07.1960 LDL

Page 1

In fhe Long Run it's the New

.4atta Deoantae YOL.





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TlE tOr{C DISTAflCE i,o0 A Prbllcsriotr for nuEls by nr!!6r!


,icr-{ ! :rll-oi pr8l,liscf sEl::

subsc"'.!iio.: Retc.: 2!a o ropyi 6J. 0 a yei.. -"!D::Fned r .lhr!.

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rlbs-rrtt,jo" "or.;.Dondcr ))u r-,.-e 5t., t. dir:.-u, r..J_

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. l:llii";;,;,.1 , "1,. ..,i.;' i;",. r.. .,.. re,- rd.,.j. .:i r..r -".r.,:1. 6,: oe .:3 ''s :ar,-a-:r_:.. .anlrr ,.;", ",-i.J:. i:i.l;.'i:!.j:TjJ ii-,k:,$::.i^ ,'".rr : :r8li". 1a0c ra { club;,:. ,14 r-n1 {Iep1e*.-i"l.;:i I ..i j. i1L- )..1eon. .o-.:. .a.: rna i:;3:":.:1".4:;'fu.i.i;.',l;Ji'i:""::;

lJ 'u)D .-!\.lDs d.ep €re, €ie., ai r:er r:e\ drrtelrl-

{4rk6. Johr D€nj),-,h not roL a.- -._-.-ge, ..1, .- .e; rry.!5, .,_:dl .' 3ilii,";Xi;i."il*il'igloi.;:',,''* i:, :-:.,":!"i, "i:i,;,.i"i-i"'.iii.-li:. ;.'::::'1""i::!;i. i:trv! u'a i: rrDe, rt:0r..?. Sgy: rr Jin AC; i. Joe -rr- !6.5" basr Prreslino. The: t:57.o. a_l .q .rqr6r J.,..i., lnviLs.lora.-. Jj6




i#*;.1' liri'3.";ii:'"*::1"*.l:lJr- +:i,:+;l' ;:i:f: i:;'i,:;";iitd;:"; Fo'1 Frk o'-'

}i;.'i;;;!,9.'i"i:t,::::'8"1,:i:::ii"'T;,j'"Hliii;,'li,':.'ill;."3;';".. ;;li;"::4*"j",iilE.i::'ii:,]u '" 'e' netre Ed-"iers. 6: 6. ro-r Di(r +i; >. Jear u,rrD1( crub, z; z. r-sL par;s,ine ,. :lii,.fi:i;,"ii:j::::ri:,i:;::;"L",,., ;iv.i:::"?;"1',":i::o''

) VImi cAllAlil{ CoPS MIRGAlE l-!,IIlI ivll nargst€ Clty, r,1.,;.r lltJ ?c- vaine 0.1lal1n o!:h. aali100r. crots codhilv c-l,ub c1o!€d I*3! io ffin iho uarg&t€ ?-d11e Be4.h Run ioday by 3a) yadB oY6t ncie.t d3hton tt ih€ Rliaara ljaiYerslty ilalhrlb didnrt i4k3 h13 oo"e lrtll th6 16ad nDners tele iro & one-5rfr !,1e4 alonr !h! !.y. ,I.h ors., .l l,no Shanaban :i @r the halieerly 1oaa6t & !!!e1!ed tb€ leeii dT tn.olgh lhc rsndy gtlnc. Ij)vevor, iltrgd !3hed .fourteenth. he & f1! Th. !ac6 Es .porsor.d by the ctirr ot Shaler ta. racc 41.sc_ liaxse',€. "r1114it lealtlful ironhlos d redels {.16 i,!ts'nied €t a dl;n+. f,r al.l q" J!!lo.r. te:taurari fo11o!1..S lne /a.o' {eath€ll cca1, ctdr'.qst f.l1o?hg isaly !a1n st1 i4rnins. sand rer:{ Y,L & a airora s1trd tac4d the rdhere 9or CfC, 16:04 i. tilavn€ C.Itath. B{lttfo.€ ssr. 16:lj l. lobert asnLon, Ruts€* ]J. n n L6ll3 !. i{&!ren VardelYee.. ' r., Albert srd." undti.. c1lrlon. 16:22 i. ltlaus Pieeseni, St' Jo6ephr., i6132 RobirEon. s6ltinole ccc, 16:14 ., _, Larry PauL Shorffan. ralainoN ccc. lo:J7 9, rrck rrahpton. 8al !iDore cirC, 16:r9 !. John Kinnaelli. iqta.rs U. ssc,16:42 r5:l'-1 ic. Jay ounn, saliisor;,rcc, rl. roi carr, st. J06epht6 cotl ! 16:lrr, 16:4? i2. Pere leade, Sladhen aC, 13. Ed Ayleg; S;?tth6ore ..1les2/ 16:51 11,, lernaa i,to!!an, shanqha! cLi. 16:52 15. !vte arnheitei, Montcrarr STc 16:il 16. Jde cQuilran, Sr, Jose],n's, 17:01 lir13 1". Har!r Berkoxltt. Pen., ac. 18. Ross Contreuv. st, Jo6ephis. l?:22 (ullk. rc :tare 17:23 v6i1tc1a1: 1!, Ron 20, At ltodE€li, Central Jet.ev Tc 17:39 21. Jam6e Sokoio6l-1. MoniclalrsTc f7:/il L7r)+6 ?2. E4 De Mauer" vnattached, 2!. cv Yannatelil. Unattached. Ilri) 2/,. Davld tlaler._Montcla1! sic, 17r\l ?5, lan€nce Jani.on, i6nn AU, I'ar5t 26. Rlchard Tr6nery, lfonlctuIi St.-'_' 9 2?. Tor "1!!i1en 0r1e!, shan.cc, i Jlr 23. iobert Ro!chert, l4ontc1al. .lr ' tr:06 29. RalDlr trlelldr E11bers, shab : r:oa 30. Ceoiq€ larbqck. LJdt,tached, 13:12 '11. anca ullt1.nE. lllest ch6sterAc 8:21 32. cene Kn.ser, sE, Joeephte cot'8:tL 3r, Don r,{a3k.n, BaltlEole CCC, IAr52 34. John Burton' BaltiDor€ ccc, 19:28 35. Si€ve cerle!, Shanehaa CC, 2lro7 2lro9 35. Jaled Hoch, Pent AC,

I.e 5.oriia: 1. lilt1dore X-countrv clrrb, 1-l-/,:t-6-lai 2^ st. .to.eph's cot.i;se, 1-7-11-12-19-51! 3. !. J, Sr6ra T6a!he!E Collesot 64, noJrDs rr1Ns JuNro! 0\G-II00i &tNt c,l&vaN 1TIINs OPX}I




30- tomar sr. lrdL'1


3C-X!10 CnedD. eotr Cat*n ran li ni1e3 181 ]aidB tr *i! xhe J." Nattl .{-4lr & orrer 1-!o!r rui hefd in conJlnctlor

Lirh rh6 10ib araual l)enr ac tr&.!, reei a! olD.v ulah srhool tleld. AleI trreckerldst herd ib€ lead ai 6 qiles bui doctded to ea}1 lt 6 daY, 4cstenied {t',t a good li:2, foY the Penmc 5-n11e tltlo. Catun tr second rlace ai the tlae ceFled on fiihmt io@€tltloD la a bId for ihe AEerlcan lecard, lut tbe codb1!e4 effecto of a leaw i.aci amt hnt @athet det€ned oeorFe rouids, {\YPc) a Claduate eiudent :r the unlversitf ot P1ltsbtrgh cover.d 10 l/{ dles & 35 Yalds to wlh the Junror Netiocl tltle' 3. Tob 0€1er. slanalatr cc, 10t nll€s & ;;;ai i.';;:;. ijr. #.]'ilLi iiiii"ir di1e. & zo,i ?u, yds. 10t riles e1le. Penn hC. nC. lot rnt6rlr r.- Pete teaae. si'i",h"" i!.e"., Shanakn ijil';iiiij"ii'rl'i"i:' cc- to Io nil€6 36, ld9.i adg,i, 5" 5, ol.k lonocc, tir.u & 36\ hD;, ao.ron aA, 10 nlles & 312 yd5.i lobraa, PitiEbdsh, Pe', 9 ii=6.1i! 6. bnce "iiirii3,-ir'"ii6* chepnan, l/4 B1163 & lol yds.i 7. Johnchtub€rq, 9* dltes & 28{ vde.; 8. Fcb q 175 ydsi K€. I,ovei Loveil. E e l/rl ollss & ,. K€n l/r. n[ss Jdsi t. 3/4 !;;" l/in!a;s. Pe.;n nC, a

n11e3 & 10 ydE.



wesi chest;r tc, 8i nile. and 116 ds.i 11. Jane3 sP6er, wr6hlnEtor. D.c.. 7j b11es & 310 vds. + 1is€Et -aook. rirashlnEton, D.c', a mileE. 216 yds. {8th placel. Penr, ic Resirlt6 - gsJ-Le! 1._Alex-lreck emldEe" ouantlco Mrtne., rr: z). u (oeet racord: o1d nark. l1r28.C tt John Ko!1l, (h,antlco, 19591i :?. lob ca@n. rn;on Ac (Plitsbulshl, l?:r):; 3. ceo;re louIds. NYlc. l3:11i 4- Jack _ea".".

Shanahatr ac. ]la17i :. ?!-vor Dou€ftlrv. Fenn rc. ll:34i 6. Bob !EwEon: uci;.. i4arrle-Newtom HS, 3!:00: 7. ioo osl€i. ShAMhan Cc, lr+rL7i 3. Dlck Donohu€. BAA. 34:18i 9. J€63e Budelle. P€F Ac, l4:50t 10. Bruce nobras- imon AC. l[:59i lI. Pete L€ade: Shalahan cC, 3rllo; 12. Joe steian6Flc!, PeM Ac, 16!lli ll: Johr irh:rmn- P€m AC. l6:22i L4. Ra!p! iii:i:g: SHHXil 33: 3?i33' rl?i*"!!{t

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shep'.tor 1I'6 olPP'c t'{'16-J!1t l-2 (B!.ck.Eida. rtu Pe|Mc dI.t.!c. i1r1.s lf:8ir1."5"i"3:ii:"!r :i"ililil." t!!c6tt'-w, 15:02'0i 16. sob chaob..!, sh&Ehan cc, t7t2!t l+t!o'!" /:' i4'r1e3-'-xtd ccs" Fr, 15t06'oi 5" 8111 iZ. rer !;reri. i€nn rct 18. ia;{ PQck, oxt-,.1r:1J.7i i. Rod'l4u.!, ucr,l ii.,i"ijii;',-iiii'cnii:i"i; ic i; rl-:?7'l :v-q!:. r'..:rr! a'!11!' q949' "it.rhonDson r-!60 rllrlned !h6 rou ran. ?. r4c. r{tr.o{' 4clc" r+,11-/+i .:ii'lii'i s-"iriil-iiij-i.. )"-- ' !-ioe'ei 0:e.-qt,,.l:1t.8t s. .r-.,.ord _-2S No:es .ualt;d oi," 6_Erte 'lorr@nr sars,.r+r?i,l. {fhe 1919 $CAt "o,ir"ua srd hour eN &nt r3 !a!i for in€ l\rt1 AblDgco!, let Jaok ?i1c.i ot the central houi.. Th. offlclsle _ Ja*k 5t. c1a:. .hihp J!., Jaca FFah, !!ad{ Fqtu_ri a Brodn- ldljiornld.Ac set a-folsu-'lv. oa'''


