
Page 1

AUGUST, 1953





ii v.



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".1 " Olimpiâ‚Ź


Marathon winner, Abebe Bikila (rishr) Mamo Wolde sei the pace most of ihe way, only closing stages; Bikila finished in sih place, Wolde t2ih. (Photogrdph

by John J.


-5tn lrNs,tr, snarls



l-M -a

Bruc€ Ic, ?6. L Sb,Aothorr s !c, 51; l+ Prlzor: 15 !!126s..t.@ tropbt donat0d




Juro 30- Tbs 5th 'mual saries 9f onlj a toial


.rc duo to th6 tretrt & tLu4lditt. I,ast

v6te!.ru .]-nl16 (ot6! lr5 t.u3) 1. Dr, 06ole€ shoohaD, crrc' 1u:29.4

st.rntn. !c, 19:26 1.. Hlk" o,ada, s!.,tnth. Ea 21:10 l-1111. Judo! FM (s!d6! 19 t€s.) colr.as , 16:26 tlEk" crr-J* ^ E?""{iifril'"lliiii#r.'.. i:l. Dldk i;:fi r9:!r", f1n1th€6 Edo tbl€ a tbrltrul8 !406, u, Unriod {1111M3. onlr fod .tdt6!! ,Pp€aod for tlr. 16:114 rr, cou.s. Iona !or!ono. <JIs contsbeers' c6o!a6 D!. race. v.t.ie ,rr' naraIl,"rEor, IoD, coI.tl. 16:4b i. lotu's l.dlYldual c.lhuod Jsrsor Tc rb:4t !a1 ?- Jo€ Jolos. stat.n Irlud, rr 18:29.1! ru off tho or.! 4> Y6d6 or 6. lous v.dda!, Yonr..!s, H.t.. ]2,9: ..us; !.cora or 17rlc.2 o.tabrl8b€d 9. B11I Coldon, c8!tra! J.rsov tL.ar:! ""6 1; 19"2 bx lrdo s.ddu!!! scMddra - 10. F!'aIl roorF!, ltiluoso M' !!t!+ dss€d tod4r.

00'r l'loolo Jsar 9c !ist€!5 spp€a!.dlbDa Yoa a! ron th6 oD€r s ?du- Hra tiEe ot 1!:17.2 €rsec h13 !oco!d llr:16 .ttabltdbod 1*t Ye4 !41!o clr;m of Iou col1og! .d tho Julo! !ac3 1b 16:26. Tlr€ tle v^. .1.'ar thd laet r.6r btrt th€ ttght


Hi'?:l*l-;ilS3:" i): r.l. Brtu Dtce, tr!1tod rn,-

s!, 2t1d chePloEhl! lE Datlolt. Ar1 ra.es coDl.tod of obo ]!! clo!€ L!l<o, ?-x11s obon lun 'erd ]4: ! t.. 2. Joh FLm.!. Yobl€r3, X"t. '14:irr 14t5) i Br11 r4.or.. cJrc,




]l16, !:ilii"1'31!k"".'!i:.:'r, i!,;! Drkl.. Jobn

-ii:j!" iE: g:"$,*ii::'':i*::: i:;i:' )3: iil;"i1""*Tlill'ill'8:'S;". ii:gi

ii;* i!;3i i:; jll""i3"lTlt:,il;f 15:14 rt" L".r.id1. cJTc.

Y"-iil**il :fiif"ru. 3: 23. lta splono, cJ?c, 'J: ff",:i":'3tii:i-Yl'::$"fi.,


l: 1i3"""3{'?:tuH'fu"", q 15:24 sr11 sdhkab. llYlc. t5r25 io- ebo rorros, Nypc,

i" i:iiBliili."3#i ii: itHiiiili'"1r.'""' 1<- call Glhoa, lruco ?c,

2. ullt


ii:ii !L12t^ i3;3j

l3 floldhe!.. i;d: 1, IoD colI.s. Ar, 32; 2' Itb'ltad ar, 16; 3. Bluoo Tc' 52. r< stdt.!s.


-;;;;;;:-;:;:a:;:-;;;;;;;;-8- ;:15:51 1a- !,1 D. v66t"rn. cJIc, ;;;;;;. 16:07 tlont.latr'X.J 1?. D1.! Cla!!, 18, arll c.8b!, sterrord'ci '16:r4 I;i'f.".';,i;i "ii'.311'sidii";.'?;*: dv, ussn,2l:15.4. i3;5; ]1i1"!Hii"i""i'+"1i"ft Ctr22 7'd 16:lCr sa3c, E ls, 21. loE Rtsrrr,Ts oF omo fRlc( clrrB Dlstri{dt ilJxs rrPc, 16:I}.11 2J. uth Garln. blrr. "3: :1?; hu.. Tc, 15:50! 24. !b. ^tE.' rlros' Mr a/: i--: li-* :#*i:ff, H,:. 3;":: "i.: M- \6t5tLt 25. c.o!g. xocbld' l;;, {6:t,Li:'5L'!":H;?'i:il";?fl}tl ;6:'tf q- iaYo N.cor. ua., 5l:1?; b Lrtor It'"i3#:il.:Iiir"Xn'ii,i;; 2q, PunL. trlti€d a-^, 17:20; 2c ror sood'r, 15:47



il' Bll-'7+"*:I3#i"ii:!; :'n::";':l;; iilli,'1ii'i"i";.Iif I^iiI'fl5?i l!: 9. rotn ?aYt.n, illl.iS:f:' "3lli, il iaii. ""i'l'3lili. 2-Mt1a }|lrh sohool Run- 1. nen sth!6rtt' Hi::.1"i,1 ::i6j":5*:il'-ii*ii. "3i:"' *miilFET\,1?iri;.?;"!fl li,, o,rnth.Bc. 19:30; 37, Fu3' vaz lnlto'r M " i#+, #ii;f +:**;'li, l."il'lii*"" st€!e i3 r*;"li: ffl"i,lll'!iii.*ii;i'iif '- ;esLo!(rJea!8-oao/ !7-r.ds-91d)-6;{7i j'r' ! Trace iarls, B'u.€ rc;20:rr. Pl'; i3:,fifl "il'343i'itl":"iii6.'[i. i;1s':3#iif; ";::. :il.ii':r'*ll:iL. /

s.ii. IrFIT!0n 1H^tfr4Nsr!p, srdnsr, Is. 2c, 1o5l- qoF6r !..1d 2-r11o5 (d:12) an:1 J-nt13s (1j:10,8) rocord boldo!, a,d rBe t1n6s [-nt4ut. n11sr rl:5d,4i l:58.E. t:5q.6r qlbert rrronss. {on th€ xe{ scu!! 1rd1e3 t"t4larhDn chmllo,srrl! 1n 2:29:O2 oYe! rho !.tany condltions. Th.n"s roo' tho fdad rlon Staa f,horltoD sr rtc 2: ndls Eall dd firrsbed rum1.€ t6!, Tno Joui€€rt ftnlsler ras John n6bb i9th 2r50:16), It ra3 l1s firsr narailo1. caors. auci illt5 l:0?:.3U) v$ rhe o1a6st cLnlrher at 5l+ y6ars-of-q*. Tvo t3n i11o r8!s & tuo ituoo nrls 1a!s. r+2 srartors & o,]J 16 frdeber3. 1. l1by rnotu3, sr. i:e.rs6, 2t29:02 2. Ste., Charltonr Rrd.-;iornsbJ, 2:ll:17 i. ror ficr1m6:i, ara.sB, 2rJTttLI ti.srirrbs. 4. Lb Tr.ba1.ocL, 2:19:12 r:ass31, Canriick-Eotet, 2:tr.r:27 5. IM n.

c.npllmsntetor, And Jro E€atbr- th.< l1tt1q nm rn sucb a bis }ury l; ca!,t r31t for rnjdr16, to h3e1! lut rtu roal brts in th3 shou uit! s l:54 nllre srn Bot schuf, thc rabblt! faisd after a 503 flrst qudror a.d B€attr took or.r re3!1b3 a ltu€ rnjwr. 'ito ha!o nD trr "Ib a111 ser b.Ute!, rnen b6 uill rub J1n +!a11s .hado$od t6alty ore! rh6 .rir!0 roub€..Ia1olre com€ht: !i16rbap! 1r rre11o r{ho ftllshod 1n _l:5b,11 lrad ru. '.. fioni 6odoth. re &1abt hava coE il,o3! t! th6 {orld rdcord, i i1!ir ;1611o, lho ras less ttan th!.. latoblng sUrtdo fo} strldo Hlth hlr dom the becLatr€tcb, BsstiJ 5udd3n1: Llcked about 200 yafd3 flon lha flnlsh ;tr6. thls r€€m6it to c4tch Crol!. bt srr!!1.6 as Bsatty oponed up a 10 yfd 16ad. rs the rumsls blar€d dolt 2: trtr: 19 tbe strgtch cre11o dda8od to cut ih€ 7. c. crlbL13.::L6:21:6c. !11'.n. fr'6 to€t at rh6 frnrsh, 2:48:56; o. J. 1^'€b!, 2:50:16j 10. c. Ee&ttf sr1d, ir vanr .. set tho r3rkrn, 2:5J:l+5; 11. F, stBcsr.2:s5:06 !ec8, ntLon Irn outdldr,lr ln front Irn lhtbtdu 12. l,{. roi.be!s, J:02:llr rJ. a, Buck. about my 1es & not rolslil'q.'r J:o::ll+j 1tr. A, B.!1oy, l:oi:Ur r5,4. B€"ttr po€16d 016r hli sboulde! ln t\6 xrersit, l:10:lo, 16. R, drAgercJ, fLoal f.r rsrds ar lha cdDUsnglos Cr61t6 l::5:0q.. :p1r t3 lj-i!lcs, 1:t1:[7, chock6d b15 r.i'6 fo. rho bs4est fraFlrho.1ton; 16-n!1ds. i:29r1[ .hor1t.r: 3gal|.Jr.l.1B!D3.oolt€ i9-n:1os, 1r4l+:.19, cnorltoh, t: [5:o6. rt r!I., !1u.€1])g a h6n-c.'qtch1:E strlri 1:rdiar; 22-nt1€s, 2r0(:.1_7, ch.!1ton. ti4ousi lhe chdofr. ?:oir:50, :honas; 25-n11ss. 2:22:15. lDt .f nn, too 1r1€ b' BeottJ E'aprod rb€ f1r13h rane & tho 2o-ttl:a rLAFjIllc\ cl'ri! no,l' ricx, t tany !a1r rm on int. a 3drMb1r4q Lrordd o! 9t!,,Tio t6d nlto 1s!r. olfl.1lis, nousno! pd fl.at-acoiod llrtr1st 10 2d 1C rtba1 1- 4" vaeE, 51:11r. t,+:40 1:1+5:5lr .le l.udElss..J J,qr6d, 2,:', lrorrlsor, ,1:-- 55 f 1:!a;a[ ji.49 I l:a.sel, I. 1;-::28 5r'l+5 Tho! tno pdr,irc addr€s3 s.uc,cnt [. r. !r6b13.ockj 5_q:]0 61:;L l.:5?:2! bluk, ag i}]ou]jh th6 di.uri€:5Ed fatnl,5" r. Bosda1l, 59:j5 66:oE 2:00:t5 rtre Jalr .ii8 ior Lt. 6. ". !re.b, 5a:22 al tt[ 2..r.3a Ioronro Int.!nailolal r:11." Z.,:.. F.tslsr, 59:t5 66:.E ?:a6:o.l [,1:]l! 66:ll 2: c6:0? lsare ;rai .;tEabox!gU'{n!13(lli]ft]nj1 a. !n.a6 irr:rr--s :r,s ,. !, loitb€rE, a?.;5 L6il 2:y:a). iastest ri16 sirir.3 ndaf, j.tE-ie4l a :!&rB :a ii. rr*t ri aj]I clir{llox-thie! t.ol ll irr rirrN s:il? roi lliTif, lirrLr"!-i.ur,rrlficti :11

ri.'r dltil qas hi!r.! nar:.;c b.. sr€ry ::r1rra ria!:i:]ns alc ]iatram Ix :;.Forrro r.n ii" ,l_;o,i..., flrrrlr; riErl:rr x s F{3r 6 Joldri. ".i,F;" ,,r. 11d.'| ,".ai. l.r.rto, tu5s,ra}, Jlne ?t- :-re susea 3r1: 3!d ir:irnr.i .!d! hi3 t,;:k !rrr. ,rat:.ad ur' :.r fjj !.iiza, :n..1 ra 3ldcars





n.D€ht 1L

- li.2i2 1:



