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Mike Kimball - 11 miles, 1719 y6rds Nalional Jr. A. A. U. rL,n ai Culver Cily H. S. -Phoio by Blue Ribbon Spods
flrir Inrc )rsTxra-l r P1J:I,IC,!1I01: rCR ilJniiil; ti irri::llRs ',oc rl.lme l2J ilo. 1l+0, rrur!3t 1t.',? $1,00 : :aar. ,tdd i1.5o n3r rerr for 1si rj2.i0 lux r.ar ror aii ril1 h !.s.4, & Canada- Bdclr lssuca 251 each. ndttor: t. llxoxnin: Ress, 106 'i. center St.. rloodtu?n. ll, J, oO0t6
words, inclidha n3m I addlers..!l eac]]
additioral lord. ) imraas€ Jour erirte3. ]lafloliA! aatr snlxolt 25-lil',ol€TrH cil4l,llloi:sEfrs, Albu.1uerqu., Ic! llerico, serterter 9. 1t67 9:00 A.I,l. Altlrut€ oa coEsor 6,5o0-?,coo i..t, coli"di: rorb lepli, ?o7 rarlil:ld !:i!cl€. !1, !-lbrqDc. auc, li€x i.lexi.o U7101.
tr rri cE ,uEnrcr
contect: Bill cla"lr, llrlcipel
Tto-Uan 10-u c netrat, conletttior nust b6 h€1d dutns tlr€ 1s3i J veeks ol 3!!t.
iesult3 to Lo4 tista.de L.s, :106 li. ccn_ l:.I. 08096 lrJ octobet 1st. 1967. fhls bers & ts .! n?c Isiion.l ro3t11 conlcti8-l1Il,E
tA l,!z rn.cfi ]!.m (!! sandia
l:ilo cohrad, 9601 aa:ne' x.r-. ,!ltuque{E, r.l,l. d7112. t\D7.8t 2L, 79a1 rrrtiB
ltcattonr of ini€resh :o rtru, boih arRl1_ able for 11.00 s:ch tr.l lor 0314r, Lr[ louib rarl Driae, IE corllITlojil}I+ 0! tlsTrillcn huj:lij1s: ba 0slcr, eitialnlne €rDcrimnis,ritr d"" rl rrr . r.lrni., 3r rrr-. "L;ra blscd an rr 1l.rt1.ns ArthD lr.lia.d ltum:rrrr ir r:H llrrrri;l !t-r,i:i.Ic !]!!:lrc!. c.ntaiDs trRiiiryr nethois ol local ruol distri.t ch.rDiorLi!3! lrIc histDry f,na llatlonal .lpnria*hlr., Ton
I15-1:ll::-!l:!lr::i:::--------,,,tLe ri!:rriPd
iriio rRor; Trlr rirTo;t: Ilr a tendan3J t. aotnirran. t:r€ lan-An rlc.n 4anc:, ti lrt ,'.eris elo tn t.s. hre br8. a,,i.r o. ta" !ort, tlc tM.r r-rr s floo !.or1J .D r no;r1y aitelild, ln ,Itnailcll, s crn3diast.rishi4: s&cess, T1.lr.i s.1cs ::on r.if :i t riDor00. Lhe tlo Fi !r lr,: . 4n r.rer1.l. The crnaJi ns -r i :u' :. 1n.f tD.n.o r r
!oo! i]@'5 01]m!tc. tnto a b1r-leaAu€ orny bY tne oI1tltc catus thenselves i! tho e}:s ol nost :mteur the ixuth ls, the Pm-rinorica. Cm3 dldnjt ntss 3one of lie top An.i.an athlatos lho didnrt think tt !$ iDoftnt 'ro comete. rllt tn-A.€ stl1etss ntssod eoo.t. lorcrc!, Jtn l;"un to lre lect'rxed lr; Art leniz (e,re.ri,ti€ dlredtor of the tr.s, o]rnpic comtttee. lho on rln 1io conneto). nrt jintz J.s !e11 !al,j io s€(c &. cxe.utirc dtrcctor; fih R-J$ ru. tor free. In !.or4o rLlcr he n.s. alainst nrrsia h liior rLe! he Es tnjD.d. ile has r.rrcs.irte. ]ri: .ottlxr rt l.art a hatl tfi3 .nth in nocis ln !ht1drd, Gr:Drt & Ita1T. :!r the ,i4! n6.t r!onoi:.3 danr: rrurn hin .ui (eiirrar lLnsi.r11J or j'.nial1J) h ril1 rroaabi_J agzin in lleii.. citJ nert tr.ar.!!.rrb.nf, xho has a tracx neet l,arrs Jta li.iu io ru 1r lt & that 13Drt enouxh, Jlirer !e thet t:rt h1i! io lrodlct h. xil1 break o vD"ld recorc- a.d ih€y lant nin to ao out li do it. Itrs cood toi orficd. i:eiine: ;nr Orlirtc corittde f,or tir iI4 ,ha: !€ i3. TLeI d1dn,i heir hin ru 20,000 tr.lD1ng dlres ir thc l:st lfre J.ars--throu€h ihc&t rtelds:!rC lorasts, oGr c.u|rJ sireelis, ir sloi t: cDf,d, tr olnrcaei..B h.et, at 6 orcloo} in th. ro!!i4r rr l.aiie at ii.ht. Thele d. ici r"irtr ra :ardr lor rwin€ a ntle rhdel l.ui r:1!r.s, nut one ol tbn ouali to ne Ln. ri:ht t. .lo.re vh.r a rirrr. rlr udt t. !u, Jir lrlih 1s iot an irf.oie. oi th€ i.l.i t5. !.ru.;, ol.ilic :..' .:::ne b3f.rd tlc rDrrrEi;uoEan i.nr r.g tnioxtali to l,lh as a tltiliAq ).r!od qnd tlat r3 trrat ! tsfe larrlc\ ilnalh had Lls t.nsI1s f€iF'.d. Thc do4tor told llih trr€t lere tr€ 1,. c..n oat a tallr a: mn ar rir! ,!,re i5 in of del i{uent l'i.ls !n Brliiror. for ,:h. lob j,3tio3. "-\ lct or rn.n r. !!ror,r' P.txlclr eD:.rir.d. lihc! I [otro c:i h I rL' 0r Jnlr: 1l+in llilrc rrolrB ih€ l;ati.ra1 rec_ 11 or.1 for ihe ore-h.ur !!Lr ll.a .of,cli! j1': 1i19/ . I l+. 14 .r 7 I l.'t :r 11 -trrl, I r in 'Dt i ijl r:r'orl l. 1 -::1 { ir l.ff2r .l 1a !,i1.s,rt1:.. I 1.: :rr
ai,rrY BoTcilud t0P3
llnl]:o 0a 100 T0 IrI]i 20-tn0
l.1lchtgd clty, Indlsa, sst., Jub" 3- tnd:r :otl a o_, c ro"o_ o 0.rnplc ed nore thab 100 Dther r@exs to ri! the Iatloel AAU S!. 20-ln1o chsltoftlrlp held on tho lalreshore toriebt. llls tlne fox tho 12.1a-n116 courso Na3 1:05:lt.l+. Th6 u, of cldcaro rc ron th6 tenn titla rtth a 10! of 42 potrts eh.4d of tho local lun€s TC !1th 55. !!In ctttes Tc h3d 59 loints for jhird. th€ cror€1md titc hrJ BJ, r,rn cit1.s 'Sr 109 / last€ln I11. soiichulr, tuLlng u! ior tlr ran lnert4an ratr a steadt !'cs oe€r tiro htrb cous€ on a nutEy & hot day {ht1e @nt obhDr rlhers f!1terec. s:ar6 iloaitu€ {?cT0l rctla11ir 1Bi Boacbul! !i1rh 1€s3 ther tuo nt1€s to !o but aas @ble ro finish. m Austrd:r corn!.t1ne tor bhc tldr r,on1! Ac, .1.o ras r@tna I ilt to! t:r rutIl tha 113t rlle but c.u1,tn't to t5e linish 11ne. Brt 3oy.hu! xas stron!. ltesrine a brl:ht jels.y & a rcd hat, ho corled rhe Jollo! first hll€ ti omFarry rllh a d.?on otbr ruE6re iD i:ot, ?hen ihe laoL aeran to gtrine out ir a lonu lino as Ntro rlm€!3 n de their lay tr! lalio sh.r€ Dltae. Boyc\ulr redlenod stlghrJly 1n ti6 hlUs ln ihB hlddl€ of thc crtree in lllchtaE shores but cee oi st!.rg !€a! t56 end to uin nl3 Barry 3ro!n of tlF I.n York aC, lho h&.1 1onc.r tiun slr rjl1os trlor i. toii Lt, ltntlhed a strols 2na, 2oof, ballnd, aitn G:a4i colohoux of UCTC anotlE! f00:r bacx i! thirc. .e "r
h;, di
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stqh h,i
ihd4l L' c- s! E4 laio6l '" F?r cld $4 ! d fu'I
rt !t:!"11"
P,.l "d
Lrci,!! d"*- sndlld di,!i,qe rord o( L\.6fr.
I {o !r . Au n;L cki
rrothor rusj sl@€r dd another 1at€ lonS D13tuc€ roAl lja:rh€ tn ih€ to1l
N3 ddn ge! orgd1zB.l onco a:atn, cB th.n]!s fo' th€ ranj al^e rhoto3 and rctb€ls, u€ hop. €.. I J au"o
"?o. - Eob"cr{lF:1-,# ili: g"!"J.:;.:_ ilca1 ones dc sold@ if €!3r vortb lssdrng'
*, "*!l".il;i:lllls.ii. "s"l,fl,.ry5i!i"'i',r;',J^,i;.#r -
l:;'i:i;iiUlil.*tl;,,1u;',,u':,"jil,'ii;!*;''.".':;' : ., ;!i,;l;$l:i4t;ni;; ry,:f :r;i;;;i:q,i;;], :;; '
i, ".
iU:,ili:,iri l,:ilk'"i,Eiil-1":';:lri:',;::'".::;,, -1:10. ilil'r,.;;l r"ji.lll; l:,... 'ii.l: i;::":-::;l;,*. 1 :d, i
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32, Dr. .arc r.:irr.lr,rrr,jsc, 9 11.,11.€0y r:llorltz,l.sJlc, 9 rt.,12t5X ll. ri*!x lrechs.frr!i.x,-..r3m ra, 9n,1212ri llr. Iic!r 1ra!3h.i:Pem lit r lalrh,nPetu nc. {rJ 9a! 110oT 15. 9a. 11001 l(. r.lD i-tr'nor,.c, ;ror. 9n, 98-lT 16. l?. Eof r;.err6rr" rr.r3r rr- d r,crr.?€r rn,75k. ir. 3.orf6 r:or . slreoi:d,i:cJTc, ilri.rn. CJIC, 9n,7 lll, tr, l!, 19. Jom !.1[ho.,* lisc, 9nd., 69\t L.o, Jln 3rYllend,*PeM AC, 9rd,. 675y LL1tldnst.*Ierr.",a- 9!n., 9d-- ?a>t 262,r 41. Eon r:ldnst!*Ierr,"., !r2. :.n l!!!.!. sflc. 9ni., 114y rl. Bri.. trho.1J1n, crlc, 0 ri., 1!6J 4. !r. rh. r6f.tirn, J !c, r d.,1lq5J l!--. n1.!: lrlorclli, r:1.1!,ttn, 1rLlv l+!. :rerf lo.h.-11, JJ--c, !, 1027' la7. lionrn s{rcr,+ s.rrc, 7 xi., 1?53x 4U. r.rt Sa1rat.ro,i: |@.,Piit3burEhj Pa. L.t. res: .ollJ.ls,11 rrsc, 5 idles. 1576t :.:. n 6c9:i\: 1. e3lin jton Jrori c1Dl. 2-l-!-6-u--:]j :. rerr r.!k (c, 1-9-101I-11 -l+J; l, I' u ic, t-7-1U-11:0--a2l L ;oDtb r:r:.a Tc, 1l-15-17-1u-lt--r: lioi,es..l.Ieather: irotrt 80 d.!ress, r:1x hnrdd, oro!ca3t..rain atter rsc6.,3amt iron t3 froh r!i'o Pratu3, 1,.I. :rd i3 a :raduaie oi rroltdcr.e colrcaB. -:e ts 21, and:ttonds 11bary ra! schDol. !e td.lod hard ltldlnE 11a1 nlf€3 th€n tEncd on h1s 4:o5 ntle 3r.cd for the 'ici;orf.,lhe Ed D.dd, sflcr xo! tLe E3eedBd 3ectt.n 1t 5:30 r.I,I., rhis ls ole ofllclal :of ea.h.urner..4a!t' ai!1e dn a lloc]! ha.ttly s.t u! ss cEbla? :uidos ri,on Porn {alted io .Lnrio t:r; iRc aioo to us€ jir,ai: drrlaer{or_ cDlbiigJio dtvice the 40('i tllclr a th€ lr]!oy tEclr,, ito custo.is seFlee & tL00 ir3usnc! ?.qlircd bX :r o{r€rs:ao ])rolosttto! u!tl1 r€m XC llth tlrctr thumace :oucii liich aas accelt.d bJ'. Iau. ?hts good 13 a xrc€ ro! sone ot49! eaiied couiBd by th€ I.r!. ilo & ;:e i.H lC, :rent to the first 30 fint3her3..Jefl ao11in!, $eshilaton srorts C1ul, arri!€. :r the race las Dde! lay rLB! :l€ dal ::1r€! tlok htn to co de ri.-cr stadlM. a::i @ticed the hsie clordr t!trds1ng :lon: ibe sid€raure to tte tirtl1te3& could!'t d€clde if the ::r4!s the cabbte forlcd u!! TI. dabbio j:1:: -o lrsl.ltl lteld :-: rslo tuttero rors€ J€ff dtscoverBd :::1i arsllrlh liold rrs onlx a 5 ldbut. R.tr-.ic station a con:tc l:r.k siaittn {as a sood 10 ailee a!ay!
