JULY t966
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-{FIEIi IHnEE LONG MtLltS: Georg6 YounF emsses the ltnish iine. lrMey Sbilh is.istrt behi l him, The nlnft. sr3 hmed in 13121.4,
o@, as KelLdy tlrully rook baclr s€oond lIace at tlE fIdsh, afrer 1os1@ 1t to Jtn Mclorueh at 23 ftiLes. uo BdE;d Mc!.naeh by sorc 17Oy at ftB 6rd. VolMo 11, No. 127, July 1966 Tln€s slored by a stlohs lrnd & subscriltton Fat€s: $l.oo a year. 'erc fno coase vas r..usra Ada $1.50 por Jeer for Ist class hat1. lJ raasrrod by noy & t]]6 Valt€! o! $2.5o p6! roa! fo! atr nalr In u.s. childs, tae oftionsl officlslr. Tbo lsos had Edltor: X. Blohlis Rossr 106 \r. ca.t 83 €talters but only md6! rb€ offll8 st., lJoodb,.v. N.J. o 8096 clal 4-rrour tr@ rirlt. ItltLe 0riraa, si. anthont's !,c., lss o GiE - r-r s.h6o 3r€d hre 8r€d (le nlb_ hre 12?th hls L /Lr naathon. ausL\on' rlroe a,ols tne ftbd ra or. r:'-c;he!s u";r"- or-"i" ;; nF_ l| lbt€at Ishers h, 14th place lss 59-y€ei-o1d a1f i";; R;;; l;;'i.i;". I lif*" '"r.p'"'; ""1;. ;;;;i.;;;;. vrerLrn6 hl3 oau€a_ n;r;;':; e;:i ci#1.'!i"r" I .n -tu !- ro stdr€sndrr6d. & F€crosi lon D.prrtn"nr, c. u.ia. aottrna '3s voJ"sln 65.{1 (roa-t o' qner'ca rararho;; J!: | -spS'!9-9d br 'a!} A.r.
lgl lo
*' ':":ff"ii{ii#::ffi |
ij:" t'i
ijt .,;Hftl,#iil," --. ;;13;i; -l ; "i;""'i"i9ffi: *.-.,;S ..*.. Z;:l:;: :::!r ;;;: iffi&" *1"-H:";:!,::X1"1^?,i*.' iiEiitl ' fiiHlili':i: j;i:;l! *::r: fi;;il:'i;;:;:",s:h:4"""i;-"iil*^" miiF:,:i,liE,:rr:l:"** l,i: l.i: ii'd i,ii;it 3jff liFili li:l:J;,"iiff::; ja ^f; glr-li^"r;ci 'irol ijjq"flilkl. i:'i:.il:.H"ff:1, i;ii";::i ljto;?l iri"'oi'i:' *:ln i:l;"1"fr1H;";:X:,:"3t::'^'"""' lrts"r"''.nu' :'6:'jii ij s"h"uru, i:.r'll 1.. ro,o.nace, se! rda,. I .': auaust 6, 1q66 at 12:00 Noon, sponsor€dl I' ti-i*v. ru"";i"-e,.":ii :?, l: !:";; !;;k;i;; i;;;;;: II i: lopolr to oced &ach Puk. n'
li:ti,e;i'n"::'$r;: :ir"l:"-":";*" ffi,:iil'li''#t.ti*j!:H:{ii:'xi:,' ii$iT. {i:i,il!i""{ryliFr!n!j: ru: i:l *u,,;s:r;i,;^a-Fi"i,i:1"ii lll-li":'ffi'l;iii3);'nl'fr;""::li#::, i:t,:'":.,1!;l ;;is,"11"19:iu':t ' :'" 1}.A,^;i ;,;iiii:'r 'i;.i;i,;'; :ii\rii'r" :::;i "*,:i:""i:;.'€"tr:!!{ij"r riii:';,,{ ;:,:"6!"'i::?:'"ffi;i:';:::;;i'r!:'*1 "j:,""1':".';i..T;:;,r;f, :;s:ipi;ia;i* ;,X#;:i :t,
:1iq'fit"1qi!::i!{i',;,lii}rul, lqii.Ue:i,isiili:i,i;lrir,,;"H:r,l:i:j"i,i:',;;iel"i::lJ4il'l;ul.;;" "rir- .i',, ,iti,oi1'j tl' na+ton. r-Ir. urr-€ c.!s o LrLr!e11. -29 N. t;; 6iira ri"iii, ro,s, Ksnsas 66zle
:-n:--'jEmil=5s ra-: nrrEffi fi],{MproTffp;.
ro.!E\ 2d
:*", spMiM ac, l;19:-o?; 1r..1; liiir sr ar. }l,.'A. . arLol chmterlrD, l:rr0:J0: Jr
dt;i.,il3Tj:.1,I;l t,i!1'effi:,|,1;;.r;ii1!!t l:l"ii?l:i;,X";.r-TXff3'ilHl:Tff ',i:-I"F11.1' ffi ii;,1";." ;; r^omr\"'
',':c1lE9l 25r of Laconla, N.H., lon r]ls flrst
,-"i,ti., ;" ru'i i;i;ir ;"S:::.';i!;31,
E,1o bad. ov6! !o!€ra!. uomr. i(6.
l" :sl:&j:i3,,il'f;"-
," ,u;; lllf;11'","0i,!"f;,"i5i:k,"iii; -1'. 11 ;, :?' i
i: ed.i:.-iG',i;-iEi.r: I ras s blr ds, cor Lhe_led-h6sd€o i;;"::i.;; ,l;;r. r"(.,. cr-b -.1 R6noau, as lo J!. & sr. ii:qlonot t6m_ sErbon Lri,r€s. prus ,he rasro-, n"e. '_.j-j. B.a, "sl. BAr\ ZJ; !. in"i'.oi r.'ii#lltlo. so uas 6lso 6 d6rb€r oI tJ€ hln- i;us;: out ,. back..Sti,l & rinls! a: q."3 8.4j,1"9!? rjt:lJ !]E:6 .haTron- oularn Da.*, Horrob, vsss. ror se.oao was a .!os6 I _-.;a l(iolhems. -
!]|I,KE VlX B6cau33
t!6 rt6s!]6dhaso is d 6!sua!
e@nt seldon tnclud6d oh tlr€ aAonda of tracl E€6ts h ld6ltca & canada, and b€ ca!6o he s!6ctallz66 tr ttB st6€lfo
Aylte Van t€r !Ia! of C@da! doosn'r tuucri !!b11c r.oosrltlo!
lo koo! ir ture" L6 uy arl3teco) lndoors, on cind€! t!ack!, o! in load !ac6s, lu3t io 163! 1! slrep€. (he. a Bt€€plechas€ ov6!t ts of?er€.tr hor0v6!, th6 Ea4llior Athl6tIc club !uDe! 1s right thd!€ !6adY to s}l46 (o! A6 xas schedulod to coq!6t3 1n last Ap!1lrs ?&6d ?ea R€feY
t ,, ,,
calntval, but alltaod too late for tbo l,oooi o!€nt. van do. 1,Ia1, rhoso ca! brol€ doe oh a t!l! to the Kanse6 Belaytr hitch'ecent htked all tbE Fay to Pht1ad6lp a. Ee ras schodut.d ro !d ln tho sacobit h8at (arlu !b!€ft), lut at th€ last Dtnute the h8ats role c@blma. Eylt€ ar!1r6d ror hls b6at to Itnd tlo flrrt & onft ]r63t aheady 1n that ray fo! aothtne,ri ?!o.e6s, iiAl1 Eylk€ satd. qoner€!, bo ls Aoitlr8 B6d to sEual thirss barponlna to hlE. no !6cent1t caltD6d 1l ih Chlcdaolanil op€n xndoo! n6€t 1, M in!!6ss1ro 9:01.2. And, accoldln8 to Eyt!6, tt dl1 quallft as ar tholtcd SEpllslng1y enouAh, bk ba6t pelfoisances ha"e b€eD lldools & he holds th€ lorrd l4door &oold of 1+:22.5 for tbo selde !u! iI1o st€oplechaso s€t at sd Froclsco to ?Bhrosy, 1964, EJlLais outdoof 3!0u06 tcbass trr6 t3 an 8:92.I _ooEt. Bhls 1s Just 6no!i of ttb c !!E tr966 !.4.!. rd{RAtgOX - AS I S.{1,/ m by ?on rers, l41Mapo116r UlEosota I cMe dl.so to not lumtnA Aod Tom's nmral e6rston df tho tgony & th€ lcstasy, oth€d1s6 rinod a3 th€ ao.to! Maattlor bocauo ny ho!e6 that tbe hocy baa boon plepa.lrA
fgr th1s. last Noroibei, st-th;;revo;th hoN I ny b€een to doubt ablrlty to ne]Io lt.
Tblee laok bofolo th€ .!aoo I conclud€d
tbqi I dult docldo oao ray or t!r. .th6r bocaEs rs lnd€ctsldb les-nakiu tt dtfftculr bo pr€pd€ for a ra.e lhich r dtd noi b.11av€ I rould be abb to con!6hsk
Foftunai61y, iq rlf€ laldted tlat I go,
av€n though ro xould havo to bo&o{, ro I Eado a loan & t! tb6 &rt b!6gtb ro-
3e!r3d ixo ro@'t t!1! tlolr€ts rlth snlt8d Atr11s6 for rJs61f sld *r11 ,rsiso!, v!6
ias slso lumtrA. I hld oonsld€lod ibty1ne out h DJ t59 R@bL8!" but brc!1ee of 1a3t yes rbon th6 !oa! rho61 had fa:Llon olf tho ou tb6 aolnlbs ot tb. race Eobohor tulnoit hy lto@ch on ttlat 1&a, R81lersd by tha l@oded€o thrt s !ou1d 4otuarly lako 1t, I apploach.d ih. r€natEtnA tlahtlA sosstos rtth a Ionor6d 36tu€ of pupor6. l!€ dlt b€fo!6 the looa 16 popp6d tnto ibo ]{atloml nnc i€€tlng at ibe !6re Eot€f t. plosont rcpolt! r€ had p!a!sed. lal litAaon had fitttdn earller @A {e6d ne lot to orhduEt nys61f bt g6ttljg snottolal1r tnnolvgd h adatnlsixatlv6 hsggler, the!€foro, I rai d6to!r1.ert to to sat onlt rhat I bait to & g€l out. Tlo olsulna r€ett.g {as s.. stttulatlaa I d1no6i r6srotsd nr declslo! to 1€avo €d1r. 8or€ee!, ny stMadh !€n1!ded n€ tlat I had tut 6qton 1uncb, & I al6o {dt.d to JoA ihleo n11os to loos€n [!, At 2.f0 prn, I hed€ a brl€f !ep.!t on trs sidduds sltuatton & theb fwblod tblouah a avdntuallt th6 nsstlna !eo6!s6d & I caqht u! i,o nt old !'ftlte brddt, LdF loEttDon, rh. bad also 1oft. n*!t novoa flon ltimosota 1a6t Soltenbe! to t€a6h ln Califorlla rtth hI3 lllo r. utaal].T I lss qult€ arl6u! to .58 hla. d-6o, I had hope! tlat h6 oolild ho].! .6 tllrl ! llaco to stay that dlght, fi6 suga66tod I loon rttb lob Ca!@h lho ta! €tdylbe !1th a l).loDd l1rtha .n1y a te! bloc!6 flor tlD l,emr, I qulcldt utrloadod Ey b.Art !@ one ol th8 nost unlnsDlrsd trc & a hatf n116 Jog3 or 6y caroo! * Bt6 1ueb back a! tho loror at 5 p.o. Tb€ loMlnit'e! of tt5 nlsht ol the nost !o!3onab16 r'l@!s I bav. r6t, provld6d a colorfrl d1.s6ltatlon o! Caltfornla l|8lDa, o@!16to Flth a candia rt6F of lalol, lho horllD3 of tho lacs I ato By aual roUs, th€D,tDee sultllg !P. I fould th3 apaltndnt f,a! noro coE eal.nt ihaa tho gopkinton g,l-| 16! I *a3 Msit allo uan dp rdm1ls baoL€ to oodplots 4yrlJobrr. folth to the :Irost befole I colXd a6i out of, th€ do6! I voulc cha4o rt nlnd dd ltatn ait€npt to onptt !V . bladde! rhlob !a. porfolntla {ttb tbe r6gutarttt ol old Felthfut, Aft€r dhlvlli tn Holklaton u h.u! lato, I !oaol!6d nJ niflb€! @d phlBlcat dd p!o&64€d ro los urt11 th. bni tsYt fo! tb6 stalt. lougblt 20 nlB- b6for€
UF gu al1 ?Uso!3 ue bolded ido a Afb€r Hh6t s€ah3d 11]6 hour. r cauht ca116d tb6 nbu11 !6ri 60 & lassed blf, only ho boa! rhe horrrnic ib6 ofticlsls cd !€6p traolr oJ ov6ry- soEds of a slobb€llns xurcr conlq u!, ob, and tn6t *o ?d1€a!od aeat! befor6 My dulltng brain frlsr thou€ht tt ,;s !1gtn st&t. trl+8r For soF !6a6on I rar ass 1n tha Narl.ml .d .mb6! r,sread of r'15,' (ny !1: cros6-country chsptons!1!3 rleathed a3 ac€ 1a€t y6s) & I f€tudd that vrah oy thdab b€ had a bubbro p!!s 1odg6d r4 hts Lrgh @b.! I huLd bo loro€d to llne soap sdds lnst€sd of at!. a9 b6b1rd tho bdbsio holil€s rlar .or Tb€n 1 r€rcnbor6d tlEr xord vas u! ltth rtltqte tn a!6at rrutk of th6 stalters. tho Jap3, !o I Etudlsd rho nqbsr_ (5h) o, ?dtuDtolt, u offlclsl !.coanlr6d e€ bI6 bn.k wh6n ha passsd but c.!Id Doe 16& 1 ca'tlotrsfr ltsd up. sddutcrEd b.- nenb€! hanlls rtlsl.d out tbat fle *.16.! tLe Japs o! ole sltto dd t]16 fio- tlE ertry 1lst. I tud bo€! zroDlm 'Bbo! Fast orho!. I sporbod urko Klr- th€ r|m6! I b,d ca€hr bur bbis iui ras baal to !r loli & r€d & ,ond6!.d 1f h6 lea.lns pasr n€l d6 had ro ba for r6a1 sdd rtdi: !3 fast 4 I hrd b66n tofa b6csuso ahyono tbat caD !a3s sJr6! 1? f,11bs qoutiL th6 ltgbt bofor6 I beil e 53 !ftb that ktnd of sFo6d n€ss buslGss. 6it tk 1lst ot entlt6s to dololbtre {alIs I las trytos io iacogllze hts back rblrb rq6rlcs rodd lllsry tlDlsh 1n ob Ton!,'& r Jldt 6J a & ro@drle out rn€ rtst of roartz6d ttrat rbls ras tro-nlls! Ton ndds Etsgl@, s:hsar ,11I1@e & CasraAblla. no{ tuled 26 n11o!. Alrhouh r {as novI lrcluded rnlbatrlr roc€irly rerdnsd 1na sb lhet I considelod a;ood crlb for s ralathon. Ton raced u! a hlll & disaelo ;lF acrorpalrElt oi bakln€ dogs, rttlrtn L€n 41nut6s. olhudrods&aslEs I lanlck d. Baok 1n llth piac€l r xould Ehot, iba r8cola brBar.lla ooh or 415 laro to fI.d anothor rlcrrn! ?or nlr€e i sot .r,tdw,.F oi, itE 26 mtlo .ooF to Bos could locato i:or ei-a! ror tiira! do.iqtrs do.iqr4 a stray dog rhai; rhar dei Ilz€ t.at llth plaoo uqs n;t suoh a had .d 5n trsnl of tho gellolllA pack, I rlot artsr all. In faot. r had tlred N!tucken lnte lrrb ,.lac€ fo11o!3d by a r€ltua1Iy, clinb1nA th6 last of toari: po hlgo €sqp- f lan as cohroltsb1y as b!3ak 8111 qD1t6 s1ouIy & I fealsd hhat 1 stbf,' lnto tne l'-a) ftpl lind ihar ,as r rtcttb or som8on€ o1s6_ b!ff€tllg tb3 rm6i5, l4y 15th llaco lh€r, at 25 ni1o6, tluouah b1u!y 6f,€6 '& sp.tb€'i e {obbllns for&roariba a datt€ I 6tuou3atn€ r6cas€ last yo&!, althoush f ststod huA€r, I edDd Dp !Ba! 6oth tundk€rcrn€f ovo! hi8 h€ad, off ln ths in rhe leNt int€r.st€a h !1ac6. 