Nr-iM8FR 223
JULY 1974
rrxffi .PSF
t.ri** ri-ii-
(drl i{itt;trld lind< himreii alone sith nature during Athens (ohio) A4arathon. i{atfield suacessfully {iefend€d his title. (Photo taken at about ]g-nii!e nrark of Alhens Mara{hon.l
,HNE ce
FTNLAND BLUE (Ksnva red)
Nyron raciis
lllll| the 6bl olhletic
l'lflll deportmenl I
"4.D.' {ores n Berke ev, Garden C! ver clty and R.semead, California;
With retail Grove,
Natick, Ma$achusets; Mo.rc alr, New Jetsev; 6nd PotLand. Beavedon and Euqene, Oregon Vo ume d su6de r6cinq
sco!nt avaiab e
lr,4ail ordere
Nyron run.ins
$15 65
$1 50 sh pping & handling
THE LONG DISTANCE LOO in hi6tory (2:r0:3?.8) and one of the no6t con6i6tent, A PUBLICATION FOR RUNNERS BY RUNNERS quickly Cot out in Iront and was over half a minute ahead at i0 miles. He was oearly 2 hins. clear afte! Volume 20, No, 223, Jury 1974 Published monthly uder the au6!ice6 o{ tte United 15 @ile6, hore than 2 1/2 minutes in front at Z0 miles Srdip6 r!cL & r i"lo r erp!.tro., l225 No. 'oLh 4 "., aod lini6bed 3 minutes ahead ol Bernie Prain (Cardifi). Tuc6on, Arizona 85702 l. Akio Usami, Japan, 2tL5tl6t 2. Belnie Plain, Cardiff, Wales, 2:18:32; 3. Eckhard Lesse, East ce!6any, 2:18: Annual Sub6criplion Rates: $5. 00. Add $3.00 fo! l6t class Mail or $5.00 fo! Ai! Mail in U.S.A, & Canada. 44; 4. Bob Selcombe, Engla4d, 2:I9:52+j 5. Kelth Angu6, Single copies and back i66ues - 50t. Eng. , ZtzOtZOi 6. Ron Hill, Eng., 2tzlt36; 7. Tim Johh6second clas6 postage paid at Tucson, A!izoaa. PleaBe ton, Eng,, ZtZLt4z.,8.+Colin Kirk}r.m, ELg., Z|ZZtITi 96end change ol address directly to the USTFF. Thi6 is Jeff NormaD, E\9.,2.22t30i 10. Jim Alder, 2:24:12. important if you expect to leceive the Long Distance Log. (171 linished) *disqElified --Athletics weekly-New subscriptiohs and lenewals should be sent directly to the USTFF, c/o Cari W. Cooper, Executive Director, 1225 No. 10th Avenue, Tucson, Arizo.a 85702. P1ea6e 6e4d lace lesuLts and articles lor publication to H,B. Ross, Edito!, 306 W. Cente! St,, Woodbury, N.J.08096 GRAND PRE REGATTA 5-M]LE RUN Atlantic City, N, J, , sunday, July 14, 197.1 10:30 A. M. Start at Plesiden! Hotel, Albany Ave. & end at Adantic City Malina. Race Director: Jim Latz. l. V:ke B.l}Tes, spo.t6 fa6l, 2q:rl; z. qe!b Lorenz. Penb AC, 26:14; 3. Joe siedlecki, Phila. Pioneers, 26: 15; 4. Joe Gelmano, Sports East, Z6t43t 5, 'letry Petmar, unat., New Hope, Pa., 27:01; 6. Jay Hurley, Boardwalk R@ers, ?7:15; 7. Bob Na1hchik, Boaldwa!. Rrue!6, 27:30; E. DoE Anderee, sat., 27:36, 9. Mark Yelllo, E. Kentucky Univ., 27138;10, Ken Lilly, Boardwalk Runers, 27:39, ll. Frank Weber, Stockton State, 27:48; 12. Fran MasciuLli, Sport6 Ea6t, Z8:0?! 13. John Shilby, Sports Ea6t, 28:lI; 1.1. Kevih Roaaty, unat. , 28:14; 15.David Smith, Margate City Beach Patrol, 28:15; 16. Doug ivbite, Delaware Sports Club, 28:15; 17. Neil Weygand!, PennAC, 28:16! 18. Dave Hariis, Sports Eaet, Z8tZ3;19. BiII King, PeD AC, 28:41 (rst Vet. )i 20, John Kunik, sat,, 28:45; 21. Ken Klihg, Sport6 East, 28,46i 22. Scott Belange!, Baltimore OC, 29:0?; 23. Craig Deceorge, Haddon Town6hip HS, Z9:13; 24. Josh Agrons, central Park TC, 29rI8i 25. Dave Hoch, Phila, Pioneer6, 29:29. (9o{inishers) fgs:49- L. Bill King; z. Bob Fitei 3. Ray samson; 4. Bill Piater; 5. Bob Fine; 6, Whitey Thomas; 7. Paul Leo McSorley; 8. Larry Delaney. l{ggeq- 1, Mary Naffichik; 2. Adele Thomas; 3. Rulh Ysai;4. Mooique PulceU; 5, Carlotla Wa!d; 6. Maay
BRITISH A4A MARATHON CIIAMPIONSHIP CONTROVERSIAL ACTION BY RE!'EREE Wind6or, England, Jue 15, l9?4- Bob Sercombe and o-:n K rkhah iprE d Ior. .d nc.or'--s a.ter finishing 4Lh & 8rh lespectively ia the A-AA Marathob. Sercombe was the 6econd Briton home and thu6 qualified io! the European Championships bui hi6 effolts 6ay be rhrown out as the releree stat€d thal lhe two thneri reiused to ob€y bis idstructiobs to stay on the lelt-hand side ol the ioad. 'Th€y ignoled 4e and w€re perfectly abuslp al .C"o. I h"a o llmp our o the ^ar '. The consehsus of opinion among rumers was that it vas ridiculous to penalise two athlet€s lor Dot rlldibg on the lef. han.l side o{ the road when all were on the right hand Tbe qimea of the lace was Japan's Akio Usami, whose iiae oI 2:I5:16 may seem unexceptional but was in fact exc€l1ent foa an uldulating course ia hot and hunid, 80o conditions, Usadi, who iB the fifth fastes
A*io t,sn;, EiDDd
aerni. Pb;r,
B.ilon bonc
'(v<,an' &--et:A
ffififfi-r 1fiffi*-*io, #..,
sho!e AC, 1:13;35; ZO. A1 Bu1 , 25, CJTC, i:13:51; 21. Ed OrNeil, 30, CJTC, 1:l.t:08; ZZ. Richard.Becke!, 28, East Coast AC, 1:t,t:lO; Zl. Dave Senechalt€, 33, St. Anthonyrs BC, Itt!-:a+., 24. Chartes Collier, Z?, SI, l:15r 05, 25, Brian Swea6on, 18, S.I., 115:06; 26. Don pad_ gett, Jf, , 2b, LIAC, 1:t5:t.4j 2?. Ed Machioski, 23, S_t.Iaaici6 col1ese, l:i5:21i 28. Richard wo1f, 30, New t:l5r35; 29. Norman Fri€dman, 28, sr. :"j",I."., Anth,_ BC, t:t5:56; 30. paut ReiJbetg, 24, LLAC, ItI6i3I, 31. Phil Heit, 29, Easr coast AC, t;?:U; 32. H.t st."n, 2?, St.Anth. BC, 1i17:I..1; 33. O,Tcves Waohington, t9r East Coa6t AC, 1:1?:.r5j 3.4. Howard Basis, 34, Erooklyn r:17:48; 35. Joc Viverito, LLAC, 1:17:56 (16t Vet.)j .a.,"1, ." -. :, 17. ". | -o""i c, ,:.8: o: r. . B, 16. 1j-:.-':":i' : 3:rq: 8. B.,a os'. ,/.. Lu r...o-, :" i ,re. D"r Douph-* )' 5 ., L .tqr"' .:9:0, , r"o L"o, . o, _ s,A., .:.o:.aj a_. -', " "-,.', r",-.,16. Nw :r0:0., r \-.j4 B !n:e -"".-g stA, '?. :20:,-: 4r. p -r h'. -F, rr. s-'",. , : ". ,"^0, ,:. r:'."a-. , 20. DiJ. r -r-. \. ..-, :..:r., i,,
',, "r.-" p"r, t:. :t"j r7. B,tt cr-en!zto. 2q, , oas. AL, :- :. , _8. ,.. ".. E.otdt, 47, L!6 , oa, p, .
, .t-t:,.1. 8.,, or,. rosn qA, l:2/: o: ,0. pu \ L,orani. - , .<. N. ,,, .A, lr,\r5!_l-pS_ . M"t\ .4a" b o?. l: 0:l : -, Dor a I . L. ,, ,', Broo,.tr.- : 7:OO, 3. Helea€ Stetch, 10, Broot ll,r,t:50:SO, -_Joc Kteinefr,ax__ !r
BUERKLE RESOLVES CON|LICT W11H.{:01.9 MILE ac-d a .o Ii o sa, rodi. ,3:i ?,-:.'- a mb.. o|h- .-^ yor. !. , scheduled to run in ' rhe oite ih the Merrololiran senior track & {ie1d championships at St, jobn,6 AAU Univ€r_ sity in Queens-
Lh" oa<1o a "too /-"r."v ts.r ..o....,-,, I r"4" ..a. to,,a h".- b-. n :---, L-, to! the_New york State interscholasric champiohships: - o !rv-z''10 a, ". 9:"'''' But Buerkle elecLe.i ro ru ih. AAU mcet, !,here he 6]]attered the record s,ith a time oi ,1:01.9. Tr,o other .---.
" co var.,r
". s-,ond anr.hiro r- o.. ._/... :0..,".o 11," ]ltAb.7. -' .r!-L o, /+:0o.. -s,ob, .c. in .-o _ih .o.l-er,.tz., :", ". "-,. "x_\4!nh"r a" aroor.. Baetklers margih was scven yard€, had made u! my hind when I started coaching _"I .o n- n:eh s.rr-u.. -- ., that .i s" . : 1 'I- "-"'-"-"". -1rr. .h-ni c"n . .o roo"l .\.a\-.-d, T]1G nohihg I renr to Schenectady wilh Horace ahd telt
n1h rn good hands. ' lfhe New ].olk AC rcrained th€ ,eaD tide with B,t points, ^. h Lh- \, ,. oon---6 ",.o ro .,lh ,l.. I "r 'e, N\ c. zo:28: ,. ro. R.r,h, | ron-1.-JohI adr -oo, Mi .-o-.t:.8.o,
^A. \,. pr Lory. BC. .:40.o..,M.,._.1. ::""",, Dr. '. 4a-L-s r\o-\rlti, \, :" .,<n"!e-i. Joe Barbary, NyAc, 9:2r.6; z" stei-. r<.irin!] st. .r"r,n," J^ar,an" , Nypc, o:ao.8. -":: .,...1:'"'._1"1: '. Pz'a-1, N. p(, r:.0. a: 2. .-a:c v.sozcr, \yp( ':q:fc . o: .. \4ar\vh L,,,:", =1:53.5...J:14:19- t. Tony co1on, NvaL, r.],s9. ":,"o_eoIJa.o, s; z, Ton Nolan, NYAC, t4:23.6; 3. Tih Weavex, Long Istand A.-, 1t4o,4t r. tom poo,isol, \-A,, rr:c,.0...1_V,-e - 1.. Jorrn r/n.r|on, N1 A., r,,0,. s, Z. c"" D",i .Ij.l!NvAc. 14rc4.8;.. C"r/ u-61-"to. LL^C, l_:0,.0.
Tffy Coton.apppa^ r. be tookihg around tor a dry pEcp alpr hp cro{.s tnp lirirh lirF rU atoDe a ti6t prace rd nerFmcord rime.
I rh ^\\ qL - v L C \D. D DpO:pAV oo_ o.t h. , r oayi J!.) .-. 1o.4 ]/"^1..."11"". 3.parr 5 ao )- I. Parr pir,""o, ,. .o,r.-,=, .-j:-)1]']j,.':":. pzJs ^v-'. oa, r-, Fasr ( oas, 4. o:jaj .. ':,. , .::..-l ^"i E.^' r ozst Ar , o:zoi r. .i, , '""^,,":, ^ra,s. cav L"_orra.. io, B .ou, o:roi o. :..-:-1.,:*"-f,' :i tb. sr. 4.rh.Bc, lo:zti?. , -t:ro .or_ FaEL Coas.Ar,'0j.8. /j 8. Jo. BL-n". ar, E..r eou", oa, .O.r- 6r Vcr.,: o. !c.-, La,B-r, I c, :-4.,0. Dan c-a, e. .o,"e , :;, ;:]"t:". , jr rarcii Ja. v I,robe D . u - D,, .2, Broa. L.:_-i .1, AA r,t.,r/ .-"..- 1",.--, ...:.",zna \-.r: 4. roln D. u, B,oL cva., i,l:.', 11, oL'an-: l', \' /.r L:.7. :"",.i ': ^' s, 8, ..A. , 0:oo. ;- "i, : ',::i.B--.1. 9yr1" v.r ., /, Ahd/ ",\tar, lE, N\A., rat; .. ^, hor /, r-:s o_ ro:5ri1. ra<r. D, .", .o. I, :::: 'o .)":., , .r: srnon, d, Nw p( , t : i o, I o. B A, r-rs, :, bogota, N. J. , IZ:+L, __Jae I<leinerrran_-
-,-.;--;.-.--:, -.ov :5 r&r, vLr... ., .; v-1" B,Ln s sbor a , d" .:t .8., 2. .zt_ -tLil:_ .. p:n^A,.1:ro .i ::":".:".)
J. John5^,,.\. cpo.."
1i 4. \lc.F fa, hrs. un:.., .9, 7.7, _. ueorg_e B€12, Slorrs Ea6t, \OtZli a,, Jett D€ah, Det6ea r,_g. P5. l0:lr_,!: 7. SLer" ccL irCs. opo.. ,!sr, r:0o,
-. "..--1"' A.^ood, !rar.. ..: L o...880_ t. \ -. !arra, Br\Lnc rUa.\., 2:O/,0./. cu .":,. /r0o. j . ro_ ver-n""u,..La.-t?oMoa"ua,c. cr rrs. lli-,-" - q "....:r_:. v ,ce va.:-o. Fh, r. D onp"r", r: .., u:_2. B" \4a-i.o, bhila. '!, B-ids-.oa, \.r.. D:o1--!,. .t: .8.1j ,-.1, r"nr ,:Y,,"8 4:sr.2...!\one.,s \_ ,4:l-_ I, sharor^"D" _
o rs. ":o;;, 7.E;. Da' Fr-' . M,., !n b o L.' L.;:'"",-i" =,-Y='"- r.witt.ohsro. n,
::1 :" : ''|
Europe Had Him on the Run 2:IiI EEldTrI ltatr centrsttz, MdrEr@n's fEsh]]6 hitd, he te noxoreine h6tlrrd hrrt f@zthletesmp€abgh BY FAOI.
dou ror the me. IL @ ftd $e 1500 metas rn 3:ai!. h4 b.+ rime €vs, drd ti trnlsheilsd)dbehlDd'.
n Dd't srick ym head dr oa . ldret $rndw. yd ltlitt got hlt by a bsr cd. . Il you'.e .u.nirc in a tuk neer i4 ftatr m€]{e
''I ve linj.s up fo. fie sl.rr,' ccnrFwitz says, loit
alo'ficla.Istarted.conveF sation abour
d'fie sc teljng De !w I'rc trre comrry w4 and
t r y@r; thv€tinE hs !''t.lD'b|bg 6n btle \ jeaE. Trdyrc
tutijlg I ru !d &o rh'ng. r iusr vor€d r, ser ,nto
centsNtrz ts @lv 19, bur
vetefan or lwo juator
.Jeds arc a hot ltem tn
rtrat 10r*d rhe c6n_ k his srory:
RLG{a' Centm"ftz s\s ,lh"v d.^i -d,J.<1; theD r'eF. I norc ! btir ilro ihe srreer_lhe, ;.. kind oi ajth tda h then bui peorte w€re turpjry he od off.rin€ ronblesfolfienTr]attme
tln€.t. Txis
1e@s. jble gle oou rne rour an,t thjnss Yere
ajndo|dEolEanldlorz _
pcr dieD
srkplcd ro. iu.ds,
asled us ror cmrrtbn_
His rx! tou. vls trt 'if ."y.r J." hel; snhner a rean od "d b; Ahdra. *hen rif,ri.a ! it vo![ ju,joB .an in coneohd roo nnch.
and rhey {ere f:.jns
od |h" hor.r h*"ed n, ;_ rniQt daie, and iley didn,r ih"t h.d c-k"G"].* d".;
sidil lin
They nere an
rud, $ho th^ sy
D!.h oi
f@i I! v4
''I tc lucrT. I r* faci.€ rh" }.y I rn'isb"; ixth "ight in rhe .ace, abil se.ond
"r finary
sut aid tt
nlL"r .,-ht, a.d he l€s realt, rn a }ark .r 11 otr&k si JAIaL] do$n ro rham to
!h!l s.ard r o.ld s Thm I onoPd tho dh reached down ^,;' and ^.d ihlNJntmplv}fur.U _
r orrd the vin.
rrave sotd bim
lof an rr.or culain
.strovftz sa]s n,'t ronr b.ier ,I\At of al}' |hcy ousht
! sht HerLit. $ rtr 5 D{r h and t rull he sarc. rho.]l sen ihcm btnr ue brlnead. ou teaD jerE ch€!,,, tro s2ys. ,,Sec'n d@ro. rad 10 ltt a conDt
jn a hotdl stys naking ,en alone., rust let'or$
,i I
f{r hsht. ha\ a hatt srep ,"a - -'* ,"'a. u,,,a i" iii.i ii""i ;: ihl'l',;:i":l:;.'#ili},;T',jiiil ",." ,1I-* *ll"'l"lii Joe.PFs.e.