rnc RE 5:10 r. .-- 1. rrencis = Ca!'€!, ni1a. lc, 9:11,0; 2. st& Joir5.r, h1la. !tonec!6, 9:r4; l. :loses lav4. Urre :iarene t st o!, S JIC. r."..+.r- :rrr;;::j:i;ii;-;;;;-r;;;;;;;;h :,a!13, I"le., I:ex lotL- 1. Eob ..ii11:!ove. 1]l:ro j 2, D64dj cra!, L:.)rC, lLL:25; .1. lja.np tdriv e. I"t'qc, !+:27: 4, rin ind., lr cj 5. suomela, mj 7. Dsr-r! Crnn€, Ltr-Cj rj. Lars rerletic.r lrDACr le,j 10. Jo! lercnr, f. ii!€t G.odsleedj(short coEsc) ].t'rll:! !.,\._ ]ii!' ctlr].rrloin3 ?s, srmE{Ick rre lllr 6-I1i1a- 1. RrlDh crrit. lrrc. .lr:2r,1l; -. li-1Td D".€r, vAc; l. iaDl l;idq:, Llttnc; Lr. J:in Aro.ia!. ItAc, l-tlila- 1. Jii!.. !]no.he- crnc- 1.,:16-A: 2:_=l t"onr@, .,.c! r: lon r,,.-o", v,ic. Iiilo 1. 'rR -e Larri-.., LnDrc, L:lL.I; 2. St6_6i !i$n rr irA.j J. C4rr Yob-,NAc ol1litlc )irt. frtr iFETs, r€niston, Juo 28 rdo.:rc, 10:07; 2. D:nf,ls crrsj l. r{.1eF.,111.e, Juli 9- 8B0- 1. DeL.ls CrD!. 2:05..1-14i1€- l. llotd rf:]son, 'rtc., 16:tr3.1;i 2. Debis crahe, 16:1lrj l. F31!h l.ft, cc, 1r,:1?t lr, Rolal Dvcr. J(c, lr:la; 5. 8111 coodxuP, \tat. Ac. Lellsto!, l|irej July !2- r'n1.- 1. ?eua llidre, Lri-!.c, lr:19.5; 2, i{ayAo ldrrree. j-r,:i1e- 1, D3Drns crde, r,nDtc; 2. ulke 2-r.E1e
l. ]ia1th orot, uai.ac, fr.sY, {Ilr'i 3-xr,J lonr tllrcr, JDty 15th 1. ?.b htlr ro.o, 1rct.(c, 15:J7; 2. ullie 14o.r,., ercc, 1a:02; f. Rrllh errt, ir/c. 1L:1?, 1.. Prur r,irda-, rJ,![c. 16:]o: 5. F1o:d rIlLror, lr:c, 16:llt.j 6. tslrc !0!16, l?-C, 1r:1.; 7. Jstrr ;:ml-r! lJxor 16:41; U. Po1!n,i r-Ter..,Jr!c, ra:51: ,. r!1 r4ccm, G?ic. 16:96; 10. r.e Di!4, GPnc, 17:o4j 1f. Brian ciLl.slic. ?ort. BC, \7t23t L2. Dave ].11:, Crnc. 17:ll. (22 rldslers) r.di: 1. 1tei.,!c. 21:2.ca1t irrirorirrDj ri!.lt!, srr:ailloaF l{cul;T:rn ciIlB {1.5-Inhs, orcr lr0oo ft. n!) 1. C]E1.s rr\ql:rm, 1tt!,3a:4.8: 2. rr"ed tudl.iLs, nnc, 31:o0i l. Ricluld clapr, Illc, l1:25i l+. Bob::l:lkrove, ri,a3.ac, l2:42; 5. Plcha.d qo{1cy, iailt.ror€ r!,4. 12:50; 6. ti.@.th llaata, Bet,. l2:51; 7, ?1._jri 1i11.3oi, rrAa, f3:00; e. A1an fioseid, nw.., )3to1, 9, lairy !er, .ll:Lro; 10. nshh Grot, r,icJ Ji : Ej 11. nrlrnt },cr, l"ac, J5:l+r! D. rarry r.qjlrire, rnq.. l5i5r; 11. rrr. coorlbtr€. 'rr , I l1i lL. Joc r'iri. c7!c. 16: la.Eoche, OF.p-c;
rlin..ssra B.frA lani:h.,r in --Roldd !rer-_
tlir'tcK cEArIrIoxsllPS
(!ast I leeks of
z-Iill! nt{l- 1. Cha!1€i rsu!!. 10:5.j 2, lrfy ]ro€1,rfi, r1:1:; J. !;b Brmcxrd, 11:20. (al 11st6d f1.l3her3)
at couad fiI.",h school, SatDday, July 29th st 7 r.fi. llroy Rubkor all-reathe' traok ]]ot & varly hudd, o?orcest..lteary do@poB durlqr last ir11o of mc€. 1. lou Castagndle, lJsc, 52tt7 qla:02.8 1. Ton oslar. ua.. 2. Bob SclBlf, nFc, jLi:56.5 2:-!i6t a-F6!!; sJ.rc, L:1R,. ca $tlltes, rrsc, 3, r. r€n rredlin. rom {c. t ,!,9 4. r,riLo era@s, ua,, 5, lo1u6 Cavaletto, SBAC. rrujlfr clork, srrc. t. 58:[2.a 6, Jo€ RoNe, asltlnole 0C, .4. na4r Bcrkoritz, brfc, 5q:43.o 7. Celro l,t1!Ltn, l{SC, 3!i$ liarllegto:, Dela.,Ja:F, 61:20.0 ?, gob b, Flanx xerbold, ua., d, ],Jo€rnerr Dela.?d!,. 6l:11.0 6Lt3t 9. JolD ],Ittufo" llc,' 9. Iid* capor61li, D5L1,ldtr, 67jl+7.0 1O. John Donlbee, USC, 65:15 tllP- Dsilght ]]ackeit, Dc1a,!&t 11. FrdrL Zamorskt, ?€m AC! t 6:25 llotes,..n dtialloirttn: ,iurnout In hot, 12. Jo€ ao€ss€., ea., 67 t73 burr.ld oslcr rm hls usual 13. rln $ccoven, r.'sc, 6€:11; 1\, caorge st-aadj!eathe!,.Ton lace deslite l€!11!rt: th8 effocts I,IsJor, ua.r 69:!; 15. iarrY Do 11nor, tlt nu{El/ of ralt}Er. !e hit 5:1t. 10:15. M., 76t2+t 16. orrinEron 1a11, !Sc, a5:55, 2I:2r, 26:[q, ]2:1!, )7:)9, 4J:r,, 32:4<; 17. Bill 0tReiut, 8a., ts2:(7. 4b:4! s.l 5Lr:02 DIF- tsont snith e Tor l.rluson & Jo. Jtddtnto, rua. race: ri1l t. rE h.ro. t2d d borlecjredly Noto6...Tht3 rado t2d Noto6...Th13 Jrst ftrished(n.hls fr€s}]m drsnatlc rintsh that vould lpro dofi€d a {en lredltr qt :raddon lormo\tp r. ) H.s. n€ 1s xcar scrtlt !rltc!, 0n a snllocatins n1p.ht Lou castasn.fa a ldoht Sntth sei : blis a real con rl :ie outmn Dtc! Ealn€s oaer lals In poDils rath. tcrtig lecc that sa' tlEn quicrly !u1L llrDDlr rTr,alrrrc nnc
D!V:t !.llG t}rd ]]nlDriost !;MtAGE
then srslpine tho leed bsok & r.Ith tnct 6:10 ?,r.1.- 1. D@ canero. BrtcLtdNr. lr.J. had ll+s ov6r schdt, itl1lt@ & Jacleon :l lIl€s (19:16.9li 2, sxucd Iaiorei;ter. sJrc, 2 .l/l+ nirjcs (15:o0l; l. Joln Di1lsr, at f nilo3- Jacl<son drolped out afier 2? irllBs {rl:4!)j 4. Bob PotrusLr, 2:! ri. pas3tre ll niles in 2l:22. castaEnols & (I.l:to)j 5. !sul lreaory€!, 2 n1les (11: sdth had th€ larte.t 1ead, !3s, ove! et 5 h11€:, rhich tnei Jd)j 6, I,en PParce, 1 J/L rrk5 rc:5q) idck but at 7 milcs in 36:51 he ',43 r'o? r,lnit YoRri Rirc at van co:tlandt Park Tlacli tido of tne rithdrar. suddenly thd tido tn Suday, July 21, 1967 !ot, huld, 85" €it to ,ithdrar. lacs chdrced, ',,Jithout th€ lr6rsure ot uilllose a!_, 55:09.2 shlrh o! hts he3rs, iou bege to tarar 2. cdthor llo:es, i.Y. cltx. 51155.a off rhlfe scbarf & ri{ilttss llcLod up tlE t6npo. Lou rd lris Sth ndlo ir 5:31 l+, vince orriai!<tt1, rfftroJ tTtra r1!i16 the oihor tvo mre aolnA 1t 1n 5: 5. Rlcherd sFD.1inE, lLi11.Ar., 57:1r Bob & ca! idl€ las !h116 Lours 9th 6. ArthDr ]]e11, ]iY!c, 5:lo 57.36 uas 5:17 ud Lolrs fi!a1 nile tes 5:05 7. 11 sra^, clTc, 58:01i 8. nalrh Arteea3. rh11e Bob,3 {as 9:01 dd Gar Juet e hal! nircr Eda€, n.r., 58:5oi 9. Joo Buas, slde!. The fthal 1ap Ha3 bedlan 'lih lorqota, rl.J., 59:01j 10. Ton Ratllfr'e, at1 I .actrs torard ths tsle a3 close dg PoEd Rldge, x.lf., cqjl0j 11. Teny rrcjfft mme auade, lorLtoE F€iahis, r;.L., 59:L€: 12. ! 1o0y 'rash fins1. csst*nols on to hls l€3d sldla 3ob edr- l1 lttll1ms, ffrc, 61:56j 11, Irai& cMpod to lro1d at th6 elt cr 1! d lhoto. lour3 tire boU, lloral ruk, -!.I., 6l:17t 14, Ted corbttt. tLPc. 6[:0]j 15. Bill s]un6id, ntle mrLs: Brollr 10:r1; 15:26; 20:L2j rl,r"t, 65:24; 16. 311L riqht, FoItcbFstor, 2b:ooi l1:29j J6t5r; L2:22i Lt1t52 s.d X.Y.. 6U:10 (1st liovice)r 1?- D.. c€ora€ 52;97. rhe Frot!6cte of tl]. Lrasr]lnrron soo* Club for mtionel lrorors dere dih sheFh,n, cfic, 6B:58! r8. xat clNln1c]., n;d by th6 'lthdratal or sndth.r JactBon. Urited nA, 69:01; 19, ul lro olnstetn, lrjsssed. !.Lr:1:5qi :0. ror€n llrhe], ?ortrr,strl,Ts 0! sPf,cIAL or: Jrrr,N ?rc! EoR lro 3 ovm: 1. td orcod€r1, lrsc, 4:55! :. Drr- rdko Atts@. !Lc,-: Ric). Gltd.!, lIIc; 9:1.':' Joe lltrbJ, s!.tsc; lete larLs, I-IC; DF. Ire.
