c;lt sT 197
George Stewart and Phil Camp top
PA AAU Runners in recent 30 Kilo Run
The new marathon champions choose NIKE. Ar Westem Hemisphere, Trail\ End, and Boston, thc winners wore thr NIKE "Obori," the shoe whose firsr prototypes took four ofthe first seven places at the 1972 U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials in Eugene, Oregon. R€named "boston '73" in commemoration of its latest victory, this modct has come a long way since Eugene. Featudng a nehty compounded outer sole for extra racing Iife, the "boston '73" has wrappcd its nylon swooshfiber upper around thc most complete ball-to-h€el instep support found in any running shoe, and added a SPENCO@ innersolc lor extra comfort alrd blistcr protection. (NIKE is rhe only running shoe in the world to give you a built-in SPENCO@ at no extra charg€.)
OnIy $18.20 plus $1.50 for postage dnd, handling- Team discounti to schools or clubs on ord,ers of 5
Cnl Hrg,sttt.l,glic,dcpcrlmen I
THE LONG DISTANCE LOG A PUBLICATION TOR RUNNERS BT RUNNERS Vollhe 18, No, 212 August l9?3 Published monthly ude! the auspices of the United State€ Tlack & Field Fedelation, 1225 N. loth Ave.
' Amual Subscription Rates: $5.00. Add $3. 00 for lst Class Mail or $5,00 fo! Air Mail in U.S.A. & Canada. single copies and backi6€ues - 50f. S-cona class postage paio a' -L. "or, Arizona. New subscatptions and renewal6 should be 6ent directly to tl1e USTFF, c/o Catl w. Coo!e!, Executive Dilectot' U25 N. loth Ave-, Tucsoo, Arizona 85702, Please 6end lace lesults abd articles fol publicatioD to H, B. Ro66, Editor, 306 VI. Centei St., Woodbury, N.J.08096
JUNIOR NATIONAL AAU 20 KILO RUN CHAMP]ONSf;IF Aurora, Colo., Jue 30, 19?3- Jack Pottle, 18, a 6outhwest DeDver dt6tarce rsner & a Kennedy Hs June graduate, clocked 1:10:39 for a 12,s-dile tesr over the asphalt Chambels Road--East Sixth Avenue course to win the Jf.
NatlI. AAU
A moxe experienced olde!-than-19 group ran in a simultaneous Rocky Moutain AAU 20km event spohsored by the Aurora Pa!k6 and Rec!eation Depattment. Fir6t ac!o66 the finish Line in 1:08:5.1 was chuck Smead, a 2lyear-old cartlornian attendiag Brlmer school at Colo!ado State UDive!6ity. A Benior at Hrdboldt State College, Smead von the National AAU 15km event at Littleton,
l. Cbuck Smead, 21, Folt Collin6 TC, l:08:54, 2. Steve :'0:2r /bor.: Dar i"n ao.h € 1/ L roLo, 2-, ua,. you! 2!d in 1:09:13, but couldh't coltect hi6 medal Adverti6e event li4i6hed ADVERTISEMENTS CLASSI]IIED because he tailed to registe! foa the race)i 3. Jack Fotto increase your entrie€, or your product to i.crease 6ales. ($3.00 pe! irseition), IuU or 1,2 page advelti€- tle, !8, Denvea wingfoots, l:10:lq; 4. Lee Courkam!. 30, Cotorado Tc, l:Ll:20; 5. Ken Huter, 18, sat., ing rates sent upon reque€t, Wyomihg, l:ll:31; 6. Joh! Ziegter, 19, CheyCheyenae, ATTN, --MEDICAL JOGCERS AND RUNNERSI TC, l:ll:47; ?. Brent Weignet, 23, Folt Collins TC, eme Joggers Association. Medical Join rhe Asefican r:1,1:16; 8. Ronald Maesta6, I?, Nelv Mexico TC, 1:1.1:31; Join fe11ow,hysicians in fuithering thi6 spoit among 9. Malk Fo6tef, 3,1, uat., Littleton, l:15:20; 10. Don doctor6 anrl also ehcouraging its acceprance by the lay vildel, 19, c€hling, NebIa6ka, 1:15:25i11. Tomsterjoulnal, memilecal, pubLic. You will leceive quartefl' ]8, Fo}t collins Tc, l:16:03; 12. Don Mo!!is' 36, mitz, it mole' embl€d on and shirt with club bership cald, Meeti;gs and marathong alt over the United States. Next Rocky Mountain Road Runei6, l:1?:14; 13. PauL Casemeeti!; i. Havaii December tc)?3. 925. oo andual dem_ dan, 29, We6t Valley TC, rr18:20; 14" St€ve Allen, l?, Cheyeme Tc, l:19:04i 15. Larry Hilbrahdt, 24, Cheye@e bershi; Iee. phvsiciahs alat atLied tie1d6 only. write -lc' l:19:05; 16 Roger wilcox' '14' sourtleh colorado AMJA, P.o. Box 4?04, North Houy'ivood, cali!. 91607 Paul rrujiuo' l7' Aurora Tc' Foot probrems? Aftend lom Mccuisan'6 free clinic lt-l]d-eJ6:-i:l:-1?3; ]7' Mike ste,veao!' l7' chevefre Tc' l:21:00; at rhe Poitiatry collese ih Philaalelphia, Pa. checkwith ]1'z0'-01't:: Jobn Mo^Dtoya, 16, ua., l:21:06; 20, Ed Bunday, 15, lc. the co[ege on tihe a;d days ot the weekty clDic.
IND TEAM AAU:-h'I:*: :9 -t'il''8j 21 -De!ni6 Katanaugh' .'-'i ^Y'Y 'o,0oo. -,"r6 ro7{ (ro6b (oun,r) rtr:nE.hahp,onBhiD, il: l' ';i"',"''i: l"i iT -:::,i',}"".':.t?-"-' ,',
Nov"mb"r .7 .t 2:oo .s., Lorarn cout, Conruirr collpsF, .ooc No.Lh Abb" Boao. -ry.a. ohio. As" groups 40-49, 50-59, 6ll-69, tu ""o.."r. ;;1"." can include ahy coobinatio. of age SrouPs. Entry Fee $3. o0 pe! individual, $15. 00 per team {8 man teams maximl@), Race Dilecto!! Jack Wilhelm, LCCC cross-Country coach. MASTERS' SPORTS ASSOCIATION: Events {o! 30 year olds and up, FuU closs-coutry, indoor and outdoor scbedules. Eatty blanks fo! Magrersr Slolts Assoc. & EasterD Mas!erE Cross-CoEtry Championships. Newslette! containing resuLts oI Masters comPetitiob. Contact: MaFter€ Sports A66ociation, 11 ParkPlace, NYc
:1,"I:::--' (50 sta!ters' '^':'.::i'''" a7 rinishers)
_-R' Deani6 Kavanaugh--
DQN MORRIS CAPTURES ROCKY MOUNTAIN AAU ONE HOUR RUN, Bouldea, Coto., Jue lO, 1973 88o l. Doa Morli€, 36, RMRR, 10ni, 539y; 2. Bauce Beatrao, 19, Ear., 10m,300y; 3. Lee v, courkamP, :10, on u-slin, 6, Jrdr., om, lclly: Lo.o.lC, lOm,,).,: i. TC, 9m,719y; 6. Roget colorado 5. Joe Afazola, 39, $ilcor, 44, So.. o o.5 r'ders, 9n,6a2rt7. Bu.h !Ir" i.
29, RMRR, 9m,50lyj 8, Jotu Kea!!s, 33, RMRR, 9m, 359y;9. Ed Hagerman, 35, RMRR, 9m' l9?yi 10. Dick K:,eter, 26, RMRR, 8o,1375y, Ll. Bob carlson, ,{8, lA0O7, 2rz-ZZ7-a5az- Send selJ addae€sed envelo!e. Cololado TC, 8m,1363y; 12. Tom Saio, uat., 8m,129'ly; MARATHONERS' QUADRUPLE HEADER. Natlonal 13. Paul Truj lo, 17, CTC, 8m, 1230y; 14- Jolu Dow' Capital Marathon Fe6tival, Washington Monlsent' D. c. 32, unat. , 8m, ll47y; 15. Jay Krabacher, 24, una. , 8m, 3 6 -Mile Ultramalathon, 8:00 A. M. , October 20th. AAU 895y. (24 finishe!s) rules lor Iirst team prize trip to Scotland's tvin tacei WOMEN'S ONE HALF-HOUR RUN - r Martha lverson, 26.z-mile Marathon, 10:00 A. M. , OctoberZl;3i100 23, U.ol Colorado TC, 4tu, l32yi 2. Betty Orl-ea!, 33, kiLoheter Su!e? Marathon, Octobe! l8-20. 416o 8_m e RMRR, 3n, 1562y; 3. Laurie Kea!n8, 32, RMRR,3m, Mini-maratl1on, ca. I0:45 A. M., with lead ultra-mara- 14r5y. (ln spite of a dollar ently fee, no .wards were thoaers fror mile 28 to 33. Contact Robert Crane, 5lr lre6ented to the wooea!) Krame! Drive, VieFa, Virginia 22180. I?TH ANNUAL ROCKY MOUNTAIN AAU FIVE-MILE MID-MICHIqAN TRACK CLUB 8.5-MILE RUN RUN, WASHINGTON PARK, DENVER, COLOROADO Around perimeter of island on paved bicycle path. June l?, 19?3 (Spoasoled by Joe Alfazola). (Statets dosi 1973. Mackinac Island, Mich-, Sept. I, 1. Chuck Smead, 25t24.a, Z. srete Folto, ?5:21.8 (tie, scenic race - 89o. no breeze. but the judges decided thele mus! be a sinner--and l Ed Griffis, 44t54j 2. Jerry cra.e, 16:04j 3. Bill KelSftad was given lhe nod); 3. Mike Petetson, CTC' 25:'10; 48:36; Haslem, 47:l2j 5. Joln Iet, 46t51t L Jim C:!rter, .1. Wes Crist, uat., 26:13; 5, Bruce Berttam, sat,, 6. Ralph Staderman, 50:0'!; 7. Gord schafer' 50:34; a. U.of 2at/zi a, a I aes, ClC, zo: 9t 1 c,lPt -e.h"cb. Joel Urban, 59:28; 9. Lori Schaler, 11, 59r44. 26:'8 n,, zo:ror 8. -!pdC!tna\an, U orcoro.,
U. S- Naval Academy (A1 canterro
A4iversaly Ru) ARRC T-Shilts to all fihiFhers. (Jue 13, r9?3) 4 Mile Open - 1, Joh! Butte!{ield, zo:zo; Z. Bluce Robioso!, 20:44; 3. Michael J. Naptes, zt:35; 4. Bob Julian 2l:40j 5, Charles Ross, 2tt48j 6. Tohy Dimotrd, Zti53; 7. Andle Lee, 22:01;8, Edvia A. Jerone, ZZ:eZi 9. JiE clark, zztQ3., r0. Martin Ousman, Zztogi t!. Jert Dar_ 6an, z2t\9t lz. Joha Gys*, 22.23i 13. Mike cib.on, 2?: 25; 14. Bob O,Brien, 2?:30i 15. Bob Horha', 2Z.3Si 16. Arthu DuHaime, 22:39i i?. paut Aiderson,Jr., ZZt4O,
20 KILO ROAD RUN (NEAA4U SILVER CI]AMPIONsHIp) Bouine, Mas6. , Juty B, i9?3, weathe!: Very ho Recold: l:02:3? by Ari Dutorg, 1969. 1. Ed Norlis, Bo6ron AA, 1:0?:3?;2. Ron warae, Ore_ gon TC, r:08:39i 3. Ratph Thoma6, A.R.C., ;";";, l:09:08: 4. Joe Catatabo, BA-4 {Ist Sitve!), l:tO:41; 5. Jim cleen, BA_4, l:11:i7i 6. Waller Reba;d, urat., t:li:3?j ?. pet€r !tip", e_a_1, rrrl:46; B. Mike adter, BAA (zad s ver), 1:11:56; 9. Terly call"gL*, *"i. , t:12:3?; tO. Max Wtit", e.r.e, 1:rZ:49; rr. -Ea!r Mccil_ very, NMC, t:t3:09; lZ. Teary McC"y, CSU, t,t+,Oi; 13. bave Gold€aith,. NUTC, i:I4:08; i4. Sreve Eitis,BAA, 1:t.t:33; 15. Rotanit Lass, NMC (3rd Silvei), i:15: 03; 16, Erlc c!een, BAA, t:15:1b, 17. Kevin C!o;rev.
r8. ceorge Lucas, 22111:19. William Jack6on, 23:04: 20. Jim BradEei, ?3:1.1; 2I. Demis Hollidayoke, Jr. , 23t21i ZZ. Ctrtt. Wright, 23:35; 23. Bluce clo66, 23: williaos, 24:15; 25. Jerry Thornbelly, ?4: lnat., rtr5tzz., rs" e.,"" i<."r.,,"ti, s"i, i,rO,"A,'iij 29t ?:, 21i 26, 9^." Joh^M. Cochr&, 24:.43; Z?. John Cappe!, 24:50 Wiltiam Treefut, NMC, r,tZ,rS; ZO. Ai.t..a Cr"_uir, 28. stephen weber, 25:05; 29. JiIr Haworth, 25:lI; 30. J&w coueg€, rril:zri zr. to- r<, Nttc, t,ti,+ir-)2. Nore Lee, 25t29j 3r, Totu plendki, 25:3?; 32. T€ri setb parsins, csu, l:18:10; ?3. Bob Dilton, uRI Ta, Johnson, Z5:37; 33. Paul peizrick, Z5tB5r 31. p"aget Burk-1rt8:42, 24, Tony Saprenza, ,3A_A, I:19:19; 25. Richa!d }:art, Z6tZAi 35. charle6 cram, 26:351 36. Bi[ Crancy, Couard, Blyaii Correge, 1:t9:21; 26. oave owsky, ios. M.D., 26:50;37. Bill Leonalit, ?6:55;38. Margaret tolAA, rtzdt\6i 2?. Roberr Cralizia, NMc, 1:Zo;t7; Ctackett, 27:Q7i 39. Joe Barry, Z?:58; .40. R. Estes, 28. Brady Christ, uat., t:ZO:.47i 29. Joho Cooke, ua. 28107. {52 Jillshers) 1:21:11; 30. Steve Ol€on, ljryahr college, 1:21:14; 31. 1. valelie Hollidayoke, 6:13.4; z. John o,Roulke, NMc, t:zl:41; 32. Da;e Duvat, +€'qs:-r-ggf4rfgJoln Gygd, Ji. , 6:20; 3. Scott Charles peppet, 6:25; 1. LZlr4Zi 33, pad ScheU, NMC, l:ZI:54; 3a. Daveua!., Eze;_ Je!!y Bariy, 6:26; 5, ErickBeavers, 6:3oi 6. Jay Moa- sky, ua!., tt2z:09,35. walae LaMorhe, NMC, 1:ZZ:14; !is, 7:0i1. (28 {iDisher") 36, RoU Meyer, $akelield Hs, 1:22:15; 3?. Robeft Z-Mile RFYL- l. Dr. Walte! Boeba, loro5j Z. Doa Dal- c!ay, NMC, l:22:16; 38. Steve Andelsonr l:22:29 zell, \lt20t 3. Demi€ Hollidayoke, Jr. , lt:ZOj ,1. Robelt 39. RickColU!6, NMC, tr22r.16; ,!0. Mik; u!at., Bieet;_, BA; Peterson, l1:24; 5. B!enr Johnso!, lt:52; 6. paul Ander_ 1:23:10! 41. Dare Linron, ,.AA, i:23:Zl; 42. Mike True, son, l1:52; ?. Rick Ulhich, 12:t?: 8, C. p. Sager, 12:30. !^at-. ItL3t43i 43. David Erhfidge, Turrletown AC, (52 fiaishers) Ltz3t53,44, Rose! perh.h, NMa, rrz4:34r 45. Chaalee Ratti, NMC, ltz1t35., 46, Jih Stronach, NMC, l:24:58; 5-MILE OPEN, ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE, Jse ?4, i9?3 47, Tony Maccalio J!., NMc, r:25:06; t_"".y t"*_ I r. Maatin Smith, 26t12t z. Pall AndelsoD, 28:05; 3. Jin man, NUTC, t:25:OZ; 49. John wallace,48. BAA, L,5iZl Clatk, 29t46;1. Norm Lee, 3l:46: 5. John Cochlan, 3Zr 50. Ron Dfogan, NMC, t:25:5.1; 5f. Jack Tho;qhitr, l0; 6. Jolm Cappe!, 34:3?; ?. John \{ood6, 35:.!3. NMc, 1:25:58; 52, Ray Ner6o4, u"at., r;26:re; st !t"v_ RFYL- l. Demis Hollidayoke,Jr., LZt55,5i Z. e! Yellecchio, URI TC, l:26:32; 54. cary Weine!, -2-.Mj1e Jay Gauaghe!, 12:55; 3, Don McFartahd, 13:20; 4. John war., t:26:38, 55. Richard Casgiily, *^i., r,ztrOt; Woods, 13:23! 5. Jay Chapnan, t3:3ilj 6. Erick Beavefs, 56. Jih way, @at,, \.27t2s, 5?. Sie"" Lohd"., cs;, l'_:'_'t '_.-:'l:::j:::_'_'t11:'j l3i,j"',,' 1'-.-1 T,1:: i,1l;1i, 5-MIL!] oPEN, ANNE ARUNDEL coMMuNlTy CoLLEGE 6r. Bria! Turrer, sa., l;z8tz4i oz. Iu,tit" co,"i..., Jutt 14, r9?3. Weather:88o, very hor, war., 1:28:26;63. stuait Ad@s, Aea, 1 zS,:O; A+.' l. Jeff Darhan, 30:24; 2. Jim Bladner, 33:I; 3. Norm Paul Claffey, bat., trZS:54; 65. Julian Siegel, NMC, Lee, 36:0I,4. ErickBeavefs, ,t3:05, \129.05.66. Sreve Liggett, NUTC, t:29:26; OZ. ro_ RFYL- l. Blehr Jotnson, U:40; Z. Norm Lee, Ke!a, NMC, r:30:03; 48. John Li;Ecort, da-q, r,io,:+, . ,z:MiI€ U:4_5; 3. Owens! 12:?6; 4. Jay callagber, t2:50; 69, Dave Spaner, Eat., t:30:40; ZO. JoU C.-pt.I Sr. _Dave s. Jay Chapmau, 13:06;6. Bob Week6, t3:t5j ?. Mike NMc, l:30:53. (Ul finishers) --Freit Brown Sr-. _Tucker, t3:l6j 8. Joey McNeit, 13:48; 9. Atan Mielke 14:01i i0. Chli6 Johnsoh, 14:10. (r9 Iiii6hers) Both evenis 5.6-MILE ROAD RACE, IfILBRA.HAM, MASS. held on the track. Juty l?, r9?3. weathei: tileal, t, Tom Derdelian, NMC, 29:24; Z, Bob Eodge, sat., ANNApoLrs RRc ?-MILE opEN, HILLSMERE sHoREs 29:24. t; 3. Kevin Kra€zeski, @at. , z9.z7i 4. Dan BatuJe\y 21, 1973. ford, NMC, 29:31, 5. Faut Oparovski, Mt. park AA, 1. Ed Jelohe, 36:4r;2. Paur Anderso!, 40:28;3. Jih 29:34;6. Joh! Jarek, NMC, 29:31; ?, Jo6eph Korb, irMC Baadne?, ill:49; 4. George Major, 42:??j 5. JoIb Wooils, 30:12; 8. Wayne LaMothe, NMC, 30:46; 9. Tony #ilcox, 45:36;6. NormLee, 46:59; ?. Eaick Beavers, 49:OO. NMc, 30:5oj 10. John Hualey, NMC, 3t:25; tr. Mike (couise actuaUy 6.4 miles) Mearil1, NMC, 3trz9;12. Jack o,Rourke, NMc, 3t:3?: 1,6-Mile RFYL- 1. Ed Jerome, 9:07; 2. Deai6 Holliday- 13. Ed Swter, Mt. palkAA, 3Z:O8i 14. Matt Hurd, NMC oke, Jt. , 9.14t 3. Dave Owens, IO:03; 4. Nora Lee, 10.08 32.46; ts. Bruce Atdrich, dat. 33:09; 16, John powell , 5. Jay Gauagher, t0:35, 6. Jay chaptua\, lA.44i 7. C. C, NMc, 33:22; t?. Srewart Thulston, NMc, 33;Z?r 18. Johnsoa, 1l:17;8. G.M. Shith, U:26,9, Don McFarrand, Paul Roche, NMC, 33:50; 19. Tom Antil, Mt.!,alk A_{, ll:45; 10. Robert Jo4es, 12:10; 11, Jack Ward, t2:38; 12. 33:55; 20. Chartotte r-"tti", S.g""to.t Vi. AC, 34t\g; John OtDeU, i4:47. 21. Ro! MacDougalr, uuat., 35i54; Zz. r.,r.",y b""li.g, --GeoigeM. Majo!-susarloal M!._AC, 36:04; 23, John Cushilg, NMc, 36; zlt?4. Joe Mccarrhy, NMC, 36:22;25. Frank Walcott. NMC, 30:25. (3, rini6he!s) __r !Fo Blosn Sr. __
6. lom Vayad. Fa6L. rl:rl:7. B-ll Blorn, DO\4'}IS, KANSAS iO-MILE ROAD RACE July 2r, 1973 5:00 P,M. Conditions: 80-; coulse- d?y & llrntington Valley, Pa,, 53t53t 8. Steve Gettiag6, Spolt6 Ea6t, 55:10; 9. Harry Berkowitz, Ped AC, 56:05j 10. fa6t. Fran| Rodiiquez and Lou Flitz were both well Richard6, 59:12; 11. Telry Leane's, 59.??t IZ, Harly Valley 10 hile record of 54:3r.8 uder the Missouri Jim wiuiams, 60:36, 13. MardhaU Krein, 60:37; 14. held by CarL Owcza!zak. . ohn Ross . .amdpn YN4CA, 60:56. I C i r hasFtuu€, I. F!ank Rodriguez, Salina, Kansas, 5l:Ll, ?; 2. Loui6 o: Camden Cobty College,collapsed with heat 6troke just - ri z, J-.don, Nebra6ka, 5l:^q. J. Scorl l "clmot, a lew yaid€ lrom tl}e finish in rhird place. He wa6 ru6bHays, Ks,, 55:01.3;4, RobeltRo€ales, Marquette, Ea: ,, 2; 5, €d to the ho6jrila1 & was corlined Io! a week. Many startt- |<a.z"r, Lin. otn, \eb!,, 56:t0. o: ^parpVerdon, Nebr,, 56:33. 3; ?. Dalbert ers dropped out due to the ertreme heat & hlEiality. 6. Phiiip Fritz, H.S. 3.6-Miles- 1. Mil@ Resenly, Bighop Eu6tace, 19:32 Biandle, clasco, 58:00.3; 8. Joe Oro6co' salina, 60: 2. Joe cernano, Pennsaul<en Hs, 20,37t 3. Jack Cattey, 31. 3j 9. Steve Hravacek, salina, 6ztz7.5i 10. Daryl Pemsal]<eh HS, 20:53; .,1, Halry Bilicki, Penn6auken HS, Rou6, O6borne, 62t18.5i ll. Steve Gouldi€, Hays, 63: 2L:41; 5. Sam l4oods, 22:35; 6. Mike SoheI, ZZt4Zr 7, WiL 15,l; lZ. Paul 1de, LaCros6e, Ks,, 63:42. 3; 13. Mike qlzs eFn. LibprL), \,to., 63:46;14. 'dnDodd-r, sqlirc, 66:09; 15. Jame6 Kie!man, Salina, 66:56j 16. Steve Caselaa!, Salina, 6?:0?; l?. Leon Mattock6, Winfieid, 67:0?; 18. Pat Blackbula, BelleyiUe, 68:38; 19. Joe Va!gas, salina, 69:10; 20. Ge!ald Ma!tin, Satina, 69:38; 21. Randy Shellito, Phillipsburg, 70:10! 22. John Rose, Laciosse, ?r:07; 23. Gary Oz:,ds, Da\rL6, TItzQt 24. P:chara P&dolph, Sa.ina, 72:20; '5. Date B!rgc, Hu (lin6on, 7Z.Z0t 26. Tim Votapka, Stockton, 72:30; 2?, Steve Mcclure, PhilllAsbug, 72:30; ?8. Kyle Parker, 5r rDa, 7':-5' 2o, roe s, :Lh, V"nbar "n, v",, l:'6. 30. Keitl K"aushaar, Plainville, 7,1:01; 31. Daniel Patton, Phiuipsburg, 77:02j 32. Maik Schuite, LaC!o66c, ?7:03; 33. venle Roddeo, salina, E5:05j 34. Doa Macy, Phillipsburg, 85:12; 35. Bob Leiker, Saliba, 88:37.8. - -'ar) o:a6-_
MAYEIELD CAPTURES MIDDLE ATLANTIC RRC RUN woodbury, N. J. , wed. , August 8, 1973 6:00 P. M. Moses Mayfield pioduced a good hot weather one hour rs when he confoltab1y voD the M.A. RRCrs amual ru! lrith a line li hiles, 320y eflort on the high school ,_a<\. Iho lEh lhe PPtr AC a. a to_ by c good hargib ovel Mike Butyne6, it probably s,a€nrt com{oftable a6 the steamy, 90" femperature made {or rough solng.
l. Mose6 Maylield, Pem AC, 1l Mi1e6, 320 yds; z. Mike Butyne6, Sport! East, l0 3/4 Miles, 407y; LJq!4,O.9: Petr A., 10 ,/2 Mi es, 3 tyi .. Dpn:s Den, s . -,-r, . o;-ph 6 F."p, aHa. , Lo H M. r;6, oly r. Bob Vc_rno Phila. Pionee16, l0 l/4 M es, 403yi 6. Joe Germano, Sport6 Ea6t, l0 Miles, 238yi 7. Daa BraMen, Bucknell Univ., l0 Miies, 184y; 8. Geolge Dean, l0 Miles, 38y; 9. Vince Marino, l0 Miles; 10. Jelf Dean, 9 3/4 Miles, 410y; 11. Ken K1ing, Sports East, 9 3/4 M e6, 402y; 12" Nola Blai!, Glassbolo state, 9 3/.1 Mile6, 40y;13. Bob Romansky, 43, Sports East, 9 r/4 Miies, 353y (lst vet. )i i4. RusseU Floyd, Phila. Pioneers, 9 r/4 Miles; 15. Pete Reinhaft, Sports East, 9 Miles, 346y; 16. Ray Samson, caade!, N. J. , 9m, 1?7y; 17. Joh! Rossi, Card-r \MCA. on, 2 yj 18. Bru.e Malino, oh:.r. Dioneer€, 8 1 ar. lly; lo. L.rry Moor", Sports La6L, 8Inm, 287y1 20. chlis Moore, sports East, ? 3/4h, 86y; 21. Lisa Campiglia, So.Je!6ey Chargets, 7 l?m, 1a6y ilsr F"mal"1: ?2. Jim C"ls nge-, Spo.Ls, '7 l/4tu, 6yr 23. Ursula Eder, SJc, 6l/zm, 40ay,24. Steve Cettiogs, Sports East, 6 r/4m, 4a0y.
