
Page 1

votuME 7








O'Connell seis the early pace, leadins Oscsr Moore, Bob Lowe Pere McA.dle (whire hdr) who ("Te oa ro w n. (Phoro

by John J.



dtso. su.ylv^r rccsls tr,rou:n llrd ?5.t,!to!s. 'lecs -. Fred l.o_rls, u$ilachoo, 6)tI2 -. Jollr J. Koll€J, Bln, bL:21 J. cranM P -T11, sparLd, a 66::J q. 11 co fa1otu, Boslo- {A, , 6tt-6 c. c€rr! "@oy, Bosloh An, 67:t) n.dJ !'r.ndo", \\?c, 68:09 n8r cloLn€", Eloctrr^ 3os ,, b8:15 7. a. t"n :]-1rr, pcs:.. ,_.-, ,::52 .5Js .fjIb. Jobn A. t€l}oy, Dsr., corrr.o..o-s 9. !"j. : Boo 68tgg _oa! 10. J.'lD holrl, X6i lork ac,. 69:Jr lrJ, I s orelD r J.s Kla n, Ier 1 -t. Tod". 11. ldry lurnolL, yIC, a9t37 'o:dB!J1 t r s , Br ::oF, 12. c€o!e6 rolld!, t€M EJlls sl-!ldo!3, Corblr-, r.6k vo.k, 6c:Lr; 13. !d DnoM, aq.t, 6a:lr8; l+. J 1_r.los, s€att1., ]la \., rryolr cDr-, so.ol ,r'', na'i:i, 3111 sclHab. rvA(, 6a:!e; 1.. c€o-se .. corcflot, sputM ac, ?0:0Jr 16. ruovlE Do" IsJr qutrcr, tlas-., s !_1 ssr:.!..I:^o. c. ,.:1,,,d..y."o c.r:a o. sohlosrol, !ryIc, /0:ll; r7. Rob€rL srt: llyd, Bxrr 7r:r8; 18. rlsus uootto!, 11 tt€ Jsn, s s'rfo.d, con.., '; -r .. : ".- E&{c, ?1:?r; 19. Dlck P6ckd'd, BAr, rt11Iisb.-,, /d., 1.,1 1 l'aL-pr! ".st'. N.J.: fl 1r. . p" I D.1"11-,, ..i'sn Ja". ,-_, . . . . ,. a, Jsc[ pubtn, ^al.f, "-,' ' '. .ti.I rr :o nrro* 'B' 62r ) roc Yolk Ac o6; -' sprLTg' LONG IISTIXCE LOC 1 mBIICA?Io!I r!.n rr]r]rlfrRs l]a riji.nfiqs vo ltr 7, N nber 70, , ry o. 19b. subscr'ptlob ns oi: ?5/ " co.-: .l,oO a yo6". aod i1,00 po! ycd ro- 1.5r c sss rui1. -o,ro-: o. B.o ntc oo"e. 106 r,. c.nt€! st,, ,ooon -], ':;J,

ll:l-lillll:-llli:i:-i:::l::-l-'lllllli:-- ';;-;;;;;;l-;:-;;;;;[-;;;-i;;i.-*. r6od,''.

rla.s.. r,_,.,s.o/n," H,,l.7l'r":;"illi:::ti,;"};,,:.

ai Lh6 rr n scloo, -io d ,dlso. eai ,16 qJor .€l.obrant las a transplsriea lnllish rrr no'L soo.s-b"c. can a-cr L , 'is,I.^a1 ':h or a r. to'..; 1s

,,i r oc


! o-o11dy, ;.eo.

ar i, : s-.^ .,s ,. ,e rL6 or br:12. JD:t ro se;o ;" i ; ;-," '{;P6te l.LArdh, last yos,s limor rho r:sl" "dr''t ' aoro rno o,ooo-. ." -" -D co- r o 1.s.4. ' " o , ! \ r6,ru ,;od ras ,E 1!! t-rernsIoru' reco ts;€11a!6d tho recaon. stt11 it las th6 best f1old In duaifty rouJ€ ro,

quantlty 1n the ltstbrT of the raco. at tha start caors€ roulds took rho 13ad folldr€d by a 6!Dop or t]]r€o, Jo)rw KerIaY & Jo]]n lDtln€chr{second bohlna McA!d16 aaal$t th€ r.1os last ,esk). Sholt1y aftor t611ey ndd€ th6 paco xlth xolrle & a{t}n6cht a stet b6h1Dd. Thoy lolt tb6 lack & 1t vas a tnr6€-nat rac. @t11 trr6 6svs! d1]3 rullr lnor6 cutlT6cht suddenly droppod out. xorrrs lu!lr it1les flod lotu€ & o@n.d u! 100 ydds and lt st6y6d tlist ,ay unttl about om nil€ f.on th8 rinlsh unan n6!!1s pulkd arat to ltn ny 100 yards. lhl3 tr ono atloMl clsrtonshlD tlet 1.a!. Iotr Enslaid, rtor hae€ llould nsv6r 40 co6d lorchMd13€ !r1z€s, F1u5 a troDnT rn 'ddlLton to hls n6rc;a;_ ahd

!.s.a. D-FLTTS POL{XD jX tl-("t Jls 10, July I. rrt^sro. I11. s.ar. F,Bld)-ligg_ . LrsA, lsA r: 'ir- Jilj. 'rnB6aLLr. . :i.i;,":11 I'r:13o!, Polsro. ):116 8. tooon: 1. l'qzlddorr "zilsczrk,z TlJ, Poldoi r.,:-6;8::. sc o u'-r :06.1r z€Hr.z, pordo, rb:r,.5r tr. cbar,esc1dk, usa. ltr::, .1..800n; . Jr. !"o_ f"t lsal i'?.: .;;i:r B:1 .uq-I, ;:, ?'": tord 36_M' ro Md. r:r2 l 'o.ooon: l. Po 2. John ctrttd€o)rt, l]sA (50 yds, Back) 3. std131a! ozoa, Poldd JEo lltth olyTprc Dov. Ile€t at nr€rtdan Unty,, UasblA-ron, D.c. -1120 !ds- 1. Dr.k H.Inss, rcas. l:15.7:_. rorxr sa,, l:2r.5: lr- carl H^cro€T. !c caoito1 Runrere, .l::l+.0; 9. r,n 'kDadc. irc cs, l:25. o.. 660- 1. rlnore jlu4te.. Dc capitol Runn-rs, 1:2lLgr :. Jin B1rn.tr. ur., r:2]+5i f. Jaclr ltndo., r:r,c,1:25, {qn6 2Bth olxillc D€r- at .liiericaa Lr. Te"ry Do!re11y, r@., ?:0115. oxcusa letcrcrs of inls nonth,s 1og & trotratlr Gxt nonthb n n6.k injuJ rc.os:ltatas e srr:i in tho hosrltal !€ot: (srf hrns toczr-rf1q 1ft1!l


1J411 SToFJ -d1?

EI !Lt, Eu:8s, oreeon yod that th€ sorc-logeed Ab116s

v.rt lam rr-na 15 (5:10 ?.)t ) ::49!66.0 -,,rcca11a, Hal,€r, ,,ol*r, 2:16.5- ridcalk, ItaLkd!, nomn! Turna! s1!*. rioman, 3:2t..-


,, ,:- 1





rmrer nr f



flrdeh to letto!

;:H,i?iL'Si:"H-?: H:"::;^:::l ?" lii"n::"":1":T,1"ffi *:""""* #'*" chMo,otu.,Ds rhr!

3:12.1- St.!f,, cl!.esst', Ture!, Iooro 11€- rf,D€ 16- 62'2- Dotsor' For@; si.rr,'x.ore Dotso', !o@!,-rEl€Eo!, cors t-"'x, r..r"o.; croh;;"r, ucc"11a z:nz'4io,ir.oon' , , r.e- -i, .oh-ss" _ lli J:. - DoLBL r€sor. 0r6son,-l:54. _'_'; P"1.. !rylr : .i .;":. -' r:.:i' 6 !E: ..-E:_r corn6rl, eo rn8!n I11.,.

giz!.b- r'.:ni'.,- r-*;;

Glse3. L:00.5 r.- r. ,;;i;r; ,i::.";'r:.ij,Er.s t,,!. :.r. 8.,. Do."on, 0"o-o-. x:!Lri r, " oroFo r D, rr: o.o:i L. -- t..,"_ -rare. qous, "".":. P., 6ssr, o!. r:06.6: 6. 131 ':ri;; o:. i ; ;"".'-i,ir:6; t' ;;" Da L,crou tu, I.:0?.1,r'ne n:16 tFreo "; ..i.i . "", -a or 3 !od6o, Bfloson rr.i.,rr"l ,is.1i i.;.:;;;;..s "."::.,.":.ii.'i ras ou3 6. Mo s.fo od dr "h€ srur. .r :,";, -.';.'., , lat" als-is@at€. o. -o a!: !ratka!, about 00 F-os sroproq o' _1s Eor do 0, .-e nl's. , -os!, s1;;', te! bol'a olbo!€d' .;i gi:,'rap: il.ro: xcc, 3r;ldr, starad ea th€ flont then n-;.;i; at;i". Ma"G. usc & ;a!,' 61€ droi- rlLm! on a bllrltsnt !u do'b th€ ho@;;;;;t iai; ia!.) ?;t clohossr, s11x-1e6-- lut fo! iiou;a.n utlt€!- sir?tch t-o cersoh B11r corcI1 & out;ed,{tttFllan;u.dna c r t..a oo"c JdLe --o!, o Ll€ s db6'nIrr.f^:']ri-',;L 9!s: I' b!,!'9., ','.. "..":i*-,r.*,.tt a. -.i 2 I rre"r€r' rotar !:qq/ T.l 3 r€ct .lBo. s.st: a_oraL\Ia:. -. .n bs.L! --: h. ror-, .r o sa!€ l. Doa B€-b!ld, !g"-rrrn€'o- 3lat6, " al1 o " ).-I lr' re* Ilnj6'oo ' _d : o.lr tu_ o30' roro}rd' 5. 0s B ra. rn._ s!:...6. t" ' or ' c Lds- l: ^



e 'd. -.- a. 1a-e r" .LLr last 1er. (8,100 sji€ctators) Looon sicrrase- J[De r6tt 6t.9- DP tt., Mack, Irs.nrr 2;rf. L- Dqrls, !1.ilack, T.arnor l:1C,0- T"aynot, Henco!, Flshbaclr! tohe! \:1r2.0- T!erno!, aishbadk, LolE€! t:!-L.0- 1,6hre!' rrlilor, rlshbacrr, st€inrr. rraxnor, lobr€r, Ilshba.!, st€lnlr! ?:09.06::la, (i- Tralaor, l1shback" lehna., St6lnlr€ l.r i 3,.lEso- 1, Pat r.sx.or, vlllanova, EfE, tlll t ricorj; old ro.ord 9:01.1, John !erl€!. ,rb ene cbrisiJlan, 1951); 2, r.fr !is'lbe.k. sn ross statd, 8:53.?: l. lllr. r!]Dcr, ore.on, 8:5lr,4J 4. claytor 9:03. rj 9. R.ne1c Dav13, 3rL toeo stq:d, 9:10.6; 6. Barlx llcoalle, :iilrir:c, t:16,5. (rhd 1a3r nan to ftnlsh or Bsxlo! 1n 9:52.l..rrerlot, a l,-.€-lessed 'r@rRtho!" rune":ron treiel ftil:r, Is., thotrsht Jonn !s{Ie! {ouLd1186 mt€ placc finisber aneh. ves tl]e ..1J on€ I ras loxxled a..ui. Btt he rdarl:r lodod,r'he 3aid. 'r ducas ho's stlu trarlc tlotrble !iih )rts 1€a3," I-ar.n.! beal tiree tEds, Trle rnc€ ra. 3o brutel t]1ls

tlchlta latls, Tcxas, Jls 16- Max t!qa: !.n the ttf,oo idlas In 14t0L.4 at rr]r€ A1r ;iorc8 ciaploml]lts.

8t, oreson stato 99, May 30 Utl€- 1. arclla sar lomnl. o. h:01.1 Z_-5'i€ sto4., os, [:Ji,4; ]. vic na81e, o.4:12.1,,!!q- 1. stq-onooroeon

July 5t:r 01trn!1c Don. faF at lmrlcd tr!]!c!31ty- iitle-

4:ru./i i. io,l cT39I, -']1ntock. u. of vtah. u:12.7: l!, !ior0 !7ore, una., 4:Jz.oj J. J6b {b!@6on, !fi, l}:13,1;6. udsha.11 Vtndso!, Fg.,lnlo!Et16h ot O.D, !tost schoduld t! D.c. flon FoET SchaJfsr, 1or09 Kansington Phay, rdElqgronr rfd., ljsoto u6 schsc[16d for Atrs, 2, tu€. 23, li tua. 29th, 1016 Ray !d a nilo tn 6118.3 oD July 1st^at Chsnlo18n. I11. qt t]r6

tEli]l FTIIS


XrX XMl-r-{O mXC(

Plttshugh, Jun6 9- !h6 Fenn !1r1s strldars caltu"ec tho t6d cheDiaruhl. 1n th6 AIl" ,-ru ea.ior .hahpronsi11-'3 roa6r ar tr3 r6nn lij1ls pi h sc.oo1 sradlm. Tho lolt }ttt o1xnr,ics !€ro seco4d llin 14 polrts f.110!6d bf, th€ \,liEr.,c ot ieav.r 5-fi114s- 1. c€orE€

27:10,lj 2. {4-oIo lioi.sr. P€Ji !i11e. 27:2l,Jj j. smre1, d4sj l+, Robim!r. Pttt r613lty; 5, corrs, rstr !r11 6do: 1. rln 9o*J f.'is, r:53.3j 2, :ot..fiatry, ilnin. .j I1t jbuRh; l. D n s!.or€y, lHSj 4, lraldorf, uer 5. romed::, rlmon..!l!1 1. rin !or, f,.rs, 1+:14.2; 2. ?]isj J. fihbert, IHSj l+. ross, Fort Ptirj 5, .frr1. sls.,l-ll1re irel-:: 1. rIf, lre !crz, 4..i co. rc,-uE-gi:. r. lloman, PviA; L sonctonl, fitA; lr, J.5n.dr, uner 5. nMeli Fira. r:EEr I'orrs: lrs'th!! !ar 85o. urlsrr! tns f1r6 n116"ery on trrrPa dats prldatto1. Hls l.JEtes Lq'e ree! !!1nd :rt in totrr a 1133. (lt socns r'.r8!e td io aal to both arnes, ) Th6 ru! or trre irolt 6a!€ htn s dlzzj-stck f6oltne. a ve$ rero oc.uronco fD. hln. h€r11 _irobablj ftn n. no"e rFces unilL Jtrtr srd ncthjr!: sdri.as u.ttl late lueust. tllrir{rHs 1I ]5-n:l,otEtf,n RUn Jtr.e l- r:aloId co1-A .i the St Losq €C Lo uslaL Le .1J Xarlolaij P" l: . " .:.6 o -9: t. cor-€

Iion.1u14, lsurttr

PF.srcA! lrrNlss DAr 4r{xx 4o-ulrs $r,ay

th. [atton's Capitol to Balit$o!€ clty Ea]1 (!un nostlY on nout6 r) smday, Uay 6, 1962,.w6ath€r: cold cors6: vdlod, ra!1€d or ad 16s, l!i! 139 von hilry, Lth 1.s dora'rrll, 1st 1eE short (c.2-a!p!d, -n1los ) 1, Ber.tlno!. olydpto crub l:29:u 1. Buzz Sary€! l+8r11 ------2. 41 Euff 5L:3? 1:lr2:48 l. Bet€r B.rlyhru51+:2I 2:17:16 r+. E sr* rflaslls 57t57 3,29tr3 2. Natloel Capttol Alt-stds 3:tI:38 1. r€nt oBbo"n6 t3tlL2 ------2, r€rry Jores 60:)5 t.5L,.t xdcdck 64:11 2:58:28 ']. 11 4. fln McDedB 5.1:10 l:1:lB (hsld up tro olnut€s br tratr) 3. olplr6 Ealrrals \:00:24 1. John {|!Mson 56:l+7 ------2. Johh Do!l!r.s 6l:18 2:00:09 l. olrtn€ron Ear.169:05 3:09:10 4, Jonn crcd 51:1li ;:C0:21+ 4. 8qg..o!d-4:oe:r0,7 2, 4111 tu,alse a!:li 2:rl:08 02:51 l:16:0! I. roirn ss 4. Dav. liazzard 5l:10 l:09:]0.? Fron

nalr€ tbo I!1!h 0bn!1o t€u. Tb. !Ie_ !1!a of tho laco by Baltlio!. otflctal.