8111. & r{l]lies b€Ad norirs oli & gubltlg on catchtnA th€n lat6rrl rho h6 xa!, I orly idex tbrr I rusr catoh bulg btck At 14 i11o6 a Jap {odrxns {o. hla ln th€ ltelo hlk lhat !oha1n6rr_ $! n3"i!or;ted !y & I 16as. Lfi!ch lua rhat he haA boen dolng b€htud'ond€!6d ne. nppdontly h€ r€ tbB finsl fou! hrles, raba1l€d aealnsr rut Elail rtocas€ la f11tt6d tnsn harde! bDt 161uot4t_ oft to flld ry lrla !1ghtlb1 pfaco anond ths leadors &. ty cadi€d ne pest tir6 sssstns !I!nr salakls, & s!€n up ro tho norcaE, Kln, Fho .ut, ev6ntul1' !on. In tas obvl6qs1y hutl!€ & baloly Dovlns. t6dtlm I e{u!a bac} & }d fron on€ Boih Salalrka & nln had !a1d tre 1mvItab1o 31d€ of t!6 3tr66t to lhe otho! tlytng pllco of crast.g th€ Japs6so & lor€ no' io to 3t!ar3ht6. 3tlaraht6n ttu tb€ Hlldlns slldle parb. !arb. r so 'ou1d lay1:)g rlth lnio!06t for tbsl! e:t!Avahaes 1il6d ro or&d8 cas e o@ I could hlrto b€h1nd Eoiu nY ast tnttlel s!€6d. sleod. Bt tbs btuo I bad Fach3a t!6 - The c!o!d, ovtdontlr Llred of s€ola tb€ dr.. Lo! colp.B cd€ u! & 16 rs to- o!1enta1 nachlres out kr.k all ..bositJ.n.g.tlrsr al't6! xllllas ri1o rds .o, !Dfl- cbaalsd rlldly Fhtl€ I @11€d Eln" lE tlE tlA 610rg lit$ nd {a111!sto!d. As urt r€nalDrns 200t & !1fed up a1@st e 20s o:pai6d, Ul11leEr rlb erentuslly f61I load as I staaAelod into tho bldk€t that bact fton lralllraford but cauaht th€ araltod at th6 l1n13h. AfthouAh learly Xo!6e, Xyula Jora Yod, c@3 baok ao out on ny f66t I aetn6lod enough 3tr6!sth bo t€d tb6 to! oJf a cd of sotla br tho 1O nllos- I !a rltb tbon 1o!A enougll to suot ta. tEtito. out ot e olango I bire I rsachad th€ !€bsI c.o16r tn tb hrd stutclEit, tboD sst oqt on Ey or! to ?rud€nt1a1 Butlattna, Eo{€r€!, berole I .ould g€t hole rhd a l3r sl!!r 8111 !trl!flbd ralltDAfoltt. I tool rry tlno p .lt ll)n€rs Et11 I !6aohe'l 1lth llac€ 1dnd. tb€ EasL cost,s ?ercy corDrtt !1urA ne* th6 16 dle zdIL I Lr6! tho l1!st a bfanlet alound @ & rae6d h1s ttu€! teD p1tu6s lecotv6it tloph1€s & Lss d6 declarlns thBt I "Iookod sr€6n pJound tb€ to 1ocat6 rq nolt rtcttn rtcttn rhon then donddod thet I 1ay doln on roeln it to roeln I tlsu6d raa @ln8 off ,Ith rt gooa .A1113", tho spot. Uy l€6t '€r€ !!act1oa1lt ln
5 11. Rlch T6r!tbor!y, nedrood clty Strtd.t th6 rlna1. but I ld€t bott€! ths t. a"aue, I had 3ncout€!6d B111 b6lor€ 1! !J:2\;12- J. rroot, uD., !4:23; Ll. c. lr4r[Ij 14. J. Ga!1o!, srac, r96L duths the YonL€!6 'rtnfemol' 'h€n \rr:42; 15. 14. codoy, ba., lr4:L5; 16. J. tb6 corse t6nr6ratu"o ras 96 d6ar€os. HI11Iss, RcS, 45:ol; 1?, r. lhon lasre.od 3B flt handle!. h€ rsnb !5:05r 13. J. xoo.an, ttallh Ac, !5:1!! 19. vlld lhon t'6 r.41k6 Daxloy, EcS, 46:l7j 20, S. Gayazza, ntn I fosblY that I aoa! rhlt€, '{*t€d ncs, l+6:l7j 21. T. rB.rlhorry, ncs, l+7r15; 3xn1a1.6.t thet tho dny had cond&ted 22. scott Butftnch, Mdlh Ac, 47:.ll; 2-1, t€sts & found blaclr as cool Mdln ac. [8:1?! a+. B. suat 5n6rt6d, 'rtl'l tou fo!d, ncs, 51:r6.5j 25. r, snlth, uac, ir€ black^rt !Jhl16 I strugglod fon d 26, robn safi|, t4|c, 52t55t 27. 51:116; snsHor ho tor€ off ny ls's€y, tooe h1s s.Ttna, ncs, 52t56t 28. E. 'r!rr ehlli of! & stuf,fed ny !€ck a alE tbloush tt. {h€n ls r€novod the trcnker- 56:bo; 29. Jack K1!!, ua,' 56:40; Jo. cht€f-flon uound nV nsck & ttod .tt r€;0 Ecor6s: L Ma!!n Ac l8; 2. tsdrood ny hsrd Foclalitrg thet !!! I rss €qu !6d to rM In tho he.t. {I tashrt. dd xot€s..fh€ !€ather ras d1€a!, btt {a4. dlaD't esi out ol trl hospttel Et1f, Lt. Scott of tbe Aan FlaDcisco Pdltdo 9 P.14. that lIsht. ) as ottlclal st.fter, E. I ral on I {as Fcarlh8 3lr thtE as razzlDi of th6 srAc solrod as th6 l,Ieet in€ lalatoly tlo.r. so!€lal t1$6s r attanptsd to sst up but !e nodldnrt he D1rccto!, lor tho blgg€st ftold thls r@ has lad In tts 46 yed6. TIE of 1t. lron my horlzotrtsI posltton I ctlored lry the ?aciftc Assr! of th€ ltu. ltnkod et Schalf. drc ,as talrlne all Scor€r-t1N! rae Robort 5. Deo€fls, Co@. tbls tn, sftaiit that h6 rould thtlk I ras actuatlt out of tt. Ftnally, I ass of lona Dlsiancs Bu.Ixra. okav and 6d 8111 that I slArmo J!1{r0i RAcr (4-MrrEs) 'a3 tflerfootlv I oould novo fo.1 b€tt€! 1. r,r. ack€y, rrosr valr6y Tc, 19:10; 2, g€ 'ou1d quloldv off doEd & d.tnk sorethlig. Eatb ?ott€!, cc1c, 19,21; J. J. su11lva!' Hvrc, 19:lrlj lr. r. rract r€ardo!, 19:4e; to flrd arctt6r Patlont. g. c€orE€ scott, srAc, lc:5lj 6. Embelto Iftor laantns nY ttm & llace { gth d!6sqed, call uolnander, sa., 19t55t 1. R. celaye, Etsrc In 2t2\:27), 20:12;8. B. ruofn€!, E3TC, 20:r:9j 9, oit $TF-TV xn l41msa!o1ts lIth th6 !oC€no cll1iRan. ,{rdoda fC, 20:2U; 10, Vo!Eu1ts. ud dote 1lto e Lalgo !1at6 of th€ r;tuita1 Boston beot st6t, lhlch do}l Smlth, llvlo, 20:4; 11. t. alto!, to Mallb rc, 20:.10j 12. B, Ruclor \\rTCr 20: !a! s€rv3dgoston t.lalatho That th€ l2: 1], !f. P. kroad. }{.{c,20:l6r 1lr, Tob !€slocisd mlatho4 in tho votLd 1s no sch6ff!s!, ATc, 2ot39t ]'5, a. l{rttn, wTc s6ci!6i to tbos6 !h. hav€ !E 1t, Ev€tv
2ot)9,5, \io 11st€d llntshers)
aos! too dtstancB ron cohe flor 8ee.v ToM: 1. ll€si Va1l€t Tc, lA; 2. Erst BaJ ;nd of ibo slob€ to con!6t€ fo! tlF tor Tc. 65! J. a1M€da Tc, ; l+. UaFrn Ac,86 p1ac6 tE 1b th6 top ten horo! & ev€n to 5. se I'ra@l*o Ac, 101. --n. Docolle-could€!6d a !ar6 oppoltu.ity fo! f,ost. TloDhlos & o6dals a€ not the !€41 aoal ;;;ffi cP;;-;-;:;:-;!";-;;-;;;;;-;i;s& thls 1E bo!!€ oDt bY ths fact tlDt the gleat naJorltv ]oor ihar thore ull} bo rc su.b a!a!a eeitt fo! tb6! at tbo tlntsh. Tb6 t!u6 atalds
,5!sou1 om6, donr o! !€rtupE '6rY 1o3t, 1;;ach.uru€r'6 .Llussl€ !1th ar€
h6t)r axlluA! STATmO nAc!, Ssn 9rarclooo, ialrr.rlta. Ju€ 5tb 9 ,a.M. (8-utl,€s)
i. Ri;;"rd'Dalaad;. 66t., 2. r!1c Blontui, scrryr/, t- D- E6nb1tn. unat., r ldryl n"---r B6si'da11. F"";."r1- Msln Mu1n,{c. ac' i!, Haltvlg, st. H€tn1. Haltvls, i.5. H€rni. uat., Dallr, 6. xaltln raltln Yartn Ac ? cdl ransoD' BlanclEld, ub'!.. 8 cnors€ j i. wirar"eu',r" , scvYv 10-
Balkoslit, uat.
t9 tE2
!tr:11 Ld:11+ !.}:30 h.l: 4r: l+,li
4r: +tt4< irl:21 !+'2?.t !+?,ll q.J ! 21
..........'.............: "
ffiffi ffiffiffiffi
fi+ffifi*ffi *j;..I' fn,,
tirBl t'.}$ if
PoRTsxoUlE, xErMl{PsAI}U 9 plus llt}os LlaJ 28, rc66 ueath6r: Ide11, lterrt ra
1. ralph Busclda$, spdten _{c, 2. I€o ca!!o11, Boston lt, L Jorfr8r nen€au, Boston nrr. Muo1lo!, Bostor aA, 4. Kon 5, JMos Dal€y, ft,, }\ftc, 6. Tonr Sapt6tua. loston {.{. 7. noh6lr v$ror, uat.j 8. non caff, Boston Ar,
h8:12 50:28
tI:39 fi1ot
cutl€!, Xi!c,.60:19; 11. J6s€ph Co@aul I,r@ ac, 60:40; J2, xrlrlM d1nE, spdisn {C, tar AC. 62:11r 62:IL; ll. Easll nlcld&on, Ilcisdson, jl+. Edlard cutlsr una., 53t10, 53r1o, j4. cutls, x'ri4c! M4c, 6l: nob6lt coblon, Ly@ Ac. 6l:39: )2t 3t. l2: iobert sb€oban, ura., 64:26; 36. 37, Rlcna$d ?16!ce, ue., 64i29j 18. Edxdd Nuc, 65:lrrj 19. rod xHc, 65r42j 40. Earold Bat6s, NI,l la1. Psur DoIrss€3, nynn ac, 09:J2j
7 l+. Rons:rd oaff, 3,1-t, 57:201 5. Rrcb*a _ ll6ek3, ryM Jlc, 57:55; 6, Rrck Barko,
}Jfic, 5di!r; 7. Robort BMbors8r, BA-d, 59:o4; d. Bob cdrson, I,yd Ac. 59:L9: 9. nlohad Peokaldr 3A,{, 6O:lJ; 10. Dov€ Llnton, 84,t, 60.53; 11. Claud. 41t3, xEC, 62:26i 12. JoM lJ!11ec8, Bl4, 6J:lr; 13. ran Dsuso!, ua., 6l+:58j 1lr- !.b Hu€, una., 65:1Lr 15. iarce sasy6!, rfic, 65,19 16. nobolr Dufry, ,$ic, 65:53r 17, vllrle ac,66:0J! 18. nsrph Falrbenx!, l{ c, 67:25; 1e. Rtctutt Eogu, lAn 6u:5uj 20. Rosar P€rhM, l'yD. ac, 59:lro; 21, sdmr s3ers, Lttu Ac, 69t52i 22. t13, xfic,70:4cj 24, Hb. E.€@r, BAA, '12107, 25. \oa Roach, [yu ac, ?2:1o! 26. tan Dunro!, 3A,1, 72:J7; 2?, RrcbFd com16y, bs,. 7L:5€r 28. ilcbsd stafford. spJ'c, 11:57t 29, l,arry rosspr, Lrd ac! ??:53; 10. Bob conron, r,re ac, 7?:59i 31. chules scott, It4C, ITIT€M:1. Bn,t, I-l+-5--10;2. w, 2-5-9-15; J. rrD 4c, lr,-?-9--20 --F!€d Br()m,s..--
l-MIl,l noaD R-acE, r11t@, x$r-, JlE 4, 1966 6etr€!! Y6rr bot 1. Ro! tarie, Birs, 1t:17j 2. r(1!. saal, REB, 15:40; 3. Joli E6rbm, rrrr acs.r,, 15:1+6j [. Job! Lobbe, !IIc, 15r5O! 5. adEud coMor, NMc, rt:56: i,. Iho@e ro!.h€!, }fot Ic. 16:09j ?. ?aui cereb, carbi{en., 16:It; 8. Dlo} ual1oEyr 3cE. 16:18; 9. Rtck Bayko, I c, 16:20; 10. Bt]l stoF lll\iaNrs
REs, 16:36j 11. Paul Poro!, UE, 16:!r; 12. JohD Conloy, Mt1.Acad., 16:l!]; 13, loyc€ sauyar, NMc, 15!51; rlr: x€n taeson,
!8, 16r58j 15. sy A116n, u&., (6[ stsltols, 6. llnlshels]
lJgrrtNsvrlr!. ttcss, RUs, JIe llrh 1. c6ors€ Staakue, l,{ach.st!Id€!e, ?5:r5 '-ELE 2. Joffrdx R€neau, arsto! !4, 4t! 26:08 3. K3n r!u€11d!, Boston Ar, Tony Sapisnza, Soston !A, 26r)0 4. 5. nussl] Pat€, SpltDafl.1d stltit,25:lr3 6. I,urr ors€n, xolrh lbdfola chb,a:06 ?. iobelr Duffy, Nllc, gt:08; a. ar@rd tevllnr Spartan AC, 27:a+; 9, Poter rre2b:07i 10. Jees Cblstteon, 2-t{I1! ItAILx at ta:"ors, Mass,, Jl@ 8th €!, una., t{ach. st!id€!s, 28:15; 11" }aur ca3!€11, 1. ltatno,lhtt! N'Itc, L5:10"5; 2. Paul s!!1!sf.!oId stllders, 2a:U?; 12. F!6!rr scE€I!, IMC, ]5:1?.6, l. Stea6 R6lrnd, I!']lc, 15:11; 4, Daro c.senfu3, xMc, 16:0 cassldy, ua., 28:t6; 11. (ioolso !turlay, (I0 fhlshe!s) colk tracl.,!1J.aths!:Ids us, 2c:17; 14. Roborh t{tt6!, ts, 29:26; 15, Paul sch611, x c, 2e:!2; 15. Detui5 aEonj s, 30:25; 17. D.J. L.?16ro, teD)RCIISTIR D.{Y IO.MI!€ ROAD RACE 3o:2?j 1d. lavld Sndtb, l:E., lO:3?; 19. Dorchester, l{ass., Jte 5, 1e66 xuc, f1:07; 20- colalon xaF l7 strt8rs..r€Ep. atout 95 d€s.€6s !€n' Wsj 31:f,2. (29 11.t6d ftltshoB) 1. loo cdroU, Boston A!, A3! Du!0N0 RuNs 4104.5 MIIE 2. tdntrld Codor, xl4c, lrt DuloDa, Realolph E/ 3. Dav6 D!tur,:y, XtTc, spdtd ac oaortook Provltroe6 corrdaa d xot€s...lusclram Jmp6d out to d 3 ly 16ad & Jrst !el!€d d{ay xtth tn6 rado. E6 t3 looklsa good aaatr! ]]o 16colwod a tlopht & a .hai!, rlrt€! rravhg hIs plctu€ tal€n {It}r tha tlolhy ho !o tunsd tt & r€rt horo ltth th6 chaIr.