Vei€ {Over 40) 4.5-Mi1e6- l. Btll Prate!, West Chester Pa., Z5:59r 2. RalphFlaze!, Middletown, Dela.,26:36; 3. Ray Sahson, Camden, 2?:08; 4. John Cl]ningham, Cidasin6oh, N. J. , 29:03; 5. Dick Hoffman, 3l:09. u9e9{E_!:-q:l4ils9- r. suie Buchanan, 34, 26t42i.2. Robin Stryker, 3Z:40; 3. Debbie Mcclu€key, 3.1:50; ,1.
]?-g_!slsl!!!a(r!ack)- l.
Dlew Meredith, r0,
z. JolD Buchanan, 10,9:15. --TomOsle!--
6:53 i
5-MILE PAIRATHON Drive, Fairmo@t Park, Phila,, Pa. Suday, August 19, 1973 t:00 P. M. Weathex: Sffiy, cool. 1, Rick D:Seba6!ian, Dtexel, 26:13; 2. Demis Weidler, Annville, Pa., Z6r16, 3. Je!!y OrBriea, Drexel, 2?:04; 4. Malk Litlleton, Ridley Twp., Pa,, 27t08.,5. Joe Ce!mao, Spolts Ea6l, Z7t30i 6, Mike Resenly, Spor!. Ea6t, z7ttO,7. ro- Osle!, Dcs AL, z7:16;8. cn.rles Fra6soni, Ridley Twp., 28:00; 9. Dave Har!i6, Sport6 East, 28:03; 10. BiLl Blown, Hslington Valley, Pa,, Z8:I3; 11. Seth Bergmam, Phila., Zgtzzt I2. Ru66 Herwig, Huting. ton Vall€y, Pa., 29:09;13. Harry Berkowitz, Pedn AC, 29:39; 14. Jerly Gewirtz, 29,39t 15. Leon Dreher, Pem AC, 30:ll; 16. Larry Reitsma, 30:3lt 17. David Wilkinson Phila., 30:33;18. Keith Fifield, Phi1a., 30:44; i9.Ray Samson, Camden, N.J., 30:i16; 20. Larry Moore, Sports East, 31r14i 21, JackHirsr, Pem AC, 3l:15; 22" lohr Bobbi, Camden YMCA, 1l: 6i 23, Telry L-an"s6, lz:00; 22. Va!6haiI rle:n, 1/:08: / . SrFve w}'.trno!p, 32:09; 26. Fled Bove, 33t3a:27. Sam Wallace, 34:50; 28. Scott Willims, 35r50' 29. Bluce Par6ons, 40:56. Teams: 1. Rick Diseba€tian & Jelry OrBlieL, 53tr7, 2. Joe Ceimano & Mike Resenly, 55:l0i 3. Malk Littleton & Chas. Flas6oni, 55:14; 4. Selh Bergmam & Too Osle! 56:08; 5. Bill Blown & Ru6s Herwig, 57:22. 3-Mile Veterans - l. Brovnjng Ross, 49, Sport6 Ea6t, 19:00; Z. Hen-/ <.rkaia, PI-'a.. 'o: 0: t. wm.C. Sm:th, Ea6t Rive!
Johh O'Riorc,an, ZatZ4,
woaenrs 3-Mile- r. Suzie Buchaaa!, ZatO5,2- Li.a Clmpigiia, 20:4.1; 3. Mary Ellen Mcshaae, zt:Lzi 4. Malidet Walslt, 25:13; 5, Debbie Mcclwkey, Z6tZZ', b. Pat Sheridan, z6:zi1; ?. Robih Stlyker, 26:29j 8. Judi 3-Mi1e lrz & Unde!)- L. Chris Moole, Spolts Ea6t,Z4tr6. KNOXV1LLE TC T'OUR MILE PREDICTION RACE Central H.S., Knoxville, Tetuessee, JvIy 2o, 1913 7: {O P. V. WFarh.!: 84o, 6umt, 82d. h6id:ty. Rs. Time Pred. T. DiI.
ANNUAL COOPER RTVER SUMMER RUNS (RRC) CooFr River Paikway, Pee6auken, N,J., Suday, -Augu6t 12, 1973 6:00 P.M. Very hot & hrlmid! l. victo! Taylo!, 48, open 9-Mires- I. Mose6 Mafiierd, Penn AA, 46tzaj Z. 2. Detuis McQuade, 24, Jobn Greenplate, Delaware SC, 47:23: 3, Joha Sevick, 3. Jerly YoEke!, 18, 50i42, 4. Ed Jerome, WSC, 5ZtA9, 5. c'raig }lolm, a2,l1i 4. Ronald Coteman,lT,
30:01 21:16* 21:34 23:08
0:04 0;06 0:08
Zlt40 Z3tA0
5. Alden Gardioer, 30, 6. Joe Waish, 18, 7. Ma'k Hmphrey, r8, 8. Ha1 Caniierd, 53,
25,39 Z6:00 24,23 24:00 33:06 33:30 9. Bruce Guyroo, 17, 25t32 26:0l 10, James Cobble, 5a, 26t52 28:00 Il. Joe Shepherd, 59, 26t35 27:45 12. Frank Wit1iam6,16, 25:32 24:00 3atza 28:00 13. Rex Bellomy, r2, 26t35 ZItAA 14. Mike Martin, l?, 15. Lloyd Ludin, 53, 26t52 30:00 32144 36t20 16. C€.il KelLy, 51,
Ot2l Ot23
0,24 A.28
]:08 l:10
Ia ar1, 96 runners, age U to 5l! started and lihished tne !ace. Only the 1973 KU Relays Malathon rith an identical 96 Iinishers equals rhe Atwood iace for paxticipatioh id lohg distance iuning in Kahsas, The Salina TC won the ieam award with the low score oI 16 points. Fort Hays State College was second with 24 points ahd the Colorado TC was thild with 2? points. -_q-F Crp Lon__
Zt35 3:08 3r36
DNF: lon Oomor!, Bi. Laukras, sre\F Cc'leUrngp.. Note6. . . Nine ol the sixteen finiFhers guessed withit 30s of their lrltriog t1me, Fa6t time honols weat to Dennis Mcouade in a line 21:16 clocklnS, which wag quite good considering the weather conditiotrs. --Ha1 CanJierd-NATIONAL AAU SENIOR 25 KILO RACE WALKING CIIAMPTONSHIP, Taunton, Mass., Jn\y ZZ' 1973, weathe!r Fair, 89 degrees. Team: 1. New YoakAC, lli 2. Long Island AC, l4i 3. North Medlold CLub, 2,1. t. Johh Knitton, Nev Yolk AC, 2r05r50; 2, Ron Laird, NYAC, 2:0?:38; 3. Galy Westerlield, LIAC,, Ztl3t19t 4. Stere Hayden, LIAC, 2:14:18; 5. Tod X4att, NMC, 2:16: 18; 6. Paul Schell, NMc, 2:18:03; ?. Da o'comor, LIAC, 2t\9t58j 8. Ron Daniel, NYAC, 2:26:06: 9. Jim Murchie, LIAC, zt27tQ2; ro, Carl Johan6en, 32,,2tz8t33 --Fred Brown Sr. -ANNAPOLIS MD. RRC RACES Bay RidC€ (Amapolis, Md. ) 8-Mile oFn Augusi ,1, L9?3 - 1. Jeff Dalman, 49:'l2j z. Noim Lee, 56:19;
3. Joln \toods,
4. Curly Cochlan,
z-Mile RFYL- l. Norm Lee, 12:08; 2. Denni6 HoLlidayoke, J!., 12:30; 3. Jay qa[agher, 13:03; 1' Rick McGowan, 13145; 5. Jay Chapman, l3:i15; 6. Mike Tucket,14:10. U.S. Naval Academy, August 15, 1973 - 4-N4i1e OPen (Track)- 1. Ed Jeratue, 22t22r 2. Ron Knode, 23:33; 3' Noln Lee, 25:04; 4, Curly Cochfan, 25r54i 5. Dave Owens, 27:48; 6. Charle6 Caafr, 27:53i 7. Elick Beaver6, 28t51i 8. Henry Da1e, 29:21; 9- Jid Tucker, 30:Zzj 10. Doa McFar]ahd, 31:44i U. Jay Garlaghe!, 31:45; lZ. Jack Ward, 33:23. Z-MiLe RFYL- L, Demis Hollidayoke, Jr" , l1:02i 2. Art DuHaide, ll:04; 3. Nore Lee, 1l:27;4. Dave owens, u:40; 5. Henry Dale, ll:43! 6. c.c. Jolnson, 12:45j ?' Don McFarland, l2:53: 8. Jay Gallagher, 1z:53i 9' Rick Mccowan, 12:5?; 10. Steve Hopkins, l2:59i 11. Mike Tucker, t3:03; 12. Bob Weeks, 13:22. --George M. Majo!-_
OOQ METER TEENAGE AND OPEN ENCORE RUNS, SPONSORED BY TIIE RRC OF N, Y. ai Van Cortlandt Park, Bloa, N.Y-, Sunday, August 2, lo- r l0:0 ^. \4. r-o rr".: vi - or .!. /, .\-! our ocross-co@try cou!6e and llnishing rvith 300y on track. TEENAGE RUN (10:00 A. M. )- l. Matt Centror.itz, 18, NYAC, 15:33 iNew Me€t Record! Old Mark, 15:.13 by Tony Co1on, 1970); 2. Stevc Crooke, 17, LIAC, 16:15i . c' \- O F"nion, .8, LoaL., s, L., ,6: 8 !. vir,- dac-
dn, ,, PDDC, 6.,)-r 5, A-. . 1i\ran, ., N) ^C, 6, Peter Crooke, 16, LLAC, L6:59; 7. Brian Joln6toh, 17, @a., NYC, 17:01i 8. Jim Hopkihs, 16, LIAC, 17i0Zi 9. Ray Escobar, 18, NYPC, 17:0lr 10. Joe Boccia 8, f,\o- hp/., 7:.0: I l-._., _er'.o^: ., 17. Broa, 1?:16j 12. Pierre Vavoule6, 18, L1AC, 17:28; 13. Russ Palmer, 17, CC, l?:30;1.4. Gene GollCrick, l?, Comack l7:36i 15. Tony Fornechelle, 17, l?:.,13r 16. Jerry Haslam, 15, RRRc, 17:,16j 17. Ang€l Carcia, 16, UB, 1?:48; 18. Joe DeRose, I5, CC, 17:5Ej 19. Briaa lVelBh, 18, 19?3 LAKE ATWOOD TEN N4ILE RIJN, ATWOOD, XANS. tmat., S.I. , 18:0,1; 20. Peter AieUo, 15, RRC, l8:lZi July 28, 19?3 7:45 P.M.- Alex lranci6, rlackcoach al 21. FrankRaflerty, 15, Queens, 18r19i 22. Johr HenderFort Hays State College, sounded the gu to statt the le, 15, CC, 18:26j 23. Frank Barker, 15, OTTC, 18:31; l9?3 Lake Atwood Ten Mile Road Race and 5l:43 later 24. Josedl Hall, 18, UB, LE:35; 25. Jon Scbmeyer, 18, FrankRodriguez oi Salina, a forme! Kansas State dis_ LIAC, 18:35. (52 6tarter6, 50 lini6her€) tance star, coopleted the eight Lap course to 6hatter Feaale Reaer6: 1. Maiy EUen Roddlh, 15, LIAC, Z1l Ken Katze!'6 record oI 55:32 set last tea!. Rodriguez's 27; 2. Diare Calfery, 12, MSC, 3L:,13. tide was the seco.d fa6teBt fo! tte tea rnile distance ol 5l:tl was also Ka!6as. Tbe {astest tiDe OPEN RUN (10:30 .\.M.)- 1. TonyColon,21, NYAC, in ever !s 15:07.2j 2, Jim SchiDdle!, 22, NYAC, 15:52: 3. Arthu! ru by Rodriguez, Two othe! ruber6 betteled Katzer's iecoad. carl Beck- Hall, 26, uat., 15:5?j .1. lied suarez, 22, I6izai 5, Tim weaver, 19, LI-AC, 16:29; 6. Jin Winfield, 20, e!, a high school boy lrom Mccook, Jinished second in 54:58 and We6 Crlst oI Fl. collins vas thild in 55:23. unat. , Hawthorde, N. Y. , 16:34i ?. Rafael Luna, 19' Ea. 16:58j
t6:38; 8. Elnie Rivas, 23, 16:50; 9. Aaly Mlhlcke, 33, Millrose AA, L7:11, 10. Don Rowe, 24, NYAC, 1?:24i 11. Gene Toomey, 34, Miltrose AA, Ui3Z; 12. Jih Soelner, 19, LIAC, l1t1zi 13. George Douglas, qnited Bohaa, 1?: 48! 1.1, Demi6 Dri6cotl, B!ooklyn, i7r50;15. Billy Klonyki€, 22, United Bohaa, l?t59i 16, Jason Greller, ?5, LIAC, 18:06; r?. Paur Coffih, 21, 18:08; r8. Tom Cameron, 43, NYC, 18:17. (47 6ta!ter6, 4l fini6he!6) --Joe Kleiherman-TONY COLON AND MATT CENTRQWITZ IN RECORD
BREAKING WINS -Clove Lake Park, S.I., AuC. 1,1,1973 Two returning Europea! toul a1lmers established Dew records !n the RRC Slll.@e! Speed Proglam at Clove Lake Park. Matt Centrolvitz captuled the Teenage 3-miLe ru over the paved paths oI the parkin 14:00 to breakhis own record oI 14:19.4, setlastyear. Tlte open 6ection Eaw the course record of 13:48.4, set by Joh! McDomerr oI the New York AC in 1970, 6fra6hed by Tony Coron (NYAC). coloh clocked l3:35.8. TEENAGE RUN- 1. Matt Centfowitz, r8, New York AC, 14:00.0; 2. De@is caiceda, 17, NYAC, 14:46; 3. Steve Keating, 17, NYAC, 14:55; :!. Ray Escobar, 18, NYPC, 15:07; 5. Myles corrigan, l?, NYC, 15:08i 6. Angel carcia, 5, 1 Filed-Aobaa, lc:2?r ?. on) Varlin-Ll:, t6. S.I., 15:28; 8, Joe Wa16h, \6, s.L , 15t29, 9. De Dougheaty, J!., 18, SIAC, 15:36i 10. A1 Faison, 15, SIAC, 15: jZ: 1. Da--y. Ne.oF. 16, s.I.. lE:'6: -. John B a k, I, Brooklya, 16:01; 13. Ton sproat, 15, NYAC, L6:23; 1.1, Jerry Mandara, 16, Brook1y1, 16:26;15. wm. Navante, 16, wood6idp, l6:10; 16, Ha!!y Vu!phy, 17, B-ool r, l6:36; 1?. Mik€ o'Dofrell, 16, S.I., 16:38;18. Larty Erickson, t5, Woodsid€, 16:45; 19. Gaty Muehleean' 15, NYAC. l6:47; 20. ! let I p-sha, 6, B.oor.)m, .6:r., (32 starters, 32 fihishers) OPEN & VETERANS RUN- 1. Tony Colon, 2r, NYAC, 13:35.8; 2, Ed Bowes, 30, NYAC, 14:40; 3. Rafael Lua, 19, United-Bohaa, 15:10; 4. Steve Klakote!, zL, Temple Univ., 15r24; 5. Vid Waite, 21, SIAC, 15:28; 6, Bill b: r; r. LForge tsr ce rr., 24, NYPC, 16:36;8. Jim Borden, ,ll:, Brooklyn, 16:41 (lst vet. ); 9. Brie Mccowab, 19, ua. , 16:45; 10. Ming Loure. 20, Brooklrn, 16:)0; ll. loht hack. ZL, PTC, L6:55; 12. Dan Dougherty Sr,, 4,N, SIAC, 16:56 (zld vet.); 13. Jerry CometLy, 2I, S.l., l7:01; 14. Phil Ca!ducci, 24, United-Bohaa, 17:31, 15. Art Kijek, 42, LIAo, 11:33, (21 sta!te!6, 21 liaisher6) --Joe Kteinermaa-PUERTO RICO HISPANIC HALF-\4ARATHON (13. I MI. ) Sponsored by the Puerto Rican Spolts coucil Inc. with the cooperation of the RRC-N.Y. Assn. & the NYC DePt. oI Recreation. Suday, August 19, 1973 11:00 A.M. Centlal Park, New Yolk. L, Tod Flemiag, zL, Bloomfield, N,J., I:07:10; z. Dr.
Norbert sande!, 30, Milirose AA, l:08:3?; 3. Arthu! HaU, 26, S.I., l:09r2it,4. B r Bragg, 24, No!th Je!sey striders, l:10:36; 5. Joel Pa6ternak, 23, wm. Paterson College, l:11:13; 6. Ferdano Snarez, 22, U.ited-Bobaa, l:11:,16j 7. Hugh Sweeny, 27, No. Jersey Strider6, 1:12:37, 8. Mike lvhite, 17, CJTC, 1:13:28i 9. Justia Gubbins,2l, Milbo6e AA, 1:13:28.2j 10. Richald Stukey, 17, Shore AC, LI4t17t lL. Al Buhl, 25, CJTC, LiL,l:58; 12. Gary Mubrcke, 33, Millro6e AA, l:15:19;13. Callos w!ad, 17, Bfooklyn, l:16:00i 14. Roy Lapidus, 22, NJS, r:16ir9; i5, BiU Goadon, 38, SABC, 1:16:2?; 16. Jih Schindler, 22, NYAC, l:16:56;17. Tony GaLaa, 18, BTC, lrl?r19; l8.Bob Braile, 17, LIAC, 1:l?:21; 19. Joe Buibs, 44, United-Boha , rtrTtZTt 20. Jim Winlield, 2Q, N,Y., 1:17:40;
2r. Bob Kaplao, 30, Miulose AA, Ll7.47i 22. I.tedWalke!, 35, SABC, l:17:52; 23. Mike Naples, 27,FBI, va., 1:1?:56;24. Hal Ogneldaohl, 16, United-Bohaa, ltlatz6i 25. Chaires Collier, 26, SIAC, rtrq:26.?r 26. Jio McDonagh, 49, Miuaose A-4, 1:18:38; 27. JolD Baltsen, 16, Shole AC, 1:19:07; 28. Dan Schulga6ser, 30, Carif., r:19:16; 29. Bill Morrow, 22, No. Je!sey st!ideas, 1:19:24t 30. Mytes Corligan, l?, Lasalle, l:19:36; 31. Paul Fisher, 20, NYC! L\9r4Oi 32- Att Moare, zz, CJTC, 1:19:40.2i 33. Romalo Mejia, 21, Queens, r:19:51,34. Tom Matulis, 20, N.J., 1:20r00; 35. Mike Hageh, 17, Rockldd RRC, 1:20:35; 36. Paul coffin, 21, Iowa, l:Zot4zi 37. Vichein Bebchur, 34, United-Bohaa, rt2otl6i 3A. Ed OrNeii, 29, CJaC, Lzll 03; 39. William Ott, 18, N.J., L:21:I2;40. Steve Rothetr be!g, 33, Brooklyn, 1:21:14;41. Tim weaver, 19, LIAC, LzltlSi 42. B!i& Shea, 15, L.L, ltZZ.Ali 43. Paru1 Fetscher, 2?, LIAC, LZZt\8,44, Tom Cameron, 43, we6t Side YMCA, l:zztz1 i 45. Rudi Gerhard, 16, Criff6ide Park, l:22:30;46. Je!!y Ha6Le, 16, RRRC, r:22: 32; 47. Steve Esposito, 16, Cliffside, N.J., l:22:37i 48, Jack Leq., 21, Brook\m, r.Zzt3g;19. Eric Lipsky, 17, LIAC, LZZt4lt 50, Larry Farieu, 26, w4,LZ3.4AI 5i. Geolge Calle, 29, Stratlord Spattan9, liz3t'12;52. BiU Jobnson, 18, L.I., 1:23:.13; 53. Ed Folte, 21, Shor€ AC, 1:23:55; 5.1, Dave Aermd, CPTC, l:24:00; 55, Jos€lh Viverito, 12, LIAQ, L21tO3;56. Richard $trite, 18, CJTC, L24tA6i 57, Phil Heit, 29, UnitedBohaa, L:2,1:11; 58, Leonard Marecb, ?8, Brooklyn, l:2,1:13; 59. Carm Eroen, Serio!s TC, Calif., l:2,lr16; 60. Jim Neubauei, 19, BtoE, L24tz6t 6I. Carl soder6trom, 29, Centlai Park TC, l:Z.l:28; 62. Cleg Rorke, 19, SmithtoM, lr?4t3Ar 63. Joe NapLes, 15, Phila., Pa. |zqt3li 64. Howald Ba6is, 32, Blookl'd, Lt24t38j 65JotF Hac/, 3r, Darnp l rC, l:'4:.18;66. Joo 5(hn ele., 18, LIAC, 1t24.59t 67. D!, Davld Thomashow, 28, NJ, \25to6r 68. Don ciolvLey, 3r, CJTC, 1:25109! 69. La!ry L@sei, 26, CP'IC, It?5t33t ?0. Kay Campbelt, 4,1, CJ-fC, lt25ti7',71. E!rie qr,!s, 21, Uait-d-Bohaa, r,25t1Lt 72. Douglae Camblia, 19, Keafney, N.J., 1125: ,N5; 73. BilL Colde, 51, Milllose AA, l:25;47i 7,1, Greg Pald-6. 16, United-Boh.a, - Z)'1oi7). sl!n hon!1., 33, CJTC, 1r26rl5i 76. Jim Roseboom, 18, Inwood, NY, rt26t27t 77. Carmd Hagergahs, 12, CJTC, rtz6t29i 78. Neil Moaan, ?3, BroM, ltz6t35t 79, Da. Aeorge Sheehad, 5:1, shole Ac, L:26:.12t 80. De Tejada, 21, United-Bohaa, ltz6t5zi 81. Bill Shanahan, 43, Millrose AA, 1.26.54i 82. Hal Stela, 27, SABC, 1,26,55i 83. warle! Bishop, 33, NY, l:27:08; 8,1, Marvin Saduels, /, bi ed-Bohaa, l:r7: 6r 8r. B.:d JosL, 26, N.J.. Lz1,lzi 86. Thoeas M. Kelley, 18, oJTC, Lt27t36; 87. Thoha6 webb, 35, \tz7t16t 88. Rogers Jemings, 34, N.J., L27t54t 89, wm. R,HamoD, 28, CJTC, Lt27t56t 90. Paul Bennett, 23, c'I'|C, 1tz7t59t 91. 'ron Ba@, 40, Shore AC, rtzat)5i 92. Mike Balnov, 29, Tarrytown, LZatrZi 93. George Koclme, 33, Oak. TC, LZatZ4,94. Greg Mcletchie, 18, ltqited-Bohaa, i:Z8r 52; 95. Nat Ciruldck, 42, United-Bohaa, 1,28,57t 96. David wilsoa, 28, N. J. , r:29;00; 9?. Bill Indek, 26, SIAC, r:29:19; 98. Joe Caldwel, 40, McB. YMCA, l: 29.27; 99, aeotce Plice, Jr., 24, NYPC, l:29:48t r00. Paul Cultis, 20, CJ'[C, I,29t52;101. Jim Bolden, 46, Blookl)a, 1:29:55i 102. Jose Rivela, 31, McB. YMCA, 1:30:02: Lo3. Rod MacNichoLl' 43, Millrose AA, 1:30:12; 104. Angel Ga!cia, 16, U-B, li30:13; 105. JotE Pontee, 22, oJAC, \30tr3.2t 106. Robelt FlakrE, 39, L.t., L:30:2r; r07. Ja6o! Greller, 25, LIAC, r:30:25i 108.