dtsptayod a conthusd flaglart atr!.aqld lor th6 !lln.!r. D6splto coDstalt lonlndolr bt DC RiC p!6ry, luab Jas-

cosnr no arldaomnrs fo!. @d3 ld slorertna, to! taklbs tlE !lmo!. to ttr6 r61ay !ot.ts, o! ploktDa u! th. th6y v€6 do&. Dorplt. oflols to @h avathnl€ tl Dc RRc n€sulll8 rh€o1, .d by eutotunllo tb. leEu1t that 'tth rds actually a oech tr.s of th3 laco dlff6lont l€nath. Ont11 pr.s6sd bt J.rooult & Dc orftctsl norh Brand, rho f1tu1ly took nattdls 1rto th61! om nuds, tho offlolatd 1616 golrg to tdt6 tho tlio. of Just tho fh6t f.r luE !a "Who cd6d &botrt tho E€n sho d. b3ot rh, p!ot63t all of th€ ruM€?s reo61Y.d tn61l tle6. Io on6 dxleots orolt !ac6 to bs ! ftarl... lrofosstoel Job. Tho obloctton 16 to th. trrlnEs ihat ao *6na, not duo !o du. to ol.d dlEsAud r.r bb€ pooplo xno do Mklns th. !ao. rosstbl6--tt rD]@r8.,0n LIE othd!hsd! !o11ce lrot8ctI.r x4 outstddina. ljtry don'l noro c:1t163 lut o! tnto!. attract @r. ait6ntro! io ronc dlstdo. rumss? Ea14.s rag 3dalr absent iron the trtll-srars L1s u! duo to iun6s3, but for i:a@ coulit 6 ha!€ Er( 6o r € ponsriu Eoc aesr6sa!l. Pc4 '{. I.? : i .,:rr:06 .. 'Fk ]t- -irh lo" .ooat "1 o,&! ' . bo3! un-J.h; :d" :lc:I5 : r|rru' | !".' "_sv oropal'n€ .o. -.Ls D:6c u-1r't€o -8" .txols losr ji ."5-:00: 1. o3.v Jle.rL..s oJ :oolosy sd ffis 10-n116 .h$p Bob ?. lor i4asko, - Z2tlo 1:t9:)j :r q.!r'a5 oroli:AF e.€aEod - r't: E2;.2 :;,:ai1 -r: FdLr chDd. ... c".rsu sr.: ,:5 i:::io, qrs: !!GS -lsi rra EEzz srFt€ , Joci 2!d !.r "o"e r'"I \' !s bv Bt1: JJr63o - is .-. srrf, Boc; irc-ros idoar s;"t;il-. - :ai 'odlo ft a "rs'u o'"nt our cno Eull-

-,..:6a ros



' le::.;"3lii.:l"l,1i"li"j'9.1 ..""

Rt-E no"Es N r.. "- .rcMria!,... 1 ;06" rr-?ourd " ' ro tEo isy 4i Buzz Sarx€r quicldy arubiEil r1€ bad but had nd laoa \oy bad . ro l bo..Iho Dolt.. Jftt :.ad aad o9€n.o ,o " 5 { LL6 flds:b i.-.F D!oroc!16n pass rs off !o,1 !u-', rho n3..u!c'aad.d d.: .^,,ras. vr, . ' ( yo r-o;o t L r an potall h1s oboo€ols, d* ". q.-- ttr. !n. ti6) ,o no ?drlano 1.'s! t!a'16d of .;.o -"q"7 rLd-.1 ,.^ord- o*:o1tB r. h6re th6 yd. staoe p.tlco

-:m1r c i:hutod Crslsr - po.-nL. lbor n^t€ro--nj bt tho .ntIr. !€rtornanoosqcrool l€m o" "ou. r".61:rr. sh _Fn?agg hlah:cl oolers :o\r sa! (l!d bosr Lb6 o: llrb e 5.1:10 Jrd 1es) Md Ja.nt. sno Ja-ry do'J L.s oocrors lnsr ^lslndd LJaL a.!s r&6 ,oa Lyed s r:rd p0- or@. that iho fotur lllsh .lMptor,s back ls or t!, iF!i,, no nolss to

aa_!!no"! Citr - e, j!io!e .o1rc6 60 ,atr€ oe6r. th6 3oc ras 25 blnuiog 1n --on. r, .1r3 Ed6, Tla Md. ltsro o t!.r6a "6rr -,Eh! rnr. :m olte tn Bar;r-rie. r !;sr .isd.^lrol :ra L b6h1m di & c'a r'Ir3i Balr:fu e--re oollcr jd th8 !-.o to ttt dt1. q€ .6_l€d ta o! rhe !ddi. da got p6hl1ss1on to da tbis & ars. got s;re iotorc;ci;

r 6

-!o1tco out fo! lhe forner r€cold nax bact. '6ro sd of 5:02.2 las sEL ocr. 2' 4955' br I Aob cstrsht ln tho ctly trarric Hubgdt& Istran Rozsaroreyt 1n lsaohod tho firdsh 1ire Iat€. I:.anI PflqslE lot thdre and not ono offlclal Has tb;;. fie aBst rhtl€ I fouEht ny ray tLroueh citT tlafflc K-! Cor,!, oRvTr-lE |r,Yrilr T9IllP;r I stolp€{t trry tatoh {h8n I got thorc. }16 Honolaluj Ha'iali, Jur€ Ll- olrllrc hai6 no la€a hoH IasL r'a* rM. Fo cotrsJr- FLtm of :ho n:nclroo llslim cnr:3 ft lan h6tdr thah ejgd lor rs3t€si tlre honors o. tb6 4th 16s. Jrnlor 2t-lrilon ier rac€ t.dat :ut I nopo th6 rac6 conos ofl noxt yasr lut faro!€C liuold llit) colo €ne=cd a3 for ti. 15. 6-IlL ::::_:::::r-::e*:1:l:1______-______-load !u. cole :,c, the H€latla, !,A]i Boy, !8! sErs RtrioRD EAnrJllD chmptomhip rdt\ a tji€ of 1:26:55, '8Bo' !dtfo!d, Com,, l,Iat J0- a€nd r€trsarl-t, L. :"b iaIl€d b7 L5.Ls ot dquallii€ an 13-X€'r-drd eonlor at n^!tfor4 lI€h, tho rocdrd Da 1:26:Lo h€1t bJ lloh 1:51. d, shadrd th€ half a socond off the tlatioEl tna ond-tenth of ?1fD, {no 1s tr.r iI€! Yorl., lon Tnt€recholestl. mrk. thd lr.stioul Jr, Ls! tir!. tn 1::16: Th6 ]tst€a rocold, accordtn€ to th€ Nat15 and lint3hed tqr anoad ol cotoMl !€d€ratlon of FiAh school l,,lr3, 13 of Ca:aia f avolii€s llct,ftitiicli helit bt la]' Vdn Ast€n, vho ran th€ helf and Darc licallntoot of the rrnir. of nt16 h L.51,9 In a met at stabJdd. B.th fl11tei !trdcr t!€ llaai sd !1ll::-1:-l!!!:------l.ftltticlr flnlslBd 3trth'iit16 llcFI,F A,1o TeF, Itousio!, T€ra3, Ilet 19 C1lrt.cl: droplad 88O: 1. xaulco E.bsor, Toxas south€rn, Co1o, :Ia!!ti Sllkestors' ac€ od f5O,1; 2. Eobe4 coz€ns, sotrston (fron forFr ldv€rsitx 1:50.dj l. l,or clntor, Torqs, t6d th. f161d ot 21 iron ttro siFi" ^uEtralla) 1:50.8; l,Ja1t€r ndt, r6ras south6rn, fi1s lal) tire3 for L, tb! allrtki cous6 1:91.1 (Pacs: Usstnoreldd (Hs) 25.c-3tettnA at queois ftrlshsd 6th ln 1:53.5--cbt€r 5l+.J, 1:21-91-.ut1€: 1. Pat Cloh6ssr. Eouston. q:09,7r L:oo.o; 2:Tru'€ .11'ot-, Bo-!-or, 3. nrchsd noho, san Antonlo rdchr 4:10,0; Md back J.nio lialA L. rloston Davl€s, Tot6s Fmsb, U:11.0, aPac.! Elltott 52.8,2:08.0, l:10.8. Rono --fasr6sr m r!l-r 'n ro*6s--"a'a/'llllott Th€ race toolr the aid clohossy rlth 22o loft (aft€! rwtn€ hts 1f20 tn 3:12), at tho fiml atrarEht and pull,ed avay, coulee threo tir-.s, rlth Eluott bd€1t 8€ttlnA by hln, ) 2- 11o s'claso: {rltlr no latar iMp) 1. d.6rrTdlEi-ous ton, 9:56.2 lia.t, 2t2t+, 3.)8, l+t53,3, 6tag.5, 7t2\, 8:lt0); 2. E.!, iiEr. t.ras a&M, 10:11,2; nd thtrd, horu gladuatc, ,:3 l-Ml1a3: t, Johi Iscy. Fousbon, 14:12,2 €,'f,l:[].l+, ?:00, 8, c:22.0, 11:l+6.7) ; Ee !!s fol1o;i:a b-n 2. xatcoln noblnso., sl{ La., 11+:12,1+ (f!on ludX !l$, l:41::2. ldland..runs on hls to8s all tlE ,aY-al;o rd tlb n11€, atout 4:161; l. 8ob 1:42:J1, :o15 - r.M€11s!6!, Baylor, th:31.5; 4, Bdl1s brano, 1: J: 5 L : Alnona, 15:26.2; 5. lru]]A clark, Brooke Imy Mod. c€nt6!, 15:31.5. trulE, tlss r S=InlnclntlAN CIIIS IrIoniD 2O0O-1Emn ruPJ! Parts, Ju€ llr- Fr€noh nlddIe dlstanc6 vhlle lo!6i id id aoe Ulch€l Jazy blol€ iho !d!1d 2,000n, h€ !6cortl *her 0tle! l1n1si.!: i€r. J.se:h criiz, q:01-6 at tha cndlote stadlm Thusday l4ertnes j td3s fe.iIs, sril.e.t€!s; Th€ v€qtlrar at chslotT u8s c16ar, ;rlrht. si1]!e3rers, 11 Bmar, alttost hot, dd txaro uas no !rnd. Tho

co!!, Flllt fntqtl?E - colTlll|jD) splkootcrs; ldl VsntNra, sltkastors, anC tlon Nal'ffaa, Sltkestors, I1YD reodived QulD tr.phJ and cole tlE llaxor Blatsdell asdd at a prosentstlor b@qtut folLorln€ the rdc€ 0b flnal comeDt --It !a3 leally hot: (!Li.r,


llTcll SCHoo! Id(FlXj by Don iacobs

!6 4-:516 nolay, Elaon , Or€son, JE€ I 1. r. Iorth Eu€en€, 17.50. 17.50.9 (roore, \:23,7, nudy [:]J.8, tsedT [:]l.u- cstr6 cDtls L:lL,[, ): D€ib;!. [:1h): 2so. saler, salen. i8:lP.o 18ilr2.o (rotr€tio ll:.tr€tta 2. so!:1L)i r+:!2.5, ?!rce ?rice 4:r7, lr:!2.5, Thoiloon lr:40. L:.17, ?hon!6on L:l+o.t, llcrra11 {lpIno 4:l+0) solh3 & Judols. stat€ ]'1Eh school l,rit6s

I. tu.en6, fitLl3boro. 4tal+2 Ltl7.6 Ga:T }leval1, ]1illdbn (rortland) [:20,8 Ken IIoorc, rr. luFno. L:21,2 rsY€ liitltorn, 41ban:r, l+126.8 tor Zalonts, vL Lth. l+:26.e Texry iiishlaush, r{a!6ha11 L.26.9 (D€u!rer & Cox doublod h th€ 88o latdr, ruetna It53.a tr rt55,o.) Dav€ D€ubb.!,

6nd.11 Co:.


12:12; 12:47; 12:44; l-3:01;

12,rdM B61atak, M111ros€ M.11. Stor€ Dudlor, Pl&liflold. 14. c]rrrs Fotus, x11bo3e AA. 15. Da?ld Sta.h16y, c€ntlat Jo!soy Tr, 1J:14 16. c€or-o Norsa, o'-!t.d M' t):27t 11, John K1o1bsr, Mtl1!os6 M, 13:15, 16. nobort t{€r€!. Plarnlod Sco!1rA. 1. ?ard$ 12: 2. Itnlted aA ].J; 3. Plalnfl6Ld 2l+; 1+. MtlhoEo AA 29,.. Stov6 larlts fron Scotch ?1atro ted tlon th€ stdt & con€rod th6 16t vJon€n's 1/2-ui16

- 3 steltols,3 flni.b,

ors --1. Balbala Hou€hton, cflc, l:37; 2. roan t1'. Rtttrge€doa, cJIc, 3,53t r4,rr@ llaImltehr, cJTc, !:05. (!hr33. lace Has d€slEn€d for ql1 thos6 1611 lrbltdtssd Aals pdttotpatlls ln dn'E road racos, Xo.6 of thoE shoMd up ln s!1t6 of th€ ntcs lrlzes dd tlo !ubllclty.a1ren io ttLls laco !€f,I in ad-

!9.4!l8-qtq !U1lo - Ja 3tsrroEs, ll+ 1, Frod Ldt, C6nt.a1 J€!6€J TC, zi:29.8 2, goruy !6vin, C€n. Jersol Tc. 2?:19 Bob lshtor, cen. Jols€y Tc, ?8:U l. lJasnllgtot 4. a1 s{ab, cortrar rsls6y Tc, 28:22 5. Kolsoy B!oh, cJTc, ZB:l+3 Jl! lealud, I*C, slolrae, L:21.1 6. cha16s Hqrl1s, Batttuolo CCC 29:V 3ob lrrl11r, roderal ]i'By, 4.2J.5 Bi11 U€Isb" r4tllroeo r.A, 4,22 7. IiurdrM, soartlo. 5. Dlck C1aF, !r,Y, rioe€r Club 29130 Lt2\.7 9. rolry andelson, cJfc, A:U+ Jack stevmd, Ro8eft, slolrafu, lr:5.L 10. Bl}r F6oEy, Boston A,t. 4.59 rrlend6!1 I-!.U Eteh School l.1eet, Jltr 211. Bob lt4!!lson, lr6x Yorlr ac, 30:22 .or:d scsrod i ilE !-6ult led orna 12. Aqus'Munrke. le!.. 19tzl l":'".6 (-E:-, 2:0 , .r:U,. U. L6ioy cfoono, 0i roo n1, Jo:lo Belilo l66r6j ro.l' lto! AC. U ]0116 "L.IlFTraD J|ICE' ' lEaoa Al Dxy Do1-D R^c:s lt. Jo\r Callopp, !. l-oso cr, 30:L0 16. ci rs Suoonoy, Lmt., o aint,€,d, \.J., vaI lO, 1.o2 30:\5 -co-soloo by r o " s; ,;'d,raro, cbMb€, g*,";3::i",:,..]:",:::",ff, jtgi of Comerco..rtle6t rt!6cto!: Attlla Matray il: : ono€r.s!!,a,1y.1oro' sk -s ru . 6!- !i: Jlil,j?'il;Jj'l,i3il.*' t3i\i ionetar Jh!o. to B.) dssrss: ts]Bn the con- l21. 0..a- Mo,ritng, Bat L.r.o4o Ccc, ll:16 2-. "aloq tllb€Ia, D6r_vs] a_t, lJ:17 lront of the PlainflDld 9,Ic.4. Tho coDB6 :21. vllt Fa-" sor. Unttod A/, l.l,2lr In do\rlrorm Dlsinfl€ o ud 2rL 13l Lr3on, Baltlrdro ":'' 3l:zL o-s sp {ss sbo - I r"-d" 'ons6- r'an zt.. n ^ll.e. Mr, !o"e AA, .l.l.t+o ... rdi6. _6, c€ola€ 'io rotG, (or-rd1 Jorsoy -c.31+:ol+ .? 2_.t.t€ ap€ o4 -' urde!r 27. rrnrt sto re', rrPc. -* ll,l]li fjr=;d;iffi, ":;:g u-s,., 10:r2; ,. '"',o i5. ?L k:1"":-::'.** ".. l\::: p"rsus. 't:0_r L. n^b€!t x-tr€, !r,Led j6ifo it. "Es.vaz, u;if"d. M, ltk6 rrtur. usl.. _:lj w,'|ta?i.. 1.. chr6s,'@m,, Jiod Al, 5B:_? *i,li;rA: !irl":l: ":..8:"qT; .u;i:i*. i":tjri l;.* ?., -L6ee sqs . Ear o'm.,u. ||olo c '' lo:l!1 M, .ttpt 9. aob€rr Rot ,!. JL



ll:,tji;" ;;::.1!I;;*;:- li"niiiii!'i.1;",":l'il,!!il:l coutly club 65r lr. ortt€d n{ &+.ff"lf;

dltJ! luul

kld1. O\r$lc Dt€Iorldt ftE

c.dd!.!.rt bt lrLlt@ nl{t schet &d nta@do !€.4h R€.rtla $'E3d.J, Lq I7, 1962 - 6t5! p-D. .i rtlr!&d |E4 scnoot, tud6do Be.ch, caUJbEl.