:?!ll;'l;,i'il;i:"l,i"i::Jl; i!?;.,, ? :ee'""11 ..r' -'s'' :"jr"ni::j. :i"!:
"o'ran ej
:;,:: ":i:,i::::,iil':il'
ir,,i;;;sinl,' r frli:i :;: i?rlii:;:i"i;Bllit!i3.fi;;":sxlf il$:!:i;,ti;x;!tr4:!i;i:*ii:!:,;,!l:; ; ;.:. :;;pr,;;-;;;:-;;; ; ;;:.rs ft!. I.. ss[.. Juno
;ff;: li,'ff_^:.H:i:'11+l;"l,jl!_*"flj"
rd- ]{any B J 1,1111s, ,_rn olrJ to ro.ls rr";,rii" rvaJ be attors D!6rd- s-" rorhe! ptsreonal b0s,..880- -.'Id !!ore,sd€ y-€11, \)Ac, r:!8.2! ,, ca-iE€ oomam.
l;.'::,:;e:"5.j:il1;;:;:':;:l'i.X"{i ?iiil"tri'f3; i:4"1i'":i."";l'"t:iH:::. arL
-h6 !rtuo!s.
.3"6 ores€aj€o t_o sLos, or -oca1
rsfry ioEe s, orrlnop Bs. cauls vLsr;l -:,0:L..uaEt;!.i
uri iu"" ."i" Ls-roltx. 8" smdla. 5i*Trii+. **aa*:}:++=frl f:55'7: 5tt< | 2ltra.6j L. Iraha 5:o .6: l. .sI.to snor., ,o, s€.Lors ic. 5":o- ri r' Br11 lls 's' -6 ccac' r:r''L: ;;;-i.:'!:;"ii';: i:i;|"i,,:;ii'i:":r";, ;:':;J.j::f". (-:r; /. N6r .roxasor, "'i;i'*l;"13:."i,t33 srrc, 2e:57; <:r1; e srs' j'!s'ro"d -o sr: ",":::":,'j:'i,:l;'l:jSi €:"i3lll,i'ifi; co
il1.;**,i::l:liit::i:ii,: t:ri,
lfii,,'?i9].l1: "df;g".lfi'"*
,i;5j; l;: i;,:TSl; i;ii,h'-?:;1""31't;.1r.""j,:l"j li: ET:i,,fl:H:.'"1ili51'-Il" ?it ?,::-;"';;"i';:l"it,5i; ," !'/;ii;xl,"itit,,l";::3:"itii'*::iiT i::::.X1"!l"l",,"i.Jl;, 9:'i;:u.,3 ;"";,1'
; si::! i:: -,i::l: ae",-lil l:ll'r;"*. *ii:"}ii,i'llii":iftili'iiliili*ili5; :,:::::.'1i3. 3.6: 5]T.;lJ,*il,::" I g"::;::;"'*" ","*""lyj;"lir,#:; 'f"l:;"l'il?"li;-.jlli;;; 3!,i,'fi": rol1o no^ Llarn s o!. srr-: l. 81.'rlon a-r L. Pbl1a. prom€rsllitr.:',1?:"i'::"i"i*itr,:it;j?'ii:"" cNer & @ft;€"!
Lbde rould broak rhe flv€ atruto ou_,s!. _rM'a,jrLc Rtrr,( l:i..!: DdNlat.jo\ slAps JLr co!!6.. r6n H1l" sssa d. t;;;,;lr;;' sa, )Joao, c8l If,. n.; !-b 3 rcb 'asLa . nll€ Mo a .t811t conle,illft J.OOOR of I ----------*----oual Ey ,br!i rod 10r..- s!p!e.ts"ts€ 9Lt aiwn {l ,r\,A ,0\ L.rTLt oL.,t4?I. !c/, _"hs st t56 s€cono ssn Dleao roelrarro!-l P€dondo Bosrd, Caltf.. I:sv 19o! sl. Jrr cr6r's oq-a11€d n a 1tr€.,i4e l. r,Icr 1{o€€, clr, 19:ttr26. 2. cona (mbes' & nlel s.r, o.€. 1rn Danlb son !M : !06, L! :t!rae"s, o:58j ), J6". Johson. t:50.r., e"cood I'sresr 3.€' for s nrc^ l!aA. :0:12; L. carl Ir'ea.osc\, D€1 Fsr Tcl sc}oo c rre! .4rr1rr lsr, !€-T.d Lt5, .{:J; 5. Andy osouada.
Ii#; ;i^:%li;;'a: ::r.""rii*' Ee-€J, ,0:la. 9. :oco o); L Ds.6 tl:k€ i{aEtFrs. PA}. 20: , Bsr-6t, Last Y6 Tc, Jr:c.1 rcs€ota! L?r 1', Dqeo o1son, L,a sL.Io€!s, ;0:90: 16 ord); 1.. f:" D'rls1sof,, cnui, Ytsra l'r. Toay Bal,e . Jrlra Cosra S, 0,55; 11. .ts. l: o.4 {5'ot, u.0 1os.:; 5. Rol i r-l Fo.s. ratlr€r, v .!o.a ..\, 2a156, \}. rler, s\$cr l.:01.6 (!3rsona, !o,o"dlr b. lLch Brsl€t. ltlra co3rE 's_ ,-r06; t[. or^/ Frroy, seno,1ct.son, Lr srlro€r.lroa- fi.,_ ro-n.s trrol!,? tr"rk roo so.s -3co-d, 5tl on.h6 a _-r!h6 stul: ns, 21:11, 15. a e r D\01s! -oir :ll!";:li.l"x.li:-t!9H"1 -,. i:,::3::.;:,!:,i!,T.:":.,81,;:i;".8; (le,€. 4,srrst:a. lj:,_o.b: ,i:'fi:"-,"1 vrrB .dsre its, 2l:12: -8, !c slos, 21.15; tta.v sr!nh, p. , r.:L?:2; L. E.i_i ar11s: sa! 1o. Bob rlu\. \. Iorruo E. _::12: ,o. fi-':| (Jc ii+!.ll"i: 'o1los6,
iI i'
Paul Hoolo, south Tollafto j6_ 21:E1!
31. 911 !."rq,9!, E1 roro Manires,'-2ir 58r,22. Ds Suuilu, i;i"; v;;;;: ;i 21. F6rf Kl€rn, P6to! v;;as; +:5?; zz:ur; al. !a!y Kuntz. untz, p\,lJS. Pltlls,22:02j 22:02:
st€re sb€1ron, A'larton !6. 22:oL. (7o starre!3 & 70 frnl!b6!;) __ste statfola-_
20th anxunl! o$rnRlo lD€FAfIOt{ @ sc rTfiI,rTrc rssocrATrox T&f cffa,'praxsEi:-
lrilir:l m.f i:i'rli:i*Ti; $ir.f :ll*Ii,"k;iff [iil'*'*i, AVSTITAIJIAII I1AIIITBOX CAAMPIOXSSIP
At B! !6t.- ay ?f, 1c66 - 1. A. cook, clonh 2. B. cKlmoy. ISU. 2:2( !t,.tz:4t)!+
!o!don. obrdlo, M8y 28, 196b a culhlnaUton tt:€ I96b ontalio hlah sohoot ss,son. of b!I;i; i aoth€! tb6 utlur. rrom r]} !rov1;c1;l oplortuntty tor roco!d_brsrkllg rocold-hisrklls p€!fo!: p€!io!_ ostharod 700 athl€res dtd not dlsappolnt tbo cro"d of 2,500. saedtan tnt€lEchotaEtlc !6co!its ro!6 b!or,.n and another t10d. uostdale col_ r6s1at. Instltut6 of uadtlton caDrued to& rronols {lrh pornrs rn th6 LI!erolt co.ilorltror 97on rh6 re! rlack ;t !!tv. of vJsstolb oDtsllo's J.l{, r_1tt1o n€horlaI stsdl@,. Jrt4t1._ 1, !a!dy snlth, Kr!11ns, L, tro-;?:-!t, modi;i6 c6!rr 81!ron, se_-eaTE;itu6!1!9- 1.(t€cora)! 4:ls.2 2. Rtck srorer. va1 h:^l!.lj l. 4on sratlton; Bayv "1i16, k;;l;i,.as'd:'i.';1;"s;##::#; "3;l"l'itii:,1..1;l*r! ?.'i:i;"#;"1;, y3stdalo, 1i<-?ddo880@- f. 1. iaY 1.'iay nay Tlcke!, rlcke!, ysstdeta Tlcke!. ftt-€2,-Roa€r Tr6db1ay. xonarcb ?;rk, i:5;,8
tho-tdse aulsba ro! tbo aulsed ldce ;*b;; nnrsr oi-i";fr; ^r ,""-. BroE or tho sporis r116t!at€; ;;l;f lcth dd .1rth, n.r argao", ,uo Eo{n H8rchl!€ ttu thB nct]{ ""i i, }tct]l re€t & sath€rln cet]1erJ. assts@lt, frntslEd rotl. ll" .-;"i-i,, p4t by !!sk rrltstry. Ioj rer ruds storts{rit8!, al.o I! rom coverus tho 4eeb" 1. gely Mxols, !Eo, 1,c, J1:25.(
ft '* Duk
;i;":4";!a:i:{. "Fsi ;5i';i: ;r: , psrk6tde, L:zo:1..o!€.'z:rtlr;- 1_
soofrd. ?e!th, soofrd, ?e!th. 9: 1!:Z:--2:-ldtv. 9:19-;2:-?:-s-i!v€ 9::l:8: r. x6n Eanrltob, Bstr16!, 9:28; !. ralkstdo..!!qE!!b1rio;- r. B1r1 cloi 6is, Esrc,T-jI3: ::t*n r;lii;;a;:: Dous
t{Iybdre. Alblon Norrh.
