09.1961 LDL

Page 1








t J



N g* +ob


vinton edses oui Hank Levin in recenf Marsate, N. J. 3 Mile Beach Run.









7. Pat Parr.f, ucm, r,2,lo4: 3.

Iorh.6! xh!€.6t, sarmbsr r, r96t 2,l a copy, tr.oo a yoar tr.0o p.f yar for fr'6r t2.0o ^dd p.r ya. for ar. B , {oodbury, xoy J.rs@


irriF ro* b, r: rr:1rr i2. elerln. r$& cruL. 1,1i!4.: rr. Dlck kr'E, ucF, 1'r2.r4r t4, cr@ p.t;i.. York m. r:t5:23: r5. olm srmqu!,r, rorj. m; ln€ rc. r!29r2t,

eBrRc M3


Lo zrdD,

r:26145. 9.

ltr!6 $

Jury 'oRr!, - uurEv turb!.q


s, rcdd i.;qd rD ih.

o.!r hrd,r. Don Jaebs, nsqrd, 0f6ronr tub E16 rh. *s 1r,r0. rho rrsred r4..d f.r sa oh!r'r4oo..tny,chtoaso''qt ItE6gotby[1b'!1m86 IrD.i T.d oorniit' \"r0, :luP} df b r9'3, turr'E Fr s. ;co,{ JAgo@t,Yashrnebn|!.0.j dr6^uEtdla ronnc rh! t,ooob.. H. rljli)r.d r,h. roo DoDl!xLi@ug}' rr:r.2, tusr a fftl of s s*d d;rc! rMi oru., Pa[54ld, sydney,N.s.{.,Auafu!]]&; ro frqli, fof hrs *;. *iodsh, Lr!ry O.ad., 06i.!dal., orLor.d rh.aE! dlao f 1r: ,2 (rd d au tbo rbrr 6!d l 5,ooor rn tr:r9.2 (rfr b63i) hrs fasresi I dleE E' rr'rt.2j Dav. pof.r of b r)irr.4 (rr:25.3 t hl. Herbc.s,6 a.^.u. ilr,ro of 1961 !y Yr6 2,4\.4, 2,46,6, 2:4r.4, 2:46,6, 2,41.2. orh,r roslb! qq, r. pet6, enol, rz, r:{3.3 (3eE) 19. Noi r trm.r Hat tol aa 1, of & sf'dm, t:49.1 (1,4€.6tr I, ^usust .backcd'ga.nra ,, G.ry Phrtpoftr rz, 1rt..j {. pEr rnt3. 3. f1r.i frv. fd.nara sr. Iror r:to.0.,I.totu: r.91n Joissh, rqodm, t:44.2 3.r, )i44.4.,),oolh sc, r. 861, 3.44.3j 2. G;-ir.n_ .b, s,3:50,4, caughiD!ffhrr'Ii11fuPa8 1.. rdcorr of 8rt 3:44.4 (3:o7.3 ar rooo!). u!6 vlses (dB) kd 2nd rn 3:tr.4 (roo yds. bck,)..3oo!: r. Don B6rLta, .eed!, r,5r,3. 01q, o.rrf.!



,on ua s6 .ro.3 coDiry




eo.hdm, Bo1, ),42.4 (p.rsoEr,!c.),.3oo 1:r9.or 2, rold LMi;;.. Borgru, rr49.3r ,. fissrs1ud, No.m',


2, lr1dtur,er ddmc,


th. yar

Batry, u3, ,!4o.2 (b.rrce r.ooid r;---tu!6r



;;i;;;;;. o.i, r,'otu .f

P]u, ih6 1,


r:M:03.4; 2,

Br11 F.yes,

uorc, r:r6,t2j ,. {vna Duff, ucrc, r,16:17r utlr' r:17:41, t. rda R1.bxl6,


^h. urE Nsr,€ - rus. 20, aE4rd. BsJ, Ih*, 10 dpdsd w 17 .addd8 h rr. r bd6fatJoI''!'[.uE/nft. Errtdo battl.. bry sarrma 3tr ,ord.. of d. rorrd ord .rohn f,.rrw Ee 4rh ,o, rcn iaY roili' ,;r* Iui (16.5 d16s) d rus. 27in rn r:rr:49, 2. erdon xcxrur., 1:tt!r5r ,. tuarss slotto, t:tr,5 ico41.r. m.16s n6,t tunih)

I 2 oiN


-c^3 o]'

h. Khd,.. fa6hlo.srthtn.iqp'4].'

L,-^ '8,'| :''...""c-;"re. " ffisi 3 o 1 . are* urar he sur "rt6.6. a. .r ; d1116 ,sbN ".fr;r has. "...e;!r ,;oo;a ,rre.r c-;s6n d' ".",;;L',I c;F iE1.r4 natuda i.$d rtfdu,ll "le.d.!P*,I".a"ir1f.E



,,4o. hrd Fr

1s parn.


Erd, _r!3{!r m oor.t F,

sp!o'..3oonp.yche hJ@dlL. rr. r-3n..r

rod lodr,oh @ a;r"d uld o! . .F-Dfotsot'dal u .rr.hii d-i a esa. ajd ' !'s vo ara ,n E


: ',.. .*rL *, ";"'.-,"'" rh. '*t.." '";.;h'" sons d'd tdr ;!tbs t rua .''d h'.. oq"iition? fdr3.diEb..i.a1ft€131 all a uttar of belrdf. sohsidr.r. Rr b3ok h ntg :-.' :::'[:Tl: {ii::,T: ::T:1 1::: 11 ir::"::':li'?1" rrc$. ri !i, oDq fl.ii. 1: *:|". " : :-l1lql:*i I 11 *1: rb. r,r.' h. s.i.., $. D!' ba "lrghtut rch l::'T*::"" ". hcrthy rs. pb!!. bL,6 paEd u.rd3b 6 'f" '" .^ .




b; ye;. r LE.l

@'i r,r'! b..n s@. 6o1f-do.tfuc.tldd1r.dtErnia3


!r id


ih.r. r..r



nrgllr. ho ddrcatd atlrtsio


$starssiry'r€'t!e!*. ha.dfuirii3pr.tt'obvto onivasftngin'arto'iiyc rifr.anr tui run' Gnqron aihrai ,L-fd i,oE 3ob6dbvr.ftdrgability.Ilsld phy'r.a]ona8a..trr.dr..r

'Th. annete js a lon.b, ituliridnt

ms ft|x-g'IRIT ]DE^! 1H^f u

mE FNon |,axf



rdtu;'--- ;i:1,il:yi:,$T;\:"tl*":;:,iil.:.:i",* 6reva or boh i,, ih, m

coqd.lv. adjuBrbar,r tlBr h. d. r pdini df n id. ylrh 4, dppondt3 'h..L1is



r. f;ci Bfiid a k+D mr€ ,!ysr*rL, BJlrcied. io; ab1.. ert orvious,


byFiur..offivb4iPg rosro

- frlr.d h 6€6 116 iusdflabr. h acebrhs'!or& loud on6-!r1o, r,425 F.d'

sh!!.ddrb}d.. caios th. dhar4l6.


* *-'i

blt tui al ihe i.p, rnrd'e


-,,- "* .-

,r,, r c1 "v;od.. F, l.helr deily p@c6 ajn sarf_


ing ad E!3'i4.

r0! d padn. bet ', h16 crty _,r3! t9, 60, 61..fhr6s 1a!s & Nl



drd of rB rn r9r3

116 u


decads df

ri6 ca_



e! ba u8d

ee6. h.rd

offridr by fts r!%,Eirod orrEi. cob$r_. $e rost of arat d!,6nc; !u_ P|of$6roBr,aee6t|rDbh.

ur. sp!l's, o!d&r 11rhE da ae.

dhs tr.'o mre rhq se

MU srrotd

@3,halielrthav.outBlona &ad313


tho ,,0ooo


j for


iioFnorrurc6rd tus ;; r.h;

day baok


b r9o4, l1r{

rn !903 ea h. t:rEh.n ch!@rmghtu rn !osb_

fldrysi'rv.,F6tlll€drn st.Tvg6'adtd4tr'.ch4


n t9!2 di srockblE.

h ee r92r tu6d ri anir.ry b.ln]Mdtuivrtrrad*J'!d ndi 74, and rivr'e in BoFion Beon, r!.. (p.0. Box 217), brs !6a1rh €au.y r4 ihlch6Ecdrhe4o.t'pesgsri. dr to yars aeo


rtut E. ht3 trn. hsr ryd rn ;4 tool.t!.c1tydlcl..r,r*. r.i.u. hadquir.I. rr

Foc}} Pornt R.r.,

lsrAcovoringlel6iror.& 8lrur ba!.r.d! rldlr.ryr$'s.tout

hl8 SrEi he

Eor. !1. Bill au€r,

;ros rc.rL


t!6 !@ yftir r!. s6rrh. br;

ni. r!r. 4, r ,rapo.s. cr,relda6})1Ds, ro&r., ru. ]o t.000b '. rokod&, rl,:rr4,or ro.a..r r. aoa. r,oooE B'ois.. /aLe.3. o r\ , sr a,600{ io:12.!j 3oob, . lorbb, r,52.rr rtotc r. s!;. or r',01.3. e r 3000 ,:@l ):.€.o../Jdd, rd.r 19 chrarur turqd . 1154.2: ss*i, A!r.r, q20.3.) ^trlE, xaBr,',lrfu &bour 1ro


anl.y rd

Ju. o, r9-9,


rc6r Err. rc b: sacr vorhr. (2), 1,7tu- ,.r\., _ .2)rr rar t2.6 - r#r.o ro.e! rr54.€ _ sotr,olur,8!r3hrr. (_), '.q)o& _turub eh! r:0.rr.,4 oi|l. rc.r r{.ioe €g

a.oF h€rrh aL 32 "doo












runro! & sodror

."",,,";:'ilyo:":; coullr






6. A oo gcaalurrs, Ir'i1t_.s€ aa,

..,. """"" i".";:: i':ff: #:: rll

'i: """", _t.

coDs€ Jn MID€aFo1r6,




tsoltsr. Nf?a





q#{:iH H,:\H:":,i"{f ri:,:3:";;":;;:'s:i Ji.."'., .:lil }l s\o8 !d. Er!..i6(l .o[p€tltloh tron",",." a 1?_ club_ tA,nl y.s-old sh. Prur blrl1 3cbooto! ,ossd,; ;l il'H.'l{'ii"!H!:.:'"is1o! 1,:1? su&t, Julr 21. 1961 ^*" =,",*-. ,.o.. a"*;lliY;$.1"*:; I#H:::,I*|,: *++$i'1, *.r*:r. .r9jjt.ir i. :. re KLsL!6rr,. rod conuay. i;; ;-;ilri:r;.el- iLilil.riirlir'1.o.rr.Lc13rE: 6. D. ioo;. 1i.9s'i. i.-fi.iyt :iisii;t

i,ff#ii.",i; iu l;,}i'i: "f i;l:;i,' .&.-.6=4J-ci 1. Gl€D cutafro!, Jl:ao.

