:;j': l --y
i iJ
Jim McDonagh wins Holyoke Marathon Trial. -Photo by Jeff Johnson
- A
lncrudlng bare nord- ) Adlertlse vou! event
in 3tqt3".
No, Jobn Kol].oy do€snrt clTe up, advE-ncln€ yo€.rs dont 61th€r h1s onthuslastlc 01' dlystcaL condiilon. lla ts not onLy 60 & coreottna 1n hls 93rd naralbon, but b6 look6d frsshe! at tb6 flnlsh ]h6 than anv of ths othols l.rho conpf€ted tlle course...eno thls afte! a !6c6nt belnl.a operatlon! Jobn R6ovos, East York Tc, canada, 3:1?: 4. r6,2t 5. BLLa Mackey, W€si Va116y TC, CaLlf., 3t3O?L5t 6. lndy crlcbton, West sld€ rMCA, t{er{ vork ctty, 3t32t52.3t ?. Df. BI11 Andb6rs, Tl{ln ci bi6s Tc, Inn., 3:J4:52; 8. l,Jn. sarsus, San Dleeo Tc, 3:38:00.6; 9. Jotn l. oo for 15 uords, cocbra@, u,a., Nevada, 3:41+:00.6; 10. Dr. 6ach addltlonaL b6rr}ors.ru, J:4r::,o.
TRI.STATIS IfARATHON. Run in parts of tb-!e6 statos- l'41ssou!1, I{ansas & Nsbraska. olydplc styLe flnlshl 2:13:!.! by carl owczarzak. cours€ "scord:20. 1958 - 8:OO A.M. lor nore DaLo: Oclobor lnfornatlo- cohta.t Louis frltz, vordon, N€braska 68l+57, 3RD ANIIIIAL SUOIff MOtrITIAI]I IAIS: ROAD RACE aades cov€ Scanlc loop' soptember 22, 1968 B:LLg A.l,!. Dtstanco: L0 n1163. sponsored anal ANNOrJ.I.ICII{G 3RD ANNUA!
co;duct€d by tlnbxviuo Track Club (Aat.30oor) For further lnfor'laatlon & 6ntrios contact: Eelro].l w. canft6fd, 502 ALsndale Roail, KnorvtLL€, T€nneeseo J7920. ADVAIiICE tqOTlcE - }IARDI mAS ti4{nATEoN (26 rdles 3B5y) rn rou o"16ans, la., on 3eb. L5,.1969 thi; wttL b€ a E5lo" race of naL:onal tntoro chal:llE- $aio! J.D. shaffer, ly'Jl5 Patntors slreo!. No!{ onleans, Loulsiana, 70122,
NAT]O{AI SXNIOi It{DrVrDUAr, & T3l\M 25,000 I4E1EA CEAIIPIONSEIP of tii6 A.A.lt. of ths U'S.A. sr]onsolod & conducted bv th6 c16ve1aad Road
R;nn€is club & tbe lake Erl6 Assn. of tb€ AAU ;i;;;1;"d; ohlo, s'day, septenber. 22, -1968 Park, Rockv Rlv;r nesi'rvatioir, I"Ioltt'opolltan q. orl'letl' orN€tl cnon John A. 4.M, htrr'blanks .htr:r blsnks fron 11:Oo u:Oo A.lt, Lskouooi B1vd., T,akolrood, cllfton B1!d., t5510 chfton Race Rece Director, Dlnector. Lt61o ol1lo l+|ll.o?.
OMANIO SENIOR T&!' CEA]'IIIONSEIPS At CNE StS.d1 um. Toronto, ontarlo! sat., Ju-ne 8' 1968 B8o- 1. Ereas Lops, loronlo oc, t'-52.71 2.
Z-Dave Ea1f6y, rac, It52.9t 3. Art DrsvlEs' Eanllion sparrs]r, rt56.7..@- 1. Bob Flnlav' roc. l:10"2: 2. Bil1 l6e1. Tf--.Roval, b:12.6; I+:15.0. '3-MrkL i,lelidl Jauoher, M!. Royal, ToC, 1. Fin-lay, lLr:03.0; 2. Br'an Rlchards, 14:16.0:'J. da-n snauahnessr, l09r 4i19.i.^- , 'llooorn s'chase- 1. ian Uainrrlsbt. Toc, 9:07. 2lTo1fi-II65-,rorth York acbl11€s, 9:16.0; 3" Hylke ran der wal, aanilboE Lc,.9t??,2.^^ ^oc, 29:31.4i roro;to b:uri.i- r, ,L:rov 6oychu},zYttt.+l _ _:'1. Bob 2. Brtan AmstronA, tux' I,loor€. TOC. JO:22.2. (Bof,chuk & AmstroDg ran rLeaa 6' r:eai ulbh BoJchuI barelv I'rlnnins,at ttr olvnplc ;tr6t) rst 3 qusury for canadlsn trlalB Aue. 10 & Uth at CNE Stedtur0. BosTON A.A,rs DICK PACKARD I'AIIAT1IOIMCTOR Ii! },lASTfiS T94C'1( &JF' LTEI;D CFAMPIOTSdIPS san Dteco. Julv 21- Dr. Eicha}d ?acl€rcl of tbe BAn ;o; tho '6n, .l85y nalatnob race over tho lr'lssion Beecb cou'so to clos6 tho thre6;;; i;;t;;; iat' rr"tL. r""r"'o clocked 2:.LB: , :li'',i::l"l'g.::il"li,IEi:"#.""i*9 ft .t3f i9. fri,
ilhtf :t#,i:,?' 8g:'5l*li.:t3r:'i"#"iir""
A.A.U. OIE EOTN RUN CHA}IPS, Saturday, JulT 13, 1968 coord.inator:^stab.l€y E. starford.. T64p. rastern secrron 85u; central SocLion U5"; U6st6rn sectton 75u M€et Dtrectors- D!. Gabe l41rldn, lat lanin, Jobr }IATIONA]- SSNIOR
1. 2,
D€ines, Sc Strlders, W, 11n, 1l2Ly Lou cBstaJnola, llash.sc, E, tt)i., 1257y Bob
3. FoIeo Ers8"ak, ua.,Iwln l€aks. lh, 4. Tom Bacrre, Qu,.ntico, E, 5. Ca:'y Tutt16, SBAC, 1.I, 6. Gar Wl1llanrs, 1i5C, E, 7. Chuck Snaad, 'lm., t'1, B. Ron wtse, Paclflc Cc, w, 9. trlosos Mayflelai, PlC, E,
1rl, 11n, 765y
rlrn, '12?r lfn,531y
I]lt', 471y lh, l+67y u!'1, lU3y f,ln, ztjay
10. Bob BoAUon€, CJTC, E, t1m, L23y 11. Bob Scharf, Wasb.SC, E, 12. Bil-1 Anderson, SBAC, 'lC, 10rr, L?11+y 13. }llk6 Blaves, ACC, E, Lon, 1665y 10n, 15?1y !+. Ssrge Rs..n6rlz, !CC, li, 15. Pet6r l{u.Ildle, SMA, I,l, Lon, 156?y lon, 1552y 16. Garlr Bjo],klulrd, NSs, C, lon, 151+9y 1?. Davo xhlt€, PCc, U Ld. ilch Spurune, }{AA, E, 19. John Bronnand, gBAC, lt, l"ob, 149!J 20. Jtn Van Manon, SBAC, i{, 21. Roger Seyrrou, !CC, 1.I, lon, fi+?qy 22. Terry Thonas, TcTc, c, lon, 145uy 21. Deane Suanson, TCTC, c, 1on, l4q4y 24. Joss Donss, SBAC, v, 1O1, ]286y 10n, L254y 25. Lon Totutn, TCT0, c, 26. Bon Durrle, Pcc, v, 10n, 1220y 27. Jlnl Lor4bsldl, CIIC, !, 1orx, 118Oy 2U. Dr. Jolu1 ?aA1tano,STC, W, 1On, 1IlTy 29, Joe Rouse, BOC, E, :.0n, 1063y 30, Dsn Chaprisn, clendalo TC, W, 10n,1oU5y c, 1or, 91ly J1. lat Lanin, TcTc, J2. AIan EaBs, San Msflno,ll, lon, q?qy f3. J€rry Snrhh, TCTC, C, 1On, d6dy C, lon, U26y 3l+. Erlc Roth, TCIC, w, 10n, 6q7y f5. )JIn schultz, !cc, 36.)steve Jackson, tISc, Er 10s, 6U7Y 37. Steve Bechtol, lCC, il, fon, 67lY 38. 0!6n Sh611y, PCC, W, lon, 6lt-1y 39. tury llillor, Pdc, 1,J, ton, 5?Ly 40. Rtchs-d Pri6sL, BBTC, lt, 10n, I+6f,y Ll^. Ion sturak, scs, lt, 10n,1+?dy; L2. copploy VlcL€rs, WSC, 1O-, Lt4Oy; I+J. Jo€ lrlLkodsld, cJTc, 10n, 379yj I,a. cnlp SHeeny, cJtc, Ion, j.ll+y; lr5, L. Poole, wSc, 10ir, J2iJ; 46. Lynnar6 ttr.Lpps, Toffance, tt, tOA, 292yi L?.Stev6 fLsh. ?aclCic CC, lr, 1On, 26?y; qd.Ton Erl€, Tclc, c, IOn, 241y; [9. Terry crou6, w, PCc. 1On. 22Ie! 50. ca'y Edens, fCC, W, -lODd, loBy; 51. Darryl Tarlor, ?cc, u' 10n' luov; 52, rus€ne stem, si.Tc, v/. 10n. ]69y; 53. ( Iz.E-llsiDaetd csldora, ua. , I'1, 104, 16?y.Ac, l+5 pts' ;,1 ftntshers)'Tesn: SaDta Barbara
Your Life
Exclusive paperbound edition is nov/ available lrom DRN at
-ihe greatest killer ol men-and women in thc pririleged nations of the world is not rlE motor-tr. It is not canar. lt is coronary rhrombosis, the premature disease of the heart whi.h snat hes life indis.riminately In New zealand, ]rcart disease kiug almost one ol every two people who die each year fton stadsrically Isted .?Dses The dearh rate ftom hedt disease
hd .limbed neaily 2oo per cenr lum of thc century. lor
sinLe the
every peFon
tilled in a..idents,
.lie of he,rr dise,s..
in Rr, lot Your
prests what
he bclieves is one answer to this grave problem, the reeulat controlled exercise ol
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lour heakh and ihysi.al and nental aapacities while thoron8hly enjoyjng
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RUN TO THE TOP 149 paqes plus 17 pages
1968 - $4.95
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,J-50 PER IEAR roUAR?ERr-f)
B3,B RBBBBRE!,8E q i 4 o\ BBEBBI, .{ o9 BB .9 i co ts -:, N N \o
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ALL-CoI@S T&t'I{EET, Sponsoted by South
lynn. c.oochln:., Arnblor ot, *9i c4:?6:l+rJ. *r- c;i;r1;-il;;:";Jli6ijol"i.
t":"*" Tg-i*,?"ltf9I9 kp:' 4's."' e/7E- k!l:6i, {:
irrip.qi'iffiii::"#f"iji[i, a, "#ia}'i35;3;.la {;.i'}3"il33i11ff 3 ;ff : "3h; I'la, i? : 91,, l',"lff ft I$", _ iF;f " Pg3"^1c,. 16:fg;. I,
if !a_tili*l!kii:Bialirlry. Duin, Smc, rZi]r3: r2. i<
2; r;-i;;6,'fr=ti"i' :l!i:^lhspn, ua, lros.t+t f. ^v,_l!58. Flauner5r, rtoaeei.i,
tiilri sffiil:-dii;.;T;' 596'3;:3i ,,ucuskl ii;t'skti'{i'il"ii*ry',3 J:' iil Ac;ii,;e:;' ir;r'u;ro'oYaur :lTgs .r9:l+l; 3.
rr* iii"ki*"$ii'*i#:^#Til+g, *ji!9r l: rohn cassajly, "rr,rrlltli,ifltl 3!;.]9;."iliil. i8a+"rba'aAA' "i#rii;'iitm.i,"liilim". il,i'iililii, llr::4,;fl h34-l; !&Ti.'?H :'.:Stlul'i.'niEri,.";",u;- Hrlrsii; lru;
!{.A. RRC L_}trLE X_COUNTRY Fi*,,Tiia;Ti,3:l?' r3y, N,J., Sat., Juae ?9_ 10 A.M. iliiii sl'if i;"i;J3lilLliSl; s,,,rc. !9odb h:LB. o. Jtn A11ahand, Bonsalem, pa. E.S. eco wlrh bests of 4!20 & l:i7, p1ow6d thr g[i' ofi:61c5$: -"it"3iil""il;h,l#i8ha liet & nuctdy gtass coul'so around tho Robert poh1e, local- pgr! systern ]-aks to f1lish 3l-s ?!tJ{{ | 2t22.1t_?. 'ir. phila., aol'nrlcrt, 3: etJ"u"ii, i.', 3!i-l; lr3!t ahead of Brownllg Ross tn tho Mldd.l"o e, Haddonfretd,'N. J. ,'5rtil'5. AtLaatlc RRC sponsored l+-nll-e rurl. Ben li. -sen1_P'r'-y€ o stephons, phi1a., 6:b0; 6. trtonnair l,lsdlIn, Haddon lownshLp, N.J. s ophornor'o I"rarl ureango, !Lt!ran, N.J., 5:0f. (20 ftnlshod) sensatlon, who rocently capturod th6 rr}'leet rrll€et ?hlla. Phl1a. area of Chanpions ''r' Z-nl z-mr]6 A-I]LATAm & osLER 2O-Mrr€ RELAY vrcToRs lD oi23, flnlshod a strons thLld o1l wooclstown, N.J., S&t,, July 6th 10 A.M. ahead of Ton 0s16r. fln Alldland & Tom Osier J;lned forces , aLI,AEAXD WINS
l9"i"9i#I",lii 3Hl3]*,;ffi,i8;li'fi
r€tuln ovol3 a hllly mscede- colrrse tnru :ne .c_oY}!"y of South J6rsoy. Allahanit & a^en rylgdttn ran str.-ide for strido over th6 r+"93 rgg ro flnish even uD lD 55.16, and, a.t-15 n11es osler, & B::ownlirg
llli'1i1"?'Xii Ii$:"flii" 3"t3""i$1iiu*""'v td.s!-L149133. Osler & Ross combln€d to
snouo? Einut€s
afte! the
";f, $":L_
]1aco f.inished.
j,5,il?i,+:i;l;if :tH*"";sH; kdkt gaagt (52:5ir) a i"a 6""a-is-s!:Iiti,HZT;I,
bgTiii Y:g??iil ll';5#"-"fti* eel'kowiiz ;?ia -it--I'i; l;5: fr ,i:L:iryiry if ' H',Rl'l"i:21st ATTNuAL sENroR Tdo o*r, ouri. 7. Bob shank (66:30)-& 43; oivia- rjirnrnerl' " RECruATION, So. PhLls.. H.S. FteLd. Sat.. June 29th 1 P.M. (Hob & huml.d. )- 2-Mtte: i?:ii:,,'93iP],ft 3:'€;,3a )"5:Bi,ilBl.{. -T:tr21? 1. stan tohnson, phi1a, ?l_oneers, 2. ?ruran CLark, una., l"oru.t; 3. pdul Il:o,I;3" g3;.;'#"'ft l"f i"3yi.?iil' 62' Lucuskl, P6nn AC, LOt59,2i [. Btl] Bol- DNF- Ken K1lng & Lsnry Rush (59:l+J)
kus, ?hlLa., kus. ?hlLa.. L1:58.9..M-ttirL1:58.9..Mt16- 1. chris Chili s Ioe Daqbert lLt4).:z-z. Jo6 Dau Ilason. Vlllanova, Lt2li2i-2. RXC 10-Yt 1e Postaf ChsrpLonshlp Pe Phlla;Ac, )+t29,3i 1+t29,3i 3. trou coppens, Perm C. Smullons, Coole::s cor",ir, N.y. Eobolt, o6:17 (su!, , July 28th)i,t€nb""-ri_iargo.
Fnc [-MrLs opEN RAoE Les Eegedus won tho op6n l+-mLlo raco ho]-a at Ltbolty Bl-ed. on Jun€ 16th. The 3o-year-old €llgib]-e bacbolo! ls a muslelan as w€lL as a nuslc lDstructor. les tou!6d tho Jlat coulso in 20:39 & eal wel]- ahoad of tho rest of thd comDo t1on. D!'. fa^n Milne, lrho is loavLDg sho
I:{ EAt.II![otr T.{AR.A[EN Ont., Sund&y, Juno 23- Andy -Es.!allto!, Brychul of ga$1e, set a hatlve Canadta! BOYCEOK BREA&S RECORD
r€cot,tl by rlrlJdng the rnalathoB at a Eadlton A.C. tE6ot tn 2..U:50. Boychu}, ruffdDg for the Toronto OC, bloke al'ay fron non We]-llDgfo?d of namilton AC after 20 trLles to l|ln tho 26-mi1o, tly for EngLand to tako a resealch poBt 3 B5y test by tr^to ndnutos. 1n notallurgy, finLshod a:Id !,rlth a tino Els tftne 'iras 27s fastor than hl! old of 21r3d. Ml1ne has contr,lbuted rnuch to porsorxs.l rocoral of 2:18:}7, set at tlle the dov€lopnont of lon€ dlstanco !u!.!ll-ng Boston ]tarathon i.n 1967. ln the Cfevela1ld are&. lt--nt. llallLngford clooked 2:19:34 ov6r tb6 I. !€S l1€geoug, J-u!z) 20.39 courss frctE Guelph to nearby Dunda6. JobD 2 T6n Mllha 1.r.)< Knoen of Wate!1oo iras thLrd tn 2:30:l+5. 2rt3B Horb Monck of Hs]lllton foulth ln 2!31:42 22ta2 3. Jtn Stanley, 11:06 and teanuato Jin Blosty ftftb in 2:36:59. l+, August Jarv1 s, L0:55 222J8 5. Ka!'l Muel].e!, 1t!00 ROCKT 'MOUIflIAIN TAU T&T' CEA!.1?IONSIII?S o. .J onn uallg, rl:u5 23 r5o at MulLon 8..S. Ln D€nver, Colora.do a$37 l. J1m uorwns, Lti+t o. Gary ng.npe!, J-z: rt) Tal.r'y Eal3dson of Co]-or.ado State Unlv. to! the 6-ni.1e 1n 30!09.1, aed Cralg Run9. SoL Gori-and, 12:l+0 26127 10. RandaLL Tayl-o!, 2U:l+7; 11. I4tke Clo- yan of Colorado Unlv. took th€ 3-rEl].e ln co, 29:00; 12. Mlk€ Juxg, 33144. 1J1:!1. Both perfonnEnces wore good u.!Itle! tbe corxdLtLons of gusty nlnds & a s1o (h0 & 0ver)- 1. Ja MASTERS h-IfILE RACE tfack. Stove l4atth6ws & Floyd Godl'ln ttiLho1n, 46, 29:24 (Hoaltb. & PhysLcal welo lot up to pa! & flnlsh€d. ov6! a rtlnEducatlon Lnstrqctor at Loraln Conr. C \rto bohind lIa:rlieon & 30s bohlnd Runyan. 1e96. Runs 35 to 45 nlles a ueek)i 2. Godu1n lan a naralrholr th€ weokend bofolo Robolt John ofNetl-, 50, 25:43i 3. Dr. & fouJxd tbe t!,ansltlon to sholtor dlsta.oDole, 27:l+7; l+. Ed Ads.ne, NTT.
--Joe Mu.scarell-a--
For€st ?aik Jt,.Ii.S., Juno 19- D!. Ian last codpetl-tive rsc€ ID tbo It S. befcro leavl"ng for hls home In Engl-and. ThLrteen lurmers .startoaL but only tho Engltsh endulanco prevs.lled LD th6 co1d, icy rain & strong head !qlnd.s. 3he race officia].s rarl for thell. carrs followod cl-osely by all the runlrers except Ian. fhe officlals ttuned tho lor1€ ruirner (fr.ora the coqer of th€Lr eals) tBr00 for the l-ong t6n m116 cou."se, --Joe Muscar6l-L&-2-uAN 5-r'rllE RELAY, Lakonood. H.s., ohlo June 23, 1968--scoib Hll-os, NatLooal 2Stat c champion & lnd.Larla State mlle ndle sc schola€tlc ml16 chanrplon (l+!oB) teat{ed wtth Joo 01Lnskl to n'tn the Cl-ov€land RRC 5-irll,e Mj.lno ron hLs
Denvsr, Colo., suaday, JuIo 30- I&-r3tInE Ande, a Ntg6"lsn l-ong dLstance runne! ao attendlng Adam6 Sts.te Coll-oge 1n Alanosa, dtspS-ayod sp€ed at w1.11 ln dofeatlng Eal, Elgdon ln the annual Denv€r Itaaathon. Ihe 16ad shlfted back & forth fo! LI laps befolo And6 spu-!.teal alead on th6 12th & ftnal 1ap at Washl.ngton Pa?k to litn by 6t seconils. Tho tlmo as 6 mi!s. off last yearls courso rocord 6stabllshod by Eloyd Godwln of Colorado Unive!'slty. 1. l{artlns Ande, Nlgo1.la, 2t3l+tl+6t 2. EaI Elgdon, MLcbi.gan Ctty, Indlana, 2i35:47j 3. Rlck vaLfeadoE, D€nve! IC, 2.3tst52t 4. BoBr Sflryd.or, tlncoln, Neblaske., 2t\At51t DfC, 5. Gary Plerson, CoLot'aalo Springs, 2:!3:08; 5. stove GachupLn, Jensz ?uoblo' Nofi Mexioo, 2t43t26i ?. Torn Find.l€y, co1umbus, ohlo, 2rt+9 rvt B. Jln llathe s' mC, ZzlftlJ; 9. fln colpltts' Lowry .AJ'B, 2:56r
DsrLauf with a conbined tlne of 22|12. d1o"e on tholr heels was the team of LoE H€gedus & Jlm Branags.h wltb a tLn6 of 33; 10, Oeno Somor, Curlris, N€braska, 3ro2r25t Lf. Jobn Peterson, Lockport' ILI. 22tr7 . 12. Ed Uln]]ow, Now York AC, 3. B€nedtct & Nagy, 23!09; It. PeculLs & 3to3t5ft 13. A1 lteebatx, cs-!ry ct'ockett, & Eggleston, Galombos 3.o3t52t Pevaas, 23:56; 5" Puoblo, colo., 3:04:51+; 1l+. T6d, cutle!, 2):,:d1i 6. Muoller & ocL.s 24t2jt 7. DeDv€! tc, 3,1f255t 15, Rob€rt }fontoya' ' d. Janes & Brown & Cinns.nond, 24!21; (fj Alanosa, colo.' 3:18:2lu 16. Do! l4cMshLl1 fltdshod) ttiami Parisb, 2l+:29.
ffi ;^" ti**"il
Just the RRc of Eoaland (Illustrated) "J"ir1TJ-t $1,o0 ft'on Loig Dlstarxce Log.
Sprir€ 5$3i*31.3i.'l' a?;'?3' ; l? :.bl' r8:"s" Jff 3go I"fRux, Jobd Blgl|kr. Aurora, colo.' t. YiJ1jp7l16:, ;, ; ft ;'fL9. 6.'9;"9"8iao"mc,3t36t29i 20. l'tllbur. A!no1d, 3tl+d:q4. DIc,3i36t29t
THIRD ANNUAL BIG MEADOI'I lO-MfLit RUtl E1evatlon 7,5OO tt., Sat.r Jlrne 29th *:^sTP I9*: Alc, 39:40: 5. Rav uatton{ 4 p.n. Coulse: A partly oiled diri, fr iiel"if "a,3; 3lilll.l"fi Bl'ta,Hi'E.oe' road wlth sevoral rnedlura hi1ls, Blg l,leado ts I ntles off the Genera],sH::, iliiis;''ff Highway on the Horse Cor?al Roaal betwoen Soquola and Kln/:s Canyon Natlonal i81"[r, ffii' i.,l';,?l;, Parks..Sanctioaed byi Central Callfor-
nla A. A. U. l-. Bob D€lnes, occidontal. <?.tn I. 2. I.Iayne v"" i"ri"". -Hie].r'sr.rr-a'id]'*
HSTC, 59:30; 4. 27:?ai 2. Joe Dunbar, alLr Ande!son, Santa Barbara AC. 61:02: 5, John KeJlt"rara, HSTC, 61:26; 5, Jack' Wey6r, una., Ilunols! 62156t 7. pete? Acosta, HSTC, 63.t36: B. Alan Has.s, una. San r1no,.63!56; g. Miko Carte::, Glendlfe, 6l+:28; 10. Re/:jLe Harri;. itra, HS-
:l:!',{iid;, li::"nliii:' ii;i:".f l'r$1, $:;::;,P:'''*';::;':i;'iiii,j;f pi. :L!; 18' 6;ti"#i"i3"i"i,r$El"fi: 1,il":' "+tru,e l:i, ift I?' ff BIkF
lil:al; u;:Ty;;i:"fr,: "#:
-{:, "
:ii; "B:;'.H;i'i,31'4iir:.''"28:"' TC, 6l+r39; l-1. B6n Sancdez, HSTC, 66:tt i3li5::i:":s. -im* L2. Kon Lanpton, HS'IC,
6692, U. Dave :,ft ,j9a-;;.,"t*iiiii ; $iin"r.crJ, 6f:28; 1[. Larry Caiber,,- iliiiiilli$l' l]3 :3.8; 32. i, drt it,"r"ai seniors TC,. 59:26i lJ. aarny Nichotas, )J. v1c!o? uary, unar, 44101; 3L, Brad L6. charue Bl6odworth, ' H1I_9, 'l2t-15; 92t55t HSIC, 17. Perry Crand.a1J-, una., ffi ?iili' r u,*a;igiil;,JJ1Hi.i"ti:,!T', ff 76_111; l-8. Bt1ly Batei, u:ra., w6oa1at6, calit,, 76t29. i"*i3ur,"!3;. "il8, ",t*i, Tfq ft :;3; Raco sponsorod by! lerls tlayeL Se!v- i6: Bronzan, HSTq,
1c6, Vlsal-La, and HlBh Slerra Track CLub 9riovious Wlnlro!s I L966- John Brobnand. '
Santa Barbar6. AC, 56..2!' a967 Van De11en, H16h Slo].r3a TC.
