voLuME t3
OTYMPIC BOUND Tracy Smith and Van Nelson
10,000 Meters
a ?
U, No. I52, Aueust 1968 subscr,lptlon Ratosr $lr.oo a year. Add gl.OO per y6ar ror for rsr lst c-Lasa class nall narr or g5.oo $t.oo per D;r y€ar v€ar for Alr Ms1l s1l 1n U.s.A. & cenada. Str€ie c;pr€ c;pt€s5ol. Edltor: E. BlomJna ,Ro.s, 305 ;. c;;;;; Votu'ne
08096 (609-8115-5061)
- ?leaso k6€p us nottft6d of cu-4ent address, LDL cannot bo forwsrdod.
CLASSI{IID IDIB fJsEr{Lrns cdv6rrtss you! ev6nt or arErcre I'or sa-Le to :n.rFas6 your eEtrles & €alos. ($1.00 ror 15 uords. lncti'dlna nMe and addrass...sy' each aodLL.Lonal dord. ) FoSTIR SOIIS 0F PMS I€Alt- by Johrl R, Roso Tbls professlonally publish6d, baral-bounal book covsrs the colnplets htstory of ih6 PtL€s peak uarathon for tho ftrst 12 y6ars. It ;ontalns th6 conlpl€t€ resul.ts of every dtvlston, ove! 30 photograDhs, ls 1?0 pag€s long, and Atves a conptot€ account o' how the racs uas slart€d & hol' each lace {as run. lllLce ls $5,50. s€nd oroers to:, Jo4n Ros€, Box 728, La Cr,oss6,
o/ 540 ^dsaa OIYIIIIA CROSS COUIIIRY CI,INIC I{OTES it Tho nost conp].eto book 6v6! wrlirtsn on country. xFlft6en top cotlsge and htSh orsoss country coaches are contributors. +It covels organtzatlon, prornotlon, adnlnlstretton, va?1ous tralntng nothods, fron fartf,ok to lnt6rva1 tr€.lrina, techntque, sports n€dlclne, tactlcs and stretoAy, organlzatlon artd "!6et soctlon on c?o5s {or'kout prograns! *6p€c1a1 country sklil1a for vint€r tratntng of dtstaice -qLL FOR oNLlr S2.50 fr,on l.D. Loa. ANNOIINCING 3RD ANIIIUAL fRI.STATES MARATEON
in parts of thr's6 stat€B- Mlssourt, (ansas & l{ebraska, olydpLc styls ftntsh: course r'€cord: 2:LJ:tlr br Carl oBcza-zak. Dab6: october 20. 1968 B:00 A.M. For nor6 Info.ratlon conbact Lo;ts Frttz, Vo!'don, Nebraska 681.197. Run
olfficul! catonsrllle coi'so ulth a c1rcul;r
loop, Hil1y co'r36 where the oatlra rac€ can be se6n fron th€ htLl. that 1s iho siar't & flnlsb. DA-E: Sunday, oc"ob6r 6, 1968 PLACE: catons!111-e, Marylano (Just {6st ol Baltlnore). mosRAM: 1:00 P.14. 6-l"1t1e ope]l cross-oountry 2:00 ?.M. 6-ui1e Natlonal RRC x-C cb$DtonshtD(l+o & over; ,o & ovor; 60 & over'; ?o &ov€r) 3!o0 P.M. Won6lie I }dLe ov€r & urd€r 25 3130 P.M. RF'lrL 2 n]lrss L:oo P.M. 9-l-2 yoarls 2-xt1e & B & (md6r 1 ndl"e TROPIIIES TO ALL FINTSH!]RS JN ALL RACES 2}iD ATNUAL BEACEES KIWANIS BOARDIfAI,II A.A.U I4ARATHoN AsD WoLl{rs o?EN 5-mLE nAcE. Ladl6s
riay run narathon. sopt. 21st, $oon,
at ?entrT
olIIAnrO AAU CBoSS-COUI{IRY CEAMPTONSEIPS. Men I 3 open 6 ni].es, 19 year boys 4 nt1€s, 17 yoars boys 3 nt16s, 2 n1l"€s for L5 ye€.r old boyg, lronanrs open, f nlle for L3 yoar-oLal boys andl gtrl"s, and 11 year-old boy8 and stfLs. sntry forns for above n66ts fron Sy Mab, 109 Norton Ave,, W111o'dalo, (Toronto), ontarto, caaada, IIATIOILCI, RBC MAIATHON CIX\MPIOI{EEIP, S'rnday,
October 2?. 1968 1:OO r,M. Faln.dount Park. Ptlt]"a.. Pa, Report to Plalsted 11411, xast-Rlv€r Drive. Post ontrlos acc€pted.
Alsose. Co1o., sunday, Aia. 18_ Itorld your8 srrlprlsed a-LI oy turytlng up at Atsrdosa fo} ^6 Otynptc tr1al & vh6n the rt. 6vent ;as 'naratbon ov6r th€ Broat casa crande,2546 Arl zona schoof reacher saa a c16ar 59s vtctor over K6n I.loore, Natlonal AAU X-Courr"v Chah-t FolL;si.€ Moors L" t"" ii,i!"-ii#-iiii^. a"_ fondtns Nahlonsl AAU challplon, Ron Daus of l,Erbeapolls. AU Lhr€e won r:eir,tis on tne dld hts tralrEna ln Fraasta-f, arlzona, ^Jgye, "u9 statod b€ ee not sure tf ne wouiA conpeto ln th€- narsEbon vhll€ at the OIfn_ plcs as h6 rs baslcatly a sleeptocheser: rrre runn6r_up perfo!rer, floore, Js -!1K6w1s€ r1o! a oarathone! regulsrly and also tndr;at_ od ln€t he-nay not Eartlclpat6 1n the long Iun !|h€n Olydpic tlne rol1s sround. do tsantlc4patjng Lhe trtsls ar Lake Ts]1oe tn his ravorlr€ rac6 - 10,000n. Aft€rnates for t^s Olynplc toan were ns.red as t'ob D€1nes of pasadona, Csttf., Ste!6 r!_ratthous of D€nvor and Ed Wlnro.!' of Batar1a, l{€v York. a! I p.n. n6ar rhe Ailm Sbate -B€Atn'rin8 Lo-L Le66 canous, th€ classlc uas sta-t€d !,1+h r -LJ ol tlle orlgtnal L29 !6e1st6red runners ro€rng rho un6. only 6J of fh6 sls-tefs Here ablo to flntsh the raco as th€ altltudo &-tho usual craraps, bl1sl6rs, etc, ott'1lnat_ qd )o lunnerg ( lncludl,€ nMt top stars) rron tl1o conpe bltlon. Ih€ run.ers aan <-2_ nlfe loob etve Lires, Lhen aod6d 385y,arle wearl1er uas not unduly wsrm desplte xt e Drlgnr s dnshln€. I!'lsb narathonor, Pat UcMahon & urtmofin G€rry Gsrcta of Eastern Now }le]ico Ju..m6d out ot an earlJ lead & ran a borrld'28:Il rsE rap. Er6v6n rr:rrnors fier€ bunched Letf. The socond lap $rss st1ll a bllsEerjrd ""forwlth Ken Moore novlns Jrto tF. i"*o-Trin It1n6 of 57:3d. K€rry ?€srce & ?at Mclrshon ve-e cLose bohlnd, tearco 1ed at th-ee laps ln 1:2d:32 es Bi1ly l4l11s & Anby Burcoot cau6d lt a oay. Ihe fourbb tao'saH Xen Iroore^Fo\€ bsck 'rto the load ;rcb a clne of r:>o:uJ. JounA xas lutr1r€ ln socolrd placo. Du!tnA th6 flfth 1ap, s6veral posltl;n changes 1610 nade, and sone sere ph6aon€n.1 as loung roved o'rt to v.Lctory, br6allh€ lhe courss -€cord or 2:j9:51 sor by .proeious wayne Van Ds116n tn 1967The tean chE1plonshlp Uent !o th6 powerJul TuJn Cltles TC or Daus, ,lon He.lnoren snd G€!a1d Snlth, The southern Ca_ ifolnia Srfid_ er's & D€nver TC rralfedAn atards banqu6t, wldch uas atterra, LT toun r6sr.r6nbs a" u"p e,iu-ll;ii"iir", "" i'"n was held at Adans SLst€'s ca;6ter1a Lo Drssent tb€ top tnoleidual trophies and n6la1s along uLth th6 top Lhr6€ t6an lropftes. Ullner Lodee, Nat'1. T&S Chatman r! conJunctlon vtth T60 Eayd€n, Ulke por-aoova and Aldo Scandurra of ttr6 AAU Lon6 Dlstance Connttteo, intllcated Lhat tbls e!€nf. coordinat€d by Buddy Edelen, uas an oxtrenely !,,e11 run & colorful lrtat & one of the f:i6sr 6te! hold ln thts colurt]'y. T6an scorlng: t. TcTc, i-5-12--l_8: 2. SC strtd6r-s.t 21; 3. Denver rc, l-8-14-- -2-!-15-z>; a. fllr_Lnose AA, 6_7-13__26: 5. ssnta Barbara c-Lass sts6ptechaser, O€orgo
AC, 9-Io-11--30.
George youn8,
lA, 3:50:55; 50. taUn Coo:rt, 2 3t52tort 6I. wl]"Llan l,anb, uda., Sepulvetla, callf ., 3r55.29t 62. A.lan EaaB r Hnct'la College, SaD Ir&rho, CaIIf ., 3:57:55t 63. R. Klrktatrlck, U. of Colorsdo, 3:58:54. Sa4te llonlca
Clertle, A!1zoaa, 2 | 30.1r8
2. Ke[ Moore, C]regoo TCr EbAeoe, OreAoD, 2:31:47 3. Ron Dsl|E, Tvttr Cttles TC, l,tlDrea?o1t3,2:33 r09 l+, Bob Detnes, SC Strlilers, ?a6aileaa, 2:33:13 5. Stel€ Iraithefs, Denver TC, Cololado, 2:33:f 5. Id {lDrov, Itev York AC, 2;31:51 ?. Nlck K1tt, 8C Strld.ers, Ips Argetes, 2:35rO9 8. Doug Wlebe, Paclflc Coaslr Club/lFA, 2:35:31 2t35tl\ 9. 8L11 Clark, ItSli{C, QusntLco, Va., 10. Jeffr€y ieneau, Bo6toa AA, Iaconla,$.f,., 2:38:45j 1f. I@ EoftuaD, vbLte{ater fC, Fort Atkinao!, wisc., 2t4lt54j 12. EaL C€deDa, Hlgb Slerla IC, leke!8fl€Ll, Cell.f., 2:42:25; 13. lob Scbarf, washtus:ton Spor.t Club, 2:4,:49, 14. T€m Eetaonen, Ic1t, ulnueaI,olls, 2:!3:30; 15. Steye
Saa DteAo TC,
In srMatlon a quote frotr Budaty Edeled: "1!e gr€atest natlolal AAO lfarathod everj Le lut on or1e lell of e abori "
Colorado gprtn8s, Colo., SutLay, Aug. l+- Recorils vele troke! la evely age dlvlsio! by tlle wlnrera of tle Plkes Peak Marathon. Steve Cechul)la, 25, oaptureal th€ 26.8-811e race for th€ tblrd t14€ r.lth a clocklog of 3 hou!6, 39 nlElrte6 and lr7s. Th16 ras a fautsEtLc 10 al!s. ]8s faBte! thE$ hls recora of last yeer, In the Cachultn, una., JeEez Pueblo, N.f., 2:l+3:51+; 15. 13 dfe 7,537 ft. aacedt, Ciachupln af6o hullg up a aev lecota of 2:!r:55, 4:2lr raster thar he dld oeqr l.{u}rcke, !ll}11066 AA, Ir€eI)ort, N.Y., 2r4J+: 56; 17, Wsyne Van DeILeIl, mTC, Voodlako, CaUf,, last year. Ihe l3th aa )aI race starteil at tbe Yenltou.Cog 2tl+rt26j I8. Alt Cooltdge, 3AA, 8cotl.s, lf.i., nR aletot a-t 7:30 A.U. 1D cool, 5, veathe! (at 2t)+5ru+; L9, Don Itkttr, Paetflc coast club/USA, the dlov.tovtr fldlsh lt rrss 85-. Elghiy oDe r.efe 2)+6$3t n. Jl'l l.{cDo4s€h, }llLlrose AA' Blobx, N.Y,, 2:45:30; 21. n'loyd God\drx, Denvet Ic, 2r49i on tbe stertlDg fbe. zat 22. @r ltlllLaIr!, wasbl-E€loa Slort Club,2:49: Fra.k AnlJo, 18, Jenez lrdtan VflraAe, NoI. l.Gxtco, establlsbed a nev record of 2:37:25 for the ,6t 23. 1jE'rryl Beard.all, lrarln AC, ganta Rosa, 13 dle race up Barr lEe ln the Jurlor alll/L8lon Ca1tf., 2:50:05j 24. &E Vslx tgaen, Senta Dar-ages 16 thlowh f8. l,tlke ltll-lei, 15, Gr€nd Jrll2:50:21; 25. Jo3e Doneg bara AC, Yentura, Callf., ctloo, $tabl16hedl a nel. recoftL of 3:17:03 tD tbe Sallts Sarbara AC, 2:5e:43; 26. Il1Utsn BfeFott, DtvtrX@, 12-f5 l.cs$. Tbe 6e$1or I,li-tle SrltcheE lhxa. of ok1ehotra, Iavlon, C&l.a,,2153t\6t 27. ,I'aE voa ty Rev. Flrbert allvislo! l{orga!, l+5, seaCiabe PctroDl, SanrB Barbara AC, 2t53t55t 28. tose la!€1a, una., Sarstos, C9LIf. 2r54t47t 29. ford, Delavale, 1D the tlee of 3123:58, also a rci' Iecord. llhere veie tvo alivl.alon8 of tbe 01d g.ron lrv]y, una,, Lsncaste!, Callf' ., 2:54:54i Vtlbur A.'nold, 53, Pueblo, recordeal a 30. Charle€ CcGefort, Dules IC, Ldtslra, 2:55:24 Ttrner's anA for tle 50-59 Ege stotrp vhite RuEy FeLI, 3:4ei05 31. KeEneth xatzer, Comhl3ker R.R.C., dncoln, n€.nager of, the,annual classic, aad€ the to! ?0,. San TC, 2:56:31, BlL Gooktn, DleSo trebraska, 32. at39t25 ln ia the m & ov€r a8e group. 2t57tllt 33. Gereld. Sntth, TCTC, Nlnneatof,l.5, Aaong tbe ftr8t t$elye flnl'Ebera, fou! runlers gatrder, 2tr7:2Ot 9+. Iorbert utLlrose !A, 215?:39 Alanosa's rerre fr@ OlyDrplc hlgh altltude tratD2rr9:37; Ricbard 35. G€ry Pier6or!, Ilenyer TC, 35. 1na cs,!q) (-Anby Buffoot, Ed. Wtrrov, (kry M]h.rcke Vafeailes, IleEver lt, 3:Or:40j 3?. BI M.d, SJIC, & 3ob Detn$), l"olhles & neilald rere al.a1.d.eil at Da'exel H111, Pa., 3:02:30; 38. &n l.{aiheYB' De!goale Sp!1r96 ?aik by na8 ter of, cereeonles R. Geoyei lC, 3102:57; 39. Ed Valkritz, l{t.?ark lA, e€sLste4 by 3ob litason, pteslileat of Ilatlley, Ma6s., 3:04:23i 40. Tcu Sqtder, co!trhusk- lge Sllvole,gprtDAs the l&nttou 3uffalo Clirb that al|orllored. :eF nRC, Ilacoln, [ebraska, 3:Ol+r5?; 41. Eva! yesr's the eirent. treral Daratlon I.ILL be heLl on $dth, SEohcml6h lt, tis{fsvl1le, Wash., 3:05:02; l+2.''!r. Jobn Psg11sno, seDlors Tc, Paeadeaa, .csl. Eunilay, Au€r8t IOth & Ru{y f'ahf r.llL alov the qf lrevlou6 laeed & bhe recott breaker the l:o5:lo; 43. t. PeterBon, ('[ty. of clblcaao, Ipck- flLDa nlgbt before tbe !ace. (Cachulll.u ls 25-years_o1d, porb, lLL., 3:0?:!3, 4lr, Sruce eutlrte, Ads&s St. AaceDt 5'3" & r'elsbs 135 lbB.) alseosa, colo.,.3:o?:l+8; l+5. peter llan€oB, uns., Z;i855 ?uebf,o, lt.M., r. steren eacnuprn, Jenez CoLfax, Callf-, 3to9t22t M, Robert Lore, Deover trtp--3:39:47 Record. 26.8-r11e lound TC, 3rLLr25; 47, Ceorge Eriauark, 5C Strlaer3, 2, Galy Pterso!, 31, Cofora4o SpriDgs, 2:39:50 MortebeLlo, CaUf., 3tLL:52; 48. rx.lr Uaerson, 4rt3|34 SaEta larlara AC, 3:15:00; )+9. Jobn Suarez, 3t6I'rark Anl.lo, i.8, .Tenez Pueblo, N.M., 2:37:26 3. bee, ,q.:rlzoDe, 3tL6i25: 50. RusseLL XoIt' l{l{C, 4:13: L4 Sprtlgf 1e1d., lra8s., 3 :20 :13; 51. Tcm I'tndley, \. lpu Frttz, 25, Verdon, Nebraska, 2tlt5.5o ohlo Ic, Col&bua, oLLo, 3:2I:11j 52. wl].tlan 4t23tO2 ?eck, una., l{asco, CalXf., 3122:38; 53. nsl1lyn Al l.{aehaE, 2?, Elrleka, Ka$a€, 2:43:37 4:33:39 ,. Sstray, WSU, SpoLaae' Llasb., 3:32:34; 54. Sruee 5. Earold 3rt6tol, 21+, Frlsco, go1o., 2:rl:10 IFSudaIe, Atlants,, Ge,, 3137:49, 95. Dr. IFrry 4:35:37 Boles, fCTC, i{tnn., 3:38:22; 56. Jerry latr{, ?, ,tuibros€ Burfoot, Croton, Conn.,2:35:19 4:35+0 Eouston Etrltlers, 3t4at54j 57. Al,bert Sel'elf,, 2t3r28 \':37 t35 8. Ed wtErov, 30, NrAc, Flsk Unlversity, 3t\5t36i ,8. RlcL vesquez, gr. qJ M 2,52134 \':47t55 Millrose Cary ltuhcke, 9. TC, ?lco Rlvera, Carf,, 3:49118; 59. Pete l.$nd-le ro. Jobja Frsncls, 3l+, cs, ,a\t27 t+t56t47
l1:3ob DelDes.2t, Ios Angeles, 2*9*7 ,.:A3t2I cl J. Eessel.27,
P 6?0C(BIrI, RIB, COIORADO,CAUP SU!!?SS rL by Doa UcMBhtll oui "FtSh A-ltitude ?ralDtng CaDD., vss ve4, suc_ Fahrney, 13. l'tet tB, ce8anrt for a fjrst tl-ne operatlo!. We had p2 ryaD,2r.. crlfton.NJ, 3tr2tr3 ,trb tt2 11. rurDers .eglstered (august 4_9) fron w1ch1ta, 15. !.rrlq De\€ Shelherd ,20 . Ft. Sc ot L, rh.nE as , rarsons, @aba, KeameJ, Frehont, tlttleton, ..15.37 5,L9:49 canon-Ctty end Elghllghts of the ca4p 15, Jeffrey A/t1o:.]d,,z6, Tel]urlde;';otorado, l/ere frequent. 4.rr9ra. Tactuded ras an evenj ng d Lscu66_ 1-LD e6 5i5t6 .LoD lrogrgn lJllth Coach Jtu Btas tlg of rjouthem ATord, 53, nrebro, i,iL,st i,it'o> +:. lltlbur. uorol?do state coll-ege, who tafked aboub cross_ ro. rermerh Eack, 20. CS, jt)!5.21 t29 3.:27 cou[tly tecbnlqresi a Eunber of ,ro?kout6, and a! 19. Dav-id Csfrey, 20, Abtlene,lbxas, ewentug d16cu-sslon r{!b Roa Dsvs, Nlck I(1Lt anat H€re ln cotolado lraiEtns for 20. Matchev cschupin, 18, ::.4 :T".t!,."!9 3;:3i:? the Latlonat AlU thrathon at Ats.Eosa. Everyone _ Dr. M.lke petterson, 25, 3 28t5o 5t:]a:35 ras l)ertlcu].arty llappy l{hen D1t6 finlsheal il1 the 2.. Kab_s;s Cttyr Kansas, top- three al1tl tbereby qualtfled for the O\a4)lc leala. r,te e13o had a 6leclalt6t ln InterEf Medt_ 22. Bernle Kendau, 2a, cJ, 6.0l 3t\r28 cane, Dr. J. fl1te of puebLo, aLtenal & dt6cu66 Ianb,22r crrarron, Nl{, 4:0t:O3 r*:oi,o: 6:08:35 e,odiSi l_r. a8rlects of hJsh attl hude cralnrEs. 24. IGn Cregor:y, 25, CJ, Coto., Ynr\5 6tt$t67 3tl)Ji 6t\o$7 ^tle iedrcal blllp_Le te6ts vere perfonned on the athlebes _in 25. Jae Eeeo'n, ctusrr;!, Nrr, l,oOi:o elr. alteTqt to 6ee vhlah ones vere l)alnI)ereat zo. fion zlherEan, f,6, DtbuqtE, Iova, e i44iid nost the by the 8,5OO' aftloude, and then once aeain 4:05r38 5rlr4rl+2 the end of the !,eek to aleaernlne vh:ch ones 27. Stdn€y Anolil,?l+, Denve!, 4:3?:.rO Zrfg:3o et geened to accllEste oorc rapldly, 24. rcm church, rg, crmrron,nu,k:i6,lo i,{gil6 A-E rEe preseEt tt.tse ve ere thtnllng tn te rors of 70, c.s., co.lo., \t3st25 7t5\t,o a E:o 1"ar, prosr:an probab{y lhe Lvo JU, uolll] Axnt, 20, filllbolt,Ia,, 5:5g:0o g:26:oo vee86 leek pr,ior nejft year. eo rbe pikes peal l{ersLhon. Just 3-1. brrell R. Wallaer, 2)+, $orth RldSe, Caf1f., <.i, r2j 8:29;0o m MD(ICo CIry by Joh]l Bosen, Eouston calvl! Fansen, 33, ff"aflnaster'oiascent, -RXIAY _L read l.ith tnterest the ar.ttcte by (]ene lhcoas 3t22 t\5 on u1e z,oQ nlle Jqg-a-thon at po}-c ,r-'-arc-r , r Ibs.E 6cores: t. Jenez puebto; t, Graaa ,Iunc Lt .""".i" _Gr october 3d ;t-?rgo p.r.r, 3, ?hl.l-nont Scout Rallcl}, ClnarroD, It.M. Eal_t h EouBto!,rexas for a non_sto! JUMot DrrrlsloN 15-18 (r3 erle sscent oruy) *f.:: !1"y. day rel"ay to l{exlco ctty _ approx. :l^:.T: l-. Fr.ant AdJo, 18. Jenez puebto, Zt39t26j'2. Lruu Ettes. tlne e8ttueted - Z days. Each runner Ihlr 3abbel, 18, erand Jct,,CoIo., 3rrO,O3; 3. vr.LL rulr tlJo hours & tO ntlru tes per day vhlch vll_l G'ee r,overy,r5, c.ro, sp,r,6", -i u, ..""" u* 25 hour6 tcms. rhrs vitf, perntt ro_ P*: cJ' "of Y*"*3v'-rdr 1t24t4o; 5. l.btth€v cachulla, tai:lng tbe cl_ock. ld, JP, 3;28:5or 6. DaD Ba?k6, tB, W, IrZg116; y-..9* procta,Barlon frc& Houstor nayor :":rytoathe MoIe*, 17, searod, Defavare, 3:29:5r; 3. j"""y ltu r"^"., 17, ayor or Ie co clty and tope_ :,.yl: I:r"1 l. u::ry:"ca5fonf Ib, _E1'ers.een, colo., 3:29:51; nrr.Ly ole fron pFeEtdlent JobnEor to the prestd;nt cs,3:30:36; ro. verstr :: y-1":. Ihe relsy 1s belns sponsored by the rlor!€-Ll, :,f ,16, colo.spfiD8s, 3:l+2:ro. (A-U of ahe lrouslron- Jalrcees . Estleated co6b-fu4ds a_ .ocared_ J4 enrrres reached the sumlt. ) * expecr ro see a fev days of bhe otyn_ :J?4.:. (12-15)_ 1. Mi.re Mruer, 15, CJ, p1cs. our tfalnlDg prqgra&__1oo ndtes ler veed. ^LrTr{-3n+crss 3tI7.O3t 2. Robt, KlhA, 15, ood.lsDd park" Colo: J:29j5r;- 3. o."ro y."iii, noA) XSNNERS CIUB OF CINADA - Results of Brlce,s 3;o,i;;",1."; l4aralhon, Ed Rlyera, sat., June 15, 1958, 5. 15, cs, 11*91::lt, 9s,.3':r'03; A.M, 3,4i1,6'-6: c€ur6e: mlly & uphlLt av€nf flm9:Oo I€ke Lttlario w€arber: CooL vlth ,-ain. A?s]-ds: Tropbles to a]I --RdJ. Fabl-15 finisher's, Ti.enty start€rs. PIIGS PXAK CoI|MENTS by Adby Bur:root 5-Mt. 10-M1. 20-r4t. 'At t\e sl,Urdt t EaMnfov & T !€r€ secolit as ve L. Jack S!.ltzer, IryTcr 39too 73toa 22:.t3o vere able to make 1t slrhout vahlna. Ve then 2 t59 t22.6 2. !{u}ray, Anacrson, CrC, 31t)+4 60:50 2:IL:30 ?oeq9d do"r1 ro avold lnjury oa tbe tr€acberc\rs traif. It vas tbe no6t ftra I've ewer hsd. A 3:O.I:24 great race & tabtasttc expedenceJ At the rop I-orne Buck, uia., 3:05:55; L. DouA vaj.ker, cAC, J. *!::rl" relf off a rock vas I strtina 3:OE.22t on 5. Devtd Rolertson, IIjTC, 3:1O:5Or'6. due I altitude dtzztlleEs. to Ctaahuph ls rnoetX.evable GAc, 3:1"5:30; 7. chartre vard, NrTc, fv-uxo":, 1n thts race. Et6 uphtlr rua-vas gooal, but r:roi4j; o, peter l,blarg, MITC, 3:17:5Bj 9. Bud dordXll he tE gonlethiDg etse. ft-too&ed 6u1c1d3:2o:o?; 10. sy u"r,, ruirb, 3,a:, Y:co'-T.+: _ {qc: Ed ! I. r cou-lalb't heye run tbat fsst 1f Joj IL. lt1_lt wsUace, IE, 3:5lrr5, 12. Su.san par_ ll-.to na(t rantect to rhlch I certalrrLy dldhrt." ATC,4:05:58; 13. Jl-!l parke, [ITC, !:11+: ,Isb,,f,zr 4?; 14. Snce Stllroerg, AJax, tr:I5:42, 15. Jon pen_
12, Del
crand J.lnctton, Cotorado. 3:09:02 5:0!:fl+ crand Jct.,j:18,:r, !,i:iog
if. !g
il*'"il:';;'ff li3i3; ii: il;.r
ner, NITC,4:25:50
lGlT, Los Alanos, NeH U€r1co Sat., Jul-y Z7th--The *eeL uas held tn tho €venhg at an altitude of 7,300' on an all-weather track. f-MI16- 1. Doull Wl6be. 1lL-:L5: 2. Tom ;Tno'r-no'r6'r, 1<:.t2..tai1€ Wsik- 1. Bob De1n6s 7t29.4; 2. Bruco Tffi;8:09..t'lile1. r.lLl-'€ c'os, okl-a.BaoLJ6t a pue ci6-i't co, 4:ru.l+; a. LaSudd€.4:28.7: J. rdlebe, 1-:10! lr, D€in.s, l+:3.L.6-Mt16s- 1. Xen r4o0-6, 30:09 (1lvlnq t 1-156-ITa.nos stnce Jqnusry)i 2, r,snre ta1 D6l1€n. 30:f4 {onlt cs ofT }ls sea-l-vel besL); 3, Sktp I ouk, -10:'8 (1:"6r'qe o6sL): h. 81.t1 C1.rk. )O:1lt 5, art Coo1id6e, 30:30; 6. Dou' 1l16be, lO:Lq; c€ne Conr.oe, J]:11; b. Ron DaNs, 3lt22t ".9. 'Iarr! Eetnon6n, 3t: 30; l-0. l,ou castasnoLa, fl:lr5i 11. Bob Scharf, 32:09j 12. Joe Arrazotaj 13, Eal Ulnron, 32:48; 14. Ed Dodd, 32:9A; 19. ron Findley, 34:49; 16. Jln l.IcDonash. T&F
BIA? JIl4 BYUN (soptenber
Marathoners Hold Relay t
Around Final
AJ fod IIEINONDN ff:ine Captain gill Ctarh lv9:tr-r.rli.uq held orl . fuio$ ldt ia, rush
by Don Lalin ol lhe U.S. Arny rd.anchm nis 1mh ro viclory thon relay in Alanosa.
