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(Phoro by John J. chodes)



25. nob€rr !Dnd, ua., J:01:t2r 26. Roturtr cs r, B,tir .:02:/-;2, o€ rr .Ds 6-, Nr1, roso r.A, l:02:55! 23. rohn Bro.as. !r14. volmo 8, Ihb6r 91, Jury 1963 o, s, |].n ' ,d:.-. l:o? subscfrltto. Ratos: 25r' a .ap!t $,aa l:o_:_2: r0, Ps.1. ,.6lv-dr,I_Ir, 0l: :0:_-;Ji.,o. 3 yo*. Edltor: lr. ErD,nln€ n.ss! st€rn€r, xraPc, ):r2:211., J2. !.lck ErictGon J06 l,Jost cant.r St., !,Ioodburr, x. J. ts1-4, l:lJ:lo li. xst cirD1n1.l, rr".r, l:1L c.33, v1r1rtu6on! tro., I j1?:58: ihls 13su€: Jo6 m€1@r- 2e; -. 14. roo Il'se o. .af, .:,8:..'; Jb. Aoe iss" nmr Brou, I.-.1r.; nuEh Jasc.at, Ar1 tr€tonr V!.; Irob cralrr, Tonrla city! l:13:1Jj 17. nl c ont rlone sr a ca11f.; Dl.rr Tlac6, J:1.:lrJi 18. orrloj csruca. ,:20: 05; lc. roe Klror, sqLc, l:20:Jr: ho, .6o. loberli cilch!tst, naxark. 'ation,DeIe.: rr11o .iedt, !16dsrtck, nil, . 3i11 Jintl:2t:50: L1, roseorr ialhor. aM. l:27:<li [2. red rron, usc1. ]:lo:L8l Mil. ; rrdd ;roxr! l.€drJ. {n, xr18s, ,na,. l:11:t6: !ta_ D.u,1ac Elil trror! r,rllbrlnd, D'i113, Dr.,l:l-:o2j l!5. |rddsr rr€d;q1ia r.J4.3. j rad i.lrlae.tij T.d '--.rlit1i, l€r 'r.rt cirf,i Jin satr- _ ,b. ro o: ro d. Ro, dost;! 1c r'. o., 1lna3Fort, T3r:.j ra::r_ c. o'shoa. r.tc, r:3,t\t iji.:l.i I1i. : n, aemis trard, 4u. Er(6 otE4at srB., l::5:56; tr9. xit€ mr*. Jecks.fttl]d, rtrrr, j :rj:i! r1sa.1, trc., l:lb:lr0i 51, D?cid |.!rrdo. n..r!€ir,s r.r l:1i0 26; <2. rrt IM1s, -Sr.. _l:trr:lo! Jo]]rorf ri!Li!L c4rfrrnEs tutultu MlnrlTfioti \r. .rohn co,mrhoh, 8.1!., l:l!2:o1i 9:[. rJn. rolf,o:te, l{as,s,, S:naay, JuEo 16- Jchn Irom311f,, iIYAc, l:13:uir 9i. rr nld coro" :aBc. rjlr: J. Iiel:Ler oi er.t.n, ccm. " r.n the ?6- nrrc, J:r+]:o.. i6, rro Ko11or. 7,sll L Foeozr, !, 8:.j I ndlo e, tnelmd ,tllr r,tlrarnon chmrlon- l,:: Eill €1 h, ltrt!, ):)+9:)): t9, sh1r f.i!x lron !ol.y.k. to srrinsilold roq, una,r & laci: e!air, cororJraj t\o dlrtsr6 l. l:54:l6i 60. slchsrd Jackson. nDcliu:trr 1., ,:92:01! 61. Dnl-lD1 ;Jr, J:5r:11; 62. r.red€.(]r rarroi. t.:1arrs n$61n !a5 n..o rcr n ,itle n.c'1..1!E a f,o1r, TsrdnE sotond !la.e ra., r:( :58j 4J. r,Ke, -otF ;rr€ri, Er-r, nor 11rtnq i.r nc' r. B.3trn L4, 1_l_ frdstro4 ;i 2:10:21r. oL€' r-r.oi16!lrior: J! r,, l1-7-f,,19i J_ lYrc. 1i.116.j 1ed tu.r iho 3iece3. fi. br brre'ar1r tlorhtalr Io!1. rlA n4j +. rYr-, 16, f. ni.hesr{ rc, l+7; ri rr- io:a 1,,b, Lt: i. st,irtt! Lc, Lr.. .r t-.1Iok-aj TEN LOXG




S!rlrar'i.ld, ':ri

rmr.g .ro .t .ir

rilac.c rhlri in 2:14:a?. Boston.rL{, 2:20:20 2. ad.1f cru:-ar, r,3r rorri Ic, e:t0:21 j. :{.r&,r:':-"-._..if: B.:tr rri . 2:1r:01 5. nidl^rd l.crrarc. lost.n l]1.2:3i:25 6. rr.rn.n x5iln.1c, n3! rcrk tr,?:16:lt tA, 2;li:5; ?. siDlrt ,{d!$, rosi.r jiiilr.se, .:19:.r! 9, J.hr x. il.1id', D:at,, 10, 4ar.J l:drclie. l:111".30 JlA.2:1+::04 srerr, ,2:4::lI 12, Jft lrondill, rl.ctric Bt,,::Li:la 11. J.hn c4xt.!!! n111ro3e ,.r.,2:i.6:50 r_!. n1 riillrrars, riy"c, 2:LLtta 15. B.! cDnrdn s, nrcJ ?:lri:.: J6. TFe CorrJ'r, I.l'C, 2:t+7::1 1?. vl. Irelr, 14111!os. r.,{, .:54:1,2 lU. Sld Sn1th, St.tntiro.r,3, 2:51:jr:r 19. Jolrn C..re, n.ch8€tar la, 2:5!:ll 20, Don FEy, soston rLrj 2151:27 21. Dtcrr ts}]loX, no.hastor Tc,2:54:05 22. Golald Grasso, ilt-A, lr00:0I 23. vtnc6nt cirla!!6tto, ]r!.c, l:00:52 24, Kwt st81n6!, IaTc, 3:(\.25

Irnrr .u|?1 ..r-rroria 1r,je.r ,;rolhl.s (3.n. trr, rt, t11-r) r.!:hj tr a1: r[o !€fi srlo l. :1d5r lr ]. !.LFr. (ri1i a:tj r.i. jiEsh65 rr.d3L.r3 lu tio lL i: tr, rin.r :lr1li .'rr I d:d!!.d t'o ot t:,an t.d+ r:. rrr , .rr .ut rot x.!j:.s.: tn . i.r nrsalf aii rn. 1l ailB rd.L-

lr..r rb_:t t. sr-ir.rs irrnn: sood. rij c)!.r.rir r.. .lj.iLi r! .:1r ii.t.r xrcn:i rT thx ll colld rii.e" iLet r.:1rN .:.hn jGllr iiirll!oJa;!1) tri r:jlr:ir|: :I:tslhr arr.r rj.Lrtrtrslta ras 1nn.er:ir;, r r.n::: ii ihe rar3rl t:e Iri3l rrr:f r.ri ii. u,i irn i.rrjr..] :-.1. 1-2 iir ttr llrr sr, 'i,rrl t1il.,


hara ri !:duc. hl.3 hsnalcr!r

lrlf!'FrldJ rr!:.r

31o{ tltu.

I 11}6 to elYo t@:ets r.. 1961 dd ar-1Dicr< I t6san s.ri.us1i: in ]956. tiIe? Iirstls, r xil1 try to eet fIt, I {alt to oleal< thos€ I took !8rt tn sc!.o} F!.r!D3 b6sirtE et 1,c00, 1,50o, 2,000 dd 1,000 tutele 1n 1950. wc ]rad a ;d 1 ;." "". '"". iille od t{o rllfes. R€ar" 1T, l:5r+.4 tsn't fast enouah. uhy dld Jau b...n6 an arhl.t.? :h1t a mr cen !trn the I t!t6d th3 sport and f.LDd nr.e:!:' rn b. ni16 in th8 for3i.eabt€ futuro? r thi.rr l:5J. o P16a3. rtvc dctalls f,.u eot to Rom, thlrlk tn tou.arlJ r6a!3. r.u xould rln t-'o tltle? \ld on. n..iina s tua! :1 th.u€ht of w1..1na. I dl.d school. I res ,lt 1i I ratr ! titnk I could nali€ tlE llnal but If I half-ni16 in 2:15 and a nl1. ln <:21.o, I'd bawe to ru 1:47.2 to I rna11.r nrrr 9..d. l,ilon ! ,ea ju3r 'a3nit sh.'!d nT tlrsi 8€0 tn 1:59,6 drd hd.n6 th. llrsi tlcrrratrd scno.lLiof t. b!.al< !he. eld ir.i do you d€ctde dn yoD tactica for a mJo! recs? I do r' rrr du.t ab -L tle 1ILa, l /.. old t ..'-" -rre',Io ' 'Itu r, ;ol!d.I .Larcd t\o BoE€ flnsl . o " ; e"-;:;:: '"d-,:.i^:..ror'l: D." ."." , "." " X€ ras nf, lt"st .oach. lJ uffou Jcr { uo,)esL raca? 6.b3-oFnr s-c.oss oo r.d rf rt yasn't io? A.thur, r sonld not ha,s a:8oo In co1;sne ir.Juri, 1961, I-donrt fo fqe o -r.! '. tu"1 sc _.; ,rx DD ro ;," r0.' oirlv a littld bdi&d, o! do r.tr carry-out date"6" he xas ha1' 1".' o- r'81 - 0 6r r'1ck. I vs t,a .. r .d, Io, o ' .- r€ fmilr? l, late rather, ce.rs-. s""ir" was r sdnrd! & rrea: rrin. (sml1 mr, \48,6 a bis nsn"-r? sbo@- ;d r1:;6d runbi unron. rr notber Blrinthq t' r :116.1)' ai scrr.oi. f.r :l1. a1n!1c B-ca &d_1,too st rorvo? . t,_00. : ,". oafl r. i o.: ' :;. En, I'Bc5el Jezx. "; do tr! 1Jl{e aj.urj athletics? ,,Jhat t.u lresp to e spocial dlai? i ,ould here .a acrrrrvs- Dq No, .u: a llt atl)l.t€ 1s mtdellt PLeasc descrilra I.d !!6-rec5 {M_u?: raiy r.i$ fit. BI|1.1i1]4]nt Bsnk: llrrar dl.i t.r 1.31!


tn€ lublic s'nethinE t. 1oo! at.

':. "...-


s.trirf,liit r.rrolincri ooo. : ;, r..: .

D :..rtrr.? 4 '' 'o3 \i4e1€s

s osdn ,ou. s

,i" "- -.re rlce

s"_ I .6 a,r0I ttur. r strlaa thc atr:lght eestlT, tiE! -eP {aLL

,;"" i ; _;" .s. 1." J. tret! oi ;

$d loq a .0,.:-3 -rd' .ro_r..oF -'J.1?

ro -r1 o-e1.

.r t':

I r'"@l .



o^ Ioo.rrk-


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il"r".1..:"';:;';;1",'*;il:i"".";"ii: :*';;:1{,{ft ,:3;':'.