fron 1s. ir:.-a




vbo docolated th15 ne€t as l,ltss lnl€r-

htn td 1€ave. rl3 Dc8!€no.tou erit 1i!s io a -M3s oftlcral BdattJrs ch6ok for a halr-Cozon llctursri bErtedly hunE'hdn a bads6 8od '.3 a p.o"osftoh6! 'lio" o ro.l-k€ ''h!do's t s " J3 a uho naG track rosTh. ,411st4tq otu ld16- 1.. Jib B9atty, Fectablo in Toloito ald lor thoj lut Ertrd,-T:95.ii3T.--:5 6.9, 2.94.9)t io !1c). hrn out.,'ttldd arrln3d on th6 'a.0, r:'o, ', fl4 crsl s, Lr..orh€ , l:16. 1tu1€lo. conrLo-€ H.(. 1. .o.111. t., 2:5c,0.; L Br. (ho nas a s -@€f Too s. sB.. rr..op6s a1 B1rt1es, !YIc, 4109.4 to !6se trairin€ tn atout th!86 ,€6r.s 4:01.1; 4. !oho- -dnadlM {,1e rooL l" rserano'ne to r€arn6.r, 3atu'su€r, -bg_uo, J:-3.b out nor ss !ol1 ae b- Mo no!€o,. "o '_rL rssr Bssll !€arl€y, . ro ney oeen s-..po sore Luo.65 toers €r1€saiq---8:I..+ 4:Ja.a, a: ,-, 1:06, L.!rL3.rons 'nig 1€:.8.L, . r:18..lr 66.o r3sI lell: 2. Msl |ha! drealporn 6d n h]s orMrAarro s s 3:rd.6i.1. Ron Balty, ,-sdE eItsln. .t.!.,"",. 8:5r.6; !. D,re i.r rd. r,sr'€u, rt-, Dalo shhiei, torolto oc, l0:0tr.6; 5. t-x116 ualk- 1. rlox oaklor, c1etuiore r.; F,0T:5j ). Fs rr.ao!6-!s, cladIo1!!€rr, ,o:21..l..IoaLrsr oor 0d b1s b€st trrd 3ltuo 106l. ortd.ttd.lnS |r r. rrorlee Pss€, uadsLo.e { o!6d t6amat5 M61 Battt bt 22o 7dds, !on6!,s 8€O- 1. Ptn11ls ?o!k1b, c!€at sadts olon e.o_d i Jusl 3.r3 s€'ord8 eu8 'ror Kiod's cre_ Bc:ll;;f-'r.?:09. d an [sr oc 2a:oo.L, s-ltieh coacb P6' :. Abbr Hof\r, srae rfttlr..ad Mo1 latt [o !Lr ln a rc-res -s-ord]r J. sMda Kiorr,'1€'ofatt Lao sr r"ou d!l6t ro p6L r'd .r tL a land..YI@s, v 16- 1. "oo !o-f soh, :Ylc oo_"6c_l orkod Ia-LsJ rr€r16; "on !:/1. b---;t;il-ru!da 1t. but er also ba!€ .osl Be "Y r'e ohancs ro s ar .loBB o 6arloy. 100 rsds io €€o ydar, rhe 15-Jetu-olc !Ica, Mo"rson ,-Mr1€'- j rullo 14sI.. 0 '/ orra nl1o of n1s curc, 8:12:- 6o!..Juran|s ooo 1. Jou RorroJds, Ff63i nr'g i{'.1'Meo . I. BtLt. ran oor IJs , Iulllon il. sto16 !a11, EYrc, 9:!6,?..Malh nlssed & natly; r6cora); 2, nal luclro!, ioc. !ruc6 drcd s rocold o" 8:16,1 bv 10-_' t€nthr, & got s Aroat .har}€rs€ f"on t9- rcTron lonE il rlr;lrv,{L imr{llTroxit TtuCX MnlT ,tS SC!00rJ6d.o1dc]rrlEr,Jt111@o,. 880- 1- n tulrao. los IqB1o3 s!!td€rs, BoY RIPS lfilt IN l+:06.1r I50.5; 2. no, urhltney, l.r. -t.1d6rs. 'd1ndE.r,ontdIo, rlldsJ, J!tu 2Bt:50.5r l, 3ru crohLars, tflc, 1:51.1-; stor€ B4rr, a 19-y€d-o1d ttoblcoks r:52 1 co1M a. sre h.lbish obl€mam, }ngh Sohool studont/ lttstaut 4. 'rh cloiners tookod 11\6 h€ ras 1l cnmed- a,&r rlth th6 sho!" at utncror stadls 1!a posltlon rlth J00 ydrd3 to 60, Tolon- rrldaj ntsht, laclna or€r tlb n1ld dlslas l! front rr$ clotb- ie€ in d fantastlc l+:06.4. €!s lurl at b1! lrsht rhoulds! Mi Duproo Boror6 500 fos at ths Int, heoCon lae box€d lb. co0dne out for tho f1El Fo3t1ra1 t5f n 6r unde! t!6 s{!ct1on or rtral{ht vlth 90 9d& to so, Cr.lb€ls the ,oEl.1on riu & th€ l419h1eo.r11j, Eado ; Eolo to a11d6 ladt th6 falt€lI!€ t!6 voue lorohto best, tltb a sudd€r [€p3, but Duploej dhaied ; pal! of lm?lns snolt 16se .ha!n6d bast botb folonto rlth lhytbrl. m notlon to! tho to! pelfod;$co of tlE nsat. E€ b!.k€ buc. lnr1ie. 1{rltnor also cau8ht c!otb!3 th Kldd,3 canadld Jurlor !6co!d of 4:10"4, I'You don,t irtna 1o!1n8 sore{hors e1s9, s€t !n salir$ lua,29, 1962. but {b.n lt halp3e at hoE6 tt hurtE" .l tredl siud€r: Ed,.' ..a.il .rl.€d !oot, ir.11 is lnorrlre" oi ti,c ceci.al..i t.nrg sald Crothers. l;€ adn1l,t€d that he hait strstoslcsllI dd f€1t atbloias lho Y€ds ths .o1ot3 of th6 i!€a1 t1Ehii aftst tbo rlov ftrBt qudtst Eest Yolk 1l ard tttb alr s5!10u5!eBs rt eas; dlsaplolntlne nlshi: su ro6d ho adfllts, 'rI ront to to th€ fllst Canaror tho .6tsbrat6d hubt of tn6 nast ror[ four-nlnute b11o. " Tlack C1ub, Id11e!. tuudd Aldd app6a"od h b1s !€co!d-b!€4kt.€ 6ffort, Bs11 t! th€ a!€!a 1. bIu€ Ja.kat dd 3!6t had fullt1no o!!o.!t!on fron chits n11r1acl6, out ol .onp€tltlo! Ylth d 3o!€ llmon dd t€troltrs b..1. Xlild dld not hae€ an offtclal !tb_ had tir6 fatr on ttuir feet dhoerlr€ htn ih€ !q!d6! alodj b!4 or flon tn€ tlne h1s fIlst qualtor lds bo!.ntlt1lns !o t l.rd dd a amouc€d 59 seconft. Sho e-!!11ed


gold1lA the 16ad {1th'Illlldsdn, a lantj h66t3, cd6 thlouah rlir '1s. of 04kMcCa11a, 20-y6a-.1d re61&bt r€amata rroh th€ Ralc rDsbtns hh nlth t!.r€B Jdds back, 3ar1 con- landr calIf,, fap!€i up tb€ nll,€ !@ xltb 11tt1o troubl€, flrtshtng 12 ydds 11€iod hrs s€cand qDo!ter a3 LtF !:tclrss d.l16ed or lttLe rd d€r vel ol BNlltoD ii.kod orf 2:0:, trlth 11tt13 lrdlcttlon r461rrn lathy of haland s!8ed, h€ con!16i!d thr00 ra. tb1!d. l4ccaI1a v3o ilnod at l+:11.4, ti'3rs .€s1st€rad J:o6. Eladlrg th€ lrortnctal op€! locold of lrerJons in ths stadld, ei.elt Bau. sa4€d a hlsiorr-iaklba trach f6at .i tne

tlraL 1ap & the 1!to 9Le notu str6icrr. nbdut fh€ ya!d6 ffcn th. la!e. he rook a ou!c! sldco bac! fron hl3 tmld€ laft -L.rr1ri;son, out !:th ras et 'ho s. rrtliry d!A oti Jor a 11n51 a !eeoerete i'k1ct srdt. uill1@eon r_ro led u:07,6 ln Jid. llr1 rs isr fror e dlMt r. erz. & staiu. !o-.th1n4 o.1a 1 b pr!!i3 snd sir-i.f,1ns I se' J1n ,'€rttf, lun at forcnto." seld Be1}"rr:Iors no blg 8uY Itrullt lon€thlls 1116 I an" I 3tudlod hln lic trlod out a f€' thl.Ed I s.{ ntn do. raYls thdx ne:P€d. H€'s . olEn! ald I Ru€ss therc,s nothDg lTonE 1! irxl.: ao a.rr s cL-m. 1! ti.!6:! noqtque.rod Hii1id6o,, st1!r drdirtur 5ir0r. rs !n€ €r!!t to iLe 'id!. .! il6ld bois hl6 tro t6amates Isft iiherrstrld"ri * of oalnDsrll cetl-er. te1k1u it1dq, o!aBatu th€y !;ro tto Cusdlm Jottt. stt]l e c.Mnon soal, rl loUn-!i]l:ij!l ]j:],I. olen 1l1l:- l. Jsck Eecnolor! c.ortroo!, x!r" zsr!5', utu.: I :J1:I Ej"jl-z

r., r:\'.,1, . nll1 rat-

artrqr. ura. i, l,.Flon TC..Jur.to! 6da- l. Johr iodtig,Jr" lridso! LoiT;tiT:-f;59.9. lo-inr 1s tL. son of one ol carailis lop 01:.a.1c Cm€s soi: tecs sso. .r.u, 16- ..1-.t 1 1"I:0\'-as -,A.Tf,oll 6 6/:\- r3" 1 i- ru s!_. aus , rl :6a r,! I _r',,. ' r _: '. "."v i t"", ts1_oosd " r'. ":, "r""ir ! usl-.. . B .b e tu .o/o- D id :'.J . b1 r- r-d ". -. f "o 3 0. oLr -03 Ilo.eo o, es' 1-? :ao:n... nuss'\s " o .aar' ""'." :4 sisiers third. r,o of rio flr..ib€, ioro o ort. 06"_ldY'- d .r 20:o.d ,

.Is .b "{stu oI

_o1.o o




ohfdhad lod vtltua1lr all tho ral bo tho lrl+0 rn 48.8, '1n !y1ko van ddr wel €quaUsd thd plotlnclal op€n locord of 9:12,0 th rtn1n8 tha f ,oooh 6t€€91dchas€ dat !! slzzl1la !eat. EsrT Mccalla tas

second, 65 Jdd! taci. and r11en c1a!otun! ot cu6r!h, x.1 lattY of lnrlrnd oDdftC tr! on rh€ 16st 1ap;f t.6 j-dl1a to roro 6noao or 1n tle conlarstlyery srot titu ot 1[:10, 2, ron dt }lmllton ras lrd. 'Ja111naforC 880- 1. Donal snltb. rcc. 1:5l.Jr 2. rtirdcker ioc; l. ?:-c6. schucdoboon. tro- 1. !.b1sa11 ,offrt6!, r... tfq.--. rDsn Farnicotr ilUs club of Tororio, 1?l; 2. :ier ton oc a si,. iubolt, 106; 4. roronto 0c, ?9; 5. ottera 7b. 4E'T AT IIST AOM loroato, cnt., llonday, Jult 1 1..-0!n- t- rrq$ lons. Tdrdo rc. lih?, 4=lEarfy !;ca1ra, ata.cardj l. Jln :xo!3, loc..T116 reatuo :r,500n ues 3rr.rt. nelt-reJ ar!! rLon B!11 aToihsrs hrok€ inJ6y flcn the neta:r p1!t6 ltuido tho sho." d!.pred ort ol tlo race. dqlf-rile t1f,s !m 2:n1,.1-Mti.e- 1" .t!-rr 111!m



sob- EYTC, 11+:51..j

brrc..l,Ccor iC f. i'r1143 'an drr'J41. o., o-: J!7;:: {r c,sr€ror!, ru.lfh le:!.n Tc ,. r. lrdsdL !], 3ii rrr13mas, ranc.drer. 1:c4.r,-- roh 3r, .! "). spe. sroio F 1l, t)-., 1 MlL.,, :0 ; .. 1sl1L!u r.: . ":--,_ %J3' Jl €..f,I or'.'o, jlr'"!":"' o0 r''-;--;--_r:---ri vrdce. iot93 dlo, I ao vo'r'e. 1, _T:-:rnC: - . s. s. ooer I.1leB lao-.o.B ,. .,eni10 o osr: . osr :dlr , 6!=;il-l:V:L! .oJ, le 2. ricl B sto!€,{c; l. ricb craooJ"s1111c3!nn! 4Q. , adsrone Ic s , I ral _0-rd6

t",.,"i]_?i,,1.;,..:""ti r: -ill.:i:_,.


l-Irx 9-t1r!! REI,IY, atabtu.t Parr, si,PNr, Mllrsotd, SDdrr, 1161 12!b condltror: 45!, riAbt !ain, rlDdr & cold.,CoL-e.: lro 1a!3 on a grasst, &-e4.-df - Bo-b !a!!13t ltl. !tJo!8, xorrrs Psl.rsoD - !d!10: l.u #2 - crarc r6udtoh., Dd Borsrud,--6tL$ln - !8:l+j ToM #J - rob Davr, nlck {]ot@, ct.n cuBiafrob - 51:47.