SBIH A}fu'uAL BAY To BnxAKERs ?.6-I4II,ES san Franclsco, May 25, l-968 - ThLs was probably the lerg6st ovent €vo! he]-d o the ?actflc sLopos, es far' as nunbot's
a!6 concglnod. A domonstr'atlon of tho po €r of tl^o p?essl ?aclflc Assn. !ac6s usually obtaln lLttle nor'e tltan pa.ss nention, but hon th6 S.F, Ex4dn€! ls tho sponso!, th6y dovote colunlxs bofor,o & after, thus ovo! e thousandl s.ppllcet:ons woro rocelved, wtth 805 fLr)lsherE Due to the toarlng up of l,tarket Stt'eet by tho Bs.y A"ea Rapld Tre,t1slt, the cor.lrso wag changod sLtghtly. Th6 rr€s.th or was ldaal- warn, warn. c16ar cleet 6: & drt, d!'v- irlth lth
[i:Li; i;:'; tiif,t, fi:'"H'*].;
ffifu :"3*;*71, {a"i"P,j?lrT',,r1 r+,si, [z' we-ctne!,. una., 45:07; L9. Art cnlr"a";i; p?ia,\r!'
;: iiil ;;i-, ]ii T;"5tii;il :.', lfr:tl''iffii"*{5[; eno on, allct on, andl on... r,,13:.
i; f;l,}il"l: fgi"::Bsi
li3l"iiL,,. s iii{ff z, urrn bru€, Greenhills fiS, 22:28 "frIil: i;:;i;l:';ilitr,ii" a:, 33iil i: ll*:"1:'.;I"l'' 33 ;i3 !: "!3il'&.illsl";" I. '*Io-ran_q Anspach, Springbo ro, O.,23135
11ttlo dturd. Ken Moole, oregon !C, feeliig udlappy ulth ht'nseIf becs.uso ol hls shoulns at 3:#3*""l3illl; 3tiitil"5"T3; lt:',j th6 Modesto Rolays, stopped ln at iho ru. trln vorawt crncirmatilast nlhuto, alor€ wlth llade Be1L, for ,",Z\:\B a training sessl.on. About a rnl.l-e from i}: !3ll"Tiitei"Hl'ffii5;.,31,,s,,, tho fln.ish, he took the blt, novibB away f!'orl last yealrs filnnor, fom LarLs **i.l" 2,1,6,5 [: ""'?l#3"$il:f:], Ths bLg dobacle carlF at the erld of the l?, g+erln Anspach, Spr-tngboro,a.,26t!2 "ff race, when tbE lteet rnanagernont beca,no 16. BllL Morgan, st.B€rn;fi., boggod down et one table, nanned by o 1(. jrylon uook, Dayton, ohio,0,,'26rt5 ZTrOO poraon to record 600 swo6.t drenchetl r i6: Id. Larry ill?l l?:5i":i":l::, 9l*:: K!.ssln8, Clncinnati, 27.L0 ' ners. fh6 pre-rac6 reglstratlon went 19, Bruce Poling, Oa y.ton, ZgiOO fo! hours too! --Bob Docollo-astrBi', Z9: 83fi"il*aBlida;:i;31; 1. K€n Moore, or'egon TC, 38i[8 39 !01 2, Tom laris, New York AC' BeLr:d, St. Bernard, 0., 28:!! ??. P"ue 39:14 23. Dennls Morgan, St.B€rnard. 29t25 3. 9111 More€!, sFoc' ( pag6
Continuod n6xt
I(1ssl.ng, Tri-Skateland, +; 25, loiry John_Voa.l{sj 1de, St, Bernatd;
jO:l+-O g.S. '
26. Charles Anderson, St.Bernar:il 3ltl+Ot 27. J. Jolmsor, CIn. (coach)i9. cinnati,.0l 28. D. Dttonnoso, ?2r3gt Clncinnsti, 3)th}t ?9. tle, Debbto Stovens & Tentt Seippet, Ketterina Strialers. ll1 j_2!-;_.2 t: CinctnnsiL, 3lt,t3Z.' ^!. Ruzsa, I\toItrNrS bUOy toAn RACE- t. Don;a Sh;11. 13, Ketterino Striders, Zt38.7: Z. VIcki Ii€eves, 15, Cin., 2:401 j. Jan Johnson, 16, Ci.n., 2t\2 (2f flnishers) Notes...A trainy day threat6n6d to spoil a r,rell planned raco but over fiftv r-un_ nors showed for thls flrst annual, ev6nt co-sJ)onsorod by the Ohlo Riv€r R.R.C. Chrj-s England easily won the naln s'ter posti\g lim6s o' 4:21 & 9t35 ovont dur1ng the t,-ecl( season. 86a.]tiful trophles wen1, iro the first th}.ee ln oach aso grorp & the firsr rhree In tho gillls lace. --Steve Prlc6--0hl.o Rlver RRC
R!YL. E.Rlver Drtve, phtIa., pa, 6/2L,/68 l-. Bob-Br6;k, Audu6on, iJl*qe; te.-z)i z. ,rane sh€€1r8, 12:J9; J. N.J., !ederoff,-13:19; _[. _ Johrl Huffinan,Johr 13:20. phtl-a, , 5:l+J; 2. S€: *.. Rob6rt_tohre, 5:53i 3. Mar"io stevi:ns, :?y:9 ,9'hll"€, 2,r>i 4. ter'ka, 6t35 heLd on lqDDr,E. Am,+N-rrc RRc B_t4rLE RUN, nuEg€t's Urrlvei,slty Cahpus at piscataway, N,J..,^Sundayr JLrLy ?, i96B (spltts tor"' oach 2 rniles )
ffi*-,i?itl:i '' '
(u:03' l+. Af lanrLaskowskl,. 49:LlB (tttzz, iii66t"u"*'"ttz
23:0o' AJ],SO,
5. Neil .lteysandt, SOiB (I2tO7, a+15o, 37 r35) 6. Eal-2Dev6st€r,n, 5Og5 if!o$5, zztoo, 7. Peul^Lucuski, Srl3B (rf ,!t+9, 2U125, Dr [u ALL-CoIERS SJTC A!!-uuru;nb T&F tdcf !4ffiT, t{tjlj'I t Doptfoyd lropttorcl Twp., -CwD.. H.S., 1ied., Jul) toth Q+th Ma€t) 3-mie: d. )(r+u) Bob shank, AiL3 (l2,Oj, 27tt1j, \jtll) 1. lar.ny R'rsh, Penn AC. AC, 15r28.3t f5r2\,3t z:Efr e.E;;T Notos..,Tho r"&ce ras run on the 0w6ns, SJTC, a5t\7; 3. Dav€ ReponrdD€, q-ftn }'ol.|rng. road r,,hlch passes throughsUahtLv L SJIC, r(.11,, 15191+; lr. Rut_ Paul Lucuskl., penn Penn AC, Ad. g€rs, Athletic Fiolds & Sclonce-Canpus. l6to9.5: 9. John casey, una.;. 1"6r20: 16:20; 6. 'rl!e_course conslst€d of a nile longih of Dave Harris, SJ.IC, 17:08; 7. Bob K1otz, ove! whlch 11 laps wer'o run. ihe una., 17:16; 8. Her.ry Derolf, SflC, 17: r1oad, r:aco started at noon! the l,l€athe! lras 21i ltite Kozactk, .SJTC, 17 Mik6 17 t\'t t45t fO. iO, ?1; 9: sunny, temperaturo ln tlre Bo's erlth a Ds\e Durl, SJ'IC, I'l t-ll t-llii l-1, Georgo MarMr srlgrlt bre6ze. Aft6r an elght n1l€ norn_ tin. tln. Penh AC,,H.S. BBO8U0- 1, Ken ltllng, lng Norkout, D€Vestern went out haral ln 5JtC, 2t02.7i 2. John Cza?zasty, Holy Cross IIS, 2tA7,6t 3. Joe 0tRou!,ke, Jotlll an effort.to shak€ the field ealLy; but Torn osJ-er, encouraged 6!
Bartre]ll IIS, ?hila., 2:09.0; L. Honraid Schaeflel', SflC..1320y- 1. Joe Daubent, Pli1a.q.C, Jtl2.21-a. Oeorgo Hil], C$nd; LoLrlih C6nter, 3,L7t 3. Jffi, Flennoly, Phl1a. Pioneels, 3t22; l+. tohn feafe, SflC, 3 !3f . IIBIL
.' Avalon, N.t., Sat,, July L3th l- f.M. NelL iloygandt, ?MC dLstanco ac€,,llacoil
ove! a sandy beach al-oDg th6 At]-antlc to finally pull- alray fronr Paul Lucuski in th6 stretch for e. hard oalng 30y vlctoiT nargin ove! a slx-mLl"g out & homo courjsg, Bob RonanskJr finlshed s. strong thtu d. 1. N€lf Woygandt, South Jersey TC, 32: 10.5t 2. Patf,l lucuskl, ?6nn AC, 32tf5i 3. Bob Ronansky, SJIC, 32t2oi [.. A1 Las kor.,ski, Harr:isbulg AAA, 32t25t 5. ByroD Mundy, una., 32t30, 6. Joa o'Rou"kg; urE. 35t13i 7. Davo Durn, SmC, 35:15; 8. Gr6g Rodg€rs, Earrlsbul8 A!..A, 35t29t 9. Bj11 Cra6n6r, |dr)s,,, 37 |2)-i I0. Dav6 trel l-y, St. Jos€phrs Colt€ge, 37:37; 11, 8111 Dodd, SJTC, 37:,14; L2, Fr:ank Zernowsld, Ponn Ac, 38:U; 13. A1 Sylvte, una.,ldr30; !+. Br:owrdrig Ross, SJTC,lfIT. Ocean
the ig!.sl"t9n!. s+eht of.th€ salad bowl betng-glvoir fo:: flrst prlz€, and the oncour:siement of his_wifo, Kathy, who slso lraite d sald bor,rl-, pounded to victory during the 3rd .c. +rn -Laps. uoyer cau€ht Borkowitz on to oapturo ard p1aco. +a:r doltn h111 a:ne as held after th€ !aco, l9i dog l:oast lkthy osler,, Jeff Rockw€11, -OfflciaLsi Bob_Gtl-cbr1sE, Brenda Borkoldtz, NorUoi,t w. t erkowl.tz. --Earry Bo!,ko!r1Ez__ ________;.___-___ LINCoLN, NBRASKA 10,ooo METERS (6.2-Mi.) Jv!.e 22, 1968 9!OO A:M. 9O-desrees 1. Kenneth K.etzor, Llncoln, 3j tl+6: Z.lom Llncolnr 3{:13; l.-Cene Soruor, Inyd6r., Cultts, 36:38; [. Steve Kade1. Easttnqg.
37:24; 5. Ralph Mert'inen, Lln;ob, Li;ti. 2-I{i1o- 1. D6an Bz,ltt€nhs.n, Llncoln _RIYL U+t24t 2.. Jack WeIIs, th:58; j. bavta Llnback; l+. fen pohLiran (iZ ftnlghers) --Gone 50&6r.--
ryTtsTol,rN MEET
et Ilrsinus Co116go, pa., 2lth-
Tu€sday, -ili:
-J6hn D6viin, Jtrne _ 25th- 2-Mt1€ June 2-tU1€- 1. "J6hn D6vUn. pfiila. Ac, __9 : !4. 5-; -Z.--trf,enn Brewe!, Pacei's AC;
3. K€a tr€eh!, Rsdno! Chars€;s..HS l{lj;:1. Bill. Porly, 8111 Polry,Ambl_er, AnbLer, L:31+; l+t3L; 2. NelfT-qyer. Ne].l. ljoyerl.
z _P6t€_!lundLe, DIck Packalat, Harold Halrls, Jolur Roev€s & Dr. Alox nsttelo wa!€ supsrL h i:b€ dtste.nco €v€r$s. l4undlo could have lron ahost anythlng fron the BBO tbrou.qh tb6 r!a!a. tbo! 1f allored to. Dtck Packard turned 1n e flrE narathon porforrqme ln tho hot and hur1.1 E6ethor. Uts 2:48 ptus would surely ha!6
betber€d on a cool6r day. only 18 out of U2 Bta.rt€rs frnLsh€d the hot, stoaJnr rout€. 50116 fln6 vetorMs couLd ;ot ftnlsh. Tro coUalsod ai the flnlsb 1lrs and oE was takon to the hospltal wlth boat 6xhausiion. Fortunat€1y sl1 aro fin6 non., John Reovss of Toroni,o trlplod ln tt!€ 6-rjle (4bh), 3-n116 Pet€ UDdl-e, reput6d to be tho natioDts top (lrdJ end narsEhon (5rb). IL tntor€sttnc sedor distanco runner, dtd nuch to conent tnat that nost hen !,€nL for Lh€ J'as & 6 rdles 1n-cLatn as he ltterally lar a ay from tho fleld st6ad of th6 shorrer dlst5nc€s. tn utnnlnA th6 6-nl1e run b6for6 L,000 custonerE. 'rlrve boen lullll1ns slnce 19lr2r'r MundLe MAR-ATPON CITA.MPIO\SHIP OF ALSTRAIIA sald aftor bas rictory. 'rI 6njoy tt, tbat,E al Glenorchy. rear Hobart, Tssndn:a, l.lay Z6th Irvo never qult, hlch Is plobably rhy I stl1l 1. Der€k ClayLon, Victorla, 2:lL:!.7. B do we}1.tr Mundl€rs rlnrfug malgln ea5 nor6 2. John FrrrtnsLon, NSW, Z!6t|q].L 3, Ie Uheelo!, So.Aush., ZtZOt33 400 yards. slnce tuntna 40 earuer thls yea!, ho has !6cordsd a lr:3o n11€. a 9:36 two-ntLe & 4, AlM Harrlson, NSvl, 2:21+:J5; 5. Barry 14:51 for thros. Al-1 are thousht to be Arerlcall -s-ahTer, Viclorla, 2t.2\t38i 6. Ian stnfl€]d, t!6cords 1n tho Uo-and-up cat€sory,,Sttl-l l4und1€ l,,6st Auscla]-la, 2t25t'U 7. Ian lr&tr€. vlc:. tsntt sat1sf1ed..!'r hav€Ert rDn arrl4ayb6 top rac€ thls 2127tLzt 8. Rod McKlnrcy, Nsil, 2:28:18; 9. sertously. I'ru !u]I- Ray Wud, V-Lctorla, 2:28:18i 10. Bsrry tear," he salal qulte nin€ too o't6n not, but I ran botter last y€ar. genza, Ytctorla, 2:28t5!. 129 trr]ds}]od,) lreAlthoush 40 y€s's o1d, llmdle l^opes to nrk€ Weabhor; co1d, i,4o (crayton & ParrlnAton thls y€arrs U.S, olt]Jlpic tean for tt6 $6xlco plcked tn team fo! Mexlco). crtJ flaratbon.."Thatrs ry goa1," h6 sald, rrbut --J. Frank l4coaffrey-l doubt tf I ce]} do lt. Irl-1 hsve to run an tnte11tA6at race 1n tbs trlaLs, and hope to Aot 1st INIERNATIONAI, I?tgTlnALE l{AnATItON around tn about t{o-and-a-hau hou!8,rr INCOR?OiATING lHE E1JROIEAN CiIAWIONSHIP Ho had a Aood charce of maidnA fhe Olyoplc Baarn, EoUand, l'lay 25!h Woe!h6r: SunnJ, tem in bhat role four tears ago, but uas f611- sllaht rind, abour 70o course: Ilsr, d;irb16 eo bl a porslst€nL f1u. 'I bad been alo-Lng vory out & back. Organlzatlon by th€ Baarn Athterofl up to that t!no," he a.lnd.tteal. "1b6n I got ttcs Club Has lst class & a ,orse! credtt to slck. and nev6! nado tt," l,lundl€ araduated ihelr enthuslastic nenbelsfron tho unlv. of or€son ln 1950, ;nd once h61d 1. walta 1d6ba, \)+, t]e'" al]y, 2tz9tj6.z the school two-nil€ record 9:32. 2. E"ik o€sbye,!7, Sueden, ?:?9:24. B !'Thls n6ot Is a {ondslful at t{undl6 Bald. 3. R.J. srolth, L1, Enslsnd, 2:32:t+? thln€,ri rllt "t1; It rlll rl11 bo r'o a blg bls b1g one soneday. soneday. "Itrs soneday. .tt's e g!€at a!€at G. franklit1,l+0,Insland, 2: J .:JL,a 4. R. n6et nor, and thls ls tbs tnauguraf. ithen tho E. coossen,45, Belslun, Z:L1:2tr.2 5. nord out, the!6 {111 be a hug€ fl.old.rl 6, F. Blecht, 47, cernanv, Z:tr1:35 rrliv€gets ta1k6d to olynplc ath:.eies rho ar6 6nt- ?, H. PlerItz, l+3, C€-neny, 2:&-l:Lo huslasttc about thls type of th1!9," hs sald. U, Ion Bucklnahr,a, 50, Ihe.,ztLLi4 T. 'irordln, !5, Su€den, 2tIr7t)? 9. "Soneday naybe sgldor tlack rlU leally catch on vlih ih€ publtc, too, Itrs easy for peopl€ 10. D.E. Fur,lell, Ll, tagland, Z:l+7:JB ou" ag€ to aseoc'sLs ulhh uE. They can say, 11. L. o€s!brandb, !,L, SrJed€n.2:L?:L2 12. J.' rank lvlccaf f rot, l+8, Austlalld, 2:51: 25 h6 can do Lt. so can 1.r" 'If 2nd Ntght- P6t6 Mmdl6 won th6 thr€6-ni16 1n 13. i\'1. xsae16, 4L, .jernany, 2:52:0t+ 15:15, elvlns hln d second tlt16 for the me6t. 14, c, Lrndblad, l+5, s\iec,o^, 2t'zttt, Fo! th6 socond t tuno Earold Earrls, ChlcaAo, tas l-5. S. Ekst!on, 5J, Sued€n, 2:51:lJ No. 2 to tho santa -Montca nathonattcian in 15: 16. Dr.l'Lir.Bonar, Ir1, csR, Zt't+tA9 Reoves of Toronto sas lrd 1n 16:39,6. 1?. J.F. FitzA€rafd, )+5, Ensl-e.nd, Zts?tr' ff. Jobn Jln gartshorno of lthacs. N.Y.. r^'oE the ni16 10. waltar zi-Lor]t, l+6, SNiLz-'IMd, 2:58:06 In I+:50.5 over B I r1\. seattle, l'llshtn8tob 16. C. rhi616, 50, c6meny, z:5q:oU (4:51.11 and 1I.T. YEck6y. SM:ernando (l+0) 20. v. Kle.iNachLer, c.!f'ns, 2tt9t56 (L:51,5). san Dt6eo's Aueie .Escslua, Lhe tuo- 35. Paul- S, Ja!r6i14 L6, usA, nlle uiMor on Friaoy, placsd flfch In l+15!.?. b5, D.. Af6x E. Ratelle, 3r0B:5L UsA, 3:l_8:.B Tbr€o-ttno oblnptc walkor, Bruco MacDonald Sld shith, USA. 5U, 3:29:02 !.,on th6 three-n11s 1ra1k rn 2+:55.6 ov6x v.U. liot€s.,. 150 run"lers !6pr6s€n Led f4 cohtrr6s crandy Q5t39,2J & Robert Lona (26:19.8). (c€"nant, tso1land, Swo.16n, \orday, F-rce, Tbe second nl8ht drer l,5oo spectators. Be16:u,n, En"land, Irel.ad, Jrpm, 4ust-s1la, Davtd !atn, founder & chatrBan of tho event, sNltzerland, Czechoslovalda, Austrla, UsA) announced tbat n6:(t yearrs neot wlLl b6 treld $uch colo! to the race lncludina a p;rad€ of B€1boa SLadlurn on JulJ l-q-51h. atflat€s behj.rd Lhelr nabiohal icarr.-," -inUeet Masters T&J Notos,..by Stan Staff,old--Tho auilresses & a otg present"rron -opon:na flas an outsLanoing success. As eny nevJ 6nt6_pri -ner ln th6 Asborta Hotel Lhar €voatnr:. The It hsd.!hs bues & soa6 nalcon!€nts, bur tor. 9OiI otg_sst cont'aeent {as Gernany ui-h 7} runof \rs li {as a lot of fun & a. f,tr16 esoEt. rcrs & uhal se€n€d lll!€ thousanos of suDMosi Dartlclpants wore onthus€d & tho 290 en- porters: the Gernd weba ody eo1 "he l;ao spread th6 150y fron Lh€ iaDe to defeaL Lhe Suede uho teied inls 16;r Hl11 MdoubLeoly hed led fron rne srarb. f!.6 fl!_tshers. uor.l for a fluch bissor f.Lo1d nexE Jear'
c. l,a.!l€,39:tl+; 27. X.
Blroh, BsA' BsI 6, 1968 196d L P.l{. P. Y€ftol, Sptlnas, oLLo, Jult 5, 4 P.M. ? ?/l'- {16 Road Roe.I E!r4RD- 1. l. Arbolt Afbor.t souoll', souoll', 24, Souoll.. 7 3/lL-AIIo z9! Vtt25i B-i1T-E9!El\8, BottInS, 29' 3. r'tey 116:21; 2. BIlL F6:E-2. +7|25i t. Blr'n-laghan, ?2' \?,35i 4. Bob cotdron, 35, hB: 2o:-9. iack' M6r't1$d, 13, [9:04; 6. La't'€n;6 Mc*l;st!r, 3?, t+9,r6t 7, Vayn6 Yslcbo, 51, 55tr7i B, rh cook, 19, 69:43.
Youne, 4L.11+; 28, D creoa, l+2:39; 29. R, 411en, [9:33t 30, R. Fabl., 49:59. --Jobn J. Bladk--
Birntnsba.n 1€A fo! rtlst 5 :nll-s So!I€U took }oad Jutt bsfor€ hll}! & pu11sd alray to an sasy Eh' tr-Ml1€ Road Rac6, July Zl, 1968 10 A.M. t. poug rrrstt":r, 22tl+5t 2. steio P!!ce' 23tO) i. Jiv"n:.r*rncla;. z;ibS; L. ton t4olrn, 23t29i E. ranr.nco }t;Kinotrt, 2J:48i 6. B11r Boitha, d. cball Cballot .1.<1,' l,l6rt1ard, 24:07; 2r:07: 8. :<,b,t '? Jacl'.. }lortland, 7. :t^.k Y'r'cho, 26:03. vayno vayno R;r:ti;rt. 25ro9r ro9i 9. R;Iiti€rt. "jr.-n - 8i o25 c.trFra d;iud€ ln.1trd d lons'bt11 ;r 6/10 6i". -c.'li.";' iiii. & v6rt ut6oP on€ of 30Ot, onttr€ couls€ ntt€ &'Krlltl-er puirea auav st 4 ""rir"c. ii'I"" th6 5'9ir, 901hi' K!15t1o! spurted n1l6!--and alray llon ?rrco tn th€ last 'e1o. l:+-Ut16 croEr-country rur- 1. Jay Bl!1lll!€hsr!,
ritle 1n a ttaht aloup at 5:06 th€n t€tilsd do E to a t6ct1caL 10 nll€ t'eca. }Iatthe{s traded tbe lsad ultb o&ch of trre oth€r 5 ru.F Ders at aEffsrsnt lhae€s durlDA tb€ enttre racs. Bob Delnes staysd on stovers should€t! unttl the 7 n1L6 !o1Dt then began to fose ooDtact. t{atth€$s bullt up a 3ll! road at th6 of tb,e B ntle polnt ov€r the !€matnder f,1eld. Pat Mcuallon, I!61andrs OlynPlc UaI'atlbn bop€fu1, beaan to sl-oN].y cloB€ ths 8ap es ho pul.l€d up fron 5th to 2nd placs & cut tlF dlff6renc6 to a nelr€ 93 l,ltb a Pouelful flnal two mll€s. l4attbevs' tlne llas us unale! lris onn irack r€cord of 52:46 s€t ln ttie sarne lun tn 1967. w€ath€r caus€d csus€d aldls' Boo u€ath€r TIrs brleht sua & dr! 6Ow h?6ss to-sore exrent'to a1] of the rure4. as tbeh pace va]'led througbout th6 !ace. A1l. luders tn tbo ovent had the pot€nt131 to I,l1n 1n fast6! ttn€ bad a fest€! paco b€€n set on a day nor€ suitable woaiher-it1so fo! ths run. A1i a!€ tralnlna at Als$ota ful} tlne {ith th€ orc6ptton of Bob Lot6, CSV run' n6r, nho ls na]d.nA a conoback at t0alstboldng aft6r. plaolng htgh ln ra!1ous alea iuns at vartous dtstancss tlto y€srs back. 1. Stev€ l4a!tb6Hs, Den;er Track club' 52:JB 2. Pat McMahon, Iroland, 52:l+7; 3. slcp Eouk Rono, $€vada, 53:08; l+. 3ob De1a65, I,o! Ang€l€s, callf., 5)t32t 5. Floyd codvln, D6Evet' Tc. 53:l+l+! 6. Bob ro!,o, D6nler Tc, 59:17' sirrts ii,r Mat!h6l,,s: 5:06, rot8, a5.39, ?ottt+. 26t7t, 3t t3o, 36tl+9' \? tto, \? t33, 52:38. Rac6 h€1d on cof,olado Unlverslby A]}--John J, Blank-soUlIG{S?ffiN AAII T&-F CEAU?IONSIIM at lvansCol]1nr F161d. Xnonvll1€, Tennessoo ODen Dlv.- 3-i111es- 1. G{1y Klrton, Knoxv1ll€ 'r:c, L6 t39.lF,-2,--'fFed l,,eb€!, ETc, !7t46'8t 3. Joe P16rce, Erc' 17:52.J..U!fg- I' K€n Rowf6it€. KTC. Lt20.6t 2. Gordon Wlfson, lqc' L:ao.B: l. c;orce Bafla€r, KTc, L.3\, )-. lln ienkln;. TMr. hr12,6..88o- 1. Bob Eal]lbrton. fiTe. r:98.3! 2. Bf:T itenry, Klnsgporb, 2toa,7r 3, Ed Meohon, Ktnasport, 2102.. Tee.n: 1. KnoivtU€ TC, \?3t 2. Klr\gspolt 21; collogo 14. l. Easl6 Tc, L6; I+. cu,nberland M6n Lo & oier Dlv:- lLs- 1. Dr. Ton scotb' 3. xtc, lttg.l; 2. Jln l{fr451e, K'Ic, Bob EImdDr. T;m Prjnce. KTc, 5:Ll+; I+. col.'tl+t,'t trTc, ]oy, WI. 5:01.?i 5. Dr. 8ruc6 B€11onv'wE. 6:i2.1..2-M11es- 1. coI. Bob HMdlev, 1l:32: 2l-Tii-Ton ?rinc6, KTc, 1l+:10; .1. Eal canft61d. I{Tc, t5:0f.