1&! C TAI,IIIONSAIPS Toronro, onbdlo, Sat., nar 2lst (!aEr
tEl,"fiiY,i; ac'
t5:o3.5i 3. lan sbausbn66y, rolonro "l;.iil i',ilie. S :,]:6i"rl' i"q++#;"1i. t;;. E! !M11rob AC. ld:1]: l. Ror vslltlgford, yclod, Toc, l1:Jzr 5. Brld 4. r6h Rtchalds, toc, .12:22.8; tur€ Toq. J?:z2.oi 6, Dar€ ?ou. E)mc, Jl:05j 7. Pa41 3€11lessu. cIa;:tone Ac, 16!25: 6. Douslas tsli€r, cl sto,o ac, lr2:21-0..!414- 1. Dav€ !a[er Er1 , 4:1J.4, 2. Jt-ridth, Erlc, l!:16: l. Bob Frnl6y, ?oc, l+:22.6..8€o- 1. Joh! Fernoldo, Tolorto rc. 1:5t,2i->. {e1rh FaMoy, cd€1!h leAlo. Tc, 7:93.9t L tuolso sh€dbld, n-{rc. 1:5u-1,.[L0- t. ri"i,:H*a"h,Tt;];5';i*€';r ff 1. Robe*a flcco, D;n Mlils-TC; 'iiOOtE
{il,l$ti'i$l',113136i';.'i?;i i:_i: uorllngsood, 2t26t56, 6. B. \tec.azd-
ct0ph€bs, 2:2q:J5. {Dsu ausr. R;cordl. IIIDIAtrA
16- cuy Hyars of rh6 r
r{r*"ri6-ini-Eiit eon EpFEsod eon.hpF8sod ron hpFssod ln In rc sprrirtoa
a tasr a fast t1!25 31!25 ore! ea on tt. rb. laoo ,." ,- .t i i.,i-"i-i Dolntbs of tbo ncArl t,."r,!ei. i"* t not upl€asantll so. ThE laoe las dtsr
Jay brolD, L1ncoln
clty Str.,Jf:25.1
i: "T5:: ""iili:: "t:iill';"5;; ii;bf'' !: ifi\,:H"""H: E:::i:: [3; jii;:i.,
ii,'!H"ri;"hfi#:iiii"'l,,it#i dy,_sa,, l5:47.6j 13. non Ed.!udj,
i#$'"#i"i:"::t5ff6.:ffi : ji:ti:,lri ',fU"3LTiirl;?'i|:un'la,
Tf " -:,T:."i i::'3:.';:;Tili;H:";i:i liii:, cofft'q! Ind.c€nt.Tc, 38:lL: 22. ron 3i?53fl
k€y, ooshoh Tc, Itr:orj 2]. iabn a!5!. ! +2tao.bt A+. c{thn B!oE, rddststd6 i'uc x.r., 4J:50.6i 25. Frod F8Jf, c.shen T(
--1tu1 Hlsdon--
tt15 T (1st or a s€r1€3 .r
rlack ii:ii:Hlli" iiil'iiBrld,l.$ilii"ii}it Club--380r, fru r:>>,r; r. !o! xolau, Pem ac, 1:57,81
1l 'r- lon lhtl1!os. Phtla. a r:<9. : !. 8eo- 1. Dar€ !at!IoL. vlr1Mov3, t:50.t ,Ji.-r (E:6,," rocolo or 1:51.8 by Ds!s, ieo oarei,"dr;-, psM . ; 5. eeM 4 j 6. _€oo llo^!to, oB, -:e tiob. s1113A(.. -'t € vlllsoea. o6 1: lM sarLi"o! ,. Jrn !1r.1. ? r1a. r,c, 9:Jo:9r t-1fr]ees, !:)o.4r 3. BtlI so1oo3, Pbl16. Ptoneors; lr. lial solro, P\lla. Acr 5. tLll aslea.--,Fc-l{0-!i r. c-ofse D 16T0. r0: Aldelso.. Pl'14. A...1-lul€sA...1-lut€s- I. E6_b sJIc. o:10t L. ?aul Uo!l&. Uo!k]1, P6m t6ru a(. A(. l0: A!d-!so., Pr1la. 5tIC, o:10: L, 1o:r.j 6. a ro-or,, t€M A-, 14:tITi2: Brr' rraloey, rr; 5. Daeo aoasb",s, s_i ; 10:16. (Faco:2:'0.-ryrn,rPhila,-opp€rE, aCj J. .a -ls, Lc!, PaMacj L. L, Eao,o lIo. PodAcr 5, Joe Drs, PbllB. ":./os16!,.12&L.d€!l'!-€-t-71i:--:-G1f staoqa!. 3 ch'ss- '. roa Dod611y, Phtla 3!a;ko. lqc..l.aaoE sx.,;: -ti(. sJ-c, lAc,9i1o-:d-{;;n;T"- JMp,;2. RiEo"r6 .51 ). Bri lo.3trkr, -;;ll'r;;i;i.-J L€?IrLorrLl ai";ii-i!*'ic;-j.-ai;rfr;l"*;,'itii". o:<r-q: [] L- ;-i Jln c€rs€1- leu Ac: l. BIrl v@@e. Phlla, i:;;:e; ?s,, 7ta6,6., I€M sco! ns: l. o€s Ac, l{c; [. Eraa c8-ro-, Phlla, Ac: 5 Jo. r1o 2J, PlL1a. P,rla' ,{clntna, sat.,6-l4r!os- 1. Lo! coppoB, ?Ac, 2. south J6!s€y Tc, l6t ': l. ^"1;t$r :"i;;;.*=*o=ru";"1 "!":1!l5i:; tii: i:l ,:: Bgl:",j: o3lor. sJ c. J1:L.Lr !€$. 1969i: 2, orj2-8 pai,( n-ccpo r. j--E-I;T'-ft7s_fidr, Dooo, i_ilc-_ Loo co: pEris sM{.H s '; 'Ar\nnA lL:1o: caadsl, \. ., Inuls'ler, ru€ 2J- E61o s 1c. l,::9r.5. " c-Blssro'-efic, 5. r..9=;+ s-*45- I €esni!€, rho arua1 :a!+^b r4a':v ryIkol-1J.z:
:ii;c' i
Ac. looi n"i i* o"i"-., , ".rs'o_'-ns: -6s"b, !hr1s. 1..Phlladelo Ia P od0r3' "il,i-i ii"'r,. ""* 27:5a ,:a'I -.'-i""ra ot ejii'.rrfrco :.'."41. p";" . %,r,d"-,. " ac. L?: r. r6s ac ."!i"-r;iJiJJ-"v "e-iiit"i l!+; i;;-;;;;; ";" ;;;,"" ;;; ai ;_ ro5.'j8" lt., t' t: lJlirS"?, i: fu ,*!li {iii"[ ". j
rards.,lr, 1sr lrllly lassnent cous6.
' }. ;ll i;:o: ij: !i-.*.*'ffi1f, 29ta? lr. rranlr llIok, S'IC, 29tI2 29tr2 5. flmd Clar]!, sfic, 6. D6"aq;.J;tTl's,r;. conaG4, .T;, 9:-t i. s"b Jo,o: 0. dsr! t,.l.i. sr c: lo:28 9, :d Do,d. s,.rc.Llsl t-,r ro:r,6 10, Bd-r 6€-Lo. L2, s"Tc, 11:/6 llr, L ' .. re spfki. sJ- ., ''. ir"d.tp.. , src, ,i:11 1,. '{* Bob Roasdd. i"..sJ' . r5:;€ liL ko"so Brac;jdd, sr-lc. )o:_o ;#- ;;;- tj-;; n r"";y !io.o"".snc La! '!rL.s;
Mr'' r'r q:o?.j Lo'Pa..-sdoa], suday, Jlm rw.19-.Eb!b 19- Eblb Lo!!h11a., Phlla., ?a., 6!2 rd a [!07.5 n116 to hlE}iishi tho eoq€hih ann raL l.o gl ts of 'o1 rbr3 traok
g-*e roouz n'n" K.or c.
'a6on Par Ac. bro!€ th€ t€31 rocroplosonrla old o" ll:13, sor oy V€r! li{otssn, Dol-val A,t, la 106r. oc the N.J' sp /6 sm€ c_rb' roi€rod lho Lr!€e- i1o na!k, t 116 rosmaro !.b Ashro ..srabllshd.a f?l :]l:d* ?!:,"9i. Pnllsdolphra P onoo' crlb lsLs .od rls ,3d trtr6 rllh i0 l/" p91l!:.
I de;ii'il"r"i::i:ji,l'i::httil ;'iii:''" ii, ;'# ;;:,i ;:o; -;i;j.. d:;; ::;;; i;i;; --_-::11--,---:-----l:-:-----l--::-:------1c€nt'€1 9++4:3+_l+.Ex.?: ,::",l+,oi"r:: A1 s'd, t€!!ot t4 l1:lo; I. uerb l,o!o'z' P€nh crc. ]r:!!.r|j.19_ +:05,8\fr-Fulcul.F'stl-D[tr! -7; rm DoM611v,.Ph a . !:o'.i lfil qT-aIiT-' {a! r&r. xrloNsglts '-ofiLIZ i;;"'.";#';"i;ii;l'Ai; l3.(c l. L;ii:tr '1 iil.; l*:,"$"#"j:l:"i:: ","h fl.""'b;'i,:6: r.e i j:"sdillrl1 ,iiru"i!; fl,9-."; il'1".," I,olenz & D6e; ps.- a rsnrn€ In ,."#""i,;i;ii:il""i::n:"_ i;:n.;: iiii;: "i,-...g",^,iri". r 'r"..r., ::;'ilyli:: Pnrl Aro€ s'n' P:-rla P!o!€.rs 'l-lnl€.ri"Ji:r' ;iJ!;;!-i.. .r. _rod B€st..\Jssc, lL:lrlr.? rrocdd. rLq Pbllad€|o.le ?lonoer":ijiiee" c ' b kob"i"ld. L be r6trt InaLnd le60)l ;; p1"". b,saqr € lr:L8 aii;-;;-"it r;;;" 6t::'" "i;;i;;;;; 6:0N3. r!!st r.6tsht ot Petr 'o: l:T '{cr I rlI savtb' - :r-::""11? Ph1la. a^r L' nii"- . a"'t -;-enz, 'B byac, 4:06.8 Psr rrsvno!. lod scorLhs roco_d o' lr:08.6 fEi;als .ii: rh !a._aL^a,yri aq-4.y5i r:litt^wo9dI rc., i!l:""I. -iriL rrl+!-uoekr{ rc.2r, curor, iiiia. Phl1a. ,. ra6l); _. rlan i;;;,, vr,'sova, L ::'i;;" i. r".r,. lff'r,i;"13i.'"J!"\,flif i,i"i; i6i"ej'i'ir.iJF"8. fl"*;!11':,jr":';;,n:1"1"4:
lrfis M.A. nRc 5-Mfr€ ffin Phlla,, Pa., Tuosdar, Ju€ 28- ? b.n_ ]iot. hu,nld oondltlotu oad6 rhlrss-v€! dtfficult fo! ttF !hn6!s.bur Ld Cor: po6 xas !u!e!b 1! tat<Ira the filddle_ ,ttl$tlc RRc'€ 5-d11. x-;o""t!r ov6. a fl.t dldordlk cours. aloft F;rMorrt Pdrkls Eas! !1es! Drlea tonlaht. R6_ nlna confldontlv & loadtlr f;m th! ltaFt, Lou .Idck€d 25:19 ao xln by ov_ o! 200y f!@ lival Tm 0s16!. oe1€r. 3:€Ei*,;,lil"l";"'i;r"3: sJra! zl'ii," za'tzr ;. na loidj smc,.rl"ia5;iij "';,i:: 26:l0j 4. Brohtru Roes, snrc, 2?:09i D6i6 Rondskr,-sJlc. 21rb1 a: 5, Frail Friok, sflc, 27:t!5: 27:L5! ?. it.r] ir.r] v. v.o_ p!fton, slrrc, 27:5lj 27:5-)r 8. X.tth sddt, s.tTc, sMdt, x.rbh patron.' sJTc, 5J1c, 2d:ot; 23:oJ; 9. M1k€ 6rasko. lrasko. sffc. 28: i{ 26; 10. saFy Aerkolltr, sJiC, 28:56: u, r.ff I!66d, p.n! Ac: jo:50: 28:56; rz: PEuf M.rk!, Psm Pam ac, lo;tl; 11. flot flordd lo:tl; 1l: Dash. uat., Dash, uat.. itroa: 14, Bob Boi nmrnst ndsfulT. 3tr08j !r. JI.! sJTc, 3J:10: 16. Cas JI.! CasRjuc_ Riuc_ u;: u; rt:14r 1,6, r.6. r.rry roch, ?rrik, .ll:14r ?r,ik, ia,JB:La. ia,JB:t oLYMPIC DEvlLoPlluiT T&F I,iBT, south lhtladsrphla s.s. F1.1d. srila.. !a. Euesdar, Jmo 28tx 6 r.i{.--u116 Hddr9!p- l. L.o Hatlory, FoM Ae-li;JE 2. Stm Johnson. Phlla, Plore6lsj taul filr.he, ?ht1a. tC (B€6t ttr. l. r. rru c.ro.r, ph[". rc. [:2?)..84c- i. 4:27)..!@1:55.7r 2. Rods rDda, L|5r.7i T.da, pom Potu ACr Acr l. trsD !so Flscho!, P]l11d. AC..llils \,r&1k- 1- Joe sr.ruoxlcz, ?h11a, Ie-7iJJ:Lr 2. rm Rddlovaokl, Pnth. rtor 3. st6y6 t4dorcoPltNs
lovBtr rx somg J!-nsij lZF IEET; Pam rc l.rrrs
10ia1iz sconEs TFAaK Cr,Lts
voraa, N.J.,
sat,, rtr1' 2- t
E€rb lororz, of ?eft tC, sco!.d a dou b16 dlh tn !h€ l4!dd16 ablibtr. A^rl bo6t slonqorod br,rh6 Soutb Jslsat 9t- {es.b€! st uost D6ptfold Ftrh D6!tfold FlEh scnool School tonichihoniEhr.
l.r6n! !o{ the nIt€ by a ha.dt nalgin !.u colp8ns, then 6dEea fon osle! 1n ths tb;66-!1t:L€ arrd. P€trr rlc 13d 1n r€M .colhR rlth 56 lolntd. Fol16qiila {0!6 Fh1la. :1obor6 l?, nllra. !-c 21, ard sotrth Jorsey rcl g!9- 1. Frd ca!v€!, nh11a. -iil' rlii. Ac, 1:i8.1; f;r""'rii"ri"'i' ir'iL. Jli Siryth, s(yth. lhlla. Acj Ac: h. De'o Devo s.nu€Ji Schv€tr4. re!! Phitra. !e!r Prl1a. AC..3-ib1aAc..3-i[i16- 1. fi6rb A6rr r,orcD io!€e. P"@ t6t2t.r1z:aoo osre!. srrc.
sJtc, 4:47.5j 6. r€r racko!. sflc: z_ rom Herrsr !hi1a. ac.,dlade schooi tir 1. rd Blaslo, 12, sflc, 558;3:2, DsrY1113f, Ph113, ac, 6:1Jj l. Joff srae! sfi.. 6:l2i 4. Barry Foss, sJ'rc, 6:52 Arn-cor{EFs TaFr Towr Ei1l school, l1'll trondav. Jb6 27- Mi1._ Bob uo€rno!, ro13.rdli, t+:llji.9r 2._EfI1 c.!!or; I. Ed Xlosi.rloz,.cirls €80 l1 !nd?r) 1. tsbblo Turb€ la. -l,Tilfs:Eai!
smr[c c$.t|s, BalilnoF, ]4d,. Eh caLon vrlra H.s,, rDtu 5 (qsprrxrt aDDposrt,lo traorij fior! doo- 1. K.1rh !omM_ oM l:52.5; 2. BllfEorrog. pr,lla. p1;n;6; tt53.Jt ). Frt., A46rtcs Un1!.. 1r51. 4. f.entz, tBst cho3ter stato. 1:95.6. ql91, Bob Brouttt6b, L:1L.1: 2, snrt4 uD.,4:2r.6; J. Ax. scha!f. Boc. 4:2J.5; 4. r€nre1, tun€llcs uni!..]1:2]r l-lIilo- 1. Bill c1ark, a., !+:25.8j 2. lou castasmlar spolts I4t 6 rlat iorbl. 5?.2; L noosre!, Boc, 1r:18.9r [. Yiz o,M, 15:51.2..6-r'{t1o- 1. l;Iay. D.c. cao li:4oj 2. romG;Fm. Boc. ll!:oe.l: r: r6ff co1l1ns, rhlllo 8., l[r[o,6! tr. Jr RoE6, !0c, l5:20.l
Ild., JobE ]]opklns Unlv.. .tui! Uth (clnder t!ecr.) usm - 6-i111o_ L_ Bob sclDrf, Boc, 29:221 2. Fiffi pflaEte_ et., z.:9\t ). cha"las }ioo"i.r, Bic.-jl 59j 4. lon crsLM, Brc, j1:05 (Tl.ls €n, ntAdt. Je 8th I f-11116- r, Bdb scheri, BOC, 1l+:1lr,5r 2, frank rrfaalns, Boc, 1!:22.5: l. xoost{ Boc, 14:47.6; 4. vru€h!, cMbolland v4 16J Ac, 15.1d.!..Mtl.- 1. ches. M.ss6r Bac, l+:15.2j 2, n. -iaic!. Boc. h:1q.?:i las1ch, Cv{c, t+:2lr-t; tr. raria. noc. {,31.8..19!: r.... su.", cn.s"poire rc, 90c, 4. BBGs, chesapsatio Tc,
,4u,,;;;;;-il;: ton Pdh,
;":-il. :-;; Je 1d (chd€r track) Hot: O-lf.l1€s- 1. troo3tr., Eac, 3a:J.t.6t 2. I crenM, Boc, lr:5),lr l. Joe Fos6. 8.. l2:50.2; 4, Rauy, Slorrj rnt., Jjlll,c 2:1:11ei- 1. Bob schsi, Boc. 9:12.0: 2, tflaaine, Boc, 9:11.5i l. ctr Wl1 i:'jl IrdL 11M3, EiLltre ]i., 9;:.5,2i [. lou casras trola, Slort3 Int,, 9::1.0..ttl1o- 1. crr; Messolaer, loc, t+:20.5; 2. il;tlace, @ l. ualsh; s!.;is rnt., t+:23.6: 4:22.8t -id ^., ui4!lr., iii*i ii, clesa!6rkc 9c,-uilil lr-:32.9..8801 i.1666:'i. ""p.'lr.i"ii, !!res0!€6r, 30c, 1!59.2! 2,-Eaat. lo.6M, Pem Ic, l+:28.9r 2. rifcoD!€n chas,2:04.r; sh.oi., cr..s;p.aL€ L ic, ?ord cc, 4:12; J. truM crsk, sria, 4qr ii6.r-j Dat., Fs- ss,lraT. 4:40J !. Fohert a r4lrltbyr ";#d;;;i,.;i;,, alv lolR Rrr,, au6, au6. 6bh (nedtuod ;;;;.1 N. l.,-ti.,iij; s.