*s#ii*:i+ff B.lAlud 16:Jo; ;:::'i!1,:?'ih,:'i:$, D.udtcho 16:J2r rs!i. 1?:14;





-;;:;il-ffi;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;. ;. l4PlorlsfiP, Burh tako, Bloobrhston, CB

xlu., saturd.y, $^! 25, 196) coldrtloE.: 760, sDdr, hot & jrurdd, cor.o: fyo llur 1ap!, ylth ddui 2tl1.s of louah u!p.r.4 r.rdr, 5!-dlos 15 lo. r,. NoPlr Pot€!.o!, 30:n 92t95,t1 2. cF!s D€ut..b., 11:rr 5L:J7 l, ?at ranrb, 3It)5 51\tt9 rr- robn x$on, 32t26 t5:t2 5, rr1. I4r.!r, 32.aa 56112 6, Clo! Gurt.J.o,, )rt5\ t6tlb ?. nof Frohddr, 32:26 57 t)L.l U. rt.k IG€t@, 36:33 62tln 9. Dav. !tuudror, 36:3\ 6+.1i 10. D& a6!slu!d, 36t33 65t09 Dti!- :t1i rledd.!, 33.27 ----C,r1 Joe3, )6:2) no! Dars, d6fondlb8 cheplo! ad cdqr6 !E.o!d b1d3!, suJfolod oE ot h 1o.!1 dlriatuo codlotltlo!, ,h.! h6 .ircldod that ht. .hoos sedod a f.r Fals of .rtra tlght ta!.,.P.t.!io!, th6 !. of xtm. 2-d11€ a.., rlth l1r socold attonpt at 1o!s dlrtab. ll$tla twbd 1n d o!odlt!b16 t1!. on tho luagod htl1t coqd.. Flsmfs or oI{IO f?tcg C!aF'S lIsTtxCE nDns. sudat, :lw 4, 1963 8-5rE oPLx iDr - f. i.r. .-.r!m, I;" i-,-riBl-: r. e.u ii;,r". ii,iih-D1. c1,,1., I ts;;;,d.".r1." ";" ir,.iF: i;i. oili-' i. eii"in^.c"ii.", r",." .".io. " !!.,;'-!l s"" riril-"-t.;jt; i.';.,;;;ft;;.-oir; i:';r,;;: irr':':iova naociiiio. .';;" i:";; D;r. --oa."". v".O.rt :".m,

1 nt1a Ctrl8 t o. nd - 1. Sherrl cas-

tat---'i[-; ,. r6m rrasan,


ranl@ casron, i,:]rlr;


7:or; 4. !6cLT sdth, 7:3L. *'*rL*" ;"1; ?lil3i"i:


;i"iii,:*"."q'3:03;4.Jotrn'{omAn' OEIC ! E. rsol! s!o!ts ldltor, TrE colLlrsll Excacl,orED-


BJ H6brt

Joe x1€1mman, the affabl€ vic. pr.31d3!t of th6 Narlonal Road lun rs! c1ut, & ronao! ,oarE a conpotttorrg dlltDo. luDtng buff 1111 d.nr thar ho luns rho tull louro or nany !aco. ot€n ar an ofrlclal. I(1oln6eer. dodlcatlon bo ti€ .!ort 1o.A har n..tr..coEhized but rocentlt ho rar 3hE1.d out a6 th€ Eecon.r !.c1frolht, rl.nt of tbc Jm.E tde !€uollaI ab aEual nattola1 areld ror ioutstsid1.€ cortrlbutlon to 1o!s dtstanco rft-

last tea!, nob Cd!t6r1, rlce crralns or tho AllrE nar1ofr1 dlstalc€ llstha coniltt€6, galdod th. hono!. "Eae!' conlettlor Ir Joe,E corc€u," 5a1d narrt Muphy, a rorA-tlho frl.rit lho codpot€d xltb X161r.eb fo! mny r.arg. rit6 bonbald. a1I c.npltltor. !1t11 a .toady flo, of lnrom'tlon sd and h€ 13 alrats concolnod that sono At.Ye!t3 1tk6 tbo n4ttDmt hdetnon chellonohtp ar Yont6!8, Jo6,6 plade ls 1! th€ olflctal cr!, but nor. oft€n nore rlmlng llona rr1:21:lrl+ rlrh a !uM6! o! erou! of .mp6t1to!s. at 15 n!1as -lert .t tho rert lnt€rr€crlon,i h€ 16t!uctc. I dtnam of lo$ous onelst, Jo. eu!!1163 .a.h !um6! vtth all rh6 infohartor h€ rould har. lrkod vh.n he x!. c.n!.tlta. c1ocl143 dd n11€aEd ar€ rbs so. ano a t"t aac, !'.o dD1:L -.o.^raas s- 3e3 a, s to 6n.rl0.o'p.rttorr io '.rdr ?er,or oa.u r-s roar3, (1o1. e-tu os8 rooerhe'o6o or vor, s s.!o.€-r(ad drotsncd rutr n3 lroarM 'rL6 htn Ll -ecori -l31dd so os

FIZE;-E:S;_a;l-ibs, -:o:a r._2.. r;-r-r s!o- p.1.," L. an rn-orna!ro;a1 o,at r"., IsL!, [5 16. 10:rOi ]. P., /ofro1. l1€roo!-ron jtr6 nsrlons, s.ntor '!.€e r _Io dqL 8s. lar-lo', ll:o?i lt,.qob r blhatib b,-!!:r!:-r. so .orco .r"nz o drlaab .a@t (no.t.

, ontll


Ir t s toar,s !q tnoltcd Osos, xctr t!€ tolooof,6t6! tastr and cKenll. and Mc,rrdl€ ,|..dls eatn€d a Aold nodal


rrllIs lr-]flLE rric mlx; ]loi}{Es srconD F!11a,, Pa., rondax, Jult 1 (Z p.M.) _ J I a.fcr-as3 s,n ourtrl!€ ,hlousb a or@k_ noSS

vs13 recond vsrs ,e.ona anc and ,th1!d .r!d re3ldcr,itoir re3!dctitolJ t, ir Lh. D.rc!" up to Th. 'h. iirt111016 a.{. a"o a1s. p!.-l::c7 :f-:l{ld:'rolc6d -r-o'. r.r. doaro.s snd u6 hh6 t.rpolarulo-h;r,riry r.roolebulo_butdl s€rtod ristnsmd olr a, t6


dtELama eooLotoo ln :lls€.r dom6d .rottthi4g bdt eno!!. a 5l-Fs!-old !o!k.s csr6ra. po5_ o."rca. arso rg rrr3.uo64abr $c rposor.d

-":'"1'i'1"1"ifl"'lts3i"i' i:"!:i:T:.:'":*,i;:::'::i'3;,lll':" or-r'rEL qu{!torh' ,i5flil,; l'aro,3iTj9"*+;." .ts ._roor


Ee Ro3,


dd16o 6arry

' 6otrs! Dois Loaa.o a! B_i... onrors s 6'-110 norn @ lo! itror: vin rr.e.llt 'o-r 1d oark, bscs ; Ioaq 1.6 lrbdbs Lr!€ d?or! ad -spra i o PIlq..s *6ra avaldoo A. rsM. -sia., ho^o rsn fo! CCM/, cor]e-tnerrdan,{.C., and st. iflnlshBrs.



ro ths -Lrst fot


ili;,: i"ii;":."r";y ): f,?]"gfi::"i.:i;iil:9",:. istli .'i".#;"i.3: "5-"i:::':: "1:",:"4:::1.-i: i::?,';,.S.:;"1T:t,l:";i"".. li;t3 :ffi4":T:i:'i:i I i.iil! il:fl"i;,,:" Z: ifll''"iil*.";S_i!i ilil; ^^. iiilt ; :.i"'i"i:!."i:.:"ii"; it.''" :':: i: i:";Ii":lit;.ijS,if;;' lJ orrs: prrz6e a.


;i:x';.1:li;:'fil'i,'"i!,3 r'j;,gflil1"'-i!: ;j:,'fl{,i: E:}lly;i.l:: i;:::;j6


non0 Joo srst,no!,cr, cold shoo. 2r!to co:!43s Hrh th€ Js€3 r03 yerorLal 10, -.s!1ro Mc,ot, Ed.jc!oh6.da.21.i2

r1hL3d Hlth 11{. B Trop.s,.oIsrn, r,.. 'r qs!aLro, n,d-o,,dr, t5. JacL


2j:j? -j 2r,:07

-g9rF stc-I J D_\\ars "o Rrc_ t\ p-K:s

o'arRr Roxs PI'F Id 4:02.9Iii xc!^ Fiar \/|{EAiEoN--rlt 5l!.rdr .ol-tcc.. y!el--..t.aEo, June ?_8_ 1116 ,-n 'o1o"3do 'prtnss s.d 3o.r .e- drs r6rs I.sEr6!od-ob b, ToE o.!a!a 'or. tLc '-o{ En{_aod, 'hs nt.6-:n 16 ri.s-rs of'rn€ frlcL crlosrsc6 IeEl vo.ah'.tn !s'sLaoi io b€ .u arurl \(!A co116da D rugrer 2/ unoer su.!lcas o. L!s .4an!!ou a! r:s !. o" . .tc;rc. 't.ton t&f cdelc .'rrlrEs l:Mb€r of oro. a, 1es slr.roy 0 ra-s, a (ojo_s aC C.loaRo thtor. ,a, iele, o: .- Inlerha lo-3 ho 6, cloc.eo rn +:02.5 ro b€r-€; t;€ @o; !oc_ rl.oso,r rn6r6 srs eoll srr oe :09,? so! bJ Dalir sEcis!!a!r. jf ano Joo rodr o- vsLs- ol 1o3 ansol€s, tn 1959. .olt-o. Yo' ' erd. a xoo-6 0. coar.al comecltc.r staro o^ lr,*8rtdto. rod tho .- 10 Fh .! _4:I].0. J.) rocorG rha 8.6 " .oi r;sr i6;" ., r1t6s Deak Coa Rs:-, !. c!a1s SltLlnM, o" Su F!u.!r;o sta;.. Rudr Fsr -. dstu"or 8o9_ . n6Leo !.o, rors B€ach srsLo. 1956, satd cerruii and o!un_ jl oy s !oco, na,o Daa o !,€ osr T.a11 ,:,8;h,i.jlt"l:'i:L"Li:i.sil:.,]iile:


":;,:,3;i';:;y.'*l;"13""11'1.".;" :1:":";:?::i:

.1., thosd j- !o h5 ros c o d, r.os" +ro rrds oLd P \3s !.sk Mdr,!Lo. s

?"'s'i:.r.,!; p:k6s p€oa

ll;.l..ili:;,::":*' .*-

ffaM,j, l. ,ra !o6fs- c€nrraI cotu, sr,,-:0..o: l:.5.o; (. Mdr 3;m. ras!.!! l-ols, . Dlak T;,i;- ,1,;,;_ o!' r: 8.o:L:r6.8: b. rG iu@. #iaii s;;ii.

