, 26, 6l:Z0i lO. Johr GauLt, 26, 62.A9:. I\. Georee Moros, l?, 6Z:47; 12. Mark Ba@an' 22, {)3:A6;13. Tob DeBote, '12, 63:19! 1,1. Paul Hahsen, aO, 64:131t5. Jetry Colfman' 22, t 1t17, 16. Mark Pittman, 26, 65:01: 17. Fred Helsabeck, 35, 65:02; 18, Mike Anderson Sr' ' lQ' 6a:Zl:19. David Do:tater, 16, Lar53t 2a David Lce, 35, 66:13; ZL Herb S.egert, 3t;, 6"1{)9) ZZ. Ed Kimmel' !3, li7:13; 23. Kalk Xetch€r.on, 1?, 68:05' 24. Ed Townsend, 40, 69.rc',25. naf Z.mlet, 15, 69:20. (34Iinishers) De{ehding chamrrion Eob Hunt ran away fr'm Duan' Spitz over rhc last 1I/2 mii.s to win by 38s, Hut broke thc couise record by 30s, llcslite rhe course being leneth€ned this year to make it an a..uate ten
OPEN T&F MEIT. MSU, EAST LANSI\C, MICHICAN .lune l?, l9?2, Srohsored by: Mid-Michigan TC,
3-Mi1€- l Dchnis 1lrilliams, 1.+:,:19i 2, Mark Pittman, l5:L?; l. Julius AielLo, l5:55,8; 1. Jae l'1izzi, \612A,2. Milc- 1. \tarkPittman, 1:36.61 2. Jim Ieren.y, 4r39,2 3. Jae i.4tzz1, i:08.1; i1, Dan van Osiran, i:10.5 SACIN]I,i', VICHICAN ROAD RACES a i?-?2 6.5-!r:1.;- L, Sam Torr€s, 33:15,5r 2, Jamcs Thomas, 38:29,2: L Randolph 1liUians, 38:l3i ;, Bruce Schusrer, l9::1. ir 5. Tom Leddy, ,10:al; 6. Jim reddf, .11: 20, a1 ;. Ciay Hall, ,ll:3,1! 8. Mike Anderson Jr,, 1,1, .12:at; I, Bill ! ishcr, .12:31; 10. Robert For:u6, ,12:ll; 11, Jrh R, Ealon, .12:.!2j 12. Ev€rett \rirgau, .13:08; 11, jr.fric E1lis, ,13:27; 14. Rick Treuao, .r3:35i 15. Grer ar)rs, ,13:38r 16, Curt Bl1s.,a, ,13:,1.1: l?, AIlan J, aajrrcr, .43:.15i 18. Marv Frasea, .ll:511 19, Sam DerI.r.urio, .l'l:09i 20. Bob Andersoh, 12, .!.1:11,5.
--Dcnnis williads--
L. Ed crillis, t9, I:\1:24.5.2. Jim caaler, r:jl::.::z-, : 1aa-a) 3. Mike 1\cilcr, 1:1t:18,3i ,1, Dick sharke,, r ir1E.5j 5. Rober. Sigsby, 1:2ir25i 6, Ed Skr.lunas ::l:; r.j r-. Frank N'lartin, l:25:0r5i 8, Dictr Cam€ron, l::r::2; 9, Ander6oh ltorrh) i:26:l3i 10. A1 .\1lard, lr l-: lt 11, Ruddt Barrop, 1:2?:1?, 5i 12, I Kennedy, 2O:38; 5. Bill Keller, 21:00i 6. Jim Carter, 2l:08; 7, 21:231 13. Dick Trace, 1:28:.1?i l.l. Tom Hitz, 1l Garv John Garza, 21:2li 8. Jim Burns, 2l:'!l! 9. l::: , rr l:. Pa|Iick \1reiler, l:30:05.5; 14. Le€ StinpA11en, 1l' Jack Sharkcy, 22:22; 11. Dick us, Z2:!1; 10, !!:, l:31:t5j 1?. Tom Vagts, 1r32:22! 18. John Polzin, Z3:10; 12. Joe Mizzi, 23:10i 13. Tob DeBore, '12, ?3: 2,1r 1.1. Paul Ha!scn, 50, 23:.r.ri 15. Mike Ardcrson, sr. :::.r:2=i 19. Richard Livingsron, 1:3.!:15; 20. Harly :.:irs.n, l:36:02,5; 21. llary Ann Otale{'ski, l:36:04.5 .10, 23:54. (2? Iinishers)".. Lq!ll4:119h3:l:- L. John l. :: a|r1)j 22. Um, Grcb., 1:38:08,5i 23, John Voise, a;rifIis, i9, 10:'r9" 8; lvtR! Z. Ed 1l]:37. 6 cores, it, :l- Li; 2.+, 6ary Delaney, 1:41:02.5i 25. Loui€ AverSteve Ko6o, 10:55.8; l. Jerry Champlin, ll:0'1 1-; :. ra.rr, l:.12:01.5. (,11 linishers) --D€nlis 1\illiam6-Jim Carrer, ll:0?i 6. Jjr Ch.nolt€th, li:13 5i 7. iec (15 1l-irgau, 15, 12:30 nv.rett Aguirr€, 11:i!9.1r 8. ].]RRC RACES, RESTON, VIRGIi\IA 5-21-?2 --Dcnnis lIiLliams-L. l'om chjlder., 5,1:38; 2. Dah Reelc' 51i:50 -:_l:!lg- r,\regand, r. Heinz 59:1,1i ,1, John r!-ins1o!', i,1:2?; 5, ,1-MILE ROAD RUN, SHA}'TSBURG, MICIIICAN (Course 63:03i 6, Mike !ieder, 63:17i ?. Bill alraig Caardcr, 2{r116,6 re.!r.:: San Torres, l. June 6, l9?Z, 6,1:25i 8. Rod ste€1e, f,4:3.1i 9. AI schochet, old mark, 2l:00.1 by Dennis lVillians, 1971); 2. Daila: :i il; 10, Charles Ross, 115:33i ll. Ray Russe11, b7:33! Lincoln, 20:58.6; l. Jim Carrel, 21:15.8r ''1. G..r.ei Marr Eau.rar:, l:, Jefi Darman, 68:08j 13. Craham Husron, 69:26; 14. 2Z::15. Z; L. ,Moros, 22:16; 5, JolD Cautr, :ruce 1!'ood\iard, ?0:31r 15. Dave l'heal1, 70:.13; 16. 2Z:.1,,1, 6j ?. Gordon s.halcr, 31, 22t55, I Brad iJa11, -l lare II.yrnsleid, 71r20r 17, Marl: Crc.inba1s, ?1r45i 18. 