;i;;;'r,r1;.;"iiir-i;Et;iii"ii,, iiiiii;l"'
lrJt.:'f:x;. "i"{ffi:ii:iil;;;i,xl ir;,,,1.:!ii:"? ;"trli ":i #"Jrdl;*T eil*t"iiir,fl:$i.r:!il'uil:;d;.1 I Bf:'1'*;
ff rr3;, lj Tlii*:. ;$:"ii;ilii;:1. ii'1 siit'+:1"+ i"&":+*[t'u1
tr{d**+fl+;tffitl ru'.:+r.+-'* ffi:';
lt,fl*r.:i i
;:rifl illxn"q*{f
ffi *tt+*tr:*ii,F,l**t*1ffif, i*r:i# ffiu*?l*$,t's,;ffi
*i#if *+-ffiT-
#ffiffi*ffi ffi* ft?ff#ffi
NAi,K (tRAcn)
t;: DEv
iil';i:ari'!:':j; iiilT:ilppl rit;i;3,99,;;,1*:,;3r e: ;"+l;i.;: ;.: ;-i#";i,:"6ri: 'ii;":l: i: ii:l# iii:,"ffifui,za, Du!M, Jolmson, 74:l+5; [. ste;ur N61_" :::. ,,r, sod, cddeb riL0:do; eror;I
o'"i". -cJ."." ;1'",' Ti,s
i*':: :lj:.il' jlr;i:.::. flfrif;HiB';:i:fr ,:i
;.;f,*j]{ 11",$"-lXruar st. .d r^a iF-rr;i: "r,iliig$.-;..:. ";.i"r":
lr;;i: lii,r'tl1*l;rrutp;i:r:u; iii'it"ji
l5i.i:;,"iT""ir, :""i1*r""'al ii:i!; fr 3rr:!"1* ;;'2': '. 'a'^ r:'e i.'!i I : : -::l *:.;:Ie:,.1";T. rli:ii":"i.::::; ;:;ii;,] ii;i]"i;:r "'ir li:l;; _flf{ftil["::'l"lr'"*;: ": ;iii;;',r',:li;iri"i::l l';i.:'il:. *lffi:i ?l;:;,ii,*li"j:"1;.::j:li',,: P !r .ar.d, r i:5,f_ .. t:D .'O,q !-. - , ?1. ,o-d -ohr. r...:^h, .) :rj .. "-; e ii:"".'2r, l6: 5. ,arl cd. ,; b. F ^ a; 1:p.c, ,rr
J rr Ii 6 Xl eln lne r . 5.ry .ee.. . | 3 smoL. !..e, thr! "e;s:,ssbolro roi€r nDst "o- s I r'tu€ls Li! Ln ,6s!.- oJ BL .s
s.rlaidr. , :4 : ?. dalo oi ts"-,, _,:.:v: o. rMLon. Ir r"". s .., i 9!orr Blggr, , :2q, ((1r -@.€!s -ao."r rutu !3 h X-u ",." s.tr!8r !h, HorL resss l. oi^_o" Jod l"'.rslop"3i's 3tuu4r p' dr. r,las.b. J.bn :s stJLr r'las.b. srJLr rutu:be ';. Fo.L roo( !j.; ruo:& r". F".r. !i.; _6s r.oDn! lltn urri 'o"hos.or 1c roor ,6s L-oo.r adrs sr,rs rhls sr6!. --robn..os6 - :l pollrs "c l. ;oht"
;a;;-i!-; aE ::' ;; -;;"*--#
:;^* :;fi :J :. "3;::'''
srecs strlckl.r," ]3;j3:3 r(r:1.o.0 1(: r': l. f;3"i"3lil;-13].1' ,P,H. o lc. Dsv6!;':313:"t,f'1;,. ^\i1..c.. rro7,L2 i;3;it] ,__ _-_______--17. B: r-€ r€hd, s..Anrh.bc. 1:o8:4, "3ll pochesL"! q.ll-corl4rs !,8T, Co1 "ore, cl}l M-corl4rs d. 6. tld. trd, ItlssoDl. e"U"r rc, Ic. 1,oc,;A r,os,!6 "ole. ItlssoDL.
"oit jtii:lf ,,,,e,'1,:!*, iill -.:".Hi:" ia.'ixi::,'i,",I ;,S+; :: rola, Xafuss, 2:or.l: J, j{!ke leps (oris;€, ps., sh.
-ha -- s'. l:,1:16:r
paulD iorn, ,"hsLss,
-:U:lil rc. u"_ii.li:
tIo., JuF 19, l066 r,ooss oark, r0.r'jo ry s1s.r, rrc', :1): r: lb. ?sL€r ?A,; 1, Lours frltz, vordon, Nob-sska. ?2.a ltrt-r_on cn . .:16:rL: 1?. Joo Decr- . 2. Jo6 T"T.u. t4o,. 8L:a1: cnrn.B.. 1:16: I; 18. c"tu c"r,..n; n" eo' r,tlt'"i. F;L. P4llT ii;; Lr. EbuhltMn. llo. vo., Io. B;;;;;;;.;;;;;'ji,";:: B''r coroo", s!, r;!h.: 8-:L4l rlc, 1:11:0o: -,r.,ooi iq ";.; ei:rj.,tc. 4, J..rJ ralntor, iesas c.Le. vo_.
;:#S"-,. 2. CblIs Dubrl€lo, ".. x,,
1:r7:P2i :0,
a,ro_d. na.. 1j17:t,
r.!! ) 'il;:'l:::: i:;:::T,"il"i;:;'fi;, 4d11: :17:l.d; / . sId so.!Eh. saEf, .l:20:-1: l
sr-10,, ,ora.d!., 2_:Jtr J.
i:iiEl""''" ijiil r!r: fr :;i;i,"f ;.';jt;,.]; 3t:.: l*r*J;!:is*+'iF,:i*ilifuI +r:*i+.i',*,lil'i-li;, tiFi iii"T#ir;"1";,."i:l
lui'";r:il;, r;;;;ii#ltxi ,*j$-s,j:d+; :Hir;iIl:.'liliqir:3,1ii:;;;;]ifu1,"":';:;dJ:H'n;ri:I::i'i'ii t
a;1q;;';1, jill.,.,,it,'ii[,,,1 9i;i*#ft;,1 ii.+;i-u*"*iri;rr,
i+j:i#tltd;lilirii, rii]"i.i'r
,I;, lii'i:i,;:,,
ii;,'lrsti'#*r*i,itl'*,H+:;:rir,#W ruli' *;ro;*;:s*:;;'siij{:". -;"ff u;';i*q:.+lri:r:i,,fii_ 3l] ;"3'!"1;:"i,;":r-3::;"1;;1-ls;1t I
;*"i,;ii;;1q$:.=i,iil.tiiiij i;;' *;;;;;t;1;;;;g, -*ilr.,rt;''.i rt,i;"-r;":ii"il"fr ii::? i*i!:ii,'!l'"i ,:n"":;,.i'it,.ir"::jilir!]:illj'," ll"*lil.li:r tl"il'!'rl;;:"r; *lji::"" iiilil{::, f $i;.i::##fi ffi :{J: *ir:iif :}:!',::*"*il,'; i,;ft:iq;" irlgslff i :irf;,irltf;il.t.] ff ;::ll$.,5,.r,r,*li"iji:;fr I ir". i):,di,l;i."i lfl,r3lt"!;";.'$itifu". *;:,-:;:: is, j;i:T;"r*:;,; ;l;:;"._ I
iirieii{;l:,tl ri{;'w$iil i';.;i#[ili,:Iil'l-i$;i,x*[ j;;tr$1-;fl;,'iil;;.*'?I;1;"1.; Lio
cMes as
;,:"y::; ;t":f
"":,;*rl.: lJ,ooo- s,cnase_ 1. ?a_ rram.. ra""" ,.
$;;':::;r;;Lii'i,:,:fi iqil Hm**46;J{:ff
m- l**ril*-*ffi.*t$*q, il*}: ii:l+i-it:$: d r-::3;
"iti+.'i$il. gl{i: 6: "irt:{tif "*,
;*;i"g{iiffi }:; ift #;1t,,. ;{:q:,3a}];f
l}f :$*
*r*xtru''*p;r*r I u*+ft+#fii,*:s: ffilffiltfir'ilfl1;l,*: i g*[**i*util+s*r" l$;ru#liffi'lig;f i:i{"i:, iili:i:gr,rii,r*i iir;:{'$$$l
iiii',ff cs;l1ililteili;*ifr ;u:ul+;ff
i:t*:l;:fifi:l1iff fl,i;::ri' *t-=+i''il*l;"'u:$fu t,, ' ui:*lirii;#:;*::-$#i iifr$l:;iilitiii:rrtrirfrri
*:if r;;:r[:l;f :'fr ::,ft ;:",+jhtff,fl,orr,,i[,+:,: ;# ffi *fiiffi {#-e't ffi:#**iu**l*i; jil;"'il'i': :ilthiarf:"1:a,*il;t:;r':jtl;.ft
*"rii'liuicil;:,fu ;*;ir:*igl*;luEtriryi:ils
ffiffi*ffiffiffi ;lilrr::ii"l;:j:tijrB::itilt"li ;ni;jj #;;F:ifiiiJ*T:*:i.::: iifi]i.{ir,;s; " ; iprurrul::,l ui';;**;;lji=*,rffi;ii #l:::T!:":'rL' ::{,d.i;ifl:. ;**:i*i,,i,i_';,ii;:#i;n;+;; I
$filiffi lm
} ;]rii;*;1il;?:1iii:
;gil*i.i[ -5ri:*r**:i]li!"s+' ii; "fiii l1;:;: ;;;;;g-;;;,:;.:i;i;?ri:f .:!::.*l 111;s;rri.i,i*i :*i**T_i-
ffi ${;:''i ir-lffirtrf.iijii$'i,i,ffi
{;lti,:l}l*i;}!riiLj,"fi ir,'.1ir1il**ll'stjtt*#g:ri* ;#jii.;:"i:r.il:'l;. :;:""
*."ri: '"'" #;:r";!:iE:"i c*";;.-,ei ;i;;;;ll; YI"j.l: 2j'21 ". c,.; i.;i";;;,1;:'*ip-"0." ;l ;l"rjjiii:; " r.ri;fj::raT. -*=i,_l; ;:T hi;i,.: :tir"%,.i;li,.i;ii'ilr, ;,,,,it-i;#ijT;=;;-*;-;r . o"."I r,si;;;_-.LJi;" ;i.'"6,1,;j;"";I lffr$: 1
Hi.*:;ii: ;-i;;;;;; ;i' if q !: F il:tr":',ff;; ii:1?:t li;]$i.) i;o ;io i ifri#i iu1iâ&#x201A;Ź+xi*riif !: !:!,:s:itr;t:l:-.Jl jii:; 4' #ihr*i:-;jiif
F.H:iS,ff !S":f; y,g"rr"rig,.L,11r'i'st3",',. ;i,.via;" ;i;6";;-^," : iii:" yi;h s,11,'*
E:: " &:iE:I.tLTi f,l":f '*r; 1 iiTi;.i:;;:':;.:; ti: f l; il.;q";;.;:.*,i *il: t:;i,ii,:13;'ri1l;iti::ilfi re'.r"v uiir1., rli, F: ii:tt.28:ze'"
ii.*i#rTl$i.ia*i*:+:i* ii*T:d"3P:i ",;;'. :ai;:
ffiffi **gtrffi
-*:**:;t*,;lr:,t*#*#. "i*;;-#; il;i;;;-ffi ;-;;;il;;;;;;. ;. l, i:r'c###i:" ii:l!;ilii U.5 biiz ;?.Hfr ?:i],i,Ff +*$,'rli' {';t$g+if:::j:*':ii iiis 6!