":f:g"i{q,L"::i":'i"*:fuj:h -._*------


;-. AA0 Loao D:ST(NC_ CO.{TlI-E -1Rotot1T4l! sffs sc E:r JaE oF FIrIs -0a all sl-Asort r, r.d toiron, l3:1J.2j 2. rh€ soxodula of lons olslMcs runs crr :L_E:Ilfgi Ro! Ilas., 3!:0dj l. Dtck tllpo. llr:Ll: L'lo M.l, A4U fall Dar radr, o-do! of orglnosd sr rm Jutr @.!lne -q:J.IF sE th, 15:55; 5. or E!€ rola d,slsc€ coTtrltt66. riootlrg @,io! chaitud Aldo Scandua 0'4oX1rL-U BAS' VICTon Or Tonmls tO_(E(EHolB Jo€ 11€'b-34r t4t!t-os6 j-{, Lou yon'.rs..rq, e.2r- r' 0'co*s1r.

.^l:*y," " """-'ir*. "-'j,.'il51!;"ii]'"i*:9i..fu r"u"srui*. ivriii:'9,:'l;;f:;::';::;'.i:: r-* '"a ;€ rolrorara 1s a )1 rrsths o. datse eld d..€eted otbor srsriols .; "h rhs eacoy ^1.d spoEo-€d ln-djl€ load 3i th€ "6err.€. llh6n o.-;@r'r. Jr. *tr.*r :dL'-"ai-ii"". i:l;L;:T l;i,;ff.:,:"1".[jl.;:"f i;" v:g;:i",


i*,*, * ".*

"iy "._,,".8oiii."i : :5 !a-x aos' {:;: ili'fil;:' iil'i:'* *: !:":i;iJ-lia:*.ii:: ;l,F;il'.i: o.ll6!t. doEldolle ros 9Oo nlrttr da) au8. ?o - 10,0008. s[aL!r Is sno. 1r.Y-

_ dd rho lorsb b'rrt ll lsp oouse. f|. tlollly fo! tb€ fl.3t llm€r undd! lc yoarE oi aa6 to Crilsh vss roo br 3t1l sbfads! oa \Iddlobucb. I.y. tou xblto of rh€ x,l. Plo;o;r c-ub cEp.$ad l,b6 vat€!a4, trDDre for ruM€ls .a6! L5 r€ds, Th€ r1!st u€stcbasLs! to llllsh uas Jo6 Idorel of rJ€ cbLllora

1. rl. o'corool! i.1ti..-a,ar"^;!' sr ^ ^

ALa. 2? - .o rd8]

M1!L r (db;uL 1? lllos) Stst-(.lbbus ^l!cl.. s6!t. 10 - x-co{t!t ru et Rockttll€ centot - ioltatlvo sopt. 1? - MsL, s!. t5e chele . Hs: J. Sl1!3! Momrtal s€pt, r4 - I r41I€ Edoap. vd cortl..dt pk oct. d - ( xil6 ,sdod!, vo Corrtudt pk. oct. 1c- Iona rsrdd Mu,LboE 126{r. 185


.. ;:i ,r- i'"'iri i;", x-c at vs cori. pL. : ilii: i:i!i i:! !i Yfi 33lL:F': s,t\ u,t+a 1o,-) '*: fl: ,. ll+,.:,:*.*1"1,*tui,-,,Laar"r*sb, {il; jl: ili;: fri *:E lHfii*Hlii: ii: 4. 3i vni:.,-i,fi':-dttr'ijl"c'rrro'nr". t*. 2r- 5 & 10 lro--Roed Races, Poushi:*ro x-c st vd x- fiilii';nt *:"'e r. ' ;i:'-":::q,'S;:* coltldot Park, a-on. a.- a;lji: A,;r ^.'. L.,.^ ---__--__-------



6. 'ed Colbttt. f,€! YorL lloeo! c1ro. rb6 cra&toe ac rbsa!1D6 (lubltso€d ltll 4to6 \2t2t 6r:E dontbly) Edlto-: cbrls Plck$it. 6! rshJoh4 ca.rs!p. irlllross ai. -:.b /1:Lg A@ Alo,. To!o!to. ontalio .*1.00 tiaF r. ?2:56 " "?.lih

lfrLSE r,rIXS 9,2 r1lr,Es i'lD!!n nrr/Llnic olJla.lPrc D'l"TLoPMrxl cRoss corlllTny p,rcE PAT

, Pa., sDrdey, July Jo (? P. rL ) !€!lsgobtlns Dolru4€ Valley M, ron the 2d aMual MIdd16 Atlanilc nnt 9.2 id16s clors-countrv todrht $1th a t1d€ of l+9:18.o, Brli xe1si, I11!oro M, f1n1!b6':l dooond 1n 50:J1,0, r!11o D€1-Vdls Velr Molsan va. thlra !n 5L:1f. Pblla.

Fat ltalsb. LaSalIo Cotl6so studelt

l{ayf161d (tu1-vel nn)

vort orf lost ovo! 200 rard!. Eo fIE11f flblEh€d foqtb ln 52:18. 0t!€! flb.lshols: 5. Domls JolDto!, tb11a. Plocor, 52:l+5; 6. tlcl Don5i: Mo5€s

troad1lrg and



Irrr':Adi:9!T5o-r_-q tuo' Dr€h€!. Del-VaI T!;-9!TA,P!C_ E E KIn!.1d. Poh nc.


Kerh. Dol-Vd AA.69lOO.

56:08; g!!Jtr rr[ swo!, swor, sush nush rasoout, rasoort, Jack 3g!Ba!ry,. lltzos: ?trophies&J 01mo1c Prab&

D.v.f o!!€!t nedale.. orllclals: 8111 shdto, ila Davls, ld1 l1d!1ds6, Bob llblio,.A sood croxd {ltnoss8a th€ rac€ {1on8 Cobb6 c!€€lr ?a!!xay.. coDs6 !€cby !uth6! Burd611€, ?€b tc,l



nssccrrrTroN 0F

IIlSf I]{ ,!slxllls 0F SUM!,€i CROSS Corr-lrftt lulls sM Bofmldino, csrf., smd.J, July 9 9:L0 a,b, c9,. I dt1or, b111y 1. John Cloga, 616ndora Es, 19:10.3 2, Deturla lqy@ugh, santa Ealbsra Ac, 20:1J.6; I. J1n llldn, r&crftc Es, 2J: 42.2,. orcEa, a t:14 l/4 o11€ lurer rho *111 6ntor hls sento! y6d et clondola ES thls f411, 1€d floE srarti to fldEb ove! the toush ?aolfIc l$ cous6, a blt FelE6d and !€rsth.n6c, J1n l11en ra. outlrtckod fo! sscond as !aM1E nav@uah passed hin a shorb r&J b€lox€ th6 SAN tsERNIFDINO ?RIS'ITS,.THN

I],1 A sERlls 6: sl'MMffi x-C B€rurcLe, Catlf ., Surday, July 2l S.55 d.b, ?0",. l.U ht16s, locbo canron a.n!.. on€ toush b111.l l. Ldly lt6rd, @tt., n6d1eds, 18:08 2. Bobolt Uard, rodlands !s, 18:18 l. st.ph.a E, noula.. lhachs! s.ttool. .!a A.C., 19!59; 5, Bud F.@n. san Bo!eldtno Jc, 20:f6r 6 n D€JDI! Kavasud 3&{C, 21:19: ?. nlohrd U. nyon, sBAc. 21:t2; 3. Js. Al1ea, ieclflo Es. 22:20 9. Rob.lt L. 01d!M, SE1C, 25:12! 10. fll1td Cd, Paclll. S, 26:f7. Bob rda, a ldnto!-to-be .t !6il1dd! HS.