h,d u-,, .ho 16 to *in b!
5cha/ b.r min,.-
ltp koders
tletrty-six niles. wiln rhe run.
Esrh aihhh Dn qne 5r.hLt. !ruD, mok rcM,hotr s h.ndofr winner mto secoit -. vhicl' vill be used fof $e rilal JS OlhDc Trialon Aue rl p: ktun 5nd P,t McMahm, ! henber of the lrish Olvn i.
zu'frllirj{ sm
d*;; :;m,;a.h"".',:l ' ;; q r. i:.;": 'o::;;ix,:';i *ti; Ti- l:,.9',:"",^11.'l"L1,rr'.{ !::Ti ld, ern. nn.toF r!;q\"h.'.,.;,-4-_,tun
tean, nrd tor rhe tara ln rldual rm€ ?6:1?. Clark. 'l "irh
in the oiJnDic senitinar
ii Los An8etes, rar ?6.13. a dm ''a ' 'o,y ?!mr!. cou]d ' Amy Lieulenant Do& wieb6 nit nsitrUin the bns|elin! "-6 " " r:i r 96:41 kad0ff les r.r hF parP in h" ?..4oloor lrr rrdc- rdcsglou rt d n,n 0l kan, $rrch held rhe had rof .k,l d .,a I the lirst lwenty.tm hiles. Wie- 3h,ad "i$r r'-i:a , on. - \a e,7 3o . a. d bdh rs ^I LaluD be srs IollNed by Vashindon hp'! pr*sd rhe ledder !t'er 'oD M.ftfon nlcn rh. l'\e DC. Sport alubr lob S.h;rIJir lreem lmo Snohomih, N. rher .o'ld nainhj, rh. fdl - l\1tdho . cri.k N "b;. 3rs
5, 1968!) D-trVE lAtRIC{ loturned to hls Vlltenova. hamts thls Heek because tb6 nodlcs at South Lake Tahoej Ca]if., advlsod Aettlng aua]l flon tho altltude fo! a f6r days-but not more than f1ve. Afte! f1v6 days, lt uI1l be a sad fererell to arns for hls 1ov6 of tlxe monent, bl-ond6, b1u6-ey6d Jeanne UcMsnus. But a wa! ls aaitile on ttre oth6r sid6 of Anertca. The foot race bet1re6n Jtm Ryut, Dav6 Patrtck and other top rfddle distanco m€n fo! th€ tbr66 1,500n spots on the U.S. track t6an wl1f tak6 place ln the final event of th6 flnat day of ths fine.l U.S. olynplc trlals, Eopt. 16. There rtlI be no second chanco. Thls 1s not to be a Los AnAoles enllbltion. tatrick, ho conquoreal a nyun-l-ess fiel-al tn tk mls-nansd Los AnAeles "ftrul trials" ln Ju:E, rdl11 hav6 an opportunlty to do tt asatn, 7,300! hleber and ln ntunrs coripany. If Patrlckrs B-nalysls of hle o,,rn so€nlnaly rnaanlfic6nt condlttcE is prectse, RTun 1111 observe Patrlckts h6els at tho f1n1st1 of the raco-qulte oppostte of th€ hesdin8 of a Sports llfustrated cover on June 3. ''I dontL 1.Lke Lo mel<€ prediccroas, ' ?atrtck satd r.rh.l1€ ]lDchlr€ lth J€annerrbut llcuanus 1n a Phl1a. 69th Strest restauranir I flAule I can run a l:51 or 3:5? nll"e rI6Lt no!." ,Tb6 ostirxate does lndlceta that Patrlck 1s, perhaps unb6116vabfy 1n Ryunrs c1ass. Ryunrs r{orld recorat ts f:51.1 & for a 1on€ tlm6 lqtrlc} simply gazed at thos6 dlglts ln au6. ?h6 Eagtc tlnE Has nore uffoachablo a nontb ago Dbort Pai:!'lck noaf,ly passed out in bts fllst speed Horkout at the Callfornla nountaln tralnlng base. 'tI had b6€n doing son€ Boos & thon I went lnto sone fast 200s,i sald Patrlck. rtsuddenLy I f61t everythtne cave in, Luclry for me 1t vas at nlghl & sone doctors ere ther6. I racovered qulck].y I eol ny lods up ov€r n'y bead. They rold ne T had b rllt up an oxyeen dobt. ' *e 1067 villano!a capf.in us! I6erT as b€ tackL€d his flrst conpetltive raco at 2,OO0n I! lahoo a eok later. "Thet told no I dldnrt have to run, but I ranted io ses tbat lt was 11k6," he said- "I dldnrt run hard & T flnlshed last (fifth), but I felt good at th6 6nd." [avins survivod h1s flrst race in rarefl€d a1r, Patrtck sot sail on tho lnpossibl-e goal - b6attns Rlun ar \ls own otsfance. Dave h€d lon ths Jun6, & lCi-q 'an' or.vnplc Trlal 1,<0Or ra"es Ln s6verel lnpo'trnr laces befor€ thEt rnclud.Lng ( Continued n6xt
Not€s...The Auaust 3-d. r,r"]1"" out of a hs! co pl.k t6sns, rhe. ru."er3
,J-;-ij,iii" ""r.b"J t"'ioZ' prlz€s--cLlnness
b/ A'r'"r' D" :;';l,;i;:'d r\. oidP' d ri' + B.j:J.;lklT,, Dl.: B,Bl Lr B,td Eit .ta,t rulT\A, P. .,?.r,3{7rrr
escn Ior Stout fof !h€ nlrners. .ort g:.tq" ur,. ['fll,':;i,",,". 5"".t"t** "" I'lfrd p.Laco teans. "."""i'."a 3 ?.?i.2r Doug }:eb", Bob Indtvjoual _ines: Don Laklr srhrrr. rm F,er4. %r r-e.t n"rra,.on,' -;,;;; ;iii" ":.i.,il,l'il"*,". ."," " clark 26:Jr; DouA v1eb6, 26: .oc;e.c," sa.\.^,kLn,. 41; uavne van Dorlon- 26!q1,, w,r' v31D€ll r' Bruce taBuddo, 2Z:18; BobBob saharrl^ zZ;11; non Daus, ?:1+is, _27:20r s1artt, ?z:58: Lou castasrora; :1,2t !1,!l zo:(J7i ]td Vtnror, 28rO?; Nick {i!t. 28:.t1:' 2d:5L; G€ne conroe, 29:16; YarJ*l'frck., Jay Dlrks€r, 29:12i Euu Sn.trh. lO:11; [r sou611, Jl:01+..Art coo11ds6 wr6b; frod A1s._ dosa tset., Aus. J!d) "I jLst heano on tho raoro aoour a 2l n:le b*rro race fron Lead_ v1lf6 to.Ialrplay Lhoush t3,rB5' yosqutro rass. A*by Burfoot & Ij lacklns a burto wlt-r ]'un It as a Jop-along Lrorlout. (Ld. R6su1t nevo! sent 1nl?) DAV! PAmIC$ - a wortd record lndoor BBO oTer peorless Jln. 14&at etso Has urer€ xo *tdote olsrenc6 run_ conquer but rhe n€! of all ti'1e a-€a!6.t at 1.5oon snd ,.n the otynplcs? "I told 1ys€lf, I'you dsnt lt bad enoupi you can A6t 1t,,' sald pstrlck. ,,I !,ould n6v_ er have lhe oboo"tuntLJ agatn, 6nd Loe trs.Ln_
J+*+#=;*E l.T : ##tfi #++fl do,' Pa!-i.li be d -unnrr€ t"rce a red oay
on Lt'trn trlck aL l1k6 lah.a i-^rr'-hlnself . h'-ory ;;-i;€ ptcEurosqD€ _nlrelo-of """i"e,h;';,li-;i;"; tne pooDle wLo paid to soo rho sorko rrs. Ite thoughc of beatJn€ Hylrn & wlrmlng the o1trmpics. nls noxt race was aL flt. San Antonto. de clockod l-rl+8.6 for the third half-inlte on a U.3. t$,o-ntLe lalaT teM of Bob Zlemtnskt. ano Ron i(-c'.'rski. lh€ t6m dl.at Bay_Arrin6lon /;r/.o-q t€nth slowel, bhab Viltanovars best l}nie rast sp]'lns-
(Contlnued on pico o
=6 ANOT]]ER \IORID I{ANK r 51.er 3m h^r rcnn. th,s bm; a,
wiuL hrlF \on rhis n
ii tsf
rr s€ h:d iun stir \(ds. r
b.s ,eed r \p
Won'rTty to Double inOtynpi.s tu
diubtP' hc
on, i i{
d. ,1he
io tun ue cwni,;..
rae. lh€ lad nrailni
has soid.d .rim htr Ddicded he
nh. ,iJin
noL tarkL;g
b rir n .h,,
' frared
Davei iibut r
D.\. P,ricl3. rond iond t. sr rrk. Trhd r& nr', 16 @r 70 d.tr..r hr! hrd i! u rd doMJ. ,RUNNING I1l. u s. othDr cotr n.. ! .@45. bur bviurr$,8ad ldt. job !r prr.! 04y. mouih open - sonibodv 'stdh ir rtu hjr ''I ia oi1 h.L.v. $d"ood! iouro a.ar t6n fie t.d. 8.t.,- sid D|rick lfo p_omprl/ ,oor . rhor ,t up b l6d ud E6up.d his lis oi I m:rhin! of (hanc. TF. i ort Drold rm.- irs ootjdi^t-lk. r' -s .n ol' rp 1.k 54ar n., \ pr!{is our ir er"d e-d r.n brpar.ng '" xbiJ'i-. d R u, a< $is..'rd lull[lx bc!.4gF h. n onpl Tr"-F ! brlJa doub h, Rf.1 and Ddri.k w I ${ uo uM pbF,od F. Ln0.m?/r !q.,d. n lh: i5,, piaFk 'ta. oBs rhe dlroulur\tre.e.r,r.h. hd u,s.urt.sppl t0 sld Bl,.r ol Kmr SEb or v ,rq sehomo! L,qs-. uqudn, qho ptr@d rh rd h dc d !t rD 4 A^3ihe i.iak in lu. aikd bsrk.R h@p! M {.r& rto w"fr b. qmhd ihp f,!.4 hir nJ. or hj! tita j !u.
MII,E-Dave panrck has eJes ctored. rviried wh re srhulalinc brc\cte ex-
Mf ,r .|op .b, tu 4- 1.,r. I d dr' qork. A1"r no{ o, d. hnd rF 400 ir 52 s..ond.. Mlrr dfDD.d o,. of jus 'q. didn\ ha.. r- ip!tu.. c\pt,.n.d F, -(^. dro 'd.,- whi-r r.rr ,h. orh.r r.kP t.q ?4!ed L.qLo.i rM '\. Me. J/rrs b burd u! hr lpead ro. titiinr In rhe nen v ,no\: ra.ti irmbo r i.fr br no '-p. E!*x criholic schdlb.y to !d rh. Fe d@bt !rr. u! torner b u. ralo. riDk l rtrr'loi.odE.n th. tdct dur.ilh. otfif ru.c, Th. str.t8] wdrd .r rs.4ndq d !u b{r prrn.l or
Eyes tflPts ^erno In Distance Runs NdrroSr, xdlyr, sepr.
rrd wilbom, who firkh.d.hed ot r'qibn.
h C@ctr J[nbo EUiorf
rhe Easl's premier
yil6: l4ii-v -L-igmri, '?0 (lert), anil r,.v€ Paiick"68, I' 4iT9it 2. woLde, Eihiopla;i.-c'.t*oor the larr-d@4 orlapi' hoperurs or the wirdeai ri:iii",'Bitr"pi;.1.!.oooi'vorao, ll+:0'lI; Z, Tunlsta, rnoudl, Ethlopta; J. Za.m€I, Tunlsla. 3,0odr Sichas6- 1. Pat TraJnor, uSA, 8:l+5.0: 2. BllL Rot11y, OsA; 3. Ayach1, rur.1s ta. . . L59!3- 1, Bob Day' usA, 3;bt.?; 2. Jador, Morocco; 3. camrouar, runrsra-.p94- 1. Tod Farre11, vsA, 1:\9.9;2. Polrrv, sSA;3.
Assaya, EthloPla.
R.ih pill 1rr tor rhrs n,ra
U.S.A. 14 GoLD MEDAIS, July 5-? Tu 1d_OOOn_ 1, 1. Camnoudl. Gar'Inoudl, Tri1s1a. 10.0o0n-
ciiy'3oiynpi.'nextnonrs' xeino *iI ruh in rbe rr0,
Kqi AErru Atbtsrie A! ob6.e!.r h*. !.id & e hrd .v.! rtt nFld to ru b an &Ee olrmDic .v.rt hdor€ bDt roled Bar reib tud ..nr.t.bb trr, scwdali6
CLI]rIc DaAIIS 147 | .rtr, " 6tA place ftnish io the fine tllle of L 'pdrENrrAr, cmuprors I ry rro.'Etns lrathe,,s vere 2o.L & I Respofte to the tn8ugula] Eastern RuDlrlng | 3rd in tbj6 dlvlstor. cllnlc held at Lobikan cadp, IAJ!e cono, rtsrDa. N*e reterson turEeit 1n a ftne perforearce to durlng the veek of AWu6t 22-28th r€s so good II !{r th€ unaler 1B yeai6 of ag. tio!}ry. th€t the dlrector6 are already conslate.ing en- | Weather: 55o & overcast. laralng bbe I)rosral! next season. 1. par }tcMs-honr Irelad., 4grOO.3*; 2. Sktp riouk, ''Th16 thlng bas been Ju€t fsntaEtlc, " 6aid et I Nevadarl+9:t?i 3, truce La3udde, AtGnb, lReno,l+9,56; Mather, $ho orsanized the progran rlth the abtelGa., )r. Ste.v-e (i€chuptn, Jenez irrebto, N.U., asslstance of 3ob tl1lner, Cofgste Unlver6lty [lck Kltt, rns elgeies, 5t:Orj 5.-Ea1 5. l5O:OI; coa.h & Bob osbone, torller S].racuse d.ietance JHisdo|x, l|lchrgan Crty, r"a., 51:tti T, Jav Dtrksen. hlgh scboot coacb in Eodlcott, N.y. So.Deeoaa, 5f:J"; 8. Fran} errjgo, ,I"re, ' puebto, N.M,, 5t:43;-t. riery plerson, Colorailo Tley lnstructed 14? you.Dasters froh aft over the lMsdison. east coest in tbe theorles and BysteDs of traln_ Ke! Xatzer, r.lncoh, lsprlDgs, CoIa,, 5.2t?3; IO.petronl, 1ng pr€velant tu the vorfd today. 52:3Oj _tI. ce.be Santa Barba;s lreurasta, Jln Tuppeny, (penn),.Steve lAC, CsJlt., 5At36, 12, Jo€ Arrazoia, Denver, Co1o., _Instruators _lncludled Bartotd--(St.John,6), IEs atfack (zutgera), ,Iack 13. tt. O{czarzak, Kan6a6 Ci-byr Kans., pynh. (vi1]sovs)r Har:ry Brett,(st. .tosepuis rs, 153:00j rt. Cart ra r.i"::.nitz, Mr. ?ark Arr, r,rass., f:rfi; 153,05; Metuchenr N.J...), Toq, Cruther€ (Morrlstom IrS, lr5. roLr rrrtz, Verdon, NebraEkar SatOS; j.6. UarZl;' Jt," clobons (Bl'bop McDe\dt! xs, ir.;. ;- t[:3i; ]si"ao. .re,", 'r,lu"-p"t.."*, Jirn,Hal,klas, (Deptfo* e: N.J.), Dave wc1nctru1atl, obto, 5r*,]rii'tg. {, lse',.etr, fand- (christlan Brothers Acadery, N.J.), Dr. ceo.l re, x""er, 5\j2; 19. iun r.r"ry, o."""", :e,zl Sheehenr Bro!.alna Ro8s & a few o-iherE. 20, UBtthe" cechupln, tT, .r"r.. i',,ulro, rV.r,l., lg, | Instr.rc llon irclualeat deDonstratlons, Iecturee, 2L J:.a UatUerus, 39, Denver, 5?:r.1; 22. ibve drl1fs ana curr:ent fl]lrs. "Tte ides vaB to sive l22j f7r DuraEgo, coro., 57:rB; 23. tff laausner, lvood, the yourgsterE (they cane fron as far a€y as Denver, 5?:23; it+. rrr Ueerran, Urea&a, Kaosa6, 57: '2ts. Nev E:srand) fe66ons ln the funaamenrats or ais- I zZ; a:. irik"-c."err., rarrne, wy",r"!, SI rUS; tance iu4rlr€ 60 whe4 they get back to b:Lgb ] Cttler, Oellver, 58:OB, 27, Ror rqran, Criiion, school they'u have a thoroush knovted€e of alr lt€d 58'54 28. rr_rgh sBlih, r5, I,rtit.i.", ig,ai;' lN.J., the vo.kout sFtens &be able to appfy then for 129. J1e Cofplttsr Lo!,l.y.qFB, coio., gO,oo;-:0. be6! resul!6r' st€ted rbe very efftclen! Mrtner. lnanay Da!.16; Broo@jietd, Coto., oO:o9; 3-1. Doue 1.r the loDA rurr se b€l1eee ir vlLL DaKe a bts lMldd_rei,on, Tffins.t on, tr.y., 6o:rz; :e. no" u"uiUU alltference in the oallber of hlgh school dltference Bchool dlstaucq arlstaucd tnebto, ?uebtor Coto., 6O:Mi 6O:Mt 33. Denn16 Ksvanauah, Ks.!,anaurh. Den_ runnlng 1n this area,l' ather 6e1d..," slrd thatrE ver, 6t.:26;3\. Nore Sitva, Derr-er, 6t:L6, 35. €aylng soDethlDa because ve atre€.dy Eend about a4 Erlc olln, llLbteton, Coto,, er,5O; 3o. r"n-Sir_ nany boys io llaJor track echool€ as eDy area of on6r Arvada, CoIo., 62t25,37. Louts Chal)man, t6j I INATEUBAL EASIEBIr RI,I{NING
iiiir. i"" ;;;;;.i;;rr.
