ln fhe Long Run it's the New
/nu? D,aea*ta /oV yol.
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FoR RUNN..as
l?. By p'NNres
Ro/ce sLry€r,
M., /r:toi :J.
::5il:l'.i::.:1:'.i:i'il.,tt;.iiiir. 8cd vacNlcholl. tiYiC,
76:2/,: 15. .]ohn re 5, Nnb.- ,/, ArEUst 5, lo6n Ji ooandr6e, EA{ rBn; _orrl. I7. -ja :,bE^r]pl1.n \a!es: crcill, Ll.Po-r. l8:58: .6" "oln :d25r a (opri jv,ur rhv. s.oLr, 34n rE:, 6:Jqi ,, B:'-r "1,o0 a ypar. proljs..-o oo4trly.o,relpo.d-nce: tdllo.rar BI \. Eata)i 2 Pro{inF a l) d n..c.. ".oc;l'v;. " ar,.e.5t.r roodru-rr .oss, 106 t. j/ailira N.,,5):Jo; :. )r. 'nas. .:jbbrnj, \Y.... s.bsc.IpLioa & :dj.or: Flail, Ftzr)t 2.. ., n a.r.ee. rnar-,"^ 3a::6: ?-U/, r58 P!:nce .1., /,odou4" :.. -sn 0u:'.o. -,\t 'A",8d:50: 2(. Dubll3\ed by Irldr.'n" F-!r'!ra o..N.,, r-a A-etin, rs.:.. 89: t8; 2). -,r :'{ l. r\.h 5r., Pl,;lad.rp'ra, P4. &,.rtrr, \] , or.10i to. .,oe rirby, sol
'l:"]"r"-''" or'.ibr!o-s .l_" no1.1: oon h",. or;oereo.. a.r ) , ar ar..r^" !oston; o . _ro-!! loq ils ,.s:Fay. --, t,c..€d. q./ . :_l'ng, erir.o 1.; a.r":1. T".r: l" BJ! o i 1-4-o-tO-.1)-15: ?, , uanttlon, ,'.; enh!6 <aland.grr ^"1. Sar 3"a !o- .,-(-o, | - ?. o: _. \orir \oJs"rbara, (.1-C,; Don a.our, lrgard, ta d r'.n, '-'- --t-.)-)a. raCo-i I-n. o . hero€. . ..icap.i :ed or5rlt, l\-s ork; erree Eron. Bsr'-- 1 IJ.IL(^ x ,. . .A . l.) t O r.F; 9!rr Brofl, ?:.rr.urBh;8nc r:,::a, ijcr- "r, .r":. tooJ.t:)Ol .1. all r,e rav_ :aP-s, .!!nnca!or-6; rr-y L.ece, .moda sLa d; Bjl ,ikl, ro, ,rersey; ia!. oij/-._ Io! ana - r':ound od /:- n.rrenr ,"r - r<: :ob ^er .eoLri!3" oa a : n: e tooD .hr.t.,-rr ""u',1 -J , ! ilad-lD: -; /a L oaM, Trn-s, rosa.roffi(:,,1r: .rr.. ol ._ I 3 o- .ErF rar Pic1.!r N.S,!V., l-s,.ralir n"n i i..d ;", .::,.1^., ', L l"nenh-l l:.rie:. .er, Du fan, SouL. A.r- sLnnr..) "it..:"..ers.. , : e; ort tr. u:-!1 .o,i, ue-slnllr I-1_ 8 r-oo.."s,t : ,oe -,-!dc., olrs r.e-;vara "^-e 1-,. o 1;;s7)., "-di gob - a.rz-tt" ofrrora, *aq1. Yel HiEdor ,r:e lnlr rC yards ba.k ol 4l (oiIa1. e 1l nrles to so". !.cn the Edliort last nlnDie rers 1n- slonsor: .iry ^rrh oMvorir {r}eir 10i"h foms !s that rte United liiates 01tn- anniversary .erabratioaJ..fhe tlaieur Eicycle le3g.e ol Aaerica held races 91c Coenittee replaced lobbj' Co$ in iavor ol Johntrr leuey a3 a ftonbe. of tefo.e and Cuiing the load race." lt ihe Ol@plc na.atLlon team. ras ve4 ho: and tie sun beat {iom Ihe Coqnittee took the actlon after nerciiesslJ, but *ate! slations were !.e ma.alhon comiriee and rne ll.s. llovlded at one-Dile intedals by the track & fteld comittee had u!h61d tiouen+-fut of f icials, aonsr posit,ton on iie sqrad. t. tl Confalon€, Boston 41, iL:17 .oDS wiu mke the rrtp to io4e as 2, Il3L lligCor, UCTC, 5)tO7 l. Ed Ducai, no3ton It, ,)r27 4. lrabk Carissini, Xetrolt Trac! Club, xrj.r.Er lrrr{s .IArroNrr. si. 20 xrrn ciowrr ii'?l t"3;"9"i3ilii,i" 3:::: rio|S.i:;::t \e-dh€m, v.ss., ,ae ,oFa. 50:,7: 7. -rs;t"v !a1.o!:.t: "L.y -, 1060.. a{erE,34 . n- D-tra,i- ", .o:1t; 8. aer-y ienn€di, I.,-.r" ".*-..!9.,pr'zes..? :s-.r5..JU toops! De(Ior! TC. 16:19. /, ."!eJ Tooo" noch_ nAn, 6L:r6 ., ohn J. \e11e/, EAA es €r I.. f,.,.. ti:ot: t0. eorq6 ?. Je"s Cre-n, BAA iAn, 66t\, nL .. De[ro_r ic. B:bC: rt. lrinn l. d DJnc.n, BAA '8", _ _ 68:5? Dot6;Ln, rctc, t6:a.i :. .ohn Di cou*"' 43i?tr ff:r::'iff ':', !:::"i;:-::::' ld,.:^^ ',::;r":,"i?i. :";:i:,l.if.' Joln a. KFllevr Una'r., i,i, 50:t); tt. 1rcdeoon fai, Bosron "o:J2 , cerry Hamey, BAA rB . 71:18 !1ck A;;o1d- JCTL- obi.2b: o. Arhe 3, corbirl, Nwp., 72rOA pl.hard!, UiTc, oi:tl;1.,par Lh. xataer, o, r"d Ilh orconhell, s!. AnLh., 7ar0o patner' DeL.oi! ic. o,i15: lE: '9. -!. Lrsrne L€jqoLl-e, Y/-, 7L:15 ucIc. 02:ljr [jlricn KloDfer" irraL!. tA,', 7L.)A B:rr:ns,@, &tch., 6a:tt (ro pac6 ?ll 'r. L[r. fe6ney, 84 _
su11lvqr, clad 1n the blec! 'Sllkyn E#+ffi#*r,:"3331'i, liliA, ".; i;, of Evdstolta St. Coolge lllgh Sclool, Jacobs, Tte.rn, Ofteon, 2:02.18; 3, Joh! dho tlfltted the crord rlth s flashy
Seatllei 4. Jiu tlorrle, 1.P.H, 4:U.7. Su11iren, sho still has a yea! of PEP conleiltlon, stuck clor€ to PNrd 25h flalk, seaft16, ttay ?- I. Bob Co16!e, rhose sputg r€r€ 65, 2!08, Hondlick.on, SoC, 2:10,54; ?. Don Jacoos l:12 sd rr:r1.1. Boih nnlele broke 2:42.41i J, Joh, l{evt11e. 2:r0.01, 6Os for the that 1a!, lut the v€te.a Cole4e !ftr€d just a littte strcnge! 1l I0 Mil€ l,lall, Seattle, r[ay 21- 1. 3ob ihe:1asi tlfty yads" 4116n Ca!1us, hisl Heldllckron, 1:29.J1ri 2, laur l,4ccom1ck. r€n1o. ttu! l4o*on. I1t. aDd !. af washlnEton Frorh. 1:t7.0o: l. (€r- school psp .hep took thlrd in /+:23.0, riate ry !ynn, 0. or Wash., 1:40.U: 4. Don su-11,y'! 4:11.7 ls belleved to be the faBtelt dle ever sn by a hlgi schoot 380 Ualk: It. !€ds, Jxne 11- Bob Hendr- jui6r ln the United States, He bas a icksonr soc. l:21.2. .ub-1r54 !a]t aid a 20:52 4-eile to l-fii1e !a1kr 5.31r re, {!y a0- t. Eoo den- his .r6dit. Hls lrnoFledeeable coach, drlcison, soc! 2)r46,2i 2. P4ut ficcom- ton leldel, 1s loted fo. iurnlns oqi j. 1.k, 2\ra2,2i cary Forle!. Igsqauansote of chicaeors llnest diEtanc. tu-2t::6. ?8:18.8i rl. John xev111e. Seattle. j.g!.S&_!eA, 0lyrp:a, June !- 1. aob !en- lhe l-E1ls and Jooo-neter steeptechase I11, 'lrlckson, 1l:11; 2. rau: I,lc.or.lck, 14:/.9. E.e rcr by Jia Peterson. U. of (l'l6baeh at C!i.aso, and.Je!ry Robircon D!.1 ?5*r trun, ..aLLle, rat _-, BoL S!ar- Callese. Datt,. l, respectively. tze.Lf, clrrDpia, t: t0r2a.,+i 2. John i]Itbs, Mlle: I. !h11 colebe- UCTC- a:U.I 'racona, 1rt5.46; l. Joe qinsate! 01yn!i.! Z.-_To_E suUlvar, St. deorse'Hs, lr:11.7 2:1lr:11.4. isEartzel] rsn 19:,,7. 40:51^ l. AUen ca!1us, Morto!, IU.,4:al!0 1:01.20 and t:2?.lO lo! t-10-1t & 20kn: ) 4. Bal Fiedon, UCTC, 4:25 5. lhll lorenc, {estem ]11lnol6, li29 6. Jobn Mccinty, Chspaicn, IU., 4i33 TFLAGII'IG NIIIED IIXA! OI BAIII}IOiE ENC 7. lme Rlchalds, ]JCTC,4:47 Irank illaCine, romer nlddle d1slance i4arty !s&e., UCTo, 4:17,, star 3t Ceorgelom nlvers_!y. wss -.ic.- f. 9. Jelry H&1ey, st. P&copiuer 4:55 ed pre.tdent of tne Road nurn€ls Club 10, Leohld Wa.h, ulattached. ol ihe South ttlaitlc rlssoclarlo! ci th€ l-Mit€r 1. Jtd PeteHob, UIC, 15:18,{ AAU at an organ.lzarion Desrlnq r! June 2. Phtt Lor€nc, Itest. I11., 15:5,r 22nd at Cllfton ParL. Ealtioo;e. Ud. L Fran! Dotseth, ucto, 15157 Th€ sroup of 22 ch-rter nenberi also 4. Joe i{€nd€rson, Nnatt,, 16:05 erected tursey Tho4as. vlc€ Dresideni: 5, Bitl Reyes, uCTc, f6:44 Jay Dun, secretsry, ind ron [4ask€n! 6. !€d Pr1ce, UCTC. 1?:20 t.easule.t Jir ldaldort was selected as lo0or SrchaBe: 1. Jelw Robinson- unat the delegaie to the Sorih Atlantlc AAu. t:'tf.]--l?,T" Pender;s.t, ucrc ; J. The local group is conposed ol deDbers of Eilee track clubs- BalLuole olhblc. Cross Country and Oltole. Apllications !or heobershtp ere beirg 2-Citv fieet -- New York 158, Phtla. l, accepted by Dun.r 201t East Th1!tysecond street, Baltiao.e 18, t4d, ll€r Yorkr sat., JuDe 18- {. a dual ceoree B!om, crcss countly Club coach, a6et ihe thl.d atrual inr,e!-ctty aeet reported thet repreEentattves ol the betreen New Yclk and Philadelphia three clubs net oarlier and drafted ! squads of the I'letlopoUtd ard lil1dd1e Atldtic A,{U Alsociations wa8 a falce, to. tne houe sld6 ,on 15 of the 19 Jun€ 18, 1960--chicsso, Itl.--'r i iniv. eYents @d outEco!€d the vlsitors, ndooinat€d! of Cht.aao Track Chb the r5a-35..Jack Py.ah, leader of the Ph11 59th anluel Eenrs outdoor cheDionshiDs ty dolegatlon, 4llahed that ihe of tle c€ntrat AEsoclarlon ol rhe 1,{u: cEd of th€ collegiate .rop vas oui held st stage Fi€ld, ihe U. of Chrcas;, in Calito$1a conpetlDg 1n the Natri. a.cuulatlnanaessr," over l0O !olnts! collegiales, vhlch ras slso rrue on [,lrlle the Phil cot6@n added th€ Ner York sid., Ihe Plile.ielphians to hl5 collectlon of aold de.tats- lt lEd a dsaq€r squad. Nev ro. ioh 13s the lithe, eooth:strtdjnc T6D leadr in i}le .drie., 2-1. N€v1116,
lork ys: ?hi1ad.1phta-conthued) l,l1l.: 1. !d fltntur. NYr 2. John ceraEhIt;-lVYt t. 106 orB;ren: NY. rr:20.1. 449i 1, .I1! ?hi!p., xYi 2. Helb lashlngton, Ph1la.i l.,Ressi6 Peeft8n. NI: l+. BIU Sar6E" PhlLa. 1,8.6 l4R. 880: 1. ToE hirpny, ffi; 2. sleve rilor!ts, NY; l. P€ter l6vth, NYi l} Ed tlnrov. NY. l:52.1. l-Utle: f. a111 Snlrk- Ph1Ia.! 2- John F;tlf,-nl; t. Jdhn Doiovan, Ni! 4. Drcl( clspp, l[I. 14: t5.8. 2-1i111.-Wa!t: 1" !ruce lacDohald. NY: 2, rr-TTi-oEltitrenko, Nr; ]. rohn s;hi1iins, NI;4. ceorse Schlluns. NY" 1r:05. (Ner