Ricbard Miuold, 15, CJlc, 1.30.32t i09. ceratd Fi!zpatrick, 42, Queen6, l:30:40j 110. Ari Kijek, 42, LIAC, l:30:58, lU. Ray Floriani, 21, N.J., 1:31:10; l1Z. DoD Russert,4r, cJTc, Lt3lt?1t 113. Lroyd Rysylainen, 24, N.Y., l:31:38i r14. Dennis Sad, 29, Cam., \t3z.Ozt ll5. Allen Druclcnan, 42, LIAC), lt3?tt4t li6. Jim OtNeil 36, S.I. , rt32t46t ll7. Richard Ir@aalto, 24, N. ].. , t:33:12; U8. Herman Pet!oh, 16, Brookly!, 1:34:00; lt9. Stephen Gleenspa, 15, L.J,, 1:34:11; 120. Stephen Sepe, 23, N.Y., lr34:28: 121. Don Jamie6on, 49, L.I., \:34-30t 122. Dr, Jo6eph Dugg&, 31r Broft, It31:3a.2| 123. Jo€eph Rosenthal, r8, NYC, l:3:1:34; r2,!. Phil Ca!ducci, 24, Uaited-Bohaa, lt3s,Izi IZ5- Dr. Paul KieU, 42! Sbore AC, 1:35:31. l?42 startets, 2U finishers) WOMEN - 1, Nina Ituscsik, 33, SAC, 1:30:33 (ro9th); 2. Nancy Lindsey, 2,!, McBur- YMCA, r:46:3I (i1?th); 3. Llab Slackstone, 33, CPTC, r:56:19 (199th), - -Joe Kleinerman-VETERANS lNTERNATIONAL 25 KILO CHAMPIONSHIP Isle ol Md, G. B., May 26, 19?3 (Heary !ain) l. BiIl Stoddart, Scotl&d, 1:23:38; 2. K, Hodki!.on, Eaglahd, 1:24:16: 3" w. Irmen, cefmany, 1:2s:00! 4, l. Rooke, LngrDd, 1:;'c:ll: r, F, VulLer, C"-nany, ltzat4zi 6. 'f, Kiltuartin, Eagland, 1:25:49; 7. B. Hod!oo5, Finldd, lt25t49', A. J. Wild, England, 1:27:05i 9. BiU AUen, Canada, ltz?tzLi 10, R. Monseu, Belgiffi 1:28:09..16. A. Tayloa, Canada, It29|2Oi 4:1. cordoa Dickson, canada, 1:33:49, (261 fi4ished) CLASS 2 (50-59)- l. E. O6rbye, Swede!, lr30:34;2, O.K. HaU, Eogland, L3z,lzi3. J. Fitzgerald, Eng., l:35:38.
cLAss 3 (60-69)- 1. E. Kluzycki, cermany, 1:i12:08; 2. T. J€nsen, Sweden, l:44:58; 3. K. Weichert, Cermany,
Sloan, 35, Tu16a, 60:,!5; 6. Aat Browning, 42, AoL.a, 6l:18 {rst Ove!.10J; 7. Tom Kempf, ,19, 5altlesviiLe, 62i31; 8. Bill Thomp6oa, 40, Jerks, 63:41; 9. Haloril McDonald, ,15, Baoken Afow, 64:18; I0. Eugene Joh!son, 39, Tul6a, 6,1:3a: 11. verb Wliteside, 53, Tulsa, 66:52. DNF- B!11Ryan, 42, Tulsa. 3-MnE RUN (8:00 A. M. )- r, La!!y Adudderr, 28, Tulsa, 15:51; Z. Bob lvleyers, Zr, No!ean, 16:26, 3. Don Bu!aet!, 19, Okla. City, 16:40; 4. Laary McDonald, 19, BrokeD Alrow, 16:,18r 5. Johh Westbrook, 23, Tulsa 16:53; 6. Scott cee, 16, Tulsa, r?r29; 7. Jon Richa!dson, 16, Tulsa, l?:a+j 8. Tom Kenpf, 20, 3a!tLesd11e, r8:15, 9. Bob Baker, 35, Tulsa, 18r33; 10. Bruc€ McMulrin, 38, Tutsa, 1Er53j U. a r Boggs, 38, Tursa, 19r20j 12. Mike Houeh.on, 13, Tul6a, 19:37t 13. Kent Zwage!, 15, Tdsa, 20:,13j l.!" Lor!aine Store!, 14,
Joplin, Mo., Zz:\a,\a. Art Wade,53, Tulsa, 23:05; 36, ulsa, 23:13; l?. Jim Sto!er, 40, Joplin, Mo,, 24:16j 18. VarilF cay, 27, at1sa, Z t55l 19. i<aly Brock6ftith, 22, Tul6a, 29:00. 16. Jim sears,
KITTERY, MATiE ROAD RACE August 6, l9?3 -. 1. '-\1iI.E ,ob Clark, 26:a6.4i 2, David Leaitt, Z7.Z4i 3. -{1d la:lin, Z7t27j 4. Panl Aiania, 27. 35; 5. Beric Kimball, 2l:36j 6, Mike Plakop, 3l:03: 7. Jo6eph Keenan, 3i:2.1; E. Faul Lessa!d, 31:Z8j 9. Reggie Knapp, 31:.1ij ta. !ocke, 32:1?; 1r. pete! Loughlih, 32:5,f; 12. Sco:: Lanont, 33.,22t 13. Bastl Richa!d6on, 33:51r r-, CeriI Ci1es, 35:3lj 15. Jades Cefuy, 35:58j 1[,, D-ca. ].!cEachern, 36:38t 17. paula Davehport, .!0:18i:3. rtenn;Jeath, 46:53; 19. John Winiarski, ,lE:29j 2a, :.i-ome lriniarski, 48:44,
1:.1?:21. (68 lini6hed)
cLAsS 4 (Over ?0)- 1. K" cruhewart, celeany, 2:05:46; 2. K. O6hima, Japan, ZiaS:z1;3. M. Luak, Czech., 2:12:44. (1,1 linished) INTERNATIONAL TEAM RESULTS (3 to coEt inctusive arr age eroup6): 1. Ehgldd lzj 2. Belgillm 33; 3. qermany'15' 4. Canada 5I; 5. Scotland 52; 6. Ireland 56,
North Bay, Ontario, Caiaaa, July 1, 19?3 t0:15 A.M. 1. Bertil Larscr, S::iei, 2a:3.1r 2. Dan Ander€on, SrdburJ. O-_,. ?- _ . Cr-e Dm:ne, No.-b Bay, ?6:02; .1. Norh Fa:e.:!ie, Sudbury, Z6:17; 5. ce!!y Holliday, Noith a:,r, 2,,1-i; 6. Ceorge Ame€, North Bay, 26:5,1; ?. \.:l Tirrrmins, 2?:OO, 8. Rod OHIO RIVER ROAD RUNNERS CLUB 5-MILE OPEN RUN Kinnienen, Su.itlrt,-a1allee, ?i:aai 9. Vic Deim, Sudbury, Kettering, Ohio, August 19, 1973, weath€r: Croudy, calm, Z?r58; 10. Ter:_r, Sudbury, 2atz6,.Zt. Joatue 80 degree6, Course: one and one-quarter mile loof oo McKihty, Sui.rrt, 32:30, (30 starte!6, 2? fini€her6) grass, !oiling terrain. --Norm Pa!€naude-1. Da! Duton, 27:21; 2. Stacey Qsbotne, 27,4!-i 3. DaIe Ilay*, 27t52i,!. Bob Staley, 28:13! 5. Joe HoUy, 28:14! CANADA DA'i ].Ll-R.\TI]ON (EASTERN CANADIAN Ci{AMPIQNSETP), SCARBOROUCHT ONTARIO 6. Lee scudeai, Z8tzrt 7. Bob Cu6hen, 29:0lj 8. Dan Senhett, 29158; 9. Jia Brdlage, 3l:23;10. Barly Weav- JuIy 1, 1973 ?::!. {,11, 650 ar starr, 8Oo at fioish. er, 31:30j U. David Conklin, 3?:35;12. Tom Link, 32:30; 1. Dave Viney, 22, cCC, no tlae (No official time on Viney, as he .ras mi6directed by an official late in the 13. We6 Newhouse, 33:33; 1,1. Scott Sargent, 34:09; 15. race, eiv:ng hir a shortcut to the liniEh line, Decision Jifr Gerard, 34t27. 124 startefs, 23 finlshefs) ol the race oificials that he be named the wimer oI the 1.3-MILE FITNESS RUN- l. Tracy Fleemah, 6:5,1; 2. Eastern Caradian Lla!aihon Charpionship) i Z. Dave Doa Buschu!, ?:00, 3. Joe Walick, 7:45i 4. Nicholas Landiiault, 22,,T.C,, 2:38:25! 3. Bili Al1en, 41, shamie, 7:,18; 5. Jobn Stanfo!th, 8:56; 6. Jack Conktin, M, T, F. C., 2:53:11j 4. Chri6K€1k,30, HAC,2r53:Z?; 9:35; ?, Ala Houck, 10:42; 8. Lin Houck, t0:43. 5. Bob Bolrman, ,13, Woodstock, 2:5.1:50' 6. Lorne --walde B. Yarcbo-Buck, 39, M.T.!.C,, 3:OO:36; ?. Torgay Thorp, 32, CHARLES COTTLE WINS TULSA RUN-NING CLUB Chicago, 3:0.1:44; 8. Ken Kloes, 21, cibsonia, petua,, 9-NttLE RACE, Tutsa, Ok1a., Sat., August 18, 19?3 3:07:51; 9. Dave Prebbie, 30, K.W.TC, 3:08:O7j 10, ?i00 A. M. - Charles Coltle won the g-mile !u arotud Clegory Hyatr, 19, \tilliam6vi1re, N,Y., 3:08:2?t 11. Lake Yahola in Mohavk Palk in 52:01. The cou!6e was Dave Milne, ,12, MTFC, 3..09t45i lZ, Jasoa Lo, 19, Tolonto, 3:15:15:13. Michael McNahara, 31, Bulingslor with]ligh gaass, mud and @even footiag. Weath€r: Crea!, ?8", high hbidity ahd a little hot for ?ming. ton Yrr, 3:16r31; l:!. Joe Fernandez, 50, Rocheste! TC, 1. Charles Cottle, 18, Bartlesville, 52:01; 2. La?!y Aud- 3:t8f36; 15. Fran celina6, 19, Brantford, 3tl9tjzt 16, dell, ?8, TuIsa, 52:23;3. Do! Ratzlalf, 27, Tulsa, 54: JolEy Nolan, ,19, MTFC, 3t2lt2? t 17. Chartie Wa!d, 09; 4. Ji@ie Gray, 3I, Ok1a. City, 56t47.,5. Norman 53, MTFC, 3:23:3r; 18. Dick Kuscsik, 33, New York,
3tz4t16t 19. Steve May, 19, Scarboro optimists, 3126:51; 20, Norm Schwendler, 31, Bu{falo, 3:29:14. (40 finished) CANADA DAY T/2 MARATHON l. Bob Moore, 32, Tolonto OC, lrU:U Couase Record; 2. Bruce Dewsberry, 19! Toronto Tlack West, 1:13:15; 3, Michael Brett, 20, Gardea City Creyhoud6 TC, 1:16: s5; 4. Andrew Reed, 19, N. Y. T, C, , l:18:1li 5. Bob Steele, 21, Galde! Cily Gleyhouds TC, l:18:18; 6, Martin Cohen, 20, Oak Park, Mich., l:18126; ?. creg Afian, 19, calden city Gleyhouqds TC, 1:19:32; 8, Frances webb, Zr, CCG 'Ia, tzrt43i 9. Yvon DlsoDt, 39, CFB, Montleal, 1:21:.!4; r0. Mike Youg, 19, GCG IC, lt23t36t ll. Deais Bedald, 17, Bay Area R.R., 1.23,41i lZ. Brnce Mccormack, 32, GCG Tc, \iz8.Z3t \3. Heb.ut Boeck, 21, Toronto, lr30:06! 14. A!th6 Vohdette, 38, Montreal, l:30:16;15. Ray Unger, 34r Tolonto, 1130:33. (29 fin. ) GIRLSI CANADA DAY U4 MARATHON 1. Sylvia Novak, 16, Scaaboro, 42126t 2. Catlay Sc][arse, 24, Etobicoke Stliders, 42.42t 3- Jee Coope!, 14, Scarboro Optidists, 43:00; ,1, Brenda Mitls, 20, Victo!ia Palk AC, 43:26! 5. Baenda Reid, 16, scarboro Optimi6t6, 45:08. (r0 Iinishe!6) --Nora Patenaude--
,,MEffin'nf-*n** 2
s!iday, Alsus+ 19, t97l
l. Steve Johnson, 25, Eugene, 3I:03; 2. Amblose Salmini, 27, Seattle, WaEh., 31:5?; 3, Matt Headeason, 2t. -acona, rr:2, r, caro:bF qat."r. o, polttard, 33:32' 5, Carl Meiiinge!, 20, Milwaukie, 33:34j 6. Matt Rea, 17, Albany, 33:,,10;7, Tom Mcl-aughlin, 18, Eugene, 33;53' 8, Dave Myers, Eb^o, Mt., 34, 33: 5?; 9. Don Sowler, 26, Pottlafud, 33:58; 10. Sam Clarkej ,13, Seattle, Wash,, 34:08; lL. Demis Meyer, 40, Seattle, 34:ZL; lZ. Ted William€, 2.1, Porttand, 3,1:38; 13. Steve Swift, 16, Portland, 34:,1?r 14. Dave Koight, 25, Eugeoe, 34:50; 15. Art Bioleau, I5, PortMTRRA ONE HOUR TRACK RUN, NORTHVIEW HTS. ldd, 3.1:5li 16, Andy Ryad, 18, Bremerton, Wa6h,, sEcoNDSRY SCHOOL, NORTH yORK, ONTARTO 35:02; l?. Hoyt Walker, 21, Portland, 35:25; 18, Jim Sunday, July 15, 1973 10:00 A.M. weather: Hot! Bab6on, Lake Oswego, 30, 35:30; 19. cene Faueui, 1. Bria. Arm6trong, Toronto OC, 11m, l15i10y 2 {!. Cana- 21, ,{storia, l5:37i 20. Erl<r.i Oja1a, 20, Astoria,35:41; dian Recordj 2. Bob Moore, TOC, l]'a, 105,!yt 2ft.j Zl, Randy Henry, 17, Portland, 36tOAi 22. Larry rltrst, 3. Rich Plde, TOC, 10m, 1302y, 2 ft.; .1. vic Matthews, 17, Silverton, 36:.43; 23. Don McLeod, 15, Canby, Guelph, lom, 1054yi 5. Jobn Switzer, Toronto, lom, ?06 36;.1?; 2.1, Dick Beck, 2?, Portland, 36:56; 25, Richa!d y, 2ft,,6. Dave Todololf, Ortuia, 9m, 16z0yi 7. Dave sartore, 23, Saleh, 3?r10j 26. cary Logsdon, canby, Plebble, Kitchener, 9m, 1184y; 8. Dayid Tucker, ea., \7, 37:I\; 27. JackSartore, 26, Jericho C€nter, Vt., 9m, 880y; 9. Ray unger, TOC, 9m, 5uyt i0. Dave Mil37:42i 28. Alaa Jones, vancouvet, wasb., 26, 37:431 ne, MTFC, 9m, 505yi 11. Dennis Paul, 9m, 33ayi lZ. 29. Jay Kinersly, 14, Portland, 3?r57; 30. Emil J. Charlie Wa!d, MTFC, 9m, Z99y;13, Dick Kusc6ik, MT- Perkins, 41, Astoria, 38:36. (62 Fta!rers, s4 finished) FC, th, 230y; 1,1. Eari crangie, MTFC, 9tu, 208y; t5. *3-Miie run followed by t/2-mile swifr and Zo-yd run. Roa Flint, Toronto, 8d, 17,rzy. (28 fini€he!€) 19 trophie6 awarded. --Norm Patenaude-DOUGLAS COUNTY ROAD RUN, ROSEBURG, ORECON August 11, l9?3 (4,85 MiLe Course) OPEN- 1. Tim William6, Lane CC, 24i53i Z, Leanard.
Monroe, Ohio, Sept. 2, l9?3. !!eathe!: Srrmy, caba, 93 deg!ee6, humiil. Cou!6e: Out & back.huttle ob seconda-y bl!( koo loaos owFr rolr'aB -rra .. Hiu, Staters aC, 25t15;3. Greg Jacob, Ro6ebutg Tc' l. Jim Ackley, 21:52; 2. Dan Duton, 22:55; 3, Lee Scu26:25. . . HIGH SCHOOL- L. Roal Cooper, Drait, 25t33, de!r, 2!:30t 4. Dab oi(\rel, 24:0?i 5. lelix LeBldrc, 2. 5(oi1 5!!kcn er, Po"FburB, 2q:2,1r 3, Vatl Au6lin, 25:12; 6. David conkli'\, 26tlj;7. Don Brschua, 26:27; \4edford, 26:30. . . JUNIOR HIGH- l. Jefl Reia, Roseburg, 8. Joe Sargebt, 26;3?; 9. Elve! qa6toh, 26:51;10. Craig 29:59, . . WOMENS DIv. - 1. Melyl Barke!, olegon Tc, Spitle!, 2?:45: 11, Larry Kissing, Z8:i5; 12. Doug caB30:54..GIRLS DIV. - 1. Sharon Downing, Oregon TC, ton, 29t07, 13. Stewart Jobnson, 29il3i 1.1. Jim Brown, 3lt3z. -.30-39- l. Cla],.ton Stemke, Cotvallis, 25:51. , . 29t18, 15. tie, HanI Braddock & L,T. Applegate, 32:09; _. j0-!oFiFlo R)an, Brche.Loo, 1 .sd., zU1A,2. 1?. Bob Elliott, 33:,12; 18. JackSa!geat, 40:?0. Stan Stafford, Rosebulg TC, 32:'16! 3. Halvey Speck, --Warae B, Yalcho-Oregon TC, 33:.{5. . . 50 & OVER- 1. R. M. MacTarna}an, Portland, 36r55; 2. AI Pietila, Tigard, 3?:09. HUDSON-MOIIAWK RRC 3 AND 6 MILE RUNS, SUNYA, --Doh Jacob6-Albany, N.Y., JuLy 25, r9?3 r. L. Flederick, 14:59; 2. JiD shrade!, 15:06i MASTERS 6.6-MILE ROAD RUN, PORTLAND, OREGON 3:14:193. Ellis, l5:52; 4. B. Boyle, \6t22i 5. rM}ritby, 17.36t August 25, 1973- 1. Ray Hatton, Bend, 33:35 Course Rec- 6. T, Atwell, LAt3ZiT- Ciage Hotchkiss, 18:39. oro; 2. John l-!Fr, salcm, )9:09; J. Bllr Bec!! ith, Sal- 6-Mile- l. Don Wilke\, 34tI7i 2- Paul Rosenberg, 35: eh, 4O:ro:4. Bob rergi60n, Portla'd, 4l:?6: q. B I l4: 1. r!aoks, lc:24:4. Eacker, J8:!r;5. Boree, 40: Corran, Portlad, 41:49; 6. Royce Ne6bitt, Portldd' 50; 6. Pat Stewalt, 40:51; ?, Ed Thomas, 42:20i 8. F. :12:4?; ?. Robert Pau1, Porlland, 43:03; 8. James Hu!6t, Tong, 46:03; 9. MeI Katz, 46:03. .13:07; Silverton, 9. Dick Dougherty, Portland, i13:40i SECOND ANNUAL DISTINGUISHED SERVICE RUN 10. Leo Sherrv, Poitland, .1:1:08. --Dob Jacob6-suNYA, Aibany, N.Y., Suday, Augusr 26, 19?3 Despite lhe walh weather, Jim Shrader set a nev ANNOUNCINC- the PhiLadeLphia Ma!athon, suday, course recold fo! the 8-aile clo6s country course, Nov, 25, 1972 12 Noon, Fairmout Park, Phila., Pa. Secohd place wen! to club {oeder, Toh Osle!, in who6e
F l0
the race was held last year. Thi6 yea! the race honored Burke Adams vho doe6 host o{ rhe wolk i!