Jns'Ro3s, aiarli EnL b..,.r. L.yrns lj:f-11"k:1,!.'.:l: :::::-1: ir'",r::lio-'eep ieb! & th; qs.. ;nir 016;.o:J""i:i:_.1;"i:iilj;;riT,. ber ot 1ap5 tl:ey ran,and rho36 rho Sii-ri r:51 4, rL:i r'5L l, vrlrors rintsned s:i.r Lhe :lrtL srr are a) 7tj5')" 2" osard 't!B 7:?6'ii ;ttt ";iu ;;;pdr"i;i ir'aila.y lroei,."i r'1) -:lo. i -..'.vrv -:J.-/i l. r,anfo_i lobbed!,. rec(.rroue,an Ir:2n,or i;;;; iii;;-;; ;;;6; iii iiii-"i-ir." :. ,c-1. '! | ieaMn. c€.1* -j in^ €r ro hl! 6-0116 vlclory. l-t1r6: r. Alex sreckenrid*. oaen!:(o .*:al€3=le J9L:-.-l-e]i l. .lan1? ( Lr.a E;i:::.t!:57.2;1.Bl]15hiri.5\er-1:\:i'...:|,^" -Gn cc, 1t:oli J. P.re Lllr.-b.

ll?i:ii"'3' :J:;,Y;:'i:9i);'1.':r:;: :":: ::; l::lii i: xi:"::*l*::; ::;.;;c: p!,i ii"i,,""l ,6:r:i e. o-nn rc, -o:roi i:,HeF rerre';'r ;?T.ljov:-6'.:Iil.iil;l .ll::lll"_ a1le RA, 17:06 (15 fhlsne:s) notes - Si\$k ted rhloush rhe slle rr l:9!rd'-cic-ns!ir, !!42 1 bv cglllollrr, !957)i 3 i'lc2'J! !' usc 10:10 lLi 2:?4, ard:n1er tooi thu rcaa ar 'Jiriirr,:rlr s'eaie 1o:15.o 5. sar ros6'Jci'A i* I 'riiariie'i;";;rit-*ii;; t; .- o,

,sLal!l:.'. cry L.: :€gti I ' . e-r'rd Jr!. ". 8r to eo Il"r aull-d a'Ey for r''s 1 u lA ' : rin. jll:i l, PeL€ rar.€rb, sc:. q:20.9 6\, 2.o7, 3rl1)i 2" BIU Holnes, ,h1ir. !j.6n;e!, LrZ2.7, 3. :|/.@srae KEl,l-!l lri. Crios! ClTl TltlUIPll ramon, lhtla, ltoreer,4:22.8: lr. san I'ancls"! cal!l'. Sundav, ilLae 22 at Waisr, Shanaha! ce, L,4.2a 5. iose, Haa;on, pbr1,. ?io$eir e. r.". 19:r1.^_ it":ll - "l.f:$1"e..19t. r:++:t 'a;'er, Psnn A.i _, Paul vln;han, oAC. ) r-e o60: L, chas. De1 po.st. Sh€Nhtu cc. 'd -lr lne E! a4 Ir ca;tur€d Lh€ ,oit i:q?.ir ;.;;, j i-;e;;*iirii,l li?,i.iii .Ity.: t9l"-!:'; :9 :-199.". l. nur 8ladFhaH. ie;!- tc: /.. kl -' --vFlshs 1ro -rd l-nds r-o, coqered r!.€ i.le:. !i,,niij""'ci. all- cour3e-fron -ne F.r.y aulld:-lirle Uati:1. pon retrd. NypC. 1r:-s.7.81 rcF Lo o-€an Be6ch-:. rrnrns. re.n3ec5, ffid:-al; i,-'"' ;r r:.i o"m"i NiFc, 'Eil-isir-i:,6 riis.ii-5.'s.6 rlf:y-slx ren coapeted ln rhe ereltn8 aDe

,ii;.,i!!i,"'"ii*"1?.iie:.;:.,"i*:t._" iiFr "::i7l;ij; i::"iiriri"ii,-ii"" d1d not codper€ becsuso of ! rlrjuy

i.i":-r.-;rr11i.'iroi!?"]"iz: z. o,,."_ le8 coach'd. bv Ylnarr rsrol' tlca, Ui 3. Shanahan c6, li; lr.'renn captu!€d t]€ !ea6 polnts. ttlle rtt] ?1 AC. ioi 5. DelaE.e va116o-ii- rz: uon refrev, :'vrv' o. {ew Yorn Pione€r club,'r, Fr.sno, cali"., ffi, n-.-T6a;;alru- -under Derfecr *itr,ti.-aes er_condltlo;., lndica!.d l,har mo6! of ,.he ait'tetes u". not y.r, r€ady for Lnelr bcst effor.s--irppa!entli noldlns bacl' !o be ln tlp:iop \,resi coes! Felavs




i:ffi'":i;:""'ii6,"'*' fi;;; ;: a. Joset Szutc8il, 5CVYV, 13!08

t. !r: Georse Bran!& M.rln Acr ,.3:32 .t'52 .!:32 :. li1 ll::!9p,"9:*"'"ch6d' )raL ?: J1m lEooox' 't 'conlrnued n€e Fcer


(!on KeUey IdlE S.r. Run- Conttnu6d) 4/+:tl 9. Ray schnore, scvw, lO. Tlo [e11y, i{alln Ac, \5.26 lL st.vo Jackron. U.S. litarinog. lr5:15 t+5t4o 12. Jo6 Becera, ustt., t+54r2 13. TIE Jordan. uGtt,. 14, He.b Po!to!, SFAC, 15159 1t. leon sFoushts!, l4rrln AC, 46:11 15. Ualter vatr zdt Jr., slAc, 116:1, 17. J1n CaUou. sFAc. 46129 18. ten l4ot!e, u!a!t., {6:46 19. Bryc6 Snith, SCITV, 17132 20, Joe Ktne, sCn9, \1r1+, 21, Jack Pa!5on, lmtt., 48:41 J+8r51 22. Jabes Jacobs, S!,tC, ?3. Rlchald AvatoE, unati., l+9:2I 24. Atundo !!att4r uratt., /+9!24 1937 - 39152 ly NolMn lllght ot th6 olyaplc Clu!. (Altholgh the coars va!1ed .ltghtly rror lhs one tun oEr for the past Elx year6. Th15 !tt1I 13 the A1l tlre b6st.l 1955 - 43112 by J€sse Ve! zant 1956 - 41156 !y l{aIt Belser, SIAC Zani I9r7 - 11ro2 ny Je6se lar gcwv (Pres1958 - 4M7 by w+1 tr1n9, 1959 - 41:30 by tlI Klng, scvfl. SOUTIIRN CONINIXNCI IRICX MEET llriUla@bqrs, vlrslnle, MaY 13-14

vllElnia l€cht l€cht 2, 1, rlncn.. Vllalnia Bralthdlte, cltad€l: r+. c&ad€1i 4. BlalrhFlte, 5. Hudd16, Va. M}lttaiy,9!43.1 2. 1,1nd5a l,lndsaY. itrld: 1. W1II1dE. wlIIldg. 1'!&: 1'!&;2. Ml1e:1. e]E i61; 3. cartto', vufi 4. Malt Iu!!a!; r. Pbl1llls; turran.4120.0 880:1. wt111an6, WIi 2. lalley, nt;A;;3. Dlfi.LLe, l4,E; 4. Davis, $&vi 2-M116:

r,1nd Llnd6ay, |d11tslyi i:;ftd-, e:;Iton-, v1!c1!1a Vlrslntaa M111ts!f: r/a.3. lqtlltarti Ml1ltart

!. Mlch., 1959, .t rplU.Eti. S€cond & thlrd rer. E. Mlchls.nr. Dous c.roll and Joruck&.,,Be.t ohland... . btond buUot !F! Lri6n U11!olr, took th€ 380 tor the thld )€tr 1n r .or, rlth e 1:52,6, n r tnck .!d IIIC @rk. The o1d toop r.cold 6. hi. oE, t:51.3, 3€t !n 1954. rr h€..! 1:J4,7. ohlande! roN for"9th6 UCTC ln th€ 3un€r and i. axp.ct6d to ba a va1abl€ addtrlor ro th€ uclc afi:lr sraduarhg thlE yEF. (.n Slalock and rlarold I!ft, both C.Dt. Xl.h., took !.cord & thild. Maurl Jo.eakla. rdnn€. ol th6 rl1e & 2-h116 1n 1959, sEppod back ltrons aft€r hl! thlrd h the EaL€, & cui 10 eecond! orf th€ loop recold of 9:31,4 (F!ed 9.rdova1, rEU, 1958). The llnnrs f1n. 9!2I.7 a13o sdpp6d th. track !a!k ol 9:r,6.3 .ei by stN, East- Iu., 1953. DaE st.&, NIo, & Sandoaat, l{ , took aecond & thltd. chlceso, I11., l1lt 26- Trc Stagg ri61d ealkr fel1 ar royolarr Em1. Bl11up! & th6 ocTcrc {!u1€ May! tlmed In tlnee of 1!tr.1 ( 80o!) & U.8 (rIon hlshs) 1n the l!rM1 lrntY.lFtty of Cblcago Tlack club opeD h€er,.. Ehe llbboG in the d1ltance 4N *nt to B1lL (ru.g.r, 1500E.. O, of w1.c. at MllEukeei Ha1 Hlsdotr, Sooo{.srchase, UCTci car w111lans. 5OOOn.. UCTC; End Arne Rlchalds' 10,oo0s-, UcTc.. Weether end tlack t€re 15OOm: 1. Bltl Kru€ser. Ur'fil. 4r16.1i z._TEE Kon}6y. DePeul i\'o!h, 4:19.3i l. D@s B{l.n, loyola, l+:21.5i 4. Den-

nt8 Rulch€. g of c, 4:22i 5. stan R1!sk13, Il1. Fto.n, 4!23.5. lo00n, Srchase: 1. Hel ltladon, ucTc, tttd;Z!--2.--F-on \{41llnsforii, uilatt . ,

f' 6.:;"ffi:-wn*:di:;i;i,,il"l:;*: !e!i1:ii;.,!l!i!i-*!Fll!;"!til6^ to:50.4i 5' Pere x'aus' DsPaul, 10:'o'4 uirri"ii iii ;l',ri-r:ai'r' r.ra.r rjr;

;l!l"ilik"1li, Hill::tiy:;"yiii :' ll !:1, i 1-l1l19il:-l:-------- @.,."1{' i;"i!i,i;**i"lti;a,i9:i9it;.i:,1:."., ii'*:l{r,*l;,




!:t:l'i"ilk.Yil"'l;":lt'I:tls"#i:"*Ui;:ii:,i"diil"li*:l!'ii'3'jl,iil: rntercolleqlate Athlettc conference