.6i fi"r1l..;"J1:",":";;nss ,:'l;i; &s.e't to tle rl,1sh 11s ai xanltou """" r'o.rrsssei, t#."-"1;";l:1;:58:u:"i:,!ili' c.n.i1, r".,-15;og.j!-!: r;;;;




, tbo o{1. n;rrt roaq to td6 trnof ru:5" lndrcar.s'

:';+::": ;:^::





M6!!1tt, S!!1r8t161d, 15:19.2; 5, Clalg b!€.zo dtrlrtg tho 1ar6 afr6rnoor. pl11nan. s.n elanclrco Srato, t6:0c.6; SDI!!s Co. Edol.d rer€: 9 dI16s- 6:!9: 6. -ta Jo) nson. Ksntdokr sha s. l6:_1.4. I0 i'tloi-52:20; t {,ss-I:l?.tro: 21 ;t.gM.!r.- r. !3I raohon. stslo. r:l+?.c-.. Dafa,dlbs cjspron F;n pirl ze:59.u; 1, Brlr 2nd tn ?:1d.o6 ud I.n. rarlor rrd '{drlMd ra., "6 rt/'.a8, 30:04; L ror€i L/t1kh6on! Ltu6dLob, J?t ln J?; lr. _8111 KrJ9eo!, 1|llrconrln-ltlvaJLoo. Ar the a.o o" 25 !€o E!d crs,€e roo1.n ll:19.61 5. 1,611. BF ab, yMllto Stat.. lar b€cors rr6 farr6s! nssrhoA lutu. in nlsrorr, 15t45.5i 6. JBay StucLl. rrlrcoro'b-v t,.1 Buodi .a! ho ts .n.!ro!_ 3111 s6-!t h:o!n) l1'9tu"' l?'19: '1,9!9q.9-eEs: l. e_.a€r, hr. !6dL z: b'rL as a 1oi€ dtsta,ca !€rforb6r ::L!.)r h€rL. dlru, r. Id_ ro! anorh.r ,6s,sr .oE1_ 6ms on€ roal alto! dJr nsra_ JI.-Mr1v.. 10r57.2; 6. s!.rs SacL!t, !, rm! lrec1ro1y dob.L oo. eondsrc tano !,s !ltal! st't.. 9d; 2. !.arao Stata 6hj ). o!!a h rt-€ J€s-d aboad. Th€ rorr of ar.!u_ calolr!a colloss llrj 4. R.dlaadi )2; 5, t^t 5 oinur69 psr Ei.o ro! lbo ehoro :riso!1!al1.1d 261 6. Vlrco!.1b-Mllvauloo tud. ("ro!r f;astb1., i r!rr Bllan (11_ 2q! t. Lohs Bo.ob strl. )2. bt), !n orhdr ro.ds ! hr. iI 6t!,. drdt rolt r€1t bd rlrhtn Buddr's csFeblrl!t.. PITIIFIEID, N.J., l1llloRlrt D t RoAD RrrcE oo!.1dor1ra lt {as onlt a Donth aso that ll, Aluo11thA fialstnon ro r!he!! sl@dt.r: 9-vrlsr- 1. Flod Best. he lad not l1dled 27:lj.o; 2.-IE6 .-rn.r, N-pcr L Jld Lan- raas rn .JTj la rb3 Polt .!6nt. bddr. lr. B'.1 s.beab, NYrcr 5, v BJddJ bao lut flr€ narat oos !!tor !o Dalby, csthr. John CJ[C: 6, 1ob t|rrc: ?. Joln L;aschorl, Le.j € aalr nMrdL;, brs rorld _6.ord, do bad 'ls1b-r 'dpco'ore !a.B to rha !ort. Xt11ro56 rir 9. Cullob Bldcndd, CJTC: .d !b f,It lirrl oltt.€ rs5 o 1a3r ,16. Polt ro. DIcL Clapp, 0p!6r rvorL.lar!, ir.J. but dat a,d cln-!*rod oEly T.e: 1. C6brral Jor.or TC. 1?: 2. &.Jco oth ln 2: J!:52 slesr r0 n1nr. b.ot4d rc 38. p!odr.q.r. ilmaf con ttD. In Jrlt b. Jr. ?_wtt.d_ r. 811t cordon, rh6 lJols 3. .Lrrared folTt:lr -t J.rrr E rdlsn. Eorth Pla,b- cp6n bt o ' d, L 2:2,.12. 'on lba 3a1ltla 6rlor1€nco or Loills ot a llcld; L Ls-J Sarrodt!, b6rlq lloldr 6r. 10, tn 0oUobo!,. roilc€,ac. I^ L. r,116 Xobr. Iorr! ptsLnJJ€td: q. ,iro roo.r. soDolillla: 6, Joh! v6rai. !!tu.J Czaoho.lorsrrs, olocLlbs 2:26:Jr." 06!td o:p6t.e.d Dr. Pa'61 l{a.tor.r. lsl! IA A!: ?. I rdlL Jab1odlry. o"lLeA A. D.o€Eb€r. .t FukuoL', JapM, Brdot Bor yo@!,r Oa6_riar. Lt._ r, B.tt, !ollo,. c. h a rsra.dg rffiETTt. ?itr-f.q. ;d ,6oo-d:'o1d !.c;!d qauelr o*p*o 6; ). x!.. )t)1t 2. barl. cdp, Lafiort Jap@.. ItEt.h6d u€sd oprr: ,{dr@ cold;n x.K.u,.. N:i. r, soad-I€oord-l,hr€s or!. 1.d ttr Tolu 16!a.ar' rn 2:16:!8.1, .a. Laio!?: 5. pdtrlc!€ DudoD. cJtc_ __:_______:_:_______-_______ :1 -- : - L6st Donth bo con oror th. oraes!car IREAlf!r O RrOF.Dr figNS IJ:12.h. CTTPFOnD lguto.tb cf€8co rn 2:21:06 8. toat ns lotr o'ntold^n rot a, Jrt3! 3 rl1.s !6o.!d: or tho rouah cou.o. or 1r:r2.,.a.u. lmp,-n..rp" bth..[o ran th6 nls6^d30i "il!'l;,iti,";li"ii""":Hi::.i'::i"";." SMty_oa Jrar, '. rL6 ;rc.e! fo- ; ,!o, oi rro@cb r!ou51. ,he ourrer! r'o! s Lra€t corFla'b ) Ia c€!! l:.:'Y':! "P:.i':'1,1" :l'::.:"1: u://') Y€rt sood '\1 rbo rar'.oa !tn !o o .htDrtck .a'1": 1": tir. +: l! l::::1" ..??!;: 9'-:


:d :]-'*99|,- |!"i" ::.1:::":' 3" :?"1:'..'1.s"!:::i:"]'I'.*:.,c1.-rolo&nomsLbob.Ds.achr!9€rs.t1li'ojo"ot s3'.


rra 3r Ltu e8r ,\4,u-ar lrryr .. u-:1oro6n arro , ! L:oo. r 16 nat lcrn rt snrFJ. HolrlD's F]rsrts! }1rn-arno[ sr atDDY EDEffi Budot Edelan -s.o!'€d a rolld r b6rr t!d. of 2:1,4.?b n tho roth !o1t rua!lb! IroE \lDoso! !o ^blstlal Fog. r o, Jds 15th Tb. dsJ rar djt & lrm rtlh ! dool

s hElslr ha os.,naL€c b€ src 5_o1b. rao strlly co!_ ,t !.m!nR lbs !aco. ,elo€i rn t -6 o! 2.)a. Rd@tao]! ;! rallc, Eho :lub, tr"dtroisl, oiiElrads, h th€ a11., 6B0J,.,eo i1IO;.rsy: I rostoolr o- v-srcl.!ft-o!-ssa u.o a b's-.rJ toachor ar &I!a Job! School, Tnrnd€rElot, Buddt vl11 !8turb to Lao !.s,

!re tod ro p€pqlo fo! rre t{€ls!Es! f turrr rao€ bt6 rovs -o yzdi arror ide su ra; soud.l ro slabrfi 3ut Buddy roy3s ElAIdd tlb tinal 1ap. !s sllrltod for 50 rdd! so nuch that ha pl@s lo eo ibck afto! ro pu11 rnt. a 61!a load ovs! !ara; & lokto. tlr.r settlod lnto h1. om paco. soft fsots and fl8u!€s: bo!! HartudsbEA, ts rho !\mo!s boad6d rnta tho flna! lGntucb, ssptonbo! 22, I937t staltoa Us131Ae! dd th. ontiF ftold coslly rmlag ln 1o-l; sot bsgan tnol! p6,€nLad ilrl.L fintsms. If bdcq ,ho " rsr rlre tr !€iel4€r,r "6co!d oI 20r5d,o Ll 1060 but '6'I€0 to l,6M: hss 'lvoo CDAIdd boar.r bolh c.an; & slnco xor€f,h"r lo6c d610S taar trs E a rt. ts har f,.lrbod ah6so of !rer 'd r):51.L, I as run i,o0o1 In o:10.0, lr4 In b€ aole bur ,ss 6x ! 28:26.0, l0y ln 12/ LriJ Atroasrd !e sald, rI xas sk!-tsod in tho nou, and 9:24,643:23.0. st€6!1€chsss. I€ tr€y dldnrt cor6 at @ 1! $rs tacLEr!.t!o, the A.A.A. 10M t1tle last t6ar and ts ch rhetr I eloFod up.', !o lald tho !6ahold€! of nlftloud Lh€llo@ !sc.rd6 t)roqh son lF d16rsd tho pac6 ,aB bocauso h. ron d lr€rlcd ratiotuf ranisd to !61s, iuEyb€ 1r raE!'! ro. ghdt, but tt lorkod end I ron,,rc@.bmploBh1!. lo ts a coustn of F€lct nesd, Elollda vllrorsltt coach aDd fosr6nt6d l,lelsla€!. o- ro-1o rs.old boloof "o- r20r .1ah hul-lrtIss- .. Kazlnla!z ZlTe. poland. dlee 1 .t In 1a.ll \ so 1612 oIftprc srl- ff:z'::; lsrt€. clalt.-ac s!rld;!r1r:28.0! f. o3valdo Sualer, ArEsnLlnr. ir,{ E. fi rNGLr\D-- lnsrr3b Hrdland c"*!", it:j8 ;""" i:ii:,--;;;;i";"ii:;;:' t:Ja11tq:o!d, )i q. 61 aL Sn€thqlck. 6 ?2- J-v)-.etaallton oc, LLr 'on -):1..2: -os BrIM K11by, l3:l-5.br l. BsBll 0U.dr ?. Bosacue, C1or61ud,lL:09.5. soBt-3y, 2. l. JoLu l,Irorlon, l):rl..FftZlry. -fft-s bda In s!utr, bai,tl.d L:r2.-..1.000r S'- 1. itls -lc3 flb..loLL, off tho rop3s.6d obrlranaEi o'clur & a:or.0..!gg- l N. Duaad, 1:F1,6. xso'6, only on 6 JBs ho b€h'no. rl"h ddo ydds Lo gor but L3 lrldLtsd pash sodrnorn cbMos. at, iJ€.mn caroan cltr. ouEEldo & r.Iusoo Lo I8t Don rari.r- 11:11 6! i r\o rr.s. boi nrn lh. qls slmt4 B!-.0 fi:To5: J:J .8; j: .a6r B;L!r, ir: f'n6 L8s 'tr3rs e1m3r 11 3. L u".irn tsner ,r:r,>, !ri;_ 1 "r!o socoads Nrr€r Lbs -:i"ii".-_ioj.li -Madru Doua Ly16's ;. ".'i;:;;;-rc,::j 6fo.r den.3.s !6eu1t€d tn all b,L zrdy 6:.7.0: .. o vlt_ or,6sdlns tJllae_ 1. r. '! n6r, .crio ! orb !!srtour ossL !!ma ;E-'=t:,9. ;, , l. ooo" '. ao;!R€ do,a,d. br eodd nss m. 9:o-. : 2. ", --5=l?;: r:10.0.,8&2,Mt-6s- lrlko ran d€! vat, !M lioo !I€ -io6r. 1:51,2. ,J:lj: Nolth€ln (h@os. ai B s aoun. b/ 2lllTS;;. ";;i:'i,r?:e,",;l' 2, K. J-rlilaB- 1, rohn,\ndersod, B:16.6r rI,u.J; j. ii"" r,-ri;,i "'lir.*j9:ja'c 6; 5. 0"Iu€ Olroptca do6'



?l!,li p€r6r r(6ar_ .ddo.:.-i:


e*i sl;aii. cro,orano sL!rd_ I;-r, H'n-asuo. 6rs, :r-.o; 9.9t t, s-e o\tomm. \s coues!. -t rr. 06;r.. coha:n. seton fr"Lr. .:...i ;;--;:-i:';;1;-.;-;.;;--1:rr": F-'Ie crrl "'6 :'5'2'

-:;..u..t!!9s1!9:2c L ;!c-;i;;-;,"'os";



12. rao.

elsr(9 .tao!i

-- L-E-


.:'{::":":.1:"J:";:}:.!;:: ::'::::i:l

111tlj""...1H!: l,'ir!'"1:.Y^'.19.P**io .," rs..o n o up-r. oupr". appe*oaL rr.'6a1;y.-rAlc, 3t59.7. i. E:.r:r aor- 't' rrars th! rado von as ho burst lest ;;'i;sii;'r;160:d;'a.-ji;-i;.ft,1;;;i; nr16r3_!dre ::ti"i.i'.li:i.:3"fi:;::"i"i':i;,:y,"" oc, 4:01.9..rh3 Erb susden ceo bactr ar rup_ {e11 off BoattJrs !6ndlrs rec.lA ol 3:56.0 io _rard3.