tlon l7-yea!-oL.t !ddj.. Y.€hd of
ol1ve! A6es Hlgh 1n /.:26,0. Datlt Dclloull1.d, Er.ot6. & laae Cer1.on, !-Y !S. finlsh.d thhd & fou.th. 6-IiIe:.1. IaEelce Duon. alA:2, BAA! J! tauard lracaett, l,F Aci 4, 8111 losney, aAAr l'oreiEx !€Bs- rn8ocrnskl .oorlalJue rz- !!!4q: r. ret:50.6i ialrubovski, 1:51,2; Dep6st6s, Gle6ce, 1:tI.4. Ra.e a: I. Sarinkoy, USSR, 1:l+o.ii 2. Lipkowskl, t:50.0..lOCOD: 1. XrlvsBkorlak. 8:02.r,: 2. crcdoi;[i....._i, ceroady; 8.U,2i ). D. Ibbotron, Cr€si sritalnr 3:01!l"i 4. Eolotnlkoy, !SS!, 8:01,.bi 5. Altlntlk, ]JSSR.8:04.8. RoEicky li4enolial, Pragu€, Crecn. 15Cofl: t. vmoe, Rranja, l:ro,2i 2. crodoLs)ri, celDa.y, 'rr:."..5.!.Q.QE:. l" vandokskl,
Vah corLLandL palB. '!.y.. -a1.. ue 2r- D.spiie dusry, iLety iohdi.ionE, lour Deer record3 /er€ establiah€d ard znana- r rJ:)..(. coloene, celranv. iutre 15- l00n: 1. tHo others tled in the l\4ei. ,{AU J!. xautDoi.n. l.5- 7 (!l;o!ern aecoE-:. hahplorship3. . Jla 0tcom€tl plcked up Kinder. r.6.t..80Odi I. Schhldt. .i:{6.5: St. lntnony's only sold nedal by rln2. |lasi1. suti;;lE d, 1.47.J; l. Jasy; hy 120 yards 1n Inn.e, l:r+7,o:4. r,ii s sa 11a, ,1r e.2: l;15?::: "*""-,": Te@:1. NIPC,691 2. NYAC,56i L rnce r. !rraal, io1&1, 1:4b^)..f2!!4: r. srenner, jr41+.5;2. schwarto, l:44.6 i TracL CIDb of th€ Bm*, 30: r.. Ta..gtom Sptked Shoe C1uh, 2Oi 5. U.s. r4er- 3. lalk€, t:{5,0;4. Menele!, l:l+6,ci 12; 6' st' ahLh- 5, carrls, slain, l:46"1..3000n: 1. :ii?: g:61:"r1*'*"' HanourE- ceroanv. JuDe 17- L00h: 1. i.Ii.; i:-it 6inrcr. rrec: 2. rievin H6n- Kirder. M. Sinsh, :Indta. 46.2. ;;;=t, NY,rci t. rqat60 cu;clia13, Bn(e 8n0:1. 46.1: 2.Poland. 1:51.0. ?ci 4" Tci Orfral. NYrc. 4:26.4. Seynour, NYPC. l:26.4, 4. Ted seyDDr, --];.h..- ir.-;".- rnn; 16- eoLh: 1aao: 1- Ronrld Erv:nt- l,IYFc: 2- Fr.nk Ii;Es, WAc! l. J;6!'slns,'NYPC; 4.Ton reva, !erglMr a:)a.r; .. lrenrcr, 1rtl.7i r. xarl6, Spain, 1r51.9. Blyaht, IYPC. 1:54.4, ier.arokl. Iia:Ladd, June 6- l0o0n: I. llqi 1. Bettlon Icnas, NYPC. l+8.1 !LR. ilrodotsii, iern6ny, 6:05.2; :.-5i6Er, l-[11Ie: 1. JMes 0'Connetl, 5t. Inth.; 2. Jo.eph lans, NYAC; 3. lichad Clapp, ]urku' t:n1and' June-lrNYPC;4. N\P(; c. Mateo ns[eo cucchisra, cucchlaia, Bnce 8ruc" Tc. 1.. vrr6nr1n, e6msny, J:4J,q; ll!&i.1. z.3unr, 751J7.2. |/il€ l'at(:1. Johtr -cbIU-ne" NYPC:2. c-n-ny. J:r{.2i J, selonen, "rrr.7i Ceolee Schllling- IiIPC: l. Alan Blales- 4' .orl, !1nlano, lune l- 1)0orr l. t€-. rwp.: 1., ,|aiton nilchle. Nyo(. -:2I.6. 2. vuorlsalo, 'r.-mrh, c".ns/, .J:12.3; C
i?;5*.'i,.'.. i"il;lr;.:rlr!;jr;: ett, cer@.y, l:t0.6..19!@i 1. B!ht,
Cemanl. 8:10.r. RandolDh. l4ass.. Jun6 1].- Ratn nav fays prai;bLed J6hn,y fi€ €y from -pu!La1Li, l ,tsnd, un--to-t I +9.!9Sr hon!c"€, tlnq in an aDDeeran(e a! the'ir3t niELt . roee', Lemdv, 2o:]q. ii z. oI Lh. ?tst i;Durl l\€r Englahd AA. T&j Genany, 20:l-.2..1tooa: 1. .emann, --@D1on.hiDe, c-mMy, ):Lt.e. lre st{-djle rrce, in rhjLh (elley kas 9e151-t1, rur" l6-1?: auhl, a:41.3.. en(€red, 6n bi toprctins tary Dao- Xrus6, Cel@ly, l:1. .1. o, of ihe".s Boeton 1,{. Si6ve laranya oi n!0 THEY TMIN" By rred Witt. $2 Heslotan rn the n11e ro by 10 yards older dlrect trom thee Lore list. loe,
: 2
lM@l DepaltDent of Becr6atlon s6nior T&.F N.6t ai 01ney Hlsn school Fletd. ro!.d by 9qu1!r.1 Btlt IOr@1t 61ui. ?htle., Pa., Thurlday, July 7, 1960 Scnenley 0ye1, Pltirburgh, Ps.r July 4 g.ath.rI 70-75., bst.n ctoud., Th. Philadetphia Plonser A.c. toDbad 1. Jo. Thona!, unlonrm, !!le {0p.!)!(61r, ra., th€ AAu-lanclton€d €vent6 bv ecoriira 4:24.6 2:10. 3t18)t 2. BiIl Ion!1ir, UnloDtoEr Pa.i l. Johr Be8ha!. 21 lolDts. The Pem A.C. sa ,6taraie arc6.loD, Pa. {Thor.. 1ad all th. war.)' vaUey 4.1. !1ed for !6cord! E!9i 1" Jl! Brm6t, AMor A.c.. 1t5i,2: UlI.: 1 i4aultce Caanon. llone€r aC: Zr Rob.rt l)lctlDlob, J.e.tts Harrie!!: :-Frecj,E ca*sr. Ped'Acl 3. Pat' yafsh, Shrhahan CC; /+. John CrEtghton, l. Jo. Tho@.. Urtoaton. Pa. (A v6n c1o.€ r.c.. Th. l€ad chaiE.d 6ev€ra1sErcbrore Colleee. TtDe: /r:21.0. tlos! durtD€ the la.t 220-ya.d.. ) Non-AIU soysr r,ltler L John l4cMeneln, l.lcDevitt R,c.t 4:41.9 tii5#i tl'31";f tl'i]9i: lllll' a, Pot.h€.lstdoe, Sotrth ,tf.lca - (emeth 7t2\, 8t)9,9t58. It:12. 12:29: 13:42)r ?, r4lthar cregoly, F.m IC, 16ilt !n.:' Mctrihu!, {lnner of the 1912 oltaplc l. Andy Curry, Fort Pltt A.c!. 16:21 iE. delathon race at Stoclhola, dled nele {Fouldo led a1l the ray ed lqpped alt ercept the second Eahr ) Ioreia Ner.- Rosi.kv Meeodat- PraaeF, *i-.,,er* *; XiiiI6SI6nE[Ia lcc'tinued fen hsr' ' \!ili', I'ige", "'i:.:i.Hl Jerry, lfer Ca.t10, la. pagel l. {1500nj Molotkov, !SSR, + Th€ or'flclal! did nor ser atrv Dlace J:12.7; 4. Juns*1rth, l:41.1; 5. 526lclDes. Th€ sput6 of tho@s a;d_foutds eres. fiuEary. l:16"6..June 19:800ft: eft coudesy of or€go!1an Don iscobs soiti, craat aritain, 1:49.9i 2.--Effirho sas ln Pitt6burgh for a rslk ihe zkorEkl. Poland, t: rO.l: l.0d1ozi1. C!ech., l,: rO.ai l.8a1kB, Gemsny, t:50,5..t00tu: I. Jurel. czech. {not IlaJrl "Po!n Mazlel l{alt for boys 12-16 zhanal, )-TJit6,8i 2. Boisty, c'eah., littsburgh. Pa,. 5,8 Mt tes. 1l+:02.6i l. J. MerrrEe, c!, 14:01,4; 1 Alu R! B1ake1lee. N,Y. llone€! Club. i. Barabas. Rl@rla. 14:0J.6..100oSC: 49:21: 2. l41ke Hemair. Pittsburch X or i 1. zhaEl, c!€ch., 6:r.l.r.; 2. FaiE;:islliou, cre€c., 3:t5.8; l. nzhtshchin. ,O:00; l. Jl! Denl, pah. ( of c; 50:51: 4. Jees Yeae6r, Indlana Tracl alub. !i. USSn, 8:117.4; l. Br11ca, crech., 8t50. t2r56t 5. 'tov (rMer, NYPC, 52.57, 4i 5. chapban, CB,8:50.6. zudch. Swltr,. Ju6 2t- 4O0h: 1. l4 entdes.,leMi t. Pah K of C: 2" IrYPc KaufM; c€@ny, 4t.9i z,-lqlllha L Indlala Tra.! Clubsingh, Indla, 46.0..!9@i I. s. Klaban .{uEt.ir, 1:t1.2i 2. J.zy, F ance. NATIoNIL AtU tO ,{IioI,OTER (lr dt. ) t alt 1. C€91€d1, lEtlla, (rirst J ftnlahe!. q,atrv i." in. oi;- 1:51.7..1500n: )t4r.2i 2. Ri"z., It.ly, r:45.4i J. pic tee.) Baraldl. Ital,y. 1. Ro, r;ird, r,tird, it.tpc. irIrc. L:to.oE: l:rr3,2,.lO0Or: 1. 2. John A11en, unati., Buffat6,4:tro.o!: 8e!nard, r!dai), 6ro0,0i-7- Bo-aay. Fr,. N.Y.r N.y.. t,:+i. jo; j.-iii"iJ-uiii"i.ial-i.ipiI''' 8:00.8i 3. Hi.s6iaftl, s\iitr., 6:15.8. /.:1,5:10.4i l. Jact Blackburn, oh16 TC. rlulch. ce@y. June 24- 800n:1. ' schnldr,. f:50.1+! 2. Klaban. Ti;T;ia. 414Tr46.5i It17t1tt.5i 5. CaDt, caDr, tdolDh tdorDh We1nak6r. w6t""i".. u.s.A.f., cemDt, 4:48.28i 6. r,eo SjoSjo- !ii-d.ii'21'fri;;i1i.. iiii.6.. iio6,il'r. los Ansel6g Angel6g FFAAC, FAAC. Lr52-52t It- osiach. 3:44.1: 2. eesleoi. A;ti;I:. sren, Ios L\. 1r52.52i 1" ?. iii"',r.".rii,'i!ii, Da1e,{rnold. DSAI- ii+i,;i:a;'A: i;"i; 3t4\.Li 4\.Li 3. Rr.2., Itaty,3tt+5,5 r4ccarthy, Uniy. of chtcago, 5:02:41+: 1e!6r, Flnland, Jue 19- l!Q@i r. Flosbach, ce@y, 14:01.6; 2;-T;E;r, 9. John wal1. Baltt!o!6 ar;ss cou,,r; club.5:09:40:10. lt. W.B. Ilc.l Lr' Kreer'ldt' c;m: \1.5, Lftt, Lftt, 5tl1+t22, (30 fintsherB. fffussniil"*;:t'6' finrsherB.) 110r. 1Ol, We6r Polud lou. tur€, Russia. Jqe ?5: 300!: 1. BulisheY25: 800e: Bulishev. ltofIc!: Anyone vlgh1na to iotn Lh6 ne,-- uss!, ussn, i!/+8.7;2. i!/+8.7;2.6!yra-1, oryra-I, P,, r:{ 1r1.9,j ! 1y fomed ohlo VEtIey Traci Club Dleage Mrko@.kt. P., P.. l:49.rr..5000n: r:49.1'..5pQQoi 1" ?. Mrko@skt, 3. contact PauI B!om. 2IO ,alzetl Ai.,. [*r!koYia*, P., x*r!koria*. P.. 13:50,o: FuIntni ?;_!;fnrniU:50,6i ?; aen Avo., Piti,Bbursh 2, Pa. lov, ussR, lov, USSR, 1l:51.6; I, ). ZiMy " a,, rtrtlneu*. UssR. lro{.6. 1l:55.!: 4. l. rrtlnyu*. U:55.4! Cha!16. S.b1e M6!o!1a1 T&I'
{io!6j.a,N.r,_conlr,ued) ll1;l},!;"i;ll;1.}"J;;;"i;;.;4ry
ll;iiitEr ii!;;;;ri1i1;;,;,:i;tlr,:;i:i::, #*::i**l;f j"i':i; .[;$iifi :,: ff.'m'r i;;i;il :i""ir'.. !,;,;
{'liil' :i;iil;
":',. ,''
i$iililiii;*lit**ll jiii,i!l"l':,i'tffl;.'i**1":' :i3:3:: *:i"l*r::i,i:,rii#ri#' Iii:,lirfi*, 1,:i,:q,:1,';1i5i,,, !393o"*,'
i,il'i3;3i,'9; f '....," "*,
#"m'r;illlilarti:riiiilir* ;::;;#,.iiiciii,, lti::llil,m ,,*:ii"::'"4ffi,11.:';::E:*:ttu"3ii ir'lirri:;l.tU;ijl lfi ;:i!,ri;;:ii
];;r;ii: il;F;lii:ii;,::,r;: ii;igil' ;;ti:::ili:[:i; ltodrr 1. Belira.d, I!dc6, l:J.r.8;2.