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Fffi ii*'iil'i, ir;j#r ir* i,+; i



3o!t]|6h P&tflc r.ooclrllo UU !.!..r' , . . s.cod rsur Vlcior Y.l,r.r 1Gl(tl.. s.ldlclp

&! - , !r. - YldioFur€, c:litulta 9!o''o$d br !Lt ! v.ril.t snoFpus c6iQ hd l*F.r3 Itr s.tniry, r.r


25, l96J

PhIUP R. coorlt.h,

2. s.!e Cmsco. Hln H*r1ar6 , . 3. Iddt. r. rdr3r, 4, Rlcb Pd.t, Plco hv.ra Untted t. FjEcllco Dqrt3,

...,. ..... 6. Jjlsllsz, l!pL L1lL.y rC ,...,.. ?. st3yd c, &.d.c.r !1co Rly.r. ib.1t.d . " a. .t{l I. Go!{U 3.., -{p!Ie YrlLr ,rc . , . 9. t- t.t ! sdil, or.ns. c.6rr Tc . . . . . 10, rlihu 0, r|ainFt, Pl,oo Rl,r.r6 lhli.d . . l.1. ,b1l1p 5. Clet. J!.! Cdv.! Ctir !C . . . 12. El.ha.l &rh, U. Cary U&e, snb !.!d.rB . L{. lan sDta Cru, ?iqo iiEB ti:lird . . Cdb City rC . . . . . 1'. I!8€n E. csd,gdih arr Tc . . . . . . . 16. Ir.E !,lDudr, 1?. tdsrd t. Bo1id, Cu1ft. Clit lC . , . . . 13. f,1lLl@ C, d!by' Culv.! C&r Ic . . . . . 19. stmrrp.., CdEr Clty.ao .. . . . .. 20. mN sbry, xUila!. n 2iL. :e@ Sb.ltd, c!.ler cllr rc . . . . . " 22. J@. l. fi.Eangt@, cnly.. cltr rc . . . 2f. ctu r{- !.p.5, c{ltu! cltt ac . . . . , . 24. x@rr Ye &p1. V.L1ar xC . . , . . 2t, vbcar sE.i@t, Or&s. cautt tc . . . . '|a, 26. }!](. J.@b., &p1. vrUer rC . . , . . . e?. J! n h.!&o, 21. e..rr. P.t&, ?1@ Blrra lblt.d . . . . . 29. c!^'i.d, Ntt6ch€rt :o. !(r.. G?.ne, X!!1.LLI<rlC. . . ... . )b-ry, -1. r.b.!t 33. vlrtor iAlsU!, lFFr. Y.U,r xC . . . . . .

)41c, 9:@ ]lrc4 1r0o 6.tx wt6 4.3a ).d) 5.31) 4tto t9too 5tc4 3rao .c,. a.t$ 21c, 6tco 3,oo lrsr U.6 9tot) 2:5o 6r3D !;0O 6.o 6:C0 t,Jo 9.@ tttto 1'3o 5.@ 3t@

69:2' &'25 \3 7I:21 5r!21 14 'l\t53 64:53 L9 ?I'r]. 5r!t4 L TttS 53t5t 7 72'23 6r'23 2I Pt25 57t55 4 13tot tlto' 3 13t2\ tor2t I0 ttn 59:dJ '1t.32 '13.32 3I 1*o5 @.O5 9 t/.:1? ta:u 5 14t33 55133 2 trt32 6at32 t6 15t44 53:\\ 6 7r,r'l 62t51 r7 76129 @t29 \r ntv .r,u e 'l'1.\9 '12,19 3a 17.31 61t37 25 ??:tr 61!{J rt '13'3\ 63.04 26 ?3:la @!33 1, 8!t+3 65t\3 22 ?9:29 66:29 2l 3o'o1 66:31 2r. $t3$ iAt36 a7 tJt'z 1\t22 2A 35'tP tu'l' 32 a5r56 11t56 29 93t\E 11't& t

D6 rr&cig, ... 6,?0 aotla 14 ,4.,ri!{.e.s.!1J+.,rppr.t!..trrc .lc. !. Gl&r..rt soaib !.r 1C, tblsn d but h. e€rlmlad b l!.r€ :'l.t!r€ Kmoth l{. !!:LdB, Sdtb &y 1C C.'J cour.x' nlb Hsld6 11r r.c.r H&h-sch@t r: Jh sle! lri rh5dl..D rnr.d: !@t-TJe rwd: r.e.l.@ DE:t aFplo !.LL.r lc rwd fo' .oattlbltie No dl,i{* :.ln14: l4cn e1 Luh lholtlolrl3{r! .*rtl€: P1@ r1v€.3 ulitod 13, lub H&r1ele 24, C,lEr Clty lc ,t, t!pL v.al€r lC 26, or'ese c.uty It 2? -13.

Rogloel XCA! lluld. {611, 1!:21.5.

C6d{. Falld, Ia.,

at ?5- ?-HIls- 1. &!d&1, 0d-

V"t16y A,t! Pltun!, rA661oD, 84. Xay 5- 8aO- 1. l.kt r. tb.. 1:L..1,1]!391. cal, Elritu" vlcrrlto, l!:06.1; ?. Jlb-Fru!, etolatr'rs! 'liadorl Es, 4:od., 'r50e1-1:!q.7) 16-r6u5-o1d! L€t€r oaF bub rn rlp 880 & '6 s.o., Iaf,JllJlm l- {AIr cb@e, 11p- 1. Job! Cado!. bF o!ts i., L:oL.,r4D; 2, a6or€, coblraf, coast..-EiT6,6r J, Bloho!. ida4 a {. i-'' r.]b;8 }'i: 31'P39!*' 3t:1.%I?. iflff ; =h,Y"iir"!! 'td.st.i L Mllts-, kvis & cls}.. {.t 1., o:2o,7; 2. J3^bon!

f!fi :'

rru r.loro ' ^,roclatloo HIus i-MIII rlAxDIcN Ru |sud llolrn 'd coItd. C.!tomr! - s.turqt, '/u' e. 196l sFoaciad bt lub llerl€rs !gs!t T.-$6DG;I, 6at (x. odtia) . . ...' ..... 2.o.rt1dB.M, olgllc. " ,, st.s sh.fl3r, i.'J.frfufun!6, t.,rd\n lotglot€, cl.e rc .. ' ...'. 6. ch!i. Ertradx, Hnb l{arter5 . " " ?. Pblup R. c@d'm, @t (Ph.ru) . . . ' ' a.s.1nd&t, dt (lr. cofls) ..'''' e. B1rr 3.h]4, urt (l{. cwln.) . . . . ' rc. 0.!r rL'on, Hub lNd€* . l-r. J&.! rfid! 12. Io Ble!, cl.m ,!c !,. Irllh€ E. Cson, 14, !ose! tort6, 1r. mchard 863, 16. lud Io@, ItIb Hui3$ . 1?. xsnP.Dx' ut (r. coYlnal .. .. .'' 13,Do!^d@, ui, (l{. corl$r ....... 19. Bob E cald:r GLB !C ". '""" 20. ltlt B*i6, . 2I. C.olsp c!L'a, Cl€oAc. '.. ' 22. vq.co c{rscor . . . 23. r.odld 0.!c14, 8ub uanler! ' ' 2-!. tsn r! lm.dJr Grlv€r citJ lc . . . . . . Glm Ac 25, D1cr ollY.r, 2b. Etcndd Y..qu4r Prco ru€B Unlk ' . ' ' 2?. Crry Ir:IEonr ui (rl. ca6ar 23. G.EId V, Sdth, . . . '. '.. 2t. L.R.y Si.v*., el,8D !c 30. D.Irr Eoted€rr akm ac '.'..."' . . '' ' 31. nlch.ld )laF' H$ H.Fto$ . t.$ 3:. Al sh3Jlot, 13, Rrckt Persz, ttco al'da Onltd ' ' ' ' l!. D.@ T{bb1i6, 15, JrD! Crll3r' ,. R.r llood, cI.E ac ;a, &dr. t. i..]-r, .. GIdm r\c ' c. re*""^, lo. sr.*"" q-ilbd F1'sn udd Plco e.l.'tso, d. ' ' 1,2. Ch.k Nl&.nsd, wL (t. cotu) ' ' ' /,r. !1k. r"d.re, cld rc . . . " " 11. rnt$Mt PsE,

southam PrclJl.

E!r!!g 4s!41 I!!! 2atb 24:0t ro 2e.L! 24'r-r U 2A.\\ 22t\\ 5 2At52 .32 19 ?9'a3 25to3 4 29:0/1 23tI9 29121 25t2L t3 29:22 2tt22 \5 25t32 22t32 3 29.32 22t32 1 29:3e 29r)t 33 29t52 2r,t2 l 29t5]a 2t'r. 16 tot2o 2b.& '22 3ot37 22:31 2\ tot\t 2rtu} ?c,53 2gta6 25 3rro3 ,1:oi 40 2f ,l:1o 2614t tLr?2 2e.t2 29 4 3r.3I 2'It\6 1ltta 28.24 26 ,.t53 4tt3 Jltrl, 29.34 24 12.O' 24101 27I 32.26 ?4t26 12tt2 24.47 2a t2r4't 29tL7 3! 32149 3Otl9 )' ,r: ta r0 Y,r9 3J:I0 tt.25 J6 t3t2J. 2r.2t )j )3t32 tLta2 39 34:m ztt@ r7 ,4:or 31:31 lf 34tA2 3Ot32 37 ,4:06 26.06 IA )r:'a \2 tu.a ?4t39 26r)9 20 29tL7 3t ,tv 1?.13 )6,8 45 31,32 35'42 L3 4!l.r 30rl,r ,€

: : : : :: : : l:'d|J,:,fi ti:rlffillYi."fir.'l: ;: ;;;';;;;u; h,,i,r*"€,' . . '

i5 ill,'fiil;' r€'


frt:V. 'o:u )7'\1 ':ro hhu o. r*the., sL6€ {'e€', e'1rl csLF

lnsland Fldtr3, Mly 25th,

o!o!., Melno..glg- 1.

64,?'$,ji3ii' ?;"td"a,ti!5'r,, 144'j., 2. 3!ou1tot,


fr t&

r1T T?:{:,, 9"1!1"}


P.cinc r...ct:tton rlu r!.!ts . , . ftb @b1 fdtM D.]r Hsdl€F f,|.d Ru - r3., Dilog s.ttrdrr, Ju6 u, 196:r..,9:21!.!. - oI@ n&ch r,o Fdie, 0:rttoEd6



2. &d,{d

br rotrtM Julor cheb

cdr€. city

!. racsft., s\


rc .,.,

Dl€so r&lr Dlaso TIIA . .