*LlTi:]; ff;#'iil,ft.xffi3l
riY!.i ' non sinijiar, 3reen id1, ls-uili :io! tr-cx, lniiitunjlle rrr rrsi 'j. r'€. o . .I.; uooo]:'.:' 't -.,ta.(29 startols. 20 l1n13hc!s) M, slsLoA lC. 25:tI: l. r*.o11 ?at6. Ier TorL nC, j.cti.n', Ia t!. olo md ., 1-.\ .e :on !o 1 - I !-'s. Jo\ l-r1-.o 1.1 "o. .r1-. L_. .. Co. .tone, 'o . :r '" ion. :, . b.foro. Gar- ,. Dlct ili",t43ton, '@., 2710?; 10. nclaft€r 'as r€p!f:si o :1L, 10: ,16:00, .L:3, -6: ,:,Pl:.ltt.' " a,,-: ,!' ...\': r/:L,; .. Do D'. 1, ,\ t5-, , Dr..,-:lt7: D-\"tre-ro. -L L.:',551a. ., tr .Li. "1. t- " -rde-. :oor r ) o djo .r" 10 5. "., .r5rdltatu,
""; ":o-,'u::.,'.: ., i; o.'- o ir " , :6:06..
,..", i;.1 ,:.-_"._.
._.:o*:,-..c,-.:;,1 ..0. -.,., - n '' :. 1",": :'...j a,,r".-.. I-,,^.,
,fi"lH':i"li4q.i+{Hlrru' Eiir;i:i1i?j,i}'#:}lli;"itt$i"#-
Itc D
lt-sc oJro,
'L€ .:and.
pn 01€
ua at, JurJ 10isTio.1eiko-
.- ter
-,.:: ti c;'*; . .. -! .-p z, 9:dl
.- -, t1.-Lr-€ . c8:9 o, 1s rold.s r!s, C, 7, 9:L 1" 'J 5 -,|.,9:' 9. J
L rc
: , -." "
;s rk"eo".:,;, i,'r,,."i'-', L'si"rz a: 'i o'!. r'r.oel.kj . c-. t€: -a\! 6. r -ol -otu .. :a.Iu- os, go:U h, tlcts -i"o€o:u. ; 7. .ak. ".o _. !*rb"ook s. 50:1q '1. 5 (rb r rl -. 'ho ar oo ."J. lolo-8, '. € 8- .1e . 50:15 91vd. c.usc rieni siato 16, ,sdd Vhe!, suburbM st!td6rs,g0:tr2 robort GMd'€!, xo.rtl., 5o:5o: 18. ac€ Dav€ tse ir 112:16, fo11*ied r,v ru rrLLo ." r", c ,5r:07i 1., nold ( Bus. s6"a""" o Boj.iL ,,:n : jlo. I?: .f r4 1- t t) t .a. r. se Ir o o:o/, o:I9 . : -;I Eo8 r. o.rl o s,, 5_:D; 2_. ns.o1d . 1j tr;_ "a, j. 6j Dou.j . 1 r_':'6 :. r:0rr 21. .s og -n, L6:L5t 1, I l. !."r1 a ". I o ol. o. se. ll,B _o , 50:L6r 9. .. , B " .. c::a. r. ., ri"' . 51:0rr ro. " . co n , : :01. r :-jo n o,:,":1: 1: 6. . :l : o:n", ". k o o, 1., i. - ---: rgo - o c ?o, co, o8.o o " .'our '6:1-: .c, Il: a ba. ' O: . : : ?. Da -,. ;2 I l, € :: I -1o.':7 1..
,. i..; "' : ; .",:i,,iffI_i "',t,.",;.,,.1;:,; ,;:j . '1 :' j, g:;";,,. ii,l" ; : r.-,,,";'::l:i:t.,"' ,ii , ', "
Irend! :alattne, 1r-I., 11:L2; 2. rad o. 1:50: '. ll - S
^ielze1. il::.] F:l:--...--.. o-. ". , '.- T' '. l9i'r''eor?.ii"l{\:'
iire .roz.ns o: .rtticis'rt,
roMtl,rA' qAI"I!0Rl,ILt $,1{, IEqLglEq!9B: stsntey gtsf?old. san tlonod by the tona Dlstance lumlns connltt€e, SPATIAU. Slonsored )y the Fo!tu6Jr. chBDber ol codnorco Eld ldntam {ecrortton JUxr 10, 1967, 8rl0
lerk8 €nd D6Dt. 13,6 r{r. r{aMrcAP
E1alsed lctual
oonzalez....uratt6ched.,,.,..,... 8?: 10..,. :. Bdbe.t Earrond fl endoze....Vaattached.,..,.,,... e?: 40.... 4. 5. louls Santos....,,.lthattsched....,.. -...s1: 50.... 6. cruz fio,te@z. , , ,..urett.ched. ,.. ,...,..92:46....
...,.18ih....102:40 U, Davld }emyer......Uns. Red1end6...,....93 : 05.... ...,.9th....30:45 Davrit U, Ue8deleno....Ute. L.A..,,,,.....,.%t 2?,,,. 13. Jo6 ?erez,.....,...Una. L,A,,.,,.,.,....9)1 27.., 'IL. Rrok tEs/y..,.,.,..ure. se, 8.", I .o,,.,.91:rro,., .....17th.... 90r l9 1u. ri€orA€ lot rraies..,Ure. So. ca ...,..,,,aJ: )6,.. 16. crcg 3€81,.,,,.,...U€. CoF-a M-se.,..,,9r:1r... 17, carlos Hurtedo.....Vra. L,A.,.,,.,.,,,..94t 24.,, . . , , . 2rir , . . 761 L2 18. tu.rr ltoon...,....Una. L,A,,,..,,....,.94: 26.., 19. Rrok vas.uer.....,.sen16rs T.c.........,94r 35.... .....6rt1.-..79:)t 20. Eugene Stenn..,... .Senlo.s T.C.... ......94.40.... 21. ceorAe llorthous,...Sel1ors T. C..,.......94:4?... .:9j']!2.... -25rh.... 22. chailoE Hodee.,....Ura. ?orftfte..,...,,95:0c,.. . ?q:to.....23r'1..., 23, Dlck ratson:,..,,..vns. onterlo.........95:o?... '32:32 ')5Nt\" " 24. rlarsh611 ,-43!9,....19rh.... 2j. B6b carDan,.....,,.c,c.1.c.,.........,..95:13... ?2139 26. tau1 Flsher........c.c.A.e..............i1 J?... 27. 8111 Crun...,.,....Se4lorB T.C..........95;44... .?rr:44.....10t11..,. 28. roxn rersley...,...sonro.s r.c....,.....95: t3... ,1a..21,,.,.24th, ,., 29. DaDy contrcras....vne. sen Ber!itlno..,.95: 56... .81156.....3{rh.... 9?t32 10. Tony ceralos..,,...Uda, L, A,..,.,,,..,., 96: t2,., .2L:-?2.....8th..,. 76:24 31. Steve 1e.11rh...,...Utu. Torsrce. . . . , . . .9?. 29. . . .-9!19. . . . .32rd. . . . f 2. JolD r46rt1rc2...,..Itm. san Ber,d1no.,,.97i 49.,. .!l:49,....40th.... i{1ke Krsh..,.......sen1ors !. c..,.,..,,.98; u9,.. .56rh,,.. ll. nl.i -, . , . , , , . . Uno . So. Cs . - . . . , . , , . r I : L ,.. '91:s2 .??:ta.....24t}L.... )4. it. Rl.k Bsal ve"r6a........c.s,..1.a....,.,,.,.,9a:10... 16. Bob iobbelsoh....,.s6n1ors T.c....,.....98140... .8?:40.....4r5i1.... 99r o0 l?, oeolqe \,/stson,.....u*. lorftn o..,.....a8:46... 13. Gerald Ducan......Ora. NoNelk.,.,,..,,98:4?... . ?1:',19..... l!d'.,. Jo. Doug Pa.6/,.,...,..nna. p1.o Rtvera,..., )9: 01,., . q0:01,.,..29th.... 40. Dan _-6as"-h"n... .,L.A. Pol t e 'Paoers '.99:11, , . .83i43.. ...4?ih..,. 4 , roe J€nors.k...,,,.u-e, Dlenonl Ba-,.,,.99:.;.,. 42. Fled Or6ce...,.....Senlors Treck C1ub....oi 1?...
!r. Desrd raDs.........cle1to n.n.c...-..-.roo:a6....!I;i6.-...5erh.... gsi ot 06. 81. I sd;.-.........uns. as,d-r1's'*...lar : 2i....I:it;.....16 h.... ?9.34 !'. chuck A11cn........8,8.T.c.,...,,...,..101:r1.,..!t-i??.,...118r.... 44. Norron No-ron Ashrer....,.rlalto Asnl-J,...,.r1el-o R.a.c........r01: R.R.C...,.,..101:54....96:2[.,... 58+.b.,,. 54,,..961 24.,.,, J8.h.... !o. Ralpn D6sa........, na. c6FLs y-Ee,....1o1. 55.,..98.....54tn.... tr. J-r" A1tlnu3,,,.,,,Ur. !rtle c-6ok....1 2 : r 5 . . . , r 2 : 1 . . . . . 9 Fd . . . . contlnue{t nert !€se..... 1
I€st Y!. -Sfq!
o-ors€'l€s1Ick.....senl.rs n,c.,..... 102: 13..,.9qr_$..... t01n.... cla-k Perez.,.,....un6., Dl.o Rlv..,.1)): 15.,..:.1il5..,,.4?1d.,,. 5). urea Pa-Lt rso-....,ur., rorron^€..... ): 16....81i06..,.. r rrh.... aroh8.o r"r.sr....,Une., Notubtk..,..r0J:rt,....<,it-t..,..52nd.... rir tull...,.,....,.B.8.-.c..,,.,,,,,.ta): 55,...!!5...,.rllrd..,. ie. JesDs P-n1l I a.....,utu,, Nortr" I ..,... | 0r,: I )....9).i_!o...,, t1et..., 5',1. stever &r"e t.....u@., L.A......... r 0L: J] . . . .89t1I. . , . . d8th.,.. c6r1 Bylnston. . . . . .Bralto R.R.c......104114....91:J!,,.,,59rh..., llalk nuqg1eB.,.....&r€lto R.r.c,.....107:o0,.,!Q!]!0.....6znd.... D6v1d tusa16s......Br!1ro R.R.c,.....10?r00.,.1!$j!.....62d.... John 6r. Soo-t.....,...Sen1ore T.c.......10?:21..,107: 2r,,.., \? | h,.,, 62. HoErd Prle sr , . . . . , uro . , Yorc1k.....10a:25,.,.9!.j5.....11--.... Eer cadon....,....senLors f ,c....,..108:48..,.9&-18.....6crh.,.. 6:4. A1.x sf6a-6r. . , . , . ,!aPD "P€cers,..,.. |09 09....:li:19..,,.cLLh.... Don lleu€on, Jr.....um., onts-ro.,...111: 12,..100:02.....6.-h.... 6eahd
cr.6ri Into !6116ne, but n!!n.d .63r rhe -lntsh by r{o o nt€.$bde-rs "es,1a trho rook _he w1n a{av Chn bv nere 6ecordB. Tne flrrt 61x slotB .ere fl11e.t by Lre 'Ph6n-;ns" from csih6drel. CarloB Irr-L6do, one of Cotlsd-€1's ninY e!tr1.s 1ed n1s t6€n rlth 3 fsst ttme o? 71:24 to asDe! 2nd-p16c6 fast
mn rrorhy, but f.t1eq ro cobe h uit.! tle course poua r€cord Doua Sa11or8. y€3-. canonre r€cod oa6?:1i of 5-:13.srebltsrad €sbelrushed be satlors, CCAC. 3 ccac, last c6m6nre nerk by noira 16st y€Er. rerk ras 2-6eoonds !6tter ttEn e !;c;;d; '.2o- h€ hoid !n 1t65 ;fi;F75.2a1t6' fo"-T;;-i;t!s€, ro--:-iE-iiirse "-" "--'"-'
Eob csturn,
;;n D.;i-t;i1;;;-ii,;;ii,ir!"iiii ii'ii"*iiri-i ?jiiisli iii!."'-
lEEt year's hsndlcep sl@er, Joe Jrnousek flon Dlcnond Ber, was the 2nd runne! f611€ar tnprowe h16 11[6 over ih€t of 1€rr years. fie fo4 rhen wlth 'xo of 76:52io TodEyrs e rroe -1m6 df 7a:11 rlEced hrn 213t 1n -he fosr rIi6 co114n. but onLy 4161 ln rhe nendlcan lr.rlrod. 8111 Sun^e!. Bard{ln Pa!k. elso ren sloLer rhls yesr, fsllr.€ -o h€-,er;rs I €;-t;;;=-ia€ Dr ?9:lB. jlhe oo6t notsble lnprowenent ovor lsst yea!'e tlro w66 by €trja!tr!!!lf, rontatu, fio tDprov.d 20-a .u e€ & 7 d" orit6. No+ fo! behtnd -hoE ael. bs D.mv Contr.res. Sen B€rc-dtno, HIo ta!ro--d by r6-ar-u1"6 & 36 s6condd. Th. s.con,t oldapt.orp€tlLor, !!q[ts4, ss€ 60, 'rouFh- h1p -1n€ don f-o lagt tcsr'. o-:1' to.5:J9, brt he dldnr. core sood Lta6 o'9J: oT rh'ct he ron ln -he 146r runnlv of rh16 evert, lr6d Grec6, a! age 69, ully he i6.olsldered !16 ror'd'3 boat tn hls €ce-alouF ln narethon rurnrng {hon h6 nlace.r 5?th 1 the faBt tlbe coluoa toitayr run4lt the lf.6 ol1es ln o4:17 o.alpven o-fe'hfi he. Pred,d b€dt rsce ro! 1962 1€ r l:!1;--f!11 aerc-hon (26 fi1., J85y) recorited h I4s V€s36 eerly thls year. Juan Cbtve?, Henttlcep ylcto!, ran s good arlft rEce willch brought hln 1! ele€d of th€ pack cotrrcq.d of renv ro!.roFs o-utry r@er6, F4yo'e or whid coulil .s!e fo.ged lnro _he 1a6, dul1a the lest L nllsd of Ln€ course. 'hls il6f,nh111 ru 16 trlcky, anit rroler strategy 1s 1[polte4t 1f a ha4dtcap wln 1d
13, 196? Spondored by ihe caraen Olove R€cre6trons & ?arkE Dept.