iiiiil iiiii:fui*s ;i i;l t i:i r':if il n'iiii:;ir:r,-il "ffi $F5iii'^"ffi rl. "'""*", i""l: -llu :, ffiffi "n;i::; ;:' ;[i:,:;"5;i," _
:!r!!iri!#r!ir{[:-]l--iT-l:- !;::"a:**;#ll:ii'::f :i:i:$*::
fit**#F*i#*-@";"ji':,:i16,:'l:," ::";":":::.''.:: iilii"lil""ii"i"l"ll"
ii;:iili:gilr+:$;l$;:ryr" ii*liiiriili*lr;*i*i-i*liF" r ;;";";*." ezeo a! Lhe :"::'1"::::i::'ir.::""*:i:':1""::; Lvo-dav
rrd tn nlre iiiia ili"iii in threa. neignr or dlsliilii"-iil 'i."i'irrri tr.i, rrmins tr;rk ar Lhe lanc€ beL!€red
epsdaLoi6. tunout or 105'o!0 pavine aL ste'ofd stad'@- 3+ e9"i"'l'-1:1.: ddce @r! *c€eded onlv bv-rne crotc
iii.i::llizii:fi iri:iri:iq',it*::
iiii:'rei:'i1ru,'i#$i:'$ii::'r Hlr"i#:;ii;'r;ll:;iulriqr{: w i;":iiliilli':rlil:r:ir;:r;il" $lb6e!iii*;"iiii:i?kiil,ae'iihiii: bv r' lncre! Dubft' !o lhe :!*tl*;*n::'li.+i!?:i: *,t*":r--
i$i"l*i$,li",:'iiiil.ii'itji4i i:ligi*::$i:[;$i"t'':l;
orrlaRlo 3E!!IOR T&! Crlrl.floNsllrP5 BRUCE
FoF SroooD.
t' ::il lS,liilf : Ilil;i "3 lil' ;32,3'. Ac' Totl. JolM ahurah, claditone
l6ndon. Om.. Jue 19- BtucB K1dd, sb1ih, cerden rom ilSi: il'?l;k'" ft€€t-f6oted aoronio hish school sta.' Tt"-_T1u!. J74 lr5z.t,i 2. qvrk6 Buffalo. broke ih€ canadian op€n and !a!1ve lr5l.4i 0c. J. rro.BT610!1,o rscords lo! tne 5,000 nete!6 Eitn a ilne ot 1!:43.0 nere locov' x:3.&ii 1i';"lH'il3l.o!i'l;'ti?i,.0' 10 add iustr€ ic h:s afternoon'3 Toc, It:51'4i l. aob tur!- 1i-f,f6-lloore, rork. lhe 16-yearold speedst6terlor! 16:27.o. EI'Io, Rayner, €d 1i an eYen note lpecta{ursr 1n h1nllna the I.5o0 oetet3 1n J:)r"r1! BILT tliNOlDS TR,{CK CAFTAIN eauilatena to a /r:12.o hlle which in zasi Lsnslns, [iaY 27- BI11 R€Foldr, thE d16trirr 13 the laet€st itoe for 21-veat-old lulor lloD u5!!' nas track canadlar tance ever tlrnFd ln by a -1961 !41ch1gan State b.e; €lecied ih6 o1rno-Ld6 schoolboy, l{ldd aleadv 0ntarlo a!}ll.t€, l.ls€rcaDtaln..ThB or 1claI Canadlan hlglr .cno,.t rccod Ten tro-ail€ ru rhl! the BlE u!In r:17.2 for the dle. capiatn or the sParlan 1s arso sirlng, the in tkn'fi13 ctocklng ot 14:48.0 r€dr ero.s-count!y brrr set Dy better€d the Delllnser of the U. of oregon tn Aug' 1956. bv tqo fuU second8. It tas aLso CANADIAN INTER-CITl I1EET rhm sla secords lailsr riiauinglord Toronto def€arod or uw- Helltto! Jun€ 12bY Ron a duar !d nee! in Hdilton. 9l-3t, awa. a15o ln 19J6. salurqay. unlversllv l'lcMalter at held bv-ihre!t1a6d nn'the {ay, i(Idd vas 1.! 2. Ju iio! t_ Bltl clothere. 1n /l MrK 4:zu" \aiches at, th€ l-mi.te Hetfton. HlIl' Felion T,i T;5;8. J. recor'd ontarlo 14i116.? !.11 belor the rrB6: t:56.8 {Iro^s Eet the PAce & he s€t last yse!. crother! had io so al1 our to catch (1dd rs three-ntle Ontario r6cord-rag hlo on the flnal tDrn. i rerl olf the cdadlan dlk or !:Jr.. {v1.. Doug by CelearYr! .et !6c.n!1y Kldd !o #*i€i.';.i'i.-ilijl*il*:i,'i: li 13 tel€ who Dronlses to lut o1]Tplc th€ canadten [€s! at Hi**.']; ii\.1"fr!i:I;,'r: i;,ilio' "b" ".a11n Saskatoon Ti!a15 ntn ke€P can aflce P.c. "I fiffe IIVE MIIE ROAD RACEI I'ONIONI ONTARIO Kyle for 10 la!. and after tlat ih6te ' 1. AU.an Claimont, uuerpn leAaon' .A t€1ltnz rhet rlll hrpp.n," ir€d 2, 8rucs Atrdret!, uuetpn !ea_ ?6:[4! the after said coach, Klddrr loot. 7on. 21tAOl ). t{hii.y snerloan' Hmmeei,. Klddrs c10se3r cotoPetill0n an 27:20. rhe 5.000R. today s8E tle Toronto c.u' 1lraA 0, c., ace- Jin Moor€ {}ose it!€ rat ovsr e
nrnitt€ srov6r. In th€ 1.500n Kidd look ovet ln6-1€ao lSPt {rraao ffi #hRlililir.iii:liri"d:Fffi at the start or lhe flna.t off a h1d ba v6t.ren Hon {arrrngrom HMlIton. Jwo 26- Itdrltonrt Cord back In thc bsck-5trot,ch and tuln€d Dick6or, ;urulna aor lhe-first ttoe anolher chall€nse bv iandv r4r3on rlih Eince sulforlns about 150 vard6 io go. r€snlereo lniud du!1ts the wlnte!,Einulec beck at !h6 Pushod sread atnolt 20 "ell Carl.BIIl of D6troti's . clilc'Stadi6 John 15OOD. irank church o1 roroNo of t'llm6!-up Dqnbv H.s. .epiured s.cond pla'€ 'n!n A.c.. but h1. rerslrYerv a l:r?.2 crockhg. The D.trc1r /)Me- clad6ton€ !1or ttn. of 2452.16' t€ft 6oa' -doubr rte! r6c6trt1v 5.t the lchlgar .5' a! to riether hlte rocord of 4:17.7' t.d. -, .. lnclud€d o. the g@€. lt00h: t. Bruce (ldd, Ea6i lolk rracK one entrent i! ih. gru6l}1trg zo Da6r s- '165 dli :t3.4i 2. irenk carasslo1-'eard ru. All€ vAnd€mee! or rt' att-- D6t!o1t. J:57.2i l. xandv E.on, i"itirrnes ras knockad froB h1r ihlrd Toro;io OlyDpic c1ub, l:57'4. afrer rz qree {n'ntear Dlace Dosiiion u' L00r: I. John Te1fold, watte wat€ th6 rlriY.ntad ;idck bv e car on nex! i;t;6ri. l.?.8. pas€ / rrinom. {coltinu€d lo.oooai I' B1t1v Revnold., unait"
3 (oo!ilo! !lct!o! IlD.- Conitm.d)
g*;*****;*:t':*r ffi * f {*lil rit$:;l riiwrr::i' sf$;ia$;xril"lt$i.;;
. *
H:i"tr'lHt:*:?+*L*ir ffi *ii:'*rii:ili,ii i,i#i!jsi: . i$i"$qni'*t;l;':
inf;;*ffiffiffi:s**'* fi;t**lrxffi *$* ;ffi *:,*ru*t'
ffiffi jff;{fi ;i;
,giri}"itirF:#"";1,11;,;:;_:;,,:;.,;=,;l;;, rBi"'3"i;'3
;rt;!5ii#$;#ru:T#I;i*' "tti!
r * #;s*i;ii*fu *rr*
#ffi'ffiffi *;t**-*;
l1'u.u' ii:iii?:li:i;kllfi,}:!ifl:ii::iili
:liiiill:itri"ilt",itit'i;:il# L- u- i"li'i:i'j'"*itr"rh"r,r,,, ff ititf kf I "nt"'"'rii',1; *y;#i'**#;-t..d'
;i"6-G-i;i#;;ii;-i"r'"a'r.a l:-"ii"tilvC.