::r:i;;lif:r"::ii;|:;r;*;;l"i;i::' rii!i;li*il1.I{l;'1rJiidlti:r;", riiri i z.T.r-s"ar"", uc'c, :,,i 3'

i I:];':li': "::fii:l: xlil'f:1"::".'!:*;;.-r.i:,.11 r.or.;i;; ;; i;"i:-iii: Sdql:'*q""i$:talli:ti:ii,;ll,llfi !H":::"5.[:i;"i.:ii;:?';'.i:iit iiir ii-i!ioiil-!!t ii fr;;!i Jodrka, r

Ulili"ttl"H?'!: ?l;53i'*,0i"5"'tl*'

!. {UcTc O?cr T&r- canilluad


41!29.6t 6. !av. Slrl1',ys, {natt., 42:04.4 (€1nn.rr, ttssr 5:20, l4!4?1 16!14"5" 21r44" 27ti?.8, j2119),

;;;;;;;:"...;;:"-* rI lai ecrsr8 rn


it6r ir

?, {8lriqtL" R,i 3" Ua.tindaler l.i lt. rlr.ells- i. l.l2I^4.,2-llt1e: l. E:nr. (1nre11; 'l'acy, P;i :. 4!iicr,-;t-i: a.i ,:, liartLrdalr, !. 9:i1"9 (tlacl< : 9€C:1,gob l1is6r. ?.nn. 1r5?.!! ?. Fdf F.1iI qer, r : l. -ea \rlner, ?"1 l. Je.k r41si:, n.


of tort. 3r in.:."'rott -:ija)0re-a\. .|-;:i;o:.: r,-r , o- 1=-t,. rr i.: drLed's94. r q.:ur.6 j_-oIrIi ,-,-":.r ertleLics: ,1 .r 1i tj,'o-.;., ."-. .r ,,. d" ,.:h' L. .-, :;...t. : "-.os.-coLntrt nrdlrd. ire J".ll . , 1r PolD r3r1!y . :,. ot I ..e -9t: ,. u :I t.the edu.&t€d cla5rca. tn. !eaBn{. i. ".. 1,ae2: itii. iaa y,::ts .rsf la.6! i,ondor, ts .oneer.€d, 1r nr1 Cil- .-eb.ririrarql-iy .I lhi Sa:rf!".ir..le !i:!rnd !l llcult io und-rstand" Th. .apid g:.,tl leai rle clo..:y L!:rchin l4.ti ot srbulbr rLe.e3stlnte! e liie.r trrin itcuiir! iers risl rhe i.!;ii uualr:e;, r' ^.?' 4vrj r.- ' a. ., ..... !L.ee.: .-o-:n./ .; 'f oi r .:r. r -reer1 , aoo $nr .rui.- :." :: rqr. ",1dL .i .-, .; -.:;. . :j:,: ,;-,.,, the.x1g.n.1ci oi c1.c.i8ea!ce:. coo. ,1.:.* \hite.$ .t ta€ 3.:r.rde.3 fran,r i! pe:!1ed t. haye Lir*ir heodllari..s j" L1er 5:ta t.r rne 1!:d ar rije e .1. !i1.t1y lo])ulqted Clit:.1crni !n: the tne rtir{i :re!, {1r;1 t.he v1ct.r e,el a!!€a.a.ce oi clustals ci tunne.r, iiiG.; r.,Iy i""""a .n tr i.J"Jii.. generauy ot very !o.! cia€s end ar;ae jor rne fjr.r riN i6 rh. :itntd. d',oo atrlly..1ad, Bp.Iasir:irs th.olsi i;; ;r;,;j ,,r.:r r"rnrr.,i :r,. 4iar i,1" dr tl.o_ou8hfar.iE, ti. dn :.1s. r:r 'e : ! .."(r:... ;,j .;:1( _r.::( . ,o 3F"cc4:1e, a"J urdouile-'y..,d:. p.ejudlce ihe niddg .f tnn:e Bho ia"e 1e51,5 aa-"1 ti,::.4, ,,rai!.rs i::.ris!ed : ;'-,.,:r na.l roopp,-_LlrrI r:".-n1n";c. \ .a v.!h i;a s..r: ar F: .-s-.' ; il;:. i;" : ;i. ;j. .;. -; -J.e r:{ter er.: o- io c-I: : r: t! L r1r. a ;,, :l "'., -..:" r"\e I'L"E BL l.able :. . i er'- r''_ urlns i. a palr' .t iri:i ndrkaf;b.rk- i: ::.1"n. er6 cuL iallii rhorte a thir noiir. !i,r" a.i€rnr. 1 i:rleElDr trot lhe lr vesiJ .xd aw.(rt.:. t! the seetlre. n. bac .f -1t1ror: t: i.cijr:.s lt. I coin.eri . ".TrRlai!6 for'lis ctost-!6\rrr-1-.hrrt- or i,. :ire j!!rt. .c;:ea a i.? trd:t :ir lonrnipi ias noB Lecn rednced to a tie taaan, Jt.tjr!:" 'Jii ilde .f l:5:._ ,.a.... Ency.l,/p+dla

science! 6nl -l! .8. r11'r e1 i. ro 'or.ee- -tl. fo ;, d of 4 fe* rears aso, tle.. he 1s !a!:d to dee.ie th€ -,rlo:L€ of hie


-, .t


...6 -.r'

- Rl ( .er ,.

.,r ! l: I^- :j _ -:_\1 j?re- .li.i, 1:t3.lI sJj t. r.hn lawLor, B: lel.- -:itlle ch;irtjan i.r.sh, .. .;n 1;O9"Ci p{ re"4: ' j.. O:i.

r'be t. ::cIlng' ''"e i -L occ.ri (i de t\al .:rilxr r,a:ln-rLi o.--'.t ': 9:._:. r,-.:c,."r.o".4 &re betns a1!eC todat. 46 ihe sali!4 gtii.tt t. t.a.o" .id!e!, ..-.) !Sn, 9.?t.91 so.s, n-f,e dole cL'.rs c "i -, r"" r'r" ;. '.u, u-c""1. ,,



Es6ron, pa., laey lrr ?€ie waln€tE s\arr;6rod tso l,asalle Coileae track recods

ii oil:ii!' ;;;; ;;;";l;;-i*ei;;Jii.ii ii;:",.?,riF";

"i:.1.:f,:":: ;:'"il":", 'ii." .i";i". il;.ii: "::li.rl,:i",;,.113"i'i?""i1'5, ii"Tl:$".i":fffl.: li*'i!:T"i.li** o! in;,,7.; p;i.; i;;.;;rr'"r,n

:lf!?'t "::f. :f ".^, "^' j-':..'l:.!l!.i9'1ii; slo.;,11i'l'i" i:6";;ii;'i,i: itfli.'isi'il'iili o:3ni t. Dr.n 2-Mi1e: L nalnerr,

;: -i.r,"i, i;";;, li,i,l siill::il'i,.iiil7t-;: ,a: ;elre Ff,; i..-o,1'.,jaras, r. 2. . .. ;;:1,.r.;;;;":'rii;--,-o;'o. Jid 88O: 1. Ton l,qaush" lJ. 1:52.3: #i";;, ;.:t;: .L::'o!i';""11,'.s. Hou'-on' 1 :1i 8i - s'r 1"'s' trs" Be"llehon, P.:, uay 21--Penn "', .-,..-"r*#*:t 't""'-t;3;''1.'r|,'i.1 ii, R.. ir!ri'iiii, 'o;i;, r:; ,6i I. Jaak qJrrcot LoJr Iehrsh 2il - llls! 1. u4rr-rr


lcolt3eud R.iays - CorrtNodJ

.iii :"i':l'Zi.:...i:;:",f!::3igi,,_:i".


'iffi*iT*jffif; ;++rgl*ffi#"i; ,,;!:q{i1f ggr;l:;i}1;ii.;' j:l!;1fi


'1"fi .,


ffiffiili;ffi, r*_ffin*u;i','ru:




+;tt*ji+*,:+t;iir,,"pr;: e#w#++1,'ul5:iir5is:: 2r) 1.1,9.8;


ffii:rtit5ififii'atur sff:i:##ri:


It'l#fr*g;5trff::gg* #iffiffiStrir;ii;ii$iir:


**t+*ffi ffi ffi ffi

-,f 3":i#" s. i;"i*", t{jf%!*#+ri:#*"-,iB"i;. !:.alght Cont. outdoor :iii"il"3li"illli3i 513,"3;"I*"S:lil




*itli!fu *

ff,ru#:ltfo,i:ffn4i?ir= 1960 AIU Handboo!,

$1.7t froo



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4l: 16:




! M:

2. 81


- Jld Cral... altlsilni Bt los a!s-:I6;-3iE-ta c.11.g., h.r !..n Ed6d head t&f coach. aotue. coech l.llr Juonvtll€ !ec.nt1v .6!1a!€d . . .-Ifi'Tr.su€, T{-€ut. cot. Ea!! ZatoDe&. a fo8-tlde OlFelc cba@lon. E6I!"-a icporter resr€ttur1y thet h6 ruld not be gohs to Rcde th1. !])mer. nMy sup€rlora f..1 tnat I ao eore va1sbl6 h€r6 a3 en oregnlre! &nBelleve PrcP4aaRdist lor 6po.t,n he s.Id,. zatopek conilnEd, @ch @,n tlack a5 a !atlt.! b. rclEtla on the'lrd coach, I donri haa€ tle dcht tefp€!Eenr fo. adnlntsriatlon, The coafe!ence€ &d et1 that arc too @ch for rv Doo! h€ad.n rdd he conltdered ei!i;!1nc, say, Lhe Olymllc tsrathon? I eork oui rlth the young one8, I'Ohen nn F.tty re1l, Thea I set al1 ex cLted about ra.1ns asaln & I kn k 1JI hBisted th. d1&ctor of cz€ch slorte ,ou1d let ne codDete" But dhal about public oplnlon. I teel 6ure I could llnlsi say, trenilath at leaai, But the Czech publtc wouldnrt und.rltand. 1l I entered, I rcuLd be expecied to win atrd, alas, thatis no lonser poes1b1e. I tu 38 Fa!. old, Th..e can be no dor€ sland Mblt,lo!. '.. -So@ ve.y line hlAh .chool nue.6 naae lsrforoed ir rlunois thl. y.ar, thr€e h.vlng m 4r2O o! bette!. Top mn 1s !f Carius. ol Morton. e e@11 t(m n€a! F€f-I;- vlth a /r:i3 and r:19.7. Tvo tunnef,c 1n the chtcago cathollc league, Ton SuUivan. S!. Ceorqe lurlor. and tn I:20rs. ThE ChtcaEo rlathollc schoors do not belong to tbe stai:e hlgh 3choo1 association snd don't ruo in the state na€t. rou:-ih .ankins 01161 1n ihe stare ls lteynotth xtlkland of N.v Trier, t/innetta, slth two 4:2ars. In ih. Stat€ M6et llly 2l at chanpaign, carius edsed Klrklabd h 4:13 (rain falltng durlng race, heavy sinds, track verv ruddrl,..!.thur Ne*ton Es fortv vhe; h6 i tarted;6:hiiF:-fi; bul1i a cou.s€ around hts faln and .an every day afte. he gate e thought to be a gleat frnner. Ile lan 6lght o! teD houre a day, Cotected hls laLlts, achee, bdls€8 dd leaned the Prope. allarelgloathlne to ve&. sane fo! cold o" mm Es hiE stlons lolrt. dafu. oxygen is dut Bakes th6 hMn dchlne Lrun. re lan flLat iooted noBt oi tne Itib€, on toes olly rhen ho lslGed & tsested in runnlnq. . . Clar€nc€ leMar raB b ere,t ru""" 1; h1;-d;tTEcruse lre gIIttD SIRIIDS