23::15,6t 9- Jelry Coffnan, 23:'17; 10, Ken Fruit, Ji: 7 o, | . 8-.. B a"- r-.:n!.,1 50.8; 11. Norm RanrlaII, 28ta7.Z, 12. Dick R€ist, ==, "o./ (30 ?5:.r,!. 28 linishersl .ohn Byrne, 6tarters, Harold D€vor€, 3r:23,'1, l0:51..{i 13. 1\ onlen's Mile- l. \tal Rogeshccsle, 6:231 Z. J.,ar Tim.rn_v, 7:t5j 3, Rode(:rs, ?:'13r ,t, Adrienne Talbot, OPNN T&F \IEET, MSU, IAST LANSI\(], MICI]IG-1\ 2-Mil. RFYL- l. Jerome Carson, l0:27i Z, Doug Crot a,-lO-72 - rr MiIe- 1. Duan. Splrz, 30r10.8'r': Z, Boil 1el, L0:lli 3. Dan Ormro.l, I0:36r ,1. Dave Clark, 10:'1?; Huor, 30:10.9; 3. Joln Oorcs, 30:51i '1. Rill t<eller, j. illark Yudo$irch, lr:r:5b' 6. Bill 1\_rlson, l1:0ar 7, vcm 3l:09i 5. Mike Nooran, 18, 33r55i f,. Gor.lon S.hater, I.v), lL:02i il. Mike Fleming, 1l:1)3; '-r, Chri6 lIolmes, 3t-, ?, Jack Alle., '11, l1:53; 8. Tob D.BorE 1L:08j 10, rrhil, 11:09, (?? linish€rs) 10. Irt Be.hho. '12, 35:.t,1j 9. Paul 11ans.n, 40, 35:5li .10:l?,5. rStitz Not.s... The 10-niler ias actuaLly 10, L5 tiiles over lhc'ra-\ rogether all & Hunt ran 37, {cr, ih€ rolling ro hilly streets of the plarn.d community of ro brcak Dennis $'iltiams' meet r!:cord of 30:2r' a :.t R.sroh. llrinner Clilders is a licul.inahr in the lvtarine 7-28-?1, Spitz & Hunt .xchane.d the lead tour lLnes 1. C.rFs at Ouantico, \'a, Course record is 5lrl0 by Bob lc8s &an iilit Hunt l.adin8 nith sriLl the lasr ]a. with S.harl ln 1!7r. r':earher:, hllmid, ?5 degrees. yards to go, b(l Spilz refused to gire uPand ollt l.are.l
OPDN T&T'MEET, MICHICAN STATE UNIVERSITY' Dasr l-ansing, Mi.h., Junc l, l97z ,1-Mile- l. Bob Hunt, 19, 19:52 MRi 2. Duane stitz, 23, 20:05; l. Ed ClriIIis, 19, 2a:2lt 4. D€nnis \villiams'
Hunt by a foor at the finish, 2-Mi1.-1, Dennis Urliiams, !):.15,8j2. Jinl
Burns, g;-L:. rr- Cotl,.-, lf :u+, ?i 1 BiIL heller, lO:22 1i 5. Joe lv1izzl, I0:41; 6. ! red l11 1sabe.k, 15, l0:1lr 7 Jerry Chanplin, 10:.!?; 8, Ccorge Moros, l1:01: 9. Jach Ane;, 41, 1LiO.+; 10. Dan Van Ostran, 1l:11, (1? lnnshcrs) 880- 1. Mik.i Burns, 1i, 1:5t.ll 2. Jim Ch.n.\'.th, L1-, 2:0?,8i 3, Rick Hobrla, 2rlZ, --Dennis \\illiarns--
lrC-\A!r I'IASTIRS i\'IILE CHr\r!1P1ONSHII', BtF'D STADIUNI. UNI1ERSITY OI \IARYI-4ND Nlat 28, l!?Z 1. Ray Cordon, 51, alJii) 2. C.orgc Phillips, '12, i:0?.5
l. tave |heall, !2, 5rlili '1 Dr' R.: Lukcs' al' 5:i9i 5 \\ J R.iLlv, b0, 7:15, lfourth.onsecul:we DCr\Alj \lasters Nlile titlc lor Gordonll RRC Rr\CaS, NORBECK, MARYLA\D - 2-!_1-2 Open 6-MLl. L. Bob Thuston, ll:lt.4; ?, lorn DCr
Childers, 3l:23; 3. Car l{illiams, 32r'{0; '1 Ray Morrison, 3.1:2Er 5. To!!er po\t€rs, 3'l:'15; 6 Jack Cofle).' 3.!:.19; ?. C€o.gc Christo!her, l5:19j I Doug Slocum' 35iZl; 9. Don Delvitt, 35:,11i 10. Beo I*ers, 35:52i 11 Mike \4ard, 36:0?; iz, Tom voibet, 36:11; 13. Craig caarde!, 36:13! l+, Mihe Lieder, 36r15i l5 Kevin Mccabe, 36:16: 16. Rich Benhcrt, 36r33; 1?. Georg€ Cushmac, 36:38i 18. Davc Bronson, 36:!6: 19. chart€s Ross' 36149i 20. Rod Sreele, 36r50i 21. Dave Buzzell, 37:071 ZZ. John Laughland, 37:35; 21. Lest€r Pagc, 3?:40; 2'+ JelI Darman, 37:56; 25. Cabe Mirkin, 38:01; 26. John Slocum, 38:o2r 2?, Ray Russe11, 38:14; 28 Paul Thurston, 38:1.1; 29. Dick Jamborsky, 38:24. (60 linishers) 2-Mi1e RFYL- 1. Jcrome carson, 11:201 2. Mark Yu.lo;r.h, 11.:6;3. Mike Brac.l€y, 1l:28;4. Jobn Pclcrs, 1r;38; 5. T. W, Jones, 1l:4I; 6, Bill Hess, 11:'r2; ? Jeff Sh.lLon, 11:,19i L V€na No'1., 11:53; 9- Rollahd Elliotr, 11i56; 10, Larry Link, 12:02, (72 Jini6hers) DCRRC RACES ar EAST POTOMAC FARK, 1\TASHINC-