*S-;if,ttu"L;f;1#i';*i ffiEl: glj fT,ft Yi"i""lif
i:l5ir].1!":xi"i"h:ii,,!Hn:x onrlroly lev61.,rJ.athor: onrlr0ry 1ev61.,,r.a;hor:
l!:rsDery @t:
,"i#*,1ffi i#$Iftrruli;iif Tr *t fi , t'bt"':Th;:fr
*;i+ ft ii *lff
i:': i:ii"L#-3;tlliiS;;l !j:3
Fdff :i5#d',j:{;';'i;i*'1ft fi+t"'fl":: :?:Lpi;:;""'lt?thT.l.:t +9, :o
t:"':"":;:;::i\3"!".i.ii, ::l.iy.ts*"-
schdf s!€H stro.ser tn tho 1st6 stago r.ls ftlet I m.11a6 ua3 26:07 as oloosed 6 25tSA tor tirs ssooad t nr1es. !1! last nt16 ,as a fast 4.97. ItFrr 2-x11.- 1. Jotr E6!boh3, l0r05.t+; z. st€r3Ft R€.d, 1o:0c_2; tarrJ Iool II, 1I:01r.5; 4. n8r Cordon.l. 11::3,:: 5.
qFEx nACE - 1. J.ff Co1lls- BEj6:2oj7-MI1E 2. ,rtr Eoy{ood, f:E. 39:55. r. c.;cusxdac, sr 40:31; I+. lob EL6, !ar?.of ild,, 40:46, 5. Eit o,coElr, EE: h1:t1: 6. D6v3 ca!!, vr&r, L2:29; ?. Fld coulir. @.. Id:2L: Dae. Xdshron- amc q. ron8.\,|rlrldE, @., L5:1o: 10. $:54; PaE6, alrfc, l+5'r8; fl, sh6r salllT-Y1ll:r::-ll:!::"111-:li:Y::l---- l,€gu€! *lad! AlTc, 50:11; 12. JaJ tttuor. fff. l!$E!S RESIEIS ol ot BllIIoI{ DEnBY #1 sponso!€dp.u, bv 51:1i..r r- lMonr snlr4 R; Da€ xsll D.c- iRc, ruosdayJ run 14, 1966 7 p.r rdashleton- t.c. at East Potonac ra!k, ra!k. rdashlr8to!, FoF th6 first f bltes cotlle. sdtht ccoEso: P6lloctly P6lloctlY flat! flat: ono on. & ea i fractf?scnrer€ s] h conior*le1on Ials around strardxay & Aou ooulso lh€! snlth dlolpoil out at th€ 6Ei! of tlr6 plotEesquo ]latrc Folrt, usaire!: flrst 1ap & bh6 otlrors Fe.rurl1r d&rd 9n !o-&s!eosj ror th6 saoold tlne tn a b8hlnd corrlns b bed a lsad oi or€t sboxers oooba th6 oondlt a + orle or€r toamat6 rli Esr$ort at trE Iotu by laco th.. €nd. o€o!a8 cush.ao fasr fd lrt. r. aob schsd, Boc, 18:t1; 2. tou cas- l-I,fir,! TllrtrAGE ]IACE-tialsroit 1. Jobr S6!!6rstaanola, alljc, tasnolar alfjc, 19:l+l; 19:41;3. _), r@ clahm. r5t51t 2, P.ta !gM, f6:o2; Frslk-tr sBOC- A:I8r BoC, r a: [, l, JsIf rsff.orr Co1r16. E],Dlr. It. bo1d, 16:0b: l+. Jo6 106ss€!,f.16:A: :0:98!'O:5. Dsve va11aco. Le.. t:30: 6: sr03 s€143ckr 15:27r 6. fiihe Docle!-5,16: vhcs Coltnlol6, AtrIc, 2r:Llr ?. Bob J2; 7. Bob Na\oa!t, 16:lrl+! 8. huc6'riobtlue, UdY, of lld., 21t52; A. J6nr tnsoa, 16:[8; 9, Ldry 1161, 16:52. to. Mcfadaon, lm., 21:56; 9. J14 Eowoori. (1,8 tlarshels) Jt^ ttccor€m, EU, 22:00; 10. Ed orcore11, !8, 22:23; F$ra l+-rrrEs- 16r99 1. rod Blrctr 7:l+Jr z U. OoolAo cushnac, En" 22t3li 12. Daaa nay cordo!, ?:utrr L Jobr FiDleB@ Mcco]rGll, S]r,3, 21159; 13. ron Vl1rrdE 7:l+6j lr, Jorh L.p!l, 8:10; 5. J;b! dsr. us., a+.J6; 14. Lostsr raas, axrc, 25: U:15; 6. l,Iutin tuoelbaE. a:!9i ?. pain lor f5. Eush rascout, AUrc, 26:[5i 16. s6636u, d:22; a. Vtctd Brtck, 8:jt1: 9. J5t MllL€r, lrr!, 27r2I; 17. John Crer, r.l1ton crdsnbam, 8:lJj I0, osors6 frjor. ML- n'2q: 13- Ch6t Ch6i Sa1!ind, sElrind AUTC, Arr. !:4uj 11, HuEb rescout. 8:L9: cffi 1z 28:31..DNF- Ca!M6n€, A!TC. BoMan, q:58; 1f . clry E@. 1o:o3. Anobh€r
Scharf rho trc]{e 19:34 that 6a? vltlltms had sat rn 1965 riD! he b.at schdf }I 12e, ca3tashofa
fuesday, ".slril-;;-;rd;;-;m; Julo 28. 1966 at o'co@1!E-s, A!1lnAtor, Va, Cors6r orr & bek. .a a posttion to oif€r a chalr touAh rri11, sev6!a1 noderato ocslobae a! s.harf lour8d It on all th6 saJ l,Ieathelr ]lot & nmldi 88 &e!e* d re6
tINE- 6-J'IIIE OIEI{ RACE 1 Bot sc]]srf, BOc, 31:9?1 2. c&E cd!rrost Poln|! Jl:26r J. LMoDr Sotrh- Ea. l4:J2r 4. Bob ?1uo, !3, l5:o5; 5. 11' Eolaood, EH, l5rl?r 6. Dlv€ Hallacet;;;;d; r;;o'i-i: i;n";;";. s. ar8l Acad., 3?:ar ?. ld otcol@}a- ffi, 10:00; 10. Brrs sntth, 10:0lr 1I, Bob J?:.15; 8. rlab cotrid, l@., t8:!!! 9. c€orAd Cus]lroo, rn, 18:20; Io. J;h rb.tEsn€dt, 1o:08i 12. I,arrJ 1061, !0:2€ h0s, !H, 4o:l5j 11. L63r3! Pa6. a[rcAffL 2-ISLES- r. nal Gordon, 10:18; 2. \7155, !2. ctBt salkrbd, imc; L5.ol; 11, r8y 11111er, xlu, l!5:03,.DrF- reff rolm Elnrayson, 10:24; .1, Jorrn orayr 7A:52t r,. D6\. card'6U. r1:10r 5. ch€t col}lre, nEj lon ljrllrstrr uqr. s31k1nd, 11:12; 6. Jorh !etp1, 11:28; l v/Iretho! It {as hls d€sila to let s nlch i.1l€ae6 as l1e coDld for bts 6Dr.t ?, c€orc6 YaJo!, u:46. * Both tro-n11€ rac6s 0€ro short by 1t Hao hls quest t@ hkhabout 200 yards. txar 6ot1,at3d hlb, sob sc!t3ch€du16d 5-d1e ?aco bro RISVITS oF BlJ]lIoN DXiBY #2 sporsor€d byi a six-iLl18r by Cal11na ro tlln at tho dlomc.tarT 3cboo1 on V€simr€1dd AroDC nRC, r{ond6J, .ie6 20, 1966 7 r.fi. s'r conti.oin€ on to th6 jdio! hkrr at Cood Couns.l H.s., vft€aton, ltld. codse: rro raps of 3.5- ll.sr 6acb used to forloll!€ Boi thei tlro f16l-d llth oc lois hIl1 to b6 o114b6d 6ech dutlfully plodded oa aJt6! btr. only tln€. voathor: U5n, but not intol€!cr6s Carp, tnird-wesr d at tr8st Po1d, ab16; ?7-dog!€6s. 2-MILE lxlnIOE AACI- 1. Storart Rs€d, 9:20,5, 2. robn Eelbots. 9:27j 3, P6t6 EsM, 9:JJ.5; l+. Dev€ !on€we11, 9:t6r 5. rrsl loxbold, 9:l+B; 6. fr$k -t'!i,s
fr ;:1,;i:lir
;:il: ;::T F,i
i;r I
#, *fr *,":rqi:r:jr: il#,il1:#1$i"l;::'##;, flq,*{:ttq-t$*l1iii:: i I
f*ii#:*ffi Hl*",j* ;:l{l'::; i:rt'".;,;l;:i ;:: I
i 5
$ffi "itifiit iil t:*ffi:*r
ww, *:* *l* ;;iti+iffi***o;;tri:, ri,
f iilr':itr# ;g ri;i
;lii" Jil,*'"',1'p'*,,,,;p"",i.";eri * $1-$ffiffi:l fl: iH5,ii;i"'*t"ff':3'g$ $ l:r: fi:
k:ffi#.x[ 3ii ffid5*=*-*ii" u
ffi ;$,inl$,:*,1;i+;;,r*,1;,.,,',i:,r:lf i=;,*,]_:l 1
,1T.\3o-.. -r.lL."L\ r, '!..lr1-"o L arroba-st L6!n0es r -
lBrrr,flo"., t'!D., /ay /9, .c"6 ns..oa61: l^as]ooodJomnsc;-1: ri;ro!o!ov, i€m :"Yf"" ::"'6"i']'€": l'-j-il' i;:".". :;:ajt,.i; iilul?:8", 4a 8'a ' t. u!nd Ni, parrli .1o on s, €s, I "rarL-'iL -i--.--------e s. .l f Js,e..s /flo'1t63 "e, rA/ /o, 1n3po1isr r.ta.. ,e L 's' 9.1:la: ds fro 6rh on.) o -3 !€colo: "..-r** r. e. oi i..-r"r*,_ | _,4r L;_ 'l]€)ru 2,u riier. c,a. trl'.rMs,,!, 8:5/,6 ;nt, clrles c, |, 0:10.0 llr:0o.r --I '. BJ or .jo€)or, .t1 o e,coro.,.: :09.qH xcAA cort ,6 Drv. &. a.r-xprors,flps 3. Jay tllksen, u@.r Stsrr, 1:25:37.1 stagg Ito1d. cbtcsso, 11l., tlft lO-tI 5: i"lT:;n:l llil';,i1;;, iifl:fl:" l:uTli""::3:::: 6L;3':?:l:i
6. 4 a Gt1nM, o!e!.of,,Ijltu., l\€110., 0"6r1sh, 961)..]-yt1€- L John 1:11:)1.. P€ra!eon. xo (b€rn :I-lno-l--E:10._ (oro ,.L (trIe3 x., 1://:J0.r Il!o.o'o, rL:11.0 by,rn Ik€-'a. .dn,!ii1 crB. . Du. os. i:o 1sr.. :38:r8-0 s,8lo._ 196j)..6-n11os- - sobfJriq .".ro, a. ladebo€, .. rdno ' e. b:-:Ti-. r!d o,co 06'1. 1. -L Comlck.P.!er-o,s,D,,1:4-:1, sr., una.1:<r:)8.0;c-'!-. l0:0/.6; l. Iakle, )E!, f0:.o.6 iol . lL. )f. voodst r ".lee,oa, l11. ldd!- r. ? ok lo'fttu, su" DI€ao -,"to, '0.:s naro" of ih€ o) r:5'r:rt.9 :lo.L: . c€olso MsoD, lssi-!n lcdru. 's :s.r-,iitts;3i:i 1:r0.o:-:aO. ErtM r4s.Lv€., ]jo!-n ;;t"ie-' ir. 1 -iii*-i"ii.;, Bes.,s.D., a Ps-,€r,'ris :t5:J1.. 11t96.6i ). t;i;'u;.ri"4",;";i; Ds @la ^. ". 11. Bot No!p16, TvIn clrteq, : .: -.6 sLBL3, o' otr€-, I,oyols. ; ,+. Bob(.1!ron. -t5A,zt JIn .^. u,3llBl€s. a* " -_! 2 &t7.8 5. 1:,0.', ,. can D Gso sbare,b?j ). r.q Eeac! l!': l: 1ll 1.em: b L3(.' 56; '. ro r!u. cr slab 8r .. D6c" 8:tD 60:96 : :18 50:10 !o€Len 10:00 5 :uo oJ:l.o 1:1!:-2 r:n'olb (r4o.) ll*; 5. ,"€eqol 20. EOUSTo]{. TLL\S, SOX!]EnI FEDIR-{TION t&F PnclFTC 1SSI AAU Emi Saolmenro. Calrf. qD9 11r Jure [- 680- L. D*13. t€xas. 1:<1.o Price, cer*., t+r06. !!]9- r. 3obraa, -i;6?:i::j66"il i. -,n.ii.=rtii"l-i,ri; 2. a1€;ilElftro, 11o- l.-C{rrad Iiahti4el€. K&3as St. t; !; 1+:6?.1..306 i;: 1. cb!rst;as, r. }111@ !1r1@ t6bnsr, hrmsr, 2.,ihas. A.c, ua., ua., 8:55,0; 8155,0; 2. Fa? EE;oJ.4! L:ot+,7 flusb€s, riusn van Trobs, hcc, 4:o6.21 lr.. nono, s, Strirb!s, strid€rs. 9:0?, l.Toxas. 9:0?,8..d8o- 1. Id h:0?.1..J-l'rlle- 1, naar. norEtor Junsrlrth, czech,, 1:4?.9j-; D6!u !lsh2. NlJEilnsa-ro, rr, 14:16; l. ba.x, AtboE AC, 1:51,0,.2-irtl€- 1. nafrh 4:oq.4j s!€€nef, , fi o,stob! l.l+: 22. 8. cm€2, Bolke16y Is, 9:03.trIcHTcr\N FXDrR,tTrOn, Kdmszoo, tlay 28 llsbt8nd Prk, !f.J,, .'uro 7- !-Mtk nolsv 6-lil1.- 1. tlolr SlErk€v. 1cn.st.. 1, Es5€x Cstholtc ltsr N6ud!! 17:12,2 (r,fciaDstr1ln L:21.9, !1ertln L:18. lde Z6t-j1:6i 2, salth, . r!ich., 4ts2-8t l. tlyels, \i. lch., l0:24,6..880- 1. 4:14.8, rrquoll l+:15.5) it.s. Reao!d, s!al!, U1ch.St., 1:4d.6;2, l4osonr E. Esso. ls coached by forn€! V111doya dl1s e!€at, rr€d Drto! Hho osy bo badod fo! }h1y Cross as trso]{ ooach E{t ftar. CAMEN T!]GS IET A.{n II,! IN RNCON' Yonl'€rs, I.9,, fun€ 11- Jorm cM16n, sarag€ llvltatloDalr !r1o uas jDSt rradu6r0d frod Erporis st. Jtno rztlr- 6-!{110- 1c1a!k.29:2?:E-rKqdrs) s6L e nset !eoord of 4:0d.2 in th€ rbtrolorltar xau T&! cbmp!. SI{ IICOIDS AlE BROI€I IT I.J. IN' IEET Cmle4 22, lumlls 1n iho lhlck o! irF flold Dnttl trre finsl 3ooy, bFoz€i Crfton, N.J., sudayr Jure 12- Tn6 soth bm€ 25J in tuoni of R6io cate€ltl. l€ w-€€kly TC andod th6 Centlsr J6lsev TC,s betts!8d F L:1o.6 s6t ln 1962 by Rob- tdM donlnatlon ot tn! $.J- AAr T&r chmtn ttnsle. lon Cmtor, youngo! h"otho! ptoBllp today at clltton Stedlm beto!6 orly 500 r'aro. CJIC hrd ror ths n€er fo! of tohn & nor at nhlorla xas thild. f-11t1€- 1- John l4cDorc11. \.fac. IL.10. Ll stlatght teas. Th€ th!66 1o!Assi; !urlns €renis sar !€colds brol6! as Esrb 6i'::-rohn lloprt. IYAC, 1j]:14,6 6- l1s- 1. Joe lrnch. lIY{c. 29:25,L: 2. ca!lll@, Bob Ashton & Hleh s!€oret s€t !--T-nor, xYAc, 29: :8. B nI1o, f-id1€ & 6-n11o, !eslo00n sc- 1. To4 uul1lEan. 9t.Jonnrs, loctivola. 3-1111o- l. lob 4shhon. x.rsscr-l+:2?.5 iolA;;;;d. 9:31.0r 2. robn iioprl, Lqc. u:3e.1 bv rie*r r,;wln, cJTc, 1961); 2. Bot BosrtoiF, lnatat T€d: I. $€r York AC, 102 Bertholdl rc, !€11€r111o, 1l+ 431 J. Bob(Xa{t CJac; l}. Dtcx EnailE, NJSSC !3se)
sp",t; r"t."*ii.