,, John P. trtfslry, s& . , . 4. Idd1. t {th, ,. rr1x16rue, ult {ront6.) . . .. . . . 6. n ybnd D. r. ctu, ?. I4€N E. CaI@, c!lv8! Ctty lC . . . . a. rilu& c. x1rbt, 9. 0*1 Bruo, s& !3dF TC . 10. i.h€rt ](heyr Plco Alv€ra Unltod , . , ]f. rlnru schipps!, soaih B.y Tc . . . , . . 12. Pbtup ria.aton, s&t3 rn. cort€g€ . . . . ... u. r'ddyP.$y, Hub H*rle.s ... L!. rflrm c. BrmL., o.&ge couty lc . . . . 1r. i&ry r.ror, Plco Arr€B U'tt€d . . . . . 1?, Gerg€ &u1h, set'. r* cou.s. , . 16. Yllc.lt 6r..$€r, 1t. L-tnu 0. rbrttnsr, P1@ tuftra rrhli€d . , 20. lttch8rd Yasq{ez, flco my€.a Unir€d . . . 21. F.t.r Jqsbled, olsse cobty Tc . . . 22. P'rltp R, c@d3onr s.t (Ph8lal , . . . . 23. Ricrod EE8, fiubrar*oft ... ... &. i.n&l &sh, r$ Irdrr€r6 (rdt,nj . . . 2t..t&..atbbs, ft.r {cotuE). .. .. . . . 26. r4old c. Holton, Plco Etw.4 t/hl'i.d . . r 27. fr.b.d D.le8yr Set3 tr 0611€13 . . , 23. c.rald V. sdth, lllb fie1€r6 , . , . . . 29. lhnu.l l'..ttnez! Umt (Pa6iel . , . . . 30. R.!t Dut8, or&se C@rr TC . . . . . . t. chapran, o!dl{€ c.uty !c . . . 31, ^trtoDy Pqrq, Plco ilEre rrdi'd . . . . . 32. c.ol8F J3. ft@ c. rebcrr, llco Rlwra un sd . . 34. n$rllt l. l&os, Plco &vere udi6d . . 35. &@! a, rohra., eat (!.s rngol@) . . . ,6. D.ndd r. rtbbo*d, u.t (x1$1m Hrurj . 37. ru!@ sh8lton, cufr€r Cltr rC . . . , , . 3e. stesfrper, c\llrdcriylc . . . ., . . 39. Je. 0.!t€!, Fico ntv6la ulti.d " . . . . 40. 3t&r.ysi,aubl€, Hcb tsLr3 ., ., .. 41. iobe.t r. rr&ci', so*h Bey Tc , . . . . 9tde c. P1@ I1r.F 42. rpodaoar United . . 43trl&thy r. 0&l's11! Flco niE a tlnitod . HubHdlrt€rd. ......


rco cc!a.co, I{H (3:aol

.rrDs con&y, se!3 rDa Gcr.) Hlrl Dushtry, elq&.la rc {2!o0l


Delndar Pnu (10:30) 0c11r (:301

Flecisco DEr€,

r. eiktrap, slTc (5..o) rdrtnctm, cca0 (u:30) eetu xlib', silc (1o!0o) r.e

,t@6 x.

qledele rc (r4:o0)


&!cl I 90.13 nr$ le!!


90131 r!0!01 t0 90136 75t)6 4 ntfi 14,53 3 9It24 8tt24 2a 91:4t 15"5 5 92tal rt3a 92t23 a0:r3 lrl 92,1,6 c6rt6 1? 92,5b 39.56 2+ 94:00 n.3o 7 94t2e i6:54 6 95t2o W.5o 25 95.11 39t4 23 96:10 35:rc 16 96114 31j44 12 96:16 n,\6 3 96:1a 79t43 9 91.04 3tt3e U 91.19 36:rt $ 9t.r7 36t21 L9 93:04 A3:34 13 %r33 ,6t3a )3 94.13 *:te J6 99132 ta2 29 10o!ot 39109 21 lco:33 34!0e rt 10r.19 96:09 11 102:09 94.39 2e 102:44 egt)J' 22 IA3,A1 96t37 32 r$.3, %tat p ta3t55 92t5t 27 104146 96,1,6 Y to'rA\ 1n2:a\ 3e ta't\4 97114 35 10t:45 102:rt 40 106!0t 92.35 26 ]G!2r f00:a 3? 1o9:o9 10t:39 42 r-LorA! 102:14 39 u3!r4 103:{4 41 .F!rd. 123.00 43 rppu. 12a:00 43 r€dJod, sBrc (?:ro)

r. Lpe, ccac (4r0o) firy xitlild!, SBtc (6:aol J&e8 ?sr€mon, m.t (rr:00) Eddl€ r. iadlezJ CCIC (tioo) rr.!k Rolla.d, sara ana (]2:co) R.bai, sab!€da, ldl (10:30) 042

Lon sst3 cru, Piu (3:o)) F. P.t6r sdrh, ocrc (2:30) Fdbut D. To!rc., smc (14!0r)


amoucha tlc birtn oj. ou lld l rrtte c6 t05 5.. ^1r eric ro Llttlo f€dert ho!r $ Eet son s1o€l soon " l o.taE DaYs llolos bl Bob craib da, uo Llo r&scs+ Fooha old 3 ff lie 1n rirBr psc" Lo lorn .i"_u. "-* r.ou.l m *.pt o'- rbe rn:sr r&LLb vim ;" *t G'* * odbr€ iiiii"l-;i";i;.; bJ dvara s1v66 hri r'he eds', tor n6rr\€n iilu;. r.iu i" c6r!h4 ad p$srne tur'l' .i-iii lu'"'";*r.o J.riJti6 hh. dmrPla'€ tmi ot rh€ ut 3, e,esrro, D,.L,.n"*ler. ;lrh Fd,,."\ u,._6lPlo d o! I;:L$*..iT:Tl,::: i.. as Joh! Ltr.ftJ, roEsr Ftidal cn r3lo tnirq pbca' r.tu k *- ir*r"*. ir" roor3 po'srh-e' ;;. ''--ir-*;;;;- irl. ry "r.t-" !$ &lhs huu€ rwe' I Fdrd ep.r- rld.h., " blsn-;" hts rlrot rons Ere' rhsn dretootad nrlxe p&&s*r.-i* i;r"e, tr.t'811r, 'rc$d rna he*18' tisr' !€ r' ii,i-]-"ir " rJi"*-. rtrarrv hl $ns-d-tsr' l$' oe & tn" srl5e l;;; r* sa&s;r Ndion ror t+r*$ ii"iil#i u* ri Pc,:e. i"; ;; ih" ..li.,-*.'tu ii;i r" p'*.;'- rt" .sco'd.. he oo! - 'ililji,r- d. *-* *' i'Da !r frnlsne:" dre\ rid ot .q;rl!.m fte r"r *T.;"-"'**". schoorbol. e roro@r 'odt 3m@ ]'03'006 i;".;tui,.r.". .*" rre !ts'tis, tnLa !'r"nt-l m1d w bb lha ddl:es li*.'u"i'"-. rb. t@p.r.Lu...ess r'r" ra*' 6'!t"e urc lhe d" 'r F;l* p"c{@s" i*--* ir'i r-s -.d **r.l,'s or droPo t!' a"{ass, cdrrd.c@vc !o' toe rrse ;;;s "- i.i rug€r;e€ ;& b" F*"d. velo's sd nd1€ 'e!3 !o'iJ*r.d rh*who'! L.r" *. '* curw: ? -*",r: *?r *" riii "i;u, crr M dou{! @ b,ch€d d ft. bb "i ercur,@, ii'*li;rii6i,*^ rff !.orl's. Ia u€ iirs€.*n cout' ccac rd * 'ir. ".-* 11 5-, r- or u iii*-r"" i"u.s. l"iii"l ite. s& Dl'so ;"i"J-j"i" r.. rh€ auEher of d{u d tow'v souk 3s rc .'rrsrsd rd i i';;.-i;."' * *" €arr'{od ;-* t* .l- e'.'p. *d. * .pra i;J ;l;;;;;;'; tc. clmdal. ed -iiii -th€ dert ror Lh rnrd v's' rn" * o-u*.r @erce b6cur€ uE td a *d .or$\v.robulh.d ftl'a'cn* d".;;; -. .Ji#"-.; 'ba!'a 'uc's3rr p"ud ta a rrro'"re* .g. .ew c.Lr'g" iii iifi"[, r'irc'6s e.a Erad s'rav D{s iia:lir.ir't""** 'l 'ouov . *t.' "'.t-tii*o't:;; tt'e !h€ ruta! ud i6ri-"'!i-*i uu".a*. ** *tesis to the "N'3or ihe iii iiliriir.ra ;;at v.*



!h1a t4lu3. '- --ia.i.r', u ii- -"r. ["'.-i..r.r'" ur" i!-ii.i*i, irct

el lnb


6e'r.s. sp.s'd!" qa' D' Ls cru' rnd rst' tuur o'ur'a "*u€r Phil crrk€ drcpp.o tr@ ?; !o r,lnr t'u!p'!toltfu\-6' i*. i.j rs. *r''rutr..,rub ue tE rbt{ 6 rcth' ah rn sr'o€r ifrl'i"r' i.- z-., &o InD BlsT n!!ls J?nsnY P.o!t Rllll rci sEcOllD l'ErrE Ix A lorrl C" Bes o !I::LIsld, r. r.. o ;;:"" .i,;i q'-ji; 'i; "r"i" "v.' ;'r':.i; ; ; . ;; . '" o' ei" !:



"":: r"",..i, 'i ," ": 10j !."""qn "-: .:'l ;:;::1":,-:3;.,;1: ai:."*l .1:. .:;," r"{:;;1:";'


:,:;:;.; ,':;i

of u1[ht llqrathon- f


!dra!&, B!is:o1 tc, 2:2U:52'


I 1a\R\&

KqH:..\ lwlffil. lw)Ma*a . '\1l I

ISW" 'a'\ ): ha

I rry


3 U


.t...{. p.,b njrd 1! 6 .


€bl!.!ro!. ft. rast i:-;1.i"*::::.'l-1:1.:fl:^,.r.b19h: b!lxdr!3 rashetreac'os' rrn*sL r!Ld in nurhl 13 s+ru | -:r;,;;;'.,".;1.::"i;)l'.te ,-. d-"; ":" ;"-;:;:::- .-;FTil-]J ... sEs ed r..ds s drdoor 1lft. r rycc&l th.



fuyty,1: t p t

rli jl ii .',1rj ilryrr:!!

ii'l'lrr.];Hrji":r;, h.uda,s,.s!v. r

:r#.1"n""n':.[:;:iiiT.r".3"::.tr.flj:T.y :,"#i,1",i,x51-'f ;.: "#' "i "i*' ti.","ii":.,r&*f T: ::tr,


]h::-T: d q*lr. .a.e. d 4..,\sr . ..!, *-*r-,s-r, s$rh re.i^.p! *"; s;iA,;. *"* fd - ""r.']c' o!anrjr v.rr oo.r :"::"r:l !r - oo nor tscm.nd sd!&-"ri';;@r ro. a -l::IE? l.: { rs sood. .sp.d"I' r.! o!i.nr_ .l:t"s tr. .Lrinr', Ls e&d qr. mre 1r Fda.d -'' -' r:-" - .*Fu_ qo.td."&rd p0,"" !u!d. ,rl,_ rn.h. .I ..""1 "a,;",s, "'' !,14.d

1ih. io-14 sd ltq..is p"Jrrjkaf of i,r r.m m E or l! I..FsL & c@f.tjUw !!d.ss 10 th. 'c1d.! 6.-of |n rsds 8hJ ri.

eq!.! or lnr.h-,lotuj od!.'tfloG. I. ur]'e r4.s. cobFr. LloF h". hdpd L; j.;;.i. tu.1J, _! t b.ee'. o. Ennr,h;ru. .s,i---'lju e1{ *v s-d s_i;:r iiai; "har aqy