9"":!. ": "t:l j,:1.j,,,-: ir_:r ,,q1-11 ilL -106 -rr. ''_l.d oll !.6 ps-o. . 'q e' ha_' .1e -:5.,0. 6" e3 y 3.0.6 d rn Baro'rvsd p r. aio o L'o 'o bshind r1n ! BsBftl. At t )ts ralnt tn3ro * ^_r.*


,'r:"1.i: ;:':i"',,":J::_.* 1r'o. '" n" i 'l; ! "-"n.o _o-. -. D.!o n:-i-:;-T--ptf di .-^ --"" , " - ' q':;: i"]i i;: :"';,-i;;;i::;:i;,, ';i; i;;;;;r; : ':';'o--:;n' ''L '. I :ld.2:;';;"; : ro lo-0c. ro:_a? .1, .,



{!a l?Tm,!i€ llrin

dNUAr 15 LE16 lOAr n,!C!







7 3

?1,t3 27.27 27.33



55.3t 55,1t

l# 53






3l 23.11r



t6.t!1 56.ta t7,56





I 31

33 "Z

3 13 23.1r1




23 77 73

a 31

L2 20

t1 7tt 76

i1.0,.t0 r"a),i3





llav€ &oko!


PsCd 1,33,!r I lrerrT


l]{esr.i ckdsiore !.c,

B$off l,r.r.c, 1.rJ.J6ls16cftred Har] o]e*Lru ,r,c. 1,Jrr.02 CL6n D*e Durdas flsh 1.1!"29 ret€ rla.|5on uu Pak1.lh,50 chri3 1.1!.50 Jin ljileon icra&toro ;.c. qm urc-maft lci]1ran,r.o.


r,15.50 Forel R:si3 !.1?.2? Erlc Bold

l:ll:it Bi*ff.iir.i' ffiflf.i:!; 1.Jd.?z I Dare s\arrdln td"o.c. 1.re.o0



lr."r i.rk

1.19.15 Ronld Thome &o"c.

lracr.mld r.1.c. 1.[J.2I ulrftey she.idM r.o_c.1.1r2.c2I Doq

c.ldoD cllbE irs l!a41s dd6 rard.reer o!$Ey cldderoro ,r.c,

rrt Becke! I!c,c,



| I

1.10.58llodl indth



30.lr3l 37.72


cul lorgGoh rud:s {!h cladrt e Lo. nrds s@!€ 01ad5t ru a.c. lFdBJlsid


30,131: 77

oMre rtkrtr :a3r

1.0_3.trl ?3




36 ?!!



1,J0.29 n1ck Lr!lrla' 3





33 J7



53 5t! 55









ot chlcaro






67 3





1.19,57lcI I'{il11atr 1.21.0? ioscs raoo!6

t3.13 53.h6



6 5




52.56 5h.13

- lytdiy, lle1r u/63,


Pad 0lr3n c€oqe Nor@



bsst of !h6 rnoFrod 811.!.. ''sul.@,!r a bl8 htrs.," l{.lsla€! .at.. n& .q !E

& -Ap',

- ,.



i.:;::"i;1il"'fi];tr1"T,:""i"H.:":i.. tleaut€., July 6. !€a lEA.dw o! rb. stltdorr ..t @6r !€co!d, lo!.



i,fi; :,.i6""::ft i:: In th. Natroul

slrTjls rs<v "" ' { -.;



aro J6ior "'li!'"i: tlack & lr.1.r


."ir-a- iri-iuJ-i"Ji ir;6i,iiii""irii6 :1il|i:i::iirii:":.:y:*,ec_p::: ":.+:r.

.F Uo por;E. !o eg ior r}r€ !, )f _blcaao Trao! club. ";";;;-;i;;; sas6ou.' Lre of l0!19.6 for si: rtI.. borE.'sl t@ !€c.!d..r 1asl, Jss by BLzr saqyor of ih. Belrllolo 0c. rn !!. l-oiloq. 8as.d$! !1!o of Ir,:5r.1., tllF €d 3Otcn-t.lUrE ot a..cobd th. edL 3ar bf, rrlrl. cu@jE or "foE !h€ B41t1@r oc lae! red. rr r.b6 tuo-'tlo rt.6plooha6o, xlk y.!6MM-o, tb€ !c-c ltlml,1€d In a:t.z, th6 l0:.lr rooold 3ot lb loJl bt slo !I11 orooaolr Barroy oI tbo D.!v6! A.C. !b. th6.olols o- Crarto. A.-...sr€;€ bar dl.cortl4uod h16 plcrFIC CoAsT DIS_ sto€llgohaEo yd h61a 1n Chlcaso. All oLha! orontB rsr€ hold rt P€arga ?t.1d et TAICE n!\rLNc p€pORI loulaea la Maa. tbo u. cf rtsco@1n 1^ lclHadk€a. 1960, to !ror1d6 !o",rr. of co;;t ',r.,r anortrsi strldsr Bt!!y Su8d€n' rod th. d1s!o.6 !ur. to oo'ors nt. (o11.c€ n s€li€ob€r & riln{e Io! I41ha1r 1:51.0 sot t! 1459 by Tou cartoll. }r!rc, - TaM: 1. c16v61Md si!lilo!. IJoj 2, I]clc I&1o1 6los ae.1e5 r-acL (lut)..-Da, 9a; l. t4lllalk36 TC 37r L. 0. oC Hlrconvss-!, J0, tho sh€ol'i rtddlo dlrra!.o 3rn (MllHaulr€€ B_aiol) I,ri -' Fo: VaU.t aco rho fso6a!_r r3s r.lbs(6lsd bv th€ IDrs. rC .16; 6. o.li PdL (I11.1 -C f5, s!€dtBb A,r. e111 bt6. lac€ aear; in afui€uf co-psrlllon. On t. adrtce or rn6:---------------r8-quess of &oror, P-€std€N ot !h6 IA F,natlo.ar s!, tAu.)0 l(11o_chsplo@olp rho sr3dtsb a.A, La, d€ctd6d t. r€r.Jno :'mlear€, udLrr., rury rJ 1tB 6d-lo! a..tsion.., u€ l, Nom Btssbs. LAIC, !:16:l+0.6 2, larrtt-B.ddat1. MdlD_4C, r:ltJ:lz e-d folc.d ro plrnr o11y h6;,mor,s roE Tu1r., ud., !:14!rr1 r, p6t€r !,q.8 ln,a!Iol|as eln I&I noa13. It wudlo, ttTC, 1:45:4r.2 ,o6G r.cledrbta fills 11ror, torrs & ctark, l:+b:18.a 5. ona!s, DslJolnancoE on1,;".,r; b. co,_ " :L6:lr6,J^ a10616d;c6sssrr. o6 lo'lsIu corplotoly!.,11-L B€alda:l, xat!.{c.i rur'€I 1ry Ar, L:rid: ln rh. dd!k. t- Dlao€ Do!fo!nM66s are d. noo,n 4ubl., stanfold, r:Lc:52.6 no! e1,6n. ;E ro uh6!h;! rbo rssond.[h_ u.5r ror6-rss ar6s'nLns ,oio rbs Eci. or tro l .lrn: scbulr'. tarc! rj51:16'3; 10. H 1@r or b€a!€n br !tu lrororols slr.€i.r4.sr Ih€ bl3 sfpr's5 t! th6 orford--mb!1dr€ rs. _'Fald-Ya1e n5t.lt n5t.rt has lobby !obbt t4acL;_ - rJ1€'Fald-tale viD I! ths po!sonsr bosi'!le ot b:lro.3, xrLo lsn6} .or-_M). ,ho 160 tbloua.ou! ano xas , sood 1oi uD sr rb6 b.11, aurr .3v€ rurf.-.d basLi shoot rl€r lr6ck raor pr.! Io! a' !5t ricrorr, 0r1y .l dars b€rore, h,@ icu l-'ilos. Ma.t hao rj ho rss-s! lnan ILj20.1 f6r &o !la.a. e tE s!atr',€ In B;lEar. Ior

>""."'i-i'Ji," iriu" ri",ji" irL" i;.-"p!i,J#l*ff] fr:"i:.5:':'j:"i.*c',3i3Tli" ln tlF Vrlt€d Statds taroa ltr a Aood ; ;. !€t€ ficArdl€, tru,, N6{ Ydlrr, 1:f1,11 ;;;;";;.-;, r",""r" Ii,by:,ri i;;. ;; *"i. na/or'd_rurrr,-uc-c'.r:3,2,21 th€ U dlos 1! 6:l+0. 75 rard3 o?.! ;;;" 5i,-i,ei";""1.;i-r;,.";_6c'i;,-?:s)-a ll":,rJ",'!3L'i"*"i"i tne luvoalla oils 1n L:r?.? ov€! c1.! \+t.E.z ),tD6


.'ht]eda1rh16 fio0-6r lc 1&r te€€-i nolr1t

G'.e' v6'6 "ob'o!re", -aflrac,..d a dreapr i:;;!,'"";!,:;: !"Xf",e; iii".iil,ti:rs" po rirns .roxd or tr,ora ras...lyror Nr-,.) Md Lbs 88o (r:5!,J). eson,





i6 tb6 '

itil;if il,'!, l",rjej :::":'.j:1::';"";?:: *.H."3ffi:\Spj;i'iil** u-oii" ianc€ lumtns Dste tdrs€n, rno rs closr': :.;'1, :::;.;i:-';i:'i:;]i":";:"x." *f;*l*ii.,*. sa.lErbr. oc, 20:12.,r .. Jo@ ursu, eDrro e!rr€!e, 20:29.j !6q -itrca, rtrh rls r_ " 1: i?Hl3l$:i";.1!f 21:+.9 ;;:::l i:':l &":""::; i,ji.i.'"" ii::i'.1 ____-_____- f. KooL osbole, tcAs, %"r*a ' "'iei';iiiz



;::,. ""&,ry;-';", ".";,;i",+;


q:r 3'i'"r "' .




I' iil;:j;i,:;er":'^''""." ;;:;i:t l: i:;; i;:;t1;.J";;1"Ji.';;-c' :iiil;! .-": l;: li;,1*:;i"j,ii:.t,1,, . ,


;u;i*i:*ilj rrl'';:ig,

' '' ij.lt::xltt: ig;'::::i;




;,*ffi ;






i ili,3 ii: iriii;i*1i:*$,ri"::" i:,,:i

il, ,,:i fr :"'iii

ifi: li,;ii.$li::: 'T:;:'.::il.:il f;::::


is:: :fui::H.:r ir;i"ri:rliii;:ifr:"lHl


l*l-$:il#ii,;,ii*ti"*-i :"*l'

i:i::r.!l:ti:lIii i $i, ii3 i:!, ;i;iij:;j :;:i:i"i:i:::!l;Tli"ti:," ,;: rri:;iriiri:'x;: i.q',i;i i!i' i}:i!;";t":iii:ir'::l€j"t;"r::"i::-

;:::":':"; ; :.:;:1T .,,'"" ti,,.js;:'i::":;r: ;i r.va,: , lalph 0''oro-, : ii,it.i3:' r. xa.t I6y1or. Ycas. fom .or-: No-!tsr.!a, -ract "--.r-"r.. 8., 10:0r.8 19 2. ErhIo -5',""'";j".1'3'?t;"*!,' ',J::iH:ll l:r' nobslt iifl"F,i|:1i.; F: ft:ff l'E, 13:!{:3 b' r-.co -o'nry ,hlor co.t€r€ ,rc{s.




0,Bot13, €rdpt16

riirlnoEot Enot_6


{F:: !,i$;],:iii?i;'$::il,}.i,:;::i*"1 l;tj;"t ;q:t:":1":': {* i*;::i'::; :i:i3"1f }l:ii l;.";*"*:}; 33:! l;::";: *: :il"':i,i;*""iilr"#:il::"::-:i Iil; i:;i";.'l;":::.:tr'rffi;l3J;il" i;:ltl$j"rr:.;tr;t; i;";i{i,l;

i";ri"l,*;;H;;ix H:"t: :fr::ijl, " H;"!i,3,!Ht"'it'*H;.,;l,lil.'!:}:g t;';;:.lrii:";:,i:i;,lill:.r'lili;";i:"" f;:"m};frii;,ffF,]:i:li,iiit,l#1' i;:"";":t"ti,f "'f;ll:: lx'*;r.l*' |1;,f t,i):trii; Lii;i:tu;J:Fi*: i*'il.ii:"1'a:"fl :i3"ff i,l.i,i":r:,. .