fEE 3!c0x! San



bad, but kas soon oa3sforher |t. :r Abtoalo JC ald F€dluds Udverslta e€. }]a!d, th€ €1der, had cofr!€tod rerr 11tt1o ln ths pssL T6r but lookod {ery snooth as ho alslmd ooMd .d tho lon€ bl1l, st€T€ Foqlacr s Junlo!school (0Jst, cat lf. ) oas€d lnto third 8ft€r the bill dd las rer6r chdllor€8d. rlx Psso DovBlIs Ix 4:29.9 & 9:119.6 los Ane€1os r{t1son 8.S., Cdtrlf,,, Frl. July 21 - tlr l€eso, a 4.r9 n o! flon {dn both tho r11€ dd tro-hl1e in e all-c@rs n€et b6r6, T]]6 s€.tor-to-be f,.rc6d Douc CalboE. 4:11 hllsr & !€cont 6ulvo! dltr E.a, Eraduato, to dro! out of th6 tlo-ntlo ald th€n s10r dod to a ialk iD th6 nt1o..larls ll1ltl36 ol Soutbeln Udr. 1n lou1s1tu Ho! hh6 880 lb 1:55,2 ( 23.6, t6.6. 1:2<-3). -I.L l+:29.9; 2. ssriou, !:tt3. l. st6!6 Morton, ssnta re ES. 5':06.8-.2-[i16: 1. P€s5o, c:!'r,6 (2:1c, lr:4?,_7i2:Tl 2. Morto!, 10:26.2; 3. A!d!6! Castro, East lA olfrllas! 10:29.9j L. casto! olvolas, sarta !e Es. 10:3J.8. u.s. tdls lotlst Ix nADt T0 c4? TonR ldsar', ru1r 29130 - T}3 onlt€d Stat€s traclr tod conclud€d e !hl!lttnd to6 of !u!o!€ ty dot€attrA Po1dd tr {€t, b13oreb1€ katLe! sd tutntaibad lts !€co!d ol n6re! iravilg loet a, Irt€rnattorBl m6t. Coaoh J1b tlliott's squaa ron 13 €ronts & Poldd capturod ? as the u.s. r@ u! a I2191 rtdaIb ir l)otntE. (lBt day)- lsA 68, roland L9.,oold, sfoont aft€leon, . ?0, 000 faB, 1.500p: 1, Jln B8atty, Sen Jos€, caIIf. l:40.9; 2, ultold BsD, ?, l:lrl.9; L Kazl[lrez z1@y, ?, 3:47.8; [, Jtu Gr611€! Sdia Mo!to!, Caltf,, 3:52.L (ljlth DJ!o1 BulssoE out o! tho laco rlih ! so!6 1og, Poli.Eb hopos rerg htah. lM6d rolIsb !ls€!, !,Ito1il Bd@ @d b:!5 00adr role cortaln afl, rc€L tbat Bdd rolld b€et Bate3on. th6 tto Pol€E taolr olf l!@ th6 ltdi & !d thgtr flrsi la! ln 5€s, tls 800:tr. i! 1:5d. Thoy !or. r.lltually slrlntlir€j bhe 2L-y8u-old Bds leadlrle bf, slf, yads oYo! Ztug ad ir€ry€ ov6! Beatty. Jlr e!€11. rad ray t.o! & out or it., Irto bbs flel lop spod tho lobA3t!1d1!s Bsd. zldoy bad fedod & saatty saedd to h€ sl-rali.llg to koe! (contrnEd reit laso )


A!€oloE, 15:01+,8. (:€atty ra, at zthny's slLouldor uh11 tho lest 13p. Ito !r. llo 3€on€d u!b1€ t. dut ltto galdrs u45 boat€n by sbout lo Ya!d6, ) l;ad., hto th€ l$t ta! 9dan r4, sd doon: 1. J€lr stebo*. lllLllts. Caltf. no!, B€atty 6.1n6d a 1itt1€, lut mt nEh. off th6 tun thoy c8re and the!, eror so s1ody, Boatty b6gan to aaln. Iie novod lr. ltltold BaraD, P, 1:55.7. c1o!€r and c1o66r to Branrs ebouldolr fi6€t ilot€s: Bur6loh had a 31tql1t hushovolod oven !1th hin and then s1o!1yl !8!nJully, €dgod ahead a f€tr xslde bofore tho fln,lsh 11n€., Hls clocllns of l:40.9 ths xorld of trac! ana t161d, sucb caw6 hln a shdo of Burlosonrs rmrlcan tnlDeos de cri!!li!)&,. r.Jnri6r th6 offtclal lat€ o! orchahca, tlc!€ts cost ;ecord and 1s rho oqutralont of a l:98 il.01+. 60 o6nts and 20 cents..lhe stedl.ooon- stchas€: r. :dzlslaH Krzvsz]ldlak. lE ov€llookr th6 Vlstula Rir6r, lhidh F;-EJZE_2-.-Zto"s, Youhs, sll'ar crty, 5pI113 tlaouAh tho h€dt of the clty. x. ,, 8:lr8. €j -1. Doacon Jores, Io, a cltr, It ras bul1t 1n 1955 fton tlF lubble Iosa. 9:01,6r lr. JarzY }tatblas. P, 9:0c,2, ot bonbed bull,dhss. lhe aust of brlck: (rrzyszlro,laL, tho Ohnp1o ohalio! and pulvellzoa by bonbs @ht tnto tho !@.Iis traolr. lt 1s oallod ihe f.nth holdo! ot th6 11sted !or1d rocold of 8.-11.1+, {on 1n a rl@Ney, no conllattod AElv€lsdy Stadtm, reqnin5 th€ iodh t]]8t leck of codletltton had cost hli a abtvorsdy of ?o1tsh lIbolatlon flon ro!1d lecord. !. could have 6on€ nuch Iastor- h6 sald. Tho e!o!-ln rovlr r.!nrs*d too rtuos oenlnd ,ta 6ooa.8:L8.8. sn. Dryrsrot! opElr 6.5_It1!E EAxDt.Ap conF€tltton for a:12,6 ts hdd to ftndl l Mte€alor's' Mxu' ultrr darh.ss rarrln€ rasr *d.r1 .rr+r,- iLl""f 6:erho'' a1 overts ove!. fod NdLkors !o!e lauched oh a 10-ki1o hl]r€ roud atd loud tha traox. ri^l1l"l,.P;]qlil: zo, ro. p€rsoro .""fl!:';"1-:u""' usLc., ronr or t €lhororna bunnr nou3- ;:--:.1-^ii:' ;:.;i',,:ii' ,i: i ","" Dooer Lorchar r-.o' 6 .r bht to sec by. i;i?:'fi; :;,.ii;: i,66', zlii.t' s,:.t.€ ..s. t't1Lra.r a ar non zrr. ca'e i ;:.;-::;:. i:i..;;\ ,,.1 c^sosf. bror6 rh6 Amrrcs rscord by ur!- * ."; ";i;t.i;;!';;;:^,- ";:i;, !;;.; FAc6 ln L?:01.0. Thd nln! t\€ 6xbtbltron .";*,r,ri." i"i.r"i galrtr,o" q'n}1o, i3:13 'i1,..."1:"_?i:";,*;"; ll;l3l "", ".1 aso ov /2d day) - osln ?o_rcd doM, - -,ss so dlrf _ Don Bo!rt{d. r.! os. R--k \!6r]lA, Julp'rs al!-s, oepp6. sto€asT, s!. Paul, x;! .ould no roasor b€ seon cr6M-r.. sbout res6, xrpi, sM c!o;;ton, lops. 10,000 fan3 blseod L.6 all-dat laln rtet Norol: riLs BoD h6ar loor ro4 rhq 1!a qu3€dr6 3-d rut -no 3naro ot' oally s€ason ndrlors../ad r-lrpo ra}o a'- r'J ,te . sdloa! as 'F li'{?I1'l'3;-.-ri. ^. ;.'i;jp: r-;. _*tt#: i: iT*tfri l"""iile il;l:i:. ;,il11:, ohlo. 30: ',6; lii"i;3;' PolanJ. ";:;: f. John cutaocht. {t I 6L,en.j ts{as A&l, L,,s fs,i u; tg l+- I4toczyslar trIollellct, P, 31:00. ll.-;" vlotory h'tr'; io,fr Tiriti" i!:1":3r"t*"::T:."i1 I'1fr3i".'li*u .oE1d€rod qulto an upsot h n@oled ,1rc! ard atso o1!c16€, At t1res the raIn, foa and nlst !€oord lvl€ uvdrs' a u' of alsalpou- couso ras 30 thlok that Mimosota lllEo! lho so"er61y d-ts1ocat€d frofr rh€ vtov of ths odooxols on the h1s h$o laEt tltrcb' 16 luEt s€ttlns fd slao of th6 loth ad).ltolsary !tad1@ lnto 'a shap6 aaat! E€ 3t111 vlth a l4s and ozda va6od s tolrllid tto-m! "l8 volv mttcabfo 11t!' tutir. ali tho {ay. I! rh6 ftm! "r*"iTlL€r purl ar.al, rh€n u' JR. DIYISIOf 3.25-!lIl,E BAT'ICA? atay. r,lhen tro 1Eps, tNo lspr, huex bsee b"e& to !t11 ozoa tlted to cdtch btn, th€ pola to6d L h6 ;ldnrt haee anl4hins 1oft. llueirs 19:15 (3) 2. 2. Rlck'R6c!6!. 11:30) (sc!. ) 18:10 vt*tne ruEI! .,aa abott 20 rsds. ) i: ;";;, ralrY a;;.;;sobot;. is:;:j io;id (2) i:i l(2:oo) 2a:\5 16) lr, roE OMc.y, (1:l0J 5f9*'"1;tff"ti:l'1fr:b,"j.t:ll'€;-19:51 < l:L9tili,,lil::)(,,,oioil?,1'iu, rdrrv llolande!, {5 14:roio; u, boo Jcnu, Los rc:t9 (!J 6. ta-!r Lrtrts. (1:00j


*,-" i;"'



iliffiffisffiffirg Iffi

l;i ''r'"t+JZI '''"'"lil r;i, ;i::i [i] lft li:i" (r) Bl !31il ;**"ifl'ffiii (a) iii 11.+5i', 6* 3:



iFJ rst. 6 lts ror 2ir. orc. --:-1:-9:::::_::::-:::::lt_:titjt::l_rlj_f?' .14

i. ;.sl;ii!'ii;;;;;.!".;;;;.-;;;i;i:,*ri;'ru ;ii{iE, e:"1ru' ui $*tr.n;ifr'-il1#ii;lif '' frj,ui+jiff:T#i.;:#::' TH"5f T:]l:T:1"':;T::::y":s..