Lh. old lllnnr3b


s 3o hlPt r.tEt 1l ]9no'xodh..ylr€4lonc.l.!.o.lnco''o!loaFsotn.r!.a.on. '-r. hr3l1r ,h! rrob_.. I qdtd tlk o rsr r.{ rn s.n.!s.td, Do hor -.t *. .dfd_ rabr. Ut e$yN r{n.,rtrotlrM.Fn ' r1x,@rrsiincr ror,\e,tcal ,o! lErJ d{,!Ma.i rr. 3.r '$d !o r@f{i€ & or hh. %b I'L!d sh.!! LI 3po-t! r1-h,las e thrrumr ,h; rdld: icood I!.* ed ., ih. fl:€ or ltnl.'Ics ayr.s hkh:, l%) arclr-q !AT14:rl cnoss-c,"wTR, aAF:Or.qrm. xuc\ a @r'd?..,sr. o-r4i.s- r. Eas r q.e.terj ., ,or?.! 2, n y qdL.r, 50!Jr! J, edi strcns, 50.4 r.Tratur&rL,rc:r6;5.nrJob5t6,,1:0Jj6,E:ecJ,ale,,r:22!?.tdl. B"luvar, 3.D,I. N...,.1:J2.,:.er connr!/ cndiva ,, lrt; r. forttuqrf._! 2t-,. '-:24

:.ri.x c:riuli.rlrils NrF oublat ot dolras reeded o1s€rliere athletds to vte for os. ,€u Lr !1re lypo ta' dt) -ro r_" ''. p.oblan ts €ct. !s, coaperl n. // l,lfl -'s ^orDoino-d js L- " \\ l( \A --":!::: -3 os), o ur. \l ! ty rir,bo .drn !. s " 3.ia.'1 ; ."o.s ^ou !.1 "\, ?rovid€r.B co11€E6 ace !. lrd !)lac€ fi.ls- ihs &n6!:ican dlstance tumins c].m oustrl h€r th16 toar 1. th6 Cherry frs. rraraana orer and sullorr a thoh), chullo lyson (fom€! ncom sru rare on€ or rh;_ axu crosr --n:Ie r. T]13nlegt?Ih€ DaJ Fo-€ BJer].sn L o. L L,o pJv routo b- ns py ro cu Ba-r ".!d x-co rry as![e a ,. , ' .o" \r . o. " t o. ."""r! ]:,;). ud saes"ol oth6r bs-lrord vaa .r rho 1es, _al-roa ti of sept6nbo! oar rJilflms {i11 bo llv- 19at a,ald }ras 1!a 1r th€ washlrgton, d,i.r city evsn roLsh i: !a3 a'a.itod thonor G€oras corl]s rolun1,st !.vonber md ir, ls nox iul}t... al trecr{ r€d...r.. r. I'rnrsya?& xrlt€3 l at s- . o,ld lnor € oo .o !o t s.,.Jo I, '". ote d 1r..tr -oo t,. o ck nan "loa I 01cnucL Roa€ 1e de!e1o!1.6 rrack rr TaD-

io1rc. c."1r;11.d ljra.flc and sleciaror rloj -rlall.,1 -r c "3rs:n.n'l oki. ,seo re^orr 1 l-". .tor r ":..,.gs- L 41 .

!o I on r ,rDr:r t9 r. Pn; ''o; I'i::i.i a1.ir b;i:r sfts of uF uShvax o..t , of ir]o t.! rlsh schDal fon;irr 3octiom xo:e in rLe soutn on ro rh6 r-.u16,., ve aro a1,el5 glad o! last- x€ nas tlaclr to s6s rmusra;€d: Ev€r crub 3€t Eoi&rr start€d tho f.messc' InrrtarloDal. lNnMi,eleys (x!erh€ xa. 3i:""::H:,'iifi.:,$..::'i*:? ::*", -".i""". 'l j: arr-co 6.s i-,q ; ] ,;:":i ,.ol "l' : !h€ p1ac6 at a tradk reet. xo ls sh.ntlng t!. ov€nis " ond at1 26 ftrlrhod. "'i lFtruci;lore callinE out 1ap rlb€r xas i2-y€e!-old R.-,ro S"rdo";?t "oBga. tltus or s1s!p1{q a rum€! or tha ba.t q!ad6, rlon n1ir.d_r!ho"a c n.rri" oi' Eb1€n, fo! a sood rac€...xarl ra!] E11ts iuher r,d s"rd",. . !l _yeer-o1d_ !!. !ltt, & Doua nustdd h6ad a sood, strong saaitlo ton rurtl€, ti:e 6x-iifi.d ii"lsr ofyallc clut iom, .oadhod br tli F1o1ds. q_niler" c."ch, A1r: fh6J tal|€ tu!tu taattng oach otrror rhlougb led n€rchants rl6sa.tnd norrci1'& tha prlzo6.!. out tho ?!Mrs fu11 yeer of LDR act1vitj.,. GsorEs !.ulds ;idoti.ed lith t"r, rlad bean }equostins arard of tn€ rare;:.1 ro€e 1i.m€nt....fie rh6 PNltlJqtiotu1 "gai; ,ecetr€ 'unioalr! .ross ^o.- . . . , :g arr I9g!g r or. 0o c.DntlT cnmptoEhlps f:tr uo c1..d ta sond on dn, 1nJ. shodd be n61d otri est. jls one of t!€ ""..s. bu.,;-!.ros--. ,.r"r "j r,";r.' :t:':T"!*::;":.11"." i:.","-";-.J o o0".". 5r r-.6,ss,1.6 ro L.-s Dcr,I reft ronrh. 6ic611€nt Jot, & hawo a a13o next io,th rh6 I M sur€ that th3 of dr1c1e3 on u1t!a_1ong distsnc6 ,s. re^ard oI \orrh,.s lrol - -^ ^" ,-^ .^-^, tsar€3o. ,o Eor€" dc a" s,-o,e . e a .x""tii"r il,i.,i'ii!,"" c"ocs ^o I rry s;;d;. -; .'q!;; "rlg_rj!:ailc" iJ t- bo-h t.nlor sho o.J19 \ t6l.J


rt{TT !Td:{I BIT O! M!!ATiD ]3.MI1E

1, Ert.h se.s1, 2. 16d Cor!itt, rffrc, l. rorrr rores, ric1s, ttd hot finish: D staliers


I tlntshsrs



11 RUX


1.58:56 l: tl:116

iiiiilIi,'tiii;""" -.,;:33 EE;:i ;1191y,, ll"':ji : f::i. .",:: #: :;o 3 ;i: ::rliie r:J. ?:l

q€tr-s a

,i? .. 91




:, , "i

o'. 6:03 Lancoo !a B sa n.-llanfe r t co,n' rr.,_


/- ,skLns ssr,ourlr rn6 oorslcal r,"r cr oir t.r. r,ril s..!il-"--tes a. , ,",.r y""i. ;i t";r;i; ;." " Da"€ ddsnEoD oroprs" out J 1oop. €c4l sss -€d rho lsad "L. no ri .,€ier n6sd€d. ssdsr ;"e ; t;;;"r;:;; euE, Jascol;t t.a."o .r, i. -t.r,dtrrs_adarr " =.t ons Tod ,€:., h.,.r..vearhar:

rery bot, gusts dp to [Oirr\, BmlislA x.lJlon criarBm of cor,0ERcE O_r,flr,a RUi,r !€th€sda-ch6ny ctaso ut€h Scholl, March 1?, 1961 "LL-1. 2'.L L 1, r'!1 /sfr---:5 !.. i-'Jth XcDlCar t:lrt3-3T" Iatl J-aptt.r as, d ! -of,ro. ql:r6 2L:16 10:00 54t)6 l. Bt]1 cory, xatl caritol ns, 25:30 29:!0 rar.oat, xqtl caplrol {s, 4. rDs]r 5vtlt, u@ttacneC, 5. nr1. I:58.' 3!:?i stt:36,5 ib.iL.s 6, E. r{. I:etona, Joh. BEmtt. ?. uattachsd:a:lr8 9. i,rlke lletal. lratl c.!1r.1 rS 2l:rc l4:rr5 )5155 10. Jin SlaA1e, Earco. lsrl6rs.' 32t56 )7.19.t 1:. nsJ Fl€sgo, 73:19.t Dld not flnish: Da'€ rnrlghton, xc{3 ort at 4 nt]os..1l stdt€r3, 12 fthlslors, R'mln3 sho!ts...?ho sfl€.r of L,ird s ,as 11]ustrarsd L.I.o O it. ..€s -sro, e6t ,€d {o, )ro o's,D':t D.c.on r ssj. 1a ,ss. ar ;"o .6 "s".o , r n" ;;"ii i_-*a-' )o " ""i. ". . .1 }r'Dcd. s ,s€d LrIo " %r " na for ajlss ' b co-.v pr3.6'1 r, i-d..(oLrso: eo r 1 DJ, ou! 6-o os-k. -;. ;:';;t;-Fn",E;;lla!@;;;ailt"* ;. ys.. r4alcb _-o


4, -06r xssr.F: h.:.

i;;:;;-;i;"t;;;;;;i;. :-;i;;;";. co *-, i.or r,. r, ;ii.-.il-''ttn€ rotal tlb 50:03 1: L1:l2.8 57,15 \'59tta.8 56t0a ltt7tta,8

+ ray

1 2 - I 5 6

1. ns1ph Euscbbgmj SlurD a.C,, 2. Jln M.Dade, Netl cqFltol 4s "a'!. ). ParE Foftt, qua.itc; rdrnbs. ' 4. D1rt, D.n.Iuo, 5, lqre rnlAhton, Nars rBi. ?. tan rot.lct€. rnatrlchod 8, tohh l4c:arro11, L e|1r cory, ]rcr5 ',A'. f0, l:rgh