1. Jim Shrader, 44:10; 2. Tom Osler, 46tZ r 3, Dot ur',.ke., 48:o-. 4. B. Bo-il;.-oa;t: -. F Ros"nb"-s, 5Lt25i 6. P. Stevart, 53:10; 7. T. Atw€U, 54:38j 8. D. Allen, 55:40i 9. cage Hoichkiss, 55:40; tO. D. Gray, 56:05; 11. V. Hoflman, 56:?0; 12. Ed Thomas, 57,4Qt 13. L. Childs, 58:15; 14. B. Wlbstow, 58:50; 15. F. Tong, 61:40; 16. Burke Adam€, 63:15i l?. A. McKlnley, 63:15. DNF: c. Orton, 4. Orton & J. BowKYC RACES - SPONSORED BY CITIZENS SAVINGS & LOAN, MORGANTOWN, WEST VA, ar rhe Kennedy Youth Cente!, Suday, Ausust 26, 19?3 4:00 p.M. weather: 90o and very hr@id. Cou!6e: Outer pelimerer road (1 1/4 mile), one hiil at beginniag of each toop. 5-MILES- 1. Kim Nutter, 18, 25:t? (led flom rhe start with lir6t tuile in.,1:.15); 2. Brent Hawkins, 20, Z?:04; 3. Joe McPherson, 2A, 27.07i 1. caly prate!, 28, 31:,14; 5. JoIs Woue, 39, 35:55;6. wiil shaw, 33, 36: 17; 7. Ceorge NedeJl, 33, 36t5At 8. Tony Fefise, ,tZ, 38:4?; 9. Leon cinsberg, 37, 41:08. 2.5-MMS- l. Rod O'Donnel1, 25, 13:50; Z. Chlis Gaid!ich, 20, 14:01; 3. David Sfein, 16, 15:30: :!. Ken McCarthy, 17, 15:36; 5. La!ry padgett, 36r 15:55; 6. Bruce Salyels, l?, \7;32j 7. Scott Moleheail, 15, t8:1Zj 8. Roger Seal6, 35, 18:.16; 9. Biu W helm, 38, 19:36j 10. Ted Drange, 39, 20:03; tr, Mike Medtey, 16, zo:49i 12. Jim OlHara, 4!, 2tto9t t3. Dt" Jas. Cla!k, 60, 21t25.
KYC I & t/.!-Mi1es- 1. Tom Johlson, 8:Z?: Z, Rodney Langgton, 8:3lj 3. Dayron Etmor€, lO:30, NATIONAL AAU 50 KILO RUN CHAMPIONSHIP (JUNIORS, SENIORS, MASTERS, N.E. & MET. AAU cil{MPioNsHll]s) Benringroa, vr., sept. ?, l9?3 Weather: 90", hot & humid. 1. Max Wbite, Bost.n A,4, ?2, 3tl9ttt,4, Z_ Jim Bowl€s 24, Wesf Va. TC, 3t2tt1l,8i 3. Ed Walkowitz, 23,ua., 3:26:24; 4. B€nh€tt cershmaD, Central parkTC, 3lr 3:26:43; 5. Clayton Bri6tol, 23, Bethel, <)t., 3t28.261 6. Rarph Thohas, 38, Augu6ta, MaiDe, 3:32:18; ?. Vlnce Chiappetta, 40, Milllose AA, 3:34:28; E. Jim McDolagh, 49r Millro6e AA, 3:35:02; 9. Ted Corbitt, 53, NYPC, 3:.10:00; lO. Peter Kuchinski, 20, NMC, 3:40:56j ll, Ed Jerobe, 30, WSC, D. C. , 3ttZ:ZB\ tZ. Venchal Benchul, 35, Uniteii-Bohaa, 3:46:5Oj 13. park Barner Jr., Harri6burg A44, 29, 4rOI:53; 14. Kea Foote, P!ovideace, P.-1., 25, 4te?128.,15. William Jobnson, 18, Princeton Uhiv., .t:08:59, 16. Hariy Berkowilz, 33, Pehn AC, 4:1Q:12; 1?. Nina Ku6csik, 3.1, Su{l.AC, ,l:11:58; t8. paul Fersct,e\, 26, LIlrC, 4:15:07; 19. Charles Ratti, 43, NMc, 4:t9:I?j Zo. John Nitek, 21, WD. Parerson Coltege, N.J., 4;25:40; Zt. Robert Reinertsen, 31, Miltro€e AA, 4:ZB:lit; 22, Bitl Coyne, 51, Miltrose AA, 4:.tO:30j 23. Robelr F!a.t<um, 39, tnat,,4t41tQ7t 24. Dr. DavidSpanel,44, eJ\C, 1t14t54: 25- FranL Reilly, 38, United-Bohaa, 4:4?:1Oj 26. Ro€5 Yates, 49, CJTC, 4:50:35; Z?, Joe Vivelito, .10, LIAC, ,1:52:U; 28. Rotand Smith, ZO, prlnceton U,, 1:52:30,29. Mark Wi11iah6, 2r, Sta.told Univ., ,1:53: 28; 30. Fred Robbihs, 46, NMC, ,t:55:.45; 31. Do! Jahie6on, 49, Deer Park, tsZtj3t 32, Francis Spa.l_ a!o, 23t Yorktown, N. y. , 4:58:35; 33. George Cham_ bers, 18, Prihceton, N. J. , 5:OO:25; 3,1. Ted Williame,
39, NYc, 5:10:09; 35. Ernie Medastia, 4,1, Millrose 5:10:09; 36. cary Driscow, ZO, NMC, 5:18:55; l?. Fr'd Lebos, a0, CP.C, 5:25:rO: r8, AnrhoDy Keavey, 38, LIAC, 5:39i40; 39. Sig podlozby, 58, NMC, 6:23:28. (5? starte!6, 39 {ini6her€--incrudilg_ Lally Frederick, NYAC! Ton D€rdelian, NMC & pat Bastick, Miuro6e AA. ) Teah: Sr. Natrl, AAU- l. MiUro€e AA, 9j Z. NMC, 16 3. Long Islaid AC, 20.. , Jr. Nat't. AAU- 1. NMC, lt; Z. Mithose AA, l7j 3. LIAC, 17. - -Joe Kleinermab--
OCEAN BEACH PARK 12-M1LE ROAD RACE New London, Com_, August 4, 1973 1. Tom Fletuing, 2?, Bloomfietd, N.J., 56:2,!; 2. Ju6_ ti! Gubbi!6, 21, MilIrose AA, 56t59; 3. Sheldon Kallin Wa€hiagton Sports Club, 5?:t8' ,1. Norb€rt Sande!, 30, Millro€e A,{, 57:.13r 5, Toh Derderiar, 24, NMC,
59:02j 6. cary Mlnrck€, 32, Millro6e AA, 59:03; 7. Phil BoD{iglio, 21, Belnont, N.y., 59:04; 8. phii Ryar 28, 60:0?, 9. Joln Ski6lak, 24, Neptuhe City, N. J. , 60:18' 10, Blair Bertaccinor LitchJield, Com. , 20, 6O: 2.4; ll. Rat Crothers, 30, lt€st Mystic, CoDn,, 6O:36j lZ, John J. X€11y, ,12, My6tic, CoE., 6l:tZi 13. ToE Durie, 30, Harttord TC, 6Z:02' 1,1. par cubbin€, 62:t8j 15. Gebe MclvterriraL) irztz5t 16. Joel pa6ternack, 62:53; 17. Eiic BucLtan.t, 63:23j lB. Tid Smith, 64i09; 19. Te!!y callagh€r, 61:to; zo. David Stone, 6t:Za; ZL Daniet Larson, 641+at 22, C, Dean perry, 64:41; 23. Dean Shonts, 6.ti,12j 2t. Steve Crotsky, 25. Lea Massen, 65:09i 26. Bob Dri6co11, 6g:18; Z?, Vicharn Benchul, 65:55; 28. Charies Dya.n, 66to3i 29. La!ry R\ p, 66:22: .0. J" - "..on. .o:_7. 1 . S.-ve .arb, 66t15i,32. Joe v:veiiro, 66r1Et 33. Bruce Rubt4, 6?rO6l 34. B.V. Bar.ett, ii:12, 35. Richard MiUord, 6?:15; 36. Stephen Norris, a1tZZa 37. Jane6 Butlel, 6?:38; 38. Mitch Barieft. c7:58; 39. Jim Keefe, 68:01; :10. Dave Linton, 68:12. {t?0 finishers)
H.S.- l. Leey\asser, Vohegan Striilel6, 15, 65:O9j 2. Bob Drisco11, 1a, ,\,!ohegan Stridersi 3. Steve Lamb, OVER,r0- 1. Jose:h viverito, 4a, LlAe, 6e48; z, Hank Devine, :a, \!i, park A-4, Ma6s., 69:35;3, Jim Taylor, 49, Ha!tiord TC, ?O:.19. qIRLS- l. Barbara rlry@e, 1.t, 85:36, 2. Frances Chi_ ni, 30, 9l:0a; 3, L)n. Black6tone, 32, 9r:55. Notes. . . Sheldon Ka!1in chaUenged Tom Fleming at 6 mite6. Flehing lulled away ar 8 mites. J. GubbinE caught Karlia itith oa€ mile ro go {or second place.
_-Kult Steine, __
July 28, I973, Course: cenelatly ftat. t. tie, Larry Pus€y & Hank Nash, 49;O7j 3. Rick WhaIey, 49:50j ,1. Cail Carey, 50:15; 5, Chuck Xoeppen, 50:.15i 6. Tim Zmbaugh, 5116; ?. tie, J€rly pierce & B"r-l f.ar6, c2:O?: o. Src.p nFa!,ey, )Z:-8: O. Ceo. br.ran i rl:26; L. ri- Act,te). 5r:)r: t2. Chuc( D-v.s 55:01; 13. Garly Coulter, 55:?to; 1,1. Lotuy Huter, 55: 4l; 15, Steve Lewark, 5?:22; 16, Jack Beasley, 58:t3j 1?. Bob Shenferd, 58:22; t8. Berna!d Middleron, 58:4?; .8:r8: 20. carry Tst F, o0:ct. . o( rberhan, r0:rr: z. Dor \4cc elan, +!:-:-E-:zl:1,: ). B il 2:,2i 4. Roo:n MLC-rr, -I:l?; ^t-j<r, 5. creg crosley, 2t:51; 6. Toa Jewell, zri56.,7. Arvia Lang€, 22:08; 8. Bill !.or, 22t38,9, Bob B.yte., ZZt47, 10. Ken Brautigan, 22:59. --aiU Frbk __
LUCIAN ROSA Hulley, Wiscobsin, Sat., August U, 1973_ Lucian Rosa ol Ceylon ahd the Univer6ity of Wisconsln_park6ide Irasbed a big smil€ as he approached the finish line of the 5th annual Paavo NurDi Mararhon. The 6lim and 6light Rosa, who weigh6 1es€ than lO0 pound6 ,,soaking w€t, set a new tecord of 2tZZ:59.5 a6 he captivated the fes al1 along th€ ioute and at tbe Jini6h line with 1lrs co.staEt 6mite, He replesented Ceylon ih the Oirm_ pics at Muich ard won the Drake Relays halathon clown in I97z and 1973. He i6 a j@ior ar parkside, where he \ras reeruited by Tom Rosandich. He represented Camp Oltnpia in the race which itlew 3?9 autuer6. A total 0f 317 fihi6hed, Joseph Skaja, 23, of rhe Mimealotis Twih Citie6 TC finished second ir 2t26t33 and Tom Hoffmaa, {orm€! Uhiveasity ol WisconsiD-Whitewater 6tar, now living in Colgate, Wiscon€in, \aE third i\ ZtZjtZ4, Norman Patenaude of the I-aurentian Universiry TC, Ontario, the chah! tast year, did better than in rhe l9?Z Nurhi rmiag with a time o! ZtZT:33, coaing in rvirh a respectable fourt!, Labt year's wiming time in an in_ tense h€at wa6 2:3 5:01. The Twin Cities TC gatheae.l t9 loints and tookthe ream trophy and the Jamc6 Robetlo trophy, Dr. George Branam of Mucie, tndiana, age ,r2, rook the over,l0 class Rith a ti@e of 2:,15:08. He came in 35th aod earaed a plaque donated by the tron Couty VFW. Janice Arenz oI St. Paut was the firsr and onty fehaLe fini€her in 3:49:45. FiIty-six year otd Eugene O6born ofRochester, N.Y, cane in 138th in 3:1.,1, t9 an.l won the over 50 plaque. The 60 and over c1a6s was won by Ctay_ to! Moss o{ Grand Fork, N.D. His ri4e was 3:50:,13 and Bruce Moltensoh, tte previou6 record hold€r, enrer€d the race, but becaus€ ol a bout with aoluru hot ih good shape. He ran h€ €aid, b€cause of an attach_ hent to the Paavo Nurmi eveht and he did Iini6h, comlhg in lath wilh a time of 2:,10:48" 'I'1r be back next,ear, in 6hape, abd Irli take th€ record back to Roche6tei (Mie. ), he said alter the race. l. Lucian Ro6a, Keno6ha, Wi6., 29, ZiZZt59.5,, Z, Ja. Skaja, 23, TCTC, 2:26:33! 3. Tom Hoffman, 25, col_ gate, Wis., 2:2?:2.1; .,1. Noiman Patenaude, 28, Lau!en_ tian \J.TC, 2..27.33i 5. Steve Hoag, 26, IC.fC, ZtZ1t5B, ,i. La?!y Frederick, 24, Albaly, N.y. (NYAC) 2:30:32 (Ied {or l6t 10 miles)j 7. Pete! Farvell, Northbfook, Itl. aC, Zt3OtaZt 8. James Vedder, 32, Elmwood, Wiscon6in, Z:31:5,1; 9. Blian Laaseh, crand Maiais, Mim., l?, 2t34159., rc. chuck Koeppen, 27, rndiaha Striders, z:35: 47; 11. A1 Halaes, 16, Etkhart, Ind. , ?:36t!t.,lZ. JefJrey Braih, 23, TCTC, 2:3?:2ii 13. Richard W. Karz, Zt, State College, Pa., 2t37.34.,14. Dale Roe, Z5, Kegon6a 'lC, 2.38t21) 15. Dehnis Fee, t8, White Bea! Lake, Mtnn. 2:38:59; 16. Hafuy Welles, 28, Madi6on, .']iE., Zt39t4Z., 17, Jolb Whitehouse, 36, Kegonsa TC, 2:40:16; 18. Bruce Morten€on, 29, Rochester TC, Minn., Z:.10:48; 19. Bill Nelson, 16, WestAllis, Wis., Z:41:OO;20. DoaR. Franklin, 19, Nortua, Okla., Z:,!t:14; Zt. Ed Steingrabor, l?, Glen Ellla TC, Ill., Z:.11:19j ?2. Steven cathje, i8, Pocle6r^- .C. \Ai.n,, ttllita:2.. Srepren -. M!hr-^, 26. i,r--q:ry p"rt , pa,. ltt :27, 24- Daut D. Cose_ 6ab, 29, New Crlmbe11ad, West. Va., Z: I.45: 25. Cary Lo!g, 17, Bristot, Ind,, Z:tZ.IBa 26, tie, CarI Ca.-y, 36, -id:a." Sr rider6 & Jcr!) pro!. c, 2), T.o:!ia slr dcr6, 2rj2:5o 28. Doge- K ire, t8. B!:bro, Ino aFa,
2t13.55; 29, Lee Witcox, 3.,1, Stoughton, *r,., ,,F]1:1U, 30. David Philtips, 21, White Bear Lake, Wis., 2;,14:15; 31. Louis Ca6tenada, 18, Ihdian R@ing Ctub, Zt14t27t 32. Edward Kolasin€ki, i?, Indian RC, Z:.14: -8: J. I imo'hv Brr,e |Jans"i, /t. KeCor"a tC. h s., 2ia1:58:.a- Mari, F. B.hao, ll, !, v,ch., 2:45:08; 35. Dr. ceorge Branam, 42, Iadiaba Striilersj Zi15tA8t 36- Richard W. Waltz, 34, Milwaukee, Wis., Zt45tzli 3?. Ron Waliag{ord, 39, Laureltiah U. TC, Ont., 2t45i35.,38. Steve Mudgett, 16, Nolthbrook TC, Ill-, 2t46tz5t 39, Yj,.tar Laltz, ZO, Villa paak, III. , Zt46t1O: 40. Riclbrd Burilick, 28, Racine, Wisconsis, Zt46t44i 4\. Bill Lahgen, 30, St. Clouil, Mimesota, 2:4?:U; 42. Randall Olman, 18, White Bea! Lake, Mina. TC, 2:17,36:43. David Asby, 19, Rockloril, tliinoi6, 'Zt48.0Ai 41. Thoma s DeviDe J!. , 32, clabil Fofks, N.D., 2t18.22j 45. Roger Fekuli, 23, Ironwood, Mich. 2t48t5Lj 46. Frahk F.ish, 16, creenwood, rnd,, ztq8t5!., 47. Dehnis McNulty, i9, Indiana Stritters, 2t18t54, 18. Randy Mil1er, 18, xenia, Ohio, Zt49ta, 19, Janes Lahbe, 21, Hurob valley RR, Ind., Z:,!9:26j 50. Donatit McMillan, 19, Ladsing, Mich,, 2:49:35; 51. Barly lveaver, 15, Xenia, Ohio, 2.49,37i 52- Maak chandrer, 1?, Motuoe, Wis., 2:.,19r4,!; 53. Dwight pier6on, Roch. TC, Mim., 2i49.51:. 51. Mark Kittleson, ZO, White Bear TC, Mim,, 2r50:15; 55. Faul Cregory Askins, 18, Madiso!, wis., Z:50r381 56. David i,rack€sey, 17, Cottage crove, V".is,, Z:5ItI7t a7. Wm, Lirse,3A, Wis., 2:51:26;58. Dr. Ale:Rate11€, 48, TCTC, Minn., Z:5ItZ7i 59. Patric\ Leahy, 1?, W€st Allis, Wi6c,, 2taztA5t 6A. Dave Staughter, 1?, Etkhart, Ih.t., Z:52:16. --v:. codfr-) - sth ANNUAL TOWN & COUNTRY DAYS 8-MII,E ROAD RUN, TIGAiD, OREGON, August 4, 1973 ab startera - only ohe did .ot tinish. Records ser !a 5 of 8 divieions. Race sponsors \.ere the five ba.r.6 ir
collese- 1, Lalay Miller, .1t:25 Record..glEA- r. Bob William6, . H. S. - 1. DahFutton,43.11 Recor.l; 2. ohn Boutlo!. j]:,4..i!:i3.. S..,D.". 4J:10F"(o-d.,,10-4o- . f.ptd pyar, "Fon 48: O c ecolo, 50 & Over- l. BiU corhan, 56:02.,Jbioi_ 1. Bob Fur_ ror, 4a:.b. . u oneh- t. ( aro iFe r.r Jiil-., s". o-u. __Don Jacobs "o.2o __
DONIT MISS THE IST ANNUAL MARYLAND MARATHON i26 M es, 385y) Sar. , Nov. 2,t, 19?3 ro:30 A. M. Begins and ends at Battimore Memoriat Stailir]m. Merchandi€e & trophy awards. , female awarils, veteian6 awards.. Po6t-race leed ai Memoliat Stadim. Fee: gz to Mr. Joseph HoUabd, Marytanil Marathon Commiss_ ion, 4lh Floor, 610 N. HowaldSt., Baltihoie, Md. ?1201. An attractive souved! prografr w b compt.te results of all finishe!s ude! 4 hour6 and featuring photo6 dd highLights witl be maited to a]l pre_entries a6 soon as po66ible after the race. THIRD ANNUAL FORT STANWIX RUN (20 KILO)
Rohe, N. Y., August 5, 19?3 l. Tom Sdith, 20, Urica Pacemakers, 66:i8; Z. Flan Verdoliva, 20, oswego, 68:39j 3. Toh Sienbor, una., Oswego, N.Y., 68r54: .1. Bitt Tytutki, 26, Utica pace_ dakeis, 69r59; 5. RickEtli6, 20, Univ. oI Tenn., ?O: 25; 6. T€rry Habecker, 25, Finger Lakes Ruhning Club 71:t0; ?, John Evans, t6, Syracuse Cha!gers, ?1:56; 8. Bruce Hoflstette!, 1?, Ferris Flyers, Uti.a, 7ZtO7;
9, Doug Colton, 21, ceneseo Stat6 AC, 7Z;\5i lA, Dave THIRD,A.NNUAL eUrNCy M_ARATHON Milliean, 22, uar., North pole, N.].., 7-2:16r_1r- Don South earr, puinJy, llinois, sat,, August 18, 19?3 Paise, 16, Sylacu6e charzers, 1ztz4, tz. Lee ponock, Th. O"i..y ;";;;.", !@ ia 7s wearhe! and Iog, 20, Adilondack TC, ?Zi34t 13- Syt pascale, 2,1, Urica featured a new r€c t'f;"""t"':T,;ti:"","":*"T"JJ:-* pacemak*s, zz':s; r+. D." w'li". 35, NMc, 72:szi of woodridse. tlr-,-"'.l: 15. Biuce Fredrikson, 35, Syracuse charger6, ?2:5it; iil. p"1"" -\urmi Maratho! at Hurtey, wi6,, 16. Paur zurak' 19, utica pacematers, ?3:00; 17, Robr. ehere "-ri", he"trinish€.1 2bth h a fielil of 450 runers. congdon' 28' Finser Lakes Rc i3:06; 18. John King, r.r rr'. fu"iii*'*" ,'d was chalehged by Daviil Aader. 17, Syiacuse Charge!s, ?4:13; 19. Larry Franl<6, Za; son, Craig Harms and ,asr year,6 winher Jim McFaildeb. 74:21: zo. Jim Lyon6, wyohing vatrey stri_ Duting th; fourth t( 1lbany,.I9, de!s, wilke€-Bar!e, F.a., \;,7;:te;^. ri"nr.ia"rs".,
19' Hudson-Mohawk RRc, ?5:33r 22. Laarv pru*etr, aroppea out craig {inished 6ecord 26, Romaa Runer€, Rome, N.y.. z5:43; 23. Joseph in the ti-e or"{ z,:..,.a, ";;.."...-..r." uder Harms the old xecord of Coriaaio, 20, ua., Newa!k, N.].., Z5::16, 24. Ron;ld Z:41i:i1l, Thir{:t ras Da11C _{nderson in 2:46i07, aL6o uder Iiuhalt, 16, Lorraine T&F Ctub, Adm6, N.y., ?5r53; the record. 25 Mark scraa, 20, urica pacemak€r B, 76:06; 26. steibgraber is a s.!ror at Do*hei6 crove H. s. south Aran swierczek, 23, utica pacemakers, 76t23,27. wm, wher;he has ;-;... ,... varuabre he-ber oI the xc Parkea' i8, utica Pacehakers, 76:'!3i 28. wm, calar- teah rri"."_.1..-.. reaI. He ruhs the mi1€ in neau, J!., 19, una., cohoe€, N.y., ?6:58;29. Edward 4:35 and "i.."rhe,",;_;... Arne Richards, 40, ol !r.+tr. P_asrce,-18, Wyoming VaUey Staiiler6, Nahticoke, pa., Manhattan, Kansas i:: :a. iirst over 40 runer. His 77:40; 30. Franci6 Mante'i, 18, Roman R@er6, 77.56j zt'g:5a pl"ced';...::renrbprace. 36 .iarters, 31. Gary Knapp, 3o, sv!acu6e charse!s, ?7:58; 32. rihishers. The r,:a .-.:L:-.r r\larathon witl be hetd on25sat., Wiltiam McMuUen, 20, Al.len Lions TC, Aldeh, N. 1.. , Augu€, 1?, tgta u. ., , . . ,.,-, Btahks available from Mr. 7?:59; 33. Ronald Drln, 18, utica pacedakers, ?B:08; s.N. stribring, 2a:: -.:ra.n court, euincy, lil, 62301. J4. Larry \4lrire, 1!, Syracuse Ctrar!ers, Z8:15; 35. L Oa St""., . r:.r:ase, I'., t7, Zt4At52,2. C,ral.^ Budd coares. lb, Foman !o*e16, ?':48; 36. Kurt sats_ u.._", z:i c.r,i.... :..., z:.t,1:s3; 3_ David L. Ah.tb,urg, 18, Utica Pacehakeis, Z8:58; 3?. James Hftt, t?, erson, Zf, ].".t, _=.,, : _::tri lru6 Jor We€t Chestei Utica Pacemakers, 78:58t 38. Ri.hard Ahbru6o, 17, Stat€ Cotlege q,he.. :: r. : :.!icr, .thi6 i€ his lourth Ferrl5 Frvexs, 78:58;39. Jose car.ia, 1?, Ferris Flv- maratrron _., .=.,:.-. r:r. rias 2:45 inthe phila. ers, 78:58j 40. Paul Roseaberg, ZO, Atbany TC, 7g:58j Maratho" riish. r" U".:. 41. stanrey Dicksoo, zo, u'..ip-.-"r..." 78t58) ..2. ?:52r58j 5. Roberr ,.,.....,r' ,:: Richaxd Kendall, 43, Beue walrine Ac, 79:aa:43. craie oo (A jfrior.r;.,,-=.. ,r: _ ir.s. sourh. He ran 89th cogget' 23, Fing€r Lakes tc, lq,:2, 14. Lawreace in lasi we€k,6 Fa:... r :.-: r.::rathon in iroS:17); 6. Jih G106e, 18, Aldeh Lions TC, 79:48;45. Harry Berkowitz, McFadden, 3-:, a.._ .,.. ... -!:.a, 2:55:02 (The defe4d. 33, Penn AC, 79r54j 46. Stephe! Ouitty, z1r syracu6e i"g.t.-pL..'1._:::r::::rrtehile{.i:23)and2_mi. C^hdger-s, 79:59;4?. Frank caval, 26, una., sayre, pa. (9:i6) & was nor _,. 80:0r; 48. Mark Ford, ta, j:1.:,:T:::';:;J;j;1t".;. rru..", eo,oz, +1. .rhe ru or it.