(1,o Run' Na'lansdse'!"'
iii"iili*:;;A :i, ll':'
4 l'tITINSl,/IttE, I4ASS, 5-r4Il! ISCR. ) 6/4/6a \9tio a.e. ) .Me corrse. IO place pli,ei & 2 tean trn!,llias {won by 9.4.4,) 15 Etax',e?s, l9 tini5h6rs" Vort hunl.tj liehi rair and 70o" Winne! tart-I Dao. r'lsc'rr! ? r1le :s.€ :! !,n, nr the iratk 14 9:rt, 1. l,ar:y Deon, Bast.n ,r.rl, 25',i:; ?, Il:njrod-(ardschur- -'qr,, .i5:r!. fory L_rst ! a,;': u. 26!t2 4, Jchn 6rar. Sosto* /,,i, t. Sifl Squires, lns_rr lq, 2a:i3 6. {rsu3 9aoiler. EtP.r.rd1!, 2?:ul ?. sran fl.run, xr. !b,lialdj 2iir)-L a. !l.r: Ffo6si:..'n. li 14ss." ::'i:2c 9, Mike algeloqt !11, 27,2) iC. oon,a!€s s.ot:o, 5{i" 27.2t Bnldrjn! :J", 27:29 U, eay la-raf,.r 12" lol Soliinhorfer', B.!-,i, ?-lr38 13. 8rl1 longds, uAaii,r :!roj 14. lon syarek, o.tinrilJs, 23:J4
rr. lar ldrley, iln6i'." il:41 ..|.'j l?. Johr licoDaldrea, r.{n. 2'}tuX le, Rqlrn Buscnna^, 0" L:rss", ?9:c,i lt. rerrf (ene!.or, !. Vi15.,, :9!10 '9 )a 20. Don Fay, Bosto, ,rr, "",t14 21. Paul €tlis.r, aln, ??. Jin laln.s, t. lij:rs8", tr)rt) ?1. nor Berahiae-., {ebste! qs, lll:?l 24. lGnk !aE:s, aert.al com. 10r.]7 _or1' 2t. rark H.s€don, Irrat1., ceoree T€rry'3 cours€ r..rrd (! 2t.3ta.! I,l95B) rcmins :rte-ct. 10,0oO8.{trac!l 4:10 p.r, onlt ItrB Etarted lbd flnlsh€d 1n h'elil ieaiher, rone raier on ltack. 1. J.nr J. {e11ey, Boston Al, ll:15.J ?" nua6 Belneti, lalvard It,, 12:40 .1. Nord Higgin$, :iecirlc n.et,l.C. 1,. naino dntl, Unaliached J. Dair 011ver, Bosion rl.Il fouei .aln all alLerooor 't11 laia" The Wh1t1nsrl1l€ track stocd up eery qell ib the deluge, rut nlserabla conditions he.s ioi .aclrg. Odlr the fo,oooq .d *as held h half decent condjtions, bui air siill very h€avy
t*o dayE ofJ" i{ri the! dd ioo& s1!qr LaDre& Yor r:rta &.ep a slod rd dnKl 1, li.&alas Jr.:is: rasior ;!.t l.:f2. ?" r.r,4. C.n$ai, !r,rl, t:1-r,lj ],r!:l|: li.4, 3. Tc./ sal1enr., ni,!, fradMdll, :!" aaih"!1" l!ri4. i. .t:D it:":i,jtt 5, (dr !:ue.Lle! y ri-:-, l;!i":,t i. :td !ierrrf,, ,\lalrii '/. Jrhr r...t!::r€r".r!r?,t"! i ! l !,:i5 i1::.i' i, Jsrx, lalr]r. :1,.'r.' t'i .2i -. ErlL! 1i.1. 'r, -, r :.'.( n '0 inaas lto!t-Yn. LE .lll, i.rar:i iJ6r,riai.c. irri. :,:19.:9 i:llo.r)B !?. !4n iiy, B6r'i;: ,rl. :.-l - a1o-Itir4rl,o!3i. r'itl!:r itl:j,24 li, .:id ilarct-r:: Ei. r-r,. 1t2;,;'r :r-r, t!rl ila3nellt l,r:r! ,i\rJ tr?j.ji L.2L.5t) 16. l::fcs :^rr..r ilill:, 1?. ira', C1:irlelc!. ii?x t.rli" i:26:a1 i3. ailai" aoeiiorra, i:rir, i;27,ce l!, -at, ;i.ilnr{,:dr.A. i;nr i1?t.:4 :c- !.b :t1laain:aarr, rl,lr l;29.4:l 2,', Jihn ielielr. ]- !r t9, i:31!51 ?il" tul liri:{aitr, JDa..,., 1i7i}.1t ?1, :lmax .!trr!3, :, an ii. 1l:i.a? :a+, Di.L !:i1l.tr:. i ntta, r l:li.l'6 1;16,C7 ?5. ilob Cullen" lltl. ie& \9lEnex- r!!!or, {t {lrcFtt9, ia!er.l+r, cu11sr. zolir:n.lolfnr; !6.r. ?ad J.rlor- l:ilttri3ili ,1.d Jr* ibel. dnd $rld iake shoqoa u! l€le
alicit qile lrr si!!i: :ll MIIINEIF i: l{lNn. 2t''-INIJ norr ltace, irly +r 19t te*. Mitu f. i.ank Sch*6lzlr, i,l:i€ tl.Plit!n, l.teer,, lkrplta$i 2. i'P.!l iFdi .'lo.e4n, 10::i.51 2. r. '-!JT!r, North sllG stdc ll:tl; it:.t 1:rE:a. Nortlr nlrr ir" tl.x;L:I' ]llcn fLp!, 5t.ra!1, 5t.!au1, i1:lr il11r 1]r1ej +!ltld, i,11r 4lnrertolis, lll: l.{ie Jt.!:J,4, Je.c!::ea, i. Il"vi.e !alk!ark, 6- Sit Si:l So-r.bi.g, lnrbi.r. itfins ilrins iak. itjrins 6. So_r.bi.r. lL:{?: 7. t.irl li.ta:f*t, !"sTc, 11rj a
i:Cereld ai;,g; :;;;.';;: .-ii1i. i:;io;.'ii Srltf r.p15,, i?:13: 111. :.1 ,
{rneion, &.nin6 '.rj ev, U;l1i U" T.I irlcaaffref, i\'5i0, 1::!3j i2. cl.l R.2. Edda.:13} 13. lob ldtali !dra!le" &.n, il1p.L6e, 6an. 6an, iuDI6,. J-2:4U1 r4F16", l-2:nB1 11. l.?:{B: U. ,Bob dcplliis, ll:jlLi lL, rlarl F€nrcrg, Crr. a lines- i1,?o. itrron,:e D!3€ dii;:;'i'ii;l-r"ar; schw€ize: 26 16 ertrtas" eEtrles, iiil €tariers,. schw€ize: (folmer U" oi ot U1hn. M1hn. 3ta! sta! ld ror.e. rloree. {form6i axd r,A'nRENCt. !{1SS" NATIL. JVNIOi 20 KII,O shoo} toose afte. ile fltst hau ni: di'L a]rotrt a !i1e to gt scbwB:set !L cFA[lProNSHrP - 6/5/6a l2r3o p.ts.J sd .\6/ dnC sJi ov 20 e cnnCa tjL) : A.l.inEL;, A.c. 2O;lace -!on5or: pirzes. oerctraiarse & tr.Dhles. sujrs! good fjn'F'lng rp.'1.. .k rlipp I:' hoq lhe. i :€h6' 3 Elrxq lo-.t lrnctr. r,'starte-s & J3 f;n1shcrs, ^!nd . rasE tlolny The firsl real hoL race oI tne vear Fr! diroct^r Blb rr Nev Lnllend T-ft affdcted th; Lbes ) a sreat d;a1. See cou.6e, htl1y-i6d- Halrts. .lu. 85' & sunnv..Lonral€s Scotl,o q11- ---------------eo aiar Lo t4h ;asllv. "he dat bef;re o.tobe: o' 1060 - G€.-.d C) ^ v-ral at iftitlnscrlle he said h" reiL Lrr€o MorLreal, Quebec'
;:iffi {#ii:;$f iiiq:#'$:"*rlii:ii"iir"i:l'iri*"Lli ii':ii'$i#ii'$iii:':i::i':
*r;i#uttilffri::.i:i,[,. $rt*1",:r,.*l:ll*:
.ft tl"ili;: ::.,, l'.'r:,:l',1, . 1.,,:,i,,,j,ti,.1,,
-.."t'.".:.,t",,,;rt;;{ig;;:::,':iit;i**: "'
"t::,lti:,,:iUa;it,;i'{::;; :_
:r:';:r *itliill:l1,Xlil-*:qqiir*
::il:li;,'i,1il4i:f,$"';"::: i*n"i"it:i:4iirA;f ,:;,:,1";ir#.i"ilr I
iu"i#;i iii:tii-i"Ei::::ri4i,l" lron Quebec ald onta.io f€t6s, i,ars€ly
aPP6a ro like 1! too ruch' r'c.dnB
u. (clr.Eont rln. lt tlarLoD- colltmed) rhr. rac. E! 6ra,!ed !6v.r!1 y€e! aao Ih 1o!.. !h!c lobe good Iftiju !m $drM r€r.r.tlon.. after f€y yeer!,iho IDd1.n! drdnrr iratn e aDy nore. r l-&rlei (Junior op6nj 1. Bruce AndreB, cu.lphi 2. Bob Raltt, cu€tph: l. JiD Vllkes, oal!. rioer I):28:?; fi#+-'g!*'38:'+i*:l i;,53i'
(Jue 26) :!!.g!!L!-u!!Etq!sHrps oon.ors - !.!si 5het!leEton.tt.,4:01.4 (Hjs Lib. is record, dd not a nniver sa,. a !€auy
Rostlrdato, js an ex_Ol],,pic nrne,
j."::",ft{"H.i:". ::,::i?.::i;"i:i ords c! varioL!
arc h.s d6e.ted ouch !rbe ro de;;io;i;s ;ci ;!;;;,s-;; .ohn A. trertey; L;r ra"son and Ai;r lepa!"r-j, a.i rlew Ena-!;d-;isi;;:
tasr C.rmn ollztic te& candid? b'Llereo rhe {or1d o- 10 0 'ecord FiL' a spa arj l,l:.i l:3:i.""'"' 1le re,oa;rz"o n€rd js 2:t..r.e: oy oan rreih. oI -wec€n. \-1"i1l1. dr o .i.p- '- LhF ,as. an
ff:i:::ri"ii'i:B:'i.ii.ii,ill'!,ii"liTT"":"i;"ji_il,;,.i1",:^l.l Luleh..g!gi l. q. \4o'rrson, ia'knar r lMt lill.-e.. rprrngDum H.i
f:I+Ig-ei.1..c. sl'clajr ,/jro.pr:,!s -
. o,-!pic,laroah
2, A.J. waod, A.sro- a( Ie;ii-nE;e het. o'^E ro re.o-: JcorrlBhi .i. J. colnolfy, Bellaious_ oL. snor-coni:es I . 1-v" ,-r:.;ea Lon, 1r:05.0.. .t9-ac!-b.94i 1, c. Eadl?. L-aL LeDLsrane Hr, 2rJ6.Loi 2. J, V. ie!r, tfptcs or r." .r"Lo_sao. ioea_ Aldrle h.; J, c.J. frair€-, cdihbursn oO/ tnsp.r"rjon o"rsolraLl 5ou0 erni r. BI11/ sbirh (on eacarton) x" :ar'i aa-ee ,!!.. "io !O/ a ,(-ten;. b. zirr2.16,. l.ooqr S'.hase: I. John . p:" lorc ec"e". .^-r oi "1."p dersor, a.qidbulni J. ".P. 0rRejlly, a!,.r.res,:ld,.ore-,-e ol,noir bpr,hgburn. o:o1.2 (ch@plonsl.!p bes!) er(h a conDrere,.sre oi ri;c_.' lLlnnalror Look _ohy orleltlyts Sc I inoe r"j FTr*r .." oF, na crom. urler.rly madc a sreaL effon . e n,s( nea,L ;a.,^t;" at the erd, b-t th" 4osyth srLiftc€r ano )rsp_r.rioi-. "veh, of rne r held on.to eslabllgl" a nev !6cord. ) ...!loeh I "rA.o rt, boss for Lire
iT:"1##.i!"1',:'qia.'l;ll€ff. rnvernesE.P., 1t57.0 l{Pr
loulhs !g!i 1, d. u. BarroF, vtclorj. rark & cta6go{ Un1r., l:58.4 l,tR.