ta:3a 2:01:08- B 59:3a 2:a2tla-L 59:)j2 2:al+:36.2 2:ai:\2.8 59 ja

D.c" Aru 30 rs. contlnu€d

o1d n€cord: []+:38.8 luc\tni ud !f,ndh vnit" Frash, 1962 11. John Jarrett, l,icas B, 6orlt 2:22:31 eolF,€to'n Tc :_':12 ldlvl '31 - e 3o Bdo . aJ \.c.,o : a L:j - fr-el' 6r'6 'r: .r.o rr .r, o'" , E', lhllro ]]., l-o iin ieli€n 1l+. Pat speor, ^'d of t:rs l:':i! rrosir 1ad a iteld I DId not ftnlsi:: iotui€ .\dnlnEs, um.; lrcr I'I.ch €ntrl€s to br6arr the Dc ldcard b} r"i".,, trC,rs; E.It. Malon, ncaSi-{aft a3- 12 o osd o o -€eo Iro :.r€ssd rresmdn I ro-€.o. .e !o."jI . : Ted: 1, NCAS 1 1-l-l+--8 (lldDad€, r.nes, . (-\-J L 36 tor Rlmln€ short6...I'ost or the m6"s "rIt;i1 ;;;!), 1i,as rhau.qirt io b€-a rr od wdor tho blazinq son brt Falph Blscrl r€ei. TodaJ's rac€ oonllat€lJ i- ,ecord- tasttc .utshon€ th€ 1962 6dltion as l+4 nen te a t1n€ Lat ;'E;i;;-(!;!r,,8.r+) il3li,ll"I"i3i""1i3 ii"*'iif#T"43 ;;3";"" rho! h6 xon tho JDrda! xatlonal AAI] lo-ktlc chsE!ioreoIp o€s' !n€ ln !h6 coLnr'rv fo! 106' bt thtrt ttu "ears ' a Filute' iI.ch' {hos€ 6l'4u inop" oo""a tu hlsh school in tbe b€s1n- Elh'st tn" ..-. T[us. tho raoe {as a6o!t lod a 6!ou! of thr€a n.ra5 bt65}dna ":"n "r ;;; ;;i"&" fr""i'.'iiira-"r':"i.-ii.e.l;.rii; xar due to Ealn€s, Hho lald oli tbo couso :ld*fiiu:lnti:#."i.':i:""trti"i'Tl & th.n sot the sarry pac€ readxDg tuo run_ 1962 natlonal best bv lO sedonas sd ioisastrey.ruorcis.rutueEr6;td!op!sdth6DcracoId rno n!u11sd. s n'sc1d lYtdr ths raco Duchi'l' out aft6r onfy i1Y6 niarre a last tes ;oucod h1s's€rt-totlron€tt es ho is ao_ bt colch Stovo ]]3rddek t. talc 1t e! iE tbroqh rh6 1r naI11r. frftr lanked i) ih€ x.r1d ii.ii":i"ii, i"Tt"i:"ir,ti"""*" slacrartr te! .Ls iir hls 10eo), "Ji.iiri"r,r"g -?€!r naFFe anc H€,s a rhl Bsra tb€M61,os, ;hoda nala sood. lho Dc !A! t1i1e t€'t to t'1d tho irinio"a" aiaoa tr,o fom tr r'r" z5- in.jurv' 'rr€!-'n'l ltl€ c1'cL_-'"li s!'ct 613 ai tho "n"tJ cohxn: rlor Idlo 1au!€1s q;:",,,:..1 .:.:....: sola! !1€ es,, _


r"i.i.._. "


;-;ifi;;;;6;.;;;;;ffi;;;;-;_;;"-a e. r !€, s e rb_rri_r


". . r. ,.Lr-'.rr!.o. u.. , | ar; :, " ;;r; i;,i;;..,, "... ,. ,rJ:0F,6 -d, -;. l-1",-",:9. ., ;:;,,?;;," "r"* ", . .rr -:- 41€. -orra'-'. 'trrdi€.qJ ,r'""ii *"-l'i:6": :. ut,-r j: fi.i6 a;'"; r-. "''y: ..:. "i ,.,: ,"" !:t l:.: ( l;;ll .I: "3 ".1':;;r.1 a o D rcrs e"tt ":;: rr...! ?r.E ;: Is.t v; ---o- Reosto-s!" ?2. /11'as i"o ,lros

c.o, cF-



Oi!', Jonn ct"d ?. L9:oo iat6 cbo":o,6 xort'd"oo-m c.ir'i-.1 d: i'i;at Bi., (b9.?5) '16 . ca!'L 1rs raicoir_t B"0c - Ds'6 Kirlr 9. tr.16 Eusr(?6.6!) ton lrCA!

r.o: rZ"^ ro.Sl:rs Iiir iioi-ioo.i"-u:r'. Fal:.r EaElels (88,6' M : Rod srhons 11.55:.)o '' '' Jatre {?8.1) co@eas ra.gs'oo i'iii'"a w";".-;ld,o.o - re ! t?6.9, c. 7aaa ;;;tiot;;t 88,:. clrre rJ.'t:ot ' Node"t (8.,? cnLd 1I..6r:u F-t-.v"li:l^^:'. '- " "". -"" rr. 6r.,r ;;_:,;rfi !f" o.- 5n,"6,,, .,

o_o ar " : o '..:.-

I u :








: ;"""'-3".o" I.:, _'

cs.--.:I _t. .e t'.{ -8//

od 7' 0 r'




-l r'q D"!.


". .



Alltii_iar, .cxzArir lrrcn sctioot !_lal,! par,rDrca: nun stlv6r sp!1r!: sFrin{, td., A!?i1 1\!1161 a.rusl dlstahc€: 6,9 8103 coFs€: latrdtc.! !tna1 rri6 :_!g !}!!!rf

j::i";: i.i":'.i":;'Y;:, " .,i':,;,1 i, g;*,3;.tr;*i*,,*," ,;i l;:"":j B,e


+i: ,,i:


l",f:i ')'

fii:t!1ir:;,ft;:;:;: . i,'': , -:'l ilfii; r;d-i#'"' i:lr : ]' :,"1 ,.:i





nd e,{ i;';""fi;i.l: l,-":,:t:fl;":- i { #;n:,::;,'L"l'E.,'.""".,",i ,';-l:' :l ri ,:-" 'l;e; .A: AT i":: :":I." -" .;,,;:iii':"^"1-, :;l::. ,.,.0 ;";:: lj;:"r;i:::fi;.'. i:-';:;: :t, :::xr:: ;r:":':i ; '-:i-"" i" i:i: l, " ;'": i;:j"L1;," "" i:T,":":..i:r',"" -l';' 3: ,i: ; :::i: . :".. .".i."' "ri";" i. .;"-. ":',;;:l:,:':-Ti r


ii :l'



'f;;ii"ll.'Tl;,-;.ilil"i"i#:: "!1",i;n iy.ll;.:r:"1;lli:ir,i::"il:i: ;i:;

.:-:;"".i.'".".;':^':"'.,]"':""]"".' :: _B.r



:to, ;.9i :l ":


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:l: ",,1' ,l':-::;.",I" ...9", &., o: r' 'j:::',":tl;i

^'i ; .

, ,:,; ,!,1,ilir";,;$,'" ." ,,j'r "'",. i'' , ::i" r,., il'1, ,i, i:l.;i;i[ r'3i1 ,';'; . = :',0 :' "". ; :]:r,". tl"" ". l;;:; i; ii{"!,#."},i':"r 3:;r _lsso ^ . :. . , r.as! Dxtr c".. )lL--E! r "... :ir:"li:::".l:;';; ;.' ;s'; ", :.:.";6;,,1"";i3 r:"::*,1-" lii:',:1":'"r :..H",: ?""::?":'"9'qss,:i, ";:;-. i r.",1; """'ji,. ",,1.1 ;:J :*:;';:",;i .rlt!:s lro c slnod, -r€o-B no ro



o 0.00or '.y.'l-':r: ii:. ef::d::"!1",''


DC AArr 25-KI1ol{ETn!


Tm DTSTRTC! OF coi,1tsrl RonD i!il]i.mclllB tllsrcnr !r!-tji,: !.or]n-!.{An Lo-t{ttiE

rirulican l;rli.rstty, liat 5, 19-al

*o'I s : Bs:r rrc-€' l!u: eJ.u _ .b€" s"opr o' :\3 . oltol .t th6 Jrdt€d statas ln !,a6ht!gio!,D.c, r. ,!1aa lr€cr.€81,r€.. auaitlc., :!:25:1[.. rtaliod at 10r15 4.n., suDday! rqai 12 noderstelr h111-y..1r6atn€r: 2. .ld.lj LrrD!€": lten r.rl ri, 1:11:11.q ''-".;":-o coulse: -,r,:.



.. " """

*,",;ii".. .:Y,:ji"':t;, .1 , -r.bor




"D 'ii-fr


.o.oq -.^ -"J."r*ro ^.: , ..q 'o 'i.i"J" i - ^ 06 0

. ,0

ro!!f, ro'€ri x.as, 56:re,5 r:20:90.i

31$:^-.: ';l i. ^ € r c€ ., .r " r'?l'li


srl i.aLsl-. tlt L

t: j.21

.ou1o o a ; i, J;; ;'. .,"1.r.c_ shor.s.,. i s a_s '; 'r' " J€a!," 6ald Bill Jlre.on ln i:irird DC rhanrt.mldijr re.:1 ii:.;ord ite ofl lEab r o .o) \d -:" . :,: -,q .. o !l ! l:^."11-" : l:r:0(t.!" . :::I: : a- !o-r rrd" !b all evdn thou€b iho ,rulcilari; sllociac[lar .f'!he Balti!1o;cd d.E rjhe !lre3. Tlro tFa. f,ece siart..l :in lrolt -r .o L .J.oor. . . -1. : , .r-: 1-. it.f .i.!-,-!::t," ''L- -" 5 s 1. arr.it tD.-dr.p!od rl:!t :ne nail'&1 .ach la!: ..156iGr117. Ni, D_ f di .i-"M r1!f,rlied_rad -"ro. .;:;ldl :€de a rf,n5nf 1l t:rinss li!13h1r'd D.n lLlnic!6 ir.jrlad oit. ilor casraE!.ia Errt6t Nbel :t3t :.a?rs re3 in n. ir:d.rii ;x.!rFd flT€ fttnut.. .:d ,. , " 'r 01

- . ]llTm . F!I" t!rrEr:4:r J L




riutes iasl6' !1an ttu !rl'! :j:,..:.,; ,:^ !;i.; .t.::",';.:!"

Jdaols:tY, .: - .


1, a,"rnk Ermo3, 1lrt1.Cs!1tdr lisr. rl:oc

:. .r!a :

chen€rr i!,@r,..arna1.

."::'.-^. "1

; " ::t,.:. irrl:re,

"., .

"'e."! _ -

irc,{s, 22:35.

, rr:1i ,- ^-l*!

. :.,li-l

P_t _5::!:__:."."0*". -

?C9;i.::,,i*'i:":l*:"i1t':i:""?"::" ;.!ar ?e.r.d ., B,no. i.o rr,oc;3:.-,:"..:::"s - ::::-..""";-i .;.:3,_ -os. o.



.ro,t)orsa"raa v e cro- :€A s,s - s.:o!,!.



rdie a3 txc tolrld crd poor foot. o r:eatlr.r b"a. ns nad6 an irl!€salre cobri as d1d lob tuD! aotha? hleh rllsr distance

jt8t j.e r.rnd ." _r..r. . . \o_e.h o.n Dont:ee -nat O.n$eo 3tgr6d hln up for ito E)trbtr6 jrarrre.s-llqbt eft;! tlr€ race.


,, ,;:-

iif,g-'1;, fit'.i;

,". ,..,," j" ,




:. 'l






u;'i,',';rl ii. u.t-*C=il*''';; l''",iii,, i i', *#+,*t;;*;,;=,.g;' ;ij;'

" "t'"

ir.a;!:;;q;;..u;;.':.,"",:'.;,".::,:;^: ii"#{;;;:':.,;i:,:' ",11 ,".'


, ,i

:; rt" ::'!.,." i0. n".,a..r",


ii# -... 4 [;1i.0 j i:i:j re,

ratr %@s. 7. d. Jorr. i, ii e rfr. ".-1 u:.1 .':i"'t' r,.:!.:r ti.


!l:t ji;il

-17 1, b1-a, -.ri'-casra_n.1a.

l::ii:;,,i:'i"[:'il"#i:] fl11.:-"i;.