Natcirutnick,il3,United-Bohaa,ao.o:;s.o'lI'o-."zl.,r."r'"t-...=... "".,i" "".;..= O'Toole, 18, @a., Nerv Itartford. N-y., 80:09;51. i! t"-r.." !-.,)j j. Arhe Rich_ SGphen Carey, 16, Utica pacemakers, 8o:12j 52. ",r.., r,r:rj:: Tob -a., +0, u""i.i.... ..::::!. :::iriB (This is his sec_ de Boe_r, :13, Finger r-a\es RC, Bo:tsj 53. Mark Thom_ ond sub_thfee h.Lr : ::r'e b€ tutn€d 10' He has 15, Ns Hartford, t."., iu,rt, i4. Robeit comleted in ,r....,tttttttt -6on, -8a.,
ff3.'.';.','.;,'lffii:J;jtr"?"T;.,",',-s..J:"":tt*F,:;1ii'""}*jlj;:.=:,.,:,.i!i11,,,:]ti:." t=t 1:s lanta6tic iapiov€mebt,
56. u.,t c"o"ti., to, syr<us" charg- He betr€red his ,,r.,,t_-tt r::i ,t sofre eishr hinutes. He -80:54; 8]lrr 5z. James Davis, ig, u.i,. o,,.o.r,."r.r, ran hi6 ri",.,.......,== :. "^t sr'|21; 5s Normah sch\'"-ar..,':r, natuhs Ac, r." .." .."J"',.. , ",1;;;i3it,]"ri;il ,ffi,i!'* Bufialo, N. L., 8tiz1; 59. Jack S.ith. 16, ua.,"Nev ".. rr. .* r,r" r.".rl'i_..?::.i i. t:i5. He i6 only 13 hin€. Hartford, N._Y_.,,81:38; 60. !,indy Ferlo, Roman oft the sorid nzr{ : R,-ers, 8l:s7j or. er"rip e".r"'*.y"", ZO, ,0, or.,.oa.., l9?,! ro hore .1".=- .- -.:1,:""-."1d.3 and has until May, N. y. , 82:rz; bz. sam crat.h, +s, u;.. p-"".-.t.. mornins ..; .'..'l".Tii-:r""tj...:i,t.S"rr{i::" a2:18j.63. Steva lfhite, 18, CertialSq,, N.y., ", every 39, Chicago,'iraarr: -. .rrsonaL be6i to! thi6 hechani_ EZ:48; 6l wil1iam Ghio!se, 32, fthaca, N.y.,,82:56j.6s. Louis ."r ."e,""'..1; 10. len Buckher, 3,!, cor'-. Pacilio, 19, Utica Pacemaker6, 83:05; 66. Mark paproc_ trus, Oihio, "..:!:af,!r; :,1,,:Z i:". rea.he6 geodetic 6cieoce at Ohio ki, 20, Roche6rer Tc, 83:lo; 6?. Michaet worcott, sr"te}:. ;, tt. .. n," .."o.a _"ratho! anii his Roman Rllfuer5, 83:lb: b8. Jerry Mujtin, 18, Syracuse i--"ai"r" go.t ,. 3,i,!, )j 11. RickSudekh, 19, Sr. Louis, LharSers, 83i17; 6s. Kevin Keilv, 22. Lrrica pacemak- Mo., r:r8rc1r ;.-R;;".r,.u."r*, 43, Bakers{ie1d, cari{. ers' 83:18; T0 cathaline sh!ade.. 15. Elecrric citv :,ze'sr t." ro".,r. -",.rhoa. He rua6 about 1ru. ci!16 Tc, 83:19; ?i. Jin shra.ier. zz. Hud6on-Moh;\,k ?5 tuites,er;";.-;".."s rhe !€cenr srhme! se6sioD RRC' 83:23; T2 Richard !ond, 15. svlacuse chatge!6, ar 14e6t Hs in Bakersrleld he taught a seveh-week cour6e 83:2.1. (15l fihishere) Meet Record: 63:46 by phil R;t6on, .. 1972" "","i,*a aUNNuii " HUM-{N EXPERIENCE, ' aa Engiirh^: .. uti.a p&ehakers, 5e; 2. sylacuse chafsels, :i":f:j';;::ij.";j::,.;"I*T:."::::'J"T;Tj":"jj 0q,r. .-17,6_rvFrs, z.oi r. Rorai pLtrers, 1..ri ,. rjlp..."i.i"r:iJ-ii, Finger Lakes Rc, z34i 6. wyomine vauey srriders, 366. Bro.obD.er_o 3Ii". .",,,']i,;.i irlri,:tr_.*,i:{;jj#j#::nj: 3i37t55., \6. caltie Robinson, 5.1, euincy, irt., :,+:,0S, college,
r?. Richard Eing, 52, chicago, 3:49:00; 18. DaD Benson, 20, Monroe City, Mo., .!:02:30; 19. Pete Anderson, 17, Oakley, I11., 4:09:53; 20, Sharoh Coghill, 33, Chicago, 4:i3:06 (sha!on is the lirst woman to ever finish the Quincy Mararhon, Sh€ is a technical editor for IIT Re6earch Inst. ); 21. Michael Radcliff, 18, Mt, Sterliug, I11., ,!:48:0?; 22. Call Kemner, l'. Q!rn,y. .' ,. c:t:.6i 1,. J,d) N "m")F-, 26. Bor :ng creen, Mo., 5:55:03 (A Phy6. Ed. ieachel at Bowling Creen Jr. High); 2,1. Dick Sallee, ,1?, Bowling Green, Mo., 6:51:18; 'q. 5.o, 5al -c. Bo^ :ng Or-pn, \4o,. 1., 6:-l:t8. --sid N, srlibling-MIDDLE ATLANTIC RRC z.MAN IO.MILE RELAY woodbury Hs Track (All-Weather) Woodbuay, N. J. , Sat,, August 25, l9?3 l0 A.M. Weather: Sunny, hol! 1. Dave Schemelia, Clouce6te! HS & Denis Dlrm, St, Joseph's Prep, 47t56.?t 2, Tom Munyan & Greg stre6me1, Gateway Regional HS, 48:33.2; 3. Mile Resenly & Jo€ cermano, Sport6 Easr, 19i02,6t 1, Bob Hellyer and Malk Belcher, ,19i12,6; 5. Byron Mundy & Sl€ve Whitmore, Springlield Joggets, 49,41.3t 6. Scott williams & D€nnis Weidlel, Anoville, Pa. , 50:,18.,1j ?. David wi1l,inbon& .a(i hr7sr. ql: 2. r8.5.pv" Shimpc .-nL Annessi, Pennsville HS, 52:37.8; 9. Art Rost€l and Rlck auckgtad, 5,1:03.8; 10. Hatry Berkowitz & Jobn Wileczek' 54:1.1.6; 11. John Prybella & Greg Potash, 5.1:53.3; 12, | ( \.-"sp' & JoeODorn"ll. -a: 1.8: l{. Pc} <ia1.ota Dave Schnibb€, 59118.2i \4. Mark Clartelbaugh & Maridel u d cl-, 62:0r. <i 1.. SLstc Br. ha,an & Dobir S-ryrF-, 62:37.3.
5-MILE TRAIL RUN . CAMP MATOLLIONEQUAY, MEDFORD LAKES, N. J. (Herd in conjunction with the ,lth Annual Mid-Allantlc Cross Countly ad T&F Cadp) Thursday, August 30, 1973. Weathea: Hoi & b@id, 95o AAU Race 6 P.M. - I. lob Marino, Phila. Pioneers, 27r.1ii Z. Ken Kli.g, Sports EaEt, Z8:45' 3. John Sevcib unat., Devon, Pa., 28:47; 4, Jitu Dohelty, US Naval 4cademy, 29:18; 5. Jobn colfey, SDoits East, 30:28; 6.
Peter Challifror, ua., 3l:1.,1; ?. Harry Berkowitz, F€nn 31:34; 8. Bob Romansky, Sports East, 3l:35j 9, Dave Hoch, Trehton Slate College, 33rZ0i 10. John ltade, Glassboro state College, 33:33; 11, Ev Neweu, Mt. Holly, N.J., 33r48i 12. Bobby Wade, Pehberton Distance Club, 33:54i 13, Dave, Pemsviller N.J,, 34:15; 14. Ray Satuson, Catuden, N.J., 3.1:24;15. Dr. ceorg€
- ,, a --bibbF, Ln.t., 38:23; l?. Linds€y Mitchell, MoorestoM, N. J. , 39:41. Camp Race 7.00 P.M. - l. Jo€ Cermano, Pennsauken HS, 29:09i 2. Mike Resenly, Bishop Eustace HS, 29,15,3.
Jolu Marble, Chelteaili:h HS, Pa,, Z9,5li 4. Harry Bilic!i, I?, Dplo!ad.6r F5, :0:.5: .. cod Sa.meyer, /, Haddon Hts. HS, 30:.!2; 6. Joe Ciecka, Highland Reg.HS, 30:44i ?. Larry Moore, 1?, We6t Deptlord HS, 30:53j 8. Eric Hughes, Chettenhm HS, 30:55; 9. Dan Gehweiler, 1?, Moorestovn HS, 30:56; 10. Seaa Leonard, l?, Bishop Eustace, 3l:45; ll. Charles Fidler, 15, HighlaDd Reg. HS, ' :46: .2. Brad S(ayror, 16, /h-.r) q-'r fa"t uS. 32:0oi 13. Sleven Vaughl, 15, Chellenhd HS, 32:10; 14. George Cough, l?, Moorestown HS, 32:13; 15, Joe Kra€nov, 16, t l. t-nham IrS, J2:'l; 16. Boo ! rzo. r:(/. 16, DpoLJord HS, 3ZtZ9t 17, Ray Johnson, 16, Deptlord HS, 33:09; 18. Johd Alexander, 17, Oakcregt HS, 33:29i 19. Jack ltalker, l{j, Haddon Hts. HS, 31t47,2a. Sterling Wright, Cheltenham HS, 35:17; 21. Richard Fletcher, 14, Deptlord HS, 35t21,22, Jatue. PaltoD, 15, Deptford HS, 35:48; 23. Steee Harper, 16, Cheltenhafr HS, 36:02i 2.4. Elic Lind,
11 Glouce€ter Catholic HS, 36:06: 25, Joe Rack, 15, Highla.d Reg. HS,36:34..31. Rulh Yanai, 15, Moore6town Hs, 39:28 (lst Girl Iinishel) RRC 5-MILE CROSS COUNTRY, CAMDEN COUNTY ooLLECE, BLACKWOOD, N,J. (WOODED COURSE) s6day, Sept, 2, 1973 6:00 P.M. WF!-her: HoL & vcry hLsid, o( dFg-FF€. L. Rick Disebastian, Drexel Univ., 2?t25i Z. I<ea Kling, Spolt5 Ea6t, 27.54.9;3. Russ Jack6on, Barridgloh, N. J. , 28145. 9i 4. Waiae M€rkh, Glas6bo!o State, 29:09.8; 5. Ted Davi€, D!exe1 llni!,, 29i23.61 6. Joe Ciecka, Sports East, Z9: 43.2; 7. Jay Ravel, eat., 30:21.5' 8. Doug Wise, Drexel, 9. Charle5 Fidlei, Highland Reg, HS, 30:59.6;10, Lalry Moore, Sports East, 3l: 3?. Z; ll. Craig Deceorge, Camden Couoiy Col1ege, 32:18;12. Ray Samson, Cahden, N.J., 32:Zli 13. Bob McKendry, ua., 32:45. 2. (16 staiters, 13
Z,5-MILE WOMEN'S RACE - 1. Susie Buchanan, 34, PboenixvilLe, Pa, , I5tl6i 2. Ruth Yabai, 15, Moole€toNn, N.J., 16:46; 3. Robin Sl!yke!, Phoenirvillc, Pa., 19:01; 4. Debbie McClu6key, Glouce6ter Catholic HS, 22:41; 5. Pat Sheridan, Cloucester Calholic HS, 23:0 ?. 1\,ISSAHICKON BRIDAL PATH IO.MILE RUN Phila., Pa., Suday, September 9, 1973 Z P.M.
l'earher: Clear, suhhy, ?6 degrees, 1. Mo6e6 Mayfield, Pem AC, 51107; 2. Denis Dun, St. Jo€ephr. Flep, phi1a., 5,!:17' 3. Lou Coplens, PemAC, 5,4:2lj 4. Russ Flotd, uat., 56:26; 5, Larry Connolly, uat,, 56:31j 6. Leon Dreher, Penn AC, 59r15r 7. Browning Ross, Sports East, 59:59i 8, St€ve Shimp, Sports Ea6t, 60:15i 9. Har!y Berkowitz, Pena AC, 61:Olj lO. Jack Hilst, Pehn AC, 6l:49j ll. Ray Samson, Camden, N.J,, 63:1.1; 12. Steve Heaney, S!. Josephrs Paep, 63:31; t3. Bob Dudley, uat. (16 6!a!iers) Y. SUMMER SPEED PROGRAM Clove Lake Park, Staten Island, N. Y., Juty l?Lh 3-Mi1e OIen- l. tie, Ed Gripper 22, NYAC & Frank McCam, 22, MiUlo6e AA, 3. Tom Horan, 19, Brookbn, 15:3,1; .1. Fred walker, 34, St. Anth, BC, l5t43i 5. Dan Tejada, 20, UnitedBohaa, 16:05; 6. Ming Louie, 19, Brooklyn! 16:55; 7. Dan Doughcrry 51., 44, SIAC, l7:12 (rst Vet. ); 8. Bob Brier, 29, NYC, 17:46; 9. Phil Carducci, 21, Un t"d Hohu a, l5:0r: 0. A6her C-e, z, Brod, 18:24. (13 finisher s) 3-MILE TEENAGE RUN- l. Joe Walsh, 16, Oakwood TC, 15:03,6; 2. Ray Escobar, 18, NYPC, 15:3?j 3. Anthony Ma!tinetti, 16, S.I., 15:4?;4. At Fai6on, 15, SIAC, 15:48i 5. creg Bierste!, S.I. 15:52; ii, ToaHaher, 15, Brooklyn, l?:10; ?, Steve Sid"r*ei!2, q, S. ., l7:25; 8. Vlcl -nz-r, .., s.L, 18:06;9. Edcar!, 16, Brou, I8:32;10. Rene Kowmal, 15, Frushing, 18:49. --Joe XLelnerma-vAN CORTLAND PARK, Sat., July Zl, l9?3 tO AM 2-Mile Open- l. Jim Wiafield, 20, Hawthorne, N.v., q:l ,5 2. PafaFl Lua, lo, Ln:teo Bol-aa, 10:06; 3. Billy Klonydis, 22, United Bohaa, 10:13i 4, Richard Imamorito, 24, Queens, 11:13. (8f1!.) z-Mile TeenaAe- 1. Pierre Vavoulesr 18, HutingRRC OF N.
t4 ron Srarror, ata2r
2. Ha Oeb"lodh, 16, Uniled Bohaa, 9:53; 3. Ray Escobar, 18, NYPC, t0:01; 4. Jim Ro6eboom, 18, Inwood, N.Y., 10:09;5. Jio Clyde' 18, valLey Cottage, N. Y., i0:11; 6. Alt Foster, 18, Thornwood, N,Y,, 10:12: 7. Craig Halme6, 16, NYC, r0:23, METROPOLITAN A4U ONE HOIJR RUN CIIAMPIONSHIP South Hunlington, LI, N.Y., July 22, L9?3 l. Phil Bonliglio, LIAC, 21, rr Mi1e6, 282y; 2. Bill wilbu!, New York AC, 23, Il Miles, 50y; 3. Pat Bastick, 39, Miltrose AA, 10m, 1086y: ,1. Malk Malini, 18, LIAC lom, 997yj 5. Robert Braile, LIAC, 1?, lom, 8l5y; 6. Joe Buln€. .14, L niLcd AA, '0m,67ly: 7. J:m soehaer, 19, LIAC, 10tu,656y;8. Frank Cuccu, 18, LIAC, 10m, 99y:9, Paul Fetsche!, 27, LIAC, 10m,?0y;10. virce Chtappetta, 40, Millrose AA, lom,32y; ll. John Murphy 22, Miilrose AA, l'm,ZTyi 12. Pierre Vavoule6, 18, LIAC, lom,2y;13. Elnle Riva5, United-Bohaa, 23, 9n, I746yt 14. wm. Roulke, 18, LIAC, 9m, I68?y; 15Joseph Vlvelito, 40, LIAC, 9m, 1551y; 16. Alan Kirik, 29, LIAo, 9m, 1515y;17, Tony Formicella, t9, LIAC, 9m, 1503y;18, R. McMahont 30, uat., 9m, 1062y;19. La!!y Bock, 15, LIAC, 9m, 105?; 20. Kewib Paul, 17, LIAC, 9m, 809y;21. GregRolke, 18, LIAC, 9m'?63y; 22. Wm. Johangon, t at,, 18, 9m,1hzyi 23. Nina Kuscsik, 33, Sdfork AC, 9tu, 565yt 24. Ray All6endinge!, 1?, LIAC, 96, l41y; 25. Nat Cilulnick, United-Bohaa, 27. 43, th, 50y; 26. Alt Kijek, 13, LIAC, 9m,I3yt_ames !tpphcn Greeaspq'. 15. u"1,, 8T. ''6<y: 28. Hopkin6, 16, LIAC, 8m,ls:l?yi 29. Abthony Kea\'y, 37' LIAC, 8m,l203yj 30. John Hickey, 1?, ua. ' 86, li63yj 31, Don Jamiesoh, 49, Eat., 8m, lllly; 32. Ed Ferrari, 17, LLA(, 8m. 108,j; rl, Bruc--ord, 18, ua.,8h, f0?5yi 34. Ala! Dfuclman, 42, LIAC, 8m,9I0y' 35. Pat wlite, ,1i1, una,, 8m, ii7lyi 36. Ed Reckdenwald, 33, LIAC, 8m,,!5Iy; 3?. Jim Dutu, 31, uat., 8h, 299y; 38, wiuiam Dean, 18, LIAC, 8m,Z83y;39. Tom PiUsrolth, l?, unat., 8mj 40, Fred Lebow, 40, Ceallal
Palk Tc, 7h,
r416y. (51
TI* lad
th. .!ce @e on
! circd& kr.k
b3tred th€
sritrc e ftl s t!. retBhmoni pl\l€- Gdlhen s!atioiEd !t tou! I@tioB d.nd d'e iEc! @te.ed d64 tlrc 6hpdlilr6 rs ther pased, exept in 6a vhrc tlE dildr6 teaqm boret Th. daqh!.. ol Je Viw.iio !!il olr.-.d |Fr ror,- . d.inklhe fiEr lour dlartudth.rBc&, bur te nc oFe ,j"d den L^ k.F r.Lling her h. tu r 'JiF y yot, and leli him io lis lm &vis. Viqjro rmi or io albDst 36 more lqrs, conpletins diE frile
wait l{rdmn rol
.lffit a
tbiaty silbout mnins
loot, He *sr-the @n in chlrg€ o{ oNiantly 6hdiing lhe .un 1g lim, aid he tmk no@ ihu one warer bFtl, IIe sid emethjng ab.rl hjs voie n ing out ol slEpe.
rEddtly onsishnt. Iti.lbstat lsp 11:161), sb.n h€ pqlled m Io.kbly a$^y f.onr s@nJ pla€ linGh€r Bill Wilbu. Hi! Bonigli.s p3F
(qurter Dile) *Lr
slorst (1:25) sa. nis 3itn, shen eme tatigle hegs to $i in. T6e recl eer rithr aroud 1ir0, altsitla lid to ru eoh nil€ rround l;:?0 llir liFt nile sas 5;19; hi! Iet
"I suplsr l n er.nlurllr soing io lm@ ! tuaeid. IlJ bci teomiL in hign !dr@l lB€llmE lteMedrt (d 9:.13 Nd, I do 9r0€t ny ft6 milo bsi is 1,1:13 and hr sL m,l€ is 29:22. Ih definit ly t€1tcr o! ine loreer stull But dft's rim tor eI tne disl.hona," Uorliglir
Lane and all rl,e.ralr.r And rin. tor
The Long DLstancz Eour SouLh lluntinlrrn-Phil Rodistio s8 j6r ab&t halltr?r througlr ,iis tur2 !e-;t ti. had.h 21 laps areund a qrr.l.rnir. |l..k, \hich 'drr. rixur.s 6!r ro 5yr nile mil !3d l3ker liin jEt udt r 30 rniorr.!. nhen he .houkd io a ran lr ' o",ricrr .r. ,.n: on r,\,. Lea. \ 'lLr e eay !o trnd e Su.rd
oollcLlour' Cel
1le d.t lor rn. A@leu Alhletic Uriom M€tl@nEn On.llolr F dclFl.r L lcn !n Bontrgric d,y '.d
orr H, sik "d
.s rFL -pl.h'r. tatrn m;!," h. 'h, \,ctio, sine d d ! r 1rr- s." prnlv Oobliatio i6 e ?l-y€r{ld nerl$ cdu€tl6n Dljor ar ihc Unive6jty ot a.nne:* ri, , o a,{ - d.. ti.ok ,na .rN{uky, B,.l $dr rim lh ' gJdpa:ns qo,[. he titL wejs\L duing rc qRr lo |l"p :n e' e',.. Ye hc &id, -I dlly tu@
INlerd, ho drorc h€r. from hk Beltnoe horu lntt joir.J \l bi o$ " rutr"a in rrs rrpnFhs @ j6t tuq
'r Tliltr abou dur. TtFpur let l^! .o' J,In I An hoDr pG. ot N' hp. i* \s tald.\ @utd M in @;hw ! tu The lLr, onp'o l,\r flr-he onr rot E Dliario ,u 'sD,Lr-h6r rh. l,sd Jrd goi tJ| - t| m:16 ond ta, rardd. Slch a ra.c dv.r a t*riod or tim Elbe. th$ a sEL ti€d d ah . r,4 s nrinB t€r. Ea.h @d 'iE Krak4D, r rcMrnB $" LaI6. Wbo lj1e ilu- @F@crh6, crci sFr re ! 4€ oI nis (m: Scurrriry rJhr ht dsignat€it lrNer d hart 6e emct spot shm ihe r@e. rinirH. Moe, or s.,ljpfep.kd for ur. a(ol, Tll@ !4t lew nro'IDuls anit sde, lile Aonlislion rer€ jsi ou! tor a Snd!! 6tojde. 'This i3 rhe dl€sn lor @," no sid. .t likr ,o iio J lol at F axen ldsnisb, s ,.Ds in 6€ suh. 'uh rq tor a erkr mer. I lird I m ' E J:L€ rhi. wh€rr wu Eq a .tab.p is r6llv md -mobr or rim. i,rh-rqet, Rol-lj rlarinF, bltyd lor dom."
rd{ld het
milute ed
omt, dBpite sios lli3td
1968) ltujUlo, ArDls to tle tuitb 3 seo.d! Iater io Ftn tle 18th murl €vqt Tbe c!Io., clip!€d dj€ !e$!d ofl lle mEthon Rod
Protl€os. Il
liBt atutpl
in tb€
riT*tii'i***1';\L{;"ii$:::*#i,:}}#;,?,;.;.;+?i"+":ry+,+= rlom oulay, coro.,
-rhe.z5-ved-o1d .lrpprng one second off the Iormer lec
3:3e,46. j:;;:i;j t "'*" ;:t;:'l'.I;, ",;: 3"i",".";:?i;1""''
Htffiififfi *r*r*ffi#;.; .::::: i;'.",ii:,i'j":',:11.""":"."""1"""*l","';:'::::., ill:.',:;il,.T,',';i;,';
?;":i:r;,*;'::: .;;"il;;:
]"":r:"e-"h" b.,,.^,
â&#x201A;Źtopo:re ro. !.!er or iiiiuor.r,,._.., '.i;l;::;';J.'"ii1';"::Til11";:*#:' qt ;* init;"t*1"*.t**,+ *i, l*
,:""*#ffi iqJ"*ffi t*r*+*;b **gl*1,*,fjlt*fr i,:;,1,T"1I:.T:l;"J:"":,.::t;'l;:.1"""*,:'n.*., I;*:*:1,,:;"*:";:.,if:#ff:;#,i;ii1i :,tm*,:* s$i+iiiniir',,i"i:; ;; txhr',::,, [::"]'";i,,{::,::;; i;1;ii+*!i..rpia:, i.i,li,,,*_i , _"*-,ii."#j, .i.fl::,,y,, :iiiii, j::rii ;:;:ry wi:j:yi?;l;"..ilft;{, ". ,,,
, ::;i1;;;"';' t,.";;;,;::1:: :;l;;:lr i:ii,:i :;i'iJiff;i:.-,,";r,:;l'-
.;l'+*:".r^i,r*ir'ir:i,"r:r;i,:,11i;;;t,:.ruu.;,,i"5i:'';t:i.T,,":.,# ': i'J'""."a;"{,i:j ff^*.:"t, ;:.i;. i::;:jj i,:l}"s,+j,ri1,1r:q;;;;r:".;*.."j, ,"rii:. d,+*i',i"'j"'Wi*:.:d#' r{, ;;ltt, 1 g:t, a*,r,:ii,** *,r & Le.
i$f..5;',",..;tlffU".,U1;.,";",,;rt if:,1 l*:*il;*1***:i+;,::,,;u:rl,i*i:r},"ifi
4 ;
, , -::";;,':::::;:,'";,""Tli;,;;:;:i,j^:jj;,'j _ ;""";;:;:;,,:;;.:
p:crcc, ,:0,:4c.