re.t lracr op{arion. r not hln
20 Kilo AAU RUN
sold rhah was a
NMC, z?:34, 16. Steve cardnerr r{MC, 2Z:a9; i?. W#t Hanson, NMC, 28:03;18. Scott Webber, NMC, 28:08; I. Steve Hamel, unat,, 36:59; 2. Tom Derdelian, Sugar- 19. Joh! CLark, uat., Z8:l0j 20. Joe Zocchi, NMC, loaf Mt. AC, 38:09i 3. ToDy Wilcox, Sugarloaf Mt. AC, 28:20; 21. Harry Fowler, NMC, 28:29; 22. William 38:57i 4. Bob Rosen, Suga!loaf Mt. AC, 39:28; 5. John Barth, NMC, Z8r3Z; 23. Scott Hocking, Eat., 28:35; Jarek, NMC, 39:4?; 6. Ken Wilson! Mt. Park AA, 41:I?; 2.1. Eddie Fukschouset, taat,, Z8r3S;25. Edwaril ?, Joln Tom6, unat., 41i58; 8. Bob French, @a!., 43: Hill, NMC, 28.15i 26. Don Legnald, NMC, 28:.!6; Z?. 33: 9. John L. Su11ivan, cSU, 44:04; to, Jame6 Dillon, RickWest, uat. , 28:46; 28. Bill Shith, unat., 28:55; Mt. Park AA, i15:14; lL John Hale, uar.,45134;12. 29. Joh Peterson, NMC, 28:5?; 30. Joet Ste{anski, T€rry Coyne, unat., 46:03; 13. Larry JoweE, uar. , NMC, 29:04;31. Ron Khiec, NMC, 29:05;32. Ceorge 46:l?j 14. Bruce Aldrich, NMC, .!6:30; t5. Rober! Ctari- Ka6ierski, NMC, 29:19; 33. David wa6s zia, NMC, 46:48;16. Bi[FuiceUa, NCAC, 4?:0?;17. 29:20; 34. Joe Richards, NMC, 29:40; 35, Bill HarriChalle6 Moran, Sugarloaf Mt. AC, 17:33j t8. MarkEltuan, NMC, ?9:44; 36. Bill Evans, NMC, 29t46.,3.1. mer, Sugarloaf Mt. AQ, 47t38t 19. Doug Pautey, USAF, Jih Sweeney, NMC, 29:5t; 38. Steve Mclaughtin, NMC 4?:40i 20. Gary Wetch, Mt. Park AA, ,{8:21; Zt. Demis 29:58j 39. John Allisoa, NMc, 30:lo; 40. John Ealnert, McFarlee, Mt. Fark AA, .19:43; 22. Martin Sheil, Mt, NMC, 30:I0. (8r finisher6) --Fled Blown sr_ -Park AA, 50:03i 23. James Lavin, Mt. palk AA, 5O:3i; 24, Ed Norton, NMC, 50:43j 25, Dan Fitzgerald, @at., BROCKTON, MASS, MONDAY EVENINC MEET 51:ll; 26. Kevin Matys, Mt. Parkl|r{, 5l:4,.1; 2?. Roge. D.W. Field Park Phillipsr Dewey AC, 53:10; 28. Je.ry Wald/ M!. Park ?. 5-Mi1e Ru- 1. RickNeckes, unat., 39:0?; Z, pete! AA, 54,34i ?9. Rlchald Euman, Mt.ParkAA,55:26: Kuchinski, NMC, 39:35; 3. Ed Spirney, unat., .ll:Ooi ,1. Steve Gihnes, wat., 43.24t 5. Robert Ciay, NMC, 30. Ron Niziankiewicz, loat., 56t14. (49 finishe!6) ,+3:35; 6, Roger Welch, uat., 45:53i ?. Reuben Bige_ WOMEN- 1. Kathy Kelley, unat., 59:0t; 2. Me!!y Cushing, sugarloaf Mt. Ac, 59:28; 3. Malbly Pulver, E1ec. low, BAA, 50:05; 8. Steve Sandberg, uat., 5lr3t; 9. (en Hayden, NMC, 5 2:25. --Ired Bro\n Sr, -4-Mi1e RE (Obviou6ly shorrt) - 1. n. Mansulla, 3.MILE ROAD RACE FOR NOVICES SMU, l8:48r 2. Jobn Sahders, HFC, zOrU; 3. Dave Sponsored by the Cha!1estown, Mass. Boys Club Logue, HFC, Zl:32; 4, Phil Heath, NMC, 2l:,16; 5. Jue 15, 1974, 62 starters. Roy Chambe!6, uat., 23:20; 6. Ch!i6 Spinney, uat. , l. Robelr Fowler, Lake Reg. TC, 15:24j 2. Kevin HadZ3:3.!; ?. Phil McNulty, LAC, Z5tZ r 8. patty Co1tin6, dock, Laconia, N.H., 15:44; 3. Larry Stinson, Laconia, LAQ, Z6t25i 9, Tala McNulty, LAA, 26t34. N.H., 15:.16; 4. Tony Maccario, Melrose HS, 15:5Oj 5, 2.5-Mire Ru (r5 & Under)- r. paul Roch€, Irr, NMC, Elic Drivers, Laconia, N.H., 15:51; 6. Jih MacAloon, l6:38j 2. Joan Bradshaw, uat., l?:20; 3. Gail McKinBrockton, l5:53i 7. Don Norton, Reading HS, 15:55; 8. non, FTC, 1?:28i 4. Kathy Roche, NMC, 18:29;5. Ann Michael Burton, NMc, 15:s9; 9. Latry Bardwln, M€rrose McNulty, LAC, 18:58; 6. Sean Roche, NMC, Z.,t:44. HSr 16:21' 10. Daniel Caheron, Maldea Cath. HS, 16:24; 5-Mi1e Race Walk- l. Ceoige Lartaruto, NMC, 38:42; U. John Sauder6, Xaverian HS, t6:27; tz. Stualt casey, z. Jornsoinn-y, N\4c,42:2o; r. Ffcd B-o^n5r., Dulhad, N, H. , t6:31; 13. John Casey, Matden Cathotic NMC,49:26. --Fred Brown Sr. -HS, 16:34; l,!. Scott Anderso!, cov. Du@er, 16:,!1; 15. David Wassehai, unat., 16j45. --Fred Blown Sr. -DORCHESTER DAY 5-MILE ROAD RACE Juhe t, l91.l l. Demis Dohahue, wat., Z6t5Z, ?. Louis paul, CSU, NE-{AAU & NATIONAL AAU POSTAL ONE HOUR RUN 27:01; 3. Steve Olson, uat., 28:.11, 4. Wm. Treetut, CHAMPIONSHIPS, BROCETON, MASS., June 20, 19?,1 NMC, Z9t10j 5, DonSihs, Ear., 29:50;6. Mike Ler,i€ Weather: Hot! (Masters Postar) bat, , 29t54t ?. Fred Le*is, unaf,, 29:56; 8. Kevin l. Ron Ga{f, ,10, NMC, 10 Miles, ,34y; 2. Challes Han- Hanrahan, unar., 30:23j 9. Ed HiI1, NMC, 30r33; 10. s€r, .15, CSU, loh, 3?5y; 3. Jobn Waltace, ,t5, BAA, Harold Gabriel, NMC, 3O:34; U. Donald Valldmale, 9m, 765y;4, charles Ratti, 43, NMc, th, 6,1oyi 5. Joe uat,, 11:09;12. Ed Norron, NMC,32:08;13. pat Lyhdr W._Nee, 44, uat., 9tu, 6l9y;6. Bru.e Migell, 40, NMC uat., lZ:28 j 1.,1. Mark Haggerty, NMC, 32:,t]] j 15, 4u€s€11 McCarthy, uat., 33:30; 16. Johli Couihan, 9m, 31yr 7, Ed Norton, 41, NMC, 8D, 1545yi 8. Fete Cltaberlain, 53, NMC, 8m, 135,1y;9. Johh Campbelt, NMC, 3'l:39;17. Charles Villehare, unar,, 35:33; 18. Sr., 53, NMC, 8m, l205yj lO. Andy MacAulan, 43, David Hurter, NMC, 36:?,!, 19. Loui6 Espino, uat., CSU, 8m, 968yi ll. Joe Piacentino, 40, NMC, 8m,45oyj l8:' : 0. cl-a! Fs Kaiden, NVc, 19:oo. lz. KeD Hayd€n, 45, NMC, ?m, 1320y; t3. pete! Tonge, 4,1, NMC, 7m, 873y; 1,!. Ed Whitney, 53, NMC, 7m,?28; FATHER MCKENNA 5-MILE ROAD RACE 15. George Gazebi€n, .,1?, NMC, ?m, 9ty; t6. Sig podroz- Warwick, Rhode IBland, Jve23, j.974 ny, 57, NMC, 6n, 1130y; l?. Fred Brown Sr., 68, NMC, 1. Toh Grudy, IIRITC, ?7.43,2;2. Joe Crowley, 5o, 10008y;18. Ma.ty Cavanaughr ?6, NMC, 6m, 890y, Mat,, 27t55.,3. Ray DanJorrh, uat., 28:11; 4, Bob Book, uDat., 28:14; 5. Paul piliero, URI TC, 28:18; 6. Angelo Quaglierta, uat., 28:,15i ?. R. Dilton, URI, 5,MILE ROAD RACE, MARLBORO, MASS" Jue 25, l9?,1. Weathel: Wetl Couase Record: 24:30. 29:07; 8. Johh Mcl-aughlin, uat., 29:11; 9. Robert l. Rick Bayko, NMC, Z5i15; Z. Bob Book, unat., Z5:,18; Goraley, Maline AC, 29:15; lO. Jim Naugrer, &ar., 3. Te!!y Gatlagher, uat.,26i00;4. Jim Naugler, ua., 29:2s; 11, JoID Dougras, Mt. pteasant HS, 29:3Or 12. z6:03i 5. Jel{ wnek, uat., 26rlo' 6. CliIf Wesr, NMC, J;hes G!ay, NMC, 29:31, 13. Wm. Telle!, unat,, 29: 26:23i 7. Mlchael Burtor, NMC, 26:31' 8" David Mccit'U; 14. Robert c!ay, NMC, 29:i15; 15. Steve Ol6on, livray, NMC, Z6:31j 9. Louis Aquia!, NMC, Z6:54j lO. Bryant College, 29:52; 15. Tony Maccario J!., NMC, Jake Mahoney, NMC, 26:55; 11. Jim Vital, NMC, Z?:OZ; 30:10; 17. Wm. Wlnne, BU, 30:r2j 18. Ray Ma!6tand, 12. De4is Siggin6, NMC, 27:13; 13, Eric Ahti, NMC, unat., 30:14' 19. David Faltey, uat., 30:i?; ZO. Dave 27:16; 1.,1. John OsowskL, sat,, zltz|i 15. AUen HofIman, Lintob, uat., 30:20;21. Johh Bablngton, NMC,30iZ61 MASS.
22. Sreve Sweeoey, mat.,3OtZ7i 23. Albeat Saul' Wil_ liahs, 3O:33; 2.1. Paul Roche, NMC, 30r35i 25. Lar!v Baldwin, STC, 30r36; 26 George schobel, NMC, 30:37; 27. Andy Balnes, uat., 3l:12; 28. Paul Langammer' unat. ! 31:39;29, Harold Gabri€1, NMC, 31:46;30. Keith Moser, unat,, 32:12: 3t. Charle6 Ratti, NMC' 3Z:14; 32. John Krolew€ki, unal., 32:32; 33. Carl Maccario, NMc, 32:33; 34. Jack Tholn}rill, N]MC, 32r34; 35. Ed Hill' NMC, 32:,16; 36. Alan Ha11, cTc, 33:06i 37' Joln L. Sullivan, CSU, 33:o?;38. James Hall, unat. ' 3l:08; 39. Mike Klolewsli, uat.,33:52i 10. PhiL Llovd, una.' 33:53;,11. PiestonHare,, l3:58;42' Steveh McLaughlin, NMc, 3,1:04; '13. Mike Mangassaniat, URI' 3,1:Z5i ,44. Peler Michaad, uat,, 34:27j 45. Ed Norton' NMC, 34:30; 46. Dave Comery, No. Kingstoh RR, 3'l:43 4?. J. Burgess, unat., 3'l:58; 48. Joe Kara, NMC, 35: O6; 49. Robeit Ooldon, ANTA, 35:15; 50. Joe Piacentino, NMC, 35:2.1: 51. CaroL Klolewski, @at., a5tz5i 42, Stela Nico1a6, Liberty AC, 35:26; 53. Su€ rrolewski, unal., 35:Z8i 5,!. Arthu! Scott, uoar.' 35:50;55. Donald Spittl€, BAA, 36:10. (?6 finisheis) --Fred Bros'n s1. _ZO
J@. 21, 1971- Weather: 1vet. l. Tom Do!\'ling, Bo.ton AA, 66:31i 2. Chet Fortier' NMC, ?O:05; 3. Ron Dxogah, NMC, ?1r30; 4. James cray, NMc, 71:30: 5. Dave Duval, NMC, ?l:34; 6. BilL Bov€, NMC, 72:O3i ?. Jack OrRourkc, NMC, 73:51i 8. Tom Bissoiette, NMC, 7,1:26; 9. Harold Gablic1, NMC' ?.1:.10; 10, Bob Aucoid, NMC, ?5:35; 11. Paul scheu, NMc, ?5:5?; 12. Ge!ald Gras6o, unat., 76:10113. Ted Ha@ert, CSU, ?6:2'l; 14. Richard CalLeay, NMC, 7a'l .11i 15" Stua!L Thurstoo, ?7:00; 16. Barry OrNeil' unat. '
Casey, unat., 13:00,10. Mike Hurtoq, NMC, l3i06i U. Tom Joyce, uat., 13110; 12. Martin Dufly, CSU, l3:15; 13, Ster€ La{1ea, uat., 13:18; l'4, Tony Macc: NMC, 13:Zlj 15. Davc Nalsh, unat., 13:22;16. Tim RobihBon, unai., il:23: 11-. Tom Doherty, CsU, 13:z 18, Gary Ltots, 3randeis !, TC, 13:2{r: 19 Ed Woc cSU, 13:2?; 20, ? -l:28; ?1. Dave Hilb€rn, unat., 131 22, Ted Hammett, CSL, 13:.lZi 23. Pete! HLavacek, unar., 13:.,16j 2-, l::;. DLrdovic, CSU, 13:47; Z5 CI les Horioka, Bcsro: a.. 13r,18i 26. PauL Schell, NM 13:49; 27. Fr.C l.;tr:, =2, CSU, l3:50j 28, Peter C io, uat,, 13r!:i l:, :::l tcung, @at., 13:55;30. I ') B-..a , ' u'ol,.h, Dt e_r . -. 13:56j 32. Ano) R.::.a.. Csa, 1'1:00; 33. Call Mac( ro, NMC, U:!=: :-. :-1i lustotas, CSU, 14:13; 35. Flynn, CSU, 1-1:l=. rl. --.rbie Richie, Libersy AC, l.l:!ia Buckley, Liberty AC, 1.1:52 (1st lvomatr). ,: 15:33 (znd lVoma.r..::, :ara ]lae Berman, CSU, 15 (3rd lvonaq) 114 i,.,:1:::. --Fr€d Bro$n s!. --
lO-MILE ROAI F-=a- '::TEORO, M-{SS, Jue 29, 19?'1. r' .a::-r: i:r:, '"!a1ter Renaud aad It in Kraszeslii rar:--:.: :rr ::ck the entire distance with Rcnaud grabrr: :.: -.:or-v hy about six inch€s l Waltea Rcnaua, :::,. ::rlli 2. Ketin Kraszeski NI4C, 55:23,1r l, -:: : :::.n, Ialtham TC, 57:0: .1. Ron Drogaa, \l:a :_:-: r, DaEd Mccillivtay, NMC, 58r3li i. !r:l l::::: : BAA, 58:32j 7. JolD Osowaki, unar., r : :, :. :::ir Siggins, NMC, 6ll 9. Flarold Galriel, l:::: ::r: r li. John H@Ler, NI 61:30;11. Tim \,!u:1.. a:: l::::, siriders, 6l:561
v. r. rnar., . 32;1,1. Richard Ca-.:r:. : :. :::-i,'.a. Jolt lvall: r.::,, i,3:'r3, 1?. Wil! Dean KimbalL' BA,{, 63:11i 16. Ea:l l :r : ?7:1.!; 17. Dwight Holve, NMC, 7?:25: 18. Davc :r:.: llig€11, NMC, 6i Mooae, 11'esthor.. .= : :, siegel, NlvIC, 77:51;20. Julian NMC, 77:50;19. ,17;19. George i'ias:r:.r : :::. :r:=8i 20. Joe Kara Ryder, NMC, ?8:18; Zl- Bruce Mig€U, NMC' 78:20; 22. :f,ai., 66tlIt 22. J. NMc, 66:0l;2L C.-..:i::::. John Carahane, NMc, 78:50; 21. Ed Nolton, NMC, 79: :: \.rt.n, NMc, 6: VcfNllc. : i Campbelisa., 36; 24. Mark Haggerty, NMC, 79:5lj 25 Roland _ l l, ,r!]:an Siegel, N Z1. Ed Smrtl:., r::. NMC' 82:5ai 5Zi 26. Bert€lson, Fled -: m€ttc, NMC, 8i:3Ol |7:a.t26. ..,a : ) -. P" .r 2?. Jin Tucke!, CSU, 83:10; 28, Eob Negrotri' NMC, Llach, BAA, 68:ali l:. : i ::: :ra:., 69:01: 29. 83:12; 29. Dario Hc!rera, Nlvlc, 83r50r 30. Joe Kara, 32. H. Robert Long, .i::, . _: : : . 05e:h Piacentih: sr., NMc, 85:36i NMc, 84:25' 31. Jo]{ campbell ::: ::.:4, i0:20; 32. Jac Robbins, N\dC, NMC, 69:1.,1; 31. a::i ':r Fa.d 85:'16; 33. Kendrick, unat., cyrus NMC, ?0:5: Maftin, uat., 7r-r:- r::. _'-::::. :.:::r:r:ii, 85:50; 3,1. James Btodeur, Bridgewater AC, 85:35; 35. Scotl Bingaman, 3,1. James lucker, C:--. Pet€ Chamb€rlain, NMC, 86:'11. (43 linishe!s) !testboro, 7l:51' 36, ::; ::: ::::.:te, NMC, 73:0a --Fred B!o$n sr. -37. Jack Couihan. ll i:. 'r :: l:, l/lathew Brodel Westboro, ?'1:00i 3'..:.:::::1r, LYNN, MASS. 5-N4ILES 'restboro, ?'l:011 i1:10. (63 tini6: June 26, 19?4- 1. John Slattery, Saugus, Z8:05;Z. GleDn '10' Georg€ Si1.a, \.'. ::.:::rr:'-C unat. Jack RobeltEon, Charboneau, !har., 28:43; 3. ' 30:30;4. Roger Perham, NMC, 30:55: 5. Bill Robertson, RoAD RACES, BRcc: :: l l_s.-i, Julv l, 1974 LEn, 32:,14; 6. Dick Bemett, Danvels, 34:35; ?. Mark 8-Mi1es- 1. Richar. ::::l:::. .::::,, -1ir15; 2. Ed SPi: ney, unat, r'!:33i ,:, .::: a-.:.,.-e nnat , 47:43:4 McCarlhy, unat. , 35:3Z. ' NMC, a:;: ' :-r.i3rdRogers, NMC, Ken Hayd€n, Z. Bob Revere, 13:35; Don FineUi, 2.5-MI1,ES- l. 56:18. . .3. 75-N{il.s- l. r:- l::.!1.r, unat, , 18:52; z sdith, Saugus, 13:39r 3. Fred Doyle,, l3:'13; '1. :r:: l ilmv Libbv' unal Jason Washburn, ua:" Geolge Dawe, Pop€ HS (JolE), 14:14; 5. Bob Goss, Chel20r15i 5. Biu Leel 2o:02; Paul Rocht, r. Il (26 finislted) 14:43. sea, l.r:1?; 6. Jaci. Ricarao, Chelsea, '1. l.2Mites-1, PauI Robeltson, Lt6t,7:4ai 2 Joc Fin€l_ uhat., 20:38;6. E.r D::-. l:llC'c,Zi:18;T BobPress, NMC, 22:39;8. J, E:r::::, uai,i 2i1:+r. li, Revere, 8:19;3. Rick Fine1li, Revere, 8:42. 2.5-Miles- 1. R. L6.a:., Eal,, 13.00: 2. N. L€o. Lurat., 13:39; 4. D, I 13:06;3, Carrs:trret. RACE 6at., 2.s-MILE ROAD UN1ON CAMBRIDGE SPORTS nard, uhar., 13:,11i :. iriit Libby. unat., l'l:17r 6. A Flesh Pond, Cambridge, Mass., June 2?, 1971 hony Libby, unat., ltriai i, Patti CoLlins, Libeltv A 1. Jonn Cedarholm, Boston AA, 12:18; 2. Jim Stronach' l5r48i 8. Paul Poche 3r.1, NI'IC, l?:32. Loui6 NMC, 12:37; NMC, l2:3lr 3, Jolm Babington, '1. il.6-Mi1e 1lralk- i. :erer KuchinsLi, NMC, '12:20; 2, Paul, CSU, l2:,lI; 5. Mike Rudl€tt, CSU, 12:'12; 6. John Spihney, NN1C, .r3:30; L Fred Brown Sr., '19: Anthony Nugenr, Eat,, lz:.15; 7. Dave Mccillivray, Jolh NMC, l2:51; 8. George Tuthill, CSU, 1Z:58j 9, --Faed Brown Sr, -5,-.- r4a.-, \".