;3 33'ij'"1'j?,i; il,'!;,:" 3no sa!,, t,,har, agaj-1n _ "._ris; ,.rr"!- -e(e:v: an arald.
r'rlv.s srra! !Ar!E!rs :llAii
..,Ni]<olal luryantaea creatod a sr
PoxDury, Mass., ,une"noo - l{FsL 22 to(1 ('2.q.1 ri1"") jrynplc runer and N3Ltl. ";:""!ry'.oa. ;;. l, t:0-r.Jr... ,re claqsLona -A rorn.r
a- lrynplc brorre 1ed.1, dlr€n Lht€v€s 0rore lnro hi3 d€ich rFlat- 6hoo ar wesr rloxbury, Loday. .obr"y (h&pton, dd rl th€ hm6 eveniE !9 poti.e Lnar llt t.r., *p.*"4 lnto hi3 shop ahd e3_aped rjLh-$.rol5.3o rcrth or jek.lry, incruorng rd Dedals. i.rrer, who liv€s ar 3'lt1lvl.e av,,
and "oDposeq. :rlLp 61.00 De! alnu tro, rirs ..t.k.ro, or. Far;n"m av,
-o!onro, 0nrario...laraLhoner rotu. pecitl. so a ccrrter ro 11. SoJrh.hsr Japan...nc uderstand .1e Bta ,.ronmy cray a io,.y :a";-",ri jh !ha! dire.r!)n..Jon "-" lo r€a.n I ele..,Cra}d psrleit te romi-g a ne{ lons dtsl ce :IJb_ 5p"rLan A,C. ouL of 8tuc*!on, 1.a3:
t2Mi-t l-(0UN1Rr Doro €rcent.nar' celebr.tlon comitrt* €e..P.l!ee- T!o!hl.s 3 l4€rcnMd16e. Farnne Pa.i. (&d6n, N.J.. July 6 (7 pnJ- veln [,lo!gd, Delaware Vauey Siart at llonuent Squa.e and flllsh a.A., ju5t oack 'ron tne NC{Ars & AA a! lr|Jard Pa!k. nset ln Celifodra, lulled away lrcd I. Bob Zollinhoffer, BAA, 50:17 2:00 eally pace setiels, Jack Barry, Dick 5?177 tonoiu; and loaus Praereni to s1! ihe 2, o!eh@ PaneU, uatt.,59:{7 6100 hl]1y race 1r 28!14. 5)147 1. Yan l4orsan, Delsrar€ Valley, 28rLl+ 3. iren uue11er, BAA, 6r,28 6rA0 55t24 2, Dtck lonohue, Bo6toq,{t, aa.)2 1+. cerr! I{erey,!AA, 61:35 4:10 57:0J 28:16 5" Angus Wooten, Elect,Boat Ac, 61!5lr l. Jack Eariy, De1-va1 A{, Del-va! 44" 29.\3 Srao 56.54 4. laLQsrer. 20:JJ o. lqrne lai,LoLne. M.C, 62,27 )rra ). o€'q6 l-agle, De.-Va AA, 6. Larry E"rkokj tz. Penn A(, 56rr' )ar'5 Boh Cumlngs' Nli4c' 62r)6 2r3A ?. Lauy Dslarey, Del-Val ,{1, 3It).7 ?, 8, ohn Lrrine.4, P"'." A', 6':04 ll:l r .):15 8. Foyc" -3rrer! \}4C, 6215) 2r)c '. 6or 'rr€ler, rFl-lol A{, 60:23 1o. Iton lalrd. l{es Ycrt Fton6er, 42:24 dnf- Klaus lraesent, Penn AC 9. WlUl@ Ieeney, BA,{, 62:56 {:10 Stafters: U..Fri?e€: Three olfnlic 54a26 nevelopneri nedals. 10. i,llke Bigelot' BAA, 6l:112 4:00 42 -'-"-----'-"-r. lf. 59r Ted corbitt, IrfPc, ,8:2, (co..1. ) coBls cREEI( 9.2 MILI RUI{ dCN !Y BURlElLEll2. stan Tlelnan, N,rra, 5?159 " Elect. Boat, 61:lt Fldla., Pa., July 17 (6 Fm)- ruthor l1l. Jtn co!.1l1, j--e'., BoFlon Boston AA, ll, Brldeflei S rdel le, Penn A distance d: 'Lan-€ ace, a.e, running:14. dr'.nC .1. Jln Cxeen, r15 5Lt15 ""n1 Ac _hIo-L s, won the rL:t:h, SSAC. 6{:1,5 hie second race i!r- 6I nonthe It, Iran ran austin. '15, -qA(. he sept by r 16. ,,Udo Scaldurra, Mi11roseAl, 59:51 -Eveni: witnoai strair as .'u" Ljicr Donohue Jo d Jack & lacl on"ay, B)^4, bAr. 5er52 early lhreais, errlr '-hJ "'s, -Dick 17. Pere e.. consay, I 17. ,{ttz .!na Ac, 6trt2) Ba-i , .n" ..cond 1,. ot L'e "o,_ .8, PaL: -sd"-1, _44. 6{:29 clileh" lao coise. T)- l5-"ar-old ve look -9. a le* ior is o| ireaoy .rair:re, o-i .. "on ..rtk ..r'is-n, -AA, C :L? ndrs r r-l red. r r.o s y "€ -€as( | .. o A/.-e, -wart-., 65t )2 3ryl . ... ,4rr.n 1-ild, una-t.,69:12 H:rn.is olo srooln rLJr^-enL l,- ^atre l"njng, 'ndtt.. -0:14 I. rL-er B!-d.'\., I.rr A, _or , u€1r., o?:2" 2- J-.n J.^ Bsrrr. E5r^- De1-VaLLv,rtons.ock. UnaLl..67:2 2. oe1:va!I-y qi. t0: e;:. ons.oal, --. Car'-. )1:0J . 0-n DLrlop, doslor aA' '0:>0 J. .rcr :ohF, BosLox AA, Plon. 52:07 26. Ed cuellotie. lGine, 71:12 t. i{i11ia }lo1nes. PhUa.-r, _1:2_ ?. Bo! 2t?l 27. Bob 1o-og, Youne, Slarian 19!r 0sloqlel. Del:V?llel D-::v?l-er 1,{, t2t2! i,,:on -parlar Ac' 71127 vccr.rh, p-M :oE 16:1 a.a!i;-, nalr., ^1:r0 28. 6. 5)tr, 'r 'Fssb,Lro'lLer PFnnA,{ r 2o" John a16/, aosfon AA, 6a:21 trlr0 1-e i annl'en, "Aa, _):r0 3. Pooc'- \o.ran. , d-e, 'ior.. ) :20 r0. DL-\er c1ecr. aos! A!, ?l:-6 ,1. t:ed a. eol D.e ei, b.i-ra -"y Ar, '8:), Hi-1, BAA' '6:0t 10. Jr-€ f, lr, Pl:-a, P on. ":". -. "o-Ee It. Iranp .e- y, -€l-,a.lev AA,6.:>1 J. cr' \.orea-, l\14c, -6:1[ g!l:--i,iatt sinsleton, rem lc; loeer :!., Jin l:cDernott, NMc, 74:rr9 r"y i""i"iii,'uiii.ii.,-i7ior ii'"'"iil'iriili-iiiij8"i-fi.""' StalthDoB ofymplc Stafters: 1l..Pdze3: Three olymplc Stafteis: 16. Ha!!i6 ralrbank, StalthDo!e,71,:20 I D€v-Iop-en- neqals & o,n"r neo€15 , .onr C11""ord, Hudson, _8:OL .nat1., :€. FaLl,0u-.1e!1, 76:16 d1-ar"; D/ roo. mbcrs 3 h-s "1f". ofiic1als: lob Clabers, carroll And- 19. Rotand l,atraniele, unatt.' 79:15 (inkaid. N!'lc: 84:12 erso! & Henry 40, chas. ltederson, 65!ll 85:il rf. B'Iodea-, iha(L:, unait.. oicn Bilodeau---- .------:---------!r. tick :.i"ii!,'uiiii:,' A;ii6 86:?0 .2. .zl Dicn 6iii naroire. Unatl.. 1r'Ns !-ac BoRc, t,$-S. !1. Ouetletre, UnarL., 3-rl5 !08 l0rlllHo.FCP d q(. tlarry Durma, Lnatt., 3o:Jo lo {..n .AIDIcAP RoAD R4Cci PAq{l .. WfNS BEST TIME ]loNORS !5. Bo! clarnont. U!ait.. 90:05 o0:1t Iv:rlooro. l\tassach-6elrs, 5a_., J rn" ro. Ray IcNeil, .nart., o2:544 .8 ()2 noon)- 6 slar!F-s, (6 "'nish,7. Bob Detbere, !o!1., ol:ocet naLL., rye.ijr, ers.,'lol-80rs.,H.!IIy coulsF.."2o11--ts !8.,onn I Mrsr }ave beel quiLp a sprlnL. firsL {in..5po!.or- The (1ry of lvs lolYt4PIc DEY-rcPMENT
RUI{ }ft!1e tonge. r!i. y.q!,.Z?, I Cou}se : breezy sunlv..lo AvElon, N..., srt., d!ly ?J- :e'Don ; oo!.1i,'b:1,.i ;1r:i.,ouIr,i ti,i;; i4crganr rle Drlahre Va11e9 M, I e6neA by ra.e djr€.lor M! gsan & 'f Yoh lvalonq3 ihlrd snnual e1r-d1; I hle raDt:.y rJ:. orin! '.,.€ racebeach sn lod.y li 11,:1"1. 1 ro; .aiL Fnoifer; 9osron nl" rtoraAn d 5en1o! a! I'r61n!r Collese )a_J ",aitL ro.L la-l. ted !r€ fi.ld of B lhrourhr4edfolJ Jlr ".. Nc.l"r 'Lt\L.eo", - ?. Bo ou! !h6 €nl:re o e-!r toror 4:,.: 5i:06 The sponsorir.g {vajcn Ch@be. .-. CoD- 1. ltar :r6ma., !\Lr!h uedfo Cr'n Dc!.€ 8xard.1 tex f;n. r-ophtes rollo{57.4!, ir a t'-t)\t){2rd lng ti€ erenr" a, i"Allitu re.r.v. bosL.r rA. ', l- ve.non lloraan, Delsvaie :,alle/ 11. ?-;r) ],;OO 53.)t jl:r'J; ?" Dr.{ D}nolne, :,$1" A4. l; t, ITmh Mc:sqsh :n" .oJh Y€Jf\ro 03i:. PeLe .asrs, ,el-/r: Aa, _. : 5:tB l,:0)).. )e r.. Bob'JMber!. {xatl,, I .:j lo:ii: 6. iljke B'i"Li,, os o. }1, p,,d /, 5. J.i- Chapnll! 1C. 5811 trlO )\!a6 -or ':Iu-!len -sl"r, J€ -/at16:_rr .ohn LrCn.a..d..a oeLo. .A. AA. llj-3: 7. '.,tO} '" 3(b l4org&,, rh1ia. F.l,r€cr. J7:{2i )S:.'-' J.l q. i.:y !e!si:1., .cni i,, ,d:i1j 8- 8111 ",uii-r. .oE on t-, a. "raoi!r Ra.li.. c.to"-c, oet-..11 . 5\j: ^r, .. :-::l3!.o; : lcr'. 3r.'1, u.rJLr.. rvalc.. dC . inkl-icz. .Lr'-. Linto!, i.tL: {r.Bt locrl prlr€): lg:24; 1'. l.€o6 :o- 0! Drah.r, dl-!a1 Aa. l.:2fr -;. lave 1.., Ooms.:pi-rt. rc.:i., '.!0, o'e:oi rA. H€Dd,r-ri., daLr.. SBsrLv-re (o:1ea". 6w:tA 5^:5. rJ:ld; U. Jjr:l.rFncrt!. r,.a-r.. ll. D,,,.av,8".- i3r.- ,lab" 1:n, \.J.. a5:):: L. !;b o:.1i"1 6ea,on, :€,.ros:. un6!r,. 12. L{av-i !teh1.!. n:a.!.^ oL:ll {rrJP. 1e&: 0e.ala:e i/.r:,+y ri. I]. id'trce.^ B:;. ) :tLitrs.. 11; 'Idp. 82', suuy e tarr. 11. ArL scori:ur.ai-., ::: o I.. De DLn:o!, DLn:o!, .;;, i,i, 6--.)6 6-.)6 -_:--:____t-j___ 1'. 16. Do nls ree.a_,. .nr:r.. a::O: _" o r- C(\rA-0. U:dS TnItr PA." :ll lAyS : on ra:s1., L:..i:.. bO: P 13- toe fic,r1 ... .,..! ., 6l:(8 Da^yers, /:!s., .u.22- 1nc D.rvere 19. .lcya.1..!ra.. u att," oj;t9 Jateoe3 Jat(o-r h€ld f€]o th6lr rrolr i,th arua 6 a1le 2". Ed 2C. r-Ie Lo ou€lictt.! 01or: ..! iaine, .ra-:.e, otrJ, -:l amual 65rOJ toEd race Lchlslr €nd i-fendl!.E.hu!- 21. 'raq,arr'-LoLL", 6ir)2 lol Al -on^a or(. despi J, r:t:n- eII - - 2?. ,ern [.cn.€n uf;al!". 6r:0. hill off c"Lrse, Hor aea:r., nrcaine ZJ. co -1oi:ro. C,;he. Xe;.o-:5r n13 course rec..-d be 6 seconds. a!. R. ar,o-1.rs. uqLL". (t:r/ :. A: Conl'slu.., BcsLon .A. lLrlP 2t. .raj. ir€C.!aon. :it(_ o9:r7 ?. Jjt 4reen, Borlon A,4, :6. Alqel Por.er. c;r.d.r,4a.. 7-;)0:ar :1. !d Dln.al, 6oe_.on aa, 2r" {r! [''":r"al. I!v(. ?r.57 r, nxane v-rchert, ,o3ton Arr, )I:I? l2:00 28. .req B!o.n, \ , tztSl -4:tl roo lo llnrofrsr, 5. BAA, 20. s. Du^a^.s. usit.. )2ral .talne, b. r.yne la]{ol.f., Ycd., r2:.7 J0. sab 0LeL.e:te. 7t:r,? Yor\ lion,"jl:10 '8r52 7. Ied corol-l-, Ner^o.:h J1. iaLl ,.nr:1, \'C, 3. Par 0iDome..L, Jha!!.. )?t)6 t. Myron i4clauahlin, xuCi )2t)7 lc. ]411. Blee.oH, Bosuon AA, JJ:ro teres!.oai!.on Lo rna Ar.*can to 1'. td EracleLL, Iynn AC. Ecme 1s rhe n.v llr.L9 oistan,e r-nnrra 12, John D.rconddrea, BM, p,oticsLio, p"cafrc LoasL Djsrance )).2a rl. Bob B&berger, Nl4ct runnrnc nerod)..PlDl1shed by sre! lr. Georse canerrey, S!a!!an, )).5a lJ.:.1 Poula( ano eoir"d by Dennl€ \a,sna 1r. Frll Potrer. sFsrLM Ac. 34:25 the nineoqrsD.6d edDrteL j3 Dubl 16. Dave Erqdlnslon, Ljnacr., )/,:r,o eo eacn nonrr at ?r, per coDv.-or 17. Paul -aeRlt, lFi Ac, )|t)o $l.to per year..Addr€i!--1066 ^eqa 14. Eob CullF!, 3AA, D!1rs,ssn l{arino o, Catifornia. Jt:t8 rIoRG{N
9l firlE IDcl? RdFtEiE-' tNNUAlr $1.50. This 13 a oust ! 25 - 3J etelt€rs, l1 finlsh€rc. eftnce book. Orde! flod lD log.