;ff1#:fl iit4lli!ri:i:ii:i,:i;' i! Esil"rili::rlif;t+i:li::i+*l,f -rd3- ^ron rons . ; 2€. lros" ""r"*., rcrs, _i,jil :4.' '


a:.o.. i,;,ei; iltl 8ri#;"i;:,ii. 18:ro l::* ;r i ;ii iiil,Flj:*:ir,i,jva:r:: 'ii.j:1i 'e: ,6M sco- nE: 1. r-as. 2. 1. J3:i"lii'ill;"llll;. .;.:: i;b3


s o! s...E!6ryDre-,ssl. ^r-c, !h6 "utulnA -ore6 ras loe

ast tda! !a-. Brzr.sH. i€cofo o^ t0:16 "o. 2-nr. Lo sor Eha s "L€ of xse-3ad ht8h ecnool r-cohrry sco:d o)! 1rr3 ".ou! l.:1o.0 !o lr: 0,1 tarlo! dld .oL r.n .onts!!, h5e1a3l "linB b€1016 3n.3!lDs Lbo -o€ 9nrre.L. ac5d31r 3L ih€ 6od or rh€ ror!!,

!. Jlo ooruooo, I]r,p,u,, o: [s. 6t. tr\s. ', o:Jt 9. a.ss rr. -31J .o 3 , r. A.. 0:t? l. .ason Pe6., I-rs, o:9o _:rO 1 E l v-a. \\s.Tc, LJ, ,BL Jss .u,, rra.,2 -1, ,E.t(, v3_o@, ]'4., .r: :r0rq. rir:r Br"-oo., r'^-, J:o> 6. nse c163eo, La.. !., 5: 0



-r:o -):o; J:_ -8:01



' r?:o)

;;,'i:i'ir,lj""::::":::X"ff .;::":'"::: '' "c*;. ir"l'il:il ,]"1.;.il !,ll.il:i: _rear_ rd a'o!lra r.or.ou-.,i.rr, -eo,r.,L,1. FLsc. rs8 Lred b D03r 1. to num',€ shorte...E\D.'Dn'1 on loD casI;llili; iiltil,i*,"'1b larb '€er


*i:iltii-.fui*;if $iffi;;l*i: l*::ry*ro:li[:::liit;*ri ""'" ;f;::";;;:j "' ii';.i: ;:! ".::-;;;":; "::'r;.;';H,:*:: ;i;::' .: l!lli'* ;.:::*:i, ,tll;:;".* -- ;l"r;:: "::;'; i:iI:-;.';:1'on.riir"oi .,!1!o! 1. Dat. ?a:,onds.






-r. nsi10.e1 ..p1i.r ]::-E ;i ?er10r, !!, vhr-r r}enlor, rica3, ?,1;.1 & E4.rrd !,. 2: lf .0 i!:21.4


tt: -.'..:'.'.




'nu1o. r!e.q.so,,


&., tc:12, i : r" 6.r- :r. 15:lo.r ;. r6rry



,,; ."1 ,..

,ffiffi *ffitr*ffi *tlfl#ffi:iit ='* ,,;

i: ,:i,,

,'ri"'t,.; :,i=i' .lt




* ; ****l

rrunner IIas ,I,humb Nerae, {e Rides (/ntit Finql n[ih i&Year-Oid; ng 2d

EhsnMto., rr !., .jMdqr,

r*i"t;:,ilr4q,:ffi;:l r,"i,

ftry U. ""'."d""";;; turcc ta.^;;;-t-;';; ara.as_ .anns uplldo doh f^.}-i

iii:ti",' ;::;':3';iJ;x#

"i:J:;;i;' ;HJ':{:::.i:!"." li:i.:,blij;i:,iS";:"ia lrub.r

snd 66 orhd! flnlsh6rs rolnors rtnlsh ltns 10r iuo bbs nhtrchi lns

lyracDss olxn]]rc club

::,T'tr. :i;',.1:' H:; eclog8 riD f1n13h




durr adoapr€d h1s avqd_and!o_ oodt dtopp€d tb€ duslo rt11 raror eltb otldonco h€'a

iiffiiiii ;s'L:":l,:i li: rartrM'3 rr uct Hbich


fqjr.l :.;.rl' *;1i", :i*



!1 lj3, Mlk6 3lasir c! io.toh !C. t:r?:Oa rr4, ,\to ass3, xtll!.J€ a^. dd ddoe pt LLl1to colloEs, 'I coDl&l'b 45, rrslter Berg6r, st,clu1d.Ac. r,17:L1 E8t ltd of irim.i, ,r.lrrod roo nuch.r r rrr.:!otnor, m?c, 1:18:2q Eatd tb1cklx-acd6!tod cruba!. mtIl i,€h_ 46. +. :aul SonJ€!3k6, Oard€.roh, 1:19:li !u!rl a 11em6s3, tustrta,3 nsathon iri, Dan lasher, sb. ClEis. AC, chd! for tlb 1a3t 11 xeds and 1ts ;n6n gofua, sxlaouso oC. 1:19:q6_? in 01jirr1o cMes ab !al.rrn_ Lo, \'0. a1 cl.Mb6i1rr, sFacDs€ oc. 1:24:t2 kt, x.lboDnB sc F.ie. irto NoqC d! tO 51. Rlch4d lst1hs. syracDs€ ac,t:20:lc ,2, '16g xo01n3on, sFac!s€ 0c. 1:21:05 us6d rhls Tof,. 5J ltjch*d soloreto. jlnrrc Ka r:r1:li !nsb13 io .u.T .n hts noft31 1i,"11_ 5[. Don s6rno, rs. rt2t:-.1 rood Lpnys €d-retjdcro!) e!it tra ,:5, Ilk€ Bamon. fallrtoi@ ss.. t:21:ia t€, narr€rs ft\cllsh. cr:b€r crdn,i betcnn_ Fa!1 re1!1n6eu. ciad3ron€ ic.1:22:1i 5€. ce31 1!o 3t losln€ ro I mers ralr. oro, 16.ry e1'ner. st,rratholr,s Bc.1:2r:io rhc hrl1? tuaLt uor!a6, 1a t r"srs ,in_ :7. -in cc. €1d, Bocn€sre! Tc. i,2r,r6 tur, et leqsi 1r4., 'a3 {). Fr3njr Cs!ozz1r !1nlrc KC, 1:2!:la ri1, rlchdd --Lcrar, st.anuh,Ea, 1:uai2B r-2-7 rl_o lqst llaBc !-2 y6ar3 h.rs h&d a roFirbed da:.'! lorrefr st.cbf!staprro!'s, I:2b: 1:20:4o 1. 'ro3es leJri€iF, !s1-vs:l I4. 1:03:17,5 !l 9d 2. {do1r cruber, Ne! !o.! ac_ 1:Ol:ri Lq. l$ko 0'Irqe, st.anrhol-,i, 1.iJ:07 J .1r1 Hc:rer, ]jrs.frDnroi, i.oJ:tt 66, Fie'0 rr/i1dso, sriscus6 oc. 1:lta:L7 ;oan ron3! i/, star poc!t€k, rochetrror ?c, 1:t+li:lt bL. cntnonT'i !4. 1,oLr.2? + 5, ni.hcrd t,]rlo!i r:rc. poch€:nor TC. 1: [7: ]/L 1:01+:r2 n .f€tr:r fo.rex, rsi... :L:05.1t+ DriI- r€i. ievln, rrYr4c! 3olnle laufrds_ lel_rrsr. .ri. 1.05: !l rt.qnitonr'6 o. r,or r..p6rr, DF1- a1 r4. t; 2" c, t5!q2,t. si.{nrL"r,c, 65; [. c. Ml te :tuillli (1ar . .!r,..i rrr !:to !r !c, !5 jir -h csrrsrr!h€! 11. a!. Br! !r 6!t, fslti\. .4J 6 'yro.uoe or,5.11L 1.0;.o! 11 IarI Pt i i 1r,rb rsu F..rr ,fl 7. rocJe,ro! rr, r:, Jln .,aoDr !, si -1t,rtlf. :! r?. i 1l rir.. .\s i!.r, "o, Lrrr6r rc. r:fi L ?, rir, cffr:?rnrsH;r tDlr , t 6) r. tule.a c1,rke, r:.. 22.., 2. nrrbT senr.oP,.? t?... :I:.12; r. DartC rDrl!.r. 1:l!!: 1i rtcu.lsrr. dr.ir J.r !. Juan r!m:, 2ro2.2... .111-.:. 1. 1:D::L 1:0f:2 Plr!_&]e. co,E..- j clrta. a..und co,E.._ a..un,j o 5. z ?r!]!]e. l: c 'L.1ia- rr ::l:lt ) Har!1r rorr lor i.-roua, ir rr..D! 1" 2r,,0 .l:Dol<t r.:rro qJ tv Hnr.1d tuh 21. .ir(Fr lu-1r- ,6rd;, - r. -, 1.to,Ol clalke ID 27:36" col.! 1rtr.a d!.!Ed dui I cira rrt.J rir,. luo tc an actrto .ariac! or nrez;lrud.rr : !1_ E1 1: tr:iLl cr',!I€ rpusr'. K,ne ar :LoDf n:; Idr.s & 111:rr f t:€ !a? firlr!1.tu rhs .,. \1. 1 4 u1:u 1!, E1 10. krbf"orn r 1- u.r_. lP.r ir ..nr1:1.n. 5.Ii|]lJ-.]F']crif |'rrs ihe 1or€sit ra(i. cto:la jrad ]L :L .ir a1. 'ss 1:,r 11 b€ eu-^0!6J rffokb ,Lr. non. .bTn, r., . ..rr 1 r jrr tha last rs! h€ rlnr;f. sr..Di. c1a.tu is e rth€, hho t!6r cod4:1o,1::5-9.17 .,1r..-,o r.t,ii;; il. %n 1r;-arn"f/(ir. rrls llf61J y€ar ar !h€ tr. of lia{ail f1er6d iJ. Br11 ca!r-, 1;lh_l€ !,$JAIInt turri 5,o00r IRAC( CrlA]il?IoxsHrr rr L I !aLlorl,:r,rhrr-.r. 1r1LL:Lo et !ntr. of ra:ai1,s toota llo1d,July t? ji.!. .rhd cihrRrr .ri,nfrr .r,! i,1!:!: :!. Iuold coi€, 1t:42"? (No? rdcord: D1d .3rr irl1 I l_]c:dc j7 }:or r ,1 ]]:r 1, r],.I ro.orl! :6:0:.c bJ JolB 1! 19tl): 2. rI, !s.1an Etu.r, 1f :tf; l. Erotd l[h!1, tira0 I 1+ r:ti rP ja. rt I rbrJss, 9-,s.rse or,]:r5:11 4" !?, rMeg 'r €d io sei a:Ianlttd i-hl]B !6oord a1s; b rod I !0. :3 .1lii btrt ntssod ralold X.rhdrd 15:00.3 by 9.9s. Do0cq, alde_nDin Tr.1:1cjc! !. stlrf crosd !1ad & slor treck.,Snltisr 11. I1e- f n:k . ri. .rr.t. c, l:1i,41 l\ti2-9:56-1t:Ia,1, "P€ rafk€d to n. atl t.!:o ray.i' sald lcnLl-Eo1ms. t tt€: taron r;i h1, tr]1os



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iftT;hy8;:dii4',i: "{:"$$;"I::tu a"i:}Lf-.iil"i;"Xi'li';cd€6' o. b. ns ur:00r .16. ToEy R€!.s. Br,{. 82:Ot: "l*i;;J#a Fdn aHat rron t!€ flold -o lln U s Xatjob- fo. ncnald caJf, BosLon a.r, 82:09: LO_' i;,,::#: i;iileT::'.":fl.:i;.:r,i,f#" iHl$i"i"fi#t"L,ili',,9i,fe""_i"PJif ovo! der6rdlDa ohMplon Flod jro-rts or q;. "5:0lr tl], nooe.L MoverEh. Tlii.'j";"1iii ""o".,,,,y !,€ased dLlh hl. 3l-1'1"*:"lil'"H:'Bt:,ih"9-;*-;":o hE *a6 srad ro d6fos, E--13, @., 85:zrr _7, cabir.l !']'lft. BA-{.

i:tr,:l,-,bur rs sisnue Podloev' i.tu6 r boa! E!6d r''€ n.u rf'Lr; i) **.lo"ii;3i .tr3frry r.y 3r1d dtor@d. " "*" T6M scorL.s: 1. Bosrob a-{ ,'A'. 1_t_ ,l::,'l:l:'*g:i",I"fT"'o'! @h1' r8'h i,t- ;=:-3:-*;,i;',1'r;T iS; i-.t;l;j:-i:; lallroad bll dro


C ub d2.