Lamade, USN, 1:14:28;23. Hamilton Ah..", a"t"ItIs.22;21. Geo!ge Schober, NMC, 1:15:29; 25. Bill M.Nulty, BAA, |16.A5;26. Steve Olson, Bryant College, l:16:30; 2?. Larry Neffiah, CBTC, r:16:35; 28. David Mccillivray, NMC, l:1?:01; 29. Louis Pau1, CSU, 1:l?:31r 30, Gietr Charboneau, @at., 1:17:38; 31. Tim McAl _ Eat., Irl?r,10;32. Dave Duval, NMC t: 1 . Ddvp Lz".sk), unar.. l:18:32; lr. Joha Slattery, Saugus HS, L:18:47; 35. Brian Turner, unat", l:19:21; 36. Harold Gabliel, NMc, ltl9:z4t 37. ]<im ciolkowski, unar. , L:19:25; 38. JolD cook, unat., l:20: l4j 39. Jack Thornhill, NMC, l:20:l?; 40. Mik€ Bigelov BAA, l:20:35j 41. John Warlace, BAA, 1:20:51;42.Jim Shrfr-o, BA-A, l:):38; iJ. V.!F S ll!r(, iat., l:22: 53; 4,1. Tim Mu!phy, Cent!al Ma6F. Stlide!6, lr23rtli ,15. Robe?t Hersey, NMC, l:23:2.1; 46. Mark Haggeity, NMC, l:23:,1?;4?. Richald Callery, NMC, l:24:08! 48. Roger $ e1sh, lDat. , l Z4tzli 49. Ri.k Mulcahey, @at. , ItZ4t56, 5A, Aubert Metayer, unat., 1:25:03; 51. Bruce Migell, NMC, i.tZ5.O9, 52. Bob Smith, urat., 1:25:25i LYNN, MASS, ROAD RACES, JULY ], 1974 53. Gerald Good, BAA, Itz5t35r 54. Roberr Thompson, Weatheri V€ry hot I \nat., I,z8iAZi 55. Joe Piacentino, NMC, r:28:03i 56. 2. steve Diculio, Swampscott, 36:28; l. ::l44S:. Ed Norton, NMC, L;28:15; 57. David Ryder, NMC, l:28: Ch!i6 Callahan, Swampscott, 38:57; 3. Jacki€ Rob€rr3,1; 58, Steve McLaughlin, NMC, l:28:35; 59. Julian soh, Lynn, 39:18; 4. MarLy Callahan, NMC, ,!1:09r 5, B:ll oooprLbon. L)rn, j :24 6, D." B-nn-I.. Da. -r" Sieg€1, NMC, l:28:,19; 60, Joe Ferhandez, uat., l:29: ,!3:06: 7, Fred Brown Sr,, NMC, NTT. 23j 61. Geolge Chambers, n[at., ltz9,37t a'2. Jonathan Berit, unat,, l.Z9tazi b3. Jobn Campbell Sr,, NMc, 3 1/.1-Mires- l. Jack Slattery, Saugus, 18:19; Z. Bob Lz9tagi 64. David Johnson, NMC, l:30:04j 65. Jobn 4. 3. Bob Smith, Saugus, 19r05r Goss, Cbet6ea, 18:40i Tony Rosati, Chelsea, 19:30; 5, Larly McDonald, Mal- K€11ey, unat", 1:30:58. --Fied Erown Sr. -ded Catholic HS, 19:56; 6. Ed McFadd€n, Che16ca, 19:57. BROCKTON, MASS. ROAD RUNS 1,2-Mile€- l. Paul Robert6oh, Llah, 7:25; Z. Bill Mike McDonough, Nahant, McPherson, Llan, 7:33j 3. 7.5-Mi1€s- 1. Joe Catalano, BAA, 40:31i Z. Ed Spinney, 7:43; 4. Kevin Mcoorey, Lynn, 8:04; 5. Jim Avellino, ,1.1:50; 3. Jack Barnctt, NMC, 48:22;4. Dan Col€,48:29 yr, 8r! ;6. Clr's D " r. Lrb. 8:8. 5, Reuben Bigelow, BAA, 50:0,1' 6, Joh! CampbeU Sr., NMC,50:38. 6-MILE ROAD RACE, IVHITMAN, MASS. 3.75-Mites- r. Jason ashburh, L9:37; 2. Jim Libby, Jury 4, 19?4. weatherr Hot, 95 degrees .. D-r-r I Jch I s i, r\MC. r :t i 2. -d c!_na-i, sc ,, 19:50; 3. Jake Maho.ey, 20:52;.1. Jay Burg€ss, 2Z:30, 2.5-Mi1€s- 1. Ronbie Leonatd, 12:42.5j Z. Norman 35:51; 3. RonHoover, uat., 36:08;4. Leo Libby, Leonard, 13:2.1; 3. Dab Lconard, 13:36: .1. Bil1y Libby, uat., 36:51; 5. Larry Neituah, GBAC' 3"1t43t 6. Mike Madseh, CsU, 38:09; ?. Jim Libby, uat., 38:52; tt z: .. any Lbb/, .-:ro; 6. p!L': I o t.r ", Ar. t.: o:r-; o, Jo]l D <i va, !n"t.. ll; 7. Jerry Kenney, 15:r2. (18 finishers) 8. var' 12t13! 10. Bab Thom.son Jr., unat., .+3:LBj 11. Mike 5-MILE RUN, \IALTHAM, i4ASS, July 9, 197.1 Hotl O'Neil, unat., 44:52r 12. Dick Rogers, NMc, .15:.12i l. Dick Mahoney, GBTC, 3l:46i 2. Scor:t Graham, GB13. Rus6eLl Bigelow, unat., 47:53; 1,1. Ken Hayden, TC, 3l:48j 3. Bill Rogers, GBTC, 3l:49i,!. Louis Paul NMC, 48:03i 15. Jay Bu!gess, uar., .19:21. CSU, 33r5lij 5. Tony N,laccarior Jr", NMC, 3.1:0?; il, D" . S \_Ll, - r, : _. Boo --L "ri.,, \a" han NEW ENGLAND AAU SILVER 20 KILO RUN CIIAMP. TC, 3a:10i 8. Joln Fa!lsrick, \4TC, 35:24; 9. BiLl (OPEN) July?r9?4 Weatherr Hotl 89 starters, 88 DeYoug, unat., 35:33; 10. Bob Whitney, NMC, 35:55; Team: Tehperatuie linishers. l. North MedJord C1ub. U. Bairy O Neil, unaL,, 36109; 12. Bluce Mig€I1, NMC 90 degrees and ohly one sta?ter failed to finish. Hard 36:59: 13. ioe Kara, NMC, 40:.18; 14. Ca!1 Maccaaio, to believe. Record for course is 62:37 by Art Duloag, NMC, .10:59j 15. Joe Piacentino, NMC, 44:19; i5. Joh t96 Bemetr, NMC, .14:20j 17. Dave FlaDders, NMC, 45:50i I. Willian Roeers, GBTC, 1:05:30; 2. Art McAndrew, 18" Ed Norron, NMC, ,16:13; 19. Ray Cusano, Wartham BAA, l:06:59; 3. \4illie Speck, BAA, l:08:05;4. Scott 'lC, aztA\ 2A. Bob Comors, rr@t., 52:5?; Zl. Dave craham, CBTC, l:08:,18; 5, Mike B*iet, BAA, l:09: Elti6, NMC, 53:20j 22. Russell Mccarthy, unat., 54: (lst 0? Silver); 6. Jih Capazzuto, BA-{, l:09:20; 7. 36; 23. Bill Munson, unat., 63:30j 24. Claude nlUs, Kea Mueller, BAA, l:09:23; 8. Joe Catalano, BAA, NMC, NTT; 25. Btiah Leahy, NMC, NTT. (35 Jinished) 1r09:25; 9. Tom Do!ling, BAA (Znd Silver), l:09:59; 10. Terry Callagher, unat., l:10:14; 11. Ray Dahforth, 10.2-MILE RO.{D RACE, HAMPTON, NEl! HAMPSHIII RIc AA, l:10:44 (3td silver); 12. Petet Kuchin6ki, July 12, 19?4 Cohditionsr Ideai. 100 starters, NMc, l:10:55; 13. Jim stronach, NMC, 1:10:58; 1,1. Teami l. NMC, 9t 2. BAA, Ilt 3. IIAC, 22. Eob GormLey, Main AC, l:U:15; 15, Walter Renaud, l. Rick Eayko, NMC, 53:24; Z. Steve Ellis, BAA, 53: Eat., lill:l?; 16. Phil Ryan, BAA, 1:u:55; i?. Pete! ,10; 3. George Reed, UNH, 5il:01i 4. Bluce Buttervorth Stip€, BAA, l:12:05; t8. Richard C!owell, J&W, 1:12: uat., 54:09i 5. Ralph Thomas, ARAC, 54:13r 6- Ken : o. Poo--r c.z \Vc. l: {:8r 20. Chcr -orLr r, NMC, l:14:0?; 21. Paul Roch€, NMC, l:1.1:l?; 22. Rusty G"aham, uat., 54t32i7, EatI McciUvaay, NMC,
IO-MILE ROAD RACE, WAYLAND, MASS. Jwly Z, I974 (North Medford Club) Weather: Very hot & humid. 48 starters, 45 finlshels. r. Joe KoIb, 54:53; 2. Dave Mccillivray, 58:28; 3. Jack O'Rourke, 59:13; 4. Jake Mahoney, 60:12; 5. chet Fortier, 60:16; 6, Paul scheli, 5lil3i 7, Steve Galdner, 61r37; 8. Harold Gabriel, 63:03; 9. Joho Hute!, 63:04; lo, J€fl Haeilton, 63:0?; LI. Julian Siege\, 6at10,lZ, Mark llaggeity, 66:01; 13. Joh Kimball, 66:50; 14. John Cahalan€, 66:55i 15. Roland V€rdeite, 15?:12; 16, Bruce Migell, 6?:20; 17. Joe Kara, 67:48i r8. John Campbell Sr., 68:50; 19. John Balnett, 68:58; 20. Ed Nortoh, 69:1r, 21, Jo€ Piacentino, 69t36;22, Fr.t' Robbin6, ?l:42' 23. Bob YoUe, 71:51i 24. Claude Ellis, 72t27,25. StanKeyes, 743ai 26. Dave Flanders, ?2: 4,1; 27. Bob Negrotti, 73t02; 28. Pat Me6sote, 7:l:37j 29, Bill B!adley, 73:55;30- Fr€d Beltelsen, 74:03. --r r€d Bros n 5r. --
843?i 8. Joe CataLano, BAA, 55:33; 9. Rlchard cataldo, @at., 55:42;10. Doa Putnam, NMC, 56:05; U, David 5 \erF'.-, LF-C, 56:21; l'. s.oLl S"vrr"ncF, I RTC. 55:32; 13. Kevla Klaszeski' NMc, 56:36; 14. John Savoie, TTAC, 56:4?! 15. Fred Doyl€, @at., 57tl2i 16 Dana Heath, @at., 5?:41; 17. Tom Phillips, LRTC, 5?:,!2; 18.- Larry R€ed, @at., 51.49; 19, San Winebauh, NMC, 58:04; 20. Crem Chalboneau, uat., 58:23i 21. Lloyd Slocm, Maine Magrers, 58:53; 22. Steve Piouty, NMC, 59:14;23, Walt Chadwick, TTAC, 59:17;24. Plail Ryan, BAA, 59t34i25, Dave Bo€tick, NMC, 60:10; ?6. Jd steeves, @at.,60:1112?, Carl Mitchell, uat., 60: tr: 28. for), BAA. 60. tl. zo. JFrr-ev F_ns. Elet€r TC, 61115; 30. Philip Kalar, UNH, 61:1?; 3l' JolE clark, udat., 61:25; 32. Bob Aucoin, NMC, 61:z6i 33. Gerald GraB€o, unat. ' 61:40; 34. Barry OINeil, uat. , 62:15; 35. Kevin unat., 61:58i 35. Randy Plitips, Heath, unat., 62:16j 37. Roger P€rham, NMC, 62:22; 8. 5 ev- Br.r'", t -AC, 6-:26: la. A bp* Frc-h ri. . Exeter Tc, 6z:31; 40. Dal€ lvi11owghly, Exeter Tc, 62: 33; 41. Paui ClDewski, uai., 62:50i 42. Halry Fowler, NMC, 62:59; ,13. Lamblos Phillipo, eat., 63:01; 44. Wn. Franks, @at., 63:10; 45. Jame6 Shciky, unat., 63:1i' 46. Wm. Barth, NMC, 63:33! 47. Michael FrakoP, unat,, 63:'19;,18. Rolaod Vermette, NMC, 51:l'1i 49. Bruce Migell, NMC, 6,1:55; 50. Michael C1ark, uat., 65:10. (90 finishersl woMEN- 1. Carol Aucoin, NMc, ?8:57; 2, Paula Davenporti uhar,, 8Z:441 3. Cl:ri6tine Lelito, uhat., 85:1li'1. Peggy Blight, nnat,, 9Q.22t 5. Karen Beckef, @at., 92:20: 6. Marsaret Shadabao, uat., 98:'10i ?. Lavonne Winiar6ki, unat. , 100:32. --Fred Erown sr. --
Novice Mile- l. Lorenzo Moor€, Sporrg Ea6t, .1:55' 2. Fran Hornell, \lilliamstown, N.J., 5:08,6t 3, Jobn Marino, \&illiamstown, 5:12; 4. Mark Worthi!! GlouceBre! Catholic HS, 5:13...3-M €- 1. Mike Eli Phila. Pioneers, 14:30; 2. Bob Ma!ino, Phila. Pion 14:31; 3. WiUie Malino, Phila. Pioh,, 1.1:33r 4. Mih Giavin, Paul VI HS, 15:08i 5. Joe Siedl€cki, Phita, Pion., 15:13; 6. Larry Cohnolly, Penn AC 15:14; ?. Srewe Schoeneltald, Pehsacola J!, College, t5:28; 8. Johh Mitzel, Phila., l5:,1?i 9. Joln Goudy, Spoar6 Dast, tr::53; 10, Ed Do.ld, Penn AC, llj:54. . . 50 Yds (12 & Under)- 1. Barbie Ro66, 8.1 (At lastl A r6nel
ALL.COMERS T&F MEIT +5, CLOUCESTER COUI COLLEGE, SEI4ELL, N.J., Wcd., July 31, 197.1 2-Mile- l. Mike Butyn!:6, St.rrs Easr, 9:30. 8; Z, Da Hoch, \|illiamsrolrn, N,i., 10:0,1. ij 3. Jay Hurley, Atlantic Citt HS, 10:08i ,{, Ilik. Exlon, Montclait Si l0:08.1; 5. Joln Shilby, Spo.ts East, 10:20. . . Milcvince Marino, 1trilliaDst.\h, .l:30..1; Z. Br&e Mar:
-..),^.c-.|,t. ,l:38; 4. K€n ',Kl ng, Sporis East, .1:,1.1..,Novice Milr
. .. , -. -,7:-1.-;StacmmeL, Gate$a). Re8, HSj ::i9.9j L Ed McNeil, lVilliamstonn HS, a:0i: .!, Joe 1'ereneault, qat€way Rcg. HS, 5:16,..880- r, Lorerzo IIoorc, Sporrs Ea: 2:07,2j Z" ChaaLes Jackso., S:orts East, zta?,1.,3, Gl€nn Todd, Catetrar Fe!, HS, 2:08.,1...Novice 880 r. on, L /oav ,.
. oh. a.
Mooresto*n, 2:32. 1r l, ,{nthony Vecchio, Williams-
AN\L-4r- -{1'-{l,Oti BEACIT RUNS A1'alon, \,-1.. Sdn.ay, July 28, 197.1 .,1:00 P.M.- Dr \ 1nd 'i F. M L- Bu'yrr6 Tar ca a crca:t.!1. 12j0,1 clocking to edge Joe Germano i ll se.or.Cs in rhc leaturcd ]5-oile run. . hiii. Buiynes, Sports Easr, 3Z:04: 2. Joe c€iman 5:.rts Iast, 32:315; 3. Jay llurley, Arlantic CiLy HS, 2. Raituo Ahli (17:00) & I]ric Ahti {l?:,11) 3.1:11 l:::=; 1. Irank GoLdcamp, Sports Flast, 33:08i 5. 3. Claude Euis (19r19) & Dar.ic E1!is (19:1!l 38:il i)ha Shilby, Sports East, 33r10; 6. Paul 1til6oi, Abil 4. Ed couor (15:35) & Kctin comor (23:a0l l!:la :on lllnni, 33tlzi "1. Jack M.Cul1ough, Abington Alr 5. Caror Aucoin (22:5?) & Bob Aucoin (1?:-a) :a:l :.. c. , ?r.7. lj F"n Bran F,. Bu.-r-t .:\-.s J, {{,_ 6. Ed vhitney i22:26) & Bob 1'r'hitney (19:1r) 1-r-r1?:lal Bob Tlaaquiuo, Abington (25:r2) Allm"i, 9, 33:32;10. Not & Joln cam:lell Sr' ?. John Campbell Jr. ol .o. . ,, :!! , t--.. .1.1r,12 (15 teams {ini6h€d this hapty allair,l D..l ol], ui-., ) :r , ioggeas, 3,1:05' 12. Lou Coppens, Per,h AC, 34:09; 1: lievib Kelly, [nat., 34:,13; 1a. !lark I,Iuccrarone. un. 6-MILE RUN, LYNN, MASS, Jury r?, 197a 34:.13; 15. John Hargr.av.s, Fur.Lips, 35:23; 16. Eri 1. Jitu Capazzuto, Bo€ton AA, 3,1:53; 2. Roil ue]er, Lea1n, unat., 35:26i l?, Jn- Block, unat.,35:.19; 18, Wakefield HS, 35:05;3- Jack O'Rourke' NMC, 3a:11i 4, Steve Currins, Dat., 36:Ll; 5. Jackie Robinson. \vC Sean Leo.ard, Biahop Eusrace, 3ii:20; 19. Nliie Re6e: ly, j:isho! Eustace Pr.p, :6:2]j 20. Noln Draper, 36:19; 6. Chds calLahan, Deerlield Ac, 35:,17; 7, Rog.r uhat., 3ri:37; Zl. Jac!( Hlrst, !€nn AC, 36:43; 22. Bi Epstein, swampscott Hs, Perham, NMC, 37:5?; 8. Ken Praie!, Media, !a., 36r:8' 23" John piLt6, uaat., 38tz5i 9. Joe M.carthy, Malian Hs, 38:37; 10. Dan 36:59r 24. Bill Piper, 37:]]at Za. ? 37:15; 26. Mark Dum, Bishop Fen. HS, '10:26. (16 finishers) Byrtes, 37129,27. Terry Leanc6s, unaf., 37:29; 28. 3 l/4-Miles- 1. Earl Mcciuivray, NMC, 17:43; 2. Joln Doug Pickard, 38:10j 29, Jim Burke, 38:25i 30, Cha: Mark Constantino, uat., Slattery, Saugus HS, 18:14; 3. Tlipiciah, 38:46. (a9 {ihishers) 18:'lzj 4. stu Rice, uat., 18:58; 5. KeEh Dalron, unat , 1 - T10r!6, V! .8ar.. 19:05; 6, Bill Mutled, NMC, 19:13; ?, Tony Jr,, 1-\4: es V, re-:-6_ OrHaia N. J. 19:08; Z. Sreve Yanai, Moor€6to\ra, N. J. , 19:l: NMC, l9r2,1i 8. Ed Falloh, uaL,, l9:46i 9. Bliah , 3. Rob€rt Maguire, umt., 20:38; .1" 41vin Chanih, Bishop Fen. HS, L9:48j i0. Dave Coke, Ayer HS, 19:59. --Fred Brown 51. -3-MILES lfONtEN- 1. Susan Buchanan, Padukies, 19r Z. Donna Gardocl, Padukies, 19:22; 3. Jackie Reiss, ALL-COMERS T&F MEET #4, QLOLTCESTER COUNTY Padukies, Z1:2?i ,1, \ral Fisher, Padukies, 23:05, 5. COLLEGE, SEWELL, N. J., wed. , July 2.1, 19?.1 Rain. !1:.!9- l. Bruc€ Mariao, Phi1a. Pioneers, 1:31.5 Robin Stryker, IJho€nixviile, Pa., 23:12i 6. Ruth T. 2. Ken K1ing, Sporf6 East, 4:45.5; 3. Dave Hoch, Phita. Yaaai, Moorestown, N.J., 23:.,1?; 7. Heathet Kilgo!e, Paduki€s, 25:03j 8. D.bbie McCluskey, 25t07.\20 tin, Pion€ers, 4:48.2; 4. Frank watkias, villanova U, ,,1:5,1,
NORTH MEDFORD CLUB ANNUAL FATHER & SON or DAUGHTER 10 KILO RELAY. Sponsored by Claude & Mae E11iE al rhe Perkins school for the Elind. July 1.!, 19?.! (A mother & son or daughter combinatiotr has yet to appeari Temp. :n |he lorv 90's. r. Stan Moulton {16:11) & RocLy i!4oulton (16:1a) 1z:?tt P....
PRAIRIE STRIDERS 2.]VTILE RUN Field, Brookin8s, S.D., Suday, Juty Zl, 19?4 Weather: 79 degrees, partly ctoudy, 1. Doug (;rave, Boyden, towa! tO:15; Z. Mike Dutap, Letuox, S.D., 10:20;3, Mark Hillstrom, SioEFalls, S.D., I0:30i,1. Scolt Underwood, pSTC, tO:.13; 5. John ltarvonen, Nerv York MilL6, Minn., lOr5Z; 6. Randy Sulton, Flahdreau, S.D., ll:08; 7. Cayte Geds_ tad, Lennox, S.D., 11:2?j 8. Dale Winter, Boyden,Ia., U:33r 9. Mark C1ark, Creston, Iowa, il:3ij tO. St€ve Andregg, I5, FSTC, 1t:53. (1? finishers)
NU'fTER TAKES TOWN FAIR RUN S!. Albans, West Va., July 6, 19?,1- Krm Nutter ol sLL.r. in a . For the third weekend in a low rhe siender athlefe cam€ up a winn€r, rhis time outdi6tancing rhe {i€ld Saturday in the tir6t annuat lO,0oo-tueter st. Atbans
Ist ANNUAL OLD SToNE FoRT.FI]N Middleburg to Schoharie, N. y. , July 7, l9Z4 {A16o Adirondack AAU 10,000 Meters Chaepionship) Over 40 rbners lioished the hLeid, hot aun. After the lace a pichic wa6 enjoyed by the runners an.t rheir familios at the Otd SLon€ Folt Muse@ p1c[c area, There Fere merchandise prize6 for all finishels, cour_ tcsy ol iocai melchatg, and trophies and medals to age group {'ime!6. I-ar!y Frcderick, New].orkAC, form_ er Albany State rrlqer led trom 6tart to flnish ia winning the race i! 33:05. The Capital TC won the 3_mah team titlc with a los score of 10 points, be6ridg the
Nutter cover€d the 6.z1-mite cour6e rhrougn the streeLs ol St, Atbans io 3t:16.2. It was importalt with Carl Hat{iel.t to conreod with tor me to op€n a lead as soon as I coutd, Nuttel saiit. Hatfield, thc director o{ student activitl€s at Atder6onBroaddus College, and Nuttel both blazect the first mile in 4:30. Betore they had covered two friles, Nut_ ter gaine.l some .laylight, Nutrer had caprureil a 7-hitc cvenr two rre€ks aqo at Zane6ville, Ohio, and ah hour ru last Reek ar Akron, Ohio. He trains abour 1ZO hitcs a week_ I,lt v'hote schedute this srlmaer is predicat€d on a goo{l showing in the Charlesion t5_mite Dis_
ODteoia TC by one point.
t. I-arry Frederick, 25, NyAC, 33:05; Z. Jim Bowtc6, 24, Troy, N.Y", 33:59 {1sr A.tirohdack AAU)j 3. Tom Clarke,22, Capiral TC, 35:3r (2h.1 Adirondack AAU); 4, Doh Wilkea, 35) Capitat:rC, 35:4? (3rd Adiroo. AAU) 5. Bill Martih, l9r Onteora TC, 35:15; 6. X€nny Hull, 17, onteora Tc, 36:20 {1sL s)i 7, Dick D'Aleo, 31, Capital TC, 3[,:32j 8. Bill Shrader, i]O, Cap al TC, 37:0.1; 9. Chuck CIark, 16, CTC, 3?:O8i 10. Jon powell, 20, Ont€oia TC, 3?:lOr 11" paui Buct<lart, 1?, Rehsse_ lear, N.Y,, 3?:15; 12. paul ceDlile, 16, CTC 37r16j 13, Bill Cooney, ,14, Capital 1,C, :l?:?O (tst Ver.);1.1" Hank Devine, ,11, Hartlord Te, 37t4't IE. Bitl catar_ Dea!, 20, cohoes, N.y., 3?:55; 16. Ro! Matson, t8, Troy, N. Y. , 38:01' 17, Toh Balon, 22, Albany, 38:tl]j 18. Roger Vanderwerken, 18, Sloan6viUe, N,y., 36:55j 19. Ted Bick, 43,, N.1.,, CTC, 39r17i 20. Joe Early, 14, CTC, 39:53r ?1. Da,e tvi11ig, ,,1I, Burnr Hitls, N. Y. , 40:15; 22. Cage Hotchkiss, .!1, cuilder_ land, N.Y,, C'tC, 1At22; Zj, Daiyu Bouvee, 16, Duanesburg RR, ,t1rO?; 2,t. Chris Carusone, 1.,1,, N. Y., .41:31; 25. John Ross, 51, CaFiral 1C, .ll:40 (1st Ov€r 50); 26, p. MuUin, 1?, Esperance, N.y. ,11:5.1j 27. Cathy Shradei, 16, Etectric Cit, cirls lC, .13:10 (lst Female); 28. i,4ike Derrick, 12, Capitat TC, 44:.16; 29. Burke Adams, 30, CT.C, ,t,!:,1?; 30, James High, 28, Ca1he1, N. Y. , ,15:50; 31. Dave Bouv€e, t?, Duanesberg RR, ,17:t9; 32. Gco{I Ortoo, 17, eTC, t7l 2lj 33. Bill Warren, 38, Delmar, N. 1.. , 48:41r 3,1. Jolu Aroh6oh, 40, cuildertand, N.y.,.!9:t5;35. Bill Shlader, 5E, Capital Tc, s0:2t; 36, Lauri€ Hedlun{1, 17, Duanesbelg, N. Y., 50:30 (znd Fcnale); 3?. Ed Aqgustine,49, Elaora, N.Y., 50:36i 38. Bob Sauuins, 38, Cooperstown, N.Y., 52:50;39. Rich Derrick, 8, Atbanyr 56:55j ,!0. Wm, Derrick, 45, Albany, 58:3?; .11. Amelia Or!on, 20, Rennselear, N, y, , ?Z:451 42. Robcrr Shrad_ er, 29, Capital IC, 73t2a, !]UDSON-MOHAWK RRC 5 MILE & 8 MILE RACES Albany, N.Y. (SUNY) July 1.1, 192,1 5..Mi1€s.. l. Toh Clarke, Capitat TC, 32,ZZi 2- pzt Stewart, Duanesburg, 32:Z?; j. Ray Craber, CBA, 45: t3; .1. Cathy Shiader, ECGAC, .15:13; 5. Mike Burkc, cTc, 15t\3.
8-Mile6- l.
2,{, Troy, N.Y., 5it:OBj Tom , 5,4r08r Bitt Galarneau, unat., 54:08; 4. CTC,58:53; 5. Dan Egt, wat., 59:35.