NEn ttAlrPsHriE
.aD-Rs r4rD
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;-in:'il:.t*+*#il:;* **ffi :;'n;-i"ii"iG ;;-t-::.*,.""", ii:ilir"iiii"i#!i"itc!l!'!lii:i:ii:"
i:,i,:iri"i;;rii;l;r'{*n:;r*iil. ;r,:i$;#l$$1ri,i;it,lr+;'
& o! noi. I l<now that Eost loop1o Conrt ag!e. xlth ny phllosophy{ia that they eeni th6 fali€st nDors io r6plesont th. coutry) but I stilt boliei! thai tbe nethod of selectlotrs shorld b€ sir€d at latlsrylbg th€ objectlvg that the .oelti6e le etllvlng for,n lro! Jock Senple, aA! tralner. nKelleyra got to go io Roa6. ters tunhing b€tt6! than €Ye.. In fact, he'e jult leamlns iroF tc tun. At Ionk€rs ne raced the clock lrsiead of the opposltion, just 1lke lurni e inDftalt ra.e... Keuet.as on the 1956 olrqlic tee Frskly, [41kers fIaZ @vlre trks thls et rrlelbourne and l1n13hed 21st, It aAeni. He cites ConE' (oresn lceordbut only,anning records nean enylhlns Bas said ih6 heat got hio. Tlat {aBn't true. It .a3 a ca3e of !€*es and extlhen you take on the llms, Jap3 and Russiard ln a @.athon race...U1l<o 1s haustior. fhat second 156 irial (Yo!]!elsl c@e 1! octoler, Less than two uvlrg 1! ihe pagi. Indlvlduals can no toDsar.!6 plac€d ahead of tbe 01rr- nonthe before the olyEplc narathon. Th.y were too ctose together and tbele Plc t€d efforl. 1416 gotta sioH fjt,t our beEt or hoi ai all. fJre coopetlt- kas a vhole r@er of ror!y1!e ln !6tse6r race!, Il {elley does race 1oD le too tough tor Juketeers ihese orly the clock lb tle ruiulet !h6re {i11 b€ no stotptre n1!. He lost r58 to lreJo Mlhauc ol Yugosravla 1n Ilom Joln clllooly, Bo6ton r59 (anonen and Eino in when he " Airer su soud sea€org of tskins san, ptace, shoF or tihe p.1ze iD ey snould have run theo rlghi oui of palts. thei! 'dorly handlcalped hin, dlsiece race he erte.€d ln tle U,S.. xolley c@e a-cro!!6. in the BAA nala- rorry about upholdlng the lresiige of the United States in tniernational thor ed .oE has llaEed the boat. Hets tne beEtr the very bestr i. the U.S, I feel nore sorry fof, C.een and ConAll conpetitors a.e unanlaous lD so falone, ladicularty cleen. il€ had it agtueing. Iiot a sinsle disserr. Iet nade unt1l Plnky Sober of ihe nAU the best hinrt reproB€nt the U.S. s€l€ction comitteo rent to bat for I thjnk Xelley i3 g.itlns a 1owxeuey, T!!ee or tour days belorc dom diselable deal a,d ihalr sdmeon6 tae gtartlile in authority in ihe AAU o. on the U.S. the Yonkera !u4 h6 nsde annoubcenent that il Xelley Hould run ol]lpic Comittee rhould call ro! a at Yonkela and {tn, he eould !e €etreYier of ihls snoddy ca.e and Eend €cted for ihe te&. hir to the ADDI& l{av. '' Sober'6 uka8e had tar-reach1!e r@1tlcations. lt particula!1:r elleci€d rroD !., cha!1es Rolblm. 16 xesroh Jimy and {1 dd thr€r theE off Etrlde. Si., uiddletm, conn. muld 1lke to put ln ny tro cents Cordon McK€nlIe was the cnty /herlcan '!I }uth on th€ olFrplc VErathon Eelect- to flni.h abead of theE in the BAA & ion.. fi.st. as to Lhis vea.ts svctan no* h€re wes another Ea! ih€r had to be€t !o preserve tnclr losi!ions, & I dldnrt hear one Equauk'about ii this mM noEed'r Yonkers. tetleyrs until lt was not fottored. therctore entry had a trenendols psrcholosicai I dontt s€e how alyone cai c.fticize tnDact on the Dair and es a leEul,t tt nos. I personally feel thai the ihay rd !oo.1;. lt {asnrt lair. syEN€n shoutd have been foUow€d to Grusn had built hidself ut for this tlre 1et!er. !oreye!. lhal 18 tho vav Rode t!1!. He had finished fou.th I fe€t about all adeements. aeatnst ahe worldrs b€st in Ko.6., I have afrays rega 6d the otlnpic ln AlEentlna. s€cond in the trip as a rerard fo! the nost desen- second !an-ar- Ha h;d ;he 2o-dile at N€w ila tunerg ore! atr extended Dgrlod 'on!.ize the tine at cathedral of-tine. To Ey way of tllnk1De I donrt Bedlord. and ftnished thtfd in the BAA. He had ca.e rh€th€r th€ fa3test runDole go (ou! R6ad6.. Ta!. oyo!- coltlnu.d) @k1!g a blA t.y to bloct th€ r.I€ctlon ol fl€rt Johmy r6llet tor ths noE. !11!t...H.td EuDlnz for little qalifoml.g 3obb, aoD-., itrc no. I n4 {on lolntlJ rho Eot rhut out rheD Ke1l.y cee brck floe r ao.ion t@athon dlopoDt !o m!d6! th6 A.t.U. ncord ed gol F€rtla1 olyhpic Comlttee epp!ord1.,.Th1B e6t !6 a pollttcal pusn by Portuoe., leceule the choice tleg betY6.r a chaDbldn 2h 2on nin 1{euey) and a 2rJ2_@n (co!6) ,ho
+! @nag€r alt sx!6n3.3 paid, otlY - Contlnu6d) ot aeleh accelted. llrl6 lc skrLltlg Lo Llain.d hald6r LhM .e.r 1D lhe eontl' re! j1, 13 not €rery day that codtrl€s or Eulope, eg!€ct8uv NorLhern Eurcp3, elaDstnE beLreen th6 BAA .nd lo*els have a Pajd oPPortsitt to coepote 1n & n;. !;acticatty on lhe eve oe lbe racer \€ found i(.ll.y.jullns belGen the e.ry sde condrrron. ar tnev vrrl dperience ln h1n and Lhe boqt. Cleen and Confalon6 had ov.rlrNlted lt tdmed ou!, tho *eaihor ior /ork6r. rhile t4et1.y had tak6n r! 1t rero, tr L\e 70r3' ln eddltlon.the ease. Ih€v had rcrl€d dd .16Dt f1!- cour3e belns Frona Ln6 Dav or ru.1s d Lhele wa! a IJrie. An; so l.nev !La!!6d a! io*.r6 th€ vediLetlanoa! Ehot65' coeer in aiL rnaizo nood'and {hen (611€v. njc. br6€te, FLh a cloLd dom plohlb6s jL Icnenzie aid BreckenridEe pulled-ivae ltlne the sun rron beat.Lng L\ev dldr.rt s1!6 1t alt rh;v hed. .Is nomallJ, doe3. 0f cou!36 ihlc €5 a dr3adYalLaee for 6Y bot3 constderlng frrirhed nlnih ad Ar -loi_.' As i! {a5 creen n&q tne e@e Doint lhe "acL lhat !e hav€ been Lraln'ng in !h€ hot 6u for tuonlh5; €!€n rlth t"e!a !oLa1 .s Cons- Be rrs Lhtrd ln Lne thev aPpear Lo conojLlons ss 1,leaL 8aa, rinrh ar t.n*€.s for .2. cons valde of sred6n, M"'-it;rh i.: I"" eaA, ro,"r; sr yod- h.ee be€n, bo!1 !roId"s-lnfand coDplalned 3nd an'--' vi3La!1 of er3 fo;12. But tho c6mlLre. ruled tiar Ine jicoia .ii" oo"u tnan or lho neat, blL old mv b'31 to rPaspo! Lh€ oLf,€ sure rhee th8l that hiL the besi oay Lhe flr,!. ard .o Cons "..nt"a o' -1e /'ar fo' a ma_?thonJ''r€' orer cree;. ua I c.e€n lnom th.! Nelley uouldnrL The ta(e wss started at )rP exscLrv aL ":€de i'ldlc{pal oeloF a st8dir !u1be on Lhe t,ed le misrl b61i hav6 *!!n tt,oo0 jn aiierd ce ,'ohnnv lafterlv tor 11" 1.s! dav 1r the le€L:vel dee sporLe etsnL . & -nus ore3e;neo his;lac€ & (l.cwstance qa€ lmPteso.-rha're:n- rri hadnir soD6teald heilev rculd @ke L1e Le@ -r ho vonl sive. :'6edl3L€lv after preiehtatlon Lo on .",lt- ,n" pub1lc, lhe .uner8 d9re s€nit'h@6d d;s C.e.n to kno, lhat "o" their tay by lllnlster or 5lorrr ic CoaBt Fuld eo lo oal for"."'onr ovorla'eyMd'm4eitst1ck'l"ll'a]:'and"eg"ec€'...rofi 'heretn Ites !fe worsL foulJD rr AAU e13lLjes {r.he €qulv8renr at a lr.D.t. He 13 a louzh man f,llh tne rdr a! dl3clDrrne; ro! er4!1e, shortlv ::-:-:::::-:--:::::--efler tY arrrlAl t$L 56!t€boer' fe -ron rdalter lt. Boe1D. An€rlcan SDec- el:elnated the enllft swlelns !.& ol tns coM!rv fo. three tears for Lhelr ,aiisr". a.er:ia" .rb;ss\. Lun]s. b.cn @ lne ,.n16:i. -- nrheneve! Arerican aoacn€s bad coopor-iaent. l€l'5 go saiathon now. selantoen stafle!5 rrod vislr Atlica Lhev alBavs j;;-;.;i-i;" lrorcco, Por!Lhe-tor1o*rne .owtrre33 r"t,r": 'J!t-*.iit' usal' St€den, Yugoslavia' lasi c6!@v' "i lhev taient, aa Lsuallv ro a ad Droc1ai'!ha(ereaiut.;ngEc$beex-spa1h,fln]A'dand rrls! 4u@-1t a recreo. t roo;ha.e thle oDlilon and lInF. Th€v cov€red the a7 3ec6. *lir. renscro drD; r recen,lv nelo (5 "ue)_rnv1ldtton- !edes+'an totlng uee urougn' aI l4aralhon'of 1un15 helDs subsla4!- €Ito (PortugsLJ 0!! of Lhe siadlu and e orc! rn ar!liaL6 !ha! clalo. arv€n lhe reslonsi- tud€ lroo r,0o to ses tev€l vlthln Lhe "",i,-_-;.i-ii:it ol1tlv ol !her! OlwDic Dreoaraijone. f1!3t kl.LoDele.. -ii"" -i'ii hj11' io!luelese had 31'6sd/ boen , i;ii;;'.fr; ";ih;;:'be_ Pasred"ne bv ille eroup "i"a ;uN!e " et-leaEl Lvice arLrouah fora Lne Cd6s f;r ra.es d/alrs! lop conrentlon fron thal polnL' le was rscenllv crohed lortueL€66 .,"'r." "i'iiii' """LiiirJ".'it'" "-i acciptearreid"s.ouLt;edd1i1onchep1on'i|h2hr]zn1n5. proposeo tnar de ho_d ou_ om msra- ouL of Lom toHFd la M!EA' 6 frrlfe Lom or l"he sea, s distanco or 1? ke i;;;';'i-i;;',;-";;;-t;; a;;" tne rcao ag '"'. ;;; 5oo t!o@ lulrs, dd It';r;";;';"-.-;.-;;; ;;i,;-;; tor and 3w€!! rorr narathonels 'o stes€d (h"nAary) rlat as vor can hope'.lth cl€ar or LraIIlc' lhe pac6 tes oelne aro l rllt be acconDanvlna theo aL 3€t bv the rhree /oroccans abr€sE!: tne T-tusiaNr leou;Br'on L." l?th nl lcn@p:on o1. of "ulv.. of rtre iJ co,nrrres invi-ed ltass€n, Altal_ ard l'laerrl !o send ohe ralalfoner plLs one co6ch fran(e 1ot6 2 hrs zodrngl' ano loverJ {o!r
Peaders tEk€ Oeer
ffiffi*** ffi#**"'"":'t ffffi*ffi*.** ru$"lryffij
{x3t!a11an all_llEe lJst' -r ttreda.s tale Ov-".- aonti:led) col:r4 jdi.iq! il.d) fell liiil silileld :: ia': arel ihdr r''re ( '--r. _:? r . o S\:r' '! ' ' : .;; :. :.i . . .c , ... :r. ' ., ..- .: e rrh 'g ,-'d |er :o ir.. | !:Jq / i. -. . 1/,-," -., 'oqi' 1rr'rkrn :'3 o:.' r'?-.i ..d, Jnl o.: 'l' :
.;:.:; .".,;;. lc . 1 :i)e
.-: ,,r,i'
".,...,i,, ::. i;;,.;!"!_ ;. :...'..'' ,,r".",i\r.,.-, :_. ..i:i."i:".Laou,r.. -. .