";; *-' i,ir: iiiil;ii'+;;;;:tJ, r,i:;;:}' +1,ilili:*r,ni:t' i.i.'ltl'r"l(J;"".;.i , .:l; ,.:;+a;* :Iix; :1":"*"*", ':y..:::*'::.:.."|:.',J" lliiq*ii]:*ii*ilii"fi:i$i:ff'"''""



tfcnsj nâ‚Źnr os_

4z:4J; o. llod {61}ey' us. onf, fou! ofrlclal fl!.lsh-

fr,ffiffiffi il*ffi $#. 1,.: ",:, ;

'i,;1 ;




; , ";:;";,' j;i :" '": ;'-

: :,i: ;:-:1:





11i,,"";i:;{i;il#1il;;ti.{.*f lr:"";.t:ll;1:{



ffi*ffinr-rffi mw'l*wr*ffi -








.. ",. r,,",,;:t,,, Arrazola's 'Fertec{ r:i I ;..'B ei:e; :, ; {:1,";: Face wins 0_lvliler " ]]o ra! legs ouistandtng dan or runrlni. 'f

on ure txor''le !.r.y 3 f;D_"dG ;d; rcr tn€ rnorville


li F!:lilll$liiii:E r.

=f r";i;;#+;;*

1al al-assa€

,",ffi rl#r.l;f ry.?ffi


**'*s" +"r :*;,.,;;;,;";1i;


;:; ?; l: -j. :,' . ::I;; ' i:,::'- .,^.*

s' tfi





,tl#+:.;,.:;"::i :. : ;i;:i:






n*m,r*m*1g_*: :i#.,nT#


.:i.#""l;ffirt.:T:"""_ :1"r"*;1",:i;::"1:llil;li.;i:i"kI:


i:,ryryg,,ffii$ ffi,


Vern Nlorsan Wins

Third'Walk Nlile ':.1|



AK$ WTNNTNC A HAgrr lennblad*e D6ovq.Vore!A A dosss rhe rh.h ii. ri I 61


r. , li r"rd

.tl.€ ln .re lirtrt.

& .!en6d

sdcond, thtrd, toutL & :r!ned oui bc be sx.itlrl reta!ar. r,i311!I !-{1 io.k in l:0?. ifsr oae :.conr srrth oi rh! P.r x.a. ;ofd{a1h :iiL r.tr.rr \€ w.n iLi 1!,41 !a.e. Hd lntsr€d & bltl: ir 1-.i,2 rei ba.k t. 1.:x L.: D.n Llln:n oi Li.consin. anlur! rr: tl.o rec. i\:t r&T 1n h:0j.?, bcdi; fln la :r 1_< iarhind.. r,r'::.: Jir 'Lar et ar Sne1i, ll.r.1 a:1s3cn, c.[..i rffr.r trir st?1i.n1x1;l 1, ll.ri r':orga.! ,01--rte1 !.,{, t+:0J.5 Der-h:l !'4, t+:0?, o :1. Jh snjti. PeE rc. ir:cts.o lr" ird.1d spiro, rsE nc, r+:0i,5 5. [thur lLrds, ssrristurS, ]+:09.o ii. rlcl srd r,{r.:s, ?eF rc, l+:10.0 7. Sdudl Jmas, D€1-fa1 AA, +:1C.5 ?id nCr 9, Eiltr xst.r. south J.re!f, Tract clr:rj 1a. JE.onsl,:1, S..:rlL J,!scI Tc; 12. r.trIs I.!.1r! !6D !c; 1t, Iioitn raiton" De1-!al ; 1+. r.-:rr nerd, Fr.:. | 15. roh schoclsy Pr' n.1 Timrr, |, i!' 19, F6nr.' II.rn, EAAA; 20, 311.af, Hr.rt+ji.r, C1qtar..t, l)nlr; :1. .im.s l:dildy, J.,, D'trir; 2. n.r :1csrcr, rtjcj 2-r" .P ,r, ".-.


-. ...r':


..D. 4 rc. .e.." -;.: ii rihc l!:-..: r l h:rj.r' .--_--::"<i:of tlF fa.'ed er€lri ,! L,tr .r !ino:: l: criatn, !!.J. :.-..3un- i rr.t I rurd dei altern..r,. .0-. - J-0. -." ..,:: . sr . , xorEax 3i1oai r.., :1i:22; lo. cn].. L:o!.i ri.c.r, r!r2:; 11. riir vorta. tooL. 6 L€ : b 11 ero t o Po 28o -' o"oa .r. ; 1nE a ]1dst oa ,or !i1 ,'i;; lr.rn !*or, l-trila. rr11]x 1eF3 dechor dt tb6 ..nrtst€t of I rdk nn tlD slcaralk car!1sd hln to tl:e !;1r-nrls totnt in ihB aro!.d lrrtre ;;;o.





r..l :l-",1"


trj ll]ls4TroN :- ,.€ r..b, r.d 19rtr rony s.ldle,s ;"rtr.,e p..."ntoa'".i; t. rhd_6 !.e o b 1. Buo6t Ld616a, I)S,t,2:.r'0o.6! "' stophob. rsn'M! rLe. :?6:ta.2t,, ra? Laba, So.tt afrLca, /:.?:-0j 1..,s",6 o, ll. and. . .o or &kfor, south arr! a, ):)5t)21 !. ad ss oL tr-y, r r33 3. 1 2: f:PO: o. \ r 1nr 1... .. ", .!^ ,s solo?Ior. cuIrdla. z:Ll:?O: 7. rra''r. -o" vll; ' " o€co,o !s€, chardor, Buisuls, 2: J:r9t a. :,t ud t conficanc6 lu.brt61st6r, c€]funy, 2:U+.5?; 9. c.nsbef.ro the rac€ vas a blt 6o€c€,2:..: ?: A! a@5roq ldlaxls. G-ae.o. 2:. I f. hd1l.d tr erythi.u. suddy rd€lo! norlo;ts r- r.r" _'"""iii"iilr lir'J" lLt'tr rulne!3 start€a tiro race & 23 !4deti,on {1n) I iiir.r. ..}""v _ _;;nn rl.lsh€c. lhould nn 016r th€ r,i '1 r {arsL o ro lrhors, tt e a ro e! ono-bv v -r" s-q,llr "+ rar !16 rouslssh urs' r,,;; 't,i! rur 016-. _h€ 1o.a]q " ". r "..r;€ you .s" cur ir3 t r! 'tu€ d a lo AnflElrs rxTsNAr-(

athdns, a"o€co,


d1_".u ty o^ lho "ou.so, bu! I don'r ir rhrs bimox tu r€s rs c€asonably tret but rh6r 'L dao, oo.obs hlfit sd tol 6tdr 1o c rnb. Io aI1 oo"nnt 1 bdr L e s

r.n. us' flarLone; rna -osr ss € o?ih rc_r.rr_ (ds,! s. L s lpc -no€d ar DoHdtE .o n.i €t.d€o nr. ras. r'nJsh€s h lho srrdtu ln lrasru tos-, rB- i o 1t^. oo,r.i, 'ac€ 'sn t! da.\or ,..,"-. r Lrr . -.i"1i"1^"i irr:a. eur roalb€r ras ,rotrr sood. rcJ -joLar, In- a._r"o-;i" -lb8 d slfft ro dl8n -eD-1) vl d Bop od rn6 crush€r, "i_ruirro. 016r sJt€! sbout 6 dllos. F!.oo abodr t, Vlc dtd i! ;t ,Lr,nA .,.e ro;host doub. 8116. 1L pousd rdrn for a!ou! 15 ma *".0: r,-"r :. or, ir,,..nrbr1.6 & I foDo'fthrt a br! nrso"s'l0. 1r1€ '. a i rxsr, *""-,"".,a "i.rt,,oi.s. ,ro ,uao .,.,;. s!e6 rere -athor loo T, sn. ar.or o cM. ba"i r.., ;;; i,i". ry io8r_ ro T,aIo., d-rid" 'sL^\ ac 11' -o€L k6!t slJp- IL Hs" r -erorlabl€ prrla lroIdo th6 sho63. T Is dtd -or ras! tsl, bcdl, sp.ked a nonlh roo ror€, tor€'8r, as I aisd t! uJ o pstu polelr. oul agaln. rh6 3! ose out o'3.-tru 'r6 -4, ,5. !re6,1€. nsL er trsn.r!.r ra.t b !J-ss, bul J' nss,,- as IoL ss tr tl!,€, r-17no. -l Z"o: , .-o,.la r o""" h8d !€o! ou ns rro l!-st 6. rt-,"h L na loco-.6-. I.16d f.oa about 2 iri tas r. I rora ouL o:1o. - s ,_rJ of d "oco.,l off !a!'s a 5rn s.h6dur6 on Lr6 back of rJ hud& rear-otd."p-.o.ocd..-\. " qi,_ _"m b.I! !sc.!d o' ?:tl:1,h. I i&or e ., r! ' €d to A6t ahoad of 116 s"rso,la o- L B ,s t'._ ti!,5 and deti it6lJ f. r'3 ror,!-,1. . j; rrr.t 6. kre!.. ^ ,ro --;1 iob o. .. ;;4. i,;-;-;... s6b€dde Irri 10r. ' I'c fqne r.u€h; tr" orr 1f h6rd It torli€d p€rlect:].n, I Frtrad et loln ralt3d to. lb l:L? Jusi 33 I'o .r, .. .t rlrl 4 IaEt loh o oo...16c "ee . .€ ts hll ttnlsh bur svro o brlltb_ st4€d s rlLr-s o$orn€ rtu tu,Ls I,- dorn. I rnrnr.f ro! .e \€eo ! s^ 30 d, t r./s otr" bs.k,.-or abobo's .oco'o b! 3 s- . 1oo .. r _ooL p -- r,i.;, Jur olor''e1 ldol a , L€s! Ziotsk drdr'. bc -Alron oltre orn. €"

i-iL3i:3";"I'"li:i"-",:'r.':;:g:i lhol d p!l dss, o^


L' llgtr i,l;,1'i."it.



ar, .rr '1r.- to .Lo


! 1-2-3 flntsh 1n tha €rsnt & traclr coach, -Vlll.atura aftor l7 f,ears at AMaro11s. cllrch !h. t.d chM!tonshlp. TraFor nsd Ii to n.l oo, l" :C-.. JleD €qL ft8ld at tno M111taa Acad6ny," bramt nr16 rldtoa 016r sotor fia1l's c€or.6 coroem. btrt x.ol cMol1 had a c1os6! h€ad coach Carl cloe€ll. l+:17; 2. c€ors6 trp.&tt. carm11 ion tbs 88o ir r:52.1+ out- x11€A: .1. 1on !r'.I'. u, A..2-v rs- 1. rprrntrns c€ora€!or"s Lo Dr '. ! fD_. ;;;6r. r-s b, !, o:13.5i 2. ro- E L'"-,1: .i. dnm s Fraa]| 10fto ae€rybod! qooerl . 6-"-rr6-, "..831- l. s!!aLo, a, r ta Uaes dB r ealtl'€ sffi, Blis, lfi llaJod _asl 100 l::1, j , 'r'ol 'rIi, tas r€dlbLt slo"-'TL€a -t c7ads, a, '-r'l _.oLl. c3 e.lo taltl.,' . reoor nrehod tb r,r. r3r)3 ahad o" D..hsja! a\n 9l! rY v-\ t.r colsT -r-{f( lbi 6s thor boLJ tii: '.. oo^7rc ;.,o; ,^",.rat corl€s.l roat,s- od d i-di',"" s3rd .3 3rp3ct€d rsrr poor !rs^L..zcolat lj i-ti, j!.ii6lo,-1. ii.i ri,:ii ;." A. , .-;" P" d" -,;';" "" ,.i'.hln- i:ii;:.' ', ^ ";,:'^:-iicbos tho ra.6 rss s. 60)1ed oar c0-\3 tb_ss-dls..rtoL broY j'"F"lila9'!:"i-i"


ls.' !'f;.