TON, D.C. BUNION DDRBY +1 Jun€ 8, l9?z These iaces marked rhe start oJ thc 12th y€ar ol !'c.k_ ly races sponsored by th€ DCRRC The OPea'l MiIe ! Teen 2-Miie con€tituLed the lirst €vent of the 8-Elent BUNION DERBY, also now in its 12th year. Bob Thut€ton, wi.ninge6t ruhner in the DCRRC lasr year, conrinued to amihilate the comPctition in thc 1_ miL€r over a llat cotrrs-- aroud the Hains Point Gol1 Course, S€cond place Iinisher Cordon Oliver, just eraauated flom Eeth€sda'Chevy Chase H. S , is the hotd.rr oJ the schoolloy mile record at thc Penn Relays-_+:'-ril set in April rhi6 year. The Maryland state mile and hau dile chamPioD, Dal t Sahdridge, a lri-ycar-ord junior ar suburban Fark.aLe H.S., rvo4 rhe Teen Race, Dave has several 4:Il mrl.s to hi6 credit this 6pring, and beat Olive] lor the 5tat. mile ritl€, 155 rDners compered in the three rac.s. 4-Miie Open- j. Bob f'hurston, 20:Z9i 2. Cordon Cl r.r, ZO:5lt 3. Oal lriltiams, 21;02; '1. Heinz wiegahd. :1: li 5. Scott Blickerd, 21:15; 6, Slu Nibl€y, 21:30i i. Cltr. Wooi], zlt57t 8. Dohald D.,$irt, 22i0f,; !' 22rO8r 10, Ray Morri6on, 2Z:11; Il. Chrisio:Ler, 22:51i 12. Scott Crabrr.e, 22t55t 13, Bill Godlr.t, 2li0! 14. Ben Ewea6, 23t\Zt \a. E.t J{,roDe, 23:l?i 16. -oh. winslow, z3:21; 1?. Mik€ Shoedak.r, 23r29i i8. c.oige . Cushmac, Z3:32;19. Charles Ross, 23:351 20. 1r-na
N9ry, 23r37; Zl. Jobn SlocrD,
22 ].1il.
JOCCERS' CORNER by Frank Greeaberg
My rtif€ rvas hospitaiized for 50 dayB (BosLon Malathon to the NCAA Finals) and mt jogging {'orkouts trans{orfr. ed ihro child watching sessions. Bul,th€re is a1{ays good to be Joud in an}ahihg, Hor' to acquire a lhirsL lor jogging? Create a situation one is unable lo NorhouL. lr's lile telling the kid he just can t eat slihi.h an.l r'atch the Popeye reaction. Anyuay, I m no longer actihe as : N'Iother! and iaht Lo l{:11 you ho\r I attack.d thc toads and the sun on ey way I.1i.1 kcc! ih some rninimal condiliohine lhrough runing in pLac. and an occasional long !€.krd Irolic dortn by th. rivca side. AIso, it rales a long rime ot not runlng ro loose _vour abilil)" to jog. $hat!ver, hy poiht i6 the ilrsr morning hatpily did ror tur r irio a discouragihg sro!!ine, sDltting, a.hnrg ere.t, out a Th!: lirst day ba.k, it was as iII irrc.he.ling n.\! a!tomobi1., since my visual, au.lio an.l sr:nsual LEr.edion sedrc(l exrra slarpl first, you hcar your own ir.alh, You then ie€1, and firally, beads ol s{ear starl rolling and the smelts 01 I orr lodt aDd lh.i grass rake over, It s a
\.r I thinl< t havc ir aeain: all the dull aches a.d pains ara latrguc I someholr nanag.n lo .onqu.r. The smellt .1olh.: and the trarrn shl,es and lhc swear. Rur there has t. b. a oi the recovery program,
L.r \"n " s qLar!.rly \\hen rhe lleDart-]1nr .i n,,cr.arion ol th€ Clty oI Phila{lelphia Fporiors a rn,lic jog. The event i3 :nnrl-v an 8,l-hilc.log (.r run) .long loth sid.,s oJ rhe S,:hltllilL lirer, and a.ross Lvo bri(lg.s \hi.h form rL. .,hds ol rhis .e.Langl., Ewcryonc gets a .errllrcarc ol !artici)ati.r, a tim., and a lot ol satislaclion, !,har also helDs rnak. lhis .w.,nl a st..ess is the rcty .onpelc.t, .l.idicale.l reotLe i,ho run th€ jog and who are so vrcll Llhi:n by th.r ArouF thaL bctL r | nn. l.r lhis, my Dini-marathon, than lasl Saturday, after one weel< ol rnlcnsiv. rraining, I iarm up Ior it thar morning by cnilling au.libl€ .omllaints about my both.rsorn. kncr and lolter ba.k- My luck, and su.pris.: ahd cool lvealher, I gut lt out ah.l joe .:w.fy srep of $e cours., Oh, thar salislaction $heb I khow that I am going to finrsh (ar'oul lour srcps from the Line) an.l the shecr.l.light of fhysciai suc.ess. It seems lhat I always havc to do it again to ,rove ro nysell thal I can slill do lt. . - exce* this time it had som. extra signilicance. Anynay, my family is all togerher again, I'm almost rhele too, and .an sta.t .oncchlraling oh thc imr.rtant onc€ oor..