!i;.ii'F:fillAd! a^;;:Ai: ;,i6; idi;u'iriit";-1-'fl.*,;fl"':: ih "lr#:q';ii:ri*'# '#rHn






I H:T:Hii'"





crirB (srturday,

rury 3,

r#r _ Bri,ior


a/ scoit


,rn5 arba&s

I ts,e @ro8sd

(1,too hmheB ri n.R-c. ). jarn4 sch L€r bv lnh,



clqiofuhiP m 2,

Jrryi lnd coEoqudilr a ,B '


1i i.!.r D qrlzeo t-

rrD,., rLr rt. lai 6eds15.


or 75 .@.ribf3

&ierd j ,6 3hrLd, ud ,r onrx 27 crcssai rh.

). odars smib,


5. fuos re.chlnr! iriJ 1:)1e


Fe'.at d.o?-Nt Md


,o Mil D. lie !r-8id' (dd6! drbk,

7.3ro rien:5! \n:a, 1c'>Jt e. M., 71;r2r ?, ,'oir ri.oM.r


4^.0., zt'A aat L. {^

,r.r:G: i. r" frmor, +sob 1 irerl, 2:t!rnr .t bnira, 2tattt2 l1.r1Tr'rc'4i./edlYgJ 2ia1.tt. \3pLrr,:1d1eE, 2tr 16 ,1:.2 ro'r; 1i-4i1e3, 1:17.ri :r)ti r:$-l r. firti.en) .son (re) hed rcn

:ruin u Lb r9.P b,ire cues r.ara:;on. Laer .o1:. <db&ii, d; p.rM


6t:t, Bbn,fc

i1,r7r 11. rtke 3r:e! 4. P{aj i:r 2- j ir'14 -1. ;!. Le I " 4;;4, '3 7a,12r 1r. !ry!6 sav€r, rnq, it,2ti 15, rslrir Li!?han. r\Lc. 79i.or 11. P!r] L54nquxj ucri,, oorenin.

i.!N]|-:,ar'1)o}t i.r,, E:it r 12. John raff6rr,l r.i.j 3irtr,2r. rio.: nor, Nur, ?a,.tj \rc, 90,tri 2i. 1.. re,e,, iv,!, il,io; 26. r:.r! 1:3d.orr rhL, 9712r. .*in, !u0,


(a.2, rlad.ord crub,



a6i oi,j

- xarir jon'rr:,

m6H 0l{14:ol;giP3J oa|dl|f' Jto ?!th

r.L. rlo'.r3,2:ro'14, l,0, r. dcromld. 1:cr 12..1.otr sc. l. D. :J, ra,ieeJ a.11,7..![e. I rerbi, 412r.6.,o&: f. i.;: 1: 12.9 (Fac.rr 2:r, jrackyerl r,5r.c..2-xi. rqlk: 1. q. sha@on, lt:2.,3. NoVsf|o!AErMd

rh€b! in 199..r hd


l.*i:valhAr6&|rack H4ff, {rsousn cro.klns 23ro, !r i dled anr 60r@ ai 10 r :l!.I*ctto-i'lgrory.I arry inerea. or hi'l Earii*' rj-7 qr ot'o:d,

rw, 4,n:.3r 2, rst br!;6.! T-6,6) t. |, )Errr 4.o7.0 (4 06.5 lsBr\! 4, -. Foro,.. r.,o7.0. 10 bd l.stda 4: r0.0, rqs & ;n{, --sdinar, F.te. x n€r (406 !qi) ce6 ?d1rnt d vi+6mnmbrd. $6 1sd Fds 160 rh6 bp€,r..r{!!!: r 6do^ 2r'i!, 'oc sLq, 1t.1r.5. 2. Brre q r-cotth€tu, rtr47.2r t, lartr4 rl/rq. 1r.43.51 4. ard ra.krns, trr49.3j 5, r. Hdcd. rr:rr,3r 6. p. !d1of, rJr53,rL..33O: 1. r:49,o, 2. sid Puaie,


Illlo ,nr! s.ai 6. N,ash. , ,r. Rd Laild, v68r [.yrc. ,:23:oi (tko 41rrc: 2t:r3, ,r,51, \113.47, \.47,11,

Jury 22, 196r


2!20,03, 2,14.42.



sob s6ndriok6d

ri6rd. ora,o.

r6e2t24_a6tec *6'Finsifmttlh4rtN'* sdoibeik.6_ ir !l 2. andy arun, 2r,rr,0r ), Joe comorr./.

4,or:26: 4, r€vrn ',23rot): 1.r,, s-^ r&-F, l,ro,do! E&, r.5i6re Tqrror, ,r".d.d. rr,',..e, ,. odeso,0F., 4:trro, 6, Drok Lr. 11ool, 14 r.0: r, ,r, K",,, l4,rr.2.ur6: ,. rr.m ehot,nj 4. rt.2: 2. i.l;ILr. ^rb.lsht, a'59rta.r, 7. Daya Dea.. iy?,e! 4,13.4. ,. r:. pyM,4:r3.t.,3&, r, uik. t:o3:0o..dnr - Dd Drr]{, .d_ Berlsrord. r'<6,4: z. R.r. a11m. i-7.r..!.mo soc, Da hE]1rd, 34ttr.. (e.o & Idd. ) Foss, e:t+.6..rbBrhonr r. {IDD AXD ID@3 Tordnro, ont.!












'. rr€€r 3&T EA91 6i-60 ar ra3ie.rd6, Ju6 1!$ v. 4irr.3..:!:&r r. bdr Broh, {, rr,ra.2r .ht s, rJ:53.5: 1. J. coidorr! r !i.*.d 9 yar6 a8d as a It vrl. nod 'hloh 14'29.3..3'4hasa, r. J. rbd..., s, q,Jo.:i z. R, rktun. r, 9, 1a,3..3€.: : rt }! rhe @arnc r!n.5: 1. r. rurtbrr, s. dvd.y esr.. 24' ecpofl.t .. mlcy.d a sood day of .o@.titre n:!ch sav 'ar Js.

'ELT 17 - Bru


2d orud; €@t

s@artlie cep$,


satE6!r, Jury 29, r95r

ths€ cdti



Itdlchdol l-I;rl.3 nm (lJ:or a.r.i i-a.;?;;;;-sr; la ,rsl Isr}o. H.s).,.,. 2. Il&thy E. Rysdrle {!er!ort 3. Lrl Dd€ (Hutnut4n leach).....,....... 4. vicqi sveeis6! or€rlod rdrbor Hr)...,,.. 5. shpher I. Rolrac (rhcher school)....,....

5-rr!Le opd Ib4 (10:29 3,8.)

16:40 16:44

1b:t4 1?.17

sc srdde.s.,,.,..16:11.-, l2:o9.€

2. Dairv xEphy, t2I.,. 3. r.ns F. {& Del1a, usi!€d€d. - . . . . . . . 16 : 21 . . . 4. tulsr$ cedl]j baitach3d . . . . . , , . . . . , 16 : 33 , , . t- F- r6eph c..:sti, arase coatL,...,..,.r6t)1.,. 6. Fftt.co Dsro, ordee coasr,...,.,,..1b:1rd.,. ?. rrdE R. !lou. clrye' ciiy rc.........,.1?:c9-.. ,

9. RarEnd de 1. cna, clrvef citv


. . . , , . 16 :




32t21.6 32:34.2




rr:3r.9 34:54.? 16:04,9

eit3ched.....,.....i?:2t... 1143... 3?tla.1 Er clrrno,-. ., .. .1t:or...3?:14.6 or&se cd6t., ,.,..v:t4 D.r€la c. (1@, crlw. citr 4c.....,..19:16

la. J.r.J Iiobbs)

cdDr.o'8DodIe4h€rc!oda'.I'iheugll-school.ha o'F@glt€tsb*rn'€eacho BF&L rhd n'. i!&n tn t sau-com.€n6s|ihap.*iouoYor!€t f ue opd Jaut, Delv I!4ht, lEi about 1nd rha @r€d |ns srpe!i.!1tr o 6dhiEx4ch.ore.inthercrrd,fotxhtitoutio r@t!-pre. rbD€ fml rB r n:3n+cnoo. r'_of e te3r aso (16:J1.6). A3 e 1o3i rhe$ .eco.{k. 6r1t ot 6. is ti!13h@, ihlo.tGi€k, d co.Juct ln d.te3 rorced tn drlo. 30-r-rlo cheps *re b€la d€c1dd lP mtu bat b b. lcc.pt d. Idual1y, i,hs .outhetu 6i!i *rrn rjr. talr4 Cttr AC lon Flsolrts tn ure ri.3t nine, a.y ihled oJ rdM 'onld br. b€a sF.t lor th. {se titl. €a3r+ hh by their clrb brr flEc .t{i.E ino cee tbourh t i3ur ln secod !14 TEct &d Flsld Assoctution, .6Fd lr tlird p$lttd, or. 3cn€ddis rhr .sauy h . d@r!r m by & oruso cobty 3rnp .r ne6.br Iwln nlrr!. tb* Er]d be basfit3 arl .&sd lJ thi3 sttEtlon dodd n. avotded sott6 t ltt hl! not.!: trrlT hrplv fl@ !1n 3&Jo...)|:'llgi.rc*1n3d rfibE -idtb at nient. . ,^

cost3 Hreh



x-do@tryte8soninecogs' 3.s€. [!,ircod {4!17)

d Dt.k iodrrsuaz (4:r, d]e. ar ucr,r rn r9t7).


saa Joda




on hisn4chool




cE cause



1._3:ll- e

califonia - tue.dar, lusBt



iu! (?:u pd.)