-=,;;;$i;ii*t:?tri!ri:ki#:,i:ti**amm:ix*+;u#*r.;*:; j:,rtii:';: j j{;il";t.i";,iu"rt;.,ti*,,tn$;$ift -*;*:AUT***t"""
,t*fifr;iilffi;,,,,, tiirii"i',J
**,',j*ll,.l:zu,'lh";"" fip;,;fri"ftrtr;1ifi:t:;'
##mrymffiffi ft'#*#r'"ffi f,fi*;#,',+';tr* ; llli'*i,;Uljij,r;j:
ffiffi r*ii,*ffi: ffiffi*#E;ff iiir,,, ,,
*s;,t'*#+,:#* ff$ :; i'*li
ffiffiffi fnffi
*lw*'ffi ir*r,'
*,f$ql$m*$jfirr.;' iii,*,.x.
76. Scott iofrllt Carnet 59:5! 77. 8o9er tlarrls unaltached 59:59 28. Lairy cass park Rrdee pacers 79. Eill Doron carrcl 50:lt
t tutr lds
Runner Pgssed Phvsical cmr Dr. s.airy c^d: ;---,-..--r:'--'. rud 50:16 - S"PSJ":f 5DdysBeloreHisDeuth 3i:iiT?',ii!,1'llili,Fo't-vavne' gLor. H i s D e ut h sr"ffi'*'ffitrtr#j htd.'rl,eE a$ no sisb d DoyiestorD, Pa.
6r:26 --
82. Steve B. Va|s loutsvlle Strds 61:0q 83. Rrcr( charres o€k pdrk 8q. Dan€ Rerbran Connersvllle 52:10 85. Hlke r,lllllds Rochelle 62121 86. N.rk R€pfogle Oak Park 62t22
rreA Ekba
o\rs:€ tr
vitic;dnpornr.,nd.62:25 88. Glea Humer Etkhart, Ind.62:46
sudav h'd Suday h.d p$ed !3$Pd a Dhysial .!an Jive davs earl'er
89. John c.u2 Tech
Sl"jA;;$""'- " q4 idrd ar rn. ^m"ir fl4 a r2.r0 wohds ;;d,tu hl "i"".$XH]lil$0f;,fr1 "i"1H"ffitl*"f$ o"rnm &i,r D€ta@ atrE In. cuniiai,. bvdud.dltuILsbd udedrted 03accqrnrryMra$ lis d@ s; mr'e-ba:kmenr a cdqrunrry ru lasi P M bv
roo rhe fnlo o"
eas rrts rrltg tea t&a trco
@ 0.|]\
!d -b
rsr. police sd. "iflili',ili,j.-111",".".:ffi,,*Jiftf"'Sl.* Bur hj! !h.f d$cto$d dba -u/orrmsr wdr,nger only ;nry ctitd .rrrn ol or Htr#:lTjl'.1,""i",1
$,i he ,a6 ;," i"!r;; thrt hun, oedicine ;;;iri;;
lor tor
vrrrer dd Donrlry WoIl.
hlrt t sb blmd DTS$F. Drec$r.
rregrq,:r; io
bj mad.-obnb #n+!,i#ii,;j,,r,r ::;ii::^t,;!i,, ;i:lijf;li;::f *H"4i{,{.:*i:,lh fl,lro;Tf#,f"d# Timu rdo:cr a-d..i o!. le cy.m rd d corry. pas.d ihe ex.n 6{ conrv. 92. Greg Bell Tech 63:J0 011@n11 ne ir' il, 93. Ric;ard oavls connersvllle 63:15 !d.! &hl !r'. .r"r,i i"ri Nvisei oi,i; ,"':.H"""ih""*1",il"*i atds :ff;'oHfJ";"*fi:ff'" iii:. 1',1,H""1,** sld lesre.dav. v* rM 1'- mieB ' p idd a.d "i. -"i ""ir'L* -='; n lfu€r r, cm i _ # !Fi::T'ii '-' .lm;*nry 3l: illii; i!l,"iiil!;"'ii,ll'" rp.ned .J"j" r4tng T.ri[II l',]ll'"-i.:;5'"i,"X;T"-'',*l lruk coNlv6. ci-i:Ll rir, i"ra--" latd e7. cray rheerer carrer 65:05 Jm€! L€e \iolr[€r. old Durhan TMshir. @sed aus.
r@ke'd rery
c. pEnm otrsvi
{n. m'ar k
ihe 3hoe
I'tr-ei How-
ra.e dle rdwnarh tud rh.p olher ln {!e evert. .4 tej @ wotfinge.
nLqh !M a ratr nite lm t- ad fie *her 1trk 4d .ms{dn. '0""* *Heaolali Gse or $e''t 'mtrM l(idenr ed 't'" ard-(ad*h.Mu" "'" '-"';i ""i, trv @ch. trd '"fi rrs ;;";"*:fli*'ii"lt 9Jf# ;u,!t" rtu D be ra3*" ror *," *" *qceva'. aI'.r a qhite. .o ah;. vas ",. 1,ldrn8 l€-,?,0€3r'd Lts.ea. consal!es basted. 6a:d. <'bri" t@k 'fltd lor Htn tor HIn d-" r@k 'M,"b€ r'-dnn1 h,y. ",r'" rh. "' abor$s'd .1re08 r. Mayb. he pased S.obolia, b:dly sbakft bl i*-'1:,,"fl,fl,1.'l;[.f ffi'g$,.Y""1'""*i","i.*: Jd s*n tr\. iEAedv, sld Urere sr
rr" nua.i"r urbanB, r;d. 65:54 gi. i.o"'t o"w-a" i"g',o, ria ti,zs
loO, Chris r'tacTaqqert Rochelte, lll, lO1. Jim oavls C;;".rs'rtl.7q;16 102. Errltccart carmer
or h.e or8rrad
qutholtls sl sr Psrig H,rh denred
,iger, was paniclparin8 n a
drye alons 1ht rolte in m auto. Bur by that tihe. the
\Yollidser was a .ios.ou4ry turer at patxades HiCh schel Auihdrties dee sa'o a cross&umrr ron ts ]]is no1h.r, Mrs. wanen H. volfinger, said he had sliehuv hlsh blood pre$ure dd-haa been takins nedicine lor ii
"Ee aas in his ihtd c0$. country season,i Ms. rr'dr. irger sajd. -He wob his letrei rast year. AII summef he had bei rmrjn8 not e\ery nchr. but p€rhaps once a reek, He vonrd lake a 20 ninure tu.. Tben, l:sr reok, tre started p.acticing sfth tie hjSh school
tda( rhFe nishis
"We ieel he sasn,t qufte in
{anted r0 c0. nre telt
should have stoppod nhen he
sot riftd, but apparduy he waDted r0 rreep up \fiih rhe
o|nea he
\as vid.
There were
tben ,nd
he laCg.d belind. The bovs lmked back, but they los siSht ol hin shm t)rey rent
rm |ne a,Au Jldc rt lld.ter u !@ tuhrdr] va., crjed o|l PLANKToN FESTIVAL rHREE N4ILE RUN sponeored by tbe ArLla school, Avila Beach, caliIolnia, sat., August r8, 1973 l. Id cadena, 15:16 (Meei Record); 2. Mike
Bri€bim, 15:49; 3. Lafy Bridge6, 16:40, 4. Stan Rosenfield, 17:30, 17:30; s. Chely1 Bridses, r?:55 (16t woman); 6. TerryRecord, 17:56; 7. Mike Chambers, 18:36; 8. rerr souza, re:17; e. Lorri€ He6tet, zzt44, 10' sarrv H@ble, 23:19; 11. Larlv souza, ?4:05j 12. BobHester, Z4t34i 13, Bob Paiker, lefdugo, r!:uu. --Stan RosenJield--
tf, t i!h,
pla@ tbtsha nn Nuttd, plrieEbug, the t acr. rtt . h.€d tb
She satd
fiei sdn n4 about
njles ot a 20.nite vatk,
rHE FrRsr NATTQNAL AAu i,]ii"JT":1"#il1":il'1;: .$lollne{ AGE GRoUp X-COUNTRY cHAMproNsHrp wiu be herd ii,l ijiT,t; ,Jl"l3:i.f,l3T: ia. m rhe ";!"ero"dt.y iD cten Heren Park, Rialto, calilornia on sarqlilay, october teln lle^'2nedin sevdth ot rhis sas rhe rirsr year he 2?, l9?3. Dave Japs, 835 Oakilale, Rialto, ca\!t. 9237b i" tt" l';l"t'1"^, ou,t n tt'u -" irv'" iii,ii L" deet directoa, Nine & ude!, *"* i,.r ro_r, rz_r3, an.r r4-r5 races r.. l?,iiY.# "i"l,iijfi;ii"Xli boys and eilrs are schedured. iiiri.ji riii-n; '"lili,'liiiii ras nearlv enptt, but wju' a THE ,11.H ANNUAL N.^ Tr^\r ^ r banl oI nud BP blleo la-e RRc ACE GROUP X_C CIIAMPS do{!. ffhe had nrred race up he Fould have heer alLfielr. witr be held on SEday Nnv 4rl1 rcs qqe r,!pd q:.! at \ahco.r ,,.,.",r.1"i", ;rk.Br.,5
Ben Johb6on, MonTRACK CLUB 3RD ANNUAL SAWDUST (1st Div. 13. Tim Buckli, Eau 26:00 Jr. wis. wi6c' dovi, ); Eau claile, 1973 , Jue 23, CITY 6-MILE RACE, Eau McDohald, Clai!e, 27:0?; 26t20, 14. Dave Qlaj!e, Hoag, 26' 2. Steve 29i53t uc\c' 25, HoIIhan, l. Tom i1'is., Ellioll, -au C aire, 4' Don 15. TCTC, 29:58; 3. Chuck Burrows, 24, TCaQ, 3at18" Dan Clark, 24, lAC, 3Qt27t 5. Joe Skaja, 23' 'ICTC, IISTFF LO MILE NATTOi\i-L CHAMPIONSHIP 30:55; 6. JeIf Brain, 23, IQIC' 3r'.r6i ?. Dale Roe' Cudahy, \visconsin, sDaat, August 5, 1973 24, Kegon6a TC, 3L:19; 8. Gerhalt Sasman, 2l' ITC, Record: 51:2li b)" Bob a:::., L9?1. l0' 3l:21; 9. Nick overby, 20, Edina, Mim., 3l:24; l Jim D!ews, Lnir,.i ,' r:.onsin-Milwaukee, 52:l'1; 2. ll' Mim 31:30i , Evan ShuU, 30, BrookllD Ceole!, phillips, 12' John Lesch, LCTC, ,:lr:ir 3, Gary Romesser, Indiana 3l:48; Minn., Bea! Lake, 21, Wbite Dave SLliders, 52:5li .1. !-:: C:ark, Lake Shore Ol)mpians, Harry welles, 28, Madison, W!sc,, 31:551 13. JolD 53:11; 5, Larry PL::r. ::. Striders, 53:17:6 Bruce zI, ITC' Cramer, 21, 'lc'!C, 321!-6:' 14. Dav€ Kavsei, Kegoh:a, :::: r i, Dik€ Stl!rett, 111. TC, 53:31; Fraser, Kegonga vedder' 32, Jim Eau claite, wis., 32:55; 15. TC, wis., 33:O?! 16. Pat Feehan' 18, Glencoe' Mi@ , 8. Geo!ge cyr' Nr::: a.1:!al $'inged Fool Tc, 54:14i 9. CLem Behmke, lia a C, i':1:15; 10. Royce Halnish' 33:16; 1?. Mark QrDoonell, 22, Ma.]<ato, Minn., 33rl?i Kegonsa, 5.1:25r 11. : .:r!ein, Lake Shore OlvmPiab6, 19 A1ex \qis., 33:18; 18, Jotn Cla!k, 18, La cros6e, JolD Cr.-.::, :C rC, 55:1'1; 13. Larrv Loomis, 55:13r 12. 18' Cass,48, Dan worsham, 20. TcTc, 33:l9t Rateue, TultLe Creek, .a.1: - .--1. Thorhtoh, NC\!i TC, 55: ville, l&isconsid, 33:25; 21. Pat Mccuire, 2l' LaCrosse l'lcla:..r:, 29; 15. Jim Kcn z3-ata, 5t,32t 16. Kevin Mahonev, wis., 33:29; 22. Paul Date, 32, lTc, 33:38: li. Lee Ferraro' Itl. TC, 55: O1:r'.:. :: ]-ake Shotc 19' Nofwood, Fahey, 2'1. Mike Van Es, 23, IIc., 33,!-41 Gotdy BenMinn,, 33:5Oi 25. Dan Rindlleisch' 18' Wausau' Wisc. ' 54; r8. Carl Ca!.j, i::. a::'. , 55:57i 19.Notlh Field TC, Br!lD, :: r.itin TcTc, :i:: , . lield, : i 33:55; 26. Gete Bensoh, l?, Peterson, Mitu., 33:58; 22 Mark 56:'13; .nat zl, Gary:l::::::::r, 56t|at , Dwight 27. Andy CraEe, 17, St. PauI, Minn., 34:08;28. Maftin, Kegons:, :: :: :i, Dave Elger, NC\tF TC, Pier€on, 37, Rochester TC, Minn , 3'!:32! 29. Mike Mattison, 20, Clfppewa Falls, Irisc.' 34:47; 30. Auldon 56:54; 24. :.::. :::::}Jield TC, 56:56; Z5 Ed Johnson, ,11, Stillwaterr Minn., 3'1:53; 31. Scott Christ- Steingtabe!, Nc.'.a : :::iii 26. Tom Rachubinski : a...-.1t, uat-, 5?:22;28. Vince enson, 18, ITC, 35:11; 32. Ch!is Lee, 18, St Paul, Min' uat., 5?:Ol;2i, lr. llite Considine, NCWF TC, Lease, Kegonsa, a-:=34. TC, 35:33; lndianhead Everts, 19, 3a:24i 33. Q]r,tis lC, 58:?0. (123 finishBob cr-: l-' C 58112; 30. Ka!1 Eimisch, la, Richlleld, Mim., 35:3?i 35. Steve D:i r:r:l ers in Op€n wros, 19, Menofronee Falls, lvis., 35r48;36. James ioMILE(OVER- - . r:-: -.tsubka, u.W.M. Tc, McFadden, 21, Menomonee, Wi6., 35:49i 37. Balt 58:08 (New Rec.!ii : r :.::::, 6Cr'!'1 by Kotsubka); 2. Bahrke, Mike 35:50i 38. St. Paul, MiF., 18, Bradford, 23, Madison, vis., 35:59; 39. Hector Cruz' Menooonie, Steve Coldberg, : -::::: ,:. r3:l9i 3. Duane Holz, UltM wi,s., 36:21,40. Steve Druty, 18, Indialhead TC' 36t25, TC, 60:14; ,1, r" :-: I a:::-:.-r, uar., 61:31; 5. Joln (72 finishers) course Record: 29:39 bv chuck cerons- Neeies, uar,, a::-:: :. : :ostian, Villas RC, 63:58. ky, 19?2. --Dr. Davld C" Angetl-:. .o. Ardbelg, MinneaPolis, 10 MILE (OVER : - : (New Rec.::: : :: ::.i, 59r42 by John Aichel' 63:55 MILE RACE I}iDIANHEAD TRACK CLUB T9?3 TEN j ::1.:, UWM TC, 66:36; 3 TC, 1972 i, .::: : UWM August 11, l9?3 Wi6co.sis, Eau Claite, Carson Pa!\, -1121,4. MarshaLl Deakin' -a . : KarI Abendroilr, 1. Stev€ Hoag, 26, Twin citi€s 'lc' tli-n. ' 52,35.4; z ::.-iad F€lbert, UWMTC, 8L:02. ?5:ii, r. UWMTC, -. Joe Skaja, 22, TCTC, 5?:58; 3, JeJf Brain, 23, aCTC' lvi6consio, Center, 22, Alma 5.1:25i 4. Gelha* Sasman, Chuck Koelpen, Indiana COACHES lC-11.,a :.-l:55:,!2; 5. Bill Langen, 30, St. Cloud, Minh., 57:07i 6. i : Old mark, 5?:02 by Chuck Striders, 53::2 \: :::fir Dav€ Kayser, 21, Eau Claire, Wi€., 58:10r T Steve 1972); z sreve Kearney, BradLey, Laiesl.:: : Al€x Ratwlos, t9, MenomiDee Fa116, wis., 58:56; 8. -::ahs, Chuck Bladley, La, 57tO1i Striders, :::r:: i, hdiana 24, Ell6worth, Zwadlo, cregg elre, 48, TCTC, 59:.19; 9. Wis., 59:55; 10, Chris Eve!r6, 19, Eau Claire, Wisc., 4, Robert Schral:r, ::: :- Tc, 60:38, 5. warr€n(14HalL, lin. ) unat. , 61:35; a, l:: I 1:.:aney, UWMTC, 62:39 6O:21; 11. Ken Van Es, 23, Eau Claire, Wis., 60:21; 12. Buzzards Steve Croy, BOYS 5-\.i:a :-Il. H.S, Tom McAloon, 6L:5?i 13. Mark Hlme, 22, Mimeapoli6, oldmalL, 2?:08);2. Dave Kbab, 26:21- {Ne: ::::r:i 40, Coon Rapid6, Minn., 62:37; 14. Mik€ Bahtke, 23, 2Lt32i 3. David Walrers, Euzzs::: ....' Macke6ey, Madison, Wis., 63r38;15. Ed Arenze, 23, St. Paul' ',1..:, 26.13t -.arrMTC, 2?:14; 5 Bill Nelvat. :, Minn., 64: , Minn., 63:50:16. Bilr Andberg, 6r, Anoka, Miehe, Buzzalds Knob, TC, 2i::l: r Lial]{ son, UWM Minn., 64:48; JolDson, 41, Stilrwater, O0; 1?. Auldon \.rihfield TC, 27:'!3. (101 fih- ) 2?:38; ?. Tom ia:::::, 18. Fred A1blight, 26, Cabi€, wi3., 65t17t i.9. Larty H.S. GIRLS 5-1.1- : :-\- 1 Kim Pjpe!, @at., 33:21: Proskin, 22, Mideapoli6, 57:35; 20. Maltin Ro1ler, 2. CeorgeiLe,6..tral, l laaison Badgerette6, 33:37j 3, 2.,1, Mibseapolis, 69:r8. (29 finishers) Lorric Mu1len, \18, ,:i:lti .1. Teresa Coonan, MB, St. Cloudr 19, 1. Vida Mcoueen, WOMEN ONE MILE(20 36:,{2. linisa€isr Minn., 6:33;2. JanArenz, 22, Sl. Paul, Minn., 6:52; BOYS UNDER l.! l-l.nLE - 1, Chuck Dougtas, 17:5t; z. 3. Kathy Upton, 12, Eden Ptairie, Minn., 7i0'1. Richard Michael lje:tnel{r, !8:03;3. Ti6 Rodiez, 19:13j 4-MILE RUN (INDIANHEAD TC) Scott BeasleJ_, 19::r, i2l iinishers) l. Dan Clalk, La Crosse, Wis., Z0:0?; Z. Joh! Cramea' ,1. GIRLS UNDER 1,,1 3-\llLE- l. Clare Guse, 25:03; 2. 21:02i 1 Lacrosse, Paul viner, Mimeapolls, 20:46; 3. 25:16; L J€ahhe Mojtik, 26:00 (i2 fin.) Rita CLaredont, Pat Mccuire, Lacaos€e, wis., 2l:06; 5. Dave Kayser, OPEN 10 MILE TE-{M: l. lndiana Stridet6, 4?; 2. North Eau Claire, 21152; 6. Mark OrDomell, S!. Peter, Minn ' Cenhal t\inged Foot Track club, ?4; 3. Lake shor€ olv_ 22:Lo; ?. Barry Weber, Mondou, wi6., 22r4r (lsi HS); (Over 450 lafticipated in this line ev€nt) 8, Verdon Hasleiet, Elgin, Mim., 2zt59i 9 Jotn Clatk' mpians, 85, --D!. Dayid C. Ang€Ll-La?ta66e, 23t23i 10, Gere Benson, Elgin, 2'1:14; 1l'
KILOMETER OPEN RUN, AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, D.C., July 31, 1973 7:00 P.M. Conditions: Warm & hllmid. Race Directori Glym Wood. Course Record: ,19:25, sltelly Karrin, l9?2. The cour6e consist6 of !h!€e 1oops. The r6ber6 leave the campus, make a tong de6cent along Ma66. Av€,, do some up & down rrlming aloig Ma€€. Ave. aod Daieea!]ia Parkway, add then clihb steadily for a mile (Rockwood Parknay) to reach the campus again. La6t mile i. a beaa! 3ob Thurston and Chuck Leuthold ran togelh€r lo! lhe lirst loop and about haU the 6econd. Thur6ton theD began to drop back, and latei slowed considerably as Leuthoid went on to wi! ia 52:51. Mike Heylin won the 40-49 division ia 59:13; tight behihd hih was ss-year-old Bob Hoha4. Kaihy Good, 15, va6 the flrst f€male finishe! in 80:38, Jelf Sheltoa 6llJteaed hi6 lirst deleat oI this smer's series, as Jelf Peterson von tbe 5 kilo rieen aac€ in 16:25. 1. Chuck Leuthold, Washington Sports Club, 52:51j 2. Bob Thur6ton, WSC, 54:l?; 3. Phil Stewart, 54tz\j 4, Brn.e Pobjhson, \4SC, ra:?l: c. Varrin Srir., 56: (-' 6, B-n Fv -.r, "6:17; ?. LLti-n Agniel, r?: .1i 8. Boo darpF-, wsc, 57:48: 9. Ed Jelome, wSC, 57:52, r0. Craham Huston, 58:4?; 11. Mike Boryan, 18, 58:56; lZ. Chuck Paul, 58:57; 13. Dave Herlzog, 59:00; 14. Mike H€ylin, 42, 59t\3t 15. Bob Horman, 55, Potomac valley 516., 59:35; 16. Stev€ Pope, 60:04i 17. Jotin Slocum, 60:14; 18. Rod sieele, 36, D.C. Halrie1s, 60:?0, 19. Ron Sofrers, 53:07;20. Marty sulLivan, 44, D.C. Harliers, 63:16j 2r. Gabe Hiza, wsc, 6,r:,f8; ?2. Al]!i. I.,eLIey, 64.5ai 23. Paul Thurston, 52, PVSTC, 65:09; 2.1. Damy Tyle!, 66: 28; ?5. Robert Peterson, 66:29i 26. Ton E6tablook, 66:36; 27. Malk Canoyer, 6?:09; 28. Ray Buisdorf, 6?:32 29. George Eiliott, 43, PVSTC, 67:55; 3A. ? 68t34i 3\. Dick Sch1mr, 4?, PVSTC, 69:11; 32. Ralph Clozier, 69:12; 33. Rick Kr@!o, 69t5aj 31. John woodb, 55, ?0:05 35. Robert Day, 43, 70.49i 36. Robelr BilL, 71:3?; 37. Flank Young, 72tza;38. 't. Chesnut, 1?, 7zt34i 39. Lea Gold6lei!, 73r22; 40. q!egory Bates, ?4:3?; 41. Bruce 15
WSC, 36:28; IO. Joho Slocum, :6:53; U. CraUm n# ton, 37:04i 12, Jefi Darman, DC Haariers, 37:22; 13. Tony Diamond, 44, 37t3Ai 1!-. Chuck Paul, 3?:5r; i5, Rod Steele, DC Ha!!ier6, 3?:53;16. Mike ]'leytin, 42, 37:54; 17. Hubert Molgan, 51, 38:16! 18. Mike Fteming, 3ar31i 19. DlckJamborsky, 38:,14; 20. Bob Ho!fran, 55, PVSTC, 39:09;21. Paul Thursto!, 52, 39,29i 22. Alt DuHaihe, .!1, PVSTC, 39:39; 23, Dave Theall, 41, DC Harri€rs, 39:40; 24. Bernard Her?i!g, 40:.16; ?5. ceorge Cusbhac, wsc, 4r:09. (49 Iibishers) 3-MILE |TEEN RACE - 1. Jeff Shelton, 16:38; Z. Je{l Peterson, 16:39; 3. Paui Rapavi, r?:36,4. Jefi Custer, 17:43; 5. Damy Tyler, 1?:51; 6. Paul Roberts, 1?r52. --Bob Thrsto!--