l. Dsrls I{. s&@i, c*q crtt ao . . '. .. 2. Prr]. 1.. !t$d, Cltrr Clt' .rC l, r.li6, crr].Er cltY ro . . ,. n .ttd lEnrro, @rt (s!. ltftc. I5, . ar t?ff 5- X.!.n rll Lltlr. lE! (r'lrlld us) 6. 3.Iin c.&!c!r, st (rYlJrto ss) . . .. .. 7..IDO. ME> 6ld(5..Ctttrc t Eeeo H5): 6. Hd Ldtet{r E t t l1a &'|; @rl oirltio xs) . . . . ' lo. 3re b]'E dl (l6s c..ta [e] , . ll..larlt Lu8, 6! (s.. Lr-c. lls) .. .. .. r2. |a.h..:l ld, @t Grrrud slt) . (rls c..t. [s, . . Ir. Dr.t ltrl@, d (3o. ftF&o. Er, . . rL t !d! 8.4. dt U, AD.* !. x.t Jt., @t ctttrs. . . . $. Rorsr !. P.r..r., cdE! 1?. Ei.dcd st .tt !, wt (r'l*ton ts) . . Dld &r drCtht D@1t Dr!r, e! (tore.. fls) . . . . . !aY! Y6o., ult (1{1n C.Et3 I[t) . ' . . lelr c.Ea, @r {5.. to@.. le} . . i.rlr o! Mt...ttt t tD Fe . bUrd nrdidP tu d t llrt t!d'. la cs'i. 4i 6G;;;$!b '.@ 'rrsbqt '.rt&s olrsly @ Fr.. srdr. aoh..! h.r.' 2o:or) -364@...... 2LO5 (t&t' rets efr.oslt. (fst' lDbd! c@, ,0:2?.6) 3t-12 1i;9 xo.& rbd, lts c..t '.. 21132 1940 r.b.rr Ccr. CCrc.. . .... 21to6.3 19lj} Err.dr turi!, Il st3L.. Br4? l*e Dol! I- Xr.torr clrc-.. 20'2r!5 lb .! tlD ht!!d.n6kF h.ts t dt&. d1ll . ctdft.lra t'&b ol tt!'icDirs tldt dt t&o; hi 6 tI5 !.cmd Ir.? s.rfrn @ abL PrI e" bFpt'!'r a!.hc ro n! ddsb to 'd3t &ltd, ' ' rri'rls s|l!. .d.!t*b t *t.!-elj.r u.tl}t6, tat! ru Lt cl$ra' blt ;ruIL .t re. cd;" rlll @lr tek !bo'3, u' rE !E !h. t&1, ldRl bltB '!d.d s^Ir'hodah 6i,.r.t. -' -t;rirtn.$ r' _d'l'a . 'dt&!. r;.r, ;d lir*rs. e\d' ddo!. 5! t5t tuslit pFYtddr ..t olbt rarr! 4@.d tu.tjr.ni !r . .ac.r.b cdrcL dfu' dr, !; da rle. t rdd.rt14 la ?j. innt cllJ4'rc d.EloF6t b' @1cdltt !, . .io 1@*. llal dlscql.6. {lorld FotblliL, t6!@r"' hr6 lct ir tu_'lt !i.@ r! t!.t of !E lera b&b'@6.L bi'* t'r'r&'w ' 6 U! @lrj h!r(!! t+ @.d oA r"r'"t rc*r $i fl.ld -ttdLilsl.d ts -C.di ft! tltu ld:rs4l j6t.

2 southm Paciric i6ooclarloD oJ colton (Cautohls)



it R6*.tid Dd lck3 ldpeixar

3poleored tud con&cr6d

xtt 23, !962 - 1.V t.,. rlt nm,r I]l:ur /.-p1l3 {.!irlep ie sgs. LRicI@dBm!,,.,.,, 9t45 2. int. y s|ln E. st3lf.ft, lrub H*rle.s ,. . . . 1or/.5 !.c.ryIaloDtI[bHerlsrs. ,. Dq lh[tlodk, ]tu! HeEtere . .,..'ta 6. S.3S.i!€, IhaXE!!isr..... ... r:oo ?. nobort 1. Crd!, Clrror clty tC . . *!r e, r.b.!! L P.L'I€, CIle' Cltr tC , . . . ':00 Lw Jo, 1952 - 9,l1 .r. v.sr c.ltd ri.rb!1&1 !l' 3--11. tedlap tu !!9!: 1, bGc&e !a!i., 0!u& C.ury rc , . , 2tt, 2. nob.ri t. c@, c!fr.! C1!r lc . . . . .o. 3. ,U.n. 06.s, n$ !.!d..s . . . . . , Ltt, 4. r. .to!.!a ccroti, eeeo Cdrr 1C . . . Ir0o ,. Ealr conr.l&, .... ar00 6.Ctu}l.tr.rf ourE! c1rt ft , , , . , . t.6 Elcnrad c.E.tt, orea. ?. C@tr !c . . . . tr00 .,,.. LU 9, JeB lntlar, ss B.meclro Y.tt.J C.l-1. t:ro r0. Rlch4d !. p*3" ctty€r clty lc . . 4:00 r.1. rd ,b,'burr, @itached , . . . . . . . ?!00 1?. Jr! Co-8rr s!., ,..,.|tcD U, Gdr l,a.d, H$ r&rts.. . .,...,5,6

L4. G..s Batr., xu! I.s1es .,...... 15. Eh.!e n. aabr4li Lnr re1a.s 16. .t{' cnrerr "'.,

!!E. !l=c !l4e 7


&! Er!!




,|oo ltrI6 ,3rto ,orrl pt43 3rro?


?:3a J3rr6

,2:00 33tL9

j2.52 32:tu

. r.oo 'icD ,0:06 , . , . 1tt:B 32.r,) u. iobdi x. P.l€.1a, cd'.r clrr rc . . . . 3:oo 3o:t4 13. Sielar Sbubrs, lhib r.rdor . , , lt\5 32:29 19, ni.|ard har, tub fi&il.r .,....10!30 30,46 20. Sutn€r !. Siatrod, I{!b }Ie16.s . , , .12tafr aot2b 21. Rtchad 1. Ca1. Srr1d.tu. 3:00 3r:r? uitacbed ..,.. a:oo 33rr7 2r. Je3 A$b,, . . , a,(n j3.51 24. lrl crlhe, uti3ched ?tt, tJ,04 2t. YIIU! J. nd\r, Cnlt ! Ctir lC . . * 41:16 26. ,t ck r-atr, esr,rach.d . . . a:OO 32r0o 2?. r.b*i !@:, Ddard &fttr, or.es€ coEtr ls . . , 2tL5 ,tra o{1 U0. e€reit, fas5jnsroor J69- 88o. BoFtoIa. qS. 1: 9.6: 2. Cloth. cldk Jc.i11:1..-..sLeoDr6.}650_ r. qaE E€nd€n. rdaio. i: ,8.5.,6_161€!_ ( . s! ts, . oa-5-0=;1tri12.; Fr: z. ra;r r*;": r";;:lii-8, t'r "o ! '.s, !,5!, l0:.1..I {\,ro, -ra.}. ^oor i1!d6 c;toitca 1od r.b}o;r .1. ' nr'uro tluoo nlre Mo 20:05 co- or, rn€! rarraf;o. ,ir-!s ar. tno da; 1" ., s" LssL Joa---bo s.o1€ re.1co by c,M.rG hts d.L s" 5 u11.s. ess_ I1g "ololtrs & es"Bo l"h'h5 a Jap u i.o p6rde-rs "seo "tm q.sro-;6[d not o!es6. s€rda4 {as not tuesh for ibjs ?:Jo ?. t!, !ace. fi6 had Non th€ s--6!.o-'a€. J-"8 .s focs,sul'-,. .D.!.t,,s Has !a.eo o.e s.o.c. oo&h for collltLs saattk aroa. n1r cmels ttF, !rs6!o, 0!e., Jlft 1- stse!1€chas6- t4ltio !6lrB!, os,, 9:09.9.


!SN1rAI1 HrmE€l! EoA! Rox _ r3.5 &it.s satudar. Je. q. 1952 'rxg (uiJohra) JEioi cha,bs. or cms..e 6i.sed r,he s.3lrllhll.n{311J*('&ta4.!&u|c6u*sa5s6dtnjsfu' b4r, d,.! nobe.ln rbis


fi "td &d fioa-ordn ra.".

statford, colt'd

.na, L.qsFud ussd bu. s.tr ^p4.fuF e@i6 ,e.1 e:2J!o,$4rnsr_5ce *3 9.ld.". ok riE (a16r. Jr.6 .oor ud de e pa.r r*€1sd 16r


r.do s.ruJeh,-& usvc

_ o.5 36.trds orr erE b -e^od.

(roq&&) . . . , . . +3:& ,.,,!luef,


iu* ,5**., :L"oo

(Prrv..6td3 :. sTa:d bFik,'ur@r (rr6.s d.)

b:Jo Lr.8rO' l::5:

.:. f9""1['D' u* rPrco@l 12. cru x. r.p.r, c-Ac (lmLsb€ror

. L:00 ]:roi.o t::-:r9

J:ifrLd::3r*-'":.:'$itliJ',i;".*].":':'. ;;T (sM B"turd!




I;f::. l:l:;:,+



e:Oo t:J :!o



: : : : 1iS ;:


::::::::':r:l :::

-: i-:


+:il;j _,)r,z_

fs Mrr:'3 {co-,d ) -.1..1".1: fr:t:"rili:#,"::s ij;'rr[j-::T

L: o ,:_o,.? ,,s ,y






4 I:!,ri ]:J,:r. t' .iro:oo


,,J5,-7 ;'

i::;; :;;;;l



;:;: l;.i;;; fr : : : : ::;; ii; ;,i i:f;l: : i":"1 : ,:;# i:i,l: i;f:!; iJ


ua' r"'8hl.nd) 4J. stukr sklb.", hub darrh (corktr :.; fra r.:.r bat (nadqds)


r:rr lr_o._, 1.r4.'rl e:oo _:jo:4' ti_9i!5 r!

L:oo -: e'r: .; , . . ;,m .,.1:,I' o:.^ f'ltl1?"::r-Y (aplre IaLe', , . -:m L:oo 1,r,,r. ?3. l9 T!:t'.rr .li. . :-.:g_,t:,:, ie rsnds (s& Bert. dr,o *'l'--JT'. .,_ . ,oo ,.i:. l+- **. .*i..(pedl&de) j::S #. Ii:T'J:i;"1':.XIl'T,j3l'"tl : : : : : : L:oo .:d,,. l:. Tq-!f:,r *' (-e E'm..dio iy. j,.ft*":o.s, u4 rse Eernarr$o. . . . . . rr:r _,r:2b

:: ::::A:l-', ti: tr,:;E: .9. r. Por.urcr€bs.


:::: lrf ijj;;t i:,;;i; ", r:)r:.o _..o.!o

il: ;Tfiih:*-:i"ifl;r.i--i:#1i'l . i:. ?"*j l*'3":.. rar (pace.e (batui,tq 33acn) .

ii: $*E qd*T:;:i:'ffi";" s;.;"; i,: I*n'":;;ifr: ffI^:F.'Hl i?i'l;




L:.o:{o r/ "o

t:d r.^ rJ _,t>,,o -:_J:J. i +-

o. ,a vcoPr Bclr K r-v Li -olR. L eFcoqo AA, Jo:J.; L?.Eo 86... .rto" aa.ll \roD.. ,. r.. ,,re 1?- os^s- r.orc, rfv?(. '1:.0; 18. Ers. vor;s. lrJr€d ia, -3?"ll .o-r...,srs: \ucr, sd sc,v€d, lou :3ir[t.l;]'i: rhronzrers,3n. "iL-;I;,-!ki: 4turo, q.w€x - rerot€tn. rsrlr 106l :4do-" sr!€ak6d our'r

cloctd,€ o-,0:t5. "!o.t a, .. i,.:

Ed ba.L In Eltrine and son :ol-s slar. s6. onl olaco ras M r.oreJ o. 6 rr€r 'tor' 4. . | . CDIB .hlrd !1sLo u3s D.ct,

\6hlo" Jus+ -ciubo D"aro u :es!s ty.


B,1'@' .o,a. Ed.r y'.-9hy, ,ohn .atray,'p6 6 €?rI. rl v sl"al{us, Joo l\]6ln€n6.

Br^ln s[i ] nt to" Ansstas! ,h€

2_ B_

E { RlcoRD

Dls.M"6 -L.r1ns. ..;;-ai rr;.";""ffi'",." "i;;; "c ri:d40\:lfl.:,,i1"1"i,;*,"fl"'"j:]l;".ii.il:i,l"3if arr'f h;,_;"t.tr"**,

",:';:t, :t,ii:"':H"i""fi"'3i,::ffi;:' i:il;. -E:;fli: a I r e1 5' 6r "":cii*;;,ylp", E ru a Jac€ 31rco l0rs, Tnls raco (th6 2oth tn rlo t{€t!o_ 'dt :";".i;:"::T:-":-.d,";' H:l-r"';;j;?" ;:l;::!1";.i ::Fd*i"liidli:.

, 0sca- iloo,6, i, u. Plor€or 'lub, o:r5 2. .o-€run Moor€y, 1:52 -',55 l. D'c!. ',od of,, oEtra.d.o, eo!! a . 4, 16 c^Ie F€oner, rtBU 22.2r 5. Cdl Gl].nolo, Sruc€ Tc (rst Sovtcs) ^:2': 6, loloy a. 22.3_.





r*alEoo c."..rue, B!u"o c, 22:19; 10. Joso t1oi6s, Bluca Ic {id lroe.tco) J.lt5. , , . orchdd L6v,er Bruca ra, z,t13t ,21 {b6,orres! \rw , 2J:t8r u. John cul6ib-

rrt- s bdra Fr'oat nlsb, to d ^or 6!!c trs o" b:r,d J kttu 1g !]E rio-:rj,o dure rl e Southetu ac!-!. ,q"q -ss!. It {es the fastost !6co!d€d tro-h116 n \Isrory, ' top6o F _o- L u rxo


9 :il.'..,':i"ii::l,Y:r"'^ffiI,

rhotus ln llro Mo 6r€n ,!irE -.Ld6n .h6 j]Eco6d,€d c o.xln€ or d:10 ru laEt y9"l !, {€! zdetMo'e !,J-a. !atbo-s. e-ser6- ne 3.1_-^:c o-rr by }no J Ii::; ;;'.',. " i -.:."r : r1



fl :'iff i.$1 ": 16. alo. scsd!!a. '|4tllloso Burr€son 'l'aAc, :)7i ""d1bilb,i;::*',il9:to;". AA rl.si /€re"d) A: 5r .7. Br i cas€r_ \J s' o-' ::;:";:..,:;r,',lq,ii?"*.*i:r " *"1,:H''.r6fl ;1* ;, :t"L. " viol( 't,alji'-l':i.>z];d:-i;;;i'ifuJ',....e,?-y.U-o|: \s1 -os6 ,AA, -ri,Lj,j ''. c.* c,Jtr. :,1!"_ " 6!r :06. , ):'^.-. l:1 .l .