(s&ta re s)..,...........,.. 9!rr!2 2. r{ti R; Uur (rd3 8@ch uirJan s,5)...... 9:2? 3. c6ry coert€r@ (v& Nw6 fsJ....,..,,,.. 9.34 4. rohn o.eg8 (cttudot ds).,.,.,,.,,....,,.. 9:34 t. tuchd !. I$h (s&ta r€ xs ) . , , . . . . . . . . . . to:oo 6. s@pbm E. n ur'c (rbacher srhool),,..,,.. 10:06 ?. is36lr H&3d (North.id ll3),,..,...,.... lo:lrr 3, t$ nond ( orthvl.r la)...,...,......., ro:19 9. lrari. P.i€Fon (Nolthyrd ns ) . . . , . , . . . , . . . r0r29 rc. ru.hald [Daf (cl6dore t3)...,...,..,,... 10:/.6





filjk c&d (r. Pu{t8


st8E schnrtdn (xorihrld


12. ,rack Drr€. ({oriherer 15).,.....,....,.... u:0, 1J. ron ib?ih {Noltnritr Hs).,..,........._... u:14 14. DMv scorm lEdd.b tdk us).......,..., u!20 us

J..,,......,. u,2r

16. telo clGno (clsndo.a &!).... .. .. . . . ,.. . ., ILr22 1?. Btrr. zspra (ilorihyrd rr,,e ) . , . . . , , , . . . . , . , . lL:29

13. Jay xlkotr (rrolthyltr

Hs)................. u:ro . . . . . , . . . . , . . . , . trra

19. a.crie Pu€x (xo.rnrrd Is

) 20. R.sd yotu3a (No'thyld nsJ.............. ]r:43 (!8rdyrn ,1. rss u.!. Psk r,5). . ,. . , . , . . . ,. ].1!tr

c.!r kt.non (xortnrle $)............,. n:t hk !13 ) . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . l2:o1 24. r.a abl$ fi. (E.td*tn pek rs).,......,,.12:o? 25. ol.t rhdEon (I{ortnyrd H3).........,..,.. U'2J 5.rr-xir. ooo-lE (?:33 p!.) 22.

23. Jolb Ytre (Ddddn


t\e...L9 t 53...

29 | 39.t1

s. odilr crnrer clrr lc..,...,.,... 9.43.,.20rot... Jo!o? ydd d6 r. Cet, Curv.. citrlC,.,....,,,10:10...m.@,..1Ltu t. lndl. R. rlou, crnrer clrr !c.,,..._..,.....10:01...21,103.,. 3r:r? 6. Phlll? s. crark€ &., 7. o.Br P. lilli !r.., ca1 PoLv.,....-..,....,..UrA6..,22t5I... )1t49 5...22t44...33t50 f. i. Dml3 x.@r€h) s&t! larbaF rC....,..L1r06,..22rt!... t4t12 r55-.,22t4\... t4.37 .u1ver fity rC..,..,...1-1r03.-.u.,t-.- J4'39 chelsd r :, r1.{, Culer crtr rC,.,...,...1o:0, wti3ch8d'.... '. '.. ' '... '...ui0? estraded,..................11:2? 3. 4. n



*eu3nt b€8r.da fo! ud! nd nubd d or r.qre. rt tb in rdu drJ8 $ he 3ied6 throlih i,!. i,hr..-lrpps. to @&.. rb. re Del.16 bEE on *li, th€ dd. ftt1l 6 tn3 eup.ios, haylls ro th€ 3Gld1o !t SEluralo o1' in!.e drJ! b.to... rrt one !o1ni he aciuLry had a l.ad on ve D.De, &@wh .f63 8@sr.d lond.ly @ou€b. fi! Pe€ro &d &t HEi h6d stxd rtu.l 10 ur€f rod$, rrth &! a8aln autklcllls bt6 rtrd. De encc.os ol tbt h rr rbe rield or 2t schoorscF, lroryiad crch lraEhdr io @ecd . rlllls lrth-achoor ouiila tor tho loDoybs $!odr. ,ln


ruusi o.


M, 17,rr.2


2, !o*3 rayf16rd,


Pa. (John B&rrre (7 P,x.)



7. cbrlaE


rjErzza.do, pam

Prono.r crubr 9.






it"i i:.T,

L8:ro r:i. ra:40 13:44 r.20 r7,rr

ac, 3. talla.a

r^, 1,22.tr r. no4rd 1,2r.3r 4, Jb Frsfr.tu.

b4, pm {c, ro:24 rattz R.y L*"h, " 1o,r , ro,t 7, Da6 Prc'b. urut. lo.ra !^c. ror 4r T@


,. {irli4 soe.6r,


r/, lmrs h4ny. |mtr., P5.9 16 *rt? @tt.r e4ir€ F 9a r3 NE' ErcLNlD rutroR r5 xrr,o cEr].F1l}sqlPs







q/oe squE! R.rosr

rdrft, &6h u, B!s!ro,,




6 (noLll




&sb r^,


6.,i\ rr. ourd csra,


Bosrq Ar, Lym



r4t 56rrsr6r

17. r1'





hii. Frre.Erd,




7r:@ 75'04




4. darard cn3eo, mrt., 7.


2,2o e.o4

r,, go ,o

60:2r 611&


zao at9 2jr5 1,j

e }IILE .]us dJi



,J. hrd Fluar, sarr-, 65,:t 5,oo wr'., t2t>\ r@


rohn oa&s. Pion.er crur.


,, t.


!1,15.2 2,aa b,+-2

i:?i:fl;: 3:i:;"i'ti: il;:3 oorcda,

r. 0r!




dund{v, rermbaf 17, 196r.,sbtuor.d

b L{ d Us^..ed*s: l; ,,rd 5 obar !d!.!. Derftft 4, l4crrts,

hldhlqu Fcd rLm'6 club'.3otru@d ;


9. 0m DhloP, Bo3ro" {a, 9:

o. 4;B


rr. rdh ric@dre&, e{r, |4.uy|o!Bie€ro*'Mr' rt. Jadob sr.biM, uEri., 17, Elrr squrfter E4bn M,



B,i6 L6.i

ftg]r8h'furEFi}idch41 vdkdo*i. rtrry 7o1.


dla or 2:r/:r,

t.tt 2r. nyo


2r. Jms Dom|J., 27, F.6d B.om,

@r,i., DE11,,,



29. Artnu. Nadfaatr, ]n&,

:n. rrmc6 rdfodi left., ,r. rra locks, Left.. ,2. rob Buckray, usii,,


f.r\, 2.2149. 2- brtt ltrskarr, woktr, 2:2614rr ), r&,tE s.lalila. !'uoku,

2:4r1tr 4. tu6 F,gtha- Ln_ Erno oksa, tFi, 2.zt,a5:: BnP, ,r29:5r';7. otr; hE

2lr7:tl i.

dnm, r1'|,2!rt.46r


zttltr2t 9. A'r sr.io. eoktu- ,,k

Lo: ro. ElHrt


Lut, 2!4r:2?.

"::.Y'.*il:r.tr..:ifr 5:"r",it


14 co!â‚Ź











*"*"t *" no*r r^roanro Ror'

o! Dr t:o€:r4 (r,ropnl ih6d3'1ng.^Jvd.ray4fa ^ugu,L r9x 6 !h. ', tuurlh abBa't..a@.yb€crfur3hgb.Dh6i..'a: rh. roft@ ot rcF.r e!!f' .co!d !. of 6E:54. l4ton.fr.6rh.yctrd ud e'n' '.r1' ri rt'a rop: "i

n.H., eundiy,

cool 1600) on6

h I - lrl


"rorytler! hlvbs b ary, rrl $. e4 s!.; '611.;!

clads 4 said off tar.rt


ba{.d rho". icy ,td". R hgi[60|o,. iE]d.l10iFPhl'gdusP.oiarut.,a!}l-t


carriac. tuad cdr,.mral tuddru

f@ rorh b rtih



* rlrra2 Lr4,t4 1:03,

ade6, .ro. ifiurn t !]nr,ou of


ud arrl fraeh s. r@6Eu ,4" ftob a ror dr rloY (crockd ar re 4h) & r.h rMdErotu

os b

,. D'h6 Mu.het, B.sr.n a^, t, A1 co,farda, esh u, 7. turdoh 8dmdo, wc,

1:15.44 1.16.12

rc, 1r16:r, rI17:I, Rarpa3 1r13: t ^c,

Eroci. Boar


i (srariat , !r,ur4 1.16) rt. r.rrr sar!ry, &sron {). 16. Bob zorrrdofrai, s^^. 17,9+,n Ti6ms, Mc, rt. 0$.e3 tuBrec, ritD,

ifa4,ondh61!toush ihrougqihenolga'a6Jookalrcsif3rroff|h.



lb'y eaFrdzr, Bo3r.n r^, \,26144 orthlvdldh]|bo*at\yb9||el, 22. i.llure io a g.qr 2r. Dick crapp. xd' ro.k proh66}, L!i26it, 21,a2 25, Blb s.hrde!, uar,b.r6d. rt21,a4 26, i,lph E llars, b6t-.rar !a, r,27,47 prpeco.caribyBobfuu6s 27. e..e 6861dr, rume.8liehtnoiha'.bdt so, aulb a



flnishers *.ro urdei iho


h., It

29. lob P@0ft, ]mttschid. ,o. 31rr shhd6r, uDtt.,



Dtck xo3!!.r, uEtr,, ,2. br sdda.u, LEtt., tr. no. Ehyd, @r1., r12915t t fidsnlrs *.i. undei ua ord r91 r.cord of n. Mx.6 o,Fara, sr. btlbry's, r:ro,46 r:r, prusi Gbbrrsh.d by rr ,r. ehh8r Pan6rr, sldrd ac, r:r1:ot ,6. Bob rr€.yj spsrta t1rtl9 ,7. nc/rs 3aw6!, xln, ^c, i'€ r-p, ms of 51!ps &r h. $ rn ftueh rh6rc ,d. Ed tu6r1aiis, ttblna, ,9. s@6r sea.6, 4b r0, !1*e o']la.a (/ih rn 1:r,1'6) ]e i nrnura f&d- rc.Eliks|tcldol'Br1' .r ro4oy rhln he dti |n r9,ar 4r.Brxd!r16'D1srd,

ihe ceso

dy b.)

r.porL rh€rr 1os3 (or esrn,



4). csrift odBbck, !r!c,

niret rrosDes Awoy convicr

. 1 :'r'i' ."bo on.

iii:::m",il*i rurrb! rrn nlE tr. ;:




;"., ;; ;;' i";i PhnntvtGuEv ;'#T ;i:f";llffi 6 rr bk.e.dr rrq.r.