aD}.yher€.' I lborntonr Colo., 5B:Otj 38. .rerr carson,-DenLi, grouped ard quartered. (ln exeel- ?I:r+?; 39. ittke Car!, 15; i,lttleton, ?9;3rJ !o. '€re a6 to thelr age & school grade, | T@ Carr, Ijttleion, lent faclutlea) I ?9:31. as vell aB rulmlng ab1llty. Each grou! llad a! ftats: Nat'I. Jr. AAU_ t. Deave. Tc ,'A" (Jin let_ outetandtns colleglate or hLSb Bchoof ruDller vltq| hevs, Lou ghapnED: Tbd c\rtler, thr:sner, ieteraon) then to serse as sroqr leadle! & to leaal the rel I Z. oenver 1C ,'B', (S1tva, Slqons, Carso;, McMahlti, tn the tro-e-ds,y Horkout sessloEs orcr a beautl- | trtsby). --Johr J. 3lank-fu1, hlfl-y three-ni1e corE6e or an equal\y towh | -----------------,,pArr]IER ou-c
The boys
I,€&e C@o, locateal
County, 1n the Ianils boralerllg the Pocono Uountal!.s 1n norbh eastern, Perma, vi1l tever be the sanej lhe fev .esidente of the ar.ea hare s6e! E lot of caq)ers but never 1rO to 160 rwner6 thuntlerlEg do1,D the cou.'rtly rc,aats tFlce a dEy. Ii vas sonethtEg to Wa}']xe
pAtrr, (cEtIIRAr,
2o-Iclo cItAupIorEEI") spoa6orcd by
IasterD llllnoia Unl\.erslty Sum€r Recreatlonat llrack Prograd, Jul.y 27, 1968 8:oo A.M, Charte6ton, lLlinols (12 nt].es, 754y) 75 il€gr.eesJ one & oce Ira].f trches of raltr tle f1r.6t hou.r of the race. f3lr 6tar"6ers ana L2, fialsters. The ])udliLles are d.rJing lrtr) & thtngs ere beginnlng to 8ettle d.ovn aft€r one of the no6t fentasttc NATTONAI J1INIOR AAU f,5-KI],O CHaI,{PIONSfiIP & OPEN foo-t racea ev.er vltnes6ed ln the ald-vest. It L1t-!lei:on, Colorado, 6at., August 10 9100 A.M. iiurllg the flrst bou.i of the race. ?at McMahon of Irelard von the alrrral Llttleton l)oured Ay the 6 nXle EErk, lt i.as ctearly a Ir ean battJaycees 15-k11o road race tn the record t!rc of ].e for first p]"ace rlth Ken ltoltse Epurtlng to a 48:00.3, bresklns the course record of !9:20.? 106 vtctory over Scott Elles 1n the final [11e. eEiiabllsheii last year by Oacer Moore, trfPc. . ltie offlclals dl'l a trenedilous lob & eyen thouAh Skip Xout of Reno, r{e]/aala, clocked a fast 49:17 a1lnunbers were gone before the 6 4i1e ln finX6hing secortt &'!.on the Nat'L. AAU Jr. tl- na.krJer6eJ the codect placLrg & tlnes vere obtained tfe over tt}lrd place flnlsher, Sruce Le3rdde of by a hu6tung grou! of workerE al, the flnlEh tlne. Al,lanta, Georgla. the coqpetitlon va6 keen as Uore than 2C1O persons etteniled tlle ava.ds presenoany OlFryic candldates from Afa&osa e!te!ed. fol1or1ns tle race. ftrenty beauttful trophiiaf fflgatonJ 37, qon the over 35 aAe Aroup s.vard tailon Les & fintsl€r,s! ayaril6 rere lresenteA by paDt}er
=iitii!"i;#!3"*Eli',I1f;*'rflE.T": or.lrarvrarx.r r.pccnlna iu.nlor I rdcto,r over r.h1v. A'M' 1" orl'1". ftlv ) ard h:Lsb- scboor.er ir"rr".-s1r,,fi. eacb year. I ll*_lp9.l,
ii;,ii;;.%lm;" :'pliiif t.:I i#"T#iffil#;ff::llF;hlr "qifr or i: rohr ilil'i#lli;.1; 1*l*",11:_,..,1,06;19"." I a?,+";;;".;;;*" 3.
2r, una., laaark.rrr.,
one loop o,conae,.:il;f;;;#;:cffii;T:ffi:iTr:',:":.ffi." +::p:* I
l: 31il-Ji";.ij:,1'li;il.i"i8l' l:.ol:l? r ].ry *"*r"g d-iioi"urne "t'"t"',. i: ffi""*:rrji:;;,:;"ll $li*:*, *"" ,iiili$ +;]i:r I l;'ii;j "!ff::1.:iff:d1i';',:t].lT3::' 3: it": H!tii'41i,;"Ht; r,trH; #tt* liE:ISii:**,t'$#,;::i:j:x ;:y#Ht#:.ii;Hfr is:lzlru:; i:,lr#i:!:*:#:i.4:iiifii"*::,"," l r1:,ai tj
ji;.ffi red senadenos. rulJ1::.:.p:, I Ury.:l*::.ii,ru"::*,*;:r,[], "i" il#:rii rnd., 1:12.20; r.3.ffit#i::"q: ' I Fd;;;;,r;iio-;,.ij.#ilj""fr!!:,:i?:f;i, n #.iot s,rtr, returned arter i;i?:3?:'ll;.pf"f31i?l9l-T":a t::-r+r.,^. I a "",a_u.rJ!. cr.. r'r2,33;-r5.'dil-i.;il;i6.1;;;;'*.1 ,lii"#,ii.'!"i"friT:S*J"::fj:"i:."'"
ifuT:3,ffTi"";i?i"y;, i,1;,.1 i***ii"i"",,iii ilu',**c"* 2.5 Mr'a on the Mor;,soa, ig, i"aii,, rcj"i",ii,l Hy:"ii:Jffy:ff.:.;,HT.ff;:t ifrri"ffi ri;il ;-.d ;;:oi. i3: i* ff::"i"fIf;'l.HlH** \,-':.u:27'l 19. rco r€e, rod.st.Tc, 1:13:02; 20. r!""y v""i'I i*:L'*,.:Y.1:;Yt. Ti"l.it'!tr'. r':'2'\6,' r7.
n*-l *"-'*-Iry1.1?:?.i 2. ron rhrall, 15:09j 3, li:*":..**l:"*::-*r-1,i,;?9i.:g: E;:-s";{ ;;f,#"1;:,_+:,e?,":;.B"HIi: l?.ii; ?: i*:: 33aren, 20, Indlans tuJ
21. w"rri"*
itFrltrack)- 1. l"j'' f;::Ui:,n:***f,*!;:?i;.fllr*J ffl-., i.! ^; _:- '-- I "#,*?#l'i;",,xffji:i*,ii,'l r."e^sTl"", :ii:r; :.-ii" r"o rc: r,:r5,27, a6."*-ofi;":'izl"l z-it4rLEt'
LLer, 21, una., sfprrara,
{,-!{ :::"*:",,1+;:?,, u:43; 4' c' Lansvorttv, ri'ioi r. c."'e" iriit,-i',$:.h'"h:';;# il;;.ffi."r;"',,*i' l Eaze, tr_rir: u:11: 9:_ti:t"e!::1 t3::e:_!49_t:::i__ m*r+,ril;i,l],*iL#ffi!:Flii',6Ii*.1 PAcrIrc AAU r5-lxlo csAuProrsHrP Rin 8/10/68 J ora,uearg!, IL., i't6,:ir joliJ";.1J:Y;' chrls"r'{11-1er, un-a': \]:45; 2. !19."9r
ra.Llana s.rate
r{]. ri16.so. -
,reroDe' Dl:)rkes, | ll trry;:n,. I il,s,'51"$Hr&ull,:i'ri 5i"{i:i
"--,Jl1l1 '?
tr#,$il: fi*i;:lj]llr",H$-fr:;i;"n;" wortre!, r11., r:{!o4;
o* *r""jl'r}l,"Hij *.Tr#'ik F":::;""11.1:'911 rl-;g"' Par16, l;ilf;,it,;,ijjilg:.fi:"als".i::il: ii; ffll illi:ti!-ftiia?i.:;lll: la:*j lT;_:;lji:, tlr.., l:17:o9; 35. nark Delaney_, tr, rar!-inli,-rG,;;ii."i*i;;;;";";ril',rffi;:"#:.' 34.
Fl"#li'i3i;J*"';.+''7;19r.?I: l*n.911"::l: i
91't!-411r1,,wv'i'c,-i7,og; 13. Adellao
il"ffif:$txfri,#,.Hl,li*iii:i} :iFl e.&:'#: .,$:rj'ffii'trt HHl]?,,xTs;; iiq:;1;i:l%,:i"ffii#.:'1s;:sryF:i r* ffi ";t,H;i,,*:, e:,,#,rr:i::3+*". :!l r...Icyne vurt, zG, tscrc" i:v;:;,-fi:'d;; II il!t:i;.:i"1,;5_Til;':rru#?r:l;i],"i8;,.1ili. - ,h;r"6c6lxs_',.. or: Rud*oood clty striders,2s; ffT;"i],.S:;:,j.3.+"],.?;?9;.jli: *:r li**^r,g:i i9: tty:1t., r"a.. rirr,d; y-J1ti] i.'-*"fr*.'i1fi-r:'_:::T:fr.;';{,";i:""" f;i6i;,]',;,11#;Iil:ft',!2, ff:"fJti,.:flJt "m:::;t".i*"1*: f::"aii: :ir=-:l: *:l\:i""*TillHJy;", l*yi:**:i"i;igi?,; I i:it"t"il;;Ti"iii."j; una.,.wesrchester, t,1., igi.ii* r,?. r:18:Lr; s;{-,"I;; gre;n-] t;t; ;;;i;";ifi;,d;;T#""fiH::;ffir:: *, {y ,
orlro, r:t8:49; 50. nave I val'"r"". i-;; _uha. r __,^.--ov"i"l'ieloii"liiil; ffi;';i:;;]ff::,Tts, I Yi-l-1111 1-T3-:-----:-l3lill_l:-T9i*::__-__j lsr.cxNUAr. rr. BAKEi 15_r,trrE RvN 7/20/68 ij:-?I auri..ce, *T,11T,.*u,_ng.::.T, Rag8daler f8. Id, Sr.rc, !,!2.29, Lr8t57, 2?. i3, I Sp.*.", p."r n ."" e pA AAU LDn ccenl btee .19,
r:re:oo; 5t+. il]i rbr" i; ;.6oush ulhllr. clrnb thet H.1"*", :9, 1]:::, una., """ ";;; rLL.,!r:r 1rr9:11+; 55. nuss erreet,- I tr,"o,,gh ihu Lruto":c-a now eopry g1ra Ft,_+9, I '".g""" fA, Indtana Tc, 1:f9:2.1. --Tcm vooarall-u*nt"""*o"" oi ora rort Baker, ?lcturesque tD I ;li:li,i.y"_+;1ji::qlF^::i:i i:nH:"iil:"i."iilil"fft.;i"El *"iE-S: i*"_,;,-iir9: I i. I ,t"'i'i:,ii.'fftr:dl"d: i"llj;."yit 'ig"t D.ii.ii;;; ;;,-i,;;,id; :: #;i;"*rurrners in s:T:jF:Siffi:*":l*.1#iiff. *"15r," ilrc D.c. area ca;e throuab-frtr I j;;i;;; iil;,ffi'r.T;i,il*:t ;i.;Ti3f#it::,,*:l",gmj ;:;;". "-[?a
34fr+5i 1o._xddre,siry", wr/rc, t,::ir6; ii.'ci"e grla^:yl, 9Ie, _1:35:25, 12. pete Eanson, Lma., 1;35:31; lJ. ,ray teuGus, una., r'tro:oi;
rotrD, ca}{BRrmE, l{Ass.
1958 -- t. r'aray B6roal1, Met Ac, t2t37, lJulylor26,ilrggerro, s*i* "st.;Ji,L?; ;.'*;;; i[.' Jz. r,rAc, r:4o:o3j r5. steve parier, ,rrc,|rol*"y, ec Erer', ra::3; t,. il.-c.m",:-,*;;; Fll f:.":, Surt Qulnn, AlE, 1:1rt:59; 17. EelE-l 13:OU 5. Ed-clrlrd CoDnor, Nl.,!C, .I3:O5; 5. nicrcra L:41:!1;_16, r3:t8j 7, nob }tur?ry, Boston state, 1", F:pdgt Alt, 1r!4:Uj t8. rertl i:nse, wmc,lPackard, l:44:14, 19. Jolr4 rAr1f,ls, l,ryTc, -""' 1:U+:18; zo. 'l!:3r;8. 3aA, T6 Dcyle, tym,{C, Ac' 13:35; r:::l; e' car.t rY9. c'arr Ly.' ;d; ifl,,dli3: 'am iiffl flfluitH!: U3;:6ieil1,"i#, r:u:r+s; }r cotuaxno, u,xe.,T:#'$*;"U';;*i;?ft., 23. RobrD yluer, una.,-r:!l::Z; 24.',ror," sri*,114,05, 13. 6teve cqr*, ,,""., it,ai,;ll.-t ii"""' 25. Robert aakicrl, cr€, 1:l+5:55; 'lcoinoqr, BAA, t\:35i 15. ?aur laealleDakls, u!at., 27c, :!t!5:22t, ze. nr"r,i.a ,i"".;l;r,s'26i-h.' rl , rr*. -t ir-rrii"riii --rred Brom,sr.-_ AsMord, una,, I;lr8:28; ?8. Rlch neynotaL6. Crc. Il------------' t:53t47i 29. Davtd l{elsoD, sTc, 1:5t:U!, :o. lnrV E]ycIAtrD AAU S$IoR aouF RLJN cIIA}{ploNEHIp Dsldd fierln-os1tro, yrr,F., :-r56*L; :1. n.i"l atu"i,rorr ze, r95B ro:zo _l,l,r. Borditcb rlerd., Frs,ntna_ catan,, }Ac, \t57to3t 32. Marbtu tua, AIs, 1:57:lhan, l{ass. veather: very }ot & h]n1d. 19; 33. Jeff Kelrner, wtTc, I:58:i+5; 3L, Daa 11. Janes Darey,fu., m.{c, to Mrtes, rr+50y aercra, u89., It59:25t 35. Robeft Fsnr€r, uaa., 12. terry Serhqn, ilret. Ac,to l.l1les, ro?* \159142t 36. Deve Pascoe, Arr, 2roo;43; :f. n"i, l:, Ron c€.ff, Nl.rc, rO mr"", :rji u!a., 2r01ro3; notert nersey, .Iobn lroodDa!, flt{C, rO Urruu, :Oli SnCl4, 38. Id--"oll*: Paul ReeEe, SRTC,2:Oa:50, trO. 2:or:37;39. oo,,el 5. i,ln. Carrcerr BA,c, 9!., 1?38/; e .'mn-irrr}en.rUrc. crc, 2:07:3oj l+.1. Lalry cboare,unu.lry-, rzOoy, 7. vlD FaDdetbt, NMc, 9n,Lrr+5y; B. gTlb:lt,Il, 2:f,o:Oor l+2.,JobD ir"",, 2:U-:05; L3.'Bob l.fohn vaDace, BAA, 98, Llj5yj 9. peter Burkhart, Ibtgf, 3iI8,L9*:, 2tltt25; 4t+. Dardd creen, z,rrlf$,_%, 90ry; 10. Davld. worrhen, NMc, 9D!r 585yj :_29, 45. Ronen scholz, una., 2t]f,j.91 ::a., )+6. l,r.rt.ri +. .rou c'.y, t$,rc, ,5\5y, ra.'.r.1"'c"ariir,#l
''*;'ii'il;'' lil; |{.
2tr3t57t \7. cerafd sDodsra]ss,
l!t, 4:fo:y;
13. vln. r,byer, to{c,
aooyj 14.'
)+th lc.;. Fti;""l., lllc, 6;ioi"d,'rs: r,iii;'il;;i, to, rorsy; rg.'srs,"a i,oaro,,,y, ].iMg, 7,1 :1tr:::,"y":\.Y^.l1iT_,1fs19i::15 :t*:* 9 lN.{c, rlnr.hers.' (75 r1n€ erarav€d rercest-J r5zly; zo- wii..-r"riffi-r*, i;,"arii',*i]i ,.. Bents after the race.. A trenendous 'roebl::il r Nadreau, NMC, Tn, B)y; 22. Fred BroirD,Sr., . ,.^ . _. lAr.lhur ^.":. r:_Tyc 42i 2. Mt.?ark aA ^. 49j 3. wacb.srr.,ln*,-ranuaae^, i:oq,j i:l'nJt-6i,i".oi,'i#,";;]iiil; X*; bo; r+...ccu, 59. ar+. coi.iorl mtc, :*, ,rio"'oGl' zi.'iiltrL' I una., a6rJr+; egrl: 2. Berk ra ltz, rr;, iloy'-il61'f zg'itiliJ't' "t* su""", mc, l.Park:ro!r.t AA, 26:37, ^Ift., l 5-MrLE RoaD Rutr,
soumBlrtoo, l.{Ass,,- ruly.
3. Peter ffoss, Slartan AC, Z6:\\l ------:----1---:----"--__________ sydlngton, vna., 26t45t 5. EeDry Derll ot1}tpTc DEVELoPMENT 3_MIr,E EAI\DICAp RUt!, Fargo 1:,Blbd z6t6; 6. ea.':t seselsten, r{s, 2?:olr; I ru atug, south BoEt;:r, u.*., .rr:,y zi,'rg68 gukt "oi., DysoD, mc, 27:09; B. Bruce. r€rna.k, r. ca"".a Mahouey, 15:39 im ' r!i:gl'ryI]!! -' ti:roi !' NMC, 27:2fr 9, T,arrT r,acro1x, !${c, 27:\2; rO.' I :lo :lt,1t | 2. cerT lJods r Angu6 Wootteor EIC, 27:5Oj IL. Steve FlILov,VS, | 3. Ronald Oa.f, 16:0B :45 rr:ZC 27 t53t t2. ctt>3i ).. Chartes 12. Ect Ed Kor:afskl, Kovalskt, CCl'p., ccAA, 4t57; chartes Dtehl 13. Rlcbadl Dtehl, I6t22 Rlcbardl r. r6p2 4157:, B. ,U! :l+S rl:rz t\,ZZ tbhoney, uDa., 2B:f2; 14. charles Rotrblns, r.Iy?c,l 5. R. to'Esn, t6:]'L r:oo r!:[rr 26.tl5t r5. Richad ctapp, w!c, 28.26, r5. cary I 6, 'l5n ryons, t5:18 f:D ri::j Bc 28:31; r?. r* Joe MarHno,&., lr."ply, r'.t5a t,ti ti;,15 Mr.]vonE I ls, | ?. Park_M, 28:33; tB. Don^BerDier, rcAA, z6::t+; I B, Robert su_:irve.a, r5:!z ,ii ie oi 19. Gieg Be€ek, CCAA, 28153, 20. Rtchald nartt, | 9, Pat pa:!er, I6tr+ It!, I5t39 CCIA, 29:0Li 21. ?aul. Earl.lson, ora, , 2g$6; 22. | 10. tobr Farre].]., f,7;10 2:0o 15:10 tane6 $lcho16r. nMC, 29.I5j 23. Davtd Su-tlivan, l11, Ro]ert Drke, I7tI7 2:I5 1,5:02 una,, 29;.17; 21r. rhol'as osen, ljnB.r zgtgi a5: lrz. ,r. ucloaara, 17 :20 L:oo L6r20 nel:l.al StaILe!, rlla.., 29155t 26. Tm popkovskl, 113, !. troydt, 17:2\ Itoo I5e\ Mt. Park AA, A]q, 29t56t 29t5Bt 27, 21, Davtd McColI, ts, Dreh],, r|5, 3O:OZ; L7t27 1:!5 Ib t)+2 30:02, lr4. Tcm Dtehl,, 2U. vE. Snltb, mC, 3O:07j 29. Deytd Csrtno, CC-l 15. Steve Su.Utl.an, 77:3j 2tI5 Ij io AA, 30:08, 30. Ray rrtva, u!a., 3o:13r 3I. ia}- ,16. Dc|n l{orares, !7t\2 2t]5 rS tz7 ren Eovler, flMC, 3o:11+j 32. Rlchard ?emoyfe, lrZ. m'e guan.o, t8:O3 1:OO t7:Oi NMC, 30;15; 33. JaEe6 veratoD, u.Ds., 3O:16j 3k. 118. ReubeD Blgelov, 18:05 2:Oo ]5ro5 Steve WelbuEtr _ura., 3O:2r; 3r, rb1re Ssrgalskl, 119. Cart [tn, 18:og 2:30 15:38 CCAA, 30:22; 36. I€n Eoljdes, ttrtc, 30!23; 37. 20, n'ra* garalna, 18:32 1:OO t?:32 Ron IaFrenlere,Jr., 10{C, 30:37; 38. Dan Eeary, J21. Jobn Ket]-ey, r.B:3\ rroo tT:34 IMc, 3otl$' m,lc, Psua fhnnerv. 30:10; 39. ?aua r1annery,-teAA, upAA. :r:OO; 31:oo: lo- i22, I€rlT larry Jo6e?b, Jo6eDb 19:08 1r0O f8:OB Jobn Morlaty, irobn Mortaty, l.{PlA, 31:01; 4f. 4l-. Jobn Eoosa€1aE, 123. Royce Saryer, SalrJ L9:1O 3 r00 15:10 IiS, l{ayne. vooal, una., una.,31:!3; c. Sryarer, 3.I:30; 42. wayne sryder, L9tl2 atCA L7.I2 31:!3; [3. Job]:I2q. !is,3I:30;42. Inll1ey, HrrLey^ ItMc, NMC. 31:531 11:53: 44. 44- cLsude clarde EI1is, E|rrn NMc,31:58, llM 11 .aA.lrq J25. c€orse r.attarulor j.ir33 3;oo 15;j3
l9 xrsur,Ts o!. RRc
lo-t{rr,E MTrotrAL
ji;,ililff ,ff"H}f *i!,"i"';li'.1;,f t.T,iitltif o. I{ltcheu l;.", if tr*.trd,:f HL#;:ffi schooi-rraci, r;;;; ;:G;';;3iIi: l:I:^il I:Jl iST, on' CAMDA
He,s El€h 19 t)-aegree6 but sulr vas very 1. Devrd Robertsdr. s'!?s f
q.rr l-ner,-23:02; t' ,,'*" *3l*:''ji:*r%:f## ';rtf",3ll3l'iilar:u,;i?J:'iet,#'l;,,'z'os' I'i","5ii;;';: iffi"i:itri: i3is; i3: #"i" z6iroi
;* ,ry. ti*r"-r""ir,iri,'i,;;;;i.-";;i"?;;:",i,", lisl";.?l;9';.*;*l:,*ra, it: "-*#" 3i,s['o*."f i:+ft 1;., [l,,dl'4:;,rl;:"Jm"i*;i:;,ia;,fl d'ff i, ;: z.