v,c. F.-stha ss,s,

'R;n 'h. r!€n, afrar tbo 3roop16!has..' s,r": u.tt?.s ro, do I-



troo, h€

1. Pat !!arnor, v, 4:07 4; 2. Gaolsd G;am. SH, l+:09,0; J HorarLl D€ardorrf, la.n stat€, [:09.2j l+. ror Ksmcy! F.rdhs' i411o-

i. l, o;;.-j,6..;il|... ri66iel :i il:ly iirl reiarer, s;ta,rE rc,-lr"iro.or ronRooca. L: r.,..)-r''. ss- -. {. i-' ?'! r'_-" 'rF "'L:

*;r;;s: ii! rlre 8- 1roa Pbtla', Pt.' s:t., / .ont scac_x,tt.on-'or'r:r @x.l:t?--

i*',3; 3:;Si.lri"ii"?:'I g:::iJ'6.u .{Rl4! 82, lrAw 67


ai {ott rolnt,






';-iili"", illl,.Ii"ii: i"-,ti'i:t" I






;::ll:,;lli: l.:i'i,ll3"ijili,,:'L"

lHo tost3,

6ftir\ tf a - t\ .: 1: r..ord -1 lr I r' .r tor a1€x i]:icrl ioi te.1 L.!or3 io. bt. s:cina 3i:4ii1Li:ieei lclarie la11ey ]ir., 56 bo 5r, es rro iea. !11 iho {ax r. Li:-r:rj:.. r., :r tnl: !.. r olon rL- 'rn Dir. . t1ir. a. i, lr:]J... T !. .r a rr.rrc atr!:iol. :i:r1nt rrrat rltni..l ii:11 co.r.:, r.1airarc.1.l1et: tr . sterr il r.:5.].1. IEnshar dlifi.d rJ urtothr.J,clir.n s'.lE$ ht. . cruntrJ 4113r a-':tof.l. lio i. il:. :Lilal rutLl.Iillh nils in l+:11.0 tast s2turday. cli]rp€a n arln tro nlnuies frcn:h€ old q1r ri1 mark rrra t.6 ron ir l1:rr. orlir 15.6s iir lr-e ousllfr1q rErk r;l fl.- NaLloral A AU, Aft€r ab.ut m tnd tr:r6e-)rile .'.nt rh 1t:1t.6. r!atiL: tho cartrolic rearu. nile chdplor. bJ 20 ydds. €Ele- . r."". rLrwri-rr. ,1 r5.

a{, 1aa2) srrrir-: .. .1e. 1 :.'. t: r. : .,, B:lL:!5. 10:o!. -lrloncDrj:-]Ton osre!. lqr-vn !_c. i. Eerl DF1-t1t

dPs Iu!1ord, ru!1ord, rcrD acJ Acj i5:0i: i5:oii 8. Bcb Bct Jo.lor !C, 15:10: Jo4or 15:101 9_ 9. lbr et si.r€rPra., sEt,, 15:11, 10. ialrs! iilli;,i:i"*i;:l"rrTi:.'i;lbi":;.f* J3.otud. soDth JoI3or rr, J3.oturd. rr, 15:37. rrolded & @dats to ftr€t ej itr lhFB t€m t:ophlos a tnloe sets ol tde red61s."l]@hoon aftor the racer BlSdrlS OF !4 CrAnf!{C DAY'! Rm{s or TS OEO Ta Cn Cr,irl3's srJlltl'E scaDnlE Jft 2j rft 196f !-!!1le 2, 1.6i l+-!!1! Rmnm- t. t" sb6T€ sb6!e tud.1rrro Bd.lrfro Us.; Us. tzraz.: Z2q_2" Z- ,rob L6d L6ds, .erttal u.. 22:41!; sr6es pdca. l. ton rcr al 09: l+. 11, Sta!t.111e!. .l]li' rN, i4.r't: 'rc, 2\.a7: 5. t, D,eo N.cay, a+.24j ar.ar: 5 a rtrtver !.3siDnr Dayina Ac. ztL"itlr '7. Dic'j rc, 25:ir5: rc. 2,i:ir5; drf: lecr sranst€u sht€lr ]Ealt U. & lljj Fldil, rrrlo si.!e. z- 1le nu (IldE scn.ol)- 1. x€D irclud, tzr 10:1o.1: 2, Ron rlDrton, 10.t8,L; l. !o:rx sc rrari!, 10:91..,. i

1" raiehan, 1e:a116.

1rt6.1; ?: sl11 a-op. elJ DYILA; j. I!€o ltsctEr, S.rtir6h toJtrr st' oe.sr I, JDo I " t", o"tr r-."3.ooon -(:!,.--=; s_rl-a:€ - ...€. 0: ".'Dss \ P' r Yo lM,. D.; : . o-o _.",a oltaz 1;l. o ".!' 1j1. ! L, .-a. r-s.s.o..v: .P.'3. .-; r. rors"a- !3, Ie.n ' 6: arj . _' "n ?j b. u€st ('reete' ,{c 6 & rerrl3burA r&tul 6. ziro?nt -a .o! i:.1;= i irtr.]: si" Jaldta. Jun€ 1- !.rnc. olf,nr-:ld 1.n:-d:1sL.. q r-1-to czedh co:ch36.. E3 satd t:r.: xil] h.1! or.fu.)sthl8t:s 1_.! rtrs arusts !l& !9 ac, t,lL: 2. tr3rhr !.-utt. ?:oq: o! tile li.r lin€lglrq Icr.es s.]rcdLlled .io rurl:ar j. roa.r laarn, ?:r0: L ier cafiacner_b. l:8ld !.ro 7:_r2j ri.-AIh q..*, Z,r2,5r 6, rjnda sr.rJ 1: L; It 's th. ]|qfi lf.ll.iru iLirtrld..9ol. Iait 55N. ,i,,ciicaro.

for sro11 rrJ D€!qr-n. ltaeton, Aeo 11 6:ol 2. Dre C{!tin, ? 6: lU

1 utt€ nun

st€ro rrrc6, I 7:17 li6mr. ? 9:0? th€ rac-.s aro run 1n l!4rk11n PskJ co1Mbus, a rurdclpal factlity! on a on€ blb clrcuiar r.ad {15 rards 1o!4.l Th6 sorla.o j.s b1ach.! & lro c.B3e 13 l1at. Th3r€ ts lrfte 3ludB, but no rrrcez6 & surr.lnded rX h.usls t brllc1nEs. TrsJFro;1en. r11 1d.al r6nud lo! e11 races r! to ]0 o! 12 b€ rl.l€s 1r distanc., o'or lhai tl --D:cr {racs-- 'ou1d lltn !.l rJnL lxlc:ms or aolwBlrs T&9 MEgr r1e1d. ?hlte. " ?a,, Je€ 15 6-|l116s- 1, 8111 do]-n€s, rhil&. tloneers, F-31-r\ 2, )1"".- lislr161d, Phtr", 1lrrM [. Pe'ie Leli:u€. Sar llan.tsco ]]ntt.J l4: 4. rolm

ac, :5 U: 7" roL os1er. ?. nom Bak€rr PLlla. (raco' [:[6, ]0:00, r5:11 {Maf,field), ?a.56, 26.e (n.iasJ,. :-X11oe- r. Mo5€s Merrt€ldj t.1-Ts1 .crtr 15:3?.5; l, llk€ a.ff6j, ?oD lcj .]" adly ioobral i.1l!1 aaj 4. ,rM F.e.€d!, )]Rr!1sbu6.r-l'1! L "eta :6aa!€ 3d hualsoo J,; 5. r&!tJ .totd, P8tu trc, 7. ;.b XlM, Pda !c. i{11o- r. r,.rn fi.lad. :.l-ver rl, ;:1!.5; Z;T6u1 rl!6rd. l.s acr l. art '{o,TJ., nu.lrb!?A ∈ 4. ;rb! ioE, t@1sbu!6 .:\l1,. ?au1 trer-roa,s 9:09.6 a 0!Pl.; !€!fonanc6s .E ed hl5 nho lorun l', noldon thnorlal Aiard as *ho e€tro .t stabdlnR the la.k; i4olAs aas noi; fL_ l:.hlnd- lioy a nddtcal stuCad et FaD, ire toolr ih€ ni16 ln i!:!5.5, Just i:yo socobca otl hls ora tuBt ndk. g€ d,"!oat€d ?!tr1 1{1n6han, iasall€, irl 2c lrdds. r.nn tho 6-5 }rorss .ccari h:c'1.5 rlctd in tho 3r/-tsd f,oudlslf, r11o, hnndlrJ won ,€-o6ttdr tlld iu In tlo-tenths 0l a sscarc irre ord D{k..4€o- 1- !!.!aa,. Drra, 1,51. r (neu.scorr,_;I1 r-.ord r:!r.i rr. r1i BEnott. Ph11e, llonao! lc 11 196f/j ?. 9111 co6!6r, D,Af-Yal. {A; f. !a!1 lflm}E, Poni Acl + Jrn tssnoti, fl11]a. ltai6o!, 2-l11f6 llal!- 1. Bob tlrr. Petu Ac. 16:26. tt-z;-G;_FoFlor, ?6r@ rlc; l. &ar !€ach, 96m Ac.. tes scorins: l!. rh:r:|a. Plo!o6! IC 5lj 2. te1-lrsl rI,r,qj f, ftd i,c 2u: !. nqdil.o 4at€s 22j 9. SoEtlEm P3@ sr!1d6!s u; 6. I,ssallB 10. D61-var rr,t. j6:1li


r.! the hll€ rn 4:10.8 at tho amual stet€ on€q track n€et todar. 9!1dt .E lr:16,9 & 4:17.I ed1l8r thli :ec!. F€ slso ran o:2..4 for rYo m11os on sY 2tth. sch.olboJ !.cord r-hen ho

sotrtrr Dar.ota stat€ co11€Ed, lenc:icat 5,000n Rh. llar 22. 196:l - 5 F.r.r, 6oq "1.. stu M111or, a6:.r,i \:2a r'tt2L.7 16tAa,2 :2A 16.21.2