::t1".'tt*#.:i;i:"*::,i:":.:" Hi"f.:';:liil{ijl:!ryi:,Hi; 8:"6'1at. z:. '6- a,".:.u, ry"{:. t,, ; ib. i,,hd.d rlnrsbeo n r rrolo

r: j; .7. rrr gor"ur. u-Ited At. 26:0?1 3 (bo {s-a, Len_. i3:'! :*T;"'il*t:"i-t ;,-;;: $l j:: 'l*y. i 3t,,l : ii:'i; ]:I.";ff 'r, Ml n.ss r{. 26:19: - , !t sroh6rttla',:6:ta:15. sr-d".tsrlhE. urur.. 2 :r0; .16. Jou v€r:ds. uni .6al'I.- 7:n: 17. "111 sr- "a", /ii_!i,so A,{ iz^d v€tr. ?:<!J .8, Grs Korr€eos. clsd st-€€L Boys (l"o v€t), 2?:5?: )9. na {1vuez. IIYP", ?8:0?j p. ar6s "J'"'rr?-, :..2r: B.'116r. onlrod AA.


*"i,'i:*T::'. h:I', ii. qr,



ve 0:/?, 1; d:59.1; 5. Merl€ J -

Bob sc .u1, L,r_^r


i:;:. ii: "j..; i136. "9:'i.: rt'j:}', i;t #+4-i'*, "l3ld{' ;;; D-ate,


!;'1. srrol, il'?c, €:-?r lL. osorco INsr.. unlL6d ra, o:29; L5. s,ov€ R=b6el1. U{Uod I"q, 29:LAr L6, Csl Zarss. Ili11roso





lfu. i -J, 3ob D.a}€, ^"A ; 1,. _!!:3- l. Br'' ro-d, LA', :10,r!'. k'ot'lea1, crrr ir: r,6j /, K Laood. c&1p Pondlo[on, l.:1^. ; L. r.n6s, o/n, sL!Il:!.6,.6-Mik5- 2. . Jo!!9 sr@tr, z)t51.tr' Boo D"e6, (!cc, 't6'=, r.. lo:04.,i J. ro€ caF€ r, um; lsdey lll;-lii #',a; #3#.er-";:.?:T: 3. E!€n26., ltr; lr. rlc.oma.I, '"ac; arch ATts. l?:Ig:l_!3lL 1, BorM' srrr dorsr 16:rU.4; 2. sJoe!6! t4-4C,16:50.q

r$1,!€Fc l'rll{s

m A! IiolsTori; ]j,lrlsllBR o,lvj: -

s. :l .8.e|'! r I rla t..'6-'ro'.

qrcj.e:nr; o . rp


i:,q="i "i"i:lilitil ,,:=,:li:,tll:,+u'**it,li"*:it,,,,);;;;'rj; "L;,::: ';',i""Ji':*"1,:q,";":f;;; l,rir,*""'i lll^:ilii:l ',;;;i'l;; i",'"i:i-i"i'iii3'ir:"d r'r,r0. "" 3.;., .,1-H]-t,""1:, ;l':",, "

",.,'li til "ii r-':tti:",:,$l;. iti.i':-,.",,.,' kli#:i!'q:"" l*Ltql!::,: fl"I*i" 3 -. r1!:11'd € ' oL o1 !. Jr: h.: rr' o.-" e ,-oo. '"; o "e oliod :i.;l:Ji:t;i';,; 10 ;:l.'t'""ljl."'! !.!-";."lnli;eo:T',:'+-., 1'., .. Cor o r'.s :!o l1ds. w:i r;;T;i'ti":;.;;'"'i".: t' : '.' :.;" 1.,

ii";t Tii::I.,aili{"''":.



:riiil iii,";,i:: j:;1"l'!,:c" -'T:''='" " "::i;;'tr:;. :H"tt;:""r1"I.1.4r"1. '"t1,'ufi3"i'-""".:::;:; i;*::.t;:::.i,t,.;l :":.:: :;ri;f,:,"r;.. ;i;;;;:';;:""' ;1;;'.1 ii;;i.iir":r .. :':i;ii i,:iit,l":iE .' i:i 'fi:E-^;. ; ; .::" :t L: l'\ ;4;; "!":.:;i:*;;*;i;:lii:4..!;'l:u' L'oD.borE l:"";:;"'.: :"r"':' ii ": ;:;j:'' H:.,'i:3;:[; ::;*:i.!;ll';.j :_________..____-,,j;:;:"i, :. ":::.f :,a-""1r : . i. ;, ;: . l: o;_.I a:3a tffi ii ;.'Ifi "-;; .':-i: :l{B- "1-," jr,7. ffH:.i+ ,j:i:"';, :-;.";:"::',"rL::llf;ffi- ;: i:"^:.':: i"- -o,i, .. s!a-, "--"""'t;1:"1:!l:"-l,l,l i:.'l:""i;li:" i:,,i:.; ':t="i'-ii .^, .: i;. .,i".,:*'i: 'r " ";1 il' n "' i::1"i""""."'illd';.';.ii""li:fl ;;$';;iif ig;i!: "'i, iii!:!!ii:1!i:il]!iiili!,ii i:':'{{, 8*l; u*,li'[,.]*$ !1n, caItr. sJs; Z:Eon DaY1s, l. .



ipd.::*:"': r;; "".;" i;:-:r;":'i;:. :'- ":';' "; j, :';':;'r j'"x1 *"'t:' !:,,, .. :*1,:i,:ii::.irl,:ilq,-'.--" * 1;"1 i "',1;;=+*1.







'ii,;"l-." ;;:;j%::i:;:;i l:["".qi.i:;]ri:":; s, 3i"-;1f:,',"*" ' 9;"1

's! r- .-o!.

3 € d o-€ 1 ba ^Lo oY6" !o ro_r, by a:r:-

O, ?o r:o-:,

s!" -




':i ;


(lcl,LEY lrllls n.E. 20 tlJlo Rirlt) 11. eonzales sdotto, Iostor ix,


uilums, cEc. rln€: t':ttr.8 (..! reco!d, old r€cold, Ur25.0 by 67:30 :S" ron€1 "o€ua 6r ' c"66o l _t. .or :-sr, Eos'o 0. "8:_ bE - 1._, '€loo\ue Llrk, Pspron lrutto€:lo 'f.BDloos.. | lar TonFoooa, TC-FI:.1. r'my Lt) ra-\. i.. _u"p a, Vrlainta !iq"lo!, ro:n. D1. P Ci Ker I',lle P o 6:i L, '5, n€: 1:(4, 16. ' ' .s "! Bo. oa Aj, o9:07 s-.t€. s,.r-"o- -. ".vallJ cuoltn€r. rTc7. td r'!, ! -. oo q .lub. 9:P1. ,o0o! Er -._:lF;-6 19. co .-csrsros, hapo!61,; 1: h"si,. Randollh-lla oa A adobJ. €-ore :1rb.70:2L '0, € Ro ,iir€a :o. o:/3. .r-s: D "€, r"c, 70:'6 tnd. Jtrhi.ls - 1. Lc. Ehlo!; 2. 5ob Sur- _----_--IoERJ loI,E ]'JMS S?Atlll ISLAI{D R]jl{ ur.n; l, c€.r!€ Conoflea. ' .r Locs I D L U8€r!€ L \.. r€y /- Aob f, CV . oss-'o rt-l t't1isr ' loi 2, Bn Jr, I€D o- r at lrc!'a nntvelstty, ro! tlE lo,ooorL 36. 3: i:l,:r":3:t:"":i."*x"0" iii::"3i:f -5 Jtds oe6r 1-r'\'t6.l@r6 Bl11 sch@b ' .€ 7- lrsr's "u0"_ Blod trtdv' aco' chmp- tornor Ioua "u.or€eoi.Ly -,-q so-sab & lE 0rco €_1 t € "t-3.1ap ofi € tso attondtn€ xotle Dso Vnln€rsrty, xes tn6 lP! -o !se. oLL.ha-ged, €ad !o stay. v't- a -,16 .o so. .3 -tn,3h6o 11 10:52 as co: eled to the coase !6co!d of nlsht ai !63hminx r11sn f1eid, 29:45, d8t lest eaa! by P€t6 l4cl!it1o. ":t-L::;" z-lit16Pom { {c! 2, :rjj_c-l.. lranci. Csrror, "-!o-. por 1'.',ff11";;;';i,';iii*il". t+. Erro



: .

l."el",ji: .*. 0", "r"*. r:L:e";;";' '' '1o, T'i;l 1:)?.:. n,1. o.30l,a:i"": . .".ai."r-j z.-r"t l. .. .' o]m1-.-srBc.1.)r3- -t9)" t'-n=.tr ''' r. Ponn - : . ofn {bba_o, P6 . r '. '"i-.:1'?1" .9:":':l -*;.r:e3l or


JAZY'S 7:49,2 SmS JoOO-InT!F

rolu \rerd, stBcr 16:a+ 3t:08 _-_ 5, 6. Dtclr Dtlk clap!, c1app. NYPC, 16:13 fl:20 NypC. 16:lJ ll:2C D.c Horre! s'.8f, 16:25


7, r. n,rust l:ulrckor u@.1?:01+ e, ,llco s.arddr6,rLLi, 17:,)4 10, ." io. Jo. rlaEci, i_"r. aaga.'ii;i6 SABC, 1?:ld :. -,..i1;oe;i, i-(.ii ili r2. nii i,,,i.""i nii',1i.Zs ' 1.1. o "J!bT, tE , a.1:l


l€e: i. dsusle- o8j . ror_ Ld. t t t?, , rB ,tA:^5 13, BIll'a"€ , : . lB:l? l. q,dr"o ,0; L. casps '{t1l 1rb t. rle.!-Po-rrrths, ll4'a,]9,?9 6-u116s- 1. Davo nr.L€ry, quantico; z. ',t.rrr" 1?. tu:t;iE;r. ir' &..", r;:i;;,. ir"'sJii9 ! "..0'::"! 14:. :9,^! 1ln€3!orth, Pllo- Trs / .ub, -rns: lo:55,'-1. Jod ll:<. 16.ord, ll-: I3 br sr€es rs. soh, snri.o, rob,.. e. 2L. a-"1 J. a-",1 liJ!ptj. riJ!o.J. Il,r-4, yorr v|'s, tr,r-4, ::06 9:06 2_ lto Lrrlk_ 1._. - i- "j J, J,r "o]di.n, 5.^!r11!s. o?0.,.-r ,_6:5 l,anJt(, ,.*"i..j8;:" ( "€.ffi;. ri. Ti; .if;,.i;... s,.scold .-!Lj -. rr ro;od. ro!n- l. ll".*"'yf,,-.ft;, l::1] E_te- .


,d rh,. -s r" o. s,s.e In :1o.. '' 3 i - k d.i rLo sddolted lecord or ?:52.8



-;i-{-;;- ;,-:;;;;i;:;; "';;;;:'o- Le", . -".rrs. s o


sanr Iilot



l:t:l:1i:';'"".:;'""i" :iI;- -1-.1.' .-ri;.-i ",,' ",..' ;;..p

,:" :,


J5::7 ai', 351

ii: .ill"'ilff{"', :*"', lA:;Z 11'.1? t;: D"r;;- E;;; ',.|;tliiu iii6i


Tc,lonlf, ?1r..5) flre:'1r! l+:11.6


r0. 6dM BoroJac'., D., o:0a





l9:(0 .9:(0 l::91 .;:::



il: "ili,,i':til; l*i; :rll -i:ll j.. iiil"l"lj".j;..Ts,,2,t\ E:li


vr]l .A,A.r.0. io--t1- (9: 5.?r, .F" 's o " lnrj 'rlES; PFI:d tDiIA ?IoNlm r !s !-{I Vt-aees. Pa.. daJ, Jie 10- | o Pht1a, ltonodr Ac out3ooroo r' .Lanora ?19 !'1'91" L 6 saual lY0016 J toqsj lo.apl)ea fir;;J; c.,qo tlr;hM!ros] ;;;r ,-; , .-Ar! € 00. 5 IRt\4,ro", cBAlllqs. Yocc{\



o 1 .. ba!.d /ilfMo,a s!a_lu. fou -€cords I€ t. ll :1 "" .e ' ozsc a e, a ror 3n.oJo, rus frrsl 6_ni1€ rtr16 tn ron ,a;s rn ,l1a-o,a. 33:08._, and Pa,:,ar.o_i-o 4-l:o too, Lt€ l--r1c .ln llr:'_.B. Vofu uorFMlon a flle conooll -v1- !-{i -. P -- -ln--n. -'€i,{.-Le:J.:'. o1o. L, : .o f-odKovJ;4-rr r. !:r-.0..' A..o{o oI .o00 , 59,),,?-: a 6-Ut1o- 1, Bob C5& oe s. Dol-/a1 A,{. IJ.-x;2 i''".. -o:;-.)! :. i;s;; rioir.r",!oLso-.o' D.I-Val r.{j 3. Jac\ tu. r, D€-jol 4-J,; ^1:" "ir ' o:r _31 L.-DIok Doro ds. Dd - 9' lt'!,,1s

:;:-. 1"':1" ,,, 3j;s: i"1 '.1;"1: ).1. i,***"i,];Ii\*,1"i: ;:;":f*l?: i-Ar. .i"-1"";;-a;;;;--6";:ia nl" y: e- r i . .: d: i.;j:ff.. :..J.! rrrra-aY" s 5 , esr tc, l,:15.,: 3. L:18.8; "ul a-u, L, nont"y .\s,s,rno .c .;s"o!n. . 3 ro L . or, .or r.n, i". Er'/. 5. ''s!IsD.!6 .Md€A aldo s..r-v l3d_ l. Par o. r'' '. r'i rilt {.4. -ZE B' (";6..s o o ri'n.", rrt."-., iE n'uir nulij rrclt cl,rrl: srcolrt 2. iai liakh, D.1-i/a1 n]!, 15;08,5, l. 'rr

Cdve!, P6m {C, 15132.9; l+. Lou d,, t5:16.5; 5. Dous lno.ls3, Bar)1s_ rs a-r.c, t6:10.8j ,-Lo I!€bs, lbr 1"' -s idr, -,Jno-. sorrr6: :r:L 9:z .0)..t.00od s,chaso_ 1. Pcul ]il Aore , %a ,:-:l=: . rovtn QJtr o-L-,a: Mj ,, A€ . sr6 , DraorrT_ rh63 ;J-st 3- a pdn a'.. !@- ; L. ro 'a"Js €.- o-., I sr! o llnor-l,' BNnott, tloee! ACj 3. JIn ?1ariory, ?rE AC; L sob r'1n6, rLon€€r_ tC. !j'm: l:5L.'..2-tu1. Jalr- 1. Bo m, oB ,.c: -. cFi?r;:.Fetu-.. ; .. ."i ." _tc' -1 ..: Potr { : Itslaadts

rl63i chasterj Fa.. JDe 16- Bob chmb?q-. , oF€. b. "drr-1I. oo. ,. ro. -57 €o. --r r _-lrq € d. p or.-o r0; .L ", "1 tl6 -o L o, l €, "€ ,. o " rr-{'i fho usst :'hoster ,t0 l.d roh trre LaM : o. . t rlol.: ". r. .- , Da -/s r",,. ,o;.j.-qi