Nutcr H:ui€ld ar 32:59 | RoEer Rourller or P.r kersblrg ar 33:15 2 rrept tne r,Nr ft.e pLcB i. uic ro*n far €, slonsred by tha
C,Yr.anClubaidst Albans
ror tne
w6t vi..
ln$rody rho bnts u!. in lroor ol rh€ home staid t@le. Ln aharl.ston rhis yezi sorns r0 do $@ h6vy tun.
nhS Ndtte.sid llew6re rerrng ro rh€ idn i' € e. ro'npa5nng rhree runners l{.stviraiiir T'acI ctub en ihe Boston Ma.athon t€am
Nuttert 20, wesr virginia ac, \r3/4r i.76yl l.z, 11,h Cletus clilJin, 23, Sfrmir AC, U r/Z iZOy; 3. DonS1ussel, 22, rndiana.rc, r\/4^i,, -i,, zt5y: .!,
BrianSobczak! 26, Lake Erie AA, lt1/.1 mi.,tB9yj 5. Creg Bowsei, 19, S1]mhit AC, tl t/.1 oi.; 6. Dou; Ar , ni.,l(t); /. D"r- Su -o /. .^-":, , " .:l-, ._, A-, m tStvi -, 8, J m Loro,r, r, ,t, -- Jeroey TC, 1lmi., Central 163y;9. Bob Lunn, 18, '-nT r.. 0I r'-,. {.1lv: O, poB-. ooui.t--, ).,
0^ 4 a.., 28,:ti. Jct.C-,,., "-"-. v:.e.- aTC, , s .nhi Ac, r0 | z h:,. z.1ori tZ, VirF N cn ,.r,
,, 11,... B.-a T"!F A-A. rOt/ai., fc.teJ. ,6, vc!.-.a,.:c ott-8-. lo, 1o I i n ., j08!;... ,on. c --s, 18, sunir {.. l, 4 n.. .,Oy:,o. v /Markley, ZZ, Mid Ohio Striders, 10 t/,! mi,, 3,12].i t?. John calat, 16, Mid Ohio Striilers, 10 1/.r ei., Z56y;
18. Bruce lvoo.Uord, 22, r-ake Erie AA, 10 l/.! mi., Z01yd6; 19. Piorce Leary, 25, LLAA, 10 l/,4mi.,16?,
24, Sldmit AC, 10 1/4 mi', 157 v'ls' -ZO. BilL Belnaad, 18, S@it AC, l0 mi" '138 vds' Strouss, 21. Calla! 22. Steve hsztay, 26, Summit AC, l0 mi , 37E vds' zl8 vds' 23. J€{{ Yo€st, 19, Marietta College, l1l 'i"
Jim Comyns, 42, Lake Elie AA, 10 mi ' 9b v'ls' 25, Dave ZielaBko, 19, Malierta Coll€ge, l0 mi" 3:lv' 26. Paul \,lcKavilt, 19, unal. , 9 3/4 mi', 18'! vds' 2?. Bob Best, 18, sl@mit Ac, 9 3/4 Mi ' lzl vds' 28. Scort Dotterei, l?' Sumnit AC, 9 3/'1 mi ' 87 yds' 29. Jonn sclmidt, 22' nnat., 9 3/'1 milcs' 6? vds' 30. Brian Blue, 32, Srsmit Ac, 9 l/3 mires' 379vd6' 3i. waLter Tompkins, zo, uhat., I 1/Z 6 es' l9rvds' 32. Nlike !-arrar, 33, uat., 9l/2 miles, 9 tds' 33. Francis Hornicek, 16, Indiana TC, 9 l/4 mi ' 320v' 34. Rich Breiner, 28, Cleveland RRC, 9 1/4 mi" 318v' 35. 3iU Epplight, 5!' lvaraen YMCA, 9 miles' 3l8vds' 36. Karen McKeachie, 21, 1)et , 9 miles' 304 vds' 3?. Paul Beckwiih, 18, @ar., 9 miles, 292 vd6' 38. Dave Budzinski, 26, Eat', 9 diles' 104 vds' 39. Carl Ycln€rt, 21, Srlmfrit AC, 9 diles' 92 vds' .!0, Joe Fodor, 36, uhat., 8 3/4miles, 239 vd6' (,17 linishefs) Team: 1. Surmit Ac; 2' Late Eri€ -AA' 2,1.
puuing away in the last counle oI ililes Brsbv sor back at hitu this yeal x'ith a wengeance, rai:': :olid conttol oJ th. rac€ at aboul the '1 mile @lk, sa.!:'::nrq Bing_ gclirs MVAAU recor.l oI 48:55. alr: ::' reaLlt a redarkable perioamahcc by BusLt--:.. :'-rir'i'ns r''ae terribl€--85 degrees. high h$midi:1, ':: ::tr and, of : ::'s: Over course, rhe hiUs. Ben Londeree ri:: -="rC ol 5?: Age.!O Trolrhy whiLe breakihg ther:i'
'h ld /.'\
I r"-'.
\' ( vBA .\ll'lD Jell. Citv H: rr: : I Ben I"on' 1. Da\'id cooper, 1?, rlrr'l Bob 3. Larr'' r -_ 4:3t,.6; cTC, derc., '10, 1r'19' 5; Richar.lson & Rich To.1d, 4:'15r a :'1::::::, ?. Don Lelwis, '1:50; 8. Mike Chir.,:1: : - :5. ('10 iihish€rs) Mid ro uPPe! ?Ors, brlg: : : r:: : \ind'
SOUTHERN PACI!-IC ASSN. sTR: . Garden Grove, Calil., Jwe 1, li-= l. \tark Kuslter, 21, Gold€n 1".s: '
:::=i 2
27, cvBurgasse!, 35, STC, 53:4?;3 -1:::: "':: AA, 5.1r34; .1. Ed Sutman, 1E, L::: : r-l r, SkiP Shallc!, 35, CCAC, 55:27r 6 }i::::: : :.' 11, unat' ' - -Jim Kle!-56:12i ?. Dotg Sclmenk, 56:23i a. ::: :: _:aro, 56: :: :::{e, 5?:1tl 39; 9. Jobn casso, 56:'16; 10. t.:.:: RUN CATSKILL, N.Y. J@e 2?, 1974 6 6-MII-E :r:iti 13' re .:: :r r2. a8,2I, Kaj Johansen, 1' 11. 311:'14j Bowles, & l. J. Slrade!, 36:23! Z' Bigxow ) . :.: | 1: Keith To:r :::. L'1. Hoqard Keeley, 59:'1Oi " Po_ -looti I '8:O i r. V" ':r. o: .o: .. ' :r-r :i Arthur :: : Lieiik., Jio 60:29;16. Colburn, . B 8-o\, '" o.c |8. \rorl, 4z:2...!::STC, 6i:11;18" 39, Andr€rr, shrader' l' J' 4t26.orZ. J, shlader' cTC.",3-Mile2 ::: I :::i l0' RickFulLer, 62.\7|"141: 15:O6i Z. \1i. J. Shradcr, CTC, i6:09;3' Roe' CTC' 16:29' 62:09:19" Zaplen 3 :..- :t:'3: 22' Ron 21" unat., 62:19; :: ::' -'1'lZ' 21 23. Dou a::. 63:09i N' Tim French, WEST ALEANY STRTDERS If&F MDEA, COLQNIE' '' P€re Moseley, 29, uat., 6l:1l l: ::: ln:nev, iuly l, 1971 - qqo- r. cobez, FTc, l:58'0 'Mile- 1' i.::: : : r' (8? course linishers) 61:53. Ebberts, NYAC, 4:22. O; Z. Gomez, FTC, 4:2'i 0; 3 i' 'ill __ Br.r:. scobey, r97r, -_Jo1D Shacle!, CTC, 1:29.3j 4. Cla!Le, CTC, '!:30 i 2-\'11le1. J. Shra.1er, CTC, 9:'14.9r 2, WhrLe, 1rA5, 10:0i 5; l' 8|h ANNUAL PALOS VERDES 1:: : Brown, \!'AS, ]o:o? 5i t. \tilli€n, unat,l0:2:7 Palos Verdes, CatiJ., .rue : I - - : : l:: fleta o{ 3-Mile- i. Cr@mings, lvAS, 15:52 3r 2 BilL Shiad'r' 800 starte!s rrave1lc. o :r :i' ZTtl-Le,r+;3. D€cker, unat., 16:5l'1.. vast€rs r'lile- over veldcs Peninsula hi:Lls ) cc:i:: .: I- Cooney, CTC, 4:55.4. Chuck Sbead, 1969. 1. Don o.ana, 2:31121 , z -..4 BOB BUSBY SHATTERS MO. VALLEY AAU RECORD ,10' 3. Jis Arquilla, 23, un::. -. ,:rlos ALl5-K1t,O RUN, July 13, 19?'1 Columbia, Mo' You:, Ron z:3a.zat 5. (5000m taro, sPrrts: TC, '18:10 L. Bob Busby, 25, Kansa6 Citv 2:36:59: ?. Joe Burgas5er, :: \6t12, Szto'l)t ?. Ron Tabb, 19, KcTC, '19:32 (16:'12, (16:'11' Carlson, Z:37:j1: 9. Bill -ri.:ri 32:55)r 3. Ired !ihggeli, 23, FuLton, Mo', 52:03 (r?:17' 10. James 1'elez, 27, G i ----- :': 34:3r)i 33:31); '!. Rick Clear, 19' L<'CIc, aztzl (CTC KCTC 20' )6, CC!,C, 2t12,36t 12. Ii:r: ::: & Ed Crumm, 5. tic, Challie Glay, 20, H.S.)r 13. Dalid vand€r1.::, -:-Ben l-ondc_ ctQ' 54:58;8 3z' 53:3,1r ?. DickHesslet, berg, ,10, STC, 2i l5:3t 1l:: : :l aee, .rO, Co1. IC, 56:OZ; 9. Richar'1 Brms' ZZ' ]<CTC' .!8, STC, z:4?:06; 11i. Brl:.:.. :: a6:26: lo. Bryce Allmon, r5, Jefl. citv, 56:18;11' Carl CNG, Z:.19: 18, K:.:::: waltmire, 2:19:21; 26' Neal' Deaa 12. Kaas., 5?:t6i Orczarzal, 33, S-M, '.-: Steve :0 : Zi, Cart, -: C'!C, 57t!'9t 13. Dadd Cooper' 1?, Jell' Cirv, 5E:02 (sta- 3?;19. Thodas(znd :i. . ::rl HSI: Boaz, 2:50:55 rted,1 mins. latel)i 1'1. Tom Hoft, 17, Col@bia' 58:1+r 22. Craig La:rr., : 15. Sandy Las'retce, 24 Col@bia' 58:19; 16 Don lVaL_ , 29, SBGleasoh, 32, uaat., 2:r ::: 25, Ste\tatt' Dennis t?. ker, 16, KCTC, 59:OO; 'AC' 59:5?i 18. MatL Dufresne, 21, KCTc, 60:10; 19 Mik' 34, CTC, 60:36; ZO Matt ltramer' 18' KC- Market, Z:5.1:53r 2?. --:::: ChiDDendalc, -61:o?; Bob Heirel, Z:55:'10i ::. :':: 'fC, 21. Mite wagner' zZ, K3TQ, lJl zttt z2' Dan Ken BLaydon, 2.aa:-.t | | 24' Alma' Klein, Alan 23. c'fc, 32, Granberg, 14 yan, 2:56:58i 31. lii:::: Storvick, 16' C'tc' hzt33t 2t' Mo., 62:28i 2'!. Turk 'Zrazi webcr, 2:5?:,10r 31 4::::: r sta!lers' John Noadmeyer, 2i, Grasgolv, Mo, ' 62:55 {'13 36. Dadd HoUanc, 2 :::-' are six tinishe!6 toP Five of the l8 lihishers) NoteB... l : ::rr:i:r:, l:00:18;'10 m€rb€rs oI the ne\rlv lormed Kdsas Citv TC--not onlv 3:00:1.!;38. ? 3:0!:--i :: -: : r:. li.n Jone6, U at Mo" State ihat they are aLl students af Ceotral 1lJalr.rnsbuls. Busby is a gaaduate student and in th€20s' -{+ i"-". Lasi vear einggeli beat Busbv bv some r!. Iohn SuUivan,
49. Jeff Day, 3:05:08; 50. Dan Shee!ah, 3:05:11 rl. B}'on -ong, ):0c:ll: )1. rofr -al F-r), Sab D:F8o TC, 3:05:49 (I6t over 50)r 53. Robert Lusan, 3:07:22: 54. Donald Wlighr, 3:08:06; 55. Andrew Jacobson, ZZ, 3:08:10j 56. J€lf Collins, 3:08:15; 57, Tim Sanders, 3104.46i
3:08:47; 58, Carlos Ponce, 3:08:5?: 59, Chri6 Amaro, 3tA9to9i 6A, Roberto Alahiz, 3:09:37...8r. Diane Williars,3;13:13...2. Nikki Hob6on, San Diego TC, 3:20: 52 (znd woman)...3. (l24th) Dobna Gookin' SDTC, 3:
lst HIDDEN VALLEY OVER THE HILL LI.5-MILES JEe 15, 1974- Over-The-Hill t6 a lai! description of this tough course in the scenic Hidden Vauey area. Nice vin by Pat Mille!, afte! several years o{ hard work and steady ibprovement, Most of the rutners Ielt plelcy huch Over the Hill by the time they hit the one mile plus monster on the way back. The couse app€ared a llttLe shoat ol it€ advertised 12 nile€. - -Joh! Btennand--
July,l, t97i1. weather: 65", 61lmy. Course Record: Mike wagebbach, 1973. 189 Jinisher6. Teriy WilLiams and high schoor standouL Jim Shankel
,16:50 by
lan togerher most of the lace and easily were the class Team Scores: 1. santa Balbara AA' zli 2. QCAo-A, 3. CCAC-8, 75;,1. RRR, l0L; 5. GPAC, 122.
GRIFFITH PARK A. C. L3 KILO RUN (8. 084 MILES) J6e 29, 19?4 Course Record: 44:.15 by Pat Miller, 1974 weather: Hot, Team Scoaes- 1. ccAC 'A'r 2. Placentia Tlack Clubj 3. CCAC '8";,1. GPAC 'A'; 5. GPAC-B --Jolh Bacmand--
-COASTAL SECTION, RUN, SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA, JULY 13' 1974 l. KimDowns,21, U.S. Ihtt Universitv, l0miles'E8?v 2. JohnBeaton,20, Cal Poly, S.L.O"' l0miles,887v 3. Stan RosenJi€Ld, 26, San Luis Distan.e Club,9d,1115v Jim Casper, '!. Larry Bridges, 3'1, SLDC, 9m' 942v; 5. 31, SLDC, 9m, 45ly; 6. Dah Williamson, 30, uat., S. L.O., ,m, l?4y; ?. Jon Root, 19' Paso Robles, thi , Zly; 8. AlLen DcW.ese, 26, mat. /S.L.O", 8m, 1616vj 9. Mik.: Veron, ?9, unat. /S. L.o , 8d, 238v; l0 Ken llarvey, ,!9, SLDC, 8m, 21Zy; ll. Jonn S.hmidt, 16, SLDC, ?d, 156zy; lZ. J€d Spierling, '17, SLDC, ?m, 172y,13. Liz Verdugo, 15, SLDC, 5 mile6, 1670 vds' Notes... Two '1:15 collegiate mi1e"s, both slightlv out oI shape .luring the sl@mer oif-s.ason' took top honors o\'.r a smalL Jield in rhis natlonal !ostal event, being held in San Luis ObisPo loa the lirst rime. Beaton, , ,/. Loo. d /rs t-. i ,r ,p l- I:r> L. 'l ol the racc but Dovns, visitibg frod San Diego, cut the margin qDickLy as Beaton stowed down, and caught Joln at the 9 mile mark. Frcm th€le the tno rm together, {inishing t\ro lals ahead ol the r<ist of the field. BOZSNICH \fINS SENIOR OLYMFICS MARATIION Burly Marine Ca!tain Frank Bozanicf led trom start
to Iinish in the Senior Ol'mpics Marathon in lrvih' (Calif. ) on June znd as he took the titlc bv more than Jour minutes ovel aumer-u! Trudah Clark. Boza'ich brokc orville Atkins' CR of 2:35:58 bv mole thah ? mins. He cLocke.l 55:OO lor 10 miles and 1:50 at 20 miles & sloFed slightly over th. last six miles' Thc €tockv Boz_ anich packs 150 pouhds ol muscie on a 5r7 lrame' Ilis 2:28i5.1 clocking was a PR fo! him by more thao 8 mins Clark collcctecl a fine Z:33:zlJ clocking. (60o, hear-v
I\oR hh!5r
Ol OPO.ADoPL PFS_ -l' The6.: are thc lesults oI the thlee major laces h€ld this eummel in the Northwest Ohio Area. Thev arc onlt part oI a seri€6 o{ laces held in thi6 area ea'h !ve€k" Three years ago rhere wcre no raccs s.h€<luled lor this arca" Under the impulse ol Larxv Arhstro.g oJ Favette, a prograd has beg6 lvhi.h includes weeklv iace6' 6ereral larg(:r race6 and all-comeas mcets. --Philip MacHarg-197'1
l. RickBruggers, BowLing Gr€e!, 5l:34! 2' Sid Sir*, Bor'ling creen, 51:3.1i 3, Geo. Guins, Bucvrus, 5z:32; .!, Lou l\ragrcr, Sltantoa, 52i40; 5. Harrv Ausderan, BoNling Green, 52'.42i 6. Ftitz Ymck, Jackson, \r:ch. 52:.16' ?. fom Fai€s, Republic, 53:02; 8. Dan Cattledge, Liberty Center, 53:22; 9. Milt Place,TEin, 53:55; i0, tie, Brent Beaos, Fin.lla}. & Jelf Cihnamond, Bo*lihg Green, 5a122,12. Charle6 Renner, Dukirl' 55:28: 13. \4urph Bilde, Bowling Green, 55:45' 11. Jcrry Miller, Columbus, 56:36; 15. Mark Cook, Montpelier, 56:53i 16. Phil Stotz, vest Unity, 5?:09; l?. J€rry Lauiin, Atu Arbor, \ii.h., 57t21,18. tie, John Hayes, BC iL wark Lohman, ToL€do, 58:04: 20. Tom vabcke, Ioledo, 59:05; 21. JolD Rutherford, Clyde, ob\a, 59tza' zz Barn€y Brown, Galion, 59:32; 23. Aaron Joldan, swanton, 61]:l]i; 2.1. Dave Pel1e, Ann Arbor, Mich. , 60:0Zi 25. Richard Lusilc, Wadswofth, 60:17; 26. Jim Krieger, oak Harbo", 60:10; 2?. Phil lvo!, Toledo, 60:31: 28" Richard Cu1p, warren, 60:39; ?9. A1 Holt' Galion, 61:12i 30, Bill Hover, Findlay, 6t:'1?. (97 fihishers) 19?4 MONTPELIER BEAN DAYS 1O-MILE RUN
t!l\ ZA, 1974 Course: Rollins. ?5 degrees.
l. Rick ts'uggeis, 27, Bo{line Green, 52:55j Z. Rick Cauison, Piqua, 20, 53:06; 3, Sid Si.]{, 25, !C, 53:30i 4. Ceo. Guins, 30, Bucyrus, 53:53! 5. Claig Harms, 23, Colrlmbus, 5.1:05, 6. Lou \1iagn€r, 30, Swanron, 5ailO; ?. Dan Ca!11edg€, t8, Libexty Center, 55:33j 8. cerald Laurin, zl, Ann Arbor, Mich., 58:18i 9, Mike Hooiex, 19, New Bavaria, a9;'11; 10. Eob BorYman, 1?, Fiqda, 62:0lj 11. Dave Maison, 31, Delta, 6Z:01; 12. Karen l4acHarg, 25, Bryan, 62:3li 13. Randy Strair, 18, Bryan, 62:31; 14, Larry Arnstron.s, 25, Fayette, 63:08;15. Joln Rutherford, 16, cl)-de, 63:2?:16. Phil \{rorkmah, 29, Toledo, 63:30: l?. JolD rrgro, 21, Bellewe, 63:,45; 18, Jack Kho11, 35, Uhity, 63i59; 19. Phil Stoltz, 18, W.Unity, /J5:r.13; :.'r, James L, Ha!_ mon, 4?, Toledo, 65i,14; 21. Ralph \\':i:e- 25, Ioledo, 69r06r 22. Ron Hojnacki, 39. T.1.a., !9:-r?; 23. Kent Cook, l7, Montpelie!, ll39t 21, Charl.s 'l'allace, 16, Iayette, 72:03i 25, Keith l-, i:.erry Cehter, I z:0 3. (38 Jinishers) 197.+ DELTA CHICH-N RUN {!0 Lllr-:51 l Tim Zmbaqgh, 21, Bowling GrE-:. r::10i 2. Rick BrLggers, 27, BG, 5zi41t 3. sii s:tr., :a, Bc, 5'1:10.5j l. Stev€ Da4forth, 23, BG, 51:1a..: r, :ou ltagnea, 30, Srtarton, 55:3?; 6. Harl,v A!.i:..r:., :1, BG, 55i40; -. B -, 9-a-". 7. I' -1"o n, 4, " itairen, 56:49; 9. Bruce 5acis. :-. :=..rance, lllich., 56:52i 10. John Ga1at, l:', I11:'::.]C. :?:01, ll. Charl.s Renner, 19, Duahirh, ,i ::l ll. l-1nn Finfi€Ld, 2.!, ]/lansfield, 58:00r 13. Job ar:ir ::i:, :t, Orcha!d, r!:L1r 15, Bill rEiaEt l,!. Jim Grabo$6Li, 14, Ci.:::r Or:{1n1, l?, lv. BloooslieLa,:! I : I1:rLinCoheo, 21, Oak Park, Mich,, 56:1'r; li, I1::i: r.i, 18, \4ontp€1ier, 58:52j 18. Dan Car11.d.'.- l:. -r.:rtt Center, i9:18j 19. Phil Ford, 38, vans:r: : :i:l-i 20. sandy Turner, 30, Sylvanis, 59:18r : , . : ::r:.singer, 16, S(antoh, 59:a8; 22. Rob : , :rt:an, li0:07; :l: i 2'l Jellrey 21. .Tr6mie Ed(ards, 39, Tolea: Cindamoad, 23, E(1, 60:3j; 2:. --1 ::r :rdah, 18, Swan :..'.., aI:21,27. toD, 61:l?i 26. Dan Clcch.iaLa, a David Mason, 30, Dc1ta, 61::: ::. ':r:-. Laurin, 21, rlm Arbor, 151:38t 29. Ri.hari 1.r::r: :i, ll.adswo!rh, 61:18' 30. watt Docis, l?, Inl.::1 : ::ii 11. Kevin Crarner, 1?, Fi4dlay, 62:iai ll. . : :r: Cu!t, 42, ' ''-n, rl:.0 Lls .F,' -1, 27, :r .-rirnak, 16, Iempelance, Mich., 62:58,i: :-, :- .:.n Aabor, Toledo, 62i59.1: 15. Jim K.!::r. I{ich,, 63:o.t; 36. Dalt Ti.r:,.. . : :..:.n, 63:11; 37. ,€lf oberla, 16, lraus€€n, i:11-- ::. azr': Mohlet, 16, l=. aat€tle, 63:56 D.lLa, 63tt2t 19. Larry Aln:::::: .,10. Terxy lrhite, l?, To1e.1., : - -li ilhishers) ViOMENTS 3 \4ILE- 1. \\arc. :'::::.r, li, Toledo, l-r::1r 3. sally 19:06; 2, Jenny Badhorn, lr, -:::r: lr-i1liams, 15, sylrania, z1:21: -, : :::: l{eough, 19, Toledo, Zl:.13i 5, Arden Snr:: : :lcdo, 21:55; 6. -, .o ' ', h"r' c"ro r " o 'ool la', Montpelier,'. 2.r:0i.6j ! ::l r::::::!oag, 16, Montpelier, 24:07. ?: 9. I!aslii. : ::::::::, ::, cincinnati, 2.1:2,1;10, Kathy Johanns, :a, :1.:.. :;:1-o. i22fin.) ll --:lta, t9:14i 2. BOYS 3-MlLFl - l. Jamie \::i.i Chris Greer, 10, Oak Harior, ll:-r: :. DaEd Bake!, 1, S.anron, 22:15. 11, N4ansfield, 2Lllr .r, liai: -r-::. DISTA\Ct RLIII'O aA\tF r-MII'E X-C course, South Dat.ta staie -ni'erslty, Brookings, S.D., Sal., Jult2i, l9?1 10:rl0A.M. 3-Miles- l. Doug Crave, Bo-vden, Ioqa, 16:28; Z Mike Dunla!, Lennox, S.D., 16:'12;3. \rark Hi1lst!om, 19?4 SDSU SDSU clou
Trace, unat., Sagihaw, Mich., 65:53; 14. Bill Hewitt, Windsor Y, 65:56r 15. Jack Boyle, MCS, 66:38; 16. Do. crFer^ooo, MLs, 61:'4i l?. H-aty Szyn a sli. M( S, 08:zl; 18. ' \a. !oab, B rrr'nC on v On . ' 68:3li 19. Bob Kiess, MCs, 59:19! 20. Jack Habel, Mcs, 69:24; 2r, Max Nenazi, MCS, 69:31; 22. Frank Kelly, MCs, 69:32; 23. Ale Phiuips, MCS, 69:34j 24. Dale MOTOR CITY STRIDERS 15.9-MILE RUN Davi6, BelLeville, ?0:5?; 25. Alan Taylor, Burlington Y, Belle Isle Path, Detroit, Michigan, Jse 2, l9?4 71i35" (38 starters, 3.1 fini6heas) 1. Duane slitz, MCs, 85:Z8i Z, Dahny Anderson, unat., JUNIOR DIV, (r7 & Under)- l. Tir C1bring6, unat", windsoa, 95:35; 3. Bill Benton, McS, 96:10; 4. Harrv 56:5?; 2. Jerry Ahdex6on, uat., 60:06; 3. Bill Grilfin, Bra.Uord, lvLndsor YMCA, 95:56; 5. A1 Ruiln€r, MCS, unar., 60:551 4, Rick Kodara, uaat., 61:15; 5. Rick e e . \4' S, 100:'8: 7 C'o-e_ '.o lo ' stathkis, unat., 6l:28;6. Kim sharp, nlat., 62:36,7" 98: 8j o. B lhat., IOO:,1?; 8. Tony Provenzola, MCTC, 102:02j 9. E.1 stobach, una., 63:00; 8. Pat coyne, uat., 63:45; Lou Putnan, uat., 103:04; 10. Victor SiPcs, MCS, 103: 9. John Slavik, windsor Y, ont", 65:57; 10. Joe Andei40; u. Bob Barnes, McS, 10?:08; U. Graham \4right, soh, uat., 67:21; ll. Ken Sparks, nnat., 7Qt26r L2. uaat., Win.lsor, 11'!:,15; 13. RickRaimondo, MCS, LZ4:51; (]eorge Vincent, unat., 94:10; 13. Ian Ahdtew Larvson, 14, Lou Ros6i, McS, 130:21. @at., 97:0.1; 14. Jim Setcombe, unar,, 103:30. MASTERS- l" Ron Bakcr, uat,, Allen 1VOMEN'S DIV. - 1. Teresa Ashworth, lrindsor Y, Ool., Z. Dick Scott, MCS, l:09:58i 3. Allen Phillips, MCS, ?1:53; z, Marja wright, Salnia T&F club, ont,, ?3:05; l:16:53; .1. Max Nemazi, MCS, l:17:05. 3. Mary Jo Fishc!, Lipke Tc' \varren, 85:23j 1. BrenWOMEN- 1. Fatima Ali, RRC, Phila,, 1:30:2i. da Makichuk, Windsot Y' Ont., 88:26. --Dd Kozlolf--- Ed Kozlolt_-
Siou Falls, S.D., 1?:Ol; 4, John Karvooen, New Yotk Mil1s, Mim., 17:'!0j 5. Dale Winter, Boyden, Iowa, 1?:52; 6. MarL Clark, Creston, lowa, 18i0l; ?. Gavle Gadstacl, Lennox, S,D., 18:21;8. JonStone, Be1le Four.he, s.D,, 2L:25. lveathea:650, cloudy. cours€: 6racs, flat wiLh a lew roiling hil1s.