punllh€d hlMelf nore tlAn hl! adv EA!1e!, Jlst sevele plnlshdent @d hlb . wlnner,..Nearly atllons d13t, Den suff.! flod henorlolds sometlr ln ihe1! ca!eer!. The tubblns ot ti ch€€ks ol post6rlo! celses th13 a1: and 13 a cause of ean.er, leMar dlr of tt. Neve! do any frnn1ng rlthou gr€aaing rectun. And in a race do r vase11n6 ln quartltt. Prelarailor I daily slv€3 son€ bercflt to sufr€lr lerer Heeeld. the srest 31x .tar E

relked in the a1d Madlsor vritl a me oi al€ i. hand, drinklnc lelsrrely whlle @Il ...Much corstrxctlon ts .t111 eotrE alons tire Ionlers Maraiihon cours. h ner toi,.s" e.., The roller coasler alve at aoout 1tt n11es has been € lnaied and th€ o1d t€Daln b,\'-pasEe so that the st.re'och nor s1oP.s don and ellolnaies the curv€ ' a .e* ter aplear3 at abour 13t niie6 oui .r th; c.use.'.!9e Ilsl! belleves that a nnner can rlse frl rediocrlty to chanplonelip caliber wltloui coachlne 1l he listens to c and learne ffor aach race..,Shou1{il 9n:1 Zatopetr. the sreat cze.h 01lm! reslectful sLtelt ior i=;!;;;6;nd rhen he bredicie tlat at Rone Xalh ztnry ot FoLand k1!l iake the 5000r zdzisla{ l(lzvsziroldak, anoche! Pote {tll prevail in the 10,000m and ser the oar iclov of lussla a1ll {ln lnqlnrlns t oni,,.!a!zah axom" altor 1939 B;:I;i-r6;-than co@ent€d:'I' y:l stead/ iobi. .cs the unlversriv 01_ ahicago Track crr cistanc€ .!nrer, is gcing to aussla _!he feU or a stldent exchange Proe: :e 18 5iudyina for 3 Fh.D. ln seolo and h111 r;obablY be I1v1ns 1n l,eni E.a:..,{aiollioni3 18-}re3r-old dista :.e a1 tucan. !1an3 tD atterd Mtc i;a; 5_t.atE Ij;Ti7 ais it y nel_t tat1.. & i,Jeuinsfod. 26-year-old fomer !'1c ?l;n 1n-il iunn€r 1s a school teach aa xorth Toronto colle4iate Instltu: Tle Jxnio. Natlonal AAU Ma.athor cna lonshlp nlll be h61d for the se.old st.aighr: year 1n altlantic clty, l,LJ, The race is sch€duled for sunday' oc !6tn and t1U be opotsoted by the In Social &.4thlettc club. The coutse i be chaneed to avoid the heavy boardx rraIfic,..J1d (Jumbo) Errtott hae b€ elected 1960-61 Track Coache6 t3soctatlon. li€ €uccee



Squar6 Garded

!:ll :i'$,?:""i: gil";* gf:'i::"i:



,' ,ii1ir





ffitl$;$iulf ifLiitiil*,ii,r,i''i;;i;;


Hi*il*#n*ft, fi*frqfifift*



s*fi **+$*i,ii;:r gu*rl$ffi ffi



E 19

iffi$ffiffiffi I

l;I":,;;;.i:;.;iji:;i'";" i:: :'' .: ''' iii!:j irf+:#i :.._:r,',;-"'.',,,


::.'' iii:i. !13:i:-':.:t., a!,, ,;:.:;: :,.'1.,1 .l


r;,,i'r i;:r:l:';;";'""",'l; rl;;i;",'.,li';$



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{cu]f lA0 - Nonilnucd) bv Prul Jo1:.sor, abilen. '\l-3\1dn,rta'l qr.rle lld.nd" 'lcusLc:., 1::1.7 'a n: t. li:T-necoro. 2.4 9

,;;,;;;. : .1( 11 "'T .;;,;;;.

;;; ;;:;,


8i1c: 1" Btl,l 3to!., 0k1ahoE6 stat., Tllg.5i ?. .i!a c.ci1., nlrLA, 1:49.ir icnlta:l Ca1It. IC, 3. _-: ia"h o.7; 'xl).o., !. Ceole. (dc:er{an, osard l ', )tlt,hi t. B-b.arnoy, aSAr. il49.8t 5. hlke Psek€, Slviv, 1150.5.

i:i:il I'irh r"T1jd#;1i;.rf .10.,:.8: :.9iv"r.:r0r:6.s.

''o.r.srr, (r-:f., \1ay ?'- .rL re Jrft ?ittr]a 8!Lqii r. fry, ^:jL.8i . sL..r -:5f;f;n't' fr.r-. :l'.5, ,. ariz_ ioroe U, of \oEl. aa-o:ls -,... eltlre!?s ona 36ie, il.le.l" nnne., ehatt€ren lhe rre.icar q:ord lr Lne n,t-e ietrrdal _llhl. te.l- r{.;:. ie.cpe r'n" ::!lr)is.;6.1; :;-..s D"\ri, t'u. {6,1i I Vj!e rn. c.e-o!.,s Dror 'urlsso;, ir-J:t".0. : .-id-!s, r6.., a. v1. Iali, 'i'.t ttiro:t:'t:r' r:tl.o-av:-g je ':r. ej b, i. 16,1. 1!Lon flva r'r.ror l"J):e r:ce Lecil-e oI - \,..e sil.0e-_ Brrl.soi be.ade the leaw favcrltr otf !l.s i.I .r'- ^o\1A s1A_ J -3: \,!1" 3:-9.b.n lpr: ?1. 4q'iIo!n1r o.Laye h- nj f{_--ei or" .: 1.'' lN'r \aarl Jc record, o. i0.. , In rh. ".oc!.o lrnior 'o:j-C, otd recr-d, 1.t1.6 by NeaI, l060'i 2. 9tadlio by headlns the oregor solho$o:e loo l,ile, ltntniole va1ief,, ]151.?! 2: ]| sn'lt.r:y B.ady, Chafrey' 1151,8i ,-l ' 1e fl<] .h f1cJ4, 5'a'bcervan,5 ocLro1, l:t2.'i r. C.nl'y, L,acc, in r'" se{en-@r ou' Lhen l:)r. ; 6. rndres, Sac. 'v too. th- pad rc{tel :. .jlephard, Bak.! !:13.!i 2, h-s Safra clar. !l-v tia.dr.e raszlo "aborl qenc ro t.e lrn" br q.trjdF E;ticr, cleidl1e, :l:.'i J, tutr, afte! tl1e ltrst la!. SICC1 l,:19.0; 4, lee, San Jose; 5. LoEiov. lonE Beach. taboll st1ll led at the nalt In 1:i3 at\d ar 2159"7 afier ttree quartels2-I411e: 1, Dd1€ Story, Sents !na, 1€ Fea!.y serr our ln fror.! !-!h ?10 ti?t)t ?, !.qy e van relich/ o-ance .orsl,9:2-r, i.1. hll'6rc,, r'lendar.' jarde o qc, end tsuirs.r b€.ja Lo alo<e lhe ea!,.3u1 eeen sjtL. h's noldd 9:26 oi ! '/n iLe:e8c, Lac -a, o:?3.1; -1.1, Lhe lanl.y ^olleglan co{ldr'1 ov€r-,, Ji5..6ci, saf aa(eo, o:20.li', Lau€ his sodtler i-e aL ealtr sirercf- !-tur , M3! IA,,-"a!: " lliC ;L; ?. ed out lnto hrs 6p!1nr, and fl.,1shod BakelBfleld t0; l. IB 1,2; l+" ctendal6 aloui f1!e strtdes ahead. 25i t" ilesno 2l+t Satrte.tna 21+, sD 24. Bxrrescn bLaded hlDs€Mo! ihe defeat. ---------h1 rupL usual fi!ish1:g Cidnrr have


Hi:::"' Ji#ii#-5;*i$i";L;:: ;:";i:""1"::;'",i$i;.;-i:;,';"r;ffi. iias"lt aro rnd havez Pa/Ine 1n recI'n:oin{ !o hae- 1o t:8ir 'arder lo

beat-Beatty, I.le ls nnerica!, besi ni1e.""o!d tlne tlls nolnirs io rin hls 4t'h I11e: 1. Jin aea'eiy, $CvtV, 3:58,0i 2. NatloMl title lnslde a y€ar. iF;T Bu'reson. ""aan. )t59,2i l. -a5- fl. @lred aBy irom a s_rorF rl- d _l zio ,aoori. 5:h'v. l.:Ou.oi a. di D-1- oI td !o tinisn ln 2:38.r'. 15- )b llree.! r rald Lipj_c lA, r:0?.'i:. AF Ba3e caotaln a1r'rqr hes DockeLil Fob Seanen. . c srridel6, /.:0!.li 6. -"o. rhe 10. 20 & 25rm Ljl les. kfson. o.aeon. (:12.oi 7. Jeroao r'" - 2. tra'k slpog, (d6lendtng ^hsiplon) S !Y!; ,. !t. lirayn. Ntchol, torl Yead'. er6. did noi finlsh, {splllE: "rr !d.i r.. L€o sjosr€n, lor ang€les. 57.i. trta.2.3:00.0i 8ur.esc", 7t59.6, 3raa 4i laborl, 57.7, 1: ', .', r, 2:t9,7 --laEt lap tlres- Beatt] 3!.1eson 16.6. rabolr 60.1) Stutleafi. oer@nv, [{ev 21- Retnnage] , -.ltrnlerr6 sijits: b0.2, ?:3i.:, l:rr.9..s;Mldt', 2:23.l..cordon Ptrie. i:01.9:-60.8 lasu ouert.r. d:06,6r Klrvsrkoyia[. 1o1., 3:03 !. Lerpzis, r'lay 22- Honlck€' 8:0o.2. 5.ooc;: 1. Doua lyie. canads. lr:12.5i ?:--n;T-ooberLsan, sl!1ders, 1r,: 16.2 ; th6v 1!s1n," bt lred rlrr .' l. c€orEe lounE. U.s.AmY. l4:20.o; 'Hov older arod lD rps' 4, Bud Edelen.-SFoc. l{:?0.o.