.. 0' " Dzo_ ."-.,, ..K0 .r",L. r. r-

:-. , tE odr, to ..otr_ .rS ".;-,' s" ri 91 .-7i r1.. .o,9 ..1.r.51 'o 6- o . ,. o '.1a, d6 " ld; l; \ . 'e.. - s,{ .r I.L I9 .a_r., v-lrl.o 4 ar9 "r O, : .-, !":. ,D "p-op r' ".. "-r_ .f ,1.a^r:1r .r ra, 8.--BL-, vq i t{r+ ---ed -- -e 1 o a, \d.'o"...,: ; ' cac:1 :r1r.ir,c ,a.r " ,-.\n ,.. a" " l . t/,-d .s.€" o.:_0..1._ 6, otiovJJ..,s ttL .. , i :, '.1: 1., t\ .. rl b. E...d i. ,.1. LJ ".1_ e ro l o"n - ."o5 I:..,\ sro L . -. "f't_L

u.:1.6 /r€r '0 o.r, ' oc.!d1:nad oy Mltr - ", ..[;q-Donrr"o s1"..,. ' Proao6'4 _: v qo03 .Do\-; Ya1 A{ '!: 'r. /C 6.

cHAr4?IoxsrTrs d3s1ai Jnno iof sotthsm Fhod€sla stx met !€corcs Terry sulllnan r., 16 a:tact .116 -."o ' 'oday + roll l- jsr , !_3- _B r o- 1-oe.' ,6. pa-k ,ooay a5 rhe !e! yolk a,c. ." ]t:ur. pou€-' squad li.l.I.rr. T&r clAlilloxsnTls, slou ilt1e. -ocore las ,' . 14 rdr s s.D. J n€ r& T!r-a .nf r:ot-.s'tT rloc..ins o :to.b fa "obtn Ltn€10 r s -n orla'lieh.l ,tsr-ai a ao _€ s€'3'cflrJ.6.snls o or t- l\A_ '1 b._3-e. 'tc.oJT € L L:oo. , J " . r:s o. " -o,n"- Uosr Fo'r.:bGirlnd the 1a.t fe{ €r,': st.rnod fron 'm!". .oo-, xrtl'/ lolrrs' j or: ac-".: {"" TJ, b. s aF k s 313 f63 Lo L r. 3€ o-d. 'r rr'Lr :!lo t, L:09,?, +".k odoo !et" n€ Lt3 88 -ya!l rlurG, :!j:.oo.n6, ri. :u!.or 1. . 1,:11.d. @ Lo_dlw na, : o,o -J K"!l" Fr-:_- Co . : 'o' sl., r€"re. rLriL L!s o r; c" €.r. he ta.-;. l:Ille:l rr].. -. u, r.:r'.1:2, r :_ -al ,s.."o.. .r:6..Ia , Tnror.olto Ls F -o sr. ids1 1. flool U:11. I:r hlt; aro {o-J 6...d0',--o " t4-o s's'a. .o: Lha r c66-.r]re rra rr 1 :?9.o, l!: '.c..dBo- 1. ;€ 5-d co 'r. a *. Io,rns,-I st..1:r.lr . rar: 11. lori1s.d t, I r 6,.a.. Jonnilr y l: l.Lr r. Ilrlj1rssor, K-s -eJ:t.. ln.la: !a;-, 1:51.1r'; r+. Maffice aobsdh, Toaas than qn hou! Irter & ron tho 3,ooo-reter south€rn, 1:51.9. {sicl Eteor,lachas6, olf tr hItu€rf, in 9:l!5.2, ?€!€ !:cAio -a o I a 'vAC rolalnod L: s tElSllT scllool:o1 slIs IiILE lallK e1r-n11s t1t16 1n iO:O?.8. '' d ", -{c, I.:0.6 (::e€ l6i o 1e, ck, \.u.. n' - ln7 pr€,lo . 'e D ! L:12.'br JtI"e"c _r, 01 nM8,o n€ t. 3l " 'l !_d \.t. t_ol8 s )ool, .l'lro3, o r r_, wa-. '956)r -. rotr -dd: Yq,l.:18.2r d .\_ s'sr€ ardl" sc\oo rdl€.o! sslo:, l. -600r -:. o./; f6to! toe -. "_. L: .8: 5, oo '" - todat ro l1-,h1lc: "lo +L: T' o-,jas ld kel l \:7. , t_oerd-" \PA. ,.mons cheso- . .DT Kop'r. g_trt2re--:-r'_: ,"b, v!. 9: /.8! ,. a a; o oerclq. 'a .. !'.:07.8r Jo6 : : 5, i 5, ' Ioc'o r ", !--------_n].ac. 10;19,0,. a-ui16s- 1. P6r6 rrdarcl€, zolJ,rrr'Hornnl ,lrxs 5-\,5L! Tmclr RAc! wAc, l.:o?,€j 2:_J64r lrrnsll, \Ync, xoodbury, x.r., s!t,, rtr!6 3- at IYPC, 31:11. ? ?.u. J;;i a" i7 ihl;c1ads !6r,. l0:56,e; l, csce!:,1.oro, rr., , 01 sBA^ e 6r.....o, I r'n: rol-: ,Lr 5, . .r" r1-!, :1? , .12:5u.", !ace ra uors s.mer sron or .. yod suidorly 3-U11o3- 1. na-' 2. J"^hn roptl, NYtc' i€d rU@e.s,-',frl!1! s€;onds ths tlaclr @11+:?.5.6; e _ oooso u'_h ankla E _rlry!', I!:.)1..q, ,, de€!,c.s , ^i r'..1-:03,L. "6s oi , o€ !.rre Lh6 -1rs€rso,a .ono: lons bo' lq:, .e: -Bre. a.t:0.o. 880,..!.? --30, .o-'!:'o.Iot -t'o.sn -o o,-!hau1 BI' doLos of sr5drlct, 1 , : ../r .,. ri" b o,n, 'irp-, :.J,or [. D, y t ,-hM, w! ,1: L. - a ":,1a, ploreor !- o. rno _as. lc! 2-1.1116 Welt- 1. Blfl Omltchol]lo, [Ylq, *1n ln 28:36. Tt:-l:--=. rod "i r. $YAc, 1t: .8r L B.b ror '-;ilo. eoorolia, ?8:i6 '-:16r .3.. cBo Eo l. no- Dsruol, L. s^'1litr, F-nia. rtotr€r. 28:18 -oln r, 6i S Illtnz, nwo', : rom a-. 29:i r, E,o'itr Rois. _. N:rP^, 6:1-.L.. 8tr: . rrrAc '1 : Boo 16,;on. ,.J;e! cr€i,;J a', Jo:ot tr. 5tj l. . 8no ...Bo7. l: 1., I& J. r os.s-. D€_-vaI Arr. rr:28 !oq- sr. o; . ! r'B 1ds & Brr(o lc 3, '_6as 4lrrraron, D€t-v61, tl:fo lEifFotor,fTAtr a-r.Lr. T&F Yonkor3, tr.Y., June 9-

vd., rno :- a.-r 75, \s:] ,, A)ry, o:28.!: ^tuaporls, 2- r6s- _. _crh . oneq, €, xarr.,!ll_gZ-i-€t*.k, l.:'0.0;L r6t'Ii€loJ, \; l, . Stmsoh. N. ^:nv; r. 81ns. N. 1:51+.3. raP;du€. a..!!9-

bl ii'"i o,i-!:,'iii-v"r ,.", ie'-' :t5 9. Eo D.dd. Da_-vaI a-1, .0. B lt Jroish, lJ:Jo al r Troola. !. Ch€st€! A(. JJ:r' ' . Psl.h -1rbei.s, Dal-va1 r4, ,.:cq 11, Brrsn ndllnaton, u@1,, J+:25

r.s. " 1 - InL '

s]\TrY, ricr,tsmc, Iorrxc, mDr rrN

3_!gl!g, Jure 2J!d iL-;


" i ,-e-- -so', ..r!, c1o)-ss6y .laxk -:-":i.i :l:,.! ::-',' 1", il?:;;" lil re.5- :ru" ,"..1 8 rre or' cl;hss:v. Earrrols " -4'Fso' ls t ro A* I d.toni:" i."r'.i ;;"d : ;3:: ""dl:;Jlr;il;.,."' ."-..:;il.ui"lli'"'. ' .rk, qs,b€!s, o€," rsd vor. F e



1'd t -.a !.4, 3 ;. ., cn! r-. -oro break s Bolroo

9:0..a_ I ei, Iot-ssj, (1dk, datb.!r. rc:tb.J_ (sm o!c€,) j.s b€!a' n.Idd. l: :";ii,"'";L:'i:;d r1: ? :+i:;"'. o" r' ,u:-. , loalrE 12:.ltr.0_ 6d o oro--) r. MD-4 ! lbd-e. \d' 2€6r,: :j:-l'l..;":iT a]-3-J0.6

.9':-"c - 9 I.::: .1"'."1111c;" ,:: "e_ "":_ i'r. e,r.an,.a.,6.ano,

- '::i;


t ;;;1,.".,;1..:a.';'""";:'i:e!:

"*r" luH ;'i:,rri-::uPil,i:i :i"_ .:1-r' rrw''r,!0.6'-". e.6'vi';'.-

... =_r tl .. rf rc" .^-,iii tobo, r,,""i.r a 1a". s1. 1.lo I cold '.k6 . - l6 sr€n, rloo, nlldo"n., sarror . . atn s !€ l- !. (d ha"; ;;; 2: o.-- l:€1 "o , 7 dc, u e-, c,,rq-.L a oi__e!o e.orJ', d dd,F@,t tltod o \B . : I€. l:l .B- tar. j.o P 01o.-sbl€ to he. t hao c".. r!oo. c l lo€cd {:14."- -' ;€€, Iac:r-.1- ta-eo, ""c,6 , ( do. c!-r-ec.! a( .Loasr 1r:1< -..ed'. -:0. - l'. e.. ,o rt., r, !ou1d,6o o ,rioo " ,€ r.aiesi :: .0- C Lb. o Idr, ."-aor.6 , lr-t, ror. re dsselr "1, i:.].r-:''no'|''l.'q41..r.o1' .t"c.q :LJ,a- c' .. t, r,5oo. ! ^, ,ooo.r.'^hrss. tum l_o ostablrsoad by rtu-, T!!r,i

ll;ii:i: t!J;:I. .!:-: l- " . :,:. ,,


.:;?. r'

:"::...; ,.:;;,"-

: "

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s"". fi'".: IrtilX;" ,,

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': O.a "s 10 , - s bsc!. outr.ta'16, l:.18. _ .rror. F,slb1,l,, ro,o;_ ,, ,;:52,4^ yous, freFror, irobs, rrrsb_ .:. 10163, fol1ld .. ,.^' ?,0.L €, "r or, ,_a7ho-,arshlEak _: ui 510_ wo s' roru,

: l"::i l:!

:: :. ; -'::;.e;#;.;t:';*',"ryi.St, ;rr "

1;,,;ir; :,


;;+, 1,;;g*=j;9,:i.#in;;,,

I8 ({aTrox.:[ r-{1]

lrtr -



I11 - 60.8 - 2:01.6 - l:06,5 '. Be".Lr, l!:06.0j . o".. |' L:o6. ro?r, l:.7.1; 3. -. DL .) Lrrt:0.1; ;i1.6t 6. ilor ;, h: r.ll,

qr€, * '*d )-o

58.3 - _6B110, B6attr, rors.n, lrelsIsor, !aL1 1:59.7 - Boatty, 3!e11o, \'eislzsr, Dotson, taltos l:00.1 - w€islgor, BcattT, ade11o,

r, Jr' B€a'ri, l: _.o '€q 3 3 -o I .cold rq' b.q he!, .11io., 1 "3 ; . ,': i o. LA c, L. "l-or. Quan-Jc _.. :-3..: , : -l Dot3on. Ka.-sa3.-l: r-5.-J ]u - .


5.3-r4rr,E ?oaD Rnc!

I.r., ru1t 4- 8111 arodr- \ o.'lt Lr €to1, .€..r tron )sr6 or rho lldoL€ a sncl,b :n /B:_1 uoday

e'",1*Ii -"!i;. '".".1"":;":;jlll. cloonprat. to;i or€r rh6


tsad;r t:r€ rila nisk e t:rlshed enoaC ot leo ltcliast6:, gnt,srsltx ot De1a,s6. rums,-uF far .h" iid. nt1""ttc- Colletiat; d1e cimlionsl:l!. d ,j .{rc r -' .e Der'.j"r" -.." ^a re .. . .,1- ..,

6. Ds _/at a{. 2oj j :.,,. o" ;-, . 2': a soru, !4rc, 4:04.5: ?. Br11 corrc1r, I ;"ontng a."i. i;_;,rc" ,a;ra llcl"ir, t+:r:.2; 4:09.2j.9"_]i11-Dan1, n., Jar;tar,-r, .r D.ia,a!o,28:l! !. a. Arr.tB 31 !o a^1. -.. .:1-.-. .,.-.r.ro. S,lo

r-€-. .L6ad'h " tvo I.t. :r..1 -' ' F.. r1na1 1e!, dorn th€ backsttutol at iho ts-errt. ?ac ro .te:3J -r-"t _)6 t; -:.

'ror6s: lrar.



. Bo. - ." :. is", 1o .;; A'. a:i lo:to L rd I -- . -" -r" \d, ro! i6dd, 60r".,,:r" ta.!, 9. 31tZg O. :r Do" D, _/s ^, :15

..r_ ..o . . . sr., ..,t, -. '':, s o .. \, .. J).:oo )a-1 arr- r..rab.:€: ra.e ".. : " _,, B 1'. ,. ""i-' .. ,r_,, ,.r:; : :':- - : :_ L,e : : _ .5: ,,."oii. .o- " ...:1sa.j: ^9-: .-..(-"-u.---

,3 "o.ond . :; t r -,o. arm ot ihe ll-aailc. tlack & f16rc i !To{ noi 1,1L hav€ 1jo ,tck ou: !"de .k "n€ tuo "fo .:1. !.: _: t,. o.r Doo ,bo ". e ,',o hc rr .): 6, .06. " ;.,.r i:o,.6i6s -D-: :"t B-;.6 ' ";, ( € io,ld i:1r1- I. E r'!o ss aihls ! _3.1€"€' €qo :'1, v4,, "o) preso.f=ii6 o L.r oa.o.._1 :oB-F--tr.-: -=9!1.. n"1. l,:7.:, ::"i:. aaa-, a: !i.llj J. roE ''".'ol"r.: r' .,, 6: ,'/., 1: /.b:



* I '


.". l




";Lj :.",, j.: " '-". ?;'i:iTS li::il;l:T:-:::::t:-:j1::L--------- - -,- --, ,.'i"fr;',";li:,"ili of ihe i4olr'r'1tt&D r'xu ovBr .i: ;;"r:.l.",; ;;;-:

ser D16ao, cal1l., Jure


',ar, 2u'2.4. no -t- 5. . a. -6nl{rr ., J, Dra.-i-_.

xoo.€J.s ,.,- o 1: .onps,os rd!o._ ours. re.oro o 0:J8, d rsbllsJoo uo roes ".o r jo: o sbrJ urlh ! "

" ;;;;; ;;il;;.;-_;,;-.;:.";". ;;: -; \ "rl:Y;:"'l,i::.1"r -o ,"'It ll";,",?:?3'.i. @ corrlo-€d" and "rd'.,.:r-y. ' t;; - ;; aDr . das



(rl]orry nr$s n4rRopor,rri\l] ar.u Rrrrl-col]trriurD) tsgn9l, -!Mr..&41es- 1. red F€#d1cr :1 :'ilJ::;:Tii::h#; +',,:,, i:t*-';i:,,:l*;,i+;, -;e, "$#Sl-' :]';:: ,:i"' .t :;l q;t1ffi ;:{';; : ;::; I iii :,', i #;: i# "#:l* ;*i: ;; y:":.ti:""'f I " """.""- :;"_,.i-i::"#ifli,'g.ifl:6t"iilt"


, ci';#":ilf,:;:rii-:i,


l:'Bcj;l; :r" s

+**,"1i*#;.*i5Ji-*iffi,, "i :r":,4:y}+r f; t.*llej;ytji




i:;r;,'lr*i,iii:+;'r;"il'l illa;$'.;iliil[ld!lii:i]l' 43{_9I!!@!E or soE n.s.