!g!:!t49! rurg !@ r. 2. l. l.. <. 5. ?. a. 9.
1'-I{IIE 9:lc A. . eard€n Crove Psrk
Cllnton Shonk, oC,.,..,.......72:2a..,..,, ?Lt\.,,,,.5.32.a,,,,..,55:2O Boser Seynour,Vm. ste. Athc.,,?2:42..,.....2td.,.,..5:1o.2....,..5L.42 r c . , , , . , . , rr : 0 , . , . . . . 8,n..,,..6:13.1,......6)ta) DEv. qu ooe, lF s ? 1 'o ,
tF--y PorlnR, U@,.,............?r:11....... 9 ' r . . . . . . 5 : )r . I . , . , , . . 5 . I l srd1"r s sh-., m.,1Pe s,r.,......7rr:'2..,,,,.J)4-...,,6:24...,,,,,,6L:L. Ar-y sheDrpr, LAPD erpi...,,7L:u5 ^.5.a,,,..,./L:'5 Alan Be€laaU, Us., L.A..,...-.?5:00.,.,..,15tb....,,5:L?.a.,,,,,.5?.ao clyde xLllr,ss, s€!!o.s T.e....,,?5:10.......36th,..,..6j41.0..,....67:00 Jo)4 Scdtt, searors r.c.........?5:17..,...,oat)l..,,,,?t13.7.,,,,..?5.)? 10. JEdFB cardn-., s€1rors I,c..,,..' :Jo..,....21-d......5:rr.6......,50:11 11. B!1! Boran, SDIEA. . . . . . , , , . . , . . . 7 :L ,.,.,,, 6 h...,,,5:24.',......5rr: r! 12. Dol car.ceUen, P}A,,,,,.,,,..,,75153,.,,...J'th.,,,..6135.)..,...,65.53 11. Jose cruz, Jr., ocrc,.,.........75,57.,,,..,t6tr1.,,...5.44.?.,,,...5?:27 f4. JolE H61k63, 0C1'C............,..?6;0.......,flth......5: 36,0.,,....56: 0C 15. Ne!1 sybelt, u@., llestwood...,.?6:0?..,,,.,5r\.,....5,72.7...-...52to7 16. r6by Ied1re, r,lPD "}aoer81....,.76:15,,..,..Lznd,,....,6:55.5.......69:U 1?. Mlt Hurt. 49ei rEck club.......?5:15.......*1st......5i0).5.-.....5c:35 14, rck veBdu.z, senrors r.c...,...76:15,,...,. Arh,...,.5t33.5,...,,,55.)5 1o. nlok Heslr, uM,..,.....,.......?.:11....,,.1J n......5:l-. .,,,,,,)6:tl rrcsar-h€r, IiIPD 1P€ ersr.-,?6:50,..,,,,)9"'....,,4,,.r. .,,..,.6':'0 '0. DEr (€4oF. s@n6on, '1. Tre i cIrb,.,.76: 1...,...rrrn....,.5:1',11.......5115) 2 . Da^ \t.p e, Redlsrds Lc........., 6:)r..,,...' ?' h...,.. <:L_ 2J. 3.ort/ Donelo. Spnlor"'.c......?7:10.......41s ...,..<:69.0...,..,.3:_O ?rr. Don ca.rerr, 1tre,.....,,....,...??:r?....,.. )\,...,,61to,...,,,.,/\:L. 2(. DernJ, Corrlercs, V€. SenB-rio. - 1J...,...-?-n...,..6:1s. .,.....6):!r 26. c-ora€ Hol'hauB, Searors T.c..,.' :2?...,..,)6'^.,.,..6:t . ).......6 :'1 ?7..PraBP-.yne, Uru., ,LA.,....,..??:1o.......19 '......J:r1,o....,..r3:)o 24. luAore CoEro6, ScS..,.,.........??:48..,....*1rd,.....5:10.3...,...51:43 ccac. ,. , ,.. ,,...7?. ,...1rr....... r:13.3.... , , , c6: ' ccAc...,.,.,.,,,...,.78: )).., 6..,..,. _-h, ..,.6:).,6,.,..,./6:36 10. Bob slofford, sentors i.c..,,..?8:16.....,.1r:l|r.....,7ro?.6.......71:16 31. stan^ynan, Bult iyEen, senlors r.c.........78:25..,,...45t]n,.....?t2).5,..,..,?3:55 12. '1j. E-e us Ars-odj Ure.......,...,,.'3:2?,,....,J"h.,,..,6: 4.^.......6':)/ 5
r,..,.._e.)I...,,,.2.r',....,6tao.1.,,,,..6 :aL s-"o-" T.c....._8:j/.,..,..j1.d..,...6: .6.,....,611 / sm.. L.4....,,..79:03,,,..,,12rn,,....:t)^.J.,...,.5':a)6. B!11 1". Eueene sterh, s€n'|o;s r.c.......71:1?.....,.21sr-...,,.5:_1,-.......(8 !' 18. Fred ora6e, Senlo.B T.C.....,,,.?t:2\,,..,,,4?th,,..,.?:)2.1...,...?t:21 'a. toh PEA_'eno, otu...........,..'a:2_,......2.ro...-..q: 1.'.....,,c3:<r0. rnle ltu^oz, InPD 1P8.ers1....,.60:r),,..,,.J6t'...,,.7:r5......-.?4:1' Ll. 1tt6 K."/, s.n!or" I . . . . . . , , , . . 3 ' : 30 . . . , . . . r9rh....../:16 12. l-anr< Ro$n, !,..,...2/t1...,,,6:t ,1.,.....6':.r fr. RoAer Fr6-.h, scnlors '.c,......81:1<.,.....3-,a,,,...6:)L,',,,,,.,'.:16 14. Jod,J€!16, Un6....,...,,..,,..,8:2,..,..,10r'......6:1r.2,,,,.,.6-:2' Lr. al l uord, uf ..........,.......81 :r1r,......1or,.......:)a 15. l€rav PetrrlE. Utu......-..,....8t:17........6rA,.,...6:i?.?...,...66:1? 4-. D.u. ro6-e,0;8.. -or!"re......01:5a....,..:8,,......q:.0.8,......<8:8 48. talt Jerdblry. S€nlors !r.C......84:45.,..,,.2oth....,,5.52.6.,..,,.53:46 f9. Drck Berrv. I"AFD,....,......,..,a1:A2,,.,,.. znd...,.,8:,J,),,,.,,,4:, 50. -:oy Bo€i:6n. ure..,.,..,...,..85:'6..,,.,.1rr- ......': A,6..,,,., ): 6 h..,...7: ^,4...,.,,/6:JE )1. OForse l'lcsnr.i, Ure......,....,.3o:Ja....,..) 52. P1"k Csrreft, uM. , . . , , . . , , . . . . . 8o : 18 . . . . , , , 51s ,,,,,,?:t11./ (DIIF: Cherlle Slortr Sef,lors T.C.l Contrnueil rsee 2.... 1r,. c€or.ge DePoor6-, sbatoro
a5. Brla; spr'n4er, _hodpso',
r, /. i rr,i.4,rn.+i;:.
Tle ien n11e ot b 1a.s or 5-n11e6 €acx. Ii Ms n6.sured ftve t1n€r /lin 3 (n.n). rne wedther,ss 'neel 'nd ore aerral nersur;n€rt coof oloudy onercas:. '1:n 'd old odrd ,a . .. ,.: -, " d 1) , cr.JR. -,d_, I d- C._rA, _oor aFL .a! -od. _! -. Lo/6 u--..r] over :) e o1d ' 'd "b "e. lle-rar r'):26 lho.dayr. !" ot rodey'3 vlqer, lll!_ur:sq ffon the r,9er r.c, €stebtlBhea the
9s:-t9' aio !-I
' " "d qa: g!4:!1. -o.or8l
l-,L!, 1 v-:-: -.- .9'r 9 ^
' -rlra. . "1 ue1
l.- r ,n d-
''od P --1D1 .
-n8i ,--e €r-._-.ak_ 3oa" sooit 6r-etsnr - p15;rnooo. J3_-_t1Ir, + ' %-5:TI:Ff'
-di .lcke
F f ve
a'4.4, +jrf=!!:a::_ r-ttr D 61: , -h': ' v'a' o'IAPD Psce:s .ros6 .t lb yrs, rs seconr oldesj .r re l6-nenher cldb .rD.. --.r"rd \o rhe iare attsr a sl-Lr r .-"s. ,s1r ": o;i;d. .or (. sten s J:ls!g:l e.d r e, r I-., . be:'o'-':16, -, ,:edr€ ,- -l:23 re -s. s-_B;;3.4 t-",, b9"'"r I be-so€1 b_g!_jijc:, ".o,f. " -o 1. D.o -d rrFn-. t_ ou31J br ruqlaq 3 ?t 5t. ca!1 neh}bech" Playa De1 Rev s.hoo1 tcox rhe .1-rs b.r ,!,jrrg .r " ._.,r4. l- -d. lrd _Ioc o. .; *:'- . 2':!b.b. !-
2 FEI. 6-21-67, 7:30 6TH
_449E !qUC!
6- ILE
E1JN {HC?)
lltlrlNDs' eAttloiri !Y I4! IIANTS oI I.EDIAIOA, Setuttoned bt: LonA D13 the SPA,l,{U. Ileet Dlrecto!: Ceral.l V. Snlth.