.:: ;i.,..:,",fi-H:"i1ff:'j:'1tr.



"tdL 1r rcn,L Jd r/,re, &b L.rr! Lhrni l! B:o4.

l;,:'iil'+:::.::".fr b


67, O.


.i*i.':J,I: :i-'. tu.Mc. befw,


o'* r"rur

/ x e bk: r. Jd srrcr_ 0r. ,otu Brrclbum, 6/:rr, ,-


r"1o; r' '@r'

th..i-"'. "'"'." s." '. v.ht, c rrcht^ r r};* r, -tno ;[hr.i. h ;r-


:". (16). 'l/-' (.t. ! . 13:11., "_.r.r


JM6€ v.



6. !T.or rs.o,

Frd 3choor, 13, ?.o

rbc\!! soloo , r9i-

n,jo! 3. Ps'.r ndres. i s,-., . q.u q*.,.;a c.rh ie, ,r,19, ?, al'|!lo| ',' lrcbqrd ,. fud". 9B



.., tL r. phbbrt {.dr,ls. e.

rv soc.el66 stdl.' @k

b" r! re!] ,34€. ,'*!. :lm






? xrroi B&E GrtrrJF - 9.4 ri b.hr'€te, r,0,, ru@r 2, 196r 3oro. DrYrgio E ar ,4

1. lrr'| Frdng, cErlco ltuh.., 2. r.lb qEur &i.. H.]I.n,

L!r!hr; ,, *:oe.o

ar 4 4 oi tu hd6 n.rrt rivjhehi.[e]t,. .@iirtd,g,drdah{r.1|3! Ft@Er$bfuftr'lar.i !.a, ei i}3 Eb.ror! .e.u frd.h.c an ijr. ldd..eit?c€h!3trd.fo E

>)dr. ch]e!$,! oi Joh qed for jirL!i@ ).+dr. ,co'd d'|5t1l! u:. t'E- ry D@6J rRrd ln rrA$ of ftrd4 b .i!. 'h '6ulo.dg$.D'roD.rl4 {rL,

kr.lr r.rd off ur. tushlns lru sn4ih. ltEn..tr.oNj..di.}.b.s1d L?. glzzGn, e. fi-y4Fol .k. u r3_vqr_otd $F!..!L-n'co!'l.i'tlfu ff . 4:ri ill,. . r.v (..i.s h bs.6.t .s&rn.r Id hy..r r 4:, ! .r ldF pra,.d 4irr h ino x.rgr.d stb ct r4rolh&. i*.dE'grr'o'fid.dllia h'roDD.r}'[E'nPlssorq d:io l.L tula.r ri ett, sopt@bor ?, 196l Lrhbst n g1lr srde, !t3", EEi., A!g.




,. sr.Y. rqcrdr o&d!o }},ln4, 16:11 4. b.r Er&r Alndco l,,rlno8, 6Lt\1 t. rirr sdr, @rt!ch.d. 6. Jr! !,F.h, Erplr' kirr.r., 42tb 7. ri! r.Dde, Elluchod, 6r,0r.5 3, Olir4h nr. uroibcbd. 6.:4i 9.86" scbrtrd, BdrtlDr. oc, 1)-ae,-) 1)'x,a rr'PrtsPerJ'A.iljgio!T& kn€.ftor dsb! - !ydr, #l (4.3 1r..) rht.ct,E&rrG Enrdl, 6:reJ ,. !B Dvd, D.c. 6idde!s. r5:5.r 4. ro!"n rbl:Ed, FEF!.r., 25rtl j ,. ?!ur 31a, .etr,, 261411 6. S@1r R]o., s!r.1,r€. 5:52i ?. Jo3 !|tu6, Parr.!r, 26:tr' r, rd 26 r: 9. X&r!h hd,o.. Rr.. n3h.: ralu.!d, y'*doe, .id r4 rosory6



2:rr.rr /. srre tr4h/,

- 1rr Coa r Pr.L,



schd, Jorfsnrlro, pa., rrsusr


z4!rs: r. yom uo.F, !sr-ya1 f,{. t:06,i J-sIla x-cofrr: 14,t4-(;E t c-;-o), ,. ToD c.r;, pry rr:o5; ,. Dlck Donohus, Da1 rel 1t,13. ^4, ^r, cat +ur16 tu au3El rr, 1tr (7 P,&.' r. Irous l6yfi6rc, Dal-var A1! 49r06j 2, Di{ lsrry,


";iti:',i*3' fir,J'_-?an

:l*x:##i?*+i* '..rack

{, t2,i7 7. P"l, D";ii p. .b. o.fus, roli Dla, N.r. oo.rh !6dfdd orul). 62jr, (^m.de: t t.ahlos, 2 iio barst. Ille: r.

Trc 2rc1*,061-far aA,4:11.3, 2.


Der,far r1r 4.

( z*re}

& uorsd


fal:l it'or! !h as zmlar. +



5oi 2:05 6 ,r!o.

GctuI it@r, 2, dika 't/rr.rl F:: ,, dur HdrEas, Phila. c1ub, 22,19 {b,a3r 1turr D,l-vd M..I1!e_]g!!' 01ub, 22,44.J

11a5.rt 2. 8ab \:e,




i,,sctu; Zro;r,

^cj '.

cafl {urf,

,, P.ss !om.lly. (Rrh o:f & on arr .rellg,J

, c(n.,

^ue. ' r. oere. !*'v, rur 1t:55.1' 2. ndd )raoNilho1l, tftpc, r.,,f,.aJ


&sbn ar, 4;t.o' 2. t' ,. 1@.s6 r6!:t',


cora@, coA^. rr:1.

L. C{rg.16rrr, 34., 3 tq.5. 2. n4rery nohdo, 4-!! 9:25.2t eeqs. c.l1fu, 4-F, 9:14.4..39q: r.



Dlh orlv.rJ a{r' 2:or.r.



iGl;f€ld r, dch d4t..nE i..p.ni.iyiF,1'ebrDtrod

rt. frr6r l stfld"r"...


39'g-!a 1! 91!l!9r g!9E4! r6t xev 10'k 3t€i6 uu cl1@ ylr6: roh cai1d, 4:2r..!i. 4a1ki': r.Rm ^us.r9 kl!!t, 1r,07.9r l. Job ^rr4.r:.X.