"iidifi Ne,roa, L3:o3 (2,:22),2. R.n i;,w*:;"9*:,,9';:,,i:"1##*i:;+:'li:LifffiTl..vic ?3;'l:''::i.:'#i#3:i.'i;'H,x9'11;*'-;'l;;;il'il|-ki;'i'i'!:fil''l';:lf"ffIi;"ir 4. , -.- (24:3e)' craDgre, 21,ry glT"*:p:-:gioti'iio,ji' r{:2o; 14. xrrole sbarpe, 56, 75:3.1; ts.l 9""'e!, ill "." -:ii*-s;;e;;Ir "''*' il;;il;';i,i;; itri"iff.F;3i;"1''d!U+.'1..._. '.,";;;*;.j';;l'?tl.ir|it.lue"o .r*" r.--^'"*" rieit6n, *'--' _ 6 [e; -
1r-. rerl T*"filI:"re. HT"ff larquraiin; s6;;t. Dnr- Inve Eai.den, t"b";;i;"", rack --ry rE"r--
r,nrewoc,o, RUm, 6un.,ruty a lygp,."To :-lgry_& 6-urr.F Karr-ltueuer, t5:r9 tj;6:,'loiifi'lr' sr.ltzerl+4!q---r. ---'--.' l::-T1"..1^"t: 1"6:06i 3' Fred coir:z''r6:ri; 'i, ----------------:----------- lYi'gil- Yehxerr,rb:56; -15:30; r. r'. st.-J":i,ler:-ir 7. Ar-rhur Bu.sch, r?:ol+; 8. CLIJB G' CAMDA srrrMER l.{ARAmtr ll*-'Jif;"'l; I9D RlmrERs c"i;i't, ;il;;;;"1;fi-6"f'" irar tu1th, ro:oer e. tu! c"'ry"", ie,lgr'i6.',ril
l*1".1's ?t-dearees at tlre 7'-dearees the 6tart, 6iarr,
6i-a!"."." 'Ji 8'-d;srees ai
rr. Joe roe lniacarc[s, lijscarclr;, 19:19. rg:ii. ir"iJ. ;t;;;;- i|'11".,.1v:uj; 1F."1"3-19-:03j -Lr.
c".*i",_!;ir;ffi;_ .t rdpreron, J2:2-L; ,?i::";:ff,"3J::r"'"*. courae. Ve!:r bllly. l-'.'--'_--'J't "'t)t' ^u! 1. Jack statzer, flortl york fc. forooto. r,pr,ro li#sii:i:!,ff"i,_i:,:Ai,ji:::,,1:;f,,. lreoau rEg_Leanonte, 35:58; 4. Tcm A.ltnen, 37:02. ^(3t'139,
zrzir6t,-1rl!kj'*'" ]:PlEyp
ro-Mrrr suris,
'j i"*.ffi:? fr,'u:'*il ;g:*;;,::n'"'llffS:-i:T-";:*ili"::'":,:F,s:":ltif*:: - 16. Rlch seatcb, J1'1". ,Hlhi;l'k$i$*:f (saady, a ry zrtn+:+*qf Purader1:hia, *6rii6iJ'irt"y, *,5i#*qii*T3r$i;lif ;l*' ".*"!i'--'
sheets, 31, 6, :158:45;K,.rl 29t 7. 4tJ-3ie)i a.
1. Jtu Calsrtos, r.a}evood Esr 59:02; Itel't}arket, ort.,-{:I1: paako-ta, 55, claibton€ AC, roronto, lo:ifirydhErles I€utholrl, 6o:1? ( rorner rellr Siete'ace i2. Bob wrlght, AJax I-eS1oE tC, otarro,]l]r-flb a, kne€ ,tnJuy for o\€r a year), j. iGrl d'.:lr+; _t. -.roim od, -allzi]-i1'nl'wil I{oteE...Jane Sheets raa h & codlletett ber re1 ?2:l+8j 6, Jerry slflups, 7ir!r. Mrathon. Eer ])re-race aaulce fr@ Delgbbo! Tc6 ]lruleon, --Joe triIscarelta-0s1er va€ "lt you ranr rry honest sadc;, r -----------aqy d.o!l't r:un. " Eoxever, Ja!€ proved th;t sI€ "oiial]ryry V068 SIIS i,lARK I][ IAT(.ING IO-MIIJ RIlt[ t"!l!"g qua]lty c., !at., Jr.uy 2?- Ke! vose, at, mst of s.nd. aenta: !rysica1 T: ? ^r'lrosrre, -_N: staelb.s..Sial Snltb recelyed i:rs entry rorn tle ]| Caroffna_ Urrverslty JulLor, flved up to-Us-pre-_ day- bef,ole the race 1! trea, yor'k C1ty, hopped 1n-] Btrbss Saturday nlgbt as tbe iavorrte iook r T9e .]1"'"111. & vtth no sleep na6e ri-to ]:JrgP lead at tbe slx-Etle llark & sceadlty rrd;a :: thet:Etarttng ltne. on iXre, Karl iaa.kota, .s. 56,1:1 the sap over the resr of the fleld to t€ke I6,n-lts totel to l$ coq)Iete qarathons. -r'b; rie'liF* almrst lo-lrite sumer rullel,]ron 1n a tl.Jtethe htj-k & trtAh buddlty kaocked out 20 rutrxe?s._ - l5at55, a nev coulse !eco!ii. T!i6 ea.k ec.lhses of irclud.lnA 3 :f,lLlen, vtr)]rer of ihe tbronto o-1d_Btanda]:d ot 55rO2 set 1l1 t6nuar']. b; Ea Poflce (i€.hes MarathoE a Eorth ago. verera! EI]]_te lile lEereford of se].Eou]. JobrsoD AFB, eho fl;s;ee 6th SharTe, hollna to c@I)lete hts 2l consecutlve lo!1ght lD 59:10. narathon, had to ilro? out after tO Eltes. Trrfa i Voss, a Los Angetes product, holds three Echool rras lbe fou'r-th Dsratho! ir1 Tolonto tbls year fecords a!, ECU. Ee hotds tbe rdtfe Esrk of L:13, \fltb rnore iro ccee, the tvo-btle rark of 9:LI anct Che rree_Etle 6tar_ --sy lgh-ldald of, t4:30. CLEVEIaND IOA]) RUlflTERS C1UB l+-i{ItE & B-mLE RUX5 ]Jtu Eo!'en, a ]5-yeaf-oLd. htAh 6choot dlEtance yos6 the lrost conpititton as tre tJ-tte fiIEe 30, 1968 weathe!: IIot & huodd, 91-degrees ly"r -*"" RIn dotra Llberty Boutevard lfle1d for the f1r.st slx El1e6. l. Ies sesedus, 2ltzot 2. JL'r staatev. !:q4lI. Ken-vo65, 54:55* (27i6,27.n\t ?. Terrv Tav23:05; 3. T@ c6orae, 2l+:L?; l+. .rru Coqrne, -2!. lror, 56:42j 3. I'hrsha]l AdadE, 5?;o2; L, ,fiio ao"22; 5. tt, RelEe", 25:58; 6. rfarc Davls, z6zo9; llBt 5d:o6; 5. Lan-y Forrester, 5B:o8; 5. ra nere7. 3s,u!aa, 25:35; B, Phefan, 26t57t 9, Raeler',' lford, 59:10, ?. Fred Hu].d., :g:io; e. crcsrlv coia?7t22t fo. fhlllel-n, 27:32. )sto'r, 59r3'lt 9. Joe DaJ, 60:09; to. Scott EdeD.14. gjglg1. Dave vbalen, \5t59t 2. nt1 Branaghs!, lllchond, va., 6o:43t IL. Jobr osborne, 6t:o7:'te. 4A:q5, J. RoD Stapletonr 5O:O1r; l+. Xart r,{.,eit"r; lF9tS" Phllflps, 6f,:55; t3. fl4 ree, 63:rB; rir. ' 55t47t 5. RoaI!\ Taelesdonte, 56!59. lJobn valllD, 63,*7 t, tS.zAcK oslorne, 65:l+9; 15. aoettcrrei, k,zs; G,iti;'eiiitri' & o-Inr.e ..1"* o.." In'ror*o", 67t3rt re' De&is soott, 6t,h: 21,2d 'I-IEIEK€I.ID Adaes,
i,i'.'r L "r", ;;-i;,-;i'fi;,";;'":i:ffi.
v. i-
$.'". h. vti
ft:rflLwstrf,4.#ur' I : pd;il;1;iIri acrrauf-::*:;:;#!"li#i-"" | 51""*.T;j:31'6:-:1:*.
f ::"ixx;1ffi"=#-#H:diffii";"1##-ts:*i;.1tr#tr::ff ifr u-tt=
r$;Y-qi',*#:ffi ,i##r.n:l*Hig#;l[;:F]"9*-ru:1
jrr,,. *r*i*ff *Hd[H#*i#;...j;".T.T;*;,.ro,: lli:: l:::':.11,"$-;tii i; .'...*t'":r+r,
8ff 31ff;"1'-19;.+e; ii't "iff nHs:: tr., r+, li,;;se=8dt."ffiil_ re.o. lifi,"i5i,*i"#";nri!ii,".,I;l^;"_ i j,,h' I TfijTJf; i1."i..3;\Jr f Blefters, i:d.',;;niiiJ:,vff rJ;+r. -lg:,oflnl.shcls 3j rotar psrrlc rla.ts *,- ;;;: ;a. -.1" - *rft *, *- J ; :i:;: F;l: -*-it#f,*,{, T;#'
f-!m,f,mt";, neeaea,to tcreaal;;;iilffi? -- I| _::::::_::j:: ll:l:_. --* E. rones-.9*:191" "y*des:rgli lre-heart. actlon. cod 11r'Br olf, te aeed€i to | srarmocr ac -*"-"^--*,-i:-::--::-----------g:i#if
::::;jFf-;#;d:tdt:""i:i#"ff.t*,':* l^:ffT,T,.3"*":,#1ffi,y.*,-;;;;-;"*;--;::luE"ffi=#r":#*'J: gjffil#ipr'"d Rodr,quez Aar rlluez von s hanj lad aearch hard $T:*J"*:I of .ltirc cb;E.] foqht J::i*.::*":'"y, r.ttr. *itjcl..-e -ic,; tcar "*j:i* lltelatul€ or the vorf.rlade -;;;;*lT .oa rouaa rt ua I a si.""oor 9lvolpl"n r"*u ru.aa H:tli: ""!orted' rt is neceasarv to*uscur{", R*fi,.:"1+#d;"fi%:T";-f,:# f,i.:-' il,n;; *=-q;;;;;";;;;-;;;;; i #{T#L-Ei:Ifre,Ti,:*i titsH"-H:f'HHk"'tr3l":: ffi j*,"*.:,",:"tt_ng*".n"#.#::ltpiiq}"{!tr;HJli,,i.",a.ST#* l*#i.H:#tu::ft #"w"*"-l*dfr ::'ffi *: tbeh regt tluc ever;-.,Ti;;iiili: r€co$.Led l:iryr,,];t f,iflj,ri?H,l5#3;r*; JHi,ii; H: ffi:"!*ilHlii* li; ffit #*:', ph1l rb:?4; 13. {ori;"t h;;F:"gi.d:ili
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H.1'ry.dil:|F'lT'Itr'H;ffi F1$+1,*l$lig;;1**t,**'+Xf ili"trr**F"-+lj;.0;+,tttt i ll;iik3i;.iH"*frili'iff:i":'ffi5
###.ip"rp,;*tf lq**{i"tril#*"1i,+_i*;ltii.ii***lr,i. i.i""iin".""'iiir .lts a*".!",-"Lipi?;"*tn*J
:::1. d;;;;;.;;Tiil'Ji;:-rfft: ner.L tulne.r i" * uiri-ti-,ri-*'
#'*3;i :*-"t::':.ll! held f"": the n€xt ilay arone wrth-;- opii ro'ArrEN; rriEll?}.l;5;l i A;ffi+uiffiS. "**
occaaloDsJ bs ot'e. sta!-
r*ffiffig**W ** ffim*ffiffi* ffg*;ffi'wffii$*ffi i'$T;#*ffi#Hffiffi
Donv6r. Co1o.. August 25- Ted Cut1er continuea bo lmprove ! He turned ln a 29:3d effort to wtn the l-nlte lraadtcap. St€ve Matthews, bacL fron the Otin_ plc narathon t!la1Just ln Alemosa last Sunl Aay fldshed s€cond nlth tl19 b6st tlde of tho day- 25t08. Stovo holds the course rocord ot fut!8. Stev6 flnished out of l+th plece & Bs out 4r placo ln tLe blg Alainosa. raco.of 3rd
L. ted Cutler,
Stove Ms.tth6 s, Donnl.s Kavanaugh, MIke Cran, Norm S11va, John Marttn,
Kfin Courkamp, Ed Blnghen,
Kent Cout:kanp,
'lrlos C?Lst,
Kar:l Mersch6nz,
Jeff Carson, Bob Flnton, ro. John Cralg,
36:3 B
36:58 6'05 36:59 4r4?
2tro8',. 30t53
37 r33 4t4? 32.1+6 3?: lr9 10:bl 2'l to8 38:09 10: OL 28:08
J&tl.l 2t32 3B:12 6;05 39t3O 6t5l+
39t55 otoo
TC,_16:49; 14. St€v6,lonos, stanro?a,
L5. Jln Kltno, crC,'3652: !6, :6:59t non_.Bjdwarcls, Spokane, j B:58. rnp_Llts.
32t36 29:.W
4:54 9:53 DtI'kseh; r>:er urrks€n &_Burkwlst, 2lrOI &, 26t29) r(a_uDonhelner w111 enroll as a froshman a!_wsu thls _fa11. Ho has best msrks of 4:04.2, IJ:58 e zjg2.. Rick Ril;t;wsu, nl.ssed. tho. finish againt He spr:lned his ankr6 ln the first half mile. ue was sl.ck tdfren thds rac€ lras held last year & the y6ar bofor'o,.Dirksen & Batway Just ca.n€ f!o"1 ALanosa, i,he?€ the -ori6; ran 1.6 rail€ s of th€ n;rathon. E.S. 3-MILE- 1, Ranoy Jones, Ferrls HS of Spoka.ne, !+:57.8 (New rocord: o1d r€cord 15:h3.8 by Blalock, L9a71; 2. Pbil Burkrtst, A5$2t 3. ionn slitoclr. L5t56i 4..Ion Robinson, f6:05; 5. .feniy Morton, 16:JB; 6. Ed R;ff- rZ.(r. z p^r.
Dave Koss,
c;; ;;;i";-iiliel'e.'""
17:2+t l_0. Ed Za1ak, f7i1b, MILE- 1. Kon Latting, [:[f.[; ^IIAITSS 2. Btlt l,/Jt le, celgany. [:E!i!; J.' Biir f1x._-):lJr.5; tr. MIke Nea1, 5:09:.5. ter5i19 (pr€dlcrod tlne ,rinneF ly,-Mccleo€, 5iL9)i 6. Dick Bake", 5:_10.
1. Mary Mabrey, 5:,.6.I; r., J:lo lleclrt, 6:15; J. Debra Fo-ers. <. 4aty --Joh! J. Bla!&-6:r8.lr, )4. oonrse fr6g-.rs, 6;tL.------' 9+-YILE ROAD RACE, W€stport, Conn. oRECON, August 23rd 6-MILE 0.tot Au€ust 24, 1968 B:g A.M. ?2o, ver'y humld EUGENE, r'-{ul-tq9ore, 2Bt5L,.9i z. Gel.ly (last ln a sollos of sutltrr1or Saturdav lT"tk)- 28:$$.!; J. Jeck !149q?9n,. norning runs sponsorod by tho Westp;l:t zatra.9i +. E$non 0rRellly,Bachet_or. 29r29; 5. Recreetion Boa"d startlng at 2E rd16s & 29t33.7t 6. c;ant cor6n-our, {l^_ YuTp+y, adding ona mlle 6acb Satut:day. ) (sprrt" 4:3L.r, 9:08,2, r.3;[0:1 1. Jln Janke, 5Lnf9 j 2. Steve Norris, 55! ?9'14.5 ' !9to3, 23r2I.!--:5Bs tait Lap bj Moo]16) 3d;3. AL Meehan,55tl+7: L, Bifl Pidhlr--Don tacobs-ny, 57t03. L4 starters ln thLs !ac6, but there bave been as nery as 30 for some LAIG oSWEGo, oRECON ONE EOUR RUNS of the shortgr !uns. Run for, fu!..no June 2?, t96B- H.S,- t. Chucx Kins6!^ Grant 16, Poltland, 10n1., BB6y; 2."Fat 3I1331:--------::11-Il3l3::--_Tyaon, Iecona, 10mi., l10i; l, Sreve 1.0-KIL0 RoAD RACE, Kallspell, Montana [i€rrard, Grant lS, portland, 9]r, 91jy, August 2l+, 1960 0PLN- L. Chuck Dhulst. Olyno-ic hoDefuls. 1. Robert Edwards, Llbby, 39t36.3t 2. 9m, 2. Wes EdHariis, Oryn.U, Bm, Z5O' _1?0yi Torn Gonza16s, Plno Hll-ls School, MLles hendrlcks, L6ke Osw€;o ti,. ttS, ?rn 3. J6ff C|ty, l+O,25,2t 3. CarL Mccoun, Ft. B6n2zv. ton, L0:31+.41 4. Ma-tln Schn6ll, Kali.spel-1. l+2: J 0. --Don Jacobs-_HoOn RI'N, Lake Oswego, August 3rd, t95B r! lr:uco floltenson, oTC, 11 tnt., 111Oy; SPOKAI\E, WASHINGTON RoAD RACES, August 2l+ _2. -Norn oyler, PTC, 11 ml., BBOy; 3. Jtn o?EN 6-MfLE- 1, Jay Dlr'ksen, South Dakota State, J1:4.3; 2. Ton Burkwlst, Spokane AGE CROU! RESI'LTS- Ov€r3 50- A1 pt6t11a. 7m,-1736y.,1+0-49- 1. PauI Rfman, &n,tZ56 'IC. 3I:36t 3. Grahsr Reubenheiner, Dur:ben, South Afrlce, 31:47; 4. Darrrln Batlray ...30-39- Leroy Janes, 9m, 716y..20-29-' vsu, 32:ol+; 5. Bl11 Koss, Huskf, Tc, 32:5lr Mor:tenson6. l,le s Priestly, slc, 33r56t ?. Joe Ross Coll"og€- Erlc tewls, portland State CoL, 9n, 237y..H.S,- John Alanovlc, Orant HS,STc. 3l+:2J; U. Riley shlr6y, Husky cC, Porttend, 9m, 1l+02y..9th Grad6 & Under-' 3l+:l+1; 9. Pet6 l,/hl.tford. slc, 3l+:[6; ]-0. 175OX..Women- penny AnBob S. Isltt, STC, fl+:5f ; 11. Garnel, M1t- Ron Woolleyr_7m,. rFc oeI|son. rort-lend |l,r )))n ch€l1, Celgary'lc, 36to6t 12. Pat Moses, 88ry. gpokane, 36:20; 1i. Gl'en Rsipton' calgdry 01d6st: Dr,, r,""ry-qiriljl'6el-6ii., 13 Youngest- Kevin inflle!, tl; 6m1., 21y. r.lJr:
(Ctidb 6,ooo to 2,600 feer) Sponsorod bys Mt. Baldy Ski Lifts Inc, Herb C, Leffler, Meet Director Sanctioned bys Long Dlstance Runntng Contnitte of the S.p.A.A.A.U. S.A?URDAY, JULY
5TII, AT gsOO A.M.