Lr.tstf€!, mtIn, 7ff-:-Tori J:39j8:01: 3. Doua i,?^: l, Jack J.^} }tortland, nFtlend- U:01; 5. laNrenco Mc-
5. ?:50; L, 8;25! 7. ir-""ir.i. B:16r 6. chstle! Retoltert'B:!3; 9. ir'o". fti'r.trui., 8:15; 8. J1n cook,
vayn6 Ysrcho, B:52; 10' A1 Yarcho, 9:l+5. tirc rap couiro alound a snaI1 1ako. Moltn Led unLtl bho last 2OOv, as Blrtnln8hrl! s!,ePt flor tld.r'd to a al€clslvg {1n. STD/E HATTEE!"S SE'IS 5-MILE RECORD TN DEN\'M
JD€ f6th- Stovs Uatth€t,t brok€ lds own h the 7th annuaL courso r6cord ot $rn,I uashlnaton Park 5-rd11e road rac€. sieve;g zh:58.0 us' aLnost 2 nlnut€g b6tto! Jrtu Math€u8,f9' tr'.n ir.'r rditi"nov'r 26t42.o, the avor 35 troiiJ" "'"r.aii.tr.' ze rog io sln or't". ulrc r"tu."o" won the high Echool trophy
zbiosi ?. ;g::ii 3:
P6ter;on, 28:23; 8:^st?l?-N31lI
Hn Eiiillii;.'!a,?i,u;":'3:?'"ftlll i]1,- 2a,Str 11. t;d c,rtl;", ai31!-12. Ar uat!il:l;f ;,1,,e,'l;1'"ii!'8iii"?'il?,i"i\lf "". 3:ffi'Ei;li','3iEi?''T:T"?i';:;":i:uj,i'i;;'u. --Jotrn J. Blenk-8111
whtt6, J6:56!
@E CORO r,tTNS Co].on A-D-O - s PRINGS 5-llllJm JGle 23- Mlke cresoro' unlversttl of Hvonlna rlon Larsnde, -tlvonl ai"'i""6 r"""* ca;e d;un spr'1n65 )-r"l]-Le to uLn th€ Ist annuslbvColorado tho Roclq llcrrntarn RRc' niri'n-"J" "p.t".""a bo wln d auard ri'Jv F,r,r rinr"u'a 1r'l+9:59age ru: for th6 oldest f1n13hor at
Ti.s. t'"pt'yli 5.^ ie; courkMp,-29tli 7' J' i6rntna. 29:29r B. A1 veehan, 29:J6i 9' Joff
lO-MII,3 TNACI( RECORD BouLder, Colo., July 21- st€v€ }4atthow8 of th€ Donver Tc brok€ hts o$r Lo-n11€ track rocolat to rir th€ armuaf, run eaelD8t e clas6y fl€td. A1} 5 rurm€t's patsod tho firsL STEVE I.,IATTEEI{S SETS
]N NECORD EI'TOiT Aultnan b€cee one of the fesi€nt Taylor : a o"ei l-.!l.rs 'n Lho tut.Lon a! h€ po8Led li''l:: dDg 1n bbe cloc }i+:30.0 i'6c;!d-statt€r:ns "i;gf gH:tr;'?ia?li,|;."3:"1!i;,:1;;^11 1958 v6rs.Lon of tho souhnern AA! TSif ChtrDionsblDs. Aultn&n ran sll alnost flatlest i.aoe as-he auol{€d UsT,it Ronnv l,andrx and ?3i?: E1"x:'1,:;;31i.::',?. MtsslsslDpi Co.Ll€a€rs Lfr] Blancbet! Lo 3ot Riv€!a' ilr:18; 21. r. carson'-31+:58:^22'-E' tlB prce'thlol€h th€ f1.st bwo nlleB. Fot' 3i: laDs LdMe built a JoJ l€ad as aulLolclt #-3ll',Hiili' zll'E: il:rji,7j,," i;.1;u* nai staveo Blthli' a step of Blancnett, but
l;i l:
wlth orc hl1€ lsft the young harrler'noved pa Johnson, St6rl-1nA Parkr I11,; Brent l.telen++, ih€ ltls8lsstppt lenner & beAen to clos€ on th€ CheyeDne, Wyonlng; Tlxr Da.hlstrand, RbineLoador. i'l1th lesg than 200y renalrdng Landry stlu b61d a slzable 1€ad but n6ar1ry ox!eus!- I,6ader's spul"s: Hottraa, 26t5o, 55to?, !t4l Ion uas unablo Lo hol.l off tho Fortlar H.S. 57, tt55:)+3,2:Jlr:02, 2: i+lr:18 sonlo! ubo sp!1nt6d hone a los nllm6r ov€r tbe -Lta,],,8 129, 59t56, Lt3\ i30, 2ta6tz1, ?t)+61 gallant Soulhriestern rumer uho collapEed aft6 3t, 2155:aL --R€x Fost€r-the lac€ & NaB hospltauzed rith acute 6xhaus
A HOI StrCCESS Th€ 2rrd annual- Rui-For-tm Day sponsoleat by Ths stx-ni16, lhlch plonised to be an oxcl tho B6l-olt YUCA ar ],e€son6 ?ark i; Belolt. ' dt8appotntnent as d6f endlD€ chsrulrlsconsin {as torned s nu6e s rcc€3s bl of .tpton, Dan Fus€ll€r, Jogged ln utth s 32r0O.l+ clals, spectahors, and prrttctpants alikc. clocldtre. lre-race favorite, Jerly l,alrd ot In spit€ or tl6 90 plus fetrperal{fcs rel Houston Stridors, al?opped out aft6r slx laps course r€cords r€16 6stabushed in all f1v6 rhon h€ lost a shoe. Paul Truenan of NE La. of the runn:nA ev6nrs. Ula) ty thi€o pa-tlctpani3 conpebed h races rnon one n.Llo up to kopt the pregsur€ on fo! four ntles but then flve & reprosenioal nu]nelous coimltteos. droppod out leavln8 Fuso]ler fa! s}lead of h1s clubs and colLog6s fro" th€ tndlsna. Ii11r16aresi cor@etit1on, brothor lerry, sscond ul 33:34,7. The fou! r€nalntne runiers fa11€d to nols & tlsconsln tr1-sta1,o area. h tbe flrst event of the a.fternoon tb6 2 f,lnlsh. --John D. UorvaEt-n116 AlL-Conels Jerono iiebenberq broke th6 co'rge rscold belna clocked at 9;52 fo! th6 2-1ap 6vent, Th6 folloulns placed accoro,naes Rlck Ulck of ceorg€toun Urd!erslty squeezod Ly: Mark vlsk, 9:54, DaIe Roe, 10:05, ra[lout a n3lrolr 5-nlLo vlctorv 1n a New Orle8ru DD1€, 10:10, Wayn€ Snirh, I0:56, R1.k C1rrk. Tlack Club sponsor€d All-Coners M6ot held Jure LL:00, Bluc€ !.eyser, u:06, Tln Hos5, 1L:oB, 29th &t Tulane Unlverstty, Runnlng part of tb6 Ye1 Blow6rs, lIrIJ, sno Ph1I Snoe, 1l:J2. racs cross-coutry 1n nealby Audubon Pa!k, fou In Lb6 Mlodt€ AA€ Mlle fo! nen ov6r lO, 41 lunners re-6nt6r6d tbe Tu].ane canpuE less tban clalomont broke hls p!6v1ou3 record of !:96 a strldo apalt nlth no one abl-e to b!6ak out of by tur.lne 1n a tIre of ir.L5. Joe Johnson th6 pack. Th€ lssue t{as ultimatefy docidod on wes 2nd ln 5:11, follored by: John Fr6s1ey, tho Gre6n Vavs tlack 1n tho lalt 22Ov as Utck 5:21, IIItus zrck, 5t23, Ed NoubaueF, 5:28, posled a 25:19,2 wln ove! C€rry Sto!rer l?5t22. i.llke Cror16y, 6:05 & D., Don cranrner, 6:09. 1). Taylor Aultnan, Fortler HS, was thlrd in In th6 l,lasters M116 fol' D1€n over Lo. Don qualtet denber or of lno tho quarle! as the folrrtb denoer 4t23.O, a3 4'.4.U, ],1ljequtst estabust!6d a courso record ror Potl Dan }us61J.or, fadsd sltshtly ro ?5134.1+. For this n6v event t{tth a tlne ot G. lng !h€ 16ad6rs Der6: 5. ta;rJ Frs6Uei, NOAC, aall Eln€!, 5t\2t 3, Lloyd flaonp6on, 6:16; 'tli. 26:o9j 6. !1. Msrl€y, Iulane,26:14;7. B. sslu- 4. Donald P€trlck, 6t25t 5. raan sprinset€sd que, R6deEpto!1st ES, 2?:!J; d, P€t€ SouL|.!]1o, 6:lo, q. Duane CuttlnA, 5:l+9; ?. E.a. Fotr,z, Fl-enrlna, St,Ualtln St.Ualt1n IiS, ES, Sn La,. S! La,, 2b:06:; 9. C. Ffelllna, ?:15r d. Lrry shultz, 7:l+5. 31:l+oi 10, J. co1llns, 66€s1e! AFB, f1:14; 11. In anothor n6w event Dlsne Elber coe6r6d J. Aultnan, Foltlsr IA, 32tO2; 12. T. sonlat, the 1ad16! ' on6 nll€ loop tn ?:3? to dofsat Dgl,asall€ ES & Rlchard N6'comb, NoTC' 33:02. four otho! cobpotltors, tncludtr€ 2d plAco --Jobn D. uorvant-cal ?elltarlnl, 7-t6ar-o1d Hhl.z {8:03). h th€ final ovsht of th6 day, Ton Horfnsn (26 ndles, 385y) Al,'-collERs MAFATHoN RAoE shatt€lsd tb6 cou:r!6 l!€oorat f,or ib€ 5-n11€ sunday, JuJ16 30, 1968 7:oo A.fi. start: statltr feature nlth a trn€ of 25:Lt. (2. Royce Eargen]llton Flnlsh: wlsconslE, Park ln whltewater' nlsb, 27:39: 3. Llebenb€fe. 28:16: L. Fl61d track. lllsconsln Stato Unlv., Mftowato! Jln Dreus, 28:fo;Jerome aL clarenonr; 28:lr8; 6, 5, 1. Ton Eoffnar, Fort Atldnson, (Vhltovater State PauI DaL6, 29:42; ?. l,Ialzl6 s,nltb, lo:57; 8. urtverstty) 2t)l+t18t 2. J€ssle Eb16h' C€dsr Ra- Rlcbard Topp€, 3]:26i 9. Rrchard sn6u1n8, plds, To{a, 2t55:ott 3. Terry Galrasher, L6x- f2:14; l-0. el BloBelE, 33:15. --Dav6 uxersIbeton, Ky., 2:59t55t \. Ian Dzrublnslr-1, oak cr€ek. U1r. (oak cr6ek rE), 3:u2:3U; 5. Kurt EIST BAY RRC 9.3-Mt1€ Aas Esndlcap Rac€ Dait!6rs, CharpalAn,. I}1., 3:Oi:021 6. cra.Lg l,toodn:nstor, Edl?ffiI;;-7irt-tr-t6!DonEth, I,onbard, TI1. (Itnlv. of Tosa)' i:OL:51; Watcb T, Bcp. Act.Tlne ?, Bob Busby, Dorm6rs Glove, I11., 3:09:30; U. t. nay da!!on,J6, 4>tz> >tov ,t)tzrx ?auL Dalo, l,acros5e, {1s., 3:x1:l}0; 9. Bob tu!- 2. Ed slas, 5I, l+6:l+0 15:00 6I:l+0 dner, Lonba,.d, IU. (Ir. of I11inois), 3:]5:96i 3. BtLl [ackey, \o, l+9 t35 rotoo 59t35 10. Danny AeschllnEr, 4lbdy, !r13c. (]J-years 4. Dalryl 8oarda11, )I,sott7 stoo 55tL7 old:), 3;27:19; L1. Dave mnet, villa Park, 5. JgJilgs uoon, 32, 90|.38 Stoo 55,38 T11. (Brad1€y Untv.), l:29:l4i 12. Ira"J clark, 6. Ray Batz, 30. 5t.01+ Stoo 56to4 Albanv. l.I1ec.(a1so 13). J:bir:f2i 1f, Rlchrd Jos KIbs, 42, 10:00 61:21 7. 51:21 .lune, bcTc, 3tt2t2?t t\. chdrlos Nefson, B€1oit d. P6Le L€a€ue, 30, 5rtL2 StoO 56tl+2 K€Dosha, l+:09:29; L6' 9. P6L€!. uood, 38, 51:lr9 Stoo 56t)+9 L:07:l.lr; 15. Mlk€ Dovlt!,(ldaewood s), l+il[:l?; 10. Rlcb Delsado,28,51:56 6ob R6usch]6ln, Madlson t!156 17. Judd Johnston, Rlco Lak€, 4:16:zfj lb. wn. 1"1. Phlup Dalnall, 52:00 52.00 Jordon, Madlson, 4:16:l+6; l-9. Dave Broob, osk. 12. Andy volrde!, z:,53t56 t3.t6 Pa!k, I11,, h,.I7t'Ii 4. John Lackorshlro, I'1i1- Ljr. irolb Potter, 21+,51t133 -5Lrt33 oat Hauk€6, LL:ld-!:36; 2L. c€r&rd Eam6-!ik, 14. Rlch Boyce, 37, 55125 Stoo 6at25 creer, \ilr.Lril6. (spllts: 25:50 -5-d.i 55.o7- 15. John csrr. r7. 55t26 5tt26 nen' 15. Jack Ktrk. 6r, 55t59 I'fio 7It?6 10-nt.: 1:2r:57 - 15-hI.) Dl6- c8rv Dex]o Sh€lDlck Kenosha; rorL eitCnsini rh !asbe!g, 55t59 55199 Jin 17. Ddren caorga, 5b:u5 I'Ee. Marshfl;ldi I,41ke str1do6, 0a* creek; F1e;;h. Madlsonr Eduln FrJ' Chlca€o' r'L-L'; L6e 19. Doua Basharn, 32,56to5 Stoo 6L.05 l'],ICA TOOT BACIS
2d:Kdrt schro6rs, zo, 56.06 21. Robt.Darllr€, ]8, 56: IU
,!t. 21. Kevin And6rson, 18, 2lr. J&n Day, 23, 25. charl€s L^"r16rr,r9, 26, Frank cuzz111o, 92, 27. B11I R63plnl, 18,
2U. 8111 PlMb, 20, 29. Merk R€6se, L9r Jo. T1n Docheff, 1l+, 31. John sattt, 51+,
56t36 56tH+
57139 -
71; 57
9Z:37 5 62t37 97:40 r5 72r40 32. BIfl, Evans, 1?, 57tLd - 57t\1 _j3. Tortlvs chMd16r. t3.98:09 16 73t09 14. sto!6n Fi1ont6, ll+, 58:25 5 15. Fobert uccdty, 16, 58:l+0 Jb, raur neoso, ,_1, ta:'r t5
?. N"C. stat6 unlv. Valsttr, 3tZ328r B, N.c. Siat€ Fltaert ?€en, 3:25!38; 9. ?exas cu]f sulphur, J:!4:39; I0. Au:Pola Flberr, (conorttonr wero sort 4:19:56. (nostlx sedy dlrt !oads), tenp.footll1g tn lco
90rs, ov6r a courss dsEruf€d botr€€tr 30 & 31.6 r[].or. ) vol{En rs RELAI (8-}.,rllsr- 8 glr1s rulr ono ri1}o 6ach- 1, ChocoH1r,1ty, l+9:I0 tAes. p6r n1la_ 6:09 J i 2._4hoskt6, N.c,, 54:30j-1.-N,c. st. !1rD6as, )>:u0; 4. Aurora ES, 55t)o, 5, choco slgh E teM, 59:59; 6, Taxas culi SutDrlur, 63:35i 7. Aurora Uoneo's t6€r]l, 5l+:20: --F!od Hu!al--
Rti! Iark, Chlcago, I11, June 16,ITAMICAP 1968 ]OAlt Sunny & Cool E.T. Hcp, Actull T. 1. Scbu!, I2th st.Tc, 8-.2, - ?tt8;/. rJurz6n, una,, 25t56 2tlo 2\t26 J. G, Ec rdr ardt , 12th st.26.a6 2t3o 23t36 4. KoronJ.k, una., 26t)+2 tt3o zEtrz 5. Ma-frr€n62, 12th st. 25:91 z:)o A:ZL 6. slo,ka. ujxs,. 4t)7 2t3o 29to7 1. A. Brsdzrk, ura., 2?rho r:lo 26:10 u. T. KHloc!nsk1,SAc, 2?ttt t+t3a 2J:zs z7 t59 t+t)o z3tz9 BOYS I MT!E- 1. T€d P6terson, 5:26; 2. MIko Vo1- 9. l{. Jobe.Dn, sAc, 10. K. Sba!!.han, sAC, 28:l+1 l:3o 25:fl ro.d, 5:28! J. lark Eob.tnson, 5:30, (20 fln, ) 11. Eal EladoD, Du.r16s,28:1r.7 8:OO 20:L7" . --D!. Pst€r t.S. Wood-- I?. Bob e.ay, UCTC. 29:16 8:00 21:i6 13. Pa!s6, ljjla., 29!20 lt3o ??t'o 1ST A!{NUAI- IIOU}mAIX I4ARATEoN. Boode io ft,andfatber I'lourtaln, Sat., July f3, 196B No.cAaoLIM 14. Rlchard ttDa,ucTc,?9tA- 2t3o ?6.9I 15. T. croFl.oy, saa, 29:29 8:00 z1:25 f6. Bltl Br!.dnr,UCTC, ZatSO UOO ZLtSO 1". Ed Ee-eford, JtL)t33.6* (c9urr€ recoFd, old R. su.Luvra,un!,, r6oord, by Fr€d Hurd, 7/B/67)t 2, ctr.orae U. - 30:1r.1 3:22 phL.Illpt, 3t22t36.5ia 3., lu. P. Eorowltz,una., lo:ld M.#r7'j, 3.27t3?t 3L29 tt\o ?5tt9 -]j''j. a'^ Davtd 19. R. xenat"lckr, sAc.t 32t99 2:30 3at29 Don Kem6oy. l:28:58i 5.,Lurr ro!!6st6r, J: 4. jo,zOr 20. A. ccLendo!, ocTc,33 t33 - 33.33 Fned Eurd, Hurd,3:lro:08; Bruc6, Bri.rc6, 6, p""l ?. Cbarlle fO:20; e, 3:lr0:out ?.'cbarlle o. 8, John J€nld ns, osd€n Ger Ge!9. z-MILE JR.& SR. RUN- l. Jln o'Earo. u.'rr. & l:l+9:L?; 3t49t\?t )tl+ttqzi lla 11. rtd, 3t52t32t 10. Jobnnle Lra11ta,3:53:16j Rlch Stator, 12tb St.TC, tLe, L2t.4),5; 3. r, oalot|h cayps, 3t5?.36t 12. Eosoa 810!16!, )!'6!, I+:04r!r l+:01+l Eokhardt, 12th st,.ac, az56i 4. c. Buunstd, 13. Mlke H!.'!LLton, l+:19:00; l"l+. 8111 cater, 5: una., 1l+r00. {9 flalrherr ) 37. Bobbln I4111e!, 16, 59:u 3€. Ronald ?eck. 26. t9|29 39. Dav€ Taylor, 18, t9t2+ D6mls 0rxa11oran,l-6, 59:26 40. (l-22 flnlEhersl WoMEl{r S 9-MM- 1. Kaye E!I1, l22rlt-1; 2. Elalbs crand!, I]8!29i l. Monica clanda. L3B:29. IIOUENTS 1 IfILE- I. Yolanda rolt€r, B:11
15. Ro8€r G11dors1s6aa, 5122. DNF- Butcb Saud€rs, Davld W€bste!, D€tur15 ScotL, Zack O3borb€, Lodlo H.moo. (lO eahller, 20 3tarrori. 15 ftnlshe!6) Conoltlons: s!ert&1o, cLear; Flnlsh- ?20, raln, frop!16s to tho top 10. E€Ld ln codJunctlon vttb the Grandfetlre! l4ountaln Elghlsd Ca$es. {6rt yeerrs lacs sch6dul€d for July 12, 1969. Earsford 1! 2l & ftorn st.Alban!, }i. Va. E6 ls statlonsd at Seylllou! Johnson AFB, Coldsbojro, N.C. & has ru'!l a 2:43 naratbon. 4€ flnlshod 26th 1n uds yearrt Bolto:r Maralbon.. S€cond placo f'nl5ter, c€orgo PhIIU F.J. R€vnolds HS rbud€nt (W:nshotr Salen, N.C. ) sss the young€st 6ntry at 16 yeals of ago. Jobn Jonkln! (l+9) o! layett6v1u6, N.c. {as tb€-oldest €nt-r. Uo flnllhad 8lh. D5e€ Merun, 19, ftnilh€d thhd. H€ ls fron Xorfolk, va. & lt a student at o1d Donlnlon Co11oge. COMTNC E"!EI.|5- Sept. 10- Fay€ttev1l1o, N.C. (Dlstanc6 runnlw 6v6Dts tn 3 cateaorlgt) wrlto: Mr. !€6 B!1nson, 22? {oodro{ St., Faysttovttla. Jrn. 1969- Ahosrdo Runatbor- 1,b1t6: Fled Eural, Box 1172, Ahosld6, N. c. MEN'S lO-l,l]LE RELAY (tO n6! lun J h1lo! oacb) Wlsh.lneton, D.c., Juo B, I968--spoDsorsd by the T6xas Gulf Sulphu! Conpany & tho Toxa. Gul'f R€creallon Asin. a6 parb of th€ VeshlnAtoD Sunn6! IoEt.LvaL--1. A T6an-R.tchoond T6f, 2:56:b4 ji;g : q?9t f 1Y*";r c€Et1o,tr6D' 3:o?:o2t l34i'i;"P.ili ituttozi 4' fI 4. nraiy ; l:06:07; -1. vlralEla B6tbrrne "?: r5. 3.O9127t 5. Albentll€ TC, Iihgtl4o J:rr: N c J:11:58; 1!u:68: 6. N.c. steb€ lro & oe€r" J:rr:44; N"c,.
RUN, R11. Pai.k, Jun€
& 3,2OOn tE{CE
2Jrd, Sdn.ry, lrot 9Oo 1. Bob Bladna, un6., 3L:08.0! t. T1n Cronl6t sbaorock AC, 14:09; 3. C. O!Sh€a, SAC, 36:06 4. Pb1] Eorwltz, Northeaslem I11. Untq.,37: lo.4; 5. 8111 stoltnan, uns", 37tL2t 6,cit|s P!6cbt,^un., 3?.tzi 7. Ion Loech61, un'h", fU:20; d. A1 Brodzlk, u@,, !3:29; 9. Rlcb. riag, ocTC, \J152.7i to. lk6 currsn, 12rb St,TC, 1.5:10; 11. Jerly L6Dza, 12Lh St.IC. \5tL1t L2. Art ucl,endon, ucTC, L8:58, D F- !41 Ha!rL!, 3ob Sche, Bob Beck€r, lllke Kelscrrnor, Cb!l. Bock, C€o, Ecklslat. 3,2oon (8 1a.p! iloon t!ack)- I, Thad Kw1ocl4.k1, ShM].ock "q.c, 10:3\,5; 2. utke Johan4, sAc, 10:34.5; 3. KEi M,lcolnson, une.,10:U; l+, Mlke l,l1Be, SAC, ltr10; 5. 41 shteId6,I2Lh St.TC, 11:31, 6. Tonr Ecldlardt, tatb st, TC, 1ft32; ?. Job! Schu1!, L2tb St.?C, 11:33,
(r? flntlbe!!)
a0 MItrOIg TnACK RuN, R11s Park,
30, 1968 l0 !..M. Slu1ny & wam. L. Tln CroDl6y, shdlrock AC, 5n,769!,It 2. Bob crar, uCrC, 5n,52J; 3, Earold EurIE Juno
lcIct 5^,14r,ttt
l+. thaddeu€ Kwleclnsld,sAc
5!a,5wi 5. Tod Lo6chel-, !!,a. ,5n,lt?J,2f | 6. Mlke }ll!6,SAc, \-!c,161W,2f; 7. l,ltk€ Johana, sAc, l$u,1619t,1f; L PhlL BorHltz, u]Ia.,qr, hst. rc, lr!, Il+oJ \9 4' 4 t 9. _c€-o, Ecsr.klxardtrlft , qrb, YJ4y. L5-1,1r{UlE Rul{- 1, Rlch Sdton, unE., e,I5L3 y,2f; 2. But16i,una.,an, \\95y. (1.9 flnlsbod)
DrsDfte the sl€adv drt :le qhich sl3llld h:rf ,n hdu! b; tin. at6.$j Ferfom.
fo.e Ece
MiileLwn ToMshiDt
Nolrn, tredr trm a victoF r; N J, AAU tbrenile ch;fr
DioBhip lace on Surday at Ct c.h. rjght back b wjn the
l5,oocfthr \t3.hjle) m dP.ned the
shore AC.
een sbr
|hat The
was ilmk€d in
time ol iis .rei but se@lds shorr ol the ou* 16:11.5,
mcord etabished two va4 a8o by Belld'[e s Bdb 8oE-
lhe 50m.n€b!