-oL:+".'.c r. 68;,6 ;;;o :i:ji r . i!. ;ii"i:t jq,,.880- 1..' ':: ::f, :: i i, .1ri"'"il;ll.:3il i::R ::: ; a',*LsJli::;ll+f , ;. r;.;,;- ';;",:;i;:"sj:;;;jd : ;:; I* ly. 3-"J "â&#x201A;Ź*3 . fieuic.60:o. B:.o bo..l.. ir: ,:;J:1;'; "*-:',"::rl- 1,;*.J;': ;-TA t't1rk varsh,
22r 4, rhi15,rc a nrrJ
;;mii--;;;;;_'i;;i;_-i. -;;l;-;;
w. rrhany. t:4:.lj ?, xl.hsi r.+<,o, Jezy a.st ! ra.e .n6 brrazs
sfu','::"ijj;*+rm i'xul**i*ru;;iilr;:;:l +t-Ml1s rahdrcab
r. irD
cepp6.s,-'sm a,,,
r,i.tffi;"iff, ffi$ ;
:: ;-: :r;;t BLj 3!:li ,f;!, l:;1; ,j": :J;i",_;::::.,.lg; !i:;! ..;* "e,:u
ii+l#$iillilbi ff:i{ i+ 3L
i;., " 31-1"-:;;-,.'.:"-::tfi l:;3"::;;? .1. ,; ia, -,. " *1...y. . 0,o. t..o .;,01 ;.;! i;": ;;;!,:; :: e! ' ,":";:;-i;,if I-u - 1. d:,o oo:. ;"",j: *:;i]"ii?: :3;il r;?3":i,;li __ "_; 1:::; l.'::.::'# ,3:f. g::: :,::.
: ;::,;? --; :;, r . i,,rj ,;ld id:ij i;: :i. ;11:,:; ."'' llj$ ij9eo :::r;
I _.;: i.*,,,
2. i.rc.. r4: 3. x.. ra .r:-111: _:".._ ".,: rd: .. !o"-roaEt6r. ! 1:""'";"'"i ""'_ j:r;'i:;, l.:1"":" :" ";i? ;"
i ;'i-:i;:l: !:ii ;&iil.li:r:{':ifi:l::r:
i:'ir;i l9;;l:;+;";.r11llelf -.iL3.ers.
ffiffi;ffi#ffi$Tffi ttu oltnrllc tolch, bf,
ftum Buctrirghm p3lscal
tiyoush th€ silests oJ london, JLaotFd
il"'lillt:ti:' :,tq,$iiir.1*r rie xil1 hdd th6 nossaee to
llls re, !o]e eon€ tlsck athfeids has rrscom th2t ot ohlef storg t611er. le is rcearhs hi3 pals v:ith sto?i€s
;.1.:'x;,f.\,:;:";; ;:'-;; Joarcen i[;;'"= |TH} 1'.Ff;";.jl-:,,"'j'1ffi -\6c@ojn .sdn.r hr. ^u:r' ,.r-! _-#l* jlJ.i;-b"i'. :i:-:..: ri^ ' r-i:-i-l: :1f ";,.'.. EfiiJ7& i",.;. - ,'.'., . tL6n rtll bo ce!!1od by !u;n B ro iho .xistedr so (idd dtd r-- li.-.-o-., 1 .: ri b.s., orlq14a11y, ?6icr sre11
;iir;:f**":I;**;l*',i:li . f r$ to
I i" : ,i,i:.
i#%S#.aiffi;'"il,*ff:'* sJTc. 4:21+; 4, rrdk rrloe, srrc,
381 5. !a'o Forsdky, sflc, 29:l+6; 6,
;ii;;;;-i-rft ; iiiii;-zi"i*;i aa;: Berlb!ftz, sJTC, 32:Ol; d. tsob Ubrtby
sfxc, 32t4i 9, }ngn n.1!8, srrc, ll: L0- Eo'ud Ddsh, llE., Eaddo4f161d, N. ll:lrgi 33:381 33:38j 11. CerJ K. ntes, sJrc, ll:49i 12" Randy lieaihorfoldr sJTc, l[:36; l[:36; 11, Bob RonE.sky,tu., sflc, lL:52; 1lr. Jelrv Hooh. flLtla. AC, J9:Jd. lat 1ot: oi cololt. 0f arl th. oldtn? foods, c€l€rr ls niglDst ln 5od1m, Sodim dl3solves polsom in trE body.
8,1a, 1:2J:10; 19. Ben
1:2j:!9j 16, l6d corbltt, lrylc, 1:2L:o0; 1?. non srnlJ1m, 1:21+:2I; 18- Robelt cratgt!, rIt. Fd! lA: !.251a5t 19, Rolard !y€r, c.rha Ao, 1: 26tL5; 29, R.'..rr E3t€rbmok, U. of x.!,, 1:27:l!0: 21. Jo,'r^ Va1entire, ona., 1::6: oLf 22. tsob 5,,lftd, Br}, tt2at22i 4 x;iu@ Psl1€tier. ot. ac' 1t29t10; ?4. Rolt. coolttle6, Goshen, tl.Y.: 1:29:2?i 25. c€o. Estsrbtuok, u. of 1I.!,, 1::9:J9i 26. c{hthe! v€€53!, vlltr€ slrl Club cf canara, 1:10:15; 27- Hrord BurL6, cDrM' til. I:10:22! ?8. BriM lleissza, !Jrodlands. lrarn6, r:lo:56; 29, n118n rlrondtk , vhit. t1€1d, l{.1}., t"t3rtl2t )O. ski,
l:31:18: 1f,. callion Be!L, C.roord, n€n llolnos, l,rlc, 1rr2:
Y.1." 1:12:00; 12, jo; ll. sd stalrard, vi}1ba slrt crulr, RAC6' JoHlll|l li$tlrY sEcont cdada, 1:l-l:l6r .ll+, Robt. l!3c]dri, conl,tt. !iaEltr\gt!!, !_,:i,, Jurc i9- !60 cord- x.8.. 1:lr:L6r 35. B.t BMborse!, Cdlr1l, Blltish siudoni at llTvard It. B(A. 1:3U:19; 16, ardo scsdur-., H111 M tt,e BlstJn lj. csplded :'t)5.)5t )7. sm ouollet N}ac, 1:l5r54j l8- nicr Balrlo. Nl,lC. 1:J6r26r i9. xomld bene iio th€ s'mtt- t it€1d of 55 raJo€ lilrbs, 1rL iI13 Tl-d6sroej rl.oa! & tvor. clrrd ae. 1:j7:08; L0. Bc, r:J8.15j !1. Bil} clrc,xMc, c.rloll ttol th€ 1€ad ai sa. csh'*aitur. ^bth.\?. alton chdberlln, ll€rcmt, tlo atl.: a e:l tr:€ haltt aX hlus€ hd h 1:19:22r II-Y.. 1:[0:!8: I]3. nalph lairben]€, N c, a 6:! 1!!^ .n .rti!u] x.11€Y, tbe 1961 a.)+at,9t U. s1s lodloziT, rirrc, rihl:I5; rLcti-" ri. t:b auders cllnbail i;he N)4c, r:42:rb; 46. drolpine & 1i L5. cools€ ratttruIo, 1r!l:15! nouo-r1: i;he !€r+" l+7. 3111 D'rs rasi6nrrs. M4C. '€rtsuJiitt tliir o rcs g cocl 116" D. iho casbl€. xlrAc. i:[]:-17; L!8. rn]n ]]o1&n, slnd. Ke1lBy closed faet iD the last sa.. i:L9:La: l!9, Eot Paee, rnlc, 1:53:12 t,o nil6s to ti!15h jusi t7s boh1.d LEO ClF,norn 1jI]NS
11,{SE1}ImOX nO-A!
Csrol1. As cdloll h1i; tlr€ te!e, fi€}_ l.y vas reachlns t|,€ lcat ta! about 9oy oack. ,111 flcatos for tt31r tlopb.1os & 20 ft6da1s ,616 a'a"d€d- lha lrlzgs {o!€ r6ry inpr€3s1v€ ee they ne Dr so dal1€d a Dtctro of th€ tla caill.ss rdad o' tl,en. Atte! th€ ra.6 mst of ih8 ruuelE lossod bsc! .om tb6 mdtaln (sore lod€ dotn bv cu. ) Btl} b; b€1d aDuallY a lt ls hop6d tbat r6Y f,uD6rs !1L1 lld to cohpeto i6frdsnnents fo1roa€d ti€ raco at th€ G13n liouse, Brotn, Joe K1€in€mM, Offtclals: !!€d 811sry Koch, Joln Cann6y, Jock S€npld, DoElas PhilbtlcL, clElmd, f- io. cdro1l. Boston n,r, 1:0?:Jt 1:0?:4d 2. Jdbn J. Ilel1€t. BAA, t:1J:0q M, 1:13:06 tl]Jose A,\, 3Assa. l[lllrose t. Abe Assa, L. Roldd Mlcheud, Mma, Mont.1:]4:0u
9. a-rr !urr.ot, cca,!. ct., l:]4:!5 9. *:-"::l:*: R::l:t n-a, H: 1:18:oA i;iE,iE BrRel;4. Soslon ?- itlke 1:1Q:Jd & sturt A.IMS, Boston a-{, l-:1d:46 s Rent clErou. I{14C, NUC. n€Bt Cl8rou' 9, i9: E?$ f,iffi%"::::"fif |'J;Jt i,:' iii'r"liiiil."iffi:"#',i:liii; ii: i;;i"-i;;5i.',,T,F;: rr;;:,1;rr.
50. iaBond Marudt, xyc, 1:55:17j 51. Gott@ ac, 2tai.c5: 52.
Ror'ert !.rconill1! BA,{, 2;02r!nj
Ma,ot, 1{110. 2:of:c2: 5lr. Mdlc velbuion, ld1c. 2:I€:J?,.DnF- Bill wl].lud, l'I^ J.
gslf-iay souBo Thos: csfoll, ll:loi rsltoy l2:15; lchaud l.l:tIi A€sa ll+;05
A lloul]T NAstl$3ToN "TiAI,E" Bill lJlLld ]|tren Joclr samlI€ r€cPlved ny tuquest for an €ntlT 1n th6 tLouat Haebtneton .]tab, ho must havo thouehi uret ut11te hed fitelLy sott€! 3s hutty as ho has b33n ac.us'
lE ns of for aDDronchgd Joe Ilatn€man at tn€ ragls_ tiatlon tabl€ for bv nMbor day nolrdns at 11 o'cloclr' ho looltod et no ulth askafto. 'YouI soliA uo rh tlts?!' Aldo S.anaut!3, on s€€tnA no 1n & ]rmbar 55 at.tb start. ny sHaat sult 6ioctod. rrThrs. I eotia s33. ' i ludn't lun a ra.a sh.o th€ B^,t l'Iarathon of 19gl & khon son€ of ny old frtondg & forn€! rtva16' rr€d amxn, Don FaJ' r11 c..fslore & Ted Corbltt mo!€ othors, vtewod n6 !1tn of noutain aoat1ng norlebs I lud te l€adere, I qdcl-:Lv ;' th; E!!do 'lstols '1th come oat^or tahstl rct e;!1sin6d tlut I tr!€rent; tbrt
€rpo.is€rtdl natse ratho? thd a !.cln6 oc. I told tir6n that iy soD-t!xould hawo hls lord ltusiaia co$tut1J co$tut c1os6 by to avold snJ nouriolrsid6 rttuale; tbat I dla bl, tnt€nd t. Jintsh but lun 161 6&ugh io a1"6 n€ sone exp3r16!ca lIth raloft€d a1!, I hopod I coutrd e6t onoD€h Infoftatlon to {ri I havd llttton about ru@1rg Ih all trpes of conditlons 6xo€pt of tlD Li a1r rart6ty. I dld 3o ov€r tlB RocrT I1r3. i, 1929 as trslrc! to John SaIo the 2nd Tr4conttnontsr loot Rsco t! xe! York to !o3 rrrgolos, but rhil6 b6 .1i4t1e. r ras Du€h1e a 1.-t Bu1.k u! & ioun irD slopes. I iad tu trre to orraok th6 slfacts 0f the 3loctrtc gravlty ol the alr oh en ath16ta. Slna€ tho 1968 OlJrnllos 1111 b6 bold hold st a ?.000ti. ut. Ilashtn ?,000ti. lsw€1 & llt. ton ls oror 6,€00ft,. 6-€00ft,. I loasored loaso! that polhals I coltd l€arn sono thlbA hs!. I coufa not lld€ ln a cd or ,arch tho otlD!3 so I docld€d to !u! 3m6, l! y€ aeoj I had s rdlcoss w€in oporarton ay fatt 1€g rirlch has glven n€ no t! ble !o! ft!€ days a i€e4 I rb tvo rl 16s ovar a r8rr sto€p h1lr ;e 6 nl1€s €v8rt suday oeer !€a!by Gsllott nout Th6 raca stat€d eractlJ at 1o'olock trm th8 start of tlrc auto torr !oad. Dilacto! Senpl€ advlsod tha fl?st tl@ stdi€rs trrat thts las not a rac6 0t s!6ed but ondu!5nce. I lan last Jld the stut, s1o, & oasI. Fo! lhro€ rl I.llnbed stoadlb. ler€, I boga! to f€01 a llti1€ silsin for thls u!-bltl llth no 1€?e1 sloris to r€coY€!. I l6d hoald tnat the last fo nt1€s i;o tho to! lae 6t€€!or thai th6 flrst iou! & 3o I !6a6on€d tnat the ttu]b! ile b6 ny tinieh. I €ip€ 'ouldro breathhg troubl€ u lient€d & fodd to 3,504 tr. flhe! I 61sna1€it nJ drtror that I had had tt, JooI las lelteved to_saa n6 get rrto the cE, rJf, sre1h Si@. I had bc8n ru@ir€ 30 s1orly, I had trr6 to e4Joy th6 scenory. It@ vle las 116auttful, naglltloent, naJosttc! aFe lnspirins dd breath taldAq, t]€ latter 6sp€c1a11y to the ruM6lg xlD rero ldkiDe s3 ,6 crow6 to t!1o 6@rtt. uo!€, I fodd thst Leo callof1 had uon. b€Btile tha vonalablo Joidy rcll€y by I had cone to 116{ Emrehtro to stadl lumllrg condttlons unde! at!. "a!€tlod fiY to@ mIl€s of Joeeine had tDld n6 rothi4. sxcopt to! tnis o!dea1. Lat€r, I ask€d Ted colbitt (16ih) aboui hts "€actlo$.