Una. Z7tolt* 45. Burton Ray, BBTC a6t)6 sCS ZZ tl+O t!C. Ralph Dean, BBTC 36a39 Una. 2B!1O 47" Chuck Tl l i.ey, Una. 36slro L Jon Caranlugh, Una. ?g.IZ &6. l,lark Ruggl.es, RRR Richard Kash, RTC H.g. 28t52** 49. Johr Burnett, PTC 12 35gjl***r, 5. 362 59 Geo.B€Scott,Una.Au6triat.28s58 io, Jamie Vega, }i'IC jZ zOO Bill Scruggs, S!'A,A. Z9tL9 jt. Brian Springer, STC a? , Ol! Bob Detnes, ScS Z9tZ2 52. Gary sEith, Una. 3?stu 9. Doug Slater, Una. t. Bal. Z9c4O 5j. Steve toubleday, c?C 3? rZ3 10. John Pa€liano, Dr. STC 29159 51+, stev€ lty pe r, SCS )?.3? II. idike Carter, Una. j5. i{ike Bcar, Una. 3OrO2 37x49 t?. Ken Tolar, Una. 3OcO5 56. Richard Richaids, Una. 39: 05 13, Lynn Canon, Una. 3OsO9 57. Rlchai.d Adair, Una. 33s13 14. Jlm }'Iccuire, P.A.A. 3Os33 58" John Garcla, STC 50 38sISII{ Scott Claypoole, Una. 3'r5b Sg. Johh Montoya, sTC 56 JA|Z) ' Lynn Buehler, Una. 31308 60. David Rrggles, RRR Dai.id Caldera, Una. 6t. Don Carscal len, Una. 33c2? )tr?j 338llo John Larlrson, PCC jts?g 62. Ricky Traughber, RXR ff 38c50 r9. John l{aclas, uha. jLz)Z 63. Ron RarlboeE?C 19tt9 tavid Trickett, Una. 6lt. l{ol/ard Priest, BmC 313b8 39.22 Lynard Phlpps, Una. j?rOZ 65. Bill Haviland,cTC J9r?9 22, Bob Deloona.dis, GTC aZzO6 56. BiIl O'Donna 1, sTC 39.3I htayne Akiyana, WDC 62. BucCy cobbs, FilR l2 )Zs3U 39235 zl+. Larry cart€r, STC aZz49 68. cLyCe Allina, sTc 51 39.40 Alan llaas, Una. a9, Greg Spi.er,PTC 33rOZ agzlt? Davld ]Vemyer, Una, 332L2 ?O. Glenn Corr:a t, UrIa. UOzLj "6, leslie Caldera, Una. Carl Byington, RRR 3J223 ?I" b'z 38 "7. 24. Leff Sink, P..d.A. t3r27 ZZ" JoLr Tansley, 6TC UI.2t+ 29. L6o Lopee, P?C 33:.)O ?j. :-icbard ifreddel, BBTC 41cl+3 30. Doug Stlrnenk, UDC 33249 Zl!. Jeff 5ash, R?C U?.tz Dtck Bland, Uha, 34s18 ?5, st.n Stafford, S?C l+2 42.40 Ed felly, Una. l+Jrzb ?6. ,avi.d i:Ianeop, Una. -Charlie Short, sTC 42 3Ir!18 (r9 Toby lr3i28 Hedina, 34.25,r** ??. LAPD 14. Larry illann, Una. lrSrtlb 3br35 ZA" Pau I lralln, Una. 35. Gres Meeks, EIBTC abi56 ?9" Bob cosby, Una. tlo bfsJo Mike Ruegles, RRR 34i59 80" Albert cooper, sTc I&9. Irl*309 Don Spicer, Una. Bt, ceorge l,es lie, Una. 35rll 44.27 Ton Keyser, P.llA 35t25 A?. Charles Eea:-d r BBTC 45253 19. AnEus cordon, Una. 35?33 A3. Joe Sheily, SCs 53 46.b7 40. Ba.ry Xvans, Una. 35231+ 8lr. Dtright Deines, Una. A l+9226 41. Lewls Roberts, STC 0l 36EO3 85. tr. John l]liller, STC E6 b9tJ7 44. Br6nt Trueman, Una. 362L2 86. John Ranbo, PTC 49r 54 Jeff Doubteday,CTc 32. Vlcto!' l.{uBl ia, Una. a533O 11. 54c15 44. Janes Class 36t32 aNI, DouB Sailors UCLA Graduate ceorge i{usaruk, who is aleligently training in these saEe nountaj.ns foa ttle Al.amosa lilarathon, crack€d the course ieco.d of Z?zL), set last iear-,by today's .unner-up Ray l{ughe3. 9sO9 Hieh Schoot Z mil.er Rich l(ash, took the A,igh school Arophy, Challie Short rdon the llo up a$ard, thfud year running. Mark Ruggles non 13 & Undea Award, and John carcia won J0 and over trophy. ?.
G€org-e i:lusaruk,
Ray qughes, PhiI CaDpt,
R]]ER PARK,IAY RACES Sunday, Aueust U, t968 9-:lTl-S (2 L8ps of Rtr6e)- 1. Moees }layileld, Ph11a. ?'on6ers, L5t2l+.5 122t26 lst tap); 2. ts!1an farrlr€r"on, Delarace Tdd, l+7 toSt-3ror os1€r, PeJrn 4c, 4?:zr: l+. nuls .Iaiks&, dn--cTras, u]}a. , 47:4?; 5. Sroud.la qoss, SJTC, l+8:46: 7. Harr.J B6rkou:b SJIC. 5r:50i SJIc, U. L6on Drol 6r, 5f:5Ot 8. or. sJTc, SJTC. il:L9t 6l:) 9: 99. nobort ?oh16, PhlLa. lionsols, 5l+:13. DIF- 3ob Chanbers, Perm AC; Ron Talntor & l'au o Alrlzlo. Blurfton qA; Henrf, Klhl{ald, una. i Norm B.ke!. SJiC. Uayrlold churned lnto tho load at the start to record one of tho fastest tln6s ev€r for thts two-lap courso aromd Coope! Riv€r. Condltlons r.rore perfoct as stsrter H€rb Loronz. s-:11 bo-he-€o bJ a.uscl" i.Jury suffored on a bush couxse ln Afrlca, sot the ruiner8 off. l+,5-}trLES (1 lsp o-C Rlve!)- 1. Jtr TIIINUAI, S!-i'OIER COO?TA
front. .'r-oup of pacrne hrnsolf for !* 'unors r1n1sn.. r4earuhrr€ Tgn flolnes bcok€ sway rro,n th6 pack at about lE dtf€s tn an effo}'i to 'run g.wayii rith ].he race. By ch6 flv6 n1t6 ms-rk 1t was Cordes & Uolnes, wlLh , oln€s 1eadjn6. At thts polnt it was n6cesssry for Corde8 !o pass Hotnos & g6f out of l_sst prace Lo 6tay {n tho race. (-t is nec€ssarT for a punn€: to be 1n l8st place for .wo con_ s€cutlve laps to bo 611nlmted) Th€ DulLtb EasL ac€ bwo-fap special_tsL pDr on an all out o.Lasr & had a lot 1€ad on dolnos at ,h6 €nd of 5i d1€s, lnfortu5cely t € hsd nor figureat bhat anothor l_ap uas n6c6ssarJ Lo elllin;re flornea. Ar ih-1s polnt coldes droppod out & Ton Joge€d to a con-usin€ vrctory. (i,o. :rust o€ easrer uays ro run th.ts!) __pst Lani!__ DONCHESTM DAY 1O-MILE ROAD RACE
Ju't€ 2J, 1968 50 starrars. Torp. 85o, ]tll,ltd.
^r1"F..rsi,rc L, PaLd Hoss, Spsrtan Ac, Fft ". !=";;";;; rr,je.1 :' z.-L*Z ui'iiJ,' ?. K6n MJet_ 2l:17; l. La"rJ sl.mlons, Ph.tla. ?ton6ers, 2J: aer,.BosLon #, 5)'5Zt J. 5J:56: Dr l',loJnrhan, -rorR,ssel1 Floyd, PE1a, Pione€rs, 23:l+91 hlngrlM Ac. 5l+:o<; 4. ceo-!a€ c0n;'rev. Brock_ lq: L. 5. Jirn Snythr Phtla. AC, 23:50; 6. John D111€y ton Ac, 5L:5J; 5. _-a-nJ ots6r, Nuc, t6:Oo; 5. BfL.ctoi A,\, 24:Q6;-7. erucs Johnson, Chlches&{,{, 56:13; 7. Ron Vayr6, BrA, 96: ter Pacels, Pacors. 2|r ar:25: 25; 6. Rlch 1ch Bradl6y, Braol6y. Chlchostor Cblchostor 17; U, Ron caff, \1.1c, 57:01! f. i_druno con_ Pacors, 24:501 9, Dave i'lcDorul€ll,' €st Cheste nor, lll{c, 57:}6; 10, Dsve D.nsky. u1a., 1C, 2L:51; 10. Iat Jenldns, Bldfflon AA, 2r:5? 11. Ricbard lac,€!d, BM, !8:JB:-tr, DaveSBtz7 1I. l€n Poarce, Bluffton AA, 25102; 12. Paul I/+n!gn, - F!AA' 59tl+1 t ]-3, Jsms.ql€render, NEU, l,ucuskl, Penn AC, 25:1ti 13. I,en ,lackson, sffc 6O:u; It. Rl.hard w6eks, LJtr AC. oO:3;; 19. 2g:II.B| L4. J1n Sh€phond, Ponn Ac, 4t!2t tt. Earl H€nr:cl or, BAr, 60:j5i'16. Tonv saolenza Joe orRourke, v a., 25 t)-2,5t 16. Dav€ Earrts, Bn4,_60:4?; 17. Don Dhsky. 16a,, 6b:Lcl 18. SmC, 26:15; 17, Jln sh6riz, una., 26:32; 18. D6n Dawson. B,q.{, 52:21j 19. Jorn Wa-1;i;.BAA. Jin D111ot', Bfuffiion A4, 27:L0; 272IO; I19. Bob Poirru 9?t39t ?o. orMr Parn611, bparcon Ac, bi:39; 1'1,
kt. BlL'rbon B1uffton,lA. M, 29:19: ?9tr9t 20. chrls Chr'ls Macxlnnon, 21. Joru Kelso. M6t Ac, 65to2j 22, Don Fav. B,c4, 65:3f; 2J. ii.6v1n Hant. Brocklo! Ac. 6<: Bluffton rLA, 30 ! 21. DNF- l,iarty Gass, SXIC; iobort trushner, P6rm 42; ?4. Ld otconnell, B!.p., 65t5at ?5. v^.' c.Lr:ru, Soartan AC, 66t37 t 26. A1& Josepa. l9:_9Tc-::lT:::-P1:l!::l-9:-----__ 2". Dar€ Ioo4ey, e^A,, 61t9t' _ITnn_Agf .I-l AN-oIJT I"/CK 9lq,l at BraL€ S.hool Tr8ct', 2U, JUllEI6?!26; !'opl,lns, S16s61, NMc, 6B;U; 29. JolD c;!n:nneso"a, T^u!sday,^July 4, 106B lban, BA'l\, 66;24; J0. I!€n ro.Lir. BrockEon Ac conol!Jonq: csrlJ oven ns, 75' ntc6, sood clay 69:!J; 31. Larry Josoph, ?o:19; 32. bm Ac;J&1es (Tho €v.nt Nas run off, ss fouows; Al-1 Davld Wlllta].ls, BA4, 7o:q5i track, l,{oore. 33. runnox's sta"ted togethor, and r6nt through a. NI,IC, 71:37i llr. Don l'/lllrJn, 7L:3oi f5, nilsr the runnei in last placo at tb€ onal of {obn- I'rl-sy, NIIq, ZL:Loi 36.UIlc, Fo6e;r nyan;' one n116 lras glv6n €. Halnlr€, and was aflov€al rroth.LhAhan Ac. ?L:lj+: 3?. Den DD1oD, BAA, one 1ap to get out of last pLace, lf he dld.rlrt Stoven /Ioaas, Frothln€ro; he las cut fron tbo }aco. Thls process nas con ?rtZ+i 38. Richald u6i:o;. B,1A, ?6:o:;Ac, Lo. 76rd+t^Zs, tlnued urtll th6!o was onlT one nan 16ft on R_oyc6 Sairy6r, lfl,{c, 79:45; l+1, }nchaer Toorc6, th6 track. (Ul1e splits in paronthesis) Northoas!6rn un:e., 80i07: 4:. Jack Doyle, . .1. Ton Eolnes, TCTo, 5+ rdl-6s, 28|5r (5to9, Tal"bot AC. I{IT. 10:21, 15:i13, 21:U, 26:1.6) TeM ScorLna: 1. BAA, ?-6-7--15; 22: 2;' Jolu cord6s, Norln Shor€ st}', , 5+ ..l.,27t26 f, spa!han AC, 25i l+. Brockton Ac,2. jl; Nllc. 5. (5:10, 10;J0, 15t52, 2ltr5' 26tLs) FrothlnghM AC, lBt 6. rynn \C, l+0 t6rrJ --o-:as, unah., 5 m.L1os, 26:17 3.(5r11., --Fr6d Blorn,Sr, __ 10;30, L5ttz, 2ttr2' 26tT?) lr. chuck cenonskyr IcTc, 1,314+ 1|d1.os, 25tA2 12Tg A\NVAL 6-I1ILE FOq! RAC[, D,d l[y!RS. }1ASS. (5:09, ro:10, t5|fi, ?rta') Sporsorod by Danle-s Jarce€s. Jun€ 28, t96B tloathor: Cool & wet. 65 star.e-s. PsL r€n1n, lcTc, I++ niles' 2Lro5 5.(5:10, 10:lo, 1-5.52' 2]-t3a) l. Art coollctaer Boston Ai,-28:48: 2. Geors6 6. Doua Edaoneon, TCTC, lr mllos, 21:50 Con6frey, Brockl"on AC, 2B:tBi J- Dan rovnlh-an (5:17, 1o:l+8, t6t?\,, 2tt'o) Froth.AC, 29:00i 4, r6t6r Sbjpo, BAA, 29,t+5t John cranler, tcTc, 3 3/E nl]-os, 20:34 ?.(5:19, 5, Raroond Laaont6, NsTc, lo:22! 6. brck liail10:50, l6:28) oney, une., 30;21: ?. Larry Berm, u€t Ac, 8. Dan lil€no!, NsS, l* ai1€s, 1?:53; a, Brlan 30:l+2; B. Psul Se6elsc€n, us, 3o,LJ; ". u". o1c€tto. una,, 3.r rd10s, 16:12; 10. DennlB Brotchte, NEU, 30:45; 10. Robert Thonas, NsTc {rneb6-s, ba., 2+ n;los. 12:f?i 11. Bob Red- 3f :oo; tI. Dl ck sy.1lnslon, M., 3ItO't 12, dlck. llm.. 2 dl€s, 11:01; 12. Rlch Rsytnonal, Chas. I,laeul16, Spartan AC, J1:11; U. Rona.Id TcTc, 2 ni1€s, 11:Ol+; 13, Dr. A16x RetofLe, Gaff, Nl4C, 3I:15; 1l-. Dlc.i Balon, BAA, J1:f6j TcTc, 2 nl]es, l1:05; 1lr, carl cauboy, vornl1- 15. Jan6s Aloxanoer, BAA, 11:39i 16. ltow-rd l.ton Tc, 2 mi1es, II:l+6; 15. Eacold otterl€i, st&cldxouse, I,16t Ac, 31:[0; 1?, Larry Joseph, ua,, 1+ n116s, 6:50. Notes,..A nlxup on tbe rules concornln€ rull.l- 19. Ed walkwltz, 14t.?ark,AA, i1rt0; 20. Joe ner elilnlnatton, lrobably coslj Jobn cordes the lorta, Brockton Ac, 3It52t 21. K€llrl K6!Jn Hat't, Hut, C,3?tui 2?. G€ore€ Biard, BAC, l?:16; fllst placo trophy. Cordes had
f6 -23.
Mtke Snall, spartan Ac, 32:29; 24, Frs-"r.k NTC, ]ztl+At ?5. Rlchard Wo€ks. Lyrd1 Ac. 32tLJt 26. Robert H6rsey, 1,,.r4q, 32:l+L! 2?, paui Tho'npson,. Fyolh.Ac. J2:I!'i 28. Rtcli€ird ctapp,
ANT COOLID@ IIJNS MTIOIIAIJ AAU SR. 2O-XII,O CEA}IPI ONSffP O14M JIU KruFE Ne-6dberll, M.ass., Jul_y l+, t96B- Ar! cootldse
hls std1l ovs', th€ roads vhen he nastercd th6 usual sedhan tno lap cou.ls€ to uln-th€ sr. IeLlonal AAU 2o1gll cha."lptonship by 9s or€r fast flntshlng J.!n Koefb. tho elld of th€ flrst lap Cooudgo, Ed -_At Norrls,- G€org6 Conoft.oyr Bob r':tts,*.rira Pfrancle, Froth.Acr 14:14; 17. $ar by Murphxr iGefe, La]ry ofaon, Ken Mu€ttor & ;1n Lo,rbar_ M6t. Ac. 3L:LBi f8, v"1,firl1en. una.,'14:49;'19. al-1 vJ6re all ruhrllnA 1lhln a space oF Stove VleAas, Frol.h.AC, 15:02; LO. Wa.BoyLa.NS- uoo-L].qgo cErr6 on rhs track at the flntsh rC, 35:^lr l+1. llchrd Hogan, BM. 35tj'i tt2. 'Oy. rlth good ].sad but ln that t_ast quartet,a ,toe ce-r1n, BAC, J5136; l+J. JuIIan st€ao1. NMC. rd16 X€efo,s spurt a d6st-so nuch Aatn€d A!,6at 35:56'. \\. John looa,sian, I.ts, 36:2i+j [5. c€o.- lrral ns.ny wonder'€d uhat mlAht hav6 happen€d Lattarulo, MIc, 36:30i lr5. Richard u€rson. BAA. lf, he had star.toal soonort 36:40; 47. Dsrid Dundan, LJnn Ac, 36:l+9; [rB. A,.nby Burfoot lan about a n116 & hsd to drop Xend6hh BartLett, Nyc, 37:o5r [9. Johll Hurle].. out du6 bo a foob tnJuIy on th6 pr; 37:10; 50, Roe6r ?srhan; Lrnn ac, 3?:J4;' vlous day, Donrt th€y restsufferod llYc,Ed^Shek6r, hhe d4y b€fono- a una,, J8r10;52. John Roborts, lace EnJrroro ? 51.. --Ired B)"oun.Sr. __ B^A, J8:45: 53. rdn. ir€raha;,- M€t Ac, 39to?, Team: 1. Boston AA rA',, t-2-3-B-10--Zr: 2, Wr. cos6love, una., l9:08; 55. c€ors€ r,jatert centra1 J€rs€y Tc, 5ti 3. NMc, l+. BAA rB' M1C, 39:13; 56. charl€s scott, C,J9:38, 9?. UI. T€np. starLers. Tom Popkowskl, la6t.Ac, \0:59; 58. ?or!y Scheln, L. Artbu! 70-dogrees. ?t+ 'ri 2. Jan6s cooudgo, B,4A ,tA,,, 63:28; una.,4l-:o2;59. wn. stnith, una., lr1:92; 60. r(o€fe. ccAA, 63:J7! Ed Norris. 3. il,cA "A'r. Donald \ryman, Jr", una., \2tl+6t 6L. Sla loctlozt 6l+:35; l+. Bobort Fttts, Millros€_AA, 6L:l+ii Nlr'C, 45:2fi 62. Falph Danlel,J!., una., 116:18. Xen lluollerr BA.{ iAi, 65:1U; 6. i,u].V -oi_ Xotes"..fh6 eathor uas tdeal- for a fast ra.c6. 5. sen, N}lc, 65:L8; 7, Uichsel oafraaher. soarTho course had to be cbanAoal due to a flooalod AC, 65:2I! 8, Rob€rt Boaltoho: c.ri'c_'6q! street. Poter Stlps hopped out 1ro an €arly 16aal tsn 9. Ddjf, fioynlbEn, Frothinel an Lc, 6b136 4t & lost It Lo Dan MoyDlban & Art Coolldg€. WIth c€ols€ coneft€y, Brocktoi nc, 66:o[; ii. a n116 ro go c€ora€ Conofnoy uas runni nA ln 6th 19. fin LorbargJ, CJTC, 65:13; 12, Janes D!ir6y, p1ac6 but nsde a great flnlsil to arab 2:d spot Jr., NMC, 66:16; 13. p€ter SrtDe. aA]\ rAr:' Just 1os behirtl Cool-tds6. --!'rod Brorl!,sr'.-q6:11; 14. JEnos Helt, ccAA, 6-6:i9; 15. Ray Ealf, cCA.4., 67tOTt 16. Rol-and coErlor. N}]c. qu]l{Cf COOLIDG:E WII{S lO-lflLB IN 54:lr0 67t59j a7. Phl1 Ryan, BAA-A, 68:28; 16. Ro; W. Qutncy, l,lass., Juno 29tb 2 p.m.- Ari: Coolayns, BAA-A. 6dr51; 19. Jsnos cr€en, BM-A. latAe, 21-y6ar'-o1al formei l4tddl-obur.y Co116g€ n. lhll Petorson, cnc, 69t1+2i 2I. 99t3?t track star but noR of lGDt Sta!6 Co -69o, t'6- l,r'1|. schuab, _N€!,I York Ac, 69:5)+t 22. Bob Bera, cordod his second load !ac6 vlctory ln tllo BM-B, 70:16; 23. LaIry Be]"nlan, Ac, 7o:j3 days l.|nen ho capturod the St. MarTi s lnaugureL 24. Davld Llnton, BAA-8. ?o;[_or Met 25. Jo6 Wlt:.0.2-n116 run. kovrsld, _cJTc, 70;lr8r 26. Ja'*j s WyIYul, spartan Cool:ds6 fo11ou€d c€orge conofroy for 2 fl11s8 Ac, ?0:5qt 27. Paul ThonDsor, Frothinch;|n Ac, th€n nov6d out to Hln by 016r'f diDs. 28. Tom Wl]Ilel-Ls, cfiC, ?tt1zt'zg. Ed' 7ot58; courso: Tlo oq$1 Laps wlth 2* rdl,6s of a1lls co!nor,_ NMC, 71"tt3t 30. Rlchard tacka"d, BAAeach lap. U2-deeroos & sunn$.. 25 aood pt'tz€s- +' 7\t55t 31. roDy sapleDra, Brl.-A, 72t26t trophies & nolchandlse. Raca Dlreclror: l'ather 12. }Iyron Btaelov, B,qA-B, ?2:[7; 3]. nobert Mcuahol!.,1}7 €ntrles. 68 starter.s. Sgveral of Eersoy, Nyc, ?2t5ot 3l+. peL6r Barvler. una.. the area :rur1r1s.s h6Lped tn tlds on€ to nals 1t 72:5L; 35. Bruc€ La,\ane, w,z., 7l+:l+5;'36. a succoss ln lts flrst ysa!" Joha Jarok, NuC, ?5:ot; 37. Job.rl A. K6t_tev. 1. Art cooltdBo, Soston !.4, 54:40; 2. Geo:iss D]na., 75tt2i 38. John vtatface, F,ll.-B, 75:3i; Conefr€y, Brockton Lc, 57 tl+2j 3. Ron ayDE, BAA 39. Robert RussolL, ccM, 76:02; Lo. Ron ca!er.y, Frolhlnghtun AC, 77tOZi lr-1. Joh.lr Llnscott 50:24; l+. Ron oaff, N}lc, 59:21; 5. Jtn croon, BA-\, 5913?i 6. Bruce Dobratz, NMc, 60:L3; 7. BAA-8, 7?:O7; 42, Ben chaflrsld, Nl,]C, ?B:15; Bob B€r'9, Bosi:on Stats, 60:23; 8. JolII| Ja?6k, 4_]. Davtd Uorth6n, NMc, 78:L3; I]l. Hl]_Ltem Nl{c, 60:32! 9. Russ HoLt, NfiC, 60:52i 10, Mlko qlnn:, spaltah Ac, 79t4t l-5. Don ray, BAA-8, BiaeLo'w, BA'A, 6l-:3L; 1L. Tony Saptonza., BA-{, Z9:4di 16. Richard clapp, MIc, 8l:30; 47. BAA, 62:06; 62:06! 13. 6Lr39, 12. Rlchald Packai.d, B4A, 6Lr39t Jolm KeLso, Mot.AC, 81:3li !.8. Jults,a St€,:61. lon Det'der.lan, N\ric, 62t27t 1l+, Dav6 l,tnton,BAA Nl4c, 82:02; 49. Ssnl \tnball, Ena., 82,39t-5O. It, Jollll wa1Lac6, BAA, 63: 63:19i 16, Fnarik Dave UilltM!, BM-B, 82;L0; 51. caores t,lat€!62t95t 15. 62tttt LC. 63t39i \7. 17, IDtck Jones, J. wa1f. Wall, Spaitqn Spa'.tan AC, lolc, b2tL9t 52. irlike canty, spartar Ac louse, 64:; d2t53i 53. stan Tlernan, lalc, 83:28r 5l+. pauL wia., 6ltt22t 16. John A. rel-l€y, uaa., 64:26; 19, iodr Llnscott, aaA, 65t55; 5:55i 20. KeD Fortln, Sch611, Nlvc, g+:d+; 99. Rsy B6auueu, ma., ;c;-64;it;-zlii iii6i"JJiti, -nitc, -eai 85tO?i 56. nlcl< l.1ark16r, una., 85:oB; 57. Phtl Hansbor66!, Spartar Ac, 85:i.L; 58. UF" 3], 22. Ir^rtng s€aa1, B.c4, 61r31t 23. Pavl Sche11, Nl4c, 67:.\i-; 2+, Tlm lyons, B,J., 67 tl+6| uuu6n, una., d6tr3t 59. carl Eanm6r, una,, 25. H€rb ?a!sons, una,, 6B:01+; 26. Joo Catala- 87:06; 60. Lennle dolr6s, N c, 8?:09; 61. ci€o. Lattarulo, NlIc, 88:50; 62. ller'k Haglarty no, BM, 68:J7r 27, Davo Duffy, una., 69:1 Glnns, spaltan Spartan Ac, Ac. 69:U; 69tt7i 29. Bob 28. BllL ctnhs. ura., 90:o1i 63. Ralph Paff€nberser, una., lay, BAA, RAA, 69:29; o'J:z)i Nrlu, 6yt?ei 69t22t 30. to1^] !ay, fior'sey, NMc, a6!sey, Jo. ton 97rl6t 6+. SIa Poillozht, NMc, l-02:03; 65. Br1sto1, una., 7ot25t 32. Pote ChErlos Scott, NMc, lolt:06; 66. Dave ficrurrsdl 31. cfayton Lains' qulncy lls' ?1't25t 33. Jln Parson, una., una., 107:36. 71,48i 34. Kevln liart, BLc, 72t)+1t 35. Da'o TEE COhDITTONINA OF DISTANCE RUNNIRS by TonI H:lrlans, BAAr 72:!9. --Don FaY-0s16r. $1.00 fron Lons Dlstance Log.