: I

er ed, PiJnde.r, t:, lrcre6rs- 1:57. J. F.-3q Brad6hak, Pej AC. 2;01 4. lrc€ H:p!, Shsx cc; 5. Dt.& 1.aftl tltilaee1f;I1a tlcne.r n_{:. 'Jila/a-" i1.i"y r.q, ,ni :'!d.rira lanrd:ip lil, ?, dri!-buri ri, (c, 6i I.sr, u: c.ileli, i, , t :- rr n

BIll, SHIE( liEN$ rilt,r Hali:l F.i::ij !_isl]t Nor!IEtom, !d.,3ai,., JLd- i (1.:!iDn) foiier 41n,lelrt (.i]EE: Jlsrarce a-€. r!. r',ti1raJ tho n.!f:na. rur h:Lc t rr! ,rith4 fjjth aninil 01! -. a.L:l rnlt 1. :rrck qn.1 rr:1. n.e. . L (:

(l 41

42: 161

'r-c_ l { \i vtc ;r.C !fJ rrr.rEed r.,- I rFej;-rL, iJ! T!!r rac. ct!1.1.r1r .6ndr.1e; 1t:r_-i one ercrrdL€i 1!L' eili.telr r., ,.'.r,r .r11Lra .tr.,-i.L! I .e I I r,rs, ar thc .;rr \ - crr rrl,trs 1inlC xl* ,:,3c! .-,o lnir ! 1i r.rrrar!






:l E





l c









z,,rot.rLti cr:,!-s



(r,. :nLi. C1!y, i .r,. 5- | "rlq Nurr J:, .f ihe '.1 rtar!.r -r rr.in::i.or ',ie, r an4 ie.;eserLjx.;tDr aC ci fiiladeirkla, rroled-l a rlgq€c .on.rrriti! as he .1iru] , u,. , :v". l/..,_:\ .:.,. nj€k.rtrl .1_ runlhg to *in ri!€ ll ,,J,,fsrry, J!..': t , a.i,ral lnafdi:ik it1. 6vet A lel "i.. -, -r,,'.. .O-"i -t I . .nurse i.:.. Lcd4y, .. r.56- I.'t,:1., ."r,.,,. l"ie !.'tr t. r,r. Jr.nd inode is.ra' .a 1 t,).:.tzyaIr. lq!":t!il!!!P ? -!ao to iller ir.tri-- or r!€ 'da1k t* o, ro-r €ti.:-, j i . :. :61v. -. J"e ."..ano?r:: -nr,,l ,mi, tz r q. clt t.! !e aplr.ain.rel' 60 Xaldr .r-rj a. r rls:rr:rce lwolat rs r .,,. ! Iob t-'.re, hd :,.', !. Har-rt/ frTr o'iir. rernla. l, t//.+ r.t !_'rr.o nill :0. rar Loverl, 5tLr. cc, ' 1 ))'1, -lr t,. re reas ren br tltt !n:.i!.4. e the €{act disaa; ia i I n1!i.rg, aha.. a. ta.3t4+ 2a9 .f:t. qill prbLtsl.d be 1?. J1M runrln3iar. r,enf;c ilj,."+ t.r Iate!. z,olak, lc.ner ta5eil€ c.11.!:e out, starred hin trlsr veekerd rr -. i:.. :o .11..-,. i r:!e rllt l,1:r!! 5O.)0n rtt: .azi.-' 1:- ^1., o- rinE riid::r :na |re loiion s'chas: .n dnf - Davld ,. ferLC-r:no, : ,a.th..,ore 3t lLEnl.i:$",:lqr ;:e ,,..1 ot: t. .oi1age. .ir1.a€, T.rFe t/!),ri(s t_ l i.inl r.rsori, b/ car, g.an.ed the leir -h! .nd L beb: nrt .;!rr llor oi rrr3iruo 'r.i.:! (.i ij.ol tr: '!€r!:fltRr9 4.r0 ;,Lillr !!a!s piar,,tari itcur lC ie:.rue l€s rari,iirecior:Lni 0r.erlrnar; .i,r:.L ci the .orrse. Sciioclb.y staaLiort t.! lfeb!r!rrr .€c-ltilnejn, Sha4ahan cc. tr:: cld-b.eatin€ lelforirsice n:t.us to!. or ir." l. Ietr .rrn, 1,. 'iedr, rJ..r r lsL{r.s 1Ar. I r/.r -.rl.s ligllr;t,ret ire Iifr,r arnudr 5, Pete L-3er 4r shan. Cc, r:t:i iAJ ta.f ,E.L dr i.r ' :.!orm!. F'.rpvFrr iarr, Pern tci a:2ti ?. Joir nod I €ld..irrbrrer, a lr-re-r_oid srudeft Ha.rlsbure llA, 4:32i 8, lhares i it r _.!ert aonsDI:a1ted llish wor il1p Har.isou.E rlaA, 4r3:l! 9. :fiuian 1!c ia 0:r,4.7 a6 h. beat ctr r)sh cu1_ breath 147.9). lveb3ter sr\a.ired th. lost son, te€i Cl"!3ror r'.1r,,t:40i 10.: Edrardl, Shrnahan cc, r:{6;11.: l,hila. tloneer lt.!b t. ar easv tean 1,li1ilams, \,1. ChesLe! AC, lL:47; U victo"y. charles ltIa1Iace, unafi., broordll vern,forsan, ahanahan cc 41lqi I (5q.r,2:olL, par |l]aish dnf - Jacl aarry Shanahan CC, 4l16,lr J:12);2. Atards Fere !,.esented at the Inl€ sharuhax, 4:22.8; I l,laurlc€ cannon rioneer, rr.:24.5i 4.3t11 qotner. pi6n.. 9ocla1 a Atniet,ic club-tloDhies ! als to 15th place. neflesh;ehts. /r:JJ,0i <. J. r4urphy. ransdaie iaF. P.evlous wirhers: 1947 Les J4acuii a srarrers..old neet ftar'k. a:I9.9 bv lrYAc, 4:1r+.8i Ia48 John Twomey! I Fxss Pradshak. Penn ,1C. 19t9. nois 4c,4:16.4i I9l+9 John Troner 2-1411+ I. Pete ltath"1a, :hanahan CC. rr:15,2i 1950 r.ed ttl1t. NYAC. r,lal 9t?9.5 \66.,2:15. 1r26" t!:rrl- 5:51r:07, 8:2I) 1t51 {xor held) i 1952 ion cehmE old n;et Mik. 9:r:6.7 ;; uratt,, WlscolsiD, l,:0r., ( ltecori luther BurdelLe, Penn tc, 1957; 2. iom 195J Broqlna Ro5s, Penn Ac. 4:U carr, Pen, .rlc, 9:t1.2; 3. 81ft shl.k. 19t4 iral rnltfield LAAC, 4:06.6 I shanalr.n c., a:56.1; i. i\4atr Slnslet6r. heclienridae actuaur won as a Da tsenn AC, 10:10.5 1955 Bfohine Ross, l:21.4 (nexi:


ilt.i'#.:*:ilg"Y;:" d pir'| q'ancjco nar-


,;;-;";,ii:r.'''' 1i


:855i"3??ff .3iH*il"i'E0Prs -oapton.

car.'i., J,ri r-

0r 0's'

,ac1e sao'|E

!l#:l',:'Ii:^li:iH:::.i1;"' i::"* lii-oiiiii",i-;:,"is, * F-iED rnlurrorstrrs .:irbrli:i. iiein .,^..i-.-,c..

:rn'aar'. i,1e 2,

1960 UdversrnY of

Ilji**l#,ii,;;i' "',l,';:,.i r a.e; r. h }li.: " 't:{, "

ili"li'i|ihlS]ii!i!""ji?"n:H'i.. "li:",:[ if.j]r :;;,;::"i:e;;r ; ."'j; -j;;:,"i-:".

;:.:,,",;;,t;!.:. . ;';i;; ,. :t;rrl:el$:it:;i,",:l .,,t;t;; .,""'.,:';::";i;:i;:': , :;*ir1; ".,,ili:rr"l".ii'll;=f'*:l;,iii" .ii.r !:,,.,,'; j. !{,r.r r,rjnir, F.roj.t, ;,:r8_9r lli'l:lill":i:f.::lt;;:"*:fai;.ltt ii"iii.-rJi- i..:il",i " rre;ijs thi i: ii ,! irrlen !i!.il ! i6btrir, !::7' rrc: r. ,Lr.:: ij:rr,r:,'r.oyi:ra !arv., ::11;.,:luo{n:.iirl::..iiiii iii!,, fti,'"iai!iy o" rerea-


j'; r ";i ""i"iris;;.





lS3la iii"ii"-iiiri'i"

.,_,;t:_-,::] : _: ._ _',":... ti"l,;i=l;;::li;i.i:"*:iil!::lir,:iearrv's wor:rcr. flnlshlns l(1ck pxllj,, l' "f; 1'iil. ii;"i"'i.,". i."?' # ilirl.i-;,;: ;;;;.1", -*i.: 1-41:l "'.iLiii' jj. ifia.



?. ],a. r:.!, 7ti

|fri La.,

1I !;.fiCt lni;ii'Lii'iii";,Il.i"'' iti!:::*",:1"1,:l *iljit'$it"il!:'l,l:. (I : J:'i iL js i1- cae!-

fiffi'*$:*t*r*ff4rnfr; Ui:*n*n*us*i*,::#;i l.i,J. ;1,,;i':;3 i:1.! 3;i";"1"'i3l'i""l ii'. i. 1 'J,,";;:;-';l;:r ;r!13 ii- t1:l;;,]J;?r"i' ;'""':":::'i:i';"'": :r,nrdrrlr),


.'.,:' , i,:,;- , ",;"'i:".;

"".,-^,",." er:k:*-"}:-i:::"ll:.:::" ";l;"i+itiirl"'*$r+.;il; i;:'!i;;:^'lill"l"*'' :,:::-:::tji - :-,,r:-l:l:- - :i':;::;:::i;i:ii::li::J!i':ii;::l::: c".ran


P"su lr



I )u



ds1 1r'â‚Ź 6u!-dtsLanc"d Jlb


;i:;i ?iU';.ir;:;:l'i*irii,ril;i:r, :h3:i'"i*';""i":1""8'";*:::"'":l,ili*"ii;l;iir,ll*:ii"l;::t1 ,:i]l;';":"i.;BB"*,iI":':":'3::i,:' riiii}llSi!'$i'i,t6:jliri"iiii, ,i:i::l,u:;rii:a,r:*;:',ttii:

".,,". 3ilL;"" t1t6.i



thifteedn Drlrer- -



;;;;;;; il; ;;;l,l;;;;:l:i:.;i;jTt'r Bil::$ :i:,1,i;"?."i::lioEi!!ilyi;:ll^" ii:flili-*]'ililf.:ff?:"il]:; 6'n 1' "i;11,"!::ile,"t;:"*eiil(';';:;: x;:

{Be4ttr. EUILr-L tin,t" u6trilc^1- crnr.r ' lhe r' '- fi-?'r' jor Lnree :aa""br ald Bob lrorrard, $ir"i$"iflil"i,;ll.Y; ii"3l35ll clocrr€d/r:0l.9f,ato!'.rb. .;;-,;;1;;;!r;;-;;;;-'itiiiiii'l:i.r Ieacon Jo,,.e, .4atty r-clic a5 evcr !n!s !p.,,,.- - ".rro,.r beror" L\c j,000 h:- ,r,1, :1" -i, r€6r, corsulred . yq .,,::.rir p; iiii "u.u_"o (nce: beler .Leip:rechase a"-La. \ di,nc.ed6 "r!r j 1,c ,.i- . i!_p;i .. .;.:. ro Bearly tcld ltd. rThlnc ro\sh ard 'F .ror't ,;;1.;

li;56:'J:;f:i;' *i!i,a r, r.tgi:i.

ii::";:lii;* P\,t 'otrdn


j:1,,"F;" ;-:i'.:r; .;;

' 1i:! r!"!i!.::ql!;



_1 Louenlo'or; ':_' so,."h" 1":"o.-, ti: i:.r: 'tup 6t.eal trc€re IeF: ..:a. ...i , coranatr and lnird ?lace rod oa!1€.r a:"g:'f ff,:::r;,,:"il1l.1{l!:f.. a16o lettered i,he C1F,"ic qral.;.t:,.i;s

sr. ard.