4.q!!4!_.!IIE !4!g
1. tyn suehler, . , , , . . . . . rJG, xt. s€c...........46:59...,..,..33:59.,,,.,?th 2. John Ierc1er......-..Una, Redland:....,.....4?:A2.,,..,..,3e13?,,.,,\'rt\ l. turry Khkle..,,...,.Ure. ldnom.,.,,...,,..tt7:a?,..,.,..,31137,,....kti 4. rhll Canr.. .. ,.... ,,.nD. flr. sac.. ,,...... .4?.\3,,,. ,,. ,,3214),,.,..)fd. ,. tuv HuAhes. . . , . , . . . , . so. cEl. strtderB..,...47:L7........,3\:47,..,..2ad. 6. ceo.se Deroober...., 47:)o,,.,...,.16.ao,,,,.lor:h Kenro14r..,..,,....,!!a. covl@.,.,....,,..47:J3,........33t03.-....4."h 7. Davld Nemeyer,......utu.Bed1a,as..........4?:14......,..t4:t4..,..,8th 8. 9. J6bn c8'E@ush.......u@. fit. sac..,..,.....47t)5.........)3tD5......5rb. So. Ceto...,,.,...4?.5i.........14.11......9tr\ 1a. R10k Hastn......-....tu. '1. G.o-g- liol mus ,,..,S-"Lo-s T C , . , . . . . . . . , . L 3 : 0 ? . . . . . . . . . ro:05.....1'th 1?. paul F!.t-...........rj11--- Cl-y A.C.,....,,13:0o...,.....)6:0o.... taih 13. clyde A11rqr,s....,. .r13:14....,....ir2:14.....20tn 14.Bobcem,n.."........cu1verctty!.c.,......48r15......,..3):45....,,6t}! '5.'obyMcd@. P3^6F..,.,,......16:13........,L:18,....2r3 1., cru-r'- S orf .,...S": o s 1.c...,,,,,...,14 )2,,......,18 12.....1)Ln I SLa,3'""Cod.,..,..,3"r1o,"T.C,,,,,,,..,,.13:J8.........r):08.....2rt! 18" BI11 1(lrbJ,..........Cu1werC1ryA.C........43:4r..,-.....19:14.....18th t.. t.vrr D! al. s -ros-s....,.L1:01.,.,...,,t^:01.,...tJ h ?0. 31.r vs.aL-z.... ...lir:'4..,.,,,,.J6:08....,11'n 21. Sy Ca€n1l]o..........Be4}aaiis T,C........,.. 49 : 15...,..,.. 43: 45,.... 22rn cliy 4.C,....,,.49, .culwer J2-........3?142.....14tt' 2?. Bob Bauelsf€1d.......nx.1to Roaa Bud€rs....50:5e,...,.. ,,4?t 53,....z?rh 24. Don car8c!11en......,?e6ede@ 1.a...,.......5I.5\.........4t+t 51... "..23.d 25. Homrd BEhee. . . , . . . . s6nrors r.c....,,......53145.........5)t05..,..?,9rh 26, rEcyBoetnatr......,.Red1.ndsr.c....,..,..,53.J),,.,,..,.49:)3,..,.24Nh 2?, G.v. snrih.,..,,...,.Bedlsnds T.c..,,.,,,...54.a6,,,.,,.,.t!?ra6,.,,.26+"h 23, rusene cars6n. . . . . , . .cu1'er clty 1.c....,...54:06. ".,... ,.J9.16,....r9r!. 2a. te.ter Bylqctoa....,,um. s€, Beraa(r1no....'tt-)4.,...."..4?t04...".25tb irror - '- 3 r--!.\o.a aq r-L, Ds.!:_l_€. ,,a.E_-:94:-axe. Al--qcg!e!, 'ta:91,s ;d;;fthon Eere ceFble Df !1ac1na 'e11 snii could heye trdn trdlhle9. I(o Flora My es the rcuna !a!saa111or--r.i olfrclal spotters--dlre TfL16 €rsa LleE been 3 irqble slot 14 tn6 !55t. n1d'courF€ !o1nt ,r.G (urn be lDsr re.r. tsot ad Da-e alB rr. 1 pfo"_cl ofa d f €-€r! 'ol'! lsr?Lra ".Ls o";o-=.;t-_rc;d -r."rr€s. eloo fououed "hc a-v- y-ir, " !.!4c_&:!-, dl r- -\oa! or or course--wrmlr€ 5 5 ! nlace tronny h the se4lor dlwls1on 1. 3!1t6 6f lost .
Ku4k1e {o4 the fEet tlno t1t16, ss ]1e dld lest roer Nncn n6 took that Handlc:! w1@r, Ut! ffi;-];-3]:54, r? seconds slo'er tl1;n todsy's !ec6. 4ro '"6 lFstt? {,rh r!6s -ar " tut" ntle -eE!911."., !"3s"d ctvo- AltI@d iffi,e, sr 'F1d ofr .o 'o_rE -usr o" J.ifi rl""!-t end lqarl:Eulllg, k!u--, Dg:-::d, ro.o"- be-tach-d cb11 o"-t., 13 !,FsF.' y !vrng rl arlzos. -h€ -ollou!€ ..o!rtcB: h !_ canp ge+ i.d fEsL lrod AuFhleri Bu"hler s-Ls -1r.- ,c! fr^! C-o D;poo-"r: C-o Delbo.er 2rd H,D f-on Davld NF,. rcv-r; l.^ey"r aer" 3ro Mp .od Johr cav.naush; c.w_vueh nL' f.st roohJ r.on '(e^ Tolar: ;rd tre1 'o "_ se'5 4-h :8s ' toe t.o!\v f"on 11 o6rp.
& lledtm
r 14
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u=u'.,.'|tr;u:ii ii. t;n i ;.
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#ffi ff ;|ffip$liffi Fffi r;#ii:ttui"#\it:Hj:ie; fi -{::: **,+-"4*ft +d*;;: l;5:i:"i.3i.i,H1';:;; "*i:g,}'g}:"}:"ff d":::,.
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I1qleLis sccorpllshr€nt
rhe o1d
:;:t"n:: "*1'd Todey. Krnrstl sxovod fhe dlRrance 386_var r,: ?:' i,:i:;g'.;:"";;;i
:f"l.I"i"fi"l;T:3:"":"i,il:.Li 3:;:". i':'i.:;'i::.";,";;j,e",:: T;^::
:; ;*";,+S**ii""l:*i-
lap, 6nr closed
o, the
*;;: t?;I";-::;'{; ::;;lf*;";3. contlnued E6
g;$t#$:Ttk+ii#r+"+:r*i#p,",m jiil:i;# lii,,'iii!:iil:,ii$,;ril:J: t#lT;:i'"i';"i;i;
:" ?:i,":l; l;":"rs.i".H"::i "
*:ffi;,i*+f'.ffi,g,rf=** ,;;:;s,3;;=ari"",:":i jilh+:,:"ji:#?"+r.fiY;:r.. ;:'i:;,*+n:':;",:,;,',.y,,"","r;,":i-.*-.:***ri",i;'
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,:'"': !, j't- ''-;" .tu;; ;t.;:f;F i;::"1:^;.1.* i; jiiF,l'i,ilr' :i;'t j_1,_, I
:::t;;'l'".r-., :::r| ; ..":-j;"i;":-;: .j,: "".,,,,; ;:;p ;'::y'.,; ":9, -ru;g;:l .Nshed br ..+#*j, ihe proE :iiff**r"'-:'i:.*+l++ ".'',""'";;.";, .t4i;":;,:;ii., 1. :,:",::i::1.']6, e+--!rr-.:El::r :;:d !-"-,;"' ;:: , ^l-:: t ':- ;i:,:.J:;;;" i 'r'i:,;l jll'ii,Eii" ffi;?#:ir Te;%_..:,;:: ",;" ii" ;:;:,;il::'-'1.:,:",::i::T.t,::,. ;:;:","'Tr,+C .i:,,: ...-s -l ri;;, c;i; **H'",;+*+,1., ;':-rq.,:, ir:1!n--. - i' : I :.. #.' 33:;,"X"i:, ljl, ;;;' ;-q:r ;i;. r"I tz, !i ft ;*rri 6fr fl ;::i^T liii
"::;;,'* I
;i j l.i.ri: ;;*li:1,*l'i;,,: :ij::,,'*,ii ,fli't:*ry:;l i::'.':: ?".'*i"l:i";,t;iJ:,,:r"". i;t;",*--:---, -,-,--:::-.--;:-'-:: - -:;:; J l;i""iij;.";.;"
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$i +ft it5$l,ta;la1'ff+1tj,;;"ii*, gliii;91$Eii++, r'Ii. ; l''14i1; :"r:':,' i :':l: t: ;' 5 j*:";j"+;::j:"--:"u;:rr. 2,: : -,:1":..i. i:." "."1 : ::;B'.r;': :: "1'^" i:.: n';l! ;-'"""""ii hn:ji::.':s;: 1",;:";.;:.!,"_; ;i: ".,,"'::iu, ;
9,""liiffil*'r!i:; ;;H';.
i*t*#ffit4Pffi ffi#ffi, r1t*ffi* #ffi****H#ffi
ii-{+T;lf#f fr ,f p+fHft
##dffi #5;irtt+#"ilx;ffi
sffi ffi ii4#Htr:i'ffi /itrimt-i*1+*+im#l;' ,iTr#"lxt :**#;1 i:$,/H,#"''ff d;;=F'fl
;*;{*:;nf,g U"*;;5'* ] ffi^affi '*i#,t l+:x;:r;i j$ilirlij,:ir;r*d;l'+, tri}";;i::5i:*1tff :+;r:.li:" j!i!"ji{:-.ii;[r*ilqjijikilI #,ii"*. o:i',*:----:::::::;ii:dit fibiti,,*;T*Ei:#*l'l vtr;:y*fi;i;ti*itl:Ft"+, +llu1#i#:ii*il*J:Ei5'J*l:ii-l*i:,"H:$fi bt'rtxi;";
ef*r#ffili*'piru.p; -s-luffi
gffi $#nTit,#+**- I *;:*ff :: ,ei:ei #:ili !1":_-:L: ::: :_:::: I ;;;I';iHii:j'.ii#n::j:iut: ; ;"!i;19:il;11:tiiF;;ffi -iii::;:,1 :r:l+11""zuelti+r+r;,
ffiffi**ftffi*s#g ,1:;l; y:l-"m'?
j:aJ*f f i':.'i j::. ";$"
Alclotr, oElo vllcA ltoAD
| rak ..!M..d dM{€.r -o to brcatr ardT aldr s, et tho rho cr.ss+ cr.s6P
",t llts€ koot i.'$*,1%"*i31,'!:,t'i',l"3ll -"*"" I D8vld Fliil,*: Si""iffi:i!"tf :: j IEchtljM c1ty, rndlsa,'2otn":*_#i,i Ju"i Zo r"w iir dle'F, fl ii*t:i$:+i;i#
i6i[*-a'Gi"i-i;i]";;.16,.d- t'"#1,:g{r#ii:" trrg#rtr*ffili:*u*$= *!$ ii!fi _+#*,i!i5$
ii"*,,.,-,"**,, i:"a,i;: Ey"ii"i*
liffi :illl;*,:;l:*iiHi:,illil${l'.r:l#*,1:ll*Hil** L. J..;l D.L!er$.. to,1l.l fi*1 ?5r. "h6n"ch6;e;;;u!b," F.ri; #qjij,i;U"i;iffkji,i:'h[i; I r,.::ii' iff :ift it, j:j,i!k*."i;",i;:,, rlop€n3, r?:lrr:
ii:f'::""Tfri,i:;53:* otfr;i"i;;-jl''i o;rJr'i-"i;--*ill *ij:: fi;?i; ?: ;;;c;il;: t: 3: ;:. J::i:il*;,!:;9 i:i"*i,3j;s r?,51.. lf:Zi; E: "i,':,1'.";il'ihcbuk Lourb: !2: 0! 9. Job! su;cirsil. ql,oo_ ---'_- n3, Pat Jus, Poerry 61[pl€, l+-tEl+l
L Vlrill Y6bnerr.
o!a' rorrt wanet. --eov F6l3l!96!--
;3r?'l;,d;"-:T:6"?'$9;"::"1'f,l;:- i !'€,r-il6-!R;-;:il;-;.-d;;-i!-x.;-irGr -:tJ;:*;,;*": Ttr)j'.i"r.113"""fu.-:Sf*;,{*J.'l;'?31 il":1i:3fl"1.#:;"fl i.i;i.lBi il'a.'' 1;;;;-i.;i;"*" *Jlll:pt"*."::;,"1i,6.,s.i*r-rii:' {vo-@ ors. dy v6' rh6y .':L'l:j cboose. s*.; sin"6is, zo,o;4.-E"i, F;;;i:;l. :r.i1;'':.::!'"1".':T::"::1''1"'l1,
:l*1,9. i!;ii'p,lH; i:,86:'3Y':ii I ;::c;#.'t;"*":ll"*'i:*:,ii"x:i n:'. I lf""l iff i:":'ir":'!:r'"*,*;*,T. ii:tig?'"ii: s'"i;'1'ttiji"iT:ii ol€'rnsrd,.61:4lr-:. yE*_x. T+ , 66:L:i a 1lr,10 you :, l]] ^.et!,.oo:).Ul :?:q:r:1,1,.rl'.j91v-"1._ l+-lllt! Rni- 1.