23:45i 21- Daee Elon6on, 23:53i 24. Da'id, 23156,25. J ell Darmal, z4tQzt 26. J-im slocum, Z1:15; 2?. Jerry Kaelzer, 24:15; 28. Ken Pugh, z'1:28i 29. Biian Forst, 24:50; 30. Jim Tihony, Z'1:i?. 161 fins ) 2-MILE TEINRACE - 1. Dave Sandridge, 9:]2i Z. Robert Cooh, 10:18r 3. Rahdy MiUi€ad, l0:Zii 1. Chas. MAC DONALD SIIATT'RS KAPIOLAN] PARK RI]CORD Morgan, 10:ll]r 5. Chris Proch, tl:00r 6 Ahdrelt fenHonolulu, Hawaii, Sunday, Jult 2- I'erer MacDonald, ney, 11:O5i ?. Jefl Crane, 11:06i 8. Jeff ThomPson, l1:08 RFYL Z-MILE - 1. Jerome Carson, I0:29i 2. BiLl Hess Z1 -year-.1.1 Kaneohe reside!t, outstrinted Reuben Dias in the linal l00y to wih lhe 1.6 mile--L(ice around lO:,16j 3, T,1r. Jon€s, l0:58; 4. Polland E11iotl, LI:02; KapioLani Park--road race \n 17 27, well un.l€r rhe recli. 7. charles Earl cook, l1:21i Peters, lt:17; 5. John Morgan, 11:2,1; 8. \,4alk Yudowitcb, lL:30; 9 Max Monr_ ord ol i8:00, ser by Dias last ycar, 1. Perer MacDonald, 1?:27; z, Rcubeh Dias, l?:3lj 3. gofrery, l1:31; lo. Ron Somers, 11:19. (?6 Jinisher6) Mike l)mn, l6:4.1i ,1, Rudy Dr.ssendorfer, 18:5?; 5. Dave Rmdle, L9:02; 1,, Mike McCormick, 19r15; ?. Johnny Faerber, I9:24r 8. I'hi1 Peterson, l9:37; 9. Marvin Matsuda, 19:45; 10, scotr Hamilton, l9:55i 11. Horace ltol<D, ZO:O2i 12. B.b Cardn€r, 20:10i 13. Rick Albert, Z0:25; 1,1. wm. Sethour, 20:45 (l6r J!, )i r5, Larrv Duvernav, 20:4?. {z? linishers) --Mike Trdn--
F(lR Y0l|R
zz Ay ELLIOIT DENMAN Lees Is Kin& of .Overdilrar@' .Olerilistanc€. LnNG BRANCH - and field trairinsis _a standard concept in trtuk ever did the "overdisbn.e" re-
Lees' 2?-vear-ota Bdtish Ece
Leeq o\€rdtstance" was a 2.891-hite raunr frch. the_ P{i,fic Ocean at Venhe, Catif. iiNee Irartihs on April 11, Lees york itr 53 days. 12 hours snd
Not onlr did Iies shatier the ac,
@p!ed (by the Ouin.
n$B Book of
Records) lr.nsconti
nental walkins re@rd of 66 days set in
1960 by Edtish Flt. Sg1.
P, Maloney
Slata Sst. M. EvaN, b{t he also *.lk€d
to Eove by Le€s con nented on a visil lere last veet prior to a Sunday flig)rt LEES
io !ro!e that a Nalker
Oi. coultl
olfdo a runrer in somethD{ lil&e this,'ne remrted. "1 c.rt3inlv couldn't !! faster tlan'tul' io!. but I could so lobger each diy and possiblv
''I rlerased over 53 miles a dav for the fril trip, Tht leasi I €ver diil for a ilav was after .atirs sone l4exican lood in 21, niles whil€ lhe mosi I nit Jof . dav Nep Meico - last day,' eas t3, on by Like . tmctnan luttins on a linishina ki.L, Lo.s put on a spult that stretcled ffon CiiY llall,
AITDR cEl;INc swiiut p"r-ig"ior io valk thfoush the Lincoln Tunnel in tle €ely momins houfs, he oificially concluded the re c.rd $rlh by arivins a! Cily ltull at 2;30 a-n. l
''Anoiner thin( I $rlted to sove," ldd l,eei, "was thal I saB ablc to conquer my asth"As a by, I didn't do very much in s!ort!, just sonc occasi.nal cdclei, football s t{ble tennis, I tied runDins ihc nilc, but couldn't do
I !
''After r \ihil., ihorsh, I sot intereshd nl {alk!ns." No one to tahe hrlf{ay hessures, he enbarlod on . jlunt lrcm Lmilt Enil (in Cornnrll) to John O'G.oats ( at lhe re.y northcfly
he covar€d
I 'l
s s
ti! of jn it
Scoiland). Thats 9r8 mile8
, tle
adlhha just left
ldst Sept€mber he walked the clzssic Lorto Brjgnion S2Lmile couNe (as an u&iiici conpetitor jr ih€ anr{Al racel jn a cre4ilrbte nin€ hours ald 23 ninut$, a l soo. fourd hihself at a !€.sonal crossrcads. "l had the choice of eiUrer mckinc uD ral!ing and possibly sefiins asthda igain, or ltayrng i! walkins .nd li.dirs a ner soal." don
of trslelins
conpanion6, fellow Bighton and Ilove club race wllker Phil Chapnan, and Chap nans girl friend, Mailyn Wiliahs, it.was off to Amedca Jor th€ lons Yalk.