i"';"i.'i'"*11"T#"il""i.HI:.':fl""ir I?:*y .1{"?.f !- *$e-.}:. 3!.*:p". "#""1:; :$"""yil: u..,"" .,u**" !';;'A- ; 1:';;i;';:lMii::i:'3':ioeaatr to purb,aaad. do lho rdarb b.Lro.!:*:ii: ff;t:,,i:i,:j,f,.,'"::.::l$:'" ""*" t!6r rslt flotr trothl!.s to 25 Tsd! 1! s.c_ o!dd. ar.€r rh,t r! {id€..d si6,di1ia;' #..i; !:"::jil:;ffi: B:ffiT ill-6";;;-i". -'--' "'' -i]'iL"i3;,ff.'L'f""i:!i""*t *!ii;".. c;;;;; &";,

eo!8 y€D6y, Io!!1., nalph Bu.chr6h dd rrdror l!s-e of r$. ly@ A.-, rare fad.a b.for. th€ th!6e-ql1. dd Busclhm r.11 bac! afto! r1ts.r1as '@k 1. J.h! Ic1l€y, rostoD r.^, 6L:2O 2. Fr€d lorrls, uttacb.it. dr: re J, ndph BuaorMlE, Sp4hM rc. 66:dl 16$o cr6€n, 86110! aa, 4, nar crotbols. b?:01 5. co!.co@.ra. 68j1< 6. mau. 1!on!, slarte rc. 68j14 7. Confaro.e, losto. A,{. 69:10

U, Toly ^1 saptoala, loston A4. 69:12 PaDL tobd€h, le.. Idaho trnlr Aq.1" 10, Claban lgre1l. Slaltd.rrc Aa.i; 11, Jeo. Tl€rloy, Bo;ton A.A. .q;18 12. Cohza_l€s scorto, Borron !A ?..<A 13. Joh! A. EeIIoy, @a..,,ratoltom.i1:io 14. nobolt E!s6!bo{o!. spdru ac- i1.<o 1C, Jolu {or1r, xillFogs M. 12,1, th. }rl]11m L3lgoni no.lbdro"it c1ub,72:i5 rt. Fo foe6!0, sldte Ac. ?2:tI rb. nlohdd ?acLdd, Boeron Lt. 72:t;2 lc. J6e8 Couc1lI, 816(trlc B.at {c.?2:i< 20, stuelt Adu!. SostoD M, ir..1 21. $Jfon BtE€lo!, Boston ,AAt?,1i 22. Robori ni's6r, sput& Aa, ili6i 2J, nobor'i !anbo!r.er, wa,, ?li:18 * note--ore r€lort lfsted Don shdar@. as 2Jrd__ I ?) 24. not€rr su111v4n, Bl1.i, ?L:30r 25. ho,_


:: ,:i

or! saorr

K.[.y, ird aoln€i

loh l. dd Eaad, Mlllloso Ar, ?[:99r 26. ,r!rs Eloctrlo soar Ac. 7i:18: 2?.-Joh! B.o!ar, !,q,a, 75:25; 28. ul1l1e trolch. i1la. Uoecor, Juro 22- Vtlto! Bayt 6y ot nussla s6b a xo!1d rocord of l.Jlr:12.2 fo! th. l:ir;t.?',.*$;:,'ffii:'r"iff i3"H, la,o00-@ta! if: ldA horo todar. F"-u^-!youn16. saft6i, lfic, 77:23t J2, c4o4a BAr. socs. ofl {n!6I;'f;id;n77:46: lJ- v1n.o chtapp€tta, ryac, ?6:trs: !t3ssch6 | s lrortous ilack locordLJootton,

F 4

r5-Kll,orElLn (9.1t nltasr cEArFrox_ Dc Cbdptorohlp- 1. Dt.I n4146r 2. r,ou sHIl ar Tsko@ f4k, t{alTl@d. ths6day. castaErols; _1. (oht osboho: L. i!!r€ Julr 4tb - 5:L5 F.M. couss: 2 rooo,.'' orEoyloi 5. stoy€ Hstr!ftrr 6. fi€r1d va_ failly ht1ly,.voatb.r: alld lottoj 7, Bob B€rctt: d. iuss Netloy, 5l|.talters, 9I flrrBhe!!, o1d !o.o!d _ DC CltrM!1onshlp Te@- 1, Natloml cao. 50:10.l+-uarlJ Guenthsr, Pt.,EDst1r. Va_ ,11 suars "Bi r-l-L-9-11--lor 2. xc,rs . ),962..old Dc arv REconn- llrit6-Dik q4; l. lforth€rn vh81ds rc, L7. Aritus, Natl ca!1to1 .4s, 1962. R@1ng sborts... !rmt< pflaEle and alplor +-rar ri 1 Maytl€td tuscbed bn6 4;j ;11€ 1, Esl Eb.€o, -os.rl€ bc. ?i:2e- [FiEt- | l.{.sas ohsok 9olht oe rocohd bobhd l./a1IT cu, 2. Fldk ?flaetns, BOC, 2l:25 li8:i8 6!t!€rre r€cold s€ttlla pac€ of ls;t J. os33 Xayf1.1d, DVr.^. 23:29 li9:O1 y6d, but t&oy rolo foLlorod thr€€ s€.s 4. Jobb roba, st,anth.!c, 2L:llt ti9:13 1at€! by !a!] lblon, BloHrt@ loss ard 5. Bl1Mlr.s, Phrla.Pc, 2j:28 49:15 BtIl rbres a3 the thst tetr€rc {ith_ 6. nomltA noss,SJ1C, 23t24 )!9rt? ln 50 s€cords of €ach oth€r. The lorh jo:i!1 Dro! Eairos. ncas zJ:lr5 7, ',B,', pla.€ mtrk of 2l+:15 Ha, beliolod br 04D€l_VaI I}.2l:tr< <o: lic 11 5 rufurs lasr Ea. rbo c1o6o;js 9. Lou ca6tasrcIa, Ncna,{, 2_l:[j n:j1 p6!61ited tbroushout the lace {lth Ross 10, Eob rharbors. ,vA,{. 25-:1t <l:<2 rotuel ab11lty ftnalh clrtnr !fi to 11. Roy J.rnlae, !€1.T&F, 2!:16 51;58 blr ladk oJ tla1brne. Lri. ra;r tio 12, Ju Prosloda. sl,t-^, 2!:Ur q2:i1 bll.i rsrt 1$6 5 @atbon,,. !€ leonts( 1rn16 cmdu. u. Fc. zr:lili !),L Job! loDA, fomo! St.Joh!'3 std. wbo 14. P.t6 L.asx6, I,Idi! rc, ai,li' _52:2r had b.ob banalra bact c@ on ro pass 15. X.!t o,borm, ncas B, 2tr!<8 52:Il no6s dd rioh.s. r.6, Bob zor1lnhof6r. !arr. 25-:1? ql:00 .:p€ctl!a th3 tolrld s€cold 1oo! laco o'Boyl., E tp.B, A,:59 qrzT U. rmto r6!e not t8t ln tt!t! posltlohs as rcn1. ld. ster€ t&}ldoy, ncis B, 25:J0 55:06 tolr rh€q tlE 16ad rurers aoDr.acbad 19, x6!I€ v6robro, No.va,Tc25;oj 5iro8 tL fl€1d srouds, Irdrtl€ld ;d rfLaa20. Eob Bemtt, um., 25:!.[ 55:tt b€ €ltolad tb€ €nclosu€ !hi1€ Erte;, 41. 106 lrro$o, Boc, zs:9j SE:to d1o tolLorbd tho dh6ctions cerofully ?2. lirE. ral.lotr no.ve.TC, 25:21 55r[6 At?6n b6for€ the !scs, Hort ro rho our2J. x€Dt raylolr ncrs l, 25:1.! 55:ti9 std6 of the o(roodo. sT tlE ttro !6T24. Lo! Dr.b€!, Dol-val 2b:22 95:j0 fla1d Md ?ftsai!€ r€t!aa6d rh€ir srois 25. lL! ls.s, t{llhor. ll. 2b:29 q6:!l racs'o!.:br€r,whors 26. lon s.ln.. St.Antb.3C. 26:51 i7:i2 on & vacatlon, brok6 e?. D6Te Xtd8hton, ICAS t, 2B:oa 57:2? tb. E€et @t br ahost tNo ntnutos. 20. Btlt clb3o!, !€1,!&rr, 26ilJ 5?:28 loadtra th€ fh3t 3l: nen acloss rn ?€.. 29. X.n UillldEon, ! 27:09 5?:tro old thr. D1.k haln€8 lola1tud hls !c Edlk ver!b, Dc ca!.nD.2?r5l 30. s?:lil clor! uit bfo!€ ti€ D. rscard bT J! socs 27,a7 58t41 11, 8111 corr, IcAs B, td stl11 ftllsb back tn 7th o1a.e !h. 27.22 t8:j5 f2. Dor t t,lcL€! le., dolth tn p€lfot'@co ras sho;r by osBdltDaton, una,2?:16 5d:51 Jl. chdl.s borD€ rho ptdlod u! oB !1ace ovor last 14. Ed yFoner, D.1.T&I, 27tt3 18t5lL roe! br li!rcytbs ordr l+ rlnuhos. Dare 35. Ldrr rh1lIrp., de., 26:11 t9:o: tr.ishton lort fod placss tlob 19b2 b.iob &€rlbEton. trnltod.27r23 16, 60:01 oaus€ be r,'ployod ontf, 2 ndnubesj 11r€ Bl11 Cls! Xo,Va,rC, 17. 2?.22 &:o9 All st8ro slllt ih6lr tam to mrtG s la Jobn Don$€., !r@.s.. 28:!7 bo:ql oloso contost out of cnqrlotuhrb hon19, B.n m6rndorf€r, rr, 2B:98 bl:12 ols bDb rhe schon€ fs11 i;lourh irbt 40. Dt.tor Lean, sAEc. 26:50 6h:ro I}sd. aalmE of th€ a bsm fai16d to 41, Eneb Jascowr, ncls a, 29:tr9 6li:2L flblsb. th6 r t€e str1l natuedc to hold 42, cu€ Korr€akos, crsd srto:'tr 6iro8 on to socond !1aco. l6!ha!s ihe r€ason loD Brtutt, No.va,rc, l0:18 65:09 43. fo! the sleat con!€iltlo! ras tho lrst lla1om, cAE B, 3o:5! 65:!0 !4. l.&. oJ pr1r63, bostd€s 7 tdrastlc t!o!ht6s. Ied D61,!&r, 28:51 bb:d7 45. ,e!o f tldslsto! !adio5, 2 savlns; ^tk1tuon,No.va.rC! _11:lJ 71:25 46. ro! Eu!o!, o 1ce ch€st, a !x1sr 4?. D,! Kosk1, no,va.Ic, ll:50 72:12 vatcb, 3 !ed1 tuckfa.6. 14!s, rlft . 4u. E D6tt 4eo1d, l,aeda& (ra.) r&! oeltlftcat6s, spolr1ns eoods; i;ps, € bc. ))+ta2 7,trl, 49. nAr Boz11, Nc-as A, )).tL 11:aB 50. Eob ctrcbrlsr, D.1,r&F,trr:15 8L:18 ltos 9!, Jue I at BlllliuhM_ lhnlud 35:24 85t25 51. DAle vs1sn, @., l-ntt€s- casbo! Ro€1anrs,-3, il: r+.:. B. . Dm- llar.k 8sre3, ncAS,rj Jaso. !age, X!l! B, Pat Sp€6!, En!1!e !lr!t6!6 B::BT;llE: :.3:.'",'i;3f ;5, 5; DC AAI'