INTERNATIONAI- FREEDOM FESTIVAL 1O-MILE RUN Be11€ Is1€ Palh, Detroit, Michigan, June 30, 19?'l OPEN DIV. (18-39)- r. Paut Bardwin, Fliat, Mich., 50:.!2; Z. Don Richardson, Wayne State Universitt, 51:1?; 3. Ed Gliflis, Motor Ciiy striders, 5ltz5, 1. Pat Davey, Motor city Striders, 51:50; 5. Nick E1lis, De-
troit Stliders, 51:56; 6. Duane Spitz, Motol City Strid., 52,27t7, Cerald Crane, unat", Holt, Mich,, 52:27;8. Donald And€rson, unat,, Carden Ciry, Mich., 52:5?l 9, Mike Boyd, Kalmazoo TC, 53:05; 10. walter Ganz, Ea6t Lan6ing, Mich., 5i1:08j Il, James Cartca, MCS, 55:09i 12. Tyrohe Griffin, unat., F1ibt, Mich, , 55:42; 13. Patrick lvi16oh, unat., St. Clair Shores, Mich" , 55:54; 1,1. Cary Relfitt, Gold€n Triangle TC, 56:16; 15. Frank Tal<ish, unat., Flint, Mich.,56:43;16. DabReyno1ds, MCS, 56:55; 17, Wm. Benton, MCS, 5?:10; 18, Joseph czech, unat. , 14-arren, Mich., 5?r15; 19. Ray 1Vi1L, Laurentian TC, Ont., 57:.115; 20. Jim Gilchtist, London Pacer6, Ont., 5?:a8i 21. Craig llaims, B.G. Ma!athon Club, Ohio, 58:1,1; 22, James Deren, 6olden ..o Ba t"), London D"("-s, .r,u rc - _c, "8:-l; I Ont., 58:36; 2.1. F!ed Wright, Sarnia T&F C1ub, Ont,, 58:55; 25. Fred Ralaer, Burlington Y, Onr., 59:0li 26. Lou Pu|!am, Pontiac, Mich., {10:08; 27. Bob Barne6, McS, 6o:lo; 28. Martin coheh, McS, 60:18; 29, Gary Iairbank6, Fenton, Mich., 6l:21;30. F!ad<Calissimi, unat., Detroit, Mich. , ri2:06; 31. Paul Burkett,
THE RUNNER By Allan PhilUpE Moto! City Striders _ pF h rot b ood ... C,.g yoL. \":n" G!eai 6urges ol air, reaching down inslde you The eool sweet *ind in your {ace Rhytbmic pounding of you leet A s)mphont of mus.le, tendon, heart and Lugs in perlect harmony, consr]ming Lim€ and space, and felr lhc 6ame joy, eons ago, Neanderthal ahd astrohaut Linked forever to inJinity. Heartbeats apart only, Lightyeaas berw.en their minds Torn by Technology Now {aiigue is seitine in My moderh mind is .iimming slowly. Suddenly I have legs and leet Growing heavie!.
Keep tbe rhythm going, Oh God of
run.e.6 {roo ases past,
unat,, \vaterford, Oot,, 63:15i 33, Rob Bostatea, Futton- Fa! ahead, in hazy dancing minature tr ,ou ) Pc. Brv" , Ohro, 61:-7: 14, P"rd/' -"ir. A gloup of peopl€. Fulton-wiL County RR, 66129i 35. John Phiui!s, Detroit, 66:3il; 36. Aieg Burr, London Pacet6, Ont., b?:4lj 37. \-.i o,r on-or, M.5, 6?:.8; r8. .f"-t-s L-mm-r, Burl- Now it's time to pick it up. ington Y, Ont., 68:15; 39" Paul Stevens, Pontiac, Mich., All ihe joys have turned to agonies: 68:.12j 50. Tcd Helms, Ypsitanti, Mich, , 69r18, (5'1 fin. ) Hot blood po@diag MASTERS DIV. (.10 & OVER)- l. Bob Lazenby, Kitchener Wat€rloo AC, aat., a7.261 2. Flank McBride, MCS, Brrn: a.. 5c c.n ne h.o.Cl -i body 'B 58:25; 3. Lorne Buck, M€tro-Totonto Ec, aaA4t 1, Chuck Davey, MCS, 62:13; 5. Btuce Watlace, K-W TC, Ahead a 6himmering ru@el afi. , 62:26; 6. Doug wolff, K-w TC, ont., 63:z6i ?. And the linish line. Miles Marshall, waterloo, ont., 63:52; E. Bob Truman, Soheone Ilunding up behiad. Wind6or Y, 64:05;9. Jack Reid, K-W IC, 6+2AiIA. Reach down deep inside Dick Scott, MCS, 6.1:32; U, Tom Colde, Kalamazoo TC, 65:28; lz. Bill salter, London Pacers, 65:39; 13. Dick
streets Tlte paeci6ely certified' Ilat course on crtv tast pace-' 16 a aod .traiegv iace both 6eemed to stimulate T;Deandertha! respoDds' LetitalroutBythelokilopolni,alaageglNphadsePdateditseuscreamins bodv' rr'oo the pact' rhe sroup-consisted oI :-"":'.t:^:-""::. i"t."i-" --"""" Hughes, Kurrle, Geoale & ! rederlKss On; hudied yards. back as huch as 200v narrowuts râ&#x201A;Ź rhe eally stages xerd iarter hmg The shihmering lrdet Harrâ&#x201A;Źr began lrom the leading gloup At about l5!m' and ilidErng. h. stil sreadity oveltakrns th; reading.sroup raiDt shoots pulse in @y ears, Y:j:]]:" atteoPr*, lead.grou! the ALI of iu'oogl' tle- tv zoto. Tbe line, tba;k cod! bv one alr but doa't stop moving' to 6r; wfth Harier'6 blisteaids pace' but one i""J1ir, a,.pp!a orr - Mark covert vaB th'li.":.t:,::""i,""l.."s.lgg., r'. a."t i.Lr' +' ,:ro:)"i l. v".r' dushie' u";-., -,'., -:rb:')r ,,,.,';.,::.::L RRc_?"i-Mrll il:,'J", ;"";"; ; H,i'=;'.;.-*, Athtete s inpalkway, Pebnsadkeb N' r" s@dav' ceorse, Darren 6. l;;,;;; ;;;;;;;.; l:i"'.."';;i,
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Pts. t7 2tg5 lO'19 56'0 +49 24 ?'52 ' Z6:03 2tA7 lOrO3 57tA 1t5O Z9
Jelry Neubelger, 20, NYPC, lL:34; 13' Allan 2' MFK' 3 Pau1 Co{fih6' Kauffan, 31, reePort, ll:19; l4 Ied Fov' 46' 16 i2:2'1' 4' Hal Ognetodh' 2t:51 zt')9 l1ta3 58'2 4t46 32 l2:1zi 15. Donna Draycott, 1'1, I-euttown' 5 John Aragundi' 27:zo 2tQ7 Lo:18 55'0 4:50 3? 5?, Stale. Island, 13:20 i"i"ri. ZtIO 9134 6ltz 1t10 5l ".""", R@- l. Curtis Ntinn!6' 18' East Coast 6' Norb^ert Sandea' 24'27 z-Mile Teenage z"tt1\ Z'rA lotz6 55 4 5:0r 58 Bob Svzmansl<i' ? AC, 10:05.6j z. Anthonv christoPh", ie' *V"(]' 10:31; S Rav Escobar'' 27:12 Z.OS ro:31 56'Z 5:03 6l +' ernest -i'rt'ti-r".'io' 3. JackD'E1ia, 16, EastCoastAc, ro:ai; z'lz rO:23 60' 1 4:5? 68 2(':r8 9' Martin Kes6l€r ' t KlJ.l:J:J:menecker, L?, Levittown' lot37 59 0 4:59 ?L 26:17 ztlz BalEa' 'tut' 16 Ea6t Coast AC' LO' Bob 1?, Elmsforil, 1L:03i 6. Joel Kaplan, Ia"z3 54'3 5:a6 7z ?tO5 29:02 sixtol-afa' Ernrique ll CJ"Lt''. 1L:19; ?. Lee Geisre!, 13, srou, tl:lzi a'-o2:I3 10:30 5e'a 4'53 75 z?:re q. ,vary Hart, ,t""ii',t,i';. 11 1":'41'"'n"' i;. ;;;;;";, 2'7ta6 z:I3 l1t34 59 0 5:03 8L 13 Ra{ae] Luna' ';;;' --t." ot.r"..---_ ZtrS Lotz4 61 0 4:54 85 26"38 BlackBlone' Dave 14' ---:-------_--ZtOg 1or5r 56'6 5:10 86 ZatSl Cucchiara' Matteo 15 RRC (N.Y.) SUMMSR SPEED tOUt'"* za:za zt|l ra"51 57'5 1155 8a 16' Jon Sclhever' 19?4 ? P'M crove Lake Path, S'I., t.."a"", 1?' Ernest Kr!@menecker' ZatZZ Ztl2|0t57 60'7 4t56 9A Thaee Miles oter paved Path6 't'"_it, l8' Larrv-Ihra'l'enhets' 27127 ZtlS \Ai? 62 2 4153 l\z Z OPEN- 1, AL Buh1, 25, Cenrral Jersy IC' 15:OO b; 19 J€rrv Mccarthv' 2atz3 ztrS rl:oo 59'6 5:04 106 J*""t""' Dan Dougherty Jr., 19, S.I., 15:14: 2?r0l z:18 11:OO 60'8 5tI1 l2z zo' HaL Beal' ''' "i]* u 19, s.I", 15:16; '1. Phil Heit, tg, ot"ttt'-te'Of Dowrvon'- zetzo ztr6 \\tr6 57'z 5'04 rz3 Jonathon Williams
11:33; 12.
2l John ' Dougher'"ii ' *i'- iiJt ;:;;.;;;;.'..;;;.^-a,,ziNJSr;,i6';;';';-k22Pat€astick'(ver'],z72az't6rot3z65'44'511'24 21t10 Zt77 rAt46 62'A 5tZZ 135 i"i"""", LS, 23. Pdl.Pilierc, caeenblaLt, 26, Blookllm, *,u,' ,. ,..r._ ";;a',-"];t ztr'| rrt33 62'2 ttae r'a ze'zo 11 ?a!]d Yoln'. r?:06; ro. Art Kijek, ;;, Hut€r coLlege,.z9, 27t41 z:24 \at55 65 4 5:lr 164 zs RichardB"c!d it' stAc, I7t28it Lt, Joe Jones, 2rL8 11:50 58"5 5:33 165 28:55 S'drels 2! Ma]\rn ""i'"t5"itni' titS-' t-'i''iislAc, 1?:28; 13. Pat Maltov, t', ""-i't-' YM.A, rom renik, 28, McBurnev ;;il;T 1i',3i :',:2 il:')) i r'sLP'sl ",iiii! don, .l \LAC, r? -. { 5:15 l8l 63.0 2|23 1l:08 29.23 DaEd Rosenbau' 29. TEENAGE - l. Mike Hagan, 18, Rock. RRc, 14:35..|| 5:28 r84 z:r8 58.4 30:42 Lr:35 "?." :9. ldo6:s.Rtvers, z. charres Kondak, r?, Rock. RRo, ,;,;;;;: ;;; -tt' Z9t5O Zt24 IIt34 62"6 5:24l9A ll' D-on Salvato'. Olo"--' tn'SO' SL, Jolnrs' 18, K€aling, r2' GeorgecoodD' 30:Ie 2:1? 1r:s5 58'9 5'35'5zaz '' -to" s.r., 1'!:54;5. Joe chisholm, tu, ' 33 Robert l-ibbev' 30:18 z:12 u:58 5t'1 6ar 284 "*i'""C;-ii'ti;' t;; i;';;';: -ii'6. rom Mah€r, rri, Garv Fantrv rc, ze'a4 2t27 rr'26 65' 1 5:r8 206 11 !Y"-o".' sDansler, 15, RRRC, 15:49; t. ,t- "*1*ti', 30:01 2:re 7Ir:40 64'5 5:26 208 nqc. ts,rz; e" iaat Le€shi, t6'56, r; ;;;i;;-;;J' ""n :r' nra't.r"rt*' 15, 16:58. (zl fioisherO -_"" I<t""*-ti--- --' T:" :,ll'. il: X3#iHii,ij; iz',:,z "'tr:L':;.i';:: "l;,ii ,il;',,i;:ii21 1',i;"'llii' 3e Blr Gibbs' :;: +r or ,r ;;/an ::;;i;'';;;'"u'cortlandi 3o:iit 2:19.8 t2t15 60.2 5t3A 235 Lento, Fianli Lento' 40, '"" P'M' July 26, 1974 6:00 Fab Esposito, 16:18j6. Dan
'""-il :1i"J::1-"'
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1:' :::;'i,'"'",,".";:1, 1Z',i:';::"'I?i,'f;.',';)i,11^2 oi 2. PaJl P: 'e o, /r' cA, o:"1"1 65'5 5:43 zsa Eali re, yohkers, e:3e! :. curtis Nainnis. "'* : ::::': ::91i"' i::li i.'" 6LA 5t36 Z5l zt21 IZ'14 3Atf\LoPez' 4'1' Carlos Coasi AC, 9:45: 1. Ernie Rivas' 25' tast 39t!-0 2:13 rztzt' 56'9 6'51 254 -""''' 45' Jason "=": Greller' "o:q8 ';" ' .oa^, A, , o:.0: c. Pa' .<oo.-. o. Br.a ""]"""1" "' 7\t56 64'7 5t53 263 zet3rztzt ti' i: Y*"^s"""'" sreveKais€r,22, Lons Beach, to,ts, t !r:35 72'r 5135 266 za:za ?t32 n' n] llll ?."lil . EcAc, ro:2l;8. Demis Driscotl, ", o""oir*,-io'tt" zto9 5 r3tl7 58'7 5t4a27z 32142 M(k' charles 9. Dr. Davc Thomashor', 'S, *t"'""" ""o' t';'te to"- 'tt s-t'*.luil-v rz'oa 6!-'9 5t4r 275 i't)5 ztzz'9 Arr;n Kaufman, 3r, FreePort, to,uo, tt"it""' """J' -+:' 66'4 5t3427' zt3r tLtlz 3a:25 t""i' ttlii- Gt 5! Garv Meltz€r' jtt'a z25 rztre 65'4 35, EcAc, 11:04;12. Jim Bolden, 5t34 307 vef.);13. redEoy, +o, Nrrx, rr:'rq",lzndl:'i''lil" tii'- :: tlita-:cddl:ra' Maleui, ttrZ "'",,i''-"Ji""'"' iJ;. T'J""5J,".illl''., tri::r::::.:1::rr";;:,;,:: New"co-ds 8. Lo,s'"- r/"''l':' l?"::"'"''"rr"\ei's" 1':":i""T;.":J"'.-ll:"'"-l'^ denorncF€stablishe{:l m 5' z & 1 mile events (24:19' 9tz9' 4133) bv ?"" 17' '' rand AC, 9:48.9; z' Hal Ogoqelodh' '-""' - rc capt Toh childers') --Joe Kreinetman-9:515.6; 3. Anthony chlistoPher, 16, ^tJi]'tt"tt' j.";;';it., re, ec-qc, to,tg,5. Denniscu'-dv.i"" d;;;;;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;N.;.;;;..1--
'il'ti.Ip:I:l.;,rr::j::i* :*"*i*::r.:*x*ilry1,[::::]",".,
" er, r.6, Bayside, u:'13:e. Le€ c"i:t::' ,l''"::T:j .il'_."' i"i" ","is74 s:00 p.M. weather: s@!y & hot. lo, Mike Ker16on, l?, Blooklyn, 1Z:0Ljrr.5onuc]",.'' "-"..1 zo, Newf'oakAc, 543a.ziz. BttI ,,<"-. ia"c"..r, ro, Bros, 13:15. (14 srarters, u t-t"n:l:l_______- ;_.;;,-;;,-;.;-lo* .q.c, r.,+0.e,3. Joer pa6ternack, itt*t"t"to*' :' *:';-:,n-:'i; t:11.11?i"lt;f,t;rlti";"t";i"t;il RRc oF NEw yoRK - t"roo o**uo" p."t sr"ai*, B1on, N.Y.. sudlv' i;'?T,"3il'"1";Jl;o:1; ?. paul Fet.cher, zB, L\Ac, u".'c1.'i".u, July 28, l9?4 ro A.M. to 5:30 P. M' Jr' LIAC 61:54;9 Joe viveriio' bo',?c;,8;^:on Frwents: 5 Mil€s, lrack & road;880 2-oile, '140 & Mile f.'^d^iitt Jack Cohen' Z0' unaL ' 63:10; b':u!; ro 4l'.Lu!' Pts Ml. 5-Mi, 880 z Mr 'r4O ]i3t l0 ll'Alr KrJek' 1+' LI]'Q' 64:52i L2 Garv M€ltzer' 28' r. capf. Tomchilders, zltr9 2.0]..5 iZi's5 s
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:. - ::tre Johnson,
LeBlanc, 39r3lj l?. KyIe Steven6, 39:59; 18. David Coflkli{, .{0:02: 19. Howard Wi.gert, 41:58; 20. Elver Gaston, 50, 43:Q3; 21, Jim Blovn, 44t03t 22, Joh Zerkle, 44:ZZi 23. DickQuigley, 14t49i 24, JackSargent, 45:55j 25. Mark Jones, 46:00i 26, DickBurns, 47tO7t27. Scott Satge.t, 47i54; 28. Stevart Joha6on, 49:16;29. Delbert Turner, 60:02. (34 starters, Z9 fiaishe!€) Thilty four r@ners also participated in a one mile fi!r- out e back l-t tours-. --Fe1ix LeBlanc-DON FRANKLIN WINS 8.MILE ZOO RACE Tulsa, Okla., July 13, l9?4- Don Faanklin, froh Oldahoma University, captured another Tulsa Runing Ciub race. Las! monlh he won the 5th Amual Rive!€ide 5ailer. Today he won the 5th ahnuar Zoo Race in 4l:58. The race started at the Mohawk Zoo ald the run€r6 then made rwo lools in the picnic area & linished at the Zoo. It was a warn day, about 80o, clear, sunny anal windLes6. Z? 6talters & {inishels. 1. Don Franllin, 20, Nolman, Okla., 4l:58i 2. Larry Aduddelr, 28, Tulsa, ,12:,10i 3. Roh Fick, 2r, Norman, 43:12;.1. Rddy Cook, 26, Pittsburg, 43:57: 5, Bob Meyers, 21, Normah, 44:39; 6. Charles M. Cottle, 19, Bartlesville, .16:05; 7. Blent Wooten, 25, Tul6a, .17:01; 8. Howard Short, ZZ, Tu16a, .18:40; 9. Tom Kempf, 49, Ba!t1e6ville, 48:49;10. La@y Endicott, 30, Tu]sa,,,19: 0,1; ll. Jim Mulvany, 27, Pan a Citr, 50:l3j 12. JolD w-stbroo.. 2a. tut6a, ..:a6t (. . c |,r"-rrn, 4c, Baatl€sviue, 5l:3li i.1. Norfran Sioan, 3?, Tulsa, 5l:37; 15" Dave Mcclendon, 18, Tulsa, 52:zlj 16. Art Browning, 11, Tnlsa,52t37, i7. Larry Hama, 16, poncaCity,53: '!7; 18. Bob Bakea, 36, Broken Arrov, 53:,18j 19. Bob Gruenvald, l?, Bartlesville, 53:52; 20. Rob€rt Eish, 3,1, Enid, 54:1.4j 21. Paul Rodden, 33, Tulsa, 55:O6j 22. Bill Thompson, 41, Jenls, 58:13i 23. Verh Whiteside, 54, Tulsa, 59:15; 2i1. Bitl Ryan, 43, Tulsa, 59:i13; 25. Richard Carr, 40, Pittsburg, 61:12, 26. Jaae6 sears, 37, Tul6a, 63:lZ; 27. Wendell Sha{Ier! 35, Ponca Citt, 68:17. *Don Franklio rah o{f cou!6e for a short di6rance. Thi6 plobably added aboui 20 seconds ro hi6 titue. Z-MILE- Dave Sander6 beat out a tield of 1? to win the Tulsa REaing Club's short race. 1. Dave Sande16, 18, Tulsa, 9:54; 2. Mike Elli6, 22, Normab, 10:11j 3. Johi Westbrook, 2,1, Tulsa, ll]:33; 4. Elryn Davis, 32, Pittsbu!g, Ks., 11:,15; 5. Bill Boggs, 39, Tulsa, 1r:48; 6. Rick Aroshong, 30, Tu1sa, l2rQ.1; ?,, Bobby Ladd, 15, Tulsa, lZ:14; 8. Ken Zway€r, 16, Tulsa, 12:,15; 9. Dixie Marquez, 35, Tulsa, 13:46! 10. D.-1cl Thurmord, , .ulba, ,t:'4: 1, LhJ.k SroLr, 13, Skiatook, 14:14; 12. Art Wade, 53, Tu1sa, t5:O?j 13. Duane Thurma, 1A, l5t26i 11. Pratip B&dyopadhyayr 38, Tulsa, 15:31;15. c.T. co6wick, 5?, Tul6a, 17:0,11 16. Marilyn Gay, 28, 'l\|.a, ITtZZt 17. Phyllis Zlrl.merhan, ,13, Tu16a, 26:10. --Vern Whiteside--
+ The average ant is capable of.rawling tFelve feer a minute on a fa6t trackl i?)