Ircept fo! e nohentdr he aplloeo]€d th€ 3@1t, h3 dld bt flnd anyihlng tldtrb1€sme. I dlit not as]! cdro11 or K€11€y, reasolbe tnat th€y {6!o too,hAlry to finisb u! tlonb to omp1aln. tho Doqar untropu€d rere tbare, stck, oxhaDstod dd fettRldd, bur thl! ts also tho sttuatlon at a1t rad€s so 1 oouldn't 6€t MJ intormatlo. h€r€. r{y o41J conclus. iob kas tiret to !b a rac6, flat o! u! a noutalD, yot nust bo pr€pa!€d for 1t and tho l$t !ac6 016 ru.r€1I, a nonth, a yed, or t€n Jeds aao, doosnrr h61p e b1t todarl8 vdntu6. (rd. '1tl 'rcours6 r6cold ls l:oLr:t2 by ih6 Frod ]lorrls, tu€]dd/ cI€3s6 stats/ srost slaltan nclBoston AA in 1962.!') lled Broxn mlt€E, ,,Th€ leather titeaL Irr€ n6v6! soon b6tte! ieath€r on'aB th€ rob or' ;It. vl3hiqton. No dnd & nild t@r. Cairoll took off lor a 1on€ 16ad bat Heg lust hEreha on as iio116y nado a sirole d!1r6 th tho iasi hau, Thts 6v6nt sirouln Clar a nudh 1a!g€! tteld. It t3 a! €:pe!1ence tl:t €veryor€ shorld try at 1€ast _
14.A. IXC X-C
(contrNod tron lage
8:- tI€- 1, ron osle!, sJrc, l+5rJor 2. Bromlrlg Eoss, Sffc, 51r10; l. Paul Msrkr, Pom Ac, 5J:21r L, Joff F €sd. PaE AC. 53:zt 5. Fauold Dash, srrc, 5l:.lo; 6. cary RIsa, srrc, 5l:4? (:ra1fx6y (!r+-n1. ) rhas) ool€r 22:17; RosE 26:Lrj Merli
27:45: Frd6d 27:l+5; Dash 26:10; Rlss 26:llo
SR. 2O.KI!O CNAMPIOIISJIIP, N6odhM! Nasi., Jury L, 1966 {?8 dtalt€le o, a %!y hot day, Ts,4r. rn n1d-90's. ) Tom: 1. IeH York ac, 2-l+-7-10-tl--l6i 2. a,qrl ",t', l7; J. spslusn Ac 7oj L. Nxc ?9r TATIONAN A.{V
1. n8lpb Bu6ch1am, spaltd Ac, 1:0lr:10 2. ld larts, Ner York Ac, ItALti2 i. Joln J. Keltoy, Bosto! n.A, t:O5t4 1r05:r+l 4. Ed ltimor, Isu York a0, 1:07:19 5. Af,by Burfoot, CC.{4, 6. iob€lt rltts, corrldd st.AA! 1r0?!?9 L6o Ca!.oll, Boston AA, rt1? t)t9 ?. B, AIt Duror€, Spaltan Ac, 1:08:lO 9. Jolm Koprl, {6r Yolk Ac, 1:0B,t!5 I0. Jaft Ronod, loston nA, 1:08r5J 11. 1len rtho110r, B.{A, !:09:15i 12, Vtnco Chlalp€ita, !{YAC, 1:09116; 13. ta!!t Ol!.n Nl,{C, 1:10:25i I+. i1n crd6n, Baa, 1:10:lLr 15, Ed sos6s, NYAc, 1r11:21; 16. o!6ne Pa!s11, spart,ac, 1:rr:16; 1?. Jla Dalor, xxc, 1:1r:o1; 18, Edmdd Comor! lwc, l: i2:16t !9. iobn BloDnd.t. saDta Balbala ac ItL2r31: 2A, Mllr€ lttnball, S!Ac, lr}z.!jl 21, Dd!o Dutu!.T. !'ETc. 1:rl:26: 22. !.brCarlson, Ltu AC, 1:13:llr -. ,rohn A. K€11oy. una., 1:U:97; 2lr, {m. EsJlor, cro6n lch, ct.J lrLl+:24 (cant. ps€s 26)
'1. 25. ?at Basrlck, ,wac. 1:!r:5[: 26- D.n sanbor!, Da., ltlStmt 2t. &an. r:15:L€: 28. rtn rlsrn€y BAA -i!a_.-1:16: 7t76t1li A.
John Va1ent1m.
51j J0. Ront cbaroq. Nfic. 1:16:98: jr FMold Bur*6, c!!hM Ac. i:t?rl?: tr_ Royc€ sswys!, l,rllc, 1:17:92r HDshos, BA]1, 1:18:lf: 3h.
Jl. io;
rolcz, ccaA, 1:I8:l+2j 15. Daro tloton. B,a.{, 1:13:50j 16. rob, LrnscorL. BA,11:Ic:42j J7. A1 Neslr Ue,, 1:20:1ll: 15. Fste! BEldlrt, 3,c"4, 1:20:l[: i9. 3lck Bdyrro, Nlic, 1:20:50; t+o. ?au1 scbarrr Ni1c, r:21:)5t )+r. Raroh crant. colhm rC, 1:21:]lJ; l+2. 1,,b, Cramon. sp6rtu ac, rr2r:5lj l+_1, chalre! uciray. xllc, 1:22:12! !!. C€o. Codding_ xMc. 1:22:4.1; l+5- Bon chaplnski, rMa, 1:2r: 11; !6. Uat CllD1ntclr. Udbsd Ai!- r:2r: r?r 47. Irank ua1r, sparrsn acr i:21:iol 4d. L€n llo1r€s! rr]!c! 1:25r27: L9. lrrcir Er.lcksor, sAA, rt25t))+t So. nd. rarbEton, xMc, 1:26:3?; 51. v14 landortl. tr']lc. \t26t)+I; 92, von. Crhs, sparrm rC: i: 26:50,51, Robt. x.rshoy, ha.r 1:27:21 54. n51!h I'arlb9nl€, Ntlc, 1r?9:J2r 55. non slntJlan, ma., 1:29:l!9r 56. R1ch. Fenton, &44, I:)tt!t,r 57, Rob€* coollds€, una., I:12:07r 58, Edlard crtrs. Mac, t:l.l:l9j 59. B l castLo. IryAc. r:)5:a2: 6A, c€oru. !€s11€, Mirc. t:i6: u; 61. rlod l4qfo1a, BAl. 1:Jb:55: 62. tub@ton. NMc, 1:49:57; 6l+. cnsllas scotr. rluc. ]:50:2!; 65. s1mqd podloz, !r lr4c, 1:51:24. (.12 llac. !!rz€s) Busc]nam Nrs lesclne at all lolnts, b,t flon th8 9 ndb n4rk to tho fi^ish rar13 .m€ on strong I cut tlE l€ad coft1d€r-
Jobrny Ks1ley, J-s6n!16! tso Cadolt
prtor to xt. ush, tuce.
j,{t. VashtnAton Stari- cattl}€ lasi n1..ut6 lnstluciloAs tuon .tohry s€np1€ T6d cofbltr iirSj Jo}tu9 Ke116j 7-1
31."!:;;;;L*"'.-",'*. .""n
J. Keu€y ftnishing 6ocond,17s
sor,rE'tl Es cnlir,n iosts Ewn vEEa !r hls luDllu 1E ove! ib6 ?oltlsrd co;vlns--lb€s ra !.opl€ vbo f6.1 so!ry of trT 01ub gloud! ' fo! Jtr croIl., !h6r c5-11 I n rh. Trr€ noldtnc ,orlout la5ts hsff e hou {6!1itr6 {o. 1 a1so-re, on of th6 nleli b. . 8tlsteht nteht 8t!8teht f1".-Di1. !u. TThs g!.atost 1os6!3 of all tlr.. atld thot & ovsblbg uollrut 1a6ts 16 hor! & blebt b.Y. a gttuba 4au.!t. Tbo 29-ru-ol rnc],ldo fcIldo a s.qsr .asy tlp.. tre..-m116 d fod-htt or.son gltv6Fstty Rlad has !E 20 rub- run & th.n cmblnatl. four-rlnut. nil€s, dd6 thd Mf, ns & 33o Ll+c et tbo nlr€ !a.o, o! i,oseli1r bisboly, Yot b6!s ror orny aou! of t as faEt as trn half-dil. na66- u1o ftlst, tb. bst & a coDpto In b.- _croIr. stalds 6 f.6t & Mighs 149 pouds. Jtr 1. no bltto!, f!E_ trahed 1o3€r. If sntthtDe, h.!s rho They b3v3 a !-r blh-olc soa. tdsE x6€rEa bsst-adJ6h6d b1s-t116 n1lor ln rb. cr611o. Eo! luls dl1 Gl.11. so on !Dvo!1d. Oth€rxls6, nlril har6 stoFod nIrE eolna to ftnllh out rlelng lois aso-su.}t rE F;s sec blna fd f!n! b! satit & that ls erf b. xlBn Jir nyun, th. 17-toar-o1 17_roar_01d ph.n@. !!uai88s. ilrr llottt suo I Hon't b. bost hln at tbo !a!6 taD6 r'o! for th. fina! finar 01 tra:nbE fo! th€ 01yn!1os ta 1968. I,n llc beltn. lbat 1500n loss to Rtu & not .ntba6d about uoiioo Cltt.,! thoE6 16 sub-tou!-htnut. def€at3 dlm€d Jlrts z6st lor con!.tltlvo !uiISSOEAI VAI,LIY XTC OPEN f-lfjt,E ROAD RUN !1r€. 'iTo tho contldJrrr he Eald, iI,d la c!@s., xaEas, Jue 28, 1966 6 ?,M, ae61 a 1ot Ho!s. if I ro all nt fast Sot, 96-d.slo€r- 1, JolD asoa. Pht111D!thos rn lhrdla laces rh6n r dlan'r tru8, 15:D.9, 2. rotn nos., cird.r c1lr. Itd be uDsot lf I 16:11,5, 3. !.e stafor, Io1a, 1?:16.9. !e J.55 rn th. sa11 rac.; & L:o?. rn JWroR 3-lfir! B04D fincE (17 & und€!) tho tlg nne6, r€a1!5t th. be3t n@!8. I,h nut lrDstrs],.o. I,n lroud r]]st I're 1. nlchard Ros., Eav.Lland, 19.19.!r :_ allays'rE ny b6st tlnos 1 tho b1ggo6 B!uc6 A11.n, Lacess6, 21:19j l. Rlc!rd scrtr ldt, Lacloss.r 22:J7j I! Pautr tde. Laolosso. 23:J2r 5. D.Eis sci4ldt. r,ao!€11€ hls . uch to be ploud aboui N€ 11:15. (Tb! ho.t leE terlli]c. ly foreott€n, 1t soes, @ng his euc- c?oeBe, fiot, dry, & sttu. ontJ tb6 {tr@! !n c.ssloh ol fart, toush dof6ats hav. thd junro! rac. dldnit ralk at s@€ b6en mMr g!.eh elciortos, ]b loD tb. potat. arf rllers v6!6 fd off thoi! 15o(h! tr th6 f1!Bb !.S.-Russld noet calrbtltttos. bliaht sDoh: ovel bol4h 1958, ed also ron in th. Tha La Cr6s6€ Cub Scout€ frnlsaod t last tqo, b.atlig Ry6 1n {1ov xd '69. Btrt Jtn's bost rotsrrlB achlcrtuo.t has !1cn1c ldch to all rh6 !ll@F aft€! rr6en ht6 abilltt to got b6tto!,. y6d aft€r Fd, Flbb ro nmy Esn h:b s€. ofs{ Tri }6ET at To{or $111 School, Wlhdoslr. to loree., p!tDErtlt, ltrs a st.t. ol ntnd, d n.nta.l ibaton, Delararo, Thullday, Juo 16rh M1r€- 1. tu1qn Eurtnato4 \:!!.1j 2. cary .itttudo i,trai Glello bis halntelFd salrl!€ton; .). 3ob Flsoe,.8801. TrlD tbrocEh a d6cad. of io! conpotltto4 soa6t1m.s, €len rhen n !ins, b. losc McPtorsor, 2:0f,7; 2. B l rodoj l. BiI1 r{E!ey. . c!. sclDol 11.- 1. RedT Pa!l6rFtvo aeo, at Coopton, ca1Lf.! rh lon'.us th. f.etrd.dl. 1n !:o2, oubstmdlra tli. tn t]]o€e .tatB, Nh6n bh€ efD Ali,-coltEas T&I'l,EEr. D.Dtford Tm m tl!. cs6 to amou.o tho staldlna athr€to,,i clolt€ !d3 {e1it.4, r&ck, Doptrold r!p, N.;. u;d,, rurf 6 1 1111.- 1. zlf,l Eohos. !b11e. !loN.isH.'6 st!11 latttiS. 2. Lulr sr,ibru, sr,ioru, srrc, 4:18.8; lr:18.8! EifrBobs;lrrlrltb!. Tho ardd rort to T@ SuDlvan, on lrhl.tbr, 3,ruc. s,rrc, !:59,0! 3. l+i59,0! [. aob Bob RMdRMd [, of tho dt16!6 Jli b.at. Su11i!d, rhoD f, skt.J!.. sJ1a,-!.-ll11o- 1. Td skt.J!.. Td oslor. oslor. sJTc. sJTc hrrTlrei hlAb dchool, !d lr:Of. 2110l!.6: 21 :oL. 6; 2. !d r_oi:dd-;s-Fe;21-:to-3if;da:-sTEE--Zi;L:3;1-: ftsurcd hc fla; a schoolboy Md FruFlil.k, rr-6F?i1.k, srrc, rrl ;:1:L2.5; a:L2.5; l+, Eob-RruEob Roro {as d drlty old ndlsatd G!611., slr, sJ,rc, 22:25.8r t. r.ff F!..i!. r.m supposo h6 d6sc46d 1t, too.rr VhY flsht lt? S@. suf,5 a". lat boln AC, 2)t4,.E-5. 1t11.- 1. I,.o Mallo!!. P.tr ac. r+:3z3ii-fc.o!s. D1r.@, Srrc, to b6 gast 1o36!s. Gr.11. vorks out 1] tln65 oadb w66k- [:]5J 3. ?aur. H.]Lii, PoE .tc, [:]6; l+. Pobtstom foDlstom lacors; ?acors; ), 5, ,(6! olco on suday & at 6:30 6aob elnlra nlt@. SJaC: 6- RMdY .eth.rfa!ds.n ^6! !& aadth ln tl! hh. .v8!tm .vsltE r!!n aalh tn H!!n h. f1n1gh.€ fldst $'tri":il"i,d: 12 & Unitor dtrollEI 1. Ed BilSlii'3""$r."#l.r Bfaolo, aJTc, 2:l {o!! as a da1€Ma! loi a Portlud l.!€ rt & .nslaYllg fitu. Eo rm on a tlac 2. B1r] RortrlElT, SJaC, 2:51.di f . J.fl 2tt2t 4. ria corcols'um. about tbr.8 blE€e .ach !6ek_ Ths r6si
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