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5. {r!nral-€s scotto, :r-q! 66:39 6:15 60:2L 6, stuart Ad'ru. acr, 61tl!6 5:l,E 62.ar ?. Dtk racklrd. B,qa. 68:29 6:15 62:10 0, o$nd ?ryro1r, sr,q.,6€:35 8:\5 59:50 a, ?ob€!t LuEd! uach,Jtr.68:56 4:oo 64:5b 10, Don Fay, Bosiob AA, 69:01 1:10 67.11 11, nob !1s€rhguo!, sp., 69:06 ?:Jo 61:36 12. Al cobralotu, B1r!, 69:11 8:30 60:l! u. sumo! s6ae, Lr-drAc.69:19 1:oo 68:19 14. ur!o! B13€Ior, taa, 69.22 5t3a 63:52 15. Rtobsd cCeul€y,BA!,69,25 \tAO 68:25 16. Iob€* c1&-iztu,JLTC,6c:1+6 l:t0 66:16 1?. :dvutl r}.acilett, LAc,7o:11 2:.10 6?:ill 1d. Jorn A.Xa1fsy, UE.. ?O:lt9 6:oo 6!:L9 14. Boyc€ sMJ€!, mjc, ?o:58 l:00 6?:98 20. Daeld Drd]@, Lnc, 71:09 c6 71:09 2r. ladre{ Ing"m, i"to, 7l-:1"1 8,30 62:l! 22. nob€rr am€r, sp.ac!71:_lo ?:o0 b[:]o 21, Jgss rrrTd, r.tr!-rac, 71:11 7:00 6l+:11 2f, ionatd Gartr BArr, 71:l.l r:oo 70:_lJ 2r. r.br !oo.rs, B.{a, 12ta7 l,t!,' 61:22 26, !€uJ Dodo1sr.1r,r^c, 72tS) rb 72tt) 27. robn redlto!, Plor,,72t57 5t3a 61t27 2d, ndnud co@o!, Mlc, 73:16 lr:15 69:01 29. Joh! Cduhlie, 84,{. Z:29 rtD ?3:29 30. $n. s!enoo!, BAA, 13.t5 5.3o 68'2t :1. 1,les16y r,r1111@.De..?l!:18 L:00 ?0:38 12. Bornald olcomoll,L4c7l+,57 t.3o 69t27 ll. itclail Mcl4t11@, una, ?5: ll 4:00 71:31 14. nobort crnlon, 1r1., 75:L!1 !.00 ?1.[1 15, carl c1d1:16, \Erc, ?6:11 Gtu 76:U 16. i4tk6 Mdnrcrr, aaa, 76151+ ):)a 7),at Ir113, @ ., 76tn Gb 76157 .l?, claudo jd. T.n i1c0!5th. Nlc. 71t't crn 11:11 i9. rohn c!.r, rbstor A},?8:16 5:10 ?2:46 40. !oe1d sF1ttl6, Bn,|, 76:41 1+:00 7[:L] 41. l41cha61 Ca!r, ha.. ?9:0f 2:00 77:01 42. Bob ucv6lsb, BM, 79:L8 cm ?9:118 )rl. G€ore6 vat€fhouseJ@8rt56 ttoa 1a:t6 n{,1. 32:51 cu 82:61 44. Fobolt cdland. 45. Ir.d lldr€r, qjacb.s,,82:5? 1:0o 81:5? 8f :10 cd 83:10 U6, Jobb ltrdy, L@.. 4?. DeMls Pul€or rac, 8J::[ 0f 8]:51 lle, John o,ht6n, Nnc. 8l!:1: cd 8[:12 kc. rrarcld rurjns,l{s, 05:24 r:0o &+:2r 50. Jacob slertd. @e,. lj6:02 lr:o0 82:02 51. Rob€m Mor!1sor,Ms.,d8:46 L:00 8i!:l+a' 52, nr.h4d so116r, um, 89:lL l+:00 85:11 5f. l11ot coldetelE,mlc, tI1:19 c@ Il,1:1t ra&.: 1. Boshoo A(, 2-.1-L---9; 2. r,yu ao, r-6-q--1bi .1. sparran a.c., 5-7-tr--25: )!, No!*h 6drord club, 10-12-13--39r t.l,rach, Str1d.!...Dlstsco a full 10 bl1os..62

m6cu1d hocr.€r plsysr liro co6r all d* rudln-E rocally! n8r .odEg up fast sd neodod sbout aDth€r + d1a. -ntd1e 10 {lth s6h!16 t! !!..t lo! rh€'1L6. norvos.,Jlh c!;s! tooi tns tltu Fllro * novod alt th6 ret up to 4th !1ao...Th. soath€r sas r6a1 louab. Tenp. 9l+ dos!o.3. cranM Furou odsod vo6ks by 2 socs.


zEd t

lr€ !o&!e.r

IIAI,IAI{ I]4ERIC,{I C!O3, lyD, t4ass., ard tdual 10- 11€ soad xaco (Adcap)

Jbs 28, 106] Fr.1d lr0 1. covelt van schalk, 6, 58t97 58.87 2. Joiu corelL, ua., 59t21! 59tA! l. and!€v Inare, ry6 ac, 60:12 *51:97 l+. c]@1e6 lYulhy, ua., 60:18 55:18 6!:]+1 5. Joo -Aieloh, [ETcr b. nobA1d caft, BI1, 8rt57 55:41 6at51 Tonr sartsbra, 7. EAr, 6t:14 5J:!9 5, s'rtlmr soArr, lrju 6rtJt 59:j7 9. J66so c!o!ou, osA, ^c, 6ltl+7 t7 tI1 10. rr. Prul And6rson, LAc, 62to) 97tJJ 12. Darld DuJr\M, rtu rc. 6211]1 60:11! 11. Roba!t cldr1r15, Ntsrc, 62:21 57:21 14. r&iund comor, Ni,tc, 62:29 971t9 15. nrchard ?ackrd, eu, 62:Jl+ 55:.Jl+ 16, Ull1lm U6!hy. B{4, 62:18 59:18 17. PsDl u6ndon, tb,, 62:1 5.1::9 1U, Rldhfd v€6k!, LrM ac,62:n 5)+tt7 19. rl@y Gloon, !o3to^ aa.62:58 t2:18 20. Rlchad &Ackett, LAC, 63ta2 6tto2 21. c6ra1d o!a3Eo, Brt. 6l:08 60:08 22. oonla18: sootto, B.A-4, 63:li 55:11 21, calltob coarook, }JMc, 6l:10 5c:00 2+ crsnM P.M61r, spdlr,,6)tr9 5l!t2l! 25. rdldd B.&cketr. r,Ac. 6J:[8 59:[B 26. Xlchaal tlanlck, 3.4']|, 65:00 61:00 27. JolD coulhM, BM, 65:0l| 65:01+ 25. rbDros ltcolatbr NMc, 65115 65:15 29. Calf c1arlzla, \SrC, 65.33 69t3J J0. ro36!h DlAia.to, }src, 6t,35 aat), fl. st6x*t Rloh, Mat., 67tt7 61t97 J2. D€nnis Puh., tym AC, 68:111 68r.lU Jl. Da'€ xssonfus, Mrc, 6c:08 69:08 14. chall€3 Br6delsotr,Mac, 7o:49 70:\9 15. fiI111e Fallon, n4, 72t52 67,52 J6. Korb€trr Eayd€!, tA\, 7l!:55 7l+t5t 17. slsnund PodroznJ, tmc, 75t)B 75t)8 lb. ltiob GoLdst6ln, N C, c1:40 91:l+o 19. Jees uqptry, una,, 91:[6 86:[6 nacd trot€s by F!€d Brorb, sr,.iwo lrad a n6! tlna pllz€ !I:&r lE tbts rac.. lndrou InglM was a Cood llser rq hlgh sbars slih dl.taDo6 !uiac€ Notor- bt F.€d &.omJ s!.r!-!od Norlls '!1!s h€ rt]l co far. Succ€ss so6!s to youlasto! looki fil6 a chlp off tno ol.t ddtu €tsy fo! soE ot tb€so f.].16!s & b16.k. I !od6 t! a ca! rttb Joct s€dllo t!6y 106€ lnto!€st. r4ayt€ 1t's b6rr€! to b. unsucc6s3ru1. a3 I was. dd lhat trr6 lad, Es stdrod 1:3o afto! tlo q6 & lIttle you !1ck d, i! tb€ rtiF ol hddat tho throo rlLo nalk rholo I flrst sau rde Is r6a11y all)lectatod. I thlhk ro ht' ho had tekon tho leaa.,Dlck rts8ts, a E6t nor. !L3asu6 out of llhila ths



?sbto!. Ds1-vaI AA. l!:16,4; 10. Jolm Ronslza, Fidfoy Isk, Ia., Jl+:55r r1. :llp oous,b€rtY, Pic, l4:56: 12. ?on rro!1a. uet,. J 6:50. (!o;t in the hlsh t€e& & s1m6! alovth of bBh€s)- Je {hltton. !an} fnttton, xob Bskor, tsil1 !'ropta, (n€D!!n1jed tron Ser x€lnadlno, Cellf., s@-!ol6arm of JEo 1?, L96l - fo" tbos6 bocon€s ol Datloral chepnond;! 'hat 'ho PnoLIlIc 1m!0PS vc ?RoFrssoRs rhls bq6 bsen tlr€ Jod ol tlE euthor! ai sd nelnsdlno va1lot CorleEo. ItYo p!of_ osso"s ha'6 dong thod lublllhec loa t€rts and e coll€otl.n of sh.lt 5to!163. rha tsxts ale ln tno llold. of !6cio!s {nath66atrcs), tloloqf, alc!o-t'!o1.sv, 9tu11sh. The s]lolt 3t."1st coilociion .f ta:r€s .i.a1iri. Jili J iqsx!_ can-atuo11cs f411J. r'.;ur toecl11ri:,,rflirne. i: :r :-1, .f r :','.]rr'rD,53 re;brs6d 01 bii.fs itfnd.: t6rt'r la ql11c! in8 sr:u.le:f rar (or1! at a1s oM slned 6d .an .ontLau.iislX ch.cx rdrh letro1 or .rtr::r.rt L IM bo rhor!'rPrlm€a rntrodnclloi ro c;tu!,3 IJectolFri 13 !r.116bc by Joh-a i^Il16t dd sotu !r.,, !I3n tor! and r't4don. Jt ba6 b€on tlold t.stod at oolleAeE a::il u1tth3 coatf,y, 1. crd&lr Brlteln od Jthlo!11. ?hfilcisi Candn has slnlts tosts 1! tdEo'anot!:i (6ot calM !oo61v6.t l€ac nc,ilor Ju3t naFrnRr &



pltolo rsn, {n;lsd, ru.€ 15-M' r€8ob llack, Y, 1+:11 Jj l. H. Tothsn, L.



h:I?.2",88r- -'. .cu€r, rl!Y, 1i:1.0 ;- Brrninqr,sm. Enr., rdo ri- Uls- 1. Ma.k. r, [:lL!.1j <, D, vt]n€r, s:r,4:I6 1..2-li110s- 1, J. Ieesl l-!, ':o?.0;2,



1. Iaf; lb:r13, j.2f:llr . r. ali;;-ll2:oL; I [. !s1 race. 212:2): [. N. iloJe 2:J2:5c 5- r].3- r. and! Br"Hn. 2b.51.3 2 John trTiiaEF, 29:1r.r+; l. !. !ooo,2q:21.r. I urrar" 1i.:01,6j ' \. s J. i |!tq-, 1\'25 3. rr-ral;-1lL:12. -,.eror, L ll.3..L!!14!g' ralre- !, u. 1;-i. LrnPL,!!, e r!,6 ,d+i


RllX mConD Ruftod {a!1 bh1ln @d r5 Blatblon ts6;etos Dror.d ur6r6's no €trbstltut. for to!-f118!t co.dltlonlna by loodlns dn assault on the t{t.M.ldthon naco rccold & DLru a En@bk of th€I! con!.tlt1oD 1n th; lr9th rsual dlstanc. c16s_ 31c, July l+tn et sorard, l1a3lra. Hdcaono !oh11n. a 2]+-todr-o1d natlro ol s$d6n. suco6ssfu!1r dbf€ndod hto 1962 t1t16 & s€t a rcr !€cotd 1n t]6 proc€Ss - rllrlDs dp tb. broacharou3 ho tbo llp of th€ :J, dil ba.l& dom io tlts th!or)g-f111oc J,3 ntnutos Mc 17 rdcoDds. ! l@rlEbt6d br tt4 1d4o3t arb.r flari tn lis blElorr, ldoar Rsaihs! cord:t!o.s, dd Nn3 1.1!st ,oan! 'ii Bohllr's trlu!. ir .ii..f; 'ir;'s'l t'o ojf th! rcc.r.l .t :D ifl. I 1r ' '.i :1ath_



"411 19 coheot:ior: ra:: ri:rtshod-1r.iuljrlr ni!ee i8!dd ron i. |1ts! JsB lri; ]jlcatu tlF f1!3t f6bai. ,r tlre re.ors inrt.ry tn !Inlsl1 Fh€. sno !1aeod !lL1L ln r?:cb. Bob s€ss; .f Eq r: iirs,\), th€ !tdd_ .u1; of, last noi!): s 9cat tlsck 66t 1aad6d ths!e I s a .ltdrib€ a doEtaln & sbmlne to ilnd hon,i eald a 1dk & fl.lshad \oth afio! n€v€! ooutatn 5t11 :'o rac. tb€. "lt vle ctrch 1 olle.tod t{€it 'lbe rru o€. sane cl1db1e Fract{.6, ri sh;ror )' il,€ r6ath of s€rald t€m .stttir t6ni nountal!.8-1!.{ rsEodJ honJat h.fo!. 1a-r6sr-ord s6lard Toutb on t'rb. droc lolrovr4 e ioo-f..t'ell l11ca a. 4 altltud€,r ll., dJo f66".

sarTTljrE CILtr'{Fs- Vsrlthc!_

Mal Id_ 5b;;tlssbon :{&rrlo-s I rratbon, L. L" \rnad. 2.25:tx, 2. (. ladlej 2:14:4.;

3. s. 111rch.11,2:1O:1:l; l|. n. {a}}ee€,

o. iraE; rlsnl.{, --larh1on #1, 52:l+3 al1rro-rr4, soaalLt, 5l:od ?. g. Doa. chsrlcs n6LloeE, risthloi /11, 91 15 ( -u6ssoa llmrar tlr'- $25o) rd scott l,i!1!.n;11.C.n., tO: l+5 15. [1lrd cdpborl, serdd, lIr!1n, ?4.


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