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.;' r'. (1" 1rr,. 0.1- .o ^ e :t,2: D.. "l'-.1"{:i:."1;.: ' 2Jrr. ,r.J'C 1. r'lnlF Lr) d.'r-i rrt-nd rie t
rd- ,o;'{ l:1 t ard rdn!
::; i;":"'::'"':;' ;6:l,l::"i:ii,:il'." .': ",fiF,,:';i""ii"irt,,lir l'i*til.i'::li', ;l';.ir ;,"* iii++}*:rf#;ry:+iff"-,".0
r:d",. :ik!_. d,.i(n ir e 1e,v rno rtart irosied 6ac.iileial ieast an4 cefe- l:i.:o;:"t: r,,?:j.;.."Llioli:l-"""' .,,-,:i ,r-ir ""-"".,3c,e h. I.r!!- l:_--Ebcl q..-,c. rr Mlre,I9Pl P'dcap
-- ll;ill:li.:lii;'ii,i:iff;i"ii 1,,",
i"]":'fir ?i.":,i:?fi ol it and pass si.eD. leke thei. fttl'll"i".:i,'"' :; i:";:;:;;-i..;;ra" rnre?
';";th'";;ilorn't ng ;as ooirs
o'ro) j:ro'r8:
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eaoine (6'r5)
rron Nick Raubeiheiner, 741 Hallah Itd. Corgeua, lulban' south {Irica j:oo Stan ?isani, 188 churcn 3t., ",'t loL ha3 happened vou iast. Our atub (oulbon athletic) iahton, N.5.11., a!str311a (Jlno ti ) |Iiave just rctuded fron a "'rit to iert a ted oi 5 over to Englatd last _,l.rt Frttain yea. i! selteder & rat in ihe Lcndor and the Cortin6nr, ald uerc very nou b€ abtr io r.6ae eerlr post- i. 9rlshidn load Eace. Wetrolhy ad 'i11 rhrill;d to Lln ihe t€d :.EE of race reFrlts. well a. supplylDA the lndlvidual f,ln:anky 25-yea!-old Western {uetrallan ner ir Frltzie Madel.{a uermn n€!:ei SinfioLdrhavine hle flrsL run 1n .oDtryJ. t wa6 verv a',laraihon. rar Austreliars to! l&ra--!on ne! into ti6 grcud {hen h€ t!rn- lmDreBsed ulth the ;@rrderful hcalltatrtr str"m to !s by the XnAlieh teltoFs' :d in d !1ne of 2:25:11,9 io dn tne rai-tlcElerly our host at ujlftbteDon' :!stiaLian lriarathon chanplonehi! & Adhrr WhlleheaLl. Blt then lhe 3P1trt ::'nric trial. in l!61bo!rre on Jae 4orAst all distance nen ihe @r1d r--l. ilis iime_was olly ll.9 Eeca. s1.rer ilad Ulnounrs rinning ttne at ,le had our'NatioEl lsaraihon & 01'mi:.lboulne ir 1956. 1n ric T!1a1s on laster SatudaY uPthe i: the tuln Stnfield {as four r, a lloenfontein. (A!ri1 16) xire ot i::r wav back frod Don arai!, stan lifleen only tinishirg lhe larrrY : ::Ito;r and Bob vaes, a 26:15.6 srx flat course, It {as lovely' sunry :-:?r. lraln soon dropp€i olt with rlth a sltght breezer ror : -siered feet. Yaeg quit ai 13 biles veather vour trielest here 6re the .-:: chorlon led tn l:17.44 to stnilnes- l. Iklth Joe3. 2:2q.14.6; 2. :-::ldrs 1:49.13. Bur Slnfield *e!i Jalkio i4ekie!. 2:12.10.4; J' Jan sarh:: l:o!i in tne next 2 niles and @n atd, 2134.2?.2i 4' c. claasEens, ::s:lY flon Cho.l"ton 2:26:36,1, Col1! 2:41+.i7: 5. w, fiuntet, r:r+/.-?zi !' . j:rei (\i.nust. ) 2:1o.14.9. Joh nue- d.:d-naatr lfikkle Sterd & rrck uuo!.:: ix.s.'r.) 2:r0r!7.7" Nomu Duft 2:{9.21; 8. lt. Rutu€, 2:52.5 ',:.rr!1a) 2:31:13.7, ald 1,€s {,saund- enn€iner. 9. Trevor AUen, l:54,oo. ::! 2r11.41.2. l1nei of tn6 So vounq &ith J@es now eoes !o repj-:5-'jr.s,r,r.) teo are 5ih ahd 7th on the ras;nt is 1n Rooe ln tne mrathon.
(our Read€r! Take ove,- coDrlnued)
"Is I vas ltcklBs rteps for Ev aDb ro b6at the d.adun6 on th;'
j::'*:."$,;ffff:.:.i5i j:.*'" ,:i,:ll iiil"i:tril-Yiijiiti,i."ill: il:ii:l getn Eolectlon. Fe has a tedD.radnt r Ms acceltod otr the ltaff of ine sxl!6d ft tne bis occesion (2nd ar v6ncouve!, a.C. tn r95l+,) Our tdtrl
;l:j::';,i:':::f '?;,,i;'Llr^B:Il"it"' oes!
regar{s. IB he srill ar 1r?' " Itro: Jack r€c6htty hoved io Sourn.,r neqrcat reEea.ch wlr!. Docio! frcd H6,rr HosPltqr. watch our
Ilnnt6h archlrcci, Alvar lslio. as soon as r could eet th6!e. untit Oct_ ooer. uus, tulntns Eroud I Drccaad 1n a ,orth6asLerly dlrecrion inst€ad" I M e€rtlhg Dy AAU lepela ct€e!6d r. cqn Just k€e! tunlns rhrouah th€i! thele. €trhou;h ir Day raa. a kh1l. to become accuairted
il:iiil.::if" scheiule€ tDro!'h.xt f h" iiiisli',lH. B:"!l:il,#F,];.i)ll;lg, 4:ub.o; 2. cla,k, t:0!:'l-- :tfl$;"1'*3:1"9":; $:k",fi":#,i on the way back out. pleasa #iiis ji3fr:T"Elli, i.eins; 10:2e.{ lccober see rhar ey Long t13tM.6 las seLs t. book Is rleaeldous. te i"ri;Ti: ::""i:ti:: :::' l:::.i:;i 3:i"";";:"f:';,:t"Ht i:." ff""iJH: cette €ug8eEtlons or arsHei
srEn! d his FBI b.cjreroMdt ar6 your three narathon n€n? Trtt nazam a €lesst (etleyt Creen and l4c_ . wno
;ilf ":iii;"ffi :,#":.;:i:'l:H.,:; .i::"^:::i.i;fi '.j;?i j:'iliii:t"f ".,".
!lnland, afrer I s.t setri€dtlh1B entail. 11virc arn a tlnnish reary dd tacklinE rte lanRage. vhlcn haB .bo!t rh. sae lnasll€;iusl ch.rlenge a. Janskr:r I lr on
"*- il;,IiiltI
oe.emlnatior (hes loeds of aut; for i.'1?.i?:"ff'3";i:l':le bovs 1ile u! lxr presotrt Eeasoh is oo6rtv closs_ counily untll SelteDber. Then Track e noed uhtil Eaqte.. But re ru stdd-
::1"3':il":i:"'i*'x"i"'e:":'i,":ii" '!c.Lde!
MarathoE) up
;:;*;"'iliY''itd"ffi*31; ru
Thts corina sundav
doh here th
3*"i:"i"t:..: lli,i"3lii: ls. "::"i"fi ne says rr vas so cold he couldirrr
i:i i# :i:"'3""ff i11.il$.3h*'*::;1" unfesE he had certal! prcvlso3 & asr_
::;l"i;"':"T:i1;3-'iff ;::g.g:.fittr.:* aor a1t the headunes acroEE !h6
dt! he! ,alk
:-------------------lloe scott D. He11ton,
i:n"fl :i:H:,':)iiilT!.ii"i' Ei; rii]rri, [i "ii4#{:fiilii::]i:'
in Johafte.-
ii:"'l'h"' i;":i{:}:"I l:"fi"-*.?3J:'cruor Jrd 1n 2:/r5.
':;i:'lliiiif $il;irrugfi'i5itifinfqlr: ::itii.i;';iiii"#ii $i:;;tu:ii:;:€r8on, 6l:5j; 20, aob phlet,.on. NI,JC,
ill3i3i3lf 3i;,,!i'3!: :*":';1.,':::;" ,rr.,
xMc, 68:01; ?1. d. ,um6ltosunatt., Provldence, 68r25: 2/.. len' Lnaplnskl, Nrtr 69:01: 25. Dan Dun-
iilio:^}. ?9;::',*;:'!.:i'i{i
Jr., c/o AIva!