:"'"'1":; ;t-f: -l:::-"-:'1li'.'i;::.

irr".ll"."Ji", ,;:; ..;i",, 4+*ts*9_leg! -1:_?.:It. iit"ir h-ir-rre. (ro t:-i;;.., L !n (r,"..r' rs i,':'1i:','i ;;:;'by:;;;"'";c: i;i:.."., ,,r :, q:i... i ,. :o.L 6k_ey, "l-1,:^:^:I:;": "dr ..,"d :i1thl"i,::".:l^1. tayeirevrlle, \rkan5a.. 3:.?.t;.r..(r,.;;;'.;'i;":;';;; .;;:"::;;;.;;.i al]9s !!alk, €an rose srai6, 9100.1" r"te.", uii"ei.liy;,,'r.i";'i;i.: E; rc

,3"**.: Iii^yi"ii,il: $:I1!.,,."?9.'


'ra- Callf._AC. ln onl, re Corptoi neet fa1l to b€tter the olftDlc qual-

relerkeo rjdr_ zstooe^.ecerllv...H. Elliort Eave r ntnL oi h,s poienr.ia


r:1c aJ!er

{!iT"ir.i.'liioli,,'jl iYl"Etr,t;,?' f.#":i :$f;;';;:;"::., ;:;;,.J#: occtdenial, tr5ti-/,. Jack wilcox, cen- 10,6OOn:ei""Es cr viaiinii (,iis,"

ii;"i;; n.i::i9f,3::'?l::i.ff:i:,:.1"r,:.:', ;. .; ;";.;,,;;*;;;"- :1*i"1"'iq;::r"{"!:*iifj":l^t#,t ;;"", r'esh r\e enc; --a ry:3 Ig.:ll"t::- .?90tui.9'9b"9',.1: Y"


fifi'{:":E::'6::"ii::;'i:i?fi^ l:". ;I":';,::::'6Llti;:::ia#l"i: i;" ji;;, z,i.iar, iii5;;-ii-iiii'm-i";

S"1l: I:!91!; lMt?!l "St!t{r 10.ooo;:






Bi;$i:.,,:i:,,::i:.ftliiLt: fi: s,eerrr€i c. valen!:1 .as. cord, n:ni r*e a nan doub:rnc r"'@lade: strar'er'., 3

a. e- e"""r."*'i!"; jt:66 ' ?:,r'"'"""d"il":l::'i;9.

D on de r

. :Tob'.


jfui,iE"iit'i.1i a":*:"t*]"t"iii all.,

Uder sLaLe-.oonsois ro "\jci lir abple tln" Ior ':"rrrne and c. rllon, h€ courc o- oa- 'hr-ce'mr i :::: Yll'.i:5 :. T1'Slll9-'l:'Xl lq_ v1ll idd Lhe Bolo.n t!n.1 louch r. lron IdIeF ld to ione or Ausust 18. w€rner r,uesrs"l,5oob Olwplc bronz: Tne 3quad f,i1l relorr ro the V, of eedat h tt52 a;d Xlaus Richrle.tal olego! at EuCene on July 2r, riI1 e.1! rhe sa&e eyenr 1n MelboE gase in ar iftra-sqEd 6eet thelc. JuJy stlve, hotds lhe cuop"an Di.e re.oro por]lechnlc He ]:16.r!...The op": I Ml1e Ollphan_ lsL'.ure at P@oE, ca]If,, on rus. 1!t, t{iaj-i;r. on-,a,tb nold Race 16 e:he ensase Ln atrorh€r DeeL rug, r or o 4r fo, Frlaey, Jlly "r, J:10 pD..Errerby long B€ch, & a thlrd in the tos !o u.. r.-6.-ei, Boi 315, i{talior An8eles aea on Ausu6i 11. On!ar1o_.p!1,es:'!rohi€ ilo,ie Csn obT'-!ia!s a:11report io Ne{ Ior& auto€ Auto@tlc watch, Rustt. coj _ihe U-13, riLl be quctereit Aueust at the Cladslone Club isa. Ha!r!. oa! elgase .in a rHall ald Tab1e. landerorrr, (Scor;h a!.,.). cod & !eai, Left ( IoeEll' hre-sqEd deel at Raodal]s rft ,hlr;ftsh ;oned and Da6]ed. I: rsiand d,lxeut 16r.b berore flnie a ;o;;;;:ii;-iii! il-.r6i-iiii i: .rrre-eaa tapassea the r,. or



i8l ilif"i"E


f:i8r*itn ffi"(:l

(trrd $!rldr! - co.t'ued)



ea!1rr. n{r :,r.,r,ar 7 ..,cri.ii.l'iill'. ro.6 rh6r. 6_r1' .r,,!e-tr rn" ;.."..:_. ... ._

ic. 1,_ ::!":l:I:,;:"',:".'";;:T",:'.':..: o,.1,1a11q5.'-fg.*

i'li,:,:l*,i::, i;i:l;;,;.;,,',:, .', :'i;r;i:,:i1.i;i*ld*',





j:irn"ir:l'r::Jr --",:'.-:. :. tli ci:Lii'iol::il.!Pr;

ii ::,: ,.ii.!r'ii

t. tf.::...i r'- r-;..'".'::: i'';:1..,' .i:; l:/, ; .:; ;":' it'j..;":,-i F:;i,',,:,; ,'. -,:,..', ., :' ,, ,.". .ro 1



i.,::,,;l ::";,1.1'i:i:.:-,:i;

';"-,:-1,:"1:iii;',":li',1'-X11"-i:.i;, : .: lmy. li5c.l

c",.i C, l. : r, 1 c -fE-i:-L .. ... :'ra|!; _" 'q"- .!gcc*. ri,"r: c-i!'; l- i:'' i:'tJ irdv'



" :

iill;"ll'":'1':'' r,.',. " r :!:r.



,1..ir;,i;;:;:;i',:i:"t: .1:j;;'.,;;1,,;1i,;;, .:, ,'i:-:,,,j" il,l'"r;j:"ri;ilirli,ii,,.i: :i';ii,l.' ii: ; il'iiri,' ""'. :" ."ii:'lli

3:*:1.::-';! "l::;.:i"l: l:i-'-l;;":1" -:;:'.:i: :.:;';:;"'':.-'i .' :-':l-'u r;;r';t.1- ";l ;.ll].i;,:j":ir,;:':" ti; :;1"*l::" L.t,:i,'.1;,:""?lii." .,11,; ;.,;l"l r:""::;:",:1ll:'i"'"i:'' "o-::::xgi" Luinoul o: \drin Beach."5Lhe clrbs a ons !-c 1ll i-:.j:.:lTT:_6iic .n Jores, 4..7 J. rlni"i- r.-"; ',. fo. : fu':. \ii I 1.rE.

idenrc crorded Colubrs avenue' sL.crton glreeL 5'arl -

ii ; l"3"ii"ii *"

::'l:."IH;::; lf#,,,,irii:'i:iiil:;":i-f"'""' rff, ;ti:::ill"i{:€::ii;:ill,:'il:i";rl: ;;;;;;.; ;; .;;;: ;;. .,,r,:,:;,,, l "'Ji{i;lliii"li;:li:l:;ili:ill" i;;:,';1"-:';*rfi, I "i?:'{;..-;: n* ;ni"t"*i!; i" :::'"':il: iil;:" i;'"::,;::'i'.," ";::.1 .1:,.iy:"",*'


irijii;;;.iili:',!H.,3i.ll:-icii:'". i{irl,'i,'i?;:ti;i.l::i:,


:3d,"i.'l:i","i,:::"1:i,;:r.i",.'i;ii'' frq':"iidi,-ij,iit,::,i: :: vl;,2"*, l?S;,i:ili;,^1"::t,,,^;: 1i,i"::'":"., llry: Ai'l.l i;':i': +l"i:i-ii';r. u:'[.i:ry:.1?:iii ij:,;.';;'r::g; u'"-^io:i'i"ii:t;'"lltil;i:lt'::"sit"' nra.'lili"ii?'l, ,ai ':li":::ii:+qri". :iF:"ii,18ililnilli, nr:,i-4,i'15:,' rl:r:"li Ni,ii: i;tlii:lil:iit:;:" s:irilHu"l;:,t,i::; i;.:u"iii;,

jillilh*il\i:'." H*,t!, iI:il'i;"::'1,::l:,:j.iill' lli:ti:'ri;fii'i.' AA, u; 3..ue"! hest€! ac, L; n. *'i;i*1 f,:iii"i,;5;!3:,.y:.;:ri,.;i !tH;,3?iii' 3: {:l::"T:i.ii:';'ii;:

iir:A13";[11::;i::.?;i,i,?,llf.i:l: 33:i:i ii: :i]l i::li]I";-lflil li;"0.

iiiril$:' i;rftiriiiiili:+:;,-^ii: fire;r' ;Li!;]ii"i"ff ii,:lii. a,.fa'.. \.y.. arr.n'rerrs ?nill'll;"]'"'..

itatuto ltae,

rrancisco- Continued) 15? t,\ nr. Lralt 3oeh0, SF0!,41:t9 3.? mi. Dicl Vo1pe. S|AU.20r40 lr8 - 7-)+ n!. Ull Xlrg, SCI'IV, 39:2, lec, l.r ni. !i1l IorAan. St0C. 19:22 r5q - 7.4 mi. rdtl K1ns, €C1yv, l9:0J 16cord. {2nd .1ace lied iareert (Sctrv) ian l9:15. ihese iro Lre the onLy rurn.rs to !rcak 40 nlns. .7 niles- F.qnh l,lulftanse. SCVYV_ (l: San


Stare, l+6.1.! :. Harv Stokes-

Boc, {7.5 (18-year6-old) Iaier raa i 47.1 r€13) l€s.6 roc won ln l:17.t. Teaa: l. Eoc, rr3t 2. Malg.an,3?-

Metropolitan -As6oc. 44Lr T&t Cha4D... Sat., Jnne flth. Yonters. N*.1. Ton rturphy briehtened tie Urlted stat€s' hotes of rerairlns tJre 0L11iF1c