\rtc, 32t52i 29. lsul Scheu, Mrc, 33tzLi 3o.' l{ark Ha..m6r, una., 3J:l7i 11. AIan Jos6Dh. Lvrur Ac. ll:L2i .12. TJn Lyons, BAA. J3:L?i 33. caiy BAA, 3J:(0i 3L, stepnen F 11on, !rS, 3l': ltons, 51i 35. Raynond Latvr, una., 33t5zt 3i,. vJi.[
olYMPIc DCIELoPIEIIT MELT, Farso 4ullallDa, lwa$er, rJ, una., Rlcbft€ld, 33:24; 64. uarksouth Boston. l4ass., July 8, 1968 Eendicap lStauff6rer, Ll, Eopldns' uia., 33r5lr; 65. A1 2-M11es. lroather: Fot & huntd. 29 sta).t€rs. lTappe, U, Hopldns, una., 3l+:02; 66. Chsrl.€e 1o:o? N11 L0:o? 2nd lrrrauso., l-6' Hoprdns, una',-ll:12i,67' n6rb f. i.h. cart€r' Jv, irloon$glon, :jLtv, t+trr. Nl] 10:19 OrR€111r, 2. Andr,ou l!r-orcyk, 'c"ri. -' 10:19 Hoas shoEed hls AIl An€rrcsn Not6s"'steve 10:23 ro:38 :15 il il," | il eiir ,r"oiu."*u', ro,!z :45 ro:o? lra lcolors as he sl:o! a!"av fron Lh6 Tleld at tho
til: rtlil l:33 13:3? i;l l;l:ik"ti.i"i.:!\:ilJ'Trtr;i* il:3i v.r.:::in::' B1vd. In tsopldns, ntle" doffi Excelslor L1r12 NlI 11:12 ,ti':. ii'."cr6, le-st
i. b: ;il ilit;;".' ,: ;i;b;;;;;".' 10. cltv6 Doraa;
u:15 1:oo 1o:l'5 rL:2i :l+5 10:36 u:23 l:oo:'^''r
a f€ll tholrsand onl"ookers aahhered to Raspberry Festtval Parade :oo! t-9. tJle lv16s rocord or 4i4o
li:a:lr*:ii:"; li:F, r;riii;? lis"T*:'lii:i?'G'fid':s:F:!ffi:Ti;!.qi" l& had an aodltlonal 200v. Itt€ Twln il-c"liii-€iiSiil'uuc, s,.rz Nrl Bt32 lFle:lglry, !o9! tho-!e",''nedals ' wrnnrns ii';:lFnili:$;, s:[f ':]e l:li l#*i]i$ilil&'i:l;"t:'ii:"b*""::" inroD@ 4rn' C.LtIes TC 28-
zND AM.ruAl
*I*9ii:- YlIl.Il"?!l rs6B l3i;ll"l,-iiill? f,Sl?3 *ilffi'rB:ii',:.r:l: zr'ge
Ho?Krlrs, MrNNLsorA RASPBEaiY FEsrrvq
;:uriri-!-oAt"BAi:iliunaay, ,rury zB,
it:] I;ffi;ilil-;;;-*-;
ti *:"gsfffi'13:'nir'tr'lr:ii:;-:"tqitri I T,'$li,*ilhilFlrliif";:il*Tii"iffi I i:ryffit"'lT";*'ir.;; ti-" t111v iZlil ;: f::--:ru:fqr.'9a#ii'913i"i"T3: "i-*rx-c ';;;;"" to€ ve'v lo-mrl-e relar over 2-E;!n iii.' 26iil e"v" stlver e- rohn savon6n, 17, :3;i3 | i3fl";'il li"':ft]:"'ff"'H"#:l':"gv:":i3:-* +l: i:i'mi*.i: u-" 'r:'g*i"::tii"'. :'-*:" ls: s*;ilm:"ili"lnm:;ili:J +:l:: E3:4? | F.-"i;-r:'xi"4liil HL:ii gii,:v::nsilola,"lffi:i:li:l,-'ttr,lliii ui I !,teir !iffinJ?;i't!';|?',s,12! '1i\i's, J"::, friT I aiil ;tij l:fr +i! iii::'';;: uz z::' f; , ir$ ti'#r i;; f r*'$,;iii' 13: ffi"11i:fi!l'',f"ii3iiiii:'":!!:i Ei:ii | 31^.11\r"!i:yz:l"i2';111',2811,;:Li'u",;11'u, )i: r;;i;,", reLc. z7.)ei r,.*"t{il;^E8lfq, | ,:;i,;,:"TThl:"ilai: il:53i.fli"$i!:1,:;Hti"39l!1i^iil";";*'cH{ii: I r-.6qiih":il:i;"': ?, .1r,"',;,;:,;',;,,,u.us1cL. p6m Ac #i;",:3;it;iie-"!eir.ltjpl :!;"ii:: lfm:,1 ,!i;t:i idi:'"?;::i"?;'f#il?',!l'?l" u,.s i6i;,i"i.rfi :, iiiiii,3i,"ry,:?a;zi;jr:;i:ti :ii,*rtr,*";ri:9,;-t;s-'j"r, rt*'" fl."Til3i'ilii"l.E!;T6'Ei'J,;:iHi{F4iir ffi.t -p:i9: s1'"""*"s;l-"",", penn ^c (5:22, s,t!6. 6:a6, ,', ?:::::.?|'#:: ?5$,':e:'"i:'H;4:ii iiili I :,'.9i *.1:*i:,:",':i:":i"a"ts"6'' n,, i". i6r.€ ob3ar., una., ,,oo' ,,i:,*lBg,bi.[g6] 6;:,*i+;:Ti.":l*.i:;yii:i:t;i:ei,f,;i?,s, il:'r"33;*1;,'R;'i'*l,fllilh5t: ;ilil;s:iq 9;"1.*"{":"9;:"' iii::: !?:,li,i-',1:i",_"Hi::"il;T.3i;ii I::h rir . !"1 feL!e-con. :;i6,-i;:-i.ft'l I d'tnr"i;i:{':,*,fu:,ii:"i3r.:Tti.!L'" 3ii,3t"i8"3l';.iir,'lil';,.$"r;."ii;i"'#i;;Ii14 im;Tryf: *,,ffiiiH"iil"iiJ"'al'ilii 13: 3L ii;:l""Jilii.r!:"iliii""ii,-;;;;"i::iz; .tm*:',:::';l:l:t""fl;,1:"ft;:q"liilt""" 50. Jacd ?et6.rsburs'jl*;, ixltli ?i. ii.:.:"" | ;;;;';i." r.;;i';; tie .:e1o rrrh! froa lho r"u'*-1 :!11,"I?'-tl" l::t';,:ilTli"l'tff';,i;: !"ii:?: 3i: ffi{ii;;'r;;;:'ri;i6i'ri'-e"i !il] ttt6l'lriij' 91.. nrr.e'K.rr' ''-4:-,-;i;jb; bv ts}'oun\q^ raverno Dssnore,rs, .p..""' | *:""1:i!'+: gllac.kson !'ero iolned ,# :i:.*h:,,lli";srr;"iiliii;ij,f i,:;ru:1 lr,n""r:i,'fr::i lrll:.:"i::;Hr";,!.*:ffi;v aii?5"'":9,414',.iig€r$$i;ll;-liilrs'v',s;i'x';x""; ijlitl*i;l:r"ii;i::r,i"ei: suenson' lnE.' 3J:2li 61. B1f,rl &ao:t'& rru,'nta Jor so early in the norni;a. 33ut
62, l.Iafl'en
fBro{nlns Ross, s,IIc, 30:30; 2. Russ Jackson, Srtc. 30:3lrj J. Irlc tsenl{o1a, Ponn Ac, lq:49; 5. h. Dav6 McDonn6l1, Vest Cr^est€r TC' 31:26i tarry stnmons, Ph11a. ltonoer€,_31:l+5; 6. lgl+ sanborn, ma., rL:58: 7. fiarry B€rEo$Itz, sxlc, 3t:06: 8. Hsrry Dorolf, S.nC, 35:Idi 9. Joe orRou;pe, una., 35:30; I0. Rob€rt Pohlo. Ph11a. PJon., J5:L9! 11. ?au1 ?alrba, ur].a., 35.55i 12. 8111 craoiner. uns.. l5:06! 13. Ru^us Jordan, B; 1l+. Freo Ros6nfeId, Llro' , Phila. , -JTc, J6:lr J9:J1i 15. Mike D'onofrlo, Phtla. AC, i9:+5i 16. Ahn Lavender, una., West clesi6., ra.' !0: OO: l-?, Jtn St6vensoi1, DNF- Tbonas FlarDSan,
una,, 40r25. una.; ALvln Lor,tls'
& T&]F lilffiT lnder tirc ausplc€s of tbo Phi1a. Plolleor A.c. ano ;r6ale4 Phl1a. Sports Dovolopn6nt Councll SaL.. Aue. I?th & Su;., Aus. 18th, L96B 12roon each oav. Frsnt l"ln FI€Id, Pblla. P&. ' lst Ds:r- 5.OOOn- 1. ros6s Mayfield, Phlla. Plon., Phl1a. JLn All-ahadd, ?lon. .' lfitl--. 17:20.6; I+. A1sfic, Jackson, nuss 16:25i l. -cinls, una., rZ:55.L..99.- f,. rom noblnren son, NYAC, L;za.Ot 2. nuss€-ffFlovd,. Ph11a' Plan,, l+.35i 3. lau1 sanbo-n, una', 4:>r. ri +. r.hn Roblnson. }[YAC. 5:O?.7. 2nd oav- lo.Oboa- 1. Mos6s uaJflold' ?Pc, 32: 02.6: ), trusis--Jtckson, sxlc,35:05.1+; l. K€n troeh'l, Fadnor charsors, J 5: 3I ..8._ ' !94-- 1..n 'rs E &qSTERN D]lCAT]fl,oT CHAII{}IONSEIPS
lradel;di Radnor Fii"a'l iic. rt59.7l 2. lrarryDonahue, RadnoF chai'a;rs, 2:01.5; J. tlason Ct,rE"t", e,Oei- U, Jolm Roblnson, 'llrAc, 2:09. Eot & vsry riu]'lld.
FMST AAU AL!-COI,IRS TT.{O MII,E X-C l"lacGreror lark. Eouslon, Texas, August 10th 1. ua;e comer. 11:ool 2' Rustv Lou6, 1L:05; 3. Jsies c. rr.ll.pahrtck, 11:06; 5j-L. BJ11 srlav' rohn s 8: B. Y3fli"'ll: ll i 3:, ?. F!air< Prlce' 12:2qr ;;:-i:,-02, e'i, l::28; q. JolE BoEen, 12:30;.10..8r6do iorrnscn, rl:;:; LL. John D€ason, 12:ill! 12'
lJ: r.uiE s"r".iiii', r2,5"; D. 4red sruber, lJ: r"r':'e].;;t Y;;'rc: u:b"; lt. Dgltd \e-'r,ah' L6: f,b. LJr:aht liilllss, 1]:22: 17. Rudv Nlsuri, ]"J:zg;"re. Bv-on Dean, -rJ:10: i9:,lI?9 .
:::";:;::'$i:iil"liil;': ;:;i:;;i*;tl;,;g; 21. Lo ell-l4i11e!' l!:fo; 21.. q:'?'h
(lr1+-I IL:26. 93I":Il lri',.ri iS. i"""toi nr"t "ia".j", -l,rorclts t' DrvrsroN-. -Nancf,--rorvell' ilri"i'i I closo-, 16:26i 3. vlrslnta lii:i: 2. t"*t Frances conza_LeE, ro:r>; >' DeaJ', 17t25i li. ftnrsh6rB ) 18:2?. .r"".'eri."-"6".". -irl,ini". t" to; lbee in(1]6sch dtvrston' ntbor ovsr 60 '' .t t"""o"t tii!"ii"id-ri.i"il"'". parttclpents auaurs tsl1 for. sovoral noro-no !6ason i''"es "i tnr. ttp€. (Ed.tn'rherers runnlns drstanco lst can'i'b6 ;fi-;";;"" stai't or a aoodl i.l,ril i"t'" hop6 Lh.ls ls tlelvorlell. M€et Dlr. ffi'."*r t" Housuon, --Nacy *:*i:1"3'f :331,"'?l'$3u'8"H3,1i' rLl* AA]J 6:30 P.s. z-roles
Groaa Carlbura' ons.ha' 16tol+; 2, K€n Ka z6!, Ltncol!, 16:25, 3. Steva Kad€1, EastiyL]a, I6t32i 4, Bob Tuppor' onena' 16:49i Ton Snyder, Llncoln' 17:oo.?. (f,o pa-ttcl-
TRACI! nACE, Lincoln Northeast HS July 19, 1958- 1. Iten Ibtzer, Llncoln' i2: 2. lou Frltz, verdo'], J2t57t 3. Ton SnJder Ltncoln, ll:U; lt. c€ne Son6r, curtls' 35: 5. Mtk6 Fl-urT, rLncoln, 38:14. (B partlcl-
--c€no sonor'--
18, 1968 cool ce.lar Raptds, Iowa, August'-UILE
Am TIME wlth ratn. 1. Dav€ EssLland, Io!,'a c1tt, 19, 29tL1 2. Ear-L Eblon. ceda- Raplds, 32, 26:l+6 3. uactin Sdth, ceoar Raplds,l9, 27t37 lr. uayne SJlka, cedar Raptds, 22, 27t5L 20' 2b:10 9. larl l,J1l]lers, c.R., nnes, 19, 28:11+ 6. Larry Locktrart, 1U, 2b:?5 7. St6re Folbes. !alrfleld, 8. Oan Meyer, c;dar Raplds, 16, 28:30 9. Bob ElrDnd€idosse, f'atrfie1d,21, 29:U 10. Gordon znbrod, c;dar Raprds'2o' ?9132 11- Charles Sclvreld€r. Cedar Fal1s, ld, 29: 12. D6n!r.!s l4oolac€L, c.R., 19, 30:07; f3. x ll1 Tvtsel-ton. c.R., 15, 30:f6; I+. Gr68 Der nts. c.R., 19, J0:l+8; l'5. Dlck carsen€n' -l'le tor', 2a, 30t56t 16. Ber! G-ahM, c.R.' lU, 3015?t I7, Jene Naaktseboren. c.R., 16, 30: 18, BtLl veyer, a.R., 18, J2:01; 19. JJm L. c,R., 2a, 32tL2t 20. Bob !'rslker, Anos' 21, 32t92t 21-. Loren Dudeo, c.R., fb, 3lr:06; z T6rrv T€Boclforst. c.R.. 2l+, 36:06! 2J. Jar sty6is, c.R., 4i+, lB:22 (ov€r I+0 ulnner) ! : Dous oloBen, c,R., \6, 38t22i 25, cregs cor wo!, c.R., 15, 3U:4b; 26, l'JBrk Vhltters' c. ll+, l+o:l+7i 27. Ar llh:r!ers' c.R.i 12. L0:lti GIRLS DMslO$- 1. lye Gauagbor, Marlon, l+5;00; 2. Girla Vhltters, c.R., 10, L5:09. Notes...Being tbe f1!st open dlstaJlo6 ever Rapids, for both n6n & !,Ionen h61d tn Csdarjierned a th€ E1lts laxk 5-!411e lun can bo a!6at success. Dave nastla-nd ran wli:h naral ;er Sarf Eblen untl1 the L-n11e nark, then novod out to rln by a s11m 4s. Martln Snltl who nlLl r1un for Caf T6ch, overiook l"Ialme r ka, uNf rirnner, ln the last n1lo for thlrd D1ace. Eerl Ittlllans, Coe dtstance ec6, c8r 6n srrone a .6r slarc r e slov to ol-8ce flrl Jsrnes Slv€rs. L!. von tho over L0 LropirJ 5l sald rhsi he keeps Ln el ape pley:ng handba: at the YMCA and Jogglne aromd lhe evn.por bnd has been cove-: ne ov"r 100 nlles 'Ea: fl6ek & snith & S11ka run about u5. JR.