"lox€- & Etie
a cr@o to"
drsraDca o. rhe -um€rup !oa,, rh6a |lr's | pu.led arar on r..'r:nJ lJ6.
li":i::!:,;u,ii:-+;;"::,1;l ]i*":iis#H ;"iil{ Hffi#i!;:i: ii;s.::"i, 2l:19; 6. Rlck ctbBon. 2J:9t: 7. Ds l;_ piy yi;i ; il'ir'ill-;ilfi'sl';s: Eiitl',f: ll"E."iH"l; ii:;i;^<i, :::1?'li,Zy". 2i.,.2.!i.".Ii: B;,,iiT y,fi t"lffi],lij:s6?'*'J;#i; F:isi+:-ii-6.;ii
r: iirl,:H:*i:.m:.:",u:riritkii;,' i#sli{!#:r-lffi;rs;5j;.3iffi f Nasl' 2e:ro t;t'i, fl i'3351E1"+'ii;?f ':I;qBt'L' n*l EuJnasr, ;:,t*i. 2trjgor;r"". Jaak Ul!l1;h 10.";:te ;'d; -&
2r:rr/; -'.
cod Dobs@ & cdry
;F;;T:;.#"i.:,"11'f'l''.56'*"* Dd s6].6}aL of Bo{llne cr€n ubtv. puI-l ffiili'lel;i,,'',':;".1,{"*ffitj_o6 ::
loit ahay tlm fir aruirhd on tl6 final v.i. ... .0. ..o TOrn ,Lf_r ,o ycm slom 1an or d 0-1aD .oE6o ro taL€ t,F fo6- .'-:r. you -rr,E .ri-i6: 0c o soj:,ortr So-- stde for tho flEt ?+ nr&r before s;te-
-lili?it3::iiilrii:i:iil"lii";":rft j ;":.-:'i.'i":;. i:,I,':.1'",u"'iii:.;. .:lis'il1;ii{'t$ ;.'..' : :, :., ",'.. iili;qilil:::'.fr ":!1";1.'' " l'",:;'.ii;ii,'l:.rI"" .|;: ":,' r'i':' ,:iJl;tr-I,::y "-l'1";-i.*;l, - !i1;!'.,;, sl'" ,.[:;:" ":';. l
"" i. .';',
sill+*i;*:ll1+i5l::F ff t;i#l;rfr iT: ;ll'5 iqi'ii;,". t': I .f ",1 ;' ,''"' ;.1' li; i'';'', {;i.'.'.",;;:; ll ':,,;: . ',.i j';", ',{ll;:;:'i;,ii;,,1i., i,,';. .,,; . '.:-y :; 'r "..:..,;::ir, ;.,..,.':.,,,. : ".,i,i" ,.:" , , "" ,: .,1 l
:i- i:".t 'r,"" r".l ocr,or,." re!jcin! 3f,r irrr to ler.vc " adicos.
t.1ili" "n:rirn!' irr' i"a1 i'r i'ir' ,*1 11+l:tt!.:::'l::"' r.c..-l-1. ..ur.,
lt" r,-::
;t":,rt,,":,, _'"', t,', '""'- ." .-; " .' ,
1!. :r ti11i.-r3, :;!ij.
t. rN'rc ir.r!:Dtr, rrsc,
,.,, ,
^ ,... ., , , -r-"
a"..i.,, t|. .. -;""' sltrr'rila.c i
::iri:h!3 --
;rrst jo1l.ned ce'.
r--i -:3 !lDI'!s,
or7 =C! u1: 1i ?:00 t.rr. .t crcoEoll iE,:crco1, t-1iq:rdr. ' Itrrinir, "'c.!I3€: otrt !r ba.! for E lole 5 incllnirvj a 1u:cci.trs hr11 liil a nilc to ro. lr.ath.r: 0o do:fcos, (Lro, .sc, .: l; . -.i s. cc., y:i1: l,o .oa 1r--. :6:.); .."1 s .o 1i..", RolL-^ ses : o e,cc. 7.-3: o , .s., .3:JL. 7. dI -,bo_d. S" _-" -. -" loE3 ._.3:._:b::10. o'o.ua..:o l.-":rrd, o:l!:11, j r'. _- nl l8_o o Il"!'o. _:15: r. .. .t1, :"t-' -d '.o ..: : 1. 2!; 1i. rohn i.dhee, '34, l1:.11j 16. le., l1:[3] 17. ro}I I1nlatron. risc, f2:11r 1d. rer ra:6, ,rllit. 32:1,.; 19, la.!r tettl!e", ma., :l.l:Ur 20, G.or3. l:ajor, ua., ll:51+; 2L. Chet sa1:.lad, r.,sc, lr2:c2. hls lom x; i! lad t[1; rac€ lroh sirt :o firish. In ])eaLire 3ot Sch*f brr 2!s he r.s ,d1.1 ud.r th€ rln,. -,:i Eob .d o l:01 10 ! .e o oj E€thesda-Chely c14.e 9"0.1 !r!l..noco il.s., !:ro ulset vetere stc'ra Jachan t! a r.q tlrht f14ioh, TB-.a : o:r. ot n0. oB.'1,2.:0:.J .,.0:5j .B ': lsa., :5 I ."obDb, :. rj . -...tu:, :'.j 6. II ;: r?.c 1.,.:9;r,. ., :9; .' r r0. c..- .... -, ',.:02jJ.c"o. 1 , :-f t:l , . -:1:: , 2-.nt3 niYl:1u: (short, c1os5 jo 1 3/h rdlcs) 1. 31;urd !ee, 6:541 2. :rlc !1.k.rion! t:01j 3. l:!ka i'Jl€i:t, 9:16; 4, r.4 !r3a33e!, 9;22; 5. !-on Lmdo, 9:27; 6. Don lrie.1, 9:10; 7. trlte ruh, 9:l2j !. John lrellurd, 9:f9. (15 lisjied iJrr..h.re) --Ed orcodelL-nns!!!S 0! 3!!IION DnABr #l+ sloftored by DCIiC Tuesdayr ftr1y 18, 1967 ab 7 l.!l, ei st. Jolhrs t,C. coulsd: out & ba.l<, rerJ hiL1T, o!,ei 9-It11e Eandicab Race: qat., 1. lr.ry lel,liher, 2:lr0 2B:2! Ishv DoMilner tooli tho 1€ad 2. t€mti Patton, Tols on, 7:00 2I:L1 at the tvo-n1le nsrk & v€nt M)Lt\3 l+:1o :7:J.l .he11€nied utrl the finot !!ol l}. roln l.Iinslor, Dat., !:25 2?:15 rhs! tl.a 1od sl,ldre D.mii 32:29 [:25 28:0L ?aiton alnost .trr hlrad(rm6, I,lert Gre€nlaM, rilsc. 32:3Ll J:15 :q:1o PBtto4, r e€-rlor at lioiron 32t)!r 5:45 i6:J-6 :tsio collerj€, ,q3r riftb . qr?. ,rotn 9o!1hco, rlEC, d, Id O'C6me11, ],r'llc, 32:48 '1.€ :1- 0:. . r.r.1 33 t42 9. Hamol Gol1ar, ma,, 10, tlank xerbold, lE.l tioo 25:00 froa sclatch to take tho ttne IIsc. ro prrze. 11. orrinsto! nalrj 3ob sobarf uas 1 rcr€ 93 l4:0U co lL.:l? blck on tlhe sd tho sErrlsi4 12. 81:11 0rRe1f]y, ua.. .lL:17 ' 1]. Bot scna.l, ItSC, 3\,18 11:j0 2J:Odrr l,llLo creves !s anoiler srcat tll. ltouie Cawaletto, sa{c, 34,57 10:o0 24:5? Eco ror iLild ttns pr1z6. 35t42 11:r5 2l:+1 ../cath6r: a,am 8j derreas. 16. SieT€ Jac!3on, r'/sc, 35t25 1?, l,sotrt snith, liSC, 1d, ch,At salkind, xsc, 37.54 TnrnAE [-IlILje AA$DTCAP iACE: !. ron uEson, 23.52 21ao 5, r1n ccovs!., z'tta 3t55 2r.55 2. Ed !art, 24,10 t25 23 t53 6. auan rodrlsuoz,26:30 l:00 2.1:10 2l+tll2 2ta1 22t1+2 7. itl11 rai.6ncs, 26t)2 2t)+5 2J141 l. Tim lehtI, L. steee scbarrert,24:r2 l:20 :1.:., Joe"s a+o, l:11:1. 2-VILLq r. oc /oln I1-. cr':1. Jl - a, Lrlc ot lre. oo, , 12:OO; .. Boo Bts . a-q, :toj /. t. aso-n. orsr, 1':21: 6. Isu' a-..se€n, L:r4i 7r l"/a resan, 1: ;6. fryl o-.rtr, _ :_or d. rILB Ab!d "0.. 1 :[1: 0, 1-.! c . str, 1 :5 . ]1 rr" eil '.t lrhorA)
ixji !.;., rtehber, Darrry, ct,r 1r:l+5i ?. cdrlcs Jult rir! rurt ir rft in the l' 11:5.; o. Br5 li.J., li. J. , shared nonors on Jula Lth BettBncout, E snor(.Do€r", ,oa€r I ln lth rL,, t::j0r 12:: Elited,!x, 1r.ururel lod Freedons AE or€! s llat Getster. s!.. nrdted 9, lnrrr r_" . ol \i" s ov' over the . itr€cts ol. -rris s:circi, fiIFc, 1f:12; Ioi t1r 11€ c.Esc !+ atl€ La u; ua,, ll:lt. 5ububs vi11ap,€ l0 it1e. east .f IB! 2-1,t11o :eareie :tu- 1. lld cross, Pr.!l pack .l the iio36s, norlla denco, 1r.J., :tc:01.:j 2. !-ia sto€ll, Dor! oo 1.. oo I lo:oer :o8:.,. ||: ]:r!i_i rh.rrlion, ror*orr, 1o:o9 ":ol 2?:0j.6. xlt !a11, r-rlPC, rls 3ec.nd! son 5. Eil.L Iict,au:b1in. T.diere, 10:10; b. 15cr ba.r.. ralnt.r ls nlcrr G1id.r, rilrc, to:_:Ij ?, t.ve liiru, o '_. .0. oo.-ono 3I ,J o:1.: School!oX Divlsion. CllucL noqu., totor !c, 10:10; L0. +a4r 9. iiomen r.v,,r xc, xc. 10:38. 10:3d. rj"'t st;ln." ia3 honorcd b:r oar:f,ira riotu, tov;r Torci & liFxtinr a si11 --,--------,---------llrlli, I;:n ao4tddt l}]lnjrr R:a Sl:::f,i 9ih :)t da_', 3 icatillt1es, ?ark, ll.J. Jr1'r 16. 11167 nain troi]ldes, i.ur Btror DI.ej l]d 2J nedars r€rc arard.i lry t:r-a la.a1 rnerl nrir !et.!ior, cJI oi JulY com1tt.d, ! 2. Aftrlur ib11, rir.'..
:01.6 2:n
o'. '21+;
'-: ; o"0-do_ l .16: .. .1, ;8. 'n Al , IIr'., )"6,25, Li26:1o, La ar 9. r;In L:.!i-!,
fi:f:t"":ft.ft*:llt":';:i:i5 ii#p;:'{Lii'il: ;i;,?i:#=tf:
rlt11ro3e a'., ra:06j 25, crl c jore, lod sto61e, Doy€! Ac, lo:oei 5. pauf Bro.e Tc, TC, 19:0iJ: 19:08: 26, 26- rcf,1 Pcf,1 ikinor-3. ikinar-q run]!. 4. Blodelt.k! !1ora1 fer).. t.I.. 10:Io: 6_ 1o:2rf 27. !oD-1$ fetojs, fflc, 19:25: lav€ Ki.e, Bron, tr.r., 10:21; 7. ciarrog 2d- Mil'-€ ornst.lnoinstcln, ltest ]Jassau, llassau, 192?: 192?: 29 10:2[: 8. gnhraim ca!.ta. nlcr, !-4A. 19:12; J0. carlos (1rld6r rrair1attd In, 10:2+.lr or slor sec
tlon ncelj c. cltff Noy€s, Dov6r ac. 1o: 29; 10. Jin Irraltlud. r,osood. n.J.. 10:J0. {l< staricrs .r.rstu13 rn tu:, sectiore. ) --Joe fileinollm-nnrrorr,,{t tR. 2o-lirto ftLrMtrolrsHlp !.€a!r.n, I,Isss., ruly Lr, 19€,? l. nrhb P' r.Lrom. Sncrtd !c- bl :r2 2. 4 )by surfoot, ca.La, 6i:i5 J. :Iorim nlaAtns. lmt.. 6b:li8 refs Gleen, BD3ton AA. 4. Rry 6?!10 ILa11, Jcaa, 67t52t 6. It€n ltGl1o?. 5, ih{, bb4u: 7. r!.hsrd Hshloy, Rocheste! Tc, i,d:rb; U. raJ c!oth€rs, cCA.{. b9:19: o. rs?rr ofsBn. rnr. 69:58: 10. Dae€ Dr;s, r:yr ItETc, 70:02; 11, Ron Crsely, Flotlrlrshd4 AcJ 70:07j 12' rsfts Do1er.Jr.. M4c. 5,00Oh Toolare ,'!ob Z.lesL.l Uehoriel,'Hu 70:2J:11. crra.les Lusr Slartm nc. Zo:t!9 1. ],ar!y como1rf,, !t€!cur1y TCj 16:29,11: 14. !v6rBtt B:k6r. rtTc. 71:oLL: 1q.D.mra 3rour, ?ocEa"ter to. 71:o9r L6. Jsej 2. Bort Blordt, I,lercur'y Tc, 16:lBi l. rlorr iT der, ]rrc, r6:Lr7j Lr, Tln stocls. rry.fr, !!arru \0, 71.11j 17. Tonr sa!10_ nza, 3la, 7l:r+[J rB. nic,rsrd cordi€!. B{A_ Dovor,1C, 16150! 5. rd tuor3, rrrer -sc. 17:00; 6. DeD:!3 Uoenan, l.111hose:1X. 72:0lj 1). rot.r 3t1o€. B[ . 72jo6j :o_ 17:o0.:; 7, Darrl Thor.ion. YorxLis.ir.Y Jobn loores, BsA, 72:t6j 21. xr\tu5 lroot_ t.n, uro,, ?2:lUr 22, srucr !.braiz. 17:01j 8. Dor€ l.dJU, EroR! 17:orj 9, charlor Ilros, 1.1., L7:10; 10. CIB!1cs srrtrn ?.c, 72:91j 2J. t13ii IturM, cca{. 7J:1!i 21r.. ILyron Bir.rd', ELi, ?J:24r 2i.