0d elenr
0r lne
vatt, sec nirhl ndn xn
ri* of xellev le n0!ed !as! Bob
Mjrn.ot ftttin8boD,' a tS60 !r urrnprc ram aulel!. in the rinal hait.mlte lor
ft'l;Jirfr,Tr#n',js 'iq"+r'"."*^
lilY# jy^ff.P",'f
ad tr]'r
Middr'rown rownshrP
."#AilrlKlNlssEE RUN.VILK rur6 a+th
His Talents i{*t{,#ffii lCr"*t r*Sk' Di.pi"y, ,_ffl#I" .,TTf,,l1",lt;
,, ,ftf ,fif "llil,*.-,.,,r I1T *i H;t{l 11T H;[{] '; :3*ij:$'""I'::iiiffd{ :3{:jiil":""!iiiij,'{,i,1 "llii*.-,.',r frf ,11"y. ",riir"L":liT""::fl,T,ifi":iiiil:'.i":'","H1*Li,'lli".lf*.**i.*C,ttitffi;*le"nd"ri,l':-. staG s p!.-tFith I're shoE A$teric club, ;;,; ' *..f ii;;l"j: :-:-: " -" -- s ,
--" "*
disEtrr !11 tu andqjrrb.h.rdar6.]l)pd.d. an! {iii b. h.rd.d 6 r0^p d. t: "i;i";',# Fd lhr lhl drd tlld !h. nb. !rr. slft. ulE rbas Lhe' ;fl:tff"",. -,ni^r..irftrboJ ., t'tj gq!,hJ -!-"!lti_ ";',:? R:']:t"""",. ;''"I:ffi -',vl".HTlii lrarkd ror sumrqsao. y;l;:*:l"l-;:r*^t.:. ",:l;^ ;:';S?:." e'nsh', '""","* ltor Kuril #ip;i!#,*,:"", t?,*tiilff;_" oI B.llevill., vho tLhrhidrillobrhew;i ,Li,#,fiff'S*;lfl:ffgt il|"'"*ft*-:+6lii;s'*s"s'"hffi l;i-';-;"i; _":.-:-:I *{i rh: .rerc_s .eir, ,cond ni shmt Io! a u s. orympi. d ,ill o b rhe s;.s ra; umer id fu w'rd. walld. ba'cd barcd ba'cd Il b€li nmer A; re iij ih;;,iri i,iri teu'""":"rt T"'"ndfr... rh. +rcs :l9J 9' l,u.s; gly-ryll rean 'iil, lrarded an; .a"'' "i Jkg, *"1##T. ti sJ"Dr :[:.1,r,;^;""i i:j"j:ii fi,;i srtr"ff.-.*.{,1lilil,i;1ik$j&"#tip-'""iLs'J"Dr lii:,1'r;;;ir::j"r:ijli:ii "1*f",,F.*;ff"i ] [,H
!y"t',,,Xil*",T"fl?; &dch pGrtrff D.n Daritu, y#"I^tr_*T:"F"-Pit_."rr 5000
mled i!
-q.kd s.s.5. fl:s.r. ualud uaeud novd noved .q.y
lim Euor D@r'..v6r lim,Euot D@r, V6t
'a,' t#f .,T,*.u;,$iffi*}ffi :tl$]:.:",,*f f :,ig;;tplTq+1#,gF-}lgtirii.#.H,trriffi "_ I
lor Takana$e.'ra*. s000d!r!r,6:rl ?8 r lou+econd 'n. Jul]r 1. 1968 $rrr' ' ;:,+i.*_t19,:ril[rg*;i]iiffij'"ttil,frfu $rrr .r .r'3{.n'te, evmranqdiisedtd, pe.m.rl old kr qs^.,^.,; --,.,^-
ol r\c.3m'l? dft.r6 a d
vrdrr*"0'"; '3{.n'te,evmranqdiisedtd, *m"mt**+ru. r*+hstg:_t+ts*'ruln,$-+{*"iulffiitl$ilt$trrtr$:.;;,iffi"ffi handrlr. He hdd a
ff"--T.-:j{"*jfu,.T,"# Olynpiu,
ll+r,*j+*Ti..,*ql ;T"d3;;ff.'nffrr"#
?"$i [ii: i ixiSi' r,""'t" +'trs'i:.H"' ;,'tis1#31 l;jHt,;t;; *;f"t yrr ffi ; ;; ;*i:li:lr ""l'"*ti*l "'R'*rv; r;T";h'.; Effilqinr;+rrffriTH .il:;: SH" Hn F i."j':'*?* lli i*^ ;lii'*{["ryl,;ii.;.T wk, drirr,F srla iffi'o,X*". l:i{,,t.1:ll:# *" n ',",".*" sils,,li."#lis: !, *-r::SS *'.ll':"J:",i"';:l',,'::*rsii,:r*;"f'3lli;f'"#ihT # $'i$*ffiqgg. f*-;"l';;',',".5-;,s.g l+;*iq'ti:lnffilro::T"*fl,.5"1* o ran
his rasr
roq8trrp, horde or be
uFuD rutuins mrd.k
$il'"i: iiil:Jtr,,i!'*,T"4 *E1'dliu"*trrj'?,!F?tr
f,*,'-o1g' p1$Iiflli:*l+t]ffiffi$ffiI,*r1,Pftf *,r.*;t*,*r#or,r,i, .l*';il"-s#-4*g
rFi'T*+#$-ln,*ilffiilfil{il-r*Tfi""i{H lsis:::.q-"'# i#'"F.:;"'."lii::':"*;
t4li*j,"T"fi-:"d,:*l$H,ffi;#$j1,",;t a). b.a,iD€ or Rursd!'cer. i;; d;; in;-n;;;; -*; ifffffi_4",m;}ffi rh.-condltrorlns !aF-.'.-.* ,.,.-.. il$-T";!fti"ilii'.$g"r:ti "Wow, it pas hol.'r .rcl.iDed ro ,,,.*L r.rre:.n-"I!!..e.r,?,r of Dietaltrco Run*s!iEi+.. 'id.l::.
l; SL.00 fl'oln oaly
LonR Dlsirence f,r
ffi{:X+-:: €r €xtrenely Will aLtsnpt to
iJili if*Sge.;E i: ii;-ri-* !ffi iiiif{ff.rrffii .
#+ffiffi "s\m*fry-,ji}! iii:lii
g.'JHTS.SI H ffi B::li,:l"J ii-i-r"q';i iia*:--d # ;,iri;n''fr ry-:}, '* rir"$iF'#*# ;; **.p*: y.:; ."..,,,,
- _,ffi;,r '*ita#ffi t*ffiTry"#:lilfi;if
igt$gffih1eu',Fffi *p*$"ru'w $1rFffi'ffiffi
!9"1-#ir';:';#";HE -*ffi'E;!*i',i,it*ffi
back on Ech6dule noxt nonthl
SrrC A],L-COIERS T&I MEET, DoDtforit Two..
H.s., x.J., r,red., Julr 17th 15th Maot) ' 15}{11o- 1. Earl on6ns, SJTG, ?:21.5; 2. Steve ?ddA;Iny, chLchest€r Pacars, ?:23.5; 3. Joh! cas€y, tma., 7:32; L, l,[k6 coffey, Phtla. AC! 5. Ton^Maynes, Chlchestef Pacorsi 6. Sar Durrys L. J€rry o,cotr€]l, ph.11s.. Ac, 2:b1i !JIc,.9@.2. chas. Jackson, vna., 2to5t 3. Russ Jackson, SJIC, 2:05.2; l+, 8111 BaLkus, Su."anorde.16 BC: 5. Ps.ul Lucuskl, Pom AC..E.S. M-tle- 1. Ken KIha. sxrc, 4:18,5; 2. Joe ror@E;-Si-raerdat 6 Bc, -' sJTc, 4:50; lr. Bob notz, 4:q4; 3. John Pass, urra...RlYr I{11o- (Bsl-l Tract tJaks. Woodbury, Jury r6fE-J'lET. ) 1. John McMananin, Erkid' ParL, Pa., 5fi8; 2. Jlrt. sh6rtz, Thoi'ofar€, N.J. 512ti 3, ToA Fan6111, Sprlngfleld, Pe.., 5r3l+r 4. Bob Pohl€, rhila., 5r3?; 5. PauL salt6r, Woodbury, 5!4f.: 6, Jano She€ts, Bala-Ctrnwyd, Roffinan, Phtla., Phlla., 5:5lr! B, 8. ti. Dr. 9:L9; 5:l+9; ?. John Eoft:nen, Stan Brason, stan Brason. sprtnsle Slrtnsfleld. | 37.. 33/h-M11e1d, Pa.. a,., 'ttL,t 6!37.. 6 /l+-Wre (uonen & chlldr€n)- 1, Su€ Fanoul. spllnEflol 5:).Bi 2. Dsvld Dunn, Paulsboro, N,i., 5:l+i; 3.
the W€st Drlv€ & conslst6d of trdo short LaD! alound to 72nd 3t!6et & tlsn rDo lona lapsaroulil the 6at1ro atlstanc€ of tho par&. iho !unn€r.. .ln.lshsat at !,t6st 62nd St. t rhe W€st concrucred race las sponsorod P"1f9. th" Ho11 by th€ Wost Sldo YMCA Honor Bun Ctub. vras by Kull.t sr€h6!, ..+.99_yI_"9 '6It Ealk€at Mot, A U LDB Cl€ll:Inan! rdho lrhilo DlaolDr th; arror6 on ths oours€ oa Seturdey rfas s1i€n a sulmons by a XYc poltconah wh; dtdn-it thlr*-lt vras l€gal tq put ltgrs ob p€.rk propoFtJ! lbor€ lsr€ 105 rtarrols & 93-ftnlih6rr. Aft6F tb. I'acs a RFTL sosston was hold
xltb 1.35 o!tr..Ett. l, Jl)o 2. cary uulr6k6, }1tUros6 AA, 3. Gavh Jor€., unattach€d, {. Bob Boalloa€, oortral Jers€y
TC. 1:2?:08
^.' ii,,l itt fii*_ftd*.iru+kyd,' 7. Phl.1 ?storro!, Contral Jorsey Tc,1:31:o-O
8. 8111 cordon, 3t. Anthony r 6 Bb, 'r 3:-:29 Ivatr Torne!, NS Plong€t Cl-ub, 1:3LtL9 5:Ld. 10. Tori lfllll8-ru, Cenrre.l Jersey IC, It32t65 DEVEI,OPI|EIII 16dF l4E!T at UrslnlrE Co11€a€, Ps.. 11. Jo€ Bums, snLted A,{, 1r32:o9r i2. !6r€L Tuos., July 16th- _2-Mt1oj.L. Bruce A]-bel't, Yla Ealon, M1l1roso A-A., ft32.2!t 13. JoseDb "'i" :_-"" ::-J^_:;_rtono., staten l61and -q,C, !t32t39t a)+. ra^ q6rs: 3. Trunan 4r'unan Cl8lk. Clark- una..E,S, una--E-S- l4tlo14t16- 1. 1- 8111 811 Ratuff6, MA.[, Lt32|99| s6re: f. ].t. R1;k'so;.vlns.MAA. P6rry, Anblsr oc, l+:J2.0; 2.-ftTfE-oyor, Fbg. 16. Eon St6el.;, Dovs! Ac,-1:31+:[8; l:34:39t AAA; 3. tavo Sherldan, Radnoi Ci|arg€ls. r?. Bob Roralor, ffPC, 1:3lt:51: 18. T6d Co!-?d;ffi Drtt, rSPC, (1!t vet), 1:39:35! 19. Robort ffi ;;il;-!d-;G;;'n;fi i-;;fi cubblDr, r.I., 1:35:39; 20. Ralph Washtne'ton, D.C., Sat., July 13, 196 lernp. Slro lDJ'ayaf, B€Ilp.olt, CJTC/IISA, Ir3E:l!* 2t. Jos lrttkoflskl cloudy, Eu."lldlty 85t--Lou casta@xoIa altd B11l- CflC, 1:36:08; 22, A1 sw€ll, cfiC, L?36t32t c1.rk cse throLsh 9 )d16s at 45r)+7, 23, tror.man &rlaoto, XYAC, 1:36:38; 24. cha!. lnA the lead all th€ ay ultll Clark ilropped Ir37ta7t 29, AL w1111e;s, Ir1?c Irglolqk, 26. out. Castagnofa thon rsnt o!1 to soo!€ -!A-!., Joi-u ltlnslon, uashlnshon sbort \!31to9t vlctory--Il n11€s, L25?y. D.C,. lr33r2lJ,t 27, b111 shaiahanr- LtA-a, 91u!, wlur t1 r. lou uaslagnola, 1:38:31; 28, Br.lan Sh€rtdan, cxlc, 1:38146r' ll- n116s, 755y 2. fon Bache, quantico, 29. Bob cova!'t, ussc, r:38i59! 3b. p;t 11 3. Gar WlUlarns, Wso, Bu!k6, 1:38:96t 31. Jln Uccu-1nn6s!. l,$A. L. Mos6 s }layf leId, Phl.la. Plono€ rs, 1l-n1., 31+3t rtpts3t}{A-!., natrbov Col-a, SABG, 1:!-1:2i! JJ: 32, Bob Bosuono, CJTC, lL n1Los, 282y t. Rod t{ac$1cbo]l,, lOA, 1:U.:43; 3l+. Joe paz, lIsC 11 Dtles, 123y 6. Bob Scharf, !.'SC, !Ai,, li42f03; 35, Robort rrl€dlander, una!., 65y; d. Rlobaldl Rlobald Sr S 7. ulLe craves, BcC, 10n,1665y; 1:!2r5L; D!. wdlt€r !4cconn611. Dbver AC: l.l.ng, I1111fose AA, ].On, 1537y; 9, Jtn Lorfiardl, ltl4.t5gi 36. Pbl.Up Poltn, Uhlt€d AA, 1:!3i 37. cJTc, 1orn, u80yi 10, Joe Rous€, BoC, 1Ob'10 Yattu' Ya1Ux6!,- L.I.AC, ttl+3t97 t 39. Jtrd 30. 11. SLev€ Jackson, wSC, 10D,6d?y; 12. Copl€y u11solr, sElts.I_AA, 1:4413t ; 4oj-6:' c;orse A, C. vlckers, WSC, 10r,41+0yi 11" Joo wttkoHgkl, (2!d vstJ, 1:lal+:36; She€h.a.E, CJtc (2I1d 1:lrl+:36: L:.. l,:.. Don Doi Inn Inr p 10E.33 cnc. lotnr 1on.!79v: 1L. chID S{€eny, Sw€eny. CJTC, CJIC. 1oE,J3l]J cmc, 3?9yi 14, daur, St.lJith.BC, At\)+t39i 1.12, Robgrt Watk6],, ?etor u.ua. 1rq5r21# lr3. ,nri No1€!, \IrPc, 1:l+5:L1; 1.0r.323Y: 16. ?b.11 ?etor 1.5, Lonnte Poole, UsC, ,1.Oi1,323y; son, c.nc, lon,l+of,; 17, John Wtlslovr, -idsc' 9s' 4l+. BtU. Coyne, },IA.A, 1:L6:0lr;'[5. eira"u.i crrl qlantico, 9n, udoy{ out ); chton,' Wost Daee Farley, qlaltico,,9n, 153Ly! 18, DaeA 153Ly; Alde fI.lCA, 1:l+6:L?r 116. Bob carlostorne, :Jfrre..,.9n,?6ajt 20. Larr.r xoel son, sho!€ Ac, r9. iirr 1146:!5; 17. Nst cirulntck, llason, 1.15C, 9d, 2?3y; u4A, 1:lru:o3j i+d. I'sc, on,320y; 21,Geo"Ee fiII OrConlrolL, sABc, 1:50: (o*-l+5tt+7)t qGnblco, B1I1 clArk, 23. ?2. 9n Job.b Noble, una., 1:51:18; 50. Ton 3U; 49. cab6- una., L)E-. 8m.1667v: 2L. Ton Laca. t]@.. donoyor, Syracu.o TC, 1:51:28; 51. Jolrn KurrlBob Cabe, Ir&D, lAA, It5lt39t 52. Jobn Fazlo, s.I.Ac, uia., 8ial,[9ey;2?. &1,[9ey; 2?. Dlck 1t52t45; 53. rodd scutLT, NJSsc, l-:53:21; 54. 8111 Bt}1 Esan, B. uE. uE.,7Dl. s"hL]m, una., 0'i, J5y; 28. Bob slupson, q6ra., ai55,I7t 55. ceors€ Kocbl{osley, u.na. u.ba., ?mt, U9Oy; 30. Ed ll+oBy; 29. Ron lvosley, ll+OBy; 56. Bob capun, llYPc, r: 4en, -nAA, 1!56ioar ttri,usor, Ilous6r, ura., 7^i.592rt 3I. Don cabrlol' u!s.' 56t2tst 7^i.592!t 31,. Dr. tack Boltuo, FalrfloLd Lnle. 57. ?n,t75s; 32. Jo6 Mccarthy, una., ?n,30J; 31. at56t59, Nat cn1, It57t37\ 'Ic, 58. D!.nenrt lrbrlg, l,lSC, h2l+f,; 3l+. Geo.Vetholau' 59. NolI rlnd€Ebaun, Davts, una., 1:58:32; 60. RaLpb urE., ? d.j 35. 8111 o'RellLJ, USc' 6n, 1!29y. 5.Ll-lrerg, SJTC, 1t59to3i 6r. Joe Pesco, S.I.Ac 62. Jares P. Mccarthy, una., 1:59:21 \tsgtaai Jru l]oraAjtDr ltrNs cElfxRAL PARr 29-K1LO ng$ 63. stov6 cossrlff, s,I.Ac, 1:59:23; 5l+. Dudlonbardl, Conirra} Na{ York Clty, Juno 23- Jln l"6y M, c1acs6, uAA, 1:59:501 6t. Eoward J. J6rs6y TC, captEed tho Met, AA! Sr. 25br Run Andorson, vesl, Stde YIICAj 2:00:21+; 66. B€rnt€ Charplonsblp hol"d ln Contral lark after a he.t'd laufaas, s4.Bc, 2tAot'O, 67. Donato c. Balsano batt16 rttb Gary Mub:roke of th6 l4turos€ AA. syracuse Tc, 2t03"t23t 68, c€I'alal elaser, central YMCA, 2:o2:A+; 69, E€nlry Msrc€r, una., Aft6r fuirdng the €nt1r€ dlstanco a].aost zto3tt?i 7o, coora€ Brou, Sho!'e Ac, 2r0J:18. shouldei. to shouldo!, l,onbardl sprlnt6d tho bv,son€-I op€n Toall: 1. cmc, J3r 2. !'lAA, Ll; 3. NY?c lasb SoOy dolrn hill to bsaL Mulrck€ rrc ierirfteo cous€ star"ed at w€st 67hh & i _uA4, 101; 5. SABC, 101..I"{et.Tea,1, 1. A,4!26; 2. srPC, 5I+t 3, VAA, 77; 4. SABc,lS Clonna Euffnan,
sollE CotlllEtiTs- 01[
i d!:!:i;;oit;B;.""oo""_ state odv€'rstty;--"*
::i!r.ii; =l{iir"f
ft *#*
Hm* mmffiwW Wi**x***a*4ffiffwfu*',* ffi$*r'g*i*H#*f,:t{*TflftH+ffi
ffiue-ffi[ffig,g;,mmrffi ffig**#ffi**ffiHpfl,-G,'p$ffi
lsad.nS out ol bus y€t lt4r. 'c1v6 tt the hlll! 'i ro€1n8 rt noth6! on pboto glapherr! rtand rt th6 flnlrh. i g1!:9:9.. , 'ltlltb l+ Bi1e. ronerdEa, th6 loth place flolrhor cane by & T short;nsd Ey lrrld€ io natch hls nors 6fftc16nt on6. A. a ierurt. I *. !utrn6r!! evon tbouah I 'a' !1ovlB8 a3ff:* 9S!9r1..'s9.rrg tb€ 8.75 ntles ro eo lrsn and -Fron !€auzlbg_tbat al1 ny 1€a ]lfo wa. aonc, thon or, tbon oD. I had bad to plod to flnt.h, tby od, four. :::::9 of xat6r."(ToE ll]l_"fJ:: g::r.I_T :t"38.9r lost_10 pounds actua[y tort S-6np1o
h611- doun
i:l"i: of rsts!),5
Corbltt... nAsldo flom tbs record bunb€r, of nr€b,_tbo crack up of Oo[g Comroo, SC Str,1d6!r, I_ ca-usb! & nbo lopart€al ro r6veral. rlne!,'& *Io th6 rbook of catohlDA Lou Castasnol! ln towaid ttre Ialt Ddl€ e5 bo rppoar€at to bo unr!6lEolD-a r repEat of blr bed rac. ln th. rEolyoko u;r!a;!e" ldst JD6- n Castaanola. . . 'Wtth xrtl bt! 1or! tbrn tban 12.75 12.25 dl.r r11.r to ro go, € -!!9!9S!94!... BI11 Clrrk pasrod !o & I tbou€ht hs oould H!r: l,lhor I tr.l.d. to folloH, I bad nothlDg .lld I loor I ra! !ttt1 a LonS urt flon hoE€-, Burfoot look€d v€lt loot€ & lelrrcd E3ntrllr du.r.taE tbc
sa!]y rtage. of tho rac.. l]re D.o. i61t h..id & .luaslrh.I' Elgl&!,..rrTed coFbltt pe...it to r@.r.b6!6 !.! tro nl-Ior. I tlbuSht thlt I rbodd b. abL€ to rD ronoerhoro ao.! hk paoo tlnl.rh talrly '.r!d lo 86t ln ttra closs to hl! tlne. I fler boplng 2:l+0,r. I t! d€ tro attEllpt t; h;Id hi. pr6. altd hs pallod !. qutt€ eallIy, r retch€d blE Aot farlbor & frriher alorfi tb€ road flor r. di6t tb6 flrlt bdlf dozen ntlo! rihlob laao no :roallz. that I rar not gorng to hrvo r goodl day. Vb.n I Aot palt 10 nt16! & rax ih6 alock loadhA 1:0? p.h., I osthat€d that riy ttb. rould b6 t! tb6 5Ot! & rlno6 1{!nt€d to do b6tt€r. tban t}rat r plckod up th€ paco & th.n pa.!€tl ratbor lhan valtlng r! I trad pfanned to lako a br€a} a! 15 o! €v6d m n11o!.', Sor$ brl€f loru].t, of ou! r,srslr'ch !.t Boltoa lndlcalo thrt llro lonporaturo xsr d€trtEenlal d'.r!tn8 the oar'l.y itrgo! of tho raco, !1ilc€ tb6 avel'ago 3r€a! 1o!sa! I{oro 1r:'A€. Bulfoo! 1o!! abouh ].0 pounal! as corpa!€d to tbe !v6rag6 for aII s1; nen of 7.5 poudr. Eou€vsr, tb6 oold fllnd over tho flnal phare of th6 !ac6 rit e problon too. lrhlle tb6 rlnd kopt lh€ iirEll€lsr !eotel i€op6ratu'€!,dorE (tho .vora€e lgctll t6rporature after th. !Ec6 ras t02.1uF)r li dLd rubrtlntlaLly lno!€aso tb€ snolgy loqo1lsnart! ol r.unnlng. lt6 can, ,tb€r6for€, aoacfudo lhal tb. rlox.r itmos !.t Bosion rslo caus€(t by a c tloa of dnd lorllta]lco .rd th. tholllil codiu.tlon! durtne ttro early rlaaet of tb6 rao.. EAS1 BAY CNAPTM OF
Rull5--R6dwood Park. Sundlv. ltav 6tb- 6-111o OD€n 1. Bob woodllff, 46i6.5i2. R;n ?eck;-trIf4-3: EIrcr sandborn, 48:39; l+. Loon Phltup!, l+9:50;
5. uDer. urruroDr )J:52: o. rrEroD !6ar.o. ty:r). M11o (c511dr6n)- 1, T€d ?oterron, 7tO'i 2. JDtltJti i L&rL Mar 19th- 6- tlo op€n- 1. Fr.nk Eas€rty, 42:oij z. i,ou c. rlo-Itilf,ill-'1+6:35; 3. D€nrd. i;ada!d6l) l+6r35; 4. I,ou Flsld!,Sr., 51:5J; 5. L.on E!lrl!, 53:15...Ml}o (chr1tu'6n)- 1. Ellc Tllbuly, 7:20.0 ar l2th RodHood Pa!k- 6-Mt16 oD€n. L. nalDh r,retirer, i+2:32; z. reoo FEiffi!;-?:50; 3.-Bob Brasefleld, 50:01; 4. C}l&r. c1rur6!, 51:11; 5, charllo lrlacM&on. 55:15.. uil€ (Ch1Idlon)- 1. ark MacManon. 7:12; 2. Erl;-F11bury, 7i41; 3. Karl B6e1€, 7:L3! L. reu1 MacMsbou, u:10.