"lnhoJ, 22.L4

10. Jonn carlspp. xlllrose [A. 22,);1 11, nlchsd lodts, Bruco !c. 22.1i 12, ;xth€r Hosas. Bruco Tc. ,r,c8 lf. Chdl€s Tulnor, Inttod An. 22.a9 14. Jin Fo1an, ),I1?C, ZI|AA 15. Jahi l.€11y, 2).o.1 16. JIn llcDo@Id! Nyxc, 23:20: 1?. u11! FaFtson, ndtod AA. 2l:J?: 18. l1do Scandurs, Il11ros€ A.t {13t r/otoran) 2J:Je; 1.. ros Ktlts. sAac. 2]:55: 20. Bob Casoy, SABC (2nd Xori.d) 2]:qi! 2t E0rn13 laDfsss, snBc. 22. Russ rtaz, lhlt€d,c-4, 2!:01;2l:57: Don Tbo@soa. nnrted ,\n, (Jrd xollcs)a.l. ta!. y;n sbelo, o'rttod ,.{, 2[:18r2!:a7 25. nichud BocLf!, unlt6d la, 2]r.25: 26. r,oslrd BoEre, vnttad,{.a, 2]r:J5: 2?. B L caseyBluco Tc, 2l+:j6! 28. Cio!@ Eoolhan. ' 2l+.lr7l 29. s,€vo REsoil. uh1t6d ,x, 24: l+9; 10. caslss r,okry.rirtr@r., 25:04; fI. rolE Mobtaho. }fJPc. 25:17; 12. Ira* I,oxls, orttod Aa, 25.21! rr. abo r.sa, @t.r 25:39: JIL Bl1I su_ fo!d, Ehlt.d M, 25t43r 35. DauR uet!.dl. B!u.. lc, 5:lt1+; J6. F!a* ,,rodo.. J!,. unlt.it 14. 25:!8: 3?. Ron Blorlnlion. !di.d Ar, 6:!9; J8. Ksr sr.h;!. iyrc. 26:01i Eury utlIros. ;|A { 2;r v.t.r@)39.26:23; l!0.rpbr. sin6! st.!Il!s ItI, uat,, 2?:12; 1+1. B11l Srotn !. r411hoE6 -i,t (lrd v€tsra!) 2?:21! !2. John colulry. NYPC, 27:11; ld. ta!1 R.y.3. !Dl!.d l-A. -27:l+6r l+4. G.ors. nosak, vlirod lo:1r: 45. rory Bl11ota, NYrc, 12:50. ^r. dif- lan Zano, Bruco TC.


Juo 21, 1962 at x6{ c4Daan B1En school lleld (hoh & hEeY)-- 6-]4118s-:1, Ray ;ff 3lT:'^::tS .;ti3:i 6F.ir"TiiiJ.

& wolrd

rul} f- I,r!!tln ]iynd. z), La1zro rabori, 11. 9- tr1 taEonco,6-l2- 10Ihlf C01otrd, 11, tt- xsn ]{o!!1g- tI. 12- lon crFoll, el, 19- h€d D;oi"_ 11. 2r- Jlb Baller, Jl. 28- r,.. i1s;!Tho N6r Aolrh walos l4dathon

cb@lo!zfrd tu$ 1962 - Vloatbor: !ft1d 52 stutelr, 22 flhrsbo$ (1:lo !.4) 1. Dav€ Potr!,2:23.19;2. Bot Tebt.cock. 2:29:O[: ]. Co1lD pa?ktnc_ 2:2q:12; 4. r!lth olr,.!oeha!, 2:11:A 5. E flu!1son, 2:12:59: 6. s. chorltan, 2:rr59t 7. R. ucEl@y,2:39:oo d. r. Molltss.y,2:l+0:l5j 9. alby Thoros, 2:ll2:.11; 10. K, Taflo!. 2:l!. 12. iac€ llotos- T11o oront nas;E;i tld tosts Jo! th€ Mdatho! t€d to !€lxosebt ,{trBtralia at tho cdmonreeLth Ga63 at ?o!th 1n Novonbolr th. oth6! tsst vtl1 b6 th6 Aurt!,ftd t1t1o iac€ to tro h€1d h porth on nleust Llth..star chollton l€d to th. 1dt, ni16 trron fdaod as ho did lasr yoar Bt alnort th. dmo !ra.o..Dar. badlf, b1lst6red f66tfi6 also lan a llttl,€ off cotrrs6 & thls uas apper€ntly lEt 6nourh to rob hth of Australls t€st ttx6 honor6 {0116raGha! 2t22:lr2).,I,ash yoals dldrer E8ss€ll droppsd out at 1?in1F.. r{€ ne?ar 5t ar$ t1re aopoa!€d to b. a Uteat & s6€nod to bo ro1! bolor l1i4 u3ua1 forn lbest 2:ll:00)..,%nry n*rison (Un1r€rsltw r0.00oh X-Coutn ohdillon) tud n.ls frrsr bly Et t!. 20..llby Thohas. tn hls s€clnd stfdlr at t\6 d18tm6. lae sh1p, Botery, N.s.lt,, Lutlafia


b: r":s 1:r;'ne ::;;: ii'0.;1 ' ;.r'-:l ::3:' #S:f,: "l': '1;;' '3'lii':"1 '0i" r;.: ;:-";""'.;" ::";:1,:."'*;;:,$:::: d" :u:'l;:"' :;,;it ;oaos. a oo, ir,!'";.iii. "" ;i ;.'" -i.-: ;i"t.ii"9:',,.' "::;".1 *-. 1?: fll 3"i" d1."|"-:'*iht" :3ii':':i'::;',:,1P-" |;lii,.,'l'""jf 1:L_._: cldk, l:,8:r'. r& . b, cora' r3, q_4.. '. L; a e ' 'ir':", lili:l."ir:: e. i";;'": ;:5:l:,"r:";: :l:Lr r'61-opo'"d-.'i - .;;;;:"' i]1=,ir]'",,!1"'i,':.i.i,::i-3 *,q:,, ''asi tr.:"if:Sl.'fl" ::ii.:: ?--s.s. _1:0 'r:" 2159 0 :1 ",": " -: :::l:':. !:';;; :.,"i;''lj"i: ;;l;.'"' ;:,.1;) """i1:. *:;i.";;:: :; e:,;, :-1":'::";:a.";"':, #:r a o fa i:""I"";;l liili,l :- " " :, ':.. "honse, .r 'r.o ':1 i:. ': ,ll)' . i:ff; L; 1,,,;::".:"i'3::,Tl':;'::' h:l j, :";: H1':: .: ii... : "' i;,11., ,.!,";l';:"'"; !:







:f.Jtndnli !r[, Eslanaz.o, at ]c rFr- 1. E cet lo!s, uE., I:5:2



Ila:1. !oFs,

j:ja.3\94.1 lt r, r ): :. c"rr 161? -. -:. ,.o ): , ilii -. i!l.:.6,-. .f !lii"i.lJ: l.*..i:i-i.:i '. ji",j;;i ::" . " . ir ,:r.,-ri3ll'l: 3oo:ri-r3oo"Li a.o o ".1 ./: o. .t, :rr.,a.-. 1 :1q.^d,.:.", ts' s". ^.. ,:,..-..:.:l:gPo\.

;-ooclltr 3c- 1. Jo4os, ncrc, 9:1r, [;-z:E;i!aH, 1,rr,' :]c.5. ill!.ll:ov.!- Eol.1rs Tc 5itr :ciA lL{c!{ TMn} VJ dora, ra.l r€a ?6- I1lllnori :lsYir€ tust :r rtl o.or r'1"-!10ns t. tav tlsn |o .i thoE i b.!id , b r.liinn uI"" |% I 1n_3-on'nsn od Iuto llll.tt ." e:i'aet€d 8Co0 f@ sid1l!6 ai rl1:rluoaa StaniM, Il :!€ s:d1os He!€ a ttttl€ nr.!.I-"r :,ba. Bus1, l: tas nes!1cad iha ^.!sa:b! h.tusJlt€sindftIdta1 lEaat:r nlth fosri-1e' dd Jeiftd !.ronl re:{oE.I e l0-T6d-o1d. irtoJolt-ts.ll sl1v6r chdllo$ht! raiN ro toaet aair ttturu vr11e lho ]Erd6s t-ro!!3n€ Vl11d6ea horD lss Junlor lat Trarnor. EL110tt errqt. do bad to talk rldoubl€" lnto ;11ovlq n :o ln.:€ ndre & blB Irooo ri€6?a€c]las€. !hon, sft€! 'tMlrg tE€ dobsror Prt hid to@b rac€5. rh€-4s!-It-:( cortinuoLl noxt pa. )

a c1o3c aecond-!f,ade-ttnlsh bebtrd Iransr s r"blrr ]rullin la tho &lb ed a Get-rodord 9:19.1 st6o!16ohas€ rlctoly--add€a ur to a hi!6-!olnt €trolt srerJbodt €ic6!t lralnor. "T voiod 10 rolnts." ssld ?at. E nleht lav6 had tn6n If not tor a ba4 €ros6 tn th6 ntle. Ee 1ot l4utr11D of tho last !a3e n1n on tio beckstretch lap, 6xr1a:.r1nG, riT tt]ouEhlt I could outkl.} ]]in. ' so tnnDEtt nrons, 1b111., lho rrequ€n t Trry.o! do th€ honols rlts r,tn6. lat kt11od orf nost ot tlr€ olposli1.n rtth d 59.1, 2:42,5,3:06.1 pec€. !he! th6 ftororr6 bog4 nhtlo tho croud ro4ed and lllllin- rl@iu th1!4. Eatchad, Post.n cortc;o's lalry-Redson .ball€naod fo! F lead 6ar1y in th€ 8u 1a!, As tb€y raced doud iho tFa, EadBon a ?rsJno! orchanred a sorteE of "I donri thlrli t\at nut lq chucde,rl sald ?at 1at6r. rlf srtblirE, It thTrayno! noodea all tlre lFlllatlon h6 coulil flnil aft6r IIul1tn & Ra{6on daEhod le3t hl$ oD th€ bacl$tctcb- lat lsLltod to ov€rheul Raxsdn, but fel1 fou yards oholt of cqtchhg [bU1n, qhos€ 4:06.4 clo.kt s c1lplod tu$ thd a se.onil fron Ro! t61a!9tB foEy5d-old reet !€cordr Tretror s15o b!ol@ Del4ht's nark rtth a lorsona! coora€tMts Jor'n nel11y pas@d ut a oh@6 for o Ud0-n11o doulrt6, concoltratt!€ or th€ sbort€! r6cs, rhlcl1 he hon ln 1:49.1. Rellly ldclFd last Nordhdrd lYdL Tmo o4 th€ backgtatch ol th€ last lap sd br6€z€d to a 10-tdd vtctoly. Corell.-abl€ d'tr5 was paokod llto b.rks o_ th6 tlfeo-n116 @ as vjUarcvar€ Vt. Zvola!. corD6tfi:a ror th6 rr-qt tt@ Elnos an edlyse4o! Ioot tlJ rJ. lod P€f St41er, Cq:'J lloj.ll@ tilth li r8ps . Bo, _!odon tl6 backshrotch, t!y1!a i6 qxato t]6 2?-y€d-ord E!A'Jshmn. }lhdn {or€- rojlsao to foId, Ztro.kk res tbouch. fh€ Pom Staro sru olec€C up a hra- loed & zsol8-k bad al1 16 coqq d. to 'ln'sb tIe racor Ej.trd.lle up foatb as !!1setoDr6 Roo Zvir%r End I6sDt\orE Pat Halsh rud€ u! hu8o doPIClB hln'r rr- 'ast tEL :116. {oro "lo.\ed +rro J_ 4:m,2, slo{ed doh r. .ftrder€lly lBst l.t ro iDoctr .or rccord; 3 h.6t h13 hop€s ''_I Zro 5k J-ad s. r b€6r !rr5 ae t l1,r* q ", 5"td:f..@-. .'Le r

3l r. fi4k xu.lltn, Fqndd, Ir:06,1r 4]9( ol-d reot burq nuL lr!o?.8 hlot.b by lr!o?:8 br RoED;lry. bY Roh D;i;;l Rob D61ffi1;1d I;Id vtlanor8, Vtlanor8, 1958); 2. Pat rraybor. rrayborr vtllavtLL @va, 4,06.9r I,ary RarsoE, RarsoE, Bosto! 4,06.91 f. I,alry co11636, 4:97.1i co11osd, w611s w6114. l+:07.1; 4, M;!t t!a!k uarTcry E!rpe!, r&r.yla!d, 5. lea, 4:o6.Ur 6. M, syra.Eo: FelAurA9, 4:09.6; rad soctloD 1. Edt;'Pdnc6t.n; 2. cdp€aterr sJ; l. HlEhen, Ils; !- AE6 lire, Vl1lqda)..80o- 1. Jobn Rol1!v. G€o'aetom, r:[9.J-T55.2 lst q@!t6!): 2. IYad: T@o, rddhd, 1:50.6, 3. Du shodrtck, Fordhd, 1:50,5; lr. Art th€orff, Bo8to, U., 1:51.11 5. trck sElth, UarylMd, 1:51.1+; 6. Urdt


i:*:li*"i'?1ik#5.i i#ifi "''

@et lecold 9125.1 by T?ardo!, 1961); 2. &r B!o@, ]lYtr, 9:116.9, J. st6v6 lldoliDad, r€d state, 9:50.!j lr" Bo! llack, Y61or 5. Dor 0'Co@r. !'o!dlla l-1t116- 1. Csrald llorrllla !€u Stat6. Itr;E-p (r,roms !e ror i r€u In rh; noyal .1t! to!c6 tn Eob€ ltin8 rh6!o h6 f6€10 he dov€lorEd a lDt); 2. noa


$lncetorr, 1!:25.8; l. ?at

$iii!*4$ril" r"F"r.i;:, : ]li"?illf; {Paco: L:1h.1 nom & lflck. "f 9:29.2 zrol.k). r;m: vrl]eowa l+c*; Y 6 d+

;#;;;il;;;;;;il;;;-il;2-l:t1os- 1. B!dn. ES. ontR€d iod,ro .-a, l:16.2 (llattl ll.S. Roao!a).-14t1€1, hrobnor, Nolth lu8om, Or6so!,4:11.2; 2. notu, su Altonto, Te#,