JOU-oeter title ty ripDlnq off todav the tasiest nsu-dile ivei run r" ti. Ea.t. The porerluf 24-,r,€ar-o1d t4anh.rwhiried t{ice arornd th€ €ccen_erically shaped 14er Menorial chlaan Road Funners Club olyqic Dewfteld tra.k in 1:L8,? ir defendrn/ hls t-ri1le Fun at Beue IsIe. 880-yard crom in th€ Mer A{U cha;Ds. ,trotri, Jr:ichigan,. Suldal l,lay 15, 1960 The Lrilliant pertordnce .lloled 2., nret @rk set on the r€rry !occi, l.stern M1.h. u.,.21t)1,L sane track iDtlre 1956 !r Ton courtnev il.l"ard il1ch! !esiern Mich. U. Irorr letired 1a55 ulFprc 3otm chEmolo; &ihe 2A2rL.' korld record,hotder fvr n80 lards. !.eorge nuhn. Detrolt Eoat CLub. 2a:50 Tle tastest nrevioLs tine rin Ie..is, ale1e1:nd, oh10. 29taL losLed in the East Hashalr-nite 1149,1 br a.nie l11l na1qe.. !errorr toai ChL.29:1? So!-11 of Pltisrurah. rn that lice. ilenry (ernedy, i.a:tached, 29 t?8 Sokell dercdted Ron tltarv !n the icrA Hona.d Iarrjson, Dltroft Soat C.29:uC n.et 3t Randalls Island, Lon Holnes, Uoai:sched. otf his 19t9 victories in rhe 4.,{,U. 2!:1,1 !ian stan[.11ch, tetroft Tf, ]orOB nrii.nal chaipionship3, far-,{mericaa , cotz i1o!ier, unarta.led, dual meet asainst tne , :ernC Xlorfer, Nraitach€d. 3a:a? 31:20 SoviPr un1on, Muroh/ rated as :h15 , tairon.lniLh, itdl"iaciec. l2: OO nation's best bet io hofd rhe o1wplc . rohn iJrer, rn:tta.hed, l,::OI 300m titl€ {oo ty Johr l,rood4rf in . Ulrlch 71opler, Ltr;Ltrcned, l2:1ts 1oJ6, i| hlrrield 1n rnd 1952 , r!g1 Ia:court, I.t!o1: Track C,rl:r? and coutney in 19t6. 1a4d . r:: Ljia:dn. ll.,licLiean it.. 3t-:rt iloweve., Ton lad done 1i*,t1e p.1cr . 11ke rral1, Datroit Podi club: l5:ii to today to Just,ily his ratirE. tis ,10. 11€aK1er'. \t. tlctrlzai L_.- Lt best lraviou3 1960 ctoc[in; for ihe . llrlh iiccrerr:}. u, a,,t.. Dr,tF 99c i:19.;, just unoer rha 0tmDlc i:e r1. n1n. -1re 01 :7:i .4 !.tab1ishes qual ':5 lfyins strnd:rd of 1rt9.d. nel'.ourse record. lfurlhl,s tlnp here was nii best €ver. .6y a r'ut1 3econd, Apoly1^s t.re ac.er!: llj!_I114_!!!!! - laliimore, i.1c., June 4 ed converston figur€ of ravei-re.ttr; tr:nornted to a befier ITilc- lJaI1. Cue.rher, I.rt {noa. 1.y.. lertormnce thar lis b.st 300n clock, :)q." .Ij-]ll 1. ror iodra, Bn., !:1 :5 inq of 1:4?.9, ir lasi yearis naiional chanp:onships at, nile-]1iah loulder, ,ii.:l',l*uii'r.';]a:ai.; a:t'i: ;i!#,,',: Harrl.stoL€3, I c, 1:il It ras a do-it-youlse1f reco.d rrn ...cnt ro.J, tna, 1:r1.7..2-l.li1e: by l4urply. luried in an unwieldv. n1n€t. Jirn:r, u...rrny, d , Jirn:r, U,a.lrny, cerdrt;3L9.r,. nar field et the snari. tte 6-fooL, cerdry,9:-t9.rr, IJl mpi c CIuo, s9 171-pound Broc|lynite bulst tron the pack ai lLoo fled Dast the l,t o;;;-;;1;;;;;-A;;;;. -;;;-ifi -;;;;;":- yard pole in lards. rl, scconds lnd iheh podrne_11- 5-n11e: tLz? ia'f€rr pOCl ed it oh.. lje finished 15 rards iir tront ol Larly Sr,C1a1r :rd irtit p Carasince li.rchi b.eaks corn set in:q32 or 12:11.6) clocked 1r l: t0,: a.d l4 f. traat Pf1-siri. Pa,L. l+:20,1 1:50.7, Pete rrandets, corneUrs cor5L LIn 1n iys]; 2. ail1 UotIlns. captain elecr, €s a strons to!.th rt r, 4:29.5..38ri I. ree Jartrn. J:ar1!5I.1. a B1z Red record, ,r dlan't , state, r:tt3,.l-!i1le: r. r;e tiink r couLd go so Jasi rs€, Boc, 15:25.1:;IM1. j,rlck E1lis ar: tltts tide,n urphy sald alterward, r ,1-




(Metlopolitan tAU T&F- conttlued) sn les .us! 1o h.. tu!- r.,r evod, eo - ]-t L to .i,h a_l I had ou lh Jiont. cd l'4o!an. a !:0... o1 e: si.n t) E. ba l e( o 'L,L .anrt r._o h_r old oroLve! ,oot :. n'j- n e .. rt.?, .:



Annuat cenlra1 colteeiare Conte!_

!l::';i:;li*;i::"';i";"":;::";::. r-s!. .

sp"^.DrorsJ orr. Lr€goryI r oo \o.. 1.r 3 s,. I a .ar; b.lt v.j.e-s'r:n:s. r,.:..- '.0;,,d-;,s* ou. Bo \qd - iv" y"ra ;. -.1,. -!o,. to :ds. o cor ,.- ,.qo./ .; r,-. rf e..d ;4. ):0. d.d 0. r,"J n- o!onD"o o. ). ret; :noo-h r . ..,," ',r:: ;";ti,.-. r". ....'. :". 88. qe!6 lap-, "e r;i I lobby l.owe oJ Broa o--e: -ee \.- ..s -r-rdei ' )tt.7.t- :t , -i!.::':,,1-. 'oa, 01 rol npr rcnn p. .1-1.4n:. . r.e doull. i: -l-";, r s.ee :F- a.. 'd., to0u.! . ", ne-ltv utc. )r, ),ultlej ^1 Lf_:-act. bF,aus" -. r.-" v": r.zriq jinis, border aI r . i.". w3!(j r':e>..r_ s.. ? -n .d 'L:p,__ o "-aq. d.nL o t4lrer.oo aJ re(ord n; ! a !.,. .'- !€" Yo..t, A.j.r6:,1i. :4.1 -, -r,..." - ! rnror n rhe !de.-old --'! q, drsr rnce 3Le/ 6:"--.1e r.1 i. .- eo.d 1{e o ' l0o....ora! ,. wo,. b] l_. y .ds t..r :..r *"r l.t Jso j a sd-, ,: o, ; '.3 clun-vlF. 'orCon ../err:a o L 6".., !..jaa-;c^ ^_rt. o^-: I __--.,'rrsani r-a.y ld6..d_. qr. .v.rs:", ir'. J;1i-an: " pr' .d. .s s -aaldrh ,ar, ras !' r:.. . .ohn Ies,.. lx"-a--!-.', anotne. autstarditrg lelforMDce sad l, Ern!:e littrils, l,oloia nr cnicas. !!!i Do,r.4.cJa . !Ft .-ed bJ -1rry iaode-bu-n. ltr. liat ri-s: .. .-s." Isopl lroa Pa-o"Cosi rpsr rroips'cI-o.rD.rar, , Drai". L,.d ;" "r;, :50,9 a oa tool h- LAo. run 1r lan-s dr !rd oy Lo"erl a t rr eJd d h3lr, '1. .2s. tl_l:j 1. 'e,r" .oD-se, -/-i J. .,"r./ Tte ?loreers retai.ned tte rean riite. Tatrt;;;, uesre!; t. .{it tye.: I'l . .r." wrnne!€ ri . u.:.c on.- a.. .o.", ias!arn v:_JNichtqari i.a.: 5, _11/ ev-" !wo-r lte "d sq -oldF. v.r"h,E6r :"i-. Jonald, w\o rool, _oe ,- ee' G;-. ai v,s 1r: €," r" i t. rCll_s, s .a., 'o a., :otr"o -i t0 l po:r -3. -ne ,.1^h-r--_ o-, {, ., ' e-- c -1n": :, ..,ni . - 5 n ^hic: h4r'., '. ..r), p:1 -..e(ono : June

" r_ii': ::---:9:-:9::-:^-1:::1"-:L::-91-:*-:1:_ ;:';;"i;;.'i."-1:;;:,1 l;!!sl--!4!, c!. Irarne, r,oj.na, une "-1"',:,i'

'. i;:;'.;i.",' -l:,i' .


1. CL!,e.ht,8.., 1.ttL,L.- ?2i B.aorer. r.: :, -.". & ticdrc;n loi_!99g ronq, lesr-rr &r_rrcan, 149!i sr.-F, tl; t0 0",'o,., q, L:!r.z; "?r csMcr., 4: 01.6. ..1!9@_€jgg!9i 1. lhelcn, rie;lLcrv. ):/1.O. br- o jeel q ,:_ o -:a .. Jotulka. r- 14t.-. o:rr.0..!q9.E 1.2.reps, {rcircan, 1:5j.- .!oo1-\npic \{h[r]e._ _: 2. hlcrder, {. )1)irolsr t:tl,o jn" L (r.O.O "-;s _ 2- "i I. .:1

:;i;:i-;;:i-;;,;:;ffii-;ili;;i:-i;i;-:;:::"":;.{;:":";, :-:l:l";;. ":;i:, 1o3 a-eel.s, 311.f,, J-ne l8: 880: 1, al pa yt .Lon:). :.": : j. ,, j'ti; .tlln"yr

Dofl.v, !o;es_o, relji'; i ., .. "are ii"::"rs. 1: L.Li 2. Frodes, e^"!r, 1tto,o DalJ, u:,, ;:. i ; t, . a.. "btt.n., r:rr.bi l. Undeaood, Buena Psrk, ar., -r_ders. l: ., ,,d od: t. .cL '-'al. verra', Fuble, tos A1tos, .al_f., ati oi-:a, :r. :-il. J:r .r.:rL. (76n {st"n, Bonica, :d J..ne, r: .ri; -1. Cr" ", .era10 ,:t:!" , .or,."..,: '...:shed s".orr bu- .trsq.atjri.d).. r.o.Li ', ,/ !0 .y, :..ay, 6. 1. lu.^er, r-ancts"o. Poly, -an lLl:f I ooon :aj.:' leo ios'"n. inn:anr:13.-; 2. Thomss, inionLoe, Pa.. 1.:_^.^: ?: Hr;s Aune. r:lts.3t J. "ohn8on, Bake:sr:pta, aa11f., I*!ca_L_. rrA , q1Lr59.. ..:, i ). t.tE Xttnn, ttr;r:?0.2; -. dorn, -6-.asle!, 'a.: q:2t. Cir/ : , ti

lard- J!ly tl--]0

rvJre Run,

Narjck, n...