Aoouatlc P!!k 6.72 U116, (3
ffi*, r):zz;
Rac6r (EBnnC), Ju.r16 3otlr tap.)- I. Ron ?€ce, lprzg
hic^rtlburr,.as€_ Lo, t5t2?t "ii.ii'*tl,'ili6l,'_1 5. iraon ai,yint o. rjl'nlo fiarholrt, 15:tr?! ?. J€ff Ikooi, . 15 :l+8.. 91!9 (childlsa).: i, Erlc r .?t'4)t 3. LarL 9urlq o:55t ?'Lorobte wood, r€e -rsukala!, 9:35.,4119 (vonan):1, cllrl,
fg:}i. 1. J€ff St6rn, lo:I0.,U49 (cht rdron):T:X€Itb.ltl1lor, 10:20; z--J-eff l[1l1o!, LO;U5. Mg (woD6n)- 1. Jo M11f6r, to:L5. EBRBC- AIBKELEY YUCA EIIENII{C CROSS:COUriIRY
Rltfs, Tuordry, July 2, 1968, 5:Jo p.It, Cool.& ov€lcalt..Tfophts! p!€toDted by YMCA !o Hlturorr tD all dtvl!1on! 1n 6ech rac€. 1. Bob c!.ow, 3otr2t 2. Jett 9:$&__!9!rroor, Jr:a+; J. p6rer. i,iood, f2:tr2: L. FFank Eree}.rr, 34t22t 5. cary Stev6E, j5:i5; 6, Rlchll'd-gcotty, 35:l+6; ?, Flank Wll1dor;kt, lt:5+; 0. Ed No!bu!s, 36:41; 9. r€oa Phllipr U. larry ll,toi)7t06t IO. J6ff Sr€rn, 3BilZ! 'tl.r, )9t4t 12. Lou F1€rd. (rlt s6nlo!) J9: 4i L3. Bob Evorlob, 39:l+2: !r. Ron peck. 4o:l+3 ('tart€d 5E mLn . !^re--3'tBlt rS. Ellj1€ l{lrlnonl, lrL:3?.a. l}e Op€n- I. laestl Jack oE, 11.:25; 2. Met;filo-E;i;;. t1:L6: 3. Jry [osr, 12:26; l+, I,aIly wlffou, !+:26; 5: 15t]-'t 6. ErLc lilbury, 15:13. J,11 J€ar.n, (yonon &-cbttdr6!)- 1, Errc iilb'uly; !1!g (Llt boy) 5146; 2. Robort C61ts, 3. IJo!€tti good, 7:22 (1it ctrl)r h.5:l+ei xevin Ftold!, ?:!4; 5. c!.rt' wood, (t;! won6n) 6:15; 5. crDdy G!6en, 8:27. --Joff Kroor--;;ffi ;-M"fi ;;;;--*r*s-;;-;il;;;;-;;;: ;ffi Balilno!., Ud., Sat., Jun6 15, 1968 i. ro! nous6, eoc, -l2tt5,z; z. ru" *slerBrlror, cu!rb6r1!nd va116y, 3L:25r l. Watno Brker, un!., un!.. 36:09.5, 35r09.5. o;iy onlv ftnfuh€ls.b6rs,,-.M116 , M1leRlok litlolr. oc. l+:2?.0; 2: c€orse M1n&|IL,gb€!ap9a!€ cb€.ap€ak€ rc, Tc, 4t27.Li 3. vayn6 vaughn, vaushn, ciuciu b.tlrnd vau.y,.l+:?9.4t S;evo st:cl;r!, 41 D.c. Ga!o1ls.. D.C. Ga!o1ls., 4:t5.5...!.Q9h:35.5...880- 1. I,Ihttey lil}lltev Bas!. Ba;!, Boc, 1156.2; 2. Brook€ TEooms, ua.,Ii56.4; J. JlD rlddr Boc, 1:57.0; L. r].lon€ ca!!sr, uar., ?:02.6...2-}!11e!- ]. Fra.k !t]a!lns. BOc' 9rl+8,5; 2.-E-aE6-veushn, cv, Io:14,5; *ro'i:i.6..w",""', B.xter Berrynlu, -eoc, 6di;;'6;r;;niii, Boc, 10:35.o..WoDdn'r 3, ,,6t0- 1. Jano ElU, Fredorlck, 2tZB,d:alr,l:roir nryr, oe;Es-;;-r;;;;;;il;;;;i; 1, Dam BursLL, 11:0?; 2. BIa1n6 all]g!qulckol, 1I:21: J. Roger lr1c6, 12:OL; l+. John Boar€s, lztr3t 5. A1 Aclre!@n, t2t2?. I U11€: 1. Edward Barkor, 5:3I; 2. RaidX rou, 6iQf, 3. Don lorosltz, 6:j7i L. Ron Earr.o!,6 15th aNNuAt ATtlAr{trC COAS! CONFmENCE T&!' CEA$PIONSEPS, Clupol illll, N, C., May l1tb 3-U11of- t. Stenb€rE. Duko, IL:LL.2' 2. Ed 5EGi6i, Maryraaa, IL:11,3: j. shra;€r, ud., r+25.1t l-. c!ad6!, Dukor 1l+:11.?r 5. coodi{ln, Nc, I4:42.5.,M116- }. Joh! Bake!, Md., [:05.5 ]a; 2. o,Botlt ]td., l+:09.6; lr. xlna11k, d., l+;13.5; 3. {lck, ud., lr;tz.Ot 9. E€Inr, nc, 4:U.0...88o- 1. vlluan!, Nc, !t52.6j 2. Donehus, fr;;, r:52.9..rem: 1. Mrryllr]d, 13\; 2. tle, C16nlon & South Cal._ ollna, 31; l+. Nolth cdolha 28: t9: 6. vlralnla 18; 7. N.c. s!ar6 16;<.8.Duk€ vrF, I:
vlhrrn€r, ner itav€n, coruL, 16:161 6. t# BwnB, Bosat!. \.J., tZ:14; 7. D€rek van Ee.l_ €^o! E!qnxv111e, N.Y., 57:5r; 8. Ttn 81Buv61d, lYc, 5d:17i 9. PhtI potln, Brooktyn, 60:jB.S' {lst :n 2nd s6cclon); 10. Jack Mci,aFttan;, v:nc6 lappe! b;, {?!I".99:.I.r:,60:,J;11. rorr varnlngtoh. L.I., 6t:1}i IZ,ch AI Liltllel'! s!. Albe!, L. I., 62:tl+ (2bd ln 2nd s6ctron): iJ. sr. L€orge Ahe€han, Fu,nson. N.J., 65:lB; 14.- Nat C1ruln1ck, Rosedal6. L:I., b6t4t 15. D [ !rAhr, foricb6ss6!, N,y., 66:5?! to. J€. rJ-FardeIla, Brooktyn. b8:5c; 12. Lsrtn Mar_ koI1i !ortch6Ener, N.y,, 82:j0. Jin Lonbardl, CJTC: B€rnl€ LaufAe!, -DNF-. ErooklJm: Jo6 Kirby, NvC; paut flcCorreson, Cl6v6.lano RnC.
(.1 !c.rL;rs, t? .tn_Bhors)
:fi : 3 ;3E; *3; ?il:ff lr:i l4:tr, 4a:4!, 'Llffa 3E:J4, "':ll"Tii', 5\$91?-. ) ' Nob6....R3E1i".e:s a s€nlor sr Ceteysburg Co116go. Ho fouabt it out Sp"rt_tng ov6" lho 1as! hhloe n1l€s & ron"rtU bJ a n€ro I0 rds. t16 o€€t !.€co!d t! s€t rn t96Z bi f€te l,lcAl'dle. John 51114,1 carlapp "on tssL J-a.s rrce Jn 5c:04.2. Ti .ts race has nevor be6n won bole tbBr onca by any rirruler. __Jo6 lllelner'n&a HiH,
l4osEs ),IAIT'IE!D 1{INS BI$GIIAMIO]{ 2o_1iM RIIN BinAhal,1Lon, N.Y., J Ln 30- Mos6s l,"u.r"r .
iltii"l"nddil$,,.!iHi*lli'J#[:.t# SJTC q-_ -Co'.Crs
1&r }IEET. D6ptford Towlcnlp
J., ,od. , Julr z,-tb (6hh M6ot)--,T. S. M:1;-flp-.}-2.
olhr.la, plono6r c-1;b.,on- Lh6 ii. -cili;;;;il"= AU.lurgn run ', blazinA o0o h^1t. Mayfjol; n6-Ld t're ]€Bd flon bha sLa-i & fou$t off a raL€ spurb by Bob illLs or ,he ll11]f,os6 A.4 to n€pear ]1rs vlctory of 1961. 1oar6 1?O
"€re rere starr€rs & tOL t'11jshel'!. ljar€r suattons ths!6 rer€ Lluc{s dlth sp-a, hoso!. ulldo! -lhe c[r€cl:or o!. tta1t6! Berg€r, iorrcr runrEr flol B1n*1ston, t.in Lou napp-o"t, pr€s.ldent of ehe B.;nA.e.ahon, N.y. EAsE€rn L6agd€ Ba6ebatl tea.Br, ErAht Lrophtos, L) n€oars & a uer troohy & t6rnl neosls dere auard€d. M:1lro3€ AA ed€ed tho pochesrer Tc by L po'nis ror teao Ionors. A"r.r Lhe lacer Lne runn€rs. & thei! fanll t6r r,6fe Guesrs oi ce!. fa].r)er Dona!d to! e hut€ chick€n ui}u€r. 1:oL:12 by JIn Orconneu. Su. .couso.R€coror Anthonf,,E BC, 1964. (roth Arduet Racc) 1. Moses Mayfl€ld, thtlF. plon€€rs, 1;Ol;lO,J },!IDDI,E ATLAIiIITC NRC IO-MII,E TRACI( NU]i{ (NA?II. 2, Bob Ftl,ts, ilUllroso ar, I.n?.<" RRC POSTAL) Coffad H.S., Uoodcrest, D6las$e (A11-.t6athe} track) {6atho!: Warm, (A11-'t6athe} _;01;66 Warm. 82-d6eree 82-d6aree!. f. Dlck AshGr, Roch,.!ror'Tc, 1- Tqn o!]-e!, Pgnn-ac, 55t?r (rbt]-g.', 2196, 6. Jrr McDonash, Mlrtroso M: i,6i;>i 7. BilI Gordon, S!. AnLhonJ,; Bc. tt}.j,)i' U. Ivan Torres, l\typc. I:Oa;10; 9. U,rrre 5p€cli-,._i,ocl|?ort-Tc, 1:09:I2; 10. R1.r Spav_ Ebg.AAA, 60:]4,5; 6, Ke1!h Pa{,ton, D€l.saro 1ro, MAA. 1:09:JCi 11. Dsve Ranano. Doches_ r$s, 6r:55.* 7. N6tl Boy€r, Hba.AAA, 62:11: ter^Tc6 liIO:i5i 12. ?1ll ?6torso,; .J.r'C, u. Brron M.lndt, colllnadelo. Pa., 65t5ti a. rj,to:q.b: ll. Joe Witko$ski, cJTc, t:11:o.j 11. Do.n1s Blppert, Hbg.AM, 70:2+; 10. larry I Lqn Lasl@Hskl, Ebs.r-A-A. 1:tf:32: 15. Bob cloen, D€la.TaF, 76:00, DxF- NoIm Bakor, sflc rcherbers., ?hrle., 1il2:oo; 16. 1o,1" er.L"n, s,. Bob OllchxlBt, D€1a,T&?; GeorAo Mertln, Ph11a. Lfiil s, .1:1_:)3' 12. John dob€n, Srra_ l-Mlle Jr. (19 & Und€r)- 1. ],uko Hdr13, SXIC cuaos_toph€r_ 1:13:51; 18. Fred coldon. Carjen: tEJSlZl-Z. lerry PIorBe. l,IllilnsLon, DeIe., toun BC, TC. 1r13:5Jt 1o, E'lc totter, Llics pac_ r7t\7.5t 3. vike Rl}ey, woodcrost, Dela., 6rs. 1:14:12; 10. Devld tarr-n16, Rucresrer 1?:\0.4, sat., July 20, t968 7 P.M. TC, 1i14:17.. Iean: 1. ytllros€ er. t-l-r,-,-Tc, 2-6-10-U:.rf -:4zj - I, (Nstloral Bth AITiNUAL RRC N,Y. Assll, ?ostal 10- 25--3tst 2. Boches!€r oJ; tsa.rlsbura A,A.{ 86; 5. 4. l,li16 T.aclr Run) Julr 21, 1968 ro A.u. van co! Iandt le-rk back. Vsather: Clea! & ho!, 80'!. syracuse Bc, cI; 6. unlt€d aA; 125. --Joe K1€ lneinaa__ 1. Ton Ratlltfe, Pound Rldae, N..1., 5l+.59.2 2. R:cn6rd SpurLlDg, Vlapplngea Is ts. N.y.. TIIIs--Th6re were lT\E races in the cleet4. Joira TO? 5r:oj: -j. Blr1 schrab, B-otr, 55:JE;Rlcn$d er Bosrion area or July l+th, bd16pp, llru. ua3 !, N.J., 56:l*1: 5. N.
R-usssl1 PF.i.l9, ruoneors, ,1. K€n-K1l!ra, {19Id,. sJTc, !:41+.6, l. Bob K-loiz. una.. 4:5Of !. Jol^n CzMzssty, Holy cross Hs, 9:oZ; Frank ]tatklns, SJTC; 6. Dan I'1lLl6r', St, 5. Frencls Vocattonal.a,qll61. Ru.r Jackron, sJ'rc. a:59.7; 2. fMT-owonr, sJTc, 10103; J: Devo Repennlng, SJTC, 10:11; lr, Ulke Coffoy, lbiLa, Ac, IAtz1t t, Pa\\1" lucurld, PsIIIl AC; 10:ltL; 6. f6te zurbach, Pbltja. Ac; 11:Oo; Z. darry.l.roro-Ll, Dorolf. SJ-LC. sJ-LC. It:18; s.l'lc, I.L:1d; b, It:18: 8. Dav6 8, Dasa Dunn SSJTC, s.r'i Dac6 Dunn, ".Irry Dorolf, ".rrry u:26; 9. ld Uh6r, Phl.la. Ac..880- t-, Jrrl Flabnory, thl1a. rloa€er5, 2:13:T 2. L€n Jrc son, SJTC.
1B coNlp-REY rdrNs
@ANsy. l.IAss. 8-l,trtE RoAD
L9, 1968 ?9 startors, 7J flnl!h€!3. 1. c€olAe Conefrey, Brocl4on AC, lr.O:lr8l 2. ren l.lu€l}er', BA4, )to:59; 3. r'eo Duart, una., !-r:l+2; t+ziiii'g. lr. Don Putnan, spdtan AC, l+2:11; 5, Ed U;1k{1t2, l.{t. Park AA, l+2:19; 6. Davs UhalED, SAC, )+2tt6t 7. Pt.fl Ryen, BAA, 43:09; 8. wr! Fal"1a, ir., bser', ]]3:rBi s. N"nlot rerilns, ut. Park i.! Robort Sulllvan, SuUivan. BlA, AlA. 4l+:00; l+3:18; [3:38: 10. Roborb Il:00: 11, AnAus Woolt,€n, una., U+:11; 12. D6an l€!rt, CCAA, 13. [\:!o; -Bii, Russeri x;].t, Nrrtc, !t:48i r.4:'Rr 15. To4T saplonza.-Ei^' Baron. BAA. UL,55r il:'i BAA.I i7:.zt "'i;-i.il;;;i, t7. Wni CaanoE, 16. Rob€rt E€?s€y, N},lc, Wt29t Eartford TC, \5r53t tB. Gally Benson, Mt,Parlk IA, AA, 46:04i 20. 45:ol; 19. Jo€ Martlao, M!.ParkPaul soaerst€n, Dan Tonpldns, CCAA, l+6:05; 21. \'lachus6tt strlders, I+6rO8t 22, Jobn Wallaco, BAA, 46:09; 23. PoEer Brles, una.' l+6:10; 2L. l,ln. Snltb, FTc, 46:11; 25, DoE Eornl-6r, uPAA. h6:I2|, 26, Jobn Jarek, NMC, l+6:22; 27, Davtd Llnton, BAA, \6..?t ?8. Ton D6!d6r1an, NMC, h6: l2r 29. PsL[ ch.rlstlanson, 1,,S, L?:L5r 30. vrD N:,|c, l+?:[8; 3].. Rlchard Packardr BAA, rnnde!tl, l!7:g3tj "ir. 3?. clctard Stevens. Mt.Palk AA, lrd:09; i?ljib 13. Bruco Aldrlch, una,, 4u:14! 14. Dale cordl Mp},\, l.!8:39; 15. frod vctrlilno; Mpd.{, 48:rr5; 36. Rusc€u. ccAA, ccM. 48:49; Robert Robe.t RBc€u! L8:L9; 3?. Ro! Larrenter. cla1l I!a1ne, una., 50:13; Jr., NMc, NMc. l+9:la8r JU. clalc 49:4U; f8. Dzledzrc, Nl,lC, 50:2I; i+0. Rlchard F6r39. Joe Dz noylo, NMc, 50:22. NoLss,..C€ora6 Con€f!6y look iho 16ad at th€ stant & nov6r' Aavo lt up. lho neath€r ras hotl Ten trolllles & 40 n6daLs. --Fred Bronn,Sr.-May
.i;';il-ii";;;";-il:i;i il:'it'ot
Aoton, l'{ass, (71 sta"ter6, 71. flnlshors) 5,/!} Course a blt sholt. Tlophlss to tho first tbtee & nl€dals to th6 noxt 47 ftnlshors, Weatb6!:1de Tesnlr 1. NMC, 31r 2. BAA, !4r -1. uachusetts strld€rs l.!5. 1. Jsm€s Da16y,Jr., N c, 19:07; 2. I-arry o1s6D, Nltc. 19:18! 3. Ronald {ayn6, BAA, 19:26; 4. Paul S6aersLels, Vs, 19:50; 5. ldn. Brotch:e' I'!T. 20:06! 6, J6nos Greon' BAA,20:12; ?. clcilard RuqulsL, Nt4c, 20:20; B, Kenn€!h rorE:n, AAC, 20:21; 9. LaEronca Paul,son, Nm, ml23; 10 Dlck Bslon, BAA, m|25t 11. l{ark ],ao€donia,u]le. 2OtU]'t 12. SLoeen F€llot' Lls, 20147: 1-1. Fon Du1o48, uDa. uD 20:90; 14. Davtd Dulol8, Lafrdn.tefe, N}lc, 20:50; larrdirere, 20:51; t5.'Rlch;rd Herdlna, una.,20:5Bi 16. ' Dan R6flstshaH, !JS, 21:00; 17. Mark serer, una. 21:07: 18. Pauf chrlstaan, uS, 21:08; 19. vn. Carpe;Ler, una., 21:Oo; 20, Fredl,{arnlg, Jr. , W5. 21:10: 21, l'llcl.aeI s.sn'or, ll"]-C, 21t15, 2?. ,, Brlan Ucquarrte, Dr'a., 2It29t 2J. llarleB Fo'lsr NMC. 21:3Oi 2t. ThdEas owen, NI,{C, zlt3lt 25. Brom.Sr.-rdhi ftonei- ma., ma-. 21:114, 21:LI. --frod --Frod Blotal, Joh; c"onei,
JEe 2, t96B (120 start€rs) Il€ath€r: Idoal. M11ton. Mass. G€orse Conefrcy captleo hls fifl,. vlctorv ln his l;st slx rune. (Ee flnlsned lrd in 3 dle run at a track meet 1n Eolyoko' ) Ths schoolbovs 1n thls on6 nade hlm bustle to a rcn coulse rec ord. E6 heLt the previous record. 1, Ceorue Con6frev. Brockron !C, 1l+:15; 2. Ron 1,{r:r_1ro, -BAA, Xr:58; l. Rtcharo SLaifo'd, sac, L5:12; l+. R!chard BarrJ, Bfts' 15:l?i 5. Jcrrv Rlorcfan. uj:a., 15t221 6. JMeB Green, una.,1): 2j; ?. Robert Fal]on, NE1c, 15:Jf: 8.-r_au]-Mc_ \'r4c, 15:lrj Eii'".i. n s, 19:ao; 9: ron Derderian, KeueJ. ro. ii'rr iosiph, r'ac, r5rL5; f1. rrenk15:I8: 13 s$, ucu, r5:i6; 12, HJsh llacDouGqu,ren ocus;n' BAA, 15:49; lL. Brsd-fon,-bflij' uec, 15:50i 16'.-ceo' isliSi ii.'c;;:: ni:si.ir, irs.-is'io; It' L;rrv I'aecDoueall' sgs' KIWANIS 3-}4ILE RoAD nACX,
15:51i 18. E6vln Ea!t, BES, 15:54i 19. Rlchard Jonei, Da!t. HS, 15:58;20. usrk Halnot', ?hayen, 19:59. --FreaI Blown,Sr. -AIDINVILLE, r,lAss., June
1968 6]-}[ILE
RoAD Rr\CE (91 etarters, 91 flnlsh;rr) Wee.th€r: Uarrtr & x6t. T€an ScortDg: :.. Nl4C, 37; 2. Mt,park AA 50;
l. l.
3t'ockton Ac, 53; 4. Waohuc€tts srrl.d., ?o ceorse Corofr6y, BAc, 35tt7t 2. Ma.rc cs11nas, MPAA, 36:00; 3. noland Cornler, NMC, J6:ol.i 4. Ed Wa].hrltz, tlPA , 36r1j|; 5. chas. DFon, IITC, 36:J7; 6. Dave trlhalgn, SAc, 36: ItU; 7. Don Putna.n, SAC, 36:l+9; 8. Un.Falta, VSAF,
f7:l+zi 9, sLeee snith,
Mlke Coughtatr, BAC, J8:0j; 11. Crats l,tccolt I,IS, Jg:11; 12. Bruce Bal.l]ra}, NMc, 38:U; 11. Pau1 seaolslen, ris, 38t25t 1r. coo. Atkinsoi, SAc, 38:31; L5. John-Js{ek, Nt"c, 3B:LB
16. Lurv Lacrolx, N,ac, 38:58; I?. Robert Exsolt, Cs, 39:OOt 18. Robert Hers6T. Nl{C. 19:1]; 19. Tony saplenza, Bqa, 39:16-;'20. K€v1n cro1,'l-ey, BAc, 391I7t 2t-. Jo€ l"lartlno, Jr., MPA{, 39t2O; 2?. Wlllle cssnon. IflC. J9:21-i 23. Don B€rn16r, I{PAA, 39:2+; 2l!.' ?eter Barres, una., 39:29; 25. Kevln darr, BAC, 39:57; 26. II:nston Thonas. WAC. Main., llot03t 27. Psul ch-ts!ianson, iis, l+O:LO! " 2d. Paul D'rvrl, Ir'PAA, lr.0:2I; 29. vn. Tr1bou,Jr., ua., 40:?6: 10, 5rcve rLlou,{s, l+Ot32i 31. Bradfold Knonr BAC, +O:38; 12, vln Fanal6ttl, Nl4C, lro:39, 33. Ron Lafrentere.J-., IOlc, Lo:!f; 34. nobor! Russ6II, ccAA, /+0:57;35. ceols€ Balr'o, BAc, l+:061 36. Dan Robortshsw, IrS, lt-1:12; 3?. WtUl$n Sft:th, '{TC, lrl:U; J8. Mark ,iolosn, uDab., !-1:19; -39. Davld Mcco11, Its, l+1.:28; l+0. Ed1 FuclLlo, BAc, ltl.:29i \]. Gordon {arr6a xs, 41:l+2, l+2, Ton 0,coMor, MIAA, )+1:L6; qJ. Er:c BlacLrell-, uru., 42:03; !4. chest€r shtlosld, MPM, \2to6, )+5. st6v€ Welbush, tuna., l+2;09; L6. Joe Dzi€dz1c, i\'ftc, 42:1.4i 47. Dave comder, l4PM, 112:16; 48. Rol.and DTe!', WAc, l,latn6, 42130; 49. Ton Derd€li8n, NMC, l+2:ll; 50. Bluce Dobratz, Nlt4C, I+2:12. --r,r€d Blo n. Sr. -84'a ANNUAL Mr, wAsHlllqroN B-tEr,E RUN 6/15 Mt. Uashlngton, N.tL- A race beti{een tro foImo! rlvaLs ln tho eood sld buslnoss. Wlnner Mik6 Oallaghsr & 2nd p1ac6 flnlsber Art CooUdge used to cotnpote aaalnst each other in x-coDtry sld racss in Vgmont & lleu ilanpshlre. It {as an ld€al d&v--68oat th€ baso of the nouitatn & \4o at the top & no r€a1 !ind, Thts accountoal fo! good tis6s. At tho nI1e nark the flrst ten nen haal plcked thelr posltlons & they h61d th6n to tho ftrlsb. At the hal-fway hous€ c€lleAher had a 75J lead on Cooltdeo w\o look6d the sLloneoB but Ca11agh6r surprisinely inc"6as6d hls lead & cloctod a good 1:06103, Th6 r6cord tor thls run ls 1:01+:57 set ln 1962 by lr€d Norrls. Cau6€b6r & Cooftdge ran the 2nd & 3rd best tinos ev3! nado on thls coulse. The flrst ten recelv€d very fln€ trophles, tire next 20 lit. Vashitgton medals & all othels rocelv6d v€ry flne cortlftcates, The eiehL runs hsve b€en spread o\/er a per1od of 32 Xoars. callaghea co.np€l6d on bbe 1964 & 1068 olynpic S1d teans 1n the x-costl'y ovent. Tean: 1. Boston AA, 9i 2. N}lc, 12; 3. wat_ ervlI1e AC, z6j 4. SplrLan AC J4r 5. Lvnn aC. (continued next Page ) 39.