30 K1],0
1, 1958 B6a!.da11, l4arin Ac, 1r45:07.8 2. Jack-r€rdle, ueab vslLey 1c, 1:+7:06 Bu l. Bruce J;hn!;n. !.cc, 1:50:00; i+. Dous MAC. l:51:0?; 5. 56M orRloroan, iryTC, 1:5 j8: 5. Jeff kroot. 144c, L:52:20! 7. Rav lte:
san'tja Rosa,
1. Darryl
wTc ,I;. vac. IS2,2L| B. vl. Nacl6Y,Jr., o,rrf rtq'tzot 9. chuck Larrl€u, }larar on, L:56;1 rerK, Lincol.rl, .Nob 10. K€nt R6zouaUI. Mssnon, 1:56:16; 11. Anteropo Pstk, 7-rrILI X-COUITRYj Antelope ?-lflL! X-CoU]\'IRY, verdon, Sbeve Ft:?m. l,laranon, I:56:16; l-2. Burt au Lo!r-'!:tz' l-. ?.u.i"i" i. rsse 8:oo !I]c, rt,itllit U. Jo; Henderson, l'lAc, 1:59 JBj02i 33' rom i7'"Eei'2. s.t Tuppgr, o%rra,i'r"Bi3;;, 6^Hl 1L. Raana! Thanlnc, MAc, L:59:15; 15. "ein iiliS-;.'i,:::,*"iaii,:'ty E;t$'tA. ATc, !t59t27t )6. Ron E11JS}1,lb. vn. R1c6, Arc, ]:59;L5i -!lAc11u "*lil,:TBi.l5ir 1:<9:L1:1?. parti;ipanis ) ATc, It59t5tt 19, Jav NeuhaUs' ralonrina, 3"*Ig::: *'. l":Ti:I"1 !-inijlts;rtEcnAsr i ' Johnson, A-qC' 2:02:l-tji 2L 20. !1e] 2:OO:15: \orth6ast "i"ias oach rap srcuno !h€ trackj Llacorn,i Don Mai<;Ia. !,IAc, 2:05:06; 22' Jin Gauon' I
si."ii"i"a bvi
;::""i::.il \:":::*ll"ll1""ii)
2t06,59i 23. K€vln Puss€r, MAc, 2tlot32t A+, SIiAMROCK AC 2.MILE CROSS RUI{ Dlck Cordono, una.., 2:14:09i 25. r€1th Kruso, ntls tark, ChlcaAo, IU., COUNIRY Ausust t96B \|r'rr9, 2t2ot59t 26. Clarence HaU, una., 2:32:47 cloudJ. c00l-650; rtnay.'rhe-race 25, s;lvod s6[ 27. Jobn Sattl, MAc, 2.39t57. run6up Tor plep and cott€gl_ TeE.'l Scorlng: 1.. West Va116y TC (loydtg, are fllincrads. Joth collat, D€pau] unlver: orRioroan, Mackey); 2. Marsnon; 3. Alaneda -cc! 31Ly's ac€ 3 & 6 n116r, doninated lhe fi€tcl 4. Martn Athletlc c1ub. 9y loullns the folltr€ courso in 9:.lo.t. Notos. Th€ weather ,as 1deal ln thls usual !-orretis rln€ rMks H:th Ton Sut 1vd,s 9:26 rarn Santa Rosa. cllrnato. fho flrst thr6€ nlles {1961 on B ^1a!L6r parr of lhe parkj. on the nl1s hors6 f,ac6 tlack of tho 1. John Collet, D€pad un1e., 9:J0.1; 2. DM Cobty FaIr Grouds. 0n€ nor6 fuI] Iap 1s run candj ano, D€Paul, o:<6j J, trlao Foortouez. on return to the area. 32 sta.t6rs. -n. DeC611 DePaul, I0:oet 4. J.ir l,tat z, Loyots, 10:OB;' 5. coanJ 0'Shea, DePsuI, 10:09: 6. Rtch SixFrrrE AlrrltAT- EOLL CITY RrD6 RUX, 76/58 _t9n, -r9., 10:15; 7, Bobby Tounes, Depaul, Sponsored by West Valley Track Club 10:21r 8. Io-1 Lo6che1, u.:r4., IO:25; 9. toit Thls event, sponsoxed by on€ of the Paclflc colllns, Defaul, 1O:29; 10. Jol n c;ldoH. D€_ Assoclatlon ts ouiBtandlng runntne c1ubs, son6Paul, 10:35i 11. I. Zucco, D6psu_!, 10:LO; 1?. uhat beu6s lts ns$o. Holy Ctty r€celeed lts Jln o,Haro, una., 10:1r5i i3, Thsd Xl,le;.rnsk1 nano soms 50 years aao from the rellgtous or'shairock 4C. 10:46; _1L. Itlke Jotal]n, Shsm_ gl-ost alors tr at fr€qu€nt€d the area. Now a 10:l+6,"r 15, L. Scllee61, Dersut, torn, lt llss d€6p 1n a vaU6y. Th€ race stalis rock-Ac, r.0:53. (40 stalt€rs, Lo ftnlsh€-rs) 1n hot sul1shino down tn tbe low lands & the & ov6r- c€ne u. Bulinskl, sharuock AC 40r17th) up to th6 sunnlt of a rto€€ ln the 1st 12:J6 lst 1l+ & Uaoer- Llerry Krt€c1n_ Santa Cruz )vounta'ns, about an 1dO0 ft. cl.Ll!b. sld. sharhrock rc, 12:07 (t]rd) Frequent1y th6 top of tho slnmltt ls cl"ouded -lth foe & qult6 cool. Thts year, however, tt _::9::c:-91!1]9:::---___ uas hot all h 6 wa:q. (+- Juitor L8 & und€!) MOIII,IT TA}IIAIUS RAcE (Ho NoL!T-U ) Lsbo. ]ay, A {611 run evsnt, betreen ? & 9 n11os tn 16!rs sept. 1Bt (nevlved- lsst Etn6 uas ln l92o's. 1. Darold Dent, una., lr2:l+3; 2. Jo€1 Whytock, 9t nl1€ auto nosd. 2,oOO Tt. €lovrrlon, bJ a.c., L3t57t 3. Dar.yl aeards.U, l4a!1n AC, !4, rtrros, v€ry fast tin€s. ) L. Bruce JoMson, ATC, 4lt:24; 5. J.Ln Su1l1van, 1. Johmy Faerber, LtAltt3t 2. Scott Hs:lton, 1:OJ:01+j J. iL€ HalI. Frasno SLate. WTc, lI:13; 6. He1nl€ $art!tA, ATc, 44:39; 7. olbe Petronl, uia., !l+:!6; 6. SLoph€n Flyrm, I:04:26; 4. Paul Deco(llsot, t:oB:t-: 5. Ed una. j lJ+:48; 9, Dous Butt, l'lAC, 4l+:58; l-0. Eerb Ronery, 1:10:l+9; 6, san BoseE!1, I:15:25. lottor, 0,C.' lr5:03; 11. Ben Roeers' wvJc, !5:1: - frevious fastest time- 1:01:00. 12, K€lih K!us6, wt?c, l+5t23t 13. B€rna?d llhdo \\A., l+5t39t !+. chuck Lanrt€u, vi,a., l+5t'ot a5 OHIo R]] EnC 4-1411,E PREDICTIoN RuN Aus,11 Ir'.J. Mccann, v,a., )+5r57t 16. Mtke Dat16y, RCs, ( 2lfD ANNUAIJ WATInUELLON RUN) Monroe, Oh1; l+6:ott 17.+BIll Rlce, ATC, I+6:06; 18.#rotr Bal€8 ,r pledlctlon I'lnne!s Rcs, !6:27; 1.9. Ray M€nzt6, Irldln Ac, 46:46i 20 ]. Ton IJ€e, Indlara Stat€ & OVTC, 2t:11; 2. Joe 861con,* ncs. 46:52; 21. G"6g clLaprdan, STc. Jat Blrnlnghe, Vtlnlnalon Colle;e & oVIC. \.6:55t 22. Darren i.larton, I'AC, 116;59; 23. Robt. 22:0I; 3. BlIt KLnsie, caeonl i1l; s, ,2:08; Dar']lna, 0.c., I+?:o4t 24. Char163 FFosolono' 4. Bob Ronckor, ayTc, 2?t)A- 5, rrs-ev6 P-Lc; Itotte!'lng Slrid€?s, 22t JI lp-ad' cL-d 2?t)A) t \7 tlai 25. llsrv lhrallnlan, l"rvTc, 47:19; 26. John sllva, sTc, 47:20; 27. Gordon Bl-aclnteu 6.*Larry }1cKlnebry, ns, 2?138 (pr6dlct-d.,2: ul:a., nt26t 28. chrJs car6y, vaa., )+1.i+t 29. 4dl; 7. !Uk6 BoFlns, ?attorson IIS. ?Z:L7: 8. s6an o'Rlordan, scvw, l+?:15; 30. Santos RoyDa- Jln McNenar, EsrlhM CoI16a6. 2J:06: 9. tJayn€ Doahlaan,x Hsllron, Ol io, at: tJ 121:20); sa, WvTc, lr?:50; 31,*Jose cortaz, EcS, l+7:50; Deroe, una., 4b:1L; 33. Gary R€zscl- r.o. BI}1 BoLtlnA, Day"on CJ^'1nC CIub, 23t3Z 32. restor ".'"".,-r-6ii6, ,r'.;;;-i.i:*;;' iiir, Ya"ia Beekes, Mnc, ;[6' 11, Don Va:hle, avTc, d.+t2& 1.. Sr.1e ?olile 22t 35. 4d:35i 36. Andy vol -DJ]ton, 25:00t 11. WaIL r:or-ts, Boulj16 0re;n 1f,er. una., [8:]6; 37. Bill Jones, wvTc, I+8:50; p1*, G€nersl fi-crric co,, z>trrt !!.P+9F lr. 1,1rr florgan, S-. Be-n-r.d 38. John ,c-relson, lrvTc, l+8:53; 39. Jack Leydl.e, ?,)yt HSt ?6:lJ i,"llTc, 48:58; lo. creas Aronson, 0.c., l+8:59; I 16. nslt Arnold, Datto;, 2?:OO! 17. Br-ce Ie1l Kruse, wvlc, L9:0d; L2. 8111 rock' Lurat., ro.j.l.ng, uEytoni 2d:0f: 1d. lt1sF Lenze, Doa Dayton, 28:Ll;10, D€n-ris yorsan,'s b. B6r;s rd, 4q:IL! I+3. xBurr quln1, ATc, 49:40; i.14.r.JvTC' M,kala, I,4Ac, L+9 t\Z; 45. vayno Gfusk€r' ohlo, Jo:59; 20. andy Bort:,1e; Day.on cc.42:iq 50:01i [6.+raul ]rledelros, cTc, 50:06; 47. *Jo]rn Notes...lo6 1ed fron the start to ea611y whip And€rson, ATc, 90:10; Il8. Karl. Griep€nbu?8, oc, ]ocal- RIC Prery Jay B:ralnsnm. A barereLlon Ieast was trold sfler .h€ ru]l & he !nr66 pre_ 5O:13r L9. Ke4 Napl€i, l']vTc, 50:13; 50. utlo Cstlln, tma., 5o.t9t 57. Maffry !Lel1on, rilvlc, 50: dlctton vlnners e&ch took a lator.netlon h;me 26: 62. Dgnnls 0iHello.an. 'x13.., 5ot37t 53. ? as b1s prtz€, Cor8se was flat & tbe lealner 0c ltas perf6ct. 5..:*Jofi TopI, ATc, 50:51; 55. D.s. Ptckstt, --Steve l!lc€-una., 51:10; 57. Rtchto:591 56. br,rcs Lea'ry,r8. Devo Hu.it]6y, umt,, Eryqard Scobt, ATC, 51:18! va-n corllandc !a].r', Brod, lrl. Y. Blak€, lflrfc, c1:2U; 60. Dan sept, 22- 12 Noon- J-t1116s re- AAU I-C tltztt 5o. scott11:17. (209 ltsied flnlsb6rs!) Arde!son, VTc, Dov€]opn€n! BLlllj SeFt. 29- 1_ ,,looai. u€t AAU X-C D6v.Rhj oct, 6- Ie Noon-LTealn: 1. lfvTc, 5lr! 2. Marln Ac, 57; 3. S.F.oc, 5-1,[. lGt. MU X-C (lsrdl"sp) Dov. fi6i Ocr. )O72t l+. Alm€da Tc, 12?. J!.T€e: t. AlaF€da TC, 31i 2. Rsowood-Clty 12 {oon- 6-1,I1]es l,let AAU X-C D€v:Rm; Nov.3sFrtders, \1; 3. c€rpb6u TPack Club, 50. 2 l.M.- L-]liles, ve!,AAU X-C Jr. Ch;plonsjrlp: Nov. 10- 12 Noon- 6-l'{t1es. Me! AAU --l{ob6rt E. u€Uer Le-Esdtc&p X-c Dev. Run! Norr. 17tt - l.M.ANNOUIICINC- Nov. 3oth 2 P.M.- 10'O0On Nat 11. 6-M11os, Sr.l,t6t AAU X-C ChMp.; No . 21. t\rLA! sr. X-COUNTRY C&1$IIONSETP, V.n CortLandt Noon- 9-l4l1es Annual RBC x-c Run, ?ark, Brofx, N.Y"
ffib4tffi ;*-,p*ruU*u.ry*,$$h"ff l:?ilin\aq$;;1pffif ili":F:i:i:t.";":l;"i':!iiiii?"ilii;"!:r'" I ;i,u i:*t* !iu;":;':r"ia'l::!:li:rH?,
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$i;iyi";$fii!:;glfi'*:*li'ir*i:;*ll t'#.':'llitiill.i+iri'*:"i:1.?;i:l'
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mtr*tnffi\*$#frrmffi ln::iiffi u*tflh-r$;*r\i;i'' ;* , \ !:i""i.ft.";;:r.su:'ii.5?;,,i"Hi.?ll??:;,:ii:"*
Htl#l:H::nf:i*rs:"**"'m** 'iil:; Xtb'';l-i?il;: ;:li.:X:lg.t'E:l:
r*fi;;*#rli#iltill.H::,#r{il''1 frhlilq*[*+i#';:':il:.t,;i.ltf x*"i*d;;Hu1l':;l'x; *;*.j.^1ii.lj#;**it't;#.,l; \ ltl,u:'' y.i.]^x.i:Y,;'!i,6iE"'ih": ;6:a;s;."" J r;;+1"-;i*i.5ii"i3i1.r^2.,". ",'-*
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:!:'J::l rei'-i_: De; Dousb6r-
,::ill'iiiii'iiss,'?,"Brl' ":'#L"r;;i;'';;;6
IOIBTH AlrNtrAl SENIORS TRACK CLUB rrOLD ENGLISE RjLAI'S' (5 }€N - 15 Mrr,ES ) Frtday, Ju.1y 26rh 7:oo ?.11. Sponsorod by: Sentors Track Club 1466t Dheotor'st Stan Sta.fford & B?1an Sprlng€li Eostod by: Costa Uesa Ctty ElAh School oPLN DTVISIoN - l wosbntDst€r D.c. rAri (Sybe Doxuccio, Freno4 Insl"ehart & Mosslna) 81:06* 81:b6* itAr' (Wls6, Ramlror, 2. laolftc Coast club nA' Rardrer. Ku!Kr
1. Jln A11aband, Phl1a. p1on6ors, 21:l+7; 2. t{ayns }'loBrlde, EbC.AAA, 21:51; 3. Dav6 KoponrItng, SXIC, 2Lr51+i Ir. At16n clbas, PhLLa., 21:581 5. Erio PhLLa.,_21:t8; Erlo Hefui;l;, Henlisli. p€nn Ac, Ac. 2rl pion.. 22.44. piiit: 59; 6. Russoll rFloyd, roJo, rnfa. ?h11a. fLon.. Ken K1tqq, sncl ?. kt.Fr1g, qng, iz:r+r;-ir. iz:Lr;-6. N"li'siy6ij' N"li's.,.il' l_. i1Pg.^_14+r 2l^ro5; q. Davo,Rho rrh61nor, una., +9. Byron Mundy, cournsdate,'pe.,'' 23:31+; ]1. Dav6 Harfrir; sJTc, -2t:lL; 12.' rls, schultz, Taylor) 81:48; 3. uiattaclFd ts6 4t?7t (i(61th, 1"/€av6r, carL'ron, Eck, Dabl) Bl+:ol+; E!nl6 Brason, lox,a., 3?tt?t l-.1. Dr. Stan Brsson, utra., 35:10; 14. Jsrry Hoch, phtla. Ac, Paclf,lc Coest CLub rrBr' (Mlfletto, Rlcke, 4. \olta, Prats) Prals) d5:12! Bttl2t 5, BraIIJ Ic, BtSTt 85t57 | 7, L Brutn 7. t'Ar' ((Pqguano, unat. t6arn, t6a'n, BB:2lr: BB:21+; 6, Senlors Ssnlors TC Tc nAr' Paquallo - 5TX AI'NIAI SUM,In S?EED mOCnAM, Sponsorgd vasquoz, st€om, cornan, Atklns) 86:lr3; 8; Eack by Rlc of N€u York (Four oates at 3 s-rbes) trBr', qO:30; Bay Tc, BBi55; l,lesbntnsb€r D.c. rrBrr. dd:55! q. 9. !esdltnsb€r 90:30: July 13ih l-l- A,M, Van Cortl-andt !ax,k Stedlur 10. PEclflc cc tcn, 971361 lL sentors TC rrBt' OPEI{ TI,IO-MILE- ]. Ed Uafsh, LIAC, 9:U_1.2; 2. (Spring€r, Frarlrltn, l,led1na, Re€s, Carcla)100:1 Edl Bowes, NYAC, 9:!7j 3. Bill cordon, SAac, B6st tlm€s- 1. Nell Syb€rt, 19:f9i 2. Btl} Ing 10:12; 4. Rlchald Bror€ton, U11lnoso AA, tO: 31; 5. Jarlo caras, urla., t_0:J5; 6, B!1an ]6'.art & Ron Wise, 15:4U; 4. Bob llosstna, 151 qL; 5, S€rse Rm6rtz, L5:00; 6. Ed Rlccl, 16: shsddan, cflC, I0.57i ?, hn W1]son, 0nlr6d oL; 7. Ron Iurr1e, 16:08; 8. Mluord Dsh1, 16: M,-11:06; 8. M1k6 ornstoln, r'I6st Ns;sau TC, 10. Brla; 14; 9. Rlck DoNuccto, L6:21; L0. Joh]I Pagltano, 11:39; 9. Mtko Act€na, IilAA, Ll:5?! UanhattaD Ftleht rlln€s, .:2.].St rL. 16:30. Iurply, SENIoRS DIIISION (l+0 A Over)- 1. Sgnlors TC-A, Ted Foy, MFrr 13105, (GarcLa, o6lthe, Sholt, Klelnsasser, Roberts) qltestone, L.I., 1o:L5.2; 2. Bob Bus6, )5tL6-t-t Sr.TC-C113:Of: 3. 3- sr,Tc-B, sr-Tc-B- 11?:01 117:( t+5't-t 22. sp,Tc-c, 95 -r."':,r"lLJ:0L; -2i' -- y!a., '6iIi LIAo, LO:L?: 3. John Habe!'6rn, una., 11:04; l+, f, !iii,tii ai,' i6' oi; i tii":' i. r,It11 m€lffasser. !0, 1b:L0; Brlan Burns, _uaA, tL:23t 5. Barry c€1eLer,J-. 3. charlte short, c."Jii, -ioi' UAA, 11:56; 6. BtI1 Rossrrd, urla., 12:19. L2, 19:04; 4. Jo!]l carcla. iii6'ej-s.5.-iJi Toby 50, 19:08; l,]edlna, 49, 20:ld; 6. Stan sta.fford, l+3r 20:35 (13 start€Fs, 12 flnlshers) ver'! hot & hlrnid. Cours€ actually 3.1 n11e5. IGT AAtr sIn'nGR SPED ?RO.siAM a; crove r,ak6 firili scEool DIvISrol{- f,. ?acLflc cc 'iAtr (tthtte. Park, staton lsland, July 16th (90 desreos ) Ed6ns, WooLley, Maddox,.-Bechtsl ) -B3:18;2. oPEl{ 3-MILIS- 1. ceorE€ l,{Isnl€uskl. SAac. Pasaoena AA "Ar (RaJa, Mclntlro, tr€yser, Slnl{, \+t56 (7tt?, ?:04); 2,-Joo pesco, siAc, 16:54 Maeulr€) 8l:19; J. cabherar Phsntons, 8l:19; 3.- ?on Hait, SIAC, 17:1oi L. Walb cordon.SrAc Back Bay Tc rrArr, 83:59; 5. llestntnstsr D.c. 19:14; 5. Dan Douaherty,sr,, Ea., 18:l+o; 5. L. rrArr, Bt11 st6r_art, 20':331 ?. Kuri stoin6r, E:91! 6. Plqqenbla IcrrAi, 88:35; ?, ^una,, Roul-aad h€lshts, EE:37i U. Norport B€ach, d9:0 NYPC. 2ot52t A. D€nnrs uonohan, AA. 21:24; 9. l,lalty Walsh, N€n Dorp HS, 21:2i!. {17 tea,ns siartod, 15 tears ftnl.shed) Besr utnes- 1. T. B€cnteI, 15:51; 2. J. Masulr.c TETryAF DIv,- Dennls l,lonobsn, latlLros€ AA, 16:oli J, D. Whlt6, 16r18j I+. R. l4endez, L6:20. L5tl+5,6; 2. lta.rry Wal-sh, una., New Dor.p HS. L5,l+6,5t 3. Brlan Mcconv1Ll6, sIAc, 16:36! lr. Notes...0n a very 1ov€ly su.anor ocanlng 31 t6ls took th€ starttag llne at the costa uasa Ealry Mccab6, una., !]sgr, Farrsll lls, L6:lr2i ils track in Orange County. Only irhoso tesrns $b 5. Jobn Crawford, ura., llsh1and, N.y., 16:l+9 flntsb€d 1n th€ top fivo nana8€d to fLnisb b6- 6. I,Iuty c6L1o, v\a., r6t55. (22 f:n1sh6rs) +l{oto: In Op6n rac€, ald Lap of ?:01+ by ceo, fore dal1tdloss prevalleal. Whon th€ Last placo Sonlors Tc te€n flnlsl€d lt iras pltch bl.ack & Wlsnl'orskl ls faetsst Iap on couls€. flash ltahts had to be us€d to rscord tb€ ttn nRC SUI1MER SPEID PRO@AM, JuLy 20th 11 A.!1. + nsr course recolals b€cau6€ of rc'l coul.se 1n at Vq! Cortkrdt Park Stadlun n6v locailon tblB ysar. --Stan Stefford-OPE{ 2-}.{IrE- 1. Jos Quader.€r, NYAC, 9:21.2 (4:31); 2. Ed wstsh, LrAc, 9:28; t. Jta Lon,ufDDLE ATI"ANTIo RRc 8-r,fitS & JINIoR lr-llILE bardl, C,IIC, 1O:Ol-; lr, tfti. Jon6s, gnliied 44, Phila., Pa., Sunday, Au8. 4th 6 P.l,L- l,Iosos 1O:03i Drck Bel3r6ioD, llq-A, 1o:L0i 6. John 5. l4ayf16ld rlppod over'th€ 1161r blkeway courso oal'Lgppr l4M, 10:12; ?. Toriy cherot, NyAc, Rlvor Dl,Ivss !'alrnount East & W€st ln on tbe L0lIdi 6, 8111 cordon, SABC, 10:31; 9. Jaras lark ln a record st€tterlna !4:23.8 to clack caias, u.na., 10:19; 10. MIke Art6ru., MAA, Bnofir.lng Ross' l+5:5[ establtshsd €alLle! tbls 1f:05; 11. Jtd Wil-BoD, Ufu\, U:06; 1?, Mlk6 yoar oven ths d.3-nd.:.o loute. ornstetn, l.&UC, U:34. Jtur AlLahaid of BonsqLell, !4. FS captureal tbo TEENACE 2-I{ILE1. PauL Brodertck. NyAC. 10: out & bon6 courso oa 06.B (1+t551t 2, Joe Jualor l+-nil€ oalano, NYAC, 10:08;'3. llatt Cola, SABC, 10!21-i Ho!1e Sk€aag. SABC 8.3-ltrl,Es- 1. Moses l4ayf1o1d' Pb.lLa. P1oD66!5, Lotz2i 5. Jae McPartland,l+.NrAc, lo:ali 6. Leo L[:2J.B; 2- roq q419+:_I9!4,]!gr;L?jlz!.t; 3. culr'lnas, oAA, aat35t ?. JotE Hsb€ran, sABc, Jln doIi:fn, una., Jackson, sJrc, Russ 4?:l+5; 4. 10:l+5; 6. ltlk€ sec6ros, Nanuot, N.Y., 10:116; L,B:l+6,9; 9. Frarlt Frlck, snc, 49:25.5; 6, 41 9.Nobl€_, N,Y., 10:l+7; L0. _ A.A.{, 50:25; ?. Jln snyth, lhl].s. Eat -John Laskouskl, qbs. -T&nTtovn, wagn€r, NYAC, 10:50; 11. Bruce noolley, -Jaff' s!r9, R;cla;il, Ac, 50:lo; B. 9+i4 j 9' Now clty, N.Y., !t,t2t t2. Jsr6s Tyrell, 11Pohl"o, l,eon Drobe!' SXIC' 5l+tlts; 10. Robert Pohfo' hont, N.Y,, 11:1.5; 13. B€n ]:dvIards, u-r8., 11: Ph'tla. Plonssrs, ,5tl+5t 11. Rlck Board, una.' zot 14. Brtan Burns, vAA, u:21.6i 1"5. G. Phtla.. Phtla., <At28t I?, a2- Honry H6ffi alnlald. una., una.. 57:f6! Eolt, NSAC, trt25. 32 Honry alnlald, 57:jl6; 12. 16t28r 56:28; ftnlshors) Paluba' lma.' una., 6L:51; 14. chrts ctL16n, P;ul Paluba. 13. Paul melnorrda!---Joe ptrra., rcGrrk, thfla.,6l+t59t Jlm 0t+:08; 1.5. Braceaelral., sJxc,65:ol+. s,T,nC - 55:OU 16. c€ores Brac DNF-
Stan Johnson, ?hLla. Pton6ers
:i$i;'ili:l#:i#it':-Jry: H;h:im:ti#Hqhur,#Ji*+,,"\ilif 6"LTii"?Ikrt; !!{:"i*:."q.:tif;i ffi';
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rew so;1ar actlvlrl;; & the athr.st€1.::::------___-_______-::_*_:l_l::j::___-_______ _.3-"-l: {no-1s 9"9 not pr€paled nontallv or Dhystcallt iiol4lg cnrWs r",r]{s 5_.u].tr ALoNc c & o -ArrAL v-aves, no'1e r.ore c"on trod ?,;:T,*:".ii:f""j":T:*T,:1li nl"9 trrsls aro hsrd ;blost !::" jlll:: "_ry;+ll?y"*g;"g,',!.-Jltfr_ i""",rii,i-y"'ji'"t'iiiir,. ;;;;-d;;;Tihi; ^- o-are",
I**il"gi:T":I"I"i:*..,:l:;: .:::,-1.:i.t.lil.;l*:.-::+-'."r';;;"-;lS?j"i"ii"fi:$ifl" " ;#:i:itiq!i.itt +,;;*: :*:r;"llrilit"li}i:il*lkfl:ni;*.":lil:{iii;:i:ll#l:""
:Hii"l#: ix"ii'iih.*s:".:i"r"'::s'"r*i; iir$ftllii:"*:,ii:ti.;:r.ap,,;4'a;. rlnine aaa "' 4f"$. f:rylil:i'-*$:l l$::ii F,-r;:i:^31'"lii"{;;'"1;5'?.1',i: ::sfiff , gs:L,3;d;":::;#Siqi:ii:"iii:;E:#;,xtrlr:";":r*:"-i 1't4+i. fir"irnston: of hhe u€€k & I'oc€Lves a frns troAJ3l; 12. Joh!