in.n . .5. s . .bl .... ,.. .*i""" M !nrd. xrjn:it-i;flay. sualt- Potlcehe! 1r notfold, !.sldd ofton .d torkie out aqsln ! JL,e. qrdled ss :ndI sBL o1J6- .a'.oa. 2,. .a "" " 6:a/ cr€ a' r,ry i. .u psc1, '. bls t-a;T--i-T-;-l:6u1y nolnlnA €xolcIs€s elonA Fetfoldb dd l!:35 & 10:Ol on July 25 1, A11-cDturs Vo€tE. !1s ornx coetly rosds..But mr lldtlton ls 1t uo"lorrs corlst€d of 10 i lsjl, coN c.od o. o-esd1r. .o r-o ??o l' l.s ,llh a frsl :.9 of honeE oulna hts ruE and rumlnA off th€ ilth ih6 foot.,.As 22cf,ds, b€tr€6n tast€! Ilshe! oJ (ul- U.S.j. rs |.,€st GrnaE €€L ,.a3 a d-l yd clty ac, ,:-tro-ifq-@ vdroF, but tho croHd of e!€ lhs 5o,ooo 6!! E6ds!ho!. Ilalatho!. laE qd!16d on elthor d1d lot Lno{ or dld not ode. ,tusust lr.-lr€'11 r6tun +o !o!A Boeolt st. fhef, cheerod 6r€4tthhg (oror tbe distbts 1411,... lus to th€ deputuo 6f tanc€ !uEe! Etlalrnrs to laop up). In (C€rth6 1ons3r €tonts, tbud€rous ap!1awo Egln RJ!o!o!t bao! to h13 bonoland (roronto) Fft_TE_Tfaaston€ A,c. has acconld;tod tho riEors a3 thoy;ov€d appolnr€d o sLM.6 lr o q"ens iJ S+utrss"t. At !h6 'ouro as Track Codcb.., T116 Ctty of fo.onto I €!d of th6 r."t, bands olay€d, 3poo.tes o!de! to !r61p tlack aplD€ntly ordeled r€io rede tn both labguaE63, and th6 clDdors to !6 put on Eallscde! T.ao!, .!ord h61d rerslaF€rs llghtod as to!30 th6t put on clnd€ls, !ls-1ron. coko, dho6 as f1!3t th€ ne!lca!, thon the celnan Antheh blded out. Ealdly a stonoE and othe! a3sort€d sub3tdc6E. Idlroourt Track vhl.h soul lsJt uatll a1]. the athldtes bad paladad out. The noet xas 11]<o a ninlalrofolo lor !3s€bb1e3 a aalhsgo dur!p.. . tuo olrnllca 1n lae€antly ard clord .99!esc!_-S._-S-sEc!-Q!, chalrnan of th€ Athfotlc Udon of Icslard, Bo: 1099, RoykJavtk, Icoldrd, rtqt€s that th6r€ xrellca! t.ao]r no€t at arl...Blltallrs bttb an antt-nucl€d suoIt r. o-sn olTed to Isolilcd, d" ar*Iou3 oo lb dlsem€nt ra L badg€ bada€ plded Lo hIE hlE J€.s€t. l€ls€y ! 4. ralMatr, ralMah, rh horl. toucb etth loucb erth rh ce J nj csllf, csr If , r1...) of '..-.,.E!Lr .,.ElL. .. . ) t!"14 t!sl4 _o.o! ?b.r. a!€ )! r ,€"e.ns !n:. La: . ts rs EiI6T5-E*ta-a. to Udvard. r;'s l6's a lr:.9 -rrsr. Ao1!€ L:19 nl16! (6attor ol ?0ro00 ot thos. t! n.Xkjavl!, dd th6 ...15-y.a!-old @B9glg9 s'lmls a!6 6ho!t to! s!ofts,. Icelahd (!um1nc) s. r-t r-ts sont orly ttro 1th1.t6s (!um1ne) ls !1L!rtns to attsnpt th€ rlke'6 r€a! lJt By rh6 todto .o n6Lb tou t46!b.un€ ur€ !t.o | , ^osrry.r $a!aihon... vs-s don... Bv Nhat do vou costh). lut nnd r.d tho usr, rar. lhat Jou aodo (8 r. nor€ , * of l5 to 15 U -,trols). Bo,ero!. po3sibr-y po3sibr-y ,ou thir* ruuo!s). ruuo!s). Bo{evo!, lb.y s c€rtah A40 cfflclal {3 !o". or a co-taL! AAU cftrcrs rou orly 2 o! jJ to Tolqo orfy $oLyo o{1rA $olqo €:!!e.s., , €:!!e.s.,, o{Ira to €:!!e.5.,, ,ro says ,ro says 'TT donrt don't }.or }.or rhy €refybody Ru!-lls-.1lhbtna-Layak aoe, i4!_!!l::t JurEls on no. I s,l' sllrr to\E aIfTII$G,t (tFo-tlne Srtir3h 01tm!1. stdep16che3" .., Th€ D.C, v3. Phlla, Iac€ f611 throuah at i}!6 lsst socon'l (ro s!otso!) !@€!, EFlted to a t{o-tln€ ol.rnpl. 3Ftrr6r), hork. ror r-d cPc .r' S o "s do ro ,..0u ,"s 01 b€-lsp-.onfrloutloD couo l, :6aoo ns o-ldod" c. . J€s ",.. s ! o t60,1[h 6 ruc]{o! ql !61p'os utlh e'6... of b .€,o-, es. -'ron rosro! prosrs;. HLs add-€s ,uppo-t can 6o s;bo-at€d .' .r rr:o B!o@ Clos€, Toadlri' :-i.rr1osra. J.tn tE a er€ ro?thJ sbltlon - lor lhat r !i l-?6 holp!-4 TLo lhptro ia!,a. 1! To&nt. rro: r:lt@E! than to rrot to ostanllei rlLd -f aro sloruorina a l5lor ln ifor. aldd lro'estrr?... gld oqrlr,r: a r6ry lr:wtr "1€"s 'r ?lacs,t l), rrr^- s.ooldllo$hlp bI Id, !6r.. I-,y !.(. rltton tho loc tt ant cell tnrona{l on the {o!1d ot lnallsb eroa oote:a. CdIifo:rla otrhshco toltr... rlaIso o" th3 dtetarcB o_og-v tntL.IsLrLe"r X!L! i!!h (55-r€dr-olo) Eltet: eo by luab Jascout, blt alas- !o Jusl, "I hav6_E;6tTitt!€ !d rk€ Lrs oljhplc don,, oav€ .b€ spsc6 .o o r![ L@sa toM 31tu€ 192L and I pon t StTo u9 rttll lorrols lltb rh€ ovor orDdclrg proAle t_. I d ?5y6ra-o1d, T 6rp6cr to -s\{6 rn of €c6ors Lo os oublrsb€d oac5 nontlr... (61-years-olil), r59-yoa!s-o1a) 1964 o! 1968 s,6!krn" o 3!D o, I FM lD tb8 Boslo' ffrr8tho Ir 19]1-12- Irr^a. a. lae6rr. dssrsrL!-!a rr,d u6 crn "!-;r g nost rr.e 12. 45-|?-L3.",,.Jaes oloss oo!l!, .oach a+ Du p.r,ab_6 Lrm.r''Ildta4 Ehl!€rg L! olrcs 1952, ha6 b€o. €r. -ho!oio,o ve rq nk I s soo€Jlorold€d bead coa.h.ln boLb_spo-te. Iar€le ae6 sdouLd be forlh he "irs r o! rhose r;r! succood @!!!!!494 b€rr !sr. Er ord €,sba !l

?! IgIlND 6-!qL3 NOID




20 {1P4)

io M a6r tao yard r i2 rr66nc6 ro-

..r. (63 frnl3horu) biay. ft..ac.R!3pon3d.o3Lr rn cdnjuc on vlrh tn6 rarc b , rinlsherE. 29:4t N6f York a0, 14,{ 3i. hin. M 15:2' Ir12\ ,r.n ,. Ficbrd c.hro{, u[tt., 'I:24 4, Pat or{.t'., x.r Yolk Ac, }5'or ,2:0! I6ta2 t2.26 ,. L.n Phirl1po, 0J1!, 6. sl6, oa|a{ 6hb M, I6.a\ ,2tr2 ^! 3. Bob 0.trlng, xuthtt n ax, 15:t2 ,t:o9 tt.)9 9. ,tohn rard, 3t. &th. F,


r * Led3, unrtd $j hl'rT, s^Bc! 47'or; 67. BiIl

{6;111 6r. Fu33

47,09: 53. orlado rraub. aach)

er&rar Amirs

131 thrga

,. re.ry !i@er..r,t n.a' ,.

2. ei]1 ca3rler ,-


4.3t171 64. coP16, lei.


19 yrs



0vamy6r..13r r



1r. J.rry o1m.!, 31,. ani,lDnyrg B.c.i ,4:rt 14. r.ry ar.d, Unlttl r^, t4:2t r5. [nr. ed..'dn, vr11ro'. d' ,4t23 rl nob'.i u, M. nloL stltch, udt.a ,4:!' J..!rv m, ,4rr9i 13. Jorrn tr:41; 19. Ron landsu.!, 3t, bth. Br, n:52r ,4'rtr 2r, tude.d 1r:07 2r. roe rllroEd ^^, rd.r, uEtt., )t'lr

ecudu.E, xlrrbs. M, ,r,tl ,tr2tr 2t. ^rdo unrbd u, ,t:4.' 27. Er !a.k26. Roy Fmrrr, ,r:tr 23. v*.29,ca'3ldar, oi: Joluson, ,6,091 unii.d M, ,6,11; ,o. Do li.ln!, si. b6. e, t4.t2t tr. ffdi B!'i, o,t11:, ,6:42, ,2. hrir, oorb, N^c, ,6:49i ,r. Brlr 0astr6, }ltro, ,i:rii ,!. sA.ry o.ah, M&., t7tr9\ it, utk Glrre, \eit., ,7,4or ,6. urlt tunl&n, tnrid {r, ,1t4tt 17. Psr loby, ll||o,a M,,7'io' t€, Gtt., ,7:r5, ,9, Lou Mrre, {rPc. t3,:'r lo. 4r., Br11 x.rrv 9t12: 42' ra6 a^rtrard, )g'rrt 4r. too rbssi, h sr. r!u. m, ,8:tt' 44, rob Poeariy, )g,rrt 4r. Rd tusr, unlrsd u, ,9'17i %. srd ,9:rtr 47, sob Youins, r€,

Hrlt Pru4, d, trlt:r ... Ny?c. LorJt, tr,

ot46t rr. s^Rc,^.5rrva,9^3"


I iw

u!rlro!. M, 40'47! *. 3jr sdord, uniid s, 4o,49; ..!ru P6rkh., l@Li,, 4l:otr a 3 Kdrs. 3r3., { 4t H16, lefi,, '5. ar:14 rr, Jo6 Dla.or t3, carl zaFs, I I'o3. di 42r2?r tt. s.I. ns.Bonm. sIBc, 42:t, 60. Pri€. v![a/! !!o.s, +r, 15i 6r. 1r4,oor 52. ior6n Jch6riz, udtt., +r'o5' 6r, 4r'4oi &. ,roh Fo6t.', uEi,,

u a€ni r. ron 1re$eEy, wE, 1:r7.r ^u$,i r:iaolr 1. [1r: P:::.8ode. sa 5rrrdars. 4r03.l. Hhriicnsdn, 7i45.J..6e Eour M; i:[a.l Enis, ,r., rc d]s, 1;I1iGi.3- (Nn xv n4 H,3. ijrl,, r, carl relse.j t,ot, -; if" r";a @ r, Lolfuiiftii-lo.-..-

Ph!u. (6F), r@.27

+#ii*il;rff*iilm;';ft ebdd*r, +qs: L- tsus


ec, i4,4.4..r.oma




Er, r,or.B..fl,"



in 1r6_c4.



i"li: lll:il:;piii",:r, #',t;.iti:i ff t"^3'06.4, H.M6*;.