rul{, uI(,21:0Oj.l2, Dr, uYfcJ ?1:08; ll. Bin stoher, i[A, 22:]c {l.t rrEt,rriz€li 3l+, xarry nuphy, rrrn, 22:55\ )5, Y-tur st.1n€r, Iff?o, 2J:1:r lb. Jtn ne]}oleo, ua., mT, Tom: 1. Ul1lros. r!,r, ?, centrel [or.a[ rc, 35t ]. lElt€dJ2j L!., 52. tioDe3..trJcc, tiYrJrs 3te! rEdc!. ron the !e14 soalred racd rrJ L70J m .nrln 'oatr1. xlth llril teters.neft€! cJTclpeb srst Dasplto the poor footlnc tJco t}okc :rls ortr pelsonal bast :or trre couee bv 17s. lle holdr tne to€na e .D!.ee mlk of 1!': tr.e, :€t lsst r.ai st 18 .raarr of a €,
n:chn.d Ia.k4rnr aaa, 72:5L; 26. Jon! c, 7L:11r 22, Rr.hard rf,a. qa. )iorin ac, 7!:5.! 28. Dawc Linto.. Eq,i. :o. 3ttrTt ntLro, 5r-r., 75:00: lo. Irqx rJ111, s!*td AC. 75:28:75:15! 11. richnrd ?o!1€y, lu1lro.o u,, 76:07j .12. r,en Ho1he8, jnicr 76:LAj 31, rod cray, :nr. 7?:21; 14. tl.h 3Tko, jnio, 77:28: 15. Rl.hdLl c1spp. t];!c. 77:5]r: 16. ral.h
1. ilercdJ
21; 2. Da\e!,
TC, llieor !dgF, i.J.r
,.r. Ac, 2d,
--Joe 1l1olerDn--
rr:nr, irarEre111. ltc, ?0:07! l?. ;u Eoes, sner!(A! ?8:21; 18. PuI 'isrlsc€, rd r.J 7d:ld; l!. Rob€ft luberror. BAn?r'l+0j Lp. Ipte! eDrlnrErt. ar.t. t9:a[: ]airoru l,lns.oit, sA,t, Bo:lJ; [2. JotD ajulh!1, B!, dl:5!; lB. ltat ciiDlnlcL, vJdt€d /i-1, dr:5or l+h. stm riedm. nrr. B2:ol 45. cratr Dtrlree, au. B2:1Ur Lb. Ber 32:!2: faleri radzre.ti.z, .cta, 83 5r. li8. L?. Frtulr xiro. rn4c.
SrlD moer\}r, JulJ 22, 196? 11:30 A.M. Yan Cortlddt Park Tracrr u4:11; 49. Robeft Russ€11. ccac. 8L:20: o!6n Z-l.nlo- 1, Ttn Mcloone, South or:x n.J., c:.l3,lr; 2. Jo€ aEdeftr. irAc.{9: 50. rd nr.ickson, E"s, 85:07; 51. Rdldd tl€r, rrAcj 116:59j 52, rolln nendtLI, l,oltl, rrdk cM!be11, lrY{c, 9:56; L, !5)! !on Ralttffe, loud ildfi€, u.Y., 10:08; hatr {c, 87:00i 53. r/in Imdotti. n1c. B?! 5. 8.r.1€ ],Jrlr1\tr s.L AC, 10:15! 6, Ke 01; tL. Don trl1r{in. ur, €7:20! t5. ih. N.Y. SU'n{m
ndi BouPns, MFX, 10:25j 7. 8ob Tallo, !7i,1 : !-6- noirari FersFr Yonksrs, 10:.lL; 8, nlchle Robinson, Yon- ntr, ,l8i40i 5?. -1p. I;Blmc, m., 69:2i: k€rs, 11:16; 9. !(1!€ O!mt!ia, t. Iasssu 5!. ruliT;t:161. tIic. 90:j: 99. prul Ac, 11:26j 10. Iat Ctruht.k. U.!-4, 11:29, sche11, .licr 90;l2r 60. Ed.lrLr cEtls. 2-il ,:0 tll! AG! nw- r. Bob sholsv. Y rnc, :!:2Jr-61: nal rrguco,,srcrt:Ac, c5: 10 kori. 9:!9.[: 2. VIn !aln, !.I. ,irc, 52; l. ccM, 59j t+. nn 61i 5. !r!{ trE'101 J. Jar.d Sind.e, 05elnins, I_.Y., 10:07: !ro 1a!, finDre b courec..1'ort bot.
?tr Patrr lloss, slartsn,{c t.o} tie ear!f, load & held it rbout a ntra. DoEtd Brolr of tho nochestcr Tc
tbe thoe rile narlr. TEan nahh Dt Suscbdd, In the reali of cordition, ersbbed tho 1€ad 'tth a f€v rsrds behhd btn. lron tlrai loiDt on BEob@m totit 1o!etho.ir!: ]]ts l€ad. lbout 20 rm€"s clopp.d out du?ilg ih€ tirst 1ap due to the lntens€ h€at. Jll. CHAIIPIoIS- 1, R"r !ra11; 2. r€n llue kr; 3. naj croth€!.,. h. Teeh- spsr Ac {chaxlcg Lane, Jd€s Uym, Brtoo Dobratz. Franlr I'.a11, Paul llo33l, --l!€d
BmNt, Sr,--
15th Ar:11J.!1 5-Unr RI,]ll. sponsored by t ve4 hot,.JurY hot,.Jurv 11. lleath€!: vett 4, I1967. Itt. Park lalk AA, A!r, 2l; 2): 2. 2, 1Jach. st!. tod: 1. Itt. tod: ]lrc. 5L!,.Ton [3: l. 3. llrc, 5[,.Ton tlo.hl,es. redals, 4l; 1. !d {orrls, BxA, 25:34j 2. Ron l'rayho' Roland connla!, r'ft.rarL B[{, 25:l+9! ]. (€Ectil liletlrd. Ea,. EJ,, 26: an, aa. 26:01: 26:olj l+. L. K? ..tu lletke, qlJ l.nr1 rr1. lr1. cr(; 26:12! L. 0h: 5. ir o\; ir,a!,r r.nr1 CL(, 261 ldJ.r Jackuc.d1.z, cc,A,!, :b::lj ?. hro 25:59; d. JMos NdrBrd Jo:€r.6, ds., I,lt. 27:ooj 9. tares tsrl..!-4, ',Iausltz, christias.4j ns, 27:?rj ro. Ro33 rlcnr€. Ds., 27:40; 12. Charl€s nobttn3, sdre13ien, 1rs, 2?:|l.]r I]. ??u1 sdce13ien, rl]rm. 27:Ui !i1to t, I sr 27r47j 27r1r7 15. 2?:l+5; 14. stere lilto 27:l+5; Russell lioLt, l'.t.tclk 1A, 2U:0U; 16. st€rs noLEn, l$ro, 28:16j 17. Glry r'ore l:t. r...n AI. 2B:zoi 23:20: l3lrucc sarnk. Bamk, Itt, 18. !!ucc Bosron AA, 1c 2B:26: 19, JdPs Jfles l_lcbols, liichols, lllicj rark aa. ra?k AA, 2B:26! t8:l1j 20. Jolu Jrr€k, Ilt.PBrk A). 2b: r .. 2B:50; 24:<o: 2222. Brudc 21. Franlr rriro, nlc. ntdt Co!.lon, 0fj 2f. ntdt tld"lch. ba., 29:0fj 2L. Ilartd ltozlorski, ua,j \a.. 29.23] -zi.1:, tiii29:31 sa.', 2e:3i 2s:?<: Ucriu1ta. na., r"n"rt:, iili 1, 2<- \i11!1@ Ili.rPrlr u., 2<: i:rtlbo,Jr., 24. Jo:clh ,(. :?. :t rerry r-"rm Rtrzzo, Rtr2zo- c^L,, cr,L,. 2q:j1i 29i51: 2r. h6: !r|erd rvo ,l c, 2o:ri: ,rc, 2o:15: l'. 1.. !lrr ir- rrurr.tr, 29:56! 29.56t 10, reil ltft.?rf} ?a!rr hI, .hak. rt. chak. 34. rrtin 'r, (60 Iinrihcrs) rhlshcr: oanaia. ni. l0:15, Don6id, I::c, j-r,El,]r ltoro r!ll, IIr rfln!:,"n, llure., l-,!Errr ltorD JDlx 4, 1.67 {27 strrte!3, 22 fti.i. s310r lli, 14:42i 2. r. i1,me rhonfsor., Joselh:ut1€r, grocrrtor ls, 15:ld; i. rGn !o.tln, Bro.rtor r$, 15:21;
r\a8lloen lealon ot Southbrldge, Uass.