i' $$"Hili3t-i*di."{x-il " ii#:ii i ,ry:mtrm*pui;Teffi*a;u:
$irHi:q*iir$i'fl*Ti'rrrtq ii,;*ll*g:ildiFi,[;:a**,,*,,*i"#l! I r.""t Rus6€11 Eo1t. NI,IC. r"'n'r'iuu.'i-""d'iiii"f,##3d"ii"*" .uronas Mayna!.r, Boo, r:21;15: 12.'+?j+2,i-11:-.. *" roxsa,"d'r1 th€ rlrst tv'o ni r6i--& ttrc 'ext inni r'nrs', ;ll$;;iii:.;l;;;;li'fr.+i.*;, iiih;*,H,srFmi,i,lri,;:E t"il#rl kf"i:#'il4#d-iliiJtT;#Friii-' *:",'"$.ffi ***,$;*i;'#,1 ffi-Htt#j;fi 4 ffii', ;h*;-ilffi ;Jx?j6el*,1m.:rr*riu; iails: Fsdettl, I[Mc, ]:28:28: 2Z: Un. ar S;;:'' | ;: ilir;#f:;ii,:*:;j::*t F;f 1:1U:ld; 10.
mi*:il;:tt*rlsTl It3ottoi s'lf#i, rhonas, wat6?v1116 Ac,
I fi
{"fi *'l i1"ru"{*;*q#hl,i"*,, {if rut*-:tr;l'il$ri$iiip"g t5ft ;"*;,,*?l"l?:"1**,.";I;nr"W,i'i!r,-Ji',lf Ii;ilf T.:":: *,!,,u rn_o,p"o",
iir";m.-i;:i;[6i,i:i';?r;"fl$i.;"3,'136-*lt"i] f,H:"h*i;!ii;l';*l:'
4;"r$tr;ii;ii:ii*$hhrffi ffi 1:38:31; l+5. Uelt6r cert;r. Roctres
,,1Fli";:t;'_,#lrir #:i*i;, jlld;i{*,r"**t"*:.ir;.r"nxig-
fisljiiHlti,[ii "{lfidflii,'y$; l ili' ail#, d#:i;;i:*ninft 4it'i:l lftlt'"t;ti*li''h,ttri5;ir,*;l.di'ti' Itl+'toot 56. J,o. Bourne, uontroal 51. lduard Enoulton, Irynn 'iii"ffiAC, 1:lr2
5z. wo. :ie,ehoj!,
.t*t.tci t,ui,jg;ts.i:{ii*."
l;:;,:iru##iffiii,d:df';i,{ar?,{r'" n:ii'ftl;
;"ff#ilff;ryft diirsl*t*llli, I ;;;:#i:#qff,3i,rri.ln: u:' lsTri:"si:,#ir#,il:-t:jdii;i,f**l*,, i:ii:i,fi-r,;il..p-,i;.J:;'l;,1'::iqts; Phiup Gav, Nvc, 2:00:581 67. Rol Effi i:#r';ih:s;r;;;:i;i:dii,,;'ffi *:r'lit=fi;*i!g**T=tkfl ;F+::#iu: tsl"si;
' iirei.;*:,+*'::"-{ Mc
ru ffiffi: :ilt*"nis
1*:**t*-,.'ildr141"$fi}i1'#f:" t*a;*i{6iii:;p;^$#fili;:e.*#l
9, Jano! Alarandor, BA.A, 30:16, 10. uik€ ]3 to 18) Coua[Lln, 8r'ookton Ac, 3ot22t U. l{tko snal]. chrrlertoi!, Urr!., Spartar AC, 3ot27t L2. Jllres Ltrynn, spartar Ac, 3ot33t 13, Jalne! Gr6€n, BAA, 1". charlor M!€ul'r., Foxboro 88, 16132; 2. car't h. car.lat, Bovorly Es, 16:l+Ji 3. Job! K€Ir€y, BC- Bob Ryen, FAc, 30:J9i 15. cha.rlo!30:37: Masutr6; spartan AC, 3I:Oo; 16. Dav€ ltnton, BAA, oB, L6t59t 4. I€lry Sh!x, Bostob Ensllrh Es, 1?:08; 5, Jobn D€lEord, ac msrr, U:I3i 6. Tolr 31:13; 17. Blad EFon, Brockton Ac, 31:12; 16. K€r Porlln, BAC, 3I:25i 19. c€ors€ Balrd Urgul."e, 3oxloro ES, L?:14; ?. cha!1e! Bruno, BA.A, ili Jiiirzi"6.' JaB6. fiRlohards, Bo5ton nngu 84c, 31:31; 20. Paul l.lcElnoy, aria., 3tt32t 1?:1?; E. ;"..1 iir.-lia! i iiiito" "i' K€vtll Duffr, BEES, 10. lborur 21, Johr l'lallac6, BAA, 3I:31+l 22. Jo6 CrowlU:35; U:tU; 9. -t:[' scltulte ;sl-ii,36,. Eg, 1?:36. (3lr iiii"t;;"j iii"-Ji tr€boo. Siririiii flnlsb€r!) ey, Lynrx AC, 3l?l+2, 23. Ron casel€!. FAc. 3L?5Oi d+. Rlchlrd clapp, Ntc, 3r:t5t 25'. Tonr Saplonze, BAA, 32:04; 26. Kevln BdL, ITEA-A.A.II JUNIOR 2O.TU,O SIER CEAMFIO{SEI? & OSSI{ Boun€, uarr., Juns 21, 1968 1OB rta}tslt. 32,I7t Zl. DsvrD crouloy BAc, 32.33t 4c' 2d. Rlok JankoHsld, Lynn Ac, 12:15; 29. Ktrk Weath€!: VErJ bot. 1. Janor tr€ef6, CCAA, 65:41; 2. Jobn J. 6€116y, ?f!Ersl6, FAc, 33to2t 30. Bruce lehsro, u'IIa. Boston aA, 66:24; 3. Arby Burfoot, cc-AA, 66!29i 3) tl2. \51+ llsted'lnl shols ) -Fred Bro&n,sr. L. Ed no!rl!, BAA, 65:35; 5. I,eo Du!rt6, unat.' DEUELOPMENT !trET, Fsrgo Bulldlnc, South Bo368:06; 6. ceorge cobofr€y, Broclrtob Ac' 6q:l8i toD, }lass. seated Hsotcap- 4 nl16s on 7. MlohEsl Gallaahsr, spErtan AC, 69:14; U. Petor Stlp6, BAA, 69:32; 9. Dan oylllha!' Frot- trrck, July 15, 196u. Tonp. 92 d6qr€€s. r"t't - tzt55 hlnahrh Ac, 59:l+8; 10. noJ. aod com16r, NI{C, 69: 1. lln, CArtor, 2, Challton Ba1dwtn,l3:06 - 13;05 57; 11, RurloU Prto, Spart!.D Ac, 1Ot3Ot L2. JM€! l,Iyr rr SpartaD AC' 71:31; 13, Ton De!do!- 3. Rot1 caff, wc, 13:lg t45 l2tl+9 (31 Dt6h1, u:46 tLs t3taL lan, NMC, ?1155; th. Justln ctbbori!' Mlllloro L. che-r168 Tot!1 Murphy, ]J:LB 1:00 12:48 (2) M, 71"rt7t 15. ralry B€r{l!!, ll€t Ac; ?1r56t 16, 5. Bruc6 Dobratz, n c' ?2:21; 1?. Rlck Bayko, ICMC, 6. Myron Blsslow, 13:54 1:00 12:5L t9. 7. Phrl Earsbergel', 13:55 :L5 ]J:I0 72:lB! 18. Ed valhrl z' t.Ptrk A4, 72tt+5tut1lb. carl Hl]l, rL:l+5 1:!5 U:00 Phll Ry!n, R}l., ?Z'At 20, Rlc! SpaehrE, 9. Rlchsd Moore, 1[:[6 ]:00 11:16 (r) A1, 73roo; 21. Mlcha6l- Sna1l, spaltan Ac, 1.0. Pau-1 Sch€11,NI4c, lL:l+8 1:l+5 1J:Ol "o!o ?3ttot 22. Rolr l,{ayEo, lAA, ?3:26; 23. Bobort tholll'. una., 7)iL5t Z+. Etlaund conno!, sEc, -_ -3!-:!s!:::------::I::3-9t:::::::::--------?4:07 7j:5* 8. Roneld carslr, Fnottrtnsbtd Ac,Pam61 ze-MIf,E RII{, Fl:esh Pond, CMbrldso, Mass, 26. Ru.r€l.t Eolt, nuc, Tlrttl8i 27. ft'dlan Sparran Ac, ?l+t3)t 28. Davo Dunsb' una., 7l+:4t+ Ju]'y 17, 1968 sponsorod by tho Met. Ac. t art'y E6t"laaa, I4€t, AC, L2r5lj 2. E&nund 29. RaLno ihti, NMc, 75:ooi 30. Jalnor 3l€iinde! 1. Col)]ror, NUC, 13t22; 3. Lo,r RuaA€llo, Boston Blo_hlrd El4, ?5tr3t 31, {9""9' !AA' 75tnt 32. stat€, f3:25; l+. Ton Doy16, Lym Ac, t3:40; John Jarek; trMC, 75:lr9; J3. ulohasl couehl'an, Brockton Ac, 75t58t 76:02 5. Bob l{ed61ros, Met. Aq, 13:l+6; 6. Don }lu34. Davld llaton' EAA, ?6 75t5dt 3l+. phy, Eoston Stat€r 13:5U; ?. HoHard Stack35. Myron BlR6lou, 4,1A, ?6;L0; 36. Tbon!! Mayhous6, !'lst.Ac, l4:08; 8. John connouy, BAA, E6r.6y, Ntttc' Rob€rt ?6!J2t nard.'BAn, 76t23t 37. 9. P&t Paln€r, BAA, I]+rl2; 10. tal1l 38. stust Adarl!, BAA, 76:40; 39. ToDr sapreDza, 14:27; Schell, NMC, 14:\4; 11. Paul Iurray, unaL., BAa, ?6:lr-1; l+0. Ken Darson, 8,LA, 75:!4; U.' eruie aarnat, Nuc, 7?:13i 42. Rlchard SyEIIlAton Il+t57 t L2, Ch.!1og Rlley, NMc, 15:o?j 1.]. s.xcr.AnD
assocrArrox oF
Ttr"E Aatt
rlria l{ovlcE RoaD nAcE
(BoYs June 1?, 1968
BAA. ??!19i lr3. Rrchald
clapp, nMc, 7?t3\t l!4.
Paul lhonpson, Frothlnabsn Ac, 77:41i 45. Dr. Davld Uorttren, NMc 77t\2i l+6. ltn Fsn4€ttt'Nuc ' BA-a, 7Er00i l+6. Pote!_ 77r53t l+7, Jo!n-wa11&c€, Barre;. u.u!., ?8!12! lr9. Rlchald week!, ],ynn Ac' ?B:16: 50. Robsrt Rut!o11, ccAA, ?8:36; 51. $rd. clnns: SDartan Ac. 78:50! 52' Don Duntkv, u:rr. ' 8o:r5i 5i. wn. Brotchls, una.,80:22;54. Da16 Touhev- BAA. 8ptZ3t 95. Paut Scb€U, NltC, UO:35; 56. J;L! cormlhan, BAA, 80:39; 57. rrarrj csor86. ilAA. 8r!52: 58, RaJ LaBonte, DnL., -A2:O?I.59. Ac, 82:05; 60. o"",i r,rtlriuires. fons Irlalld Jobn Kelso. Itot.AC. 82:1], (o2 1tst6d flnlth€l.lJ Tean scorinAf t. ft c "4", 3-7-to-]'r-r2'-l+3i 2. Spart6n Ac, liji 3. FrotblEsbd Ac. 62; I+. BAA. 53; 5, NMc "8", 114, x;tes...1'tr6 recs ;as stased oYsr a hot,1|€11 ratered cours6 vrEh plontt of pollc€ protoctloa Thls ls ono of NoH Englandr! better runs. o) Drizos & lddlvldual- dedals bo tb6 tbr€s JElore i{lke GaUasbor (lst), Dsn Moynrhan (2nd), and Roland soldl€l. {3rd). Anbv Burfoot ran an eaEv raco lathe! tha.n rlsk b1s O1y!0plo cbsncea. The 'IIT'W t€d over 300 runner'e & frleails a f,1r1e allnI!6r lfter tho 3ac6. --Fisd Blotn,Sr.-nAsDoLlH, r'rass. 5?-MMS, Juf,y_7r-L968 2?t93i 2. o€orge1. Ed-nuna Nor!1s,-Do'Lon M, l{ovnlban, 2o: FAc, 2u: 28:11; l. Dan l{ovnlhan, FAc' conefroy. BAc, 28:D;
iit ki^!x1,ff 'e'r"1i';13,1. ?ili''l:,-!iiY" lll'$:=H;ru*i'li:-tk"4il1ii'#:4; n"; cafi, x],Ic, 29:L?; B. stevo E11ts,
J_9e fio]Irnd,-uda., 15:1or- 14, st6v€ coyns, Roe6r Porhr, Ac, 15:21 I}{c,^15:15t -Lvnn -15. Ltna., 15:26; 17. 16. oD6a Dufft, John r€lso, t{.t.Ac, t5t2?i !d. Royce Sauyerr Nl{c, l-5:47; 19. G6org€ Lattaruto, \MC, 16:3E; 20. Joo Atonaro, une., 16:49; 21. Ray K€ll€y, M€t.Ac
l?t0lt 22. Ed scanre1l, ur:a., 17:[0; 23. W1l1lsm IrlArsher]l, !{et.Ao, f9:26; 2lr. FI.€d Bro$!,sr., NMc, 20;20. (26 starters)
lGlf, FarAo BId€., So. Boston, l4ass., July 22, 1968. 3-I4tr6 Seal"ed EmdLcap 1. Rlchard Mahonoy, 15:lr4 - 15:44 2. Lalry Jos6pb, 15 tsl - f5:51 2;00 14:30 (1) F:v q,Ern, \9'29 L6tt> -. 4. Jom !9,21 \6t37 5. ChaB. Dleh]-. t6r59 :45 16:11 6. $ara€ Lucas, 17:Ot1 ,\5 r6t23 7. l41ke larroncs, 8. lon urphy, \7 to9 t\5 \6t 2+ 17 rlo rtLS t5t25 (2) 9. Pat Palrnel, 17:11 10. T1n Lfons, 1:-. Paul Scheu, I7:+9 2:t5 L5t3\ 13) 17 tsl+ 2toa 15t5\ 12. Ton D16b1, t7 t56 ztao t5:56 13. Johrl K6Ir€r, 1l+, Bob Duke. 18:oI 1:15 16:l+6 15, Steve su11tvan, 18i30 2:OO 16:10 DEVEiOPI'EFI
16, Galy Bonbard, Rlcha.rd Gun\a. f?. 10. ceorae lattaril-o, 19. Jolm Caelon. 20.
16:LO 18:l+B 19: 03
1:00 17:37 1:Jo 1?:1q J:00 15:l+o lroo L8rol 2:30 16:3L
I,DTTERS TO THN DDITOR POi,Im IOLITICS 0F TnACK AID rr1h€ relfare of nl1llonE of
coura8eous conoback ruan€r, Jln
LDt ?!
to aei 1t.
But th€n agaln, thls ls the klnd of stuff that d-1stanc6 runn€rs ar€ nad€ of. v1n F&:ldettt
flne young atbl€tes l+9 rllch st. den€nds 4n lnmedlato 6nd of the nuitua]' agaleeMe.nchestor, Coun. ttro irhe NCAA-OSTI'F ald slonr and raprlsals of ,s* **l* r'Hi* rllHr r++r* **ri* AAU. Each bas b€6n treatlD€ f,1no youhg athlotes tAvoBABIiE COUMENTS O1{ toM OSriEnlS B00K as pawEc In a sLruegl€ for porer, enal thsn '!lh6n I lras a nsdlcqL sirudont & l"at6r an 1n(Flrst ptraoth€!..." fau.lt on tro b1s.a1ns tho eraDh ol lho concl.rs,ton of the Sport8 Arbltra- torne and resldent I car'!1ed a noiebook ln to t4ot't valuablo p6!son3.1 sxp€rlences ito; Board repo-ct glv€n to Lhe U.S. Senato Con- llbLch and nuAgot8 of lmoHlodAo oxtl'act€d fron tho connerc€. nlttee on ) piofessols, Sucb a vadonecun ls this wo!1d6!IE track & fl€1d ths ge:lln of po1tir1ca.1 c fd 1lit16 book of Ton osLer.. It €nconpassos l1es ln tbo stornal battLos bot{eon tho A-4u, ih€ per'onal €:cperl€nces, conv€rsattons, nedgovarDtng & flel"d thoso tlack NCAA-SSTI'F. lbat lteirlons aDd roflectlons of ovor a decade of gloups can't s€en to agree on ls hhicb on€ ls run]rillA, A decade ln irbl.cb ho rlas drtved at eolnE Lo tav6 tho ultlmt€ pow€! to Aov€rn. vafuabls lnslehts into the trainlnA procesg powor, strugel6 for a class1cs1 ihts-heg 16d to providoal p?actlcal a.r}sners ss to uby thlngB & beard. ln thls cass, the anlatou'r athlet6s srs go 'urong aB we seek top conditlon. 1r€ us6d as tho pallTls tn {h€.t apPeels to be a lven nor€ than this ho{eve!. hls book €nabstal6natod bsttl€. An era'lpl€ of thls po11tlcal .LnflShtlnA sltbln 1es us to tal€ tbo Lory vlsr o' ruJur.Lr€' to lt as a llfetlne acilvity rith occasions ib6 ranks ol track & fleLd anatour athl€tlcs Is sse poak effort a.I}d encoulages us to rrake our of u.s. t65'!1 to Dl6so fo? a san t:'ld1s th6 1.96t orn and d€clslons sbout LralnlnA. Ncrgfused to a11o{ Judgenonls collllote 1n Russlt. Tha AAU For rrysoL', I thtnk Ebls -Ls Lhe nosL -nport aa ;anctlon for these trials, In rstallatlon, tii6 NCAA bsnnod student athl6tes from tho neen. aDt book on tralntr€ yei published. It ls, ln effact, th€ d6flnttla6 {o?k.
of hls
'rTirc !€suft of ths actlon of botb orgs.lzations sp6ctflcs ney b€ rguablo od Lrlrent and wag injuv bo the lndl'ldual athloLos ih€v futu!6 pbysloloelc Btudl€s (inspi!ed by tbe sous\c bo use as pa\ns, and lnlerfer€nco vrlth usxlco clty olynptcs) n111 continue to con1n U.S. te8"'!s succossful tbe effort to f161d trlbutte practtca-] hlnts on the infl-uenc€ of lnternattonel conP€ttt1on. rr dtet ard body rytlms in perfornance h 1962 tho AAU-ICAA feudlng b6c$ae so blttsr alttiude, p!1nclp16s outl1iod in thls genorsL but tho qualltl U.S. leProsentanof tho to thrsaten as toxi, s€en to repiesent th6 optlnm nothod 1on ln tho 196L ol}I1Ptad, th€ u.s. senalo passod for "6achlnA ndimun} perfotmance.physlclan on sept€hbor 16, f,955, nl,Iberoas: lven nor€ lnportant to n€ as a d-lsPut€s hei6 s.a!1oe, a 16solutloo for co.ltlaLt!€ phJstcal actlvlty on 6xlst6al for nglry y€ars...ttr6so bare dlscouraged Looldng tbo pr-?t of the pubuc, tbLs t€xt points a th€ fu1l d€voloit;nt of anateur ath].€tlos...s!d say to k6ep long dlstance rw1.g as a pleasince thee6 psrtl€e cannot rdsolvo thot! d1fenJoyable avocetlon, It should pr€vent sant, berols th€ Sonato f€r6nces...tne Pr€sldent of th€ enornous nunbe? of tnack dropouts, which bv aui;horlzed to appolnt an lndep€ndsni, board
oi arbttratlon... !r alnost uord for nord, qlut J am ropoltlng to vou here calra from !h6 'rspofts Arbltratlon board C6portraE lt uas presentod to the U.S. Senat6. if yolr'16 lnLerest€d vou can g6t a fr€e copy of Lhls L3 paSo !6oort by stst]n€ on,a -card: Pl-6ase sond a copv o': Y\c73/2t9o""'siar L5 Sports Arbltrst.Lon Bosrd RePo!L _-Your ner6 ri "a-aress. Ma11 the feques! to: U.S. S6nat6' c.onoi.ce comnrtt..,' 1'ra;hlDgton, D. c. 20510 ilchard coon. 1"501. v' canton Lone Beach, cEltf. 90810 **,.r! r*i{ *# l?Jsr #* ls.* COORAGEOUS ATE!E1'E on sunday, July ?th, $e ran a 10 n1le race ln NorHlch, coinectloui. It was staged over a very tough 10 nlle cours6. iu! uie-"""u about th-l-s rac6 naE the comoback & oa JlJn douctu. Act€! 2+ veals of sufferlrla p!€tty fruslratlon, Jln flnlsh6d ttrl s lace ln aboub cooct shape. Many of us uer6 con.6med runners hls con€back. Irn sur€ th6rs ar6 manywondere'I t1"". "orttr""a.Lnjurlos and hav€ "iro abou! afte!-efrects. I datch€d Jln Coucl11 sirupsre :n anil out of a car ulbh orubcbes, then-i LJatcaed h1!' Mble slovlLJ on ths str6 a]-l ov€ ;i il!; "r""". Jrm had 'o 16a!n to ur]k aealn. 16t alone tra.Ln lor ruDnllg' gouever. ,nocagt sur lusL 66'6iI rnt ifli liir"i. re"erv"o, v,ery €astty. tb6 Dlcrure -;i ;;;; ; tropiy ras ;uarded to th€ nost
r€flI€ct the 6ff6cts of a coachlng lhilosopby conp16t6ly at odds {1tb osLerrt v1€1,'3, Ton Os].er has laid a foundailon {hlch ttU alLoll a.11 of, us to bocon€ otr! oDn coacbes, H6 has 11b6rat6d us fion fads end fauacles anal conJlt'i€d th6 value of personal e:p€r1€nca. Hlu book slgna1s e nou ora in long dlstanco rulnlng. ceo?ge A. Sheehan, M.D. 79 llest Front Street, Rod Bank, N.J. 0770L A BOAD OR CROSS.COUNTRY colBsE by Nlck cost6s, Troy staie univ.,Als. Al;L you Deed 1s a bik6. Place a Pioce of !aD6 on the v8l!€ of your front tlre, so vou cai eee iU plalnly, b€causo Lhat is {haL you 11111 coun! as you 1'011 your btke a}or€ the
But first. rol-1 tho btke along a stralght 1lD€ of UO yards, such as the sLad.lun lrack. lsualfj, if fh€ btke ls a standard sak6. L9 levo]-lltloE of tho flont r'rb6e1' plus a fraclrion of a. yard or so equa18 llqy. _56cond1y, bavo sol€body go wlth you to nark doHn on ir pad the comt at IO !6vs oach ti,ne, unttf you 8et Lo 4c; then aod tlrc frsction. RoD€at the proc6ss. hil@.6uor is to be avolded, ot course. I a thous8J1d o! have found tb6t, afb6r councing ooubler"ti, r eet 6onfBod. vour dldetFe ". 6r carefullv r€cordins Lbocu'1u14 .tr""t i.t " lDrds' +.;d-;;u.frL: &'at oacb l1ov h6 totars
rii crsJlcee are Lhat vou utl't cor6 to Lb€ Ihrrh line oither slDrc or lon8 of l_]O yards' Uso Laoe n€asure to ascortain the illft€renco' *ri-detos s. atout 20 nlnut6s to nsasure a mLl€' compr.o.ce tbe ri vo" oo -i.;""rnust ""tll:-":E":-li.?l: r6vs.a'rrd fractl iocnectr vou-r entlre Proc€ss chrou€h-rhe"i,t":"e' ly uaEu"i aolna stralA along th6 stra-tght "i rhe r. hoy llqt r^rllne iho b:ko rof,ltng of, ^. ir'"-iri"t. renperaturs or "rong a soft tlro nake a "i dlfforsnce in irho rnoasure.
course [ loopB, lt]t a long uPhl11 each looD. V€!r hot. 21 srartors, 1? tlnishers. Nev-cous6 record: J7:!6. old 16'ord bJ }{Lck cost6s. 3B:05. Blancet!, ulo attends M:ssisslopl Coll-eee,has ra 5lr:16.o il10, 9:21.0 t;;-nrle, aro 1t:J5 tnreo -116,
i;ii"3"9:::I trH #r"" iB.iH*."ilijyi3} r;11 accepted tn rhl.s sralL Lo n' uhlcb soes ix-"'ii"i;i"i:;'nai'g.ltl]'"3::;:r'*'::::] : iiirfl 'k"it:ii:;i:e: #H*l*r,:Fg ;5#a
3. Jln Daleyr J!, M4c,e,r. Jerry orRlordan, 4. ace,32:10.
E. 6-aLE IBAoK ciiAl'IPIoIsrI!, !'!ali!tn€han, Uass. (ve"y, v€ry rindy--probably cost the nllJrcrs l0 secs. ) 17 sLart-rs. 1. Ci6ors; Cor6cr€y. BrocLcon Ac, 30:25 B;sLon ,u.. }a, 2- {on K6n l4ue11el', ilueuer. Boston 3Ot)+2 3otl^? 2. ]I.