Tle ihredome fle{ lo lrs Are€les, &nd slent 16 days there malins final preldatiors,
$hicb included prrctraqins a
bu! As
iuDpor! lehicle. Since Lees is a certi. fi.d amateu athlete, ihen {!s no cohmercial sponsorship, as Tultoh !ad. rvirh lhe fuoi in the Pacific ai venice, L€es comn€nced tne lons snll,. Il iook nim throusn 13 srales, oler deserts and mountaiN, throush extr€bes oi {eather, erd rut lim io all kind8 oi Fhrlical tesis. oNCD UNDER WAY. he neter considered
''Aflo {e eoi to Si. liuj5, flii teeD tel me rhere qaq a sjrni ei&,ronaFet DullhE ne 'nr io Nes york, and th6 heLoed nr ho.ate: too." said Lees. _ _ ''PennsJl\ania wac ihr $or-t np ase.ied _wcd co\er 40 nites in a da1 but rt Jelr like 55 \ve-d spend all day €ornsu!hjtts3nddoqr hrrr.. on.e $e got to Neq Jer:e1, !houEh, it wa,
AFTDR A WINTDR oi much wa]kin8. "saling honey lil<e nad," and locatins i pair
"Th€re were j ol ihinss I in-
the valk,"
pesrcrn New J€rsey
,lrcrfins uui despite assorted tes Drobtens. C)ra!man se$ed as chief na\rsator and disco!ered slort culs lhat saved ti; 5l niles .n Tntloht tuure. The$ rnloh,pt sorns rh.ough dp.ert patlrs. nros fams 3hd uiiUzing brghFays uhdef
le'd probably smash the record out oi siglt I dedoed ta betre. come over and l.c\e a c"a.\
he did
by British Olynpian B.uce Td,
ALl' I
rcut€ laster than the lisred luming Ecord, 64 days, 21 houh, 60
n"l s@l soon hecsh" ihe US. fsnil.rlal "ou p "1 lad h€rd rlal Paul Nhill (British OlynDiar) vas plannins to come o\pr in 973 aftcf tha Olympic8 ard llp$ 'l.l i'
beautiful.It's '
a vory cre€n sGre. a lo!
One oi Chrpnan's jobs \a: :o .olte.i sisnaturps rlons ihe sa., auiher.rst,0.- Ii€ a:ccoflprshhehr. "s0mc ot the oeolje sale 13 f,tmne€ lookq wlen we e.l,ed th.n; o .rsn out thoushr se qe.e tu!:ian aserts
o. rodctl'ns," }e
WILL-AnD, N,;U, theJ dtdn.i Fant 1! put us ulr rn a noiel. Tool ur tor hoDies. And ilere was 3 6}eriff rn lti*odrirho inreaiened ri rrrest Juhn lof {alin!. on the }shweJ.
"Othef thar thins\ le rhai, $e hsd no tf.rble. ,{ lot of Deolle looked a{i€r rs. !l.e *elc fteated very rell aid met some very tind ''I Jdnt r.allti +o! r'al Aonljihpsay,' .t.L.r rr 5 30 in the s,'id Lepq. I d u\ i no.njns, jusi t0ko ()rori breaks to eat, snd xeep goins uliii I l0 at lishi, "It s mnre ol n m.ntdl .halle.ce tl.n a Dh\$tl,ns, hL r\ "A!te. a phik, ruu i.a !o 'rl tecl like r h:.hine "
o,,t, ,"*"O -**., * *. **." in England to sive t]le ev. art r rfr. Lees took a three-month l€ave ftun his iob !s a iar consultanf rhile ChaDna! auit lG producii.! hanase/s lost snd Miss Wilrsr,., sd\c rp I jnh as role.jEss iur the chitdren or Sir Lr rren.e Oti\rer, ihe actof. Prc\irIn! .r ittle qxtra rnrenh\e ntons la\t thlfl of the route \yr6 rhe ne$s illatthea runner, Jonn Ball, h.d cooDlered the onl.j t.el in 54 dcys a honth before: 'I ui.n t totd atour tsalt untll $e cot to r o/rnbu\ .hi.,. sld Les, "Thinking oi h ,n hcrpqi keap me so ns the re+ nf the lv!y,'. "l kru! I \on t so fo. rnv of rhcse irans.oiUnentcl \(1llq iEain,' sa d L€es. "l'm soing io lave to find sohe oiher $nr rrs Lr !unqrof. Fur orc thna, I ihrnk I,n drolpod cverythirg
s^lns to trke a se.nus cmck ul trlrrins Jor tle ()roheref ru
r3 k and nrjbe fhe
next ohmDrcs_,
_ Any lrark rff,h $jil a!rce done h'3 overdrstance
rhat Leol
ifeining $6