JuIy J0- io rlle Run; prcvldena€, R.l.

1's.,;.:. : ;:"





..:.", l:;;":,


"::'; :". -;l : :r: :j'::d"'.i:,,t;:":::t.iiiif::t-'-ll":ili' !




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it.;,, i';,, j, ira,i: , ,., .: - =" 1;,,, ." " t. ,. " ' ",,.." '"'':'. ".i: :r,-;:,' -. t,',,. '':" : ::l 'i;;, ;,.:,".;;;l;r;. ,, , ,. .",, "j:i



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+l+-.":"'";: l' ::ltli






4. (SPAA! T&J- contlnu€d)

9:r5.6i r+. l. Idayle Yar Dellen, Dait., leie uundle. Strlder6. (New @.k; old reco.d, 9:28.6 by Bill coltirs, sania Baibara A. c.. 19t6. ) l0.00OD: 1- Bob Soth. Strider€. 30:29.8 Tt:;-Ti?ord ! old l,tari, lo:1I.9, by Joe 1yler. usN, 1956.); 2. Mal Robeltson, 5tride13, l0:J0.L; L Ber.eit, un3tt., It:tl.6i 4. Beenan, St11der.. l.O00n. |lalk: 1. Rudv 8allza. IJSAI. Z:-Tans auna, raAc, lt:10.3; -lll.:; J. Ieo SJogre.r IArc, 15:?9.4. llL;ek

record! old oark, I5:J1.6 by sjo8ren, 1959, ) t.000n:1. B11l Peck. oxv. L5:05.7: :l?IZiSv uurphy. lnait,, it:rt.2; l. 8ob llale, culver city ac, 15:26.?t 4. rernarda Leon. USC. (* Danny l4urphy of Mlra costa Hs was tined in 1|:!8.t at th€ ln1le lost for a natioral !rcP lecod. The.ecosnized naik is 1r1r16.l.l

va., Jue t0- {?1ace ti4es) l. Truex. 14:29.2i 2. Siieelitz, 14:44.2i r. B.eckenridse, 14:44.6t /+. R.d zkirner. 14:48.6..80oh: 1. Hadley' I:t0.1 2" xatt;tuan, 1r51.2; l. !1ps.omb, 1:51,/.

*Quantico, 50O0n:

in€ lasi 100 yards & Mn' lt waE the fifth faet€€t tire eve. rccorded fof the disrance & 4.4 se.onds slorer than his om world record. Roszavoleyi Has clocked in ?:57.!' Thi rd tr1aced Zdrisla{ X.zvszkowiak of Pol:rrd, the Eurolean t & 10 Kn. cr@D. ras ttned in 7:13.4 Eith Ja.oEla; Ju.6k ot Czecnoslovalria rouri:h in ?:59,8. Fraik SalYat (0!l ra6 The Sritish c.owd ot 10,000 Loved cP lor ht5 lasi-second iursi over ihat lasi stleich - a eign thai hers eoing ro be a hald nan to beat in tbe oll&,te Gmes. d15 tine {as the b63i ever ;.co.ded lor the distance in Britain. Southeastern Conf€rence T&F Chanps-

Cainesv1lle, Fla., MaY 21_ crahan! Alabaa" lL:1r:.8..A1ren, Fla., l: iL. E T€er 1,,. St€re,561i Flrrid.,.5r t/1, Aubur!, l7; Ceoreia're.\ ?1 I/6. New




Cidls- iun€ llrh,

aflTE;i_T:_l]: rodaY's raln failed to s!oo. cadDletelY. Lrre sixth dinuaL .riii"",tau trac* meet at cllfroi 3i3liun, Thrce eYents, chsd becaus€ of arkle deep ta'"er. The Central Jersey Track! clun reaFec op ree Lo'ots r' r 'r'

P Flc illNN.c .N ERl IsH l)OO -^ ):--.

": fj



.,ie.i::;";-:"';,'B;'.$"::'::r,';,;:i:"""'ffi:'l.ltili:: :"r",";:r,


;::r;"iiri.jri1;- ":;1":i;,1;ii,.;1;;i1;:li-,::::::;' i*iilill:rjr_:ftil:, ooszdyola/:. re.oldi o"

aa ,aD Lo defeaL t-l7ar


:i::ri:l;iiii::.ili,rii:i:ii c.*'-,i,,:irliiir::''";i"tj'ot;:"'

"i"; ili?3i?:"l''"F,liill: ."',.,


:!t.i:;;;i:lii,ri*:iiii:r.i:i:::";r" 1:-"r-'lne -hird irs!€'-'|ii"n rn' 'il]:.,:':"I:"::


j; ;il;:;,



:;, i:t",,". todays race. At the tasi bend l.ivan ios_ zavotgyl, the Hunearian star & once tn. 1500r world record-hoLder. challensed Plrie. eo8y eot a slight edge & Pirie ao.ear.d ra be fadinE. B!t Pirie. his ci;eks puffrng tn & out I1*e beuows, stilt had the streneth & stdina that batiered. lte tu.n.d tn a lire spult 1n ;


J:::: :","-ilil.




#4",1-!li:^is';,,-.:";i;':ii:;l' ii"ii.; i. i. ni"ili'. -.',. .'

;.i-" 11,,. i:1. ;:!,li;Fiil I'IIII







il.re thar 650 younesters' ages nlne i6 l7- fen.e3ented It conm!nlties 1r Lhe ioinr tte c6rpulitton heLd nndetArea and sDonsor;hiD of the 5w1i ciratlrar ch:pters of the Juior cheber (conti.ued Fae. 22--b.tton]

riJtb Atrw1 Foriaa )ays I Saturdal nw 29r 19lo.,"sr3d: 9:1? a.,r. Gr3b lech io lortdar cajlfo4ia...1j.? 4i1es n o.: r. . c,r -o.. .. 0, 6, . r., \a€d ^ -p r..c'r"r ,o (o. ielalrita., ot rarkr trcr*a.:i,r ,trec.or


(Aus. U, Thurs.5:lopb--chicaeo,

rlrer o-r11€. dnt_ Deeis to Ted H;ydor ,6110 s. Unlv6rsiEvChl.aso, I11, For" races (ps.2l I

l1 d.


Thoops.n Rd..

lndianapolis 27,Iha

chlcrso, Juue i8-_Taa sutliva, {st. ce..se Hs, €ye,sron) rai tna rile today i! 4:1:"7. Ir is netieeed t.o be the tasiest n e eaer nr b; ! hlsh scboor junlor 11 L\! ln:t€d Sudr-s,.o".1 Cs.4rr: 11.. r.:tt.i asso(. ajr T0r ctMps.l .-!!i.5 nc,r ,. Lr(rontaru Days qdcal aoad Prr) Iten stro'q's srperr,-fs .tf.rt brc'{rrt hi. }r!1a a vici:r .rr rad tsh:. ore. lrhe 1onl] ilaii ln rt. taeaeei tir as rhe nex. trrriilir,: fdrglt hie r)a:rs raEir.] rchau.a. oa.r a 3:a. or tln: r3ce; Lha.; aavi i.cr rf rorim4 'a7 aivo .titfa..r'" ii1..rr, .ld orl.r ;.lb; J.,: ! sr,aril ti iirli .f ,r .d _erJ. hjeh.r 29, drl, r.r1i:.1;.i ii€ 3R 'hr ti,r.,.;irr -n: a.lrd rLrras3.tl :1r J.r,r.r :€.a .t ? i rl.rin,'i j i9t9 .ir:.:l,arl. fl.sr erer: thir 3.:i.i, h Nni.h tr: !t.t o rn!. thr siMi fiJld .idrLl its F-:i 4.I trisi!.! ,r'!le Cr.ri c4n:o:r rn"! Dv.r tha 3t4::x:LaB.' trL. .f ihe holidat- vee.:3:n n:.. .l otrn"i ar.i 'i..ir a arth 4ot. .le3ir:Li: 3.ttint Jo. @3i th. !10.r: :lrjajBn 4 a rinE-tr*i bat:1.. Fish:f ba.r. s.rai.tP' !\en aorrr ira, dr irrake par...n !! ihc n: 1f!.f d.rnhii j3rt, Irkd.., !.rrrL bs::!ie hi3 rd larcia jlst tlr!1 ,nis ds liri b2c\ (4i\ rjit:r, ht ^atiner lrtr\. tii 6€nr. flFi 2t to Jin st relF;d artr;ci rh:la.,lar flerd. Ii.r.a;ir| irn'r.sr, rf th. Juio! chmbo. of C.,!. rt:.1,ir! pxt MS : aalctrt id.kti.n. t|.ls tj.r - {a3 serred Dnter d nl!r!?.d sei\i. lnd, ler'! Jf i1,, Jotrthfrl Lilr. iii3h - ruLljnl bcti;er iha 1a.3: Br for th3 :.r,jt: .Ycrt. lias:: rcber'r' Lioor.. .. 1:c-':i,.j 1?ia - Ist: ien.jarnr ltrdorrs,,..r:4:4r., lasi: !:obe4 0on:. . .1:ll:irl 1j15? - ]3r,; rlavir itada?i-::...,.1:2!:2? Fast: Lholi,r t &4 .1:i]1:15 1r5r - rst: 'rdos n. irheparl..,,.1:Irrt rt59 - 131: Lo-!e :nriard!.... ,1:22i2J l.ri,: rllllrl a- fa3i?;r:r:a!:ia ltaa , 131: liaieijt t. strdLg....l:.11:2o lcrl * ihc iirai




- :lade. g.ov. - Saa lT-ara

J":rJ A

J1A'r, - cralo coasi..'l:.i A{+31 6 - Hu.ireL.l laa.rl

iert.r-odvofrtiY AI:r.,.i.r i.s,. .+io ,;.11he irlrrl:ra ii relkrrrer, dorr! fore€t ih.:2:r ir:-: . .L - oL r ;:pl. ?t - raih:iar..ui.ra:k Fest:lna1 r{r - t.5, aiie; \ta!! 76 2/3, \!r! 51+ !/3, sat., irn. I l,1mapoiis, rid.) aour ne,-i or " r-dd:. lost on1,r to the Qrarticc lLiacres lhis season. xrnv aor ilre€ or .-. . 6 I a:7, . i r. ro. I du-- -. ,o.":, . -:r..-..-:1 . oL. a: - ., .i 2. a ..1 t, .i l. ahico cnavez, lI. 9:22,.880: 1, liLL liann., a.i 2. ceor4e l,13rientha1, ,'1. ; l. ih.is N.J. Jun:or 01,Tpics--Continued - of Comelce. The dalrs outsiandinA peJfoman.e b/ " r" "' rv cron recl era.uLe, John !or'".. Por,ee r€n an ou'sr;-oi's.:l-.o n-:-, .ne faa!-s, s";o.lboy tlne tun this tea. tn the east. nn entry sFhsorud by tne Newark Jay(ee n"o!e- roor leM ho-ore hr-h a8j'!oin(s. pl"j;I---o des.nd and Oc.an CitY finished thrrd.

.1f t,'iri;6ilw' #[*i $iili'ru*i' ;i:: ,i;'j,1il::,



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