NORTHSIDE YMCA 6-MILER, ATLANTA, GEORCLA 1. lyarae Roach, 30:12; 2, Lee Fidler, 3lr04i 3. Cart D€ Santos, 31:.17; 4. SaD Benedict, 32:36i 5. Randy Stlouit, 3?:38; 6. Jitu Caines, 32:45j 7, Edwin Hinds, 32:4?; 8. Jerry Biawn€r, 33:31;9, Wayae Riley, 33:35; lO. Billy Daniel6, 33:4?r lI. Bluce LaBudde, 33:56j tZ. Ceoige Qobt, 31t2?.,13. Art Mu€t, 3.1:36: 1.4. James Davis, 34:
)9i 15. B:ll l a sh, 34:.r8j 6. i huc} RoD"rrs, 14:29; I?. Rocky Bfown, 34:49i 18. Ked Winn, 34t5zj 19. Kea Byers, 35:07i 20. Lalry Davis, 35:17; 2r. Chlis Thibodeau, 35:r9; 22. Mac Anderson, 35:20; 23. Jeff Addington, 35rZZi 24. AUen Taylor, 35:25; 25. Jon custan6oD, 35:z?i 26. Mike Iriff, 35:29.,27. JimFrye, 35t3\t 28. Gary C!u6e, 35:33; 29. Ralph Jones, 35:35; 30. Marty Moore, 35139; 31, Paul Moo!e, 35:41; 32. Dave Martin, 3at11i 33, Way^e Wil1lahs, 35:4?; 34, Mike Tlantow, 35:50; 35. Ricky Dyor, 35152.,36, BiU cates, 35:53; 37. Cbarres cib6od, 35:s5; 38. Bili Neace, 36:2t; 39. Paul Mihgo, 36:28; 40. Howard Dial, 36:45. (r5t rib. ) 3.MILE TRACK RACE, FORT MEADE, MARY LAND June 8, l9?4- clrra wood, ,10, holder oJ the Aherican record fo1 a veteran's hile (4:2,1.3, was ax easy wr4ner in the 3-mi1€ ope!. Wood stayed ia the pack fo! the fiist two miles, and picked it up the last m e (4:54), to win by 15 seconds ovea Don Dewitt and Jetf Shelton. 1. G1,nn Wood, 14:50j Z. Don Dewitt, 15:05; 3. Jeff Shellon, NATO, 15:05; 4. Bob Thurston, WSC, l5:to' 5, Nils aostvedt, 15:3.1; 6. Malty Smith, t5:3?; ?. Bill Hoss, PVSTC, 15:55; 8. Bruce Talawal,na, 15:10; 9, Paul Faarier, USN, 16:3i; 10. Mike Fleming, t5:34; 11, Ed Jerome, WSC, 16:42; 12. Brent Johnson, I6:5i; t3. Dick Hip!, 16:53r 14. Jim Hecht, 16r55; 15. Vena No11', 1?:06; i6. Bob Holmab, PVSTC, l?:08. (42 firishers) --Da via deyn6{c d__
OPEN & VETERANS RACE, HAINS POINT, J@e 20, 19?4- Jack Mahuri! took an earLy lead & was nev€r 6eriously challenged a6 he bettered tlE couse record by 2s with a gihe oI19:50. 1, Jack Mahuria, 3I, l9t5Qt 2, cei!y Staufon, 20:21; 3. Bruce Robinso!, 20:30j ,1. Rick Bea!d, 20i40; 5. Gl)ah ood, 40, ZAl4t 6. Do! De\fitt, 2At55i 7, t.ff Sheltoh, Zl:08; 8, Marrin Smith, 2i:30; 9. Dave Washburn, 21:31; 10. Craig Hanvard, 2l:49; 11. He!ff Horton, 2l:50; I2. Bruce Tatawyma, zlt5zi 13. Jitu llechl, ZZta6 14. Bill Hoss, 39, 2Z,A9i 15- ceorge Wysor, 22:10: 16. Mike Shoeoaker, 22111; 17. Mike :Heytin, 13, 22tZZ,lB. Paul Farrie}, 37, 22t3lt \9- Tony Diahon.l, 45, 22:35; 20. Mike Fl€ming, 38, Zztl\i Zl. Ed Jelode, 30, 22: .15; 22. Chuck Johnson, 36, zzr'At 23, 'Iim a\sen, ZZI t7.,24. Bob Thurston, 22:59; 25, Arthur Dulaime, 42, 23tA4i 26. Di.\ Hlpp, 3.4, 23:05; 2?. Dick Jahborsky, 23:07; 28. Mike Bradrey, Z3tO9., ?9. chuck paul, 32, 23:1530. Ed OrRoufke, 35, Z3tl6t 31. Cari Cook, 5?, Z3tZ5i 32. Jetl ll,ilton, 23.26i 33, Rod Steete, 23rZ7; 34, Coly Umbach, 23:30; 35. cregoly Bu!aa1d, ?3:31; 36. Dave Tlreau, 12, Z3t3Z:37, Bob Horman, 56, 23:40; 38. ceorge Cu6hdac, 35, 23:4li 39. pat Del Vecchio, 23:,11; 40. Danien HoweU, 23:42. .8?, Sue williaos, ?6:32 (1st woman) 142 finishers. 2-M1LE TEEN RACE- 1. Bi]] Ilelad, 9:,!3; Z. WiU Albers, 9:50t 3. Kevin Amigh, 9:54; 4. Jim Whitdan, l0:00i 5. Paul Rapayi, 10:12; 6. Larry Miller, lO:20.
NATIONAL AAU POSTAL ONE HOUR RUN springbfook H.s., wed., June 26, 19?4 ?:20 Fl.M. Bruce Robinson ran a personal best of ll mire€, ??ly to win ea6ily. He took the lead alter the first mite (5:12) and iar even-paced 5:13-5:19 mile6, completirg the last miLe in 5:ll. A thunderstolm shordy be{ore rhe race lowered the temp, to a coinJortable ?0 degrees L. Bruce Robtnson, 23, WSC, rrm, ??ly; Z. Nils FoFtv-dL, 26, ua'., .|ff. l0oy: 1, Varrin Si"fh, 22, rnd.,
l6_di., 1360y;4. Joe Fl6her' 21, Club EaBt, 10 mi ' 1109v; 5. Paul Fatr!er, 3?' @at., lom, 101?v; 6 Bruce Tala*raa, 26, Eat., lom, 986v;7. Dave Bnzzerl' L9' unat., lom, 88?y; 8. Mik€ Hevlia, '13, Eat , lom' 83?v; 9. Ed Jelome, 30, wSC, 10m, 639v; I0 Dick Jamborskr., 3?, D,c. Ha!7iers, lom, 498y; 11. Dick HiPP, 3'l'
12. chuck Jobn6on, 36, PVSTC' rom' 3?, DcH, l0@, 398vi 14' Graltam Sfeele, 4L6y; 13. Rod uuston, 33, DCH, lod,l55v; i5. Richard Keher' 19' unat. , 9o, r504yi 16. Dave Theall, 42, DCH, 9m, 1350v; r?. John Noble, 34' rnat , 9m,l1zzvi 18' Martin creenba@, 28, wSC, 9m, 926vt 19. Joe Car€v, '12' s w' Truckers, 9@, 836y; ?0. Robert PhelP6, 24' unat" 9m, 699yi 21. Birl Howard, zI, nnat., 9m, 4A6vi 2z' Joln woods, 56, PVSTC, 9m, z29vr 23- Roge! Burkhart, 36, uat., 8m, 1303v; 21. David cottLieb, @at' ' 8m, ?5Oy; 25. George ElLioi!, 43, PVSTC, 8m, 592v; 26, Comi€ Junghan€, 2?, wSC (L6t woman), 8m' 460v; 2?. Stanley Dor{man, 36, unat., 8m, 27lv; ZS Teresa strong, 1?, Model Cities (znd wodan), an' Z41t'. 29' Steve Mu6selman, 19, G. Stliders, 8m, 93v; 30' Alan Plice, 2?, D.C. Travelers, ?m, 613v; 3l Fred Weilanil, 55, PVSTC, 7m, 64yt 32, Lou Moo!, 19, uat', 6 di1e6, 683y; 33. Derek Huston, 8, @at., 5o' 1?13v MASTERS ONE MILE RUN (Slnngbrook H.S') 6:30 Pm ?Oo, rain- l. Mike FLeming, 38, 1.49; Z. Bill Hoss' 39' 4:58: 3, Olville FLynn, 35, 5:00; ''1. Arlhur DuIlaide, 12, 5.a3i 5. Ed o'Rourke, 35, 5.a31 6. Qeolge Malienih_ aL, 35, 5.i.Zt ?. Al Marcy, 39, 5:15' 8. Rav Gordon' 55' 5:18;9. Vat Lewton, 37, 5:18i Io. Joe Cary' 42' 5tl9' - -Mrke Bradley--
@at., lon,455yi
D.C. ROAD RUNNERS CLIJB 1: KILO OPEN Takoma Park, Maryladd, JulY'l' 197'l
SeemlngLy unaffected by temperatules in the mid_90's' Jack Mahurin won the l5kd in 52:29 Mahulin worked his way to the froat ol the Pack in the fiast mile' Dan Rincon 6tayed with Mahurin for rhe nert three mile6' but wa! uable to hold the pac€ in the broitthg heat' Gus Louka€ was eecond and Bob Thurston thlr'L' The iwo mile "Ru lor your Lile evenL, {'ith Lrophieg to aIL fini6hers, attracted an outstanding rurnout ol la3 Etarters. Joseph Fisher Ea€ rh€ simer in Il:10' L, Jack Mahulin, 31, North Caaolina Tc, 52:29i 2. Gus Louka6, ZO, Northea6t Baltimore Tc, 53:18; 3. Bob Thu!stoh, 30, WSC, 54:08;4. Phil Sreltart, Z'1, \!SC'
o-, z1' rj:aZi a. CF-ry SLaulon, I , c'l:"2: 6. D"- F:n ql:'6: ( BO <porL€ lLb & V'/e S"btro De rrarF 8. 6eorge Baquis, 18, 55:58; 9. Rick Katz, Z', Nltranv valley TC, 56:26; i0. Maltin smit},, 22' t6tz8, Il' Jelr Goo.l, 19, Howatd Co@ty Striders, 56:'16; 12 A1len Tayloa, 19, 56:.1?; 13. Tim Cook, 21, Harrisburg AAA' 5?:02; l.l. Craig Callio, 21, 5?:14; 15. Mike Naples, 28, Penb Ac, 58:02; 16. Keh umbarge!, 23, lvsc, 58:11; l?' claig Har.ivald, 23, 58tz6t B John Morning, 1vTC, 19' 58:3.1; 19, J!m Peterson, 17, BTC, 58:31; 20. Too Cook 2?, Harrisburg A-A-A, 59105; 21. Mike waad, 19, Howard CoEty Strid€ls, 59:10; 22. Ed Jerome, 30, WSC, 59r24; 23. BillHos6, 39, PVSTC, 59:12,24" Dick Jadbo!skv' 37, Dc]J, 59i48,25. Daee Btzzell, 59t57t 26' Mike shoemake!, 19, NATO, 60:00; z?. Jobn Sheehan' 20, WVTC, 60:08; 28. Al Ramer, 21, Harlisburg AAA, 60: Zlt Zg- Mike Heylin, 43, 60:46, 30. Bruce Talawmya, 26, 6]1'.o3i 3l- Bob Horman, 56, PvsTc, 61:30; 32' Dick Hipp, 34, 6?:10; 33. Rod steele, DcH' 37, 6zrzai 31' Lester Page, 31, vrSC, 62:31; 35. F'alp}, Qloz\et' 6zt3z' 36. Jim I6enberg, 23, 6Z.5Oi 37. Chuck Jobnson, 36,
PVSTC, 63:11' 38. Paul Falrier, 37, 63r18; 39. Pete Chadwick, tO, 63i??; 40. Chuck Paul, 32, DC Harri€r6 63..42i 41. sal citateLls, 32, 63'.55i 4?. John Nobl€' 34, 6.1:O6r .r3. Graham Huston, 33, DC Harriers' 6'l:41; 44. Pat Del vecchio, 64:58: 45. WilLiafr Sollet6, 35' 66114;46. Martia Greeobaum' 28, \qSC, 6?:03;4?' Eddie Drake, 35, 61t?At 1A. Dave Theall' 42, DCH, 67..2a,49, Aohy Di.aroond, 45, DCH, 6?:30i 50. Hubert Morgan, s2, 68:12. (85 lini6hers) 4.5-MILE TEENAGE RUN (Lone cou!€e) L. WiU A1ber6, 18, 3l:l1r 2. RaLPh Peltev, l7' 3lt41i 3' cary Umbach, 19, 32:09i '1. Mike HarPer, i4, 32:42; 5, deorge Dewitt, 33:o6i 6. chii6 Dimini€ki' 16, 33:12 ?. Robeit HaLter, 16, 33:26; 8. Martin Gusman' 19, 34:20; 9, Manuel Toires, l?, 31:25; 10. Jim Cl Cudnev, 18, 35:14' ll. RusseU landle, !8, 35'.14-t 12. Corev SchnoaI, r8, 36:15. (39 linishers)
4-MAN z5-MILE REI'AY, CREENBELT, MARYLAND July 2Q, l9?4 clear day, tem!. in the 80's' \z-5, Io, 5, 7.5 oire legs) 2.52 mile looP, flat course
Tlere was d outstaDding tuinou. of 20 rea66 lor the .!-man 25-d!te relay. Phil Ste;art of the Wa€hington Sporrs Club gained a 1r36 lead o'er Mike orComell of the A:t Force on the olening 1€g, and Stewari's teammate6, Sheldon Karlin, Bob Thul6Lon and Rav Morrison increased the lead to 3 minuies outstanding iodividuar performances wete 50:19 and aO:33 te! mile legs by KarLin and Ctiff Clark of the Air aorce. \!'SCrs wimidg time was 2:10:I3. 1. WSC, 2:10:13 (Stewarr, 12:50, Ka!]in 50r19, Thurston Zit:16, Morrison 40:48); 2. Air Force, 2:13:0? ( Mike O'Coaneu, 14:26, CLark 50:33, Bruce Mllliman, 27:0?, Ken Misner, 4O:4?): 3. uoffi.ia! r(o-dan a1t. 5-m e ream -2:16:09 (Blian Bradley & George lVairs) 3. Team #15, 2:zl:45 (Horton 13:ii, Shoemaket 59:r8, Tron z6t5z, Nobles 42:40); 4. Team ;11' zt22t4a lBob Jones, 14:02, Ed Jelome, 58:,9, Gir.m l!.ood, Z7:24' Bluce Taravlea, 42;45); 5. Team+i7, Z.z4t30 (Henrv Dale, 15:05, John Sheehan, 55:02, Ed Gal!itv, 28:21, Pat Garher, ,!6:0 Z) TETRATHON, O CONNELL HIGH SCHOOL, ARLINCIoN, VA., July 27, l9?l 1. Ken Unbarcer, 23, r'SC, (55-Z:04_'!:36-9:50) 2. Dan Rincon, 2t, U.Md., (a1-2t05-4134-9t54) 3. Jefl cushing, zr l5a-zt\z-1t42'ntz9) .1. Gllan lvood, ,lO, GTA'4, (5?-2:02-4:38-10r31) 5. Phil Stewart, 24, 14SC, (60-2r09-4:38_9:44) 6. Bruce Talawyma, 26 \a6-2t47-1150'ratll) ?. Ray Molrison, 27, wSC (63-Ztrl-1,38-9t42) 8. Dadd washbutn, r8, (5?-2:09-t:5'1_10:zl) 9. Ralph Clozier' 1?, (60-2:13-4:42-I0:18) 10. Biu Fioramonti, 17, (55-2:08-5:0r-u: 19) 1i. Staa Fovrer, 26, (a5-2t1,1-4t54-rzt0b) r?. Joha Barnes, 17, (66-z:18-4:il3-10:09) 13. Biu osburn, 22, 157 -2tr6 - 5 trz-\Ilaz) 1.,1. Ctaig Harva!d, 23, | 60 -2tr7 -a t0l-]1o147 ) 15. BiLlHoss, 39, Na!7, (59-2:16-4r59-rl:rr) 16. Jefi Custer, 18, (58-2:l?-5:02-lr:24) 1?. Ken Terrell, 19, (60-2:18_5:08-10:53) 18. Damien Howe11, 24, DcH, (60-2:23-5:01-r0:59) 19. Claig Ande!€on, 26, (63-2:18-5:00_10:56) zo. Mike Flemiag, 38, (59-2:28-5r04-tI:16) 21. Dick Hipp, 34, 164-2.19-5t07-rct51\' ZZ. Ralph Solano, 1?, (5:!-2:28-5:zl-lr:58)
Miltsap, 38, Odessa, 55:31! ?. I.!anci6 Jardine, 18' 23. Fxank carv€!, r8, Lrobock. o?:loj 8. A FX Podrigu"z, L6' L_bbocl" 24. Mike Loeffrer, 24' \59-ZtZz'5'r3-r]1t14) o7t4 ,9, Jo" Cdr.'z lo. Luooocl' 60:2l: r0 lon v'vii. ci'""1." Ro's, 36, DcH, (6r-z:25-5:1?-r0:58) Jield, 35, San AngeLo, 69:40; 1r. Roger Anderson' 36' 26. Martin Smith, ZZ, 166-2t21-'a3'rat39) Se Aneero, 69:58; 12. Don Mente' 25, Lubbock' 70:13; Z?. Ketin Washburn, 14, (58-2:18-5:23-12:03) 13. Ja;ie vandivete, 1?, La Mesa, ?o:5zi 14 Mike 28. Mike Hevlin, 43' 165-ZtZ3-5t09-IA:49) Helnandez, 16, Brownfierd, 73:14; 15' Bob D@bar' 40' 29. Ed ojRo;ike, 35, PVSTC, 6z'z"Zr-5t\a']1t201 AmarilLo, ?3i19;16, David Graham, 20, Fort Worth' 30. MichaeL Smith, ZZ, la3-2.22-5149'Iz'1r) ?.1:41; L?. Warren Brown, 53, Amarillo, 75:00; 18 31. Tonv Di@ond, 45' DCH, (65_2:20_5:14-11:05) Jim Butler, 55, Newarla' ok1a", ??:08i 19 Hardy WiI32- Cad Cook, 27, l6l-ztzL-5t24'I\t3a) liams, carlsbail, N.Mex , 61, 83:56i 20' charles Neil 33. Rod Steere, 37, DCH' \61'2127- ,tzo-r|tz'l) 58, Lubbock,9S:37. 34. Dick Jambo!skv, 37, DCII, \62- ztzq - 8t36-lltt 1) 3-MiLe- l. Frei! stricklin, 24, La Mesa, 15:55; 2 Bob 35, Bob Foutain, 21, 16l-2135-5t31-llrz7) rr, s.", I6tt9i 3 Mike valdez, 19' Abdiiii 36. vena NolT, 28' NATO' (56-2:39-5:51-U:4r) tz:rz; '1. cene Adams, 33, Brow'lield, l7:43; 3?. Jim verdier' 32, laa-ztza'^4l -\3:Zl) "roaihv, 5. Craie pavis, l?, San Angelo, 18:01; 6 David Haves' 3S. Chuck Paur, 33, DCH, (66-Z:33-5:19_u:zL) lo, Asafillo, 18:39' ?. Alan Bolger, 39, San Angero' 39. Dous Baown, 32, GTAA' (65-213r-5:30_11:53) 19:38; 8. Jesse Drman' 16, Abelnathv, 20:04; 9 Pila1 ,!0. Raloond Smith, 18' \59-2t45-5t45-r2t1al Saenz, 18, Brownlield, ZO:41; 10. Stan Leech, l3' 60 starte!s, 53 finishe!s) Dave Sodlidge's heet Browrlield, 20:'15; u. Jmes McDonaLd, 10, Big SPring record ol 55-2:05-4:32-9:21 sti11 stands I z0:56; lz. Ronnie Halserl, 19, B!ownJield, z1:'15; 13' -_Michael T Shoemak'r-Brock, 12, Brownli€ld, ZZ:02i 14. Russ Jones' Scott Meet Director 13, Brownlield, ?Z:15i 15. Nancv Adams, 31, B?own_ fielil, 2.1:06; 16, Kathy Stenis, Gaither6burg' Md ' WIIITEWATER MARATHON, 1VHITEWATER, 1!$CONSIN 26:40; l?. T€il JehkinE, U, B!ownJield, 28:11: 18 MitJulv ?. 1974 Couase R€co!d: 2:28:30 bv Jin Vedd€r' 1970 ce11 Lawlis, 11, Brownlield, 28:14; 19. Joe Shannon' 8' r. iorn Horrtan, Z;29t48 la 6ile sPlits: l0:'15'13'59:3?' Bionnfielil, 28i33; 20. Lodena Selman, 10' Brownfi€ld' 2r3l:19 1:2?:30, 1:55:05, ztz3rzo)i 2. Peter Fariell' 34:00. (3ot4a, 59t37, 1:2?:38, 1:56:00, 2t24'52)t s Rovce Ha!2:24:33)i :L:"r09, 1:??:30, 59.31, nish. 2r3r:25 GA:45, IO-MII-E ROAD RACE, EUGENE, OREGON Z:'ll:11i 5. James \'oss' 2l'17:56; '!. Richard Burdic!,z:'19:01; JFe 8, 1974 (Held wilh Resioraiion Meet at the Univ' ?. Tom Lamberi' 2:50:20; 6. Michael Braqn, ol Oregon, HaYward Field. zr5l:59; 8. Dahiel warsham, 2:51:o?; g RoL€rt Lueilke'2:54:00; l. Jon Andet6on, 49t3a,zr Z, Je!av Tighe, 51:06 2; 3 LO. Kurt Loih, 2t53t5At ll Thomas DeC's'er' Rus6 Pate, 5l:il8; 4. Dave wilborn, 5L:55.5 {was ia 12. Victor Dewinatz, Zt54A6t \S Cordo' B€5s' 2:55:28i Znd place, but tooka waong turn at about 8 mile mark); 2t55t16,1a. carl 1\ esron' 2:i6:09i 16' ir. t"u" 5. c;orge oja, 52:21 ?; 6. Tom Heinaner' 5ztz1t 7' ""y.", Zt56r26i 17. JosePh Mandel' 2:56:40! 18' Oavid Crifford, Savage, 52:51; 8" Bruce Deltsberfy, 53:00 3; 9' Mark Bi11Her6h, 2:58:5i: 19. Dougla6 chase, 2:'8:52; 20' Bob Cray, 53:'19; lO. Brian All€n, 5'l:08; 1l' Carl JohnFrank Gaik, 3:OO:38; 21. Jell ShLnan, 3:01:0lj 22r' PauI 'Pn_ 6on, a1t37i 12. George Confrev, 55:31; 13 John Seker):tl :) \4-\"rs, :Ol:. ": 2 . Joa Maro-a.! colof, ta, 56:09; 1'1, Ouentin Bru1D, 56i42' o- r:0 : ): 26' nern I le-.s, :o-:041 2 . Don" o 28' MASTERS 20 KILO WALK, Sauvies lslahd' Oregon, Dave PmzeL, 3t09.421Zl Gart Gant, 3:09r57; 3:U:51; Julv ?, 19?4 6:30 A.M. Nlicholak' Ricbar.l Voigbt, 3t09t59,29. Cedric 3z' li13:20i 1. tie, Chris Amaro6o, Colo!a.1o, I:'16:51 & Max Could' Rodahl' John :0. vark SJr, 3:lzroo! 31. Cand. , l:.!5:51; 3. Don JotDson' N. J. , L:53:57; 4' Ju6John A!cher, 3:13:36; 33. Johh Puze1, 3:15:15; 34' 36' tin Gersbury, Calif., I:58:08; 5. Larrv Boies, Minn , Richard King, 3t\5t36i 35. Dcan Jones, 3:!6:0'1: 3:la:14; 1:58:36; 6. Tony Medeiro6, Mass , 2:00:1Zi T Dave Holenbecli' reame Cranaalr, 3:l?:1'1; 3? Pete! 3:21:34; \'tu11en' Leuthold, Missouri, 2:02:32; 8, George LEdedark, Mike 39 3:18:35; 38, Thoma6 Fischer, Calo,, 2ta4t49, 9. Larry o'Nei1, Montana, 2:12:35; 10 ,lo. colin Mccance, 3:23:16;'11. wes Mave!' 3i24:51; 41' zlitaQ' PhiL Mooers, Calil., 2:13:38; lI. Don Jacobs' Oregon, 42. Sy Mah, 3tza'.z\t 13. chatLe6 Nelson, 3 4L' 29 56t 3 Sloan, Sva loster, 3t28iAi 4a" Ronald ;.tthes Mikalouch, 33Qor;47 Rodnev Hlolt' 3:30:03; FANT RESULTS 48. BiU Monxoe, 3t30t56r 49. MarL Hintelberg' 3:32:18; 9Ih ANNUAL PANTHER Kilo ChamlionshiP (12 di1es, ZO AAU Disgfict 68 fibishea6) cehtlaL 50. Ro6s Jesse, 3:33:01' (80 starters, 75!ty) charleslon, IU., JuIy 2?, 1974' sPonsored bv (19?5 Date: July 6 - 5:00 A.M.) --Rex FosLer-the;astern llrinois Stride!s. i!€ather: 80o. RUNS' Lucian Rosa, 4th in the Boston Marathon, who will be iO MILE AND 3 MILE RUNS -'FIRECRACKER A'M' a senior at the Univ. of Wisconsin-Parlside' s€t a nee 4, l9?4 9:00 Baolrnlie1.1, Texas, Saturdav, Julv rain recor.l oI L:04:O? (old record by Marc Gibben6, 1973 _ The doining-long ilegrecs. Cloudy, no lvind, ?0 1:04:33). Rosa, Phil Davis, Dike Stirrert & J@es Bue_ stoppea about an hour before race time abd l€{t thibg€ rhe weatIl ran rogether lor the first five mile6, ihen Rosa baor€ .oor' Dan C1a!k rook advantaqe of "L.a""ntlv l0in the Stirrett & fioally Dads by 9 mite6. BueU linished stro{ 52:44 i", t. ur"ru to a new course record ong to ov€lLake Sliirett & th€n Davis. The top ten tlm_ dile lvhiLc Fred Stric!1in'6 15:55 in fte 3-mi1e arso set es were excelledt mdea lath€a adv€rse weather condrr_ Wrinz Kim 52:44; ioh6. 13l startets, lZ6 lini6hers. -_Thomas Woodall_iO.'l,rir.- r. Dan clark, 22, Austin, 1. Lucian Rosa, 30, Anaconda A. B Co , l:04r0?; 2' iGl-]Zl eic s!!ing, 59:'1i; 3. Rickv Mccormick lT't. James Buell, 18, ua, Lexington, r'v' ' \A4t26t 3' Bie \D-,np,, l: {.i 4 Puopn orr-longo. ,8, T Lbbo ard r]o 6 Phil Davi6, 28, IlI.Tc, l:O'1:42;4. Dik€ Srirrett' 25' .L p D@, r8. Am".i lo. 6-:0: (65-Z:21- !:59_U:04)
"'ioo; ^.