4:11.5,.dto--1. letreau.1t, flsrtfold, vfnl{

iloRGAt{ vIctcR In u1]!,E{mox IGLE tbi.€Lo4 D€1., Jl@ 2r- Vo!tuD lto!. 6u of t\o D61rvs€ Valley At {on tho o8raed dlo €wnt ln Lho t1!6+ oI a soltoE ot Dola@ dovolo@.nt t3cf, reo-r toEtght at Bay@d ^-{o slaitt@! o-Aab,. -orcn U-sjnE cotlos. at br€, L-12.9 Frfo!)Moo to vlp. out Vl.r! y6a!-o1d @€t loc.Fit bJ d f111 Eocdrd. zrotsk. a tmo! Salo6la@ srua6lt da odi Dolard€d rr tho nl-16 o@ p€ttrio!, {d cld^kod h L:!r.L- alrt Kdv,n eutnn. also lop€sdnrtq D€1-VaI thtld 1; !:a,6. rlsd sxafuon. D.td u@ T&F.Iub flrlsqed !oa,h In ll:11. eac€: 61.0. \o!ad, ?:0b Morad, 3:r1 z\o- 3rr (r,{o!8u !s 56soo rrGl utor rljs {eE Mo.gu's fr"sl ove! zuolak tn f.L@ .6css. Tls"'cto!y !a_e sas due !o r"rab !u iIJ

oF'onr ,tlrr cemcra.E BIAT conslll


Lo!do., Jus 13- Ilso r€cords {6re 0s-

tahlish€d at th6 h-lt6 Cttt tlack as 11e -.-orsd o*Iold-cvbr'd€6 i6d d6rearcc -\o b€ r of orhoL' & PB-r'n

flrtsled sodond & 8:00.8 for s1€sle]fus, ol €ast GernsY, thtld. Jomr sr'drn ( @) 1.r s cofiF-qnls ' TLLRATEoII



rbsn. sou' !r-r'ca, llax l0- 1q6 -doI t o corrriad uo rDr ths srd, 'erq _ s l, 're'Io.d €ol. ao -nq '"dj radss lsJs Ln r _u o! orolo !s, n! ro t€r', - 1 oC Uho 1'Fro (o-Mr.zbug. nrse ,.o .,lsr .gDDbM !..to-.03 onl, ^o ..ed. dtoa r-, n".-|]J, 3 sL€adt qll oC Lr ! 'tori6s rv-- eot bl Lh€ .o cllnb -no es ,i0 o€.j -".11toxfdd-Csbddad atht€tes. Id.la61 tha road lndldatod but eren thts s6.tton !,!11o elj prt o' ta Tu!F!, o".db!1d;o, b€tuo)od Lh6 . 1d-rg I- 'l o tro- -..do--B, Ahro. .sd" 11 !n-Iand. r d/ sl+f s !: f. o o.c. ,lre ltsjr o -h" ra t!3t flt und6n dl i6. nllo !n, . - Brltel' qrs 1a!3: 6..8, 66,6, 6 ,', 61.\, '3.0. a, .c. !-.a o.ruqls .. ano sd6 2,000 69,6, 6e.6, L).2, r!r B"'aulr, cdbrtdE€. lacked cds o .o,6d r o e.o, r.i'1€ las rt8ht b€h1nd Turner' dtopped olt ltrousr.as or s!€ctatols linod tlo rout6. Just h6lor€ 1t n1loe vh€n he f61t txltges |ron t!€ strt t]]6 South -!.llicds! tn hts calf. :&do1 dd lltklrld warulr oeatl, 'ubcldea, aoa L-0 "'11o Jaddo Matlor, ,itrltz p3.3 d onlJ -o Bu I.b lr:oL.6 ro ooL ar "6 rsr\ 'o. -\. -d. - €rp-od o ol. '-o c..: r''; Aulo-.ie- -sn.art63. Da! d !_ r'n€, t)s oaoo Lo1d, lo$oid_ , & 'sbrrdp., Iod r"'o- ds rs '€ a !a 's o s loo"a ;r tO nll€s o R.6.^. -. rtr € and Hea-^ volEh a 61,7 1ar-6 1d :05 u; .Jnl c rho . . -.a-'., halr. but o r'o thl"d 1a! "oat" bade :o 1 , u6 o ':tn '"3 . s;ieirlo o 'douolL -o "rs o?!o-€-ts. Fe r'ppod .o; -i1!'. 1r a laad aI -_ LJ last ' o 061l l l:06, - cad as rap o- 3 5o o-d half o" 1:.0.6: j 03 6 L ei€d nu 1o , rri€ lr b6 c (omo s lran. 3 snt. i :5_.- drJo ar fae|T o 5-.5 ),58. {lthdr€x becaueo ot an a.ne i.JuY, tE ondous onetion tron tho cro,d ai tb o Th€ doll-o L1 toathor tro roldod fln!3. . -d , /:07.0b !ho-e lroead ondu. 16 to 6ood ldn olru o . tr"- & l, .o:t[ I (-ec)r o!30 r".o d L vr!a- l. IIML saLb, m, !:o.6 hal r '. l"s 1. I os. to'B LrrslE >:51016 s rool,a. colnol . li:10.6r J. "o o' ro'_t\ leco R6 slbge!, € ri, :IJ.o: 5, DsY 'o -1 'B0L.At66 h| {'r retbr au. L:2..9.."80o' 0 Ior-o-, orfo o, I:-L. i e" : o-, r o s. s !f \:t),);''t. l:lcnaol "o5;i, ga.";ssr . 16T. 2:00.2. radlt Io- i'€ a (1r. l Ltn c€eo'":'). 8:51. .ss s. r, l" iMlt6s- l. !u^ra;1 illnor. 7i;;f-r 2. p", L.J€s.ondorc, ao,noi1. oit,.8: .oo br 3. T-" troubt. Co!r61r, the balls off 9:ljr.0. 3. Jses Byard,

;;;;;il;-il;;l:; iitr;",":H!'"11ii ii":'!ir:":pf ;;;il;;ffi-;ffi ir Brmri€r m, !'"-ad, JDo.1b- rho '9*: .1'"r";":

=. c.rno11-Pod traok toM l€f€6t€d s Birnibsrr* rnio.t"rty-r.,alttotoush collo6e squad; 6-7, d"i"'a.y'r" a_tu;t d;cleod d th'j fi;a1 o" cornoll. se! a .e.. ror'.r.s B -.l neiM lntrs-sl:. -r"L { n,"o_.j,o -)a ln o:-c.0. nlM 'Gil"j!.€r.r"i"."i'- o|orrei ,o: r. -l1o yros r' lr:1o.o. :€ lur by 50j5i.r. s8o ;






$alsh' s'uth lrrlcdr erost3' 1. rorn c snitr, Frc, -eneb!d, 5'57' c' c5i 2. rrokis 116lrre!' RF . As ad' .,b .o | '. Fo : €-,'€mi3ton : -:03: \. . 3 ', 1d,^"r , rn6. : n 6:0b: .:r0:loj 6. . ( s o. c€t.rjsr - c. 5:J0:1.": ? r'_i : rr: l; 8. :rrL'ro '6v- q ..ta::

i'l;'.i ;.i..'ii;:";''I 3;'I:"'::

],rdsa,, run6 17- FloAoh sts M1"rrr ftzy ;;;;;;-;;;;i;;;;";;-;;;"B flnel bulst of 5!6€C sunisX c@e d! 8: .o or l00o' " B 't-:aJ' 'lMc€ J6 loo. -; rh 'Itb 3o - hls cd". li""",J;l s € of ! ! lr'/-_-lorlarr o' Po1b:00.! ro" /az'ss s, h /sz orleL, oC "o uq a-


lr. r"!

ua,, rr:rp; r". nrcoa *cr't.y., - _. c€ssrdr, or, !n,r€o A,t. 1-:LJr t?. c!6a 8111, ao.3 ' t lrypc, -7:llj ld, Bob dslcD*r tffpc. h€ld th€lr f.ut\.Fual sum€! s€rtes .f u:55, 19. Ed B4d5, trrdi6d aA, u,97, ''a'" dord t\o C ovo 1r€ ' : . )0, Ron E-Bolllsrdn, U.lL6d r-A, t7:59: )1. B ll cr6c€r, vrr1!os6 A1, 18:05; 6r I'ooc, rApr..n n- L a .\lor Torl, rr. Ra1!h DoB15sl. saEc, r8:0?! al. 'oro-r ' br :6! .se .€c "d.nLl. , rs,l! .{oToo, Dnrtoit IA, l3:1Li &. o oo€ John V.-gsa, lnJroo Aa, I8:to; 25, o. "a- at Jo-.!_ -!d! t6!ts, Unlroo A-a, I8:.9. (!z o- 3 B n- c r6.1t crD'hed Ju.lor liatlonal 20 r11o chs!, stut6r6 a ti!16ho!6. ) T64: 1. Bluco -- 20j 2. UnlLod rA 55j .1. St. Anth. BC ih frcnt or the lutur-utJ 8111 scl!"t 6lt 4. Ml11!os€ -{,{ 72. .t I1 o Ll le1l, r-Lrc, .L]-:47; -!.uaust. l{cardlo dlocl@d 1h:40 fo! hIs i-e.o!d ; 2. B'ir . s"Disb; SL. \' Ll'ony.s B.C., rumers. 15.9: 6. Ma.r cbii.rs. 3 15:r,i /. ;€orP€ B"om. r5:'8: 8. Rrcht-d v6r r s rrciory o dw€rDL ioi i0! 3 €o ';!, oa f€o!€r. gar rartac 9. ^ra!:i:H-*;,'. g::.:"":.*r't i".:1:"!".i3f'T, -'9: 'f

.i; "i'


h,,cs'1C. .c€ rc.

,Y,{', i5:lll; ,rltro ydEs.

l:i.e:.sj' ei_r'i.illy,;ji'6,"ii;.s; i:.'oii'sr,*_""-,. r:r,- f i"ifi,L"i#i"51'rf;3,1r,*:,5i;. :-:.1i.-1-! i'i:. ::liJr!ll-Tl,l, a ":f'"j '""' i€ra! r€ore. lnllod..r-a. 16:06: 16. ru;.':


-ee!. rrc!,c ,p!, irrPc,

dor 10 red3 o. aso. ih. ,.rA:r€ !'tn€ € '_€i€ a spoclal loe tlolhr lhloh ra6 lon 'ss W Llr6 Br.ca Tra.ri'-b lsoes 1s rbolr rj Lra b0,sr bur d flre

L6:oB; .7.


i,"ila.-wii.'rliiri-isl tui'H;ii.. o^oc, 16:2-; c€T r&rrlh, 20.




Bi.o; ic:

r6:.to; 2J, Johr K.1,1:?, M,1rros6 ,{-{, 0," ; zl. ru" ..-=;,N.,rc, .r6:a9;,25. .'*" B 11 a,roy. Br'o ro,ri; :19!1 9.:" L ll 4" reda s. \roLft,. i:, lros6 {1: 'ci -?:bj: 27. !-1/€s.'"^;:9 flsq 'o. Bob 13t Race.(1 P.l,L'votelar- oror ll; d-6y, d- co .-, 17: t! 28. Jotu c,r6-Y 16o (r-ro l--rro laps' lopp, l4ulroso j$, 1?:1?; F. John rB ,.os€ AA, r?:J? 16:0 s €-.€!. rC. 17:29r Jo. !o!b {a?l.,, ,}do Sosdrra, trlko o, de, St. anrhonrts 8C.19:0!.18:19a!!o, -!, anr\. BC, I.t?1i )t, Ca.. J, Edry rpts, uiIIloB€ AA, 19,15 40:02 (oc}nan, rl],!o.e ,tl. t7:l6r j2. uu8o va11o, st. anth, Bc, u:39i 4. fft1t Patarv, st. rhtb. 3c, 20:06 !-1:53 r2:06 J). Dsr €! Bru, s/B(, 17:l+6; .i4, 5. crs nott.akos, cIsd st.3oy3,?0:A .1.7. Jr. "has, 6. Joo Xollo!, st. Inhhont's B',20:, l.C:27 Don I'ndas, .A-B", '1trt 7. .d1 Zayss, unsttachoa, 21:Ln 4U:01 Il*, l)o .c aJ" Ar, )6, 4ttr 8. orluoo Da t6, rhslrschod, 21,:lr0 51.:oL d :con, -l.ao A}. r8:06! r?. BJ 1 Ard aaco (p p.!,tr Junrols (udsr '9. .J-rrtsscotre, staron Island. 1 :r1i lq. Jlr 1, sr6?6 %-rrs, cfi", t5:2J: !e! phltlips. wlecrne. NYIC. 1": 6: '9. Jh Grogs, : ;. i is+;: e;]i,:;i:1";rlrJi,:f ::li;r;",- :i::'l:ll5 .e: 4, ..2. c ",.-s llrEg'.6. rrrc. ;i;;::;'B"l;;'ii,-:i;i5;';.-;.;: 1''l?r LJ: P-10 Jhcrh. saB:, r!:LJi 7. !.t;; eruce rc3!-is I(. 10:20: +lL llir r : : 8. Ralrh ablonalr;.-d6. /u:u: qb re_bd Bi' -hrad;r. rr.L'!os6 9. ro. .r'--.nr;,-!;:'';:..s:-l-;,1,;-ii ^r. -o::l: e.;lr" ,,r'1 ". 1]".6o A,1, -:0. -:l:-':-:---taufqss, . cBc. ?:03! ./. Bob srrrs, nr!6d-:-:--_---::--:---------_ N\, 'It4: t), I'd/ .solon3.r, ur .60 ar, ler3 5-a o.1';,.; .I. a; as",. un,.. 1';).: 15. ]:fld ;-lnrn ++i+ .'::



j: ;




,ru D61axa!s T&Fj

3. BltL Grsdn!1at6, Dsl-Vaf r.{; 4. Bob r,d{so!, 20 rlaoll8mi JTr]roF IxTroIAt & oPEti nu Binshetoh, I.Y., r[s 2\' 1942 1:09:08.2 1. Frod xolrls, DAt-, 2. oscd Uooro, lfl?c, 1:o5:29115t J!.)

L Robort llutln, Frllton oC, 1:nd:4d lL Ed Duroan, Eoston ,1n, 1:o€:56 5. nDss Eraro, Fdllton OC,1:09:10 6, Bob Chet€rs, Do1-Vat !A 1:10:15 7. J1n 0rCoE€11. 8, BI11 wolsh- MlLlrose ,1{. 1:1.0:30 1:10:ll 9, C.1€nM Moon€y, NYrrC, 10. Rtchald Ish1st, qoch,.st€! rC, 1:11:01 1r, Jobn l.n€, si. nith. 3c,1:11:54 12, Rlcbdd Vehlo{, xatc, 1:12:1? 11. A1 setgal, Sldtd 1C, l:11:02 4. nldo scanturra, r11.14,1:11:17 15. Aolnt€ !6€tuf,, IYAC, 1:13:29

16. .Aualst xrnic!6, l4U1. nA,1: Ll : l ? 17, Bob osbo!n6, 18, J.br r.11X, Mlllroso AA,1:!3:ir6 1:13:5ll 1,9. D1r;, ClapD. rY?c, 2c, tlck ?&cl!a!d, 3o3ton aarl:14:01 21. Jii Cru.111, :A{c, :-. tob n':chacr, caadqr 1:14:?1 2:. ial crctLer, cct , 1:14::it 24. ]rnc l4a!th, ljYAC, 1:4:q.] ?i, :11 trat.r, Irnl1t.n oCJ 1:15:li 24. J€!b ]lararlo) St.ar:th., 1;15::r: 27. -nrot.r scs-q, SEacr9e CC; 2U, Dldlr itay, ;:.ra.E€ alLd!:c C:r!bi 29. fi..1t l.!a6!, st. :irlsro]rh€ris crj lo. rrar. n.oitoD, Eldotrlc 3oat xaj 11. t.r1 idtltor acr lJ. non lboadr: irsriit.r tc: G1€r co1€, r',rr n1ern, J4. jrd6ntc!'n rcj lr, lon s-oqk..-.rs.rnt-fi rc: l?. Noi fdriandsr. s!a!ta! -'!c: la. I)tck l,anFnan, 5t, Clristoahor's ccj 19, iay K!os3i€!, Ii6:-ve1 rrrL; itc. ltk !uzz!!ii, :i- Cnrlstolheris Cl: ljr, rat ?ast:!k, taf,(Ci !2.n1 !.hdber1tn, cdld Fr..r.. t.r.; !J- sh€tuan rsrker, lochee:e! lci l!r. tlko orlala. st, Inth.lrr3 BC: l!5, ilcbard l4osotoy, 3larta! ,ic; 1r6, 1b6 roGs, ].Y?C, l+7. r,rirft3t Jrrertda., rJocj !4. rrnle 9!lsgs,_sJ'aou!s-."i l+9, %te r.oc i.rr!1. 8rU c5sr1s, riria.j q;. ir,'rdo !ocker, Un.lbod /tx; 51. Dt€tor E: rena_ -t, ,tnth. !c! 54. valt oci i5. r-1ck AuAe€!1, St. Chrl3tolr.r,r cCj !6- Blrl sFredor, l'1l13ls! !!, 5?. Trr! Bdas, caF d..tod TCj ;4, r:r iatl]1Ms, I1!c: 59. At*t Nolicn, st. lbllstotherrs cC; 60. Par 9o1o7, !.{lIj.ross A]t; 61, c€Drso xoch!d, Mt11!o!. Atr; 62. .tte {ssa, Eat.; 6-1, sld Srlrb, Sr. -Anth. 6c; 6!. Dick Don.ir., D€1-Ve1 AAj 64, c1lfl D" oca,

oardonto{4 TC; 66. loD st@t€}, oddsn

toM rcj 67. rsrrT s4rth, 68. uil1lm E1s, rocllcat€r Tc; 6c. lll]}lm !ro!ton, Eralcott ac, 70. Doc lroodluff, lndtcott nc; 71. l.Jit1ld lold6, Rochegts! TC; ?2. B6n lralkag tsn. Mlllrose r4j 71. Dlc]l tohlson, 7lr. A! Ilazzdolli, Roch. !C; ?5. J.e rlolLsr, i11!osa A4; 76. €ndJioit c;71. Be.t r16ptrn, _ro.lFiicr Icj i:. sonrT treen !b.rcott Acr iq. r.rn Izz., Dret,; rcj b2, Jo€ lt.i.by, st. rlnth. Bc, (96 starr€xs, 8l+ fiJdsh6rsl :{st10:a1 ft, Teard: 1. nmilton cLrrrlc ctub & xsr rorr. !c, 13 (c16: 6ven ti€16. Tht3 cosi ll c tn€ t6d :!rr!os€ r-{, 67; st. .nrtst.!herts ccr 7dr Roclesie" Trl. th. I,IIDDI,E aTarlx ric ri{: ollliplc !]'t€!oFI4EM?.!, ]!orday. Jl.tJ 9tr, ldtrm !.s r1a:r,d. Phl.la.. ?a.- Mlls gdcaDr. r.o rEL6f,, rlr toelFi-vAr M, 2. +l€a iirars {15 rtu) D614:21.9; j. ve:l ,ir',j I,ol Esrck, (rl|0 y.lsl, ?€c !!d r^rntto, ri11a. ?1.4.rr !C Lil9tC; :, lcb lan,sorj [.st aresi.r -j.c. L:1r.].0".t4tte wa1li1. Bob r.1m, ?€;! ac, 0:oe3l_-_ds1 f.rr, ?rcj l. .(1or Pro?en, Frrc. 2-111. n:lav- 1. a1-.Std. ,aoIf6.. .,/erd)

rrorla, "ritte,

d:17" 0.

j-rIlIoR l r.l:IJlJ-s1 r{1J T&F C}rArlrrOnS;EfS ime :o. 1962 ai ro!6id !1e1d, j.iri:ILI.