;::.di;:: :'-'""^, n€bla rl@dar, p.asu6,csFi



r. &tu, pot..

l'*::i#* jiTliir'lcEi';'r&tu'i:'t. i:l*1il,";:Til; *l{,i,#*"1;,1""ragiddtr rad flrrtei* 2,r.r)r

Eorst !b+ mchi o6]@Jry, r),52.4, r. rr,*s, ,.c6tury, 14

i#i":,;#:;.::::*.,:l'3.l;l;:.1;?:1[l'* 4., rBrbror rerctu)..@! e'"!i'; i:,i'ry;*'' " "n::t1',1;:il'

l. n:i:: lfl "iri;T,3f ;.t;ilir:'"11i,,* ;i:: 1;;*;:F.:;.iii... --H. ",,1i;3*H:F: i.iliit;Tji.ffi i',!;i1,:,,j:li i ;"i, *4,; ]i"lT';i*t- ;,;:;.:;ftflfi i:i "f;:1,:,:;*ltr; B:it:4, a;#:;:.""* '' zdl"le {Hy"*od"rt. P.l:' i:


runo 24 _ Boo4


Jse 27 3@!!



i$:'.a--i ffi,nr:l *""'


r. Peur ecMdr! rc, rr4e.6.._Li!q: r.-3i%fdd !r.i Lui ,r+.rr 2. Ey€.l,Jde,, ,0, )i41.7.hjm_


n. prmh'q b' o1y4i. ro,0oo! ohs4id's




d hs,6_ ta

56.1 rasr rap,

Jill;.S,'ii;k*ffi ,i.i: d.@rv'Jllyro-3oo4r.P' ;l*i:L:; :jif; i;9il:*' *;; ]'o'', ?^3;i:


here, {>rd

(13t da,):



r1:r€,4r 2. sosry,_i;-'itre,Br r4r0r.2i 4. Lrenir rr,o4.d, t. sa@rloy, usR. 14,o8.4.

dir): !@' r. sav*oe,

,. ussF. ydfimv, u33i. 29r26.4, 5ussF, 29:x.0; 5. o"nsbnil^ e....scu. Leblr vl.ku!.

ussR, 29r0r.o;

29ro?.4: 4.



h]rMla, 4,r6.er 7. Loodd Baior,6sh.2o,t.6. ,.0oo!

s'ab'a: I. R.|ED

ursni 3!4!.51 ussR! 3,44.2.

e,i'.o; i, j. se;;n 4. Teru, ussR, B:44.0; '. B,41.oj 6. vr.dd. r*dok;-,. us3R,

8unr, Eo,



eh.O-rev,r,U,2,. ra.

BarErado, &/2, 100-93 - lI!o9 r0' r. slsvko spen,

2. 8]ad naftaf,



(rrou.) ).

ussn, rj4e.2: a.

1!h&, us3R, r:49.6..1.50O& ,!42.5 (bd :rob, a.n)iE yrtord &re."ior:. t'42,71 1, zdlr'i q!s., Ru., t4r.7i 4. Tafn 5 IH Bv'lrtskrv ussR, t:44.tr 5. n n{r.d xarL-h,$r.i. Ec. 1:115. 'r44'o;



y, 3:52.r;

ff i"flft




.3:t1;,ii:,li,i,gt,tu::";: ;ii*

;fl ';i;,:;,'

:i';:i:H=.';,trfl ,iiii:il bhq" 0,3:06.0' B'



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A.1d^7i. laadah.a Ciz! (26 tub -a )85 !."d.) tu^dth.n R r (L ry@utP Sa;nr ltt't ag.od Atnnir A.6o.idiba idi'Ml fl@ ( t \n),Ln fle ft1a,6uur.a 4'l Opa ti d) pair';l "atureu at elz; ol J. un& S-uoal 8, IAe 5o.id1 aLd Aitl.tic t^le, Club /t., A.ld4ti. CLz!, ,""..t W:4_6r ly t'4d1. j!1e"4e P2.!ara"s j!"!"! -A44"!+ t!tu!'! 2l'-4e-u!




trEbs aAd cuPiza Avtu" hii'L aill 6e dl C.pj-b 'taet., Thj @@. L'- tlu !1:" tlDd' ol ArhnL;. |uh v" Jo| Ja \94e (tr' bn9r,4 to^; {iLt|, qqd'tfu al t" 'tz )e.. 7A2 uk. htu bm wu"azd hL t\' /w*1.q 6t Lte'diov. 8"U..7d,7tou (o1.*1 ."/ aLL b2 pa;Aai 6t Ap roLtr As@ TA. Sra,.1


hljj cLb tr"rizu t' au a1i* r,\' ljnL.n S*" n;da1a 4 @Lir 44aeua1 | h@uu\i4 U'1ot" , . v M.r b l:hL 5.@r1 ui TUd p-tu n l. "tln/. Attdi. I Adpru+. A thplq ei4 6. wolzd tn U,. D;r tV t@ tt .r. ry"'. u1'ar;. ( \mLatuLip" d, bMtu otu: ue itu u'' we ol o g t J rc^a $a .i' @ Ma .ttu) It jem'@,ja 1.6 r. LtMh .hzu @.Ar Ll lie tj. b. ou'la @, " !'b. er4.l 7iz ?6od tt.wu (lNinulL.p lupA4, - iLl (L't L-|-LL"1L %.d 2tu *htI@ph.iz


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^2Po^2L49t. ge'vd) fiza d Lh' t@

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rct l-tu /,t^ t1: 01"\ la u +@.t r"4d Mt 6. Df.;../ o^ Uw lua' .l m)a .ri @, !'d !^ @..l t .1 - pJ@. aop:e4'.k.ir| o" allr2tj

oI fuadz "^1'd '



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rdbd' pLM. a,? ,-"" rad


-$* bha."""..t.) ti/4 F.. tt.@ - ailJLiL' di.. o^ \.re,,!'u 4M tp, 'a atu "d ' e C@.-.r9:91"/ tA;d;;.t fAa (b.;(oel4 o^/ L'a9.Da.av p.d--*, hA^4";4"'";);." ,;,J l4"L.a-, o. 8.. -t, -u.' r. J. Od .l 0L6t"-t @ryet'iL.u M .e@ @.J ?24 .L' l,'a th. no ?o.t / CA'tM o{le'&.tt g4riaub\ (oD'L.4u .;l tAdz LttLi4 tud'la sLU L. D@.n{.d d.r 4. tii.aL 2.1tuAtu1'.LU 6. .4"41 u t)v JnL2 \od^ m 4&u (tb, lMi ud blMn. AvM .tt t:i4 .2 lhL. P.IL plg!ryqg_le!! - se&l.r t.s)


f. o@te.3t.,


o.der tuoush BNdnE Fo5 {r,ons Di36oe deriye{r)

x.J. (approi. ,


olli.Ldt cn2Lr Fo.r t.p,+ ?. a. 8o< 2q, x, X., Mt 1,24 rre 5.ll,]4 ?ldantru-l,, H.? [,A fu- * i- - ( J Sd-- tu UL Atz,lb A.aci'tt'n tb"tttu ,^ A'a)'ML+. ( ) taa,n t,t ad RM Q$ ra,'/},tu ne Q4t'dLtp"

( ) ADq 0h1u - fLi, i, k2 out .l ttirt N.a,t d ultt e Mt e^Iut ol 7h2 ?6o2 AM',CJB" lbla nLllL Ar1@$- ltt !z-:.-+ Mr!@ st@ @ Mt e,ba .l rt n n@ c141, "a DrU Pl@ o"d X .^l! in rL. liLt bLcL o,r ol di.Lid, w u *-Ia ol r- tu,t n@ a,i, .L11 pt@ "to "



* ""t"*tr."u, :Ab






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ou @@ ljdI M! b. ;"lt;J t;, q 6el,r-',ludnt u op^ ae'4rI@}4 cilt rb^Ltlhl t be A,J1Z,a 5nf,,2, Acj-t-1, 1961" P a7

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- ourv.! @ry6tr$d 4. h ry6, ^o,ra eru6 b,uE)r ,. Darry! Boedarl, r'adn rc, r,t:rrr";-i* oitr Ac, r:59r57, 5. Dick o.t1z, .cAc; 6. ctuk Pa*idk, c0r0..!@ uEr clry rc (r1r@, ryan, ortr) lP'1!ick, Boi Drâ‚Źr.a (3i!) (9rI) arso fiEg!.d b!ro.!

xlck sntrrL (roih);

,. sh lrdcig.o ro..





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'..ons1d6rtlr€t63i1onedl3tAn..6hoo NEylAj,AIcl'ho.cdesjnthelaleest ri1ligihandddth"


whi.h ddd up ro toot or lhare uiiqua feorlf5 'AIE M6re rlexibilily.,,stobilny .. Durobihy



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to mTlxcToN today for !.@!i 8)ilp-

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lrg JBlt &i .{w. Cb$d


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"49O"11ghi!h..$d15ld.ar w to 25 (t1o and th. long€.

toc)q}"ushdvel3htl-rm6rsldu It tr only rocee hoaajsr tbs ft6 Th3 a90 t6 ,n 1d.al n{rurrcx sho. $ ther. t. dt cBhlonlhs ald Frct Flenty by your drss! Bb@ 31b. ,. lot *y to Dsle .rbF 'ny 6 to 14 lldth! B id Ii rrlc($xn

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