the ITA has a
Policv shape to do it now. lt seems that Han'e' z1' E;tern Irr. Striilers, L:05:Oo; 5 Baraev 6' show' their about optidism' suPer ol bie-in-the-sty Ken Burke' St.Fianci6 R@., Ddville, lll , l:05:31; pro other of bv that exhibited €imiLar to Promoters Ko'ot:aoi6 5lr;oer6, l:05:)8i ?, Ch!ck ZO, f"",.", sprts. wben was the last time vou heard a home-town SL!ider€ l:06:25i 8' M'l'P Lar"on 20' ,g, r"", '"0,.* ""y uythiog anal]'tical or caiticaL about the 'r"**. fff. Stlid., l:O?:16; 9' Rick Livesev' 21' EastPaid St' Fran- nlaveis o! pelIordalces on the team he hastbebeen ern lli. Strid., l:O?:19; 10. Dave CaBilla6' l?' credo' is no evil sav I See .o eEl L. i" uro"a"""t Tc' owensboro .i" nt"., L,or'ze; 11. Jell Mille!, l8' pro are businesses' and their manage!s afen't S--rdPrs x'.. t,ozi,s' '2. chuck warlhaD zl, iorcbastr:de-s' "p"rt" aboutlo ao aaything which sill Put their product in 1e66 I'irg,oq, rl. Ron Lan<a6!"r. 22, EastrrD lr' than a wholly favorable light. Hence' the lact that l:09: i,og'zo, ra. Dave Hoover, 18, Alkansas state Tc' 1:09: Jipcho aLways wins, that Rrurs pelfoam'n'es wouLdnrt Ind ' ,j, is.-t.uas.""., l?, 6at.' BLoominston' iluel me€rs, that John Smith is out oI i. uat', w'reare Haute' rnd ' "ori"e. "r".e ii' ii. r.r'' "."r"'' 20, 22, wourd be reveal€d bv an inlormative ;hich r""t" ir,.p., Terre Hatte C No ' 1:10: i,tO,Oot rZ. S,"". white, unde! core! Even a basebaLl Ptokept ar€ *.;."--. :10: 0; ,t, re. o"*e N.".", Zo Lz6tern l Slrrde-" Zl0 hir.ers and the pit'her6 with a the . .""""1" z0' e.* i:0:4; in. o""S*"n., Zo, Ea6te!n ltl' s r:der6' world ol Pro Tra'k' tl'. Cee_1'hiz I. sO ona. eot in 22, Ke!:etrg Srrra"rc' otjo' 1:10:16; o.... sl:erstars' are 6ti11 all ex-Olympian6 1:11:l?; jt.-o."ta ""i,*, s"rit""", l?, Riwerbed stiidets' bd" Intl Itrs oole exciting for rhose !a'1.e laos {ho don't knolv Bloourinston' 16, @at , ii. t""-"n Tomasrc, '24' better to think that th€t re ra:.1!ing a race invoLvi4g a i'ri:rz: z:.. cav. scott, 1?, viking ac' ILr" ' ttl'rt)zi La 3:52 man, JiPcho, aCainst nran, 3:5I, Bair 3:56' p."" iou", Zo, uat., Quncv, ll!" 1:r1:58i 25' Mark what exactly \od rhar's lt*"o", 3:55, Benz, =::' 26' Ken rliDo' ".a Arerv,'rZ, uat. ' VaL_oo r, III' r: 2::L: lans. the ITA seems ro wan! - ei. :.. but unl.formed strid"!6, r'-zt ti 27. 1'h 5krd"!. zr, Moreover, the Progr@ is cai'less and incomPlete Joe "::-i;.,",",1. iii, l:Lz,zs; 28. Rert Me]'3r6 19, EIs, 1:L?:35; 29' Waldroprs 3:53 mile, run nr!: :han a mo'tl1 ago' was Orshea, 30, l1liDoi€ TC, I:12:51; 30. Joln McDannald' Foot 2I. EIS, 1:13:25; 31. Daviil Hart@an, 18' Winged Ill Rantoul' 21, Kellv, 113r35; 32. John cfu, ' Irl3:54; zz' Bar\ev' jj, Jim EIS, L;r3t55;31' zZ, l-.Ut, E1s' 19' cooden' "." so* Tc, 1:1'!:15! 35 Keith io"""." 37 Tc' 1tr4t.].8' vikiig i,i+,ro' ,0. John Filosa, 15, 38' Paur i.i" ni"*", 18, uat , Palatine, I1lBrehrn' ' l:14:'19; EIS' 19' Mike 39 I:14:50; Vta, at.".", tO, l:15:15' l:15:00; 40. Rich Bo@an, 22' EIS'
.ot ev.n ri"t.a. Alihough thei' :!e some nice Photo€ in the plogram which mal€ :i a 'od souvenit it's of little use in watching the 4e.:. Cultain time, as adweriise: :: :he net'spaPefs' was to have been at ?:30 P.m. At irr: :i' Ca'den fans were tired ol waiting and began ro clar :: :'r'ad€nt sison' At ?:51, the "n"* U"g"n. ah. :l -':::re delav wouldn't aiong in good have matteled i{ the sholv ba' -':'i jl$Ping with i'ere pole laL ::rs But the older. Bpeedy, there were ihough long delays betwee! vaults, a" "' A NIGHT AT THE SPTKE OPEf{A as lh€ last :::ll Ie!. laPing onli live vaurters, thev bY Hugh Sweeny the crowd :oint :i-s --: wa6 codplere. event lrlding j@, had nol even ri' Btr:tr go hode. lo leady was 5ro' Lrrr4 ror-anc. of rlre o'r PaL-'' P-o r "ck Lh" been 6taited. The long jrlm: -r::r lo'aied undet the nld c"a"o squ"'' ""'r ta"at."' "ho* pole vault pit at th€ Garieo a:a :1e jl@rels had to fll .asr y..". u"a L'r'b- ,hr-r I I "' ,"": l"- i""it utiL itre vaulters l'er. :r:::1:' befoie thev could "sr.r -l'I foud t1!e on bal2n'e that I lo@d add rlack I like cause 6tart. Aft€r rhe long jrFD'r: I-a: ; arded uPfor lilteen t"e Bu -llorCt p.o" erJovdb.e, e^hiDf,on pLr or by,h" f,e:e' : -aav sPectaior6 slill boov 'n -rs atr-ndan- or twenly minutes there I A has r; morc/ in rro ('at.h :ae- {lthough tbe hour wa6 Caaden to left in tlte and my siacere hope€ Io! its success' it .. ::-e retlveen agtedpts sur€ j@Per6 took lheir the late ".f*", 6.he signlficant improvedents before *u..t"o. lor ro..r, and Fant€d Lhe conditi-""i ArrF a ai-i su Pssrul they were competing air' a'c :..t r' r.."'-r" aur rhe peoPle inthe ons lol each jldp to be !.i;ec: -'i. -" N4,tp o l-ara s L!av- rs 'oad 6 ov .* oi rhar oon'y through a b:i qrile slan.16 lEd €upPLied ""....', stiU"rlate6 only TWO STARS in the eves ol rhis leEeeer' been accomodated aale i. and ou-shr ofiice, the box for in dany asPects it i6 stiLl rathe! adateurishly stag- When Bob Hefsh, a rereral oiiicial and 6enio? editor or ed. Atlow me, in the sPirit o{ constluctive criticisr' ' rd k & . .elo \(v s re- 1_' o F!_n v rn'_ -hdL i' idprovemeni I leel which io areas the Iew ol describe a !J -_s oul o_ d'cm Pr ouphL Lo so.'a .n aP - made' be to, ought roLler and can, di;l"v -hich *"", I leel, beite! suited l6a the jrEP To begin, rong the Since aerbv or a pro rvresttins oaich moae it. "nravtltl w"s an aLr PurPose bookLet' plinted than in. o"rv..".r going on fie childish scene was Plav' vith th'e intention oI being a high priced souveniet con- -"" ed out for Neryone to see ilteanwhile, PeoPle continujllm! com_ a6 aa infolmation containi4g aid to the Perlormance ed to head home, so that the end ol the long f.". Althouglt the meet waB the Iinal ose of the t€mained' hards ol die petirion onLy a 6mau bandful ""t"". tbere was no recaplturatiob or re€urts oI ;;;;;.;"", The co€tr$es ltorn bv ihe ITA P€rlorders remi4ded meer by in olhea cities' A bliel' meet ."tiot-."."" m€ oI the @iloro6 lvorn !v models in rhe advelrisetot each event would have been easv to comloa aLl-weather hacks Thev are fo! the mo€t meht6 "*-""v *"tu r,""" given the spectator an idea of lvhat part, the uexciting, Plain, high €cl:ool sLvle unilorms' "",i "ti", li" "'e"ing'" "h"- was it that ITA oflicials ;hat an individuar l'outd i._.**.i.t order out of a Sears catalogue' usuarare;raid oI admitting that the sade grouP ot guvs lhe Post Cereals Tlade Maik an a{Lersight, as ALrost ; "i" ","'" w"ek, rhar oe.Io'TarcP" b' cerra'n athrer's i" tr'. ch.ii" "f a r.- ol them' lt looks sillv' ".*".". dre Ln lornlv sub 6-dnoa-' and rhdt lle o'sg-rsPo ob _rea bor"' cn"61ng e"Lh Lr" " -".rLF !r.<l'. L wr" ho^evP/ comol nen' *ttftt ."t live up to rheir pre-race hoopla' ".. tnra "Llei "rou 'a sair o;ce ia 3:56, cerrv Lindgren 12:53' vince s:E ".""1." Bob Seagren, disguised as Uncle Sam' {it}r his Btars Mathews 1'1,1 dd Lou Scott did 13:1? Butthey'reaotm
ITA meet, aad we'll aU live happily ever aJtea (Harrington Jackson aheady ha€ a 5.8, but I uderstand that ITA oflicials are ieLuctant to Bubmit it a6 a 'wolld Be6t' , so blatent was Jacksonts j@p. ) Who }oloss if the story oI the "Quick Pistol" has a oi athletics with Salvato!e Da1i. happy eadiag, 6aybe Mike OrHala will decide to proPerched atop the pole vault standards were tvo' overduce such epics as rrThe Unforgiving 59 Second6,' o! si/-o mod-.s o- PF_soia Fazor blaa"s. PF.sona spoDsoa6 the pole vault, and littingly enough, lhe event i6 'The w€ighing of ihe 15 Poud Shot, I or I'The Tale ol the 35 lnch Tape. " I donrt 6ay that tbey ought to prolaiown as the 'Per6oha Vault' . (46 opposed to the more duce thed. In fact, I'It would be wlong, thatts lor suie.jl traditional Haggaa SlaclB High Jmp). No harn done, I feor in the Le6t anyone tuisuderstand my inrenliobs, I am mt 6uppo6e, putting those razors up there, 18 air. At one point, one of tne rop-heaary standards began accu8ing the ITA ol setting up fast starts or of fal6ify!rdF, aDd a c-r oflic'als "na-pl) .LL -n to ing perfornance6. Irh quite 6ure that everythiDg is on fa I ro 'o prevenr it'hJrotu toplling ove.. th€ up and up. But almo6t a6 ihpoltant a6 making cerOb€erving ITA's race to cash in on corpolare sponsor€, 1a-n ld all marls a.F.ccu-arc:6 -h- na.e6sil) oI making 5u1e that everr-thihg appears to be uquestionwe must, I suppose, be th&kfu1 that Post doesn't sponably legitimate as well. A series of Ial6e stalts !u1n6 sot Lhe long j@p. lf it did, the jmpers would probably b- lFap bC ,nro " p r -illcd v irh Sugar ..rsp. that aplearance, The ITA cah ill al{ord to cast a bit But enough of the6e petty complaint€ about timing, pubota.-. :, 'lp mporrant role of €!a!rpr, -6 'hcy did :n licity, cost@eB, and €cenely. What about the show put the Garden. The starter's miserable per{ortuance was Iar belor' a plofessional'6 standard6, and the tTA athle. oi by the pelformers themselves. BF- p ho as oLrs'anoing .n rh- 6Lrrr,dg rol- a€ a'tes and lans .leserve bette!. The annoucer for the evening na6 Walae Vandenburg, er 'par excellancer . Considering the slonh€s6 oI rhe lre6h lrom th€ lead role in 'Tle Master Recruiter of Garden track, JiDcho's 3:56,6 may ev€n be supetior to t fa"o, -haL Watn- :s a o -dCab_- Lr". i bJr-, Waldrop's 3:55.0 at San Diego. Chuck LaBenz deserv€s "r accolades for his supporting perloima.ce as pace settel. Ir11 concede, But why does he have to exude such phonwithout th€ 55. ?, i:57 plu6 pace 6ade by LaBenz, Jipey excitemenr with evely word he utters ? Hi6 act i6 like a banana split, the first lew bites taste pretty good, cho could never so tholoughly have won over the crowd. Knos,Iedgable trachside cynics wonder€d whether the but afler you've had toD much of it, youtend to get ubseuish LaBcnz was cohpensated by the yard, by the 6ick. I'd hac enough by the second time he had shouted amo,n' b) n ,ich n" bro!" 60 aL he q-art-., or b] c La_ out, somethiag aboul tbe great "JC Supelstar Jobnny Carlos . The inllectioa lisihg aU the time, AIr, the fe€, Ioi his NeU ubder6tood portiayal oI a rabbit. Ceoage Young wa6 again cas! ih rhe lole ol 's,air and irony oI i!. The proud, street-wise John Carlos of the gloved Iist in 1968 identified as a pop culture hero kick two mil€r'. The crowd roared itrs approval when You!, a" h h:s bo rary ':nab b-for!. p "'orr-d h's J. S.D-rs "- b. an "ano-n, e- .n i d' ie " , a.n:vat famous rraditional 'solo scamper" aroud the last I & barker! No rrond€r Carlos is so (expletive dereted) 1/2 laps of the lace. Folher child prodigy Gerry Lindwith pro tlack that he disdainlully jogged the last 3Oy gten, and Tom Laris, a eember oJ the sdpporting cast of his winning lr:)0 ro avoid setting a plo record. in dozenB o{ othel track dramas, weae also in the auAnd when l andeaburg ebthused that the lime at the ning. Young, Lindgren and La!i. all in the quarter of $e 880 Yard Run wa6 58 seconds, reading Now where have I seen that one before ? Lou Scott was the uin{ormed to believe rhar a \tor1d record was ir agaih last, in 9:24. I wonder il it was his seasohal best, the offing, his elJorrs were beyond ledenptioh. Amoun. too bad the pioglahhe doesntt tell. clng lik€ thar belongs in Pocatello or El Paso, but not Thc 6pr 1t ra(c6 i-at,r-d a Cun I"sr-- .han -n) FV"r at the Garden ihere the sophi6ti cated fans can see handled by Jes€e James, '\fi1d Bill' H., MaltDillono! three orher big time indoor m€ets pe! year.. By the tiae the lone jlrm! was finaUy contested Vanden 'Ouick Dan Mccraw. It took a while to recognize th€ plot oI this little sketch, alpiopriately enritled, iThe burg's voice *as hoaise, and he lvas babbling someOur'ck Pistol' or iJuDpihg in the 60". Alter sevelal rething about a beaurilul 24loot leap by Jackson as I left !86 the script b€came easily underEtaodable. The The strange thing is that as I left to Co home, I atreadt 'startea|, cast in the role of the heavy, would raise his gun and say 'Set. " One hall second 1ater, the gun would had the urge ro return next year. It wa6 hore than automatically go off. It wa6 ihe job oI the {ive or six wolth the price ol admi66ion just to €ee tbe gr€at ones, 6p_'rrefs ,o rr' c p!-- vl.r l\e 8un ^ould ir'", al,l o lik€ Seagrea, Ryu, Matson, ahd Evas,go through Eul ,o' a lrh- pl")"r, il s ari ar I'r.r their events. Sure Bob Haye€ i6 ov€rweight, ahd R,ron this simplistic melodrma received their cue correctly. cad L .ds! a do. rr -d n l:14 rh-) usFo o. buL rhal The result wa6 ihat they jhped the gun 60 oft€n the doesn't mean they should srop comp€ting. The by-road stalrer ra! out of a]reunitioE. Luckily, he was reol rhe amateu. is to just 'play the gamer', and neve! sulplied from a va6t ITA arsenal located conveniently tuind about th€ resuLts. Isn't rhat vhat Scotr, Bait & nearby. BeIore the starter could reload, Jim Hines had others are doiag, Why should they stop running altogerb"-r pu led olr Lh" s,ac" ro|oo hcay jhps. -hF s:". o- he}, just becau6c ihey now have a hald tihe running the plor, it seem6, i6 the lTAr€ que€t Io! that ev€r elus- 4:10? As one who cannot even do i1:20, Ird €ay that 4:10 ive 5. ? 60 yard da6h. If al1 the actors, the starter6 ahd i6 still a pactty tough mi1e. The loint is, they haven't the startei, ever iget it together,' they'[ arl jrlmp at aetired, rheyr!e 6ti11 competing, it's a good thing that - ,l- Cun Co-s or', ano ho no s. a eCli- th€y are, and wilhout Pro Track they would!'t be. Fo! mate 6.1 become.s a 6. 0 or a 5.9 could be j@!ed into a that rea€on alone, ProTrackis, on balece, a po6itive 5.8 or a 5, ?. Someday theylll linaUy get that 5. 7, il will har'e he re^Epco-rs And beyoAd that, the ITA has prorided a vehicte Io! rplo :1. ou) :, /Frs. the cornebacks oI John calto€,_ La!!y Jahe6 anrl Randy and stripes'uniloifr, and Ha!rington Jackson, wearibg one shouLd€x 6trap, a 1a TatzaD, as the best dres6ed men on the 1100!. The r'sc€n€!y' ?epresented Madisod Avenue'6 6)mthe€i€
go to the
Matson, all ol whoo ar€ Petlordi{g as wcll as €wer' What is needeil no1r, is lot more athletes to join their aank6, and Providc rargc! and more varie'l lields Five mil€ls can't be exPected to run last times fwice eacn weekend. They canlt do it and the re6ult is that they uBually don't rm fast on aiv lveekend. And Nhen rh€v do r@, Placings have a monotonous siailaritv' In the mit., for tnsLaDce, whv ho! recruit 15 milers hext year, enable them to shoot lor one raccr Per week' in which a geauinely good time cah be re'orded' The fields could be juggred with mote Pros per evcnt' aod the rac€6 couLd be better balanced to alloR lo! an occasional surp?ise wime1. Maybe |his will "me with rime' t hop€ it does. But whatever haplens, dd deslite Pro ft""t'" -"ny shortcoming6, Irll be back next vcar rvhen the cultaih rises again. I.1O MTLES OR
the halfq'ay mark' but a grouool four 1ed bv JolE Vitale and Ron wa1dc were oh my heels vitale took ovet the lead and quickLy moved in.o a lead. Bv 20 6i1es I was 5th in t:'r4:50, bur feeline betr€r thad 5 miles earrier. I picked uP my sPirir and;i4ished ]th in 2:20:05' a6 Ron walde caught vitale and ron bv a mere two_ tenths oI a second in 2r18:t2 I ras Pleased wilih mv performance but my loot:as hLriing. I noF wonder it my loot had berter ..:ld : aale ruh about 90 6ecs' Iaste! and von? l do !n.: iaa: l nigbr not ever ru I i.n'r hav€ the time or 1,10 miles in a wcek, l€.a;:. :isicd . ilesire & because I tri€.::: * reported preuousry .'THE MARAIHON O' -:: ,I\'ES by Dr, -:.: ' :agliano a: 3rgc a $100 entrv lee The very idea ea6 ouil;::r::