5.2-MILE ROAD RACE, WAYLAND, MASS. Jnly zz, r973 {North Medlord Club Medbers) l. Bob Hodge, NMC, Z?:25; 2, Joe Ko1b, Z7:38; 3, Rolad Cofnie!, ??:41j 4. Peter Mccinty, 28:03; 5, ClilI west, 2E:28; 6. Ron cafi, 29:25i 7. Jack OrRourke, 29t37i a, Paul schell, 29:55; 9. Mihe Mo!!ili, 30: 00; 10. Watter Johnson, 30:03; 11. Robert cray, 30:08; 12. Dave McGilvery, 30:l5j 13. Richaad Collins, 30:52; 14. Stephen McCabe, 30:54; 15. Charles Rarti, 3lrOOi 16. Don Legnard, 31:17j 17, Eruce Migell, 3l:22; 18. Juiian Siegel, 31r42j 19. Ed Bullock, 3l:54; 20, Ron Mastranselo, 32:07. (60 Jinishers) --Fled Blown Sr-3.2 MII-E RUN, SCITUATE, MASS. , AUCUST 4, 19?3 Tedp. 88 degrees - 1. 1l'ayne Deyet, NMC, 16:34i 2. Harold Srel/c!, ura-. atrt. L uary qp.n"., ra-.,
i6:?18i 4. Scott Ne$kirk, unat,, 17:0,1; 5. Stephen Rock, unat., 1?:07; 6. Paut Johnson, unat. , l7:08; 7, Robeit Gray, NMC, 17:1?; 8. Charles Rarti, NMC, t7r18i 9. Edward Thomp6od, uat,, 17:36; 10. Mark Fraetis, unat., 1?:39; ll. Faed nerg, unat., 17:55; 12. JolD A1dtich, Turtletown Ac, L8:00: 13. Ted Mahoney, qat., 18:05; 14. Paul Roche Jr., NMC, l8:O8t 15. Michaer Rydbelg, 6at., 18:l6j 16, ceorge Juior, uat., l8r36j Berr" 6"n, /6:j0r.?. ? :-8:,+., RoB.r B!rkh"rl, 77: 17. David Hiclnan, uat., 18:5i; 18. Tom Keating, 58; .44. Richard Lules, 54, PVSTC, 78:l5j 45. J.H.Kurt, wat,, Igtzzt 19. Jonn Campbetl Sr., NMC, 19:2?; 20. 49, PvsTC, 78:24; .16. Georse Richardson, 5.,1, 78:36: Scott Nichols, lvelarou& HS, 19:28. (42 fini6hers) 4?. Kathy Good, 15! Spo!16 Int., 80:38; 48. Christine Mathiesen, A),t15t 49, Lj,z Sadofi, 82rr5; 50, Alab Plice, Z.5 MILE RUN (CAMBRIDGE SPORTS UNION) 7/23,/?3 Dc Tlaveller6, 89:21 (Rac€ Walked); 51. F.A. weiland, 1. Scott Crahm, bar., 12:20; 2. John Babington, NMC 54, PVSTC, 97tl7i 52, Del,abian Thuret.n, 99:25. l2:3,!! 3, 14itl Van Dyke, CSU, 12:34; 4. John Goodwin, 5,000 METER TTEEN RACE (One roop of 15km. coulse) wat,, LZt41,5- Jim Stlotrach, NMC, r2:53! 6, Larly 1. Jeff Peterson, 16:25j 2. Je{J Shelton, 16:33! 3. BilI Berman, CSU, 12:59t 7, Bruce coodchild, CSU, 13:O5j Wilson, l8:02; .,1. Jell Custe!, 18:12; 5. Paul Rapavi, 18: 8. Don Dudley, CSU, l3iL3; 9. ceorge barKer, Bar., 26: 6. I:h CJdn-/, L8:2?: ?. J".l JL.go.a-, 8:,(: 8. Var 13:1.1; 10. Dan K!eatz, NMC, L3:19i 11, Tony Nugent, Cmpbel1, 19:0,1! 9. Je1!y Baetuad, l9:30; 10" Ray Smith, CSU, 13:26r 12. Ron ca.lf, NMC, 13:3li 13. Martih Duf20:191 1I. Steve Mu6se\man, ZQ,44i 12. Jih Barroeclougb, {y, CSU, 13:3i; 14, Bob Riordan, sat., 13:3?; 15. 21:05; 13. Steve Strother6, Zl:16; 14. Tim Good, 2I:l?; 15. Chri6 lv€ber, NUTC, 13:41; 16. Tony Maccaiio Jr., Henry Dale, 2L:54; 16. Kathy cood, 23:30; 17, Ted Cood, NMC, L3:,!3j 17. Ed Wood, CSU, t3:4?: 18. Mike Duldovic, CSU, 13:50; 19. Dave Mccitvery, NMC, 13:55; 20. 9, 25:09j r8. Mike Chrestos, Z5:29. Tom Ke!!, CSU, 13:58, 21. Ed Cohen, cSU, i4:Ot; 22. 6-M1LE OPEN, ANNANDALE H.S., ANNANDALE, VA. Blake Lamphi!, CSU, 14:02; 23. Alab Dow, CSU, 14:0.1; July 25, r9?3. Couse: Roads. conditions: arm, hlEid. 24 l!v Co-don, cSU, .riOo; 2.. Don, Lna-., Prizes: Gatorade to lirst 15. 1.1:08, 26, Dave Hitbera, ua!., l4:U; 27. Harold cabChuck LeuthoLd, who has alssed a 1ot ol races due to riel, @at,, 1,1:15; 28, Loqis Paui, CSU, 14rl9; 29. Dan injulie6 thi6 pa6t yea!, led fo! the Jirst of two 1oops. Deap6ey, CSU, l'l:20; 30. Kent Neweister, CSU,1,1:22 Shorr y:n.o rhe s-\onc loop Bob Lu!6to- puLlco !p lo --Fred Brown S!. -hifr and the two ran together lo! over a mile. Dulllg the last mile Leuthold dropped back !.IRST ANNUAL ANDY PAYNE MARATHQN Weathei{ord, Okla., August 19?3 1 Bob Thurstob, WSC, 33:25j 2. Chuck Leuthold, WSC, 11:42j 3. L:e, Bruce Rooin,or, hqc & Jim'cdp), t.1:.1,: L Mickey Sullivan, Jr., Zt54t14; Z, He.ry Sha*nee, 5. Phil Stewart, 3,lr58i 6. Ger!y Stauhton, 35:50; ?" Malk 2:56:07; 3. Albelt Becken, 2r5?:34 ltst Ove! ,10); 4. Don Baldino. 36:05: 8. Martin Smitn, 35:07; 9. Ed Jerome, Bu!nett, 3:14:16; 5. Nolan Gray6on, 3:22:35,(I0 fini6hed
by Thohas F. Brsick, Cross Coutry and Marathon coach, Colrege o{ St. Fianci€, Joriet, llliaois I am wdting ths article to expose oa ra4ing Progr@ at the Coltege of 5t. Francis, Jolie!, Illinois. We feel we have 6omething which vil1 add a new Ilavor to college distaDce rEning. It ha6 been carled by the head ol the World Marathod -466ociation one of the most innovative r@ing proglams in the coutly today. The program consist6 of the traditional cross .ountrv sea6on which r@6 flom SePtember to mid-Novembe!. get into a plogrm totally new Afte! the xc to the couegiate !1l@ing scene, Instead of a track season, we have a marathon 6eason. The 6ea6on i5 comprised of four marathon6: the North Central Marathon in Decemberi the St. Lous Marathon in Marchj tbe Drake Relays Marathon in April, and the
N.A.l.A. Maratlo. in Jue. do dot stllcfly run the During the marathon marathon distahcee. lve will be codPeting in distahce lace€ both on the tlack and oIl, €hphaBizing to our !uners the enhancement it vitl give 9o our marathon P!ograd. The combining road ruEing ad distance ruMing on the track into a marathon prograd is becau6e we feel that in order {o! a marathon r@ne! to reach hi6 full potential, he must be a well-ao@ded didtance lumer. Miak a good exaDple of this {ould be loohing at the thtee individual6 who represented the United States in the Olympics. A1l thtee lumers are vcri aaFpr an. quirF q.a iliea Iron rle mj e o r uo. rn feel this is the key to Buccess in marathon
I am sure tbe qoestion in many people6r minds is 'Can earalhon prograd not be hot only successtul, but practical, on the coUegiate basis ? ' ln a1l honesty, we at the Coll€Ce of St. Franci6 feeL it definitely can be. First oI all, lve have always lelt that thele should be a place ln collegiate distance runing fo! the guy who doe€n't particularly like to lun 8tlictly track and cr066country, but ralhe! 6ees himseu as a distaoc€ f1lmer boxe in the line of a road rrlDer. Co4sequenrly, we lelt thar thi6 progrm wouLd be attued lio these individuals. Secondly, in the National As6ociation of Intei-Collegiate Athretlcs (N.A.1.A.), a marathon is herd in cohjuciion with the t&f champiohships. Ove!al], we donrt Jeel the quarity and enthusiasm is there. We feel that iI a college or a group o{ corleges would speciatiz€ iD this event, we cah bring the N.A.1.A. marathon to tlte overall quatity and €st€em thai thi6 cla66ic di€tance should be held at. 'lh- Lhir. aro 'bal rp""on rhat ," 6inp y fFeL l"' " the marathon is reaUy going to boom in popuiarity in the nelr four years. If people felt the malathon wa6 popula! 'r rl-p pa6l ou. yea!s. - Lh rl.'hei 'i L o" Dl-asanLly surprised by the even g!eater enthusiasm which will be shown towald€ it in the near future. Earlie! in the article, I discussed the pari of ou! proglam in which ve vould engage in load runs. We hav€ set up a peaiod {!om January thiough Maich in which we vill take to the roads against other coliege6 and 6core them like cross counlly oeets. We ale eltlemely excited about this period oI out tlalning, because we feel it ..n shpd 'one n"" l'B\l 'r -.e .rea o( co lFgiata (o- These road ru6 could go any.ivhere froh five fri1es fo {iffeen miles over valious terlain and conditions. W€ i€e1 that this season could enhance any collegiare distance rumi4g program no 4atter what tleir goals or desires. a
I ihihk it keels the guy6 trom getting bored trom either too much training oi too much rudnidg lndoor6. Ir clo- c, r ro- d l:k- sav \a r1e mair rFason 'o progre is not to altract why we havc develoled tlais big aanes or Lig lublicitl, but ralher to plotde a progtcr ro' | - dw-_a 'l' CLY. sho like to run the roarls ano ihe marathons but who vely seldom get thc chaic. :. io this od a collegiate basis. I know ther€ nar. be:r oll1er collegiate di€tance 16ning programs :h. :-a'.. used marathons, but none have ever gone to ibe .Ei:8. !i making it a coUegiate varsity sport. 'r|e ieEl :i:: rarathons and road rus ale a vital olgan ol the comnow, and [i:1 i::.:.iiu.ure, We at the C.--:::. :i ,::. arancis want to be a Part ot r rur'ng oroer.m. wF th.b -yt o
, add i' "o,
pos6iblt ir..::::::. :11. ol our thoughts and ideag into their .,i.:::: ! - rr \e D:rFc o-. Ur rcd Lc. .a. .rires: I am going io publicize States T&a ::r:::::::this !rogra.r :: -:::. :: ,ossible abd especially Lly to reach tle .r ::: ::aches rvith it. I leel that lhi6 ,il n-.p..: . c. cs Dintecn Du_:ng
Progren a a r.:: :.1
CONCOR!, 1.. n, - - : .r-\\UAL M1NI MARATHON July 21, -. :. :'::::::, 71 degrees. 13'1 starters,
l" Steve E-:: :::::: ---r-, l:11:00j z. Dan Moynihan, ua- r l:11: r: :. :-r --:rderian, NMC, l:12:06i 4. Ralph Th.=::. .- a., :t ztll', 5. Lavrence olsen, NMC, 1:12:: :: a.darholm, @a., ltlzi3A',7, John Dim:cli, --:::: :1r!tain AC, l:t3:32j 8. Walte! Renaud, Ez:. I -r - r. Michael BaxLer, BAA, TTAC, 1:1,1:26; 11. Kiik Cas61:14:06; 1r., :.1 :,:::-:, avaugh, ::r:: : . :: -;j 12, Terry Gallagher, @a., i:: , CPAC, I:16:07; t,l. James 1:15:Z0j 13, l::r: Robelis, L: -::., : .t21', 15. Elic Gloon, BAA, 1:16:35; 1i. :::-: :: , \CAC, 1:16:,1,1; 17. Deaa Culptil, La€: :. : :: =r: i8, Ron Kay, CSU, l:l?:15; 19. Paul l{arii::. :i 1: :i::3i 20. Ron Stalford, NCAC, l:i7:5,1j 21. I1:r: :: ::, unar,, 1:17:58; 22. Finn Esbensen, f,:::. .: : j_ :j, Bill Tle€{u1, NMC, 1:19:[; 2 L- .2r, LarrJ B-rhan, CSU, l::.:.-: ::. ' ,:.riy Bland, creen Mountain AC, L:19:l1j 2t. !. -:-.': ::.:sry, C.Brock. Sr., 1:19:,10j 28" Jotlr a!:::, ::: r:, -:i9:50; 29" Phi1Rya., BAA, l:20:00r 3:,. :: : ::i:r::., TTAC, l:20:06i 31. CharleB Hanso., ::,. I : :l:j -?2, Richard Krause, ARTC, 1:20:55i ii, ._:.:: ::'..: :, !IAC, Lzltlbi 34. ?i 35. Sro. < : : ]6. rrcrb ,c.Jon!,, s(, 1:21:1tj ,:i, l: -: :::::, aSU, 1:21:32; 38. Srev€ P!out' Mt.Park.j.-1.. l::: lr ::, iio Stloaach, NMC, 1:22:19; .10. RoberiC::r, l:11a, ::22:27i .,11. BradRoberts, Lowell Te.h -4. ll:rlr -:, Leo Libby, vat,, LZZ. qoj I P :21:01;4J, Vle True, uat. , 1:?3:::; -r, ,1a:re iamorhe, NMC, 1:23:lli 46. G-t". .: l-: -. C"olCe.onFIrFy, " -.. :_ Grcaie. -1C, l::=:=7; .18. Ron Galf, NMC, ltza:3Zt -i, Io- ?h:11:::, lak€s R€gioh, l:25:36; 50. Mike Sheld.n, ua:., 1;2a;.19i il. Sam Winebam, una,, ItZa:521 52, JefJ .l]aflrlton, NNfC, 1:26:03r 53. Charles Ratti, NNIC, I:26:2a: a{. Ilike Dirdavis, CSV, |26tZ7l 55. P,obert La!rel, , ItZ6:36i at. Atan Paige, TTAC, 1:26:,111r 57. i\,1ike caEty, vt,RR, 1:27:2,1; 58. Ron Micbetti, NMC, l:Z?:26; 59. Clair Palne, Salem St. TC, Ii?7tZ9i 60, Malvia Lightloot, Gt. Brock., l:27:.13.
ROAD RUNNERS CLUB Of AMERICA ;i::.::i:..::;:; AuBust 15, 1973
Edito!, th€ Lng Dlstanc. tos 306 U, C.nt.t Sr. Hoodbuy, N.J.08096
s.natc ls soinc to vore .a!ty rhrs fau or th. AF€.q , . oflh:-!:s. 1973, a b1Flrlsan bitl that vl11 dir.ctty arfecr ."r..." .il;-;;^.E l.r.s. cospon€or6 of lhe bilr 6!e s.Derols r*":" ro, c",iii,'i.!i;;"ii: "r; ;;;. clav'l (D, Al), cook (R, B.n) ald Thc,bld (R, s.c,). rf p"ll.a ov-iL'il,,i.l' rh. rceislarion ao.s Eo rh. noc., sh.r. si,ii", tiir" ;;."i;;;,b;i;-;i"-;;;. rn. 5.n61. bitt has te parrs o, .,EiE1.!, ETLE I e..tcs a iJ,S, AGt€s Spo! :*:.;; :r*:;.ij"l*::':i.!li,r*:j:ii,::3'i;.,llii,lixi'"Xill3 l3l,E3"ilt
rould b. appoinr.d oi tr,. i.t"ia..l .i-ii:'".T::"',*::f"jl^':;.'ff::"":::" of the s.4at., Board i! and .xoe! ih a'"E.r". ,th,.r!c6, .^:':.;i:,T;:.'i:T""liii!l: lll,lil.i"-_ p€r.d on an tntarnational tev.t v*hi- rh. pa6r ai on tib. shalt havc l.€n or .np1oy.€s3 yeaEs, ".";i;_ ;f ** ""","r;;" ;;e;;i;;;i"",
no p.?son @!1d
b. on rhe Board and slEultaneously"* "p."i" i,tri*. irl-""-tional o. ilr.uational sForrs oleanizarton! .o rcsb.r car and.ach €! 3.!ve6 for 4 y.ars. ".-. ;;. r;."_";;., (a) lecb sport, or no @!c rhan 3 v.ry r.1ar€d sporrs, eoutd be auto_ ebcly eovetn.d by a dtff.fenE uhtch voui<l b. tic.n;.d oi cr,. a.J"a._'rh. association in crrarli-i?-iiirr srouD sporr ou6t havc Bho,n codp€ten;e i,.a,i,i"_ tral:ioni ar least 2OZ of its votine n sbers Dst b. arht€tc;, t"" of i." orti"u", m6r also be acrive arhr.res, and 1rs policies nusr lefr.ct ;";ti""-.i ii"'Jii_ __ l.tcs._ Th. cba!r.!.apires every 4 y.a!s. At thar ri@ g""up fo! a cha.ler if rh.y f..1 the cun€nr holdcr rs @r""fa.i;e-; "trro. i""d--tl,;: ".v 9pply (!op.fu1ly .v.ryon€ irrcresr.d i! a Alver ca''y-op.rared orcanizarion **:,;:::j Til":"::;"'i:3..S"":i:j;." -o *,*shourd o! a etv.n shlr, .ach assocjetioa h6v. no dlfficutty qainine intern,_ tional !.coention, and t]re Boald can ro
ii,lr,!.;.'i; il;-;"::;"i;:::';li"":il::: :l :H ;lli;:1,;'il:, :i::.i;:":i:t":'"n:i:':.:"::":i::';:;': 80v.rn onlv on. spo,r (of up,o il-f.e "1.t
c.,vebry could ue uoo* rr.c Ahlrica, sob. orb.! sroup, o. urd.r aa .nrir.r; tJH,?::.'i*:::::il;'H n.H .ig.,i,"ii;-ii,"iJrr[ .t ! ot all erorps, But which. chartcr {ou1d r."u. to ;:.:*.,::":ii :::::":x,:H".". "a"ini,.., " ;;;i;::l .xcepl t]1a- rhe bllr do.r not aff.cE \iph schoo. 6nd irl.!co- t.ei*" "p"iii.' i: :Ft: #:.:i:,*?.1.t:":i:::iii"!i:ii:i;;ii"i:it." 1.ct and_ua. funds, as .ach body si11 .t.cide this f;r, ir," orii-J"JJ::: !.::19. fo! qov.rmar contlol o! supelvislon or alEt.ur sporrs and does fi :,::::':'#ff ffi :: Lf :',:.::;:l,i*"ii$i"t;.ii.iit:.t.,.::::":":. _o.u'" abolish Mdt of"': rhe f..6 rhich !o;€!s End ctubs iu"r.nttv ,"". (^au r.sjsuration rc.6, lou crub-rcnb.!6r,ip r"*, r^i-,i1.:".i;;i;;';5j, assur.6 the luneis ahai any such f..s rl ""o ,mo the drstaac.-lunnins prosra' (.n*. T: ff :::"il:J:"::.H1":'iil *:._ beans rhar rh. sov.lnine body, beins ::9 ,lr also ruDinB, -,".,".a Ln. :y6t:E): sporr of disranc. a ruch ereare trt*."" "itr, i*t-" i. or"ii,i . T:f'.f*1". Ntionar runineeirr rake thab is th. ca6. ;.";;r:----" "" "rograa \u, rn.sporrs soald suld aDminr a r.mpo!a!,9_@b.r". U,S. Otlmpic Cotr_ * *** rh€ u.s. olynpi; corud*.., irs off1clal6 and *..i,li-.t'.p.1*i:::.
(c) fh. toa.d woutd hav. tqo !.scerch dirasionsr Athl.rlc !..t1ttics, Arhl.ttc s.f,.ty a4d g.a1th.
U.S. Gowltentt td plotut! 'th_ provld' financia] a6€is_ nould 1.tics. sor. possibl. @as of thc futd suchbcastolumine adto help c1ut6' tanc. to &aptof,it €portlng ora.nizatlona vance @lchine and phy3lcal .ducariot p!og!a!Ds, and to .xp'nd th€ 'rchat8' of and coacb.s tlth fo!.1gn countri.6. TITIE 1I c!.atcs s funrt'
Dt tun bt th.