LUTZ PHILIPP, \4IEST GERMANY, WINS 19?2 MAXOL 6TH ANNUAL SALMON TESTIVAL OPEN ].5-MIL#: RO4D RACE, CAMPBELLTON, NEW BRUNSWICK, T1E CANADA, Mondav, Julv 3, 19?2 ATTEMPT - Manchester, Eagland, J&e 4, 1972 l. \& arae Stewatt, Fredericton TC, 1?:55; 2. Doug The Maxol Marathoh, incorporating the A.A.A. aDd Keeling, FTC, 18:'15; 3. Do! Davis, ITC, 18:59; 4. RRC champiohshi! and rhe Ohppic Taial Io1 Btitish Ralph Freeze, FTC, 19:06; 5. Brlan McKinley, FTc, & ue6f cefmaa runner6, \,a3 held on iliflat course Z1:00i rS Demrs Nrckcrsoh, FTC, 2l:32; ?. Shawn i! suny, 6o-degree weath€r. Lutz Philipp andRon o'cohnor, FTC zI:38; 8. Joe Richard, K. of c,, saiat Hill broke asay alter the hauway mark & ran Loe.ther John, N. B. 21:50i 9 Pau1 Belliveau, Oshawa Legion 6ti1 the last 4OOy circuit at the Manchest€r United T&F Club, '2'l:24! 10. June Smollert, 17, campbelltoh football gloud. Philipp open€d a small malgio but Ic, 2?:0? (13 started, l0 finished, ) _-Paul Beuiveau-cut his pace & waited lor Hill with an outstrelched MARATHON IN @ 2:]2:50 {b) OVER RON HILL IN
handbelorebIeakingthetape'ThoughtheyneIetoect-_ & oPEN iliN her, Philipp was given the victory, DonMa.cregor-of Dc AAU,20-IlILo cHA'\{PIoNSHIP vFrna. \4.. Ao.:11.. o71 \(or and r:niah-o n:-, r z:l):Oo& Cor_n (irnna; 'V.Ji"o l s S"hool' ^ ^-" rv nos, :n o, l-F . .hj' ,oJrrL /.,(. 7. rhF) r" jo,r | , a-",ho. :"'_-:..1 " L. PhiIliP":.., H, Iavis, Univ. ol lllinots, 69.16]' Z. Lt. Munich. Twenty four a@ers crack€d 2rzo I cll.lder's: Jl , usMc, 7L:2'ti 3 Heinz wiesatrd, 1. Lutz Philipp, west cermany, 2:12:50j z. RonHrll, :l:mi-' UsA I t Dreiric]\ Md ?6:29j 'l Michael shoemake!, Eolton United Hafrie!s, 2r12:5lr 3. o. r. l4rcrceor. ' E.linburgh s,A. c. , z:15:05; 4. colin Kirknam, covea- NAro , Al'xandrF' !a' ' 77:5a' 5' Lester Page, wsc 8r:5' Fodnevr' 6 st€ele' Restoa' 82:l1j ? Mark tly codiva, 2:15:17; 5. Don Faircloth, croydonH-, Ma'kcv sPrinltreld va 86:'lii; 8 Richard Jambol6kv 2:15:52j 6. Eric Au6tin, worcs, Y.M.c,, 2:15;!!: 7. ' 8L:47;9 Crais Gaaldcr, Arlington, va., BernardJ. Plain, CardiffA.A.c., r,4alco, 2,roi18, :"'!""t "i !' l8: l0 Robert Elklud D'C" 90:'!zi u' Robert 8. F€rdie le Grange, South Afri.a, 2:16:19; 9. cal1os r'illidns PrD{e Georses cootu' con , 91:0zl 12. Perez, spain, 2:16:z?j 10. Paul AngenvoorLh, 1\'est Gelmany, 2:16:44; 11. Manfred sr{rflny, l\ esL cermany, .iacl_.I oratr' Annandne' va ' 93:03; l3' Richaid c Donald Dalze1l, catuP sPrings, Z:16:45; 12, Dave Ho1l, England, 2r16:53i lJ, MlLe Ror- ramL-D -qa:16i-14 Mn q5:0i:15 c1aham Huston' Arlingron, va 95:43; lahd, T.v.H., England, 2i16:53r 1,1, A.1\. Tony ' ' llj Dore].s-Lel'nd', usN Academv, 96:051 1? David Moore, Hillingdoh A. c. , Eng., zrL?:18; 15, \oiman H€Ynsfeld D c '16:31i lS David Frceman, Napa valt Deakin, city of stoke, z:r|tzo, 16. Bob Rrcharrlson, l-r PunrerE club , 100:28i 19 :for6ren schulz. Blackhcath, 2:17:51; l?, Mike Freary, Boltonutd., -Calif cc, 101:37; 20. Jolm Bvrnc, Rockville' 2:1?:54; 18. cyril Leish, salford H.; 2:r8:08; 19. Laurie l,"l-: 9'""a:: 103:5?i 21' ceorge Ellior, Rockvill€, Md , lo5:48j Ausrin, city ol stoke A. c. , z:18:38i 20. A1a;rair J, Yd ' 22 charles Poss waldorl, Md', 1'5r48i 23. frank wood, Aberileen A. c. , scotlahd, 2:19:Ooj zl. ceoll Norhan, Altrincham a.C, , 2:19:22,22. Mrke Crrtcht y HeatJ ' Prrnle rl(otSes CC, In9'34' 127 starters, 23 Caldiff AAc, 2t19t33,23. Augu6ti! Fernanil€z, Spain, lTl:i"l MASTFITS 2-MILE --I Ceorge Phillips, 11, U:09; Z. Ztl9t56,21. Alex Wight, Edinburgh A.C., ttIgtag:2aAlmando Aldegar€ga, Portugal, z:20:21i 2b. M.