!Ve11, Parker wiI1ia.r., :: -' .:.lbra 6c!aP deraL and sometime r:.i. : ::r:ih: it rvould be \orth dealer The current rcgue of chamPion long distance runn€r's a rry if the money iere :.r:: :: ? :orthv cause and the training €eem6 to be 20 miles !e! dav and l'10 mi1€s pcr comlEtitots v€re gerliri ::: :-- :::.:iy to ruh against (eek, Rum€r6 lun this much oa more, but I maintait some of lhe sorld's bes: i:r:r::I::::Is. they are llirting with a triP to the rumer's gravevard anew6H€ took hi6 idea ro the !:: -:i:::Tirnes' by thi6 type of training. l ltiu agree that some long runs to raise monev .1!s s.:::::.:. . has beeh paper which are needed to be a good qualirv runer' but is it worth for youlih oriented acti1l:r:: ::r -- :tr!s. Glenn Davi6, the price oJ a possibre injury, the Irustration' or the lost direcl:or oJ lhe Times ::::r: : ::::! .ePartment, chance€ brousht on bY an injuly'? ir :re Times ' rvas T!, l1::: ::and the ide:r bought My case seerN to be a Poin! in my argrh'nt's favo! for ooderation and consiste4cy in bringing rmProvement 1: ::: Lrsiedonanv De6pite thelactthaLthe r;:: Leading to the Bo6ton Marathon rhis spfing, I tan two the .r.:: and major sch€dure lveeks of ovea IOO miles in the Pre.eding three months l](rd a marathon, alirs::::! ' ' a. asschbled, and aan 2:1?:36. I found out that the ituers in front oi :'irehost collect :::.::: a good coux6e deviseC, a.: me lvere rraining 150 milea per w.ek as a mditu1F and rr:1: :::: to lun ed $100 apiece bo less thaa l2O miles P€r ieek. I thought I would uP mv The iure s'as the charcE:: : . ::rr:::_:en Zealand's but in June' Marathon AAU Natioaal mileage before the . .:rre New Yorl< IreLan.lrs :::r JackFosfer, I rested rwo weeks after Boston to Sive mvs€U a rest' jr::.:r":.1.. r11 :. : irlter medal F1.ming, A.C,'! Tom On April 28, I started to uP my mileage, but il ended :r... al age 42, .: attheComhonlvealthCa::::::l: up as 8,1diles becau6e my worhas Directoi ol Student { Fleming : r::.; C.:r:r ::: of the darling was Lhe Activities aL Alder€on-Broaddus hampered dy Maraa.s:on -r I : toeir: : toenail to had battled training that week. The lolLowihg NeeL of Mav 5 to Mav belore CusacLbrcLi U, I started off hard with ZO miles oD Sundav (rwo work_ Lhon Tbe would-be challen:::: :: ::::_..!.rev like Malch the (fwo but \orkouis)' outs) anit 15 miles on Monday Dimes voLunteers, Sr:.: ::: :.:: :. door in their o{ tast three days \tele lost when my son had to have an Sod., ..:l' :: :::.: rr::hcir oltices. neighboxhoods, operation, which caus€d worry on mv Part I ended up The wrestling tes a: C :::: :: :i. raised the monev with 95 miles tofal, bus noriced ov righl foot was begin- just to see iheir coa.l-, ::: ::r:::i:, run lhe 26 miles niig to hurt Bome. I thought it might be mv shocs as thev 385 ya!ils. aere 6Ponsoted Many, lik. ::: : :::::!' weae old, so I ordeled a Pair. I lan 92 miles i' 5 davs rvl.rdical Clinic :::oara ::.:1 employers--i:: by their (which from May t? to May 16, and wirhout mv new shoes valencia :. a.her ar Todd Fcr:r:::: : in his case" didn't arrive), rhis high mileage caused mv loot go get the hat among ::sse{l Oraagc a::::. High School i! wolse. I {inished that we€k with 1?0 miles' but mv toot iee. the :o raise an. :::::1:: Iaculty frembers was swollen, I aan 33 miles in the next six davs' and then accountants, Kraft & Co,, .:r:r:r.. Brown, :rf,blic to honfiew to Michigan (expenses paid) ro a 15 mite racc -1rd so on. $600 to assist r'ji:::: o! the sesquecentennial ol Ana Arbo!. *I amazed mvsetf rai6ed ri-est Los AngeLes i6 rn DeFigning a dafaio:i .::r.. by wiming in lil?:12.8 as I l€d flom staat to fini6h on a as i. start and {inish ih The r:.: an easy task. not lolLing coulse. I ran this race to se€ il mv foo! couLd would cettainlv .\fu€rs UCLAI6 Drake SraaiL- :i::.e stand mole than a 1o mite rDh. I fo@d out it could, Plus to be sure Sr.ser Elvd.., lJilshi:. a:. have to avoid I von a pair oI training shoes as one o{ mv God-seht two of thc busicsr s:r.€:: rr ihe toakt which ar€ at the and north eads .i:ie aCLA cofrPlex, I then had one week to train Ior the National AAU Ma!a- south Bluce Robinson !.as .:,11ed uion to layout the course and new shoe! my thon. I hit it haril for rhree day6 with anil his adrice ,ras Go uest, youg nan. r! He cam€ up came up 1ame, so I didn't r@ on Wedlesdav' Mav 29 wlth a 13-rile l.oF ihat stretched lrod UCI-A to Lhe I ran on grass lor the next t$o days ed lelt bette!, so Santa Monica city Limirs and lhe run4er6 wele to tou! I headed oIt to Yonkers and the NationaL AAU Marathon' that diBtance ewi;e. There ;'ere hius ''hich couldhrt be I realizeil I might nor have the endurance stlength I had avoided and they ploved Lo be a deciding Iactox in the hoped for, so I thought I migbt lead to see hon touglt eventuai outcomc. minded the other6 would be. l led thlough six mile6 in a; DtaLi < 9d -roo! qg irn hi irra at I still 1ed miLes 29:30 anil was close to 49:19 lor te! ol laos ol th sun ,; ;".1.
bY CarL Hatfield
pa!t. west. A€ expected, ii wa6 Fo6ter, Cusacl & Fleming leading the pack with Ron Kurt]e o{ the Beverly Hlils Stiiders (th1rd prace fio6hea in the Greece Maratho! thl6 year) and surprising 17-year-old HoUywood HS, Ajim Baksh, maintaining contact with the leaders. Fleming, Foster and Cusack swapped t}1e lead back and Iorth as th€y toured the {irst few miles. They shook Baksh alter obly iq'o and a hau nlle8 ahd Kurlle alter four. Fo6ter applied the pregsure at the 15 mile loint and Fleming dropped back at 17 miles. . r""cl, doggFd h-NF. ZFa "ro-r 5,epIo-.LFpLn: they reached the Ca6lFcre St. hlll Io! rhe 6econd ilne at the 23 1/2 mile poi4t. Foster had about a 25-yald lead starting up the 500 ft. hiU and he didnrt slow his lace on the ascent. That was the backbreaker for the Bostoh wider abd Foster coasted into the stadiufr and lhe tini6h in z:18:z'!.8. cu€ack wa6 neally a mtnuie behind in 2:19: Z3, Z. As Foster {inished, a well meaning but foolish spectathimseu, took it upon himseu to instruct Fostc! to ru another lap of the track. The bewildered Kiwi obliged his in6tluctor, despite the lrantic arm saving dd holleaing ol the olficials. in all, 4E auhne!€ iinishcd the race. The oldest $ere Matthew Allen ol the CuLver Ciry AC and Joe Kiaa6 o{ Los Angeles who were both 52. there was no doubt as to th€ youhgest llnisher. Ii wa6 8-year-old Greg Hill who finished 40th, six miDuteB ahead of hiB 39-year-ord Iather, Joln Hill. olt:-id s .r 't-- f -s sz\ nFy arc se 81t8 . -. fcr.Lb o{ the event abd are considering making it ar anaual Quotes fiom Jack Foster: 'I €hjoy€d th€ cours€. It was !cally a very 6porting course. It *asn't aEy taouble to lind your lvay aloud it. . . couple ol hius in th€ middle i! the ehd there ju6r seemed ro break up your stride a !it. I was very concerned about Tom Flemiag. He pushed it along for about three miles to teh mileo. . . and once \re got back to th€ track (the haUway poiat) I didnlt see hid any more. I didnrt kaow what happened to him. At about 15 to 16 miles, NeiL Cusack cahe up along side me. I asked hid ho* he felt and he said, roh, l Iccl quite OK. Ididn't palticularly want to push the thing, lsaid L- .ori oL r.opl|-o o.t o' e r I- rhp €a ' back. Thre€ diles:.o go and we had about 25 yards betweca us. Ihen, we came to rhese hill6 6ectioh again & he dropped back. I leel I didn't push the end o{ the rac€ too hard, but Neil dlopped off. I think lrm plobably a bit moie mature than he is. .. Gor a {ew frore years under The results: (rsl 8 on pag€26) 9. Jo€ Carlson, East L.A. TC, 2:,:10:00j 10. Joe Buigasse!, Sebior6 TC, 2:41:38r ll. Phil Ryaa, 6o1den 1{est Tc, Zt43t55i 12. BilL Entz, I-.A, Pierce QoIleEe, Zt47: (ruo. Z0: lr. Ba..r C "-na , Sorh Blv"n.- DLn' '! 2:59:05; 14. Steven Bushey, Santa Barbala AA, 3:00:t6; 15. Bu!t Davi6, uat., Sabta Barbaia, 3:08:26; 16. La!. u at,. -osA-g.lno. r:10:rJ:1,. crr) <oirFr, tr'laSeniors TC, 3:12:lt; 18. Cerald Mclntosh, unat., Northridge, 3:12:'11; 19. Matthew Allen, Culvea City AC, 3:13: 20t 20. Tim Lenahan, eat., O:nard, 3:Zl:27; 21, Fred Nagelsclmidt, unat.j Vehrula, 3t25t41i 22. Ceorge Bruce, lvarm Spring€ Trailblazers, 3:26AAt 23. Gary Burnett, uat., Giendora, 3:27:.19r 2i1. Steve Radlo!d, unat., L.A., 3:28.34i 25, 1vfr. Hayden, Mahhattan Beach 3:3at24t 26- John KerrigaD, Noith Holllrood HS, 3:30r'12; 2?. BiU Limbrecht, Va1.acia, 3:34:20; 28. Pete! Stark, Eaele Rock HS, 3:35:56. (48 linishers)
- The lat€rnational Selec.
tion Committee has selected Steve Hoag and Terry Ziegler lor Ko6ice and Antwerp Marathons. Both had !eque6ieil Eranl- Shoiter (oi cour6€! Hoag lcn 2:16:44 at the BAA & Ziegler Iini6hed thild al Yonkers. Terry also has cracked Zr20 for the 6arathon three tihes. . . Bob Cahpbell will give up tbe LDR Chairman6hip ia New Engtand after LZ year6. He will leav€ a 230-2.40 r7,r plogram. He will move up to Piesident of the New Englaad ]\66ociation. The new
DP <lra lman il b- Fr"d B owr, lr7 Walsh S., Mcdford, Mass. . - Roa wayne (Nat,r, Z6-mi1e champ) and Reid Harter (30km champ) rar ih a 31 kilo lace in San Juan, P. R. on Juhe Z.1th (late invitation). Walme will sooh turk and run our oI Sah Francisco,..Horace l rr {LocZ Ol,mo:, 5 cha-F c.rpl :q b.:1. Ia:rly lit. He iuns Z to 4 mile6 per day and is only 15 lbs, overweight. He stiu rus pletfv goodl. . . Very fine Road Runners Club of America deca16 are row avairable froh David W. BronBon, Malkegiag Manager, RRCA, 2530 Diexel Streer, VieDaa, Va. 22180 (.r51 ea) . .. Club system in the U,S. as compared Lo England-The West virginia Track CIub lEs 55 laid membels & is getting lalger every day. They ro4 the prestigous Boston Marathon leiE litle. Their treasuly is dolvn to $5 and they wilt soon be brokel...A renewal of the Briti6h-U.S. rivalry in Masrels Track & Field is scheduled lor 1975. Two trackmeets and a cro!6-country ,l b- hp.d dL. ng hF-r z. -o,do-r. D" - . | the last Ieel{ oI Mat. . . On any all-time harathon list, Jih Fetersr name rvould alpear. It may bc of intere6t to con6ider the shoes rhar Jih (an.1many others of his eral riore. Hi6 shoe rras an ordinary tednis sneaker; aa.i not a particularly Light one, at that. Thi6 was the shoe he fore in training, in setting his mark o{ Z:17 at Chisiick, anil also in rh. Olldpic ru of 1952. Hi6 teamoate Iden, then one ol rhe world's top marathon the .ame type shoe. The fabled EmTl Zatopek trained ih a !ather flimsy ba€kethalL type sneaker with high Lops. {n those days hc lah up to l8 mil.s a day i. practice. Maybe all these high priced marathon 6hoes arenrt nece6sary. . . remember Bruce Tulloh, Abcb" B.l,ila & . "ay o'hp-s ..n oa-efoolaa rnd didart have any morc loot pioblems than otheis &'pJ, most likely thet had even 1e€6.
JOHN J. KELLEY 12 MILE ROAD FACE New London, Connecticur, Sat., Augu6l 3, 1974 Sponsored by Ocean Beach Paak. 15.1 starters, lil'!
lini6hers. (Actual di6tance ll. ? mile€) --Kurt Steine!-1. Morgan F€@eU, 56.aai 2. Dt. Norb Sander, 5?:t6; 3. Johh Vitale, 59:04; '!. Jolb Skislak, 59:05; 5. Ray Crorhers, 59:20; 5. Amby Bur{oot, 59:37j ?, D. Scotl Graham, 59:56; 8. chris chambers, 60:19' 9. william School, 60:30; 10. Tom Derderia!, 60:55r U, BiU Sander6, 6L:00; 12. Tim Soith, 6l:17i 13. Johh J, KelLey, 6r:4i1 (16t Mast€rs Div.),1.1. Ed Burns, 62:13; 15. Phil t\ta[, 62:41, 16. Kim Murphy, 63:18 (rst H.S. ), 1?. Ernie Rivas, 63:19; i8. Joln Ja!ek, 63:3,r; 19. Tom snrh, 6.:16:20. D"e5ho. -. 64:05:2.. Ia..) Bowz. 64f18: 22. Jonathon Ebe!, 64t34t 23. Paul Fetscher, 64i.14; 24. Lemy Nasse!, 64:52 (zhd HS); 25. ceorge s.hob- , 61:55: ;/6. Dr. Ba"L:.l, lrnd Mas e!6) 64:q8: 27. Blian Haugh, 65:05 (3rd HS); 28. Bruce MacMahon, 65:10; 29. Michael Moore, 65:?3; 30, Ray Mar6land, 65:il4,; 31, Dan Crace, 65:58i 32. cteg Senick, 66:16,
8th ANNUAL SOUTH EL MONTE (CALIF. ) BIJND HANDICAP ?.9-MILE RUN, July 6, 19?'1 Course Reco!d: 41:13 by BiLl Scobey, 1973. weathe!: ward. 1.16 starte!5' I27 finishers.
PACIFlC SOUTHWEST ASSOCL{TION A-{U T&F CHAMPIONSHIPS at Balboa Stadi@, San Diego, CaliI. Jure 8, 197,1 - I0,000m- 1. Jeff RiSdon, SDTC/Noithein Arizona University, 3z:10.6 (3r:05 6-miles); 2. Ben ny HoLt, SDTC, 34:l?; 3, Too Lawrence, SDTC, 34:52. 8i 4. Dan Book, Mesa CC, 3::26i :. BiU Osborh, SDaC, 35t31i 6. Don Sh@ahan, SDTC, 3r:50.. Mast€!s; l. Bill Gookih, SD'IC, 33,?lt 2. Crala- Farnell, uat., 3,1r31.,4; 3. Raul Arbesu, SDTC, l!::1,,,3,000m Srchae l, stcve Mow!y, unat", 9:3?.+i :, r':r].. cour, sDTc, 9:48; 3. Shamon Laird, dat, , 1!:ai, ,l la.te!s: l Bilt sto.k, SDIC, 10:,10; 2. Le* Robe.::. ::Tc, 10:47... cotton, l'1r::: ?: :ro:smon: colM!9 (open)- 1. Terry rege/Jamul AC, qA9.4iZ, Ge.ra. --:1.:. i{C, .!:10,4j 3. Tom Lw, JAC, !t:12,3 j .r. 30. rl:::, ,_AC, .1:1.1.. Maste!si 1. Ray Aichibald, SllC, ::: : l. aC Cookin, :aa,91 2, Hal SDTC, 5:18,..880- l. Rolt r:: :.., Tozef, uat., L:53.9...5000n- l. .--::::::r..h, SDAa, btl1,5i 2. Cookin, 16r2.,-::, ::::r:: nel)erdang,
u."., ,o:ll..f,I!ffi: , 2. LewRoberts, 18:06.4; L ia:r'
. :ll.6
08.8. MARATHON OF fH: - l::: The Maratnon of the Tir..:, ::-::.:: rla 5100 entry fee llus Jack Foster, NelL Cr:z:i.: r-: - rn lleming, weht oIf as scheduled at 8:la :,- . :: ::::r.:ay, June
being lut on in conjuction ir:. ::: - rl-c (ou-s- w-n l-o s .
: lo-lv, :rnes i. the 1.-: : .n€d dorvb --ro.s le VA grouds, and ou! rhe ::::-.:::' ::: .:cente Blvd, It started to return back:.. ::- - : , :.ei tooka malevolent turn down aroi: :i. :rii:i...:l Colf ahd r- ).- o.g cour'\ c_ub. l'.h .o. .. hitl. The tubnets th€d:e:::::r r :: -CLA trackby the same route, took a la. :: ::- :-::.', 3n.r then !e' - ad-"a, The fabulous 4z-year-o::. ::: : ::;:r \es, Zealand's Commonwealth Games s::.:: -.:::-.::: ronthe race, .o N4a-a' thon *inner Neil Cusa.r, i- : : :l:i::. it out toe-to'o. sLrl rh- |/i^. p- .. ., . - 2 ftiles lrom home. Boston:j::r-:: ::-. : edihg Iaded slightly in the latter haj :: cohfortable third. il.s: .:: : : .in Loeschiorn oade a line move 1at. ri ::- r::. I : :zrily beat Ron KullLe of BHS {or lodr:: rlz:: ,:-::.iorn, a former \e! I"r. -) h th . hoo - -... rP. Fnr ) tab Z.Z1r22 over the h:-,. ,::..::r: :1, r-. cou6e in lhe National AAU Mara+on, i::::- :: . .-..c.ian6 ZtZT high school marathor,c:, : ::::::: :r:::ang. student nahed Ajlb Baksh, !.r. ::r .: : ::. srilch to finish in 2t32:11. Foster's i:-: :i l: ::r- ::::riies to the dilfi:r-e ro 8qo qr.Lc rFm:nlr.rrl o( ! slike Bosron, this hill r:: course oI rhe racel). Th. ::-:::
55!r? 55'5s
57 r54
s3 r32
r ror
14 r33
2: ;::=j 2. Neii Cusl. Jack Foste!, .12, \.; Z:r -. ack, Eire, 2:19:23 3, -3- al..r::, fl--!C, Z:21:50; 4. Joh! Loeschhorn, .r''! r c, ?i2i:l?i ,:, Ror Kurrle, BHS, z.Zrla;6. 4jir Saish llotll-..ood lls, 2:32illl 7. Kaj Johan6en, S& l:ego TC, 2:33r32; E. Doo C!eg- " r-r.) o.y. ELA--, -:-.:00, o r'--". !8
ls PU,{A .nd
Sporr C€nr€r
Bl tt HE1r6Hll, Ross 8+5-5o5t nR€f, cooe 60? 8+5-86+6
Btot r{tr{c
Tracr. and Field Sport Center can serve your need6 for most items used in rhe sport. We can Fovide items your deale!s do nof carry, or Fovide serEce when you have no dealer lear you. Our seivice is right,. . our Fices are righr. . . our iine i€ raridly growing,
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RRC BACS Blue rith white trim Road Runer6 Club in whire lettering. Size U" x 15' x ? r/2" H€a!ry duty vinyr. A beautiful bag for
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}E I z t:,