LOG icadelst you can h€1p this *olthv bill's chanc's l'Masrablv bv M.ntion vour patticipatiot*ritins yor ConA!.ssBn .nd S.nators lMpdiat.1y. Athletic Act of !973' adt'ut th. yoE fot stlong suppott .nd run;i;e ln YoG is iDDorEant' to shou vour t'pr's'nEafiv's ir sov"@nt thai vou Th' Ilorc!cu. abouE ti-is i;suc, Tal. on. ninut. and elit. lt not.(orAddre6st u'S" Se!ate), R.pfcs.ntativ's ot lj.s. Housc abl. -......,
{fitrler Stilt
Statrks nrie{Cs Ttrae Flavans .-) J BY
irrr. ln
GE0PcE SHEEltlti
tr.'ll b lir $n.
oi or b. 0": r"
' ii,-a.r' '," d,':, n-. 0J r-\' iiiini'|."''",.i":.i 'frne*e rdded n rlre!1:lIrlr intiremron shi fooi!
Itrnocenl. BYst:rucler .,1 il.tD".. d jc\," '.i.1,trItrlr'd dIilr''_ 'h: il*d lh," p-r """k xo- I'el e\haur'oi durn! p't{r!in llIjAT xlt ts ll,ITER sa! DS lnd \rh0E il urullll hrPl[ii Thc ur@i-
{rt'f dfs n
i rhri
'r qor'r rh.r n,trLctLn: srr4. s:\'' t $ kni oI th! LntrL trr! or norhNcr. L r0 . \L nt \
CriorJdc and SpuLr?d'
".lhc -lL
so^'l' Lor+ rnour
iu' ",",- rd Por'
.o dda"l\',h lJ.. 3r iLtr'F' ': | ri'lae . tL Li nuitsriLilre$0 ! r '! ri truntr \ h.ooonroJLubt n! lerLa '. \\;", l|'c \ -, 01 . Jr' .r .: j : 3 r;I'l ,1..r' h' o .our Tncv bF\
EriAT XtLL5-
afl nir rl
r\ \rL( (oDrplit!1.d aM ior (0N
bl,lclr und.r:Ltroil \\'lr\ lild ]rli;
' " ". ,,-"t.,.,"\"i...
D .'.
rncr \rfcs
rs soDrd
-.r'-- r'rd hrd
u,e.;: -. '\' r'1' , ' lli l 'd L r' r' r".;..,'"", t0 .' " L', rruF^l r d rr -0 lkd.oradr. r. t... ,1,pf..1rufh' r.d \r;ff$arrirl' I bl luza$. Doublc rhrl !tr{l tu rar ml ld rnollrrr rr,. i" , .'".',1,.'"..''|' li{ rL! !L | !'!" l . \\\ni\ ,. . L.'o||''""'b' in rj r' . tr,. .iii"!i iiii;r, .,i,",i;, ii;."r.'",r' do q( hrro.,ror! sh,.t rt.r'.''u''' .'g. I't, r, ,",i",;,.""' rt -Ll' l. 1r'l. r' I i n' L r',lr| (i:': arc in daiirr ol llrar if)rr i"-.n-r rrtr ". Ddngrr(;0): and ltrtl!!i!j (lr), I{EA'I XILLS, }ATEB SAVES' r' $ rf- li\( Jrll I lr:,sl lll:]|T xrLLs. lYrTgR s\\'[s ' |o'''1,|'1.|,| And Lhc $atr llBl savcs l'os nNch \ rlLill I'itnrr and v, r \r" r lh'.!! Drt' r "." bl.nlf mort. li,mncl. fr)f trrsi!ncd. rsu.d l1'o rrllrns t o! ;r;rn In xLs ,\h*r li0Ds ro NDlaro {rLihr lrN's up !' ,.n rnrn"r'. o 1. ^ 1b .r'r !jv r di r'u -.J- \rJ ... '.,"."r r,-..-"rr...i,, -rp 'i.rtu u ,.' t r''ut :i-,r,,.' u r rut'. r t"n i Lutr "r,. t' nrunncr. o,. l\ "do ||( oJl a brcdk !\ cr'.( r$rtrlr rulcs u0Dolid rr0sscounlrJ I rrrr; In.ur'oJr rhc h J lrc Li(1 lorihc $ o lmodil ul $rlcf rnill bc 0fouih \nn rrfii :thlolr\r0uldd0$tlllorak.rDinl0Illurdlctrnrtrurrsbrlbrt unphnsrrg lhal lo allntPlatcN ' Thal is hos
IIEAT XIILS. IIATD R SIVDS. $hrt abo srn a Ddtrs$unll rltN rhfr
rk fdh'
Lol\ gcl
IEAT IiILLS. WATEA SAVES. prr'lbutrtrsrnd go h $ofN
Warld records loom for Pre-(odolescenf ) i! *a.ed CEDAI AIi,t S-If
yaFld Sirl .al6ly
you he. Boal wa6 to
tu. the
r,ltd sle nent
ntle ir the lert Olynpics, in the
Obrpic Uountatns?
she was Jio Ryu with a vt, os tis lnes? Th.t ![e hail either a good
o. a eood nane vli Eryo
lf !e!
loe* her tract Eord, yo!'d beltne Forta3, and you
ner. Er*n
or hig! scbool-
the 4ile
aastoi !!B yeor rhan any other Orego. girl in eithe.
Ii6r best tine is 5:14,1, lo& tne Sunset HiEh
Jv rlLrs lnd her d;s !ryn s ruMjn8 cared srarild four yesr! a8o wne! .lne werred ro {n rD $o Sesside Beach faee/ r.pon€d bd faihel
Riclirrd Forb€s Fo.bes qPt4iedhos runnitrg be
when ne p&niaipsted lbout !e. caleer thi! f!tl. NeP Mexico during tle 'This .o!i.6 flll re U late fifti.s. No* he's antt litye.rolds wtu ru!
rmt so good, she
srif ItnC. 'O. dry days rour was lurgs hurr. And your
D.uth buns as irger! dry runed to narallor Br. 2 Dils. She'! looh.t ao.- Eryn has ni!'s, atrd the bsrathor ward to the lonre. pied *ith h€r niDit occu. ns reatly bad.l!€ run h nnnilg alnoet en€ pretv not seathe.. di.talces." an thetibe, She has had a ad I're never €.joyed it, E4D &en ooved her statrcrse of goah ltartinR I_lite lpeed 'a dete.nimrion fifh lie Seande nile rnd ,( doesnitwheh ntraioy. to b.ct llrir .prins. Thig contrnui.g to $e 10?6 nlch fti! t daiter how aa lona !! it\ Eryr lad be! run.iDd id lhe fiBtyesrshesdon€ ihe 1080 Olyn, not qindy," EiyI nard €ver since h.r debua track. She did!'t $int she olynpics, pica (if they,le the.€). Ako, sbe elloritesb pon. al,Seeside.I! the t U/she *as fasl enough fo. the eorld .ecords! and the dered, "My le8s get lrred ruls ..osecoult.y (1y. snoner runs,,' Fo6es rn turr a resutar rsce the nile.) ao. the Por ard So, above alt el&, sn€ lasl 110 you. tegs start to Tlackclnb .Etra proved he.selr ro reep rrsiriDg. She Cmsscountry i!n't tle wn8 in €veg oDe of t2 ruN uree or four miies a 6ane a3 t aek ruDning be D€ets she ente.ed day this eheD th€ baininS is D€spit€ the obvious ills cause rtt run in narurrl won theb all speed-o.ienred, Iire when in a race, Eryn always letai! in E.y!t case. Yea.-sne Then she *or rhe state 12 220's are rud O! endu cones up witr' a Pre (adolwuaily at hiUy cab.iei fitre h llle nile sth her .ncelteDCthening days escent) fonlain€ lick nrai 5:14.1lihe, snd vasob he. eb€'U n. €ignt or dire leales tle corpetition in Ery. usuaUy filds rni! s.y to ttj€ Nationrls tn nil$. And on Sodays she tne last lap. In fact, h€. to her sdvaltrse, ..I lite runs in Forqa ParE .ljust mah probleh k self.pacei cbdscounry. I llte it sne aleag uses a p.ce. wneE &€ft ,. vari€6,,,,ste Ar this sedous sett€. until tne lst lap, Dus€d. "You ca! tnink up when fes sonen tunne.s rore $rate$/ ir c.ose "l pst ied hyself oul st lssts.bout an hour a day, in could be her paclsetter. couttry than you c8n in the N.tionals. Sonetines and 3he is sadsiched iifooting b€tee€n the Eryn has lsice as nuch taql-lik€ shich hi s il h€lps, but st the Nation yo! re got4 io go fast on. slr it hu.t. the girl liial a.ou.d.,' The footing dieipli.e as nosl people asund ny big coEDetltion oft€. cones ar nor€ to shai was qas six feel lall, and she su.let High Schoor vhere
crb. parl of fadity lif€, EryD ea! lrodefeated reaUy psycied ne out,' she worh out $ith the .rosscountry lean ih llte r re h co qeahd j gol lasi fell in OFson and Forbe! agr€ed th.t her then fi shed eighth ourof menlal condition was Eryn lr.o*s ss q€U a! Fdblt! posted a 4;25 2U at the Nation.lg .Errn ha3 discov a.yone about the non.fool E E atd a 9!() t*o hlle tle.3i.b dad is optinistjc shab, er€d thal beins netuous k inc a.ound pa.t of run.
Fo.bes r[en add!.
"Wher it coaes risht to it she has to do
set! Rabbirr fo. Whenever
"Befo& 3 nce I sisl D! Dad Rould lose $e *si. $ l'll niss fte .ace. But aner 3 race, you I€e! lite .'.I
the OtyD
at le.rl teice. I wanl io lry ro nat€ it to Mo!. treai the y€ar wheD I,U be Drca
15 $ts
comidg OlyDp/ca
And ihen I qant to do ir asaih beca$e I'll b! ro adlnal'sa3up€.good age
-and besides selidisci_ pline sie has her dad. ..Mv "And then I olan to ru! Dad .eaUy . . ," At fti; n$.tho.s and go but tor porot Forbes rtrt€rjeck. *o.ld records,,, tb€ perite "I tnink she Eesns in a youhgste. 6aid withour nag. Ery. replier, .Sohe people soltd catl it that Don't you bat an ele
Ron D€rany. Noet
Crell, rd
]]anilton, Frdk Mur?by dd Dmat
IElsd," Joh!
"Dishce ndners de'r n*d
lacilities, jusr Brass. r{e have
heat 1@: "I Mite none Io* oI €rass jn lBled,.. every week. I lell them I,n And ewry boy sanh ro be
heDs tean spirii. we €ach t2lo buy beer and $da
pDr in
and we invite girts, \tl@ver has run well ls uslalty the lile
doing great in schml. Fo! the
"r djoy the panies, but r I srd them lvalsh r4roited H6nnett tor doDt d.i.k. h nigh school, I clipphgs tmn the schml rhe ca*: "Donal loln re jorred d'e Piorce6 Toral lb. ab@t the Breat Enys on the stinerce Asociatlm dd rean, the great atdospheE _ pledaei not ro drink, tor ue. nt so ea6y to Dal| hiftds A lot or tads expecrod ne ro
(Jlnbo Euiott, Jaclr py.ah)
Aims frr OEmPies o l1r.orctd rho ho! run rfi. Eil. Ioftr rt'qn $ho6l sirl s r oi [.r |pad. "All d,n i! soiis to
Cryr aorbo,
o.y hieh poy
Eays, Yo{ .e4enbe. alt Ihis is Soiu ro pay otT ar Monrreal. It helps De
Walsn dnntng Io. Villa, najor junior vho ,inds lls nora. an *re distmcd rm John Holtnett bro$e 2 smial aset. ,r tell tneb all thai $en rehrives "we dd't have indoor lrack wr. ve have ger-togerhe( live r4ht beside ne, jEr tacllixos o. Tan& dacks in ev€ry tso veoks." he said.
ro poDder her fate,
''I'n in berer shape &an I haren,t lald orf to. al]lartnen, villanova €ver. cmss coutry captdn, .do* mos two years," said lra.i, fmh a l{)cac.e dairy J.e rcti, vho ros 120 nit.s a outsjde Ballyhooly, Ireland. Back iI Balyhooly, Johr used to read abod Inshnen
John tells the Hatuetrs
ber herDilg her do ir neBelf, Ri.hard naynond ror crcsscdolrty !d SuD
back hom€ wbat they
selt" E.}! h.s two otLer
Bdllyhoo BroughtCats Ballyhooly's Hortnett
'A lot ol eirts ftn me abour rheir relatives in r@land," said Hadner, a marketinE
-Ncl carnl
lotd he I'd ,nd i6h bde dy
have r0 study hard hard ud I sdurdn't
break out .J&r hy lftshma! yea., but I haverl, t havent t'ed to converr dy ol thd
liG @e probr.6, sih, hrE siou co4-
schurer qutioned, notably
Foot Disorders MaY Hold KeY To'Overuset llls in Runners M.dbaf.inwr@i SrN FuNcrsco-Th€ biodccbeicaUY
dftis fd lle Flt
16 s etul in ppentn*
Foup mdlne triep. sue,Iel lift& sili @oe @s&, dd/d 6hG th.,t e sut in
By Struclurnl foot Delech fot *d Rported hw b bold lx' lb. ove@ sFdom--lodd'Y alli]bd.d b e'63 adivnyal @ @( > Ricbad Schusler, D.?.M., chaimd Ieg, sd tFe tn of tn. Oindpedic Department .! rE New Th.* rvndrcnes include lel 4u! York Cou4e of ?odialric MediciDe, .oled achills thdmirL, re$ fEllE 5M rba! stuclural !!riaii6.s of the fool a.e m@h more litely to caue synptons ib sDldB. dd l1mer s ba ' Dr. CeorF Sbabm of R'd Banx N r'' ru.neB than in FerwDs vho ft 143 aclive. bur lhal impad sh@k, sbea!, run nC ! cdrt'olosi$ 'bo i3 a ditrda rudd hibslf. de*irb€d a! l.voluhodarv be suf@, age, $d footw@ mBl abo b€ coc.d lnar lhe id wiLb ilbe@r 3dt_ He Iisted, as ndd com.nly lEdispoF Md ;robleN ir ePdibl' ror $' d' to rc! tuain. in ordq of fteir @uihe Hsebfoft lhe at$ete bs tlild 10 EIY re;c: loref@l vms. .'me slblald on svsptooatic r.nft. eouinus i!tuenca, snbtah vms' no1hirs to PEv.rr lhe dureoe-oi a' *hoi 6ri ndaraMl ond 6e saciL ioor. .owde problm, h. told o eDt@D€ Tbc no* *riN lotential ld Prot €m on "Th. AthleG r Dtlma: @e@ !}r_ in tuen. accordibs 10 Dr' Schud.r, x dr.n of $e F@t Md Ir& rP.rDM bv th. C (,m CoU+F of Podi'rtc "Wi.r tn. foEfool h nol .tircttud Medicine rtr @ptratjoD wilb Ihe D'pd_ id.llt p.nrH b 6e 3mu4 ihe ldt ot nent of Medicb. of rhc univeBitv or $e @-b€oB ot 6. rlrli* od' califomE, s& Fdds fot d io tlntd o! of lh. B Frt-k Tb. 6ili.ttr i' |h.'kry M_ Ior th conD.M. b goud,n he .t' i!. 'Fl6F;.tre. lhlt b rtr .tbleh"{ftn s ov.@ .Y!dfr&, Pc plri.ed. "In ou riculrdv lor d. illtlr*. |@d D. do! dJor oE or 4rd4 rt r "9O Pd Fil or dodoE 3l'6 fattr4 lacL sFri& rau bd ho' mlhlng ahod .t. rdL dd-.tuo @oJing loEfol rlbPtoN, .td, lr.t p.dL sraod h.t. *e.r t.rD4 1{ obsred ihat $sf hall lne mnen abod 5p0o st (es on @ch l@1 d hou, sr in his practice 6av. tn@ prits that over_ dd 'ort of ltis so.t of ltdning the e. fel de dire.lLy Elated 10 forcl@t to
ue 3tidrotu
is born,"
Dr' Srehd
1. Dick He6sle! & Be. Londeree, tie, 2:00:52; 3. Malk DuFre6ne, Kar as City, 2:06:00; 4. Rei Ftazer, 11, 2tO7 t46i 5,
Tod Kilbuin, 2:14:54; 6. loe Ddcan, 2 | 20:i4; ?. Hadley Grimd, Macc Mo., 2:23:39;8. chris KeUy, 2:28:01: 9. Rober' Masure, 2:35:26; 10. Joh! McCro!y' 3:03:54.
normrs lilol! Likely Athchd
ZiiGlGl r.r-, e"g. t,
90 decre
1. Rex Frazer, '11, l:331
Z. Dean Neal, Success,
Mo., 1:36:05! 3. Tom K burn, lr43:22: 4. Mark
A..Yohrionarr cpprosch 10 .nnmrt' rortr@ rFrlroEcar pnll tf,e Um. on
LL.Ent 3lrrcbEl ptubleG ol th. l@t' monrhg ro D., Siebe, 36on tutr|ltg (ri3h1)
ir . cf6<ortr
DuFresne, KC, l:46:01 5. Joln Mcc!o!y, t:5!l 6, Jean Madden, 46, i:51:05j ?. Ralph Ander-
Z:06:2 8.
TRIATHLoN (Mile, 88i
Nmoq subtald range, !e $id, i l!€ nelhal Posi neri no$ cffion crw df dch slrain eilh th. *eight on &d rehted prdblens af Md, Wi0l lion is slthlty lanted. 'hde ihe ourside of r€ fooi ' with this tvpe of n4ow rmge, he said! fie !earf61@mt@t, he ob.ened, rl'r* di6cdti$ can tlex dq rcl hove rbe tull capabili.y to a! a ki of bive^al joinl ed $e f@l . Th. sh nay lall ard caNe such die act derefore fteely adapl to ydrlrds ord* s de neel spu 3Fdrome sd cdo. in rhe rerain unb$ n sEe$€ otla fd joints, lading lo rch slr.b. . -ahe slres may ''lncident3lly," he renrked, "tle r."suppotug me$ of gly ropes sd nins!' duciion ot adductidn dd abduction of l!. formed by |be ED'loDsrd mu*le of thc l6t !ha! is Aseiated with nmow strb. legs, wi& symptoms dtuiant from rbeir tald rsge *ems ofter 1o b€ @npeBt€d Dr. S.hut r indd6 sbn.! ftFt h.1ar$d 6 . l..dirg @ ol sh *.i' ir l@ causc, rbe f@t, ed $ ile ve{t f@t mY in the hip, *hich iD lm often sbo$ sjgs ed iqgeE, Norbd Deral,asl le4lh h rh. fcd rbov. b ontu d *trh li. n&d! . Tbe sll€s may caxe tristiry oI de f@1 Mosl of the p.edistolirg ques of aci .bori ticl toq od nd:lrFt! ir $e L.a h.r6r. on the mll€ or 6f the leg oo the kr@, slrain, be said, ce b€ ared hechmic.Iy ts leding ro Epeated stB f!rctuEs 6f t6e wilh slectul nate.ial 10 absrb *ce$ive dbulo .nd ,ppendy inNable loe. 4n- sh6k, by strerchlng ihe hrcles thal limii $e ldge of norion or by a! ortholic to s\lFeys hlve sbofr, be sid, rbat be' breach the bet*e! the &.i bav€ weat
lw@n 35
@nt of
wak feet, *itb a shon tust melotlre.l Ile Dr. Scbutd ndied liat m orllolic 1o m6r 6mmon problen. ThL dd otb* provide bslan€ md $!pon o. a 6n nel caus* of ei@$ive prondion lc.d lo a cup to from cobpr$sior i. seIorque twisting of lhe Lg ed tligt boDe. 6slul lrot*t vilh pletu iel lains, md 1!a! ''11is couss li,e pst€Ia 10 ride over lle lalqal condyle, ud ils uld.lside b€@mes iri-
rc&d md chon&malacia is under
'O!a .rdE roJ, b $ort of or*d4 o. f.ot .heEdilt dn hdD Anlrniq elt ir rtuptod6.. tCr dd s.[llg, rblctr d |d, rltr Nt.ld.' b.t s mr B rrrbr mo6' th. pdr rin
rcontads ru-
3ut porteiror beel pain, be $edi oD, h IEqueDdy du. ro kodiniB or ankrjor acbnbbNilis, co.diiioN tound in ihe pefton y1t! a short h@l co.d o. 3hon caff nuscle ad in the 10€ tund. Trcahe.t coNisls of *@-up qsrctsB lo slrercd th. c.U muscle, iostsrctjns 1@ tun4 ro rud on &en heh, 0d the w of beol
A simpl.loDEitudiDal aab or a swiicb to a sn@ vilh a g@d shdl nay b€ s6TIE Bud Mner's attitude of .mins cient, he eid, bDt a m.jdily of th.s orough ibe pai!,' b no! al*ars wis. Dr. polie
s wi& sflcr€ strptom fted fr podiaEic evalnrlid dd rne irdica&d
1. Demis Stewart, 4:2: 53.6 17123,8 torz ^a\Al Bro*!, School c: 2.
azatk+,4136-3,7oz, 56. r (?:34.4)r 3, Davi: coopea, 16, Jeff. Cir.r 4t12.2, 2t08, 54.5 l7t=
aio, , ron fA.- ,.r_r .oqri, '.rP:.o!PrriiG
ii ii
.z .i
1745 3 M ?0 4or
Senior Tearn:
l. North Car:olina TC, 51i 2, Beverly Hills St.iders,
Santa Barbara 1-A,
134; 3, Sur.ryrit Indiana Striders, 210; ?. Twin
AC, Ohio, 155; 4. E. T. Cities TC, 219; 8, NM:
For inlotmation on any ot these prcgtams
wtile to: W. Coope\ Exe.urive Diteijtot, Urrired Srores
Noth ,or,
fucson, Arizond gSTOs
Manthoa siate Mar.thon
usrFF sourhvestern
Nor,h rex$
UsT&rizona oelroir Ness
!^ 21'1e14
rohn Mc
feb 9 19'4
Mc Cee
""" i$liJ,?:::'i'"",t:""' 4oo
2nd Ave
ucson Arizon! 35tos
3950o- ?.? waren Rord P1!nourh, Ilichigan 431to
USTFF Soulhc.stem Mar!thon
.;ain.slille, Floid. 32601 Irnivernn olr"orrhen towr ralls I.rva s0613
USTFF Unieersity of Northern
USTFIi Nalionll Mrrtthon
USTII Maralhon
Des $
rloines.l.rE s03t I
Srat. Lniversnt
-.__..-.-,..,.,, _ An.ual ronc Berch
_'.EYEtllS_ Second
Stxre cross
Crliro.ni3 Sra!. univesity ChanpionsbiF
USTFF Firsl Annual Soulhrveste
Ocl.20, r9?3
UsTFF In* Annuat Rocky Molntain CrosrCourlry Chanpionship UsTfF Thnd Annual Edtâ&#x201A;Źrn Cros Country cha'rpionship
cr.slCouni!y Championship
\onr T.\s
5raie Univesity
Bo!ide: arL.ido 30302 f eF.:r rr :.rr srsit univesity
'a,rr:::r, r?.k.
USTEI tounh ]\nnuat Mid-Ameica cross.Counirr cham.ionshi.
Vic C"odftey
Cirls National Cros Counlrv Ch.noionslriD UsTFF Third Annu,r Veier;ns md Ma*.ri NalionalCrossCounlry Championshi!s Mid.Anrerica countf y crrafl pionships
Annuil Nilioral lunior Cros-County Ch.niDionsl'ip
y, Oklahon.
USTFF Fouth Annual We${n cross cornt! chrdrpionship USTFF Fhst Annurt Southern crosY Counhy Chrmpionship
LrS'fF! lwelfll Anntr'l Nriiondl
country chadpionsl!p occidentar college
ar_: _ liiiJli.F' :.::]'-.Lnj\t6il1.
L: ._:: i
arlir'on,:a 90041
$d s { { ;
i{ :F
p.R \ *\ l- {
d, uniled States Track