J. nlc\ lrrst,* 16:01.9 :00 16j03.9 nBt" 16:08.1 2:rD lE:oB,1 4. "or 013on, 16:u"2 1:5c 18:0.!,2 5. noe€r 6. riaEdd T.'rou1c!, :-.A t6:27.i * Fesiiost ttuer.,20 startBrs & tt.lsh6rs r.1.1r. f00C r.!tE3 :Erxi turcE 19t_l - 2 r"!!, 3r.1tInc:3, ],ft]., orortda ]n8h sci:oor--A1l i.got llnto., a:,J.o 2. rrile sFeot, Boc I'B" a'1.6 ir:11.9 3. Frdik ?fl€aie, BCC. i'Fd !€str lt. conilal Jerssf, Tc,0:l+0.2 rh rohso!, ?tderato? :c. €:!.1.o 5, 6. Rtck tudpton, tsoc iBi, a,\2.2 ll:lrj._l 7. 3ob rtsii:onr Poc, 1B', 3. t,n1o cudrtff, Boc 8.!€,0 8:j1.0 9. Bato. ts€:lytdl], noc, 10. Joh! t*by, c6ntra_r Jer3etr 9:02.0 T€e: l. BoC nli 11. 2. 3oc iEi i6. ]. CJTC 25; it- lrdavat€r TC 26; 5. Ch€ee!oa!o fC 12. -'8t11 ttu€sdn-iiodg !6[r@l c{ff'fffi 5-t6:t,d Rra Bar!6tt tsk, Btrt.n :!1dd, !{.Y., Jre t - tr ?.i!- Joh !1M.! s.oFd !13 ssyonth atrtor.t df *h€ .dr6nt 3B!so. the rir-rd16 !trn ot tEo !I6t!o1o11ta AAg lallo .oms6, ,i1tr6r tc.! ;h€ bac a* tbd g1.rt & r.n by 15C .rras .!€r ldolf G"!bor, filcrE ndst!1h i:.I)or,!" f1@rrs ttD6 o! 10;116.1 *as tho s€c.rd t€si; ti@ 6!!r recold€d for tho .oE!.. 3€te l.1c4!di€ )a! 29145.1 on Arz6t ?o, 1961. lob nose ron leot lac6 1, '€ujs ir tr rsc3lo:52i Th6r€ so!6 l7 rt&t.rs and q-d6eae€ ths tsnp€ratw adrcea 6t3hi rlr]trrr to dlop ort. bder 19 5us of aa. to flnlsh i.3 nerlle isrta$ rt tlD St. hihonyrs Bc 1oth)" Jo6 Fili6rr 1l€' Yo:l cltr rlr6en, von tho reto"ors rrlze i25th). 1, Joh! rlM.!, Yoil.."3, x.Y,, l0:l+6.1 2. Adoll clnbor, {6{ llork nC! l1:r! :. c.^16tur lioonsr. 7rr*oc. rr.Y.l1:5: IIATIOT,XT,

suisy, llal !9,

4:1D.8 ?at Bastlak. na! Yo.k nl. f,sr "qav€n. CoD.. t6o 1- nlchto B!1gbt 6of !tidd16to!!. CoE.. s:ett6!3d tho state 7. 8111 vlslsh, 11111!oso A-A, 14i11E



l-l-l3l:.i:1::-lf :.1:--

rohtu!'11", Ps,. "61af,.. . . , , "o d3 s 7L 2-Us L-1816 Rclsr 1, V€rr l,h!.an & lou ir. . 1,: /.5: T.r c6oIs1d?Do"-,J rr', 18:,.. "€r1.61.6.,6. lJ,i: l'o.:an. 6. 6. |{ ,65.. appoB, ( , 66, 6t, 6?, 7t, 6o, 6t3, 66.5)..^ c .r'h 1-!. oo1i1

l oo



27, arnolit D€v1 is. ret.. 29, BD 0ak1p .t, r s .., sch61l, ],DIC, 10. Pa!1 -.6

-e. L_.,, .r, I.-o oscc, Jo., l'. c€_8'o o f,, st "- po.Lr.".13, sd. l:. rdro '-dar, m.,. .16. Bob olarlo | ., uEt,,


U Lt:t It5 -5',: _



?:58 B:o_

^,. L8:0__. [8, "" t3;'i

i:ll:i'':-l311ll IY."'"-:-::---' ll: Hf,'8-:;T:.'*;::' lironRrs s€rs mcoRD nI 2rd lrllgxEnr ttlss. mx39. Fr6d 1tfteh, J!., {sch$6rts;1r9.32

sroro I€1" -_' Hscd Ald-rv lld, Lqrs., -u.r3a7, b _- e-"'- lr0' -' ltr' ,. ."u u -o.o " ]h= d'sB* \--'e- llss -, r:1" : .:i ;,cf;,r;::".;;;:-l"lt:::;;,:;.;::"':::" i.€ o_) uo1 .e-rJ1s . osc * ; ."o*. ". ro; P..i . 'Illl'igi?-r 'ri-,'l. Y '..





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"3.a ro_" 6€! ' y lild16 BarL6'

.. i"'. l-"i'"'",: i,;".:i. .-- .







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{achL tii ,f:.;t":l::;i"e,i::l'r,. :S:

!|n.:hT !.J nl l.1a.1:e rho lan ,€ " o ---:.:. ---.r;.. .:.-;:r::.j-i;----1r:.od rl-!- Just .o d lrorth r.ad1na. ass. 1l<e ls the 3Dn of tura- iroe].! tu the lo,ooon lE of t]]c rrratcrhDus.!ar__4_r.!ican c,rds erltcx tho.o" e6orc; rts s.a6on, shatt€rcd the aFri.d c1ti26r! !.n trnlir1;s & lLl @da1s rer. Ire.itr:ea io hd! fo! 3|I rlIas Jf, :lb ih. rLI@"s altc! the raco ln th. Legion 7Jd lriu1 lrr th€ seaF lt:!ro!..l1td rlx serior txd.\ .n] ' d L!E_ o 'or o ;- i-€ cs rurro€rs ti^c:-,,ere:ro. j,D o t. t . t-or , red ,Io!!13. ns., B..tTon, Nas3,, .]tj:r-r -1" j :".;6i; .o!o." ' j6:21 p:s.ar.o l .;::r;Bov--d ; ;. . ;: c";;;- u?1 / _'ara .. L. q. - 0a... Boe. o A.C.. o:Ld



T,t-.r., -r. .... 'rcca- . r:cr.]

6 D r 'oori! fl , r.00 ": 6 E; b;;k" rn o d"- 1 e os or :r 'e . rIT-i-. this oient fo! tiro :.urt, Itelter t.op4r, lliAc; l! c.Drae BrDx!' stxaiAt tine: |i.nrdk also l6tt."et tIF 3r!ce lC.. -.Ted,: 1. xl-icc 10L; 2. liirC l.lj 1 : o: n€e-;dl< oI r9i.. .r os abl .f"o t J, .ai r r., E " r'r6. :o.d J8j6 o f."-'-^ ,, Pion"r., oonlLKooJo. o t' 6. . ) on] P l. ro" 'or "i oln Th" ["""k sa.-" ar: r ra r o aorrLlnr of u1. _ ]]f, o r''rL€d mco l€fr r5e i. . - o'" "o' ard d5p, tE's . Eklr thFra 28: 1. , coonli F€ nissod iho tuor'.ar r.^o'a o, 'o'l3l ) se. br'ro sr'8 "ol t, : o? of th6 _M : o_ 'ujs o vo 'ox llral. 0 e€ '€ ro 'irth ln The | 9:po o 'ha J n, AvoNo coach tt!.s. 'ias happY {1th n1s a1} }ta& Df r€athor, and 6Hd fl b1s. sh.rtna but .bvlolslj dlsappotntod that t1t€!s o. tho {ay, t€t h6 aYemepd 125 hs dld rut mrag€ to br€ak th! nalL s3t r1l€s d daI! n€ ar€raEod 95 n1ler s da1 for 59 dlvs tT tb6 R$slar. In nredou eoold da! tn a }ace flon Coietdtlnopl: to calcrtn; .6t bn d ,|mrros athloto dRher6 r.:r tho !;!1d or by a fo!6ign dd lotdn. li€ 3to rtvctu, cros3€d !€tlrr 1r the trdt6d stato6. { u.s. citl.- d666rt3, 4d €rdued ddf,ors sd sLrJf€!-o. 16 o- s bo "6 ot 6.: ni€!Lca.. "jr'ao rl" o lar.rr It. _a o!' .r. .o u.1o -o sr'e '"A- L qa o or 4,6 - rJle-., " e 0.d :e Jsso:L€ - o b! oi!1or,.F6': |o_,o lda€ns ,,tt that tln€ I kn€r It has !od- lrtut, rub, b:r Rleck, lionaf,. on6nt" slble @d dll I Eodei r.s thet 11tt10 }1caonth.]&ltstra1|ita'ay,trho5a1d.].a]sEz.o. v 'rl Mrs '€ . olota '. ' Io-r-,!rtnL .€:rtle:.-: dri ! n ... n1t soonor dd -":ri1r cut srr-i:eltlE of ho xs! clockec in l:98,6 at lt€st€n l4tch€:l ilU'-SL Iu " 'i.€ 6" : c o1I " !D o ad .- - s,-! o1-'lF . :: :. ad€ rai dr €Jr,l1th on t:e quu- lodoratio4 r-he Jr.oi loto1a o0.s-- 11o ,J! ald p ''o- Lro o o lL ol ladl r " o - o: ! o &ucs BL_d o nor6d "-Lr'. "_redq 'e .0'. gL r.' o. r"_ond M lalpoo oar irack a. todaxie rfiamar'i ri:a|s stif01o ?.9 llrla icn l,fcardln d63d!1bsd "qdto or tro.llas. .oilor " Io'- rro 2. I bad,- _ro 1o.Lo _.i _s..' -8:-q.q r!rr1 !o- .-r"e DtrdL eoajm_r, Hsrrn a, ,. JB: 6 -rrros ard 4r:L,6 -o- _lve arlos. 2 Jd€!,ih€rrrsr. ."n(s s s, .0:l .. -06 vo "c-tLsu- 3. to \ A , o" bd t 1.0:5) Tn€ I€s TuIt€. @i.. ):5 L, Jrr ron ti. cnl& cs , rr€ s: Ll1 tln. ln r\s L6d i t1€ o- :v : 1 l^ ?ono leaJi, "e, a a . ;. .ack :.ers. IJ&-r. L., I ,oo lasl I,!..€€r3. "be t|ie.d Foorets r. D:. Brc.ir, u.,, L. p11odupLo\poL1L-'-"..I.v...o'..I"0"'Inao',.t:., es!€ r€x'sjllr I Js.oo 9.I , !- lb "s ^ b-rltr E- r. P6ne! 1r-Ua, r.. f", ,_, o, " Z:-'G-_i r eE 3 . ". , 1. 1b 9 L. L. .!nson. I r" i: | .. "o.I€rs: L. fii-or ,'r.,':.; F:-Aua Drsan' :oas c.l'st: l. od at- :! . -e:1 : :- E mu. rPc: L Fo €-13! .\-,1 i .',, 2-!t1i6 Hati- I. Bt1l obo1tcb8nk., lrY?6, ; -, ,: ',i:.; " RonDa or,:-jc: rtrt'73." """, --M.:. :" :@- "l;.'ii s^Domld. :'!ar;r, jrrPc; ar€r, )rrPc i -. B-uo6 8^Domld. ":. .-: :;':-'r-. i;-" ,i r-i. , r. v.: o 1 . ;-\,.i' _,.1.-, 1 , ,,-. , "*, *4ffi:*;-1..::;rl"l"iii. .^-""! ;4,

*., ::t, ",;9 j jl,i:''rilii,r.:i:5thl*i;*i#;i" fuffi;A*Ul+*,Vry,*


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ftltriir,ft*ftis:,;#r5i:l: L$*:i.ifl:+"".r,r.i

::'ii',i:i#f i.ffi


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