3l,il';"i9 I'jll,i3"iu#!"
iil:;i:*#iiTfr i;,,",
3! (St, Vlncort te Paul 10- Conrinued) c16ar sLy ude! rhrea! of hurrlcans". 11 starrod & iili.hedt Cood Anards to llrst 25..coulEe necord: 1,8:lO bv John J. K€Usy! 1958..5 1411e Ti;e: 26:15 {5 MiIe Record Tln6 2r,:LE hv te_u6y, 1958,) ..aJ4!e- rie, Duircan, !fuolne, 14!elter; tjolbitt. t0 rs.d. qac
J2:0{; 6. Alan Selsal, N]l4c, l2:Or; /. rere u.nmyr BAA. 12:08:8. natoh Perry, t. Toh., l2:16i 9. Dlck CtirD!.' Spike Shoe, l2:21! 10. lob cwinss. ]!l]c, l2:2Jl 11. conzales Scotto. 5Al. 32t35i r?, PasT rdcDonald, lnati.. J2:47; 11. Duane lierchaht,, 3AA. li:08: 1!. E. nr*llkauisro, Reipas nc,lJ:t9a 15, Mlke BlAelor. BAA" ll:22:16, Bob ..&_-41-lc-9Dlnc.n & rafiothe_r1e: s.h!be!t, I'r.Irh@, ll:24: t7. xaino 5. Aht1, ieipas AC, _lJ:27i 18. B1U scu6 at1e5- Drncan & !al,4othe-r1e: lef1e! 1res, BAA! ll:10: 19. Stan Tielnan. back 70; corbltt bach 110..8 Uil€sIIi1C, ll:12:20. ioyce sqryc!. M1c. tie: Mueller bact 100: corb:m_-E;rk ll:l7i 21, Ceorge conefrey, S!a!tah, lO5 }{th Btonruros,. ioEna into fln))r45i 22. Bab Schatler, fiarv, l,red.. 1sh tr:ith 150 yards 14 eo bar! bovs 5 21, A! !our!16r. Westove.yalds alert with l€,qorne putulg_ aw;v" JJr57r )4t2a, 2\. Phjr uatden; u€tt., i4:ll: Offlcials: Ilmistl Ad€rican AC (R.I.) 2r. caltlon CoDstock, uatt., l4:45i urder dlre.tion of lalry trace. 20. Jio l4actemott, lforceste!. l6:0!: 27. ca!] Zimemd, H,c.. _16:l+9: r8. 5* llliE noAt FICE. AMlrraT. l4Ass. Dr. Charlie Robbins. IryPc. l6:59: 24. lat., May 2I, La60 Dick Elliott, unatt.r 17:11:10. Dor, lavey, IAAc. l7:t5; 11, Jolrn Jones. larorhe, Nr4c, l2:48i l. Anaus |{ooren. lll4a, )7r59i J2. J1r 'ouci11. nL"BoatAc, JJ:j5i l. ?ete ConJ8:20! J3. No@ Coie, IXC. j8:?'+: ]4: way, BA]{, l3:5li 5. lava ralsch. LJ. ,t Joln Iizek,,M4C, t8:41i li. 3ob iorc5. P€ss., l4:00: 6, ,CaiDh luschEabir. LJ" Nric,40i06i 16. fled ar.M, l\"]c, Ma6s,, l4:ltr 7. J1r Haih€s. Lr- ilass-\3r)tji )7. a. Cardner Spooner, [irc. 24:l?! 8. Ken 0rBr1en, r. I'ass., l_5:2j: -;AI;;;;-;;ffi ;;;il;;-iNffi ff ru. uohn jray€s, r.A,A., t6:29i L1. Al 30tD RACE. IIIL MASS. (Tuesdae. Ju,e lTrol:12. lob s.h.111960 - 6:10 ![) couecred t; loj er! FaFard i4€dical, j/:04; U. trorris 28, miies..20 place plizes, troplies! drrlori, urutt., JZ:11! u, r,a!!y Uen_ nedAts & nerciandise.. rdimer Artirr mole, U. l1ass., l7:46: 1r. DicK lt <1nScott 1s a t6-yea.-o1d senior ar Forts. son, U. ltrass.. l7:t0: 16. xom c.Le@outh, tJ.H. Hlah schoof..Jin creet Ntic, )7t56i 17. t. r;ria.ty, x.H.s.: caliured fast rine hlnors flon scratch. l3:clt 18. Ches. Ploclor. !: Mass-1. Artnur Scott! Ports.HS, 2. .lar2li 19. Jake sre,tersoi. lolc - to!r,/,: Bob zolinhofe., lAA, ,9:ll; 61:r0: l. Bob 20. Ron Bulteran, uart.. 4t:b0: .at.' B&b€rs€r, ,\rrc, 61:15; 4. Jir creen. fi. 3to.horsk1, Jr.. AlA, a1:02r 22. BAA. +55:5?: 5. Jonathen Chase" ua ! 5t€ve Eurke, 4.H.9.. 41:L0r 21, Dick 66:0rr;6. Ed Duncan" BAA, 53tt+it 7. sadlowski. N.N.S. " al:19:21,. |/:rt ce!!y Harv€y, BA\, 62.4)i 8. I/lke B!E{olorzinsk{, ],I H,S.. 4I:22r 2t. JolLn elow, BM, 6l:0lri 9. Ed tslackett. llzak, NVc, 41:J0; 26. Dlcti ELtiotr. Llin 4C, 61:40! 10. Jin Cou.iLl. f.I. unatt,, r+J:02i 27. Dav6 t€sFi61. ara, loat Ac, 64:19: lL. Bill Ieenev. PAA: 4l:07; 28. Bob Jon€s, J!., ll]'lc, 44:5j; 12, John !icorand.ea, BrtA; U. Carlt: u. fiass,. 46:14: lo. CoDEtock, uatt.; 14. Ray Chro!hriere. John Jones! JiI!4c, 49:12. un.tt.; loyc€ 56r'yer! N]iC! 16. la starte!s, JO flnlshers..!ee: !niv. Conzales15. Scotto, BAl! 17. Suhe! .]ears .s{_l44se. Lynn IC; 16. Atdo Scedura, i,{i11rcse AAi 19. lon !ay, !,{At 20. Wayne llebHorYonE, Mr1SS.. t+ MILrs (scrarchl lng, uatt.! 21. A1 CorJalon€. aaA: 5/)a/6a Mout Park- verv htuv cor;se 22. Paul casret]. lAC: :1. ed SlnkiAmlal lTeeo.ial Dav lace (r br) vicz. MJC: 2l+. Da?e BuddinEtoh. UDatt: I0 Trop)ries & 20 h;oals..It iaDs25. iohn i,inscott. IAA. s3ili3,3i"3lt,?96?"j. :ufi.." 47 starterE, 39 flDlEherB..lst locaL !':J3i{, P.A.l, TloDhv- Dd Brackeit..vaiE@ to ani niner: rhreet ;i5:::',{Y;a,'i;4t: fuiiiH $iiii's. !.izes lxcel.lent Dllres awaded bv spoh€ors {1 & Bob B;ltiveau of 9eMi6ra l,unch,
r s3@a 1r_kil@€t{ !M hu - . ra [autlca 5o! "a.urc Assoc:"L,o: tuU Ch&sro,slt, spo,
rr{ oJ Ss-a ,e a3so,tae_.1 6ree, Grrromia _ t4o,adaj, rou 4, 1960
old€r o! Iinish
!:i::if"ilt;,ts"i;.';lrii.;;;,; . : : i: iH:ff !: 3{"*,x,!liilif,il,;";" ^;: i: fT[J:'**[,ffH"iiir,. r,irj.i". i ] i: i:s";:":tff."ttr.,jil",i". : : : : : ;: ;i:i::i 3liii:.5,lii:i't,;,;; : : : :.
so, callr. stfiders . , carlorr: (po@Dl ..".
3-23:33 5!t3,
u. Agur€r so. Calif. stlide$ _ -
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c!l!". Citr rlc ss|ached . .-_-Richrds,sar,r?cl.d ....
f"ir,];I:riff.lt,; ;.. : : : : "'Ji:'i:f:i"it:'u11,3clPd .. . .
trFie, tbst r"{ o]lnriuo . . . .
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hou! tltlt3t &d &cord holderi camM. 1958 rot,ion.1 lo-kllo eicto!: Srura&. like cona, an SlAtrU harll€r chell ii larrtsu, not so lobg ago rh€ stai; schoolboy D11e ahelloa aa.l nationat lntolecholastlc irc-al:e recod broal€r. Sy tu1a, hoD6 on 1€av€! laul I1Eh6!. bo.t lecently of Mt. San {htorto Col1eg6! & I41L6 All€n, a hteitern lieolsph€r€ Msraqhon wlde!, help@d losd lhe Cutrer City fo.ees ad captlrE titrqt clubrs flt.h t6@ tlLte tn sla yeds. The Strid6!s, Fho56 eaduaDce ne! lave beetr con.6ntr5iing o! trackiorri thiG OtynD.lc season, hl] take this drrtanco ge6 a r,li Eore se!1ouFly nos.
olynlia, Fa6h,, July 17- Ad.1an Va]1. 43-year-old gallo!6r floh vancouver, alitlsh ColMbla, oye!cde 80--des!;e {eather and rjne conp.rirors suday Dorntns to rin th6 Capltal Lakefai. @lathon.,Vali Lou!€d the cou.se in 2:45:20. The alockirs ras tlree hlnntes slorex ti@ his tlne 1n th6 Boston nalathon last Apiil, wnea !e flnlehed sorsrte6rtl", Aob siar'lz€11, 4r-year-o1d 3taie eeplote€ iron 01ydplat haE alboci seven D1les 1n aleals in l:?7.J0. At that. Startzell cl1ooe\l Exln!.ltl sP!cl4!!lt a REFiJiI 0!. THE r half-Dlnute off his tlne or laer'CARIIN CFOVE I'{I{DICAP RACN !!R THCSE Iea!, when he Bon th€ €veitr.Tnlld wio i{tssE! lHE nIRSf H!,{T llace in lrhe Olydlla &chanse clubI Diehty lleasirs fl€ld Jf l8 stalt3ponsored eve.E rent to Xe!!-y Llan, e.. lined up 1rr th€ Callen Crove te.- Uxiv. of Washlnsto!, uho f1lisned 1n nile! otr June 46. then. tnfariusr.lvl:3r:,00..T]"re! clarl<, a rortland ile sreEl1ns wen'e to r;rl, irddclng " scl o.ltaache!, aas loudh ir J:55.12 ro eo stsht n.i1e3. Eo4e & Dennls o'Nare, 19, of oltmlia. Looz teo n1lesr and leave othere not eo sure, flfttr lfac€ in 4:l&.1C. Jonn lileville. Ii 6pr1!-1es rjll help, eTer:tone coha 4?-ye8r-old Sealtle reckine yard oPeratot Hhd usually ie a ralklng coniauy in !1€F o1 {he huEe tum.uiletltor! Fa3 sixrn ir 4:55, !"eiiual:t the only .oela.1 snrution ld clandGr of Poriland droDped out ras leechedr llave a r€nn or swdar. after 18 eileE because of lllstels and July ?l --see tine. ien a,f,. All ;io crsps a4d Joe r'rlneate ol o1'4!1a, z {e:e entered prertously ale 3ri11 con- novlce to nalalhor ffi1n2. also sto!sidereC enteieil - & addiLional ent.ies after 18 mlles,. oene a@Inse oi rn ant nMber eI6 invited to neb nake !€c wno ls 6tailor€d In califorthis seccDd arnual ple3sntatio! a E!c- lCmohds, nia wlth a lavy pqlachute battalion, 6econd tryr quit .Jte! 2J @11e8 beca!6e of cr&Ds. Ler)y R.leidn of Seatile, the tenth sta.te!, eorerdd 20 ntles befo!€ iNational ,{AU 1.5 lilo- Corrinued) vali fed a1l tne vay but ra6 ah6ad 20, Roireli Taaaorc. Unart.. Altlrstoa !y crly tro ninutes at the Heishts, Il1.. oo:27: 21. bave Wi.jtlms oi.bm U, rl]e mrk, wnere the tiold sti11 un1v. of Chlcaao Tc. 67:01: 22. rrec vas tighhlt bunch€d..The Canadian !elconyn, unsta., D6troit.-b9:OO: 2t. covered th€ r'1rst halt ol the race in Jack rlsrae1l, Rlcleste! TC, 76:O0: 1:20.10. l,yD!, I:22.10i ctark in 1:22. 24. David cebo*, Unatt,, D€tfoit,90:25. l5i c@1nss ln l:26i Siartleu, in le4: 1. Bo6ton rlA. t-l-t-10-11-lt: 1:3l.35."C1Mlnes was 12 nlns. ahead 2. Deiloit Track Club. {-6-7-8-U}-!9: Slartzelt rhen he dloDDed out.. ,1. Unlv. of Chicaso Tiack Club. 2-9-i2- of 0rHare had been fisht1ne-iorest fries tl-r5-51, (BAA ohly had five siart;rs fo! over t{o day5 & wa5 very short on sleep..StaltzeUrr Ftfe k6pt h1h in the lace khen h€ {as reedy to qult, 15t ,cnod6 lilatld DereloDnent l4eet. boca*6 of the heatNope N.s.. ProrideDce. 6/l0160 Thirs. 2-l!i1e: 1. Ed 0ucahr BAt, i0:10.1i H61d ove. until next m.th- Ca1if. z! uuah€ lrerch&t. IAA: l. Ands r,/oot- All-coDels M6et6, Ner Enelerd Road 1en, E1ect. Boat AC: t,; Ceo. doa€frevRace6, Canadian 01yE!ic irtqLs, lerters Slertan A. c. (cood irack) of intereEt, folelgn !eau1t3, EEstem 2nd !ev. r4eet. Proylda^.e. 7/7/60 Ta.I ch@ps, !! log QueltiomiD€. 2-Jrlte: 1. Paul Scott, sait.. 9:lr9.Z: 2. Ed Ducan, 3AA, 9:56: l. Bob B&be;- Ite *111 e€t then p!1nt€d eve4t@Uy. ) ser, NMC, 10:00.
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