12.42 32.42 Provtdence col1egs
ilich-an H.S. t!rck, Colurbla, Ir'o.' "unp tSih ftr6 ra.6 t,as sponsoreo br .ho Parks & Roc' D€ot. of Colurnbla. r/l- co-operlcion of ihe l4i;soL!: VslL€v nIC. Dave Callson selvAd as tusi::*:i{ltqi:;'iiiil'::;:":s' E;:ili;. n€et director. Ca!1 Otczarzak, a school i'roctritte, Alnond F1re 114!"I:, :' teacbor at Rosedale Es, Kansas Citv, Ke.nsas, 53;ii', oovered 10 nrles, 171&y, breaklr€ tho neet & *?t'lihi:'*'. H:H:'-:!:]a:',3:if;'9a. scL!1€lder track rocord set tn 1961+ by !d (10 nlIes, 12?lyr, fo'rer ir. (' llo. slaLo 3co. 'i. nensa: :c, 10n, 1718 6"-;;;;"i, \'rest u;l;*,"wtil"a,:a'ruili"g:fr BliHi;-^ 2. C;i cornhuslo' Rncr lon,U9! riaize!, K€T€th Tf:. i. ni.k e."!"r. s: Iio.Tc, 1G,1.. 1005j Thornas Snyd;r, cor'! usl€r nRcr fo;nl.., L. u:;"'.i: {::"i;;11i3:li,"l;}''"' i t":ry rdas Prtndi. s-ir"ri'--i", s; tlo.1c, I9!-.+. '4?'. aZi'l to:t1;le. ;i;#i.ii;;k; "*'R";h.ic, 6- Cene somer. cornFuske! cRC' 1Oi-n1.,?61r ul;"Hi+;:"?gu;;':,:"33illiHl ?, -Arne R'.luros, lffTc, 1Ol- i.'37i ::n; "i:;?:1, 8. John Rose, i',1grc, loi-ml. c. Joru Drsh;n, SE Mo. st5te TC,-.1Om1i,o.r 10. Ste!en ChLicr, :Jarror sburg, Mo.'q:-n1. }?iirilfr l:i:i' m';lli!:i: i,l: 207,. 11. DFnlrJs i'artilr3on, Colsbta' IIo., 11ll+'! 1'. R:chard Rose' -lav11ud,Ks t:-ni.. ' :" qT llo., nr-l nbi: U. Joe Dunca.n, cofEbl6' IIo., 9jn1.. J87'! l-'r. Bob vhirnrn, h.c.,col,Lrbta, 8 r/lr-n1-. 101': 15. caon Mcclure, Karsas, Jf ti.i,'i"ipi;o 3.5. r'reath€r^vEs s't':nv & dlld' I ini-r.l. i 16. ?au1 rde, L,crosse, 17. Rooe!t 141tch€11' colur€l-;iles, t+l'; :il;"H:F::iH;"]];fl : ii,fr bl.a. B+ mlfes. 1116r ri6i,EN: 'r.-4".;'4. I"rht Lnaa, ?l i"., 1227t 3'l Tesm: 1. Cornhusker FAA' 12; 2, U€st Kersas .lli!31 "?:.!i5H,'Tillh, Tc, 161 3. south East Mlssouri Tc' 17. ^"*" iH:si:; Cobbs creek lcrkwaJ, lhtla ' la' i. )-iiilc i""'";t- 1. carol Haddralr' rc, 5:05 RFYL. Fanel}i' )l"iiliii.'r"-ir";;;ev; crarenie^No'Yorldq iuiv 4, rs68 ni-fffin--l-ETo8; !!!5-lg-^1. J. -rori Fedea"h2', S,tb; -.oir. -John Iltke i?:;'1' d:27: 5' 41 Avsnt,sr., lr. ii":;ilia, in""o";'"f\l:a.., O:ogr Lr* stu': vi.-ei'i., 6!fd,.'r"me" s irtare"--1. 'r"hn 6,29i "l:{'::'iil:q?!;i i-'iq"ii'i'*- Lelrei 1c' 6:l+3; l.' 8' iit"i.-rL'ie"' -9. 'iusb'lt€rlsnne I ;l:: ill"iii"i,'t;r,L*' ffii, c-hdl;suorth, ?:59. (16 flnishers )
ii;l,ri,:i+:;":t.i:*il-:Hlii: E:lilb. I'.
ffi5*h!Fiffi;'tilx*i";"i$"'li ff ;::i iH":.li:";:ti:""*#"lr;;"i"iit ffffi l*t"*
ii"ru*; liiiii"i:'?isl"* 'lt##i g;*m; -*;;""1t*n
i]iu$: 6r.fiiir.
"1;ll: RIIN
i: ili}"3i"k?hlll"aliilas;, iiailll'
i: ufr ;ilfi f *:iiF,lrtiltiti,q"lif,t'"
lli:*'hi$;4lii*ffi Bi
loronlo, onb1rlo cinada
:iii;"ilx 3iui3?%?-i;'i'.ff,:li";,!;'l'"-
i:sil:iirBfri::tui#i':i#"i'" ", k.ll:."3iffi1"i#:ffi$;
i"i'.' o,.l-"ir". ^**",'!:;t1""rtl"il. $:f; : il-ii"rn s'rt'u", NYrc, 39:oo 73too 2t)L'3o c,3 ]: !4 50'to 2:u:30 ^"^."""",cr "?'flk13;'u""u, ,r,"., 36:00 ?o:oo 2:22:oo ,?'3];* cac, 3.ouzzi 5. David Robu?'S8;Ztu"ru"', *3,i""i, 5. nay
?:l:P$:#.:"ftili: liiirgHIS:',u; ""..""li;f ?',1';"?tii"llfil{'5i:.Ts"'}.i'i,iruo'.'**:+fiFf
gif;n,;;';;r;;;t164 ;lil#q j"liltri:**;li i*ff +iu'' :
nEtlty, Rtlr pe!k. ChlcaAo, nlrnotr, Jury tl+, 1968 10 A,!t. Eirdtd. hot & sunry. (Eacb he rrn four. nl1o! x-o) L, J. colls! (D6Peu1 unlv.) r9:II. Tl[ Cronlot sAc, 19:16, I.arb clartoE, DPO. 60:J3.9 2. Tll.lnl rc (Ldalaun, 19rl+9, Eo!,i;;-10-:08, SHAlnOfl( AC 3-XA]{ 12-}ELE
3. P. _votdTEz. i:35, R. Bred&, l+3:08, R.Grar, bt t51 KlEs6!, \l+:I2, LaBedi6. 6hrto 4. snttb, 22t8, 2r:1e, B. 10''16" 4B:58, zucr;E: 5. .?.?J'l:ir o.'iiiaii,- i:. 9t+, D€np!€r, t+t+:15, plan€. 6? 12 :
7. M.W1Eo, 2J:09, M. Johann, [5:28, ?brd trFG: _c1ni!1, !Zi5q (sh,ruock Ac) d. B. gcrrun, ?2:fO, R. Stator, L,6t22, A. Eckhardt. 59116 {12th st.Tc) 9. r. con;;t-24:5B, E. conEar, 5o:o9, s6ader. l4-i!Z (}?th St.Tc) 11 t6!.r,,! startod, t'o dif {ote: Actual dlstance ot the r.ac. xar lL.? rl.. A plck up toau of Jobb Conot & lrroth claltoD (D6Pau] U.) & TIn Cronlsy, shs.hlook AC ;on L'lth a tlne of 60:13.9. Co11ot ba. the. of L3155 e 30.15 to hl'r clodlt. !e op.$d r.ltb tbe fastest 16g of the rac€ (19:!4). CroB].6y, e r€c€nt blAh :chool erad, !6e1odl off tbo nort fasteEt 1oA glvlng Cl.fton a 1€ad wbtch tb6 Iuinl tedn could not nrke up. TWO l.lIIE CRoSS COVIITRY- 1. Bu!k6, Ena., 10:43i 2. MortorrnE, una., ltrol; 3. olu6!p1€, 11:L5; 4. A1 Brodzlk, utra., 11:16; 5. tr. Sha11!hrn, shMrock AC, r1:2\. (17 .tarter!, 16 --ceo:rg€ cabau€!--
x-couxmy (4. B ;iil, B, fi.) cobb. cr€ek ?arkHsy, Ph11a., Pa. W6d,, JuLy d+, !968 ? !.1,t. Eaoiltcrp nu]l E.f. trcp. Act.t. nobgrt lob16, P!c, 35t2t Stoo 30.25 Ja!9 Shests, u.rtst,, 36:19 2:0O 3lr:19 3. Jln Shortz, unat., 39:oo 8:o0 31:oo L. Bob Chalbor!, PoD.E AC, 39tU+ 9tl+5 4.t9 l{ors! Mayfleld, PPC, 25t32 25t32,* 39 t52 \t2o \t2o A1]6n Glbar, uart., l+LtO? zl tn 13r2o Zl 41to? L3120 lrrD.Dr,E arLANrrrc RBc
l+1:L9 llj.tl+g 13t20 l]Jtt+g 13 tn 2&b 13:20 z,z) 7. Ft'ank t'Ilck, SJTC, Wayno B€the1, unat., lrlr:lr9 5:oo 5:oo 39:l+9 \4:l+9 Bob cllchrl't, D6]a.T&1, lr5:39 +5t39 co L5.39
AI,'--COMffiS T6d }IEEI #7, DEPTFORD TVp. E.S.,N,J. lilod., July J1, 196U Suffry & hot, g@- 1, JlE Allshand, ?Pc, t:58.5; 2. Tob nld8u8y, PPc, l:59.4, 3. Larrl sr@ons, PPCr 2:01.3 l+. Russ Jeckson, SIITC, 2:02.6..3-ItrIjE- 1. Uoles ayf 1o1at, PPc, u+ :l+-3, 6 ( 9 | 51 ) ; Z.--?rs-srerana Johmotr, SM, 15,?2t 3. Br|dc6 Eaf€n€1rt6r, sJ'Ic, t5r26i l+. Eair os€ns, sflc, r5:J0; 5. Dar6 R6p6nrtr€, S,IIC, 16!03; 6. ron KllDg, S.ftC 16:25; 7. Buss Jackson, sJTc, 16:3?; 8. Byron -SJIC, 'U:l-2 uundy; uDa., 16:51+; 9. Dave Ealrlr, 10. Ealry Dorolf, sJTc, I7:25..6-}{rrE- 1. Brom tna RosB; sJTc, )4tl+2.8i 2. raufTii-ucua}l, Penn Aci 3. PruI Kodrasov, Snc; 4. cools€ Leyreace, una..I"!-MILE nELAr- 1, ?hlla. Ploheor Club (Jtr A11ah6{-[-i[d'Juss6u Floyd, I+:l+9. ?, Morer Maxflol-d l+:16, Larrt slrmon! t+tl+?.5) L8t53.2i 2, !hlh. AC (Krl6A€!, Lov€tt, Vl'ls!, Msko) 20:13; 3. south Jorsey Tc, 20:16i lr. Plon. B. IqINE_ AAlt_ TrcF C telUoNsEIPs, Juns-l5, 1968 oUO- 1. Eulot. Vator.llU€ AC. I:58.0..Mrle- 1. ETtr16 Lalrlvoo; rnAc. l+: 27. 2. :l-u11e- I:-:Gn Flandor'. GrAc, It:19. ?..6-1,n1;l-T; MIks KtRba.ll, santa Barbara Ac, 2f3!;E-(cu€st): 2.Bob El]lRrole, $AC, fo:[0.4; ]. Rallh Grant, UAc, J3:19. Terin: 1. Uatervlllo Ac 53; 2. crost.r ?ortland AC, it5; 3. IAAC, lr\; l+. Blun.'dck nec. _
JB. 15-KtLo .**ro*"r, ,r.r-*?) 1968 v6ath6!: clou_ Easy coulso, fol, htUr. Ih!€o
{tn!Iou, MalEo, Ju:o A, dy & l.ar'in.
l,,Bob.Ettk)love, l,rAC, 50:08 (r? tll+, rSg?, 16,27)t 1. Ksn F1an.t6r!, Epllc, S23o iL9r22 ]'6r43,. f6:25); 3. A1_licca!!, c"Ac, 53io?; , 4. flarpE qlrnr, v^c, 54t53t 5. wlnsroa ThoI!_ a!,.,r., uac, 55:f5; 5. Floyd ullson. UAC-' Bondoson, uri., 5? t]ri 8. !6j05; 7. oaar{^c, 58t3zt 9. Don Banion, HAc, B:l:*d P^yeo! 5_9ijd; lo. nondd Dyer, UAc, 60:19! 11. Tln raltoh,_unr., 61:04; 12. Joo Uutuns, une.., 6f:26; 13. Roy Bouchar.d, vrLa., 65t55i !4. ' re!-L londoron, una., 75:30. DNF- Joe paul.tn (1.t.Ilp ve! 6/10 dLe lonaor tban otbars.) troter, . . ElUgrov€ took En earlr and dldD't r61a-x unt1l be bad tho r;c6Lead won. Ht! tlh€ of 50:06 srtabushes a rccord foF tb6 cou!'s€. Ken FLand€rs ro! the State S. 2nlle cbal[plonshlp as a sophonor€ & Eshoulat llac€ a g}6at tlrtue. Joo Mulllns 18 back lE actl.o)r afte! alnost 6 y6ars of inacttvtty.
--Rotand J. Dyer__ DEIIEtr OPMEm Tld I|EET, LsNlston, t4alne, 6/27 l. Al l,{ccam, cpAc,9.\7.8i z. x..\' aMgFl.ar&rt, 9:L8; 3. Jobn Duncan, Fal,TC,ro:r3.
9-I{ILE RoAD RACE, Cap€ Euzaboth, tta!rLe,6/3o fla Dal6y of th6 North Medford Club u'on th6 1.t_allnuar 9-611€ load race horo tn htgh hmldlty & 65" tsnp. (afra! sooe 21 s!!;i8ht days of !eh). Da16y clook6d 48:5S.r to flniEh 2?,9s rh€ad of Pets! Stlp6 of ths BAA. Bob EI11a!ov6, ltatns i. top ?urur6r, wa6 lblrd. Ths Fac€ lras decld€d 1n tho last 1+ n'1I6! ar Da1€y & Stlpe borh ourspllnted EillErovo on ltr€ lart dohhi]l irrotch. Wtrh tl}ot to go Del6y tor.s up d uphlu srr€tch t; ;eal th€ vlctorT. 55 rtart€rs, l+9 flnilhorr.
Setx: 1. N].ic 35, 2, cpAc l+it 3. wAc lr8. Jan€! Dr16t, Jr,, NMc, trB:59! 2. p€rer stlpo, B,qA, L9:2?; 3. Bob Etllalovs. wAc. 5O:4+; I+. RIck RoHl€y, Mtllrosd M, 5t1.]-2l 5. Lalrr o]!oD, N c, 5l:57! 6. Ken Ftardolr. qPAC' 52to5i ?. P€to Davls, spa]"'an ac,5522 o. nAlph oraht, vac, 55t33t 9, wrBton Thorar,.Jr., I'IAC, 56:06! 10. TonT saDlenza- ElA. 56tt5t LI. vln F.nd€ttl, r'Ma, 5-5:28; i2. Pete D{D!!, aPAc, 51tt?i 13. Bob Bsrs€y.NMC. 57tJ5t 44. MIk6 L.noch6, cpAc, 57t5ot i9. Lloyd sLocui!, cPAc, 58:Lo! 16. Brlan crr16sp+er_c?Aq, 62tl4i 77. laul JackEon, unat., 62t5.? t LA. Ronard Drer, wAc, 64:l+8; 19. vic Caudroau, LR.AC, 65t31+i 20, Af ttccD_im. c!AC. 65 t5L| 2L. Rlck Jantrowsklr ur,a., 66ti? t zZl clarJ Oz1as, NMC, 67:OL; 21. J6ff McDouEAtl. 8,., 67:119! 2lr. coorce Latls-rulo. NMc: 69': OOt 25. Itn Rundln, cFac, 69t2or 26. Bitrt Etb!1dA€, ulra._, 7!t2oi 27. SlAlluhd ?ool.ozny, Nuc, ?l-:21; 28. Jalnos Da16y,S;., NxC, ?2:07; 29. ThoEar conroy, CPAC, ?2t2ot'3o. bdIEr " 14e11€n, nna., ?3tO7t 3t. cbarl6s Scort, Nt{C, 73'53t 2?. Don Banton, wAc, 7l+:16; f3. Roy sbovenoll, w ,, 7lJr59t 3l+. John Moodr. NMc. ?1to?t 35. D€nnts snltbr D!a., 7?t3ot 36. chdlgs cagnon, urrr., 7U4t 37. Rlck Bux!9', *., ?9t0a' 38. stev6 Fox, wa., 81:06 39. Fred M6rr111, una., B?:01; I+0, Joijr co!don, una., 63t21t \4. Vllltan Lasusa. ua.. 83t23t l+2. B11Merc6, ms.., 83:29; l+3, Charl€s S€anan, una., 8l+:06! ltl+, Dr. Thona! MltI€!, una., &+:l+B; l+5. RaJ Hoffleflne€r, una., 66:21. --Rolsnd Dyer--
5.9-l0r,E RrD@ Err'!{ SDonsor: Novato J!, cba,Ibgr of cond€tcc ,rmo 15, 1968 L. Darlyl Boaldla1L, uarl.n AC' 38:36.6 2. Jtn suluvan, umc' 39!10 }{oVATo l^EsTmN DAI.S
unat., Butt, alin AC, H€lb PoLLe!, SFOC, 6. John Stlvar sfc' l+0:l+0; 7.
3. a. q.
shl1 Darnal-l,
l+o: ol+
l+0:20 Mark TollLlasoD' PFrc, l+0:l+8; 8. Jolur oonan, }lAc, 40r50; 9. Joe Pelton, Rcs, l+1:o5i 10. Ra].$, U€ld.uor" ura. l.1roSr 11. BtU Rlc€, wla., !f,:10; 12. Bob Da!una. sFoc. Ll:lLr 1.1. K€ith Kruse, Wxc, l+1:29 1)1,-;owsro Labr16, Piflc, !l:10; 15. way!6 Ea!'uctil, m., htr:J3; 16. EelDla flartvlg' 4TC, !a: 53; 17. Vr11l€.!1 Mackey, 1.^rTC, 42:03; ].d. Dor Makela. lr'tAc. l+2:oBi 19. chuck $loBolon€, u.!at. ' \2161 20. i/6yre Doud' sTC, 42:19; 21, Vlncant SDanElor. s'Ac. \2t2o, 22. John Kondall, uba., L2t2& "). chuck larrleu, \'r'a., !rt29t Zt- Paro
tianson. rna.. L2.)?i ?5. crats clEpnan, STC' t!2,)5,'26, s;an orRlorctan, scvw, l+2?V i 27. MAc' 43: lirt Tina, RcS, l+3:09; 28. Ron EftJslx, Uf 29. ron Bales, Rcs, l+3.3ot 30. $611 KruEe' r4iIc, 43:33; 11. rln raylor, u{'4., 43-'j42; 32. Dsn Anoerson, vrc, l+J: lr5; 33. Lodry slaslrs, }lartn AC, 43:53; Jl+. 141ke. Pa19mlu9, una., -!J: croeL dronson, sFoc, 44:oB; 36. Joso corto! :5. It4:20; 38. fi6i. tt.'iio: -17. c6mer itoit, .,r'a', Dav; Iiills. vlc. lrl+:23; 39. Jav N€*rans, uie., lrl,r33: lro, chris G'6y, vTc, 44:3?; H'. Rrch Boi;- RcS. LLrhS: )+2. roto Loaaue' Mlrltr Ac' ll4: szi L3.'ldio r\of,leT, !t!s., 45:06; !4' 8111 Rffs61L, una., tl5:Loi 45. chuck-Ferguson' -una. '- ^ tl;"i'i";i:'f5:i;f"i;:' :' Ir9: au LB, Davo se.ntos' PErc, l+5:24 ffii".'pirc. "1?' Ls. ior scireirlor, Arc, 45:31; 50. Rlch!:rd soot' iti--li'Lri 5i. Di,n P16kdtt, SFoc, !5:!4; 52. oc' 53. o€ore€ Eaza' r"r,.'riiat.is, sTc, I+5?l+5;wrc' 45:5e; 55. Erlllo 45i45; 54. i;!Ir Y4.1!9, ul9.' i-rovr6. ncs, l+6to7; 56. Johrnv,And6!3on' Bob B!a$sr;s, xcs, 58. i.ri. t,Ziiii'sz. 46:1?; 4bl ;alana. },IAc. l+6tr5t 59' Jo61 Dublak, ura.'Hero 22r @'. Bob l/ccartv, ujla', 46:12. tTttsro finlsh€rg. ) irl ;;;.t"r". tut 6irrv rqb -i!"ii-i.'it"nr" rc, 8f; rc. IrL; j, wost vafl-€vFrenclsco I+. san Slrlders' ctlt 95i rneauood -oimplc cLut. 1o!! 5. Plaasant 8111 T&F club' i!o; z. .u',*a" rc, 198i B' iiil''a: Vaii€y Track c1ub, 153 ' Note;...Thls corso fools th€ run'r€r sbo bas tdd..i at 1oa"t watk64 ov€r ttre cou!6€. About rray inrousrl ll1€re ls a 1,200 ft. rls6. That co"uol"oO ,r'tl th€ hoat nalc€s th€ laco a t'oaI uesi. one rurmor suff6leal h€at Prostretlon &fo!irutt"o aL th6 hosplta]'. carl Jotrson, """ !eciflc Assn. aco rl)trer' nou recuPsratu€ ne! tlE no€t-dl.r€cto'' iron So. vretnar lrouDds,; was dce wla a.satD' brt iiii i-i."'a"n scoled lo".t bis tlno becaus€ of nelv€ tro """ritl't --Bob DeCe11€-_ 1n hls foot. lsT A $,'UAL McclJRE RID@ RUN, Polnt-F6l€s'Caflf ADoloxlnat6lv 8-1411€s, June 23' 19bb sionsorea ty: R€dwood Roqd.Rurn€rs P9!i"Itgl. AAc, 4!:08.6;-?. il-n"i uutti,", lt:, e.o'c'"*' srcr 42:oo: I'".b. -ir""i; {::':* I c,.rz' ffi61' &'. il'" si' iii"i'i-oii', 81 Jorrn sl]v-a' uz: ma-. !,J: I;r'oe; 6i, 83, zi; 19. -I"'. I'r.^r y1,- -!l:r1:.:1' il2ii il;-6";ii'G;'oc; I$:3e; 12. cr.F, q:Pn+11, :1q'
iiiii, ff
ii,iii i.
r,!:r+61 1t. s!9;9^ea1'3or,_119' li3, ;*";tt,';i",r.g''31;-3*; un;. tll"!lJ'; ili-iiriii fr; -i?l-i";"i i'ff;l;';;:."Elioi ,ii"sii'i;:
iflgalas, l.lAC, !5:19; 18. Jlrtl Tracy, oc,l+5r18 19. Daln,Anderson, vTc, l+5tz?i 20. Devo TayloF, VTo, l+5:32; 27. B6rt qutnn, LEC, I+5 t35t 22. caoraa Blanchard, STc, 45:39! 23. see! oiRlordrn, scuyv, l+5:59; 2r. ur.k6 Blatroalr'na l{4C, I+6:16; 25. flelrrl' Eartl{l8, ATc, I+6:22; 26. Mtk€ Palardnosr ATc, 27. Do Ptcl..ett, OC, l+6t"3t 2U. Jax\6t22i €nhau8, u!e., l+6: zlrt 8. D!.aa }t111s, VTc, lr5:33; 30. Rtch scott, ATc, I+6139; 31. Jobn uuuts, VTo, l+6:51+; 32. R. K€oz1'6f1, slc' I+7:151 33.tua 9en9r sf4c, tn:22j 3+, craLe Bovon, wlAt.' E7:39i 35. c. Rlch4q!, una., 46:02: 36, Ma!vln Ffazlor, ATC, 4b:06; 37. w. cQuoon, sTc LE:06;38. Bruc€ snafi, uia., l+E:19j.19. Dave Pascoe, ATc, l+8:2\; Ilo, chrls PlMb, u.na, 48:3oi qr. chrtq cray, vTc,48:J1; l+2. cbas. Blanton, VTc, I+d:31+; lrj. T. Baccsll.I, SFoc' 4B:l5r l +. E.R. slas, NcsTc, l+B:lB; I+5. Ph1l Russel], uDa.,49:09;46. J. I'lclt€nnar ufrqt. L-9:10! Ir7. Bob Blal1csl.s,lla, !lAC, l+9:2or 4u. ' R. 1trasisn, xvTC, I+9:24; 1.r9, Dlck Stultzo, u!a.' 49:29;50. r. ?intane' wla.' 49:40. (100 flnlshors llstoat) f€aln: 1. San I'ranolsco 0C; 37; 2. solano Tc, lr9; l. Alanleda Tc, 7l+; l+. W.vauoy Tc, 95, Tbis tr6r,t courEo ls a hl.f,ly, dlrt road on a prtvat6 ranch. rh6 course ts about 8 nl.].os lonA & tho !urmB!'s havs no {orr'16s about tbs usual autoliob1l€ nenacB. lanryl Boardall a:rrlv€il lato aft€r l',orldnA all idght & took off a foti ntnutgs aft6r th€ raoo startod. E6 noFkod b1s I,lay up to ftfth! 2-l{ILEs (APmox. )- 1. Davld )islson, utrs.