33:2. rltic,37; ), !,\,,,5a. 1, 8.1!h lE.ltdr, Erar:m rr.i 64:22 2. Ja , ljJrd, Suarran ;.C, 9A:A?J, cL.rles tand, Slafian 14, 90:51 tsrc turr!r, lroltheast.rn rc,94:50 lr. 5. r:lih erdi, rrrt.ralll€ r!c. t5:Lf ri. -ro.9i,c1o,, IL"lo. {,J .6:lr. :,x, .6:50j r- !l 7. trm6. como.,.7:1b; .. iqr.,u.taas., ,c, DdoJ,J.., rr,.7.5€: r.t fna., a6:r..: 11. ni.1 ;3rL.r lJllc, )d:11. 12, Lsr"r c1,, er, j,c, .B:U; 11, ?-r r.r!rF, 9l:5Lii 1l+. Dsro llntonJ I-1, ,n 02. r5, itar !i,eireE, lilic. 99:oBi 1.. rrrtn!! nuLonN, s!:rts1,c, 1c0:02'1?. 'a.." rt.r!. son. s31en.((.. 1r0:to; 1u. J.LD corlihrn 3oetd! ra, lol:3Ej 19. ?o7.' sdrJj€!' li:cj 103:52; 20. stuari /idrrr !,!i, 1o4:01j 21. Johr to.ras. LLl. l-Ol+:f1; 22. laul 3che11, iilic, lolf:1.2i 21. Rl.hsrd:dclrud, Ln, 1o5:l:5j 21.. riilliu !.r1cr, ua.' {c, r.5:51j 25, Ja) "1i n, rrotr lq-]]e! 10?:LC: 26. I::.r ,,.rDi_:, rLC, lOr:17j :c, ::j6; ri. 1 27. !"u1 ,ior , -rr ::r itt11i:n;1@sj sr.rial ;.c, 11[:25: 2t. .l.rmd Podro:rt, !n:c, r1r:15i 10. r$ lrdrdo, s!rt! -C, u9:1tj 11, !iL1 uarl1c !: 12. !J.!' ,1r. in, i, LJ:r7i lJ. nDr,:t rr:FJ 9.o:lirr-..r-j0, 12j:oaj 'L. rr.a lhrolar 31.'., 12i!:Ju li. }.nrie r.r :f! .nlcr 127:28j ib. lj1.y 01 s, , c, 155:16j J?, ros.lb l7nch, lnc. iloir..,.!iou: a doz.l n€n Si;rdried otl rs e1t.a distancc {rl'!c's one slartan ,{c r1a. to! n.! .f the B/'Jr) dF to bea:11:.!:oi there on tin€. Thd firsi ihree r5 !usct!@D r€cotved ! fln. irophy ana s nofthddtte a,r1z€. ,r11 o*.r flnishers !ec€lved n€rchsldts€, 2-rr "f i!11, rar6o BIde., ollnric Dan. Tarrtr1v 10, 1947 10:02 1. !Jli nin.ston. ro:02 I n:o1 :Jo 9t)7\J) 2. ro:r Auir}, 10.15 :10 Diclr l.lr,hoaey, 9:45 L 10:1? 1:15 o:0211) [. s. i]rlie. q- K.n ?al.e. 10:19 1:oo 9:19{21 10:lo :l+t o:!l Z. P"r r.r,:.i., - -' ,:rffi -;!1i;-;;;;;;i;;. r;,"-1i,,,21 15 xithout nm-
3talters, !]qs atoui rrcd 1t the Eq. Dav1,-l !.rn6, 9:lr4 l]it c:rtr! rz) ]Josu, aaa, 16:00j 9. BcIt ljaYtrMd, be. r. 2. Dlc!. I,Iahcney, 10:2? ri1 1o:2? Fr@tnshM Aeh€brdidr Fr@trshm 16:lEr 10. DicV aeh€brdid. l. Jold QDlrk, 10:27 lr11 10:27 H:'ii,13: "'"' L. fudce 3trttorlo.th,:29 :10 q:5c !1'1tao"., la:L,a rl0 1a:l: i.;- t1!1d rr-{A4r, 25-Ic1,o ctalFrolissr! q 04u Rml au:)r Jol-n Boofas, ru:r! I ra o:2ij I""HY"i:;'i::,:T!TI9':i'l"h:'""i"* (11 1L:26 2:Jo !r. JDrr linn. ed b, tlD ltsrrcficrJ tu{3..licld q9. ,r""ti,!:1'"':I 3A
bars lbo jM!3d inta tho
ej colo:llpo ru a rB-\ p2tp\ \1:qo l.r. o" , 5_[.]r_ RFX 2j. U€s C Ist_ 22:Ar \6,.t2 ",r. 'I]tK i1_/: rdl]\Hrrs .-T |{$K ot 2 :20.1 2L, rno c."eo;s, 22t)2 2O::9O 5'o16 rLat. oF. er-D?rvo- 0. dlrrs - 25. Jo}J Blsj., 22tho tA:V re.ord "t.l -6. r€If cslgd, 22:L9 IAtL9 3 fasf '5:20.i. ll' Nss uo1l u.€r Ie. I 7. Itl l.o DoPltosL, 22:5? 20:25 coul€rp 's .ou-s€ r6co.d oJ 5:j6. rrojd rb. clon I€"Ltu, 2t:'t .7.1!, cooktr o- calt"or ta ras 20, ov- a {-, 20, Id Burl, 2\t2! r9t)5 be tnd I B hte. "Lsrns ller-lE..s. sL6r€ Ku€y, 25t^O 2It2B Jo, -. sLa?6 lla"-\6!e, 25:20.1; 2. tloyd J. BLa!-cod!l!, 26:26; .1. toty Lm, 26:JL: lr, ------------ --Jolh rrot vae6so€s, 26tlbt 5, c&a F.e-5o.. att:ct]l,c ro n11T0j{4! Arrlt sx]{l0R 25-x!o 27tV. 6. rtd llcrltmey, (s sLe 3.s. dld (HAl4PIo,s IP Rsx, . a Lbuqerque, tt6u Mexlco 9\enplon) 2?:1dr 7, t'llko Cr6aapro, 27:Frseotente! a, 1967 9 a.t4. ALrtLuito of u. carl o{czdzaL, 27:52, 9. ret6 vM corse, 6,500-7,000 reet. conrscL: Joh! alsdals, 28!o8j 10. Joo ar-azora, 28:,or L po , 707 rar,.atdd ctlc1s. sE. AtblouorI1. ],os ^-1s!, 21t25i t). rL7y. Bur1. )0: qre, xor v*tco, B? 08. l?j 1]. Lsa cou-ke!, 28:L/r 11. -revo Irsrry, 29:50; 15, Jld -rsh, )0:08; olr.ttrllc HEF-, Jut' 9 & 10rb at 16. Kr0rsArou Blark.ll. 10:21 (13- o!e! j7 auard) iE u. "D. ol'!'q6a3 stadlu I^ rarohca. 17. Ld {o61of , J0:2B! B. fln Usl,r€rs. S". Eoys nJIs- 1. P6lra-so!, wl.bll,a. lo:lr1; t9. Lon Bu1lr l0:58! .0. 5d 1\12?.\i 2. Dsra, tarr€y arprr. L:29,1: l. cr'st, l1:21j )1. T€tIs c'up€, 3l:'9; iY'tsll, lt. Xr3a3 Ic, Ir:2c.lr.,sr. cl!1s '2, T-o c) rer, ron slke, lduo- 1. t{a!lo"r. rrsssd, v.cblta, 2:t2.2. lrrL0i l. _l:!o;2L. Dr. al4 \,Is .s, l!:2!; 9. 's_, Boys udo- , vlson, Iopoe, 1:58.1. Jobr cs lsno, 35:)7: 2t, s ana cdo"b. ! . ll€ v,al lr- 1. Rlc@ld Roro, vlcc. d6-k1, r0:t0i 26. lb:r.2.L. )6:j9, 27. sJetu:. $ rnt.-.J-.. j8:58r 9, .,1. c- oe-. Jult , -6 crosd€. nrsss- t{@o!'s 88o,-., [.]:00. . vutJ Rosers, ToleLa c.src, 2:U.o --Jo'h J, B_dlr-rje l, I,a c.osqs. Idlsas- open lokd ---. ------------.1 ,odr ("{LLclJD jt.t- t}Nt:tcco -r_ jt ptrr l\,ralt- , Jo}h Rose, rrK'c, 6-:5ru uastJn, o. !s-tr. DA-v5!. s, oae. Ju1,91 J , U, tuCfoss". y\ls05_ J!.2_M..€ Jotu ct11Md !s " s ssdr 18:J o,i- roao Ru- I. alM Polz, Etllh ood, Io:99,9 l?, Dartd usrra, Irobs, 11:02; J. JIr !31_ rrac.har., ro.o,d. b; .-oe ..s ta.r su_ ln9-, tro s. 11:10; |r, paul rds, h'KI,c,12: 'or1 oar'e lufuo-, ur €. 11 fhe D " el | Ou.F: 5, Dd h6.ru, lmc, ur:02, JI. $e.'r. r'lsr "rnon, I J!.2-!rM 0-r1t16 It€la!- l. Jrr EoLd6! & BcrGl . r" oc U:Ll, JL"- 1,. o ,.s lDartd !i3In, Lyoos, th:U,lj 2. De EeFo. l@r & Pa l Io€, 64:P, .J. tule PtLe & l'sy Vl^he-s rM d ss, t9:tt2 ro ., o!lc-d Tboa, dl.:11.5. o! bor els.s! c61I rn a l-dLs ru Jor I July l5r La cporse. /s.- J-. J-I.allo Fs . Jo n E11 o , ]!roc, r6:59.5j 2. Jtn 4 t.'n. errlo, 1. Jolh ca1lod, 20:rl" t8:J1/:o0.5i l. Dav'd rlgke, LJohs, 17:0?i l+, Jc".y sd-t.h, t&tc, l7r09j 2. Loon shobor-€!, o:\9 at.t a erl Blddsr . vrcc; 6, ?aDI lae, VmC. ceo!;6 2o:cl 1/:qo Ru, l. -1:o0 L. ld Br:nmM. 1?:00 _r:or j. nrck Ro;€rs: '6:36 . )aD u,rlru{L r,1 cRossF, {ANsAs 1o-r{rr,E Ron-D nacE! Julv 29, lo67 b. A s Uaa.s. 21:12 19:/ 5-t11, lo-!{i, ord Lod,'l,, alstrda Tc,26:31. 55:oo,l r:,7 L:L1" ?. stee. MsrtiEls,rl:21 '. \rart John 2. I'l€son, x&.ac' 26t56 56,15 8. Torn Orutols. 16:J J. vsl v6!zer. cottunst ar 1c,27tL6 g?:tg 9. rad iDrre"21:,0 lg:ola srr1, ro. clen hDle;on. 21:Ltr '6: I s."orz, K!fuas slsL6,?7:16 9?:lr7 14. 11.Le6n€ crer, 2!,i I7:)9 Lq. cu1 cr.zs /av, coatrh.lc, 2A:o9 57tt6 t8:12 12. Dan c^:ids. 21:i8 16. ]'ros DuiLo!, u.yssas 'c, 23:ltr 60:12 .t:to t?,19 rohr tos€, u. Ks!"as Tc, 10:12 62:25 r], Js! c!.!s.€: l?. 6. Aro l.lrhs os' u.K.rc. 30:'o 62:3q !. v€m rusriir. 2\:t2 ?t^9 15. Darld 3r L1oe. 1:5r 15:96 La. Gren !op-€s or, D8fle!, 2c:20 63:2d o. Dscld BJnklot, coldsD.colo_sdo. 16. \or s ,a. 1a:00 '1:54 26:50 69:lu 1?. Pooelt c!a,. 2I:EL 17:\6 | €. rrn r.rcKrDai. ,:0L rb: rr 111, R,.hs!d noso, Lr'L'rc, )t+t)o 72:oL .9. "rch va-,so;r, 2.:o; 15:26 rorer_Bln€bzn,_D€.,a"-rc,3'],top llc, _y Be r.uvo, cofden,col6.,r):\d 12.4 2_:lo f:Lo r5:>r lLr. rF sntth' !'erc, 15t52 1b:aa ,i: BrrI iilr re,J-., 22:18 10:21. l1rI' "r .5. B'11 hIL€, D€rvoi rc, l8 8):l+6 J8:
;;;;+ g;* l":$lii.ii:i;:li;iii fr-s' sL . € y:i*:iiifillii:li._ e. ol1e ol._.r .s. lrr-, -r.. h:" ,,i!r .osr o1eD.ed.o urJ. r,1.,h--3 s _ r,, ..r"! -1.:::1 ?,1'l*ll ;'l',1" "j:.1', 7; "i;"";*n] ":";""J" i" i::,;,"!.:i:: ffi*, :,i:"" i.i: :? j:-;".;:j" :,,. lli"l;':, I-orli:";" :';y,pooy;oios' s, 1otrv :;.","".,: :": ::. "'..^"i:'r ;_;li!: ;il i!;liiil,1r".i3l;- ,1':.".,i 1 ;;:t. " !iili:,1:,]s:?:lv'.'d;; ",;il "ll'r., f ::::ft :"ii:',:,tlti:'t,;':",:*l';1,: .' -: .18 J. x. ro i_
r.5"e 01,, R
;::.:'fjl;:i;;i:{;;i:Tti-ilr;"";""i *iit"ai #, *dilli'11illl"ii:ili:i 4:
*i";,*":;"'e'i:il',;':{":::;".**"- f;iidt r! l
i5:,1rr" 1.q
iri1",,.,,;3iti.1..:;LiTit"" .!,
I. :1... ; lr. . o n -r-.
. -111. ).C., O: 1: 16. !d _o,run, s:sr u.. -':Q7: 7. Ji. ,r' nr'--s, c e€1.1 d " no D..s \'-:o'"....xud o, l. ., 6!:9r. B.ortlDo, ., oI o rr -" so, _-d -.t hc y. , 'o ( :00J, c .0,. .. t o ou sDuxs: 5:20. 11:00" 15:1r9. 22t3a, 28t:'a ris
;ro.. o);:
o po.s,..o-
i,.r; ,.t,.,.:,
.o b ..
o": o cs6 as e o) or rts sorho o es ..-asoohono . _:tL.o. , ,.. Do .s,.lcrl .o iace: 6d oJ oaq";o'
'T6-22 noAD SUttt{f["
lst,f st,fst !
lerfect tr5t!1rs 6ho6. Sot.b u.l€r bal1 ud bo€1 virfu!,1]y elinlEtos load shock, reduces leg f4t1eue, sd e1ed6 aealnet lnlateE!
sror€€ ntil-so16,
Tfl! tIIXSl Etun R4CIltG ,il].In CnOSS coumnY sHoe rJ{ a\LTtlct. {rTX IEIS AXIAZIIC 1rrr! ]: 4 of frr6t 6, 1964 o\n:,c ]taratho! 5 of ftret 6. 1965 noeton eathor t-2-)-4, 1966 lostob Merethor Ylodd!s fet€st l@ethon, 2:12:00 3 of first 4, 1965 lt€et II@. !1arathoD l6t, f966 !ast. Reg. erailoh che!€ l6t, 1966 IC4A Clo€s Coutry Che,4)a 15t t€@, f965 NCArt CoIl, I-C C1@!B 16t t€@, 1966 NC,l,{ Coll. X-C C!&!e 4 of flet 5, 1965 Aluosa italathon 4 of ftrst 6, 1966 H6*t-of ,ll€!1cs ]st, Nos lr€ldd Schootboy X-C C]@!6 [t44y, iaqy, !41y nor6 codelonco, !6Aloaa1j ed dktrlct tltl€€ won
tlRItE loa ovi !!sx TIGIR lnogHunn, lll' ouR coMPLlT!
tlm 0! slIlJS,
9At =
av!.tl/!n!_E ot(lY tRod!
DLAE NIBBON SPONTS nsq (Erdrtivo u. s.
1213) 3e3 1a25
B.c@. ot a ?IGER slz6 I@1@€' lt 1s advasablo to o?dd TIcnR gLo6d iL .ir€ SMAIiLAR th@ E!41 t!&k sbo6 5lz€. P1€aEe sdat 75t for logtag€.