l*-,*"1;:;ii:;-* ;;;^d;'il:;i::,; ;il;t";"J:4l,l* i;;;;qTqi:;r,"3h3li!.i.iii,i't;l_
fr3:liil:ffi1":'s:trT;,{:";t"4:';n::ii*; at Gate'ay,E.s-, Itonroorlltg; p;: ----'---- lrffi,?lgi;i:.,*ri^l}i;:;a:,:;T:";,j;"m" 1"r"", e,e0;'S.'rl,i;ujy;-S;r;. Asslsrsnt Dr!e*or, R;y
nii.rJ!1]-,e.:*; z. v.r"
JIM R1'UT FAIIS TO QUALIIY IN SOOT s€Dt. ll-th- St. Johng Eraa Ton Far!€f,I cap;ur6d tho Soon ttlal
of th€ flllal U. S. trlals at Taho€ ss south J1m Rym ',akeloAA6d ln ldnnxng ?th. Thou8h out of qas ln ilro last 3o:l+of,, Farrou h€Id h1s eerly lead & broke the tape h 1:45.5, the faste 3t t1n6 ev€r rocorded 3! thts a1t1tud6. 016_ aon,s tr'Iado Bell {l-:47 :1) and Mlchteanis Rou t{utchlnsLl, tllo lunged across tne finish ltno lnches Bh6ad of uisaonsin's fr€ shr4an l{ark vinzonF 16d tn l:[7.8, also. Jff":"[ifi ,:i:ll}; oaTnod trlps to $ex1co O1y@1c
B!?EATS Md) Bolcttrr,
:i:l fii i I 'lJ"'Ilil'"'""iT;;H'ffi l:'lff '"ff"fli:
Mrrr slr, Lak]€rt€,
and sLtre
*5'!.E ;E
Canadian RePeats In 20-Kilo Run
E;s:tE: -E.'iEg: !=P:: !lY ::;: E";E i-E=:;;€ - --o:c: a
ffiffi,ii:,,,i, ffi*,:t= i
$ffiffi*;rift1'; #r *,*s#*l;ut*:
E F :E ;
si:! ;;: *-: ? ;i it n i=e''== .:* =i: : .fig!; i Eri-'ii:::3.:]:? -d ':! ='i: :;€"a ;:;=E6-ff E ;E;i3
ffi"',1iffi'f*;; -lcr 'pfl,,ffi
tf:! ;;E=5i: i;i!-":t Ei;ieiii t;; F l*::iEc .;E 2E=114.--'i-i: E:g =t:.
;:;c::iili;;E;::Il!* !;E € !i ;
S ;;:;E :eg .tr ji;! ri:i :t ;' :: -.'= :iI5 tr :. 'i:; ;:!i,il f:.";:iqll
-.! =:
i;'-" ':-3
::!d i:; ;ii::i;: i!:= '!.:
*::;!:,j_i:;*^ip l;i S !ra i;r l; !:::? ;!;: :i; -ir:-t -;:5 i..l:i':l;: E E:! ;': i. g\ i. i rr'
q :: 1.-i -:1; : L,: r': lf :.:-E .'_ il.:r ,,! iir:::i"-e: ::_.,.;* ; :z i.E=- i.:; , :
i;i x':':':;.F
C)= E -:E)
i.iE',:r -i;a: E"-i
Ci."rr rcs rnt."n"t Lorsl InvItatlorur lleei at ronaeov slsoi.n' Dublln' JulJ
jr", . :l! i;iri.T{:' illl,iiiiFrff ce Dels-nvrs l{at. n6cord ol J,),., Ron
a8;.,3:E!19- 1. ron^orFjor;,: i6n years osn, t3tz+.2t ?..M'.4+pqh{, *d;>'i_''' Ba"rus' llsa! L)',"v 1- R, ii''ii
IfiELA\D- Cork C'ty spoct' July 2_ 5'000n'1'^Tonr. u"pnv, t r:l+8.t. c6r!011, ll"ii;ift"i'"l3it:' t,14:61:836::"\. 63:951i; iiigs -'' NoeI
'.""8!3li* i;LE:[-
+Xll,-itffic*i$*r'rlrfro oarn places on th€ US
:6';::; i:#":"f,L"illji3".ii"'e?'li: :::..i1""i" be8an. For tko y6ars, sa.LEh Itr t::;."I:it'ffi
";:":;,r*:':;":+# i,'ru t,.."' s, ioo*uio :.:*^d:y 1t .uit,ou iqY"tii!: : #l'f; "lLff .3ol',u,,oiI;n:'iE, nole
..r€_t.' Ihe 2f_year-o1d Aint prllabe
::'";l;"H3J$i,::"1'if t",Bii'il,:tliit paceseLfer and
1l"l-!'l€". "l*p,
+i;*r:ilii+*l;*ili:l;iag,;: ,.:^;,i,"-. + kno, up h6ro tt,s ve4/ sld I touao. out & k111
;i ..ii;'*i":T:'i
rlijli:'i;Ji.:ii: ffiii 3,ll%Tl'li;,"xif, ::l.l 1 y."*,9 up a Gaspln€, hearlbroap_ o,llinll'a,,'{'t1;";il;; "":;'ii:"i.i'fl snoobhlt near th6 11" !."!hr. "u,-nlna I:gnt 9r !116 oack co! noro'than fivo
;iii:fii{!:{"r;lii: ;H;,ff;;s,"it";";;"
N.U, re1*e afte. U4 25, &oh Jda,pdt wimbg ih. Pike Mararhon for fte third conaedttE y€r Suntiay. I{e broke
tor the 25 mtlq rcund
nip u! P:kd Peat a{l sp.i.ss.
bach to
gk ti@ ws thre
and 47 seonds. Shorvrl c4ih Gachupin are two of his cnndEr (Gazete T€resraph
Steven Gachupin ftampion
Peak lrluafhon
;#:"'*i,::;'ii";i,:i";, iT"!;;!ii; liilii"'+;;:,it ii:":3-i:'l:: ;l*i]" .!v,,o nonths a8o, ctark ftnlshgd gih g::; il j3; "Silirii]l*.i"i"Biii3; ff; fir l:ii3JSE3*,.iliti"i,?i6?2;,s. : "i;;f j
i; ;;,
i = ;fi
r2,, iB1ar.
IltmmNq.l.tO\61 T&F .CNE-
IILIT, tofonLo J.";:Hu"3l";;:oo)
uear]ler: Raln & cool.
#3#; Jill:l i331";.':l;; ij;;l;,s
i;";"lii:il ;l,i"i;il: ;;,":i";lffia
;: i:1,;t:*,:-::;;s 'l;.ii:,:ilt&dl f;;,x$; 6;,::H.:'a;ffi: Y!'"?; P:j s:' " i'r!. 6i'").'ii*ir-i.;i'. flo' t. J. lr8ss Leos, foronDo. ;R;:;;il-;il;;;il;;;-;:"ts;;;----
npmsored bI th6 !toarv, 1,.y.
!"#.'53iii;,, "ii3e*sli:Hl5::" ",.
v.rt, .n E.rr C.rotin! Univ.r.irv d;+.n.. n.n, pd...r rtt€ ;.A v.v '.veh-hl. @r ir fr.nr ot rh. Etr of rtr€ ti.td ,n h;;
vlr to yi.r.ry i. rhe lo,hite .cnher rln.rhon leld sdtrrd.y. V.r..er. co!r.. Ecord 6t 54:55 in rlE
l;,: "3lf it ;"1; friff*ir:r _a+;>+;-J. irerry cartton, ZE.E9.:"l?l )r-
si":':,iriii"r; ?js{li,limiiiis, *F;'i#il+i:f fi , T ii.l#ir.5;l* '
oATE: sunday June 30,
cONDlllON6: Raio, 15 to 20 nph vindE, 44o
Start 6nd finish on nud ttack, out velt hi1ly, last 10 lo Com ht1l or level
and back
lunner 389 h@e Eoh 9.!s! N. shor€ stride!6 r. ciii-Ej-q*t ura 17 trrg 2, Chuct Cetorsky 20 llodinAtor Twis cirie' Tc 18 St, Paul lllin citias Tc 3. J.hn Clagg 4. Lei lotvir 19 liooklyn Cntr. urat. 19 Duluth N Shore Stitders 5- Dave Jones 18 St. Cloud TCTC 6. C€ne Daly 7. Dennis Delbott 20 DesMoines lowa Achllied Club 8. John savonen 17 silve! rai Nss 9. Joh! cordes 18 Duluth NSs l8 Rockville TCTC 1O.Joe sksja Il.Georae Calts 20 ll1luaukee Uilvaukee Tc 17 Silve! lsy Nss TCTC l3.Jerry Smith 26 !,lPls TcTc 21 MP1s. l4.Tom Itolnes l5.trulf (oehtelt 21 Mlckee. lmc TcTlc 16,carte! Irohes 18 vp1s, TCTC 20 MPls. l8.Randy Rolando 17 Silve! lay NSS l9.Xlke E€neis 17 st. cloud Unet 18 St- !4ul UNat. 2o,Dana Curtis ltlc 18 l(leke 22.1!ian Belkn€! 15 EIY 23.Je!ry Liebennerg 19 lllqke. lflc 18 st. Cloud unat
ptace and
25,8ob 26. Dan
?ort€t Klenow
19 Ulqke
19 Dulutb
27.Rich Rat@lld 22 .W\s, 2a.Dr. alax Ratelle 43 f,diia 29.John Dlnich 20 Balbitt 3O,Dr. i{8. Andberg 57 Anoka
loo!, filst
5ie easy, secold
52t01 10t33 52t34 70t47 52t57 7Ot5O 53:30 70!54 54:00 70:58 53:06 t1:06 54t3o 71.28
67:30 - 6
l7:44 l5:30 52:18 69:06 I7t44 35t3o 52tLA 69 tzD l7:42 35:38 52,23 69159 11,43 17:41
tl t4l 17 t43 l7:43
11.44 18:04 L7.43
17:43 17r45
35:38 35,27
35t32 35: r9 35145
35:50 36t03 35150
36:30 37105
5l:30 53t38 54;00 56t0o 56tr5
71:31 71.40 71:57 72t46 74t|c, 74.30
11t45 36t52 55126 18t2a 37t52 56tOA 74154 17t44 36t12 56,54 75 t47 18:12 33: 14 51t25 15t51 20:00 39:55 57,28 16.07 19:20 38:52 57t38 73t43 18:03 3 7:52 51t44 77 tO4 13r12 35:56 57 t45 71 t24
lat42 19:20 l9:20 19:20 l8:04 20 to'
3atL4 39:04 39:14 39r28 39:55
5a,r4 77125 58:20 t8:13 7ltt25 58:40 7€:43 79 r39 60:00 ao:35 61:20 N0:56 6ltA4 f,2 t19 60,55 92t42 62140 a2 t5l 62:38 83:06 62i35 A3t\1 62t44 a3..25
20,o5 41.24 4l Wayzata ICTC"$ 3l,Dr. l,lilson 19,20 40.44 TcTc"B" 32.3ob Krekotskl 20 ltpls. 19r20 40:35 tlnat 17 Ttu Uarbols 33,rau1 Stevens 20155 42t42 15 St. ?aul TCTCIB" 34.Joho Crder 20,56 42t42 30 Lakevllle TcTcrrB" 2At55 42t09 vTc 35.Joel lelehar 19 ElY 20t45 42.04 Urat. 38 Eauclaile 17,D!. David i,rei.6s 2\t45 42142 64105 84:58 TCTC"B" l8.Dr, Larry Bo.es t6 Edina 20..4t 42t56 63:30 86:56 vTt 16 !1Y 39.cary lerkne! ' 20t55 46t35 A7 tL6 vTc 40- Cail ca$oy ?6 EtY 46,35 68:45 22tA5 93.53 39 MPls 4l,Herb llorcyk 22tL7 43132 67:00 1:43:oo 20.25 41129 69.29 lt52t26 15 Duluth Unat. 43.Scott lieae AtI STARTERS IINISIIID . , . tear Bcollng: lst North shole stlldels..'.28 - (1,4,6,7,10), znd T\'lncltics rcrrA'l 4ih Trln clties rc'rBI 29 (2,3,5,4,11), 3!d 1,11l'aukee Tc..'.65 (9,12,r3'r5,I6), (I4 !04 rrsck cltrb.... tra,23'24'25) 89 ari,i9,26,21,22,, 5th verolllion caly llorkrund' ulrme6otats Preolre high sehoo1 ntle!' fron !cts, Minn von bts in il1s flrst ettenpt et road 4sins. The Ptocto! HiBh school 1"i1t:' *" hsd von thts yearrs stste tls 811€ ln lecord tloe uilh a sPectacular eas1ly wlth a tlghtly gtouped Pack ot a doz.n of the toP runnerd untll Ehe 4-nile mrt it'en t'e tur.ea on-a gteadv eftolt that took hld to a ain bv neatlv a half m1le' lwig ts a tiny cros6 rosds lotn abost 20 oltes liolth of Duluth' ln the vToodstoof North.ln Itinnesota. Cary tlaln6 vea! around 1n a clloate that !6 bett'! 3ulteddvtn' hoose and tldber volves than distance 4mers. Duling Ehe vtnter che davlight Ji"" t. r""" than 8 hours Pe! <!av and tenPeratules have been recolded at -51:::
Galy alons with a scoie of otrrer cla66 snn€ls 11ke van Nel6o!, {on Daws' Jeriv orrkes, iom Heinonen, St.ve lioeg hsve sbottr evervonc that we don't need the sdft cu@te of Southem Callfohla to !!od!ce GOOD tunners'
8 !{ILE
saTUnDAy, JuLy 2oTH, 1963 AT 6100 p.M.
l{eet Directorr Bob Jon6r. sponsorod
lltck trltt, SCS
stanley staubte, Una. Peter-Katt, orri. state 6. Gen€-Conroe, SCS rom uastle, cTC John.Pagt1,6no, Dr. tTC 9. urvt-rle Atklhs, sTc 10. plA 11. *11-14cc:1J9, u€xter Ua lls, Una. Jim Schu ltr, pcc rom sturak, - scs i{lke l.{ccoraack SDTC b.
r5. ra.
scott_Claypoo l€, Una. Andy padtlla, Una, AIan ]laa s, Una,
iJave- r rlckett, una. !,rank ! reyne, Una. 20. l|ayn €.-Ak iyanNa UDC 2L. nac$ vasqueu, , STC Greg-Schick, cTC ,avid Caldera, Una. stev€ Varga, IJDC Peter Preu, Uan. 26, Hod lfo lten, Una.
29. 3o.
Don spicer; una. Lynnard Phipps, Una.
Ec suuher, Una. John Hetkes, STC
c""d,.ii:;t:; gi.ti.i::l:",
non vlse, pcc Roll Kurrle, pCC
liqL.5g ij6
Ay2g [irii t+b{4 L\r36 b!r.4l
b4t 56 44t-Sg
brzZj trSrlS
\6g4 U6. ju
\? z3t Li rbs bTzSO
g8?11 rrAr
aDd Eumtd
south Er!.{onte
41. 42, l?. rl4. !1. +6. 47. {u.
prtest, BBfC Leslle Calder;, Uha. l{adsady, una. 1"1 Ralph Dean, BBiIC schult;, uha. !"" Larry Carter, STC Horner Krueger, STC Al. Bear.dall, Una.
ll. 53. 54, 55. 56. 57. 5E. t?. :9. br. 6?. 9?. brl. 65.
Tansiey, STC J.tt" Roberto Dlat, SDTC Rtchard prl€;t, BBTC Preston Drake, Una. Dennts Varga, l{DC Burton Ray; BBTC Raoon smc ^r1;;, Hick6y, tapD 9ob src Pllgl sprinset, ultttah OcDonnell, STC Bob Cosby, SMAA 9k1_p shaffer, una. 4.nthony P6na , SmC D-ave iller, WDc
,o!bs 5O.L5
5ot26 5Or3? SOr+b
;;: il;"1.ffi:il"i;;.u'.. i\:ii 5L Jeff slnk! iAA 5jro4
99. 9".y
Sjjllz j.brzj
|.5lf'4 5Sr)5
S?.3r 58 ! 1/r
;i: 1g:22 u:r. iil't."il::'ii',,Ht.. laetcl Lopezr SmC -sTc 59r5U
4S t John scrat, 29. fiatt 50 59s|s schroll; WlC Lg.o, 71" ttannan, WOc Mlke Lou aya, uha. 6ort6 49;09 L"" Beresloia, DBTC lro do?io Fred daier, Una. i3. ti, Oi 34. rrugene Stedm, STC 6zto5 l?. 1""9 Fermtnr una. !9r lO nick Caiter, cTC Agrii Peter Lindley, Una. fi:ze Ugrzo 76. Hlck Roso, B:ic eirt; )7. _iJon llston, ilIDc 49126 77. Mikc nijh; sTc 62 ei,"LZ P,hrl ctarke, sTc ao yt, agtii 76. AI Burton, sTC 58 6ZzAo )9. AI onso, Una. t+gr3a /y. lJuahe ,lrBstr.on8, sTc 53 6g!40 lro. *Herman unKnouh 4rs 46 A flne fteld of runners ltradc.this an oustandfu:g event. 88 started and onlv g-fall€d to- fintshr desprte the rathei hu'ld weather. [tck trrtt can€ wtth a flne perioroance and a -Enrough ;;.;;;-;;;*d, -iJriJ", prevtously hetd Dy non Larrteu. Kitt had the hetp "inl"i" "., or c.n. r"rarng uy sev€rar hundred yardr when he tooi the ,;;";-;;;;, " lu ra not find his ttay back to the course and wound.up tn.-stxtt "il"c to the champ "prt.-'it"it" ror putting ;:':";::i":":i.:o' El ironte and ths Eriro.te n"i.'itr'i*ij"pt.
ii: i;xl!t""il:;;:'#: ,"
3HOES FOR 'HE roMottow'3 rlcotDs TG.' "IAARA'HON"
The uLtl-nat€ reclng Bhoe for croas ooultry erla roaals. trlgbter, stlonge? nor:€ corofortablo thau aEl. sbo€ EAtle.
le22 "toAD
rUitNEr" ( top-ntddle ) $1o.50 Th6 r6co@€Daleal dlistanc€ t?al-Eing sboe for a.lL atbl-otes from Joggor to chasplo!. Sp€oieJ- sloDg€ tdlalsolee absorb load 6hock at ball ana h6e1. ligh+ enouah for r'actug!
(botton-nldd16) $I",95 An exc€].l€d tralnlDa shoe for track endl cro6s country, Iln€s+ rev€lseal }€athor upper, fuIL contact ao1€, toe Suaral, ankLe cuahlonE. andl a,:'ch suppolts,
TG23 "SlrrtBA"
v68 'fiExlCO,68" (botton) $t?.95 Ths a€weat--s.nal b€6t--coldp6tlt1011 splk€ 1rx the wodat. Contl.luous
ba.1]- to beel, ertra r aeep-cu€hi.oned h€el- for add€d stablUty Yltal 1n allstanc€ racl]]g, R€Yerse karcSafoo ulpers, hJecteal nylon atlke ])late, detachstfe 6plkes.
support froa
P.0. 3OX TeLephoD€
202, $EIJESLEY, MASS. 02L81 3 (617 ) 237-2923
310? PICO BIrlID.
Iel€phone 3 (213) 393-1025
Pl9ase oraler IIG$R 6hoss + size SMALIER tha'n usua.f
6hoe 612e. Please eda 6Ot Bostage. lr4sE. 3% s€.Lee
taxl c€.l!f. r6eidelts'
pLeae€ add
tso ;.{819 to
=93 Efi
3a do E