rZi66E MeFEha].l rrazlsr' wE,' 12:50;' 13:1?; 4. Mark Roblnson' ". J, Jack NEurlaus, I+:30; 5. Ton 11ck6tt, 14:Jo; 6. wllltan itoli1l,Jr., 15:11+. (r5 11stod 'lnl5h€ls) ----------------::P9!-9999119::------------bY ttlE ITE
Jr. chsrdber of connelc€ & th€ PA .!Ao LDR CoEnlttss..Juay 13, 1958 vnd6r th€ crysisl- slsa! sld.ss of CaLlf,orn1a sit Nevada. Att. 6,000 ft..Tbls Face starteo fou!' x6ars ago io erpose dl.starc6 rl'mel.s to ths rlgors of hlalr altltud€ r'u!drg. Th.1s yearrs racs ettraoir€d ten t€alls, on€ of thich was conpossd of aD lrrrltsilor aroup of rururors traln.lnA at South Lake Taho€. ThouAh Lh€y oould not qua].lfy fo} any awards, slaca thls Iac6 Is held only f,o!,4.!U loglstorod t6ans, th€T estabLlsb€d an al] tlbo hlsh for futur€ t€ai1s to sfoot at--a fantaettc 6 h!s. 55. ol-. B. I! the 6arly staA6e of the €vont, a.nong tb6 oounttng t€arF, Alsr€da t0 lrsld a Aood lsad, but Aladuelly fadoal under tb6 pac6, wltb tho lead€rshtp passlng fron t6alo to t€en EtlI the Elsb Sterra Tc ron tho 6v€nt in ?:18:19 & rogalD€al lts crowa. Tloplllos u6nt to the lst thr6€ te8rN & nedal-s to al1 rnenbers of the t€s]n llas al1st fou! tsans. Th€ llvitatlocl von PA ,A,l'U celtlflcet6s for tb€l! aceodp1lsbTbe Lak€ 1s ?o nd1€s around! 'l6!t. 1. In'. T6an. 6:55.01.8 (van lelson' 1!oi+:22fI.6-nt.; c€ne conro6, 2:02:L1-9.5-n1,; 91ocun, 3 :05:02-10. r-!d. ; R€oneborg' l+:06 :1.9-Iont,; o'R61lly, l+:59:lr9-9,j+-nr.; cord8, 6:00: 25-9.8-aI. t Dl!{es, 6:55,1. t1.9.6-n1, ) 2. ilsTc, ?:18:19 (LsrpLoB,l:18:l+J, ve D€1bn, 2:r4:4J, costa, 3:18:41, sanchoz [:23:09 Harrts,5:22:01, ral o{ara, 7 : I U: 19 ) 3. west va1t6r 'tc, 7.29t1+5t lt. }larrll Ac "Ar', ?t25t59t t. Alanoda Ic, 7:30:30; 5, Red'ood I'Btr, clty strtlors "e,".i'Bi, ? z9lt:9\: ?. i{arln Ac 8:06:35; B. uvTc 8:08;4ti 9. sTc, 8:10.?. R6no
l.l+. Ed Dla.z, IJos Ars,,
?t 9lto7 6 ?ttj7 5. ca.ry But16!, L,A., una., 91:f,0 ZL:Lo 10 9Lr11 9d:i1 !6 16. Es.rr€ WllllAlls, sr.Tc, Saturday, May 4th, L968 at 9:OO A. . r,ra.ru. d!,y. 17. D€an, BBrc, 9r,36 Bo|J6 )7 1, Alan BufflEaton, BBTC, 7?:!4.3 65tU+.3' zO ld. Ralprr ToF1 Hohoyd, LA!D, 92:0L L< B€11, Ed Back Bay 2. Tc, ?9t37 66.07 Z, 19. Ben GouJ.den, Pasadena AA, 92:06 9O:bL ji Bz:06 80:01 60:31 9 lIO. Eotrerd coftouy, Fontana,gz:o? 7,613? i5 3. utk6 Marsnan, clc, I+. Jack Plpldr, PA,{, Bo:0? t? J7 L Paul Flshor, sr.Tc, 9zto7 8r:3? Jb 80:13 60:13 i lI-. 5. JlD ucGrlrs, PAA, Pat LosaE, Pasad€na AA, 9z:ti 79:1i 2t 6. cbuck Allol1, BBTC, 8r:L? 6LttL? 16 112. Lf. sal c6r'oh:lor una., L.A., 93:08 26:38 16 ?, Ton Nadsady, Barstow, 82:08 68i38 n u. J6ff slnl, PAA, 9zr9 66t49 25 iH iist ilEill"i.fif;' Ait: 33;E3 i\ifr iiii. uii-ri,'iili., p.R.. Ei;ii iiL0. lb.{Doug Sa1lor'6,u.rla.,chlno, 66tO? i Bob Robborson, sTc, 82196 66t26 22 17. Rtchard Prlost, BBTC, 9L:02 9Lt1.t ?9t7 LL IL, Ilonty uontaonery,5l, ua, q3:08 66:38 23 ld. Bob Robborson, s!.Tc, 9Lt?O 8o:Jo 23 12. Ci€ors€ },!esnLck,!-1,STc, 83:19 73tI!9 3t 19, Ray-l,lendoza, una., L.A., 99:05 7St1S Lz lJ. A1b6rt coop€r,l+9,sTc, 83:116 75t16 39 ztr. Paul D6La.Roda, Norwal-k, c5:22 7915? 2? 14. Mark tua&.rok! on, u.ba. , fu:00 58:t0 5 2-t. Crt z Lopez, B611f1ove!, 95:213 ?7 tB r? 15. warae Vair D€usn,ESTC, I. 22. JaA'tr una.,I.A., 95:2L 7Bt5i zd g+:30 5lr:0j,? 16. erk ],ovry, LancaBt€r, fu:03.? 63t3O 13 23. cl-ydscbaaaz, Arrhs,'l, sr.rc, 9S't3 %,U:.iS 17. Jobn Paguan6, sTc, fl+:38 59ro8 6 24. JorrT snartt, Laelnxa Bch,95:lr_7 67 t"7 z IU. Joso-.BaFela, IB. Joso BaFela, Bars6$, Barsto$, 8li:l+6 pae;d6na &+:46 -59:l+6 2 25. Jack ?rptdn, i5:L6 ,A4:9-6:d2 ?rtoz j 19. Ton Koy.sr, Pasadena4A, 85:02 63:03 1,2 26. Jesus Penllfa, Norual-k, 8o:ll z-6 rDoD.iro11, 20. wB. o sTC, 85! 0l+ 7i+:0lr 36 2?. wa1t Fredo!1ck,60, sTc, 95:ol 95:05 96:05 i? 21. Johr llontoye,56, STc, 85!U 67 t!3 26 2u. Don SaFyer, Santa Bs-!b.. 96:10 7lltl) 7 ?2. De orapnan, olc, 85t26 6L.56 It 29. Rlck sr.Tc, 96:16 ?ta:16 I 2J. c"uu Lopoz, una., A5!A (/.t?29 tt fo. I,€wlsVasqu€z, Roberts, sr,Tc, 96:18 81:18 29 2+. Bruc6 Ttrt6l., sBAc, 85t5? 68t97 18 3L. Bob Ja.rvls, LAm, 96tzj fu:2o 3L 25. Blu crun, STC, 86:31 A+:01 llr f2. Davtd Eueb€s, Lobs Beach,96:21 9 zr 6i 26. B6n ciould€n, lAA, B? tO7 'llr37 32 3f. Toby uedl.na, LAPD, 8?:2! Lo 27. l|lke rlsh, 6?, Sr,Tc, 8?:L0 83:10 h8 34. scott clsypoole, Tusttn, 96td" jl 96:fB Z5:08 28. A1 R€€s, sr.Tc, 47t26 ?\;57 38 35. A1 Ro6s, s6niors TC, 97:oz BB:02 U. 29. orv1II€ AtU.r16. STc. 87t?l 6It27 10 36. Ea1 l,{aL1aca, s€ntors Tc. 9?:tL B8:1rl Ii3 30, Doualas salloFi,cbino, 97:28 57 28 John Montoya, s!.'tc (56't,9?t2i Au:zi lj 87.37 ?2ro1 323 3?. 31. 0!6s PFan6, slc, Jd. 12. Burton Rat, BBTC, 88:Llr ?3:!l+ 33 39. Fred Grao€, sr.,rc (70), 97:59 97t59 53 3J. Eosa-rd Barnss, l+3,STc. 88:17 8L:I7 L9 40. Rlck Lasky, san B€maidrno,98:oJ 85:03 16 3l+, colby rbobpsoD,l+5; slc, B8:31+ 7it3L liz charl.l6 sholt, sr.Tc, 98:21 83t2I )2 89:04 79t3E 4l+ 41. J5.. rob Holroyd, LAm, Ray Huglr€s, sc stlrd€rs, 99:h ZI:t| L 42. (52 flnishers) Eat'ry }lann, una.,Tustln, 99:20 Z8:50 19 43, !'or tbo socond rtral.Aht v€eA tba oorpetr.tlor ltl+, Brlai! SplrtiA€r, Sr.TC, 99:l+0 8B:10 12 fiaB b€tw€€n s.yd6 Ven De1l€'1 & Jos€ Bar.61a. ulka Ktsh, serdors Tc. loo:02 1oo'n2 ii 45. Eaob tlno Jos€ ohassd Wayn6 to a. rorr cour'6o (5? rlnrsb€ls1 uuiiirrrc Di,up a;ii;""-;;;ii'" r.€oo!a. Yan D€lLon eupp€d Just 2.3s off hts look.d lrkE li uacl i;;"p i;;1;;;;." ooutso rocord s€t las! y6a!. Doug Sallors l)ut Aft6! a 36r1€s 'as of Injurlos, D;us has beoi up a stlff battl€ tn tb€ tb€ 6a!1t ste€6s,.but fs.a. 3t6ad1Ly roF!1rE hls erat back tnto shape. He od und6! tho bot d]'y hoat of thts dl6sert cour,Eo stratt6r6d }rls record 6?:13 f$o youaaste:'s fron Costa. Uosa, roprossfttrrA tlro ysarts ego. Els avorags todayofwas undons€t tho Back Bay Tlack C1ub. Eade tholr ftr3t out- 5 nlrwes pe! nlle on thls a1] do$nhllt 3RD ANNSAT PA],}!DAIE 1O.I.lI'E IIANDICAP & 3-I.II[E mGE SCEOOL RUNS SponEored by: Pa]'ncta].€ Chanbor of comcrc€, i{of|D Llnr), us.tlasor (SpA,l.Au)
#;U i
1ng of th61r allsteace rrumlng ssason af,tsir fl tsblrg a succossful hlgh scbool tlaak soason. ALan Buffll8toa 1.6d el1 th6 nay to rtn tbe hE 41cap rac6. I{lgb School6! tack Plpkln tulnod {n ths fourth fagto8t tl.n€. rr'os]-y anazing uo ty Iortgon€ry, a nero 6l y€alE of 6€€, placod 23rd fastsrt out of a ftold of 55 etalt€rs. Rgcently [onty post€d a 5:1? !.11o.!,
cour.s6. Ono of th6 forner dlstance siar,s of a f€r yoars back, Jerry Snaftt, nou f6, held o! to Sallors fo! a long E1n6, but could Dot &€6p pace tn th€ latter staAes, howev€! be recoralod an outstandlDg tlne !o reLuyn ss anotber' au.stano€ runnlna threat on ttre South]'and scotte. Youne bl'glr school€r Jack Plpkla ra'il an outstaadlng !ac6 to take lhlrd fast E.S. 3-llILE FUN- l. Cir'ea B6al., BBTC, 16:03; 2. t1n€..Day6 Caldera, obly 13, outlasrod hts oldor brother L€s (15 vears) to l,Iln Lhe ba!St€eB l(1sh, st6e8 Klsib. una,, una,. 16:31; 16:fI: 3. Prlost. BBTC, BBTC. f. Rlch Pllost, auoap aUvlston. Ma.rk Rug8los, 12, hun8 on to 16:38; l+. Lso Molteno, ur|a., 16:lr5i 5t 5. 5. crala tale thl.rd frolo a f€.st cLoslna Ed DIaz (16). Sbltl.Ev. u.Ea., Sbltl.Ey, u.Ea.. 1?:0O; 1?:0O: 6, 5. Chris Chrls Eadl9f, Eadloy. oTc orc, 17 t29i ?. Rlck Lasl$, una,' A?t32t 6. Alalr ns.lnsaE6or, vTc, 17:34; 9. Roy [ard1ng6, u.na., lotb ANIIUAIJ @'iDEN CAOIB IO-MILE IIA\DICAP RVN sunalay, Juno 16, )-968 9r!5 A.M, 86 srarrers f?:l+6; l-0. t[k6 Psrnold, une., 17:50. E.T. Act.T. CleA B€aL, a claEsy two n116! froa Costa UEss., Cloudy, but ftalnlr' lrad Lltt16 troublo ln ovorcolorrg a fteLd of 25 1. Eajr1€ wtl-]ta'Ins, 42, sTC, 86ta9 65to9 3t 13,ulm.,L.8.,87:38 69:38 51 t'unnor3 nost].y f,rom tbe ralldal€ and lJancastor 2. Davld aushes, 13,um.,L.8.,87:38 Roaels, Ea., Ea., R.H., R.H., 88:06 60:06 19 l. Ken FoAels, aroas, stovs Kl.sh, f,1no 1320 naJr f,Ton Pahdal.€, 3. BB:t1 65tr? 37 hung on v€11" to outlast B6al"rs toamato Prlest 4, Brlan sprliger, sr.Tc, nkjrAus,l+g, una., ina., 88tA BBt2f ?7:29 65 5. Nor'raD Brinkhaus,4g, 77:29 6E 6, lauL ortho,, F-, sr.rc, sr.rc, 8B:lr3 65:l+1 65:lJ 39 I3TII ANNUA', FOI{IANA DAYS 13.5-I.{II,E EANDICAP 88:52 6)t92 88t92 ch, sr.rc, sr.rc, 6)292 33 satulday, Jun€ 8th at 8:30 A.14. cool & cloudy 7. Roso! Flonch, 8. John w€116. carden Grovo. BB:5h BB:51+ 52:5L 62:51+ 30 lc 1, Davld cal.d€!a, ura., 99:ll ?4'r' 83t26 7L 2. T,€Err€ calderi, u;'.', B9i3t+ i6iif+ iE 9, Fr6al N61son, 45, s!,Tc, 89126 29 67:29 U 3. Malk Russles, RtaLto nR,89:53 eo:5J 2b LL. Paul. t;g*e-11*:t";iu. Flsh6r, s6dors
lii;i6 b
5rH atrrsuAL. vrcroR v+L!ryr19-rJrr:"*l!DJ:LAP q"F MaY L. 196d aL ,:r) I:r'': ""j:""
t2, John Halarahty, Santa Monlca -cA' r.3. rohn paafi.ano, s".rc' :3:* ?t;,rt
'" 1 il;intr- bentir*
"i" i'"t""'" firii fl u ffi" fi'ffi ii: ii[t*iil:;#*i' [r't"*;:g{}fHffii'#il; I "ti., senlors, i"':s 1tano. 2) sanlors rc' ;i-n"""; ii: sanla 18. Eddle Kâ&#x201A;ŹIth, * lliu nig g I i.';a1ffiilHft* mti a'q ; 52
e**irffi:Wr?-ffiffiffiffifr f *t**'s*ml
u,wTrufi \g
pil1;'iffi '
a i;i":',{niil,nfl 4:*Tfi lffi k:':uir'lil++:i{:ff
r**fi *;*fi*[sri'*ffi
# el'uif'l'*liu*ili
'+i ffi
f*El**r*q*4t[i;ruiiii$il'"t'h;$f 'uL#'ffi 16' sr'rc' iii::ii:ilttiir"t*d;?!i-13t"X'3tii?.i;"-:"-'li'6:-F;;a xor"3;;,
lHntft :
* ll?
17. Brle sprlnger, Sr. TC, l-6. Bob Jarvis, LAID lacols, 19. Lalr'y l,Iann, Lha., Tustin,
\6,.\9 3gr+9 28 E6:52 l+O:22 30 \6t52 3'l t22 15 l+?
ro3 36:33 t0 21. Ray l{enzies, I{aIir 4c, E7to7 31,t37 6 22, I'chard caya, Pasadoae M, )a? tt' 3)rtt' t 23. John -ransley, se,.locs Tc, \7.27 l+tt97 35 2F Ron lload€, L-a!D Pace-s, )_7129 L)t59 \r 25. De. Donald Knox, sr. Tc, )+7:38 l+l+:38 !I 26. Les1i6 crlqcn, rna., fi. 'r.,ir-?:l+o 3?:lro 18 27. Rrss fll1lpone. rlac€ntla. L7:LO 36:LO I 28. No.ron Bxrnk\aus, clendal€,4?:48 !?:lr8 50 29, Bob cick6y, I.APD ?acers, !?:L8 ld-t18 32 30. Mlko Bolton,llisslon v'elo, 4UO5 4+tO5 l+? 31, nay Eushes, sc stlld€rs, l+8:11 33:l-1 3 3r, Euseno Sbem. Sen.Lors Tc. 49:16 3?:16 l4 fl, K€n4l RoEors, una., R.J., Ubt25 37 t25 16 3l+. 1,Ia]b rred€-tcl.s,60, sr,'Ic, L8:31 l+?:01 lr8 35. Rick vasquez, Seniors Fc, l+8:35 36:05 9 f6. P1ul ooLhe, 40, sr. c, l+8:49 l+1:19 3l 3?. scoLty Donald, )rJ, sr, c. 49:jL 4l:o! )+o l+9.37 36t37 LJ3U. Dor Cboadez, urat., 39. Jolm Tontoya, 55, s!.Ic, tl9:41 r.2:41 lB 40, Dennls Dlckey, una.,cov14a,49:49 16:49 U 41. Edlo Wll-Lrtuas, 42, sr.fc. 50:94 lr2:olr 36 4r. Mlke Ktsh, 62, Sonlors ,Ic, 50.07 So..o7 56 4J. A1b€lt cooper, 49, sr.Tc, 5o:1? l+7:17 I+9 Irf, Dr.Rob6rt Kay, U2, sr.Tc, 5ot\2 E6tlz )+6 4). r€o nernanooz, ,rirt t'Jrtt 4t l+6. Bob BauersfeLd, Rlal-to Fa, 5]-tl9 )+8.1+9 52 t7. sLeve Wylsr, Paclflc cc, 5ttt9 39tL9 4 48. Davld N6myor, uu..,covrna,51:19 39:19 25
GIiI,s & ltO}lEN 2-lfir,E RUN- 1. Judy lk€nb €rJ,v. una., 14:21i 2. DI&i€ BytnSton, R3R, 1l+:Z?; J. sandy RonFro, 1lrr29; L. Attt Cobbs. RRn_ 14:!6; 5. Jurta Agu116ra, !+:56t 6. .r;a.a eg_ u.llera, 15:08. (36 11sr6i1 rinisrrers) New r6cords for both Judy (W) $4d Dtane (c). old rscord by Bylnston lt6tl5), :n 1967,. Rm: va.squoz. r_-y6ars-old. fin.Lshed 39th in ?Zr?. --S!an Stafford-17TE AIiITUAL SEI4AIIq. NAIU]CA AIID DTSTRICT
slAruU C"AMPIoNS{ifS, Soorsorod bJ sonane fle,ur1ca Aasn., Santa Barbara AC. a'IId bhe SIA-A.qV LonA Dlstanc€ Runnlns CorruLLEd.
M6ot Dhctor: Job]} Bremnd thursday, Jl1y 4, 1958 at 1o:oo A.$. 1. Gary TuLtl€, Ssba Balbara AC. 6O:OL* 2. Bob Deln6s, So,ca].!.f, Strtcter!, 50:18 f. Bll,L And€rson, Santa Barbara AC, 50:19 4. Fo1U6 carval€tto, sBAc, SrtL2 5. Pet€r Munalo, sanLa Mo;ica AA. -q:.l'tii+* 6. Jl]'l Van Manon, Senta Balbare. AC. 61:<0 Jobn BFnhand, sBAc, 7. 6"tat!) o. Tom stu.ra!, so.cauf, Strld6rs, 53:dO 9, Jon Broxer, scs, 10. ot'viLle Atktnsr STC, 53..29i 1!.53t07t John Pag1lano, sTc, 53t48i-r2. DoD safly6r', \r'a., 59t46t !3. ' r rarllr qr6y-n€, ula., 56:00; U. ntck VaBouoz. 56:Igt 15. Davld L€.p16rre, sBAc, lgc, 16. Eug€n€ st6nn, sTc, 57:5tt i?, crirz57:35; Lopli uJl8.., 5d:01; 18. Jeck Brlra.rl, SBAC, 58:t3i' L9. Dgtrrls xavanau€b, sTc, 5B:t+Oi 20. inj{6 5u:40; 21, rh1l cla?ke, _ce"::r,_y+., sr.Tq. 59:47; 22. Dr. Rtchald ste1n6r.42, rc,(4u), 59:5Ej ?3. Ausl€ Esoanttla, [4,sr. SDTC, 6Oj 14i 2l+. Rtohaid p!t6st, BB-c; 6o:!J 4,. non rrarrl€u, una,, 61:23i 26. ALan Haa.s. 2?, Larrr c€rter!, sr.rc, 61:52; *a,r-6J:36j 20. Ed Sutcllffe, .uir,a,, 6Z.O2t 29. Rob€r! tlalt, uu., 63tz7t 30, Ray Wlll1ans. sBAc. (60), dr:I3; 31. Rlck Nabers, BBI?, 6l+tzzi 32. Ricllard Rlchards, u!a., 6+tz6t'33: Luier E1naudl, urE., 65tjl+t 3L. ilr€a Meoks. BBTC: 6lt\+t 35. Frltz D6vrlos, ula;, 6B:02t 36. - BtL1 coUlns, sBAcr 6B:5?; 3i. rony 6rrapord of the Dlmond Bar TC & 8111 ScruaAs, Ca1 Ean, SBAC, 69r10i J8. F. Mal'tlneE. tr@.. 69t2di 39. P. constant, una., 69:5Bi l+o: Poly Ponona lunnor sharlo honors. Al.nost ba1f A1s! BufflDgtoh, BBI', 73tl7i l+r. H;w#d th6 6nt!16E got t!oph16s. Each year G€!a1d V. Snitb nskes thls one ol the b6tt€r' S!A4AU lone Barnos, 43, s!.TC, 7l+:17i )+2. Burbon Ray, dlstance rurmlng events, BBIS, 7?.I9i lrJ. Davld casnoa, w:.a., 7?t57. I1.S. 4.6-MTLE RUN- 1. Dav€ !ib1t6, PCC, 25t32t *Nor.r cou.rs€, offlclallJ approvod bl the sts.E 2. cres Boal, BB , 8ta.\i 3. Jts Mccut!6, ?AA alards conmitt66. Cour.se lecord for luttl€. sco!r claypoot€, uleypoor€, vrLa., ur.a., 25.55t zr:>ri 5. zr:40; 25:l+6; l+. i+*Noff vst€rane (lro & ovor.) r.ecord. >. Tilc 4. scott ard orlost, BBTC, 26;01+; 6. Ga-ry Ed€N! PCC, & 1016 Spltts: TuttL6, L?:01, 33:lr9: Bob 5 26:07i 7. Mlckey lrJoo1ley, PCC, 26t26t E. gte D€lnos, 1?:o1,-13:5oi Andorison, ].7fia, 33t5o ?attelson, w\a., 26t2?t 9. loo Llpsid, un!., cavar.€tto, \7 tav, 3\. 27. }lEdl€, L7 : o1,3lr: L9 26t29.. Ia. Ton E€yse!, ua., 26:32; 11. !41ko Ygn. yar99, 1? trts, 3ty4t Bret)]land, r.?:03, Roqu€, RTC, 26t33i 12. J6fI D€lnonts, !A.A,26:3 f4:40; stu-ral(, 17 r02, 3l+:i+0. (ono of !h€ cl-osest lac€s of th€ evohtEg saH Not6B...Ihls boautlful ru;w courso. nuch stall,lart Dav€ lrhite upset favored Grea Bea1. q3 tough€" than tb6 otd LSlnn cou!,so pteviousty usted flDlshors. ) tocat6at at tho llrdv. of caLtford; at ssnta Barbara, proved to be a goodt stlff test. JR. U.S. 2-MII,E nUN- 1, Carl Bytngton, Rlalto Surprls6 wlftrcr Cary Tuttlo pu116d shead of Pa-f2-'-t*-Z-"i1E;rt castro, Prc, 13:02; 3. trr6 favoFsd Bob D6tnos ln th€ flnal ouarr€! John Ftetcber, una., 13:o3i l+. Jon Ba4ta, RTc' el1e. Tuttle, lltro ts a studont at Huibolt xacr€&n' BBIC, 1f:?0. Dous 13:olr! 5. (Anoth6r hal! ralsins flnlsh vlth four boys 1n Stat6 CoILege ln vely trortlFrn tlp of CaUf.. for i,h6 su!!r6r, & sufpllsed i,hd contentlon. {1nn6r Ca!] aylngto! f1n13h€il 12th Is back hon€ favorlt€s. Tuttle l|as tha top c!o!s laslr yea! & tlod tb,€ 12:59 tllno sot laBt yoar'. pre-!s.o€ couirljrrJ lurmor ia the ll€stsr'Il Stai6s Co11€28 l-tsted flnishols. ) glat€ Confe!6noo, T}lelks to Jobr Brennand arF Mark Auggl6s' R!X1. EIEI,IEI{TAFI SCEOOT 2-I4ILE :'un 1n Sa.n1,a Bar'bala nlss Rialto RR, t3t37t 2. RL'W Trau8hb€r, BR3, 15: otbor lSkn 1. Ssnta Barbara AC, Ist 2. Se:dol8 3C Back Bay TC, 65. t8trh".$l fli3: "BBr. Tlc if F;"i"'t#""r Il,ark RUEEl€s fiada shanbl_ss of thls ev6nt by --Stan Stafforal-s6ttine a--!rew Elenentary Scbool record, o1dr€coFd-Has
15:12 by Dan;y D€pootoi_
'HE roMotRow's rtcotDs IG{
N:w ALLNYTON U?Pn (top). $9.95 The D:Ltl-os,te reclng 6hoe foi cro8s coulrtry anil loaals, Irlgbte!, stronger aora co4foltelle thaJx a.qr aho6 naala. Ie22 '?OAD tU N:1" (top-nlddl€ ) tIO.50 Ths recoErx8naleal dlstance tra1rrl)xg
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