(j. cra- TonY lrran'on'l' 12' I|25;3' Ted Burkett, 51, u:10; il. ven, Kendal Ac, 2:2at35,27, K. Angu6, sheffield utd-H,:""-t Thea11"!0,'- l1:42r 5 ceolge sullivan, :10, 12:28; z:21'l1, z8, S, Edmuds, Sale H., ztzLl|i 29, 1.s. Nrra.- b. Jacl- Braumiuer' 14' l?t33t 7' Charles cram, '16' Intosh! Ranelagh H., 2:2lt3a,3a, T, Flory, Ine.,2:21: 12:11i.8 !-liJa-h N cal1altav, 51, Lz:'+3i 9 Il l-r€d 43..63. Ron w;ilinsror.r, camda, z:28:15. rzrdrp,.hcr.lii]"itj;.i, r2:45 r0. Iiarvev celrea, 5r, 12:'1? {24 RI].L Z-MILE - 1, Bud Krogh, Arlingron, \ra,, 10:50i lO.MILE ROAD RUN, NE\iT ORLEAJS, LA. May Z0- 1. Pete Soutuilo, 56:18; 2. I-arry Fu6e1ier, 58: 2. Dave Bronsoh, vienna, Va,, 10:51j 3. Mike Fteming, 26; 3. Ron westbrook, 59:.10. (17 linishers) 92 degre€s. Rockville, M.l,, 10:55;.1. Chris liunz, D.C., ltrOOj 5, Chris Holtues, Fairlax, Va., ll:08; 6. Bill Hoss, Chantilly, Va., ll:09j ?, John Percrs, Chevy Cha6€, Md., A.A.U. 5-MILE ROAD RUN, DES MOINESI IQWA 1l:12j 8. V.ha NoE, Srlv€r Spring, M.],, 11:25; 9. R.J. imy 4, l9?z oPEN DIVISIoN: 1, tvlatcolm Robinson. Tutner, - t. M.a.1€, fltd., 11;2?; lO. Roltan.t Elliotr, 36, Des Moines, Z6:19j 2. Ron Peters, 19, li,ater1oo, A.cok.e.1t, 1,1d., ll:28, (68 26:23i 3. Galeh Gre€n, 23, Nevton, 26t24:1. B.b Hughes, 19, Des Moine6, 27:25; 5. Rick Hudson, 19, COLLECE P},RK, MD. CHARTER ANNIVERSARY Des Moines, 27r,l9j 6. Tom DeBockho!st, 30, C€dar 5-MILE RUN, 4CREDALE RECREAT1ON CENTER, Rapids, 29:Zi; ?, Tim DeBockhorst, 24, Dc6 Moin€s, June 4, 1972. Stonsored by: College Park Fecrearion 29:'16; 8. Eill McDermott, 21, De€ Moines, 29;55r 9. Boa.d -n I hc D.r Poa, PLn.(r- \l-b Dean J@ghan, 31, Van l,l.ter, 30:07; 10. Doug Linder, 29, Des Molnes, 30:35; U. cary Doa Brava, 2.1, D.M,, 1. Chafles Leuthold, DQRRC, 26:29i 2. ceorge Chris31:28r 12. Tony Woloch, 17, Urbandalc, 32r33j 13. Mar- topher, DCRRC, 2?:21; 3. Doug Slocuo, DCR.|.C, 27t42 ,1, Ray Morrison, DCRRC, 27:59r 5. Maulcio Ruiz, vin Scolt, 36, Anes, 36:02: 14. Janice Cline, 19, U.28t1Ai 6. Crdrg caarder, 29r1,ll ?. Jim Stocum, 29:25; 8, E.l Jerooe, 29:3lii 9. Latl H€llen, Jr. , 29:42; 10, VETERAN DlV. (40 & Over)- 1. Dr. Karl Lalson, 5t, Lester Page, 29:5?i 11. Rich tsennetr, 3O:lZj 12. Johr Aaes, 30:45r 2. Bob Moorehead, 5l! Des Moine6, 3l: Slocrlm, 30:17i t3. ceo!gc Cushmac, 3O:27; l.:l_ Tim 11; 3. Buck McConeghey, 59, Fairbank, 37tAL 4. Itt O1sen, 30:.11i 15. Dick Jamborsky, 30:59; 16. Mark HagSteinb€19,,13, Jolnston, 40:01. gerty, 3t:04; 1?. Rod Steele, 31:0?; 18. Marty Suliivan, HICH SCHOOL DlV. - l. Doug Larson, 15, Ft, Do.lge, 31:2,1; 19. Dav€ Thea11, 31:32; 20. J.M. Cochran, 32r17j 30:52; Z. Mark St€ihberg, 16, John6ton, 3|33i 3. Ron 21. Martin Gr€enbam, 32t!-1:22. Eill Davidson, 33:Ol. Comis, 16, Johnston, 3i:,15r ,1, Jelf Aten, 15, D.M, JR H. S. DlV, - 1. Joln Micha€I, 14, D€. Moines, 32:14.
2! ?TH SENIORS TC 2 x 14-MII-E RELAY (5 LAPS EACH) l,ITH ANNUAL CARDEN GROVE (CALIF. ) IO-MII-E HANDICAP RUN June ll, l97Z Jue ,r, 1972 Distance: 7 Mile6 - MiI€ Casso aad Tim Tubb conbined to set a new cous€ lecord. ]t wa6 niP & tuckalL rheway, lvith only a 50y lead onthe secondplace 1. Lee Beresford, 44, STC, It23:46 l 2A:06 69 team made up ol Malk Covert and Scott Schweiter. ltz't|T l:00tt7 z2 .?'.1 5. 3. Tom Mccauley, 30, uat.,
i:lll:3 ,l. ri-
M.c.r1oush, 3r,
..rr! 6. 6.