- .-ltl-los- 1. wh. tnoridd;3o | !1. o rotr Greaolt, i.2B)j Z, r/r_llJ fuer,iher, lldsrat€x lcj j. Ron Tasket, lfoj 4. ,Ioo R.$6. rOC: t, ,S1 F.Jf. BOC! 6, l,.u aastaAnorr, d:., ]1lft! s-rrt!€, UC,.Ut16- L. T.n !odda. lTC. i!:j3.?: ,. IrG rd61G, Bo.; t. rin;r rorr;son! Tlcj ir. Da"o ?!trl.k,:0cj 5. c6nblaL J6reer !C,.l,ooon Sic]€s€- 1. irre! !ocor.j o1d re.old 9:4..5 by G€o!a6 Dec€orr e, ,L! ' 1n loj3); 2. Bq-to! B.!:Thill, loo, l. liesl€f, He!Guodhe!, ?fcj 5. IJRtre El}sloe, TTC; 6. Ro {6 lruqrtr}t, !0c. {Io tai€r Jurt rholtrd€d in il{s rade. Tnero !a3, hoqdv€!, ih€ lequlrcd nmbor or j!t!s sd th€ tradlr was a taicr jur! si1 tl! {at aloEd llon tho hoet rein. ) Enzz sa.'',a", ira:




+e.4€-6rue I _: & \rEb

. qIrl. cLr lis, Bo , llr: _. ; -;;;; ii,lq_L ; r;'; ) F-;^ R.;r . n.. :j";;, :;.;i;



:.. ; . ;b:.i;'; i;-i;.;'.., !an. 'J .r 5. e: _. ,"ro r,"i, P , o,. n_rJor':, ..e€o- nd.e c. ,'1.=, 2. *" _1"*". "_: ""' cleo Boc: Jtn l1am6rT, ?€N rc; u. 3. rairr, orq -r c; . .- o;reo, n j 6. Ta;,!ar. orE.re; !irtr"",u cic.' u_:,1" D,\_ 1. qo, ! :/, o .1-I!,_. ;;.:-; 6;-.:-;i: ;: -fr. -., dli wl.L, 6 ury ; I..;-o_.Ca_l.ot1, -oLr., a. c--oJ o-.";'r c; . J.o (cj o. t o ":r_o!. .-". o. -.,'-," ?i, . ; -: Bt _ :? . ::"ri J..;;ii:;-'3' . -/-i : ... " ' b, llrj . tt6a,6 outr :-recr! clul] oi Ueyms;dg,_ pa,, & peM,{c, ' !:ri 9. ori.lo lr;crr clui'or i;1thor. &'





- *;:-;--._-. ;;--;'r;"--;:---::-;:.--IET; CL1ffS l/rr,ls 10,000i. !t!rl; chrc6Eo, !4j ?6- Lof,o1a.lnrre:sttx, antlstanc€ n€4:ref, !61af, dn a &mI!r^a-o *indy o - ?. .1 -'

-" : ?l :::i !, : _ihriers

rir or criicarc rraclr c1;t;a-" znd


.6rdrry foroofil

' rL€B to vrt_drat fr@

I -!hrv 0{ L arrlr 20 rrlorE -n uM,r. r-old :' f'-" rarv lcaso, Jllttu'o !r J' 196' 1"s dlod3 )h clnlshod. !:?;:';*":"i:iH",i:;: s:::'j. ".,, ). nt 2. r.t A riia, (uo6'row "" l:1:lt4.Jo; rcf 3. tobn r,Iortland, obl.o Tc, : _.20i L. J6ck Ele.kb)-r, O\1o lc, :,!:.9:; i.'or rorro' )-&d, 1:5o.ql.; 6. la-:r "1!"11s, clad-'om nC, 1r50.F 1Jc" l.Ako"""i3.v'cuthv' s?6kefv. cr"on & rj!:-1-t5a.55;,9' d ac, l:-2.06

.;:;i ;;.3"i:oi'r-l li;!ii,"i,. !;11" B' r orE-' c\'nrro' ril'P" 1:5"ri; !2, a:d Brok! lde' ffi" 1156')ii \' 1r' Jo}n mactrbun, ohto rC, 1:56.1+0; X5. laino $t1, R€llae lc, 1:59'10. 6ar: o\ro Ic, 12j cF30 & cd10 rc. ?0


;:: ": 16ador.)




)do to""oeeltake allon {ho bad b€€n th€


}.A.r.u. iO..sOp, dodmsdax,30JufT r-Lo Cri ir, re6a, sun-ryeale, c;rrr, 30 rrb RE- 1' D'rrt6 Moor' abt16ro a;';E;,-' : t-rL 1-, 8l p, D;!rI B.uda-1, flsr! t^, 1:[6.2].L; l. rrr At!_cot{ERS.rr.[ T&! l,ItrT a}tD

."1.5l:l: I;.. .1llll,, s,"iti*. sv.,v, ,[r..z.o:. ,+*ii: 1.l.o,ooo ;" ; 3.oooE. RM- 1, chdlos c dk, sc\rw, ,l''1. .1o:;i;

\! tr{ M oT.- ----.v. c.or } c! o dC, " : ^Ll ! Io.,I6no. o\1o ).i; u. ia .vosrd.n , L:::o. r i. ro - | o., | , 1.":- _. 0Io t,, ,-j 1.. Jl L a Lb ., I,a:_0.dj lerr r C. 611a. ' 60 o o a , r,2: '.o: 6, r €rd r'i-Ir, Io t?'Brr sraro "o 1€Ee. 1.,1., :1:15._: 7. . vl' u










d:).1.;2. rohn Lau €n, {^c,8:!".8: 3. r}t AotrlmD, uat.' 8:t8.o. r. crf r€B crdr,, scfw, J:ca.9 u9@?; cl€nl!€, xobrasla 0.. J:5ll'6r _. EE6 loa tuvls, 5CV:1r. 3:5L.9, 8OOb, 1. chulss 06L167. looLhtU Jc. J] 5.t; 2. sor -. B€re;;, *t,. 1:5i,8


**#r;*:-ii*r",,**:;,fti:11,g;113ftip$il$*#p;#"ii' 1. nohdld l,s1"d, mt., 2. vald.-

5:25:l0i nd --sror, c1ad3'ore ,:, E,!-, g, l.:" h !.. !o{u.. :?Dar9: ,.:] '" ! ]t:! o. . r: ; :_:: 1.-::^, _."-l {x"lg,_1:1+;?0i :!"1't d( d€"'J ,:f : J; ru.

116 o0 ddr6e

s@srri!€ to tr,reaae t " pie-supi,-oloa .",sb -e!o!. oc la:ol, s;, b.r'i.1 K1!e r ro-. Bodos,L "or s,.l s o rs,s!_

Hr. s!), or 'rarE ",6 a a,oe6_c,rr s! r L.aa, 06 rro- a!, -oulo "rsy


Boaria11, .-rr!. shctr1.r,

ar. odr .n".aoL "r . a.. _..t.h ..e rf brcs, of the race. llllre sibeau, frrn€r sbaie lror half irle -:.d., . -h r flon t:e J.7 a1le Juii.! iace in ihs rscoo .-o 19: ..o. . 8111 rlor[an,3 ]t56 cr..r.irn. the reco . iar.o-. s ! ls tr:id.ine .r a d.ner.cl. Serlor 2 1a!s- ?.L ir1r.3 ;s- r . -^ c. ,0: : DM !. r, .ra J'.r " 1 , --'-v, "- :5bj 't sfrrr"., s"i a""-"i"i" ci i,4.i;


- o ld .ltei .f ihe srJl.est,jr; louth. ebout l] inl.: er aiotrN i:u. irllds I,r, 51:9:. :.ih tun "r.Ed }oin1i L l- i-'a.l' | 1-g3 i3! .n. bo;l,rj 3t ..a trltu:cn' E"c R'ai t' an " " ::::."":" " "." "," .:

t+. ::X ::*:i_::.1,::.":i"*:.:f;,ji::".,."

vt-- .,., .:__., to:t;5, v..._ si-lc, t!.,L.9; 6. ;ait,r c"!iar,

s!a4er6r, . Usa . -'o r,re1dl:i-"r. x;in ac, lr3:19; 6: rin -a..bj 16th rn'$1 _frc.

.,1.0r: .,. , 1' J:o j.,Ra' -' '" Lo. iror". "q r-,',; roL.":, 1r'r" a:r.ar . ': I,larin lc; 11. r., iar.1d 5, tl " 1. rrrL caaFr, v.11012, BiLl laEny, .Iajo^..'6tr!o.''o'.o.'.1€.i v s .r, una., I.B 8; ' , L_, -:. I ro. J6, ,'- Forsrr:, -_r', a : l[ 7. !!! -', ai ( s .5:08:18. F': do... srra'a, _, ,. '., s"... | "., A :: . :. ' 52r -r: 2 , a-k vl:l. Ia:In . . l: rr ' ir 'I Jo.n.r... rr.. J: ., Joa .ro. .. '.. -.-. 0 1 D. , , "6 r. "r(,! , 5L: !0r _dvr n66r _ -3 larr' os .snrs,".1."":: l& o.o: 5 . 51.:'1.; L, rr-(. : lu.a'l Ksr,'1" A1,55:0ol l: .r: ' , l 55tl-9t -6, rr' J: .. "" " ,- -.,: a, ,aj 2?, tL"s -o. o-, Ib-!r!,60: ',i Junlorr 1 ra!- 3,7 idlos (l+€ frnishers) 5. Ru'l.r E1.bar, Iq3::14, l: rltz. 'oL__: " . . " -'1. '' l,!a!tn tC, 19:.loj L cao!6e lathlur, eros. o . 9: ).0; '_. e Ma!.!; ](. l9:15: a. srece Ja kior. t... 20:28r b. Ds-td ros€r, 'I '(, .o: aj ?. B-. o Yo.so. ,G.. : '/ : 8, 10, 1 co d- '. o- D . vin, ---t-,2at)o: 10. Btl ro_ra s. u lr. sfra. .arri., o:r9i 20:.ol l. a-o-ou -oobor, r.,. :-:. 'ot52i'2, P1.' "-l "::ll . rl: ,I . -s-.. !a--rr "-" r" i A . ?0:_5: 15. Rle sdo1c,Lrat''2l:O,:6.PsLd.c."".|.]9:.c1.,....o 17. Ra ol! rc-1-!, -s., Ee..21::?: - "" " _1:.4! 8. RoE_ "., :01.. 3. ^o: r: " .-' :;"";*.

j;;:-..:;--;-;;::::,-;i- r;-;..'-:-:-----' .u.v .- .a.o o o.. . o.a.: rc r.€ I... e' -iJsrl _ron6ia" 'e ryi :he vt.{or ca, r:- t8,? ' . te o.o:- : :-ii.._ -( nlni. 9r "".",


"'. ']" '1.::""":": ,,,- ""1 ' r : ;.-. -,J.:."^: .: y:. .;::.'. :'B]'"'." !r.,oir


D1c111o, ll11lrose )-a,






soufieE Facurc rssociatio. or


- corto/s& E.tu.di!oa.dr,!d'


h*dar, ru. 19, 196l - se E€Fedlno, cauJohia l8l!:ed-I!*1,!:4!1e@i!!'-I!l IggE, tl@ ibe 1. srars' stauble, . . -tE ifio ]6;5 luc . . ?tco 3et24 351J9 , , 1.m 3et5t t6t\a ,, Johmi€ r'indro1a, . 2tL5 34157 37.27 4. mlrre E. F*ley,

..... . ,. . .. .... .-. rL. Ricbard E@6, Hub xurl.r. . . . L, druje c. dlrbrr !r. De lrhttlock, ..It. Iierb Char€'r ..." 16. nir Ho,ed, . 5.


Ar1.r, r{!b Haniars

F:Yrir#, 7. Enie i, cabral, cary 3. codey' 9. Bud Io@, 6. .Jeff

3.tn 39.t4 3).45 5,25 4tto2 3r,\2 3:lt 40:10 l9:0o 21L 40.42 33t12 ,.25 4r.16 36.56 9:4t 41144 4t:4rl ):r0 4.2:/6 6:0r 7.& \4tt4 42,49 6;00 46:49 r'3.or' 1:o) 5I.1,4 \9129




c. fte lace a3 tt twed out, 6nded rcrh toa !.eals $! frHt prAca Lcih onty 2^fth ol . dle to eo, bui st&ley st&b1e had too @h leJt tor ht! &1d olt.lflnted c16ins Bin Pa3ht. Faokt mud up vith th. lastest ihe) nilFrls Rober;. ({r@s nay) cal@ by 39 3€conds. ca]]m earv ln tha Bce rd Ji',ir 1116r lf9evriE rlth e s3rutur, Juc 30, 1952 - r.dratu, ca]|ronia - 9:20 a.r. Li 46tu!t lrln G.i13 !e$l!!!_&r . 6:00 40:29 . 9:lo .r:06 . . 6::O tlr: L 4. Russdrr J. uoo.a, Ls ars.lss stat. 4:oo 4-2:lr ....2tP ,. nob6.t {q.d, \2.34 6. Eu33n3 Cd3onsr , ):r5 .2:11 ?. slerey si3ubl6r Hub fi.risrs . . . ?t3o B.2a e, llde n. cabral, Hub llalflca . . . 9:0o 43:33 a. Gf.rd J. , tr rir , 6tJA -Jt* 10. Robe* A. ca@, Curwer clty Ac ac.. 43:5r unb ,iarrt.re llA,v$ Ng@, 3:00 _1: u. 3:m 4': ].? ' 11. Johble Vlndkr., 1!. Dd rtlLi ockr . . . €:0o t1:t3 !i. b--f L. I&d, . .,ra '.:1s l6ka shorr,



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