1:28r00 lrLl:3 0 Theriault,27, STC,
uat., I:27t59 rla.59 cigena, 36, uat,, 1:26:20 a7.5A
38 4a 51 13
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sai JEe, {tro drd c6:26 iD (,h'sc riih rke: Pe115ts41er). rdeloeiicisr fla
E3 a
ralet tre4a3). !b
1. KehMoore, S6:39j 2. \
\,rora, Colombia, 36:47]'3. BiIl Clark, {est 1ralley Tuttle, unat., 3?:.12; 5. i!{arl Covert, Cali{. TC, 38:02; 6. Jon Anderson, Creeon TC, 38:16j ?. A11en Har!isoh, Sydney Sun, ALs:raLia, 38r2,1j 8- Ed Harer, Athlele€ rh A.tion, 38:26i !, Cerrt Tishe, lrancouver OC, 38;2?j 10. D.r'.ir!i, Trba.luizar Colom!ia, 38:31; 11. creg .ribbetts, SC Slriders, 38:58; 12. Bob Darling, Rcdwood Citr, 38:59;13, Jack Leydig, Wesr Va1ley 1C, 39rtl]j L,t. Hcrnan Barreheche, Colombia, l9;24r 15. Lalno(n, 39:25; 16, Mike lVagenbach, unar,, 39:31; l?. Chuck Smead, 1!VTC, 39r3lr 18, Russell Pate, Oregon aC, 39:.11; 19, Anthony Risby, Univ. of Nevada, l9:58; ?0. Mike Dcnoy, U,S.A.F., 39:59; 21. Martin Pa!o., Colombia, ,10:03j 22, Albie Thomas, Au6r!a1ia, .!0:1.4j 23. JohE Loeschhorh, U.S.A.F,, .1!:Ztj : . unlihorrn, .10:12; 25. AUen Sa.lord, \\,VTC, 1A49) ZlJ. Le6 McFadrien. Stanlord, .10:51' 27. aob Cro.i, 1i1TC, 4l:09; 28. Darreh ceorge, Napa Vallcy RC, 4lrlOi 29. Joh Sutherlard, uat., ,11:10; 30. Bob Erun:ian, i1J C, ,11:llr 31. Joln Shcehan, ll.VTC, 41:12; 32. Bob Immethu, Alaneda lC, 4l:1+1 33. Bob Na.nirga, urTC, ,11r25; 3,1. Mll<e Rd{atto, WVTC, 41:.19; 35. Mark tvtcConhel1, Slaoford, ,11:55. (Kcn \,lo.r. \oul.] have reccived a trip to the Sydney Sun,s race in Austratia, bur he mad. thc Olynpic tean, thus Br11 Clatk will go, MARTIN PABO\ STRAI:S IRO!' COURSE BUT STILL WINS COLDEN GATE I,IARATIION Lo San Fracisco - Rlnnrn! a strong race the cntile way, Colombiah harathoner Maatih Pabon, 19?l Sourh American marathon .hamF:on, l€d rhe lastest mass finish y.r in rhc Third Annual Cotalen Gate Marathon. An aloosr sure shor ar Rich Del_qado s year-old Zr31:37 record was lost rhen Fabon srrayed lrom the.ouise, headiog straisht thr ough the roll plaza ar the bridge insread of doqn inro the pre6idio. A sign had blorvh dolvn and belore he got back.nto th. course, he had 1o6t several ninute6, Dchnis Urtiaga ol th€ xresr ValLcy TC was a surprise secor.l p1ac.i finisher in his lirsL afehlt at the distiince, u!setting such prosi asJoseCortez, John Burt€ilield, Darryl Bcar.lau and Mitch Kirgery. . . aU sub-2;30 men, The Rcdwood City Striders, lcd by Coftez, Kingery, an.l Tim lvright, just edgcd l\rcsi Vatley TC Ior ream honors by one point, 1.1-15, ending rhe lalrer ctub's t{o year dominarion, Nertlt arrived 6enior Lee Houey rvas the top in his division by ov€r 5 mirutes, *ith Paul Rccsc running a superb secohd on the rugged course. Fran Conley, in her {irst attempt at the .listance, ras a lery good 3:27:03, aad we should heat a lot more Jroo her in the Iuture. Malyetra Boitaho, onlI 9 y€ars olage (youngesr finishcr), ran3:28:r?.6, lvalt Stack, 64, !anagood3:38:40(1tOrh)...HarrtCordelios, Sar l'rancisco's sightte6s runner ran3,2.t: 50.8, Last yearrs runherup, Jack Leydig, led Harry tlnough the distanc€, 1. Martin Pabon, Colombia, 2:33r35j 2. Dennis Urtiaga! 1!est Va1l.y'fC, 2.3,]-126j 3. Michael Buzbee, Ne\r Ways AC, 2:35:15; ,1. Jose Cortez, RC Strid€!s, 2:3.!;,16r 5. John BurterJield, Bosron AA, 2:37r0?; 6. Dafryl Beardall, l\iarin AC, Zt37:1'?:7, Mitch KinCery, RCS, 2:.r0:07; 8. Pat Buzbee, Nerv lvays AC, Zl4l:l1j 9. Jefl Carhody, New Jersey, Ztlzta6t IA. Ian Jackson, lirVTC, 2:.15:35: 11. Tim Wright, RCS, Z:SOtZZi 12. Jim Bo{l€s, wVTC, Z:51:Zii 13. Lee Holley, MAC, 2:51:2,1j 14. Jan Frisby, lirVTC, 2;52:55.
MayZT, libui.n
NYLON CORTEZ FROM, NIKE May be the best load lllfuing 6ole eve!. Nylon upler never gtilfens o! c!acks and provides the ullimate in Lightness and
codfoit. DeEigned fo! cro6 s coutry and road !1l6ing. we ju€t 6otd r50 lair to rC4A team chamFion - Universily of Pemsylvdia - when aU team membe!€ voted to rea! them. $13.95. MUNICH I72 T-SHIRT {EAGLE) Grapbic design on a high qualfty cotton €hi!!. Colors: red/gold & black trih, gold/red & black
Nylon Shell Track Sholts - $3 CottoD Twill Tlack PaDts with elastic waist aarl inverteal V-cutorts fo! greate! lreedom. Soliat coror body Fith cont!astidg trih down the 6ides and aloud lhe bottom, $2. 80 Royat, Scaalet &
KeUy. Irm a track nut
shilt vith
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USTF'F' PUBLTCATIONS The United State€ Track and Field Fede.ation anrounces the publicaiion and feiease of three new and excellent books of interest to those involved in our sport. We are indeed pleased to ha!,e the opportunity to bring these excel]eni works to those of you teaching, coaching and pariicilaiing in trsck and field in the United States. The U.S.T.F.F. coniinues to provide long-needed nate.iats to promote and develop our sport. We hope you find these publications valuable to your program.
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AEROBICS,,., by Althui Ljara.i. the ftan qro :?s doqe so huch for distance running thmuehout iie ?.:td, This excellent publication wiU provide rnior-'':!rc1 :or borh the distance runner and the acquaintence Joeging for fun...., ( $ 4.00 )
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lJnited States Track and F eld
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